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PSJC Commemorative Journal

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Rabbi Carie Carter A decade of inspiration 

The Park Slope Jewish Center honors

Rabbi Carie Carter

A decade of inspiration
mipy i
In a Community Celebration of Leadership and Learning
November 13–14, 2010 / Kislev 6–7, 5771

Park Slope Jewish Center, November 13–14, 2010 / Kislev 6–7, 5771
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Psalm 1:1–3
This sparkling celebration of the 10th anniversary of our community’s
partnership with Rabbi Carie Carter reflects many facets of who we
are and of the remarkable person who has been our spiritual leader
for ten years. We are sharing ritual and tradition, enjoying beautiful
music, gathering in friendship over fine foods, learning together,
and rededicating a sefer Torah. Just as our community grows on the
foundation of its history, our gala brings together our past and our
present as we embark on our future.

Like so many projects, this celebration was made possible by the work
of many dedicated people, each doing what it takes to make an event
shine. I will do my best to thank everyone who contributed to this effort,
and I ask forgiveness of those whom I have inadvertently omitted—
believe me, everyone’s help made a difference, and every effort is
deeply appreciated.

Thank you to the artists who are so generously sharing

their time and talent with us. In honor of Rabbi
Carter and this occasion, Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn
composed the song “Ashrei Haish,” based on Psalm 1,
and she is performing it at our gala concert with Cantor
Judy Ribnick and other friends. We are delighted
to welcome renowned Israeli jazz saxophonist Nir
Naaman and his quartet as well. Walter Schlomann
intrepidly produced a wonderful celebratory video
for this occasion. Merrie Handfinger designed and
created the beautiful new Torah cover, shown on
this page, for the rededicated sefer Torah repaired
by sofer Neil Yerman, who will share his learning
with us as Rabbi Carter completes the last strokes
on the sefer Torah.
Acknowlegements | page 1

Thanks to Peter Bornstein, Ellen Brickman, Sarah Chinn, Harolyn

Cohen, Dina Garfinkel, Irena Jaffe Goldstein, Yehudit Moch, Steve
Radwell, Leslie Salzman, Esther Schwalb, Reba Snyder, Angela Weisl,
Eden Wofsey, Flora Wofsey, and Helen Zelon, each of whom gave of
themselves to pull together the strands that have been woven together
to create this journal and the weekend of celebration. We appreciate
the contributions of Main Event Catering, Kosher Bagel Hole, J&R
Television, and Little Things to our party, and we always appreciate the
prompt and friendly help of our long-time office manager, Alan Taber.
And special thanks are due to our Board of Trustees for their leadership,
support, and generosity.

I am particularly grateful to the members of the steering committee.

Sarah Kahn Glass started with us along this road until she moved her
family to Oregon—Sarah, we miss you. Cheryl Berkowitz designed the
beautiful invitation and this wonderful journal; her patience, talent, and
vision have been invaluable. Freddie Brooks, Carol Diamond, Farrah
Noah-Daniel, Frances Rodriguez, and Tori Rosen have completed
this journey with me, working tirelessly on so many critical behind-
the-scenes components, and providing much needed sanity checks,
inspiring ideas, moral support, and warm comradeship.

Finally, without Rabbi Carter, we would not have this wonderful occasion
to celebrate. Thank you for everything that you are and that you do, for
and with us.

Florence Hutner
Rabbi Carie Carter
Ten years of inspired leadership

The Park Slope Jewish Center has been privileged for the last ten years
to have Rabbi Carie Carter’s steady hand at the helm, and her ready
smile and inspiring presence among us. In some ways, it feels as though
Rabbi Carter has been our leader and friend forever. At the same time,
we still remember her first weeks and months as she absorbed the
quirks of Brooklyn and of PSJC, traveling everywhere with her beloved
pug Buddy, guiding us as surely through times of joy as she did through
the unimaginable sadness and fear of September 11, 2001.

