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As 7507 Rollingstock Outlines, Certification and Restrictions

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AS 7507:2017

Rolling Stock Outlines

Rolling Stock Standard

AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

This Australian Standard® AS 7507 Rolling Stock Outlines was prepared by a Rail Industry Safety and Standards
Board (RISSB) Development Group consisting of representatives from the following organisations:
Aurizon Brookfield Rail Progress Rail
Queensland Rail Rio Tinto Transport for NSW

The Standard was approved by the Development Group and the Rolling Stock Standing Committee in June 2017.
On 22 June 2017, the RISSB Board approved the Standard for release.
This standard was issued for public consultation and was independently validated before being approved.
Development of the Standard was undertaken in accordance with RISSB’s accredited process. As part of the
approval process, the Standing Committee verified that proper process was followed in developing the Standard.
RISSB wishes to acknowledge the positive contribution of subject matter experts in the development of this Standard.
Their efforts ranged from membership of the Development Group through to individuals providing comment on a draft
of the Standard during the open review.
I commend this Standard to the Australasian rail industry as it represents industry good practice and has been
developed through a rigorous process.

Paul Daly
Chief Executive Officer
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

Keeping Standards up-to-date

Australian Standards developed by RISSB are living documents that reflect progress in science, technology and
systems. To maintain their currency, Australian Standards developed by RISSB are periodically reviewed, and new
editions published when required. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Australian Standards developed
by RISSB may also be withdrawn.
It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Australian Standard developed by RISSB,
which should include any amendments that may have been issued since the Standard was published. Information
about Australian Standards developed by RISSB, including amendments, can be found by visiting www.rissb.com.au.
40TU U40T

RISSB welcomes suggestions for improvements, and asks readers to notify us immediately of any apparent
inaccuracies or ambiguities. Members are encouraged to use the change request feature of the RISSB website at:
http://www.rissb.com.au/products/. Otherwise, please contact us via email at [email protected] or write to Rail
40TU U40T 40T 40T

Industry Safety and Standards Board, PO Box 4271, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia.

RISSB ABN 58 105 001 465 Page 1

Accredited Standards Development Organisation
AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

AS 7507:2017

Rolling Stock Outlines

Document details
First published as: AS 7507:2017
0T 0T

ISBN 978-1-76035-809-9

Published by SAI Global Limited under licence from the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board,
PO Box 4271, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia

All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of RISSB, unless otherwise permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968.

Notice to users
This RISSB product has been developed using input from rail experts from across the rail industry and represents
good practice for the industry. The reliance upon or manner of use of this RISSB product is the sole responsibility of
the user who is to assess whether it meets their organisation’s operational environment and risk profile.

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Accredited Standards Development Organisation
AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

Document control

Document identification
Designation / Title

AS 7507:2017 Rolling Stock Outlines

Document history
Publication Version Effective Date Reason for and Extent of Change(s)

AS 7507:2009 Rolling Stock Outlines (Parts 1-4) 21 August 2009 First publication (superseded)

AS 7507:2017 Rolling Stock Outlines 22 June 2017 New edition

Name Date

Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board 22/06/2017

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Accredited Standards Development Organisation
AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Compliance ..................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Informative references .................................................................................... 8
1.5 Definitions ....................................................................................................... 8
2 Principles of rolling stock outlines ............................................................................... 11
2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Rolling stock outlines .................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Outline components ...................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Static outline ................................................................................................. 12
2.2.3 Kinematic outline .......................................................................................... 12
2.3 Reference vehicles ....................................................................................... 16
3 Assessment of rolling stock outlines ........................................................................... 17
3.1 Assessment .................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Conformance to a reference vehicle ............................................................. 17
3.2.1 Assessment of conformance ......................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Conformance to static outlines ...................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Conformance to kinematic outlines ............................................................... 18
3.2.4 Conformance to swept outlines ..................................................................... 19
3.3 Maintenance ................................................................................................. 20
4 Specific items ............................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Wheels.......................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Expendable items ......................................................................................... 20
4.3 Cowcatchers ................................................................................................. 20
4.4 AWS & APC receiver heads .......................................................................... 21
4.5 Pantographs ................................................................................................. 21
4.6 Trip valve arms ............................................................................................. 21
4.7 Doors ............................................................................................................ 21
4.8 Hatches ........................................................................................................ 22
4.9 Step treads ................................................................................................... 22
4.10 Infrastructure rolling stock ............................................................................. 22
5 Outline physical testing ............................................................................................... 22
5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Static outline test .......................................................................................... 23
5.3 Kinematic outline tests .................................................................................. 23
5.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 23
5.3.2 Kinematic sway - static test ........................................................................... 24
5.3.3 Kinematic sway - dynamic test ...................................................................... 25
5.4 Swept outline test ......................................................................................... 26

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Rolling Stock Outlines

6 Out of gauge rolling stock ........................................................................................... 26

7 Loads ......................................................................................................................... 26
8 Records ...................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix Contents
Appendix A Reference rolling stock outlines .................................................................... 27
A.1 RISSB Reference Vehicle 1 .......................................................................... 27
A.2 RISSB Reference Vehicle 2 .......................................................................... 28
A.3 RISSB Reference Vehicle 3 .......................................................................... 29
A.4 RISSB Reference Vehicle 4 .......................................................................... 30
A.5 RISSB Reference Vehicle 5 .......................................................................... 31
A.6 RISSB Reference Vehicle 6 .......................................................................... 32
A.7 RISSB Reference Vehicle 7 .......................................................................... 33
A.8 RISSB Reference Vehicle 8 .......................................................................... 34
A.9 RISSB Reference Vehicle 9 .......................................................................... 35
A.10 RISSB Reference Vehicle 10 ........................................................................ 36
A.11 RISSB Reference Vehicle 11 ........................................................................ 37
A.12 RISSB Reference Vehicle 12 ........................................................................ 38
A.13 RISSB Reference Vehicle 13 ........................................................................ 39
A.14 RISSB Reference Vehicle 14 ........................................................................ 40
A.15 RISSB Reference Vehicle 15 ........................................................................ 41
A.16 RISSB Reference Vehicle 16 ........................................................................ 42
A.17 RISSB Reference Vehicle 17 ........................................................................ 43
A.18 RISSB Reference Vehicle 18 ........................................................................ 44
A.19 RISSB Reference Vehicle 19 ........................................................................ 45
A.20 RISSB Reference Vehicle 20 ........................................................................ 46
A.21 RISSB Reference Vehicle 21 ........................................................................ 47
A.22 RISSB Reference Vehicle 22 ........................................................................ 48
A.23 RISSB Reference Vehicle 23 ........................................................................ 49
A.24 RISSB Reference Vehicle 24 ........................................................................ 50
A.25 RISSB Reference Vehicle 25 ........................................................................ 51
A.26 RISSB Reference Vehicle 26 ........................................................................ 52
A.27 RISSB Reference Vehicle 27 ........................................................................ 53
A.28 RISSB Reference Vehicle 28 ........................................................................ 54
A.29 RISSB Reference Vehicle 29 ........................................................................ 55
A.30 RISSB Reference Vehicle 30 ........................................................................ 56
A.31 RISSB Reference Vehicle 31 ........................................................................ 57
A.32 RISSB Reference Vehicle 32 ........................................................................ 58
A.33 RISSB Reference Vehicle 33 ........................................................................ 59
A.34 RISSB Reference Vehicle 34 ........................................................................ 60
A.35 RISSB Reference Vehicle 35 ........................................................................ 61
A.36 RISSB Reference Vehicle 36 ........................................................................ 62

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

A.37 RISSB Reference Vehicle 37 ........................................................................ 63

Appendix B Specific Items ............................................................................................... 64
B.1 Expendable Items ......................................................................................... 64
B.2 Pantographs ................................................................................................. 64
B.3 Doors ............................................................................................................ 66
Appendix C Static Kinematic Test .................................................................................... 68
C.1 Static Kinematic Test .................................................................................... 68
C.2 Equipment and setup .................................................................................... 68
C.3 Static kinematic outline test ........................................................................... 68
C.3.1 Test vehicle configuration ............................................................................. 68
C.3.2 Test procedure.............................................................................................. 68
C.4 Test results (Example for standard gauge using plumb-bob) ........................ 71
C.4.1 Roll Assessment ........................................................................................... 71
C.4.2 Lateral displacement assessment ................................................................. 72
Appendix D Outline Assessment Process Flow Chart ...................................................... 74
Appendix E Hazard Register ............................................................................................ 75

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Rolling Stock Outlines

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Standard describes requirements for determining whether rolling stock conforms to
reference rolling stock outlines that are contained within this document.
The main purpose of the requirements is to maintain an acceptable clearance between rolling
stock and fixed structures and between passing trains.

