Resume and Cover Letter Quiz (No Answers) PDF
Resume and Cover Letter Quiz (No Answers) PDF
Resume and Cover Letter Quiz (No Answers) PDF
This quiz was made for the Second Life Resume Cover Letter Writing Board Game area. The
purpose of the quiz is to orient, quiz, and assess the student’s knowledge of precision
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Resume Board Game Questions
1) What is the purpose of a resume?
a) It’s the only way to get a job.
b) Says I have to write a resume in the “Job Finding Handbook”.
c) It’s a self‐advertisement that shows how my skills, experience, and achievements match the
requirements of the job I want.
d) It takes the place of an application and interview.
2) How many formats are there for creating a resume?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 10
d) 12
3) The general formats for creating a resume are:
a) Chronological
b) Chronological, Celebration, Free‐write
c) Chronological, Functional, Combination
d) None of the above
4) The first thing on a resume should be:
a) The job title I am applying for.
b) The heading which contains my name, address, phone number, and email address.
c) My personal information which includes my name, birthdate, driver’s license number, and social
security number.
d) My educational information which includes my grade school, high school, and college attended.
5) The “OBJECTIVE” statement should be:
a) A long paragraph telling the potential employer my work history and what I want to do when I
grow up.
b) A strong, brief phrase that tells the potential employer specifically what my current career goal
c) A very generic statement that can be used on all the resumes I write.
d) None of the above.
6) Use bullet points and short sentences on resumes to describe:
a) My experiences.
b) My educational background.
c) My professional objectives.
d) All of the above.
7) How long should a resume be?
a) 1 – 2 pages
b) 2‐ 3 pages
c) 3‐4 pages
d) As long as it needs to in order to list all the important information.
8) When is it allowed to use negativity?
a) In the cover letter.
b) In the resume.
c) During the interview.
d) None of the above.
9) When asked to provide 2 – 4 professional references, this means:
a) My parents, siblings, or other family members.
b) Uncle Henry, who is the president of City Bank.
c) My current/former manager, co‐workers, or college professors.
d) All of the above.
10) Chronological resumes are used for
a) Showing a steady growth in a particular career field.
b) Provides educational history.
c) Provides work experience history.
d) All of the above.
11) Functional resumes focus on
a) Skills and experience rather than job history.
b) Only prior work history.
c) Awards, achievements, and volunteer experience.
d) Both A & C.
12) Combination resumes are
a) A blend of both the chronological and functional resumes.
b) Used to show off specific skills and how they were acquired.
c) Able to highlight work, education, skills, awards/achievements, volunteer history, and special
d) All of the above.
13) For each college, university, or trade school attended, it’s good to include
a) Name and location of institution.
b) Degree or certificate received.
c) Years you attended, graduated, or intend to graduate.
d) All of the above.
14) If attended college or trade school, it is suggested to include my grade point average (GPA), if it is
__________ or higher.
a) 3.5
b) 3.0
c) 2.5
d) 2.0
15) A cover letter should accompany the resume and include the following:
a) Discuss the specific job being applied for, including the company’s name.
b) A short career summary tailored to fit the company.
c) List several specific accomplishment that are relevant to the job applying for in bullet form with
the most impressive first.
d) All of the above.
16) It is recommended that the cover letter be __________ paragraphs.
a) 0, just use a bulleted list
b) 1
c) 4
d) 6 – 7
17) Resumes should NOT contain the following:
a) Pronouns, such as “I” or “me”
b) Action verbs
c) Slang
d) Both A & C
18) When writing a resume, it’s important to _________________.
a) Use a good printer
b) Proofread it at least twice
c) Keep it updated
d) All of the above
19) Since HR departments do background and reference checks, it is always good to
__________ on a resume.
a) Lie
b) Tell the truth
c) Be very vague when sharing information
d) None of the above
20) When listing previous work experience or skills, put ____________ ones first.
a) The most important
b) The least important
c) The oldest
d) None of the above
21) When listing “Qualities & Strengths”, it’s important to
a) Connect both my hard and soft skills with real life and work experiences
b) Make my resume more credible by backing up/supporting my qualities
c) Keep the list short and generic
d) Both A & B
22) The text of a resume should always be printed in ______ _______ _______.
a) Various fancy font
b) Solid black ink
c) 14+ point font
d) All capital letters
23) Use job titles that are ___________, such as “Executive Manager” rather than “Manager”.
a) Eye catching
b) Interesting
c) Descriptive
d) All of the above
24) Do not use job titles that are ________________.
a) Misleading
b) Vague
c) Interesting & descriptive
d) Both A & B
25) A cover letter is intended to _____________________.
a) Complement, but not duplicate, the resume
b) Add a personal touch to the resume
c) Create a critical first impression
d) All of the above
26) Technological terms and job/profession‐specific skills are examples of ________ skills.
a) Hard
b) Soft
c) Easy
d) Normal
27) Interpersonal, social, relational abilities are examples of __________ skills.
a) Soft
b) Hard
c) Normal
d) Friend‐making
28) _________ _________ should be used in resumes because they get noticed easily and
clearly communicate experiences and achievements.
a) Only nouns
b) Any pronoun
c) Action verbs
d) Only jargon
29) Do not indicate __________ on the resume.
a) Birthdate
b) Marital status
c) Religion
d) All of the above
30) If in the workforce for over 20 years, listing the last _____ years of jobs is enough.
a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30+