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Delta Fan / Pump Vector Control Drive CP2000 Series User Manual

Industrial Automation Headquarters

Delta Electronics, Inc.
Taoyuan Technology Center
18 Xinglong Road, Taoyuan District,
Taoyuan City 33068, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301

Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) Ltd.
Wujiang Plant 3
1688 Jiangxing East Road,
Wujiang Economic Development Zone
Wujiang City, Jiang Su Province,
People's Republic of China (Post code: 215200)
TEL: 86-512-6340-3008 / FAX: 86-769-6340-7290

Delta Greentech (China) Co., Ltd.

238 Min-Xia Road, Pudong District,
ShangHai, P.R.C.
Post code : 201209
TEL: 86-21-58635678 / FAX: 86-21-58630003

Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc.

Tokyo Office
2-1-14 Minato-ku Shibadaimon,
Tokyo 105-0012, Japan
TEL: 81-3-5733-1111 / FAX: 81-3-5733-1211

Delta Electronics (Korea), Inc.

1511, Byucksan Digital Valley 6-cha, Gasan-dong,
Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 153-704
TEL: 82-2-515-5303 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302

Delta Electronics Int’l (S) Pte Ltd

Delta Fan / Pump Vector Control
4 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, #05-05, Singapore 417939
TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228

CP2000 Series
Delta Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No 43 Sector 35, HSIIDC
Gurgaon, PIN 122001, Haryana, India

User Manual
TEL : 91-124-4874900 / FAX : 91-124-4874945

Delta Products Corporation (USA)
Raleigh Office
P.O. Box 12173,5101 Davis Drive,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A.
TEL: 1-919-767-3800 / FAX: 1-919-767-8080

Delta Greentech (Brasil) S.A

Sao Paulo Office
Rua Itapeva, 26 - 3° andar Edificio Itapeva One-Bela Vista
01332-000-São Paulo-SP-Brazil
TEL: +55 11 3568-3855 / FAX: +55 11 3568-3865

Deltronics (The Netherlands) B.V.
Eindhoven Office
De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands
TEL: 31-40-2592850 / FAX: 31-40-2592851

*We reserve the right to change the information in this catalogue without prior notice.
 AC input power must be disconnected before any wiring to the AC motor drive is
D AN GER  Even if the power has been turned off, a charge may still remain in the DC-link
capacitors with hazardous voltages before the POWER LED is OFF. Please do not
touch the internal circuit and components.
 There are highly sensitive MOS components on the printed circuit boards. These
components are especially sensitive to static electricity. Please do not touch these
components or the circuit boards before taking anti-static measures. Never
reassemble internal components or wiring.
 Ground the AC motor drive using the ground terminal. The grounding method must
comply with the laws of the country where the AC motor drive is to be installed.
 DO NOT install the AC motor drive in a place subjected to high temperature, direct
sunlight and inflammables.

 Never connect the AC motor drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 directly to
the AC mains circuit power supply.
 Only qualified persons are allowed to install, wire and maintain the AC motor drives.
 Even if the 3-phase AC motor is stop, a charge may still remain in the main circuit
terminals of the AC motor drive with hazardous voltages.
 The performance of electrolytic capacitor will degrade if it is not charged for a long
time. It is recommended to charge the driver which is stored in no charge condition
every 2 years for 3~4 hours.
 Please use adjustable AC power source (ex: AC autotransformer) to charge the
driver gradually to rated voltage, and should not charge it directly with rated voltage.
 Pay attention to the following when transporting and installing this package (including
wooden crate, wood stave and carton box)
1. If you need to sterilize, deworm the wooden crate or carton box, please do not
use steamed smoking sterilization or you will damage the VFD.
2. Please use other ways to sterilize or deworm.
3. You may use high temperature to sterilize or deworm. Leave the packaging
materials in an environment of over 56 ℃ for 30 minutes.
 It is strictly forbidden to use steamed smoking sterilization. The warranty does not
covered VFD damaged by steamed smoking sterilization.

The content of this manual may be revised without prior notice. Please consult our distributors or download the most updated

version at

Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………..……………………………………………………………………………….II

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1-1

Chapter 2 Installation ................................................................................................................. 2-1

Chapter 3 Unpacking ................................................................................................................... 3-1

Chapter 4 Wiring .......................................................................................................................... 4-1

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals ............................................................................................... 5-1

Chapter 6 Control Terminals ........................................................................................................ 6-1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories ................................................................................................ 7-1

Chapter 8 Option Cards ............................................................................................................... 8-1

Chapter 9 Specifications .............................................................................................................. 9-1

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad ......................................................................................................... 10-1

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters ...........................................................................................11-1

Chapter 12 Descriptions of Parameter Setting ........................................................................... 12-1

Chapter 13 Warning Codes ........................................................................................................ 13-1

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions.................................................................................. 14-1

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview ................................................................................................. 15-1

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications ....................................................................................... 16-1

Chapter 17 BACnet Main Circuit Terminals ................................................................................ 17-1

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives ........................... 18-1

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide ............................................................................. 19-1

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function ...................................................................................... 20-1

Appendix A. Publication History ................................................................................................... A-1

Application Control Board: V1.22

Keypad: V1.10

Chapter1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
Receiving and Inspection
After receiving the AC motor drive, please check for the following:

1. Please inspect the unit after unpacking to assure it was not damaged during shipment.
2. Make sure that the part number printed on the package corresponds with the part number indicated
on the nameplate.
3. Make sure that the voltage for the wiring lie within the range as indicated on the nameplate.
4. When wiring the AC motor drive, please make sure that the wiring of input terminals “R/L1, S/L2,
T/L3” and output terminals”U/T1, V/T2, W/T3” are correct to prevent drive damage.
5. When power is applied, select the language and set the parameter groups via the digital keypad
Nameplate Information:
AC D ri ve Mode l Name MODEL: VFD 007C P23A-21
Inpu t Vol tage a nd Cu rren t Ligh t Du ty: 3PH , 200 - 240 V, 50 /6 0 Hz, 6.4 A
No rma l Du ty : 3PH , 200 - 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 3.9 A

Outpu t Vo ltag e and C urre nt OUT PU T :

Lig h t Du ty: 3PH , 0-24 0 V, 5.0 A, 2.0 KVA, 0.7KW, 1H P
N orma l Duty: 3PH , 0-24 0 V, 3.0 A, 1.2 KVA, 0.7KW, 1H P

Freq uen cy R ang e FREQ UEN CY R ANGE :

Light Dut y : 0-600 Hz
No rmal Duty : 0-600 Hz
Firmware Versi on Versi on:XX. XX

C ertifi ca tion s
D egrees of Protec tion Provided
by Enclosure (IP C ode)
Serial N umber 007CPDAJT14300002
MADE IN xx xxxxxx

Chapter1 Introduction

Model Name:

V FD 007 CP 23 A - X X

N EMA Protection Level

0: U L Op en ty pe
1: N EMA 1
IP Protection Level
0: IP0 0
2: IP2 0

Installation Type
A, B,S: Wall - Mounted
C: Floor Mounted

EMI Input Voltage / Phase

23: 230V, 3- phase
43: 460V, 3- phase
4E: 4 60V, 3- phase ( EMI fi lter built-in)

CP2 000 series

Applicable Motor C apacity

007:1H P(0. 75kW) ~ 4000: 536H P(400k W)
Se e <Cha pte r 9 S pe cifi ca tio ns> f or d e tai ls

Variable F requency D rive

Serial Number:

007 CPDAJ T 14 30 0 00 2

Pro du cti on Sequ en ce : N umbe r 2

Pro du cti on Wee k: We ek 3 0

Pro du cti on Year : Yea r 20 14

Prod uctio n Fa ctory

T: Tao yua n , W: Wu ji an g , S: Sha ng hh ai

Ab brevia tion o f the Mod el Na me

2 3 0 V, 3 - P h a s e, 1H P(0 .7 5 kW)

Chapter1 Introduction

RFI Jumper
RFI Jumper: The AC motor drive may emit the electrical noise. The RFI jumper can enable internal filter to
suppress the interference (Radio Frequency Interference) on the power line.

Frame A~C

Screw Torque: 8~10kg-cm(6.9-8.7 lb -in.)

Loosen the screws and remove the RFI jumper. Fasten the screws back to the original position after RFI
jumper is removed.

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame D0~H

Remove the MOV-PLATE by hands, no screws need to be loosen

Isolating main power from ground:

When the power distribution system of the AC motor drive is a floating ground system (IT) or an
asymmetric ground system (TN), the RFI jumper must be removed. After removing RFI jumper, cuts off
the internal RFI capacitor (filter capacitor) between the system's frame and the central circuits to avoid
damaging the central circuits and (according to IEC 61800-3) reduce the ground leakage current.

Important points regarding ground connection

 To ensure the safety of personnel, proper operation, and to reduce electromagnetic radiation, the AC
motor drive must be properly grounded during installation.
 The diameter of the cables must meet the size specified by safety regulations.
 The earthing cable must be connected to the ground of the AC motor drive to meet safety regulations.
 The earthing cable can only be used as the ground for equipment when the aforementioned points are
 When installing multiple sets of AC motor drive, do not connect the grounds of the AC motor drive in
series. As shown below

Ground terminal

Best wiring setup for ground wires

Chapter1 Introduction

Pay particular attention to the following points:

 After turning on the main power, do not remove the RFI jumper while the power is on.
 Make sure the main power is turned off before removing the RFI jumper.
 Cutting the RFI short-circuit cable will also cut off the conductivity of the capacitor. Gap discharge may
occur once the transient voltage exceeds 1000V.

If the RFI jumper is removed, there will no longer be reliable electrical isolation. In other words, all
controlled input and outputs can only be seen as low-voltage terminals with basic electrical isolation. Also,
when the internal RFI capacitor is cut off, the AC motor drive will no longer be electromagnetic
 The RFI jumper may not be removed if the main power is a grounded power system.
 The RFI jumper may not be removed while conducting high voltage tests. When conducting a high
voltage test to the entire facility, the main power and the motor must be disconnected if leakage
current is too high.

Floating Ground System(IT Systems)

A floating ground system is also called IT system, ungrounded system, or high impedance/resistance
(greater than 30Ω) grounding system.
 Disconnect the ground cable from the internal EMC filter.
 In situations where EMC is required, check whether there is excess electromagnetic radiation
affecting nearby low-voltage circuits. In some situations, the adapter and cable naturally provide
enough suppression. If in doubt, install an extra electrostatic shielded cable on the power supply side
between the main circuit and the control terminals to increase security.
 Do not install an external RFI/EMC filter, the EMC filter will pass through a filter capacitor, thus
connecting power input to ground. This is very dangerous and can easily damage the AC motor drive.

Asymmetric Ground System(Corner Grounded TN Systems)

Caution: Do not cut the RFI jumper while the input terminal of the AC motor drive carries power.
In the following four situations, the RFI jumper must be removed. This is to prevent the system from
grounding through the RFI capacitor, damaging the AC motor drive.

RFI jumper must be removed

1 Grounding at a corner in a triangle configuration 2 Grounding at a midpoint in a polygonal

L1 configuration


Chapter1 Introduction

3 Grounding at one end in a single-phase 4 No stable neutral grounding in a three-phase

configuration autotransformer configuration

L1 L1





RFI jumper can be used

Internal grounding through internal RFI filter, which reduces L1

electromagnetic radiation. In a situation with higher
requirements for electromagnetic compatibility, and using a
symmetrical grounding power system, an EMC filter can be
installed. As a reference, the diagram on the right is a
symmetrical grounding power system.


Chapter1 Introduction

Frame A

VFD007CP23A-21, VFD015CP23A-21, VFD022CP23A-21, VFD037CP23A-21, VFD055CP23A-21,

VFD007CP43A-21, VFD015CP43B-21, VFD022CP43B-21, VFD037CP43B-21, VFD040CP43A-21,
VFD055CP43B-21, VFD075CP43B-21, VFD007CP4EA-21, VFD015CP4EB-21,VFD022CP4EB-21,
VFD037CP4EB-21, VFD040CP4EA-21, VFD055CP4EB-21, VFD075CP4EB-21

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 D1* S1 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
130.0 250.0 170.0 116.0 236.0 45.8 6.2 22.2 34.0 28.0
[5.12] [9.84] [6.69] [4.57] [9.29] [1.80] [0.24] [0.87] [1.34] [1.10]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame B


See Detail A

See Detail B

Detail A (Mounting Hole)

Detail B (Mounting Hole)

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 D1* S1 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
190.0 320.0 190.0 173.0 303.0 77.9 8.5 22.2 34.0 43.8
[7.48] [12.60] [7.48] [6.81] [11.93] [3.07] [0.33] [0.87] [1.34] [1.72]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame C


See Detail A

See Detail B

Detail A (Mounting Hole)

Detail B (Mounting Hole)

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 D1* S1 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
250.0 400.0 210.0 231.0 381.0 92.9 8.5 22.2 34.0 50.0
[9.84] [15.75] [8.27] [9.09] [15.00] [3.66] [0.33] [0.87] [1.34] [1.97]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame D

D0-1: VFD450CP43S-00; VFD550CP43S-00

W1 D2




S1 S1


Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H1 D W1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2
280.0 500.0 255.0 235.0 475.0 442.0 94.2 16.0 11.0 18.0
[11.02] [19.69] [10.04] [9.25] [18.70] [17.40] [3.71] [0.63] [0.43] [0.71]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame D

D0-2 VFD450CP43S-21; VFD550CP43S-21

W1 D2




2 3 3 2

1 1

S1 S1


Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
280.0 614.4 255.0 235.0 500.0 475.0 442.0 94.2 16.0 11.0 18.0 62.7 34.0 22.0
[11.02] [24.19] [10.04] [9.25] [19.69] [18.70] [17.40] [3.71] [0.63] [0.43] [0.71] [2.47] [1.34] [0.87]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame D

Frame D1:
VFD370CP23A-00, VFD450CP23A-00, VFD750CP43B-00, VFD900CP43A-00

W1 D2




S1 S1

Unit: mm[inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
330.0 275.0 285.0 550.0 525.0 492.0 107.2 16.0 11.0 18.0
D1 - - - -
[12.99] [10.83] [11.22] [21.65] [20.67] [19.37] [4.22] [0.63] [0.43] [0.71]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame D
VFD370CP23A-21, VFD450CP23A-21, VFD750CP43B-21, VFD900CP43A-21

W1 D2




1 1

3 3
2 2

S1 S1
Unit: mm[inch]
框号 W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
330.0 688.3 275.0 285.0 550.0 525.0 492.0 107.2 16.0 11.0 18.0 76.2 34.0 22.0
[12.99] [27.10] [10.83] [11.22] [21.65] [20.67] [19.37] [4.22] [0.63] [0.43] [0.71] [3.00] [1.34] [0.87]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame E

Frame E1:
VFD550CP23A-00, VFD750CP23A-00,VFD900CP23A-00,VFD1100CP43A-00,


W1 D1



Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1, S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
370.0 300.0 335.0 589 560.0 528.0 143.0 18.0 13.0 18.0
E1 - - - -
[14.57] [11.81] [13.19 [23.19] [22.05] [20.80] [5.63] [0.71] [0.51] [0.71]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame E

VFD550CP23A-21,VFD750CP23A-21,VFD900CP23A-21, VFD1100CP43A-21,


W1 D1



? ? ?
? ?

? ? ?

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1, S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
370.0 715.8 300.0 335.0 589 560.0 528.0 143.0 18.0 13.0 18.0 22.0 34.0 92.0
[14.57] [28.18] [11.81] [13.19 [23.19] [22.05] [20.80] [5.63] [0.71] [0.51] [0.71] [0.87] [1.34] [3.62]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame F

Frame F1: VFD1600CP43A-00,VFD1850CP43B-00

W1 D1
See Detail A



See Detail B S3 D2


Detail A (Mounting Hole)


Detail B (Mounting Hole)

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2 S3
420.0 300.0 380.0 800.0 770.0 717.0 124.0 18.0 13.0 25.0 18.0
F1 -
[16.54] [11.81] [14.96] [31.50] [30.32] [28.23] [4.88] [0.71] [0.51] [0.98] [0.71]
Frame Φ1 Φ2 Φ3

F1 - - -

D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame F

Frame F2: VFD1600CP43A-21,VFD1850CP43B-21

W1 D1
See Detail A



See Detail B S3 D2



De ta il A ( Mo u n ti n g Ho l e )


De ta il B ( Mo u n ti n g Ho le )

Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 D1* D2 S1 S2 S3
420.0 300.0 380.0 800.0 770.0 717.0 124.0 18.0 13.0 25.0 18.0
F1 -
[16.54] [11.81] [14.96] [31.50] [30.32] [28.23] [4.88] [0.71] [0.51] [0.98] [0.71]
420.0 940.0 300.0 380.0 800.0 770.0 717.0 124.0 18.0 13.0 25.0 18.0
[16.54] [37.00] [11.81] [14.96] [31.50] [30.32] [28.23] [4.88] [0.71] [0.51] [0.98] [0.71]
Frame Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
F1 - - -
F2 92.0 35.0 22.0
[3.62] [1.38] [0.87]
D1*: Flange mounting

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame G

Frame G1: VFD2200CP43A-00,VFD2800CP43A-00






Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
500.0 397.0 440.0 1000.0 963.0 913.6 13.0 26.5 27.0
G1 - - - -
[19.69] [15.63] [217.32] [39.37] [37.91] [35.97] [0.51] [1.04] [1.06]

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame G

Frame G2: VFD2200CP43A-21,VFD2800CP43A-21






Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
500.0 1240.2 397.0 440.0 1000.0 963.0 913.6 13.0 26.5 27.0 22.0 34.0 117.5
[19.69] [48.83] [15.63] [217.32] [39.37] [37.91] [35.97] [0.51] [1.04] [1.06] [0.87] [1.34] [4.63]

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame H

Frame H1: VFD3150CP43A-00,VFD3550CP43A-00, VFD4000CP43A-00


Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 H1 H2 H3 H4
700.0 1435.0 398.0 630.0 290.0 1403.0 1346.6
H1 - - - - - -
[27.56] [56.5] [15.67] [24.8] [11.42] [55.24] [53.02]
Frame H5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 S1 S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
45.0 13.0 26.5 25.0
H1 - - - - - - - - -
[1.77] [0.51] [1.04] [0.98]

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame H

Frame H2: VFD3150CP43C-00, VFD3550CP43C-00, VFD4000CP43C-00


Unit: mm [inch]
Frame W H D W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 H1 H2 H3 H4
700.0 1745.0 404.0 630.0 500.0 630.0 760.0 800.0 1729.0 1701.6
H2 - - -
[27.56] [68.70] [15.90] [24.8] [19.69]- [24.80] [29.92] [31.5] [68.07] [66.99]
Frame H5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 S1 S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
51.0 38.0 65.0 204.0 68.0 137.0 13.0 26.5 25.0
H2 - - - -
[2.00] [1.50] [2.56] [8.03] [2.68] [5.40] [0.51] [1.04] [0.98]

Chapter1 Introduction

Frame H

Frame H3: VFD3150CP43C-21, VFD3550CP43C-21, VFD4000CP43C-21


Unit :mm [inch]

Frame W H D W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 H1 H2 H3 H4
700.0 1745.0 404.0 630.0 500.0 630.0 760.0 800.0 1729.0 1701.6
H3 - - -
[27.56] [68.70] [15.91] [24.80] [19.69] [24.80] [29.92] [31.5] [68.07] [66.99]

Frame H5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 S1 S2 S3 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
51.0 38.0 65.0 204.0 68.0 137.0 13.0 26.5 25.0 22.0 34.0 117.5
[2.00] [1.50] [2.56] [8.03] [2.68] [5.40] [0.51] [1.04] [0.98] [0.87] [1.34] [4.63]

Chapter1 Introduction

Digital Keypad

Chapter1 Introduction

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 2 Installation

Chapter 2 Installation
The appearances shown in the following figures are for reference only.
Airflow direction: (Blue arrow) inflow (Red arrow) outflow

Single drive: installation Side-by-side horizontal installation (Frame A~C)

(Frame A-H)

Multiple drives, single side-by-side horizontal installation Frame A~C, G, H )

Multiple drives: side-by-side installation (Frame D0, D, E, F) Install a barrier between the drives is

Chapter 2 Installation

Multiple drives side-by-side installation in rows (Frame A~H )

Ta: Frame A~G Ta*: Frame H
For installation in rows, it is recommended installing a barrier between the drives. Adjust the size/depth
of the barrier till the temperature measured at the fan’s inflow side is lower than the operation
temperature. Operation temperature is the defined as the temperature measured 50mm away from the
fan’s inflow side. (As shown in the figure below)

Minimum mounting clearance

Frame A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm)
A~C 60 30 10 0
D0, D, E, F 100 50 - 0
G 200 100 - 0
H 350 0 0 200 (100, Ta=Ta*=40 ) ℃
VFD007CP23A-21; VFD007CP43A/4EA-21; VFD015CP23A-21; VFD015CP43B/4EB-21;
Frame A VFD022CP23A-21;VFD022CP43B/4EB-21; VFD037CP23A-21; VFD037CP43B/4EB-21;
VFD040CP43A/4EA-21; VFD055CP23A-21; VFD055CP43B/4EB-21; VFD075CP43B/4EB-21
VFD075CP23A-21; VFD110CP23A-21; VFD110CP43B/4EB -21; VFD150CP23A-21;
Frame B
VFD150CP43B/4EB -21; VFD185CP43B/4EB -21
VFD185CP23A-21; VFD220CP23A-21; VFD220CP43A/4EA -21; VFD300CP23A-21;
Frame C
VFD300CP43B/4EB -21; VFD370CP43B/4EB -21
FrameD0 VFD450CP43S-00; VFD550CP43S-00; VFD450CP43S-21; VFD550CP43S-21
VFD370CP23A-00/23A-21; VFD450CP23A-00/23A-21; VFD750CP43B-00/43B-21;
VFD550CP23A-00/23A-21; VFD750CP23A-00/23A-21; VFD900CP23A-00/23A-21;
Frame E
VFD1100CP43A-00/43A-21; VFD1320CP43B-00/43B-21
Frame F VFD1600CP43A-00/43A-21; VFD1850CP43B-00/43B-21
Frame G VFD2200CP43A-00/43A-21; VFD2800CP43A-00/43A-21
VFD3150CP43A-00/43C-00/43C-21; VFD3550CP43A-00/43C-00/43C-21;
Frame H

1. It is the minimum distance required for frame A~D. If drives are installed closer than the minimum mounting clearance, the

fan may not function properly.

Chapter 2 Installation

※ The mounting clearances shown in the left figure are NOT for
installing the drive in a confined space (such as cabinet or electric
box). When installing in a confined space, besides the same
minimum mounting clearances, it needs to have the ventilation
equipment or air conditioner to keep the surrounding temperature
lower than the operation temperature.
※ The following table shows heat dissipation and the required air
volume when installing a single drive in a confined space. When
installing multiple drives, the required air volume shall be multiplied
by the number the drives.
※ Refer to the chart (Air flow rate for cooling) for ventilation equipment
design and selection.
※ Refer to the chart (Power dissipation) for air conditioner design and
※ Different control mode will affect the derating. See Pr06-55 for more
※ Ambient temperature derating curve shows the derating status in
different temperature in relation to different protection level
※ If UL Type 1 models need side by side installation, please remove
top cover of FrameA~C, and please do not install conduit box of
Frame D and above.

Air flow rate for cooling Power Dissipation

Flow Rate (cfm) Flow Rate (m /hr) Power Dissipation (watt)
Model No. Loss External
External Internal Total External Internal Total Internal Total
(Heat Sink)
VFD007CP23A-21 - - - - - - 40 31 71
VFD015CP23A-21 - - - - - - 61 39 100
VFD022CP23A-21 14 - 14 24 - 24 81 45 126
VFD037CP23A-21 14 - 14 24 - 24 127 57 184
VFD055CP23A-21 10 - 10 17 - 17 158 93 251
VFD075CP23A-21 40 14 54 68 24 92 291 101 392
VFD110CP23A-21 66 14 80 112 24 136 403 162 565
VFD150CP23A-21 58 14 73 99 24 124 570 157 727
VFD185CP23A-21 166 12 178 282 20 302 622 218 840
VFD220CP23A-21 166 12 178 282 20 302 777 197 974
VFD300CP23A-21 146 12 158 248 20 268 878 222 1100
VFD370CP23A-00/23A-21 179 30 209 304 51 355 1271 311 1582
VFD450CP23A-00/23A-21 179 30 209 304 51 355 1550 335 1885
VFD550CP23A-00/23A-21 228 73 301 387 124 511 1762 489 2251
VFD750CP23A-00/23A-21 228 73 301 387 124 511 2020 574 2594
VFD900CP23A-00/23A-21 246 73 319 418 124 542 2442 584 3026
VFD007CP43A/4EA-21 - - - - - - 35 32 67
VFD015CP43B/4EB-21 - - - - - - 48 39 87
VFD022CP43B/4EB-21 - - - - - - 64 52 116
VFD037CP43B/4EB-21 14 - 14 24 - 24 103 77 180
VFD040CP43A/4EA-21 10 - 10 17 - 17 124 81 205
VFD055CP43B/4EB-21 10 - 10 17 - 17 142 116 258
VFD075CP43B/4EB-21 10 - 10 17 - 17 205 129 334

Chapter 2 Installation

Air flow rate for cooling Power Dissipation

VFD110CP43B/4EB-21 40 14 54 68 24 92 291 175 466
VFD150CP43B/4EB-21 66 14 80 112 24 136 376 190 566
VFD185CP43B/4EB-21 58 14 73 99 24 124 396 210 606
VFD220CP43A/4EA-21 99 21 120 168 36 204 455 358 813
VFD300CP43B/4EB-21 99 21 120 168 36 204 586 410 996
VFD370CP43B/4EB-21 126 21 147 214 36 250 778 422 1200
VFD450CP43S-00/43S-21 179 30 209 304 51 355 1056 459 1515
VFD550CP43S-00/43S-21 179 30 209 304 51 355 1163 669 1832
VFD750CP43B-00/43B-21 179 30 209 304 51 355 1407 712 2119
VFD900CP43A-00/43A-21 186 30 216 316 51 367 1787 955 2742
VFD1100CP43A-00/43A-21 257 73 330 437 124 561 2112 1084 3196
VFD1320CP43B-00/43B-21 223 73 296 379 124 503 2597 1220 3817
VFD1600CP43A-00/43A-21 224 112 336 381 190 571 3269 1235 4504
VFD1850CP43B-00/43B-21 289 112 401 491 190 681 3814 1570 5384
VFD2200CP43A-00/43A-21 454 771 6358
VFD2800CP43A-00/43A-21 454 771 7325
VFD3150CP43A-00/ 769 1307 8513
VFD3550CP43A-00/ 769 1307 9440
VFD4000CP43A-00/ 769 1307 10642
※ The required airflow shown in chart is for installing single drive in a ※ The heat dissipation
confined space. shown in the chart is for
※ When installing the multiple drives, the required air volume should be installing single drive in a
the required air volume for single drive X the number of the drives. confined space.
※ When installing the
multiple drives, volume
of heat dissipation
should be the heat
dissipated for single
drive X the number of
the drives.
※ Heat dissipation for each
model is calculated by
rated voltage, current
and default carrier.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Chapter 3 Unpacking
The AC motor drive should be kept in the shipping carton or crate before installation. In
order to retain the warranty coverage, the AC motor drive should be stored properly when it is not
to be used for an extended period of time.
The AC motor drive is packed in the crate. Follows the following step for unpack:
Frame D
Crate 01 (VFDXXXCPXXX-00) Crate 02 (VFDXXXCPXXX-21)
Loosen the 12 cover screws to open the Loosen all of the screws on the 4 iron plates
crate. at the four bottom corners of the crate. 4
screws on each of the iron plate (total 16

Remove the EPEs and manual. Remove the crate cover, EPEs, rubber and

Loosen the 8 screws that fastened on the

pallet, remove the wooden plate.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is Loosen the 10 screws on the pallet, remove
now ready for installation. the wooden plate.

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is

now ready for installation.

Frame E
Crate 01 (VFDXXXXCPXXX-00) Crate 02 (VFDXXXXCPXXX-21)
Loosen the 4 screws on the iron plates.There Loosen the 4 screws on the iron plates.
are 4 iron plates and in total of 16 screws. There are 4 iron plates and in total of 16

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Remove the crate cover, EPEs and manual. Remove the crate, EPEs, rubbers and

Loosen the 8 screws on the pallet as shown in Loosen the 10 screws on the pallet and
the following figure. remove the wooden plate.

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is
now ready for installation. now ready for installation.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Frame F
Crate 01 (VFDXXXXCPXXX-00) Crate 02 (VFDXXXXCPXXX-21)
Remove the 6 clips on the side of the crate Remove the 6 clips on the side of the crate
with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in
figure below) figure below)
4 5

1 2
3 3
Remove the crate cover, EPEs and manual. Remove the crate cover, EPEs, rubber and

Loosen the 5 screws on the pallet as shown in Loosen the 9 screws on the pallet and remove
the following figure. the wooden plate.
4 9
3 wood plate2 7
2 5
wood plate1 4
1 3

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is
now ready for installation. now ready for installation.

Frame G
Crate 01 (VFDXXXXCPXXA-00) Crate 02 (VFDXXXXCPXXA-21)
Remove the 6 clips on the side of the crate Remove the 6 clips on the side of the crate
with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in
figure below.) figure below)
4 4
5 5

6 6

1 1
2 2

3 3

Remove the crate cover, EPEs and manual. Remove the crate cover, EPEs, rubber and

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Loosen the 5 screws as shown in following Loosen the 12 screws and remove the wooden
figre. plate.
4 3
11 5 4
5 6
12 98
10 wood plate1
wood plate2 1
wood plate3
wood plate5
wood plate4 2

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is
now ready for installation. now ready for installation.

Frame H
Crate 01 (VFDXXXXCPXXA-00) Crate 02 (VFDXXXXCPXXC-00)
Remove the 8 clips on the side of the crate Remove the 8 clips on the side of the crate
with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in with a flat-head screwdriver. (As shown in
figure below) figure below)

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Remove the crate cover, EPEs and manual. Remove the crate cover, EPEs, rubbers and

Loosen the 6 screws on the top then remove Loosen the 6 screws on the top then remove
6 metal washers and 6 plastic washers as 6 metal washers and 6 plastic washers as
shown in figure below. shown in figure below.

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is Loosen 6 of the M6 screws on the side and
now ready for installation. remove the 2 plates, as shown in below. The
removed screws and plates can be used to
secure the AC motor drive from the external.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Secure the drive from the external. (Skip to

the next step if it is not necessary in your
Loosen 8 of M8 screws on the both sides and
place the 2 plates that were removed from
the last step. And then fix the plcates to AC
motor drive by fasten 8 of the M8 screws. (As
shown in below)
Torque: 150~180kg-cm [130.20~156.24lb-in.]

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is

now ready for installation.

Frame H
Crate 03 (VFDXXXXCPXXC-21)
Use flate-head screwdriver to remove the clips on the side of the crte, 8 clips in total.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Remoe the crate cover, EPEs, rubber and manual.

Loosen the 6 screws on the cover, remove 6 metal washers, 6 plastic washers and 6 plastic
washers as shown in below.

Loosen 6 of the M6 screws on the side and remove the 2 plates, as shown in following figure.
The removed screws and plate can be used t secure AC motor drive from the external.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Secure the drive from the internal Secure the drive from the external
Loosen 18 of the M6 screws and remove the Loosen 8 of the M8 screws on the both sides
and place the 2 plates that were removed
top cover as shown in figure 2. Mount the
from the last step. And then fix the plates to
cover (figure 1) back to the drive by fasten drive by fasten 8 of the M8 screws. (As
the M6 screws to the two sides of the drive, shown in figure below)
as shown in figure 2. Torque: 150~180kg-cm [130.20~156.24lb-in.]
Torque: 35~45kg-cm [30.38~39.06lb-in.]

Figure 1. Top cover (use M12 screws)

Figure 2
Fasten 6 of the M6 screws that were removed from last step back to the AC motor drive. As
shown in figure below.

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Lift the drive by hooking the lifting hole. It is now ready for installation.

Frame H: Secure the drive

Screw: M12*6
Torque: 340-420kg-cm [295.1-364.6lb-in.]

Chapter 3 Unpacking


Secure the drive from internal.

Screw: M12*8
Torque: 340-420kg-cm [295.1-364.6lb-in.]


Secure the drive from the external.

Screw: M12*8
Torque: 340-420kg-cm [295.1-364.6lb-in.]

Chapter 3 Unpacking

The Lifting Hook

The arrows indicate the lifting holes, as in figure below: (Frame D0~H).

D0 D E

Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3


Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 6

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Ensure the lifting hook properly goes through the Ensure the angle between the lifting holes and the
lifting hole, as shown in the following diagram. lifting device is within the specification, as shown
(Applicable for Frame D0~E) in the following diagram.
(Applicable for Frame D0~E)

(Applicable to Frame F~H)

(Applicable from Frame F~H)

Chapter 3 Unpacking

Weight of models


27 k g(59.5 Ibs .) 29 k g(63.9 Ibs.)



37.6 k g(82.9 Ibs .) 40 k g(88.2 Ibs.)


63.6 k g(140.2 I bs .) 66 k g(145.5 I bs. )


85kg(187. 2 Ibs. ) 88kg(193.8 I bs.)


130k g(286.5 Ibs .) 138k g(303.9 Ibs .)

Chapter 3 Unpacking

VFD3150CP43A -00; VFD3550CP4 3A-00; VFD4000 CP 43A-00 235kg(518.1 Ibs)


VFD3150CP43C-00; VFD3550CP43C-00; VFD400 0CP 43C-00 257kg(566.6 Ibs)


VFD3150CP43C-21; VFD3550CP43C-21; VFD400 0CP 43C-21 257kg(566.6 Ibs)


Chapter 4 Wiring

Chapter 4 Wiring

After removing the front cover, examine if the power and control terminals are clearly noted. Please
read following precautions before wiring.

 Make sure that power is only applied to the R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 terminals. Failure to comply may result
in damage to the equipments. The voltage and current should lie within the range as indicated on
the nameplate (Chapter 1-1).

 All the units must be grounded directly to a common ground terminal to prevent lightning strike or
electric shock.

 Please make sure to fasten the screw of the main circuit terminals to prevent sparks which is made
by the loose screws due to vibration

 It is crucial to turn off the AC motor drive power before any wiring installation are
made. A charge may still remain in the DC bus capacitors with hazardous voltages
even if the power has been turned off therefore it is suggested for users to measure
the remaining voltage before wiring. For your personnel saftery, please do not
perform any wiring before the voltage drops to a safe level < 25 Vdc. Wiring
installation with remaninig voltage condition may caus sparks and short circuit.
 Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motor drives is allowed to perform
installation, wiring and commissioning. Make sure the power is turned off before
wiring to prevent electric shock.

 When wiring, please choose the wires with specification that complys with local
regulation for your personnel safety.
 Check following items after finishing the wiring:
1. Are all connections correct?
2. Any loosen wires?
3. Any short-circuits between the terminals or to ground?

Chapter 4 Wiring

4-1 Wiring

Chapter 4 Wiring

extension card

Chapter 4 Wiring

Figure 1
Power  Transformer  VFD-CP2000

R / L11
S S /L21
T/ L31


R / L12
S /L22
T/ L32


Figure 2
( )
1 Sink Mode 2 Sourc e Mode
with internal power (+24VDC) with internal power (+24VDC)



+24V DCM
DCM internal c irc ui t +2 4V internal c irc ui t

3 Sink Mode 4 Sourc e Mode

with external power with external power



+24V +24V
external power +24V internal c irc ui t external power +24V internal c irc ui t

Chapter 4 Wiring

Figure 3

Frame E~H DC Link Check Point (including common DC link or DC power input)

 Applicable to Frame E~H

 Operation Instruction
1. When RST power is off, please disconnect terminal r and terminal s. (As circled in dotted line,
uninstall the gray section and properly store cable r and cable s. Cable r and cable s are not
available in optional accessories, do not dispose them.)

After terminal r and terminal s are cleared, user may now connect new power source to terminal r
and terminal s. Please connect 220Vac for 220V model and 440 Vac for 440V model.

When the drive power is on, if terminal r and terminal s are not connected to new power source
(220 Vac for 220V model and 440Vac for 440 V model), the digital keypad will display an error
message “ryF”.
2. When DC Link is used as a DC Bus connection (RST power is applied), it is not required to
remove terminal r and terminal s.

Common DC Bus can only be applied to the drives with same power range. If in your case the
drives are in different power range, please contact with us (Delta Industrial Automation Business

r s

Chapter 4 Wiring

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

5-1 Main Circuit Diagram
For frame A~C Brake resis tor
(optio nal)
* Provid e 3-ph ase inpu t power

Fuse/NFB(No F use Bre aker) - +2 +1 B1 B2

R(L1) U(T1)
R(L1) Mo tor
S(L2) V(T2) 3~
T(L3) W(T3)

Fo r fr ame A~ C D C ch ok e
( o pti o na l ) Br a ke re sisto r
(o p tio na l )
* Pr ov id e 3- p ha se in p ut po we r

Fu se /NFB ( N o Fuse B re a ke r)
- +2 +1 B1 B2
R(L1) U(T1)
R(L1) Mo to r

S(L2 )
S(L2) V(T2) 3~
T(L 3) W(T3)

For frame D0 and above D0

* Provide 3-phase input power

Fuse/NFB(No Fuse Breaker)

+1/DC+ -/DC- Motor
R(L1) U(T1)
R(L1) IM
S(L2) V(T2) 3~
T(L3) W(T3)

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Power  Transformer  VFD-CP2000

R / L11
S S /L21
T/ L31


R / L12
S /L22
T/ L32


 Please remove short circuit plate of FRAME G and H if 12 pulse is implemented

 Before implementing 12 pulse, consult Delta for more detail

Terminals Descriptions
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 AC line input terminals 3-phase
U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 AC drive output terminals for connecting 3-phase induction motor
Applicable to frame A~C
+1, +2 Connections for DC reactor to improve the power factor. It needs to remove the
jumper for installation.
Connections for brake unit (VFDB series)
(for 230V models: ≦22kW, built-in brake unit)
(for 460V models: ≦30kW, built-in brake unit)
+1/DC+, -/DC-

Common DC Bus
B1, B2 Connections for brake resistor (optional)
Earth connection, please comply with local regulations.

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Main power terminals

 Do not connect 3-phase model to one-phase power. R/L1, S/L2 and T/L3
has no phase-sequence requirement, it can be used upon random
 It is recommend to add a magnetic contactor (MC) to the power input wiring
to cut off power quickly and reduce malfunction when activating the
protection function of the AC motor drive. Both ends of the MC should have
an R-C surge absorber.
 Fasten the screws in the main circuit terminal to prevent sparks condition
made by the loose screws due to vibration.
 Please use voltage and current within the specification.
 When using a general GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter), select a
current sensor with sensitivity of 200mA or above and not less than
0.1-second operation time to avoid nuisance tripping.
 Please use the shield wire or tube for the power wiring and ground the two
ends of the shield wire or tube.
 Do NOT run/stop AC motor drives by turning the power ON/OFF. Run/stop
AC motor drives by RUN/STOP command via control terminals or keypad.
If you still need to run/stop AC motor drives by turning power ON/OFF, it is
recommended to do so only ONCE per hour.
Output terminals for main circuit

 When it needs to install the filter at the output side of terminals U/T1, V/T2,
W/T3 on the AC motor drive. Please use inductance filter. Do not use
phase-compensation capacitors or L-C (Inductance-Capacitance) or R-C
(Resistance-Capacitance), unless approved by Delta.
 DO NOT connect phase-compensation capacitors or surge absorbers at
the output terminals of AC motor drives.
 Use well-insulated motor, suitable for inverter operation.
 Note down the rated data and the torque force of the wiring when the

output terminal is below 75 . This information provides the right wiring
method to wire terminals ( It corresponds to the terminals of the motor wire
and non-motor wire).
 When the AC drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 are connected
to the motor terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3, respectively, the motor will
rotate counterclockwise (as viewed on the shaft end of the motor) when a
forward operation command is received. To permanently reverse the
direction of motor rotation, switch over any of the two motor leads

Fo wa rd

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Terminals for connecting DC reactor, external brake resistor, external

brake resistor and DC circuit (brake unit or common DC bus connection)
 This is the terminals used to connect the DC reactor to improve the power
factor. For the factory setting, it connects the short-circuit object. Please
remove this short-circuit object before connecting to the DC reactor.
DC rea ctor (o ption al)

+1 +2
 Connect a brake resistor or brake unit in applications with frequent
deceleration ramps, short deceleration time, too low brake torque or
requiring increased brake torque.

Brak e re sistor
Brak e re sistor
(optional) BR
Brak e un it
VFDB (o ption al)

B1 B2 + -

 The external brake resistor of Frame A, B and C should connect to the

terminals (B1, B2) of AC motor drives.
 For those models without built-in brake resistor, please connect external
brake unit and brake resistor (both of them are optional) to increase brake
 When the terminals +1, +2 and - are not used, please leave the terminals
 DO NOT connect [+1, -], [+2, -], [+1/DC+, -/DC-] or brake resistor directly to
prevent drive damage.
 DC+ and DC- are connected by common DC bus, please refer to Chapter
5-1(Main Circuit Terminal) for the wiring terminal specification and the wire
gauge information.
 Please refer to the VFDB manual for more information on wire gauge when
installing the brake unit.

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

5-2 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame A Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , B1, B2, +1, +2, -
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD007CP23A-21 14 AWG (2.1mm )
VFD015CP23A-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD022CP23A-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD037CP23A-21 10 AWG (5.3mm2)
VFD055CP23A-21 10 AWG (5.3mm2)
VFD007CP43A-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD015CP43B-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD022CP43B-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD037CP43B-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
8 AWG 2 20kg-cm
VFD040CP43A-21 14 AWG (2.1mm )
(8.4mm2) (17.4 lb-in.)
VFD055CP43B-21 12 AWG (3.3mm2)
VFD075CP43B-21 12 AWG (3.3mm2)
VFD007CP4EA-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD015CP4EB-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD022CP4EB-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD037CP4EB-21 14 AWG (2.1mm2)
VFD040CP4EA-21 12 AWG (3.3mm2)
VFD055CP4EB-21 10 AWG (5.3mm2)
VFD075CP4EB-21 10 AWG (5.3mm2)
℃ ℃
UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 wire. Use copper wire
1. Figure 1 shows the terminal specification.
2. Figure 2 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing that
comply with UL (600V, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame B Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , B1, B2, +1, +2, -
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD075CP23A-21 8 AWG (8.4mm2)
VFD110CP23A-21 6 AWG (13.3mm2)
VFD150CP23A-21 4 AWG (21.2mm2) M5
VFD110CP43B-21 8 AWG (8.4mm2) 35kg-cm
VFD150CP43B-21 8 AWG (8.4mm2) (30.4 lb-in.)
VFD185CP43B-21 6 AWG (13.3mm2) (3.434Nm)
VFD110CP4EB-21 8 AWG (8.4mm )
VFD150CP4EB-21 8 AWG (8.4mm2)
VFD185CP4EB-21 6 AWG (13.3mm2)
℃ ℃
UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 wire. Use copper wire

Terminal D+ [+2 & +1]: Torque: 45 kg-cm [39.0lb-in.] (4.415Nm) (±10%)

1. VFD150CP23A-21 must use 600V, 90 wire when surrounding
temperature exceeds 45 .℃
2. Figure 1 shows the terminal specification.
3. Figure 2 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing that
comply with UL (600V, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame C Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , B1, B2, +1, +2, -
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD185CP23A -21 1 AWG (42.4mm2)
VFD220CP23A-21 1/0 AWG (53.5mm2)
VFD300CP23A-21 1/0 AWG (53.5mm2)
VFD220CP43A-21 4 AWG (21.2mm2)
1/0 AWG 80kg-cm
VFD300CP43B-21 3 AWG (26.7mm2)
(53.5mm2) (69.4 lb-in.)
VFD370CP43B-21 2 AWG (33.6mm2)
2 (7.85Nm)
VFD220CP4EB-21 4 AWG (21.2mm )
VFD300CP4EB-21 3 AWG (26.7mm2)
VFD370CP4EB-21 2 AWG (33.6mm2)

UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 ℃
ire. Use copper wire

Terminal D+ [+2 & +1]: Torque: 90 kg-cm [78.2lb-in.] (8.83Nm) (±10%)
1. VFD300CP23A-21 must use 600V, 90 wire when surrounding
temperature exceeds 40 .℃
2. Figure 1 shows the terminal specification.
3. Figure 2 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing that
comply with UL (600V, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame D0 Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , +1/DC+, -/DC-
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD450CP43S-00 1/0 AWG (53.5mm2) M8
VFD550CP43S-00 2/0 AWG 2/0 AWG (67.4mm2) 80kg-cm
VFD450CP43S-21 (67.4mm2) 1/0 AWG (53.5mm2) (70 lb-in.)
VFD550CP43S-21 2/0 AWG (67.4mm ) (7.85Nm)

UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 wire. Use copper wire ℃
Specification of grounding wire: 2AWG*2(33.6mm2*2)
Figure on the right shows the specification of insulated heat shrink
tubing that comply with UL (600V, YDPU2).

11 Max.
+0 22 Max.

8.2 Min. 8.2 Min.

Ring lug Ring lug

32 Max.
13 Min.

13 Min.

Heat Shrink Tube Heat Shrink Tube

WIRE WIRE Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame D Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , +1/DC+, -/DC-
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD370CP23A-00 4/0AWG (107mm2)
VFD450CP23A-00 300MCM 300MCM(152mm2)
VFD750CP43A-00 (152mm ) 4/0AWG(107mm2) M8
VFD900CP43A-00 300MCM(152mm2) 200kg-cm
VFD370CP23A-21 4/0AWG(107mm2) (173 lb-in.)
VFD450CP23A-21 4/0 AWG. 4/0AWG (107mm2) (19.62Nm)
VFD750CP43A-21 (107mm ) 4/0AWG(107mm2)
VFD900CP43A-21 4/0AWG (107mm2)
1. UL installations must use 600V, 75oC or 90 oC wires. Use copper

wire only.
2. VFD450CP23A-21, VFD900CP43A-21 must use 600V, 90 wire
when surrounding temperature exceeds 40 . ℃
3. Figure 1 shows the terminal specification.
4. Figure 2 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing that
comply with UL (600V, YDPU2).

Figure 1 Figure 2
17 Max.

28 Max.
8.2 Min.

Ring lug
48 Max.

Unit: mm
28 Max.

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame E
Main circuit terminals:
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, , +1/DC+, -/DC-
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
300MCM*2 4/0 AWG*2
Incorrect i nstall ation may
resul t in d amage to option
or i nve rter.Please refer to
operation manual for
(152mm2*2) (107mm2*2)
警 告
instal lati on in structi ons.


2/0AWG*2 M8
(67.4mm2*2) 200kg-cm
2/0AWG*2 (173 lb-in.)
(67.4mm2*2) (19.62Nm)
4/0 AWG*2 4/0 AWG*2
(107mm2*2) (107mm2*2)
1. UL installations must use 600V, 75oC or 90 oC wires. Use copper wire
2. Specification of grounding wire : 300MCM [152 mm2]
Torque: M8 180kg-cm (156 lb-in.) (17.64Nm) (±10%), as shown in
Figure 2.
3. Figure 1 shows the specification for ring lug.
4. Figure 3 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing that
comply with UL (600C, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2 E


8.2MI 28.0MAX.


Figure 3

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame F

Main circuit terminals:

R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, +1/DC+, -/DC-
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
4/0 AWG*2
300MCM*2 (107mm2*2)
(152mm *2) 300MCM*2 M8
(152mm2) 200kg-cm
4/0 AWG*2 (173 lb-in.)
4/0 AWG*2 (107mm2*2) (19.62Nm)
(107mm *2) 4/0 AWG*2
1. VFD1850CP43A-21 installations must use 90 wire. ℃
2. For other model, UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 ℃ ℃
wire. Use copper wire only.
3. Specification of grounding wire :
300MCM*2 [152 mm2*2]
Torque: M8 200kg-cm (173 lb-in.) (19.62Nm) (±10%)
5. Figure 1 shows the specification for ring lug.
4. Figure 2 shows the specification of insulated heat shrink tubing
that comply with UL (600C, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2




Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame G
Main circuit terminals:
R/L11, R/L12, S/L21, S/L22, T/L31, T/L32
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
3/0AWG*4 M8
300MCM*4 (85mm2*4) 200kg-cm
(152mm2*4) 2/0AWG*4 (173 lb-in.)
(67.4mm2*4) (19.62Nm)

Main circuit terminals:

U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, +1/DC+, -/DC-
Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
500MCM*2 M12
500MCM*2 (253mm2*2) 408kg-cm
(253mm2*2) 400MCM*2 (354lb-in.)
(203mm2*2) ( 40Nm)
1. ℃ ℃
UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 wire. Use copper
wire only.
2. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the specification for using ring lug.
3. Specification for grounding wire : 300MCM*4 [152 mm2*4]
Torque: M8 200kg-cm (173 lb-in.) (19.62Nm) (±10%), as shown
in Figure 1
4. Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows the specification of insulated heat
shrink tubing that comply with UL (600C, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure2
R/L11, R/L12, S/L21, S/L22, T/L31, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, +1/DC+, -/DC-

31MAX. 42.0(MAX.)

8.2MI 12.2(MIN.)



Figure 3 Figure 4

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

Frame H Main circuit terminals:

R/11,R12,S/21,S/22,T/31,T/32, U/T1,V/T2, W/T3, +1/DC+, -/DC-

Max. Wire
Models Min. Wire Gauge Torque
VFD3150CP43A-00 4/0 AWG*4 (107mm *4)
VFD3550CP43A-00 250MCM*4 (127mm *4)
VFD4000CP43A-00 300MCM*4 (152mm *4)
VFD5000CP43A-00 300MCM*4 (152mm *4)
VFD3150CP43C-00 4/0 AWG*4 (107mm *4) M8
300MCM*4 2 200kg-cm
VFD3550CP43C-00 250MCM*4 (127mm *4)
(152mm2*4) (173 lb-in.)
VFD4000CP43C-00 300MCM*4 (152mm *4) (19.62Nm)
VFD5000CP43C-00 300MCM*4 (152mm *4)
VFD3150CP43C-21 4/0 AWG*4 (107mm *4)
VFD3550CP43C-21 250MCM*4 (127mm *4)
VFD4000CP43C-21 300MCM*4 (152mm *4)

1. VFD5000CP43A-00, VFD5000CP43C-00 installations must use
90 wire.
2. ℃ ℃
UL installations must use 600V, 75 or 90 wire. Use copper wire
3. Figure 1 shows the specification for using the ring lug.
4. Specification of grounding wire : 300MCM*4 [152 mm2*4],
Torque: M8 200kg-cm (173 lb-in.) (19.62Nm) (±10%), as shown in
figure 1.
5. Figure 2 shows the specification of heat shrink tubing that comply
with UL (600C, YDPU2).
Figure 1 Figure 2

Unit: mm

Chapter 5 Main Circuit Terminals

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

Please remove the top cover before wiring the multi-function input and output terminals,
The drive appearances shown in the figures are for reference only, a real drive may look different.

Remove the cover for wiring. Frame A~H

Frame A&B Frame C
Loosen the screw and press the tabs on both sides Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.]
to remove the cover. Loosen the screws and press the tabs on both sides
Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.] to remove the cover.

Frame D0&D
Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.] To remove the cover, lift it slightly and pull outward.
Loosen the screws and press the tabs on both sides to remove the cover.

Frame E
Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.] To remove the cover, lift it slightly and pull outward.

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

Frame F
Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.] To remove the cover, lift it slightly and pull outward

Frame G
Screw torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.] To remove the cover, lift it slightly and pull outward

Frame H
Screw torque: 14~16Kg-cm [12.15~13.89lb-in.] To remove the cover, lift it slightly and pull outward

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

6-1 Specifications of Control Terminal

0 -10 V 0- 10 V 0/4 -20mA Open
AFM 1 RC3 R A3 RC 2 RA2 RC1 RB1 RA1
AFM 2 AVI1 ACI 485
0/4 - 20mA
0/4 - 20mA 0/4 -20mA 0-10V 120


Removable Terminal Block

Wire Gauge: 26~16AWG(0.1281-1.318mm2),

Torque: Ⓐ 5kg-cm [4.3Ib-in.] (0.49Nm) (As shown in figure above)
Ⓑ 8kg-cm [6.94Ib-in.] (0.78Nm) (As shown in figure above)
Ⓒ 2kg-cm [1.73 lb-in.] (0.19 Nm) (As shown in figure above)
Wiring precautions:
 Reserves 5mm and properly install the wire into the terminal; fasten the installation by a
slotted screwdriver. If the wire is stripped, sort the wire before install into the terminal.
 Flathead screwdriver: blade width 3.5mm, tip thickness 0.6mm
 In the figure above, the factory setting for STO1, STO2, +24V and SCM1, SCM2, DC is short
circuit. The factory setting for +24V-COM is short circuit and SINK mode (NPN); please refer
to Chapter 4 Wiring for more detail.

Terminals Terminal Function Factory Setting (NPN mode)

Digital control signal common +24V±5% 200mA
COM Digital control signal common (Sink) Common for multi-function input terminals
FWD Forward-Stop command ON forward running
OFF deceleration to stop

REV Reverse-Stop command ON reverse running
OFF deceleration to stop
Refer to parameters 02-01~02-08 to program the
multi-function inputs MI1~MI8.
Source Mode

ON: the activation current is 3.3mA 11Vdc
Multi-function input 1~8

OFF: leakage current tolerance is 11Vdc
Sink Mode

ON: the activation current is 3.3mA 13Vdc

OFF: leakage current tolerance is 19Vdc
Digital frequency signal output
Regard the pulse as the output monitor signal
DFM Duty-cycle: 50%
Min. load impedance: 1kΩ/100pf
DCM Max. current: 30mA
Max. voltage: 30Vdc
DCM Digital frequency signal common

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

Terminals Terminal Function Factory Setting (NPN mode)

Max 48Vdc 50mA
MCM Multi-function Output Common
Multi-function relay output 1 (N.O.) Resistive Load:
3A(N.O.)/3A(N.C.) 250VAC
Multi-function relay output 1 (N.C.)
RB1 5A(N.O.)/3A(N.C.) 30VDC
RC1 Multi-function relay common Inductive Load (COS 0.4):
RA2 Multi-function relay output 2 (N.O.) a 1.2A(N.O.)/1.2A(N.C.) 250VAC
2.0A(N.O.)/1.2A(N.C.) 30VDC
RC2 Multi-function relay common
It is used to output each monitor signal, such as drive is in
RA3 Multi-function relay output 3 (N.O.) a operation, frequency attained or overload indication.

RC3 Multi-function relay common Note: RA1 has N.O. & N.C while RA2 & RA3 have only N.O
+10V Potentiometer power supply Analog frequency setting: +10Vdc 20mA
-10V Potentiometer power supply Analog frequency setting: -10Vdc 20mA
Analog voltage input
+10V AVI circuit
Impedance: 20kΩ
Range: 0~20mA/4~20mA/0~10V =0~Max. Output Frequency
AVI 1 AVI (Pr.01-00)
AVI1 switch, factory setting is 0~10V
internal circuit
Analog current input
ACI ACI circuit
Impedance: 250Ω
Range: 0~20mA/4~20mA/0~10V = 0 ~ Max. Output
Frequency (Pr.01-00)
ACI Switch, factory setting is 4~20mA

ACM internal circuit

Auxiliary analog voltage input

Impedance: 20kΩ
Range: 0~+10VDC=0 ~ Max. Output Frequency(Pr.01-00)

0~10V Max. output current 2mA, Max. load 5kΩ

-10~10V maximum output current 2mA, maximum load 5kΩ
Output current: 2mA max
AFM1 Resolution: 0~10V corresponds to Max. operation frequency
Range: 0~10V  -10~+10V
AFM 1 Switch, factory setting is 0~10V

0~10V Max. output current 2mA, Max. load 5kΩ

0~20mA Max. load 500Ω
AFM2 Output current: 20mA max
Resolution: 0~10V corresponds to Max. operation frequency
Range: 0~10V  4~20mA
AFM 2 Switch, factory setting is 0~10V

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

Terminals Terminal Function Factory Setting (NPN mode)

ACM Analog Signal Common Common for analog terminals
STO1 The factory setting is short-circuit.
SCM1 Power removal safety function for EN954-1 and IEC/EN61508
SCM2 ON: the activation current is 3.3mA ≧11Vdc
SG- Modbus RS-485
PIN 1,2,7,8 : Reserved PIN 3, 6: SGND
PIN 4: SG- PIN 5: SG+
NOTE: Wire size of analog control signals: 18 AWG (0.75 mm ) with shielded wire

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

6-2 Analog input terminals (AVI1, ACI, AVI2, ACM)

 Analog input signals are easily affected by external noise. Use shielded wiring and keep it as
short as possible (<20m) with proper grounding. If the noise is inductive, connecting the shield to
terminal ACM can bring improvement.

 If the analog input signals are affected by noise from the AC motor drive, please connect a
capacitor and ferrite core as indicated in the following diagram.

Wind each wires 3 times or more around the core

Digital inputs (FWD, REV, MI1~MI8, COM)
 When using contacts or switches to control the digital inputs, please use high quality
components to avoid contact bounce.

 The “COM” terminal is the common side of the photo-coupler. Any of wiring method, the
“common point” of all photo-coupler must be the “COM”.

 When the photo-coupler is using internal power supply, the switch connection for Sink and
Source as below:
MI-DCM: Sink mode
MI-+24V: Source mode

 When the photo-coupler is using external power supply, please remove the short circuit cable
between the +24V and COM terminals. The connection mode is Sink mode or Source mode is
according to the below:
The “+” of 24V connecting to “COM: Sink mode
The “-“ of 24V connecting to COM: Source mode

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

6-3 Remove the Terminal Block

1. Loosen the screws by screwdriver. (As shown in figure below).

2. Remove the control board by pulling it out for a distance 6~8 cm (as 1 in the figure) then lift the control
board upward(as 2 in the figure).

Chapter 6 Control Terminals

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

The optional accessories listed in this chapter are available upon request. Installing additional
accessories to your drive would substantially improve the drive’s performance. Please select an
applicable accessory according to your need or contact the local distributor for suggestion.

7-1 All Brake Resistors and Brake Units Used in AC Motor Drives
Applicable 1 2
* 125%Braking Torque 10%ED * Max. Brake Torque
Braking Brake 3 Resistor value Total Min. Max. Total Peak
* Braking Resistor series for
HP kW Torque Unit spec. for each Braking Resistor Braking Power
4 each Brake Unit
[kg-m] * VFDB AC motor Drive Current [A] Value [Ω] Current [A] [kW]
1 0.7 0.5 - BR080W200*1 80W200 Ω 1.9 63.3 6 2.3
2 1.5 0.5 - BR080W200*1 80W200 Ω 1.9 63.3 6 2.3
3 2.2 1.0 - BR200W091*1 200W91 Ω 4.2 47.5 8 3.0
5 3.7 1.5 - BR300W070*1 300W70 Ω 5.4 38.0 10 3.8
7.5 5.5 2.5 - BR400W040*1 400W40 Ω 9.5 19.0 20 7.6
10 7.5 3.7 - BR1K0W020*1 1000W20 Ω 19 14.6 26 9.9
15 11 5.1 - BR1K0W020*1 1000W20 Ω 19 14.6 26 9.9
20 15 7.5 - BR1K5W013*1 1500W13 Ω 29 13.6 28 10.6
25 18 10.2 - BR1K0W4P3*2 2 series 2000W8.6Ω 44 8.3 46 17.5
30 22 12.2 - BR1K5W3P3*2 2 series 2000W8.6Ω 44 8.3 46 17.5
40 30 14.9 - BR1K0W5P1*2 2 series 3000W6.6Ω 58 5.8 66 25.1
50 37 20.3 2015*2 BR1K2W3P9*2 2 series 4000W5.1Ω 75 4.8 80 30.4
60 45 25.1 2022*2 BR1K5W3P3*2 2 series 4800W3.9Ω 97 3.2 120 45.6
75 55 30.5 2022*2 BR1K2W3P9*2 2 series 6000W3.3Ω 118 3.2 120 45.6
100 75 37.2 2022*3 BR1K2W3P9*2 2 series 7200W2.6Ω 145 2.1 180 68.4
125 90 50.8 2022*4 BR1K5W3P3*2 2 series 9600W2 Ω 190 1.6 240 91.2
Applicable 1 2
* 125%Braking Torque 10%ED * Max. Brake Torque
Braking Brake 3 Resistor value Total Min. Max. Total Peak
* Braking Resistor series for
HP kW Torque Unit spec. for each Braking Resistor Braking Power
each Brake Unit
[kg-m] *4VFDB AC motor Drive Current [A] Value [Ω] Current [A] [kW]
1 0.7 0.5 - BR080W750*1 80W750 Ω 1 190.0 4 3.0
2 1.5 0.5 - BR080W750*1 80W750 Ω 1 190.0 4 3.0
3 2.2 1.0 - BR200W360*1 200W360 Ω 2.1 126.7 6 4.6
5 3.7 1.5 - BR300W250*1 300W250 Ω 3 108.6 7 5.3
5.5 4.0 2.5 - BR400W150*1 400W150 Ω 5.1 84.4 9 6.8
7.5 5.5 2.7 BR1K0W075*1 1000W75 Ω 10.2 54.3 14 10.6
10 7.5 3.7 - BR1K0W075*1 1000W75 Ω 10.2 54.3 14 10.6
15 11 5.1 - BR1K0W075*1 1000W75 Ω 10.2 47.5 16 12.2
20 15 7.5 - BR1K5W043*1 1500W43 Ω 17.6 42.2 18 13.7
25 18 10.2 - BR1K0W016*2 2 series 2000W32 Ω 24 26.2 29 22.0
30 22 12.2 - BR1K0W016*2 2 series 2000W32 Ω 24 23.0 33 25.1
40 30 14.9 - BR1K5W013*2 2 series 3000W26 Ω 29 23.0 33 25.1
2 parallel,
50 37 20.3 - BR1K0W016*4 47.5 14.1 54 41.0
2 series
2 parallel,
60 45 25.1 4045*1 BR1K2W015*4 50 12.7 60 45.6
2 series
30.5 4045*1 2 parallel,
75 55 BR1K5W013*4 59 12.7 60 45.6
2 series
100 75 37.2 4030*2 BR1K0W5P1*4 4 series 8000W10.2Ω 76 9.5 80 60.8
2 parallel,
125 90 50.8 4045*2 BR1K2W015*4 100 6.3 120 91.2
2 series
2 parallel,
150 110 60.9 4045*2 BR1K5W013*4 117 6.3 120 91.2
2 series

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Applicable 1 2
* 125%Braking Torque 10%ED * Max. Brake Torque
Braking 3 Resistor value Total Min. Max. Total Peak
Brake * Braking Resistor series for
HP kW Torque spec. for each Braking Resistor Braking Power
Unit each Brake Unit
[kg-m] AC motor Drive Current [A] Value [Ω] Current [A] [kW]
175 132 74.5 4110*1 BR1K2W015*10
5 parallel,
2 series
12000W6 126Ω 6.0 126 95.8

215 160 89.4 4160*1 BR1K5W012*12

6 parallel,
2 series
18000W4 190Ω 4.0 190 144.4

250 185 108.3 4160*1 BR1K5W012*12

6 parallel,
2 series
18000W4 190Ω 4.0 190 144.4

300 220 125.3 4185*1 BR1K5W012*14

7 parallel,
2 series
21000W3.4 225Ω 3.4 225 172.1

375 280 148.9 4110*2 BR1K2W015*10

5 parallel,
2 series
24000W3 252Ω 3.0 252 190.5

425 315 189.6 4160*2 BR1K5W012*12

6 parallel,
2 series
36000W2 380Ω 2.0 380 288.8

475 355 213.3 4160*2 BR1K5W012*12

6 parallel,
2 series
36000W2 380Ω 2.0 380 288.8

536 400 240.3 4185*2 BR1K5W012*14

7 parallel,
2 series
42000W1.7 450Ω 1.7 450 344.2
* Calculation for 125% brake toque: (kw)*125%*0.8; where 0.8 is motor efficiency.
Because there is a resistor limit of power consumption, the longest operation time for 10%ED is 10sec (on: 10sec/ off:
* Please refer to the Brake Performance Curve for “Operation Duration & ED” vs. “Braking Current”.
* For heat dissipation, a resistor of 400W or lower should be fixed to the frame and maintain the surface temperature below


50 ; a resistor of 1000W and above should maintain the surface temperature below 350 . ℃
* Please refer to VFDB series Braking Module Instruction for more detail on braking resistor.


1. Definition for Brake Usage ED%

Explanation: The definition of the brake usage ED (%) is for assurance of enough time for the brake unit and brake resistor
to dissipate away heat generated by braking. When the brake resistor heats up, the resistance would increase with
temperature, and brake torque would decrease accordingly. Recommended cycle time is one minute.

For safety concern, install an overload relay (O.L) between the brake unit and the brake resistor in conjunction with the
magnetic contactor (MC) prior to the drive for abnormal protection. The purpose of installing the thermal overload relay is to
protect the brake resistor from damage due to frequent brake, or due to brake unit keeping operating resulted from unusual
high input voltage. Under such circumstance, just turn off the power to prevent damaging the brake resistor.
R/L1 R/L1 U/T1
S/L2 S/L2
T/L3 T/L3
MC +(P)
SA - (N)
T hermal relay T hermal relay
+ - B1 + - B1
(P) (N) Brake (P) (N) Brake
O.L. O.L. Resistor
Brake unit Brake unit
B2 B2
22Parallel /Serie
Thermal relay M1 M2 Temperature M1 M2
or Temperature Switch switch
Trip Contact
Temperature switch

When AC Drive is equipped with a DC reactor, please read user manual to know the
。 circuit of brake unit +(P).
wiring method of input
Do Not connect input circuit -(N) to the neutral point of the power system.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

2. If damage to the drive or other equipment is due to the fact that the brake resistors and brake modules in use are not

provided by Delta, the warranty will be void.

3. Take into consideration the safety of the environment when installing the brake resistors. If the minimum resistance value is

to be utilized, consult local dealers for the calculation of Watt figures.

4. When using more than 2 brake units, equivalent resistor value of parallel brake unit can’t be less than the value in the

column “Minimum Equivalent Resistor Value for Each AC Drive” (the right-most column in the table). Please read the wiring

information in the user manual of brake unit thoroughly prior to operation

5. This chart is for normal usage; if the AC motor drive is applied for frequent braking, it is suggested to enlarge 2~3 times of

the Watts.

6. Thermal Relay:

Thermal relay selection is basing on its overload capability. A standard braking capacity for C2000 is 10%ED (Tripping

time=10s). The figure below is an example of 406V, 110kw AC motor drive. It requires the thermal relay to take 260%

overload capacity in 10s (Host starting) and the braking current is 126A. In this case, user should select a rated 50A

thermal relay. The property of each thermal relay may vary among different manufacturer, please carefully read


Tripping tim e


0.8 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15
Multiple of current setting xln (A)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-2 Non-fuse Circuit Breaker

Comply with UL standard: Per UL 508, paragraph 45.8.4, part a,
The rated current of the breaker shall be 1.6~2.6 times of the maximum rated input current of AC
motor drive.
3-phase 230V 3-phase 460V
Recommended Recommended
Model Model
non-fuse breaker [A] non-fuse breaker [A]
VFD007CP23A-21 15 VFD007CP43A-21/4EA-21 10
VFD015CP23A-21 20 VFD015CP43B-21/4EB-21 10
VFD022CP23A-21 30 VFD022CP43B-21/4EB-21 15
VFD037CP23A-21 40 VFD040CP43A-21/4EA-21 25
VFD055CP23A-21 50 VFD037CP43B-21/4EB-21 30
VFD075CP23A-21 60 VFD055CP43B-21/4EB-21 40
VFD110CP23A-21 100 VFD075CP43B-21/4EB-21 40
VFD150CP23A-21 125 VFD110CP43B-21/4EB-21 50
VFD185CP23A-21 150 VFD150CP43B-21/4EB-21 60
VFD220CP23A-21 200 VFD185CP43B-21/4EB-21 75
VFD300CP23A-21 225 VFD220CP43A-21/4EA-21 100
VFD370CP23A-00/23A-21 250 VFD300CP43B-21/4EB-21 125
VFD450CP23A-00/23A-21 300 VFD370CP43B-21/4EB-21 150
VFD550CP23A-00/23A-21 400 VFD450CP43S-00/S-21 175
VFD750CP23A-00/23A-21 450 VFD550CP43S-00/43S-21 250
VFD900CP23A-00/23A-21 600 VFD750CP43B-00/43B-21 300
VFD900CP43A-00/43-21 300
VFD1100CP43A-00/43A-21 400
VFD1320CP43B-00/43B-21 500
VFD1600CP43A-00/43A-21 600
VFD1850CP43B-00/43B-21 600
VFD2200CP43A-00/43A-21 800
VFD2800CP43A-00/43A-21 1000
VFD3150CP43A-00/ 1200
VFD3550CP43A-00/ 1350
VFD4000CP43A-00/ 1500

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-3 Fuse Specification Chart

 Use only the fuses comply with UL certificated.
 Use only the fuses comply with local regulations.

Input Current I [A] Line Fuse

230V Model
Light Duty Normal Duty I [A] Bussmann P/N
VFD007CP23A-21 6.4 3.9 15 JJN-15
VFD015CP23A-21 9.6 6.4 20 JJN-20
VFD022CP23A-21 15 12 30 JJN-30
VFD037CP23A-21 22 16 40 JJN-40
VFD055CP23A-21 25 20 50 JJN-50
VFD075CP23A-21 35 28 60 JJN-60
VFD110CP23A-21 50 36 100 JJN-100
VFD150CP23A-21 65 52 125 JJN-125
VFD185CP23A-21 83 72 150 JJN-150
VFD220CP23A-21 100 83 200 JJN-200
VFD300CP23A-21 116 99 225 JJN-225
VFD370CP23A-00/23A-21 146 124 250 JJN-250
VFD450CP23A-00/23A-21 180 143 300 JJN-300
VFD550CP23A-00/23A-21 215 171 400 JJN-400
VFD750CP23A-00/23A-21 276 206 450 JJN-450
VFD900CP23A-00/23A-21 322 245 600 JJN-600
Input Current I [A] Line Fuse
Light Duty Normal Duty I [A] Bussmann P/N
VFD007CP43A-21/4EA-21 4.3 3.5 10 JJS-10
VFD015CP43B-21/4EB-21 6.0 4.3 10 JJS-10
VFD022CP43B-21/4EB-21 8.1 5.9 15 JJS-15
VFD040CP43A-21/4EA-21 12.4 8.7 25 JJS-20
VFD037CP43B-21/4EB-21 16 14 30 JJS-20
VFD055CP43B-21/4EB-21 20 15.5 40 JJS-30
VFD075CP43B-21/4EB-21 22 17 40 JJS-40
VFD110CP43B-21/4EB-21 26 20 50 JJS-50
VFD150CP43B-21/4EB-21 35 26 60 JJS-60
VFD185CP43B-21/4EB-21 42 35 75 JJS-75
VFD220CP43A-21/4EA-21 50 40 100 JJS-100
VFD300CP43B-21/4EB-21 66 47 125 JJS-125
VFD370CP43B-21/4EB-21 80 63 150 JJS-150
VFD450CP43S-00/S-21 91 74 175 JJS-175
VFD550CP43S-00/43S-21 110 101 250 JJS-225
VFD750CP43B-00/43B-21 150 114 300 JJS-300
VFD900CP43A-00/43-21 180 157 300 JJS-300
VFD1100CP43A-00/43A-21 220 167 400 JJS-400
VFD1320CP43B-00/43B-21 260 207 500 JJS-500
VFD1600CP43A-00/43A-21 310 240 600 JJS-600
VFD1850CP43B-00/43B-21 370 300 600 JJS-600
VFD2200CP43A-00/43A-21 460 380 800 JJS-800
VFD2800CP43A-00/43A-21 530 400 1000 KTU-1000
VFD3150CP43A-00/43C-00/43C-21 616 494 1200 KTU-1200
VFD3550CP43A-00/43C-00/43C-21 683 555 1350 KTU-1350
VFD4000CP43A-00/43C-00/43C-21 770 625 1500 KTU-1500

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-4 AC/DC Reactor

AC Input Reactor
When the AC Motor Drive is connected directly to a large-capacity power transformer (500kVA or
above) or when a phase lead capacitor is switched, excess peak currents may occur in the power input
circuit due to the load changes and the converter section may be damaged. To avoid this, it is
recommend using a serial connected AC input reactor at the AC Motor Drive mains input side to reduce
the current and improve the input power efficiency.

Method of set up
AC input reactor sets up between electric power and R, S, T which are at three-phase input side of
AC motor drive in series-connected way. See the figure below:

AC input reactor setup

Specifications of AC input reactors (standard item)

The following table shows the specifications of AC input reactors (standard items) for Delta
CP2000 series products, and their part numbers to choose:

AC Input Reactor
200V~230V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps 3% 5% 3%
Max. continuous
of AC Reactor impedance impedance Built-in Input AC reactor
KW Amps (Arms)
Type (Arms) (mH) (mH) DC Delta part #
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light reactor Normal Light

Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 4.6 5 7.36 6 2.536 2.536 4.227 4.227 X N/A N/A
015 5 7.5 8 9 2.536 1.585 4.227 2.642 X N/A N/A
022 8 10 12.8 12 1.585 1.152 2.642 1.922 X N/A N/A
037 11 15 17.6 18 1.152 0.746 1.922 1.243 X N/A N/A

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

055 17 21 27.2 25.2 0.746 0.507 1.243 0.845 X N/A N/A
075 25 31 40 37.2 0.507 0.320 0.845 0.534 X N/A DR033AP320
110 33 46 52.8 55.2 0.320 0.216 0.534 0.359 X DR033AP320 DR049AP215
150 49 61 78.4 73.2 0.216 0.163 0.359 0.282 X DR049AP215 DR065AP162
185 65 75 104 90 0.163 0.147 0.271 0.245 X DR065AP162 N/A
220 75 90 120 108 0.169 0.141 0.282 0.235 X N/A N/A
300 90 105 144 126 0.141 0.106 0.235 0.176 X N/A N/A
370 120 146 192 175.2 0.106 0.087 0.176 0.145 O N/A N/A
450 146 180 233.6 216 0.087 0.070 0.145 0.117 O N/A N/A
550 180 215 288 258 0.070 0.059 0.117 0.098 O N/A N/A
750 215 276 344 331.2 0.059 0.049 0.098 0.083 O N/A N/A
900 255 322 408 386.4 0.049 0.037 0.083 0.061 O N/A N/A

380V~460V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps Max. 3% 5% 3%
of AC Reactor continuous impedance impedance Input AC reactor
KW (Arms) Amps (Arms) (mH) (mH) Built-in Delta part #
[HP] Norma DC reactor
Normal Light Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 2.8 3 4.48 3.6 8.102 8.102 13.502 13.502 X N/A N/A
015 3 4.2 4.8 5.04 8.102 6.077 13.502 10.127 X N/A N/A
022 4 5.5 6.4 6.6 6.077 4.050 10.127 6.752 X N/A N/A
037 6 8.5 9.6 10.2 4.050 2.700 6.752 4.501 X N/A N/A
040 9 10.5 14.4 12.6 2.700 2.315 4.501 3.858 X N/A N/A
055 10.5 13 16.8 15.6 2.315 2.025 3.858 3.375 X N/A N/A
075 12 18 19.2 21.6 2.025 1.174 3.375 1.957 X N/A DR018A0117
110 18 24 28.8 28.8 1.174 0.881 1.957 1.468 X DR018A0117 DR024AP880
150 24 32 38.4 38.4 0.881 0.660 1.468 1.101 X DR024AP880 DR032AP660
185 32 38 51.2 45.6 0.660 0.639 1.101 1.066 X DR032AP660 N/A
220 38 45 60.8 54 0.639 0.541 1.066 0.900 X N/A N/A
300 45 60 72 72 0.541 0.405 0.900 0.675 X N/A N/A
370 60 73 96 87.6 0.405 0.334 0.675 0.555 X N/A N/A
450 73 91 116.8 109.2 0.334 0.267 0.555 0.445 O N/A N/A
550 91 110 145.6 132 0.267 0.221 0.445 0.368 O N/A N/A
750 110 150 176 180 0.221 0.162 0.368 0.270 O N/A N/A
900 150 180 240 216 0.162 0.135 0.270 0.225 O N/A N/A
1100 180 220 288 264 0.135 0.110 0.225 0.184 O N/A N/A

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Rated Amps Max. 3% 5% 3%

of AC Reactor continuous impedance impedance Input AC reactor
KW (Arms) Amps (Arms) (mH) (mH) Built-in Delta part #
[HP] Norma DC reactor
Normal Light Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
1320 220 260 352 312 0.110 0.098 0.184 0.162 O N/A N/A
1600 260 310 416 372 0.098 0.078 0.162 0.131 O N/A N/A
1850 310 370 496 444 0.078 0.066 0.131 0.109 O N/A N/A
2200 370 460 592 552 0.066 0.054 0.109 0.090 O N/A N/A
2800 460 530 736 636 0.054 0.044 0.090 0.074 O N/A N/A
3150 550 616 880 739.2 0.044 0.039 0.074 0.066 O N/A N/A
3550 616 683 985.6 819.6 0.039 0.036 0.066 0.060 O N/A N/A
4500 683 770 1092.8 924 0.036 0.028 0.060 0.047 O N/A N/A
5000 866 912 1385.6 1094.4 0.028 0.028 0.047 0.047 O N/A N/A

DC Reactor

DC reactor can increase the impedance, improve the power factor, decrease input current, increase
system’s capacity and decrease harmonic which generates from AC motor drive. Furthermore, DC reactor
can steady the DC voltage of AC motor drive. Compare with the reactor which sets up at input side, it is
small, lower price, and low pressure drop.

Method of set up
DC reactor sets up between +1 and +2 of the circuit, and the jumper should be removed. See
the figure below:

DC reactor setup

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Specifications of DC reactors (standard item)

The following table shows the specifications of DC reactors (standard items) for Delta CP2000
series products.

200V~230V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps Max. continuous Amps DC impedance DC Reactor
of DC Reactor [Arms] [Arms] [mH] Delta part #
Type KW HP
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 0.75 1 4.6 5 7.36 6 5.857 5.857 N/A N/A
015 1.5 2 5 7.5 8 9 5.857 3.660 N/A N/A
022 2.2 3 8 10 12.8 12 3.660 2.662 N/A N/A
037 3.7 5 11 15 17.6 18 2.662 1.722 N/A N/A
055 5.5 7.5 17 21 27.2 25.2 1.722 1.172 N/A N/A
075 7.5 10 25 31 40 37.2 1.172 0.851 N/A N/A
110 11 15 33 46 52.8 55.2 0.851 0.574 N/A N/A
150 15 20 49 61 78.4 73.2 0.574 0.432 N/A N/A
185 18.5 25 65 75 104 90 0.432 0.391 N/A N/A
220 22 30 75 90 120 108 0.391 0.325 N/A N/A
300 30 40 90 105 144 126 0.325 0.244 N/A N/A

380V~460V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps Max. continuous Amps DC impedance DC Reactor
of DC Reactor [Arms] [Arms] [mH] Delta part #
Type KW HP
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 0.75 1 2.8 3 4.48 3.6 18.709 18.709 N/A N/A
015 1.5 2 3 4.2 4.8 5.04 18.709 14.031 N/A N/A
022 2.2 3 4 5.5 6.4 6.6 14.031 9.355 N/A N/A
037 3.7 5 6 8.5 9.6 10.2 9.355 6.236 N/A N/A
040 4 5 9 10.5 14.4 12.6 6.236 5.345 N/A N/A
055 5.5 7.5 10.5 13 16.8 15.6 5.345 4.677 N/A N/A
075 7.5 10 12 18 19.2 21.6 4.677 3.119 N/A N/A
110 11 15 18 24 28.8 28.8 3.119 2.338 N/A N/A
150 15 20 24 32 38.4 38.4 2.338 1.754 N/A N/A
185 18.5 25 32 38 51.2 45.6 1.754 1.477 N/A N/A
220 22 30 38 45 60.8 54 1.477 1.247 N/A N/A
300 30 40 45 60 72 72 1.247 0.935 N/A N/A
370 37 50 60 73 96 87.6 0.935 0.768 N/A N/A

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

The following table is spec. of THDi that Delta AC motor drives use with AC/DC reactors.
With built-in DC reactor
AC motor drive Without built-in DC reactor (Frame A~C)
(Frame D and above)
Built-in DC
Without reactor, and
Spec. of reactor adding input 3% Input 5% Input 4% without 3% Input 5% Input
(series-connected) AC/DC AC Reactor AC Reactor DC Reactor adding input AC Reactor AC Reactor
reactor AC/DC
5th 73.3% 38.5% 30.8% 25.5% 31.16% 27.01% 25.5%
7th 52.74% 15.3% 9.4% 18.6% 23.18% 9.54% 8.75%
11th 7.28% 7.1% 6.13% 7.14% 8.6% 4.5% 4.2%
13th 0.4% 3.75% 3.15% 0.48% 7.9% 0.22% 0.17%
THDi 91% 43.6% 34.33% 38.2% 42.28% 30.5% 28.4%
Note: THDi may have some difference due to different installation conditions and environment
Spec. of THDi

AC Output Reactor

If the length of cable between AC motor drive and motor is too long, it may make AC motor drive
trigger protection mechanism for GF (Ground Fault), OV (Over Current) and the AC motor drive stops
running. The cause is the over long motor cable will generate extremely large stray capacitance, make
common mode current of 3-phase output get too large and then trigger GF protection mechanism; OC
protection is triggered which is caused by stray capacitance of cable-cable and cable-ground are getting
larger, and its surge current makes AC motor drive output over large current. To prevent from the
common mode current that stray capacitance generates, set up AC output reactor between AC motor
drive and motor to increase the high frequency impedance.

Power transistor is switched via PWM to control the output voltage and frequency for AC motor
drive. During the switch process, impulse voltage (dv/dt) rises and falls rapidly will make inner voltage of
motor distribute unequally, and then the isolation of motor will be getting worse, and have interference of
bearing current and electromagnet. Especially when AC motor drive and motor are connected by long
leading wire, the influence of damping of high frequency resonance and reflected voltage that caused by
cable spreading parameters is getting large, and it will generate twice incoming voltage at motor side to
be over voltage, destroy the isolation.

Method of set up
AC output reactor sets up between motor and U, V, W which are at output side of AC motor drive in
series-connected way. See the figure below:

AC output reactor setup

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Specifications of AC output reactors (standard item)

The following table shows the specifications of AC output reactors (standard items) for Delta CP2000
series products, and their part numbers to choose:

200V~230V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps 3% 5% 3%
Max. continuous
of AC Reactor impedance impedance Input AC reactor
KW Amps (Arms) Built-in
Type (Arms) (mH) (mH) Delta part #
[HP] DC reactor
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 4.6 5 7.36 6 2.536 2.536 4.227 4.227 X N/A N/A
015 5 7.5 8 9 2.536 1.585 4.227 2.642 X N/A N/A
022 8 10 12.8 12 1.585 1.152 2.642 1.922 X N/A N/A
037 11 15 17.6 18 1.152 0.746 1.922 1.243 X N/A N/A
055 17 21 27.2 25.2 0.746 0.507 1.243 0.845 X N/A N/A
075 25 31 40 37.2 0.507 0.320 0.845 0.534 X N/A N/A
110 33 46 52.8 55.2 0.320 0.216 0.534 0.359 X N/A N/A
150 49 61 78.4 73.2 0.216 0.163 0.359 0.271 X N/A N/A
185 65 75 104 90 0.163 0.147 0.271 0.282 X N/A N/A
220 75 90 120 108 0.169 0.141 0.282 0.235 X N/A N/A
300 90 105 144 126 0.141 0.106 0.235 0.176 X N/A N/A
370 120 146 192 175.2 0.106 0.087 0.176 0.145 O N/A N/A
450 146 180 233.6 216 0.087 0.070 0.145 0.117 O N/A N/A
550 180 215 288 258 0.070 0.059 0.117 0.098 O N/A N/A
750 215 276 344 331.2 0.059 0.049 0.098 0.083 O N/A N/A
900 255 322 408 386.4 0.049 0.037 0.083 0.061 O N/A N/A

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

380V~460V/ 50~60Hz
Rated Amps 3% 5% 3%
Max. continuous Built-in
of AC Reactor impedance impedance Input AC reactor
KW Amps (Arms) DC reactor
Type (Arms) (mH) (mH) Delta part #
[HP] Normal
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Light Normal
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
007 2.8 3 4.48 3.6 8.102 8.102 13.502 13.502 X N/A N/A
015 3 4.2 4.8 5.04 8.102 6.077 13.502 10.127 X N/A N/A
022 4 5.5 6.4 6.6 6.077 4.050 10.127 6.752 X N/A N/A
037 6 8.5 9.6 10.2 4.050 2.700 6.752 4.501 X N/A N/A
040 9 10.5 14.4 12.6 2.700 2.315 4.501 3.858 X N/A N/A
055 10.5 13 16.8 15.6 2.315 2.025 3.858 3.375 X N/A N/A
075 12 18 19.2 21.6 2.025 1.174 3.375 1.957 X N/A N/A
110 18 24 28.8 28.8 1.174 0.881 1.957 1.468 X N/A N/A
150 24 32 38.4 38.4 0.881 0.660 1.468 1.101 X N/A N/A
185 32 38 51.2 45.6 0.660 0.639 1.101 1.066 X N/A N/A
220 38 45 60.8 54 0.639 0.541 1.066 0.900 X N/A N/A
300 45 60 72 72 0.541 0.405 0.900 0.675 X N/A N/A
370 60 73 96 87.6 0.405 0.334 0.675 0.555 X N/A N/A
450 73 91 116.8 109.2 0.334 0.267 0.555 0.445 O N/A N/A
550 91 110 145.6 132 0.267 0.221 0.445 0.368 O N/A N/A
750 110 150 176 180 0.221 0.162 0.368 0.270 O N/A N/A
900 150 180 240 216 0.162 0.135 0.270 0.225 O N/A N/A
1100 180 220 288 264 0.135 0.110 0.225 0.184 O N/A N/A
1320 220 260 352 312 0.110 0.098 0.184 0.162 O N/A N/A
1600 260 310 416 372 0.098 0.078 0.162 0.131 O N/A N/A
1850 310 370 496 444 0.078 0.066 0.131 0.109 O N/A N/A
2200 370 460 592 552 0.066 0.054 0.109 0.090 O N/A N/A
2800 460 530 736 636 0.054 0.044 0.090 0.074 O N/A N/A

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Rated Amps 3% 5% 3%
Max. continuous Built-in
of AC Reactor impedance impedance Input AC reactor
KW Amps (Arms) DC reactor
Type (Arms) (mH) (mH) Delta part #
[HP] Normal
Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Normal Light Light Normal
Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty
3150 550 616 880 739.2 0.044 0.039 0.074 0.066 O N/A N/A
3550 616 683 985.6 819.6 0.039 0.036 0.066 0.060 O N/A N/A
4500 683 770 1092.8 924 0.036 0.028 0.060 0.047 O N/A N/A
5000 866 912 1385.6 1094.4 0.028 0.028 0.047 0.047 O N/A N/A

The length of motor cable

1. Never connect phase lead capacitors or surge absorbers to the output terminals of the AC motor drive.
 If the length is too long, the stray capacitance between cables will increase and may cause leakage current. It
will activate the protection of over current, increase leakage current or not insure the correction of current
display. The worst case is that AC motor drive may damage.
 If more than one motor is connected to the AC motor drive, the total wiring length is the sum of the wiring
length from AC motor drive to each motor.
 For the 460V series AC motor drive, when an overload relay is installed between the drive and the motor to
protect motor over heating, the connecting cable must be shorter than 50m. However, an overload relay
malfunction may still occur. To prevent the malfunction, install an output reactor (optional) to the drive or lower
the carrier frequency setting (Pr.00-17).

2. When motor is driven by an AC motor drive of PWM type, the motor terminals will experience surge voltages
easily due to components conversion of AC motor drive and cable capacitance. When the motor cable is very long
(especially for the 460V series), surge voltages may reduce insulation quality. To prevent this situation, please
follow the rules below:
 Use a motor with enhanced insulation.
 Connect an output reactor (optional) to the output terminals of the AC motor drive
 The length of the cable between AC motor drive and motor should be as short as possible (10 to 20 m or less)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

The following table refers to IEC 60034-17 shows specification of the length of shielding cable for
CP2000 series motor. It applies to the motors which rated voltage is under 500Vac, peak-peak voltage
isolation rating is above (including) 1.35kV:
Rated Amps

of AC Reactor Without output AC reactor 3% output AC reactor

220V type KW HP
Shielding Un-shielding
Normal Light Shielding Un-shielding
cable cable
Duty Duty cable (meter) cable (meter)
(meter) (meter)
007 0.75 1 4.6 5 50 75 75 115
015 1.5 2 5 7.5 50 75 75 115
022 2.2 3 8 10 50 75 75 115
037 3.7 5 11 15 50 75 75 115
040 4 5 17 21 50 75 75 115
055 5.5 7.5 25 31 100 150 150 225
075 7.5 10 33 46 100 150 150 225
150 15 20 49 61 100 150 150 225
185 18.5 25 65 75 100 150 150 225
220 22 30 75 90 100 150 150 225
300 30 40 90 120 100 150 150 225
370 37 50 120 146 100 150 150 225
450 45 60 146 180 150 225 225 325
550 55 75 180 215 150 225 225 325
750 75 100 215 276 150 225 225 325
900 90 125 255 322 150 225 225 325

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Rated Amps

of AC Reactor Without output AC reactor 3% output AC reactor

440V type KW HP
Shielding Un-shielding
Normal Light Shielding Un-shielding
cable cable
Duty Duty cable (meter) cable (meter)
(meter) (meter)
007 0.75 1 2.8 3 50 75 75 115
015 1.5 2 3 4.2 50 75 75 115
022 2.2 3 4 5.5 50 75 75 115
037 3.7 5 6 8.5 50 75 75 115
040 4 5 9 10.5 50 75 75 115
055 5.5 7.5 10.5 13 50 75 75 115
075 7.5 10 12 18 100 150 150 225
110 11 15 18 24 100 150 150 225
150 15 20 24 32 100 150 150 225
185 18.5 25 32 38 100 150 150 225
220 22 30 38 45 100 150 150 225
300 30 40 45 60 100 150 150 225
370 37 50 60 73 100 150 150 225
450 45 60 73 91 150 225 225 325
550 55 75 91 110 150 225 225 325
750 75 100 110 150 150 225 225 325
900 90 125 150 180 150 225 225 325
1100 110 150 180 220 150 225 225 325
1320 132 175 220 260 150 225 225 325
1600 160 215 260 310 150 225 225 325
1850 185 250 310 370 150 225 225 325
2200 220 300 370 460 150 225 225 325
2800 280 375 460 530 150 225 225 325
3150 315 420 550 616 150 225 225 325
3550 355 475 616 683 150 225 225 325
4000 400 536 683 770 150 225 225 325
5000 500 675 866 912 150 225 225 325

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-5 Zero Phase Reactors



UNIT: mm(inch)
model A B C D E F G(Ø) Torque
98 73 36.5 29 56.5 86 5.5 2
RF008X00A < 10kgf/cm
(3.858) (2.874) (1.437) (1.142) (2.224) (3.386) (0.217)
110 87.5 43.5 36 53 96 5.5 2
RF004X00A < 10kgf/cm
(4.331) (3.445) (1.713) (1.417) (2.087) (3.780) (0.217)




UNIT: mm(inch)
model A B C D E F G(Ø) H Torque
200 172.5 90 78 55.5 184 5.5 22 2
RF002X00A <45kgf/cm
(7.874) (6.791) (3.543) (3.071) (2.185) (7.244) (0.217) (0.866)

UNIT: mm(inch)
model A B C D E F G(Ø) H I
RF300X00A 241(9.488) 217(8.543) 114(4.488) 155(6.102) 42(1.654) 220(8.661) 6.5(0.256) 7.0(0.276) 20(0.787)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Reactor Wiring
Recommended Wire Size Qty Corresponding motor drives
model (Note) Method

VFD007CP23A; VFD015CP23A; VFD022CP23A;

VFD037CP23A; VFD055CP23A; VFD007CP43A;
VFD015CP43B; VFD022CP43B; VFD037CP43B;
RF008X00A ≦8 AWG ≦8.37 mm 2
Diagram A 1 VFD040CP43A; VFD055CP43B; VFD075CP43B;
VFD075CP23A; VFD110CP23A; VFD150CP23A;
RF004X00A ≦4 AWG ≦21.15 mm 2
Diagram A 1 VFD110CP43B; VFD150CP43B; VFD185CP43B;
VFD185CP23A; VFD220CP23A; VFD300CP23A;
VFD370CP23A; VFD450CP23A; VFD220CP43A;
RF002X00A ≦2 AWG ≦33.62 mm 2
Diagram A 1 VFD300CP43B; VFD370CP43B; VFD450CP43S;
VFD550CP43S; VFD750CP43B; VFD900CP43A;
VFD550CP23A; VFD750CP23A; VFD900CP23A;
VFD1100CP43A; VFD1320CP43B;

RF300X00A ≦300 MCM ≦152 mm 2

Diagram A 1
VFD1600CP43A; VFD1850CP43B;
VFD2200CP43A; VFD2800CP43A;
VFD3150CP43A/C; VFD3550CP43A/C;
Note: 600V insulated cable wire

Diagram A

Please put all wires through at least one core without winding.
Zero Phase Reactor

R/L1 U/T1
T/L3 W/T1

Note 1: The table above gives approximate wire size for the zero phase reactors but the selection is ultimately
governed by the type and diameter of cable fitted i.e. the cable must fit through the center hole of zero
phase reactors.
Note 2: Only the phase conductors should pass through, not the earth core or screen.
Note3: When long motor output cables are used an output zero phase reactor may be required to reduce radiated
emissions from the cable.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-6 EMI Filter

The following table shows external EMI filter models for each CP2000 series AC motor drive. Users
can choose corresponding zero phase reactor and applicable shielding cable according to required noise
emission and electromagnetic disturbance rating, to make the best assembly and restrain
electromagnetic disturbance. If radiation emission (RE) is ignored, and only needs conducted emission
(CE) to reach Class C2 or C1 on site, zero phase reactor does not need to add at input side, and it can
reach the standard of EMC.
CE Cable Length
Zero Phase* Emission
input Applicable EMI Reactor default carrier frequency
Current Filter (See statements
below the table) EN61800-3 EN61800-3 EN61800-3
C1 C2 C2

VFD007CP23A 6.4A 50m 100m Pass

VFD015CP23A 9.6A 50m 100m Pass
VFD022CP23A 15A RF008X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD037CP23A 22A 50m 100m Pass
VFD055CP23A 25A 50m 100m Pass
VFD075CP23A 35A EMF056A23A 50m 100m Pass
VFD110CP23A 50A RF004X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD150CP23A 65A 50m 100m Pass
VFD185CP23A 83A KMF3100A 50m 100m Pass
VFD220CP23A 100A 50m 100m Pass
VFD300CP23A 116A RF002X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD370CP23A 146A 50m 100m Pass
VFD450CP23A 180A 50m 100m Pass
VFD550CP23A 215A 50m 100m Pass
VFD750CP23A 276A RF300X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD900CP23A 322A 50m 100m Pass
VFD007CP43A 4.3A 50m 100m Pass
VFD015CP43B 6A 50m 100m Pass
VFD022CP43B 8.1A 50m 100m Pass
VFD037CP43B 12.4A RF008X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD040CP43A 16A 50m 100m Pass
VFD055CP43B 20A 50m 100m Pass
VFD075CP43B 22A EMF039A43A 50m 100m Pass
VFD110CP43B 26A 50m 100m Pass
VFD150CP43B 35A RF004X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD185CP43B 42A 50m 100m Pass
VFD220CP43A 50A KMF370A 50m 100m Pass
VFD300CP43B 66A RF002X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD370CP43B 80A B84143D0150R127 50m 100m Pass

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

CE Cable Length
Zero Phase* Emission
input Applicable EMI Reactor default carrier frequency
Current Filter (See statements
below the table) EN61800-3 EN61800-3 EN61800-3
C1 C2 C2

VFD450CP43A 91A 50m 100m Pass

VFD550CP43A 110A 50m 100m Pass
VFD750CP43B 150A 50m 100m Pass
VFD900CP43A 180A 50m 100m Pass
VFD1100CP43A 220A RF300X00A 50m 100m Pass
VFD1320CP43B 260A 50m 100m Pass
VFD1600CP43A 310A MIF3400B 50m 100m Pass
VFD1850CP43B 370A 50m 100m Pass
VFD2200CP43A 460A 50m 100m Pass
VFD2800CP43A 530A 50m 100m Pass
VFD3150CP43A 616A MIF3800 50m 100m Pass
VFD3550CP43A 683A 50m 100m Pass
VFD4000CP43A 770A 50m 100m Pass
*For models of Frame A, B and C: On both input and output side, a zero phase reactor is required to be wired to the
motor drive. There should be in total 2 zero phase reactors.
For models of Frame D to H: Only 1 zero phase reactor is required to be wired on the output side of the motor drive.