Rabbi Carter came to PSJC in 2000 after

serving for three years as Director and Assistant
Executive Director of Cleveland Metro Hillel. She
has also served as assistant rabbi and rabbinic
intern in various synagogues and at Princeton
University, and she received her ordination in
1997 from the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Rabbi Carter has extensive experience with
informal Jewish education at every level,
particularly in youth and camp programs, and she has long pursued her
passion for social justice and good works, including with such worthy
organizations as the AIDS/HIV Advisory Committee of Jewish Family
Services Association of Cleveland, Habitat for Humanity, and Human
Rights Campaign. More recently, her work on interfaith and interracial
projects has been inspiring, including opening PSJC to the first
interfaith Dialogue Project event.

We deeply admire Rabbi Carter’s extraordinary ability to make all feel

welcome, from the most assiduous Shabbat regular to the occasional
Introduction | page 3

visitor, regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, family status, or

myriad other dimensions of diversity. She has also been dedicated to
promoting the inclusion of women within the public story of the Jewish
people. In the last ten years, PSJC has grown and broadened, thanks in
significant measure to our rabbi’s commitment to building an inclusive
Jewish community in which exploration and creativity are encouraged,
and where the dignity of every human being is honored and celebrated.
Rabbi Carie’s success in finding ways to engage and excite those who are
searching for meaning in Judaism, including those seeking to convert,
is enhanced by her tolerance and her oft-stated understanding that
no single path is right for everyone. She works hard and effectively to
provide “many roads to the palace” of Jewish living, grounding her
inclusiveness in a strong commitment to halachah and to Israel, and
founding her sense of justice and her teachings in a deep understanding
of Jewish learning.

Following her work and her example, we are also a community

concerned with our treatment of the earth and those who live on it. We
have participated in Prospect Park cleanups and Habitat for Humanity
builds, we have helped to feed the homeless and pursue justice for those
unable to seek it for themselves. Rabbi Carter has always had a special
love for water on this earth—the flowing streams without which life could
not be, like the streams of righteousness that nurture our souls—and we
are inspired by this connection. The first Psalm describes the ethically
righteous person as “a tree planted by streams of water, that brings forth
its fruit in its season, whose leaf does not wither.” Psalm 1:3. Carie Carter
inspires us by being like that tree, and we wish for her and her family—
Eden, Noa, and Tali—that, like the Biblical emblem, she continues to
prosper in all that she does.
From Rabbi Carie Carter | page 5

To the Park Slope Jewish Center

(members, staff, neighbors and friends)

Thank you for the kindness and generosity of spirit you have shown me
(and my family, Eden and Noa, and of course my dogs, Buddy and Tali)
over the last ten years.

At PSJC, I found presidents and boards, leaders, with whom I could dream
and an amazing number of people who would step up, day in and day out
to make those dreams a reality. I found fellow teachers and students ready
to join in learning and exploring the texts and textures of Jewish tradition.
I found people ready to share their skills, their talents, and their wisdom
with this community. I have been privileged to share the bima with shlichei
tzibbur of great spirit and integrity, people whose melody and soul help lift
us to heights difficult to describe. I have been honored to quietly sit and
talk with people of great depth and soul. And for that, I am grateful.

From the first day I walked through these doors, I knew that there was
something special at PSJC. And it was you, this Kahal (Community), the
individuals who come together in this space . . . to pray, to work, to shlep
and clean, to learn, to sing and to explore, to eat and to schmooze, to help
one another, to support those we don’t know, to simply be together . . . in
short, to create a real community—a community of which I am truly
honored to be a part.

Thank you for 10 years of creativity and exploration, of learning and

growth, of honesty and passion. Together, I look forward to many more
years of working together to build our Kehilah Kedosha, our ever-
expanding Holy Community, here in the heart of Brooklyn.

Rabbi Carie Carter
Dear Friends,

What does Rabbi Carter’s 10th Anniversary at PSJC mean to us? It

means that our community has been blessed for a decade with the
wisdom and loving kindness of a true mensch. She’s the real deal. She
is our teacher, shepherdess, part-time construction manager, peace-
maker, counselor, friend and mentor. And even with all our collective
and individual mishugas, she remains a patient listener and advocate.
She cares for us when we’re sick in body and spirit and celebrates with
us during our weddings, baby namings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and
everything in between.

