04 October’18
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Perspective and the Prospects
Islam S1, Rahman A2, Al-Mahmood AK3
Correspondence to: Dr. Sharmin Islam, Associate Professor, Eastern University, Bangladesh, email:
[email protected]
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Perspective and the Prospects
is the largest producer of formulated drugs among dosage forms, to 79 countries. Along with regular
the Least Developed Countries.4” forms like tablets, capsules and syrups, Bangladesh
Pharmaceutical export is contributing a lot to the also exports specialized products like HFA inhalers,
GDP of the country and every year this contribution CFC inhalers, suppositories, nasal sprays, injectables,
is positively growing up. In the meantime, Pharma IV infusions etc. These products have been well
sector has become the 2nd largest potential sector in accepted by medical practitioners, chemists,
Bangladesh to earn foreign currency and contributor patients and the regulatory bodies of all of their
to the national exchequer. At present, about 30 importing nations. The packaging and presentation
pharmaceutical companies have started their export of the products of Bangladesh are comparable to any
activities. international standard.
According to industry experts, market size of
pharmaceuticals may reach about BDT 330,000
million by 2024. The scenario of pharmaceutical
industries of Bangladesh has been pin pointed
along with an analysis of its’ future prospects and
challenges. A recent BMI Research (Business
Monitor International is a research firm that provides
macroeconomic, industry and financial market
analysis founded-1984) suggests, Bangladesh’s
pharmaceutical market will continue to post
relatively the high growth rates in 2017, an estimated
+11.1% in local currency terms and +8.1% in US Pharmaceutical Industrial Research &
dollar terms from BDT 190 billion (USD 2.4 billion) Development (R&D)
in 2016 to BDT 211 billion (USD 2.6 billion) in Research is a very critical thrust discipline in
2017. By the year 2020, the market is estimated Pharmaceutical Industry because it is foundation
to be USD 3.37 billion (approximately)5. As per upon which the industrialists’ strategy to introduce
Bangladesh Drugs (Control) Ordinance, 1982 no new products and delivering quality products to
foreign company could transfer technology to a local customers’ stand. Some Pharmaceutical companies
manufacturer unless they have their own set up in have built up sophisticated R&D facility equipped
this country. Moreover, after the amendments of with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities
the Drugs (Control) Ordinance in 2006, now there with a highly experienced multidisciplinary and
is no restriction to produce any drug under mutual experienced world class team. The objective of R&D
agreement with any pharma companies of the world. strength has to develop new drug delivery system
These are very timely and appropriate actions and various dosage forms including packaging and
undertaken by the government to check misspells as marketing.
well as misuse of powers. We haven’t at all any doubt for the pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical Products Available in the Market industry to aggressively promote products on which
Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Industry in is a sector huge amounts of money have been invested at the
of the most challenging developed and golden developmental phase. The rigorous testing applied
mining technology. Manufacturers produce the most to modern pharmaceuticals has little parallel in
sensitive drugs such as Insulin, hormones, Cancer, other industries. Unlike most other products,
and Vaccines, protecting against 20 bacterial and pharmaceuticals have the potential to not only
viral diseases, including Pertussis, Diphtheria, improve health but also to cause harm. As such the
Typhoid fever, Poliomyelitis, Influenza and Mumps, ethics of promotional activities in the marketing,
Rabies vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, and Tetanus research & development and then promotion in
vaccine. The industry also exports medicines to the all sectors of pharmaceuticals has to be clearly
global markets, including Europe. Pharmaceutical identified and should be addressed perfectly. It
companies are expanding their business with the aim should not influence doctors’ autonomy in making
to expand the export market. decision although that has been previously showed to
The Industry exports active pharmaceutical be insidiously influenced. Successful pharmaceutical
ingredients (APIs) and a wide range of pharmaceutical companies realize that they must do more than just
products, covering all major therapeutic classes and
Islam S, Rahman A, Al-Mahmood AK
make attractive products. More often than not the educational purpose of the meeting. The cost
‘packaging of a product’ is more important than the should not exceed that level which recipients might
product itself. To this end, promotional strategies are reasonably be expected to incur for themselves under
used to develop persuasive communication linkages similar circumstances. Sponsors of such activities
between the company and its markets. must be prepared to accept that not all such activities
Pharmaceutical promotion and advertising can will generate marketing spin-offs.
influence not only in the use of a product, but also So far we notice no effective, strong, committed
our (doctors and public alike) belief on medicines. and dedicated Research & Development (R&D)
As promotion has the potential to change behavior work on pharmaceutical sector could have
and because it is a major source of drug information been established by the government found in
for health professionals, the messages promoting remarkable progress. Right R&D is a must
pharmaceuticals should be factual, evidence-based, establish to salvage of this sector and executions
unambiguous and balanced. One popular way to to be untaken immediately; otherwise the growth
market a product is to promote it via educational and success of the industry may be slow, going
activities. These can range from personalized delivery down or unexpected or unprecedented might be.
of educational materials by drug representatives to Product Marketing, Promotion and Education
the doctor’s office, company sponsored journal clubs, The very nature of the medical practice demands
product presentations during lunch breaks, company lifelong learning. The need for lifelong learning is
sponsored Continuing Medical Education (CME) never more pressing than in this era of “Information
programs (ranging from one-off dinner talk to a full Technology” and “Patient Empowerment”. The need
weekend workshop or seminars), company assisted to continuously develop on self professionally has
conferences with industry sponsored symposia (in given rise to a concept the scope of which is much
main program to satellite symposia) as part of the more than just attending the odd CME lectures. The
program and sponsoring of doctors (and pharmacists) CME includes a comprehensive approach in personal
to attend conferences. Indeed many companies will and professional development of a practitioner to meet
have their own dedicated “Educational Grants or ever challenging rewards of modern day medicine.
