Exam of Witness
Exam of Witness
Exam of Witness
[G.R. No. L-48883. August 6, 1980.]
The petitioner filed with the court a motion praying for a
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioners, vs. ruling on the admissibility of the testimony of deceased
HON. ALBERTO V. SENERIS, As District Judge, Court of witness Mario. The respondent judge issued an order
First Instance, Branch II, Sixteenth Judicial District, declaring as inadmissible the entire testimony of the
Zamboanga City and PILLAR ANGELES DE PIMENTEL, deceased witness Mario on the principal ground that the
respondents. defense was not able to complete its cross examination of
said witness relying on the case of Ortigas v. Lufthansa.
FACTS: an information for parricide was charged to
respondent Pilar angeles as principal by inducement, ISSUE:
Mario Nemenio and Salim Doe as principals by direct 1. Whether or not respondent judge gravely abused its
participation and Moises Julkanain as accomplice, in the discretion in ruling as inadmissible the testimony of
fatal stabbing of Eduardo Pimentel, the lawful husband of prosecution witness Mario Nemenio.
private respondent. 2. Whether or not respondent’s judge full reliance on the
Lufthansa case can be sustained.
In this case, the accused Mario entered on arraignment a 3. Whether or not there is merit in the contention of the
plea of guilty. Respondent judge thereafter rendered a petitioner that the questioned testimony of the deceased
judgment convicting the accused Mario of murder. witness is admissible in evidence because the private
Immediately after promulgation of judgment, accused respondent counsel had already rigorously cross examined
Mario offered to testify against his co accused, herein Mario Nemenio.
private respondent, in her separate trial.
Allowed, he testified as prosecution witness and as 1. Yes.
summarized by the petitioner, his testimony on direct
examination contained that “he and Salim were HIRED by As a general rule, the testimony of a witness given on direct
respondent Pilar Angeles de Pimentel, for the examination should be stricken where there is not an
consideration fo P3,000 to kill Eduardo Pimentel, husband adequate opportunity for cross examination, as where the
of respondent Pilar in the latter’s residence in Zamboanga witness by reason of his death, illness or absence cannot
City. And that, it was respondent Pilar, who ACTUALLY be subjected to cross examination. The direct testimony of
pointed out the victim Eduardo to the witness Mario a witness who dies before conclusion of the cross
Nemenio who then stabbed the said victim to death. examination CAN be stricken only insofar as not covered
by the cross-examination and absence of a witness is NOT
After the prosecution had terminated the direct enough to warrant striking his testimony for failure to
examination of its witness Mario Nemenio, counsel for the appear for further cross examination where the witness has
private respondent moved for the holding in abeyance of already be sufficiently cross examined or the matter on
the cross examination of the said prosecution witness until which further cross examination is sought is not in
after he shall have furnished with the transcript of controversy.
stenographic notes. The same was granted by judge who
ordered the resumption of hearing on April 19, 1978. But On the other hand, when the cross-examination is not and
on said date the prosecution witness failed to appear cannot be done or completed due to CAUSE
because he was not served with a subpoena. ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE PARTY OFFERING THE
Consequently the hearing was reset for June 7. WITNESS, as was the situation in Lufthansa relied upon by
the respondent judge, the uncompleted testimony is
On June 7, counsel for private respondent commenced his hereby rendered incompetent and inadmissible in
cross examination of prosecution witness Mario, which evidence.
cross examination however was not completed for lack of
material time. Thus, the hearing was adjourned and Until such cross-examination has been finished, the
resumed on July 3. testimony of the witness cannot be considered as complete
and may not, therefore, be allowed to form part of the
According to the petition, the uncompleted cross evidence to be considered by the court in deciding the
examination reduced in f53 pages of transcript HAD case. HOWEVER, we likewise therein emphasized that
ALREADY TOUCHED ON THE CONSPIRACY existing where the right to cross-examine is LOST WHOLLY OR IN
among Salim Doe, Mario and respondent Pilar, to kill PART THROUGH THE FAULT OF THE CROSS
Eduardo Pimentel. EXAMINER, then the testimony on direct examination MAY
be taken into account. BUT when cross examination is not
Continuation of the cross examination was set for July 3, and cannot be done due to causes attributable to the party
however Mario was shot dead by the Police while allegedly offering the witness, the uncompleted testimony is thereby
escaping from the San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm in rendered incompetent.
Zamboanga City, where he was serving his sentence. The
Further, where the death or illness prevents cross already substantially accomplished the purpose of the
examination under such circumstances that no cross examination and therefore, the failure to pursue
responsibility of any sort can be attributable to EITHER the further the cross examination WOULD NOT adversely
witness of his party, it seems harsh measure to strike out affect the admissibility of the direct testimony of said
all that has been obtained on direct examination. witness anymore.
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the court a quo is hereby
AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION that the indemnity to
be paid by accused-appellant Winston de Guzman is
increased to P50,000.00 in accordance with the present
case law thereon.