The following table shows CP2000 series AC motor drives which have built-in EMI filters and
specification of their corresponding shielding cable. Users can choose applicable shielding cable
according to required noise emission and electromagnetic disturbance rating.

EMC standard EMC standard

AC motor drives of built-in EMI
(IEC 61800-3) (IEC 61800-3)
Filter Rated current Class C3 Class C2
The length of shielding The length of shielding
Frame size Models
cable cable
VFD007C43E 4.3 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD015C43E 5.9 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD022C43E 8.7 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD037C43E 14 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD040C43E 15.5 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD055C43E 17 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD075C43E 20 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
B VFD110C43E 26 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD150C43E 35 30m≤8kHz 10m≤8kHz
VFD185C43E 40 30m≤6kHz 10m≤6kHz
C VFD220C43E 47 30m≤6kHz 10m≤6kHz
VFD300C43E 63 30m≤6kHz 10m≤6kHz
* to prevent over long shielding cable from increasing stray capacitance, causing leakage
current, and making built-in EMI filter be over-heating and inactive, for frame size A models,
the length of shielding cable do not exceed over 30 m; for frame size B and C models, the
length of shielding cable do not exceed over 50 m.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

EMI Filter Installation

All electrical equipment, including AC motor drives, will generate high-frequency/low-frequency noise and will
interfere with peripheral equipment by radiation or conduction when in operation. By using an EMI filter with correct
installation, much interference can be eliminated. It is recommended to use DELTA EMI filter to have the best
interference elimination performance.
We assure that it can comply with following rules when AC motor drive and EMI filter are installed and wired
according to user manual:
 EN61800-3: 1996
 EN55011 (1991) Class A Group 1 (1 Environment, restricted distribution)

General precaution
1. EMI filter and AC motor drive should be installed on the same metal plate.
2. Please install AC motor drive on footprint EMI filter or install EMI filter as close as possible to the AC motor drive.
3. Please wire as short as possible.
4. Metal plate should be grounded.
5. The cover of EMI filter and AC motor drive or grounding should be fixed on the metal plate and the contact area
should be as large as possible.

Choose suitable motor cable and precautions

Improper installation and choice of motor cable will affect the performance of EMI filter. Be sure to observe the
following precautions when selecting motor cable.

1. Use the cable with shielding (double shielding is the best).

2. The shielding on both ends of the motor cable should be grounded with the minimum length and maximum
contact area.
3. Remove any paint on metal saddle for good ground contact with the plate and shielding.
Remove any paint on metal saddle for good ground contact with
the plate and shielding.

saddle the plate with grounding

Figure 1

Saddle on both ends

Saddle on one end

Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-7 Digital Keypad

7-7-1 KPC-CE01
A : M ai n Display
D isp la y f re qu en cy, c u rr en t, v ol tage a nd e r ro r e tc.

: S tatus Indicator
F: F re qu en cy C omma nd
H: O u tpu t F re qu en cy
U: U ser D efi n ed U ni ts
ERR: C A N E r ro r In di cato r
RUN: C AN R u n Indi cato r

C : F unc ti on
( Re fer t o th e ch ar t f ol lo ws f or d e tai l d escr ip tio n)

Key Description
Press ESC key to return to the previous page. It also functions as a return to last category key in the sub-menu.
MENU Menu Key
Press MENU key under any condition will return to the main MENU.
Menu content:
1. Parameter Detail 3. Keypad locked
2. Copy Parameter 4. PLC Function
Press ENTER and go to the next level. If it is the last level then press ENTER to execute the command.
1. HAND key will operates according to the parameter settings when the source of HAND master frequency
command and the source of HAND operation command is properly set,. The factory setting of the source
command for frequency and operation are from the digital keypad .
2. Press HAND key in stop status, the drive setting switches to the parameter setting of HAND. Press HAND
key in during operation, the drive will come to stop then switches to the parameter setting of HAND.
3. When process complete: H/A LED ON.
AUTO Auto Operation Key
1. AUTO function executes according to the parameter settings of the source of AUTO frequency and AUTO
operation. The factory setting is the external terminal (source of operation is 4-20mA).
2. Press the ATUO key in stop status, the drivel switches to auto-setting. Press the auto key during operation
status, the drivel will come to stop and switch to auto-setting.
3. When process complete: H/A LED is OFF
FWD/REV Operation Direction Key
1. FWD/REV key controls the operation direction but will NOT activate the drive. FWD: forward, REV: reverse.
2. The drive operates in the direction as shown by the LED light.
RUN Start Key
1. This button is functional only when the keypad is the source of the command.
2. This button allows the motor drive to run by following its settings. See Description of LED functions for LED
3. Press repeatedly the “RUN” button allows while the motor drive is stopping.
STOP Stop Key.
1. STOP key has the highest priority in command.
2. Press STOP key, the drive will come to stop under any condition.
3. The RESET key can be used to reset the drive when faults occur. If the RESET key is not responding, check
MENU  Fault Records and check the most recent fault.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Descriptions of LED Functions

LED Descriptions
Steady ON: operation indicator of the AC motor drive, including DC brake, zero speed, standby,
restart after fault and speed search.
Blinking: drive is decelerating to stop or in the status of base block.
Steady OFF: drive doesn’t execute the operation command
Steady ON: stop indicator of the AC motor drive.
Blinking: drive is in the standby status.
Steady OFF: drive doesn’t execute “STOP” command.
Operation Direction LED 『 Green light= Forward 』;『 』
Red light= Reversely
Steady ON: the drive is running forward.
Blinking: the drive is changing direction.
Steady Off: the drive is running reversely.

RUN (Green light):

CANopen at initial
LED steady off
CANopen at pre-operation

CANopen ~”RUN”

CANopen at stopped

Single ON 200 200 1000

ms ms ms
CANopen at operation status
LED steady on

ERR (Red light):

Condition/ State
OFF No Error
One message fail
Single ON
flash 200 1000
ms ms
Guarding fail or heartbeat fail
Double ON
CANopen ~”ERR” 200 200 200 1000
ms ms ms ms
SYNC fail
Triple ON
flash 2 00 2 00 200 200 20 0 1 0 00
ms ms ms ms ms ms
ON Bus off

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-7-2 Dimension

7-7-3 RJ45 Extension Lead for Digital Keypad

Part # Description
CBC-K3FT 3 feet RJ45 extension lead (approximately 0.9m)
CBC-K5FT 5 feet RJ45 extension lead (approximately 1.5 m)
CBC-K7FT 7 feet RJ45 extension lead (approximately 2.1 m)
CBC-K10FT 10 feet RJ45 extension lead (approximately 3 m)
CBC-K16FT 16 feet RJ45 extension lead (approximately 4.9 m)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-8 Panel Mounting (MKC-KPPK)

For MKC-KPPK model, user can choose wall mounting or embedded mounting, protection level is IP66.
Applicable to the digital keypads (KPC-CC01 & KPC-CE01).
Wall Mounting Embedded Mounting
accessories*1 accessories*2

Screw *4 ~M4*p 0.7 *L8mm

Screw *4 ~M4*p 0.7 *L8mm
Torque: 10-12kg-cm (8.7-10.4lb-in.)
Torque: 10-12kg-cm (8.7-10.4lb-in.)
Panel cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch] Panel cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

Normal cutout dimension

1.2mm 1.6mm 2.0mm
A 66.4 [2.614]
B 110.2 [4.339] 111.3 [4.382] 112.5 [4.429]
*Deviation: ±0.15mm /±0.0059inch
Cutout dimension (Waterproof level: IP56)
1.2mm 1.6mm 2.0mm
A 66.4 [2.614]
B 110.8 [4.362]
*Deviation: ±0.15mm /±0.0059inch

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Wall Mounting Embedded Mounting

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-9 Conduit Box Kit

Frame D0 Frame D
Applicable models Applicable models
VFD450CP43S-00; VFD550CP43S-00; VFD370CP23A-00; VFD450CP23A-00;
VFD450CP43S-21; VFD550CP43S-21 VFD750CP43B-00; VFD900CP43A-00;
VFD370CP23A-21; VFD450CP23A-21;
VFD750CP43B-21; VFD900CP43A-21

Model number MKC-D0N1CB 』 Model number 『MKC-DN1CB』
ITEM Description Qty. ITEM Description Qty.
1 Screw M5*0.8*10L 4 1 Screw M5*0.8*10L 4
2 Bushing Rubber 28 2 2 Bushing Rubber 28 2
3 Bushing Rubber 44 2 3 Bushing Rubber 44 2
4 Bushing Rubber 73 2 4 Bushing Rubber 88 2
5 Conduit box cover 1 5 Conduit box cover 1
6 Conduit box base 1 6 Conduit box base 1

Frame E Frame F
Applicable models Applicable models
VFD550CP23A-00; VFD750CP23A-00; VFD1600CP43A-00; VFD1850CP43B-00;
VFD900CP23A-00; VFD1100CP43A-00; VFD1600CP43A-21; VFD1850CP43B-21
VFD1320CP43B-00; VFD550CP23A-21;
VFD750CP23A-21; VFD900CP23A-21;
VFD1100CP43A-21; VFD1320CP43B-21

Model number 『MKC-EN1CB』 Model number 『MKC-FN1CB』

ITEM Description Qty. ITEM Description Qty.
1 Screw M5*0.8*10L 6 1 Screw M5*0.8*10L 8
2 Bushing Rubber 28 2 2 Bushing Rubber28 2
3 Bushing Rubber 44 4 3 Bushing Rubber 44 4
4 Bushing Rubber 100 2 4 Bushing Rubber 100 2
5 Conduit box cover 1 5 Conduit box cover 1
6 Conduit box base 1 6 Conduit box base 1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame G
Applicable models
VFD2200CP43A-00 ;VFD2800CP43A-00;
VFD2200CP43A-21 ;VFD2800CP43A-21
Model number 『MKC-GN1CB』
ITEM Description Qty.
1 Screw M *0.8*10L 12
2 Bushing Rubber 28 2
3 Bushing Rubber 44 2
4 Bushing Rubber 130 3
5 Conduit box cover 1
6 Conduit box base 1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

 Conduit Box Installation

Frame D0
1. Loosen the cover screws and press the tabs on each side of the cover to remove the cover, as shown in the
following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13 Ib-in)

2. Remove the 5 screws shown in the following figure. Screw torque:24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)

3. Install the conduit box by fasten the 5 screws shown in the following figure.
Screw torque:24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)

4. Fasten the 2 screws shown in the following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13 Ib-in)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D
1. Loosen the cover screws and press the tabs on each side of the cover to remove the cover, as shown in the
following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13 Ib-in)

2. Remove the 5 screws shown in the following figure. Screw torque:24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)

3. Install the conduit box by fasten the 5 screws shown in the following figure.
Screw torque:24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)

4. Fasten the 2 screws shown in the following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13 Ib-in)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame E
1. Loosen the 4 cover screws and lift the cover; Screw torque: 12~ 15 kg-cm (10.4~13Ib-in).

2. Fasten the 6 screws shown in the following figure and place the cover back to the original position. Screw
torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

3. Fasten the 4 screws shown in the following figure. Screw torque:12~15kg-cm (10.4~13Ib-in) 』

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame F

1. Loosen the cover screws and press the tabs on each side of the cover to remove the cover, as shown in the
following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13 Ib-in).


2. Install the conduit box by fastens the 4 screws, as shown in the following figure.
Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

3. Install the conduit box by fasten all the screws shown in the following figure
Screw 9~12 torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13.6Ib-in)
Screw 13~16 torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)




Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame G
1. 「
On the conduit box, loosen 7 of the cover screws and remove the cover Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm

(20.8~22.6Ib-in) . On the drive, loosen 4 of the cover screws and press the tabs on each side of the cover to
remove the cover, as shown in the following figure. Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13Ib-in).


Remove the top cover and loosen the screws.

M5 Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)
M8 Screw torque: 100~120kg-cm (86.7~104.1Ib-in)

2. Install the conduit box by fastening all the screws shown in the following figure.
M5 Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in)
M8 Screw torque: 100~120kg-cm (86.7~104.1Ib-in)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Fasten all the screws. Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

Place the cover back to the top and fasten the screws (as shown in the figure).
Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13Ib-in).

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-10 Fan Kit

 Frames of the fan kit
Frame A Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-AFKM』
Applicable Model
VFD022CP23A-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD037CP23A-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD055CP23A-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD022CP43B/4EB-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD037CP43B/4EB-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD040CP43A/4EA-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD055CP43B/4EB-21 uses MKC-AFKM
VFD075CP43B/4EB-21 uses MKC-AFKM2
Frame B Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-BFKM1』
Applicable Model


Frame B Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-BFKM2』

Applicable Model
VFD110CP23A-21 uses MKC-BFKM2
VFD150CP23A-21 uses MKC-BFKM3
VFD150CP43B-21 uses MKC-BFKM2
VFD150CP4EB-21 uses MKC-BFKM2
VFD185CP43B-21 uses MKC-BFKM2
VFD185CP4EB-21 uses MKC-BFKM2
(The MKC-BFKM2 and MKC-BFKM 3 have the same shape)

Frame B Capacitor Fan Model 『MKC-BFKB』

Applicable Model

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame C Capacitor Fan Model 『MKC-CFKB1』

Applicable Model

Frame C Capacitor Fan Model 『MKC-CFKB2』

Applicable Model
VFD185C43A/43E; VFD220C43A/43E;VFD300C43A/43E

Frame C Heat sink Fan 『MKC-CFKM』

Following Model use one set of MKC-CFKM:
VFD220CP43A/4EA-21; VFD300CP43B/4EB-21;

Following Model use two sets of MKC-CFKM

VFD185CP23A-21; VFD220CP23A-21; VFD300CP23A-21;

Frame D0 Heat sink Fan Model

『 』
Capacitor Fan Model
Applicable Model
VFD450CP43S-00/21; VFD550CP43S-00/21

Frame D Heat sink Fan Model

『 』
Capacitor Fan Model
Applicable Model
VFD750CP43B-00/21; VFD900CP43A-00/21

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame E Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-EFKM1』

Applicable Model
VFD550CP23A-00/21; VFD750CP23A-00/21

『 』
Frame E

Applicable Model
Heat sink Fan Model MKC-EFKM2

VFD900CP23A-00/21; VFD1100CP43A-00/21

Frame E Capacitor Fan Model 『MKC-EFKB』

Applicable Model
VFD900CP23A-00/21; VFD1100CP43A-00/21;

Frame F Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-FFKM』

Applicable Model
VFD1600CP43A-00/21; VFD1850CP43B-00/21

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame F Capacitor Fan Model 『MKC-FFKB』

Applicable Model
VFD1600CP43A-00/21; VFD1850CP43B-00/21

Frame G Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-GFKM』

Applicable Model
VFD2200CP43A-00/21; VFD2800CP43A-00/21

Frame H Heat sink Fan Model 『MKC-HFKM』

Applicable Model
VFD3150CP43A-00; VFD3150CP43C-00/21;
VFD3550CP43A-00; VFD3550CP43C-00/21;
VFD4000CP43A-00; VFD4000CP43C-00/21;
VFD5000CP43A-00; VFD5000CP43C-00/21

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

 Fan Removal
Frame A
『 』
Model MKC-AFKM : Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD022CP23A-21; VFD037CP23A-21; VFD055CP23A-21; VFD022CP43B/4EB-21; VFD037CP43B/4EB-21;

Model 『MKC-AFKM2』: Heat Sink Fan

Applicable model

1. Refer to Figure 1, press the tabs on both side of the 2. Disconnect the power terminal before removing the
fan to successfully remove the fan. fan. (As shown below.)

Figure 2
Figure 1
Frame B

Model MKC-BFKM1 』Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD075CP23A-21; VFD110CP43B/4EB-21

Model 『MKC-BFKM2』Heat Sink Fan

Applicable model
VFD110CP23A-21; VFD150CP43B/4EB-21; VFD185CP43B/4EB-21

Model 『MKC-BFKM3』Heat Sink Fan

Applicable model

1. Refer to Figure 1, press the tab on both side of the 2. Disconnect the power terminal before removing the
fan to successfully remove the fan. fan.
(As shown below.)

Figure 1
Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame B
『 』
Model MKC-BFKB Capacitor Fan
Applicable model
VFD075CP23A-21; VFD110CP23A-21; VFD110CP43B/4EB-21; VFD150CP23A-21; VFD150CP43B/4EB-21;

Disconnect fan power and pull out the fan by using flathead screwdriver. (As shown in the larger picture)

Frame C
Model 『MKC-CFKM』Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
Single fan kit applicable models (only fan kit 1 is required to be installed): VFD220CP43A/4EA-21;

VFD300CP43B/4EB-21; VFD370CP43B-21

Duo fan kit applicable models (both fan kit 1 and 2 are required to be installed): VFD185CP23A-21;
VFD220CP23A-21; VFD300CP23A-21; VFD370CP4EB-21

1. (As shown Figure 1) Before removing the fan, remove the cover by using a slotted screwdriver.

Figure 1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

2. (As shown in Figure 2), remove the power connector, loosen the screw and remove the fan kit. When
installing the fan kit, have the label on the fan kit facing inside of the motor drive.
Screw’s torque force: 10~12kgf-cm (8.7~10.4(lb-in)

Figure 2
Frame C
『 』
Model MKC-CFKB1 Capacitor Fan
Applicable model
VFD185CP23A-21; VFD220CP23A-21; VFD300CP23A-21

Model 『MKC-CFKB2』Capacitor Fan

Applicable model
VFD220CP43A/4EA-21; VFD300CP43B/4EB-21; VFD370CP43B/4EB-21

Disconnect fan power and pull out the fan by using flathead screwdriver. (As shown in the larger picture)

Figure 1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D0

Model MKC-DFKB 』Capacitor Fan
Applicable model
VFD450CP43S-00/21; VFD550CP43S-00/21

1. Loosen screw 1 and screw 2, press the tab on the 2. (Figure 2) Loosen screw 3, press the tab on the right
right and left to remove the cover, follow the direction 『
and the left to remove the cover. Screw 3 Torque :
the arrows indicate. Press on top of digital keypad to
properly remove it. Screw 1, 2
6~8kgf-cm (5.2~6.9lb-in)』
『 Torque :12~15kgf-cm (8.6~10.4lb-in) 』


Figure 1 Figure 2

3. Loosen screw 4 (figure 3) and disconnect fan power

and pull out the fan. (As shown in the enlarged

picture 3) Screw 4 Torque : 10~12kgf-cm
(8.6~10.4lb-in) 』

Figure 3

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D0

Model MKC-D0FKM 』Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD450CP43S-00/21; VFD550CP43S-00/21

1. Loosen the screw and remove the fan kit. 『

Screw torque: 24~26kgf-cm (20.8~22.6lb-in) 』
2. (As shown Figure 1) Before removing the fan, remove the cover by using a slotted screwdriver.



Figure 1
Frame D

Model MKC-DFKB 』Capacitor Fan
Applicable model
VFD370CP23A-00/21; VFD450CP23A-00/21; VFD450CP43A-00/21; VFD550CP43A-00/21; VFD750CP43B-00/21;

1. Loosen screw 1 and screw 2, press the on the right 2. (Figure 2) Loosen screw 3, press the tab on the right
and the left to remove the cover, follow the direction and the left to remove the cover.
the arrows indicate. Press on top of digital keypad to 『
Screw 3, 4 Torque : 6~8kgf-cm (5.2~6.9lb-in) 』
properly remove it. Screw 1, 2
『Torque :12~15kgf-cm (10.4~13lb-in) 』


Figure 2
Figure 1
3. Loosen screw 5 (figure 3) and disconnect fan power and pull out the fan. (As shown in the enlarged picture 3)

Screw 5 Torque :10~12kgf-cm (8.6~10.4lb-in) 』

Figure 3

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D
『 』
Model MKC-DFKM Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD370CP23A-00/21; VFD450CP23A-00/21; VFD450CP43A-00/21; VFD550CP43A-00/21; VFD750CP43B-00/21;
1. Loosen the screw and remove the fan kit. 『
Screw torque: 24~26kgf-cm (20.8~22.6lb-in) 』
2. (As shown Figure 1) Before removing the fan, remove the cover by using a slotted screwdriver.



Figure 1
Frame E

『 』
Model MKC-EFKM1 Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD550CP23A-00/21; VFD750CP23A-00/21
1. Loosen screw 1~4 (figure 1) and disconnect fan power and pull out the fan. (As shown in the enlarged picture

1) Screw1~4 Torque : 24~26kgf-cm (20.8~22.6lb-in) 』

Figure 1
『 』
Model MKC-EFKM2 Heat Sink Fan
Applicable model
VFD900CP23A-00/21; VFD1100CP43A-00/21; VFD1320CP43B-00/21
1. Loosen screw 1~4 (figure 2) and disconnect fan power and pull out the fan. (As shown in the enlarged picture

2) Screw1~4 Torque : 24~26kgf-cm (20.8~22.6lb-in) 』

Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

『 』
Model MKC-EFKB Capacitor Fan
Applicable model
VFD550CP23A-00/21; VFD750CP23A-00/21; VFD900CP23A-00/21; VFD1100CP43A-00/21;
1. Loosen screw 1~2 (figure 3) and disconnect fan power and pull out the fan. (As shown in the enlarged picture

3) Screw1~2 Torque : 24~26kgf-cm (20.8~22.6lb-in) 』

Figure 3
Frame F
Applicable model
VFD1600CP43A-00/21; VFD1850CP43B-00/21;
『 』
Fan model MKC-FFKM Heat Sink Fan
Loosen the screws and plug out the power of fan before removing (figure 1). Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm
(10.4~13Ib-in) 』

Figure 1

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Fan model 『MKC-FFKB』Capacitor Fan

(1) Loosen the screw (figure 1) and removes the cover. (2) Loosen the screw (figure 2) and removes the cover.
Screw torque: 14~16kg-cm (12.2~13.9Ib-in). Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

Figure 1 Figure 2
(3) Loosen the screws and remove the fan. (figure 3 and figure 4) Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).




Figure 3 Figure 4
Frame G
Applicable model
VFD2200CP43A-00/21; VFD2800CP43A-00/21;
Fan model 『MKC-GFKM』Heat Sink Fan (2) For 1~8 shown in the figure 2: Loosen the screws
Screw torque:35~40kg-cm (30.4~34.7lb-in)
(1) Loosen the screw (figure 1) and remove the cover.
Screw torque: 12~15kg-cm (10.4~13Ib-in). For 9~10 shown in the figure 2: Loosen the screws
and removes the cover.
Screw M4 torque: 14~16kg-cm (12.2~13.9 Ib-in).


3 6


4 2

Figure 1
Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

(3) Loosen screw 1,2,3 and remove the protective ring (4) Lift the fan by putting your finger through the
(as shown in figure 3) Screw torque: 14~16kg-cm protective holes, as indicates in 1 and 2 on the figure
(12.2~13.9 Ib-in). 4.

2 5 1


Figure 4

Figure 3
Frame H
Applicable model
VFD3150CP43A-00; VFD3150CP43C-00/21; VFD3550CP43A-00; VFD3550CP43C-00/21; VFD4000CP43A-00;
VFD4000CP43C-00/21; VFD5000CP43A-00; VFD5000CP43C-00/21
Fan model 『MKC-HFKM』Heat Sink Fan (2) Loosen the screw and remove the top cover (figure
(1) Loosen the screw and remove the top cover (figure 1) Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).
Screw torque: 14~16kg-cm (12.2~13.9Ib-in)



3 6

Figure 1
Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

(3) Disconnect the fan (figure 3). (4) Loosen the screw and remove the fan. Make sure fan
power is properly disconnected before removal.
Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in). (figure

15 14
13 13
17 18

Figure 3
Figure 4

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-11 Flange Mounting Kit

Applicable Models, Frame A~F
Frame A
Applicable model
VFD022CP23A-21; VFD022CP43B/4EB-21; VFD037CP23A-21;

Screw 1 *4
M3*P 0.5; L=6mm

Screw 2*8
M6*P 1.0; L=16mm

Accessories 1*1 Accessories 2*2 Accessories 3*2

Applicable model
VFD007CP4EA-21; VFD015CP23A-21; VFD015CP43B/4EB-21; VFD022CP23A-21; VFD037CP43B/4EB-21;
VFD055CP23A-21; VFD040CP43A/4EA-21; VFD055CP43B/4EB-21; VFD075CP43B/4EB-21

Screw *8
M6*P 1.0; L=16mm

Accessory 2*2 Accessory t 3*2

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

1. Install accessory 1 by fastening 4 of the screw 1(M3) (figure 1). Screw torque: 6~8kg-cm (5.21~6.94Ib-in).

Figure 1

2. Install accessory 2&3 by fastening 2 of the screw 2(M6) (figure 2). Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in).

Figure 2

3. Install accessory 2&3 by fastening 2 of the screw 2(M6) (figure 3). Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in).

Figure 3

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

4. Plate installation, place 4 of the screw 2 (M6) (figure 4) through accessory 2&3 and the plate then fasten the
screws. Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in).

Figure 4

『MKC-AFM』 Installation
1. Fasten screw*2(M6) and accessory 2 &3. Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in). (figure 1)

Figure 1

2. Fasten screw*2(M6) and accessory 2 &3. Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in). (figure 2)

Figure 2

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

3. Plate installation, place 4 of the screw *4 (M6) through accessory 2&3 and the plate then fasten the screws.
Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in). (figure 3)

Figure 3

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame B
Applicable model
VFD075CP23A-21; VFD110CP23A-21; VFD110CP43B/4EB-21; VFD150CP23A-21; VFD150CP43B/4EB-21;

Screw 1 *4 ~ M8*P 1.25;

Screw 2*6 ~ M6*P 1.0;

Accessory 1*2 Accessory 2*2

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

1. Install accessory 1& 2 by fastening 4 of the screw 1(M8). Screw torque: 40~45kg-cm (34.7~39.0Ib-in).
(As shown in the following figure)

2. Plate installation, place 6 of the screw 2 (M6) through accessory 1&2 and the plate then fasten the screws.
Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in). (As shown in the following figure)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame C
Applicable model
VFD185CP23A-21; VFD220CP23A-21; VFD220CP43A/4EA-21; VFD300CP23A-21; VFD300CP43B/4EB-21;

Screw 1*4 ~ M8*P 1.25;

Screw 2*8 ~ M6*P 1.0;

Accessory 1*2 Accessory 2*2

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

1. Install accessory 1& 2 by fastening 4 of the screw 1(M8). Screw torque: 50~55kg-cm (43.4~47.7Ib-in).
(As shown in the following figure)

2. Plate installation, place 8 of the screw 2 (M6) through Accessory 1&2 and the plate then fasten the screws.
Screw torque: 25~30kg-cm (21.7~26Ib-in). (As shown in the following figure)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D0
Applicable model
VFD450CP43S-00/21; VFD550CP43S-00/21

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

OR 11.0[0.43](4X)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D
Applicable model
VFD370CP23A-00/21; VFD450CP23A-00/21; VFD750CP43B-00/21; VFD900CP43A-00/21

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

OR 11.0[0.43](4X)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame E
Applicable model
VFD550CP23A-00/21; VFD750CP23A-00/21; VFD900CP23A-00/21; VFD1100CP43A-00/21;

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame D0 & D & E

1. Loosen 8 screws and remove Fixture 2 (as shown in 2. Loosen 10 screws and remove Fixture 1 (as shown
the following figure). in the following figure).

3. Fasten 4 screws (as shown in the following figure). 4. Fasten 5 screws (as shown in the following figure).
Screw torque: 30~32kg-cm (26.0~27.8Ib-in). Screw torque: 30~32kg-cm (26.0~27.8Ib-in).

5. Fasten 4 screws (as shown in the following figure). 6. Fasten 5 screws (as shown in the following figure).
Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in). Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

7. Place 4 screws (M10) through Fixture 1&2 and the

plate then fasten the screws. (as shown in the
following figure)
Frame D0/D M10*4
Screw torque: 200~240kg-cm (173.6~208.3Ib-in).
Frame E M12*4
Screw torque: 300~400kg-cm (260~347Ib-in).

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame F
Applicable model
VFD1600CP43A-00/21; VFD1850CP43B-00/21

Cutout dimension Unit: mm [inch]

OR 13.0[0.51](4X)

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

Frame F
1. Loosen 12 screws and remove Fixture 2. 2. Loosen 12 screws and remove Fixture 2.
Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

1 1
6 6

12 3
2 12 4
7 3
8 7 2
10 9
11 10

3. Loosen screw 13 ~26 and remove Fixture 1. 4. Install Fixture 1 by fasten screw 13 ~26
Screw torque: 24~26kg-cm (20.8~22.6Ib-in).

19 18
18 17
26 16
14 14
25 15

23 22

5. Place 4 of the M12 screws through Fixture 1&2 and

plate then fasten the screws.
Screw torque: 300~400kg-cm (260~347Ib-in).

Screws M12*4

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

7-12 USB/RS-485 Communication Interface IFD6530

 Please thoroughly read this instruction sheet before installation and putting it into use.
 The content of this instruction sheet and the driver file may be revised without prior notice. Please
consult our distributors or download the most updated instruction/driver version at

1. Introduction
IFD6530 is a convenient RS-485-to-USB converter, which does not require external power-supply and complex
setting process. It supports baud rate from 75 to 115.2kbps and auto switching direction of data transmission. In
addition, it adopts RJ-45 in RS-485 connector for users to wire conveniently. And its tiny dimension, handy use of
plug-and-play and hot-swap provide more conveniences for connecting all DELTA IABU products to your PC.
Applicable Models: All DELTA IABU products.

(Application & Dimension)

2. Specifications

Power supply No external power is needed

Power consumption 1.5W

Isolated voltage 2,500VDC

Baud rate 75, 150, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200 bps

RS-485 connector RJ-45

USB connector A type (plug)

Compatibility Full compliance with USB V2.0 specification

Max. cable length RS-485 Communication Port: 100 m

Support RS-485 half-duplex transmission

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories


PIN Description PIN Description

1 Reserved 5 SG+

2 Reserved 6 GND

3 GND 7 Reserved

4 SG- 8 +9V

3. Preparations before Driver Installation

Please extract the driver file (IFD6530_Drivers.exe) by following steps. You could find driver file
(IFD6530_Drivers.exe) in the CD supplied with IFD6530.

Note: DO NOT connect IFD6530 to PC before extracting the driver file.




You should have a folder marked SiLabs under drive C. c:\ SiLabs

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

4. Driver Installation
After connecting IFD6530 to PC, please install driver by following steps.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

5. LED Display
1. Steady Green LED ON: power is ON.
2. Blinking orange LED: data is transmitting.

Chapter 7 Optional Accessories

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Chapter 8 Option Cards

Please select applicable option cards for your drive or contact local distributor for suggestion.
To prevent drive damage during installation, please removes the digital keypad and the cover before
wiring. Refer to the following instruction.

8-1 Removed key cover

Frame A & B & C
Screw Torque: 8~10Kg-cm [6.9~8.7lb-in.]

Frame D0
Screw Torque: 8~10Kg-cm [6.9~8.7lb-in.]

Frame D
Screw Torque: 8~10Kg-cm [6.9~8.7lb-in.]

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Frame E
Slightly lift the cover then pull to remove. Screw Torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.]

Frame F
Screw Torque: 12~ 15 Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.]

Frame G
Screw Torque: 12~15Kg-cm [10.4~13lb-in.]

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Frame H
Screw Torque: 14~16Kg-cm [12.15~13.89lb-in.]

1 RJ45 (Socket) for digital keypad

1 KPC-CC01; KPC-CE01
3 Slot 3 Please refer to CH10 Digital Keypad for more details on
Please refer to CH10 Digital Keypad for more details on
4 Slot 2 Slot 1 optional accessory RJ45 extension cable.
2 Communication extension card (Slot 1)
3 I/O & Relay extension card (Slot 3)
EMC-D42A; EMC-D611A;
4 PG Card (Slot 2)
No function

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-2 Screws Specification for option card terminals:

EMC-D42A (
Wire gauge 24~12AWG 0.205~3.31mm

Torque 5Kg-cm [4.34Ib-in]


Wire gauge 26~16AWG 0128~1.31mm

Torque 8Kg-cm [6.94Ib-in]

I/O & Relay extension card (Slot 3)



Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Communication extension card (Slot 1)



Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Extension Card intallation

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Disconneting the extension card

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-3 EMC-D42A
Terminals Descriptions
Common for Multi-function input terminals
COM ( ) ( )
Select SINK NPN /SOURCE PNP in J1 jumper / external power
Refer to parameters 02-26~02-29 to program the multi-function
inputs MI10~MI13.
Internal power is applied from terminal E24: +24Vdc±5% 200mA,
MI10~ MI13
External power +24VDC: max. voltage 30VDC, min. voltage
19VDC, 30W
ON: the activation current is 6.5mA
I/O Extension OFF: leakage current tolerance is 10µA
Multi-function output terminals (photocoupler)
The AC motor drive releases various monitor signals, such as drive
in operation, frequency attained and overload indication, via
transistor (open collector).

Common for multi-function output terminals MO10,
MXM MO11(photocoupler)
Max 48VDC 50mA

8-4 EMC-D611A
Terminals Descriptions
AC AC power Common for multi-function input terminal (Neutral)
Refer to Pr. 02.26~ Pr. 02.31 for multi-function input selection
I/O Extension Input voltage: 100~130VAC
Card Input frequency: 47~63Hz
MI10~ MI15 Input impedance: 27Kohm
Terminal response time:
ON: 10ms
OFF: 20ms

8-5 EMC-R6AA
Terminals Descriptions
Refer to Pr. 02.36~ Pr. 02.41 for multi-function input selection
Resistive load:
5A(N.O.) 250VAC
Relay Extension 5A(N.O.) 30VDC
Card Inductive load (COS 0.4)
2.0A(N.O.) 250VAC
2.0A(N.O.) 30VDC
It is used to output each monitor signal, such as drive is in
operation, frequency attained or overload indication.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-6 EMC-BPS01
Terminals Descriptions
Input power: 24V±5%
Maximum input current:0.5A
External Power Note:
Supply GND
1) Do not connect control terminal +24V (Digital control signal common:
SOURCE) directly to the EMC-BPS01input terminal 24V.
2) Do not connect control terminal GND directly to the EMC-BPS01 input
termina GND.
Note: Refer to I/O & Rlay extension card installation/ disconnecting method for PG Card installation/ disconnecting.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-7 CMC-MOD01

1. Supports Modbus TCP protocol
2. MDI/MDI-X auto-detect
3. Baud rate: 10/100Mbps auto-detect
4. E-mail alarm
5. AC motor drive keypad/Ethernet configuration
6. Virtual serial port.
 Product File

1 I/O CARD & Relay Card

2 PG Card
3 Comm. Card
4 RJ-45 connection port
5 Removable control circuit

Network Interface

Interface RJ-45 with Auto MDI/MDIX

Number of ports 1 Port
Transmission method IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u
Transmission cable Category 5e shielding 100M
Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Auto-Detect
Network protocol
Delta Configuration

Electrical Specification

Power supply voltage 5VDC (supply by the AC motor drive)

Insulation voltage 2KV
Power consumption 0.8W
Weight 25g

Chapter 8 Optional Cards


ESD (IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 61000-4-2)

EFT (IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 61000-4-4)
Noise immunity
Surge Test (IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 61000-4-5)
Conducted Susceptibility Test (IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 61000-4-6)
Operation: -10°C ~ 50°C (temperature), 90% (humidity)
Storage: -25°C ~ 70°C (temperature), 95% (humidity)
International standard: IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 60068-2-6/IEC
Vibration/shock immunity
61800-5-1, IEC 60068-2-27

 Install CMC-MOD01 to VFD-CP2000

1. Switch off the power supply of VFD-CP2000.
2. Open the front cover of VFD-CP2000.
3. Place the insulation spacer into the positioning pin at Slot 1 (shown in Figure 3), and aim the
two holes on the PCB at the positioning pin. Press the pin to clip the holes with the PCB (shown
in Figure 4).
4. Screw up at torque 6 ~ 8 kg-cm (5.21 ~ 6.94 in-lbs) after the PCB is clipped with the holes
(shown in Figure 5).

Slot 3

Slot 2 Slot 1

[Figure 3] [Figure 4]

[Figure 5]

 Communication Parameters for VFD-CP2000 Connected to Ethernet

When VFD-CP2000 is link to Ethernet, please set up the communication parameters base on the
table below. Ethernet master will be able to read/write the frequency word and control word of
VFD-CP2000 after communication parameters setup.
Parameter Function Set value (Dec) Explanation
(Dec) Source of frequency The frequency command is controlled by
P00-20 8
command setting communication card.
Source of operation The operation command is controlled by
P00-21 5
command setting communication card.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Decoding method for Decoding method for Delta AC motor

P09-30 0
communication drive
P09-75 IP setting 0 Static IP(0) / Dynamic distribution IP(1)
P09-76 IP address -1 192 IP address
P09-77 IP address -2 168 IP address
P09-78 IP address -3 1 IP address
P09-79 IP address -4 5 IP address
P09-80 Netmask -1 255 Netmask
P09-81 Netmask -2 255 Netmask
P09-82 Netmask -3 255 Netmask
P09-83 Netmask -4 0 Netmask
P09-84 Default gateway -1 192 Default gateway
P09-85 Default gateway -2 168 Default gateway
P09-86 Default gateway -3 1 Default gateway
P09-87 Default gateway -4 1 Default gateway

 Disconnecting CMC- MOD01 from VFD-CP2000

1. Switch off the power supply of VFD-CP2000.
2. Remove the two screws (shown in Figure 6).
3. Twist opens the card clip and inserts the slot type screwdriver to the hollow to prize the PCB off
the card clip (shown in Figure 7).
4. Twist opens the other card clip to remove the PCB (shown in Figure 8).

[Figure 6] [Figure 7]

[Figure 8]

 Basic Registers

BR# R/W Content Explanation

Model name Set up by the system; read only. The model code of
#0 R
Firmware Displaying the current firmware version in hex, e.g. H’0100 indicates the
#1 R
version firmware version V1.00.
Displaying the data in decimal form. 10,000s digit and 1,000s digit are for
Release date of
#2 R “month”; 100s digit and 10s digit are for “day”.
the version
For 1 digit: 0 = morning; 1 = afternoon.
#11 R/W Modbus Timeout Pre-defined setting: 500 (ms)
#13 R/W Keep Alive Time Pre-defined setting: 30 (s)

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

 LED Indicator & Troubleshooting

LED Indicators
LED Status Indication How to correct it?
On Power supply in normal status --
Off No power supply Check the power supply

On Network connection in normal status --

LINK Green Flashes Network in operation --

Off Network not connected Check if the network cable is

Abnormality Cause How to correct it?
Check if AC motor drive is powered, and if the
AC motor drive not powered
power supply is normal.
CMC-MOD01 not connected Make sure CMC-MOD01 is connected to AC motor
to AC motor drive drive.
CMC-MOD01 not connected Make sure the network cable is correctly connected
to network to network.
Poor contact to RJ-45 Make sure RJ-45 connector is connected to
connector Ethernet port.

CMC-MOD01 not connected

Make sure CMC-MOD01 is connected to network.
to network
No module found PC and CMC-MOD01 in
Search by IP or set up relevant settings by AC
different networks and
motor drive keypad.
blocked by network firewall.
CMC-MOD01 not connected Make sure CMC-MOD01 is connected to the
to network network.
Fail to open Incorrect communication Make sure the communication setting in DCISoft is
CMC-MOD01 setup setting in DCISoft set to Ethernet.
page PC and CMC-MOD01 in
different networks and Conduct the setup by AC motor drive keypad.
blocked by network firewall.
Able to open Check if the network setting for CMC-MOD01 is
CMC-MOD01 setup correct. For the Intranet setting in your company,
Incorrect network setting in
page but fail to please consult your IT staff. For the Internet setting
utilize webpage in your home, please refer to the network setting
monitoring instruction provided by your ISP.
Incorrect network setting in Check if the network setting for CMC-MOD01 is
CMC-MOD01 correct.
Fail to send e-mail
Incorrect mail server setting Please confirm the IP address for SMTP-Server.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-8 CMC-PD01

1. Supports PZD control data exchange.
2. Supports PKW polling AC motor drive parameters.
3. Supports user diagnosis function.
4. Auto-detects baud rates; supports Max. 12Mbps.

 Product Profile

1. NET indicator
2. POWER indicator
3. Positioning hole
4. AC motor drive connection
5. PROFIBUS DP connection
6. Screw fixing hole
7. Fool-proof groove



Interface DB9 connector

Transmission method High-speed RS-485
Transmission cable Shielded twisted pair cable
Electrical isolation 500VDC


Message type Cyclic data exchange

Module name CMC-PD01
GSD document DELA08DB.GSD
Company ID 08DB (HEX)
Serial transmission
9.6kbps; 19.2kbps; 93.75kbps; 187.5kbps; 125kbps; 250kbps; 500kbps; 1.5Mbps;
speed supported
3Mbps; 6Mbps; 12Mbps (bit per second)

Electrical Specification

Power supply 5VDC (supplied by AC motor drive)

Insulation voltage 500VDC
Power consumption 1W
Weight 28g

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

ESD(IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-2)
EFT(IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-4)
Noise immunity Surge Teat(IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-5)
Conducted Susceptibility Test(IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-6)
Operation: -10ºC ~ 50ºC (temperature), 90% (humidity)
Operation /storage
Storage: -25ºC ~ 70ºC (temperature), 95% (humidity)
Shock / vibration International standards: IEC61131-2, IEC68-2-6 (TEST Fc)/IEC61131-2 & IEC
resistance 68-2-27 (TEST Ea)


PIN PIN name Definition

1 - Not defined
2 - Not defined 9 5
3 Rxd/Txd-P Sending/receiving data P(B)
4 - Not defined
5 DGND Data reference ground
6 1
6 VP Power voltage – positive
7 - Not defined
8 Rxd/Txd-N Sending/receiving data N(A)
9 - Not defined

 LED Indicator & Troubleshooting

There are 2 LED indicators on CMC-PD01. POWER LED displays the status of the working power.
NET LED displays the connection status of the communication.

LED status Indication How to correct it?

Green light on Power supply in normal status. --
Check if the connection between CMC-PD01 and AC
Off No power
motor drive is normal.


LED status Indication How to correct it?

Green light on Normal status --
CMC-PD01 is not connected to
Red light on Connect CMC-PD01 to PROFIBUS DP bus.
Red light Invalid PROFIBUS communication Set the PROFIBUS address of CMC-PD01 between 1 ~
flashes address 125 (decimal)
Orange light CMC-PD01 fails to communication Switch off the power and check whether CMC-PD01 is
flashes with AC motor drive. correctly and normally connected to AC motor drive.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-9 CMC-DN01
1. Based on the high-speed communication interface of Delta HSSP protocol, able to conduct
immediate control to AC motor drive.
2. Supports Group 2 only connection and polling I/O data exchange.
3. For I/O mapping, supports Max. 32 words of input and 32 words of output.
4. Supports EDS file configuration in DeviceNet configuration software.
5. Supports all baud rates on DeviceNet bus: 125kbps, 250kbps, 500kbps and extendable serial
transmission speed mode.
6. Node address and serial transmission speed can be set up on AC motor drive.
7. Power supplied from AC motor drive.
 Product Profile

1. NS indicator
2. MS indicator
3. POWER indicator
4. Positioning hole
5. DeviceNet connection port
6. Screw fixing hole
7. Fool-proof groove
8. AC motor drive connection


DeviceNet Connector

Interface 5-PIN open removable connector. Of 5.08mm PIN interval

Transmission CAN
Transmission cable Shielded twisted pair cable (with 2 power cables)
Transmission speed 125kbps, 250kbps, 500kbps and extendable serial transmission speed
Network protocol DeviceNet protocol

AC Motor Drive Connection Port

Interface 50 PIN communication terminal

Transmission method SPI communication
1. Communicating with AC motor drive
Terminal function
2. Transmitting power supply from AC motor drive
Communication Delta HSSP protocol

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Electrical Specification

Power supply voltage 5VDC (supplied by AC motor drive)

Insulation voltage 500VDC
Communication wire
power consumption
Power consumption 1W
Weight 23g

ESD (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-2)
EFT (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-4)
Noise immunity
Surge Teat(IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-5)
Conducted Susceptibility Test (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 6100-4-6)
Operation: -10ºC ~ 50ºC (temperature), 90% (humidity)
Operation /storage
Storage: -25ºC ~ 70ºC (temperature), 95% (humidity)
Shock / vibration International standards: IEC61131-2, IEC68-2-6 (TEST Fc)/IEC61131-2 &
resistance IEC 68-2-27 (TEST Ea)

DeviceNet Connector

PIN Signal Color Definition

1 V+ Red DC24V 1
2 H White Signal+
3 S - Earth 4
4 L Blue Signal- 5

5 V- Black 0V

 LED Indicator & Troubleshooting

There are 3 LED indicators on CMC-DN01. POWER LED displays the status of power supply. MS
LED and NS LED are dual-color LED, displaying the connection status of the communication and
error messages.


LED status Indication How to correct it?

Off Power supply in abnormal status. Check the power supply of CMC-DN01.

Green light on Power supply in normal status --

Chapter 8 Optional Cards


LED status Indication How to correct it?

1. Check the power of CMC-DN01 and see if the

connection is normal.
No power supply or CMC-DN01 has 2. Make sure at least one or more nodes are on the
not completed MAC ID test yet. bus.
3. Check if the serial transmission speed of
CMC-DN01 is the same as that of other nodes.

1. Configure CMC-DN01 to the scan list of the

Green light CMC-DN01 is on-line but has not master.
flashes established connection to the master.
2. Re-download the configured data to the master.

CMC-DN01 is on-line and is normally

Green light on --
connected to the master

Red light CMC-DN01 is on-line, but I/O 1. Check if the network connection is normal.
flashes connection is timed-out. 2. Check if the master operates normally.
1. Make sure all the MAC IDs on the network are
not repeated.
1. The communication is down. 2. Check if the network installation is normal.
2. MAC ID test failure. 3. Check if the baud rate of CMC-DN01 is
Red light on
3. No network power supply. consistent with that of other nodes.
4. CMC-DN01 is off-line. 4. Check if the node address of CMC-DN01 is
5. Check if the network power supply is normal.


LED status Indication How to correct it?

Check the power supply of CMC-DN01 and see of
Off No power supply or being off-line
the connection is normal.
Green light
Waiting for I/O data Switch the master PLC to RUN status
Green light on I/O data are normal --
Red light 1. Reconfigure CMC-DN01
Mapping error
flashes 2. Re-power AC motor drive
1. See the error code displayed on AC motor drive.
Red light on Hardware error
2. Send back to the factory for repair if necessary.
If the flashing lasts for a long time, check if
Orange light CMC-DN01 is establishing connection
CMC-DN01 and AC motor drive are correctly
flashes with AC motor drive.
installed and normally connected to each other.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-10 CMC-EIP01

1. Supports Modbus TCP and Ethernet/IP protocol

2. MDI/MDI-X auto-detect
3. Baud rate: 10/100Mbps auto-detect
4. AC motor drive keypad/Ethernet configuration
5. Virtual serial port

 Product Profile


1. Screw fixing hole

2. Positioning hole
3. AC motor drive connection
4. LINK indicator
5. RJ-45 connection port
6. POWER indicator
7. Fool-proof groove


Network Interface

Interface RJ-45 with Auto MDI/MDIX

Number of ports 1 Port
Transmission method IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u
Transmission cable Category 5e shielding 100M
Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Auto-Detect
Network protocol

Electrical Specification

Weight 25g
Insulation voltage 500VDC
Power consumption 0.8W
Power supply voltage 5VDC

Chapter 8 Optional Cards


ESD (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 61000-4-2)

EFT (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 61000-4-4)
Noise immunity
Surge Test (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 61000-4-5)
Conducted Susceptibility Test (IEC 61800-5-1,IEC 61000-4-6)
Operation: -10°C ~ 50°C (temperature), 90% (humidity)
Storage: -25°C ~ 70°C (temperature), 95% (humidity)
International standard: IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 60068-2-6/IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 60068-2-27


Connecting CMC-EIP01 to Network

1. Turn off the power of AC motor drive.

2. Open the cover of AC motor drive.
3. Connect CAT-5e network cable to RJ-45 port on
CMC-EIP01 (See Figure 2).

[Figure 2]

RJ-45 PIN Definition

PIN Signal Definition PIN Signal Definition

Positive pole for
1 Tx+ 5 -- N/C
data transmission
Negative pole for Negative pole for
2 Tx- 6 Rx-
data transmission data receiving
Positive pole for
3 Rx+ 7 -- N/C
data receiving

4 -- N/C 8 -- N/C

 Connecting CMC-EIP01 to VFD-CP2000

1. Switch off the power of AC motor drive.
2. Open the front cover of AC motor drive.
3. Place the insulation spacer into the positioning pin at Slot 1 (shown in Figure 3), and aim the
two holes on the PCB at the positioning pin. Press the pin to clip the holes with the PCB (see
Figure 4).
4. Screw up at torque 6 ~ 8 kg-cm (5.21 ~ 6.94 in-lbs) after the PCB is clipped with the holes (see
Figure 5).

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Slot 3

Slot 2 Slot 1

[Figure 3] [Figure 4]

[Figure 5]

 Communication Parameters for VFD-CP2000 Connected to Ethernet

When VFD-CP2000 is connected to Ethernet network, please set up the communication parameters
for it according to the table below. The Ethernet master is only able to read/write the frequency word
and control word of VFD-CP2000 after the communication parameters are set.

Parameter Function Set value (Dec) Explanation

Source of frequency The frequency command is controlled by
P00-20 8
command setting communication card.
Source of operation The operation command is controlled by
P00-21 5
command setting communication card.
Decoding method for The decoding method for Delta AC motor
P09-30 0
communication drive
P09-75 IP setting 0 Static IP(0) / Dynamic distribution IP(1)
P09-76 IP address -1 192 IP address
P09-77 IP address -2 168 IP address
P09-78 IP address -3 1 IP address
P09-79 IP address -4 5 IP address
P09-80 Netmask -1 255 Netmask
P09-81 Netmask -2 255 Netmask
P09-82 Netmask -3 255 Netmask
P09-83 Netmask -4 0 Netmask
P09-84 Default gateway -1 192 Default gateway
P09-85 Default gateway -2 168 Default gateway
P09-86 Default gateway -3 1 Default gateway
P09-87 Default gateway -4 1 Default gateway

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

 Disconnecting CMC- EIP01 from VFD-CP2000

1. Switch off the power supply of VFD-CP2000.
2. Remove the two screws (see Figure 6).
3. Twist opens the card clip and inserts the slot type screwdriver to the hollow to prize the PCB off the
card clip (see Figure 7).
4. Twist opens the other card clip to remove the PCB (see Figure 8).

[Figure 6] [Figure 7]

[Figure 8]

 LED Indicator & Troubleshooting

There are 2 LED indicators on CMC-EIP01. The POWER LED displays the status of power supply,
and the LINK LED displays the connection status of the communication.

LED Indicators

LED Status Indication How to correct it?

On Power supply in normal status --
Off No power supply Check the power supply.
Network connection in normal
On --
LINK Green Flashes Network in operation --
Check if the network cable is
Off Network not connected


Abnormality Cause How to correct it?

Check if AC motor drive is powered, and if the
AC motor drive not powered
power supply is normal.
CMC-EIP01 not connected to Make sure CMC-EIP01 is connected to AC motor
AC motor drive drive.
CMC-EIP01 not connected to Make sure the network cable is correctly connected
network to network.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

Abnormality Cause How to correct it?

Poor contact to RJ-45 Make sure RJ-45 connector is connected to
connector Ethernet port.
CMC-EIP01 not connected to
Make sure CMC-EIP01 is connected to network.
No communication
card found PC and CMC-EIP01 in
Search by IP or set up relevant settings by AC
different networks and blocked
motor drive keypad.
by network firewall.

CMC-EIP01 not connected to Make sure CMC-EIP01 is connected to the

network network.
Fail to open Incorrect communication Make sure the communication setting in DCISoft is
CMC-EIP01 setup setting in DCISoft set to Ethernet.
page PC and CMC-EIP01 in
different networks and blocked Conduct the setup by AC motor drive keypad.
by network firewall.
Able to open Check if the network setting for CMC-EIP01 is
CMC-EIP01 setup correct. For the Intranet setting in your company,
Incorrect network setting in
page but fail to please consult your IT staff. For the Internet setting
utilize webpage in your home, please refer to the network setting
monitoring instruction provided by your ISP.
Incorrect network setting in Check if the network setting for CMC-EIP01 is
CMC-EIP01 correct.
Fail to send e-mail
Incorrect mail server setting Please confirm the IP address for SMTP-Server.

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

8-11 EMC-COP01
Built-in EMC-COP01 card are available in VFDXXXC23E/VFDXXXC43E series.

 Position of terminal resistance

 RJ-45 Pin definition

Pin Pin name Definition
1 CAN_H CAN_H bus line (dominant high)
2 CAN_L CAN_L bus line (dominant low)
3 CAN_GND Ground/0V/V-
7 CAN_GND Ground/0V/V-
RS485 socket

Interface RJ-45
Number of ports 1 Port
Transmission method CAN
Transmission cable CAN standard cable
Transmission speed 1M bps, 500K bps, 250K bps, 125K bps, 100K bps, 50K bps
Communication protocol CANopen

 CANopen Communication Cable

Model: TAP-CB03, TAP-CB04

Title Part No.
mm inch
1 TAP-CB03 500 ± 10 19 ± 0.4
2 TAP-CB04 1000± 10 39 ± 0.4

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

 CANopen Dimension

Model: TAP-CN03


For more information on CANopen, please refer to Chapter 15 CANopen Overview or CANopen user
manual can also be downloaded on Delta website:

Chapter 8 Optional Cards

[This page intentionally left blank]

09 Specifications

Chapter 9 Specifications
9-1 230V Series
Frame A B C D E

Model: VFD_ _ _CP23_-_ _ 007 015 022 037 055 075 110 150 185 220 300 370 450 550 750 900
Rated output
2 3 4 6 8.4 12 18 24 30 36 42 58 72 86 110 128
capacity (kVA)
Rated output current
5 7.5 10 15 21 31 46 61 75 90 105 146 180 215 276 322
Applicable motor
0.8 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 19 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
Light Duty

output (kW)
Applicable motor
1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125
output (HP)
Overload tolerance 120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes
Max. output
600.00Hz 400.00Hz
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
Output Rating

2~15kHz (8kHz) 2~10kHz(6kHz) 2~9kHz(4kHz)

Rated output
1.2 2 3.2 4.4 6.8 10 13 20 26 30 36 48 58 72 86 102
capacity (kVA)
Rated output current
4.6 5 8 11 17 25 33 49 65 75 90 120 146 180 215 255
Applicable motor
0.4 0.8 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 19 22 30 37 45 55 75
Normal Duty

output (kW)
Applicable motor
0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
output (HP)
120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes;
Overload tolerance
160% of rated current for 3 seconds during every 25 seconds
Max. output
600.00Hz 400.00Hz
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
2~15kHz (8kHz) 2~10kHz(6kHz) 2~9kHz(4kHz)
Input current (A)
6.4 9.6 15 22 25 35 50 65 83 100 116 146 180 215 276 322
Light duty
Input current (A)
Input Rating

3.9 6.4 12 16 20 28 36 52 72 83 99 124 143 171 206 245

Normal duty
Rated voltage /
3 phase, AC 200V~240V (-15% ~ +10%), 50/60Hz
Operating voltage range 170~265Vac
Frequency tolerance 47~63Hz
Efficiency (%) 96 96 96 96 96 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 97 97 97 97 97
Weight 2.6± 0.3Kg 5.4± 1Kg 9.8± 1.5Kg 38.5± 1.5Kg 64.8± 1.5Kg
Cooling method Fan cooling
Braking chopper Built-in Optional
DC choke Optional Built-in, 3%
EMI Filter Optional

09 Specifications

9-2 460V Series

Frame A B C

Model: VFD_ _ _CP43_-_ _

007 015 022 037 040 055 075 110 150 185 200 300 370
VFD_ _ _CP4E_-_ _
Rated output
2.4 3.3 4.4 6.8 8.4 10.4 14.3 19 25 30 36 48 58
capacity (kVA)
Rated output
3 4.2* 5.5* 8.5* 10.5 13* 18* 24* 32* 38* 45 60* 73*
current (A)
Applicable motor
0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37
output (kW)
Light duty

Applicable motor
1 2 3 5 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50
output (HP)
Overload tolerance 120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
Output rating

2~15kHz (8kHz) 2~10kHz(6kHz)

Rated output
2.2 2.4 3.2 4.8 7.2 8.4 10.4 14.3 19 25 30 36 48
capacity (kVA)
Rated output
2.8 3 4 6 9 10.5 12 18 24 32 38 45 60
current (A)
Applicable motor
0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
output (kW)
Normal duty

Applicable motor
0.5 1 2 3 5 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40
output (HP)
120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes;
Overload tolerance
160% of rated current for 3 seconds during every 25 seconds
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
2~15kHz (8kHz) 2~10kHz(6kHz)
Input current (A)
4.3 6 8.1 12.4 16 20 22 26 35 42 47 66 80
Light duty
Input current (A)
3.5 4.3 5.9 8.7 14 15.5 17 20 26 35 40 47 63
Input rating

Normal duty
Rated voltage /
3 phase, AC 380V~480V (-15% ~ +10%), 50/60Hz
Operating voltage
Frequency tolerance 47~63Hz
Efficiency (%) 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5
Weight 2.6± 0.3Kg 5.4± 1Kg 9.8± 1.5Kg
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling
Braking chopper Built-in
DC choke Optional
Frame A, B, C of VFD_ _ _ _CP4EA-_ _: Built-in;
EMI Filter
Frame A, B, C of VFD_ _ _ _CP43A-_ _, no built-in

09 Specifications

Frame D0 D E F G H

Model: VFD_ _ _ _CP43_-_ _ 450 550 750 900 1100 1320 1600 1850 2200 2800 3150 3550 4000
Rated output
73 88 120 143 175 207 247 295 367 422 491 544 613
capacity (kVA)
Rated output
91 110 150* 180 220 260* 310 370* 460 530 616 683 770
current (A)
Applicable motor
45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 280 315 355 400
output (kW)
Light duty

Applicable motor
60 75 100 125 150 175 215 250 300 375 425 475 536
output (HP)
Overload tolerance 120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes
600.00Hz 400.00Hz
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
Output rating

2~10kHz(6kHz) 2~9kHz(4kHz)
Rated output
58 73 88 120 143 175 207 247 295 367 438 491 544
capacity (kVA)
Rated output
73 91 110 150 180 220 260 310 370 460 550 616 683
current (A)
Applicable motor
37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 280 315 355
output (kW)
Normal duty

Applicable motor
50 60 75 100 125 150 175 215 250 300 375 425 475
output (HP)
120% of rated current for 1 minute furing every 5 minutes;
Overload tolerance
160% of rated current for 3 seconds during every 25 seconds
600.00Hz 400.00Hz
frequency (Hz)
Carrier frequency
2~10kHz(6kHz) 2~9kHz(4kHz)
Input current (A)
91 110 150 180 220 260 310 370 460 530 616 683 770
Light duty
Input current (A)
74 101 114 157 167 207 240 300 380 400 494 555 625
Input rating

Normal duty
Rated voltage /
3 phase, AC 380V~480V (-15% ~ +10%), 50/60Hz
Operating voltage
Frequency tolerance 47~63Hz
Efficiency (%) 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5
Weight 27± 1 Kg 38.5± 1.5Kg 64.8± 1.5Kg 86.5± 1.5Kg 134± 4Kg 228Kg
Cooling method Fan cooling
Braking chopper Optional
DC choke Built-in, 3%
EMI Filter Optional
* means the rated output current is for the models of Version B.

 The value of the carrier frequency is a factory setting. To increase the carrier frequency, the current needs to
be decrease. See derating curve diagram of Pr06-55 for more information.
 When a load is a surge load, use a higher level model.
 For Frame A, B and C, Model VFDXXXCPXXX-21, the enclosure type is IP20/ UL OPEN TYPE.
 For FRAME D and above, if the last two characters of the model are 00 then the enclosure type is IP00/
IP20/UL OPEN TYPE; if the last two characters of the model are 21, the enclosure type is IP20/ NEMA1/ UL

09 Specifications

General Specifications
Control Method 1: V/F, 2: SVC
Starting Torque Reach up to 160% or above at 0.5Hz.
V/F Curve 4 point adjustable V/F curve and square curve
Speed Response Ability 5Hz (vector control can reach up to 40Hz)
Light duty: max. 130% torque current
Torque Limit
Normal duty: max. 160% torque current
Torque Accuracy ±5%
230V: 600.00Hz (55kW and above: 400.00Hz)
Control Characteristics

Max. output frequency (Hz)

460V: 600.00Hz (90kW and above: 400.00Hz)
℃ ℃
Frequency Output Accuracy Digital command:±0.01%, -10 ~+40 , Analog command: ±0.1%, 25±10 ℃
Output Frequency Digital command: 0.01Hz
Resolution Analog command: 0.03 X max. output frequency/60 Hz (±11 bit)
Normal duty: rated output current is 120% for 60 seconds, rated output current is 160% for 3 seconds
Overload Tolerance
Light duty: rated output current is 120% for 60 seconds
Frequency Setting Signal +10V~-10, 0~+10V, 4~20mA, 0~20mA, Pulse input
Accel./decel. Time 0.00~600.00/0.0~6000.0 seconds
Momentary power loss ride thru, Speed search, Over-torque detection, Torque limit, 17-step speed (max),
Accel/decel time switch, S-curve accel/decel, 3-wire sequence, Auto-Tuning (rotational, stationary), Dwell,
Main control function Slip compensation, Torque compensation, JOG frequency, Frequency upper/lower limit settings, DC
injection braking at start/stop, High slip braking, Energy saving control, MODOBUS communication
(RS-485 RJ45, max. 115.2 kbps)
Frame A and B series: On/off control
Fan Control
Frame C and series above: PMW control
Motor Protection Electronic thermal relay protection
Light duty: Over-protection for 200% rated current; current clamp: 130~135%
Protection Characteristics

Over-current Protection
Normal duty: Over-protection for 240%; current clamp: 17-~175%
230: drive will stop when DC-BUS voltage exceeds 410V
Over-voltage Protection
460: drive will stop when DC-BUS voltage exceeds 820V
Built-in temperature sensor
Stall Prevention Stall prevention during acceleration, deceleration and running independently
Restart After Instantaneous
Parameter setting up to 20 seconds
Power Failure
Grounding Leakage Current
Leakage current is higher than 50% of rated current of the AC motor drive

, , GB/T12668-2, (certification in progress)

The max. output frequency will vary with the setting of carrier frequency, please refer to the description of Pr. 01-00.

09 Specifications

9-3 Environment for Operation, Storage and Transportation

Do NOT expose the AC motor drive in the bad environment, such as dust, direct sunlight, corrosive/inflammable gasses, humidity, liquid and
vibration environment. The salt in the air must be less than 0.01mg/cm2 every year.
IEC60364-1/IEC60664-1 Pollution degree 2, Indoor use only
Storage -25 oC ~ +70 oC
Transportation -25 oC ~ +70 oC
Non-condensation, non-frozen
Operation Max. 95%
Storage/ Max. 95%
Rated Humidity
No condense water
86 to 106 kPa
Air Pressure Storage
Transportation 70 to 106 kPa
Operation Class 3C2; Class 3S2
Storage Class 2C2; Class 2S2
Pollution Level
Transportation Class 1C2; Class 1S2
If the AC motor drive is to be used under harsh environment with high level of contamination (e.g. dew,
water, dust), make sure it is installed in an environment qualified for IP54 such as in a cabinet.
If AC motor drive is installed at altitude 0~1000m, follow normal operation restriction. If
Altitude Operation
it is install at altitude 1000~2000m, decrease 2% of rated current or lower 0.5 of ℃
temeperature for every 100m increase in altitude. Maximum altitude for Corner
Grounded is 2000m.
Storage ISTA procedure 1A (according to weight) IEC60068-2-31
Package Drop
1.0mm, peak to peak value range from 2Hz to 13.2 Hz; 0.7G~1.0G range from 13.2Hz to 55Hz; 1.0G range from 55Hz to 512
Hz. Comply with IEC 60068-2-6
Impact IEC/EN 60068-2-27
10 10
Max. allowed offset angle ±10o (under normal installation position)

9-4 Specification for Operation Temperature and Protection Level

Model Frame Top cover Condult box Protection level
Top cover ND:-10~50 ℃
Frame A~C removed
IP20/UL Open Type
LD: -10~40℃
230V: 0.75~30kW Standard
concuit plate
LD: -10~40℃
VFDxxxxCP43A-21 460V: 0.75~37kW with top IP20/ UL Type1/ NEMA1
Frame D~H
VFDxxxxCP4EB-21 230V: 37kW and
460V: 45kW and
N/A With condult boxIP20/UL Type1/NEMA1

LD: -10~40

IP20/UL Open Type

VFDxxxxCP23A-00 Frame D~H Only h ere is I P0 0,

othe rs a re IP2 0
VFDxxxxCP43A-00 230V: 37kW and ND:-10~50℃
VFDxxxxCP43B-00 460V: 45kW and
N/A No conduit box

LD: -10~40

VFDxxxxCP43C-00, above

NOTE: ND=Normal Duty; LD=Light Duty

09 Specifications

9-5 Derating of Ambient Temperature and Altitude

UL Open- Type/ IP20
Derating for ambient temperature
UL OPEN TYPE/ IP20_side by side


Output Current Rating(A)





30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Ambient Temperature(degree C)

C Type Derating for Altitude

Rating (%) at Stardard Ambient Temperature* Ta at Rating= 100%

100 50 40

90 45 35

80 40 30
UL Open Type / IP20
UL Type I / IP20
UL Open Type / IP20 Side by Side




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Altitude (m)
* Stardard Ambient Temperature= 50 degC for UL Open Type / IP20
Stardard Ambient Temperature= 40 degC for UL Type I /IP 20 & UL Open Type / IP20 Side by Side

09 Specifications

Protection Level Operating Environment

When the AC motor drive is operating at the rated current and the ambient temperature
has to be between -10 ℃ ~ +40℃. When the temperature is over 40℃, for every
UL Type I / IP20
increase by 1℃, decrease 2% of the rated current. The maximum allowable
temperature is 60℃.
When the AC motor drive is operating at the rated current and the ambient temperature
has to be between -10 ℃ ~ +50℃. When the temperature is over 50℃, for every
UL Open Type / IP20
increase by 1℃, decrease 2% of the rated current. The maximum allowable
temperature is 60℃.
If AC motor drive is installed at altitude 0~1000m, follow normal operation restriction. If
it is install at altitude 1000~3000m, decrease 2% of rated current or lower 0.5 ℃ of
High Altitude temperature for every 100m increase in altitude. Maximum altitude for Corner
Grounded is 2000m. Contact Delta for more information, if you need to use this motor
drive at an altitude of 2000m or higher.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10-1 Descriptions of Digital Keypad

10-2 Function of Digital Keypad KPC-CC01

10-3 TPEditor Installation Instruction

10-4 Fault Code Description of Digital Keypad KPC-CC01

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10-1 Descriptions of Digital Keypad

KPC-CC01 KPC-CE01(Option)

Communication Interface

RJ-45 (socket) RS-485 interface;

Installation Method
1. Embedded type and can be put flat on the
surface of the control box. The front cover is
water proof.
2. Buy a MKC-KPPK model to do wall
mounting or embedded mounting. Its
protection level is IP66.
3. The maximum RJ45 extension lead is 5 m
4. This keypad can only be used on Delta’s
motor drive C2000, CH2000 and CP2000.

Descriptions of Keypad Functions

Key Descriptions
Start Operation Key
1. It is only valid when the source of operation command is from the keypad.
2. It can operate the AC motor drive by the function setting and the RUN LED will be ON.
3. It can be pressed again and again at stop process.
4. When enabling “HAND” mode, it is only valid when the source of operation command is
from the keypad.
Stop Command Key. This key has the highest processing priority in any situation.
1. When it receives STOP command, no matter the AC motor drive is in operation or stop
status, the AC motor drive needs to execute “STOP” command.
2. The RESET key can be used to reset the drive after the fault occurs. For those faults that
can’t be reset by the RESET key, see the fault records after pressing MENU key for
Operation Direction Key
1. This key is only control the operation direction NOT for activate the drive. FWD: forward,
REV: reverse.
2. Refer to the LED descriptions for more details.
Press ENTER and go to the next level. If it is the last level then press ENTER to execute the command.

ESC key function is to leave current menu and return to the last menu. It is also functioned as a
return key in the sub-menu.
Press menu to return to main menu.
Menu content:
KPC-CE01 does not support function 5 ~13.
1. Parameter setup 7. Quick start 13. PC Link
2. Copy Parameter 8. Display Setup
3. Keypad Locked 9. Time Setup
4. PLC Function 10. Language Setup
5. Copy PLC 11. Startup Menu
6. Fault Record 12. Main Page
Direction: Left/Right/Up/Down
1. In the numeric value setting mode, it is used to move the cursor and change the numeric
2. In the menu/text selection mode, it is used for item selection.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Function Key
1. The functions keys have factory settings and can be defined by users. The factory
settings of F1 and F4 work with the function list below. For example, F1 is JOG function,
F4 is a speed setting key for adding/deleting user defined parameters.
2. Other functions must be defined by TPEditor first. TPEditor software V1.40 or later is
available for download at:
3. Installation Instruction for TPEditor is on page 10-15 of this chapter.
1. This key is executed by the parameter settings of the source of Hand frequency and hand
operation. The factory settings of both source of Hand frequency and hand operation are
the digital keypad.
2. Press HAND ON key at stop status, the setting will switch to hand frequency source and
hand operation source. Press HAND ON key at operation status, it stops the AC motor
drive first (display AHSP warning), and switch to hand frequency source and hand
operation source.
3. Successful mode switching for KPC-CE01, “H/A” LED will be on; for KPC-CC01, it will
display HAND mode/ AUTO mode on the screen.
1. This key is executed by the parameter settings of the source of AUTO frequency and
AUTO operation. The factory setting is the external terminal (source of operation is
2. Press Auto key at stop status, the setting will switch to hand frequency source and hand
operation source. Press Auto key at operation status, it stops the AC motor drive first
(display AHSP warning), and switch to hand frequency source and hand operation source.
3. Successful mode switching for KPC-CE01, “H/A” LED will be off; for KPC-CC01, it will
display HAND mode/ AUTO mode on the screen

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Descriptions of LED Functions

LED Descriptions
Steady ON: operation indicator of the AC motor drive, including DC brake, zero speed,
standby, restart after fault and speed search.
Blinking: drive is decelerating to stop or in the status of base block.
Steady OFF: drive doesn’t execute the operation command
Steady ON: stop indicator of the AC motor drive.
Blinking: drive is in the standby status.
Steady OFF: drive doesn’t execute “STOP” command.
Operation Direction LED
1. Green light is on, the drive is running forward.
2. Red light is on, the drive is running backward.
3. Twinkling light: the drive is changing direction.
(Only KPC-CE01 support this function)
Setting can be done during operation.
HAND LED: When HAND LED is on (HAND mode); when HAND LED is off (AUTO mode).
(Only KPC-CE01Support this function )
Setting can be done during operation.
AUTO LED: when AUTO LED is on (AUTO mode); when AUTO LED is off (HAND mode).
CANopen at initial
LED steady off
CANopen at pre-operation

CANopen ~”RUN”

CANopen at stopped

Single ON 200 200 1000

ms ms ms
CANopen at operation status
LED steady on

Condition/ State
OFF No Error
One message fail

Single ON
200 1000
ms ms

Guarding fail or heartbeat fail

CANopen ~”ERR”
Double ON
200 200 200 1000
flash ms ms ms ms

SYNC fail

Triple ON 1 0 00
2 00 2 00 200 200 20 0
ms ms ms ms ms ms

ON Bus off

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10-2 Function of Digital Keypad KPC-CC01

1. Startup page can only display pictures, no flash.
2. When Power ON, it will display startup page then the main page. The main page displays Delta’s default setting F/H/A/U,
the display order can be set by Pr.00.03 (Startup display). When the selected item is U page, use left key and right key to
switch between the items, the display order of U page is set by Pr.00.04 (User display).

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Display Icon

Display item

1. Parameter Setup
For example: Setup source of master frequency command.

Once in the Group 00 Motor Drive Parameter,

Use Up/Down key to select parameter 20:
Auto Frequency Command.

When this parameter is selected, press

ENTER key to go to this parameter’s setting

Use Up/Down key to choose a setting.

For example: Choose “2 Analogue Input, then
press the ENTER key.

After pressing the ENTER key, an END will be

displayed which means that the parameter
setting is done.

2. Copy Parameter
4 duplicates are provided
The steps are shown in the example below.
Example: Saved in the motor drive.
1 Go to Copy Parameter
2 Select the parameter group which needs to
Press ENTER key to go to 001~004:
be copied and press ENTER key.
content storage
1 Select 1: Save in the motor drive.
2. Press ENTER key to go to “Save in the
motor drive” screen.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Begin to copy parameters until it is done.

Once copying parameters is done, keypad

will automatically be back to this screen.

Example: Saved in the keypad.

1. Once copying parameters is done, keypad
will automatically be back to this screen.
2. Select the parameter group which needs to
be copied and press ENTER key.

Press ENTER key to go to “Save in the motor

drive” screen.

Use Up/Down key to select a symbol.

Use Left/Right key to move the cursor to
select a file name.

String & Symbol Table:

Once the file name is confirmed, press
ENTER key.

To begin copying parameters until it is done.

When copying parameters is completed,

keypad will automatically be back to this

Press Right key to see the date of copying


Press Right key to see the time of copying


3. Keypad locked
Keypad Locked

This function is used to lock the keypad. The main page would not display
“keypad locked” when the keypad is locked, however it will display the
message”please press ESC and then ENTER to unlock the keypad” when any
key is pressed.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

When the keypad is locked, the main screen doesn’t

display any status to show that.

Press any key on the keypad; a screen as shown in

image on the left will be displayed.

If ESC key is not pressed, the keypad will

automatically be back to this screen.

The keypad is still locked at this moment. By

pressing any key, a screen as shown in the image on
the left will still be displayed.

Press ESC for 3 seconds to unlock the keypad and

the keypad will be back to this screen. Then each key
on the keypad is functional.
Turn off the power and turn on the power again will not lock keypad.

4. PLC Function
When activate and stop PLC function, the PLC status will be displayed on
main page of Delta default setting.

Optipn 2: Enable PLC function

Press Up/Down key to select a

PLC’s function. Factory setting on the main screen displays
Then press ENTER. PLC/RUN status bar.

Option 3: Disable PLC function

Factory setting on the main screen displays

PLC/STOP status bar

If the PLC program is not available in the control

board, PLFF warning will be displayed when
choosing option 2 or 3.
In this case, select option 1 : No Function to clear
PLFF warning.
The PLC function of KPC-CE01 can only displays:
1. PLC0
2. PLC1
3. PLC2

5. Copy PLC
4 duplicates are provided
The steps are shown in the example below.
Example: Saved in the motor drive.
1 Go to Copy PLC
2 Select a parameter group to copy then press

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

1 Select 1: Save in the motor drive.

2. Press ENTER key to go to “Save in the motor
drive” screen.

Begin to copy PLC until it is done.

Once copying PLC is done, keypad will automatically

be back to this screen.

If “Option 1: Save in the motor drive” is selected,
verify if the PLC program is built-in to KPC-CC01
keypad. If PLC program is not available in the
keypad while “Option 1: Save in the motor drive” is
selected, an “ERR8 Warning: Type not matching” will
be display on the screen.

Unplug and plug back the keypad while copying the

PLC program will have a CPLt warning.

Example: Saved in the keypad.

1. Once copying PLC is done, keypad will
automatically be back to this screen.
2. Select the parameter group which needs to be
copied and press ENTER key.

Press ENTER key to go to “Save in the motor drive”


If WPLSoft editor is installed and password is set,

enter the password to save the file onto digital

Use Up/Down key to select a symbol.

Use Left/Right key to move the cursor to select a file

String & Symbol Table:

Once the file name is confirmed, press ENTER key.

To begin copying parameters until it is done.

When copying parameters is completed, keypad will

automatically be back to this screen.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Press Right key to see the date of copying


Press Right key to see the time of copying


6. Fault record
Able to store 6 error code (Keypad V1.02 and previous versions)
Able to store 20 error code(Keypad V1.0e3 and later version)
The most recent error record is shown as the first record. Select an error
record to see its detail such as date, tme, frequency, current, voltage, DCBUs

Press Up/Down key to select an error record.

Press ENTER to select. After selecting an error code, press ENTER to see
that error record’s detail
KPC-CE01 does not support
this function.

Press Up/Down key to see an error record’s detail

such as date, time, frequency, current, voltage,
DCBus voltage.

Press Up/Down key to select an error record.

After selecting an error code, press ENTER to see
that error record’s detail

Press Up/Down key to see an error record’s detail

such as date, time, frequency, current, voltage,
DCBus voltage.

Fault actions of AC motor drive are record and save to KPC-CC01. When
KPC-CC01 is removed and apply to another AC motor drive, the previous
fault records will not be deleted. The new fault records of the present AC
motor drive will accumulate to KPC-CC01.

7. Quick Start
1. VF Mode
1. Parameter Protection Password Input
2. Parameter Protection Password Setting
Press ENTER to select. (P00-08)
3. Control Mode (P00-10)
Quick Start: 4. Control of Speed Mode (P00-11)
01:Password Decoder
1. V/F Mode 5. Load Selection (P00-16)

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

2. VFPG Mode 6. Source of the Master Frequency

3. SVC Mode Command (AUTO) (P00-20)
4. FOCPG Mode 7. Source of the Operation Command
5. TQCPG Mode (AUTO) (P00-21)
6. My Mode 8. Stop Method (P00-22)
9. Digital Keypad STOP function (P00-32)
10. Max. Operation Frequency (P01-00)
11. Base Frequency of Motor 1 (P01-01)
12. Max. Output Voltage Setting of Motor 1
13. Min. Output Frequency of Motor 1
14. Min. Output Voltage of Motor 1 (P01-08)
15. Output Frequency Upper Limit (P01-10)
16. Output Frequency Lower Limit (P01-11)
17. Accel. Time 1 (P01-12)
18. Decel Time 1 (P01-13)
19. Over-voltage Stall Prevention (P06-01)
20. Software Brake Level (P07-00)
21. Filter Time of Torque Command
22. Filter Time of Slip Compensation
23. Slip Compensation Gain (P07-27)
2. VFPG Mode
1. Parameter Protection Password Input
2. Parameter Protection Password
Setting (P00-08)
3. Control Mode (P00-10)
4. Control of Speed Mode (P00-11)
01: Password Decoder
5. Load Selection (P00-16)
6. Source of the Master Frequency
Command (AUTO) (P00-20)
7. Source of the Operation Command
(AUTO) (P00-21)
8. Stop Method (P00-22)
9. Digital Keypad STOP function (P00-32)
10. Max. Operation Frequency (P01-00)
11. Base Frequency of Motor 1 (P01-01)
12. Max. Output Voltage Setting of Motor 1
13. Min. Output Frequency of Motor 1
14. Min. Output Voltage of Motor 1
15. Output Frequency Upper Limit
16. Output Frequency Lower Limit
17. Accel. Time 1 (P01-12)
18. Decel Time 1 (P01-13)
19. Over-voltage Stall Prevention
20. Software Brake Level (P07-00)
21. Filter Time of Torque Command
22. Filter Time of Slip Compensation
23. Slip Compensation Gain (P07-27)
24. Encoder Type Selection (P10-00)
25. Encoder Pulse (P10-01)
26. Encoder Input Type Setting (P10-02)
27. ASR Control ( P) 1 (P11-06)

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

28. ASR Control (I) 1 (P11-07)

29. ASR Control ( P) 2 (P11-08)
30. ASR Control (I) 2 (P11-09)
31. P Gain of Zero Speed (P11-10)
32. I Gain of Zero Speed (P11-11)
3. SVC Mode
1. Parameter Protection Password Input
2. Parameter Protection Password
Setting (P00-08)
3. Control Mode (P00-10)
4. Control of Speed Mode (P00-11)
01: Password Decoder
5. Load Selection (P00-16)
6. Carrier Frequency (P00-17)
7. Source of the Master Frequency
Command (AUTO) (P00-20)
8. Source of the Operation Command
(AUTO) (P00-21)
9. Stop Method (P00-22)
10. Digital Keypad STOP function
11. Max. Operation Frequency (P01-00)
12. Base Frequency of Motor 1 (P01-01)
13. Max. Output Voltage Setting of Motor
1 (P01-02)
14. Min. Output Frequency of Motor 1
15. Min. Output Voltage of Motor 1
16. Output Frequency Upper Limit
17. Output Frequency Lower Limit
18. Accel. Time 1 (P01-12)
19. Decel Time 1 (P01-13)
20. Full-load Current of Induction Motor 1
21. Rated Power of Induction Motor 1
22. Rated Speed of Induction Motor 1
23. Pole Number of Induction Motor 1
24. No-load Current of Induction Motor 1
25. Over-voltage Stall Prevention
26. Over-current Stall Prevention during
Acceleration (P06-03)
27. Derating Protection (P06-55)
28. Software Brake Level (P07-00)
29. Emergency Stop (EF) & Force to Stop
Selection (P07-20)
30. Filter Time of Torque Command
31. Filter Time of Slip Compensation
32. Slip Compensation Gain (P07-27)

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

4. FOCPG Mode
1. Parameter Protection Password Input
2. Parameter Protection Password Setting
3. Control Mode (P00-10)
4. Control of Speed Mode (P00-11)
01: Password Decoder
5. Source of the Master Frequency
Command (AUTO) (P00-20)
6. Source of the Operation Command
(AUTO) (P00-21)
7. Stop Method (P00-22)
8. Max. Operation Frequency (P01-00)
9. Base Frequency of Motor 1 (P01-01)
10. Max. Output Voltage Setting of Motor 1
11. Output Frequency Upper Limit (P01-10)
12. Output Frequency Lower Limit (P01-11)
13. Accel. Time 1 (P01-12)
14. Decel Time 1 (P01-13)
15. Full-load Current of Induction Motor 1
16. Rated Power of Induction Motor 1
17. Rated Speed of Induction Motor 1
18. Pole Number of Induction Motor 1
19. No-load Current of Induction Motor 1
20. Over-voltage Stall Prevention (P06-01)
21. Over-current Stall Prevention during
Acceleration (P06-03)
22. Derating Protection (P06-55)
23. Software Brake Level (P07-00)
24. Emergency Stop (EF) & Force to Stop
Selection (P07-20)
25. Encoder Type Selection (P10-00)
26. Encoder Pulse (P10-01)
27. Encoder Input Type Setting (P10-02)
28. System Control (P11-00)
29. Per Unit of System Inertia (P11-01)
30. ASR1 Low-speed Bandwidth (P11-03)
31. ASR2 High-speed Bandwidth (P11-04)
32. Zero-speed Bandwidth (P11-05)
5. TQCPG Mode
1. Password Input (Decode) (P00-07)
2. Password Setting (P00-08)
3. Control Mode (P00-10)
4. Control of Speed Mode (P00-11)
5. Source of the Master Frequency
Command (P00-20)
01: Password Decoder
6. Source of the Operation Command
7. Max. Operation Frequency (P01-00)
8. Base Frequency of Motor 1 (P01-01)
9. Max. Output Voltage Setting of Motor 1
10. Full-load Current of Induction Motor 1
11. Rated Power of Induction Motor 1

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

12. Rated Speed of Induction Motor 1

13. Pole Number of Induction Motor 1
14. No-load Current of Induction Motor 1
15. Over-voltage Stall Prevention (P06-01)
16. Software Brake Level (P07-00)
17. Encoder Type Selection (P10-00)
18. Encoder Pulse (P10-01)
19. Encoder Input Type Setting (P10-02)
20. System Control (P11-00)
21. Per Unit of System Inertia (P11-01)
22. ASR1 Low-speed Bandwidth (P11-03)
23. ASR2 High-speed Bandwidth (P11-04)
24. Zero-speed Bandwidth (P11-05)
25. Max. Torque Command (P11-27)
26. Source of Torque Offset (P11-28)
27. Torque Offset Setting (P11-29)
28. Source of Torque Command (P11-33)
29. Torque Command (P11-34)
30. Speed Limit Selection (P11-36)
31. Forward Speed Limit (torque mode)
32. Reverse Speed Limit (torque mode)
6. My Mode
It can save 01~32 sets of parameters (Pr).
Setup process
1. Go to Parameter Setup function.
Press ENTER to go to the parameter
Click F4 in parameter which you need to use. There is an
ADD on the bottom right-hand corner of
setting page, the the screen. Press F4 on the key pad
to add this parameter to My Mode
parameter will save to
My Mode. To delete or
correct the parameter,
enter this parameter and
click the “DEL” on the
bottom right corner.

2. The parameter (Pr) will be displayed in

My mode if it is properly saved.
To correct or to delete this Pr. clicks

3. To delete a parameter, go to My Mode

and select a parameter which you need
to delete.
Press ENTER to enter the parameter
setting screen. There is a DEL on the
bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Press F4 on the keypad to delete this
parameter from My Mode.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

4. After pressing ENTER to delete <01

Control Mode>, the <02 Maximum
Operating Frequency > will
automatically replace <01 Control

8. Display setup
1. Contrast

Use Up/Down key to adjust the setting


After selecting a setting value. Press

ENTER to see screen’s display after
contrast is adjusted to be +10.

When the setting value is 0 Min, the back

light will be steady on.

Then press ENTER.

After select a setting value Press ENTER to

see screen’s display result after contrast is
adjusted to be -10.

2. Back-light

Press ENTER to go to Back Light Time

Setting screnn.

Use Up/Down key to adjust the setting


When the setting value is 0 Min, the back

light will be steady on.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

When the setting value is 10 Min, the

backlight will be off in 10 minutes.

9. Time setting
Time setup
2009/01/01 Use Up/Down key to set up Year
_ _ : _ _ :_ _

Use Left/Right key to select

Use Up/Down key to set up Month
Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
or Second to set up

Use Up/Down key to set up day

Use Up/Down key to set up hour

Use Up/Down key to set up Minute

Use Up/Down key to set up Second

After setting up, press ENTER to confirm

the setup.


When the digital keypad is removed, the time setting will be in standby status
for 7 days. After this period, the time needs to be reset.

10. Language setup

Language setting option is displayed in the language of the user’s choice.
Language setting options:
1. English 5.
2. 繁體中文 6. Espanol

Use Up/Down key to select

3. 简体中文 7. Portugues
4. Turkce
language, than press ENTER.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

11. Startup-up
1. Default 1 DELTA LOGO

2. Default 2 DELTA Text

3. User Defined: optional accessory is require (TPEditor & USB/RS-485

Communication Interface-IFD6530)
Install an editing accessory would allow users to design their own start-up
page.If editor accessory is not installed, “user defined” option will dispay a
blank page.

USB/RS-485 Communication Interface-IFD6530

Please refer to Chapter 07 Optional Acessories for more detail.
Go to Delta’s website to download TPEditor V1.40 or later versions.

12. Main page

1. Default page

F 60.00Hz
H 0.00Hz
u 540.0Vdc
Default picture and editable
picture are available upon F 600.00Hz >>> H >>> A >>> U (circulate)
2. User Defined: optional accessory is require (TPEditor & USB/RS-485
Communication Interface-IFD6530)
Press ENTER to select. Install an editing accessory would allow users to design their own start-up
page.If editor accessory is not installed, “user defined” option will dispay a
blank page.

USB/RS-485 Communication Interface-IFD6530

Please refer to Chapter 07 Optional Acessories for more detail.
Go to Delta’s website to download TPEditor V1.40 or later versions.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

13. PC Link
1. TPEditor: This function allows users to connect the keypad to a
computer then to download and edit user defined pages.

Click ENTER to go to <Waiting to

connect to PC>

In TPEditor, choose <Communication>, then choose “Write to HMI”

Choose <YES> in the <Confirm to Write> dialogue box.

Start downloading pages to edit KPC-CC01.

Download completed

2. VFDSoft: this function allows user to link to the VFDSoft Operating

software then to upload data
Copy parameter 1~4 in KPC-CC01
Connect KPC-CCO1 to a computer

Start downloading pages to edit to


Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Use Up/Down key to select a parameter

group to upload to VFDSoft.

Waiting to connect to PC

Open VFDSoft, choose <Parameter Manager function>

In Parameter Manager, choose <Load parameter table from KPC-CC01>

Choose the right communication port and click OK

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Start to upload parameters to VFDSoft

Uploading parameter is completed

Before using the user defined starting screen and user defined main
screen, the starting screen setup and the main screen setup have to be
preset as user defined.
If the user defined page are not downloaded to KPC-CC01, the starting
screen and the main screen will be blank.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Other display
When fault occur, the menu will display:

Fault Warning
ocA CE01
Oc at accel Comm. Error 1

1. Press ENTER and start RESET. If still no response, please contact local distributor or return to the factory. To
view the fault DC BUS voltage, output current and output voltage, press “MENU”“Fault Record”.
2. Press ENTER again, if the screen returns to main page, the fault is clear.
3. When fault or warning message appears, backlight LED will blinks until the fault or the warning is cleared.

Optional accessory: RJ45 Extension Lead for Digital Keypad

Part No. Description
CBC-K3FT RJ45 extension lead, 3 feet (approximately 0.9m)
CBC-K5FT RJ45 extension lead, 5 feet (approximately 1.5 m)
CBC-K7FT RJ45 extension lead, 7 feet (approximately 2.1 m)
CBC-K10FT RJ45 extension lead, 10 feet (approximately 3 m)
CBC-K16FT RJ45 extension lead, 16 feet (approximately 4.9 m)
Note: When you need to buy communication cables, buy non-shielded , 24 AWG, 4 twisted pair, 100 ohms
communication cables.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10-3 TPEditor Installation Instruction

TPEditor can edit up to 256 HMI (Human-Machine Interface) pages with a total storage capacity of 256kb. Each
page can edit 50 normal objects and 10 communication objects.
1) TPEditor: Setup & Basic Functions
1. Run TPEditor V1.40 or later versions.

2. Go to File(F)Click on New. The Window below will pop up. At the device type, click on the drop down
menu and choose DELTA VFD-C Inverter. At the TP type, click on the drop down menu and choose VFD-C
KeyPad. As for File Name, enter TPE0. Now click on OK.

3. You are now at the designing page. Go to Edit (E)Click on Add a New Page (A) or go to the TP page on
the upper right side, right click once on TP page and choose Add to increase one more page for editing.
The current firmware of Keypad is version1.00 and can support up to 4 pages.

4. Edit Startup Page

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

5. Static Text . Open a blank page, click once on this button , and then double click on that blank
page. The following windows will pop up.

6. Static Bitmap Open a blank page, then click once on this button and then double click on that
blank page. The following window will pop up.

Please note that Static Bitmap setting support only images in BMP format. Now choose a image that you
need and click open, then that image will appear in the Static Bitmap window.

7. Geometric Bitmap  As shown in the picture on the left side, there

are 11 kinds of geometric bitmap to choose. Open a new blank page then click once on a geometric bitmap
icon that you need. Then drag that icon and enlarge it to the size that you need on that blank page.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

8. Finish editing the keypad starting screen and select Communication>Input User Defined Keypad
Starting Screen.

9. Downloading setting: Go to Tool > Communication. Set up communication port and speed of IFD6530.

10. Only three speed selections are available: 9600 bps, 19200 bps and 38400 bps.

11. When a dialogue box displayed on the screen asking to confirm writing or not, press buttons on the keypad
to go to MENU, select PC LINK and then press ENTER and wait for few seconds. Then select YES on the
screen to start downloading.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

2) Edit Main Page & Example of Download

1. Go to editing page, select EditàAdd one page or press the button ADD on the right hand side of the HMI
page to increase number of pages to edit. This keypad currently support up to 256 pages.

2. On the bottom right-hand corner of the HMI, click on a page number to edit or go to VIEW >HMI page to
start editing main page. As shown in the image, the following objects are available. From left to right:
Static Text, ASCII Display, Static Bitmap, Scale, Bar Graph, Button, Clock Display, Multi-state bit map,
Units, Numeric Input and 11 geometric bitmaps and lines of different width. The application of Static Text,
Static Bitmap, and geometric bitmap is the same as the editing startup page.

3. Numric/ASCII Display : To add a Numeric/ASCII Display object to a screen, double click on the object to
set up Related Devices, Frame Setting , Fonts and Alignment.

Related Device: Choose the VFD Communication Port that you need, if you want to read output
frequency (H), set the VFD Communication Port to $2202. For other values, please refer to ACMD
ModBus Comm Address List.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

4. Scale Setting : On the Tool Bar, click on this for Scale Setting. You can also edit Scale Setting in
the Property Window on the right hand side of your computer screen.

a. Scale Position: Click on the drop down list to choose which position that you need to place a scale.
b. Scale Side: Click on the drop down list to choose if you want to number your scale from smaller
number to bigger number or from big to small. Click OK to accept this setting or click Cancel to
c. Font Setting: Click on the drop down list to choose the Font setting that you need then click OK to
accept the setting or click Cancel to abort.
d. Value Length: Click on the drop down to choose 16bits or 32 bits. Then click OK to accept the
setting or click Cancel to abort.
e. Main Scale & Sub Scale: In order to divide the whole scale into equal parts, key in the numbers of
your choices for main scale and sub scale.
f. Maximum value & Minimum Value are the numbers on the two ends of a scale. They can be
negative numbers. But the values allowed to be input are limited by the length of value. For
example, when the length of value is set to be hexadecimal, the maximum and the minimum value
cannot be input as -4000.
Follow the Scale setting mentioned above; you will have a scale as shown below.

5. Bar Graph setting :

a. Related Device: Choose the VFD Communication Port that you need.
b. Direction Setting: Click on the drop down menu to choose one of the following directions: From
Bottom to Top, From Top to Bottom, From Left to Right or From Right to Left.
c. Maximum Value & Minimum Value: They define the range covered by the maximum value and
minimum value. If a value is smaller than or equal to the minimum value, then the bar graph will be
blank. If a value is bigger or equal to the maximum value, then the bar graph will be full. If a value is
between minimum and maximum value, then the bar graph will be filled proportionally.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

6. Button : Currently this function only allows the Keypad to switch pages, other functions are not yet
available. Text input function and Image inserted functions are not yet supported.
Double click on to open set up window.

<Button Type> allows users set up buttons’ functions. <Page Jump> and <Constant Setting> are the only
two currently supported functions.
A [ Page Jump ] function setting
 Page Jump setting: After you choose the Page Jump function in the drop down list, you will see this
Page Jump Setting Menu
 <Function Key> allows you to assign functions to the following keys on the KPC-CC01 keypad: F1,
F2, F3, F4, Up, Down, Left and Right. Please note that the Up and Down keys are locked by
TPEditor. These two keys cannot be programmed. If you want to program Up and Down keys, go to
ToolFunction Key Settings (F)Re-Define Up/Down Key(R).

 Button Text: This function allows user to name buttons. For example, key in <Next Page> in the
empty space, a button will have the wording <Next Page> displayed on it.
B [ Constant setting ] function
This function is to set up the memory address’ value of the VFD or PLC. When pressing the <function
button> set up in before, a value will be written to the memory address of the <Constant Setting>. This
function can be used as initializing a variable.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

7. Clock Display Setting : The setup window of the Clock Display is shown as the image below. Time,
Day or Date can be displayed on the keypad.
Open a new file and click once in that window, you will see the following
In the clock display setting, you can choose to display Time, Day or Date on the Keypad. To adjust time,
go to #9 on the Keypad’s menu. You can also adjust Frame Setting, Font Setting and Alignment.