1.2 Scope
This Standard applies to new and modified rolling stock that is to operate on a network, also to
existing rolling stock where it is proposed to operate it on a different network.
This Standard applies to passenger; locomotive; infrastructure maintenance and freight rolling
The Standard applies to the design, construction and maintenance of rolling stock under all
conditions of loading.
The scope of this Standard is to describe the permissible outlines of rolling stock relative to the
centre of the track, and how conformance to those outlines is to be demonstrated.
Infrastructure related requirements for rail wear, track tolerances, structure outlines, etc. plus
the magnitude of clearances between vehicles and structures, between passing vehicles,
electrical clearances, etc. Are all treated in infrastructure standards.
Operation of rolling stock is not covered.
Rolling stock used on light rail, cane railway and monorail networks are not covered.
This Standard does not control the outline of any freight loads that are carried by rolling stock -
refer to section 7.
Operation of infrastructure maintenance rolling stock is not covered.

1.3 Compliance
There are two types of control contained within RISSB Standards:
(a) Mandatory requirements.
(b) Recommended requirements.
Each of these types of control address hazards that are deemed to require controls on the basis
of existing Australian and international Codes of Practice and Standards.
A mandatory requirement is a requirement that the standard provides as the only way of
treating the hazard.
Mandatory requirements are identified within the text by the term shall. 2T 2T

A recommended requirement is one where the standard recognises that there are limitations to
the universal application of the requirement and that there may be circumstances where the
control cannot be applied or that other controls may be appropriate or satisfactory, subject to
agreement with the Rolling Stock Operator, Rail Infrastructure Manager and/or Rail Safety
Recommended clauses are mandatory unless the RIM or RSO can demonstrate a better
method of controlling the risk.
Recommended requirements are identified within the text by the term should. 2T 2T

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Rolling Stock Outlines

Hazards addressed by this Standard are included in an appendix.

Refer to the RISSB website for the latest Hazard Register: www.rissb.com.au

1.4 Informative references

The following referenced documents are used by this Standard for information only:
(a) AS 4292 Railway safety management.
(b) AS 7501 Railway rolling stock - Rolling stock certification.
(c) RISSB Code of Practice for Loading of Rail Freight.

1.5 Definitions
Body Roll: The angular translation of the body cross-section relative to the plane of the rails
19T 19T 19T 19T

that may be expected to occur in response to cant excess, cant deficiency and/or track
Bounce: The vertical translation of the vehicle body relative to the rails that may be expected to
19T 19T

occur in response to track irregularities.

Cant: The height difference, at a common location, measured in millimetres, between the
19T 19T

running surfaces of both rails. Also known as superelevation.

Cant Deficiency: The extent by which the cant on curved track is less than that required for the
19T 19T 19T 19T

gravitational force component acting parallel with the rails towards the inside of the curve to
exactly counterbalance the centrifugal force acting on a vehicle towards the outside of the curve
in the same plane (also known as 'superelevation deficiency').
Cant Excess: The extent by which the cant on curved track exceeds that required for the
19T 19T 19T 19T

gravitational force component acting parallel with the rails towards the inside of the curve to
exactly counterbalance the centrifugal force acting on a vehicle towards the outside of the curve
in the same plane (also known as 'superelevation excess'). It equates to a negative value of
cant deficiency.
Centre Throw: The curve throw towards the inside of a horizontal curve at the vehicle centre
19T 19T 19T 19T

which is the position of maximum inwards curve throw for a uniform vehicle.

Figure 1 – Centre Throw 1.


Cowcatcher: An extension of vehicle body underneath the headstock at a cab end to deflect
19T 19T

large obstacles from the track, also known as a 'pilot'.

Curve Throw: The extent to which a transverse cross-section of a vehicle is displaced inwards
19T 19T 19T 19T

or outwards from the track centreline on a perfectly aligned horizontal curve, or upwards and
downwards on a perfectly aligned vertical curve, for zero cant and excluding dynamic effects.

Note: This figure is for illustrative purposes only.

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Rolling Stock Outlines

End Throw: The curve throw towards the outside of a horizontal curve at the vehicle end which
19T 19T 19T 19T

is the position of maximum outwards curve throw for a uniform vehicle.

Figure 2 – End Throw 2.


Expendable Item: A feature on rolling stock that exceeds the required rolling stock outline but is
19T 19T 19T 19T

considered acceptable by both Operator and Rail Infrastructure Manager due to the low
consequence if struck.
Kinematic Outline: A two-dimensional shape that consists of the static outline plus the
19T 19T 19T 19T

maximum permitted allowance for vertical bounce upwards plus lateral translation and body roll
in response to a steady-state cant deficiency force at maximum permitted cant deficiency (or the
maximum installed cant) and dynamic movements in response to track irregularity 3 2F

Loading Outline: An outline drawing or specification that describes the maximum permissible
19T 19T 19T 19T

load dimensions. 4 P3F

Maximum Designed Cant Deficiency: The cant deficiency that the vehicle has been designed
19T 19T 19T 19T 19T 19T 19T 19T

to operate with under normal operating conditions.

Maximum Test Cant Deficiency: The cant deficiency that the vehicle would operate under
19T 19T 19T 19T

testing conditions, this is greater than the design cant deficiency.

Maximum Installed Cant: The maximum track cant that exists on the routes over which the
19T 19T

Vehicle will operate.

Maximum Kinematic Outline: A two-dimensional shape that consists of the kinematic outline,
19T 19T

wheel clearance and all track tolerances including rail wear. 5 P4F

Maximum Lateral Translation: Maximum lateral movement experienced by the vehicle under
19T 19T

the conditions of maximum test cant deficiency including (where applicable) secondary lateral
suspension, primary lateral suspension, bogie-axle box lateral clearances, centre plate lateral
clearances, etc. but not including wheel to rail lateral clearances, wheel flange wear or rail side
wear and not including any body roll or bogie roll.
Maximum Static Height: The case of a stationary vehicle in minimum tare condition (i.e. no
19T 19T

fuel, sand, water, etc.) that is in a service ready condition and gives the maximum height above
Minimum Static Height: The case of a stationary vehicle in the fully loaded condition (i.e. with
19T 19T

the suspension fully compressed to “solid”) that is in a service ready condition to give the
minimum height above rail. The suspension fully compressed to the “solid” condition is
whichever of the below occurs first:
 Suspension travel limited by consuming available bumpstop clearances.

Note: This figure is for illustrative purposes only.
Note: the kinematic outline excludes curve throw and all track tolerances.
Note that the loading outline may be different to, and in some cases bigger than, the reference rolling stock outline.
Note also that containers are considered as loads that are controlled by the loading outline rather than the reference rolling stock
Not typically used in rolling stock assessment.

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Rolling Stock Outlines

 Suspension travel limited by coil springs reaching solid height.

 Suspension travel limited by spring nest stiffness tending toward an infinite
Modified rolling stock: Rolling stock that has been altered in such a way as to affect its

compliance with the requirements in the standard.

Out of Gauge Loads: A vehicle load that does not conform to the relevant loading outline.
19T 19T

Out of Gauge Rolling Stock: Any vehicle that does not conform to a reference rolling stock
19T 19T

outline applicable to a particular route.

Rail Infrastructure Manager (also known as Track Manager): the person who has effective
19T 19T

control and management of the rail infrastructure, whether or not the person —
(a) owns the rail infrastructure; or
(b) has a statutory or contractual right to use the rail infrastructure or to control, or
provide, access to it.
Reference Kinematic Outline: The kinematic outline of a reference vehicle.
19T 19T

Reference Rolling Stock Outline: The three-dimensional size of a reference vehicle. This
19T 19T

consists of three specific parts, the reference static outline, reference kinematic outline and
reference swept outline.
Reference Static Outline: The static outline of a reference vehicle.
19T 19T

Reference Swept Outline: The swept outline of a reference vehicle.

19T 19T

Reference Vehicle: A vehicle whose rolling stock outline has been accepted by the rail
19T 19T

infrastructure manager as being clear to operate over a defined route.

Regulator: A government body responsible for ensuring compliance with particular laws, acts,
19T 19T

regulations etc., e.g. rail safety regulator.

