166 ICS Manual (English)

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LIST OF CONTENTS 2. Main display (MAIN) 4.1.2 PIN entry

4.2 Emergency call function

3. Audio system (AUDIO)
4.3 Main function “manual dial”
1. Introduction and set up 3.1 Radio functions
4.3.1 Entering a telephone number
1.1 I.C.S.: Alfa Romeo enhanced comfort 3.1.1 Radio main function page
and functionality 4.3.2 Calling the number
3.1.2 Radio function controls
1.2 General instructions for use 4.3.3 Ending the conversation and accept-
3.1.3 Seeking and memorising stations
1.3 Turning the I.C.S. On/Off and stand- ing calls
by feature 3.2 Cassette player functions
4.3.4 Handsfree feature, volume adjust-
1.3.1 Turning the engine on/off 3.2.1 CC main function page ment and additional receiver func-
1.3.2 Through the volume control 3.2.2 Cassette player controls tions
1.3.3 Stand-by feature 3.3 How the CD player works 4.3.5 Other manual dialling functions
1.4 Unit and navigation code 3.3.1 CD player main function page 4.4 Main “Phone book” function
1.5 Brief instructions for the I.C.S. 3.3.2 CD player controls 4.4.1 Dialling a subscriber listed in the
1.5.1 Main screen (MAIN) I.C.S. phone book
3.4 Audio settings
1.5.2 Audio system (AUDIO)
3.4.1 Without DSP (Digital Sound Process- 4.4.2 Entering a new item
1.5.3 Telephone (TEL) ing)
4.4.3 Deleting an item
1.5.4 Navigation (NAV) 3.4.2 With DSP (Digital Sound Processing)
1.5.5 On-board computer (TRIP) 4.4.4 Changing an item
1.5.6 Climate control unit (CLIMA) 4. Telephone (TEL) 4.5 “Direct dial” main function
1.6 I.C.S. maintenance 4.1 Preliminary operations
4.5.1 Dialling a subscriber listed in the “Di-
1.7 System software updates 4.1.1 Inserting the telephone card rect dial” list

4.5.2 Compiling the list of “Direct dial” 5. Navigation (NAV) 5.5 Information page
4.5.3 Changing “Direct dial” 5.1 Destination entry 5.6 Indication of distance from destination
and arrival time
4.6 “Last 5 numbers” main function 5.1.1 Entering the “Street address” field
4.6.1 Selecting an item from the “Last 5 5.7 Activating/deactivation the naviga-
5.1.2 Entering the destination “Intersec-
tion function
no.” list tion”
4.7 “Calls list” main function 5.1.3 Entering the destination “Points of In-
terest” 6. On-board computer (TRIP)
4.8 Telephone options
4.8.1 Telephone options - selecting “Info” 5.1.4 Entering the destination “Destination 6.1 Request for statistical data
4.8.2 Telephone options - selecting “SMS” 6.1.1 “Journey data to destination”
5.1.5 Entering the destination “Recent des-
4.8.3 Telephone options - selecting “Copy tinations” 6.1.2 “Journey data from hh:min” and
card” “Journey data continued”
5.2 Route selection criteria
4.8.4 Telephone options - selecting “Merge 6.2 I.C.S. system settings
SIMs” 5.2.1 “Alternative route”
6.2.1 Language
4.8.5 Telephone options - selecting “Call 5.2.2 “Shortest time”
6.2.2 Consumption
divert” 5.2.3 “Prefer freeways”
6.2.3 Distance
4.8.6 Telephone options - selecting “Set- 5.2.4 “Avoid freeways”
tings” 6.2.4 Temperature
5.2.5 “OK”
4.9 “Call waiting” function 6.2.5 Limit
5.2.6 “Cancel”
4.9.1 “Reject” option 6.2.6 Date/time
5.3 Destination guidance and orientation
4.9.2 “Take call 1” option help 6.2.7 Screen setting
4.9.3 “End call 1” option 5.3.1 Voice instructions
4.9.4 “Take call 2” option 5.3.2 Graphic instructions 7. Climate control (CLIMA)
4.9.5 “End call 2” option 5.3.3 Map representation 7.1 Equivalent temperature
4.9.6 “End all calls” option 5.4 Volume control 7.2 Description of controls

7.3 Description of operating strategies

8. Status messages, generalities and

technical information
8.1 Status messages-troubleshooting
8.2 Generalities
8.3 Technical information

1. INTRODUCTION The Alfa Romeo navigation system – Audio
helps driver while he drives, by – Audio with DSP* system and CD* player
AND SET UP suggesting vocally or graphically,
– Telephone*
the optimum routing to reach his
Important instructions for use and – Navigation*
preset destination.
safety and traffic safety
*Optional for versions/markets where ap-
WARNING: Navigation system
The Alfa Romeo I.C.S. (Integrated Con- plicable.
suggestions do not excuse driver
trol System) makes the driver’s task easier The interface is the multifunction informa-
from his full responsibilities due to
in controlling the main functions of the ve- tion display for all the integrated compo-
his driving behaviour and to his
hicle. nents. The I.C.S. offers optimum functionali-
compliance with road and other
traffic regulations. ty, allowing the driver to interactively receive
In order to avoid creating danger for
The responsibility for road safety clear instructions structured according to the
yourself and for others when using your
always lies with vehicle driver, and single groups of the I.C.S. units, thereby pro-
I.C.S., please pay attention to the follow-
it falls on him in any case. viding you information about all the possibili-
ing points:
ties offered by your I.C.S. system.
All manoeuvres must be carried out abiding
– use of the cell phone is prohibited near by the highway code, regardless of the advice
explosive substances; 1.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
given by the navigation system. Should you
leave the recommended route, the I.C.S. sys- FOR USE
– the I.C.S. system must be used when you
are in full control of your car; in the event of tem will calculate a new one for you and sug- The I.C.S. can easily be used by both driver
doubt, stop to carry out the different opera- gest it to you. and passenger through the multifunctional in-
tions. formation display.

The navigation system allows you to reach Multifunctional information display

your destination through the traffic and indi- ENHANCED COMFORT AND The colour display comprises a 5” LCD
cates to you any change of route memorised FUNCTIONALITY screen (approx. 7.5 x 10.3 cm) with active
on the navigation CD. In fact the system matrix. During the day the display brightness
takes account of all information concerning The I.C.S. controls and offers information can be set in relation to the brightness of the
the roads when calculating the route, advis- for the following systems: passenger compartment, while during the
ing the best way. However, it does not take – Climate control night, with the vehicle lighting system work-
into consideration traffic conditions or sudden ing, the colours used for the screen can be
obstructions or any other inconvenience. – On-board computer adapted to optimise display visibility.

Controls Selecting “Go back” – with the main function keys 22, 23,
The I.C.S. controls and functions are de- 24, 25, 26, 27 the screen lights up and
To move from one function page to the pre-
scribed in the folded page inside the cover. the main function selected is activated, re-
vious page displayed, select “Go back”.
Getting acquainted with a few controls will al- gardless of the previous page setting;
low you to use all the integrated functions Cancelling selection of the list – with the DARK key 13 or the knob 11
completely integrate. the screen lights up showing the function
If a list is selected by mistake, this can be page displayed previously;
Use of the I.C.S. corrected as follows:
The I.C.S. display shows the single pages of – with all the other keys or with the vol-
– If you want to carry out other operations ume control 21 the screen is darkened when
the functions of the integrated units. Each after exiting the list, select either the last
page displays on the screen information performing the associated function;
item selected or any other item, staying in
about the current system status. Using the the same function page; – if the limits set are exceeded, the limits
cursor you can select the elements and items
screen appears for approx. 3 seconds, fol-
of the lists required and carry out the func- – once a determinate function has been lowed by darkening of the screen.
tions selected. The cursor is moved using the performed automatically (for example saving
knob 11 on the right bottom part of the settings) press the main function key of the
I.C.S.. Lightly pressing the knob 11 the cor- current function 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 or
responding function selected activated. “Correct” function and correction
27, thereby returning to the corresponding field “C”
first function page.
Main function keys 22, 23, 24, 25, To correct a selection, select the item and
26 and 27 use the knob 11 with two different times:
Darkening function (anti-glare) – for less than 1 second: to delete the last
It is possible at all times, regardless of the
level the system is in, to pass from one main entries;
The DARK key 13 switches the I.C.S. dis-
function to another.
play on or off. – for more than 1 second: to delete the
Returning to the starting function returns to contents of the entry field.
the same point and same level as before.
Cancelling or suspending the darkening
From a lower function page, you can move function
to the first page pressing the main function
key of the function. Starting from the dark screen:

1.3 TURNING THE I.C.S. ON/OFF by the corresponding warning message is dis- 1.4 UNIT AND NAVIGATION

Switching the I.C.S. on again The I.C.S. system and the integrated naviga-
1.3.1 Turning the engine tion system are each protected by a specific ac-
on/off To switch the I.C.S. on again, proceed in
cess code.
one of the following ways
The I.C.S. is turned on and off automatically
turning the ignition key to MAR or STOP – press knob 21; Both codes must be entered at the first time
respectively. of turning on, firstly entering the I.C.S. code.
– answer a phone call pressing the receiver
key 16; If a power failure occurs (e.g. battery re-
1.3.2 Through the volume – press one of the main function keys 22, placement or a blown fuse) it is necessary to
control 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27; enter the I.C.S. code and the integrated navi-
gation code again.
The I.C.S. is turned on and off (also with – press the MAP key 12;
the ignition key off) pressing the volume con-
– press or turn knob 11;
trol 21.
– press the DARK key 13; Code entry
With the ignition disabled, the I.C.S. auto-
matically turns off after 1 hour, to avoid – insert the SIM card. 1. Switch on the I.C.S.
draining the battery.
2. The prompt to enter the I.C.S. code is
1.3.3 Stand-by feature displayed.

The stand-by operating condition corre- 3. The I.C.S. code to be entered is formed
sponds to dark screen and volume off. of 4 digits which are entered and confirmed
During operation and with the ignition on, through knob 11: the digits are selected
the I.C.S. can be set to stand-by pressing turning the knob and pressing to confirm.
knob 21. In this condition the system works After entering the I.C.S. code select “OK”.
invisibly and the telephone is ready to receive
4. Similarly, now the NAV code can be en-
a call.
tered to activate the navigation system. If the
If a limit activated is exceeded during stand- NAV code is not entered, the other system

of wrong entries, and for subsequent terms of 1.5.1 Main screen (MAIN)
errors, the system will be blocked for about
60 minutes. The main screen (MAIN) is obtained press-
ing key 22 on “MAIN”: this video page ac-
The I.C.S. system emergency call function will cesses the following information:
however remain enabled.
Time display
Warning The I.C.S. and NAV codes are
part of the system documentation and should Outside temperature display
be kept with due care for security reasons
(not in the car). Radio

1.5 BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS FOR – display of wavelength and station select-

1.A. ed;
functions are still available (telephone, on- – display of broadcaster name or frequen-
board computer, sound system, main screen The I.C.S. system has a very simple and in-
and climate control). tuitive interface: therefore the few instruc-
tions given below are all you need to be able – display of abbreviation “TP" for traffic in-
5. To correct any entering mistakes, move to quickly get acquainted with and use the formation bulletin.
the pointer to “Correct” pressing the knob: different functions. In use of the system fol-
low the instructions that appear on the screen. CD player
– for less than 1 second: to delete the last
digit entered; The items that cannot be selected are al-
ways shown in grey. – display of CD number and track number.
– for more than 1 second: to delete the
whole contents of the entry field. To learn about and better understand the
other functions you are advised to read from Cassette player
Then enter the correct number.
chapter 2 to 7. – display of CASSETTE with direction of
Entering a wrong code tape.

The entry of three wrong codes consecutive-

ly will lock the system for about 10 minutes.
Another 3 wrong entries block the system
again for about 10 minutes. At the third set

Telephone General information – manual frequency setting function turning
knob 11;
– display of operator’s name through which – volume adjustment function with key
the phone network is accessed; 21; – traffic information receiving function se-
lecting “TP” on/off;
– display of measured field intensity; – sound setting adjustment function (tre-
ble, bass, etc.) selecting “Settings” of the
– display of details of telephone connection main audio function page (note: SDV stands Cassette player
(name, phone number to which you are con- for Speed Dependent Volume);
nected and duration of current conversation). – play function (play), inserting the cas-
– sound setting adjustment function DSP sette in the slot;
(Digital Sound Processing) selecting “Set-
Navigation tings” and then “DSP”; – play function pressing key 2 when the
cassette is already in;
– display of suggestion of direction;
– fast-forward in both tape directions with
– display of suggested navigation parame- Radio
keys 19 or 20;
ters (distance at which a change of direction
is advised); – AUTO BEST function, i.e. the I.C.S. auto-
matically selects the channel required on the – play after fast forward pressing keys 19
frequency with the best signal; or 20 again;
– display of name of suggested road;
– display of name of current road. – radio wavelength selector function (UKW, – eject cassette pressing key 17;
FM, MW) with keys 3 or 4;
CD player
1.5.2 Audio system (AUDIO) – broadcasting station memorising function
with keys from 5 to 10, pressing for more – play function pressing key 1;
The audio function screen is obtained press- than 2 seconds;
– select CD pressing keys from 5 to 10 for
ing key 23.
– station recall function with keys from 5 loader with 6 CDs;
The functions available are:
to 10, but pressing them for less than 2 sec-
– quick move to next piece pressing keys
19 or 20 for less than 1 second;
– automatic station seek function pressing – quick move to subsequent tracks pressing
buttons 19 or 20; keys 19 or 20 for more than 1 second;

– play the beginning of each piece (scan) – “emergency call” automatic dialling; Entering the destination
and random selection (shuffle) through the
corresponding selectors. – manually dialling the emergency number. – “Destination” on the main function page;

– “Address” on the “Select destination”