One episode stands out in my life that gives a small taste of Rabbi
Carter’s focus and commitment. When my mother passed away several
years ago, Rabbi Carter asked if she could come over and see us before
we left town for the funeral in Scranton. While she may have wanted to
speak with me, she made it clear that she really wanted to spend time
with our children, hear what was on their minds. Mimi sat on the couch
and quietly evoked favorite memories of her grandmother: playing in
Bubby’s apartment, appreciating the clothes Bubby had bought her,
and the delicious meatloaf that waited for her every time we visited.
Jacob answered Rabbi Carter in between back flips on the floor. He
spoke matter-of-factly that once Bubby died, her soul, like all others,
would be placed into the body of a newborn baby and then, live
forever. “So, how long has Jacob believed in reincarnation?” Rabbi C.
asked. I didn’t know what to say. I had never heard about it till then. We
laughed; we cried. What else is new?

It was a lovely moment—one I hope to remember always. David and I

appreciated Rabbi Carter’s warmth before, but it was never so obvious
From Colleagues and Friends | page 7

to us. Her tireless care and concern for us—all of us, especially the
children, and indeed, “kol yoshvei tevel” (all the inhabitants of the
earth) is truly inspiring. She constantly works to help us become better
people. With her stirring Divrei Torah during Shabbat and holiday
services, she manages to gently focus us on what really matters, with
humility, generosity, and wisdom.

And so I offer Rabbi Carter my sincere congratulations on reaching this

wonderful milestone. I look forward to celebrating many more simchas
with you, Eden and Noa and your entire PSJC family for many years to
come. Amen Selah!

Esther Schwalb
President, Park Slope Jewish Center

It is my honor to send warm wishes and a hearty mazal tov to Rabbi Carie Carter
and the PSJC family for the 10 years she has served as your rabbi. Her caring,
intellect, and creativity have helped PSJC continue to blossom into a community
that welcomes people to Jewishly grow together.

On a personal level, every time I returned to visit the PSJC community, Rabbi
Carter warmly welcomed me. It is a pleasure for me to see and hear how she is
helping PSJC grow into this new phase of shul life.

I send Rabbi Carter, her family and the entire PSJC community blessings from
Jerusalem for a joyous celebration.

Rabbi Julie K. Gordon

Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Perachya says, “Make for yourself a teacher and acquire
for yourself a friend, and judge each person favorably.”
 In the ten years since
Rabbi Carter came to PSJC, she has been both friend and teacher to me.
We join together annually for Selichot, as our congregations become one
community in penance and reflection. Otherwise, we meet infrequently, but
when we do we share the joys and woes of rabbis in neighboring and similar
congregations, and those of our own lives as well. By observing her, I have
learned and re-learned Ben Perachya’s lesson to judge each person favorably,
as she is so often a model for that teaching. It has been a true blessing to be
Rabbi Carter’s colleague and friend, and I look forward to more! May she,
Eden and Noa continue to thrive as a family, and may the family that is the
Park Slope Jewish Center continue to flourish under her leadership.

Rabbi Ellen Lippmann

From Colleagues and Friends | page 9

Dear Park Slope Jewish Center:

I am so very happy to write to you about my affection and admiration

for your spiritual leader, Rabbi Carie Carter, on the milestone event
of her tenth year of holy service to your sacred community, kehillat
kedusha. I had the pleasure of serving as your rabbinic intern in my last
year of rabbinical studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary (1996-97),
under Rabbi Barth, so I know what a special and nurturing community
you are.

It has been my honor to have been Carie’s friend for more than twenty
years, when we first began our rabbinic program together in Los
Angeles, at what is now called the American Jewish University. I know
twenty years is a long time, but I can tell you that Carie’s kindness,
warmth, honesty, positive attitude, and clarity of vision have been
constants from that time to this. I also say, with envy, that she does not
look a day older than the first time I met her in late August of 1989,
which is really unfair!