Rolling Stock Operator: a person who has effective control and management of the operation
19T 19T

or movement of rolling stock on rail infrastructure for a railway, but does not include a person by
reason only that the person drives the rolling stock or controls the network or the network
Rolling Stock Outline: A generic term for the three-dimensional size of a railway vehicle
19T 19T

including its movements that consists of three specific parts, the static outline, basic kinematic
outline and swept kinematic outline.
Routine Test: A test conducted on every vehicle that will be registered to operate.
19T 19T

Static Outline: An outline drawing or specification of a notional vehicle cross-section, or item of

19T 19T 19T 19T

vehicle equipment, which prescribes permissible rolling stock dimensions under specified
conditions of load and suspension translations in vertical directions. The static outline will have
an associated kinematic outline and swept outline.
Sway: The translation of any point on the vehicle body in a direction parallel to the plane of the
19T 19T

rails that arises as a result of a combination of lateral translation and body roll on the vehicle
Swept Outline: The swept outline is the kinematic outline of the vehicle, including the inner and
19T 19T 19T 19T

outer curve throw on a 100 m radius horizontal curve.

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

Track Machine: A flange wheeled vehicle used for infrastructure maintenance, construction and
19T 19T 19T 19T

inspections. Separate to freight rolling stock (e.g. wagons used for carrying rail, sleepers, spoil,
ballast etc.) and road rail vehicles.
Type Test: A test conducted on one vehicle that is typical of all vehicles.
19T 19T 19T 19T

Vehicle(s): Generically used to denote a means of transportation, and specifically used to

19T 19T

denote single item(s) of rolling stock (e.g. individual locomotives, carriages or wagons).
Vertical Swept Outline: The vertical swept outline is a two-dimensional cross-section for the
19T 19T 19T 19T 19T 19T

vehicle that consists of the static outline, plus the upper and lower vertical curve throw produced
by the vehicle on a humped or dipped vertical curve.
Wheel Clearance: For a wheelset positioned on the centreline of the track, the wheel clearance
19T 19T 19T 19T

is the lateral distance between one fully worn wheel flange and the adjacent new rail.
Wheel guard: A deflector mounted in front of the leading wheels of a vehicle to deflect small
19T 19T

objects from the rails, also known as 'lifeguards' or 'guard-irons'.

2 Principles of rolling stock outlines

2.1 General
The maximum permitted size of rolling stock varies for different routes in Australia.
In order for a vehicle to be permitted to operate over a defined route, it will need to be
demonstrated that its rolling stock outline does not exceed that of a reference vehicle, or
reference vehicles, as nominated by the Rail Infrastructure Manager/s.
Alternatively, with the agreement of the Rail Infrastructure Manager, a reference vehicle can be
any other vehicle that has a history of operating with safe clearances over the required route.
The Rail Infrastructure Manager is responsible for specifying the appropriate reference rolling
stock outline for each route.
The Rolling Stock Operator is responsible for ensuring that their rolling stock complies with the
appropriate reference rolling stock outline.
An alternative method is that known as "absolute gauging" whereby the rolling stock, including
its kinematic movements and curve throw, is shown to have acceptable clearances to absolute
measurements of the structures along a route, and acceptable clearances to all other types of
passing rolling stock on adjacent track(s), at every position along the route; however, details of
absolute gauging is outside of the scope of this Standard.

2.2 Rolling stock outlines

2.2.1 Outline components
A rolling stock outline consists of four parts:
 Static outline.
 Kinematic outline.
 Swept outline.
 Vertical swept outline.
An outline assessment process flow chart can be found in Appendix D

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

2.2.2 Static outline

The static outline, as shown in Figure 3, is the maximum permitted two-dimensional envelope
that a stationary vehicle shall always satisfy. Figure 3 shows the reference static outline with the
vehicle outline in the vehicles maximum and minimum heights (for example when empty and
fully loaded).
The static outline is defined by a dimensioned drawing nominated by the Rail Infrastructure

Figure 3 – Static Outline 6.


2.2.3 Kinematic outline

The kinematic outline, as shown in Figure 4, consists of –
 the static outline;
 the maximum permitted allowance for vertical bounce upwards;
 lateral translation and body roll in response to a steady-state cant deficiency force
at maximum permitted cant deficiency (or the maximum installed cant); and
 dynamic movements in response to track irregularity.
The kinematic outline is usually defined by movements that are applied to the static outline in
vertical, lateral and roll translation, but may be defined by another dimensioned drawing.

Note: This figure is for illustrative purposes only.

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Rolling Stock Outlines

The reference kinematic outlines are each produced as a result of moving the corresponding
reference static outline through the lateral translation (in the plane of the rail level), body roll and
bounce upwards movements detailed in Appendix A.

Figure 4 – Kinematic Outline 7 P6F

The inner, black outline represents the reference static outline; the outer, red outline represents
the reference kinematic outline that is obtained by applying the defined lateral, roll and bounce
upwards movements to the reference static outline. The dotted black lines show lateral
translation and body roll against the vehicle centre line.
Note that bounce is applied upwards but not downwards. 8 P7F

Note that the reference static outline is not moved through the lateral allowance for wheel
clearance given in Appendix A as the reference kinematic outline does not include this; this is
listed for information only.

2.2.4 Swept outline

The swept outline consists of the kinematic outline plus the inner and outer curve throw
produced by the vehicle on a 100 m radius horizontal curve, as shown in .

This figure is for illustrative purposes only.
Downwards bounce is accounted for in the static outline in considering the suspension 'solid' in the minimum static height

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

The body length and bogie spacing (as detailed in the reference vehicles in Appendix A) will
define the curve throws produced. Refer to Equation 1 and Equation 2 on page 19.

Figure 5 – Swept Outline 9


2.2.5 Vertical swept outline

The vertical swept outlines are –
(a) upper limit consists of the static outline, plus bounce upwards, plus the upper
curve throw produced by the vehicle on a humped or dipped vertical curve;
(b) lower limit of the vertical swept outline consists of the static outline, plus the
lower curve throw produced by the vehicle on a humped or dipped vertical
Both limits are to be calculated using a vertical curve of 300 m radius, unless another radius is
agreed with the rail infrastructure manager. The vertical swept outline is shown in Figure 6.

This figure is for illustrative purposes only.

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Rolling Stock Outlines

Figure 6 – Vertical Swept Outline 10


Underframe fittings such as cowcatchers and underslung equipment shall not exceed the
vertical swept outline of the reference vehicle at any position around the vehicle on straight
track for vertical curves (humped or dipped) down to 300 m radius.

This figure is for illustrative purposes only.

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines

2.3 Reference vehicles

This Standard has defined 37 reference vehicles with their associated rolling stock outlines,
based on those used by rail infrastructure managers at the time of this Standard’s
development. 11 P10F

A reference vehicle defines –

(a) the static outline, via a dimensioned drawing;
(b) the maximum permissible vertical, lateral and roll translations, plus the
position of the roll centre, to calculate the permissible kinematic outline; and 12 P1F

(c) the bogie spacing and maximum body length to calculate the permissible
swept outline and vertical swept outline.
Advice shall be obtained from the Rail Infrastructure Manager as to the appropriate reference
rolling stock outline, or outlines, applicable for the routes on which a new, or modified vehicle is
proposed to operate. 13 P12F P

Rolling stock should conform to the applicable reference rolling stock outlines as advised by the
Rail Infrastructure Manager.
Non-conformances may be permitted with approval from the Rail Infrastructure Manager but
operating restrictions may be applied.
A design for a new or modified vehicle may have actual dimensions and characteristics that
differ from but remain within the reference vehicle static, kinematic, and swept outlines, and
vertical swept outline.
For example, (subject to agreement by the Rail Infrastructure Manager) –
(a) the new vehicle may be longer and thinner than the reference rolling stock
outline such that its smaller static cross-section offsets the larger curve throws
due to its length and the reference swept outline is still met;
(b) a vehicle, such as an active tilting train, may have greater lateral and roll
movements than allowed for by the reference kinematic outline, so it may be
designed with a smaller static cross-section to offset the greater kinematic
movements such that the reference kinematic outline can be met; and
(c) a vehicle could be designed with non-uniform cross-section (tapered ends, for
instance) in order to be able to maximise its cross-section and length within
the limits permitted by the reference static outline and reference swept outline,
as long as the reference kinematic outline is still met. 14 P13F

A design for a new, or modified, vehicle is permitted to have dimensions that use the features of
more than one reference rolling stock outline, providing the overall combined rolling stock
outline is not exceeded. 15 P14F

Organisations wishing to add new reference vehicles to this Standard should contact RISSB.
Where applicable: Reference Vehicle 35 does not have a defined kinematic outline.
Advice sought from the Rail Infrastructure Manager at the earliest possible stage in the vehicle design should avoid abortive work
and delays.
Note that the width of the vehicle shall not exceed the width of the reference static outline.
For example, if a route is clear for two reference vehicles, where one has a wider body and the other is taller, it is permissible for a
new vehicle to make use of both of these features.