1.5.3 Telephone (TEL) Manual dialling page;
(optional for versions/ The manual dialling function of the main
markets where – destination address entry (through
telephone function page makes the following “City”, “Str.” and “No.” fields) turning and
applicable) operations possible: pressing knob 11;
– entry of the number to be dialled turning
General information and pressing knob 11; – route calculating function selecting “Guid-
ance” (destination guide);
Press key 24 to access the Telephone func-
– number calling pressing the receiver key
tions. – destination alternative items entering “In-
tersection”, “Points of Interest” (places
SIM card and PIN entry – end of telephone connection pressing key memorised previously on the I.C.S. system),
16 again. “Destination memory” (destinations memo-
– the telephone is enabled to send and re-
ceive only after inserting the SIM card and rised previously on the I.C.S. system) or “Re-
entering the PIN code as indicated on the cent destinations” (memorised automatical-
Other functions ly) instead of the “Street address” field.
See chapter 4. Telephone (TEL).
Warning The SIM card must be removed Route selection
when the unit is off to avoid damage and da- 1.5.4 Navigation (NAV) – “Route” selection on main function page;
ta loss.
(optional for versions/
– select the criteria for choosing the route
markets where turning knob 11.
Emergency call function applicable)

The emergency call function is always en- Guide to destination

abled whether the SIM card is in its slot or General information – guidance through visual signals (arrow
not. This function is accessed through: with message to change direction, arrow with
The navigation functions are accessed press-
ing key 25. direction of destination, indication of distance

and name of street to take) and acoustic sig- 1.5.5 On-board computer 1.5.6 Climate control unit
nals (voice instructions); (TRIP) (CLIMA)
– function for listening again to the last voice
instruction using the REP key 15; General information General information

– the road map is shown selecting the MAP The computer functions are accessed press- The climate control unit (CLIMA) functions
key 12; ing key 26. are accessed by:

– the map display dimension is changed The computer supplies data concerning the – pressing key 27;
turning knob 11 or selecting “Zoom +” and journey and system settings which can be – manually changing the settings of the
“Zoom –” from the list displayed temporarily changed selecting “Settings” with knob 11: heating/climate control adjustment, if anoth-
pressing knob 11; – language selection; er function page was activated previously.
– other items relating to “Map display” can
– consumption display selecting unit of
be selected pressing knob 11 and selecting More important information:
from the list which disappears automatically.
– inside temperature setting display;
– distance to destination display set with
Other items on the main navigation choice of unit of measurement (km or miles); – fan setting symbol display;
function page – temperature display selecting unit of – air distribution symbol display (wind-
– “Volume” of navigation system acoustic measurement (°C or °F); screen, centre vehicle, floor);
– activation function with visual and – maximum defrosting on/off symbol dis-
– “Info” (information) concerning the des- acoustic signal when the set speed limits are play;
tination, correct position and GPS reception. exceeded;
– conditioner compressor on/off condition
– day/time display based on the GPS sys- display;
Other functions
tem, with selectable time zone and summer – air recirculation on/off symbol display;
See navigation (NAV) in chapter 5. time;
– “MANUAL” or “AUTO” warning display
– display setting functions. for setting manual change or automatic oper-

UPDATING – During navigation software updating only
The I.C.S. requires some careful attention to
keep it in full working efficiency: The system software can be updated as the I.C.S. functions are available.
soon as new versions for the I.C.S. software – The software updating process should be
– the monitor is sensitive to scratches, liq- and for the navigation module software are carried out with the vehicle stationary, to allow
uid detergents and UV rays; available. The new software loading opera- quick determination of the current position.
tions take place automatically when a new
– the unit may be damaged beyond repair navigation CD ROM is inserted, also with the – The software updating process can re-
if liquids get into it. ignition key off. quire several minutes.
Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services for
Advice for cleaning updated map data. The use of updated data Indication of the current I.C.S. software
could also involve system update with respect version
The I.C.S. should be carefully cleaned peri- to what contained in this manual.
odically using a soft, clean, dry cloth. The data referring to the I.C.S. software,
Software updating can be identified in two navigation software and map versions can be
Warnings ways: displayed selecting the climate control display
page and pressing knob 11 for at least 1
– In the event of a fault the I.C.S. system – display of the associated signalling mes- second.
must only be checked and repaired by Alfa sages on the main screen MAIN or on the
Romeo Authorised Services. main navigation page;
– If the temperature is particularly low, the – display of a rectangle in the centre of the
monitor reaches the optimum brightness after monitor and indication of the progress of the
a certain operating time. loading process with its gradual filling. The
two loading phases display the rectangle
Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services for twice.
updated map data. The use of updated data
could also involve system update with respect Any fault found during loading is given un-
to what contained in this manual. der the rectangle.

2. MAIN DISPLAY – tape playing in both directions;
(MAIN) – tape fast forward in both directions;

– pause “II”;
General information
– “TP” abbreviation if traffic information re-
The main display shows the more important ception is activated.
data of the I.C.S. system and of the manoeu-
vres recommended by the navigation system
without options. Source change or CD selection

The MAIN display appears pressing key 22 2.A.

– display of warning “No CD player” or
(dwg. 2.A). “No CD” or “No cassette” depending on the
– “Warning TP” during a traffic information circumstance.
– seeking in progress is shown by “Scan”. Telephone
Main display items
– name of the network provider and recep-
Radio CD player tion signal intensity;
– band and station selected; – CD number (between 1 and 6 for CD – name or phone number and duration of
loaders with 6 CD) and track number (num- the conversation during a telephone connec-
– station name or frequency after tuning; ber of piece being played); tion;
– frequency only during station seeking; – “TP” abbreviation if traffic information re- – symbols associated with the telephone
ception is activated. settings:
– “TP” abbreviation if traffic information re-
ception is activated; ring tone off
Cassette player
– “TP” abbreviation and symbol if traf- “transfer” function activated
fic information reception is not activated; – “CASSETTE” with the corresponding func-
tion symbols: “disable” function activated

telephone not active or no network ac-
SMS message received, unread;
– warning “No card” if the SIM card has
not been inserted;
– warning “Please enter your PIN” or
“Faulty card” or “Seeking network” or
”Emergency call” or “Enter PUK” depending
on the circumstances;
2.B. 2.C.
– warning “Dialling interrupted” if receiver
key 16 is pressed again during dialling; Outside temperature – graphic display of next manoeuvre;
– warning “End of call”; – outside temperature display in °C o °F. – display of distance from next manoeuvre;
– warning “No connection” if connection is – name of recommended road for reaching
cut off by the network; Navigation deactivated the destination;
– “Busy” warning; – warning “Guidance to destination off”; – name of the road now on.
– warning “Call not accepted”; – warning “Insert navigation CD” if neces-
sary. Example A. Radio, navigation system and
– “Temperature” warning if the permissible
telephone are active
operating temperature is exceeded.
Navigation activated Display of radio settings concerning type of
modulation and channel on which the station
Time – warning “Start navigation system”, when received is memorised, Traffic Information de-
the navigation system is loading the data; activated, telephone field intensity and name
– time display “hh:mm” with 24 or 12 of network provider, outside temperature,
hour system, in the latter case specifying – warning “Insert navigation CD” if re- time, navigation system guidance advice with
“AM” or “PM”. quired; the name of the road now on and the name

Example C. Telephone and CD player are
Display of the number of the CD in the CD
loader, number of current title on the disc,
Traffic Information activated, telephone net-
work provider, field intensity, time, outside
temperature and warning.


of the next road to be taken in accordance

with the suggested route.

Example B. Radio, navigation system and

telephone are active during a telephone
While receiving a phone call, the informa-
tion concerning the radio station is replaced
by the fields of the number and name of the
subscriber called and the duration of he con-
versation in minutes and seconds.

3. AUDIO SYSTEM – sound setting functions: loudness, treble,
bass, balance, fader and SDV (volume de-
(AUDIO) pending on speed);
– Digital Sound Processing DSP function
(optional for versions/markets where applic-
General information able);
The audio system is activated pressing key – display of status signals, such as current
23 with which access is gained to the main time, outside temperature, etc.
radio functions. The I.C.S. audio system con-
– the RDS radio with FM/MW reception; 3.A. 3.1 RADIO FUNCTIONS
– the cassette player with autoreverse; – display of pause symbol in cassette RDS system
– the automatic CD loader with six avail- The radio system integrated in the I.C.S.
able slots (optional for versions/markets – display of direction of tape with different makes it possible to receive RDS (RDS = Ra-
where applicable); symbols depending on winding speed; dio Data System) signals in the UKW range.
With the RDS system the broadcaster can
– the DSP amplifier (optional for versions – display of symbols for CD and cassette; insert additional information (station name or
markets where applicable).
messages) suitably modulating then with the
– display of CD number, title number and radio signal. This information is then received
Screen items and functions playing time; by the RDS system and shown on the display.
– wave band selector function (FM, MW) – scan and shuffle function;
through keys 3 and 4 respectively; AUTO BEST function
– display of name of broadcaster and num- – Dolby B NR function for suppressing noise
when listening to tapes; When receiving a radio channel with the
ber of station memorised;
AUTO BEST function it is possible to obtain a
– function for memorising up to 36 radio s- – stand-by engagement function for traffic low signal/noise (S/N) ratio, automatic
tations (18 for FM range and 12 for MW information bulletins (TP) with possibility of seeking and tuning on alternative frequencies
range); deactivation; where the chosen radio station is broadcast-

ing with a better S/N ratio. When seeking a Example: programme set RTL - RAI info- indicates that you do not want to receive traf-
new tuning frequency broadcasting may be traffic programme fic bulletins. Station seeking will no longer in-
briefly interrupted temporarily. If the infotraffic function is enabled while lis- dicate whether it is a TP broadcaster and CC
tening to a programme on the RTL station and CD playing will not be interrupted by traf-
The AUTO BEST function is activated auto- and in that moment a traffic bulletin is broad- fic information.
matically when the radio function is selected cast on the RAI channel, the system moves
or when a station is selected through a choice automatically from RTL to RAI. At the end of
key and when the cassette player or CD player the traffic bulletin it automatically returns
is working. “TP” ✓
from RAI to RTL.
The traffic information box (TP) activated
All the RDS broadcasters show their name with knob 11 indicates that you want to re-
or message on the display. The current recep- ceive traffic bulletins. Automatic seeking se-
tion frequency is only displayed if information 3.1.1 Radio main function lects a TP broadcaster and displays this pre-
about the name of the station tuned is not. page rogative: CC and CD playing will be interrupt-
ed by any traffic bulletins. The abbreviation
The main functions are arranged so as to al- “TP” appears on the MAIN page.
low the clear and simple display of informa- TP bulletins in progress can be interrupted
tion concerning the radio system. When the pressing the volume control 21. Volume ad-
radio is operating (CD or CC not activated) justment of a TP bulletin is independent of
EON (Enhanced Other Network) the wave band, name or frequency of the cur- the audio source (radio, CC, CD) and is ob-
rent station are displayed. The list of memo- tained using the volume control 21 during a
The radio integrated in the I.C.S. system rised stations and the selection modes “TP” TP bulletin.
can receive EON information. (Infotraffic),”Mute”, “Regional”, “Auto-
store”, “Frequency” and “Settings” are also
displayed. In the lower part of the display
The signals concerning the EON infotraffic “Mute”
shows general information such as the time,
system make reception possible from radio
outside temperature, frequency or other cur- The “Mute” function can be selected only if
channels, on which you are not tuned at the
rent status information. TP is enabled and a TP station is set. When
moment, information about the traffic and
roads, interrupting the programme of the cho- the “Mute” function is activated only traffic
sen station. This function, available to RDS bulletins will be heard. The radio “Mute”
channels can be disabled according to prefer- “TP ” function is disabled turning the volume con-
ence. The traffic information box (TP) deactivated trol 21.

“Regional” “Frequency” tion is obtained pressing keys 5 to 10 as fol-
The “Regional” function is automatically The “Frequency” can be used to manually
displayed if the radio programming of a de- select the frequency with the right knob 11, – memorised station selection function
terminate station is broadcast locally. In this though it is still possible to seek the station pressing for less than 2 seconds;
case the AUTO BEST RDS function does not with keys 19 and 20.
– broadcasting station with RDS memoris-
seek a station with a high S/N ratio but con- ing function pressing for more than 2 sec-
tinues to broadcast the local channel select- “Settings” onds;
ed. Reception of local channels can be deacti-
vated selecting “Regional” again making it The “Settings” function opens the “Audio – current frequency memorising function
possible to move to different local stations settings” page (see paragraph 3.3). pressing for more than 10 seconds; in this
depending on the best S/N ratio. case the main function page displays the let-
3.1.2 Radio function controls ter “F” next to the station number and next
to the frequency of the broadcaster memo-
Warning The AUTO BEST RDS function op- Switching wave band rised.
erates at national level. Moving to different
regional stations may therefore occur. In this The radio system has two wave bands UKW
case it is necessary to reactivate the “Regional” and MW totalling 5 bands in each of which Station seeking
function. up to 6 stations can be memorised.
The station seeking function is activated
The band selection function takes place pressing keys 19 or 20 and proceeding as
through keys 3 or 4 with which the following follows:
“Autostore” is carried out:
– pressing for less than 2 seconds starts
The “Autostore” is active only by selecting – switching between FM-A, FM-B and FM- station seeking with decreasing frequency se-
the FM wave band with button 3. This func- AS with the FM key; lection (key 19) or growing frequencies
tion makes it possible to automatically start (key 20);
– switching between LW and MW with the
the memorising of 6 stations on 6 FM memo- AM key. – pressing for more than two seconds starts
rising buttons available. Selection takes place the “scan” function, i.e. every station is
on the basis of the best S/N ratio starting Switching between stations and tuned to allow listening for only a few sec-
from the last frequency explored in the FM memorising onds. The “scan” function is interrupted
band: it is possible that the same station be pressing keys 19 or 20 again.
recorded more than once. The station switching and memorising func-

3.B. 3.C. 3.D.

