Experiment 9
Experiment 9
Experiment 9
Cabaña, Maria Laica
Dimaano, Sheridan
Saldon, Precious
Delos Reyes, Dominic
Dimayacyac, Justin
Gavilan, John Andre
Submitted to:
Dayle Daniel Sorveto
Urinalysis was the first laboratory test performed in medicine and has been used for several thousand years. Today
urinalysis continues to be a powerful tool in obtaining crucial information for diagnostic purposes in medicine. Urine is
an unstable fluid, and changes to its composition begin to take place as soon as it is voided. As such, collection,
storage, and handling are important issues in maintaining the integrity of this specimen. In the laboratory, urine can
be characterized by physical appearance, chemical composition, and microscopically. Physical examination of urine
includes description of color, odor, clarity, volume, and specific gravity. Chemical examination of urine includes the
identification of protein, blood cells, glucose, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies, nitrites, and leukocyte
esterase. Finally, microscopic examination entails the detection of crystals, cells, casts, and microorganisms.
I. Introduction pH paper
10-mL graduated cylinder
Urinalysis includes description of color, odor, clarity, Hot Plate
volume, and specific gravity. Chemical examination of 400-mL beaker
urine includes the identification of protein, blood cells,
glucose, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies,
nitrites, and leukocyte esterase. REAGENTS
5% NaOH Bromine Water
The major function of the urinary system is to remove Saturated Pieric Acid 5% NaOH
waster products from out bodies and help regulate the Conc. NH4OH Conc. HNO3
volume and composition of blood by the production 5% Sodium Nitropusside
and excretion of urine. The composition of urine can
vary greatly and constantly fluctuates with dietary
intake (food and water) and metabolic activity. Urine
consists mostly of water with various organic and
Obtain a urine container from the hospital.
inorganic substances such as urea acid, creatine
As you start to urinate, let some urine fall
sodium chloride, ammonia, sulfates, and phosphates
into the toiler, then collect about 50-mL of
as its principal ingredients. A clinical examination of
urine in the container provided. Analysis of
urine can provide a convenient, cost effective and
urine should be done within an hour after
non-invasive means of assessing kidney function and
the collection
providing and overall assessment of our body’s
Typically, a complete urinalysis involves an
examination of the physical characteristics of urine, a A. Collection of Urine Sample
chemical analysis and a microscopic examination of
urine sediment. Urine should be collected in a clean
container, stored in a cool place, and tested as soon The color of normal urine is usually light
as possible. In this experiment, physical and chemical yellow to amber. The yellow color of urine
evaluations of urine sample will be conducted. is due to the yellow pigment, urochrome.
4. pH
2. Uric Acid
The last test was for determining phosphate in the Sodium: Barrter Syndrome
sample. Ammonium hydroxide reacts with a sufficient Potassium: Hyperkalemia
concentration of phosphate ions, forming a
precipitate. Indicating the presence of phosphate. Creatinine: Glomerulonephritis
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