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Rolling Stock Outlines

3 Assessment of rolling stock outlines

3.1 Assessment
When a new or modified vehicle is designed, its dimensions and characteristics shall be
assessed against the appropriate reference vehicle and its outlines. 16 P15F P

A new or modified vehicle may comply with a reference vehicle either -

 completely, including lengths and tolerances; or
 fit within the swept path of the reference outline, and tolerances on tangent
and horizontal curves on a 100 m radius and vertical curve on a 300 m radius.

3.2 Conformance to a reference vehicle

3.2.1 Assessment of conformance
The first stage of assessment of conformance of a new or modified vehicle to a reference
vehicle is made at design stage by calculation, and includes –
(a) identifying the appropriate reference rolling stock outline/s; 17 P16F

(b) calculating the static, kinematic, swept, and vertical swept outlines of the
rolling stock; and
(c) ensuring the rolling stock outlines are within the outlines of the reference
The second stage is undertaken on completion of the vehicle build or modification and is made
by physical test to confirm that the outlines have been achieved. Refer to Section 5, Outline
Physical Testing. Physical testing consists of –
(a) physical measurement of the static outline of every vehicle produced; and
(b) physical measurement of the vertical, lateral and roll movements of the vehicle
on its suspension under defined input conditions on a sample vehicle from the
batch produced. Refer to Section 5.3.

3.2.2 Conformance to static outlines Conformance
For rolling stock to comply with a reference static outline, its dimensions shall not exceed the
reference static outline at any position around the perimeter of the cross section under the
defined conditions of –
(a) maximum static height; and
(b) minimum static height.
In making an assessment of conformance of a vehicle to a reference static outline, the vehicle
wheelset is assumed to remain fixed at the centreline of the track and no account needs to be
taken of wheelset lateral translation relative to the track.
The assessment shall include rolling stock build and maintenance tolerances.

The Rail Infrastructure Manager can confirm the appropriate reference vehicle.
The Rail Infrastructure Manager can confirm the appropriate reference rolling stock outline.
The reference rolling stock outline should consist of the vehicle dimensions and all relevant allowances for suspension movements,
wheel wear, curve throw, etc. as defined in this standard.

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AS 7507:2017
Rolling Stock Outlines Overhang
The extremities of any rolling stock vehicle shall not extend longitudinally past the outermost
detectable axles by the amount defined by the network on which they operate. Axle spacing
The distance between the inner axles of adjacent bogies on any rolling stock vehicle shall not
exceed that defined by the network on which they operate.
The separation distance of extremity axles on any rolling stock vehicle, with the exception of
non-detectable infrastructure maintenance vehicles, shall not be less than that defined by the
network on which they operate.

3.2.3 Conformance to kinematic outlines

For rolling stock to comply with a reference kinematic outline, its kinematic outline shall not
exceed the reference kinematic outline at any position around the perimeter of the cross section
under the combined conditions of 18 – P17F P

(a) maximum lateral translation;

(b) vehicle body roll relative to the wheelset in response to a steady-state cant
deficiency force at the maximum design test cant deficiency for the vehicle, or
the maximum installed cant, plus an allowance for dynamic movements in
response to track irregularity, whichever is the greater value; and 27

(c) vehicle body bounce upwards.

For vehicles with air springs, the vehicle shall fit within the reference kinematic outline with air
springs inflated and deflated.
For vehicles with active suspension, for example tilting trains –
(a) the additional movements due to the active system are to be taken into
account and are not to exceed the reference kinematic outline; and 27Tand

(b) there should be suitable controls such that the effect of failure of the active
system does not cause exceedance of the reference kinematic outline.
In order to retain safe clearances, it may be necessary to make an assessment of the effects of
cross-winds, or pressure pulses from passing trains, on the vehicle’s kinematic outline,
particularly on high-sided and/or lightweight vehicles on exposed routes.
There should be suitable controls such that the effect of component failures do not cause
exceedance of the kinematic outline.
The assessment shall include rolling stock build and maintenance tolerances.
In making an assessment of conformance of a vehicle's kinematic outline with a reference
kinematic outline, the vehicle wheelset is assumed to remain fixed at the centreline of the track
and no account needs to be taken of wheelset lateral translation relative to the track, wheel
flange wear or rail side wear. 19 P18F

Kinematic calculations for the vehicle shall use the actual roll centre height and kinematic
tolerances applicable to the vehicle design. For example, the reference kinematic outlines
specify heights at which the body roll allowance is applied, typically 440 mm, 610 mm or

These requirements control maximum basic kinematic outline under conditions of maximum cant deficiency or maximum cant
excess only. They do not control the size of the basic kinematic outline under other conditions such as lesser cant deficiency or
cant excess, or straight track.
The Rail Infrastructure Manager accounts for wheel-rail movement, track tolerances and clearances.

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1100 mm above rail level. These roll centre heights are for the reference kinematic outline and
are not to be assumed for the vehicle.

3.2.4 Conformance to swept outlines

For a vehicle to comply with a reference swept and vertical swept outline the vehicle shall not – 27T

(a) exceed the reference swept outline at any position around the vehicle on level
track for horizontal curves down to 100 m radius;
(b) exceed the vertical swept outline of the reference vehicle at any position
around the vehicle on straight track for vertical curves (humped or dipped)
down to 300 m radius; and 27

(c) drop below rail level at any position around the vehicle on straight track for
vertical curves (humped or dipped) down to 300 m radius.
Below is the method for calculation of centre and end throws.
Consider the vehicle on a horizontal curve of constant radius, where –
(a) CT = Centre Throw;
(b) ET = End Throw;
(c) B = Bogie centres;
(d) L = Body length;
(e) R = Curve radius.

Figure 7 – Centre and End Throw 20


The end throw, ET, is given by Equation 1.

[𝐿2 − 𝐵2 ]
𝐸𝑇 =
Equation 1 – End throw for a uniform vehicle 21

The centre throw, CT, is given by Equation 2.

This figure is for illustrative purposes only.
This equation omits the effect of throw due to bogie wheelbase.

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𝐶𝑇 =
Equation 2 – Centre throw for a uniform vehicle 22

Bogie centre throw and lateral movement should also be considered when calculating the
vehicle centre and end throw.

3.3 Maintenance
The vehicle shall be maintained to the dimensions and tolerances of the static outline and
kinematic outline.

4 Specific items
4.1 Wheels
The area of the static outline marked 'for wheels only' also represents the kinematic outline and
swept outline for wheel-related equipment such as wheel guards, derail catch bars and sanding
The static outline of wheel-related equipment at minimum static height shall be above rail level.
3.12, 32.4, 32.11

Trackside equipment nominated by the RIM should not be affected by any wheel-related
equipment installed in the "for wheels only" area.

4.2 Expendable items

A part of a vehicle that is outside of the reference rolling stock outline but has low
consequences in the event of an infringement can be treated as an expendable item.
Any expendable Items shall be agreed with the Rail Infrastructure Manager and should be
designed to be frangible.
Examples of items that could be expendable items include the following:
(a) Mirrors.
(b) Warning lights.
(c) Speakers.
(d) Periscopes.
(e) Antennae.
(f) Roof gutters.
For vehicles conforming to RISSB Reference Vehicle 27 new expendable items, or existing
expendable items that are modified, shall occupy an area already used by similar expendable
items as shown in Appendix B, Figure B 1.

4.3 Cowcatchers
Under normal conditions, a cowcatcher is expected to deflect a sleeper that has been
maliciously placed across the track.

This equation omits the effect of throw due to bogie wheelbase.

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Cowcatchers shall be height adjustable so height above rail can account for underframe
manufacturing tolerances and, also be re-established during service life.
The installed height of the cowcatcher shall –
(a) satisfy the applicable rolling stock outlines;
(b) not contact the rail when the rolling stock in its Minimum Static Height
condition; and
(c) have a longitudinal position such that the rolling stock can negotiate the
minimum radius vertical curves (sags) permitted by the Rail Infrastructure
Manager without contacting the rail.
The Rail Infrastructure Manager may have specific guidance regarding cowcatcher height
above rail. Cowcatchers should be designed to be removable to permit the movement of a
vehicle in an emergency if the vehicle has exceeded its minimum static height (i.e. deflation of
air springs).

