Unit 3 Choice Board
Unit 3 Choice Board
Unit 3 Choice Board
Choice: IOOI Vocabulary Dictionary Choice: Character Analysis Choice: “If You’re Not From” Poem
Create an IOOI Vocabulary Dictionary Choose a character from a text Write a poem that describes a place
using 7-10 academic vocabulary words studied in Unit 3. that you call home.
studied in Unit 3 You may create your
dictionary by print or digitally. Create a Character Silhouette that Think about the characteristics of
reveals the character’s thoughts and this place and focus on including
I- Context clues within the sentence with feelings about “home,” dialogue sensory and figurative language to
the word gap (sayings), relationships, and actions. enhance your poem’s overall
O- Context clues within the surrounding You may use the FASTR or FARTS
(outside) sentences of the word gap mnemonic to help you create the Be sure to write with purposeful
character map and plan for the poem structure to include lines, line
O- Context within outside resources (look below key ideas you will incorporate: breaks, and stanzas.
up best word definition and look up
relating synonyms in the thesaurus) F-eelings F-eelings You may use the “If You’re Not
A-ctions A-ctions From” template to plan your ideas!
I- Word inferences after evaluating all S- ayings R-elationships
clues together T-houghts T-houghts
R-elationships S-ayings
Choice: Media Response Choice: Double- Entry Journal Choice: Google Slides Presentation
Think about the essential question, During or after reading a text studied Create a slideshow that
“What are the places that shape who you in Unit 3, demonstrate your incorporates places you call home
are,” and record yourself at each understanding and reflections using and places that you feel shape who
location to narrate, describe, or explain a Double- Entry Journal. you are.
your thoughts, feelings, and interesting
facts about this place you call home. You will record 5-7 key ideas from Go through your cell phone,
the text. For each quoted idea, personal photos, and family albums
You might consider using: provide a thought-provoking to help highlight these places in
- Flipgrid video response reaction and/or connection. your presentation.
- Storycorps interview media
response You will need to include titles,
- Google Drive Video headings, captions, and important
- Cell Phone Video responses information about this place that
reveals how important, this place
you call home, is to you!
Choice: Product-based learning Choice: Vignette Adaptation Choice: “Places We Call Home”
Create a two- or three dimensional visual Read the following two vignettes One-Pager
representation that highlights the places from the House on Mango Street: Create a one-pager that captures
you call home. Provide facts and details places you call home in a one-pager.
to explain the importance of these The House on Mango Street” (pg. 3)
places, and write a short description of “A House of My Own” (pg 108) You will need a large piece of
how each place has shaped who you are. paper to get all of your favorite
Reflect on the different ideas memories and places highlighted in
You might: presented between the two texts. one place!
- Build a hands-on “Places We
Call Home” display or Notice how the main character You should include important
“What Are the Places That Shape Who We Are?”
Choice: Theme Reader’s Response Choice: “Say-Mean Matter” Triple Choice: Independent Reading (Link
Self-select a text in Unit 3. Entry Journal to digital textbook)
-Select a text of your choice from In small groups or independently,
Respond to the text by thinking about Unit 3. read the unit recommended or a
what you learned about life from what class novel.
you read, and how the speaker’s -Analyze the text by creating a
message might affect your future. graphic organizer with three Prepare a Scholar Book Review that
response columns labeled as rates, recommends, and reveals
Your response stem might be: Say-Mean-Matter: highlights about the book!