Tenchijinbukiwaza PDF
Tenchijinbukiwaza PDF
Tenchijinbukiwaza PDF
[Written by Brian Lassen with. Material collected mainly from Ten Chi Jin videos of Shihan Arnaud Cousergue, seminars, literature
and personal training experience and current understanding. Thanks to instructors for inspiration and students who helped during
the development and editing. As always, reading may serve as guide but never replace the understanding otraining.]
Kamae should be a position that allows the body to be strong, protected, and easy to move in all
directions. The body should be able to move around a straight spine.
Kamae has 3 positions, depending on the distance: Koppo, Koshi, and Ninpo. Koppo is the
closest, 50:50 balance of legs. Kosh:i 25:75%, and Ninpo: 0:100.
Fudo ken (Kongo ken) - Shuto ken (Shiten ken) - Boshi ken (Shito ken) - finger
clenched fist (9th) waiking up rolling strike (9th) sword (9th)
Shikan ken - extended ken - thumb knuckle fist (7th) Happa ken - eight leaves
knucke fist (9th) strike (7th)
ken - claw strike Shitan ken - finger needle Shishin ken - fingertip strike
strike (9th)
Kikaku ken (Zu Tsuki) - Soku Yaku - toe strike (8th) Soku Gyaku - heel strike
demon horn strike (7th) (8th)
Sokki ken - waiking up the Shuki ken - waiking up the Tai ken - body “fist”
knee strike (8th) arm strike (8th)
Chi no Kata
Tori: Shoshin no Kamae, Uke: Shoshin no Kamae
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps back and inside of the attack (45 degrees) lowering the right hand to hip level. Left
Jodan Uke leaving the hand pointing at Ukes eyes. Move forward and straight in with a Shitan
Ken to stomach as a swinging motion (like bowling).
Understanding: Chi no Kata is learning to move on the line of the attack. Careful not to leave an
opening with the left hand when moving in to strike. The feeling is that of foundation and
Sui no Kata
Tori: Shoshin no Kamae, Uke: Shoshin no Kamae
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps back and inside of the attack (45 degrees) lowering the right hand to prepare for
blocking. Left Jodan Uke that is to bring Ukes arm back and over to take balance backwards. At
the end of Jodan Uke assume a Doko no Kamae. Step into Uke as a half circle and hit with a
Omote Shuto to neck, hitting down and forward.
Understanding: Sui no Kata is learning to move around the line of the attack on the inside. The
movement is that of a half circle when stepping in to strike. The feeling is that of flow.
Ka no Kata
Tori: Shoshin no Kamae, Uke: Shoshin no Kamae
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps back and inside of the attack (45 degrees, placing left foot on the outside of the line of
attack) lowering the right hand to prepare for blocking. Left Jodan Uke that is to bring Ukes arm
back and over to take balance backwards. At the end of Jodan Uke assume a Doko no Kamae
that place the hand between Toris head and Uke. Step in with right leg and to Ukes outside
delivering a Ura Shuto to neck.
Understanding: Ka no Kata is learning to move around the line of attack on the outside. The
movement is that of a triangle when moving in to strike (movement of legs). The feeling is that of
intention – short and to the point.
Fu no Kata
Tori: Shoshin no Kamae, Uke: Shoshin no Kamae
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to stomach
Tori steps back and inside (45 degrees) to avoid the attack keeping the Ichimonji no Kamae.
Block with left Gedan Uke to Ukes arm and keep the hand between Tori and Uke after the
block. Move in with right leg to deliver a Boshi Ken that aims at the groint but comes from below
and continues up in one motion.
Understanding: Fu no Kata is learning to move from down and up. The movement is that of a
line upwards. The feeling is that of freedom to move in all directions at any time, but at this level
deliver the attack as if wind was pushing from behind and gives speed when the body turns
towards Uke.
Ku no Kata
Tori: Shoshin no Kamae, Uke: Shoshin no Kamae
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to stomach
Tori steps back and inside (45 degrees) to avoid the attack keeping going into Seigan no
Kamae. Block with left Gedan Uke. Move the right hand up in a waving motion between Tori and
Uke in the direction of Ukes face (direction is diagonal up over Ukes eyes to take the balance
that direction). Breaking Ukes balance, lift right leg up and forward into a Soku Gyaku Ken
(stomp kick) to Ukes stomach.