4.4 AWS & APC receiver heads

The Rail Infrastructure Manager may have specific guidance regarding the installation height
above rail level (ARL) of AWS and APC receiver heads.

4.5 Pantographs
For pantographs in their lowered position all parts of the pantograph and associated equipment
shall not exceed the appropriate static outline as described in Appendix A.
The RISSB pantograph outlines given in Appendix B.2 show the pantograph static outline up to
maximum working height.
The pantograph head profile shall conform to the dimensions of the appropriate pantograph
static outline as described in Appendix B.2. 23 P2F P

The pantograph head position along the vehicle shall not exceed the dimensions of the
appropriate pantograph static outline as described in Appendix B.2. 24 P23F

4.6 Trip valve arms

Some of the rolling stock outlines include an extension of the outline for trip valve arms.
Trip valve arms, where fitted, shall conform to the dimensions specified in Appendix A under
maximum static height and minimum static height conditions.
No other items shall occupy the area designated for trip valve arms.

4.7 Doors
Vehicles conforming to RISSB Reference Vehicle 21 or that have plug-type doors that when
failed in the open position exceed the relevant reference static outline, but do not exceed the
dimensions detailed in Appendix B, Figure B 6 or Figure B 7 respectively, may be able to
operate under special operating conditions.
Except for the conditions in section 4.2, empty freight rolling stock with bottom discharge doors
in the open position shall not exceed the reference static outline under the conditions of wheels
at condemned diameter, maximum permissible wear in bogie centre plates and other wear

The Rail Infrastructure Manager can confirm the appropriate pantograph outline to use.
The Rail Infrastructure Manager may impose requirements on location of pantographs with respect to bogie centres of the vehicle.

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surfaces which may reduce clearance to rail, suspension spring height in wagon tare condition
and allowance for bounce downwards. 25 P24F P

Freight rolling stock with bottom discharge doors during discharge at an applicable load
receiving site for the type of wagons may have doors that exceed the reference static outline but
shall not drop below rail level in the minimum height condition. 26 P25F P

4.8 Hatches
External hatches should be designed such that when open they do not protrude from the
kinematic envelope. If this cannot be achieved the hatch design should include one or more of
these features:
(a) Top hung (hinged at the top of the hatch).
(b) Redundancy in fastening systems.
(c) Secondary latch to open (latch shall be designed with two positions, one fully
latched and a secondary latched position).
(d) Swing stop (chain or strap).
(e) Visible lock indicators.
(f) Designed to be frangible or tear-away.

4.9 Step treads

Step treads may be required to maintain platform gaps. Where step treads are required they
should be contained within the kinematic envelope. Where step treads extend beyond the
kinematic envelope the designer of the step tread should consider a frangible design and/or
materials. Approval shall be sought from the rail infrastructure manager when step treads
extend beyond the kinematic envelope.

4.10 Infrastructure rolling stock

Where infrastructure rolling stock operates with equipment outside the static, kinematic or swept
outline such as ploughs, lifting jibs, elevated platforms, this equipment shall have a nominated
stowed position within the static, kinematic and swept outlines and shall have a designed
fastening system to prevent the equipment coming loose. A secondary fastening system should
be designed and installed to restrain equipment that would present a hazard to the safe
transport of the infrastructure rolling stock or to other rolling stock, equipment, or personnel on
the rail corridor.

5 Outline physical testing

5.1 General
A physical test shall be conducted to ensure that the vehicle conforms to the reference rolling
stock outline. 27 P26F

Except during discharge, doors would normally be closed. Doors inadvertently in the open position are to remain within gauge
while stationary or during travel.
During discharge at a dumping station, the freight rolling stock is in a controlled environment specific to the type of freight rolling
stock and exceedance of the reference static outline is confined to the dumping station.
This includes the reference static outline, reference kinematic outline and reference swept outline.

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Generally, the sort of vehicle modifications that might impact on the kinematic outline would be
suspension modifications, increase in vehicle centre of gravity height, change in bogie type or
change in operating conditions (e.g. change in load, speed or cant deficiency).
The static outline test is a routine test. If physical measurements of a representative number of
vehicles, and technical argument over control of tolerances can demonstrate that the vehicles
shall consistently not exceed the reference static outline, the static outline test shall be applied
to a sample of the wagons as agreed with the rail infrastructure manager. 28 P27F

The kinematic outline test is a type test.

The swept outline test is a type test.

5.2 Static outline test

Static outline test measurements shall be made on straight and level track.
Static outline test measurements shall be made relative to the track centreline and the rail head
The vehicle shall be measured in the maximum height condition and in the minimum height
One method for the static outline test is to measure the clearance between the vehicle profile
and a constructed check profile.
It is suggested that before the test commences a check is made to ensure that the vehicle body
is sitting centrally within the range of its lateral suspension travel and between the rails, and the
vehicle centred if necessary.
Some aspects of the vehicle maximum height condition such as vehicle packed to compensate
for future wheel wear or a container vehicle loaded with empty containers may be simulated by
adding or subtracting the appropriate allowances from the measured dimensions, or by lowering
the check profile by an appropriate amount.
Some aspects of the vehicle minimum height condition such as springs fully compressed to
bump-stops, condemned wheels and worn surfaces may be simulated by adding or subtracting
the appropriate allowances from the measured dimensions, or by raising the check profile by an
appropriate amount.
Vehicles with attachments such as cranes and elevated platforms shall be measured in the
travelling condition.

5.3 Kinematic outline tests

5.3.1 General
Design calculations shall be made to calculate the kinematic outline for the vehicle.
The design calculations should include vehicle movements due to maximum installed cant, cant
deficiency and dynamic response of the vehicle to track irregularities.
Where design calculations show that the kinematic outline has 100mm or more clearance to the
reference kinematic outline at all points around the vehicle cross-section, taking into account
any body width reductions that are required to conform to the reference kinematic outline, then
physical type tests for kinematic outline are not required. Vehicles where the candidate

It is anticipated that some measurements will be required on all vehicles, i.e. the routine test for the static outline will be a
simplified version of the type test for the static outline.

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kinematic outline is well inside the reference kinematic outline are exempt from a physical
kinematic outline test
Where design calculations show that there is less than 100mm clearance to the reference
kinematic outline at any point around the vehicle, physical type tests shall be undertaken to
verify the design calculations.
The body roll relative to the wheelset plane and lateral translation of the body relative to the
wheelset centreline shall be measured during the kinematic outline test.
The vehicle undergoing kinematic outline testing shall be assessed in the load condition that
gives maximum sway. 29 P28F P

The physical kinematic outline test may be a static kinematic sway test where one side of the
stationary vehicle is lifted to simulate standing on maximum installed cant (see section 5.3.2) or
a dynamic kinematic track test where the vehicle is tested negotiating curves at speed (see
section 5.3.3).
The results of the physical tests made (whether static or dynamic tests) shall be compared to
the results of the design calculations for the corresponding case.
Where the results of the physical tests and design calculations do not align, further tests and/or
analysis may be required until the design calculations are verified, i.e. the results of the design
calculations replicate the results of the physical tests undertaken.
Once the design calculation process is verified by testing, the design calculations are used to
find whether the vehicle’s kinematic outline exceeds the reference kinematic outline.
Physical type tests for kinematic outline are not required for infrastructure maintenance rolling
stock having a mass exceeding 5 tonnes with a maximum operating speed of less than 30 km/h,
or for infrastructure maintenance rolling stock of less than 5 tonnes with a maximum operating
speed of less than 50 km/h. 30 P29F

5.3.2 Kinematic sway - static test

The vehicle shall be tested on straight and level track.
It is suggested that before the test commences a check is made to ensure that the vehicle body
is sitting centrally within the range of its lateral suspension travel and the vehicle centred if
The vehicle shall be raised on one side to simulate the maximum installed cant, or maximum
cant deficiency plus an allowance for dynamic movements in response to track irregularity, that
the vehicle will experience in operation, whichever is the greater value. P30F

Gauge Minimum test cant

Narrow 105 mm

Standard 160 mm

Broad 190 mm

Table 1 - Minimum test cant per gauge

Table 1 is a list of test cants that could be used in static tests. The test cants are a known
maximum track deficiency multiplied by a factor to address dynamic response of the rolling

Generally, this would be the fully loaded condition.
Generally, low speed track machines should not require a kinematic outline test.