3.1.3 Seeking and memorising 10 for more than 2 seconds and it is also 3.2 CASSETTE PLAYER
stations possible to recall memorised stations with FUNCTIONS
these keys (dwg. 3.C.).
Automatic - Autostore During memorising the volume is lowered
The “Autostore” function makes it possible automatically to allow easier and clearer 3.2.1 CC main function page
to automatically programme the keys with choice of the station. Confirmation that mem-
the frequencies of the radio stations with the orising has taken placed is obtained by check- The CC main function page is obtained
best S/N ratio (dwg. 3.B.). ing that the memorised station name or fre- pressing key 23 only if the cassette player
quency is displayed on the radio main func- is operating (dwg. 3.D). Under the “CAS-
Manual tion page. SETTE” window which indicates that selec-
tion of the cassette player has taken place,
With the manual function you can select the the direction of the tape is displayed (with
required wave band, pressing keys 3 or 4. the arrow), the options “TP” (infotraffic),
The frequency is selected turning knob 11. “Dolby B NR” and “Settings”.
After selection the display shows the frequen-
cy and, if it is an RDS station, also the station The lower display window also displays the
name. Station frequency memorising takes time, outside temperature and further current
place pressing one of the station keys 5 to status information.

“TP ” / “TP ✓ ” cial slot and it can be in both directions. The
direction is changed pressing key 18 or auto-
See the explanations of chapter 3.1.1. matically at the end of the tape (autore-
verse). The display shows the tape direction
with the arrow.
“Dolby B NR ”/“Dolby B NR ✓ ”
The “Dolby B NR” function is selected with Fast forward/fast rewind
knob 11. Activation of the function makes it
possible to reduce the noise caused by run- Fast tape running in the two directions is
ning of the tape. When playing tapes record- obtained pressing the search keys 19 or
ed with the Dolby B technique, you are ad- 20. The fast function is interrupted by
vised to activate this function to obtain better starting play back if key 19 is pressed
sound. When playing tapes that were not again. 3.3 HOW THE CD PLAYER
recorded with the Dolby technique you are WORKS (optional for
advised to disable the function. versions/markets where
Cassette eject applicable)
“Settings” Cassette ejection is obtained pressing key
17. 3.3.1 CD player main function
Selecting “Settings” makes it possible to page
access the “Audio settings” function page
(see chapter 3.4). The CD main function page is obtained, if
Switching the audio source the CD loader is connected and at least one
CD is available, pressing key 1 (dwg. 3.E.).
Switching from CC to CD is obtained press-
3.2.2 Cassette player controls ing key 1. The switching function from CC to The CD main function page displays the
radio is obtained pressing keys 3 or 4. number of the CD in the loader, the current
Play back and changing tape track number and the duration of the current
direction (autoreverse) piece, a CD symbol, the options “TP”, “Scan”,
“Shuffle” and “Settings”. The lower window
Play back is started after inserting the cas- of the page shows the time, outside tempera-
sette, with the tape at the right, in the spe- ture and further current status information.

“TP ” / “TP ✓ ” 3.3.2 CD player controls Use of the CD loader
See explanations in paragraph 3.1.1. The CD loader is on the left-hand side of the
Selecting and playing a CD boot.

“Scan” Selecting and playing a CD is only possible CD loader ready for working
with the CD loader connected and at least
The “Scan” function for the CD being one CD inside. The loader can hold up to 6 The CD loader is ready for working if it con-
played is obtained using knob 11. With this CD’s and they can be played choosing the tains at least one CD. Make sure that the CD
function all the pieces of the CD are played corresponding CD with keys 5 - 10. The is correctly inserted and that the loader lid is
for about 10 seconds. number of the CD being played is shown in closed after inserting the CD holder.
the upper window of the CD main function Loading/unloading the CD loader
“Shuffle” The CD loader is loaded/unloaded proceed-
ing as follows:
The “Shuffle” function for the CD being Changing title/fast forward
played is obtained using knob 11. and fast backward – remove the CD loader sliding the lid to
the right;
With this function the pieces of the CD are The option for the piece before or after the – press the eject key: the loader will be
played in random order. current one is obtained pressing keys 19 or pushed out;
20 for less than 1 second;
– remove the CD loader;
Fast forward or backward from the current – insert the CD’s in the correct direction and
“Settings” track is obtained pressing keys 19 or 20 for starting from the first free compartment to
The “Settings” selection function opens the more than 1 second. enable quick loading between one CD and
“Audio settings” function page (see chapter the next.
3.4). Switching the audio source
Switching the audio source from CD to CC is
obtained pressing key 2.
Switching the audio source to radio is ob-
tained pressing keys 3 or 4.

3.F. 3.G. 3.H.

3.4 AUDIO SETTINGS “Treble” “Bass”

3.4.1 Without DSP (Digital The treble function displays a “sliding regu- The bass function displays a “sliding regula-
Sound Processing) lator” for setting the treble tones. Setting is tor” for setting the bass tones. Setting is car-
The functions concerning audio settings carried out with knob 11 moving the cursor ried out with knob 11 moving the cursor to
without the DSP amplifier are activated se- to the position required and pressing to end the position required and pressing to end the
lecting “Settings” on the main audio function the setting (dwg. 3.G.) setting (dwg. 3.H.)
page (radio, CC or CD) (dwg. 3.A.). This in-
troduces a new page with the selections
“Loudness”, “Treble”, “Bass”, “Balance”,
“Fader”, “SDV” and “Go back”. Some sym-
bols are also shown associated with the de-
vices operating (CC, CD or radio).
If this function is enabled pressing knob 11
(Loudness ✓ ) it improves the sound volume
increasing the bass tones.

3.I. 3.J. 3.K.

“Balance” “Fader” “SDV”

The “Balance” function schematically dis- The “Fader” function schematically displays The “SDV” function SDV displays a list for
plays the position of the speakers in the car the position of the speakers in the car setting volume adjustment in relation to
(front/rear and left/right. The setting opera- (front/rear and left/right. The setting opera- speed. The “SDV” function makes it possible
tion is carried out with knob 11, thereby tion is carried out with knob 11, thereby to automatically increase the volume as the
changing the distribution of the volume in the changing the distribution of the volume in the speed increases to maintain the ratio with the
passenger compartment between the right passenger compartment between the front noise level inside the passenger compart-
and left speakers. The distribution set is and rear speakers of the passenger ment. It is possible to select 4 levels: “OFF”
shown by a small square cursor. The setting compartment. The distribution set is shown (deactivated), “WEAK”, “MEDIUM” and
operation ends pressing knob 11 (dwg. by a small square cursor. The setting opera- “STRONG” (dwg. 3.K.).
3.I.). tion ends pressing knob 11 (dwg. 3.J.).
“Go back”
The “Go back” function takes you back to
the main page of the audio functions (radio,
CD or CC) (dwg. 3.A.).

3.4.2 With DSP (Digital Sound
Processing) (Optional for
markets/versions where
The functions concerning audio settings with
the DSP amplifier are activated selecting
“Settings” on the main audio function page
(radio, CD or CC) (dwg. 3.A.). This intro-
duces a new page with the items “Loud-
ness”, “Treble”, “Bass”, “Equalizer”, “Bal-
ance”, “Fader”, “DSP” and “Go back”.
Some symbols are also shown associated 3.L. 3.M.
with the devices operating (CC, CD or radio).
“Bass” ing it further (dwg. 3.M.). The setting opera-
The bass function displays a sliding regula- tion is ended pressing knob 11 again.
tor on the right of the page. Activation of the
If this function is enabled pressing knob 11 “Bass” selection (Bass ✓ ) is carried out “Go back”
(Loudness ✓ ), it improves the sound volume through knob 11 and deactivates the equal- The “Go back” function takes you back to
increasing the bass tones. izer (Equalizer ). The bass setting opera- the previous function page (dwg. 3.L.).
tion is carried out turning knob 11 to the re-
“Treble” quired position and ends pressing it (dwg. “Balance”
The treble function displays a sliding regula- 3.H.). The balance function schematically displays
tor on the right of the page. The “Treble” the position of the speakers in the car
(Treble ✓ ) function is activated through knob “Equalizer” (front/rear and left/right). The setting oper-
11 and it deactivates the equalizer (Equali- The equalizer function displays the equalizer ation is carried out with knob 11, thereby
zer ). The treble setting is carried out turn- function page. Activation of the equalizer changing the distribution of the volume in the
ing knob 11 to the required position and function (Equalizer ✓ ) deactivates the treble passenger compartment between the right
ends pressing it (dwg. 3.G.). and bass settings (Treble / Bass ) and and left speakers. The distribution set is
makes it possible to select the single “sliding shown with a small square cursor. The “Bal-
regulators” of the 7 band graphics pressing ance” setting operation ends pressing knob
knob 11 and to set the different values turn- 11 (dwg. 3.I.).

The fader function schematically displays
the position of the speakers in the car
(front/rear and left/right. The setting opera-
tion is carried out with knob 11, thereby
changing the distribution of the volume in the
passenger compartment between the front
and rear speakers of the passenger compart-
ment. The distribution set is shown by a
small square cursor. The “Fader” setting opera-
tion ends pressing knob 11 (dwg. 3.J.).
3.N. 3.O.

“DSP” ume of loud and quiet passages differently as

the speed increases.
The “DSP” function displays the “DSP
settings” function page with the selections
“DSP active”, “Dyn. volume”, “Position”, “Position”
“Sound set”, “Recall”, “Store” and “Go back”
(dwg. 3.N.). The “Position” function displays a list in
which it is possible to select your position in
the passenger compartment to obtain the
“DSP active” best sound. This list offers a choice between
the “LEFT”, “SYMMETRIC” or “RIGHT” fields
The “DSP” function turns the DSP amplifier (dwg. 3.O).
functions on/off ( ✓ / ).

“Dyn. volume” “Sound set”

The “Dyn. volume” function turns dynamic The “Sound set” function displays a list in
volume on/off ( ✓ / ). The dynamic vol- which it is possible to select the types of
ume function automatically increases the vol- sound in relation to the musical style. This

“Go back”
The “Go back” function takes you back to
the main page of the audio functions (radio,
CD or CC)(dwg. 3.A.).
Warning During use of the phone or voice
instructions not all the audio functions can be
accessed: the message “Wait” will be dis-
played for about 3 seconds.

3.P. 3.Q.

list offers the choice between “HI-FI”, “Store”

“CLASSIC”, “POP” and “USER SET”(dwg.
The “Store” function displays a list with three
memory positions. The settings chosen are
The “Sound set” (user parameter) function memorised in the selected memory position.
displays a new page of the function page for
“Go back”
setting the individual sound parameter. This
function has a “sliding regulator” for chang- The “Go back” function displays the page of
ing the “Room size” and “Echo” parameters the audio setting functions (dwg. 3.L.).
(dwg. 3.Q.) respectively with 8 different lev-
els. The operation is ended selecting “Go
back” thereby accessing the “DSP settings”
function page again.
The “Recall” function displays a list with
three memories which contain the memorised

4. TELEPHONE (TEL) – network provider selection function;
(Optional for markets/ – PIN change function;
versions where applicable) – PIN query on/off function;
– Call signal volume and sound;
General information – display of signal field intensity and other
status messages with the following symbols:
The I.C.S. system is fitted with a GSM cellu-
lar phone (TEL) with handsfree feature and field intensity
(optional for versions/markets where applic- the telephone is off or there is no carrier
able) with an additional receiver. The GSM or the phone is not inserted in the net-
standard (Global System for Mobile Commu- work
nication) is currently implemented in 87 4.A.
countries and has excellent coverage; for in- ring tone off
formation about the areas served by the GSM – access to and changing the lists with the “transfer” function on
networks at present and in the future please more frequently dialled numbers and to the
phone book; “preclusion” function on
contact your network provider. Access to the
many telephone function pages is gained – access to the list of the last 5 numbers di- SMS Message received and read
pressing key 24 (dwg. 4.A.). alled; SMS message received and not read
– access function to the last calls received yet
Display contents and functions (up to a maximum of 7) that were not an- SMS message written and already sent
The telephone has many functions which swered;
SMS message written, but not sent
simplify use: – manual dialling function; yet.
– PIN entry function (Personal Identification – SMS (Short Message Service) function
Number); which makes access possible in reception and
send brief text messages;
– activating and deactivating access to the OPERATIONS
– copy and merge telephone card phone
SIM telephone card (Subscriber Identification books; 4.1.1 Inserting the telephone
Module); card
– DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) set-
– emergency call function; tings to enable dialling repetition and inhibit Inserting a valid SIM telephone card makes
– second call control function; transmission of your self-identification; the telephone operational and the functions

card is unlocked entering the PUK code (Pin
Unlocking Key) and the new PIN code (mini-
mum 4 characters, maximum 8 characters).
(dwg. 4.C.).

