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1. The vapor pressure of water at 35 oC is 42.175 10. 0.

0800 g of a compound with the empirical

mm Hg. The vapor pressure of ethyl alcohol formula C2H2N is dissolved in 10.00 g of
(C2H5OH) at 35 C is 100.5 mm Hg. What is benzene (C6H6). The resulting solution freezes at
the vapor pressure of a solution prepared by 4.99 C. Benzene freezes at 5.48 C and has a
dissolving 250 g of C2H5OH in 375 g of H2O? freezing point depression constant kf = 4.90
Ans: 48.3 mm Hg C/m. What is the molecular formula for the
2. A student needs to prepare an aqueous solution compound? ans: C4H4N2
of sucrose at a temperature of 20o C with a 11. When 2.0 g of an electrolyte was dissolved in
vapor pressure of 15.0 mm Hg. How many 25.0 g of water, the resulting solution was found
grams of sucrose (mm = 342 g/mol) does she to have a M of 0.815 M and a m of 0.800 m.
need if she uses 375 g H2O? (The vapor The freezing point of the solution was
pressure of water at 20o C is 17.5 mm Hg.) determined to be –3.72 C. the freezing point
Ans: 1190 g depression constant for water is –1.86 C/m.
3. What is the vapor pressure in mm Hg of a Calculate the MW of the electrolyte and the
solution prepared by dissolving 18.3 g of NaCl density of the aqueous solution.
in 500.0g H20 at 70 C. (The v.p. of water at ans: MW = 100. g/mol, d = 1.10 g/mL.
70C is 233.7 mm Hg.) Ans: 228.5 mm Hg 12. The freezing point of pure benzene was
4. What will be the freezing point and boiling measured as 5.49 C. The freezing point of a
point of an aqueous solution containing 55.0 g solution prepared by dissolving 5.782 g of an
of glycerol, C3H5(OH)3, and 250 g of water? unknown substance (sometimes sold in stores as
Kb(H2O) = 0.51 oC/m and Kf = 1.86o C/m. “moth balls”) in 100.2 g of benzene was found
to be 3.48 C. Kf for benzene is –5.12C/m.
Ans: -4.45 o C and 101.22 o C.
Calculate the MW of the unknown. In a
5. How many grams of (NH4)3PO4 need to be separate analysis of the unknown, it was found
added to 500. g of H2O so that the freezing point to contain 49.0% carbon, 48.2% chlorine, and
of the solution is lowered to –8.3o C? Assume 2.75% hydrogen. What is the molecular formula
that the ammonium phosphate completely of the unknown?
dissociates. (Kf = 1.86o C/m) Ans: 91 g ans: MW = 147 g/mol Formula = C6H4Cl2
6. What is the osmotic pressure of a 0.075 M 13. If a solution contains 4 mols of A and 6 mols of
solution of aspartic acid at 18.5o C. ans:1.80 atm B and has a normal bp of 85 C and the vapor
7. What is the osmotic pressure in mm Hg of pressure of pure A is 500. mm Hg, what is the
6.00L of a 0.108 M solution of barium chloride vapor pressure of pure B at this temperature?
at 30 C? Ans: 6.13 x 103 mm Hg (Hint: what is the pressure at the “normal bp”
for any substance?) Ans: 933 mm Hg
8. An isotonic solution will produce an osmotic
pressure of 7.84 atm measured against pure 14. 3.2 g of a compound with a molecular weight of
96.0 g/mol dissolved in 50.0 g of water gave a
water at human body temperature (37.0 C).
How many g of sodium chloride must be solution which freezes at –1.50 C. Kf for water
dissolved in a liter of water to produce an = –1.86 C/m. Describe the electrolyte as
isotonic solution? Ans: 9.01 g NaCl/L soln. strong, weak, or nonelectrolyte based on the
van’t Hoff factor. ans: weak electrolyte; van’t
9. A solution is prepared from 25.0 g of benzene, Hoff factor = 1.21.
C6H6, and 2.50 g of an unknown compound.
The freezing point of this solution is 4.3oC. The
normal freezing point of benzene is 5.5 oC and
the freezing point depression constant for
benzene is –5.12 oC/m . Determine the molar
mass of the compound.
Ans: 427 g/mol
NA = 6.022 x 1023 Kf (benzene) = 4.90 o C 7. An Okanagan vintner (that’s a winemaker) is
kg/mol Kf (ethanol) = 1.99 o C kg/mol density waiting for her grapes to freeze in order to make
of H2O = 1.00 g/mL Kf (CCl4) = 31.8 o C a special batch of holiday ice-wine. Recent
kg/mol Kb(H2O) = 0.51 o C kg/mol Kf (H2O) = analysis has shown that the grapes are currently
1.86 o C kg/mol Kf (acetic acid) = 3.90 o C 28% sugar by mass. Assuming that sugar
kg/mol Po (H2O) = 23.800 torr at 25o C Kb (2- (formula C6H12O6) is the only solute present
methyl-2-propanol) = 1.98o C kg mol-1 Kf (2- and that water is the solvent, at what
methyl-2-propanol) = 4.68o C kg mol-1 temperature will the grapes freeze? [-4.0 o C]