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stock due to potential track irregularity’s. For example, the standard gauge value of 160 mm is
the result of 110 mm cant deficiency multiplied by 145%. The values in Table 1 have been
sourced from a single infrastructure manager for each track gauge and are not representative of
all infrastructure managers for each track gauge. The rail infrastructure manager should be
contacted to confirm the test cant to be used.
Cant shall be applied equally to all wheelsets of the vehicle during the kinematic sway static
test. 31
P31F P

The vehicle undergoing a kinematic sway static test shall be lifted in increments up to the
maximum cant on one side, then lowered gently in increments to the level condition, then
repeated by lifting on the opposite side of the vehicle.
By lifting both sides the complete hysteresis curve of lateral and roll movement versus applied
cant will be recorded.
After lifting the vehicle in each direction it may be necessary to lift the vehicle in the first
direction again for a small cant input in order to close the hysteresis curve.
It is suggested that the measurements of vehicle lateral translation and body roll are recorded
during the test such that any arising errors can be identified during the test. 32 P32F

It is usual to measure the displacement of (at least) two positions on the body, at different
heights, relative to the position of the vehicle wheelset.
These results may then be analysed to provide body roll and lateral translation of the body
relative to the wheelset.
Vehicles fitted with air springs, the air springs shall be fully inflated and levelling valves shall be
isolated such that the air springs neither inflate nor deflate for the duration of the kinematic
static test.
Note that the air system may need to be made specially 'air tight' for the test vehicle to remain
inflated for the duration of the test with air spring levelling valves isolated.

5.3.3 Kinematic sway - dynamic test

The kinematic sway dynamic test shall be made over a test site that is representative of the
routes on which the vehicle would be operating in terms of track irregularity and permits
operation of the test vehicle to the maximum speed and cant deficiency required for the test.
Dynamic cant deficiency shall be tested using the values of the maximum design cant deficiency
for the vehicle and track irregularities and vehicle roll inertia, including when entering the curve.
This could be achieved by testing at 145% of maximum designed cant deficiency.
The kinematic sway dynamic test shall include –
(a) the vehicle curving at maximum cant deficiency at a speed as close as
possible to the maximum speed for the vehicle; and 33 P3F P

(b) the vehicle stationary on maximum installed cant. 34 P34F P

Refer to Appendix C for description of a sway test.
This allows the hysteresis curve to be observed during the test and any discontinuities in results may be investigated that may be
due to instrumentation, the vehicle characteristics or the test conditions.
The perfect test curve is where curve radius, installed cant and line speed permit the candidate vehicle to curve at maximum cant
deficiency and maximum speed simultaneously. The minimum requirement is that the test curve should permit maximum cant
deficiency and it is preferably that line speed is not less than 75% of the maximum speed of the candidate vehicle. Testing in
excess of line speed is not intended.
This test is required since the maximum installed cant is often greater than the maximum permitted cant deficiency.

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It is usual to measure the vertical and lateral translation of the primary and secondary
These results may then be analysed to provide body roll and lateral translation of the body
relative to the wheelset.

5.4 Swept outline test

Vehicle length, body overhangs and bogie centres shall be measured to ensure that they
conform to the swept outline dimensions.

6 Out of gauge rolling stock

Out of gauge rolling stock may be permitted to operate by the rail infrastructure manager, but
may have operational constraints, limitations or special conditions placed upon it.
Where infrastructure rolling stock operates with equipment outside the static, kinematic or swept
outline such as ploughs, lifting jibs, elevated platforms, etc., there shall be a means of ensuring
that it is not driven in travel mode with this equipment exceeding any of the static, kinematic or
swept outlines. 35 P35F P

7 Loads
Loading outlines and out of gauge loads are outside of the scope of this Standard and reference
should be made to the relevant documents for each network; for example, the RISSB Code of
Practice for Loading of Rail Freight.
The loading outline for loose, non-rigid or flexible loads is typically smaller than the applicable
rolling stock (static) outline for a route.
The loading outline for rigid loads may be smaller or larger than the applicable rolling stock
(static) outline for defined routes on some networks.

8 Records
Test records shall be kept for each vehicle and shall include the dimensions of any out of gauge
items. 27T

Within a possession, in work mode, it is sometimes necessary to travel with equipment outside the static, kinematic or swept

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Appendix A Reference rolling stock outlines

Note: Wheel clearances are for information only to allow rail infrastructure managers to make assessments of
suitable structure outlines. rail infrastructure managers will also make allowances for rail wear, track tolerances, safe
clearances, etc.

A.1 RISSB Reference Vehicle 1

Figure A 1 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 1.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 1 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate A 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 1 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB reference vehicle 1.

Figure A 2 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB reference vehicle 1.

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A.2 RISSB Reference Vehicle 2

Figure A 3 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 2.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 2 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate B 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 2 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 2.

Figure A 4 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB reference vehicle 2.

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A.3 RISSB Reference Vehicle 3

Figure A 5 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 3.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 3 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate C 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 3 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 3.

Figure A 6 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 3.

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A.4 RISSB Reference Vehicle 4

Figure A 7 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 4.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 4 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate D 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 4 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB reference vehicle 4.

Figure A 8 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 4.

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A.5 RISSB Reference Vehicle 5

Figure A 9 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 5.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 5 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate E 40 2.5 440 50 20

Table A 5 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 5.

Figure A 10 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 5.

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A.6 RISSB Reference Vehicle 6

Figure A 11 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 6.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 6 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Interstate Plate F 40 2.5 440 50 20

Table A 6 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 6.

Figure A 12 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 6.

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A.7 RISSB Reference Vehicle 7

Figure A 13 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 7.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 7 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
ARTC CY4150 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 7 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 7.

Figure A 14 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 7.

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A.8 RISSB Reference Vehicle 8

Figure A 15 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 8.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 8 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
ARTC CZ 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 8 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 8.

Figure A 16 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 8.

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A.9 RISSB Reference Vehicle 9

Figure A 17 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 9.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 9 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Double
60 2.5 440 50 20
Stack Container

Table A 9 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 9.

Figure A 18 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 9.

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A.10 RISSB Reference Vehicle 10

Figure A 19 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 10.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 10 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Melbourne Broad
Gauge Suburban 45 2.0 600 50 18

Table A 10 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 10.

Figure A 20 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 10.

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A.11 RISSB Reference Vehicle 11

Figure A 21 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 11.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 11 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Tarcoola to Darwin 40 2.5 440 50 20

Table A 11 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 11.

Figure A 22 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 11.

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A.12 RISSB Reference Vehicle 12

Figure A 23 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 12.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 12 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Tasmania 40 2.5 440 50 (?)

Table A 12 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 12.

Figure A 24 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 12. 36P36F

Note that dimensions for body overall length and body length beyond bogie pivots are not defined.

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A.13 RISSB Reference Vehicle 13

Figure A 25 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 13.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 13 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Perth Narrow
51 37 3.5 1,000 50 15
Gauge Railcar

Table A 13 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 13.

Figure A 26 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 13.

51mm Lateral Translation for Perth Narrow Gauge Railcar excludes 10mm allowance for yaw (no other outlines have stated
allowances for yaw).

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A.14 RISSB Reference Vehicle 14

Figure A 27 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 14.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 14 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Perth Narrow
20 1.0 610 25 20
Gauge Work Train

Table A 14 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 14.

Figure A 28 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 14.

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A.15 RISSB Reference Vehicle 15

Figure A 29 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 15.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 15 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
WA Dual &
Standard Gauge
40 2.5 440 50 20
East Perth -

Table A 15 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 15.

Figure A 30 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 15.

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A.16 RISSB Reference Vehicle 16

Figure A 31 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 16.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 16 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
WA Dual &
Standard Gauge
40 2.5 440 50 20
North Fremantle -
Robb Jetty

Table A 16 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 16.

Figure A 32 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 16.

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A.17 RISSB Reference Vehicle 17

Figure A 33 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 17.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 17 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Qld Non-Electric
43 1.25 38 1100 50 / 25 39 11
Rolling stock
P38F P39F

Table A 17 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 17.

Figure A 34 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 17.

+/-1.25o of body roll displacement is applied to all points above the point of rotation only.
Bounce is 50mm for civil infrastructure clearance and 25mm for electrical infrastructure clearance.

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A.18 RISSB Reference Vehicle 18

Figure A 35 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 18.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 18 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Qld Electric
43 1.25 40 1100 50 / 25 41 11
P40F P41F

Table A 18 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 18.

Figure A 36 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 18.

+/-1.25o of body roll displacement is applied to all points above the point of rotation only.
Bounce is 50mm for civil infrastructure clearance and 25mm for electrical infrastructure clearance.