Selecting “OK”
The option “OK” is obtained turning knob
11 to the right to move the cursor to “OK”
and pressing to confirm entry of the PIN code
or PUK code. Network signal seeking starts
4.B. 4.C. after entering the PIN code and the telephone
main function page is shown on the display
can be accessed. The telephone card must be Selecting “Correct” (dwg. 4.A.). After connection the MAIN
inserted in its slot next to knob 11 so that screen shows the name of the network
the integrated chip is at the front left in rela- The option “Correct” makes it possible to provider.
tion to the direction of travel. Correct inser- correct the digits entered. The function is acti-
tion of the card is confirmed by the prompt vated turning knob 11 to the right to take
asking to type the card PIN code (dwg. the cursor to “Correct” and pressing as fol-
4.B.). lows:
When the card is already inserted, access to – deleting the last digit entered pressing for
the operating system is obtained pressing key Access to the emergency call function ban
less than 1 second; be gained in different ways:
– deleting the whole entry field pressing for – with the card inserted on the PIN entry
4.1.2 PIN entry more than 1 second. function page or on the function pages de-
The PIN code is entered using knob 11. scribed later;
The operation can then continue entering
Turn the button to select the digits required the correct digits. – without the card inserted simply confirm-
and press to confirm. ing “Emergency call”. The function page is
The digits are displayed as asterisks. Warning The next entry with confirmation then displayed (dwg. 4.D) and, confirming
of 3 wrong PIN codes will block the card. The with “Yes” the network provider emergency

– deleting the whole contents of the entry
field pressing knob 11 for more than 1 sec-

4.3.2 Calling the number

Calling the number selected function is ob-
tained pressing key 16. After this, the audio
is deactivated, connection is made and, if the
subscriber called answers, the call time
counter is activated.
4.D. 4.E.

call number is dialled automatically. The phone main function page makes it possible 4.3.3 Ending the conversation
emergency call page is exited pressing knob to manually dial a telephone number. The and accepting calls
11 when the cursor is on “No” which auto- function is accessed pressing knob 11 on
matically takes you back to the last function “Manual dial” and turning it left to reach The conversation ending and call acceptance
page; the digit field. Dialling the digits of the re- function is obtained pressing the key 16.
quired telephone number takes place press-
– manually dialling an emergency number, ing knob 11 to confirm the different digits.
even if the telephone card is not inserted or if During dialling the current digits are en- 4.3.4 Handsfree feature,
preclusions exist. larged, while the complete number is dis- volume adjustment and
played in the upper window (dwg. 4.E.). additional receiver
4.3 MAIN FUNCTION A handsfree microphone allows you to talk
“MANUAL DIALLING” Possibility of correction on the phone without using the additional re-
The correction function is activated selecting ceiver. The volume is adjusted by knob 21.
4.3.1 Entering a telephone “C” as follows:
– deleting the last digit entered pressing
The option “Manual dialling” on the tele- knob 11 for less than 1 second;

Additional receiver (optional) through combinations of digits, * and #, ac-
cording to procedures depending on the net-
The I.C.S. telephone can be integrated with
work provider. These functions take place
an additional receiver. The volume is adjusted
pressing key 16 which is followed by confir-
with the ring on the additional receiver.
mation on the display. In some cases this
confirmation may be displayed in English, re-
Additional receiver functions gardless of the language selection.
The additional receiver possesses functions Examples of service preclusion
which make it easy and convenient to use, in
particular: – preclusion function for outgoing interna-
– picking it up when it rings accepts the tional calls setting the code (password) sup-
call; plied by the network operator 4.F.

– taking it off its housing during a hands- **331(password)#(receiver key) the SIM card takes place through the
free conversation moves the call to the addi- “Phone book” function on the main tele-
– information functions on current status of
tional receiver; phone function page. The subscriber list is
outgoing international calls preclusion service
accessed selecting “Phone book” and mov-
– taking it off its housing and then pressing
+#331#(receiver key) ing the cursor to the item required turning
the receiver key for the first time connects
knob 11. The arrows at the top and bottom
with the additional receiver; function for cancelling outgoing international of the list indicate that there are other
– putting it back during a conversation ends calls preclusion service items that can be selected. The telephone
the conversation. number of the current selection is shown on
#331*(password)#(receiver key).
the upper window of the display (dwg.
Warning During a conversation it is not 4.F.).
possible to pass from the receiver to hands-
free talking. 4.4 MAIN “PHONE BOOK”
Calling the subscriber selected takes place
pressing key 16.
4.3.5 Other manual dialling 4.4.1 Dialling a subscriber
functions listed in the I.C.S. phone 4.4.2 Entering a new item
The manual dialling function makes it possi- A new entry in the “Phone book” is obtained
ble to access network preclusion services Direct dialling of subscribers memorised on selecting the option “Edit” with knob 11 and

– deleting the last character entered press-
ing knob 11 for less than 1 second;
– deleting all the contents of the entry field
pressing knob 11 for more than 1 second.

Selecting “OK”
Memorising the data entered and inserting
them in the list takes place selecting “OK”.

Selecting “Go back”

4.G. 4.H.
The option “Go back” displays the previous
accessing the options “Change”, “Enter”, Caution The telephone number must al- page of the “Edit phone book” function
“Clear”, “Select” and “Go back” (dwg. 4.G.). ways be entered with the area code and also page.
The function page for entering new phone the international code for foreign calls.
book items is obtained selecting “Enter”. The 4.4.3 Deleting an item
selection displays a new window with the Entering the name
fields for entering the subscriber’s telephone Deleting an item from the phone book
number and name; the characters available, The name is entered in the same way as takes place selecting “Select” in the “Edit
a zoom field for enlarging the character se- telephone numbers, i.e. with knob 11 select phone book” function page and highlighting
lected and the options “Correct”, “OK” and “Name” and continue turning to move the the item to be deleted. Then select “Clear”.
“Go back” (dwg. 4.H.). cursor on the characters (press knob 11 to Accidental deleting is avoided by the prompt
confirm the characters). to confirm whether you really intend to
Entering telephone numbers delete (dwg. 4.I.). After deletion the “Edit
The white space between the characters is
phone book” function page is displayed a-
Telephone numbers are entered selecting obtained selecting “_”.
“Number”, moving the cursor on the charac-
ters with knob 11 and pressing to confirm. Correction function
Select the respective digits which appear in Warning If the entry fields of new names
the “Number” entry field and, one by one to The correction function is obtained selecting in the phone book are all occupied, the I.C.S.
check in the zoom field. “Correct” as follows: system suggests deleting an existing name to

4.I. 4.J. 4.K.

make room for a new one. The maximum – to delete the whole contents of the field 4.5.1 Dialling a subscriber
number of entries depends on the card ser- pressing for more than 1 second. listed in the “Direct dial”
vices. The modified item is memorised selecting
“OK” (dwg. 4.J.). Dialling a subscriber identified as a “Direct
dial” takes place selecting “Direct dial” on
4.4.4 Changing an item the main telephone function page. “Direct
dial” are selected with knob 11 turning un-
Changing an item in the phone book is ob- til the cursor is on the name required. The
tained selecting “Select” in the “Edit phone 4.5 “DIRECT DIAL”
telephone number selected is shown in the
book” function page and highlighting and MAIN FUNCTION upper window of the display (dwg. 4.K.).
confirming the item to be changed. Selecting The subscriber selected is called pressing
With the “Direct dial” function it is possible
“Change” accesses the function page for en- key 16.
to quickly generate and access a list with the
tering new items with the “Number” and
7 telephone numbers used more frequently.
“Name” fields or for modifying existing ones.
The I.C.S. system is capable of managing and
Selected the item to be changed (“Number”
automatically recognising the lists of “Direct 4.5.2 Compiling the list of
or “Name”), move the cursor to “Correct”
dial” of a maximum of 5 different SIM cards, ”Direct dial”
then press knob 11 as follows:
the items of which are obtained from the
– to delete the last digit or letter of the I.C.S. phone book or from the telephone card Compiling the list of “Direct dial” takes
field pressing for less than 1 second; read. place selecting “Direct dial” with knob 11

lighting number 7 using “Select”, then
“Sort” and with knob 11 moving the num-
ber 7 selected to position 1. The operation is
memorised pressing knob 11.

Selecting “Clear”
Selecting “Clear” makes it possible to
delete an item selected from the list of fre-
quent numbers. This function is necessary
when the list of “Direct dial” is filled with 7
numbers and you want to enter a new fre-
4.L. 4.M.
quent number from the phone book.
on the telephone main function page and Modify “Last 5 numbers”
pressing to confirm. Then selecting “Edit” dis- Selecting “Go back” (deleting function)
plays the “Edit direct dial numbers” function
page. Making or changing the list of the 7 Selecting “Go back” brings you back to the The selection list “Last 5 nos.” is generated
more frequently used numbers is obtained se- main telephone function page. and updated automatically, but you also have
lecting “New entry” and, from all the items the possibility to delete items. Deleting num-
of the phone book, with “Select” it is possi- bers from the “Last 5 nos.” list is obtained
ble to copy up to 7 items in the “Direct dial” exiting the corresponding list after confirming
list (dwg. 4.L.). 4.6 “LAST 5 NUMBERS” it and selecting “Edit” (dwg. 4.M.): the new
MAIN FUNCTION function page “modify last 5 numbers” is dis-
played with the selections “Clear”, “Select”
4.5.3 Changing “Direct dial” 4.6.1 Selecting an item from and “Go back”. A number is deleted high-
lighting it with “Select”, then choosing
the “Last 5 no.” list
“Clear” and confirming the choice. After
Selecting “Sort” The option “Last 5 nos.” displays the last 5 deleting it is possible to return to the tele-
Selecting “Sort” you can change the order numbers dialled, relating to the SIM card in- phone main function page automatically or s-
of the numbers in the “Direct dial” list as you serted. The numbers of this list can be select- electing “Go back”.
prefer. For example moving a number from ed and highlighted with knob 11 and called
position 7 to position 1, takes place high- automatically pressing key 16.

The “Calls list” function allows access to the
list of the last calls received (up to a maxi-
mum of 7) that were not answered. This
function is accessed choosing and confirming
“Calls list” using knob 11 on the phone
main functions page. Each item of the list
gives the name of the person that made the
call (if stored in the phone list) or the phone
number (if the call was not in incognito).
4.N. 4.O.
The calls are listed in the order received,
with the last call at the top of the list. If the 4.8.1 Telephone options - 4.8.2 Telephone options -
same call is received more than once, it will selecting “Info” selecting “SMS”
be given in the list only once, in the order of
the last call received. The names or numbers The option “Info” makes it possible to dis- The option “SMS” makes it possible to ac-
of the list can be called directly, pressing the play the network access identity telephone cess the SMS messages page, which can be
key 16 after choosing them with knob 11. number, the I.C.S. telephone electronic seri- received and sent. The upper window of the
al number (IMEI = International Mobile SMS messages page shows the number of
Equipment Identity) and the network access SMS messages in the memory and how
provider name. The central part of the dis- many of them have not been read. The list of
play shows the number of the “Service Cen- SMS messages received also shows the date
The option “Options” on the main tele- ter”, “Validity” and the “Code” for the SMS and time of reception and the read/unread,
phone function page makes it possible to ac- message function. It is also possible to dis- written/written and transmitted status (dwg.
cess the “Phone options” function page se- play the disabling through the corresponding 4.P.).
lecting “Info”, “SMS”, “Copy SIM”, “Merge selection (dwg. 4.O.). Activation of these
SIMs”, “Call divert”, “Settings” and “Go functions is displayed on the MAIN screen Warning For some providers access to the
back” (dwg. 4.N.). and on the main telephone function pages “SMS” function may have to be enabled.
with the symbols and/or .

4.P. 4.Q. 4.R.

Reading messages SMS message allows you to dial the tele- Creating messages
phone number highlighted pressing key 16.
Reading an SMS message takes place An SMS message is created selecting “Cre-
If the message contains at least one other
choosing “Select”, highlighting the message ate” in the “Phone SMS” page (dwg. 4.P.)
phone number you will see “Select Phone
required, followed by “Read”. In selecting thereby displaying the “Process SMS” page
No.” with which it is possible to choose the
reading, the message is displayed with its re- with the “Text”, “Recipient”, “Store”,
telephone number required (dwg. 4.Q.).
ceipt stamp and with the telephone number “Send” and “Go back” pages (dwg. 4.R.).
of the sender. If the message exceeds the
space available on the single page (4 lines Writing the text
with 23 characters) it is continued on other Warnings
The “text” option displays the “Enter SMS
pages which are made available by choosing text” page for creating the text of the mes-
“Go to page”. – When dialling an SMS message (dwg.
4.P.) it is possible to dial directly from the sage (dwg. 4.S.). The text is composed se-
The option “Go back” takes you back to the lecting the characters with knob 11 and
previous SMS function page (dwg. 4.Q.). SMS message pressing key 16.
pressing to confirm them. The blank space
– When SMS message is received inside between two characters is obtained selecting
any function page it can be read at once “_“. Selecting “A→a” or “a→A” moves
Dialling a telephone number in the SMS
pressing key 16 within approx. 10 seconds respectively from UPPER CASE characters to
from receipt. lower case and vice versa. Selecting “<->” it
The option of the telephone number in the is possible to move the cursor within the al-

4.S. 4.T. 4.U.

ready written text for any corrections. The (dwg. 4.T.). The addressee can be selected a- cates that the message has not been sent by
correction function is activated selecting “C” mong those memorised or manually, proceed- “Not executed!”. To continue, press “Continue”.
as follows: ing as described in paragraphs 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
and 4.6. After selecting, turn knob 11 to the Go back
– pressing knob 11 for less than 1 second
right and select “OK”. Select “Go back” to display the “Phone
deletes the last character entered;
SMS” function page again.
– pressing knob 11 for more than 1 sec- Memorising the message
ond progressively deletes all the characters; If you want to memorise the message, se- Setting messages
deleting is stopped by releasing the knob. lect “Store”. Confirmation is given by the
Selecting the “Settings” option from the
When the message has been written, select- wording “Message saved” which appears on
main SMS page (dwg. 4.P.) access is gained
ing “OK” takes you back to the “Process the new page which is exited selecting “Con-
to the “SMS settings” page (dwg. 4.U.)
SMS” page. tinue”.
with the options “Service Center”, “Validity”,
Choosing the addressee Sending the message “Code”, “OK” and “Cancel”. The option
“Service Center” allows access to the main
The “Recipient” option displays the “Enter To send the message, select “Send”. The mes- page of the telephone function (dwg. 4.A.)
SMS recipient” page with the options “Man- sage that appears on the new page confirms for selecting the service center among those
ual dial”, “Direct dial”, “Phone book”, “Last that the message has been sent with the word- memorised or for manual dialling, proceeding
5 nos.”, ”Call list”, “OK” and “Cancel” ing “SMS sent successfully” or if not, it indi- as described for dialling phone numbers. “Va-

lidity” allows you to choose the days of valid-
ity of the message (from 1 to 441 days).
With “Code” it is possible to give the mes-
sages a code (codes from 0 to 255). After
completing the settings, select “OK” to acti-
vate the settings chosen or “Cancel” to can-
cel them. Both cases take you back to the
main “Phone SMS” page (dwg. 4.P.).