Understanding: Ku no Kata is learning to attack from above and down. The movement is that of
a line up to down. The feeling is that of emptiness (presence and absolute freedom of
movement). The movement of the hand should match the speed of Ukes attack and delivered
with intention that will be percieved as real threat (and is, if ignored). The kick is a kick but can
also be delivered as a step aimed at the hip, knee, or ancle to take down. The timing of lifting
the hand and the kick should be like if there was a rubber band between the hand and the leg
(short delay).
Sui no Kata
Tori: Ichimonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps back and inside of the attack (45 degrees) and deliver a left Jodan Uke while
assuming Doko no Kamae directly. From this position step immediately into Uke as a half circle
and hit with a Omote Shuto to neck, hitting down and forward.
Understanding: At this level the focus is on getting a flow into the movement.
Ka no Kata
Tori: Ichimonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps back and inside of the attack (45 degrees, placing left foot on the outside of the line of
attack) performing a Jodan Uke while assuming Doko no Kamae, and step in with right leg and
to Ukes outside delivering a Ura Shuto to neck.
Understanding: At this level the intention of the movement becomes like a counter attack. Use
elbow to control Uke as you step in.
Fu no Kata
Tori: Ichimonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to stomach
Tori steps back and inside (45 degrees) and block with left Gedan Uke to Ukes arm (absorbing
it) and at the end of the absorbtion move in with right leg to deliver a Boshi Ken that aims at the
groint but comes from below and continues up in one motion.
Understanding: At this level the aim is to suck in Uke to the space where the surprising attack
comes from below.
Ku no Kata
Tori: Ichimonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to stomach
Tori steps back and inside (45 degrees) to avoid the attack keeping going into Seigan no
Kamae. Block with left Gedan Uke and move the right hand up high in the direction of up and
over Uke while leaning into the movement (direction is diagonal up over Ukes eyes to take the
balance that direction). Breaking Ukes balance, lift right leg up and forward into a Soku Gyaku
Ken (stomp kick) to Ukes stomach.
Understanding: At this level more effort is put into using the whole body in creating the effect of
“taking” Uke (meaning mind, power, control) with ones own movement (the void = nothing and
everything at the same time).
Chi no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori steps directly back in to Seigan no Kamae, absorbing the attack. Move forward and straight
in with a Shitan Ken to stomach as a swinging motion (like bowling).
Understanding: At this level moving on the line becomes apparent.
Sui no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori shifts the balance to the inside of the attack by shifting the hips sideways (towards inside)
and steps back and inside of the attack (more on the line of the attack) by stepping down in a
deep wide sideways Shizen no Kamae. Left Jodan Uke that uses the legs to apply power to the
block that aims at Jakkin and enter directly into Doko no Kamae. Step into Uke as a half circle
and hit with a Omote Shuto to neck, hitting down and forward.
Understanding: The power of the shifting of Kamaes and legs should become apparent.
Ka no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Tori shifts the balance to the inside of the attack by shifting the hips sideways (towards inside)
and steps back and inside of the attack (more on the line of the attack) by stepping down in a
deep wide sideways Shizen no Kamae. Left Jodan Uke that uses the legs to apply power to the
block aiming at the writst level and enter directly into Doko no Kamae.
Understanding: At this level the breaking and entering should feel like an overpowerment.
Fu no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to stomach
Tori shifts the balance to the inside of the attack by shifting the hips sideways (towards outside)
and steps back and outside of the line of attack (ending up on the outside) and enter a left
Seigan no Kamae with the left arm over Ukes attacking arm. Using legs, circle the arm inside,
under and up, to lift Ukes arm and expose ribs. Move in with right leg to deliver a Boshi Ken to
Understanding: At his level the movement is used to break Ukes defence and deliver an attack
from a weak and blind angle.
Ku no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Soku Gyaku (stomp kick) to stomach
Tori turns sideways (inside) and back with right leg while making a Gedan Uke with a flat hand
that adsorb the kick and deflect it to the outside of the front leg. Turn upper body towards Uke
and lift hand from behind the body and up. Lift right leg up and forward into a Soku Gyaku Ken
(stomp kick) to Ukes stomach.
Understanding: The parrying hand and the raised hand makes an simultainous and opposite
effect in Ukes mind if timed correctly.
