6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress PDF

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For Progress in Mathematics Grades 3-6









A Division of William H.
Sadlier, Inc.
New York, NY 10005- SGT 1

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Introduction At www.progressinmathematics.com,
you will find a lot of technology resources that you can use at
home, and your teacher may make them available when you are
at school.

Technology Resources:

From A to Z Find the meanings and hear the pronunciations
of math words and phrases.


Tutorials Watch and listen to these animated math lessons.

Manipulatives Practice and model math concepts with
virtual manipulatives.

Problem of the Day Tackle a new problem every day!
Skills Update Review your skills with Lesson and
Practice pages.
Math Minutes Race against the clock with timed activities!
Practice Activities Practice makes perfect with these
fun activities!
Vocabulary Activities Review your math vocabulary while
playing Hangman or Word Scramble.

Activities Challenge yourself with these interactive activities.


Take-Home Activities Share your
math experience at home!


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Click From A to Z.
If you are not sure what a certain word means or how
to pronounce it, use your online Audio Glossary. The
glossary is easy to use. Just choose your grade level
and the first letter of the term you want to review.


Grade home Glossary home

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1 Choose the first

letter of a term you
3 Listen as
want to review. the glossary
the word.
2 Click on
the term.



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Click Tutorials.
If there is a skill or concept
that you need help with or do
not understand, review the
animated Alternative Teaching
Models (there are 2 for each
chapter). Each Alternative
Teaching Model gives a step-
by-step explanation of one of
the skills or concepts in the
Red Team
Blue Team
Green Team

Red Team
Blue Team


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Click Manipulatives.
Virtual Manipulatives are
visual models that you
can actually move or
manipulate to show what
is happening. You can
use these tools to build
numbers, rotate shapes,
and even jump on a
number line.
Select your grade and the
chapter you are working
on. The manipulatives
that are listed will be
ones that you can use to GRADE 6
visualize the concepts of
the chapter. www.progressinmathematics.com



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PRACTICE www.progressinmathematics.com

Click Practice Activities. www.progressinmathematics.com

There is an interactive activity for
each chapter in your textbook.
The activity practices the most
important skills of the chapter.
Use the activity while you are
learning the skills, or come back
to it later to review.

Click Math Minutes.

You can practice your basic facts
as well as compute with larger
numbers to see how accurately
you can compute if you are given
a time limit.

Click Vocabulary Activities.

In each chapter, you will be
learning new math terms that GRADE 4

you will need to know. A good

way to review these terms is to www.progressinmathematics.com

play either the Hangman game

or Word Scramble in your online
vocabulary activities.


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Click Problem of the Day.*

Sharpen your problem-
solving skills every day.
Print and solve one
problem each day!
Name Date

Count by 2s, 5s, 10s

Click Skills Update.* Count by 2s.

1. 12, ______, 16 ______,
______, 18 20, ______,
22 24
______, 26
______, 28
Print Skills Update lessons 17
2. 15, ______, 19 ______,
______, 21 23, ______,
25 27
______, 29
______, 31

and practice pages to review Count by 5s.

3. 15, ______, 30
25, ______, 35
______, 40
______, 45
______, 50
______, 55
previously taught math skills 35
4. 30, ______, 45
40, ______, 50
______, 55
______, 60
______, 65
______, 70

and concepts. Count by 10s.

5. 10, ______, 30
______, 40
______, 50
______, 60 ______,
______, 70 80
______, 90

6. 20, ______, 40
______, 50
______, 60
______, 70 ______,
______, 80 90
______, 100

Write the missing numbers.

7. 10, 12, 14, ______, 18 20
______, 28 30, ______
8. 22, 24, 26, ______, 32


ENRICHMENT www.progressinmathematics.com
Click Activities.
The Enrichment activities
online are topics that go
beyond what you are learning
in class.
Each activity starts with a page
that explains the concept and
then gives you time to practice
the concept.

*Whiteboard projectable only.

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Click Take-Home Activities. www.progressinmathematics.com
Keep your family involved in
what you are learning. For Dear Family, will learn about place value. Let’s do
Today our class began Chapter 1. We to
review the skills I will need in order
each chapter, there are two the activity below together so I can
understand the math in this chapte
r. Then we can read some of the new
vocabulary I will learn in Chapter
letters to your family. Use the Love, ____________________

first letter at the beginning

How Many Tens, How Many Ones? tens ones
of the chapter, to review With your child, list the age of everyone in your family
on a sheet of paper. Ask your child to say how many
tens and how many ones there are in each age.
previously learned skills with Draw a frame like the one at the right for each family
member. Tell your child to write in each frame the
number of tens and ones for each age. Then have
a family activity, and read
m quantities granted to users of Progress in Mathematics.

her/him write an addition with the number of tens and

the number of ones for each age, and find the sum. + =
about the new skills you will Chapter 1

learn. The second letter tells expanded form

shows the place value of the digits
nearest ten
the number achieved after rounding

your family about the skills you in a number

600 ⫹ 40 ⫹ 7
to the nearest ten
251 250
standard form
learned in the chapter and has 647
nearest hundred
the number achieved after rounding
to the nearest hundred
another fun activity that you
and your family members can GRADE 3 - ENGLISH

do together.
Both letters are in English and
in Spanish. Querida familia:
Hoy nuestra clase terminó el capítulo
1. Aprendimos a leer, escribir, compara
de miles. Este conocimiento es necesari
y ordenar números hasta los cientos mos
r el valor posicional. Aprendi
para trabajar con números y para entende nos
en 4, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10, lo que
a contar de 2 en 2, de 3 en 3, de 4 ar
de multiplicación. Aprendimos a redonde
servirá para aprender operaciones
4 dígitos hasta la decena, centena o millar más cercano. Este
números de 3 y
Dear Family, conocimiento es necesario para hacer
estimaci ones con números . También
1. We learned how to read, write, cambio.
Today our class completed Chapter ayudará a la hora de dar o recibir
thousands. These skills are practicamos con dinero, lo cual nos
compare, and order numbers to hundred ________
with numbers and to understand place value. Con cariño, _____________________
needed to work
tics, para reproducir esta página para sus estudiantes.

with 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s, which

We explored patterns of skip counting
facts. We practiced rounding 3- and
will help us to learn multiplication
ten, hundred , or thousand. This skill is
4-digit numbers to the nearest Destrezas y conceptos claves
. We also worked with money,
necessary for estimating with numbers
make and count change. Lo que aprendieron los estudiantes en el capítulo 1 se hizo poniendo énfasis
which will help us
en las siguientes destrezas y conceptos claves:
Love, ________________________
• Identificar el valor posicional de cada dígito de • Usar la forma desarrollada de representar
números hasta el 10,000. números.
NS 2.3
Key Skills and Concepts
Students’ learning in Chapter 1 was guided by giving particular emphasis to the
users of Progress in Mathematics.

following key skills and concepts:

U l it i i i t d l id l d iñ t d
• Identify the place value for each digit in • Use expanded notation to represent numbers.
numbers to 10,000.
NS 2.3



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Catherine D. LeTourneau
Alfred S. Posamentier
Elinor R. Ford

Madelaine Gallin Frank Lucido Lucy Lugones

Former Math Coordinator Associate Professor in Math Coordinator
Community School District #6 Bilingual/Multicultural Education St. Luke’s School
New York, NY Texas A&M University Whitestone, NY
Corpus Christi, TX

Tim Mason Regina Panasuk Rosalie Pedalino Porter

Title 1 Specialist Professor of Mathematics Education Consultant Bilingual/ESL Programs
Palm Beach County School District University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA
West Palm Beach, FL Lowell, MA

A Division of William H. Sadlier, Inc.
3606-3_PE6_ii_Copyright:8205-4_Proto_22-23PSintro copy 7/31/08 10:05 AM Page ii

The publisher gratefully acknowledges Rose Anita McDonnell (1905–2003)

and her colleagues for the important role they played in the development of
Progress in Mathematics for more than sixty years.

The publisher wishes to thank the following teachers and administrators, who read
portions of the series prior to publication, for their valuable contributions.

Grades 3–6 Reviewers

Madonna Atwood John Palladino Debra Wright
Teacher Professor at Eastern Michigan University Principal
St. Louis, MO Ypsilanti, MI Winter Haven, FL

Judith A. Devine Stephanie D. Garland

Educational Consultant Educational Consultant
Springfield, PA St. Louis, MO

Grade-Level Reviewers
Marie Bicsak Sara Kobylarz Br. Ralph Darmento, F.S.C.
Math Coordinator Grade 3 Teacher Deputy Superintendent of Schools
Mt. Clemens, MI Bronx, NY Newark, NJ

Suzanne Ryan Candace Govin Sr. Adriana Cernoch

Grade 4 Teacher Grades 4–8 Math Teacher/Coordinator Grade 6 Teacher
Orono, MN Plantation, FL Dallas, TX

Brandy Roth Elizabeth M. Johnson Linda Hamby

Grade 3 Teacher Grade 5 Teacher Grade 5 Teacher
Kissimmee, FL Bettendorf, IA DesPeres, MO

Barbara Murphy Sr. Martha Carmody, O.P. Jacqueline A. Byrd

Grade 4 Teacher Grade 4 Teacher Grade 5 Teacher
Chesterfield, MO Springfield, IL Chesterfield, MO

Sr. Maristella Dunlavy, O.P. Jeannine Frey Mary E. Stokes

Principal Grade 3 Teacher Grade 5 Teacher
Springfield, IL Chesterfield, MO Oak Forest, IL

Copyright © 2009 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.

This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, or by any means, including electronic,
photographic, or mechanical, or by any sound recording system, or by any device for storage and retrieval of information,
without the written permission of the publisher. Address inquiries to Permissions Department, William H. Sadlier, Inc.,
9 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005-1002.
is a registered trademark of William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-0-8215-3606-3
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8206-2_iii.qxd 10/7/07 10:06 PM Page iii

Progress in Mathematics, now in its sixth decade of user-proven success,

is a complete basal mathematics program. Written by experienced teacher-
authors, it integrates a traditional course of study and today’s academic
Standards with the most up-to-date methods of teaching.

Progress in Mathematics is designed to meet the individual needs of all

learners. Teachers who use Progress come to understand that students
may progress as quickly as they can or as slowly as they must.

In Grade 6, the concepts of integers and rational numbers will be further

developed as well as ratios, percents, and coordinate geometry. There will
be an increased emphasis on algebraic thinking. Other topics that are
studied include: data and statistics, probability, geometry, measurement,
and proportions. Special attention is given to critical thinking, problem
solving, mental math, and journalizing.

But overall success in achieving the goals of this program depends on

ongoing teacher-family-student interaction. It is important for you to
encourage your sixth grader to achieve success in mathematics and enjoy
it as well. You can help your student see math as useful and practical by
relating it to everyday situations. It is also helpful to provide a quiet space
and time for homework, and to reinforce the idea that by practicing math
concepts and skills in your home environment, your student can have fun
while learning mathematics.

Throughout the school year, you and your student can access
Math Alive At Home pages at www.sadlier-oxford.com. These
pages include the math vocabulary of each chapter plus
fun-filled activities that will help you relate the math your
student is learning in school to the real world.

We know that by using Progress in Mathematics

your sixth grader will not only learn to value math,
but become a confident problem solver and
learn to reason and communicate
mathematically as well.

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Letter to the Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Skills Update Fractions

A handbook for reviewing essential I Add and Subtract Fractions:
and previously taught skills Like Denominators . . . . . . . . . . 12
Introduction to Skills Update . . . . . . . . . . xii Statistics and Graphs
Numeration I Make Pictographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
I Whole Numbers: Place Value, II Make Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Compare, and Order ....1 Probability
II Round Whole Numbers. . . . . . . . . . 2 I Equally/Not Equally Likely
III Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility . . 3 Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
IV Decimals to Hundredths . . . . . . . . . 4 II List Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Operations Geometry
I Add Whole Numbers and I Geometric Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 II Lines: Intersecting and Parallel . . . 18
II Subtract Whole Numbers III Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
and Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Measurement
III Inverse Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I Metric Units of Length . . . . . . . . . . 20
IV Properties of Addition and II Metric Units of Capacity
Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 and Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
V Multiply 1- and 2-Digit III Customary Units of Length . . . . . . 22
Whole Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 IV Customary Units of Capacity
VI Trial Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
VII Divide Whole Numbers . . . . . . . . . 11 V Read an Inch Ruler . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
VI Perimeter and Area
of Rectangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Introduction to Problem-Solving Strategy:

Write an Equation . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Problem Solving Problem-Solving Applications:
Problem-Solving Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Problem-Solving Strategy:
Guess and Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Problem-Solving Strategy:
Use More Than One Step . . . . . . . . . . 29
Problem-Solving Strategy:
Use a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
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Chapter Chapter

Number Sense, Addition, Multiplication: Whole

and Subtraction Numbers and Decimals
Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
1-1 Place Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2-1 Multiplication Patterns . . . . 66
1-2 Expanded Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2-2 Estimate Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
1-3 Place Value and Exponents . . . . . 38 2-3 Multiply Whole Numbers . . 70
1-4 Compare and Order 2-4 Multiply with Decimals . . . . . . . . . 72
Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2-5 Exponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
1-5 Round Whole Numbers 2-6 Scientific Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
and Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2-7 Problem-Solving Strategy:
1-6 Estimate Decimal Sums Use Simpler Numbers . . . . . . . . . . 78
and Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2-8 Problem-Solving Applications:
1-7 Addition of Whole Numbers Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
and Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
1-8 Subtraction of Whole Numbers End of Chapter
and Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–8) . . . 82
1-9 Addition and Subtraction Enrichment: Square Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
of Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Chapter 2 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
1-10 Addition and Subtraction Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Expressions . . . . . . . . . . 52
1-11 Evaluate Addition and Subtraction
Expressions . . . . . . . . . . 54
1-12 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Write an Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1-13 Problem-Solving Applications:
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

End of Chapter
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–13) . . 60
Enrichment: Roman Numerals . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 1 Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
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Chapter Chapter

Division: Whole Expressions and

Numbers and Decimals Equations
Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3-1 Short Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4-1 Order of Operations . . . . . 122
3-2 Estimate Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4-2 Translate Expressions . . . 124
3-3 Divide Whole Numbers . . . . . . . . . 92 4-3 Evaluate Algebraic
3-4 Divide Decimals by 10, 100, Expressions . . . . . . . . . 126
and 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4-4 Equations and
3-5 Divide Decimals by Whole Inequalities . . . . . . . . . 128
Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4-5 Addition Equations . . . . . 130
3-6 Patterns with Tenths, Hundredths, 4-6 Subtraction Equations . . . 132
and Thousandths . . . . . . 98 4-7 Multiplication and Division
3-7 Estimate Decimal Quotients . . . . 100 Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3-8 Decimal Divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4-8 Use Formulas . . . . . . . . . 136
3-9 Zeros in Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4-9 Explore Order of Operations
3-10 Multiplication and Division with a Calculator . . . . . 138
Expressions . . . . . . . . . 106 4-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:
3-11 Evaluate Multiplication and Division Use More Than One
Expressions . . . . . . . . . 108 Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
3-12 Round Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4-11 Problem-Solving Applications:
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . 142
3-13 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Interpret the Remainder . . . . . . . 112 End of Chapter
3-14 Problem-Solving Applications: Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–11) . 144
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Enrichment: Patterns:
End of Chapter Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–14) . 116 Chapter 4 Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Enrichment: Logic: Open and Closed Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Chapter 3 Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
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Chapter Chapter

Integers Number Theory and

Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Fractions
5-1 Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
5-2 Compare and Order 6-1 Divisibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6-2 Prime and Composite Numbers . 180
5-3 Add Integers . . . . . . . . . . 154
6-3 Prime Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . 182
5-4 Subtract Integers . . . . . . . 156
6-4 Equivalent Fractions . . . . 184
5-5 Multiply Integers . . . . . . . 158
6-5 Greatest Common Factor . . . . . . 186
5-6 Divide Integers . . . . . . . . . 160
6-6 Fractions in Simplest Form . . . . 188
5-7 Integers and Order of
Operations . . . . . . . . . . 162 6-7 Mixed Numbers and Improper
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5-8 Expressions and Equations
with Integers . . . . . . . . 164 6-8 Fraction Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

5-9 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . 166 6-9 Least Common Multiple . . . . . . . 194

5-10 Problem-Solving Strategy: 6-10 Compare Fractions . . . . . 196

Make a Table . . . . . . . . . . 168 6-11 Order Fractions . . . . . . . . 198
5-11 Problem-Solving Applications: 6-12 Relate Fractions to
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6-13 Rename Fractions as
End of Chapter
Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–11) . 172
6-14 Rename Decimals as
Enrichment: Inequalities in Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
One Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6-15 Terminating and Repeating
Chapter 5 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 6-16 Rational Numbers . . . . . . 208
6-17 Compare and Order Rational
Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6-18 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Find a Pattern . . . . . . . . . 212
6-19 Problem-Solving Applications:
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

End of Chapter
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–19) . 216
Enrichment: The Sieve of Eratosthenes . 217
Chapter 6 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
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Chapter Chapter

Fractions: Addition and Fractions: Multiplication,

Subtraction Division, and Probability
Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7-1 Addition Properties: 8-1 Multiply Fractions by Fractions . . 250
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 222 8-2 Multiply Fractions and Whole
7-2 Estimate Sums and Differences . 224 Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7-3 Add Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 8-3 Properties of
7-4 Add Mixed Numbers . . . . . . . . . . 228 Multiplication . . . . . . . . 254
7-5 Subtract Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 230 8-4 Multiply Mixed Numbers . . . . . . . 256
7-6 Subtract Mixed Numbers . . . . . . 232 8-5 Meaning of Division . . . . . . . . . . 258
7-7 Mental Math: Addition 8-6 Divide Fractions by Fractions . . . 260
and Subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 8-7 Estimate Quotients of Fractions
7-8 Addition and Subtraction and Mixed Numbers . . . . . . . . 262
Expressions with 8-8 Divide with Whole and Mixed
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7-9 Addition and Subtraction 8-9 Order of Operations with
Equations with Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 238 8-10 Fractions with Money . . . . . . . . . 268
7-10 Problem-Solving Strategy: 8-11 Multiplication and Division
Work Backward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Expressions with
7-11 Problem-Solving Applications: Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 8-12 Multiplication and Division
End of Chapter Equations with
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–11) . 244
8-13 Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Enrichment: Logic:
Statements and Negations . . . . . . . . 245 8-14 Compound Events . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Chapter 7 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 8-15 Permutations and Combinations . 278
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 8-16 Predictions and Probability . . . . . 280
8-17 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Use a Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
8-18 Problem-Solving Applications:
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

End of Chapter
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–18) . 286
Enrichment: Complex Fractions . . 287
Chapter 8 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
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Chapter Chapter

Data and Statistics Geometry

Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
9-1 Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 10-1 Measure and Draw Angles . . . . . 330
9-2 Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 10-2 Lines and Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
9-3 Bias in Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 10-3 Angle Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
9-4 Record and Interpret Data . . . . . 298 10-4 Angles of Parallel Lines. . . . . . . . 336
9-5 Apply Measures of Central 10-5 Line Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Tendency and Range . . . . . . . 300 10-6 Constructions with Angles . . . . . 340
9-6 Analyze Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 10-7 Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
9-7 Box-and-Whisker Plots . . . . . . . . 304 10-8 Triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
9-8 Stem-and-Leaf Plots . . . . . . . . . . 306 10-9 Quadrilaterals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
9-9 Line Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . 308 10-10 Angles of Triangles and
9-10 Double Line Graphs . . . . . 310 Quadrilaterals . . . . . . . 348
9-11 Double Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . 312 10-11 Angles of Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . 350
9-12 Misleading Graphs and 10-12 Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 314 10-13 Congruent and Similar
9-13 Histograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
9-14 Interpret Circle Graphs . . . . . . . . 318 10-14 Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
9-15 Problem-Solving Strategy: 10-15 Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Make an Organized List . . . . . . . 320 10-16 Tessellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
9-16 Problem-Solving Applications: 10-17 Solid Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
10-18 Views of Solid Figures . . . . . . . . 364
End of Chapter 10-19 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–16) . 324 Logical Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Enrichment: Triple Line and Bar 10-20 Problem-Solving Applications:
Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Chapter 9 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 End of Chapter
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–20) . 370
Enrichment: Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Chapter 10 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
8206-2_iv-xi 3/25/06 1:41 PM Page x

Chapter Chapter

Ratio, Proportion, Percent Applications

and Percent Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 12-1 Mental Math: Percent . . . . . . . . . 414
11-1 Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 12-2 Percent Sense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
11-2 Equivalent Ratios . . . . . . . 378 12-3 Percentage of a Number . 418
11-3 Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 12-4 Find the Rate . . . . . . . . . . 420
11-4 Proportions . . . . . . . . . . . 382 12-5 Find the Original Number . 422
11-5 Solve Proportions . . . . . . 384 12-6 Percent Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
11-6 Write Proportions . . . . . . . 386 12-7 Discount and Sale
Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
11-7 Proportions and Similar
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 12-8 Sales Tax and Total Cost . 428
11-8 Use Proportions . . . . . . . . 390 12-9 Better Buy . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
11-9 Scale Drawings and 12-10 Commission . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 12-11 Simple Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
11-10 Relate Percents to
Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 394
* 12-12 Make Circle Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 436
12-13 Problem-Solving Strategy:
11-11 Relate Percents to Decimals. . . . 396 Write an Equation . . . . . . 438
11-12 Decimals, Fractions, and 12-14 Problem-Solving Applications:
Percents . . . . . . . . . . . 398 Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
11-13 Percents Greater Than 100% . . . 400 End of Chapter
11-14 Percents Less Than 1% . . . . . . . 402 Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–14) . 442
11-15 Problem-Solving Strategy: Enrichment: Percent Change . . . 443
Combine Strategies . . . . . . . . . . 404
Chapter 12 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
11-16 Problem-Solving Applications:
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445

End of Chapter
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–16) . 408
Enrichment: Pythagorean
Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Chapter 11 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

* Develops concept or skill with manipulatives. Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
8206-2_iv-xi 3/20/06 8:23 AM Page xi

Chapter Chapter

Measurement More Concepts in

Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
13-1 Measure Metric Length . . . . . . . 448 14-1 Two-Step Equations . . . . . . . . . . 496
13-2 Measure Metric Capacity 14-2 Addition and Subtraction
and Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Equations with Integers. . . . . . 498
13-3 Measure Customary Length . . . . 452 14-3 Multiplication and Division
13-4 Measure Customary Capacity Equations with Integers. . . . . . 500
and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 14-4 Functions and Ordered Pairs . . . 502
13-5 Compute Customary Units . . . . . 456 14-5 Graph Ordered Pairs . . . . . . . . . 504
13-6 Compute with Time . . . . . . . . . . 458 14-6 Graph Reflections and
13-7 Relate Customary & Metric Units 460 Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
13-8 Perimeter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 14-7 Graph Rotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
13-9 Area of Rectangles and 14-8 Graph Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 14-9 Algebraic Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . 512
13-10 Area of Triangles and 14-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Parallelograms . . . . . . . 466 Use More Than One Strategy . . . 514
13-11 Area of Trapezoids . . . . . . 468 14-11 Problem-Solving Applications:
13-12 Circumference . . . . . . . . . 470 Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
13-13 Area of a Circle . . . . . . . . 472 End of Chapter
13-14 Surface Area of Cubes, Rectangular Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–11) . 518
Prisms, and Cylinders . 474
Enrichment: Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
13-15 Surface Area of Pyramids and
Triangular Prisms . . . . . 476 Chapter 14 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
13-16 Volume of Prisms . . . . . . 478
13-17 Volume of Triangular Prisms End-of-Book Materials
and Cylinders . . . . . . . . 480 Still More Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
13-18 Volume of Pyramids . . . . . 482 Brain Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
13-19 Use Formulas to Solve Mental Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 484 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
13-20 Problem-Solving Strategy: Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Use Drawings / Formulas 486 Symbols and Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
13-21 Problem-Solving Applications: Table of Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Mixed Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488

End of Chapter
Check Your Progress (Lessons 1–21) . 490
Enrichment: Logic: Conjunctions and
Disjunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Chapter 13 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Cumulative Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Lesson promotes algebraic reasoning.
8206-2_xii 2/27/06 6:56 AM Page xii

A Review of Mathematical
Skills from Grade 5

Progress in Mathematics includes a

“handbook” of essential skills, Skills Update,
at the beginning of the text. These one-page
lessons review skills you learned in previous
years. It is important for you to know this
content so that you can succeed in math
this year.
If you need to review a concept in Skills
Update, your teacher can work with you,
using manipulatives, which will help
you understand the concept better.
The Skills Update handbook can be used
throughout the year to review skills you
may already know. Since many lessons
in your textbook refer to pages in the Skills Update, you can use a particular
lesson at the beginning of class as a warm-up activity. Or your class may
choose to do the Skills Update lessons at the beginning of the year so that
you and your teacher can assess your understanding of these previously
learned skills.
You may even want to practice specific skills at home.
If you need more practice than what is provided on
the Skills Update page, you can use the practice
pages available online at www.sadlier-oxford.com.
These practice pages have an abundance of
exercises for each one-page lesson.

8206-2_1-25 4/10/06 2:01 PM Page 1

Whole Numbers: Place Value, Compare, and Order

The value of each digit in a number depends on its place in the
number. Each place is 10 times the value of the next place to its right.

Each period contains 3 digits.

Millions Thousands Ones
Period Period Period
The 4 in 74 is in the ones
ten reds

ten reds

ten reds
place. Its value is 4 ones, or 4.








The 4 in 741 is in the tens
7 4 place. Its value is 4 tens, or 40.

7 4 1 The 4 in 7415 is in the

7 4 1 5 hundreds place. Its value
8 4 2 9 7 4 1 5 , 8 is 4 hundreds, or 400.

To compare and order whole numbers:

 Align the digits by place value.

 Compare the digits in each place, starting with the greatest place.

39,630 There are no hundred 39,630 3  3 and 1  3

19,578 thousands in the other 19,578 19,578 is least.
130,434 numbers. 130,434 is 130,434 69
36,415 greatest. 36,415 36,415  39,630

In order from greatest to least, the numbers are:

130,434; 39,630; 36,415; 19,578.

Name the period of the underlined digits.

1. 943,862 2. 802,400,253 3. 603,411,218 4. 9,527,000

Write the place of the underlined digit. Then write its value.
5. 73 6. 6,423,728 7. 36,250 8. 24,983,402

Write in order from greatest to least.

9. 9996; 999; 10,000; 9997 10. 32,423; 38,972; 36,401; 31,276

Numeration I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:26 AM Page 2

Round Whole Numbers

The population of Midway is 83,524. Since
populations change frequently, a rounded number
may be used instead of the exact number.

To round a number to a given place:

 Find the place you are rounding to.
 Look at the digit to its right.
If the digit is less than 5, round down.
If the digit is 5 or greater, round up.

Round 83,524 to the nearest ten.

83,524 The digit to the right is 4. 83,524

83,520 Round down to 83,520.
83,520 83,530

Round 83,524 to the nearest hundred.

83,524 The digit to the right is 2.
83,500 Round down to 83,500.
83,500 83,600

Round 83,524 to the nearest thousand.

83,524 The digit to the right is 5. 83,524

84,000 Round up to 84,000.
83,000 84,000

Round each to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Use a number line to help you.
1. 6709 2. 1256 3. 7893 4. 5649 5. 42,314

6. 11,987 7. 49,678 8. 76,432 9. 148,786 10. 940,067

Numeration II
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:27 AM Page 3

Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility

Factors are numbers that are 8  3  24 4  2  3  24
multiplied to find a product.
factors factors

To find all the factors of a number, 5  4  20 Factors of 20:

use multiplication sentences. 10  2  20
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
Find all the factors of 20. 20  1  20

The multiples of a number are the products of that number

and any whole number.

300 3  4  12 3  8  24

Multiples of 3: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, . . .

Multiples of 6: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, . . .
Multiples of 8: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, . . .

A number is divisible by another number when you divide

and the remainder is zero.

Divisibility by 2 Divisibility by 5 Divisibility by 10

A number is divisible by A number is divisible by 5 A number is divisible by
2 if its ones digit is if its ones digit is 0 or 5. 10 if its ones digit is 0.
divisible by 2.
80, 32, 294, 856, and 60, 225, 400, 1240, and 40, 280, 500, 2070, and
1908 are divisible by 2. 125,605 are divisible by 5. 46,790 are divisible by 10.

All even numbers are divisible by 2.

List all the factors of each number.

1. 12 2. 18 3. 22 4. 35 5. 7 6. 108

List the first ten nonzero multiples of each number.

7. 4 8. 5 9. 6 10. 7 11. 10 12. 12

Which numbers are divisible by 2? by 5? by 10?

13. 300 14. 7875 15. 22,892 16. 360,000

Numeration III
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:28 AM Page 4

Decimals to Hundredths
The value of a digit in a decimal depends on its
position, or place, in the decimal. Each place is
10 times the value of the next place to its right.


t The 4 is in the ones place.


Its value is 4 ones, or 4.




The 4 in 0.4 is in the tenths place.

4 0 Its value is 4 tenths, or 0.4.
0 4
The 4 in 0.04 is in the hundredths place.
0 0 0 Its value is 4 hundredths, or 0.04.

To read a decimal less than 1:

 Start at the decimal point. 0.92
 Read the number as a hundredths
whole number. Then say
the name of the place. Read: ninety-two hundredths

Study this example.


whole number part decimal part

Read: thirty-seven and nineteen hundredths

Read each decimal. Then write the place of the underlined

digit and its value.
1. 0.8 2. 0.02 3. 0.13 4. 5.6

5. 7.1 6. 0.45 7. 9.63 8. 10.1

9. 42.78 10. 26.9 11. 300.09 12. 156.8

Numeration IV
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:28 AM Page 5

Add Whole Numbers and Decimals

Add: 8164  4676  ? .

First estimate by rounding: 8000  5000  13,000. Then add.

To add whole numbers:

Add the ones. Add the tens. Add the Add the thousands.
Regroup. Regroup. hundreds. Regroup.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 6 4 8 1 6 4 8 1 6 4  0 8,1 6 4
4 6 7 6 4 6 7 6 4 6 7 6  0 4,6 7 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 4 0 1 2,8 4 0
12,840 is close to the
The sum is 12,840.
estimate of 13,000.

Add: 0.44  0.3  0.85  ? .

First estimate by rounding to the nearest tenth: 0.4  0.3  0.9  1.6. Then add.

To add decimals:

Line up the Add. Regroup Write the

decimal points. if necessary. decimal point.
1 1
 0.4 4  0.4 4  0.4 4
 0.3 0  0.3 0  0.3 0
 0.8 5  0.8 5  0.8 5
 1.5 9  1.5 9
1.59 is close to the
The sum is 1.59.
estimate of 1.6.

Estimate by rounding. Then add.

1.  536 2.  1578 3.  1768 4.  17,243 5.  567,892
 143  6421  0063  13,963  132,104

Align and estimate by rounding. Then add.

6. 5751  756 7. 0.56  0.41 8. 0.8  0.47 9. $9.78  $43.85  $5

Operations I
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Subtract Whole Numbers and Decimals

Subtract: 4816  1932  ? .
First estimate by rounding: 5000  2000  3000. Then subtract.

To subtract whole numbers:

More hundreds
Subtract More tens needed. needed. Regroup. Subtract the
the ones. Regroup. Subtract. Subtract. thousands.
17 17
7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11
4 8 1 6 4 8 1 6 4 8 1 6 4 8 1 6
1 9 3 2 1 9 3 2 1 9 3 2 1 9 3 2
0 0 0 4 0 0 8 4 0 8 8 4 2 8 8 4
The difference is 2884. 2884 is close to the
estimate of 3000.

Subtract: 0.7  0.46  ? .

First estimate by rounding to the nearest tenth: 0.7  0.5  0.2. Then subtract.

To subtract decimals:

Line up the Subtract. Regroup Write the

decimal points. if necessary. decimal point.
6 10 6 10
 0.7 0  0.7 0  0.7 0
 0.4 6  0.4 6  0.4 6
. 2 4  0.2 4
0.24 is close to the
The difference is 0.24.
estimate of 0.2.

Estimate by rounding. Then subtract.

1.  489 2.  6244 3.  36,243 4.  456,781 5.  587,893
 366  0029  13,963  179,660  498,721

6.  0.74 7.  0.81 8.  $.95 9. $14.97 10. 0.8  0.29

 0.39  0.6  .59  10.49

Operations II
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Inverse Operations: Addition and Subtraction

Inverse operations are mathematical
operations that undo each other.

Addition and subtraction are inverse operations.

Let a, b, and c be any numbers.

If a  b  c, then c  b  a. If c  b  a, then a  b  c.
Subtraction “undoes” addition. Addition “undoes” subtraction.

Find the missing number. Find the missing number.

Think Think
x  5  12 7  5  12 and x  9  15 24  9  15 and
x  12  5 12  5  7 are x  15  9 15  9  24 are
x7 related sentences. x  24 related sentences.

Multiplication and division are also inverse operations.

Let a, b, and c be any numbers.

If a  b  c, then c  b  a. If c  b  a, then a  b  c.
Division “undoes” multiplication. Multiplication “undoes” division.

Find the missing number. Find the missing number.

Think Think
y  4  12 3  4  12 and y  6  18 108  6  18 and
y  12  4 12  4  3 are y  18  6 18  6  108 are
y3 related sentences. y  108 related sentences.

Find the missing number using inverse operations.

1. 8  a  12 2. 36  b  9 3. r  $2.96  $10.00

4. n  40  56 5. 19  d  418 6. y  3  233

7. 45a  675 8. 23  c  $115.00 9. e  468  9921

10. 99,999  f  9898 11. g  321  123 12. $101.00  2h

Operations III
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:31 AM Page 8

Properties of Addition and Multiplication

The following properties of addition and multiplication
are true for any numbers a, b, and c.

 Commutative Property of Addition  Commutative Property of Multiplication

Changing the order of the addends Changing the order of the factors
does not change the sum. does not change the product.
abba Think abba
5995 3883
14  14 24  24

 Associative Property of Addition  Associative Property of Multiplication

Changing the grouping of the addends Changing the grouping of the factors
does not change the sum. does not change the product.
(a  b)  c  a  (b  c) Think (a  b)  c  a  (b  c)
(1  4)  7  1  (4  7) (6  5)  2  6  (5  2)
5  7  1  11 30  2  6  10
12  12 60  60

 Identity Property of Addition  Identity Property of Multiplication

The sum of zero and a number The product of one and a number
is that number. is that number.
a0a 0aa Think 1aa a1a
89  0  89 0  89  89 188 818

 Zero Property of Multiplication

The product of zero and a number is zero.
0a0 a00 Think
“0 product”
0  33  0 33  0  0

Name the property of addition or multiplication used.

1. 18  53  53  18 2. (7  8)  2  7  (8  2) 3. 90  0  90

4. 11  12  12  11 5. 2  (30  8)  (2  30)  8 6. 1  25  25

Operations IV
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 8:32 AM Page 9

Multiply 1- and 2-Digit Numbers

Multiply: 7  27  ? .
First estimate by rounding: 7  30  210.
Then multiply.

To multiply by a one-digit number:

Multiply the ones. Multiply the tens.

Then regroup. Then regroup.
4 4
2 7 3 2 7
 7 3 3 7
 9 1 8 9
189 is close to the
The product is 189.
estimate of 210.

Multiply: 32  46  ? .
First estimate by rounding: 30  50  1500.
Then multiply.

To multiply by a two-digit number:

Add the
Multiply Multiply partial
the ones. the tens. products.

4 6 4 6 4 6
3 2 3 2 3 2
9 2 2  46 9 2 9 2 partial
1 3 8 0 30  46 1 3 8 0 products
1 4 7 2
1472 is close to the
The product is 1472.
estimate of 1500.

Estimate by rounding. Then find the poduct.

1.  55 2.  613 3. 7  $8.64 4. 67 5. 329 6. 92  $7.68
 6  9  34  43

Operations V
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:11 PM Page 10

Trial Quotients
Divide: 2183  46  ? .

Follow these steps to divide:

 Decide where to begin 4 6 2
83 46  218
the quotient.
The quotient begins in the tens place.

 Estimate. Think: 4 6 2

83 4  ?  21 Try 5.

 Divide. 2 2 2 5 The digit used

4 6 2 1
83 in the quotient
 Multiply: 5  46  230 2 3 0 is too large.

2 2 2 4 Try 4.
 Subtract and compare 4 6 2
remainder with divisor. 1 8 4
0 3 4 34  46

 0 0 4 7  47 R21
 Bring down the next digit 4 6 2
from the dividend and 1 8 4
repeat the steps. 0 3 4 3
0 3 2 2
0 0 2 1 21  46

 Check. 46  47  2162 2162  21  2183

Estimate to find the missing digit in the quotient.

Complete the division.
08? 07? 03? 04?
1. 49418
2. 67526
3. 65273
4. 27134

0 392 0 469 0 195 0 108
0 0098 0 0536 0 0623 0 0154

Operations VI
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:12 PM Page 11

Divide Whole Numbers

Divide: 4782  83  ? .

Estimate by using compatible numbers: 4800  80  60.

Decide where to begin the quotient.

8 3 
82 83  47
8 3 
82 83  478

The quotient begins in the tens place.

Divide the tens. Divide the ones. Check.

5 5 5 7 R 5 11 5 7
8 3
4782 8 3 
8 3
4 1 5 4 1 5 1 7 1
6 3 6 3 2 4 5 6

58 1 4 7 3 1
5 1 
 5 1
4 7 8 2
57 R51 is close to the
The quotient is 57 R51.
estimate of 60.

Study these examples.

$.2 8 Think $.1 7 Think
$. 84 Estimate: 23 
. 9
1 Estimate:
6 $.90  3  $.30  2.3 $4.00  20  $.20
2 4 1.6 1
2  4 1.61

Estimate by using compatible numbers. Then find the quotient.

1. 2452
2. 4536
3. 7957
4. 65$.1

5. 3818
6. 1713
7. 5946
8. 19$8

Operations VII
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:12 PM Page 12

Add and Subtract Fractions: Like Denominators

To add fractions with like denominators:
2 4 2 4
 Add the numerators.     
8 8 8
 Write the result over the 2  3   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
8 8 8
common denominator. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

6 62 3
 Express the sum in      GCF of 6 and 8: 2
8 82 4
simplest form.

To subtract fractions with like denominators:

 Subtract the numerators. 
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
 Write the result over the 8
2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
common denominator. 
 Express the difference in
2 22 1
simplest form.      GCF of 2 and 8: 2
8 82 4

Study these examples.

1 4
12 9
7 1
12 9
8 84 2 3 33 1
12  4
12 3 9 3

Add or subtract the fractions. Write each answer in simplest form.

3 2 5 7 3
1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 
5 3 9 12 4
1 1 1 5 3
5 3 9 12 4

8 1 8 7 11 2 12 12
6.    7.    8.    9.   
9 9 10 10 24 24 12 12

Fractions I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:13 PM Page 13

Make Pictographs
You can make a pictograph to
CDs Sold at Al’s Audio Outlet
display the data in the table.
Category Number Sold
To make a pictograph: Rock 391
 List each category of music. Classical 151

 Choose a symbol or picture to

Folk 77
use to represent a number of CDs R&B 247
sold. Examine your data. Select
Jazz 126
a convenient value for the symbol.
World Music 169
Let  50 CDs.

 Draw the symbols to represent CDs Sold at Al’s Audio Outlet

the data. Round data to help
you do this. For example: Rock
391 400 247 250
 Write a key to show the value R&B
of the symbol used. Jazz
 Give your graph a title. World Music
Key: Each  50 CDs.
Solve. Use the pictograph above.
1. What does represent? How 2. About how many more CDs are
many symbols were used for needed so that Jazz and R&B
R&B? for Jazz? would have the same number?

3. About how many CDs were 4. Which categories had between

sold in all? How can you use 100 CDs and 200 CDs?
multiplication to help you answer?

5. Make a pictograph using the same

data from Al’s Audio Outlet. Change
the key so that each symbol represents
10 CDs. How does this change the
pictograph? What would it look like if
each represented 100 CDs?

Statistics and Graphs I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:14 PM Page 14

Make Bar Graphs

Henry displayed the data at the Lengths of Some Dinosaurs
right in a horizontal bar graph.
Name Length
To make a horizontal bar graph: Albertosaurus 26 ft
 Draw horizontal and vertical axes Allosaurus 36 ft
on grid paper.
Brachiosaurus 52 ft
Tyrannosaurus 39 ft
 Use the data from the table to choose
an appropriate scale. (The data range Ultrasaurus 82 ft
from 26 to 82. Choose intervals of 10.)
 Draw and label the scale along the
horizontal axis. Start at 0 and Lengths of
Items Some Dinosaurs
label equal intervals.
 Label the vertical axis. List
the name of each dinosaur. Allosaurus

 Draw horizontal bars to
represent each length. Tyrannosaurus
Make the bars of equal
width. Ultrasaurus

 Write a title for your graph. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10-ft intervals Length in Feet

To make a vertical bar graph, place the scale along the

vertical axis and the items along the horizontal axis.

Solve. Use the bar graph above.

1. What data are along the vertical 2. Which dinosaurs have lengths
axis? the horizontal axis? between 30 and 40 feet?

3. Make a horizontal or vertical bar graph using the data

on lengths of dinosaurs. Change the scale to represent
20-ft intervals.

Statistics and Graphs II
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:15 PM Page 15

Equally/Not Equally Likely Outcomes

For each of the spinners, there are 5 possible results,
or outcomes: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
9 1 9
With Spinner A, each number has the same 1
chance of occurring. The outcomes are 7 3
equally likely. 5 5 3

With Spinner B, the outcomes are not equally likely.

The spinner is more likely to land on 1 than on 9.

The spinner has 8 equal sections. Of the equal

sections, 3 are red, 3 are green, and 2 are blue.

The probability of the spinner landing on

 red is 3 out of 8.
 green is 3 out of 8.
 blue is 2 out of 8.

For each experiment, list the possible outcomes. Then write

whether the outcomes are equally likely or not equally likely.
1. Toss a marker 2. Spin the spinner. A B
1 2
on the board.
3 4

3. Roll the number cube. 4. A jar contains 4 balls: 1 red,

5 1 white, 1 yellow, and 1 blue.
2 4 1 3 Choose a ball without looking.

Use the spinner on the right to find
the probability of landing on:
5. red 6. blue 7. green 8. yellow

Probability I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:16 PM Page 16

List Outcomes
You can make an organized list to show all possible
outcomes of an experiment.

In an experiment, Sandra spins the two given

spinners. Find all possible outcomes. How many
possible outcomes are there?

 Look at the spinners to find the possible outcomes.

Spinner 1: Blue (B), Red (R), or Green (G)

Spinner 1
Spinner 2: 1, 2, or 3

 Make an organized list of the possible pairs of

outcomes. Then count the number of outcomes.

Blue (B) - 1 Red (R) - 1 Green (G) - 1

Blue (B) - 2 Red (R) - 2 Green (G) - 2
1 3
Blue (B) - 3 Red (R) - 3 Green (G) - 3

So there are 9 possible outcomes. Spinner 2

Make a list of all possible outcomes for each experiment.

Then write the total number of outcomes.
1. toss a coin and toss a 2. toss a coin and spin the spinner
green/red counter
1 2

3 4

3. pick a card without looking 4. spin the spinner and pick a cube
and roll a number cube without looking

Yes 5 2

16 2 3 4 6 1 3

Probability II
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:17 PM Page 17

Geometric Figures
Some simple geometric figures: G

 point — an exact location in space, G and H are points.

usually represented by a dot

 line — a set of points in a plane that GH is a line.
forms a straight path and extends
indefinitely in opposite directions

 line segment — part of a line with H

G  is a line segment.
two endpoints

 plane — a flat surface that extends X. Z.

indefinitely in all directions Y.

Plane XYZ contains

the points X, Y, and Z.

 ray — part of a line that starts at an

endpoint and extends 
indefinitely in one direction. Ray EC (EC ) has
endpoint E.

 angle — formed by two rays with a common B

endpoint. The common endpoint is
called the vertex of the angle. The
letter naming the vertex is always E
in the middle. C
Think Angle CEB (CEB) is
Point E is the vertex of E. formed by EC and EB.

Identify each figure. Then name it using symbols.

1. • A 2. 3. 4. P 5. Q



Geometry I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:18 PM Page 18

Lines: Intersecting and Parallel

Lines in the same plane either intersect (meet at a point)
or are parallel (never meet).


KL and UV are intersecting lines. QR and ST are parallel lines.
They meet at point P. QR  ST

 means “is parallel to.”

Line segments and rays may also intersect or be parallel.



A B  
CD MN  OP EF intersects 
at point X.

Identify each pair of geometric figures as intersecting or parallel.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Draw each. You may use dot paper.

5. two intersecting lines 6. two parallel rays

7. U V  
WX 8. FG  HY

9.  C intersecting DE at point M 10. 3 lines intersecting at point B


11. M X and 
R that do not intersect 12. NP and QL that are not parallel

Geometry II
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:18 PM Page 19

A polygon is a closed plane figure formed side
by line segments that intersect only at their
endpoints. The line segments are the sides
of the polygon.
6 sides
The point where any two sides of a polygon 6 vertices
6 angles
meet is called a vertex (plural: vertices)
of the polygon. angle
The sides of a polygon do not
cross each other.

Number Number
Polygon of Sides of Vertices Examples

3 3
tri means 3

4 4
quad means 4

5 5
penta means 5

6 6
hexa means 6

8 8
octa means 8

Decide if each figure is a polygon. Write Yes or No. Then name the polygon.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Geometry III
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:20 PM Page 20

Metric Units of Length

The most commonly used units of length
in the metric system of measurement
are given below. about
1 m high
meter (m)—standard unit of length in
the metric system

The height of a net on an actual

tennis court is about 1 m.

millimeter (mm) centimeter (cm)

An actual dime is about 1 mm thick. A paper clip is about 1 cm wide.

decimeter (dm) kilometer (km)

A photo frame is about 1 dm long.

Use mm, cm, dm, m, or km to

complete each sentence.
1. The length of a pair of scissors is about 20 ? .

2. The width of your hand is about 85 ? .

3. The swimming freestyle distance is 1500 ? .

It takes about 15 minutes
4. The width of an electric wire is about 1 ? . to walk 1 km.

Measurement I
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:21 PM Page 21

Metric Units of Capacity and Mass

The metric units of liquid capacity The metric units of mass are the
are the milliliter (mL) and liter (L). gram (g) and kilogram (kg).

20 drops of water A paper clip has

is about 1 mL. a mass of about 1 g.

1000 milliliters (mL)  1 liter (L) 1000 grams (g)  1 kilogram (kg)

A hardcover dictionary
about 1 L has a mass of about 1 kg.

Multiply or divide to rename units of measurement.

Multiply to rename larger Divide to rename smaller

units as smaller units. units as larger units.

25 L  ? mL 72 000 g  ? kg
25 L  (25  1000) mL 72 000  (72 000  1000) kg
 (25 000 mL  72 kg

Which metric unit of capacity is better to measure each? Write mL or L.

1. milk jug 2. bottle of eyedrops 3. glass of juice

Which metric unit of mass is better to measure each? Write g or kg.

4. a dozen bananas 5. personal computer 6. pencil

Multiply or divide to rename each unit.

7. 9 L  ? mL 8. 10 000 mL  ? L 9. 72 L  ? mL

10. 50 000 g  ? kg 11. 50 kg  ? g 12. 12 000 g  ? kg

Measurement II
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:23 PM Page 22

Customary Units of Length

The customary units of length are the
1 foot (ft)  12 inches (in.)
inch, foot, yard, and mile.
1 yard (yd)  36 in.  3 ft
1 mile (mi)  5280 ft  1760 yd

The length of an actual

about 1 in. long shoe box is about 1 ft.

the width
The width of
of aa door
door A person
A person walks
walks a a distance
distance of
is 1 yd
about 1 yd. about 1
about 1 mile
mile in
in 20
20 minutes.
Multiply or divide to rename units of measurement.

Multiply to rename larger Divide to rename smaller

units as smaller units. units as larger units.

5 mi  ? yd Think 816 in.  ? ft Think

1 mi  12 in. 
5 mi  (5  1760) yd 816 in.  (816  12) ft
1760 yd 1 ft
 8800 yd  68 ft

Write the letter of the most reasonable estimate.

01. length of a pen a. 6 ft b. 6 in. c. 6 yd
1 1 1
02. height of a table a. 2 2 ft b. 2 2 mi c. 2 2 in.
03. distance between two cities a. 225 mi b. 225 yd c. 225 ft

Multiply or divide to rename each unit.

4. 8 ft  ? in. 5. 25 yd  ? ft 6. 252 in.  ? yd
7. 2 2 mi  ? yd 8. 126 in.  ? yd 9. 26,400 ft  ? mi

Measurement III
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:24 PM Page 23

Customary Units of Capacity and Weight

The customary units of capacity are 1 cup (c)  8 fluid ounces (fl oz)
the fluid ounce, cup, pint, quart, and gallon. 1 pint (pt)  2 c  16 fl oz
1 quart (qt)  2 pt  4 c
1 gallon (gal)  4 qt  8 pt
1c 1 pt

1 qt 1 half gal 1 gal

The customary units of weight are 1 pound (lb)  16 ounces (oz)

the ounce, pound, and ton. 1 ton (T)  2000 lb

about 1 oz about 1 lb
about 2 T
Multiply or divide to rename units of measurement.
18 gal  ? qt Think 56 oz  ? lb Think
1 gal  4 qt 16 oz  1 lb
18 gal  (18  4) qt 56 oz  (56  16) lb
1 1
2 2 gal 72 qt 30 oz  3 2 lb

Write the letter of the most reasonable estimate.

01. capacity of a can of soup a. 2 pt b. 2 c c. 2 gal
02. weight of a tennis ball a. 2 lb b. 2 T c. 2 oz
03. capacity of a large bowl a. 4 qt b. 4 fl oz c. 4 c

Multiply or divide to rename each unit.

4. 6 pt  ? qt 5. 22 gal  ? pt 6. 144 oz  ? lb
7. 10 2 c  ? fl oz 8. 5000 lb  ? T 9. 5000 T  ? lb

Measurement IV
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:27 PM Page 24

Read an Inch Ruler

The tick marks on the scale of a ruler sixteenths fourths
represent fractional parts of an inch.

The length of the tick mark indicates the

particular part of an inch: half, fourth,
eighth, or sixteenth. This helps you read
and record measures in lowest terms.
eighths halves

On this ruler, the distance between
one tick mark and the next is 16 in.

3 Think
Read: 1 4
1 4 in. is in lowest terms.
3 6 12
Record: 1 4 in. or 1 8 in. or 1 16 in.

Read each length and record it in lowest terms.

Then give the length in as many ways as you can.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Measurement V
8206-2_1-25 2/27/06 12:28 PM Page 25

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

Formulas can be used to find the
perimeter and area of rectangles.

Perimeter of Rectangle Area of Rectangle

P  (2  )  (2  w) A  (  w)
  length, w  width   length, w  width

14 in.

3 in.

P  (2  )  (2  w) Aw
P  (2  14 in.)  (2  3 in.) A  14 in.  3 in.
P  28 in.  6 in. A  42 sq in.
P  34 in. (square inches)
The distance around the The surface covered is
rectangle is 34 in. 42 sq in.

Find the perimeter of each rectangle. Use the perimeter formula.

1. 13 in. 2. 12 cm 3.
3.2 m
6 in. 20 cm
8.9 m

Find the area of each rectangle. Use the area formula.

4. 7m 5. 6.
13 cm
2.5 m 2 yd
6 2 yd
13 cm

Measurement VI
8206-2_026-027 1/26/06 10:59 PM Page 26

Dear Student,
Problem solvers are super sleuths. We invite you to become a
super sleuth by using these four steps when solving problems.

Sleuths use clues to find a solution

to a problem. When working
Use These Strategies
together to solve a problem, you Guess and Test
may choose to use one or more Interpret the Remainder
of these strategies as clues: Use a Graph
Write a Number Sentence
Use Simpler Numbers

Use These Strategies

More Than One Solution
Logical Reasoning
Use a Diagram
Find a Pattern
Use More Than One Step

Use These Strategies

Work Backward
Make an Organized List
Use Drawings/Models
Combine Strategies
Write an Equation
Make a Table

8206-2_026-027 1/26/06 11:00 PM Page 27

Create a mental picture.

List the facts and the questions.
As you read a problem, create a picture in your mind.
Make believe you are there in the problem.
This will help you think about:
• what facts you will need;
• what the problem is asking;
• how you will solve the problem.
After reading the problem, it might be helpful to sketch
the picture you imagined so that you can refer to it.
Name or list all the facts given in
the problem. Be aware of extra
information not needed to solve
the problem. Look for hidden
information to help solve the
problem. Identify the question or
questions the problem is asking.

Choose and outline a plan.

Plan how to solve the problem by:
• looking at the picture you drew;
• thinking about what you did when you solved similar problems;
• choosing a strategy or strategies for solving the problem.

Work the plan.

Work with the listed facts and the strategy to find the
solution. Sometimes a problem will require you to add,
subtract, multiply, or divide. Multistep problems require
more than one choice of operation or strategy. It is good
to estimate the answer before you compute.

Test that the solution is reasonable.

Ask yourself:
• “Have I answered the question?”
• “Is the answer reasonable?”
Check the answer by comparing it to the estimate. If the
answer is not reasonable, check your computation.

8206-2_028-031 1/26/06 4:03 PM Page 28

Strategy: Guess and Test

Last summer Jane earned $75.50 mowing lawns.
From these earnings, she saved $2.50 more than
she spent. How much money did Jane save?

Visualize yourself in the problem as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: Jane saved $2.50 more

than she spent.
Jane earned $75.50.

Question: How much money did

she save?

Since Jane made $75.50, choose a reasonable guess for the

amount of money spent, such as $30.00. Make a table and
compute the amount saved. Find the total to test your guess.

Spent $30.00 $33.00 $36.00 $39.00

Saved $32.50 $35.50 $38.50 $41.50
Total $62.50 $68.50 $74.50 $80.50
Test too low too low too low too high

So the amount spent is between $36.00 and $39.00.

Try $37.00.

Spent $37.00 $36.50

Saved $39.50 $39.00
Total $76.50 $75.50
Check too high correct
Jane saved $39.00.

Subtract the amount saved from the

amount earned to see if $36.50 was spent.
$75.50  $39.00  $36.50
The answer checks.

8206-2_028-031 1/26/06 4:04 PM Page 29

Strategy: Use More Than One Step

In a typical week, a chicken farmer collects about
1164 eggs each day. If all of the eggs are sent to the
market, how many dozen eggs are sent each week?

Visualize yourself in the problem as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Fact: Each day, 1164 eggs are collected.

Question: How many dozen eggs

are collected in 1 week?

Is there hidden information in the problem?

Yes, there are two hidden facts.
7 days  1 week
12 eggs  one dozen

Step 1: First, to find how many eggs are collected

in one week, multiply:
7  1164  ?
days eggs per day eggs in one week
Step 2: Then, to find how many dozen eggs are sent
to the market each week, divide:
eggs collected  12  number of dozens
in one week eggs sent to the market

1 4 2
1 1 6 4 6 6 6 7 9 dozen eggs sent
1 1 1 7 14
1 28 8 to the market
8 1 4 8 7 2
6 7 9 4
eggs collected 7 6 8 4
each week 7 6 1
 0 8
7 6 1 0 8
Each week 679 dozen eggs are sent to the market.

Check your computations by using inverse operations.

? ?
8148  7  1164 Yes. 12  679  8148 Yes.

8206-2_028-031 1/26/06 4:04 PM Page 30

Strategy: Use a Graph

Number of Seeds Sprouted

Seed Data

The science class plants 40 seeds. The students 10

can display the number of seeds that sprout each 8
day on a graph. How many seeds have not
sprouted by May 10?
Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Date in May
Facts: total number of seeds— 40
number of seeds sprouted each day —
data given on the line graph

Question: How many seeds have

not sprouted by May 10?

This problem has a hidden question.

How many seeds have already sprouted?

total number  number of seeds  number of seeds

of seeds planted sprouted not sprouted

40  ?  ?

So to find the number of seeds that have not

sprouted by May 10, you must:

• First, use the data from the graph and add to find
the number of seeds sprouted up to May 10.
• Then subtract your answer in Step 1 from 40.

First add. (Hint: Look for tens.)

2  0  2  3  5  7  8  6  33

Then subtract: 40  33  7 seeds not sprouted.

Seven seeds have not sprouted by May 10.

Does 2  0  2  3  5  7  8  6  7  40? Yes.

8206-2_028-031 1/26/06 4:05 PM Page 31

Strategy: Write an Equation Pet Survey

Stephanie and Alexandria made a survey about Animal Tally Total
pet ownership. Their survey shows that a group of Dog 12
sixth graders owns 56 pets: 12 dogs, 13 cats, and
the rest birds. How many of the pets are birds?
Cat 13
Bird ? ?
Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: 56 pets
12 dogs
13 cats
The rest are birds.

Question: How many pets are birds?

Use the information to write an equation.

Write words first.
Number  Number  Total
of of dogs number
birds and cats of pets
Let n
represent addition
n  12  13  56
the number equation
of birds. n  25  56 or
You can solve the equation by the Guess and Test sentence
strategy or by using a related subtraction sentence.

n  25  56 n  25  56 and
Try 30. 30  25  55 n  56  25
Try 31. 31  25  56 n  31
There are 31 birds.

Substitute 31 for n in the equation

to test whether the equation is true.
n  25  56
31  25  56 The answer checks.

8206-2_032 1/26/06 4:20 PM Page 32

Applications: Mixed Review

Choose a strategy from the list or use another
strategy you know to solve each problem.
1. Blanca has collected 59 boxes of paper clips.
The paper clips in each box make a chain about
Use These Strategies
312 in. long. Does Blanca have enough clips to
Write an Equation
make a mile-long chain? (Hint: 1 mi = 63,360 in.) Guess and Test
Use a Graph
2. Newgate School makes a chain with 12,250 Use More Than One Step
paper clips and rubber bands. The chain
uses four times more paper clips than rubber
bands. How many paper clips does the chain
use? how many rubber bands?

3. Each rubber band in the Newgate chain is 5 cm long.

How many rubber bands are in a length of chain
that measures 1695 cm?

4. A team of 18 students collects paper clips. The team

collects an average of 375 paper clips per student.
How many paper clips did the entire team collect?

5. Cathy and Bill spent $8.89 on rubber bands. Each box

cost $1.27, and Cathy bought 3 more boxes than Bill.
How many boxes of rubber bands did each student buy?

Use the graph for problems 6–8.

Average Number of
6. Sue bought 27 boxes of medium Paper Clips per Box
paper clips and 10 boxes of super 500
Number of Paper Clips

paper clips. How many paper clips 450

in all did she buy? 400
7. Would 40 boxes of large paper clips 300
and 12 boxes of small paper clips 250
be more than 15,000 paper clips? 200
8. Which is the greater quantity: 100
35 boxes of large paper clips or 50
25 boxes of medium paper clips? 0
Small Medium Large Super
Size of Paper Clips

8206-2_033 11/4/05 6:28 PM Page 33

Here on this plot
Our house will rise
Against the hill
Beneath blue skies

Ruler and tape

Measure the size
Of windows and cupboards
The floors inside
We add, subtract,
Multiply, divide
To build closets and stairs
The porch outside

Without numbers and measure

Would our house ever rise
Against the hill
Beneath blue skies?

Lillian M. Fisher

In this chapter you will:

Explore one trillion
Use exponents to understand place value
Compare and order decimals
Compute with whole numbers and decimals
Write and evaluate expressions
Solve problems by writing and solving
an equation

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Find Robert’s house number if it is the
seventh number in this sequence: 4119
4008 4037 3926 Chapter 1 33
8206-2_034-035 11/15/05 9:45 PM Page 34

1-1 Place Value

The digits and the position of each digit in a
number determine the value of a number.

To read the number 7,800,000,000,000, A set of three digits

you need to know the place of each digit. separated by a comma
The place-value chart below will help you. is called a period.

Trillions Billions Millions Thousands Ones

The 7 is in the Period Period Period Period Period
trillions place. Its ten reds

ten reds

ten reds

ten reds

ten reds
value is 7 trillions, or

















The 8 is in the
hundred billions 7,8 0 0, 0 0 0,0 0 0, 0 0 0
place. Its value is 8
hundred billions, or
800,000,000,000. Standard Form: 7,800,000,000,000
Word Name: seven trillion, eight hundred billion
Short Word Name: 7 trillion, 800 billion

To read a decimal, read the numbers and say

the place of the last digit to the right.
th dre ths



ten reds


mi and
ten and
th redt

ou d

hu s








Word Name
0 0 0 0 4 four ten thousandths
0 0 6 0 5 4 six thousand fifty-four hundred thousandths
4 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 forty and two hundred one millionths
The decimal point is read as “and.”

Word Name Short Word Name
0.0004 four ten thousandths 4 ten thousandths
0.06054 six thousand fifty-four 6054 hundred thousandths
hundred thousandths
40.000201 forty and two hundred one millionths 40 and 201 millionths

34 Chapter 1
8206-2_034-035 11/4/05 6:29 PM Page 35

Write the place of the underlined digit. Then write its value.
1. 131,241,920,057 2. 670,901,230,001,400 3. 80,270,310,000
4. 0.4297 5. 0.81523 6. 7.014325
7. 16.1876 8. 17.92743 9. 0.197608

Use the number 64,310,420,069,346.789125. Name the digit in the given place.
10. millions 11. ten trillions 12. hundred billions
13. trillions 14. millionths 15. hundredths
16. tenths 17. ten thousandths 18. hundred thousandths

Write the word name for each number.

19. 201,000,006,400 20. 20,030,010,000 21. 6,000,121,000,015
22. 0.004 23. 8.0408 24. 0.00062
25. 0.000079 26. 5.042019 27. 1.568970

Write each number in standard form.

28. thirteen million, five thousand 29. three hundred eight billion
30. one hundred twelve trillion 31. ninety-one billion, fifty
32. eleven millionths 33. two thousand ten hundred thousandths
34. 750 trillion 35. 42 ten thousandths

Ellen wrote three statements about the decimals in the

box. Tell whether each of her statements is true for 123.00938
(a) all of the numbers, (b) some of the numbers, or 3.789340
(c) none of the numbers. Explain your thinking.
36. My millionth digit is 5.
37. My thousandths digit is 9.
38. My ten thousandths digit is 3 more than my
millionths digit and the same as my ones digit.

39. What is another name for a thousand million?

For a million million?

Chapter 1 35
8206-2_036-037 11/4/05 6:30 PM Page 36

1-2 Expanded Form

A number expressed in expanded form shows the sum of
the products of each digit and its place value.

To express a number in expanded form, multiply each digit

by its value. Then express the products as a sum.

Trillions Billions Millions Thousands Ones

Period Period Period Period Period
ten reds

ten reds

ten reds

ten reds

ten reds

















3 has a value of
three trillion or
3 ,0 0 7,0 0 0, 0 9 1, 8 0 6 (3  1,000,000,000,000).

Standard Form 3,007,000,091,806

You can write expanded form in two ways.
Expanded Form Places that hold a zero may be omitted
in expanded form.
(3  1,000,000,000,000)  (7  1,000,000,000)  (9  10,000)  (1  1000) 
(8  100)  (6  1)
3,000,000,000,000  7,000,000,000  90,000  1,000  800  6

Decimal numbers can also be written in expanded form. For decimals,

the digits are multiplied by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, and so on.
th ndre hs



hu and



ou d










6 0 5 4 0 0 2 8

Standard Form Expanded Form

60.540028 (6  10)  (5  0.1)  (4  0.01)  (2  0.00001)  (8  0.000001)
60  0.5  0.04  0.00002  0.000008

36 Chapter 1
8206-2_036-037 11/4/05 6:31 PM Page 37

Complete each expanded form.

1. 38,500,000,700,000 (3  ? )  (8  ? )  (5  ? )  (7  ? )

2. 4.0008 ( ?  1)  ( ?  0.0001) 3. 0.000009 ( ?  0.000001)

Write each expanded form in two ways.

4. 5,042,102 5. 201,407,090,000 6. 15,000,087,000

7. 0.045678 8. 3.050904 9. 78.5009

Write each expanded form in standard form.

10. (9  10,000,000,000,000)  (3  100,000)  (4  100)

11. (4  1,000,000,000,000)  (5  10,000)  (2  1000)  (9  1)

12. 4  0.1  0.07  0.000009 13. 20  0.008  0.0001  0.00005

Write each number in standard form and in expanded form.

14. 95 trillion, 700 million 15. 8 trillion, twelve million, five

16. 13 billion, 7 hundred 17. 14 hundred thousandths

18. 80 and 13 ten thousandths 19. 907 millionths

Solve each problem.

20. In 2005, the population of the 21. In 2005, the population of the world
United States was approximately was approximately six billion, four
294,000,000. How is this number hundred forty million. How is this
written in expanded form? number written in standard form?

Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

22. Which is 5.035 written 23. What is (4  0.01)  (9  0.0001)
in expanded form? in standard form?
A 5035 F 0.0409
B (5  1)  (3  0.1)  (5  0.01) G 0.4009
C (5  1)  (3  0.1)  (5  0.001) H 0.490
D (5  1)  (3  0.01)  (5  0.001) J 4.0009

Chapter 1 37
8206-2_038-039 11/4/05 6:32 PM Page 38

1-3 Place Value and Exponents

Another way to write 100 is 10  10, or 102. 102
An exponent tells how many times to use
the base as a factor.

102  10  10 103  10  10  10
Read 10 as “ten to the second power” Read 103 as “ten to the third power”
or “ten squared.” or “ten cubed.”

Positive powers of 10 are used to show whole number place value.

105  10  10  10  10  10  100,000
In positive powers of ten, the
104  10  10  10  10  10,000 exponent indicates the number
103  10  10  10  1,000 of zeros in the product.
102  10  10  100
101  10  1  10 Any number raised to the first power equals that number.
100  1 Any nonzero number raised to the zero power is equal to 1.

Negative powers of 10 are used In negative powers of ten, the exponent

to show decimal place value. indicates the number of decimal places.

101  0.1
Read 101 as “ten to the negative first power.”
102  0.01
103  0.001






You can write numbers in standard form





in expanded form using exponents.





103 102 101 100 10–1 10–2 10–3

Standard Form Expanded Form 8 0 4 0 6 7
804.067 (8  102)  (4  100)  (6  102)  (7  103)
(8  100)  (4  1)  (6  0.01)  (7  0.001)

38 Chapter 1
8206-2_038-039 11/4/05 6:32 PM Page 39

Write each power of ten in standard form.

1. 108 2. 102 3. 102 4. 104
5. 101 6. 103 7. 100 8. 107

Write each as a power of ten.

9. 10  10  10 10. 10  10  10  10  10 11. 10
12. 0.0001 13. 0.1 14. 0.001

Write each number in expanded form using exponents.

15. 1005 16. 218 17. 52,905 18. 840,500
(1  103)  (5  100)
19. 2.0006 20. 9.107 21. 77.04 22. 7.0034

Write each in standard form.

23. (5  107)  (8  103)  (3  101) 24. (1  106)  (6  103)  (2  100)
25. (6  102)  (8  102)  (2  104) 26. (9  102)  (9  100)  (9  102)

27. Evaluate 101, 102, 103, and 104. Find 28. The distance around Earth’s equator
the pattern in the products and predict is approximately 24,900 miles. How
what 109 would be. Explain how you is this number written in expanded
found your answer. form using powers of 10?

29. Erica has 103 stamps in her collection 30. The distance from the planet Pluto
and Jacob has 104  9000 stamps in to the sun is approximately
his collection. Who has more? Explain. 3,660,000,000 miles. How is this
number written in expanded form?

Use the place-value chart at the right.

th re ths


ten ndth

hu and


31. Copy and complete the place-value

ou d




chart to the right. Explain the pattern







you find as you fill in the bases and the


exponents from left to right. 100 10–1 10–2 10–3

32. Write each in expanded form using exponents.
a. 3 millionths b. 6 hundredths
c. 9 thousandths d. 4 hundred thousandths

Chapter 1 39
8206-2_040-041 10/7/07 10:44 AM Page 40

1-4 Compare and Order Decimals

You can compare decimals the same way you compare whole numbers.
Start at the left and compare the digits in the same places.

0.834 ? 0.8342 0.8340 ? 0.8342 Remember: You can add a zero

to the right of a decimal without
same 02 changing its value. 0.834  0.8340

0.834  0.8342

Check using a number line.

0.834 0.8342

Since 0.834 is to the left of 0.8342

on the number line, 0.834  0.8342.
0. 35
0. 36
0. 37
0. 38
0. 39
0. 40
0. 41
0. 42

Order these decimals from greatest to least:

0.1285, 1.6993, 0.0668, 0.0914.

Use place value to compare and order decimals.

 Line up the decimal points.

 Compare the digits in each place, starting with the greatest place.

0.1285 0.1285 0.0668

1.6993 0.0668 0.0914
0.0668 0.0914

1  0 0  0 and 1  0 6  9
1.6993 is greatest. 0.1285 is next greatest. 0.0668 is least.

1.6993  0.1285  0.0914  0.0668

In order from greatest to least, the decimals are:
1.6993, 0.1285, 0.0914, 0.0668.

From least to greatest, the decimals are:

0.0668, 0.0914, 0.1285, 1.6993.

40 Chapter 1 1.1
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Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
1. 0.46 ? 0.39 2. 0.709 ? 0.921 3. 0.06 ? 0.60

4. 9.8 ? 9.80 5. 0.509 ? 0.510 6. 0.623 ? 0.627

7. 0.4286 ? 0.4190 8. 0.5691 ? 0.5690 9. 0.53 ? 0.536

10. 0.8 ? 0.78 11. 7.610 ? 7.61 12. 7.3 ? 7.301

13. 2.34 ? 2.3513 14. 91.42 ? 90.425 15. 0.059 ? 0.59

Write in order from greatest to least.

16. 0.75, 0.39, 0.2, 0.35 17. 0.484, 0.495, 0.523, 0.54

18. 8.63, 8.6, 8.65, 7.99 19. 9.21, 9.0, 9.2, 9.06

20. 0.5478, 0.546, 0.5462, 0.5593 21. 8.134, 8.215, 8.2152, 8.2052

Write in order from least to greatest.

22. 2.7054, 0.9832, 1.2396, 0.9276 23. 2.7993, 0.0803, 0.0779, 0.2396

24. 0.1211, 0.12, 0.121, 0.0911 25. 0.052387, 0.52386, 0.05023, 0.0523

Order the decimals in each table from greatest to least.

26. 27.
Masses of Five Objects
Batting Averages (kilograms)
Ira 0.278 A 0.206
Henry 0.302 B 2.7564
Sam 0.099 C 0.2
Steve 1.000 D 0.8384
Mario 0.525 E 2.76

Solve. Use mental math or paper and pencil.

28. I am a decimal. I am more than 2 tenths greater than
0.029. I am between 0.2 and 0.3. What number am I?

Chapter 1 41
8206-2_042-043 10/10/07 2:29 PM Page 42

Update your skills. See page 2.

1-5 Round Whole Numbers and Decimals

The rules for rounding are the same for whole
numbers and decimals:
• Find the place you are rounding to.
• Look at the digit to its right. If the digit
is less than 5, round down. If the digit
is 5 or greater, round up.

Remember: Nearest cent

Round $0.2274 to the nearest cent. means the hundredths place.
$0.2274 75 1 cent  $0.01

$0.23 Round up to $0.23. For decimals, drop all digits to

the right of the place you are rounding to.
$0.2274 rounded to the nearest cent is $0.23.

Round 0.362834 to the nearest ten thousandths place.

0.362834 35
0.3638 Round down to 0.3638. Drop all the digits to the right.

Round 3,181,914,536,112 to its greatest place. The greatest place
is the trillions.
3,181,914,536,112 15
3,000,000,000,000 Round down to 3,000,000,000,000. For whole
numbers, replace each digit to the right of the place
you are rounding to with a zero.

Round 0.96771 to its greatest place. The greatest place
0.96771 65 is the tenths.

1.0 Round up to 1.0.

When you round a 9 up,

it becomes a 10.
You must regroup.

42 Chapter 1
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Round to the nearest cent.

1. $4.368 2. $5.472 3. $35.476 4. $12.525

5. $.463 6. $.085 7. $1.5971 8. $99.9943

Round each number to the underlined place.

9. 94,329 10. 17,721 11. 0.19716 12. 3.14159

13. 2.71828 14. 100.5003 15. 99.59 16. 0.66666

Round each number in the table to its greatest place.

17. Ocean Average Depth (feet) 18. Continent Area in Square Miles
Pacific 12,925 Europe 3,800,000
Atlantic 11,730 Asia 17,200,000
Indian 12,598 Africa 11,700,000
Arctic 3,407 Australia 3,071,000

Round each number to the greatest nonzero place.

19. 2.814 20. 0.69 21. 0.073 22. 0.0394

23. 68.347 24. 44.8243 25. 0.008432 26. 0.00473

Place a decimal point in each numeral so that the sentence

seems reasonable. Then round the decimal to the nearest tenth.
27. Conrad rode his racing bicycle 28. Maria’s science test grades
1575 miles in an hour. averaged 8945 for the month.

29. A meter is approximately 39.37 30. Gasoline is priced at $2.499 per

inches long. To the nearest inch, gallon. What is the price per gallon
how long is one meter? rounded to the nearest cent?

31. The weight of a bag of marshmallows 32. The average distance from the sun
is labeled 6.5 ounces. This weight is to Earth rounded to the nearest
rounded to the nearest tenth of an million is about 93,000,000 miles.
ounce. What is the least that the What is the greatest whole number
actual weight could be? that the actual distance could be?

Chapter 1 43
8206-2_044-045 10/7/07 10:45 AM Page 44

1-6 Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences

You can use front-end estimation or
rounding to estimate decimal sums.
Estimate: 1.82  0.29  0.36

To use front-end estimation:

 Add the front digits.  1.82  1.82 about 1

 0.29  0.29
 Adjust the estimate by using  0.36  0.36
the remaining digits to make 1. 1

The estimated sum is 2. Adjusted estimate: 1  1  2

To use rounding to estimate:

 Round each decimal to the greatest  1.82  1.8
nonzero place of the least number.  0.29  0.3
 0.36  0.4
 Add the rounded numbers. 2.5

Both 2 and 2.5 are reasonable estimates of the actual sum of 2.47.

Use the same two methods to estimate differences of decimals.

Front-end Estimation Rounding

 Subtract the front digits.  Round to the greatest nonzero

  place of the lesser number.

 Write zeros for the other digits in the  Subtract the rounded numbers.
 whole-number part of the number.

 93.36  93.36  90
 45.09  45.09  50
about 50.00 about 40

Both 50 and 40 are reasonable estimates of the actual difference of 48.27.

44 Chapter 1
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Estimate the sum or difference. Use front-end estimation with adjustments.

1.  31.6 2.  68.7 3.  7.5 4.  9.1 5.  0.87
 18.1  63.9  2.9  3.6  0.54

6.  0.74 7.  76.67 8. 16.34 9.  0.66 10.  0.84

 0.15 23.89  44.59  0.7  0.59
 69.47  39.07  0.19  0.8

Estimate the sum or difference by rounding.

11.  18.1534 12.  4.8359 13.  0.45601 14.  4371.5902
 7.0901  0.7473  0.06428  0127.3246

15.  386,002,444 16.  2.361912 17.  952.0667 18.  7.30267

 49,624,973  0.19008 232.608 45.37
 351.03991  00.84652

Estimate by rounding each amount to the nearest dollar.

19.  $78.34 20.  $156.39 21.  $89.96 22.  $702.66
 025.29 000045.48 00026.35  0055.45
 0 09.87  012.59

23. Kathleen has covered 46.75 m in the special

race. About how much farther must she go to
complete the 50 m race?

24. During a tour of Europe, Alfredo flew 112.5 km,

41.8 km, and 109.5 km. Estimate the total
distance that Alfredo traveled.

25. Juan earned $15.63, $8.95, and $19.82 over a

3-day period. About how much did he earn?

26. About how much greater is the difference of 325.87  42.76

than the sum of 109.53  59.87? Explain how you could use
estimation to get your answer.

Chapter 1 45
8206-2_046-047 10/7/07 10:46 AM Page 46

Update your skills. See page 5.

1-7 Addition of Whole Numbers and Decimals

Mr. Kopald’s class researched electric
Electric Power Usage
power usage in kilowatts. Three students
collected the data in the table. Each Appliance Kilowatts (kW)
calculated the total number of kilowatts
Microwave oven 1.45067
used by the three appliances in a
different way. Clothes dryer 4

Study their computations below and decide Clock 0.00328

which student has the correct answer.

Charles Anetta Liz

1 1 1 1 1
 1.4 5 0 6 7  1.4 5 0 6 7  1.4 5 0 6 7
 0.4 .0 0 3 2 8  4.0 0 0 0 0
 0.0 0 3 2 8  .1 7 4  0.0 0 3 2 8
 1.8 5 3 9 5  1.4 8 3 5 1  5.4 5 3 9 5

Answer: 1.85395 kW Answer: 1.48351 kW Answer: 5.45395 kW

Liz has the correct answer because she remembered to:

 Align decimal points in the addends,

one underneath the other.

 Place the decimal point in a whole number

to the right of the ones place and write zeros
as placeholders as needed.

Study these examples.

Add: 53,301,089  1,962,752 Add: 5.0953  3.0107

1 11 1 1
53,301,089 5.0953
 1,962,752  3.0107
55,263,841 8.106 You may drop the final zero.

46 Chapter 1 2.0
8206-2_046-047 11/4/05 6:38 PM Page 47

Estimate using rounding. Then find the sum.

1. 7.00 2. 6.4922 3. $11,873.52 4. 2,527,004,609

 8.56  15.58  4,906.09  38,211,073

5. 3,465,892 6. 1.6902333 7. 526,381,485 8. 3,245,840,900

 2,396,087  0.7197807  574,626,009  80,059,275

9. 3.905  4.96 10. 0.4791  1.085 11. 0.10907  0.092

12. 0.2613  0.45  0.852 13. 0.5441  9.3  0.4637

14. 567,074  96,132  8650 15. 9,732,785  13,820,465

Choose the correct addends for each sum. Use estimation to help you.
Explain in your Math Journal the method you used for each exercise.

Sum Addends
16. 6.0108 0.6 4.321 2.1408 3.27
17. 1.4868 0.814 0.143 0.6293 0.7145
18. 1.3861 1.2314 0.005 0.1497 1.147
19. 0.011 0.0009 0.009 0.0201 0.0011

20. A businesswoman has $1123.56 21. The odometer on Anna’s car

in her checking account. She
showed 224 5 6 • 8 . She drove
makes the following deposits:
$23.82, $507.88, $595, $678.20. 234.7 mi. What did the odometer
How much is in her account now? show then?

Add. Explain any shortcuts that you use.

14 14
22. 186  324 200  324  524 524  14  510
$.06 $.06
23. $1.94  $7.86 $2.00  $7.86  $9.86 $9.86  $.06  $9.80

24. 295  25 25. 1289  1514 26. $3.84  $1.98  $5.02

Chapter 1 47
8206-2_048-049 10/7/07 10:46 AM Page 48

Update your skills. See page 6.

1-8 Subtraction of Whole Numbers and Decimals

The Panama Canal is 81.6 km long
and the Suez Canal is 175.5 km long.
How much longer than the Panama
Canal is the Suez Canal?

First estimate by rounding.

180  80  100

Then to find how much longer,

subtract: 175.5  81.6  ?

Line up the Subtract. Regroup Write the

decimal points. if necessary. decimal point.
0 17 4 15 0 17 4 15
 1 7 5.5  1 7 5.5  1 7 5.5
 0 8 1.6  0 8 1.6  0 8 1.6
0 9 3 9  0 9 3.9

“is approximately equal to”

So the Suez Canal is 93.9 km 93.9  100

longer than the Panama Canal. The answer is reasonable.

Study these examples.

8,309,000  777,625  ? 3  0.7185  ?
12 9 9 9 9 9
7 2 10 8 10 10 10 2 10 10 10 10
 8,3 0 9, 0 0 0  3.0 0 0 0 3  3.0000
 8,7 7 7 , 6 2 5  8 0.7 1 8 5
 7,5 3 1, 3 7 5  2.2 8 1 5

Add to check: Add to check:

7,531,375  777,625  8,309,000 2.2815  0.7185  3.0

The answer is reasonable. The answer is reasonable.

48 Chapter 1 2.0
8206-2_048-049 11/4/05 6:40 PM Page 49

Estimate by rounding. Then find the difference.

1. 0.586 2. 2.3004 3. $856,079 4. 5,034,012
 0.492  0.1544  622,003  316,948

5. 23,594,550 6. 12.80765 7. 596,081,009 8. 403.0078

 7,008,142  9.6153  574,116,025  86.25

Align and estimate by rounding. Then find the difference.

9. 0.91  0.745 10. 0.9158  0.7444 11. 8  2.04735

12. 7,106,009  248,310 13. 20,700.675  700.775 14. 1  0.3856

15. $1,012,481.37  926,399.76 16. 5,391,602,140  4,387,899,000

The table shows online sales totals for 2004 and 2005.
Use the table to answer exercises 17–19.
17. What is the difference in sporting
Total Online Sales: 2004 vs. 2005
goods sales from 2004 to 2005?
Merchandise 2004 2005
18. Which type of merchandise had a Books and $1,961,000 $2,143,000
greater sales difference between Magazines
2004 and 2005?
Music and $1,598,000 $1,733,000
19. Which year had greater total
sales, 2004 or 2005? Explain Sporting $1,031,000 $1,155,000
how you know. Goods
Toys and $1,321,000 $1,638,000

Compute mentally.
20. 1286  1000 21. 0.98  0.08 22. 0.98  0.9

23. 14,500  1500 24. 7  0.5 25. 15.75  4.25

26. 0.525  0.5 27. 262,000  42,000 28. 242  0.75

Chapter 1 49
8206-2_050-051 10/7/07 10:47 AM Page 50

1-9 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

A recent survey shows the amount
Liquid Consumed Yearly
of liquid that the average person
consumes per year: 43.7 gal of juice, 50

Amount (gal)
37.3 gal of water, 27.3 gal of coffee, 40
21.1 gal of milk, and 8.1 gal of soda. 30
How many more gallons of juice, 20
water, and milk were consumed than 10
coffee and soda? 0
Juice Water Coffee Milk Soda
To find how many more gallons, Liquid
first add, then subtract.

First, find the amount of juice, water, and Next, find the amount of coffee and soda.
milk. Add: 43.7  37.3  21.1  ? Add: 27.3  8.1  ?
11 1
 43.7  27.3
 37.3  8.1
 21.1  35.4

Then find how many more gallons of juice, water, and 9 11

milk were consumed than coffee and soda. 0 10 1 11
Subtract: 102.1  35.4  ? 1 0 2.1
 3 5.4
So 66.7 more gallons of juice, water, and milk were 6 6.7
consumed than coffee and soda.

Study these examples.

52.9045  63  0.7386  5.92  ? 0.067  0.0095  ?

12 11 16
 052.9045 5 6 10

 063.0000  0.0 6 7 0
 000.7386  0.0 0 9 5
 005.9200  0.0 5 7 5

Check. Change the order of the addends.

Add: 5.92  0.7386  63  52.9045  122.5631

50 Chapter 1 2.0
8206-2_050-051 11/4/05 6:41 PM Page 51

Find the sum.

1.  3.12 2.  0.51 3. 0.008 4.  497.386 5.  390.809
 9.94 0.0029 0.11  556.22 905.5
 0.0018 0.5   8.87064
 0.993  330.008

Find the difference.

6. $100 7.  0.1 8.  412.009 9. 1.2 10.  $50
 $55.99  0.0001  228.4  0.772  23.75

Align and add.

11. 0.67  39  7.5  58.22 12. 4,509.88  430.618  777.1

13. 0.49  0.006  0.213  0.1 14. 8.02029  28.98  617.7

15. 629.55  401.39201 16. 4,040  3,049.89  2057.52

Align and subtract.

17. 30  28.735 18. 9,002  4,887.56 19. 30.801  17.91

20. 497.1  437.805 21. 3,108.77  2,974.557 22. 1,001.1  802.22

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
23. 12  0.0009 ? 12  0.00009 24. 412.089  34.71 ? 498  52.075

25. 0.501  0.3  0.44993 ? 1.2593 26. 55.01  5.501 ? 50.001  0.99

27. Dean bought a birthday card for 28. Wendy bought shoes for $39.99
$2.95. There was an additional $0.18 and sneakers for $29.99. The tax
tax. Dean paid for his purchase on her purchase was $4.90. If
using a $10 bill. How much change Wendy paid using a $100 bill,
should Dean receive? what was her change?

29. Hans wants to buy 10 lb of 30. Ellie gets her car’s oil changed
hamburger meat for a barbecue. every 4,500 miles. Her last oil
He picks out three packages at change was done at 33,798.7
the supermarket. Their weights miles. What will the odometer
are labeled 2.73 lb, 3.2 lb, and read when Ellie needs to get her
2.29 lb. How much more meat next oil change?
does Hans need?

Chapter 1 51
8206-2_052-053 10/7/07 10:47 AM Page 52

1-10 Addition and Subtraction Expressions

Andie works 4.5 hours on Thursdays and 5.25 hours on Fridays.
To represent the total hours she works on Thursdays and
Fridays, Andie writes a numerical expression:
4.5  5.25 numerical expression

A numerical expression is a mathematical phrase

that has only numbers and operation symbols.
Each of the following is a numerical expression:
60.75  4 2
 14 (14  7)  10 32  8

Suppose Andie decides to work on Saturdays as well, but does

not know how many hours she will work. She could use a variable
to represent the unknown number of hours worked on Saturdays.
A variable is a symbol used to represent an unknown quantity.

To represent the total hours worked on Thursdays, Fridays, and

Saturdays, Andie writes an algebraic expression:
4.5  5.25  x algebraic expression

An expression that includes a variable is called an

algebraic expression. Here are some examples:
20  a x  5.2 z  10  w Any letter can be used
as a variable.
Study these examples.

Word Phrase Expression Word Phrase Expression

sum of 1.2 and 2 1.2  2 difference of 8 and 0.9 8  0.9
sum of a number and 7 n7 difference of m and 88 m  88
5 increased by 20 5  20 0.5 decreased by 0.1 0.5  0.1
x increased by 5 x5 75 decreased by d 75  d
9 more than 12 12  9 18 less than 30 30  18
10 more than a number c  10 2 less than a number s2
8 added to 6.5 6.5  8 5.5 subtracted from 10 10  5.5
a number added to 4 4e 7 subtracted from t t7
3.2 plus a number 3.2  b 7.2 minus a number 7.2  w

52 Chapter 1
8206-2_052-053 11/4/05 6:42 PM Page 53

Write each word expression as a numerical expression.

1. the sum of two and seven 2. 14 less than 100
3. ten decreased by 0.5 4. 70 more than 350

Write each word expression as an algebraic expression. Use x as your variable.

5. the sum of a number and 45 6. 12 more than a number
7. the difference of 1 and a number 8. 13 subtracted from a number
9. a number decreased by five 10. eleven less than a number
11. a number added to sixteen 12. a number increased by fifty
13. eight more than a number 14. 45 decreased by a number

Write each mathematical expression as a word expression.

15. 100  5 16. 10  x 17. u  7.99
18. 95  y 19. m  65 20. 35  18.3
21. 7  8 22. a  1 23. $16.02  c

Write a numerical expression or an algebraic expression

to show how you would solve the problem.
24. A baby gained 0.8 pounds since 25. A tree grew 3.75 feet since its height
its last visit to the doctor. The baby was last measured. At the last
weighed 24.5 pounds at its last visit. measurement, the height of the tree
How much does the baby weigh was h feet. How many feet tall is
now, in pounds? the tree now?

26. A man weighs m pounds. The two 27. William earns $8.25 per hour,
packages he is carrying weigh 10 Suzyn earns $9.00 per hour, and
pounds and d pounds. What is the Davy earns $7.50 per hour. How
total weight, in pounds, of the two much more does William earn than
packages? Davy?

28. A student makes a mistake and adds 140,235.97 instead of subtracting it.
The incorrect answer is 3,629,817.4. What is the correct answer? Explain
how you got your answer.

Chapter 1 53
8206-2_054-055 10/7/07 10:48 AM Page 54

1-11 Evaluate Addition and

Subtraction Expressions
Taylor is bowling. He knocks down some of the 10 pins.
How many pins are left standing?
This algebraic expression represents
10  x
the number of pins left standing.
What if Taylor knocks down 8 pins?
To determine how many pins are left standing,
evaluate the expression.

To evaluate an algebraic expression:

 Replace the variable with a given number.
 Compute to find the value of the expression.

Evaluate 10  x, when x  8.
10  x Replace x with 8.
10  8 Subtract.

2 value of expression
So the value of the expression 10  x, when x  8, is 2.
When 8 pins are knocked down, there are 2 pins left standing.

Study these examples.

Evaluate each expression for the given number.
w  $3.50, when w  $100 8  m  p, when m  3.54 and p  18
w  $3.50 Replace w with $100. 8 m  p Replace m with 3.54
$100  $3.50 Subtract. and p with 18.
8  3.54  18 Add.

$96.50 value of expression

29.54 value of expression

Evaluate each expression.

1. 30.6  8.7 2. 18,204  3619 3. 16.8  7.5  30.04

4. j  42, when j  98 5. 300  f, when f  250 6. r  9.3, when r  1.5

54 Chapter 1 1.1
8206-2_054-055 11/4/05 6:45 PM Page 55

Find the value of each algebraic expression when c  0.75 and d  2.06.
Remember to work from left to right.
7. 8  c  d 8. c  d  5.5

9. 35  c  d 10. 10  c  d

11. c  5.37  d 12. d  12.8  c

13. 5  c  d 14. 14.9  c  d

15. d  0.02  c 16. 34.09  c  d

Write and evaluate an expression for each situation.

17. Miguel had x dollars. He spent 18. Alex scored 5 points fewer than
$16.25 of that amount. What Devon. Devon scored 14 points.
expression represents the amount What expression shows the
of money he has left? Evaluate number of points Alex scored?
the expression when x  $34.10. Evaluate the expression.

19. Let y represent the number of 20. Elizabeth collected 38 more cans
home runs Maddy hit last season. to be recycled than Evan. If Evan
Brianna hit 6 more home runs than collected m cans, what expression
Maddy. What expression shows shows how many cans Elizabeth
how many home runs Brianna hit? collected? Evaluate the expression
How many did she hit when y when m equals 87.
equals 8?

Complete the sentences. Use the terms in the box.

21. An ? tells how many times you use the base
as a factor.

22. (3  1000)  (8  100)  (2  1) is the ? of 3802.

23. A symbol used to represent an unknown number expanded form
is a ? . exponent
24. To find the nearest value of a number based on standard
a given place, you ? . variable

25. In 103, 10 is called the ? .

26. The number 7.023 is expressed in ? form.

Chapter 1 55
8206-2_056-057 10/7/07 10:49 AM Page 56

1-12 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Write an Equation
On Friday, 52,200 tickets were sold for a baseball
game. On Saturday, 58,400 tickets were sold. If
165,100 tickets were sold on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday in total, how many tickets were sold on Sunday?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: tickets sold on Friday 52,200

tickets sold on Saturday 58,400
total tickets sold all 3 days 165,100
Question: How many tickets were sold on Sunday?

Use the information to write an equation.

Tickets Tickets Tickets Total
sold  sold  sold  number sold
Friday Saturday Sunday all 3 days
52,200  58,400  n  165,100
110,600  n  165,100 equation
You can solve the equation using the Guess
and Test strategy or by using a related equation.

110,600  n  165,100 110,600  n  165,100

Try 55,000. 110,600  55,000  165,600 n  165,100  110,600
Try 54,000. 110,600  54,000  164,600 n  54,500
Try 54,500. 110,600  54,500  165,100
There were 54,500 tickets sold on Sunday.

Substitute 54,500 for the n in the equation

to test whether the equation is true.
110,600  n  165,100
110,600  54,500  154,100 The answer checks.

56 Chapter 1
8206-2_056-057 11/4/05 6:46 PM Page 57

Write an equation to solve each problem.

01. Burrows farm uses 450.75 acres for corn. The remaining
acres are used for potatoes. If the farm has 825 acres,
how many acres are used for potatoes? Burrows Farm

Visualize yourself in the problem

above as you reread it. List the Corn Potatoes
facts and the question. 450.75 acres ?

Facts: 450.75 acres for corn

remaining acres for potatoes 825 acres

Question: How many acres are used for potatoes?

Use the information to write a number sentence.

Acres used  Acres used  total acres on
for corn for potatoes the farm
450.74  p  825
To find how many acres are used for potatoes, subtract:
825  450.75  p number of acres for potatoes

02. Bernice has a collection of 90 stamps from Europe and

Africa. Sixty stamps are from Europe. How many stamps
does she have from Africa?

03. On Monday, Ginger packed 426 boxes, Tuesday 573, and

Wednesday 685. How many boxes did she pack in 3 days?

04. Frank paid $40 for a pair of shoes, $78 for a jacket, and
$6.75 for a pair of socks. He chose not to buy a $32.95 shirt.
After purchasing these articles he had $20.50 left.
How much money did Frank have at first?

05. Carol read 120 pages of a book on Saturday. She read 45

pages on Sunday. On Monday she read the same number
of pages that she read on Sunday and finished the book.
How many pages does the book contain?

06. Marco earned $240 baby-sitting and put the money into
his savings account. He now has $1041.17 in his account.
How much was in his account to begin with?

Chapter 1 57
8206-2_058 10/7/07 10:49 AM Page 58

1-13 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Moki and Meg set up a model railroad. The
engine of the train is 10.205 cm long. Write
10.205 in expanded form.

02. The caboose is 9.826 cm long. How long is

it to the nearest hundredth of a centimeter?
to the nearest tenth of a centimeter?

03. Fred connects three freight cars. The red car is

12.64 cm long, the blue car is 12.4 cm long, and the
steel-colored car is 12.6 cm long. Write the lengths in
order from longest to shortest.

04. Marva puts together three sections of railroad

track that are 20.5 cm, 22 cm, and 9.75 cm long.
How long is the section of track that Marva creates?

05. A coal car is 3.87 cm tall. A refrigerator car is

5.02 cm tall. Which car is taller? by how much?

06. Bud buys two miniature buildings for his train set.
A railroad station costs $15.95 and a gas station costs
$1.19 less. How much does the gas station cost?

07. Loretta buys a set of miniature trees that costs $8.59.

How much change does she receive from a $20 bill?

Use the table for problems 8–10.

08. Jackson bought a freight car and Original Sale
a coal car at the sale. How much Item
Price Price
money did he save?
Engine $11.95 $9.50
09. On which type of car do buyers save Freight Car $ 8.95 $7.69
the most money during this sale? Passenger Car $ 9.50 $8.55
Coal Car $ 7.75 $6.99
10. Lea buys a caboose, a passenger Caboose $10.29 $8.09
car, and an engine on sale. Does
she spend more than $26.00?

58 Chapter 1
8206-2_059 11/4/05 6:47 PM Page 59

Use a strategy from the list or another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
11. A train set has 40 six-inch-long pieces of track
and 8 nine-inch-long pieces. What is the
longest track you can build with this set? Use These Strategies
Write an Equation
12. Pam’s train can travel one fourth of the Use More Than One Step
Use a Graph
track in 25.48 seconds. If the train continues
Guess and Test
at the same rate of speed, how long will it
take to travel the entire track?
13. Daryll spends $6.08 for three signs for the
train set. None of the signs costs the same
amount, but each sign costs more than $2.
What is the price of each sign?

14. Train A travels 1387.5 cm uphill at a rate of 55.5

cm per second. Train B travels 1372.5 cm
downhill at a rate of 54.9 cm per second.
Which train arrives at its destination first?

15. Mai builds a mountain for her train set. She uses 2.4 yd
of green cloth as grass, 1.75 yd of white cloth as snow,
and 0.8 yd of brown cloth as dirt roads. Does Mai use
more than 4.5 yd of cloth?

Use the graph for problems 16–19.

Average Train Travel Time
16. About how many minutes of travel 300
time is the State Capital Tour?
17. About how many minutes of travel 200

time should Kim allow if she is

taking the Rush Hour Express and 150
then going on the Park Nature Tour? 100

18. About how many more minutes of 50

travel time will Theresa spend on
the River Valley Tour than Bob will River State Rush Park Beach
spend on the Beach Getaway? Valley Capital Hour Nature Getaway
Tour Tour Express Tour

19. Make up a problem using the bar graph data.

Have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 1 59
8206-2_060 11/4/05 6:48 PM Page 60

Lessons 1–13

Write each number in standard form. (See pp. 34–35)

1. three ten thousandths

2. nine trillion, four hundred thousand, twenty

3. sixty-seven and sixty-eight millionths

Write each number in expanded form using exponents. (See pp. 36–39)

4. four and eighty-three thousandths 5. 200,070,040,333

6. 734 7. 329,050 8. 24,082,006

Write in order from greatest to least. (See pp. 40–41)

9. 0.3014; 3.014; 0.0314; 0.314 10. 0.031289; 3.001289; 33.1289

Round each number to its underlined place. (See pp. 42–43)

11. 6,745,199 12. 399.97022 13. 11,542,391.956

Estimate. Use front-end estimation with adjustments. Then use rounding. (See pp. 44–45)
14. 3.45  6  1.02 15. 39.28  46.91 12.24 16. 98 – 44.01

Add or subtract. (See pp. 46–51)

17. 0.97 – 0.426 18. $500.58  $3.79 19. 99.0152  400  3.9848

Write each as an algebraic expression. Use n as your variable. (See pp. 52–53)

20. 8 more than a number 21. a number decreased by 200

Evaluate each expression. (See pp. 54–55)

22. y – 52, for y  96 23. 17.96  m, for m  50.42

(See pp. 56–59)

24. Dana worked for 7 hours on Thursday, 25. Yousif paid $38.55 for cable and
8 hours on Friday, and 4 hours on $62.37 for electricity. He also wrote a
Saturday. She is scheduled to work check to the phone company. If he
20 hours next week. How many hours paid a total of $157.41, how much
did she work this week? did he pay to the phone company?

60 Chapter 1 (See Still More Practice, p. 521.)

8206-2_061 11/4/05 6:48 PM Page 61

Roman Numerals
The ancient Romans used the symbols given below
to represent numerals.

Symbol I V X L C D M
Value 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

All other numerals are represented through

combinations of these seven different symbols.

Rules for Forming Roman Numerals

 No symbol, except for M, is repeated more than

three times in a row.

 When a symbol is followed by a symbol with an

equal or lesser value, add the values of the symbols.
XX  10  10  20 CCC  100  100  100  300
DC  500  100  600 MD  1000  500  1500

 When a symbol is followed by a symbol with a

greater value, subtract the lesser value from the
greater value.
IX  10  1  9 XL  50  10  40
XC  100  10  90 CM  1000  100  900

 Only subtract powers of ten (I, X, or C, but not V or L). Think

For the numeral 95, do NOT write VC (100  5). Roman numerals I,
Do write XCV (XC  V or 90  5). X, and C are
powers of ten.
 Sometimes you must add and subtract. I  100 X  101
MCMIV  1000  (1000  100)  (5  1)  1904 C  102
CMLX  (1000  100)  (50  10)  960

Write each as a standard numeral.

1. CL 2. XXXIX 3. MM 4. CDIX

Write the Roman numeral for each.

09. 127 10. 1914 11. 4300 12. 6320

Chapter 1 61
8206-2_062 11/4/05 6:49 PM Page 62

Write each number in expanded form two ways.

1. 46,000,000 2. eight thousand, eighty and eighty-three millionths

Write each number in standard form.

3. 105 4. (2  103)  (5  102)  (4  100)  (9  102)

Write in order from least to greatest.

5. 0.7968; 0.7000; 0.7909 6. 1.058; 1.0058; 10.0058

Round each number to its greatest place.

7. 3,429,099 8. 0.96153301 9. 954,313.8701

Estimate using front-end estimation with adjustments.

Then find the sum or difference.
10. 1229.13  756  3890.88 11. 1,007,291  2,364.065

Write each as an algebraic expression. Use y as your variable.

12. 24 more than a number 13. a number decreased by 7000

Evaluate each expression.

14. y  14, when y  32 15. 3851.26  m, when m  5257.74

Use a strategy or strategies you 17. On Thursday, 30,861 people attended

have learned. the baseball game. On Friday, 60,192
people attended. On Saturday 30,100
16. Abbey scores 9.985, 8.895, 9.110, and
more people attended the game than
9.65 in four gymnastics events. A perfect
on Thursday. On which day did more
score is 40.00. How many more points
people attend the baseball game:
would Abbey have needed to receive a
Friday or Saturday? Explain.
perfect score?

Tell which estimation strategy produces an estimate

closer to the actual answer. Explain why.
18. 9.585  36.42  7.75 19. 6,207,198  4,582,311

62 Chapter 1
8206-2_063-064 11/4/05 6:50 PM Page 63

Test Preparation Chapter 1

Choose the best answer.

1. In 136,299,426.10758 which digit is in the 7. Add.

ten thousandths place?
13,492,488.068  306  247.00195
a. 6,879,268.3068
b. 13,491,935.05
a. 1 b. 5 c. 13,493,041.06995
c. 7 d. 8 d. 13,517,188.569

2. Which is ordered from least to greatest? 8. Choose the standard form.

a. 2.47280; 0.204728; 0.024728 a. 10,000
b. 0.024728; 0.204728; 2.47280 b. 100,000
c. 0.024728; 2.47280; 0.204728 c. 1,000,000
d. none of these d. 10,000,000

3. Estimate. Round to the greatest place. 9. Name the place of the underlined digit.
492,488 3,821.003046
241,630 a. 900,000 a. hundred thousandths
 352,701 b. 1,000,000 b. ten thousandths
c. 1,100,000 c. ten thousands
d. 1,200,000 d. hundred thousands

4. Choose the algebraic expression. 10. Choose the standard form.

A number plus 4 (3  104)  (7  101)  (5  100)
a. m  4 b. 4  m a. 370 b. 375
c. m  4 d. none of these c. 30,705 d. 30,075

5. Choose the standard form. 11. Choose the correct value for the
evaluated expression.
thirty-two billion, seven million, forty-five
thousand, six 10  p, when p  4.9

a. 32,007,045,006 a. 4.9
b. 320,007,045,006 b. 5
c. 32,000,007,045,006 c. 5.1
d. 32,007,000,045,006 d. 14.9

6. Subtract. 12. Choose the standard form.

7,204,819  834,605 (8  108)  (4  105)  (7  104) 
(2  102)  (9  101)  (8  102)

a. 6,360,214 b. 6,370,214 a. 800,470,290.8 b. 800,470,290.08

c. 7,470,214 d. 8,039,424 c. 80,470,290.8 d. 80,470,290.08

Chapter 1 63
8206-2_063-064 11/4/05 6:50 PM Page 64

13. Which is ordered from greatest to least? 19. Choose the algebraic expression.
15 less than a number
a. 3.068; 0.3068; 36.068; 0.0368
b. 0.0368; 36.068; 0.3068; 3.068
c. 36.068; 0.0368; 0.3068; 3.068 a. 15  m b. 15  m
d. 36.068; 3.068; 0.3068; 0.0368 c. m  15 d. none of these

14. Choose correct value for the evaluated 20. Estimate. Use front-end estimation with
expression. adjustments.
482  r, when r  64 8.035
a. 418 b. 546  4.311 a. 13 b. 14
c. 560 d. none of these c. 15 d. 16

15. Choose the standard form. 21. Round 0.874 to its greatest place.
(5  10 )  (4  10 )
5 0

a. 5004 b. 50,004 a. 1.0 b. 0.9

c. 50,040 d. 500,004 c. 0.8 d. 0.7

16. Which is the correct expanded form? 22. Name the place of the underlined digit.
300.7005 9,021,488,107,035
a. (3  10)  (7  1)  (5  1000) a. hundred billions
b. (3  10)  (7  0.1)  (5  0.001) b. hundred millions
c. (3  100)  (7  10)  (5  0.005) c. ten billions
d. (3  100)  (7  0.1)  (5  0.0001) d. ten millions

17. Add. 23. Choose the word form.

$3.35  $0.86  $7.00 40.044
a. forty and forty-four millionths
b. forty and forty-four hundredths
a. $4.28 b. $10.11 c. forty and forty-four thousandths
c. $11.20 d. $11.21 d. four hundred forty-four

18. Which statement is true? 24. What is the value of 9 in 2,192,435,471?

a. 1.025  10.25 b. 10.205  10.025 a. 9,000,000,000 b. 900,000,000

c. 10.25  10.250 d. 10.205  10.025 c. 90,000,000 d. 9,000,000

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all of your work.
25. Argentina has an area of 1,068,296 square 26. Hillside Golf Club used 37,628 golf balls last
miles. Brazil has an area of 8,511,965 square summer. Indian Springs Golf Club only used
kilometers. India has an area of 1,296,338 13,629 golf balls. About how many did both
square miles. How much greater is the area clubs use?
of India than the area of Argentina?