8. Multi-state bitmap : The setup window of the multi-state is shown as the image below. This object
reads the bit’s property value of the PLC. It defines what image or wording is when this bit is 0 or when
this bit is 1. Set the initial status to be 0 or 1 to define the displayed image or wording.

9. Unit Measurement : Click once on this Button:

Open a new file and double click on that window, you will see the following

Choose from the drop down list the Metrology and the Unity Name that you need.
As for Metrology, you have the following choices Length, Square Measure, Volume/Solid Measure,
Weight, Speed, Time and Temperature. The unit name changes automatically when you change
metrology type.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10. Numeric Input Setting :

This menu allows you to provide parameters or communication ports and to input numbers.
Click once on this button .
Open a new file and double click on that window, you will see the following:

a. Related Device: There are two blank spaces to fill in, one is <Write> and another one is <Read>.
Input the numbers that you want to display and the corresponding numbers of a parameter and that
of a communication port. For example, input 012C to Read and Write Parameter P01-44.
b. OutLine Setting: The Frame setting, Font setting, Vertical Alignment and Horizontal Alignment are
the same as mentioned before. Click on the drop down menu and choose the setting that you need.
c. Function key: The setting here allows you to program keys on the keypad. Press the key on the
menu then the corresponding key on the keypad will start to blink, then press Enter to confirm the
d. Value Type & Value Length: These two factors influence the range of the Minimum and Maximum
Value of the Limit Setting. Please note that the corresponding supporting values for C2000 have to
be 16bits. The 32bits values are not supported.
e. Value Setting: This part is set automatically by the keypad itself.
f. Limit Setting: Input the range the security setting here.
g. For example, if you set Function Key as F1, Minimum Value as 0 and Maximum Value ias 4, then
press F1 on Keypad Then you can press Up and Down key on the keypad to increase or decrease
the value. Press Enter Key on the keypad to confirm your setting. You can also go to parameter
table 01-44 to verify if your input correctly the value.
11. Download TP Page : Press Up or Down key on the keypad until you reach #13 PC Link.
Then press Enter on the keypad and you will see the word “Waiting” on keypad’s screen. Now choose a
page that you have created then go to Communication (M)Write to TP(W) to start downloading the
page to the keypad
When you see the word Completed on the keypad’s screen, that means the download is done.
Then you can press ESC on the keypad to go back to the menu of the keypad.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

10-4 Digital Keypad KPC-CC01 Fault Codes and Descriptions

Following fault codes and description are for digital keypad KPC-CC01 with version V1.01 and version

LCM Display * Description Corrective Actions

An error has occurred on keypad’s flash memory.
1. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
2. Verify what kind of error has occurred on
keypad’s flash memory.
FrEr Keypad flash memory read error
3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes,
kpdFlash Read Er and then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your
authorized local dealer.
An error has occurred on keypad’s flash memory.
1. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
Fault 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
FSEr Keypad flash memory save error 3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes,
and then power on again the system.
kpdFlash Save Er
If none of the solution above works, contact your
authorized local dealer.
Errors occurred on parameters of factory setting.
It might be caused by firmware update.
1. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
Keypad flash memory parameter 2. Verify if there’s any problem on Flash IC.
error 3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes,
kpdFlash Pr Er and then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your
local authorized dealer.
Keypad can’t read any data sent from VFD.
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connect to the
motor drive by a communication cable such as
Fault RJ-45.
Keypad flash memory when
VFDr 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
read AC drive data error
3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes,
Read VFD Info Er
and then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your
local authorized dealer.
A Serious error has occurred on keypad’s CPU.
1. Verify if there’s any problems on CPU clock?
2. Verify if there’s any problem on Flash IC?
3. Verify if there’s any problem on RTC IC?
4. Verify if the communication quality of the
CPUEr Keypad CPU error
RS485 is good?
CPU Error 5. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes,
and then power on again the system. If none of
the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

Warning Code
LCM Display * Description Corrective Actions
Motor drive doesn’t accept the communication
command sent from keypad.
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connected to the
motor drive on the communication contact by a
CE01 Modbus function code error communication cable such as RJ-45.
Comm Co mmand Er 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Motor rive doesn’t accept keypad’s communication
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connected to the
motor drive on the communication contact by a
CE02 Modbus data address error communication cable such as RJ-45.
Comm Address Er 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Motor drive doesn’t accept the communication data
sent from keypad.
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connected to the
motor drive on the communication contact by a
CE03 Modbus data value error communication cable such as RJ-45.
Comm Data Error 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Motor drive cannot process the communication
command sent from keypad.
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connected to the
motor drive on the communication contact by a
communication cable such as RJ-45.
CE04 Modbus slave drive error 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
Comm Slave Error 3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Motor drive doesn’t respond to the communication
command sent from keypad.
1. Verify if the keypad is properly connected to the
motor drive on the communication contact by a
communication cable such as RJ-45.
CE10 Modbus transmission time-Out 2. Press RESET on the keypad to clear errors.
KpdCom m Time O ut 3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Keypad’s TP Editor uses unsupported object.
1. Verify how the TP editor should use that object.
Warning Delete unsupported object and unsupported
Object not supported by TP
TPNO Editor 2. Reedit the TP editor and then download it.
TP No Ob ject
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

File Copy Setting Fault Description

LCM Display * Description Corrective Actions
The property of the parameter/file is read-only and
File 1 cannot be written to.
Err 1 Parameter and file are read only 1. Verify the specification on the user manual.
If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
Read Only authorized dealer.
An error occurred while write to a parameter/file.
File 1 1. Verify if there’s any problem on the Flash IC.
2. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
Err Fail to write parameter and file then power on again the system.
Write Fail If none of the solution above work, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made while motor drive is in
File 1 operation.
Err AC drive is in operating status 1. Verify if the drive is not in operation.
If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
VFD Running authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made because a parameter is
File 1 locked.
1. Verify if the parameter is locked or not. If it is locked,
Err AC drive parameter is locked unlock it and try to set up the parameter again.
Pr Lock If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made because a parameter is
File 1 being modified.
1. Verify if the parameter is being modified. If it is not
Err AC drive parameter changing being modified, try to set up that parameter again.
Pr Changing If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made because an error has
occurred on the motor drive.
File 1 1. Verify if there’s any error occurred on the motor
Err Fault code dive. If there isn’t any error, try to make the setting
Fault Code If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made because of a warning
File 1 message given to the motor drive.
1. Verify if there’s any warning message given to the
Err Warning code motor drive.
Warning Code If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your local
authorized dealer.
Data need to be copied are not same type, so the
setting cannot be made.
File 1 1. Verify if the products’ serial numbers need to be
Err File type dismatch copied fall in the category. If they are in the same
category, try to make the setting again.
Type Dismatch If the solution above doesn’t work, contact your
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made, because some data are
1. Verify if the data are unlocked or able to be
File 1 unlocked. If the data are unlocked, try to make the
Err File is locked with password setting again.
2. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
Password Lock then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.

Chapter 10 Digital Keypad

LCM Display * Description Corrective Actions

A setting cannot be made because the password is
File 1 1. Verify if the password is correct. If the password is
correct, try to make the setting again.
Err 10 File is locked with password 2. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
Password Fail then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made, because the version of the
File 1 data is incorrect.
1. Verify if the version of the data matches the motor
Err File version dismatch drive. If it matches, try to make the setting again.
Version Fail If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.
A setting cannot be made, because data copying
timeout expired.
1. Redo data copying.
File 1 2. Verify if copying data is authorized. If it is
Err AC drive copy function time-out authorized, try again to copy data.
3. Shut down the system, wait for ten minutes, and
VFD Time Out then power on again the system.
If none of the solution above works, contact your local
authorized dealer.

File 1 This setting cannot be made, due to other keypad

issues. (Reserved functions)
Err Other keypad error If such error occurred, contact your local authorized
Keypad Issue dealer.

File 1 This setting cannot be made, due to other motor drive

issues. (Reserved functions).
Err Other AC drive error If such error occurred, conatct your local authorized
VFD Issue dealer.
※ The content in this chapter only applies on V1.01 and above of KPC-CC01 keypad.

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

This chapter provides summary of parameter settings for users to gather the parameter setting
ranges, factory settings and set parameters. The parameters can be set, changed and reset by the digital


1) : The parameter can be set during operation.

2) For more detail on parameters, please refer to Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Settings.
00 Drive Parameters
Parameter Function Setting
4: 230V, 1HP (0.75kW)
5: 460 V, 1HP (0.75kW)
6: 230V, 2HP (1.5kW)
7: 460 V, 2HP (1.5kW)
8: 230V, 3HP (2.2kW)
9: 460 V, 3HP (2.2kW)
10: 230V, 5HP (3.7kW)
11: 460 V, 5HP (3.7kW)
12: 230V, 7.5HP (5.5kW)
13: 460 V, 7.5HP (5.5kW)
14: 230V, 10HP (7.5kW)
15: 460V, 10HP (7.5kW)
16: 230V, 15HP (11kW)
17: 460V, 15HP (11kW)
18: 230V, 20HP (15kW)
19: 460V, 20HP (15kW)
20: 230V, 25HP (18.5kW)
ID Code of the AC
00-00 21: 460V, 25HP (18.5kW) Read only
Motor Drive
22: 230V, 30HP (22kW)
23: 460V, 30HP (22kW)
24: 230V, 40HP (30kW)
25: 460V, 40HP (30kW)
26: 230V, 50HP (37kW)
27: 460V, 50HP (37kW)
28: 230V, 60HP (45kW)
29: 460V, 60HP (45kW)
30: 230V, 75HP (55kW)
31: 460V, 75HP (55kW)
32: 230V, 100HP (75kW)
33: 460V, 100HP (75kW)
34: 230V, 125HP(90kW)
35: 460V, 125HP (90kW)
37: 460V, 150HP (110kW)
39: 460V, 175HP(132kW)
41: 460V, 215HP(160kW)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
43: 460V, 250HP(185kW)
45: 460V, 300HP(220kW)
47: 460V, 375HP(280kW)
49: 460V, 425HP(315kW)
51: 460V, 475HP(355kW)
53: 460V, 536HP(400kW)
90: 230V, 4HP (3.0kW)
91: 460V, 4HP (3.0kW)
93: 460V, 5.5HP (4.0kW)
Display AC Motor
00-01 Display by models Read only
Drive Rated Current
0: No function
1: Read only
2: Reserved
3: Reserved
4: Reserved
5: Reset KWH display to 0
6: Reset PLC
00-02 Parameter Reset 0
(including CANopen Master Index)
7: Reset CANopen Index (Slave)
8: Reserved
9: All parameters are reset to factory settings
(base frequency is 50Hz)
10: All parameters are reset to factory settings
(base frequency is 60Hz)
0: F (frequency command)
Start-up Display 1: H (output frequency)
 00-03 0
Selection 2: U (multi-function display, see Pr.00-04)
3: A (output current)
0: Display output current (A)
1: Display counter value (c)
2: Display actual output frequency (H.)
3: Display DC-BUS voltage (u)
4: Display output voltage (E)
5: Display output power angle (n)
6: Display output power in kW (P)
7: Display actual motor speed rpm (r)
8: Reserved
Multi-function Display
 00-04 9: Reserved 3
(User Defined)
10: Display PID feedback in % (b)
11: Display AVI1 in % (1.)
12: Display ACI in % (2.)
13: Display AVI2 in % (3.)
14: Display the temperature of IGBT in °C (i.)
15: Display the temperature of heat sink in °C
16: The status of digital input (ON/OFF) (i)
17: The status of digital output (ON/OFF) (o)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
18: Multi-step speed (S)
19: The corresponding CPU pin status of digital
input (d.)
20: The corresponding CPU pin status of digital
output (O.)
21: Reserved
22: Reserved
23: Reserved
24: Reserved
25: Overload counting (0.00~100.00%) (h.)
26: Ground Fault GFF (Unit: %) (G)
27: DC Bus voltage ripple (Unit: Vdc) (r.)
28: Display PLC data D1043 (C)
29: Reserved
30: Display output of user defined (U)
31: H page x Pr.00-05 Display user Gain (K)
32: Reserved
33: Reserved
34: Operation speed of fan (%) (F.)
35: Reserved
36: Present operating carrier frequency of drive
(Hz) (J.)
37: Reserved
38: Display drive’s status (6.)
39: Reserved
40: Reserved
41: KWH display (Unit: KWH) (J)
42: PID Reference (Unit: %) (L.)
43: PID offset (Unit: %) (o.)
44: PID Output frequency, unit: Hz (b.)
45: Hardware ID (0)
Coefficient Gain in
 00-05 Actual Output 0.00~160.00 1.00
00-06 Software version Read only #.##
Parameter Protection 0~65535
 00-07 0
Password Input 0~4: The times of password attempts
Parameter Protection 0: No password protection / password is
 00-08 0
Password Setting entered correctly (Pr. 00-07)
1: Parameter is locked
~ Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
0: VF (V/F control)
1: Reserved
2: SVC (Sensor-Less Vector Control)
3: Reserved
00-11 Velocity Control Mode 0
4: Reserved
5: Reserved
6: Reserved
7: Reserved
~ Reserved
Loading mode 0: Light duty
00-16 0
selection 1: Normal duty
LD: 1~20 HP
ND: 0.5~15 HP
2~15kHz 8
LD: 1~25 HP
ND: 0.5~20 HP
LD: 25~60 HP
ND: 20~50 HP
00-17 Carrier Frequency 2~10kHz 6
LD: 30~100 HP
ND: 25~75 HP
LD: 75~125 HP
ND: 60~100 HP
2~9kHz 4
LD: 125~536 HP
ND: 100~475 HP
00-18 Reserved
bit 0: Control command is forcely controlled by
PLC command mask
bit 1: Frequency command is forcely controlled
00-19 (SOOC, SOOF, 0
by PLC.
bit 2: Reserved
bit 3: Reserved
0: Digital keypad
1: RS485 serial communication
2: External analog input (Pr. 03-00)
Source of the 3: External UP/DOWN terminal
00-20 MASTER Frequency 4: Reserved 0
Command (AUTO) 5: Reserved
6: CANopen communication card
7: Reserved
8: Communication card (no CANopen card)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
0: Digital keypad
1: External analog input, keypad “STOP” is
Source of the
2: RS485 serial communication, keypad
00-21 Operation Command 0
“STOP” is disabled.
3: External UP/DOWN terminal
4: Reserved
5: Communication card (no CANopen card)
0: Ramp to stop
 00-22 Stop method 0
1: Coast to stop
0: Enable forward/reverse
Motor Operating
 00-23 1: Reverse disable 0
Direction Control
2: Forward disable
Memory of
00-24 Communication Read only Read only
Frequency Command
bit 0~3: User defined on decimal places
0000B: no decimal place
0001B: one decimal place
0010B: two decimal place
0011B: three decimal place
bit 4~15: User define on unit
000Xh: Hz
001xh: rpm
002xh: %
003xh: kg
004xH: m/s
005xH: kW
006xH: HP
007xH: ppm
008xH: 1/m
009xH: kg/s
 00-25 User Defined Property 0
00AxH: kg/m
00BxH: kg/h
00CxH: lb/s
00DxH: lb/m
00ExH: lb/h
00FxH: ft/s
010xH: ft/m
011xH: M
012xH: ft
013xH: degC
014xH: degF
015xH: mbar
016xH: bar
017xH: Pa
018xH: kPa
019xH: mWG

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
01AxH: inWG
01BxH: ftWG
01CxH: Psi
01DxH: Atm
01ExH: L/s
01FxH: L/m
020xH: L/h
021xH: m3/s
022xH: m3/h
023xH: GPM
024xH: CFM
Pr. 00-25 bit 0~3=0001B:
No function: 0.0
Setting: 0.1~6553.5
Pr. 00-25 bit 0~3=0010B:
Max. User Defined
00-26 No function: 0.00 0
Setting: 0.01~655.35
Pr. 00-25 bit 0~3=0011B:
No function: 0.000
Setting: 0.001~65.535
00-27 User Defined Value Read only Read only
bit 0: Sleep function control bit
0: Cancel sleep function
1: Sleep function follows the setting of
Auto mode.
bit 1: Display of unit control bit
0: Change the unit to be Hz
1: Display of unit follows the setting of
Auto mode.
bit 2: PID control bit
Switching from Auto 0: Cancel PID control
 00-28 0
mode to Hand mode 1: PID control follows the setting of Auto
bit 3: Source of frequency control bit
0: The source of frequency is set by
parameters. If the multi-step speed
setting is activated then multi-step
speed has the priority.
1: The source of frequency is set by
Pr. 00-30, no matter the multi-step
speed setting is activated or not.
0: Standard HOA function.
1: When switching between Local/Remote, if
Local / Remote the drive is running, the drive will stop. If the
00-29 0
Selection drive is already stopped, it still remains

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
2: The drive still follows the setting at Remote
while switching to Local.
For example, if the setting at Remote is
"running", the drive keeps on "running"
even after the drive is switched from Remote
to Local. Unless a "stop" command is given,
then the drive will be stopped under LOCAL
3: The drive still follows the setting at Local
while switching to Remote.
For example, if the setting at L is "stopping',
the drive keeps "stopping" even after the
drive is at Remote mode.Unless a "running"
command is given, then the drive will start to
run under Remote mode.
4: The drive remembers the both settings at
Local and Remote.
When switch to Remote, the drive follows
right away the setting at Remote.
When switch to Local, the drive follows
instantly the setting at Local.
0: Digital keypad
1: RS-485 serial communication
2: External analog input (Pr.03-00)
Source of the Master 3: External UP/DOWN terminal
00-30 Frequency Command 4: Reserved 0
(HAND) 5: Reserved
6: CANopen communication card
7: Reserved
8: Communication card (no CANopen card)
0: Digital keypad
1: External terminals. Keypad STOP is
Source of the
2: RS-485 serial communication. Keypad
00-31 Operation Command 0
STOP disabled.
3: CANopen communication card
4: Reserved
5: Communication card (no CANopen card)
Digital Keypad STOP 0: STOP key is disabled
 00-32 0
Function 1: STOP key is enabled
~ Reserved
Display Filter Time
 00-48 0.001~65.535 sec. 0.100
 Display Filter Time
00-49 0.001~65.535 sec. 0.100

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Function Setting
Software Version
00-50 Read only Read only
~ Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

01 Basic Parameters
Parameter Explanation Settings
Max. Operating 50.00~600.00Hz 60.00/
Frequency (Hz) 45KW (60HP) and above: 0.00~400.00Hz 50.00
Motor1: Max Output 60.00/
01-01 0.00~600.00Hz
Frequency (Hz) 50.00
Motor1: Max Output 230V models: 0.0V~255.0V 220.0
Voltage (V) 460V models: 0.0V~510.0V 400.0
Mid-point Frequency 1 of 1.50/
01-03 0.00~600.00Hz
Motor 1 3.00
Mid-point Voltage 1 of 230V: 0.0V~240.0V 10.0/
Motor 1 460V: 0.0V~480.0V 22.0
Mid-point Frequency 2 of
01-05 0.00~600.00Hz 0.50
Motor 1
Mid-point Voltage 2 of 230V: 0.0V~240.0V 2.0/
Motor 1 460V: 0.0V~480.0V 4.0
Min. Output Frequency of
01-07 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
Motor 1
Min. Output Voltage of 230V: 0.0V~240.0V 0.0/
Motor 1 460V: 0.0V~480.0V 0.0
01-09 Start-Up Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.50
Output Frequency Upper
 01-10 0.00~600.00Hz 600.00
Output Frequency Lower
 01-11 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
 01-12 Accel. Time 1
 01-13 Decel. Time 1
 01-14 Accel. Time 2
 01-15 Decel. Time 2
 01-16 Accel. Time 3 Pr. 01-45=0: 0.00~600.00 sec. 10.00/
 01-17 Decel. Time 3 Pr. 01-45=1: 0.00~6000.0 sec. 10.0
 01-18 Accel. Time 4
 01-19 Decel. Time 4
 01-20 JOG Acceleration Time
 01-21 JOG Deceleration Time
 01-22 JOG Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 6.00
Frequency of 1st
 01-23 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
& Frequency of 4th
S-curve for Acceleration
Departure Time 1 Pr.01-45=0: 0.00~25.00 sec. 0.20/
S-curve for Acceleration Pr.01-45=1: 0.0~250.0 sec. 0.2
Arrival Time 2

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
S-curve for Deceleration
Departure Time 1 Pr.01-45=0: 0.00~25.00 sec. 0.20/
S-curve for Deceleration Pr.01-45=1: 0.0~250.0 sec. 0.2
Arrival Time 2
Upper limit of Frequency
01-28 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
1 setting not allowed
Lower limit of Frequency
01-29 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
1 setting not allowed
Upper limit of Frequency
01-30 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
2 setting not allowed
Lower limit of Frequency
01-31 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
2 setting not allowed
Upper limit of Frequency
01-32 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
3 setting not allowed
Lower limit of Frequency
01-33 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
3 setting not allowed
0: Output waiting
1: Zero-speed operation
01-34 Zero-speed Mode 0
2: Output at Minimum Frequency
(according to Pr. 01-07, 01-41)
Motor 2: Max Output 60.00/
01-35 0.00~600.00Hz
Frequency (Hz) 50.00
Motor 2: Max Output 230V models: 0.0V~255.0V 200.0
Voltage (V) 460V models: 0.0V~510.0V 400.0
Mid-point Frequency 1 of 1.50/
01-37 0.00~600.00Hz
Motor 2 3.00
Mid-point Voltage 1 of 230V models: 0.0V~240.0V 10.0/
Motor 2 460V models: 0.0V~480.0V 22.0
Mid-point Frequency 2 of
01-39 0.00~600.00Hz 0.50
Motor 2
Mid-point Voltage 2 of 230V models: 0.0V~240.0V 2.0/
Motor 2 460V models: 0.0V~480.0V 4.0
Min. Output Frequency of
01-41 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
Motor 2
Min. Output Voltage of 230V models: 0.0V~240.0V 0.0/
Motor 2 460V models: 0.0V~480.0V 0.0
0: V/F curve determined by group 01
1: V/F curve to the 1.5 power
2: V/F curve to the 2 power
3: 60Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 50Hz
4: 72Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 60Hz
01-43 V/f Curve Selection 5: 50Hz, decrease gradually with third 0
6: 50Hz, decrease gradually with square
7: 60Hz, decrease gradually with third
8: 60Hz, decrease gradually with square

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
9: 50Hz, medium starting torque
10: 50Hz, large staring torque
11: 60Hz, medium startin torque
12: 60Hz, large starting torque
13: 90Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s
14: 120Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s
15: 180Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s
0: Linear accel. /decel.
1: Auto accel., Linear decel.
2: Linear accel., Auto decel.
 01-44 Acceleration/Deceleration 0
3: Auto accel. / decel.
4: Linear, stall prevention by auto accel./
decel. (Limited by Pr. 01-12 to 01-21)
Time Unit for Accel. 0: Unit: 0.01 sec.
01-45 0
/Decel. and S Curve 1: Unit: 0.1sec.
CANopen Quick Stop Pr. 01-45=0: 0.00~600.00 sec. 1.00/
Time Pr. 01-45=1: 0.0~6000.0 sec. 1.0
01-47 Reserved
01-48 Reserved
0: Normal decel.
01-49 Deceleration Method 1: Over fluxing decel. 0
2: Traction energy control

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

02 Digital Input/Output Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: 2-wire mode 1, power on for operation
2-wire/3-wire Operation
02-00 1: 2-wire mode 2, power on for operation 0
2: 3-wire, power on for operation control

0: No function
Multi-function Input 1: Multi-step speed command 1
02-01 2: Multi-step speed command 2 1
Command 1 (MI1)
3: Multi-step speed command 3
4: Multi-step speed command 4
5: Reset
6: JOG command
Multi-function Input
02-02 (By KPC-CC01 or external control) 2
Command 2 (MI2)
7: Acceleration/deceleration speed inhibit
8: The 1st, 2nd acceleration/deceleration time
9: The 3rd, 4th acceleration/deceleration time
Multi-function Input selection
02-03 3
Command 3 (MI3) 10: EF Input (Pr.07-20)
11: B.B input from external (Base Block)
12: Output stop
13: Cancel the setting of optimal accel./
Multi-function Input decel. time
02-04 4
Command 4 (MI4) 14: Switch between motor 1 and motor 2
15: Operation speed command from AVI1
16: Operation speed command from ACI
17: Operation speed command from AVI2
Multi-function Input 18: Emergency stop (Pr. 07-20)
02-05 19: Digital up command 0
Command 5 (MI5)
20: Digital down command
21: PID function disabled
22: Clear counter
23: Input the counter value (MI6)
Multi-function Input
02-06 24: FWD JOG command 0
Command 6 (MI6)
25: REV JOG command
26: Reserved
27: Reserved
28: Emergency stop (EF1)
Multi-function Input 29: Signal confirmation for Y-connection
02-07 0
Command 7 (MI7) 30: Signal confirmation for ∆-connection
31: Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
32: Reserved
33: Reserved
Multi-function Input
02-08 34: Reserved 0
Command 8 (MI8)
35: Reserved
36: Reserved
37: Reserved
38: Disable EEPROM write function
Input terminal of I/O 39: Reserved
02-26 0
extension card (MI10) 40: Force coast to stop
41: HAND switch
42: AUTO switch
43: Reserved
Input terminal of I/O 44: Reserved
02-27 45: Reserved 0
extension card (MI11)
46: Reserved
47: Reserved
48: Reserved
49: Drive enable
Input terminal of I/O
02-28 50: Reserved 0
extension card (MI12)
51: Selection for PLC mode bit 0
52: Selection for PLC mode bit 1
53: Trigger CANopen quick stop
54: UVW Magnetic Contactor On/Off
Input terminal of I/O 55: Brake Released Signal
02-29 0
extension card (MI13) 56: LOC/REM Selection
57: Reserved
58: Enable fire mode (with RUN Command)
59: Enable fire mode (without RUN
Input terminal of I/O Command)
02-30 0
extension card (MI14) 60: All motors disabled
61: Motor #1 disabled
62: Motor #2 disabled
63: Motor #3 disabled
64: Motor #4 disabled
Input terminal of I/O 65: Motor #5 disabled
02-31 0
extension card (MI15) 66: Motor #6 disabled
67: Motor #7 disabled
68: Motor #8 disabled
0: up/down by the accel. /decel. time
 02-09 UP/DOWN key mode 0
1: up/down constant speed (Pr.02-10)
Constant speed. The
 02-10 Accel. /Decel. Speed of 0.001~1.000 Hz/ms 0.001
the UP/DOWN Key
Multi-function Input
 02-11 0.000~30.000 sec. 0.005
Response Time
Dgital Input Operation
 02-12 0000h ~ FFFFh (0: N.O.; 1: N.C.) 0000h

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No function
RLY1: Multi Output 1: Operation Indication
 02-13 2: Operation speed attained
4: Desired frequency attained 2 (Pr. 02-24)
5: Zero speed (Frequency command)
6: Zero speed, include STOP
RLY2: Multi Output (Frequency command)
 02-14 7: Over torque 1 (Pr. 06-06~06-08) 1
8: Over torque 2 (Pr. 06-09~06-11)
9: Drive is ready
10: Low voltage warning (Lv) (Pr.06-00)
11: Malfunction indication
RLY3: Multi Output
 02-15 12: Mechanical brake release (Pr. 02-32) 66
13: Overheat warning (Pr. 06-15)
14: Software brake signal indication
(Pr. 07-00)
15: PID feedback error
Expansion Card Output 16: Slip error (oSL)
 02-36 0
Terminal (MO10) 17: Terminal count value attained, does not
return to 0 (Pr. 02-20)
18: Preliminary count value attained, returns
to 0 (Pr. 02-19)
Expansion Card Output 19: External Base Block input (B.B.)
 02-37 0
Terminal (MO11) 20: Warning output
21: Over voltage warning
22: Over-current stall prevention warning
23: Over-voltage stall prevention warning
Expansion Card Output 24: Operation mode indication
 02-38 25: Forward command 0
Terminal (MO12)
26: Reverse command
27: Output when current ≧ Pr. 02-33
28: Output when current <Pr. 02-33
Output terminal of the I/O
29: Output when frequency ≧ Pr. 02-34
 02-39 30: Output when frequency < Pr.02-34 0
extension card (MO13)
31: Y-connection for the motor coil
32: △-connection for the motor coil
33: Zero speed (actual output frequency)
34: Zero speed include stop (actual output
Output terminal of the I/O frequency)
 02-40 0
extension card (MO14) 35: Error output selection 1 (Pr. 06-23)
36: Error output selection 2 (Pr. 06-24)
37: Error output selection 3 (Pr. 06-25)
38: Error output selection 4 (Pr. 06-26)
Output terminal of the I/O 39: Reserved
 02-41 0
extension card (MO15) 40: Speed attained (including Stop)
41: Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
42: Reserved
43: Reserved
Output terminal of the I/O
 02-42 44: Low current output 0
extension card (MO16)
45: UVW magnetic contactor enabled
46: Reserved
47: Brake output closed
48: Reserved
Output terminal of the I/O 49: Reserved
 02-43 0
extension card (MO17) 50: Output for CANopen control
51: Output for RS485
52: Output for communication card
53: Fire mode indication
Output terminal of the I/O 54: Bypass fire mode indication
 02-44 0
extension card (MO18) 55: Motor #1 output
56: Motor #2 output
57: Motor #3 output
58: Motor#4 output
Output terminal of the I/O 59: Motor#5 output
 02-45 60: Motor #6 output 0
extension card (MO19)
61: Motor#7 output
62: Motor#8 output
63: Reserved
64: Reserved
Output terminal of the I/O 65: Reserved
 02-46 0
extension card (MO20) 66: SO Logic A output (Pr.02-15)
67: Reserved
68: SO Logic B output (Pr.02-15)
~ Reserved
 02-18 Multi output direction 0000h ~ FFFFh (0: N.O.; 1: N.C.) 0000h
Terminal counting value
 02-19 0~65500 0
Preliminary counting
 02-20 value attained (not return 0~65500 0
to 0)
02-21 Reserved
Desired Frequency 60.00/
 02-22 0.00~600.00Hz
Attained 1 50.00
The Width of the Desired
 02-23 0.00~600.00Hz 2.00
Frequency Attained 1
Desired Frequency 60.00/
 02-24 0.00~600.00Hz
Attained 2 50.00
The Width of the Desired
 02-25 0.00~600.00Hz 2.00
Frequency Attained 2
02-32 Brake Delay Time 0.000~65.000 sec. 0.000

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Output Current Level
 02-33 Setting for Multi-function 0~100% 0
External Terminals
Output frequency setting
 02-34 for multi-function output 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
External Operation 0: Disabled
 02-35 Control Selection after 1: Drive runs if run command exists after 0
Reset and Activate reset or power on.
~ Reserved
Status of Multi-function Monitor the status of multi-function input
02-50 Read only
Input Terminal terminals
Status of Multi-function Monitor the status of multi-function output
02-51 Read only
Output Terminal terminals
Display External Input
02-52 terminal occupied by Monitor the status of PLC input terminals Read only
Display External Output
02-53 Terminal occupied by Monitor the status of PLC output terminals Read only
Display the Frequency
02-54 Command Memory of Read only Read only
External Terminal
~ Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

03 Analog Input / Output Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No function
1: Frequency command (torque limit under
torque control mode)
 03-00 Analog Input 1 (AVI1) 2: Reserved 1
3: Reserved
4: PID target value
5: PID feedback signal
6: PTC thermistor input value
7: Reserved
 03-01 Analog Input 2 (ACI) 8: Reserved 0
9: Reserved
10: Reserved
11: PT100 thermistor input value
12: Reserved
13: PID offset
 03-02 Analog Input 3 (AVI2) 14: Reserved 0
15: Reserved
16: Reserved
17: Reserved
 03-03 AVI1 Analog Input Bias -100.0~100.0% 0
 03-04 ACI Analog Input Bias -100.0~100.0% 0
 03-05 AVI2 Analog Input Bias -100.0~100.0% 0
03-06 Reserved
AVI1 Positive/ Negative 0: No bias
 03-07 0
Bias Mode 1: Lower than bias=bias
ACI Positive/ Negative 2: Greater than bias=bias
 03-08 0
Bias Mode 3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
AVI2 Positive/ Negative while serving as the center
 03-09 0
Bias Mode 4: Serve bias as the center
0: Negative frequency input is disabled.
Forward and reverse motions are
controlled by digital keypad or by external
Analog Frequency
 03-10 Command for Reverse 1: Negative frequency input is enabled. 0
Run Forward motion when positive frequency,
reverse motion when negative frequency.
Forward and reverse motions are not
controlled by digital keypad or by external
Analog Input Gain 1
 03-11 -500.0 ~ 500.0 % 100.0
(AVI 1)
Analog Input Gain 2
 03-12 -500.0 ~ 500.0 % 100.0
Analog Input Gain 1
 03-13 -500.0 ~ 500.0 % 100.0
(AVI 2)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Analog Input Gain 2
 03-14 -500.0 ~ 500.0 % 100.0
(AVI 2)
Analog Input Filter Time
 03-15 0.00~20.00 sec. 0.01
Analog Input Filter Time
 03-16 0.00~20.00 sec. 0.01
Analog Input Filter Time
 03-17 0.00~20.00 sec. 0.01
0: Disable addition function
Addition Function of the
 03-18 (AVI1, ACI, AVI2) 0
Analog Input
1: Enable addition function
0: Disable
1: Continue operation at the last frequency
 03-19 Loss of the ACI Signal 0
2: Decelerate to 0 Hz
3: Stop immediately and display ACE
0: Output frequency (Hz)
1: Frequency command (Hz)
2: Motor speed (Hz)
Multi-function Output 1 3: Output current (rms)
 03-20 0
(AFM1) 4: Output voltage
5: DC Bus voltage
6: Power factor
7: Power
8: Reserved

9 AVI1 %

10 ACI %

11 AVI2 %
12: Reserved
13: Reserved
14: Reserved
Multi-function Output 2
( )
 03-23 15: Reserved 0
AFM2 16: Reserved
17: Reserved
18: Reserved
19: Reserved
20: CANopen analog output
21: RS485 analog output
22: Communication card analog output
23: Constant voltage output
Gain for Analog Output 1
 03-21 0~500.0% 100.0
0: Absolute output voltage
Analog Output 1 Value 1: Output 0V in REV direction;
 03-22 in REV Direction output 0-10V in FWD direction 0
(AFM1) 2: Output 5-0V in REV direction;
output 5-10V in FWD direction
Gain for Analog Output 2
 03-24 0~500.0% 100.0

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: Absolute output voltage
Analog Output 2 Value 1: Output 0V in REV direction;
 03-25 in REV Direction output 0-10V in FWD direction 0
(AFM2) 2: Output 5-0V in REV direction;
output 5-10V in FWD direction
03-26 Reserved
 03-27 AFM2 Output Offset -100.00~100.00% 0.00
0: 0-10V
 03-28 AVI1 Selection 1: 0-20mA 0
2: 4-20mA
0: 4-20mA
 03-29 ACI Selection 1: 0-10V 0
2: 0-20mA
Status of PLC Analog 0000h~FFFFh
03-30 Read only
Output Terminal Monitor the status of PLC output terminals
AFM2 0-20mA Output 0: 0-20mA 0
Selection 1: 4-20mA
AFM1 DC Output
 03-32 0.00~100.00% 0.00
Setting Level
AFM2 DC Output
 03-33 0.00~100.00% 0.00
Setting Level
AFM1 0~20mA Output 0: 0~20mA
 03-34 0
Selection 1: 4~20mA
 03-35 AFM1 Output Filter time 0.00 ~ 20.00 sec. 0.01
 03-36 AFM2 Output Filter time 0.00 ~ 20.00 sec. 0.01
~ Reserved
0: AVI 1
MO by Source of AI
 03-44 1: ACI 0
2: AVI2
 03-45 AI Upper Level of MO 50%
-100% ~ +100%
 03-46 AI Lower Level of MO 10%
~ Reserved
0: Regular curve
1: 3 point curve of AVI1
2: 3 point curve of ACI
Analog Input Curve 3: 3 point curve of AVI1 & ACI
 03-50 7
Slection 4: 3 point curve of AVI2
5: 3 point curve of AVI1 & AVI2
6: 3 point curve of ACI & AVI2
7: 3 point curve of AVI1 & ACI & AVI2
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-51 AVI1 Low Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

AVI1 Low Point

 03-52 0.00~100.00% 0.00

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-53 AVI1 Mid Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

AVI1 Mid Point

 03-54 0.00~100.00% 50
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-55 AVI1 High Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

AVI1 High Point

 03-56 0.00~100.00% 100.00
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-57 ACI Low Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

ACI Low Point

 03-58 0.00~100.00% 0.00
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-59 ACI Mid Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

ACI Mid Point

 03-60 0.00~100.00% 50.00
03-28=0: 0.00~10.00 (V)
 03-61 ACI High Point

03-28 0: 0.00~20.00 (mA)

ACI High Point

 03-62 0.00~100.00% 100.00
 03-63 AVI2 Low Point Voltage 0.00~10.00V 0.00
AVI2 Low Point
 03-64 0.00~100.00% 0.00
 03-65 AVI2 Mid Point Voltage 0.00~10.00V 5.00
AVI2 Mid Point
 03-66 0.00~100.00% 50.00
 03-67 AVI2 High Point Voltage 0.00~10.00V 10.00
AVI2 High Point
 03-68 0.00~100.00% 100.00

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

04 Multi-step Speed Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
 04-00 1st Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-01 2nd Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-02 3rd Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-03 4 Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-04 5th Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-05 6 Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-06 7th Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-07 8 Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
 04-08 9 Step Speed Frequency 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
10 Step Speed
 04-09 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
11th Step Speed
 04-10 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
12th Step Speed
 04-11 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
13th Step Speed
 04-12 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
14th Step Speed
 04-13 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
15th Step Speed
 04-14 0.00~600.00Hz 0.0
~ Reserved
 04-50 PLC Buffer 0 0~65535 0
 04-51 PLC Buffer 1 0~65535 0
 04-52 PLC Buffer 2 0~65535 0
 04-53 PLC Buffer 3 0~65535 0
 04-54 PLC Buffer 4 0~65535 0
 04-55 PLC Buffer 5 0~65535 0
 04-56 PLC Buffer 6 0~65535 0
 04-57 PLC Buffer 7 0~65535 0
 04-58 PLC Buffer 8 0~65535 0
 04-59 PLC Buffer 9 0~65535 0
 04-60 PLC Buffer 10 0~65535 0
 04-61 PLC Buffer 11 0~65535 0
 04-62 PLC Buffer 12 0~65535 0
 04-63 PLC Buffer 13 0~65535 0
 04-64 PLC Buffer 14 0~65535 0
 04-65 PLC Buffer 15 0~65535 0
 04-66 PLC Buffer 16 0~65535 0
 04-67 PLC Buffer 17 0~65535 0
 04-68 PLC Buffer 18 0~65535 0
 04-69 PLC Buffer 19 0~65535 0

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

05 Motor Parameters
(IM: Induction Motor; PM: Permanent Magnet Motor)
Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No function
1: Measure IM in dynamic status (motor
05-00 Motor Auto Tuning spinning) (Rs, Rr, Lm, Lx, no-load current) 0
2: Measure IM in static status (motor not
Full-Load current of IM 1
05-01 10~120% of the drive’s rated current ###.##
 05-02 Rated Power of IM 1 (kW) 0~655.35kW ###.##
Rated Rotational Speed 0~65535
 05-03 1710
of IM 1 (rpm) 1710 (60Hz 4 poles); 1410 (50Hz 4 poles)
05-04 Pole Number of IM 1 2~20 4
No Load Current of IM1
05-05 0~ Pr. 05-01 of factory setting ###.##
Stator Resistance (Rs) of
05-06 0~65535 mΩ 0.000
Rotor Resistance (Rr) of
05-07 0~65535 mΩ 0.000
Magnetizing Inductance
05-08 0~65535 mH 0.0
(Lm) of IM 1
Stator Inductance (Lx) of
05-09 0~65535 mH 0.0
IM 1
~ Reserved
Rated Current of 0~65535
05-13 ###.##
Induction Motor 2 ( Amps)
Rated Power of Induction 0~655.35kW
 05-14 ###.##
Motor 2 (kW)
Rated Rotational Speed 0~65535
 05-15 1710
of Induction Motor 2 (rpm) 1710 (60Hz 4poles); 1410 (50Hz 4 poles)
05-16 Pole Number of IM 2 2~20 4
No-load Current of IM 2
05-17 0~Pr. 05-01 factory setting ###.##
Stator Resistance (Rs) of
05-18 0.000~65.535 Ω 0.000
IM 2
Rotor Resistance (Rr) of
05-19 0.000~65.535 Ω 0.000
IM 2
Magnetizing Inductance
05-20 0.0~6553.5 mH 0.0
(Lm) of IM 2
Stator Inductance (Lx) of
05-21 0.0~6553.5 mH 0.0
IM 2
Induction Motor 1/ Motor 2 1: Motor 1
05-22 1
Selection 2: Motor 2

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Frequency for
 05-23 Y-connection/ 0.00~600.00Hz 60.00
△-connection Switch of IM
Y-connection/ :
0 Disable
△-connection Switch of IM :
1 Enable

Delay Time for

 05-25 Y-connection/ 0.000~60.000 sec. 0.200
△-connection Switch of IM
Accumulative Watt Per
05-26 Second of Motor in Low Read only 0.0
Word (W-sec)
Accumulative Watt Per
05-27 Second of Motor in High Read only 0.0
Word (W-sec)
Accumulative Watt-hour
05-28 Read only 0.0
of Motor (W-Hour)
Accumulative Watt-hour
05-29 of Motor in Low Word Read only 0.0
Accumulative Watt-hour
05-30 of Motor in High Word Read only 0.0
Accumulated Motor
05-31 00~1439 0
Operation Time (minutes)
Accumulative Motor
05-32 00~65535 0
Operation Time (day)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

06 Protection Parameters
Parameter Explanation Settings
230V: 150.0~220.0Vdc 360.0
Frame E and above: 190.0~220.0Vdc Frame E
 06-00 Low Voltage Level
460V: 300.0~440.0Vdc and above:
Frame E and above: 380.0~440.0Vdc 200.0/
Over-voltage Stall 230V: 350.0~450.0Vdc 380.0/
Prevention 460V: 700.0~900.0Vdc 760.0
Selection for Over-voltage 0: Traditional over-voltage stall prevention
 06-02 0
Stall Prevention 1: Smart over-voltage prevention
Normal duty: 0~160% Normal
Over-current Stall
(100%: drive’s rated current) duty: 120
 06-03 Prevention during
Light duty: 0~130% Light
(100%: drive’s rated current) duty: 120
Normal duty: 0~160% Normal
Over-current Stall
(100%: drive’s rated current) duty: 120
 06-04 Prevention during
Light duty: 0~130% Light
(100%: drive’s rated current) duty: 120
0: By current accel./ decel. time
Accel./ Decel. Time 1: By the 1st accel./ decel. time
Selection of Stall 2: By the 2nd accel./ decel. time
 06-05 0
Prevention at Constant 3: By the 3rd accel./ decel. time
Speed 4: By the 4th accel./ decel. time
5: By auto accel./ decel.
0: No function
1: Over-torque detection during constant
speed operation, continue to operate after
2: Over-torque detection during constant
Over-torque Detection
 06-06 speed operation, stop operation after 0
3: Over-torque detection during operation,
continue to operate after detection.
4: Over-torque detection during operation,
stop operation after detection.
Over-torque Detection
 06-07 10~200% (100%: drive’s rated current) 120
Level (OT1)
Over-torque Detection
 06-08 0.1~60.0 sec. 0.1
Time (OT1)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No function
1: Over-torque detection during constant
speed operation, continue to operate after
2: Over-torque detection during constant
Over-torque Detection
 06-09 speed operation, stop operation after 0
Selection (OT2)
3: Over-torque detection during operation,
continue to operate after detection.
4: Over-torque detection during operation,
stop operation after detection.
Over-torque Detection
 06-10 10~200% (100%: drive’s rated current) 120
Level (OT2)
Over-torque Detection
 06-11 0.1~60.0 sec. 0.1
Time (OT2)
 06-12 Maximum Torque Limit 0~200% (100%: drive’s rated current) 150
0: Special motor
(with external forced cooling)
Electronic Thermal Relay
 06-13 1: Self-cooled motor 2
Selection (Motor 1)
(so motor with fan on the shaft)
2: Electronic thermal relay disabled
Electronic Thermal
 06-14 30.0~600.0 sec. 60.0
Characteristic for Motor 1

Heat Sink Over-heat (OH)
0.0~110.0 ℃ 105.0

Stall Prevention Limit

 06-16 0~100% (Pr. 06-03, Pr. 06-04) 50
0: No fault record
1: Over-current during accel. (ocA)
2: Over-current during decel. (ocd)
06-17 Current Error Record 0
3: Over-current during constant speed (ocn)
4: Ground fault (GFF)
5: IGBT short-circuit (occ)
6: Over-current at stop (ocS)
7: Over-voltage during accel. (ovA)
8: Over-voltage during decel. (ovd)
Second Most Recent 9: Over-voltage during constant speed (ovn)
06-18 0
Error Record 10: Over-voltage at stop (ovS)
11: Low-voltage during accel. (LvA)
12: Low-voltage during decel. (Lvd)
13: Low-voltage during constant speed (Lvn)
14: Stop mid-low voltage (LvS)
15: Phase loss protection (PHL)
16: IGBT over-heat (oH1)
Third Most Recent Error
06-19 17: Capacitance over-heat (oH2) 0
(over 40HP)
18: tH1o (TH1 open: IGBT over-heat
protection error)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
19: tH2o (TH2 open: capacitance over-heat
protection error)
Fourth Most Recent Error
06-20 20: Reserved 0
21: Drive over-load (oL) (When current is
150% of the rated current, the drive will
be overloaded.)
22: Electronics thermal relay 1 (EoL1)
Fifth Most Recent Error 23: Electronics thermal relay 2 (EoL2)
06-21 24: Motor overheat (oH3) (PTC) 0
25: Reserved
26: Over-torque 1 (ot1)
27: Over-torque 2 (ot2)
28: Under current 1 (uc)
29: Reserved
06-22 Sixth Most Recent Error 0
30: Memory write-in error (cF1)
31: Memory read-out error (cF2)
32: Reserved
33: U-phase current detection error (cd1)
34: V-phase current detection error (cd2)
35: W-phase current detection error (cd3)
36: Clamp current detection error (Hd0)
37: Over-current detection error (Hd1)
38: Over-voltage detection error (Hd2)
39: Ground current detection error (Hd3)
40: Auto tuning error (AuE)
41: PID feedback loss (AFE)
42: Reserved
43: Reserved
44: Reserved
45: Reserved
46: Reserved
47: Reserved
48: ACI reference input loss (ACE)
49: External fault input (EF)
50: Emergency stop (EF1)
51: External base block (BB)
52: Password error (Pcode)
53: Software code error
54: Communication error (cE1)
55: Communication error (cE2)
56: Communication error (cE3)
57: Communication error (cE4)
58: Communication error (cE10)
59: PU time-out (cP10)
60: Brake transistor error (bf)

61: Y-connection / -connection switch
error (ydc)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
62: Decel. energy bakup error (dEb)
63: Slip error (oSL)
64: Electromagnet switch error (ryF)
65: Reserved
66: Reserved
67: Reserved
68: Reserved
69: Reserved
70: Reserved
71: Reserved
72: Channel 1 (STO1~SCM1) internal
hardware error
73: External safety gate S1
74: FIRE mode output
75: Reserved
76: STO (Safety Torque Off)
77: Channel 2 (STO2~SCM2) internal
hardware error
78: Channel 1 and Channel 2 internal
hardware error
79: U phase over current (Uocc)
80: V phase over current (Vocc)
81: W phase over current (Wocc)
82: U phase output phase loss (OPHL)
83: V phase output phase loss (OPHL)
84: W phase output phase loss (OPHL)
85: Reserved
86: Reserved
87: Reserved
88: Reserved
89: Reserved
90: Inner PLC function is forced to stop
91: Reserved
92: Reserved
93: Reserved
94: Reserved
95: Reserved
96: Reserved
97: Reserved
98: Reserved
99: CPU command error (TRAP)
100: Reserved
101: CANopen software disconnect 1
102: CANopen software disconnect 2
103: CANopen synchronous error (CSYE)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
104: CANopen hardware disconnect (CbFE)
105: CANopen index setting error (CIdE)
106: CANopen slave station number setting
error (CAdE)
107: CANopen index setting exceed limit
108: Reserved
109: Reserved
110: Reserved
111: InrCOM time out (ictE)
The meaning of the value corresponds to bit:
 06-23 Fault Output Option 1 0
bit 0: Current
bit 1: Voltage
 06-24 Fault Output Option 2 bit 2: Over load 0
bit 3: System
 06-25 Fault Output Option 3 bit 4: Feedback 0
bit 5: External error
bit 6: Communication
 06-26 Fault Output Option 4 0
(refer to bit table for fault code)
0: Special motor
(with external forced cooling)
Electronic Thermal Relay
 06-27 1: Self-cooled motor 2
Selection 2 (Motor 2)
(so motor with fan on the shaft)
2: Electronic thermal relay disabled
Electronic Thermal
 06-28 Operating Time of Motor 2 30.0~600.0 sec. 60.0
0: Warn and keep operation
1: Warn and ramp to stop
 06-29 PTC Detection Selection 0
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
 06-30 PTC Level 0.0~100.0% 50.0
Frequency Commanad
06-31 0.00~655.35Hz Read only
when Malfunction
Output Frequency when
06-32 0.00~655.35Hz Read only
Output Voltage when
06-33 0.0~6553.5V Read only
06-34 DC Voltage at Malfunction 0.0~6553.5V Read only
Output Current at
06-35 0.00~655.35A Read only

IGBT Temperature at
-3276.7~3276.7 ℃ Read only

Capacitance Temperature
at Malfunction
-3276.7~3276.7 ℃ Read only

Motor Speed in rpm at

06-38 -32767~32767 rpm Read only
06-39 Reserved

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Status of Multi-function
06-40 Input Terminal when 0000h~FFFFh Read only
Status of Multi-function
06-41 Output Terminal when 0000h~FFFFh Read only
Drive Status when
06-42 0000h~FFFFh Read only
06-43 Reserved
0: STO alarm latch
 06-44 STO Alarm Latch 0
1: STO alarm no latch
0: Warn and keep operation
Action for Detected
1: Warn and ramp to stop
 06-45 Output Phase Loss 3
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
Detecting Time of Output
 06-46 0~65.535 sec. 0.500
Phase Loss
Current Level of Detected
 06-47 0~655.35% 1.00
Output Phase Loss
Time for Detecting Output
 06-48 0~65.535 sec. 0.000
Phase Loss before Run
06-49 Reserved
Time of Detected Input
 06-50 0.00~600.00 sec. 0.20
Phase Loss
06-51 Reserved
Ripple of the Detected
230V models: 0.0~150 Vdc 30.0/
 06-52 Input Phase Loss’ s
460V models: 0.0~320 Vdc 60.0
Action for Detected Input 0: Warn and ramp to stop
 06-53 0
Phase Loss (OrP) 1: Warn and coast to stop
06-54 Reserved
0: Constant rated surrent and limit carrier
wave by loaded current and temperature
1: Constant carrier frequency and limit
 06-55 Derating Protection 0
loaded current by setting carrier wave
2: Constant rated current (same as setting
0), but current limit is closed
 06-56 PT100 Detection Level 1 0.000~10.000 V 5.000
 06-57 PT100 Detection Level 2 0.000~10.000 V 7.000
PT100 Level 1 Frequency
 06-58 0.00~600.00 Hz 0.00
Delay Time of PT100
 06-59 Level 1 Frequency 0~6000 sec. 60
Software Detection GFF
 06-60 Current Level (% rated 0.0~6553.5% 60.0
current of the drive)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Software Detection of
 06-61 0~655.35 sec. 0.10
GFF Low Pass Filter Gain
230V models: 0~220.0 Vdc 150.0/
 06-62 Disable Level of dEb
460V models: 0~440.0 Vdc 300.0
06-63 Fault Record 1 (Day) 0~65535 Read only
06-64 Fault Record 1 (Min.) 0~1439 Read only
06-65 Fault Record 2 (Day) 0~65535 Read only
06-66 Fault Record 2 (Min.) 0~1439 Read only
06-67 Fault Record 3 (Day) 0~65535 Read only
06-68 Fault Record 3 (Min.) 0~1439 Read only
06-69 Fault Record 4 (Day) 0~65535 Read only
06-70 Fault Record 4 (Min.) 0~1439 Read only
 06-71 Low Current Setting Level 0.0~100.0% 0.0
Low Current Detection
 06-72 0.00~360.00 sec. 0.00
0: No function
1: Warn and coast to stop
Options when Low
 06-73 2: Warn and ramp to stop by 2nd deceleration 0
Current Occurs
3: Warn and operation continues
~ Reserved
0: No function
06-80 Fire Mode 1: Forward operation 0
2: Reverse operation
Operating Frequency
06-81 when Running Fire Mode 0.00~600.00 Hz 60.00
Bypass Fire Mode 0: Disable bypass
06-82 0
Enabled 1: Enable bypass
Delayed Time when
06-83 0.0~6550.0 sec. 0.0
Bypass Fire Mode
Auto Reset Counter of
06-84 0~10 0
Fire Mode
Length of Time to Reset
06-85 0.0~6000.0 sec. 60.0
Auto-counter (sec.)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

07 Special Parameters
Parameter Explanation Settings
Built-in Software Brake 230V series: 350.0~450.0 Vdc 380.0/
Level 460V series: 700.0~900.0 Vdc 760.0
 07-01 DC Brake Current Level 0~100% 0
DC Brake Time at
 07-02 0.0~60.0 sec. 0.0
 07-03 DC Brake Time at Stop 0.0~60.0 seconds 0.0
Startup Frequency for DC
 07-04 0.00~600.00Hz 0.00
Voltage Increasing
 07-05 0~200% 100
0: Stop operation
1: Speed search starting from last speed
Restart after Momentary
 07-06 before the moment of power down. 0
Power Down
2: Speed search starting from minimum
output frequency
Maximum Power Loss
 07-07 0.1~20.0 sec. 2.0
 07-08 Base Block Time 0.1~5.0 sec. 0.5
Current Limit for Speed
 07-09 20~200% 100
0: Stop operation
Treatment to Restart After 1: Speed search starts with current speed
 07-10 0
Fault 2: Speed search starts with minimum output
# of Auto Reset after
 07-11 0~10 0
Errors Occurred
0: Disable
1: Speed search starting from maximum
output frequency
Speed Search while
 07-12 2: Speed search starting from start-up motor 0
3: Speed search starting from minimum
output frequency
0: Disable
Deceleration Time at 1: 1st decel. time
Momentary Power Down 2: 2nd decel. time
 07-13 (dEb function: 3: 3rd decel. time 0
Deceleration Energy 4: 4th decel. time
Backup) 5: System decel. time
6: Auto decel. time
 07-14 DEB Return Time 0.0~25.0 sec. 0.0
 07-15 Dwell Time at Accel. 0.00~600.00 sec. 0.00
 07-16 Dwell Frequency at Accel. 0.00~600.00 Hz 0.00
 07-17 Dwell Time at Decel. 0.00~600.00 sec. 0.00
Dwell Frequency at
 07-18 0.00~600.00 Hz 0.00

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: Fan always ON
1: 1 minute after the AC motor drive stops,
fan will be OFF
2: When the AC motor drive runs, the fan is
ON. When the AC motor drive stops, the
 07-19 Fan Cooling Control 0
fan is OFF
3: Fan turns ON when the preliminary heat
sink’s temperature reached around 60 ℃
4: Fan always OFF
0: Coast stop
1: By deceleration Time 1
2: By deceleration Time 2
Emergency Stop (EF) &
 07-20 3: By deceleration Time 3 0
Force to Stop Selection
4: By deceleration Time 4
5: System Deceleration
6: Automatic Deceleration
Auto Energy-sAVI1ng 0: Disable
 07-21 0
Operation 1: Enable
 07-22 Energy-sAVI1ng Gain 10~1000% 100
0: Enable AVR
Auto Voltage
 07-23 1: Disable AVR 0
Regulation(AVR) Function
2: Disable AVR during deceleration
Filter Time of Torque
 07-24 Command (V/F and SVC 0.001~10.000 sec. 0.020
control mode)
Filter Time of Slip
 07-25 Compensation (V/F and 0.001~10.000 sec. 0.100
SVC control mode)
Torque Compensation
 07-26 Gain (V/F and SVC 0~10 (To be “1” under SVC control mode) 0
control mode)
Slip Compensation Gain
 07-27 (V/F and SVC control 0.00~10.0 0.00
07-28 Reserved
 07-29 Slip Deviation Level 0
0: Not-detectable
Detection Time of Slip
 07-30 0.0~10.0 sec. 1.0
0: Warn and keep operation
1: Warn and ramp to stop
 07-31 Over Slip Treatment 0
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
 07-32 Motor Hunting Gain 0~10000 1000
Recovery Time to
 07-33 Pr.07-11 (Number of auto 0.0~6000.0 sec. 60.0
reset after error occurred)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

08 High-function PID Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No function
1: Negative PID feedback: input from
external terminal AVI1 (Pr. 03-00)
2: Reserved
3: Reserved
Input Terminal for PID
 08-00 4: Positive PID feedback from external 0
terminal AVI1 (Pr. 03-00)
5: Reserved
6: Reserved
7: Reserved
8: Reserved
 08-01 Proportional Gain (P) 0.0~100.0% 1.0
0.00~100.00 sec.
 08-02 Integral Time (I) 1.00
0.00: No intergration
 08-03 Derivative Time (D) 0.00~1.00 sec. 0.00
Upper Limit of Integral
 08-04 0.0~100.0% 100.0
PID Output Frequency
 08-05 0.0~110.0% 100.0
 08-06 PID Feedback Value -200.00 ~ 200.00% 0.00
 08-07 PID Delay Time 0.0~35.0 sec. 0.0
Feedback Signal
 08-08 0.0~3600.0 sec. 0.0
Detection Time
0: Warn and keep operation
Options on Feedback 1: Warn and ramp to stop
 08-09 0
Error 2: Warn and coast to stop
3: Warn and operate at last frequency
 08-10 Sleep Reference Point 0.00~600.00Hz or 0~200.00% 0.00
 08-11 Wake-up Reference Point 0.00~600.00Hz or 0~200.00% 0.00
 08-12 Sleep Time 0.0~600.00 sec. 0.0
 08-13 PID Deviation Level 1.0~50.0% 10.0
 08-14 PID Deviation Time 0.1~300.0 sec. 5.0
Filter Time for PID
 08-15 0.1~300.0 sec. 5.0
PID Compensation 0: Parameter setting
 08-16 0
Selection 1: Analog input
 08-17 PID Compensation -100.0~+100.0% 0
Setting of Sleep mode 0: Follow PID output command
08-18 0
function 1: Follow PID feedback signal
Integral Limit during
 08-19 0.0~200.0% 50.0
0: Serial connection
08-20 PID Mode Selection 0
1: Parallel connection
Enable PID to Change 0: Operation direction cannot be changed
08-21 0
Operation Direction 1: Operation direction can be changed
 08-22 Wakeup Delay Time 0 ~ 600.00 sec. 0.00

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

09 Communication Parameters
Parameter Explanation Settings
COM1 Communication
 09-00 1~254 1
COM1 Transmission
 09-01 4.8~115.2 Kbps 9.6
0: Warn and continue operation
COM1 Transmission Fault 1: Warn and ramp to stop
 09-02 3
Treatment 2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning and continue operation
 09-03 COM1 Time-out Detection 0.0~100.0 sec. 0.0
1: 7, N, 2 (ASCII)
2: 7, E, 1 (ASCII)
3: 7, O, 1 (ASCII)
4: 7, E, 2 (ASCII)
5: 7, O, 2 (ASCII)
6: 8, N, 1 (ASCII)
7: 8, N, 2 (ASCII)
8: 8, E, 1 (ASCII)
COM1 Communication
 09-04 9: 8, O, 1 (ASCII) 1
10: 8, E, 2 (ASCII)
11: 8, O, 2 (ASCII)
12: 8, N, 1 (RTU)
13: 8, N, 2 (RTU)
14: 8, E, 1 (RTU)
15: 8, O, 1 (RTU)
16: 8, E, 2 (RTU)
17: 8, O, 2 (RTU)
~ Reserved
 09-09 Response Delay Time 0.0~200.0ms 2.0
Main Communication
09-10 0.00~600.00Hz 60.00
Frequency (Hz)
 09-11 Block Transfer 1 0~65535 010Ch
 09-12 Block Transfer 2 0~65535 010Dh
 09-13 Block Transfer 3 0~65535 010Ah
 09-14 Block Transfer 4 0~65535 010Bh
 09-15 Block Transfer 5 0~65535 0
 09-16 Block Transfer 6 0~65535 0
 09-17 Block Transfer 7 0~65535 0
 09-18 Block Transfer 8 0~65535 0
 09-19 Block Transfer 9 0~65535 0
 09-20 Block Transfer 10 0~65535 0
 09-21 Block Transfer 11 0~65535 0
 09-22 Block Transfer 12 0~65535 0
 09-23 Block Transfer 13 0~65535 0
 09-24 Block Transfer 14 0~65535 0

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
 09-25 Block Transfer 15 0~65535 0
 09-26 Block Transfer 16 0~65535 0
~ Reserved
Communication Decoding 0: Decoding Method 1
09-30 1
Method 1: Decoding Method 2
Internal Communication 0: Modbus 485
09-31 0
Protocol 1: BACnet
09-32 Reserved
 09-33 PLC Command Force to 0 0~65535 0
09-34 Reserved
09-35 PLC Address 1~254 2
09-36 CANopen Slave Address 1~127 0
0: 1M bps
1: 500K bps
2: 250K bps
09-37 CANopen Speed 0
3: 125K bps
4: 100K bps (Delta Only)
5: 50K bps
09-38 Reserved
bit 0: CANopen Guarding Time out
bit 1: CANopen Heartbeat Time out
bit 2: CANopen SYNC Time out
bit 3: CANopen SDO Time out
bit 4: CANopen SDO buffer overflow
bit 5: Can Bus Off
CANopen Warning bit 6: Error protocol of CANopen
09-39 0
Record bit 7: Reserved
bit 8: The setting values of CANopen indexs
are fail
bit 9: The setting value of CANopen address
is fail
bit10: The checksum value of CANopen
indexs is fail
CANopen Decoding 0: Delta defined decoding method
09-40 1
Method 1: CANopen DS402 Standard
0: Node reset state
1: Com reset state
CANopen Communication 2: Boot up state
09-41 0
Status 3: Pre-operation state
4: Operation state
5: Stop state

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
0: Not ready for use state
1: Inhibit start state
2: Ready to switch on state
3: Switched on State
4: Enable operation state
5: Reserved
6: Reserved
09-42 CANopen Control Status 7: Quick stop active state 0
8: Reserved
9: Reserved
10: Reserved
11: Reserved
12: Reserved
13: Error reaction active state
14: Error State

09-43 Reserved

09-44 Reserved
0: Disable
09-45 CANopen Master function 0
1: Enable
09-46 CANopen Master Address 0~127 100
~ Reserved
09-50 BACnet Dnet 0~127 10
09-51 BACnet Baud Rate 9.66~76.8 kbps 38.4
09-52 BACnet Device ID L 0~65535 10
09-53 BACnet Device ID H 0~63 0
09-54 Reserved
09-55 BACnet Max Address 0~127 127
09-56 BACnet Password 0~65535 0
~ Reserved
0: No communication card
1: DeviceNet Slave
2: Profibus-DP Slave
Identification of
09-60 3: CANopen Slave 0
Communication Card
4: Modbus-TCP Slave
5: EtherNet/IP Slave
6~8: Reserved
Firmware Version of
09-61 Read only ##
Communication Card
09-62 Product Code Read only ##
09-63 Error Code Read only ##

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
~ Reserved
Address of DeviceNet: 0-63
 09-70 1
Communication Card Profibus-DP: 1-125
Standard DeviceNet:
0: 100Kbps
1: 125Kbps
2: 250Kbps
3: 1Mbps (Delta only)

Non standard DeviceNet: (Delta only)

Communication Card 0: 10Kbps
 09-71 2
Speed 1: 20Kbps
2: 50Kbps
3: 100Kbps
4: 125Kbps
5: 250Kbps
6: 500Kbps
7: 800Kbps
8: 1Mbps
0: Disable
This mode, baud rate can only be 0,1,2,3
Other settings of
in standard DeviceNet speed
 09-72 communication card 0
1: Enable
This mode, the baud rate of DeviceNet
can be same as CANopen (0-8).
09-73 Reserved
09-74 Reserved
IP Configuration of the 0: Static IP
 09-75 0
Communication Card 1: Dynamic IP (DHCP)
IP Address 1 of the
 09-76 0~255 0
Communication Card
IP Address 2 of the
 09-77 0~255 0
Communication Card
IP Address 3 of the
 09-78 0~255 0
Communication Card
IP Address 4 of the
 09-79 0~255 0
Communication Card
Address Mask 1 of the
 09-80 0~255 0
Communication Card
Address Mask 2 of the
 09-81 0~255 0
Communication Card
Address Mask 3 of the
 09-82 0~255 0
Communication Card
Address Mask 4 of the
 09-83 0~255 0
Communication Card

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

Parameter Explanation Settings
Gateway Address 1 of the
 09-84 0~255 0
Communication Card
Gateway Address 2 of the
 09-85 0~255 0
Communication Card
Gateway Address 3 of the
 09-86 0~255 0
Communication Card
Gateway Address 4 of the
 09-87 0~255 0
Communication Card
Password for
 09-88 Communication Card 0~99 0
(Low word)
Password for
 09-89 Communication Card 0~99 0
(High word)
Reset Communication 0: No function
 09-90 0
Card 1: Reset to return to the factory setting
bit 0: Enable IP filter :
bit 1: Enable internet parameters (1bit)
Once the setup of internet parameter is
done, the bit 1 will be enabled. But after
the parmeters of the communication
card are updated, this bit 1 will be
Additional Setting for
 09-91 disabled. 0
Communication Card bit 2: Enable login password (1bit)
When login password is correctly
entered, the bit 2 will be enabled. But
after the parameters of the
communication card are updated, this
bit 2 will be disabled.
bit 0: Enable password.
When the communication card is
Status of Communication
09-92 locked by a password, this bit 0 will be 0
Card enabled. When the password is clear,
this bit 0 will be disabled.

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

10 PID Control Parameters

Group 10 PID Control Parameters are reserved.

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

11 Advanced Parameters

Group 11 Advanced parameters are reserved.

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

12 PUMP Parameters
Parameter Explanation Settings
0: No operation
1: Fixed Time Circulation (by time)
2: Fixed quantity circulation (by PID)
3: Fixed quantity control
12-00 Circulative Control 0
4: Fixed Time Circulation+ Fixed quantity
5: Fixed Time Circulation+ Fixed quantity
Number of motors to be
12-01 From only 1 and up to 8 motors 1
Operating time of each
12-02 0 to 65500 min 0
motor (minutes)
Delay Time due to the
Acceleration (or the
12-03 0.0 to 3600.0 sec 10
Increment ) at Motor
Delay Time due to the
Deceleration ( or the
12-04 0.0 to 3600.0 sec 10
Decrement) at Motor
Switching (seconds)
Delay time while fixed
quantity circulation at
 12-05 0.0 to 3600.0 sec 100
Motor Switching
Frequency when
 12-06 switching motors at fixed 0.00 to 600.00 Hz 6000
quantity circulation (Hz)
Action to do when Fixed 0: Turn off all output
12-07 Quantity Circulation 1: Motors powered by mains electricity 0
breaks down. continues to operate.
Frequency when stopping
 12-08 0.00 to 600.00 Hz 0
auxiliary motor (Hz)

Chapter 11 Summary of Parameters

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

00 Drive Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

00 - 00 ID Code of the AC Motor Drive

Factory Setting: #.#
Settings Read Only

00 - 01 Display AC Motor Drive Rated Current

Factory Setting: #.#
Settings Read Only
 Pr. 00-00 displays the identity code of the AC motor drive. Using the following table to check if
Pr.00-01 setting is the rated current of the AC motor drive. Pr.00-01 corresponds to the ID code
in Pr.00-00.
 The factory setting is the rated current for light duty. Set Pr.00-16 to 1 to display the rated
current for normal duty.
230V series
Frame A B C
kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
HP 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40
ID Code of the AC
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Motor Drive
Rated Current of
5 7.5 10 15 21 31 46 61 75 90 105
Light Duty (A)
Rated Current of
4.6 5 8 11 17 25 33 49 65 75 90
Normal Duty (A)
Frame D E
kW 37 45 55 75 90
HP 50 60 75 100 125
ID Code of the AC
26 28 30 32 34
Motor Drive
Rated Current of
146 180 215 276 322
Light Duty (A)
Rated Current of
120 146 180 215 255
Normal Duty (A)

460V series
Frame A B C
kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 4.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37
HP 1 2 3 5 5.5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50
ID Code of the AC
5 7 9 11 93 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Motor Drive
Rated Current of
3 4.2 5.5 8.5 10.5 13 18 24 32 38 45 60 73
Light Duty (A)
Rated Current of
2.8 3.0 4.0 6.0 9.0- 10.5 12 18 24 32 38 45 60
Normal Duty (A)

Frame D0 D E F G H
kW 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 280 315 355 400
HP 60 75 100 125 150 175 215 250 300 375 425 475 536
ID Code of the
29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53
AC Motor Drive
Rated Current of
91 110 150 180 220 260 310 370 460 530 616 683 770
Light Duty (A)
Rated Current of
73 91 110 150 180 220 260 310 370 460 550 616 683
Normal Duty (A)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

00 - 02 Parameter Reset
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: No Function
1: Write protection for parameters
5: Reset KWH display to 0.
6: Reset PLC (including CANopen Master Index)
7: Reset CANopen Index (Slave)
8: keypad lock
9: All parameters are reset to factory settings(base frequency is 50Hz)
10: All parameters are reset to factory settings(base frequency is60Hz)
 When it is set to 1, all parameters are read only except Pr.00-02~00-08 and it can be used with
password setting for password protection. It needs to set Pr.00-02 to 0 before changing other
parameter settings.
 When it is set to 9 or 10: all parameters are reset to factory settings. If password is set in Pr.00-08,
input the password set in Pr.00-07 to reset to factory settings.
 When it is set to 5, KWH display value can be reset to 0 even when the drive is operating. Pr.
05-26, 05-27, 05-28, 05-29, 05-30 reset to 0.
 When it is set to 6: clear internal PLC program (includes the related settings of PLC internal
CANopen master)
 When it is set to 7: reset the related settings of CANopen slave.
 When it is set to 6 7 9 10, please re-power the motor drive after setting.

 00 - 03 Start-up Display Selection

Factory setting: 0
Settings 0: Display the frequency command (F)
1: Display the actual output frequency (H)
2: Display User define (U)
3: Output current ( A)
 This parameter determines the start-up display page after power is applied to the drive. User
defined choice display according to the setting in Pr.00-04.

 00 - 04 Multi-function Display (user defined)

Factory setting: 3
Settings 0: Display output current (A) (Unit: Amps)
1: Display counter value (c) (Unit: CNT)
2: Display actual output frequency (H.) (Unit: Hz)
3: Display DC-BUS voltage (v) (Unit: Vdc)
4: Display output voltage (E) (Unit: Vac)
5: Display output power angle (n) (Unit: deg)
6: Display output power in kW (P) (Unit: Kw)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

7: Display actual motor speed rpm (r = 00: positive speed; -00 negative
speed) (Unit: rpm)
8: Reserve
9: Reserve
10: Display PID feedback (b) (Unit: %)
11: Display AVI in % (1.), 0~10V/4-20mA/0-20mA corresponds to 0~100%
(Refer to Note 2) (Unit: %)
12: Display ACI in % (2.), 4~20mA/0~10V/0-20mA corresponds to
0~100% (Refer to Note 2)(Unit: %)
13: Display AUI in % (3.), -10V~10V corresponds to -100~100%(Refer to
Note 2) (Unit: %)
14: Display the temperature of IGBT (i.) (Unit: ℃)
15: Display the temperature of capacitance (c.) (Unit: ℃)
16: The status of digital input (ON/OFF) refer to Pr.02-12 (i) (Refer to
17: Display digital output status ON/OFF (Pr.02-18) (o) (refer to NOTE 4)
18: Display the multi-step speed that is executing (S)
19: The corresponding CPU pin status of digital input (d) (refer to NOTE 3)
20: The corresponding CPU pin status of digital output (0.) (refer to NOTE
21: Reserve
22: Reserve
23: Reserve
24: Reserve
25: Overload counting (0.00~100.00%) (o.) (Refer to Note 6) (Unit: %)
26: GFF Ground Fault (G.) (Unit: %)
27: DC Bus voltage ripple (r.) (Unit: %)
28: Display PLC register D1043 data (C) display in hexadecimal
29: Reserve
30: Display output of user defined (U)
31: H page x 00-05 Display user Gain(K)
32: Reserve
33: Reserve
34: Operation speed of fan (F.) (Unit: %)
35: Reserve
36: Present operating carrier frequency of drive (Hz) (J.)
37: Reserve
38: Display drive status (6.) (Refer to Note 7)
39: Reserve
40: Reserve
41: KWH display (J) (Unit: KWH)
42: PID reference (h.) (Unit: %)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

43: PID offset (o.) (Unit: %)

44: PID output frequency (b.) (Unit: Hz)
45: Hardware ID

Note 1

It can display negative values when setting analog input bias (Pr.03-03~03-10).
Example: assume that AVI1 input voltage is 0V, Pr.03-03 is 10.0% and Pr.03-07 is 4 (Serve bias as
the center).

Note 2

Example: If REV, MI1 and MI6 are ON, the following table shows the status of the terminals.
0 means OFF, 1 means ON
Terminal MI15 MI14 MI13 MI12 MI11 MI10 MI8 MI7 MI6 MI5 MI4 MI3 MI2 MI1 REV FWD
Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

MI10~MI15 are the terminals for extension cards (Pr.02-26~02-31).

If REV, MI1 and MI6 are ON, the value is 0000 0000 1000 0110 in binary and 0086h in HEX. When
Pr.00-04 is set to “16” or “19”, it will display “0086h” with LED U is ON on the keypad KPC-CE01. The
setting 16 is the status of digital input by Pr.02-11 setting and the setting 19 is the corresponding CPU
pin status of digital input. User can set to 16 to monitor digital input status and then set to 19 to check
if the wire is normal.

Note 3

Assume that RY1: Pr.02-13 is set to 9 (Drive ready). After applying the power to the AC motor drive, if
there is no other abnormal status, the contact will be OFF. The display status will be shown as follows.
0 means OFF, 1 means ON
Terminal MO20-MO18 MO17-MO14 MO13-MO10 Reserved Reserved RY3 RY2 RY1
Status - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Meanwhile, if Pr.00-04 is set to 17 or 20, it will display in hexadecimal “0001h” with LED U is ON on
the keypad. The setting 17 is the status of digital output by Pr.02-18 setting and the setting 20 is the
corresponding CPU pin status of digital output. User can set 17 to monitor the digital output status
and then set to 20 to check if the wire is normal.

 00 - 05 Coefficient Gain in Actual Output Frequency

Factory Setting: 1.00
Settings 0~160.00
 This parameter is to set coefficient gain in actual output frequency. Set Pr.00-04= 31 to display
the calculation result on the screen (calculation = output frequency * Pr.00-05).

00 - 06 Software version
Factory Setting: #.#
Settings Read Only

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 00 - 07 Input Parameter Protection Password

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65535
Display 0~4 ( # of times of password attempts)
 This parameter allows user to enter their password (which is pre-set in Pr.00-08) to unlock the
parameter protection and to make changes to the parameter.
 After you set up this parameter, make sure that you note its value for any future use.
 The purpose of hAVI1ng Pr.00-07 and Pr.00-08 is to prevent the personal misoperation.
 If you forget the password, clear the setting by input 9999 and press ENTER key, then input 9999
again and press Enter within 10 seconds. After decoding, all the settings will return to factory
 When setting up a password all parameters read are 0, except parameter 00-08.

 00 - 08 Set up a Parameter Protection Password

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65535
Display 0: No password protection / password is entered correctly (Pr00-07)
1: Password has been set
 To set a password to protect your parameter settings. In the first time, password can be set
directly. After setting, the value of 00-08 will become 1, which means password protection is
activated. When the password is set, if any parameter setting needs to be changed, be sure to
enter correct password in 00-07, and then the password will be inactivated temporarily with 00-08
changing to 0. At this time, parameters setting can be changed. After setting, re-power the motor
drive, and password will be activated again.
 To cancel the password protection, after entering correct password in 00-07, 00-08 also needs to
be set as 0 again to inactive password protection permanently. If not, password protection will be
active after motor drive re-power.
 The keypad copy function will work normally only when the password protection is inactivated
temporarily or permanently, and password set in 00-08 will not be copied to keypad. So when
copying parameters from keypad to motor drive, the password need to be set manually again in
the motor drive to active password protection.

Pass word Setting Pass word Forgotten Pass word Incorrect

00-07 00-07

Displays 01 after Enter 9999 and press ENTER, 3 chan ces of p ass word inpu t:
correct password is then ente r 9999 aga in withi n 10 Inc orre ct p ass word 1: d ispl ays "01"
entered to Pr.00-08. se cond s an d pre ss ENTER. Inc orre ct p ass word 2: disp lays "02 "
Then all pa ra meters will re set Inc orre ct p ass word 3: "Pcode "(blin king)
to factory se ttings .

Keyp ad will be loc ked after 3 wrong attemp ted

pas swords. To re-activ ate t he k eypa d, pl ease
reboo t the drive an d in put t he c orrect
pas sword.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Decode Flow Char t

Password Set

Password Input

Yes Shut down th drive

Pr.00-08=0 and re-apply power

Re-apply power.
(The password is still valid)

00 - 09
00 - 10

00 - 11 Velocity Control Mode

Factory Setting: 0
: (
Settings 0 V/F V/F control )
2:SVC(Sensorless Vector Control)
 This parameter determines the control method of the AC motor drive: 。
0: V/F control: user can design proportion of V/f as required and can control multiple motors
2: Sensorless vector control: get the optimal control by the auto-tuning of motor parameters.

 When setting Pr.00-11 to 0, the V/F control diagram is shown as follows.


DC BUS Voltage
Detect Pr otection

Current Detection
Fcm d
Pr 00-20 V/F + AVR IGBT
table 07- 23 PWM
01-00,01-01 01-00
Accel / Decel tim e 01-02,01-03
Voltage 01-01
com pensation 01-02
01-06,01-07 05-01
01-08 05-02

LPF Compensation Irms

07-24 07-26

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When setting Pr.00-11 to 2, the sensorless vector control diagram is shown as follows.
DC BUS Voltage
Det ect Protection

Current Detection
Fcm d
Pr 00-20 +
table 07- 23 PWM
01-00,01-01 01- 00
Accel / Decel time 01-02 01- 01
01- 02
05- 01
05- 02
05- 03
05- 04

LPF Slip
07-25 Com pensat ion Irms
Slip compensat ion
0 7- 27

00 - 12
00 - 15

00 - 16 Loading mode selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Light duty
1: Normal duty
 Light duty 230V series & 460V series: When the output current is 120% of the rated output
current, the endurance time is 60 seconds. Refer to Pr.00-17 for the setting of carrier
frequency. Refer to chapter specifications or Pr.00-01 for the rated current.
 Normal duty 230 V series & 460V series: When the output current is 120% of the rated
output current, the endurance time is 60 seconds. When the output current is 160% of
the rated output current, the endurance time is 3 seconds. . Refer to Pr.00-17 for the setting
of carrier frequency. Refer to chapter specifications or Pr.00-01 for the rated current.
 Pr.00-01 changes as the setting of Pr.00-16 changes. The default setting and maximum setting
range of Pr.06-03, 06-04 will change as the setting of Pr.00-16 changes

00 - 17 Carrier Frequency
Factory Setting: As shown in table below

Settings 2 15kHz
 This parameter determinates the PWM carrier frequency of the AC motor drive.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

230V series
1-20HP 25-60HP [18.5-45kW] 75-125HP [55-90kW]
Settings 2~15kHz 2~10kHz 2~9kHz
Light Duty Factory Setting 8kHz 6kHz 4kHz
Normal Duty Factory Setting 8 kHz 6 kHz 4 kHz

460V series
1-25HP 30-100HP [22-75kW] 125-536HP [90-400kW]
Settings 2~15kHz 2~10kHz 2~9kHz
Light Duty Factory Setting 8kHz 6kHz 4kHz
Normal Duty Factory Setting 8 kHz 6 kHz 4 kHz

Electromagnetic Heat Current

Carrier Acoustic Noise or Leakage Dissipation
Frequency Noise Wave
1kH z Significant Minimal Minimal
8kH z
Minimal Significant Significant

 From the table, we see that the PWM carrier frequency has a significant influence on the
electromagnetic noise, AC motor drive heat dissipation, and motor acoustic noise. Therefore, if
the surrounding noise is greater than the motor noise, lower the carrier frequency is good to
reduce the temperature rise. Although it is quiet operation in the higher carrier frequency, the
entire wiring and interference resistance should be considerate.
 When the carrier frequency is higher than the factory setting, it needs to protect by decreasing
the carrier frequency. See Pr.06-55 for the related setting and details.

00 - 18 Reserved

00 - 19 PLC Command Mask

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings Bit 0: Control command controls by PLC
Bit 1: Frequency command controls by PLC
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3: Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

00 - 20 Source of the MASTER Frequency Command (AUTO)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Digital keypad
1: RS-485 serial communication
2: External analog input (Pr.03-00)
3: External UP/DOWN terminal
6: CANopen communication card
8: Communication card (no CANopen card)
 To set the source of the master frequency in AUTO mode.
 Pr.00-20 and 00-21 are for the settings of frequency source and operation source in AUTO mode.
Pr.00-30 and 00-31 are for the settings of frequency source and operation source in HAND mode.
The AUTO/HAND mode can be switched by the keypad KPC-CC01 or multi-function input
terminal (MI).
 The factory setting of frequency source or operation source is for AUTO mode. It will return to
AUTO mode whenever power on again after power off. If there is multi-function input terminal
used to switch AUTO/HAND mode. The highest priority is the multi-function input terminal. When
the external terminal is OFF, the drive won’t receive any operation signal and can’t execute JOG.

00 - 21 Source of the Operation Command (AUTO)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Digital keypad
1: External terminals. Keypad STOP disabled.
2: RS-485 serial communication. Keypad STOP disabled.
3: CANopen card
5: Communication card (not includes CANopen card)
 To set the source of the operation command in AUTO mode.
 When the operation command is controlled by the keypad KPC-CC01, keys RUN, STOP and
JOG (F1) are valid.

 00 - 22 Stop Mode
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Ramp to stop
1: Coast to stop
 The parameter determines how the motor is stopped when the AC motor drive receives a valid
stop command.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Freq uen cy Freq uen cy

Outp ut Ou tput
Freq uenc y Freque nc y
Moto r Moto r
Ro tatio n Ro tatio n
Spe ed Spe ed

Free r unning
Time to stop
Oper atio n Stops according t o
dec eler ation time Oper atio n
Co mmand RUN STOP Co mmand RUN STOP

Ra mp to Stop and Co ast to Sto p

1. Ramp to stop: the AC motor drive decelerates from the setting of deceleration time to 0 or
minimum output frequency (Pr. 01-07) and then stop.
2. Coast to stop: the AC motor drive stops the output instantly upon a STOP command and the
motor free runs until it comes to a complete standstill.
 It is recommended to use “ramp to stop” for safety of personnel or to prevent material from
being wasted in applications where the motor has to stop after the drive is stopped. The
deceleration time has to be set accordingly.
 If the motor free running is allowed or the load inertia is large, it is recommended to select
“coast to stop”. For example, blowers, punching machines and pumps

 00 - 23 Motor Operating Direction Control

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Enable forward/ reverse
1: Disable reverse
2: Disable forward
 This parameter enables the AC motor drives to run in the forward/reverse Direction. It may be
used to prevent a motor from running in a direction that would consequently injure the user or
damage the equipment.

00 - 24 Memory of Communication Frequency Command

Factory Setting: Read
Settings Read Only
 If keypad is the source of frequency command, when Lv or Fault occurs the present frequency
command will be saved in this parameter.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 00 - 25 User Defined Property

Factory Setting: 0
Settings Bit 0~3: user defined decimal place
0000B: no decimal place
0001B: one decimal place
0010B: two decimal place
0011B: three decimal place

Bit 4~15: user defined unit

000xH: Hz
001xH: rpm
002xH: %
003xH: kg
004xH: m/s
005xH: kW
006xH: HP
007xH: ppm
008xH: 1/m
009xH: kg/s
00AxH: kg/m
00BxH: kg/h
00CxH: lb/s
00DxH: lb/m
00ExH: lb/h
00FxH: ft/s
010xH: ft/m
011xH: m
012xH: ft
013xH: degC
014xH: degF
015xH: mbar
016xH: bar
017xH: Pa
018xH: kPa
019xH: mWG
01AxH: inWG
01BxH: ftWG
01CxH: psi
01DxH: atm
01ExH: L/s
01FxH: L/m

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

020xH: L/h
022xH: m3/h
023xH: GPM
 Bit 0~3: Control F page, unit of user defined value (Pr00-04 =d10, PID feedback) and the
decimal point of Pr00-26 which supports up to 3 decimal points.
 Bit 4~15: Control F page, unit of user defined value (Pr00-04=d10, PID feedback) and the
display units of Pr00-26.

00 - 26 Max. User Defined Value

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
0000B: 0~65535 (No decimal place in Pr.00-25 setting)
0001B: 0.0~6553.5 (One decimal place in Pr.00-25 setting)
0010B: 0.0~655.35(Two decimal place in Pr.00-25 setting)
0011B: 0.0~65.536 (Three decimal place in Pr.00-25 setting)
 User defined is enabled when Pr.00-26 is not 0. The setting of Pr.00-26 corresponds to Pr.01.00
(Max. output frequency of the drive).
Example: User define: 100.0%, Pr.01.00 = 60.00Hz
Pr.00.25 setting is 0021h; Pr.0026 setting is 100.0%
NOTE In order to display as the setting in Pr.0025, please set up Pr.00.25 first and ensure
Pr.00.26 is not set to 0.

00 - 27 User Defined Value

Factory Setting: Read
Settings Read Only
 Pr.00-27 will show user defined value when Pr.00-26 is not set to 0.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 00 - 28 Switching from Auto mode to Hand mode

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 ~ 65535
Bit0 : Sleep Function Control Bit
0: Cancel sleep function
1: Sleep function and Auto mode are the same
Bit1 : Unit of the Control Bit
0: Unit of the Control Bit
1: Same unit as the Auto mode
Bit2 : PID Control Bit
0: Cancel PID control
1: PID control and Auto mode are the same.
Bit3: Frequence Source Control Bit
0: Frequency command set by parameter, if multi-step speed is activate,
then multi-step speed has the priority
1: Frequency command set by parameter 00-30
00 - 29 Local/Remote Selection
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Standard HOA function
1: Switching Local/Remote, the drive stops
2: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as the REMOTE setting for
frequency and operation status
3: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as the LOCAL setting for frequency
and operation status
4: Switching Local/Remote, the drive runs as LOCAL setting when switch to
Local and runs as REMOTE setting when switch to Remote for frequency
and operation status.
 The factory setting of Pr.00-29 is 0 (standard Hand-Off-Auto function). The AUTO frequency and
source of operation can be set by Pr.00-20 and Pr.00-21, and the HAND frequency and source of
operation can be set by Pr.00-30 and Pr.00-31. AUTO/HAND mode can be selected or switched
by using digital keypad (KPC-CC01) or setting multi-function input terminal MI= 41, 42.
 When external terminal MI is set to 41 and 42 (AUTO/HAND mode), the settings
Pr.00-29=1,2,3,4 will be disabled. The external terminal has the highest priority among all
command, Pr.00-29 will always function as Pr.00-29=0, standard HOA mode.
 When Pr.00-29 is not set to 0, Local/Remote function is enabled, the top right corner of digital
keypad (KPC-CC01) will display “LOC” or “REM” (the display is available when KPC-CC01 is
installed with firmware version higher than version 1.021). The LOCAL frequency and source of
operation can be set by Pr.00-20 and Pr.00-21, and the REMOTE frequency and source of
operation can be set by Pr.00-30 and Pr.00-31. Local/Remote function can be selected or
switched by using digital keypad (KPC-CC01) or setting external terminal MI=56. The AUTO key
of the digital keypad now controls for the REMOTE function and HAND key now controls for the
LOCAL function.
 When MI is set to 56 for LOC/REM selection, if Pr.00-29 is set to 0, then the external terminal is
 When MI is set to 56 for LOC/REM selection, if Pr.00-29 is not set to 0, the external terminal has
the highest priority of command and the ATUO/HAND keys will be disabled.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

00 - 30 Source of the Master Frequency Command (HAND)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Digital keypad
1: RS-485 serial communication
2: External analog input (Pr.03-00)
3: External UP/DOWN terminal
6: CANopen communication card
8: Communication card (no CANopen card)
 It is used to set the source of the master frequency in HAND mode.

00 - 31 Source of the Operation Command (HAND)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Digital keypad
1: External terminals. Keypad STOP disabled.
2: RS-485 serial communication. Keypad STOP disabled.
3: CANopen communication card
5: Communication card (not including CANopen card)
 To set the source of the operation frequency in HAND mode.
 Pr.00-20 and 00-21 are for the settings of frequency source and operation source in AUTO mode.
Pr.00-30 and 00-31 are for the settings of frequency source and operation source in HAND mode.
The AUTO/HAND mode can be switched by the keypad KPC-CC01 or multi-function input
terminal (MI).
 The factory setting of frequency source or operation source is for AUTO mode. It will return to
AUTO mode whenever power on again after power off. If there is multi-function input terminal
used to switch AUTO/HAND mode. The highest priority is the multi-function input terminal. When
the external terminal is OFF, the drive won’t receive any operation signal and can’t execute JOG.
 00 - 32 Enable Digital Keypad STOP Function
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: STOP key disable
1: STOP key enable
 This parameter works when the source of operation command is not digital keypad (Pr00-21≠0).
When Pr00-21=0, the stop key will not follow the setting of this parameter.

00 - 33
00 - 47

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 00 - 48 Display Filter Time (Current)

Factory Setting:
Settings 0.001~65.535
 Set this parameter to minimize the current fluctuation displayed by digital keypad.

 00 - 49 Display Filter Time on the Keypad

Factory Setting:
Settings 0.001~65.535
 Set this parameter to minimize the display value fluctuation displayed by digital keypad.

00 - 50 Software Version (date)

Factory Setting: Read

Settings 0~65535
 This parameter displays the drive’s software version by date.

00 - 51
00 - 61

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

01 Basic Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

01 - 00 Maximum Output Frequency

Factory Setting:
Settings 50.00~600.00Hz
 This parameter determines the AC motor drive’s Maximum Output Frequency. All the AC motor
drive frequency command sources (analog inputs 0 to +10V, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 20mAand ±10V) are
scaled to correspond to the output frequency range.
 For models 230V, 55kW (75HP) and above, the setting range is 0.00~400.00Hz.
For models 460V, 90kW (120HP) and above, the setting range is 0.00~400.00Hz.
The max. output frequency
Carrier frequency at IM VF
least required value IM VFPG
2k 200 Hz
3k 300 Hz
4k 400 Hz
5k 500 Hz
6k 600
--- For models 230V, 55kW and above, the max. output frequency is 400Hz (carrier frequencyshould at least be 4k)
--- For models 460V, 90kW and above, the max. output frequency is 400Hz (carrier frequencyshould at least be 4k)

01 - 01 Motor1: Max Output Frequency(Hz) (Base Frequency/Motor Rated

01 - 35 Motor 2: Max Output Frequency (Hz) (Base Frequency/Motor Rated
Factory Setting:
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 This value should be set according to the rated frequency of the motor as indicated on the motor
nameplate. If the motor is 60Hz, the setting should be 60Hz. If the motor is 50Hz, it should be set
to 50Hz.

01 - 02 Motor1: Max Output Voltage (V)

01 - 36 Motor 2: Max Output Voltage (V) (Base Voltage/Motor Rated
Factory Setting:
Factory Setting: 3.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~255.0V
460V series 0.0~510.0V
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 This value should be set according to the rated voltage of the motor as indicated on the motor
nameplate. If the motor is 220V, the setting should be 220.0. If the motor is 200V, it should be set
to 200.0.

 There are many motor types in the market and the power system for each country is also
difference. The economic and convenience method to solve this problem is to install the AC
motor drive. There is no problem to use with the different voltage and frequency and also can
amplify the original characteristic and life of the motor.