Changing messages
An SMS message is obtained selecting
“Edit” on the SMS functions page and then 4.V. 4.W.
choosing the field to be modified, proceeding
as described for creating messages. 4.8.3 Telephone options - tion: phone book being written!” on a function
selecting “Copy SIM” page contains “Overwrite” and “Go back”.
Deleting SMS messages The option “Copy SIM” makes it possible to – if the wrong destination card has been in-
copy to copy numbers of the phone book of a serted by mistake select “Go back”. Select-
An SMS message is deleted highlighting ing “Overwrite” starts the actual copying op-
“Select”, “Clear” on the SMS function SIM card on another SIM card (destination
card). For this operation the following steps eration shown on the display.
page, and confirming deletion. Message
are required: – the system asks if there are other SIM
deletion is necessary if the SMS memory on
– with knob 11 select “Copy SIM”. A new cards on which you want to copy the same
the SIM card is full. This will be displayed
function page is displayed asking you to insert numbers. Selecting “No” takes you back to
on the SMS function page with an upper
the destination card in the I.C.S. (dwg. 4.V.); the “Phone options” function page.
window with the wording “memory full,
cancel item”. – remove the origin SIM card from its hous- If the space on the destination SIM card is
ing pressing the eject key 14; insufficient for all the new data of the origin
Warning The number of possible SMS SIM card, at the end of the copying operation
messages depends on your service provider. – insert the destination SIM card; the destination SIM card will show the new
– select “OK” if necessary entering the PIN data, otherwise a new function page is dis-
“Go back” code of the destination SIM card. A PIN code en- played with the possibility to select “Delete
Select “Go back” to return to the “Phone try can be corrected with “Correct”. After enter- entries by user”, “Write until card full” and
options” page (dwg 4.N.). ing the correct PIN a warning is displayed “Cau- “Cancel” (dwg. 4.W.).

4.X. 4.Y. 4.Z.

“Delete entries by user” “Cancel” necessary to enter its PIN code, remembering
The option “Cancel” returns to the ”Phone that it is possible to correct code entries with
The option “Delete entries by user” makes “Correct”. Then you will be asked to insert the
it possible to access a page with the items of options” function page.
destination SIM card with the same procedure.
the phone book to be copied from which the Writing on the destination SIM card takes place
phone book to be copied can be changed as 4.8.4 Telephone options - selecting “Overwrite” on the new page which is
preferred. During this operation the number automatically displayed (dwg. 4.Y.). The same
selecting “Merge SIMs”
of items still to be deleted is shown. High- page also has the “Go back” function which
lighting these items first with “Select” and With the “Merge SIMs” function it is possi- takes you back to the previous page.
then with “Clear” starts the phone book ble to merge the numbers of the phone book
modify operation which can be followed by of the first origin SIM card with the numbers Warning The management and display
the copying operation selecting “Write” of the phone book of the second origin SIM procedures for merging numbers from differ-
(dwg. 4.X.). card on a third destination SIM card, selecting ent cards are as described previously for the
“Merge SIMs” on the “Phone options” func- “Copy card” operations (4.7.3).
tion page (dwg. 4.N.) with knob 11. You will
“Write until card full” be asked to insert the second origin card, af-
ter removing the first one with the eject key 4.8.5 Telephone options –
The option “Write until card full” automati- selecting “Call divert”
cally copies the highest number possible of 14, which is then confirmed selecting “OK”.
numbers on the card. After entering the second origin card it may be The “Call divert” option allows access to the

4.Z.1. 4.Z.2. 4.Z.3.

“Query”, “Conditions”, “Mode”, “Number”, “Mode” function to access the new page with “OK” option
“Time lapse”, “OK” and “Go back” functions the options “deactivate”, “activate”, “query”,
page (dwg. 4.Z.). The data entered are memorised selecting
“set up” and “delete” (dwg. 4.Z.3.).
“Query” option “Number” option
“Go back” option
The “Query” option accesses the pages that The “Number” function makes it possible to
give all the conditions active at the moment select the phone number to which arriving “Go back” takes you back to the previous
(dwg. 4.Z.1.) Select “Continue” to access calls are to be diverted, depending on the ac- page of the “Phone options”.
the following pages. tive functions.
You go back to the main “Call divert” page
from the last page of the active conditions or “Time lapse” option 4.8.6 Telephone options -
pressing “Cancel” from any page. selecting “Settings”
With the “Time lapse” function it is possible
to select the time delay (from 5 to 30 sec- The option “Settings” makes it possible to
“Conditions” option onds) that elapses between the arrival and access the function page “Own number”,
The “Conditions” option allows access to the transfer of the call. At all events, the call “Network operator”, “PIN”, “Ring tone”,
page of the conditions for transferring calls transfer interval depends on the network ac- “Send DTMF ”, “Redial ”, “Incognito
(dwg. 4.Z.2.). Confirm the condition to be ac- cess provider, that can activate a different in- ” and “Go back” (dwg. 4.Z.4.). The exis-
tivated or deactivated and then select the terval than the one set on the I.C.S. system. tence of a service activated for access to the

“Roaming ”
Deactivation of the “Roaming” function ac-
cesses only the network selected manually.

“Automatic ✓ ”
Activating the automatic function it is possi-
ble to enter an authorised network on the ba-
sis of the SIM card list of priorities.

“Automatic ”
4.Z.4. 4.Z.5. Deactivation of the automatic function al-
lows access only to the network selected
GSM network makes it possible to display the the “Wait: network exploration in progress”, manually.
provider’s name at the left of the option and makes the “Roaming ”, “Automatic
“Network operator”. ”, “Manual”, “OK” and “Go back” func- “Manual”
tions available with which it is possible to
Selecting “Own number” manually select a network operator or set it The option “Manual” enables access to a
automatically. Activation (shown with the list with all the receivable networks. It is
The “Own number” function allows you to symbol ✓ ) or deactivation (shown by the possible to select the network required
access the page in which you can enter and symbol ) of the “Roaming” and “Automat- among those allowed in the list (not dis-
memorise your own telephone number. Se- ic” functions takes place pressing knob 11 played in grey) with knob 11. The setting
lecting “Cancel” returns to the “Phone op- (dwg. 4.Z.5.). of the network selected is made effective
tions” function page without memorising. selecting “OK”, and returning to the “Phone
Selecting “Store” after entering a number, “Roaming ✓ ” settings” function page selecting “Go back”.
returns to the “Phone settings” function
page. Activating the “Roaming” function it is pos-
sible to move automatically to another autho- Selecting “PIN”
rised network if the previous one is no longer The option “PIN” allows access to the “PIN
Selecting “Network operator” receivable. settings” function page through “Change
The option “Network operator” allows ac- PIN”, “PIN query”, “Use last PIN ” and
cess to the corresponding page which, after “Go back”.

page with the selection options "Melody”,
“Volume” and “Go back”.

The “Melody” option displays a list with dif-
ferent melodies/tones that can be selected
with knob 11.

The “Volume” option displays a bar graph
4.Z.6. 4.Z.7. to set the ringing volume with knob 11.
“Change PIN” without asking for PIN code entry when the SIM
card is inserted. Access to and changing this set- “Go back”
The option “Change PIN” makes it possible to
ting requires PIN code entry (dwg. 4.Z.7.). Selecting “Go back” takes you back to the
change the PIN of the SIM card, accessing the
“Change PIN” function page (dwg. 4.Z.6.). In “Phone settings” function page.
“Use last PIN”
the page displayed it is necessary to firstly en-
ter the previous PIN code and then enter the The option “Use last PIN”, if enabled (“Use
last PIN ✓ ”), allows the PIN code memo- Selecting “Send DTMF / ✓ ”
new PIN code twice, correcting any mistaken
entries with “Correct”. Entry confirmation ends rised last to be entered automatically when With the option “Send DTMF” enabled it is
the PIN change and introduces the “Phone set- the SIM card is inserted. This function is avail- possible to transmit DTMF (Dual Tone Multi
tings” function page; otherwise, selecting “Go able only for a SIM card for which no entry Frequency) numbers during a telephone con-
back” the “Phone settings” function page is errors have been made. nection. The use of these control codes
displayed without memorising the change. makes it possible to access particular network
Warning The option “Change PIN” can- services or communication equipment (e.g.,
“PIN query” not be selected if the “PIN query ” is de- a remote telephone answering device).
The option “PIN query” makes it possible to
activate or deactivate PIN code query through Selecting “Redial / ”
Selecting “Ring tone” ✓
the corresponding function page. Disabling this
function (Query ) allows use of the telephone The “Ring tone” option displays a function The “Redial” option makes it possible to au-

tomatically repeat dialling a busy number for 4.9.3 “End call 1” option
up to 10 times. Automatic repeat dialling is
Choosing and confirming this function defini-
interrupted pressing the receiver key 16.
tively interrupts the first call to answer the sec-
Selecting “Incognito / ✓ ”
4.9.4 “Take call 2” option
The option “Incognito” makes it possible
not to show your number on the called sub- Choosing and confirming this function takes
scriber’s set. The availability of this function the second incoming call, leaving the first in
depends on the network provider. stand-by.

4.Z.8. 4.9.5 “End call 2” option

Selecting “Go back”
The appearance of the callers’ telephone Choosing and confirming this function defini-
The “Go back” option displays the previous tively ends the second call to return to the
“Phone options” page. numbers depends on the network access
provider, as well as on the possibility of not first that was waiting in the meantime.
making one’s own number available.
4.9.6 “End all calls” option
4.9 “CALL WAITING” FUNCTION To select and confirm the different functions
of the “Call waiting” page, turn and press Choosing and confirming this function ends
If during a phone call, another call is re- knob 11. both calls definitively.
ceived, the telephone of the I.C.S. system in-
dicates it showing a new page on the display 4.9.1 “Reject” option
with the functions “Reject”, “Take call 1”, Choosing and confirming this function re-
“End call 1”, “Take call 2”, “End call 2”, jects the second incoming call, continuing the
and “End all calls” (dwg. 4.Z.8.). first one.
This page is shown on the display regard- 4.9.2 “Take call 1” option
less of the function activated during the call.
The top left window of the display shows the Choosing and confirming this function the
telephone number of the first caller, while the first call is resumed after leaving it in stand-
lower part shows that of the second caller. by to answer the second one.

5. NAVIGATION (NAV) WARNING: Navigation system – The GPS satellite aerial must not be cov-
(Optional for markets/ suggestions do not excuse driver ered with metal or damp objects.
from his full responsibilities due to
versions where applicable) The instantaneous vehicle position is identi-
his driving behaviour and to his
fied in the CD-ROM and shown on the display
compliance with road and other
together with the topographic characteristics
General information traffic regulations.
of the area memorised on the CD. Access to
The responsibility for road safety
the data on the CD-ROM requires waiting a
The integrated navigation system (NAV) al- always lies with vehicle driver, and
few moments in the map displays.
lows you to reach the selected destination it falls on him in any case.
through visual and acoustic instructions. Use The system constantly compares the data
of the navigation system is fast, convenient, leading from the wheel sensor, the GPS aerial
safe, and above all highly flexible because and from the programme to automatically
Warnings compensate changes in temperature, pres-
you can call up already programmed destina-
tions or reference points such as hotels, sure or any other occurrence which can falsify
– GPS reception is difficult under trees, position detection in any way.
monuments, public structures, fuel stations or among high buildings, in multi-storey car
Authorised Alfa Romeo Services. parks, in tunnels and anywhere satellite aerial Warnings
reception can be hindered.
The instantaneous vehicle position is deter- – Precise self-adjustment of the navigation
mined by the GPS system (Global Positioning system requires approx. 50 km of travel the
System) installed on board. The on-board – The GPS system needs about 15 minutes
for activation if it is connected to the vehicle first time and when tyres are changed.
GPS system is fitted with an aerial and a re-
ception module integrated in the I.C.S. sys- battery. – Continuous lack of grip at the wheels (for
tem. The system dynamically processes satel- example skidding on ice), the system tem-
lite signals, those of a sensor on a wheel and – The GPS system needs a few minutes to porarily detects an incorrect position.
of the gyroscope integrated in the navigation determine the new position of the vehicle if
– During precision self-adjustment the posi-
computer. it is turned off and the vehicle is moved with
tion is not detected absolutely completely.
the system off.
The Alfa Romeo navigation system The navigation system is managed com-
helps driver while he drives, by – In the lack of satellite information, the pletely through the I.C.S., therefore the only
suggesting vocally or graphically, system uses the information leading from the operations that may be necessary are re-
the optimum routing to reach his gyroscope and from the sensor at the wheel placement of the CD-ROM to set the map of
preset destination. for temporary data analysis. another area or an updated map.

left side of the boot and it has an eject key
and two warning lights:
– the upper light on means that the power
current is on;
– the lower light on means that the CD-
ROM is on;
– the lower light flashing means that the
CD-ROM is being changed.