64 Chapter 1
8206-2_065 11/4/05 6:51 PM Page 65

The Old Math. One.

If a train leaves Union Station,
in Chicago, at eight in the morning
carrying three thousand dozen gross
of dark almond bark and travels
the average speed of fifty-seven miles
per hour for one day, then c o l l i d e s
with a train that left San Francisco one day
earlier full of fifteen hundred dozen
bite-sized chocolate puppies, how many
days will the residents of Left Foothills,
Colorado, have to spend in the
high school gym while the
National Guard, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the local
sheriff’s department remove
the worst bite-sized
bark bits (or the worst
bark-sized bite bits) and
return the area to its former
habitable condition?
Arnold Adoff

In this chapter you will:

Discover patterns in multiplication
Estimate products
Learn about exponents,
scientific notation, and square roots
Solve problems by using simpler numbers

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Our product is less than 1125 and our
sum is 64. What two 2-digit numbers
are we?

Chapter 2 65
8206-2_066-067 10/12/07 6:42 PM Page 66

2-1 Multiplication Patterns

You can use patterns to multiply by powers and
multiples of 10.
Power of 10:
To multiply a whole number by a power or 101  10
multiple of 10: 102  100
103  1000, and so on.
• Multiply the nonzero digits in the factors.
• Write one zero to the right of the product Multiple of 10:
for each zero in the factor or factors. 10  1  10
10  2  20
nonzero digits 10  3  30, and so on.

1  34  34 35  2  70 6  5  30
10  34  340 35  20  700 60  50  3000
100  34  3400 35  200  7000 600  500  300,000
1000  34  34,000 35  2000  70,000 6000  5000  30,000,000

To multiply a decimal by 10, 100, or 1000:

 Count the number of zeros in the
0.07 multiplicand
 1000 multiplier with 3 zeros
 Move the decimal point in the multiplicand 0.070. 3 places to the right
to the right one place for each zero. Write 1 zero.
 Write as many zeros in the product as needed
to place the decimal point correctly.

Study these examples.

1 0  0.5 6  5.6 1 zero: Move 1 place to the right.

1 0 0  0.0 0 4  0.4 2 zeros: Move 2 places to the right.

1 0 0 0  2.0 0 3  2 0 0 3 3 zeros: Move 3 places to the right.

1 0 0  0.8 0  8 0 2 zeros: Move 2 places to the right.

Write 1 zero as a placeholder.

1 0 0 0  1 5.8 0 0  1 5,8 0 0 3 zeros: Move 3 places to the right.

Write 2 zeros as placeholders.

66 Chapter 2
8206-2_066-067 11/15/05 10:00 PM Page 67

1. 10  77 2. 30  40 3. 10  0.5 4. 10  0.0049

5. 100  13 6. 400  125 7. 100  0.7 8. 100  0.1003

9. 20  51 10. 5000  30 11. 10,000  0.02 12. 20,000  0.02

13. 3000  50.123 14. 4000  22 15. 100  19.41 16. 1000  12.0006

Find the products. Then write them in order from least to greatest.
17. a. 10  94 b. 100  930 c. 1000  92

18. a. 100  0.05 b. 10  0.7 c. 1000  0.94

19. a. 1000  0.0062 b. 100  0.005 c. 10  0.042

20. a. 100  0.61 b. 100  0.70 c. 1000  0.0010

Find the missing factor.

21. b  45  900 22. y  96  9600 23. 300  a  5100

24. n  2.06  206 25. 1000  y  8.77 26. 10  m  0.02

27. 48.21  t  48,210 28. 200  p  70,000 29. g  40  20,000

30. Hesperoyucca whipplei is a plant 31. The largest tomato ever grown had a
that can grow 0.857 ft in one day. mass of 1.9 kg. The largest cabbage
At that rate, how much taller is it had a mass of 51.8 kg. Which mass
after 100 days than after 10 days? is greater: 100 of those tomatoes or
10 of those cabbages?

32. Explain in your Math Journal.

a. What happens to a whole number such as 2300 when it
is multiplied by 10, 100, and 1000?
b. What happens to a decimal such as 0.42 when it is
multiplied by 10, 100, and 1000?

Chapter 2 67
8206-2_068-069 10/7/07 10:50 AM Page 68

2-2 Estimate Products

A long time ago, the land an ox could plow
in a day was called an “acre.” Today, an acre
is defined as 4840 square yards. Andy says
that an ox could plow 1,766,600 square yards
in a year. Is Andy’s statement reasonable?

Use estimation to find an approximate

answer or to determine if an exact answer
is reasonable.

To estimate a product by rounding:

 Round each factor to its greatest place.

 Multiply the rounded factors.

Estimate: 365  4840

400  5000  2,000,000 square yards

2,000,000 is close to 1,766,600. Andy’s statement is reasonable.

Study these examples.

Estimate: 47  18 Estimate: 3.42  53 Estimate: 10.25  0.87

50  20  1000 3  50  150 10  0.9  9

47  18  1000 3.42  53  150 10.25  0.87  9

Both factors are rounded Both factors are rounded One factor is rounded
up. The actual product down. The actual product down and the other is
is less than 1000. is greater than 150. rounded up. The actual
product is close to 10.

Estimate each product by rounding. Tell whether the actual product

is greater than, is less than, or is close to the estimated product.
1. 95 2. 491 3. 4.45 4. 9.42
 67  52  62  74

68 Chapter 2
8206-2_068-069 11/4/05 6:53 PM Page 69

Estimate the product.

5.  335 6.  824 7.  925 8.  5847 9.  7932
 129  617  376  219  324

10. $44.25 11. $53.38 12. $847.69 13. $795.20

 142  319  0293  0498

14. 10.6  23 15. 5.52  1.78 16. 0.9  13.6 17. 137  2.85

18. 6235  3.7 19. 2.8  31.89 20. 3.2  14.79 21. 0.7  103.95

22. 10.7  2.9  28.04 23. 1.5  2.8  12.1 24. 4.3  18.07  1.79

25. 3.54  13.9  428 26. 19.45  24  2.3 27. 7.81  67.19  112

Estimate to compare. Write ,, 5, or ..

28. 679  325 ? 679  425 29. 7976  853 ? 7976  753

30. 225  1125 ? 425  1300 31. 9651  438 ? 438  9651

32. 31  239 ? 327  24 33. 3618  2431 ? 3299  2514

34. Volunteers set up two sections of 35. Two numbers, each rounded to the
seating for a concert. The first section nearest ten, have a product of 800.
has 44 rows of 16 seats. The second What are two possible numbers?
section has 25 rows of 14 seats. About
how many seats are set up altogether?

Estimate by rounding one factor to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000.

36. 9.7  0.672 37. 10.2  5.6 38. 100.8  0.8 39. 96  1.235

40. 122  4.125 41. 10.3  17.7 42. 96  0.837 43. 997  14.5

Chapter 2 69
8206-2_070-071 10/7/07 10:50 AM Page 70

Update your skills. See page 9.

2-3 Multiply Whole Numbers

When multiplying by a number with a zero, you
may save a step by omitting a partial product.

Multiply: 620  372  n

First estimate by rounding: 600  400  240,000

Then multiply 620  372.
Long Way Short Way
0 0 0,3 7 2 0 0 0,3 7 2
0 0,  6 2 0 0 0,  6 2 0
0 0 0,0 0 0 0  372 Omit this 0 0 7,4 4 0 Align partial
0 0 7,4 4 0 20  372 partial 2 2 3,2 products by
2 2 3,2 0 0 600  372 product. 2 3 0,6 4 0 place value.
2 3 0,6 4 0
The product is 230,640. 230,640 is close to the estimate of 240,000.

Change the order of the factors 6 2 0

to check your answer. 3 7 2
1 2 4 0
4 3 4 0 0
1 8 6 0 0 0
2 3 0,6 4 0
You may use the Distributive Property to
help find products of larger numbers.

902  41,736  (900  2)  41,736 Remember: You

do not need to
 (900  41,736)  (2  41,736) multiply by 0 tens.
 37,562,400  83,472


Estimate the product by rounding. Then multiply.

1. 237 2. 593 3. 817 4. 385 5. 2365 6. 6549
 380  506  609  806  580  302

70 Chapter 2
8206-2_070-071 11/4/05 6:55 PM Page 71

Estimate by rounding. Then find each product.

7. 403  585 8. 209  791 9. 601  482

10. 830  793 11. 740  5565 12. 310  1893

13. 240  3548 14. 902  6071 15. 4003  4203

Use the Distributive Property to compute.

16. 506  831 17. 780  311 18. 470  1211

19. 209  4921 20. 640  39,215 21. 640  390,215

22. In exercise 17, were you able to multiply

780 by 311 mentally? Explain how you
can use the Distributive Property and
mental math to find the product.

23. There are 375 audience tickets available

for each taping of the Win It All game
show. If 204 shows are taped each year,
how many tickets are there in all?

24. The producers of Win It All hand out 150

contestant applications for 204 shows. Did the
producers hand out more or less than 30,000

25. Lydia has displayed her entire stamp collection in two

100-page books. She has filled each page of the books
with 25 stamps. How many stamps does she have in her

A 250 B 500 C 2500 D 5000

Chapter 2 71
8206-2_072-073 10/7/07 10:51 AM Page 72

2-4 Multiply with Decimals

Mariko exchanged American dollars for British pounds.
If she had $48, and the exchange rate was 0.68 pounds
for each dollar, how many pounds did she receive?

To find the number of pounds, n, multiply: 48  0.68  n.

First estimate by rounding: 48  0.68.

50  0.7  35
Then multiply.

To multiply a decimal by a whole number or

another decimal:
 Multiply as you would with whole numbers.

 Count the number of decimal places in both factors.

 Mark off the same number of decimal places in the product.

Multiply as with Write the decimal point

whole numbers. in the product.

 0.6 8  0.6 8
 0.4 8  0.4 8
5 4 4  5.4 4 2 decimal places
2 7 2  2 7.2
3 2 6 4 3 2.6 4
Mariko received 32.64 pounds. 32.64 is close to the estimate of 35.

Study these examples.

 0.3 2 9 3 decimal places $ 7 2.2 5 2 decimal places

 0.0 0.0 2 2 decimal places  0.7 5 2 decimal places

3 6 1 2 5
 0.0 0 6 5 8 5 decimal places  5 0 5 7 5
Write 2 zeros. $ 5 4 .1 8 7 5 4 decimal places

$54.1875 rounded to the nearest cent is $54.19.

72 Chapter 2 2.0
8206-2_072-073 11/4/05 6:57 PM Page 73

Write the decimal point in each product.

1. 5.9 2. 0.2 3 5 3. 9.2 7 4. 0.4 6 3 5. 1 2 . 9 2
 3  7  1.5  0.2 2 6  0.7
1 7.7 1 6 4 5 13 9 0 5 0 1 0.4 6 3 8 9 0 4 4

Multiply. Round to the nearest cent when necessary.

6.  0.9 7.  0.7 8.  0.59 9.  0.47 10.  0.32
 .22  .79  0.43  0.21  0.73

11. 0.43 0 12. 0.61 013. 0.163 014. 0.911 15. 0.414
 0.19  0.93  0.03  9.11  0.72

16. 13.5 0 17. 0.20 018. $8.05 019. $9.20 20. $10.50
 9.2  9.1  1.9  4.5  8

21. $59.50  2.4 22. 8.5  0.6 23. 4.12  1.8 24. 8.74  3.15

25. 9  $56.95 26. 1.5  8.00 27. 6.2  9.5 28. 4.75  $85

29. 2.3  0.2  5.1 30. 12.3  0.9  0.8 31. 2.7  19.5  0.5

Use estimation to check the products. Correct unreasonable products.

? ? ?
32. 0.8  0.817  65.36 33. 4.7  2.6  12.22 34. 6.4  0.8  51.2
? ? ?
35. 4.8  15.94  7.6512 36. 6.6  48.3  31.878 37. 0.94  5.8  5.452

38. Which costs more, 7 lb of beef at 39. Sadie hiked 37.6 km. Sam hiked 0.4 as
$3.25 per pound or 12 lb of chicken at far. How much farther than Sam did
$1.79 per pound? How much more? Sadie hike?

Find the missing factor.

40. 500  n  50,000 41. 9000  s  900,000 42. 10  r  30,000

43. w  0.004  0.4 44. t  0.21  210 45. 100  h  5

Chapter 2 73
8206-2_074-075 10/7/07 10:51 AM Page 74

2-5 Exponents
An exponent is used to express a
Remember: An exponent
number that is a product of tells how many times to use
factors that are the same. the base as a factor.

20  1
21  2
22  2  2  4 26  2  2  2  2  2  2
23  2  2  2  8 base
24  2  2  2  2  16
25  2  2  2  2  2  32 Read 26 as:
26  2  2  2  2  2  2  64 “two to the sixth power,” or
“the sixth power of two.”
27  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  128
28  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  256

Study these examples.

42  4  4 53  5  5  5
42  16 53  125

exponential form standard form exponential form standard form

Read 42 as: Read 53 as:

“four squared,” “five cubed,”
“four to the second power,” or “five to the third power,” or
“the second power of four.” “the third power of five.”

Write each product in exponential form.

1. 7  7  7  7 2. 3  3  3  3  3 3. 9  9  9

4. 11  11 5. 15  15  15  15 6. 100  100  100

7. 8  8  8  8  8  8 8. 6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6

9. 2  2  2  2  2  2  2 10. 5  5  5  5  5

74 Chapter 2 2.0
8206-2_074-075 11/15/05 9:49 PM Page 75

Write the standard form for each.

11. 31 12. 27 13. 73 14. 65 15. 94

16. 82 17. 105 18. 44 19. 50 20. 132

21. 62 22. 43 23. 17 24. 251 25. 70

26. 35 27. 54 28. 122 29. 15 30. 93

31. 2 to the 6th power 32. the square of 21 33. 19 cubed 34. the 5th power of 3

Write the missing exponents.

35. 7n  49 36. 3x  27 37. 9d  81 38. 11w  121 39. 5t  125

40. 2y  32 41. 10n  1000 42. 4n  64 43. 6a  36 44. 8x  1

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
45. 63 ? 34 46. 91 ? 32 47. 103 ? 55 48. 24 ? 42

49. 44 ? 102 50. 82 ? 43 51. 83 ? 162 52. 170 ? 21

53. 14 ? 1  1  1  1 54. 52 ? 5  5  5  5  5

55. Cole puts pennies in a jar for 9 days. 56. The librarian puts away 63 books on
He puts in 21 pennies the first day, 22 shelves. He divides the books evenly
pennies the second day, 23 pennies among 23 shelves. How many books
the third day, and so on. If he does the librarian put away? On to how
continues this pattern, how many many shelves does he put them?
more pennies would Cole put in on
the ninth day than on the fifth day?

Find the missing exponent.

57. 92  3z 58. 161  4m 59. 13  256t 60. 5c  252

61. 30  27r 62. 3a  91 63. 9x  38 64. 2k  44

Chapter 2 75
8206-2_076-077 10/7/07 10:52 AM Page 76

2-6 Scientific Notation

Scientists use scientific notation as a
more compact and useful way to write
very large or very small numbers.

The Sun is about 93,000,000 miles

from Earth.

To write a number in scientific notation,

express it as a product of two factors:
 One factor is a number greater than
or equal to 1, but less than 10.
 The other factor is a power of 10,
such as 102, 103, and so on.

Write 93,000,000 in scientific notation.

 Move the decimal point to the left 9 . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.
to get a number greater than or equal
to 1, but less than 10.

 Count the number of places the decimal 7 places moved.

point is moved. This is the power of ten. The power of 10 is 107.

 Drop the zeros to the right of the 9.3  107 power of 10

decimal. Express the number as
a product of the factors. number  1, but  10

In scientific notation, 93,000,000  9.3  107.

“greater than or equal to”

Study these examples.

1 8 5,0 0 0  1 . 8 5 0 0 0 .  1.85  105

number  1, but  10 power of 10

4,0 6 4,0 0 0  4 . 0 6 4 0 0 0.  4.064  106

76 Chapter 2 2.0
8206-2_076-077 11/4/05 7:01 PM Page 77

Write in scientific notation.

1. 350,000 2. 475,000 3. 2,500,000 4. 1,360,000

5. 87,000 6. 82,000,000 7. 25,500,000 8. 477,000,000

9. 205,000 10. 7,050,000 11. 100,000,000 12. 9,000,000,000

Scientific Notation to Standard Form

Scientific Standard
Notation Form

3.60  103  3.6000  3600 To multiply by 103, move the decimal point
3 places to the right.

9.07  104  9.0700  90,700 To multiply by 104, move the decimal point
4 places to the right.

Write in standard form.

13. 3  102 14. 8  103 15. 3.5  103 16. 3.8  104

17. 4.04  105 18. 1.77  106 19. 4.015  105 20. 6  108

21. 2.65  104 22. 2.165  106 23. 4.323  105 24. 8.743  108

Complete each sentence. Use the terms in the box.

25. In 46, 4 is called the ? .
algebraic expression
26. The  symbol means ? . approximately equal to
27. To ? an algebraic expression, replace evaluate
the variable with a given number, then
compute. exponent
numerical expression
28. An expression that includes a variable is
called a(n) ? .

Chapter 2 77
8206-2_078-079 10/7/07 10:53 AM Page 78

2-7 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use Simpler Numbers
A scientist conducted a series of experiments
with a liter of polluted water. At the beginning of
the experiment, the pollutants reached a volume 2.08 cm3 1.19 cm3
of 13.17 cubic centimeters (cm3). Over the next decrease increase
two weeks there was a decrease of 2.08 cm3 13.17 cm3
and then an increase of 1.19 cm3. What was
the volume of pollutants after two weeks?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you reread it.

List the facts and the question.
Facts: 13.17 cm3 at the beginning
2.08 cm3 decrease
1.19 cm3 increase
Question: What was the volume of pollutants after two weeks?

Substitute simpler numbers to help you choose the operation(s) to use.

13.17 cm3 13 2.08 cm3 2 1.19 cm3 1
Start with 13. Subtract the amount of the decrease, 2.
Then add the amount of the increase, 1.
13  2  11 cm3 11  1  12 cm3

Now solve the problem using the actual numbers.

 13.17 cm3  11.09 cm3
 02.08 cm3  01.19 cm3
 11.09 cm3  12.28 cm3
After two weeks the volume of pollutants was 12.28 cm3.

Work backward to check the answer.

amount increased original amount

(12.28 cm3  1.19 cm)  2.08 cm3  13.17 cm3

amount after 2 weeks amount decreased

The answer checks.

78 Chapter 2
8206-2_078-079 11/4/05 7:02 PM Page 79

Solve. Use simpler numbers to help you decide what to do.

Tow nville
01. Eva had $164.37 in her bank account on September 1. DATE

She has since made four withdrawals of $18.50 and 01 Sept

06 Sept
09 Sept 76.18
two withdrawals of $14.25. She has also deposited a 12 Sept 18.50
18 Sept 14.25
check for $76.18. How much is in her account now? 22 Sept
24 Sept
28 Sept

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: in her account — $164.37

withdrawals — 4  $18.50; 2  $14.25
deposits — $76.18
Question: How much is in her account now?
Substitute simpler numbers.
$164.37 $160 $18.50 $20
$14.25 $10 $76.18 $80

(4  $20)  (2  $10) $80  $20  $100 amount withdrawn

$160  $100  $60 balance after withdrawals
$60  $80  $140 balance plus the deposit

So there is about $140 in Eva’s account now.

Now solve the problem using the actual numbers.

02. A manufacturer makes a certain machine part that measures

26.4 cm in length. A part will pass inspection if it is no more
than 0.04 cm shorter than 26.4 cm or no more than 0.04 cm
longer than 26.4 cm. What is the shortest measure that can
pass inspection?

03. Andy owed Lynn $35.50. He paid back $20.75 but borrowed
$5 more. Then he borrowed $8.50. When he was paid, he
gave her $25. How much money does Andy still owe Lynn?

04. Ryan earned $122.75 baby-sitting. Vinnie earned $37.15 more

than that. Sharon earned $70.95 less than Vinnie. How much
money did Sharon earn?

05. Craig is on the school track team. He practices seven days a

week. On each of the first five days he runs 4.7 km. On the next
day he runs 6.1 km, and on the last day he runs 3.4 km. How
far does Craig run in one week?

Chapter 2 79
8206-2_080-081 10/7/07 10:53 AM Page 80

2-8 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. A pound of apples costs $.79. How much would ten
pounds cost? a hundred pounds? a thousand pounds?

02. Marco plans to return empty soda cans to the

market and collect the deposit money. If he
receives $0.10 for each can he returns, how
much money will he get for 136 cans?

03. Cashews cost $3.98 a pound. Jake’s bag

weighed 2.7 pounds. Use estimation to find
the cost of the cashews.

04. Ming earned $2 working at the grocery store on

Monday, $4 on Tuesday, and $8 on Wednesday.
If this pattern continues, how much would he
earn on Sunday? How can you use exponents
to solve the problem?

05. Dried apricots cost $.29 per ounce. Mr. Carlson’s bag of dried
apricots weighs 18.8 ounces. How much will his bag of apricots cost?

06. Ted buys 100 packages of artificial sweetener. Each pack holds
0.035 oz of sweetener. How many ounces of sweetener does Ted buy?

07. How many ounces of cereal are in a package that includes this
information on the nutrition label?
serving size............................1.25 oz (1 cup)
servings per package ............8.2

08. Andy found that he could buy individual teabags for $0.30 each or
a package of 20 teabags for $4.79. If he plans to buy 20 teabags,
which is the better buy: individual bags or the package?

09. The grocery store sold about 9.6  106 lb of coffee this year and
1.1  107 lb last year. Which year did the grocery store sell more
coffee? How much more was sold?

10. Ms. Lee plans to buy 1.8 lb of pasta at $2.95 per pound; 2 lb of ground
beef at $4.29 per pound; and 2.5 lb of tomatoes at $3.98 per pound.
She has a $20 bill. Is this enough for the purchase?

80 Chapter 2
8206-2_080-081 11/4/05 7:03 PM Page 81

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
11. Fine Foods sells a 2-lb wheel of cheese for $9.28.
Stacey’s Snacks sells the same cheese for $0.27
Use These Strategies
per ounce. Which store has the better price? Use More Than One Step
Use Simpler Numbers
12. Raphael bought 3 pounds of red apples at $2.39 Write an Equation
per pound. Kim bought 2.5 pounds of green apples Guess and Test
at $2.99 per pound. The green apples are larger
than the red apples. Who paid more?
13. A box of macaroni and cheese contains 2.4 servings.
Each serving is 3.5 oz. How many ounces does the container hold?

14. Fine Foods sells raisins in bulk for $0.32 per ounce. A 7-oz box of raisins
sells for $2.39. If Shannon wants to purchase 14 oz of raisins, which would
be a better option: buying the raisins in bulk or buying 2 boxes of raisins?
15. A shop began the day with $437 in the cash register. Three purchases
were made for $7.12, five for $5.68, and two for $11.35. The shop owner
took $300 from the register at noon. How much was left in the register?
16. Lily uses the $25.00 she earns each week from her part-time job
to pay for lunches and snacks. She spends $30.00 more
each week on lunches than she does on snacks. How much does
Lily spend on lunches each week?

Use the table for problems 17–20.

17. What is the price of the larger bottle Product Size Unit Price
of oregano?
0.25 oz 0$.48/oz
18. How many more ounces does the large bag Oregano
00.5 oz 0$.42/oz
of wild rice contain than the small bag?
00.1 lb 0$.09/oz
White Rice
19. A restaurant needs 9 pounds of white rice. 00.5 lb 0$.07/oz
Will it be less expensive to buy one 5-lb bag 00.5 lb 0$.37/oz
and four 1-lb bags or two 5-lb bags? Wild Rice
3.25 lb 0$.25/oz
20. Cindy buys 3 small boxes of raisins. .500 g $5.48/kg
How much less would she have had Raisins
01.2 kg $5.20/kg
to spend to buy one large box instead?

21. Use the table to write a problem modeled on problem 19 above.

Have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 2 81
8206-2_082 11/4/05 7:03 PM Page 82

Lessons 1–8

Multiply. Look for patterns. (See pp. 66–67.)

1. 10  45 2. 25  2 3. 10  0.3
100  45 25  20 100  0.3
1000  45 25  200 1000  0.3
25  2000 10,000  0.3

Use rounding to estimate the product. (See pp. 68–69.)

4. 62  19 5. 874  26 6. 54.2  1.78

7. 431  156 8. 5.49  62.83 9. 177.08  2684

Round to estimate. Then find each product. (See pp. 68–73.)

10. 709  333 11. 0.26  9.3 12. 382  1101

13. $58.79  209 14. 8009  3206 15. $13.50  42

Write the standard form for each. (See pp. 74–75.)

16. 24 17. 34 18. 91 19. 53 20. 302

Write in scientific notation. (See pp. 76–77.)

21. 46,000 22. 309,000 23. 85,000,000 24. 9,020,000,000

Write the standard form for each.

25. 9  102 26. 6.1  104 27. 3.88  105 28. 5.167  106

(See pp. 78–81.)

29. Tim had $672 in his bank account on 30. Anna plans to buy 2.75 lb of cheese
October 1. He has since made three at $2.96 per pound. She also wants
withdrawals of $44.50 each, and one 3 lb of potato salad that sells for
of $128.95. He has also made two $3.45 per pound. She has $25 in
deposits of $83.20. How much does her wallet. Is this enough for the
he have in his account now? cheese and the potato salad?

82 Chapter 2 (See Still More Practice, pp. 521–522.)

8206-2_083 10/12/07 6:42 PM Page 83

Square Roots
A square is the product of a number and itself.

4  4  16 Remember: You can also

express 4  4 as 42.
two equal factors square

A square root is one of two equal factors of a given number.

For the number 16, 4 is a square root because 4  4  16.
The symbol for a positive square root is .


You can read 16

 as “the square root of 16.”

For some numbers you can use multiplication facts

to determine the square root of a number.
The  49 is 7 since 7  7, or 72  49.

22  4 4
2 42  16 16

32  9 9
3 52  25 25

You can also use a calculator to find square roots.

To find the square root of 361, or 361


Press these keys

19. Display

So, the 361


Find the square root of each number using

multiplication facts or a calculator.

1. 64 2. 36
 3. 100
 4. 81
 5. 49

6. 121
 7. 144
 8. 900
 9. 256
 10. 400

2.0 Chapter 2 83
8206-2_084 11/15/05 9:53 PM Page 84

Multiply. Look for patterns.

1. 18  10 2. 40  5 3. 10  3.46
18  100 40  50 100  3.46
18  1000 40  500 1000  3.46
18  10,000 40  5000 10,000  3.46

Use rounding to estimate the product.

4. 37  88 5. 521  64 6. 23.2  9.18

Round to estimate. Then find each product.

7. 88  567 8. 3.05  2.3 9. 513  1901
10. $45.19  140 11. 6070  2820 12. 97.45  220

Write the standard form for each.

13. 52 14. 43 15. 60 16. 16 17. 25

Write in scientific notation.

18. 17,000 19. 421,000 20. 20,800,000 21. 503,300,000

Write the standard form for each.

22. 2  102 23. 3.6  104 24. 9.01  105 25. 3.026  106

Use a strategy or strategies you 27. Jack plans to buy 2.25 lb of

have learned. coleslaw at $2.80 per pound. He
also wants 2 lb of macaroni salad
26. Leah had $312 in her bank account
that sells for $3.15 per pound. Jack
on August 1. She has made two
has a $10 bill in his wallet. Is this
withdrawals of $29.75 each, and one
enough for the coleslaw and the
of $165.95. She also made two
macaroni salad? Explain.
deposits of $94.20. How much does
Leah have in her account now?

How many zeros will be in the product? Explain your answer.

28. 300  300 29. 10,000  1000 30. 200  35,000

84 Chapter 2
8206-2_085-086 11/4/05 7:05 PM Page 85

Test Preparation Chapters 1–2

Choose the best answer.

1. Estimate by rounding. 7. Multiply.

43.09  361 4302  145
a. 1200 a. 43,120
b. 1600 b. 236,610
c. 12,000 c. 623,790
d. 16,000 d. 645,000

2. Which is ordered from least to greatest? 8. Choose the standard form.

a. 3.47260; 0.304726; 0.034726 104 a. 10,000
b. 0.015708; 0.105708; 1.572 b. 100,000
c. 0.094768; 9.47680; 0.904768 c. 1,000,000
d. none of these d. 10,000,000

3. Estimate. Use front-end estimation. 9. Name the place of the underlined digit.
34,929 3,821.003046
a. 60,000 a. thousandths
b. 70,000 b. ten thousandths
c. 90,000 c. hundred thousandths
d. 100,000 d. millionths

4. Choose the standard form. 10. Choose the standard form.

(5  102)  (2  101)  (3  102)
a. 12 a. 502.03
b. 16 b. 502.3
c. 32 c. 520.03
d. 64 d. 520.3

5. Choose the correct value for the evaluated 11. Choose the correct standard form.
29.8  p, when p  3.6 6.24  105
a. 26 a. 6240
b. 26.2 b. 62,400
c. 26.4 c. 624,000
d. 33.4 d. none of these

6. Subtract. 12. Choose the standard form.

5,003,208  611,019 (4  107)  (9  105)  (7  102)
a. 5,614,227 a. 4,900,700
b. 5,492,299 b. 40,900,700
c. 4,492,289 c. 400,900,700
d. 4,392,189 d. none of these

Chapter 2 85
8206-2_085-086 11/4/05 7:05 PM Page 86

13. Add. 18. Which statement is true?

$16.25  $220.86  $3
a. $236.04 a. 100  48  10  480
b. $237.14 b. 315  10  3.15  1000
c. $239.01 c. 56  10  560  100
d. $240.11 d. 800  40  8  400

14. Choose the related algebraic expression. 19. Round 9.602 to its greatest place.
67 less than a number
a. 67  m a. 9.0
b. 67  m b. 9.6
c. m  67 c. 10.0
d. none of these d. 10.6

15. Choose the correct standard form. 20. Choose the correct value for the
two trillion, fifty million, three hundred one evaluated expression.
8.06  c, when c  0.052
a. 2,000,050,000,301 a. 0.754
b. 2,050,000,301 b. 0.854
c. 2,000,050,301 c. 8.008
d. none of these d. 8.112

16. Multiply. 21. Estimate. Use front-end estimation with

500  8000
a. 40,000 2.111 a. 13
b. 400,000 2.652 b. 14
c. 4,000,000  9.370 c. 15
d. 40,000,000 d. 16

17. Which has an estimated product 22. Which correctly expresses the number below
of 36,000? in scientific notation?
a. 87  42 a. 4.7  107
b. 856  399 b. 4.07  106
c. 917  481 c. 4.07  105
d. 873  39 d. 4.07  104

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all of your work.
23. José purchased a shirt for $37.85, a coat 24. Mary Ann borrowed $62.45 from Karen. She
for $84.99, and a pair of pants for $39.75. paid back $40.00, but borrowed $16.00 more.
He also bought two packages of socks for When she was paid, she gave Karen $35.00.
$3.87 each. How much did he spend in all? How much does Mary Ann still owe?

86 Chapter 2
8206-2_087 11/4/05 7:06 PM Page 87

In this chapter you will:

Learn about short division
Discover patterns in division
Estimate and find quotients
Evaluate multiplication and division expressions
Solve problems by interpreting the remainder

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

The tenth term in a sequence is
1004.58. If the pattern rule is
 100,  10, ...,
what is the first term?

A Dividend Opinion
Said the Aliquant to the Aliquot,
“You’re all used up, and I am not.”
“Used up?” said the Aliquot. “Not a bit.
I happen to be a perfect fit.
You’re a raveled thread. A wrong number.
You’re about as useful as scrap lumber.
I slip into place like a mitered joint.
You hang out over your decimal point
Like a monkey asquat in a cuckoo’s nest
With your tail adangle, self-impressed
By the way you twitch the thing about.
Stuck up about nothing but sticking out,
If I’m used up, you will discover
You’re no fresh start. You’re just left over
From nothing anyone would want,”
Said the Aliquot to the Aliquant.
John Ciardi Chapter 3 87
8206-2_088-089 10/7/07 10:53 AM Page 88

Update your skills. See page 3.

3-1 Short Division

Leilani’s sister saved the same amount
of money each month for 9 months for a
vacation. The vacation cost $1908.
How much did she save each month?

To find the amount she saved each

month, n, divide: $1908  9  n.

You can use short division to divide

mentally by a one-digit divisor.
Division Steps
0$ 2 0$ 2 1 0$ 2 1 2 1. Estimate.

9$ 1
9$ 1
9 0
1 1
9$ 1
9 0
1 1
8 2. Divide.
3. Multiply.
02  .9.  18 01  .9.  9 02  .9.  18 4. Subtract and
19  18  1 10  .9.  1 18  18  0 compare.
5. Bring down
and repeat.
Leilani’s sister saved $212 each month.

A number is divisible by:
To predict if a quotient has • 2 if it is an even number.
a remainder, you can use • 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
divisibility rules. • 5 if its last digit is a 0 or a 5.

153,278  2 59,679  5 69,123  3

153,278 is an 59,679 does not 69,123

even number. have 0 or 5 as 6  9  1  2  3  21;
no remainder its last digit. 21  3  7
has a remainder no remainder

7 6, 6 3 9 1 1, 9 3 5 R4 2 3, 0 4 1
21 3
2 8
55 7
,4 6 19
36  2
,1 1

88 Chapter 3 2.0
8206-2_088-089 11/4/05 7:07 PM Page 89

Divide using short division.

1. 38,9
2. 68,1
3. 540
4. 735

5. 688,932  4 6. 912,848  8 7. 2,496,598  2 8. 6,975,687  3

Predict if the quotient has a remainder. Explain why

or why not. Then divide to check your prediction.

9. 559
10. 36,7
11. 219
12. 370

Find each quotient by short division. Use R to write remainders.

Check by multiplying the divisor and the quotient
and then adding the remainder.

13. 417
14. 986
15. 519
16. 710

17. $8157.75  5 18. $644.68  4 19. 36,570  7 20. 19,580  6

Write the divisor. Use divisibility rules to help you.

2891 1966 7,489 R3 7,915 R7
21. ?58
22. ?5 
98 7
23. ?6,4
24. ?6,3

25. A manufacturer has 368,536 bottles 26. Air Ways shipped 20,799 radios. The
to pack into 8-bottle cartons. Will radios were packed 9 to a box. Will
46,065 cartons be enough to pack 2311 boxes be enough to pack all
all the bottles? Explain. the radios? Explain.

You can divide by powers and by multiples of 10 mentally.

27. Copy and complete the division patterns below.
Write a rule that tells how to divide by a power of 10
and a rule that tells how to divide by a multiple of 10.

34,000  1  34,000 40,000  5  8,000

34,000  10  ? 40,000  50  800
34,000  100  ? 40,000  500  ?
34,000  1000  34 40,000  5000  ?

Chapter 3 89
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3-2 Estimate Quotients

There are 1895 students and teachers in the
district going by bus to the science fair. The
district is renting buses that hold 48 people each.
About how many buses are needed?

To find about how many buses are needed,

estimate: 1895  48.

One way to estimate the quotient of two numbers

is to use compatible numbers.

 Write the nearest compatible whole

Two numbers are
numbers for the dividend and the divisor.
compatible numbers
when one number divides
the other evenly.
1895  48 2000  50  40

about about 2000 and 50 are compatible numbers.

2000 50 They are easy to divide mentally.

About 40 buses are needed.

Study these examples.

To make compatible To make compatible

numbers, you can change numbers, you can
both the dividend and the change just the dividend
divisor. (or just the divisor).

30 $ 1,000
00 4

  30 4

“is approximately equal to”

90 Chapter 3
8206-2_090-091 11/4/05 7:09 PM Page 91

Estimate the quotient. Use compatible numbers.

1. 2164  43 2. 5838  28 3. 7842  37

4. 3984  19 5. 82,461  41 6. $51,206  53

7. 13,642  206 8. 85,136  409 9. $485,725  520

10. 672,385  710 11. 879,500  425 12. $972,360  325

Choose the best estimate.

13. 3224
 ? a. 1 b. 10 c. 100 d. 1000

14. 1964
 ? a. 3 b. 30 c. 300 d. 3000

15. 21030
 ? a. 2 b. 20 c. 200 d. 2000

16. 38972
 ? a. 2 b. 20 c. 200 d. 2000

17. A truck driver drove 5845 miles in 19 days.

Did he average more than 250 miles a day?
How do you know?

18. Sheila’s company mails 3580 advertising flyers

in 25 days. Do the mailings average more than
200 flyers per day? How do you know?

19. The mileage on Michael’s new car is 686 miles.

The mileage on his sister’s car is 45,650. About
how many times greater is the mileage on her car?

Estimate by rounding. Then find the product.

20. 54  426 21. 76  549 22. 65  5305 23. 48  4017

24. 630  4454 25. 801  7182 26. 420  $17.82 27. 350  $24.37

Chapter 3 91
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Update your skills. See pages 10–11.

3-3 Divide Whole Numbers

Alaska has 33,904 miles of shoreline.
Connecticut has 618 miles of shoreline.
How many times the length of Connecticut’s
shoreline is Alaska’s?

To find how many times the length, n,

divide: 33,904  618  n.

First estimate by using compatible numbers:

30,000  600  50.
Then divide.
Decide where 3
 618  339 Not enough hundreds
to begin the
quotient. 3
 618  3390 Enough tens

The quotient begins in the tens place.

Divide the tens. Divide the ones. Check.

5 5 4 R532  0 0,6 1 8
6 1 8 3 304 6 1 8 3
304 0  0 0,5 4
 3 0,9 0  3 0,9 0  0 2,4 7 2
 0 3,0 0  0 3,0 0 4  3 0,9 0
0  2,4 7 2  3 3,3 7 2
0  0,5 3 2  0 0,5 3 2
 3 3,9 0 4
Alaska’s shoreline is about 55 times 54 R532 is close to
the length of Connecticut’s shoreline. the estimate of 50.

Sometimes you need to write one or more zeros in the quotient.

0 0 2 0 R13 0 3,0 0 1 R5

5 3 1 073 3 3 9
9 38
1 0 6 Write zero in 9 9 Write two zeros
0 0 1 3 the quotient.  0 0,0 3 8 in the quotient.
0 0,0 3 3
53  13  0 0,0 0 5

92 Chapter 3 2.0
8206-2_092-093 11/4/05 7:10 PM Page 93

Estimate by using compatible numbers. Then find each quotient.

1. 5263
2. 3457
3. 1513
4. 4026

5. 36,389  82 6. 30,139  93 7. 25,297  84 8. 72,072  72

9. 86,129  43 10. 36,408  912 11. 2710  759 12. 88,408  514

Find the value of the variable.

13. n  28,671  57 14. d  14,558  29 15. 504,144  36  m

16. 696,024  24  a 17. c  400,458  186 18. b  681,042  223

Use the table to find the number of carats in each gem. (1 carat  20 centigrams)
19. Cut diamond Gem Mass (in centigrams)
20. Ruby Cut diamond 10 600
Ruby 170 000
21. Emerald
Emerald (single crystal) 140 500
22. Sapphire Sapphire (carved) 46 040
23. Opal Opal 527 000

24. Arizona’s land area is 113,642 square 25. Kansas’s land area is 81,823 square
miles and its water area is 364 square miles and its water area is 459 square
miles. How many times greater is the miles. How many times greater is the
land area than the water area? land area than the water area?

26. On planet NO-LEAP, each year has exactly 365 days.

EU-2’s father is 14,977 days old. How many days ago
was his birthday? (Hint: 14,977  365  ? years ? days)

Use each statement and the numbers in the box 133, 1, 0, 133, 4056
to write number sentences. Tell whether the
statement is always, sometimes, or never true
for all the given numbers.
27. The sum is zero. 28. The quotient is zero.

29. The difference is zero. 30. The sum is greater than or equal to 0.

Chapter 3 93
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3-4 Divide Decimals by 10, 100, and 1000

Eddie divided six decimals by 10, 100, and 1000 and discovered
some patterns.
637.4  0010  63.74 53.8  0010  5.38 8.7  0010  0.87
637.4  0100  06.374 53.8  0100  0.538 8.7  0100  0.087
637.4  1000  00.6374 53.8  1000  0.0538 8.7  1000  0.0087

21.76  0010  2.176 6.15  0010  0.615 0.47  0010  0.047

21.76  0100  0.2176 6.15  0100  0.0615 0.47  0100  0.0047
21.76  1000  0.02176 6.15  1000  0.00615 0.47  1000  0.00047

He used these patterns to help him divide by 10, 100, and 1000.

To divide a decimal by 10, 100, or 1000:

 Count the number of zeros in the divisor.

 Move the decimal point to the left one place

in the dividend for each zero in the divisor.
 Write zeros in the quotient as needed.

Study these examples.

6 8.4  1 0  6.8 4 1 zero: Move 1 place to the left.

2 6 8.7  1 0 0  2.6 8 7 2 zeros: Move 2 places to the left.

0 3 2.5  1 0 0 0  0.0 3 2 5 3 zeros: Move 3 places to the left.

Write 1 zero as a placeholder.

3 zeros: Move 3 places to the left.

0 0 1.8 2  1 0 0 0  0.0 0 1 8 2
Write 2 zeros as placeholders.

Find the quotients. Use the patterns.

1. 8329  10 2. 724.8  10 3. 56.39  10 4. 2.8  10
8329  100 724.8  100 56.39  100 2.8  100
8329  1000 724.8  1000 56.39  1000 2.8  1000

5. 4.27  10 6. 8.1  10 7. 0.6  10 8. 0.18  10

4.27  100 8.1  100 0.6  100 0.18  100
4.27  1000 8.1  1000 0.6  1000 0.18  1000

94 Chapter 3 2.0
8206-2_094-095 11/4/05 7:12 PM Page 95

9. 0.02  100 10. 0.105  10 11. 30.8  100 12. 9.9  10

13. 849  1000 14. 3.9  100 15. 0.63  10 16. 0.17  100

17. 0.245  100 18. 5.628  1000 19. 9  1000 20. 19.95  10

Find the value of the variable.

21. 4.07  n  0.0407 22. 0.18  m  0.018 23. 22.8  x  0.0228

24. a  100  56.7 25. d  10  0.07 26. y  1000  0.05

Scientific Notation of Decimals Between 0 and 1

Scientific notation can be used to rename The scientific notation of a
decimals that are between 0 and 1. Negative number is a product of two
exponents are used for the powers of 10. factors:
6.4 1 • One factor is greater than or
0.00064    6.4    6.4  104 equal to 1, but less than 10.
10,000 10,000 • The other factor is a power
of 10 in exponent form.
4 zeros

Write 0.00064 in scientific notation.

To write a decimal between 0 and 1 in scientific notation:
• Write the first factor by placing the decimal 0.00064 6.4
point to the right of the first nonzero digit.
• Count the number of places the decimal point 0 . 0 0 0 6 . 4  6.4  104
was moved to the right and use this number
as the negative exponent of the power of 10.
4 places
In scientific notation, 0.00064  6.4  104.

Write in scientific notation.

27. 0.015 28. 0.0000086 29. 0.00000079 30. 0.000124

31. 0.0069 32. 0.0000000147 33. 0.000000009 34. 0.0000716

35. Mike divided 815.6 m of fencing 36. A wasp has a mass of 0.005 mg.
into 100 equal sections. How long Rename this mass in kilograms using
is each section? scientific notation.

Chapter 3 95
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3-5 Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers

Elena and five of her friends went out
for pizza. The total bill was $18.66.
They shared the bill equally. How much
did each person pay?

To find the amount each person paid, n,

divide: $18.66  6  n.

First estimate by using compatible numbers,

$18  6  $3. Then divide.

To divide a decimal by a whole number:

Write the decimal point in the Divide as you

quotient directly above the would with whole
decimal point in the dividend. numbers. Check.

. $ 3.1 1 0 $ 3.1 1

6 $ 1.6
8 6 6 $
8 6  6
1 8 $ 1 8.6 6
0 0 6
0 0 6
0 0 0 6 Write the
0 0 0 6 dollar sign
0 0 0 0 in the quotient.

Each person paid $3.11. $3.11 is close to the estimate of $3.

Study these examples.

2.1 9 .. 0.3 7 Short Division
4 8
2 6 9 .6
8 6 6 . 7 8 6 0.4 8.

3 1
0 7 6 . 1 8 2 4
4 6 . 1 8 2
3 6 . 0
3 6 .

0 .

96 Chapter 3 2.0
8206-2_096-097 11/4/05 7:13 PM Page 97

Divide and check.

1. 67.2  6 2. 7.5  3 3. 49.32  9 4. 0.95  5

5. 21.60  15 6. 13.2  22 7. 0.784  7 8. 8.792  4

9. 62.1  3 10. 9.520  7 11. $77.20  8 12. 0.732  6

13. 59.5
14. 615
15. 7$7
5 1
16. 84.5

17. 12$4
0 4
18. 4239
4 .8
19. 4064
20. 5032

21. 2031
22. 5$0
5 .7
23. 3032
24. 4$4

25. 61.1
0 .1
26. 3007
27. 8016
28. 6736

Compare. Write , , or .
29. 0.57  30 ? 0.57  3 30. 92.4  6 ? 9.24  6

31. 44 ? 44
32. 5015
 ? 50

33. If 6 packages weigh 0.936 lb, 34. Mary spent $.96 for 8 m
what does 1 package weigh? of ribbon. What does 1 m
What do 12 packages weigh? of ribbon cost?

35. Irma wants to divide a bill of 36. Mr. Clark traveled 456.4 km in 14 days.
$48.24 equally among 8 people. If he traveled the same distance each
How much should each person pay? day, how far did he travel each day?

37. Ray has 1.92 m of copper tubing 38. A large carton of books weighs 34.5 lb
that he cuts into 4 equal pieces. How and is three times the weight of a
long is each piece? smaller carton. How much does the
smaller carton weigh?

Find the mean (average) of each set of numbers.

39. 6.8, 4.9, 5.5, 7.2 40. $35.92, $37.16, $39, $33.95, $40.02

41. 0.099, 0.2, 0.089, 0.12, 0.092, 0.108 42. 4.8, 5, 4.5, 5.1, 4.75, 4.6, 5.25, 4.2, 4.1

Chapter 3 97
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3-6 Patterns with Tenths, Hundredths,

Mario used these patterns for dividing numbers
by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 to find the number of
tenths, hundredths, and thousandths in a
whole number or decimal.

34  000.1  340 631.8  000.1  6318

34  00.01  3400 631.8  00.01  63,180
34  0.001  34,000 631.8  0.001  631,800

To divide by 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001:

 Count the number of decimal places in the divisor.

 Move the decimal point to the right one place in

the dividend for each decimal place in the divisor.
 Write zeros in the quotient as needed.

Study these examples.

4.3 6  0 . 1  4 3.6 1 decimal place in the divisor
Move 1 place to the right.

4.3 6  0 . 0 1  4 3 6 2 decimal places in the divisor

Move 2 places to the right.

4.3 6 0  0 . 0 0 1  4 3 6 0 3 decimal places in the divisor

Move 3 places to the right.
Write 1 zero.

When you divide by 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001, the quotient increases

as the divisor decreases.

Find the quotients. Use the patterns.

1. 16  0.1 2. 329  0.1 3. 5.8  0.1 4. 27.6  0.1
16  0.01 329  0.01 5.8  0.01 27.6  0.01
16  0.001 329  0.001 5.8  0.001 27.6  0.001

98 Chapter 3 2.0
8206-2_098-099 11/4/05 7:15 PM Page 99

5. 237  0.1 6. 157.5  0.1 7. 42.23  0.1 8. 27.16  0.01

9. 82.06  0.01 10. 784.19  0.01 11. 2.5  0.001 12. 0.8  0.001

13. 0.72  0.1 14. 0.9  0.01 15. 188  0.001 16. 427.01  0.01

17. 56.56  0.01 18. 0.88  0.1 19. 1.56  0.01 20. 1  0.001

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
21. 12.9  0.01 ? 12.9  0.001 22. 15.4  0.01 ? 15.4  0.1

23. 5.9  0.01 ? 59  0.01 24. 6.2  0.01 ? 62  0.1

25. How many dimes are in $18.60? 26. How many pennies are in $56?

27. Compare the patterns in the first two columns below. Then
compare the patterns in the last two columns. Summarize your
findings in your Math Journal.

0.63  1000  630 0.63  1000  0.00063 0.63  3000  0.00021

0.63  100  63 0.63  100  0.0063 0.63  300  0.0021
0.63  10  6.3 0.63  10  0.063 0.63  30  0.021
0.63  1  0.63 0.63  1  0.63 0.63  3  0.21
0.63  0.1  0.063 0.63  0.1  6.3 0.63  0.3  2.1
0.63  0.01  0.0063 0.63  0.01  63 0.63  0.03  21
0.63  0.001  0.00063 0.63  0.001  630 0.63  0.003  210

28. Find the value of each variable. Use the patterns in exercise 27 to help you.
a. 0.6  a  0.006 b. 44  m  4400 c. 7.6  c  3800

d. 5.42  t  542 e. 3.16  n  0.316 f. 2.05  w  41

g. 1.14  b  0.00114 h. 0.216  r  0.00216 i. 10.2  s  0.34

Chapter 3 99
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3-7 Estimate Decimal Quotients

The fabric Hannah needs costs $4.65 per yard.
She has $23.50. About how many yards of
fabric can she buy?

To find about how many yards Hannah

can buy, estimate: $23.50  $4.65.

Use compatible numbers to estimate the quotient

of two decimals (or two money amounts):

 Write the nearest compatible whole $23.50 $24

numbers for the dividend and the divisor. 0$4.65 0$4

 Divide. $24  $4  6

She can buy about 6 yards of fabric.

Compare the dividend and the divisor to help

estimate a quotient if it is greater than or less than 1.

Dividend  Divisor Quotient  1

8  0.16 8  0.16 8  0.16  1

Dividend  Divisor Quotient  1

0.16  8 0.16  8 0.16  8  1

Estimate to place the decimal point in the quotient.

1. 29.52  7.2  41 2. 18.7  5.5  34 3. 49.6  8  62

4. 38.13  15.5  246 5. 40.18  19.6  205 6. 225.15  7.5  3002

7. 396.5  12.2  325 8. 9.21  7.5  1228 9. $37.75  5  $755

100 Chapter 3
8206-2_101 11/4/05 7:18 PM Page 101

Estimate each quotient. Use compatible numbers.

10. 41.9  8.6 11. 54.3  9.3 12. 47.17  6.88

13. 358.8  5.99 14. 225.741  6.8 15. 182.827  3.5

16. 505.905  52.7 17. 798.238  68.4 18. 328  15.9

19. 885  30.9 20. $63.28  4.4 21. $596.78  $9.50

Compare. Write ,, , or . .
22. 8  9 ? 1 23. 27.6  7.4 ? 1 24. 14.9  8.7 ? 1

25. 6.8  18.9 ? 1 26. 1 ? 0.7  5.88 27. 1 ? 41.1  0.999

28. 1 ? 1.28  3.01 29. 1 ? 12.1  0.894 30. 1  0.1 ? 1

Three Ways to Estimate Quotients

Front End Compatible Numbers Rounding
35.5  3.6 35.5  3.6 35.5  3.6
30  3  10 40  4  10 36  4  9

Estimate each quotient to complete the table.

Front End Rounding
31. $225.50  15.8 ? ? ?
32. 152.8  6.7 ? ? ?
33. 60  5.8 ? ? ?

34. Which method seems to give the most accurate estimate

in each of exercises 31–33?

35. The closest estimate of 36. The closest estimate of

36.142  8.95 is ? . $464.36  $9.25 is ? .

A4 B 0.4 C 0.04 D 0.004 A 0.5 B 5 C 50 D 500

Chapter 3 101
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3-8 Decimal Divisors

Mrs. Martinez is shingling the roof of
her house. Each shingle is 0.2 m wide.
If the roof is 8.46 m wide, how many
shingles can she put in each row?

To find the number of shingles, n,

divide: 8.46  0.2  n.

First estimate by using front-end estimation:

8  0.2  40.
Then divide.

To divide by a decimal:
 Move the decimal point in the divisor 0.2 8
to form a whole-number divisor. Then
move the decimal point in the dividend
to the right the same number of places.
4 2.3
 Place the decimal point in the quotient .6
2 8 4
and then divide.

 Check by multiplying. 4 2.3

 4 0.2
8.4 6
Each row will have 42.3 shingles. 42.3 is close to the estimate of 40.

Study these examples. Remember: The divisor must always

be a whole number.

2 2 2 0.5 3 1 6 6

2.4 1 .2
72 2 4 1
22 0.0 2 7 0
62 2 7 1
1 2 0 1 6 2
2 2 7 2 6 6 0
Move the decimal 2 2 7 2 Move the decimal
points one place 2 2 7 0 points three places
to the right. to the right.

102 Chapter 3 2.0

8206-2_102-103 11/4/05 7:20 PM Page 103

Move the decimal points in the divisor and in the dividend.

Then write the decimal point in the quotient.
0 2 8 1 0 0 0 0 9 2 0 0 003 1 1

1. 2.3 6 .4
63 2. 0.1 9 0
8 3. 0.9 2 2

0 6 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

4. 0.8 4 .8
24 5. 0.0 1 1 0
5 6. 0.0 1 2 0

0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

7. 1.5 0 .0
045 8. 0.1 8 0
36 9. 0.0 2 4 0

Divide and check.

10. 0.575 .6
11. 0.696 .7
12. 0.406 .6
13. 0.781

14. 92.4  0.4 15. 6.3  0.3 16. 257.2  0.4 17. 0.96  0.8

18. 2.214  0.9 19. 0.084  0.3 20. 555.6  0.6 21. 391.2  0.4

22. 0.28496
23. 0.75072
24. 0.07302
25. 0.08121

26. 6.9  2.3 27. 8.93  4.7 28. 0.78  0.26 29. 0.014  0.07

30. Mike is tiling a floor. If each tile is 31. Carlos cut a 25.8-ft length of
0.3 m wide and the floor is 5.4 m wide, rope into 0.6-ft segments.
how many tiles will fit in each row? How many segments did he cut?

32. The perimeter of a square 33. Yvette grew 13.68 in. in 12 months.
floor is 48.8 ft. How long On the average, how many
is each side? inches did she grow per month?

Complete the pattern to find each quotient.

24  3  8 34. 24  0.3  ? 24  0.03  ? 24  0.003  ? .

42  6  7 35. 42  0.6  ? 42  0.06  ? 42  0.006  ? .

Chapter 3 103
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3-9 Zeros in Division

Erin used 8.75 gal of gasoline to drive her car
210 mi. How many miles per gallon of gasoline
did her car get?

To find the miles per gallon, n,

divide: 210  8.75  n.

First estimate by using front-end estimation,

200  8  25. Then divide.

It is sometimes necessary to write one or more zeros

as placeholders in the dividend to complete the division.
0 0 0 2 4
8.7 5 21.
0 8.7 5 2
0 0 8 7 5 2
0 1 7 5 0
0 0 3 5 0 0
Place a decimal Move decimal points 0 0 3 5 0 0
point after 210. 2 places to the right. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write 2 zeros as

Erin’s car got 24 miles per gallon. 24 is close to the estimate of 25.

If needed, write one or more zeros in the quotient

to show the correct place value.

00.0.0 3 0.0 0 3

4.7 0 .1
41 Write 1 zero 5 9 0
77 Write 2 zeros
in the quotient. 1 7 7 in the quotient.
1 4 1
0 0 0 0 0

Study this example.

0.0 4 8 Write a zero.

0.5 0 .0
50 .2
40 Write a zero. Check.
2 0 Multiply:
0 4 0 0.5  0.048  0.024
0 4 0
0 0 0

104 Chapter 3 2.0

8206-2_104-105 11/4/05 7:21 PM Page 105

Divide. When needed, write zeros as placeholders in the dividend.

1. 0.40 .7
2. 0.50 .5
3. 0.80 .3
4. 1.50

5. 0.81 
6. 0.49 
7. 2.56 
8. 1.23

9. 0.050 .4
10. 0.320 .7
11. 0.080 6
12. 0.081

13. 63 
14. 84 .0
15. 0.203 .6
16. 2.40

17. 0.7  1.4 18. 0.3  2 19. 0.03  0.025 20. 0.8  0.032

Divide. Write zeros in the quotient as needed.

21. 505 .3
22. 406 .1
23. 8068
24. 800

25. 2.1061
26. 6.2072
27. 2.1063
28. 0.6036

29. 7035
30. 9014
31. 2102
32. 9099

33. 9.8019
34. 0.8032
35. 3.1027
36. 0.71014

37. 0.405  0.5 38. 0.352  0.4 39. 0.00092  0.4 40. 0.00042  0.4

41. 0.702  9 42. 0.0096  3 43. 4.32  6 44. 2.62  8

45. Forty laps around a track equal 46. A wheel makes 1 turn in 0.7 second.
2.5 km. How far is 1 lap around What part of a turn can it make in
the track? 0.35 second?

47. Melons cost $.56 per pound. 48. A can of juice costs $.48.
How many pounds can be bought How many cans can be
with $5.60? bought with $12?

49. A greyhound runs at a speed of 50. A baseball card is 0.65 mm

39.35 miles per hour. How far thick. What is the thickness
will the greyhound run in of 20 baseball cards?
0.25 hour? of 100 baseball cards?

51. Melinda bought 3.2 lb of cherries for $2.88. Cody paid

$3.78 for 4.5 lb of cherries. Who paid more per pound?
How much more?

Chapter 3 105
8206-2_106-107 10/7/07 10:58 AM Page 106

3-10 Multiplication and Division Expressions

Linda washes dogs to earn extra money on weekends.
She spends 30 minutes on each dog. If she washes
5 dogs on Saturday, write an expression for the total
number of minutes she spends washing the dogs.

30  5 30 • 5 30(5)

multiplication expression

Write an expression for the total number of minutes

Linda spends washing d dogs on Sunday.
Algebraic expressions involving
30  d 30 • d 30(d ) 30d multiplication commonly omit
the multiplication sign.
multiplication expression 30  d 30d

Each of the expressions above can be read as:

30 times d d multiplied by 30
the product of 30 and d

Linda will spend 280 minutes washing dogs 280  20 280

next weekend. If she spends 20 minutes 20
per dog, write an expression for the number
of dogs she will wash.
division expression

Write an expression for the number of dogs 280  m 280

Linda will wash if she spends m minutes m
per dog.
division expression

Each of the expressions above can be read as:

280 divided by m the quotient of 280 and m
the result of dividing 280 by m

106 Chapter 3
8206-2_106-107 11/4/05 7:22 PM Page 107

Write each word phrase as a numerical expression.

1. eight times four 2. the product of two and 15

3. 27 divided by three 4. the quotient of 81 and nine

Write each word phrase as an algebraic expression. Use x as a variable.

5. the product of 37 and a number 6. a number divided by 12

7. six times a number 8. a number multiplied by 29

9. a number divided by ten 10. 30.5 divided by a number

11. the quotient of 621 and a number 12. a number times 45

Write each mathematical expression as a word phrase.

13. 98  45 14. 62.5  25 15. 45 • h
16. 7 17. m  65 18. 35  18.3
19. 81f 20. s 21. 8.92(y)

Write an expression for each situation.

22. Steve has 8 CD cases. He puts 23. Jane buys packages of 8 hot dogs for
12 CDs in each case. How many a cookout. She buys p packages in
CDs in all does Steve have? all. How many hot dogs does she buy?

24. Eric buys 20 pounds of dog food. He 25. Sela ran 13.5 miles in d days. She ran
places an equal amount of food into the same distance each day. How far
each of 5 containers. How many pounds did she run each day?
of dog food are in each container?

The table shows the number of rows of Number of Rows

strawberries that Osvaldo can pick per hour. Hours Picked
26. Let t stand for the number of hours worked. 1 2
Write an expression for the number of rows picked. 2 4
27. Let r stand for the number of rows picked. 3 6
Write an expression for the number of hours worked. 4 8
28. Explain in your Math Journal how
the expressions you wrote are related.

Chapter 3 107
8206-2_108-109 10/12/07 6:42 PM Page 108

3-11 Evaluate Multiplication and

Division Expressions
A train travels at an average rate of 130
miles per hour. After a number of hours,
the train reaches its destination. How many
miles does the train travel in 2.5 hours?
To find how many miles, write the
Let h represent the number
of hours traveled.

Then evaluate 130h, when h  2.5 hours. Evaluate means find the value.

To evaluate an algebraic expression:

• Substitute the given number
for the variable. 130h  130 • 2.5
• Simplify to find the value  325 value of the expression
of the expression.

The train travels 325 miles in 2.5 hours at 130 miles per hour.

Study these examples.

Evaluate each expression for the value given.
w  20, when w  $500 8a  n, when a  1.5 and n  4
w  20 Replace w with $500. 8a  n Replace a with 1.5 and n with 4.
$500  20 Divide. 8  1.5  4 Multiply.

$25 48

Evaluate each expression.

1. 26 • 2010 2. 0.25  8  30.4 3. 4.2n, for n  20

4. 33t, for t  1.3 5. 0.5r, for r  6000 6. 345  f, for f  15

7. 7568 8. 8.4 , for q  1.2 9. 0.07 , for x  2.94
16 q
10. n  160, for n  2992 11. 2 • y • 6, for y  0.1 12. a(2.1 • 0.02), for a  40

108 Chapter 3 1.1

8206-2_108-109 11/4/05 7:24 PM Page 109

Evaluate each algebraic expression for c 5 0.4 and d 5 200.

Remember to work from left to right.
13. d  6  30 14. d  c  200 15. 36  c  d

16. 35  c  500 17. 10  c  d 18. d  1500  c

19. d  20  c 20. cd  12 21. cd  8

22. (d  4)  c 23. 8d  100c 24. 300c  d

Write and evaluate an expression for each situation.

25. Lois spent x dollars on 12 books. 26. Leah spent three times the amount
Each book cost the same amount. Damean spent on CDs. Damean
How much did Lois spend on each spent $33.87. How much did
book, if she spent a total of $143.88? Leah spend on CDs?

27. Let y represent the number of 28. Kristy found the total weight
miles Mandi jogged each of some packages to be 1.926
week. Brittany jogged double kilograms. Each package weighed
the amount Mandi jogged. the same amount. If there were 6
How many miles did Brittany packages, what did each weigh?
jog, if Mandi jogged 6.8 miles?

29. Nina meets her friends for lunch. The bill was $40.24 and
they left an $8 tip. How much did each of the eight friends
pay if they shared the bill equally?

Evaluate each algebraic expression for

c  1000, d  2000, g  0.001, and h  0.009.
30. c times d 31. d divided by c 32. h divided by g

33. the product of d and g 34. d minus c 35. h added to g

36. h multiplied by d 37. h divided by c 38. g times h

39. d more than c 40. g less than h 41. the quotient of d and g

Chapter 3 109
8206-2_110-111 10/7/07 10:59 AM Page 110

Update your skills. See page 2.

3-12 Round Quotients

Mei bought 6 containers of apple juice
for $1.90. To the nearest cent, what
is the cost of each container of juice?

To find the cost of each container, n,

divide: $1.90  6  n.

First estimate by using compatible numbers:

$1.80  6  $.30. Then divide.
Rules for Rounding:
• Look at the digit to the
Sometimes the division results in a remainder, right of the place to which
no matter how many zeros are written in the you are rounding.
dividend. You can round these quotients. In this
• If the digit is less than 5,
case, the quotient is rounded to the nearest
round down. If the digit
cent (hundredths place). is 5 or greater, round up.

$ .3 1 6 Divide to the thousandths $.316

6 $ 1 00 place. Write 1 zero.
1 8 $.32
0 1 0 Think
0  06 $ .316666... 65
0 0 4 0 1
 Round up to $.32
0 0 3 6
0 0 0 4

To the nearest cent, each container of juice costs $.32.

Study these examples.

Round to the nearest tenth: Round to the nearest thousandth:

7  3. 0.42  0.19.

2.3 3 Divide to hundredths. 0 0 0 0 2.2 1 0 5 Divide to

3 7 .0
0 Write 2 zeros. 0.1 9 0
20000 ten thousandths.
Write 4 zeros.

3  5 Round down. 7  3  2.3 5  5 Round up. 0.42  0.19  2.211

110 Chapter 3 2.0

8206-2_110-111 11/4/05 7:25 PM Page 111

Divide. Round to the nearest tenth.

1. 68 
2. 176 0
3. 9.22 5
4. 6.51

5. 2.30 .1
6. 0.92 .5
7. 3.16 .8
8. 0.30

9. 0.405 .2
10. 0.413 .1
11. 0.0301 .6
12. 0.0901

Divide. Round to the nearest hundredth or nearest cent.

13. 65 2
14. 32 .2
15. 79 .5
16. 41

17. 1.14 .4
18. 1.50 .1
19. 3.38 .5
20. 0.74

21. 0.067 .3
22. 0.079 .5
23. 0.708 .7
24. 0.301

25. 8$.2
4 8
26. 6$.2
3 1
27. 2$.1
1 5
28. 3$.1

Divide. Round to the nearest thousandth.

29. 60 .7
30. 823 .0
31. 3755
32. 27078

33. 0.301 8
34. 9.510
35. 2.327
36. 0.070

37. A 32-oz box of cereal sells for $1.89. To the nearest cent,
what is the price per ounce?

38. Juan can climb 3.7 km in 4 hours. To the nearest hundredth

of a kilometer, how far can he climb in an hour?

39. Edna can run 5.5 km in 26 minutes. To the nearest tenth of a

kilometer, what is her speed in kilometers per minute?

40. Mr. Shapiro used 14.7 gallons of gasoline to drive 392.7 miles. To the
nearest tenth, what was his average number of miles per gallon?

41. Explain in your Math Journal how to find the price per ounce
as in problem 37.

Chapter 3 111
8206-2_112-113 10/7/07 10:59 AM Page 112

3-13 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Interpret the Remainder
To celebrate Somerville’s 200th anniversary,
2000 people are invited to a formal dinner.
If 12 people are seated at each table, how
many tables will be needed?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: 2000 people invited to a dinner
each table seats 12 people

Question: How many tables will be needed?

Since each table seats 12 people, divide 2000 by 12 to find

how many tables, n, will be needed.

2000  12  n.

1 1 1 6 6 R8

1 2 2 0
1 1 2 There is a remainder of 8 people,
1  18 0 so 1 more table will be needed.
1 1 7 2
1 1  18 0
1 1 1 7 2
1 1  1 18

Somerville will need 167 tables to seat 2000 people.

Multiply and add to check your answer.

1 1 6 6
1 1 1 2
1 3 3 2
1 6 6 Remember: Check by multiplying the quotient
and the divisor. Then add the remainder.
1 9 9 2
1 1 1 8
2 0 0 0 The answer checks.

112 Chapter 3
8206-2_112-113 11/4/05 7:26 PM Page 113

Solve. Interpret the remainder.

01. A radio station is planning a 12.5 km walk

for a fundraiser. The goal is to raise $98,003.
If the pledge is $1.50 per km, how many
people will need to walk 12.5 km to reach
or surpass the goal?

Visualize yourself in the problem

above as you reread it. List the
facts and the question.
Facts: fundraiser walk—12.5 km
pledge per km—$1.50
Question: How many people will need to walk 12.5 km
to reach or go beyond the goal?

First, find how much a person will raise, a, if he or she

walks 12.5 km. Multiply: $1.50  12.5  a.
Then, to find the number of people needed to raise What will a
$98,003, n, divide: $98,003.00  a  n. remainder mean?

02. Each touring van will accommodate 22 people. If one group

has 170 people, how many touring vans will the group need?

03. Two hundred twenty-five dignitaries are invited to a parade.

There are three reviewing stands that each seat 70 people.
How many extra chairs will be needed to seat all the dignitaries?

04. There are 17 floats in the parade. Each float is decorated

with 1026 carnations. If 500 carnations cost $189.50, how
much will it cost to decorate all 17 floats?

05. Festival organizers plan to have 170 fireworks set off at night.
The show will last 2 hour. If the same number of firecrackers
are to go off each minute, how many should that be?

06. Local vendors plan to sell hot dogs during the festival. Their goal
is to sell 5000 hot dogs. If hot dogs are packed 48 to a box,
how many boxes should the vendors order?

Chapter 3 113
8206-2_114-115 10/7/07 11:00 AM Page 114

3-14 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Rachel’s craft group is building a collection of model
ships. Rachel cuts 9 masts out of a 75-in. balsa
wood dowel. How long is each mast?

02. A local lumber supplier sells 1000 balsa wood

dowels for $990.00. How much would a hundred
dowels cost? a dozen dowels? 1 dowel?

03. Ramon needs 50 wooden planks to build decks

for 11 ships. If 50 planks cost $99.50, how much
is Ramon spending per ship?

04. Jared uses twine for the ropes on a model ship.

A 35-yd ball of twine costs $2.99. What is the cost
per yard?

05. Miniature brass ship decorations sell for $.29 per ounce.
If Talia pays $7.50 for a bag of decorations, how many
ounces does the bag weigh? Round to the nearest ounce.

06. Ted sends Rachel 100 model sails that he has made.
The total weight of the package is 13.75 oz. If the
packaging weighs 0.25 oz, how much does one sail weigh?

07. The content weight of a box of models is 81 lb. If there

are 9 each of 5 different models in the box, what is the
average weight of an individual model?

08. A collection of model ships has a mass of 8064 g. The mass

of each ship is 448 g. How many ships are in the collection?

09. Models built by four craft groups will be exhibited together.

Each display case will hold 6 model ships. There will be
117 model ships in the exhibit. How many display cases
will be needed?

114 Chapter 3
8206-2_114-115 11/4/05 7:28 PM Page 115

Solve. Use a strategy from the list or another

strategy you know to do each problem.
10. The History Museum displays a variety of models.
A model fort is built entirely from miniature bricks.
Use These Strategies
Each brick has a mass of 115 g. The model fort
Interpret the Remainder
has a mass of 143,175 g. How many bricks are Write an Equation
used in this model? Guess and Test
Use Simpler Numbers
11. Another historical model shows a Civil War battlefield. Use More Than One Step
Use a Graph
There are twice as many Confederate soldiers as
Union soldiers in the model. There are 639 soldiers in
the display. How many Confederate soldiers are there?

12. A model of the Monitor requires 2350 bolts. The

bolts are produced in sets of 15. How many sets
of bolts must be ordered to make this model?

13. Joe’s handmade wooden toy train car weighs 4.923 oz.
A 15-car wooden train set at a local toy store weighs
65.64 oz. How much lighter or heavier is Joe’s train car
than the average for the store’s train cars?

14. A craft club wants to buy model paint kits to raffle off at
their next meeting. The kits come in three sizes: small,
24 oz of paint for $5.19; medium, 32 oz of paint for $6.19;
and large, 48 oz of paint for $7.19. Which is the best buy?

15. The model builder of the Spirit of St. Louis took

45 seconds to place each toothpick. If 4781
toothpicks were used, how many minutes
did it take her to build the entire model?

Use the bar graph for problems 16 and 17. Model Kits Sold
16. How many more kits for model aircraft were
sold than for model buildings?
Number Sold

17. Model car kits cost $8.95 each. How much
money was spent on model car kits? 200
18. Write a problem modeled on problem 12 Ships Aircraft Cars Buildings
Type of Kit
above. Have a classmate solve it.
Chapter 3 115
8206-2_116 11/4/05 7:29 PM Page 116

Lessons 1–14

Divide using short division. (See pp. 88–89.)

1. 669
2. 935
3. 575
4. 2831

Estimate by using compatible numbers. Then find each quotient. (See pp. 90–93.)

5. 4379
6. 3537
7. 43291
8. 389$7

Write in scientific notation. (See pp. 94–95.)

9. 0.000021 10. 0.00543 11. 0.00065 12. 0.00000175

Divide. (See pp. 94–105.)

13. 0.79  100 2

14. 0.011.9
15. 2620
16. 35$6

17. 0.084  0.4 .0

18. 0.618 .5
19. 4.8244
20. 0.515

Write each word expression as an algebraic expression.

Use x as the variable. (See pp. 106–107.)

21. the product of 95 and a number 22. a number divided by 25

23. eight times a number 24. the quotient of a number and 49

Evaluate each expression. (See pp. 108–109.)

25. 7.8n, for n  30 26. 45t, for t  1.5 27. 0.7r, for r  9000
28. 275  f, for f  25 29. q
, for q  2.4 30. n  120, for n  578.4

Divide. Round to the nearest hundredth or nearest cent. (See pp. 110–111.)

31. 16  6 .9
32. 0.115 1
33. 8$.7
7 5
34. 9$7

(See pp. 112–116.)

35. The sixth and seventh grades have 36. Rhode Island has an area of 1545
362 students taking buses for a field square miles and Texas has an area
trip. Each bus holds 46 people. What of 268,601 square miles. How many
is the fewest number of buses needed times greater is the area of Texas
for the trip? than that of Rhode Island?

116 Chapter 3 (See Still More Practice, p. 522.)

8206-2_117 11/4/05 7:29 PM Page 117

Logic: Open and Closed Statements

In logic, a statement is a sentence that states a
fact. A statement is true or false, but not both.

A closed statement can be judged true or false.

All animals have wings. False

A triangle has exactly 3 sides. True
Ten is an odd number. False

An open statement contains an unknown.

If you replace the unknown, the statement
becomes closed. It can then be judged
true or false.
All squares have exactly n sides.
n is an unknown.
All squares have exactly 3 sides. False
10  x  5
10  5  5 True

Tell whether each statement is closed or open.

If the statement is closed, write True or False.
01. Alabama is a continent. 02. A horse has 4 legs.

03. 7  a  5 04. 15  5  155

05. Twenty-one is an even number. 06. Six ten thousandths  0.006

07. 0.45  ?  9 08. 16  0.75  15.25

Find a number or numbers that make each

open statement true.
09. A pentagon has exactly n sides. 10. 0.456 rounded to nearest tenth is n.

11. 30  f  270 12. 48  m  12 13. 2  n  2  16

14. 0.52  0.6  3  n 15. 0.24  0.34  n

Chapter 3 117
8206-2_118 11/4/05 7:30 PM Page 118

Estimate each quotient. Use compatible numbers.

1. 3041  82 2. 300,864  66 3. 736  4.2 4. 37.26  7.1

Write in scientific notation.

5. 0.000056 6. 0.00158 7. 0.00012 8. 0.00000235

Find the quotient.

9. 0.83  1000 8
10. 919
11. 4$4
4 .9
12. 0.771

13. 0.558  6.2 .2

14. 0.032088
15. 4.261,6
16. 0.25725

Write each mathematical expression as a word phrase.

17. 98m 18. 62.5  q 19. 45 • 25

Find the value of each algebraic expression for c  0.3 and d  2340.
20. d  6  30 21. c  d  1000 22. 36  c  d

Use a strategy you have learned. 24. Fred spent $10.69 on 9 used books.
23. If art paper comes in packs of 48 Fran spent $8.29 on 7 used books.
sheets, how many packs will Sam Who spent less per book? Explain.
need to get 889 sheets?

Tell how many digits could be in the quotient.

Give an example to support your answer.
25. 5-digit number  2-digit number 26. 6-digit number  3-digit number

Find each quotient to complete each table.

Describe any patterns you see.
27. n n  0.5 28. x x  0.2
2.5 ? 0.08 ?
3.0 ? 0.06 ?
3.5 ? 0.04 ?

118 Chapter 3
8206-2_119-120 11/4/05 7:31 PM Page 119

Test Preparation Chapters 1–3

Choose the best answer.

1. Choose the standard form of 7. Choose the scientific notation

65 billion, 18 thousand and for 294 billion.
7 ten thousandths.
a. 65,000,018.0007 a. 29.4  1011
b. 65,018.0007 b. 2.94  1011
c. 65,000,018,000.0007 c. 294.1010
d. not given d. 2.94  109

2. Choose the short word name for the number 8. Round 97,491,608,123 to the
(9  106)  (7  104)  (6  102)  (8  1). nearest hundred million.
a. 9768 a. 97,490,000,000
b. 9 million, 70 thousand, 608 b. 97,000,000,000
c. 9 million, 7 thousand, 610 c. 97,492,000,000
d. not given d. 97,500,000,000

3. Which numbers are in order from 9. Estimate the quotient.

greatest to least?
402,252  218
a. 5.4534; 5.0435; 5.3403 a. 20
b. 5.4304; 5.4122; 5.041 b. 200
c. 5.4305; 5.42; 5.433 c. 2000
d. 5.0415; 5.42; 5.4305 d. 20,000

4. Subtract 2,665,050 10. Choose the product.

from 30,880,200.
3  0.4  0.8
a. 28,215,150 a. 0.096
b. 28,225,150 b. 0.96
c. 33,542,250 c. 9.6
d. not given d. not given

5. Which numbers are divisible by 3? 11. 8.932  89.32  809.2  3.924

A. 369,720 B. 307,111 C. 34,563
a. A and B only a. 65.780
b. A and C only b. 908.4344
c. B and C only c. 947.276
d. A, B, and C d. not given

6. Choose the standard form. 12. Choose the product.

5.76  105 0.703  0.04
a. 5,670,000 a. 0.002802
b. 576,000 b. 0.02812
c. 0.00576 c. 0.2812
d. not given d. not given

Chapter 3 119
8206-2_119-120 11/4/05 7:31 PM Page 120

13. Name the place of the underlined digit. 18. Estimate. Use front-end estimation
with adjustments.
3.681  9.54  0.87
a. hundred thousandths a. 12
b. ten thousandths b. 14
c. ten thousands c. 16
d. hundred thousands d. not given

14. Find the value of n. 19. Find the quotient to the

nearest hundredth.
n  13,024  32

a. 40 R7 a. 6.12
b. 407 b. 6.13
c. 407 R25 c. 6.127
d. not given d. not given

15. 9.21  104 in standard form is: 20. Which number is divisible
by both 2 and 4?
a. 0.000921 a. 903,612
b. 0.00921 b. 142,214
c. 0.0921 c. 46,106
d. not given d. 40,182

16. Which expression has a value 21. Choose the product.

of 10 when n  10?
9.009  0.9
a. 20n a. 810.81
b. 20  n b. 81.081
c. 20  n c. 8.1081
d. n d. 0.81901

17. The water in a tank weighs 728.45 lb. 22. Which number is 105 more than
One cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 lb. (4  104)  (3  103)  (2  102)  (1  10)?
About how many cubic feet of water
does the tank hold?
a. 42,000 cu ft a. 43,260
b. 1200 cu ft b. 53,210
c. 100 cu ft c. 143,210
d. 12 cu ft d. 1,432,100

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all your work.
23. Each letter in the statements below represents one
number in the box. What is the value of each letter? 5 4.58 0.1764 4.7564 0.42


120 Chapter 3
8206-2_121 1/9/06 6:33 PM Page 121

A pair of golden orioles sings in the green willows,
A line of white egrets flies across the blue sky.
Through my west window, snows of a thousand autumns cap the mountains.
Beyond my east door, boats from ten thousand miles away dot the river.

Du Fu

n + 9 = 14
3 b = 27
In this chapter you will:
5 x – 3 = 22 Learn about expressions, equations,
inequalities, and formulas
Solve addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division equations
Explore order of operations with a calculator
Solve problems by using more than one step

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Explain with models how symmetry in
nature is similar to the balance that occurs
in an equation such as n + 9 = 14.

Chapter 4 121
8206-2_122-123 10/7/07 11:00 AM Page 122

4-1 Order of Operations

Frances has 215 apples in each of two crates.
Three other crates have 150 apples each. How
many apples does Frances have in all?

To find how many in all, compute:

2  215  3  150.
Frances computes as follows:
Number of apples  2  215  3  150
 430  450
Frances has 880 apples in all.

Compute: (42  7)  3  4  2  102

Grouping symbols include:

When a mathematical expression  parentheses 12  (6  2)  4
contains more than one operation,
mathematicians have agreed to follow  brackets [7  2]  3  3
16  4  2 14
these order of operations rules:  fraction bars
 2 7

 First compute operations within (42  7)  3  4  2  102

grouping symbols.
 Next simplify numbers with exponents. 6  3  4  2  102

 Then multiply or divide from left to right. 6  3  4  2  100

 Last add or subtract from left to right. 18  2  100

16  100

Study these examples.
48  (3  1)3 52  1.4
0.4  103 4

0.4  1000 48  23 25  1.4

400 48  8 23.6

122 Chapter 4
8206-2_122-123 1/9/06 6:34 PM Page 123

Tell which operation is to be done first. Then compute.

1. 3  9  8 2. 16  4  2 3. 15  6  3
7  11
4. 3 5. 21  9  11 6. 27  9  3
9 10 54

7. (14  2)  62 8. 22  [15  3] 9. 64  (8  8)

Use the order of operations to compute. Justify each step in the process.
10. 4  8  3  2 11. 18  6  3  1

12. 9  3  2  42 13. 12  3  1  23

14. (40  4)  5  3  [0.6  40] 15. 5  (34  2)  8  (1.7  2)

16. 10  3  (48  6)2  0.4 17. (50  10)3  2  6  0.6

18. 22  1  [5  5  2] 19. (24  12  73  6)  52
3 2

Insert parentheses to make each number sentence true.

20. 48  32  1  7  13 21. 5  102  41  42  20

22. 62  8  2  2  22  35 23. 3.2  4.3  1.5  23  40

24. 8  0.5  6.7  1.2  14 25. 18  52  10  4.5  20

Write the mathematical expression to solve

each problem. Then evaluate.
26. Catherine works after school at a job 27. Leon packs 30 business envelopes
for which she is paid $25 a day. She in each of 25 boxes and 30 regular
makes tips of $15 a day. How much envelopes in each of 20 boxes. How
money does she receive in 5 days? many envelopes does he pack?

28. (42  7)  3  4  2  1 29. 52  [33  2]  9  4

A 0 B 2 F 14 G 589
C 8 D 17 H 638 J 51

Chapter 4 123
8206-2_124-125 10/7/07 11:01 AM Page 124

4-2 Translate Expressions

Kari orders 5 CDs to give as gifts. Each CD
costs $15. Shipping and handling is $5 per
order. What is the total cost of her CD order?

To find the total cost of her CD order, write

a numerical expression and then compute.
cost of CDs plus shipping and handling fee

(5  $15)  $5 A mathematical expression

or 5  $15  $5  $80 may contain more than
one operation.
The total cost of Kari’s order is $80.

Kari orders some books for the library. Each book costs
$9. Shipping and handling is $8 per order. How much is
the total cost of her order?

The number of books Kari orders is unknown.

To find the total cost of her book order, write an
algebraic expression.
$9b  $8 Let b represent the number of books.

Word phrases can be written as numerical or algebraic expressions.

Word Phrase Expression

two plus 3, times 4 (2  3)  4
7 plus 5, divided by the sum of 3 and 1 (7  5)  (3  1)
a number tripled, plus 2 3n  2
one half of y squared, minus 14 2 y 2  14
twice the difference of a number minus 10 2  (m  10)

Write as a numerical expression. Then compute.

1. eight divided by four, plus 11 2. nine minus six, multiplied by seven

3. 27 times 11, minus 35 4. 20 subtracted from 68, divided by 12

5. 19 added to 21, times the sum of 7 and 2 6. 27 times the sum of 3.5 and 0.11

124 Chapter 4
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Write as an algebraic expression. Use n as the variable.

7. six times the cost of a card, 8. one fourth of a number, increased
decreased by $.05 by 17

9. 100 less than a number tripled 10. 8 added to a number, multiplied by 2

11. 98 times the sum of a number 12. the quotient of a number squared and
and 1.3 the difference of 5.9 and 7

Write as a word phrase.

13. 56  4.1  2.5 14. 3n  8 15. 6  10

16. a 2  (b  c) 17. 6.5ab 18. 98  4.5x

Write an expression for each. Then compute if possible.

19. Aaron buys 8 videotapes. The 20. Laura orders 9 balls of yarn. Each
tapes cost $7 each. He buys a ball of yarn costs $3. She pays $6
carrying case for $12. How much for shipping. How much does Laura
does Aaron pay in all? spend in all?

21. Ed has 30 toy trucks. He puts an 22. Mac collects 135 golf balls. He throws
equal number of trucks on 6 shelves. away 10 of them. He divides the rest of
He does the same with his 42 toy the golf balls equally among some buckets
cars. How many toys are on in his cart. What is the number of golf
each shelf? balls Mac puts in each bucket?

23. Dee buys 12 cans of cat food at 24. Sue pays for herself and 4 friends to go to
$1.50 each. She gets a discount. the fair. Admission is $6 per person plus a
What is the total amount Dee pays? group fee. How much does Sue pay in all?

Multiply. Round to the nearest cent when necessary.

25.  4.3 26.  0.45 27.  5.02 28.  $7.49 29.  $49.95
 .0.9  .0.14  . 7.3 . 6 . 9

30.  6.21 31.  0.127 32.  95.6 33.  $7.46 34.  $8.93
 06.7  00.33  .8.05  03.25  001.7

Chapter 4 125
8206-2_126-127 10/7/07 11:02 AM Page 126

4-3 Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

Some students are visiting a science
museum. They pay $7 per student and
a group fee of $25. Write an algebraic
expression for the total cost of the trip.
Let s represent the number of students.
total students’ group
cost plus fee

$7s  $25
If there are 124 students going on the trip,
what is the total cost they will pay for the trip?
To find the total cost, evaluate the Remember:
expression $7s  $25, when s  124. To evaluate an expression
is to find its value.
$7s  $25
$7 • 124  $25 Replace s with 124.
$868  $25 Simplify using the order of operations.
The students will pay a total cost of $893.

Study these examples. Evaluate each expression for the values given.
12  a 2
7  3x 3  y, when x  2 bc , when a  4, b  0.3,
and y  4 and c  0.2
7  3 • 23  4 Replace x with 2 and y with 4.
73 84
• Simplify using the order 12  42 Replace a with 4, b with 0.3,
0.3  0.2 and c with 0.2.
7  24  4 of operations.
28 Simplify using the order
31  4 of operations.

27 280

Evaluate each expression.

1. 56  p(q  r), when p  3, q  4.2, 2. (x  1)2  y  z, when x  3,
and r  5.1 y  8.8, and z  4

3. 15  cj 3, when c  6 and j  5 4. (d  e  9)2  14f, when d  8,

e  45, and f  2

126 Chapter 4
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Combine Like Terms

Before evaluating some algebraic expressions, you can simplify them
by combining like terms.
The parts of an algebraic expression that are separated by an
addition or subtraction sign are called terms. Terms that have
exactly the same variable parts are called like terms.
7a  10a  19 2 x 2  15x  4x 2

like terms like terms

Simplify by combining like terms. Then evaluate the expression

for the given value of the variable.
12w  5w  30, when w  1.5 8c 2  6c  3c 2, when c  4
(12w  5w)  30 Associative Property 8c 2  3c 2  6c Commutative Property
(12  5)w  30 Distributive Property (8  3)c 2  6c Distributive Property
7w  30 Simplify. 11c 2  6c Simplify.
7 • 1.5  30 Replace w with 1.5. 11 • 42  6 • 4 Replace c with 4.

40.5 value of the expression 152 value of the expression

Simplify by combining like terms. Then evaluate the

expression for the given value of the variable.
5. 20n  6n  3, when n  2.5 6. 6x  7x  14, when x  0.34

7. 378  15y  2y, when y  3.1 8. 7m 2  3m 2  2, when m  3

9. 9z 2  5z  3z 2, when z  10 10. 13b  6b  19  14c, when b  15
and c  0.4

Write and evaluate an algebraic expression.

11. Juan buys some T-shirts for $12.95 12. Lucy orders books from an online
each and pays a sales tax of $2.33. bookstore. She pays $12 per book and
If he buys 3 T-shirts, how much does $8.95 for shipping and handling. How
Juan pay in all? much does she pay in all for 13 books?

13. Stanley packs some paperback books in each of 5 boxes and

some hardcover books in each of 4 boxes. If he packs 15 paperback
books in each box and 11 hardcover books in each box, how many
books in all does he pack?

Chapter 4 127
8206-2_128-129 10/7/07 11:02 AM Page 128

4-4 Equations and Inequalities

Leslie and Clark each write a word sentence as an equation.
An equation is a statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal.
Leslie’s equation is: Clark’s equation is:
Twice nine decreased by three is fifteen. Five times a number n, minus two equals eight.

2•9  3  15 5n  2  8
Leslie’s equation is a closed Clark’s equation is an open sentence
sentence because it contains no because it contains a variable. An open
variables. A closed sentence is sentence is neither true nor false.
either true or false.
To determine whether a value is a
To determine whether an solution of an equation:
equation is true or false:
 Replace the variable with the given
 Simplify each side of the value.
equation using the order of  Simplify using the order of operations
operations. and determine the value of the variable
 Compare the sides to that makes a true statement.
determine if they make a
5n  2  8, when n  3 and n  2
true statement.
5(3)  2  8 and 5(2)  2  8
2 • 9  3  15 ? ?
? 15  2  8 and 10  2  8
18  3  15
13  8 false and 8  8 true
15  15 true
2 is the solution of the equation.
The equation, 2  9  3  15, is a
It makes a true statement.
true statement.

Write as an equation. Then label each equation as open or closed.

If the equation is closed, write whether it is true or false.
1. A number divided by 3.85 is equal 2. Six less than three times ten is equal
to one. to twenty.
3. Two more than twice a number is three. 4. Half of eight is three less than seven.

Determine if the given value of the variable is the solution

of the equation. Write yes or no.
5. 9x  8  35, when x  3 6. 19  2p  6, when p  7
7. 3  4.9  8.5, when k  12.3 8. 18  (8  m)  17, when m  7

128 Chapter 4
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A word sentence can also represent an inequality. Symbol Read As
An inequality is a statement that uses any of the
symbols in the table at the right.  is less than
 is greater than
Eight plus twice two is greater than ten.
is less than or
 equal to
8  2(2)  10 closed sentence is greater than or
12  10 true  equal to
 is not equal to
Five less than a number is less than twenty-five.
An inequality that includes
n5  25 open sentence a variable, or is open, can
20  5  25 for n  20 have more than one
15  25 true solution. For n  5  25,
n can be any number less
n  15 is one solution of the inequality. than 30.

Write as an inequality. Then label each inequality open or closed.

If the inequality is closed, write whether it is true or false.
9. One more than twice a number is 10. Forty-seven is less than or equal
greater than three. to five times three, added to nine.
11. Nineteen is not equal to the sum of 12. One sixth of thirty-six hundredths is
one and one tenth of one hundred. less than two-tenths less than four.
13. The quotient of a number divided by 14. Eight is not equal to three times
seven is greater than or equal to ten. a number.

Determine if the given value of the variable is a solution

of the inequality. Write yes or no.
15. 50x  12.5  55, when x  0.5 16. 7n  6  n  12, when n  2.1
17. 4  2.4  6.5, when q  16.4 18. 25  (5  r)  19, when m  2.3

Equations and inequalities can have more than one variable.

Find a value for each variable that will make each statement true.
19. 5.5x  1.5y  3.5x 20. 8.4x  2.4x  3.6y 21. 6
 2y  0.4y

Chapter 4 129
8206-2_130-131 10/7/07 11:03 AM Page 130

Update your skills. See page 7.

4-5 Addition Equations

The seating capacity for football games at a sports
stadium is 4117 more than the seating capacity for
baseball games. If the seating capacity is 63,000
for football games, what is the seating capacity for
baseball games?

To find the seating capacity for baseball games,

write and solve an equation.

Let x represent the seating capacity for

baseball games.
seating capacity seating capacity
for baseball plus 4117 equals for football

x  4117  63,000 addition equation

To solve an addition equation, use Subtraction Property of Equality

When you subtract the same
the Subtraction Property of Equality. number from both sides of an
equation, you get a true
x  4117  63,000 Subtract 4117
from both sides
x  4117  4117  63,000  4117
to isolate the
x  58,883 variable.
Remember: Addition and
Check: x  4117  63,000 subtraction are inverse
? operations.
58,883  4117  63,000
63,000  63,000 True
The seating capacity for baseball games is 58,883.

Study this example.

Solve: 27.5  y  3.3  1.7

27.5  y  3.3  1.7 Simplify by adding the numbers on one side.

27.5  y  5.0
27.5  5.0  y  5.0  5.0 Subtract 5.0 from both sides to isolate the variable.
22.5  y

Check: 27.5  22.5  3.3  1.7

27.5  22.5  5.0
27.5  27.5 True

130 Chapter 4
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Solve and check.

1. x  2597  6233 2. y  13.84  20.29 3. 0.793  n  0.65

4. 119  246  f  893 5. 1.1  1.83  g  6.25 6. 0  m  2.3

7. 4.263  4.263  k 8. 0.52  0.13  0.15  r 9. 3.415  1.626  s

10. z  $3.95  $9.20 11. $8.31  $3.22  w 12. $75.40  $25.40  b

13. p  1.93  1.17  9 14. 5  r  1.435  8.435 15. 4  s  0.367  2.033

16. 9.25  x  1.5  12 17. a  286  123  459 18. 798  m  89.5  943

Write and solve an equation.

19. A number y increased by 3.7 is 20. The sum of a number w and 85 is
equal to 9.372. equal to one hundred eight.

21. Twenty-three hundredths more than 22. When 245 is added to the sum of 130
a number x is equal to six tenths. and a number y, the result is 506.

Write an addition equation for each. Then solve.

23. Some cats and 29 dogs are in the 24. There are 28 bicycles and some
kennels at the vet. There are 45 tricycles on sale at Bert’s. There are a
animals altogether. How many total of 50 bicycles and tricycles on sale.
cats are in the kennels? How many tricycles are on sale?

25. There are 35 students in Mr. Wohl’s 26. Chen has 57 tropical fish. This is 15
class. Some students are girls and more than Tad has. How many tropical
19 students are boys. How many fish does Tad have?
girls are in Mr. Wohl’s class?

27. A total of 762 people, consisting of parents, students, and teachers,

attended the Community Fair. If 212 parents and 386 students were
at the event, how many teachers attended?

28. Explain the steps you would use to compare the values
of g and h, when 35  17  g and h  24  42.

Chapter 4 131
8206-2_132-133 10/7/07 11:04 AM Page 132

Update your skills. See page 7.

4-6 Subtraction Equations

John caught a 5.2-lb fish. This was 3.9 lb less than the
fish Sarah caught. How much did Sarah’s fish weigh?

To find how much Sarah’s fish weighed,

write and solve an equation.

Let f represent the weight of Sarah’s fish.

weight of Sarah’s fish minus 3.9 equals weight of John’s fish

f  3.9  5.2 subtraction equation

To solve a subtraction equation, Addition Property of Equality

use the Addition Property of Equality. When you add the same number to both sides
of an equation, you get a true statement.
f  3.9  5.2
Add 3.9 to both sides
f  3.9  3.9  5.2  3.9 to isolate the variable.
f  9.1
Check: f  3.9  5.2
9.1  3.9  5.2
5.2  5.2 True

Sarah’s fish weighed 9.1 lb.

Study these examples.

Solve: 3125  y  1527 Solve: a  (29  3.1)  5.3

When the subtrahend is the unknown, a  (29  3.1)  5.3
use a related fact to find its value. a  32.1  5.3
Related Subtraction Facts: a  32.1  32.1  5.3  32.1
a  b  c and a  c  b a  37.4
Check: a  (29  3.1)  5.3
3125  y  1527 37.4  (29  3.1)  5.3
Write the
3125  1527  y related fact.
37.4  32.1  5.3
1598  y Simplify. 5.3  5.3 True
Check: 3125  y  1527
3125  1598  1527
1527  1527 True

132 Chapter 4
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Solve and check.

1. x  1456  234 2. t  13.27  6.041 3. c  $3.48  $0.23

4. $57.69  z  $28.35 5. 17.82  b  17.82 6. 3317  f  52,000

7. n  (451  513)  630 8. p  (183  8462)  135

9. s  (9.2  9.8)  2.5 10. 8.7  e  (107  14.3)

11. 446  q  (235  925) 12. 27.2  d  (6.5  4.15)

Write and solve an equation.

13. If Kerry decreases a number 14. The difference between a number w
y by 9.2, the result is 7.239. and 87 is equal to three hundred one.

15. Thirty-four hundredths less than a 16. If Li subtracts the sum of 279 and 38
number x is equal to nine tenths. from a number y, the result is 126.

Write a subtraction equation for each. Then solve.

17. At the first stop, 17 people got off 18. Mrs. Lee has a balance of $125.37 in
the bus. Now there are 35 people her checking account. What was her
on the bus. How many were on the balance before she wrote checks for
bus to begin with? $43.06 and $27.25?

19. A sports club needs to raise $250 20. Bill weighs 127 lb. His weight is 12 lb
for supplies. If it already has $65.55, less than Sam. What is the weight
how much more money is needed? of Sam?

21. If the Washington Monument were 250 ft shorter, it would

be as tall as the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is
305 ft tall. How tall is the Washington Monument?

Match each definition with a term in the box.

22. one of two or more numbers that are multiplied exponent
to form a product factor
23. a symbol used to represent a number multiple

24. a number that tells how many times another

number is to be used as a factor

Chapter 4 133
8206-2_134-135 10/7/07 11:05 AM Page 134

Update your skills. See page 7.

4-7 Multiplication and Division Equations

An object on Jupiter weighs about 2.6 times its
weight on Earth. If a spacecraft weighs 4914 lb
on Jupiter, what is its weight on Earth?

To find its weight on Earth, write and solve

an equation.

Let y represent the spacecraft’s weight on Earth.

2.6 times object’s weight on Earth is object’s weight on Jupiter

2.6y  4914 multiplication equation

To solve a multiplication equation, Division Property of Equality

use the Division Property of Equality. When you divide both sides of an
equation by the same number,
2.6y  4914 Divide both
you get a true statement.
sides by 2.6
2.6y  2.6  4914  2.6
to isolate the
y  1890 variable. Remember:
Multiplication and division
Check: 2.6y  4914 are inverse operations.
2.6 1890  4914

4914  4914 True

The spacecraft weighs 1890 lb on Earth.

To solve a division equation, use the Multiplication Property of Equality

Multiplication Property of Equality. When you multiply both sides of an
x equation by the same number, you
Solve: 14  192 division equation get a true statement.
• 14  192 • 14 Multiply both
sides by 14
x  2688 to isolate the
x variable.
Check: 14  192
2688 ?
14  192
192  192 True

134 Chapter 4
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Solve and check.

1. 38x  760 2. 1.7c  25.5 3. 8b  0.2416

4. z  13  650 5. d  7.5  18.4 6. f  22.3  6.6

7. 200  80n 8. 1.13  0.09 9. 1.8769  1.37w
10. 10.5  e  4.3 11. 44,664  16q 12. 274.2  0.6
b $128
13. 15  $120 14. n  $8 15. n • $100  $25

Write and solve an equation.

16. A number y divided by 5.5 is 17. The product of a number w and 3.6
equal to 86. is equal to one hundred twenty-six.

18. Three tenths multiplied by a number 19. The quotient of a number y and 49
x is equal to one and eight tenths. is three hundred two.

20. Divide a number c by fourteen. 21. The factors are five and x. The
The quotient is six. product is fifty-six and one tenth.

Write an equation for each. Then solve.

22. A piece of wood was cut into 23. A pair of designer jeans cost 7.2 times
15 equal pieces. The wood was as much as an ordinary pair of jeans. If
originally 165 cm long. How long the designer jeans cost $93.24, what is
was each piece of wood? the price of the ordinary pair of jeans?

24. Ms. Kelley divided the workbooks 25. Tim’s horses eat 1000 lb of hay a
into 7 equal stacks. Each stack had week. This is one third of what Ben’s
32 workbooks. How many workbooks horses eat. How much hay do Ben’s
were there in all? horses eat?

Solve and check each equation.

26. 9n  63 27. n  5  8 28. 3  7 29. 8n  24
30. 11  2 31. 6n  12 32. 4n  48 33. n  7  6

Chapter 4 135
8206-2_136-137 10/7/07 11:06 AM Page 136

4-8 Use Formulas

A formula is a rule that describes a mathematical
relationship involving two or more quantities. It gives
a simplified way of solving a particular problem.
Each variable in the formula represents a part of
the problem.

A car travels 55 miles per hour. If the distance

between two cities is 330 miles, how long does
it take the car to travel this distance?

To find how long the car travels, use the Distance formula:
Distance formula. distance  rate  time
d  r  t
To solve a problem using a formula:
 Write the formula that will solve the problem. drt
 Substitute the numbers given in the problem. 330 mi  55 mph  t
330 55t
 Solve for the unknown variable.
6 t
It takes the car 6 hours to travel 330 miles. t 6h

Study these examples.

Volume formula: Perimeter formula:
Volume  length  width  height Perimeter  twice the sum of length and width
V    w  h P  2(  w)

Solve for height, h, when V  12 m3, Solve for Perimeter, P, when   8 in.
  4 m, and w  1.5 m. and w  6 in.
V   w h P  2(  w)

12  4  1.5  h P  2(8  6)
12  6h P  2(14)
2 h h2m P  28 P  28 in.

Use the Distance formula, d 5 rt, to complete.

1. d  ? mi 2. d  11.7 mi 3. d  227.5 km
r  55 mph r  3.9 mph r  ? kph
t5h t ? h t  3.5 h

136 Chapter 4
8206-2_136-137 1/9/06 6:50 PM Page 137

Use the Volume formula, V    w  h, to find each missing dimension.

4. V  75 m3,   5 m, 5. V  1504 ft3,   ? ft,
w  5 m, h  ? m w  4 ft, h  8 ft

6. V  2304 cm3,   32 cm, 7. V  2912 in.3,   32 in.,

w  ? cm, h  8 cm w  13 in., h  ? in.

Describe the formula and solve for the missing dimension.

Use the table on page 547.
8. A  2 bh, when A  200 ft2 9. P  2(  w), when   7 yd
and h  10 ft and w  4 yd

10. P  4s, when P  36 cm 11. V  e3, when e  6 in.

12. A  bh, when A  150 m2 13. a  b  c  180°, when a  57°

and h  25 m and c  39°

Write the formula that you would use to solve the problem. Then solve it.
14. A triangle has an area of 20 cm2 and a 15. The perimeter of a square tile is 28 m.
height of 5 cm. How long is the base? What is its area?

16. The length and width of a rectangle 17. A plane travels 2750 miles. If it flies
are doubled. Write a formula for the at a rate of 500 miles per hour, how
new area. How is the area changed? many hours does the plane fly?

18. Write a formula that expresses the 19. Compare your formula in exercise 18
following relationship: Savings (s) are with that of a classmate. Then find s
what is left after subtracting taxes (t) when w  $950.50, t  $266.14, and
and expenses (e) from wages (w). e  $499.

Write a new formula for finding the indicated variable.

(Hint: Write a related sentence.)
20. Selling Price  Cost  Profit, or 21. Circumference    length of
S  C  P. Find C. diameter, or C  d. Find d.
1 1
22. Interest  principal  rate  time, or 23. Area  2  base  height, or A  2 bh.
I  prt. Find r. Find h.

Chapter 4 137
8206-2_138-139 10/7/07 11:07 AM Page 138

4-9 Explore Order of Operations

with a Calculator
You can use a calculator to check your
computation when using the order of operations.
Evaluate the expression:
n 3  (5  2)  4, when n  6

Compute using paper and pencil:

 Substitute the value of n 3  (5  2)  4
the variable. 63  (5  2)  4
 Compute using the 63  (5  2)  4 1st – parentheses
order of operations. 63  7  4 2nd – exponents
216  7  4 3rd – multiply
216  28  188 4th – subtract

Check your computation using a calculator.