Because I know something, from first-hand experience of Park Slope

Jewish Center and Carie, I can really say that your coming together was
truly a match made in heaven—bersheirt. I hope that the two of you
enjoy many more smachot together in the future, in happiness and joy.
Thank you for reaching out to me so I could have the opportunity to
express my esteem and love both to Park Slope Jewish Center and to
Carie on the celebration of ten years together.


Rabbi Michael S. Beals

Congregation Beth Shalom
Wilmington, Delaware
Dear Carie (aka Rabbi Carie Carter),

Ten years ago, there was a new rabbi coming to the Slope. Little did I
know that she would become a colleague in the fullest sense of that word:

fellow traveler, conversation partner, trusted guide, chevruta and friend.

I have more patience, ask more questions, and listen more attentively,
thanks to you.

Mazal tov!!
Sue (aka Rabbi Oren)

“Her mouth opens with wisdom. The Torah of kindness is on her

tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26)

It’s been my pleasure to know Rabbi Carie Carter, as a colleague and

friend, for the past decade. I am always impressed by Carie’s large
heart, patience, and modest but powerful wisdom. Carie knows how
to really teach and touch, how to guide people with love. She is a true
dugma, exemplar—she follows what she preaches. I have often sat
with Carie on Rabbinic courts interviewing and welcoming candidates
for conversion; it is a blessing that the door to Judaism is opened for
so many with her grace and insight. Carie is a “m’chbedet kol habriot,”
one who respects and sees the good in all people. She and the lay
leadership of PSJC have shared a compassionate and forward thinking
yiddishkeit with all who are searching. As a friend and Rabbi of your
local sister Conservative Shul, I wish you continued growth and nachis,
from strength to strength.

Yashir Ko’ach!
Rabbi Sam Weintraub
Kane Street Synagogue
From Colleagues and Friends | page 11
From Colleagues and Friends | page 13

Rabbi Carie Carter—The First Ten Years

It is a pleasure to greet and salute Rabbi Carie Carter on the occasion

of ten years since her installation as rabbi at the Park Slope Jewish
Center. As her colleague and one of her predecessors, there is one
word that expresses the essence of Rabbi Carie, and that is, simply, “A
Mensch.” She has always treated me with respect and put up with my
idiosyncrasies with great patience. More importantly, she has shown
her care for all the members of PSJC in their almost infinite variety.

Rabbi Carter has taken the foundation at PSJC created by her

predecessors and shaped it in a direction of growth and maturity, while
still trying to make it a place which welcomes new ideas. In thinking
about the future, I would hope all would join me in this celebration as
we all simply say the blessing “Ken yirbu,” may you continue to grow
and flourish in the years to come.

Rabbi Jeff Marker

It is difficult to compose in words how much Rabbi Carie Carter has
meant to me in my development as a rabbi and as an adult Jew. To say that
she is a ‘Rabbi’s Rabbi’ omits the intimacy of this moniker for me. For me,
she is not so much a ‘Rabbi’s Rabbi’ as she is this rabbi’s rabbi. Carie has
been for me an example of a kind of rabbinate that I have strived to emulate.
She has shown me the quiet heroism of doing good work; of doing this work
well. She has been a dugma ishit for the craft of this work. I have had the
opportunity to hear the evidence of her scholarship and to learn from her
profound and compassionate teaching. But, the deepest sense in which her
rabbinate has been this dugma for me is when I needed a rabbi for myself.
The deftness with which she understood my emotional need in a time of
crisis touched me in a profound place in my soul. I use this sense of skill
and deep listening as an ideal for which I strive in my pastoral work. There
are many reasons that a person joins the rabbinate. In all she does, Carie
illustrates one important reason: the chance to serve . . . that is, to serve well.

Shoshanah King-Tornberg

Nine years ago Rabbi Carter became my rabbi. Since then she has
walked me through becoming a Jew, standing under the chuppah and
having children. Carie has a gentle way of saying what needs to be done
without forgetting who the person is or the situation they are in. This type
of compassionate leadership has assisted in smooth transitions through my
life cycle events as well as everyday life. I always consider it a blessing to
have found PSJC and my rabbi, Rabbi Carter.