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A.19 RISSB Reference Vehicle 19

Figure A 37 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 19.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 19 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Qld Electric
43 1.25 42 1100 50 / 25 43 11
Multiple Unit
P42F P43F

Table A 19 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 19.

Figure A 38 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 19.

+/-1.25o of body roll displacement is applied to all points above the point of rotation only.
Bounce is 50mm for civil infrastructure clearance and 25mm for electrical infrastructure clearance.

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A.20 RISSB Reference Vehicle 20

Figure A 39 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 20.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 20 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Qld Central Coal
40 2.0 44 610 50 / 25 45 11
P4F P45F

Table A 20 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 20.

Figure A 40 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 20.

+/-1.25o of body roll displacement is applied to all points above the point of rotation only.
Bounce is 50mm for civil infrastructure clearance and 25mm for electrical infrastructure clearance.

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A.21 RISSB Reference Vehicle 21

Figure A 41 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 21.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 21 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Narrow Non-
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 21 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 21.

Figure A 42 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 21.

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A.22 RISSB Reference Vehicle 22

Figure A 43 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 22.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 22 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Narrow
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 22 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 22.

Figure A 44 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 22.

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A.23 RISSB Reference Vehicle 23

Figure A 45 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 23.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 23 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Narrow
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 23 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 23.

Figure A 46 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 23.

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A.24 RISSB Reference Vehicle 24

Figure A 47 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 24.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 24 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Narrow
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 24 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 24.

Figure A 48 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 24.

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A.25 RISSB Reference Vehicle 25

Figure A 49 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 25.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 25 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Intersystem 60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 25 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 25.

Figure A 50 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 25.

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A.26 RISSB Reference Vehicle 26

Figure A 51 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 26.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 26 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Narrow
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 26 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 26.

Figure A 52 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 26.

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A.27 RISSB Reference Vehicle 27

Figure A 53 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 27. 46 P46F

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 27 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Medium
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 27 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 27.

Figure A 54 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 27.

Note that top of roof of this outline is not flat, it has a slight 'point' at the centre. Height of centre of roof is 4406mm above rail
level, height at edge of roof section 870mm from centreline is 4396mm above rail level.

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A.28 RISSB Reference Vehicle 28

Figure A 55 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 28.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 28 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Extended
60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 28 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 28.

Figure A 56 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 28.

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A.29 RISSB Reference Vehicle 29

Figure A 57 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 29.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 29 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
NSW Wide Electric 60 2.0 610 50 20.5

Table A 29 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 29.

Figure A 58 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 29.

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A.30 RISSB Reference Vehicle 30

Figure A 59 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 30.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 30 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Adelaide Broad
Gauge Passenger 40 2.0 or 2.5 610 or 440 50 20

Table A 30 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 30. 47


Figure A 60 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 30.

Roll of 2.0° is applied to the body about a roll centre 610mm above rail level and roll of 2.5° is applied to the body about a roll
centre 440mm above rail level. For each point around the resulting profile, the worst of each case is taken to produce the kinematic

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A.31 RISSB Reference Vehicle 31

Figure A 61 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 31.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 31 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
WA Narrow Gauge
40 2.5 440 50 20

Table A 31 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 31.

Figure A 62 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 31.

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A.32 RISSB Reference Vehicle 32

Figure A 63 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 32.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 33 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Brookfield Rail WA
Standard Gauge 40 2.0 610 50 20

Table A 32 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 32.

Figure A 64 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 32..

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A.33 RISSB Reference Vehicle 33

Figure A 65 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 33.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 34 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Brookfield Rail WA
Standard Gauge
40 2.5 440 50 20
Double Stack

Table A 33 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 33.

Figure A 66 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 33.

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A.34 RISSB Reference Vehicle 34

Figure A 67 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 34.

This is a universal outline, larger outlines exist for specific routes

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 35 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
KiwiRail 48
P48F Kinematic gauge is used on a case by case basis

Table A 34 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 34.

Figure A 68 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 34.

KiwiRail do not currently have a universal kinematic outline.

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A.35 RISSB Reference Vehicle 35

Figure A 69 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 35

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 36 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
TasRail – All lines
50 2 610 50 68
except Melba

Table A 35 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 35

Figure A 70 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 35

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A.36 RISSB Reference Vehicle 36

Figure A 71 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 36

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 36 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
TasRail – Melba
50 2 610 50 64

Table A 36 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 36

Figure A 72- Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 36

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A.37 RISSB Reference Vehicle 37

Figure A 73 - Static rolling stock outline dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 37.

Body Roll
RISSB Lateral Point of Bounce Wheel
Reference Translation Angle +/- Rotation (Upwards Clearance
Vehicle 34 +/- (mm) (degrees) ARL (mm) Only) (mm) +/- (mm)
Brookfield Rail WA
40 2.0 610 50 20
Narrow Gauge

Table A 37 - Kinematic outline translations for RISSB Reference Vehicle 37.

Figure A 74 - Swept outline vehicle dimensions for RISSB Reference Vehicle 37

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Appendix B Specific Items

B.1 Expendable Items

Figure B 1 - Expendable Items for RISSB Reference Vehicle 28 49


B.2 Pantographs

Figure B 2 - RISSB Pantograph Outline 1 50


Note that 1538mm dimension line refers to maximum width hand rail area from vehicle centreline.
New pantograph profile.

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Figure B 3 - RISSB Pantograph Outline 2 51


Figure B 4 - RISSB Pantograph Outline 3 52


New pantograph profile.
New pantograph profile.

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Figure B 5 - RISSB Pantograph Outline 4 53


B.3 Doors

Figure B 6 - Out of Gauge Outline for Failed Plug Doors on RISSB Reference Vehicle 21.

Maximum worn pantograph profile.

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Figure B 7 - Out of Gauge Outline for Failed Plug Doors on RISSB Reference Vehicle 27.

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Appendix C Static Kinematic Test

C.1 Static Kinematic Test

A static kinematic outline test is required to determine the roll and lateral displacements of a
vehicle standing on a simulated maximum cant track. Refer to Table 1 Maximum test cant per
gauge for the amount of cant to be tested.
The intent of this test is to ensure that the vehicle is able to operate up to its design speed
including cant deficiency, without becoming foul of the kinematic rolling stock outline.
C.2 Equipment and setup
The following equipment and test site requirements apply:
A straight level test site, preferably with rails embedded in concrete. The top of the rail should
be level within ± 3 mm over the length of the vehicle.
Suitable jacking equipment to lift the wheels of the test vehicle.
Suitable steel and/or aluminium packers to be inserted beneath wheels of the test vehicle to
simulate the specified track superelevation.
Stringline and plumb-bob.
Tape measure and steel rule.
C.3 Static kinematic outline test

C.3.1 Test vehicle configuration

The test vehicle should be setup in a condition to maximise the vehicle's centre of gravity (e.g.
on locomotives fuel tanks should be near empty). Friction wedges and other damping devices
should be engaged and operational.
All brakes should be fully released, to allow the suspension system to operate freely, and
chocks applied to the vehicle to prevent it moving.

C.3.2 Test procedure

The test procedure for the static kinematic test is –
(a) Check that the test vehicle is in the condition that gives maximum centre of
gravity from rail level.
(b) Place a red flag on the front and rear of the test vehicle and place a chock/
wedge at each side of one rail wheel on the opposite side of the vehicle to the
side being jacked.
(c) Using a stringline and plumb-bob setup a vertical datum point on the vehicle.
Measure and record the length of the stringline and the lateral offset (if any). 54 P54F

(d) Lift and pack all wheels on one side of the vehicle incrementally to applicable
maximum cant, at increments not exceeding 50 mm. 55 P5F

(e) Before each increment in packing measure and record the stringline lateral
displacement w.r.t the vertical datum point.

Surveys or laser measurements might be considered as acceptable alternates, with prior approval of the Rail Infrastructure
The vehicle may slide laterally against flange during lifting. Ensure all rams and packing are securely placed/aligned. STOP and
realign packing where necessary.

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(f) Before each increment in packing measure the record the lateral bump stop
clearance across the lateral bump stop brackets for each side.
(g) It is recommended that bogie roll is measured and/or primary and secondary
spring vertical displacements during the test.
Note: this is useful for any subsequent analysis to understand why a vehicle may have failed the

test, and also to validate test results from a simulation model.

(h) Lower the vehicle gently in increments back to the level condition.
(i) Repeat steps c) to g) on the other side of the vehicle.
(j) The vehicle should be lifted on the first side again for a few increments until
the hysteresis curve is closed.
Calculate and total body roll and effective lateral displacement for every packing increment
using the following equations:

𝐴𝐶 = 𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛 ( ) AC = Cant Angle.
𝑆𝑤 R R

Equation C 1 A RT R R = Total roll angle including track cant.