Most scientific calculators automatically
follow the correct order of operations.
Input from left to right by pressing these keys:
For calculators that do not follow the correct order
of operations, check your calculations for each step.
1st – Add the numbers in parentheses.

2nd – Compute the exponent.

3rd – Multiply.
4th – Subtract.
The value of n 3  (5  2)  4, when n  6, is 188.

138 Chapter 4
8206-2_138-139 1/9/06 6:51 PM Page 139

List the calculator keys you would press to

evaluate each expression.
1. 12  7  92 2. 6  (7  4)2  13 3. 14  (6  79)  7

4. 194  100  (85  4  2) 5. 156  3  7 3  19 6. (19  6)4  214  2

Evaluate. Use a calculator to check your work.

7. 12  7  9 2 8. 6  (7  4)3  13 9. 104  (6  78)  7

10. 192  100  (85  4  2) 11. 156  3  7 2  19 12. (20  6)2  214  2

13. (4  7  5)2  11  1 14. 87  54  12  53 15. 33  (15  19  10)  9

16. (92  19)  42  6  23 17. 51  52  31  182  9  7

Compare. Write <, , or >.

18. 162  5  90 ? 90  5  162 19. (64  192)  82 ? 64  192  82

20. 195  5 • 92 ? 195  (5 • 9)2 21. 17(3)2 • (18  3) ? 17 • 32 • (18  3)

Choose the correct expression to solve each problem.

Then evaluate.
22. Jill drove 8 miles to her mother’s a. 8  (2  5)  2  7
house, and then drove home again. b. 8  2  5  2  7
Then she drove 5 miles to school, c. 8  (2  5  2  7)
2 miles to the library, and 7 miles
home. How far did Jill drive?

23. Hunter had a $50 bill. He bought a. $50  (3  $7  2  $3  3  $0.79)

3 notebooks at $7 each, 2 packs b. $(50  3)  $7  2  $3  3  $0.79
of pens at $3 each, and 3 folders c. $50  3  $7  2  $3  3  $0.79
at $0.79 each. How much change
should Hunter get back?

24. Ann buys one piece of fabric that a. 62  2  24  4

is 62 sq ft and 2 pieces that are b. (62  2)  24  4
each 24 sq ft. She uses 4 sq ft to c. 62  2  (24  4)
make a pillow. How many sq ft of
fabric does Ann have left?

Chapter 4 139
8206-2_140-141 10/7/07 11:07 AM Page 140

4-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use More Than One Step
Eva has read 300 pages of a 652-page book.
If she reads 22 pages each day from now on,
in how many days will she finish the book?

Visualize yourself in the problem above

as you reread it. List the facts and the
Facts: 652-page book
She has read 300 pages.
She now reads 22 pages each day.
Question: How many days will it take her to finish?

To find how long it will take to finish the book, you must use
more than one step. For each step, write an equation.
Step 1: To find the number of pages remaining, p,
to be read, subtract:
652  300  p
Step 2: To find the number of days, n, it will take
to complete the book, divide:
p  22  n

Number of Days
652  300  352 5

Pages Remaining
It will take her 16 days to finish the book.

Use inverse operations to check each step.

16 352
 22  300
32 652
The answers check.

140 Chapter 4
8206-2_140-141 1/9/06 6:53 PM Page 141

Solve each problem by using more than one step.

Use variables to represent the unknown.
01. Mrs. Lopez bought 2 lb of apples at $1.09 a pound,
3 lb of oranges at $.89 a pound, and 3 lb of bananas
at $.39 a pound. How much did the fruit cost her?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: 2 lb apples at $1.09 a pound

3 lb oranges at $.89 a pound
3 lb bananas at $.39 a pound

Question: How much did the fruit cost

Mrs. Lopez?

To find the total cost you must use more than one step.
Step 1: To find the total cost for each fruit, multiply:
2  $1.09  a
3  $.89  b
3  $.39  c
Step 2: To find the total cost of all the fruit, add the products.

02. Dry cat food comes in regular and jumbo sizes.

The 8-oz regular size costs $.96. The 12-oz
jumbo size costs $1.35. Which is the better buy?

03. Judy’s school has a 0.5-km track. One day at practice

she ran around the track 9 times and then ran
another 1 km in sprints. How far did she run that day?

04. An airplane travels 2044 mi in 3.5 h. Another

travels 3146 mi in 5.2 h. Which airplane is faster?
by how much?

05. Natural Apple Sauce comes in 8-oz, 10-oz, and 16-oz jars.
The 8-oz jar sells for $.54, the 10-oz jar for $.62, and the
16-oz jar for $1.00. Which size jar is most expensive
per ounce?

06. Kim’s mother is 3.5 times her age. Her father is 5 years
older than her mother. Kim is 7 years older than her
brother, who is 3. How old is Kim’s father?

Chapter 4 141
8206-2_142-143 10/7/07 11:08 AM Page 142

4-11 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
1. Regina buys a bag of oranges for $2.88. The average
cost of an orange is $0.12. If n represents the number
of oranges in the bag, write and solve an equation
that can be used to find n.

2. Sarah bought 3 tacos for $0.59 each and 4 burritos

for $0.89 each. Write and evaluate an expression
that tells how much change Sarah would receive
from a $10 bill.

3. A dozen plums cost $2.40, which is $0.60 less than

a dozen peaches cost. If p represents the cost of a
dozen peaches, write and solve an equation that
can be used to find p.

4. Figs cost $2.96 a pound. Kathy bought 3.2 pounds.

Write an expression to estimate the cost of the figs.

5. Ms. Lake buys some bags of pretzels for the sixth-

grade class picnic. Each bag holds 10.5 oz of
pretzels and all the bags hold about 787.5 oz. of
pretzels. If m represents the total number of bags
of pretzels Ms. Lake buys, write and solve an
equation that can be used to find m.

6. The sale price (SP) is what you pay after deducting

the discount (d) from the regular price (RP ). Write
and evaluate a formula to find the sale price of a
jar of peanuts with a  off discount from the regular
price of $3.75

7. Anna shows this series of equations:

  0.5 → ax  7.2 → x  y  5 → z  y  1.3.
Solve for the value of z.
142 Chapter 4
8206-2_142-143 1/9/06 6:55 PM Page 143

Use a strategy from the list or another strategy you

know to solve each problem.
8. There are 19 boxes of cherries in the stockroom.
This is 5 less than twice the number of boxes of
kiwis. How many boxes of kiwis are in the Use These Strategies
Use More Than One Step
Interpret the Remainder
Make a Table
9. At Sandwiches to Go, you can buy 1 sandwich at Use Simpler Numbers
half price for every 1 you buy at regular price. Write an Equation
Sandwiches are regularly $3.98 each. If Lisa and her Guess and Test
friends buy 8 sandwiches, how much do they spend?

10. One box of apples weighs 3 lb less than twice another. If the
heavier box weighs 29 lb, how much does the lighter box weigh?

11. Each day the price of a cookbook will be reduced by 
of the sale price until all the cookbooks have been sold.
The original price of each cookbook is $10. What is the
price on the 5th day of the sale?

12. On Monday, Martin packed 927 pieces of fruit for shipping. If he

packed 250 apples and 302 oranges, how many pears did he pack?

Use the table for problems 13–16. Cheese Quantity Price

13. Tara has $7.50. Can she buy American 1 lb, sliced $3.59
two 20-oz blocks of Monterey 1
lb, block $1.89
Jack cheese?
Cheddar 8 oz, sliced $2.29
14. How much will Lindsey pay per 24 oz, block $4.19
ounce for sliced Swiss cheese? Swiss 1 2 lb, sliced $7.29
Round to the nearest cent. 16 oz, block $5.39
Monterey Jack 2 lb, sliced $2.49
15. A quiche recipe calls for 10 oz
of cheese. Which block cheese 20 oz, block $3.99
would be the least expensive to
use in the quiche: American,
cheddar, or Monterey Jack?

16. Use the table to write a problem modeled on

exercise 15 above. Have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 4 143
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Lessons 1–11

Compute. Use a calculator to check your work. (See pp. 121–122, 138–139.)

1. 63  (22  3)  7 2. 21  (0.8  6.4)  1.2 3. (3.2  4.3)  2.5  33

Write as an expression, equation, or inequality. (See pp. 124–125, 128–129.)

Use a variable when necessary.
4. Six less than a number is 3. 5. 25 more than 7 times a number

6. the sum of a number and 41.5 7. A number doubled is greater than 484.

8. Half of ten is three less than eight. 9. Forty is the product of x and five.

10. 5z decreased by 3 11. The sum of z and 35 is less than 98.

Evaluate each expression. (See pp. 126–127.)

12. (x  2)2  y  z, when x  1, 13. r(q  24)  w  2, when r  3,

y  1.2, and z  4 q  30, and w  9

Solve and check. (See pp. 130–135.)

14. a  12.5  35.93 15. 2495  n  209 16. 13.5c  202.5

17. d  1.9  2.05 18. 378  75  x 19. r  2.5  1.3  7.9

20. h  (3.01  2.3)  5 21. 185  y  123.9 22. 6953  17m

Solve for the missing dimension in each formula. (See pp. 136–137.)
23. A  2 bh, when A  350 ft2 24. P  2(  w), when   12 yd
and h  20 ft and w  5 yd

25. P  4s, when P  48.12 cm 26. V  e 2, when e  5 in.

(See pp. 140–143.)

Write an equation for each. Then solve.

27. Sally is permitted 1000 calories 28. Two hundred twenty students
a day on her diet. At lunch she competed in basketball. Teams
consumed 279 and at breakfast of 5 players each were formed.
344. How many calories may she How many teams were formed?
consume at dinner?
144 Chapter 4 (See Still More Practice, p. 523.)
8206-2_145 10/12/07 6:43 PM Page 145

Patterns: Sequences
A sequence is a set of numbers in a certain order, usually by a pattern.
Each number is called a term. A term can be found by using a pattern rule.

What is the rule for the sequence?

What is the next term in the sequence?
This is an arithmetic sequence
1, 5, 9, 13, 17, . . . because each new term is found
4 4 4 4 by adding or subtracting a fixed
number to the previous term.
Rule: Start with 1 and add 4 repeatedly.
Next term: 17  4, or 21

What is the rule for the sequence?

What is the next term in the sequence?
This is a geometric sequence
2.1, 4.2, 8.4, 16.8, . . . because each new term is found
2 2 2 by multiplying or dividing by a
fixed number.
Rule: Start with 2.1 and multiply by 2
Next term: 16.8  2, or 33.6

Find the rule.

Then use it to find the next term.
Label the sequence arithmetic or geometric.
01. 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, . . . 02. 5, 20, 80, 320, 1280, . . .

03. 106, 81, 56, 31, . . . 04. 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, . . .

05. 0.4, 1.2, 3.6, 10.8, . . . 06. 176.5, 17.65, 1.765, 0.1765, . . .

07. 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, . . . 08. 2, 0.4, 0.08, 0.016, . . .

Use the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, . . . for problems 9 and 10.

09. What is the sum of the first 2 terms? the first 3
terms? the first 4 terms? the first 5 terms?

10. Look at the sums you found. What pattern do you see?
Use the pattern to predict the sum of the first 8
terms in the sequence. Check your prediction.
Chapter 4 145
8206-2_146 1/9/06 6:56 PM Page 146

Evaluate each expression. Watch for the order of operations.

Use a calculator to check your work.
1. (d  e  8)2  10f, when d  18, 2. (2  4)3  66  33
e  56, and f  2

3. 98  w , when w  2 , m  10, and t  2

4. 35  42  25  72  9  7

Write as an expression, equation, or inequality.

Use a variable when necessary.
5. 7 multiplied by the sum of a 6. A number decreased by the product
number and 3 of 5 and 7 is not equal to 10.

7. Three times a number is greater than 30. 8. Half of a number increased by 10

Solve for the missing dimension in each formula.

9. A  bh, when A  105 ft2 and 10. P  2(  w), when   14 ft and
h  15 ft w  9 ft

11. P  4s, when P  22 in. 12. d  rt, when d  210 mi and t  7 h

Use a strategy you have learned. 14. Evaluate the expressions

5x  2 and 5(x  2), when x  2.
13. Ty works at a nursery. He plants lilies
Are the values of the expressions the
in 12 rows of 8 and ivy in 15 rows of
same or different? Explain your
14. How many does he plant in all?

Match each sentence to an equation and each equation to its solution.

15. A number added to 2 is 64. n  2  64 8
A number doubled is 64. n 2  64 32
A number squared is 64. 2n  64 62
2 subtracted from a number is 64. n  64  0 64
64 subtracted from a number is 0. 2  n  64 66

16. Explain how you solved each equation in exercise 15.

146 Chapter 4
8206-2_147-148 1/9/06 6:57 PM Page 147

Test Preparation Chapters 1–4

Choose the best answer.

1. Choose the standard form of 7. Choose the scientific notation

65 billion, 18 thousand and for 294 billion.
7 hundredths.
a. 65,000,018.07 a. 29.4  1011
b. 65,018.6 b. 2.94  1011
c. 65,000,018,000.07 c. 294.1010
d. not given d. 2.94  109

2. Choose the short word name for the number 8. Round 597,491,608 to the
(9  106)  (7  104)  (6  102)  (8  1) nearest hundred thousand.
a. 9768 a. 600,000,000
b. 9 million, 70 thousand, 608 b. 597,000,000
c. 9 million, 7 thousand, 610 c. 597,492,000
d. not given d. 597,500,000

3. Which numbers are in order from 9. Use compatible numbers to estimate

least to greatest? the quotient.
542,252  258
a. 5.4032; 5.0432; 5.3402 a. 20
b. 5.4302; 5.4032; 5.0432 b. 200
c. 5.4302; 5.4032; 5.4332 c. 2000
d. 5.0423; 5.4023; 5.4302 d. 20,000

4. What is the missing number in the 10. Choose the value of 32  43.
equation 4.7  19.3  n  3?
a. 72 a. 60
b. 24 b. 72
c. 8 c. 576
d. 6 d. 648

5. Find the quotient. 11. Evaluate.

 42  (15  6)  18
a. 2.34 a. 126
b. 23.4 b. 54
c. 234 c. 26
d. 23,400 d. not given

6. Multiply. 12. Solve for x.

322  265 x  7.9  18.65
a. 85,930 a. x  2.36
b. 85,330 b. x  10.75
c. 8533 c. x  11.56
d. not given d. x  26.55

Chapter 4 147
8206-2_147-148 1/9/06 6:57 PM Page 148

13. Add. 18. Which inequality expresses

the following statement?
56.935  47.09  153.0818
length  is less than 35 ft
a. 257.1068 a.   35
b. 257.1078 b. 35  
c. 257.1168 c. 35  
d. 257.1178 d.   35

14. Solve for n. 19. Which is the algebraic expression for the
phrase “six times as old as Mark (m)”?
16n  432
a. n  0.037 a. 6  m
b. n  27 b. 6  m
c. n  416 c. 6m
d. n  6912 6

15. What number is five trillion, 20. Choose the difference.

four billion, eight?
$6006.93  $17.89
a. 5,004,000,008 a. $5098.04
b. 5,000,400,000,008 b. $5989.04
c. 5,400,000,000,008 c. $5999.14
d. not given d. not given

16. Find the value of n. 21. Divide.

106.09  1000 = n 8

a. 0.10609 a. 678 R38
b. 10,609 b. 670 R38
c. 106,090 c. 607 R38
d. not given d. 67 R38

17. Amy drove 297 miles in 22. A baseball was pitched at a speed of 88.5
5.4 hours. At what rate miles per hour. A tennis ball was hit at a
did she drive? speed of 1.5 times faster. What was the
speed of the tennis ball?
a. 50 miles per hour a. 53.55 miles per hour
b. 55 miles per hour b. 40 miles per hour
c. 60 miles per hour c. 25.66 miles per hour
d. not given d. not given

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all your work.
23. Kay can run 6 km in 26 min. Beth can run 4 km 24. Naomi added 0.25 to the difference she
in 15.5 min. To the nearest tenth of a minute, obtained from subtracting 1.19 from 3.23.
how much faster does Beth run 1 km? What number did Naomi end up with?

148 Chapter 4
8206-2_149 1/9/06 6:58 PM Page 149

Some Opposites
What is the opposite of riot?
It’s lots of people keeping quiet.

The opposite of doughnut? Wait

A minute while I meditate.
This isn’t easy. Ah, I’ve found it!
A cookie with a hole around it.

What is the opposite of two?

A lonely me, a lonely you.

The opposite of a cloud could be

A white reflection in the sea,
Or a huge blueness in the air,
Caused by a cloud’s not being there.

The opposite of opposite?

That’s much too difficult. I quit.

Richard Wilbur






In this chapter you will: 0

Learn about opposites and
absolute value of integers –2
Compare, order, and compute
with integers
Evaluate expressions and solve –4

equations with integers –5

Solve problems by making a table
Critical Thinking/Finding Together
House A: 5 mi east, 3 mi south of a
point; House B: 5 mi west, 3 mi north of
the point. What is the greatest possible
distance between the houses? Chapter 5 149
8206-2_150-151 10/7/07 11:08 AM Page 150

5-1 Integers
A mountain peak has an altitude of
11,560 ft above sea level. A desert location
has an altitude of 185 ft below sea level.

You can write these numbers as integers.

Integers are the whole numbers and their
opposites. They are either positive,
negative, or zero.
0 ft sea level
11,560 ft above sea level
185 ft below sea level

A number line can help you see the

relationship between integers.

Zero is neither
Negative integers Positive integers
positive nor negative.
are less than 0. are greater than 0.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Read: negative 2 opposites Read: positive 2

Write: 2 Write: 2 or 2

• Two integers are opposites (additive inverses)

Positive integers
if they are the same distance from zero on the are commonly written
number line, but are on opposite sides of zero. without the positive sign.
Each integer has an opposite.
The opposite of 2 is 2. Write: (2) = 2
The opposite of 2 is 2. Write: (2) = 2
The opposite of 0 is 0. Write: (0) = 0

• The absolute value of an integer is its distance

from zero on a number line.
The absolute value of 2 is 2. Write: ⏐2⏐  2
The absolute value of 2 is 2. Write: ⏐2⏐  2
The absolute value of 0 is 0. Write: ⏐0⏐  0

150 Chapter 5
8206-2_150-151 1/9/06 7:00 PM Page 151

Write the integer to represent the situation. Then describe

the opposite situation and write the integer to represent it.
1. gain of 8 dollars 2. loss of 15 yards 3. 22 degrees warmer
4. 5 seconds before liftoff 5. withdrawal of $50 6. down 21 floors

Identify the point that corresponds to the integer on the number line.
5 4 1 0 2 4

7. 5 8. 4 9. 1 10. C 11. I 12. K

Write the integer that is just before and just after

each given number on a number line.
13. 7 14. 2 15. 1 16. 10 17. 99 18. 14

Write the opposite of each integer.

19. 9 20. 20 21. 16 22. 15 23. 13 24. 10

Write the absolute value of the integer.

25. ⏐8⏐ 26. ⏐17⏐ 27. ⏐56⏐ 28. ⏐293⏐ 29. ⏐701⏐

Name each integer on a horizontal number line.

30. five to the right of negative five 31. seven to the right of negative eight
32. four to the left of positive five 33. three to the left of positive three

34. In a game the card for 10 says 35. Describe your position on a number
“Go ahead 10 steps.” What would line, if you begin at 0, move right 5
the card for 10 say? steps, and then move left 5 steps.

Use the number line.

36. If integer B is the opposite of
integer E, what integer is D? A B C D E
37. If integer A is the opposite of 38. If integer C is the opposite of integer
integer E, is integer C positive E, which of the labeled points has
or negative? Why? the greatest absolute value? Why?

Chapter 5 151
8206-2_152-153 10/12/07 6:43 PM Page 152

5-2 Compare and Order Integers

You can use a number line to compare and to order integers.
Any positive number is greater than any negative number.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

To compare integers you can use a number line.

On a horizontal number line: On a vertical number line:
 Any number is less than a • Any number is less than a
number to its right. number above it. 3

Compare: 1 ? 2 Compare: 2 ? 0 2

2 is to the right of 1 0 is above 2 1

1  2 2  0
 Any number is greater than  Any number is greater than 1
a number to its left. a number below it.
Compare: 2 ? 4 Compare: 1 ? 3
4 is to the left of 2 3 is below 1
2  4 1  3

To order integers using a horizontal number line:

 Least to greatest—Begin with the integer farthest to the left.
 Greatest to least—Begin with the integer farthest to the right.
Order 2, 5, and 0 from least to greatest. Think
5 is farthest to the left;
The order from least to greatest is: 5, 0, 2. 2 is farthest to the right;

0 is between 5 and 2.

The order from greatest to least is: 2, 0, 5.

Study these examples.

Compare: ⏐4⏐ ? ⏐2⏐ Compare: ⏐7⏐ ? (3)

42 7  3
Think Think
So ⏐4⏐  ⏐2⏐ ⏐4⏐  4 So ⏐7⏐  (3) ⏐7⏐  7
⏐2⏐  2 (3)  3

152 Chapter 5 1.1

8206-2_152-153 1/9/06 7:01 PM Page 153

Choose the greater integer. Use a number line to help.

1. 7, 10 2. 9, 3 3. 3, 5 4. 7, 6

5. 0, 9 6. 8, 0 7. 12, 25 8. 20, 20

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
9. 10 ? 6 10. 4 ? 8 11. 3 ? 6 12. 3 ? 4

13. 7 ? 0 14. 4 ? 4 15. 0 ? 3 16. 2 ? 5

17. ⏐8⏐ ? ⏐7⏐ 18. 0 ? ⏐8⏐ 19. ⏐6⏐ ? (6) 20. (7) ? (4)

21. ⏐11⏐ ? 13 22. (13) ? 0 23. ⏐12⏐ ? ⏐12⏐ 24. (10) ? ⏐20⏐

Arrange in order from least to greatest.

25. 6, 8, 7 26. 10, 8, 6 27. 6, 0, 3

28. 9, 0, 3 29. 5, 6, 3, 7 30. 4, 2, 5, 4

Arrange in order from greatest to least.

31. 6, 3, 4 32. 2, 10, 5 33. 0, 7, 12

34. 4, 5, 3 35. 8, 12, 15, 30 36. 20, 0, 2, 1

Write always, sometimes, or never to make a true statement.

37. A negative integer is ? less than 38. A negative integer is ? less than
a positive integer. another negative integer.
39. A negative integer is ? greater 40. The absolute value of an integer
than 0. is ? positive.

41. The temperature on Monday was 42. The average daily temperature in
2°C. On Tuesday the temperature Toronto for each of five days was
was 7°C. Which temperature 2°C, 5°C, 3°C, 1°C, and 2°C.

was colder? What was the median temperature?

43. Is there a least positive integer? a greatest positive integer?

a least negative integer? a greatest negative integer? Explain.

Chapter 5 153
8206-2_154-155 10/7/07 11:09 AM Page 154

5-3 Add Integers

On an oceanographic expedition, the crew took the
first sonar reading at 2 km above sea level. The next
reading was 3 km below the first reading. What was
the depth of the second reading?
To find the depth of the second reading, n,
add: 2  3  n.
You can use a number line to model 3
the addition of integers. 2
• Start at 0.
• Move right for positive integers. 5 4 3 2 1 1 2
• Move left for negative integers. 0

The depth of the second reading was at 2  3  1

1 km below sea level.

You can also use absolute value to add integers.

To add integers with like signs:  2  4  m  5  3  n

• Add the absolute values of ⏐2⏐  ⏐4⏐ ⏐5⏐  ⏐3⏐

the addends. 246 538
 2  4  6  5  3  8
• Use the sign of the addends
for the sum. m  6 n  8

To add integers with unlike signs:

• Subtract the addend with the lesser  5  8  d  9  7  s

absolute value from the addend ⏐8⏐  ⏐5⏐ ⏐9⏐  ⏐7⏐

with the greater absolute value. 853 972
• Use the sign of the addend with 5  8  3  9  7  2

the greater absolute value for the sum. d  3 s  2

Study these examples.

2  5  a 3  x  5
5 2
2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2  5  7 a  7 3  2  5 x  2

154 Chapter 5
8206-2_154-155 1/9/06 7:03 PM Page 155

Write an addition sentence that is modeled by each number line.

1. 2.

6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

Add. Use a number line to help.

3. 2  1 4. 4  3 5. 1  4 6. 6  1

7. 6  4 8. 7  5 9. 5  6 10. 4  4

11. 4  8 12. 8  5 13. 6 0 14. 0  8

15. 4  5  6 16. 6  2  4 17. 3  3  3

18. 2  2  2 19. 7  5  2 20. 8  6  9

Find the value of the variable.

21. 7  a  16 22. 5  b  3 23. 11  c  9

24. d  7  7 25. e  8  13 26. f  15  12

27. 9 k0 28. h  7  6 29. 13  i  15

30. On Monday Sally deposited $60 in 31. In January Raul lost 5 pounds.
her savings account. On Tuesday He gained back 3 pounds in February.
she withdrew $45. What was the net What was his total weight gain or loss
change in savings for the two days? for the two months?

32. Rita started a checking account with 33. An elevator starts at the 23rd floor,
$500. She later wrote a check for $50, goes down 5 floors and then up
made a deposit of $250, and wrote 8 floors. At what floor is it then?
another check for $100. How much Draw a vertical number line to
money was left in Rita’s account? illustrate.

34. Explain in your Math Journal how you can use the
rules on page 154 for adding with zeros (such as
0  7) or with opposites (such as 7  7).

Chapter 5 155
8206-2_156-157 10/7/07 11:10 AM Page 156

5-4 Subtract Integers

Catherine wants to know how
x x  25 x5
to complete this subtraction:
7 7  5  2 752
6 6  5  1 651
To study the relationship between
5 5  5  0 550
adding and subtracting integers,
she makes the table at the right. 4 4  5  1 45?

Look for a pattern in the table. The sequence of numbers in the last
column is 2, 1, 0, . . . . Catherine determines that 4  5  1 or
4  5  1. She also makes the following general conclusion.

Subtracting an integer is the same as

adding the opposite of that integer.
a  b  a  (b), for integers a and b.

To subtract integers:
 Add the opposite of the subtrahend.
 Rewrite as an addition sentence. 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
 Then use the rules for adding integers.
4  5  1

4  5  n Find the opposite of the subtrahend. 6  8  n

4  5  n Rewrite as an addition sentence. 6  8  n

4  5  1 6  8  2

n  1 n  2

Study these examples.

7  n  17 Think
0 is its own
 n  7  10 9  6  n 5 0n opposite.
7  10  7  10 9  6  15 5  0  5

n  10 n  15 n  5

156 Chapter 5
8206-2_156-157 1/9/06 7:04 PM Page 157

Write a subtraction sentence that is modeled by each number line.

1. 2.

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

Subtract. Use a number line to help.

3. 8  4 4. 5  8 5. 4  5 6. 06  2

7. 3  7 8. 9  7 9. 7  4 10. 05  8

11. 8  10 12. 3  2 13. 8  10 14. 03  5

15. 7  2 16. 9  11 17. 5  3 18. 07  9

19. 5  10 20. 6  7 21. 6 0 22. 12 0

23. 9  4 24. 2  3 25. 0  8 26. 00  4

Find the value of the variable.

27. 9  a  15 28. 14  b  13 29. 8  c  4

30. d  11  6 31. e  15  16 32. f  25  3

33. The high temperature in Chicago 34. Ben asked his mother to hold his
was 67°F and that same day the savings. At the start of June, his
low was 24°F in Minneapolis. savings was $16. That month he
What was the difference between borrowed $20 to spend. What is
the high and the low temperatures? the amount remaining or owed?

Add. Look for opposites.

0 Think
11  2  8  4  11  2  n n 4 8  4  4
35. 23  17  23  n 36. 12  15  12  6  15  4  n

37. 35  65  65  n 38. 22  14  10  10  22  14  n

Chapter 5 157
8206-2_158-159 10/7/07 11:10 AM Page 158

5-5 Multiply Integers

You can use repeated addition to multiply integers.
Multiply: 3  2  n 2 2 2
3  2 means three groups of 2.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2  2  2  6 2 6
3  2  6

Patterns can also help you to understand how to multiply integers.

• When you multiply two positive () • When you multiply two negative ()
integers, the product is positive (). integers, the product is positive ().
2  3  6 1  3  3
2  2  4 2  3  6
2  1  2 3  3  9

• When you multiply a positive () integer, 3  3  9

and a negative () integer, the product
2  3  6
is negative.
1  3  3

You can also use rules for multiplying integers.

To multiply two integers, multiply their absolute values.

• The product is positive when the factors have like signs.
()()   ()()  
• The product is negative when the factors have unlike signs.
()()   ()()  

Study these examples.

12  3  s 7  7  h
⏐12⏐  ⏐3⏐  s ⏐7⏐  ⏐7⏐  h
12  3  36 Multiply the factors. 7  7  49
12  3  36 7  7  49
Use the rules to determine
s  36 the sign of the product. h  49

158 Chapter 5
8206-2_158-159 1/9/06 7:06 PM Page 159

Write each repeated addition as a multiplication sentence.

1. 9  9  9  9  9  9 2. 6  6  6  6  6  6

3. 12  12  12  12  12 4. 15  15  15  15

Write the sign of the underlined factor for the given product.
5 9  45 8
5.  __ 6. __  96
 12 7. 9
__  135

__  12  132
8. 11 7  26  182
9. __ __  22  374
10. 17

Find the product.

11. 75 0 12. 25  13 13. 0  21 14. 15  12

15. 7  9  4 16. 5  8  12 17. (4  2)  6 18. 8  ⏐9  2⏐

19. Climbing down from the mountain, 20. The change in the price of ABC stock was
Abe descends 12 m each minute. reported as $2 per share. If Rita owns
What is the total change in altitude 8 shares of ABC stock, what is the total
for a 6-minute descent? change in value of her shares of stock?

21. The table below shows Earl’s weekly bank account transactions.
Explain how the signs of the integers relate to the transactions.

Transaction Representation Result

3 deposits of $50 3  50  150 increase of $150
2 withdrawals of $20 2  20  40 decrease of $40
take away 4 deposits of $10 4  10  40 decrease of $40
take away 5 withdrawals of $40 5  40  200 increase of $200

Write positive or negative to make a true statement.

Give examples to support your answer.
22. When an even number of negative 23. When an odd number of negative
integers are multiplied, the integers are multiplied, the
product is __
?. product is __

Chapter 5 159
8206-2_160-161 10/7/07 11:11 AM Page 160

5-6 Divide Integers

A diver went 15 meters below the surface
of the water in 3 minutes. What integer
expresses the diver’s average change in
depth per minute?

To find the integer, n, divide: 15  3  n.

Division and multiplication are inverse

operations. You can use this relationship
to find the quotient of a division with integers.

Multiplication Division
5  3  15  15  3  5
5  3  15  15  3  5
5  3  15  15  3  5
5  3  15  15  3  5
15  3  5 or 15  3  5

The diver’s average change in depth

per minute is 5 meters.

You can use rules for dividing integers.

To divide two integers, divide their absolute values.

• the quotient is positive if the integers have like signs. Think

()  ()   ()  ()   You cannot divide an
integer by zero.
• the quotient is negative if the integers have unlike signs.
()  ()   ()  ()  
• the quotient is zero if the dividend is zero.

Study these examples.

18  6  3 18  6  3 0  6  0 6  0 is impossible.

18  18 
  3 0  6  0
6 6

160 Chapter 5
8206-2_160-161 1/9/06 7:08 PM Page 161

Find each quotient.

1. 54  6 2. 25  5 3. 80  10 4. 0  9

5. 10 0 6. 11  1 7. 20  1 8. 4  4

36 1 50 80
9.  10. 

1 11. 
10 12.
6 5

Divide to complete each chart. Then write the rule.

13. IN OUT 14. IN OUT 15. IN OUT

8 4 30 5 24 3

10 5 24 4 16 2

12 6 18 3 8 ?
14 ? 12 ? 0 ?
16 ? 6 ? ? 1

? 9 ? 0 16 2

Rule: IN  n  OUT Rule: IN  n  OUT Rule: IN  n  OUT

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
16. 5  1 ? 12 4 17. 36  6 ? 20  4 18. 18  2 ? 30  6

19. 12  3 ? 24  3 20. 25  5 ? 4 5 21. 48  4 ? 3  4

22. Lisa’s stock fund changed by 23. A submarine is at a depth of 250

81¢ during a 3-day period. If meters. If it ascends at a rate of
it changed at the same rate 15 meters per minute, can it reach
each day, what is the rate? the surface in a half hour?

Write the pattern rule and the next three numbers in each sequence.
24. 3, 6, 12, 24, ?, ?, ? 25. 128, 64, 32, 16, ?, ?, ?

26. 1, 5, 25, 125, ?, ?, ? 27. 6561, 2187, 729, 243, ?, ?, ?

Chapter 5 161
8206-2_162-163 10/7/07 11:12 AM Page 162

5-7 Integers and Order of Operations

A whale descends 5 feet from the surface of the
ocean. Then it descends 13 more feet. It repeats
this dive two more times. After the three dives,
the whale ascends 20 feet. How many feet below
the surface is the whale then?
To find how many feet, write and evaluate
the expression: 5  3  13  20.
5  3  13  20
5  39  20 Remember the order of operations:
1. Grouping Symbols
44  20 2. Exponents
3. Multiply or divide from left to right
24 4. Add or subtract from left to right

The whale is 24 feet below the surface.

Study these examples.

Evaluate each expression. Check using a calculator. Use to enter
100  175  25  9  11 a negative number.

100  7  9  11
A scientific calculator follows
100  7  99 Check. the order of operations.
93  99 100 175 25
192 9 11 —192 Display

150  75  (41  111)  (3)2 Think

(3)2 means “negative 3, squared”
150  75  70  (3)2 or 3  3.
(3)2 means “the opposite of 3 squared”
150  75  70  9
or (3  3)  (9)  9
2  70  9 Check.
2  630 150 75 41 111
632 3 2 —632

162 Chapter 5
8206-2_162-163 1/9/06 7:10 PM Page 163

Name the first step to simplify. Then evaluate the expression.

1. 62  84  4  33 2. 92  (91  93)  23

3. 71  175  56  8 4. 3  16  (36)2  12

5. 4[6  (8  5)2] 6. 4  [(6  4)2  15]  5

Compute. Watch the order of operations.

7. 16  279  31 8. 226  190  10  28

9. 80  (93  77)  304 10. 67  (68  80)2  30

11. 7  (9  5)  22 12. 16  4  (1  1)2

13. 87  60  15  (40  36)2 14. 24(45  36)  21  38  3

15. (24  3)(20  4)  2 16. 16  14  14  16  8  3

Write an expression to solve each. Then compute.

17. A dolphin descends 12 feet from 18. A spider crawls up 12 inches on Bo’s
the surface of the ocean and then deck to go to its web. Next it drops
ascends 7 feet. Then it descends 15 down 15 inches to go to another
feet and repeats this descent three web. Then it crawls up 92 inches to
more times. How many feet below get out of the rain. How far above or
the surface is the dolphin then? below Bo’s deck is the spider then?

Compute. Choose the best answer.

19. 91  116  29  (7  7)  7 20. 173  143  79  108  (3)2

A 120 B 83 F 8622 G 978

C 83 D 120 H 978 J 8622

Chapter 5 163
8206-2_164-165 10/7/07 11:13 AM Page 164

5-8 Expressions and Equations with Integers

Greg has $80 in his bank account. He withdraws
$50. If the bank charges a monthly fee, f, of $12,
what is the balance of Greg’s bank account?
To find the balance, write and
evaluate the algebraic expression:
$80  $50  f, when f  $12
$80  $50  $12 Replace f with $12.
$18 Simplify.
Greg’s bank account has a balance of $18.

LeAnn thought of a number. First she added 3 to the number, then doubled
the sum. The answer she got was 16. Is LeAnn’s number 1 or 5?
To find LeAnn’s number, write and solve the equation: A replacement set is the
set of numbers to be used
(n  3)  2  16 with replacement set {1, 5}.
for possible solutions of a
Let n  LeAnn’s number. mathematical sentence.

To solve an equation when given a replacement set, replace the

variable with each value of the replacement set and determine
the value that makes the equation a true statement.

(n  3)  2  16, when n  1 (n  3)  2  16, when n  5

(1  3)  2  16 Replace n with given value. (5  3)  2  16
? ?
(4)  2  16 Simplify. (8)  2   16
8  16 false Determine whether 16  16 true
true or false.

LeAnn thought of the number 5.

Study these examples.

Solve: x  14  9 Solve: 3a  12
x  14  14  9  14 Isolate the variable. 3a 12
 3  3 Isolate the variable.
x 5 Simplify.
a  4 Simplify.
Check: x  14  9
5  14  9 Check: 3a  12
 9  9 True  3 • 4  12
12  12 True

164 Chapter 5 1.1

8206-2_164-165 1/9/06 7:12 PM Page 165

Evaluate each expression when a  15, b  24, c  22, and d  0.

1. b  c 2. a  b 3. a  b • c 4. (b  d )  c
ab b bd
5. 2
6. a  c 7. cd  a 8. 3c

9. (a  b)3  c 10. bd  a 2 11. a 2  bc 12. b  (c • d )

Solve each equation. Use the replacement set {15, 25, 0, 125, 225}.
13. n  10  15 14. n  10  15 15. n  5  20
16. n  5  0 17. 25 n0 18. n  25  5

Solve and check.

19. b  4  6 20. x  3  11 21. 5  h  13 22. 8t  104
y d
23. 6  9 24. 15z 0   0
25. 10
26. 14  g  1

9 v
27.  f  20 28. 15  3 29. 33  11r 30. 243  9p

Write and solve an equation for the variable used.

32. 4 less than a number y is 7.
31. A number z divided by 8
equals 20.

33. A number r increased by 15 34. The product of a number d and

12 is 60.
equals 22.

35. Richard scored 12 points in a 36. Ann’s bank account is overdrawn $17.
game. This was three times his The bank charges a fee, f, for the account
previous score. What was his being overdrawn. If Ann deposits $20,
previous score? and the bank’s fee is $15, how much
money does Ann have in her account?

Write in order from least to greatest.

37. 0.28, 0.82, 0.2, 0.08 38. 0.472, 0.481, 0.399, 0.38
39. 2.57, 2.5, 2.48, 1.99 40. 8.4861, 0.9614, 0.0756, 0.8496
41. 59.221, 59.212, 59.122 42. 0.097765, 0.97765, 0.0907765

Chapter 5 165
8206-2_166-167 10/7/07 11:14 AM Page 166

5-9 Temperature F C
230 ° 110°

Temperature can be measured in degrees 220°

210 ° 100 ° Water boils
Fahrenheit (°F), or in degrees Celsius (°C). (212°F; 100° C)
200 °
The temperature was 15°C. It dropped 25°. -- 90 °
190 °
What was the new temperature? 180 °
-- 80 °
170 °
To find the new temperature, n, add: 160 ° -- 70 °
15  25 n Think 150 °
140° -- 60 °
15  25  10 Dropped 25°  25° 130 °
120° -- 50 °
The new temperature was 10°C. 110° Normal body
-- 40 ° temperature
The temperature was 10°F. It dropped to 15°F. 100 ° (98.6°F; 37°C )
-- 90 ° A hot day
How many degrees did the temperature drop? -- 30°
(90°F; 32°C )
-- 80 °
-- 70 °
To find the number of degrees, n, subtract: - 20 ° Room
-- 60 ° temperature
15  10  n Think (68°F; 20°C)
-- 50 ° -- 10 °
(10)  10 -- 40 °
15  10  25
-- 30° -0° Water freezes
(32°F; 0°C )
The temperature dropped 25 degrees. - 20 °
-- 10 °
-- 10 °
You can use formulas to estimate temperature. -0° -- 20 °
-- 10 °
°C  (°F  30)  2 °F  2°C  30 -- 20 °

Estimate 46°F to degrees Celsius. Estimate 2°C to degrees Fahrenheit.

°C  (°F  30)  2 °F  (2°C  30)
 (46  30)  2 Replace F with 46.  (2 • 2  30) Replace C with 2.
8 Simplify.  26 Simplify.
46°F is about 8°C. 2°C is about 26°F.

Compute the new temperature.

Starting Temperature Change in Temperature New Temperature

1. 35°C rises 15° ?
5°C falls 10° ?
3. 0°C drops 12° ?
8°C climbs 4° ?
166 Chapter 5
8206-2_166-167 1/9/06 7:14 PM Page 167

Compute the temperature change.

Starting Temperature New Temperature Change in Temperature

5. 20°F 12°F ?
6. 3°F 7°F ?
7. 19°F 23°F ?
8. 11°F 9°F ?

Estimate the temperature in °C or in °F.

Watch for the degree unit.
9. 60°F 10. 8°F 11. 2°F 12. 74°F 13. 200°F
14. 7°C 15. 21°C 16. 4°C 17. 83°C 18. 62°C
19. 86°F 20. 6°F 21. 4°F 22. 114°F 23. 32°F

24. 75°C 25. 5°C 26. 30°C 27. 35°C 28. 10°C

29. What is the difference between 30. The boiling point of nitrogen is
normal body temperature and 196°C. A miniature transistor

the freezing point of water on conducts electricity that is 48°C

the Celsius scale? on the above the boiling point of nitrogen.
Fahrenheit scale? What temperature is this?

31. On one winter morning, the 32. The normal July temperature in
temperature in Boston was 4°F. Toronto, Canada is 27°C.
By noon, the temperature had gone Estimate the temperature in °F.
up 10 degrees. What was the
temperature in Boston at noon?

Match each definition with a word in the box.

33. a diagram used to find the prime factors standard form
of a number algebraic expression
expanded form
34. a statement that two mathematical
factor tree
expressions are equal

35. a mathematical expression that 36. the written form of a number that
contains one or more variables shows the place value of its digits

Chapter 5 167
8206-2_168-169 10/12/07 6:43 PM Page 168

5-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Make a Table
The outside temperature at 11:00 P.M. is 14°F.
The weather forecaster predicts that it will
drop 5° each hour. Then the temperature will
rise 3° each hour after 2 A.M. What will the
temperature be at 6:00 A.M.?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: At 11:00 P.M. the temperature

is 14°F.
The temperature drops 5° each
hour until 2:00 A.M.
The temperature rises 3° each
hour after 2:00 A.M.

Question: What will the temperature be at 6:00 A.M.?

Make a table to record the hourly temperature change.

When the temperature drops, use a negative integer.
When the temperature rises, use a positive integer.

Complete the table.

Add 5° (or subtract 5°) for each hour until 2:00 A.M.
Add 3° for each hour until 6:00 A.M.

Time 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00

Temperature 14° 9° 4° 1° 2° 5° 8° 11°

5 5 5 3 3 3 3

At 6:00 A.M. the temperature will be 11°F.

Work backward to check. Subtract 3° (or add 3°) and add 5°.

(11°)  (3°)  (3°)  (3°)  (3°)  (5°)  (5°)  (5°)  14°

168 Chapter 5
8206-2_168-169 1/9/06 7:16 PM Page 169

Solve each problem. Make a table to help.

01. Henry saved $130 to buy a $250 bicycle.
His dad paid him for doing chores each week.
Henry received $10 the first week. For each
additional week Henry received $4 more
than the preceding week. How many weeks
must he work to have enough money
to pay for the bicycle?

Visualize yourself in the problem

as you reread it. List the facts
and question.
Facts: amount saved—$130
cost of bicycle—$250
first week—$10
each week—$4 more than the preceding week
Question: How many weeks must he work
to have enough money?

Make a table. Add to find how long

it will take to have at least $250.

Week 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Amount $130  $10 $140  $14 $154  $18 $172  ?

02. A baker uses 3 c of sugar, 3 c of flour, and

2 sticks of butter for each pound cake. How much
of each ingredient is needed for 8 cakes?

03. Sue played a game in which she won 8 points and

lost 5 points in each round. In which round did
her score reach 15 points?

04. Adam inspected apples. He found 2 out of every 15 apples

to be of poor quality. How many apples of poor quality
could he expect to find in a shipment of 165 apples?

05. During an experiment Dana recorded the following temperatures:

22°C, 12°C, 15°C, 5°C, 8°C. If this pattern continues,
predict the tenth temperature in the series.

Chapter 5 169
8206-2_170-171 10/7/07 11:16 AM Page 170

5-11 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Scientists built earthquake stations at
different elevations. One station is 75 m
above sea level, and a second is 35 m
below sea level. What is the difference
in height between the two stations?
02. A submarine is at a depth of 300 ft.
What must happen for the submarine
to reach sea level?
03. How many negative integers are between
4 and 4?

04. How many integers greater than 10 are less

than 3?
05. A balloon is 218 m above sea level.
A submersible is 220 m below sea level.
Which is closer to sea level? How much closer?

06. A diamond-mine entrance begins at

75 ft above sea level. Workers discover
diamonds 48 ft below sea level. How deep
is the mine at that point?
07. The temperature change from 6 A.M. to 7 A.M.
was 3°C. If the temperature at 6 A.M. was
2°C, what was the temperature at 7 A.M.?

8. A parachutist opens her parachute at an altitude of

5000 ft. Her change in altitude is 25 ft per second.
a. Write an equation to find her altitude h at a time
after she opens her parachute.
b. How far, written as an integer, has she descended in
12 seconds?
c. What is her altitude 12 seconds after she opens
her parachute?

9. To map the features of the ocean floor, scientists

take several sonar readings. What is the average
of these three readings they made: 14,230 ft;
14,246 ft; 14,235 ft?

170 Chapter 5
8206-2_170-171 1/9/06 7:17 PM Page 171

Use one or more of the strategies from the list or

another strategy you know to solve each problem.
10. The temperature at 11:00 P.M. was 37°F. If it dropped
2°F every hour until 5:00 A.M. and then rose 4°F every
hour after that, what was the temperature at 9:00 A.M. Use These Strategies
Write an Equation
the next day? Guess and Test
Interpret the Remainder
11. Claire tripled a number and added 14 to it. Use More Than One Step
Her answer was 4. What was her number? Make a Table

12. A sonar device was positioned 100 m below the

surface of the sea. The device was then lowered
175 m. What is the final depth of the device?

13. Each page of Derek’s science scrapbook holds 12 pictures.

If he has collected 151 pictures to put in his scrapbook,
how many more pictures does he need to fill a page?
14. Each time a hot-air balloon rose 65 ft, a downdraft
pushed it back down 35 ft. Its original altitude was 185 ft.
What would be its altitude after the third downdraft?

15. Mr. Torres spent $85.50 for tickets to the National Aquarium
for his family. The tickets cost $19.50 for each adult and
$13.50 for each child. If three adults went to the aquarium,
how many children went?
16. A scuba diver descended 30 m below the ocean surface,
rose 17 m, and then descended 7 m. How far, as an integer,
below the ocean surface is the diver?

Use the table for problems 17–19.

Wind Chill Table
17. The wind was 40 mph and the wind chill
5 27 21 16 12
Miles Per Hour (mph)

was 21°F below zero. How much warmer

10 16 10 3 3
was the air temperature?
15 9 2 5 11
18. How much colder does an air temperature of 20 4 3 10 17
30°F feel with winds at 30 mph than at 20 mph? 25 1 7 15 22
30 2 10 18 25
19. With winds at only 15 mph, an air temperature 35 4 12 20 27
of 15°F feels 7°F colder than when the air 40 5 13 21 29
temperature is 20°F. What is the wind chill at 15°F? 35 30 25 20
Air Temperature (°F)

20. Write a problem that uses the data in the table.

Have someone solve it.
Chapter 5 171
8206-2_172 2/6/06 8:55 AM Page 172

Lessons 1–11

Express each as an integer. (See pp. 150–151.)

1. an increase of 14 dollars 2. a gain of 9 meters

3. 4 hours before arrival 4. a depth of 12 meters

Write the opposite and absolute value of each integer.

5. 15 6. 13 7. 22 8. 7 9. 1

Compare. Write ,, 5, or .. (See pp. 152–153.)

10. 9 ? 9 11. 4 ? 7 12. 5 ? 14 13. 6 ? 6

Compute. (See pp. 154–163.)

14. 6  3 15. 4  9 16. 0  5 17. 7  5

18. 9  5 19. 6  8 20. 7  11 21. 0  4

22. 5  10 23. 90  5 24. 0  6 25. 3

26. 4  11 27. 6  3 28. 8  8 29. 3  5

30. 40  (95  79)  214 31. 37  (8  10)2  3

Solve each equation. Use the replacement set {23, 0, 13}. (See pp. 164–165.)

32. n  12  15 33. n  15  15 34. n  5  8

35. n  3  0 36. 3 n0 37. n  3  9

Estimate the temperature in °C or in °F. (See pp. 166–167.)

Watch for the degree unit.
38. 12°F 39. 50°F 40. 32°F 41. 40°C 42. 20°C

(See pp. 168–171.)

43. The temperature was 12C at 44. The football team gained 23 yards
noon. By nine o’clock it was 2C. on 1st down and were penalized
How many degrees did the 5 yards on 2nd down. What was
temperature drop? the net result?

172 Chapter 5 (See Still More Practice, p. 523.)

8206-2_173 10/12/07 6:44 PM Page 173

Inequalities in One Variable

You can solve an inequality in one variable and
graph its solution on a number line. An inequality is a statement that
uses one of these symbols: , ,
Solving an addition or subtraction inequality , , or .
is like solving an equation.
< is less than
x57 addition inequality
≤ is less than or equal to
x5575 Subtract 5 from both sides.
> is greater than
x2 solution to the inequality
≥ is greater than or equal to
 is not equal to
y 5  4 subtraction inequality
y  5  5  4  5 Add 5 to both sides.

y  1 solution to the inequality

To graph x  2, place an open dot at To graph y  1, place a solid dot at

2 on the number line and then shade 1 on the number line and then shade
the number line to the right of 2. the number line to the left of 1.

3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

x2 y  1

• The open dot at 2 means that 2 is • The solid dot at 1 means that 1 is
not a solution of x  2. a solution of y  1.
• The green line with the arrow • The red line with the arrow shows
shows that all values greater than 2 that all values less than 1 are also
are solutions of x  2. solutions of y  1.
Some solutions of x  2: {22, 3, 7.4, . . .} Some solutions of y  1: {. . ., 9, 6, 3}
Not solutions of x  2: {. . . , 2, 0, 1.9, 2} Not solutions of y  1: {1.1, 6, 10, 35, . . .}

Solve and graph the solution of each inequality. Then list three
numbers that are solutions and three numbers that are not solutions.
1. t  34  19 2. w  21  45 3. 19  x  14 4. s  14  12

5. k  5  8 6. p  12  9 7. r  88  92 8. v  2  6

9. a  2  4 10. z  2  10 11. b  4  9 12. c  6  0

1.1 Chapter 5 173

8206-2_174 1/9/06 7:19 PM Page 174

Write each as an integer.

1. a gain of 5 lb 2. 11 m backward 3. 17 floors down

Find the absolute value of the integer.

4. ⏐18⏐ 5. ⏐19⏐ 6. ⏐73⏐ 7. ⏐502⏐ 8. ⏐643⏐

Arrange in order from least to greatest.

9. 9, 9, 0 10. 9, 6, 2 11. 60, 30, 0, 70

12. 11  7 13. 8  4 14. 366  6 15. 2448  24

Evaluate each expression when a 5 17, b 5 22, c 5 23, and d 5 0.

16. b  (c  a) 17. ad  c 18. a  b • c 19. (a  b)2  c

Solve and check.

20. y  6  7 21. 15z 0 22. 9  f  25 23. 17  g  1

Estimate the temperature in °C or in °F. Watch for the degree unit.

24. 70°F 25. 18°F 26. 2°C 27. 74°C 28. 90°C

Use a strategy or strategies you have Explain how you solved the problem.
learned. Show all your work.
29. Andrew writes an integer pattern by 30. A geologist studied rock forms at
adding 5 and subtracting 2 in order. a site 5 m below sea level. If he
The eighth number in the pattern is moves to a site 9 m higher, how far
20. What number did he start with? above or below sea level will he be?

31. Lee added the same integer

1 2 3 3 4 1
to each number in the magic
square at the left to get a 4 4
new magic square. Find 0
the integer and complete 3 2 1
the square.

174 Chapter 5
8206-2_175-176 1/9/06 7:19 PM Page 175

Test Preparation Chapters 1–5

Choose the best answer.

1. Choose the short word name 7. Estimate by rounding.

for the number.
687,400,000,000  623

a. 687 million, 400 thousand a. $30,000

b. 687 billion, 400 million b. $36,000
c. 687 billion, 400 thousand c. $300,000
d. 687 million, 200 d. $500,000

2. Choose the quotient. 8. Choose the product.

 a. 0.00342 0.91  0.37 a. 0.3367
b. 0.0342 b. 1.28
c. 0.342 c. 33.67
d. not given d. not given

3. An expression for “2 less than x, 9. A mathematical sentence for “10 more than
divided by 3.5” is: one third of a number n is greater than 25”
2x x2 1 1
a. 3.5
b. 3.5
a. 10  3
n  25 b. 3
n  10  25
2 x n 1
c. x  3.5
d. 2  3.5
c. 3
 10  25 d. 10  3
 n  25

4. Use A  bh. Find b when A  30 ft2 and 10. Choose the equation that is solved by using
h  6 ft. the Subtraction Property of Equality.
a. 12 ft a. 3
b. 10 ft b. x  3  4.2
c. 8 ft c. 4.2  x  3
d. 6 ft d. x  3  4.2

5. When x  2, y  5, and z  6, which 11. Which makes the number sentence true?
expression has a value of 22?
⏐n⏐  8
a. 4z  2x  3y b. x(y  z) 2
a. 10 b.
z 5z
c. x
y d. yx c. 8 d. 10

6. 113,707 subtracted from 509,911 is: 12. The product of 32,238 and 705 is:

a. 395,204 a. 2,227,790
b. 396,104 b. 2,727,790
c. 396,204 c. 22,727,090
d. 496,204 d. 22,727,790

Chapter 5 175
8206-2_175-176 1/9/06 7:20 PM Page 176

13. Which statement is true? 19. Which does not name an integer?

a. 35 b. 0
a. ⏐7⏐  ⏐7⏐ b. ⏐7⏐  (7) 3 10
c. ⏐7⏐  (7) d. ⏐7⏐  ⏐(7)⏐ c. 15
d. 2

14. Add. 20. Subtract.

21  (14) a. 7 45  63 a. 108
b. 35 b. 108
c. 7 c. 18
d. 35 d. 18

15. Estimate by using compatible numbers. 21. Multiply.

584,719  329 a. 2000 8.005 a. 40.5866
b. 3000  5.32 b. 41.5866
c. 4000 c. 42.5866
d. not given d. not given

16. Evaluate 3a2  4b when a  2 and b  0. 22. Solve.

a. 16 x  (7.65  3.18)  4 a. x  6.83
b. 12 b. x  10.83
c. 16 c. x  14.83
d. 12 d. not given

17. Simplify. 23. In scientific notation, 0.0000631 is:

4  (2  5)  1 a. 7 a. 6.31  106
b. 1 b. 6.31  105
c. 1 c. 6.31  105
d. 7 d. 6.31  106

18. Ray’s aquarium holds 25 gallons of 24. The temperature at noon was 13°F. It
water. One gallon of water weighs 8.33 lb. dropped 17 degrees. What is the
What is the weight of the water if the temperature now?
aquarium is filled to the top?

a. 180.25 lb b. 200.25 lb a. 4°F b. 13°F

c. 208.25 lb d. 280.25 lb c. 17°F d. 4°F

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all your work.
25. Two groups of tourists flew to Japan. 26. A theater has 675 seats. There are three
The first group took 4 hours less than times as many seats in a row as there
the second to fly there. If the first group are rows. How many rows and how many
flew for 17 hours, how many hours did seats are there?
the second group fly?

176 Chapter 5
8206-2_177 1/12/06 3:26 PM Page 177

You may have thought there was no mathematics

in pizza. Well, there is. It turns out there is mathe-
matics in plain cheese pizzas, sausage pizzas, pepper-
oni pizzas, pineapple pizzas, teriyaki pizzas, and
avocado pizzas, just to name a few. (Sometimes, it’s
just not good to take mathematics too seriously.)

From Math for Smarty Pants by

Marilyn Burns

In this chapter you will:

Investigate fractions, primes, and composites
Compare, order, and estimate fractions
Explore greatest common factor and least
common multiple
Relate fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals
Identify terminating and repeating decimals
Solve problems by finding a pattern

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

The number of slices in the 1st giant pizza is a
prime number between 10 and 20. The number
of slices in the 2nd and 3rd giant pizzas together
is a multiple of 5. If the total number of slices is
32, how many slices are there in the 1st pizza? Chapter 6 177
8206-2_178-179 10/7/07 11:17 AM Page 178

6-1 Divisibility
A number is divisible by another 39
number if there is no remainder 5

when you divide. Since there is no remainder, 27
351 is divisible by 9. 81
You can use the divisibility rules in the 0
table below to help you determine if one
number is divisible by another number.

Divisibility Rules
A number is
if . . .
divisible by:
2 it is an even number (ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8)
3 the sum of its digits is divisible by 3
4 the last two digits form a number divisible by 4
5 the ones digit is 0 or 5
6 it is divisible by both 2 and 3
8 the last three digits form a number divisible by 8
9 the sum of its digits is divisible by 9
10 the last digit is 0

Study this example.

Determine whether 3024 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and/or 10.

3024 4 is an even number. 3024 is divisible by 2.

3024 3  0  2  4  9 and 9  3  3 3024 is divisible by 3.
3024 24  4  6 3024 is divisible by 4.
3024 4 is not 0 or 5. 3024 is not divisible by 5.
3024 4 is an even number and 3024 is divisible by 6.
3  0  2  4  9 and 9  3  3.
3024 24  8  3 3024 is divisible by 8.
3024 3  0  2  4  9 and 9  9  1 3024 is divisible by 9.
3024 4 is not 0. 3024 is not divisible by 10.

So 3024 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9.

178 Chapter 6 2.0

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Tell whether the number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and/or 10.

1. 333 2. 128 3. 225 4. 7535 5. 8289

6. 9410 7. 99,483 8. 67,704 9. 67,713 10. 67,722

11. 23,918 12. 35,932 13. 85,446 14. 40,620 15. 90,990

16. 17,934 17. 49,708 18. 77,075 19. 13,104 20. 486,890

21. 207,984 22. 352,860 23. 607,712 24. 581,889 25. 270,228

Find the missing digit or digits that would make each number
divisible by the given number.
26. 3,95 ; by 10
The last digit must be 0 to be divisible by 10.
27. 17,84 ; by 3 28. 243,05 ; by 9 29. 698,39 ; by 3 and by 9

30. 17,39 ; by 5 31. 14,5 2; by 8 32. 13, 12; by 8 and by 3

33. 27,1 8; by 6 34. 20,71 ; by 4 35. 502,7 5; by 3 and by 5

36. 37,6 3; by 9 37. 98 ,124; by 6 38. 109,83 ; by 4 and by 8

39. Ms. Sutphin has 74,516 pennies. 40. Mr. Diaz wants to divide 4952 stickers
She wants to divide them equally equally among some teachers at school.
among some containers. She has He wants to give the stickers to at least
10 containers, but does not need to 4 but no more than 10 teachers. To how
use them all. How many containers many teachers can he give stickers so
could she use so there are no there are none left over? How many will
pennies left over? each teacher get?

41. Which number is divisible by 4? 42. Which number is not divisible by 9?

A 448,274 F 34,947
B 346,493 G 38,999
C 330,902 H 55,026
D 286,156 J 80,973

Chapter 6 179
8206-2_180-181 1/12/06 3:29 PM Page 180

Update your skills. See page 3.

6-2 Prime and Composite Numbers

A prime number is a whole number greater than 1
that has exactly two factors, itself and 1.
Find all the factors of 11.
1  11  11 Factors of 11: 1, 11

Since 11 has exactly two factors, it is a prime number.

A composite number is a whole number The numbers 0 and 1

greater than 1 that has more than two factors. are neither prime nor
Find all the factors of 25.
1  25  25
5  50  25 Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25
Since 25 has more than two factors, it is a composite number.

Tell whether each number is prime, composite, or neither.

1. 24 2. 35 3. 2 4. 9 5. 19

6. 21 7. 33 8. 11 9. 1 10. 0

11. 51 12. 26 13. 81 14. 100 15. 41

16. 207 17. 613 18. 127 19. 10,011 20. 37,311

Copy these statements in your Math Journal.

Then tell whether each statement is true or false.
Give an example to justify your answer.
21. Any whole number is either prime 22. No composite number is an even
or composite. number.

23. All prime numbers are odd 24. Every even number greater than 2
numbers. is a composite number.

25. The product of two prime numbers 26. The sum of two prime numbers is a
is a prime number. composite number.

180 Chapter 6
8206-2_180-181 1/12/06 3:30 PM Page 181

Make and complete a table like the one below for the
numbers 1–20. Use the table for exercises 27–35.
27. Which numbers are
prime numbers? Number Factors Number of Prime or
Factors Composite
28. Which numbers are 1 1 1 neither
composite numbers?
2 1, 2 ? prime
29. Which numbers have 3 1, 3 ? ?
exactly three factors?

30. Which number has 17 ? ? ?

only one factor? 18 ? ? ?
31. Which numbers have 19 ? ? ?
six factors? 20 ? ? ?
32. Which number is a factor 33. Which numbers have both 2
of all of the numbers? and 3 as factors?

34. Which numbers have both 2 35. Which numbers have both 4
and 5 as factors? and 8 as factors?

36. Why is the number 1 neither prime 37. Why is 2 the only even prime
nor composite? number?
38. Rita’s locker number is a two-digit 39. Carl ran 4 km every day for 5 days.
prime number. There are 25 lockers, Ken ran 3 km every day for 7 days.
numbered 1–20, in Rita’s classroom. Was the total number of kilometers
What are the possible numbers that both Carl and Ken ran prime or
could be Rita’s locker number? composite? How do you know?

Six is called a perfect number because it is the sum of all

its factors, not including itself.
The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, 6.

40. Find another perfect number. 41. Are any prime numbers also
Extend the table above to help you. perfect numbers? Explain.
42. Use the internet or reference books to define these two types of numbers: (a)
deficient numbers and (b) abundant numbers. Discuss your results with the class.

Chapter 6 181
8206-2_182-183 1/12/06 3:31 PM Page 182

6-3 Prime Factorization

Every composite number can be written as the product of
prime factors. This is called prime factorization.

Find the prime factorization of 36.

36 Composite.
You can use a factor tree to find the prime factors. Factor
 Start with the composite number. 3  12
 Choose any 2 factors.
3  3  4
 Continue factoring until all the
branches show prime numbers.
3  3  2  2 All prime.
 Arrange the prime factors in order
from least to greatest. 2233

The prime factorization of 36 is 2  2  3  3.

You can use exponents to express Remember:

the prime factorization of 36. 22  32 2  2  22
3  3  32
No matter which 2 factors you begin with,
the prime factorization will always be the same.

Composite. 36 Composite.
Composite. 36 Composite.
again. Factor again.
Factor again. Factor again.
Factor again.
6 6 4 9

2  3  2  3 2  2  3  3
2 3 2 3
2 2 2 2

Express each in exponential form. Then find the product.

1. 5  2  2  5 2. 2  2  2  3 3. 11  2  11  5

4. 7  3  2  7  3 5. 5  13  5  5 6. 2  7  2  7

Make a factor tree for each to find the prime factorization.

7. 45 8. 64 9. 72 10. 88 11. 48

182 Chapter 6
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Find the prime factorization and write in exponential form.

12. 32 13. 24 14. 50 15. 125 16. 63

17. 71 18. 44 19. 60 20. 100 21. 96

Prime Factorization Using Divisibility Rules

You can use the divisibility rules to help you find the
prime factorization of larger numbers.

Find the prime factorization of 9450.

9450 ends in 0; divide by 10

Factor again. 10  945 digit sum is 18; divide by 9

2  5  9  105 ends in 5; divide by 5

2  5  3  3  5  21 digit sum is 3; divide by 3

2  5  3  3  5  3  7 all prime numbers

So, the prime factorization of 9450 is 2  33  52  7.

Find the prime factorization. Use the divisibility rules

and a factor tree to help.
22. 95 23. 114 24. 153 25. 390 26. 504

27. 189 28. 225 29. 540 30. 1215 31. 2916

Solve for y to complete the prime factorization.

32. 2  y  3  12 33. 2y  82 34. 117  32  y
35. 23  y  88 36. 110  y  5  11 37. 2 2  y  5  60

Make two different factor trees for each number.

Then write the prime factorization for each.
38. 70 39. 99 40. 120 41. 40
42. 48 43. 150 44. 84 45. 54

Chapter 6 183
8206-2_184-185 10/7/07 11:17 AM Page 184

6-4 Equivalent Fractions

Fractions that name the same part of a whole or a set
1 2 3 4
are called equivalent fractions. 2, 4, 6, 8 are equivalent.

1 1 1 1
2 6 6 6

1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 8 8 8 8

To find equivalent fractions, multiply or divide the numerator

and denominator of the fraction by the same nonzero number.
This does not change the value because it is the same as
multiplying or dividing by 1.
5 n Think 8 1 Think


6  3  18 881
53 15 .8.  8 1


32  8

5 15 8 1



5 15 8 1
 and 1 are equivalent fractions.  and 4 are equivalent fractions.
6 8 32

In each exercise, which two figures show equivalent

fractions? Explain your answer.

1. a. b. c. d.

2. a. b. c. d.

184 Chapter 6
8206-2_184-185 1/12/06 3:34 PM Page 185

Write the missing term to complete the equivalent fraction.

3 n 1 a 2 c 2 q 5 40
3. 4  1
4. 11
5. 9  8
6. 3  1
7. 7  f

1 6 1 3 3 6 9 r 1 4
8. 8  b 9. 10
 q 10. 1
 s 11. 10
12. 2

9 m 4 t 21 z 40 x 2 1
13. 30
14. 12
15. 2
16. 4
17. 6  h

4 20 6 24 49 7 x 36 9 y
18. k  25 19. 13  m 20. e  8 21. 15  45 22. 16  144

Write two equivalent fractions for each fraction.

23. 9 24. 35 25. 14 26. 15
27. 68

3 11 9 25 8
28. 7 29. 15 30. 12 31. 75 32. 12

Complete the equivalent fractions.

1 x y 3
33. 3  6  1
34. 4  8s  2t
35. 46

4 8 24 1 2 6 2 12
36. 5  a  b 37. 6  e  f 38. 7  1n

39. 50
 15  h3 40. 48
 y3 41. 216
 42  n6

42. 112
 36  b7 43. 25
 c5  d1 98
44. 441 e
 63  2f

2 36
45. I am equivalent to 3. My numerator 46. I am equivalent to 6
. The sum of my
is 7 less than my denominator. numerator and my denominator is 24.
What fraction am I? What fraction am I?

Chapter 6 185
8206-2_186-187 10/12/07 6:44 PM Page 186

Update your skills. See page 3.

6-5 Greatest Common Factor

The greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more numbers
is the greatest number that is a factor of all of the numbers.

Find the greatest common factor of 8, 12, and 20.

To find the GCF:

 List all the factors 08: 1, 2, 4, 8

of each number. 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
20: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20

 Find the common Common factors:

factors. 1, 2, 4

 Choose the greatest The greatest common

common factor. factor is 4.

The GCF of 8, 12, and 20 is 4.

You can also refer to the greatest common factor of two or

more numbers as the greatest common divisor (GCD).

The GCD of 8, 12, and 20 is 4. Think

4 divides evenly into 8, 12, and 20.

Write all the common factors for each set of numbers.

1. 8 and 24 2. 10 and 30 3. 15 and 35 4. 12 and 18

5. 16 and 20 6. 12 and 24 7. 30 and 18 8. 45 and 20

9. 4, 6, and 8 10. 6, 9, and 12 11. 5, 12, and 14 12. 6, 14, and 22

Find the GCF and the GCD of each set of numbers.

13. 6 and 12 14. 12 and 36 15. 8 and 10 16. 6 and 14

17. 9 and 30 18. 8 and 36 19. 24 and 42 20. 7 and 40

21. 8, 24, and 32 22. 5, 30, and 35 23. 15, 30, and 45

186 Chapter 6 2.4

8206-2_186-187 1/12/06 3:36 PM Page 187

Find the GCF Using Prime Factorization

Find the GCF of 27 and 54.
• First use factor trees to find the prime factors of each number.
Finding the prime factors of a number is called prime factorization.
27 54

3  9 9  6

3  3  3 3  3  3  2

• Then multiply the prime factors that are common to both to find the GCF.

common to both
27  333 54  2  333
3  3  3  27
GCF of 27 and 54: 27

Find the GCF. Use prime factorization.

24. 48 and 56 25. 64 and 96 26. 36 and 72 27. 80 and 100

28. 45 and 75 29. 39 and 104 30. 48 and 84 31. 100 and 125

32. 14, 49, and 70 33. 48, 80, and 112 34. 18, 54, and 90

Find a pair of numbers:

35. Between 10 and 20 that have 6 36. Between 12 and 18 that have 4
as their GCF. as their GCF.

37. Between 15 and 30 that have 5 38. Between 16 and 24 that have 8
as their GCF. as their GCF.

39. Can the greatest common factor of 8 and 32 be greater than 8?

Explain your reasoning.

Chapter 6 187
8206-2_188-189 10/7/07 11:18 AM Page 188

6-6 Fractions in Simplest Form

A fraction is in simplest form, or lowest terms, when the
numerator and denominator have no common factor other than 1.

Cass and Arti surveyed 32 classmates to

find out when they did their homework. The
results showed that 20 out of 32 (3
) of
the students did homework after dinner.
Rename this fraction in simplest form.

To rename a fraction as an equivalent fraction

in simplest form:
 Find the GCF of the 20 factors of 20: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20

numerator and the 32 factors of 32: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
GCF of 20 and 32: 4
 Divide the numerator 4
20 20  4 5

 1, so the quotient
and the denominator     
32 32  4 8 is still equal to 23
by their GCF.
20 5
The simplest form of 3
is 8.

Write the letter of the GCF of the numerator and the

denominator of each fraction.
01. 6 a. 1 b. 6 c. 3 d. 18

02. 8 a. 7 b. 1 c. 8 d. 14

03. 1
a. 10 b. 12 c. 2 d. 1

04. 4
a. 25 b. 9 c. 5 d. 1

a. 20 b. 10 c. 50 d. 2

a. 1 b. 11 c. 132 d. 12

188 Chapter 6 2.4

8206-2_188-189 1/12/06 3:38 PM Page 189

Is the fraction in lowest terms? Write Yes or No. If no, rename

the fraction in simplest form.
2 1 4 5 3 1
7. 3 8. 8 9. 8 10. 10
11. 10
12. 12

7 12 10 6 12 5
13. 21
14. 2
15. 1
16. 21
17. 1
18. 24

16 9 14 24 17 18
19. 2
20. 12
21. 3
22. 3
23. 3
24. 7

Rename each as a fraction in simplest form.

18 15 16 3 16 9
25. 3
26. 4
27. 4
28. 18
29. 2
30. 4

5 12 20 21 12 12
31. 55
32. 1
33. 5
34. 4
35. 2
36. 3

12 30 14 14 5 20
37. 4
38. 5
39. 4
40. 1
41. 35
42. 3

14 16 20 9 6 16
43. 2
44. 2
45. 3
46. 36
47. 27
48. 2

Write each answer as a fraction in simplest form.

49. Lions spend about 20 hours a day
sleeping. What part of their day
do lions spend sleeping? What part
of their day are they awake?

50. At the circus, 128 of the 160 animals

are not lions. What part of the animals
are lions?

Write sometimes, always, or never. Give an example to justify your answer.

51. A fraction with 1 as a numerator is in simplest form.

52. A fraction with a prime number in the numerator is in simplest form.

53. A fraction with an even number in its numerator and denominator

is in simplest form.

Chapter 9 189
8206-2_190-191 10/12/07 6:45 PM Page 190

6-7 Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

When you compute with fractions, you must
be able to express mixed numbers as
improper fractions and vice versa.

An improper fraction has a value

that is equal to or is greater than 1.
It has a numerator equal to or
greater than its denominator.

1 7
32  2
To rename a mixed number as a
 Multiply the whole number by
the denominator.
1 (2  3)  1
 Add the product to the
3 2  
numerator. improper fraction
 Write the sum over the

To rename an improper fraction as a whole number

or as a mixed number:
 Divide the numerator 9 R2
by the denominator. 

Write the quotient as the
whole number part.
38 2

 9 4
 If there is a remainder,
write it over the denominator 1

 9 2 Remember: Read 9 2 as
and express the fraction in 4 nine and one half.
simplest form.

Study these examples.

18 18 5 (6  10)  5 60  5 65

2 10 6  6  6  6

190 Chapter 6 2.4

8206-2_190-191 1/12/06 3:40 PM Page 191

Write the word name for each mixed number.

1 4 1 1 1 11
1. 72 2. 8 5 3. 5 1
4. 22 8 5. 1 2
6. 11 1

Write as a mixed number.

7. eleven and one fourth 8. nine and nine tenths

9. sixteen and three fifths 10. thirty and two thirds

11. twenty and fifteen sixteenths 12. twenty-one and seven tenths

Express each mixed number as a fraction.

1 1 3 1 4 2
13. 4 4 14. 2 2 15. 18 16. 2 8 17. 3 5 18. 5 7

1 1 1 1 1 2
19. 19 20. 11
21. 113 22. 12 2 23. 15 4 24. 12 7

5 2 2 4 7 5
25. 1 8 26. 5 3 27. 8 9 28. 10 5 29. 7 8 30. 19 7

Express each improper fraction as a whole number or a

mixed number in simplest form.
6 9 11 5 14 48
31. 5 32. 7 33. 8 34. 3 35. 2 36. 8

12 15 44 92 88 110
37. 8 38. 9 39. 6 40. 1
41. 6 42. 5

27 19 33 29 69 121
43. 6 44. 4 45. 10 46. 11 47. 13 48. 15

49. A 14-foot board is divided into 50. A dessert recipe calls for 24 lb of
4 equal parts. How long is butter. How many quarter-pound sticks
each part? of butter are needed for the recipe?

51. Explain how each mixed number

in the box can be simplified. 10 24 25
15 2
15 2
15 2

Chapter 6 191
8206-2_192-193 10/7/07 11:20 AM Page 192

6-8 Fraction Sense

To estimate if a fraction is close to 0, close to 2, or
close to 1, compare its numerator to its denominator.

A fraction is close to 0 when 16
its numerator is much less
than its denominator. 0 1 1
is close to 0 because 2 is much less than 16.
1 30
A fraction is close to when 2
double its numerator is about equal 0 1 1
to its denominator. 2

is close to 1 because 17  2  34 and 34 is about equal to 30.
30 2

A fraction is close to 1 when 18
its numerator is about equal
to its denominator. 0 1 1
is close to 1 because 16 is about equal to 18.

Write the fraction that names each point.

Tell whether the fraction is close to 0, 2, or 1.
1. 2.
0 1 1 0 1 1
2 2

3. 4.
0 1 1 0 1 1
2 2

5. 6.
0 1 1 0 1 1
2 2

192 Chapter 6 1.1

8206-2_192-193 1/12/06 3:42 PM Page 193

Use Compatible Numbers to Estimate

You can replace the numerator and/or the denominator
of a fraction with compatible numbers to estimate.
1 0 17 15 1
is about 32 or 0. 31
is about 30 or 2 .

29 30 1 76 76
is about 60 or 2 . 78
is about 76 or 1.

Tell whether the fraction is close to 0, 2, or 1.
Use a number line or compatible numbers to help.
1 2 6 13 7 8
7. 8 8. 15
9. 7 10. 1
11. 13
12. 15

13 17 1 3 30 25
13. 2
14. 2
15. 4 16. 4 17. 4

Complete. Write a fraction that is close to 0.

a b c 1 7 12
19. 12 20. 20 21. 9 22. d 23. e 24. f

Complete. Write a fraction that is close to 2.
g h j 12 9 n
25. 7 26. 25 27. 15 28. k 29. m 30. 42

Complete. Write a fraction that is close to 1.

p r s 35 24 x
31. 7 32. 30 33. 14 34. t
35. v 36. 100

Input these numbers. Write the product

that comes out of the function machine.

37. 10 38. 9 39. 8

in 6 out
40. 7 41. 12 42. 11

Chapter 6 193
8206-2_194-195 10/12/07 6:45 PM Page 194

Update your skills. See page 3.

6-9 Least Common Multiple

The planet Jupiter takes 12 years to make
one complete revolution around the Sun.
The planet Saturn takes 30 years to make
one complete revolution around the Sun.
If both planets are aligned tonight, how
many years will it be before they have the
exact same position in the sky again?

To find the number of years, you must find

the least common multiple (LCM) of
12 and 30.

The least common multiple of two or more

numbers is the least number, except 0,
that is a common multiple of both (or all)
of the numbers.

Multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, . . .

Multiples of 30: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, . . .

Extend the list until you find a common

multiple of the numbers.

The least common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 30 is 60.

So Jupiter and Saturn will have the exact same position

in the sky in 60 years.

Find the LCM of each set of numbers.

1. 3, 4 2. 3, 6 3. 2, 5 4. 8, 24 5. 12, 15

6. 4, 10 7. 1, 9 8. 6, 5 9. 12, 10 10. 40, 16

11. 3, 4, 6 12. 1, 6, 7 13. 4, 5, 10 14. 4, 6, 8

15. 5, 6, 12 16. 3, 9, 12 17. 8, 12, 36 18. 10, 18, 72

19. 4, 6, 9 20. 5, 10, 15 21. 3, 5, 9 22. 8, 9, 10

194 Chapter 6 2.4

8206-2_194-195 1/12/06 3:44 PM Page 195

Find the LCM Using Prime Factorization

Find the LCM of 6, 18, and 24.

To find the least common multiple using prime factorization:

 Write the prime factorization 623

for each number.
18  2  3  3
 Write each prime factor the 24  2  2  2  3 3 appears two times.
greatest number of times it Write two 3s.
appears in any of the numbers.
Then multiply the factors. 2 appears three times.
2  2  2  3  3  72 Write three 2s.
So the least common multiple of 6, 18, and 24 is 72.

Find the LCM of each set of numbers. Use prime factorization.

23. 3, 7 24. 2, 3 25. 7, 21 26. 3, 9 27. 12, 4 28. 10, 5

29. 7, 2 30. 11, 5 31. 3, 15 32. 16, 32 33. 1, 9 34. 12, 1

35. 7, 8, 56 36. 8, 10, 40 37. 12, 48,72 38. 8, 13, 52

39. 5, 9, 27 40. 9, 14, 16 41. 9, 15, 25 42. 4, 14, 49

43. A grasshopper and a frog start 44. In June, Al has a baseball game every
together and jump along the same 4th day starting June 4, and a tennis
path. The grasshopper always jumps game every 6th day, beginning June 6.
12 cm and the frog always jumps On which June days will he play both
15 cm. Will they ever land on the baseball and tennis?
same spot again? Where?

Tell whether the shortcuts below will help you find the least common
multiple (LCM) of a pair of numbers. Explain using examples.
45. If both numbers are prime numbers, 46. If one number is a factor of the other,
the LCM is the product of the two. the LCM is the greater of the two.

Chapter 6 195
8206-2_196-197 10/7/07 11:21 AM Page 196

6-10 Compare Fractions

11 13
Compare:  ? 
14 14

To compare fractions with

11 13
like denominators, 11  13   
14 14
compare the numerators.
The fraction with the greater
numerator is greater.

0 1
You can also use a number
line to compare. 0 5 11 13 14
14 14 14 14 14

Remember: Values increase as you move right on a number line.

Values decrease as you move left.

7 3 The least common denominator (LCD) of

Compare: 8 ? 4 two or more fractions is the least common
multiple (LCM) of their denominators.

To compare fractions with

unlike denominators:  Multiples of 8: 8, 16, . . .

• Find the least common LCM

denominator (LCD) of the  Multiples of 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, . . .

7 3
• Use the LCD to rename the The LCD of 8 and 4 is 8.
fractions as equivalent
fractions with the same
3 ? 32 6
4 8 42 8
7 3
• Compare the numerators. 7  6, so 8  4.

You can also use a number line 0 2 3 4

4 4 4 4
to compare fractions with unlike
denominators. 0 4 6 7 8
8 8 8 8 8
7 3
So 8  4.

196 Chapter 6 1.1

8206-2_196-197 1/12/06 3:46 PM Page 197

Compare. Write ,, , or .. You can use a number line to help.

7 5 9 9 14 26 17 10
1. 8 ? 8 2. 20
? 2
3. 3
? 3
4. 2
? 2

12 16 9 8 22 32 19 20
5. 7 ? 7 6. 8 ? 8 7. 6 ? 6 8. 1
? 1

Rename each pair of fractions using the LCD as their denominator.

3 1 3 1 7 5 1 2
9. 5 and 4 10. 4 and 1
11. 8 and 6 12. 2 and 3

1 3 1 4 5 12 2 4
13. 12
and 24
14. 3 and 9 15. 7 and 4
16. 5 and 7

Compare. Write ,, , or .. You can use a number line to help.

1 7 7 3 4 1 6 2
17. 4 ? 16
18. 10
? 5 19. 21
? 7 20. 14
? 7

3 5 4 6 7 9 10 7
21. 5 ? 8 22. 7 ? 9 23. 12
? 1
24. 2
? 10

11 11 4 12 11 9 11 22
25. 1
? 1
26. 5 ? 1
27. 2
? 1
28. 2
? 4

1 12
29. Jack rides his bicycle 2 mile to the 30. On a team project, Lisa does 1
3 3
park. Jerry rides his bike 1
mile to the of the work and Mel does 1
. Who
park. Who travels farther? How do you does less for the project? How do
know? you know?

Compare. Write , or .. Look for fractions close to 0, 2, or 1.
6 5 6 1 5 6 5
31. 1 ? 6  is close to ;  is close to 1;   
1 11 2 6 11 6

11 9 3 21 15 17 16 3
32. 2
? 20
33. 32
? 3
34. 1
? 1
35. 1
? 7

10 5 1 6 7 8 15 2
36. 9 ? 8 37. 11
? 13
38. 15
? 7 39. 3
? 30

Chapter 6 197
8206-2_198-199 10/7/07 11:22 AM Page 198

6-11 Order Fractions

1 2 5
Write these fractions in order from least to greatest: 1 4 , 3 , 1 6 .
1 5 2
1 4 and 1 6 have whole numbers. 3  1, so it is the least
number. Now compare and order the mixed numbers.

To compare and order mixed numbers with unlike denominators:

 Compare the whole numbers. 11

1 5
 Rename each fraction using 14 16 LCD is 12.
the LCD.
3 10
1 12 1 12

3 10 3 10
 Compare the numerators.
 12 , so 1 12  1 12

1 5
14  16
 Write the fractions in order 2 1 5
from least to greatest.
2 1 5
The number line shows that 3  1 4  1 6 .
2 1 5
14 16

8 3 6 10 2
0 12 1 112 112 112

2 1 5 5 1 2
From least to greatest: 3 , 1 4 , 1 6 From greatest to least: 1 6 , 1 4 , 3

Study these examples.

Order from greatest to least.
1 3 19 5 3 2
2 8, 2 4, 8 .6 ., .6 ., .6 .
6 5 3
8 19 LCD is 30.
1 6 3 8 25 18 20
2 8, 2 8, 2 8 6 3
, 6 3
, 6 3
3 19 1 5 2 3
From greatest to least: 2 4, 8, 2 8 From greatest to least: 6 6, 6 3, 6 5

198 Chapter 6 1.1

8206-2_198-199 1/13/06 12:16 AM Page 199

Write in order from least to greatest.

4 7 3 5 3 5 3 5 7 2 1 3
1. 5, 1, 
0 4
2. 1 , , 
2 8 6
3. 9 5, 9 8, 9 1
4. 7 9, 7 3, 7 4

Write in order from greatest to least.

7 1 2 1 1 1 2 7 1 7 4 9
5. 1 , , 
2 2 3
6. 4, 3, 5 7. 5, 1, 
0 3
8. 1 , , 
2 5 10

4 3 7 2 3 4 17 7 2 3 1 3
9. 5 5, 5 4, 5 8 10. 2 3, 3 4, 2 5 11. 1, , 
8 9 3
12. 7, 2, 1

21 12 9 7 14 31 2 18 4 21 5 8
13. 9, 9, 1
14. 6, 5, 1
15. 1 1, , 1 1
5 15 5
16. 9, 1 9, 3

17. Tony saw three pumpkins labeled 18. If you put a jar 12 4 inches tall
3 1 5 7
5 8 lb, 5 4 lb, and 5 16
lb. Which into a carton 12 12
inches high,
pumpkin was the heaviest? Explain. will the jar stick out? Explain.

19. In a standing broad jump contest, the

5 3
results were: Patty, 6 12
ft; Hank, 6 4 ft; and
Terry, 6 6 ft. Who won the contest? Explain.

20. Which of these model cars can fit into the box? Explain.
a. b. c.
1 8 in.
7 5 13
1 8 in. 1 16 in. 1 16 in.

Name three fractions in each A B C

region of the diagram. 1
Fractions > 2 Fractions
21. A 22. B 23. C close to 1
D 13 F
24. D 25. E 26. F 15

Fractions whose
27. G denominator is 15

Chapter 6 199
8206-2_200-201 1/12/06 3:48 PM Page 200

6-12 Relate Fractions to Decimals

Fractions and mixed numbers with denominators that are powers of ten
can be renamed as decimals. The word names are the same.
7 9 41
 0.7 3  3.09  0.0041
10 100 10,000

seven tenths three and nine hundredths forty-one ten thousandths

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 2

17 7
1.7, 10 , and 1 10 all have the same value.
They all name one and seven tenths.

To rename fractions and mixed numbers with denominators

that are powers of ten as decimals:
 Read the given fraction.  eight hundredths

 Determine the decimal place. hundredths: two decimal places

 Write an equivalent decimal. eight hundredths  0.08

Choose the equivalent decimal or fraction.

a. 0.700 b. 0.07 c. 0.007 d. 700.7

02. 13  
a. 13.28 b. 13.028 c. 13.0028 d. 0.1328

a. 100.9 b. 0.0109 c. 0.109 d. 109.001

9 9 9 89
04. 8.09 a. 8 10 b. 8 100 c. 8 1000 d. 100

37 7 237 37
05. 12.37 a. 12 1000 b. 123 10 c. 1 1000 d. 12 100

200 Chapter 6
8206-2_200-201 1/12/06 3:49 PM Page 201

Write the word name. Then write the equivalent decimal or fraction.
9 35 81 71 2
6. 10
10. 6 1

19 12 417 2 56
11. 16  
12. 4  
13. 9  

16. 0.87 17. 0.022 18. 0.0563 19. 0.1578 20. 7.52

21. 8.009 22. 16.573 23. 37.069 24. 5.0005 25. 11.0011

Rename Improper Fractions as Decimals

To rename improper fractions with denominators that are
powers of ten as decimals:

 Rename the improper fraction 6 100
as a mixed number. 

 Rename the mixed number as 6   6.28
a decimal.

Write the equivalent decimal or whole number.

25 420 372 4620 5390
26. 1
28. 1

1472 7000 20,000 34,000 79,500


Complete the sentences. Use the terms in the box.

36. Two fractions that name the same part of a divisible
whole or a set are ? .
37. A number is ? by another number if there is equivalent
no remainder when you divide. GCF

38. The ? of 4, 6, and 8 is 24.

Chapter 6 201
8206-2_202-203 10/12/07 6:46 PM Page 202

6-13 Rename Fractions as Decimals

Write 4 as a decimal.

To rename a fraction as a decimal:

 Divide the numerator by the denominator. 4 3

 Place a decimal point after the numerator 4 3
and in the quotient.

0.7 5
 Divide. Add zeros as needed. 4 3
So 4  0.75.

Write 9 1
as a decimal.

To rename a mixed number as a decimal:

1 1
 Separate the mixed number 9 1
 9  1
into a whole number part
and a fraction part.
0.0 6 2 5
 Rename the fraction part as 
1 6 1
a decimal.

 Add the whole number part 9  0.0 6 2 5  9.0 6 2 5

and the decimal.
So 9 1

Write each fraction as a decimal.

2 1 1 4 3 6
1. 5 2. 2 3. 4 4. 5 5. 8 6. 15

9 3 1 1 22 19
7. 20
8. 50
9. 20
10. 25
11. 5
12. 2

7 5 17 9 5 3
13. 8 14. 32 15. 25 16. 200 17. 16 18. 250

202 Chapter 6 2.0

8206-2_202-203 1/12/06 3:51 PM Page 203

Write each mixed number as a decimal.

4 1 3 5 3
19. 7 5 20. 15 2 21. 28 5 22. 12 8 23. 7  

4 3 3 11 1
24. 9  
25. 11 5
26. 80 4 27. 44 2
28. 61 8

Shortcut for Renaming Fractions

Write 2
as a decimal.
When a fraction has a denominator that is 25 is a factor
a factor of 10, 100, 1000, . . . : of 100.

 Rename as an equivalent fraction 12  4 48

with a denominator that is a power of ten. 25  4 100

 Read the fraction. Then write   0.48
the decimal.
forty-eight hundredths
So 2

Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.

Use the shortcut whenever possible.
3 7 9 3 32
29. 20
30. 25
31. 7 1
32. 8 1
33. 5

11 5 25 12 3
34. 2
35. 16
36. 3
37. 9 2
38. 10 2

Write each answer as a decimal.

39. Ann has nine tenths of a dollar. 40. Allan has three fifths of a dollar.
How much money does she have? How much money does he have?

41. Roy has one and three fourths 42. Drew has three and two fifths
dollars. How much more money dollars and Rita has four and
does he need to have $3.25? one fourth dollars. How much
more money does Rita have?

Chapter 6 203
8206-2_204-205 1/12/06 3:52 PM Page 204

6-14 Rename Decimals as Fractions

Write 0.35 as a fraction in simplest form.

To rename a decimal as a fraction:

 Read the given decimal. 0.35 thirty-five hundredths

 Determine the denominator The denominator is 100.

of the fraction.
 Write an equivalent fraction. thirty-five hundredths   
35 .35.  5 7
 Simplify if necessary.     
100 100  5 20

0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
So 0.35  2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Study this example.

Write 9.008 as a mixed number in simplest form.
9.008 nine and eight thousandths 9 

  8  8  
8 1
1000 1000  8 125

1 1
So 9.008  9     9 .
125 125

Rename each decimal as a fraction or mixed number

in simplest form.
? 5 ? ?
1. 0.63   
2. 0.05  ?  2
3. 0.259   

750 ? ? 9
4. 0.750  ?  4 5. 8.7  8 1
6. 4.09  4 ?

? ? ? ?
7. 2.627  2  
8. 5.500  5    5 
1000 2
9. 38.03  38 ?

204 Chapter 6
8206-2_204-205 1/12/06 3:52 PM Page 205

Write each decimal as a fraction in simplest form.

10. 0.9 11. 0.07 12. 0.43 13. 0.77 14. 0.003

15. 0.127 16. 0.45 17. 0.36 18. 0.675 19. 0.325

20. 0.0033 21. 0.0009 22. 0.441 23. 0.101 24. 0.0500

Write each decimal as a mixed number in simplest form.

25. 1.09 26. 5.7 27. 11.31 28. 12.1 29. 2.5

30. 8.4 31. 9.16 32. 6.35 33. 1.055 34. 3.004

35. 6.0005 36. 8.0010 37. 3.375 38. 2.95 39. 20.0750

Rename each decimal as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form.

40. A tortoise travels 0.7 mile 41. An elephant can run at a speed
per hour. of 24.5 miles per hour.

42. The height of a zebra 43. The height of a flower may be

may be 1.55 meters. 0.44 meter.

Write the missing decimal, word name, or fraction.

Decimal Word Name Fraction in

Simplest Form
44. 4.7 four and seven tenths ?
45. ? two hundred and six thousandths ?
46. ? one thousand eleven ten thousandths ?
47. 101.003 ? ?

48. Mitch got 30 out of 40 questions 49. Patty got 2 incorrect answers out
correct on a test. What is his test of 20 on a test. What is her test
score as a decimal? score as a decimal?

50. Dov got 3 incorrect answers out of 51. Jill got 3 incorrect answers out of
15 on a quiz. If each answer was 30 on a test. Her brother got 1
worth 2 points, would his decimal incorrect answer out of 10 on a
score be the same or different than different test. Who had a higher
if each answer was worth 1 point? decimal score? Explain.

Chapter 6 205
8206-2_206-207 1/12/06 3:53 PM Page 206

6-15 Terminating and Repeating Decimals

Alberto plays baseball for the Piney Creek Wildcats.
In his first 30 times at bat, he gets 10 hits.
Write his batting average as a decimal.
0.3 3 3 3 . . .
Rename 3 0
as an equivalent decimal. 3 0 1
0 000

No matter how many zeros you write in the dividend,

the division just keeps on going. When the same
digit(s) repeat in the quotient, you have a
repeating decimal.

Alberto’s batting average is 0.3333 . . . , or 0.333

when rounded to the nearest thousandth.

Every fraction can be renamed as a

terminating decimal or a repeating decimal.

A terminating decimal has a 0.6 2 5

definite number of decimal places. 
8 5
When you divide, the remainder
is 0.   0.6 2 5

A repeating decimal has one 0.2 7 2 7 2 . . .

or more digits that repeat 
1 1 3
indefinitely. When you divide,
the remainder is never zero.   0.2 7 2 7 . . .

Repeating decimals may be written with a bar over

the digit or digits that repeat.

0.2727 . . .  0.2
7 bar 5.13636 . . .  5.13
6 bar

Think Think
The digits 2 and 7 The digits 3 and 6
repeat indefinitely. repeat indefinitely. The
digit 1 does not repeat.

206 Chapter 6
8206-2_206-207 1/12/06 3:54 PM Page 207

Rewrite each repeating decimal with a bar over the

part that repeats.
1. 0.66666 . . . 2. 0.11111 . . . 3. 0.45454 . . . 4. 0.09090 . . .

5. 0.83333 . . . 6. 0.26666 . . . 7. 2.384848 . . . 8. 5.13232 . . .

Write each repeating decimal showing eight decimal places.

9. 0.1 2
10. 0.1 
11. 0.14 
12. 0.28

13. 5.3 6
14. 12.0 
15. 7.27 7
16. 13.21

Rename each fraction as a terminating or repeating decimal.

1 13 5 1 3
17. 8 18. 2
19. 1
20. 3 21. 4

2 7 5 11 1
22. 9 23. 16
24. 1
25. 1
26. 1

Rename each mixed number as a terminating or repeating decimal.

2 1 2 2 3
27. 4 5 28. 6 4 29. 12 3 30. 15 3 31. 1 8

1 1 5 21 13
32. 121 9 33. 33 3 34. 5 1
35. 28 3
36. 11 2

Copy and complete each table. Write the equivalent decimal.

Explain the patterns in your Math Journal.

Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal

1 1
1 9  
0.1 41. 
2 2
38.  ? 42.  ?
9 11
3 3
39.  ? 43.  ?
9 11
4 4
40.  ? 44.  ?
9 11

Chapter 6 207
8206-2_208-209 1/12/06 3:55 PM Page 208

6-16 Rational Numbers

Earl’s Software 2
A class is learning about the stock market. Ultimate Graphics 2
The table shows how the stocks performed in
Pelican Steel 31
a one-week period. It shows how much the 4
value of a stock rose () or fell () that week. BAC Stores 2
A share of Earl’s Software rose 1 2 points. A Clark Electronics

share of Ultimate Graphics fell 2 points. 1
Mike’s Bikes
You can use a number line to represent all of 1
Ellen Stores 
the positive and negative numbers.
ⴚ 31 ⴚ2 ⴚ3 ⴙ1 ⴙ1 ⴙ 11 ⴙ2
4 4 8 2

ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2

1 3 1   1
The numbers 3 4, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1 2, and 2 are rational numbers.
0 is also a rational number.

A rational number is a number that can be written in the form

of a fraction b, where a and b are integers and b ≠ 0.
Rational Numbers
All whole numbers are integers.
All integers are rational numbers. Whole Numbers

You can write any rational number as a

decimal. Compare the number line above
with the one below.
ⴚ 3.25 ⴚ2 ⴚ 0.75 ⴙ 0.125 ⴙ1 ⴙ 1.5 ⴙ2

ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2

1 3 1 1
Notice that 3 4  3.25, 4  0.75, 8  0.125, and 1 2  1.5.

Every rational number has an opposite.

1 1 3 
The opposite of 2 2 is 2 2. The opposite of 4 is 4.
The opposite of 3.5 is 3.5. The opposite of 0.2 is 0.2.

208 Chapter 6
8206-2_208-209 1/12/06 3:55 PM Page 209

Identify the rational number that corresponds

to the point on the number line.
01. C 2. F 3. A 4. E 5. B 6. D


ⴚ6 ⴚ5 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴙ5 ⴙ6

Write a rational number for each point.

7. 8.
ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4

9. 10.
ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4

11. 12.
ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4

13. 14.
ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4

15. 16.
ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4

Write each rational number.

17. Express 4 2 as a decimal. 18. Express 2.5 as a fraction.
19. Express 9 4 as a decimal. 20. Express 4.85 as a fraction.

Write the opposite of each.

21. 5 22. 2 1 23. 6.5 24.  25. 0.75 26. 3 2
4 2

27. One day the price of a share of 28. The price of a share of stock
1 1
stock dropped 3 2 points. What rose 12 4. What rational number
rational number represents this represents this gain?

Chapter 6 209
8206-2_210-211 10/7/07 11:23 AM Page 210

6-17 Compare and Order Rational Numbers

Compare: 6 ? 8 1

You can use a number line to compare rational numbers.

ⴚ 81 ⴚ6

ⴚ 10 ⴚ 9 ⴚ 8 ⴚ 7 ⴚ 6 ⴚ 5 ⴚ 4 ⴚ 3 ⴚ 2 ⴚ 1 0 ⴙ 1 ⴙ 2 ⴙ 3 ⴙ 4 ⴙ 5 ⴙ 6 ⴙ 7 ⴙ 8 ⴙ 9 ⴙ 10

The number farther to the right is the greater number.

6is farther to the right.
So 6  8 2.
Compare: 3 ? 
2 Simplify to compare.
  4  2  2
3  2

So 3  2. Look at the number line above: 3  2

Order from least to greatest: 0, 1 2, 2.5
ⴚ 2.5 0 ⴙ 11

ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3

From least to greatest: 2.5, 0, 12

Study these examples.

ⴚ83 ⴚ 6.9 ⴚ 6 1 ⴚ12 ⴚ8 ⴙ11 ⴙ ⴙ 9.17
4 4 3 4 3 4.6

ⴚ 10 ⴚ 9 ⴚ 8 ⴚ 7 ⴚ 6 ⴚ 5 ⴚ 4 ⴚ 3 ⴚ 2 ⴚ 1 0 ⴙ 1 ⴙ 2 ⴙ 3 ⴙ 4 ⴙ 5 ⴙ 6 ⴙ 7 ⴙ 8 ⴙ 9 ⴙ 10

Compare: 9.17 ? 8 3 Order from least to greatest: Order from greatest to least:
4 12  11 8
6 1 , , 6.9 , 4.6, 4
4 3 3
3 12  11  8
9.17  8 4 6.9, 6 1 , 4.6, , 4
4 3 3

210 Chapter 6 1.1

8206-2_210-211 1/12/06 3:56 PM Page 211

Compare. Write , , 5 , or .. Use the number line.

ⴚ6 ⴚ5 ⴚ4 ⴚ3 ⴚ2 ⴚ1 0 ⴙ1 ⴙ2 ⴙ3 ⴙ4 ⴙ5 ⴙ6

1 3
1.  ?  2. 0.5 ? 0.75 3. 3.5 ? 4.25 4. 3 1 ? 3 1
2 4 4 8

5. 4 ?  6. 2.5 ? 3 1 7. 5 1 ? 4 8. 6 ? 5.75
3 2 8

3 8 1
9. 0 ? 3.25 10.  ? 0 11.  ? 4 12.  ? 0.125
4 2 8

Write in order from least to greatest. Use the number line

above to help.

13. 3, 4 1, 2 14. 0, 1, 21 15. 5, 0, 2 16. 4, 3 1, 1.5
2 2 4 1 4

17. 2.25, 0.25, 1.5 18. 2 1, 2.5, 11 19. 1, 1, 0 20. 5 1, 1, 2 3
2 4 4 4 4 4
 3 4
21. 6, 3, 4 22. 2 1
, , 1 23. 3, 2 1, 3 24. 1
, 1.5, 2 

3 4 4 1 4 2 2 2 2

25. Two metals were cooled to 26. Over a 5-day period, a share of stock
1 3
temperatures of 2 2°F and 3 4 °F. showed the following changes:
Which of the two is the greater 6 1, 2 1, 1 3, 1, and 1. Which was
4 2 4 2
temperature? the greatest gain? greatest loss?

Compare. Write , or .. Think of a number line.

27. 8.95 ? 7 3 28. 6 1 ? 9.9 29. 10.4 ? 9 2

5 4 3

Order from least to greatest. Think of a number line.

30. 10.5, 15 1 , 36 31. 26 1 , 12.5, 83 1
6 2 5

32. 8.91, 23 5 , 

23 33. 62 1 , 38.3, 287
6 4

Chapter 6 211
8206-2_212-213 10/7/07 11:23 AM Page 212

6-18 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Find a Pattern
Tim gave all his baseball cards to Walter. On the first day,
he gave him 1 card. On each day after that, he gave him
3 times the number he had given him the day before.
At the end of 4 days, Tim had given away all the cards
he had. How many did he give to Walter in all?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: first day–1 card
each day after–3 times the number
he gave the day before
after 4 days–all cards are given away

Question: How many cards did Tim give to Walter?

To find how many cards Tim gave to Walter, use the pattern
rule  3. Make a table to list the cards given away and the daily
total. Multiply the number he gave away the day before by 3. To
find the total, add the amount given away to the total of the day
before. Look for a pattern.

Day 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Walter received 1 313 339 3  9  27
Tim’s daily total 1 134 4  9  13 13  27  40
Tim gave Walter 40 baseball cards.

Begin with 40 cards and subtract the number

Tim gave away each day.
Do you have 0 left on the 4th day? Yes.
40  1  3  9  27  0
39  3  9  27  0
36  9  27  0
27  27  0 The answer checks.

212 Chapter 6
8206-2_212-213 1/12/06 3:58 PM Page 213

Solve each problem. Find a pattern to help you.

01. In a science experiment, Joel discovered
that his record of the changes in a liquid’s
temperature formed a pattern. In each of
the first 3 minutes, the temperature increased
1.5° F; in each of the next 2 minutes, it
decreased 0.75° F. Then this pattern repeated
itself. If Joel started measuring the
temperature at 50° F, how long would it take
the temperature to reach 62° F?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: each of first 3 min–increase 1.5° F

each of next 2 min–decrease 0.75° F
starting temperature–50° F

Question: How long will it take the temperature

to reach 62° F?

To find how many minutes it will take to reach 62° F,

make a table to list the time and degrees
increased or decreased. Look for a pattern.

02. Alice makes a necklace with 24 red and white beads. If she
creates a pattern of 1 red and 3 white beads, how many red
beads will she use? how many white beads?

03. Find the next three terms in this sequence:

1 1 3 3 5
, , , , , 1. What is the pattern?
8 2 8 4 8

04. Hector caught 2 fish on Monday, 4 on Tuesday, 8 on Wednesday,

16 on Thursday, and so on. Following this pattern, how many fish
did he catch on Saturday?

05. Crystal builds a tower out of blocks for her little brother.
She uses 7 blocks. The edge of each block is 1 4 in. shorter
than the edge of the block under it. If the bottom block is 9 4 in.
on each edge, how long is the edge of the top block?

Chapter 6 213
8206-2_214-215 10/7/07 11:24 AM Page 214

6-19 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Stella paints this pattern.
What fraction, in simplest form,
names the shaded region?
02. Dom has these tubes of paint: 4 oz crimson,
2 2 6
 oz burnt sienna,  oz black, and  oz
3 5 9
magenta. Which two tubes have the same
amount of paint?
03. Milly has 4 oz of white paint. Is this more
than 5 ounces?

