Praktikum Bab Karakteristik LED Dan Laser Diode

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Characteristic of LED and Laser Diode

1. Aim

In this experiment, students are expected to carry out standard characterisation of

LEDs and a laser diode. The objectives of the experiment are to determine the
1. The luminous intensity, beam angle (I, ϴ) of varying LED and laser diode
2. The FWHM ( Full width at half maximum) of all the graphs (I, ϴ)
3. I-V characteristics of the device
4. Light-current (L-I) and light-voltage (L-V) characteristics

Brief guidelines on the principle of the experimental procedure are given. However,
students are expected to perform the experiment on their own. Prior knowledge on
how to use the oscilloscope and function generator is essential
2. Equipment

1. LED (red, green, yellow, blue), laser diode

2. Photodiode,
3. Power Supply,
4. Fotometer (OS-9152B)
5. Cable
6. Power supply stabilator

3. Theory

Semiconductors (typically direct band-gap semiconductors) can be used as small,

highly efficient photon sources. Such semiconductor photon sources find application in
displays, optical storage, communications, printing, surveying, and as small efficient
optical pumps for other optical processes. Semiconductor photon sources come in two
major categories -- laser diodes and light-emitting diodes. Although both photon
sources are fundamentally the same (in other words, a failed laser diode is an LED);
application-based manufacturing differences mean that laser diode and LED products
are constructed in fundamentally different ways -- and so possess fundamentally
different optical properties.

Semiconductor photon sources can be "pumped" by a variety of techniques. These

include pumping with another optical source (photopumping), pumping with an electron
beam, or pumping via a pn-junction. However, the most common technique is via a pn-
junction. Consider the energy band diagram for a simple pn-junction intended for use in

a semiconductor photon source. Initially, one side of the junction is heavily doped n and
the other side is heavily doped p. In general, both materials are doped degenerately
(meaning that the quasi-Fermi level is above the bandedge).

When a positive voltage is applied to the p-region and a negative voltage is applied
to the n-region, then the diode is forward biased. The quasi-Fermi levels will misalign
by the value of the applied voltage. Under the influence of the forward bias, the holes
will drift to the n-region and the electrons will drift into the p-region. The holes and
electrons are now spatially coincident -- and hole-electron recombination can occur.
The electrically pumped diodes consist of a pn layer/junction, which gives a
characteristic curve as shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1: I-V characteristic of a diode

The diode current is given by

I (V )  I o (eeV / kBT  1)
This equation, called the diode equation, gives the current through a p-n junction under
forward (V>0) and reverse bias (V<0). Under reverse bias, the current simply goes
towards the value (-I0). Under forward bias the current increases exponentially with the
applied forward bias. Vth is the turn on voltage for the diode.
Semiconductor lasers are the most basic of the existing laser types. In their
simplest form they consist of a small rectangular slab of semiconductor material with
two cleaved facets to act as mirrors. The other facets are destroyed in some way (etched,
ground, sawn or ion implanted) in order to avoid spurious laser modes.
Semiconductor lasers are quite different from conventional lasers. In particular

1. The gain of the laser material is very high and is generated by a population
inversion between the conduction and valence bands of the semiconductors. In
some sense, a semiconductor laser is a two-state laser system.
2. Since the electromagnetic mode is on the order of the size of the laser device,
then the transverse mode of the semiconductor laser is quite different from that
of a conventional laser. In particular, the beam is not Gaussian, the beam
profile tends to be elliptical, and the beam divergence tends to be large.
3. Laser light is strongly polarised, while LED light is not.

Experimental Setup:
The experimental setup and the circuit diagram for the LEDs/laser diode is shown in
Fig. 2

Power supply


(a) (b)

Figure. 2: Schematic diagram (a) of the luminous intensity and angle of LED
characteristic (b) of the Light-Current characteristic and Current-Voltage characteristic
experiment setup.

Experimental Guidelines:
Section One.
A. The luminous intensity and beam angle of LED
1. The experimental setup is assembled as shown in Fig. 2a. The LED is
powered with the DC power supply stabilator and the detector output is
monitored from the photometer
2. Measurement of the intensity as a function of the angle between the LED (red)
and the photometer detector can be done in Figure 2(a) above. Determine the
intensity at 00 angle, then to rotated the angular translator angle to the right at
5 °and record the intensity of the beam transmitted by the detector. Turn
rotation up to an angle of 1800 and record the intensity as a function of
different angles. Measure as above for the left rotation.
3. Measure as above for other LEDs (green, yellow, blue) and Laser diode

Section Two
This section contains questions that require the students to examine and evaluate their
results following the steps performed in Section One.
1. How is the graph between I vs θ for the both ( varying LED and Laser diode )
experiment above
2. Determine the FWHM ( Full width at half maximum) area of all graphs
3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the results
from the laser diode and the varying LEDs.
4. Compare between the FWHM results from the laser diode and the varying

B. Light-Current (L-I) and Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics

Section One.
The experimental setup is assembled as shown in Fig. 2b. The laser diode is powered
with the DC power supply and the detector output is monitored from the power meter.
Ensure that the laser diode is powered with a suitable operating voltage. The optical
source and the detector need to be properly aligned to ensure that maximum light hits
the detector for optimum performance.
Using the oscilloscope and the power meter, measure and record the light output
intensity, the apply voltage Va, the voltage dropped across the 50 ohm resistor Vr and
the voltage dropped across the sample which is Vs=Va-Vr. Plot the I-V and L-I
characteristics of the laser diode. The experiment is repeated for the
red/infrared/white/blue LEDs (choose any two LEDs).

Section Two
This section contains questions that require the students to examine and evaluate their
results following the steps performed in Section One.
1. How do you know it is a 50-ohm resistor in the circuit for the LEDs/laser diode?
2. Evaluate the threshold voltage for LED/Laser and the threshold current for the laser
3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the results from the
laser diode and the varying LEDs.

Referensi :
1. Guenther R.D, (1990), Modern Optics, John Wiley & Sons, New York,Chapter 3.
2. Jenkins F.A and White H.E. (1976), Fundementals of optics, Mcgraw Hill
Kogakusha, Tokyo, Chapter 25

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