1. Show that for very dilute solutions, molality 8. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor (i) for HF if
≅ Molarity. the freezing point of a 0.50 m aqueous solution
has a freezing point of –1.00o C. What
2. Which will experience a greater freezing
percentage of the HF is dissociated at this
point depression, a 0.1 m solution of benzene in
concentration. [i=1.075; 3.8% diss]
carbon tetrachloride or a 0.1 m solution carbon
tetrachloride in benzene? Explain. [benzene in
1. Find the vapor pressure of acetone
3. An aqueous sucrose (C12H22O11) solution of (CH3COCH3) in a solution made by
unknown concentration is found to have a dissolving 1.00g of a non-volatile
freezing point of -0.912 o C. What is the normal compound (sulfanilamide, C6H8O2N2S,
boiling point and the partial pressure (in torr) of MW = 172.1) in 10.0g of acetone. The
water at 25o C of this solution. Sucrose is a non- vapor pressure of pure acetone under
volatile, non-electrolyte. [BP =100.25o C; these conditions is 4.00 x 103mmHg.
PH2O=23.59 torr]
4. Pure 2-methyl-2-propanol has a freezing For a vapor pressure problem we will use the
point of 25.50 o C, however it absorbs water (as Raoult's Law equation, P = XP°
an impurity) on exposure to humid air. If the First we need to ask ourselves if the solute is
freezing point of a 100.0 g sample of 2-methyl- covalent (moles of particles = moles) or ionic
2-propanol is 24.59 o C, how many grams of (moles of particles = moles of ions). In this case all
water are present in the sample? [0.35 g H2O] of the atoms are hi or intermediate, so can consider
5. Osmotic pressure is a colligative property covalent.
that can be used to determine the molar mass of
an unknown substance. The osmotic pressure is Next we need to determine the number of moles of
determined by measuring the height of the each:
column of solution and converting this value to  MWacetone = 3(12.01) + 6(1.008) +
mm of Hg (1 mm Hg = 1 torr, 760 torr = 1 atm). 16.00 = 58.1 g/mol; Molesacetone =
Using, Π Vsolution = nsolute R T (where Π is 10.00g/58.1g mol-1 = 0.172 mol.
the osmotic pressure, R is the universal gas
constant and T is the Kelvin temperature),  Molessulfanilamide = 1.00g/172.1g mol-
calculate the molar mass of insulin if 20.0 mg is 1
= 5.81 x 10-3mol.
dissolved in 10.0 mL of solution to give a
resulting osmotic pressure of 6.48 torr at 25o C. We can now find the mole fraction of acetone,
[5740 g/mol] Xacetone = 0.172mol/(0.172 mol + 5.81 x 10-3mol) =
6. Henry’s Law constant for most gases
decreases with increased temperature. Given Finally, P = XP° = (0.967)(4.00 x 103mmHg)
that KH for O2 is 2.20 x 10-3 M atm-1 at 5o C,
calculate the percent O2(aq) saturation if a lake P= 3.87 x 103mmHg
water sample at 5o C and sea-level is found to
contain, 9.20 mg/L of O2(aq). (Recall: partial
pressure of O2 at sea-level = 0.2095 atm). [62.3
% satd ]
2. Determine the total vapor pressure over a Finally, we can add the boiling point elevation to
solution of 0.600 moles of toluene and 0.400 the boiling point of pure water at 1 atm, 100.00°C,
moles of benzene @ 60 °C assuming ideal
behavior. The vapor pressures of pure toluene T = 100.256°C = 100.26°C
and benzene are, respectively, 139 mmHg and
4. Calculate the molecular weight of an unknown
392 mmHg @ 60°C.
substance if dissolving 7.39 g in 85.0 g of benzene
Both of these substances are organic solvents, so (a non-polar solvent) raises the boiling point
covalent (the vapor pressures give away that they from 80.2 °C to 82.6 °C. (Kb = 2.52 °C m-1)
are not ionic since ions do not vaporize at normal
Reading the problem this appears to be a boiling
point elevation problem, so Tb = K bm
Since the concentrations add up to 1.000 m we can
Because benzene is a non-polar solvent we know
use their concentrations as their mole fractions (e.g.
the unknown is NOT ionic, since ionic compounds
0.600/1.000 = 0.600)
will not dissolve in non-polar solvents.
Let's then find the vapor pressures of each solvent
In this case we can use the equation to find the
molality, which in turn we can use to find moles and
Ptoluene = XtolueneP°toluene = (0.600)(139 mmHg) = 83.4 thus molecular weight.
Rearranging, m = ( Tb)/(K b); m = (82.6 - 80.2 °C)/
Pbenzene = XbenzeneP°benzene = (0400)(392 mmHg) = 157 (2.52 °C m-1) = (2.4°C)/(2.52 °C m-1) = 0.95 m 0.95
mmHg mol/kg