Jumonji no Kamae
Tori: Jumonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Toris balance is forward (straight back). As strike comes Tori shifts balance to the back leg and
turns sideways to evade. Left Jodan Uke that opens Ukes side. Tori leans forward and into a
Boshi Ken to Butsumetsu with the left hand. Tori steps back with left leg and assumes right
Jumonji no Kamae.
Hicho no Kamae
Tori: Hicho, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to ribs
As hit comes, Tori deflects the attack by sitting down and doing a Gedan Uke without moving
from the line of attack. Left Soku Yaku Ken to the ribs or stomach. Put kicking foot down close
to right foot. Step forward on right leg and hit with right Shuto Ken to neck.
Understanding: The Gedan Uke moves the attack by turning towards Uke with the upper body
(from sideways in Hicho).
Jumonji no Kamae
Tori: Jumonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Toris Jumonji no Kamae is a bit more open (towards an Ichimonji no Kamae). The attack is
adsorbed and deflected in the same movement when moving balance back. In the same
movement the balance is put forward and delivering a left Boshi Ken to Butsumetsu.
Understanding: Movement is like parrying and thrusting in fencing. To increase accuracy of
Boshi Ken Tori can follow the arm into the armpit when moving forward.
Hicho no Kamae
Tori: Hicho, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to ribs
Toris Hicho looks like Ichimonji no Kamae but the difference is that the balance is on the back
leg, and the front left leg is only lightly on the ground. As hit comes, Tori adsorb and deflects the
attack by shuffling a little backwards and pulling the front leg closer. Keeping the contact to the
striking hand with left hand the front leg is lifted into a left Soku Yaku Ken to the ribs or stomach
and stepping forward with right leg to deliver right Shuto Ken to neck.
Understanding: The movement pull Uke close to deliver a kick. The Hicho is disguised as a
Ichimonji to give the illusion of being closer.
Kihon Happo, Sanpo – Advanced (3rd - 1st)
Ichimonji no Kamae
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
As soon as strike comes, Tori steps forward in with a right Omote Shuto Ken to the neck.
Understanding: From Shizen lift the arms up directly into a Hoko no Kamae and continue into
the Shuto.
Jumonji no Kamae
Tori: Jumonji, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to face
Toris opens the Jumonji no Kamae and catches Ukes striking arm while stepping to Ukes
outside (breaking balance) and delivering a left Boshi Ken to Butsumetsu.
Understanding: Movement outside takes more of balance. When opening the kamae from
Jumonji and deflecting the arm, remember to point at Ukes face to take back the balance.
Hicho no Kamae
Tori: Hicho, Uke: Ichimonji
Attack: 1 right Tsuki (hit) to ribs
Toris adsorb the attack by taking the and with left hand and turning sideways. Keeping the
contact to the striking hand with left hand the front leg is lifted into a left Soku Yaku Ken to the
chin and stepping forward with right leg to deliver right Shuto Ken to neck.
Understanding: The movement pull Uke close to deliver a kick.
Ura Gyaku
Muso Dori
Nage Waza
Ganseki Otoshi (7th)
Hane Goshi (7th)
Ryu Sui Iki
In these movements Ukemi is used as attacks.
Keri Gaeshi
Renyo (?th) - Giving a Ride (Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu - Jo Ryaku no Maki)
Gyaku Nagare aka Saka Nagare (?th) - Opposite Flow (Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu -
Jo Ryaku no Maki)
Yume Makura (?th) - Dream Pillow (Kukishinden Ryu Dakentaijutsu - Sabaki Kata)
Kasa Sagi (?th) - Magpie (Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu - Chuden no Tai no Kata)
Gyaku Nagare aka Saka Nagare (?th) - False/Water Bucket (Gyokko Ryu
Koshijutsu - Chu Ryaku no Maki)
Fudo [Motionless]
Uke grabs with left. Grab wrist with right hand. Sink down, to bend the wrist against the shoulder
and stand up doing a Take Ori movement. Grab Ukes shoulder with left hand, and pull down
while stepping back with left leg (create a space, O Gyaku-kind of movement).
Tengu Dori
Tori is making a double grab on Uke. Uke is applying double Koppo Ken to the neck. Tori lets
go of Uke and does double Happa ken to ears and proceeds to jam thumbs in to nose (hint from
"Tengu" which had a big nose) and take uke down.