5.A. 5.B.
– The navigation system only works with
Access to the navigation main function page – Personalisation of the navigation system the CD-ROM inserted in its drive.
(dwg. 5.A.) is gained pressing button 25 with the possibility of entering pre-memorised – The CD-ROM must be removed and
(NAV) after turning on. Each time the I.C.S. destinations with road and number. changed only for updating the system soft-
is turned on a page will be shown with warn- ware, for updating the map or entering maps
– Automatic memorising of the last 5 desti-
ings about care in use of the system (dwg. relating to another region.
5.B) which, to be able to continue using the
system must be confirmed pressing knob 11 – Name of the current road.
or one of the main function keys. This page Changing the CD
will no longer be displayed as long as the – Possibility to choose the route according – When the I.C.S. is turned on the drive up-
system is on. to personal preference. per and lower warning lights are lit.
– Information about current position. – Press the eject key.
Display and functions – Information about arrival times. – The previous CD-ROM is ejected and the
– Voice and visual instructions with indica- – System diagnostics and warnings about lower drive led flashes.
tions of the distance from the destination. possible disturbances. – Insert the new CD-ROM.
– Detailed map in different colours and
with different scales to clearly show the vehi- Drive for navigation CD Warnings
cle position, the route and the destination. The navigation CD-ROM is located on the – When the new CD-ROM is inserted the

5.C. 5.D. 5.E.

system software is automatically updated to 5.1 DESTINATION ENTRY function page for entering the city, street and
the new map material or to the new func- number, which always show the data con-
Entering the destination is obtained select-
tions. During the time required for this opera- cerning the destination calculated last. The
ing “Destination” with knob 11 and pressing
tion a stand-by message is displayed. After same page shows the other functions “S-
to confirm thereby displaying the “Select des-
the updating operation the destination mem- tore”, “Guidance”, “Centre / ✓ ” and
tination” page with the options “Street ad-
ory is empty. “Go back” (dwg. 5.D.).
dress”, “Intersection", “Points of Interest”,
– The driver is responsible for abiding by “Destination memory”, “Recent destina-
current traffic regulations, any instructions on tions” and “Go back” (dwg. 5.C.).
the basis of incorrect maps which induce pro-
hibited driving manoeuvres must NOT be fol- “Go back” Entering the city name
lowed. Selecting “Go back” takes you back to the The city name is entered moving the cursor
main page of the navigation functions (dwg. to “City” with knob 11 and pressing to con-
5.A.). firm. On the “Enter city” page (dwg. 5.E.)
Software version
the single characters of the town name are s-
The I.C.S. software release number can be 5.1.1 Entering the elected with knob 11. The characters select-
checked selecting the climate control display ed are enlarged in the zoom field. The blank
“Street address” field
page, then pressing knob 11 for at least 3 space between two characters is obtained se-
seconds. The option “Street address” displays a new lecting “_”.

Quick entry
Each time a character is selected a search
takes place for the existence of a city name
with the characters entered so far in the
memorised list. Only those characters still re-
quired still required for completing the name
will then appear for selection. The city field is
filled as soon as a city is located from the list.

5.F. 5.G.
– When entering the city name, after enter-
ing a few characters, you are advised to se- – delete the whole entry pressing for more gle characters of the street name are selected
lect “List” and then the destination directly than 1 second. with knob 11. The characters selected are
with knob 11 and activate it. enlarged in the zoom field.
The number shown at the side of the “List” “OK”
indicates the number of towns in the list with Warnings
name corresponding to the characters entered The “OK” function confirms city entry re-
turning to the “Enter destination” function – If the street field is not completed, the
up to now in the town field. navigation system automatically leads you to
page which now displays the city name.
the centre of the city selected indicating this
– When entering characters the list appears (Centre ✓ ).
automatically if the character selector knob is “Cancel”
pressed for more than 1 second. – The navigation always takes you to the
With the “Cancel” function you return to centre in the case of very small towns.
the “Enter destination” function page without
“Delete” memorising the data.
Entering the house number
The “Delete” function is selected turning The house number is entered with knob 11
Street name entry
knob 11 to the right makes it possible to: moving the cursor to “No.” and confirming.
The street is entered using knob 11 to In the “Enter house number” page (dwg.
– delete a character pressing for less than 1 move the cursor to “Str.” and confirming. In 5.G.) the options “Delete”, “OK” and “Can-
second; the “Enter street” page (dwg. 5.F.) the sin- cel” are available.

the address entered (“Centre ✓ ”), enabling
or disabling the “Centre” function with knob

“Go back”
Selecting “Go back” with knob 11 dis-
plays the “Select destination” function page
again where a new destination can be en-

5.H. 5.I.
5.1.2 Entering the destination
Warning If the house number field is not “Guidance”
completed the navigation system assumes
the whole street as destination. Selecting “Guidance” with knob 11 starts
the calculation of the destination, followed by The option “Intersection” displays a new
display of the main navigation page (dwg. page for entering the city and two streets,
“Store” 5.A.). the intersection point of which is the re-
quired destination. This page also contains
The “Store” function memorises the infor-
the functions “Store”, “Guidance”, “Centre
mation concerning the address entered with
“Centre / ✓ ” / ✓ ” and “Go back” (dwg. 5.I.).
the name you want with knob 11.
The “Store destination” function page brings Enabling the option “Centre ✓ ” leads to Entering the city name and first street fol-
forward the address, name for store destina- the centre of the city selected. This function is low the same procedure as described for en-
tion, selectable characters, zoom fields and enabled automatically if only the destination tering the address fields, while for the name
the functions “Delete”, “OK” and “Go back” city name is indicated. If this option is chosen of the second street simply select the name
(dwg. 5.H.). the system automatically moves the cursor to from the list displayed.
the “Str.” field in which it is possible to enter
The “Store as:” field for the destination to the street name.
be memorised can have a maximum of 14 Warning If the name of the 2nd road is
characters on which it is possible to act using After entering the name of the street you not entered, or is not available in the list, the
functions “Delete”, “OK” and “Go back”. can choose to be guided to the centre or to first road is considered as destination.

5.J. 5.K. 5.L.

5.1.3 Entering the destination “Recreation” “Service”

“Points of Interest” The option “Recreation“ displays a list of The option “Service” displays a list of desti-
With the function “Points of Interest” it is destinations of this category (monuments, nations of this category (mechanical work-
possible to memorise the preferred navigation museums, sport facilities etc.) which can be shops, hospitals, fuel stations etc.) which can
destinations. Selecting “Points of Interest” a selected with knob 11. The item selected al- be selected with knob 11. The item selected
function page is displayed with the items so appears in the upper window of the func- also appears in the upper window of the func-
“Traffic”, “Recreation”, “Service”, “Other”, tion page (dwg. 5.K.). tion page (dwg. 5.L.).
“OK” and “Go back” (dwg. 5.J.).

The option “Traffic” displays a list of desti-
nations of this category (hotels, airports or
stations etc.) which can be selected with
knob 11. The item selected also appears in
the upper window of the function page (dwg.

5.M. 5.N. 5.O.

“Other” “Nearest” playing the main navigation page. The op-

tion “Go back” takes you back to the pre-
The option “Nearest” displays:
The option “Other” displays a list of desti- vious “Points of Interest” function page.
nations of this category (firms, city hall etc.) – a list with the points of interest with
which can be selected with knob 11. The growing distance in a straight line in relation The “Info ” function displays the
item selected also appears in the upper win- to your current position starting from the “Points of Interest - Info” page with infor-
dow of the function page (dwg. 5.M.). nearest; mation about the points of interest select-
ed (dwg. 5.P.). The “ ” symbol is shown
– a field with the city address; only if the telephone number of the point
– the street of the selected destination; of interest selected is available.
Criteria for choosing and selecting The “Call” option makes it possible to di-
– the “Info ” function;
the town for points of interest rectly call the number shown in the infor-
– the “Go back” function. mation about points of interest selected.
Confirming the selection of a point of inter-
est, the cursor automatically moves “OK” The required destination is selected and “Go back” takes you back to the previous
and confirming displays the “Points of Inter- activated with knob 11 (dwg. 5.O.). The page.
est” function page with the selection criteria option “Store” memorises the destination
“Nearest”, “Within a city” and “Go back” in the destination memory. The option
(dwg. 5.N.). “Guidance” calculates the route then dis-

5.P. 5.Q. 5.R.

“Within a city” displaying the main navigation page. The op- 5.1.4 Entering the destination
tion “Go back” returns to the previous “Destination memory”
The option “Within a city” displays the func- “Points of Interest” function page.
tion page “Select city” which makes it possi- The option “Destination memory” displays
ble to seek points of interest in a chosen city. The “Info ” function displays the the function page "Select destination memo-
This page contains the entry fields for the city “Points of Interest - Info” page with infor- ry" with the list of memorised navigation des-
name, usable characters, zoom and the op- mation about the points of interest select- tinations of up to a maximum of 20 destina-
tions “Delete”, “List”, “OK” and “Cancel” ed (dwg. 5.R.). tions. The same page also contains the op-
(dwg. 5.Q.), which are accessed as described tions “Delete”, “Select”, “Guidance” and
in paragraph 5.1.1. The “ ” symbol is shown only if the “Go back” (dwg. 5.S.).
telephone number of the point of interest
Confirming the selection a list is displayed selected is available.
with the points of interest in alphabetical or- Selecting from the destination
der among which it is possible to select and The “Call” option makes it possible to di- memory
activate the required destination with knob rectly call the number shown in the infor-
mation about points of interest selected. The option of the destination memory takes
11. place selecting the destination through knob
The option “Store” can then memorise the “Go back” takes you back to the previous 11 and pressing it to confirm. The screen al-
destination in the destination memory. The page. so displays the data about the address and
option “Guidance” calculates the route then destination for the destination selected. Then

5.S. 5.T. 5.U.

selecting “Guidance” starts calculation of the ly intend to proceed. Choosing “No” takes entered with the options “Delete”, “Se-
route and it is possible to move to the navi- you back to the last function page (dwg. lect”, “Store”, “Guidance” and “Go back”
gation function page with the arrows. 5.T.). (dwg. 5.U.).
The option “Go back” takes you back to the Warning The destinations are selected and deleted as
previous function page. described in paragraph 5.1.4.
If the destination memory already contains
Deleting items from the destination 20 items, to enter new destinations it is nec-
memory essary to delete an item from the existing 5.2 ROUTE SELECTION CRITERIA
list. In this case the system shows the warn- The criteria selection function makes it pos-
Deleting items from the destination memory ing “Destination memory complete! Clear
takes place selecting the destination with sible to affect route calculation according to
one item!”. determinate parameters. The “Select route
knob 11 and pressing it to confirm. The high-
lighted destination is deleted selecting criteria” screen (dwg. 5.V.) is accessed from
“Delete”. 5.1.5 Entering the destination the main navigation function page (dwg.
“Recent destinations” 5.A.) selecting “Route” with knob 11. The
selection made remains active for each sub-
“Yes” (confirm)
The option “Recent destinations” displays sequent calculation until the criteria are
The delete operation is protected against the “Select recent destinations” function modified again. The following possibilities of
accidental actions asking whether you real- page with a list of the last 5 destinations choice are offered:

function is selected the symbol is displayed 5.2.4 Avoid freeways
on the main NAV menu after the item This considers the less possible use of free-
“Route” to highlight the choice. ways.
“Special route”
5.2.5 “OK”
With this you select an interval of roads to
be avoided on the route to destination. The Pressing “OK” activates the function selected.
I.C.S. system offers the possibility of select-
ing the first and last road from a list of possi- 5.2.6 “Cancel”
bilities. This way the alternative route is cal-
culated and the symbol is displayed on the This takes you back to the main naviga-
5.V. main NAV menu after “Route”. tion page without activating any criteria in
calculating the route.
5.2.1 “Alternative route”
This selection accesses a screen with the fol- 5.3 DESTINATION GUIDANCE
lowing functions: The function confirms the choice made.
“Current way” / ✓
“Cancel” Guidance to destination takes place through
This maintains the route settings preselect- Selecting “Cancel” the data are not saved voice instructions accompanied by graphic
ed automatically by the NAV system. If no al- and the previous menu is displayed. representation of the recommended directions
ternative route is selected the item selected is to follow and an arrow showing the direction
(“Current way ✓ ”). of the destination.
5.2.2 “Shortest time”
“Next … km” / ✓ This allows you to reach your destination as 5.3.1 Voice instructions
fast as possible.
This can select an alternative route for a The voice instructions guide you to destina-
number of kilometres to be selected, starting tion advising you in time of all the manoeu-
from the current position, using knob 11 and vres to be carried out, and in particular first
pressing it to confirm. The interval between 5.2.3 “Prefer freeways”
the manoeuvre is announced and then de-
the km of route changing depends on the dis- This considers the use of freeways in calcu- tailed instructions are provided to which ac-
tance from the chosen destination. When the lating the route. cess is possible through the REP key 15.

5.W. 5.X. 5.Y.

5.3.2 Graphic instructions 5.3.3 Map representation “Zoom +”

On the main navigation page, and on the Pressing the MAP key 12 it is possible at Selecting “Zoom +” enlarges the visible
MAIN page, the bar arrows display all the all times to move to the colour map page, area of the map and the unit of measure-
manoeuvres to be accomplished. The shape where the vehicle is shown with a triangular ment is shown in the lower window of the
of the arrow represents the next manoeu- arrow with the tip pointing in the direction of monitor (among 50 m, 100 m, 200 m,
vre/turn left, right, straight on or turn back. travel (dwg. 5.X.). In the more complex indi- 500 m, 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 10 km, 20 km,
The name of the next road to follow is shown cations, a yellow arrow will show the direc- 50 km and 100 km).
above the arrow while the current one is tion to be followed. The destination to be “Zoom –”
shown under the arrow. reached is always shown by a red cross while
the items of the route: roads, rivers, railway Selecting “Zoom –” the visible area of the
The distance from the next manoeuvre is al- lines are shown with coloured lines. A pop-up map is reduced.
so indicated highlighting your progress with menu on this page makes it possible to acti-
the gradual filling of the bar arrow. Therefore vate the functions “Zoom +”, “Zoom –”, Warning Enlarging the visible area of the
the clearer the arrow, the nearer you are to “Curr. position”, “Destination”, “Heading map is also possible turning knob 11 to the
performing the suggested manoeuvre (dwg. up”, “North up” and “Pictograph ” right and reduction turning to the left.
5.W.). (dwg. 5.Y.)., which can be called pressing
knob 11 each time. “Curr. position”
Selecting “Curr. position” the visible map

area is taken to the current position in rela-
tion to the car.