01 - 03 Mid-point Frequency 1 of Motor 1

Factory Setting: 1.50/3.00
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 1.50

Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 04 Mid-point Voltage 1 of Motor 1
Factory Setting: 10.0/22.0
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 10.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V

01 - 37 Mid-point Output Frequency 1 of Motor 2

Factory Setting: 3.00
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 1.50
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 38 Mid-point Output Voltage 1 of Motor 2
Factory Setting:
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 10.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V
01 - 05 Mid-point Frequency 2 of Motor 1
Factory Setting: 0.50
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 01 - 06 Mid-point Voltage 2 of Motor 1

Factory Setting: 2.0/4.0
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 2.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V

01 - 39 Motor 2: Middle Output Frequency 2

Factory Setting: 0.50
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 40 Motor 2: Middle Output Voltage 2
Factory Setting: 2.0/4.0
Motor drive with 215HP
and above: 2.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V
01 - 07 Min. Output Frequency of Motor 1
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 08 Min. Output Voltage of Motor 1
Factory Setting: 0.0/0.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V

01 - 41 Min. Output Frequency of Motor 2

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 42 Min. Output Voltage of Motor 2
Factory Setting: 0.0/0.0
Settings 230V series 0.0~240.0V
460V series 0.0~480.0V
 V/f curve setting is usually set by the motor’s allowable loading characteristics. Pay
special attention to the motor’s heat dissipation, dynamic balance, and bearing lubricity, if
the loading characteristics exceed the loading limit of the motor.
 There is no limit for the voltage setting, but a high voltage at low frequency may cause
motor damage, overheat, and stall prevention or over-current protection. Therefore,
please use the low voltage at the low frequency to prevent motor damage.
 Pr.01-35 to Pr.01-42 is the V/f curve for the motor 2. When multi-function input terminals
Pr.02-01~02-08 and Pr.02-26 ~Pr.02-31 are set to 14 and enabled, the AC motor drive
will act as the 2nd V/f curve.
 The V/f curve for the motor 1 is shown as follows. The V/f curve for the motor 2 can be
deduced from it.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Vol tage
1s t Output Output F requency
Voltage Setting 01-11 Output F requency Low er Limit 01-10U pper Limi t
01-02 F requenc y output
2nd Output
ranges limitation
Voltage Setting
01-04 R egul ar V /f Cur ve
3r d Output
Voltage Setting Special V/f C urve

4th Output
Voltage Setting
F requenc y
01-08 01-07 01-09 01-05 01-03 01-01 01-00
4th F req. Start F req. 2nd F req.1st F req. Maximum Output
3rd Fr eq. F requenc y

V/f Curve
Common settings of V/f curve:
(1) General purpose
Motor s pec. 60Hz Motor spec. 50 Hz
22 0 Pr. Setting 220 Pr. Setting
01-00 60.0 01-00 50.0
01-01 60.0 01-01 50.0
01-02 220.0 01-02 220.0
01-03 01-03
1.50 1.30
01-05 01-05
01-04 01-04
10 10.0 10 10.0
01-06 01-06
1.5 60.0 01-07 1.50 1.3 50.0 01-07 1.30
01-08 10.0 01-08 10.0
(2) Fan and hydraulic machinery
Motor spec. 60Hz Motor spec. 50Hz
V Pr. Setting V Pr. Setting
220 220
01-00 60.0 01-00 50.0
01-01 60.0 01-01 50.0
01-02 220.0 01-02 220.0
01-03 01-03
30.0 25.0
01-05 01-05
50 50
01-04 50.0 01-04 50.0
10 01-06 10 01-06
F 01-07 1.50 F 01-07 1.30
1.5 30 60.0 1.3 25 50.0
01-08 10.0 01-08 10.0
(3) High starting torque
Motor spec. 60Hz Motor spec. 50Hz

V Pr. Setting V Pr. Setting

220 01-00 60.0 220 01-00 50.0
01-01 60.0 01-01 50.0
01-02 220.0 01-02 220.0
01-03 01-03
3.00 2.20
01-05 01-05
23 23
01-04 01-04
23.0 23.0
18 01-06 14 01-06
F 01-07 1.50 F 01-07 1.30
1.5 3 60.0 01-08 18.0 1.3 2.2 50.0 01-08 14.0

01 - 09 Start-Up Frequency
Factory Setting: 0.50
Settings 0.0~600.00Hz

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When start frequency is higher than the min. out put frequency, drives’ output will be from start
frequency to the setting frequency. Please refer to the following diagram for details.
 Fcmd = frequency command,
Fstart = start frequency (Pr.01-09),
fstart = actual start frequency of drive,
Fmin = 4th output frequency setting (Pr.01-07/Pr.01-41),
Flow = output frequency lower limit (Pr.01-11)

F cmd>Fmi n by Pr.01- 34


F star t>Fmin fstart=F min F low= 0 H=Fc md
F cmd
F min
fstart=F star t
F star t
operation after NO
start-up NO
F low= 0 F cmd>Fl ow


Y ES by
Y ES F cmd<Fmi n Pr.01- 34
by NO
F cmd>Fmi n
Pr.01- 34
Y ES H=Fl ow
H=Fc md
H=Fc md Hz
Hz Hz
60Hz H=Fl ow
H=Fc md1 F low F low> Fcmd1
F cmd
F cmd1 F cmd1>Flow & F cmd1 >F min
F star t F min F cmd1>Fmin F min
F min F cmd2 F cmd2
Time F low Time
Time by Pr.01- 34
by Pr.01- 34 F min>Fc md2
F cmd2>Flow &
F cmd2<Fmin

 01 - 10 Output Frequency Upper Limit

Factory Setting: 600.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 01 - 11 Output Frequency Lower Limit
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 The upper/lower output frequency setting is used to limit the actual output frequency. If the
frequency setting is higher than the upper limit (01-10), it will run with the upper limit frequency. If
output frequency lower than output frequency lower limit (01-11) and frequency setting is higher
than min. frequency (01-07), it will run with lower limit frequency. The upper limit frequency
should be set to be higher than the lower limit frequency. Pr.01-10 setting must be ≥ Pr.01-11
 Upper output frequency will limit the max. Output frequency of drive. If frequency setting is higher
than Pr.01-10, the output frequency will be limited by Pr.01-10 setting.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When the drive starts the function of slip compensation (Pr.07-27) or PID feedback control, drive
output frequency may exceed frequency command but still be limited by this setting.
 Related parameters: Pr.01-00 Max. Operation Frequency and Pr.01-11 Output Frequency Lower
Vol tage
Pr01-11 P r0 1-10
L owe r limit of out put frequenc y Uppe r limit of out put frequency

Motor rate d volta ge
(Vbas e)

P r0 1-04
Mid - point volta ge 1

P r0 1-06
Mid - point volta ge 2

Min . o utput voltag e
sett ing (Vmin) Frequ ency
Pr01-07 Pr01-05 Pr01-03 Pr01-01 Pr01-00
Min . out put Mid - point Mid -po int Mo tor rated Max. operat ion
f requenc y frequency 2 freque ncy 1 frequenc y frequ ency
(Fmin) (Fbase)

 Lower output frequency will limit the min. output frequency of drive. When drive frequency
command or feedback control frequency is lower than this setting, drive output frequency will
limit by the lower limit of frequency.
 When the drive starts, it will operate from min. output frequency (Pr.01-07) and accelerate to the
setting frequency. It won’t limit by lower output frequency setting.
 The setting of output frequency upper/lower limit is used to prevent personal misoperation,
overheat due to too low operation frequency or damage due to too high speed.
 If the output frequency upper limit setting is 50Hz and frequency setting is 60Hz, max. output
frequency will be 50Hz.
 If the output frequency lower limit setting is 10Hz and min. operation frequency setting (Pr.01-07)
is 1.5Hz, it will operate by 10Hz when the frequency command is greater than Pr.01-07 and less
than 10Hz. If the frequency command is less than Pr.01-07, the drive will be in ready status and
no output.
 If the frequency output upper limit is 60Hz and frequency setting is also 60Hz, only frequency
command will be limit in 60Hz. Actual frequency output may exceed 60Hz after slip

 01 - 12 Accel. Time 1
 01 - 13 Decel. Time 1
 01 - 14 Aceel. Time 2
 01 - 15 Decel. Time 2
 01 - 16 Accel. Time 3
 01 - 17 Decel. Time 3

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 01 - 18 Accel. Time 4
 01 - 19 Decel. Time 4
 01 - 20 JOG Acceleration Time
 01 - 21 JOG Deceleration Time
Factory Setting: 10.00/10.0

Settings Parameters 01-45=0 0.00~600.00 seconds
Parameters 01-45=1:0.0~6000.0 seconds
 The Acceleration Time is to determine the length of time required for the AC motor drive to ramp
from 0.0 Hz to Maximum Output Frequency (Pr.01-00). The Deceleration Time is to determine
the length of time required for an AC motor drive to decrease from Maximum Output Frequency
(Pr.01-00) to 0.00Hz.
 The Acceleration/Deceleration Time is invalid when setting Pr.01-44 Optimal
Acceleration/Deceleration Setting.
 The Acceleration/Deceleration Time 1, 2, 3, 4 are selected according to the Multi-function Input
Terminals settings. The factory settings are Accel./Decel. Time 1.
 When enabling torque limits and stalls prevention function, actual accel./decel. time will be
longer than the action time set up above.
 Please note that it may trigger the protection function (Pr.06-03 Over-current Stall Prevention
during Acceleration or Pr.06-01 Over-voltage Stall Prevention) when the setting of accel./decel.
time is too short.
 Please note that it may cause motor damage or drive protection enabled due to over current
during acceleration when the setting of acceleration time is too short.
 Please note that it may cause motor damage or drive protection enabled due to over current
during deceleration or over-voltage when the setting of deceleration time is too short.
 It can use suitable brake resistor (see Chapter 06 Accessories) to decelerate in a short time and
prevent over-voltage.
 When enabling Pr.01-24~Pr.01-27, the actual accel./decel. time will be longer than the setting.


Max. Output

accel. time decel. time
01-12,14,16,18,20 01-13,15,17,19,21
Accel./Decel. Time

 01 - 22 JOG Frequency (JOG)

Factory Setting: 6.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 Both external terminal JOG and key “F1” on the keypad KPC-CC01 can be used. When the jog
command is ON, the AC motor drive will accelerate from 0Hz to jog frequency (Pr.01-22). When
the jog command is OFF, the AC motor drive will decelerate from Jog Frequency to zero. The
Jog Accel./Decel. time (Pr.01-20, Pr.01-21) is the time that accelerates from 0.0Hz to Pr.01-22
JOG Frequency, and decelerates from Pr.01-22 to 0Hz.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 The JOG command can’t be executed when the AC motor drive is running. In the same way,
when the JOG command is executing, other operation commands are invalid except
forward/reverse commands and STOP key on the digital keypad.
 The optional keypad KPC-CE01 doesn’t support JOG function.
 01 - 23 Frequency of 1st Acceleration / Deceleration &
Frequency of 4th Acceleration / Deceleration.
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 The transition from acceleration/deceleration time 1 to acceleration/deceleration time 4, may also
be enabled by the external terminals. The external terminal has priority over Pr. 01-23.
Freq uen cy

1s t Accel eration 1st D eceleration

Ti me Time

4th Ac celeration 4th D eceleration

Time Time Time

1st/4th Ac celeration/Decel er ation F r equenc y Switching

 01 - 24 S-curve for Acceleration Departure Time 1

 01 - 25 S-curve for Acceleration Arrival Time 2
 01 - 26 S-curve for Deceleration Departure Time 1
 01 - 27 S-curve for Deceleration Arrival Time 2
Factory Setting: 0.20/0.2

Settings Parameter 01-45=0 0.00~25.00 seconds
Parameter 01-45=1:0.00~250.0 seconds
 It is used to give the smoothest transition between speed changes. The accel./decel. curve can
adjust the S-curve of the accel./decel. When it is enabled, the drive will have different
accel./decel. curve by the accel./decel. time.
 The S-curve function is disabled when accel./decel. time is set to 0.
 When Pr.01-12, 01-14, 01-16, 01-18 ≥ Pr.01-24 and Pr.01-25,
the Actual Accel. Time = Pr.01-12, 01-14, 01-16, 01-18 + (Pr.01-24 + Pr.01-25)/2
 When Pr.01-13, 01-15, 01-17, 01-19 ≥ Pr.01-26 and Pr.01-27,
the Actual Decel. Time = Pr.01-13, 01-15, 01-17, 01-19 + (Pr.01-26 + Pr.01-27)/2
01-25 01-26

01-24 01-27

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

01 - 28 Upper limit of Frequency 1 setting not allowed

01 - 29 Lower limit of Frequency 1 setting not allowed
01 - 30 Upper limit of Frequency 2 setting not allowed
01 - 31 Lower limit of Frequency 2 setting not allowed
01 - 32 Upper limit of Frequency 3 setting not allowed
01 - 33 Lower limit of Frequency 3 setting not allowed
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 These parameters are used to set the skip frequency of the AC drive. But the frequency output is
continuous. There is no limit for the setting of these six parameters and can be used as required.
 These parameters are used to set the skip frequency of the AC drive. But the frequency output is
continuous. The limit of these six parameters is 01-28≥01-29≥01-30≥01-31≥01-32≥01-33. This
function will be invalid when setting to 0.0.
 The skip frequencies are useful when a motor has vibration at a specific frequency bandwidth.
By skipping this frequency, the vibration will be avoided. It offers 3 zones for use.
 The setting of frequency command (F) can be set within the range of skip frequencies. At this
moment, the output frequency (H) will be limited by these settings.
 When accelerating/decelerating, the output frequency will still pass the range of skip

01- 28
01- 29 fa ll in g fr eq ue ncy

I n te r n a l
01- 30
f re q u e n cy
01- 31
co m m a n d
01- 32
01- 33 r isi ng fre qu en cy

F re q u e nc y s e tt in g co m m a n d

01 - 34 Zero-speed Mode
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Output waiting
1: Zero-speed operation
2: Output at Minimum Frequency (according to 01-07, 01-41)

 When the frequency is less than Fmin (Pr.01-07 or Pr.01-41), it will operate by this parameter.
 When it is set to 0, the AC motor drive will be in waiting mode without voltage output from
terminals U/V/W.
 When it is set to 1, it will execute DC brake by Vmin(Pr.01-08 and Pr.01-42) in V/F and SVC
 When it is set to 2, the AC motor drive will run by Fmin (Pr.01-07, Pr.01-41) and Vmin (Pr.01-08,
Pr.01-42) in V/F and SVC modes.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When it is set to 2 and if the setting of Pr01-11(output frequency lower limit) is bigger than Fmin,
then the motor drive will run in accordance with the setting of Pr01-11 in VF and SVC mode.
 In V/F and SVC modes

01-34=1 01-34=2
stop output

01-07 0H z 0Hz
stop waiting for output 0H z oper ation
(DC br ake)

01 - 43 V/F Curve Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: V/F curve determined by group 01
1: V/F curve to the 1.5 power
2: V/F curve to the 2 power
3: 60Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 50Hz
4: 72Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 60Hz
5: 50Hz, decrease gradually with third power
6: 50Hz, decrease gradually with square
7: 60Hz, decrease gradually with third power
8: 60Hz, decrease gradually with square
9: 50Hz, medium starting torque
10: 50Hz, large staring torque
11: 60Hz, medium startin torque
12: 60Hz, large starting torque
13: 90Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 60Hz
14: 120Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 60Hz
15: 180Hz, voltage is saturated when it’s 60Hz
 V/F curve can be selected from 15 kinds of default settings or set manually.
 After setting 01-43 depending on the application, the set value can be fine tuned in 01-00~01-08
to fit the application more precisely.

1. If the V/F curve is not selected properly, it may result motor to generate insufficient torque or
may lead to high current output due to overfluxing.
2. When the drive is reset by 00-02, 01-43 is reset as well.

Setting SPEC. Feature Purpose

For normal application. This required torque for
0 Normal V/F curve Constant torque load is the same no matter the rotor speed of
V/F curve to the 1.5 To set higher level of V/F curve, the torque in low
power Variable torque speed is relatively low, which is not recommended
2 V/F curve to the 2 power for high acceleration/deceleration application.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Setting SPEC. Feature Purpose

60Hz (voltage saturation in For normal application. This required torque for
Constant torque load is the same no matter the rotor speed of
72Hz (voltage saturation in
4 motor
5 3th decreasing (50Hz)
6 2nd decreasing (50Hz) Decreasing For fans, pumps, the required torque derating
7 3th decreasing (60Hz) torque relative to the load.

8 2nd decreasing (60Hz)

9 Mid. starting torque (50Hz) Select high starting torque when:

 Wiring between the drive and motor
10 High starting torque (50Hz) High starting exceeds 150 m
 A large amount of starting torque is required
11 Mid. starting torque (60Hz) torque
(like lift)
 An AC reactor is installed in the output side
12 High starting torque (60Hz)
of the drive
90Hz (voltage saturation in
120Hz (voltage saturation in Constant output The curve for operation above 60Hz. To operate
60Hz) operation above 60Hz, the output voltage is fixed.
180Hz (voltage saturation in

 When setting to 0, refer to Pr.01-01~01-08 for motor 1 V/f curve. For motor 2, refer to
 When setting to 1 or 2, the 2nd and the 3rd voltage frequency setting are invalid.
 If a motor load is a variable torque load (the torque is in direct proportion to the speed, such as
the load of a fan or a pump), it will decrease input voltage to reduce flux loss and iron loss of the
motor at low speed with low load torque to raise the entire efficiency.
 When setting the higher power V/F curve, low frequency torque will be even lower so it is not
suitable for fast acceleration/deceleration. It is recommended NOT to apply this parameter for
any fast acceleration/deceleration.
Voltage %
70 1.5 power c urve
Square curve 01-01
0 F requenc y%
20 40 60 80 100

 01 - 44 Optimal Acceleration/Deceleration Setting

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Linear accel. /decel.
1: Auto accel., Linear decel.
2: Linear accel., Auto decel.
3: Auto accel. / decel.
4: Linear, stall prevention by auto accel./decel. (limit by

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 This parameter helps to decrease efficiently the mechanical vibration when a motor starts/stops
a load. It auto-detects the torque size of a load, then it will accelerate to reach the frequency of
your setting within the shortest time and the smoothest start-up current. It can also auto-detect
the re-generated voltage of a load, and then it will decelerate to stop the motor within the shortest
time and in a smoothest way.
 Setting 0 Linear accel./decel.: it will accelerate/decelerate according to the setting of
 Setting1 to Auto accel./decel.: it can reduce the mechanical vibration and prevent the
complicated auto-tuning processes. It won’t stall during acceleration so a brake resistor is not
required. In addition, it can improve the operation efficiency and save energy.
 Setting 3 Auto accel./decel. (auto calculation of the accel./decel. time by actual load): this setting
helps to decrease efficiently the mechanical vibration when the drive starts/stops a load. It
auto-detects the torque size of a load, then it will accelerate to reach the frequency of your
setting within the shortest time and the smoothest start-up current. It can also auto-detect the
re-generated voltage of a load, and then it will decelerate to stop the drive within the shortest
time and in a smoothest way.
 Setting 4 Stall prevention by auto accel./decel. (limited by 01-12 to 01-21): if the
acceleration/deceleration is in a reasonable range, it will accelerate/decelerate in accordance
with the setting of Pr.01-12~01-19. If the accel./decel. time is too short, the actual accel./decel.
time will be greater than the setting of accel./decel. time.
Frequency 2

Min. Time
Frequency accel. time decel. time
01-12 01-14 01-13 01-15
01-16 01-18 01-17 01-19
Accel./Decel. Time
1 When Pr.01-44 is set to 0.
2 When Pr.01-44 is set to 3.

01 - 45 Time Unit for Acceleration/Deceleration and S Curve

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Unit 0.01 second
1: Unit 0.1 second

 01 - 46 CANopen Quick Stop Time

Factory Setting: 1.00
Settings Parameter 01-45=0: 0.00~600.00 seconds
Parameter 01-45=1: 0.0~6000.0 seconds
 It is to set up the length of time required when a drive decelerates from its max. operation
frequency (Pr.01-00) to 0.00Hz in CANopen control mode. .

01 - 47 Reserved
01 - 48 Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

01 - 49 Deceleration Method
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Normal deceleration
1: Over Fluxing deceleration
2: Traction Energy Control
 When Pr01-49=0, the deceleration or stop will according to original deceleration method.
 When Pr01-49=1: drive will control the deceleration time according to the Pr06-01 setting
value and DC BUS voltage.
DC BUS >95% of Pr06-01 Over-voltage Stall Prevention setting value enable Over
fluxing deceleration method.
If the Pr06-01=0Drive will enable Over fluxing deceleration method according to the
operating voltage and DC BUS regenerative voltage This method will refer to the
deceleration time setting and the actual deceleration time will longer than the
deceleration time setting.
 Actual deceleration time will longer than the deceleration time setting because the
Over-voltage Stall Prevention function.
 When Pr01-49=1, please used with the parameter Pr06-02=1 to get a better over voltage
suppression effect during deceleration.
 Pr01-49=2: this function is based on the drives’ ability to auto-adjust output frequency
and voltage in order to get faster DC BUS energy consumption and the actual
deceleration time will be as much as possible consistent with the deceleration parameter
set up time. When real deceleration time does not conform to the expected deceleration
time and cause an over-voltage errors, recommended that to use this setting.. .

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 Digital Input/Output Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

02 - 00 2-wire/3-wire Operation Control

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 2 wire mode 1
1: 2 wire mode 2
2: 3 wire mode
 This parameter is to set the operation control method. There are three different control modes.

02-00 Control Circuits of the External Terminal

When the setting is 0 FWD:("OPEN ":STOP)
(" C LOSE" :FWD)
Two-wire mode 1 R EV/STOP REV:("OPEN" : STOP)

When setting is 1 FWD:("OPEN":STOP)

Two-wire mode 2 REV: ("OPEN": FWD)


3: Three-wire operation control

02 - 01 Multi-function Input Command 1 (MI1) (MI1) when Pr02-00 is set at

“3”: Three-wire operation control, the terminal M1 becomes the
STOP contact
Factory Setting: 1
02 - 02 Multi-function Input Command 2 (MI2)
Factory Setting: 2
02 - 03 Multi-function Input Command 3 (MI3)
Factory Setting: 3
02 - 04 Multi-function Input Command 4 (MI4)
Factory Setting: 4
02 - 05 Multi-function Input Command 5 (MI5)
02 - 06 Multi-function Input Command 6 (MI6)
02 - 07 Multi-function Input Command 7 (MI7)
02 - 08 Multi-function Input Command 8 (MI8)
02 - 26 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI10)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 - 27 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI11)

02 - 28 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI12)
02 - 29 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI13)
02 - 30 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI14)
02 - 31 Input terminal of I/O extension card (MI15)
Factory Setting: 0
0: No function
1: multi-step speed command 1
2: multi-step speed command 2
3: multi-step speed command 3
4: multi-step speed command 4

5: Reset
6: JOG command By KPC-CC01 or external
7: acceleration/deceleration speed not allow
8: the 1st, 2nd acceleration/deceleration time
9: the 3rd, 4th acceleration/deceleration time

10: EF Input (Pr.07-20)
11 B.B input from external (Base Block)
12: Output stop
14: switch between motor 1 and motor 2
15: operation speed command from AVI1
16: operation speed command from ACI
17: operation speed command from AVI2
18: Emergency stop (Pr.07-20)
19: Digital up command
20: Digital down command
21: PID function disabled
22: Clear counter
23: Input the counter value (MI6)
24: FWD JOG command
25: REV JOG command
28: Emergency stop (EF1)
29: Signal confirmation for Y-connection

30: Signal confirmation for ∆-connection
38 Disable write EEPROM function
40: Enforced coast to stop

41 HAND switch

42 AUTO switch
43~48: Reserved
49: Drive enabled
50: Slave dEb run
51: Selection for PLC mode bit 0
52: Selection for PLC mode bit 1
53: Triggered CANOpen quick stop
54: UVW Magnetic Contactor On/OFF
55: Confirmation signal of the released brake
56: LOC/REM Selection
57: Reserved
58: Enable fire mode (with RUN Command)
59: Enable fire mode (without RUN Command)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

60: Disable all the motors

61: Disable Motor#1
62: Disable Motor#2
63: Disable Motor#3
64: Disable Motor#4
65: Disable Motor #5
66: Disable Motor#6
67: Disable Motor#7
68: Disable Motor#8
 This parameter selects the functions for each multi-function terminal.
 Parameter 02-26 to 02-31 will be physical input terminals after expansion cards are
installed. If there is no expansion cards installed, these parameters remain virtual
terminals. For example, after installing the multiple function expansion card “EMC-D42A”,
Parameter 02-26 to 02-29 are defined as corresponding parameters for terminals MI10 to
MI13. But Parameters 02-30 to 02-31 are still virtual terminals.
 When terminals are defined as virtual, you need a digital keypad such as KPC-CC01 or a
communication mode to modify status of bit 8~15 (0 means ON, 1 means OFF) at Parameter
 If the setting of the Parameter 02-00 is "2: 3 wire mode," then the terminal MI 1 becomes a STOP
contact .So the function which was set at this terminal is automatically disabled.

Table of Functions
(for Normally Open (N.O.) Contacts , ON means contact is CLOSED;
OFF means contact is OPEN)
Settings Functions Descriptions
0 No Function
1 Multi-step speed command 1
15-speed can be conducted through the digital status of
2 Multi-step speed command 2
the 4 terminals. It will be 16-speed if the master speed is
3 Multi-step speed command 3
included. (Refer to parameter of Group04 )
4 Multi-step speed command 4
After the error of the drive is eliminated, use this terminal
5 Reset
to reset the drive.
Before executing this function, wait for the drive stop
completely. While the drive is running, the operating
direction can be modified and STOP key on the keypad is
6 JOG Command still valid. Once the external terminal receives OFF
command, the motor will stop by the JOG deceleration
time. Refer to Pr.01-20~01-22 for details.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

JOG freque ncy

Min. o utp ut fr eq ue ncy
of motor 1
JO G a ccel. time JOG d ecel. time
0 1- 20 01 -21

When this function is enabled, the acceleration and

deceleration are stopped right away. After this function is
disabled, the AC motor drive re-starts to accel./decel.
from the inhibiting point.
frequency Accel. inhibit
area Decel. inhibit
area Actual operation
Acceleration / Deceleration Accel. inhibit frequency
7 area Decel. inhibit
Speed Inhibit area
Actual operation frequency
Operation ON OFF

The 1st, 2nd acceleration or The acceleration/deceleration time of the drive can be
deceleration time selection
selected from this function or the digital status of the
terminals; there are 4 acceleration/deceleration speeds in
total for selection.
MIx=9 MIx=8 Accel./Decel.
The 3rd, 4th acceleration or
9 nd
deceleration time selection OFF ON 2
External fault input terminal. It decelerates by Pr.07-20
10 EF Input (EF: External Fault) setting (If there is any External Fault, it will be saved in an
error log)
When this contact is ON, output of the drive will be cut off
External B.B. Input (Base
11 immediately, and the motor will be free run and display
B.B. signal. Refer to Pr.07-08 for details.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

If this contact is ON, output of the drive will be cut off
immediately, and the motor will then be free run. Once it is
turned to OFF, the drive will accelerate to the setting
12 Output stop

Operation ON

Before using this function, Pr.01-44 should be set to mode

Cancel the setting of the
13 01, 02, 03 or 04 first. When this function is enabled, OFF
optimal accel./decel. time
is for auto mode and ON is for linear accel./decel.
Switch between drive When the contact is ON: use parameters of motor 2.
settings 1 and 2 When it is OFF: use parameters of motor 1.
When the contact is ON, the source of the frequency has
Operation speed command to be from AVI1. SetPr03-00 = 1. (If the operation speed
form AVI1 commands are set to AVI1, ACI and AVI2 at the same
> >AVI2)
time. The priority is AVI1 ACI
When the contact is ON, the source of the frequency has
ACI Operation speed to be from ACI. Set Pr03-01=1. (If the operation speed
command form ACI commands are set to AVI1, ACI and AVI2 at the same
> >AVI2)
time. The priority is AVI1 ACI
When this function is enabled, the source of the frequency
Operation speed command has to be from AVI2. Set Pr03-02 =1. (If the operation
form AVI2 speed commands are set to AVI1, ACI and AVI2 at the
same time. The priority is AVI1 >ACI>AVI2)
When the contact is ON, the drive will ramp to stop by
18 Emergency Stop (07-20)
setting of Pr.07-20.
Before using this function, choose a source of
19 Digital Up command
frequency(Pr00-20 or Pr00-30) to do external up/down
input. When the contact is ON, the frequency of the drive
will be increased or decreased by one unit (Parameter
20 Digital Down Command 02-00). If this function is constantly ON, the frequency will
be increased or decreased by setting of Pr.02-09 or

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

21 PID function disabled When the contact is ON, the PID function is disabled
When the contact is ON, it will clear current counter value
22 Clear counter and display “0”. Only when this function is disabled, it will
keep counting upward.
Input the counter value The counter value will increase 1 once the contact is ON.
23 (multi-function input
command 6) It needs to be used with Pr.02-19.
When the contact is ON, the drive will execute forward Jog
command. When execute JOG command under torque
24 FWD JOG command
the drive will automatically switch to speed mode; after
JOG command is done, the drive will return to torque
When the contact is ON the drive will execute reverse Jog
command. When execute JOG command under torque
25 REV JOG command mode, the drive will automatically switch to speed mode;
after JOG command is done, the drive will return to torque
When the contact is ON, the drive will execute emergency
stop and display EF1 on the keypad. The motor stays in
the free run until the error is cleared. (terminal’s status is
back to normal). Only after pressing RESET” (EF:
External Fault), the motor can continue to run.
28 Emergency stop (EF1) frequency

Reset ON OFF
Operation ON
Signal confirmation for When the control mode is V/F and the contact is ON, the
Y-connection drive will operate by following the 1st V/F.
Signal confirmation for △ When the control mode is V/F and contact is ON, the drive
connection will operate by following the 2nd V/F.
When this contact is ON, write to EEPROM is disabled.
Disable EEPROM write
38 However, the modified value will be back to the old value
after restarting the motor drive.
When this contact is ON during an operation, the drive will
40 Enforced coast to stop
free run to stop.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

 When multi-function input terminal is switched OFF, it
executes a STOP command. That means when
switching to OFF during the operation, the drive will
also stop.
 When switching by the keypad KPC-CC01 during an
41 HAND switch operation, the drive will be switched to the status after
 When a command is entered via a keypad such as
KPC-CC01, the drive will stop for few seconds then
switch to the status in accordance with that command.
 Digital keypad displays the drive’s status such as
Bit 1 Bit 0

42 AUTO switch OFF 0 0

AUTO 0 1
HAND 1 0
OFF 1 1

~ Reserved
When drive = Enabled, RUN command is valid.
49 Drive enabled When drive = Disabled, RUN command is invalid.
When drive is in an Operation, motor coast to stop.
50 Slave dEb run

51 Selection for PLC mode bit0 PLC status Bit 1 Bit 0

Disable PLC function (PLC 0) 0 0
Trigger PLC to operation (PLC 1) 0 1
Trigger PLC to stop (PLC 2) 1 0
52 Selection for PLC mode bit1 No function 1 1

When this function is enabled under CANopen control, it

Triggered CANopen quick
53 will change to quick stop. Refer to Chapter 15 for more
UVW magnetic contactor To receive confirmation signals while there is UVW
ON/OFF magnetic contactor during output.
This parameter needs to be used with P02-56. The main
purpose is to make sure if mechanical brake works or not
Confirmation signal of after triggering brake release command.
55 If the action is right, mechanical brake will give signal to MI
released brake
Please check time sequence chart for reference.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

Use Pr.00-29 to select for LOCAL/REMOTE mode (refer
to Pr.00-29).
When Pr.00-29 is not set to 0, on the digital keypad
KPC-CC01 it will display LOC/REM status. (It will display
on the KPC-CC01 if the firmware version is above version
56 LOC/REMOTE switch 1.021).
Bit 0
57 Reserved
Enable fire mode with RUN Enable this function under fire mode to force the drive to run
Command (while there is RUN COMMAND).

Enable fire mode without Enable this function under fire mode to force the drive to run
RUN Command (while there isn’t RUN COMMAND).
When the multi-motor circulative control is enable, all motors will
60 Disable all the motors
park freely, when the function terminal set to be ON.
61 Disable Motor#1 These functions work with multi-motor circulative control, motor
62 Disable Motor#2 #1 to # 8 can be set to park freely. If any of Auxiliary Motor#1 to
63 Disable Motor#3 Motor#8 is out of order or under maintenance, enable this
64 Disable Motor#4 terminal to bypass that motor.
65 Disable Motor#5
66 Disable Motor#6
67 Disable Motor#7
68 Disable Motor#8

 02 - 09 UP/DOWN Key Mode

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 :UP/DOWN by the accel./decal. Time
1:UP/DOWN constant speed(by parameter 02-10)
 02 - 10 The Acceleration/Deceleration Speed of the UP/DOWN Key with
Constant Speed
Factory Setting: 0.001
Settings 0.001~1.000Hz/ms
 These settings are used when multi-function input terminals are set to 19/20. Refer to Pr.02-09
and 02-10 for the frequency up/down command.
 Pr11-00, Bit7=1, frequency command is not saved. The frequency command returns to zero
when the drive stops, and the display frequency is 0.00Hz. The frequency command
increase/decrease by using Up/Down key is effective only when the drive is at Running status.
 Pr.02-09 set to 0: it will increase/decrease frequency command (F) by the setting of
acceleration/deceleration (Pr.01-12~01-19)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting


Inc reas ed by ac celeration tim e

T ime

Multi-function input terminal 19 ON OFF

fr equency inc reas ed command

 Pr.02-09 set to 1: use multi-function input terminal ON/OFF to increase/decrease the frequency
command(F) according to the setting of Pr.02.10(0.001~1.000Hz/ms).
Freque ncy

Freq ue ncy
co mma nd
Increase by 0.0 0 1-1.00 0Hz/ms


Multi -fun ction input terminal 19 ON OFF

frequency increased command

 02 - 11 Digital Input Response Time

Factory Setting: 0.005
Settings 0.000~30.000 seconds
 This parameter is to set the response time of digital input terminals FWD, REV and MI1~MI8.
 It is for digital input terminal signal delay and confirmation. The delay time is confirmation time to
prevent some uncertain interference that would cause error in the input of the digital terminals.
Under this condition, confirmation for this parameter would improve effectively, but the response
time will be somewhat delayed.

 02 - 12 Digital Input Operation Setting

Factory Setting: 0000h
Settings 0000h~FFFFh (0:OFF ; 1:ON. )
 The setting of this parameter is in hexadecimal.
 This parameter is to set the input signal level and it won’t be affected by the SINK/SOURCE
 Bit0 is for FWD terminal, bit1 is for REV terminal and bit2 to bit15 is for MI1 to MI14.
 User can change terminal status by communicating.
For example, MI1 is set to 1 (multi-step speed command 1), MI2 is set to 2 (multi-step
speed command 2). Then the forward + 2nd step speed command=1001(binary)= 9
(Decimal). Only need to set Pr.02-12=9 by communication and it can forward with 2nd

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

step speed. It doesn’t need to wire any multi-function terminal.

Bit15 bit14 bit13 bit12 bit11 bit10 bit9 bit8 bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
MI15 MI14 MI13 MI12 MI11 MI10 MI8 MI7 MI6 MI5 MI4 MI3 MI2 MI1 REV FWD

 The parameters below set the functions of each multi-function terminal.

 Pr.02-36~Pr.02-41 can only be set after installing optional card.
 The optional card EMC-D42A offers 2 output terminals and can be used with
 The optional card EMC-R6AA offers 6 output terminals and can be used with
 Summary of function settings (Take the normally open contact for example, ON: contact is closed,
OFF: contact is open)
 02 - 13 Relay1: Multi Output Terminal
Factory Setting: 11
 02 - 14 Relay2: Multi Output Terminal
Factory Setting: 1
 02 - 15 Relay3: Multi Output Terminal
Factory Setting: 66
 02 - 16 Reserved
 02 - 17 Reserved
 02 - 36 Expansion Card Output Terminal (MO10) or (RA10)
 02 - 37 Expansion Card Output Terminal (MO11) or (RA11)
 02 - 38 Expansion Card Output Terminal (MO12) or (RA12)
 02 - 39 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO13) or (RA13)
 02 - 40 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO14) or (RA14)
 02 - 41 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO15) or (RA15)
 02 - 42 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO16)
 02 - 43 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO17)
 02 - 44 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO18)
 02 - 45 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO19)
 02 - 46 Output terminal of the I/O extension card (MO20)

MO16, MO17, MO18, MO19, MO20 are virtual terminals. Their functions are controlled by the bit
11~ bit15 of Pr02-18.
Factory Setting: 0

0: No function

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

1: Operation Indication
2: Operation speed attained
3: Desired Frequency Attained 1 (Parameter 02-22)
4: Desired Frequency Attained 2 (Parameter 02-24)
5: Zero speed (Frequency command)
6: Zero speed, include STOP(Frequency command)
7: Over torque 1 (Pr.06-06~06-08)
8: Over torque 2 (Pr.06-09~06-11)
9: Drive is ready
( )
10: Low voltage warning LV (Pr.06-00)
11: Malfunction indication
12: Mechanical brake release(Pr.02-32)
13: Overheat warning (Pr.06-15)
14: Software brake signal indication(Pr.07-00)
15: PID feedback error
16: Slip error (oSL)
17: Terminal count value attained, does not return to 0
18: Preliminary count value attained, returns to 0
19: External base block input
20: Warning output
21: Over voltage warning
22: Over-current stall prevention warning
23: Over-voltage stall prevention warning
24: Operation mode indication
25: Forward command
26: Reverse command
27: Output when current >= Pr.02-33
28: Output when current <Pr.02-33
29: Output when frequency >= Pr.02-34 (>= 02-34)
30: Output when frequency < Pr.02-34
31: Y-connection for the motor coil
32: △-connection for the motor coil
33: Zero speed (actual output frequency)
34: Zero speed include stop(actual output frequency)
35: Error output selection 1(Pr.06-23)
36: Error output selection 2(Pr.06-24)
37: Error output selection 3(Pr.06-25)
38: Error output selection 4(Pr.06-26)
40: Speed attained (including Stop)
44: Low current output

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

45: UVW Magnetic Contactor enabled

47: Brake output closed
50: Output for CANopen control
51: Output for RS485
52: Output for communication card
53: Fire mode indication
54: Bypass fire mode indication
55: Motor #1 Output
56: Motor #2 Output
57: Motor #3 Output
58: Motor#4 Output
59: Motor#5 Output
60: Motor #6 Output
61: Motor#7 Output
62: Motor#8 Output
66: SO contact A (N.O.)
67: Analog input signal level achieved
68: SO contact B (N.C.)
 This parameter selects the functions for each multi-function terminal.
 Pr.02-36~Pr.02-41 can only be set after installing optional card.
 The optional card EMC-D42A offers 2 output terminals and can be used with
 The optional card EMC-R6AA offers 6 output terminals and can be used with
 Summary of function settings (Take the normally open contact for example, ON: contact is closed,
OFF: contact is open)

Settings Functions Descriptions

0 No Function This terminal has no function.
1 Operation Indication Active when the drive is not at STOP.
Master Frequency
2 Active when the AC motor drive reaches the output frequency setting.
Desired Frequency
3 Active when the desired frequency (Pr.02-22) is attained.
Attained 1 (Pr.02-22)
Desired Frequency
4 Active when the desired frequency (Pr.02-24) is attained.
Attained 2 (Pr.02-24)
Zero Speed
Active when frequency command =0. (the drive should be at RUN
5 (frequency
Zero Speed with
6 Stop (frequency Active when frequency command =0 or stop.
Active when detecting over-torque. Refer to Pr.06-07 (over-torque
7 Over Torque 1 detection level-OT1) and Pr.06-08 (over-torque detection time-OT1).
Refer to Pr.06-06~06-08.
Active when detecting over-torque. Refer to Pr.06-10 (over-torque
8 Over Torque 2 detection level-OT2) and Pr.06-11 (over-torque detection time-OT2).
Refer to Pr.06-09~06-11.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

9 Drive Ready Active when the drive is ON and no abnormality detected.
Low voltage warn Active when the DC Bus voltage is too low. (refer to Pr.06-00 low
(Lv) voltage level)
11 Active when fault occurs (except Lv stop).
Mechanical Brake When drive runs after Pr.02-32, it will be ON. This function should be
Release (Pr.02-32) used with DC brake and it is recommended to use contact "b"(N.C).
Active when IGBT or heat sink overheats to prevent OH turn off the
13 Overheat
drive. (refer to Pr.06-15)
Software Brake
14 Active when the soft brake function is ON. (refer to Pr.07-00)
Signal Indication
15 PID Feedback Error Active when the feedback signal is abnormal.
16 Slip Error (oSL) Active when the slip error is detected.
Terminal Count
Value Attained Active when the counter reaches Terminal Counter Value (Pr.02-19).
(Pr.02-20; not return This contact won’t active when Pr.02-20>Pr.02-19.
to 0)
Preliminary Counter
Value Attained Active when the counter reaches Preliminary Counter Value
(Pr.02-19; returns to (Pr.02-19).
External Base Block
19 Active when the output of the motor drive is shut off during base block.
input (B.B.)
20 Warning Output Active when the warning is detected.
21 Active when the over-voltage is detected.
Over-current Stall
22 Active when the over-current stall prevention is detected.
Prevention Warning
Over-voltage Stall
23 Active when the over-voltage stall prevention is detected.
prevention Warning
Operation Mode Active when the operation command is controlled by external terminal.
Indication (Pr.00-20≠0)
25 Forward Command Active when the operation direction is forward.
26 Reverse Command Active when the operation direction is reverse.
Output when Current
27 Active when current is >= Pr.02-33.
>= Pr.02-33
Output when Current
28 Active when current is < Pr.02-33.
<= Pr.02-33
Output when
29 frequency >= Active when frequency is >= Pr.02-34.
Output when
30 Frequency <= Active when frequency is < Pr.02-34.
Y-connection for the Active when PR.05-24 is less than Pr.05-23 and time is more than
Motor Coil Pr.05-25.

 △-connection for Active when PR.05-24 is higher than Pr.05-23 and time is more than
the Motor Coil Pr.05-25.
Zero Speed (actual Active when the actual output frequency is 0. (the drive should be at
output frequency) RUN mode)
Zero Speed with
34 Stop (actual output Active when the actual output frequency is 0 or Stop.
Error Output
35 Selection 1 Active when Pr.06-23 is ON.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

Error Output
36 Selection 2 Active when Pr.06-24 is ON.
Error Output
37 Selection 3 Active when Pr.06-25 is ON.
Error Output Active when Pr.06-26 is ON.
38 Selection 4
Speed Attained
40 (including zero Active when the output frequency reaches frequency setting or stop
Low Current Output This function needs to be used with Pr.06-71 ~ Pr.06-73
UVW Magnetic When the function “54: UVW Magnetic Contactor On/OFF” of Pr02-31 is
Contactor enabled enabled, this contact will work.
When drive stops, the corresponding multi-function terminal will be
ON if the frequency is less than Pr.02-34. After it is ON, it will be OFF
when brake delay time exceeds Pr.02-32.

F requenc y
F requenc y
Brake Released at command < 02- 34


output MO=47 02-32
Output for CANopen
50 For CANopen communication output
51 Output for RS-485 For RS-485 output
Out put for For CMC-MOD01, CMC-EIP01, CMC-PN01, CMC-DN01communication
communication card control to do output

53 Fire mode indication When #58 or #59 is enabled, this function will work.
By pass fire mode
54 When by pass function is enabled in the fire mode, this contact will work.
55 Motor #1 output
56 Motor #2 output
57 Motor #3 output
58 Motor #4 output When setting multi-motor circulative function, the multi-function output
terminal will automatically set up Pr02-13~Pr02-15 and Pr02-36~Pr02-40 in
59 Motor #5 output accordance with Pr12-01’s setting.
60 Motor #6 output
61 Motor #7 output
62 Motor #8 output

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Settings Functions Descriptions

Status of safety output

66 SO contact A (N.O.) Status of drive
N.O. (MO=66) N.C. (MO=68)
Broken circuit Short circuit
(Open) (Close)
Short circuit Broken circuit
(Close) (Open)
68 SO contact B (N.C.)
Short circuit Broken circuit
(Close) (Open)
Multi-function output terminals operate when analog input signal level is
between high level and low level.
03-44: Select the analog signal channel, AVI, ACI, and AUI which
Analog input signal is going to be compared.
level achieved 03-45: The high level of analog input, factory setting is 50%.
03-46: The low level of analog input, factory setting is 10%.
If analog input > 03-45, then multi-function output terminal operates.
If analog input < 03-46, then multi-function output terminal stops outputting.

 02 - 18 Multi-output Direction
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0000h~FFFh (0:N.O. ; 1:N.C. )
 The setting of this parameter is in hexadecimal.
 This parameter is set via bit setting. If a bit is 1, the corresponding output acts in the
opposite way. For example: If Pr02-13=1, Relay 1 is open when the drive runs and is
closed when the drive is stopped
bit15 bit14 bit13 bit12 bit11 bit10 bit9 bit8 bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

MO20 MO19 MO18 MO17 MO16 MO15 MO14 MO13 MO12 MO11 MO10 Reserved Reserved RY3 RY2 RY1

 02 - 19 Terminal count value attained (returns to 0)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65500
 The counter trigger can be set by the multi-function terminal MI6 (set Pr.02-06 to 23). Upon
completion of counting, the specified output terminal will be activated (Pr.02-13~02-14, Pr.02-36,
02-37 is set to 18). Pr.02-19 can’t be set to 0.
 When the display shows c5555, the drive has counted 5,555 times. If display shows c5555•, it
means that real counter value is between 55,550 to 55,559.
 02 - 20 Preliminary count value attained (not return to 0)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65500
 When the counter value counts from 1 and reaches this value, the corresponding multi-function
output terminal will be activated, provided one of Pr. 02-13, 02-14, 02-36, 02-37 set to 17
(Preliminary Count Value Setting). This parameter can be used for the end of the counting to
make the drive runs from the low speed to stop.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

See the sequence diagram below:

Display value
[ 0 0 - 0 4 =0 1 ]

TRG [0 2-0 6=2 3]

Counter Trigger
1.0 ms ec
(output signal) The width of trigger signal
Preliminary Counter Value 02 -20= 3
RY1 Pr.02-13=17 02 -13, 02- 14, 0 2-3 6, 02 -37
02 -19= 5

Terminal Counter Value 02 -14= 1 7

RY2 Pr.02-14=18

02 - 21 Digital Output Gain DFM ( )

Factory Setting: 1
Settings 1~166
 It is used to set the signal for the digital output terminals (DFM-DCM) and digital frequency output
(pulse X work period=50%). Output pulse per second = output frequency X Pr.02-21.

 02 - 22 Desired Frequency Attained 1

Factory Setting:
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 02 - 24 Desired Frequency Attained 2
Factory Setting:
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 02 - 23 The Width of the Desired Frequency Attained 1
Factory Setting: 2.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 02 - 25 The Width of the Desired Frequency Attained 2
Factory Setting: 2.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 Once output frequency reaches desired frequency and the corresponding multi-function output
terminal is set to 3 or 4 (Pr.02-13, 02-14, 02-36, and 02-37), this multi-function output terminal will
be ON.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 - 32 Brake Delay Time

Factory Setting: 0.000
Settings 0.000~65.000 seconds
 When the AC motor drive runs after Pr.02-32 delay time, the corresponding multi-function output
terminal (12: mechanical brake release) will be ON. It has to use this function with DC brake.

07-02 07-03
DC brake DC brake
time during time during
start-up B=A stopping
Output DC brake DC brake


02-32 brake delay time

Multi-function output
(mechanical brake release)
Pr.02-11 to 02-14=d12 bounce time of mechanical brake

braked release braked

Mechanical brake Time
If this parameter is applied without DC brake, it will be invalid. Refer to the following
operation timing.

zero A zero
frequ ency speed speed
co mma nd

outp ut
frequ ency


Mu lti-function output
(mechani cal brake
relea se)
Pr.02-11 to 0 2-14=d12

brake relea se brake

me chan ical brak e Time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 02 - 33 Output Current Level Setting for Multi-function Output Terminals

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~100%
 When output current is larger or equal to Pr.02-33, it will activate multi-function output terminal
(Pr.02-13, 02-14, 02-16, and 02-17 is set to 27).
 When output current is smaller than Pr.02-33, it will activate multi-function output terminal
(Pr.02-13, 02-14, 02-16, 02-17 is set to 28).
 02 - 34 Output Boundary for Multi-function Output Terminals
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~±60.00Hz
 When output frequency is higher than Pr.02-34, it will activate the multi-function terminal
(Pr.02-13, 02-14, 02-16, 02-17 is set to 29).
 When output frequency is lower than Pr.02-34, it will activate the multi-function terminal (Pr.02-13,
02-14, 02-16, 02-17 is set to 30)

 02 - 35 External Operation Control Selection after Reset and Activate

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Drive runs if the run command still exists after reset or re-boots.
 Setting 1:
Status 1: After the drive is powered on and the external terminal for RUN keeps ON, the drive will
 Status 2: After clearing fault once a fault is detected and the external terminal for RUN keeps ON,
the drive can run after pressing RESET key.

02 - 47
~ Reserved
02 - 49

02 - 50 Display the Status of Multi-function Input Terminal

Factory Setting: read only
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F WD

0=On REV

1=Off MI1
MI12 For
MI13 option
MI14 card

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 For Example:
If Pr.02-50 displays 0034h (Hex), i.e. the value is 52, and 110100 (binary). It means MI1, MI3 and
MI4 are active.
Weights 25 24 23 22 21 20 0=O N
Bit 1 1 0 1 0 0 MI1 1=O FF
MI2 Settings
5 4 2
MI3 = bit5x 2 +bit4x2 +bit2x2
5 4 2
= 1x2 +1x2 + 1x2
=32+16+4 =52 NOTE
MI5 5 4
2 =322 =16
2 =8
2 =4
1 0
MI6 2 =2 2 =1

02 - 51 Status of Multi-function Output Terminal

Factory Setting: Read Only

 For Example:
If Pr.02-51 displays 00023h (Hex), i.e. the value is 35, and 100011 (binary). It means RY1, RY2
and MO3 are ON.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 - 52 Display External Output terminal occupied by PLC

Factory Setting: Read Only
 P.02-52 shows the external multi-function input terminal that used by PLC.
Weights 2 15 2 14 2 1 3 2 12 2 11 2 1 0 2 9 28 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 23 2 2 2 1 2 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FWD
0=ON MI1
MI12 For option
MI13 card

For Example: When Pr.02-52 displays 0034h(hex) and switching to 110100 (binary), it
means MI1, MI3 and MI4 are used by PLC

Weights 2 11 2 10 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 25 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 0: not used by P LC

Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 MI1
1: used by PLC
5 4 2
= bit5x 2 +bit4x2 +bit2x2
MI3 5 4 2
= 1x2 +1x2 + 1x 2
MI4 =32+16+4 =52
MI7 14 13 12
2 =16384 2 =8192 2 =4096
MI8 11 10 9
2 =2048 2 =1024 2 =512
MI10 8 7 6
2 =256 2 =128 2 =64
5 4 3 2
MI12 2 =322 =16 2 =8 2 =4
1 0
MI13 2 =2 2 =1

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 - 53 Display Analog Output Terminal occupied by PLC

Factory Setting: Read Only
 Pr.02-53 shows the external multi-function output terminal that used by PLC.

For example:
If the value of Pr.02-53 displays 0003h (Hex), it means RY1and RY2 are used by PLC.
0=NOT used by PLC
Weights 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1=Used by PLC
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3
Display value
MO3 3=2+1
MO4 =1x2+1x2
1 0

MO5 =bit 1x2+bit 0x2

1 0

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

02 - 54 Display the Frequency Command Memory of External Terminal

Factory Setting:
Read Only
Settings Read Only
 When the source of frequency command comes from the external terminal, if Lv or Fault
occurs at this time, the frequency command of the external terminal will be saved in this

02 – 55
02 - 56

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

03 Analog Input/Output Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation

 03 - 00 Analog Input 1 (AVI1)

Factory Setting: 1
 03 - 01 Analog Input 2(ACI)
Factory Setting: 1
 03 - 02 Analog Input 3 (AVI2)
Factory Setting: 1

0 No function

1 Frequency command

4 PID target value (Refer to Group 8)

5 PID feedback signal (Refer to Group 8)

6 PTC thermistor input value

11 PT100 thermistor input value

12 Reserved
13:PID compensation value
 When use analog input as PID reference value, Pr00-20 must set 2(analog input).
Setting method 1: Pr03-00~03-02 set 1 as PID reference input
Setting method 2: Pr03-00~03-02 set 4 as PID reference input
If the setting value 1 and set value 4 existed at the same time, AVI input has highest priority to
become PID reference input.
 When use analog input as PID compensation value, Pr08-16 must set 1(Source of PID
compensation is analog input). The compensation value can be observed via Pr08-17.
 When it is frequency command or TQC speed limit, the corresponding value for 0~±10V/4~20mA
is 0 – max. output frequency(Pr.01-00)
 When it is torque command or torque limit, the corresponding value for 0~±10V/4~20mA is 0 –
max. output torque (Pr.11-27).
 When it is torque compensation, the corresponding value for 0~±10V/4~20mA is 0 – rated torque

 03 - 03 Analog Input Bias 1 (AVI1)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings -100.0~100.0%
 It is to set the corresponding AVI1 voltage of the external analog input 0.

 03 - 04 Analog Input Bias 1 (ACI)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings -100.0~100.0%
 It is used to set the corresponding ACI current of the external analog input 0.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 03 - 05 AVI2 Analog Input Bias

Factory Setting: 0
Settings -100.0~100.0%
 It is used to set the corresponding AVI2 voltage of the external analog input 0.
 The relation between external input voltage/current and setting frequency: 0~10V (4-20mA)
corresponds to 0~Pr01-00 (max. operation frequency).

03 - 06 Reserved
 03 - 07 Positive/negative Bias Mode (AVI1)
 03 - 08 Positive/negative Bias Mode (ACI)
 03 - 09 Positive/negative Bias Mode (AVI2)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Zero bias
1: Lower than bias=bias
2: Greater than bias=bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
 In a noisy environment, it is advantageous to use negative bias to provide a noise margin. It is
recommended NOT to use less than 1V to set the operation frequency.

In the diagram below: Black line: Curve with no bias. Gray line: curve with bias

Diagram 01
Freque ncy
Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal t o bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction cannot be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI1)= 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 02
Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower t han or equal to bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

-V V
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
Negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11Analog Input Gain1 (AVI1)=100%

Diagram 03

Freque ncy Pr.03-03=10%

60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
54Hz 0: No bias
1: Low er than or equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1(AVI1) = 100%

Diagram 04

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 05

Pr.0 3-03=10%
Pr.0 3-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias M ode)
60 Hz 0: No bias
54 Hz 1: L o w e r t h a n o r e q u a l to b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

Pr.0 3-10 (A nalog F req uency Co mm an d f or Reverse Run)

-V V 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad
or external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input G ain 1(AVI 1)= 100%

Diagram 06

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%

60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)

0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b i a s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Directioncan not be switched by digital keypad
or external terminal control.
Pr.03-11Analog Input Gain 1(AVI1 )= 100%

Diagram 07

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 08

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
54Hz 0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l to b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

-6Hz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad
or external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1(AVI 1 ) = 100%

Diagram 09
Frequency Pr.03-03=-10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid. Positive
frequency = forward run; negative
frequency = reverse run. Direction
can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI 1)= 100%

Diagram 10

Frequency Pr.03-03=-10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o we r t ha n o r e qu a l to bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad
or external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI 1 )= 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 11

Frequency Pr.03-03=-10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 (Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI 1 ) = 100%

Diagram 12
Frequency Pr.03-03=-10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad
or external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AV 1 I)= 100%

Diagram 13
Frequency Pr.03-03=-10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l to b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V Pr.03-10 (Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1(AVI 1) = 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 14

Diagram 15

Diagram 16

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-11 Analog Input Gain 1(AVI 1 ) = 111.1%
10/ 9 = 111. 1%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 17

Diagram 18

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b i a s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
-V V
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr03-11 Analog Input Gain 1(AVI 1) = 111.1%
10/ 9 = 111. 1%

Diagram 19

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L ow er th a n o r eq u al t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr03-11 Analog Input Gain1 (AVI 1) = 111.1%
1 0/ 9 = 11 1 .1 %

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 20

Diagram 21

Frequency Pr.03-03=10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L ow e r th a n o r eq u al t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr03-11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI 1) = 111.1%
1 0/ 9 = 11 1 .1 %

Diagram 22

F requency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/ Negat ive Bias Mode)

0: N o bias
1: L o w e r t h a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: T he absolute value of the bias volt age
w hile serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
Pr.03-10 (Analog F requency C ommand for R everse R un)
0: N egative frequency is not valid.
-V V F orw ard and reverse run is controlled
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: N eagtive frequency is valid. Posit ive
frequency = forward run; negative
frequency = reverse run. D irection
can not be switched by digital keypad or
external teriminal control.
Calculate the bias: 60-6Hz = 6-0Hz XV= 10 =1.11V
10V XV 9
Pr.03-03= 1.11 × 100%
Calculate the gain: Pr.03-11= 10V × 100%=90.0%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 23
Frequency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than o r equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
6Hz 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
-V V Forward and reverse run is controlled
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
C a l c u l a te t h e b i a s: 60 - 6 H z = 6 - 0 H z X V = 10 =1 . 11 V
10 V XV 9
P r . 0 3 - 0 3= 1 . 11 x100%
C a l c u l a te t h e g a i n: P r . 0 3 - 1 1= 10 V x100% = 90.0%

Diagram 24
Frequency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
6Hz 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
-V V Forward and reverse run is controlled
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
60 - 6 Hz = 6 - 0 Hz X V = 10 =1 . 11 V
Calculate the bias : 10 V XV 9
P r . 03 - 03= 1. 11x 100%
Calculate the gain : P r . 03 - 11= 10 V x 100 % = 90 . 0 %
11 . 1 V

Diagram 25

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 26

Frequency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)

60 Hz 0: No bias
1: Lo wer th an or e qu al t o b i as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

Pr.03-10 ( An a lo g F r e q u en c y C o mm a n d fo r Reverse Run)
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
-V V
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.

alcula te th e bi as : 60 - 6 Hz = 6- 0 Hz V 10
C X = =1 . 11 V
10 V XV 9

1 . 11
P r . 03 - 0 3= x 100%

C alcula te th e ga in : P r . 03 - 1 1= 10 V x 1 00 % = 90 . 0 %
11 . 1 V

Diagram 27
Frequency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
60Hz 0: N o bias
1: L o we r t h a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

0: Negative frequency is not valid.
-V V
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.

C alculate the bias : 60 - 6Hz = 6 -0 Hz X V= 10 =1. 11 V

10 V XV 9
P r . 03 - 03 =1. 11 x100%
C alculat e the gain : P r . 03 - 11= 10 V x100 % = 90 . 0 %
11 . 1V

Diagram 28
Frequency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
60H z
1: Low er t han or eq ual to bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

0: Negative frequency is not valid.
-V V Forward and reverse run is controlled
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Neagative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.

C alcu late the bias : 60 - 6Hz = 6 - 0Hz X V= 10 =1. 11V

10 V XV 9
Pr .03 - 03= 1. 11 x1 00%
Calcu late the gain : P r . 03 - 11= 10V x100 % 90 . 0 %
11 . 1 V

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 29
F requency Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/ Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r t h a n o r e q u a l t o b i a s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: T he absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
Pr.03-10 (Analog F requency Command for Reverse Run)
0: Negat ive f requency is not valid.
-V V F orward and reverse run is controlled
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Neagt ive f requency is valid. Positive
f requency = forward run; negat ive
f requency = reverse run. Direct ion
can not be switched by digital keypad or
external teriminal control.

Calculate the bias: 60-6Hz = 6-0Hz XV= 10 =1.11V

10V XV 9
Pr.03-03= 1.11 × 100%
Calculate the gain: Pr.03-11= 10V × 100%=90.0%

Diagram 30
Pr.00-21=0 (Dgital keypad control and d run in FWD direction)
Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) =10%

60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)

54Hz :0 Nobias
1 : L o w er t h a n or e q u a l t o b i as
2 : G r e at e r t h an o r e q ua l t o bi a s
3 : T h e a b s o l u te v a l u e o f t h e b i a s v o lt a g e
while serving as the center
4: S e r ve b i a s as t h e ce n t e r
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
V Pr.03-10 ( A n a l og F r e q u e nc y C o m m an d f o r
0 : N e g at
. i v e f re q u e n c y i s n o t v a l i d
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by .digital keypad or external terminal
1: N e i v e f re q u e n c y i s v a l id .
Positive frequency forward run;
negative frequency reverse run
60Hz Direction cannot be switched by digital keypad or
. terminal control
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Diagram 31

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 32
Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and d run in FWD direction)
Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
54Hz :0: No bias

2: Greater than or equal to bias

3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
0 1 3 4
4: Serve bias as the center
-V V
5 6 7 8 9 10 Pr.03-10 (Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital
. keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction cannot be switched by digital keypad or
. teriminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Diagram 33
Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and d run in FWD direction)
Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias ( AVI2 ) = 10 %
Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0 : No bias

1 : L ow e r t ha n o r equ a l t o b ia s
2 : G re a te r t ha n or e q ua l t o bi a s
3 : T he ab s ol ut e va lu e o f t h e b ia s v o lt ag e
while serving as the center
0 1 2 3 4 4: S er v e b ia s a s the c en te r
5 6 7 8 9 10
Pr.03-10 ( A n al o g F re qu e nc y C o mm a nd fo r R e ve r se Ru n )
0 : N eg a ti ve fr e qu e nc y i s n o t v al id .
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal .
1: N eg a ti ve fr e qu e nc y i s v a li d .
Positive frequency = forward run ;
negative frequency = reverse run .

external terminal control.

Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Diagram 34
Frequency Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction )
Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60 Hz
Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
54 Hz
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4
-V V
5 6 7 8 9 10 Pr.03-10 (Analog Frequency Comm and for Reverse Run)
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external term inal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
60 Hz external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 35
Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)
Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60 Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal to bias
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4 Pr.03-10 (Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
-V V
5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
60 Hz
Pr.03-13 Analog Input G ain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input G ain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Diagram 36

Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)

Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
54Hz 0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b i a s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Diagram 37

Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)

Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Low er than or equal t o bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center

0 1 2 3 4 Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)

5 6 7 8 9 10
0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2)= 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 38

Frequency Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)

Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Lower than or equal t o bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 111.1%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2) = 111.1%

Diagram 39
Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)
Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b ia s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4 Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
-V V
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 100%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2) = 90.9%

Diagram 40

Frequency Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)

Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: Low er than or equal t o bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction cannot be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 111.1%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2) = 90.9%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 41
Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in FWD direction)
Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l t o b i a s
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: The absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4
-V V Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction can not be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 111.1%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2) = 90.9%

Diagram 42

0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10

Diagram 43

Pr.00-21=0 (Digital keypad control and run in F WD direction)

Frequency Pr.03-05 Analog Positive Voltage Input Bias (AVI2) = 10%
60Hz Pr.03-07~03-09 (Positive/Negative Bias Mode)
0: No bias
1: L ow e r t h a n o r e q ua l t o bi as
2: Greater than or equal to bias
3: T he absolute value of the bias voltage
while serving as the center
4: Serve bias as the center
0 1 2 3 4 Pr.03-10 ( Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run)
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Negative frequency is not valid.
Forward and reverse run is controlled
by digital keypad or external terminal.
1: Negative frequency is valid.
Positive frequency = forward run;
negative frequency = reverse run.
Direction cannot be switched by digital keypad or
external terminal control.
Pr.03-13 Analog Input Gain 3 (AVI2)= 111.1%
(10/9) *100% = 111.1%
Pr.03-14 Analog Input Gain 4 (AVI2) = 90.9%
(10/11) *100% = 90.9%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Diagram 44

0 1 2 3 4

Diagram 45
Pr.00 -21=0 (Dig ital keypad co ntro l and run in FWD direction )
Freque ncy Pr.03 -05 An alog P ositive Volta ge Input Bia s (AVI2) = 1 0%
60Hz Pr.03 -07~03 -09 (P ositive /Nega tive Bia s M ode)
0: No b ia s
1: L o w e r th a n o r e q u a l to b i a s
2: G reater than or eq ual to bias
3: The a bsolute value o f the b ias vo ltage
wh ile se rving as th e center
4: S erve bia s a s the ce nte r
0 1 2 3 4 Pr.03 -10 ( An alog Freq uency Comma nd for Reverse Run )
-V V
5 6 7 8 9 10 0: Nega tive fre quen cy is not valid.
Forwa rd and reverse run is co ntrolled
by digital keypad or e xternal termina l.
1: Nega tive fre quen cy is valid.
Positive freq uency = forward run;
Ne gative frequ ency = reverse run .
Direction canno t b e switched by digita l ke ypa d or
external terminal con trol.
Pr.03 -13 Ana log Input G ain 3 (AVI2)= 111.1%
(10/9) *100 % = 111.1%
Pr.03 -14 Ana log Input G ain 4 (AVI2) = 90.9 %
(10/11) *10 0% = 90.9%

 03 - 10 Analog Frequency Command for Reverse Run

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Negative frequency input is disabled. Forward and reverse motions are
controlled by digital keypad or by external terminal.
1: Negative frequency input is enabled. Forward motion when positive
frequency, reverse motion when negative frequency. Forward and reverse
motions are not controlled by digital keypad or by external terminal.

 Parameter 03-10 is used to enable reverse run command when a negative frequency (negative
bias and gain) is input to AVI or ACI analog signal input (except AUI).

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Condition for negative frequency (reverse)

1. Pr03-10=1
2. Bias mode=Serve bias as center
3. Corresponded analog input gain < 0(negative), make input frequency be negative.
 In using addition function of analog input (Pr03-18=1), when analog signal is negative after
adding, this parameter can be set for allowing reverse or not. The result after adding will be
restricted by “Condition for negative frequency (reverse)”

 03 - 11 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI1)

 03 - 12 Analog Input Gain 2 (ACI)

 03 - 13 Analog Input Gain 1 (AVI2)

 03 - 14 Analog Input Gain 2 (AVI2)

Factory Setting: 100.0

Settings -500.0~500.0%
 Parameters 03-03 to 03-14 are used when the source of frequency command is the analog
voltage/current signal.

 03 - 15 Analog Input Filter Time (AVI1)

 03 - 16 Analog Input Filter Time (ACI)

 03 - 17 Analog Input Filter Time (AVI2)

Factory Setting: 0.01

Settings 0.00~20.00 seconds
 These input delays can be used to filter noisy analog signal
 When the setting of the time constant is too large, the control will be stable but the control
response will be slow. When the setting of time constant is too small, the control response will be
faster but the control may be unstable. To find the optimal setting, please adjust the setting
according to the control stable or response status.
 03 - 18 Addition Function of the Analog Input

Factory Setting: 0
: ( 、 、
Settings 0 Disable AVI1 ACI AVI2 )
 When Pr03-18 is set to 1:
EX1: Pr03-00=Pr03-01=1 Frequency command= AVI+ACI
EX2: Pr03-00=Pr03-01=Pr03-02=1 Frequency command = AVI+ACI+AVI2
EX3: Pr03-00=Pr03-02=1 Frequency command = AVI+AVI2
EX4: Pr03-01=Pr03-02=1 Frequency command = ACI+AVI2
 When Pr.03-18 is set to 0 and the analog input setting is the same, the priority for AVI, ACI and

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Fcommand=[(ay bias)*gain]*
10V or 16mA or 20mA
Fcommand: the corresponding
frequency for 10V or 20mA
ay : 0-10V, 4-20mA, 0-20mA
bias : Pr.03-03,Pr. 03-04, Pr.03-05
Voltage gain : Pr.03-11, Pr.03-12, Pr.03-13, Pr.03-14

 03 - 19 Loss of the ACI Signal

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Continue operation at the last frequency
2: Decelerate to stop
3: top immediately and display ACE
 This parameter determines the behavior when 4~20mA signal is loss, when AVIc(Pr.03-28=2) or
ACIc (03-29=0).
 When Pr.03-28 is not set to 2, it means the voltage input to AVI terminal is 0-10V or 0-20mA. At
this moment, Pr.03-19 will be invalid.
 When Pr.03-29 is set to 1, it means the voltage input to ACI terminal is for 0-10V. At this moment,
Pr.03-19 will be invalid.
 When setting is 1 or 2, it will display warning code “AnL” on the keypad. It will be blinking until the
loss of the ACI signal is recovered.
 When the motor drive stops, the condition of warning does not exist, then the warning will

 03 - 20 Multi-function Output 1 (AFM1)

Factory Setting: 0
 03 - 23 Multi-function Output 2 (AFM2)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~23
Function Chart
Settings Functions Descriptions
0 Output frequency (Hz) Max. frequency Pr.01-00 is regarded as 100%.
1 Frequency command (Hz) Max. frequency Pr.01-00 is regarded as 100%.
2 Motor speed (Hz) 600Hz is regarded as 100%
3 Output current (rms) (2.5 X rated current) is regarded as 100%
4 Output voltage (2 X rated voltage) is regarded as 100%
5 DC Bus Voltage 450V (900V)=100%
6 Power factor -1.000~1.000=100%
7 Power Rated power is regarded as 100%
9 AVI1 % ( 0~10V/ 0~20mA/ 4~mA =0~100% )
10 ACI % ( 4~20mA/ 0~10V/ 0~20mA =0~100% )
11 AVI2% ( -10~10V=0~100% )
20 CANopen analog output
21 RS485 analog output

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Analog output for For communication output (CMC-MOD01, CMC-EIP01,

communication card CMC-PN01, CMC-DN01)
Voltage output level can be controlled by Pr.03-32 and
Pr03-33.Example: Set Pr03-32 to 0~100.00% which
23 Constant voltage output corresponds to 0~10V of AFM1. Set Pr03-33 to
0~100.00% which corresponds to 0~10V of AFM2.

 03 - 21 Gain for Analog Output 1 (AFM1)

Factory Setting: 100.0
 03 - 24 Gain for Analog Output 2 (AFM2)
Factory Setting: 100.0
Settings 0~500.0%
 It is used to adjust the analog voltage level (Pr.03-20) that terminal AFM outputs.
 This parameter is set the corresponding voltage of the analog output 0.
 03 - 22 Analog Output 1 Value in REV Direction (AFM1)

Factory Setting: 0
 03 - 25 Analog Output 2 Value in REV Direction (AFM2)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Absolute value in REV direction
1: Output 0V in REV direction; output 0-10V in FWD direction
2: Output 5-0V in REV direction; output 5-10V in FWD direction
10V( 20mA) 10V( 20mA) 10V( 20mA)

0V 03-24 0V F requenc y 5V F requenc y
( 0mA) ( 0mA) ( 12mA)

03-22=0 03-22=1 03-22=2

03-25=0 03-25=1 03-25=2
Selections for the analog output dir ec ti on

03 - 26 Reserved
 03 - 27 AFM2 Output Offset
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings -100,00 ~ 100.00 %
 Example 1, AFM2 0-10V is set output frequency, the output equation is
Output Frequency
10V × ( ) × 03 - 24 + 10V × 03 - 27
01 - 00

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Example 2, AFM2 0-20mA is set output frequency, the output equation is

Output Frequency
20mA × ( ) × 03 - 24 + 20mA × 03 - 27
01 - 00
 Example 3, AFM2 4-20mA is set output frequency, the output equation is
Output Frequency
4mA + 16mA × ( ) × 03 - 24 + 16mA × 03 - 27
01 - 00

 03 - 28 AVI1 Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 0-10V
1: 0-20mA
2: 4-20mA
 03 - 29 ACI Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 4-20mA
1: 0-10V
2: 0-20mA
 When changing the input mode, please check if the switch of external terminal (SW3, SW4)
corresponds to the setting of Pr.03-28~03-29.

03 - 30 Status of PLC Output Terminal

Factory Setting: 000h
Settings 0000h~FFFFh
Monitor the status of PLC analog output terminals
 P.03-30 shows the external multi-function output terminal that used by PLC
0=O N
1=O FF
Weights 2 15 2 14 2 13 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 10 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AFM 1
7 6
2 =128 2 =64
5 4 3
2 =32 2 =16 2 =8
2 1 0
2 =4 2 =2 2 =1
 For Example:
If the value of Pr.02-30 displays 0002h(Hex), it means AFM1and AFM2 are used by PLC.
0=Not used by PLC
1=Used by PLC
Weights 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 21 2 0
Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 AFM 1
Display value
2=1x2 1+0x2 0

=bit 1x2 1 +bit 0x20

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 03 - 31 AFM2 0-20mA Output Selection

 03 - 34 AFM1 0-20mA Output Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 0-20mA output
1: 4-20mA output

 03 - 32 AFM1 DC Output Setting Level

 03 - 33 AFM2 DC Output Setting Level
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~100.00%
 Pr03-32 and Pr03-33 work with the setting "#23 Constant voltage output" of "Pr03-20 &
Pr03-23" to set up the constant voltage at AFM. For example: At Pr03-22, set 0~100.00% to
correspond to the 0~10V of AFM1. At Pr03-33, set 0~100.00% to correspond to the 0~10V of

 03 - 35 AFM1 Filter Output Time

 03 - 36 AFM2 Filter Output Time
Factory Setting: 0.01
Settings 0~20s

03 - 37
03 - 43
 03 - 44 MO by AI level
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: AVI1
1: ACI
2: AVI2

 03 - 45 AI Upper level
Factory Setting: 50%
Settings -100%~100%
 03 - 46 AI Lower level
Factory Setting: 10%
Settings -100%~100%
 This function is require to work with Multi-function Output item “67” Analog signal level
achieved. The MO active when AI input level is higher than Pr03-45 AI Upper level. The
MO shutoff when the AI input is lower that Pr03-46 AI Lower level.
 AI Upper level must bigger than AI Lower level.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

03 - 47
03 - 49
 03 - 50 Analog Calculation Selection
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0: Regular Curve
1: 3 point curve of AVI1
2: 3 point curve of ACI
3: 3 point curve of AVI 1& ACI
4: 3 point curve of AVI2
5: 3 point curve of AVI1 & AVI2
6: 3 point curve of ACI & AVI2
7: 3 point curve of AVI 1& ACI & AVI2
 Set Pr03-50 = 0, all analog input signal are calculated by using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50 =1, AVI1 is calculated by using frequency and voltage/current in
corresponding format (Pr03-51 ~ Pr03-56), other analog input signals are calculated by
using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50 =2, ACI is calculated by using frequency and voltage/current in
corresponding format (Pr03-57 ~ Pr03-62), other analog input signals are calculated by
using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50 =3, AVI1 and ACI are calculated by using frequency and voltage/current in
corresponding format (Pr03-51 ~ Pr03-62), other analog input signals are calculated by
using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50 =4, AVI2 is calculated by using frequency and voltage in corresponding
format (Pr03-63 ~ Pr03-68), other analog input signals are calculated by using bias and
 Set Pr03-50=5, AVI and AVI2 are calculated by using frequency and voltage/current in
corresponding format (Pr03-51~ Pr03-5, Pr03-63~Pr03-68), other analog input signal are
calculated by using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50=6, ACI and AVI2 are calculated by using frequency and voltage/current in
corresponding format (Pr03-57 ~ Pr03-68), other analog input signals are calculated by
using bias and gain.
 Set Pr03-50=7, all the analog input signals are calculated by using frequency and
voltage/current in corresponding format (Pr03-51 ~ Pr03-68

 03 - 51 AVI1 Low Point

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 03-28=0, 0.00~10.00V
03-28≠0, 0.00~20.00mA

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 03 - 52 AVI1 Low Point Percentage

Factory Setting :0.00%
Setting 0.00 ~ 100.00%

 03 - 53 AVI1 Mid Point

Factory Setting :5.00
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00 / 0.00 ~ 20.00

 03 - 54 AVI1 Mid Point Percentage

Factory Setting :50%
Setting 0 ~ 100%

 03 - 55 AVI1 High Point

Factory Setting :10.00
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00 / 0.00 ~ 20.00

 03 - 56 AVI1 High Point Percentage

Factory Setting :50%
Setting 0 ~ 100%
 When Pr.03-28 = 0, AVI1setting is 0-10V and the unit is in voltage (V).
 When Pr.03-28 ≠ 0, AVI1 setting is 0-20mA or 4-20mA and the unit is in current (mA).
 When setting analog input AVI1 to frequency command, it 100% corresponds to Fmax
(Pr.01-00 Max. operation frequency).
 The 3 parameters (Pr03-51, Pr03-53 and Pr03-53) must meet the following argument:
P03-51 < P03-53 < P03-55. The 3 proportional points (Pr03-52, Pr03-54 and Pr03-56)
doesn’t have any limit. Between two points is a linear calculation. The ACI and AVI2 are
same as AVI1.
 The output % will become 0% when the AVI1 input value is lower than low point setting.
For example:
P03-51 = 1V; P03-52 = 10%. The output will become 0% when AVI1 input is lower than 1V. If
the AVI1 input is swing between 1V and 1.1V, drive’s output frequency will beats between 0%
and 10%

 03 - 57 ACI Low Point

Factory Setting :4.00
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00 / 0.00 ~ 20.00

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 03 - 58 ACI Low Point Percentage

Factory Setting :0%
Setting 0 ~ 100%

 03 - 59 ACI Mid Point

Factory Setting : 12.00
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00 / 0.00 ~ 20.00

 03 - 60 ACI Mid Point Percentage

Factory Setting : 50%
Setting 0 ~ 100%

 03 - 61 ACI High Point

Factory Setting : 20.00
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00 / 0.00 ~ 20.00

 03 - 62 ACI High Point Percentage

Factory Setting : 100
Setting 0 ~ 100%
 When Pr.03-29=1, ACI setting is 0-10V and the unit is in voltage (V).
 When Pr.03-29≠1, ACI setting is 0-20mA or 4-20mA and the unit is in current (mA).
 When setting analog input ACI to frequency command, it 100% corresponds to Fmax
(Pr.01-00 Max. operation frequency).
 The 3 parameters (Pr03-57, Pr03-59 and Pr03-61) must meet the following argument:
P03-57 < P03-59 < P03-61. The 3 proportional points (Pr03-58, Pr03-60 and Pr03-62)
doesn’t have any limit. Between two points is a linear calculation.
 The output % will become 0% when the ACI input value is lower than low point setting.
For example:
P03-57 = 2mA; P03-58 = 10%. The output will become 0% when AVI input is lower than
2mA. If the ACI input is swing between 2mA and 2.1mA, drive’s output frequency will
beats between 0% and 10%.
 03 - 63AVI2 Low Point Voltage
Factory Setting : 0V
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00V

 03 - 64 AVI2 Low Point Percentage

Factory Setting : 0%
Setting 0 ~ 100%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 03 - 65 AVI2 Mid Point Voltage

Factory Setting : 5.00V
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00V

 03 - 66 AVI2 Mid Point Percentage

Factory Setting : 50%
Setting 0 .00~ 100%

 03 - 67 AVI2 High Point Voltage

Factory Setting :10.00V
Setting 0.00 ~ 10.00V

 03 - 68 AVI2 High Point Percentage

Factory Setting :100%
Setting 0 .00~ 100%
 When AVI1 Selection (Pr03-28) is AVI, the setting range of Pr03-51, Pr03-52, Pr03-55
have to be 0.00~10.00 or 0.00~20.00.
 When ACI Selection (Pr03-29) is AVI, the setting range of Pr03-57, Pr03-59 and Pr03-61
have to be 0.00~10.00 or 0.00~20.00.
 The analog input values can be set at Pr03-51 ~ Pr03-68 and the maximum operating
frequency can be set at Pr01-00. The corresponding functions of open-loop control are
shown as image below.

Analog Input

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

04 Multi-Step Speed Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

 04 - 00 1st Step Speed Frequency

 04 - 01 2nd Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 02 3rd Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 03 4th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 04 5th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 05 6th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 06 7th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 07 8th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 08 9th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 09 10th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 10 11th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 11 12th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 12 13th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 13 14th Step Speed Frequency
 04 - 14 15th Step Speed Frequency
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 The Multi-function Input Terminals (refer to setting 1~4 of Pr.02-01~02-08 and
02-26~02-31) are used to select one of the AC motor drive Multi-step speeds (max. 15
speeds). The speeds (frequencies) are determined by Pr.04-00 to 04-14 as shown in
the following.
 The run/stop command can be controlled by the external terminal/digital keypad/communication
via Pr.00-21.
 Each one of multi-step speeds can be set within 0.0~600.0Hz during operation
 Explanation for the timing diagram for multi-step speeds and external terminals
The Related parameter settings are:
1. Pr.04-00~04-14: setting multi-step speeds (to set the frequency of each step speed)
2. Pr.02-01~02-08, 02-26~02-31: setting multi-function input terminals (multi-step speed 1~4)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Related parameters: 01-22 JOG Frequency, 02-01 Multi-function Input Command 1 (MI1),
02-02 Multi-function Input Command 2 (MI2), 02-03 Multi-function Input Command 3 (MI3),
02-04 Multi-function Input Command 4 (MI4)
F requenc y
04-12 JOG Freq.
04-01 01-22
Mas ter Spee d

Run/ Sto p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
PU/ ext ernal t erminals
/commu nicat ion ON
Mul ti -functi on

1st spee d OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON

02-0 1~02-08

2nd sp eed OFF ON ON ON ON


3rd spe ed OFF ON ON

4t h s peed OFF ON
Jog Freq. OFF ON
Mu lt i- speed via Ext ernal Termin als

04 - 15
~ Reserved
04 - 49
 04 - 50 PLC Buffer 0
 04 - 51 PLC Buffer 1
 04 - 52 PLC Buffer 2
 04 - 53 PLC Buffer 3
 04 - 54 PLC Buffer 4
 04 - 55 PLC Buffer 5
 04 - 56 PLC Buffer 6
 04 - 57 PLC Buffer 7
 04 - 58 PLC Buffer 8
 04 - 59 PLC Buffer 9
 04 - 60 PLC Buffer 10
 04 - 61 PLC Buffer 11
 04 - 62 PLC Buffer 12

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 04 - 63 PLC Buffer 13
 04 - 64 PLC Buffer 14
 04 - 65 PLC Buffer 15
 04 - 66 PLC Buffer 16
 04 - 67 PLC Buffer 17
 04 - 68 PLC Buffer 18
 04 - 69 PLC Buffer 19
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65535
 The PLC buffer can be combined with PLC or HMI programming for variety application.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

05 Motor Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

05 - 00 Motor Auto Tuning

Factory Setting: 0

Settings 0 No function

1 Measure induction motor in dynamic status (motor spinning)
(Rs, Rr, Lm, Lx, no-load current)

2 Measure induction motor in static status (motor not spinning)
Induction Motor
【 】
 Start auto tuning by press the Run key and the measured value will be written into motor 1
(Pr.05-05 ~05-09, Rs, Rr, Lm, Lx, no-load current) and motor 2 (Pr.05-17 to Pr.05-21)
 AUTO-Tuning Process (dynamic motor):

1. Make sure that all the parameters are set to factory settings and the motor wiring is correct.
2. Make sure the motor has no-load before executing auto-tuning and the shaft is not
connected to any belt or gear motor. It is recommended to set to 2 if the motor can’t separate
from the load.
Motor 1 Motor 2
Motor Rated
01-01 01-35
Motor Rated Voltage 01-02 01-36
Motor Full-load Current 05-01 05-13
Motor Rated Power 05-02 05-14
Motor Rated Speed 05-03 05-15
Motor Pole Numbers 05-04 05-16
3. 【 】
Set Pr.05-00=1 and press the the Run key, the drive will begin auto-tuning. Please be
【 】
aware motor starts spinning when the Run key is pressed.
4. When auto-tuning is complete, please check if the measured values are written into motor 1
(Pr.05-05 ~05-09) and motor 2 (Pr.05-17 ~05-21) automatically.
5. Mechanical equivalent circuit
I Lx

Pr.05-06 Pr.05-09
Pr.05-18 Pr.05-21
VS Lm Rr
Pr.05-08 Pr.05-07
Pr.05-20 Pr.05-19

※ If Pr.05-00 is set to 2, it needs to input Pr.05-05 for motor 1/Pr.05-17 for motor 2.
 When auto-tuning 2 motors, it needs to set multi-function input terminals (setting 14) or
change Pr.05-22 for motor 1/motor 2 selection.
 The rated speed can’t be larger or equal to 120f/p (f: rated frequency 01-01/01-35; P:
number of motor poles 05-04/05-16).

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

05 - 01 Full-Load Current of Induction Motor 1 (A)

Unit: Ampere
Factory Setting: #.##
Settings 10 to 120% of drive’s rated current
 This value should be set according to the rated frequency of the motor as indicated on
the motor nameplate. The factory setting is 90% X rated current
Example: The rated current for 7.5HP (5.5kW) is 25 and factory setting is 22.5A.
The range for setting will be 2.5~30A.(25*10%=2.5A and 25*120%=30A)
 05 - 02 Rated Power of Induction Motor 1(kW)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~655.35 kW
 It is used to set rated power of the motor 1. The factory setting is the power of the drive

 05 - 03 Rated Speed of Induction Motor 1 (rpm)

Factory Setting:

1710 60Hz 4 poles)
1410(50Hz 4 poles)
Settings 0~65535
 It is used to set the rated speed of the motor and need to set according to the value indicated on
the motor nameplate.
 Before set up Pr05-04, this parameter must be set.

05 - 04 Pole Number of Induction Motor 1

Factory Setting: 4
Settings 2~20
 It is used to set the number of motor poles (must be an even number).
 Set up Pr.05-04 after setting up Pr. 01-01 and Pr.05-03 to make sure motor operate normally.
 For example: the Pr05-04 factory setting range is “2~4”. If use a 6 poles motor, to set up Pr01-01
and Pr05-03 according the motor nameplate, then the Pr05-04 setting range will become 2~6

05 - 05 No-load Current of Induction Motor 1 (A)

Unit: Ampere
Factory Setting:
Settings 0 to the factory setting in Pr.05-01
 The factory setting is 40% motor rated current.
 For model with 110kW and above, default setting is 20% motor rated current .

05 - 06 Stator Resistance(Rs) of Induction Motor 1

Factory Setting: 0.000

Settings 0.000~65.535Ω

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

05 - 07 Rotor Resistance (Rr) of Mo1

Factory Setting 0 :
Settings 0.000~65.535Ω

05 - 08 Magnetizing Inductance (Lm) of Induction Motor 1

Factory Setting 0.0
Settings 0.0~6553.5mH

05 - 09 Stator Inductance (Lx) of Induction Motor 1

Factory Setting 0.0
Settings 0.0~6553.5mH

05 - 10 Reserved
05 - 12

05 - 13 Full Load Current of Induction Motor 2 (A)

Unit: Ampere
Factory Setting: #.##
Settings 10~120%
 This value should be set according to the rated current of the motor as indicated on the motor
nameplate. The factory setting is 90% X rated current.

 Example: The rated current for 7.5HP (5.5kW) is 25A and factory setting is 22.5A. The range for
setting will be 2.5~30A.(25*10%=2.5A and 25*120%=30A)

 05 - 14 Rated Power of Induction Motor 2 (kW)

Factory Setting:
Settings 0~655.35 kW
 It is used to set rated power of the motor 2. The factory setting is the power of the drive.

 05 - 15 Rated Speed of Induction Motor 2 (rpm)

Factory Setting: 1710

1710(60Hz 4 poles) ;
1410(50Hz 4 poles)

Settings 0~65535
 It is used to set the rated speed of the motor according to the motor nameplate.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

05 - 16 Pole Number of Induction Motor 2

Factory Setting: 4
Settings 2~20
 It is used to set the number of motor poles (must be an even number).
 Set up Pr.05-04 after setting up Pr. 01-35 and Pr.05-05 to make sure motor operate normally

05 - 17 No-load Current of Induction Motor 2 (A)

Unit: Ampere
Factory Setting: #.##
Settings 0 to the factory setting in Pr.05-01
 The factory setting is 40% motor rated current.
 For model with 110kW and above, default setting is 20% motor rated current.

05 - 18 Stator Resistance (Rs) of Induction Motor 2

05 - 19 Rotor Resistance (Rr) of Motor 2

Factory Setting 0.000
Settings 0.000~65.535mΩ

05 - 20 Magnetizing Inductance (Lm) of Induction Motor 2

05 - 21 Stator Inductance (Lx) of Induction Motor 2

Factory Setting 0.0
Settings 0.0~65535mH

05 - 22 Induction Motor 1/ 2 Selection

Factory Setting: 1
Settings 1: Motor 1
2: Motor 2
 To set the motor that driven by the AC motor drive.

 05 - 23 Frequency for Y-connection/△-connection Switch of Induction Motor

Factory Setting: 60.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz

05 - 24 Y-connection/△-connection Switch of Induction Motor IM

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Enable

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 05 - 25 Delay Time for Y-connection/△-connection Switch of Induction Motor

Factory Setting:
Settings 0~60.000 seconds
 Pr 05-23 and Pr.05-25 are applied in the wide range motors and the motor coil will execute the
switch of Y-connection/∆-connection as required. (The wide range motors has relation with the
motor design. In general, it has higher torque at low speed and Y-connection and it has higher
speed at high speed and connection.

 Pr.05-24 is used to enable/disable Y-connection/∆- connection Switch.

 When Pr.05-24 is set to 1, the drive will select by Pr.05-23 setting and current motor frequency to
 
switch motor to Y-connection or ∆- connection. At the same time, it will also affect motor

 Pr.05-25 is used to set the switch delay time of Y-connection/∆- connection.

 When output frequency reaches Y-connection/∆-connection switch frequency, drive will delay by
Pr.05-25 before multi-function output terminals are active.

-connection is finished U
-connection control W V U
Y-connection is finished Pr.02-13~15=32
Pr.02-01~08=29 RA
Y-connection control

Y- connection switch: can be used for wide range motor

Y -connection for low speed: higher torque can be used for rigid tapping
-connection for high speed: higher torque can be used for high-speed drilling

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

free run status

Y-connection output
Pr.02-13~02-15=31 ON
confirmation input ON
△-connection output ON
confirmation input
Y-△switch error ON
frequency 2 seconds
delay time

05 - 26 Accumulative Watt Per Second of Motor in Low Word (W-sec)

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings Read only

05 - 27 Accumulative Watt Per Second of Motor in High Word (W-sec)

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings Read only

05 - 28 Accumulative Watt-hour of Motor (W-Hour)

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings Read only

05 - 29 Accumulative Watt-hour of Motor in Low Word (KW-Hour)

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings Read only

05 - 30 Accumulative Watt-hour of Motor in High Word (KW-Hour)

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings Read only
 Pr.05-26~05-29 records the amount of power consumed by motors. The accumulation begins
when the drive is activated and record is saved when the drive stops or turns OFF. The amount
of consumed watts will continue to accumulate when the drive activate again. To clear the
accumulation, set Pr.00-02 to 5 then the accumulation record will return to 0.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

05 - 31 Accumulative Motor Operation Time (Min)

Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00~1439

05 - 32 Accumulative Motor Operation Time (day)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 00~65535
 Pr. 05-31 and Pr.05-32 are used to record the motor operation time. They can be cleared by
setting to 00 and time won’t be recorded when it is less than 60 seconds.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 Protection Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation

 06 - 00 Low Voltage Level

Factory Setting:
Frame E and above:
Settings 230V models: 150.0~220.0V
Frame E and above: 190.0~220.0V
460V models: 300.0~440.0V
Frame E and above: 380.0~440.0V
 This parameter is used to set the Low Voltage level. When the DC BUS voltage is lower than
Pr06-00, drive will stop output and free to stop.
 If the drive is triggered LV fault during the operation, drive will stop output and free to stop. There
are three LV faults, LvA (LV during acceleration), LvD (LV during deceleration), and LvN (LV in
constant speed) which will be triggered in different stage of drive operation. These faults need to
be reset manually to restart the drive, while setting restart after momentary power off function
(Pr07-06, Pr07-07), the drive will restart automatically.
 If LV is triggered when the drive is in stop status, the fault is named LvS (LV during stop), which
will not be recorded, and the drive will restart automatically when input voltage is 30Vdc (230V
series) or 60Vdc (460V series) higher than LV level.

input voltage


Pr. 06-00


 06 - 01 Over-voltage Stall Prevention

Factory Setting:
Settings 230V models: 350.0~450.0V
460V models: 700.0~900.0V

0 Disable this function
1. When Pr.06-01 is set to 0.0, the over-voltage stall prevention function is disabled. When braking
units or resistors are connected to the drive, this setting is suggested.
2. When the setting is not 0.0, the over-voltage stall prevention is activated. This setting should
refer to power supply system and loading. If the setting is too low, then over-voltage stall
prevention will be easily activate, which may increase deceleration time.
3. Related parameters: Pr01-13, Pr01-15, Pr01-17, Pr01-19 Decel. Time 1~4, Pr02-13~Pr02-14
Multiple-function output (Relay 1 and 2), Pr02-16~Pr02-17 Multiple-function output (MO1,2),
and Pr06-02 selection for over-voltage stall prevention.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 06 - 02 Over-voltage Stall Prevention

Settings 0: Traditional over-voltage stall prevention Factory Setting: 0
1: Smart over-voltage prevention
 This function is used for the occasion that the load inertia is unsure. When it stops in the normal
load, the over-voltage won’t occur during deceleration and fulfill the setting of deceleration time.
Sometimes, it may not stop due to over-voltage during decelerating to stop when increasing the
load regenerative inertia. At this moment, the AC drive will auto add the deceleration time until
drive stop.
 Pr 06-02 is set to 0: During deceleration, the DC bus voltage may exceed its maximum allowable
value due to motor regeneration in some situation, such as loading inertia is too high or Decel.
Time is set too short. When traditional over-voltage stall prevention is enabled, the drive will not
decelerate further and keep the output frequency constant until the voltage drops below the
setting value again.
 When Pr 06-02 is set to 1, the drive will maintain DCbus voltage when decelerating and prevent

at DC si de

Ov er-v ol tage
detec ti on


F requenc y Held

Deceleration c har acteristic

when Ov er-Voltage Stall
Pr ev ention enabled

previous deceleration time
requir ed time for decelerating to 0Hz when over- voltage
stall prevention is enabled.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

60Hz Output Frequency

DCBUS Voltage

0 Time
230V Series

 When the over-voltage stall prevention is enabled, drive deceleration time will be larger than the
 When there is any problem as using deceleration time, refer to the following items to solve it.
1. Add the suitable deceleration time.
2. Add brake resistor (refer to Chapter 7-1 for details) to dissipate the electrical energy that
regenerated from the motor as heat type.
 Related parameters: Pr01-13, Pr01-15, Pr01-17, Pr01-19 Decel. Time 1~4, Pr02-13~Pr02-14
Multiple-function output (Relay 1 and 2), Pr02-16~Pr02-17 Multiple-function output (MO1,2), and
Pr06-01 over-voltage stall prevention.

 06 - 03 Over-current Stall Prevention during Acceleration

: (
Settings Normal duty 0~160% 100% drive’s rated current ) Factory Setting: 120

Light duty 0~130% (100% drive’s rated current) Factory Setting: 120
 If the motor load is too large or drive acceleration time is too short, the AC drive output
current may increase abruptly during acceleration and it may cause motor damage or
trigger protection functions (OL or OC). This parameter is used to prevent this situation
 During acceleration, the AC drive output current may increase abruptly and exceed the value
specified by Pr.06-03 due to rapid acceleration or excessive load on the motor. When this
function is enabled, the AC drive will stop accelerating and keep the output frequency constant
until the current drops below the maximum value.
 When the over-current stall prevention is enabled, drive acceleration time will be larger
than the setting
 When the Over-Current Stall Prevention occurs due to too small motor capacity or in the factory
setting, please decrease Pr.06-03 setting.
 When there is any problem by using acceleration time, refer to the following items to
solve it
1. Add the suitable acceleration time.
2. Set Pr01-44 Optimal Acceleration/Deceleration Setting, to 1, 3 or 4
3. Related parameters: Pr01-12 Accel. Time 1, Pr01-14 Accel. Time 2, Pr01-16 Time 3,
Pr01-18 Accel. Time 4, Pr01-44 Optimal Acceleration/Deceleration Setting, Pr02-13 Relay1:
Multi Output Terminal, Pr02-14 Relay2: Multi Output Terminal, Pr02-15 Relay3: Multi Output
 Optimal Acceleration/Deceleration Setting, Pr.02-13~02-14 (Multi-function Output 1 RY1,
RY2), Pr.02-16~02-17 Multi-function Output (MO1, 2)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Output current
Setting frequency
Output frequency
Over-Current Stall p revention during
Acceleration,frequ ency held

Original setting of acceleration time
actual acceleratio n time when over-current stall
prevention is ena bled

 06 - 04 Over-current Stall Prevention at Constant Speed

Settings Normal duty 0 ~160% (100% drive’s rated current) Factory Setting:

Light duty 0 ~130% (100% drive’s rated current) Factory Setting:
 It is a protection for drive to auto decrease output frequency when the motor is over-load abruptly
during motor constant operation.
 If the output current exceeds the setting specified in Pr.06-04 when the drive is operating, the
drive will decrease its output frequency (according to Pr.06-05) to prevent the motor stall. If the
output current is lower than the setting specified in Pr.06-04, the drive will accelerate (according
to Pr.06-05) again to catch up with the set frequency command value.
Detection Level
06-04 Pr. 06-04 setting

Pr. 06-04 setting-

Over-Current Stall Prevention rated drive current X 5%
during Operation, output
frequency decreases

Decreases by Output
deceleration time Frequency

over-current stall prevention during operation
 06 - 05 Accel./Decel. Time Selection of Stall Prevention at Constant Speed
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: by current accel/decel time
1: by the 1st accel/decel time
2: by the 2nd accel/decel time
3: by the 3rd accel/decel time
4: by the 4th accel/decel time
5: by auto accel/decel
 It is used to set the accel./decel. time selection when stall prevention occurs at constant speed

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 06 - 06 Over-torque Detection Selection (OT1)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, continue to
operate after detection
2: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, stop operation
after detection
3: Over-torque detection during operation, continue to operate after detection
4: Over-torque detection during operation, stop operation after detection
 06 - 09 Over-torque Detection Selection (OT2)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, continue to
operate after detection
2: Over-torque detection during constant speed operation, stop operation
after detection
3: Over-torque detection during operation, continue to operation after
4: Over-torque detection during operation, stop operation after detection
 When Pr.06-06 and Pr.06-09 are set to 1 or 3, it will display a warning message and won’t have
an abnormal record.
 When Pr.06-06 and Pr.06-09 are set to 2 or 4, it will display a warning message and will have
an abnormal record.
 06 - 07 Over-torque Detection Level (OT1)

Factory Setting: 120

Settings 10 to 200% (100%: drive’s rated current)
 06 - 08 Over-torque Detection Level (OT1)
Factory Setting: 0.1
Settings 0.1~60.0 seconds
 06 - 10 Over-torque Detection Level (OT2)
Factory Setting: 120
Settings 10~200% (100% drive’s rated current)
 06 - 11 Over-torque Detection Time (OT2)

Factory Setting: 0.1

Settings 0.1~60.0 秒
 When the output current exceeds the over-torque detection level (Pr06-07 or Pr06-10) and also
exceeds Pr06-08 or Pr06-11, the over torque detection will follow the setting of Pr06-06 and

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When Pr06-06 or Pr06-09 is set to 1 or 3, the motor drive will have the ot1/ot2 warning after Over
Torque Detection, while the motor drive will keep running. The warning will be off only until the
output current is smaller than the 5% of the over-torque detection level (Pr06-07 and Pr06-10).