Recalling Dalton's Law of partial pressures, Ptotal = And from the grams we find that (7.39g/[85.0g]
Ptoluene + Pbenzene = 83.4 mmHg + 157 mmHg [1kg/1,000g]) = (7.39g)/(0.085kg) = 86.9 g/kg

Ptotal= 2.40 x 102mmHg Finally,

3. Find the boiling point of a solution of 0.300 g MW = (86.9 g/kg)/(0.95 mol/kg) = 91g/mol
urea (NH2CONH2, MW = 60.1) dissolved in 10.0
5. Calculate the boiling point of a 0.250 m
g of pure water at 1.00 atm. (Kb = 0.512 °C m-1)
aqueous solution of iron(III) chloride at 1.00
Reading the problem this appears to be a boiling atm. (Kb = 0.512 °C m-1)
point elevation problem, so Tb = K bm
Reading the problem this appears to be a boiling
First we need to find the concentration in molality. point elevation problem, so Tb = K bm

 The data given allow us to find Writing out the formula of the compound by
moles/g and kg consulting the Periodic table we get, FeCl3 which
we expect to be ionic (Fe is lo, Cl is hi).
o molesurea = 0.300g/60.1g mol-
= 4.99 x 10-3 moles As a result we see that we will have four moles of
ions per mole of substance, so our molality, m =
o kgwater = (10.0g)(1 kg/1,000g) 4(0.250 m) = 1.00 m
= 0.0100 kg
The boiling point increase is then Tb = K bm =
 molality can then be found by (0.512 °C m-1)(1.00 m) = 0.512°C.
conversion to kg: molality = (4.99 x
10-3 moles)/(0.0100 kg) = 0.499 m Adding the boiling point increase to the boiling
point of water at 1.00 atm we get:
and, Tb = K bm
T = 100.512°C = 100.51°C
Tb = (0.512 °C m )(0.499 m) = 0.256°C
acid plus the hydrogen ion and acetate ion
6. Calculate the molecular weight of an unknown
substance if dissolving 1.42 g in 25.0 g of pure From the data we can find the total molality.
benzene lowers the freezing point by 1.96°C. Rearranging the freezing point depression
(Kf = 5.12 °C m-1) [148 g/mol] equation, Tf = -Kfm, we get: m = ( Tf )/(-Kf)
From reading the problem this is a freezing point Solving with the data provided, m = (-0.28°C)/
depression problem and Tf = -Kfm (1.855 °C m-1) = 0.1509m
In this case we can use the equation to find the In this case we started by adding 0.150 moles of
molality, which in turn we can use to find moles and acetic acid, which then partially dissociated.
thus molecular weight.
Rearranging, m = ( Tf )/(-Kf) = (1.96°C)/(5.12 °C
m-1) = 0.383 m = 0.383 mol/kg solv. So after dissociation, assuming x is the amount
dissociated we have:
Now if we find the mass/kg solv. we can find the
molecular weight: 1.42g/0.025kg = 56.8g/kg solv.  acetic acid = 0.150 - x