Laura King-Tornberg
From Colleagues and Friends | page 15
It is my privilege to congratulate Rabbi
Carter on this remarkable achievement. 
May the Almighty grant her the strength 
to continue her extraordinary leadership at
the Park Slope Jewish Center for many
years to come!

Rabbi Shlomo Segal

Flatbush Jewish Center

I am delighted to celebrate the tenth anniversary

of my colleague Rabbi Carie Carter’s leadership
of the Park Slope Jewish Center. Leadership
in the rabbinate is hard won, often elusive. Yet
for the past decade, Carie has been a powerful
positive force, not only at PSJC, but throughout
New York. In places as diverse as Brooklyn,
Jerusalem, even Manhattan, folks talk about her
success and how she is a model rabbi.

To Carie I say Yasher Kochaykh, may you go from

strength to strength.

Rabbi Burton L. Visotzky, Ph.D.

Appleman Professor of Midrash and
Interreligious Studies
Director, Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious
and Social Studies
Jewish Theological Seminary
From Colleagues and Friends | page 17

Dear Carie—

While I have often suggested that being around you makes me feel
tall (and I couldn’t not make a short person joke so I hope you’ll
understand . . . the truth is that being around you always makes me feel
privileged. During the time we overlapped at JTS and in the years
since you came to your senses and returned to New York City, I have
thought of you as one of the warmest, kindest and most deeply spiritual
people I know. Of course, coming from me “spiritual” might be seen
as something less than a compliment but I use it because you are one
of the rare ones who really and truly exude a sense of deep spirituality
without a hint of feeling superior. Lest this seem to be a tribute to a
priggish, pious sort—and I would avoid such a person like the plague—
let me add that you are blessed with a sense of humor and what I like to
think of as “gentle candor”. You have weathered some storms without
becoming cynical and have succeeded in your life and in your work
because sometimes the good guys win!!

May you have as many more years in the pulpit as you wish and may the
esteemed denizens of Park Slope realize that it became a classy place
to live precisely when you moved in!

Ad meah v’esrim!
Carol Levithan
JTS ‘95
Keter donors | page 29

Our celebration of Rabbi Carie Carter’s 10th

Anniversary includes the rededication of a Torah
scroll, with a new cover made in honor of Rabbi
Carter and her scholarship and Jewish teaching.
In keeping with the centrality of Torah to our rabbi
and our community, we have named certain levels
of donation after the adornments of the Torah.
The Park Slope Jewish Center specially thanks our
keter xzw donors, whose ads are bordered in
blue. As the keter—the crown that tops the Torah
scroll—beautifies the Torah, the great generosity of
these donors enhances not only this celebration but
also the programming that makes PSJC a wonderful
community for so many.
Keter donors | page 31

Thank You
rabbi carie
for your ten years of
leadership and inspiration
in gratitude,
the nachman-schulman family
Still taking our inspiration from the Torah and
its adornments, the Park Slope Jewish Center
specially thanks our yad ci donors, whose ads
are bordered in green. Like the yad, the pointer—
literally “hand”—that marks our place in the Torah,
these donors showed the way by rising to the
occasion and making generous donations to help
make this celebration possible.
Yad donors | page 33

Congratulations and many thanks to

Rabbi Carie Carter
For your ten years of exemplary leadership of
The Park Slope Jewish Center

As past presidents of this congregation,

We understand the complexities, frustrations, and rewards
Of leading a community such as ours.

We appreciate and applaud your steady hand, great heart, deep love, and
seemingly limitless capacity to see each person as an individual. Your ability
to rejoice with us in good times and support us in difficult ones is a great gift
to this community. In the ten years you have been among us, we have watched
you grow from strength to strength, even as you have helped our community
grow—in numbers, in strength, and in purpose.

Kol HaKavod.