Funds” for such activities. Some will utilize funds from marketing and sales
Any development program (CME not an exception)
division because they see it as part and parcel of a
requires adequate resources be it is the financial,
common goal; that of promotion and successful
infrastructural or human resources. Practically
marketing of their products. Ideally, marketing should
every other CME activity is assisted either directly
or indirectly by the pharmaceutical industry. In be more than just a promotional or selling effort to
marketing sense, there is no better avenue than that increase and satisfy demand for existing products and
provided by CME activities. Not only is the logistics services. It should also seek to identify and respond to
of addressing a wide audience of potential client the needs, requirements, expectations and perception
achieved, the marketing strategy can be masqueraded of its client; doctors and patients alike. It should lead
by a neutral ‘educational platform’. This can take the to better overall performance of a doctor in managing
form of sponsoring the development of ‘Evidenced their patients. This in turn should lead to better
Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) to the patient care and clinical outcome. However not all
plainly overt product launch in a desert island resort. interactions between the medical profession and the
While these activities usually have a clearly defined pharmaceutical industry end up with positive patient
primary educational aim, they may be potentially outcomes. The emphasis tends to be more inclined
open to a suspicion of unethical interaction between
to fulfilling the industry’s objectives rather than the
doctors and the pharmaceutical authority. Doctors
educational goals. Indeed a report from an extensive
involved in organizing or participating in such
literature review found that doctors are affected by
activities need to have a high level of awareness of
this risk. They should ensure they could meet the their interaction with pharmaceutical industry. There
allegations of unethical behavior, through avoiding is evidence to show that doctors prescribing pattern
any secrecy regarding the source and to the extent is influenced after attending industry sponsored
of sponsorship, and by ensuring that the provision education programs even when the program is
of food or other attractions at these meetings is not conducted in an academic environment governed by
on so lavish a scale as to cast doubt on the primary preset ethical guidelines10-14.
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Perspective and the Prospects
How can education and promotion co- exist in a minefields is symbiotic, provided the interest is
practical and ethical manner? focused not on the doctors or the industry’s interest
To begin with a line must be drawn between what is but that of patients and is strictly evidenced based.
ethical and what is unethical in terms of the general In fact eliminating ethical interaction between
interaction between doctors and the pharmaceutical the industry and doctors may hinder continuing
industry. There is currently a lack of guidelines issued professional developments of doctors which may be
to doctors in developing countries. In Bangladesh a disservice to patients.
such a guideline has been in existence developed Global Marketing- Education:
by Ethics Committee of the BMRC (Bangladesh As a Least Developed Country (LDC), Bangladesh is
Medical Research Council). able to make generic drugs without any intellectual
Among the important points to highlight is that doctors property rights conflicts until 2033. The export
should not participate in promotional activities that earning, around Tk 4 billion, has been increased in
could in any way damage their public standing or recent years with the penetration of costly, regulated
reputation for independence of profession in the markets of the United States and in the Europe.
eyes of the peers, colleagues and co-workers, media, Two effective policies have accelerated the growth
patients and their relatives and general public10-14. of this sector. One was the Drug Control Ordinance
Between Promotion and Education - Stick to the 1982, which banned foreign companies from selling
Evidence! imported pharmaceutical products in the country.
The last few decades has seen an exponential increase
The other was the relaxation of the World Trade
in our understanding of disease pathogenesis and
Organization’s agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
therapeutics. The science of epidemiology has also
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which
evolved from being restricted to the close of public
permitted Bangladesh to reverse engineer patented
health to that of clinical medicine. Application
generic drugs. The relaxation of TRIPS for least-
of clinical epidemiology to daily clinical practice
developed countries has been extended up to the year
has given rise to a discipline of knowledge called
‘Evidence Based Medicine’ (EBM).
Unfortunately there is at times too much lip service In fiscal year 2015-16, the annual sales of
paid to EBM, when what is really required is for it pharmaceutical products stood at Tk 15,600 crore.
to be practiced. When there is good evidence that “This is a huge jump for the sector as the industry
a particular drug is clinically beneficial. Then there size was only Tk 170 crore in 1982.” Bangladesh’s
should not be any hesitation in its promotion. It can pharmaceutical industry is dominated by local
even be argued that once credible evidence has been players. At present, oncology drugs are imported but
generated, not applying it is unethical. The argument some of the local players have heavily invested in
has always been how really credible is the evidence. the segment.
Teaching doctors and medical students EBM is now “Given the fact that local companies can manufacture
a routine repertoire in many medical schools both quality products at affordable price, oncology
at the post graduate and undergraduate levels. The segment will emerge as an attractive growth segment
right understanding of EBM will be an important in future.” For instance, A Pharmaceutical Industry
pre requisite for doctors to navigate the sometimes has already started exporting to the US, one of the
confusing world of medical literature and continuing most regulated drug markets in the world, from last
professional development programs, many of which year. It shipped Carvedilol, a branded prescription
are directly or indirectly linked to the industry.
This includes doctors who contribute directly to
educational program as speakers. Such a vacuum
in correct understanding of EBM will be readily
capitalized by the industry in the promotion of certain
products. In such an environment, promoting and
marketing of products of dubious benefits to patients
will take precedence over genuine education. Thus
it is not the relationship between the industry and
the medical fraternity which should be frown upon.
The interaction though fraud with potential ethical
Islam S, Rahman A, Al-Mahmood AK
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Perspective and the Prospects
Islam S, Rahman A, Al-Mahmood AK
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