04. Julio’s favorite brushes are the following

15 1 5 31
lengths: 2 in., 7 3 in., 7 9 in., and 4 in.
How would he arrange the brushes in
order from shortest to longest?

05. One sheet of watercolor paper is

0.01 in. thick. Write 0.01 as a fraction.
06. Jeremiah has finished 8 of his painting.
Write this fraction as a decimal.

07. Stella’s newest painting has an area

of 156.25 in.2. Write this decimal as
a mixed number. Color Length
3 red 6 4 in.
08. Becky has 3 4 quarts of paint thinner. She
also has 7.5 pints of turpentine. Does she orange 7.8 in.
have more paint thinner or turpentine? 2
yellow 5 5 in.
Use the table for problems 9–11. 11
green  in.
09. Which two pencils are the same length? 9
blue 7 10
10. What are the longest and shortest pencils? indigo 5.4 in.
11. Which pencils are close to 5 in. in length? violet  in.

214 Chapter 6
8206-2_214-215 1/12/06 3:59 PM Page 215

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
12. A painting is 4 in. longer than it is wide.
Its length is 8.2 in. The frame is 2.7 in. thick. Use These Strategies
What is the width of the painting? Guess and Test
Write an Equation
13. James folds a sheet of drawing paper in fourths, Use a Graph
then in thirds, and then in half. Estimate into Find a Pattern
how many parts his paper is divided. Check Interpret the Remainder
your answer by following the folds. Use More Than One Step

14. Gary uses 8 of a 10-oz tube of raw sienna
to paint a fall landscape. He also uses 5 oz
of cadmium red for the same picture.
How much more raw sienna than
cadmium red does he use?

15. Joanne paints these three pictures. If she continues

the pattern in a fourth picture, what fractional part
of that picture will be shaded?

16. Every third day Fran goes to calligraphy class.

Every fourth day she goes to pottery class. On March 1
Fran attends both classes. How many days that month
will the 2 classes fall on the same day?

17. Gesso boards are advertised at 3 boards for $14.20.

How much would Danielle pay for one gesso board?

Use the circle graph for problems 18–20.

Abby’s Artworks
18. What part of Abby’s artworks are oil paintings?
1 Pastels Oils
19. What type of art makes up 5 of Abby’s work? 25

20. Abby did 5 charcoals this week. When these 20

30 Acrylics
charcoals are added to the data from the graph, Charcoals 10
what part of her work will be charcoals?

21. Write a problem modeled on problem 17.

Have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 6 215
8206-2_216 1/12/06 3:59 PM Page 216

Lessons 1–19

Find the prime factorization and write in exponential form. (See pp. 180–183.)

1. 28 2. 30 3. 75 4. 84

Write the missing number to complete the equivalent fraction. (See pp. 184–185.)
2 x 3 9 20 z 15 p
5. 3  9 6. 4  y 7. 9
 9 8. 4

10 x 38 19 23 w 7 49
9. 13  65 10. 44  t 11. 69  3 12. 11  s

Find the GCF of each pair of numbers. (See pp. 186–187.)

13. 3 and 27 14. 12 and 48 15. 21 and 35

16. 10, 14, and 34 17. 22, 33, and 55 18. 27, 63, and 81

Find the LCM of each pair of numbers. (See pp. 194–195.)

19. 3 and 5 20. 6 and 18 21. 4 and 15

22. 4, 7, and 8 23. 9, 12, and 15 24. 8, 24, and 36

Rename each as indicated. (See pp. 188–191, 200–207.)

9 2
25. 45
in simplest form 26. 4 3 as an improper fraction

27. 7 8 as a decimal 28. 0.45 as a fraction in simplest form

29. 17
as a decimal 30. 9.6 as a mixed number in simplest form

98 121
31. 16 as a mixed number 32. 132 in simplest form

Write in order from least to greatest. (See pp. 196–199, 206–211.)

2 1 3 5 7 3 3 
33. 9, 3, 4 34. 8 6, 8 1 , 8 4 35. , 2.5, 4
2 2

36. Marcia bought a bag of red, white, and blue balloons for (See pp. 178–179.)
the party. There were 49 balloons in the bag. If there are
twice as many red as blue and half as many white as
blue, how many of each color are in the bag?
216 Chapter 6 (See Still More Practice, p. 524.)
8206-2_217 1/12/06 4:00 PM Page 217

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

A Greek mathematician named Eratosthenes created
a method for finding prime numbers. The method is called
the Sieve of Eratosthenes. You can use it to find all of
the prime numbers between 1 and 100.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Copy the table above. Then use it to complete the following.

01. Cross out 1, because it is neither prime nor composite.

02. Circle 2, the first prime number. Cross out every multiple of 2.

03. Circle 3, the second prime number. Cross out every

multiple of 3, including those already crossed out.

04. Circle 5, the third prime number. Cross out every

multiple of 5, including those already crossed out.

05. Circle 7, the fourth prime number. Cross out every multiple
of 7, including those already crossed out. Circle the
remaining numbers. The circled numbers are prime numbers.

06. Tell whether each number is prime or composite:

06. a. 13 b. 37 c. 49 d. 57 e. 59 f. 84

07. Find prime numbers that complete each statement.

06. a. 69  ?  ? b. ?  ?  66

06. c. 91  ?  ? d. ?  ?  76

Chapter 6 217
8206-2_218 1/12/06 4:00 PM Page 218

Find the prime factorization.

1. 34 2. 42 3. 90

Write three equivalent fractions for each.

2 7 5
4. 5 5. 9 6. 6

Rename each as indicated.

16 1
7. 4
in simplest form 8. 5 2 as an improper fraction

9. 7 8 as a decimal 10. 0.64 as a fraction in simplest form

11. 16
as a decimal 12. 12 3 as a decimal

Compare. Write ,, 5, or .. Use a number line to help you.

13. 5 ? 2 1 14. 6.75 ? 7 15. 2 1 ?
2 8 8

Use a strategy or strategies you have learned. 17. Lou Ann must choose a melon
16. Dawn makes a quilt pattern from those that weigh
2 3 1
with 45 blue and yellow patches. 4 5 lb, 4 10
lb, or 4 2 lb.
If she uses 2 blue patches for If she wants to choose the
every 3 yellow patches, how heaviest, which melon should
many blue patches will she she choose? Explain.
use? how many yellow patches?

Find a pair of numbers, if any, for each description.

18. Between 9 and 25 that have 19. Between 0 and 9 that have
8 as their GCF 1 as their GCF
20. Between 0 and 9 that have 21. LCM is between 100 and 200
8 as their GCF and their LCM and their GCF is 64

218 Chapter 6
8206-2_219-220 1/12/06 4:01 PM Page 219

Test Preparation Chapters 1– 6

Choose the best answer.

1. Find the value of n. 9. 4550

a. 40 R7 a. 10,920
n  13,024  32 b. 407 b. 109,200
c. 407 R25 c. 10,920,000
d. not given d. not given

2. 1000  0.6 a. 0.600

10. Estimate.
a. 30
b. 60 8.7  19.52 b. 80
c. 600 c. 90
d. not given d. 180

3. 3  0.4  0.8 a. 0.096

11. 21.7 a. 0.868
b. 0.96  0.04 b. 8.68
c. 9.6 c. 86.8
d. not given d. not given

4. 0.413  0.01 a. 0.41300

12. Estimate.
a. 5
b. 4.13 218.7  3.9 b. 50
c. 41.3 c. 90
d. not given d. 700

5. 0.7334
 13. 0.07875  0.75
a. 0.0562 a. 0.105
b. 0.562 b. 1.5
c. 5.62 c. 10.5
d. not given d. not given

6. Which is the GCF a. 3 14. Which is equivalent a. 2.2

of 18 and 30? 2
b. 6 to 2? b. 2.4
c. 9 c. 2.5
d. 90 d. 2.6

7. Which is ordered greatest 7 7 2

a. , ,  15. Which is equivalent 4
to least? 10 8 3
to 3 14? 3
9 2 2 13
b.   ,  ,   b. 
10 5 3 3
5 3 1 7
c.   ,  ,   c. 
6 4 2 4
d. none of these d. 

8. Which will give a 16. Rename 1 as a a. 
a. 12 3
terminating decimal repeating decimal. b. 
b. 13
as a quotient?
c. 17 c. 
d. 19 d. 

Chapter 6 219
8206-2_219-220 1/12/06 4:01 PM Page 220

17. Choose the algebraic expression. 22. What is 60  6?

 of a number, plus 35 a. 12
b. 10
a. 3y5
 14 b. y  14  35 10
c. 1y  35 d. 14  y  35 d. 6

18. Which is the greatest number? 23. What is the value of the underlined
digit? 36.098724

a. 7 thousandths
b. 7 ten thousandths
a. 0.546 b. 0.5462 c. 7 hundred thousandths
c. 0.5478 d. 0.5593 d. 7 millionths

19. Estimate by rounding. 24. Choose the standard form of 4.6 x 104.
49.34  5.72

a. about 41 b. about 43 a. 4,600 b. 46,000

c. about 45 d. about 39 c. 46 d. 460

20. A car travels at a rate of 65 miles per 25. Subtract: 3  7

hour. How many miles will it travel in
a. 4
7 hours?
b. 10
a. 9.29 miles b. 420 miles c. 4
c. 455 miles d. 650 miles d. 10

21. Amy and Marcus sell lemonade at the 26. Michael and Emily each have to drive
neighborhood swimming pool. Marcus home from college. Michael’s drive is
has 23 of a pitcher remaining, and 1,286 miles and Emily’s drive is 245
miles. About how many times longer
Amy has 34 of a pitcher. How much more
is Michael’s drive than Emily’s?
lemonade does Amy have?

a. 18 more b. 19 more

a. 4 b. 8
c. 16 more d. not given c. 6 d. 12

Explain how you solved the problem. Show all your work.
27. Jefferson Junior High has 25 days of school remaining until summer vacation.
Williams Junior High has 45 as many days remaining. Leesville Junior High has
1.2 times as many days as Jefferson until their summer vacation begins.

a. How many days of school do Williams students have before summer vacation?
b. How many more days of school do the students at Leesville have than Williams
students have?

220 Chapter 6
8206-2_221 1/9/06 7:20 PM Page 221


Where is math in dinnertime?

One whole pizza pie:
Two toppings to choose.
Three slices with peppers: 3/8.
Four slices with pepperoni: 1/2.
(How many slices are plain?)
From Math in the Bath by
Sara Atherlay

In this chapter you will:

Explore addition properties
Estimate, add, and subtract fractions
Evaluate expressions and
9 solve equations with fractions
Solve problems by working backward
Critical Thinking/Finding Together
Work with a classmate to write a pizza
problem similar to the problem above.
1 Use your favorite pizza toppings. Challenge
student pairs to solve the problem.

Chapter 7 221
8206-2_222-223 10/7/07 11:24 AM Page 222

Update your skills. See page 12.

7-1 Addition Properties: Fractions

The properties of addition are true for whole numbers,
decimals, and fractions. The properties can help you
compute with fractions mentally.

Commutative Property of Addition: a  b  b  a

1 2 2 1
5 5 5 5
1 2 2 1
5 5 5 5
0 1 0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Associative Property of Addition: (a  b)  c  a  (b  c)

3 1 2 3 1 2
(  )      (  )
8 8 8 8 8 8

4 2 3 3
8 8 8 8
3 1 2 3 1 2
       (  )
8 8 8 8 8 8
0 1 0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Identity Property of Addition: a  0  a

1 1
2 2
1 1 0 1 1
2 2

Inverse Property of Addition: a  (a)  0

1 1
2 2

00 0 1 1

222 Chapter 7
8206-2_222-223 1/9/06 7:22 PM Page 223

Write true or false for each equation. If false, explain why.

3 2 2 3 2
1.        2.   0  0
9 9 9 9 3
1 5 2 1 5 2 7 7
3. (  )      (  ) 4. 0    
12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8

Name the property shown.

1 3 3 1 7 7 5 5
5.        6. 0     7.   0  
7 7 7 7 12 12 9 9
1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3
8.     0 9.   (  )  (  )  
8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10
2 3 5 2 5 3 4 4
10.   (  )    (  ) 11. 0    
15 15 15 15 15 15 5 5

Find the value of the variable. Use the properties of addition.

8 3 3 3 7 7
12.   0  r 13.   s   14.       m
9 10 10 20 20 20
6 6 1 1 3 5 1 5
15. b       16. (  )      (g  )
7 7 7 13 13 13 13 13
3 5 3 6 1 3 1 3
17.   (  0)    k 18. (  )    (  y)  
16 16 16 11 11 11 11 11
9 3 9 1 3 5 5 1
19. (0  )      z 20.           d
20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10

Write an equation to solve each problem.

21. Jenny swam  mile on Monday and 22. Of the 7 sixth-grade classes, 2 are on
3 4 3
 mile on Tuesday. Bill swam  the second floor. Of the 7 sixth-grade
4 1 4 classes, none has a female teacher.
mile on Monday and  mile on What fraction names the sixth-grade
Tuesday. Who swam farther in the classes that are on the second floor
two days? or have a female teacher?

Tell whether each number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and/or 10.

23. 101 24. 295 25. 682 26. 678 27. 480

28. 1611 29. 79,643 30. 53,995 31. 814,350 32. 652,248

Chapter 7 223
8206-2_224-225 10/7/07 11:25 AM Page 224

7-2 Estimate Sums and Differences

A package of cheese weighs 16
Brittany needs 1 pound of cheese. If she buys
two packages, will she have enough cheese?

To find the approximate amount of cheese in

9 9
two packages, estimate: 16
lb  16

To estimate the sum (or difference)

of fractions:
 Round each fraction to 0, , or 1.

 Add (or subtract) the rounded numbers.

1 1 3
9 1
 2 0 4 2 4 1
9 1
 2 0 4 8 9 12 16
9 16 16 16 16 16 16
9 1
 is a little more than 2.
Brittany will have enough cheese. 16
9 9
So 1
is a little more than 1.

Study these examples.

Tell whether the sum or difference is close

to 0, 2, or 1.

1 3 7 1 11 8


1 1 1 1
0  2  2 ..
 0  2 .1.  .1.  0

1 3 1 7 1 1 11 8

 7 is close to 2. 
 9 is close to 2. 
is close to 0.

224 Chapter 7
8206-2_224-225 1/9/06 7:24 PM Page 225

Match each exercise to its estimated sum

or difference in the box.
1 8 6 11 1 1
1. 5  9 2. 7  1
a. 1  1  2 b. 1  2  2

9 5 6 8 1 1
3. 10
4. 13
c. 2  2  0 d. 0  1  1

Estimate the sum or difference.

1 4 15 1 2 5 11 12
5.    6. 1  1 7. 9  6 8. 1  1
11 9 6 0 2 4

7 1 18 13 3 1 1 4
9. 15
10. 2
11. 11
 6 12. 9  1

9 1 3 1 1 1 15 5 4 3
13. 10
 6  8 14. 9  7  2 15. 1
 8  9  25

Estimate with Mixed Numbers

To estimate the sum (or difference) of mixed numbers:
 Round each mixed number to the nearest whole number.
 Add (or subtract) the rounded numbers.
1 1
 8 5  08  15 .2.  16
5 9
 9 8  10 estimated  09 1
 10 estimated
5 9
 89  18 sum  10
09  06 difference

Estimate the sum or difference.

2 1 1 1 1
16.  7 3 17.  9 .3 18.  16 8 19.  12 .2 20.  10 6
3 5 8 7 8
 4 4  3 1
 13 9  04 1
 09 9

3 9 2 6 3 10 8
21. 15 4  1
22. 19 1
 7 23. 12 5  1
 9 1

24. Antonio needs at least 15 pounds of chicken for a dinner

1 3 2
party. He buys three packages: 3 4 lb, 4 7 lb, and 5 3 lb.
Will this be enough chicken? Explain.

Chapter 7 225
8206-2_226-227 10/7/07 11:25 AM Page 226

Update your skills. See page 12.

7-3 Add Fractions

Felix tapes together horizontally three
pieces of paper. They measure 1
7 3 6
 in., and  in. How long is the
taped piece?
4 C L U B

To find the length, n, of the taped piece, 9 7 3

9 7 3 in. in. in.
16 8 4
add: 16
in.  8 in.  4 in.  n.

First estimate:
9 7 3 1 1

 8  4 
 1  1  2 2.

Then add.

To add fractions:
 Find the least common denominator Multiples of 16: 16, 32, 48, 64, . . .
(LCD) of the fractions. Multiples of 08: 08, 16, 24, 32, . . .
Think Multiples of 04: 04, 08, 12, 16, . . .
9 7 3 The LCD is 16.
The (LCD) of , , and  is the
16 8 4
least common multiple (LCM) of
the denominators.

9 7  2 9
 Rename each fraction as an equivalent  1
8  2 16
fraction with the LCD as the denominator. 7 7  2 14
8  2 16
3 3  4 12
4  4 16
 Add. Express the sum in simplest form. 3 3  4 35 3
 .4.       2 
4  4 16 16
n  2 1
2 is close to the
3 16
The taped piece of paper is 2 1
in. long. 1
estimate of 2.

226 Chapter 7
8206-2_226-227 1/9/06 7:26 PM Page 227

Find the LCD for each set of fractions.

2 3 5 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 5 1
1. 3, 4 2. 1 , 
2 6
3. 8, 6 4. 2, 4, 8 5. 3, 9, 2

Estimate and then add. Write each answer in simplest form.

1 1 1 1 4 8
6.  2 7.  4 8.  8 9.  1
10.  .5 11.  1
1 2 5 1 1 1
 3  5  6  .3  2

7 5 3 2 3 4
12.  9 13.  7 14.  1
15.  .9 16.  .8 17.  9
1 3 1 7 5 1
 2  8  .6  1

1 11 1 3 3 5
18.  4 19.  2
20.  6 21.  4 22.  2
23.  .6
1 2 1 1 1 5
 3  .5  9  6  .5  .8
1 1 1 1 3 7
 2  .2  9  2  1

Compare. Use ,, , or ..
1 3
24. 5  1 ? 1 4 1 13
25. 7  2 ? 1
1 4 2
26. 6  9 ? 3
7 1
27. 9  1 ? 1
0 2 4 0

28. In water, sound travels about 1
mi 29. Three fifths of the 2nd floor is used for
in a second. How far will it travel hallways and 2 0
for offices. What
in 2 seconds? part of the floor is used for both?

30. On Friday Hector skied  mi and 31. Mia has 1 cup of milk that she
5 16 1
then  mi. On Saturday he skied wants to use. She uses  c,
8 1 3 4
2 3
 mi and then  mi. On which day  c, and  c in three recipes.
5 10 3 8
did Hector ski farther? Did Mia use the entire cup?

Write as a mixed number in simplest form.

18 11 29 76 57 85
32. 4 33. 5 34. 6 35. 8 36. 9 37. 2

Chapter 7 227
8206-2_228-229 10/7/07 11:26 AM Page 228

7-4 Add Mixed Numbers

A stock gained 1 8 points on Monday and 4
2 8 points on Tuesday. What was the total
gain for the two days? 3
3 1 1
To find the total gain, s, add: 1 8  2 8  s. 28
3 1
First estimate: 1 8  2 8.
1  2 3 18
Then add.
To add mixed numbers with like denominators:
 Add the fractions.
 1 8
 2 8
 Add the whole numbers.
4 1
 3 8  3 2 simplest form
 Express the sum in simplest form. 1
s  3 2
1 1
The total gain of the stock was 3 2 points. 3 is close to the estimate of 3.

To add mixed numbers with unlike denominators:

1 3
 Find the LCD of the fractions.  14 1
 14 3
LCD of 10
1 2 and 15 is 30.
 Rename each fraction as an  26 15  26 3
equivalent fraction with the 1
 26 1  40 3
 40 6
LCD as the denominator. 5 0

 Add. Express the sum in simplest

simplest form. form

Study these examples.

 11 8  11 .8
5 Rename
 09 1 the sum.
6 Add whole numbers. 3 6
 05 4  05 .8
3 Bring down the fraction.
 26 1
6 3 11 3 3
 05 4  16 8  16  1 8  17 8

228 Chapter 7
8206-2_228-229 1/9/06 7:30 PM Page 229

Complete the addition.

1 ? 4 7 ?
1.  4 6  4 2
2.  08 5 3.  7 2
 07 .?.
1 ? 1 4 16
 3 4  3 2
 09 5  4 .5.  04 ?
1 ? ? ? ? ?
 3 4  7 2
 7 1
 17 ?  ? 11 2
 12 2

Add. Estimate to help.

2 1 1 5 2 2
4.  6 9 5.  6 7 6.  4 6 7.  1 6 8.  2 .5 9.  6 3 .

2 3 3 1 1 2
10.  3 9 10.  8 7 10.  2 8 10.  2 3 10.  3 1
10.  7 5 .

5 3 7 5 1 7
10. 14  7 9 11. 9 8  4 12. 8 1
13. 16 8  7 8

7 7 7 1 7 1 3 1
14. 12 1
 23 3
15. 25 1
 15 .6
. . 16. 3 8  3 2 17. 8 4  6 3

11 3 3 2 9 3 5 7
18. 6 1
 12 .4 19. 18 4  20 3 20. 10 2
 08 .4 21. 15 6  12 9
. .

3 2 1 1 1 5 3 3 1
22. 9 7  6 7  4 7 23. 6 2  3 3  4 6 24. 4 5  2 1
 1 2

1 2 7 1 3 3 1 5 1
25. 7 2  4 3  5 1
. 26. 5 5  4 1
 2 4 27. 3 3  2 8  4

28. It takes 1 3 gal for paint repairs in 29. A butcher sold packages of meat
1 2 3
the den and 1 2 gal for the kitchen. weighing 1 3 lb and 5 4 lb. What
How much paint is that in all? was the total weight of the meat?

Add. Look for sums of 1.

1 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 1
30. 2  4  2 31. 5 4  6 3  11 4 32. 4  7 4  5

6 1 2 1 5 1 1 5
33. 2 8  9  3 4 34. 3  1 5  7 1
35. 8 6  9 7  2 6

Chapter 7 229
8206-2_230-231 10/7/07 11:26 AM Page 230

Update your skills. See page 12.

7-5 Subtract Fractions

The chart shows the fractional part of family
Family Income Spent
income spent on food for five countries.
on Food
How much greater is the fractional part for
China than for the U.S.A.? 2
India 5
To find how much greater, p, subtract: China 
1 1 2
    p. 4
2 10 Mexico 15
1 1 1 1
First estimate:     0 . 1
2 10 2 2 Japan 6
Then subtract. U.S.A. 

To subtract fractions:
 Find the LCD of the fractions. 1 15 5
 2  2  5  10 LCD of
1 2 and 10
 Rename each fraction as an  1  10
0 is 10.
equivalent fraction with the
1 .1.  4 2
LCD as the denominator.  1

10  10
 Subtract. Express the p 5
difference in simplest form.
simplest form

 is close to
The fractional part of China’s family income spent 1
2 the estimate of 2.
on food is 5 greater than that of the U.S.A.’s.

Estimate and then subtract. Write each answer in simplest form.

3 5 7 1 1
1.  4 2.  6 3.  1
4.  .5 5.  .2
5 1 1 1 3
 8  2  .5  2

3 7 1 6 3
6.  4 7.  8 8.  2 9.  7 10.  .8
2 5 2 1 1
 3  6  5  2  1

230 Chapter 7
8206-2_230-231 1/9/06 7:32 PM Page 231

Find the difference.

7 4 3 7 4 8 25 3
11. 8  5 12. 10
13. 11
14. 4

Use Related Sentences to Solve Equations with Fractions

You can use related addition or subtraction sentences

to find missing fractions in some equations.
1 4 1 5
n  5  5 a  3  9

4 1
related 5 1 related
n  5  5 subtraction a  9  3 addition
sentence sentence
3 5 3 8
n  5 a  9  9  9

Use a related sentence to find the missing fraction or whole number.

1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1
15. n  8  8 16. y  6  6 17. m  3  2 18. z  9  1

5 3 3 5 3 5
19. p  6  8 20. t  5  6 21. c  0  5 22. d  0  1

1 1 1 3 2 1 7 7
23. f  3 2  3 2 24. g  1 4  4 25. 3  r  3 26. 8  b  16

Use the table on page 230 for problems 27–28.

27. How much greater is the fractional 28. How much greater is the fractional
part of family income spent on part of family income spent on
food for China than for Japan? food for India than for Mexico?

29. Mr. Baumbach plans to leave his estate to four charities.

1 1
One charity gets 4 of his estate, the second gets 1
, and the third
gets 8. How much does the fourth charity get? Explain your answer.

Write a word problem with two fractions so that the:

1 1 12
30. sum is 2 31. difference is 8 32. difference is 4

Chapter 7 231
8206-2_232-233 10/7/07 11:27 AM Page 232

7-6 Subtract Mixed Numbers

From a 7 1 2
-ft piece of rope, Ray cut
off 3 12
ft. How much rope was left?

To find how much rope was left, m, subtract:

7 5
7 1
 3 1
7 5
First estimate: 7 1
 3 1

Then subtract.

To subtract mixed numbers with like denominators:

 Subtract the fractions.
 7 1
 Subtract the whole numbers.
 3 1
2 1 simplest
 Express the difference in simplest form.
 4 1  4 6
2 form
m  4 6
Ray has 4 6 ft of rope left. Think
4 is close to the estimate of 5.

To subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators:

5 10
 Find the LCD of the fractions.  8 6  8 1
2 LCD of
3 9 6 and 4
 Rename each fraction as an  4 4  4 1
2 is 12.
equivalent fraction with the 3 1
LCD as the denominator.  4 4  4 1

 Subtract. Express the difference

simplest form
in simplest form.

When the fraction in the minuend is less than the

fraction in the subtrahend, rename the minuend.
Then subtract.
1 1 1 5
minuend  6 4 6 4  5  1  4  5 4
3 1 4 1 5 3
subtrahend  4 4 6 4  5  4  4  5 4  4 4
2 1
 1 4  1 2

232 Chapter 7
8206-2_232-233 1/9/06 8:27 PM Page 233

Estimate and then subtract. Write each answer in simplest form.

4 5 3 9 1 5
1.  6 9 2.  7 8 3.  5 4 4.  2 1
5.  9 8 6.  11 7
1 3 3 9 5 6
 4 9  3 8  1 4  2 1
 3 8  09 7

1 5 1 3 2 7 1 2
7. 9 3  1 6 8. 13 6  9 4 9. 10 .5  3 1
10. 11 4  6 3

1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1
11. 8 6  3 4  2 2 12. 9 1
 5 8  1 4 13. 6 2  7 3  8 4

Subtract Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers

3 3 4
 9 4  9 4  8 4 981
Subtract whole 3 3 4
3  3 4  3 4 9  8  4
numbers. Bring
3 3 1 4
 6 4 down the fraction.  3 4  5 4 9  8 4

Find the difference.

3 1 1 4
14.  7 5 15.  11 8 16.  14 17.  6 18.  8 2 19.  10 7
2 1 1 4
4  06  08 9  2 1
 1 2  07 7

1 1 1 1
20. 10  1 4 21. 9  1 9 22. 7 2  7 23. 15 5  15

24. There are 16 3 yd of material on 25. Tricia usually works 40 hours a week.
3 1
a bolt. If 5 4 yd are used, how Last week she was absent 6 4 hours.
much material is left on the bolt? How many hours did she work?

Match each number sentence below with an addition property in the box.
1 1 7 5 1 7 5 1
26.     0 27. (  )      (  ) Associative Property of Addition
8 8 9 8 4 9 8 4
Commutative Property of Addition
2 2 3 11 11 3 Identity Property of Addition
28.   0   29.       
3 3 5 15 15 5 Inverse Property of Addition

Chapter 7 233
8206-2_234-235 10/7/07 11:28 AM Page 234

7-7 Mental Math: Addition and Subtraction

You can add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers mentally
by using the three strategies below.

Compute the whole-number

part and then the fraction part.
7 5 2 1 The denominators are alike.
8 5  3
 7 5
8 8 8 4 (85)  (8  8 )

Look for sums of 1.

1 5 1 1 Think
5  2 6    8 3 1 5
6 3  
6 6

Compensate by “adding on”

and then subtracting.
5 3
5 3 3  4
10  3 

8 8
Subtract 4, then add 
3 3
10  4  6 and 6  

Study these examples.

7 1 1
7  4 n
Think Think
7 9 1 1
16 16
5 1


9 9 1 1 1 1 3
7 5  2 and 2    2 
16 16
2  1
and 1


7 9 1 1 3
So 7  4   2  .
16 16
So 3 

234 Chapter 7
8206-2_234-235 1/9/06 7:34 PM Page 235

Compute mentally. Find the whole-number part and then the fraction part.
2 1 7 5 1 7
1. 8 3  5 3 2. 6 8  2 8 3. 10 1
 1 1

1 7 3 1 7 2
4. 12 1
 8 1
5. 10 8  4 8  2 6. 9 1
 3 1

Compute mentally. Look for sums of 1.

1 2 3 5 1 1 1
7. 6 3  8 3  7 8. 2 8  1 8 9. 5 4  1 4  2

1 1 3 1 1 7 1
10. 1 1
 5 2  2 1
 2 4 11. 3 1
 7 1
 8 3

1 4 2 1 3 6 1
12. 3 3  6 5  10 3  3 5 13. 9 4  5 11  6 4

Compensate to compute mentally.

1 5 1 2
14. 8  4 3 15. 12  10 6 16. 5 3  3

2 3 1 3 3 5
17. 75  5 18. 22 4  13 4 19. 10 8  7 8

1 3
20. Fred mixes 3 2 cups of flour, 21. Angela cuts 5 8 yards of ribbon from
1 2
1 4 cups of sugar, 3 cup of rye flour, a 10-yard spool to make centerpieces.
and 3 cup of wheat flour. Will the She orders more ribbon when there is
ingredients fit into a 6-cup bowl? less than 3 yards on the spool. Should
Explain. she order more ribbon now? Explain.

Rename each fraction as a decimal.

1 2 3 4 5 6
22. 15 23. 15 24. 15 25. 15 26. 15 27. 15

7 8 9
28. 15 29. 15 30. 15 31. 10
32. 11
33. 12

34. What fractions are repeating decimals? terminating decimals?

Chapter 7 235
8206-2_236-237 10/7/07 11:28 AM Page 236

7-8 Addition and Subtraction

Expressions with Fractions
Mark mixed a solution of 1 L of colored
1 4
water, 2 L of salt water, and some liters
of lemon juice. What algebraic expression
represents the amount of mixed solution?
Let j represent the liters of lemon juice.
colored salt lemon
water water juice

3 1
1  2  j
4 3
If Mark mixed  L of lemon juice, how
many liters of solution did he make?

To determine how many liters of solution

Mark made, evaluate the expression:
3 1 1
1  2  j, when j  .
4 3 4
Commutative means “order.”
3 1 1
1  2   Replace j with 14. Associative means “grouping.”
4 3 4
3 1 1
(1  )  2 Use the Commutative and Associative Properties.
4 4 3
2  2 Simplify using the order of operations.
Mark made 4 L of solution.

Study this example.

4 1 2 2
Evaluate: f  4  g  6, when f  5 and g  2 .
5 3 3 5
2 4 2 1 2 2
5  4  2  6 Replace f with 5  and g with 2 .
3 5 5 3 3 5

2 1 4 2
(5  6)  (4  2) Use the Commutative and Associative Properties.
3 3 5 5
12  7 Simplify using the order of operations.

236 Chapter 7
8206-2_236-237 1/9/06 7:36 PM Page 237

Evaluate each expression for the given values. Use the properties of addition.
1 1 1
1. 5  n, when n  3 2. 7  y, when y  0
2 4 8
1 2 3 1 2
3. 1  r  1, when r  1 4. k  10  0, when k  14
6 5 4 10 3
1 5 1 1 3 3
5. 9    m, when m   6. 1  s  6, when s  1
6 6 2 2 4 8
3 1 1 3 5 1
7. f  1  g, when f  2 and g  5 8. 5  3  d  2, when d  6
5 4 2 8 8 6

Simplify each expression. Use mental math and the properties of addition.
2 3 1 1 1 7
9. 5 5  3 5  6 4 10. 8 8  4 4  5 8
2 1
11. 0  11 5 12. 9 6  0
1 1 3 1
13. 7 2  6  4 4 14. 3 4  2 2  11
1 1 1 1 3 1
15. 12 4  5 8  2 2 16. 9 2  4 7  1 4
1 3 1 1 1 3
17. (2  2 5)  1 2 18. 8 4  (4 9  4)
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
19. 3 2  (1 4  1 4) 20. (2 5  2 5)  (3 3  1 4)

Write and evaluate an expression for each situation.

1 5
21. A stock started at 16 points. 22. Rich’s photo album has 3 pages of
2 4 12
It gained 3 points and then family photos, some pages of photos of
3 1
lost some points. If the stock pets, and 6 pages of photos of friends.
1 2 1
lost 2 points, how many If there are 1 pages of photos of pets,
2 3
points is the stock worth? how many pages are there altogether?

2 4
23. Anton used 1 c of milk to make cupcakes and  c to make cookies.
13 5
If he used 2 c for bread, how much milk in all did he use?
2 4 1 2 4 1
a. 1    2 b. 1    2
3 5 3 3 5 3
1 2 4 2 4 1
c. 2  1   d. 1    2
3 3 5 3 5 3

Chapter 7 237
8206-2_238-239 10/7/07 11:29 AM Page 238

7-9 Addition and Subtraction

Equations with Fractions
Jackie bought some almonds and  lb of cashews.
7 8
She bought  lb of nuts in all. How many pounds
of almonds did she buy?

To find how many pounds of almonds, a,

1 7
write and solve the equation: a    . Let a represent the weight of almonds.
8 8
1 1 7 1 Subtract  from both sides
a         8 Think
8 8 8 8 to isolate the variable. Solve equations with fractions
6 3
a     Simplify. the same way as equations
8 4
with whole numbers.

3 3 1 ? 7 6 1 ? 7 7 7
Check by replacing a with .              True
4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Jackie bought  lb of almonds.

You can add a variable to both sides to solve an equation.

6 2 6
  k   k is subtracted from .
7 7 7
6 2
  k  k    k Add k to both sides. Inverse Property of Addition
7 7
6 2 kk0
    k Simplify.
7 7
6 2 2 2 2
      k   Subtract  from both sides to isolate the variable.
7 7 7 7 7
4 2 2 2 2
  k     Use the Commutative Property of Addition to rewrite   k as k  .
7 7 7 7 7
4 4
  k, or k  
7 7

Study this example.

4 3 4
w      3 Simplify by adding the numbers on one side.
5 5 5
2 4
w  1  3
5 5
2 2 4 2 2
w  1  1  3  1 Subtract 1 from both sides to isolate the variable.
5 5 5 5 5
w  2

238 Chapter 7
8206-2_238-239 1/9/06 7:38 PM Page 239

Solve and check.

7 2 5 1 3 1
1.   y   2.   k  3 3. 2  g  1
9 9 8 8 10 5
3 4 5 1 4 5
4. d     5. h  1  3 6. x    
5 5 8 8 7 14
1 11 1 3 3 3
7. t  2  7 8. 10  u  8  9. p  1  3
6 12 2 8 5 10
1 5 5 5 1 4
10. w  2  4 11. 10  s  3 12. 2  v  7
4 12 6 8 6 9

Choose the correct equation to solve each problem. Then solve.

1 1 1
13. Brit buys some peanuts and 2 pounds of a. p  2  5
1 4 4 8
walnuts. He buys 5 pounds of nuts in all. 1 1
8 b. p  5  2
How many pounds of peanuts does Brit buy? 8 4
1 1
c. p  2  5
4 8

1 1 3
14. Roger had 3 pounds of grapes. He gave a. 3  g  1
2 3 2 4
some to Catie. Now Roger has 1 pounds 1 3
4 b. 3  g  1
of grapes. How many pounds of grapes did he 2 4
3 1
give to Catie? c. 1  3  g
4 2

3 3 1
15. Becca had some flour. She used 1 pounds a. f  1  2
4 4 2
of the flour to make ornaments. Now she has 3 1
1 b. f  1  2
2 pounds of flour. How much flour did 4 2
2 1 3
Becca have to begin with? c. f  2  1
2 4

2 3 2 3 1
16. Liam made  cup of red icing,  cup of a. b      2
3 4 3 4 2
white icing and the rest of blue icing. Liam 2 3 1
1 b. b      2 
made 2 cups of icing altogether. How 3 4 2
2 2 3 1
many cups of blue icing did Liam make? c.     b  2
3 4 2

Solve and check.

2 3 7 3 4 1 1 5 3 1
17. r      2 18. b      9 19. 4  e  2  1  9
5 10 10 8 5 10 3 6 6 3

Chapter 7 239
8206-2_240-241 10/7/07 11:29 AM Page 240

7-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Work Backward
Mrs. Kline bought a bolt of fabric. She used 4 4 yd
to make a dress and 28 yd for a jacket. After buying
1 1
18 yd more, she had 6 2 yd left to make two pairs
of pants. How much fabric was on the bolt she bought?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you reread it.

List the facts and the question.
3 3
Facts: She used 4 4 yd and 2 8 yd.
She bought 1 8 yd more.
She had 6 2 yd left.
Question: How much fabric was on the bolt she bought?

Begin with the amount of fabric she had left (6 2 yd) and work
backward. Subtract the extra amount she bought and add the
amounts she used to find the amount of fabric, m, on the bolt.

1 1 3 3
6 2 yd  1 8 yd  2 8 yd  4 4 yd  m
left bought used used amount on bolt

Add or subtract in order from left to right. Think

4 1 3
1 1 3 3
6 2 yd  1 8 yd  2 8 yd  4 4 yd  m 6  1  5
8 8 8

3 3 3
5 8 yd  2 8 yd  4 4 yd  m Think
6 3
7  7
3 3 8 4
7 4 yd  4 4 yd  m
2 1 6 2 1
12 4 yd  12 2 yd 11  12  12 2
4 4
There was 12 2 yd of fabric on the bolt.

Begin with the first amount and compute by working forward:

1 3 3 1 1
12 2 yd  4 4 yd  2 8 yd  1 8 yd  6 2 yd

240 Chapter 7
8206-2_240-241 1/9/06 7:40 PM Page 241

Solve. Use the Work Backward strategy.

01. After losing 2 2 lb in each of the first 2 weeks
of March and gaining 1 8 lb in each of the next
2 weeks, Ted’s prizewinning piglet weighed
110 lb. How much did his piglet weigh on March 1?

Visualize yourself in the problem as you

reread it. List the facts and the
Facts: 2 2 lb lost each of the first 2 weeks
1 8 lb gained each of the next 2 weeks
110 lb is its final weight.
Question: How much did the piglet weigh on March 1?

Begin with the piglet’s final weight of 110 lb and work

backward. Subtract the pounds it gained and add
the pounds it lost to find its weight on March 1.
3 3 1 1
110 lb  1 lb  1 lb  2 lb  2 lb
8 8 2 2

2. At the end of one school day, Ms. Dinger had 17 crayons left.
She remembered giving out 14 crayons in the morning, getting
back 12 crayons at recess, and giving out 11 crayons after lunch.
How many crayons did Ms. Dinger have at the start of the day?

3. Jason was given his allowance on Sunday. On Monday he bought

a book for $2.95. On Tuesday Kurt paid Jason the $3.50 he owed
him. Jason now has $6.05. How much was his allowance?

4. Lee wrote a 2-digit number. She divided it by 9, added 24,

and doubled the result. Her final answer was 64.
What number did Lee write?
5. Rita bought some peaches. She used 3 3 lb to make peach cobbler.
Then she used 6 lb in fruit salad. After her neighbor gave her
1 1
2 2 lb from her tree, she had 3 4 lb. How many pounds of peaches
did she buy?

Chapter 7 241
8206-2_242-243 10/7/07 11:30 AM Page 242

7-11 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method used.
01. Ms. Carson’s class makes silk flowers for a
craft fair. A silk rose is 12 2 in. long. A silk lily
is 15 in. long. How much longer is the lily?

02. Marissa cuts petals out of red ribbon. One of the

9 13
petals is 1
in. long, another is 1
in. long, and
a third is 1 1
in. long. How many inches of ribbon
does she cut for all three petals?

03. Paul cuts wire stems for the flowers. He has

a piece of wire 12 in. long. He cuts a stem
9 2 in. long. How much wire does he have left?
04. Paul uses 3 yard of green tape to wrap
one stem and 3 yard of green tape to wrap
another. How much tape does he use in all?

05. Gloria made a wreath using 4 2 yards of

3 3
green ribbon and 5 4 yards of yellow ribbon.
How much ribbon did she use?

06. José made a flower arrangement that measured

18 5 in. tall. It was a little too tall, so he cut 2 2 in.
off the stems. How tall was the finished
07. At the fair, 5 of the class worked the booth. Another
 of the class had created the flowers. The remaining
part of the class decorated the booth. What part of
the class decorated the booth?

08. Mr. McCauley’s class made wicker baskets for the

craft fair. Each basket is 6 1 in. tall and 2 1
in. wider
than it is tall. How wide are the baskets?

242 Chapter 7
8206-2_242-243 1/9/06 7:41 PM Page 243

Choose a strategy from the list or use another strategy

you know to solve each problem.
09. Dan started with a 36-in. strip of wicker.
He cut two 11 8-in. pieces. Does he have Use These Strategies
1 Work Backward
enough left over to cut two 6 2-in. pieces?
Use More Than One Step
10. Ben cut wicker strips to make a basket. He cut Use a Diagram
3 1 Find a Pattern
two 8 4-in. strips and one 6 2-in. strip from Use Simpler Numbers
5 Write an Equation
one long piece. He had 8 in. of wicker left over.
Make a Table
How long was the original piece of wicker?

11. Write the next five numbers in this series:

23 11 21 5 19 3
, , , , , .
24 12 24 6 24 4

12. Mr. Cortez spent $10.25 of his money on wicker each

week for 2 weeks. Next he collected $4.65 and $6.70
from students. Then he had $45.53 to spend. How much
money did he have originally?

13. Nedra made a basket handle using three pieces of wicker.

The first piece was 9 in. long, the second was 2 in.
longer than the first, and the third was 4 in. shorter
than the second. How much wicker did she use?
Widths of Wicker
Use the diagram for problems 14–16. 5
14. How much wider is the thick wicker than the thin?
Thin Wicker
15. Jason makes a basket using the medium width
wicker. The basket is as tall as 8 strips of the 7
wicker. Is the basket taller than 4 inches? 16

16. Arlene’s basket is 9 strips tall. The pattern Medium Wicker

is thin, thick, thick, thin, thick, thick, and
so on. How tall is Arlene’s basket?
1 1 in.

17. Plan a wicker basket of your own. Then write a Thick Wicker
problem about it. Have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 7 243
8206-2_244 1/9/06 7:41 PM Page 244

Lessons 1–11

Estimate the sum or difference. (See pp. 224–225.)

5 3 14 7 1 1 9 6
1. 9  7 2. 1
 8 3. 9 6  7 2 4. 12 1
 11 7

Add or subtract. Estimate to help. (See pp. 226–233.)

1 1 1 5
5.  2 6.  4 8 7.  3 8.  4 7 9. 5 10. 10
1 3 1 2 1 3
 3  6 8  4  1 7  1 2  02 4

3 1 3 2 1 3 1
11. 14 1
 1 3 12. 1 8  19 3 13. 10  1 1
14. 4 7  1 6

1 1 3 1 2 7 3 7
15. 4 4  1 2  2 8 16. 8  3 3  3 8 17. 15 8  9 8

Compute. Use mental math and the properties of addition. (See pp. 222–223, 234–235.)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18. 4  4 19. 5 6  (3 2  3 2) 20. 7 4  3 2

Evaluate each expression for the given values. (See pp. 236–237.)
3 1 1 3 2
21. 7  n, when n  3 22. r  5  2, when r  1
8 8 3 5 5
3 1 2 3
23. 7  c  1  d, when c  3 and d  2
4 4 6 8

Solve and check. (See pp. 238–239.)

1 5 1 3 2 3 7
24. a   +   7 25. 3  y  8 26. w  8  9
6 6 3 7 3 4 12

(See pp. 240–243.)

27. A stock rose 3 points on Tuesday. 28. A veterinarian recommended that Troy
3 4
It fell 1 points on Wednesday. On put his cat on a diet. The first week
4 3
Thursday the stock rose 4 points. the cat lost 1 lb. The second week
8 14
By Friday the stock was worth 28
1 she gained  lb. The third and fourth
2 2 3
points. How much was the stock weeks she lost 2 lb each. If the cat’s
worth on Monday? weight after four weeks was 12 lb,
how much did the cat weigh before
the diet began?

244 Chapter 7 (See Still More Practice, p. 525.)

8206-2_245 1/9/06 7:42 PM Page 245

Logic: Statements and Negations

In logic, the negation of a statement is formed
by denying the original statement. When a statement
is true, its negation is false. When a statement
is false, its negation is true.

Statement Negation
A square is round. False A square is not round. True
Seven is an odd number. True Seven is not an odd number. False
All squares have 5 sides. False No squares have 5 sides. True

Tell whether each is a negation of the statement:

“A triangle has 4 sides.” Write Yes or No.
01. A triangle does not have 4 sides. 02. A square has 4 sides.

Tell whether the statement is true or false. Then write the

negation of the statement and tell whether it is true or false.
03. A whole number is an integer. 04. All decimals are rational numbers.

05. All squares have 4 sides. 06. Sixteen is a prime number.

07. No circles have 3 sides. 08. No prime numbers are even.

09. A fraction cannot be renamed 10. An odd number is not

09. as a decimal. 09. divisible by 4.

11. Fractions can be added if they 12. The product of a fraction and
09. are like fractions. 09. zero is zero.

Write a statement and its negation for each description.

13. A statement about adding fractions or mixed numbers
whose statement is true and negation is false.

14. A statement about subtracting fractions or mixed numbers

whose statement is false and negation is true.

Chapter 7 245
8206-2_246 1/9/06 7:43 PM Page 246

Add or subtract. Estimate to help you.

7 13 5 1 1 3 5 2
1. 12
2. 6  5 3. 2 5  4 5 4. 9 7  8 7
3 1 5 3 1
5. 8 5  6 3 6. 5 7  4 7. 4 8  1 7
1 1 5 1 9 1
8. 1 2  2 3  1 6 9. 12  1 8 10. 15 1
 14 3

Compute. Use the addition properties when possible.

4 1 1 1 3 3 1 1
11. 2 5  (1 3  1 3) 12. (4  5 8)  3 4 13. 2 2  4  1 4

Evaluate each expression for the given values.

5 1 5 1 2
14. 2  n, when n  1 15. 4  c  2, when c  1
6 2 8 8 5

Solve and check.

1 1 1 1 3 5
16. a  4  2 17. t  1 2  3 2 18. n  8  1

Use a strategy or strategies you Explain how you solved the problem.
have learned. Show all your work.
19. Javier received a paycheck on Friday. 20. Laura wrote a 3-digit number. She
From the paycheck he bought a CD doubled it, added 150, divided by
for $12.95 and a book for $8.65. Then 100, and added 6. Her final result
Macy paid Javier the $4.00 she owed was 10. What number did Laura
him. Javier now has $48.60. How write?
much was his paycheck?

Solve the problems and explain your methods.

21. Eduardo wrote a fraction problem: He chose a fraction or a mixed number,
1 1
added 4, and subtracted 22. In the same pattern, Eduardo got these numbers:
5 1 3 7
? , 8 8, 6 8, 6 8, 3 8, ? , ?

What are the sixth and seventh numbers in this sequence?

With what number did Eduardo start?

246 Chapter 7
8206-2_247-248 1/9/06 7:43 PM Page 247

Test Preparation Chapters 1–7

Choose the best answer.

1. Round 378,642,133,002 to the 7. Estimate by rounding.

nearest ten million.
a. 380,000,000,000 a. 600,000
b. 378,600,000,000 b. 800,000
c. 378,640,000,000 c. 1,200,000
d. 378,642,000,000 d. 12,000,000

2. An expression for “5 more than x, 8. Which is the greatest number?

multiplied by 6” is:
a. (x  5)  6 b. (x  5)  6 a. 0.00189 b. 0.01890
c. 5  (x  6) d. 5  (x  6) c. 0.10890 d. 0.18900

3. Which statement is true? 9. Choose the product.

0.91  0.37
a. ⏐4⏐  ⏐4⏐ a. 0.3367
b. ⏐4⏐  (4) b. 1.28
c. ⏐4⏐  (4) c. 33.67
d. not given
d. ⏐4⏐  ⏐(4)⏐

4. Which makes the inequality true? 10. Choose the product of 14,027 and 245.

⏐n⏐  6
a. 5 b. 2 a. 154,297 b. 3,436,615
c. 8 d. 6 c. 2,800,000 d. 3,460,115

5. Use A  bh. Find b when 11. Choose the number sentence that represents
A  60 ft and h  8 ft.
2 the Commutative Property of Addition.
3 1 1
a.       n
5 2 5
3 1 1 3
a. 120 ft 5 5 5 5
b. 15 ft 3 3
c.   0  
c. 8 ft 5 5
3 3
d. 6 ft d.     0
5 5

1 1
6. 714,288 subtracted from 800,379 is: 12. When x   and y  , which expression
3 2
has a value of ?
5 5
a. x  y   b. x  y  
12 12
a. 86,091 b. 86,091
5 5
c. 86,451 d. 196,551 c. x  y   d. x  y  
12 12

Chapter 8 247
8206-2_247-248 1/9/06 7:44 PM Page 248

13. Evaluate 2a3  5b, when a  3 and b  5. 18. Which does not name an integer?
a. 7 b. 0
b. 29 1
c. 79 2
d. 235 d. 14

14. Choose the scientific notation of 53,000. 19. Add.

a. 5.3  104 13  26 a. 39

b. 5.3  105 b. 13
c. 53  104 c. 13
d. 53  105 d. 39

15. Add. 20. Solve.

18  3 a. 21 y  (9  4.28)  18 a. y  12.72
b. 15 b. y  13.28
c. 15 c. y  22.72
d. 21 d. not given

16. Simplify:
21. Simplify:
2 1 3
6  4  1 10  (6  7)  2
5 2 5 a. 11
b. 11 a. 46
1 b. 16
c. 12 c. 16
d. not given d. 46

3 1
17. A chef used 2 lb of strawberries, 1 lb of 22. The temperature at noon was 6˚F.
4 2
5 It dropped 8 degrees. What is the
grapes, and 3 lb of bananas. How many temperature now?
pounds of fruit did the chef use?
9 7
a. 6 lb b. 6 lb
14 8 a. 14˚F b. 2˚F
1 7
c. 7 lb d. 7 lb c. 2˚F d. 14˚F
8 8

Explain how you solved the problem. Show all your work.
23. Dana spends half of her money on a new book. She then spends
half of the money she has left on lunch. Then Dana buys a bus pass
with half of the remaining money. After these three purchases, Dana
has $2.25 left. How much money did she have to begin with?

248 Chapter 7
8206-2_249 1/25/06 3:53 PM Page 249

We are just about to go

home when Rebecca remembers the
special birthday cupcakes her mom made.
There are 24 KIDS in the class.
Rebecca has 24 CUPCAKES.
X So what’s the problem?
Rebecca wants Mrs. Fibonacci to have a cupcake, too.
Everyone is going crazy trying to figure out
what fraction of a cupcake each person will get.
I’m the first to figure out the answer.
I raise my hand and tell Mrs. Fibonacci
I’m allergic to cupcakes.

EVERYONE (24) believes me

and gets ONE (1) cupcake.
NO ONE (0) has to figure out fractions.
From Math Curse by
Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith

In this chapter you will:

Estimate and find products and
quotients of fractions and
mixed numbers
Learn about multiplication and division
expressions and equations with fractions
Find the probability of simple and
compound events
Make predictions based on probability
Solve problems by using a diagram

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

In a group of 50 people, 3 are male
and 1 of the males wear glasses.
How many of the males wear glasses?
How many females wear glasses?
Chapter 8 249
8206-2_250-251 10/7/07 11:30 AM Page 250

8-1 Multiply Fractions by Fractions

Ms. Amazing is a great magician. 2
She can take a red rope that is 3
3 2
 yd long and change  of it
8 3
into a blue rope. How long is the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
blue part of the rope?

To find how long the blue part of the rope, n, is,

2 3
multiply: 3  8 yd  n.

To multiply a fraction by a fraction:

 Multiply the numerators. 2 3 2  3

3  8
Then multiply the denominators.
2 3 6 .6.  6 1
 Write the product in simplest form. 
 8  24
24  6 4
The blue part of the rope is 4 yd long.
simplest form
You can also use the greatest common factor
(GCF) to multiply a fraction by a fraction.
 Divide any numerator and 1 1
 GCF of 2 and 8: 2
denominator by their GCF. 3 8 3 8 GCF of 3 and 3: 3
1 4
 Multiply the numerators. 1  1
Then multiply the denominators.  
1  4
The product will be in simplest form. 1
simplest form
Study these examples.
2 1
4 5 4 5 2 3

Draw a diagram to illustrate 3  4 .
3 3
Then write a multiplication sentence.
21 2
33 2 3 6 1
 4  12  2

simplest form 2


250 Chapter 8
8206-2_250-251 1/25/06 3:55 PM Page 251

Multiply. Use the GCF to simplify whenever possible.

7 3 12 5 5 2 3 2 7 1
1. 18
 5 2. 2
 6 3. 9  3 4. 4  9 5. 1

9 4 4 1 14 2 24 10 1 1
6. 16
 5 7. 21
 8 8. 1
 3 9. 5
10. 9  10

9 1 2 5 2 7 3 1 2
11. 10
 2  9 12. 8  3  10
13. 4  6  5

5 4 2 4 1 3 3 5 7 9
14. 12  5  3 15. 5  2  8 16. 5  7  9  11

Draw a diagram to illustrate each product. Then write a

multiplication sentence. Explain your diagram.
3 1 5 1 3 5 8 1 7 3
17. 4  5 18. 8  3 19. 7  6 20. 1
 2 21. 8  4

22. Harold is following a cookie recipe. 23. Ebony lifts weights 4 hour a day 5 days
1 1
The recipe calls for 2 cup of butter. a week. Adam lifts weights 2 as long
1 2 days a week and twice as long 3 days
If Harold wants to make 2 as many
cookies as the recipe allows for, how a week. How many hours does Adam
much butter should he use? lift weights each week?

24. In water, sound travels approximately 25. A can holds 8 qt of water. How much
9 2
 of a mile per second. How far water is in the can when it is 3 full?
10 1 3
does sound travel in 3 second? when it is 4 full?

2 1
26. Of the students in the sophomore class, 5 have cameras; 4 of
the students with cameras join the photography club. What
fraction of the students in the sophomore class does not join the
photography club?

Is each product correct? Write Yes or No. If no, explain

the error made, then write the correct product.
3 10 6 4 1 4 7 1 8 1 1 1
27. 5  13  13 28. 9  9  1 29. 11  7  18 30. 8  6  14

Chapter 8 251
8206-2_252-253 10/7/07 11:31 AM Page 252

8-2 Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers

Nancy uses 3 ft of silk to make a bow for a package.
How much silk is needed for 4 bows?

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

To find the amount of silk needed, s,

multiply: 4  3 ft  s.

To multiply a fraction and a whole number:

2 4 2
 Rename the whole number 4  3  1  3
as a fraction with a
denominator of 1.
2 4  2
 Multiply the numerators. Then 4    
3 1  3
multiply the denominators.
2 8 2 2
4  3  3  2 3
 Write the product in simplest form. s  2 3
Nancy needs 2 3 ft of silk.

Study these examples.

1 3
Multiply: 3  4 Find: 5 of $9.50

Remember: “of” means “times.”

1 3 1 3 3 9.50

 $9.50  5  1
31 3
14 4  3  1.90  5.70  5.70
11 1
1 3 3
  $9.50  $5.70

Remember: Rename a whole number as a fraction with

a denominator of 1 before you multiply.

252 Chapter 8
8206-2_252-253 1/25/06 3:57 PM Page 253

3 3 1 1
1. 4  4 2. 10  5 3. 18  3 4. 24  1
4 3 3 1
5. 25  5 6. 20  1
7. 9  4 8. 27  2
5 7 4 3
9. 6  18 10. 9  45 11. 5  12 12. 7  9

Find the product.

1 1 2 3
13. 2 of 12 14. 8 of 40 15. 3 of 9 16. 4 of 44
1 3 5 3
17. 9 of 3 18. 8 of 4 19. 6 of 20 20. 8 of 18
2 5 1 2
21. 5 of $2 22. 6 of $3.60 23. 2 of $107.50 24. 3 of $2.70

25. David is making 12 flags for the 26. Rori budgets 1
of her $540 weekly
parade. Each flag requires 3 yd income for rent. How much money
of material. How many yards is not budgeted for rent each week?
of material are needed?

27. Sociologists have determined that 28. A mathematics exam contains

 of the people in the world are 75 questions. Amos answers
5 4
shy. A personnel manager is  of the questions correctly.
interviewing 150 people. How many How many questions does
of these people might be shy? he answer incorrectly?
29. Of the 24 players on the football team, 4 are first-year players
and 3 are second-year players. How many of the players are
in their first or second year?

Find the whole-number value for each variable.

1 1 1
30. a • 48  3 31. b • 96  12 32. c • 100  4
e f d
33. 7 • 56  32 34. 6 • 42  35 35. 9 • 99  88

Chapter 8 253
8206-2_254-255 10/7/07 11:31 AM Page 254

Update your skills. See page 8.

8-3 Properties of Multiplication

The properties of multiplication can help you
multiply with fractions.

Commutative Property: a  b  b  a Associative Property: (a  b)  c  a  (b c)

2 5 5 2 1 1 1 1

 6  6  5 (3  2)  14  3  (2  14)
1 1 1 1 Think 7 7 Think
2 5 5 2 1 14 1 14

6 1 3 2
1 3 3 1 3 1
2 1 1 7 7

 3  3 

Identity Property: a  1  1  a  a Zero Property: a  0  0  a  0

4 4 Think 3 Think

 1  7 
“same” “0 product”
4 4 3
1  7  7 0  4  0

Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition: a  (b  c)  (a  b)  (a  c)

1 4 2 1 4 1 2
 (5  5)  (2  5)  (2  5) “same factor across addends”
3 2 1
1 6 1 4 1 2
 5  (2  5)  (2  5)
1 1 1
3 2 1
 5  5

3 3

Find the value of n. Use the properties of multiplication.

1 3 3 3 3 5 5
1. 5  4  4  n 2. 8  n  8 3. n  6  6
1 1 1 7 2 7
4. 2  n  0 5. 3  0  n  3 6. 10  n  3  10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7. 4  ( 5  6 )  ( 4  n)  6 8. n  (4  3 )  ( 2  4)  ( 2  3 )

254 Chapter 8
8206-2_254-255 1/25/06 3:58 PM Page 255

Reciprocals (Multiplicative Inverses)

Two numbers with a product of 1 are called
reciprocals or multiplicative inverses of each other.
1 1
3 4 3 4 1 3 4
          1  and  are reciprocals.
4 3 4 3 1 4 3
1 1

1 6 1 1 1
6  6  1  6  1  1 6 and 6 are reciprocals.

To find the reciprocal of a number:

 Write the number as a fraction. 10  1

 Invert the fraction by exchanging 10 1

1 10
the position of the numerator
and the denominator. 1
10 1 1 1
 Check. Multiply the reciprocals to       1 10 and 10 are
1 10 1
verify that their product is 1. reciprocals.

a b
Inverse Property of Multiplication b  a  1, where a, b  0.

Write the reciprocal of each number.

1 11 7 12
9. 15 10. 9 11. 7 12. 1
13. 4 14. 5

Explain how using properties or reciprocals can make these

computations easier. Then compute.
3 1 3 7 1 7
15. 5  14  2 16. 4  1
0 17. (4  8)  16

1 7 8 4 5
18. (46  9)  9 19. 8  (7  33) 20. 5  (9  4)

5 5 14 14 3
21. 7  8  2
22. 14  1
 15 23. 7  9  21

24. Explain in your Math Journal why:

a. 0 does not have a reciprocal. b. 1 has itself as its reciprocal.

Chapter 8 255
8206-2_256-257 10/7/07 11:32 AM Page 256

8-4 Multiply Mixed Numbers

The weight of water is 62 2 lb per cubic foot.
What is the weight of 2 5 cubic feet of water?
To find the weight of 2 5 cubic feet of water, w,
4 1
multiply: 2 5  62 2 lb  w.

First estimate by rounding:

4 1
2 5  62 2 3  63  189
Then multiply.

To multiply with mixed numbers:

4 1 14 125
 Rename both factors as fractions lb2 5  62 2  5  2
greater than or equal to one.
7 25
GCF of 14 and
4 2: 2 1 14 125
 Simplify using the GCF 2 5  62 2 lb  5  2
where possible. GCF of 5 and 125: 5 1 1

4 1 7  25
 Multiply the numerators. Then multiply 2 5  62 2 lb   
1  . 1.
the denominators.
4 1 175
 Rename the product as a whole 2 5  62 2 lb  1  175
or mixed number when needed.
The weight of 2 5 cubic feet of water is 175 lb. 175 lb is close to the
estimate of 189 lb.
Study these examples.
Think Think
2 3 2 27 Estimate: 2 9 17 Estimate:
  3 8     9 5 3    
3 3 8 133 1 3 9  6  54
1 9 3
2 3 2 27 9 1 2 9 17 51

 3 8  
 2 4 9 5 3  
 3  1  51
1 4 1

Estimate each product by rounding.

2 1 1 7 7 1
1. 7 3  4 4 2. 9 5  3 1
3. 8  9 8 4. 7 2  10

5 4 1 3 1 1 7 5
5. 6  32 7 6. 75 1
 5 7. 12 4  5 4 8. 15 8  1 9

256 Chapter 8
8206-2_256-257 1/25/06 4:00 PM Page 257

Multiply. Estimate to help you.

2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1
9. 3  2 2 10. 4  2 3 11. 3 7  4 3 12. 2 5  3 6
1 6 5 5 1 1
13. 2 1
 7 14. 5 8  9 15. 1 6  9 16. 3 8  12
1 3 1 1 3 2 5 1
17. 8 6  3 7 18. 3 9  2 7 19. 4 of 2 3 20. 9 of 2 4
3 2 2 1 1 1 7
21. 6  5 5  1 3 22. 6 3  7  1 5 23. 2 6  5 3  1 8

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
24. 2 2  3 4 ? 2 4  3 2 25. 1 3  3 4 ? 3 4  1 3
3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
26. 3 5  1 2 ? 2 2  1 4 27. 6 4  2 4 ? 3 2  4 8

Find the value of n. Use the properties of multiplication.

1 1 1 1
28. n  1  3 2 29. n  4 5  4 5  5 30. 1 3  n  0
1 1 1 2 8 2
31. (n  2)  4  3  (2  4) 32. 25( 5  15 )  (25  5 )  (25  n)

33. One serving of meat is about 34. Round steak contains 3 2 servings
3 2 oz. If a person eats 2 servings per pound. How many servings are
a day, how many ounces of meat there in 10 lb of round steak?
is this?
1 1
35. The weight of water is 62 2 lb 36. A long-playing record makes 33 3
per cubic foot. What is the weight revolutions per minute. If it plays
of 5 3 cubic feet of water? for 42 min, how many revolutions
does it make?

Find each product.

1 1 1 5 1 1
37. 5  4 4 5  (4  4 )  (5  4)  (5  4 )  20  4  20  1 4  21 4
2 1 5 3
38. 7  9 7 39. 3  6 3 40. 9  5 18 41. 4  2 8

Chapter 8 257
8206-2_258-259 10/7/07 11:32 AM Page 258

8-5 Meaning of Division

Each loop in a spring takes 8 in. of wire.
How many loops can be made from 3 in. of wire?

To find how many loops, n, can be made,

divide: 3  8  n.
How many 8 s are in 3?

You can use a diagram to help you divide 3 by 8.
3 in.

3 3
Count the number of 8 in. units. There are 8 units. So 3  8  8.
Eight 8 -in. loops can be made from 3 in. of wire.

Study these examples.

Write a division sentence for each diagram.
2 2 2
7 7 7

1 2 3
Think Think
1 2 6
How many 4 s are in 3? How many 7 s are in 7 ?

3 wholes divided into fourths 1 whole is divided into sevenths.

2 6
make 12 equal parts. There are three 7 s in 7.
1 6 2
Division sentence: 3  4  12 Division sentence: 7  7  3

258 Chapter 8
8206-2_258-259 1/25/06 4:02 PM Page 259

Write a division sentence for each diagram.

1. 2.

How many halves are in 3? How many fourths are in 4?

3. 0 1 4. 0 1

1 2
6 8
1 5 2 6
How many 6 s are in 6? How many 8 s are in 8?

5. 6.

7. 8.

Draw a diagram to show each division. Write each quotient.

Explain how your drawing illustrates the division.
1 1 4 1 8 2
9. 4  2 10. 3  3 11. 5  5 12. 10
2 3 1 3
13. 2  6 14. 3  7 15. 1  6 16. 1  6

17. Draw diagrams to help you divide by the unit fractions

A unit fraction is
in these exercises: (a) 2  1; (b) 1  1; (c) 3  1. a fraction with a
2 3 5
numerator of 1.
18. Write a rule in your Math Journal that tells what
happens when you divide a whole number by a unit fraction.

Chapter 8 259
8206-2_260-261 10/7/07 11:33 AM Page 260

8-6 Divide Fractions by Fractions

Eduardo discovered a short way to divide fractions by examining
some division sentences and the related multiplication sentences.

1 Division Sentence Multiplication Sentence

10 2
4 1 4 10 8

 1  8

4 reciprocals
3 1 3 10 6

 1  6

9 1 9 10 9

 1  9

Eduardo concluded that dividing by a fraction gives the

same result as multiplying by its reciprocal.
To divide a fraction by a fraction:
3 1 3 16
 Multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. 
 4  1
 Simplify using the GCF, where possible. 3 1 3 16 34


Then multiply the numerators and the 1
3 1 12
 Rename the product as a whole or mixed 
 1  12
number when needed.
whole number
Study these examples.
7 1 7 5
Reciprocal of 5 11 11 11 12

is 5, or 1. 
1 1 6
7 1 7 5 7 3 11 11 11 12

 1 4 
4 7 1
11 11 6
 7 fraction

260 Chapter 8
8206-2_260-261 1/25/06 4:02 PM Page 261

Write the value of each variable.

9 3 9 5 12 3 12 10
1. 13
 5  13
 3  a 2. 2
 3  b

3 1 3 x 1 1 p 16
3. 7  14
 7  y  z 4. 8  1
 r  1  s

Solve for n. Draw a diagram to help you.

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
5. 2  4  n 6. 5  10
n 7. 4  1
n 8. 2  10

7 1 5 1 6 3 6 2
9. n  8  8 10. n  6  6 11. n  8  8 12. n  1

Find the quotient.

5 5 2 2 5 5 6 3
13. 8  8 14. 5  5 15. 24
16. 13

2 1 1 1 16 3 9 3
17. 9  3 18. 8  5 19. 2
 5 20. 28

14 8 9 6 1 1 1 1
21. 1
 9 22. 10
 7 23. 6  1
24. 11

Write a division sentence.

1 3 1 1
25. How many 1
s are there in 8? 26. How many   s are there in ?
100 10
1 1
27. How many 8 -ft strips can Eric cut 28. How many 1 -yd strips can Karen
1 3
from a 2 -ft piece of wood? cut from a 4 -yd piece of leather?
13 x
29. If 6 is divided by a certain fraction y ,
2 x
the result is 3. What is y ?
30. Ms. Appell bought 3 bushel of
apples. She used 4 of the apples
to make applesauce. What part
of a bushel did she use for

31. Explain why the quotient of 5  3
is not a whole number.

Chapter 8 261
8206-2_262-263 10/7/07 11:33 AM Page 262

8-7 Estimate Quotients of Fractions and

Mixed Numbers
You can compare the dividend and the divisor to determine if
the quotient of two fractions is less than 1 or is greater than 1.

dividend divisor dividend divisor

1 1 7 2

? 1 9
? 1

1 1 1 1 7 2 7 2

 2, so 7  2  1. 9
 3 , so 9  3  1.
1 1 1 2 2 2 7 2 7 3 7 7

 1. 9
 3  9  2  2 and 2  1.

 When the dividend is less than the divisor,

the quotient is less than 1.
 When the dividend is greater than the divisor,
the quotient is greater than 1.

You can round mixed numbers to the nearest compatible

whole numbers to help you estimate quotients.
5 1 1
Estimate: 9 6  2 3. Estimate: 3  11 2.

Think Think
5 1 1
9 6  2 3 , so the 3  11 2 , so the
quotient is greater than 1. quotient is less than 1.

5 1 1
9 6  2 3 3  11 2

3 1
10  2  5 3  12  1

estimated quotient estimated quotient

262 Chapter 8
8206-2_262-263 1/25/06 4:04 PM Page 263

Compare the dividend and the divisor to determine whether the quotient
is less than 1 or is greater than 1. Write , or .. Then find the quotient.
6 3 2 4 1 1 1 1
1. 7  7 ? 1 2. 5  5 ? 1 3. 3  1
? 1 4. 15
? 1

3 3 4 4 2 3 7 5
5. 7  11
? 1 6. 5  9 ? 1 7. 3  4 ? 1 8. 8  6 ? 1

5 7 17 5 11 3 4 9
9. 9  18
? 1 10. 3
? 1 11. 1
 7 ? 1 12. 9  10
? 1

1 3 3 9 5 4 3 5
13. 8  7 ? 1 14. 10  11 ? 1 15. 6  5 ? 1 16. 8  7 ? 1

Estimate. Round each mixed number to the nearest

compatible whole number.
1 5 3 3 7 1
17. 8 3  1 6 18. 9 4  4 4 19. 11  1 8 20. 17  2 4

1 2 8 1 1 11 7 1
21. 6 8  9 5 22. 3 9  12 9 23. 11 2  1
24. 8  9 2

Compare. Write , or .. Use estimation to help you.

1 1 3 1 1
25. 3  1
? 1 26. 2  7 ? 1 27. 2  1
? 1

1 7 1 1 7 5 3 5 3
28. 9  3 ? 9  3 3 29. 8  1 2 ? 1 2  8 30. 10 6  2 8 ? 9 6  1 8

7 3
31. If 2 9 yd of material is cut into 32. A piece of wire 5 yd long is to be cut
5 pieces of the same length, into 6 pieces of the same length.
about how long is each piece? About how long is each piece?

33. About how much will each person get if 10 people

share 12 2 qt of strawberries equally?

34. When the dividend stays the same and the divisor increases,
what happens to the quotient?

35. Write in your Math Journal whether your conclusion in exercise 34

is true for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Explain.

Chapter 8 263
8206-2_264-265 10/7/07 11:34 AM Page 264

8-8 Divide with Whole and Mixed Numbers

A curtain requires 2 5 yd of material. How many
curtains can be made from 39 yd of material?
To find how many curtains, c, divide: 39  2 5  c.

First estimate by using compatible numbers: 39  3  13.

Then divide.

To divide with whole numbers and mixed numbers:

 Rename the whole number as a fraction
3 39 13
with a denominator of 1 and the mixed 39  2 5  1  5
number as a fraction greater than one.
 Multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. 39 5
 1  13
Simplify using the GCF where possible.

 Multiply the numerators. Then multiply the denominators. 35 15

 11  1
 Write the quotient in simplest form.  15
Think c  15
Fifteen 25-yd
curtains can be made 15 is close to the
from 39 yd of material. estimate of 13.

Study these examples.

When dividing with fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers,

rename the whole numbers and mixed numbers as fractions.

3 1 1 1 5
Divide: 1 4  6  w. Divide: 1 2  6  v. Divide: 7 3  1 6  t.

3 7 1 1 1 3 1 1 5 22 11
14 6 4  6 12  6  2  6 73 16  3  6
3 2 2
71 7 3 6 33 22 6 22
 4  6  24  2  1  11  3  11  1  1
1 1 1

9 4
 1 9  1 4
w  24 v9 t4

264 Chapter 8
8206-2_264-265 1/25/06 4:06 PM Page 265

Find the value of each variable to complete the division.

2 e f 1 1 21 i
1. 4 3  6  3  1 2. 10 2  1 2  2  j

e 1 1 21 j
 3  f n 
 2  i  y

Divide. Estimate to help you.

3 6 3 8
3. 9  7 4. 36  7 5. 27  5 6. 8  9

5 4 11 7
7. 6  10 8. 9  8 9. 12  22 10. 15  42

1 1 1 1
11. 32  1 7 12. 6  2 4 13. 26  3 2 14. 84  5 4

1 1 1 1 1 11 2 7
15. 2 3  6 16. 3 2  3 17. 5 4  16 18. 11 3  8

2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
19. 5 3  1 3 20. 5 7  2 7 21. 4 5  1 5 22. 3 4  1 2

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..
8 1 1 3 2 3
23. 16  9 ? 10  2 24. 3  3 10 ? 3

3 3 1 1 1
25. 8  4 ? 6 4 26. 2 7  15 ? 2 3  3

2 1
27. How many 3 -cup sugar bowls can be 28. At a rate of 22 2 ft per hour, how long
filled from 10 cups of sugar? will it take an insect to walk 90 ft?
3 1
29. After driving 240 mi, 5 of a trip was 30. How many boards 14 ft long can be
completed. How long was the total trip? 7
cut from a board 9 8 ft long? How
How many miles were left to drive? 1
much of a 1 4 -ft board is left over?
31. A 2 -ton weight is to be lifted equally by 5 people. How many
pounds must each person lift? (Hint: 1 ton  2000 pounds.)

3 2 1 3 1 1 1
32. 21  1
 2 3 33. 1 3  5  2 5 34. 3 3  2 2  1 3

Chapter 8 265
8206-2_266-267 10/7/07 11:34 AM Page 266

8-9 Order of Operations with Fractions

You can use the order of operations to simplify
Order of Operations
mathematical expressions with fractions.
1. Grouping symbols
1 1 1
Simplify: (3  1)2  1. 2. Exponents
3 3 2
3.  or  left to right
(3  1)2  1
1 1
Compute within parentheses first. 4.  or  left to right
3 3 2

(2)2  1 Compute exponents next.

4  1 Compute  or  last.


1 1 1 1
So (3  1)2  1  5.
3 3 2 2



Study these examples.

Think Think
2 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1
Simplify: ()2    . ()2       Simplify: 2    0.25. 0.25  
3 5 2 3 3 3 9 3 4

2 1 1 Compute exponents 1 Compute  or 

()2     first.
2    0.25
3 5 2 3 left to right.
4 1 1
     Multiply next.
9 5 2 2 1 Multiply first.
4 1 3 4 Then divide.
   Subtract last.
9 10
40 9 31 2 4 8 2
90 90 90 3 1 3 3

266 Chapter 8
8206-2_266-267 1/25/06 4:08 PM Page 267

Simplify each mathematical expression.

1 1 1 1 5 1
1. 6  2  (4)2 2. 9  3  (2)3 3. 6  6  0.5

4 1 2 1 2 1
4. 9  9  3 5. 8  0.5  16 6. 1 3  6  (6)2

Simplify. Check with a calculator.

1 1 1 2 1
7. (1 4  4)  (3)2 8. (8  1 3)  62 9. (1 3  1 2)  5

2 7 2 1 3 1 1 1
10. (10  1 3)  8 11. (3)2  (1 2  1 4) 12. 1 3  (2 2  1 4)2

Distributive Property Over Subtraction

Distributive Property Over Subtraction a  (b  c)  (a  b)  (a  c)
4 5 4 4 5
  (10  )  (  10)  (  )
5 8 5 5 8
4 3 4 10 4 5
  9   (  )  (  )
5 8 5 1 5 8
1 15 2 1 1
4 75 4 10 4 5
    (  )  (  )
5 8 5 1 5 8
1 2 1 1 2
15 1
2 2
1 1
7  7 
2 2

Simplify using the Distributive Property.

1 8 1 3 1 3
13.   (8  ) 14.   (12  ) 15.   (15  )
8 11 6 5 3 8

3 1 8 1 3 1
16.   (4  ) 17.   (18  ) 18.   (14  )
4 3 9 4 7 9

Use compatible numbers to estimate each product.

5 5 1 42 5
19. 6 of 43  of 42     7, so  of 42  5  7  35
6 6 1 6

2 3 1 1
20. 3 of 25 21. 4 of 198 22. 8 of $76 23. 3 of $3.95

Chapter 8 267
8206-2_268-269 10/7/07 11:35 AM Page 268

8-10 Fractions with Money

A package of copier paper costs $1.50.
Leroy bought a package for 4 of the cost.
How much did Leroy pay?

To determine how much Leroy paid, p,

find: 4 of $1.50  p.

3 3
First estimate: 4 of $1.50 
of $1.60
1 3

of $1.60  $.40, so 4 of $1.60  $1.20.

Then compute.
3 3

of $1.50  4  $1.50 Remember: “of” means “times.”

3 3 $1.50

of $1.50  4  1
$1.125  $1.13
3 3  $1.50 $4.50 4

of $1.50     
4 1 4
Round to the
3 3  $1.50 nearest cent.

of $1.50  
4 1
p  $1.13

Leroy paid $1.13. $1.13 is close to the estimate of $1.20.

Study this example.

Divide: $8.75  1 4  d.

1 $8.75 5 $8.75 4 Multiply by the

$8.75  1 4  1  4  1  5
$ 1. 7 5
1 $8.75 5 $8.75 4 $7.00
 1 as
 1  4
 5  1  $7.00

d  $7.00

268 Chapter 8
8206-2_268-269 1/25/06 4:10 PM Page 269

Compute. Round to the nearest cent when necessary.

1 1 1 1
1. 2 of $46 2. 5 of $85 3. 3 of $6.09 4. 4 of $8.32

3 2 2 3
5. 4 of $70 6. 5 of $86 7. 3 of $21.50 8. 8 of $16.50

1 2 3 1
9. $3.50  3 2 10. $5.50  1 3 11. $36.75  3 4 12. $11.20  1 3

1 1 3 7
13. $14.90  2 2 14. $11.40  1 5 15. $6.65  1 4 16. $56  8

17. Hiro wants to sell the bicycle he 18. Mary Ann bought a computer
3 3
bought originally for $220 for 5 marked $950 for 4 of the price.
of that price. What is the selling price How much did she pay?
of the bicycle?
19. Joni paid $8.75 for a 3 2 -square- 20. John bought a roast that weighed
foot rug. How much is that per 4 2 lb for $12.60. How much
square foot? is that per pound?
21. Dennis spent 4 of his $18 weekly 22. A $35 dress in a store is marked
allowance. How much money “4 off.” What is the new price of
does he have left? the dress?

23. Mr. Bucks has $44,000 to divide among three local charities and five
international charities. He gives the first local charity 2, the second local
1 1
charity 5, and the third local charity 8 of the money. How much money is
left for the international charities? What fractional part of the money is that?

Match each definition with a term in the box.

24. the whole numbers and their opposites
25. part of a region, an object, or a set whole number
26. a number with a decimal point separating fraction
the ones from the tenths place mixed number
27. a number having a whole number
part and a fraction part

Chapter 8 269
8206-2_270-271 10/7/07 5:43 PM Page 270

8-11 Multiplication and Division

Expressions with Fractions
Miguel cuts a piece of wood into 3-foot-long
pieces. If the piece of wood is 6 ft long, how many
-ft pieces in all will he cut?
To find how many pieces, write and evaluate a
division expression:
2 S
s  3, when s  6. Let s represent the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 length of the original
s  3 piece of wood.
2 2
2 6 2
 1  3 Replace the variable with 3 3
the given value.
6 3
 1  2 Multiply by the reciprocal of the
1 divisor. Then simplify if possible.
 11 Multiply the numerators.
Then multiply the denominators.
 1 9 Write the quotient in simplest form.

Miguel will cut nine 3-foot-long pieces of wood.

Study these examples.

Evaluate: Evaluate:
t 4 2 2 5
, when t  6 5 . r  7 9  s, when r  3 and s  12 .
65 fraction bar 2 2 65 5
 r  7 9  s  3  9  12
7 7 means 
13 4
4 34 7 2 65 12 2 13  4
65 7 5  1  3  9  5  3  31
3 1

34 1 2 52 54
 5  7  3  3  3

34  1 34
 18 value
 5  7  35 value

270 Chapter 8 1.1

8206-2_270-271 1/25/06 4:12 PM Page 271

Evaluate each expression.

3 3 7 7 3 8
1. 5 z, when z  8 2. c  12 , when c  9 3. 2 4 t, when t  11

9 2 10 8
4. m  10 , when m  5 5 5. 7h, when h  21 6. x  9 , when x  14

7 8 2 4 1 13
7. 6 8 y, when y  15 8. 3 3  z, when z  2 9 9. 7 8 b, when b  1 19

1 2 1 1 1 2
10. (a  b)  6 a, when a  3 and b  12 11. c  2 d, when c  2 6 and d  3

3 3 1 3
12. (x – y)z  y, when x  4 , y  8 , 13. m  (p  s)  s, for m  1 2 , p  5 ,
3 2
and z  10 and s  3

Write and evaluate an expression that could be used to solve the problem.
14. Three eighths of the students in 15. Regina cuts a board into 31 pieces of
Kaitlyn’s math class are in science 3
equal length. If the board is 74 ft
class together. If 32 students are in long, how long is each piece that
Kaitlyn’s math class, how many are Regina cuts?
in science class together?

16. Mr. Ruiz buys some pounds of ground 17. Michael burns some calories per hour
beef for a cookout. He uses the beef to when skiing. He skis for 4 2 h
1 1
make 4-pound hamburgers. If Mr. before lunch and 1 4 h afterward. If
Ruiz buys 3 2 lb of ground beef, how he burns 610 calories per hour, how
many hamburgers does Mr. Ruiz make? many calories in all does he burn?
18. Aurora has some dog food. She feeds her dog 1 4 cans
each day. If she has 8 4 cans of dog food, how many days
will the food last?

Evaluate each expression. Choose the correct answer.

5 1 3 4 3
19. 5 8 g, when g  3 5 20. ab  c, when a  1 8 , b  2 5 , and c  4
97 1 2 4
A 1 128 B 15 8 F 5 15 G 5 55
C 18 D not given H 5 25 J not given

Chapter 8 271
8206-2_272-273 10/7/07 11:36 AM Page 272

8-12 Multiplication and Division

Equations with Fractions
Sadie deposits 35 of the money she earned last
month in her savings account. If she deposits $75,
how much did Sadie earn last month?
To find how much, write and solve the equation:
 $75. Let t represent the amount
Sadie earned last month.
 35  $75  35
t Divide both sides by ,
using the Division Property of Equality.

t  $75  53
Multiply by the reciprocal of .

t  $75  53 Simplify.

t  $125 solution

Check by replacing t with $125: 35t  $75 3

 $125  $75 $75  $75

Sadie earned $125 last month.

Study these examples.

Solve: y  213  337. Solve: 13g  13g  89.

y  213  213  337  213 Isolate the variable. 2

 g  89 Combine like terms.

y  337  213 Compute to solve. 2

g  23  89  23 Isolate the variable.
8 1
y  27
 73  81 g  89  32 Compute to solve.
1 1
4 1
y8 g  89  32  
3 1

g  113

272 Chapter 8
8206-2_272-273 1/27/06 5:25 PM Page 273

Solve for x.
1. 58 x  95 2. 20x  11
3. x  89  21 4. x  9  923

5. x  1179  18 6. 5x  558 7. 217

x  21 8. x  23  67

9. 45 x  23 10. x  17

 337 11. 1045 x  19
12. x  678  115

13. 18
x  119 14. x  7 12  1314 15. 849 x  113 16. 2x  12x  25

Temperature Conversions

You can use formulas to convert between Conversion Formulas

temperatures in degrees Celsius (°C) and
°C  59 (°F  32) °F  95 °C  32
in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
Convert 13°F to °C. Convert 45°C to °F.
Use the formula: Use the formula:

°C  59 (°F  32) °F  95 °C  32

Replace F Replace C
 59(13  32) with 13.  95 • 45  32 with 45.
 25 Simplify.  113 Simplify.
13°F  25°C 45°C  113°F

Convert the temperature to °C or to °F. Watch for the degree unit.

17. 32°F 18. 31°F 19. 23°F 20. 49°F

21. 30°C 22. 5°C 23. 10°C 24. 50°C

25. Jabaar deposits 23 of the money 26. Kendra divides a package of trail mix into
1 1
he earned last month in his -cup servings. She fills 7 bags. How
4 2
savings account. If he deposits many cups of trail mix did she have to
$48, how much did he earn? begin with?

Find each sum.

27. 24  24 28. 18  18 29. 50  16 30. 38  33

Chapter 8 273
8206-2_274-275 10/7/07 11:37 AM Page 274

Update your skills. See page 15.

8-13 Probability
Probability is a measure of the likelihood of an event.
The probability of an event is any number from 0 to 1.
A probability of 0 means an event is impossible.
A probability of 1 means an event is certain to occur.

Unlikely Likely

0 1
= 0.5 1
impossible 2 certain
possible between 0 and 1

When you use a formula to find probability you are finding theoretical probability.

Theoretical probability can be number of favorable outcomes

defined by the formula: P(E)  total number of possible outcomes

Each number on the spinner is one possible outcome, or 9 1

result of spinning the spinner. The sample space or the
set of all possible outcomes is {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. 7 3
Use the spinner to find each theoretical probability.
0 5 1
P(2)  5  0 P(odd number)  5  1 P(7)  5  0.2
impossible certain possible

Complementary Events Mutually Exclusive Events

Two events, E and not E, are Two events, A and B, that have no
complementary if both events cannot outcomes in common, are called
occur at the same time. The sum of mutually exclusive, or disjoint events.
their likelihood of occurring is 1.

P(E)  P(not E)  1 P(A or B)  P(A)  P(B)

P(not 7)  1  P(7) P( 5 or  7)  P( 5)  P( 7)

1 2 1 3
 5  5  5
 5  0.8  0.6

274 Chapter 8
8206-2_274-275 1/25/06 4:16 PM Page 275

Use the spinner to find the probability of each event.

Are the events in ex. 3, 4, and 8 mutually exclusive? 3 2
If not, tell why. 1 6
1. P(1) 2. P(not 2) 3. P(4 or 6) 4. P(4 or odd) 5 3
4 2
5. P( 7) 6. P( 6) 7. P(odd) 8. P(even or 2)

Find the probability of each event, E. Think

Then find the probability P(E) is the complement of P(not E).
of its complement. P(not E) is the complement of P(E).
A number is selected from 1 through 10.
9. P(prime) 10. P(multiple of 5) 11. P(divisible by 3) 12. P(factor of 10)

Experimental Probability
When you find the probability of an event by doing an experiment,
you are finding experimental probability. The greater the number of
trials you do in an experiment, the closer the experimental probability
gets to the theoretical probability.

Experimental probability can be defined by the formula:

number of times favorable outcomes occur A trial is each time you
Exp P(E)  number of trials in the experiment do the experiment.
Experiment: A coin is tossed repeatedly. The results
are recorded as 53 heads, 47 tails.

Find Exp P(H) and Exp P(T). Then compare the values
with the theoretical probabilities of P(H) and P(T).
53 47
Exp P(H)  100  0.53 Think Exp P(T)  100  0.47
53  47  100 trials
1 1
P(H)  2  0.5 P(T)  2  0.5

0.53  0.5 0.47  0.5

Find the experimental probability of each event.

Then compare it with the theoretical probability.

Experiment: Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Roll a 1–6 number cube. No. of Times 8 11 10 11 8 12
13. Exp P(1) 14. Exp P(3) 15. Exp P(4) 16. Exp P(3 or 6)
Chapter 8 275
8206-2_276-277 10/8/07 10:58 AM Page 276

Update your skills. See page 16.

8-14 Compound Events

In a school election there are 4 candidates for president
and 2 candidates for vice president. How many possible
president/vice president outcomes are there?
Finding the number of possible president/vice president
outcomes is an example of a compound event. A compound
event is a combination of two or more single events.
Label the candidates for president P1, P2, P3, and P4.
Label the candidates for vice president V1 and V2.

One way of finding possible outcomes Another way of finding possible

is to draw a tree diagram. outcomes is to make a table.

President Vice Outcome Vice President

President V1 V2
V1 (P1, V1) P1 (P1, V1) (P1, V2)
V2 (P1, V2) President
P2 (P2, V1) (P2, V2)
V1 (P2, V1) P3 (P3, V1) (P3, V2)
V2 (P2, V2)
P4 (P4, V1) (P4, V2)
V1 (P3, V1)
V2 (P3, V2)
V1 (P4, V1)
V2 (P4, V2)
There are 8 president/vice president possible outcomes.

You can also find the number of possible outcomes

by using the Counting Principle.

The Counting Principle

If one event has m possible outcomes and a second event has
n possible outcomes, then there are m  n total possible outcomes
for the two events together.

president vice president president/vice president outcomes

4  2  8

276 Chapter 8
8206-2_276-277 1/25/06 4:17 PM Page 277

Draw a tree diagram or make a table and use the Counting Principle
to find the number of possible outcomes. List all possible outcomes.

1. Toss a penny and roll a 1–6 2. Spin the spinner and choose
number cube. a marble without looking.


3. Make a sandwich with 5 different 4. Put together an outfit from a selection of

types of bread and 2 different fillings. 4 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, and 2 sweaters.

Independent and Dependent Events

A bag contains 10 cubes: 5 red, 3 blue, and 2 green.
Pick 2 cubes from the bag without looking. What is the
probability of picking a blue cube and then a red cube?
To find P(blue, red), multiply: P(blue)  P(red)

Pick the first cube. Return it to the bag. Then pick the second cube.
These events are independent events.
The first event does not affect the second event.

If A and B are independent events, P(A, B)  P(A)  P(B).

3 5
P(blue, red)  P(blue)  P(red)  
Pick the first cube. Do not return it to the bag. Then pick the second cube.
These events are dependent events.
The first event does affect the second event.

If A and B are dependent events, P(A, B)  P(A)  P(B after A).

1 1
3 5
P(blue, red)  P(blue)  P(red)  
 16 1 less cube in bag
2 3

Find the probability: (a) if the first choice is replaced;

and (b) if the first choice is not replaced.

Experiment: Pick one marble from a box containing 3 yellow (Y) marbles, 2 white (W)
marbles, and 1 red (R) marble. Then pick a second marble.

5. P(R, Y) 6. P(Y, R) 7. P(Y, W) 8. P(R, Y or W)

Chapter 8 277
8206-2_278-279 10/7/07 11:37 AM Page 278

Update your skills. See page 16

8-15 Permutations and Combinations

Two students from a team of 4 will go to the city math
contest. How many different teams can be formed?
To find how many teams, make an organized list.
Let A, B, C, and D represent each of the four students.
I. Order does not matter:
AB AC AD BC BD CD 6 teams
Six teams can be formed.
If one is the contestant and the other is the alternate,
how many different teams can be formed? AB  BA
II. Order matters: AB BA AC CA AD DA BC CB BD DB CD DC 12 teams
When order matters, as in team II, you are counting permutations.
When order does not matter, as in team I, you are counting combinations.

You can also use the Counting Principle

to find permutations and combinations.
A. Three out of 5 students can win an essay contest.
How many different ways can the winners be selected?
To find the number of ways, find the number of
permutations since the order matters.
choices for choices for choices for total number
1st place 2nd place 3rd place of ways

5  4  3  60
There are 60 ways of selecting the winners.
B. Tony can only take 3 out of 5 subjects offered during the marking period.
How many different ways can he choose the subjects he will take?
To find the numbers of ways, find the number of combinations
since the order does not matter.

Find the number of Find the number of arrange- Divide to eliminate

permutations of the items. ments for each combination. duplicate combinations.

5  4  3  60 3216 60  6  10
Tony has 10 ways of choosing the three subjects.

278 Chapter 8 3.1

8206-2_278-279 1/25/06 4:19 PM Page 279

Tell whether or not order matters in each situation.

Write Yes or No. If yes, explain why.
1. a phone number being dialed 2. items checked off in a list
3. four group members 4. three runners awarded first-,
selected from a class second-, and third-place medals
in a marathon
5. six people randomly 6. digits in the number of an
selected for a survey address
7. coins put into a vending 8. four digits in a password

Tell how many permutations and combinations can be made.

9. three of the digits 3, 5, 7, and 9 10. four of the letters A, B, C, D, and E

11. two of the letters A, B, C, D, and E 12. two of the digits 3, 5, 7, and 9

13. A novel, an art book, a history book, 14. Mike, Jim, and Sam are going to the
and a math book are lined up on a movies. They want to sit together in the
shelf. In how many ways can they same row. How many different seating
be arranged? orders are possible?
15. If 5 people want to be seated, in 16. From 2 girls and 3 boys, how many
how many ways can 4 of them be committees of 3 can be formed?
seated on a bench that seats 4?
17. Ms. Malik has 4 plants to put into 18. There are 6 problems on a math final
3 plant pots. In how many ways exam. Students must choose 3
can she pot 3 plants? problems to solve. How many ways
can they choose the problems?

5  4  3  2  1 can be written as 5! and is read “five factorial.”

5!  120

Evaluate each expression.

19. 3! 20. 4! 21. 2! 22. 6! 23. 7!
24. How would you use the factorial notation to express the
number of ways in which 4 objects can be arranged in a row?
8 objects? 10 objects? n objects?

Chapter 8 279
8206-2_280-281 10/12/07 6:47 PM Page 280

8-16 Predictions and Probability

2 4
In 1000 spins, predict how many times the spinner
will land on 6. 6 8
To predict how many times, use theoretical probability.

• Find the theoretical probability of the favorable outcomes

possible outcomes
spinner landing on 6.
1 1 1000
• Multiply the probability by the 
number of trials. 1

Based on the probability of 14, you can predict the

spinner will land on 6 about 250 out of 1000 spins.

You can also use experimental probability

to make predictions. Color Spins

Paul spun a 4-section spinner 40 times. blue 16

The results are shown in the table at the yellow 8
right. Based on his experimental results, red 10
how many times can Paul expect a result
of blue in the next 100 spins? orange 6

To predict how many times, use experimental probability.

• Find the experimental

number of favorable outcomes 16 2
probability of spinning blue. Exp. P(blue)  total number of possible trials  40  5

• Multiply 100 by the 20

2 40
 100  1  40
experimental probability

Paul can expect to spin blue 40 times in his next 100 spins.

In 2000 spins, predict the number of times the spinner above

would land on each of the following.
1. number  5 2. number  4 3. number between 2 and 8

4. Explain how you made your predictions in exercises 1–3.

280 Chapter 8
8206-2_280-281 1/25/06 4:20 PM Page 281

Use the experimental results to predict how Tiles Times Selected

many times you can expect to randomly
Red 25
select the tile given the number of selections.
Black 20
5. red tile, 60 times 6. green tile, 200 times Blue 22
Green 33
7. black tile, 150 times 8. blue tile, 700 times

Odds are a way of measuring the chance of success against the chance of failure.
Odds in favor of an event: Odds against an event:
number of favorable outcomes number of unfavorable outcomes
number of unfavorable outcomes number of favorable outcomes

Use the spinner to find the odds in favor of and the

odds against the spinner landing on an even number.
1 2
odds in favor of an even number  23 2 favorable
outcomes: 2, 4 5 3
3 4
odds against an even number  
3 unfavorable
outcomes: 1, 3, 5

Find the odds in favor of and the odds against rolling

the given number of a 1–6 number cube.
9. a multiple of 3 10. an odd number 11. a factor of 5 12. not 4

Use the table for exercises 15–16.

13. A bag contains the letters A, B, C, 14. Each guest will select a prize from a bag.
D, and E. A letter is picked from the Of the 25 prizes, 12 are pens and 8 are
bag at random. What are the odds pencils. What are the odds against
in favor of picking a vowel? selecting a pen or a pencil?

15. Find the probability that a lightbulb Life of Bulbs in Hours No. of Bulbs
will last less than 900 hours. 600–699 102
700–799 95
16. Predict how many lightbulbs out of 800–899 108
500,000 will last longer than 899 hours.
900–999 195
17. Eve has a spinner with two colors, red and green. If the odds of spinning a green
are 12, on which color is the spinner more likely to land, red or green? Explain.

Chapter 8 281
8206-2_282-283 10/7/07 11:38 AM Page 282

8-17 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use a Diagram
There are 27 bowling balls for rent that are black, speckled,
or both. If 12 are black and 24 are speckled, what fractional
part of the bowling balls are both black and speckled?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: 27 bowling balls
12 are black
24 are speckled
Question: What fractional part of the bowling balls
are both black and speckled?

Make a Venn diagram and list the facts.

Let A represent black bowling balls. 12 Black 24 Speckled
Let B represent speckled bowling balls.
Let C represent black speckled bowling balls. A C B
To find the number of bowling balls that are
both black and speckled (C), subtract 27 from
the sum of 12 and 24. (12  24)  27  C
Then write a fraction to show the number of Think
black speckled bowling balls out of all the balls. 27
C number of black speckled
27 total number of bowling balls

(12  24)  27  C 9 1
   Black Speckled
36  27  9 27 3 12 12 24 24
–9 9 –9
One third of the bowling balls are both 3 15
black and speckled.

Add the number of bowling balls in each region:

? ? ?
A  B  C  27 A  C  12 C  B  24
? ? ?
3  15  9  27 3  9  12 9  15  24
27  27 12  12 24  24
Your answer checks.

282 Chapter 8
8206-2_282-283 1/25/06 4:22 PM Page 283

Solve by using a Venn diagram.

01. The school paper lists the names of the 18 baseball Baseball Volleyball
players, 20 volleyball players, and 16 soccer players. 18 20
One person belongs to all three teams. One third of the
baseball players and 4 of the volleyball players also belong
to the soccer team. How many students play only soccer? 1
? ?
Visualize yourself in the problem above as you
reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: 18 baseball players Soccer
20 volleyball players 16
16 soccer players
1 student plays on all three teams.
 of the baseball players also play soccer.
4 volleyball players also play soccer.
Question: How many students play only soccer?

To find the number who play both soccer and

baseball, multiply: 3  18  6.

Use the Venn diagram and subtract to find

the number in each overlapping region.
6  1  ? and 4  1  ?

Then solve for the number who play only soccer.

16  (1  ?  ?)  ? soccer only

02. There are 26 shops at the minimall. One third

of the 12 shops that provide services also provide
goods. How many shops provide only goods?

03. At a buffet table, ham, chicken, and beef were being

served. Of the 200 guests, 70 ate ham, 100 ate chicken,
85 ate beef, 25 ate ham and beef, and 30 ate chicken and
ham. One tenth of the guests ate all three. How many
guests ate only ham?

04. While on vacation 50 people could opt to fish, scuba dive,

and/or water ski. Of the group, 35 went fishing, 32 went
scuba diving, 14 tried water skiing, 21 tried both fishing
and scuba diving, 4 tried only water skiing, and 10 did all
three. How many went only fishing? only scuba diving?

Chapter 8 283
8206-2_284-285 10/7/07 5:43 PM Page 284

8-18 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Hanley’s Farm Stand sets out 5 bushel of apples.
If 2 of the apples are sold in the first hour
the stand is open, what part of a bushel is left?
02. Solomon can pick 8 bushel of grapes each hour.
How many bushels can he pick in 7 hours?
03. An apple cake recipe calls for 2 3 cups of apple
slices. Each apple supplies about 3 cup of slices.
How many apples are needed to make the cake?
04. Geraldine picked 4 2 quarts of strawberries.
Lonnie picked 4 as much as Geraldine. How
many quarts of strawberries did Lonnie pick?

05. How many half-pint containers did Pat use

to package 10 2 pints of raspberries?

06. A pound of plums costs $1.05. How much

do 3 5 lb cost?
07. How many 5 -lb slices can be cut from a
15-lb watermelon?

08. The Pumpkin Pickers have won the coin toss at the
beginning of the County Vegetable-Picking Race for
the last three years. What is the probability that they
will win the coin toss at the beginning of the next race?

09. From a bag of 1 yellow, 2 green, and 2 red peppers, Don

chooses 2 peppers at random. What is the probability
that he will choose a red and a yellow pepper if the first
pepper is replaced? if the first pepper is not replaced?
10. How many 2 -gal containers can be filled from a
25 2 -gal keg of cider?
3 2
11. Maya picks 4 bushel of peaches in 3 hour.
How many bushels can she pick in one hour?

284 Chapter 8
8206-2_284-285 1/25/06 4:25 PM Page 285

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
12. Tami’s cookie jar has 8 oatmeal cookies,
5 lemon cookies, and 3 raisin cookies. What
Use These Strategies
is the probability of selecting a lemon cookie Use More Than One Step
in one random draw from the cookie jar? Use Simpler Numbers
Use a Diagram
13. Hanley’s has 8 bushel of peaches when the Work Backward
farm stand opens in the morning. By noon, 4
of the peaches are left. What part of the bushel
of peaches was sold in the morning?
14. The stand sells 2 quart of berries for $1.49.
Do 2 4 quarts of berries cost more
than $10?

15. Lynn’s snack bag contains only red and green grapes.
The number of green grapes is 5 more than the number
of red grapes. If the probability of randomly selecting a
green grape is 15 , how many red grapes are in the
bag? green grapes?
16. A customer buys a 2 8 -lb melon for $1.05.
Would a 4 2 -lb melon cost more than $2?
17. By 11 A.M. Kathy had sold 6 of the 5-lb bags of pears. Between
11 A.M. and 4 P.M. she sold 2 dozen more bags. If she had 11 bags
left at 4 P.M., how many bags did she have when the stand opened?

Use the diagram for problems 18–20.

Anne, Bill, Carol, Derek, and Emmy each bought berries.

18. Who bought only strawberries? Strawberries Raspberries

19. How many people bought raspberries?

Bill Derek
20. Who bought both strawberries and raspberries? Anne Emmy

21. Make up your own problem modeled on problem 16

above. Then have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 8 285
8206-2_286 1/25/06 4:25 PM Page 286

Lessons 1–18

Multiply. Simplify using the GCF whenever possible. (See pp. 250–255.)

1. 56  34 2. 18  23 3. 29 of 3 4. 16

5. 45  37

Find the value of n. Name the property of multiplication used.

6. 56  65  n 7. n  (8  23)  (  8)  23

8. n  35  35 9. 12

 (5  11
)  (12
 n)  (12

Estimate. Then multiply or divide. (See pp. 256–267.)

10. 415  223 11. 247  312 12. 8  315 13. 1025  216

Compute. (See pp. 268–269.)

3 1
14. 13 of $48 15. 5 of $12.75 16. $36.40  1 7 17. $8  45

Evaluate. (See pp. 270–271.)

18. (m  n)  25n, when m  13

and n  15 19. x  12y, when x  16 and y  23

Convert the temperature to °C or to °F. (See pp. 272–273.)

Watch for the degree unit.
20. 10°C  21. 30°C  22. 41°F  23. 122°F 

Find the probability of each event and the

complementary event. (See pp. 274–279.)

Experiment: A number is randomly selected from the

numbers 1 through 6.
24. P(prime) 25. P(multiple of 3) 26. P( 6) 27. P(divisible by 2)

(See pp. 276–285.)

28. A box contains 3 red marbles, 1 black 29. How many four-digit numbers
marble, and 2 white marbles. Choose one can you make using the digits
marble at random, without replacing it. 0, 2, 4, and 6 if repetition of
Then pick another marble. What is the digits is not permitted?
probability that you would pick a black
marble, then a red marble?

286 Chapter 8 (See Still More Practice, p. 526.)

8206-2_287 10/12/07 6:47 PM Page 287

Complex Fractions
Complex fractions have a fraction as a term in the
numerator or denominator, or both.
2 3 1 2 3 1
32 4 2  5 8  4
10 4 7 25 5 1
5 8 16  2

A complex fraction can be simplified to an integer, a

fraction, or a mixed number.

To simplify a complex fraction, divide the numerator by

the denominator.
3 3 1

30 4 4
Simplify: . Simplify: . Simplify: .
2 7 5 1
3 8 16  2
3 3 1
8  4

30 30 2 4 3 7 3 1 5 1
  3  4  8 (8  4 )  ( 16  2 )
2 7 5 1
3 8 16  2
15 2
30 3 3 8 3 2 5 8
 1  2  4  7  ( 8  8 )  ( 16  16 )
1 1

153 32 5 3 5 16
  17  8  16  8  3

 6 52 10
 145  45  7 fraction  1  3  3

integer 1
 3 3 mixed number

Simplify each complex fraction.