AB L R R = Average bump stop clearance LHS (mm).
AB R R R = Average bump stop clearance RHS (mm).
𝐴𝑅𝑇 = 𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( ) BR T R R = Total body roll.
𝐿𝑆 Da R R = axle box/side frame displacement (mm).
Equation C 2
LD = Lateral displacement (mm).
LD E R R = Effective lateral displacement (mm).
𝐵𝑅𝑇 = 𝐴𝑅𝑇 − 𝐴𝐶 LD V R R = Lateral displacement (with respect to vertical datum) (mm).

Equation C 3 LS
R R = Length of stringline (mm).
Pa = Applied packing (mm).
SW R R = Lateral wheel spacing (distance between rail contact patches) (mm).
𝐿𝐷 = ( )
Equation C 4

𝐷𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 − 𝐷𝑎 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝐷𝑎 = ( )
Equation C 5

𝐿𝐷𝐸 𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑡 = 𝐿𝐷 + 𝐷𝑎
Equation C 7

𝐿𝐷𝐸 𝑅𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = −(𝐿𝐷 + 𝐷𝑎 )

Equation C 8

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Figure C 1 - Static kinematic test setup (wheels packed to maximum test cant)



Figure C 2 - Interpretation of body roll

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C.4 Test results (Example for standard gauge using plumb-bob)

C.4.1 Roll Assessment

Applied Superelevation Lateral Total measured Total body roll

superelevation angle (deg) displacement roll angle (deg)
(mm) w.r.t. datum (mm) including super

0 0 0 0 0

50 1.91 33 1.8 -0.11

100 3.82 72 3.93 0.11

160 6.12 119 6.51 0.38

100 3.82 81 4.42 0.6

50 1.91 40 2.18 0.27

0 0 6 0.33 0.33

Table C 1- Roll (right) measurements

Applied Superelevation Lateral Total measured Total body roll

superelevation angle (deg) displacement roll angle (deg)
(mm) w.r.t. datum (mm) including super

0 0 0 0 0

50 1.91 41 2.12 0.21

100 3.82 83 4.29 0.47

160 6.12 136 7.04 0.91

100 3.82 89 4.6 0.78

50 1.91 48 2.48 0.57

0 0 6 0.31 0.31

Table C 2- Roll (left) measurements

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Figure C 3 - Plot of body roll vs applied superelevation

C.4.2 Lateral displacement assessment

Applied superelevation Average bump stop Axle box/side frame Effective lateral
(mm) clearance (mm) clearance (mm) displacement (mm)

Right = 35 6
0 0
Left = 35 6

Right = 33 6
50 3
Left = 39 6

Right = 13 10
100 22.5
Left = 48 0

Right = 1 12
160 50
Left = 89 0

Table C 3- Lateral displacement (right) measurements

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Applied superelevation Average bump stop Axle box/side frame Effective lateral
(mm) clearance (mm) clearance (mm) displacement (mm)

Right = 33.5 6
0 -2
Left = 37 6

Right = 35.5 6
50 0.5
Left = 35 6

Right = 39 0
100 14
Left = 21 10

Right = 85 0
160 47.5
Left = 0 10

Table C 4- Lateral displacement (left) measurements

Figure C 4- Plot of body lateral displacement vs applied superelevation

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Appendix D Outline Assessment Process Flow Chart

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Appendix E Hazard Register

Hazard Hazard Description Applicable

Reference Section Out of gauge train - Hit wayside structure - Harm to infrastructure by rolling stock 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Out of gauge train - Dewirement - Harm to overhead power system - Harm to 3, 4
infrastructure by rolling stock Pan head too narrow - Contact wire runs off edge of pan head - Dewirement - Harm to 4
overhead power system - Harm to infrastructure by rolling stock Bogie suspension inadequate 1, 3 Pantograph located too far from a bogie centre - Pan head translation or sway 4
excessive - Contact wire runs off edge of pan head - Dewirement - Harm to overhead
power system - Harm to infrastructure by rolling stock Out of gauge train - Side swipe by other train – Collision 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Train overhang from extremity axles too long – at turnouts - Train foul - Side swipe by 3, 5
other train – Collision Rolling stock not tested / verified for gauge compliance - Out of gauge train 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 8

32.5 Rolling stock modification creates out of gauge - Out of gauge train 3 Rolling stock operating on incorrect / forbidden route - Out of gauge train 2

32.8 Excessive sway - Out of gauge train 3, 5

32.9 Critical component failure - Out of gauge train 3

32.10 Rolling stock too high - Out of gauge train 3, 5

32.11 Rolling stock too low - Out of gauge train 3, 4, 5

32.12 Rolling stock too wide - Out of gauge train 3, 5 Tilt system failure - Critical component failure - Out of gauge train 3 Tilt system failure - Excessive sway - Out of gauge train 3 Bogies too tall - Rolling stock too high - Out of gauge train 3, 5

32.21 Cyclic top irregularities resulting in sway of vehicles - Excessive Sway - Out of gauge 3, 5
train Rear-view mirrors extended too far - Rolling stock too wide - Out of gauge train 4 Outward hinging doors - Poorly restrained equipment - Out of gauge train 4

32.33 Cyclic top irregularities resulting in bogie or body pitching/bouncing - Rolling stock too 3, 5
high - Out of gauge train Conveyors, plows, etc. on track machines - Plant - Poorly restrained equipment - Out 6
of gauge train Crane jibs - Plant - Poorly restrained equipment - Out of gauge train 6 Inadequate suspension - Cyclic top irregularities resulting in sway of vehicles - 3, 5

Excessive sway - Out of gauge train

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Hazard Hazard Description Applicable

Reference Section Inadequate suspension - Cyclic top irregularities resulting in bogie or body pitching / 3, 5
bouncing - Rolling stock too high - Out of gauge train Cowcatcher not adjusted for adequate rail clearance - Rolling stock too low - Out of 3, 4, 5
gauge train Bogies not being fitted 1, 3 Fully / over worn wheels - Rolling stock too low - Out of gauge train 3, 5 Overloaded - Rolling stock too low - Out of gauge train 3, 5 Spring failure - Rolling stock too low - Out of gauge train 3, 5 Poorly restrained equipment causing impact with out of gauge train protrusions on 4, 8
moving trains (Person beside train (on track or platform) - Impact with part of train)

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About Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Wholly owned by its
funding members, RISSB is required to apply the whole of its income and assets to achieving the objects listed in its
RISSB is responsible for the development and management of Standards, Rules, Codes of Practice and Guidelines
for the Australian rail industry.
For further information, visit www.rissb.com.au
40T 40T

RISSB Australian Standards Development Process

The Standards development process is rigorous and transparent.
Authors work with RISSB's Project Managers and Development Groups to ensure that products are acceptable to
industry. Standing Committees oversee this work and ensure that proper governance and process is followed. The
products are exposed to the public and industry for comment, and validated by an independent validator.
Once agreed by the Development Groups, Standing Committees and Validator, the drafts are passed to the RISSB
Board for approval.
The same process is used in developing other RISSB products, although Guidelines are not exposed to the public for
comment or validated, given their non-binding nature.

Standards Development and Accreditation Committee

RISSB is accredited by the Standards Development and Accreditation Committee (SDAC), and all Standards
produced by RISSB since 31 July 2007 are published as Australian Standards.
The Standards Development and Accreditation Committee audits RISSB annually to ensure that RISSB’s processes
are in accordance with SDAC accreditation requirements.

Sales and distribution

Australian Standards developed by RISSB are sold and marketed through SAI Global. For further information, please
visit www.saiglobal.com.
Financial members of RISSB are granted access with membership.

RISSB ABN 58 105 001 465 Page 77

Accredited Standards Development Organisation
ABN 58 105 001 465

For information regarding the development of Australian Standards

developed by RISSB contact:

Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

Suite 4, Level 4, Plaza Offices (East)
Terminal Complex, Canberra Airport
ACT 2609 Australia

PO Box 4271, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia

Telephone: 07 3724 0000 (Int. call: +61 7 3724 0000)

Fax: (02) 6270 4516 (Int: +61 2 6270 4516)
email: [email protected]

For information regarding the sale and distribution of Australian

Standards developed by RISSB contact:

SAI Global Limited

Phone: 13 12 42
Fax: 1300 65 49 49
Email: [email protected]
ISBN: 978-1-76035-809-9

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