Ryote Gake
Uke does a dobule stangulation. Tori sinks down (making strangulation harder) and then push
with both hands on Ukes elbows up to break balance. Then Tori switch the movement to push
with one hand on elbow and the other pull down while turning to the side pulling down to throw.
Double grab by Uke. Tori does double Boshi ken to neck in an upward movement (usually
release the grab). Jump kick to the Ryomen.
Following the movements of Uke after a double grab (pushing – don't resist but go with a Fudo
ken, pulling – don't resist but kick).
Buki Waza
Tanto (5th)
Jumonji no Kamae
Shizen no Kamae Feet: Like in classic Shizen
Feet: Like in classic Shizen no Kamae Hands: crossed loosely like classic Jumonji
Hands: along the side of the body no Kame
Tanto: at the side of the body, blade behind Tanto: either held visible in the hand, or
leg to conceal it. concealed behind the front hand.
Sui no Kata
Tori: Jumonji, Uke: Right strike (Migi Tsuki) from Shizen
Step sideways to the inside and block with left hand. Swing the Tanto up into a Doko no Kamae
and into a strike to the neck while stepping into Uke.
Ka no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Right strike (Migi Tsuki) from Shizen
Step sideways on the outside of the strike (hand passing head, control hand with left) and step
sideways while striking the Tanto to the neck.
Fu no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Right strike (Migi Tsuki) from Shizen
Uke steps diagonally back behind himself with the right leg, and end standing diagonally to Uke
on the outside of the strike. Rotating the striking hand with the blocking hand to the outside the
balance is broken and the side open for an attack. Step into Uke stabbing the Tanto from down
and up (like gutting, belly to neck).
Understanding: Movement as Fu no Kata advanced level.
Ku no Kata
Tori: Shizen, Uke: Right strike (Migi Tsuki) from Shizen
Step sideways to the inside and block with left hand while lifting the Tanto up for Uke to see.
Shift balance forward on left leg and bring Tanto towards Ukes face. Lift right leg and attack with
stomp kick (Soku Gyaku) to stomach.
Understanding: Move Tanto in the same speed as the attack to take Ukes attention. When
bringing weapon forward, aim at the forehead (the eyes or lower will make Uke bend forward,
not backwards). Do not look at the weapon!
Kunai (5th)
Sayu Shizen no Kamae Jumonji no Kamae
Tori: Daijojan no Kamae, Uke: Kagate no Jump to the side and protect shoulder with kunai
Tori: Daijojan no Kamae, Uke: Seigan no As soon as attack comes, move straight (switching
Kamae balance to right leg) in with kunai towards ukes
eyes while moving to the side (to break ukes
Keep eye contact and kunai pointing at eyes.
movement). Grab wrist with left hand, control arm.
Step in to break balance Uchimata (kicking back at leg while throwing)
Tori: Daijojan no Kamae, Uke: Mizu tori no Lure uke to your left by switching balance onto left
Kamae leg. Keep balance forward on toes, ready to jump
As cut comes move balance from left to the right Stab into ukes at the breast bone level extending
while jumping forward. [feeling like running from a arms. Keep head down.
jump start]
As the cut comes step to the left to avoid the cut Flip the kunai sideways with the wrist to hit the
(keep in the kamae ready to be able to block the hands while stepping in, and continue directly to
cut with the kunai as in Hicho no Ken). hit to the face (next picture).
Tori: Daijojan no Kamae, Uke: Ichi no Kamae Step in before the sword comes down and block it
at the handle. [anchor your kamae pendicular on
the block]
Breaking the line of the block by stepping to the Kick (Soku Gyaku) under the arms to the stomach
left, flip the kunai to the right and control the (Suzu).
Hanbo jutsu
Naname Ushiro Omote Waki Uchi
Naname Mae Ura Waki Uchi
Naname Mae Omote Waki Uchi
Mawashi Kote Uchi Omote
Mawashi Kote Uchi Ura
Kote Uchi Omote
Kote Uchi Ura
Katate Tsuki
Hanbo no furi
Katate Furi
Hachimonji Buri
Hanbo no jutsu no Waza
Kyokotsu Kudaki
Hon Gyaku Dori
Omote Gyaku Dori
Ura Gyaku Dori
Take Ori
Tsuki Iri
Koshi Ori
Tori: Tate no Kamae Uke: grabs Toris right hand with his left
Tori moves right foot back and place hanbo Turn with the whole body to the left holding
on the outside of Ukes wrist. Grab hanbo with the wrist tightly (tip: lift hanbo upwards to turn
left hand over the wrist, lift the hanbo up to wrist). When turned go down on left knee to
turn the wrist (Ukes fingers up), and lock wrist take Uke down.
to body.
