Notice To Explain - For Absence Without Leave
Notice To Explain - For Absence Without Leave
Notice To Explain - For Absence Without Leave
This Notice to Explain is being issued to you in connection with your unexcused absences for the
period from April to May 2013, as follows:
[insert table]
The above unauthorized absences were done without giving prior notice to the Company, in violation
of the Company’s policy on attendance. These unexcused absences had adverse effects on the business
operations of the Company, as they hampered the smooth flow of the production during peak business
hours, causing undue hardship on your co-workers and direct head.
In light of the foregoing, you are hereby given FORTY EIGHT (48) HOURS from receipt of this
Notice to explain in writing why no disciplinary action should be taken against you. You are
further directed to report to the office on _____ at ______ for a conference where you may respond to
the charge and present evidence in your defense.