2 5 7
3 .8.
002.  003. 
7 . 21.
004.  005. 
.8. 2 9 7 . 3.
5 10 8
. .

1 1 1 1 5 7
12  3 5  25 6  8
7. 0 8. 0 9.
3 5 1 2 2 7
8  24 2  5 9  12

Chapter 8 287
8206-2_288 1/25/06 4:26 PM Page 288

Multiply or divide. Estimate to help you.

7 6 5 2 1 2 1 7
1. 8  35  9 2. 5 5  3 3 3. 6 3  1 5 4. 10 of $20

7 5 5 9 1 3 1
5. 8  16 6. 7 7  14 7. 7 2  3 4 8. $9  1 3

1 1 1 1 1 2
9. (c  d)  6 c, when c  2 and d  12 10. x  2 y, when x  2 6 and y  3

Solve and check.

3 10 5 2
11. 8 x  15 12. 5x  13 13. x  9  20 14. x  14  3 7

Convert the temperature to °C or to °F. Watch for the degree unit.

15. 5°C  16. 50°C  17. 23°F  18. 49°F 

Use spinners A and B.

19. For spinner A find: a. P(1 or 4) b. P(not 2)
20. Spin A and then spin B. List all possible outcomes. 2 1 6 5

21. In 600 spins, predict how many times spinner B 3 4 7 8

will land on 6, 7, or 8.

Use a strategy you have learned. Explain how you solved the problem.
22. In a 9-room house, 6 rooms are tiled, Show all your work.
2 rooms are painted, and 1 room is 23. If the digits cannot repeat, how many
both tiled and painted. How many ways are there to pick a three-digit
rooms are not tiled or painted? PIN (personal identification number)?

Find the error or errors in each computation. Explain.

4 5 19 20
24. 5  4  0 25. 19  2
4 5 1 19 19 20
 (5  4)  0  (1
)  (1  1
10  2

1 1

288 Chapter 8
8206-2_289-290 1/25/06 4:27 PM Page 289

Test Preparation Chapters 1–8

Choose the best answer.

1. Which shows the standard form of 7. Which shows the decimal 0.8741
2 trillion, 14 million, 800 thousand? rounded to its greatest nonzero place?

a. 2,014,800 a. 1
b. 2,014,000,800,000 b. 0.9
c. 2,014,800,000 c. 0.874
d. 2,000,014,800,000 d. 0.87

2. Estimate. 8. Find the sum.

9,879,632 a. 9,700,000 $4.56  $.56  $44 a. $5.56

 763,986 b. 10,700,000 b. $49.12
c. 11,700,000 c. $104.56
d. 9,000,000,000 d. not given

3. Find the difference. 9. Find the difference.

2,729,000  409,026 a. 2,320,026 68  0.054 a. 0.014

b. 2,320,974 b. 67.46
c. 2,320,984 c. 67.946
d. not given d. not given

4. Which shows greatest to least? 10. Which shows least to greatest?

2 2 1
a. 1.88; 1.8; 1.08; 1.008 a. 2, 2, 2
5 3 4
2 2 1
b. 1.8; 1.88; 1.08; 1.008 b. 2, 2, 2
3 5 4
1 2 2
c. 1.008; 1.88; 1.08; 1.8 c. 2, 2, 2
4 3 5
d. none of these d. none of these

5. Find the difference. 11. Find the value of m:

11 1 2 4 2
 a.  m      a. 
12 4 3 5 15
2 5 3
  b.  b. 
3 6 4
1 8
c. 1  c. 
9 15
d. not given d. 1

6. How much more than 2  103 12. Which is greater than 3 but
is 2500? 1
less than 6 ?
3 1 1
a. 500 b. 2300 a. 5  1 b. 1  1
4 2 2
1 5 1
c. 3000 d. 5500 c. 9   5  d. 20  17
9 12 3

Chapter 8 289
8206-2_289-290 1/25/06 4:27 PM Page 290

13. Which is true? 18. Find the prime factorization of 36.

5 1 8 2
a.    a. 1  36
b.  3  4  2 b. 6  6
7  6  3  0
c. c. 9  4
10  4  12  17
d. d. not given

14. Find the value of n: 2 1  3  n. 19. Find the quotient: 4

4 5 5

3 8
a. b. 2 3 a. 2 b.
4 4 25
c. 6 3 d. not given c. d. not given
4 5

15. Twice a number n is 7. What is the 20. Thirty-five fewer than a number is 35.
number? What is the number?

a. 3.5 b. 14 c. 28 d. not given a. 0 b. 35 c. 70 d. not given

16. A coin is tossed and a number cube with 21. A jar contains 1 blue, 2 red, and 2 green
faces labeled 1 through 6 is rolled. Find marbles. If one marble is drawn at random
P(H, even). 50 times and is replaced each time, how
many times can you expect to draw green?
1 1 1
a. b. c. d. 1 a. 2 b. 10 c. 20 d. not given
4 2 8

17. Connie had $82.50. She spent 22. Paulo needs 5 1 yd of material to make a
5 3
of it on a shirt. About how much curtain of certain size. How many such
did she have left? curtains can he make if he has 78 yd of

a. $16 b. $20 a. 16 curtains b. 15 curtains

c. $25 d. not given c. 14 curtains d. not given

Explain how you solved each problem.

Show all your work.
23. A factory makes CD players. The table Day (d ) 1 2 3 4
shows that it produces 29 CD players
during the first 4 days of production. Number of CD players (n) 8 15 22 29

a. What pattern do you see in the 1st row of b. Predict the number of CD players produced
the table? 2nd row? in the first 12 days of production. Upon what
do you base your prediction?

c. Write an expression to show how you can get the numbers

in the 2nd row of the table from the numbers in the 1st row.

290 Chapter 8
8206-2_291 2/27/06 9:10 AM Page 291

Lunch Time
Oh, for a piece of papaya,
or a plate of beef lo mein—
Oh, for a bowl of Irish stew,
or fresh paella from Spain—
Oh, for a forkful of couscous,
or a chunk of Jarlsberg cheese—
Oh, for some lasagna,
or a bowl of black-eyed peas—
Of all the tasty foods
That I would love to try,
I sit here and wonder
why, oh why,
Mama packed me
this liverwurst on rye.
Lee Bennett Hopkins

In this chapter you will:

Survey, collect, organize, report, and
interpret data
Learn about bias in surveys
Apply measures of central tendency and range
Investigate stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-
whisker plots, double bar and line graphs,
histograms, and circle graphs
Recognize misleading statistics
Solve problems by making an organized list

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Research each of the foods mentioned in the
poem. Make organized lists to find the number
of two-food combinations you can make.

Chapter 9 291
8206-2_292-293 10/7/07 11:40 AM Page 292

9-1 Surveys
Iris wanted to know whether the students
in her school think that it is a good
idea to make the school day longer.
She decided to conduct a survey.

A survey is a method of gathering information

about a group. Surveys are usually made up of
questions or other items that require responses.

To conduct a survey:
 Write and ask questions to determine
the opinions on the topic.
 Record the responses.
 Organize the data in a table or graph.

Iris surveyed the school population that included:

 the same number of students from each grade
 the same number of boys as girls
 students from various ethnic backgrounds

Iris asked this question of 30 students: Do you think the

school day should be longer? Answer Yes, No, or Not Sure.

Responses: Yes—8 students No—18 students Not Sure—4 students

She presented her findings in both a pictograph and a bar graph.

Longer School Day Longer School Day


Not Sure
Not Sure
Key: Each  4 votes.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of Students

From her survey, Iris predicted that most students in

her school do not think that the school day should be longer.

292 Chapter 9
8206-2_292-293 2/27/06 9:12 AM Page 293

The bar graph shows the results of a survey about favorite

types of movies. Use the graph to answer the questions.
1. Write a survey question that could Favorite Movies
be used to obtain the data.
2. How many more people chose

Movie Type
science fiction than adventure? Adventure

3. How many people in all were Drama

4. What fractional part of those
surveyed chose drama? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of People

The pictograph shows the results of a survey about favorite

drinks. Use the graph to answer the questions.
5. Write a survey question that could Favorite Drinks
be used to obtain the data.
6. How many of those surveyed did not Lemonade
choose soda or iced tea as their favorite? Apple juice
7. What fractional part of those surveyed Orange juice
chose either lemonade or orange juice? Iced tea
Key: Each  4 votes.
8. You are ordering drinks for 200 people.
Based on the results of the survey, how
many of each drink would you order?

9. If you surveyed your class, do you 10. Survey your class to test your
think that most students would prediction in exercise 9. Present your
favor the same drink? Explain. data in a bar graph or pictograph.

11. Write a paragraph comparing your data with

the data displayed above in the pictograph.
Was your prediction correct?

12. Nancy makes predictions from survey data that she

collects about a favorite holiday from people in a shopping
mall. Name three things that can affect the accuracy
of Nancy’s predictions and explain why they would.

Chapter 9 293
8206-2_294-295 10/7/07 11:40 AM Page 294

9-2 Samples
The entire group of individuals or objects considered for a survey is
called the population. If it is not practical to survey an entire population,
a small part of the population, called a sample, is used. A sample is
said to be a representative sample if it has characteristics similar to
the entire population.
John wants to find how many of 14,000 voters in a town are likely to vote for
Candidate A. Explain whether a survey of the population or a sample is better.
John should use a sample since it is not practical
to survey the entire population.
If the population changed to only 50 voters, John
can survey the population. Given time, each member
of the population could be surveyed individually.

There are different ways of selecting a sample:

 Random sampling — Each individual or object in the given population
has an equal chance of being chosen. A representative sample can
be provided by random sampling.
Example: 50 voters whose names are chosen, without looking, from
a box containing all voters’ names.
 Convenience sampling — Each individual or object is chosen because
they are available and accessible.
Example: The first 50 voters to arrive at a polling place are surveyed.
 Responses to a survey — Each individual is given an oral interview or
written questionnaire.
Example: Some voters might mail completed survey forms to the researcher.

For each survey question, tell whether you would

survey the population or use a sample. Explain.
1. What section of the newspaper do 2. Where do the students in your class
subscribers read first? want to go on a field trip?
3. What is the most popular car of the 4. What is the favorite animal of
people in your city? students in your school?
5. What is the favorite movie of the 6. Who is the favorite counselor of
people working in the video store? the students at summer camp?

294 Chapter 9 2.2

8206-2_294-295 2/27/06 9:14 AM Page 295

Tell whether the sample is likely or unlikely to be a representative

sample of the whole population. If unlikely, explain why.
7. Palo wants to find the favorite beach 8. To find the favorite hobbies of the
of the swim team members. He writes students at school, Joanna asks the
each member’s name on a craft stick members of the chess club.
and chooses 10 names randomly.

Tell which method of selecting a sample is used. Write random sampling,

convenience sampling, or responses to a survey.
9. Philip chooses one name from each 10. Rhianne distributes a questionnaire
page of the phone book. and tallies the results she gets back.
11. Mickey e-mails a list of questions to 12. Elena questions people as they are
everyone in school. He records the leaving the bookstore.
results from the people who reply.

Use Samples to Predict

You can use data from a sample to predict data for an entire population.
A lake is estimated to have a fish population of 1000. Ten out of 50 fish are trout.
Based on this sample, predict about how many fish in the lake are trout.
10 trout n trout
 Set up an equation. sample
50 fish in all
 1000 fish in all population

10  20 200 Think
 Find equivalent fractions
50  20
to solve for n. 50  20  1000
n  200
Out of about 1000 fish in the lake, about 200 are trout.

Predict the number of yes responses from the population.

13. population: 1000 voters 14. population: 500 students
sample: 250 voters sample: 20 students
yes responses from sample: 175 yes responses from sample: 8

15. Dr. Phillips samples 30 students to find the average distance students
live from school. His results indicate an average distance of 2.2 mi. The
actual average distance students live from school is 1.9 mi. Dr. Phillips
used a random sample. Explain why the average distance from the
survey is different from the actual average distance.
16. What results would Dr. Phillips get if he randomly sampled another
30 students?
Chapter 9 295
8206-2_296-297 10/7/07 11:41 AM Page 296

9-3 Bias in Surveys

When you collect data in a survey, your sample should represent
the whole population. If certain groups from the population are not
represented in the sample, then the sample is a biased sample.

To determine which sports television programs are the most popular in

a city, a survey is made by selecting and interviewing people at random
on a street corner. Outside of which location would the interviewer be
most likely to find a biased sample? Explain.
A. a sports arena B. a concert hall C. a park

Sample from A is most likely to be biased in favor of sports programming.

Sometimes, questions are biased. A biased question suggests or

leads to a specific response or excludes a certain group.

Roger and Gino want to find out the favorite spectator sports of the students
in school. Roger asks, Don’t you think soccer is the most fun sport to watch?
Gino asks, Which sport do you think is the most fun to watch?
Whose question is biased?

Roger’s question is biased toward soccer.

Data displays can be biased and influence how results are interpreted.
Look at these graphs.

Summer Shoe Fall Shoe

Sales Sales

250 50
Pairs of Shoes

Pairs of Shoes

200 40

150 30

100 20

50 10

0 0
June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
Month Month

Shoe sales appear to be lower in summer than in fall. Look carefully at

the intervals on the vertical axes and you will see that is not true.

296 Chapter 9
8206-2_296-297 2/27/06 9:15 AM Page 297

Write whether one would be most likely to find a biased sample

for the survey at each location. Write Yes or No. Explain.
1. Favorite food; Italian restaurant 2. Favorite holiday; shopping mall
3. Favorite sport; football game 4. Favorite music; park

Write whether the question is biased or unbiased. Explain.

5. What is your favorite kind of cereal? 6. Is gym your favorite school subject?
7. Do you think corn flakes are the 8. Is pizza your best choice for lunch?
best cereal?

Explain how the data displays can influence how the results
are interpreted.
9. Cars on Expressway Cars on Expressway
(6:00 P.M.) (2:00 A.M.)
Black Black
Blue Blue


Red Red
White White
Yellow Yellow

0 200 400 600 0 20 40 60

Number of Cars Number of Cars

A survey about type of phone preference, land line or cell phone, was made.
Use the table for problems 10–11.
10. How may sample A be biased?
Sample How Selected
Give an example in which that
bias may be eliminated. A Every 20th number in a phone
directory is called.
11. Which sample may be the
least biased? Explain. B People walking in a park are randomly
chosen and asked questions.

12. Suppose you need to find out the favorite vacation spot of the students in
school. If you cannot survey everyone, explain how you could sample the
population so that the sample is least likely to be biased. Then write one
question you could ask that would be biased and one question that would
not be biased. Explain why you think your biased question is biased.

Chapter 9 297
8206-2_298-299 10/7/07 11:42 AM Page 298

9-4 Record and Interpret Data

Daria’s gym teacher wanted to find out how fast most
sixth graders could run the 100-meter dash.
The recorded times, in seconds, are shown below.

14.2 14.4 13.9 14.9 14.4 13.8 14.4 14.3 13.8 14.2
14.6 13.7 15.1 13.9 14.0 13.8 14.4 15.4 15.2 13.8
14.4 14.1 14.2 13.7 14.2 14.4 14.6 14.1 15.1 13.8

To record and organize

Running Times: 100-m Dash
the data, Daria makes a
cumulative frequency table. Speed Tally Frequency Cumulative
(seconds) Frequency
She groups the data by range
of time and uses tally marks to 13.6–14.0 10 10
record the running times within 14.1–14.5 13 23
each range of times. Then she 14.6–15.0 3 26
counts the tallies to find the 15.1–15.5 4 30
frequency and shows a
running total of data to find
the cumulative frequency. 10  13  23
23  3  26
Daria concluded that most students 26  4  30 total frequency
could run the race in 14.5 seconds
or less.

Rico records the same data in this ungrouped frequency table that
includes a row for relative frequency. Relative frequency compares
the frequency of a category to the total frequency.

(seconds) 13.7 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.6 14.9 15.1 15.2 15.4
Frequency 2 5 2 1 2 4 1 6 2 1 2 1 1
0.07 0.17 0.07 0.03 0.07 0.13 0.03 0.20 0.07 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.03

2  30  0.07
He concluded that 14.4 seconds (0.20 of the total frequency)
was the time most frequently run for the 100-meter dash.

298 Chapter 9
8206-2_298-299 2/27/06 9:17 AM Page 299

Copy and complete the table. Use the completed table for exercises 6–9.

Distances: Standing Long Jump

Distance Tally Frequency Cumulative
(meters) Frequency
1. 1.1–1.3 ? ?
2. 1.4–1.6 ? 11 ?
3. 1.7–1.9 ? 5 ?
4. 2.0–2.2 ? ?
5. 2.3–2.5 ? ?

6. How many long jumps were recorded?

7. Within which interval do most jumps fall?
8. How many more students jumped from 1.4 m
to 1.6 m than from 1.7 m to 1.9 m?
9. Write a conclusion about the long-jump data
shown in the table.

Some sixth-grade students at Owens School participated in the softball throw.

The numerical data below show the distances thrown, in meters.
10. Organize the data in an
ungrouped frequency table. Softball Throw: Grade 6
Include a relative frequency 21 20 28 21 24 20 22 28
column. 20 28 26 24 21 23 28 26
11. How many softball throws 29 23 29 20 23 20 21 28
were recorded?

12. Which distance was thrown most 13. Write a conclusion about the data
10. often? Which was thrown exactly 10. in the table. Select two distances
10. 4 times? thrown and compare them to all
the distances.

14. Conduct a softball throw (distances to nearest meter or nearest

yard) with the students in your mathematics or physical education
class (as in exercises 10–13 above).
a. Collect the data and make a cumulative frequency table.
b. Write the three best conclusions you can make about
the data in your cumulative frequency table.

Chapter 9 299
8206-2_300-301 10/7/07 11:42 AM Page 300

9-5 Apply Measures of Central

Tendency and Range
The mean, median, and mode of a data set are called measures of central tendency.
They indicate where the greatest number of the data set is concentrated. The range
represents the spread between the greatest and the least values of the data set.
Gloria keeps a record of the number
Day S M T W Th F S
of sit-ups she does each day.
Number of
To describe Gloria’s data, you can use 28 30 30 37 35 40 45
the mean, median, mode, or range.
• The mean of a data set of n
28  30  30  37  35  40  45 245
numbers is the sum of the 7  7  35
numbers divided by n.
The mean, 35, shows the number of sit-ups Gloria would do mean
each day if the total number of sit-ups were evened out.
• The median of a data set is the
For an even number of data,
middle number when the data
the median is the average
are arranged in order.
of the two middle numbers.
13  14
28 30 30 35 37 40 45 12, 13, 14, 15, median  2


The median, 35, shows that the number of days Gloria did less than 35 sit-ups
equals the number of days she did more than 35.
• The mode of a data set is the number
Sometimes a data set has no mode
that occurs most frequently.
or has more than one mode.
28, 30, 30, 35, 37, 40, 45
29, 33, 35, 31, 30, 32 has no mode.
mode 28, 31, 31, 29, 36, 29, 35 has two
modes: 31 and 29.
The mode, 30, shows that Gloria does 30 sit-ups
more frequently than any other number of sit-ups.
• The range is the difference between the 45  28  17 range
greatest and the least values in a data set.
The range, 17, shows how far the data is spread out from the
greatest number of sit-ups to the least number of sit-ups.

300 Chapter 9
8206-2_300-301 2/27/06 9:19 AM Page 301

Find the mean, median, mode, and range for each set of
data. Then use each measure to describe the data set.
1. Ana’s Reading Test Scores 2. Bob’s Daily Expenses
70 110 90 70 60 $4.50 $4.95 $4.80 $6.25 $4.25

The Most Representative Measure

The measure that is closest to most of the data in the set most accurately
describes the data.
The daily temperatures in °F last week were 98°, 97°, 94°, 75°, 74°, 97°, and
95°. Would mean, median, or mode best describe these data? Explain.
Mean: 90°; median: 95°; mode: 97°; since the median and the mode are close
to most of the data, the median or the mode most accurately describe the data.

For each data set, find the mean, median, and mode. Tell which
measure is most useful for describing the data. Explain why.
3. Ray scored 15, 7, 5, 3, 9, and 15 points 4. Ed wants to know the average amount
in 6 basketball games. He wants to of gas he uses in a week. In the past 3
show that he is a valuable player. weeks, he used 5 gal, 7 gal, and 30 gal.
5. Ana spent 5 min, 2h, 6h, 1h, and 6 h 6. The Lim’s collected donations of $175,
using the Internet for the past 5 days. $210, $125, $50, $10, $24, and $50 for
She wants to consider how much time flood victims. They want to show that
she spends on the Internet. they are good fundraisers.

Annual Salaries:
Use the information in the table for exercises 7–8. F. H. Murphy Co.
7. Does the mean, median, or mode most accurately describe $20,000 $30,000
the average salary of F. H. Murphy Co. employees? Explain. $325,000 $26,000
$32,000 $26,000
8. How would the mean, median, and mode be affected if $30,000 $28,000
the greatest salary is changed to $3,000,000? $28,000 $30,000

9. Which data set has more than 10. In which data set are the mean,
one mode? median, and mode all the same value?
A 2, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 B 2, 2, 6, 7, 9 F 1, 3, 3, 3, 5 G 1, 1, 1, 2, 5
C 2, 2, 4, 6, 9, 9 D 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 H 1, 1, 2, 5, 6 J 1, 1, 3, 5, 10

Chapter 9 301
8206-2_302-303 10/7/07 11:43 AM Page 302

9-6 Analyze Data

High temperatures of the last nine days were 2°C, 3°C, 1°C, 3°C, 5°C,
10°C, 4°C, 4°C, and 3°C. Kathy organizes the data in a line plot. A line plot
is a graph that uses Xs to show data on a number line.

High Temperatures
of the Last Nine Days
X X X X X X Each X represents 1 day.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature (°C)

 Clusters are places on the line plot where several Xs occur very
close together. There is a data cluster from 3°C to 4°C.
 Gaps are large places on the line plot where no data occurs. A gap
exists between 5°C and 10°C.
 Outliers are numbers set apart from the rest of the data. A set of data
may have no outliers or it may have one or more outliers. 10°C is an
outlier of the data set.

Outliers can affect the measures of central tendency of a data set.

 Find the mean, median, and mode of the above data set.
2  3  1  3  5  10  4  4  3 35
Mean: 9
 9  3.9 mean  3.9°C

Median: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 10 median  3°C

Mode: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 10 mode  3°C

 Find the mean, median, and mode of the above data set without the outlier.
23135443 25
Mean: 8
 8  3.1 mean  3.1°C
Median: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 median  2  3°C
Mode: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 mode  3°C

When the outlier is not included in the data set, the mean decreases
by 0.8 degree. The median and the mode are not changed.

302 Chapter 9
8206-2_302-303 2/27/06 9:21 AM Page 303

Use the line plot for exercises 1–6.

1. What score is an outlier? Quiz Scores
2. Where is there a gap?
3. Around what score do the data X X X X X
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95100
4. Find the mean, median, and mode Score
of the data set.
5. Find the mean, median, and mode 6. Describe what effect the outlier has on
of the scores without the outlier. the mean, the median, and the mode.

Use the line plot for exercises 7–8.

7. Identify any clusters, gaps, and School Library Book Collections
outliers of the data set. X X
8. Describe what effect the X X X X X X
outliers have on the mean,
median, and mode. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Books (to the nearest hundred)

Make a line plot for each set of data.

Identify any clusters, gaps, and outliers.
9. Daily Low 10. Number of Stories in
Temperatures Town Buildings
26°F, 25°F, 24°F, 29°F, 3, 3, 1, 1, 8, 6, 6, 4, 3,
28°F, 21°F, 10°F 23, 7, 9

11. Meghan’s Math Test Scores 12. Len’s Bowling Scores

85 80 90 95 90 100 90 70 93, 96, 93, 106, 95, 95,
85 80 90 100 95 90 90 97, 98, 100, 94

2 5 3 5 5 2 1
13. 8  3 14. 6  4 15. 5 8  12 16. 6 3  7 2

Chapter 9 303
8206-2_304-305 10/12/07 6:47 PM Page 304

9-7 Box-and-Whisker Plots

The data set shows student scores from a 120-point reading test. Scores
A box-and-whisker plot can be used to show the data distribution.
50 60 80
A box-and-whisker plot includes a number line that shows 100 90 70
the extremes (greatest and least) numbers, the median, and 70 110 90
the quartile divisions. A box is drawn on top of the second
and third quartiles. The whiskers show the first and fourth quartiles.

To make a box-and-whisker plot: before median after median

 Order the data from least to

50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90, 90, 100, 110
lower median upper
 Find the median. Then find extreme extreme
the upper and lower quartiles,
lower 60 ⴙ 70 upper 90 ⴙ 100
which are the middle values ⴝ 65 ⴝ 95
quartile 2 quartile 2
of each half of the data.
lower lower upper upper
 Display the extremes, quartiles, extreme quartile median quartile extreme
and median as points above
a number line.

 Draw a box that ends at the

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
lower and upper quartiles.
Then draw a vertical line segment
through the box at the median.
Reading Test Scores
 Draw horizontal line segments, whisker box whisker
called whiskers, from the ends
of the box to the lower and
upper extremes.

 Write a title for the plot. 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Use the box-and-whisker plot above.

1. How many quartiles or values 2. Which characteristic of a box-and-
are needed to divide the data into whisker plot can be used to
four parts? determine the range of the data?

3. About how much of the data are 4. If each score was tripled, how
in the box? would the shape of the box change?

304 Chapter 9
8206-2_304-305 2/27/06 9:23 AM Page 305

Use the box-and-whisker plot for exercises 5–6.

60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140

5. What are the extremes of the 6. What is the median of the data?
data? the upper and lower quartiles?

Make a box-and-whisker plot for each set of data.

7. Science Quiz Scores 8. Math Test Scores

35, 30, 20, 25, 30, 97, 76, 84, 112,
25, 15, 45, 50, 30 93, 68, 88

The box-and-whisker plot shows how many bottles and cans

each of 11 students collected for the recycling project.

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

9. What does each part of the plot represent, including the points and each
part of the box?

10. What would happen to the box if the numbers 36 and 39 were added?

11. Write 11 possible combinations of the number of cans collected and the
number of bottles collected by each student to equal the amounts that the
box-and-whisker plot represents.

Use mental math to find the median, lower quartile, upper quartile,
and range for each set of data.
12. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 13. 25, 30, 32, 50, 60, 100, 200, 225
14. 19, 40, 60, 75, 85, 88, 98, 99 15. 1000, 1200, 1400, 1750, 1900,
1900, 1920

Chapter 9 305
8206-2_306-307 10/7/07 11:44 AM Page 306

9-8 Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Some of the tallest buildings in Baltimore, Maryland, are listed in the
table below. You can organize and display the same data in a stem-
and-leaf plot. A stem-and-leaf plot is a convenient way to organize
numerical data so that the numbers themselves make up the display.

of Floors
Legg Mason Building 40
Blaustein Building 30
Harbour Court 28
250 W. Pratt St. 24
Bank of America Building 37
Commerce Place 31
Wachovia Tower 24
Fallon Federal 28
World Trade Center 32
Tremont Plaza Hotel 37
Charles Center South 25

To make a stem-and-leaf plot:

 Draw a chart and label two columns as Stem Leaf
Stem and Leaf, as shown. The front-end 2 8 4 4 8 5
digits of the data are the stems. Write 3 0 7 1 2 7
them in order in the stem column. 4 0
 The leaves are the ones digits.
Write each leaf to the right of
its stem in the leaf column. Heights of Buildings in
Baltimore, Maryland
 Rewrite the leaves in order (No. of Floors)
from least to greatest.
Stem Leaf
• Write a Key to show the meaning 2 4 4 5 8 8
of each piece of data in the plot. 3 0 1 2 7 7
Then write a title for the plot. 4 0

Range: 40  24  16
Median: Count to find the (middle) number, 30.
Mode: There are 3 modes—24, 28, and 37. Key: 28 represents 28

306 Chapter 9
8206-2_306-307 2/27/06 9:25 AM Page 307

Use the plot to answer the questions.

1. The heights of how many buildings
Heights of Some Buildings
are shown?
in Charlotte, North Carolina
2. How many floors are there in the (No. of Floors)
tallest building? Stem Leaf
3. How many buildings have 40 6 0
or more floors? 4 0 2
3 2 2 2
4. What are the range, the median, 2 4 7
and the mode of the data?

Use the data in the box to complete the stem-and-leaf plot.

Then answer the questions.
5. Stem Leaf Heights of Some Buildings in
5 ? ? ? 4 4 Denver, Colorado (No. of Floors)
4 ? ? ? ? 4 56 54 52 43 41 40
3 4? ? ? ? ? ? 36 35 31 32 34 42
2 ? ? 4 7 7 32 28 26

6. What are the range, the median, 7. Write a statement that summarizes
and the mode of the data? the results that the plot shows.

Make a stem-and-leaf plot for each set of data.

Find the range, median, and mode of the data.
8. 9.
Lions’ Basketball Scores High March Temperatures (in °F)
49 54 66 51 81 72 77 42° 66° 26° 44° 31° 60°
52 56 48 53 65 63 52° 79° 45° 38° 64° 42°
83° 21° 38°

10. Ages of the First Twenty-One United States Presidents

at Their Inaugurations
57 61 57 57 58 57 61 54 68 51 49
64 50 48 65 52 56 46 54 49 50

11. Use the stem-and-leaf plot you made in exercise 10 to explain the data about
a. the ages of the first 21 b. how many of the 21 presidents
United States presidents were younger than 60 years
at their inaugurations. of age at their inaugurations.
Chapter 9 307
8206-2_308-309 10/7/07 11:44 AM Page 308

9-9 Line Graphs

Mr. Fleury, owner of Pizzas Unlimited, records
pizza sales for 6 days.

Day Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

Pizzas Sold 100 90 80 60 40 30

Mr. Fleury displayed his sales in a line graph.

A line graph is used to show changes in data over time.

To make a line graph: Pizzas Sold

 Draw horizontal and vertical axes on
grid paper. Label the axes. 110

 Use the data from the table to choose 100

Number of Pizzas
an appropriate scale (intervals of 10). 90
 Start at 0 and label equal intervals
of the scale on the vertical axis.
 Label the horizontal axis by day.
 Graph the points on the grid. 40
 Connect the points with line segments. 30
 Write a title for the graph.
To determine a trend, look for a rise (the Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
data show an increase) or a fall (the data Day
show a decrease) in the line between
two points. The broken scale indicates that
part of the scale is missing.
The number of pizzas sold decreased
each day.
Researchers conducted a survey and concluded Pizza Survey
that of every 50 pizzas ordered, people will
Extra Cheese Pizzas

request extra cheese on 9 of them.
Use a line graph to compare two 45
quantities, such as the number of pizzas 36
ordered and the number of pizzas with 27
extra cheese. As the number of pizzas 18
ordered increases, the number of pizzas 9
with extra cheese also increases.
0 50 100 150 200 250
From left to right, the line slopes upward. Pizzas Ordered

308 Chapter 9
8206-2_308-309 2/27/06 9:26 AM Page 309

Copy and complete the graph to show the data in the table.

1. School Fair Profits School Fair

Year Profit (in dollars) Profits
2005 850 850

2004 740 800

Amount (dollars)
2003 700
2002 620 650
2001 525 600

2000 585 550


20 0
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
Use the completed line graph for exercises 2–5.
2. What does each interval on the 3. What trend does the graph show?
vertical scale represent?
4. By how much did profits increase 5. What is the range of the profits?
from 2003 to 2005? What is the mean (average) profit?

6. A certain clock loses 3 minutes every 12 hours as shown in

the table. Draw a line graph of the data and determine if the
line slopes upward or downward. Explain why this happens.

Number of Hours 12 24 36 48 60
Time Lost (minutes) 3 6 9 12 15

Use the given line graph.

7. As b increases, what happens to c? 90
Quantity c

8. As c decreases, what happens to b? 60
9. If c  75, what is the value of b? 30
10. Predict the value of b if c  165.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Quantity b

Chapter 9 309
8206-2_310-311 10/7/07 11:45 AM Page 310

9-10 Double Line Graphs Stock at Sam’s Shirts

Month T-Shirts Sweatshirts
Sam’s Shirts sells T-shirts and sweatshirts. Jan. 275 225
The owner recorded in a table how many Feb. 375 175
T-shirts and sweatshirts were in stock during
Mar. 350 200
a 9-month period. He then displayed the
results in a double line graph. Apr. 450 250
A double line graph compares two sets of May 410 310
data over time. The data sets are graphed June 400 300
separately on the same grid. The key shows July 350 250
which line graph represents each data set.
Aug. 300 175
To make a double line graph: Sept. 500 260

• Draw horizontal and vertical

Stock at Sam's Shirts
axes on grid paper.
• Choose an appropriate scale for
both sets of data.
Number in Stock
• Label both axes. On the vertical 350
axis, mark equal intervals 300
beginning with 0. On the horizontal 250
axis, write the categories. 200
• Choose two different colors and 100
make a key to show what each 50
color represents. 0
Ma .




• Plot a point for each data item. Ju




Join the points with line segments. Month
• Write a title for the graph. Key: T-shirts

Use the double line graph above.

1. Describe the change in T-shirt stock 2. Describe the change in sweatshirt
from April to August. stock between February and May.
3. When was the total stock of T-shirts 4. When was the difference between the
and sweatshirts the greatest? When stock of T-shirts and sweatshirts the
was the total stock the least? greatest? When was it the least?
5. Why might stocks of both T-shirts and sweatshirts increase
greatly from August to September?

310 Chapter 9
8206-2_310-311 2/27/06 9:28 AM Page 311

Use the given graph.

6. In which city was the average Average Monthly Temperatures
temperature 68° in June? How do
you know? 85
7. During which month(s) was the 70

(in °F)
difference in average temperature 60
in the two cities the greatest? 55
the least? Explain how you found 45
your answer. 35
8. During which months is the 25
difference in average temperature Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
less than 20°? Explain how you Month
found your answer. Key: Miami
9. Describe the general trend you see in
each city’s average monthly temperature.

Make a double line graph for each data set.

10. Stock at Sam’s Shirts 11. Average Height (in cm)

Month Jeans Shorts Age Boys Girls
Oct. 525 175 12 150 152
Nov. 425 225 13 157 157
Dec. 450 210 14 163 160
Jan. 475 200 15 169 162
Feb. 480 185 16 174 162

Use your graphs from exercises 10–11.

12. When was the difference between the 13. When was the total stock of jeans and
stock of jeans and shorts the greatest? shorts the greatest? When was the total
When was it the least? stock the least?

14. At what ages are boys taller than girls? 15. At what ages are the average heights
of boys and girls the same?

16. Choose two cities that you would like to visit and the month you
would like to visit each. Then research and record in a double line
graph the daily high temperature in each city for one week.

Chapter 9 311
8206-2_312-313 10/7/07 11:46 AM Page 312

Update your skills. See page 14.

9-11 Double Bar Graphs

The owner of Kim’s Shirts recorded in a Daily Shirt Sales at Kim’s
table the daily shirt sales for five days.
Day T-Shirts Sweatshirts
She then displayed the results in a
double bar graph. Monday 60 40
Tuesday 70 45
A double bar graph compares two
related sets of data. Each set of data is Wednesday 40 35
graphed separately, but on the same Thursday 55 40
grid. The key explains which set of data Friday 80 60
is shown by each bar graph.

To make a double bar graph:

 Draw horizontal and vertical
Daily Shirt Sales at Kim’s
axes on grid paper.
 Choose an appropriate scale for 100

Number Sold
both sets of data. 80
 Label both axes. On the vertical
axis, mark equal intervals 40

beginning with 0. On the horizontal 20

axis, write the categories. 0
M T W Th F
 Choose your colors and make a Day
key to show what each color Key: T-shirts
represents. Sweatshirts
 Draw a bar for each value of data.
 Write a title for the graph.

Use the double bar graph above.

1. How many more T-shirts than 2. On which day were the most T-shirts
sweatshirts were sold on Monday? sold? the most sweatshirts?
3. Which day had the greatest number 4. On which day was there the least
of total sales? the least number difference between T-shirts sales and
of total sales? sweatshirts sales?
5. What can you say about the sale 6. How would you summarize the data
of T-shirts from Wednesday to about shirts sales shown by the
Friday? Explain your answer. graph?

312 Chapter 9
8206-2_312-313 2/27/06 9:29 AM Page 313

Use the given graph.

Activities and Calories Used
7. How many calories do men use Sleeping
when running for an hour? when
walking for an hour? Sitting

8. How many calories do women Standing
use when sleeping for an hour? Walking
when sitting for an hour?
9. What can you conclude about the
number of calories used by men and by 0 120 240 360 480 600
women when doing the five activities? Calories Used Per Hour

Key: Men
Make a double bar graph for each data set.
Then answer exercises 12–13.
10. Favorite T-Shirt Colors 11. Swimsuit Sales
Color Girls Boys Month Two-Piece One-Piece
white 4 7 April $2,400 $2,100
red 8 8 May $3,200 $4,600
blue 12 8 June $5,600 $5,800
green 11 6 July $5,900 $6,000
yellow 7 11 August $5,100 $4,800

12. What T-shirt colors are favored by 13. When was the total sale of two-piece
more boys than girls? by the same and one-piece swimsuits the greatest?
number of boys and girls? When was the total sale the least?

A scatter plot is a graph that shows whether there is a

correlation, or relationship, between two sets of data. If the data
cluster around a line that is drawn from lower left to upper right,
there is a positive correlation. If the line that is drawn is from
upper left to lower right, there is a negative correlation. Temperature (P.M.)
If a line cannot be drawn, there is no correlation.
Temperature °F

14. What correlation, if any, do you see
between temperature and time?
15. Over what period of time was the 0
temperature at or below 53°F? 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00

Chapter 9 313
8206-2_314-315 10/12/07 6:48 PM Page 314

9-12 Misleading Graphs and Statistics

When data presented in a graph affects the impression the graph makes, the
representation is considered biased. Examine the two graphs below.

Worker Wages Worker Wages

Hourly Pay (dollars)

10 6
Hourly Pay (dollars)

6 5

2 4

0 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
Year Year

Both graphs show the same information about worker hourly pay.
Although both show that wages have increased, the graph at
the right gives the impression that wages have increased more
rapidly. What causes this?

Look at the vertical scale of each graph. The expanded scale on the
graph at the right creates the impression of a faster rate of increase.

Study this example.

Pet Food Sales

This graph is misleading. Although
gerbil food sales are twice those
Pet Food

Hamster of hamster food sales, the graph

Gerbil gives the impression that the
difference is much greater because
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Number of Cases Sold
the scale does not start at 0.

Use the graphs above for exercises 1–2.

1. It is time for a new labor contract. 2. Why does the bar graph give the
Which line graph would you use impression that gerbil food sales are
if you represented labor? Which about 6 times as great as hamster
would you use if you represented food sales? Draw an accurate bar
management? Explain. graph for the data.
314 Chapter 9
8206-2_314-315 2/27/06 9:31 AM Page 315

The table and graphs show the number of exercise DVDs

sold during a 5-month period.

Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

Sales 7.5 10 12 14 16

DVDs Sold DVDs Sold

18 18
Sales (hundreds)

Sales (hundreds)
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
0 0
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Month Month

3. Do both graphs show the 4. Which graph would someone use who
same data? wants to convince you that the sales of
exercise DVDs have risen dramatically?
5. Why do you get a different impression
about the data from the two graphs?

The graph at the right shows sales

DVDs Sold
of pet-training DVDs.
Sales (thousands)

6. How many pet-training DVDs
were sold in 2004? in 2005?

7. What is misleading about

this graph?
2004 2005

8. Will had the following test scores: 55, 70, 88, 56, 88, 71, 62.
He told his friend, “My most typical score was 88” (the mode).
Explain why Will’s statement is misleading.

9. An advertiser said, “Nine out of 10 dentists agree. Glomb works best.”

Explain why this statement might be misleading.

Chapter 9 315
8206-2_316-317 10/7/07 11:47 AM Page 316

9-13 Histograms
Ms. Eilhardt organized the data shown at the right. Heights of Ms. Eilhardt’s
First she made a frequency table. Students (in inches)
To make a frequency table: 52 57 59 59 50 59
51 52 49 60 56 50
 Choose a reasonable interval to 55 58 53 52 51 54
group the data. 50 54 53 58 57 67
55 57 58 56 57 58
Since the data span from 49 to 67,
use 5 intervals of 4 inches.

 Tally the data for each interval and Height (in.) Tally Frequency
record the frequencies.
49–52 9
Then Ms. Eilhardt made a histogram from the 53–56 8
same table. A histogram is a graph that shows
the frequency of equal intervals of data. In a 57–60 12
histogram, the intervals must not overlap. 61–64 0
There are no spaces between the bars of a 65–68 1
histogram, unless there is an interval with a
frequency of 0.

To make a histogram: Heights of Ms. Eilhardt’s Students

 Use the frequency table
to choose and label a
Number of

scale on the vertical axis
for the frequencies.
 Label the horizontal axis, 4
listing the intervals in order. 2
49–52 53–56 57–60 61–64 65–68
 Draw bars (with no
Heights in Inches
space between them) to
show the frequency of
each interval. A broken scale is used
since the data start at 49.
 Write a title for the histogram.

In which height group are most of Ms. Eilhardt’s students?

To find which group, look for the tallest bar and

read the interval it represents.
Most of Ms. Eilhardt’s students are from 57–60 inches tall.

316 Chapter 9
8206-2_316-317 2/27/06 9:31 AM Page 317

Make a frequency table for the given data.

Then copy and complete the histogram.
1. Weights of Kennel Dogs (in lb) ?
37 63 40 77 44 56 35 ?

18 33 24 29 31 26 58 ?
65 72 75 60 31 42 60 2
18–27 ? –37 38– ? ? – ? ? – ? ? – ?
Make a frequency table and a histogram for each set of data.

2. Number of Jumping Jacks 3. Lengths of Bait Worms (in cm)

Completed in One Minute
5 12 10 17 9 11 11 17 13
45 38 29 77 20 57 42 62 76 13 8 10 10 16 20 14 7 12
73 79 67 47 37 57 56 62 55 9 11 6 11 9 10 15 11 10
69 54 59 53 54 63 51 58 54 10 15 9 16 14 12 8 8 12

4. Ages of People at the Pool 5. Minutes Students Spent

Outdoors Last Weekend
1 32 6 12 35 56 10 3 10
11 5 42 2 7 38 95 61 5 35 10 36 53 32 20 30 40 35
1 6 11 37 5 7 12 12 12 31 51 30 23 9 123 37 45 34
27 0 33 29 35 23 31 37 115

Use the histogram for exercises 6–9.

Days Students Spent Riding Bikes
Number of Students

6. How many students were surveyed? Last Spring and Summer

7. Which interval of days did most students 8
spend riding bikes last spring and 6
summer? 4
8. Which interval has the least frequency? 0
1–19 20–39 40–59 60–79 80–99
9. Make a frequency table for the histogram. Number of Days
Explain how you made your table.

10. Explain how a histogram is different 11. How would the histogram on page 316
from a bar graph. change if Ms. Eilhardt used intervals of
2 inches? intervals of 7 inches?

Chapter 9 317
8206-2_318-319 10/7/07 11:47 AM Page 318

9-14 Interpret Circle Graphs

A circle graph shows how different parts of a set
of data compare to the whole set. Many circle Music Preferences
graphs display the fraction that corresponds to
each part of the whole.

Shapiro’s Marketing conducted a survey of music Country Rock/Soul

1 3
preferences on the basis of store sales of CDs. 5 10
The circle graph at the right shows the fraction
of the 200 people surveyed who purchased Gospel
each type of music. Pop
10 1
3 4
To find out how many of the 200 people
1 20
chose country music, find 5 of 200.
1 200 1 200



So 40 people chose country music.

Remember: A circle graph shows parts of a whole.

The parts may be given as fractions or percents.

Use the circle graph above.

Number of
Type of Music Fraction
1. Country  40
2. Rock/Soul ? ?

3. Pop ? ?

4. Gospel ? ?

5. Other ? ?

6. Together, what part of the people 7. Shapiro’s conducted the same survey
surveyed chose either pop or last month with 250 people and got the
country? pop or rock/soul? same fractions. Will the circle graph
pop, country, or rock/soul? look the same or different? Explain.

318 Chapter 9
8206-2_318-319 2/27/06 9:33 AM Page 319

Use the circle graph at the right.

8. There are 64 students in the sixth grade Sixth Graders’ Favorite Books
at Whitman School. How many favor
mystery books? Sports
1 Science
Biography Fiction
9. How many sixth graders chose 1 1
science fiction books? 8 4

10. What fractional part of the sixth graders Mystery

prefer books that are not science fiction? 1

11. How many more sixth graders chose

mystery books than sports books?

12. Which two types of books do one 13. Explain how the circle graph would
fourth of the sixth graders favor? differ if 8 of the sixth graders chose
Which two types do three fourths science fiction books instead of
of the sixth graders favor? mystery books.

Teenager’s Weekend
Use the circle graph at the right.
Playing Sports Chores
14. About how many weekend hours do Telephone/
1 Computer
teenagers spend playing sports? Shopping 1 1
12 12
15. About how many more weekend hours do 1
teenagers spend reading and doing 6
homework than they spend eating? Television/
Movies Homework/
16. To which two sets of activities do Reading
teenagers devote the same amount of Eating 2
weekend time? how much time? 1 8

Use the circle graph titled Teenager’s Weekend.

17. How many times greater is a teenager’s television and movie
time than his or her shopping time?

18. On graph paper, construct a different kind of appropriate graph

that shows the number of hours (not the fractional part) that
a teenager spends on each activity in four weekends.
Give your graph a title and label all of its parts.

Chapter 9 319
8206-2_320-321 10/7/07 11:48 AM Page 320

9-15 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Make an Organized List 1
Frank designed this math game for his class. It is played 1 1
12 4
by tossing a marker twice onto the board and finding
the sum of the two addends on which the marker lands. 1
How many different sums are possible?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: A marker is tossed 2 times.
1 1 1 1
Possible addends — 2, 4, 2 4, 1 2
Question: How many different sums are possible?

Since a marker is tossed twice, you can get the

same addend or 2 different addends. To find the
A marker can
possible sums, make an organized list. Eliminate
land twice on
duplicate sums with the same addends.
the same addend.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Addend  2  4  2 4  1 2  2  4  2 4  1 2
3 3 3 1 1 3
Sum 1  2 4 2   2 2 1 4
4 4 2
1 1 1 1
2  4  4  2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Addend 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Addend  2  4  2 4  1 2  2  4  2 4  1 2
3 1 1 3 3 3
Sum 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 4 3

There are 10 different possible sums.

Use a tree diagram to be sure

all possible combinations are listed.

320 Chapter 9
8206-2_320-321 2/27/06 9:34 AM Page 321

Solve. Make an organized list to help you.

1. The nursery has 6 evergreen trees to be
used in landscaping the park. There are 4
different areas where the trees can be put.
In how many ways can the trees be placed
so that each area has at least one tree?

Visualize yourself in the problem

above as you reread it. List the
facts and the question.
Facts: 6 evergreen trees
4 different areas
Question: In how many ways can the trees be placed
so that each area has at least one tree?

Make an organized list of 4 different park

areas and trees to go into each.
(Make as many combinations as possible
with 6 trees in 4 areas.)

02. How many different four-digit numbers

can you make using the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3
if repetition of a digit is not permitted?

03. Jason’s dad has a yellow shirt, a pink shirt, and

a blue shirt; a pair of black slacks and a pair of
tan slacks; a pin-striped sport coat and a black
sport coat. How many different three-piece
outfits can he make?

04. If you spin each dial once, how many different

combinations of numbers and letters can be made
from spinning a dial marked 4, 7, and 9 and spinning
a dial marked A, B, C, D, and E?

05. In a bowling game you have 2 chances to knock down the

10 pins. How many different ways can the pins be knocked
down if with every 2 tries all 10 pins are knocked down?

06. How many different three-digit numbers

can you make using the digits 0, 1, and 2
if repetition of digits is permitted?

Chapter 9 321
8206-2_322-323 10/7/07 11:48 AM Page 322

9-16 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. In their last 8 basketball games, the Johnston Jump Shots
score these points: 85, 62, 74, 71, 81, 65, 81, and 57.
Find the mean, median, mode, and range. Which
measure gives the most useful information about how well
the Johnston Jump Shots can shoot? Explain.

02. Make a line plot for this data set: 33, 43, 47, 44, 42, 46,
and 46. Identify any clusters, gaps, and outliers and then
explain how the outlier affects the mean in this data set.

03. Make a box-and-whisker plot for this data set: 11, 14, 15,
11, 2, 3, 5, 2, 7, 6, 3, 10, and 9. Find the extremes,
the median, and the lower and upper quartiles.

04. If three fifths of 50 students in a random survey said

basketball is their favorite sport, predict how many of
350 students do not favor basketball.
Victors’ Scores
Use the stem-and-leaf plot for problems 5–7. Stem Leaf
05. Find the mean, median, mode, and range 9 2
of the Victors’ scores. 8 3 8
7 0 3 3 5 8
06. If the Victors won each game in which their score 6 2 8 9
was higher than the mean of all of their scores, 5 7
how many games did they win?
Mean Scores per Month
07. Last season, the Victors scored a total of 24 less
points in the same number of games. What was
their mean score last season?

Use the line graph for problems 8–10. 68

08. Which team had the greater mean score 64
in February?

09. Which team had a mean score of 62 0

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.
in March? Month

10. Over the four months, which team Key: Jump Shots
had the greater mean score? Zoomers

322 Chapter 9
8206-2_322-323 2/27/06 9:35 AM Page 323

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
11. There are 5 teams in the local basketball league:
the Jump Shots, the Zoomers, the Victors, the
Use These Strategies
Hoopsters, and the Towers. Each season, every Write an Equation
team plays every other team twice. How many Make an Organized List
games are played in a season? Use a Graph
Use More Than One Step
12. In the first game of the season, the Towers Guess and Test
scored 3 points less than twice the
Hoopsters’ score. If the Towers scored 89
points, what did the Hoopsters score?

13. Janine scored the following points in the first

5 games: 24, 29, 20, 28, and 19. How many
points must Janine score in the sixth game to
keep her median and mean scores the same?

Play-Off Scores
Use the bar graph for problems 14–16.
14. Which team scored more points in the
first game? 2nd

15. Which game had the greatest point spread 3rd
between the winning and losing scores? 4th
16. Which team won 3 out of 4 of the 0 65 70 75 80 85
play-off games? Points
Key: Zoomers

Use the circle graph for problems 17–19.

17. Which two players together scored
one fourth of the points in Game 4? The Towers’ Points – Game 4
Selma Cory
18. What part of the team’s points did Janine score? 19 8
19. What was the mean score per player Roberta 13
for the players in game 4? 16 Janine

20. Have each student write a problem

modeled on the circle graph above.
Then have a classmate solve it.

Chapter 9 323
8206-2_324 2/27/06 9:36 AM Page 324

Lessons 1– 16

Tell which method of selecting a sample is used: random,

convenience, or survey. Which sample is biased? (See pp. 292–297.)

1. The first 20 people in 2. Lea tallied the results 3. People in a mall are
line at a basketball from a questionnaire randomly chosen and
game were surveyed. that she had distributed. asked questions.

Use the table for exercises 4–6. (See pp. 298–303, 306–307, 314–315.)

4. Make a cumulative frequency table with 3 intervals. Students’ Heights

5. Find the relative frequency of each interval. (in inches)
70 67 62 64 70 63 68
6. Make a line plot, a stem-and-leaf plot, and
65 62 71 70 60 64 66
a histogram for the data set.
63 62 71 63 62 69

Use the table for exercises 7–8. (See pp. 300–301, 304–305.)

7. Find the mean, median, mode, and range of Math Scores

the data set. Tell which measure is most useful 81 81 32 81 83
for describing the data. Explain. 82 88 87 83 82
8. Make a box-and-whisker plot for the data set.

Make a double line graph for this table. (See pp. 310–311, 318–319.)

9. Doris Ann’s Weekend Jobs

Weekend 1 2 3 4 5
Frame Making 15 10 10 9 10
Frame Painting 3 11 15 14 7

Use the circle graph for exercises 10–11. Martha’s Monthly Budget
10. What fractional part of Martha’s monthly budget
is used for clothing and contributions? Entertainment $40
3 $24 Clothing
11. What two parts comprise 4 of Martha’s
monthly budget? $80

(See pp. 320–323.)

12. Monica has 4 picture stamps: a fish, a 13. Reword the survey question Should
flag, flowers, and berries. How many skateboarders be allowed to
different ways can Monica arrange her endanger people by doing stunts
4 stamps in a row in her album? on city sidewalks? to remove bias.

324 Chapter 9 (See Still More Practice, p. 527.)

8206-2_325 2/27/06 9:36 AM Page 325

Triple Line and Bar Graphs

A triple line graph and a triple bar graph are used
to compare three sets of data. Each set of data is
graphed separately, but on the same grid.

Triple Line Graph Triple Bar Graph

Lunch Food Sales Favorite Type of Movie

200 80

Number of Students
Number Sold

150 60

100 40

50 20

0 0
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Comedy Action Drama
Day Type

Key: Sandwich Key: 6th Grade

Soup 7th Grade
Salad 8th Grade

Use the graphs above.

1. On which day were the most 02. On which two days were the
1. sandwiches sold? 01. same number of salads sold?

3. On which day did the three 04. On Monday, which food was
1. foods have equal sales? How 01. most popular? least popular?
1. is this shown in the graph?

5. Which type of movie was least 06. In which grade did the fewest
1. preferred by Grade 6? 01. students prefer comedy?

7. Which type of movie was liked 08. In which grade did the
1. by the same number of 6th 01. greatest number of students
1. and 7th graders? 01. prefer drama?

Chapter 9 325
8206-2_326 2/27/06 9:37 AM Page 326

Use the table for exercises 1–3.

1. Organize the data in a cumulative Pages Read: Grade 6
frequency table with 5 intervals.
31 20 38 31 24 30 12 38
20 18 36 34 21 33 38 36
2. Find the relative frequency
34 23 39 30 43 30 31 28
of each interval.

3. Make a line plot, a stem-and-leaf plot,

a histogram, and a box-and-whisker plot of the data.

Make a double line graph.

4. Number of Books Sold 5. Find the mean, median, and
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.
mode of the number of books
sold each month in exercise 4.
History 100 125 100 90 Which best describes the data?
Psychology 175 180 170 120 Explain.

Use a strategy you have learned. Explain how you solved the
problem. Show all your work.
6. Carrie has 4 pennies dated 1976, 1971,
1966, and 1962. How many different ways 7. In a random survey of 60
can she arrange the pennies in a row so students, 5 said they walk to
that the two pennies made in the 1970s school. Based on this sample,
are not next to each other? how many of the 350 students in
the school do not walk to school?

Use the pictograph for problems 8–9.

Survey: Number of Dogs Owned
8. If the number of dogs owned
by 6th graders increases by 6 3rd grade
and the number owned by 5th
graders decreases by 5, what 4th grade
would be the total number of
dogs owned by all students? 5th grade

6th grade
9. Name three things that affect
the accuracy of the survey. Key: Each  2 dogs.

326 Chapter 9
8206-2_327-328 2/27/06 9:37 AM Page 327

Test Preparation Chapters 1–9

Choose the best answer.

1. Which statement is true? 8. Which expression does not

name an integer?
1 1  1 1
a. 4
b. 4
 3 a. 8 b. 0
 1  1 1  1 3  15
c. 2
d. 2
c. 12
d. 5

2. Which is the prime factorization of 100? 9. Which is true of (5)(8)?

a. 1 • 100 a. The product is negative.

b. 10 • 10 b. The product is positive and less than 1.
c. 1 • 2 • 5 • 10 • 20 • 50 • 100 c. The product is positive and greater than 40.
d. 2•2•5•5 d. The product is a whole number.

3. Which number is equivalent to 10. Which are a pair of like terms?

6.95  104 ?

a. 0.000695 b. 0.00695 a. 9x and 7y b. 9x and 7x

c. 0.0695 d. 69,500 c. 9x and 7x 2 d. 9x and 9y

4. Use {2, 1, 0, 1, 2} to make 11. Choose the equation that is solved by using
x  8  10 true. the Addition Property of Equality.
2 a.  4.2 b. 3x  4.2
a. b. 2 3
c. 2, 1, 0, 1, 2 d. 0, 1, and 2 c. 4.2  x  3 d. x  3  4.2

5. When x  2, y  5, and z  6, which 12. Which makes the number sentence true?
expression has a value of 8?
⏐x⏐  10
a. 4z  2x  3y b. x(y  z)
a. 10 b. 12
z 5z
c. x
y d. yx c. 8 d. 10

6. What is 113,707 subtracted from 509,911? 13. What is the product of 32,238 and 705?

a. 395,204 b. 396,104 a. 2,227,790 b. 2,727,790

c. 396,204 d. 496,204 c. 22,727,090 d. 22,727,790

7. Evaluate x 2  2y 3 for x  5 and y  3. 14. Choose the value of 3a  (16),

when a  6.

a. 29 a. 2
b. 43 b. 3
c. 79 c. 3
d. 243 d. 2

Chapter 9 327
8206-2_327-328 2/27/06 9:38 AM Page 328

15. If the probability of an event is 0, then 19. Suppose that E is an event in a sample
space. Which cannot be true?

a. it is certain.
b. it is impossible. c. P(E) 
a. P(E)  0.75 9
c. it is probable but certain.
d. it is probable but not impossible. b. P(E)  0.33 d. P(E)  1.2

16. A marble is selected from among 5 red and 20. Which value of x will make the mean of the
4 blue marbles, replaced, then a second data below equal to 6?
marble is selected. P(red, red)  ?
{3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, x }
5 5 5 4
a. 9

b. 9
5 3 5 3 a. x  8 b. x  12
c. • d. 
9 8 9 8 c. x  16 d. x  48

17. Choose the quotient. 21. Choose the value of n.

1 2 7
2 3
n35 9

2 2 7 4
a. 2 9
b. 2 3
a. n  8 9
b. n  2 9
1 1 1 4
c. 3 2
d. 3 6
c. n  2 3
d. n  1 9

18. The temperature was 15°F at 7:00 A.M. 22. In a survey that asked if they preferred
It rose 25 degrees by noon and then soccer or tennis, 7 out 10 people chose
dropped 8 degrees by 5:00 P.M. What was soccer. Based on the results of the survey,
the temperature at 5:00 P.M.? how many people would you predict to
choose tennis out of a group of 1000 people?

a. 12°F b. 10°F a. 700 people b. 300 people

c. 2°F d. 2°F c. 70 people d. 30 people

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all your work.
23. The graph shows the speed of a bicycle after
5, 10, 15, 20 minutes. Bicycle Ride
Speed (mi/h)

a. What type of graph is it? E F

15 A
b. After riding for exactly 10 min, what was
the speed of the bike? 10

c. Section B to C shows no change in speed. 5 B C

What other section shows no change? D G
d. Which section(s) show where the bike is 5 10 15 20 25
going uphill? downhill? Explain your answer. Time (minutes)

328 Chapter 9
8206-2_329 3/21/06 3:07 PM Page 329

It stands
on bright silver leg,
toe sharp and pointed.

The other leg draws

a perfect circle
like a skater gracefully
half a figure eight
on paper ice.
Its silver skirt above
measures out inches

widening spheres
of mathematical perfection.

Georgia Heard

In this chapter you will:

Measure, draw, and classify
Learn geometric constructions
Classify polygons and solid figures
Explore circles, transformations,
symmetry, and tessellations
Identify congruent and similar polygons
Solve problems by logical reasoning

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Is one half of a figure eight congruent
to the other half? Is a figure eight
symmetrical? Does it tessellate?

Chapter 10 329
8206-2_330-331 10/7/07 11:49 AM Page 330

Update your skills. See page 17.

10-1 Measure and Draw Angles

An angle is a plane figure formed by two rays with
a common endpoint. Each ray is a side of the angle,
and the endpoint is the vertex of the angle. C Z B
sides: EC , EB vertex: E
angle: CEB or BEC or E E Y
Plane XYZ contains CEB. exterior

An angle separates a plane into three sets of points:

the angle itself, the points in the interior of the angle,
and the points in the exterior of the angle.
Point Z is in the interior of CEB.
Points X and Y are in the exterior of CEB.
Angles are measured in degrees (°).
A protractor is used to measure or draw an angle.

To measure XYZ:
80 90 100 110 Z
 Using the inner scale, place 60 110 100
90 80 7 120
0 6 1
0 30
50 0 12 50
the center mark of the protractor 13

14 0 3
50 40

0 0

on the vertex of the angle,

150 20 1
180 170 1 0 30

60 1

160 0 0
Y, with YX pointing to 0.
0 10 2

170 180
 Read the measure of the Y

angle where YZ crosses
the protractor. mXYZ  55 measure
of XYZ

To draw an angle of 140:

Mark P at the 140 point on the protractor.
 Draw a base ray, MN . Use
the outer scale. 80 90 100 110
70 90 80 7 120
60 110 100 0 6 1 P
 Place the center mark of 50 0 12
0 0 30
the protractor on M with
14 0 3
50 40

0 0


150 20 1
180 170 1 0 30

MN pointing to 0.
60 1

160 0 0
0 10 2

170 180

 Mark P at 140.
 Draw MP. N
mNMP  140 measure
of NMP

330 Chapter 10
8206-2_330-331 3/17/06 10:33 PM Page 331

Name the points that are in the interior and

the points that are in the exterior of the given
angle. Then find the measure of the angle. D
80 90 100 110
70 90 80 7 120
1. AOE 2. AOC 60 110 100 0 6 1
50 0 12
0 0 30

14 0 3
50 40

0 0
3. AOD 4. GOB

150 20 1
180 170 1 0 30
60 1

160 0 0
0 10 2

170 180
5. GOE 6. EOC G A
Use a protractor to draw each angle.
7. 40 8. 75 9. 90 10. 135 11. 5 12. 180

Estimate the measure of each angle. Then use a protractor

to find the exact measure.
13. F 14. 15. K

Find the measure of the angle formed by the hands

of a clock at the given time.
16. 9:00 17. 2:00 18. 6:00 19. 11:00 20. 8:00

21. How many different A D
angles are in the given F
figure? Name the angles. B

In your Math Journal:

22. Explain which student described the figure correctly.
Deven: Two lines intersect at a point.
Ivette: There are two angles with the same vertex.

23. Draw two angles with the same vertex that

do not form intersecting lines. Explain
the steps you use.

Chapter 10 331
8206-2_332-333 10/12/07 6:48 PM Page 332

Update your skills. See pages 17 and 18.

10-2 Lines and Angles

Lines that do not intersect may or may not lie in the same plane.
They are either parallel or skew.

 D C
 AB and EF are in the same plane.
They are parallel lines.

 A B
is parallel to


 AB and CG are in different planes. E F
They are skew lines.

Angles can be classified according to their degree measures.

This symbol
indicates a
right angle.

x° x°

right acute obtuse straight

x°  90° 0°  x°  90° 90°  x°  180° x°  180°

Perpendicular lines are two lines in the same

plane that intersect to form right angles. A D


is perpendicular to

Use the figure at the right.

1. Name a line that is parallel to
the given line. B E


a. AC b. EF D


c. AD d. AB C F

2. Name all the lines that form a pair of skew lines with AD .

332 Chapter 10
8206-2_332-333 3/17/06 10:34 PM Page 333

Classify each angle as right, acute, obtuse, or straight.

Use a protractor to check.
3. 4. 5. 6.

The midpoint of a segment is the point that divides the segment into
two congruent segments. Segments that are equal in length are called
congruent segments.
Point M is the midpoint of PQ P Q
is congruent to
A segment bisector is any line, ray, or segment that intersects a segment
at its midpoint. If a segment bisector is also perpendicular to the segment,
it is called the perpendicular bisector of the segment.
Line s is a segment s Line t is a perpendicular
bisector of 
AB. A B bisector of CD. C D

Angles that are equal in measure are

called congruent angles.
An angle bisector is the ray that divides Z
a given angle into two congruent angles.
FZ is the angle bisector of EFG. G

Write True or False. If false, explain why. Use the figure at the right.


7. AM MB 8. MC ⊥ MD

 C D
9. AMC  CMB 10. M is the midpoint of CE .
11. MD bisects CMB. 12. mAME  90° A B
Draw a figure for each description.

13. BQ is the bisector of PBS.  bisects 
14. AY BX at P.


15. AB is the perpendicular bisector of XY 16. MN ⊥ QR

Chapter 10 333
8206-2_334-335 10/7/07 11:50 AM Page 334

10-3 Angle Pairs

Pairs of angles can be classified according to their degree measures or sides.
Complementary angles are two angles Supplementary angles are two angles
whose measures have a sum of 90°. whose measures have a sum of 180°.
Each angle is said to be the Each angle is said to be the
complement of the other. supplement of the other.

37° 53° 57° 123°

ABC and FED are GHI and LKJ are
complementary angles. supplementary angles.
37°  53°  90° 57°  123°  180°

Adjacent angles are two angles that When the noncommon sides of two
are in the same plane and share a adjacent angles are opposite rays, the
common side and a common vertex, angles form a linear pair. The angles
but have no interior points in common. of a linear pair are supplementary.

2 P common side
1 3 4

1 and 2 are adjacent angles. 3 and 4 are a linear pair.

m3  m4  180°

Vertical angles are two congruent angles formed by A F

intersecting lines. Their sides are pairs of opposite rays. E
AED and BEF are vertical angles. D B
So are DEB and AEF.
Study these examples. AEF  BED
Find the value of x.

x 3x 45°
43° x 75°

43°  x  90° x  75°  180° 3x  45°

x  47° x  105° x  15°

334 Chapter 10 2.2

8206-2_334-335 3/17/06 10:34 PM Page 335

Are 1 and 2 adjacent angles? Write Yes or No. If no, explain why.
1. A B C 2. E 3. I J K 4. O
1 2 1 1 2
D F M 1
2 L 2 P

Are 1 and 2 vertical angles? Write Yes or No. If no, explain why.
5. 1 6. R 7. D C 8.
X W Q 1 S A 1 G 1 L M
O 2 B
Y V P T K 2
2 F
2 Z U E N

Write whether the angle pairs are complementary angles,

supplementary angles, or neither.
9. 60°, 30° 10. 130°, 50° 11. 113°, 67° 12. 110°, 90°
13. 90°, 90° 14. 179°, 1° 15. 45°, 45° 16. 97°, 93°

Find the value of x.

17. 18. 19.
x 147°
61° x
112° 7x

20. Two angles are supplementary and 21. Two vertical angles are complementary.
congruent. What is the degree What is the degree measure of each
measure of each angle? angle?

22. In the figure, CB ⊥ AJ at D. If DM bisects
BDJ, what is the measure of each angle? A J
a. JDM b. CDB c. CDA
d. CDM e. ADM f. JDA B M

23. In which figure is the measure of a not 35°?

55° a 35° 145° a 65°

Chapter 10 335
8206-2_336-337 10/7/07 11:51 AM Page 336

Update your skills. See page 18.

10-4 Angles of Parallel Lines

A line that intersects two or more lines at different points is
called a transversal. In many cases, those lines are parallel.
In the figure at the right, AB and CD are t
intersected by transversal t. A 1 2 B
3 4
The interior angles are 3, 4, 5, and 6.
C 5 6 D
The exterior angles are 1, 2, 7, and 8. 7 8


Special names are given to the pairs of angles AB  CD
formed by the transversal.
Corresponding angles are a pair of nonadjacent Corresponding angles:
angles, one interior and one exterior, that are 1 and 5; 2 and 6;
both on the same side of the transversal. 3 and 7; 4 and 8.
Corresponding angles of parallel lines So, 1  5, 2  6, 3  7,
are congruent. and 4  8.
Alternate interior angles are a pair of Alternate interior angles:
nonadjacent interior angles on opposite 3 and 6; 4 and 5.
sides of the transversal.
Alternate interior angles of parallel lines So, 3  6 and 4  5.
are congruent.
Alternate exterior angles are a pair of Alternate exterior angles:
nonadjacent exterior angles on opposite 1 and 8; 2 and 7.
sides of the transversal.
Alternate exterior angles of parallel lines So, 1 ≅ 8 and 2 ≅ 7.
are congruent.

Study this example.

In the figure,   n and m1  40°. Find the measure of each indicated angle.
a. m2  140° 1 and 2 are supplementary.

b. m3  40° 1 and 3 are vertical angles. 1 2

c. m5  40° 3 and 5 are alternate interior angles. 4 3

d. m6  140° 2 and 6 are corresponding angles.

5 6
e. m7  40° 1 and 7 are alternate exterior angles. 8 7

336 Chapter 10
8206-2_336-337 3/17/06 10:35 PM Page 337

Identify each pair of angles as alternate interior, alternate exterior,

corresponding angles, or none of these. t
1. 6 and 10 2. 7 and 9 R 5 6 S
8 7
3. 6 and 12 4. 5 and 10
X 9 10 Y
5. 8 and 12 6. 8 and 10 12 11


Use the figure to find each measure.
7. m5 when m3  80° t

8. m2 when m6  150° 2 1

C 3 4 D
9. m8 when m3  65°
6 5
10. m7 when m1  75° A 7 8 B
11. m4 when m5  60° 



12. In the figure below, AB  CD. 13. In the figure below, points A, B, and
EF and GF are transversals. If E are on the same line. BD   AC. If
m4  80° and m5  40°, find the mA  65° and mC  80°, find
measures of the remaining angles. mCBE.

10 80° D
8 5 4 1 65°
C 7 6 3 2 D


14. In the figure at the right, AB  CD, EF E

  A B
intersects AB at G and CD at H, and M
 bisects CHG. Find mMHC.
MH 50° G


Chapter 10 337
8206-2_338-339 3/17/06 10:35 PM Page 338

10-5 Line Constructions

A construction is a geometric drawing that is made using only an
unmarked straightedge and a compass. A compass is a geometric
tool used to draw a circle or a part of a circle, called an arc.

To construct a line segment, CD, congruent Given: 

to a given line segment, AB:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Draw a ray with Open the compass With the same compass setting, put
endpoint C. .
to the length of AB the compass point on C. Construct an
arc that intersects the ray. Label the
intersection D.



To construct the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, AB:


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Put the compass point Put the compass point on Draw XY . Label the
on point A and construct point B and construct an intersection of 
AB and

an arc. Be sure the arc. Label the points XY as point M.
opening is greater than where the two arcs 

1 intersect as X and Y. XY is the perpendicular
2 AB. Keep the same
bisector of 
AB. Point M is
compass setting for Step 2.
the midpoint of 



338 Chapter 10
8206-2_338-339 3/17/06 10:36 PM Page 339

Trace each line segment. Then construct a line segment

congruent to each.
1. R 2. D 3. X

Trace each line segment. Then construct the perpendicular

bisector of each line segment.
4. O 5. 6. F

Construct Perpendicular Lines

To construct a perpendicular to a given To construct a perpendicular to a given
line, m, at a given point, P, on m: line, m: from a given point, P, not on m:
Given: m Given:
P m
Step 1: Place the compass tip on P. Step 1: Place the compass tip on P.
Construct arcs intersecting line m Construct arcs intersecting line m at
at the two points, A and B. the two points, A and B.
Step 2: Widen the compass to Step 2: Using the same compass
construct two intersecting arcs setting, construct two intersecting arcs,
above point P, one with the center one with the center at A and another
at A and one with the center at B. with the center at B. Label the
Label the intersection C. intersection C.


Step 3: Draw CP . CP ⊥ m Step 3: Draw CP . CP ⊥ m


Trace each figure and construct a perpendicular line to  through P.

7.  8. P

9. Draw a line and pick two points on the line. Construct a perpendicular
line at each point. What do you discover?

Chapter 10 339
8206-2_340-341 10/7/07 11:52 AM Page 340

10-6 Constructions with Angles

Elmira is making a class pennant.
She uses a compass to construct an
angle congruent to the angle drawn.

To construct an angle DEF

congruent to angle ABC:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Put the compass point Use a straightedge Open the compass to
on B. Construct an arc to draw a ray with measure the length
that intersects both rays endpoint E. With the PQ. With the same
of the angle at P and Q. compass point on E compass opening and
and the same compass the compass point on F,
opening as in Step 1, construct an arc that
construct an arc that intersects the other arc
A intersects the ray at F. at D. Draw ED.


Use unlined paper to trace each of the angles.

Then construct an angle congruent to each.
1. 2. 3.

Construct the indicated angles.

4. Draw an angle with each given measure: 70 and 135.
a. Construct an angle congruent to each.
b. Construct the supplement of each angle.

340 Chapter 10
8206-2_340-341 3/17/06 10:36 PM Page 341

Construct an Angle Bisector

You can use a compass and a straightedge
to bisect an angle.
To construct the bisector of XYZ :

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Put the compass point Open the compass to With the same compass
on Y. Construct an arc measure the length of opening and the compass
that intersects both rays arc AB. With the same point on B, construct an
of the angle. Label the compass opening and arc that intersects the
points of intersection the compass point on other arc. Label the point
A and B. A, construct an arc of intersection P.
inside the angle. Draw YP.


YP is the bisector of XYZ.

Draw each angle described. Then construct the angle bisector of each.
5. acute angle 6. obtuse angle 7. right angle

8. The measure of CAB is 160°. 9. The measure of RST is 45°.

Draw CAB and construct AX Draw RST and construct MNP
such that AX bisects CAB. Then such that MNP  RST. What
find mCAX and mXAB. is the measure of MNP?

Match each definition with a term in the box.

double bar graph
10. compares two sets of 11. a pictorial representation event
data over time of data graph
12. a set of one or more 13. a segment of population
double line graph
outcomes of a probability selected for study to predict
experiment characteristics of the whole

Chapter 10 341
8206-2_342-343 10/7/07 11:54 AM Page 342

Update your skills. See page 19.

10-7 Polygons
A polygon is a closed plane figure made up of line segments that
intersect only at their endpoints and in such a way that no two segments
are on the same line. You can classify a polygon by its number of sides.

Polygon Number of Sides Polygons

triangle 3 When all of the sides of a
quadrilateral 4 polygon are congruent and all
pentagon 5 of the angles are congruent, the
hexagon 6 polygon is a regular polygon.
heptagon 7 regular regular
octagon 8 triangle quadrilateral
nonagon 9
decagon 10
dodecagon 12

In general, if a polygon has n sides, you call it an n-gon.

A polygon of 16 sides is a 16-gon.
A diagonal of a polygon is a line segment
that connects two vertices and is not a side. A D
A , A
D, , B
E are diagonals of pentagon ABCDE.
Every pentagon, whether it is regular or
not regular, has five diagonals.

You can draw some of the diagonals of a polygon to help

you decide if the polygon is convex or concave. K L

convex polygon — cdiagonals do not have

any points outside the J M
polygon; JKLMNO is
a convex hexagon.
concave polygon — one or more diagonals P R
have points outside
the polygon; PRSTUV V S
is a concave hexagon.
Diagonal   is outside
the hexagon. U T

342 Chapter 10
8206-2_342-343 3/17/06 10:37 PM Page 343

Tell whether the polygon is regular or not regular. Then tell

whether it is convex or concave. Explain your answers.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Draw each polygon and find its number of sides or vertices

to complete the table.

Name Number of Sides Number of Vertices

9. heptagon 7 ?
10. nonagon ? 9
11. decagon 10 ?
12. dodecagon 12 ?

Find the number of diagonals in each polygon.

13. quadrilateral 14. hexagon 15. heptagon 16. octagon

17. In your answers for exercises 13–16, does it matter

if the polygons are convex or concave? Explain.

Draw the polygon described. Then draw and name its diagonals.
18. hexagon JKLMNO 19. a quadrilateral WXYZ
with no right angles

20. concave pentagon ABCDE 21. regular triangle NRT

Solve each equation.

4 2
22. c  98  180 23. 9  d  3 24. a  110  180

25. b  2.75  3.60 26. 310  a  360 27. 165  c  180

Chapter 10 343
8206-2_344-345 10/7/07 11:55 AM Page 344

10-8 Triangles
Triangles are classified by the lengths of their
sides and/or by the measures of their angles. A

Sides B C
equilateral triangle (A)—all sides congruent
isosceles triangle (B)—two sides congruent Matching tick marks
scalene triangle (C)—no sides congruent indicate congruent sides.

acute triangle (D)—three acute angles
obtuse triangle (E)—one obtuse angle E F
right triangle (F)—one right angle

Triangles can also be classified by both the lengths of

their sides and by the measures of their angles.

Both Sides and Angles

isosceles right triangle (G)—two sides
congruent and one right angle
scalene obtuse triangle (H)—no sides
congruent and one obtuse angle

Draw an example of each type of triangle on dot paper.

1. isosceles 2. acute 3. obtuse 4. scalene

5. right 6. equilateral 7. isosceles obtuse 8. scalene acute

Classify each triangle by the measure of its sides

and by the measure of its angles.
9. 10. 11. 12.
75° 25 mm 60° 5m
17 mm 10 m 60° 10 m 40 cm 106° 40 cm 3m
65° 40° 60° 60° 37° 37° 30°
27 mm 10 m 60 cm 4m

344 Chapter 10
8206-2_344-345 3/17/06 10:38 PM Page 345

Use a protractor and a centimeter ruler to measure the sides and angles of
each triangle. Then classify the triangle by its sides and angles.
13. 14. 15. 16.

17. What did you discover about the relationship between

the angle and side measures of a triangle?

Construct Congruent Triangles

Congruent triangles have exactly the same size
and the same shape.
Given: XYZ
Construct ABC congruent to XYZ.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Open the compass to Open the compass to Label the point where
measure the length of XY measure the length of the two arcs intersect
Draw a line  and on the . From point A,
XZ as point C. Draw
line, construct  .
AB  XY construct an arc. Open  and 
the compass to the ABC  XYZ
length of YZ. From
point B, construct an arc
that intersects the
other arc.


Draw the triangle indicated. Then construct a triangle congruent to it.

18. equilateral DEF 19. obtuse JKL 20. right PQR

Suppose the sides of a triangle have each of the given measures.

Classify each triangle.
21. y, y, y 22. a, 1.25a, 1.25a 23. 3x, 3x, 3x

Chapter 10 345
8206-2_346-347 10/12/07 6:49 PM Page 346

10-9 Quadrilaterals
Quadrilaterals are four-sided polygons. They can be classified
according to the special properties of their sides or angles.
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 
exactly one pair of parallel sides. A D

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with   OP
two pairs of parallel congruent sides.   
Opposite sides as well as opposite
angles are congruent.

A rectangle is a parallelogram   UV
with four right angles.   TV

A square is a parallelogram with four   GH

right angles and four congruent sides.   FH
A rhombus is a parallelogram with   LR
four congruent sides.   KR

The diagram below shows how the different types of quadrilaterals are related.


trapezoid parallelogram

rectangle rhombus


346 Chapter 10
8206-2_346-347 3/17/06 10:39 PM Page 347

Complete the table. Write Yes or No for each description.

Description Trapezoid Parallelogram Rectangle Square Rhombus

1. all sides
? ? ? ? ?
2. 4 right
? ? ? ? ?
3. opposite
? ? ? ? ?
sides parallel
4. opposite
? ? ? ? ?
sides congruent

Construct a Parallelogram
To construct parallelogram ABCD:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Draw  A
B and 
AD. Open Open the compass to Label the point where
the compass to the length 
the length of A D. From the two arcs intersect as
AB. From point D, point B, construct point C. Draw B
C and CD.
construct an arc. an arc. ABCD is a parallelogram.



Construct the figure described.

5. parallelogram WXYZ 6. parallelogram MNOP
7. rhombus EFGH with each side 8. rectangle CDBA with length of 4 cm
3 cm long and width of 2 cm

Explain why each statement is true. Draw a picture to help.

9. A square is a rhombus. 10. A trapezoid is not a parallelogram.

11. A square is a rectangle. 12. Some quadrilaterals are parallelograms.

Chapter 10 347
8206-2_348-349 10/7/07 11:56 AM Page 348

10-10 Angles of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

The angles determined by the sides of a triangle
are called its interior angles, or simply, its angles. T
If you tear off two angles of a triangle and place
the pieces next to the third angle, the angles
would form a straight angle. Thus, the sum
of the measures of the interior angles of any S U
triangle is 180°.

In PQR at the right, if mP  55° and mQ  25°, what is mR ?
mP  mQ  mR  180° R
55°  25°  mR  180°
80°  mR  180° Simplify.
80°  80°  mR  180°  80° Subtract 80° to 55° 25°
mR  100° Simplify. isolate mR. P Q

If you draw one diagonal of a quadrilateral, as B

shown at the right, you form two triangles. Thus, C
the sum of the measures of the interior angles
of a quadrilateral is 2  180°, or 360°.
In the figure at the right, find mE.
mE  mF  mG  mH  360° F
mE  90°  50°  85°  360°
E ?
mE  225°  360° Simplify.
mE  225°  225°  360°  225° Subtract 225° to
mE  135° Simplify. isolate mE.
85° 50° H G
Study this example.
Find the measure of each angle in the given figure.
x  85°  135°  35°  360° The sum of the measures 35°
x  255°  360° of the interior angles of a
quadrilateral is 360°. z°
x  105°
135° K
y  105°  180° y and x
70° y ° x ° 85°
y  75° are supplementary. M L

z  70°  75°  180° The sum of the measures of the

z  145°  180° interior angles of a triangle is 180°.
z  35°

348 Chapter 10
8206-2_348-349 3/17/06 10:39 PM Page 349

Find the measure of the third angle of each triangle.

1. N 2. S 3. Y 4. D
n n n
45° 55° 30° 110° 45° n

5. D  43°, T  29°, F  ? 6. W  16°, B  5°, U  ?

Find the measure of the fourth angle of the quadrilateral.

7. A  85°, B  85°, 8. E  65°, F  90°, 9. Q  89°, R  67°,
C  65°, D  ? G  90°, H  ? S  102°, T  ?

Find the value of n in each quadrilateral.

10. M O 11. B 110°
C 12. Q n n R
120° 60°
60° n n n n

Find the value of each variable.

13. B 14. Q x ° P 15. D G
60° 75° z°
x° y° 45° x° F
D C M x° O 55° y° 80°
75° 50° 60°
A y° N E H

16. Two angles of a triangle are 17. In parallelogram ABCD, the measure
congruent and the measure of the of ABC is 165°. Find the measure
third angle is 120°. Find the measure of C.
of one the congruent angles.

If you extend a side of a triangle, you form an A

exterior angle of the triangle. 45°
18. ACD is an exterior angle of ABC.
Find the measure of ACD. Explain D B
how you found your answer. C

Chapter 10 349
8206-2_350-351 10/7/07 11:57 AM Page 350

10-11 Angles of Polygons

An interior angle of a convex polygon is an angle E
determined by two consecutive sides of the polygon.
In the figure, ABC is an interior angle.
The following table shows how you can find the sum of the interior B C
angles of a convex polygon by drawing all the diagonals from one vertex.

Interior Angles of a Polygon

Polygon Number of Number of Sum of the Measures of
Sides Triangles Formed the Interior Angles

5 523 3  180°  540°


6 624 4  180°  720°


8 826 6  180°  1080°

n-gon n n2 (n  2)  180°

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a

convex polygon with n sides is (n  2)  180°.
Study these examples. A
Find the sum of the measures of In the figure, find mA. E 115° 115° B
the interior angles of a dodecagon.
A dodecagon has 12 sides. The
sum of the measures of the interior
angles is:
 (12  2)  180° mA  115°  90°  90°  115°  (5  2)  180°
 10  180° mA  410°  540°
 1800° mA  130°

350 Chapter 10 2.2

8206-2_350-351 3/17/06 10:40 PM Page 351

Find the number of triangles formed by the diagonals

from one vertex of each polygon.
1. heptagon 2. nonagon 3. quadrilateral 4. decagon

5. hexagon 6. octagon 7. 15-gon 8. 17-gon

Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of each polygon.
9. decagon 10. hexagon 11. nonagon 12. heptagon

13. 11-gon 14. 18-gon 15. 13-gon 16. 20-gon

Find the value of the variable in each polygon.

17. T 18. P M 19. A B
S 117° 100° 62°
116° 135°
120° V O 105°
R 130° x° 151° C
N F (n ⴙ 6)°
y° 115°
135° W n° 140°

20. The measures of four interior angles 21. Five interior angles of a hexagon each
of a pentagon are 115°, 92°, 107°, have a measure of 110°. What is the
and 83°. Find the measure of the measure of the sixth interior angle?
fifth interior angle.

A fractal is an endlessly repeating pattern containing shapes that are like

the whole but of different sizes throughout. You can build fractals from
plane figures by iteration, the process of repeating over and over again.
22. The figures below show a developing fractal from a square by
repeating the iteration process two times. Look for a pattern and
find the number of shaded squares that would be in stage 4.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Chapter 10 351
8206-2_352-353 10/7/07 11:57 AM Page 352

10-12 Circles
A circle is a set of points in a plane, all of which C E
are the same distance from a given point, called
the center. A circle is named by its center. B

Point P is the center of circle P. P

A radius (plural: radii) is a line segment from the
center of a circle to a point on the circle. PK PL,

and PA are radii of circle P.
A central angle has its vertex at the center of the
circle. APC and IPL are central angles of circle P.
A chord is a line segment with its endpoints on
the circle. 
AC is a chord.
The length of the diameter (d ) is
A diameter is a chord that passes through the twice the length of the radius (r).
center of a circle. CI AG are diameters. d2r rd2
An arc is a part of a circle, with all of its points on the circle. An arc that connects
the endpoints of a diameter has a measure of 180° and is a semicircle. A
minor arc is an arc with a measure less than 180°. A major arc is an arc with
a measure greater than 180°. AB  is an arc of circle P.
 is a semicircle.
ACG  is a minor arc.
ABC  is a major arc.
m ACG   180°
m ABC   180°

A sector of a circle is the region bounded by two radii and their intercepted arc.
The shaded region is a sector of circle P.

Use the circle for exercises 1–9.

1. What is the center of the circle? K
2. What is IJ H L

3. Name two diameters of the circle. F

4. Name all the radii shown in the circle. 5. Name two central angles of the circle.
6. What is the curved part of the circle 7. Name two minor arcs and two major arcs.
that joins point G and point F called?
9. What is the region bounded by K ,
8. Name all the semicircles shown. 
KL, and 
LA called?

352 Chapter 10
8206-2_352-353 3/17/06 10:40 PM Page 353

For each statement, write always, sometimes, or never.

10. All radii of a circle have the same length. 11. Some arcs are line segments.

12. Chords are diameters. 13. All circles are regular polygons.

14. A central angle has its vertex on 15. The longest chord of any circle
the circle. is its diameter.

Use a compass to construct a circle. Then do the following:

16. Draw and label the diameter 
AB. 17. Draw any point C on the circle.

18. Draw the chords 

AC and 
BC. 19. Name the figure you have drawn.

Construct a Regular Polygon

You can construct a regular polygon by using a circle. A regular polygon has
congruent sides and
To construct a regular hexagon, follow these steps. congruent angles.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Use a compass to With the same radius Repeat Step 2 all the way
construct a circle. Put as the circle, put the around the circle. Label
the compass point compass point at A and the points of intersection
anywhere on the circle. construct another arc C, D, E, and F. With a
With the same radius that intersects the circle straightedge, draw the
as the circle, construct at point B. segments joining the
an arc that intersects points. ABCDEF is a
the circle at point A. regular hexagon.



Construct each regular polygon by using a circle. Explain your process.

20. an equilateral triangle 21. a square 22. a regular dodecagon

23. Alex draws circle O with a diameter 24. Circle X has two intersecting diameters, 
of 12 inches. What is the length of a and C
D. If mAXC  75°, what are the
radius of the circle O? measures of the other three central angles?

Chapter 10 353
8206-2_354-355 10/7/07 11:58 AM Page 354

10-13 Congruent and Similar Polygons

The students in Class 6-B are
matting their photos (polygon A)
for gifts to their grandparents. 8 8
There are two mat sizes: 6 x 8
(polygon B) and 9 x 12 (polygon C).
How might the class describe the 6 6
photo and the mats? C
Polygons A and B are congruent.
Congruent polygons have exactly 8
the same size and same shape.
Polygons A and C are similar.
Similar polygons have the same 6
shape. They may or may not
have the same size. 9

The corresponding parts (matching sides and

matching angles) of congruent polygons are congruent.

M   DF
 M  D
 H L  F
K   H
J K  H
Z   J
D Z  J

The corresponding angles (matching angles)

of similar polygons are congruent.
26° 26° is similar to
P  S
Q  T
118° Q R  U
P T 36°
Parallelograms MLKZ and DFHJ are congruent and therefore similar.
Triangles PQR and STU are similar but not congruent.

354 Chapter 10
8206-2_354-355 3/17/06 10:41 PM Page 355

Do the polygons appear to be similar, congruent, or neither?

Explain your answer.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
45° 60° 30°

65° 65° 45°

65° 65°

Name the corresponding congruent parts.

ABC  DEF Quadrilateral MXOP  Quadrilateral GCEK

07. A B  ? 8. A  ? 13. X  ? 14. G  ?

BC  ? 10. ?  E 15. P  ? 16. ?  E

11. ?  F
D 12. C  ?

17. In the figures below, 18. In the figures below, RSP  LMO.
ABCDE  OPQMN. Find the Find the measures of P and L.
lengths of PO and 
QM and
S 121°
the measures of P and O. 12 yd 24 yd
13.9 m 6.8 m 6.8 m 40° 32 yd
116° M
A C Q O 121°
110° 134° 134°
9m 9m 9m L O
E 18 m D M N

Chapter 10 355
8206-2_356-357 10/7/07 11:58 AM Page 356

10-14 Transformations
In a plane, a geometric transformation moves a geometric figure
to a new position in one of three ways. Each transformed figure
is the image of the original figure.
 translation (or slide) — Every point of a figure moves the same
distance and in the same direction along a line.
 reflection (or flip) — A figure is flipped over a line of reflection
so that its mirror image is formed.
 rotation (or turn) — A figure is turned around a center point.

Translation (Slide) Reflection (Flip)

EFGH is the
H image.
D line of I J
translation reflection IJKL is the
arrow image.

The translation arrow shows that ABCD is ABCD is flipped over the line of
moved 3 units right and 2 units up. reflection to form its mirror image.
Translation image EFGH  ABCD. Reflection image IJKL  ABCD.

Rotation (Turn)

The rotation arrow shows that

C ABCD is rotated (or turned)
rotation arrow one-half turn counterclockwise
180° around the rotation center.
N M Rotation image MNOP  ABCD.
P Think
rotation center
Half turn is 180°.
O MNOP is the

356 Chapter 10
8206-2_356-357 3/17/06 10:41 PM Page 357

Copy each figure on dot paper. Draw a translation, reflection,

and rotation image of each figure.

1. 2. 3.

Write True or False for each statement. If false, explain why.

Draw transformations on dot paper to help.
4. The distance between pairs of 5. A translation, reflection, or rotation
corresponding points of an original does not change the shape of a figure
figure and its translation image is but may change its size.
the same.
6. Corresponding sides of a 7. In a reflection, corresponding points
transformed figure (translation, of the figure and its image are the
reflection, or rotation) and its image same distance from the line of
are parallel. reflection.
8. You can flip a figure twice to get a half turn.

9. Draw a 270° 10. Describe this

clockwise transformation.
rotation of the
given figure.

A glide reflection is a translation R R

followed by a reflection. R

Decide whether the transformation of the D K N

first triangle into the second triangle is a
reflection, translation, or a glide reflection.


Chapter 10 357
8206-2_358-359 10/7/07 11:59 AM Page 358

10-15 Symmetry
When figures can be reflected or rotated and the result is
the original figure, these figures have symmetry.

Types of Symmetry
Reflection Symmetry Rotational Symmetry Point Symmetry
A figure has reflection A figure has rotational A figure has point
symmetry if a line, called a symmetry if the figure symmetry if there is a
line of symmetry, can be coincides with itself when central point so that the
drawn through the figure rotated in either direction part of the figure on one
so that the part of the n°, where n is less than a side of the central point is
figure on one side of the full turn (n  360°), about the reflection of the part
line is the mirror image of a fixed point. on the other side.
the part on the other side.
180°-rotational symmetry
72° 72° is also point symmetry.
72° 72°
72°( -turn)
vertical horizontal rotational symmetry
line of line of
symmetry symmetry

120° 120°
120°( -turn)
diagonal vertical, horizontal, rotational symmetry
line of and diagonal
symmetry lines of symmetry

Study these examples.

The word has reflection The number has rotational The figure has reflection,
symmetry. (180°) symmetry and point rotational, and point
symmetry. symmetry.

358 Chapter 10
8206-2_358-359 3/17/06 10:42 PM Page 359

Name all the lines of symmetry for each figure. Write vertical,
horizontal, or diagonal. Trace the figure and draw all lines of symmetry.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Each figure has rotational symmetry about point O. Tell the smallest turn,
or the number of degrees, that will rotate the figure onto itself.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Does each figure have point symmetry? Write yes or no.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Tell which words and numbers have reflection,

rotational, or point symmetry.
13. 14. 15. 16.

17. Shirley printed the last three letters 18. Danny cuts all along all the lines of
of the English alphabet in block capital symmetry of his square cake. Will he
letters. Which letters have point be able to give each of his 10 friends
symmetry? rotational symmetry? a piece of cake? Explain.
reflection symmetry? no symmetry?

19. Draw a figure on a grid or dot paper to show each kind of symmetry.
Describe the symmetry.

Chapter 10 359
8206-2_360-361 10/7/07 11:59 AM Page 360

10-16 Tessellations
Interesting patterns are often used on
floors, wallpaper, and fabrics. The
designs are often made of polygons.

A design like the one shown at

the right is called a tessellation.

A tessellation is made from congruent

figures placed so that they completely
cover a surface without overlapping
or leaving gaps.

A tessellation may contain

Many polygons will form a tessellation. one or more different types
Follow these steps to form a tessellation of polygons.
made of squares.
 Draw square ABCD on dot paper.

 Turn ABCD one-half turn clockwise D C

around the midpoint (halfway point) 1 2
of B. You get square 2.
 Turn square 2 one-half turn
clockwise around the midpoint of A
its side to get square 3. B

 Turn square 3 one-half turn

clockwise around the midpoint of 4 3
its side to get square 4.
Copy the figure on dot paper and continue to draw
half-turn images. You should see that a square
tessellates (covers) the plane.

Study these examples.

Circles do not
All parallelograms tessellate. There
tessellate. are gaps.

360 Chapter 10
8206-2_360-361 3/17/06 10:42 PM Page 361

Draw these polygons on dot paper. Try to make a

tessellation using each polygon.
1. 2. 3. 4.

regular regular regular

pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon

5. Which of the polygons above could not be used

for a tessellation?

Use each figure to create a tessellation on dot paper.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. If all triangles tessellate, do all 11. Can you tessellate a plane using
quadrilaterals tessellate? a combination of squares and
equilateral triangles? Explain.
12. Create your own tessellation by
using a combination of polygons.

Planes can be parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular.


13. Which pairs of planes shown above are parallel? intersecting? perpendicular?

14. How do you describe parallel planes? intersecting planes?

Chapter 10 361
8206-2_362-363 10/12/07 6:49 PM Page 362

10-17 Solid Figures

The model at the right is an example of a solid figure.
Solid figures are three-dimensional. Their parts
are not all contained in the same plane.
lateral face (a polygon;
Solid figures formed by flat plane surfaces are a face that is not a base)
called polyhedra. edge (a segment)

Polyhedra are named by the shape of their base. vertex (a point)

Prisms: polyhedra having polygons as parallel congruent bases

joined by rectangular faces.


triangular prism rectangular prism pentagonal prism

Pyramids: polyhedra having one polygon as a base

and triangular faces that share a common vertex.

triangular pyramid rectangular pyramid hexagonal pyramid

Not polyhedra: solid figures having curved surfaces.

one base

cylinder cone sphere

Is the figure a prism or a pyramid? Tell how many

faces, edges, and vertices it has. (Hint: The bases are also faces.)
1. 2. 3. 4.

362 Chapter 10
8206-2_362-363 3/17/06 10:43 PM Page 363

Tell which solid figure(s) can have a base like the one named.
5. equilateral triangle 6. circle 7. rectangle 8. square

Write True or False. If false, explain why.

9. A prism has 5 or more surfaces, 10. Prisms, pyramids, and spheres
or faces. are polyhedra.

11. A pyramid has 3 or more surfaces, 12. A cube is a special type of

or faces. rectangular pyramid.

Net of a Solid Figure

A triangular prism opens up to the net at the right.
A net is a flat pattern that folds into a solid figure.
The net:
 has 2 triangular bases. base base
 has 3 rectangular faces between the bases.
 has 6 vertices and 9 edges.

Use the solid figures below to answer exercises 13–14.


13. Name each figure above. 14. Draw the net for each figure.

15. Steve made a net from two 16. Margaret made a net from four
trapezoids and four rectangles. triangles. Name the solid figure
Name the solid figure for the for her net.
net he made.

17. Make a table listing the number of edges, faces, and vertices
for each solid figure in exercises 1–4 on page 362. Write an
equation to describe the relationship between the number of
edges and the sum of the vertices and faces of a polyhedron.

Chapter 10 363
8206-2_364-365 10/7/07 12:00 PM Page 364

10-18 Views of Solid Figures

Lance has a solid figure in his hand. He looks at it
from different views, and draws a picture of each view.
What solid figure does Lance have?

Top View Front View Side View Bottom View

The different views show that there are square and

rectangular faces. Lance has a rectangular prism.

What solid figure has these views?

Top View Front View Side View

This figure is a triangular pyramid.

Using cubes, Sam built a figure that looks like this.

You can build a model to see and draw the front view,
top view, right view, and left view of this figure.

Front View Top View

Right View Left View

364 Chapter 10
8206-2_364-365 3/17/06 10:44 PM Page 365

Name the solid figure that has these views.

1. Top View Front View 2. Top View Front View

Draw the top, front, and side views of each figure.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

11. Ronna cut the top off of a cone. 12. Felipe cut a sphere in half. He drew the
She drew the top, front, and top, bottom, and front views of the new
side views of the new solid solid figure. Draw the top, bottom, and
figure. Draw the top, front, and front views that Felipe saw.
side views that Ronna saw.

13. Danny puts a tower that is 5 14. Julie builds a base that is 5 cubes long
cubes high in the middle of a by 5 cubes wide. On top of that she
base that is 3 cubes long by places another base that is 5 cubes
3 cubes wide. Draw the top long and 4 cubes wide. On top of that
view and the front view of she places a third base that is 5 cubes
Danny’s building. long and 3 cubes wide. Draw the top,
front, and side views of Julie’s building.

Solve and check.

15. 17  y  90 16. j  329  477 17. 45x  405 18. z  13  95
1 1 1
19. f  2.47  0.05 20. 22.5  m  3.91 21. 1 5 u  10 22. 6 6  w  18 2

Chapter 10 365
8206-2_366-367 10/7/07 12:01 PM Page 366

10-19 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Logical Reasoning
Helen has to choose two different polygons to complete
this analogy. Which two polygons should she choose?

2 diagonals are to a ? as 9 diagonals are to a ? .

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: a polygon with 2 diagonals

a polygon with 9 diagonals
Question: Which two polygons should she choose?

To complete the analogy, first draw some

polygons and then count the number of diagonals.

Polygon ?

Number of
Diagonals 0 2 5 ?
2 3 ?

A square is a quadrilateral.
A square has 2 diagonals.
All quadrilaterals have 2 diagonals.

Look at the pattern in the table.

What number should be added to 5 to find
the number of diagonals in a hexagon? 4
4 3
549 number of diagonals in a hexagon
1 2
So 2 diagonals are to a quadrilateral 5 6
as 9 diagonals are to a hexagon. 8 9

Draw and count the number of

diagonals in a hexagon.

366 Chapter 10
8206-2_366-367 3/26/06 8:43 AM Page 367

Solve each problem. Use logical reasoning to help you.

01. Ms. Geldof wants to place these five solids
in a row so that no two prisms or pyramids
are side by side. From the left, the fourth figure
should have six congruent faces. The square
pyramid should be to the right of the figure with a
curved surface. What is the order of the solids?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: No two prisms or pyramids are to be side by side.

fourth figure—6 congruent faces
square pyramid—to the right of the figure
with a curved surface
Question: What is the order of the solids?

Use the clues in the problem and logical ? ? ? ? ?

reasoning to find the correct order. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

02. An acute angle is to an equilateral triangle

as a right angle is to a ? .

03. Abby, Kara, Ed, and Ben each drew a different

pattern. Match each person with the pattern each 1 2
drew if Ben’s pattern has exactly 6 right triangles,
Abby’s has 6 squares and 4 pentagons, and Ed’s
has 12 trapezoids and 8 right triangles. Which 3 4
pattern did each person draw?

04. Find two ways Rose can complete this analogy:

180° is to a triangle as ? ° is to a ? .

05. Find two ways Larry can complete this analogy:

7 is to 49 as 5 is to ? .

06. Use polygons and geometric solids to make up

your own analogies.

Chapter 10 367
8206-2_368-369 10/7/07 12:01 PM Page 368

10-20 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem. Explain the method you used.
Ms. Widsky’s class
created a class E G H
pennant with this

01. Classify quadrilateral GHKJ. What is the

sum of the measures of its angles?

02. Identify one acute angle, one right angle,

and one obtuse angle.

03. Is HKL scalene, isosceles, or equilateral?

Is it acute, right, or obtuse? Explain.

04. Name 2 pairs of alternate interior

angles if AD ML.

Which of the following pairs of angles are

adjacent? complementary? supplementary?
Which of the angles form a linear pair?

9. The four faces of a sculpture are equilateral triangles.

The base is a rectangle. What shape is the sculpture?

10. The class creates these four floor plans. Which two
plans are congruent? Which three are similar?

Use the diagram for problems 11–12.

11. Ms. Widsky’s class designed a circular rug like T
the one at the right. Name two chords.
12. Name two central angles in this pattern.
Are they acute, obtuse, or right?

368 Chapter 10
8206-2_368-369 3/17/06 10:45 PM Page 369

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
13. Mr. Gray’s class creates a logo that has six
line segments. In the logo, you can find a
Use These Strategies
trapezoid, two right triangles, and a square.
Logical Reasoning
Draw one possible design for the logo. Make an Organized List
More Than One Solution
14. Greg is making designs with exactly three Use More Than One Step
interlocking figures. He can choose from circles, Use a Diagram
Write an Equation
squares, triangles, and trapezoids. He can use
one or more than one of the figures. How many
combinations can he use to make his designs?

15. is to as is to ? .

16. Each right triangle in the figure at the right

has an area of 30 square inches. Each obtuse
triangle has an area of 16.5 square inches.
What is the area of the entire figure?

17. Four students each draw a rhombus, a square, a

rectangle, or a trapezoid. No shape is drawn twice.
Meg and Bill draw more than 2 right angles.
Bill and Lyle’s shapes have 4 congruent sides.
What shape does Zack draw?

18. Bill measures the angles of a quadrilateral. He finds

that two angles measure 55° and 87°. What is the
sum of the measures of the other two angles?

Use the diagram for problems 19–22.

19. What is the measure of MNR? 135°

20. The measures of SOR and ORS 45° 80°

are equal. What is each measure? P

21. What is the measure of NRO?

(Notice that QRS is a straight angle.)
22. Are PRN and RNO congruent? Why?

Chapter 10 369
8206-2_370 3/25/06 2:17 PM Page 370

Lessons 1–20

Use the figure below right for ex. 1–5. Classify each angle
as right, acute, obtuse, or straight. Then use a protractor to
find the exact measure of each angle. (See pp. 330–335.)

1. DOF 2. AOF D
3. AOB 4. BOF B

5. Which angles are complementary? supplementary? A O F

Use the figure at the right to name the angles. H (See pp. 336–337.)

6. the corresponding angle to AEH A E B


7. the alternate interior angle to BEF AB  CD
8. the alternate exterior angle to GFD
Use a compass and a straightedge. G (See pp. 338–347.)