Selecting “Destination” displays the visible
area of the map of the destination and the
destination is shown by a red cross.

“Heading up”
Selecting “Heading up” the visible area of
the map is shown with the upper edge of the 5.Z. 5.Z.1.
monitor indicating the direction of travel (for
scales up to 1 km). cated”. In these conditions, and until you find press knob 11. The voice instructions for con-
the suggested route, the main navigation trolling the volume are repeated cyclically.
“North up” page or the MAIN display show the name of During a voice instruction the volume can al-
the road and the arrow indicating the direc- so be changed with knob 21.
Selecting “North up” the visible area of the tion towards the start of the recommended The voice instructions can also be accessed
map is shown with the upper edge of the route. again pressing the REP key 15.
monitor indicating north (for each scale). If the vehicle is outside the territory on the
navigation CD-ROM, confirming “Guidance”,
“Pictograph” / ✓
appears on the main navigation page and on 5.5 INFORMATION PAGE
Activating this function (“Pictograph ✓ ”) is the MAIN display will show the warning Through the information page it is possi-
higlighted with a white arrow in a box at the “Route calculation impossible: vehicle off ble to access the “Navigation info” function
top of the display, showing the direction of map”. page which is subdivided into 3 sectors,
the destination. When you are near your des- with the current navigation data (dwg.
tination, the arrow is coloured. 5.Z.1.).
Travelling on a road not memorised on the
navigation CD-ROM, with guidance to destina- Volume adjustment is obtained selecting Upper area
tion activated, you will receive a voice mes- “Volume” with knob 11 and using the bar – distance to destination, with guidance to
sage that the “Route is in the direction indi- regulator (dwg. 5.Z.). To end adjustment destination activated;

– warning “No destination”. ARRIVAL TIME Activation of the navigation function (Active
The indication of the distance from destina- ✓ ) enables the guidance to destination func-
Centre area tion and the calculated arrival time is dis- tion with which it is possible to completely
– current position of car; played on the main navigation page under enter the destination before calling for the
the option “Info”. The exact calculation of navigation help you require.
– town/road; the distance from destination is only shown
– latitude (N/S) and longitude (E/W) in at the end of processing, otherwise an esti- Warning Each time guidance to destina-
degrees (°), minutes (') and seconds (”). mated value is given. tion is enabled or disabled a new route calcu-
lation is made for the current destination.
Lower area
Satellite reception data x sat./yD-GPS
– x number of receivable satellites (from 0
to 6);
– y positioning (0, 2 or 3)
0D-GPS: positioning impossible
2D-GPS: at least 3 satellites are receivable
for bidimensional positioning
3D-GPS: at least least 4 satellites are receiv-
able for three-dimensional positioning.
The option “Go back” allows you to go back
to the main navigation page.

General information
The on-board computer (TRIP) provides a
series of helpful data such as average con-
sumption, distance from destination or fore-
seen arrival time. Through the computer the
contrast, language, etc. can also be person-
alised. The main TRIP function page (dwg.
6.A.) is accessed pressing key 26. 6.A. 6.B.

Functions 6.1.1 “Journey data guide to destination activated, the “Journey

to destination” data to destination” are calculated in relation
– residual autonomy, consumption, average to the destination on. On versions without
The statistics to destination given by the
speed, distance from destination, foreseen ar- navigation system or with navigation system
computer are:
rival time, speed limit with visual and acoustic but with guide to destination off, the “Jour-
warning if the pre-set speed limit is exceeded; – calculation of residual autonomy on the ney data to destination” are calculated in re-
basis of average consumption and fuel tank lation to the destination set.
– setting the language, unit of measure- contents;
ment for consumption, distance, temperature, – System ceases indicating residual en-
date and time, monitor characteristics; – calculation of the distance from destina- durance for values less than 15 km (dashes
tion in relation to the current position; are displayed in lieu of km endurance values).
– display of time, outside temperature, in-
– calculation foreseen arrival time on the – In case of refuelling with fuel pilot lamp
formation on audio or telephone.
basis of the distance from destination and on, system will update residual endurance, at
average speed; the end of refuelling, only if fuel tank con-
6.1 REQUEST FOR STATISTICAL – visual and acoustic warning of maximum tents are equal to or exceed 1/4 of its capac-
DATA speed limit in relation to the pre-set value. ity (18 litres). In case of lower refuelling
Statistical data is requested highlighting the quantities, residual endurance display will re-
data required with knob 11 and pressing to Warnings main the same as before refuelling.
confirm. – On versions with navigation system and

6.C. 6.D. 6.E.

6.1.2 “Journey data since 6.2 I.C.S. SYSTEM SETTINGS tion system cannot be used in this period.
hh:mm” and “Journey The current I.C.S. system settings are dis- Do you want to change over the lan-
data continued” played selecting with knob 11 from “Set- guage?” and you are offered the possibility
Statistics are available (dwg. 6.B.) concerning: tings” the eight options available one at a to accept or refuse your choice (dwg. 6.E.).
– travel time from last reset; time (“Language” ... “Go back”) and modi- If you confirm that you want to change lan-
fying them according to your own require- guage the texts change immediately and the
– route covered from last reset; ments (dwg. 6.C.). voice navigation instructions change after
– average speed from last reset; about 3 minutes, otherwise, if you refuse, y-
– average consumption from last reset. 6.2.1 Language ou return to the current language.
The language can be selected with knob
Resetting statistics
11 choosing between German (D), English 6.2.2 Consumption
Selecting the “Reset” function pressing knob (GB or USA), Spanish (E), French (F) and
11 for more than 1 second, it is possible at all Italian (I) (dwg. 6.D.). In “Consumption” it is possible to use knob
times to start calculation of “Journey data 11 to select the units of consumption (dwg.
from hh:mm” or “Journey data continued” a- Selecting a different language than the cur-
gain. “Journey data from hh:mm” are also re- rent one the following warning is displayed:
set automatically after a vehicle halt, with the “It takes approximately 3 minutes to – km/l: kilometres per litre
ignition key removed, for over 2 hours. change over the voice output. The naviga- – l/100 km: litres per 100 kilometres

6.F. 6.G. 6.H.

– mls/gal (US): miles per US gallon case “Statistics to destination” will be calcu- in relation to which the “Statistics to destina-
lated depending on the destination activat- tion” will be calculated given in the main
– mpg (UK): miles per UK gallon
ed. page of the TRIP function. The distance set
will be shown in the square on the left-hand
6.2.3 Distance Versions without navigation system or with side of the display (dwg. 6.H.).
guidance to destination off
Choosing the “Distance” option on the set- On versions fitted with navigation system,
tings page (dwg. 6.G.), the system shows In this case choosing the option “Distance” when guidance to destination is turned on
one of the conditions described below, in rela- the system settings page (dwg. 6.G.) will this is automatically taken as reference in cal-
tion to the presence of the navigation system show a screen (dwg. 6.H.) with the functions culating the “Statistics to destination”.
and activation of guidance to destination. “to destination”, “Unit” and “Go back” with
which it is possible to set the distance to the “Unit”
Versions with navigation system and destination and the corresponding unit of
guidance to destination on Choosing and confirming this function on
measurement (kilometres or miles).
the “Distance setting” page, using knob 11
In this case choosing the option “Dis- “to destination” (dwg. 6.I.), it is possible to choose the unit
tance” the system settings page (dwg. of measurement of the distance set:
6.G.) will show a screen with which it is Choosing and confirming this function on
the “Distance setting” page, using knob 11 – km: kilometres
possible to set the corresponding unit of
measurement (kilometres or miles). In this (dwg. 6.H.), it is possible to set the distance – mls: miles.

6.I. 6.L. 6.M.

To change the unit of measurement set, 6.2.5 Limit “Go back”

highlight it and confirm with knob 11.
In “Limit” it is possible to use knob 11 to The function “Go back” takes you back to
“Go back” set the speed limit beyond which the system the I.C.S. system setting function page.
gives a visual and acoustic signal for approx.
The “Go back” option on the “Distance
3 seconds (dwg. 6.L.).
setting” page (dwg. 6.I.) allows you to re-
turn to the system function settings page 6.2.6 Date/time
Limit setting
(dwg. 6.G.), storing the distance to destina- The clock settings (dwg. 6.M.) are obtained
tion set and the corresponding unit of mea- The “Limit speed” is set turning knob 11 choosing and confirming the “Date/time”
surement. left to lower the speed limit or right to in- function on the system settings page (dwg.
crease it. Depending on the speed with which 6.G.) using knob 11.
the knob is turned the value is increased in
6.2.4 Temperature steps of 1, 5 or 10 km/h (or mph). The end
“Time offset”
In “Temperature”, on the system settings of the setting operation is confirmed press-
page, it is possible to use knob 11 to select ing knob 11 again and the speed limit is ac- The option “Time offset” displays the differ-
units of temperature: tivated immediately. ence between Greenwich GMT (= Greenwich
Mean Time) and the CET (Central European
°C: Celsius
°F: Fahrenheit. MOUNTAIN and PACIFIC time zones.

The option “Contrast” allows you to change
the monitor contrast. This is adjusted by a bar
regulator (dwg. 6.O.) which can be set turn-
ing knob 11.

6.N. 6.O.

“Summer” “Go back”

The option “Summer” makes it possible to The option “Go back” takes you back to
activate and deactivate summer time with I.C.S. setting function page.
knob 11.

“12/24H” 6.2.7 Screen setting

The option “12/24H” makes it possible to The option “Screen” makes it possible to
indicate the time with the 12 or 24 hour sys- use knob 11 to set the display according to
tem. your requirements (dwg. 6.N.).

“RDS time” Selecting “Automatic” (Automatic ✓ )the

monitor colours adapt automatically to day or
With the “RDS time” function it is possible night conditions depending on the vehicle light-
to receive the hourly information from RDS ing. It is also possible to select “Day design”
radio stations; in this case the precision of the or “Night design” (Day design ✓ /Night de-
time displayed will depend only on the preci- sign ✓ ) to select the set of matched colours.
sion of the clock of the radio station to which
you are tuned in that moment.

(CLIMA) – inside temperature in °C or in °F
– fan setting
General information – setting air distribution: windscreen and
side window vents, centre/side and rear out-
The climate control functions (CLIMA) allow lets, floor vents
you to display and set the air climate control
system pressing key 27 (dwg. 7.A.). – defrost device on/off
– compressor on/off
– recirculation on/off
– automatic operation on/off (“AUTO”)
– fan adjustment (“MANUAL”).
The lower part of the display shows infor-
mation about the time, outside temperature,
audio settings or information about:
– name, conversation time (min:sec);
– telephone number, conversation time
– status (for example “received SMS mes-

7.1 EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE 28 - Rocker button for adjusting the air
“equivalent temperature” of the passenger Adjustment button for required
The system makes it possible to control the compartment equivalent temperature
passenger compartment climate maintaining
29 - Rocker button for fan speed adjust- Pressing this rocker button up or down re-
the “equivalent temperature” level required
ment spectively raises or lowers the equivalent
by the driver. This “equivalent temperature”
temperature required in the passenger com-
is an estimator of the ideal temperature (ob-
30 - Automatic system operation selector partment.
tained through the development of a complex
patented mathematical algorithm) needed to button
Pressing the button upwards or downwards
obtain the best temperature and well-being in 31 - Climate control compressor on/off but- to the extreme HIGH or LOW positions,
the passenger compartment. ton the functions with the highest heating or cool-
ing power are engaged.
To bring about this operating condition, se- 32 - Climate control system on/off button
33 - Rocker button for selecting air distribu-
– the “equivalent temperature” required tion Fan speed adjustment
pressing button 28; button
34 - Air recirculation on/off button
Pressing this rocker button up or down respec-
– the AUTO position pressing the button
35 - Maximum defrosting/demisting tively increases or lowers the fan speed (thus
on/off button for windscreen and front side the amount of air admitted to the passenger
windows, rearscreen heating, door mirror re- compartment), while maintaining the objective
WARNING The compressor can be
sistances and resistance at windscreen base of the equivalent temperature required.
turned on/off automatically or manually. To
switch from one operating mode to the other (where applicable)
see the “Compressor on/off button” para- 36 - Rearscreen heating and mirror and re- Automatic operation
graph in this chapter. sistances in windscreen blade parking area at button
windscreen base (where applicable) defrost-
ing on/off button. Pressing the AUTO button the system au-
7.2 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS tomatically adjusts the amount and distribu-
tion of air admitted to the passenger com-
27 - Climate control dedicated screen selec- partment.
tor button

Compressor on/off Air recirculation on/off screen and front side windows. Rearscreen
button button heating, door mirror heating and the resis-
tances at the base of the windscreen (in the
Pressing the ECON button turns the cli- Pressing this button engages/disengages wiper blade parking area) are also automati-
mate control compressor on/off. recirculation of the air admitted to the pas- cally engaged (for a determinate length of
senger compartment. time) where applicable.
WARNING With the compressor off it is
not possible to admit air to the passenger WARNING Depending on how the sys-
compartment at a temperature below the out- tem is working (heating or cooling the pas- Rearscreen demisting/
side temperature, in particular environment senger compartment) the recirculation func- defrosting on/off button
conditions, the windows may quickly steam. tion makes it possible to reach the required
Pressing this button engages demisting/de-
conditions faster. It is however inadvisable to
frosting of the rearscreen, door mirrors and
Climate control on/off use this function on rainy/cold days as it
(optional for versions/markets where applic-
button would considerably increase the possibility of
able) the resistances at the base of the wind-
misting the windows, especially if the condi-
Pressing the OFF button turns the climate screen (in the wiper blade parking area).
tioner is off. It is advisable to use this func-
control on/off (including ventilation only). tion when the vehicle is stationary in a queue
or tunnel to prevent polluted air from enter- WARNING Do not stick stickers on the in-
WARNING With the climate control off ing the passenger compartment. Prolonged side of the rearscreen over the heating fila-
and in particular environment conditions, the use of this function should however be avoid- ments to prevent damage that might adverse-
windows may quickly steam. ed, especially if there are several persons ly affect the system.
Passenger compartment air
distribution button Windscreen and front side
Pressing the MODE rocker button towards windows demisting/
the left and/or right manually selects air dis- defrosting button Operating the button, the cli-
tribution in the passenger compartment, mate control system sets to automatically
Pressing this button the climate control au-
while maintaining the objective of the equiva- control the following functions:
tomatically activates the necessary functions
lent temperature required. (quantity, distribution, temperature of the air – temperature of the air at the vents and
admitted to the passenger compartment) to outlets
quicken demisting/defrosting of the wind-

