Family Law - 2

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Family Law – II

Semester III
July-December 2016

A. Hindu Law
Module I Adoption and Maintenance
1. Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act,1956
2. Requisites of a Valid Adoption
3. Right to Maintenance
4. Persons obliged to maintain
Module II- Joint Family and Coparcenary
A. Hindu Coparcenary
1. Formation of Coparcenary – Under Mitakshara and Dayabhaga
2. Coparcenary and Joint Family – Distinction
3. Characteristic Features of Coparcenary
4. Rights of coparceners
5. Coparcener within coparcenary
6. Karta: Legal position, Responsibilities/liabilities and Powers
B. Classification of property
1. Obstructed and unobstructed property
2. Joint family property
3. Separate or Self-acquired Property or Absolute Property
4. Coparcenary Property and its Acquisition
C. Alienation of Coparcenary property
1. Who may alienate Coparcenary Property?
2. Alienation by sole surviving coparcener
3. Alienation by Father and Manager of Coparcenary Property
a) Legal necessity
b) Benefit of estate
c) Performance of Religious and Indispensable duties
4. Burden of proof of necessity

5. Coparcener’s power of Alienations
a) Involuntary Alienations
b) Voluntary Alienations
6. Coparcener’s Right to challenge Alienations
Module III- Partition and Reunion
A. Meaning of partition: Under Mitakshara and Dayabhaga
B. What property is Divisible on partition?
1. Subject matter of partition
2. Property available for partition
3. Property not capable of division
C. Persons entitled to claim partition
D. Person entitled to a share on partition
E. Partition how effected or kinds of partition
a. What is partial partition
b. Partial Partition as to property
c. Partial partition as to persons
d. Effect of partial partition
C. Re-opening of partition
D. Re- Union
a. Who may reunite
b. Effect of reunion
Module- IV- The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
A. Intestate Succession
B. Succession to a Hindu Male
1. Heirs of a Hindu Male
2. Class I Heirs and their Shares
3. Class II Heirs and their Shares
4. Agnates and cognates

C. Succession to property of a Hindu Female

5. Property inherited from Father or Mother
6. Property inherited from Husband or Father in Law
D. General rules of Succession
7. Full-blood preferred to half-blood
8. Mode of succession of two or more heirs
9. Right of child in womb
10. Disqualifications

B. Muslim Law
Module I – Maintenance (Nafaqa)
1. Maintenance
2. Persons entitled to maintenance
a) wife b) children c) aged/infirm parents
3. Persons obliged to maintain
4. Maintenance of divorced women
5. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
Module II– Hiba (Gifts)
1. Definition of Hiba
2. Capactiy to make Hiba
3. Essentials of Hiba
4. Subject matter of Hiba
5. Revocation of Gifts
Module – III -Wills
1. Capacity to make a will
2. Formalities for making a will
3. Subject matter of will
4. Limitations on the power of legator to make will
5. Doctrine of Marz – ul - maut
6. Revocation of the wills

Module IV- Sunni & Shia law of Inheritance

1. General Principles
2. Competence to inherit
3. Classes of heirs
4. Miscellaneous rules
General Bibliography
1. A.A.A. Fyzee, Outline of Muhammadan Law
2. Family Law in India by G.C.V. Subba Rao
3. Modern Hindu Law by Dr. U. P. D. Kesari
4. Mayne’s Hindu law
5. Hindu law by Mulla
6. Lexis Nexis “Family Law II” 3rd Edition, 2013
7. Ahmed Aqil, Textbook of Mohammedan Law”, 24th Ed. 2013, Central Law
8. Singh Kumar Rakesh, “Textbook on Muslim Law”, 1st Ed, 2011, Universal Law
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