Alvin Steinfeld (1982, 1991-93) Neil Kuttner (1996-97)

Miriam Fleischmann (1983) Dan Tinkelman (1998-99)
Joel Sperber (1984-86) Elizabeth Schnur (2000-01)
Ardele Lister (1987) Eric Cohen (2002-03)
David Rosen (1988-89, 1994-95) Florence Hutner (2004-05)
Norman Levin (1990) Mark Schwartz (2004-05)
Sandra Kaplan (1991) David Nachman (2006-07)
Harolyn Cohen (1991) Tori Rosen (2008-09)
Mazel Tov Rabbi Carter!

We thank you for all you do for us,

for our kids,
and for the whole congregation.

All our good wishes,

The Miller-Kaplan Family
Bill, Pam, Marisa,
Ethan and Jared
Yad donors | page 35
Yad donors | page 37
Yasher Koach
to Rabbi Carie and PSJC on this very
happy occasion celebrating Rabbi Carie’s
10 years of leadership!
We feel so fortunate to have been
a part of PSJC and Carie’s tenure there.
PSJC is a truly remarkable community
and Carie is its tireless, dedicated
and inspired leader.
We wish we could be there
to join in the celebration.

Sarah, Jonathan, Hannah,

Abby and Jacob Glass
Donors | page 43

Rabbi Carter:

Mazal Tov on ten great years!

With love, affection,

and great appreciation, Mazel Tov!
Rabbi Carie Carter
Your Rabbinic Interns
Our heartfelt thanks for your
friendship, leadership, empathy
and deep compassion.

With love and gratitude,

Tori, David and Sarah Rosen
Donors | page 45
Kol HaKavod,
Rabbi Carie

David and Shoshana Cooper

With great admiration for Rabbi Carie Carter,

who each day teaches us the blessing of community,
and whose work on behalf of the community
seems to know no limits.

Miriam & David Fleischmann

Donors | page 47

Dear Rabbi Carie,

Thank you for always being there

when we need you—

Bruce and Elizabeth Gross and

Donors | page 49

Rabbi Carie has taught: If one adds a “yod” (the

tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet) to the word
“amo” (God’s people) in the last verse of Psalm
29, the word becomes “amav” (“God’s peoples”),
and the verse reads, “God will bless God’s
peoples with peace”. The addition of the smallest
letter, yod, creates a vision of world peace.

Similarly, Rabbi Carie has encouraged us during

these yod (10) years to believe that even a small
effort by one individual, when combined with
those of others, can create a significant impact.
For this we thank her and pray that she and her
loved ones will know peace.

With appreciation, respect and joy,

Judy Ribnick and Diane Burhenne
Mazel tov Rabbi Carter!

Rabbi Michael, Natalie, Gabe,

Emma, and Dani Pont
Donors | page 51
Donors | page 53

Dear Rabbi Carter—

Thanks for your love, leadership

and support.

—Adult B’nai Mitzvah class 2009

(Jenny, Samantha, Fran, Liz,
Jan, Louise)
Mazal Tov!

From the
Live Sound Engineer available
for Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,
and Corporate Events.

Reasonable Rates.
Equipment and Transportation

Contact Info:
David Gregory
[email protected]

Mazel tov, Rabbi Carie!

Donors | page 55


Rabbi Carie Carter

on a decade of
outstanding spiritual leadership
Barbara & Stan Hopard
Rabbi Carter,

Mazel Tov and Thank You

for a wonderful ten years.

Martin, Roberta and Jonathan

Donors | page 57
Donors | page 59

Read at Jesse Naranjo’s Bar Mitzvah

September 25, 2010

When Jesse and I walked into the Park Slope Jewish Center
almost exactly nine years ago this evening, we could not
have anticipated how important this shul would become
to our family.

Jesse, then 4, was game for a Friday night adventure with his
mother, and his mother was searching for anything that would
soften the reality of what had occurred in lower Manhattan
two weeks before.