Out put current

Ov er-t orque
det ect ion level
06- 07( 0 6- 10 )
0 6- 07( 0 6- 10) * 9 5%

Multi-fu nct ion output ON ON

terminal=7 or 8
Ov er-t orque
detec tion time
06-08(06-11 )

 When Pr06-06 or Pr06-09 is set to 2 or 4, the motor drive will have the ot1/ot2 fault after Over
Torque Detection. Then the motor drive stop running until it is manually reset.

Ove r-t orque det ect ion leve l

06-07 (06-10)

Out put current

Manually reset

Multi-fu nct ion outpu t ON

terminal=7 or 8

O ver-torqu e dete ction time

06-08 (06-11)

 06 - 12 Maximum Current Limit

Factory Setting: 150
Settings 0~200% (100% drive’s rated current)
 This parameter sets the max. current output of the drive.

 06 - 13 Electronic Thermal Relay Selection (Motor 1)

 06 - 27 Electronic Thermal Relay Selection (Motor 2)
Factory Setting: 2
Settings 0: Special motor (with external forced cooling)
1: Self-cooled motor (so motor with fan on the shaft)
2: Disable
 It is used to prevent self-cooled motor overheats under low speed. User can use electronic
thermal relay to limit driver’s output power.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Setting as 0 is suitable for special motor (motor fan using independent power supply). For this
kind of motor, the cooling capacity is not related to motor speed obviously. So the action of
electronic thermal relay will remain stable in low speed, which can ensure the motor’s load
capability in low speed.

 Setting as 1 is suitable for standard motor (motor fan is fixed on the rotor shaft). For this kind of
motor, the cooling capacity is low in low speed, and the action of electronic thermal relay will
reduce the action time, which ensure the life of motor.

 When the power ON/OFF is often switched, even setting as 0 or 1 can bot protect the motor well.
It is because when the power is switched off, the electronic thermal relay protection will be reset.
If there are several motors connected to one motor drive, please install electronic thermal relay in
each motor respectively.

 06 - 14 Electronic Thermal Characteristic for Motor 1

 06 - 28 Electronic Thermal Characteristic for Motor 2
Factory Setting: 60.0
Settings 30.0~600.0 seconds
 The parameter is set by the 150% of motor rated current and the setting of Pr.06-14 and Pr.06-28
to prevent the motor damaged from overheating. When it reaches the setting, it will display
“EoL1/EoL2” and the motor will be in free running.
 This parameter is to set the action time of electronic thermal relay. It works based on the I2t
characteristic curve of electronic thermal relay, output frequency and current of motor drive, and
operation time to prevent motor from over-heat.
Motor rated Motor rated
current % current %
1 00 10 0

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

Motor rated Mot or rated

25 50 75 10 0 125 1 50 frequenc y % 25 50 75 10 0 125 1 50 frequenc y %

Motor c ooling curve with shaf t-fixed fan Mot or coo ling curv e wit h indepen dent fan

 The action of electronic thermal relay depends on the setting of Pr06-13/Pr06-27.

1. 06-13 or 06-27 is set 0 (using special motor) :
When output current of motor drive is higher than 150% of motor rated current (refer to motor
cooling curve with independent fan), motor drive will start to count the time. When the
accumulated time exceeds Pr06-14 or 06-28, electronic thermal relay will act.
2. 06-13 or 06-27 is set 1 (using standard motor) :
When output current of motor drive is higher than 150% of motor rated current (refer to motor
cooling curve with shaft-fixed fan), motor drive will start to count the time. When the
accumulated time exceeds Pr06-14 or 06-28, electronic thermal relay will act.
The real electronic thermal relay action time will adjust with drive output current (shown as
motor loading rate). When the current is high, the action time is short; when the current is
small, the action time is long. Please refer to following chart:

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Op eratio n time
(se c.)
6 00
5 50
5 00
4 50
4 00
3 50 F= 50Hz
30 0 F= 40Hz
F= 20Hz
2 50
2 00
1 50
1 00
Motor l oa din g ra te
1 08
1 20
1 32
1 44
1 56
1 68
1 80
1 92

 06 - 15 Heat Sink Over-heat (OH) Warning

Factory Setting:105.0
Settings 0.0~110.0 ℃
 When this parameter is set as 110.0℃,the drive will trigger error and stop instead of
warning once the temperature reaches 110.0℃
 For Frame C and above, when IGBT temperature reached (06-15 setting minus 15℃),
heatsink fan will accerlate to th highest speed. When IGBT temperature is lower than
(06-15 setting minus 35℃), and Cap temperature is lower than (OH2 warning level minus
10℃), heatsink fan will retrieve to its setting speed.
 If the setting of this parameter is lower than 35℃, the adjustment level will be still 35℃.

06 - 16 Stall Prevention Limit Level
Factory Setting: 50
Settings 0~100% (Refer to Pr.06-03 and 06-04)
 When operation frequency is larger than Pr.01-01; e.g. Pr06-03=150%, Pr. 06-04=100%
and Pr. 06-16=80%:
Calculate the Stall Prevention Level during acceleration: Pr.06-03 *
Calculate the Stall Prevention Level at constant speed: Pr.06-04 *

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 17 Present Fault Record

06 - 18 Second Most Recent Fault Record

06 - 19 Third Most Recent Fault Record

06 - 20 Fourth Most Recent Fault Record

06 - 21 Fifth Most Recent Fault Record

06 - 22 Sixth Most Recent Fault Record

0: No fault record
1: Over-current during acceleration (ocA)
2: Over-current during deceleration (ocd)
3: Over-current during constant speed(ocn)
4: Ground fault (GFF)
5: IGBT short-circuit (occ)
6: Over-current at stop (ocS)
7: Over-voltage during acceleration (ovA)
8: Over-voltage during deceleration (ovd)
9: Over-voltage during constant speed (ovn)
10: Over-voltage at stop (ovS)
11: Low-voltage during acceleration (LvA)
12: Low-voltage during deceleration (Lvd)
13: Low-voltage during constant speed (Lvn)
14: Stop mid-low voltage (LvS)
15: Phase loss protection (OrP)
16: IGBT over-heat (oH1)
17: Capacitance over-heat (oH2) (for 40hp above)
18: tH1o (TH1 open: IGBT over-heat
protection error)
19: tH2o (TH2 open: capacitance over-heat
protection error)
20: Reserved
21: Drive over-load (oL)
22: Electronics thermal relay 1 (EoL1)
23: Electronics thermal relay 2 (EoL2)
24: Motor PTC overheat (oH3) (PTC)
25: Reserved
26: Over-torque 1 (ot1)
27: Over-torque 2 (ot2)
28: Under current 1 (uC)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

29: Reserved
30: Memory write-in error (cF1)
31: Memory read-out error (cF2)
32: Reserved
33: U-phase current detection error (cd1)
34: V-phase current detection error (cd2)
35: W-phase current detection error (cd3)
36: Clamp current detection error (Hd0)
37: Over-current detection error (Hd1)
38: Over-voltage detection error (Hd2)
39: occ IGBT short circuit detection error (Hd3)
40: Auto tuning error (AUE)
41: PID feedback loss (AFE)
42: Reserved
43: Reserved
44: Reserved
45: Reserved
46: Reserved
47: Reserved
48: Analog current input loss (ACE)
49: External fault input (EF)
50: Emergency stop (EF1)
51: External Base Block (bb)
52: Password error (PcodE)
53:Software code error
54: Communication error (CE1)
55: Communication error (CE2)
56: Communication error (CE3)
57: Communication error (CE4)
58: Communication Time-out (CE10)
59: PU Time-out (CP10)
60: Brake transistor error (bF)
61: Y-connection/△-connection switch error (ydc)
62: Decel. Energy Backup Error (dEb)
63: Slip error (oSL)
64: Electromagnet switch error (ryF)
65~71 : Reserved
72 : STO Loss 1
73: External safety gate S1
74: Output in Fire Mode
75: Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

76: STO
77: STO Loss 2
78: STO Loss 3
79: Uocc U phase over current (Detection begins as
RUN is pressed, software protection)
80: Vocc V phase over current (Detection begins as
RUN is pressed, software protection)
81: Wocc W phase over current (Detection begins as
RUN is pressed, software protection)
82: OPHL U phase output phase loss
83: OPHL Vphase output phase loss
84: OPHL Wphase output phase loss

85~89 Reserved
90: Inner PLC function is forced to stop
91~98: Reserved
99: CPU trap error
100: Reserved
101: CGdE CANopen software disconnect1
102: CHbE CANopen software disconnect2
103: CSYE CANopen synchronous error
104: CbFE CANopen hardware disconnect
105: CIdE CANopen index setting error
106: CAdE CANopen slave station number setting error
107: CFrE CANopen index setting exceed limit
111: InrCOM Internal communication overtime error
 When the fault occurs and force stopping, it will record in this parameter.
 At stop with low voltage Lv (LvS warn, no record). During operation with mid-low voltage Lv (LvA,
Lvd, Lvn error, will record).
 Setting 62: when dEb function is enabled, the drive will execute dEb and record to the Pr.06-17 to
Pr.06-22 simultaneously.

 06 - 23 Fault Output Option 1

 06 - 24 Fault Output Option 2
 06 - 25 Fault Output Option 3
 06 - 26 Fault Output Option 4
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 to 65535 sec (refer to bit table for fault code)
 These parameters can be used with multi-function output (set to 35-38) for the specific
requirement. When the fault occurs, the corresponding terminals will be activated (It
needs to convert binary value to decimal value to fill in Pr.06-23 to Pr.06-26)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6

Fault Code
current Volt. OL SYS FBK EXI CE
0: No fault
1: Over-current during acceleration (ocA) ●
2: Over-current during deceleration (ocd) ●
3: Over-current during constant speed(ocn) ●
4: Ground fault (GFF) ●
5: IGBT short-circuit (occ) ●
6: Over-current at stop (ocS) ●
7: Over-voltage during acceleration (ovA) ●
8: Over-voltage during deceleration (ovd) ●
9: Over-voltage during constant speed (ovn) ●
10: Over-voltage at stop (ovS) ●
11: Low-voltage during acceleration (LvA) ●
12: Low-voltage during deceleration (Lvd) ●
13: Low-voltage during constant speed (Lvn) ●
14: Stop mid-low voltage (LvS ) ●
15: Phase loss protection (OrP) ●
16: IGBT over-heat (oH1) ●
17: Capacitance over-heat (oH2) ●
18: tH1o (TH1 open) ●
19: tH2o (TH2 open) ●

20 Reserved ●
21:Drive over-load (oL) ●
22: Electronics thermal relay 1 (EoL1) ●
23: Electronics thermal relay 2 (EoL2) ●
24: Motor PTC overheat (oH3) (PTC) ●

25 Reserved ●
26: Over-torque 1 (ot1) ●
27: Over-torque 2 (ot2) ●
28: Low current (uC) ●

29 Reserved
30: Memory write-in error (cF1) ●
31: Memory read-out error (cF2) ●

32 Reserved ●
33: U-phase current detection error (cd1) ●
34: V-phase current detection error (cd2) ●
35: W-phase current detection error (cd3) ●
36: Clamp current detection error (Hd0) ●
37: Over-current detection error (Hd1) ●

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6

Fault Code
current Volt. OL SYS FBK EXI CE
38: Over-voltage detection error (Hd2) ●
39: occ IGBT short circuit detection error

40: Auto tuning error (AUE) ●
41: PID feedback loss (AFE) ●

42 Reserved ●
43:Reserved ●
44:Reserved ●
45:Reserved ●
46:Reserved ●
47:Reserved ●
48:Analog current input loss (ACE) ●
49:External fault input (EF) ●
50:Emergency stop (EF1) ●
51:External Base Block (bb) ●
52:Password error (PcodE) ●
53:Software code error ●
54: Communication error (CE1) ●
55: Communication error (CE2) ●
56: Communication error (CE3) ●
57: Communication error (CE4) ●
58: Communication Time-out (CE10) ●
59: PU Time-out (CP10) ●
60: Brake transistor error (bF) ●
61: Y-connection/△-connection switch error

62: Decel. Energy Backup Error (dEb) ●
63: Slip error (oSL) ●
64: Electromagnet switch error (ryF) ●

65~71 Reserved ●

72 STO Loss 1 ●
73:External safety gate S1 ●
74: Fire mode output ●

75 Reserved
76:STO ●
77:STO Loss 2 ●
78:STO Loss 3 ●
79: U phase over current (Uocc) ●

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6

Fault Code
current Volt. OL SYS FBK EXI CE
80: V phase over current (Vocc) ●
81: W phase over current (Wocc) ●
82: OPHL U phase output phase loss ●
83: OPHL Vphase output phase loss ●

84 OPHL Wphase output phase loss ●

85~89 Reserved

90 Inner PLC function is forced to stop ●

91~98 Reserved

99 CPU Trap error ●
101: CGdE CANopen software disconnect1 ●
102: CHbE CANopen software disconnect2 ●
103: CSYE CANopen synchronous error ●
104: CbFE CANopen hardware disconnect ●
105: CIdE CANopen index setting error ●
106: CAdE CANopen slave station number

setting error
107: CFrE CANopen index setting exceed

108~110: Reserved
111: InrCOM Internal communication

overtime error

 06 - 29 PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) Detection Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Warn and keep operating
1: Warn and ramp to stop
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
 This is the operating mode of a drive after Pr.06-29 is set to define PTC detection.

 06 - 30 PTC Level

Factory Setting: 50.0

Settings 0.0~100.0%
 It needs to set AVI1/ACI/AVI2 analog input function Pr.03-00~03-02 to 6 (P.T.C. thermistor input
 It is used to set the PTC level, and the corresponding value for 100% is max. analog input value.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 31 Frequency Command for Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0.00~655.35Hz
 When malfunction occurs, use can check the frequency command. If it happens again, it will
overwrite the previous record.
06 - 32 Output Frequency at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings 0.00~655.35Hz
 When malfunction occurs, use can check the current output frequency. If it happens again, it will
overwrite the previous record.

06 - 33 Output Voltage at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0.0~6553.5V
 When malfunction occurs, user can check current output voltage. If it happens again, it will
overwrite the previous record.
06 - 34 DC Voltage at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings 0.0~6553.5V
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the current DC voltage. If it happens again, it will
overwrite the previous record.
06 - 35 Output Current at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings 0.00~655.35Amp
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the current output current. If it happens again, it will
overwrite the previous record.
06 - 36 IGBT Temperature at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings -3276.7~3276.7 ℃
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the current IGBT temperature. If it happens again, it
will overwrite the previous record.
06 - 37 Capacitance Temperature at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings -3276.7~3276.7 ℃
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the current capacitance temperature. If it happens
again, it will overwrite the previous record.
06 - 38 Motor Speed in rpm at Malfunction
Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings -32767~32767 rpm
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the current motor speed in rpm. If it happens
again, it will overwrite the previous record

06 - 39 Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 40 Status of Multi-function Input Terminal at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0000h~FFFFh

06 - 41 Status of Multi-function Output Terminal at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0000h~FFFFh
 When malfunction occurs, user can check the status of multi-function input/output
terminals. If it happens again, it will overwrite the previous record

06 - 42 Drive Status at Malfunction

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0000h~FFFFh
 When malfunction occurs, please check the drive status (communication address 2119H). If
malfunction happens again, the previous record will be overwritten by this parameter.

06 - 43 Reserved

06 - 44 STO Alarm Latch
Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0: STO alarm Latch
1: STO alarm no Latch
 Pr06-44=0 STO Alarm Latch: after the reason of STO Alarm is cleared, a Reset command is
need to clear STO Alarm.
 Pr06-44=1 STO Alarm no Latch: after the reason of STO Alarm is cleared, the STO Alarm will be
cleared automatically.
 All of STL1~STL3 error are “Alarm latch” mode (in STL1~STL3 mode, the Pr06-44 function is no

06 - 45 Treatment for Output Phase Loss Detection (OPHL)
Factory Setting: 3
Settings 0: Warn and keep operating
1: Warn and ramp to stop
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
 The OPHL protect will be active when the setting is not 3.

06 - 46 Detecting Time of Output Phase Loss
Factory Setting: 0.500
Settings 0.000~65.535 seconds

06 - 47 Current detection level of output phase loss
Factory Setting: 1.00
Settings 0.00 ~ 655.35%

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 48 Output phase loss detection function executing time before run
Factory Setting: 0.000
Settings 0.000~65.535 seconds
 When Pr06-48 is 0, OPHL detection function will be disabled

 Status 1 Motor drive is in operation
Any phase is less than Pr06-47 setting level, and exceeds Pr06-46 setting time, motor drive will
perform Pr06-45 setting.

Drive’s st atus

Operation command
OPHL detec tion

P r.06 -4 7

Outpu t current Time

P r. 06 -46 Whe n OPHL, Pr06-45 acts

 Status 2 Motor drive is in stop; Pr06-48=0 ; Pr07-02≠0
After motor drive starts, DC brake will be applied in accord to Pr07-01 and Pr07-02. During this
period, OPHL detection will not be conducted. After DC brake, motor drive starts to run, and
conducts the OPHL protection as mentioned in status 1.

Drive’s st atus

Operation command
OPHL detection

Pr.0 6-4 7
Pr.0 7-0 1

Outpu t current Time

Pr.06 -46 Whe n OPHL, Pr06-45 acts
P r. 07 -02

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Status 3: Motor drive is in stop; Pr06-48≠0 ; Pr07-02≠0

When motor drive starts, it will perform Pr06-48 and then Pr07-02 (DC brake). DC brake current
level in this status includes two parts, one is 20 times of Pr06-47 setting value in Pr06-48 setting
time, and Pr07-02 setting value in Pr07-01 setting time. Total DC brake time is
In this period, if OPHL happens, motor drive starts to count until Pr06-48/2, motor drive will
perform Pr06-45 setting.

Sta tus 3-1: P r0 6-48 ≠0, Pr07 -0 2≠0 (No OPHL d e tected be fore ope ra tion )
Driv e’s s tat us

Operat io n co mman d

OP HL det ect ion ac tion OPHL det ect io n ac ts

No OPHL detec ted

O PHL detec tion

20 *[ Pr0 6-4 7 ]
Out put current Time
Start to op era te
Pr. 06-48 Pr. 07-02

Total DC brak e time

Sta tus 3-2: P r0 6-48 ≠0, Pr07 -0 2≠0 (OPHL d ete cte d befo re o perati on)
Drive’s st atus

O peration command

OP HL de tection action OPHL dete ction act s

OPHL det ect ion O PHL detected Whe n OPHL, Pr06-45 act s

DC brake c om mand
20 *[Pr06-47]
P r.07 -01
Act ual output c urrent
P r.06 -47
Outp ut current Time
Pr. 06- 48
Pr.06 -48 P r.07 -02 S tart to ope ra te
Tota l DC brake time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Status 4: Motor drive is in stop; Pr06-48≠0 ; Pr07-02=0

When motor drive starts, it will perform Pr06-48 as DC brake. The DC brake current level is 20
times of Pr06-47 setting value. In this period, if OPHL happens, motor drive starts to count until
Pr06-48/2, motor drive will perform Pr06-45 setting.

Sta tus 4-1: P r0 6-48 ≠0, Pr07 -0 2=0 (N o OPH L d etected b efore op eratio n)
Drive ’s st atus

Operation command

OP HL de tec tion ac tion O PHL detection acts

No OPHL detec ted

O PHL detec tion

20 *[P r06-47 ]

P r. 06-47
O utput current Time
Start to operate
Pr.06- 48

Total DC brak e time

Sta tus 4-2: P r0 6-48 ≠0, Pr07 -0 2=0 (OPHL d e tected be fore ope ra tion )
Driv e’s statu s

Operation command

OP HL de tec tion action O PHL detection ac ts

OPHL dete ction OPHL det ect ed When OPHL, Pr06-45 acts
DC brak e c ommand

2 0 *[P r 0 6 - 47 ]

Act ual output c urrent

P r.06 -47
O utput current Time
Pr. 06-48
Pr.06 -48

Total DC brake time

06 - 49 Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 50 Detection Time of Input Phase Loss
Factory Setting: 0.20
Settings 0.00~600.00 seconds
 This parameter is to set time to detect input phase loss. The factory setting is 0.20
second which means to check every 0.20 second.

06 - 51 Reserved

06 - 52 Ripple of Input Phase Loss
Factory Setting: 30.0 / 60.0
Settings 230V models: 0.0~160.0 Vdc
460V models 0.0~320.0 Vdc

06 - 53 Treatment for the detected Input Phase Loss (OrP)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: warn, ramp to stop
1: warn, coast to stop
 Over ripple protection.
 DCBUS ripple will be checked every 06-50 time, and if DCBUS ripple is less than 166HZ and the
amplitude is bigger than 06-52 setting, and continuously 20 times, the ORP counting will be there,
and after counting, ORP there. The counting time is different based on the different current status,
you can refer to the table below.
(I)% Actual seconds
50 432
75 225
120 60

06 - 54 Reserved

06 - 55 Derating Protection
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: constant rated current and limit carrier wave by load current and
1: constant carrier frequency and limit load current by setting carrier wave
2: constant rated current(same as setting 0), but close current limit
 Setting 0: When the rated current is constant, carrier frequency (Fc) outputted by PWM will auto
decrease according to surrounding temperature, overload output current and time. If overload
situation is not frequent and only cares the carrier frequency operated with the rated current for a
long time and carrier wave changes during short overload, it is recommended to set to 0.
Refer to the following diagram for the level of carrier frequency. Take VFD007CP43A-21 in
normal duty as example, surrounding temperature 50oC with independent installation and UL
open-type. When the carrier frequency is set to 15kHz, it corresponds to 72% rated output current.
When it outputs higher than the value, it will auto decrease the carrier frequency. If the output is
83% rated current and the carrier frequency will decrease to 12kHz. In addition, it will also

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

decrease the carrier frequency when overload. When the carrier frequency is 15kHz and the
current is 120%*72%=86% for a minute, the carrier frequency will decrease to the factory setting.
 Setting 1: It is used for the fixed carrier frequency and prevents the carrier wave changes and
motor noise caused by the surrounding temperature and frequent overload.
Refer to the following for the derating level of rated current. Take VFD007CP43A-21 in normal
duty as example, when the carrier frequency keeps in 15kHz and the rated current is decreased
to 72%, it will have OL protection when the current is 120%*72%=86% for a minute. Therefore, it
needs to operate by the curve to keep the carrier frequency.
 Setting 2: It sets the protection method and action to 0 and disables the current limit for the
Ratio*160% of output current in the normal duty and Ratio*130% of output current in the light duty.
The advantage is that it can provide higher output current when the setting is higher than the
factory setting of carrier frequency. The disadvantage is that it decreases carrier wave easily
when overload.
 It should be used with Pr. 00-16 and Pr.00-17 for setting.
 Ambient temperature will also affect the derating, please refer to ambient temperature derating

Derating curve

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Ambient Temperature derating Curve

Derating for Ambient Temperature


a 80
i 70
Operating at Normal Duty Condition /
o 60 Light Duty(Derating Fc)


25 30 35 40 45 50 UL Open Type_side by side
Ambient Temperature ( ℃) UL Type I

06 - 56 PT100 Detection Level 1

Factory Setting: 5.000

Settings 0.000~10.000V

06 - 57 PT100 Detection Level 2

Factory Setting: 7.000

Settings 0.000~10.000V

06 - 58 PT100 Level 1 Frequency Protection
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00 Hz

06 - 59 PT100 Handling Delay Time
Factory Setting: 60
Settings 0 ~ 6000 sec

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 PT100 operation
(1) Use AVI1, AUI or AVI2(set to 0-10V) for analog voltage input and select PT100 mode.
(2) Choose one of the analog voltage input type: (a)AVI (Pr.03-00=11), (b) AUI (Pr.03-02=11), or
(c) ACI (Pr.03-01=11 and Pr.03-29=1).
(3) When using ACI as analog voltage input, set Pr.03-01=11 and Pr.03-29=1. Then switch
SW2 to 0-10V on the I/O control terminal block.
(4) Set Pr.03-23=23 and AFM2 to constant current output. Switch AFM2 (SW2) to 0-20mA on
the I/O control terminal block and set constant current output to 9mA by setting Pr.03-33=45.
The AFM2 constant output current is 20mA * 45% = 9mA.
(5) Pr.03-33 is for adjusting the constant voltage or constant current of AFM2, the setting range
is 0~100.00%.
(6) There are two types of action level for PT100. The diagram of PT protecting action is shown
as below:
L e ve l 2= 0 6 -5 7
Se tti n g ra n g e: 0 .0 0 0~ 1 0 .0 0 0 V
Fa cto ry se tti n g : 7 .0 0 0 V

L e ve l 1= 0 6 -5 6
Se tti n g ra n g e : 0 .0 0 0~ 1 0 .0 0 0 V
Fa cto ry se tti n g : 5 .0 0 0 V

When voltage of PT 100 reaches level 1,

Fre q u e n cy the drive passed the delay time set at Pr06-59 ,
the frequency command goes back to Pr.06-58.
C o mma n d
When voltage of PT 100 reaches level 2, the drive activate
protecting action by following the setting of Pr.06-29.
Pr.06- 59 D e l a y ti me

(7) PT100 wiring diagram:

0 -10 V
0 -1 0 V 0 - 10 V 0/ 4 -20 mA Op e n
A FM 1 RC3 RA 3 RC2 RA2 RC1 RB1 RA1
A FM 2 AV I1 A CI 485
0/4 - 20 mA
0 /4- 20mA 0/4 -20mA 0-10 V 120
AFM1 +10V AVI 1 ACI S TO1 STO2 +24V +24V COM FWD M I1 MI3 M I5 MI 7 SGND


PT 100 Removable Terminal Block

Figure 1

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When Pr.06-58=0.00Hz, PT100 function is disabled.


A PT100 is installed to the drive. If motor temperature reaches 135 (275°F) or higher, the drive
will decrease motor frequency to the setting of Pr.06-58. Motor will operate at this frequency

(Pr.06-58) till the motor temperature decreases to 135 (275°F) or lower. If motor temperature

exceeds 150 (302°F), the motor will decelerate to stop and outputs an ‘OH3’ warning.

Set up process:
1. Switch AFM2 (SW2) to 0-20mA on the I/O control terminal block. (Refer to Figure 1, PT100
wiring diagram)
2. Wiring (Refer to Figure 1, PT100 wiring diagram):
Connect external terminal AFM2 to (+)
Connect external terminal ACM to (-)
Connect external terminals AFM2 and AVI to short-circuit
3. Set Pr.03-00=11 or Pr.03-23=23 or Pr.03-33=45%(9mA)
4. Refer to RTD temperature and resistance comparison table

Temperature=135 , resistance=151.71Ω; Input current: 9mA, Voltage: approximately:

Temperature=150 , resistance=157.33Ω; Input current:9mA, Voltage: approximately: 1.42Vdc

5. Set Pr.06=56=1.37 and Pr.06-58=10Hz. When RTD temperature increases to 135 or higher,
the drive will decelerate to the selected frequency. When Pr.06-58=0, the drive will not run.
6. Set Pr.06-57=1.42 and Pr.06-29=1 (warning and decelerate to stop). When RTD temperature

increases to 150 or higher, the drive will decelerate to stop and outputs an ‘OH3’ warning.

06 - 60 Software Detection GFF Current Level
Factory Setting: 60.0
Settings 0.0~6553.5 %

06 - 61 Software Detection GFF Filter Time
Factory Setting: 0.10
Settings 0.0~655.35 seconds
 When the motor drive detects the unbalanced three-phase out current is higher than the
setting of Pr06-60, GFF protection will be activated. Then the motor drive will stop

06 - 62 Disable Level of dEb
Factory Setting:
Settings 230V models: 0.0~200.0 Vdc
460V models 0.0~400.0 Vdc
 The dEb will be enabled, when the voltage of DCBus is higher than the setting at

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 63 Fault Record 1 (day)

06 - 65 Fault Record 2 (day)
06 - 67 Fault Record 3 (day)
06 - 69 Fault Record 4 (day)
Factory Setting :Read only
Settings 0~65535 Day

06 - 64 Fault Record 1 (min)

06 - 66 Fault Record 2 (min)
06 - 68 Fault Record 3 (min)
06 - 70 Fault Record 4 (min)
Factory Setting :Read only
Settings 0~1439 minute
 When there is any malfunctions in motor drive operation, Pr06-17~22 will record 6 malfunctions
recently, and Pr06-63~70 can record the operation time for 4 malfunctions in sequence. It can
help to check if there is any wrong with the drive according to the recorded internal time.

For example: The first error: ocA occurs in 1000 minutes after motor drive start operation. The
second error: ocd happens after another 1000 minutes. The 3rd error: ocA happens after another
1000 minutes. Then, the 5th error is ocd, happening 1000 minutes following 4th error. Last, 6th
error ocn happens 1000 minutes after 5th error.
Then Pr06-17~Pr06-22 and Pr06-63~Pr06-70 will be:
1st fault 2nd fault 3rd fault 4th fault 5th fault 6th fault
06-17 ocA ocd ocn ocA ocd ocn
06-18 0 ocA ocd ocn ocA ocd
06-19 0 0 ocA ocd ocn ocA
06-20 0 0 0 ocA ocd ocn
06-21 0 0 0 0 ocA ocd
06-22 0 0 0 0 0 ocA

06-63 1000 560 120 1120 680 240

06-64 0 1 2 2 3 4
06-65 0 1000 560 120 1120 680
06-66 0 0 1 2 2 3
06-67 0 0 1000 560 120 1120
06-68 0 0 0 1 2 2
06-69 0 0 0 1000 560 120
06-70 0 0 0 0 1 2
※ From time record, it can be known that the last fault (Pr06-17) happened after the drive run for
4days and 240 minutes.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 71 Low Current Setting Level
Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0 ~ 100.0 %

06 - 72 Low Current Detecting Time
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00 ~ 360.00 seconds

06 - 73 Treatment for low current
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 : No function
1 : warn and coast to stop
2 : warn and ramp to stop by 2nd deceleration time
3 : warn and operation continue
 The drive will operate as the setting of Pr.06-73 when output current is lower than the setting of
Pr.06-71 and when low current continues for a period longer than the setting of Pr.06-72. This
parameter can also be used with external multi-function output terminal 44 (MO44) for low current
 The low current detection function will not be executed when drive is at sleep or standby status

06 - 74
06 - 79

06 - 80 Fire Mode
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0: No Function
1: Forward Operation
2: Reverse Operation

 This parameter needs to work with multi-input function terminal #58 or #59 and
multi-output function terminal #53 and #54.
Setting is 0: Fire mode is disabled
Setting is 1: When there is a fire, motors will operate clockwisely (U, V.W).
Setting is 2: When there is a fire, motors will operate counter-clockwisely.

06 - 81 Operating Frequency when running Fire Mode

Factory Setting: 6000
Settings 0.00 ~ 600.00 hz

 This parameter is to set up the drive’s frequency when the fire mode is enabled.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

06 - 82 Enable Bypass on Fire Mode

Factory Setting: 0.
Settings 0: Disable Bypass
1: Enable Bypass

06 - 83 Bypass Delay Time on Fire Mode

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.00 ~ 6550.0 seconds

06 - 84 Number of Times of Unusual Reset at Fire Mode

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 ~ 10

06 - 85 Length of Time of Unusual Reset

Settings 0.00 ~ Factory Setting: 60.0

 The settings of Pr06-82 to Pr06-85 decide if switch motors to operating under mains

Diagram of Bypass function’s Sequence

Conditions required to enable the bypass function

When Pr06-82 is set to 1 and under one of two conditions below.

(1) When operating at fire mode , there is error(as shown in the table below) and the fire
alarm rings according to the time setting of Pr06-83, then the bypass function will be
enabled. MFO bypass indication will be ON.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

(2) When operating at fire mode, there is an error on auto-reset and the number of time to
auto-reset remains zero or the fire alarm rings according to the time setting of Pr06-83,
then the bypass function will be enabled. MFO bypass indication will be ON. If the auto
rest is successful before the bypass function is enabled, then the bypass delay counter
will return to zero to wait for next trigger.
Table 1: Error detection under Normal mode, Fire mode and Bypass function at Fire
mode. (V means detectable)
Normal Enable bypass
Code Error name Fire Mode
mode function
1 Over current during Acceleration (ocA) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
2 Over current during deceleration (ocd) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
3 Over current during normal speed (ocn) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
4 Ground Fault (GFF) V V(able to auto-reset) V
5 IGBT short circuit (occ) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
6 Over current during Stop (ocS) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
7 Over voltage during Acceleration (ovA) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
8 Over voltage during deceleration (ovd) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
9 Over voltage during normal speed (ovn) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
10 Over voltage during Stop (ovS) V(RS) V(able to auto-reset) V
11 Low voltage during Acceleration (LvA) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
12 Low voltage during deceleration (Lvd) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
13 Low voltage during normal speed (Lvn) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
14 Low voltage during Stop (LvS) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
15 Input phase loss (OrP) V V(able to auto-reset) V
16 Over heat 1 (oH1) V V(able to auto-reset) V
17 Over heat 2 (oH2) V V(able to auto-reset) V
18 Thermister 1 open (tH1o) V V(able to auto-reset) V
19 Thermister 2 open (tH2o) V V(able to auto-reset) V
21 Over Load (oL) (150% 1Min, Inverter) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
22 Motor 1 over load (EoL1) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
23 Motor 2 over load (EoL2) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
24 Over heat 3 (oH3) (PTC) V V(able to auto-reset) V
26 Over torque 1 (ot1) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
27 Over torque 2 (ot2) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
30 EEPROM write error (cF1) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
31 EEPROM read error (cF2) V V Not-detectable
U phase current sensor detection error V V Not-detectable
V phase current sensor detection error V V Not-detectable

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Normal Enable bypass

Code Error name Fire Mode
mode function
W phase current sensor detection error V V Not-detectable
36 Hardware Logic error 0 (Hd0) - cc V V Not-detectable
37 Hardware Logic error 1 (Hd1) - oc V V Not-detectable
38 Hardware Logic error 2 (Hd2) - ov V V Not-detectable
39 Hardware Logic error 3 (Hd3) – occ V V Not-detectable
40 Motor auto tuning error (AuE) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
41 ACI feedback loss (AFE) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
48 ACI Loss V Not-detectable Not-detectable
49 External fault (EF) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
50 Emergency stop (EF1) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
51 base block (bb) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
52 PcodE (Password) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
53 Software code error V V Not-detectable
54 Communication error 1 (cE1) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
55 Communication error 2 (cE2) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
56 Communication error 3 (cE3) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
57 Communication error 4 (cE4) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
58 cE10 (Communication Time Out) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
59 Communication time out (cP10) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
60 Braking Transistor Fault (bf) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
61 Y-Delta connected Error (ydc) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
62 Decel. Energy Backup Error (dEb) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
63 Over Slip Error (oSL) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
64 Electromagnet switch error (ryF) V Not-detectable Not-detectable
72 STO Loss 1 V Not-detectable Not-detectable
73 External safety gate S1 V V Not-detectable
Fire Mode V V(keeps on V(keeps on
operating) operating)
76 STO V Not-detectable Not-detectable
77 STO Loss 2 V Not-detectable Not-detectable
78 STO Loss 3 V Not-detectable Not-detectable
79 U phase over current (Uocc) V V(able to auto-reset) V
80 V phase over current (Vocc) V V(able to auto-reset) V
81 W phase over current (Wocc) V V(able to auto-reset) V
82 OPHL U phase output phase loss V V(able to auto-reset) V
83 OPHL Vphase output phase loss V V(able to auto-reset) V
84 OPHL Wphase output phase loss V V(able to auto-reset) V

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Normal Enable bypass

Code Error name Fire Mode
mode function
90 Inner PLC function is forced to stop V Not-detectable Not-detectable
99 CPU Trap error V V Not-detectable
101 CGdE CANopen software disconnect1 V Not-detectable Not-detectable
102 CHbE CANopen software disconnect2 V Not-detectable Not-detectable
103 CSYE CANopen synchronous error V Not-detectable Not-detectable
104 CbFE CANopen hardware disconnect V Not-detectable Not-detectable
105 CIdE CANopen index setting error V Not-detectable Not-detectable
CAdE CANopen slave station number V Not-detectable Not-detectable
setting error
CFrE CANopen index setting exceed V Not-detectable Not-detectable
InrCOM Internal communication V Not-detectable Not-detectable
overtime error

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

07 Special Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation

 07 - 00 Software Brake Level

Factory Setting:

Settings 230V models 350.0~450.0Vdc
460V models:700.0~900.0Vdc
 This parameter sets the DC-bus voltage at which the brake chopper is activated. Users
can choose the suitable brake resistor to have the best deceleration. Refer to Chapter 7
Accessories for the information of the brake resistor
 It is only valid for the models below 30kW of 460 series and 22kW of 230 series.
 07 - 01 DC Brake Current Level
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~100%
 This parameter sets the level of DC Brake Current output to the motor during start-up and
stopping. When setting DC Brake Current, the Rated Current is regarded as 100%. It is
recommended to start with a low DC Brake Current Level and then increase until proper holding
torque has been attained.

 07 - 02 DC Brake Time at Start-up

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.00~60.0 seconds
 When the drive doesn’t have any output, the motor may be in the rotation status due to external
force or its inertia. If the drive is used with the motor at this moment, it may cause motor damage
or drive protection due to over current. This parameter can be used to output DC current before
motor operation to stop the motor and get a stable start. This parameter determines the duration
of the DC Brake current after a RUN command. When it is set to 0.0, it is invalid.

 07 - 03 DC Brake Time at Stop

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.0~60.0 seconds
 The motor may be in the rotation status after drive stop outputting due to external force
or its inertia and can’t stop accurately. This parameter can output DC current to force the
motor drive stop after drive stops to make sure that the motor is stop
 This parameter determines the duration of the DC Brake current during stopping. To DC
brake at stop, this function will be valid when Pr.00-22 is set to 0. When setting to 0.0, it
is invalid
 Related parameters: Pr.00-22 Stop Method, Pr.07-04 Start-point for DC Brake

 07 - 04 Start-Point for DC Brake

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 This parameter determines the frequency when DC Brake will begin during deceleration. When
this setting is less than start frequency (Pr.01-09), the start-point for DC brake will start from the
min. frequency.
Output frequen cy

DC Br ak Time
07- 04
01-09 Start-point for dur ing St opping
DC brake
out put time during
fr equen cy

Run /Stop OFF

ON Time
DC Br ake Time

 DC Brake at Start-up is used for loads that may move before the AC drive starts, such as
fans and pumps. Under such circumstances, DC Brake can be used to hold the load in
position before setting it in motion
 DC Brake at stop is used to shorten the stopping time and also to hold a stopped load in position,
such as crane or cutting machine.

07 - 05 Voltage Increasing Percentage
Factory Setting: 100%
Settings 1~200%
 When the user is using speed tracking, adjust Pr07-05 to slow down the increasing of voltage if
there are errors such as oL or oc.

 07 - 06 Restart after Momentary Power Down

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Speed search for last frequency command
2: Speed search for the minimum output frequency
 This parameter determines the operation mode when the AC motor drive restarts from a
momentary power loss.
 The power connected to the drive may power off momentarily due to many reasons. This function
allows the drive to keep outputting after power is on again after power off and won’t cause drive
 Setting 1: Operation continues after momentary power loss, speed search starts with the Master
Frequency reference value after drive output frequency and motor rotator speed is synchronous.
The motor has the characteristics of big inertia and small obstruction. For example, in the
equipment with big inertia wheel, it doesn’t need to wait to execute operation command until
wheel is complete stop after re-start to save time.
 Setting 2: Operation continues after momentary power loss, speed search starts with the master
frequency after drive output frequency and motor rotator speed is synchronous. The motor has
the characteristics of small inertia and bigger obstruction.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 07 - 07 Maximum Power Loss Duration

Factory Setting: 2.0
Settings 0~20.0 seconds
 If the duration of a power loss is less than this parameter setting, the AC motor drive will resume
operation. If it exceeds the Maximum Allowable Power Loss Time, the AC motor drive output is
then turned off (coast stop).
 The selected operation after power loss in Pr.07-06 is only executed when the maximum
allowable power loss time is ≤ 20 seconds and the AC motor drive displays “LU”.
But if the AC motor drive is powered off due to overload, even if the maximum allowable power
loss time is ≤5 seconds, the operation mode as set in Pr.07-06 is not executed. In that case it
starts up normally

 07 - 08 Base block Time

Factory Setting: 0.5
Settings 0.1~5.0 seconds
 When momentary power loss is detected, the AC drive will block its output and then wait for a
specified period of time (determined by Pr.07-08, called Base-Block Time) before resuming
operation. This parameter should be set at a value to ensure that any residual regeneration
voltage from the motor on the output has disappeared before the drive is activated again.

Output frequency(H) Input B.B. signal

Stop output voltage
Output voltage(V) Disable B.B. signal
Waiting time Pr.07-08
Output current A Speed search
07-09 Synchronization speed detection
Current Limit for 7 Frequency command before B.B.
Speed Search Time

B.B. Search with last output frequency downward timing chart

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Ou tp ut fre q ue n cy
( I np u t B.B . si g na l
S to p ou tp ut vo lta g e
Ou tp u t vol ta ge D isa b le B .B. sig n al
Wa i tin g time P r.0 7- 0 8
o ut pu t cu rr e nt A S p ee d S ea rc h
07 - 09 Cu rr e nt Li mit
fo r Sp e ed S ea r ch Sp ee d S yn ch ro n iza ti on sp ee d d ete cti on


FW D Ru n

B .B .

B .B . Se a rch wi th mi ni mu m outp u t fre q ue n cy upw ar d timi n g cha rt

Input B.B. signal

Output frequency(H)
Stop voltage output
Disable B.B. signal
Output voltage(V)
Waiting time Pr.07-08
Output current A Speed search
Synchronization speed detection
Over-Current Stall
during Accel. Time


B.B. Search with minimum output frequency upward timing chart

 07 - 09 Current Limit for Speed Search

Factory Setting: 50
Settings 20~200%
 Following a momentary power loss, the AC motor drive will start its speed search operation only if
the output current is greater than the value set by Pr.07-09.
 When doing speed search, the V/f curve is operated by group 1 setting. The maximum current for
the optimum accel./decel. and start speed search is set by Pr.07-09.
 The speed search level will affect the synchronous time. It will get the synchronization
faster when this parameter is set to larger value. But too large value may activate
overload protection
 07 - 10 Treatment after Fault
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Speed search starts with current speed
2: Speed search starts with minimum output frequency
 Fault includes: bb,oc,ov,occ. To restart after oc, ov, occ, Pr.07-11 can not be set to 0

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 07 - 11 Auto Reset Times After Fault

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~10
 After fault (oc, ov, occ) occurs, the AC motor drive can be reset/restarted automatically up to 10
 Setting this parameter to 0 will disable the reset/restart operation after any fault has occurred.
When enabled, the AC motor drive will restart with Pr07-10 setting after fault auto reset.
 If the time of reset/restart exceeds Pr.07-11 setting, the fault will not be restart /reset until user
reset manually and run the motor drive again.

 07 - 12 Speed Search during Start-up

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Speed search from maximum output frequency
2: Speed search from start-up motor frequency
3: Speed search from minimum output frequency
 This parameter is used for starting and stopping a motor with a high inertia. A motor with high
inertia will take 2-5 minutes or longer to stop completely. By setting this parameter, the user does
not need to wait for the motor to come to a complete stop before restarting the AC motor drive.
The output current is set by the Pr.07-09.
 07 - 13 Decel. Time at Momentary Power Loss (dEb function)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: 1st decel. time
2: 2nd decel. time
3: 3rd decel. time
4: 4th decel. time
5: Current decel. time
6: Auto decel. time
 This parameter is used for the decel. time selection for momentary power loss.

 07 - 14 dEb Return Time

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0~25.0 seconds
 This function allows the AC motor drive decelerates to stop after momentary power loss. When
the momentary power loss occurs, this function can be used for the motor to decelerate to 0
speed with deceleration stop method. When the power is on again, motor will run again after dEb
return time. (has applied on high-speed spindle)

Situation 1: Insufficient power supply due to momentary power-loss/unstable power (due to low
voltage)/sudden loading.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

DC Bus volta ge

Level of dEb return time

dEb active level
Lv level

Soft start relay at power side

dEb activation

Output frequency
dEb deceleration time


dEb return time

NOTE If Pr07-14 is set to 0, then a STOP command will be given. Besides the motor
drive will not accelerate to reach the frequency before dEb even if the power is on again. If
Pr07-14 is not set to 0, a command of zero speed will be given and wait for the power on.

NOTEdEb active level is when DC BUS’ voltage lower than:

230V series: Lv level + 20Vdc or 460V series: Lv level + 40Vdc

Situation 2: Unexpected power off, such as momentary power loss

DC BUS voltage

Level of dEb return time

dEb active level
Lv level

Soft start relay at power side

dEb activation
Output frequency
dEb deceleration

dEb return time 07-14

There are always several machines run at the same time in a textile factory. To prevent broken
stitching when power down, these machines have to decelerate to stop. So when there is a sudden
power loss, the host controller will notify the motor drive to use dEb function with deceleration time
via EF.

NOTE dEb active level is when DC BUS’ voltage lower than:

230V series: Lv level + 20Vdc or 460V series: Lv level + 40Vdc

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 07 - 15 Dwell Time at Accel.

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00 seconds
 07 - 16 Dwell Frequency at Accel
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00 seconds
 07 - 17 Dwell Frequency at Decel.
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz

 07 - 18 Dwell Frequency at Decel.

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00 Hz
 Pr.07-15 to Pr.07-18 is for heavy load to prevent OV or OC occurs.


07-16 Dwell
Dwell Frequency
Dwell Time
Frequency at Decel.
07-15 at Decel.
at Accel.
Dwell Time
at Accel. Time
Dwell at accel./decel.
 07 - 19 Fan Cooling Control
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Fan always ON
1: 1 minute after the AC motor drive stops, fan will be OFF
2: When the AC motor drive runs, the fan is ON. When the AC motor drive
stops, the fan is OFF
3: Fan turns ON when preliminary heat sink temperature (around 60oC) is
4: Fan always OFF
 This parameter is used for the fan control.
 Setting 0: Fan will be ON as the drive’s power is turned ON.
 Setting 1: 1 minute after AC motor drive stops, fan will be OFF
 Setting 2: AC motor drive runs and fan will be ON. AC motor drive stops and fan will be OFF.
 Setting 3: Fan run according to IGBT and capacitance temperature. Fan will be ON when
preliminary capacitance temperature is higher than 60oC. Fan will be OFF, when temperature is
lower than 40oC.
 Setting 4: Fan is always OFF

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

07 - 20 Emergency Stop (EF) & Force Stop

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Coast to stop
1: Stop by 1st deceleration time
2: Stop by 2nd deceleration time
3: Stop by 3rd deceleration time
4: Stop by 4th deceleration time
5: System Deceleration (According to original deceleration time)
6: Automatic Deceleration
 Pr.07-20 determines AC motor drive stop method. When the multi-function input
terminal is set to 10 or 18 and is activated, the drive will stop according to the setting in

frequency Decel. Time 3
Decel. Time 1
Pr01-17=2 sec
Pr01 - 13=5 sec



Pr07 - 20= 3 Stop by 3r d deceler ation time

MI=10 or 18 and has active d
MI=10(EF )/
MI= 18 ( Emer gency stop)

Decel. Time 2 Decel. Time 2
Pr 01 - 15=7 sec Pr01 - 15=7 sec



P r07- 20 = 5 S ystem Deceleration

( Accor ding to original deceleration time) MI=10 or 18 and has actived
MI=10(EF )/
MI= 18 ( Emergency stop)

MI= 8 T he 1 st , 2n d nd
acceler ation or MI=8 and has actived(use 2 acceleration/deceleration time)
deceleration time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 07 - 21 Auto Energy-saving Setting

Factory Setting: 0

Settings 0 Disable
 When Pr.07-21 is set to 1, the acceleration and deceleration will operate with full voltage. During
constant speed operation, it will auto calculate the best voltage value by the load power for the
load. This function is not suitable for the ever-changing load or near full-load during operation.
 When the output frequency is constant, i.e. constant operation, the output voltage will
auto decrease by the load reduction. Therefore, the drive will operate with min. power,
multiplication of voltage and current.

 07 - 22 Energy-saving Gain
Factory Setting: 100
Settings 10~1000%
 When Pr. 07-21 is set to 1, this parameter can be used to adjust the gain of energy-saving. The
factory setting is 100%. If the result is not good, it can adjust by decreasing the setting. If the
motor oscillates, it should increase the setting value.
 At some special application such as High speed spindle, the motor temperature rise is been
highly concern. Thus, when the motor is not working with load, the motor current will requested
to reduce to a lower level. To Lowering this parameter setting can meet this requirement.

 07 - 23 Auto Voltage Regulation(AVR) Function

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Enable AVR
1: Disable AVR
2: Disable AVR during deceleration
 The rated voltage of the motor is usually 220V/200VAC 60Hz/50Hz and the input voltage of the
AC motor drive may vary between 180V to 264 VAC 50Hz/60Hz. Therefore, when the AC motor
drive is used without AVR function, the output voltage will be the same as the input voltage.
When the motor runs at voltages exceeding the rated voltage with 12% - 20%, its lifetime will be
shorter and it can be damaged due to higher temperature, failing insulation and unstable torque
 AVR function automatically regulates the AC motor drive output voltage to the motor rated
voltage. For instance, if V/f curve is set at 200 VAC/50Hz and the input voltage is at 200V to
264VAC, then the motor Output Voltage will automatically be reduced to a maximum of
200VAC/50Hz. If the input voltage is at 180V to 200VAC, output voltage to motor and input power
will be in direct proportion.
 Setting 0: when AVR function is enabled, the drive will calculate the output voltage by actual
DC-bus voltage. The output voltage won’t be changed by DC bus voltage.
 Setting 1: when AVR function is disabled, the drive will calculate the output voltage by DC-bus
voltage. The output voltage will be changed by DC bus voltage. It may cause insufficient/over
 Setting 2: the drive will disable the AVR during deceleration, such as operated from high speed to
low speed.
 When the motor ramps to stop, the deceleration time is longer. When setting this parameter to 2
with auto acceleration/deceleration, the deceleration will be quicker.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 07 - 24 Filter Time of Torque Compensation (V/F and SVC control mode)

Factory Setting: 0.020
Settings 0.001~10.000 seconds
 When the setting is too long, the control will be stable but the control response will be delay.
When the setting is too short, the response will be quickly but the control may be unstable. User
can adjust the setting by the control and response situation.

 07 - 25 Filter Time of Slip Compensation (V/F and SVC control mode)

Factory Setting: 0.100
Settings 0.001~10.000 seconds
 It can set Pr.07-24 and 07-25 to change the response time of compensation.
 If Pr.07-24 and 07-25 are set to 10seconds, the response time of compensation is the slowest.
But the system may be unstable when the setting is too short.

 07 - 26 Torque Compensation Gain (V/F control mode)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~10
 When the motor load is large, a part of drive output voltage is absorbed by the resistor of stator
winding and causes insufficient voltage at motor induction and result in over output current and
insufficient output torque. It can auto adjust output voltage by the load and keep the air gap
magnetic fields stable to get the optimal operation.
 In the V/F control, the voltage will be decreased in direct proportion when the frequency is
decreased. It’ll cause decrease torque at low speed due to small AC resistor and the same DC
resistor. Therefore, Auto torque compensation function will increase the output voltage in the low
frequency to get higher start torque.
 When Pr.07-26 is set to large, it may cause motor overflux and result in too large output current,
motor overheat or triggers protection function.
 07 - 27 Slip Compensation Gain (V/F and SVC control mode)
Factory Setting: 0.00
(1 in SVC mode)
Settings 0.00~10.00
 The induction motor needs the constant slip to produce magnetic torque. It can be ignore in the
higher motor speed, such as rated speed or 2-3% slip.
 In the operation with variable frequency, the slip and the synchronous frequency will be in
reverse proportion to produce the same magnetic torque. That is the slip will be larger
with the reduction of synchronous frequency. The motor may stop when the synchronous
frequency is decreased to a specific value. Therefore, the slip serious affects the
accuracy of motor speed at low speed 。
 In another situation, when the drive uses with induction motor, the slip will be increased
by the increasing load. It also affects the accuracy of motor speed
 This parameter can be used to set compensation frequency and reduce the slip to close
the synchronous speed when the motor runs in the rated current to raise the drive
accuracy. When the drive output current is larger than Pr.05-05 No-load Current of
Induction Motor 1 (A), the drive will compensation the frequency by this parameter

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When the control method (Pr.00-11) is changed from V/f mode to vector mode, this parameter will
auto be set to 1.00. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.00. Please do the compensation of slip after
overload and acceleration. The compensation value should be increased from small to large
gradually. That is to add the output frequency with motor rated slip X Pr.07-27 Slip Compensation
Gain when the motor is rated load. If the actual speed ratio is slow than expectation, please
increase the setting. Otherwise, decrease the setting.

07 - 28 Reserved
 07 - 29 Slip Deviation Level
Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0~100.0%

0 Not-detectable

 07 - 30 Detection Time of Slip Deviation

Factory Setting: 1.0
Settings 0.0~10.0 seconds
 07 - 31 Over Slip Treatment
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Warn and keep operation
1: Warn and ramp to stop
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning
Pr.07-29 to Pr.07-31 are used to set allowable slip level/time and over slip treatment when the
drive is running.

 07 - 32 Motor Hunting Gain

Factory Setting: 1000
Settings 0~10000

0 Disable
 The motor will have current wave motion in some specific area. It can improve this situation by
setting this parameter. (When it is high frequency, it can be set to 0. When the current wave
motion happens in the low frequency, please increase Pr.07-32.)

 07 - 33 Autorestart interval of Fault

Factory Setting: 60.0
Settings 00~6000.0 seconds

 This parameter sets the time period for counting the # of faults (ov, oc, occ) occurred. If #
of faults occurred within this time period does not exceed the setting in Pr.07-11, the
counting will be cleared and start from 0 when the next reboots after fault happens.
However, if the # of faults occurred within this time period have exceed the setting in
Pr.07-11, user needs to press the RESET key manually.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

08 High-function PID Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

 08 - 00 Input Terminal for PID Feedback

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: No function
1: Negative PID feedback: input from external terminal AVI1 (Pr.03-00)
4: Positive PID feedback from external terminal AVI1 (Pr.03-00)
 Negative feedback means: +target value – feedback. It is used for the detection value will be
increased by increasing the output frequency.
 Positive feedback means: -target value + feedback. It is used for the detection value will be
decreased by increasing the output frequency.
 Common applications for PID control
1. Flow control: A flow sensor is used to feedback the flow data and performs accurate flow
2. Pressure control: A pressure sensor is used to feedback the pressure data and performs
precise pressure control.
3. Air volume control: An air volume sensor is used to feedback the air volume data to have
excellent air volume regulation.
4. Temperature control: A thermocouple or thermistor is used to feedback temperature data for
comfortable temperature control.
5. Speed control: A speed sensor or encoder is used to feedback motor shaft speed or input
another machines speed as a target value for closed loop speed control of master-slave
Pr.10.00 sets the PID set point source (target value). PID control operates with the feedback
signal as set by Pr.10.01 either 0~+10V voltage or 4-20mA current.\
 PID control loop :
drive ex ecute PID contr ol output value
Setpoint + 1
K p (1+ + Td ×S) IM
Ti × S

feedback s ignal

K p : Proportional gain( P) Ti : Integral time(I) Td: D erivative control(D) : Operator

 Concept of PID control

1. Proportional gain(P): the output is proportional to input. With only proportional gain control,
there will always be a steady-state error.
2. Integral time (I): the controller output is proportional to the integral of the controller input. To
eliminate the steady-state error, an “integral part” needs to be added to the controller. The
integral time decides the relation between integral part and error. The integral part will be
increased by time even if the error is small. It gradually increases the controller output to
eliminate the error until it is 0. In this way a system can be stable without steady-state error by
proportional gain control and integral time control.
3. Differential control (D): the controller output is proportional to the differential of the
controller input. During elimination of the error, oscillation or instability may occur. The
differential control can be used to suppress these effects by acting before the error. That
is, when the error is near 0, the differential control should be 0. Proportional gain (P) +
differential control (D) can be used to improve the system state during PID adjustment.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 When PID control is used in a constant pressure pump feedback application:

Set the application’s constant pressure value (bar) to be the set point of PID control. The
pressure sensor will send the actual value as PID feedback value. After comparing the PID set
point and PID feedback, there will be an error. Thus, the PID controller needs to calculate the
output by using proportional gain (P), integral time (I) and differential time (D) to control the pump.
It controls the drive to have different pump speed and achieves constant pressure control by
using a 4-20mA signal corresponding to 0-10 bar as feedback to the drive.
no fuse breaker
(NFB) water pump
R(L1) R(L1) U(T1)
S(L2) S(L2) V(T2) IM
T(L3) T(L3)

Feedback 4-20mA
corresponds pressure
0-10bar sensor
ACM - +
analog signal common

1. Pr.00-04 is set to 10 (Display PID analog feedback signal value (b) (%))
2. Pr.01-12 Acceleration Time will be set as required
3. Pr.01-13 Deceleration Time will be set as required
4. Pr.00-21=0 to operate from the digital keypad
5. Pr.00-20=0, the set point is controlled by the digital keypad
6. Pr.08-00=1 (Negative PID feedback from analog input)
7. ACI analog input Pr. 03-01 set to 5, PID feedback signal.
8. Pr.08-01-08-03 will be set as required
8.1 If there is no vibration in the system, increase Pr.08-01(Proportional Gain (P))
8.2 If there is no vibration in the system, reduce Pr.08-02(Integral Time (I))
 Refer to Pr.08-00 to 08-21 for PID parameters settings.

 08 - 01 Proportional Gain (P)

Factory Setting: 1.0
Settings 0.0~100.0%
 It is used to eliminate the system error. It is usually used to decrease the error and get the
faster response speed. But if setting too large value in Pr.08-01, it may cause the system
oscillation and instability.

 If the other two gains (I and D) are set to zero, proportional control is the only one

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 08 - 02 Integral Time (I)

Factory Setting: 1.00
Settings 0.00~100.00 seconds

0.00 Disable
 The integral controller is used to eliminate the error during stable system. The integral control
doesn’t stop working until error is 0. The integral is acted by the integral time. The smaller
integral time is set, the stronger integral action will be. It is helpful to reduce overshoot and
oscillation to make a stable system. At this moment, the decreasing error will be slow. The
integral control is often used with other two controls to become PI controller or PID controller.
 This parameter is used to set the integral time of I controller. When the integral time is long, it will
have small gain of I controller, the slower response and bad external control. When the integral
time is short, it will have large gain of I controller, the faster response and rapid external control.
 When the integral time is too small, it may cause system oscillation.
 If the integral time is set as 0.00, Pr.08-02 will be disabled.

 08 - 03 Derivative Control (D)

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~1.00 seconds
 The differential controller is used to show the change of system error and it is helpful to preview
the change of error. So the differential controller can be used to eliminate the error to improve
system state. With the suitable differential time, it can reduce overshoot and shorten adjustment
time. However, the differential operation will increase the noise interference. Please note that
too large differential will cause big noise interference. Besides, the differential shows the change
and the output of the differential will be 0 when there is no change. Therefore, the differential
control can’t be used independently. It needs to be used with other two controllers to make a PD
controller or PID controller.
 This parameter can be used to set the gain of D controller to decide the response of error
change. The suitable differential time can reduce the overshoot of P and I controller to
decrease the oscillation and have a stable system. But too long differential time may
cause system oscillation
 The differential controller acts for the change of error and can’t reduce the interference. It is not
recommended to use this function in the serious interference.

 08 - 04 Upper limit of Integral Control

Factory Setting: 100.0
Settings 0.0~100.0%
 This parameter defines an upper bound or limit for the integral gain (I) and therefore limits the
Master Frequency. The formula is: Integral upper bound = Maximum Output Frequency
(Pr.01-00) x (Pr.08-04 %).
 Too large integral value will make the slow response due to sudden load change. In this
way, it may cause motor stall or machine damage

 08 - 05 PID Output Frequency Limit

Factory Setting: 100.0
Settings 0.0~110.0%
 This parameter defines the percentage of output frequency limit during the PID control. The
formula is Output Frequency Limit = Maximum Output Frequency (Pr.01-00) X Pr.08-05 %.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 08 - 06 PID Feedback Value

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0.00 ~ 200.00%
 When PID feedback input is set as communication (Pr08-00=7 or 8), PID feedback value can be
set by this value.
 08 - 07 PID Delay Time
Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0~35.0 seconds

08 - 20 PID Mode Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Serial connection
1: Parallel connection
 When setting is 0, it uses conventional PID control structure.
 When setting is 1, proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain are independent. The P, I
and D can be customized to fit users’ demand.
 Pr.08-07 determines the primary low pass filter time when in PID control. Setting a large time
constant may slow down the response rate of drive.
 Output frequency of PID control will filter by primary low pass function. This function could
filtering a mix frequencies. A long primary low pass time means filter degree is high and vice
 Inappropriate setting of delay time may cause system error.
 PI Control: controlled by the P action only, and thus, the deviation cannot be eliminated entirely.
To eliminate residual deviations, the P + I control will generally be utilized. And when the PI
control is utilized, it could eliminate the deviation incurred by the targeted value changes and the
constant external interferences. However, if the I action is excessively powerful, it will delay the
responding toward the swift variation. The P action could be used solely on the loading system
that possesses the integral components.
 PD Control: when deviation occurred, the system will immediately generate some operation load
that is greater than the load generated single handedly by the D action to restrain the increment
of the deviation. If the deviation is small, the effectiveness of the P action will be decreasing as
well. The control objects include occasions with integral component loads, which are controlled
by the P action only, and sometimes, if the integral component is functioning, the whole system
will be vibrating. On such occasions, in order to make the P action’s vibration subsiding and the
system stabilizing, the PD control could be utilized. In other words, this control is good for use
with loadings of no brake functions over the processes.
 PID Control: Utilize the I action to eliminate the deviation and the D action to restrain the
vibration, thereafter, combine with the P action to construct the PID control. Use of the PID
method could obtain a control process with no deviations, high accuracies and a stable system.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Serial connection
Input Selection of the PID Cancelled Frequency
PID Target Value 08-00=0 command
00-20:KPC-CC01/ or 02-01~06=21(disable)
03-00~02:4 PID target 2
value PID

Compensation PID
Selection Delay
08-16 Time

+ P D +
Proportion Differential +
gain Time
Display of the PID feedback - 08-01 08-03 +
00-04=10 display of the
PID feedback direction
Input Selection I 08-21 PID Freq.
of the PID Feedback output
08-00:AVI/ACI 08-02
Integral Time upper command
AUI/PG limit
Treatment of the
Feedback Signal Fault
If Hz>08-05
time exceeds 08-08

 Parallel connection

Input Selection of the

PID Target Value
03-00~02:4 PID target value
PID Cancelled 08-00=0 Frequency
or 02-01~06=21(disable) command
Proportion gain
PID Delay Time
08-01 selection

+ D
- 08-03 + 08-05
Display of the PID feedback
00-04=10 display of the
PID feedback
08-21 PID F req.
Integral Time 08-04 command limit
Input Selection
of the PID Feedback upper limit
08-00:AVI/ACI for
Integral 08-09
AUI/PG Treatment of the Feedback Signal Fault
If Hz>08-05, time exceeds 08-08

 08 - 08 Feedback Signal Detection Time

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0~3600.0 seconds
 This parameter is only valid when the feedback signal is ACI 4-20mA.
 This parameter defines the time during which the PID feedback must be abnormal before a
warning is given. It also can be modified according to the system feedback signal time. (If this
parameter is set to 0.0, the system would not detect any abnormality signal.)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 08 - 09 Feedback Fault Treatment

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Warn and keep operation
1: Warn and ramp to stop
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: Warn and operate at last frequency
 This parameter is only valid when the feedback signal is ACI.
 AC motor drive acts when the feedback signals (analog PID feedback) are abnormal.
 If the command frequency falls below the sleep frequency, for the specified time in Pr. 08-12,
then the drive will shut off the output and wait until the command frequency rises above Pr.08-11.

 08 - 13 PID Deviation Level

Factory Setting: 10.0
Settings 1.0~50.0%
 08 - 14 PID Deviation Time
Factory Setting: 5.0
Settings 0.1~300.0 seconds

 08 - 15 Filter Time for PID Feedback

Factory Setting: 5.0
Settings 0.1~300.0 seconds
 When the PID control function is normal, it should calculate within a period of time and close to
the setpoint value.
 Refer to the PID control diagram for details. When executing PID feedback control, if |PID
reference target value – detection value| > Pr.08-13 PID Deviation Level and exceeds Pr.08-14
setting, it will be judged as the PID control fault. Multiple-funtion output MO=15 (PID feedback
error) will activate.

 08 - 16 PID Compensation Selection

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Parameter setting
1: Analog input

 08 - 17 PID Offset
Factory Setting: 0
Settings -100.0~+100.0%

08 - 21 Enable PID to Change the Operation Direction

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable change of direction
1: Enable change of direction

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 08 - 10 Sleep Reference Point

Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz or 0~200.00%
 08 - 11 Wake-up Reference Point
Factory Setting: 0.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz or 0~200.00%
 When 08-18= 0, the unit of Pr08-10 and Pr08-11 is Hz, settings 0~600.00Hz
 When 08-18= 1, the unit of Pr08-10 and Pr08-11 is percentage, settings 0~200.00%

 08 - 12 Sleep Time

Factory Setting 0.0
Settings 0.00~600.00 seconds

08 - 18 Setting of Sleep Mode Function

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Follow PID output command; 1: Follow PID feedback signal

 08 - 19 Integral Limit during Wake-up

Factory Setting: 50.0%
Settings 0~ 200.0%
 This upper integral limit of the motor drive is to avoid running at high speed right after
being waken up.

 08 - 22 Wake-up Delay Time

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~ 600.00 sec

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

There are three types of Sleep mode and Wakeup mode.

01: Frequency Command (Not using PID, Pr08-00=0)
When the Frequency Command < Sleep Frequency, the output frequency will remain at the
sleep frequency.
Once reaches the setting of Pr08-12 Sleep Time, the motor drive will go to sleep at 0Hz.
Sleep Mode diagram

frequency command
actual output frequency

Command ActualOutputFrequency
Wake -up
R eference Point

Reference Point

0Hz Pr08-22
Sleep Time Wake-up

02: Internal PID Frequency Calculation Command (Using PID, Pr08 ≠ 0)

Once reaching the sleep frequency, the system starts to calculate the sleep time and the output
frequency starts to decrease immediately with desired deceleration (Pr01-13). If passing the
preset sleep time during deceleration, the frequency will continue to decrease until 0 and the
motor drive will go to sleep at 0Hz.

If not yet reaching the preset sleep time during deceleration (if there is a preset), the motor drive
will remain at the lower frequency (Pr01-11) or will stay at Pr01-07 Minimum Output Frequency.
Then the motor drive waits to reach the sleep time then go to sleep at 0Hz.

frequency command
output frequency

Time Limit

Delay Time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

03: Percentage of PID’s Target Value (Set PID, Pr08-00 ≠ 0)

Once reaching the percentage of PID’s target value and the percentage of the feedback value,
the motor drive
starts to calculate the sleep time. The output frequency decreases immediately with desired
deceleration (Pr01-13). If the motor drive passes the preset sleep time, it will go to sleep at 0Hz.
However, if it doesn’t reach the preset sleep time during deceleration, it will remain at lower
frequency (if there is a preset (Pr01-11)) or Pr01-07 Minimum Output Frequency. Then the motor
drive waits to reach the sleep time and go to sleep at 0Hz

Example01 - Negative PID Feedback

Example02 - Positive PID Feedback
※ Pr08-10 must be bigger than the Pr08-11. Zone PID Physical Quantity
※ 30kg is the set point. Sleep zone When larger than 12kg, the
Set the following parameters:
motor drive goes to sleep.
Pr03-00 = 5 (AVI1 as feedback signal);
Transition Zone When between 6kg~12kg,
Pr08-00 = 1 (Negative PID feedback: input from external
the motor drive remains the
terminal AVI1 of Pr03-00);
same status.
Pr08-10 = 40% (Sleep reference 12kg = 40%*30kg);
Wake-up zone When smaller than 6kg, the
Pr08-11 = 20% (Wake-up reference 6kg = 20%*30kg);
motor drive wakes up.
Case01: If feedback > 12kg, frequency decreases.
Case02: If feedback < 6kg, frequency increases.

Output PID
Frequency Feedback


Sleep Reference Point

Wake-up Reference Point

Output Frequency
Lower Limit


Sleep Time
Delay Time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

※ Pr08-10 must be smaller than the Pr08-11.

Zone PID Physical Quantity
※ 30kg is the setpoint
Set the following parameters: Sleep zone When larger than 36kg, the

Pr03-00 = 5 (AVI1 as feedback signal); motor drive goes to sleep.

Pr08-00 = 4 (Positive PID feedback from external Transition Zone When between 33kg and

terminal AVI1 of Pr03-00); 36kg, the motor drive

Pr08-10=110% (Sleep reference: 33kg = 110%*30kg) remains the same status.

Pr08-11=120% (Wake-up reference: 36Kg = Wake-up zone When smaller than 33kg, The

120%*30kg) 30kg is the setpoint.

Case01: If feedback <33kg, frequency decreases

Case02: feedback >36kg, frequency increases


Wake-up Reference Point

Sleep Reference Point


Output Frequency
Lower Limit


Sleep Time
Delay Time

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

09 Communication Parameters  The parameter can be set during the operation.

8 1
Modbus RS- 485
When us ing communicat io n d evices, Pin 1 ~2,7,8: Reserv ed
con nect s AC d rive wit h P C by us in g Pin 3 , 6: GND
Delt a IFD6 530 or I FD6500. Pin 4 : SG-
RS-485 Pin 5 : SG+

 09 - 00 COM1 Communication Address

Factory Setting: 1
Settings 1~254
 If the AC motor drive is controlled by RS-485 serial communication, the communication
address for this drive must be set via this parameter. And the communication address for
each AC motor drive must be different and unique

 09 - 01 COM1 Transmission Speed

Factory Setting: 9.6
Settings 4.8~115.2kbps
 This parameter is used to set the transmission speed between the RS485 master (PLC, PC, etc.)
and AC motor drive.

 09 - 02 COM1 Transmission Fault Treatment

Factory Setting: 3
Settings 0: Warn and keep operation
1: Warn and ramp to stop
2: Warn and coast to stop
3: No warning and continue operation
 This parameter is to set the reaction of MODBUS transmission errors with the host. Detection
time can be set in Pr09-03

 09 - 03 COM1 Time-out Detection

Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0~100.0 seconds

0.0 Disable
 It is used to set the transmission time between communication and keypad.

 09 - 04 COM1 Communication Protocol

Factory Setting: 1
Settings 1 7 N 2 for ASCII
2:7,E,1 for ASCII
3:7,O,1 for ASCII
4:7,E,2 for ASCII
5:7,O,2 for ASCII
6:8,N,1 for ASCII
7:8,N,2 for ASCII

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

8 8 E 1 for ASCII
9:8,O,1 for ASCII
10:8,E,2 for ASCII
11:8,O,2 for ASCII
12:8,N,1 for RTU
13:8,N,2 for RTU
14:8,E,1 for RTU
15:8,O,1 for RTU
16: 8,E,2 for RTU
17:8,O,2 for RTU
 Computer Link Control by PC or PLC (Computer Link)
 A VFD-CP2000 can be set up to communicate on Modbus networks using one of the following
modes: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) or RTU (Remote Terminal
Unit).Users can select the desired mode along with the RS-485 serial port communication
protocol in Pr.09-00.

 MODBUS ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange : Each byte data is the )
combination of two ASCII characters. For example, a 1-byte data: 64 Hex, shown as ‘64’ in ASCII,
consists of ‘6’ (36Hex) and ‘4’ (34Hex).

1. Code Description
Communication protocol is in hexadecimal, ASCII: "0", "9", "A", "F", every 16 hexadecimal
represents ASCII code. For example:

Character ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘5’ ‘6’ ‘7’

ASCII code 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36H 37H

Character ‘8’ ‘9’ ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘D’ ‘E’ ‘F’

ASCII code 38H 39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H

Data Format

10-bit character frame For ASCll )
(Data Format 7 , N , 2)
Start Stop Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
bit bit

7-data bits
10-bits character frame

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

(Data Format 7 , E , 1)
Start Even Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 parity bit

7-data bits
10-bits character frame

(Data Format 7 , O , 1)
Start Odd Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 parity bit

7-data bits
10-bits character frame

11-bit character frame For RTU )
(Data Format 8 , N , 2)
Start Stop Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bit bit
8-data bits
11-bits character frame

(Data Format 8 , E , 1)
Start Even Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
parity bit
8-data bits
11-bits character frame

(Data Format 8 , O , 1)
Start Odd Stop
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
parity bit
8-data bits
11-bits character frame

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

2. Communication Protocol
Communication Data Frame
ASCII mode :
STX Start character = ‘:’ (3AH)
Address Hi Communication Address
8-bit address consists of 2 ASCll codes
Address Lo
Function Hi Command code:
8-bit command consists of 2 ASCII codes
Function Lo
DATA (n-1) Contents of data:
Nx8-bit data consist of 2n ASCII codes
n<=16, maximum of 32 ASCII codes
LRC CHK Hi LRC check sum:
8-bit check sum consists of 2 ASCII codes
END Hi End characters:
END1= CR (0DH), END0= LF(0AH)
RTU mode :
START A silent interval of more than 10 ms
Address Communication address: 8-bit address
Function Command code: 8-bit command
DATA (n-1) Contents of data:
n×8-bit data, n<=16
CRC CHK Low CRC check sum:
CRC CHK High 16-bit check sum consists of 2 8-bit characters
END A silent interval of more than 10 ms

Address (Communication Address)

Valid communication addresses are in the range of 0 to 254. A communication address equal to 0,
means broadcast to all AC drives (AMD). In this case, the AMD will not reply any message to the
master device.
00H: broadcast to all AC drives
01H: AC drive of address 01
0FH: AC drive of address 15
10H: AC drive of address 16
FEH: AC drive of address 254

Function (Function code) and DATA (data characters)

The format of data characters depends on the function code.
03H: read data from register
06H: write single register

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Example: reading continuous 2 data from register address 2102H, AMD address is 01H.
ASCII mode:
Command Message: Response Message
STX ‘ ’ : STX ‘ ’ :
‘0’ ‘0’
Address Address
‘1’ ‘1’
‘0’ ‘0’
Function Function
‘3’ ‘3’
‘2’ Number of data ‘0’
‘1’ (count by byte) ‘4’
Starting address
‘0’ ‘1’
‘2’ Content of starting ‘7’
‘0’ address 2102H ‘7’
Number of data ‘0’ ‘0’
(count by word) ‘0’ ‘0’
‘2’ ‘0’
Content of address 2103H
‘D’ ‘0’
LRC Check
‘7’ ‘0’
CR ‘7’
LF ‘1’

RTU mode :
Command Message: Response Message
Address 01H Address 01H
Function 03H Function 03H
21H Number of data
Starting data address 04H
02H (count by byte)
Number of data 00H Content of data 17H
(count by world) 02H address 2102H 70H
CRC CHK Low 6FH Content of data 00H
CRC CHK High F7H address 2103H 00H
06H: single write, write single data to register.
Example: writing data 6000(1770H) to register 0100H. AMD address is 01H 。
ASCII mode :
Command Message: Response Message
STX ‘:’ STX ‘:’
‘0’ ‘0’
Address Address
‘1’ ‘1’
‘0’ ‘0’
Function Function
‘6’ ‘6’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘1’ ‘1’
Data address Data address
‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘1’ ‘1’
‘7’ ‘7’
Data content Data content
‘7’ ‘7’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘7’ ‘7’
LRC Check LRC Check
‘1’ ‘1’

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

RTU mode :
Command Message: Response Message
Address 01H Address 01H
Function 06H Function 06H
01H 01H
Data address Data address
00H 00H
17H 17H
Data content Data content
70H 70H
CRC CHK High 22H CRC CHK High 22H
10H: write multiple registers (write multiple data to registers)
Example: Set the multi-step speed,
Pr.04-00=50.00 (1388H), Pr.04-01=40.00 (0FA0H). AC drive address is 01H.

ASCII mode :
Command Message: Response Message
STX ‘:’ STX ‘:’
ADR 1 ‘0’ ADR 1 ‘0’
ADR 0 ‘1’ ADR 0 ‘1’
CMD 1 ‘1’ CMD 1 ‘1’
CMD 0 ‘0’ CMD 0 ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘5’ ‘5’
Starting data address Starting data address
‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
Number of data ‘0’ Number of data ‘0’
(count by word) ‘0’ (count by word) ‘0’
‘2’ ‘2’
Number of data ‘0’ ‘E’
LRC Check
(count by byte) ‘4’ ‘8’
‘1’ CR
‘3’ LF
The first data content
The second data content
LRC Check

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

RTU Mode :
Command Message: Response Message
CMD 10H CMD 1 10H
Starting data address 05H Starting data address 05H
00H 00H
Number of data 00H Number of data 00H
(count by word) (count by word)
02H 02H
Number of data 04 41H
CRC Check Low
(count by byte)
The first data content 13H CRC Check High 04H
The second data content 0FH
CRC Check Low ‘9’
CRC Check High ‘A’

Check sum

ASCII mode:
LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) is calculated by summing up, module 256, and the values
of the bytes from ADR1 to last data character then calculating the hexadecimal representation of
the 2’s-complement negation of the sum.
For example,
01H+03H+21H+02H+00H+02H=29H, the 2’s-complement negation +1 of 29H is D7H.

RTU mode:
CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) is calculated by the following steps:
Step 1: Load a 16-bit register (called CRC register) with FFFFH.
Step 2: Exclusive OR the first 8-bit byte of the command message with the low order byte of the
16-bit CRC register, putting the result in the CRC register.
Step 3: Examine the LSB of CRC register.
Step 4: If the LSB of CRC register is 0, shift the CRC register one bit to the right with MSB zero
filling, then repeat step 3. If the LSB of CRC register is 1, shift the CRC register one bit to the right
with MSB zero filling, Exclusive OR the CRC register with the polynomial value A001H, then
repeat step 3.
Step 5: Repeat step 3 and 4 until eight shifts have been performed. When this is done, a
complete 8-bit byte will have been processed.
Step 6: Repeat step 2 to 5 for the next 8-bit byte of the command message. Continue doing this
until all bytes have been processed. The final contents of the CRC register are the CRC value.
When transmitting the CRC value in the message, the upper and lower bytes of the CRC value
must be swapped, i.e. the lower order byte will be transmitted first.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

The following is an example of CRC generation using C language. The function takes two
Unsigned char* data  a pointer to the message buffer
Unsigned char length  the quantity of bytes in the message buffer
The function returns the CRC value as a type of unsigned integer.
Unsigned int crc_chk(unsigned char* data, unsigned char length)
int j;
unsigned int reg_crc=0Xffff;
reg_crc ^= *data++;
if(reg_crc & 0x01){ /* LSB(b0)=1 */
reg_crc=(reg_crc>>1) ^ 0Xa001;
reg_crc=reg_crc >>1;

return reg_crc; // return register CRC

3. Address list
Content Address Function
GG means parameter group, nn means parameter number,
AC drive Parameters GGnnH
for example, the address of Pr 4-01 is 0401H.
Command Write only 2000H Bit1~0 00B No function :
01B Stop :
10B Run :
Bit3~2 Reserved
Bit5~4 00B: No function
01B: FWD
10B: REV
11B: Change direction
Bit7~6 00B: 1st accel/decel
01B: 2nd accel/decel
10B: 3rd accel/decel
11B: 4th accel/decel
Bit11~8 0000B: master speed
0001B: 1st step accel/decel.
0010B: 2nd step accel/decel
0011B: 3rd step accel/decel
0100B: 4th step accel/decel
0101B: 5th step accel/decel
0110B: 6th step accel/decel
0111B: 7th step accel/decel
1000B: 8th step accel/decel
1001B: 9th step accel/decel
1010B: 10th step accel/decel

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

1011B: 11th step accel/decel

1100B: 12th step accel/decel
1101B: 13th step accel/decel
1110B: 14th step accel/decel
1111B: 15th step accel/decel
Bit12 1: enable bit06-11 function
Bit14~13 00B: No function
01B: operated by digital keypad
10B: operated by Pr.00-21 setting
11B: change operation source
Bit15 Reserved
2001H Frequency command (XXX.XXHz)
2002H Bit 0 :
1 EF (external fault) on
Bit 1 :
1 Reset
Bit 2 :
1 B.B ON
Bit 15~3 Reserved
Status monitor High byte: Warn Code
Read only Low Byte: Error Code
2101H Bit0 AC Drive Operation Status
Bit1 00b: Drive stops
01b: Drive decelerating
10b: Drive standby
11b: Drive operating
Bit2 1: Jog command
Bit4~3 Operation Direction
00b: FWD run
01b: from REV run to FWD run
10b: REV run
11b: from FWD run to REV run
Bit8 1: Master frequency Controlled by communication
Bit9 1: Master frequency controlled by analog signal
Bit10 1: Operation command controlled by
communication interface
Bit11 1: Parameters have been locked
Bit12 1: enable to copy parameter from keypad
Bit15~13 Reserved
2102H Frequency command (F)
2103H Output frequency (H)
2104H Output current (AXXX.X)
2105H DC-BUS Voltage (UXXX.X)
2106H Output voltage (EXXX.X)
2107H Current step number of Multi-Step Speed Operation
2109H Counter value
210AH Power Factor Angle (XXX.X)
210BH Output Torque (%)
210CH Actual motor speed (rpm)
210DH Reserved
210EH Reserved
210FH Power output (X.XXX)
2116H Multi-function display (Pr.00-04)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

211BH Max. operation frequency (Pr.01-00) or Max. user defined

value (Pr.00-26)
When Pr.00-26 is 0, this value is equal to Pr.01-00 setting.
When Pr.00-26 is not 0, and the command source is Keypad,
this value = Pr.00-24 * Pr.00-26 / Pr.01-00
When Pr.00-26 is not 0, and the command source is RS485
communication, this value = Pr.09-10 * Pr.00-26 / Pr.01-00
2200H Display output current (A)
2201H Display counter value of TRG terminal (c)
2202H Display actual output frequency (XXXXX Hz)
2203H Display DC-BUS voltage (XXX.X V)
2204H Display output voltage of U, V, W (XXX.X V)
2205H Display output power fator angle of U, V, W (XXXXX kW)
2206H Display actual motor speed kW of U, V, W (XXXXX rpm)
2207H Display motor speed in rpm estimated by the drive or encoder
feedback (r00: positive speed, -00: negative speed)
2208H Display positive/negative output torque N-m estimated by the
drive (t0.0: positive torque, -0.0: negative torque) (XXX.X %)
2209H Reserved
220AH Display PID feedback value after enabling PID function in %
(XXX.XX %)
220BH Display signal of AVI1 analog input terminal, 0-10V
corresponds to 0-100% (1.) (as NOTE 2)
220CH Display signal of ACI analog input terminal, 4-20mA/0-10V
corresponds to 0-100% (2.) (as NOTE 2)
220DH Display signal of AVI2 analog input terminal, 0V~10V
corresponds to 0~100% (3.) (as NOTE 2)
220EH Display the IGBT temperature of drive power module in oC
(XXX.X ) ℃
220FH Display the temperature of capacitance in oC (XXX.X ) ℃
2210H The status of digital input (ON/OFF), refer to Pr.02-12.
2211H The status of digital output (ON/OFF), refer to Pr.02-18.
2212H Display the multi-step speed that is executing (S)
2213H The corresponding CPU pin status of digital input (d.) (as
2214H The corresponding CPU pin status of digital output (O.) (as
2215H Reserved
2216H Reserved
2217H Reserved
2218H Reserved
2219H Display overload counter value (XXX.XX %)
221AH Display GFF in % (XXX.XX %)
221BH Reserved
221CH Display PLC register D1043 data (C)
221DH Reserved
221EH User page displays the value in physical measure
221FH Output Value of Pr.00-05 (XXX.XX Hz)
2220H Reserved
2221H Reserved

2222H Fan speed of the drive XXX% )
2223H Control mode of the drive 0: speed mode

2224H Carrier frequency of the drive XXKHZ )
2225H Reserve

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Drive status
bit 1~0 00b: No direction
01b: Forward
10b: Reverse
bit 3~2 01b: Driver ready
10b: Error
bit 4 0b: Motor drive does output
1b: Motor drive does output
bit 5 0b: No alarm
1b: Have Alarm
Drive’s estimated output torque(positive or negative direction)
( XXXX Nt-m )
2228H Reserved
2229H (
KWH display XXXX.X )
222AH Reserved
222BH Reserved
222CH Reserved
222DH Reserved
222EH (
PID reference XXX.XX% )
222FH (
PID offset XXX.XX% )
2230H (
PID output frequency XXX.XXHz )
2231H Hardware ID

4. Exception response:
The AC motor drive is expected to return a normal response after receiving command messages
from the master device. The following depicts the conditions when no normal response is replied
to the master device.
The AC motor drive does not receive the messages due to a communication error; thus, the AC
motor drive has no response. The master device will eventually process a timeout condition.
The AC motor drive receives the messages without a communication error, but cannot handle
them. An exception response will be returned to the master device and an error message “CExx”
will be displayed on the keypad of AC motor drive. The xx of “CExx” is a decimal code equal to the
exception code that is described below.
In the exception response, the most significant bit of the original command code is set to 1, and
an exception code which explains the condition that caused the exception is returned.

For example :
ASCII mode : RTU mode :
STX ‘:’ Address 01H
‘0’ Function 86H
‘1’ Exception code 02H
‘8’ CRC CHK Low C3H
‘6’ CRC CHK High A1H
Exception code

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

The explanation of exception codes:

Exception code Explanation
1 Illegal data value:
The data value received in the command message is not available for the
AC drive.
2 Illegal data address:
The data address received in the command message is not available for
the AC motor drive.
3 Parameters are locked: parameters can’t be changed
4 Parameters can’t be changed during operation
10 Communication time-out.

09 - 05
~ Reserved
09 - 08
09 - 09 Response Delay Time

Factory Setting: 2.0

Settings 0.0~200.0ms
 This parameter is the response delay time after AC drive receives communication command as
shown in the following.

RS-485 BUS Response Message

PC or PLC command of the AC Drive
Handling time Response Delay Time
of the AC drive Pr.09-09

 09 - 10 Main Frequency of the Communication

Factory Setting: 60.00
Settings 0.00~600.00Hz
 When Pr.00-20 is set to 1 (RS485 communication). The AC motor drive will save the last
frequency command into Pr.09-10 when abnormal turn-off or momentary power loss.
After reboots the power, it will regards the frequency set in Pr.09-10 if no new frequency
command is inputted

 09 - 11 Block Transfer 1
Factory Setting: 010Ch
Settings 0~65535
 09 - 12 Block Transfer 2
Factory Setting: 010Dh
Settings 0~65535

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 09 - 13 Block Transfer 3
Factory Setting: 010Ah
Settings 0~65535
 09 - 14 Block Transfer 4
Factory Setting: 010Bh
Settings 0~65535
 09 - 15 Block Transfer 5
 09 - 16 Block Transfer 6
 09 - 17 Block Transfer 7
 09 - 18 Block Transfer 8
 09 - 19 Block Transfer 9
 09 - 20 Block Transfer 10
 09 - 21 Block Transfer 11
 09 - 22 Block Transfer 12
 09 - 23 Block Transfer 13
 09 - 24 Block Transfer 14
 09 - 25 Block Transfer 15
 09 - 26 Block Transfer 16
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65535
 There is a group of block transfer parameter available in the AC motor drive (Pr.09-11 to
Pr.09-20). User can use them (Pr.09-11 to Pr.09-20) to save those parameters that you want to

09 - 27
~ Reserved
09 - 29

09 - 30 Communication Decoding Method

Factory Setting: 1

Settings 0 Decoding Method 1
1:Decoding Method 2

Decoding Method 1 Decoding Method 2

Source of Digital Keypd Digital keypad controls the drive action regardless decoding method 1 or 2.
Operation External External terminal controls the drive action regardless decoding method 1 or 2.
Control Terminal
RS-485 Refer to address: 2000h~20FFh Refer to address: 6000h ~ 60FFh
CANopen Refer to index: 2020-01h~2020-FFh Refer to index:2060-01h ~ 2060-FFh

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Decoding Method 1 Decoding Method 2

Communication Refer to address: 2000h ~ 20FFh Refer to address: 6000h ~ 60FFh
PLC PLC commands the drive action regardless decoding method 1 or 2.

09 - 31 Internal Communication Protocol

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Modbus 485
1: BACnet
-1: Internal Communication Slave 1
-2: Internal Communication Slave 2
-3: Internal Communication Slave 3
-4: Internal Communication Slave 4
-5: Internal Communication Slave 5
-6: Internal Communication Slave 6
-7: Internal Communication Slave 7
-8: Internal Communication Slave 8
-9: Reserve
-10: Internal Communication Master
-11: Reserve
-12: Internal PLC Control
 When it is defined as internal communication, see Page17-10 for information on Main Control
Terminal of Internal Communication.
 When it is defined as internal PLC control, see Page17-11 for Remote IO control application
( by using MODRW)

09 - 32 Reserved

 09 - 33 PLC command force to 0

Factory Setting: 1

Settings 0 Decoding Method 1
1:Decoding Method 2
 It defines the action that before PLC scans time sequence, the frequence command or speed
command needs to be cleared as 0 or not.
Bit Explanation
Bit0 Before PLC scan, set up PLC target frequency=0
Bit1 Before PLC scan, set up the PLC target torque=0
Bit2 Before PLC scan, set up the speed limit of torque control mode=0

09 - 34 Reserved

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

09 - 35 PLC address
Factory Setting: 2
Settings 1~254

09 - 36 CANopen Slave Address

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable

09 - 37 CANopen Speed
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 1M
1: 500k
2: 250k
3: 125k
4: 100k (Data only)
5: 50k

09 - 38 Reserved

09 - 39 CANopen Warning Record

Factory Setting: 0

Settings bit 0 CANopen Guarding Time out
bit 1:CANopen Heartbeat Time out
bit 2:CANopen SYNC Time out
bit 3:CANopen SDO Time out
bit 4:CANopen SDO buffer overflow
bit 5:Can Bus Off
bit 6:Error protocol of CANOPEN
bit 7:Reserved
bit 8:The setting values of CANopen index fail
bit 9:The setting value of CANopen address fails.
bit10:The checksum value of CANopen index fails

09 - 40 CANopen Decoding Method

Factory Setting: 1

Settings 0 Delta defined decoding method
1:CANopen Standard DS402 protocol

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

09 - 41 CANopen Status
Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0: Node Reset State
1: Com Reset State
2: Boot up State
3: Pre Operation State
4: Operation State
5: Stop State

09 - 42 CANopen Control Status

Factory Setting: Read Only
Settings 0: Not ready for use state
1: Inhibit start state
2: Ready to switch on state
3: Switched on state
4: Enable operation state
7: Quick stop active state
13: Error reaction activation state
14: Error state

09 - 43 Rrserved

09 - 44 Reserved

09 - 45 CANopen Master Function

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
1: Enable

09 - 46 CANopen Master Address

Factory Setting: 100
Settings 1~127

09 - 47
~ Reserved
09 - 49

09 - 50 BACnet MAC ID
Factory Setting: 10
Settings 0~127

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

09 - 51 BACnet Baud Rate

Factory Setting: 38.4
Settings 9.6 ~ 76.8 Kbps

09 - 52 BACnet Device ID L
Factory Setting: 1
Settings 0~65535

09 - 53 BACnet Device ID H
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~63

09 - 54 Rrserved

09 - 55 BACnet Polling Address

Factory Setting: 127
Settings 0~127

09 - 56 BACnet Password
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~65535

09 - 57
~ Reserved
09 - 59

09 - 60 Identifications for Communication Card

Factory Setting: Read Only

Settings 0 No Communication Card
1:DeviceNet Slave
2:Profibus-DP Slave
3:CANopen Slave/Master
4:Modbus-TCP Slave
5:EtherNet/IP Slave

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

09 - 61 Firmware Version of Communication Card

Factory Setting: ##
Settings Read Only

09 - 62 Product Code
Factory Setting: ##
Settings Read Only

09 - 63 Error Code
Factory Setting: ##
Settings Read Only

09 - 64
~ Reserved
09 - 69
 09 - 70 Address of Communication Card
Factory Setting: ##
Settings DeviceNet: 0-63
Profibus-DP: 1-125

 09 - 71 Setting of DeviceNet Speed(according to Pr.09-72

Factory Setting: 2
Settings Standard DeviceNet:
0: 100Kbps
1: 125Kbps
2: 250Kbps
3: 1Mbps (Delta only)
Non standard DeviceNet: (Delta only)
0: 10Kbps
1: 20Kbps
2: 50Kbps
3: 100Kbps
4: 125Kbps
5: 250Kbps
6: 500Kbps
7: 800Kbps
8: 1Mbps

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 09 - 72 Other setting of Device net Speed

Factory Setting: 1

Settings 0 Disable
 This parameter needs to co-work with Pr09-71.
: 。
 Setting 0 the baud rate can only be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3.
 Setting 1:setting of DeviceNet baud rate can be the same as CANopen (setting 0-8

09 - 73 Reserved
09 - 74 Reserved
 09 - 75 IP Configuration of the Communication Card
Factory Setting: 0

Settings 0 Static IP
1:Dynamic IP (DHCP)
 Setting 0: it needs to set IP address manually.
 Setting 1: IP address will be auto set by host controller

 09 - 76 IP Address 1 of the Communication Card

 09 - 77 IP Address 2 of the Communication Card
 09 - 78 IP Address 3 of the Communication Card

 09 - 79 IP Address 4 of the Communication Card

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~255

 09 - 80 Address Mask 1 of the Communication Card

 09 - 81 Address Mask 2 of the Communication Card
 09 - 82 Address Mask 3 of the Communication Card
 09 - 83 Address Mask 4 of the Communication Card
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~255

 09 - 84 Gateway Address 1 of the Communication Card

 09 - 85 Gateway Address 2 of the Communication Card
 09 - 86 Gateway Address 3 of the Communication Card
 09 - 87 Gateway Address 4 of the Communication Card
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~255

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 09 - 88 Password for Communication Card (Low word)

 09 - 89 Password for Communication Card (High word)
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0~99

 09 - 90 Reset Communication Card

Factory Setting: 0

Settings 0 Disable
1:Reset to the factory setting

 09 - 91 Additional Setting for Communication Card

Factory Setting: 1
Settings Bit 0: Enable IP Filter
Bit 1: Internet parameters enable(1bit)
When IP address is set up, this bit need to be enabled to write down the
parameters. This bit will change to disable when it finishes saving the
update of internet parameters.
Bit 2: Login password enable(1bit)
When enter login password, this bit will be enabled. After updating the
parameters of communication card, this bit will change to disable.

09 - 92 Status of Communication Card

Factory Setting: 0
Settings Bit 0: password enable
When the communication card is set with password, this bit is enabled. When
the password is clear, this bit is disabled.

12 Description of Parameter Serrings

10 PID Control Parameters

Group 10 PID Control Parameters are reserved.

12 Description of Parameter Setting

11 Advanced Parameters

Group 11 Advanced parameters are reserved.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

12 Pump Parameters  The parameter can be set during operation.

12 - 00 Circulative Control
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: No operation
1: Fixed Time Circulation (by time)
2: Fixed Quantity
3: Fixed quantity control
4: Fixed Time Circulation + Fixed Quantity Circulation
5: Fixed Time Circulation + Fixed Quantity Control

 In this mode, CP2000 can control up to 8 motors at a time. The total number of the
motors can be determined by Pr.12-01. In accordance with the Fixed Time Circulation of
Pr12-02, you can adjust the switching time between Start/Stop of each motor. That
means when an operating motor reaches the time setting of Pr12-02, CP2000 will stop
that motor. Then after the delay time setting of Pr12-03, next motor will start operating.
See diagram below.

coast to stop
Output Freq

Acc Time Acc Time Acc Time Acc Time Acc Time
P01-12 P01-12 P01-12 P01-12 P01-12

P12-02 P12-03 P12-02 P12-03 P12-02 P12-03 P12-02 P12-03 P12-02 P12-04

Motor 1 by CP2000 Off by CP2000

Motor 2 Off by CP2000 Off

Motor 3 Off Off

by CP2000

Motor 4 Off Off

by CP2000

Diagram 12-1: Sequential Diagram of the Fixed Time Circulation (by time)

 Disable Motors’ Output

Set the Multifunction Input Commands as Disable Motors’ Output can stop
corresponding motors. The settings are:

P02-01~P02-06= 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Disable Motors’ Output ALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When a motor’s output is disabled, this motor will park freely.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Wiring: Fixed Time Circulation (by time) Control can control up to 8 motors. The diagram 12-2 is an
example of controlling 4 motors at the same time.