– fan speed (constantly changing) – FULL AUTO with automatic control of Pressing the button selects the
– air distribution the fan speed and air distribution; possible air distributions to the passenger
– AUTO with automatic control only of the compartment:
– air recirculation
fan speed or of air distribution according to Flow of air towards the windscreen
– compressor engagement.
the driver’s preference; and front side windows
It is still however possible to intervene man-
ually on the following functions: – MAN with manual operation where the Distribution of the flow between the
driver controls the fan speed and air distribu- windscreen/front side windows and lower
– fan speed tion directly. part of the passenger compartment
– air distribution
Main flow of air to the lower part of
– air recirculation Pressing the button turns the
the passenger compartment and secondary
compressor on/off. With the compressor off,
– compressor engagement. flow of air towards the windscreen/front side
the air admitted to the passenger compart-
The functions activated manually have prior- ment can not be cooled or dehumidified and
ity over the automatic ones and they remain recirculation is switched off automatically to Distribution of the flow between the
memorised until automatic control is re-acti- avoid misting the windows: when wanting to upper centre, centre and side dashboard out-
vated. activate recirculation in this condition, press lets and rear outlets
the corresponding button.
With one or more functions engaged manu- Flow of air towards the centre upper
ally, adjustment of the temperature admitted vent, centre and side dashboard outlets and
Pressing the button again with
to the passenger compartment still continues rear outlets.
the compressor
to be controlled automatically by the system
off, will restore the operating conditions of If the system was in the FULL AUTO
except with the compressor off: in fact, in
before the compressor was turned off. mode, pressing the button passes
this condition, the air admitted to the passen-
ger compartment cannot have a lower tem- to the simple automatism condition: i.e. the
Pressing the button turns system chooses the fan speed and mixing to
perature than the outside air.
off/back on the climate control, in the for- obtain the equivalent temperature required,
Pressing the button for engag- mer case air is no longer admitted to the pas- but will not change the distribution selected
ing/disengaging automatic operation, the senger compartment which is thus isolated manually.
system may be in one of the following condi- from outside, in the latter, the previous oper-
ating mode is restored. Pressing the recirculation button ,
tions: the system automatically reactivates the com-
pressor if it was deactivated manually or au-

tomatically; to maintain recirculation with the WARNING When working in the FULL
compressor of, it is necessary to press the AUTO condition, the system can automati-
button to deactivate the com- cally engage recirculation or deactivate the
pressor. compressor to cool/heat the passenger com-
partment faster or demist/defrost the wind-
WARNING In this condition (recirculation screen and side windows.
on and compressor off), remember that the
windows may steam up very quickly. WARNING When the engine is turned off
the system memorises the climate control op-
Pressing the button the climate con- erating condition, which will be automatically
trol automatically activates the functions re- resumed when the engine is started again.
quired to quicken demisting/defrosting of the
windscreen and front side windows.
Rearscreen heating and door mirror heating
are also automatically engaged (for a deter-
minate length of time).
Pressing the button engages
rearscreen heating and door mirror heating
for a determinate length of time.
Manually setting one of the climate control
functions, the others continue to be controlled
automatically; in particular the air tempera-
ture is always controlled automatically to
reach the required “equivalent temperature”
in the passenger compartment.

8. STATUS MESSAGES, Message Function/cause
AND TECHNICAL Your card is now unusable! Contact your net- A wrong SUPER-PIN has been entered 10
work operator. times.
Card blocked! Copying operation interrupted In the copying or merge operation a wrong
(merge operation interrupted). PIN number has been entered 3 times.
Card blocked! Operation interrupted. In the PIN query/modify function a wrong
The following list shows the messages that PIN number has been entered 3 times.
may appear on the I.C.S. display and the cor-
responding functions or causes not mentioned SIM card faulty! The SIM card is faulty.
Warning: highest telephone module tempera- The maximum temperature for the telephone
ture reached. Stop phoning! function has been reached.
Warning: telephone function deactivated be- The operating temperature in the telephone
cause maximum operating temperature ex- module exceeds the allowed limit.
ceeded: telephone ready after cooling.
With this card it is not possible to deactivate An attempt has been made to deactivate PIN
PIN query. query with a card that does not have this
Changed password for preclusions. The password has been changed for preclu-
PIN modified. The PIN has been modified.
IMEI: no. IMEI query.

Message Function/cause

Not happened! The function for transferring or preclusion can

not be performed, e.g. if the preclusion func-
tion has not yet been made operational by
the network operator.
Tel. number not valid. The telephone number is not valid e.g. if it
contains special characters or if it does not
Temperature out of allowed zone. The operating temperature in the navigation
module is higher or lower than the allowed
Insert navigation CD! Appears after CD eject (pressing eject key) or
if your I.C.S. is turned on without navigation
Language update. Moving to another language or after inserting
a new CD the language memory may be up-
Software updating. After entering a new CD the system software
may be updated.
CD read error! Check CD! Possible cause: Remedy:
CD dirty Clean the CD
CD scratched Change the CD
CD damp Wait

Message Function/cause

Wrong CD. CD inserted wrong way Turn the CD.

CD unknown. Possible cause: Remedy:
CD scratched Change the CD
Wrong CD Insert the
Alfa Romeo CD.
Multiple CD read error. CD scratched Change the CD
CD dirty Clean the CD
CD damp Wait.
CD inserted wrong way. Press the eject key and turn CD over.
Navigation system start. Wait for the navigation system to be com-
pletely operational.

Problems possible causes elimination

Dark monitor – the “DARK” key has been pressed or – press the “DARK” button again
– the car battery is almost flat (if the I.C.S. – charge the battery
is working without the engine running)
Display almost illegible – incorrect monitor settings – change the contrast (using the TRIP func-
tion: settings/monitor/contrast)
Station key not memorised with station – the broadcaster occasionally transmits addi- – memorise again when the broadcaster
name tional information transmits the name
– poor reception when memorising (the fre-
quency is indicated)
– the broadcaster does not transmit RDS in-
formation (the frequency is indicated)
The broadcaster memorised cannot be re- – the broadcaster is not receivable at the mo-
called through the station key ment
Poor cassette playing quality – head dirty – use a cleaner cassette
CD player not working – CD inserted wrongly or loader empty or – missinginsert the CD correctly with the
– loader empty or
– loader missing

Problems possible causes elimination

– operative disable or – deactivate the disable function
Telephone function active, but impossible to
phone – insufficient field intensity or – try later
– you are in an area in which you cannot ac- – try later
cess the network, e.g. due to network overload
Telephone function is active, but you do not – operative disable or – deactivate the disable function
receive calls
– operative transfer – deactivate the function for transferring

8.2 GENERALITIES Attached with the navigation CD-ROM you – pressing for more than 2 seconds: memo-
will find the information about the availability rising current station respectively with the cor-
Important numbers for the I.C.S. of other road maps and the instructions for re- responding name or frequency on this station
telephone ceiving future updates. (acoustic warning: brief lowering of the vol-
We advise you to note some important ume)
numbers that may be helpful to you: Alfa Romeo Integrated Control – pressing for more than 10 seconds:
System (I.C.S.) - Controls memorising the current station with fixed fre-
IMEI serial number:
and functions quency (also in the presence of a chain of
………………………………… RDS stations) on this station key (acoustic
1, 2: function source switch key warning: two brief lowerings of the volume,
your SIM card number: function: “F xxx Mhz” appears)
………………………………… switching between cassette player (“CC”) in CD mode
CD loader (“CD”)
the phone number of your I.C.S. phone: selecting the CD in the loader (max. 6
………………………………… 3, 4: band switching key CD’s)
phone number of your network provider: 11: knob
………………………………… switching radio band
………………………………… – between FM and UKW with the “FM”
key turning
– for MW with the “AM” key – in general: turning respectively right or
Loss of the SIM card
If you lose your SIM card notify your net- left: selection indicator down/left or up/right
work provider immediately. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: keys for memorising
stations from 1 to 6 – in the function pages with other boxes of
letters/digits: movement of the selection in-
function: dicator in the direction corresponding to rota-
CD-ROM road map for the I.C.S.
in radio mode tion
navigation system
The basis for the I.C.S. navigation system is – pressing for less than 2 seconds: select- – if only a section of map is shown (with-
a road map masterised on CD-ROM. ing memorised stations out options): turning respectively left or right:

the map section is enlarged or reduced function: – pressing for more than 2 seconds: "scan"
pressing repeats the last navigation voice instruction each station is heard briefly
with the updated data
– in general: performance of the highlight- (pressing again it stops)
ed functions or selection of options or list
items 16: receiver key in CD mode
function: – pressing for less than 1 second: moving
– if only a section of map is shown (with-
out options): new options appear – accepting calls to another title forward/backward (arrow to
– dialling the phone number chosen right/left)

12: MAP key – end of conversation – pressing for more than 1 second: fast for-
ward / fast rewind (arrow right/left)
17: cassette eject key in CC mode
the “map display” function page comes on
and off function:
– fast forward/fast rewind (arrow to
– ejects cassette right/left)
13: DARK key – pressing again: play back
function: 18: change direction key
– darkening the I.C.S. monitor and lighting function: 21: volume control (with key function)
(anti-glare function) changes the direction of the tape
– pressing again: the last function page se-
lected appears 19, 20: seek key turning right/left:
function: highering/lowering the volume
14: telephone card eject key in radio mode: pressing:
function: – pressing for less than 2 seconds: station – if the ignition is off: I.C.S. on/off (auto-
ejects the SIM telephone card seeking according to a growing/decreasing matic deactivation after 1 hour of operation)
sequence (arrow to right/left)
15: REP key (it stops on the next receivable station)

if a traffic message is in progress: interrup- function: turning maximum demisting/defrosting
tion of the message fan speed adjustment on/off
– if the ignition is turned on: stand-by func-
tion (monitor darkened, telephone ready to 30: automatic mode key 36: rearscreen key
receive, guidance system deactivated) function: function:
– "reactivate" pressing again selecting system automatic mode turning on/off rearscreen, door mirror resis-
tances and resistances at the base of the
– if the phone rings: call not accepted
31: climate control compressor key windscreen (where applicable).
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: main function
keys/display turning climate control compressor on/off
32: climate control system key
screen selection
turning climate control system on/off
and following functions
AUDIO (audio system), TRIP (on-board com- 33: air distribution key
puter) TEL (telephone) and NAV (navigation) function:

28: passenger compartment equivalent selecting the air distribution

temperature adjustment key
function: 34: air recirculation key

passenger compartment “equivalent tem- function:

perature” adjustment air recirculation on/off

29: fan speed adjustment key 35: demisting/defrosting key



FM reception parameters
Sensitivity (26 dB) ≤ 6 dBµV
S/N ratio (Signal/Noise) at 60 dBµV ≥ 60 dB
Limit level at –3 dB 7 dBµV
MW suppression at 16 dBµV ≥ 28 dB
MW suppression at 60 dBµV ≥ 50 dB
Selectivity ± 200 KHz ≥ 46 dB
Channel separation at 60 dBµV ≥ 36 dB
Frequency response 10 KHz
RDS sensitivity ≤ 24 dBµV

MW reception parameters

Sensitivity limited by noise at –10 dB 38 dBµV

S/N ratio (Signal/Noise) at 74 dBµV ≥ 45 dB
Loss of sensitivity at -–3 dB ≥ 90 dBµV
Quality at –10 dB 27 dBµV

Ouput (4x4 Ω; 13.2 V; k = 10%)
Ptyp 12 W
Pmin 10 W
Maximum noise tension measured at speaker output at reduced
volume 100 µV
Volume increments 1.5 dB
Balance + fader increments 1.5 dB
Bass + treble increments 1.5 dB
Interval in FM* frequency 20 Hz .. 10 KHz
Interval in MW* frequency 50 Hz .. 2.5 KHz
Interval in CC* frequency 50 Hz .. 16 KHz
Interval in CD* frequency 20 Hz .. 20 KHz
Interval in Telephone* frequency 250 Hz .. 3 KHz
Interval in Navigation system* frequency 20 Hz .. 10 KHz

* Measured at the highest volume with the loudness function deactivated

Cassette player**

Tape speed 4.76 cm/sec

Minimum tolerance: –
Maximum tolerance: –1% / +3%
S/N ratio (Noise/Signal) without Dolby ≥ 50 dB
S/N ratio (Noise/Signal) with Dolby ≥ 54 dB
Frequency response
Minimum 63 - 12500 Hz
Typical 50 - 16000 Hz
Channel separation ≥ 38 dB

** Values recorded with temperature 20° - 30° C

Viale Alfa Romeo 20020 Arese (MI) - Italia
Fiat Auto S.p.A.
Publication n° 60431359 - 1st Edition - 01/2004
Printed by Satiz - Turin (Italy)
All rights reserved. Reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited without
written permission from Fiat Auto S.p.A.
SERVICE Coordinamento Editoriale Satiz - Torino

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