Foundation Award Assessments
Foundation Award Assessments
Foundation Award Assessments
A period of 3 hours (180 minutes) is allowed for this assessment, and you should
manage your time carefully to ensure you have answered all parts in full. Guidance on
time to be spent on each part is provided.
Aim: To assess understanding of the profession of public relations and abilities in key
writing skills.
Candidates must provide answers for all three parts of this paper:
1. Explains and distinguishes between the following three 250 words 20 minutes
terms: public relations, spin, propaganda.
2. Examines the role of media relations in building reputation. 250 words 20 minutes
3. Evaluates a real life example of media coverage that could be 250 words 20 minutes
seen as PR or propaganda depending on someone’s
PART B – write an essay that presents arguments for and Word count Time
against one of the following statements: allowance
Task 1: Based on this information, write a one page press 500 words 50 minutes
release from Meltwich art gallery targeting a local
newspaper that will accompany a photograph.
Task 2: Outline your idea for the photograph that will be sent to 200 words 10 minutes
accompany your press release
A period of 3 hours (180 minutes) is allowed for this assessment, and you should
manage your time carefully to ensure you have answered all parts in full. Guidance on
time to be spent on each part is provided.
Aim: To assess understanding of the profession of public relations and abilities in key
writing skills.
Candidates must provide answers for all three parts of this paper:
4. Defines the following three terms: public relations, publicity, 250 words 20 minutes
5. Explains how media relations activities are used to generate 250 words 20 minutes
6. Describes a real life example where public relations is not 250 words 20 minutes
concerned with gaining publicity
T. Yeshin (1998) “Integrated Marketing Communications”, Butterworth Heinemann
(i) A professional code of conduct serves as a guide to best 750 words 60 minutes
practice for PR practitioners
Two in five adults surveyed said they probably will not sponsor a
child next year, although 64% of these said they would if they
had more money.
The same survey conducted one year ago, found that although
seven out of 10 people said they would be spending less on
holidays and other personal spending, they would continue their
charitable giving.
Task 1: Based on this information, write a one page press 500 words 50 minutes
release from Child4Life targeting a local newspaper that (including
will accompany a photograph. notes to
Task 2: Outline your idea for the photograph that will be sent to 200 words 10 minutes
accompany your press release
A period of 3 hours (180 minutes) is allowed for this assessment, and you should
manage your time carefully to ensure you have answered all parts in full. Guidance on
time to be spent on each part is provided.
Aim: To assess understanding of the profession of public relations and abilities in key
writing skills.
Candidates must provide answers for all three parts of this paper:
7. Explains and distinguishes between the following three 250 words 20 minutes
terms: public relations, publicity, marketing.
9. Evaluates a real life example where the launch of a new 250 words 20 minutes
product was particularly newsworthy.
Reference: Harris, Thomas, L., 1998, “Value-added public relations: the secret weapon of
integrated marketing”, NTC Business Books
PART B – write an essay that presents arguments for and Word count Time
against one of the following statements: allowance
The celebrity chef, Maria Facilon, has developed new low salt
menus for the hotel’s restaurants and room service. In addition,
salt will only be available on request – about 10-15% of salt
intake is added to meals by consumers, according to figures from
the National Food Authority (NFA).
Task 1: Based on this information, write a one page press 500 words 50 minutes
release from the Traveller hotel chain gallery targeting a
local newspaper that will accompany a photograph.
Task 2: Outline your idea for the photograph that will be sent to 200 words 10 minutes
accompany your press release
A period of 3 hours (180 minutes) is allowed for this assessment, and you should
manage your time carefully to ensure you have answered all parts in full. Guidance on
time to be spent on each part is provided.
Aim: To assess understanding of the profession of public relations and abilities in key
writing skills.
Candidates must provide answers for all three parts of this paper:
10. Defines the following three terms: public relations, publicity, 250 words 20 minutes
11. Explains the role of media relations within public relations 250 words 20 minutes
12. Describes a real life example that demonstrates public 250 words 20 minutes
relations involves more than generating publicity.
Coombs, T.W. & S.J. Holladay (2006) “It's not just PR: public relations in society”, Wiley-
PART B – write an essay that presents arguments for and Word count Time
against one of the following statements: allowance
(i) Improving standards of practice is the most important role of 750 words 60 minutes
professional public relations bodies, such as the CIPR, IPRA
or similar other professional associations
The idea behind the campaign, “Putting the Fizz into Water”, is to
create a series of memorable video moments involving stunts
that will create online buzz via YouTube as well as attracting
traditional media coverage.
The stunt will take place in Hydria, a family holiday health spa in
the town of Bayfield.
Task 1: Based on this information, write a one page press 500 words 50 minutes
release from the IABWP targeting the local newspaper
that will accompany a photograph.
Task 2: Outline your idea for the photograph that will be sent to 200 words 10 minutes
accompany your press release
A period of 3 hours (180 minutes) is allowed for this assessment, and you should
manage your time carefully to ensure you have answered all parts in full. Guidance on
time to be spent on each part is provided.
Aim: To assess understanding of the profession of public relations and abilities in key
writing skills.
Candidates must provide answers for all three parts of this paper:
13. Defines the following three terms: public relations, marketing, 250 words 20 minutes
14. Explains the role of a public relations consultancy. 250 words 20 minutes
15. Describes a real life example illustrating how public relations 250 words 20 minutes
differs from advertising
Heath, R.L. & T.W. Coombs, (2006) “Today’s Public Relations”, Sage
(i) Structured learning (qualifications and training courses) is 750 words 60 minutes
essential to PR practitioners’ continuous professional
Task 1: Based on this information, write a one page press 500 words 50 minutes
release from Nature Parks targeting the local Richmouth (including
newspaper that will accompany a photograph. notes to
Your release should clearly identify a human interest angle;
include an interesting headline, newsworthy first paragraph and
a suitable quote.
Task 2: Outline your idea for the photograph that will be sent to 200 words 10 minutes
accompany your press release