MO 6
MO 5
MO 4

RA 1

RB 1









Diagram 12-2: Wiring

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

12 - 01 Number of Motors to be connected

Factory Setting: 1
Settings 1 to 8

Number of Motors: Maximum 8 motors. After setting number of motor
to be connected at the same time, multi-function output terminals will
follow automatically the setting as shown in the table below.
P12-01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
P02-13 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
P02-14 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
P02-15 57 57 57 57 57 57
P02-36 58 58 58 58 58
P02-37 59 59 59 59
P02-38 60 60 60
P02-39 61 61
P02-40 62

Table 1: Setting of Multi-function Output Terminal on Circulating


12 - 02 Operating time of each motor (minutes)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 to 65500 minutes

 Setting of Fixed Time Circulation by minute. If Pr12-02 = 0, that means stop timing, the current
running motors will keep on operating until a stop command is given.

12 - 03 Delay Time due to the Acceleration (or the Increment ) at Motor Switching
Factory Setting: 10
Settings 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds

 Delay time when switching motors in seconds. When the current running motors reach
the time setting of Pr12-02, CP2000 will follow the delay time setting of Pr12-03 and then
switch to run the next motors.
12 - 04 Delay Time due to the Deceleration ( or the Decrement) at Motor Switching
Factory Setting: 10
Settings 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 12 - 05 Delay time while fixed quantity circulation at Motor Switching (seconds)

Factory Setting: 100
Settings 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds

 Fixed quantity circulation with PID

Sequential Diagram

In this mode, CP2000 can control up to 4 motors to increase controlling flow quantity and
pressure range. When controlling flow quantity, motors will be in parallel connection. When
controlling pressure range, motors will be in series connection

If need to increase flow quantity or pressure range, CP2000 will increase first motor’s pressure
from 0Hz to the largest operating frequency. If output frequency reaches the frequency setting of
Pr12-06 and delay time of Pr12-05, then CP2000 will delay the time setting of Pr12-03. Then
CP2000 will switch the motor to use mains electricity and delay the time setting of Pr12-03 to run
next motor. If necessary, other motors will be activated in sequence. See sequential diagram of
12-3 and 12-4

next mo to r

CP2000 operation
stop mo to r demand

See diagram
12-4 for details
output (flow or pressure)

Motor 4

Total output Motor 3

Motor 2

Motor 1

Motor 1 by Drive AC Mai ns

Motor 2 Off by Drive AC Mains

Motor 3 Off by Drive AC Main s

Motor 4 Off by Dr ive

Increasing demand

Diagram 12-3: Sequence of Fixed quantity circulation with PID – Increasing Demand

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

P12-05 P12-03 Pr12-03


m ains (50Hz )

Motor #2

Motor #2 by Driv e M otor #2 on m ains

Motor #3

0H z

Mot or #3 off Mot or #3 by D rive

tim e

Diagram 12-4: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity circulation with

PID – Increasing Demands
However if decreasing demands when flow quantity and pressure are too big,
CP2000 will stop the current operating motors and wait for the delay time setting of
Pr12-04. Then keep on doing this until the last motor stop using mains electricity. See
sequential diagram 12-5 and 12-6 below.
f re q

m ax

C P2 00 0 ope ra tion
m in d em a nd
Se e dia gra m
12 - 6 for de tails

ou tp ut (flo w or p ressu re)

M ot or 4

To ta l ou tput M ot or 1

M ot or 2

M ot or 3

d em a nd
M otor 4 by D rive

M otor 3 Off A C M ain s

M otor 2 O ff A C M ains

M otor 1 Of f AC M ai ns

De cre as ing dem and

Diagram 12-5: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity circulation with

PID – Decreasing Demands

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Td = (P12-04 x 2) + 2 sec

Motor #4


Motor #4 by Dri ve
Motor #1

mains (50Hz)


Motor #1 on mains Motor #1 off (coasting)


Diagram 12-6: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity circulation with

PID – Decreasing Demands

 Parameter Setting
Parameter Description
P12-00=2 Choose Fixed quantity circulation with PID
P12-01=X Number of Motors: Maximum 4 motors. After setting number of motor to
be connected at the same time, multi-function output terminals will follow
automatically the setting as shown in the table below.
P12-01 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04
P02-13 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Motor #1 by Drive
P02-14 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 Motor #1 by Mains
P02-15 57 57 57 57 57 57 Motor #2 by Drive
P02-36 58 58 58 58 58 Motor #2 by Mains
P02-37 59 59 59 59 Motor #3 by Drive
P02-38 60 60 60 Motor #3 by Mains
P02-39 61 61 Motor #4 by Drive
P02-40 62 Motor #4 by Mains
Table 2: Setting of Multi-function Output Terminal on Circulating Motors
P12-03=X Delay Time due to the Acceleration (or the Increment ) at Motor Switching ( unit: second)
P12-04=X Delay Time due to the Deceleration ( or the Decrement) at Motor Switching ( unit: sec)
P12-05=X Delay time while fixed quantity circulation at Motor Switching with PID (unit: seconds)
P12-06=X Frequency when switching motors at fixed quantity circulation (Hz)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Disable Motor Output

Set the Multifunction Input Commands as Disable Motors’ Output can stop corresponding motors.
The settings are:

P02-01~P02-06= 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Disable Motor Output ALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When a motor’s output is disabled, this motor will park freely

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Fixed quantity circulation with PID can control up to 4 motors. The Diagram 12-7
below is an example of controlling 4 motors.

MO 6
MO 4

RA 1

RB 1









Diagram 12-7

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 12 - 06 Frequency when switching motors at fixed quantity circulation (Hz)

Factory Setting: 6000
Settings 0.0 to 600.00 Hz

When the drive’s output frequency reaches the setting value of Pr12-06, the system will start
preparing to switch motors.

12 - 07 Action to do when Fixed Quantity Circulation breaks down

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Turn off all output
1: Motors powered by mains electricity continues to operate

 12 - 08 Frequency when stopping auxiliary motor (Hz)

Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0.00 to 600.00 Hz

When the output frequency is smaller than the setting value of Pr12-08 and remains at the time
setting of Pr12-04, motors will be shut down one by one.

Fixed quantity control with PID

In this mode, CP2000 can control up to 8 motors to increase controlling flow quantity and
pressure range.
CP2000 connects directly to a main motor while the rest of motors are using mains
electricity and controlled by a relay. When controlling flow quantity, motors will be in parallel
connection. When controlling pressure range, motors will be in series connection

If need to increase flow quantity or pressure range, CP2000 will increase the main motor’s
pressure from 0Hz to the largest operating frequency. If necessary, CP2000 will switch in
sequence the motors to use mains electricity. See sequential diagram of 12-8 and 12-9.

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting


p ump ma x
CP2000 operation
of first pump
stop pump demand
S ee diagram
12-8 for details

demand (flow or pressure

Total output


Pump 0 by Drive

Pump 1 Off AC Mai ns

Pump 2 Off AC Mai ns

Pump 3 O ff A C Mains

Pump 4 Off AC Main s

Increasing demand

Diagram 12-8: Fixed quantity control with PID – Increasing Demand

freq P12-05 P12-05 P12-05

P ump #1 o f

Pump #0

Pump #0 by Drive
Pump #x

Pump #1 off Pump #1 on AC Mains
Pump #2 off Pump #2 on AC Mai ns
Pump #3 off Pump #3 on AC Mains

Diagram 12-9: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity control with PID – Increasing

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

However, if the flow quantity or pressure is too big, CP2000 will stop, one by one, the motors
from using mains electricity until CP2000 decrease the main motor’s frequency to 0Hz.
See diagram 12-10 and diagram 12-11.

pump max
CP2000 operation
of first pump
stop pump demand
See diagram10
for details

demand (flow or pressure

Total output


Pump 0 by Drive

Pump 1 AC Mains Off

Pump 2 AC Mains Off

Pump 3 AC Mains Off

Pump 4 AC Mains Off

Decreasing demand

Diagram 12-10: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity control with PID – Decreasing

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

freq P12-05 P12-05 P12-05

Pump #1 o f

Pump #0

Min Freq

Pump #0 by Drive
Pump #x

Pump #1 on AC Mains Pump #1 off
Pump #2 on AC Mains Pump #2 off
Pump #3 on AC Mains Pump #3 off

Diagram 12-10: Sequence of switching motors at Fixed quantity control with PID – Decreasing
Parameter Description
P12-00=3 Choose Fixed quantity control
P12-01=X Number of Motors: Maximum 8 motors. After setting number of motor
to be connected at the same time, multi-function output terminals will
follow automatically the setting as shown in the table below.
P12-01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
P02-13 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Motor #1 by Mains
P02-14 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 Motor #2 by Mains
P02-15 57 57 57 57 57 57 Motor #3 by Mains
P02-36 58 58 58 58 58 Motor #4 by Mains
P02-37 59 59 59 59 Motor #5 by Mains
P02-38 60 60 60 Motor #6 by Mains
P02-39 61 61 Motor #7 by Mains
P02-40 62 Motor #8 by Mains

Table 2: Setting of Multi-function Output Terminal on Circulating

P12-05=X Delay time while fixed quantity circulation at Motor Switching (seconds)
P12-06=X Frequency when switching motors at fixed quantity circulation (Hz)

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Disable Motor’s Output

Set the Multifunction Input Commands as Disable Motors’ Output can stop corresponding

The settings are::

P02-01~P02-06= 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Disable Motor’s Output ALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When a motor’s output is disabled, this motor will park freely

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Wiring: Fixed Quantity Control can control up to 8 motors. The diagram 12-12 is an example of
controlling 4 motors at the same time.




MO 6
MO 5
MO 4


RA 1

RB 1
RC1 Contactor








Diagram 12-12

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

 Fixed Time circulation and Fixed quantity circulation with PID

This mode combines Fixed Time circulation and Fixed quantity circulation with PID. It is
to prevent motors to become rusty if they are not in use for a long period of time. If some
motors are not activated, set the fixed time circulation to run motors one by one to make
sure each of them has the chance to run.

While all the motors are running and water pressure is enough, the time circulation will not
be enabled. Suppose that motor1 and motor2 run to reach a balance in water pressure and
when the time reaches the setting at Pr12-02, the motor1 will be running without using
mains electricity and the motor2 will decelerate to stop.

When the motor2 reaches the frequency setting at Pr12-06 and the time setting at Pr12-05,
it will be separating from the motor drive. Then when time reaches the setting at Pr12-03,
the motor2 will run by using the mains electricity. Then when the time pases the setting at
Pr12-03 , the motor3 will be enabled by the motor drive. The time sequence diagram is as
shown below.

Diagram 12-13 Enabling Fixed Time Circulation under Fixed Amount Circulation Blance

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

Fixed Time Circulation and Fixed Quantity Control with PID

This mode combines Fixed Time circulation and Fixed quantity control with PID. It is to
prevent motors to become rusty if they are not in use for a long period of time. If some
motors are not activated, set the fixed time circulation to run motors one by one to make sure
each of them has the chance to run.

When all the motors are running and water pressure is enough, the fixed time circulation will
not be enabled. Suppose that the motor1 and motor2 run to reach a balance in water
pressure and when time reach the setting at Pr12-02, the motor1 will be running without
using mains electricity. Then when time reaches the setting at Pr12-03, the motor3 will be
running by using mains electricity. At this moment, the operating time of each motor will be
reset, once reach the time setting at Pr12-02 again, the motor2 will be running without using
mains electricity. Then when time reaches the setting at Pr12-03, the fourth motor4 will be
running by using mains electricity. The time sequence diagram 12-14 is as shown below

Diagram 12-14: Enabling Fixed Time Circulation under Fixed Amount Control Balance

Chapter 12 Description of Parameter Setting

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

Display error sign al

Abbreviate error c ode
CE01 The code is displa yed as shown on KPC-CE01.

Comm. Error 1 Display error desc ription

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

1 CE01 Modbus function code error
Comm. Error 1

2 CE02 Address of Modbus data is error
Comm. Error 2

3 CE03 Modbus data error
Comm. Error 3

4 CE04 Modbus communication error
Comm. Error 4

5 CE10 Modbus transmission time-out
Comm. Error 10

6 CP10 Keypad transmission time-out
Keypad time out

Keypad COPY error 1

Keypad simulation error, including communication delays,
7 SE1 communication error (keypad recived error FF86) and
Save Error 1 parameter value error.

8 Keypad COPY error 2
SE2 Keypad simulation done, parameter write error
Save Error 2

9 oH1 IGBT over-heating warning
Over heat 1 warn

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

10 oH2 Capacity over-heating warning
Over heat 2 warn

11 PID PID feedback error

Warning ACI signal error

12 ANL When Pr03-19 is set to 1 and 2.
Analog loss

13 uC Low current
Under Current

14 AUE Auto tuning error
Auto-tune error
15 Reserved
16 Reserved
17 Reserved
18 Reserved

19 PHL Phase loss
Phase Loss

20 ot1 Over torque 1
Over Torque 1

21 ot2 Over torque 2
Over Torque 2

22 oH3 Motor over-heating
Motor Over Heat

23 Current control

24 oSL Over slip
Over Slip Warn

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

25 tUn Auto tuning processing
Auto tuning
26 Reserved
27 Reserved

Wa r ni n g
28 O PHL
Output phase loss
O u tp ut PH L Wa r n
29 Reserved

30 Keypad COPY error 3
SE3 Keypad copy between different power range drive
Copy Model Err 3
31 Reserved
32 Reserved
33 Reserved
34 Reserved
35 Reserved

36 CGdn CAN guarding time-out 1
Guarding T-out

37 CHbn CAN heartbeat time-out 2
Heartbeat T-out

38 CSYn CAN synchrony time-out
SYNC T-out

39 CbFn CAN bus off
Can Bus Off

40 CIdn CAN index error
CAN/S Idx exceed

41 CAdn CAN station address error
CAN/S Addres set

42 CFrn CAN memory error

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

43 CSdn CAN SDO transmission time-out
SDO T-out

44 CSbn CAN SDO received register overflow
Buf Overflow

45 Cbtn CAN boot up error
Boot up fault

46 CPtn CAN format error
Error Protocol

47 Plra Adjust RTC
RTC Adjust

48 Reserved

49 Keypad RTC time out

50 PLod PLC download error
Opposite Defect

51 PLSv Save error of PLC download
Save mem defect

52 PLdA Data error during PLC operation
Data defect

53 Warning
PLFn Function code of PLC download error
Function defect

54 PLor PLC register overflow
Buf overflow

55 PLFF Function code of PLC operation error
Function defect

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

56 PLSn PLC checksum error
Check sum error

57 PLEd PLC end command is missing
No end command

58 PLCr PLC MCR command error
PLC MCR error

59 PLdF PLC download fail
Download fail

60 PLSF PLC scan time exceed
Scane time fail

61 PCGd CAN Master guarding error
CAN/M Guard err

62 PCbF CAN Master bus off
CAN/M bus off

63 PCnL CAN Master node error
CAN/M Node Lack

64 PCCt CAN/M cycle time-out

CAN/M SDO over

66 PCSd CAN/M SDO time-out
CAN/M Sdo Tout

67 PCAd CAN/M station address error
CAN/M Addres set

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

Wa r ni n g
68 P CTo
PLC/CAN Master Slave communication time out
CA N /M T-O u t

69 Reserved

Warning Duplicate MAC ID error

70 ECid Node address setting error
ExCom ID failed

71 ECLv Low voltage of communication card
ExCom pwr loss

72 ECtt Communication card in test mode
ExCom Test Mode

73 ECbF DeviceNet bus-off
ExCom Bus off

74 ECnP DeviceNet no power
ExCom No power

75 ECFF Factory default setting error
ExCom Facty def

76 ECiF Serious internal error
ExCom Inner err

77 ECio IO connection break off
ExCom IONet brk

78 ECPP Profibus parameter data error
ExCom Pr data

79 ECPi Profibus configuration data error
ExCom Conf data

80 ECEF Ethernet Link fail
ExCom Link fail

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

Warning Communication time-out for communication card

81 ECto and drive
ExCom Inr T-out

82 ECCS Check sum error for Communication card and drive
ExCom Inr CRC

83 ECrF Communication card returns to default setting
ExCom Rtn def

Warning Modbus TCP exceed maximum communication

84 ECo0 value
ExCom MTC P over

85 ECo1 EtherNet/IP exceed maximum communication value
ExCom EIP over

86 ECiP IP fail
ExCom IP fail

87 EC3F Mail fail
ExCom Mail fail

88 Ecby Communication card busy
ExCom Busy

89 Reserved

Wa r ni n g
90 CP LP
Copy PLC password error
Cop y P LC P ass W d

Wa r ni n g
91 CP L0
Copy PLC Read mode error
Cop y P LC M o de Rd

Wa r ni n g
92 CP L1
Copy PLC Write mode error
Cop y P LC M o de Wt

Wa r ni n g
93 CP Lv
Copy PLC Version error
Cop y P LC V e rsi on

Chapter 13 Warning Codes

ID No. Display on LCM Keypad Descriptions

Wa r ni n g
94 CP LS
Copy PLC Capacity size error
Cop y P LC S ize

Wa r ni n g
95 CP LF Copy PLC: Disable PLC functions to copy
Cop y P LC Func

Wa r ni n g
96 CP Lt
Copy PLC time out
Cop y P LC T ime Out
97 Reserved
98 Reserved
99 Reserved
100 Reserved

101 ictn Internal communication is off
InrCOM Tim e Out

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

Dis p la y e rro r s ig n a l

A b b re v ia te e rro r c o d e
T h e c o d e is d is p la ye d a s s h o wn o n K P C-CE 0 1 .

Comm. Error 1 Dis p la y e rro r d e s c rip tio n

* Refer to setting of Pr06-17~Pr06~22.

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

1. Short-circuit at motor output: Check for possible

Over-current during poor insulation at the output.
Fault acceleration 2. Acceleration Time too short: Increase the
1 ocA (Output current exceeds Acceleration Time.
triple rated current during 3. AC motor drive output power is too small: Replace
Oc at accel acceleration.) the AC motor drive with the next higher power

1. Short-circuit at motor output: Check for possible

Over-current during poor insulation at the output.
Fault deceleration 2. Deceleration Time too short: Increase the
2 ocd (Output current exceeds Deceleration Time.
triple rated current during 3. AC motor drive output power is too small: Replace
Oc at decel deceleration.) the AC motor drive with the next higher power

1. Short-circuit at motor output: Check for possible

Over-current during poor insulation at the output.
Fault steady state operation 2. Sudden increase in motor loading: Check for
3 ocn (Output current exceeds possible motor stall.
triple rated current during 3. AC motor drive output power is too small: Replace
Oc at normal SPD constant speed.) the AC motor drive with the next higher power

When (one of) the output terminal(s) is grounded,

short circuit current is more than 50% of AC motor
drive rated current, the AC motor drive power module
may be damaged.
NOTE: The short circuit protection is provided for AC
Fault motor drive protection, not for protecting the user.
4 GFF Ground fault
1. Check the wiring connections between the AC
Ground fault motor drive and motor for possible short circuits,
also to ground.
2. Check whether the IGBT power module is
3. Check for possible poor insulation at the output.

Short-circuit is detected
Fault between upper bridge
5 occ Return to the factory
and lower bridge of the
Short Circuit IGBT module

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

Fault Hardware failure in

6 ocS Return to the factory
current detection
Oc at stop

1. Check if the input voltage falls within the rated AC

DC BUS over-voltage motor drive input voltage range.
Fault during acceleration 2. Check for possible voltage transients.
7 ovA (230V: DC 450V; 460V: 3. If DC BUS over-voltage due to regenerative
Ov at accel DC 900V) voltage, please increase the acceleration time or
add an optional brake resistor.

1. Check if the input voltage falls within the rated AC

DC BUS over-voltage motor drive input voltage range.
Fault during deceleration 2. Check for possible voltage transients.
8 ovd (230V: DC 450V; 460V: 3. If DC BUS over-voltage due to regenerative
Ov at decel DC 900V) voltage, please increase the Deceleration Time or
add an optional brake resistor.

1. Check if the input voltage falls within the rated AC

motor drive input voltage range.
Fault DC BUS over-voltage at 2. Check for possible voltage transients.
9 ovn constant speed (230V: DC 3. If DC BUS over-voltage due to regenerative
450V; 460V: DC 900V) voltage, please increase the Deceleration Time or
Ov at normal SPD
add an optional brake resistor.

Fault 1. Check if the input voltage falls within the rated AC

Hardware failure in
10 ovS motor drive input voltage range.
voltage detection
2. Check for possible voltage transients.
Ov at stop

Fault DC BUS voltage is less

1. Check if the input voltage is normal
11 LvA than Pr.06-00 during
acceleration 2. Check for possible sudden load
Lv at accel

Fault DC BUS voltage is less

1. Check if the input voltage is normal
12 Lvd than Pr.06-00 during
deceleration 2. Check for possible sudden load
Lv at decel

Fault DC BUS voltage is less

1. Check if the input voltage is normal
13 Lvn than Pr.06-00 in constant
speed 2. Check for possible sudden load
Lv at normal SPD

Fault DC BUS voltage is less 1. Check if the input voltage is normal

14 LvS than Pr.06-00 at stop 2. Check for possible sudden load
Lv at stop

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

Check Power Source Input if all 3 input phases are

Fault connected without loose contacts.
15 OrP Phase Loss
For models 40hp and above, please check if the fuse
Phase lacked for the AC input circuit is blown.

1. Ensure that the ambient temperature falls within

the specified temperature range.
IGBT overheating 2. Make sure that the ventilation holes are not
Fault obstructed.
IGBT temperature exceeds
16 oH1 3. Remove any foreign objects from the heatsinks
protection level
IGBT over heat and check for possible dirty heat sink fins.
4. Check the fan and clean it.
5. Provide enough spacing for adequate ventilation.

1. Ensure that the ambient temperature falls within

Heatsink overheating the specified temperature range.
Fault 2. Make sure heat sink is not obstructed. Check if
Capacitance temperature
17 oH2 the fan is operating
exceeds cause heatsink
Heat Sink oH overheating. 3. Check if there is enough ventilation clearance for
AC motor drive.

18 tH1o IGBT Hardware Error Return to the factory
Thermo 1 open

19 tH2o Capacitor Hardware Error Return to the factory
Thermo 2 open

Overload 1. Check if the motor is overloaded.

Fault The AC motor drive
21 oL 2. Take the next higher power AC motor drive
detects excessive drive
Over load output current.

Fault 1. Check the setting of electronics thermal relay

Electronics thermal relay 1 (Pr.06-14)
22 EoL1 protection Take the next higher power AC motor drive model
Thermal relay 1

Fault 1. Check the setting of electronics thermal relay

Electronics thermal relay
23 EoL2 (Pr.06-28)
2 protection
2. Take the next higher power AC motor drive model
Thermal relay 2

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

Motor overheating
The AC motor drive
1. Make sure that the motor is not obstructed.
Fault detecting internal
2. Ensure that the ambient temperature falls within
24 oH3 temperature exceeds the
the specified temperature range.
setting of Pr.06-30 (PTC
Motor over heat level) or Pr.06-57 (PT100 3. Change to a higher power motor.
level 2).

These two fault codes will

Fault be displayed when output
26 ot1 current exceeds the
1. Check whether the motor is overloaded.
Over torque 1 over-torque detection
2. Check whether motor rated current setting
level (Pr.06-07 or
(Pr.05-01) is suitable
Pr.06-10) and exceeds
3. Take the next higher power AC motor drive
over-torque detection
Fault (Pr.06-08 or Pr.06-11)
27 and it is set to 2 or 4 in
Pr.06-06 or Pr.06-09.
Over torque 2

28 uC Low current detection Check Pr.06-71, Pr.06-72, Pr.06-73.
Under torque

Fault Internal EEPROM can not 1. Press “RESET” key to the factory setting
30 cF1 be programmed. 2. Return to the factory.
EEPROM write err

Fault Internal EEPROM can not 1. Press “RESET” key to the factory setting
31 cF2 be read. 2. Return to the factory.
EEPROM read err

U-phase error Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
33 cd1 keypad please return to the factory
Ias sensor err

V-phase error Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
34 cd2 keypad please return to the factory
Ibs sensor err

W-phase error Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
35 cd3 keypad please return to the factory
Ics sensor err

Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
36 Hd0 CC (current clamp)
keypad please return to the factory
cc HW error

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
37 Hd1 OC hardware error
keypad please return to the factory
Oc HW error

Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
38 Hd2 OV hardware error
keypad please return to the factory
Ov HW error

Reboots the power. If fault code is still displayed on the
39 Hd3 Occ hardware error
keypad please return to the factory
occ HW error

Fault 1. Check cabling between drive and motor

40 AUE Auto tuning error 2. Try again.
Auto tuning err

Fault 1. Check the wiring of the PID feedback

41 AFE PID loss (ACI) 2. Check the PID parameters settings
PID Fbk error

Fault 1. Check the ACI wiring

48 ACE ACI loss
2. Check if the ACI signal is less than 4mA
ACI loss

1. Input EF (N.O.) on external terminal is closed to

Fault GND. Output U, V, W will be turned off.
49 EF External Fault
2. Give RESET command after fault has been
External fault cleared.

1. When the multi-function input terminals MI1 to

Fault MI6 are set to emergency stop, the AC motor
50 EF1 Emergency stop drive stops output U, V, W and the motor coasts
to stop.
Emergency stop 2. Press RESET after fault has been cleared.

1. When the external input terminal (B.B) is active,

Fault the AC motor drive output will be turned off.
51 bb External Base Block
2. Deactivate the external input terminal (B.B) to
Base block operate the AC motor drive again.

Fault Keypad will be locked. Turn the power ON after power

52 Pcod Password is locked. OFF to re-enter the correct password. See Pr.00-07
and 00-08.
Password error

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

Fa u l t
53 ccod Software version error
S W Co de E r ro r

Fault Check if the function code is correct (function code

54 CE1 Illegal function code
must be 03, 06, 10, 63)
PC err command

Fault Illegal data address (00H

55 CE2 to 254H) Check if the communication address is correct
PC err address

56 CE3 Illegal data value Check if the data value exceeds max./min. value
PC err data

Data is written to read-only
57 CE4 Check if the communication address is correct
PC slave fault

58 CE10 Modbus transmission time-out
PC time out

59 CP10 Keypad transmission time-out
PU time out

Fault If the fault code is still displayed on the keypad after

60 bF Brake resistor fault
pressing “RESET” key, please return to the factory.
Braking fault

Fault Y-connection/∆-connectio 1. Check the wiring of the Y-connection/∆-connection

61 ydc n switch error 2. Check the parameters settings
Y-delta connect

When Pr.07-13 is not set

Fault to 0 and momentary 1. Set Pr.07-13 to 0
62 dEb power off or power cut, it
will display dEb during 2. Check if input power is stable
Dec. Energy back accel./decel. stop.

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

It will be displayed when

Fault 1. Check if motor parameter is correct (please
slip exceeds Pr.05-26
63 oSL decrease the load if overload
setting and time exceeds
2. Check the settings of Pr.05-26 and Pr.05-27
Over slip error Pr.05-27 setting.

Electric valve switch error when executing Soft Start.

Fault (This warning is for frame E and higher frame of AC drives)
64 ryF
MC Fault Do not disconnect RST when drive is still operating.

F ault
72 ST L 1 STO1~SCM1 internal hardware detect error
ST O L o ss 1

73 S1 Emergency stop for external safety
S1-emergy stop

F ault
74 Fi r e Fire mode
O n Fir e

Fa u l t
76 STO Safety Torque Off function active


F ault
77 ST L 2 STO2~SCM2 internal hardware detect error
ST O L o ss 2

F ault
78 ST L 3 STO1~SCM1 and STO2~SCM2 internal hardware detect error
ST O L o ss 3

79 Uoc Phase U short circuit
U phase oc

80 Voc Phase V short circuit
V phase oc

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

81 Woc W phase short circuit
W phase oc

82 OPHL Output phase loss (Phase U)
U phase lacked

83 OPHL Output phase loss (Phase V)
V phase lacked

84 OPHL Output phase loss (Phase W)
W phase lacked

Internal PLC forced to stop
90 Fstp Verify the setting of Pr.00-32
For ce Stop

F ault
99 TRAP CPU trap error
CP U Tra p Er r or

101 CGdE CANopen guarding error
Guarding T-out

102 CHbE CANopen heartbeat error
Heartbeat T-out

103 CSYE CANopen synchronous error
SYNC T-out

104 CbFE CANopen bus off error
Can bus off

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

ID* Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective Actions

105 CIdE CANopen index error
Can bus Index Err

106 CAdE CANopen station address error
Can bus Add. Err

107 CFrE CANopen memory error
Can bus off

Fault Internal communication time-out

111 ictE
InrCom Time Out

Chapter 14 Fault Codes and Descriptions

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.1 CANopen Overview

15.2 Wiring for CANopen
15.3 CANopen Communication Interface Description
15.3.1 CANopen Control Mode Selection
15.3.2 DS402 Standard Control Mode
15.3.3 By using Delta Standard (Old definition, only support speed mode)
15.3.4 By using Delta Standard (New definition)
15.4 CANopen Supporting Index
15.5 CANopen Fault Code
15.6 CANopen LED Function

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

The built-in CANopen function is a kind of remote control. Master can control the AC motor drive
by using CANopen protocol. CANopen is a CAN-based higher layer protocol. It provides standardized
communication objects, including real-time data (Process Data Objects, PDO), configuration data
(Service Data Objects, SDO), and special functions (Time Stamp, Sync message, and Emergency
message). And it also has network management data, including Boot-up message, NMT message, and
Error Control message. Refer to CiA website for details. The content of this
instruction sheet may be revised without prior notice. Please consult our distributors or download the most
updated version at
Delta CANopen supporting functions:
 Support CAN2.0A Protocol;
 Support CANopen DS301 V4.02;
 Support DSP-402 V2.0.
Delta CANopen supporting services:
 PDO (Process Data Objects): PDO1~ PDO4
 SDO (Service Data Object):
Initiate SDO Download;
Initiate SDO Upload;
Abort SDO;
SDO message can be used to configure the slave node and access the Object Dictionary in every node.
 SOP (Special Object Protocol):
Support default COB-ID in Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set in DS301 V4.02;
Support SYNC service;
Support Emergency service.
 NMT (Network Management):
Support NMT module control;
Support NMT Error control;
Support Boot-up.
Delta CANopen not supporting service:
 Time Stamp service

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.1 CANopen Overview

CANopen Protocol
CANopen is a CAN-based higher layer protocol, and was designed for motion-oriented
machine control networks, such as handling systems. Version 4.02 of CANopen (CiA DS301) is
standardized as EN50325-4. The CANopen specifications cover application layer and
communication profile (CiA DS301), as well as a framework for programmable devices (CiA 302),
recommendations for cables and connectors (CiA 303-1) and SI units and prefix representations
(CiA 303-2).

Device Profile CiA Device Profile CiA Device Profile CiA


OSI Layer 7
Application Communication Profile CiA DS-301

OSI Layer 2
CAN Controller CAN 2.0A
Data Link Layer

+ -
OSI Layer 1
Physical Layer + - ISO 11898

CAN bus

RJ-45 Pin Definition


PIN Signal Description

1 CAN_H CAN_H bus line (dominant high)
2 CAN_L CAN_L bus line (dominant low)
3 CAN_GND Ground / 0V /V-
6 CAN_GND Ground / 0V /V-

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen Communication Protocol

It has services as follows:
 NMT (Network Management Object)
 SDO (Service Data Objects)
 PDO (Process Data Object)
 EMCY (Emergency Object)
NMT (Network Management Object)

The Network Management (NMT) follows a Master/Slave structure for executing

NMT service. Only one NMT master is in a network, and other nodes are regarded as
slaves. All CANopen nodes have a present NMT state, and NMT master can control the
state of the slave nodes. The state diagram of a node is shown as follows:



Reset Application (9)


Reset Communication

Pre-Operation ABCD
(3) (4) (5) (7)
Stopped AB
(6) (8)
Operation ABCD

(1) After power is applied, it is auto in initialization state

(2) Enter pre-operational state automatically A: NMT
(3) (6) Start remote node B: Node Guard
(4) (7) Enter pre-operational state C: SDO
(5) (8) Stop remote node D: Emergency
(9) (10) (11) Reset node E: PDO
(12) (13) (14) Reset communication F: Boot-up
(15) Enter reset application state automatically
(16) Enter reset communication state automatically
Initializing Pre-Operational Operational Stopped
SDO ○ ○
SYNC ○ ○
Time Stamp ○ ○
EMCY ○ ○
Boot-up ○
NMT ○ ○ ○

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

SDO (Service Data Objects)

SDO is used to access the Object Dictionary in every CANopen node by

Client/Server model. One SDO has two COB-ID (request SDO and response SDO) to
upload or download data between two nodes. No data limit for SDOs to transfer data. But it
needs to transfer by segment when data exceeds 4 bytes with an end signal in the last

The Object Dictionary (OD) is a group of objects in CANopen node. Every node has
an OD in the system, and OD contains all parameters describing the device and its network
behavior. The access path of OD is the index and sub-index, each object has a unique
index in OD, and has sub-index if necessary. The request and response frame structure of
SDO communication is shown as follows:

PDO (Process Data Object)

PDO communication can be described by the producer/consumer model. Each node

of the network will listen to the messages of the transmission node and distinguish if the
message has to be processed or not after receiving the message. PDO can be transmitted
from one device to one another device or to many other devices. Every PDO has two PDO
services: a TxPDO and a RxPDO. PDOs are transmitted in a non-confirmed mode.

PDO Transmission type is defined in the PDO communication parameter index

(1400h for the 1st RxPDO or 1800h for the 1st TxPDO), and all transmission types are
listed in the following table:

Type Number
Cyclic Acyclic Synchronous Asynchronous RTR only
0 ○ ○
1-240 ○ ○
241-251 Reserved
252 ○ ○
253 ○ ○
254 ○
255 ○
Type number 1-240 indicates the number of SYNC message between two PDO
Type number 252 indicates the data is updated (but not sent) immediately after receiving
Type number 253 indicates the data is updated immediately after receiving RTR.
Type number 254: Delta CANopen doesn’t support this transmission format.
Type number 255 indicates the data is asynchronous transmission.
All PDO transmission data must be mapped to index via Object Dictionary.

EMCY (Emergency Object)

When errors occurred inside the hardware, an emergency object will be triggered an
emergency object will only be sent when an error is occurred. As long as there is nothing wrong with
the hardware, there will be no emergency object to be served as a warning of an error message.

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.2 Wiring for CANopen

An external adapter card: EMC-COP01 is used for CANopen wiring to connect CANopen
to VFD CP2000. The link is enabled by using RJ45 cable. The two farthest ends must be
terminated with 120Ω terminating resistors.

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.3 CANopen Communication Interface Description

15.3.1 CANopen Control Mode Selection

There are two control modes for CANopen; Pr.09-40 set to 1 is the factory setting mode
DS402 standard and Pr.09-40 set to 0 is Delta’s standard setting mode.
Actually, there are two control modes according to Delta’s standard, one is the old control
mode (Pr09-30=0).
This control mode can only control the motor drive under frequency control. Another mode
is a new standard (Pr09-30=1)
This new control mode allows the motor drive to be controlled under all sorts of mode.
Currently, C2000 support speed, torque, position and home mode.
The definition of relating control mode are:

Control Mode
CANopen Control
Mode Selection
Index Description
DS402 standard 6042-00 Target rotating speed (RPM)
Pr09-40=1 ----- -----
Delta Standard (Old definition)
2020-02 Target rotating speed (Hz)
Pr09-40=0 Pr09-30=0
Delta Standard (New 2060-03 Target rotating speed (Hz)
Pr09-40=0, Pr09-30=1 2060-04 Torque Limit (%)

CANopen Control Mode Operation Control

Selection Index Description
DS402 standard 6040-00 Operation Command
Pr. 09-40=1 ----- -----
Delta Standard (Old definition)
2020-01 Operation Command
P09-40=0, P09-30=0
Delta Standard (New 2060-01 Operation Command
Pr09-40=0, Pr09-30=1 ----- -----

CANopen Control Mode Other

Selection Index Description
DS402 standard 605A-00 Quick stop processing method
Pr. 09-40=1 605C-00 Disable operation processing method
Delta Standard (Old definition)
----- -----
Pr09-40=1, Pr09-30=0
Delta Standard (New ----- -----
Pr09-40=0, Pr09-30=1 ----- -----

However, you can use some index regardless DS402 or Delta’s standard.
For example:
1. Index which are defined as RO attributes.
2. Index correspond to parameters such as (2000 ~200B-XX)
3. Accelerating/Decelerating Index: 604F 6050
4. Control mode: Index : 6050

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.3.2 DS402 Standard Control Mode Related set up of ac motor drive (by following DS402 standard)
If you want to use DS402 standard to control the motor drive, please follow the steps below:
1. Wiring for hardware (refer to chapter 16-2 Wiring for CANopen)
2. Operation source setting: set Pr.00-21 = 3 for CANopen communication card control.
3. Frequency source setting: set Pr.00.20 = 6. (Choose source of frequency commend from
CANopen setting.)
4. Set DS402 as control mode: Pr09-40=1
5. CANopen station setting: set Pr.09-36 (Range of setting is 1~127. When Pr.09-36=0,
CANopen slave function is disabled. ) (Note: If error arise (CAdE or CANopen memory error)
as station setting is completed, press Pr.00-02=7 for reset.)
6. CANopen baud rate setting: set Pr.09.37 (CANBUS Baud Rate: 1M(0), 500K(1), 250K(2),
125K(3), 100K(4) and50K(5))
7. Set multiple input functions to Quick Stop (it can also be enable or disable, default setting is
disable). If it is necessary to enable the function, set MI terminal to 53 in one of the following
parameter: Pr.02.01 ~Pr.02.08 or Pr.02.26 ~ Pr.02.31. (Note: This function is available in
DS402 only.)

15.3.2. The status of the motor drive (by following DS402 standard)
According to the DS402 definition, the motor drive is divided into 3 blocks and 9 status
as described below.

3 blocks

Power Disable: That means without PWM output

Power Enable: That means with PWM output
Fault: One or more than one error has occurred.

9 status

Start: Power On
Not ready to switch on: The motor drive is initiating.
Switch On Disable: When the motor drive finishes the initiation, it will be at this mode.
Ready to switch on: Warming up before running.
Switch On: The motor derive has the PWM output now, but the reference commend is not
Operate Enable: Able to control normally.
Quick Stop Active: When there is a Quick Stop request, you have to stop running the motor
Fault Reaction Active: The motor drive detects conditions which might trigger error(s).
Fault: One or more than errors has occurred to the motor drive.

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Therefore, when the motor drive is turned on and finishes the initiation, it will remain at
Ready to Switch on status. To control the operation of the motor drive, you need to change this
status to Operate Enable status. The way to change it is to commend the control word's bit0 ~
bit3 and bit7 of the Index 6040H and to pair with Index Status Word (Status Word 0X6041).
The control steps and index definition are described as below:

Index 6040
15~9 8 7 6~4 3 2 1 0
Enable Enable
Reserved Halt Fault Reset Operation Quick Stop Switch On
operation Voltage

Index 6041
15~14 13~12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Internal Switch
Target Quick Voltage Operation Switch Ready to
Reserved Operation limit Remote Reserved Warning on Fault
reached stop enabled enable on switch on
active disabled

Start Fault Reaction Active

Not Ready to Switch On

X0XX0000 Fault
Switch On Disable

0XXXX110 or
and 0XXXX01X
Disable QStop=1 or
Disable QStop=0
Ready to Switch On
X01X0001 or
0XXXX01X Fault
0XXXX111 0XXXX110 or
Disable QStop=0 Power
Switch On
X01X0011 0XXXXX0X
0XXX1111 0XXXX111 0XXXX01X Fout=0
0XXXX110 Disable QStop=0
Operation Enable Quick Stop Active
X01X0111 0XXXX01X X00X0111
Disable QStop=1

Set command 6040 =0xE, then set another command 6040 =0xF. Then the motor drive can
be switched to Operation Enable. The Index 605A decides the dashed line of Operation Enable when
the control mode changes from Quick Stop Active. (When the setting value is 1~3, this dashed line is
active. But when the setting value of 605A is not 1~3, once he motor derive is switched to Quick Stop
Active, it will not be able to switch back to Operation Enable.)

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Index Sub Definition Factory Setting R/W Size Unit Mode note
0: disable drive function
1:slow down on slow down ramp
2: slow down on quick stop ramp
3: slow down on the current limit
605Ah 0 Quick stop option code 2 RW S16 No
5 slow down on slow down ramp
and stay in QUICK STOP
6 slow down on quick stop ramp
and stay in QUICK STOP
7 slow down on the current limit
and stay in Quick stop

Besides, when the control section switches from Power Enable to Power Disable, use 605C to define
parking method.
Index Sub Definition Factory Setting R/W Size Unit Mode note
0: Disable drive function
Disable operation option 1: Slow down with slow down
605Ch 0 1 RW S16 No
code ramp; disable of the drive
function Various mode control method (by following DS402 standard)

Control mode of C2000, supporting speed, torque, position and home control are described
as below:
Speed mode
1. Let Ac Motor Drive be at the speed control mode: Set Index6060 to 2.
2. Switch to Operation Enable mode: Set 6040=0xE, then set 6040 = 0xF.
3. To set target frequency: Set target frequency of 6042, since the operation unit of 6042 is rpm, there
is a transformation:
n=f× n: rotation speed (rpm) (rounds/minute) P: motor’s pole number (Pole)
f: rotation frequency (Hz)
For example:
Set 6042H = 1500 (rpm), if the motor drive's pole number is 4 (Pr05-04 or Pr05-16), then the
motor drive's operation frequency is 1500(120/4)=50Hz.

Besides, the 6042 is defined as a signed operation. The plus or minus sign means to rotate
clockwise or counter clockwise

4. To set acceleration and deceleration: Use 604F(Acceleration) and 6050(Deceleration).

5. Trigger an ACK signal: In the speed control mode, the bit 6~4 of Index 6040 needs to be controlled.
It is defined as below:
Index 6040
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4
Speed mode
1 0 1 Locked at the current signal.
(Index 6060=2)
1 1 1 Run to reach targeting signal.
Other Decelerate to 0Hz.

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

NOTE 01: To know the current rotation speed, read 6043. (unit: rpm)
NOTE 02: To know if the rotation speed can reach the targeting value; read bit 10 of 6041. (0: Not
reached; 1: Reached)

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.3.3 By using Delta Standard (Old definition, only support speed mode)
15-3.3.1 Various mode control method (by following DS402 standard)
If you want to use DS402 standard to control the motor drive, please follow the steps below:
1. Wiring for hardware (Refer to chapter 15.2 Wiring for CANopen)
2. Operation source setting: set Pr.00-21 to 3 for CANopen communication card control.
3. Frequency source setting: set Pr.00.20 to 6. (Choose source of frequency commend from
CANopen setting.)
4. Set Delta Standard (Old definition, only support speed mode) as control mode: Pr. 09-40 = 0 and
09-30 = 0.
CANopen station setting: set Pr.09-36 (Range of setting is 1~127. When Pr.09-36=0, CANopen
slave function is disabled. ) (Note: If error arised (CAdE or CANopen memory error) as station
setting is completed, press Pr.00-02=7 for reset.)
5. CANopen baud rate setting: set Pr.09.37 (CANBUS Baud Rate: 1M(0), 500K(1), 250K(2),
125K(3), 100K(4) and50K(5))

15-3-3-2 By speed mode

1. Set the target frequency: Set 2020-02, the unit is Hz, with a number of 2 decimal places. For
example 1000 is 10.00.
2. Operation control: Set 2020-01 = 0002H for Running, and set 2020-01 = 0001H for Stopping.

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.3.4 By using Delta Standard (New definition)

15-3-4-1 Related set up of ac motor drive (Delta New Standard)
If you want to use DS402 standard to control the motor drive, please follow the steps below:
1. Wiring for hardware (Refer to chapter 15.2 Wiring for CANopen)
2. Operation source setting: set Pr.00-21 to 3 for CANopen communication card control.
3. Frequency source setting: set Pr.00.20 to 6. (Choose source of frequency commend from
CANopen setting.)
4. Set Delta Standard (Old definition, only support speed mode) as control mode: Pr. 09-40 = 0 and
09-30 = 0.
5. CANopen station setting: set Pr.09-36 (Range of setting is 1~127. When Pr.09-36=0, CANopen
slave function is disabled. ) (Note: If error arised (CAdE or CANopen memory error) as station
setting is completed, press Pr.00-02=7 for reset.)
6. CANopen baud rate setting: set Pr.09.37 (CANBUS Baud Rate: 1M(0), 500K(1), 250K(2),
125K(3), 100K(4) and50K(5))

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15-3-4-2 Various mode control method (Delta New Standard)

Speed Mode
1. Let Ac Motor Drive be at the speed control mode: Set Index6060 = 2.
2. Set the target frequency: set 2060-03, unit is Hz, with a number of 2 decimal places. For example
1000 is 10.00Hz.
3. Operation control: set 2060-01 = 008H for Server on, and set 2060-01 = 0081H for Running.

NOTE01: To know the current position, read 2061-05.

NOTE02: To know if reaching the target position, read bit 0 of 2061 (0: Not reached, 1: Reached).

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15-3-5 DI/DO AI AO are controlled via CANopen

To control the DO AO of the motor drive through CANopen, follow the steps below:

1. To set the DO to be controlled, define this DO to be controlled by CANopen. For example, set
Pr02-14 to control RY2.

2. To set the DO to be controlled, define this AO to be controlled by CANopen. For example, set
Pr03-23 to control AFM2.
3. To control the mapping index of CANopen. If you want to control DO, then you will need to control
Index2026-41. If you want to control AO, then you will need to control 2026-AX. If you want to set
RY2 as ON, set the bit 1 of Index 2026-41 =1, then RY2 will output 1. If you want to control AFM2
output = 50.00%, then you will need to set Index 2026-A2 =5000, then AFM2 will output 50%.

Mapping table of CANopen DI DO AI AO:

Terminal Related Parameters R/W Mapping Index
FWD == RO 2026-01 bit 0
REV == RO 2026-01 bit 1
MI 1 == RO 2026-01 bit 2
MI 2 == RO 2026-01 bit 3
MI 3 == RO 2026-01 bit 4
MI 4 == RO 2026-01 bit 5
MI 5 == RO 2026-01 bit 6
MI 6 == RO 2026-01 bit 7
MI 7 == RO 2026-01 bit 8
MI 8 == RO 2026-01 bit 9
MI 10 == RO 2026-01 bit 10
MI 11 == RO 2026-01 bit 11
MI 12 == RO 2026-01 bit 12
MI 13 == RO 2026-01 bit 13
MI 14 == RO 2026-01 bit 14
MI 15 == RO 2026-01 bit 15

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Terminal Related Parameters R/W Mapping Index
RY1 P2-13 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 0
P2-14 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 1
P2-15 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 2
MO1 P2-16 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 3
MO2 P2-17 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 4
MO3 P2-18 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 5
MO4 P2-19 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 6
MO5 P2-20 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 7
MO6 P2-21 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 8
MO7 P2-22 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 9
MO8 P2-23 = 50 RW 2026-41 bit 10

Terminal Related Parameters R/W Mapping Index
AVI == RO Value of 2026-61
ACI == RO Value of 2026-62
AUI == RO Value of 2026-63

Terminal Related Parameters R/W Mapping Index
AFM1 P3-20 = 20 RW Value of 2026-A1
AFM2 P3-23 = 20 RW Value of 2026-A2

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.4 CANopen Supporting Index

CP2000 Index:
Parameter index corresponds to each other as following:
Index sub-Index
2000H + Group member+1
For example:
Pr.10.15 (Encoder Slip Error Treatment)
Group member
10(0 A H) - 15(0FH)

Index = 2000H + 0AH = 200A

Sub Index = 0FH + 1H = 10H

CP2000 Control Index:

Delta Standard Mode (Old definition)

Index Sub Definition R/W Size Note
0 Number 3 R U8
Bit 0~1 00B:disable
11B: JOG Enable
Bit2~3 Reserved
Bit4~5 00B:disable
01B: Direction forward
10B: Reverse
11B: Switch Direction
Bit6~7 00B: 1 step Accel. /Decel.
01B: 2 step Accel. /Decel.
10B: 3 step Accel. /Decel.
11B: 4 step Accel. /Decel.
Bit8~15 0000B: Master speed
0001B: 1 step speed
0010B: 2 step speed
2020H 0011B: 3 step speed
1 Control word 0 RW U16 th
0100B: 4 step speed
0101B: 5 step speed
0110B: 6 step speed
0111B: 7 step speed
1000B: 8 step speed
1001B: 9 step speed
1010B: 10 step speed
1011B: 11 step speed
1100B: 12 step speed
1101B: 13 step speed
1110B: 14 step speed
1111B: 15 step speed
Bit12 1: Enable the function of
Bit13~14 00B: no function
01B: Operation command by
the digital keypad

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Index Sub Definition R/W Size Note
10B: Operation command by
Pr. 00-21 setting
11B: Switch the source of
operation command
Bit 15 Reserved
Freq. command
2 0 RW U16
Bit0 1: E.F. ON
3 Other trigger 0 RW U16 Bit1 1: Reset
Bit15~2 Reserved
2021H 0 Number 10 R U8
1 Error code 0 R U16
2 AC motor drive status 0 R U16 Bit 1~0 00B: stop
01B: decelerate to stop
10B: waiting for operation
11B: in operation
Bit 2 1: JOG command
Bit 3~4 00B: forward running
01B: switch from reverse
running to forward running
10B: switch from forward
running to reverse running
11B: reverse running
Bit 5~7 Reserved
Bit 8 1: master frequency command
controlled by communication
Bit 9 1: master frequency command
controlled by analog signal
Bit 10 1: operation command
controlled by communication
Bit 11~15 Reserved
Freq. command
3 0 R U16
4 Output freq. (XXX.XXHz) 0 R U16
5 Output current (XX.XA) 0 R U16
6 DC bus voltage (XXX.XV) 0 R U16
7 Output voltage (XXX.XV) 0 R U16
the current segment run by
8 the multi-segment speed 0 R U16
9 Reserved 0 R U16
A ()
Display counter value c 0 R U16
Display output power angle
B 0 R U16
Display output torque
C 0 R U16
Display actual motor speed
D 0 R U16
- - - - -
- - - - -
10 power output (X.XXXKWH) 0 R U16

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Index Sub Definition R/W Size Note
2022H 0 Reserved 0 R U16
1 Display output current 0 R U16
2 Display counter value 0 R U16
Display actual output
3 0 R U16
frequency (XXX.XXHz)
Display DC-BUS voltage
4 0 R U16
Display output voltage
5 0 R U16
Display output power angle
6 0 R U16
7 Display output power in kW 0 R U16
Display actual motor speed
8 0 R U16
Display estimate output
9 0 R U16
torque (XXX.X%)
- - - - - -
Display PID feedback value
B after enabling PID function 0 R U16
in % (To 2 decimal places)
Display signal of AVI 1
C analog input terminal, 0-10V 0 R U16
corresponds to 0-100% (To 2
decimal places)
Display signal of ACI analog
input terminal,
D 4-V20mA/0-10V 0 R U16
corresponds to 0-100% (To 2
decimal places)
Display signal of AVI 2
analog input terminal,
E -10V~10V corresponds to 0 R U16
-100~100% (To 2 decimal
Display the IGBT
F temperature of drive power 0 R U16
module in C
Display the temperature of
10 o 0 R U16
capacitance in C
The status of digital input
11 0 R U16
(ON/OFF), refer to Pr.02-12
The status of digital output
12 0 R U16
(ON/OFF), refer to Pr.02-18
Display the multi-step
13 0 R U16
speed that is executing
The corresponding CPU pin
14 0 R U16
status of digital input
The corresponding CPU pin
15 0 R U16
status of digital output
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Display times of counter
1A 0 R U16
overload (0.00~100.00%)
1B Display GFF in % 0 R U16
Display DCbus voltage
1C 0 R U16
ripples (Unit: Vdc)
Display PLC register D1043
1D 0 R U16

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Index Sub Definition R/W Size Note
Display Pole of Permanent
1E 0 R U16
Magnet Motor
User page displays the
1F 0 R U16
value in physical measure
20 Output Value of Pr.00-05 0 R U16
Number of motor turns
21 0 R U16
when drive operates
22 Operation position of motor 0 R U16
23 Fan speed of the drive 0 R U16
Control mode of the drive 0:
24 0 R U16
speed mode 1: torque mode
Carrier frequency of the
25 0 R U16

CANopen Remote IO mapping

Index Sub R/W Definition
2026H 01h R Each bit corresponds to the different input terminals
02h R Each bit corresponds to the different input terminals
03h~40h R Reserved
41h RW Each bit corresponds to the different output terminals
42h~60h R Reserved
61h R AVI (%)
62h R ACI (%)
63h R AUI (%)
64h~A0h R Reserved
A1h RW AFM1 (%)
A2h RW AFM2 (%)

Delta Standard Mode (New definition)

Index sub R/W Size Speed Mode
bit Definition Priority
00h R U8
0:fcmd =0
0 Ack 4
1:fcmd = Fset(Fpid)
0: FWD run
1 Dir 4
1: REV run
0: drive run till target
speed is attained
3 Halt
1: drive stop by
declaration setting
0: drive run till target
2060h speed is attained
01h RW U16
4 Hold 1: frequency
stop at current
Pulse 1:JOG RUN
6 QStop Quick Stop
0:Power OFF
7 Power
1:Power ON
Pulse 1: Fault code

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Index sub R/W Size Speed Mode
bit DefinitionPriority
02h RW U16
Speed command
03h RW U16
(unsigned decimal)
04h RW U16
05h RW S32
06h RW
07h RW U16
08h RW U16
0 Arrive Frequency attained
0: Motor FWD run
1 Dir
1: Motor REV run
2 Warn Warning
01h R U16 3 Error Error detected
6 QStop Quick stop
2061h 7 Power On Switch ON
02h R
Actual output
03h R U16
04h R
Actual position
05h R S32
06h R
07h R S16 Actual torque

DS402 Standard

Factory PDO
Index Sub Definition R/W Size Unit Mode Note
Setting Map
0: No action
6007h 0 Abort connection option code 2 RW S16 Yes 2: Disable Voltage,
3: quick stop
603Fh 0 Error code 0 R0 U16 Yes
6040h 0 Control word 0 RW U16 Yes
6041h 0 Status word 0 R0 U16 Yes
6042h 0 vl target velocity 0 RW S16 rpm Yes vl
6043h 0 vl velocity demand 0 RO S16 rpm Yes vl
6044h 0 vl control effort 0 RO S16 rpm Yes vl
604Fh 0 vl ramp function time 10000 RW U32 1ms Yes vl Unit must be: 100ms, and
6050h 0 vl slow down time 10000 RW U32 1ms Yes vl check if the setting is set to
6051h 0 vl quick stop time 1000 RW U32 1ms Yes vl 0.
0 : disable drive function
1 :slow down on slow down
2: slow down on quick stop
605Ah 0 Quick stop option code 2 RW S16 No 5 slow down on slow down
ramp and stay in QUICK
6 slow down on quick stop
ramp and stay in QUICK
0: Disable drive function
Disable operation option 1: Slow down with slow
605Ch 0 1 RW S16 No
code down ramp; disable of the
drive function

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

Factory PDO
Index Sub Definition R/W Size Unit Mode Note
Setting Map
1: Profile Position Mode
2: Velocity Mode
6060h 0 Mode of operation 2 RW S8 Yes
4: Torque Profile Mode
6: Homing Mode
6061h 0 Mode of operation display 2 RO S8 Yes Same as above
6071h 0 tq Target torque 0 RW S16 0.1% Yes tq Valid unit: 1%
6072h 0 tq Max torque 150 RW U16 0.1% No tq Valid unit: 1%
6075h 0 tq Motor rated current 0 RO U32 mA No tq
6077h 0 tq torque actual value 0 RO S16 0.1% Yes tq
6078h 0 tq current actual value 0 RO S16 0.1% Yes tq
6079h 0 tq DC link circuit voltage 0 RO U32 mV Yes tq

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.5 CANopen Fault Code

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)

ocA 0001H Over-current during acceleration 2213 H 1
Oc at accel

ocd 0002H Over-current during deceleration 2213 H 1
Oc at decel

Fault Over-current during steady status

ocn 0003H 2214H 1
Oc at normal SPD

Ground fault. When (one of) the output

terminal(s) is grounded, short circuit
current is more than 50% of AC motor
GFF 0004H 2240H 1
drive rated current.
Ground fault
NOTE: The short circuit protection is provided for
AC motor drive protection, not for protection of the

Short-circuit is detected between upper

occ 0005H bridge and lower bridge of the 2250H 1
Short Circuit IGBT module.

Fault Over-current at stop. Hardware failure in

ocS 0006H 2314H 1
current detection
Oc at stop

Fault Over-current during acceleration.

ovA 0007H 3210H 2
Hardware failure in current detection
Ov at accel

Fault Over-current during deceleration.

ovd 0008H 3210H 2
Hardware failure in current detection.
Ov at decel

Fault Over-current during steady speed.

ovn 0009H 3210H 2
Hardware failure in current detection.
Ov at normal SPD

Fault Over-voltage at stop. Hardware failure in

ovS 000AH 3210H 2
current detection
Ov at stop

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)

Fault DC BUS voltage is less than Pr.06.00

LvA 000BH 3220H 2
during acceleration.
Lv at accel

Fault DC BUS voltage is less than Pr.06.00

Lvd 000CH 3220H 2
during deceleration.
Lv at decel

Fault DC BUS voltage is less than Pr.06.00 in

Lvn 000DH 3220H 2
constant speed.
Lv at normal SPD

Fault DC BUS voltage is less than Pr.06-00 at

LvS 000EH 3220H 2
Lv at stop

OrP 000FH Phase Loss Protection 3130H 2
Phase Lacked

IGBT overheat
IGBT temperature exceeds protection
oH1 0010H level. 4310H 3
IGBT over heat 1~15HP: 90 ℃
20~100HP: 100 ℃
Fault Heat sink overheat
oH2 0011H 4310H 3
Heat sink temperature exceeds 90oC
Hear Sink oH

Temperature detection circuit error

tH1o 0012H (IGBT) FF00H 3
Thermo 1 open IGBT NTC

Temperature detection circuit error

tH2o 0013H (capacity module) FF01H 3
Thermo 2 open CAP NTC

PWR 0014H Power RST off FF02H 2

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)
Overload. The AC motor drive detects
excessive drive output current.
oL 0015H 2310H 1
NOTE: The AC motor drive can withstand up to
Inverter oL 150% of the rated current for a maximum of 60

EoL1 0016H Electronics thermal relay 1 protection 2310H 1
Thermal relay 1

EoL2 0017H Electronics thermal relay 2 protection 2310H 1
Thermal relay 2

Fault These two fault codes will be displayed

ot1 001AH when output current exceeds the 8311H 3
Over torque
12 over-torque detection level (Pr.06.07 or
Pr.06.10) and exceeds over-torque
001BH detection (Pr.06.08 or Pr.06.11) and it is 8311H 3
Over torque
set 2 or 4 in Pr.06-06 or Pr.06-09.

uC 001CH Low current 8321H 1
Under torque
Thermal relay12

Fault Internal EEPROM can not be

cF1 001EH 5530H 5
Thermal relay
EEPROM write2Err

cF2 001FH Internal EEPROM can not be read. 5530H 5
Thermal relay
EEPROM read2Err

cd1 0021H U-phase error FF04H 1
Ias sensor
Thermal Err 2

cd2 0022H V-phase error FF05H 1
Ibs sensor
Thermal Err 2

cd3 0023H W-phase error FF06H 1
Ics sensor
Thermal Err 2

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)

Hd0 0024H cc (current clamp) hardware error FF07H 5
cc HW Error
relay 2

Hd1 0025H oc hardware error FF08H 5
oc HW Error
relay 2

Hd2 0026H ov hardware error FF09H 5
ov HW Error
relay 2

Hd3 0027H GFF hardware error FF0AH 5
GFF HW relay
Thermal Error 2

AUE 0028H Auto tuning error FF21H 1
Auto tuning

AFE 0029H PID loss (ACI) FF22H 7
PID Fbk Error
relay 2

ACE 0030H ACI loss FF25H 1
ACI loss relay 2

External Fault
Fault When input EF (N.O.) on external
EF 0031H 9000H 5
terminal is closed to GND, AC motor
External relay
Thermal Fault 2
drive stops output U, V, and W.
Emergency stop
When the multi-function input terminals
EF1 0032H MI1 to MI6 are set to emergency stop, 9000H 5
Thermal stop
relay 2 the AC motor drive stops output U, V, W
and the motor coasts to stop.
External Base Block
Fault When the external input terminals MI1 to
bb 0033H 9000H 5
MI16 are set as bb and active, the AC
Base block
Thermal relay 2
motor drive output will be turned off

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)

Fault Password will be locked if three fault

Pcod 0034H FF26H 5
passwords are entered
Thermal Error
relay 2

ccod 0035H Software error 6100H 5
SW coderelay

cE1 0036H Illegal function code 7500H 4
Modbus CMD
Thermal relay err

cE2 0037H Illegal data address (00H to 254H) 7500H 4
Thermal ADDR
Modbus relay 2err

cE3 0038H Illegal data value 7500H 4
Thermal DATA
Modbus relay 2err

cE4 0039H Data is written to read-only address 7500H 4
Modbus slave
Thermal relay FLT

cE10 003AH Modbus transmission timeout. 7500H 5
Thermal time
Modbus relayout

cP10 003BH Keypad transmission timeout. 7500H 4
Keypad relayout

bF 003CH Brake resistor fault 7110H 4
Braking relay 2

ydc 003DH Motor Y-∆ switch error 3330H 2
Y-delta relay 2

dEb 003EH Energy regeneration when decelerating FF27H 2
Dec. Energy
Thermal relayback

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)
Over slip error. Slip exceeds Pr.05.26
oSL 003FH limit and slip duration exceeds Pr.05.27 FF28H 7
Over sliprelay
Error2 setting.

ocU 0042H over current caused by unknown reason 2310H 1
Over volt.
Unknow Unknow
relay Apm

ovU 0043H over voltage caused by unknown reason 3210H 2
Thermal Over
Unknow relay volt.

S1 0049H external safety emergency stop FF2AH 5
Thermal stop
relay 2

OPHL 0052H U phase output phase loss 2331H 2
U phase lacked
Thermal relay 2

OPHL 0053H V phase output phase loss 2332H 2
U phase lacked
Thermal relay 2

OPHL 0054H W phase output phase loss 2333H 2
U phase lacked
Thermal relay 2

aocc 004FH A phase short FF2BH 1
A phase short
relay 2

bocc 0050H B phase short FF2CH 1
B phase short
relay 2

cocc 0051H C phase short FF2DH 1
C phase short
relay 2

CGdE 0065H Guarding time-out 1 8130H 4
Thermal T-out2

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

CANopen fault
Display Fault code Description
fault code register
(bit 0~7)

CHbE 0066H Heartbeat time-out 8130H 4
Thermal relay
Heartbeat T-out

CSyE 0067H CAN synchrony error 8700H 4
SYNC T-out
Thermal relay 2

CbFE 0068H CAN bus off 8140H 4
CAN/S relay
off 2

CIdE 0069H Can index exceed 8110H 4
Thermal relay 2

CAdE 006AH CAN address error 0x8100 4
Thermal relay 2

CFdE 006BH CAN frame fail 0x8100 4
Thermal relay 2

ictE 006FH Internal communication error 7500H 4
InrCom Time Out

Chapter 15 CANopen Overview

15.6 CANopen LED Function

There are two CANopen flash signs: RUN and ERR.

LED status Condition CANopen State
OFF Initial
Blinking Pre-Operation

Single flash Stopped

ON Operation

LED status Condition/ State
OFF No Error
Single One Message fail

Double Guarding fail or heartbeat fail


Triple flash SYNC fail

ON Bus off

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-1 PLC Summary

16-2 Notes before PLC use
16-3 Turn on
16-3-1 Connect to PC
16-3-2 I/O device explanation
16-3-3 Installation WPLSoft
16-3-4 Program writing
16-3-5 Program download
16-3-6 Program monitoring
16-4 Basic principles of PLC ladder diagrams
16-4-1 Schematic diagram of PLC ladder diagram program scanning
16-4-2 Introduction to ladder diagrams
16-4-3 Overview of PLC ladder diagram editing
16-4-4 Commonly-used basic program design examples
16-5 Various PLC device functions
16-5-1 Introduction to device functions
16-5-2 Introduction to special relay functions (special M)
16-5-3 Introduction to special register functions (special D)
16-5-4 PLC Communication address
16-6 Introduction to the Command Window
16-6-1 Overview of basic commands
16-6-2 Detailed explanation of basic commands
16-6-3 Overview of application commands
16-6-4 Detailed explanation of applications commands
16-6-5 Detailed explanation of driver special applications commands
16-7 Error display and handling
16-8 CANopen Master control applications
16-9 Explanation of various PLC speed mode controls
16-10 Internal communications main node control
16-11 Modbus remote IO control applications (use MODRW)
16-12 Calendar

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-1 PLC Summary

16-1-1 Introduction

The commands provided by the CP2000's built-in PLC functions, including the ladder
diagram editing tool WPLSoft, as well as the usage of basic commands and applications commands,
chiefly retain the operating methods of Delta's PLC DVP series.

16-1-2 WPLSoft ladder diagram editing tool

WPLSoft is Delta's program editing software for the DVP and CP2000 programmable
controllers in the Windows operating system environment. Apart from general PLC program design
general Windows editing functions (such as cut, paste, copy, multiple windows, etc.), WPLSoft also
provides many Chinese/English annotation editing and other convenience functions (such as registry
editing, settings, file reading, saving, and contact graphic monitoring and settings, etc.).

The following basic requirements that need to install WPLSoft editing software:

Item System requirements

Operating system Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP
CPU At least Pentium 90
Memory At least 16MB (we recommend at least 32MB)
Hard drive capacity: at least 100MB free space
Hard drive
One optical drive (for use in installing this software)
Resolution: 640×480, at least 16 colors; it is recommended that the screen
area be set at 800×600 pixels
Mouse Ordinary mouse or Windows-compatible device
Printer Printer with a Windows driver program
RS-485 port Must have at least an RS-485 port to link to the PLC

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-2 Notes before PLC use

1. The PLC has a preset communications format of 7,N,2,9600, with node 2; the PLC node can be
changed in parameter 09-35, but this address may not be the same as the converter's address
setting of 09-00.
2. The CP2000 provides 2 communications serial ports that can be used to download PLC
programs (see figure below). Channel 1 has a fixed communications format of 19200,8,N,2

Ch ann el 1

Ch ann el 2

8 1 Modbus RS-485
Pin 1~ 2, 7 , 8: R e s e r v e d
Pin 3, 6: G ND
Pin 4: SG -
RS -485 Pin 5: SG +

3. The client can simultaneously access data from the converter and internal PLC, which is
performed through identification of the node. For instance, if the converter node is 1 and the
internal PLC node is 2, then the client command will be
01 (node) 03 (read) 0400 (address) 0001 (1 data item), indicating that it must read the data in
converter parameter 04-00
02 (node) 03 (read) 0400 (address) 0001 (1 data item), indicating that it must read the data in
internal PLC X0
4. The PLC program will be disabled when uploading/downloading programs.
5. Please note when using WPR commands to write in parameters, values may be modified up to
a maximum of 109 times, otherwise a memory write error will occur. The calculation of
modifications is based on whether the entered value has been changed. If the entered value is
left unchanged, the modifications will not increase afterwards. But if the entered value is
different from before, the number of modifications will increase by one. Those parameters in the
table below are exceptions, please proceed to the next page for details:

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Pr00-10, Control mode -----
Pr00-11, Velocity mode; Yes
Pr00-12, P2P mode -----
Pr00-13, Torque mode -----
Pr01-12~P01-19, 1st ~ 4th Acc/Dec time; Yes
Pr02-12, MULTI-Input ACT; Yes
Pr02-18,MULTI-Output ACT Yes
Pr04-50~Pr04-59 PLC buffer 1~10; Yes
Pr08-04,Up Limit for I Yes
Pr08-05,PID Out-Limit %; Yes
Pr10-17, Electrical Gear A -----

6. When parameter 00-04 is set as 28, the displayed value will be the value of PLC register D1043
(see figure below):
Digital Keypad KPC-CC01 Digital Keypad KPC-CE01
Can display 0~65535 0~9999

H 0.00Hz
A 0.00Hz When more than 9999
C _____

7. In the PLC Run and PLC Stop mode, the content 9 and 10 of parameter 00-02 cannot be set
and cannot be reset to the default value.
8. The PLC can be reset to the default value when parameter 00-02 is set as 6.
9. The corresponding MI function will be disabled when the PLC writes to input contact X.
10. When the PLC controls converter operation, control commands will be entirely controlled by the
PLC and will not be affected by the setting of parameter 00-21.
11. When the PLC controls converter frequency commands (FREQ commands), frequency
commands will be entirely controlled by the PLC, and will not be affected by the setting of
parameter 00-20 or the Hand ON/OFF configuration.
12. When the PLC controls converter frequency (TORQ commands), torque commands will be
entirely controlled by the PLC, and will not be affected by the setting of parameter 11-33 or the
Hand ON/OFF configuration.
13. When the PLC controls converter frequency (POS commands), position commands will be
entirely controlled by the PLC, and will not be affected by the setting of parameter 11-40 or the
Hand ON/OFF configuration.
14. When the PLC controls converter operation, if the keypad Stop setting is valid, this will trigger
an FStP error and cause stoppage.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-3 Turn on
16-3-1 Connect to PC
Start operation of PLC functions in accordance with the following four steps
1. After pressing the Menu key and selecting 4: PLC Function on the KPC-CC01 digital keypad,
press the Enter key (see figure below).

If the optional KPC-CE01 digital keypad is used, employ the following method:

Switch to the main PLC2 screen: After powering up the drivers, press the key on the

KPC-CE01 once to switch to the function screen, which will then display "PrSET." After using the

up or down button to switch to the "PLC" screen, and then press to enter PLC

function settings. Afterwards, press the Up key to switch to "PLC2," and then press .

The screen will now display "PLSn" and flash, indicating that the internal PLC currently has no

program, and this error message can be ignored. If the PLC has an editing program, the screen

will display "End," and will jump back to "PLC2" after 1 to 2 seconds. When no program has been

downloaded to the drivers, the program can continue to run even if a PLC warning message


Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

2. Wiring: Connect the driver's RJ-45 communications interface to a PC via the RS485


3. PLC function usage

 PLC functions are as shown in the figure on the left; select
item 2 and implement PLC functions.
1: No function (Disable)
2.PLC Run
3.PLC Stop 2: Enable PLC (PLC Run)
3: Stop PLC functions (PLC Stop)

Optional product: PLC function display PLC 0 : Do not implement PLC functions
method on KPC-CE01 digital keypad PLC 1 : Initiate PLC Run
PLC 2 : Initiate PLC Stop
 When the external multifunctional input terminals (MI1 to MI8) are in PLC Mode select bit0
(51) or PLC Mode select bit1 (52), and the terminal contact is closed or open, it will
compulsorily switch to the PLC mode, and keypad switching will be ineffective.
Corresponding actions are as follows:
PLC mode
PLC Mode select bit1(52) PLC Mode select bit0 (51)
Using KPC-CC01 Using KPC-CE01
Disable PLC 0 OFF OFF
Maintain previous Maintain previous
state state

Use of KPC-CE01 digital keypad to implement PLC functions

 When the PLC screen switches to the PLC1 screen, this will trigger one PLC action,
and the PLC program start/stop can be controlled by communications via the WPL.
 When the PLC screen switches to the PLC2 screen, this will trigger one PLC stop, and
the PLC program start/stop can be controlled by communications via the WPL.
 The external terminal control method is the same as shown in the table above.

 When input/output terminals (FWD REV MI1 to MI8 MI10 to 15, Relay1~3RY10 to RY15,
MO10 to MO11,) are included in the PLC program, these input/output terminals will only be
used by the PLC. As an example, when the PLC program controls Y0 during PLC operation
(PLC1 or PLC2), the corresponding output terminal relay(RA/RB/RC) will operate in

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

accordance with the program. At this time, the multifunctional input/output terminal setting
will be ineffective. Because these terminal functions are already being used by the PLC, the
DI DO AO in use by the PLC can be determined by looking at parameter 02-52, 02-53, and
 When the PLC's procedures use special register D1040, the corresponding AO contact
AFM1 will be occupied, and AFM2 corresponding to special register D1045 will have the
same situation.
 Parameter 03-30 monitors the state of action of the PLC function analog output terminal;
Bit0 corresponds to the AFM1 action state, and Bit1 corresponds to the AFM2 action state.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-3-2 I/O device explanation

Input devices:
Serial X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17
2 MI10 MI11 MI12 MI13 MI14 MI15
3 MI10 MI11 MI12 MI13
1: Control I/O |
2: Expansion card EMC-D611A (D1022=4)
3: Expansion card EMC-D42A (D1022=5)
Output devices:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17
1 RY1 RY2 RY3
2 MO10 MO11
3 RY10 RY11 RY12 RY13 RY14 RY15
1: Control I/O |
2: Expansion card EMC-D42A (D1022=5)
3: Expansion card EMC-R6AA (D1022=6)

16-3-3 Installation WPLSoft

See Delta's website for WPLSoft editing software:

16-3-4 Program writing

After completing installation, the WPLSoft program will be installed in the designated subfolder
"C:\Program Files\Delta Industrial Automation\WPLSoft x.xx." The editing software can now be run
by clicking on the WPL icon using the mouse.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

The WPL editing window will appear after 3 seconds (see figure below). When running WPLSoft for
the first time, before "New file" has been used, only the "File (F)," "Communications (C)," View (V),"
"Options (O)," and "Help (H)" columns will appear on the function toolbar.

After running WPLSoft for the second time, the last file edited will open and be displayed in the
editing window. The following figure provides an explanation of the WPLSoft editing software window:

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Click on the icon on the toolbar in the upper left part of the screen: opens new file (Ctrl+N)

You can also use "File (F)"=> New file (N) (Ctrl+N)

The "Device settings" window will appear after clicking. You can now enter the project title and
filename, and select the device and communication settings to be used

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Communications settings: Perform settings in accordance with the desired communications method

Press Confirm after completing settings and begin program editing. There are two program editing
methods; you can choose whether to perform editing in the command mode or the ladder diagram

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

In ladder diagram mode, you can perform program editing using the buttons on the function icon row

Basic Operation
Example: Input the ladder diagram in the following figure

Mouse operation and keyboard function key (F1 to F12) operation

1. The following screen will appear after a new file has been established:

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

2. Use the mouse to click on the always-open switch icon or press the function key F1:

3. After the name of the input device and the comment dialog box have appeared, the device name
(such as "M"), device number (such as "10"), and input comments (such as "auxiliary contact")
can be selected; press the Confirm button when finished.

4. Click on the output coil icon or press function key F7. After the name of the input device and

the comment dialog box have appeared, the device name (such as "Y"), device number (such as
"0"), and input comments (such as "output coil") can be selected; press the Confirm button when

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

5. Click on application command icon or press function key F6. Click on "All application

commands" in the function classification field, and click on the End command in the application
command pull-down menu, or use the keyboard to key in "End" in that field, and press the confirm

6. Click on the icon, which will compile the edited ladder diagram as a command program.

After compiling, the number of steps will appear on the left side of the busbar.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-3-5 Program download

After inputting a program using WPLSoft, select compile . After completing compilation, select

the to download a program. WPLSoft will perform program download with the online PLC in the

communications format specified in communications settings.

16-3-6 Program monitoring

While confirming that the PLC is in the Run mode, after downloading a program, click on in the

communications menu and select start ladder diagram control (see figure below)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-4 Basic principles of PLC ladder diagrams

16-4-1 Schematic diagram of PLC ladder diagram program scanning

Output results are

calculated on the basis of
the ladder diagram
configuration Repeated
(internal devices will have implementation
real-time output
before results are sent to
an external output point)

16-4-2 Introduction to ladder diagrams

Ladder diagrams comprise a graphic language widely applied in automatic control, and
employs common electrical control circuit symbols. After a ladder diagram editor has been used to
create a ladder pattern, PLC program designed is completed. The use of a graphic format to control
processes is very intuitive, and is readily accepted by personnel who are familiar with electrical
control circuit technology. Many of the basic symbols and actions in a ladder diagram comprise
commonly-seen electrical devices in conventional automatic control power distribution panels, such
as buttons, switches, relays, timers, and counters.
Internal PLC devices: The types and quantities of internal PLC devices vary in different
brands of products. Although these internal devices use the same names as conventional electrical
control circuit elements such as relays, coils, and contacts, a PLC does not actually contain these
physical devices, and they instead correspond to basic elements in the PLC's internal memory
(bits). For instance, if a bit is 1, this may indicate that a coil is electrified, and if that bit is 0, it will
indicate that the coil is not electrified. An NO contact (Normal Open, or contact a) can be used to
directly read the value of the corresponding bit, and an NC contact (Normal Close, or contact b) can
be used to obtain the inverse of the bit's value. Multiple relays occupy multiple bits, and 8 bits

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

comprise one byte; two bytes comprise one word, and two words comprise a double word. When
multiple relays are processing at the same time (such as addition/subtraction or displacement, etc.),
a byte, word, or double word can be used. Furthermore, a PLC contains two types of internal devices:
a timer and a counter. It not only has a coil, but can count time and numerical values. Because of this,
when it is necessary to process some numerical values, these values are usually in the form of bytes,
words, or double words.
The various internal devices in a PLC all account for a certain quantity of storage units in the
PLC's storage area. When these devices are used, the content of the corresponding storage area is
red in the form of bits, bytes, or words.
Introduction to the basic internal devices in a PLC
Device type Description of Function
An input relay constitutes the basic unit of storage in a PLC's internal memory
corresponding to an external input point (which serves as a terminal connecting
with an external input switch and receiving external input signals). It is driven by
external input signals, to which it assigns values of 0 or 1. A program design
method cannot change the input relay status, and therefore cannot rewrite the
corresponding basic units of an input relay, and WPLSoft cannot be used to
Input Relay perform compulsory On/Off actions. A relay's contacts (contacts a and b) can be
used an unlimited number of times. An input relay with no input signal must be left
idle and cannot be used for some other purpose.
 Device indicated as: X0, X1, X7, X10, X11, etc. This device is expressed
with the symbol "X," and a device's order is indicated with an octal number.
Input point numbers are indicated in Page 16-8. I/O devices explanation.
An output relay constitutes the basic unit of storage in a PLC's internal memory
corresponding to an external output point (which connects with an external load).
It may be driven by an input relay contact, a contact on another internal device, or
its own contacts. It uses one NO contact to connect with external loads or other
contacts, and, like input contacts, can use the contact an unlimited number of
Output Relay times. An output relay with no input signal will be idle, but may be used an internal
relay if needed.
 Device indicated as: Y0, Y1, Y7, Y10, Y11, etc. This device is expressed
with the symbol "Y," and a device's order is indicated with an octal number.
Output point numbers are indicated in Page 16-8. I/O devices explanation.
Internal relays have no direct connection with the outside. These relays are
auxiliary relays inside a PLC. Their function is the same as that of an auxiliary
(central) relay in an electrical control circuit: Each auxiliary relay corresponding to
a basic unit of internal storage; they can be driven by input relay contacts, output
Internal Relay relay contacts, and the contacts of other internal devices. An internal auxiliary
relay's contact can also be used an unlimited number of times. Internal relays
have no outputs to outside, and must output via an output point.
 Device indicated as: M0, M1 to M799, etc. This device is expressed as the
symbol "M," expressed, and its order is expressed as a decimal number.
A counter is used to perform counting operations. A count setting value (such as
the number of pulses to be counted) must be assigned when a counter is used. A
counter contains a coil, contact, and a counting storage device. When the coil
Counter goes from Off to On, this indicates that the counter has an input pulse, and one
is added to its count. There are 16 bits that can be employed by the user.
 Device indicated as: C0, C1 to C79, etc. This device is expressed as the
symbol "C," expressed, and its order is expressed as a decimal number.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Device type Description of Function

A timer is used to complete control of timing. The timer contains a coil, contact,
and a time value register. When the coil is electrified, if the preset time is reached,
the contact will be actuated (contact a will close, contact b will open), and the
timer's fixed value be given by the set value. Timer has a regulated clock cycle
Timer (timing units: 100 ms). As soon as power to the coil is cut off, the contact will no
longer be actuated (contact a will open, contact b will close), and the original
timing value will return to zero.
 Device indicated as: T0, T1 to T159, etc. The device is expressed as the
symbol "T," and its order is expressed as a decimal number.
When a PLC is used to perform various types of sequence control and set time
value and count value control, it most commonly perform data processing and
numerical operations, and data registers are used exclusively for storage of data
and various parameters. Each data register contains 16 bits of binary data, which
Data register means that it can store one word. Two data registers with adjacent numbers can
be used to process double words.
 Device indicated as: D0, D1 to D399, etc. The device is expressed as the
symbol "D," and its order is expressed as a decimal number.
Ladder diagram images and their explanation
Ladder diagram Explanation of commands Command Using Device
NO switch, contact a LD X、Y、M、T、C

NC switch, contact b LDI X、Y、M、T、C

Series NO AND X、Y、M、T、C

Series NC ANI X、Y、M、T、C

Parallel NO OR X、Y、M、T、C

Parallel NC ORI X、Y、M、T、C

Positive edge-triggered
Negative edge-triggered
Positive edge-triggered
Negative edge-triggered

Positive edge-triggered

Negative edge-triggered

Block series ANB N/A

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Ladder diagram Explanation of commands Command Using Device


Block parallel ORB N/A

Multiple outputs MRD N/A
Coil driven output
Some basic
Some basic commands, commands
applications commands Applications
Inverted logic INV N/A

16-4-3 Overview of PLC ladder diagram editing

The program editing method begins from the left busbar and proceeds to the right busbar
(the right busbar is omitted when editing using WPLSoft). Continue to the next row after completing
each row; there is a maximum of 11 contacts on each row. If this is not sufficient, a continuous line
will be will be generated to indicate the continued connection and more devices can be added. A
continuous series of numbers will be generated automatically and identical input points can be used
repeatedly. See figure below:

X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X10 C0 C1
X11 X12 X13
00000 Y0

Row Number
The ladder diagram programming method involves scanning from the upper left corner to
the lower right corner. The coils and applications command computing box are handled in the output,
and the ladder diagram is placed on the farthest right. Taking the figure below as an example, we can
gradually analyze the procedural sequence of the ladder diagram. The number in the upper right
corner gives the sequential order.

Explanation of command sequence

1 LD X0
2 OR M0 X0 X1 Y1 X4
3 AND X1 Y1
4 LD X3 M0 T0 M3
TMR T0 K10
X3 M1
5 LD Y1

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

6 LD T0
8 OUT Y1
TMR T0 K10
Explanation of basic structure of ladder diagrams
LD (LDI) command: An LD or LDI command is given at the start of a block.
LD command LD command

AND Block OR Block

LDP and LDF have this command structure, but there are differences in their action state. LDP, LDF
only act at the rising or falling edge of a conducting contact. (see figure below):
X0 X0
Time Time

AND (ANI) command: A series configuration in which a single device is connected with one device
or a block.
AND command AND command

ANDP, ANDF also have structures like this, but their action occurs at the rising and falling edge.

OR (ORI) command: A single device is connected with one device or a block.

OR command OR command OR command

ORP, ORF also have identical structures, but their action occurs at the rising and falling edge.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ANB command: A configuration in which one block is in series with one device or block.
ANB command

ORB command: A configuration in which one block is in parallel with one device or block.

ORB command

In the case of ANB and ORB operations, if a number of blocks are connected, they should
be combined to form a block or network from the top down or from left to right.

MPS, MRD, MPP commands: Branching point memory for multiple outputs, enabling multiple,
different outputs. The MPS command begins at a branching point, where the so-called branching
point refers to the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines. We have to rely on the contact status
along a single vertical line to determine whether the next contact can give a memory command.
While each contact is basically able to give memory commands, in view of convenience and the
PLC's capacity restrictions, this can be omitted from some places when converting a ladder diagram.
The structure of the ladder diagram can be used to judge what kinds of contact memory commands
are used.
MPS can be distinguished by use of the "┬" symbol; this command can be used
consecutively for up to 8 times. The MRD command is read from branching point memory; because
logic states along any one vertical line must be the same, in order to continue analysis of other ladder
diagrams, the original contact status must be read.
MRD can be distinguished by use of the "├" symbol. The MPP command is read from the
starting state of the uppermost branching point, and it is read from the stack (pop); because it is the
final command along a vertical line, it indicates that the state of the vertical line can be concluded.
MPP can be distinguished by use of the "└" symbol. Although there should basically be no errors
when using the foregoing analytical approach, the compiling program may sometimes omit identical
state output, as shown in the following figure:

( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
MPP ( )

( )

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-4-4 Commonly-used basic program design examples

Start, stop, and protection

Some applications may require a brief close or brief break using the buttons to start and stop
equipment. A protective circuit must therefore be designed to maintain continued operation in these
situations; this protective circuit may employ one of the following methods:
Example 1: Priority stop protective circuit
When the start NO contact X1=On, and the stop NC contact X2=Off, Y1=On; if X2=On at
this time, coil Y1 will no longer be electrified, and this is therefore referred to as priority stop.

Y1 X2


Example 2: Priority start protective circuit

When start NO contact X1=On, and the stop NC contact X2=Off, Y1=On, and coil Y1 will be
electrified and protected. At this time, if X2=On, coil Y1 will still protect the contact and
continue to be electrified, and this is therefore priority start.

X1 X2

Example 3: Setting (SET) and reset (RST) command protective circuit

The following figure shows a protective circuit composed of RST and SET commands.
Priority stop occurs when the RST command is placed after the SET command. Because the
PLC executes programs from the top down, at the end of the program, the state of Y1 will
indicate whether coil Y1 is electrified. When X1 and X2 are both actuated, Y1 will lose power,
and this is therefore priority stop.
Priority start occurs when the SET command is placed after the RST command. When X1
and X2 are both actuated, Y1 will be electrified, and this is therefore priority start.

Top priority of stop Top priority of start

X1 X2
X2 X1

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Commonly-used control circuits

Example 4: Conditional control
X1, X3 are respectively start/stop Y1, and X2, X4 are respectively start/stop Y2; all have
protective circuits. Because Y1's NO contact is in series with Y2's circuit, it becomes an
AND condition for the actuation of Y2. The action of Y1 is therefore a condition for the action
of Y2, and Y1 must be actuated before Y2 can be actuated.

X1 X3
Y1 X1

Y1 X3

X2 X4 Y1
Y2 X4



Example 5: Interlocking control

The figure below shows an interlocking control circuit. Depending on which of the start
contacts X1, X2 is valid first, the corresponding output Y1 or Y2 will be actuated, and when
one is actuated, the other will not be actuated. This implies that Y1 and Y2 cannot be
actuated at the same time (interlocking effect). Even if both X1 and X2 are valid at the same
time, because the ladder diagram program is scanned from the top down, it is impossible for
Y1 and Y2 to be actuated at same time. This ladder diagram assigns priority only to Y1.

X1 X3 Y2
Y1 X1

Y1 X3

X2 X4 Y1
Y2 X4



Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Example 6: Sequence control

If the NC contact of Y2 in the interlocking control configuration of example 5 is put in series
with the Y1 circuit, so that it is an AND condition for actuation of Y1 (see figure below), not
only is Y1 a condition for the actuation of Y2 in this circuit, the actuation of Y2 will also stop
the actuation of Y1. This configuration confirms the actuation order of Y1 and Y2.
X1 X3 Y2


X2 X4 Y1


Example 7: Oscillating circuit

Oscillating circuit with a period of ∆T+∆T
The figure below shows a very simple ladder diagram. When starting to scan the Y1 NC
contact, because the Y1 coil has lost power, the Y1 NC contact will be closed. When the Y1
coil is then scanned, it will be electrified, and the output will be 1. When the Y1 NC contact is
scanned in the scanning cycle, because Y1 coil is electrified, the Y1 NC contact will be open,
the Y1 coil will then lose power, and the output will be 0. Following repeated scanning, the
output of Y1 coil will have an oscillating waveform with a period of ∆T(On)+∆T(Off).

Y1 Y1


Oscillating circuit with a period of nT+∆T

The program of the ladder diagram shown below uses timer T0 to control coil Y1's electrified
time. After Y1 is electrified, it causes timer T0 to close during the next scanning cycle, which
will cause the output from Y1 to have the oscillating waveform shown in the figure below.
Here n is the timer's decimal setting value, and T is the clock cycle of the timer.

X0 Y1
TMR T0 Kn X0

nT T

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Example 8: Flashing circuit

The following figure shows an oscillating circuit of a type commonly used to cause an
indicator light to flash or a buzzers to buzz. It uses two timers to control the On and Off time
of Y1 coil. Here n1, n2 are the timing set values of T1 and T2, and T is the clock cycle of the
X0 T2
TMR T1 Kn1 X0 n2*T
TMR T2 Kn2
X0 T1 n1*T

Example 9: Triggering circuit

In the figure below, a command consisting of the differential of the rising edge of X0 causes
coil M0 to generate a single pulse for ∆T (length of one scanning cycle), and coil Y1 is
electrified during this scanning cycle. Coil M0 loses power during the next scanning cycle,
and NC contact M0 and NC contact Y1 are both closed. This causes coil Y1 to stay in an
electrified state until there is another rising edge in input X0, which again causes the
electrification of coil M0 and the start of another scanning cycle, while also causing coil Y1 to
lose power, etc. The sequence of these actions can be seen in the figure below. This type of
circuit is commonly used to enable one input to perform two actions in alternation. It can be
seen from the time sequence in the figure below that when input X0 is a square wave signal
with a period of T, the output of coil Y1 will be a square wave signal with a period of 2T.

M0 X0

M0 Y1 T
Y1 M0
M0 Y1

Example 10: Delay circuit

When input X0 is On, because the corresponding NC contact will be Off, the timer T10 will
be in no power status, and output coil Y1 will be electrified. T10 will receive power and
begin timing only after input X0 is Off, and output coil Y1 will be delayed for 100 sec.
(K1000*0.1 sec. =100 sec.) before losing power; please refer to the sequence of actions in
the figure below.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Example 11: The open/close delay circuit is composed of two timers; output Y4 will have a delay
whether input X0 is On or Off.
TMR T5 K50 X0
T5 T6
5 秒

Y4 X0 T6
TMR T6 K30 秒

Example 12: Extended timing circuit

In the circuit in the figure on the left, the total delay time from the moment input X0 closes to
the time output Y1 is electrified is (n1+n2)*T, where T is the clock cycle. Timers: T11, T12;
clock cycle: T.
TMR T11 Kn1 X0
T11 n1*T
TMR T12 Kn2 T11
T12 n2*T


Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-5 Various PLC device functions

Item Specifications Notes

Algorithmic control Program stored internally, alternating
method back-and-forth scanning method
When it starts again after ending (after
Input/output control execution to the END command), the
method input/output has an immediate refresh
Algorithmic Applications command
Basic commands (several us);
processing speed (1-several tens of us)
Command + ladder diagram
Program capacity 10000 steps
This number of contacts
Input/output constitutes CP2000 input/output
Input (X): 10, output (Y): 3
terminal contacts; other devices have
different correspondences

Type Device Item Range Function

X0~X17, 16 points, octal Corresponds to external
X External input relay Total
number input point
Y0~Y17, 16 points, octal Corresponds to external
Y External output relay points
number output point
General Contact can switch
M0~M799, 800 points Total
Auxiliary Use On/Off within the
M 880
Relay Special program
M1000~M1079, 80 points points
Relay bit form

Timers referred to by the
Total TMR command; contact
T Timer T0~T159, 160 points 160 of the T with the same
points number will go On when
the time is reached
Counter referred to by
the CNT command;
16-bit Total
contact of the C with the
C Counter counter, C0~C79, 80 points 80
same number will go On
general use points
when the count is
The contact will be On
T Current timer value T0~T159, 160 points
when the time is reached
The counter contact will
Register word data

C0~C79, 16-bit counter 80

C Current counter value come On when the count
is reached
Used to
maintain D0~D399, 400 points
power Off Total
Data Used as data storage
D D1000~D1199, 200 1400
Register memory area
Special points points
purpose D2000~D2799, 800
Setting Range: K-32,768 ~ K32,767
Constant K Decimal
Setting Range: K-2,147,483,648~K2,147,483,647

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Setting Range:H0000 ~ HFFFF
H Hexadecimal
Setting Range: H00000000 ~ HFFFFFFFF
Serial communications port (program
RS-485/keypad port
Input/output Built-in three analog inputs and two analog outputs
Function expansion module Optional
Accessori EMC-D42A; EMC-R6AA; EMCD611A
Communication Expansion Optional
Module Accessori EMC-COP01,(CANOpen)

16-5-1 Introduction to device functions

Input/output contact functions
Input contact X functions: Input contact X is connected with an input device, and reads input
signals entering the PLC. The number of times that contact a or b of input contact X is used in the
program is not subject to restrictions. The On/Off state of input contact X will change as the input
device switches On and Off; a peripheral device (WPLSoft) cannot be used to force contact X On or
Output contact Y functions
The job of output contact Y is to send an On/Off signal to drive the load connected with
output contact Y. Output contacts consist of two types: relays and transistors. While number of times
that contact a or b of each output contact Y is used in the program is not subject to restrictions, it is
recommended that the number of output coil Y be used only once in a program, otherwise the right to
determine the output state when the PLC performs program scanning will be assigned to the
program's final output Y circuit.

Numerical value, constant [K]/[H]

Single-byte K-32,768 ~ K32,767
K Decimal
Double-byte K-2,147,483,648~K2,147,483,647
Single-byte H0000 ~ HFFFF
H Hexadecimal
Double-byte H00000000 ~ HFFFFFFFF

The PLC can use five types of numerical values to implement calculations based on its control tasks;
the following is an explanation of the missions and functions of different numerical values.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Binary Number, BIN

The PLC's numerical operations and memory employ binary numbers. Binary nibbles and relevant
terms are explained as follows:
Bit Bits are the fundamental units of binary values, and have a state of either 1 or 0
Comprised of a series of 4 bits (such as b3-b0); can be used to express a
one-nibble decimal number 0-9 or hexadecimal number: 0-F.
Comprised of a series of two nibbles (i.e. 8 bits, b7-b0); can express a
hexadecimal number: 00-FF.
Comprised of a series of two bytes (i.e. 16 bits, b15-b0); can express a
hexadecimal number with four nibbles: 0000-FFFF.
Comprised of a series of two words (i.e. 32 bits, b31-b0); can express a
Double Word
hexadecimal number with eight nibbles: 00000000-FFFFFFFF

Relationship between bits, digits, nibbles, words, and double words in a binary system (see figure
DW Double Word

W1 W0 Word

BY3 BY2 BY1 BY0 Byte

NB7 NB6 NB5 NB4 NB3 NB2 NB1 NB0 Nibble


Octal Number, OCT

The external input and output terminals of a DVP-PLC are numbered using octal numbers
Example: External input: X0~X7,X10~X17…(Device number table);
External output: Y0~Y7,Y10~Y17…(Device number table)

Decimal Number, DEC

Decimal numbers are used for the following purposes in a PLC system:
The setting values of timer T or counter C, such as TMR C0 K50. (K constant)
The numbers of devices including M, T, C, or D, such as M10 or T30. (device number)
Used as a operand in an application command, such as MOV K123 D0. (K constant)

Binary Code Decimal, BCD

Uses one nibble or 4 bits to express the data in a decimal number; a series of 16 bits can therefore
express a decimal number with 4 nibbles. Chiefly used to read the input value of a fingerwheel
numerical switch input or output a numerical value to a seven-segment display driver.