9. Trace ABC on unlined paper.

Then construct DEF  ABC. A

10. Bisect DEF from exercise 10.

Find the value of the variable in each polygon. (See pp. 348–351, 354–365.)

11. O 12. D 13. W 14. L

45° n 85° C V n X 160° 120° M
110° 110° 135°
A 85° J 92° n N
n 142°
Q 116°
Draw the translation, reflection, and Draw a net for the solid figure.
rotation image. Use dot paper.
15. 16. 17. 18.

(See pp. 352–353, 366–369.)

19. Mel colors 2 of a circle red. He then 20. Complete the analogy and explain your
marks off a sector with a central angle answer: A rectangle is to a pentagonal
of 40° and colors it blue. What is the prism as a ? is to a hexagonal
measure of the central angle of the pyramid.
sector that is not red nor blue?
370 Chapter 10 (See Still More Practice, p. 528.)
8206-2_371 3/17/06 10:45 PM Page 371

A network is a set of points connected by segments or arcs, called paths. If it is
possible to draw or trace each segment or arc exactly once without lifting a pencil
from paper, then the network is traversable. A point at which the segments or arcs
intersect is called a vertex (plural: vertices), or a corner.
A vertex is even if there are an even number of paths at a vertex.
A vertex is odd if there are an odd number of paths at a vertex.

4 paths (even vertex)

vertex 3 paths (odd vertex)


2 paths (even vertex)

traversable network not traversable network

Use the networks below.



1. How many even vertices are in each network? odd vertices?

2. Trace each network. Which are traversable?

3. Look for a pattern for traversable networks in the number of odd vertices.
How many odd vertices are in a traversable network?

4. Use the pattern to draw three traversable networks.

5. Use the same pattern to draw three more networks that are not traversable.

Chapter 10 371
8206-2_372 3/17/06 10:45 PM Page 372

Draw or construct as indicated.

1. Draw a parallelogram 2. Draw vertical angles with 3. Draw a right
with congruent sides. measures 120° each. scalene triangle.


4. Construct JK ⊥ TV . 5. Construct the bisector of   CD
6. Construct AB 
ABC with mABC  130°.
Use the figures to find the value of each variable. R A B
80° x 70°
7. x 8. y 9. z N 

b O a AB  
10. a 11. b 12. c 30° z y

Identify each for circle O. C
13. diameter 14. 2 chords 15. 2 minor arcs
16. 3 radii 17. 2 central angles 18. a semicircle D E

Name the type of transformation. Write reflection, translation, or rotation.

19. 20. 21.

Use a strategy you have learned. Explain how you solved the problem.
Show all your work.
22. RST is a right triangle. S is a
right angle, and mR  43°. What 
23. MNO  PQD with MN PQ,
is the sum of the measures of R 
QD, and 
PD. If
and S ? What is the measure of T ? mM  mN  95°, what is mD?

Draw each solid figure to solve. Explain your reasoning.

24. Four students each draw one solid figure: a cylinder, cone,
rectangular pyramid, or triangular prism. No solid figure is
drawn twice. Sue and Ted draw at least one circle. Ann draws
at least one triangle. What solid figure does Jim draw?

372 Chapter 10
8206-2_373-374 3/17/06 10:45 PM Page 373

Test Preparation Chapters 1–10

Choose the best answer.
1 5 2 1
1. Simplify:     2 6. 2  j  2 j?
4 8 3 6
7 1 1 1 5
a.  b. 1 c. 3 d. not given a.  b. 4 c. 4 d. not given
8 2 3 3 6

3 1
2. 0.91  0.37 7. 2  
8 4
a. 0.3367 b. 1.28 a. 2 b. 9 
c. 33.67 d. not given c. 12 d. not given

3. What part of Ed’s budget is 8. Spin each spinner one time.

spent on food and housing? What is P(even, M)?

1 1
Food a.  a. 
6 12
1 1 2 4 T 1
Housing 4 b.  b. 
4 7
3 2 M 1
2 c.  V c. 
1 20 Clothing 3 3 6 4
10 3 7
d.  d. 
4 12

4. Choose the measure of A. 9. Which solid figure has 5 faces,

6 vertices, and 9 edges?
? a. 75°
D b. 85° a. triangular pyramid b. rectangular prism
85° c. 110° c. hexagonal prism d. triangular prism
C B d. 175°

5. The stem-and-leaf plot shows 10. According to the graph,

the number of floors in a. 2 how many favorite a. 13
several buildings. How many b. 6 sandwiches were chosen? b. 46
buildings have fewer than c. 8 c. 48
40 floors? d. 12 d. 50

Stem Leaf Favorite Sandwich

5 01
4 2234
3 4556 Cheese

2 0112 Tuna
Hot dog
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Chapter 10 373
8206-2_373-374 3/17/06 10:46 PM Page 374

11. What type of angle is a 150° angle? 16. Which polygon has 12 vertices?

a. acute b. obtuse a. quadrilateral b. decagon

c. right d. straight c. nonagon d. dodecagon

12. Round 962,847.4512 to its 17. Choose the equation.

greatest place.
Six more than twice a number is 9.
a. 900,000 b. 950,000 a. 6n  2  9 b. 2  9  6  n
c. 960,000 d. 1,000,000 c. 2n  6  9 d. 6  2n  9

13. Choose the number in standard 18. Evaluate the expression, when
form. a  5, b  1, and c  2.
4.5  104 3
a. 450 b  (c  a) a.
b. 4,500 b. 3
c. 45,000 c. 7
d. 450,000 d. 7

14. Divide. 19. Which is a curve that joins any two points
on a circle?
0.75  1000
a. 0.075
b. 0.0075
c. 0.00075 a. sector b. arc
d. 0.000075 c. chord d. radius

15. Fiona’s scores in six games were 27, 20. A bowl contains 100 beads.
41, 32, 22, 36, 22. What is the If P(black)  3 and P (red)  2 ,
median of her scores? 5 5
how many black beads are in
the bowl?
a. 19 a. 40
b. 22 b. 60
c. 29.5 c. 80
d. 30 d. 120

Explain how you solved each problem.

Show all your work.
21. In problem 15, if Fiona’s next score is 22. Use this set of numbers: 22, 23, 29,
30, which statistic will change: range, 31, 34, 41. Can you include a seventh
mean, median, or mode? number in this set so that the range,
mean, median, and mode do not
change? Explain your answer.

374 Chapter 10
8206-2_375 3/20/06 6:38 AM Page 375

We’ve got a tree in our yard. It grows

about six feet every year.

If I had grown at the same speed, I’d

now be almost fifty feet tall! I wouldn’t
really mind, except that I’d never get
clothes to fit.

From Counting on Frank

by Rod Clement

In this chapter you will:

Simplify ratios and rates
Write and solve proportions
Learn about scale drawings,
maps, and similar figures
Relate percents, fractions,
and decimals
Solve problems by combining

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Suppose that you grew at a rate of 6 feet
per year. About how many inches tall
would you be today?
Chapter 11 375
8206-2_376-377 10/12/07 6:50 PM Page 376

11-1 Ratio
A ratio is a way of comparing two numbers or
quantities, a and b, by division. The numbers,
a and b, are called the terms of the ratio.

A ratio can be written in three forms.

Word form: a to b
Ratio form: a:b Each form is read as
a “the ratio of a to b.”
Fraction form:

You can write a ratio to compare two amounts—

a part to a part, a part to a whole, or the whole to a part.
The picture above shows the following ratios:

Type Comparisons Word Ratio Fraction

Form Form Form
the number of fashion magazines 3
part to part 3 to 5 3:5 
to the number of news magazines 5
the number of sports magazines to 2
part to whole 2 to 10 2 : 10 
the total number of magazines 10
the total number of magazines to 10
whole to part 10 to 3 10 : 3
the number of fashion magazines 3

You can simplify ratios by dividing 2 to 20

both terms by their greatest 2  2 to 20  2 Divide terms by 2.
common factor (GCF). 1 to 5 Simplify.

Use the bar graph. Write each ratio in three ways. Magazines at
Anita's Newsstand
1. news magazines to sports magazines

2. home magazines to fashion magazines Sports

3. all magazines to home magazines Home
4. sports and hobby magazines to all magazines
0 1 2 3 4 5
1.2 Number
376 Chapter 11
8206-2_376-377 3/17/06 11:54 PM Page 377

Write each ratio in simplest form.

5. 4 to 12 6. 5 to 10 7. 8 : 12 8. 9 : 15 9. 10 : 6
3 12 27 36 50
10.  11.  12.  13.  14. 
15 16 36 27 30
21 36 10 5 12
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
63 45 25 20 18

Write each ratio of coupons redeemed Coupons

in simplest form. Redeemed
U.S.A. 81
The table shows the number of coupons
redeemed per household in a recent year. Canada 33
Belgium 19
20. Spain to Italy 21. Italy to U.K.
U.K. 16
22. France to U.K. 23. Spain to Belgium Italy 4
Spain 2
24. U.K. to Spain 25. U.S.A. to Canada
France 1

Find the baseball batting average to complete the table. Use a calculator to help.

0.1311475 0.131

26. Hits 16 43 27 38 25 29 36
Times at Bat 122 201 166 154 179 111 182
Average 0.131 ? ? ? ? ? ?

27. Jo has 2 quarters and 1 nickel in her pocket. Her dad gives her $1.45.
What is the ratio of change in Jo’s pocket to the total amount she has?

Write a ratio in simplest form. (Hint: Use like units for each ratio.)
28. 1 inch to 1 foot 1 ft  12 in. 1 to 12

29. 1 quart to 1 gallon 30. 1 yard to 1 inch 31. 1 quart to 1 pint

32. 1 day to 1 hour 33. 1 half dollar to 2 quarters 34. 4 nickels to 1 quarter

Chapter 11 377
8206-2_378-379 10/7/07 12:02 PM Page 378

11-2 Equivalent Ratios

Equivalent ratios have the same value.
Equivalent ratios can be written as equivalent fractions.

The ratio of circles to squares is 5 to 15.

Write an equivalent ratio for 5 to 15.

To write an equivalent ratio:

5 number of circles
 Write the given ratio as a fraction. 
15 number of squares
 Multiply or divide both the numerator
and the denominator by the same
.5.  5 Divide both terms by
nonzero number. 
15  5 the same nonzero number.
 Express the result as a fraction.
.5.  5 1
An equivalent ratio for 5 to 15 is 1 to 3. 15  5 3

You can use equivalent ratios to solve problems.

At 1 table Sue Ann can place 6 chairs. How many chairs
can she place at 3 tables?
To find the number of chairs, n, write equivalent ratios.
1 table 3 tables
6 chairs n chairs
13 3

63 18

So Sue Ann can place 18 chairs at 3 tables.

Study this example.

Write three equivalent ratios for 1 : 8.
1 1 12 2 1 13 3 1 14 4
1 : 8                 
8 8 82 16 8 83 24 8 84 32
2 3 4
, , and  are equivalent ratios for 1 : 8.
16 24 32

378 Chapter 11 1.2

8206-2_378-379 3/17/06 11:55 PM Page 379

Write three equivalent ratios for each.

5 3 8 4 32
1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 
8 4 40 9 24

Write the letter of the ratio that is equivalent to the given ratio.
14 13 10
06. 7 to 10 a. 30 to 21 b.  c.  d. 
20 20 7
6 10 15
07. 3 : 2 a.  b.  c.  d. 2 to 3
4 12 20

Which ratios are equivalent? Write  or .

6 18 1 3 15 30 25 5
8.  ?  9.  ?  10.  ?  11.  ? 
8 24 3 1 1 15 45 9

Find the value of each variable.

2 1 15 y 5 r 7 21
12.    13.    14.    15.   
8 n 18 6 6 12 4 h
21 7 16 e 8 24 4 i
16.    17.    18.    19.   
27 a 20 5 1 f 7 28
18 3 11 11 12 g 36 4
20.    21.    22.    23.   
6 c d 1 36 3 9 k
20 10 5 28 m 7 18 9 w 36 l u
24.      25.      26.      27.     
16 x 4 24 12 ? 12 v z 48 12 t

28. There are 6 boxes of fruit drink 29. There are 60 pencils in 4 boxes.
in 1 package. How many boxes How many pencils are in 1 box?
are in 7 packages?

30. You can fit 72 books on 3 shelves 31. The ratio of boys to girls in the math
of a bookcase. How many books club is 2 to 3. There are 10 boys in the
can you fit on 1 shelf? club. How many girls are in the club?

32. Lola has a collection of old magazines, comic books,

and paperback novels. The ratio of magazines to
comic books is 2 to 5, and the ratio of paperback novels
to comic books is 1 to 3. If Lola has 6 magazines,
how many paperback novels does she have?
Explain how you solve the problem.

Chapter 11 379
8206-2_380-381 10/7/07 12:03 PM Page 380

11-3 Rates
A rate is a ratio that compares two quantities with
different units of measure. A unit rate is a rate that has
1 unit as its second term, or denominator.
Rates are used almost every day. For example, average
speeds and prices are often given as rates.

Moya ran 18 miles at a steady pace in 3 hours.

Her average speed can be expressed as a ratio:

18 miles
 18 miles : 3 hours 18 miles in 3 hours
3 hours

To find how many miles Moya ran in 1 hour, x,

use equivalent ratios.

18 miles x miles 18  3 6 6 miles in 1 hour

3 hours 1 hour .3.  3 1 is called a unit rate.

Moya ran 6 miles in 1 hour, or 6 miles per hour.

Four ballpoint pens cost $2.20.

This rate of cost can be given as a ratio.

4 pens
 4 pens : $2.20 4 pens for $2.20

To find the cost of one pen, p, use equivalent ratios.

total number of units 1 unit

total price price of 1 unit

4 pens 1 pen 0. 4. .0  4 1 A unit price is the

$2.20 p $2.20  4 $.55 cost of one item.

One pen costs $.55.

380 Chapter 11 2.2

8206-2_380-381 3/17/06 11:55 PM Page 381

Write each as a unit rate.

12 books x books 20 cats x cats 9 feet x foot
1.   2.   3. 
2 cartons 1 carton 4 bowls 1 bowl 18 hours y hours

50 miles x miles 100 km x km 2 boys x boy

4.   5.  6.  
5 hours y hour 10 L 1L 2 wagons y wagon

Find the unit rate or unit price.

07. 28 kilometers in 4 hours 08. 24 inches in 2 hours 09. 6 records for $30

10. 5 envelopes for $1.50 11. 120 feet in 8 seconds 12. 8 discs for $6.00

Use the unit rate or unit price to find the value of x.

13. 3 miles in 1 hour 14. 1 card for $.35 15. 50 miles in 1 hour
x miles in 6 hours x cards for $1.05 x miles in 4 hours

16. 2 books in 1 week 17. 22 miles on 1 gallon 18. 1 apple for $.30
x books in 3 weeks x miles on 16 gallons x apples for $1.80

19. Three rides on the roller coaster 20. What is the cost of one pencil
cost $2.25. How much does one if a box of 8 pencils sells
ride cost? for $.96?

21. A 5-lb watermelon costs $2.50. 22. During the first hour 250
At the same rate per pound, how tickets to a concert were sold.
much would a 10-lb watermelon cost? At this rate how long will it be
before 1500 tickets are sold?

23. Tyrone rode his bicycle 8 miles 24. If a package of 175 sheets of
in one hour. At the same rate, how paper costs $1.55, how much
long will it take him to ride 44 miles? do 3 packages cost?

Solve and check.

2 5 3 7 1 3
25. n   26. n  5 27. n  1 2
3 3 8 8 5 10
4 7 5 3 4 9
28. n   29. n  1  30. n  
9 9 8 8 7 14
4 2 5 5
31. n 32. 5n  1 33. 10n 
5 3 8 13

Chapter 11 381
8206-2_382-383 10/7/07 12:03 PM Page 382

11-4 Proportions
A proportion is an equation that shows
two ratios are equivalent.

John made trail mix using 2 cups of nuts and

6 cups of dried fruit. Marcy used 3 cups of nuts
and 9 cups of dried fruit. Are the two mixes
the same?
To determine if the two mixes are the same,
check if the ratios form a proportion.
2 c nuts mmn ? 3 c nuts mmn
6 c dried fruit 9 c dried fruit

There are two ways to check if two ratios form a proportion.

 Write the ratios as fractions in simplest form.
If the fractions are the same, the ratios are equivalent.
2 ? 3 2 1 3 1 1 1
6 9 6 3 9 3 3 3
2 3
   is a proportion because both ratios equal one third.
6 9
 Use the cross-products rule:
Two ratios form a proportion if their cross products are equal.

The product of the extremes is

Cross-Products Rule
equal to the product of the means.
a : b  c : d when b, d  0
a c Write the ratios in
 fraction form.
a:bc:d adbc b d
a d c d Multiply both
means    sides by .
b c d c c
ad c d
and are
2 and 9 are 2 ? 3 6 and 3 are  1 d c
    bc multiplicative inverses.
the extremes. 6 9 the means.
adbc Numerator and
denominator are equal
29 ? 63
 since their quotient is 1.
18  18
The trail mixes are the same because the ratios form a proportion.

382 Chapter 11
8206-2_382-383 3/17/06 11:56 PM Page 383

Use equivalent fractions or the cross-products rule

to determine if the ratios form a proportion.
1 ? 6 3 ? 7 2 ? 10 6 ? 18
5 10 4 5 1 5 10 30
7 ? 14 ? 10
6  7 ? 49 8 ? 40
  6.    7.  
4 18 60 90 5 35 5 50

Find the missing term to form a proportion.

7 28 5 15 12 n 15 n
9.   10.   11.   12.  
3 n 1 n 21 7 18 36
3 n 9 81 n 14 32 8
13.   14.   15.   16.  
4 8 10 n 1 7 36 n

Choose the two equivalent ratios. Write a proportion.

Check by showing the cross products.

17. 4, 
20 , 5
24 , 40
18. 1,    19. 9, 
36 , 36
5 25 4 12 21 35 5 30 20
20 , 2 , 4
20.  21. 9, 9, 1 22. 7, 7, 
10 1 5 81 27 9 6 16 32
23. 6 : 2, 3 : 1, 10 : 5 24. 8 : 4, 4 : 2, 3 : 1 25. 10 : 15, 12 : 18, 14 : 16

26. Leonard’s cat catches 3 mice every 2 days. Francine’s

cat catches 10 mice every 6 days. Do the two cats
catch mice at the same rate? Explain.

27. George Ferris constructed the first Ferris wheel. It

was about 250 ft high and almost 800 ft around.
Name four equivalent ratios that compare the height
of the wheel to the distance around it.

a c
If  and a, b, c, and d are nonzero numbers, determine whether
b d
each statement is true or false for given values of a, b, c, and d.
Give an example to support your answer.
b d a b a c ab cd
28.  29.  30.  31. 
a c c d ab cd b c

Chapter 11 383
8206-2_384-385 10/7/07 12:04 PM Page 384

11-5 Solve Proportions

You can use the cross-products rule
to solve a proportion.
n 6
Solve the proportion:   .
25 5

Method 1 Method 2

Find the cross products. The product Multiply each side of the proportion by
of the extremes is equal to the the reciprocal.
1 5
product of the means.
n 6 n 25 6 25
Extremes Means 25 5 25 1 5 1
1 1
n 6 n  30
   n  5  25  6
25 5
5n  5  150  5
 5n  30

Check by substituting the solution for n.

30 ? 6 ?
Check:    30  5  25  6 150  150
25 5

Study these examples.

Extremes Means Extremes Means
30 6
   30  5  n  6 3 : 8  n : 24 3  24  8  n
n 5
 150  6n 572  8n
150  6  6n  6 5 72  8  8n  8
 525  n or n  25 9  n or n  9
30 ? 6 6 6 3 ? 9 3 3
Check:       Check:       
25 5 5 5 8 24 8 8

Complete to find the missing term in each proportion.

n 5 8 32
1.    n365 2.    8  40  n  32
6 3 n 40
3n  ?  30  ? 320  ?  32n  ?
 3n  ? ? n

384 Chapter 11
8206-2_384-385 3/17/06 11:57 PM Page 385

Find the missing term in each proportion.

n 5 n 3 n 7 6 24
3.    4.    5.    6.   
12 20 10 5 3 21 5 n

4 16 2 14 12 18 5 n
7.    8.    9.    10.   
n 36 n 28 4 n 15 12

n 3 n 5 n 6 18 n
11.    12.    13.    14.   
16 6 9 9 7 2 48 8

Find the value of n.

15. 4 : 5  n : 10 16. 6 : n  3 : 9 17. n : 8  5 : 5

18. 9 : 8  18 : n 19. n : 12  18 : 9 20. 13 : 5  n : 15

21. n : 6  0.4 : 12 22. 9 : 4  2.7 : n 23. 17 : 3  n : 1.5

Select the two ratios that form a proportion.

Check by showing the cross products.

24. 1, 1, 2 25. 3, 9, 6 26. 2, 3, 1
2 4 4 5 15 9 3 9 3

27. 4, 2, 8 28. 5, 

20 , 15
  29. 3, 9, 9
6 5 12 8 32 16 10 10 30

Is the given value of n reasonable?

Explain your answer.
3 n
30.    No, 6 is not reasonable.
7 140
3 1 n 1
n  6    so  should be  .
7 2 140 2

33 n 32 1 100 n 35 0.2
31.    32.    33.    34.   
60 40 160 n 250 5 n 0.4
n  30 0n  5 0n  7.5 n  7

Chapter 11 385
8206-2_386-387 10/12/07 6:50 PM Page 386

11-6 Write Proportions

At the given rate, how many gallons would Average Miles Per Gallon
Meghan use on a 3600-mile trip?
Meghan 30
To find the number of gallons, t, write and Ann 35
solve a proportion.
Harold 37
When you write a proportion, be sure that the
Paco 38.5
two equivalent ratios compare similar things.
 Write two equal rates of miles to gallons.

miles per 30 miles 3600 miles total miles

 in t gallons Miles per gallon means
1 gallon t gallons
miles per 1 gallon.
 Use the cross-products rule
to solve the proportion.
30 3600
 30  t  1  3600
1 t
30t  30  3600  30 Apply the Division Property of Equality.
t  120
30 3600 30 ? 3600 ?
  30  120  1  3600 3600  3600
1 t 1 120
Meghan would use 120 gallons on a 3600-mile trip.

There are many ways to set up a proportion as long

as the equivalent ratios compare similar things.
gallons 1 t short trip 30 1
miles 30 3600 long trip 3600 t

Use the table above to write and solve a proportion to

find the number of gallons of gasoline for each trip.
1. Harold, 185 miles 2. Ann, 1050 miles 3. Paco, 3080 miles

Write a proportion. Then solve.

4. If apples sell at 3 for $.75, how many 5. If 12 calculators cost $60, what will
apples can be bought for $4.25? 4 calculators cost?
6. If rent for 2 weeks is $750, how much 7. If 5 CDs cost $60, how much would
rent is paid for 6 weeks? a dozen CDs cost?
386 Chapter 11
8206-2_386-387 3/18/06 12:27 AM Page 387

Distance, Speed, Time, and Proportion

Speed, or rate (r), is the ratio of distance (d) to time (t). d
You can use a proportion to solve for distance or time. t
38,600 mi d mi
Voyager I travels through space at about 
1h 0.5 h
38,600 mph. At that rate, about how far
would Voyager I travel in a half hour? 38,600  0.5  1  d
19,300  d
Voyager I would travel about 19,300 miles in a half hour.

Use the formula relating distance, speed, and time to write

and solve a proportion.
8. How far will a motorboat travel in 9. A train takes 1 hour to go 75 miles.
5 h if it travels 35 mi in 1 h? How long will it take the train to go
450 miles?

10. How long does it take a car to 11. A dragonfly can travel 58 km per
travel 510 miles at a rate of hour. At this speed, how long would
68 miles per hour? it take this insect to fly 87 km?
12. Chin delivers 4 newspapers in 13. Catherine spent 22 hours writing
5 min. At this rate, how many 3 pages of her report. At this rate, how
newspapers can he deliver in long will it take her to write a 15-page
one hour? report?

14. A rocket sled traveled a record 15. An electronic car traveled a record of
of 10 300 km in one hour. At 321.8 mi in one hour. At this rate, how
this rate, how long would the far would it travel in 15 min?
vehicle take to travel 2575 km?

16. A cake recipe calls for 1.5 cups of 17. A rocket car travels at a rate of 640
milk and 3 cups of flour. Ann made miles per hour. At this rate, how much
a mistake and used 5 cups of flour. time would it take for the car to travel
How many cups of milk should she 384 miles?
use to keep the proportion correct?
A 1.75 cups B 2.25 cups F 36 min G 256 min
C 2 cups D 2.5 cups H 245 min J 1.7 h

Chapter 11 387
8206-2_388-389 10/12/07 6:51 PM Page 388

11-7 Proportions and Similar Figures

The lengths of the corresponding sides of similar figures are in proportion.
ABCD  WXYZ Similar figures have the same shape and
AB BC CD AD their corresponding angles are congruent.
Z 9 Y
D 6 C
6 2 6 2
   2 2 3 3
9 3 9 3
63 2 63 2 A B
W 9 X
93 3 93 3
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
Study this example. E
15 cm 30 cm
What is the length of G ? 9 cm 18 cm
G m R Q
EG GF 9 m 24 cm
  Write a proportion.
PR RQ 18 24 EFG  PQR
9  24  18  m Use the cross-products rule.

216  18m
216  18  18m  18 Apply the Division Property of Equality.

12  m
The length of  is 12 cm.

Write the lengths of the corresponding sides in a proportion for each pair of
similar figures.
1. A 2. C 16 cm D
R S 8 cm T
15 cm 10 cm 6 cm 3 cm
12 cm 8 cm
S 6 cm T
B 9 cm C

3. 20 yd
4. G
15 yd E
P W 20 in. 24 in.
12 yd 9 yd 12 in.
8 yd 6 yd 10 in.
X 12 yd Y 15 in. J 18 in. H
16 yd F
388 Chapter 11
8206-2_388-389 3/17/06 11:58 PM Page 389

The figures in each pair are similar. Write and solve a

proportion to find the length of each missing side.
5. E 6. F
6 ft 6 ft x 12 ft
A C a
y D F 21 in.
16 ft C
9 in. w
5 in. 15 in.
7. 3 in. t
8. S
X Z m L
12 in. 36 ft
5 1 ft 7 3 ft
3 8 in. 3 4
1 4 in.
R T 8 1 ft
A C 57 3 ft 2
7 in.

9. Rex draws two similar trapezoids 10. Danielle draws two triangles. The first
with the longer bases 12 cm and triangle has sides that are 7, 10, and
15 cm in length. If the length of the 13 inches long. The second triangle has
shorter base of the smaller trapezoid sides that are 10.5, 15, and 19.5 inches
is 4 cm, how long is the shorter base long. Are the triangles similar? Explain.
of the larger trapezoid?

11. ABC  DGF.  AC, 

AB, and 
DF 12. The lengths, in inches, of the sides of a
are 3 cm, 5 cm, and 9 cm long, triangle are 5, 8, and 11. If the shortest
respectively. How many times the side of a similar triangle has a length of
length of 
CB is the length of 
FG? 10 inches, what is the length of its
longest side?

Find the value of n.

13. ABC  DEF. 14. ABC  ADE.
15 n+2
F E 9
3 8

C B n
9 B C

Chapter 11 389
8206-2_390-391 10/7/07 12:06 PM Page 390

11-8 Use Proportions

Proportions in similar triangles can be useful

for indirect measurement, such as finding

heights of objects that are too large to be



measured directly.


To solve shadow problems, you can draw shadow cast by shadow cast by
taller structure shorter structure
a pair of similar right triangles.

A 6-ft-tall person is standing near a tree. If the

person’s shadow is 10 ft long and the tree’s
shadow is 20 ft long, what is the height of the tree?

To find the height of the tree, h, draw a pair of similar right triangles.
Then write and solve a proportion.

h h
6 ft
M 10 ft N P 20 ft Q

6 10
   Write a proportion.
h 20
6  20  10h Use the cross-products rule.
120  10  10h  10 Apply the Division Property of Equality.
12  h
The tree is 12 ft tall.

Study this example.

Gil found the distance across a pond, MN, by
measuring land distances and setting up 10 yd
similar triangles as shown in the given figures. 45 yd
What is the distance across the pond?
60 yd
DA MA 10 45
  Write a proportion.
10MN  60  45 Use the cross-products rule.
10MN  10  2700  10 Apply the Division Property of Equality.
MN  270
The distance across the pond is 270 yards.

390 Chapter 11
8206-2_390-391 3/17/06 11:59 PM Page 391

Write a proportion. Then solve.

1. An 8-foot electricity pole casts a 8 ft h
12-foot shadow. At the same time,
Ruth Ann casts a 9-foot shadow. 12 ft 9 ft
How tall is Ruth Ann? F

2. Similar triangular sails are raised F

10 m
on two sailboats. If the larger sail is
5 m wide and 10 m high and the 6m
smaller sail is 6 m high, how wide B S X R 5m
is the smaller sail?

3. A 6-ft-tall person casts a shadow 15 ft 4. What is the height of a vertical pole

long. At the same time, a nearby tower that casts a shadow 8 ft long at the
casts a shadow 100 ft long. Find the same time that a 12-ft-high vertical
height of the tower. pole casts a shadow 3 ft long?

5. A mailbox that is 1 meter tall casts 6. A lamppost is 6.5 meters high. Next
a shadow 4 meters long, while a to it, a 1.2-meter-high mailbox casts
lamppost casts a shadow 24 meters a shadow 4.8 meters long. How long
long. How tall is the lamppost? is the shadow of the lamppost?

7. A triangular sail has sides of 10 ft, 8. The heights of two signal poles are
24 ft, and 26 ft. If the shortest side of 20 feet and 30 feet, respectively. If the
a similar sail measures 6 ft, what is shorter pole casts a shadow of 8 feet,
the measure of its longest side? how long is the taller pole’s shadow?

9. A surveyor determines the width of a A C

river by setting up similar triangles as
shown in the given figure. E
AEC  BED with AC  89.5 ft,
CE  20 ft, and DE  80 ft. What is
the width of the river BD ? D B

10. On the school softball team, there 11. A football team has 6 players who
are 3 boys for every 4 girls. If the play offense for every 5 who play
team has 21 members, how may defense. There are 33 players on the
boys does it have? how many girls? team. How many players play offense?
how many play defense?

Chapter 11 391
8206-2_392-393 10/7/07 12:06 PM Page 392

11-9 Scale Drawings and Maps

A scale drawing is a drawing of a real
object but is smaller than (a reduction of)
or larger than (an enlargement of) the
object. Measurements on a scale drawing
are proportional to measurements of the
real object.

A scale is a ratio of the scale drawing to Scale: 1 in.  32 ft

the actual measure. The scale 1 in.  32 ft
on this drawing of a tennis court means
that 1 in. on the drawing represents 32 ft
on the actual tennis court.

1 in. measure in drawing

32 ft actual measuremmi
The scale length of the tennis court is 2 1
What is the actual length of the tennis court?

To find the actual length of the tennis court, n, write

a proportion and use the cross products to solve.
Scale measure Scale length 01 in. 2 1
Actual measure Actual length 32 ft n ft
7 2
1 2 1
6 7 32 39
   1  n  32  2 16
32 n 1

The actual length of the tennis court is 78 feet.

Copy and complete the table. Use the scale: 1 in.  10 ft.

Rooms Scale Length Scale Width Actual Length Actual Width

1. Dining Room 12 in. 1 in. ? ?
1 3
2. Kitchen 14 in. 
in. ? ?
3. Living Room 2 in. 14 in. ? ?
392 Chapter 11
8206-2_392-393 3/17/06 11:59 PM Page 393

Measure the scale distance on the map

to the nearest 0.5 cm. Then use a proportion
to find the actual distance. Lansing
4. Between Lansing and Jefferson 6

Route 2

5. Between Jefferson and Bath

6. Between Ada and Bath Route 3

Ada Bath
7. Using Route 6 and Highway 9, about
how far is it between Lansing and
Bath? between Lansing and Ada? Scale: 1 cm = 15 km

Enlarged Models
Scale drawings are also used to compare measures
of very small objects to a model that is enlarged.
The picture of the ladybug is an enlargement
in which 1 cm represents 1 mm.

Scale model is larger

than the real object. Scale: 1 cm  1 mm

Use the scale drawing of the ladybug to answer each question.

8. What is the scale length of the ladybug’s body?

9. What is the actual length of the ladybug’s body?

10. What is the scale width of the ladybug’s body?

Measure to the nearest 0.5 cm.

11. Use a string and a metric ruler to find these distances

on the map at the top of the page: (a) scale distance
between Lansing and Piney along Route 6, Highway 9, and
Route 2; (b) “straight line” distance between Lansing and Piney.
Compare your measurements in (a) and (b).

12. Find the actual distances in (a) and (b) and compare them.
Explain your method.

Chapter 11 393
8206-2_394-395 10/7/07 12:07 PM Page 394

11-10 Relate Percents to Fractions

A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100.
Percent means “per hundred” or “out of 100.”
The symbol for percent is %.

In the grid, 25 out of 100 squares are red.

You can express this ratio as:

Ratio Fraction Percent

25 to 100 25 25%
25 : 100 100

To rename a fraction as a percent:

Use equivalent fractions: Use a proportion:
 Write an equivalent fraction with  Write the fraction as one ratio and
a denominator of 100. n : 100 as the other ratio.
 Write the fraction as a percent.  Solve the proportion and write the
4 percent symbol (%) next to the
? value of n.
4 4  20 80 3
   80% ?
5 5  20 100 25
4 3 n
So  80%. 
5 25 100
3 n
 3  100  25n
25 100
300 25n

25 25
12  n
So  12%.

To rename a percent as a fraction: 36%  ?

 Drop the percent symbol. Then write 36%
the given percent as the numerator
36 36  4 9 Think
and 100 as the denominator.   GCF  4
100 100  4 25
 Write the fraction in simplest form. 9
So 36%  .

394 Chapter 11
8206-2_394-395 3/25/06 2:24 PM Page 395

Write a ratio to show the part of the grid that is shaded.

Then write the ratio as a percent.
1. 2. 3.

? ? ?
  ? %   ? %   ? %
100 100 100
Write each percent as a ratio and a fraction.
4. 70% 5. 46% 6. 11% 7. 5% 8. 8%
9. 27% 10. 30% 11. 92% 12. 71% 13. 89%
Write as a fraction in simplest form.
14. 75% 15. 28% 16. 66% 17. 80% 18. 13%
19. 37% 20. 64% 21. 22% 22. 15% 23. 78%
Write as a percent.
53 71 6 1 1
26. 1
27. 2 28. 4

1 3 7 16 42
29. 5 30. 5 31. 2
32. 4
33. 6

Percents on a Number Line

You can use a number line to show how percents are related to fractions.

0 1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4 4
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Draw a number line to show each percent. Write each percent as a fraction.
34. 12% 35. 80% 36. 45% 37. 22% 38. 64%

39. Of 100 students, 59 are soccer 40. Of 150 basketball players surveyed,
players. What percent of the students 108 are over six feet tall. What
are soccer players? What percent are percent are over six feet tall? What
not soccer players? percent are not over six feet tall?

Chapter 11 395
8206-2_396-397 10/7/07 12:07 PM Page 396

11-11 Relate Percents to Decimals

Approximately 65% of the people of Virginia live
in urban areas. Write this percent as a decimal.
To write 65% as an equivalent decimal, use the
meaning of percent.

To rename a percent as an equivalent decimal:

• Rename the percent as a fraction with % means per hundred.
a denominator of 100.
• Write the fraction as a decimal.
Percent Fraction Decimal
65% 0.65
So 65% = 0.65.

To rename a decimal as an equivalent percent:

• Rename the decimal as a fraction with % means hundredths.
a denominator of 100.
• Write the fraction as a percent.
Decimal Fraction Percent
0.32 32%
You can use a shortcut and may need to write zero(s) to
write a percent as a decimal or a decimal as a percent.
• Drop the percent (%) symbol. • Move the decimal two places
Then move the decimal point to the right. Then write the
two places to the left. percent (%) symbol.
Percent Decimal Decimal Percent
65% .65. 0.65 0.32 0.32. 32%

2% .02. 0.02 0.6 0.60. 60%

Write as a decimal.
1. 27% 2. 36% 3. 59% 4. 6% 5. 1%

Write as a percent.
6. 0.20 7. 0.35 8. 0.02 9. 0.07 10. 0.2
396 Chapter 11
8206-2_396-397 3/25/06 2:27 PM Page 397

Find the percent, decimal, and fraction equivalents

to complete each table. Then write the percents in
each table in order from least to greatest.

Percent Decimal Fraction Percent Decimal Fraction

11. 10% ? ? 15. ? 0.85 ?
12. 50% ? ? 16. 28% ? ?
13. ? 0.4 ? 17. ? 0.44 ?
14. 35% ? ? 18. ? ? 

Approval Ratings

Use the double line graph to answer 100

each question. 90

19. Write a decimal for the percent 80

approval of each candidate in April.
Percent (%)
20. Write a fraction in simplest 60
form for the percent approval
of each candidate in May.
21. How many people out of 100
approved of Candidate A 30
in February? Candidate B? 20

22. What is the difference of the 10

approval ratings in June?
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June
23. Assuming the trends of the graph Month
continue, what ratings would you
expect the candidates to have in July? Key: Candidate A
Candidate B

Compare. Write ,, 5, or ..

24. 0.12 ? 1.2% 25. 0.08 ? 80% 26. 0.15 ? 15%

27. 0.47 ? 4.7% 28. 3.9 ? 39% 29. 0.086 ? 8.6%

Chapter 11 397
8206-2_398-399 10/7/07 12:08 PM Page 398

11-12 Decimals, Fractions, and Percents

Some percents are not whole numbers.
30.5% of the grid is shaded.
30.5% is greater than 30% and is less than 31%.

Decimal percents like 30.5% can be renamed

as equivalent decimals by dividing by 100. This
moves the decimal point two places to the left.
Percent Decimal
30.5% .30.5 0.305 Percent means hundredths.

To rename a fraction with a denominator that is not a factor

of 100 as a percent, you can use a proportion or division.
Use a proportion: Use division:
 Write the fraction as one ratio  Rename the fraction as a decimal.
and n : 100 as the other ratio. Divide the numerator by the
 Solve the proportion. denominator to the hundredths place.
 Write the percent symbol (%) Write the remainder as a fraction.
next to the value of n.  Write the decimal as a percent.
3 2

0.66 0.66 3
3 n 2

1 8
3 n

 100 3  100  8n 20
300 8n
 8 2
2 2
372  n 0.66 3 663%
2 2
So 8  37 2%.
1 So 3  66 3%.

You can use a number line to relate fractions, decimals, and percents.
0% 20% 50% 90% 100%
Each tick mark on the
0 0.2 0.5 0.9 1 number line has a
0 20 50 90 100 1
value of 0.1, 10
, or is
100 100 100 100 100
10% greater than the
value to its left.

398 Chapter 11
8206-2_398-399 3/18/06 12:32 AM Page 399

Write as a decimal.
1. 48.5% 2. 53.2% 3. 20.1% 4. 8.07% 5. 2.16%

6. 2% 7. 4% 8. 73.02% 9. 84.20% 10. 59.99%

Write as a percent.
7 9 7 24 42
11. 8 12. 16
13. 1
14. 3
15. 6

1 1 16 30 44
16. 8 17. 16
18. 4
19. 3
20. 6

Write as a fractional percent.

5 1 1 1
21. 6 22. 6 23. 3 24. 8 25. 12

1 1 7 5
26. 13
27. 7 28. 9 29. 8 30. 8

Order Rational Numbers

You can use a number line to order fractions, decimals, and percents.
Order from least to greatest: 4, 0.4, 70%.
 Rename the rational 0.4 4
numbers as all percents,
or all fractions or decimals. 0% 40% 70% 75% 100%

3 3  25 75
 4  25  100  75%
4 4  10 40
0.4  10  10  10  100  40%

From least to greatest, the order is 0.4, 70%, 4.

Order each set from least to greatest on a number line.

Show how you changed from fractions and decimals to percents.
3 11 1 9
31. 65%, 0.9, 4 32. 10%, 0.45, 20 33. 0.65, 90%, 50 34. 0.09, 43%, 25

35. Of the students in Shiva’s class, 0.5 36. Of the students at school, 40% walk or
1 9
eat lunch from home, 5 eat the ride a bike to school, 2
ride a bus to
school lunch, and 30% eat from the school, and 15% ride in a car to school.
salad bar. Which kind of lunch do Which way of getting to school do the
the greatest number of students eat? fewest number of students use?

Chapter 11 399
8206-2_400-401 10/7/07 12:08 PM Page 400

11-13 Percents Greater Than 100%

A bicycle is 125% of its original value. This means
that the bicycle is 25% more than its original value.

100% of something 125% of something means

means the whole. 25% more than the whole.

A percent greater than 100% can be renamed as an

equivalent decimal or as an equivalent mixed number.

To rename a percent greater than 100% as an equivalent decimal:

 Drop the percent symbol (%).
 Move the decimal point two places to the left.

125%  1.25.  1.25

To rename a percent greater than 100% as an equivalent mixed number:

 Drop the percent symbol (%).
 Write the number as the numerator
and 100 as the denominator.
 Express the fraction in simplest form.

125 25  25 1
125%  100  1 100  25  1 4

Write each as a decimal.

1. 175% 2. 220% 3. 440% 4. 350% 5. 101%

6. 205% 7. 432% 8. 500% 9. 355% 10. 816%

11. 200% 12. 550% 13. 625% 14. 130% 15. 760%

400 Chapter 11
8206-2_400-401 3/18/06 12:01 AM Page 401

Write each as a mixed number in simplest form.

16. 141% 17. 110% 18. 350% 19. 520% 20. 116%

21. 212% 22. 484% 23. 150% 24. 275% 25. 680%

26. 268% 27. 497% 28. 720% 29. 805% 30. 945%

31. 520% 32. 702% 33. 215% 34. 380% 35. 262.5%

Explain the meaning of each statement.

36. The population of Maple Grove 37. This year the school librarian
is 300% of what it was ordered 120% of the books
10 years ago. she ordered last year.

38. Mr. Mendoza’s salary is 150% 39. Kevin’s sweater is 100% wool.
of what it was 2 years ago.

40. This year the cost of a bicycle is 41. Mr. Ortega spends 13% of his
35% higher than it was last year. budget for car repairs. What
What percent of last year’s price is percent of his budget is used
this year’s price? for other purposes?

42. After repairs a bicycle can be sold 43. In a public survey, 78% of the
for twice the price at which it was questionnaires sent out by a store
purchased. The bicycle would then were returned. What percent of
be worth what percent of its the questionnaires sent out were
purchase price? not returned?

Express each percent as a fraction in simplest form.

1 7.5 .7.5.  10 75 3
44. 7 2%  7.5%         
100 100  10 1000 40

4 3 1 1 2
45. 8 5% 46. 10 4% 47. 15 2% 48. 5 8% 49. 16 5%

Chapter 11 401
8206-2_402-403 10/7/07 5:44 PM Page 402

11-14 Percents Less Than 1%

Sometimes a percent is less than 1%.
A group of 600 students takes a test. Only
3 students get a perfect score. What percent
of the group gets a perfect score?
To find the percent, rename as an equivalent percent.
3 0.005 0.00.5  0.5%
6003 0
0.5% or 2% means
So 0.5% of the group gets a perfect score. 1 of 1 out of 100.

You can use the meaning of percent to rename a

decimal or fraction as an equivalent percent less than 1%.
25 1
0.25%  0.25  100  0.0025  10,000  400 % means per hundred.

1 4 1 100 1 1 1
 4  1  4  100  400

Study these examples.

Write 0.15% as an equivalent fraction. Write 8 % as an equivalent decimal.
0.15%  0.15  100  0.0015 
1 8 1 100
15 3 %
 8  1
1 1 1
3  8  100  800
So 0.15%  2000 .
1 0.00125
800 0

So 8 %  0.00125.

Express each as a percent.

3 1 4 2
01. 0.001 02. 0.0026 03. 1000 04. 800 05. 2000 06. 500

1 3 5 35
07. 0.0031 08. 200 09. 0.0006 10. 4000 11. 8000 12. 10,000

402 Chapter 11 1.0

8206-2_402-403 3/18/06 12:02 AM Page 403

Express each as an equivalent decimal.

1 3 3
13. 0.7% 14. 0.2% 15. 0.23% 16. 5 % 17. 8 % 18. 4 %
4 3 9
19. 0.3% 20. 0.58% 21. 0.26% 22. 25 % 23. 20 % 24. 100 %

Express each as an equivalent fraction.

1 12 7
25. 0.3% 26. 0.8% 27. 0.64% 28. 10 % 29. 25 % 30. 8 %
5 4 3
31. 0.7% 32. 0.05% 33. 0.54% 34. 16 % 35. 15 % 36. 7 %

Write in order from least to greatest.

1 5 1
37. 1.5, 0.3%, 155%, 0.004, 200 38. 158%, 1 8 , 0.005, 0.6%, 100
1 1
39. 50 , 0.05, 0.2%, 150%, 1.55 40. 19%, 0.7, 80 , 2.5, 192%

41. A total of 500 students enter the 42. Of the 750 people at the beach
Science Fair. Of those students, 4 are yesterday, only 3 forgot to put on
awarded a trip to Science Camp. What sunscreen. What percent of the
percent of the group is awarded a trip people at the beach forgot to put
to Science Camp? on sunscreen?

43. Jason has 675 stamps in his 44. Abby is reading a 925-page book.
collection. Of those stamps, 5 are So far she has read 9 pages. To the
from foreign countries. To the nearest nearest hundredth, what percent of
hundredth, what percent of Jason’s the book has Abby left to read?
stamps are not from foreign countries?

Match each definition with a term in the box.

complementary angles
45. two angles whose measures total 90° alternate interior angles
corresponding angles
46. two nonadjacent angles formed by vertical angles
two intersecting lines supplementary angles

47. a pair of nonadjacent interior 48. a pair of nonadjacent angles, one

angles on opposite sides of the interior and one exterior, that are both
transversal on the same side of the transversal

Chapter 11 403
8206-2_404-405 10/7/07 12:10 PM Page 404

11-15 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Combine Strategies
Leon bought some stamps. He used 6 of them to mail
a package. He gave 50% of what was left to Mira. Then
he had 15 stamps. How many stamps did Leon buy?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: Leon bought some stamps.
He used 6 stamps.
He gave away 50% of what was left.
He then had 15.
Question: How many stamps did Leon buy?

Some problems can be solved by combining strategies.

To find the number of stamps Leon bought,
Work Backward and Write and Solve Equations.
Let n  number of stamps Leon had left.
Let t  number of stamps Leon bought.
15  50% of n and n6t

15  50% of n Think
1 1
15  2  n 50%  2
n “of” means .
15  2  2  2
30  n
Leon had 30 stamps left.
n6t 30  6  t
36  t
So Leon bought 36 stamps.

Begin with 36 stamps.

36  6  30 and 50%  30  15
bought used left left

404 Chapter 11
8206-2_404-405 3/18/06 12:03 AM Page 405

Solve. Combine strategies to help you.

01. A business office mailed 24 packages last week.
Each package weighed 1 2 lb. For every 3 packages
mailed special delivery, 5 packages were bulk rate.
How many packages were mailed special delivery?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as

you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: 24 packages mailed

1 2 lb—weight of each package
packages—3 special delivery
5 bulk rate
Question: How many packages were
mailed special delivery?

This is a multistep problem and it contains

extra information. Use more than one step. special
First find the sum of 3  5, then write and 3 n

solve a proportion. sum 24 total

02. Ann’s birthday is a dozen days after Ron’s. Ron’s birthday

is in May but it is after May 15th. The sum of the digits of the
date is 5 and it falls on a Sunday. What is the day and date
of Ann’s birthday?

03. The ratio of the length of a side of square AXRD to the

length of a side of square TVBN is 2 to 7. If the perimeter
of TVBN is 84 cm, what is the area of each square?

04. Of the 630 students at South School, three fifths are girls. Four
out of every 7 boys can swim. How many boys can swim?

05. Brittany mailed this puzzle to a math magazine.

Solve the problems she made up. 4
a. What is the ratio of the sum of the numbers
outside the parallelogram to the sum of the 5 7 2
numbers inside the circle?
b. What is the missing number if the ratio of the ? 3
missing number to the sum of the numbers
inside the parallelogram equals 40%?

Chapter 11 405
8206-2_406-407 10/7/07 12:10 PM Page 406

11-16 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Mr. Barry teaches a cooking class every Saturday.
The ratio of students to stoves is 4 : 1. There are
5 stoves in the classroom. How many students
are in the class?

02. What is the ratio of a cup to a pint?

03. The lessons are paid for at the rate of 4 lessons

for $50. How much does each lesson cost?

04. Last week, the class prepared granola. The

ratio of rolled oats to raisins was 5 : 2. The
class used 25 cups of rolled oats. How many
cups of raisins did the class use?

05. Peg added 1 cup of almonds for every 3 cups

of oats in her granola. Mark added 3 cups of
almonds for every 9 cups of oats in his
granola. Did Peg and Mark add the same
ratio of almonds to oats?

06. If 12 ounces of almonds cost $2, how much

do 18 ounces of almonds cost?

07. Out of every 100 recipes Mr. Barry teaches,

15 include peanut butter. What percent of
the recipes include peanut butter?

08. Of all Mr. Barry’s recipes, 90% are healthful.

Write this percent as a decimal.
09. One student notices that 5 of the recipes taught can be
classified as side dishes. Of the remaining dishes, one half
are chicken dishes. What percent of the recipes are neither
side nor chicken dishes?

10. Of the calories in a banana bread, 75% comes from

carbohydrates. What part of the calories does not come
from carbohydrates?

406 Chapter 11
8206-2_406-407 3/20/06 6:26 AM Page 407

Solve. Combine strategies to help you.

11. Ann and Greg each made lemonade. Ann used

10 lemons for every 1 quart of water. Greg used
Use These Strategies
5 lemons for every pint of water. Did the two
Write an Equation
friends use equal ratios of lemons to water? Use a Graph
Use More Than One Step
12. The ratio of beans to rice in a recipe is 3 : 4. Work Backward
Jake cooks 2 cups of rice and 5 pounds of Make a Table
chicken. How many cups of beans should
he use?

13. The class has 18 baking sheets. Each sheet

holds 1 dozen cookies. A batch of cookie
batter makes 3 dozen cookies. The class
fills all of the sheets with cookies. Then
they sell bags of 6 cookies each at a
bake sale. How many bags of cookies
did they make?

14. Lindsey and her sisters are baking pies to

take to their family reunion. They plan to bake
one cherry pie and two apple pies for every 14
people attending. How many pies will they
bake for 126 people?

15. Tara made some snack bars. She ate

8 of them. She gave Paul 50% of the
bars that were left. Then she had 11 bars.
How many snack bars did she make?

Use the circle graph for problems 16–19. Trail Mix Ingredients
16. What part of the trail mix is raisins? Sunflower Seeds Peanuts

17. What is the ratio of apricots to raisins? 15% 15%

18. Sue makes a batch of trail mix using 1 cup of 25% Raisins
granola. Will she use more than 2 cup of apricots? 35%


19. Use the data in the circle graph to write

a problem. Then solve it.

Chapter 11 407
8206-2_408 3/18/06 12:09 AM Page 408

Lessons 1–16

Write each ratio in simplest form. (See pp. 376–377.)

45 78
1. 8 : 12 2. 6 to 45 3. 6

Find the missing term in each proportion. (See pp. 378–379, 382–385.)
n 5 4 20 12 n n 3
5.    6.    7.    8.   
7 21 n 15 28 14 1.2 2

Write a proportion. Then solve. (See pp. 386–389.)

Find the value of n. 6 ft 6 ft
3 ft 3 ft

A C D n
4 ft

Find the actual measurements. (See pp. 390–393.)

10. Actual length

11. Actual width

Scale: 1 cm  40 km
Write as an equivalent percent. (See pp. 394–399.)
3 24 5
12. 4 13. 3
14. 9 15. 0.72 16. 0.9

Write as an equivalent decimal. (See pp. 396–403.)

17. 29% 18. 5 % 19. 47.5% 20. 0.2% 21. 534%

Write as an equivalent fraction or mixed number (See pp. 394–395, 400–403.)

in simplest form.
22. 80% 23. 0.04% 24. 48% 25. 340% 26. 605%

(See pp. 380–381, 390–391.)

27. Sixteen cans of corn sell for 28. A road map uses a scale of
$12.00. Find the unit cost. 3 in.  9 mi. Find the distance
Explain the method you used between the cities if the
to solve the problem. map distance is 15 in.

408 Chapter 11 (See Still More Practice, p. 529.)

8206-2_409 10/12/07 6:52 PM Page 409

Pythagorean Theorem
In about 500 B.C., Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician,
proved that a certain pattern exists in all right triangles.
c hypotenuse
A right triangle has a 90° angle. The side leg a
opposite the 90° angle is called the hypotenuse.
The remaining sides are called legs. 5 b leg

Pythagorean Theorem
In a right triangle, the sum of the
squares of the lengths of the legs, c a 3
a and b, is equal to the square of
the length of the hypotenuse, c.
a2  b 2  c 2 a2  b 2  c 2
4 32  42  52
When you know the lengths of any two sides of
a right triangle, use the Pythagorean Theorem
to find the length of the third side.
Find the length of the hypotenuse of The length of the hypotenuse of a right
a right triangle whose legs measure triangle is 17 ft. If the length of one leg
6 cm and 8 cm. is 15 ft, find the length of the other leg.
Substitute the Substitute the
a2  b2  c2 given values of a2  b2  c2 given values of
62  82  c 2 the variables. 152  b 2  172 the variables.
36  64  c 2
Solve for c. 225  b  289
Solve for b.
100  c 2 225  b 2  225  289  225
c b 2  64
10  c b  64
So the hypotenuse is 10 cm long. b8
So the other leg is 8 ft long.

Find the length of the missing side of each right triangle.

1. legs: 10 cm 2. legs: 9 in. 3. legs: ? m
24 cm ? in. 12 m
hypotenuse  ? cm hypotenuse: 15 in. hypotenuse: 13 m

4. The diagonal of a rectangle is 15 mm. 5. Raul walks 30 m north and then

If the length of the rectangle is 12 mm, 16 m east. How far is he from the
what is the width? starting point?

Chapter 11 409
8206-2_410 3/20/06 10:09 AM Page 410

Write each ratio or rate in simplest form.

1. 4 to 8 2. 9 to 15 3. 20 : 30 4. 24 : 39

Find the missing term in each proportion.

n 10 6 18
5.    6.    7. n : 2  0.9 : 3
9 15 n 12

Write a proportion. Then solve.

8. A vertical meterstick casts a 6-m shadow
while a telephone pole casts a 36-m shadow.
How tall is the telephone pole? 1m 36 m

Find the actual measurements. 6m

9. Scale length: 1 4 in. 10. Scale width: 3.5 cm
Scale: 1 in.  20 yd Scale: 1 cm  100 km

Write as a percent.
3 7
11. 25
12. 0.47 13. 2.03 14. 8

Write as a decimal and as a fraction (or mixed number)

in simplest form.
15. 40% 16. 0.02% 17. 475% 18. 148%

Use a strategy you have learned. 20. Use a 10  10 grid to create a design
that is 20% one color, 32% another
19. Out of every 9 students in the school
color, and 5.5% a third color. Which
activity club, there are 2 boys. If there
percent of your design is not colored?
are 35 girls in the activity club, how
How do you know?
many boys are in it?

Use <, , or > to compare. Explain your answers.

51 11
21. 15 : 100 ? 16% 22. 49% ?  23. 5.5% ? 
100 200

410 Chapter 11
8206-2_411-412 3/18/06 12:10 AM Page 411

Test Preparation Chapters 1–11

Choose the best answer.

1. Choose the product. 8. Choose the quotient.

12.5  1000 .1

0.360 2

a. 125 b. 1250 a. 0.00342 b. 0.0342
c. 12,500 d. not given c. 0.342 d. not given

2. Compare. 9. Find the value of n.

28 n 28
25% ? a.  b.   a. 4 b. 7
100 9 63
c.  d. cannot tell c. 35 d. 44

3. Rename as a percent. 10. What is the range of the set of data?

26, 32, 49, 21, 28, 16
a. 3% b. 6% a. 16 b. 21
c. 9% d. 12% c. 33 d. 49

4. Which kind of graph shows the upper and 11. A card is drawn and not replaced. Then a
lower quartiles? second card is drawn. How many outcomes
are there?
a. stem-and-leaf b. line plot a. 5 b. 10
c. box-and-whisker d. circle graph c. 20 d. 25

5. Choose the bisector of  MPR. 12. Which is not a central angle?

M Q 
a. PQ a. ABD

6. Divide. 13. Compute.

2 1 3 4
10 2 18  (3 1 )
5 6 5 5
1 4 2
a. 3 b. 4 a. 8 b. 10
6 5 11
1 1
c. 8 d. not given c. 3 d. not given
5 5

7. Which decimals are in 14. What is 30,700,000 in

order, least to greatest? scientific notation?
a. 0.3, 0.32, 0.03 a. (3  107)  (7  105)
b. 0.32, 0.3, 0.03 b. 30.7  106
c. 0.03, 0.3, 0.32 c. 3.07  108
d. not given d. not given

Chapter 11 411
8206-2_411-412 3/18/06 12:10 AM Page 412

15. Compute. 20. What is the mode of the set of data?

7  10 a. 17 8.8, 2.5, 8.8, 3.1, 2.5, 8.8 a. 2.5
b. 17 b. 8.8
c. 2 c. 3.1
d. not given. d. no mode

16. Seven out of 10 people surveyed preferred 21. Joe has 4 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, and 3
basketball over baseball. In a survey of sweaters. How many shirt-pant-sweater
1000 people, how many would you expect outfits can he put together?
to choose basketball?
a. 70 b. 300 a. 36 b. 21
c. 500 d. 700 c. 10 d. 7

17. Which figure does not tessellate the 22. Subtract.

70  0.85
a. parallelogram b. regular hexagon a. 0.15 b. 69.15
c. circle d. square c. 70.85 d. not given

18. A number decreased by 6 is 3. What is 23. A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours. How
the number? many miles per hour did the car average?
a. 2 b. 3 a. 220 mph b. 55 mph
c. 10 d. not given c. 50 mph d. not given

19. A map scale sets 1 cm = 10 km. What is 24. Find the sum of the measures of the interior
the actual distance between the two angles of a polygon of 13 sides.
cities that are 3.5 cm apart on the map?
a. 0.35 km b. 35 km a. 2700° b. 2340°
c. 350 km d. not given c. 1980° d. 65°

Explain how you solved the problem. Show all your work.
25. You and four friends are planning a vacation. All expenses are to be shared equally.

a. Complete the table below. How much in all will you each spend for the vacation?

Expenses Total Amount Individual Share

Housing $1575 ?
Food $250 $50
Recreation $400 ?

b. You plan to take $550 in cash with you. After the above expenses, what percent of
your money will you have left? (Hint: %  dollar amount left  total cash taken)

c. After the above expenses, what percent of your $550 will you have spent?

412 Chapter 11
8206-2_413 3/20/06 9:35 AM Page 413

Decimal point
the night—

of moonbeams

of stars
to multiply—

in the

Lee Bennett Hopkins In this chapter you will:

Use patterns to compute mentally
Find percentage, interest, and rate
Investigate discount, sales tax,
commission, and better buy
Make circle graphs
Solve problems by writing an equation

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Which prize would you choose:
20% of (20% of $100) or 30% of
(10% of $100)? Explain.

Chapter 12 413
8206-2_414-415 10/7/07 12:11 PM Page 414

12-1 Mental Math: Percent

Here are some percents that are equivalent to common fractions.
0 1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4 4

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Study the pattern for these percents and common fractions.

1 2 1
10%   020%   or 
10 10 5
3 4 2
30%   040%   or 
10 10 5
5 1 6 3
50%   or  060%   or 
10 2 10 5
7 8 4
70%   080%   or 
10 10 5
9 10 5
90%   100%   or  or 1
10 10 5

To find a percent of a number mentally, Remember: “of”

use common fractions. means “times.”
Find the value of n.
25% of 36  n. 40% of 35  n.
1 2

of 36  n Think 
of 35  n Think
1 2
1 9 25%   2 7 40%  5

 36  9 4 
 35  14
1 1

So n  9. So n  14.

Find the value of the variable. Compute mentally.

1 1
1. 5 of 30  6, so 20% of 30  n. 2. 20 of 40  2, so 5% of 40  c.

2 3
3. 5 of 30  12, so 40% of 30  a. 4. 20 of 40  6, so 15% of 40  r.

414 Chapter 12
8206-2_414-415 3/20/06 9:36 AM Page 415

Find the value of the variable. Compute mentally.

3 3
5. 5 of 30  18, so 60% of 30  y. 6. 1
of 30  9, so 30% of 30  h.

1 1
7. 4 of 44  c, so 25% of 44  e. 8. 2 of 44  t, so 50% of 44  m.

3 1
9. 4 of 44  x, so 75% of 44  y. 10. 1
of 30  p, so 10% of 30  z.

More Percents and Common Fractions

Study these percents and common fractions.
1 1 2 1
12 2%  8 1 16 3%  6 2
16 3 %
12 2 %
1 3 1 2 1
37 2%  8 33 3%  6  3

1 5 2 4 2
62 2%  8 66 3%  6  3

1 7 1 5
87 2%  8 83 3%  6

Find the percent of the number. Compute mentally.

1 1
11. 12 2% of 16 12. 33 3% of 60 13. 20% of 100
1 1 1
Think: 8 of 16  b Think: 3 of 60  f Think: 5 of 100  j

14. 37 2% of 56 15. 80% of 20 16. 60% of 45
3 4 3
Think: 8 of 56  m Think: 5 of 20  n Think: 5 of 45  v

2 1
17. 30% of 60  x 18. 66 3% of 60  i 19. 62 2% of 16  o

20. 87 2% of 88  c 21. 75% of 48  d 22. 70% of 70  e

23. 83 3% of 24  w 24. 90% of 90  l 25. 100% of 90  q

Chapter 12 415
8206-2_416-417 10/7/07 12:11 PM Page 416

12-2 Percent Sense

Which is greater:
3% of 100 or 30% of 100?
The pictures show that
30% of 100  3% of 100.
0.3  100  0.03  100 3%  0.03 30%  0.3
30  3

Which is less:
30% of 60 or 30% of 80?
The pictures show that
30% of 60  30% of 80.
0.3  60  0.3  80
18  24

You can use mental math to estimate what percent

one number is of another.
10 minutes
Math class is 55 minutes long.
Ten minutes are used to check homework. 11 12 1
10 2 1
of 55
True or False: 10 minutes is more than 50% 2
9 3
of the class time.
8 4
10 7 6 5
Is 5

50% is 12 . 12 of 55 is more than 12 of 50, which is 25.
10 minutes is less than 50% of the class time.

The statement is false.

Compare. Use  or .
1. 50% of 20 ? 50% of 40 2. 20% of 30 ? 20% of 10

3. 2% of 40 ? 2% of 80 4. 3% of 10 ? 3% of 4
1 1 2 2
5. 33 3% of 30 ? 33 3% of 3 6. 16 3% of 12 ? 16 3% of 60

416 Chapter 12
8206-2_416-417 3/20/06 9:37 AM Page 417

Compare. Use  or .
7. 3% of 60 ? 30% of 60 8. 62% of 40 ? 52% of 40

9. 19% of 300 ? 29% of 300 10. 86% of 50 ? 66% of 50

2 2 1 1
11. 16 3% of 12 ? 66 3% of 12 12. 83 3% of 24 ? 33 3% of 24

1 1 7 1
13. 37 2% of 16 ? 8 of 16 14. 8 of 40 ? 62 2% of 40

Write True or False for each situation. Explain your answer.

Draw a picture to help you.
Tina has one half hour for lunch. Alberto allots one hour to deliver
She finishes in 20 minutes. newspapers. He finishes in 45 minutes.
15. Tina uses exactly 50% 18. Alberto uses more than 50%
of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

16. Tina uses less than 50% 19. Alberto uses more than 25%
of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

17. Tina uses more than 50% 20. Alberto uses less than 100%
of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

Forty students are in the class. Ninety animals are in the shelter.
Fourteen receive A’s. Thirty are adopted.
21. 50% of the students receive A’s. 24. 50% of the animals are adopted.

22. Less than 50% receive A’s. 25. More than 25% are adopted.

23. Less than 25% receive A’s. 26. More than 50% are not adopted.

27. There are 6 ducks in the pond at the park. This is 10% of the
ducks in the park. True or False: 100 ducks are in the park.
a. Shade a ten-by-ten grid to show 6 ducks
and a different ten-by-ten grid to show
10% of 100 ducks. Compare the two shadings.

b. Does 10% of 100  6? Is the statement above

true or false? How many ducks are in 10% of 100 ducks
the park? (Hint: 10% of ?  6.)

Chapter 12 417
8206-2_418-419 10/7/07 12:11 PM Page 418

12-3 Percentage of a Number

Find: 45% of 360  p.
 First estimate the percentage (or part) of a number, using benchmark
percents. Benchmark percents are commonly known and frequently used
percents such as 10%, 25%, and 50% and their common fractions.

45% of 360 50% of 360 Think

1 180 45%  50%
  360  180 1
1 50%  2
45% of 360  180

 Then use a formula to find the percentage, p, of a number.

rate (r)  base (b)  percentage (p) rbp

Rename the percent (rate) as a decimal or as a fraction. Then solve.

As a Decimal As a Fraction
r  b  p r  b p
45% of 360  p 45% of 360  p 45%
or percentage
0.45  360  p 
 360  p 162
9 360 198
0.45  162  p 
0.45  162  p
So 45% of 360  162. 162 is close to the estimate of 180.

Study this example.

Find: 78% of $24.
 Then solve.
 First estimate. Think Think
78% of $24  p
78%  75% $18.72 is close
75% of $24 and 4 and 24 0.78  $24  p to the estimate
$6 are compatible of $18.

 $24  $18 numbers. $18.72  p
78% of $24  $18 So 78% of $24  $18.72.

418 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_418-419 3/21/06 7:34 AM Page 419

Use the formula and decimals to solve for the variable.

1. 30% of 60  a 2. 50% of 32  d 3. 75% of 80  g

4. 25% of 44  b 5. 10% of $ 18  e 6. 20% of $ 70  h

7. 5% of 800  c 8. 6% of 700  f 9. 35% of 120  i

Use the formula and fractions to solve for the variable.

10. 40% of 20  j 11. 60% of 60  m 12. 75% of 120  p

13. 15% of 40  k 14. 2% of $ 8.00  n 15. 3% of $ 5.00  q

16. 56% of 400  l 17. 88% of 250  o 18. 95% of 240  r

Percentage Using Proportions

In the basketball game between the sixth and seventh grades, 62.5%
of 24 free throws were made. How many free throws were made?

To find how many free throws, write a proportion and solve.

Let n  the number of free throws made.
part n 62.5 part n 62.5
whole 24 100 whole 24 100
100n  24  62.5
100n  100  1500  100
So 15 free throws were made. n  15

Use a proportion to find the percentage of the number.

19. 40% of 25 20. 25% of 96 21. 80% of 90

22. 55% of 200 23. 76% of 475 24. 12% of 625

25. 37.5% of 56 26. 62.5% of 320 27. 87.5% of 480

Find the percentage of the number.

28. 150% of 4 100% of 4  4; 50% of 4  2 of 4  2; 4  2  6

29. 150% of 80 30. 110% of 200 31. 250% of 600

Chapter 12 419
8206-2_420-421 10/7/07 12:12 PM Page 420

12-4 Find the Rate

Of 125 baseball players named most valuable batting champs players
players, 24 were also batting champions. What
percent (or rate) of the 125 baseball players 0 24 125
were also batting champions?
0% 100%
To find the percent (or rate), find 24 out of 125.
25 1
First estimate: 25 out of 125     or 20%.
125 5
Then use one of these two methods to find the percent, or rate,
r, that one number is of another.
Method 1
 Use the formula r  b  p
and solve for r. rbp r
 Rename the fraction as a decimal. 4

 Rename the decimal as a percent. 19.2%  r

Method 2
part 24 n part
 Write a proportion.   
whole 125 100 whole

 Solve the proportion. 24  100  125n

2400  125  125n  125
19.2  n
n 19.2
100 100
So 19.2% were batting champions. Think
19.2% is close to the estimate of 20%.
Study this example.
What percent of 8 is 20?
  r r  2.5  250% 20 is greater than 8.
The percent is greater than 100%.
Check: 250%  8  2.50  8  20

420 Chapter 12 2.2

8206-2_420-421 3/20/06 9:41 AM Page 421

Find the percent or rate. Estimate first.

1. What percent of 5 is 3? 2. What percent of 80 is 400?

3. What percent of 100 is 11? 4. What percent of 900 is 243?

5. 90 is what percent of 120? 6. 60 is what percent of 240?

7. What percent of 180 is 63? 8. What percent of 140 is 91?

9. What percent of 20 is 25? 10. What percent of 10 is 80?

11. 4.4 is what percent of 80? 12. 4.6 is what percent of 50?

13. 475 is what percent of 950? 14. 30 is what percent of 8?

15. 2 is what percent of 16? 16. 5 is what percent of 40?

17. 15 is what percent of 6? 18. 20 is what percent of 25?

19. 28 is what percent of 35? 20. 125 is what percent of 50?

21. At the school picnic, 30 of the 50 22. In the basketball game, 12 baskets
teachers came by car. What percent were made in 25 attempts. What
of the teachers came by car? percent of the baskets were made?

23. Janet earned $420 at the golf 24. This year the price of a baseball
course last summer. She put 70% glove is 105% of last year’s
of her earnings in the bank. How price of $40. What is the price
much money did she spend? this year?

25. Of 125 players in the marching band, 44 are also in the school
orchestra. What percent of the marching band members are not
in the school orchestra?

Student Population
26. Explain how to find the value of each
variable, the percent of student 72
population for each grade. The total 60 Gr. 8
student population is 240. Gr. 5
48 60
Grade 5  f % Grade 6  s %
Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Grade 7  v % Grade 8  e%

Chapter 12 421
8206-2_422-423 10/7/07 12:12 PM Page 422

12-5 Find the Original Number

Of the people at the bowling alley,
0 9 b
45% play for the bowling league. There are
a total of 9 bowling league players. How 0% 45% 100%
many people are at the bowling alley?

To find how many people, the original percentage  rate  base prb
number or base, write and solve an original number (total number)
equation or a proportion.

45% of what number is 9?

Let b equal the total number of people.

 Write and solve an equation.  Write and solve a proportion.

45% of b  9 part 45 9 part

whole  whole
100 b
0.45b  9
0.45b  0.45  9  0.45 Divide both 45b  900
sides by 0.45. 45b  45  900  45
b  20
b  20
45% of 20 is 9.
So there are 20 people at the bowling alley.

Study these examples.

25% of Marlo’s savings is in a shoebox If Mike’s savings of $268.80 is 42% of
under her bed. The shoebox has $45 in his savings goal, what amount of money
it. How much has Marlo saved in all? does Mike want to save?
Let s  total savings. Think
42% of s  $268.80 42%  0.42
25% of s  $45 0.42s  $268.80
s  $45 0.42s $268.80
1 4 4 0.42 0.42
s  1  $45  1
4 s  $640
s  $180
Mike wants to save $640.
Marlo has saved $180 in all.

422 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_422-423 3/20/06 9:42 AM Page 423

Find the original number. Explain the method you used.

1. 65% of x is 650 2. 90% of a is 765 3. 50% of d is 155

4. 45% of u is $54 5. 30% of h is $18.60 6. 72% of y is $1872

7. 88% of l is 6600 8. 19% of j is 152 9. 7.1% of b is 142

10. 83% of z is $2075 11. 65% of p is 451.75 12. 21% of g is $10.50

13. 22% of t is 550 14. 46% of e is 296.7 15. 90% of k is 225.36

16. 12 12% of f is 95 17. 16 23% of c is 776 18. 83 13% of u is 4610

Compare. Use ,, 5, or ..
19. 25% of y is 110.5 20. 4.2% of c is 15.12 21. 62 12% of j is 375
20% of r is 81.6 22.8% of m is 84.36 33 13% of n is 200
y ? r c ? m j ? n

22. Of the people in the theater, 5% 23. Of the animals at the preserve, 4% are
have seen the movie before. If there babies. If there are 6 baby animals at
are 8 people who have seen the the preserve, how many animals are
movie before, how many people not babies?
have not seen the movie before?

24. 30% of Howard’s rock collection is 25. 18% of the people at the park brought
in a box. The rest of it is on shelves. picnic lunches with them. If 9 people
If Howard has 27 rocks in the box, brought picnic lunches, how many
how many rocks does he have in people were at the park?
his collection?

26. Tracey has saved $56.25. That is 27. Riley loaned his brother $273. That is
4.5% of what she wants to save. How 5.25% of Riley’s savings account. How
much does Tracey want to save? much did Riley have in his account?

Find the original number. Choose the best answer.

28. 38% of q is 458.66. 29. 19% of v is 106.4.
A 12.07 B 174.2908 F 5.6 G 20.216
C 1207 D 17,429.08 H 560 J 2021.6

Chapter 12 423
8206-2_424-425 10/7/07 12:13 PM Page 424

12-6 Percent Problems

The population of Manchester is 25,100.
Twenty-three percent of the population attends school.
How many people in Manchester attend school?
To find how many, find 23% of 25,100.

To find a percentage of a number, use r  b  p.

 First estimate: 23% of 25,100 25% of 24,000


 24,000  6000
 Then solve: 23% of 25,100  p

0.23  25,100  p
5773  p 5773 is close to
the estimate of 6000.
So 5773 people in Manchester attend school.

Manchester Middle School has 960 students enrolled.

Six hundred seventy-two of these students ride the
bus to school. What percent of the students ride
the bus to school?
To find the percent, find 672 out of 960.
To find the percent one number is of another, use   r.

672 700 70
 First estimate:      70%
960 1000 100

 Then solve:   r 7
70%  r 70% is the same as the estimate.

So 70% of the students ride the bus to school.

424 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_424-425 3/20/06 9:44 AM Page 425

Solve. Explain the method you used.

1. The population of Newton is 2. There are 360 animals in the
1460. Twenty percent of the New City Zoo. Fifteen percent
people in Newton read the local of the animals are monkeys.
newspaper. How many people How many animals in the New
read the local newspaper? City Zoo are not monkeys?

3. Jeff used 10 oranges to make 4. There are 16 teenagers in

juice this morning. There were Sarah’s neighborhood. Four of
25 oranges in the bag. What them are available to baby-sit.
percent of the oranges in the What percent of the teenagers
bag did he use? are not available to baby-sit?

5. A report states that 72% of 6. There are 860 students in sixth

1250 middle school students grade. Two hundred fifteen
enjoy playing team sports. of them play basketball. What
How many of the middle school percent of the students in sixth
students enjoy playing team sports? grade do not play basketball?

7. The Girl Scouts want to collect 8. On a typical day at Emerson

500 pounds of old newspapers. Middle School, 6% of the
They have already collected 150 650 students are absent.
pounds. What percent of their How many students are
goal have they not reached? present on a typical day?

9. Thirty percent of the people in the

park rent rowboats. If 270 people
rent rowboats, how many people
are in the park?

10. Margaret spent $15 dollars on

souvenirs on her vacation. If that
was 5% of the cost of her trip,
how much did her vacation cost?
11. Out of each 2500 pairs of athletic
shoes imported from Asia, about Indonesia
Taiwan 20%
how many pairs come from 10%
each country? S. Korea

Chapter 12 425
8206-2_426-427 10/7/07 12:13 PM Page 426

12-7 Discount and Sale Price

A discount is a reduction of the list, or regular,
price of an item. The rate of discount is given
as a percent.

The sale price is the difference between

the list price and the discount.

• Discount  Rate of Discount  List Price

D  R  LP
• Sale Price  List Price  Discount

Some CDs at Posio’s Music World

regularly sell for $15 each. This week they
are being sold at a 15% discount. What
is the discount? What is the sale price?

To find the discount, D, write an equation

and solve for the discount.

D  15% of $15.00 discount

D  0.15  $15.00 $0 d sale price $15
D  $2.25 0% 15% 100%

The discount on each CD is $2.25.

To find the sale price, SP, write an equation

and solve for the sale price.

SP  $15.00  $2.25
SP  $12.75
The sale price of each CD is $12.75.

Find the discount and sale price.

1. 15% discount of a $13 CD at 2. 20% discount of a $500
Posio’s Music World entertainment system at LP

426 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_426-427 3/21/06 7:37 AM Page 427

Find the discount and sale price.

Item List Price Rate of Discount Discount Sale Price
3. Radio $130 20% ? ?
4. Big Screen TV $3200 10% ? ?
5. Headset $33 15% ? ?
6. CD Player $180 12% ? ?

Use a Proportion to Find Discount

DVD Player
A DVD player with a regular price of $495 is marked sale discount
to sell at 30% off. What is the discount? price 30%
“30% off” means a discount rate of 30%.
Regularly $495

To find the discount, write part D 30 part

and solve a proportion. whole $495 100 whole
Let D  the discount.
100D  $495  30
100D  100  $14,850  100
The discount is $148.50. D  $148.50

7. The rate of discount on a $47 clock 8. The rate of discount on a $12 CD

radio is 20%. Find the discount and is 15%. Find the discount and
sale price. sale price.

9. How much is saved on a $625 10. What is the sale price of a $150
television set at a 25%-off sale? CD player marked 15% off?

11. Carlos has $25 to spend at the music store. He wants a

CD that regularly lists for $24. The rate of discount
on the CD is 33 3%. After buying the CD, how much
money does Carlos have left to spend?
12. Find the answer to problem 11 using a rate of discount of 12 2%.

13. An item for $60 is discounted 20%. At a special sale,

Joan receives an additional 20% discount. Will that be
the same as a 40% discount of the item? Explain.

Chapter 12 427
8206-2_428-429 10/7/07 12:14 PM Page 428

12-8 Sales Tax and Total Cost

A sales tax is the amount of tax added to the
price of an item by a state or local government.
The rate of sales tax is given as a percent.

The total cost is the sum of the marked, or list,

price and the tax.

• Sales Tax  Rate of Sales Tax  Marked Price

T  R  MP
• Total Cost  Marked Price  Sales Tax

A remote control toy costs $224.50, plus 5% sales

tax. Find the sales tax and total cost of the toy.

To find the sales tax, T, write and solve an

equation or a proportion.
 First estimate: 5% of $220    $220  $11
 Then use one of these methods to find the sales tax.

Method 1 Method 2
Write and solve an equation. Write and solve a proportion.
T  5% of $224.50. part T
whole $224.50 100 whole
T  5%  $224.50
100T  $224.50  5
T  $11.225  $11.23 100T  100  $1122.50  100
T  $11.225  $11.23
The sales tax is $11.23. $11.23 is close to the estimate of $11.

To find the total cost, TC, write and solve

the equation: TC  $224.50  $11.23.

TC  $224.50  $11.23
TC  $235.73

The total cost of the toy is $235.73.

428 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_428-429 3/20/06 9:47 AM Page 429

Find the sales tax and total cost of each item.

1. $23.40 sneakers, 5% sales tax 2. $59.75 camera, 4% sales tax

Use the tables below for exercises 3–10. The rate of sales tax is 6%.

Item Price Item Price

Calculator $88.25 Color Film 1 roll for $6.50
Video Game $12.95 CD Player $62.75
Blank CDs 2 for $7.50 Skateboard $49

3. Find the sales tax on 2 blank CDs. 4. Find the sales tax on a skateboard.

5. Find the total cost of a CD player. 6. Find the total cost of a calculator.

7. Find the sales tax on 2 rolls of 8. Find the sales tax on 4 blank CDs.
color film.

9. Janell buys 3 video games. Find her 10. Find the total cost in exercise 8 if the
change from a $50 bill. 1
rate of sales tax is 6 2%.

11. Kurt buys a calculator and a CD 12. Greg buys a pair of gloves that are
player. How much does he spend priced at $19.50. If he pays 6% sales
altogether? tax, how much does Greg pay for the

13. A $220 bicycle is on sale at 20% off. 14. Jean paid $11.25 for her new shirt on
The rate of sales tax is 5%. What is sale. The discount was 10%. What
the total cost of the bicycle? was the original price of the shirt?

Find the marked price.

15. a DVD player 16. an amplifier
total cost: $206 total cost: $318
rate of sales tax: 3% rate of sales tax: 6%

17. a CD 18. a stereo

total cost: $13 total cost: $844
rate of sales tax: 4% rate of sales tax: 5.5%

Chapter 12 429
8206-2_430-431 10/7/07 12:14 PM Page 430

12-9 Better Buy

A regular-size box of 12-oz dog food sells for $1.50.
A 15-oz jumbo-size box sells for $1.71. Which is the
better buy?

To decide which is the better buy, find the unit price or

unit cost for 1 oz of each type of dog food. Then compare them.

Regular Size Jumbo Size

Let c  the cost of 1 oz. Let n  the cost of 1 oz.

12 1 15 1
$1.50 c $1.71 n
12  c  $1.50  1 15  n  $1.71  1
12c  12  $1.50  12 15n  15  $1.71  15

1 c  $.125  $.13 12  n  $.114  $.11

Unit cost (cost per oz)

Compare: $.114  $.125 Think

11¢ is less than 13¢.
The jumbo size is the better buy.
Its unit cost is less than the unit cost
of the regular-size dog food.

Which is the better buy? Explain.

1. Drinking Glasses: 2. Corn:
4 for $1.80 6 ears for 96¢
6 for $2.40 8 ears for $1.12

3. Detergent: 4. Cereal:
2 lb box for $1.26 12 oz box for $1.74
5 lb box for $3.05 15 oz box for $2.04

5. Napkins: 6. Party Favors

100 count for $.99 10 for $1.50
145 count for $1.10 30 for $4.45

430 Chapter 12
8206-2_430-431 3/20/06 9:48 AM Page 431

Estimation and Better Buy

Estimate to decide which is the better buy,
a bag of apples or 6 individual apples.
Estimate the unit cost of 1 apple in the bag
of apples.
$0.20 Use compatible
9 1
0 numbers to
Each apple in the bag costs
about 20¢. The bag of apples is
the better buy.

Estimate to decide which is the better buy.

7. 5 cakes of soap for $1.49 8. Bag of a dozen lemons for $2.50
1 cake of soap for 25¢ Lemons: 15¢ each

9. Picture frames: 2 for $5.67 10. 3 boxes of crackers for $4.19

Picture frames: $2.45 each Crackers: $1.50 per box

11. At Rosada’s Market, a 10-oz can 12. A package of 6 coasters is marked

of mushrooms sells for 40¢ and a $1.44 and a package of 8 of the same
6-oz can sells for 30¢. Which is the coasters is marked $1.76. Which is the
better buy? better buy?

13. An 8-oz can of peaches costs $ .68. 14. A 12-oz box of Crispy Cereal costs
A 14-oz can costs $1.05. Which is $2.10 and the 15-oz box of the same
the better buy? cereal costs $2.94. Which is the better

Which is the better buy? Explain.

Show all your work.
15. Sweaters in Store A marked $18.50 16. Skirts in Store C marked $32.00 at a
at a 30%-off sale; the same 15% discount; the same skirts in Store
sweaters in Store B marked $19.00 1
D marked $44.00 at a 4 -off sale
at a 3 -off sale

Chapter 12 431
8206-2_432-433 10/12/07 6:52 PM Page 432

12-10 Commission
Commission is the amount of money that a salesperson
is paid for selling a product or service. The rate of
commission is given as a percent.

A salesperson works on straight commission if

the commission is the only pay he or she receives.

• Commission  Rate of Commission  Total Sales

C  R  TS
• Total Earnings  Salary  Commission
TE  S  C

Marvella receives a weekly salary of $200 and makes

a 3 2% commission on all of her clothing sales. What
is her commission on sales of $6500? What are her total
earnings for the week?

Use one of the following two methods to

find her commission, C.

Method 1 Method 2
 Write and solve an equation.  Write and solve a proportion.
1 part C 3 2 part
C 3 2% of $6500   
whole $6500 100 whole

C  0.035  $6500
100C  $6500  3.5
C  $227.50
100C  100  $22,750  100
C  $227.50

Marvella’s commission is $227.50.

To find the total earnings, TE, write an equation

and solve for the total earnings.
TE  $200  $227.50
TE  $427.50
Marvella’s total earnings for the week are $427.50.

432 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_432-433 3/20/06 9:50 AM Page 433

Find the commission and the total earnings.

1. Salary  $100 2. Salary  $120
Amount sold  $550 Amount sold  $480
Rate of commission  4% Rate of commission  2%

3. Salary  $350 4. Salary  $400

Amount sold  $5000 Amount sold  $6500
Rate of commission  1.5% Rate of commission  4 2%

Use the advertisement for ex. 9–11.

5. Find the commission Ms. Levine 6. Ms. Velarde sold $825 worth of
receives for selling electronic cosmetics last year. Her rate of
equipment worth $13,000 if her commission was 6%. What was
rate of commission is 4%. her commission?

7. Mr. Jenkins sells major appliances at 8. Ms. Farber had carpet sales of $15,215
1 last month. Her rate of commission is
an 8 2% commission rate. Last month
his total sales were $9675. How much 3%. What is her commission?
commission did he make?

9. Vicente plans to take a job at Hoody’s Auto at a

salary of $550 per month. If his total sales for the WANTED-
first month are $20,000, find his earnings for the month. Auto Salesperson,
Hoody's Auto,
Experienced Only
10. Stella anticipates total monthly auto sales at Hoody’s of Salary Plus
$37,500. With a regular salary of $550 per month, 4% Commission
how much would she make in salary plus commission? on Sales

11. Jamal is offered a choice of jobs at Hoody’s:

(a) regular monthly salary of $550 plus 4% commission; or
(b) straight commission of 7 2% on all sales.
If Jamal expects monthly sales of $20,000, which is
the better offer? Explain in your Math Journal.

12. Aboul’s boss offers him a 5 2% commission on all sales.
What must Aboul’s total monthly sales be in order to
receive a $2200 commission?

Chapter 12 433
8206-2_434-435 10/7/07 12:15 PM Page 434

12-11 Simple Interest

Principal (p) is the amount of money borrowed,
or deposited.
Simple Interest (I ) is the amount of money to be
paid by the borrower on the principal, or the
amount of money paid to the depositor on the
principal, for a stated period of time, in years. The
rate of interest (r ) is the percent of interest paid.
Mr. McPherson borrowed $1000 to be paid back in
3 years. The bank charges a simple interest rate
of 5%. How much interest will Mr. McPherson pay
at the end of 3 years? What will be the total amount
due on the loan?

To find the simple interest due, use the formula I  amount of simple interest
I  prt. p  principal
r  rate of interest
I  prt
t  time in years
I  $1000  0.05  3
I  $150
Mr. McPherson will pay $150 in simple interest.

To find the total amount due, Amount due  Principal  Simple Interest
add the principal plus simple  $1000  $150
interest.  $1150
The total amount due on Mr. McPherson’s loan will be $1150.

Study these examples.

Polly deposits $7000 at a simple interest Dillon puts $1200 at a simple interest
rate of 6.5% for 5 years in her savings 1 1
rate of 7 2 % for 3 2 years into his
account. Find the interest she will earn.
savings. How much interest will he
I  prt earn?
I  $7000  0.065  5
I  prt
I  $2275
I  $1200  0.075  3.5
Polly will earn $2275 interest at the end of I  $315
5 years.
Dillon will earn $315 interest at the end
of 3 2 years.

434 Chapter 12 1.4

8206-2_434-435 3/20/06 9:52 AM Page 435

Find the simple interest, I, for each loan.

1. $5000 at 5% for 2. $2500 at 7% for 3. $9000 at 6.5% for
5 years 7 years 1
8 2 years

4. $7000 at 5.2% for 5. $6210 at 4.8% for 6. $4280 at 2.5% for

9 years 3 years 3.5 years

Find the simple interest earned for each number of years.

Round to the nearest cent when necessary.
Principal Rate 3 years 5 years 7 2 years 10 years
7. $495 7.6%
8. $5230 1.9%
9. $9500 8.4%
10. $4065 2.1%

11. Elizabeth borrows $1500 at a simple 12. Gerard borrows $12,000 at a simple
interest rate of 3% for 3 years. At the interest rate of 5.9% for 4 years. At the
end of the loan, how much principal end of the loan, how much principal
and interest will she have paid back? and interest will he have paid back?

13. Abby deposits $750 in a new savings 14. Aidan deposits $925 in a new savings
account and earns a simple interest account and earns a simple interest
rate of 6%. At the end of 5 years, how 1
rate of 5.5%. At the end of 3 2 years,
much money is in the account if she how much money is in the account if
never makes any more deposits or he never makes any more deposits or
withdrawals? withdrawals?

15. Pete saves $1275 at a simple interest 16. Greg borrows $1975 at a simple
rate of 5% for 5 years. Sharon saves interest rate of 5% for 3 years. Linda
$1175 at a simple interest rate of 7% borrows $1975 at a simple interest rate
for 5 years. At the end of 5 years, who of 4.5% for 4 years. Who pays more
has earned more interest? how much interest at the end of their loan? how
more? much more?

Write as a percent.
17 37 23 9 7 3
17. 25 18. 100 19. 50 20. 25 21. 20 22. 4

Chapter 12 435
8206-2_436-437 10/7/07 12:16 PM Page 436

Make Circle Graphs
Hakan surveyed the students in his class to find the
number of television sets in each home. You can help
Hakan make a circle graph to display his results.

Number of Number Percent Angle

TVs Per Home of Homes of Total Measure
1 6 20% 72
2 12 ? ?
3 9 ? ?
4 or more 3 ? ?
Totals 30 100% 360

In a circle graph, the whole

represents 100% or 360°.

Materials: straightedge, paper, pencil, protractor, compass

Step 1 Copy the table above onto your own paper.

Step 2
Complete the Percent of Total column in Hakan’s table
by solving proportions.
Find what percent of the total number of homes, 30, is
represented by 6 homes.
part 6 n part (%)
whole 30 100 whole (%)

6  100  30n
600  30  30n  30
20  n
6 n
So     20%
30 100
Does the Percent of Total column add up to 100%?
If not, check your work with a calculator.

436 Chapter 12
8206-2_436-437 3/20/06 9:54 AM Page 437

Step 3
Complete the Angle Measure column in Hakan’s table.
Since there are 360° in a circle, multiply each of the
percents by 360° to find the degrees in each section of
the circle graph. Find the number of degrees that 20%
(homes with 1 TV) represents.
Let d  number of degrees.
20% of 360  d
  360  d One angle of the circle
graph should be 72°.
72  d

Does the Angle Measure column add up to 360?

If not, check your work.

Step 4 Use your compass to draw a large B

circle. Draw radius P  of the circle. 70
80 90 100 110
90 80 7 120
60 110 100 0 6 1
0 0 30
50 0 12 50

14 0 3
50 40

0 0
Place the center mark of your

150 20 1
180 170 1 0 30
Step 5
60 1

160 0 0
protractor on P and draw a 0 10 2

170 180
central angle of 72, as shown. A P

Step 6
Draw the other central angles.
Use the degrees in Step 3. Start
your next angle using radius P .

Step 7
Label each section of the graph with 1 TV,
2 TVs, and so on. Give your graph a title.

1. Change the number of homes in your table, in order,

from 6, 12, 9, 3 to 9, 30, 6, 15. Discuss with your class
and then draw a circle graph for the new data.

2. Carl had 3 hours of homework last weekend. He spent the following

amount of time on each subject: math, 30 min; science, 60 min;
spelling, 15 min; social studies, 45 min; English, 30 min.
Construct a circle graph and discuss the results with your class.

Chapter 12 437
8206-2_438-439 10/7/07 12:16 PM Page 438

12-13 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Write an Equation
A disposable digital camera costs $29.95
plus 5% sales tax. Find the sales tax and
total cost of the camera.

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you

reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: camera cost—$29.95

rate of sales tax— 5%
Question: What is the sales tax and the
total cost of the camera?

To find the sales tax, multiply the marked price

by the rate of sales tax.

Write a percent equation: Let T represent the sales tax.

T  rate of sales tax  marked price
T 5%  $29.95

To find the total cost, add the Let TC represent the total cost.
sales tax to the marked price. TC  marked price  sales tax
TC  $29.95  T

T  5%  $29.95
4 4 2
0.$ 2 9.9 5
. 0 0.0 5
$ 1.4 9.7 5  $1.50 Round to the nearest cent.
The sales tax is $1.50.

TC  $29.95  $1.50  $31.45

The total cost is $31.45.

Since Total Cost  Marked Price  Sales Tax, check

if the total cost is greater than the marked price.

438 Chapter 12
8206-2_438-439 3/20/06 9:55 AM Page 439

Solve each problem. Write an equation to help you.

01. There are 90 animals on Henley’s farm. Of these animals,
60% are cows. How many of the animals are cows?

Visualize yourself in the problem

above as you reread it. List the
facts and the question.

Facts: 90 animals
60% cows
Question: How many of the animals are cows?

Draw and label a diagram.

Look at the diagram. 0 n 90
Write a percent equation.
Let n represent the number of cows. 0% 60% 100%

Number Percent All

of cows of cows animals
n  60%  90

02. The school principal received 240 complimentary tickets to

a concert. She gave 5% of the tickets to Ms. DeSilva’s class.
How many tickets did Ms. DeSilva’s class receive?

03. The school received a delivery of 700 textbooks. Of these,

140 are math books. What percent of the delivery are math books?

04. There are 1250 students in the middle school. Of this number,
30% are in sixth grade. How many students are in sixth grade?

05. A swimming pool that costs $850 is on sale for $637.50.

What is the rate of discount on the pool?

06. Mr. Schultz sold 3 cars for the following amounts: $11,995,
$30,985, and $22,175. If his rate of commission on these
3 sales was 4%, what was his commission for all 3 cars?

07. Of the 750 children who went to the fair, 600 had yogurt.
What percent of the children did not have yogurt?

Chapter 12 439
8206-2_440-441 10/7/07 12:17 PM Page 440

12-14 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. Of the 25 food booths at the Elm Street Fair, 20% serve
vegetarian meals. How many booths serve
vegetarian meals?

02. The Golden Dragon restaurant serves 375 meals at

the fair. Of those, 40% are lo mein. How many lo mein
meals are served?

03. The Mexican Hat serves tacos at the fair. The usual
price for one taco is $2.60. For the fair, the store
discounts the price by 35%. How much is one taco
at the fair?

04. Marissa works for 5 hours at the Mexican Hat.

She spends 40% of her time cooking and the rest
serving. How much time does she spend serving?

05. It costs $350 to rent a booth at the fair. This year,

15% of the rental fee is donated to city charities.
How much money is donated to city charities for
each booth rented?

06. Of 150 booths at the fair, 45 feature games.

What percent of the booths feature games?

07. The Children’s Hospital sells T-shirts at the fair. Each T-shirt
costs $8.00 plus 6.5% sales tax. What is the total cost
of one T-shirt?

08. For each $8.00 T-shirt, the hospital earns $4.80. What percent
of the selling price is profit?

09. The Potter’s Place sells mugs at the fair. A mug that usually costs
$15 sells at the fair for $11.25. By what percent is the usual
price reduced?

10. The Potter’s Place sells these percentages of goods

at the fair: 30% mugs 20% bowls 15% vases
15% plates 10% wind chimes 10% miniature animals
Make a circle graph to show this data.

440 Chapter 12
8206-2_440-441 3/20/06 9:57 AM Page 441

Choose a strategy from the list or use another strategy

you know to solve each problem.
11. At one game booth, 10 players use air pumps
to fill balloons. The first two players to pop
Use These Strategies
their balloons win prizes. What percent of the
Write an Equation
players win prizes? Use More Than One Step
Work Backward
12. The ring-toss booth gives giant stuffed Use a Graph
animals as prizes. At the beginning of the day,
the booth had 220 animals. So far, 75% of the
animals have been won. Of the remaining
stuffed animals, 15 are pandas. How many
are not pandas?

13. Of 48 spaces on a game wheel, 10 show

a fish. A player who spins a fish wins a
goldfish. Are the chances of winning
a goldfish better than 25%?

14. Glittering Prizes sells earrings. It sells 25% of its

earrings by the end of the day. If it has 51 pairs
left, how many pairs did it have to start with?

15. A pair of earrings sells for $6.75. The local sales tax
is 6.5%. Necklaces have a marked price of $8.50.
What is the total price for a necklace?

16. Wanda’s Wickerware sells 50% of its baskets

before noon. It sells 80% of the remaining baskets
before 5:00. At 5:00, it has 10 baskets left. How many
baskets did the store have at the beginning of the day?

Use the bar graph for problems 17–20. Fair Booths

17. What percent of this year’s booths sell clothing?
Number of Booths


18. Which type of booth increased by 100% 40

between last year’s fair and this year’s fair? 30
19. By how many did the number of booths
increase this year? 10

20. Last year, 60% of the game booths gave away Food Clothing Games Other
stuffed animals. How many booths gave away Types of Booths
stuffed animals last year? Key : Last Year
This Year

Chapter 12 441
8206-2_442 3/20/06 9:57 AM Page 442

Lessons 1–14

Find the percentage of the number. (See pp. 414–419.)

1. 25% of 20 2. 3% of $7.20 3. 52% of 60

4. 33 3% of 48 5. 62.5% of 800 6. 150% of 40

Find the percent or rate. (See pp. 420–421.)

7. What percent of 8 is 2? 8. What percent of 100 is 12?

9. 48 is what percent of 192? 10. 2.2 is what percent of 40?

Find the sales tax and total cost of each item. (See pp. 428–429.)
11. $35.20 radio, 5% sales tax 12. $500 refrigerator, 6 2% sales tax

Estimate to decide which is the better buy. (See pp. 430–431.)

13. 3 pairs of socks for $2.08 14. Dozen oranges for $3.15
1 pair of socks for 60¢ Oranges: 25¢ each

Draw a circle graph of the favorite pets of a Grade 6 class. (See pp. 436–437.)

15. Dog: 40 students Bird: 05 students Fish: 15 students

Cat: 30 students Other: 10 students

(See pp. 420–427, 432–435, 438–441.)

16. Seventeen percent of the 500 pages 17. This year the price of a calculator
of a magazine contain photos. is 110% of last year’s price of $50.
How many pages contain photos? What is the price this year?

18. The rate of discount on a $560 19. Find the commission on sales of
DVD player is 15%. Find the discount $2000 if the rate of commission
and the sale price. is 8%.

20. Carl loaned his sister $375. That 21. Judy borrows $1200 at 4% simple
is 15% of Carl’s savings. How interest for 2 years. At the end of the
much did Carl have in savings? loan, how much principal and interest
must she pay?

22. Mr. Kirkpatrick’s regular salary is $1500 per month. His rate
of commission is 4%. How much does he make in a month
when his total sales are $10,000?

442 Chapter 12 (See Still More Practice, p. 530.)

8206-2_443 10/7/07 12:17 PM Page 443

Percent Change
Percent change is the ratio of the change to the
original price expressed as a percent.

A $25 shirt is on sale for $20. What is the percent

0% d 100%
decrease in price?
$0 $20 $25
To find the percent decrease, use a proportion.
Let d  rate of decrease
decrease $25  $20 d Subtract the sale price from the original
original price  price to find the amount of decrease.
$25 100
$5 d $500 $25d
 $5  100  $25d  20  d
$25 100 $25 $25
$5 d
So   20%
$25 100
The decrease in price is 20%.

Last month the skateboard that Joe wanted cost $40. This month
the skateboard costs $50. What is the percent increase in price?

To find the percent increase, use a proportion.

Let i  rate of increase
increase $50  $40 Subtract the original price from the new
original price i price to find the amount of increase.
i  0.25  25%

The increase in price is 25%.

Find the percent decrease or increase.

1. $45 decreased by $9 2. $85 decreased by $42.50 3. 120 decreased by 54

4. 828 decreased by 289.8 5. 316 decreased by 28.44 6. $32 increased by $8

7. $62 increased by $18.60 8. 648 increased by 486 9. 153 increased by 15.3

Find the percent change. Explain whether it is a decrease or increase.

10. from $346 to $269.88 11. from 1295 to 1036 12. from $1022 to $715.40

13. from $525 to $603.75 14. from 3950 to 4937.5 15. from $9696 to $12,895.68
1.4 Chapter 12 443
8206-2_444 3/20/06 10:34 AM Page 444

Find the percentage of the number.

1. 50% of 44 2. 4% of $ 6.00 3. 34% of 500

Find the percent or rate.

4. What percent of 25 is 5? 5. 78 is what percent of 120?

Estimate to decide which is the better buy.

6. 4 loaves of bread for $4.99 7. 5 puzzles for $4.45
1 loaf of bread for $1.50 1 puzzle for 95¢

Find the commission and total earnings.

8. Salary  $250 9. Salary  $400
Amount sold  $640 Amount sold  $3500
Rate of commission  5% Rate of commission  4 2%

Draw a circle graph of Mr. Lapid’s monthly budget.

10. Food $500 Transportation $200 Mortgage payment $800
Utilities $100 Miscellaneous $400

Use a strategy or strategies you Explain how you solved each problem.
have learned. Show all your work.
11. There are 520 students in the 13. Which is the better buy: $28 pants
sixth grade. Forty-five percent at 20% off or the same pants for
are girls. How many are girls? 1
$32 at a 4-off sale?
12. The rate of discount on a $14.80 14. If Ann gave a 15% tip on a restaurant
CD is 25%. Find the sale price. bill of $46, how much was the tip?

Answer each question and explain your answer.

15. Which is the better discount: 16. Is 100% off always a good
15% off the list price or $15 buy? When is 15% off the list
off every $100 you spend? price not a good buy?

444 Chapter 12
8206-2_445-446 3/20/06 9:59 AM Page 445

Test Preparation Chapters 1–12

Choose the best answer.
1. Which ratio is equal to ? 7. Find the value of n.
8 n

3 15
a. 14 : 10 b. 21 : 30 a. n  5 b. n  24
c. 28 : 30 d. 21 : 40 c. n  40 d. n  120

2. Rename as a decimal. 8. Rename as a mixed number in

simplest form.
3 2
a. 1 b. 2
a. 12.8 b. 1.28 4 3
3 75
c. 0.128 d. 0.0128 c. 2 d. 2
4 100

3. If two lines intersect and form congruent 9. Solve for x.

adjacent angles, then the lines are: 12  x  5

a. congruent b. parallel a. x  17 b. x  7

c. perpendicular d. skew c. x  7 d. x  17

5 1 1
4. Which statement is correct? 10. Evaluate  a  2 when a  9 .
6 2 3

5 1
a. 25 b. 24
12 6
a. 55%  0.75 b. 0.017  4%
1 2
c. 87%  0.85 d. 0.73  78% c. 23 d. 12
3 3

5. As a decimal, is equal to: 11. Simplify the expression.
(12  9)  3  4(7  15)

a. 0.625 a. 68
b. 0.655 b. 4
c. 1.5 c. 4
d. 1.6 d. 68

6. What is the mR in RST ? 12. If the temperature in Buffalo is 23°F, what is
the temperature in °C? [Use the formula
C  (F  32).]
R 9
a. 40° a. 45°C
b. 90° b. 5°C
c. 180° c. 45°C
45° 45°
S T d. 200° d. 5°C

Chapter 12 445
8206-2_445-446 3/20/06 9:59 AM Page 446

13. Which shows rational numbers ordered 18. Chris bought 7 yd of cloth. She gave
from least to greatest? 3
Judy yd. How much cloth does
3 2 5
a. , 1 , 1 1 , Chris have left? a. 3
4 3 6 6 3
3 2 5 1 5
b. , 1 , , 1 b. 6 yd
4 3 6 6 12
 2 3 
1 1 , 5 7
c. 1 , , c. 6 yd
3 4 6 6 12
2  3 5 1 1
d. 1 , , , 1 d. 8 yd
3 4 6 6 12

14. Victoria has $7.25. After she lends money 19. If two complementary angles have
to Ada, she has $4.85 left. How much measures (3x  10)° and (2x  10)°,
money did Victoria lend to Ada? then what is the value of x?

a. $2.40 b. $3.60 a. 18 b. 20
c. $4.85 d. $12.10 c. 22 d. 36

15. A restaurant bill is $34.50. What is a 20. A sweater is on sale for 24% off the
reasonable estimate for a 15% tip? original price. If the original price is $56,
what is the selling price?

a. $6.50 b. $6.00 a. $13.44 b. $40

c. $5.00 d. $4.50 c. $42.56 d. $70

21. Cesar drives 150 miles in 2 hours. At this
16. The product of 8 and a number is 72. 2
What is the number? rate, how far can he drive in 4 hours?

a. 9 b. 576 a. 240 miles b. 250 miles

c. 80 d. not given c. 350 miles d. 400 miles

17. Norma reads 120 pages in 3 hours. 22. If BD is the angle bisector of ABC,
At that rate, how many pages can mABD  48° and mDBC  (2x  18)°,
she read in 9 hours? then what is the value of x ?

a. 1080 b. 360 pages a. 15 b. 20

c. 40 pages d. 27 pages c. 28 d. 33

Explain how you solved the problem. Show all your work.
23. A ribbon 56 cm long is cut into two 24. Suppose there are 125 boys attending a
pieces. One of the pieces is three times school of 400 students. In a survey of 50 girls
longer than the other. Find the lengths, in that school, 10 said they have a part-time
in centimeters, of both pieces of ribbon. job. Based on this sample, predict about how
many girls in the school have a part-time job.

