Goal Setting Part B Worksheet WIL

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Goal Setting Part B: Final Assignment

HTAP 251: Career and Leadership Development

The process of setting goals is important and hopefully identifying your own personal goals in Part A of
this assignment motivated you beyond your employer’s expectations. The most important part of the goal
setting process is to follow up on your progress.

Look back at your original assignment (Part A) and re-write the same goals in the “Goal” column. For
each goal that you set, please answer the following:

Goal: Was your goal How did you know that you were successful in What were your greatest
realistic in the meeting your goal? OR challenges?
timeframe? How did you know that you did not reach your
Gain Yes Customers gave me feedbacks on how well I Struggled on
knowledge on served them and made me feel that I am worth understanding customer’s
how to deal my job accent and their
with pronunciation
customers on
a regular
Be time Yes Have handled tasks and finished them on time How to manage time
efficient as per my supervisor’s command

Be more polite Yes Handled customers who are short-tempered Dealing with short-
and and cajoled them to make themselves calm tempered or arrogant
professional customers
on handling
heated up
Be known as No This will take more time and will require more Lack of experience in the
one of the experience with customer service handling professional world or field

Good Yes Have acquired some skills on how to provide Dealing with customers in
customer better customer service general and providing them
service suitable service

Outline two future goals that you set for yourself now that your Work Integrated Learning experience
is ending:

Future Goal #1 Timeline? How will you know you Greatest barrier to
have reached your goal? overcome?
Promotions and The time it will require
Restaurant Manager Within next 5 years commendations from my
co workers
Future Goal #2 Timeline? How will you know you Greatest barrier to
have reached your goal? overcome?

Restaurant Owner Within next 10 years If I started to make Dealing with legal papers
enough money to open a

YOUR FINAL COPY MUST BE TYPED before being submitted to the corresponding
Assignment Folder (Dropbox). Assignments that do not utilize this worksheet and/or are
not typed will NOT be accepted for evaluation.

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