Hexadecimal Number, HEX

Applications of hexadecimal numbers in a PLC system: Used as operands in application commands,
such as MOV H1A2B D0. (H constant)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Constant K
Decimal numbers are usually prefixed with a "K" in a PLC system, such as K100. This indicates that it
is a decimal number with a numerical value of 100.
Exceptions: K can be combined with bit device X, Y, M, or S to produce data in the form of a nibble,
byte, word, or double word, such as in the case of K2Y10 or K4M100. Here K1 represents a
4-bit combination, and K2-K4 variously represent 8-, 12-, and 16-bit combinations.

Constant H
Hexadecimal numbers are usually prefixed with the letter "H" in a PLC system, such as in the case of
H100, which indicates a hexadecimal number with a numerical value of 100.
Functions of auxiliary relays
Like an output relay Y, an auxiliary relay M has an output coil and contacts a and b, and the number
of times they can be used in a program is unrestricted. Users can use an auxiliary relay M to
configure the control circuit, but cannot use it to directly drive an external load. Auxiliary relays have
the following two types of characteristics:
Ordinary auxiliary relays: Ordinary auxiliary relays will all revert to the Off state if a power outage
occurs while the PLC is running, and will remain in the Off state if power is again
turned down.
Special purpose auxiliary relays: Each special purpose auxiliary relay has its own specific use. Do not
use any undefined special purpose auxiliary relays.
Timer functions
Timers take 100 ms as their timing units. When the timing method is an upper time limit, when the
current timer value = set value, power will be sent to the output coil. Timer setting values consist of
decimal K values, and the data register D can also serve as a setting value.
Actual timer setting time = timing units * set value

Counter features
Item 16-bit counter
Type General Type
CT Direction: Score:
Setting 0~32,767
Designation of Constant K or data register D
set value
Change in current When the count reaches the set value, there is no
value longer a count
When the count reaches the set value, the contact
Output contact
comes On and stays On
Reset The current value reverts to 0 when an RST
command is executed, and the contact reverts to Off
Contact actuation All are actuated after the end of scanning

Counter functions
When a counter's counting pulse input signal goes Off→On, if the counter's current value is equal to
the set value, the output coil will come On. The setting value will be a decimal K values, and the data
register D can also serve as a setting value.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-bit counter C0-C79:

 16-bit counter setting range: K0-K32,767. (when K0 and K1 are identical, the output contact will
immediately be On during the first count.)
 The current counter value will be cleared from an ordinary counter when power is shut off to the
 If the MOV command or WPLSoft is used to transmit a value greater than the set value to the
C0 current value register, when the next X1 goes from Off→On, the C0 counter contact will
change to On, and the current value will change to the set value.
 A counter's setting value may be directly set using a constant K or indirectly set using the value
in register D (not including special data registers D1000- D1199 或 D2000 ~ D2799).
 If the set value employs a constant K, it may only be a positive number; the set value may be
either a positive or negative number if the value in data register D is used. The current counter
value will change from 32,767 to -32,768 as the count continues to accumulate.

LD X1 X1
LD C0 Y0

1. When X0=On and the RST command is X0

executed, the current value of C0 will

revert to 0, and the output contact will
revert to Off. 5
2. When X1 changes from Off→On, the C0 3
present 2
current value of the counter will execute value 1
0 0
an increase (add one).
3. When the count of counter C0 reaches the Contacts Y0, C0

set value K5, the contact C0 will come On,

and the current value of C0= set value
=K5. Afterwards, signal C0 triggered by X1
cannot be received, and the current value
of C0 will remain K5.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-5-2 Introduction to special relay functions (special M)

R/W items: RO: read only function; RW: read and write function

Special Description of Function R/W *

M1000 Operates monitor NO contact (contact a). NO while RUN, contact a. This contact
is On while in the RUN state.
M1001 Operates monitor NC contact (contact b). NC while RUN, contact b. This contact is
Off while in the RUN state.
M1002 Initiates a forward (the instant RUN is On) pulse. Initial pulse, contact a. Produces
a forward pulse the moment RUN begins; its width = scan cycle
M1003 Initiates a reverse (the instant RUN is Off) pulse. Initial pulse, contact a. Produces
a reverse pulse the moment RUN ends; the pulse width = scan cycle
M1004 Reserved RO
M1005 Driver malfunction instructions RO
M1006 Converter has no output RO
M1007 Driver direction FWD(0)/REV(1) RO
~ -- --
M1011 10 ms clock pulse ,5ms On/5ms Off RO
M1012 100 ms clock pulse ,50ms On / 50ms Off RO
M1013 1 sec. clock pulse ,0.5s On / 0.5s Off RO
M1014 1 min. clock pulse ,30s On / 30s Off RO
M1015 Frequency attained (when used together with M1025) RO
M1016 Parameter read/write error RO
M1017 Parameter write successful RO
M1018 -- --
M1019 -- --
M1020 Zero flag RO
M1021 Borrow flag RO
M1022 Carry flag RO
M1023 Divisor is 0 RO
M1024 -- --
Driver frequency = set frequency (ON)
M1025 RW
Driver frequency =0(OFF)
M1026 Driver operating direction FWD(OFF)/REV(ON) RW
M1027 Driver Reset RW
M1028 -- --
M1029 -- --
M1030 -- --
Compulsory setting of the current PID integral value equal to D1019 (0 change, 1 RW
M1032 Compulsory definition of FREQ command after PID control RW
M1033 -- --
M1034 Initiates CANopen real-time control RW
M1035 Initiates internal communications control RW
M1036 Ignore calendar error RW
M1037 -- --
M1038 -- --
M1039 -- --
M1040 Hardware power (Servo On) RW
M1041 -- --
M1042 Quick stop RW

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special Description of Function R/W *

M1043 -- --
M1044 Pause RW
~ -- --
M1048 -- --
M1049 -- --
M1050 -- --
M1051 -- --
M1052 Lock frequency (lock, frequency locked at the current operating frequency) RW
M1053 -- --
M1054 -- --
M1055 -- --
M1056 Hardware already has power (Servo On Ready) RO
M1057 -- --
M1058 On Quick Stopping RO
M1059 CANopen Master setting complete RO
M1060 CANopen Currently initializing slave station RO
M1061 CANopen Slave station initialization failure RO
M1062 -- --
M1063 -- --
M1064 -- --
M1065 Read/write CANOpen data time out RO
M1066 Read/write CANopen data complete RO
M1067 Read/write CANopen data successful RO
M1068 Calendar calculation error RO
M1069 -- --
M1070 -- --
M1071 -- --
~ -- --
M1076 Calendar time error or refresh time out RO
M1077 485 Read/write complete RO
M1078 485 Read-write error RO
M1079 485 Communications time out RO

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-5-3 Introduction to special register functions (special D)

Special Description of Function R/W *

D1000 -- --
D1001 Device system program version RO
D1002 Program capacity RO
D1003 Total program memory content RO
~ -- --
D1010 Current scan time (units: 0.1 ms) RO
D1011 Minimum scan time (units: 0.1 ms) RO
D1012 Maximum scan time (units: 0.1 ms) RO
~ -- --
D1018 Current integral value RO
D1019 Compulsory setting of PID I integral RW
D1020 Output frequency (0.00~600.00Hz) RO
D1021 Output current (####.#A) RO
AI AO DI DO Expansion card number
0:No expansion card
D1022 4:AC input card ( 6 in ) (EMC-D611A) RO
5:I/O Card ( 4 in 2 out ) (EMC-D42A)
6:Relay card( 6 out ) (EMC-R6AA)
Communication expansion card number
0:No expansion card
1:DeviceNet Slave
D1023 2:Profibus-DP Slave RO
3:CANopen Slave
4:Modbus-TCP Slave
5:EtherNet/IP Slave
~ -- --
D1027 PID calculation frequency command (frequency command after PID calculation) RO
D1028 AVI1value (0.00~100.00%) RO
D1029 ACI value (0.0~100.00%) RO
D1030 AVI2 value (0.00~100.00%) RO
~ -- --
D1036 Servo error bit RO
D1037 Driver output frequency RO
D1038 DC BUS voltage RO
D1039 Output voltage RO
D1040 Analog output value AFM1(-100.00~100.00%) RW
~ -- --
Can be user-defined (will be displayed on panel when parameter 00-04 is set as RW
28; display method is C xxx)
D1044 -- -

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special Description of Function R/W *

D1045 Analog output value AFM2(-100.00~100.00%) RW
~ -- --
Actual Operation Mode
D1050 0:Speed RO

D1051 -- --
D1052 -- --
D1053 -- --
D1054 -- --
D1055 -- --
D1056 -- --
D1057 -- --
D1058 -- --
D1059 -- --
Operation Mode setting
D1060 0:Speed RW

D1061 485 COM1 communications time out time (ms) RW

D1062 Torque command (torque limit in speed mode) RW
Year (Western calendar) (display range 2000-2099) (must use RO
D1064 Week (display range 1-7) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1065 Month (display range 1-12) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1066 Day (display range 1-31) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1067 Hour (display range 0-23) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1068 Minute (display range 0-59) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1069 Second (display range 0-59) (must use KPC-CC01) RO
D1100 Target frequency RO
D1101 Target frequency (must be operating) RO
D1102 Reference frequency RO
D1103 -- --
D1104 -- --
D1105 -- --
D1106 -- --
D1107 π(Pi) Low word RO
D1108 π(Pi) High word RO
D1109 Random number RO
Internal node communications number (set number of slave stations to be
D1110 RW
D1111 -- --
D1112 -- --
D1113 -- --
D1114 -- --
D1115 Internal node synchronizing cycle (ms) RO
D1116 Internal node error (bit0 = Node 0, bit1 = Node 1,…bit7 = Node 7) RO
Internal node online correspondence (bit0 = Node 0, bit1 = Node 1,…bit7 = Node
D1117 RO
D1118 -- --
D1119 -- --
D1120 Internal node 0 control command RW
D1121 Internal node 0 mode RW
D1122 Internal node 0 reference command L RW
D1123 Internal node 0 reference command H RW

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special Description of Function R/W *

D1124 -- --
D1125 -- --
D1126 Internal node 0 status RO
D1127 Internal node 0 reference status L RO
D1128 Internal node 0 reference status H RO
D1129 -- --
D1130 Internal node 1 control command RW
D1131 Internal node 1 mode RW
D1132 Internal node 1 reference command L RW
D1133 Internal node 1 reference command H RW
D1134 -- --
D1135 -- --
D1136 Internal node 1 status RO
D1137 Internal node 1 reference status L RO
D1138 Internal node 1 reference status H RO
D1139 -- --
D1140 Internal node 2 control command RW
D1141 Internal node 2 mode RW
D1142 Internal node 2 reference command L RW
D1143 Internal node 2 reference command H RW
D1144 -- --
D1145 -- --
D1146 Internal node 2 status RO
D1147 Internal node 2 reference status L RO
D1148 Internal node 2 reference status H RO
D1149 -- --
D1150 Internal node 3 control command RW
D1151 Internal node 3 mode RW
D1152 Internal node 3 reference command L RW
D1153 Internal node 3 reference command H RW
D1154 -- --
D1155 -- --
D1156 Internal node 3 status RO
D1157 Internal node 3 reference status L RO
D1158 Internal node 3 reference status H RO
D1159 -- --
D1160 Internal node 4 control command RW
D1161 Internal node 4 mode RW
D1162 Internal node 4 reference command L RW
D1163 Internal node 4 reference command H RW
D1164 -- --
D1165 -- --
D1166 Internal node 4 status RO
D1167 Internal node 4 reference status L RO
D1168 Internal node 4 reference status H RO
D1169 -- --
D1170 Internal node 5 control command RW
D1171 Internal node 5 mode RW
D1172 Internal node 5 reference command L RW
D1173 Internal node 5 reference command H RW
D1174 -- RW
D1175 -- --
D1176 Internal node 5 status --
D1177 Internal node 5 reference status L RO

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special Description of Function R/W *

D1178 Internal node 5 reference status H RO
D1179 -- --
D1180 Internal node 6 control command RW
D1181 Internal node 6 mode RW
D1182 Internal node 6 reference command L RW
D1183 Internal node 6 reference command H RW
D1184 -- --
D1185 -- --
D1186 Internal node 6 status RO
D1187 Internal node 6 reference status L RO
D1188 Internal node 6 reference status H RO
D1189 -- --
D1190 Internal node 7 control command RW
D1191 Internal node 7 mode RW
D1192 Internal node 7 reference command L RW
D1193 Internal node 7 reference command H RW
D1194 -- --
D1195 -- --
D1196 Internal node 7 status RO
D1197 Internal node 7 reference status L RO
D1198 Internal node 7 reference status H RO
D1199 -- --

The following is CANopen Master's special D (can be written in only

with PLC in Stop state)

Special D Description of Function off Default: R/W
Channel opened by CANopen initialization
D1070 NO NO 0 R
(bit0=Machine code0 …….)
Error channel occurring in CANopen initialization
D1071 NO NO 0 R
process (bit0=Machine code0 …….)
D1072 Reserved - - -
D1073 CANopen break channel (bit0=Machine code0 …….) NO NO R
Error code of master error
0: No error
D1074 NO NO 0 R
1: Slave station setting error
2: Synchronizing cycle setting error (too small)
D1075 Reserved - - -
D1076 SDO error message (main index value) NO NO R
D1077 SDO error message (secondary index value) NO NO R
D1078 SDO error message (error code) NO NO R
D1079 SDO error message (error code) NO NO R
D1080 Reserved - - -
D1081 -
~ Reserved - -
~ Reserved - - -
D1090 Synchronizing cycle setting NO YES 4 RW
Sets slave station On or Off (bit 0-bit 7 correspond to RW
slave stations number 0-7)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special D Description of Function off Default: R/W
D1092 Delay before start of initialization NO YES 0 RW
D1093 Break time detection NO YES 1000ms RW
D1094 Break number detection NO YES 3 RW
~ Reserved - - -
Corresponding real-time transmission type (PDO) RW
D1097 NO YES 1
Setting range: 1~240
Corresponding real-time receiving type (PDO) RW
D1098 NO YES 1
Setting range: 1~240
Initialization completion delay time RW
D1099 NO YES 15 sec.
Setting range: 1 to 60000 sec
Station number n of slave station RW
D2000+100*n Setting range: 0~127 NO YES 0
0: No CANopen function

The CP2000 supports 8 slave stations under the CANopen protocol; each slave station
occupies 100 special D locations; stations are numbered 1-8, total of 8 stations.
Explanation of Slave station no. D2000 Node ID
slave station 1 D2001 Slave station no. 1 torque restrictions
number and ~ ~
D2099 Address 4(H) corresponding to receiving
channel 4
Slave station no. D2100 Node ID
2 D2101 Slave station no. 2 torque restrictions
~ ~
D2199 Address 4(H) corresponding to receiving
channel 4
Slave station no. D2200 Node ID
3 D2201 Slave station no. 3 torque restrictions
~ ~
D2299 Address 4(H) corresponding to receiving
channel 4

Slave station no. D2700 Node ID
8 D2701 Slave station no. 8 torque restrictions
~ ~
D2799 Address 4(H) corresponding to receiving
channel 4

1. The range of n is 0-7

2. ●Indicates PDOTX, ▲Indicates PDORX; unmarked special D can be refreshed using the
CANFLS command

Special D Description of Function Default: R/W

Station number n of slave station

D2000+100*n Setting range: 0~127 0 RW
0: No CANopen function
D2002+100*n Manufacturer code of slave station number n (L) 0 R
D2003+100*n Manufacturer code of slave station number n (H) 0 R
D2004+100*n Manufacturer's product code of slave station number n (L) 0 R
D2005+100*n Manufacturer's product code of slave station number n (H) 0 R

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Basic definitions
CAN PDO Default:
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Index 1 2 3 4
Communications break handling method of
D2006+100*n 0 6007H-0010H RW
slave station number n
D2007+100*n Error code of slave station number n error 0 603FH-0010H R
D2008+100*n Control word of slave station number n 0 6040H-0010H ● ● ● RW
D2009+100*n Status word of slave station number n 0 6041H-0010H ▲ ▲ ▲ R
D2010+100*n Control mode of slave station number n 2 6060H-0008H RW
D2011+100*n Actual mode of slave station number n 2 6061H-0008H R

Velocity Control
Slave station number n=0-7
CAN PDO Default:
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Index 1 2 3 4
D2001+100*n Torque restriction on slave station number n 0 6072H-0010H RW
D2012+100*n Target speed of slave station number n 0 6042H-0010H ● RW
D2013+100*n Actual speed of slave station number n 0 6043H-0010H ▲ R
D2014+100*n Error speed of slave station number n 0 6044H-0010H R
D2015+100*n Acceleration time of slave station number n 1000 604FH-0020H R
D2016+100*n Deceleration time of slave station number n 1000 6050H-0020H RW

Torque control
Slave station number n=0-7
CAN PDO Default:
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Index 1 2 3 4
D2017+100*n Target torque of slave station number n 0 6071H-0010H ● RW
D2018+100*n Actual torque of slave station number n 0 6077H-0010H ▲ R
D2019+100*n Actual current of slave station number n 0 6078H-0010H R

Position control
Slave station number n=0-7
CAN PDO Default:
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Index 1 2 3 4
D2020+100*n Target of slave station number n (L) 0 RW
607AH-0020H ●
D2021+100*n Target of slave station number n (H) 0 RW
Actual position of slave station number n
D2022+100*n 0 R
6064H-0020H ▲
Actual position of slave station number n
D2023+100*n 0 R
D2024+100*n Speed chart of slave station number n (L) 10000 RW
D2025+100*n Speed chart of slave station number n (H) 0 RW

20XXH correspondences: MI MO AI AO
Slave station number n=0-7
CAN PDO Default:
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Index 1 2 3 4
D2026+100*n MI status of slave station number n 0 2026H-0110H ▲ RW
D2027+100*n MO setting of slave station number n 0 2026H-4110H ● RW
D2028+100*n AI1 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-6110H ▲ RW
D2029+100*n AI2 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-6210H ▲ RW
D2030+100*n AI3 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-6310H ▲ RW
D2031+100*n AO1 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-A110H ● RW
D2032+100*n AO2 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-A210H ● RW
D2033+100*n AO3 status of slave station number n 0 2026H-A310H ● RW

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

PDO reflection length setting:

Special D Description of Function Default: R/W

D2034+100*n Real-time transmission setting of slave station number n 000AH RW

D2067+100*n Real-time reception setting of slave station number n 0000H RW

16-5-4 PLC Communication address

Device Range Type Address (Hex)
X 00~37 (Octal) bit 0400~041F
Y 00~37 (Octal) bit 0500~051F
T 00~159 bit/word 0600~069F
M 000~799 bit 0800~0B1F
M 1000~1079 bit 0BE8~0C37
C 0~79 bit/word 0E00~0E47
D 00~399 word 1000~118F
D 1000~1199 word 13E8~14AF
D 2000~2799 word 17D0~1AEF

Command code that can be used

Function Code Description of Function Function target
01 Coil status read Y,M,T,C
02 Input status read X,Y,M,T,C
03 Read single unit of data T,C,D
05 Compulsory single coil status change Y,M,T,C
06 Write single unit of data T,C,D
0F Compulsory multiple coil status change Y,M,T,C
10 Write multiple units of data T,C,D

When PLC functions have been activated, the CP2000 can match PLC and driver parameters; this method employs

different addresses, drivers (default station number is 1, PLC sets station number as 2)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-6 Introduction to the Command Window

16-6-1 Overview of basic commands

Ordinary commands
Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
LD Load contact a X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
LDI Load contact b X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
AND Connect contact a in series X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
ANI Connect contact b in series X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
OR Connect contact a in parallel X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
ORI Connect contact b in parallel X、Y、M、T、C 0.8
ANB Series circuit block N/A 0.3
ORB Parallel circuit block N/A 0.3
MPS Save to stack N/A 0.3
MRD Stack read (pointer does not change) N/A 0.3
MPP Read stack N/A 0.3

Output command
Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
OUT Drive coil Y、M 1
SET Action continues (ON) Y、M 1
RST Clear contact or register Y、M、T、C、D 1.2

Timer, counter
Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
TMR 16-bit timer T-K or T-D commands 1.1
CNT 16-bit counter C-K or C-D (16-bit) 0.5

Main control command

Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
MC Common series contact connection N0~N7 0.4
MCR Common series contact release N0~N7 0.4

Contact rising edge/falling edge detection command

Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
LDP Start of forward edge detection action X、Y、M、T、C 1.1
LDF Start of reverse edge detection action X、Y、M、T、C 1.1
ANDP Forward edge detection series connection X、Y、M、T、C 1.1
ANDF Reverse edge detection series connection X、Y、M、T、C 1.1
ORP Forward edge detection parallel connection X、Y、M、T、C 1.1
ORF Reverse edge detection parallel connection X、Y、M、T、C 1.1

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Upper/lower differential output commands

Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
PLS Upper differential output Y、M 1.2
PLF Lower differential output Y、M 1.2

Stop command
Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
END Program conclusion N/A 0.2

Other commands
Command Function OPERAND Execution
code speed (us)
NOP No action N/A 0.2
INV Inverse of operation results N/A 0.2
P Index P 0.3

16-6-2 Detailed explanation of basic commands

Command Function
LD Load contact a
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The LD command is used for contact a starting at the left busbar or contact a starting
at a contact circuit block; its function is to save current content and save the acquired
contact status in the cumulative register.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Create series
AND X1 connection to contact a
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
LDI Load contact b
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The LDI command is used for contact b starting at the left busbar or contact b starting
at a contact circuit block; its function is to save current content and save the acquired
contact status in the cumulative register.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1
Y1 LDI X0 Load Contact b of X0
Create series
AND X1 connection to contact a
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
AND Connect contact a in series
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The AND command is used to create a series connection to contact a; first reads
current status of the designated series contact and logical operation results before
contact in order to perform "AND" operation; saves results in cumulative register.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X1 X0 LDI X1 Load Contact b of X1
Y1 Create series
AND X0 connection to contact a
of X0
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ANI Connect contact b in series
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ANI command is used to create a series connection to contact b; its function is to
first read current status of the designated series contact and logical operation results
before contact in order to perform "AND" operation; saves results in cumulative
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X1 X0
Y1 LD X1 Load Contact a of X1
Create series
ANI X0 connection to contact b
of X0
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
OR Connect contact a in parallel
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The OR command is used to establish a parallel connection to contact a; its function is

to first read current status of the designated series contact and logical operation
results before contact in order to perform "OR" operation; saves results in cumulative
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
X1 Create series
OR X1 connection to contact a
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
ORI Connect contact b in parallel
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ORI command is used to establish a parallel connection to contact a; its function
is to first read current status of the designated series contact and logical operation
results before contact in order to perform "OR" operation; saves results in cumulative
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
X1 Create series
ORI X1 connection to contact b
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ANB Series circuit block
Operand N/A
ANB performs an "AND" operation on the previously saved logic results and the
current cumulative register content.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Y1 Establish parallel
ORI X2 connection to contact b
X2 X3 of X2
LDI X1 Load Contact b of X1
Block A Block B Establish parallel
OR X3 connection to contact a
of X3
ANB Series circuit block
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ORB Parallel circuit block
Operand N/A
ORB performs an "OR" operation on the previously saved logic results and the current
cumulative register content.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1 Block A LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Y1 Establish parallel
ANI X1 connection to contact b
X2 X3 of X1
LDI X2 Load Contact b of X2
Block B Establish parallel
AND X3 connection to contact a
of X3
ORB Parallel circuit block
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
MPS Save to stack
Operand N/A
Save current content of cumulative register to the stack. (Add one to stack pointer)

Command Function
MRD Read stack (pointer does not change)
Operand N/A
Reads stack content and saves to cumulative register. (Stack pointer does not

Command Function
MPP Read stack
Operand N/A
Retrieves result of previously-save logical operation from the stack, and saves to
cumulative register. (Subtract one from stack pointer)
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
MPS LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
X0 X1 MPS Save to stack
Y1 Create series connection
to contact a of X1
X2 OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil
MRD M0 Read stack (pointer does
not change)
Y2 Create series connection
to contact a of X2
OUT M0 Drive M0 coil
END MPP Read stack
OUT Y2 Drive Y2 coil
END Program conclusion

Command Function
OUT Drive coil
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399
-   - - -

Outputs result of logical operation before OUT command to the designated element.
Coil contact action:
Out command
Result: Access Point:
Contact a (NO) Contact b (NC)
FALSE Off Not conducting Conducting
TRUE On Conducting Not conducting

Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:

X0 X1 LD X0 Load Contact b of X0
Y1 Establish parallel
AND X1 connection to contact a
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
SET Action continues (ON)
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399
-   - - -

When the SET command is driven, the designated element will be set as On, and will
be maintained in an On state, regardless of whether the SET command is still driven.
The RST command can be used to set the element as Off.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 Y0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
SET Y1 Establish parallel
AN Y0 connection to contact b
of Y0
SET Y1 Action continues (ON)

Command Function
RST Clear contact or register
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399
When the RST command is driven, the action of the designated element will be as
Element Mode
Y, M Both coil and contact will be set as Off.
The current timing or count value will be set as 0, and both the coil
T, C
and contact ill be set as Off.
D The content value will be set as 0.
If the RST command has not been executed, the status of the designated element will
remain unchanged.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
RST Y5 Clear contact or

Command Function
TMR 16-bit timer
T-K T0~T159,K0~K32,767
T-D T0~T159,D0~D399
When the TMR command is executed, the designated timer coil will be electrified, and
the timer will begin timing. The contact's action will be as follows when the timing
value reaches the designated set value (timing value >= set value):
NO (Normally Open) contact Closed
NC (Normally Close) contact Open
If the RST command has not been executed, the status of the designated element will
remain unchanged.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
TMR T5 K1000 T5 timer
TMR T5 K1000
Set value as K1000

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
CNT 16-bit counter
C-K C0~C79,K0~K32,767
C-D C0~C79,D0~D399
When the CNT command is executed from Off→On, this indicates that the designated
counter coil goes from no power → electrified, and 1 will be added to the counter's
count value; when the count reaches the designated value (count value = set value),
the contact will have the following action:
NO (Normally Open) contact Closed
NC (Normally Close) contact Open
After the count value has been reached, the contact and count value will both remain
unchanged even if there is continued count pulse input. Please use the RST
command if you wish to restart or clear the count.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
CNT C2 K100 C2counter
CNT C2 K100
Set value as K100

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
MC/MCR Connect/release a common series contact
Operand N0~N7
MC is the main control initiation command, and any commands between MC and
MCR will be executed normally. When the MC command is Off, any commands
between MC and MCR will act as follows:
Determination of commands Description
The timing value will revert to 0, the coil will lose
Ordinary timer
power, and the contact will not operate
The coil will lose power, and the count value and
contact will stay in their current state
Coil driven by OUT command None receive power
Elements driven by SET, RST
Will remain in their current state
Applications commands None are actuated
MCR is the main control stop command, and is placed at the end of the main control
program. There may not be any contact commands before the MCR command.
The MC-MCR main control program commands support a nested program structure
with a maximum only 8 levels; use in the order N0-N7, please refer to the following
Command Description:
Ladder diagram: code:
MC N0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Connection of N0 common series
X1 MC N0
LD X1 Load Contact a of X1
X2 OUT Y0 Drive Y0 coil
MC N1 :
X3 LD X2 Load Contact a of X2
Y1 Connection of N1 common series
MCR N1 LD X3 Load Contact a of X3
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil
MCR N0 :
MCR N1 Release N1 common series contact
MCR N0 Release N0 common series contact
X11 :
LD X10 Load Contact a of X10
Connection of N0 common series
MCR N0 contact
LD X11 Load Contact a of X11
OUT Y10 Drive Y10 coil
MCR N0 Release N0 common series contact

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
LDP Start of forward edge detection action
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The LDP command has the same usage as LD, but its action is different; its function is
to save current content, while also saving the detected state of the rising edge of the
contact to the cumulative register.
Command Description:
Ladder diagram: code:
X0 X1
Y1 Start of X0 forward edge detection
Create series connection to
contact a of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in series for the scope
of usage of each operand.
A rising edge contact will be TRUE after power is turned on if the rising edge contact is
On before power is turned on to the PLC.

Command Function
LDF Start of reverse edge detection action
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The LDF command has the same usage as LD, but its action is different; its function is
to save current content while also saving the detected state of the falling edge of the
contact to the cumulative register.
Command code: Description:
Ladder diagram:
X0 X1 Start of X0 reverse
Y1 edge detection action
Create series
AND X1 connection to contact a
of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ANDP Forward edge detection series connection
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ANDP command used for a contact rising edge detection series connection.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Y1 X1 Forward edge
ANDP X1 detection series
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
ANDF Reverse edge detection series connection
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ANDF command is used for a contact falling edge detection series connection.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
X0 X1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Y1 X1 Reverse edge
ANDF X1 detection series
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ORP Forward edge detection parallel connection
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ORP command is used for a contact rising edge detection parallel connection.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
X1 X1 Forward edge
ORP X1 detection parallel
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
ORF Reverse edge detection parallel connection
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399

The ORF command is used for contact falling edge detection parallel connection.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
X1 Reverse edge
ORF X1 detection parallel
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
PLS Upper differential output
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399
-   - - -

Upper differential output commands. When X0=Off→On (positive edge-triggered), the

PLS command will be executed, and M0 will send one pulse, with a pulse length
consisting of one scanning period.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
PLS M0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
M0 M0 Upper differential
SET Y0 output
Time sequence diagram: LD M0 Load Contact a of M0
X0 Y0 Action continues
M0 Time for one scan cycle


Command Function
PLF Lower differential output
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M799 T0~159 C0~C79 D0~D399
-   - - -

Lower differential output command. When X0= On→Off (negative edge-triggered), the
PLF command will be executed, and M0 will send one pulse, with pulse length
consisting of one scanning period.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
PLF M0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
M0 M0 Lower differential
SET Y0 output
Time sequence diagram: LD M0 Load Contact a of M0
X0 Y0 Action continues
M0 Time for one scan cycle


Command Function
END Program conclusion
Operand N/A
An END command must be added to the end of a ladder diagram program or
command program. The PLC will scan from address 0 to the END command, and will
return to address 0 and begins scanning again after execution.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command Function
NOP No action
Operand N/A
The command NOP does not perform any operation in the program. Because
execution of this command will retain the original logical operation results, it can be
used in the following situation: the NOP command can be used instead of a command
that is deleted without changing the program length.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
NOP command will be simplified and not
displayed when the ladder diagram is LD X0 Load Contact b of X0
NOP No action
NOP Y1 OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
INV Inverse of operation results
Operand N/A
Saves the result of the logic inversion operation prior to the INV command in the
cumulative register.
Ladder diagram: Command code: Description:
Y1 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
Inverse of operation
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Command Function
P Index
Operand P0~P255
Pointer P is used to subprogram call command API 01 CALL. Use does not require
starting from zero, but the number cannot be used repeatedly, otherwise an
unpredictable error will occur.
Command code: Description:
Ladder diagram:
X0 LD X0 Load Contact a of X0
CALL P10 CALL P10 Call command CALL to

P10 Y1
P10 Pointer P10
LD X1 Load Contact a of X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-6-3 Overview of application commands

Command code P STEPS

Classification API Function
16 bit 32 bit command 16bit 32bit
01 CALL -  Call subprogram 3 -
Circuit control 02 SRET - - Conclusion of subprogram 1 -
06 FEND - - Conclusion a main program 1 -
10 CMP DCMP  Compares set output 7 13
Send 11 ZCP DZCP  Range comparison 9 17
comparison 12 MOV DMOV  Data movement 5 9
15 BMOV –  Send all 7 –
20 ADD DADD  BIN addition 7 13
21 SUB DSUB  BIN subtraction 7 13
Four logical 22 MUL DMUL  BIN multiplication 7 13
operations 23 DIV DDIV  BIN division 7 13
24 INC DINC  BIN add one 3 5
25 DEC DDEC  BIN subtract one 3 5
Rotational 30 ROR DROR  Right rotation 5 –
displacement 31 ROL DROL  Left rotation 5 –
Data Process 40 ZRST –  Clear range 5 -
 BIN whole number → binary
49 – DFLT floating point number - 9

150 MODRW – MODBUS read/write 7 –

–  Comparison of binary floating

110 DECMP – 13
point numbers
–  Comparison of binary floating
111 DEZCP – 17
point number range
116 – DRAD  Angle → Radian – 9
117 – DDEG  Radian → Angle – 9
–  Binary floating point number
120 DEADD – 13
–  Binary floating point number
121 DESUB – 13
–  Binary floating point number
122 DEMUL – 13
Floating point operation

–  Binary floating point number

123 DEDIV – 13
–  Binary floating point number
124 DEXP – 9
obtain exponent
–  Binary floating point number
125 DLN – 9
obtain logarithm
–  Binary floating point number
127 DESQR – 9
find square root
–  Binary floating point number →
129 DINT BIN whole number – 9
–  Binary floating point number
130 DSIN – 9
SIN operation
–  Binary floating point number
131 DCOS – 9
COS operation
–  Binary floating point number
132 DTAN – 9
TAN operation
–  Binary floating point number
133 DASIN – 9
ASIN operation
–  Binary floating point number
134 DACOS – 9
ACOS operation

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command code P STEPS

Classification API Function
16 bit 32 bit command 16bit 32bit
–  Binary floating point number
135 DATAN – 9
ATAN operation
–  Binary floating point number
136 DSINH – 9
SINH operation


–  Binary floating point number

137 DCOSH – 9
COSH operation
–  Binary floating point number
138 DTANH – 9
TANH operation
160 TCMP –  Compare calendar data 11 –
161 TZCP –  Compare calendar data range 9 –
Calendar 162 TADD –  Calendar data addition 7 –
163 TSUB –  Calendar data subtraction 7 –
166 TRD –  Calendar data read 3 –
170 GRY DGRY  BIN→GRY code transformation 5 9
GRAY code  GRY code →BIN
171 GBIN DGBIN 5 9
Contact form logical operation
215 LD& DLD& - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
216 LD| DLD| - 5 9
Contact form logical operation

Contact form logical operation

217 LD^ DLD^ - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
218 AND& DAND& - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
219 ANDl DANDl - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
220 AND^ DAND^ - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
221 OR& DOR& - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
222 OR| DOR| - 5 9
Contact form logical operation
223 OR^ DOR^ - 5 9
224 =
LD DLD= - Contact form compare LD ※ 5 9
225 >
LD DLD> - Contact form compare LD ※ 5 9
226 <
LD DLD< - Contact form compare LD ※ 5 9
228 <>
LD DLD<> - Contact form compare LD ※ 5 9
<= <= ※
Contact form compare command

229 LD DLD - Contact form compare LD 5 9

230 >=
LD DLD>= - Contact form compare LD ※ 5 9
232 =
AND DAND= - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
233 >
AND DAND> - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
234 <
AND DAND< - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
236 <>
AND DAND<> - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
237 <=
AND DAND<= - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
238 >=
AND DAND>= - Contact form compare AND ※ 5 9
240 =
OR DOR= - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9
241 >
OR DOR> - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9
242 <
OR DOR< - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9
244 OR<> DOR <> - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9
245 OR<= DOR <= - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9
246 OR>= DOR >= - Contact form compare OR ※ 5 9

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Command code P STEPS

Classification API Function
16 bit 32 bit command 16bit 32bit
point contact
275 - FLD = -
Floating point number contact
form compare LD ※ - 9


Floating point number contact

276 - -
form compare LD ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
277 - -
form compare LD ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
278 - -
form compare LD ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
279 - -
form compare LD ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
280 - -
form compare LD ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
281 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
282 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
283 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9
Compare command

Floating point number contact
284 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
285 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
286 - -
form compare AND ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
287 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
288 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
289 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
290 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
291 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9

Floating point number contact
292 - -
form compare OR ※ - 9
139 RPR –  Read servo parameter 5 –
140 WPR –  Write servo parameter 5 –
141 FPID –  Driver PID control mode 9 –
Driver special command

142 FREQ –  Driver torque control mode 7 –

 Read CANopen slave station

261 CANRX – 9 -
 Write CANopen slave station
264 CANTX – 9 -
 Refresh special
265 CANFLS – 3 -
D corresponding to CANopen
320 ICOMR DICOMR  Internal communications read 9 17
321 ICOMW DICOMW  Internal communications write 9 17

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-6-4 Detailed explanation of applications commands

CALL S Call subprogram
01 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (3 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D CALL Continuous CALLP Pulse
execution type execution type

32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage:
The S operand can designate P
CP2000 series device: The S operand can designate P0-P63
Flag signal: none

 S:Call subprogram pointer.

 Write the subprogram after the FEND command.

 The subprogram must end after the SRET command.
 Refer to the FEND command explanation and sample content for detailed
command functions.

- Conclusion of subprogram

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (1 STEP)

execution type
- -
32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage:
No operand
A contact-driven command is not needed
Flag signal: none

 A contact-driven command is not needed. Automatically returns next

command after CALL command
 Indicates end of subprogram. After end of subprogram, SRET returns to main
program, and executes next command after the original call subprogram CALL
 Refer to the FEND command explanation and sample content for detailed
command functions.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

FEND - Conclusion a main program

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (1 STEP)

execution type
- -
32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage:
No operand
A contact-driven command is not needed
Flag signal: none

 This command indicates the end of the main program. It is the same as
the END command when the PLC executes this command.
 The CALL command program must be written after the FEND command,
and the SRET command added to the end of the subprogram.
 When using the FEND command, an END command is also needed.
However, the END command must be placed at the end, after the main
program and subprogram.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

CMP S1 S2 D Compares set output
10 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D CMP Continuous CMPP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
D * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
DCMP Continuous DCMPP Pulse
execution type execution type
Notes on operand usage:
The operand D occupies three consecutive points Flag signal: none

 S1 : Compare value 1. S2 : Compare value 2. D : Results of comparison.

 Compares the size of the content of operand S1 and S2 ; the results of

comparison are expressed in D .

 Size comparison is performed algebraically. All data is compared in the form of
numerical binary values. Because this is a 16-bit command, when b15 is 1, this
indicates a negative number.
 When the designated device is Y0, it automatically occupies Y0, Y1 and Y2.
 When X10=On, the CMP command executes, and Y0, Y1 or Y2 will be On. When
X10=Off, the CMP command will not execute, and the state of Y0, Y1 and Y2 will
remain in the state prior to X10=Off.
 If ≥, ≤, or ≠ results are needed, they can be obtained via series/parallel
connections of Y0-Y2.
CMP K10 D10 Y0
If K10>D10, Y0 = On
If K10=D10, Y1 = On

If K10<D10, Y2= On

 To clear results of comparison, use the RST or ZRST command.

X10 X10



Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ZCP S1 S2 S D Range comparison
11 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ZCP Continuous ZCPP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
S * * * * * * * * 32-bit command (17 STEP)

D * * DZCP Continuous
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
The content value of operand S1 is less than the content value of Flag signal: none
S2 operand
The operand D occupies three consecutive points

 S1 : Lower limit of range comparison. S2 : Upper limit of range comparison.

S : Comparative value. D : Results of comparison.

 When the comparative value S is compared with the lower limit S1 and
upper limitS2 , the results of comparison are expressed in D .

 When lower limit S1 > upper limit S2 , the command will use the lower limit
S1 to perform comparison with the upper and lower limit.
 Size comparison is performed algebraically. All data is compared in the form of
numerical binary values. Because this is a 16-bit command, when b15 is 1, this
indicates a negative number.
 When the designated device is M0, it automatically occupies M0, M1 and M2.
 When X0=On, the ZCP command executes, and M0, M1 or M2 will be On. When
X0=Off, the ZCP command will not execute, and the state of M0, M1 or M2 will
remain in the state prior to X0=Off.
 If ≥, ≤, or ≠ results are needed, they can be obtained via series/parallel
connections of M0-M2.
ZCP K10 K100 C10 M0
If C10 < K10, M0 = On
If K10 =
< C10 =
< K100, M1 = On

If C10 > K100, M2 = On
 To clear results of comparison, use the RST or ZRST command.
X0 X0



Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

MOV S D Data movement
12 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D MOV Continuous MOVP Pulse
S * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
D * * * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: none
DMOV Continuous DMOVP Pulse
execution type execution type

Flag signal:

 D : Destination of data movement.

S : Data source.

 When this command is executed, the content of S content will be directly

moved to D . When the command is not executed, the content of D will not
 When X0=Off, the content of D10 will not change; if X0=On, the value K10 will be
sent to data register D10.
 When X1=Off, the content of D10 will not change; if X1=On, the current value of
T0 will be sent to data register D10.
MOV K10 D0
MOV T0 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

BMOV S D n Send all
15 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
* * * * * *
BMOV Continuous BMOVP Pulse
S execution type execution type
D * * * * *
n * * * * 32-bit command
- - - -

Notes on operand usage:
n operand scope n 1 to 512
Flag signal: none

 S : Initiate source device. D : Initiate destination device. n : Send block

 The content of n registers starting from the initial number of the device designated
by S will be sent to the n registers starting from the initial number of the
device designated by n ; if the number of points referred to by n exceeds the
range used by that device, only points within the valid range will be sent.
 When X10=On, the content of registers D0-D3 will be sent to the four registers
D20 to D23.

 If the designated bit devices KnX, KnY, and KnM are sent, S and D must
have the same number of nibbles, which implies that n must be identical.

 In order to prevent overlap between the transmission addresses of two operands,

which would cause confusion, make sure that the addresses designated by the
two operands have different sizes, as shown below:
When S > D , send in the order 1→2 →3.
D20 1 D19
BMOV D20 D19 K3 2
D21 D20
D22 D21
When S < D , send in the order 3→2 →1.
D10 3 D11
BMOV D10 D11 K3 2
D11 D12
D12 D13

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ADD S1 S2 D BIN addition
20 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ADD Continuous ADDP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
D * * * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
DADD Continuous DADDP Pulse
Notes on operand usage: none execution type execution type

Flag signal: M1020 Zero flag

M1021 Borrow flag
M1022 Carry flag
Please refer to the following
supplementary explanation
 S1 : Augend. S2 : Addend. D : Sum.

 Using two data sources: The result of adding S1 and S2 using the BIN
method will be stored in D .
 The highest bit of any data is symbolized as bit 0 indicating (positive) 1 indicating
(negative), enabling the use of algebraic addition operations. (for instance:
 Flag changes connected with the addition.
1. When calculation results are 0, the zero flag M1020 will be On.
2. When calculation results are less than –32,768, the borrow flag M1021 will be
3. When calculation results are greater than 32,767, the carry flag M1022 will be
 16-bit BIN addition: When X0=On, the result of the content of addend D0 plus the
content of augend D10 will exist in the content of D20.
ADD D0 D10 D20

 Relationship between flag actions and negative/positive numbers:

16 bit: Zero flag Zero flag Zero flag

-2, -1, 0 -32,768 -1, 0 1 32,767 0 1 2

The highest bit The highest bit

Borrow flag of the data of the data Carry flag
= 1 (negative) = 0 (positive)

32 bit: Zero flag Zero flag Zero flag

-2, -1, 0 -2,147,483,648 -1, 0 1 2,147,483,647 0 1 2

The highest bit The highest bit

Borrow flag Carry flag
of the data of the data
= 1 (negative) = 0 (positive)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

SUB S1 S2 D BIN subtraction
21 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D SUB Continuous SUBP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
D * * * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
Continuous Pulse
Notes on operand usage: none DSUB DSUBP
execution type execution type

Flag signal: M1020 Zero flag

M1021 Borrow flag
M1022 Carry flag
Please refer to the following
supplementary explanation

 S1 : Minuend. S2 : Subtrahend. D : Difference.

 Using two data sources: The result of subtraction of S1 and S2 using the
BIN method is stored in D .
 The highest bit of any data is symbolized as bit 0 indicating (positive) 1 indicating
(negative), enabling the use of algebraic subtraction operations.
 Flag changes connected with subtraction.
1. When calculation results are 0, the zero flag M1020 will be On.
2. When calculation results are less than –32,768, the borrow flag M1021 will be
3. When calculation results are greater than 32,767, the carry flag M1022 will be
 16-bit BIN subtraction: When X0=On, the content of D10 is subtracted from the
content of D0, and the difference is stored in D20.
SUB D0 D10 D20

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

MUL S1 S2 D BIN multiplication
22 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D MUL Continuous MULP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
D * * * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
DMUL Continuous DMULP Pulse
Notes on operand usage: execution type execution type
The 16-bit command operand D will occupy 2 consecutive points
Flag signal: none

 S1 : Multiplicand. S2 : Multiplier. D : Product.

 Using two data sources: When S1 and S2 are multiplied using the BIN
method, the product is stored in D .
16-bit BIN multiplication operation:
S1 S2 D +1 D

b15..........b0 b15..........b0 b31..........b16b15..............b0

X =
b15 is a symbol bit b15 is a symbol bit b31 is a symbol bit (b15 of D+1)
Symbol bit = 0 refers to a positive value.
Symbol bit = 1 refers to a negative value.

When D is a bit device, K1-K4 can be designated as a hexadecimal number,

which will occupy 2 consecutive units.
 When 16-bit DO is multiplied by 16-bit D10, the result will be a 32-bit product; the
upper 16 bits will be stored in D21, and the lower 16 bits will be stored in D20.
Whether the bit at the farthest left is Off or On will indicate the sign of the result.
MUL D0 D10 D20

MUL D0 D10 K8M0

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

DIV S1 S2 D BIN division
23 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D DIV Continuous DIVP Pulse
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
D * * * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
DDIV Continuous DDIVP Pulse
Notes on operand usage: execution type execution type
The 16-bit command operand D will occupy 2 consecutive points
Flag signal: none

 S1 : Dividend. S2 : Divisor. D : Quotient and remainder.

 Using two data sources: The quotient and remainder will be stored in D when
S1 and S2 are subjected to division using the BIN method. The sign bit for
S1 , S2 and D must be kept in mind when performing a 16-bit operation.
16-bit BIN division:
Quotient Remainder

/ =
If D is a bit device, K1-K4 can be designated 16 bits, which will occupy 2
consecutive units and yield the quotient and remainder.
 When X0=On, the quotient resulting from division of dividend D0 by divisor D10
will be placed in D20, and the remainder will be placed in D21. Whether the
highest bit is Off or On will indicate the sign of the result.
DIV D0 D10 D20

DIV D0 D10 K4Y0

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

INC D BIN add one
24 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (3 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D INC Continuous INCP Pulse
D * * * * * execution type execution type
Notes on operand usage: none
32-bit command (5 STEP)
DINC Continuous DINCP Pulse
execution type execution type

Flag signal: none

 D : Destination device.
 If a command is not the pulse execution type, when the command is executed, the
program will add 1 to the content of device D for each scanning cycle.
 This command is ordinarily used as a pulse execution type command (INCP).
 During 16-bit operation, 32,767 +1 will change the value to -32,768. During 32 bit
operation, 2,147,483,647 +1 will change the value to -2,147,483,648.
 When X0=Off→On, 1 is automatically added to the content of D0.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

DEC D BIN subtract one
25 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (3 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D DEC Continuous DECP Pulse
D * * * * * execution type execution type
Notes on operand usage: none
32-bit command (5 STEP)
DDEC Continuous DDECP Pulse
execution type execution type

Flag signal: none

 D : Destination device.
 If a command is not the pulse execution type, when the command is executed, the
program will add 1 to the content of device D for each scanning cycle.
 This command is ordinarily used as a pulse execution type command (DECP).
 During 16-bit operation, -32,768 -1 will change the value to 32,767. During 32 bit
operation, -2,147,483,648 -1 will change the value to -2,147,483,647.
 When X0=Off→On, 1 is automatically subtracted from the content of D0.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ROR D n Right rotation
30 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ROR Continuous RORP Pulse
D * * * * * execution type execution type
n * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DROR Continuous DRORP Pulse
Only K4 (16-bit) will be valid if the operand D is designated as KnY execution type execution type
or KnM.
n operand n=K1-K16 (16-bit) Flag signal: M1022 Carry flag

 D : Device to be rotated. n : Number of bits for one rotation.

 Rotates the device designated by D to the right n bits.

 This command is ordinarily used as a pulse execution type command (RORP).
 When X0=Off→On, 4 of the 16 bits in D10 specify a right rotation; the content of
the bit indicated with * (see figure below) will be sent to the carry flag signal

Rotate to the right

upper bit lower bit
D10 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Carry
16 bits
After one rotation
to the right
upper bit lower bit
D10 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Carry
* flag

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ROL D n Left rotation
31 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ROL Continuous ROLP Pulse
D * * * * * execution type execution type
n * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage:
DROL Continuous DROLP Pulse
Only K4 (16-bit) will be valid if the operand D is designated as KnY
execution type execution type
or KnM.
n operand n=1 to 16 (16-bit) Flag signal: M1022 Carry flag

 D : Device to be rotated. n : Number of bits for one rotation.

 Rotates the device designated by D to the left n bits.

 This command is ordinarily used as a pulse execution type command (ROLP).
 When X0=Off→On, 4 of the 16 bits in D10 specify a left rotation; the content of the
bit indicated with * (see figure below) will be sent to the carry flag signal M1022.
D10 K4

Rotate to the left

upper bit lower bit
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D10
flag 16 bits
After one rotation
to the left
upper bit lower bit
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ZRST D1 D2 Clear range
40 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
* * * * *
ZRST Continuous ZRSTP Pulse
D1 execution type execution type
D2 * * * * *
32-bit command
Notes on operand usage:
Number of operand D1 operand ≤ number of operand D2 - - - -
Operands D1, D2 must designate the same type of device
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 D1: Clear range's initial device. D2: Clear range's final device.
 When the number of operand D1 > number of operand D2, only the operand
designated by D2 will be cleared.
 When X0 is On, auxiliary relays M300 - M399 will be cleared and changed to Off.
 When X1 is On, 16-bit counters C0 - C127 will all be cleared. (Writes 0, and clears
and changes contact and coil to Off).
 When X10 is On, timer T0 - T127 will all be cleared. (Writes 0, and clears and
changes contact and coil to Off).
 When X3 is On, the data in data registers D0 - D100 will be cleared and set as 0.
ZRST M300 M399
ZRST C0 C127
ZRST T0 T127
ZRST D0 D100

 Devices can independently use the clear command (RST), such as bit device Y, M
and word device T, C, D.



Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

API BIN whole number → binary decimal

49 D P transformation
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * * * *
D * * * * * 32-bit command (9steps)
Notes on operand usage: Please refer to the function specifications DFLT Continuous DFLTP Pulse
table for each device in series for the scope of device usage execution type execution type
The operand D will occupy 2 consecutive points
Flag signal: none

 S: Transformation source device. D: Device storing transformation results.

 Transforms BIN whole number into a binary decimal value.
 When X11 is On, converts the whole number of values corresponding to D0 and
D1 into floating point numbers, which are placed in D20 and D21.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

MODRW MODBUS data read/write
150 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D MODRW Continuous MODRW Pulse
S1 * * * execution type P execution type
S2 * * *
S3 * * * 32-bit command
- - - -
S *
n * * * Flag signal: M1077 M1078 M1079

 S1: online device address. S2: communications function code. S3: address of
data to read/write. S: register for data to be read/written is stored. N: length of data
to be read/written.
 COM1 must be defined as controlled by the PLC (set P9-31 = -12) before using
this command, and the corresponding communications speed and format must
also be set (set P09-01 and P09-04). S2: communications function code.
Currently only supports the following function code; the remaining function code
cannot be executed.

Function Description
H 02 Input read
H 03 Read word
H 06 Write single word
H 0F Write multiple coils
H10 Write single word
 After executing this command, M1077, M1078 and M1079 will be immediately
changed to 0.
 As an example, when CP2000 must control another converter and PLC, if the
converter has a station number of 10 and the PLC has a station number of 20, see
the following example:
Control slave device converter
MODRW command
Seria S1 S2 S3 S4 n
l No.
Node Function Addres Leng
ID code s th:
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
converter slave device parameters
1 K10 H3 H100 D0 K4
P01-00 to P01-03, and saves the read
data in D0 to D3
Reads 3 sets of data comprising the
converter slave device addresses
2 K10 H3 H2100 D5 K3
H2100 to H2102, and saves the read
data in D5 to D7
Reads 3 sets of data comprising the
converter slave device parameters
3 K10 H10 H500 D10 K3
P05-00 to P05-03, and writes the
values as D10 to D12
Writes 2 sets of data comprising the
converter slave device addresses
4 K10 H10 H2000 D15 K2
H2000 to H2001, and writes the values
as D15 to D16

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

PLC controlling slave device

MODRW command
Serial Example S1 S2 S3 S4 n
No. Node Functio Addres Registe
ID n code s r
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
1 PLC slave device's X0 to X3 state, and K20 H2 H400 D0 K4
saves the read data in bits 0 to 3 of D0
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
2 PLC slave device's Y0 to Y3 state, and K20 H2 H500 D1 K4
saves the read data in bits 0 to 3 of D1
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
3 PLC slave device's M0 to M3 state, and K20 H2 H800 D2 K4
saves the read data in bits 0 to 3 of D2
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
4 PLC slave device's T0 to T3 state, and K20 H2 H600 D3 K4
saves the read data in bits 0 to 3 of D3
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
5 PLC slave device's C0 to C3 state, and K20 H2 HE00 D4 K4
saves the read data in bits 0 to 3 of D4
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
PLC slave device's T0 to T3 count
6 K20 H3 H600 D10 K4
value, and saves the read data of D10
to D13
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
PLC slave device's C0 to C3 count
7 K20 H3 HE00 D20 K4
value, and saves the read data of D20
to D23
Reads 4 sets of data comprising the
PLC slave device's D0 to D3 count
8 K20 H3 H1000 D30 K4
value, and saves the read data of D30
to D33
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
9 Y0 to Y3 state, and writes the values as K20 HF H500 D1 K4
bits 0 to 3 of D1
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
10 M0 to M3 state, and writes the values K20 HF H800 D2 K4
as bits 0 to 3 of D2
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
11 T0 to T3 state, and writes the values as K20 HF H600 D3 K4
bits 0 to 3 of D3
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
12 C0 to C3 state, and writes the values K20 HF HE00 D4 K4
as bits 0 to 3 of D4
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
13 T0 to T3 state, and writes the values of K20 H10 H600 D10 K4
D10 to D13
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
14 C0 to C3 state, and writes the values of K20 H10 HE00 D20 K4
D20 to D23
Writes 4 sets of the PLC slave device's
15 D0 to D3 state, and writes the values of K20 H10 H1000 D30 K4
D30 to D33

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

 Will trigger M0 On when the PLC begins to operate, and sends instruction to
execute one MODRW command.
 After receiving the slave device's response, if the command is correct, it will
execute one ROL command, which will cause M1 to be On.
 After receiving the slave device's response, will trigger M50 = 1 after a delay of 10
PLC scanning cycles, and then execute one MODRW command.
 After again receiving the slave device's response, if the command is correct, it will
execute one ROL command, and M2 will change to On at this time (and M2 can
be defined as a repeat of M); K4M0 will change to K1, and only M0 will remain 1.
Transmission can proceed in a continuous cycle. If you wish to add a command,
merely add the desired command in the empty frame, and change repeat M to

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ECMP Comparison of binary floating point numbers
110 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
* *
* - - - -
S2 * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
D * * * DECMP Continuous DECMPP Pulse
Notes on operand usage: execution type execution type
The operand D occupies three consecutive points
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: Comparison of binary floating point numbers value 1. S2: Comparison of
binary floating point numbers value 2. D: Results of comparison, occupies 3
consecutive points.
 When binary floating point number 1 is compared with comparative binary
floating point number 2, the result of comparison (>, =, <) will be expressed in D.
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform the constant to a binary floating-point number for the purpose of
 When the designated device is M10, it will automatically occupy M10-M12.
 When X0=On, the DECMP command executes, and one of M10-M12 will be On.
When X0=Off, the DECMP command will not execute, and M10-M12 will remain
in the X0=Off state.
 If results in the form of ≥, ≤, or ≠ are needed, they can be obtained by series and
parallel connection of M10-M12.
 Please use the RST or ZRST command to clear the result.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

EZCP Comparison of binary floating point number range
111 D P
Bit device Word device
16-bit command
* *
* - - - -
S2 * * *
S * * * 32-bit command (17 STEP)
D * * DEZCP Continuous DEZCPP
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
The operand D occupies three consecutive points Flag signal: none
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: Lower limit of binary floating point number in range comparison. S2: Upper
limit of binary floating point number in range comparison. S: Comparison of
binary floating point numerical values. D: Results of comparison, occupies 3
consecutive points.
 Comparison of binary floating point numerical value S with binary floating point
number lower limit value S1 and binary floating point number upper limit value S2;
the results of comparison are expressed in D.
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform the constant to a binary floating-point number for the purpose of
 When the lower limit binary floating point number S1 is greater than the upper
limit binary floating point number S2, a command will be issued to perform
comparison with the upper and lower limits using the binary floating point number
lower limit value S1.
 When the designated device is M0, it will automatically occupy M0- M2.
 When X0=On, the DEZCP command will be executed, and one of M0-M2 will be
On. When X0=Off, the EZCP command will not execute, and M0-M2 will continue
in the X0=Off state.
 Please use the RST or ZRST command to clear the result.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

RAD Angle → Radian
116 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DRAD Continuous DRADP 脈波執行型
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: data source (angle). D: result of transformation (radian).

 Uses the following formula to convert angles to radians.
 Radian = Angle × (π/180)

 When X0=On, the angle of the designated binary floating point number (D1, D0)
will be converted to radians and stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting
of a binary floating point number.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

DEG Radian → Angle
117 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DDEG Continuous DDEGP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: data source (radian). D: results of transformation (angle).

 Uses the following formula to convert radians to an angle.
 Angle = Radian × (180/π)

 When X0=On, angle of the designated binary floating point number (D1, D0) in
radians will be converted to an angle and stored in (D11, D10), with the content
consisting of a binary floating point number.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

EADD Adding binary floating point numbers
120 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
D * DEADD Continuous DEADDP
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: addend. S2: augend. D: sum.
 When the content of the register designated by S2 is added to the content of the
register designated by S1, and the result is stored in the register designated by D.
Addition is performed entirely using binary floating-point numbers.
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform that constant into a binary floating point number for use in addition.
 In the situation when S1 and S2 designate identical register numbers, if a
"continuous execution" command is employed, when conditional contact is On,
the register will perform addition once during each scan. Pulse execution type
commands (DEADDP) are generally used under ordinary circumstances.
 When X0=On, a binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be added to a binary
floating point number (D3, D2), and the results stored in (D11, D10).

 When X2 =On, a binary floating point number (D11, D10) will be added to K1234
(which has been automatically converted to a binary floating-point number), and
the results stored in (D21, D20).
DEADD D10 K1234 D20

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ESUB Subtraction of binary floating point numbers
121 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
D * DESUB Continuous DESUBP
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: minuend. S2: subtrahend. D: difference.
 When the content of the register designated by S2 is subtracted from the content
of the register designated by S1, the difference will be stored in the register
designated by D; subtraction is performed entirely using binary floating-point
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform that constant into a binary floating point number for use in subtraction.
 In the situation when S1 and S2 designate identical register numbers, if a
"continuous execution" command is employed, when conditional contact is On,
the register will perform addition once during each scan. Pulse execution type
commands (DESUBP) are generally used under ordinary circumstances.
 When X0=On, a binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be subtracted to a
binary floating point number (D3, D2), and the results stored in (D11, D10).

 When X2 =On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be subtracted from
K1234 (which has been automatically converted to a binary floating-point
number), and the results stored in (D11, D10).
DESUB K1234 D0 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

EMUL Multiplication of binary floating point numbers
122 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
D * DEMUL Continuous DEMULP
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: multiplicand. S2: multiplier. D: product.
 When the content of the register designated by S1 is multiplied by the content of
the register designated by S2, the product will be stored in the register
designated by D; multiplication is performed entirely using binary floating-point
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform that constant into a binary floating point number for use in
 In the situation when S1 and S2 designate identical register numbers, if a
"continuous execution" command is employed, when conditional contact is On,
the register will perform multiplication once during each scan. Pulse execution
type commands (DEMULP) are generally used under ordinary circumstances.
 When X1=On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be multiplied by the
binary floating point number (D11, D10), and the product will be stored in the
register designated by (D21, D20).
DEMUL D0 D10 D20

 When X2 =On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be multiplied from
K1234 (which has been automatically converted to a binary floating-point
number), and the results stored in (D11, D10).
DEMUL K1234 D0 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

EDIV Division of binary floating point numbers
123 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (13 STEP)
D * DEDIV Continuous DEDIVP
execution type
execution type
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: dividend. S2: divisor. D: quotient and remainder.
 When the content of the register designated by S1 is divided by the content of the
register designated by S2, the quotient will be stored in the register designated
by D; division is performed entirely using binary floating-point numbers.
 If the source operand S1 or S2 designates a constant K or H, the command will
transform that constant into a binary floating point number for use in division.
 When X1=On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) will
be divided by the binary floating point number (D11, D10),
and the quotient stored in the register designated by (D21,
DEDIV D0 D10 D20

 When X2 =On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) will be divided by
K1,234 (which has been automatically converted to a binary floating-point
number), and the results stored in (D11, D10).
DEDIV D0 K1234 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

EXP Binary floating point number obtain exponent
124 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DEXP Continuous DEXPP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: operation source device. D: operation results device.

 Taking e =2.71828 as a base, S is the exponent in the EXP operation.
 [ D +1,D ]=EXP [ S +1 S ] ,
 Valid regardless of whether the content of S has a positive or negative
value. The designated register D must have a 32-bit data format. This
operation is performed using floating-point numbers, and S must therefore
be converted to a floating point number.
 Content of operand D =e S ; e=2.71828, S is the designated source data

 When M0 is On, the value of (D1, D0) will be converted to a binary floating
point number, which will be stored in register (D11, D10).
 When M1 is On, the EXP operation is performed on the exponent of (D11,
D10); its value is a binary floating point number stored in register (D21,
DEXP D10 D20

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

LN Binary floating point number obtain logarithm
125 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DLN Continuous DLNP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: operation source device. D: operation results device.

 Taking e =2.71828 as a base, S is the exponent in the EXP operation.
 [ D +1,D ]=EXP [ S +1 S ] ,
 Valid regardless of whether the content of S has a positive or negative
value. The designated register D must have a 32-bit data format. This
operation is performed using floating-point numbers, and S must therefore
be converted to a floating point number.
 Content of operand D =e S ; e=2.71828, S is the designated source data

 When M0 is On, the value of (D1, D0) will be converted to a binary floating
point number, which will be stored in register (D11, D10).
 When M1 is On, the EXP operation is performed on the exponent of (D11,
D10); its value is a binary floating point number stored in register (D21,
DLN D10 D20

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ESQR Binary floating point number find square root
127 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DESQR Continuous DESQR Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type P execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: source device for which square root is desired D: result of finding square
 When the square root is taken of the content of the register designated by
S, the result is temporarily stored in the register designated by D. Taking
square roots is performed entirely using binary floating-point numbers.
 If the source operand S refers to a constant K or H, the command will
transform that constant into a binary floating point number for use in the
 When X0=On, the square root is taken of the binary floating point number (D1,
D0), and the result is stored in the register designated by (D11, D10).

(D1, D0) (D11, D10)

Binary floating Binary floating
point point

 When X2 =On, the square root is taken of K1,234 (which has been automatically
converted to a binary floating-point number), and the results stored in (D11,
DESQR K1234 D10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

API Binary floating point number → BIN whole

129 D P number transformation
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DINT Continuous DINTP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the source device to be transformed. D: results of transformation.

 The content of the register designated by S is transformed from a binary
floating point number format into a BIN whole number, and is temporarily
stored in D. The BIN whole number floating point number will be discarded.
 The action of this command is the opposite of that of command API 49

 When X0=On, the binary floating point number (D1, D0) is transformed into a
BIN whole number, and the result is stored in (D10); the BIN whole number
floating point number will be discarded.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

SIN Binary floating point number SIN operation
130 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D *
32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DSIN Continuous DSINP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in series execution type execution type
for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source value. D: the SIN value result.

 S is the designated source in radians.
 The value in radians (RAD) is equal to (angle ×π/180).
 The SIN obtained from the source value designated by S is stored in D.
The following figure displays the relationship between the arc and SIN results:
R S: Radian
R: Result (SIN value)

-2 - 32 -2 -2 0


 When X0=On, the SIN value of the designated binary floating point number (D1,
D0) in radians (RAD) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.


Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

COS Binary floating point number COS operation
131 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D *
32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DCOS Continuous DCOSP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source value. D: the COS value result.

 The source designated by S can be given as radians or an angle; this is
decided by flag M1018.
 When M1018=Off, the operation is in radians mode, where the radians (RAD)
value is equal to (angle ×π/180).
 When M1018=On, the operation is in the angle mode, where the angular range is
0°≤ angle <360°.
 When calculation results yield 0, M1020=On.
 The COS obtained from the source value designated by S is stored in D.
The following figure displays the relationship between the arc and SIN results:
R S: Radian
R: Result (COS value)

-2 - 32 -2 -2 0


 When X0=On, the COS value of the designated binary floating point number (D1,
D0) in radians will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a binary
floating point number.


RA D va lu e
D1 D0

D1 D 10 CO S value

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TAN Binary floating point number TAN operation
132 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DTAN Continuous DTANP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source value. D: the TAN value result.

 The source designated by S can be given as radians or an angle; this is decided by
flag M1018.
 When M1018=Off, the operation is in radians mode, where the radians (RAD) value
is equal to (angle ×π/180).
 When M1018=On, the operation is in the angle mode, where the angular range is
0°≤ angle <360°.
 When calculation results yield 0, M1020=On.
 The TAN obtained from the source value designated by S is stored in D.
The following figure displays the relationship between the arc and SIN results:

 When X0=On, the TAN value of the designated binary floating point number (D1,
D0) in radians (RAD) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ASIN Binary floating point number ASIN operation
133 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D *
32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DASIN Continuous DASINP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the ASIN value result.
 ASIN value =sin-1
The figure below shows the relationship between input data and result:

S: Input (SIN value)

R: Result (ASIN value)

-1,0 0 1,0


 When X0=On, the ASIN value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.


D1 D0 Binary floating point

ASIN value
D 11 D 10
binary floating point

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ACOS Binary floating point number ACOS operation
134 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DACOS Continuous DACOS Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type P execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the ACOS value result.
 ACOS value =cos-1
The figure below shows the relationship between input data and result:

S: Input (COS value)

R: Result (ACOS value)

-1,0 0 1,0

 When X0=On, the ACOS value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.

D1 D0 Binary floating point

ACOS value
D 11 D 10

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ATAN Binary floating point number ATAN operation
135 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DATAN Continuous DATANP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the ATAN value result.
 ATAN value =tan-1
The figure below shows the relationship between input data and result:
S: Input (TAN value)
R: Result (ATAN value)



 When X0=On, the TAN value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.

D1 D0 Binary floating point

ATAN value
D 11 D 10
binary floating point

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

SINH Binary floating point number SINH operation
136 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DSINH Continuous DSINHP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the SINH value result.
 SINH value =(es-e-s)/2

 When X0=On, the SINH value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.

D1 D0 binary floating point

SINH value
D 11 D 10
binary floating point

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

COSH Binary floating point number COSH operation
137 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DCOSH Continuous DCOSHP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the COSH value result.
 COSH value =(es+e-s)/2

 When X0=On, the COSH value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a
binary floating point number.


D1 D0 binary floating point

COSH value
D 11 D 10 binary floating point

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TANH Binary floating point number TANH operation
138 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S * * *
D * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage: DTANH Continuous DTANHP Pulse
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S: the designated source (binary floating point number). D: the TANH value result.
 tanh value =(es-e-s)/(es+e-s)

 When X0=On, the TANH value obtained from the designated binary floating point
number (D1, D0) will be stored in (D11, D10), with the content consisting of a binary
floating point number.


D1 D0 binary floating point

D 11 TANH value
D 10
binary floating point

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TCMP Comparison of calendar data
160 P
Bit device Word device
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D 16-bit command (11 STEP)
S1 * * * * * * * * TCMP Continuous TCMPP Pulse
S2 * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
S3 * * * * * * * *
S * * * -
32-bit command
- - -
D * *
Notes on operand usage: Flag signal: none
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: Sets the hours of the comparison time, setting range is "K0-K23." S2: Sets the
minutes of the comparison time, setting range is "K0-K59." S3: Sets the seconds of
the comparison time, setting range is "K0-K59." S: current calendar time. D:
Results of comparison.
 Compares the time in hours, minutes, and seconds set in S1 - S3 with the current
calendar time in hours, minutes, and seconds, with the results of comparison
expressed in D.
 S The hour content of the current calendar time is "K0-K23." S +1 comprises the
minutes of the current calendar time, and consists of "K0-K59." S +2 comprises the
seconds of the current calendar time, and consists of "K0-K59."
 The current calendar time designated by S is usually compared using the TCMP
command after using the TRD command to read the current calendar time. If the
content value of S exceeds the range, this is considered an operating error, the
command will not execute, and M1068=On.

 When X10=On, the command will execute, and the current calendar time in
D20-D22 will be compared with the preset value of 12:20:45; the results will be
displayed in M10-M12. When X10 On→Off, the command will not be executed, but
the On/Off status prior to M10-M12 will be maintained.

 If results in the form of ≥, ≤, or ≠ are needed, they can be obtained by series and
parallel connection of M10-M12.
TCMP K12 K20 K45 D20 M10

M10 D20 (hr )

ON when12: 20: 45 > D21(min )
M11 D20
ON when 12: 20: 45 = D21 (m in)
D22 (s ec)
M12 D20 ( hr)
ON when12: 20: 45 < D21 ( min )

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TZCP Comparison of calendar data
161 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
S1 * * * TZCP Continuous TZCPP Pulse

* * *
execution type execution type
* * * 32-bit command
- - - -
D * *
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in Flag signal: none
series for the scope of device usage
 S1: Sets the lower limit of the comparison time. S2: Sets the upper limit of the
comparison time. S: current calendar time. D: Results of comparison.
 Performs range comparison by comparing the hours, minutes, and seconds of the
current calendar time designated by S with the lower limit of the comparison time
set as S1 and the upper limit of the comparison time set as S2, and expresses the
results of comparison in D.

 、 、
S1 S1 +1 S1 +2: Sets the hours, minutes, and seconds of the lower limit of the
comparison time.
 、 、
S2 S2 +1 S2 +2: Sets the hours, minutes, and seconds of the upper limit of the
comparison time.
 、 、
S S +1 S +2: The hours, minutes, and seconds of the current calendar time

 The D0 designated by the S listed in this program is usually obtained by

comparison using the TZCP command after using the TRD command in advance to
read the current calendar time. If the value of S1, S2, or S exceeds the range, this is
considered an operating error, the command will not execute, and M1068=On.
 When the current time S is less than the lower limit value S1 and S is less than the
upper limit value S2, D will be On. When the current time S is greater than the lower
limit value S1 and S is greater than the upper limit value S2, D +2 will be On; D +1
will be On under other conditions.

 When X10=On, the TZCP command executes, and one of M10-M12 will be
On. When X10=Off, the TZCP command will not execute, and M10-M12 will
remain in the X10=Off state.
TZCP D0 D20 D10 M10

M10 D0 (hr) D10 (hr)

D1 (min) > D11 (min)
D2 (sec) D12 (sec)
M11 D0 (hr) D10 (hr) D20 (hr)
< <
D1 (min) = D11 (min) = D21 (min)
ON when D2 (sec) D12 (sec) D22 (sec)
M12 D10 (hr) D20 (hr)
D11 (min) > D21(min)
ON when D12 (sec) D22 (sec)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TADD Calendar data addition
162 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D TADD Continuous TADDP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
D * * * 32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage  Flag signal: M1020 Zero flag
M1022 Carry flag
M1068 Calendar error
 S1: time addend. S2: time augend. D: time sum.
 The calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by S2 is added to the
calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by S1, and the result is
stored as hours, minutes, and seconds in the register designated by D.
 If the value of S1 or S2 exceeds the range, this is considered an operating error, the
command will not execute, M1067, M1068=On, and D1067 will record the error
code 0E1A(HEX).
 If the results of addition are greater than or equal to 24 hours, carry flag
M1022=On, and D will display the results of addition minus 24 hours.
 If the results of addition are equal to 0 (0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds), zero flag

 When X10=On, the TADD command will be executed, and the calendar data
in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by D0 to D2 will be added to the
calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by D10 to D12, and
the results are stored as a total number of hours, minutes, and seconds in the
registers designated by D20 to D22.

TADD D0 D10 D20

D0 8(hr ) 6(hr) D20 14(hr )

D1 min ) + D11 40( min) D21 50(min)
D2 20(sec ) D12 6(sec) D22 26(sec)
8 : 10 : 20 6 : 40 : 6 14: 50: 26

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TSUB Calendar data subtraction
163 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D TSUB Continuous TSUBP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
D * * * 32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage  Flag signal: M1020 Zero flag
M1022 Carry flag
M1068 Calendar error
 S1: time minuend. S2: time augend. D: time sum.
 Subtracts the calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by S2 from
the calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by S1, and the result
is temporarily stored as hours, minutes, and seconds in the register designated by
 If the value of S1 or S2 exceeds the range, this is considered an operating error, the
command will not execute, M1067, M1068=On, and D1067 will record the error
code 0E1A(HEX).
 If subtraction results in a negative number, borrow flag M1021=On, and the result of
that negative number plus 24 hours will be displayed in the register designated by
 If the results of subtraction are equal to 0 (0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds), zero flag
 When X10=On, the TADD command will be executed, and the calendar data in
hours, minutes, and seconds designated by D10 to D12 will be subtracted from
the calendar data in hours, minutes, and seconds designated by D0 to D2, and
the results are stored as a total number of hours, minutes, and seconds in the
registers designated by D20 to D22.
TSUB D0 D10 D20

D0 20( hr) D20 5(hr)

D1 20(min) D11 min) D21 49(min)
D2 5( sec) D12 8(sec ) D22 57( sec)
20: 20: 5 14: 30: 8 5: 49: 57

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

TRD Calendar data read
166 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (3 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D TRD Continuous 120 Pulse
D * * * execution type execution type
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in 32-bit command
series for the scope of device usage - - - -
 Flag signal: none
 S1: time minuend. S2: time augend. D: time sum.
 D: device used to store the current calendar time after reading.
 The EH/EH2/SV/EH3/SV2/SA/SX/SC main units have a built-in calendar clock, and
the clock provides seven sets of data comprising year, week, month, day, hour,
minute, and second stored in D1063 to D1069. The TRD command function allows
program designers to directly read the current calendar time into the designated
seven registers.
 D1063 only reads the two right digits of the Western calendar year.
 When X0=On, the current calendar time is read into the designated registers
D0 to D6.
 In D1064, 1 indicates Monday, 2 indicates Tuesday, and so on, with and 7
indicating Sunday.

Special General
Item Content Item
Year Year
D1063 00~99 D0
(Western) (Western)
D1064 Weeks 1~7 D1 Weeks
D1065 Month 1~12 D2 Month
D1066 Day 1~31 D3 Day
D1067 Hour 0~23 D4 Hour
D1068 Minute 0~59 D5 Minute
D1069 Second 0~59 D6 Second

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

GRY BIN→GRAY code transformation
170 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
D Continuous GRYP Pulse
S * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
D * * * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in DGRY Continuous DGRYP Pulse
series for the scope of device usage execution type execution type

 Flag signal: none

 S: source device. D: device storing GRAY code.
 Transforms the content value (BIN value) of the device designated by S to GRAY
code, which is stored in the device designated by D.
 The valid range of S is as shown below; if this range is exceeded, it will be
considered an error, and the command will not execute.
16-bit command: 0~32,767
 32-bit command: 0~2,147,483,647
 When X0=On, the constant K6513 will be transformed to GRAY code and
stored in D0.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

GBIN GRAY code →BIN transformation
171 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D GBIN Continuous GBINP Pulse
S * * * * * * * * execution type execution type
D * * * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
Notes on operand usage:
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in DGBIN Continuous DGBINP Pulse
series for the scope of device usage execution type execution type

 Flag signal: none

 S: source device used to store GRAY code. D: device used to store BIN value after
 The GRAY code corresponding to the value of the device designated by S is
transformed into a BIN value, which is stored in the device designated by D.
 This command will transform the value of the absolute position encoder connected
with the PLC's input and (this encoder usually has an output value in the form of
GRAY code) into a BIN value, which is stored in the designated register.
 The valid range of S is as shown below; if this range is exceeded, it will be
considered an error, and the command will not execute.
16-bit command: 0~32,767
 32-bit command: 0~2,147,483,647
 When X20=On, the GRAY code of the absolute position encoder connected
with input points X0 to X17 will be transformed into BIN value and stored in

X17 K4X0 X0

GRAY CODE 6513 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

b15 b0
H1971=K6513 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

215~ LD# S1 S2 Contact form logical operation LD#
217 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D LD# Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: #:&、|、^
32-bit command (9 STEP)
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
DLD# Continuous - -
execution type
series for the range of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command performs comparison of the content of S1 and S2; when the result
of comparison is not 0, this command will be activated, but this command will not
be activated when the result of comparison is 0.
 The LD#This command can be used while directly connected with the busbar
16-bit 32-bit Conditions for
API No. Conditions for inactivation
commands commands activation

215 LD& DLD& S1 & S2 ≠0 S1 & S2 =0

216 LD| DLD| S1 | S2 ≠0 S1 | S2 =0
217 LD^ DLD^ S1 ^ S2 ≠0 S1 ^ S2 =0
 &: logical AND operation.

 |: logical OR operation.

 ^: logical XOR operation.

 When the content of C0 and C10 is subjected to the logical AND operation, and
the result is not equal to 0, Y10=On.
 When the content of D200 and D300 is subjected to the logical OR operation, and
the result is not equal to 0, and X1=On, Y11=On and remains in that state.
LD & C0 C10 Y10
LD I D200 D300 SET Y11

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

218~ AND# S1 S2 Contact form logical operation AND#
220 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D AND# Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: #:&、|、^ 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DAND# Continuous - -
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command performs comparison of the content of S1 and S2; when the result
of comparison is not 0, this command will be activated, but this command will not
be activated when the result of comparison is 0.
 The AND# command is an operation command in series with the contact.
16-bit 32-bit Conditions for
API No. Conditions for inactivation
commands commands activation

218 AND& DAND& S1 & S2 ≠0 S1 & S2 =0

219 AND| DAND| S1 | S2 ≠0 S1 | S2 =0
220 AND^ DAND^ S1 ^ S2 ≠0 S1 ^ S2 =0
 &: logical AND operation.
 |: logical OR operation.
 ^: logical XOR operation.
 When X0=On and the content of C0 and C10 is subjected to the logical
AND operation, and the result is not equal to 0, Y10=On.
 When X1=Off and D10 and D0 is subjected to the logical OR operation, and the
result is not equal to 0, Y11=On and remains in that state.
 When X2 =On and the content of the 32-bit register D200(D201) and 32-bit
register D100(D101) is subjected to the logical XOR operation, and the result is
not equal to 0 or M3=On, M50=On.
AND & C0 C10 Y10
AND I D10 D0 SET Y11
DAND ^ D200 D100 M50

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

221~ OR# S1 S2 Contact form logical operation OR#
223 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D OR# Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: #:&、|、^ 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DOR# Continuous - -
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command performs comparison of the content of S1 and S2; when the result
of comparison is not 0, this command will be activated, but this command will not
be activated when the result of comparison is 0.
 The OR# command is an operation command in series with the contact.
16-bit 32-bit Conditions for
API No. Conditions for inactivation
commands commands activation

221 OR& DOR& S1 & S2 ≠0 S1 & S2 =0

222 OR| DOR| S1 | S2 ≠0 S1 | S2 =0
223 OR^ DOR^ S1 ^ S2 ≠0 S1 ^ S2 =0
 &: logical AND operation.
 |: logical OR operation.
 ^: logical XOR operation.
 When X1=On or the content of C0 and C10 is subjected to the logical
AND operation, and the result is not equal to 0, Y0=On.
 When X2 and M30 are both equal to On, or the content of 32-bit register D10
(D11) and 32-bit register D20 (D21) is subjected to the logical OR operation, and
the result is not equal to 0, or the content of the 32-bit counter C235 and the 32-bit
register D200 (D201) is subjected to the logical XOR operation, and the result is
not equal to 0, M60=On.

OR & C0 C10

X2 M30

DOR I D10 D20

DOR ^ D25 D200

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

224~ LD※
※ S1 S2 Contact form compare LD*
230 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D LD ※ Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: ※:=、>、<、<>、≦、≧ 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DLD ※ Continuous - -
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking API 224 (LD=) as an
example, this command will be activated when the result of comparison is
"equal," and will not be activated when the result is "unequal."
 The LD* can be used while directly connected with the busbar
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 16-bit commands 32-bit commands
activation inactivation

224 LD= DLD= S1 =S 2 S1 ≠ S2

225 LD> DLD> S1 >S 2 S1 ≦S 2

226 LD< DLD< S1 <S 2 S1 ≧S 2

228 LD<> DLD<> S1 ≠ S2 S1 =S 2

229 LD<= DLD<= S1 ≦S 2 S1 >S 2

230 LD>= DLD>= S1 2 ≧S

S1 2 <S
 When the content of C10 is equal to K200, Y10=On.
 When the content of D200 is greater than K-30, and X1=On, Y11=On and remains
in that state.

LD= K200 C10 Y10

LD> D200 K-30 SET Y11

DLD> K678493 C20 M50


Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

232~ AND※
※ S1 S2 Contact form compare AND*
238 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D AND ※ Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: ※:=、>、<、<>、≦、≧ 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DAND※ Continuous - -
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking API 232 (AND=) as an
example, when the result of comparison is equal, this command will be activated;
when the result of comparison is unequal, this command will not be activated.
 The AND* command is a comparison command in series with a contact.
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 16-bit commands 32-bit commands
activation inactivation

232 AND= DAND= S1 =S 2 S1 ≠ S2

233 AND> DAND> S1 >S 2 S1 ≦S 2

234 AND< DAND< S1 <S 2 S1 ≧S 2

236 AND<> DAND<> S1 ≠ S2 S1 =S 2

237 AND<= DAND<= S1 ≦S 2 S1 >S 2

238 AND>= DAND>= S1 2 ≧SS1 2 <S

 When X0=On and the current value of C10 is also equal to K200, Y10=On.
 When X1=Off and the content of register D0 is not equal to K-10, Y11=On and
remains in that state.
 When X2 =On and the content of the 32-bit register D0(D11)is less than 678,493,
or M3=On, M50=On.
AND= K200 C10 Y10

AND<> K-10 D0 SET Y11

DAND> K678493 D10 M50

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

240~ OR※
※ S1 S2 Contact form compare OR*
246 D

Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D OR ※ Continuous - -
S1 * * * * * * * * execution type
S2 * * * * * * * *
Notes on operand usage: ※:=、>、<、<>、≦、≧ 32-bit command (9 STEP)
DOR ※ Continuous - -
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in execution type
series for the scope of device usage
Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking API 240 (OR=) as an
example, when the result of comparison is equal, this command will be activated;
when the result of comparison is unequal, this command will not be activated.
 The OR* command is a compare command in parallel with a contact.
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 16-bit commands 32-bit commands
activation inactivation
240 OR = DOR = S1 S2 = S1 ≠ S2
241 OR > DOR > S1 S2 > S1 S2 ≦
242 OR < DOR < S1 S2 < S1 S2 ≧
244 OR <> DOR <> S1 ≠ S2 S1 S2 =
245 OR <= DOR <= S1 S2 ≦ S1 S2 >
246 OR >= DOR >= S1 S2 ≧ S1 S2 <
 When X0=On and the current value of C10 is also equal to K200, Y10=On.
 When X1=Off and the content of register D0 is not equal to K-10, Y11=On and
remains in that state.
 When X2 =On and the content of the 32-bit register D0(D11)is less than 678,493,
or M3=On, M50=On.

OR>= K200 C10

X2 M30

DOR>= D100 K100000

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

275~ FLD※
※ S1 S2 Floating point number contact form compare LD*

Bit device Word device 16-bit command

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
※ - -
Notes on operand usage: #: 、 、
& | ^
FLD Continuous
execution type
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking "FLD=" as an example,
if the result of comparison is "equal," this command will be activated; but it will not
be activated when the result is "unequal."
 The FLD* command can directly input floating point numerical values (for
instance: F1.2) to the S1, S2 operands, or store floating-point numbers in register
D for use in operations.
 This command can be used while directly connected with the busbar
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 32-bit commands
activation inactivation

275 FLD= S1 =S 2 S1 ≠ S2
276 FLD> S1 >S 2 S1 ≦S 2

277 FLD< S1 <S 2 S1 ≧S 2

278 FLD<> S1 ≠ S2 S1 =S 2

279 FLD<= S1 ≦S 2 S1 >S 2

280 FLD>= S1 ≧S S1 <S

2 2

 When the floating point number of register D200 (D201) is less than or equal
to F1.2, and X1 activated, contact Y21 will be activated and remain in that state.

FLD<= D200 F1.2 SET Y21

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

281~ FAND※
※ S1 S2 Floating point number contact form compare AND*

Bit device Word device 16-bit command

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
※ - -
Notes on operand usage: #: 、 、
& | ^
FAND Continuous
execution type
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking "FAND=" as an
example, if the result of comparison is "equal," this command will be activated;
but it will not be activated when the result is "unequal."
 The FAND* command can directly input floating point numerical values (for
instance: F1.2) to the S1, S2 operands, or store floating-point numbers in register
D for use in operations.
 This command can be used while directly connected with the busbar
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 32-bit commands
activation inactivation

281 FAND S1 =S 2 S1 ≠ S2
282 FAND> S1 >S 2 S1 ≦S 2

283 FAND< S1 <S 2 S1 ≧S 2

284 FAND<> S1 ≠ S2 S1 =S 2

285 FAND<= S1 ≦S 2 S1 >S 2

286 FAND>= S1 ≧S S1 <S

2 2

 When X1=Off, and the floating point number in register D100 (D101) is not equal
to F1.2, Y21=On and remains in that state.

FAND<> F1.2 D0 SET Y21

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

287~ FOR※
※ S1 S2 Floating point number contact form compare OR*

Bit device Word device 16-bit command

X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D - - - -
S1 * * *
S2 * * * 32-bit command (9 STEP)
※ - -
Notes on operand usage: #: 、 、
& | ^
FOR Continuous
execution type
Please refer to the function specifications table for each device in
series for the scope of device usage Flag signal: none

 S1: data source device 1. S2: data source device 2.

 This command compares the content of S1 and S2. Taking "FOR=" as an
example, if the result of comparison is "equal," this command will be activated;
but it will not be activated when the result is "unequal."
 The FOR* command can directly input floating point numerical values (for
instance: F1.2) to the S1, S2 operands, or store floating-point numbers in register
D for use in operations.
 This command can be used while directly connected with the busbar
Conditions for Conditions for
API No. 32-bit commands
activation inactivation

287 FOR= S1 =S 2 S1 ≠ S2
288 FOR> S1 >S 2 S1 ≦S 2

289 FOR< S1 <S 2 S1 ≧S 2

290 FOR<> S1 ≠ S2 S1 =S 2

291 FOR<= S1 ≦S 2 S1 >S 2

292 FOR>= S1 ≧S S1 <S

2 2

 When X2 and M30 are both equal to "On," or the floating point number in register
D100 (D101) is greater than or equal to F1.234, M60=On.
X2 M30

FOR>= D100 F1.234

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-6-5 Detailed explanation of driver special applications commands

RPR S1 S2 Read servo parameter
139 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
* * *
RPR Continuous RPRP Pulse
S1 execution type execution type
S2 * 32-bit command
Notes on operand usage: none
- - - -
Flag signal: none

 S1 : Parameter address of data to be read. S2 : Register where data to be

read is stored.

WPR S1 S2 Write servo parameter
140 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (5 STEP)
* * *
WPR Continuous WPRP Pulse
S1 execution type execution type
S2 * * * 32-bit command
Notes on operand usage: none
- - - -
Flag signal: none

 S1 : Data to write to specified page. S2 : Parameter address of data to be

 When the data in the CP2000 driver's parameter H01.00 is read and written to
D0, data from H01.01 will be read and written to D1.
 When M0=On, the content of D10 will be written to the CP2000 driver
parameter 04.00 (first speed of multiple speed levels).
 When the parameter has been written successfully, M1017=On.
 The CP2000's WPR command does not support writing to the 20XX address,
but the RPR command supports reading of 21XX, 22XX.

Recommendation Take care when using the WPR command. When writing parameters, because
most parameters are recorded as they are written, these parameters may only be
revised 109 times; a memory write error may occur if parameters are written more
than 109 times.

Because the following commonly-used parameters have special processing, there are
no restrictions on the number of times they may be written.
P00-10: Control method
P00-11: Speed mode selection
P00-12: P2P position mode
P00-13: Torque mode select
P00-27: User-defined value

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

P01-12: Acceleration time 1

P01-13: Deceleration time 1
P01-14: Acceleration time 2
P01-15: Deceleration time 2
P01-16: Acceleration time 3
P01-17: Deceleration time 3
P01-18: Acceleration time 4
P01-19: Deceleration time 4

P02-12: Select MI Conversion Time mode:

P02-18: Select MO Conversion Time mode:

P04-50 ~ P04-69: PLC register parameter 0 - 19

P08-04: Upper limit of integral

P08-05: PID output upper limit

P10-17: Electronic gear A

P10-18: Electronic gear B

P11-34: Torque command

P11-43: P2P highest frequency
P11-44: Position control acceleration time
P11-45: Position control deceleration time

Calculation of the number of times written is based on whether the written value is
modified. For instance, writing the same value 100 times at the same time counts as
writing only once.
When writing a PLC program, if unsure of usage of the WPR command, we
recommend that you use the WPRP command.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

FPID S1 S2 S3 S4 Driver PID control mode
141 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D FPID Continuous FPIDP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
S3 * * * 32-bit command
- - - -
S4 * * *
Notes on operand usage: none Flag signal: none

 S1 : PID reference target value input terminal select. S2 : PID function

proportional gain P. S3 : PID function integral time I. S4 : PID function

differential time D.
 The FPID command can directly control the driver's feedback control of
PID parameter 08-00 PID reference target value input terminal selection, 08-01
proposal gain P, 08-02 integral time I, and 08-03 differential time D.
 When M0=On, the set PID reference target value input terminal selection is 0 (no
PID function), the PID function proportional gain P is 0, the PID function integral
time I is 1 (units: 0.01 sec.), and the PID function differential time D is 1 (units:
0.01 sec.).
 When M1=On, the set PID reference target value input terminal selection is 0 (no
PID function), the PID function proportional gain P is 1 (units: 0.01), the
PID function integral time I is 0, and the PID function differential time D is 0.
 When M2=On, the set PID reference target value input terminal selection is 1
(target frequency input is controlled from the digital keypad), the PID function
proportional gain P is 1 (units: 0.01), the PID function integral time I is 0, and the
PID function differential time D is 0.
 D1027: Frequency command after PID operation.
FPID H0 H0 H1 H1

FPID H0 H1 H0 H0

FPID H1 H1 H0 H0

MOV D1027 D1


Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

FREQ S1 S2 S3 Driver speed control mode
142 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (7 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D FREQ Continuous FREQP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
S3 * * * 32-bit command
- - - -
Notes on operand usage: none
Flag signal: M1015

 S1 : Frequency command. S2 : Acceleration time. S3 : Deceleration time

 S2,S3: In acceleration/deceleration time settings, the number of decimal places is
determined by the definitions of Pr01-45.
When 01-45=0: units of 0.01 sec.
The setting of 50 for S2 (acceleration time) in the ladder diagram below implies 0.5 sec,
and the S3 (deceleration time) setting of 60 implies 0.6 sec
 The FREQ command can control driver frequency commands, and acceleration and
deceleration time; it also uses special register control actions, such as:
M1025: Control driver RUN(On)/STOP(Off) (RUN requires Servo On (M1040 On) to be
M1026: Control driver operating direction FWD(Off)/REV(On)
M1040: Control Servo On/Servo Off.
M1042: Trigger quick stop (ON)/does not trigger quick stop (Off).
M1044: Pause (On)/release pause (Off)
M1052: Lock frequency (On)/release lock frequency (Off)

 M1025: Driver RUN(On)/STOP(Off), M1026: driver operating

direction FWD(Off)/REV(On). M1015: frequency reached.
 When M10=On, sets the driver frequency command K300(3.00Hz), with an
acceleration/deceleration time of 0.
When M11=On, sets the driver frequency command K3000 (30.00Hz), with an
acceleration time of 50 (0.5 sec.) and deceleration time of 60 (0.6 sec.). (When 01-45=0)
 When M11=Off, the driver frequency command will now change to 0
M10 M11
FREQP K300 K0 K0
M11 M10
FREQ K3000 K50 K60

 Parameter 09-33 are defined on the basis of whether reference commands have
been cleared before PLC operation
Bit 0 : Prior to PLC scanning procedures, whether the target frequency has been
cleared is 0. (This will be written to the FREQ command when the PLC is

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Bit 1 : Prior to PLC scanning procedures, whether the target torque has been
cleared is 0. (This will be written to the TORQ command when the PLC is
Bit 2 : Prior to PLC scanning procedures, whether speed limits in the torque mode
have been cleared is 0. (This will be written to the TORQ command when
the PLC is On)
Example: When using r to write a program,
FREQ K2000 K1000 K1000


if we force M0 to be 1, the frequency command will be 20.00 Hz; but when M0 is set
as 0, there will be a different situation.
Case 1: When the 09-33 bit 0 is 0, and M0 is set as 0, the frequency command will
remain at 20.00Hz.
Case 2: When the 09-33 bit 0 is 1, and M0 is set as 0, the frequency command will
change to 0.00Hz
The reason for this is that when the 09-33 bit 0 is 1 prior to PLC scanning
procedures, the frequency will first revert to 0.
When the 09-33 bit 0 is 0, the frequency will not revert to 0.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

CANRX S1 S2 S3 D Read CANopen slave station data
261 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D CANRX Continuous CANRXP Pulse
S1 * * execution type execution type
S2 * *
S3 * * 32-bit command
- - - -
D * * *
Notes on operand usage: none Flag signal

 S1 : Slave station number. S2 : Main index.. S3 : Subindex+bit length.

D : Preset address.
 The CANRX command can read the index of the corresponding slave station.
When it is executed, it will send the SDO message format to the slave station.
M1066 and M1067 will both be 0 at that time, and M1066 will be set as 1 after
reading. If the slave station gives the correct response, it will write the value to the
preset register, and set M1067 as 1. If the slave station has a response error,
M1067 will be set as 0, and an error message will be recorded to D1076 to

M1002: When the PLC runs, the command will be triggered once and will set
K4M400 = K1
Afterwards, each time M1066 is 1, it will switch to a different message.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

CANTX S1 S2 S3 S4 Write CANopen slave station data
264 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D CANTX Continuous CANTXP Pulse
S1 * * execution type execution type
S2 * * * * *
S3 * * 32-bit command
- - - -
S4 * *
Notes on operand usage: none Flag signal

 S1 : Slave station number. S2 : Address to be written. S3 : Main index.

S4 : Subindex+bit length.
 The CANTX command can write a value to the index of the corresponding slave
station. When it is executed, it will send the SDO message format to the slave
station. M1066 and M1067 will both be 0 at that time, and M1066 will be set as 1
after reading. If the slave station gives the correct response, it will write the value
to the preset register, and set M1067 as 1. If the slave station has a response
error, M1067 will be set as 0, and an error message will be recorded to D1076 to

CANFLS D Refresh special D corresponding to CANopen
265 P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (3 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D CANFLS Continuous CANFLSP Pulse
D * * execution type execution type
Notes on operand usage: none
32-bit command
- - - -
Flag signal

 D : Special D to be refreshed.
 The CANFLS command can refresh special D commands. When is a read only
attribute, executing this command will send a message equivalent to that of CANRX
to the slave station, and the number of the slave station will be transmitted back and
refreshed to this special D. When there is a read/write attribute, executing this
command will send a message equivalent to that of CANTX to the slave station, and
the value of this special D will be written to the corresponding slave station.
 When M1066 and M1067 are both 0, and M1066 is set as 1 after reading, if the slave
station gives a correct response, the value will be written to the designated register,
and M1067 will be set as 1. If the slave station's response contains an error, then
M1067 will be set as 0, and an error message will be recorded to D1076-D1079.