446 Chapter 12
8206-2_447 3/23/06 3:08 AM Page 447

In this chapter you will:

Relate decimals and metric units
Rename and compute metric and
customary units
Investigate perimeter,
circumference, and area formulas
Joan Benoit Compute surface area and volume
Rename and compute customary
1984 U.S. Olympic Marathon Gold Medalist
units and time
During the third mile Decompose figures to solve problems
not the eighteenth as expected Solve problems using drawings
she surged ahead and formulas
leaving behind the press
of bodies, the breath Critical Thinking/Finding Together
hot on her back The 2003 Special Olympics World
and set a pace Summer Games were held in Dublin,
the experts claimed Ireland. Research and report to the
she couldn’t possibly keep class the results for three sports in
to the end. these Games. Discuss measurement
used for each sport.
Sure, determined,
moving to an inner rhythm
measuring herself against herself
alone in a field of fifty
she gained the twenty-six miles
of concrete, asphalt and humid weather
and burst into the roar of the crowd
to run the lap around the stadium
at the same pace
once to finish the race
and then again in victory
and she was still fresh
and not even out of breath
and standing.
Rina Ferrarelli

Chapter 13 447
8206-2_448-449 10/7/07 12:17 PM Page 448

Update your skills. See page 20.

13-1 Measure Metric Length

You can use a centimeter ruler 1 meter(m)  10 decimeters (dm)
to measure length to the nearest 1 m  100 centimeters (cm)
centimeter or millimeter. 1 m  1000 millimeters (mm)
A B 1 kilometer (km)  1000 m

cm 1 2 3 4 5 On this ruler, the distance 
A B is about 4 cm long.
from one tick mark to the 
A B is 42 mm long.
next is 1 millimeter:
cm 1 2 3 4 5 1 cm  10 mm.

You can use a meterstick to measure greater lengths,

widths, or heights.

You would need 1000 metersticks

laid end to end to measure
a 1-kilometer long bridge.

Metric units of length are related by powers of 10. Each unit has ten times the
value of the next unit to its right and one-tenth the value of the next unit to its left.

thousands hundreds tens ones tenths hundredths thousandths

1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
kilometer hectometer dekameter meter decimeter centimeter millimeter
(km) (hm) (dam) (m) (dm) (cm) (mm)

Multiply by a power of 10 to rename Divide by a power of 10 to rename

larger units as smaller units. smaller units as larger units.
7 km  ? m 240 cm  ? m
7 km  (7  1000) m  7000 m 240 cm  (240  100) m  2.4 m

To rename one metric unit to another (short way): 30.5 m  ? km

 Count the number of places from the From meters to kilometers,
known unit to the new unit in the table. move 3 places left.
 Move the decimal point the same number 30.5 m  0.030.5 km
of places in the same direction.
30.5 m  0.0305 km

448 Chapter 13
8206-2_448-449 3/23/06 1:24 AM Page 449

Measure each line segment to the nearest centimeter and

to the nearest millimeter.
1. 2. 3.

Draw each quadrilateral described. Then draw and measure its diagonals.
4. square ABCD with 5. rhombus EFGH with
AB  5 cm EF  25 mm

6. regular quadrilateral MNOP 7. concave quadrilateral QRST

with MN  44 mm with QR  2.5 cm, RS  3.5 cm

8. For which quadrilaterals in exercises 4–7 are

the diagonals congruent? Explain your answer.

Rename each unit of measure. Use the tables on page 448 to help you.
9. 6 cm  ? mm 10. 7 m  ? cm 11. 9.7 km  ? m

12. 11 mm  ? cm 13. 453 dm  ? km 14. 34 dm  ? m

Compare. Use ,, , or ..
15. 0.45 m ? 45 cm 16. 4.8 cm ? 0.48 mm 17. 257 cm ? 25.7 dm

18. One piece of electrical wire is 35 mm 19. Last year City X reported 1.65 m of
long. A second piece is 34.9 cm long. rain. City Y reported 131.5 cm of rain.
Which piece is longer? Explain. Which city had more rain? Explain.

20. The jogging track is 4.8 km long. 21. A strip of metal is 420 cm long. How
Laura knows that her jogging stride is many 1.4 cm strips can be cut from it?
about 1 m in length. How many of her How many 14 mm strips can be cut
strides would cover the distance from it? Explain how you found your
around the track once? answers.

Multiply or divide as indicated.

22. 11  1000 23. 7.6  100 24. 120  100 25. 5.8  100

26. 0.48  10 27. 5.732  100 28. 0.06  10 29. 15.2  1000

Chapter 13 449
8206-2_450-451 10/7/07 12:18 PM Page 450

Update your skills. See page 21.

13-2 Measure Metric Capacity and Mass

Capacity is the amount a container can hold.
The most commonly used metric units of capacity 1 L  1000 mL
are the liter (L), milliliter (mL), and kiloliter (kL). 1 kL  1000 L

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The

1 g  1000 mg
milligram (mg), gram (g), kilogram (kg), and metric ton (t)
1 kg  1000 g
are the most commonly used metric units of mass.
1 t  1000 kg
You can rename metric units of capacity and mass
the same way as you rename metric units of length.

thousands hundreds tens ones tenths hundredths thousandths

1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter
(kL) (hL) (daL) (L) (dL) (cL) (mL)
kilogram hectogram dekagram gram decigram centigram milligram
(kg) (hg) (dag) (g) (dg) (cg) (mg)

Multiply by a power of 10 to rename Divide by a power of 10 to rename

larger units as smaller units. smaller units as larger units.
0.001 kL  ? L 355 mL  ? L
0.001 kL  (0.001  1000) L  1 L 355 mL  (355  1000) L  0.355 L

Study these examples.

5.85 kg  ? g 87,226 kg  ? t
5.85 kg  (5.85  1000) g  5850 g 87,226 kg  (87,226  1000) t  87.226 t

Think Think
6014 g  ? kg Move the 8.6 L  ? mL Move the decimal
6014 g  6.014. kg decimal point 3 8.6 L  8.600. mL point 3 places to
6014 g  6.014 kg places to the left. 8,6 L  8600 mL the right.

Rename each unit of measure.

1. 11 L  ? mL 2. 4000 L  ? kL 3. 72.5 mL  ? L

4. 14 kg  ? g 5. 3000 mg  ? g 6. 45 000 g  ? kg

7. 9.1 L  ? kL 8. 4.025 g  ? mg 9. 200 dg  ? g

450 Chapter 13
8206-2_450-451 3/23/06 1:27 AM Page 451

Rename each unit of measure. Use the tables on page 450 to help you.
10. 0.45 L  ? mL 11. 543 cL  ? hL 12. 19.2 dag  ? dg

13. ? g  621 mg 14. ? mL  0.768 L 15. ? kg  1389 mg

16. 125 cL  ? L 17. 19 g  ? mg 18. 5635 mL  ? L

Compare. Use , ,  , or . .
19. 24 L ? 240 mL 20. 7.3 kL ? 7300 L 21. 4000 mL ? 0.4 L

22. 24 g ? 240 mg 23. 6.6 kg ? 6600 g 24. 6550 mg ? 6.55 g

25. 6.7 kg ? 6700 g 26. 8575 mL ? 8.5 L 27. 2000 mg ? 20 g

28. 3 L ? 3100 mL 29. 3.225 kg ? 3225 g 30. 15.5 kg ? 16 t

31. A can of condensed soup has a 32. The mass of a bicycle is about 10 kg.
capacity of 325 mL. How many liters How many grams is the mass of the
of soup is this? bicycle?

33. If 1000 copies of a report are sent out, 34. A can holds 354 mL of juice. How
each with a mass of 5500 g, how many liters of juice are there in a
many metric tons is the report? carton of 8 cans?

35. A glass container has a capacity of 36. Colette’s softball bat is 75 cm long. It
7500 mL. How much more or less has a mass of 112 g for every 10 cm
than 75 L can the glass container of length. What is the total mass of
hold? Explain. Colette’s bat?

37. Alice has the following amounts of orange juice in separate

containers: 355 mL, 0.001 kL, and 125 cL. How many liters of
orange juice does she have in all the containers?

38. Conrad buys 2 L of apple juice. He 39. Nelda measures the mass of a rock
drinks 250 mL with lunch. How many and finds out that it is 0.15 kg. What
milliliters are left? is the mass of the rock in grams?
A 2480 mL C 248 mL F 1.5 g H 150 g
B 1750 mL D 175 mL G 15 g J 1500 g

Chapter 13 451
8206-2_452-453 10/7/07 12:18 PM Page 452

Update your skills. See pages 22 and 24.

13-3 Measure Customary Length

You can use an inch ruler to measure the
length of an object to the nearest inch or
nearest part of an inch.

The length of 
B is:
 1 in. to the nearest in.

1 1
 1  in. to the nearest  in.
2 2
1 1
 1  in. to the nearest  in.
4 4
3 1
 1  in. to the nearest  in.
8 8
5 1
 1  in. to the nearest  in.
16 16

These tools are used to measure lengths in

12 inches (in.)  1 foot (ft)
customary units:
3 feet  1 yard (yd)
inch ruler— measures objects that are shorter 5280 ft or 1760 yd  1 mile (mi)
in length, width, or height
yardstick— measures greater lengths, widths,
or heights, such as the width of your classroom
odometer— measures distances, such as the
number of miles between two cities

Multiply and divide to rename customary units of length.

Multiply to rename larger Divide to rename smaller
units as smaller units. units as larger units.
1 Think Think
2 2 mi  ? yd 102 in.  ? ft
1 mi  1760 yd 12 in.  1 ft
1 1
2 2 mi  (2 2  1760) yd 102 in.  (102  12) ft
1 5 1760
2 2 mi  
yd 102 in.  8 ft 6 in.
6 1
1  or 2 ft

452 Chapter 13
8206-2_452-453 3/23/06 2:21 AM Page 453

Find the missing value to complete each proportion.

01. a. 1 foot (ft) : 12 inches (in.)  3 feet : ? inches

02. b. 3 feet : ? yard (y)  6 feet : 2 yards

03. c. 1760 yards : 1 mile (mi)  ? feet : 1 mile

Rename each unit of measure. Use the table on page 452 to help you.
2. 40 ft  ? yd 3. 114 in.  ? ft 4. 23,760 ft  ? mi

1 1 2
5. 4 2 mi  ? ft 6. 7 4 ft  ? in. 7. 6 3 yd  ? ft

8. 8 ft 9 in.  ? in. (Hint: 8 ft 9 in. means 8 ft  9 in.)

9. 7 yd 2 ft  ? in. 10. 2 mi 40 ft  ? ft 11. 1 2 mi 60 yd  ? ft

Compare. Use ,, , or ..
12. 15 yd ? 50 ft 13. 18 ft ? 200 in. 14. 25,000 ft ? 5 mi

2 1 1
15. 96 in. ? 2 3 yd 16. 2 2 yd ? 2700 ft 17. 40 in. ? 3 4 ft

18. 49 ft ? 16 yd 2 ft 19. 294 in. ? 24 ft 6 in.

1 1 1
Use a ruler to measure each segment to the nearest 1 in., 2 in., 4 in., 8 in.,
and 16
20. R P 21. X Y

22. 23.

24. A rug is 7 2 ft long. How 25. Kate’s backyard is 16 yd long and
many yards long is the rug? 14 2 yd wide. How many feet
wide is the backyard?

Chapter 13 453
8206-2_454-455 10/7/07 12:19 PM Page 454

Update your skills. See page 23.

13-4 Measure Customary Capacity and Weight

Customary units of capacity include fluid ounces 1 c  8 fl oz
(fl oz), cups (c), pints (pt), quarts (qt), and 1 pt  2 c
gallons (gal). 1 qt  2 pt
1 gal  4 qt
Weight is a measure of how heavy an object is.
Customary units of weight include ounces (oz),
pounds (lb),and tons (T). 1 lb  16 oz
1 T  2000 lb
You can rename customary units of capacity and weight
the same way you rename customary units of length.
120 fl oz  ? c 18 4 pt  ? c
120 fl oz  (120  8) c 8 fl oz  1 1
18 4 pt  (18 4  2) c Think
1c 1 1 pt 
1 73 2 2c
120 fl oz  15 c 18 4 pt  4  1 c
1 1
18 4 pt  36 2 c

Remember: Multiply to rename larger units as smaller units.

Divide to rename smaller units as larger units.

Study these examples.

5 2 gal  ? qt Think 30 oz  ? lb Think
1 1 1 gal  16 oz 
5 2 gal  (5 2  4) qt 4 qt 30 oz  (30  16) lb 1 lb
1 11 4
2 2 gal     qt 30 oz  1 lb 14 oz 14
1 14 oz  16
2 2 gal  22 qt
30 oz  1 8 lb or 8 lb

Find the missing value to complete each proportion.

01. a. 1 quart (qt) : 2 pints (pt)  5 quarts : ? pints

b. 16 ounces (oz) : ? pound (lb)  64 ounces : 4 pounds

c. 2000 pounds (lb) : 1 ton (T)  5000 pounds : ? tons

454 Chapter 13
8206-2_454-455 3/23/06 2:22 AM Page 455

Rename each unit of measure. Use the tables on page 454 to help you.
2. 8 gal  ? qt 3. 80 oz  ? lb 4. 50 fl oz  ? c
1 3 1
5. 2 2 lb  ? oz 6. 7 4 pt  ? fl oz 7. 10 8 lb  ? oz

8. 8 c 2 fl oz  ? fl oz 9. 16 lb 5 oz  ? oz 10. 15 T 920 lb  ? lb

11. 19 qt  ? gal ? qt 12. 17 c  ? pt ? c 13. 1 lb 48 oz  ? lb

Compare. Use ,, 5, or ..
14. 7 gal ? 29 qt 15. 4.5 T ? 10,000 lb 16. 33 pt ? 16 qt 1 pt
17. 10 c ? 6 pt 18. 7 pt 5 c ? 19 c 19. 6 2 lb ? 103 oz

20. 5 gal 5 qt ? 20 qt 21. 54 oz ? 3 lb 7 oz 22. 7 pt 5 c ? 19 c

23. How much more than a gallon 24. How much less than a pound is
is 7 quarts? 13 ounces?

25. At $.49 a pint, what is the cost 26. At $.59 a quart, what is the cost of
of 24 qt of milk? 3 gal of syrup?

27. Which weighs more: a 12-oz jar 28. How many pint containers can be
of fruit jelly or a 4-lb jar of jam? filled from 24 gal of juice?

29. Conduct an experiment to find out how much liquid

you drink in a week (5 days). Follow these steps:
• Estimate the number of cups of liquid you drink in one week.
• As closely as you can, each day record to the nearest whole
• number of cups of liquid that you drink.
• Find the total for the week and compare it with your estimate.
• Discuss your results with the class. Then work together
• to find (a) the number of fluid ounces and (b) the number
• of gallons for your class.

Chapter 13 455
8206-2_456-457 10/7/07 12:19 PM Page 456

13-5 Compute Customary Units

To add or subtract customary units:
 Add or subtract like units.

 Regroup to rename one unit to

another, as needed.
8 5
 05 ft 7 in. 16 in.  12 in.  4 in.  9 gal 1 qt 9 gal 1 qt
 08 ft 9 in.  4 gal 3 qt
 13 ft 16 in. 16 in.  1 ft  4 in.  4 gal 2 qt  8 gal  1 gal  1 qt

13 ft 16 in.  13 ft  1 ft  4 in.  8 gal  4 qt  1 qt

 14 ft 4 in.  8 gal 5 qt

To multiply with customary units:

 009 ft 4 in. 12 in.  1 ft
 Multiply by each unit.
 27 ft 13
 Regroup to rename one  27 ft 12 in.  27 ft  1 ft
unit to another.  27 ft 12 in.  28 ft
 Rename all units as 9 ft 4 in.  (9  12) in.  4 in.
like units. 9 ft 4 in.  108 in.  4 in.  112 in.
 Multiply. 112 in.  3  336 in.
 Regroup. 112 in.  3  (336  12) ft
112 in.  3  28 ft

To divide with customary units:

3 lb 8 oz  2  ? 1 lb  16 oz
 Rename all units as
like units.  23 lb 8 oz  (3  16) oz  8 oz
 23 lb 8 oz  48 oz  8 oz  56 oz
lb 56 oz  2  28 oz
lb 56 oz  2  (28  16) lb
lb 56 oz  2  1 lb 12 oz

456 Chapter 13 2.0

8206-2_456-457 3/23/06 2:23 AM Page 457

1.  8 ft 04 in. 2.  7 yd 1 ft 3.  10 yd 24 in.
 3 ft 10 in.  7 yd 2 ft  10 yd 16 in.

4.  2 gal 3 qt 5.  6 lb 10 oz 6.  6 pt 3 c
 1 gal 3 qt  9 lb 12 oz  3 pt 1 c

7.  10 yd 2 ft 8.  3 ft 08 in. 9.  4 yd 10 in.
 06 yd 2 ft  1 ft 10 in.  3 yd 11 in.

10.  5 gal 3 qt 11.  8 qt 3 c 12.  10 lb 8 oz

 2 gal 1 qt  4 qt 4 c  06 lb 9 oz

13.  2 ft 3 in. 14.  6 yd 2 ft 15.  4 yd 16 in.
 2 ft 2  6 yd 4  4 yd 15

16. 7  9 gal 3 qt 17. 6  8 qt 3 pt 18. 6  7 lb 6 oz

19. 4 yd 1 ft  3 20. 2 mi 5 yd  5 21. 3 gal 1 pt  2

22. 2 lb 1 oz  3 23. 3 qt 1 pt  7 24. 16 ft 8 in.  5

25. A 16-in. piece is cut off the end 26. A leaking water pipe loses 1 2 cups
of a board 1 yd 2 in. long. of water an hour. How many gallons
How long is the board now? of water does it lose in a day?

27.  7 yd 1 ft 8 in. 28.  5 gal 3 qt 1 pt 29.  3 mi 1760 yd 100 ft
27.  4 yd 2 ft 4 in. 27.  2 gal 4 qt 3 pt 27.  4 mi 1760 yd 250 ft

30. 3 mi 6 yd 2 ft  5 31. 4  9 qt 2 pt 1 c 32. 20  7 mi 140 yd 50 ft

Chapter 13 457
8206-2_458-459 10/7/07 12:20 PM Page 458

13-6 Compute with Time

Tim’s watch reads 8:55 A.M. If he plans 60 seconds (s)  1 minute (min)
to go to lunch at 12:00 P.M., how much 60 min  1 hour (h)
longer must he wait? 24 h  1 day (d)
To find how much time longer, find the 7 days  1 week (wk)
elapsed time from 8:55 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 12 months (mo)  1 year (y)
You may use mental math or subtract 365 d  1y
using paper and pencil. 100 y  1 century (cent.)

Mental Math Paper and Pencil

5 10
From 8:55 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. is 5 min.  12:00  1 1:6 0 Regroup
From 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. is 3 h.  08:55  0 8: 5 5 1 h as 60 min.
The elapsed time is 3 h 5 min.  08:55  0 3: 0 5
Tim must wait 3 h 5 min. 3:05  3 h 5 min

You can add to find the ending time of an event.

Pam boards the bus from her home at 12:15 P.M. If it takes 1 h 55 min to
reach her destination, at what time will Pam reach her destination?

To find the time, t, add: 12 h 15 min  1 h 55 min  t.

12 h 15 min
 1 h 55 min
13 h 70 min  14 h 10 min 2:10 P.M.

Pam reaches her destination at 2:10 P.M.

Study these examples.

2 80
3 min 20 s 8 wk 2 d 3 y 8 mo  2
 2 min 35 s  4 44 mo  2  22 mo
0 min 45 s  45 s 32 wk 8 d  33 wk 1 d 22 mo  1 y 10 mo

Find the elapsed time.

1. from 3:15 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. 2. from 5:55 A.M. to 7:30 A.M.

3. from 10:30 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. 4. from 9:20 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

5. from 5:16 A.M. to 9:35 A.M. 6. from 6:22 A.M. to 2:10 P.M.

458 Chapter 13 2.0

8206-2_458-459 3/23/06 2:25 AM Page 459

Rename each unit of time. Use the table on page 458 to help you.
7. 2 y 3 mo  ? mo 8. 650 y  ? cent. 9. 3 d 2 h  ? h
10. 2 2 h  ? min 11. 1250 s  ? min ? s 12. 758 d  ? y ? wk

13. 6 h 25 min 14. 3 d 18 h 15. 2 y 5 mo 12 d 16. 33 min 15 s  5
 2 h 40 min  1 d 15 h  y 5 mo 123

Time Zones
The United States is divided 10
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1

into six time zones. From time 8

7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5

Pacific Mountain Central Eastern

zone to time zone, it is one Seattle

hour earlier as you travel Anchorage Portland

west, and one hour later as Alaska

Time Boise Minneapolis Boston

you travel east. Chicago

Erie New York City
Salt Lake
City Washington, D.C.
San Francisco Denver
When it is 3:00 A.M. in Denver, St. Louis

Los Angeles
Colorado, it is 2:00 A.M. in Los San Diego
Little Rock

Angeles, California. 11 12 1
Dallas Savannah

10 2
9 3 New Orleans W E
8 4 Houston
When it is 4:00 P.M. in Dallas, 7 6 5

Miami S

Texas, it is 5:00 P.M. in New Honolulu

York City, New York. Hawaii


It is 9:00 A.M. in Denver, Colorado. Write the time in each city.

17. Portland, OR 18. St. Louis, MO 19. Miami, FL 20. Anchorage, AK
21. Honolulu, HI 22. Seattle, WA 23. Boise, ID 24. Washington, DC

25. Julio’s clock read 9:45 P.M. when he 26. At 4:55 P.M. in Honolulu a flight to
arrived home after a 10 h 30 min trip. Houston departs. It arrives at 6:43 A.M.
What time did he leave? Houston time. How long is the flight?

23 24 1
22 2
Use reference books to learn about the 24-hour clock. 20
21 3

Then write the 24-hour clock times. 3:00 P.M.  15:00 19

17 7
27. 4:15 A.M. 28. 3:25 P.M. 29. 12:40 A.M. 15
14 10

13 12 11

Chapter 13 459
8206-2_460-461 10/7/07 12:20 PM Page 460

13-7 Relate Customary and Metric Units

While traveling in Italy, Mr. Santos bought an 80-cm long
leather belt as a gift. His friends wear 30-in., 34-in., and
36-in. belts. Which of them would the belt fit?

To find who the belt would fit, rename: 80 cm = ? in.

You can rename between customary and metric units of measure the
same way as you rename units within the customary or metric system.

The table below shows the equivalents between customary and metric units
of measure. Note that only the equivalent for inches and centimeters is
exact and all other equivalents are approximate.

Customary and Metric Unit Equivalents

Length Capacity Weight/Mass
1 in.  2.54 cm 1 fl oz  30 mL 1 oz  28.35 g
1 m  39.37 in. 1 L  1.06 qt 1 kg  2.2 lb
1 mi  1.61 km 1 gal  3.79 L 1 metric ton (t)  1.102 T

80 cm  (80  2.54) in. Think

A centimeter is a smaller unit
80 cm  31.5 in. than an inch, so divide.
The belt would fit the one who wears a 30-in. belt. 2.54 cm  1 in.

Study these examples.

25 gal  ? L Think 24 lb  ? kg Think
25 gal  (25  3.79) L 1 gal  1 L, 24 lb  (24  2.2) kg 1 lb  1 kg,
so multiply. so divide.
25 gal  94.75 L 1 gal  3.79 L 24 lb  11.36 kg 2.2 lb  1 kg

Find the missing value to complete each proportion.

1. a. 1 mile (mi) : 1.61 kilometers (km)  3 mile : ? kilometers

b. 1 liter (L) : 1.06 quarts (qt)  5 liters : ? quarts

c. 1 metric ton (t) : 1.102 tons (T)  10 metric tons : ? tons

d. 39.37 inches (in.) : 1 meter (m)  150 inches : ? meters

460 Chapter 13 2.0

8206-2_460-461 3/24/06 12:54 PM Page 461

Rename each unit of measure. Round to the nearest hundredth.

Use the table on page 460 to help you.
2. 12 in.  ? cm 3. 12 yd  ? m 4. 2 mi  ? km

5. 20 qt  ? L 6. 20 fl oz  ? mL 7. 20 qal  ? L

8. 30 lb  ? kg 9. 30 oz  ? g 10. 30 T  ? t

11. 5 cm  ? in. 12. 5 m  ? yd 13. 5 km  ? mi

14. 100 L  ? qt 15. 100 mL  ? fl oz 16. 100 L  ? gal

17. 55.5 kg  ? lb 18. 55.5 g  ? oz 19. 55.5 t  ? T

Compare. Use ,, , or ..
20. 4 m ? 12 ft 21. 38 km ? 30 mi 22. 20 in. ? 50.8 cm

23. 3.25 gal ? 12 L 24. 100 L ? 27 gal 25. 5 fl oz ? 160 mL

26. 10 lb ? 5 kg 27. 3 oz ? 70 g 28. 10 t ? 12 T

29. A perfumery uses customary and 30. While traveling in Canada, Richard
metric units of measure. Which stopped at a gas station and bought
contains more, a 500-mL bottle or 32 L of gas. About how many gallons
a bottle with 0.5 qt? Explain. of gas did he buy?

31. Anna’s car weighs about 3000 pounds. About how many
kilograms does the car weigh?

Use a vocabulary word in the box to complete each sentence.

32. A ? is when a figure is moved without changing
its size or shape. polyhedron
33. A ? is a flat pattern that folds into a solid figure. transformation
34. A ? is a solid, or space, figure whose faces net
are polygons.

Chapter 13 461
8206-2_462-463 10/7/07 12:21 PM Page 462

Update your skills. See page 25.

13-8 Perimeter
5.1 m
Rita uses 54.6 m of fencing to enclose a play area for her
dogs. The play area is in the shape of a polygon, shown at 18.2 m
the right. She painted all but one side of the fence. How 12.4 m
many meters of fencing does Rita have left to paint?

To find how many meters of fencing left, x, write

and solve the equation:
sum of the lengths of sides is equal to perimeter
12.4 m  5.1 m  18.2 m  x  54.6 m Add like units of measure.

12.4  5.1  18.2  x  54.6

35.7  x  54.6 Simplify.

35.7  35.7  x  54.6  35.7 Subtract 35.7 to isolate the variable.

x  18.9 Simplify.

Rita has 18.9 m of fencing left to paint.

For some polygons, you can use formulas to find perimeter.

• Square or Rhombus P  4s, where s  length of side

• Rectangle P  2  2w or P  2 (  w),
where   length and w  width

• Regular Polygon P  ns, where n  number of congruent sides,

and s  length of one side
yd P  2 (  w) P  5s
1 5
 2 (1 6 yd  6 yd)  5(4.1 cm)
16 yd  4 yd  20.5 cm
4.1 cm
To find the perimeter of a more complex figure, break it down into simpler figures
and then add the lengths of its actual sides.
10 in.
4 in. P  10 in.  (3  4 in.)  7 in.  (3  3 in.)
 10 in.  12 in.  7 in.  9 in.
Think  38 in.
7 in. 10  3  7
3 in.

462 Chapter 13
8206-2_462-463 3/23/06 2:28 AM Page 463

Find the perimeter of each polygon.

1. 5.1 m 2. 3.
4.6 cm
7.5 m 1
20 3 yd

4. Rectangle 5. Square 6. Regular heptagon

  23.2 cm s  27 4 ft s  45 in.
w  8.6 cm
12 m 2 in.
7. 8. 9. 4 in.
8m 13 in.
3 in.

5 in. 6m 16 in.

Find the length of each unknown side.

10. 11. y 12. 6.5 m
8 ft 3.2 m
6.5 in.
4.8 m
7.8 ft 2.8 in.
x 8.6 in. 5.3 m

P  22.8 ft P  23.1 in. P  26.6 m

13. Find the perimeter of a triangle 14. Find the perimeter of a quadrilateral
with sides measuring 25 mm, 1
with sides measuring 9 3 yd, 18 ft,
2.8 cm, and 1.9 cm. 1
4 2 yd, and 45 in.
15. At $2.95 per foot, what is the cost of
fencing for a rectangular garden that 16. How many meters of fringe are
1 needed to border a triangular
is 20 ft wide and 30 2 ft long?
pennant 125 cm on a side?

Measure the lengths of the sides of each polygon to

the nearest 8 in. Then find the perimeter of each polygon.
17. 18.

Chapter 13 463
8206-2_464-465 10/7/07 12:21 PM Page 464

Update your skills. See page 25.

13-9 Area of Rectangles and Squares

The area of a polygon is the number of square units
that cover its surface. The square units may be square
centimeters, square meters, square inches, and so on.
1 square unit
Area of a Square Area of a Rectangle
Area  side  side Area  length  width
A  s  s  s2 A    w  w

What is the area of a square mirror What is the area of a wall

2 1
that measures 9.5 cm on each side? that measures 16 3 ft by 10 2 ft?
First estimate: 10 cm  10 cm  100 cm 2 First estimate: 17 ft  11 ft  187 ft 2
Then find the area. Then find the area.
Ass Aw
10 12 ft
9.5 cm 2 1
A  9.5 cm  9.5 cm A  16 3 ft  10 2 ft
25 7 16 23 ft
50 21
A  90.25 cm 2 A  3 ft  2 ft  175 ft 2
Think 1 1 Think
The area of the 90.25 cm 2 is The area of the wall 175 ft 2 is close
mirror is 90.25 cm 2. close to 100 cm 2. is 175 ft 2. to 187 ft 2.

To find the area of more complex figures The dashed red lines show
divide the figure into squares and rectangles. how the figure can be
 Find the area of each rectangle divided into rectangles.
and square. 4m
Rectangle ABCI: A  4 m  8 m  32 m 2
Square DEJI: A  (3 m) 2  9 m 2 5m
Rectangle IFGH: A  8 m  2 m  16 m 2 D E
 Add to find the area of the entire figure. 3m
A  32 m2 9 m2  16 m2  57 m2 A
Study this example. 8m
Find the area of a rectangle that is 3 4 feet by 24 inches. Rename units as feet.
24 inches  2 feet
1 13 1
A  3 4  2 A 4 2 A  6 2 ft 2

464 Chapter 13
8206-2_464-465 3/23/06 2:29 AM Page 465

Use formulas to find the areas. Estimate to help.

1. 2. 1 3. 2 2 ft
12 yd
10.3 cm
1 7 3 ft
12 yd
13.5 cm

4. 7m 5. 4 in. 4 in.
1 1
2.5 m 13 in. 13 in.
13 in.
2.5 m 4 in.

2.5 m

6. 11 ft 7. 18 in.
7 in.
4 ft 9 in. 6 in.
12 ft 9 ft
12 in.
4 ft 8 in.

21 in.

Draw a diagram and use a formula to solve each problem.

8. Find the total area of 8 rectangular 9. How many 4-in. square tiles are needed
wooden panels if each measures to cover an 8 ft by 16 ft wall?
5.2 cm by 7.6 cm. (Hint: 1 ft 2  144 in. 2)

10. How many square yards of carpeting 11. A rectangular floor is 7.5 ft long. It is
are needed to cover a floor that is 9 ft 4 times as wide as it is long. How
wide and 15 ft long? (Hint: 9 ft 2  1 yd 2) many square yards of vinyl are
needed to cover this floor?

Find each missing dimension. Use Guess and Test.

12. Area of square: 144 in.2 13. Area of square: 625 cm 2
Find the length of a side. Find the length of a side.
s  s  12 in.  12 in.  144 in.2
14. Area of rectangle: 276 m 2
s  12 in. Width  12 m
Find the length.

Chapter 13 465
8206-2_466-467 10/7/07 12:22 PM Page 466

13-10 Area of Triangles and Parallelograms

Robin discovered the area formulas for triangles and
parallelograms using the area of a rectangle.

Right Triangle The base (b) and the height (h) of the
right triangle correspond to the length
and the width of the rectangle.
w h 5 3 cm
ᐉ Think
b 5 4 cm The area of the right triangle is
half the area of the rectangle.
1 1
A  2  b  h Area of Triangle: A  2  b  h
2 1
1 4 3 A  2 bh
cm  1 cm
A  6 cm2 Any side of a triangle can serve
as the base.
The height is the length of the
perpendicular segment from the
base to the opposite vertex.

height height height

base base base

Parallelogram The base (b) and the height (h) of the

parallelogram correspond to the length
and the width of the rectangle.
h h = 3 cm Think
The area of the parallelogram is
b = 5 cm equal to the area of the rectangle.

Area of Parallelogram: A  b  h
Abh A  bh
A  5 cm  3 cm
Any side of a parallelogram can
A  15 cm2 serve as the base.

466 Chapter 13
8206-2_466-467 3/23/06 2:31 AM Page 467

Find the area of each triangle.

1. 2. 3. 4.
30 cm
12 cm 2 yd
6 cm 8 ft
5 yd
8 cm 10 ft

Find the area of each parallelogram.

5. 6. 7. 8.

3 cm 12 in. 4
15 yd
15 mm
7.5 mm
4 cm 18 in.
13 yd

Find the area of each triangle and parallelogram to complete each table.

Area of Triangle Area of Parallelogram

Base Height Area Base Height Area
9. 10 ft 5 ft ? 12. 4 cm 6 cm ?
10. 8.4 m 5.1 m ? 13. 8.1 m 12 m ?
11. 1 14. 1
5 2 yd 9 yd ? 6 3 ft 3 ft ?

15. Find the area of a triangular 16. Find the area of a parallelogram-shaped
traffic sign with a base of 40 cm pennant with a base of 2 yd and height
and height of 60 cm. of 15 ft.

17. The area of a parallelogram is 18. An isosceles right triangle has

24 in.2 and the height is 8 in. area of 98 cm2. Find the length of
Find the length of the base. each leg.

19. Find the length and width of a rectangle that has an area of
64 ft 2, with the least perimeter possible. Explain how you found
your answer.

Chapter 13 467
8206-2_468-469 10/7/07 12:23 PM Page 468

13-11 Area of Trapezoids

Two congruent trapezoids put together, as in the figure below, form a parallelogram.
(b 2) 3 cm (b 1) 5 cm Notice that:
• the original trapezoid has 2 bases: the
lower base, b1, and the upper base, b2.
(h) 4 cm • the height, h, is a perpendicular line
segment connecting the 2 parallel bases.
• by rotating the original trapezoid 180°,
you can form a parallelogram.
(b 1) 5 cm (b 2) 3 cm

Area of parallelogram  bh
 (b1  b 2 ) h Substitute (b1  b 2) for b.

The area of the original trapezoid is The formula for the area of a trapezoid:
one half the area of the parallelogram.
Area  12  (base1  base2 )  height
So, the area of a trapezoid  12 (b1  b2) h.
A  12 (b1  b 2 ) h
To find the area of the trapezoid above:
A   (b1  b 2) h
A   (5 cm  3 cm) 4 cm Substitute b1  5 cm, b 2  3 cm, and h  4 cm.
A   (8 cm) 4 cm
A  16 cm2
Study these examples.
15 in. 8m
5 in.
70 dm
25 in.

A   (b1  b 2 ) h A   (b1  b 2 ) h
2 2
1 Think
A   (25 in.  15 in.) 5 in. A   (9 m  8 m) 7 m Rename
2 2
20 70 dm as
1 meters.
A    41
 51 A   (17 m) 7 m
2 2 70 dm  7 m

A  100 in.2 A  59.5 m 2

468 Chapter 13
8206-2_468-469 3/23/06 2:32 AM Page 469

Find the area of each trapezoid.

1. 21 yd 2. 9 ft 3. 9 cm
4 yd

12 yd 12 ft 11 cm

12 ft 17 cm

4. 1.6 in. 5. 6.
1.1 in. 14 mm
16 mm 21 mm 1
9 2 ft 11 1 ft
3.4 in.

8 ft

7. Danica makes a quilt in the shape of a 8. Les builds a patio in the shape of a
trapezoid. The longer base is 15 ft long trapezoid. The parallel bases are 14 ft
and the shorter base is 12 ft long. The and 16 ft long. The distance between
height is 8 ft. The quilt cost her $0.65 the bases (the height) is 13 ft. The
per square foot to make. How much patio cost $1.25 per square foot. How
did it cost Danica to make the quilt? much did it cost Les to make his patio?

9. A trapezoid has a shorter base that is 10. A trapezoid has a shorter base that
19 in. long and a longer base that is measures 6.2 cm and a longer base
23 in. long. The area of the trapezoid that measures 7.5 cm. The area of
is 105 in.2 What is the height of the the trapezoid is 30.14 cm 2. What is
trapezoid? the height of the trapezoid?

Find the simple interest, l, for each loan.

11. $2000 at 3% for 2 years 12. $9400 at 5% for 3 years

13. $7500 at 4.5% for 3 years 14. $7080 at 6% for 5 years

15. $38,000 at 7% for 9 years 16. $85,500 at 3.9% for 7 years

Chapter 13 469
8206-2_470-471 11/1/07 3:45 PM Page 470

13-12 Circumference
The distance around a circle is called
the circumference (C ) of the circle.

Lynn uses a string to measure around the

circle at the right and uses a metric ruler diameter (d) = 50 mm
to measure the length of the string. Then
she finds the ratio of circumference to

circumference 157 mm
diameter 50 mm

For every circle, the ratio of the circumference, C,

to the length of the diameter (d) is close to Think
3.14. Mathematicians use the Greek letter  (pi)   3.141592653589793 . . .
to name this ratio.  is a nonterminating,
nonrepeating decimal and is an irrational number.

You can use formulas to find the approximate

circumference of a circle.

To find circumference when the To find circumference when the

length of a diameter, d , is given: length of a radius, r, is given:
Use C  d. Use C  2r.
5.5 m 3 yd d  2  r or
Use   3
to estimate.

First estimate: First estimate:

C  3  6 m  18 m C  3  (2  3 yd)  18 yd
Then solve. Then solve.
Cd C2r
C  3.14  5.5 m C  2  3.14  3 yd
Think Think
C  17.27 m 17.27 m is close C  18.84 yd 18.84 yd is close
to the estimate to the estimate
of 18 m. of 18 yd.

470 Chapter 13 1.1

8206-2_470-471 3/23/06 2:37 AM Page 471

Use   3 to estimate the circumference. Then use 3.14 for 

to find the circumference of each circle.
1. 2. 3. 4.
2m 4 ft 10 yd 8.5 in.

Use the Fractional Value for 

You can use the fraction 7 as an approximate 22
value for  to find the circumference of a circle. 7

1 1 1
2 22 7 1 7 3 2 ft
C  1  7  2 ft 3 2 ft  2 ft
1 1
C  22 ft

Find the circumference. Use 7 for .
5. d  7 ft 6. r  14 cm 7. d  21 in. 8. d  35 mm
3 2 1 1
9. d  1 4 ft 10. d  1 5 yd 11. r  2 yd 12. r  2 4 ft

13. The diameter of Earth measures 14. A wheel has a diameter of 72 cm.
about 13 000 km. What is its How far will a point on the wheel
approximate circumference? travel in 3 complete turns?

Find the perimeter of each complex figure.

15. 16. 10 cm 17.
12 m
4 cm

14 ft

Chapter 13 471
8206-2_472-473 11/1/07 3:42 PM Page 472

13-13 Area of a Circle

You can use the formulas for circumference of a circle and area of a
parallelogram to help you find the formula for the area of a circle.

The sections of the circle at the right have been C r

rearranged to approximate a parallelogram.
Use the formula for the
Abh area of a parallelogram. 1
1 b 2C
 2Cr Substitute b  12 C and h  r.
 2 (2r)  r Substitute C  2r. Area of a Circle: A  r 2
 r 2 Simplify.
Find the area of the circular piece of wood. Think: r  18 ft  2  9 ft
First estimate: A  r 2
A  3  (10 ft)2  3  100 ft 2
d = 18 ft
 300 ft 2

Then find the area using 3.14 for .

A  r 2
 3.14  (9 ft) 2  3.14  81 ft 2
254.34 ft2 is close to the
 254.34 ft 2 estimate of 300 ft 2.

Study these examples.

Find the area. Find the area of the shaded region.

42 yd r  42 yd  2
 21 yd
13 in.
9 in.

Estimate: A  3  (20 yd)2  1200 yd2

Then solve: A    (21 yd)2

21 A  area of big circle  area of small circle
yd  21
yd  3.14  (13 in.)2  3.14  (9 in.)2
 530.66 in.2  254.34 in.2
A  1386 yd2  276.32 in. 2

472 Chapter 13 1.1

8206-2_472-473 3/23/06 2:39 AM Page 473

Find the area. Use 3.14 or 7 for . Estimate to help.
1. 2. 3.
10 m
5 ft 14 yd

4. r  3 in. 5. r  10 cm 6. r  7 km 7. r  14 m

8. d  40 yd 9. d  35 mm 10. r  28 ft 11. r  36 km
12. r  0.6 m 13. r  1.5 cm 14. r  3 2 yd 15. d  21 ft

Find the area of the shaded region.

16. 6 in. 17. 18.
6 yd

3 in. 12 m 15 yd


19. A designer has a circular piece 20. The length of a diameter

of canvas with a radius that of a metal jar lid is 4.2 cm.
measures 50 cm. Find its area. Find its area.

21. A circular rug is 4 m across. 22. A circular metal part for a machine
What is the distance around has a radius 0.1 mm long. Find the
the rug? total area of 100 of these parts.

Find the area of each circle in terms of p.

23. r  2 cm A  r 2 A  (2 cm)2 A  4cm2

24. r  5 ft 25. r  7 yd 26. r  9 in. 27. r  10 m

Chapter 13 473
8206-2_474-475 10/7/07 12:25 PM Page 474

13-14 Surface Area of Cubes, Rectangular

Prisms, and Cylinders
The surface area of a solid figure is the sum of the areas of all its faces.
To find the surface area of a polyhedron, look at its net. e
Find the surface area of a cube that e
1 1
measures 2 2 ft on an edge. 2 2 ft

To find the surface area of a cube: 2 2 ft
1 5
e  2 2 ft  2
Surface Area of a Cube
S  6e 2
5 5 25
 Find the area of one square face. A  2 ft  2 ft  4 ft 2
 Multiply the area by 6 since all six 3
6 25 1
faces of a cube are congruent. S 
 4 ft 2  37 2 ft 2
The surface area of the cube is 37 2 ft 2.

Find the surface area of a rectangular prism that

measures 10 cm long, 3 cm wide, and 5 cm high. h  5 cm
w  3 cm
To find the surface area of a rectangular prism:   10 cm

Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism top

S  2w  2wh  2h
 Find the area of one of each w
parallel faces and then double side bottom side
the area.
h front
 Find the sum of the areas.

Area of top and bottom faces 2(10 cm  3 cm)  60 cm2
Area of side faces 2( 3 cm  5 cm)  30 cm2
Area of front and back faces 2(10 cm  5 cm)   100 cm2
Surface Area (S)  190 cm2

The surface area of the rectangular prism is 190 cm2.

474 Chapter 13
8206-2_474-475 3/23/06 2:40 AM Page 475

Find the surface area of each cube.

1. 2. 3. 4.

4 cm 5 ft
0.6 m
1.2 yd

5. e  15 in. 6. e  8 m 7. e  2.1 cm 8. e  1.3 yd

Find the surface area of each rectangular prism.

9. 10. 3 in.
11.   9 ft 12.   5 m
2m 1
4 in.
w  2.3 ft w  1.4 m
6m 6 in. 1
h  1.2 ft h  5.9 m

Surface Area of a Cylinder

Find the surface area of a r  2 in.
cylinder with a base that 2 in.
has a radius of 2 in. and a h  4 in.   C  2r 4 in.
height of 4 in.
2 in.

Surface Area  (2  area of circular base)  (area of rectangular surface)

 (2  r 2)  (2r  h)
height of prism 
S  2  3.14  (2 in.)2  2  3.14  2 in.  4 in. width of rectangle
 25.12 in.2  50.24 in.2
 75.36 in.2 Surface Area of a Cylinder
S  2r 2  2rh
The surface area of the cylinder is 75.36 in.2.

Find the surface area of each cylinder. Use 3.14 for p.

13. 4 in. 14. 7 cm 15. 13 yd 16. 10.3 m 6.6 m

7 in.
8 yd
9 cm

17. Ed will paint the walls and ceiling 18. Cans made by a local canning company
of a room that is 14 ft wide by are 6.4 cm in diameter and 12.5 cm
15 ft long by 8 ft high. What is the high. How much aluminum is needed
surface area of the room? to make 100 cans?

Chapter 13 475
8206-2_476-477 10/7/07 12:25 PM Page 476

13-15 Surface Area of Pyramids and

Triangular Prisms
To find the surface area of a square pyramid:
• Open the pyramid to form its net. front
• Find the area of each of its 5 faces.
• Add the areas to get the surface area.
side base side

h ⴝ 5 cm
6 cm
6 cm

Area of base  6 cm  6 cm  36 cm2

Area of faces  4(12) (6 cm  5 cm)  60 cm2
In this square pyramid, the
Surface Area (S)  96 cm2 4 triangular faces are congruent.

When the 4 triangular faces of a square pyramid are congruent,

use a shortcut to find the surface area. Find the area of one triangular
face, multiply by 4, and add that to the area of the square base.
S  4 (Atriangle)  Asquare
 4  12 (6 cm  5 cm)  (6 cm) 2
 60 cm2  36 cm2 front
 96 cm2
side bottom side
To find the surface area of a triangular prism:
• Open the prism to form its net. back
• Find the area of each of its 5 faces.
• Add the areas to get the total area.

15 mm In this triangular prism, the triangular

h ⴝ 12 mm bases are congruent and the front and
21 mm
back rectangular faces are congruent.
18 mm

Area of bottom face  18 mm  21 mm  378 mm2

Area of rectangular front and back faces  2 (21 mm  15 mm)  630 mm2
Area of triangular bases  2  12 (18 mm  12 mm)   216 mm2
Surface Area (S)  1224 mm2

476 Chapter 13
8206-2_476-477 3/23/06 2:41 AM Page 477

Find the surface area of each figure.

1. 2. 3.
9 cm

11 cm 3.3 yd
11 cm
7m 1.2 yd
7m 1.2 yd

4. 2 in. 5. 6 ft 6. 13 m
4 ft 1 72 m
2.5 in. 2.5 in. 72 m
12 ft 9m
4 in. 3 in.

5 ft 5 ft

Draw a diagram and solve.

7. Randolph makes a doorstop in the 8. The name tags on the library tables
shape of a pyramid. The base of the are shaped like triangular prisms. The
pyramid is a square with 4-in. sides triangular faces of the prisms have
and triangular faces 4 in. tall. Randolph 5-cm bases, 6-cm sides, and heights
wants to cover the pyramid with felt. of 5.45 cm. The rectangular faces of
What is the surface area that he the prisms are 12 cm long. What is
needs to cover? the surface area of each name tag?

9. Sheila makes a pyramid with a 5.5-in. 10. David makes a triangular prism.
square base. Each triangular face The triangular faces of the prism
has a height of 7.8 in. Angie makes a have 5-ft bases. The sides of the
pyramid with a 6.5-in. square base. triangles are 10.31 ft long, and
Each triangular face has a height their heights are twice the length of
of 6.8 in. Whose pyramid has the the bases. The lengths of the
greater surface area? by how many rectangular faces are twice the height
square inches? of the triangular faces. What is the
surface area of David’s prism?

11. Explain how to find the surface area of a triangular prism

that has equilateral triangles as its bases.

Chapter 13 477
8206-2_478-479 10/7/07 12:26 PM Page 478

13-16 Volume of Prisms

The volume of a solid figure is the number of cubic units
that it contains. The cubic units may be cubic centimeters, 1 unit
cubic inches, cubic meters, cubic feet, and so on.
1 unit
1 unit
You can count the cubes to find the volume one cubic unit
of a cube or a rectangular prism.
edge 4 cm
5 cm
3 cm

3 cm
3 cm

width length
3 cm

The large cube has 3  3 or The rectangular prism has 5  4

9 cubes in each layer, and or 20 cubes in each layer, and
there are 3 layers of cubes. there are 3 layers of cubes.
The volume is 27 cm 3. The volume is 60 cm 3.

You can use formulas to find the volume

of cubes and rectangular prisms.

Volume of a Cube Volume of a Rectangular Prism

V  edge  edge  edge V  length  width  height
V  e3 V  wh

Find the volume of Find the volume of the

the cube. rectangular prism.
6 ft
V  e3 V  wh 8 ft
4 1
0.3 m 10 2 ft
21 8 6
V  (0.3 m)3 V 
V  0.027 m3 V  504 ft 3

The volume of the cube The volume of the rectangular

is 0.027 m3. prism is 504 ft 3.

478 Chapter 13
8206-2_478-479 3/28/06 3:24 PM Page 479

Find the volume of each cube.

1. 2. 3.

10 mm 0.8 cm
4. e  4 in. 5. e  0.7 dm 6. e  1 2 ft

Find the volume of each rectangular prism.

7. 8. 9.
3 yd
2 yd 15 cm
7 yd 1 cm
2 cm

10.   3 cm 11.   5 yd 12.   5.2 m

w  4 cm 1
w  2 yd w5m
h  5 cm 1
h  6.4 m
h  2 5 yd

13. Find the volume of a swimming 14. A moving van is 12 m long,

pool that is 50 m long, 20 m 3.5 m wide, and 3.8 m high.
wide, and 5 m deep. What is the volume of the van?

15. A storage room is shaped like a 16. The inside of a cubical box measures
cube. It measures 5 m on each 12 ft on each edge. How many cubes,
edge. What is the total volume each measuring 1 ft on each edge,
of 10 storage rooms? will fit inside the box?

17. What happens to the volume of a cube if the length

of an edge is doubled? tripled? Give examples to support your answers.

Two rectangular prisms are similar solids if the ratios of

3 in.
the lengths of their corresponding edges are equal. 2 in.
4 in.
18. Are the given rectangular prisms similar? Explain.
15 in.
19. How does the volume of the smaller rectangular
10 in.
prism compare to the volume of the larger prism? Explain. 20 in.

Chapter 13 479
8206-2_480-481 10/7/07 12:26 PM Page 480

13-17 Volume of Triangular Prisms and Cylinders

You can use the formula V  Bh where B is
the base area and h is the height, to find
the volume of triangular prisms and cylinders.

Find the volume of the triangular prism

at the right.
10 in.
To find the volume of a triangular prism:
height of prism
Volume of a Triangular Prism
V  Bh  (2 bh) h base of triangle 5 in. 4 in.

 Find the area of the triangular

height of
base, B. B  2 bh triangle
 Multiply the area of the base, B,  2  5 in.  4 in.  10 in.2
by the height of the prism, h. The
product is the volume, V. V  Bh
 10 in.2  10 in.  100 in.3
The volume of the triangular prism is 100 in.3.

r  2 in.
Find the volume of a cylinder that has a
radius of 2 in. and a height of 8 in.

To find the volume of a cylinder: h  8 in.

Volume of a Cylinder
V  Bh  (r 2) h

 Find the area of the circular base, B. A  r 2

 3.14  (2 in.)2  12.56 in.2
 Multiply the area of the base, B, by V  Bh
the height of the prism, h. The  12.56 in.2  8 in.  100.48 in.3
product is the volume, V.

The volume of the cylinder is about 100.48 in.3.

480 Chapter 13
8206-2_480-481 3/23/06 2:44 AM Page 481

Find the volume of each triangular prism.

1. 2. 3. 4.
6 ft
11 cm 9m 8.4 yd
8 cm 6.6 yd
4 ft 6 ft 4.8 m 4.2 yd
9 cm

5. 6. 7.
2.9 cm
2m 9.7 cm
9 in. 5.8 m 8.8 cm
3.7 m
15 in.
7 in.

Find the volume of each cylinder, to the nearest tenth.

8. 4 ft 9. 10. 66 mm 11.
5 in.

7 ft 1.5 m 9 in.
0.9 m 46 mm

12. r  3 in. 13. r  4 ft 14. r  5 in. 15. d  6 yd

h  6 in. h  10 ft h  12 in. h  8 yd

16. The height of a triangular prism is 17. The height of a triangular

6.5 cm and the area of its base is prism doubles. What happens
24 cm . Find its volume. to the volume?

18. The volume of a triangular prism 19. Caden says that the volume of a
is 84 cubic inches. The area of the cylinder that has a diameter of 8 cm
base is 12 square inches. What is and a height of 14 cm is about
the height of the prism? 2813.44 cm3. Is Caden correct?
If not what is the error?

20. How is finding the volume of a cylinder and finding the volume
of a triangular prism alike? How is it different?

Chapter 13 481
8206-2_482-483 10/7/07 12:27 PM Page 482

13-18 Volume of Pyramids

The volume of a pyramid is equal to one-third the volume
of a prism that has the same base and height.

The rectangular prism and the square pyramid below have congruent
bases and have the same height. Find the volume of each.

6 in. h 5 6 in.

3 in. 3 in.
3 in. 3 in.

Volume of rectangular prism Volume of square pyramid

Vwh V  13  w h
 3 in.  3 in.  6 in.
 54 in.3  13 (3 in.  3 in.  6 in.)

 13 (54 in.3)  18 in.3

The volume of a pyramid is one third

Volume of a Pyramid
the product of the area of the
base and the height of the pyramid. V  13 Bh

Study these examples.

6 cm 19 ft

8 cm 25 ft
8 cm 25 ft

V  13 Bh V  13 Bh

 13 (8 cm)2  6 cm  13 (25 ft) 2  19 ft

 128 cm3  3958 13 ft 3

482 Chapter 13
8206-2_482-483 3/28/06 3:25 PM Page 483

Find the volume of each pyramid.

1. 2. 3. 8 in.

5 cm 37 in.

14 cm 37 in.
7 cm

7 cm 9 cm
9 cm

4. 5. 6.
10 ft
26 ft 32 6 mm

26 ft 33 mm 1
92 m
33 mm

23 m
23 m

7. A pyramid has an 8-in. square base. 8. Find the volume of a square pyramid
The height of the pyramid is 1 ft. if the edge of the base measures
Find the volume. 100 dm and the height is 15 m.

9. The volume of Len’s square pyramid 10. How many cubic feet of space are
is 21 yd3. The pyramid’s height is 7 yd. occupied by a pyramid-shaped tent
How many yards long are the sides of with a 9-ft square base and a height
the square base? of 8 ft?

11. The volume of Annabelle’s square pyramid is

83.3 in.3. The sides of the pyramid’s square base are
each 5 inches long. What is the height of the pyramid?

12. Explain how you would

find the volume of the 8m
triangular pyramid at
the right. 3.5 m


Chapter 13 483
8206-2_484-485 10/7/07 5:44 PM Page 484

13-19 Use Formulas to Solve Problems

The stage for the fashion show is shaped like the diagram
shown at the right. The show planners need to order 22.6 ft
carpeting to cover the stage floor. What is the area of 16 ft
the floor that needs to be carpeted?
32 ft
Notice that the stage is shaped like a triangle attached
to a semicircle.
To find the area of the floor, first find the area of the triangle
and the area of the semicircle. Then find the sum of the areas.
 Find the area of the triangle. A  2 bh
 2 (32 ft  16 ft)  256 ft2
1 The area of a semicircle
 Find the area of the semicircle. A  2 (π r 2) is half the area of a circle.
A  2  3.14  (16 ft)2
 401.92 ft2
 402 ft2 Round to the nearest whole number.

 Find the surface area, S, S  256 ft2  402 ft2

by adding the two areas.  658 ft2

So, the area of the floor that needs to be carpeted

is about 658 square feet.

Use the figure above for exercise 1.

1. A ribbon banner will be attached around the outside border
of the stage. How many feet of ribbon are needed? (Round to
the nearest whole number.)

2. Originally, the show planners were going to

have a stage shaped like a triangle attached
to a rectangle. The triangle would have been 22.6 ft
the same size. The rectangle would have 16 ft
had the same length as the diameter of the
32 ft
semicircle and the same width as the radius
of the semicircle. What would the area of a
stage shaped like that be?

484 Chapter 13
8206-2_484-485 3/23/06 2:45 AM Page 485

3. At the far end of the park there is a 4. A swimming pool is surrounded

meditation garden. A new semicircular by a rectangular walkway. A
entrance to the garden will be added. committee decides to redo the
What is the total area of the walkway. What is the total area
new garden? that needs to be redone?
37 ft
50 m
New 5m
44 ft 21 m 5m


5. Erika is reseeding the horse pasture. 6. The walkway around the back half
The pasture is shaped like a rectangle, of the bandstand will be removed
with semicircles at each end. If it costs and replaced with a hedge. How
$0.85 to reseed 1 square yard, how many square feet of walkway
much will it cost to reseed the pasture? will be removed?

39 yd
58 ft
2 ft Bandstand 2 ft
95 yd


7. Mr. McAllister is going to paint the front 8. The triangular sign at the entrance to
of his barn. How many square feet does the park will be enlarged by placing a
he need to cover with paint? 1 foot border around each side. What
will be the area of the new sign?

9 ft
4 ft
35 ft

18 ft
1 ft
3 ft
45 ft

Chapter 13 485
8206-2_486-487 10/7/07 12:27 PM Page 486

13-20 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use Drawings/Formulas
Larry wants to fence in a rectangular garden that 4m
is 10 m by 4 m. If he uses 10 m of his house as
one side, how much fencing does he need to buy
for the other three sides?

Visualize yourself in the problem as you reread 10 m

it. List the facts and the question.
Remember, one side is the house and
the other three sides are fencing.

Facts: 10 m length
4 m width
Question: How much fencing is needed?

Look at the diagram.

To find the amount of fencing needed to go around
the garden, will you need to know the area or
the perimeter? Perimeter
Write the formula for perimeter of a rectangle.
P  2  2w or P  2(  w)
Do you need fencing around the four sides
of the garden? No. One of the lengths is the house,
so rewrite the formula using 1 length and 2 widths.

P    2w Remember: One side of the house

serves as the other length.

P  10 m  2  4 m
P  10 m  8 m
P  18 m
Larry will need 18 m of fencing.

Is your answer reasonable?

The amount of fencing should be 10 m less than
the perimeter of a 10 m by 4 m rectangle.

486 Chapter 13
8206-2_486-487 3/23/06 2:46 AM Page 487

Solve. Draw a diagram and write a formula.

01. The new town playground has the measurements
shown in the drawing. What is the total area of 4m
the playground?
Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: Playground measurements playground
shown in diagram—9 m,
3 m, 4 m, 3 m

Question: What is the total area of the


Divide the playground into 2 rectangles.

Use the formula A  w to find the area
of each. Then add:
Area  (4 m  3 m)  (9 m  6 m)

02. A storage box in the shape of a cube measures

1.4 m on each edge. What is the total volume
of 20 storage boxes?

03. How many feet of fencing are needed to enclose a

circular swimming pool that has a 25-ft diameter if there
is a 2.5-ft deck between the edge of the pool and the fence?

04. A children’s square wading pool has a side

of 5 ft. How many cubic feet of water are
needed to fill the pool 1.5 ft deep?
05. Mr. Graycloud fenced in a part of his backyard 2m
3m 3m
for his dog. Find the area of the dog’s yard. 1m
The dimensions are shown in the drawing. 5m

6 cm
06. Cathy used gold trim around the edge of both the circle
and the square at right. About how many centimeters of
trim did Cathy use?

Chapter 13 487
8206-2_488-489 10/7/07 12:28 PM Page 488

13-21 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
01. The Durans are renovating their apartment.
Mrs. Duran measures a strip of wallpaper
2.5 m long. How many millimeters long is it?

02. The walls are 8 ft 10 in. high. Mrs. Duran

cuts a strip of wallpaper that is 16 in.
longer. What is the length of the strip?

03. Regina is refinishing an old wooden trunk.

It measures 3 2 ft long by 2 ft wide by
1 2 ft high. What is its volume?

04. Regina will cover all surfaces of the trunk in

problem 3 with translucent paper. How much
paper will she need?

05. The living room is a rectangle with one side that

measures 3.6 m and another side that measures
4.27 m. What is the perimeter of the living room?

06. The length of a radius of one paint can lid is 9.5 cm.
What is the circumference of the lid?

07. Mr. Duran worked in the apartment for

7 h 20 min on Saturday and 5 h 47 min
on Sunday. How much longer did he work
on Saturday?

08. The dining alcove has this triangular shape. Dining Alcove
What is the area of the dining alcove floor?

09. Regina wants to paint the dining alcove 4.8 ft

floor with copper paint. The label says
that 1 pint will cover 8000 in.2 Will she 10.8 ft
need more than 1 pint to cover the floor?
(Hint: 144 in.2  1 ft 2)

10. Alvin buys a can of paint that has a diameter

of 4 in. and a height of 6 in. Find its volume.

488 Chapter 13
8206-2_488-489 3/23/06 2:47 AM Page 489

Choose a strategy from the list or use another

strategy you know to solve each problem.
11. Ed paints Regina’s room. He uses 4 qt
of lavender paint for the trim. How many
Use These Strategies
fluid ounces of paint does he use? Use More Than One Step
1 Use Drawings/Formulas
12. Ed uses 4 gal of white paint on the bedroom Use Simpler Numbers
1 Write an Equation
walls and 3 gal of the same paint in the
parents’ room. How much paint is left in the
1-gallon container?

13. The Durans buy a circular rug for the

bathroom. The rug has a circumference
of about 12.56 ft. Estimate its diameter.

14. Mr. Duran has 3 boards that are each 7 ft 9 in.

long. If he uses them to build 15 ft 8 in. of
shelving, will he have enough left over to
build a flower box that uses 6 ft 3 in. of board?

15. The hallway is a rectangle with a length of 14.5 ft

and a width of 5.25 ft. Roberto estimates that
they will need about 70 ft2 of carpeting to cover
the hallway floor. Is his estimate reasonable?

16. Regina buys a paperweight shaped like a triangular

prism for her desk. Its base measures 3 cm on a
side and has a height of 2 cm. If the paperweight is
5 cm in height, what is its volume?

Use the drawings for problems 17–20. Regina’s Room

7 ft
17. What is the perimeter of Alvin’s room?

18. What is the area of Regina’s room? 8.2 ft

Alvin’s Room
19. Is the perimeter of Regina’s room 4.5 ft
11.2 ft
greater or less than 32 ft? Explain.

20. Is the area of Alvin’s room greater or 9 ft

less than the area of Regina’s room?
by how much?
12 ft

Chapter 13 489
8206-2_490 3/23/06 2:48 AM Page 490

Lessons 1–21

Rename each unit of measure. (See pp. 448–461.)

1. 40 m  ? km 2. 1.5 cm  ? mm 3. 8000 mL  ? L
4. 4.8 kg  ? g 5. 30 in.  ? ft 6. 3 4 gal  ? qt

7. 64 oz  ? lb 8. 20 lb  ? kg 9. 5 km  ? mi

Measure the line segment to the Compute.

nearest centimeter and millimeter.
11.  7 ft 5 in. 12.  9 h 35 min
10.  6 ft 9 in.  2 h 40 min

Find the perimeter or circumference and area. (See pp. 462–473.)

13. 14. 15. 4 in. 16.

3.2 m 8.5 ft 8 in.
3 ft 6 in. 21 ft
10 m 16 ft
9.5 in.

Find the surface area and volume. (See pp. 474–485.)

17. 18. 8 yd 19.

1 10 ft 7 ft
2 in. 7 yd
1 in.
4 in.
7 yd
7 yd

(See pp. 484–485, 486–489.)

20. What is the area of a parallelogram 21. Find the surface area and volume
with b  12 cm and h  9.5 cm? of a cube with e  1 2 ft.

22. What is the perimeter of a rectangular 23. Find the area of a square
lawn 30 yd long and 25 yd wide? mirror 5.2 dm on each side.

24. How many cubic centimeters are 25. A dog is tied to a pole by a 15-m
in a box 85 cm long, 25 cm leash. What is the area in which
wide, and 120 cm deep? the dog can run?

490 Chapter 13 (See Still More Practice, p. 531.)

8206-2_491 3/23/06 2:48 AM Page 491

Logic: Conjunctions and Disjunctions

In logic, two statements can be combined to form a
compound statement using and, or a compound statement
using or.

It is raining and I am leaving. It is raining or I am leaving.

A compound statement using and is called a conjunction.

It is true only when both original statements are true.

A right angle measures 90 and a straight angle measures 180. True
True True

A compound statement using or is called a disjunction.

It is true when both of the original statements are true
or when one of the original statements is true.

A rhombus has 4 sides or a square has 4 sides. True

True True

Eleven is a prime number or eleven is a composite number. True

True False

A rectangle is a space figure or a prism is a plane figure. False

False False

Write a conjunction statement and a disjunction statement

for each exercise. Then tell whether each is True or False.
01. A robin is a bird. 02. A boat can float.
01. A dime is worth exactly 5¢. 01. A plane can fly.

03. Eighteen is a prime number. 04. 144  12  12

01. One is a composite number. 01. 56  5  280

05. 2400  80  2320 06. (17  3)  4  5

01. 75  69  6 01. 147  58  83

Chapter 13 491
8206-2_492 3/23/06 2:49 AM Page 492

Rename each unit of measure.

1. 6.5 km  ? m 2. 14.2 mm  ? cm 3. 23 L  ? mL

4. 58.3 L  ? kL 5. 5 kg  ? g 6. 9 t  ? kg
7. 12 cm  ? in. 8. 48 L  ? gal 9. 5 4 lb  ? oz

Measure the line segment to Find the perimeter

1 1 and area.
the nearest 8 in. and 16
10. 11. 12. 8 in. 12 in.
A X 3 yd 4 in.

6 yd 16 in.

Find the surface area and volume.

13. 14. 15. 10 in.
14 mm 9 in.
15 mm
31 cm
8 in.
12 mm 18 mm 14 cm 8 in.

Use a strategy or strategies you have learned. 17. What happens to the area or
16. Which has a greater volume: a volume if you double each
safe in the shape of a rectangular dimension in the following
prism that is 6 ft wide, 6 ft long, formulas: A    w;
and 2 ft deep or a cubical safe A  2  b  h; V    w  h ?
that measures 4 ft on each edge? Explain.
How much greater?

Solve each problem.

18. The perimeter of a rectangle is 19. The area of a rectangle is
60 yd. The length is twice the 128 yd 2. The length is twice
width. Find the length and the width. Find the length
width of the rectangle. and width of the rectangle.

492 Chapter 13
8206-2_493-494 3/23/06 2:49 AM Page 493

Test Preparation Chapters 1–13

Choose the best answer.

1. 8.2 g  ? kg 7. Billy bought supplies for $40. If the sales tax

is 7%, what was the total cost?
a. 0.0082 a. $2.80
b. 0.082 b. $37.20
c. 820 c. $42.80
d. 8200 d. $47.00

2. The number 1.56  102 is 8. If a  2 and b  7, what is the

equivalent to value of a  b?
a. 156 a. 5
b. 0.156 b. 9
c. 0.0156 c. 5
d. 0.00156 d. 9

3. What is the sum of the measures of the 9. Find the surface area.
interior angles of an octagon?
a. 360° 3 cm a. 24 cm2
b. 1080° b. 36 cm2
c. 1440° 2 cm c. 72 cm2
d. 1880° 6 cm d. 84 cm2

4. If the height of a trapezoid measures 10. Rose has a table in the shape of a pentagon.
10 cm and the bases measure 12 cm Beth has a hexagonal table. What is the
and 14 cm, what is the area of the ratio of the number of sides of Beth’s table
trapezoid? to the number of sides of Rose’s table?

a. 130 cm2 b. 200 cm2 a. 5 : 7 b. 5 : 6

c. 230 cm2 d. 260 cm2 c. 6 : 5 d. 6 : 7

5. What is the circumference of a circle that 11. What is the value of y in the equation
has a diameter of 12 ft? (Use 3.14 for .) y  195  276?

a. 12 ft b. 18.84 ft a. 1.4 b. 81
c. 37.68 ft d. 113.04 ft c. 90 d. 471

6. Which set of numbers is ordered from least 12. Rename as a mixed number in
to greatest? simplest form.
1 5 3
a. 1 4
, 0.41, 0.3, 2
275% a. 1 4
5 1 2
b. 2
, 1 4
, 0.3, 0.41 b. 23
1 5 3
c. 0.41, 0.3, 1 4
, 2
c. 24
1 5 75
d. 1 4
, 0.3, 0.41, 2
d. 2 100

Chapter 13 493
8206-2_493-494 3/23/06 2:50 AM Page 494

13. The circle graph shows how the Dey 18. In BCD, mC  70°, mCDE  130°,
family spends its income each month. and side 
BD is extended to A and to E.
What is the degree measure of the central Find mCBA.
angle that represents the percentage of
income spent on food? C
Insurance 10%
a. 25° 70° a. 50°
Mortgage 40% Food 25% b. 50° b. 60°
c. 90° 130° c. 120°
Auto 5% Utilities 20% d. 360° A B D E d. 130°

14. Bob chooses an integer at random from 1 19. Mary bought a CD that cost $18.99 and
to 6. What is the probability that the integer paid $20.51, including sales tax. What was
he chooses is a prime number? the rate of the sales tax?
5 4
a. 6
b. 6
a. 8% b. 5%
3 2
c. 6
d. 6
c. 3% d. 2%

15. Which letter has line symmetry but not 20. If the temperature in Boston is 23°F, what is
point symmetry? the temperature in degrees Celsius?
[Use the formula C  9 (F  32).]
a. b.
a. 5°C b. 45°C
c. d. c. 5°C d. 45°C

16. The weights of all students in Grade 6 are 21. In a certain quadrilateral, two opposite sides
arranged from least to greatest. Which are parallel and the other two opposite sides
measure of central tendency separates the are not congruent. The quadrilateral could
top half of the data set from the bottom half? be a

a. mean b. median a. rhombus b. square

c. mode d. not given c. parallelogram d. trapezoid

17. A rocket car travels at a rate of 640 mph. 22. The sum of Rob’s age and Ann’s age is 33
How much time would it take for the car to years. If Ann’s age is represented by x,
travel 384 mi at this rate? Rob’s age is represented by
a. 36 min b. 256 min a. 33  x b. x  33
c. 245 min d. 1.7 h c. x  33 d. 33x

Explain how you solved each problem. Show all your work.
23. Carrie’s sailboat has two sails that are 24. How much greater is the volume of a
similar triangles. The larger sail has cubical storage bin 4
ft on each edge
sides of 10 ft, 24 ft, and 26 ft. If the 2
shortest side of the smaller sail is 6 ft, than a sandbox that is 6 ft long, 5 ft wide,
what is the perimeter of the smaller sail? and 2 ft deep?

494 Chapter 13
8206-2_495 3/23/06 4:38 AM Page 495

Praise Song for a Drummer

The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,
He takes his wife six hundred thousand cowries.
The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,
He takes his son six hundred thousand cowries.
The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,

Mary Smith, translator

In this chapter you will:

Solve two-step equations and
graph transformations
Learn about functions and
algebraic patterns
Solve problems using more
than one method

Critical Thinking/Finding Together

Research the use of the cowrie as
money in Africa and elsewhere.
Jamal owed Bob $27. From the
$28 he earned from a part-time job,
Jamal bought a $9 book and gave
the rest to Bob toward his debt.
If one cowrie  $.95, about how
many cowries is his debt now?
Chapter 14 495
8206-2_496-497 10/7/07 12:28 PM Page 496

14-1 Two-Step Equations

Mario ordered two large plain pizzas for delivery
and paid a total of $21, including a $3 tip.
How much did each pizza cost?

To find how much, write and solve a two-step equation.

A two-step equation involves two operations.

Let p represent the cost of one pizza.

cost of 2 pizzas plus tip equals total cost

$0 p 2p $21
2p  $3  $21
2p  $3  $3  $21  $3 Subract $3 from both sides.
2p  $18 Simplify.
2p  2  $18  2 Divide both sides by 2.
p  $9 solution

2  $9  $3 
Check: 2p  $3  $21  $21 Substitute $9 for p.
$21  $21 True
Each pizza cost $9.

Study these examples.

x 60
Solve: 7  1.2  8.2 Solve: n  2.4  27.6
x 60
 1.2  1.2  8.2  1.2 n
 2.4  2.4  27.6  2.4
x 60
7 n
x 60
•77•7 • n  30 • n
7 n
x  49 60  30n
60  30  30n  30
Check: 7  1.2 
49 ?
 8.2 2n
8.2  8.2 True
Check: 2  2.4 
60 ?
27.6  27.6 True

496 Chapter 14
8206-2_496-497 3/23/06 4:40 AM Page 497

Solve and check.

1. 7z  4  46 2. 8i  5  43 3. 65  9e  173

4. 6.4u  12  84 5. 66.7  4.7h  15 6. 0.2 m  13  20.75

y j q
7. 6  14  51 8. 7  12  79 9. 12  65  90

117 7 9
10. s
54 11. 14  10 b  8 12. t  10  37

3y 4x
13. 10  3  12 14. 3
 1.2  2.4 15. 4.2  9.2  3r  7.1

Write an equation, then solve.

16. If three times a certain number is 17. Eleven subtracted from twice a number
increased by 5, the sum is 23. Find is equal to 7. Find the number.
the number.

18. Two tenths less than five times a 19. Six thousandths more than half a
certain number is equal to 0.09. Find certain number is equal to 0.03. Find
the number. the number.

20. Five dollars more than half the price 21. Brenda bought 12 bagels. She paid a
of a book is equal to $20. What is total of $5.13, including a 75¢ discount.
the full price of the book? What was the cost per bagel?

22. A meteorologist says that the 52°F 23. In the auditorium, there are 15 equal
temperature is 8° less than twice the rows of seats on the floor, and 45 seats
average high temperature for the in the balcony. There is a total of 420
day. What is the day’s average high seats. How many seats are in each row
temperature? on the floor?

Find the area of each figure.

24. 9 in. 25. 26.
5 12 ft
7 in.
8.4 cm 8.7 cm
9 cm
15 in. 6 12 ft

6 12 ft

Chapter 14 497
8206-2_498-499 10/7/07 12:29 PM Page 498

14-2 Addition and Subtraction

Equations with Integers
From 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M., the temperature rose
7 degrees Celsius. At 6:00 A.M., it was 2°C. What
was the temperature at 9:00 P.M.?
To find the temperature at 9:00 P.M., write and solve an equation.

Let t represent the temperature at 9:00 P.M.

temperature rise in temperature
at 9:00 P.M. plus temperature equals at 6:00 A.M.

t  7  2

t  7  2
t  7  7  2  7 Subract 7 from both sides.
t 5 solution Adding or subtracting the

Check: 5  7  2 Substitute 5 for t. same amount from both
2  2 True sides of a true equation
results in a true statement.
The temperature at 9:00 P.M. was 5°C.

Study these examples.

Solve: n  16  40 Solve: h  11  4  9
n  16  16  40  16 h  11  4  9
n  24 h  15  9
h  15  15  9  15

Check: 24  16  40 h  6
40  40 True
Check: 6  11  4 
9  9 True

Complete each step to solve and check each equation.

1. w  9  51 2. f  14  8
w  9  ?  51  ? f  14  ?  8  ?
w ? f ?

Check: ?  9  51 Check: ?  14 

?  51 ?  8

498 Chapter 14 1.1

8206-2_498-499 3/23/06 4:41 AM Page 499

Solve and check.

3. r  7  19 4. y  85  74 5. j  45  9

6. g  17  39 7. u  41  52 8. d  61  38

9. 43  c  69 10. 50  q  29 11. 17  p  69

12. a  13  15  75 13. 23  x  17  96 14. 33  y  39  87

15. r  (24  8)  57 16. 46  z  (30  76)

Write an equation and then solve.

17. Seven more than a number is 18. 18. Eighteen less a number is 80.
Find the number. Find the number.

19. A number decreased by 8 is 21. 20. When 4 is added to the sum of

Find the number. 5 and a number, the result is
7. Find the number.

21. From 4:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M., the 22. Jill played a card game with red
temperature dropped 6 degrees negative cards and yellow positive
Fahrenheit. At 3:00 A.M., the cards. After she drew 4 yellow cards,
temperature was 4°F. What was her score was 11. What was her
the temperature at 4:00 P.M.? score before she drew the 4 yellow

23. From 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Monday, 24. Mateo played the same card game
the temperature rose 12°C. From that Jill played in problem 22. He
4:30 P.M. on Monday to 5:45 A.M. on drew some cards. After he drew 7
Tuesday, the temperature dropped red cards, he gave back 2 yellow
7°C. The temperature at 5:45 A.M. on cards. His final score was 3. What
Tuesday was 2°C. What was the was his score before he drew the 7
temperature at 6:30 A.M. on Monday? red cards?

Solve and check.

25. h  2.3  6.1  2.2 26. 5.6  m  1.4  2.2

27. c  (1.72  3.28)  9 28. 8.9  k  (2.6  1.7)

Chapter 14 499
8206-2_500-501 10/7/07 12:29 PM Page 500

14-3 Multiplication and Division

Equations with Integers
Over a 9-month period, Gina’s stocks
showed an average loss of $16 per month.
What was the total loss in Gina’s stocks for
that 9-month period?

To find the total amount, write and solve

an equation.

Let t represent the total loss.

total loss divided by number of months equals average loss

$16 t
t  9  or 9

• 9  $16 • 9
Multiply both sides by 9.
9  The product or quotient of two
t  $144 solution integers having the same sign
$144 is positive.
 $16 Substitute $144 for t.  The product or quotient of two
$16 integers having different signs
 $16 True
is negative.
The total loss for Gina’s stocks over a
9-month period was $144.

Study these examples.

Solve: 3m  48 Solve: 7f  13  90
3m  3  48  3 7f  13  13  90  13
m  16 7f  77
7f  7  77  7
Check: 3(16) 
48 f  11
 48 True
Check: 7(11)  13 
90  90 True

500 Chapter 14 1.1

8206-2_500-501 3/23/06 4:42 AM Page 501

Complete each step to solve and check each equation.

1. 5a
 135 2. k  6  18
5a  ?  135  ? k 6 ?  18  ?
a ? k ?
Check: 5  ?  Check: ?  6 
? ?
 135  18
?  135 ?  18

Solve and check.

3. 7r  49 4. 25 j  125 5. y  15  4 6. g  17  9
7. 12  u  11 8. 16d  80 9. c  23  3 10. 14q  56
11. 17c  42  43 12. 8t  96  64 13. 29  77g  125
b w e
14. 4  16  78 15. 42  11  35 16. 12  14  36

17. x  25  24  1 18. 4  160  4k 19. 21h  13  134

Write an equation and then solve.

20. When a number is divided by 9, the 21. When a number is multiplied by 15,
result is 11. What is the number? the result is 165. What is the number?
22. Eight more than 3 times a certain 23. When 7 is subtracted from twice a
number is equal to 1. What is the certain number, the result is 25. What
number? is the number?

24. After a starting temperature of 9°C, 25. Over a 9-month period, Bo’s store
the temperature changed in equal showed a total loss of $190. This
increments for each of 7 days. The included 8 months of losses and one
temperature at the end of the 7 days month with a profit of $18. What inte-
was 5°C. How much did the ger represents the average monthly
temperature change each day? loss in the 8 unprofitable months?

Solve for x. Choose the best answer.

12x x
26.  108  336 27. 46  17  28

A x  37 B x  19 F 2070 G 506

C x  19 D x  37 H 2070 J 506

Chapter 14 501
8206-2_502-503 10/7/07 12:30 PM Page 502

14-4 Functions and Ordered Pairs

One of the tallest persons in medical history
was Robert Wadlow, born in Alton, Illinois, in 1918.
On his 13th birthday, he stood 7 ft 14 in.
By age 17, he had reached more than 8 ft in height.
The function table below shows his height in inches
as a function of his age. A function is a set of
ordered pairs (x, y ) in which there is only one
y-value for each x-value.

Age in years (x) 5 8 10 20

Height in inches (y) 64 72 77 103

The pairs of numbers in the table can be written

as ordered pairs (x, y ).
These ordered pairs do not have an
(5, 64) (8, 72) (10, 77) (20, 103) obvious rule that relates the second
number in the pair to the first number.

You can write ordered pairs for a function because they

are related in a specific way, called the function rule.
The ordered pairs below are related by the rule: y  x  3.

Rule: y  x  3
x y Ordered Pair
6 6  3  9 (6, 9)
0 0  3  3 (0, 3)
2 2  3  1 (2, 1)

Use the function rule to complete each function table.

1. Rule: y  x  5 2. Rule: y  x  4
x y Ordered Pair x y Ordered Pair
6 ? ? 12 ? ?
12 ? ? 4 ? ?
48 ? ? 73 ? ?
502 Chapter 14
8206-2_502-503 3/23/06 4:44 AM Page 503

Use the function rule to find the value of y in each ordered pair.

Function Rule Ordered Pairs

3. y  x  4 (11, y) (0, y) (6, y) (9, y)
4. y  x  8 (20, y) (12, y) (8, y) (35, y)
5. y  3x (10, y) (0, y) (3, y) (15, y)
6. y  x  2 (40, y) (26, y) (14, y) (0, y)

Use the function rule to complete each function table.

7. d  5r r 3 5 9 1 10 12
d ? ? ? ? ? ?
(r, d ) ? ? ? ? ? ?

8. d  r  3 r 6 12 21 15 36 48
d ? ? ? ? ? ?
(r, d) ? ? ? ? ? ?

9. Rule: y  2 (x  5) 10. Rule: y  2 (x  7)

x y Ordered Pair x y Ordered Pair
4 ? ? 9 ? ?
6 ? ? 11 ? ?
8 ? ? 0 ? ?

The approximate age of a lobster can be found from its weight. Copy
and complete the function table. Then write a rule relating x and y.
11. Weight in pounds, x 2 3 4 5 6
Age in years, y 14 21 28 ? ?
(x, y) (2, 14) ? ? ? ?

12. Complete the table at the right. x ? ? ? ?

Explain how to find the x-values.
y  3x  1 5 8 11 14

Chapter 14 503
8206-2_504-505 3/23/06 4:44 AM Page 504

14-5 Graph Ordered Pairs

A coordinate plane, or grid, is formed by a horizontal
and vertical number line, called coordinate axes.
The horizontal axis is the
The vertical axis is the
The point at which the two
axes intersect is called the
The axes divide the
coordinate plane into four

An ordered pair (x, y) locates a point on a coordinate The coordinates of

plane. The numbers, x and y, are called coordinates. the origin are (0, 0).

To graph, or locate, a point on a grid: x y

• Start at (0, 0). Move right or left the
number of units indicated by the
x-coordinate. The sign tells you to (5, 4) locates point P.
move right and the sign tells you to
move left. Point P is in quadrant II.
• Then, from that point, move up or down
the number of units indicated by the Move up 4 units.
y-coordinate. The sign tells you to
move up and the sign tells you to Start at 0. Move left 5 units.
move down.

Study these examples.

(4, 2) locates point B. (1, 6) locates point C. (3, 4) locates point D.

right down left down right up

4 2 1 6 3 4
Point B is in quadrant IV. Point C is in quadrant III. Point D is in quadrant I.

504 Chapter 14
8206-2_504-505 3/28/06 3:34 PM Page 505

Use the grid for exercises 1–19.

Name the ordered pair for each point.
1. D 2. I 3. B

4. G 5. M 6. J

7. H 8. L 9. E

Name the point for each

ordered pair.
10. (4, 3) 11. (1, 2)

12. (3, 5) 13. (0, 3)

14. (4, 0) 15. (5, 6)

Name the points located in the given quadrant or axis.

16. quadrant I 17. quadrant II 18. quadrant III

19. quadrant IV 20. x-axis 21. y-axis

22. Annette graphed point A on a 23. Billy graphed point M on a coordinate

coordinate plane at (2, 1). From plane at (2, 0). From point M, he went
point A, she went right 5 units to graph right 6 units to graph point N. From
point B. From point B, she went left 1 point N, he went left 2 units and up 5
unit and down 3 units to graph point C. units to graph point O. From point O
From point C, she went left 5 units to he went left 2 units to graph point P.
graph point D. She connected the He connected the points to form a
points to form a figure. What are the figure. What are the coordinates of
coordinates of each point? What figure each point? What figure did Billy form?
did Annette form?

Graph each set of points on a coordinate plane. Then connect them.

24. a. A(2, 2), B(8, 2), C(5, 8); 25. a. M(3, 3), N(7, 3), O(7, 7), P(3, 7);
b. D(4, 3), E(6, 3), F(5, 5); b. Q(7, 3), R(3, 3), S(3, 7), T(7, 7);
c. G( 8, 2), H( 2, 2), I( 5, 8) c. W(4, 4), X(6, 4), Y(6, 6), Z(4, 6)

26. What relationships exist among the figures you drew

for exercise 24? for exercise 25? Discuss with the class.

Chapter 14 505
8206-2_506-507 3/28/06 3:36 PM Page 506

14-6 Graph Reflections and Translations

A reflection is a transformation that flips a figure over a line called a
line of reflection. A figure and its reflection are congruent.

You can draw the reflection of a plane figure on a coordinate plane. When
you reflect a figure, you can flip it across the x-axis or the y-axis.

The figure you get after a transformation is the image of the original figure.
Use prime notation, P′, to identify an image point. Read P′ as “P prime.”

Graph P(2, 3) and its

reflection across the x-axis. P is 3 units above
Write the coordinates of its the x-axis, so P′ is
3 units below the

P(2, 3) P ′(2, 3)

Graph the reflection

of ABC across the
y-axis. Use prime
notation to write A is 4 units to the left
the coordinates of of the y-axis, so A′ is
its reflection. 4 units to the right of
the y-axis.

Reflect the other

vertices. Draw

A(4, 2), B(3, 2), C(1, 1) A′(4, 2), B′(3, 2), C′(1, 1)

Graph each point and its reflection across the indicated axis.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its reflection.
1. A(4, 6), x-axis 2. B(5, 7), x-axis 3. C(1, 3), x-axis

4. D(8, 2), y-axis 5. E(4, 9), y-axis 6. F(10, 5), y-axis

7. G(0, 9), x-axis 8. H(14, 0), y-axis 9. K(5, 9), x-axis

506 Chapter 14
8206-2_506-507 3/23/06 4:46 AM Page 507

Graph each triangle and its reflection across the indicated axis.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its reflection.
10. Q(2, 2), R(4, 5), S(6, 2); 11. M(4, 5), N(7, 3), P(2, 3);
x-axis y-axis

Graph Translations
A translation is a transformation that moves every point of a figure the same
distance and in the same direction. You can translate a figure on a coordinate
plane by sliding it horizontally, vertically, or both.
Translate P(2, 3) right 3 units Translate ABC down 6 units. Use
and up 4 units. What are the prime notation to write the translation.
coordinates of the image P′?

Translate each
Count 3 units vertex 6 units
right from P down. Label
and 4 units the new
up. Graph vertices A′, B′,
point P′. and C′.
Connect the

The coordinates of P′ are (5, 7). A(1, 7), B(5, 7), C(3, 10)
A′(1, 1), B′(5, 1), C′(3, 4)

Graph each point and its translation on the same coordinate grid.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its translation.
12. A(5, 4) left 3 units, up 2 units 13. B(3, 1) right 6 units, down 4 units

14. C (7, 10) left 5 units, down 5 units 15. D (9, 2) right 2 units, up 2 units

16. E (5, 2), F(2, 1), G(6, 1), 17. X(1,3), Y(2, 2), Z(2, 0),
up 3 units left 3 units, up 1 unit

Graph each figure and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Then tell whether the transformation is a reflection or a translation.
18. J(3, 0), K(0, 3), L(3, 0), M(0, 3) 19. U (2, 2), V(2, 6), W(7, 6), X(9, 2)
J′(2, 2), K′(1, 1), L′(4, 2), U ′(2, 2), V′(2, 6), W′(7, 6),
M ′(1, 5) X ′(9, 2)

Chapter 14 507
8206-2_508-509 3/23/06 5:20 AM Page 508

14-7 Graph Rotations

A rotation is a transformation that turns a figure about a point in either
a clockwise or in a counterclockwise direction. The point around which
a figure rotates is called the center of rotation.

To describe a rotation, tell whether the turn is clockwise or counterclockwise

and the number of degrees through which the figure is turned.
A rotation of 90° is a quarter turn.
A rotation of 180° is a half turn.
A rotation of 270° is a three-quarter turn.

You can draw a rotation of a point P(x, y) counterclockwise

about the origin on a coordinate plane.
The rotation image point P ′(x, y) is:
 (y, x) if the rotation is 90°.
P(3, 1) P ′(1, 3)

A 90°-rotation changes the sign of

the y-coordinate and then reverses
the order of the coordinates.

 (x, y) if the rotation is 180°.

P (3, 1) P ′(3, 1)

A 180°-rotation changes the signs

of both x- and y-coordinates.

 (y, x) if the rotation is 270°.

P(3, 1) P ′(1, 3)

A 270°-rotation changes the sign of

the x-coordinate and then reverses
the order of the coordinates.
Rotate each
vertex 90°
You can rotate OAB 90° counterclockwise.
counterclockwise about the origin. Label the new
vertices O′, A′,
O(0, 0), A(3, 0), B(3, 4) and B′.
O′(0, 0), A′(0, 3), B′(4, 3) Connect the points.

508 Chapter 14
8206-2_508-509 3/23/06 5:20 AM Page 509

Rotate each point counterclockwise about the origin on a coordinate grid.

Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its rotation.
1. A(2, 7), 90° 2. B(5, 3), 180° 3. C(4, 11), 270°

4. D(6, 1), 90° 5. E(0, 5), 180° 6. F(8, 0), 270°

Use the given graph for exercises 7–9.

7. Give the coordinates of the
vertices of triangle ABC.

8. Give the coordinates of the

rotation image of triangle ABC.

9. Describe the rotation of triangle


Graph each figure and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Then describe its rotation.
10. E(0, 0), F(3, 0), G(3, 5) 11. M(3, 5), N(5, 1), P(0, 0)
E′(0, 0), F′(0, 3), G′(5, 3) M′(3, 5), N′(5, 1), P′(0, 0)

12. R(2, 3), S(0, 6), T(2, 6) 13. A(0, 0), B(6, 0), C(6, 2), D(0, 2)
R′(3, 2), S′(6, 0), T′(6, 2) A′(0, 0), B′(6, 0), C′(6, 2), D′(0, 2)

Graph each triangle and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its rotation.
14. Q(0, 0), R(3, 0), S(3, 4), 15. W(3, 5), X(6, 5), Y(3, 2),
rotate 90° counterclockwise rotate 180° counterclockwise
about the origin about the origin

Use the triangles in exercises 14–15.

16. Rotate QRS 90° clockwise about 17. Rotate WXY 180° clockwise about
the origin. What did you discover? the origin. What did you discover?

Chapter 14 509
8206-2_510-511 10/7/07 12:30 PM Page 510

14-8 Graph Functions

You can use a rule or equation to make a function table and
use ordered pairs to graph points on a coordinate plane.

Graph the function y  3x  4 on a coordinate plane using

integer values from 3 to 0.

To graph a function on a coordinate plane:

 Make a function table.
 Substitute values for x in the rule or equation.
 Find the corresponding y-values.
 Write an ordered pair for each x- and y-value.

 Graph each ordered pair.

 Connect the points.

x y  3x  4 (x, y)
3 3(3)  4  9  4  5 (3, 5)
2 3(2)  4  6  4  2 (2, 2)
1 3(1)  4  3  4  1 (1, 1)
0 3(0)  4  0  4  4 (0, 4)

The graph of the function

y  3x  4. x = 2.5

y  3x  4 is a linear function, the

ordered pairs, (x, y), for the equation
are points that form a straight line.

You can also use the graph of y  3x  4 to

estimate the value of y for a given value of x.

Estimate the value of y when x  2.5.

When x  2.5, y  3.5.

510 Chapter 14
8206-2_510-511 3/23/06 4:47 AM Page 511

Copy and complete each function table. Then graph the ordered
pairs on a coordinate plane. Is the function a linear function?
1. y  x  2 2. y  2x  1

x y  x  2 (x, y) x y  2x  1 (x, y)
2 ? ? 2 ? ?
1 ? ? 1 ? ?
0 ? ? 0 ? ?
1 ? ? 1 ? ?

Make a function table using integer values from 2 to 2 for x

and graph each function on a coordinate plane. Then use the
graph to find the value of y when x  3.
3. y  x  4 4. y  3x  2 5. y  2x 6. y  2x

Solutions of Linear Functions

(3, 5) and (0, 4) are solutions of y  3x  4. When you substitute for
x and y, you get a true statement.

(3, 5) y  3x  4 (0, 4) y  3x  4

 5  3(3)  4 4  3(0)  4
x y 5  9  4 x y 4  0  4
5  5 True 4  4 True

7. Give three solutions for each equation in exercises 3–6.

Explain how you found your answers.

8. Suppose that the old town clock loses exactly

x (Days) y (Minutes Lost)
5 minutes every day. The function table shows the
1 5
minutes lost after a given number of days. Write
an equation for the function and find how many 2 10
minutes are lost in 22 days. How many days will 15
it take to lose 200 minutes?
4 20
9. For each $9 tie shipped by Tie World, the mailing 25
charge is $2. Use x for the number of ties shipped.
Write a linear function for finding the total cost, y.
10. The number of inches in a length, y, is a function of the
number of yards, x. Make a function table for this function
using any five values for x. Write an equation for the function table.

Chapter 14 511
8206-2_512-513 10/12/07 6:54 PM Page 512

14-9 Algebraic Patterns

A sequence is an ordered set of numbers that follow a pattern.
Each number in a sequence is called a term. Write . . . to show
that a sequence continues indefinitely.

Study these sequences.

A. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, . . .
Start at 2. Add 2 repeatedly.

B. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, . . .

Start at 4. Multiply by 2 repeatedly.

C. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 22, 23, 46, . . .

Start at 1. Add 1, then double; add 1, then double; and so on.

For each sequence above, you found the next term by first finding a pattern,
and then using the pattern to make a conjecture about the next term.

Triangular and square numbers are sequences of whole numbers.

Each number can be represented by an arrangement of dots.

A. The first two triangular numbers

are 1 and 3. What are the next
two triangular numbers?
1 3 6 10

B. The first two square numbers are

1 and 4. What are the next two
square numbers?
1 4 9 16

Find the next two terms in each sequence.

Describe the pattern.
1. 3, 9, 27, 81, . . . 2. 10, 8, 6, 4, . . . 3. 21, 25, 29, 33, . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4. 1, 2, 4, 8, . . . 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . 6. 1, 4, 9, 16 , . . .

7. 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, . . . 8. 0.1, 0.8, 1.5, 2.2, . . . 9. 61, 54.5, 48, 41.5, . . .

10. 200, 100, 50, 25, . . . 11. 81, 27, 9, 3, . . . 12. 0.1, 0.01, 0.001. 0.0001 . . .

512 Chapter 14
8206-2_512-513 3/23/06 4:48 AM Page 513

Find the next three terms in each sequence.

Describe the pattern.
13. 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, . . . 14. 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, . . . 15. 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, . . .

16. 1, 2, 6, 7, 21, 22, 66, . . . 17. 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 15, . . . 18. 1, 3, 6, 4, 8, 10, . . .

Use the arrangement of dots on page 512 to complete

each table. Look for a pattern.
19. 20.
Triangular Numbers Square Numbers
Number Number of Dots Number Number of Dots
5th ? 5th ?
6th ? 6th ?
7th ? 7th ?
8th ? 8th ?

21. What is the tenth triangular number? 22. What is the twentieth square number?

23. For the past 4 years, Ariel has grown 24. Cynthia rides a bus to school. On the
2 in. every year. He is now 16 years first day the trip to school took 25 min,
old and is 5 ft 10 in. tall. He figures on the second day, 24 min, on the third
that when he is 22 years old, he will day, 26 min, and on the fourth day, 25
be 6 ft 10 in. tall. What would you tell min. What conjecture would you make
Ariel about his conjecture? about the time for Cynthia’s trip to
25. The first three pentagonal
numbers are shown. Draw a
diagram to represent the next
pentagonal number.
1 5 12

Draw the next figure in each sequence.

26. 27.

Chapter 14 513
8206-2_514-515 10/7/07 12:31 PM Page 514

14-10 Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use More Than One Strategy
Michael’s puppy was no more than 5 inches long at birth.
Michael knows that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.
How many centimeters long was the puppy?

Visualize yourself in the problem as you reread it.

List the facts and the question.
Facts: Puppy is no more than 5 inches long at birth.
Question: How many centimeters long was the puppy?

To find how many centimeters long, write an equation or make a graph.

Let x represent the number of inches and y represent the
number of centimeters.
Notice that each y-value is 2.54 times the corresponding
x-value. So the equation y  2.54x can be used to find the
length in centimeters for any length in inches.
number of inches, x 1 2 3 4
number of centimeters, y 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16

For 5 inches of length, x  5. Then y  2.54 • 5  12.7.

So 5 inches  12.7 centimeters.
Michael’s puppy was no more
than 12.7 cm long. ( )

You can also use a graph to find the

y-value when the x-value is 5.
 Graph the data in the table.
Then connect the points.
 Extend the line as needed.
Then use the graph to find
the value of y when x  5.
When x  5, y  13.
Michael’s puppy was no more
than 13 cm long.

514 Chapter 14
8206-2_514-515 3/23/06 4:49 AM Page 515

Solve each problem. Be sure that you find all possible solutions.
1. Tosha weighs 18 kilograms and Corey weighs no more than
13 kilograms. How many more pounds does Tosha weigh than
Corey? Explain. Use 1 kilogram  2.2 pounds.

Visualize yourself in the problem as you reread it.

List the facts and the question.
Facts: Tosha weighs 18 kilograms.
Corey weighs 13 kilograms.
1 kilogram  2.2 pounds.
Question: How many more pounds does Tosha weigh than Corey?

First find how many more kilograms Tosha weighs than Corey:
18 kg  13 kg  5. Tosha weighs 5 more kilograms than Corey.
Then write an equation.

Let x represent the number of kilograms and y represent the

number of pounds. Since 1 kilogram  2.2 pounds, then y  2.2x.

2. Elliot needs no less than 225 grams of flour for a recipe. He buys 2 pound
of flour. Elliot knows that 1 ounce  28.35 grams. Does he buy enough flour?

3. Liz bought a case containing 16 liters of club soda. She needs no more
than 64 cups of club soda for Friday night’s dance. Liz knows that 1 liter 
4.2 cups. How many extra cups of club soda did Liz buy?

4. The distance from Tim’s mailbox to his neighbor’s mailbox is no more

than 7 meters. Tim knows that 1 meter  3.3 feet. How many feet from
his neighbor’s mailbox is Tim’s mailbox? how many yards?

5. Luisa’s living room is no less than 4 meters long. How many feet long
is Luisa’s living room? Use 1 meter  1.1 yards. Explain.

6. Carl’s bathroom sink holds no more than 3 liters of water. How many
pints of water does Carl’s sink hold? Use 1 liter  1.06 quarts. Explain.

7. Jamie lives 5 miles from school. Students who live 10 or more kilometers from
school are on the second bus route. Is Jamie on the second bus route?
Explain. Use 1 mile  1.6 kilometers.

Chapter 14 515
8206-2_516-517 10/7/07 12:32 PM Page 516

14-11 Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
Members of the Turbo-Math Club write
equations for each other.
01. Sherman writes this equation:
  22  36. What is the value of w?

02. Sarah writes this equation:

3d  d  3. Does this equation
have one unique solution? Explain.

03. ABC has coordinates A(2, 4), B(6, 6),

and C(7, 2). A translation maps point A to
A′(3, 6). Find the coordinates of B′ and C′
under this translation.

04. Oxanna notices that these two equations both

include the variable f : f  72  89, 2f  34.
Does f have the same value in each equation?

05. Ray solves this equation: g  5  15. Then he

finds the value of h in this equation: h  g  75.
What is the value of h?

06. Find the value of j in this equation: (j  10)  27  27.

07. Which equation has a solution greater than 55? less than
a c
or equal to 8? 16    12; 16    12.
2 2

08. The ages of the four Kelly children form a sequence.

If the ages of the three youngest are 9 months, 3 2
years, and 6 4 years, how old is the eldest?

09. The ages of Mrs. Lane (x) and her daughter (y) are
5 1
related by the equation y  6x  16 2. Mrs. Lane
is 27 years old. How old is her daughter?
516 Chapter 14
8206-2_516-517 3/23/06 4:50 AM Page 517

Choose one or more strategies to solve each problem.

10. Iris wrote this riddle: “I am a number that is
exactly four times the number of fluid
Use These Strategies
ounces in a cup. What number am I?”
Write an Equation
Guess and Test
More Than One Solution
11. James thinks of a number. Sarah asks, “Are Logical Reasoning
there any even digits? Is the number greater Use More Than One Step
than 50? Is it divisible by 3? Is it less than 36?” Use More Than One Strategy
James answers “no” to each of her questions. Make a Graph
What number is he thinking of?

12. Edna has a favorite two-digit number. The

sum of the digits is 9. The difference
between the digits is 1. What are the two
possibilities for Edna’s favorite number?

13. The Math Club newsletter is twice as long as the

French Club newsletter, which is one third as long
as the Science Club newsletter. The Science Club newsletter
is 6 pages long. How long is the Math Club newsletter?

14. The width of a rectangle is w and its length is 4 more

than twice its width, or 2w  4. Ann writes the perimeter
as (w  2w  4)  (w  2w  4). Is Ann correct?
Give three different values for w, 2w  4, and the perimeter.

15. Andrew plotted point K on a coordinate grid at

(3, 1). From point K, he went right 8 units to plot point L.
From point L, he went up 2 units and left 2 units to
plot point M. From point M, he went left 4 units to plot
point N. He then connected the points to form a figure.
What are the coordinates of each point? What figure
did Andrew form? What is the area of the figure?

16. Use x, y, and z to represent students who play baseball,

basketball, and soccer. Make up a problem modeled on
problem 15. Write and solve the equation.

Chapter 14 517
8206-2_518 3/23/06 4:51 AM Page 518

Lessons 1–11

Solve and check. (See pp. 496–501.)

1. 26  a  47 2. 21  17  2n 3. 15z  240

q d 4x
4. 9  12  5 5. 15  3  2 6. 3
 21  17

7. a  3  10  25 8. 27  r  (4  9) 9. 13  y  19  17

Graph the points on a coordinate plane. (See pp. 502–505.)

10. K(2, 7) 11. L(2, 4) 12. M(6, 8) 13. N(1, 6)

14. O(5, 0) 15. P(0, 6) 16. Q(0, 0) 17. R(5, 5)

Name the point(s) in exercises 10–17 located in each quadrant.

18. quadrant I 19. quadrant II 20. quadrant III 21. quadrant IV

Graph each triangle and its image on the same coordinate (See pp. 506–509.)
grid. Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its image.
22. S(0, 1), T(4, 1), U(2, 4) 23. V(4, 5), W(4, 2), X(1, 3)
Rotate 180° counterclockwise Reflect across the x-axis.
about the origin.

Make a function table using integer values from (See pp. 510–511.)
2 to 2 for x. Then graph each function on a coordinate plane.