Detail of how to alternatively locking the wrist.
Tori: Hira Ichimonji no Kamae, Uke: attacks Tori: steps to the side with left leg (out of
with Shoto tsuki range of Kodashi)
Tori: rotating wrist and lowering balance hit Tori: slide right hand to the end of the stick.
the kodashi downwards close to the hand
(attempt to disarm)
Tori apply the hanbo between arm and ribs Turn Ukes fingers upwards by twisting wrist
(imagine hitting upwards) and grab Ukes right (turns elbow up) and apply hanbo on arm
wrist with right hand. below elbow joint and tip of hanbo at thigh.
Shoden no Kata
Roppo (Gedan Nagashi)
Tsuki Iri
Ude Gake
Kote Gaeshi
Tashi Otoshi
Bo Jutsu (3rd)
General: Keep a loose grip to allow the Bo to move quickly and agile in the hands. Only tense
upon impact.
Note: positioning of hands described by orientation of thumbs.
- Feet: , Hands: , Bo:
Feet: Sideways like in classic Ichimonji
Hands: in middle of Bo thumbs facing each
Bo: held over head front end pointing
Chudan Feet: like in Jumonji no Kamae
Feet: Sideways like in classic Ichimonji Hands: Held at ⅓ of the stick from the end.
Hands: in middle of Bo both thumbs forward Keep the back hand close to the hip.
Bo: held at elbow height parallel with the Bo: Pointing backwards (hide true length)
Hira Ichimonji - Feet: , Hands: , Bo: Ihen
Bo no Uchi
Age Uchi
Kasumi Uchi
Tento Uchi
Do Uchi
Ashi Barai
Kote Uchi
Toki Uchi
Men Uchi
Sune Uchi
Yoko Men Uchi
Tsuki Guakute
Hane Age
Kihon Gata
Keiko Sabaki Gata
Tori: Bo, Hira Ichimonji, Uke: Bokken, Seigan
Ura Goho
Sashi Ai
Fune Bari
Tsuru no Hito Ashi
Ura Issoku (3rd)
Tori: Bo, Migi Gedan, Uke: Bokken, Seigan
Tori puts right foot forward to hit with right Ashi Barai to Ukes left leg.
Letting go with the back hand (left), keeping the Bo between Tori and Uke, Tori takes a left step
forward to hit with Ashi Barai from the left.
From the same position Tori lifts the Bo over the head and hit with Men Uchi (half turn).
Repeat the 3 strikes starting from right Ashi Barai. When ending with the Men Uchi, pull the staff
back and do a Tsuki to the head.
Understanding: The repeats of the movements can be understood as to create a rhythm that
cheats Uke. Attacking low and high, and side to side is another way of moving the defences.
The final move (Men Uchi) may be a flow directly into the Tsuki (pulling it before it is actually
Biken Jutsu (2nd)
Gedan no Kamae
Hasso no Kamae
Nuki Katana
Happo Kiri
Note: There are many sword schools and thus many styles. There are variations in what is
being shown depending on school (Ryu) being taught and the view of the instructor. Movements
and attack points change depend on whether your train as if in armor (Yoroi) or not.
Holding bokken:
Defense: The Japanese sword was not used with a shield. The shield is the tsuba (the parrying
disc at the handle) and the kamae.
Ukemi Gata
Kesa Kiri
Do Kiri
Kiri Age
Tento Kiri
Tsuki Komi
Sayu Gyaku
Tsuki Kake
Sanjigen no Sekai
Kiri Age
Kiria Sage
Kocho Gaeshi
Tsuki No Wa
Note/interpretation: This movement is very much like a Jodan Uke. The distance of the thrust
with the left hand would logically be at a distance where Tori can stab Uke, but Uke can not
reach Tori. The sword can be turned to block Ukeshands from moving towards Tori (picture), or
if moving close the elbow.
Yari Jutsu
Tsuki no Waza
Yari no Aruki
Kasumi Uchi
Suwari Uchi
Yari no Waza
Shoden no Kata
Shiho Waza
Hicho Haku
Hitotsuki Yaku
Ichu Santo
Tenchi Kaku