Almost instantly, the calm tone of Rabbi Carter’s gentle,

midwestern accent permeated the walls of the deep despair
into which I had fallen. For nearly a year after that, Jesse
Mazal Tov Rabbi Carie!
and I would come to Friday night services. He would stand
in the balcony, peering down at the rabbi, while I marveled
“The righteous shall flourish,
as the Rabbi offered message after message about how we
like the palm tree.” —psalm 92 needed to look inwardly to try to heal the ills of the world.
May you continue to flourish, at PSJC. Her optimistic words have served as a guide for how we have
conducted our lives ever since. We are so grateful to have
From the Friday Night Minyan Makers: Rabbi Carter as our rabbi.
Charlie, Grace, Ruth, Sue, Stew & Cathy From Rachel Gertzog and Sophia, Jesse and Rodrigo Naranjo
—Carole Gould
Mazel tov!

from Rabbi Josh, Betsy

& Adina Minkin
Donors | page 61
Donors | page 63

Celebrating the time that has passed

and all that is to come!
Mazel Tov, Rabbi!

—The Cleek Family

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of

Rabbi Carie Carter

—Her Houston Cousins and Uncle

Thank You Rabbi Carter
for all you do . . . 

from a calming phone call

in a time of need
to a friendly welcoming smile
to your wise words
that have changed our lives
and the myriad other ways in which
your spiritual leadership is a blessing.

Mazel tov on 10 years!

Ellen, Michael,
Banjo and Caleb Sande
Donors | page 65

Thank you and Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Carie! Mazal Tov from
Aunt Barbi &
Naomi Schrag, Todd Krichmar, Uncle Stanley Eisenman
Elinor Krichmar & Sadie Krichmar

Mazal Tov from Rabbi Lisa Grushcow

at Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Moving Your Way

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here’s to another 10!
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PSJC Teen Group Members RATES:
3 men and a truck - $88/hr
& Dina Garfinkel
4 men and a truck - $108/hr
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Donors | page 67
Donors | page 69


We are so proud of you for who you are

and all that you have done.
We love to hear about all of the things that you have been a
part of at PSJC. May you continue to enjoy all that life brings.

We love you.
Mom and Dad
Brian and Jill

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Carie

We appreciate your support over the years.
May you go from strength to strength!

Nicole Nash and the Hannah Senesh

Community Day School
To Rabbi Carie Carter,

From The 2011

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Best Wishes On Your 10th
Mazel Tov!

We look forward to sharing a

wonderful year of learning, challenges
and fun with you.

Todd Friedman Susana Honig

Kalinka M. Rothman Rachel Danzing
Vicki Felder Helen Lowery
Bambi Polk Susan Knightly

East Midwood Jewish Center joins Park Slope Jewish Center

in honoring Rabbi Carie Carter for a decade of dedicated,
spiritual and inspired leadership.

Larry Isaacson
Michael T. Sucher
Donors | page 71

Congregation Beth Elohim

congratulates Rabbi Carie Carter
and the Park Slope Jewish Center
for Rabbi Carter’s 10 years of
service at PSJC.
Rabbi Carter is a true friend and neighbor
and we look forward to many more years
of friendship and meaningful service to
our community.
Rabbi Andy Bachman, Senior Rabbi
David Kasakove, President
With love and thanks to
Rabbi Carie Carter,
who nurtures and leads this community,
and understands that
Park Slope Jewish Center
is a network of many smaller groups
that intersect with and strengthen each other.

Tori & David Rosen

Miriam & David Fleischmann
Marlene & David Schwartz
Leon Goldstein & Lisa Altshuler
Helen Zelon & Nathaniel Sasson
Aron Halberstam & Jane Dorlester
Ardele Lister
Alvin & Deena Steinfeld
Adina Kalet & Mark Schwartz
and other grateful admirers. . .
Donors | page 73

Carie Carter

Gunni & Norma

“your dog pals”


Thanks for all your great work

and constant dedication to our community.

Amy Glosser and Janno Lieber

We thank our dear Rabbi Carter for her wonderful presence,
for being there and supporting us when our family needed her,
through both simchas and mourning, and for her voice of moderation,
empathy, and understanding on all matters, great and small.

We love you, Carie.