Finally:  acetate ion = x

MW = (56.8g/kg solv.)/(0.383 mol/kg solv.) =  hydrogen ion = x

 total moles then = 0.150 - x + 2x =
0.150 + x

7. What is the freezing point of a 0.100 m Thus hydrogen ion concentration, [H+] = x =
aqueous solution of aluminum chloride? (Kf = 0.1509m- 0.150m= 0.009m
1.988 °C m-1)
[H+] = 0.009m
Reading the problem this appears to be a freezing
9. Find the osmotic pressure of a 0.500 M
point depression problem and Tf = -Kfm
solution of sodium chloride at 0 °C.
Writing out the formula of the compound by
consulting the Periodic table we get, AlCl3 which
we expect to be ionic (Al is lo, Cl is hi). Of course sodiium chloride is ionic so the molarity
of ions is double the stated molarity, 2(0.500 M) =
As a result we see that we will have four moles of
1.000 M = 1.000 mol L-1
ions per mole of substance, so our molality, m =
4(0.100 m) = 0.400 m Plugging values into the equation we get = (1.000
mol L-1)(0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1)(273.15 K)
The freezing point depression is then: Tf = -Kfm =
(-1.988°C m-1)(0.400 m) = -0.7952 °C = 22.4atm
So the freezing point becomes 0.000 -7.952 °C 10. In order to find the molecular weight of
hemoglobin 0.500 g was dissolved in enough
Tf = -0.795°C
water in a volumetric flask to give 100.0 mL of
8. A 0.150 m solution of acetic acid in water is solution. The osmotic pressure of this solution
found to have a freezing point of - 0.28 °C. What was then measured at 25°C and found to be 1.35
is the concentration of hydrogen ions in this mmHg. Calculate the moleculaar weight.
weak acid solution? (Kf = 1.855 °C m-1)
For this problem we want to recall that acetic acid is
a weak acid, so the molality will be the sum of the
To find the molecular weight we need to have moles
the change in the freezing point of the water is
and grams. We are given grams in the problem, so
first let's find the moles via finding M -3.8 oC. The freezing point of the solution is,
Rearranging the osmotic pressure equation we get therefore, -3.8 oC.
M = /RT. Substituting values then we get:
M = {(1.35 mmHg)/(760 mmHg atm-1)}/{(0.0821 L
atm mol-1 K-1)(273.15 +25)K = (1.78 x 10-3 atm)/ A solution of 0.5 g of an unknown nonvolatile,
{(0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1)(278 K)}
nonelectrolyte solute is added to 100 mL of
M = 7.275 x 10-5 mol/L
water and then placed across a
From the problem we see that the solution had semipermeable membrane from a volume of
0.500 g/100.0 mL = 5.00g/L
pure water. When the system reaches
To get g/mol we then can use dimensional analysis
to set up the equation: equilibrium, the solution compartment is
elevated 5.6 cm above the solvent
MW = (5.00 g/L)/(7.275 x 10-5 mol/L) = 6.87 x
104g/mol compartment. Assuming that the density of the
solution is 1.0 g / mL, calculate the molecular

What is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent mass of the unknown.

if the vapor pressure of a solution of 10 g of

To solve this problem, we will rearrange the
sucrose (C6H12O6) in 100 g of ethanol (C2H6O)
formula for osmotic pressure:
is 55 mmHg?
To solve this problem, we will use Raoult's law:

Then we can calculate the pressure from the

pressure depth equation, then convert the units
Then rearrange the equation to solve for the
into atmospheres.
pressure of the pure solvent, Po. After
converting the gram amounts to moles we find
that the mole fraction of the solvent ethanol is
0.975. Therefore, the vapor pressure of the
solvent is 56.4 mmHg. Next, we can calculate the molarity of the
solution. Finally, we will use that molarity to

What is the freezing point of a solution of 15.0 calculate the molar mass of the unknown from

g of NaCl in 250 g of water? The molal freezing the volume of the solution and the mass of the

point constant, Kf, for water is 1.86 oC kg / mol. unknown.

ΔTf = - i Kf m
For NaCl, i = 2. The concentration of the
solution is 1.03 m in NaCl. Therefore,

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