ICOMR D Internal communications read
320 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ICOMR Continuous ICOMRP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
S3 * * * 32-bit command (17 STEP)

D * * * DICOMR Continuous DICOMRP

execution type
Notes on operand usage: none type
Flag signal: M1077 M1078 M1079

S1 : Selection of slave device. S2 : Device selection (0: converter, 1: internal

PLC). S3 : Read address. D : Saving target.

 The ICOMR command can obtain the slave station's converter and the internal
PLC's register value.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

ICOMW D Internal communications write
321 D P
Bit device Word device 16-bit command (9 STEP)
X Y M K H KnX KnY KnM T C D ICOMW Continuous ICOMWP Pulse
S1 * * * execution type execution type
S2 * * *
S3 * * * 32-bit command (17 STEP)

D * * * DICOMW Continuous DICOMWP

Notes on operand usage: none type type

Flag signal: M1077 M1078 M1079

S1 : Selection of slave device. S2 : Device selection (0: converter, 1: internal

PLC). S3 : Read address. D : Saving target.

 The ICOMW command write a value to the slave station's converter and the
internal PLC's register.

Please refer to the following example:

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-7 Error display and handling

Code ID Descript Recommended handling approach

PLrA 47 RTC time check Turn power on and off when resetting the
keypad time
PLrt 49 (incorrect RTC mode) Turn power on and off after making sure
that the keypad is securely connected
PLod 50 Data writing memory error Check whether the program has an error
and download the program again
PLSv 51 Data write memory error during Restart power and download the program
program execution again
PLdA 52 Program transmission error Try uploading again; if the error persists,
sent to the manufacturer for service
PLFn 53 Command error while downloading Check whether the program has an error
program and download the program again
PLor 54 Program exceeds memory capacity Restart power and download the program
or no program again
PLFF 55 Command error during program Check whether the program has an error
execution and download the program again
PLSn 56 Check code error Check whether the program has an error
and download the program again
PLEd 57 Program has no END stop Check whether the program has an error
command and download the program again
PLCr 58 MC command has been used Check whether the program has an error
continuously more than nine times and download the program again
PLdF 59 Download program error Check whether the program has an error
and download again
PLSF 60 PLC scan time excessively long Check whether the program code has a
writing error and download again

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16- 8 CANopen Master control applications

Control of a simple multi-axis application is required in certain situations. If the device supports the
CANopen protocol, a CP2000 can serve as the master in implementing simple control (position,
speed, homing, and torque control). The setting method comprises the following seven steps:

Step 1: Activating CANopen Master functions

1. Parameter 09-45=1 (initiates Master functions); restart power after completing setting, the status bar
on the KPC-CC01 digital keypad will display "CAN Master".
2. Parameter 00-02=6 reset PLC (please note that this action will reset the program and PLC registers
to the default values)
3. Turn power off and on again.
4. Use the KPC-CC01 digital keypad to set the PLC control mode as "PLC Stop" (if the KPC-CE01
digital keypad is used, set as "PLC 2"; if a newly-introduced driver is used, the blank internal PLC
program will cause a PLFF warning code to be issued).

Step 2: Master memory settings

1. After connecting the 485 communications cable, use WPL Soft to set the PLC status as Stop (if the
PLC mode has been switched to the "PLC Stop" mode, the PLC status should already be Stop)
2. Set the address and corresponding station number of the slave station to be controlled. For instance,
if it is wished to control two slave stations (a maximum of 8 stations can be controlled simultaneously),
and the station numbers are 21 and 22, it is only necessary to set D2000 and D2100 as 20 and 21,
and then set D2200, D2300, D2400, D2500, D2600, and D2700 as 0. The setting method involves
use of the PLC's WPL editing software WPL as follows:
 Open WPL and implement communications > register edit (T C D) function

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

 After leaving the PLC register window, the register setting screen will appear, as shown below:

If there is a new PLC program and no settings have yet been made, you can read default data
from the converter, and merely edit it to suit the current application. If settings have already been made,
however, the special D in the CANopen area will display the saved status (the CANopen D area is located
at D1090 to D1099 and D2000 to D2799). Assuming it is a new program, we will first read the default data
from the converter; check the communications format if there is no communications link (the default PLC
station number is 2, 9600, 7N2, ASCII). Perform the following steps: 1. Switch the PLC to Stop status; 2.
Press the transmit button; 3. click on read memory after exiting the window; 4. Ignore D0-D399; and 5.
click on the confirm button.)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

After reading the data, it is necessary to perform some special D settings. Before proceeding, we
will first introduce the special D implications and setting range. The CANopen Master's special D range is
currently D1070 to D1099 and D2000 to D2799; this range is divided into 3 blocks:

The first block is used to display CANopen's current status, and has a range of D1070 to D1089;
the second block is used for CANopen's basic settings, and has a range of D1090 to D1099;
the third block is the slave station mapping and control area, and has a range of D2000 to D2799;
These areas are therefore introduced as follows:

The first contains the current CANopen status display:

When the master initializes a slave station, we can from find out from D1070 whether configuration
of the slave device has been completed; we can find out whether an error occurred in the configuration
process from D1071 and whether the configuration is inappropriate from D1074.
After entering normal control, we can find out whether the slave device is offline from D1073. In addition,
we can check the slave device's read/write information using the CANRX, CANTX, and CANFLS
commands; error information can be obtained from D1076 to D1079 if there has been a read/write failure.
Special D Description of Function R/W
Channel opened by CANopen initialization (bit0=Machine
D1070 R
code0 …….)
Error channel occurring in CANopen initialization process
D1071 R
(bit0=Machine code0 …….)
D1072 Reserved -
D1073 CANopen break channel (bit0=Machine code0 …….) R

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special D Description of Function R/W

Error code of master error
0: No error
D1074 R
1: Slave station setting error
2: Synchronizing cycle setting error (too small)
D1075 Reserved -
D1076 SDO error message (main index value) R
D1077 SDO error message (secondary index value) R
D1078 SDO error message (error code L) R
D1079 SDO error message (error code H) R
The second area is for basic CANopen settings: (the PLC must have stopped when this area
is used to make settings)
We must set the information exchange time for the master and slave station,
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
D1090 Synchronizing cycle setting 4 RW
Use D1090 to perform settings; setting time relationships include:

For instance, when communications speed is 500K, TXPDO + RXPDO have 8 sets, and
synchronizing time will require more than 4 ms
We must also define how many slave stations will be open. D1091 is the channel for defining
station opening, and D2000+100*n is the station number defining this channel. See the detailed
explanation below.
Slave station number n=0-7
Special D Description of Function R/W
Sets slave station On or Off (bit 0-bit 7 correspond to RW
slave stations number 0-7)
D2000+100*n Slave station number RW

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

If slave devices have a slow start-up, the master can delay for a short time before performing
slave station configuration; this time delay can be set via D1092.
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
D1092 Delay before start of initialization 0 RW

With regard to slave device initialization, a delay time can be set to judge whether failure has
occurred. If the communications speed is relatively slow, the delay time can be adjusted to judge whether
initialization has been completed, which will ensure that there is time to perform slave device initialization.
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Initialization completion delay time RW
D1099 15 sec.
Setting range: 1 to 60000 sec

After communication is successful, the system must detect whether there is a break in
communications with the slave station. D1093 is used to set detection time, and D1094 sets the number of
consecutive errors that will trigger a break error.
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
D1093 Break time detection 1000ms RW
D1094 Break number detection 3 RW

The packet type transmitted by PDO is set before establishing normal communications and
generally does not require adjustment.
Special D Description of Function Default: R/W
Corresponding real-time transmission type RW
D1097 (PDO) 1
Setting range: 1~240
Corresponding real-time receiving type (PDO) RW
D1098 1
Setting range: 1~240

The third block is the slave station mapping and control area.

CANopen provides a PDO method to perform mapping of the master and slave station memory,
and enables the master to directly access read/write data in a certain memory area. The master will
automatically perform data exchange with the corresponding slave device, and the read/write values can
be seen directly from the special D area after real-time exchange (M1034 = 1 time) has been established.
The CP2000 currently supports real-time mapping of four PDOs, and there are two types of PDO RXPDO
(reads slave device information) and TXPDO (writes to slave device). In addition, in order to facilitate
control, the CP2000 cannot perform mapping of commonly-used registers; the following is an overview of
the current PDO mapping situation:

PDO4 (Torque) PDO3 (Position) PDO2 (Remote I/O) PDO1 (Speed)
Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D
Controller Controller Slave device Controller
D2008+100*n D2008+100*n D2027+100*n D2008+100*n
word word DO word
Target Target D2020+100*n Slave device Target
D2017+100*n D2031+100*n D2012+100*n
torque position D2021+100*n AO1 speed
Control Control Slave device
D2010+100*n D2010+100*n D2032+100*n
mode mode AO2
Slave device

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

PDO4 (Torque) PDO3 (Position) PDO2 (Remote I/O) PDO1 (Speed)
Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D
Slave device
Mode word D2009+100*n Mode word D2009+100*n D2026+100*n Mode word D2009+100*n
Actual Actual D2022+100*n Slave device Actual
D2018+100*n D2028+100*n D2013+100*n
torque position D2023+100*n AI1 frequency
Actual Actual Slave device
D2011+100*n D2011+100*n D2029+100*n
mode mode AI2
Slave device

Because usage requires only simple to open the corresponding PDO, where TXPDO employs
D2034+100*n settings and RXPDO employs D2067+100*n settings.

These two special D areas are defined as follows:

Default Torque Position Remote I/O Speed
bit 15 14 ~ 12 11 10 ~ 8 7 6~4 3 2~0
Definition En Length: En Length: En Length: En Length:
En: indicates whether PDO is used
Length: indicates mapping of several variables
In a simple example, if we wish to control a CP2000 slave device and cause it to operate in
speed mode, we only have to make the following settings:
D2034+100*n =000Ah
Length PDO4 PDO3 PDO2 PDO1
Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D
1 Controller Controller Slave device Controller
D2008+100*n D2008+100*n D2027+100*n D2008+100*n
word word DO word
2 Target Target D2020+100*n Slave device Target
D2017+100*n D2031+100*n D2012+100*n
torque position D2021+100*n AO1 speed
3 Control Control Slave device
D2010+100*n D2010+100*n D2032+100*n
mode mode AO2
4 Slave device


Definition Torque Position Remote I/O Speed
bit 15 14 ~ 12 11 10 ~ 8 7 6~4 3 2~0
Definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

D2067+100*n =000Ah
Length PDO4 PDO3 PDO2 PDO1
Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D Description Special D
1 Controller Controller Slave Controller
D2009+100*n D2009+100*n D2026+100*n D2009+100*n
word word device DI word
2 Actual D2022+100*n Slave Actual
Actual torque D2018+100*n D2028+100*n D2013+100*n
position D2023+100*n device AI1 frequency
3 Actual Slave
Actual mode D2011+100*n D2011+100*n D2029+100*n
mode device AI2
4 Slave
device AI3


Definition Torque Position Remote I/O Speed
bit 15 14 ~ 12 11 10 ~ 8 7 6~4 3 2~0
Definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Switch the PLC to Run after completing settings. Now wait for successful initialization of CANopen
(M1059 = 1 and M1061 = 0), and then initiate CANopen memory mapping (M1034 = 1). The control word
and frequency command will now automatically refresh to the corresponding slave device (D2008+n*100
and D2012+n*100), and the slave device's status word and currently frequency will also be automatically
sent back to the master station (D2009+n*100 and D2013+n*100). This also illustrates how the master can
handle these tasks through read/write operations in the special D area.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the remote I/O of PDO2 can obtain the slave device's current
DI and AI status, and can also control the slave device's DO and AO status. Nevertheless, after introducing a
fully automatic mapping special D, the CP2000 CANopen master also provides additional information
refreshes. For instance, while in speed mode, acceleration/deceleration settings may have been refreshed.
The special D therefore also stores some seldom-used real-time information, and these commands can be
refreshed using the CANFLS command. The following is the CP2000's current CANopen master data
conversion area, which has a range of D2001+100*n - D2033+100*n, as shown below:
1. The range of n is 0-7
2. ●Indicates PDOTX, ▲Indicates PDORX; unmarked special D can be refreshed using the
CANFLS command
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
Station number n of slave station
D2000+100*n Setting range: 0~127 0 RW
0: No CANopen function
Manufacturer code of slave station
D2002+100*n 0 R
number n (L)
Manufacturer code of slave station
D2003+100*n 0 R
number n (H)
Manufacturer's product code of slave
D2004+100*n 0 R
station number n (L)
Manufacturer's product code of slave
D2005+100*n 0 R
station number n (H)

Basic definitions
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
Communications break handling
D2006+100*n 0 RW
method of slave station number n
Error code of slave station number
D2007+100*n 0 R
n error
Control word of slave station
D2008+100*n 0 ● ● ● RW
number n
Status word of slave station
D2009+100*n 0 ▲ ▲ ▲ R
number n
Control mode of slave station
D2010+100*n 2 RW
number n
Actual mode of slave station
D2011+100*n 2 R
number n

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Velocity Control
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
D2001+100*n Torque restriction on slave station
0 RW
number n
Target speed of slave station
D2012+100*n 0 ● RW
number n (rpm)
Actual speed of slave station
D2013+100*n 0 ▲ R
number n (rpm)
Error speed of slave station
D2014+100*n 0 R
number n (rpm)
Acceleration time of slave station
D2015+100*n 1000 RW
number n (ms)
Deceleration time of slave station
D2016+100*n 1000 RW
number n (ms)

Torque control
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
Target torque of slave station
D2017+100*n 0 ● RW
number n(-100.0%~+100.0%)
Actual torque of slave station
D2018+100*n 0 ▲ R
number n(XX.X%)
Actual current of slave station
D2019+100*n 0 R
number n(XX.XA)

Position control
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
D2020+100*n Target of slave station number n (L) 0 RW
Target of slave station number n ●
D2021+100*n 0 RW
Actual position of slave station
D2022+100*n 0 R
number n (L)

Actual position of slave station
D2023+100*n 0 R
number n (H)
Speed chart of slave station RW
D2024+100*n 10000
number n (L)
Speed chart of slave station RW
D2025+100*n 0
number n (H)

Remote I/O
PDO Default
Special D Description of Function Default R/W
1 2 3 4
D2026+100*n MI status of slave station number n 0 ▲ R
MO setting of slave station number RW
D2027+100*n 0 ●
AI1 status of slave station number R
D2028+100*n 0 ▲
AI2 status of slave station number R
D2029+100*n 0 ▲
AI3 status of slave station number R
D2030+100*n 0 ▲
AO1 setting of slave station RW
D2031+100*n 0 ●
number n
AO2 setting of slave station RW
D2032+100*n 0 ●
number n
AO3 setting of slave station RW
D2033+100*n 0 ●
number n

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

After gaining an understanding of special D definitions, we return to setting steps. After entering the
values corresponding to D1090 to D1099, D2000+100*n, D2034+100*n and D2067+100*n, we cannot begin
to perform downloading, which is performed in accordance with the following steps: (1. D2000 and D2100
are set as 20 and 21, and D2200, D2300, D2400, D2500, D2600, and D2700 are set as 0; if a setting of 0
causes problems, D1091 can be set as 3, and slave stations 2 to 7 can be closed. 2. Switch PLC to Stop
status. 3. Press the transmit button. 4. click on write memory after exiting the window. 5. Ignore D0-D399. 6.
Change the second range to D1090-D1099. 7. Click on Confirm.)

 Another method can be used to set D1091: Determine which of slave stations 0 to 7 will not be needed,
and set the corresponding bits to 0. For instance, if it is not necessary to control slave stations 2, 6 and 7,
merely set D1091 = 003B, and the setting method is the same as described above: Use WPL to initiate
communications > use register edit (T C D) function to perform settings.

Step 3: Set the master's communications station number and communications

 When setting the master's station number (parameter 09-46, default is set as 100), make sure
not to use the same number as a slave station.
 Set the CANopen communications speed (parameter 09-37); regardless of whether the driver is
defined as a master or slave station, the communications speed is set via this parameter.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Step 4: Write program code

Real-time access: Can directly read/write to or from the corresponding D area.
Non real-time access:
Read command: Use the CANRX command for reading. M1066 will be 1 when reading is
complete; M1067 will be 1 if reading is successful, and M1067 will be 0 if an error has
Write command: Use the CANTX command for writing. M1066 will be 1 when writing is
complete; M1067 will be 1 if writing is successful, and M1067 will be 0 if an error has
Refresh command: Use CANFLS command to refresh (if there are RW attributes, the master will
write to the slave station; if there are RO attributes, the slave station will return the read
values to the master); M1066 will be 1 if refresh has been completed; M1067 will be 1 if
refresh is successful, and M1067 will be 0 if an error has occurred.

When using CANRX, CANTX or CANFLS, internal implementation commands will wait until M1066 is
completed before executing the next CANRX, CANTX or CANFLS.
Afterwards, download program to the driver (Please note that the PLC's default communications format is
ASCII 7N2 9600, and the station number is 2. The WPL must therefore be modified, and the WPL setting
pathway is settings > communications settings)

Step 5: Set the slave stations' station numbers, communications speed, control
source, and command source
Delta's CP2000 and EC series devices currently support the CANopen communications interface driver,
and the corresponding slave station numbers and communications speed parameters are as follows:
Corresponding device
parameters Value Definition
CP2000 E-C
Slave station 0 Disable CANopen hardware interface
09-36 09-20
address 1~127 CANopen Communication address
0 1M
1 500K
Communication 2 250K
09-37 09-21
speed 3 125K
4 100K
5 50K
00-21 - 3
Control source
- 02-01 5
00-20 - 6
Frequency source
- 02-00 5
11-33 - 3
Torque source
- - -
11-40 - 3
Position source
- - -

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Delta's A2 Servo currently supports the CANopen communications interface, and the corresponding slave
station numbers and communications speed parameters are as follows:

Corresponding device
parameters Value Definition
Slave station
03-00 1~127 CANopen Communication address
R= 0 125K
R= 1 250K
03-01 bit 8-11 XRXX R= 2 500K
R= 3 750K
R= 4 1M
01-01 B

Step 6: Connect hardware wiring

When performing wiring, note the head and tail terminal resistance; connection methods are as

Step 7: Initiate control

After a program has been written and downloaded, switch the PLC mode to Run. Merely
turn power to master and slave stations off and then on again.
Refer to CANMasterTest 1 vs. 2 driver.dvp
Example :
CP2000 driver one-to-two control
Step 1: Activating CANopen Master functions
 Parameter 09-45=1 (initiates Master functions); restart power after completing setting,
the status bar on the KPC-CC01 digital keypad will display "CAN Master".
 Parameter 00-02=6 reset PLC (please note that this action will reset the program and
PLC registers to the default values)
 Turn power off and on again.
 Use the KPC-CC01 digital keypad to set the PLC control mode as "PLC Stop" (if
the KPC-CE01 digital keypad is used, set as "PLC 2"; if a newly-introduced driver is
used, the blank internal PLC program will cause a PLFF warning code to be issued).

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Step 2: Master memory correspondences

 Enable WPL
 Use keypad set PLC mode as Stop (PLC 2)
 WPL read D1070 to D1099 D2000 to D2799
 Set D2000=10 D2100=11
 Set D2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700=0
 Download D2000 to D2799 settings

Step 3: Set the master's communications station number and communications speed
 When setting the master's station number (parameter 09-46, default is set as 100),
make sure not to use the same number as a slave station.
 Set the CANopen communications speed as 1M (parameter 09-37=0); regardless of
whether the driver is defined as a master or slave station, the communications speed
is set via this parameter.

Step 4: Write program code

Real-time access: Can directly read/write to or from the corresponding D area.
Non real-time access:
Read command: Use the CANRX command for reading. M1066 will be 1 when reading
is complete; M1067 will be 1 if reading is successful, and M1067 will be 0 if
an error has occurred.
Write command: Use the CANTX command for writing. M1066 will be 1 when writing is
complete; M1067 will be 1 if writing is successful, and M1067 will be 0 if an
error has occurred.
Refresh command: Use CANFLS command to refresh (if there are RW attributes, the
master will write to the slave station; if there are RO attributes, the slave
station will return the read values to the master); M1066 will be 1 if refresh
has been completed; M1067 will be 1 if refresh is successful, and M1067
will be 0 if an error has occurred.

When using CANRX, CANTX or CANFLS, internal implementation commands will wait until M1066 is

completed before executing the next CANRX, CANTX or CANFLS.

Afterwards, download program to the driver (Please note that the PLC's default
communications format is ASCII 7N2 9600, and the station number is 2. The WPL must
therefore be modified, and the WPL setting pathway is settings > communications

Step 5: Set the slave stations' station numbers and communications speed
Slave station no. 1: 09-37 = 0(Speed 1M) 09-36=10(Node ID 10 )
Slave station no. 2: 09-37 = 0(Speed 1M) 09-36=10(Node ID 11 )

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Step 6: Connect hardware wiring

When performing wiring, note the head and tail terminal resistance; connection methods are
as follows:

Terminal Terminal
resistor resistor

Step 7: Initiate control

After a program has been written and downloaded, switch the PLC mode to Run. Merely
turn power to master and slave stations off and then on again.
Refer to CANMasterTest 1 vs. 2 driver.dvp

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-9 Explanation of various PLC speed mode controls

Speed mode supports SVC control. Under the speed mode of SVC control, control
therefore cannot be performed successfully unless finish motor parameter auto tuning ahead of time.
Control methods and settings are explained as follows:
Speed control:
Register table for speed mode:

Control special M
Special Description of Function Attributes
M1025 Driver frequency = set frequency (ON)/driver frequency =0 (OFF) RW
M1026 Driver operating direction FWD(OFF)/REV(ON) RW
M1040 Hardware power (Servo On) RW
M1042 Quick stop RW
M1044 Pause (Halt) RW
M1052 Lock frequency (lock, frequency locked at the current operating frequency) RW

Status special M

Special Description of Function Attributes

M1015 Frequency attained (when used together with M1025) RO
M1056 Servo On Ready RO
M1058 On Quick Stopping RO

Control special D

Special Description of Function Attributes

D1060 Mode setting (speed mode is 0) RW

Status special D

Special Description of Function Attributes

D1037 Converter output frequency (0.00~600.00) RO
D1050 Actual operating mode (speed mode is 0) RO

Speed mode control commands:

FREQ(P) S1 S2 S3

Target speed The first acceleration time setting The first deceleration time setting

Example of speed mode control:

Before performing speed control, if the SVC control method is used, setting of electromechanical
parameters must first be completed.

1. Setting D1060 = 0 will shift the converter to the speed mode (default).
2. Use the FREQ command to control frequency, acceleration time, and deceleration time.
3. Set M1040 = 1, the driver will now be excited, but the frequency will be 0.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

4. Set M1025 = 1, the driver frequency command will now jump to the frequency designated
by FREQ, and acceleration/deceleration will be controlled on the basis of the acceleration
time and deceleration time specified by FREQ.
5. M1052 can be used to lock the current operating frequency.
6. M1044 can be used to temporarily pause operation, and the deceleration method will comply
with deceleration settings.
7. M1042 can be used to perform quick stop, and deceleration will be as quick as possible
without giving rise to an error. (There may still be a jump error if the load is too large.)
8. Control user rights: M1040(Servo ON) > M1042(Quick Stop) >M1044(Halt) >M1052(LOCK)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-10 Internal communications main node control

The protocol has been developed in order to facilitate the use of 485 instead of CANopen in
certain application situations. The 485 protocol offers similar real-time characteristics as CANopen;
this protocol can only be used on the CP2000 and CT2000 devices. The maximum number of slave
devices is 8.

Internal communications have a master-slave structure. The initiation method is very simple:

Slave device:
Set parameter 09-31 = -1 to -8 in order to access 8 nodes, and set parameter 00-20 = 1 to
define the control source as 485 and access the reference sources that must be controlled, namely
speed command (00-21 = 2), torque command (11-33 = 1), and position command (11-40=2). This
will complete slave device settings. (PLC functions do not need to be activated)

Setting the master is even simpler; it is only necessary to set parameter 09-31 = -10, and
enable the PLC.

Hardware wiring:
The master and slave stations are connected via the 485 serial port. The CP2000 provide
two types of 485 serial port interfaces, see the figure below: (please refer to 06 Control terminals
concerning detailed terminal connections)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Master programming: In a program, D1110 can be used to define a slave station to be

controlled (1-8, if set as 0, can jump between 8 stations). Afterwards, M1035 is set as 1, and the
memory positions of the master and slave stations will correspond. At this time, it is only necessary to
send commands to the correlation slave station address to control that station. The following is a
register table connected with internal communications:

Control special M

Special M Description of Function Attributes

M1035 Initiates internal communications control RW

Control special D
Special D Description of Function Attributes
Internal node communications number 1-8 (set the station number of
D1110 RW
the slave station to be controlled)

Description of Function
Special D User Location Attributes
Definition bit Speed mode Torque mode Homing mode
rights mode
Command Homing
0 4 - -
functions Origin
1 4 rotation - -
2 4 - - - -
Temporary Temporary
3 3 - -
pause pause
Frequency Temporary
4 4 - -
locking pause
Internal node N control
D1120 + 10*N
5 4 JOG - - - RW
6 2 Quick Stop Quick Stop Quick Stop Quick Stop
7 1 Servo ON Servo ON Servo ON Servo ON
Speed interval Speed interval
11~8 4 - -
switching switching
13~12 4 - - -
time change
Enable Bit 13 Enable Bit 13
14 4 - -
~8 ~8
Clear error Clear error Clear error Clear error
15 4
code code code code
Internal node N control
D1121 + 10*N
0 1 2 3 RW
Position Torque
Internal node N command command
D1122 + 10*N
reference command L
(with (with
- RW
(no number)
numbers) numbers)
Internal node N
D1123 + 10*N
reference command H
- Speed limit - RW
※ N=0~7
Status special D
Special D Description of Function Attributes
D1115 Internal node synchronizing cycle (ms) RO
Internal node error (bit0 = slave device 1, bit1 = slave device 2,…bit7 = slave
D1116 RO
device 8)
Internal node online correspondence (bit0 = slave device 1, bit1 = slave device
D1117 RO
2,…bit7 = slave device 8)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Special D Description of Function Attributes

bit Speed mode Location mode Torque mode Homing mode
Frequency command Position command Torque command Zero command
arrival attained attained completed
Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise
Counterclockwise: Counterclockwise: Counterclockwise: Counterclockwise:
D1126 + 10*N 2 Warning Warning Warning Warning RO
3 Error Error Error Error
6 Quick Stop Quick Stop Quick Stop Quick Stop
7 Servo ON Servo ON Servo ON Servo ON
Actual torque
D1127 + 10*N Actual frequency Actual position -
(with numbers)
(with numbers) RO
D1128 + 10*N - - -
※ N=0~7

Example: Assume it is desired to control slave station 1 operation at frequencies of 30.00Hz and
60.00 Hz, status, and online node correspondences:

0 M1000
MOV D1117 K1M700
Normally open contact of Internal node Node 0 online
operation monitoring (a) online mapping

MOV D1126 K4M250

Node 0 arrive

MOV K4M200 D1120

Node 0 ack Control command of
internal node 0
Enable internal

When it is judged that slave station 1 is online, delay 3 sec. and begin control

17 M700
MOVP K0 D1121
Node 0 online Control mode of
internal node 0
TMR T0 K30
T0 Enable Control Delay
( M100 )
Enable Control Delay Enable Control
( M215 )
Enable Control Delay Reset
33 M100
MOVP K0 D1121
Enable Control Control mode of
internal node 0
( M207 )
Node 0 Servo On
( M200 )
Node 0 Ack

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

It is required slave station 1 maintain forward rotation at 30.00Hz for 1 sec., and maintain
reverse rotation at 60.00 Hz for 1 sec., and repeat this cycle continuously.
41 M300
MOV K3000 D1122
TMR T10 K10
Node 0 arrive
52 M301
( M200 )
-60.00Hz Rev
MOV K6000 D1122
Reference command L
M250 of the internal node 0
TMR T11 K10
Node 0 arrive
64 M302
MOV K1 K1M300
Repeat +30.00Hz

Enable control
73 M300 T10 M100
ROLP K4M300 K1
+30.00Hz Enable control +30.00Hz
M301 T11

84 END

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-11 Modbus remote IO control applications (use MODRW)

The CP2000's internal PLC supports 485 read/write functions, which can be realized using
the MODRW command. However, the 485 serial port must be defined as available for the PLC's 485
use before writing a program, and the parameter 09-31 must be set as -12. After completing settings,
the standard functions defined by 485 can be used to implement read/write commands at other
stations. Communications speed is defined by parameter 09-01, the communications format is
defined by parameter 09-04, and the PLC's current station number is defined by parameter 09-35.
The CP2000 currently supports the functions read coil (0x01), read input (0x02), read register (0x03),
write to single register (0x06), write to several coils (0x0F), and write to several registers
(0x10). Explanations and the usage of these functions are provided as follows:
MODRW command
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 General Slave device is Delta's PLC Slave device is Delta's
Node Return: meaning meaning converter meaning
Command Address Length:
ID D area
Read 18 bits of data corresponding to
Read coil slave station 3 PLC Y0 to Y21. This
K3 H01 H500 D0 K18 Does not support this function
(Bit) data is stored by bit 0 to 15 of the this
station's D0 and bit 0 to bit 3 of D1.
Read 10 bits of data corresponding to
Read input slave station 3 PLC X0 to X11. This
K3 H02 H400 D10 K10 Does not support this function
(Bit) data is stored by bit 0 to 9 of this
station's D10.
Read 3 words of data
Read 3 words of data corresponding corresponding to slave station
Read register
K3 H03 H600 D20 K3 to slave station 3 PLC T0 to T2. This 3 converter parameters 06-00
data is stored by D20 to D22. to 06-02. This data is stored by
D20 to D22
Write slave station 3 converter
Write to single Write slave station 3 PLC's T16 to this
K3 H06 H610 D30 XX 06 to 16 parameter to this
register (word) station's D30 value
station's D30 value
Write to
Write slave station 3 PLC's Y11 to
K3 H0F H509 D40 K10 multiple coils Does not support this function
Y22 to bit 0 to 9 of D40.
Write to
Write slave station 3 converter
multiple Write slave station 3 PLC's T2 to T5 to
K3 H10 H602 D50 K4 06-02 to 06-05 parameters to
registers D50 to D53
this station's D50 to D53
※ XX indicates doesn't matter
After implementing MODRW, the status will be displayed in M1077 (485 read/write
complete), M1078 (485 read/write error), and M1079 (485 read/write time out). M1077 is defined so
as to immediately revert to 0 after the MODRW command has been implemented. However, any of
three situations—a report of no error, a data error report, or time out with no report—will cause the
status of M1077 to change to On.

Example program: Testing of various functions

At the start, will cause the transmitted time sequence to switch to the first data unit.

0 M1002
On only for 1 scan a

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

When the reported message indicates no error, it will switch to the next transmitted command

6 M1077 M1078 M1079

485 R/W 485 R/W 485 R/W
rite is co rite is fail rite is time 0

If time out occurs or an error is reported, the M1077 will change to On. At this time, after a delay of 30
scanning cycles, it will re-issue the original command once

14 M1077
ADD D30 K1 D30
485 R/W rite is co

D30 K40 MOV K0 D30

( M200 )
Delay cycle
33 M1002
( M100 )
ON only for 1 scan a ReqTXOnce

Delay cycle
36 M100 M0
MODRW K2 H1 H500 D200
ReqTXOnce M1
MODRW K2 HF H500 D100
MODRW K2 H2 H410 D201
MODRW K3 H3 H2100 D300
MODRW K2 H2 H410 D201

It will repeat after sending all commands

102 M5


D30 K40 MOV K1 K4M0


Practical applications:
Actual use to control the RTU-485 module.
Step 1: Set the communications format. Assume that the communications format is 115200, 8,N,2,

CP2000 The default PLC station number is set as 2 (09-35)
09-31=-12(COM1 is controlled by the PLC ), 09-01=115.2(The communications speed is 115200 )
09-04=13(The format is 8,N,2, RTU)

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

RTU485: The station number = 8 (give example)


0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Communication station #:
ID0~ ID7 are defined as 2 0 , 2 1, 2 2 ...2 6, 27

Communication protocol
Communication Protocol

Communicaton Speed

Step 2: Install control equipment. We sequentially connect a DVP16-SP (8 IN 8 OUT), DVP-04AD (4

channels AD), DVP02DA (2 channels DA), and DVP-08ST (8 switches) to the RTU485.
The following corresponding locations can be obtained from the RTU485's configuration definitions:

Module Terminals 485 Address

X0 ~ X7 0400H ~ 0407H
Y0 ~ Y7 0500H ~ 0507H
DVP-04AD AD0 ~ AD3 1600H ~ 1603H
DVP02DA DA0 ~ DA1 1640H ~ 1641H
DVP-08ST Switch 0 ~ 7 0408H ~ 040FH

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Step 3: Physical configuration

CP200 0

Step 4: Write to PLC program

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Step 5: Actual testing situation:

I/O testing: When the switch is activated, it can be discovered that the display corresponds to M115 -
M108. Furthermore, it can be seen that one output point light is added every 1 sec. (the
display uses a binary format)

This light signal increase

by 1number per second.
WPL will be modified
when pressing this Switch

AD DA testing: It can be discovered that D200 and D201 are roughly twice the D300, and continue to
increase progressively. For their part, the D202 and D203 are roughly twice the D301,
and continue to decrease progressively.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

16-12 Calendar functions

(KPC-CC01) is connected, and otherwise cannot be used. Currently-support commands include
TCMP (comparison of calendar data), TZCP (calendar data range comparison), TADD (calendar data
addition), TSUB (calendar data subtraction), and TRD (calendar reading). Please refer to the explanation
of relevant commands and functions for the usage of these commands.
In real applications, the internal PLC can judge whether calendar function have been activated; if they
have been activated, calendar warning codes may be displayed in some situations. The basis for whether
a calendar function has been activated is whether the program has written the calendar time (D1063 to
D1069) in connection with the foregoing calendar commands or programs.
The calendar's time display is currently assigned to D1063 to D1069, and is defined as follows:
Item Content Attributes
D1063 20xx (2000~2099) RO
D1064 Weeks 1~7 RO
D1065 Month 1~12 RO
D1066 Day 1~31 RO
D1067 Hour 0~23 RO
D1068 Minute 0~59 RO
D1069 Second 0~59 RO
Calendar-related special M items are defined as follows:
Item Attributes
M1068 Calendar time error RO
Calendar time error or refresh time
M1076 RO
M1036 Ignore calendar warning RW
*When a program writes to the commands TCMP, TZCP, TADD, or TSUB, if it is discovered that a
value exceeds the reasonable range, M1026 will be 1.
*When the keypad display is PLra (RTC correction warning) or PLrt (RTC time out warning), M1076
will be ON.
*When M1036 is 1, the PLC will ignore the calendar warning.
Calendar trigger warning code is defined as follows:
Reset Whether it affects PLC
Warning Description
approach operation
Requires Will not have any effect
PLra Calendar time correction
power restart
Requires Will not have any effect
PLrt Calendar time refresh time out
power restart
*When the PLC's calendar functions are operating, if the keypad is replaced with another keypad, it
will jump to PLra.
*When it is discovered at startup that the keypad has not been powered for more than 7 days, or the
time is wrong, PLra will be triggered.
*When it is discovered that the CP2000 has no keypad 10 sec. after startup, PLrt will be triggered.

Chapter 16 PLC Function Applications

*If the keypad is suddenly pulled out while the calendar is operating normally, and is not reconnected
for more than 1 minute, PLrt will be triggered.
Practical applications:
We will perform a demo of simple applications.
We first correct the keypad time. After pressing Menu on the keypad, select the 9th time setting
option. After selection, set the current time.

Menu Time Setup

7.Quick Start 2014/03/ 05
8.Displ Setup 16:11:37
9.Time Setup

We set converter on during the period of 8:00-17:20, which allows us to write the following example
At K16

Normally open
contact of
At K16
monitoring (a)

Servo on

Motor drive
Run (ON)/ Stop(OFF)

Normally open
contact of
monitoring (a)

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

1. About BACnet:
BACnet is an ASHRAE communication protocol for building automation and control networks.
(ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.).
CP2000’s BACnet is based on version 20004.

BACnet’s regulations are related to several kinds of physical layers’ interfaces. The physical layer built
inside CP200 is achieved via MS/TP interface.

The BACnet of CP2000 supports a device type called B-ASC. B-ASC supports six types of services such

2. CP2000 BACnet-Object and Property:

In CP2000, BACnet supports 3 object types: Device, AnalogValue (AV) and BinaryValue (BV). In each
object type, we have to the following table to show the Properties list:
Object Type
Property ID
Device Analog Value Binary Value

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

Object Type
Property ID
Device Analog Value Binary Value
#117 UNITS V
*1. The Object_ID and Object_Name Properties of Device are writeable.
*2. The Present_Value Property of some AV and BV objects is commendable.
*3. Only Commendable objects support Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default.
The AV objects, we have commendable and readonly cases.
 Commendable case: We can use Write_Service to access the Present_Value property of commendable
AV objects. Thus, the commandable AV objects are linking to the Control_Word and Pr_Word in CP2000.
 Readonly case: We can use Read_Service to access the Present_Value property of readonly AV objects.
Thus, these readonly AV objects are linking to the Status_Word in CP2000.
The BV objects, we also have commandable and readonly cases.
 Commendable case: We can use Write_Service to access the Present_Value property of commendable
BV objects. Thus, the commandable BV objects are linking to the Control_Bit in CP2000.
 Readonly case: We can use Read_Service to access the Present_Value property of readonly BV objects.
Thus, these readonly BV objects are linking to the Status_Bit in CP2000.

2.1 Commendable Analog Value Object

In CP20000, we have AV_000~AV_026 supporting commendable Presnet_Value property. For these
AV_Objects, we also can use (Multi)Read_Service to access Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default
Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit
AV 000 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 001 RW FreqRefValue Frequency Reference Value UNITS_HERTZ
AV 002 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 003 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 004 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 005 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 006 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 007 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit
AV 008 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 009 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 010 RW Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 011 RW (P9-11 map set) AV11 will modify data which is P9-11 mapping to Depends
AV 012 RW (P9-12 map set) AV12 will modify data which is P9-12 mapping to Depends
AV 013 RW (P9-13 map set) AV13 will modify data which is P9-13 mapping to Depends
AV 014 RW (P9-14 map set) AV14 will modify data which is P9-14 mapping to Depends
AV 015 RW (P9-15 map set) AV15 will modify data which is P9-15 mapping to Depends
AV 016 RW (P9-16 map set) AV16 will modify data which is P9-16 mapping to Depends
AV 017 RW (P9-17 map set) AV17 will modify data which is P9-17 mapping to Depends
AV 018 RW (P9-18 map set) AV18 will modify data which is P9-18 mapping to Depends
AV 019 RW (P9-19 map set) AV19 will modify data which is P9-19 mapping to Depends
AV 020 RW (P9-20 map set) AV20 will modify data which is P9-20 mapping to Depends
AV 021 RW (P9-21 map set) AV21 will modify data which is P9-21 mapping to Depends
AV 022 RW (P9-22 map set) AV22 will modify data which is P9-22 mapping to Depends
AV 023 RW (P9-23 map set) AV23 will modify data which is P9-23 mapping to Depends
AV 024 RW (P9-24 map set) AV24 will modify data which is P9-24 mapping to Depends
AV 025 RW (P9-25 map set) AV25 will modify data which is P9-25 mapping to Depends
AV 026 RW (P9-26 map set) AV26 will modify data which is P9-26 mapping to Depends

2.2 Status (Readonly) Analog Value Object

In CP20000, we have AV_027~AV_068 with readonly Presnet_Value property. For these AV_Objects,
we do NOT have Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default properties.
Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit
AV 027 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 028 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 029 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 030 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 031 R Output frequency Display output frequency(Hz) UNITS_HERTZ
AV 032 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 033 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 034 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 035 R Output torque(%) Display output torque(%) UNITS_PERCENT
AV 036 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 037 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 038 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 039 R Status word Display status word,made from BV16~BV31 UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 040 R Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit
AV 041 R Driver type code Driver type code UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 042 R Warn code Warn code UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 043 R Error code Error code UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 044 R Output current Display output current(Amp) UNITS_AMPERES
AV 045 R DC-bus voltage Display DC-BUS voltage(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS
AV 046 R Output Voltage Display output voltage of U, V, W(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS
AV 047 R Count Value Display counter value of TRG terminal UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 048 R Power Angle Display output power angle of U, V, W CTOR
AV 049 R Output Power Display actual output power of U, V, W(kw) UNITS_KILOWATTS
AV 050 R IGBT temperature Display the IGBT temperature CELSIUS
Temperature of UNITS_DEGREES_
AV 051 R driver Display the temperature of capacitance CELSIUS
Real carry
AV 052 R frequency Display real carrier frequency of the drive(KHz) UNITS_KILOHERTZ
PID feedback
AV 053 R value Display PID feedback value(%) UNITS_PERCENT
AV 054 R Overload rate Display overload condition(%) UNITS_PERCENT
Ground fail detect
AV 055 R level Display GND fail detect level(%) UNITS_PERCENT
AV 056 R DC bus ripple Display DCbus voltage ripples(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS
AV 057 R Fan Speed Fan speed of the drive(%) UNITS_PERCENT
AV 058 R speed(rpm) Output speed(rpm) NS_PER_MINUTE
AV 059 R KW per Hour KW per Hour UNITS_KILOWATTS
AV 060 R Multi-speed switch Real multi-speed switch UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 061 R AVI input value 0~10V corresponds to 0~100% UNITS_PERCENT
AV 062 R ACI input value 4~20mA/0~10V corresponds to 0~100% UNITS_PERCENT
AV 063 R AUI input value -10V~10V corresponds to -100~100% UNITS_PERCENT
AV 064 R Digital input status Refer to P2-12 UNITS_NO_UNITS
Digital output
AV 065 R status Refer to P2-18 UNITS_NO_UNITS
CPU pin status of
AV 066 R DI Corresponding CPU pin status of digital input UNITS_NO_UNITS
CPU pin status of
AV 067 R DO Corresponding CPU pin status of digital output UNITS_NO_UNITS
AV 068 R PLC D1043 value PLC D1043 value UNITS_NO_UNITS

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

2.3 Commandable Binary Value Object

In CP20000, we have BV_000~BV_015 supporting commendable Presnet_Value property. For these
BV_Objects, we also can use (Multi)Read_Service to access Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default
R/W Object Name Object Description
BV 000 RW ACTIVE CMD (0)FreqCmd=0;(1)FreqCmd=FreqRefValue
BV 001 RW FWD/REV CMD (0)Forward; (1)Reverse
BV 002 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 003 RW HALT CMD (0)None;(1)RampDown to 0Hz.
BV 004 RW LOCK CMD (0)None;(1)OutputFreq stays at current freqency
BV 005 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 006 RW QSTOP CMD (0)None;(1)Force driver quick stop
BV 007 RW ServoPower CMD (0)PowerOff(free run to stop);(1)PowerOn
BV 008 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 009 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 010 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 011 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 012 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 013 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 014 RW Reserved Reserved
BV 015 RW RESET RESET:(0)Do nothing;(1)Reset fault

2.4 Status (Readonly) Binary Value Object

In CP20000, we have BV_016~BV_031 with readonly Presnet_Value property. For these BV_Objects,
we do NOT have Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default properties.
R/W Object Name Object Description
BV 016 R ARRIVE STATE (0)Not yet;(1)Arrive (OutputFreq=FreqCmd)
BV 017 R FWD/REV STATE (0)Forward;(1)Reverse
BV 018 R WARN STATE (0)No Warn;(1)Occur Warn
BV 019 R ERROR STATE (0)No Error;(1)Occur Error
BV 020 R Reserved Reserved
BV 021 R Reserved Reserved
BV 023 R SerovPower STATE (0)PowerOff(free run to stop);(1)PowerOn
BV 024 R Reserved Reserved
BV 025 R Reserved Reserved
BV 026 R Reserved Reserved
BV 027 R Reserved Reserved

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

R/W Object Name Object Description
BV 028 R Reserved Reserved
BV 029 R Reserved Reserved
BV 030 R Reserved Reserved
BV 031 R Reserved Reserved

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

3. Steps to setup the Pr about BACnet in CP2000

Related to BACnet function in CP2000, We have to configure 2 parts of Pr.
Part1. Setup parameters related to Communication at Pr_Group9.
Part2. Setup parameters related to System_Parameter at Pr_Group0.

Part1. Pr_Group9, Communication.

1-1. Set Pr09-31 =1, BACnet is enabled, then the COM1_Port will be accessed by BACnet. When this
is set, the COM1_Port communication format will be changed to RTU 8N1.
(Note: The HW Pins of COM1_Port are shared by RJ45 and RS485. When BACnet is enabled,
BACnet will access the COM1_Port, that also means we can NOT have Modbus, PLC connections,
VFDSoft and VFD Explorer by COM1_Port).
1-2. Set Pr09-50, Default = 10, BACnet’s MS/TP station number 0~127
1-3. Set Pr09-51, Default = 38400, BACnet communication baud rate, 9600, 19200, 38400 or
1-4. Set Pr09-52 and Pr09-53, The default setting of Device Object_Identifier is 0x000A (Pr09-52=10,
Pr09-53=00). Device Object_Identifier is the combination of Pr09-52 and Pr09-53, thus the setting
range can be 0~4194303.
For example, Pr09-53=12(0Ch) and Pr09-52 =3456(0D80h), then the device Identifier’s value
=12*65536+3456 =789888(0C0D80h).
1-5. Set Pr09-55, Default =127, the highest allowable address for master nodes on the same MS/TP
network. CP2000 base on this setting to know the Max search range.
1-6. Set Pr09-56, setup the BACnet password. If setup is successful, the keypad will display 8888.

Part2. Pr_Group0, System Parameter.

2-1. Set Pr00-20 =1, That means the source of the Frequency command is from RS485 Interface
(accessed by BACnet).
2-2. Set Pr00-21 =2, That means the source of the Operation command is from RS485 Interface
(accessed by BACnet).

Here is a simple example:

After setting up the 2 parts of Pr, we can enable the BACnet function in CP2000. Thus, we can access
some BACnet objects to make the CP2000 driving motor Run or Stop.
Step1. Write_Service on AV_001, Present_Value =60.0  Setup Frequency Reference Value.
Step2. Write_Service on BV_007, Present_Value =Active.  Setup Servo PowerOn.
Step3. Write_Service on BV_000, Present_Value =Active.  Setup Active CMD.
Step4. Read_Service on AV_031, Present_Value  User can know the Output frequency.

PS. In CP2000, base on different Pr setting or IO setting, we can make FreqCmd with different source of Reference Value.

PLS check the usage of Keypad, Pr and IO setting for more detail information.

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

 Then connection of the communication cable as shown in the below diagram.

Please note that HW Pins of COM1_Port are shared by RJ45 and RS485. That means user can use
RJ45_cable or RS485_lines to access the COM1_Port.
When BACnet is enabled, COM1_Port will be dominated by BACnet function. Under this condition,
user will not be able to have MODBUS or PLC function on COM1_Port.

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Date:July 24, 2014
Vendor Name: Delta Electronics, Inc.
Product Name: CP2000
Product Model Number: VFD-CP2000
Applications Software Version: Ver 01.04- yyyymm Firmware Revision: Ver 01.04 BACnet Protocol
Revision: 7

Product Description:
Delta VFD-CP2000 is a Variable Frequency AC motor Drive with BACnet embedded.

In VFD-CP2000, the BACnet connection is by MS/TP, RS485-based. VFD-CP2000 provides a BACnet

communication function that permits it as a server and supports BIBBs defined by the BACnet B-ASC.
VFD-CP2000 BACnet provides the capability to control and monitor the VFD-CP2000 machine.

BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L):

 BACnet Operator Workstation (B-OWS)
 BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)
 BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC)
 BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC)
 BACnet Smart Sensor (B-SS)
 BACnet Smart Actuator (B-SA)

List all BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported (Annex K):

Data Sharing BIBBs

Data Sharing-ReadProperty-B (DS-RP-B)
Data Sharing-WriteProperty-B (DS-WP-B)
Data Sharing-ReadPropertyMultiple-B (DS-RPM-B)

Device and Network Management BIBBs

Device Management-Dynamic Device Binding-B (DM-DDB-B)
Device Management-Dynamic Object Binding-B (DM-DOB-B)
Device Management-DeviceCommunicationControl-B (DM-DCC-B)

Segmentation Capability:
 Segmented requests supported Window Size
 Segmented responses supported Window Size

Standard Object Types Supported:

Analog Value
Binary Value

Object instantiation is static. Refer to table at end of this document for object details.

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

Data Link Layer Options:

 BACnet IP, (Annex J)
 BACnet IP, (Annex J), Foreign Device
 ISO 8802-3, Ethernet (Clause 7)
 ANSI/ATA 878.1, 2.5 Mb. ARCNET (Clause 8)
 ANSI/ATA 878.1, RS-485 ARCNET (Clause 8), baud rate(s) ____________
 MS/TP master (Clause 9), baud rate(s): 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800
 MS/TP slave (Clause 9), baud rate(s): ________
 Point-To-Point, EIA 232 (Clause 10), baud rate(s):
 Point-To-Point, modem, (Clause 10), baud rate(s):
 LonTalk, (Clause 11), medium: __________

Device Address Binding:

Is static device binding supported? (This is currently necessary for two-way communication with MS/TP slaves and
certain other devices.) Yes No

Networking Options:
 Router, Clause 6 - List all routing configurations, e.g., ARCNET-Ethernet, Ethernet-MS/TP, etc.
 Annex H, BACnet Tunneling Router over IP
 BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
Does the BBMD support registrations by Foreign Devices?  Yes  No

Character Sets Supported:

Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported simultaneously.
 ANSI X3.4  IBM/Microsoft DBCS  ISO 8859-1
 ISO 10646 (UCS-2)  ISO 10646 (UCS-4)  JIS C 6226

If this product is a communication gateway, describe the types of non-BACnet equipment/networks(s) that
the gateway supports:

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

The Properties of Objects

Object Type
Property ID
Device Analog Value Binary Value
#117 UNITS V
*1. The Object_ID and Object_Name Properties of Device are writeable.
*2. The Present_Value Property of some AV and BV objects are commandable.
*3. Only Commandable objects support Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default.

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

 Commandable Analog Value Object

In VFD-CP2000, we have AV_000~AV_026 supporting commandable Presnet_Value property. In
these AV_Objects, we also can use (Multi)Read_Service to access Priority_Array and
Relinquish_Default properties.

Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit

AV 000 RW AV_000_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 001 RW AV_001_FreqRefValue Frequency Reference Value UNITS_HERTZ

AV 002 RW AV_002_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 003 RW AV_003_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 004 RW AV_004_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 005 RW AV_005_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 006 RW AV_006_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 007 RW AV_007_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 008 RW AV_008_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 009 RW AV_009_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 010 RW AV_010_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 011 RW AV_011_P9-11 map set= ----- AV11 will modify data which is P9-11 mapping to Depends

AV 012 RW AV_012_P9-12 map set= ----- AV12 will modify data which is P9-12 mapping to Depends

AV 013 RW AV_013_P9-13 map set= ----- AV13 will modify data which is P9-13 mapping to Depends

AV 014 RW AV_014_P9-14 map set= ----- AV14 will modify data which is P9-14 mapping to Depends

AV 015 RW AV_015_P9-15 map set= ----- AV15 will modify data which is P9-15 mapping to Depends

AV 016 RW AV_016_P9-16 map set= ----- AV16 will modify data which is P9-16 mapping to Depends

AV 017 RW AV_017_P9-17 map set= ----- AV17 will modify data which is P9-17 mapping to Depends

AV 018 RW AV_018_P9-18 map set= ----- AV18 will modify data which is P9-18 mapping to Depends

AV 019 RW AV_019_P9-19 map set= ----- AV19 will modify data which is P9-19 mapping to Depends

AV 020 RW AV_020_P9-20 map set= ----- AV20 will modify data which is P9-20 mapping to Depends

AV 021 RW AV_021_P9-21 map set= ----- AV21 will modify data which is P9-21 mapping to Depends

AV 022 RW AV_022_P9-22 map set= ----- AV22 will modify data which is P9-22 mapping to Depends

AV 023 RW AV_023_P9-23 map set= ----- AV23 will modify data which is P9-23 mapping to Depends

AV 024 RW AV_024_P9-24 map set= ----- AV24 will modify data which is P9-24 mapping to Depends

AV 025 RW AV_025_P9-25 map set= ----- AV25 will modify data which is P9-25 mapping to Depends

AV 026 RW AV_026_P9-26 map set= ----- AV26 will modify data which is P9-26 mapping to Depends

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

 Status (Readonly) Analog Value Object

In VFD-CP2000, we have AV_027~AV_068 with readonly Presnet_Value property. In these
AV_Objects, we do NOT have Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default properties.

Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit

AV 027 R AV_027_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 028 R AV_028_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 029 R AV_029_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 030 R AV_030_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 031 R AV_031_Output frequency Display output frequency(Hz) UNITS_HERTZ

AV 032 R AV_032_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 033 R AV_033_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 034 R AV_034_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 035 R AV_035_Output torque(%) Display output torque(%) UNITS_PERCENT

AV 036 R AV_036_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 037 R AV_037_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 038 R AV_038_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 039 R AV_039_Status word Display status word,made from BV16~BV31 UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 040 R AV_040_Reserved Reserved UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 041 R AV_041_Driver type code Driver type code UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 042 R AV_042_Warn code Warn code UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 043 R AV_043_Error code Error code UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 044 R AV_044_Output current Display output current(Amp) UNITS_AMPERES

AV 045 R AV_045_DC-bus voltage Display DC-BUS voltage(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS

AV 046 R AV_046_Output Voltage Display output voltage of U, V, W(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS

AV 047 R AV_047_Count Value Display counter value of TRG terminal UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 048 R AV_048_Power Angle Display output power angle of U, V, W

AV 049 R AV_049_Output Power Display actual output power of U, V, W(kw) UNITS_KILOWATTS

AV 050 R AV_050_IGBT temperature Display the IGBT temperature

AV 051 R AV_051_Temperature of driver Display the temperature of capacitance

AV 052 R AV_052_Real carry frequency Display real carrier frequency of the drive(KHz) UNITS_KILOHERTZ

AV 053 R AV_053_PID feedback value Display PID feedback value(%) UNITS_PERCENT

AV 054 R AV_054_Overload rate Display overload condition(%) UNITS_PERCENT

AV 055 R AV_055_Ground fail detect level Display GND fail detect level(%) UNITS_PERCENT

AV 056 R AV_056_DC bus ripple Display DCbus voltage ripples(Volt) UNITS_VOLTS

AV 057 R AV_057_Fan Speed Fan speed of the drive(%) UNITS_PERCENT

AV 058 R AV_058_Output speed(rpm) Output speed(rpm)

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet


Number R/W Object Name Object Description Unit

AV 059 R AV_059_KW per Hour KW per Hour UNITS_KILOWATTS

AV 060 R AV_060_Multi-speed switch Real multi-speed switch UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 061 R AV_061_AVI input value 0~10V corresponds to 0~100% UNITS_PERCENT

AV 062 R AV_062_ACI input value 4~20mA/0~10V corresponds to 0~100% UNITS_PERCENT

AV 063 R AV_063_AUI input value -10V~10V corresponds to -100~100% UNITS_PERCENT

AV 064 R AV_064_Digital input status Refer to P2-12 UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 065 R AV_065_Digital output status Refer to P2-18 UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 066 R AV_066_CPU pin status of DI Corresponding CPU pin status of digital input UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 067 R AV_067_CPU pin status of DO Corresponding CPU pin status of digital output UNITS_NO_UNITS

AV 068 R AV_068_PLC D1043 value PLC D1043 value UNITS_NO_UNITS

 Commendable Binary Value Object

In VFD-CP2000, we have BV_000~BV_015 supporting commandable Presnet_Value property. In
these BV_Objects, we also can use (Multi)Read_Service to access Priority_Array and
Relinquish_Default properties.
Object R/W Object Name Object Description


BV 000 RW BV_000_ACTIVE CMD (0)FreqCmd=0;(1)FreqCmd=FreqRefValue

BV 001 RW BV_001_FWD/REV CMD (0)Forward; (1)Reverse

BV 002 RW BV_002_Reserved Reserved

BV 003 RW BV_003_HALT CMD (0)None;(1)RampDown to 0Hz.

BV 004 RW BV_004_LOCK CMD (0)None;(1)OutputFreq stays at current freqency

BV 005 RW BV_005_Reserved Reserved

BV 006 RW BV_006_QSTOP CMD (0)None;(1)Force driver quick stop

BV 007 RW BV_007_ServoPower CMD (0)PowerOff(free run to stop);(1)PowerOn

BV 008 RW BV_008_Reserved Reserved

BV 009 RW BV_009_Reserved Reserved

BV 010 RW BV_010_Reserved Reserved

BV 011 RW BV_011_Reserved Reserved

BV 012 RW BV_012_Reserved Reserved

BV 013 RW BV_013_Reserved Reserved

BV 014 RW BV_014_Reserved Reserved

BV 015 RW BV_015_RESET RESET:(0)Do nothing;(1)Reset fault

Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

 Status (Readonly) Binary Value Object

In VFD-CP2000, we have BV_016~BV_031 with readonly Presnet_Value property. In these
BV_Objects, we do NOT have Priority_Array and Relinquish_Default properties.
Object R/W Object Name Object Description


BV 016 R BV_016_ARRIVE STATE (0)Not yet;(1)Arrive (OutputFreq=FreqCmd)

BV 017 R BV_017_FWD/REV STATE (0)Forward;(1)Reverse

BV 018 R BV_018_WARN STATE (0)No Warn;(1)Occur Warn

BV 019 R BV_019_ERROR STATE (0)No Error;(1)Occur Error

BV 020 R BV_020_Reserved Reserved

BV 021 R BV_021_Reserved Reserved

BV 022 R BV_022_QSTOP STATE (0)No QSTOP;(1)Occur QSTOP

BV 023 R BV_023_SerovPower STATE (0)PowerOff(free run to stop);(1)PowerOn

BV 024 R BV_024_Reserved Reserved

BV 025 R BV_025_Reserved Reserved

BV 026 R BV_026_Reserved Reserved

BV 027 R BV_027_Reserved Reserved

BV 028 R BV_028_Reserved Reserved

BV 029 R BV_029_Reserved Reserved

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Chapter 17 Introduction to BACnet

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Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error

Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-1 Maintenance and Inspections

18-2 Greasy Dirt Problem
18-3 Fiber Dust Problem
18-4 Erosion Problem
18-5 Industrial Dust Problem
18-6 Wiring and Installation Problem
18-7 Multi-function Input/Output Terminals Problem

The AC motor drive has a comprehensive fault diagnostic system that includes several different
alarms and fault messages. Once a fault is detected, the corresponding protective functions will be
activated. The following faults are displayed as shown on the AC motor drive digital keypad display. The
six most recent faults can be read from the digital keypad or communication.

The AC motor drive is made up by numerous components, such as electronic components,

including IC, resistor, capacity, transistor, and cooling fan, relay, etc. These components can’t be used
permanently. They have limited-life even under normal operation. Preventive maintenance is required to
operate this AC motor drive in its optimal condition, and to ensure a long life.

Check your AC motor drive regularly to ensure there are no abnormalities during operation and
follows the precautions:

 Wait 5 seconds after a fault has been cleared before performing reset via keypad of
input terminal.
 When the power is off after 5 minutes for ≦ 22kW models and 10 minutes for ≧
30kW models, please confirm that the capacitors have fully discharged by
measuring the voltage between + and -. The voltage between + and - should be less
than 25VDC.
 Only qualified personnel can install, wire and maintain drives. Please take off any
metal objects, such as watches and rings, before operation. And only insulated tools
are allowed.
 Never reassemble internal components or wiring.
 Make sure that installation environment comply with regulations without abnormal
noise, vibration and smell.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-1 Maintenance and Inspections

Before the check-up, always turn off the AC input power and remove the cover. Wait at least 10
minutes after all display lamps have gone out, and then confirm that the capacitors have fully
discharged by measuring the voltage between DC+ and DC-. The voltage between DC+ and
DC-should be less than 25VDC.

Ambient environment
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
Check the ambient temperature, humidity, Visual inspection and
vibration and see if there are any dust, gas, measurement with equipment ○
oil or water drops with standard specification
If there are any dangerous objects Visual inspection ○
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
Check if the voltage of main circuit and
control circuit is correct
Measure with multimeter with
standard specification

Digital Keypad Display
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
Is the display clear for reading Visual inspection ○
Any missing characters Visual inspection ○
Mechanical parts
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there is any abnormal sound or vibration Visual and aural inspection ○
If there are any loose screws Tighten the screws ○
If any part is deformed or damaged Visual inspection ○
If there is any color change by overheating Visual inspection ○
If there is any dust or dirt Visual inspection ○

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

Main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there are any loose or missing screws Tighten or replace the screw ○
Visual inspection
If machine or insulator is deformed, cracked,
damaged or with color change due to
NOTE: Please ignore the
color change of copper

overheating or ageing
If there is any dust or dirt Visual inspection ○
Terminals and wiring of main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If the terminal or the plate is color change or
deformation due to overheat
Visual inspection ○
If the insulator of wiring is damaged or color
Visual inspection ○
If there is any damage Visual inspection ○
DC capacity of main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there is any leak of liquid, color change,
crack or deformation
Visual inspection ○
If the safety valve is not removed? If valve is
Visual inspection ○
Measure static capacity when required ○
Resistor of main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there is any peculiar smell or insulator
cracks due to overheat
Visual inspection, smell ○
If there is any disconnection Visual inspection ○
If connection is damaged?
Measure with multimeter with
standard specification

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

Transformer and reactor of main circuit

Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there is any abnormal vibration or peculiar
Visual, aural inspection and

Magnetic contactor and relay of main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there are any loose screws Visual and aural inspection ○
If the contact works correctly Visual inspection ○
Printed circuit board and connector of main circuit
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
Tighten the screws and
If there are any loose screws and connectors press the connectors firmly ○
in place.
If there is any peculiar smell and color change Visual and smell inspection ○
If there is any crack, damage, deformation or
Visual inspection ○
If there is any liquid is leaked or deformation in
Visual inspection ○
Cooling fan of cooling system
Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
Visual, aural inspection and
turn the fan with hand (turn
If there is any abnormal sound or vibration off the power before ○
operation) to see if it rotates
If there is any loose screw Tighten the screw ○
If there is any color change due to overheat Change fan ○

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

Ventilation channel of cooling system

Check Items Methods and Criterion Period
Half One
Year Year
If there is any obstruction in the heat sink, air
intake or air outlet
Visual inspection ○
Please use the neutral cloth for clean and use dust cleaner to remove dust when necessary.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-2 Greasy Dirt Problem

Serious greasy dirt problems generally occur in processing industries such as machine tools,
punching machines and so on. Please be aware of the possible damages that greasy oil may cause
to your drive:
1. Electronic components that silt up with greasy oil may cause the drive to burn out or even
2. Most greasy dirt contains corrosive substances that may damage the drive.
Install the AC motor drive in a standard cabinet to keep it away from dirt. Clean and remove greasy
dirt regularly to prevent damage of the drive.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-3 Fiber Dust Problem

Serious fiber dust problems generally occur in the textile industry. Please be aware of the
possible damages that fiber may cause to your drives:
1. Fiber that accumulates or adheres to the fans will lead to poor ventilation and cause
overheating problems.
2. Plant environments in the textile industry have higher degrees of humidity that may cause the
drive to burn out, become damaged or explode due to wet fiber dust adhering to the devices.
Install the AC motor drive in a standard cabinet to keep it away from fiber dust. Clean and remove
fiber dust regularly to prevent damage to the drive.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-4 Erosion Problem

Erosion problems may occur if any fluids flow into the drives. Please be aware of the damages
that erosion may cause to your drive.
1. Erosion of internal components may cause the drive to malfunction and possibility to explode.
Install the AC motor drive in a standard cabinet to keep it away from fluids. Clean the drive
regularly to prevent erosion.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-5 Industrial Dust Problem

Serious industrial dust pollution frequently occurs in stone processing plants, flour mills, cement
plants, and so on. Please be aware of the possible damage that industrial dust may cause to your
1. Dust accumulating on electronic components may cause overheating problem and shorten the
service life of the drive.
2. Conductive dust may damage the circuit board and may even cause the drive to explode.
Install the AC motor drive in a standard cabinet and cover the drive with a dust cover. Clean the
cabinet and ventilation hole regularly for good ventilation.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-6 Wiring and Installation Problem

When wiring the drive, the most common problem is wrong wire installation or poor wiring.
Please be aware of the possible damages that poor wiring may cause to your drives:
1. Screws are not fully fastened. Occurrence of sparks as impedance increases.
2. If a customer has opened the drive and modified the internal circuit board, the internal
components may have been damaged.
Ensure all screws are fastened when installing the AC motor drive. If the AC motor drive functions
abnormally, send it back to the repair station. DO NOT try to reassemble the internal components or

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

18-7 Multi-function Input/Output Terminals Problem

Multi-function input/output terminal errors are generally caused by over usage of terminals and
not following specifications. Please be aware of the possible damages that errors on multi-function
input/output terminals may cause to your drives:
1. Input/output circuit may burns out when the terminal usage exceeds its limit.
Refer to the user manual for multi-function input output terminals usage and follow the specified
voltage and current. DO NOT exceed the specification limits.

Chapter 18 Suggestions and Error Corrections for Standard AC Motor Drives

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Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation


Table of Contents
19-1 Introduction
19-1.1 What is EMC
19-1.2 EMC for AC Motor Drive
19-2 How to prevent EMI
19-2.1 Types of EMI: common-mode and differential mode noise
19-2.2 How does EMI transmit? (Noise transmission)
19-3 Solution to EMI: Grounding
19-3.1 Protective Grounding & Functional Grounding
19-3.2 Ground Loops
19-3.3 Earthing Systems
19-4 Solution to EMI: Shielding
19-4.1 What is Shielding?
19-4.2 How to Reduce EMI by Shielding?
19-5 Solution to EMI: Filter
19-5.1 Filter
19-5.2 Harmonic Interference

When an AC motor drive is installed in a noisy environment, radiated and/or conducted noise via signal and
power cables can interfere with the correct functioning, cause errors or even damage to the drive. To prevent this,
some AC motor drives have an enhanced noise resistance but the results are limited and it is not economical.
Therefore, an effective method would be finding the cause of the noise and use the right solution to achieve “no
emission, no transmission and no reception of noise”. All three solutions should be applied.

Finding the Noise

• Ascertain whether the error is caused by noise.
• Find the source of the noise and its transmission path.
• Confirm the signal and the source of noise

• Grounding
• Shielding
• Filtering

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

19-1 Introduction

19-1.1 What is EMC?

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical device to function properly in
electromagnetic environments. It does not emit electromagnetic noise to surrounding equipment and is immune to
interference from surrounding equipment. The goal is to achieve high immunity and low emission; these two
properties define the quality of EMC. In general, electrical devices react to high and low frequency phenomena.
High frequency phenomena are electrostatic discharge (ESD); pulse interference; radiated electromagnetic field;
and conducted high frequency electrical surge. Low frequency phenomena refer to mains power harmonics and
The standard emission and immunity levels for compliance depend on the installation location of the drive. A
Power Drive System (PDS) is installed in an industrial or domestic environment. A PDS in a domestic environment
must have lower emission levels and is allowed to have lower immunity levels. A PDS in an industrial environment
is allowed to have higher emission levels but must have more severe immunity levels.

19-1.2 EMC for AC Motor Drive

When an AC motor drive is put into operation, harmonic signal will occur at the AC drive’s power input and
output side. It creates a certain level of electromagnetic interference to the surrounding electrical devices and the
mains power network. An AC motor dive is usually applied in industrial environments with a strong electromagnetic
interference. Under such conditions, an AC drive could disturb or be disturbed.

Delta’s AC motor drives are designed for EMC and comply with EMC standard EN61800-3 2004. Installing
the AC motor drive accurately will decrease EMI influences and ensure long term stability of the electricity system.
It is strongly suggested to follow Delta’s user manual for wiring and grounding. If any difficulties or problems arise,
please follow the instructions and measures as indicated in this EMC Standard Installation Guide.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

19-2 How to prevent EMI

19-2.1 Types of EMI: Common-mode and differential-mode noise

The electromagnetic noise of an AC motor drive can be distinguished into common-mode and differential-
mode noise. Differential-mode noise is caused by the stray capacitance between the conducting wires and
common-mode noise is caused by the common-mode coupling current path created by the stray capacitance
between the conducting wires and ground.
Basically, differential-mode noise has a greater impact to the AC motor drive and common-mode noise has a
greater impact to high-sensitivity electronic devices. An excessive amount of differential-mode noise may trigger
the circuit protection system of the AC motor drive. Common-mode noise affects peripheral electronic devices via
the common ground connection.

EMC problems can be more serious when the following conditions apply:
• When a large horsepower AC motor drive is connected to a large horsepower motor.
• The AC motor drive’s operation voltage increases.
• Fast switching of the IGBTs.
• When a long cable is used to connect the motor to the AC motor drive.

19-2.2 How does EMI transmit? (Noise transmission path)

Noise disturbs peripheral high-sensitivity electrical devices/systems via conduction and radiation, their
transmission paths are shown hereafter:

1. Noise current in the unshielded power cable is conducted to ground via stray capacitances into a common-
mode voltage. Whether or not other modules are capable to resist this common-mode noise depends on their
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), as shown in the following figure.
Noise Unshielded cable

Send Receive

Cstray Load

2. Common-mode noise in the power cable is transmitted through the stray capacitance and coupled into the
adjacent signal cable, as shown in Figure 2. Several methods can be applied to reduce the effect of this
common-mode noise; for example, shield the power cable and/or the signal cables, separate the power and
signal cables, take the input and output side of the signal cable and twist them together to balance out the stray
capacitance, let power cables and signal cables cross at 90°, etc.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Unshielded cable


Power System
supply Cable

3. Common-mode noise is coupled via the power cable to other power systems then the cable of such a power
system is coupled to the transmission system, as shown in Figure 3.

Unshielded cable

Send Receive


4. The common-mode noise of an unshielded power cable is transmitted to the ground via the stray capacitance.
Since both shielded wire and unshielded wire are connected to a common ground, other systems can be
interfered with by the common-mode noise that is transmitted from the ground back to the system via the shield.
See Figure 4.
Noise Unshielded cable

Send Receive

5. When excessive pulse modulated currents pass through an un-grounded AC drive cable, it acts as an antenna
and creates radiated interference.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

19-3 Solution to EMI: Grounding

The leakage current of an electronic equipment is conducted to ground via the grounding wire and the
ground electrode. According to Ohm's law, potential differences may arise when the electrode’s ground and the
ground’s ground resistance are different.

According to Ohm's law, the earth resistance for electrode and the ground are different, in this case
potential differences may arise.

19-3.1 Protective Grounding & Functional Grounding

Please carefully read the following instruction if two types of grounding are applied at the same time.
Protective grounding is applied outside buildings and must have low resistance. On the other hand,
functional grounding can be applied inside buildings and must have low impedance.
The goal of EMC is to avoid any interference effects. Grounding for EMC can be distinguished by frequency.
For frequencies lower than 10kHz, a single-point ground system should be used and for frequencies higher than 10
kHz, a multiple point ground system should be used.

• Single Point Grounding: all signal grounds of all IT equipment are connected in series to form a single
reference point. This point can be grounded directly to earth; to the designated grounding point or to the safety
point that is already grounded.
• Multiple Point Grounding: all signals of all IT equipment are grounded independently.
• Hybrid Grounding: this type of grounding behaves differently for low and high frequencies. When two pieces of
IT equipment (A and B) are connected via a shielded cable, one end is connected directly to ground while the
other end is connected to ground via a capacitor. This type of grounding system fulfils the criteria for high and
low frequency grounding.
• Floating grounding: the signals of all IT equipment are isolated from each other and are not grounded.

DC current flows evenly throughout the conductor section. But AC current flows towards the conductor’s
surface as frequency increases; this is called the “skin effect”. It causes the effective cross-section area to be
reduced with increasing frequency. Therefore it is suggested to increase the effective ground cross-section area for
high frequencies by replacing pigtail grounding by braided conductors or strip conductors. Refer to the following



3 strapl

This is why a thick short ground wire must be implemented for connecting to the common grounding path or
the ground busbar. Especially when a controller (e.g. PLC) is connected to an AC motor drive, it must be grounded
by a short and thick conducting wire. It is suggested to use a flat braided conductor (ex: metal mesh) with a lower
impedance at high frequencies.
If the grounding wire is too long, its inductance may interfere structure of the building or the control cabinet
and form mutual inductance and stray capacitance. As shown in the following figure, a long grounding wire could
become a vertical antenna and turn into a source of noise.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

sheet metal


19-3.2 Ground Loops

A ground loop occurs when the pieces of equipment are connected to more than one grounding path. In this
case, the ground current may return to the grounding electrode via more than one path. There are three methods to
prevent ground loops

1. Use a common power circuit

2. Single point grounding
3. Isolate signals, e.g. by photocouplers

Cable Cable
Accompanying cable
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment

Very good

Earth plane Earth plane

In order to avoid “Common Mode Noise”, please use parallel wires or twisted pair wiring. Follow this rule and
also avoid long wires, it is suggested to place the two wires as close to each other as possible.
19-3.3 Earthing Systems
The international standard IEC60364 distinguishes three different earthing system categories, using the two-letter
codes TN, TT, IT.

• The first letter indicates the type of earthing for the power supply equipment (generator or transformer).
T: One or more points of the power supply equipment are connected directly to the same earthing point.
I: Either no point is connected to earth (isolated) or it is connected to earth via a high impedance.
• The second letter indicates the connection between earth and the power supply equipment.
T: Connected directly to earth (This earthing point is separate from other earthing points in the power supply
N: Connected to earth via the conductor that is provided by the power supply system
• The third and forth letter indicate the location of the earth conductor.
S: Neutral and earth conductors are separate
C: Neutral and earth are combined into a single conductor

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

TN system
TN: The neutral point of the low voltage transformer or generator is earthed, usually the star point in a three-phase
system. The body of the electrical device is connected to earth via this earth connection at the transformer.

protective earth (PE): The conductor that connects the exposed metallic parts of the consumer.
neutral (N): The conductor that connects to the start point in a 3-phase system or that carries the return current in a
single phase system.


TN-S system
TN-S: PE and N are two separate conductors that are combined together only near the power source (transformer
or generator). It is the same as a three-phase 5-wire system.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

TN-C system
TN-C: PE and N are two separate conductors in an electrical installation similar to a three-phase 5wire system, but
near the power side, PE and N are combined into a PEN conductor similar to a three-phase 4 wire system.

Generator or

Earth Consumer

TN-C-S system
TN-C-S: A combined earth and neutral system (PEN conductor) is used in certain systems but eventually split up
into two separate conductors PE and N. A typical application of combined PEN conductor is from the substation to
the building but within the building PEN is separated into the PE and N conductors. Direct connection of PE and N
conductors to many earthing points at different locations in the field will reduce the risk of broken neutrals.
Therefore this application is also known as protective multiple earthing (PME) in the UK or as multiple earthed
neutral (MEN )in Australia

Generator or

Earth Consumer

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

TT system
TT: The neutral point (N) of the low voltage transformer and the equipment frames (PE) are connected to a
separate earthing point. The Neutral (N) of the transformer and electrical equipment are connected.

IT system
IT: The neutral point of the transformer and electrical equipment are not earthed, only the equipment frames PE are
In the IT network, the power distribution system Neutral is either not connected to earth or is earthed via a high
impedance. In such a system, an insulated monitoring device is used for impedance monitoring.
A built-in filter should be disconnected by the RFI-jumper and an external filter should not be installed when the AC

motor drive or the AC servo motor drive is connected to an IT system.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Criteria for earthing system and EMC


Good Good Good Good

Continuity of the Continuity of the RCD is Continuity of the

Safety of PE conductor PE conductor mandatory PE conductor
Personnel must be must be ensured must be
ensured throughout the ensured
throughout the installation throughout the
installation installation
Poor Poor Good Good

High fault High fault Medium fault Low current at

Safety of current (around current (around current (< a few the first fault (<
property 1kA) 1kA) dozen amperes) a few dozen
mA) but high
current at the
second fault
Availability of
Good Good Good Excellent

Excellent Poor Good Poor

(prohibited) (should be

Few - Neutral and PE - Over-voltage - Over-voltage

equipotential are the same risk risk
- Equipotential
Problems: - Circulation of - Common–
- Need to handle disturbance Problems: mode filters
the high currents in - Need to handle and surge
leaking exposed the high arrestors must
currents conductive leaking handle the
EMC behavior problem of the parts (high currents phase to phase
device magnetic-field problem of the voltage.
radiation) device
- High fault - RCDs subject
current - High fault - RCD to nuisance
(transient currents (Residual- tripping when
disturbances) (transient current device) common-mode
disturbances) capacitors are

- Equivalent to
TN system for
second fault

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

19-4 Solution to EMI: Shielding

19-4.1 What is Shielding?

Electrostatic shielding is used to isolate equipment so that it will not create electromagnetic field interference
or be influenced by an external electromagnetic field. A conductive material is used for electrostatic shielding to
achieve this isolation.

A Faraday cage can be made from a mesh of metal or a conductive material.

One characteristic of metal is that it is highly conductive and not electrostatic,, which offers shielding and prevents
interference by external electrical fields. Metal with its high conductivity protects the internal devices from high
voltages—no voltage will enter the cage even when the cage is experiencing a high current. In addition,
electromagnetic fields can also pass through the Faraday cage without causing any disturbance.

Electromagnetic shielding is applied to some electrical devices and measurement equipment for the purpose of
blocking interference. Examples of shielding include:
• earth high-voltage indoor equipment using a metal frame or a high-density metal mesh
• shielding a power transformer is achieved by wrapping a metal sheet between the primary and secondary
windings or by adding an enamel wire to the winding wire which is then earthed.
• a shielding coating, which is made of metal mesh or conductive fibres to provide effective protection for the
workers who work in a high-voltage environment.

In the picture below, the radio appears to be not fully covered by metal but if the conductivity of the metal is
high, radio waves are completely blocked and the radio will not receive any signal.

Mobile phone connections are also established through the transmission of radio waves. This is why the
mobile phone reception is often cut off when we walk into an elevator. The metal walls of the elevator create the
same shielding effect just as if we had entered a metal cage. Another example is a microwave oven. The
microwave door may seem transparent in visible light, but the density of the metal mesh in the microwave door
blocks the electromagnetic waves. A higher density of the metal mesh offers better shielding.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Electromagnetic fields

Wall of d
shielded g (depth)
enclosure Greater leakage (gap)
form bigger
"Waveguide below cut-off"
G=gap doesn't leak very much
(aperture dimension)
(does not have to be a tube)
Shielding effectiveness (distance that fields
(SE)in dB have to travel)
g=6" d=6"
60 g=2"
40 g=6" d=4"
20 d=6" d=2"
g=6" g=2" GHz
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 F<0.5Fcutoff SE is approximately 27d/g

19-4.2 How to reduce EMI by Shielding?

Iron and other metals are high conductivity materials that provide effective shielding at extremely low
frequencies. But conductivity will decrease as:
1. High frequency signals are applied to the conductor.
2. Equipment is located in a strong magnetic field
3. The shielding frame is forced into a specific form by machines.

It is difficult to select a suitable high-conductivity material for shielding without the help from a shielding material
supplier or a related EMI institution.

Metallic Shielding Effectiveness

Shielding Effectiveness (SE) is used to assess the applicability of the shielding shell. The formula is:

SEdB=A+R+B (Measures in dB) where A= Absorption loss (dB)

R= Reflection loss (dB)
B= Correction factor (dB) (for multiple reflections in thin shields)

The absorption loss refers to the amount of energy loss as the electromagnetic wave travels through the
shield. The formula is:

AdB=1.314(fσµ)1/2t where f= frequency (MHz)

µ= permeability relative to copper
σ= conductivity relative to copper
t= thickness of the shield in centimetres

The reflection loss depends on the source of the electromagnetic wave and the distance from that source.
For a rod or straight wire antenna, the wave impedance increases as it moves closer to the source and decreases
as it moves away from the source until it reaches the plane wave impedance (377) and shows no change. If the
wave source is a small wire loop, the magnetic field is dominant and the wave impedance decreases as it moves
closer to the source and increases as it moves away from the source; but it levels out at 377 when the distance
exceeds one-sixth of the wavelength.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Electrical Cabinet Design

In a high frequency electric field, shielding can be achieved by painting a thin layer of conductive metal on the
enclosure or on the internal lining material. However, the coating must be thorough and all parts should be properly
covered without any seams or gaps (just like a Faraday cage). That is only the ideal. Making a seamless shielding
shell is practically impossible since the cage is composed of metal parts. In some conditions, it is necessary to drill
holes in the shielding enclosure for installation of accessories (like optional cards and other devices).

1. If the metallic components are properly welded using sophisticated welding technology to form an electrical
cabinet, deformation during usage is unlikely to occur. But if the electrical cabinet is assembled with screws,
the protective insulating layer under the screw must be properly removed before assembly to achieve the
greatest conductivity and best shielding.
2. Drilling holes for the installation of wires in the electrical cabinet lowers the shielding effectiveness and
increases the chance of electric waves leaking through the openings and emitting interference. We recommend
that the drilled holes are as narrow as possible. When the wiring holes are not used, properly cover the holes
with metal plates or metal covers. The paint or the coating of the metal plate and metal cover should be
thoroughly removed to ensure a metal-to-metal contact or a conductive gasket should be installed.
3. Install industrial conductive gaskets to completely seal the electrical cabinet and the cabinet door without gaps.
If conductive gaskets are too costly, please screw the cabinet door to the electrical cabinet with a short
distance between the screws.
4. Reserve a grounding terminal on the electrical cabinet door. This grounding terminal shall not be painted. If the
paint already exists, please remove the paint before grounding.
Electrical wires and cables
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) is a type of cable where two insulated copper wires are twisted together with a
metal mesh surrounding the twisted pair that forms the electromagnetic shielding and can also be used for
The individual electrical wires and complete cable are surrounded by (synthetic) rubber, that provides
insulation and also protects against damage.
There are two types of electrical cables: high voltage and low voltage. The high voltage cable differs from
the low voltage cable in that it has an additional insulation layer called the dielectric insulator within the plastic
sleeve. The dielectric insulator is the most important component in insulation. The low voltage cable is usually only
filled with a soft polymer material for keeping the internal copper wire in place.

The shield has two functions.

1. To shield the electrical wire and cable.
A. Electric currents increase as power flows through the power cable and generate an electrical field. Such
interference can be suppressed inside the cable by shielding the power cables or the electrical wires.
B. To form a protective earthing. When the cable core is damaged, the leakage current will flow via the shield
to ground
2. To protect the cable. A power cable used for the computer control purpose generates only relatively low
amount of current inside the cable. Such power cable will not become the source of interferences but has great
possibility to be interfered by the surrounding electrical devices.

Plastic jacket

Dielectric insulator

Metallic shield

Centre core

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

19-5 Solution to EMI: Filter

19-5.1 Filter
Electromagnetic interference is transmitted in two ways, by radiation and by conduction. The most effective
and economical method of reducing radiated interference is to use shielding and of reducing conducted
interference is to use an electromagnetic filter.
Noise interference can be divided into two categories: high frequency (150kHz~300MHz) and low frequency
(100Hz~3000Hz). High-frequency noise fades more over distance and has a shorter wave-length, while low-
frequency noise fades less over distance and has a longer wave-length.. Both types of interference are transmitted
through power cables and power leads, affecting the power supply side.
High-frequency interference at the power side can be eliminated or attenuated by mounting a filter. The filter
consists of coils and capacitors. Some drives do not have a built-in filter, in which case the installation of an
external option filter is required. The drawing below shows a standard filter diagram:

A filter is composed of a Differential Mode section (to eliminate noise below 150kHz) and a Common Mode
section (to eliminate noise above 150kHz). For high-frequency noise , the inductor acts as a high impedance to
form an open circuit and the capacitor acts as a low impedance to form a short circuit. Proper design and
dimensioning of inductors and capacitors give a resonant circuit to absorb harmonic currents. Capacitor Cy is
earthed to lead the harmonic currents to the ground.
External Filter
The filter and the AC drive should be installed in the control cabinet or on the mounting plate that is earthed
to ground. The motor cable must be shielded and as short as possible. Please use the filters recommended by
Delta to ensure compliance with EMC standards.

The Shielded
IP20/NEMA 1/UL Type 1
Optio n Kit

Metal Con duits

EMI Filter
L1 L1' R/L1 U/T1
L2 L2' S/L2 V/T2
L3 L3' T/L3 W/T3

Chassis Grounding
Shielded Motor Ca ble
Connect to the steel
structure of the building

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

AC Motor Drives with Built-in Filter

1. Since interferences are suppressed by installing an earthed capacitor in the filter, the amount of current to
ground (leakage current) could result in electric shocks to personnel or the power system. Please be aware of
this problem.
2. Since the leakage current to ground can be high, it is crucial to implement protective earthing to prevent
electrical shocks.
Filter Installation (With and Without)

Zero Phase Reactor (Choke)

Interferences can also be suppressed by installing a zero phase reactor at the power supply side and/or the
AC Motor Drive’s output, depending on where the interference is. Since currents are large at the power input and
the AC Motor Drive’s output, please carefully select the magnetic core with suitable current handling capability. An
ideal magnetic material for large currents is compound magnetic powder. It has a higher current handling capability
and higher impedance compared to pure metallic magnetic cores. It is therefore suitable to implement in a high
frequency environment. The impedance can also be enhanced by increasing the turn ratio.

Zero Phase Reactor Installation

There are two installation methods, depending on the size of the zero phase reactor and the motor cable length.

1. Wind the motor cable through the middle of a zero-phase reactor 4 times. Place the reactor and the AC Motor
Drive as close to each other as possible.

Zero Phase Reactor

R/L1 U/T1
T/L3 W/T3

2. Place all wires through the middle of four zero-phase reactors without winding.

Zero Phase Reactor

Power R/L1 U/T1

T/L3 W/T3

Analog Input Signals

If the analog input signals are affected by noise from the AC motor drive, please connect a capacitor and a
ferrite core as indicated in the following diagram.
Wind the wires around the core in same direction for 3 times or more.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Ferrite core

19-5.2 Harmonic Interference

The AC motor drive’s input current is non-linear, the input rectifier generates harmonics. Harmonics must be
limited to within a certain range to avoid impact the mains power and to avoid current distortion to ensure
surrounding devices are not influenced. An AC Motor Drive with built-in DC reactor suppresses harmonic currents
(Total Harmonic Current Distortion THID) effectively and therefore reduces the harmonic voltage peaks (Total
Harmonic Voltage Distortion).
Harmonic Current at the Power Supply Side

(A) Fund amen tal Sin e Wa ve (A) Fund amen tal Sin e Wa ve
(6 0Hz) (6 0Hz)

(B) 3 r d Harmo nic (B) 5 th Ha rmon ic

(1 80H z) (3 00H z)

(C) H armonically (C) H armo ni ca lly

Di sto rted Wa ve Disto rted Wa ve

Suppression of Harmonic Currents

th th th ,
When a large portion of lower order harmonic currents (5 , 7 , 11 etc) occur at the power input,
surrounding devices will be disturbed and the power factor will be low as a result of reactive power. Installing a
reactor at the AC Motor Drive’s input effectively suppresses lower order harmonic currents.

AC Reactor
Installed in series with the power supply and is effective in reducing low order current harmonics.
Features of an AC reactor include:
1. Reduces the harmonic currents to the AC Motor Drive and increases the impedance of the power supply.
2. Absorbs interferences generated by surrounding devices (such as surge voltages, currents, and mains surge
voltages) and reduce their effect on the AC Motor Drive.
3. Increases the power factor.

DC Reactor
A DC-Reactor is installed between the rectifier and the DC-bus capacitor to suppress harmonic currents and
to achieve a higher power factor.

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

Current Wave Diagrams

Without Reactor With Reactor
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

-50 -50

-100 -100

-150 -150
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Chapter 19 EMC Standard Installation Guide

[This page intentionally left blank]

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-1 The drive safety function failure rate

20-2 Safety Torque Off terminal function description
20-3 Wiring diagram
20-4 Parameter
20-5 Operating sequence description
20-6 New Error code for STO function

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-1 The drive safety function failure rate

Item Definition Standard Performance

Channel 1: 80.08%
SFF Safe Torque Off IEC61508
Channel 2: 68.91%
Hardware Fault Tolerance IEC61508 1
(Type A subsystem)
IEC61508 SIL 2
SIL Safety Integrity Level
IEC62061 SILCL 2
Average frequency of
PFH IEC61508 9.56×10-10
dangerous failure [h-1]
Probability of Dangerous
PFDav IEC61508 4.18×10-6
Failure on Demand
Category Category ISO13849-1 Category 3
PL Performance level ISO13849-1 d
MTTFd Mean time to dangerous failure ISO13849-1 High
DC Diagnostic coverage ISO13849-1 Low

20-2 Safety Torque Off terminal function description

The safety Torque Off function is to cut off the power supply to motor through the
hardware, thereby the motor couldn’t produce torque.
The safety Torque Off function is respectively by two independent hardware to control
the motor current drive signal, and thus cut off the inverter power module output in order to
achieve the status of safety stop.

Operation principle Description as below table 1:

Table 1: Terminal operation description
Signal Channel Photo-coupler status

STO1~SCM1 ON (High) ON (High) OFF (Low) OFF (Low)

STO2~SCM2 ON (High) OFF (Low) ON (High) OFF (Low)

STL2 mode STL1 mode STO mode

Driver Output status Ready (Torque (torque (Torque output
output off) output off) off)
 STO means Safe Torque Off
 STL1~STL3 means Safety Torque Off hardware abnormal.
 STL3 means STO1~SCM1 and STO2~SCM2 internal circuit detected abnormal.
 STO1~SCM1 ON(High): means STO1~SCM1has connect to a +24VDC power supply.
 STO2~SCM2 ON(High): means STO2~SCM2 has connect to a +24V power supply.
 STO1~SCM1 OFF(Low): means STO1~SCM1hasn’t connect to a +24VDC power supply.
 STO2~SCM2 OFF(Low): means STO2~SCM2hasn’t connect to a +24VDC power supply.

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-3 Wiring diagram

20-3-1Internal STO circuit as below:

I /O C a rd CP2000
+ 24 V V+


Li ne Gat e
drive drive M


RA 3


20-3-2 In the figure below, the factory setting for +24V-STO1-STO2 and SCM1-SCM2-DCM is short

I/O Card CP2000

+ 24 V V+


Lin e Gate
drive drive M


RA 3


Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-3-3 The control loop wiring diagram:

1. Remove the shot-circuit of +24V-STO1-STO2 and DCM-SCM1-SCM2.
2. The wiring as below diagram. The ESTOP switch must at Close status in normal situation
and drive will be able to Run.
3. STO mode, switch ESTOP open. Drive output stop and keypad display STO.



E STO P + 24VDC CP2000



Saf ety PLC SCM2

+2 4V




*1 : factory sho rt circu it of DCM-SCM1-SC M2 . To use the Safety f un cti on , p lea se re move thi s short c ircu i t
*2 : factory sho rt circu it of +2 4V-STO1 -STO2 . to u se the Safe ty fu nction , pl ease remove thi s short ci rcui t .

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-4 Parameter
 STO Alarm Latch
Factory setting: 0
Settings :
0 STO Alarm Latch

1 STO Alarm no Latch
 Pr06-44=0 STO Alarm Latch: after the reason of STO Alarm is cleared, a Reset
command is need to clear STO Alarm.
 Pr06-44=1 STO Alarm no Latch: after the reason of STO Alarm is cleared, the STO Alarm
will be cleared automatically.
 All of STL1~STL3 error are “Alarm latch” mode (in STL1~STL3 mode, the Pr06-44
function is no effective).

 Multi-function Output 1 (Relay1)

Factory Setting:11
 Multi-function Output 2 (Relay2)
Factory Setting:1

Multi-function Output 3 (Relay3)
Factory Setting:66
66: SO N.O. output
68: SO N.C. output

Settings Functions Descriptions

66 SO Logic A output Safety Output Normal Open
68 SO Logic B output Safety Output Normal Close

 CP2000 factory setting Pr02-17(MO2)=66(N.O.) and Multi-function Output setting item

has add 2 new function: 66 and 68.

Safety Output status

Drive status N.O. N.C.
(MO=66) (MO=68)
Normal run Open Close
STO Close Open
STL1~STL3 Close Open

 Content of Multi-function Display

Factory setting: 3
Settings 45: Hardware version

00-04=45 Hardware version

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-5 Operating sequence description

20-5-1Normal operation status
As shown in Figure 3: When the STO1~SCM1 and STO2~SCM2=ON (no STO function is
the drive will execute “Operating” or “Output Stop” according to RUN/STOP command.

RUN c ommand STOP

ON(no S TO f unct ion n eed , Pr0 6-44=0 )
s tatu s
STO2 ~SCM2 ON(no S TO f unct ion n eed , Pr0 6-44=0 )
s tatu s
Driv e out put Operat ing Out put Stop

Figure 3
20-5-2-1 STO,Pr06-44=0,Pr02-35=0
As shown in Figure 4: When both of STO1~SCM1 and STO2~SCM2 channel has turn off
operating, the STO function enabling and the drive will stop output regardless of Run
command is
ON or OFF status.


st atus

st atus

Driv e out put Operat ing O utp ut S top

Figure 4
20-5-2-2 STO,Pr06-44=0,Pr02-35=1
As shown in Figure 5: As same as the figure 4. But, because the Pr02-35=1, therefore, after
Reset command, if the operating command still exists, then the drive will immediately
execute the run command again.

RUN co mmand RUN

st atus

st atus

Drive o utput Operating O utpu t St op O perating

Res et Res et

Figure 5

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-5-3 STO,Pr06-44=1

RUN co mmand RUN S TO P RUN


st atus


st atus

Drive out put Operating Ou tput Sto p O perat ing

Figure 6

20-5-4 STL1

RUN co mmand STOP


st atus

st atus

Drive out put Operat ing Ou tput Sto p

Figure 7

20-5-4 STL2

RUN co mmand RUN S TO P RUN

st atus ON

st atus ON O FF ON
Drive out put
Operating O utp ut St op

Figure 8

Chapter 20 Safety Torque Off Function

20-6 New Error code for STO function

Present Fault Record
Second Most Recent Fault Record
Third Most Recent Fault Record
Fourth Most Recent Fault Record
Fifth Most Recent Fault Record
Sixth Most Recent Fault Record

72 Channel 1(STO1~SCM1)internal hardware error

76 STO(Safety Torque Off

77 Channel 2(STO2~SCM2)internal hardware error

78 Channel 1 and Channel 2 internal hardware error

Error code Name Description

76 STO Safety Torque Off function active
72 (STO1~SCM1) STO1~SCM1 internal hardware detect error

77 STO2~SCM2 internal hardware detect error
STO1~SCM1 and STO2~SCM2 internal
78 STL3
hardware detect error

The Old/New control board and Old/New I/O card:

CP2000 v1.20 firmware v1.21 firmware

v1.20 control board + old I/O card (no STO function) OK OK
v1.20 control board + new I/O card (with STO function) Error Error
v1.21 control board + old I/O card (no STO function) Error Error
v1.21 control board + new I/O card (with STO function) Error OK

Appendix A. Publication History

Appendix A. Publication History

V1.21 V1.22
Explanations Coverage
V/F curve selection Group 01 Parameters (01-43)
AC/DC reactors and specification of shielding Chapter 7 – Optional Accessories
calbles for motors
Specification of shielding cable for EMI filters Chapter 7 – Optional Accessories

Constant speed. The Accel./Decel. Speed of the Group 02 Parameters (02-10)
UP/DOWN key.--- setting and factory setting value
Over-torque Detection Time (OT1, OT2) ---setting Group 06 Parameters (06-08, 06-11)
Torque value of main circuit terminals Chapter 5 — Main Circuit Terminals
Torque value of control terminals Chapter 6 ─ Control Terminals
The times that the rated current of the breaker to Chapter 7 ─ Optional Accessories
the maximum rated input current of AC motor drive
The protection level of panel mounting keypad Chapter 7 ─ Optional Accessories
Torque limit of normal duty Chapter 9 ─ Specifications


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