Howard Chernick
June Zeitlin
Rachel Chernick-Zeitlin
Norman Chernick-Zeitlin
Donors | page 75

Thank you Carie

for ten years of kind service,
strong leadership, and provocative,
thoughtful sermons.
And thanks to Eden and Noa
for sharing you
with the rest of us.

Jean Berman and Aric Press

Congratulations to
Rabbi Carie Carter for her
decade of dynamic leadership

Lois A. Jackson, DDS

and Michael Gerstein
Donors | page 77

Marsha Blank, LCSW

279 Windsor Place
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Certified Schema Therapist

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and

Schema Therapy for Adolescents,
Families, Adults and Couples.

718-965-2817 phone/fax
email: [email protected]
Mazol-Tov Rabbi Carter,
We wish you, Eden & Noa good health in
the coming years.
We look forward to your service
Our Congratulations as Rabbi of the PSJC community
for many many more years.
to Rabbi Carie Carter
Sincerely Eve & Ralph Blatt
for 10 years
of inspired service.
Dear Rabbi Carie
Best wishes from Mazal Tov on reaching a 10-year milestone! May
Slope Cellars you continue to be an inspiration to us all.

The Oranim Daycare Family
[email protected]

Dear Rabbi Carie,

Thank you for bringing us your knowledge, your wit, your

caring personality, your exceptionally well thought out
and deep sermons, and your beautiful smile that lights up
the entire sanctuary.

And especially, for your loving kindness to the Rose Apfelberg /

Marsha Blank / Lenny, Lucy, & Rachel Goldstein “Family.”

Mazal Tov on 10 years of dedicated service to our community.

Donors | page 79

Congratulations to

Rabbi Carie Carter

On your ten years as spiritual leader of
The Park Slope Jewish Center

 And our deep gratitude to you

And the PSJC community
For your support of our chorus,
providing rehearsal space, encouragement and logistical support,
and helping us turn an idea into a musical reality.

Shir Chadash: the Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus

Now in our eleventh season.

 For information about our concert schedule,

or to inquire about singing with us, contact us
at [email protected]
Mohel Emily sends
a Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Carie Carter
for her 10 years
of gifted spiritual
leadership at PSJC.
Donors | page 81
Park Slope Jewish Center extends
a special thank you
to these additional donors:
Elaine & Michael Griver
Rabbi Jay & Julie Telrav, Temple Sinai
Marc Rentzer
Rabbi Devorah Jacobson & Margaret Mantrangelo
Stephanie Hochman & Dan Mollin
Dan Kahn & Ehi Oviasu
Rabbi Jo Hirschmann & Elizabeth Wilson
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW
Rabbi Barat Ellman & Jay G.
Barbara & Keith Marshall
Rosalie Friend
Shelly & Joshua Klainberg
Iris R. Shever
This sparkling celebration of the 10th anniversary of our community’s
partnership with Rabbi Carie Carter reflects many facets of who we
are and of the remarkable person who has been our spiritual leader
for ten years. We are sharing ritual and tradition, enjoying beautiful
music, gathering in friendship over fine foods, learning together,
and rededicating a sefer Torah. Just as our community grows on the
foundation of its history, our gala brings together our past and our
present as we embark on our future.

Like so many projects, this celebration was made possible by the work
of many dedicated people, each doing what it takes to make an event
shine. I will do my best to thank everyone who contributed to this effort,
and I ask forgiveness of those whom I have inadvertently omitted—
believe me, everyone’s help made a difference, and every effort is
deeply appreciated.

Thank you to the artists who are so generously sharing

their time and talent with us. In honor of Rabbi
Carter and this occasion, Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn
composed the song “Ashrei Haish,” based on Psalm 1,
and she is performing it at our gala concert with Cantor
Judy Ribnick and other friends. We are delighted
to welcome renowned Israeli jazz saxophonist Nir
Naaman and his quartet as well. Walter Schlomann
intrepidly produced a wonderful celebratory video
for this occasion. Merrie Handfinger designed and
created the beautiful new Torah cover, shown on
this page, for the rededicated sefer Torah repaired
by sofer Neil Yerman, who will share his learning
with us as Rabbi Carter completes the last strokes
on the sefer Torah.

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