24. y  x  2 25. y  x  3 26. y  x

Find the next two terms in each sequence. (See pp. 512–513.)
Describe the pattern.
27. 5, 10, 20, 40, . . . 28. 15, 12, 9, 6, . . . 29. 11, 17, 23, 29, . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
30. 1, 3 , 9 , 27 , . . . 31. 1, 3 , 5 , 7 , . . . 32. 1, 4 , 6 , 8 , . . .

(See pp. 514–517.)

33. A birdbath holds 4 liters of water. 34. Alicia doubled the sum of two negative
About how many quarts does it hold? integers. Her answer was 6. Find the
Use 1 L  1.1 qt. addends.

518 Chapter 14 (See Still More Practice, p. 532.)

8206-2_519 10/12/07 6:54 PM Page 519

Slope is the measure of steepness of a line.

You can find the slope of a line by

picking two points on the line and finding
the ratio:
change in y-value y y rise
slope (m)  change in x-value  x2  x1  run
2 1

What is the slope of the line that passes

through the points (1, 7) and (4, 1)?

To find the slope, m, of a line:

 Subtract the first y-coordinate from the
second y-coordinate. Write the y y 
1  7 
difference in the numerator. m  x2  x1  4  1  3  2
2 1

 Subtract the first x-coordinate from the

second x-coordinate. Write the
difference in the denominator.

So the slope of the line containing (1, 7) and (4, 1) is 2.

Find the slope of the line that passes through the given points.
1. (1, 4) and (5, 8) 2. (2, 0) and (0, 6) 3. (3, 9) and (2, 1)

4. (2, 7) and (2, 5) 5. (3, 2) and (1, 12) 6. (1, 4) and (1, 12)

7. (10, 5) and (2, 3) 8. (9, 2) and (1, 6) 9. (17, 2) and (2, 3)

Find the slope of the line.

10. 11. 12.

Graph each equation and then find the slope.

13. y  5x 14. y  4x  9 15. y  2x  3

Chapter 14 519
8206-2_520 3/23/06 4:52 AM Page 520

Solve and check.

1. m  12  13  23 2. 5c  5  15 3. 25  4y  3
9a s t
4. 126  3 5. 3  4  6 6. 3  12  39

Graph each triangle and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Then use prime notation to write the coordinates of its image.
7. A(4, 1), B(3, 5), C(3, 2) 8. C(2, 3), D(4, 1), E(6, 1);
Translate 5 units left and 2 units rotate 90°counterclockwise about
down. the origin.

Make a function table using integer values from 2 to 2 for x.

Then graph each function on a coordinate grid.
9. y  x  6 10. x  y  11 11. y  3x  4

Find the next two terms in each sequence. Describe the pattern.
12. 85, 79, 73, 67, . . . 13. 25, 29, 33, 37, . . . 14. 1, 3, 9, 27, ...

Use a strategy you have learned. Explain how you solved the problem.
Show all your work.
15. Square ABCD has vertices A(2, 3),
B(2, 3), and C(4, 3). What are 16. Without graphing, how can you tell
the coordinates of vertex D? What is if the point (3, 1) is on the graph
the area of ABCD ? of the equation y  x  4?

17. a. Graph the points in a coordinate grid:

A(1, 5), B(2, 2), C(2, 8), D(3, 1), E(3, 9),
F(6, 0), G(6, 10), H(7, 1), I(7, 11), J(9, 1),
K(9, 9), L(10, 2), M(10, 8), N(11, 5)
b. Which of the points do not fit the same pattern as the others?
c. If you continue graphing points that fit the pattern, what
figure would you get?

520 Chapter 14
8206-2_521-532 3/25/06 2:42 PM Page 521

Practice 1-1 Compute. Watch for  and  signs.
Write in expanded form. 7a.  9,392,738 b.  73
5a.  3,678,907 7  08.92 c.
1a. 83,007,100 b. 5.008407
8a. 341,086  87,794 b. $80  $35.97
Round each number to its greatest place (nonzero
place for decimals) or to the nearest cent.
2a. 67,824 b. $18.375 c. 8.0957
19. Which country has the greatest area—Brazil:
3,284,426 square miles; Canada: 3,851,787
Order from least to greatest.
square miles; or the United States: 3,623,420
3. 47,396,000; 47,963,000; 47,369,000 square miles? the least?
10. Luis drove from New York to Chicago. The
4. 0.2954; 0.0298; 0.29504; 0.29054
odometer read 32,949 when he started. It read
33,751 when he reached Chicago. How far did
Estimate the sum or difference.
Luis travel?
5a.  27.14 b.  0.275 c.  43.09
11. Find the sum of 8.35, 9.046, 0.7185, 30,
7a.  31.762 b.  3.8 c.  17.8
and 6.02.
Use a related sentence to find the missing number 12. Ed ran 9.75 mi on Friday and 13.6 mi on
or decimal. Saturday. How much farther did he run on
6a. n  86  132 b. n  0.03  0.7

Practice 2-1 Write the standard numeral.
Write each product in exponential form. 11. (6  105)  (4  103)  (2  102)  (5  1)
1. 4  4  4 2. 8  8  8  8  8  8  8 12a. 53 b. 35 c. 9.14  104
3. 10  10  10  10  10  10
4. 200  200  200  200 13. If a meteor travels 1899 miles per minute, how
far will the meteor travel in 2 hours?
Find the product.
14. The interior temperature of the sun is about
5a. 40  700 b. 500  8000 c. 186  300 35,000,000°F. Write this temperature in
6a. 508  720 b. 709  5309 c. 650  $38.75 expanded form using exponents.
7a.  917 b.  8236 c. $795.03 15. A large city has 375 office buildings. There is
5a.  038 b.  0079 c. 00.028 an average of 425 offices in each building.
About how many offices are there in the city?
8a.  4752 b.  30,817 c. $39.87
5a.  0809 b.  00,450 c. 0.506 16. Snow fell at a rate of 0.6 cm per hour. At that
rate, how much snow fell in 5 hours?
9a. 1000  0.463 b. 910  546,019
17. The distance from Pluto to the Sun is about
Estimate the product. 5,910,000,000 km. Write the number in
scientific notation.
10a. 917  380 b. 6.24  11.86 c. 5477  3819

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:14 AM Page 522

Practice 3-1 Tell whether each of the following numbers is
divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.
Estimate the quotient.
10a. 36,720 b. 3,255,075 c. 76,269,804
1a. 3137
b. 29764

2a. 87$8
b. 117$4

11. Every morning, 35,875 riders use public
Divide. Use R to write remainders. transportation to get to school or work. If a
bus can hold 53 riders, estimate how many
3a. 4010
 b. 200,000  400
busloads of riders there are each morning.
4a. 572
b. 931
c. 3$5
12. Minnesota has an area of 86,943 square miles
and 87 counties. What is the average number
5a. 2950
b. 8267
c. 1242

of square miles per county?
6a. 15$2
5 3
b. 32611

13. Kareem’s Computer Store buys 19 pieces of
Spelling Tutor software. The bill is $711.55.
7a. 7302,5
b. 4171,5

What is the average cost of each piece of
Evaluate each expression.
8a. 3 • x • 4, when x  6 b. 425  y, when y  5 14. Two hundred fourteen bags of concrete
mix weigh 11,984 lb. How much does one
9a. 56 • 3201 b. 0.5  6  20.7 bag weigh?

Practice 3-2
Divide. Translate each word phrase as an algebraic
1a. 36.3  10 b. 18.6  100 expression. Use x as a variable.
11a. the product of 405 and a number
2a. 25.2  1000 b. 7  1000
b. the quotient of 735 and a number
3a. 3083
b. 9117
c. 4$2

4a. 0.39 4
b. 0.8$.0
0 8
c. 0.193 12. If 8 copies of a novel cost $38.00, find the
price of one novel.
5a. 0.05213
b. 2.41
13. Golf balls are on sale for $15.69 per dozen.
6a. 0.03824
b. 0.6103
 Determine the price of one golf ball. Round
your answer to the nearest cent.
7a. 22.62.3
4 .2
b. 0.28125

14. A section of highway 3.87 miles long is being
Estimate the quotient. rebuilt. If the workers can complete 0.03 mile
8a. 35.81  5.9 b. $394  79.05 per day, how many days will it take them to
complete the job?
9a. $57.59  8.1 b. 0.8  0.199
15. A metal worker cuts an aluminum bar into
10a. $22.32  3.1 b. $30.15  16.2 segments that measure 3.625 cm. How many
segments can be cut from a bar 87 cm long?

16. What number multiplied by 0.7 will give the

same product as 5.6 multiplied by 0.8?
8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:15 AM Page 523

Practice 4-1 Use the Volume formula, V    w  h, or the
Perimeter formula, P  2(  w), to find each
Compute. missing dimension.
1a. 3  7  9  5 b. (8  2)  (7  9)  102 8. V  3750 ft3,   50 ft, w  ? ft, h  3 ft
2a. 9  6  3  17  8 b. 39  3  4  3 9. P  48 yd,   14 yd, w  ? yd
Translate as an algebraic expression or equation.
3. the difference between y and 16
Translate into an equation. Then solve.
4. c divided by 4 is 10. 10. A number decreased by 7 is 30. Find the
Evaluate each expression.
11. 45 is equal to the product of a number and 3.
5a. 27  3ab 2, when b. (x  1)2  y  z, when Find the number.
a  4 and b  2 x  6, y  25, and z  5
12. Ed bought 4 cans of peas at 2 for $1.79, 3
Solve and check. cans of pears at $.69 each, and 5 cans of corn
at 3 cans for $2.07. How much did he spend?
6a. x  9.373  21.627 b. t  360.48  721.37

7a. c  36  9 b. d  3  1.8941

Practice 5-1 Compute.
8a. 3  8 b. 2  5 c. 7  8
Write the integer that matches each letter on the
number line. 9a. 6  5 b. 8  9 c. 5  3
J K L M 10a. 10  4 b. 3  3 c. 8  12
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 11a. 8  15 b. 52  4 c. 1  1
1a. J b. K c. L d. M
Estimate the temperature in °C or in °F.
Express each as an integer. Watch for the degree unit.
12a. °70F b. 18°F c. 22°F
2a. loss of 8 lb b. 7 degrees warmer
13a. 17°C b. 2°C c. 34°C
3a. 50 ft below sea level b. $25 raise

Name the opposite of each integer.

4a. 5 b. 8 c. 16 d. 7 14. Arrange in order from least to greatest:
5; 8; 3; 4; 0.

Compare. Write  or .
15. The price of a stock fell 8 points on Monday
5a. 6 6 b. 3 7 and rose 3 points on Tuesday. Find the total
? ?
change over both days.
6a. 0 ? 2 b. 5 1
16. The temperature was 16F. It dropped
6 1 8 10 7 degrees. Find the new temperature.
7a. ? b. ?
17. An archaeological site is 3 m above sea level.
A discovery is made 4 m higher. How far
above or below sea level is the discovery?
8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:15 AM Page 524

Practice 6-1 Tell whether each is prime or composite.
Write a fraction for each point. 8a. 9 b. 19 c. 49
1a. R b. P Find the prime factorization and write in
0 1 exponent form.
5 n 4 24 18 2
9a. 26 b. 40 c. 56
2a. 7  2
b. 9  n c. n  5

Write each fraction in simplest form. 1 6 13 1

18 15 16
10. Which fraction is close to 2: 1 , , ?
1 15 5
3a.  b.  c. 
27 21 40
11. Of 24 dogs, 9 are beagles, 5 are collies,
Compare. Write , , or . and the rest are poodles. What fractional part
? 27
5 9 are poodles?
4a. 2
3 3
b. 6 ? 10
3 2
7 49
5a. 8 ? 5
1 3
b. 2 ? 5 12. Marla ate 8 of a melon. Leah ate 3 of a
melon. Who ate more?
Write in order from least to greatest.
2 1 5 5 1 5 13. List all the prime numbers between 20 and 30.
6a. 3, 5, 6 b. 9, 4, 1
4 3 7
14. Which is farthest: 7 5 mi, 7 4 mi, or 7 1 mi?
7a. 17, 11, 12 b. 22, 22, 22 0
12 2 3 5 3 15

Practice 6-2 Write each rational number for each point.

Find the GCF of each pair of numbers. 9.
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
1a. 8 and 12 b. 15 and 24

2a. 10 and 45 b. 7 and 28 10.

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Find the LCM of each pair of numbers.
3a. 7 and 10 b. 8 and 12
11. Find a pair of numbers between 12 and 24
whose GCF is 5.
4a. 6 and 15 b. 14 and 42
12. Find a pair of numbers between 1 and 10
Rename as an improper fraction.
whose LCM is 8.
2 7 1
5a. 3 3 b. 9 1
c. 5 4
13. A carton holds 10 music boxes. Write a mixed
Rename as a fraction in simplest form. number in simplest form to show how many
cartons would be filled by 46 music boxes.
6a. 0.54 b. 0.05 c. 0.75
14. Write the quotient of 1 divided by 9 as a
Rename as a decimal.
repeating decimal.
7 1 2
7a. 4 8 b. 6 c. 5 3
54 1
9 4 1
15. Is  a little more than ? Write Yes or No.
110 2
8a.  b. 3 c. 6 8
16 100 Explain.

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:16 AM Page 525

Practice 7-1
1 1
Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest 09. How much is 6 increased by 4?
1 4 2
5 4
1a. 9  9
7 5
b. 8  8
c. 1
 1 10. Find the sum of 7, 2
, and 3.
6 6
7 3
2a. 8  4
1 5
b. 3  6
c. 1
 2 11. Anita is a runner on the school track team.
0 7 1
12. Upon reaching the 8-mi marker of the 1 2-mi
3 3 6 7 1
3a. (1
)  7 b. 12
 4 12. track, how much farther must she run to get to
the end of the track?
Estimate the sum or difference.
5 9 9 1 11 5 12. The sum of n and 1 4 is 4. Find the value of n.
4a. 7  10
b. 1
 7 c. 1
2 1 1 5 1 7 13. Ethan spent 1 8 h working on a model airplane.
5a. 9 3  3 8 b. 7 5  7 6 c. 19 9  9 8 1
12. Then he spent 2 6 h raking leaves. About how
1 2 1 5 1 3 12. much time did Ethan spend on those two
6a. 12 5  7 3 b. 41 2  19 7 c. 10 3  3 4
Compute. Use the addition properties. 7 3 2
2 1 1 1 1 14. From the sum of 1
and 5, subtract 3.
7a. 1 3  (6  6) b. 3 2  5  2 4
9 1 2 1 1 1
8a. 10
 (5  5) b. 2 4  2 3  4

Practice 7-2
Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest 5 7
07. Add 26 to the difference between 5 and 21
1a.  2 3
b.  6 8
c.  12 6
1 08. A team practiced 2 2 h before lunch and
1 1 4 12. then 1 4 h after lunch. What is the total time
1a.  3 5 b.  3 2 c.  08 5
it practiced?
3 1 1 1
2a.  3 4 b.  9 3 c.  11 09. A recipe calls for 3 3 c of white flour, 1 4 c
1a.  1 2
b.  6 2
c.  08 7
3 12. of whole wheat flour, and 2 c of rice flour.
12. Find the total amount of flour in the recipe.
4 1
3a.  7 7 b.  4 c.  8 3 1
10. Jeannette has three jump ropes: 6 2 ft, 9 3 ft,
5 2 3 1
1a.  5 6 b.  2 3 c.  5 4 12. and 7 8 ft. Estimate the total length.

Evaluate each expression. 11. On Monday, a certain stock opened at

11 1 2 12. 67 8 points. By Friday its value was 80
4a. a  b  4 2
, when a  3 7 and b  5 3
12. points. Find its increase in value.
5 1
4b. x  y, when x  16 and y  3 6 12. Ted weighed 145 2 lb. After 2 months of
12. dieting, he weighed 136 3 lb. How much
Solve and check. weight did he lose?
2 11 1 1
5a. c  3  1
b. t  2 3  5 3 2 3
13. Mary needs 6 5 yd of ribbon. She has 4 4 yd.
3 1 2
6a. q  5  1
b. m  3 5  7 How much more ribbon does she need?

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:16 AM Page 526

Practice 8-1 Evaluate each expression.
7 4 2 1
Multiply. Use the GCF whenever possible. 8a. 4 8 t, when t  5 b. n  1 3, when n  5 2
3 5 7 9
1a. 4  6  10
b. 1
of 80 Solve for n.
4 7 1 7 1 9
2a. 3 5  1 8  2 2 b. 5    3 4 9a. n  1
3 b. 6n  22

Complete. Name the property of multiplication used.

3 7 9 7 3
3a. 7  n  0 b. 8  10
 n  8 10. Jason has saved $80. He spent 4 of it on a
12. new camera. How much did the camera cost?
4a. 11
1 1 5 1 5 11. A sofa was on sale for 3 off the regular price
6b. (2  3)  8  2  (n  8)
of $360. Find the sale price of the sofa.
Write the reciprocal of each number. 3 5
3 1
12. Lia bought 4 yd of felt. She used 6 of it to
5a.  b. 8 c. 23
4 make a banner. How much of the felt did she
use for the banner?
1 1
2 1
6a. 10 3  1 9 b. 4 7  2
c. $10  3 3
1 13. Which has the greater product: 3 2  3 or
1 4
10. 6 4  5?
1 7 3
7a. 7  4 b. 21  8 c. 4  6

Practice 8-2 8. Bill has 93 c of blueberries. He is using half of
them to make blueberry tarts. If each tart will
Compute. Use the order of operations rules. 2
have 3 c of blueberries, how many tarts can
3 1 2 1
1a. 6  4  2 b. 3  3  (9  6) Bill make?
2 7 3 5
2a. 9  3  1
b. 4  6  (2  8) 9. In a survey of 36 sixth graders, 16 have braces.
Predict how many wear braces among the
Use a coin and the spinner for problems 3–4. school district’s 720 sixth graders.
3. Make a tree diagram to
list all possible outcomes. 10. A card is chosen from a bag containing cards
1 5 labeled A, B, C, D, E. Then a second card is
7 3
4. Find the probability. chosen. If the first card is not replaced, find
4 8 P (B, D) and P (A, C or E).
a. P (heads, 6)
6 2
b. P (tails, 5)
A jar contains 2 red marbles, 4 green marbles,
Use a number cube labeled 1–6 to find the and 4 white marbles. One marble is drawn at
probability of each event. random. Find the probability.

5a. P (1 or 3) b. P (7) c. P (1 through 6) 11a. P (green) b. P (red) c. P (blue)

12a. P (red or white) b. P (not blue)

1 5
6. A 72-ft board is cut into pieces that are 6 ft 13. If 6 people want to be seated, in how many
long. How many pieces can be cut? ways can 4 of them be seated on a bench
that seats 4?
7. The price of cashew nuts is $9.75 for 1 2 lb.
What is the price of 1 lb? 14. From 3 girls and 2 boys, how many teams
of 3 can be formed?
8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:17 AM Page 527

Practice 9-1 06. Find the mode, range, and median of the data
in problem 4.
Use the double line graph for problems 1–3.
1. Find the 07. In 5 games, Jan scored 15, 18, 20, 12, and 20
temperature 80° F points. What is her mean score?
at the summit 70° F

at 7 A.M. 08. Ali’s scores on her first four math tests were
60° F

2. Estimate the 50° F

98, 84, 88, and 92. What score must she make
difference in on the fifth test to have the mean of the five
40° F
temperatures 7 AM 9 AM 11 AM 1 PM 3 PM tests equal 90?
at 9 A.M.
Key: Base Camp Attendance
Summit 09. The table shows
3. Between what how many Days Matinee Evening
hours did the temperatures change least? people saw the Sun. 350 450
Use the given data circus. Make a Mon. 100 150
for problems 4–6. Ages of Guests double bar
at a Party Tue. 125 250
graph to display
4. Organize the data the data. Wed. 300 350
19 48 67 11 45
in a frequency table.
29 11 44 11 36
5. Use the data to make: 28 12 10 39 11 10. High temperature readings during one 5-day
a. a line plot 35 12 18 40 11 period were 72, 63, 70, 68, and 77 degrees
b. a stem-and-leaf plot Fahrenheit. Give the range, median, mean,
and mode for this set of data.

Practice 9-2 Use the given data for ex. 9–11.

Write whether you would be most likely to find a 9. What are the extremes of the data?
biased sample for the survey at each location.
Write Yes or No. Explain. 10. What is the median of the data? the upper and
lower quartiles?
1. Favorite music: concert hall
2. Favorite food: Chinese restaurant 11. Make a box-and-whisker plot for this data.
3. Favorite TV show: shopping mall Student Math Grades
4. Favorite sport: park 75 80 90 79 82
93 79 88 95 88
Use the circle graph for problems 5–8.
5. Which sport is Sports Club Membership
most popular? 12. Make a frequency table and a histogram for
Softball Tennis this data.
6. What fractional part 1 8
of the members prefer 3 3 Number of Pets per Class in
soccer or softball? 1 8 Parker Elementary
Volleyball 6 Soccer 7 3 5 10 12
7. There are 96
members in the 4 6 8 6 13
Sports Club. How many prefer softball? 9 4 7 3 5
11 8 5 9 10
8. Of the 96 members, which sport is preferred by
exactly 12 members?

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:18 AM Page 528

Practice 10-1
Use a protractor to draw an angle of the given 06. Draw an 80 angle. Then construct its bisector.
1a. 70 b. 135 c. 15 07. Draw hexagon KLMNOP. Then draw and
name its diagonals.
Classify each angle as right, acute, obtuse, or
straight. Estimate its measure.
08. Draw an isosceles right triangle. Label each
2a. b. c. angle by its measure.

09. In triangle QRS, Q  39° and R  76°.

Determine whether the polygon is concave or Find the measure of S.
convex. Then classify the polygon by the number
of sides. 10. Explain the difference between an equilateral
triangle and a scalene triangle. Use a drawing.
3a. b. c.
11. Construct aline CD perpendicular to line AB at

point P on AB .
Complete each statement.
4. If ABC measures 43, its complement 12. One of the angles of an isosceles triangle
measures ? . measures 68°. What are the measures of the
5. If XYZ measures 56, its supplement other angles of the triangle?
measures ? .

Practice 10-2
Identify each quadrilateral. 17. Draw circle P. Label chord 
AB that is a
1a. b. c. diameter. Draw central angle APR that is an
obtuse angle.
2a. b. 18. Name a regular polygon that cannot be used
alone in a tessellation.
Identify each solid figure.
19. Name the solid figure that has 6 square
3a. b. c. faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges.

10. ABC is congruent to XYZ. Use a drawing to

show this.
4a. b. c.
11. Use dot paper. Draw rhombus MNOP. Then
draw its reflection, rhombus ABCD, over a
Tell whether the figures are congruent. Write Yes vertical line.
or No.
12. Which quadrilateral does not necessarily have
5a. b. opposite angles of equal measure?

13. Figure A is similar to figure B. Figure B is not

Which polygon is similar to ABCD? similar to figure C. Is it possible that figure A is
similar to figure C? Draw pictures to support
6. A B a. b.
your answer.

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:18 AM Page 529

Practice 11-1
Write each ratio in simplest form. 18. Lucinda got 18 out of 20 spelling words correct
1a. 5 to 15 b. 4 to 24 c. 8 to 56 on her quiz. What is the ratio of correctly
spelled words to all words on the quiz?
2a. 30 : 60 b. 27 : 42 c. 75 : 125
19. The ratio of teachers to students at Hickory
Find the missing term in each proportion. School is 1 : 23. There are 25 teachers at the
5 25 3 n 1 1 school. How many students are at the school?
3a. 7  n b. 1
 4 c. 30

4a. n : 3  0.5 : 5 b. 2.6 : 1.7  n : 10.2 10. Four blank tapes cost $6.60. Find the cost
per tape.
Write a proportion. A
Then solve. X
11. Laverne rode her bike 9 mi in 1 h. At that rate,
how long will it take her to ride 30 mi?
5. ABC is similar 12 m 13 m
n 7.8 m
to XYZ. Find 12. If 2 dozen pencils cost $3.60, what will 3
the value of n. B C Y Z
5m 3m pencils cost?

Using the word EXCELLENT, write each ratio: 13. LeRoy makes 5 out of every 8 free throws at
basketball practice. At that rate, how many
6a. E’s to all letters b. consonants to vowels
free throws can he expect to make in 64 tries?
7a. Ls to Es b. vowels to consonants

Practice 11-2 8. A road map uses a scale of 1 cm  75 km.

Find the map distance between two cities if
Write as a percent. the actual distance is 37.5 km.
1a. 43 to 100 b. 7 to 100 c. 0.75
19. A 9-ft telephone pole casts a 3-ft shadow.


At the same time of day, Franny stands
2a. 0.5 b. 4
c. 25 beside the pole. If she is 6 ft tall, how long
is her shadow?
Write as a decimal and as a fraction or mixed
number in simplest form. 10. Spanish is spoken by 65 out of 100 people
3a. 30% b. 5% c. 81% who work for a company. What percent of the
workers speak Spanish?
4a. 37.5% b. 625% c. 187% 11. Mrs. Gill spends 27% of her monthly income
on rent and utilities. What percent of her monthly
5a. 150% b. 1000% c. 0.3% income is available for other purposes?

Find the actual measurements. 12. In a survey, 78% of the people said they
1 approved of the idea of a new highway.
6a. Scale width: 14 in. b. Scale length: 4.5 cm
1 What percent of the people did not approve?
7a. Scale: 2 in.  10 mi b. Scale: 1 cm  120 km
13. In a ball-throwing contest, Jan scored 30 hits
out of 35 tries. Al scored 0.85 of his throws
and Roy’s rate was 85.5%. Who had the
7. In an enlarged model, 1 cm  2 mm. A width of
best record?
5 cm is how many millimeters?

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:19 AM Page 530

Practice 12-1
Compute mentally. 8. Pam’s soccer team won 15 out of 24 games.
1a. 10% of 90 b. 50% of 60 What percent of the games did Pam’s
team win?
2a. 33 3% of 75 b. 75% of 16
19. Mel’s Market sells oranges two ways: 5 for
$.95 or 25¢ each. Which is the better buy?
Compare. Use  or .
3. 27% of 50 ? 20% of 50 10. In the football game, 62.5% of 24 passes were
completed. How many passes were completed?
4. 60% of 80 ? 60% of 160
11. There are 360 members of the health club.
Find the percentage of the number. 2
11. 66 3% are adults; the rest are students.
5a. 45% of $900 b. 8% of $125 11. How many health club members are adults?

Find the percent or rate. 12. Of the 48 new library books, 12 are
paperbacks. What percent are paperbacks?
6. What percent of 40 is 16?
13. The price of a personal stereo is 120% of last
7. 57.6 is what percent of 96? year’s price of $35. Find the current price.

Practice 12-2 18. A furniture store salesperson earns a monthly

salary of $750 plus 5% commission on sales.
Compute the discount and sale price. How much does he earn in July if he sells
1a. basketball: $36 b. ice skates: $120 $37,500 worth of furniture?
1a. rate of discount: 20% b. rate of discount: 35%
19. A telephone answering machine was reduced
2a. swimsuit: $40 b. skateboard: $99 in price from $120 to $96. Find the rate of
1a. rate of discount: 25% b. rate of discount: 33 1% discount.

Find the sales tax and total cost. 10. Draw a circle graph to show the cost of
keeping a pet dog for one year.
3a. hat: $15 b. belt: $9.50 food $125 license $25
1a. sales tax: 6% b. sales tax: 5% vet visits $75 dog toys $25
boarding $50
4a. car: $12,500 b. motorcycle: $4,800
1 1 1
1a. sales tax: 5 4% b. sales tax: 4 2% 11. Which is the better buy: a $60 watch at 3 off or
the same watch for $70 at 40% off?

5. Maureen earns a 4% commission on computer 12. The sales tax on a $48 item is $6. What
sales. Find her earnings on sales of $2600. percent is the sales tax?

1 13. Mr. Ali sold four used cars last week for $1400,
6. At a rate of commission of 6 2%, how much
$2140, $3300, and $1680. If his rate of
does Jack earn on sales of $8000?
commission was 5%, how much commission
did he make on last week’s sales?
7. A $480 DVD player is on sale at 25% off. The
sales tax is 3%. Find the total cost of the

8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:19 AM Page 531

Practice 13-1 Find the circumference and the area. Use 3.14 or
 for .
Complete. 7
9a. d  5.3 m b. d  2 3 yd c. r  9 m
1a. 7.3 m  ? cm b. 40 kg  ? g

2a. 27.4 L  ? kL b. 73 dm  ? m
10. A dump truck hauling 2 T of topsoil unloaded
3a. 15 ft  ? yd b. 14 pt  ? qt 1200 lb of it at a building site. How much
topsoil was left in the truck?
4a. 3 mi  ? ft b. 4T  ? lb
11. Jon’s science book weighs 780 g. How much
Compute. do 7 such books weigh?
5a.  7 ft 11 in. b.  9 qt
12. Jill is 56 in. tall and Leslie is 4 ft 10 in. tall.
5a.  4 ft 09 in. b.  5 qt 1 pt
Who is taller? How much taller?
6a. (2 yd 5 in.)  3 b. (3 h 20 min)  4 7
13. Draw line segment FG that is exactly 3 8 in.
1 long.
Measure each line segment to the nearest 8 in.
and 16
in. 14. A circular swimming pool has a diameter that
7. measures 23 2 ft. Find its circumference.
15. How many cups are in 7 4 gallons?

Practice 13-2 Find the volume of each cylinder to the nearest

Use formulas to find the perimeter and area.
5a. 2 ft b. 3 cm
1a. b. 3 cm c.
7 ft 12 ft 15 ft
6 cm 6 ft
7 ft 9 ft
9 cm
2a. b. 3 in. 5 in.
4.06 m

7.82 m 5 in.
16. A storage bin measures 9 ft high, 6 ft wide, and
Find the surface area. 5 ft deep. Find its volume.
3a. b.
17. Li is painting the walls, floor, and ceiling of her
3 yd 3.2 m
4 yd closet. The closet is shaped like a rectangular
9 yd 3.2 m 1 1
3.2 m prism that measures 8 2 ft high, 5 2 ft wide,
and 4 ft deep. Find the surface area.
4a. b. 7 ft
5 ft 18. One can of paint will cover 144 ft2. How many
cans are needed to paint a wall that measures
10 ft 26 ft by 15 ft?
10 ft
3.5 ft 19. The diameter of a half dollar is 30 mm. Find
3.5 ft the area of one side of the coin in square
8206-2_521-532 3/20/06 9:20 AM Page 532

Practice 14-1 8. Use the function rule to complete the
function table.
Solve and check.
1a. 5x  10  35 b. 4p  9  33 Rule: y  x  6
x y (x, y)
2a. n  9  30 b. 8c  144 12 ? ?
7 ? ?
y 2x
3a. 5  8  8 b. 3  5  9
0 ? ?
3 ? ?
Write an equation. Then solve.
11 ? ?
4. A number decreased by 7 is 30. Find the
19. Graph A(0, 0), B(4, 0), C(4, 4), D(0, 4)
5. The sum of 7 and a number multiplied by 3 on a coordinate plane. On the same grid,
is 46. Find the number. graph each transformation and write the
coordinates of its image figure.
6. Graph each set of points in a coordinate
grid. a. Reflect across the y-axis.
a. A(3, 3), B(2, 5), C(2, 4), D(1, 2)
b. Translate 3 units right and 5 units down.
b. E(0, 1), F(1, 2), G(2, 1), H(3, 1)
c. I(1, 1), J(2, 2), K(3, 2), L(4, 4) c. Rotate 180° counterclockwise about the
7. Name the points in exercise 6 that lie in each
10. The coordinates of the endpoints of   are
a. quadrant I b. quadrant II
C(4, 1) and D(3, 2). Find the coordinates
c. quadrant III d. quadrant IV
of its image after reflection across the x-axis.

Practice 14-2 7. Translate each point on a coordinate grid and

give the coordinates of its image point.
Solve and check.
a. A(3, 9) left 4 units, up 3 units
1a. 7.7  2.7  5x b. 75  11  16p
b. B(5, 4) right 3 units, down 2 units
2a. n  15  36 b. 16c  144
n x 8. Rotate each point counterclockwise about the
3a. 4  4  10 b. 17  2  13
origin on a coordinate grid.
4. Find the next two terms of the sequence. a. A(5, 7) b. B(3, 8) c. C(5, 13)
Describe the pattern. 90° 180° 270°
1 1 1 1
,  4 , 8 ,  16 , . . .
2 9. Use the function rule to complete the
function table.
5. Graph the reflection image of each point on a
coordinate plane across the indicated axis. Rule: y  3x  5
a. (3, 5), x-axis b. (2, 3), y-axis x y (x, y)
4 ? ?
c. (7, 1), x-axis d. (4, 9), y-axis 1 ? ?
6. Join the points A (2, 3), B (2, 3), 0 ? ?
C (3, 3), D (1, 3) in order on a grid. 9 ? ?
Translate the figure left 2 units. Give the 10 ? ?
coordinates of the vertices of the
translation image.
10. If 2x  3y  12 and 4x  36, then y  ? .
8206-2_533-536 3/8/06 12:16 AM Page 533

How many times greater is 2 in: 69. ⫹629,735 10. ⫹70,006
61a. 2 million than in 2 thousand? 69. ⫹013,287 10. ⫺28,479
61b. 7,025,100,000 than in 257,000? 11. When 2 million is added to a number and the
Compare. Write ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. sum is subtracted from 5 million, the result is
62a. 6 billion ? 6 million, 20 500,000. Find the number.
6 b. 800 ⫹ 7 ⫹ 400,000 ? 500 thousand 12. Of 3 stadiums, one holds 89,549, another
holds 89,594, and the third 89,459. Which
63a. 48 ⫹ 63 ? 59 ⫹ 52 stadium holds the most? the least?
6 b. 107 ⫺ 59 ? 3072 ⫺ 2974 13. One book costs $2.75, another is $3.45
Write ⫹ or ⫺ to make each statement true. more. Find the cost of both books.
64. 250 ? 78 ? 92 ⫽ 236 14. A fish market sold 623 salmon, 755 tuna, and
389 monkfish. About how many fish were sold?
65. 688 ? 95 ? 86 ⫽ 679 1
15. Frank gave away ᎏ4ᎏ of his baseball cards.
66. ⫹45,386 7. ⫹11,746 8. ⫹50,000
66. ⫹23,492 6. ⫺05,113 6. ⫺38,725 How many cards did he give away?

61. What is 250 less than 5000? Write ⫻ or ⫼ to make each statement true.
62. From 1 million take 127 thousand. 19a. 6 ? 213 ⫽ 1278 b. 2240 ? 64 ⫽ 35
63a. 46 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 100 b. 832 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 100 10a. 4218 ? 3 ⫽ 1406 b. 81 ? 88 ⫽ 7128
Find the value of n. 11. At $1.06 a gallon, what is the cost of
250 gallons of gasoline?
64a. 1700 ⫹ 30,000 ⫽ 30,000 ⫹ n
12. There are chickens and cows on the farm with
64b. 120 ⫺ 120 ⫹ n ⫽ 40
a total of 36 feet. There are more cows than
65. 5100 ⫹ (200 ⫹ 3) ⫽ (5100 ⫹ n) ⫹ 3 chickens. How many of each are on the farm?
66. 250 ⫹ (2600 ⫹ 750) ⫽ (2600 ⫹ 750) ⫹ n 13. There are 8125 books to be shipped. Each
Compare. Write ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. carton can hold 16 books. How many books
will be in the carton that is not filled?
67a. 382 ⫻ 36 ? 6 ⫻ 1735
14. A train takes 102 h to travel 7140 mi. A plane
67b. 63 ⫻ 489 ? 72 ⫻ 382 takes 17 h to go the same distance. How far
68a. 839 ⫼ 31 ? 738 ⫼ 23 does the plane travel in 1 h?
68b. 18,057 ⫼ 221 ? 39,653 ⫼ 481 15. A baker uses 5 eggs for each cake he bakes.
For 25 cakes, how many dozen eggs are used?

01. What is the smallest nonzero number divisible 10. Take 0.10207 from 1.
by 2, 3, 5, and 9? 11. A package of 100 tea bags sells for $20.15.
02a. 36冄苶8
苶 b. 4986 ⫼ 48 What is the approximate cost per tea bag?
03. 6 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 2 ⫼ (16 ⫼ 4) ⫽ ? 12. Kim can run 6 km in 26 min. Nel can run 4 km
in 15.5 min. To the nearest tenth of a minute,
In the number 5602.347891 there are how many:
how much faster can Nel run 1 kilometer?
04a. millionths? b. hundreds? c. thousandths?
13. Lee had 380 pictures. She put a dozen pictures
Round to the nearest hundredth and thousandth. on each page. How many more pictures does
05. 13.0736 6. 2.1087 she need to complete the last page?
14. John is 57 in. tall. Jim is 46.25 in. tall. How
Compare. Write ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. much taller than Jim is John?
07. 6.812 ? 6.81 8. 14.006 ? 14.060 15. What number multiplied by 0.7 gives 4.48?
09. From 16.065 take 0.283. 533
8206-2_533-536 3/8/06 12:18 AM Page 534

01a. 8 ⫹ 0.7 ⫺ 0.53 b. 2.6 ⫺ 0.3 ⫹ 1.9 12. Ted can swim the width of the pool in 15.24 s,
02a. 6.72 ⫻ 1.8 b. 7.856 ⫼ 0.4 while it takes Tom triple this time. How much
less time does it take Ted?
03a. 2.06 ⫻ 17.04 b. 苶.0

13. Dana earned $6.78 on Monday. Each day
04a. 0.4 ⫻ (3.2 ⫻ 1.7) b. 0.25 ⫼ 0.005 ⫺ 50 after, she earned a dime more. How much
Order from least to greatest. did she earn in 5 days?
05. 627, 6.01 ⫻ 103, 5.2 ⫻ 102 14. How many even integers are between

06. 3.9 ⫻ 104, 4.1 ⫻ 104, 39,500 30 and ⫹30?
15. Mr. Wilson used 5.8 gallons of gasoline to go
Evaluate each expression when a ⫽ 6, b ⫽ 1.2. 92.8 miles. How far did he go on 1 gallon of
07. 2a ⫹ b 8.a b ⫼ a gasoline?
09. a ⫺ 2b 10.a a ⫻ b ⫺ 7.14 16. Earl earns $25.92 a week selling newspapers.
How many weeks will it take him to earn
Write ⫹ or ⫺ to make each sentence true.
11a. ⫺11 ? ⫺15 ? ⫹1 ⫽ ⫹3
10b. ⫺1 ? ⫹3 ? ⫺7 ⫽ ⫺11

Compare. Write ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 12. Zach’s boat can travel 1 mile in 3.2 min. How
01a. 22 ⫻ 5 ? 42 b. 32 • 22 ? 2 • 33 many hours will it take to go 67.5 mi?
2 4 1 2 3 3 13. Ms. Sims gave out cans of juice. The 16
02a. ᎏ3ᎏ ⫹ ᎏ5ᎏ ? 1ᎏ4ᎏ b. 11 ⫺ 8ᎏ3ᎏ ? 3ᎏ4ᎏ ⫺ 2ᎏ8ᎏ 5th graders each got 1. She got 5 more cans
03a. ᎏ3ᎏ ? 0.6
b. 1.55 ? ᎏ8ᎏ and gave 15 to the 6th graders. After 3 girls
returned theirs, she had 4 cans left. How
Complete. many cans did Ms. Sims have originally?
1 3
04. The sum of ᎏ8ᎏ and ᎏ1ᎏ is close to ? . 14. A theater used 48 lb of popcorn on Thursday.
0 1
7 4 14. On each of the next 3 days, it used 1ᎏ4ᎏ the
05. The sum of ᎏ9ᎏ and ᎏ1ᎏ is close to ? .
5 14. amount used the day before. How much was
What numbers between 20 and 28 have: used on Sunday?
1 1 1 3
06. exactly 2 factors? 7. exactly 4 factors? 15. Use 3 of these fractions: ᎏ2ᎏ, ᎏ3ᎏ, ᎏ4ᎏ, and ᎏ4ᎏ, to
08. Take 0.172 from 2. make a true number sentence.
09. What is 243.75 more than 51.9? ? ⫺ ? ⫹ ? ⫽ ᎏ1ᎏ 2
10. From 5280 take 79.32. 16. What mixed numbers complete this pattern?
3 1 5 1
11. What is 316.001 more than 43.239? 2ᎏ4ᎏ, 4ᎏ8ᎏ, 3ᎏ8ᎏ, 5, 4ᎏ2ᎏ, ? , ?

Compare. Write ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 9. From the sum of 3ᎏ2ᎏ and 0.75, subtract the
5 3
1a. 0.1
苶 ? 0.1
苶 b. ᎏ9ᎏ ? 0.5
苶 sum of 3.25 and ᎏ2ᎏ
3 4 7
2a. ᎏ4ᎏ ⫹ ᎏ5ᎏ ? 1.55 b. 4.5 ⫺ 3.8 ? ᎏ9ᎏ 10. Lynn bought 2 hams for a party. One ham
1 1
3a. 2.0
苶 ? 2ᎏ

b. ᎏ2ᎏ of 8 ? 10 ⫼ 2 weighed 10ᎏ8ᎏ lb; the other 12ᎏ4ᎏ lb. They ate
100 1
19ᎏ3ᎏ lb of ham. How many pounds are left?
Find the value of n.
04a. 2ᎏ6ᎏ ⫻ n ⫽ 1
b. 8 ⫻ (ᎏ4ᎏ ⫹ ᎏ8ᎏ) ⫽ n
1 11. Jan thought of a mixed number. She doubled
3 11
7 3 it and subtracted 1ᎏ4ᎏ. The result was 2ᎏ1ᎏ
05a. ᎏ8ᎏ of $5.12 ⫽ n b. ᎏ4ᎏ of n ⫽ 15
What was her original mixed number?
Complete. Write ⫹ or ⫺. 12. Of the 220 students who ate lunch, 145 ate
4 1 1 13 2 1 5 salad, and 200 ate pizza. How many students
06. ᎏᎏ
? ᎏᎏ
? ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ
4 60
7. 6 ? ᎏ3ᎏ ? ᎏ2ᎏ ⫽ 5ᎏ6ᎏ ate both?
7 1 3 33
8. ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏ ᎏ 13. Jo, Tammy, and Drew run for president, vice
8 5 20 40
president, and secretary. How many different
534 ways might they be elected?
8206-2_533-536 3/8/06 12:18 AM Page 535

5 3 3 3 1 3
01a. 2ᎏ8ᎏ ⫻ 4ᎏ7ᎏ ⫼ 7ᎏ4ᎏ b. 7ᎏ5ᎏ ⫹ 1ᎏ1ᎏ ⫺ 3ᎏ4ᎏ 11. Without looking, you pick a card from cards
1 5 5 13 numbered 1–9, and flip a coin. Find
02a. From ᎏᎏ
take ᎏᎏ .
b. Take 5ᎏ7ᎏ from 7ᎏ1ᎏ4
. P (even, H).
Find the value of n. 12. At $9.49 each, how much will it cost to buy 2
5 1 shirts each for 3 boys?
03a. 2ᎏ6ᎏ ⫹ n ⫽ 7ᎏ2ᎏ b. n ⫹ 0.19 ⫽ 3
4 1
13. Fran scored 93, 87, 95, 95, and 88 points. By
04a. n ⫺ ᎏᎏ
⫽ 1ᎏ1ᎏ
b. n ⫺ 2.3 ⫽ 1.9 how many points does the mode exceed the
05.a Name 2 polygons that have 2 diagonals. mean?
06.a Name 2 straight angles. F H 14. Flo had 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 1
penny. She gave 2 coins away. How many
07.a Name 2 vertical angles. M different amounts might she have given away?
07.a ABXD is a square. 15. Thirty students speak at least 2 languages.
07.a A B 苶苶
XD so: Nineteen speak Spanish and English, 12
08.a A 苶 ? D 苶X
苶 9.a B苶苶X ? X 苶苶
D speak French and English, and 3 speak all 3
languages. How many students speak
10.a Draw a reflection, a translation, Spanish and French?
and a rotation for this figure.

Complete each analogy. 11. When a store closed there were
01. A straight angle is to a right angle as ? is to 6 newspapers left. If 42 people came in the
90⬚. store and every third person bought a
씯씮 newspaper, how many newspapers were
02. ⬔ABC is to BA as ⬔RPT is to ? .
there when the store opened?
03. is to 60 cans as is to ? cans. 1
12. On a circle graph, ᎏ3ᎏ of Ed’s day is spent
04. Certainty is to 1 as impossibility is to ? . 1 1 1
sleeping, ᎏ5ᎏ playing, ᎏ1ᎏ eating, ᎏ5ᎏ studying,
05. Prism is to rectangular face as ? is 0
to triangular face. and the rest reading. How many hours does
Ed read?
06. ⫺12 yd 1 ft 03 in. 7. ⫺5 h 21 min 48 s 13. In quadrilateral EPRM ⬔E ⫽ 140⬚, ⬔R is half
06. ⫺08 yd 2 ft 10 in. 6. ⫹3 h 39 min 15 s ⬔E, and ⬔P is 20⬚ less than ⬔R. Find the
measure of ⬔M.
08. (2 yd 2 ft 8 in.) ⫻ 2
14. What is the probability of choosing a letter
09. (4 gal 1 qt 1 pt) ⫼ 7 before N from a set of 26 alphabet cards?
2 3
10a. ᎏ5ᎏ of 1 km ⫽ ? m b. ᎏ4ᎏ of 2 ft ⫽ ? in. 15. How many ways can Leon draw 4 different
quadrilaterals side by side on the board?

1 3 1 4 1 5 7 ft
01.a 9ᎏ2ᎏ ⫹ 6ᎏ4ᎏ ⫹ 8ᎏ8ᎏ 2. 6ᎏ7ᎏ ⫺ 2ᎏ3ᎏ ⫹ 1ᎏ7ᎏ
3 ft
5 ft
Complete. 11. Find the perimeter.
03a. ᎏ3ᎏ of ? ft ⫽ 16 in.
b. ᎏ4ᎏ of ? lb ⫽ 18 oz 12. Find the area. 4 ft
13. How much less is the volume of a rectangular
04a. 0.14 ⫻ 250 ⫽ ? b. 0.2 ⫻ 150 ⫽ ? prism 8 m by 14 m by 8.5 m than a cube
05. 50% is to 200% as ᎏᎏ
is to ? . 10.2 m on each edge?
06. Radius is to diameter as 50% is to ? . 14. A rectangular field is 178 ft long and 145 ft
wide. What is its perimeter in yards?
07. 0.75 is to 75% as ? is to 4%.
15. You put $1000 in a bank. Each year the bank
08. 3 out of 5 is to 60% as 1 out of 8 is to ? %. 1
adds ᎏ1ᎏ of your total savings to the account.
09. 25% is to 75% as 10% is to ? %. 0
1 How many years will it take your account to
10. 800% is to 5 ⫹ 3 as ? % is to 3 ⫺ 1ᎏ2ᎏ. be greater than $1500?

8206-2_533-536 3/8/06 12:19 AM Page 536

SET 10
1 2 7
01a. (5 of 30)  (0.3 of 20) b. 7 of $1.54 11. 8 of the distance between two towns is 147 mi.
1 What is the total distance?
02a. Take 1.046 from 3.1. b. From 1.5 take 4.
1 12. What is the ratio of the area of a square 6 cm
03a. 40% of $2.00 b. 122% of $7.20 on each side to the area of a rectangle that is
Find each missing dimension. Use  ⬇ 3.14. 8 cm by 5 cm?
04. C ⬇ 15.7 in., d  ? 13. Six pounds of coffee cost $19.74. How much
will 4 lb cost?
05. A  16 cm2, ᐉ  6.4 cm, w  ?
14. A girl who weighed 97 lb lost 10% of her
06. V  128 m3, ᐉ  8 m, w  4 m, h  ?
weight. How much did she weigh then?
Complete each analogy. 15. What is the
6 cm
07. Circle is to r 2 as triangle is to ? . area of the
08. Double is to 200% as triple is to ? . shaded region
of the rectangle? 3 cm
09. 60% of 30 is to 18 as ? % of 20 is to 24.
10. 75% of 1 lb is to 12 oz as ? % of 1 h is to 1 cm 2 cm
12 min.

SET 11
Solve for n. 11. A blazer listed at $44 was sold for 25% off.
01a. 3 : n  1.8 : 6 b. 4 : 3.2  n : 16 What was the selling price?
1 1 1 1 12. On a map the distance from City A to City B is
02a. n : 12  3 : 4 b. 24 : 9  2 : n
3.4 in. The scale is 1 in.  25 mi. What is the
03. 6  (3  1)  n actual distance?
04. 12  (8  4)  n 13. The temperatures in 5 different cities for one
05a. n% of 7 is 14 b. n% of 1.8 is 0.9 day were 14F, 20F, 31F, 45F, and 5F.
1 Find the range. Find the mean.
06a. 333% of n is 11 b. 600% of n  42
14. The coordinates of the vertices of 䉭FHM are
07a. 15% of 0.2  n b. 1% of 50  n (1,0), (2,5), and (6,0). Find the area of 䉭FHM.
3 1
08a. n% of 
b. n% of 1.2  3 15. A man sold a house for $150,000. If he
received $7500 commission, what rate of
Find the unit cost. commission did he receive?
09a. 12 lb for $1.26 b. 2.5 L for $3.60
Find the tax.
10a. 6% tax on $17.35.
10b. 5.5% tax on $127.40.

SET 12
Solve for n. 7. Jim wrote down an integer. He doubled it and
01a. n  7  6  2 b. n  5  7  3 subtracted 11. His answer was 5. What
integer did Jim write down?
02a. 3n  7  2 b. n  6  4  3
8. If a and b represent integers between 2 and
03a. 20  n  5 b. n  6  10 
1, how many equations can be written for
04a. n  2  8 b. 3  n  5 a  b  1?
Graph the points on a coordinate plane. 9. If point (h, 1) is on the graph of y  5x  4,
05. C(1, 8), E(1, 2), and G(0, 2) what is the value of h?
Find the coordinates of point H if CEGH is a 10. If a  b  9 and b  6c, and 3c  7, what is
rectangle. the value of a?
06. A(8, 1), B(8, 5) 11. A translation moves P(2, 4) to P ′(0, 0). If
Find the coordinates of points C and D if Q(4, 2) is translated the same way as P,
ABCD is a square. then what are the coordinates of its image
Q ′?
8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:39 PM Page 537

Listen to your teacher read the directions.

You do not need paper and pencil.

1. Name the period. 09. Which is greater:
12,452; 321,589; 6,109,372; 710,448; 626,001 36,101 or 30,000 ⫹ 6000 ⫹ 100 ⫹ 10 ⫹ 0?
2. Add 1 million to: 4,375,210; 508,119,042; 10. What period is 25 in 25,607,384,590,012?
62,137,429; 506,317,286,902 11. Of the numbers 36,803,251, 36,308,215, and
3. Give the value of the underlined digits: 36,803,215, which is the greatest?
1,624,590,783 12. Name the addition property used.
4. Add 2 to: 9, 6, 19, 16, 8, 28, 7, 17 a ⫹ (b ⫹ c) ⫽ (a ⫹ b) ⫹ c
5. Subtract 3 from: 10, 12, 25, 19, 32, 42 13. The bookstore has 48 cat calendars and 61 dog
6. In the numeral 468, what is the value of 6? calendars. Estimate the number of calendars.
7. From the sum of 9 ⫹ 6, take 3 ⫹ 4. 14. What is the value of 8 in 30,820?
8. Mary had $3.50. She spent $1.30. How much 15. On Saturday, 478 people went to the show. If
did she have left? 250 went to the A.M. show, about how many
went to the P.M. show?

1. Round to the nearest million. 3,733,415; 09. At a sale, the price of a rug was changed from
2,165,899; 7,998,115; 31,236,709 $32 to $27. How much was it reduced?
2. Round to the place of the underlined digit. 10. Choose the operations:
83,724; 628,457; 3,296,485 200 ? 75 ? 25 ⫽ 250
3. Find the missing number. 11. What is the difference in cents between
16 ⫹ n ⫽ 16 8 dimes and 8 nickels?
5⫹8⫽n⫹5 12. The price of eggs was $1.08 a dozen. A week
(3 ⫹ 2) ⫹ 4 ⫽ 3 ⫹ (n ⫹ 4) later, it was $1.23. How much had the price per
4. Estimate. 18 ⫹ 19 ⫹ 17 32 ⫹ 29 ⫹ 25 dozen increased?
48 ⫹ 11 ⫹ 13 56 ⫹ 12 ⫹ 25 65 ⫹ 12 ⫹ 21 13. If the sum of 2 numbers is 13, and one addend
5. Subtract 4 from: 9, 7, 16, 12, 23, 27 is 4, what is the other?
6. In the numeral 8,643,729,065 what is the value 14. Round 8325 to the nearest thousand.
of 4? 15. Find n.
7. Which 4 coins make $.75? 10 ⫹ 4 ⫹ 3 ⫺ 6 ⫹ 9 ⫺ 11 ⫺ 3 ⫽ n
8. How much less than 9 ⫹ 8 is 7 ⫹ 3?

1. 01 ⫻ ? ⫽ 11 13 ⫻ ? ⫽ 0 09. At $.20 each, find the cost of 30 stamps.
36 ⫻ ? ⫽ 36 42 ⫻ ? ⫽ 0 10. From the difference between 16 and 7 take 2 ⫻ 3.
01 ⫻ ? ⫽ 25 50 ⫻ ? ⫽ 0 11. At 40 miles per hour, how far will a ship go in
2. Add 4 to: 6, 7, 27, 8, 18, 9, 39, 16 8 hours?
3. Subtract 2 from: 8, 18, 13, 23, 17, 37 12. Van’s 50 cents in change contains
4. Name the first 4 non-zero multiples of: 1 quarter, 1 nickel, and d dimes. What is the
6, 10, 5, 4, 7, 9, 8 value of d?
5. Multiply by 2, then add 3: 4, 8, 7, 9, 3, 10, 0, 5, 6 13. Dan packs 77 boxes per hour. At this rate, about
6. How much less than 2 times 8 is 2 times 7? how many boxes will he pack in 12 hours?
7. At 2 for $.35, what will 6 marbles cost? 14. Evaluate 40 ⫻ 30 ⫼ 40 ⫻ 300.
8. How much greater than 3 ⫻ 0 is 3 ⫻ 6? 15. The nursery plants 240 trees in each of 20 rows.
How many trees are planted?

8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:39 PM Page 538

1. Multiply by 8: 6, 4, 9, 2, 7, 3, 80, 60, 40, 90, 20, 08. If 4 bars of soap cost $1.00, how much will
70, 30, 50 12 cost?
2. Add 3 to: 9, 8, 17, 27, 16, 36, 47, 19 09. Estimate the cost of 6 CDs at $9.95 each.
3. Give the standard numeral. 10. There are 30 children per class and 13 classes.
103, 102, 105, 104, 106, 101 How many children are there altogether?
4. Give the exponent form: 3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 3; 11. At $4.05 an hour, how much will Bob earn in
5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5; 9 ⫻ 9; 7 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 7 9 hours?
5. Multiply by 100: 6, 9, 10, 13, 19, 27, 32, 45, 63, 12. What is the difference in cents between
59, 83, 94, 50, 76 9 dimes and 9 nickels?
6. What is 10,000,000 as a power of ten? 13. Multiply 8 by 405.
7. Any number to the first power is ? . 14. At $.60 a meter, what will 8 meters of rope cost?
15. At $2 a yard, how many yards of drip-dry cotton
can be bought for $18?

1. 1冄苶7
苶 苶
10冄苶0 苶
3冄苶0 苶7
67冄苶6 苶 苶8
1冄苶1 苶 09. Rudy bought 8 meters of ribbon. If she paid $.96
28冄苶0苶 苶3
1冄苶1 苶6苶 258冄苶2 苶5
苶8苶 for the ribbon, what was the cost of 1 meter of
2. 5冄苶2
苶5苶 苶5
5冄苶2 苶0苶 苶5
5冄苶2 苶0苶0
苶 苶5
5冄苶2 苶,0
苶0苶0苶 ribbon?
3冄苶2 苶0
苶 苶2
4冄苶3 苶0
苶0苶 6冄苶2苶4
苶0苶 2冄苶2苶0
苶 10. Divide 2432 by 4.
3. Divide by 4, then add 3 to: 11. On Monday, 2076 students came to the zoo. On
4, 12, 0, 20, 16, 28, 36, 32, 8, 24 the average, each bus holds 49 students. About
4. Divide by 8: 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 how many buses were needed?
5. 2冄苶4
苶 苶1
3冄苶6 苶8
苶 苶2
4冄苶3 苶8
苶 苶0
5冄苶2 苶5
苶 12. At 50 mph, how long will it take to drive 300 miles?
6冄苶6 苶2
苶 苶4
7冄苶1 苶7
苶 苶0
2冄苶6 苶8
苶 苶1
3冄苶3 苶2
苶 13. Divide 3216 by 8, then subtract 2 from the
6. What number divided by 2 will give 9 for the quotient.
quotient and 1 for the remainder? 14. How much greater than 8 ⫻ 1 is 8 ⫼ 1?
7. At $.92 for 4 pencils, find the cost of 2. 15. Evaluate 6 ⫻ 2 ⫹ 8 ⫼ 4 ⫺ 3.
8. How much less than 3 ⫻ 1 is 2 ⫻ 0?

1. Which are divisible by 3? 41, 57, 68, 363, 245, 09. What number divided by 3 will give 8 for a
108, 417, 239, 512, 125 quotient and 2 for a remainder?
2. Which are divisible by 9? 167, 2514, 3620, 428, 10. A tank containing 28,200 gallons of fuel must be
396, 1539, 4335, 2007 emptied into smaller tanks, each holding 300
3. Divide by 7: 16, 30, 8, 37, 24, 44 gallons. How many smaller tanks are needed?
4. 20冄苶6
苶 苶0
40冄苶6 苶0
苶 苶5
30冄苶7 苶0
苶 苶1
50冄苶3 苶0
苶0苶 11. From 8 ⫻ 7 take 108 ⫼ 9.
5. Divide by 9: 10, 19, 28, 37, 11, 20, 29 12. The Scotts pay $2832 a year for insurance.
6. At $.60 for a half dozen, find the cost of How much is that per month?
3 pencils. 13. In 9 hours a rocket covered 7200 km. What was
7. Divide 4963 by 7. its average speed per hour?
8. Which number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 9, 14. Ashlee paid $4.75 for a hat that had been
and 10? 109, 364, 575, 990 reduced by $1.25. What was the original price
of the hat?
15. How many inches are in 8 feet?

8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:40 PM Page 539

1. Give the value of the underlined digit. 0.562, 09. Estimate by rounding the total cost of a $59.95
32.4, 1.4379, 0.004, 35.1783, 8.02671, 49.7 dress and a $17.98 skirt.
2. Read each decimal. 9.006, 21.35, 1.6285, 10. What is the sum: 6 ⫹ 0.67 ⫹ 16.13?
724.6, 3.90, 4.00763, 6.000248 11. Kimo wants to run 12 km. He has already run
3. Round to the nearest hundredth. 0.762, 2.8975, 7.8 km. How much farther does he have to run?
0.261, 0.538, 16.085, 0.1992 12. Place the decimal point to make the answer
4. Order from least to greatest. 0.4, 0.41, 4.0; reasonable. Al’s math score general average
3.7, 3.3, 3.9; 52, 5, 520; 7.13, 7.31, 7.11 is 964.
5. Compare. Use ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 12.31 ? 1.23 13. Round 92.03729 to the nearest thousandth.
92.3 ? 92.33 0.54 ? 0.6 14. Which is greater: $316.25 or $361.25?
6. In 3,178,242.377098, there are how many: 15. Fay spent $3.75 for lunch on Mon., Tues., and
millionths? ten thousandths? Wed. and $2.90 on Thurs. and Fri. Estimate by
7. From 1 take 0.7. rounding how much money she had left from
8. Add 0.3 and 0.7. twenty dollars.

1. 0.6 ⫹ 0.06 7.2 ⫹ 7.02 0.3 ⫹ 1.4 09. The original price of a jacket was $80. It was
0.5 ⫹ 2.1 1.30 ⫹ 0.04 0.12 ⫹ 0.07 reduced $7. For how much was it sold?
2. 0.9 ⫺ 0.09 5.5 ⫺ 2.3 1.08 ⫺ 0.8 1
10. Find ᎏᎏ of 54, and subtract the result from 20.
2.004 ⫺ 1.001 4.333 ⫺ 4.003 9
3. Compare. Use ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 3.07 ⫺ 1 ? 2; 11. At $1.20 a dozen, find the cost of 5 dozen eggs.
2.3 ⫹ 1.01 ? 3.4; 2.319 ⫹ 1.06 ? 3.379 12. Find the sum of 1.8, 2, and 0.2.
4. Multiply by 10. 0.12, 0.74, 0.3, 0.11, 0.04 13. In the numeral 6.047, what is the value of 4?
5. Multiply by 100. 0.2, 0.05, 0.89, 0.132 14. Complete the pattern.
0.524, 5.24, 52.4, ?
6. What number is 3.75 greater than 6.25?
15. At $.42 each, about how many folders can be
7. The sum of 2.06 and another number is 9.37.
bought with $19.95?
Find the other number.
8. The dress factory uses 2.4 yd of fabric to make
each dress. Estimate how many yards are
needed to make 285 dresses.

1. Multiply by 1000. 0.1, 0.004, 0.178, 0.063, 0.5, 07. Express ᎏᎏ as a decimal.
0.35, 0.2436, 0.789201, 0.0891
08. Each corsage uses 2.5 ft of ribbon for a bow. How
2. Multiply by 0.02. 0.3, 0.01, 0.5, 0.9, 0.08, 0.4, many bows can be made from 62.5 ft of ribbon?
0.07, 0.11, 0.06
09. What number multiplied by 0.6 will give a product
3. Divide by 100. 300, 532, 483.1, 60.2, 8.2, 3.18, of 4.32?
0.06, 0.4, 0.9, 0.15
10. A complete dictionary has a mass of 5.85 kg.
4. Divide by 10. 1.13, 24.8, 554.2, 47.6, 20, 0.3, A large telephone book has a mass of 5625 g.
0.28, 0.64, 0.004 Which has greater mass?
5. Divide by 1000. 6300, 700, 235.7, 4.88, 0.007, 11. At $4.50 a pound, what will 8 pounds of nuts
0.08, 0.1, 0.99, 8.72 cost?
6. Van weighs 47ᎏᎏ lb and Sam weighs 12. Jim ran 2 km in 25 min. How far did he run in
7 1 minute?
47ᎏᎏ lb. What is the difference in
8 13. Which is greater: 6 ⫻ 108 or 6.2 ⫻ 107?
their weights?
14. Write in scientific notation: 47,000,000.
15. Compute. 0.03 ⫻ 2 ⫹ 0.03 ⫻ 4

8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:40 PM Page 540

SET 10
1. Express each as closer to 0 or to 1. 09. Choose the prime factorization for 60.
2 15 7 3 2 5 4 14
ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ a. 12 ⫻ 5 b. 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 5
13 16 8 20 25 6 15 17 c. 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 5
1 ? ? ? ? ? ?
2. ᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽
ᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ 10. Kim sleeps 8 h a day. What part of the day
3 9 15 12 6 18 27
does Kim sleep?
3. Identify as prime or composite.
13, 15, 21, 11, 7, 31, 18, 26, 32, 41, 54 11. If ᎏᎏ of a class are girls, what fractional
4. Name the factors of: 6, 14, 3, 8, 12, 9, 11, 18, part are boys?
10, 17 12. Complete the pattern.
5. Find the GCF. 8 and 14 36 and 48 1 3 2 4 3 4 1 2
ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 1, ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ, 1, 1ᎏᎏ, ?
9 and 30 28 and 35 6 and 18 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 7
6. Of the 20 animals in the pet shop, 9 are dogs. 13. From the sum of ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ take 1.
8 8
What fractional part are dogs?
14. Express 0.05 as a fraction in simplest form.
7. Take 0.4 from 2.1.
15. How many dozen eggs are in 42 eggs?
34 68
8. Find the value of n. ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ
56 n

SET 11
16 7 35 1
1. Express in simplest form. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 07. How many thirds are there in 3 ᎏᎏ?
32 21 45 3
9 13 19 1 1 2
2. Express as a mixed number. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 08. Order from least to greatest. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ
7 6 8 2 6 3
3. Find the LCM. 3 and 5 2 and 8 09.
1 6 3
Order from greatest to least. 1ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ
4 and 6 5 and 9 3 and 7 10 and 12 4 4 4
1 7 3
4. Give the equivalent fraction. 1ᎏᎏ, 2 ᎏᎏ, 4 ᎏᎏ, 10. Give the equivalent decimal for ᎏᎏ.
5 8 5 10
5 1 2 4 5 3
1ᎏᎏ, 3 ᎏᎏ, 2 ᎏᎏ, 3 ᎏᎏ, 4 ᎏᎏ 11. Desiree has ᎏᎏ of a dollar. How much
6 2 3 9 7 4
5 1 2 5 money does she have?
5. Find the LCD. ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ
6 12 3 9
1 9 11 1 4 19 12. Give the equivalent decimal for ᎏᎏ.
ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ and ᎏᎏ 4
4 16 14 7 5 20 13. How much greater than 9冄苶0苶.2
苶7 苶 is 2冄苶0
6. In the gym ᎏᎏ of the people are swimming 14. Express 7.5 ft as a mixed number.
3 2
and ᎏᎏ of the people are jogging. Which 15. Express ᎏᎏ as a repeating decimal.
10 3
sport has more people?

SET 12
1 4 1 1 1
1. Compare. Use ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ 08. Carol ran 1ᎏᎏ mi, 1 mi, 2 ᎏᎏ mi, and ᎏᎏ mi.
3 12 2 2 2
2 7 1 3 3 1 How many miles did she run in all?
ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ
5 10 8 16 4 8 1 3
2. To 0.1 add: 0.4, 0.8, 0.03, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75 09. To ᎏᎏ add ᎏᎏ.
8 4
3. From 1 take: 0.6, 0.2, 0.8, 0.7, 0.1, 0.9 10. From 2 take 1ᎏᎏ.
1 2 3 1 4 1 5
4. ᎏᎏ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ 7 3
3 3 4 4 5 5 11. How many ᎏᎏ are in 1ᎏᎏ?
3 1 3 2 5 2 8 4
ᎏᎏ⫺ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ 6 9
4 4 3 3 6 6 12. Bruce walked ᎏᎏ mi on Monday. He walked ᎏᎏ mi
3 1 1 1 1 1 7 14
5. ᎏᎏ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ less on Tuesday. How far did he walk on
8 2 4 12 6 3
1 1 1 1 2 1 Tuesday?
ᎏᎏ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ
5 10 16 2 3 9 1
12 1 13. One snake measures 12 ᎏᎏ ft. Another snake
6. Simplify ᎏᎏ and add 1ᎏᎏ to the result. 2
24 4 1
1 measures 3 ᎏᎏ ft longer. How long is the second
7. Julia has two ribbons. One is 1ᎏᎏ yd, the 3
9 snake?
other 1ᎏᎏ yd. Which is closer to 1 yd? 1
14. Leon worked 4 ᎏᎏ h in the A.M. and 5 ᎏᎏ h in the
2 2
1 1
P.M. Sam worked 6 ᎏᎏ h in the A.M. and 4 ᎏᎏ h in
4 5
the P.M. Who worked longer?
33 1
15. How much greater than ᎏᎏ is 7 ᎏᎏ?
5 5

8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:41 PM Page 541

SET 13
1 1 2 1 4 3 1 3
1. (2 ᎏᎏ ⫹ 1ᎏᎏ) ⫺ 1ᎏᎏ 3 ᎏᎏ ⫺ (1ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ) 08. Nan uses 1ᎏᎏ skeins of red yarn, 1ᎏᎏ skeins of
3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5
1 3 1 5 1 1 4
(1ᎏᎏ ⫹ 4 ᎏᎏ) ⫹ ᎏᎏ (5 ᎏᎏ ⫺ 3 ᎏᎏ) ⫹ 1ᎏᎏ blue, and 1ᎏᎏ skeins of white to make an afghan.
4 4 4 6 6 6 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 How many skeins is that?
2. ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ
4 8 2 6 3 9 3
1 1
ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ
ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ
1 1
ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ
1 09. How many pieces ᎏᎏ m long can be cut from
2 4 3 27 2 10 6 m of string?
1 1 1 1
3. 18 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 12 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 21 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 30 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 3 1
3 4 7 5 10. Find the value of ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ⫻ 0.
5 3 5 3 4 3
67 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 10 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 66 ⫻ ᎏᎏ 64 ⫻ ᎏᎏ
7 10 6 4 11. Solve. 35 ⫻ ? ⫽ 1
2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1
4. ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ 6 ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ 1
12. On Monday, 4ᎏᎏ gal of juice were served. On
5 4 3 2 6 4 6 2
3 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 2
ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ 1
5 3 10 2 4 3 4 3 Tuesday, 1ᎏᎏ times as much juice was served.
1 2 4
5. Give the reciprocal. ᎏᎏ, 16, ᎏᎏ, 9, ᎏᎏ, 20 How much juice was served on Tuesday?
7 3 5
1 1 Write what comes next in each pattern.
6. How much greater than ᎏᎏ of 63 is ᎏᎏ of 63? 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8
9 7 13. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ?
1 6 400 200 100 50 25 25 25 25
7. How much less than 9 ᎏᎏ is 8 ᎏᎏ? 1 1 1
9 9 14. 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ?
2 4 8
15. 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, ?

SET 14
1 1 1 3 1
1. 7 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 3 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 6 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 3 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 09. Zack had $7.25. He spent ᎏᎏ of his money.
4 2 4 5 5
4 5 8 1 1 How much did he have left?
4 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 5 ⫼ ᎏᎏ 8 ⫼ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ
7 9 15 2 2 1
1 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10. Find ᎏᎏ of 50 and subtract the result from 20.
2. Find ᎏᎏ of: ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 5
2 3 9 7 5 7 17 9 15 3 1
3. Multiply by 100. 0.25, 0.35, 0.42, 0.64 11. From 1ᎏᎏ take 1ᎏᎏ.
4 2
4. Divide by 4. 0.028, 0.004, 0.032, 0.020 1
12. One twin weighed 5 ᎏᎏ lb at birth. The other twin
3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
5. ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ 1
4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 weighed 1ᎏᎏ times as much. How much did the
5 5 3
6. (ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ) ⫹ 0.9 ⫽ ? second twin weigh?
6 6
7. Regina has 2 ᎏᎏ yd of yarn. Into how many 13. How many sixths are there in 4 ᎏᎏ?
2 6
1 1
pieces ᎏᎏ yd long can the yarn be cut? 14. Dorothy spent ᎏᎏ of the $33.56 she had saved.
2 4
1 How much did she spend?
8. Don had 3 ᎏᎏ pizzas to share equally 1
among 28 people. How much pizza did each 15. Add 0.6 to ᎏᎏ of 0.6.
person receive?

SET 15
1. Decimal points must be moved how many places? 09. Find the range.

0.2冄苶4 苶.8
0.4冄苶8 苶 苶
0.03冄苶6 苶.0
3冄苶0 苶0
苶9苶 10. Find the mode.
2. Multiply by 7. 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 0.4, 0.8, 0.6, 0
11. Key: Each ⫽ 20 jars of honey. How many
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
3. Simplify. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ jars are there?
25 15 50 35 45 10 40
10 14 12
4. Express as a mixed number. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 12. What type of graph depends on the data adding
9 9 9 up to 100%?
5. Find ᎏᎏ of: 12, 21, 27, 3, 15, 24, 30, 6, 18 13. The probability of an event that is impossible
6. What is the difference in cents between is ? .
3 quarters and 7 nickels? 14. The probability of an event that is certain is ? .
7. In the numeral 8.014 what is the value of 4? 15. In the last 3 ballgames, Emily scored 7, 11, and
On 5 different days, the class collected 24, 32, 28, 36, 15 points. What was the average number of
and 40 pledges. points scored?
08. Find the median.

8206-2_537-545 1/26/06 3:42 PM Page 542

SET 16
1 3 7
1. Express as a fraction. 7 ᎏᎏ, 5 ᎏᎏ, 2 ᎏᎏ, 07. Divide 714 by 7 and add 8 to the quotient.
8 8 8
5 7 3 5 1 1
8 ᎏᎏ, 6 ᎏᎏ, 9 ᎏᎏ, 6 ᎏᎏ 08. (ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ) ⫺ (6 ⫻ 0)
8 8 8 7 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In a box there are 4 red pencils, 5 blue pencils, and 3
2. ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 yellow pencils. Find:
3. 0.2 ⫹ 0.1 0.03 ⫹ 0.01 0.08 ⫹ 0.01 09. P (red) 10. P (blue or yellow)
0.3 ⫹ 0.7 0.03 ⫹ 0.07 0.4 ⫹ 0.1 11. P (pencil) 12. P (green)
1 3
1 3 2 1 2
4. To ᎏᎏ add: ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 13. What fractional part of a dozen is 10?
2 4
6 8 5 9 9
1 1 1 1 3 5 3 14. The amount $.48 is equal to q quarter, d dimes,
5. From 1 take: ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ
8 9 4 6 5 6 7 and 3 pennies. Find the values of q and d.
6. Read each decimal. 7.72 0.772 7.072 1
15. At 3 for $.45, what will 1ᎏᎏ dozen apples cost?

SET 17
41 45 43 47
1. Express as mixed numbers. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 06. What type of a polygon has: exactly 6 sides?
8 8 8 8
49 51 57 55 59 61 exactly 8 sides?
ᎏ ᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏ ᎏ, ᎏ ᎏ, ᎏᎏ , ᎏᎏ
8 8 8 8 8 8 07. What angle is formed by the hands of a clock set
2. Identify. at 6:00?
T X V A B 08. In a triangle FGH, m⬔F ⫽ 80⬚ and m⬔G ⫽ 60⬚.
K What does ⬔H measure in degrees?
M E F G D 09. In quadrilateral ABCD, m⬔A ⫽ 70⬚, m⬔B ⫽ 95⬚,
m⬔C ⫽ 50⬚. What does m⬔D measure?
3. Identify. N U V 10. The playground circle has a radius of 7 ft. What is
X its diameter?
11. Which has the greater diameter, a saucer or a
4. Classify each angle. dinner plate?
G J K L P 12. Are these polygons congruent or similar?
13. How many lines of symmetry are in a regular
5. Tell how many congruent sides are in a square, hexagon?
rhombus, regular pentagon, isosceles triangle, 14. Turning a card from one side to another is a
scalene triangle. translation, reflection, or rotation?
15. Does the letter G have a line of symmetry?

SET 18
1. Classify each triangle as acute, obtuse, or right. 07. Round 8325 to the nearest thousand.
08. Simplify ᎏᎏ and add 2 to the result.
09. Multiply 1.03 by 10.
10. Line segments or angles that have the same
2. Classify each quadrilateral. measure are ? .
11. Jessie walks to school down Street A and crosses
over Street B. So Street A and Street B must ? .
12. A field is shaped like a rhombus. If one angle
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3. Solve. ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ ⫻ ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ measures 150⬚, what are the measures of the
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
other 3 angles?
4. Find ᎏᎏ of: 8, 12, 2, 16, 14, 20, 4, 18, 6 13. The diameter of a solar disk is 11 m. What is
5. Find the value of each variable. the radius?
1 a b c d 3
ᎏᎏ ⫽
⫽ 24 ⫽ 72 ⫽ 144 14. 12 is ᎏᎏ of what number?
3 4
6. In the numeral 6457.029, what is the value of 9? 15. How many days are 3 days less than
2 weeks?

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SET 19
1. Complete. 7 km ⫽ ? m 5 km ⫽ ? mm 07. Multiply 3 ft 6 in. by 2.
3 m ⫽ ? mm 0.12 cm ⫽ ? dm 08. The mass of 2 bananas is 0.34 kg. How many
2. Compare. Use ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 60 L ? 6 mL grams is that?
13 L ? 130 mL 5.3 L ? 53 cL 09. A ribbon 3 m long was cut into pieces each 25 cm
3. Name the best unit of measure, t, kg, or g. long. How many pieces were cut?
a feather a car 3 raisins a dog 10. The fish tank contains 26 L of water. How many
an elephant a baby a penny a pencil mL of water does it hold?
4. 15 ft ⫽ ? yd 84 in. ⫽ ? ft 11. 3 dm3 ⫽ ? L ⫽ ? kg
27 yd ⫽ ? ft 2 mi ⫽ ? yd 12. Divide 0.36 by 4.
7 ft ⫽ ? in. 2 mi ⫽ ? ft 13. How many grams are there in
5. 2 T ⫽ ? lb 8 pt ⫽ ? qt 3 kilograms?
8 oz ⫽ ? lb 2 gal ⫽ ? pt 14. Find the perimeter of a rectanglar rug
3 c ⫽ ? fl oz 12 c ⫽ ? qt 3 m by 4 m.
6. From 2 gal 1 qt, take 3 qt. 1
15. Dividing 20 by ᎏᎏ is the same as
multiplying 20 by ? .

SET 20
2 4 8 4 4 8 4 16 8
1. Simplify. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 09. Find the area of a triangular flag that has a base
4 8 16 12 24 32 22 32 24
of 0.5 m and a height of 2 m.
2. Multiply by 4: 0.03, 0.02, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08
10. Estimate the circumference of a circular tablecloth
3. 0.2 ⫺ 0.1, 3 ⫺ 0.2, 0.4 ⫺ 0.1, 5 ⫺ 0.1,
with diameter 5 ft. Use 3 for ␲.
4 ⫺ 0.6, 0.6 ⫺ 0.1, 0.8 ⫺ 0.3
5 1 3 5 6 4 2 2 1 11. A circle has a diameter of 12 in. Use 3 for ␲ and
4. Add ᎏᎏ to: ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ estimate the circumference.
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
5. Divide by ᎏᎏ: 4, 7, 9, 2, 5, 6, 1, 10, 3 12. Find the volume of a closet that measures 2 ft
2 long, 4 ft wide, and 7 ft high.
6. Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle that 13. Find the volume of a cube that measures 6 cm
is 8.9 cm on each side. on each side.
7. How many square meters of tile flooring are 14. A train due at 8:20 A.M. is 30 minutes late.
needed to cover a floor measuring At what time will it arrive?
9 m by 12 m? 3
8. A square trampoline measures 8 yd on each 15. It is 6:55. What time will it be 1ᎏᎏ h from now?
side. How many square yards of material are
needed to cover it?

SET 21
60 5 4 2 75 4 3
1. Simplify. 1ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ, 1ᎏᎏ 09. To 3 ᎏᎏ add 2 ᎏᎏ.
100 100 100 100 100 7 7
1 Complete each pattern.
2. Divide by ᎏᎏ: 3, 5, 8, 10, 1, 4, 7, 2, 6, 9
1 ? 3 ? 7 ? 9 ? 10. 21, 18, 19, 16, 17, 14, 15, ? , ?
3. ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ 1 1 1 1
50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 11. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 1, 2, ? , ?
16 8 4 2
4. Add 0.4 to: 1.3, 1.5, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9, 1.8, 1.0, 1.1
12. 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, ? , ?
5. Multiply by 10; by 100: 0.34, 0.04, 0.21, 0.16,
0.32, 0.27, 0.18, 0.03, 0.07 13. At the rate of 200 per hour, how many
6. Give the simplest form of the ratio: envelopes can be filled in 3ᎏᎏ hours?
1 ounce to 1 pound; 1 yard to 1 inch. 14. A poodle eats 6 cans of food every 4 days.
7. At $1.44 a dozen, what will 4 rolls cost? A collie eats 18 cans every 6 days. Do the two
8. The ratio of baseball cards to basketball cards dogs eat food at the same rate?
is 3 to 2, and the ratio of football cards to 15. Multiply 0.004 by 10.
baseball cards is 1 to 2. If Ken has 36 baseball
cards, how many basketball cards does he have?

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SET 22
1. Express each ratio in simplest form. 6 to 10 07. On a scale drawing of a zoo, 1 in. ⫽ 12 ft. If the
8 to 20 7 to 21 9 : 15 12 : 28 scale distance from the lion’s den to the monkey
15 3 12 n 14 n house is 2.5 in., what is the actual distance?
2. Find the value of n. ᎏᎏ ⫽ n ᎏᎏ ⫽
ᎏᎏ ⫽
32 n 27 3
15 n
8 n
18 08. Express 0.25 as a fraction in simplest form.
ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ 09. Write as a decimal: 75% of a class
48 6 9 n 9 3 2
6 18 1
3. Are the ratios ⫽ or ⫽? ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ 10. Express ᎏᎏ as a percent.
7 21 3
5 25 1 7 4 16
ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ ᎏᎏ ? ᎏᎏ 11. How many seconds are there in 3 hours?
8 30 2 21 1 1
4. Find the value of n. 1 : 3 ⫽ n : 15 12. If golf balls sell 3 for $5.00, what is the cost of
5 : n ⫽ 10 : 12 n:1⫽4:4 a dozen?
12 : 11 ⫽ 24 : n 13. What percent expresses 10% less than 100%?
26 7 68 14. Two times a number is what percent of it?
5. Give each as a percent. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ,
100 100 100 1
57 15. The current value of a bike is ᎏᎏ of its value when
ᎏᎏ, 0.41, 0.03, 0.75, 0.53, 0.39, 0.97 2
100 it was purchased. Express this as a percent.
6. Of 100 tickets, 23 were given away free. What percent of
the tickets were free?

SET 23
1. Express as a fraction in simplest form. 25%, 07. Express 37.5% as a fraction.
50%, 75%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 10% 08. To 50% of 18 add 10.
2. Express as a decimal. 25%, 16.2%, 3%, 09. Sally spelled 70% of 30 spelling words correctly.
82.36%, 45.9%, 6.24%, 33%, 19.8% How many words did she spell correctly?
3. Express as a percent. 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.09, 3
10. What percent is equal to ᎏᎏ?
0.259, 0.17, 0.36, 0.438, 0.55, 0.623 50
11. Write 105% as a decimal.
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
4. Express as a percent. ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, 12. (50% of 6) ⫹ (50% of 12) ⫽ ?
4 5 20 25 50 5 8
4 7 5
ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ, ᎏᎏ 13. Marc planted 25 flower plants and 20% of them
5 50 50 died. How many plants lived?
5. Express as a percent. 1.06, 1.08, 1.09, 1.6, 14. (25% of 48) ⫼ 3 ⫽ ?
1.72, 2.5, 1.24, 2.35, 3.64
15. A DVD costs $250. How much is saved if it is
6. In a basket containing 160 apples, 20% have on sale for 20% off?
stems. How many have stems?

SET 24
1. Express as a mixed number in simplest form. 08. Mr. Budd sold $15,000 worth of roses in one
120%, 250%, 320%, 110%, 480% month. His rate of commission is 5%. What was
2. Find n.05 ⫽ n% of 20 20 ⫽ n% of 80 his commission for the month?
10 ⫽ n % of 25 02 ⫽ n% of 10 09. If 10% of a number is 15, what is 30% of the
40 ⫽ n % of 80 16 ⫽ n% of 100 number?
3. Find 25% of: 24, 40, 56, 72, 48, 32, 64, 16 10. Of the 500 cars in the parking garage, 150 are on
4. Express as a decimal. 10%, 20%, 30%, 15%, the first level. What percent of the cars are on the
25%, 5%, 4%, 2%, 1%, 8% first level?
5. Find 40% of: 210, 320, 400, 300, 410, 220 11. Divide 0.0081 by 0.0009.
6. Forty-two of 60 sixth-grade students ride the 12. Dresses were on sale for $10 off the original price
bus. What percent ride the bus? of $60. What was the rate of discount?
7. A bicycle is on sale for $105. The sales tax rate 13. Find the commission on sales of $2700 if the rate
is 6%. Find the sales tax. of commission is 3%.
14. Express ᎏᎏ as a decimal.
15. Find ᎏᎏ of 72.

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SET 25
1. Name the opposite of: ⫹11, ⫺8, ⫹15, ⫺3, ⫹24, 08. A store’s profits for the month were:
⫺1, ⫹5, ⫹17, ⫺13, ⫺20, ⫹6, 0 35% for furniture sales, 20% for home appliances,
2. Compare. Use ⬍, ⫽, or ⬎. 10% for clothing, and 5% for shoes. The remainder
⫺3 ? ⫹2 ⫹6 ? ⫹11 ⫺5 ? ⫹1 of the profits came from toys. What percent are
⫹8 ? ⫺8 ⫺4 ? ⫺2 from toys?
3. Order from least to greatest. ⫹5, ⫺4, ⫺1; ⫹10, 09. In Jan. Matt lost 6 lb. He gained 2 lb in Feb. and
⫹7, ⫹4; ⫺2, 0, ⫺6; ⫹8, ⫹11, ⫺3 lost 3 lb in Mar. What was his total weight
gain or loss?
4. ⫹3 ⫹ ⫹6 ⫹10 ⫹ ⫹8 ⫺7 ⫹ ⫺1
10. Express 65% as a fraction.
5. ⫺7 ⫹ ⫹4 ⫹2 ⫹ ⫺9 0 ⫺12 ⫹ ⫺6
⫹9 ⫹ ⫺9 ⫺5 ⫹ ⫹4 11. Multiply 0.724 by 1000.
6. The temperature outside was ⫺6⬚. The wind 12. Give 1492 as a Roman numeral.
made it feel 20⬚ colder. What was the windchill 13. Divide 1020 by 5, and take 4 from the result.
temperature? 14. Express 75% as a fraction.
7. Find the sum. ⫺3 ⫹ (⫹2 ⫹ ⫹5) 15. The temperature went from ⫹11⬚C to ⫺8⬚C
during the day. How many degrees did the
temperature drop?

SET 26
1. 0⫺7 ⫺ ⫺5 0⫹4 ⫺ ⫺9 00⫺6 ⫺ ⫺9 08. Ella put $160 into savings. She withdrew $49.
⫹10 ⫺ ⫹12 ⫹3 ⫺ ⫺11 ⫺13 ⫺ ⫹4 How much is left in savings?
⫹17 ⫺ ⫹8 0 ⫺8 ⫺ ⫹4 09. In one game Ned won 9 points, lost 4 points,
2. Find 50% of: 8, 12, 2, 10, 16, 20, 4, 14, 24 lost 2 points, won 7 points, and won 3 points.
What was his final score?
3. Express as a fraction. 20%, 25%, 50%, 75%,
80%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 60%, 35% 10. 40% of 75 questions are essay. How many
1 3 5 1 1 1 questions are essay questions?
4. 1ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ 2 ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ 2 ᎏᎏ ⫹ ᎏᎏ 3
4 14 6 6 2 4
5. Find ᎏᎏ of: 12, 30, 54, 42, 72, 48, 36, 18, 24 11. 90 is ᎏᎏ of what number?
6 4
6. A motorboat can go 7.8 mph. How far will it go 3 3 3
12. Evaluate (ᎏᎏ ⫺ ᎏᎏ) ⫹ (ᎏᎏ ⫼ ᎏᎏ).
in 5 hours? 5 5 5 5
7. Write as a ratio: 13. A batter has been at bat 27 times and has had
3 quarters, 1 nickel to 3 dimes, 2 nickels. 9 hits. What is his batting average?
14. Multiply 0.02 by 0.06.
15. How many pieces of wire ᎏᎏ yd long can
be cut from 6 yards?

SET 27
1. True or false if x ⫽ 7: 6 ⫹ x ⫽ 13 07. Product of a number and 20:
x ⫺ 6 ⫽ 13 3x ⫽ 27 56 ⫼ x ⫽ 8 p
p ⫺ 20 or ᎏᎏ or 20p
2. True or false if n ⫽ 8: n ⫼ 4 ⫽ 4 r
n 1 08. r divided by 6 is 5: ᎏᎏ ⫽ 5 or r ⫺ 6 ⫽ 5 or 6r ⫽ 5
ᎏᎏ ⫽ 4 80 ⫽ 10n ᎏᎏ n ⫽ 16 6
2 2
3. True or false if n ⫽ 3: 2n ⫺ 1 ⫽ 5 09. 4 less than a number is 7: x ⫹ 4 ⫽ 7 or
n n 4 ⫺ x ⫽ 7 or x ⫺ 4 ⫽ 7
ᎏᎏ ⫺ 1 ⫽ 5 1 ⫹ ᎏᎏ ⫽ 5 1 ⫹ 2n ⫽ 7
2 2 10. Letters a, x, n are ? .
4. Choose the equations. 42 ⫼ x ᎏᎏ ⫽ 3 11. An equation states that two expressions are ? .
x 12. Which operation solves n ⫹ 33 ⫽ 96?
2x ⫺ 6 ᎏᎏ ⫺ 9 ⫽ 10
3 13. Which operation solves 14n ⫽ 56?
5. d ⫽ 6 The value of 3 ⫹ 10d is ? 14. What is the value of x?
6. 12 more than a number: x ⫺ 22 ⫽ 50 9 ⫹ x ⫽ 44 x ⫹ 17 ⫽ 39
12n or ᎏᎏ or n ⫹ 12 15. What is the value of n?
n n
ᎏᎏ ⫽ 22 8 ⫽ ᎏᎏ 9n ⫽ 54
4 4

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A benchmark An object of known measure used

absolute value The distance of a number from to estimate the measure of other objects.
zero on the number line. (p. 150) biased sample A sample in which certain
acute angle An angle that measures less groups from the population are not
than 90°. (p. 344) represented. (p. 296)
acute triangle A triangle with three acute bisect To divide a line segment or an angle into
angles. (p. 344) two congruent parts. (p. 333)
Addition Property of Equality If the same box-and-whisker plot A graph that includes a
number is added to both sides of an equation, number line showing the extremes (greatest
the sides remain equal. (p. 132) and least numbers), the median, and the
quartile divisions of a data set. A box is drawn
additive inverse The opposite of a given on top of the second and third quartiles. The
number. (p. 150) whiskers are the part of the number line
adjacent angles Two angles that are in the showing the first and fourth quartiles. (p. 304)
plane and share a common side and a
common vertex, but have no interior points
capacity The amount, usually of liquid, a
in common. (p. 334)
container can hold. (pp. 450, 454)
algebraic expression A mathematical
Celsius (°C) scale The temperature scale in
expression that contains variables, numbers,
which 0°C is the freezing point of water and
and symbols of operations. (p. 52)
100°C is the boiling point of water. (p. 166)
alternate exterior angles A pair of nonadjacent
central angle An angle whose vertex is the
exterior angles on opposite sides of the
center of a circle. (p. 352)
transversal. (p. 336)
certain event The probability of an event that is
alternate interior angles A pair of nonadjacent
certain is 1. (p. 274)
interior angles on opposite sides of the
transversal. (p. 337) chord A line segment with both endpoints on
a circle. (p. 352)
angle bisector A ray that divides an angle into
two congruent angles. (p. 333) circle A set of points in a plane, all of which
are the same distance from a point called
arc A part of a circle, with all of its points on
the center. (p. 352)
the circle. (p. 352)
circle graph A graph that uses the area of a
area The number of square units needed to
circle to show the division of a total amount
cover a flat surface. (p. 464)
of data. (p. 318)
arithmetic sequence A sequence generated
circumference The distance around a circle.
by repeatedly adding or subtracting the same
(p. 470)
number. (p. 145)
cluster The grouping of data. (p. 302)
Associative (grouping) Property Changing the
grouping of the addends (or factors) does not combination A set of items in which order is
change the sum (or product). (pp. 222, 254) not important. (p. 278)
axis The horizontal or vertical number line of a commission Money earned equal to a percent
graph or coordinate plane. (p. 308) of the selling price of items sold. (p. 432)
B Commutative (order) Property Changing the
bar graph A graph that uses bars to show data. order of the addends (or factors) does not
The bars may be of different lengths. (p. 325) change the sum (or product). (pp. 222, 254)
base One of the equal factors in a product; a compass An instrument used to draw circles.
selected side or face of a geometric figure. (p. 338)
(pp. 38, 446 )
8206-2_546-552 1/26/06 3:45 PM Page 547

compatible numbers Numbers that are easy to decimal A number with a decimal point
compute with mentally. (p. 193) separating the ones from the tenths place.
(p. 34)
complementary angles Two angles whose
measures have a sum of 90°. Each angle is degree (°) A unit used to measure angles; a unit
said to be the complement of the other. (p. 334) used to measure temperature on the Celsius
(°C) or the Fahrenheit (°F) scale. (pp. 166, 330)
complex fraction A fraction having one or
more fractions in the numerator, denominator, dependent events In probability, when the
or both. (p. 287) second event is affected by the first. (p. 277)
composite number A whole number greater diagonal A line segment, other than a side, that
than 1 that has more than two factors. (p. 180) joins two vertices of a polygon. (p. 342)
compound event In probability, when one diameter A line segment that passes through
event follows another. (p. 276) the center of a circle and has both endpoints
on the circle. (p. 352)
cone A solid, or space, figure with one circular
base, one vertex, and a curved surface. discount A reduction on the regular, or list,
(p. 362) price of an item. (p. 426)
congruent figures Figures that have the same disjunction A compound statement formed by
size and shape. (p. 354) joining two statements with the connective or.
(p. 491)
conjunction A compound statement formed by
joining two statements with the connective and. Distributive Property Multiplying a number by
(p. 491) a sum is the same as multiplying the number
by each addend of the sum and then adding
coordinate plane The plane formed by two
the products. (p. 70)
perpendicular number lines. (p. 502)
divisible A number is divisible by another
corresponding angles A pair of nonadjacent
number if the remainder is 0 when the number
angles, one interior and one exterior, that
is divided by the other number. ( p. 178)
are both on the same side of the transversal.
(p. 336) Division Property of Equality If both sides of
an equation are divided by the same nonzero
corresponding parts Matching sides or angles
number, the sides remain equal. (p. 134)
of two figures. (p. 354)
divisor The number by which the dividend is
cross products The products obtained by
divided. (p. 88)
multiplying the numerator of one fraction by
the denominator of a second fraction and the double bar (line) graph A graph that uses pairs
denominator of the first fraction by the of bars (line segments) to compare two sets of
numerator of the second fraction. (p. 382) data. (pp. 310, 312)
cross section A plane figure formed when a E
plane cuts through a solid figure. (p. 364) edge The line segment where two faces of a
cumulative frequency A running total of the space figure meet. (p. 362)
number of data surveyed. (p. 298) endpoint The point at the end of a line segment
cumulative frequency table A summary of a or ray. (p. 338)
data set in which each data value is paired with equally likely outcomes In probability, when
the sum of the frequencies of all values less the chance is the same of getting any one of
than or equal to it. (p. 298) the desired outcomes. (p. 274)
customary system The measurement system equation A statement that two mathematical
that uses inch, foot, yard, and mile; fluid ounce, expressions are equal. (p. 128)
cup, pint, quart, and gallon; ounce, pound, and
ton. (See Table of Measures, p. 564) equilateral triangle A triangle with three
congruent sides and three congruent angles.
D (p. 344)
data Facts or information. (p. 298) equivalent fractions Different fractions that
decagon A polygon with ten sides. (p. 342) name the same amount. (p. 184)

8206-2_546-552 10/7/07 10:03 PM Page 548

estimate An approximate answer; to find an geometric sequence A sequence generated

answer that is close to the exact answer. (p. 44) by repeatedly multiplying or dividing by the
same number. (p. 145)
evaluate To find the value. (pp. 54, 126)
greatest common factor (GCF) The greatest
event A set of one or more outcomes of a
number that is a factor of two or more
probability experiment. (p. 274)
numbers. (p. 186)
expanded form The written form of a number
that shows the place value of each of its digits. H
(p. 36) half-turn symmetry The symmetry that occurs
when a figure is turned halfway (180°) around
experimental probability The ratio of the its center point and the figure that results looks
number of favorable outcomes that occur to exactly the same. (p. 358)
the total number of trials, or times the activity
is performed. (p. 275) height The perpendicular distance between
the bases of a geometric figure. In a triangle,
exponent A number that tells how many times the perpendicular distance from the opposite
another number is to be used as a factor. vertex to the line containing the base. (p. 466)
(p. 382)
heptagon A polygon with seven sides. (p. 342)
hexagon A polygon with six sides. (p. 342)
face A flat surface of a solid figure. (p. 362)
hexagonal prism A prism with two parallel
factor One of two or more numbers that are
hexagonal bases. (p. 362)
multiplied to form a product. (p. 66)
hexagonal pyramid A pyramid with a
factor tree A diagram used to find the prime
hexagonal base. (p. 362)
factors of a number. (p. 182)
histogram A bar graph of a frequency
Fahrenheit (°F) scale The temperature scale in
distribution. The bars represent equal intervals
which 32°F is the freezing point of water and
of the data, and there is no space between the
212°F is the boiling point of water. (p. 166)
bars. (p. 316)
formula A rule that is expressed by using
hypotenuse In a right triangle, the longest side,
symbols. (p. 136)
which is also the side opposite to the right
fractal A figure with repeating patterns angle. (p. 409)
containing shapes that are like the whole but
of different sizes throughout. (p. 351) I
Identity Property Adding 0 to a number or
fraction A number that names a part of a whole, multiplying a number by 1 does not change the
a region, or a set. (p. 184) number’s value. (pp. 222, 254)
frequency table A chart that shows how often impossible event The probability of an event
each item appears in a set of data. (p. 298) that is impossible is 0. (p. 274)
front-end estimation A way of estimating by improper fraction A fraction with its numerator
using the front, or greatest, digits to find an equal to or greater than its denominator.
approximate answer. (p. 44) (p. 190)
function A relationship between two quantities independent events When the outcome of the
in which one quantity depends uniquely on the first event does not affect the outcome of the
other. (p. 502) second event. (p. 277)
Fundamental Counting Principle If one event inequality A statement that two mathematical
has m possible outcomes and a second event expressions are not equal. It uses an inequality
has n possible outcomes, then there are m  n symbol: , , or . (p. 129)
total possible outcomes. (p. 278)
integers The whole numbers and their
G opposites. (p. 150)
geometric construction A drawing that is
made using only an unmarked straightedge interest The amount paid by the borrower
for the use of the principal for a stated period
and a compass. (p. 338)
of time. (p. 434)

8206-2_546-552 1/26/06 3:46 PM Page 549

intersecting lines Lines that meet or cross. metric system The measurement system
(p. 332) based on the meter, gram, and liter.
interval The number of units between spaces (See Table of Measures, p. 564.)
on a graph. (p. 316) midpoint A point that divides a line segment
inverse operations Mathematical operations into two congruent segments. (p. 333)
that undo each other, such as addition and mixed number A number that is made up of a
subtraction or multiplication and division. whole number and a fraction. (p. 190)
(p. 222)
mode The number that appears most frequently
irrational number A number whose decimal in a set of numbers. (p. 300)
form is nonrepeating and nonterminating.
multiple A number that is the product of a given
(p. 472)
number and any whole number. (p. 194)
isosceles triangle A triangle with two
Multiplication Property of Equality If both
congruent sides. (p. 344)
sides of an equation are multiplied by the
iteration A step in the process or repeating same nonzero number, the sides remain
something over and over again. (p. 364) equal. (p. 134)
L mutually exclusive events Events that cannot
lateral faces The faces of a prism or pyramid occur at the same time. (p. 274)
that are not bases. (p. 362) N
line graph A graph that uses points on a grid negation The denial of a given statement.
connected by line segments to show data. (p. 245)
(p. 308) net A flat pattern that folds into a solid figure.
line of symmetry A line that divides a figure (p. 362)
into two congruent parts. (p. 358) n-gon A polygon of n sides. (p. 350)
line segment A part of a line that has two
endpoints. (p. 338) O
obtuse angle An angle with a measure greater
linear equation An equation whose graph is a than 90° and less than 180°. (p. 344)
straight line. (p. 519)
obtuse triangle A triangle with one obtuse
linear measure A measure of length. angle. (p. 344)
(pp. 448, 452)
octagon A polygon with eight sides. (p. 342)
lower extreme The least number in a set of
data. (p. 304) odds A comparison of favorable outcomes and
unfavorable outcomes. (p. 281)
lower quartile The median of the lower half of a
set of data. (p. 304) opposite integers Two integers that have
the same distance from 0 on the number line.
M (p. 150)
mass The measure of the amount of matter an
order of operations The order in which
object contains. (p. 450)
operations must be performed when more than
mathematical expression A symbol or a one operation is involved. (p. 122)
combination of symbols that represents a ordered pair A pair of numbers used to locate a
number. (p. 52) point in the coordinate plane. The first number
mean The average of a set of numbers. (p. 300) is the x-coordinate and the second number is
the y-coordinate. (p. 504)
measures of central tendency The mean,
median, and mode of a set of data. (p. 300) origin The point (0,0) in the coordinate plane
where the x-axis and the y-axis intersect.
median The middle number of a set of numbers
(p. 502)
arranged in order. If there is an even number of
numbers, the median is the average of the two outcome The result of a probability experiment.
middle numbers. (p. 300) (p. 274)

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P principal The amount of money borrowed

parallel lines Lines in a plane that never or saved. (p. 434)
intersect. (p. 332) prism A solid figure with two faces called bases
parallelogram A quadrilateral with two pairs of bounded by polygons that are parallel and
parallel sides. (p. 346) congruent. (p. 362)
pentagon A polygon with five sides. (p. 342) probability A branch of mathematics that
analyzes the chance that a given outcome will
pentagonal prism A prism with two parallel occur. The probability of an event is expressed
pentagonal bases. (p. 362) as the ratio of the number of desired outcomes
pentagonal pyramid A pyramid with a to the total number of possible outcomes.
pentagonal base. (p. 363) (p. 274)
percent (%) The ratio or comparison of a proportion A number sentence that shows that
number to 100. (p. 394) two ratios are equal. (p. 382)
perfect square A number whose square root is protractor An instrument used to measure
a whole number. (p. 83) angles. (p. 330)
perimeter The distance around a figure. (p. 462) pyramid A solid figure whose base is a polygon
and whose faces are triangles with a common
period A set of three digits set off by a comma
vertex. (p. 362)
in a whole number. (p. 34)
Pythagorean Theorem In a right triangle, the
permutation A selection of different items in
square of the longest side, called the
which the order is important. (p. 278)
hypotenuse c, is equal to the sum of the
perpendicular bisector A line that is squares of the legs a and b. (p. 409)
perpendicular to a line segment and divides the
segment into two congruent parts. (p. 333) Q
quadrant A region of a coordinate plane. (p. 502)
perpendicular lines Lines that intersect to form
right angles. (p. 332) quadrilateral A polygon with four sides.
(pp. 342, 346)
pi (p) The ratio of the circumference of a circle
to its diameter. An approximate value of ␲ is R
3.14, or 7 . (p. 470) radius A line segment from the center of a circle
to a point on the circle. (p. 352)
place value The value of a digit depending on
its position, or place, in a number. (p. 38) random sample A subgroup or part of a total
group, each of which or whom has an equally
plane figure A two-dimensional figure that has likely chance of being chosen. (p. 292)
straight or curved sides. (p. 330)
range The difference between the greatest and
polygon A closed plane figure made up of line least numbers in a set of numbers. (p. 300)
segments. (p. 342)
rate A ratio that compares unlike quantities.
polyhedron A solid, or space, figure whose (p. 380)
faces are polygons. (p. 362)
rate of commission The percent of the total
population In a statistical study, the set of all amount of goods or services sold that is
individuals, or objects, being studied. (p. 492) earned by the seller. (p. 432)
power of a number The result of using a rate of discount The percent taken off the
number as a factor a given number of times. original, or list, price. (p. 426)
An exponent is used to express the power.
103 ⫽ 10 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 10, or 1000. (p. 74) rate of interest The percent paid to the
depositor on the principal. (p. 434)
prime factorization Expressing a composite
number as the product of prime numbers. rate of sales tax The percent of the list, or
(p. 182) marked, price levied as tax. (p. 428)
prime number A whole number greater than 1 ratio A comparison of two numbers or quantities
that has only two factors, itself and 1. (p. 180) by division. (p. 376)

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rational number Any number that can be sample space A set of all possible outcomes of
expressed as the quotient of two integers in an experiment. (p. 274)
which the divisor is not zero. (p. 208)
scale The ratio of a pictured measure to the
ray A part of a line that has one endpoint and actual measure; the tool used to measure
goes on forever in one direction. (p. 330) weight; numbers along the side or bottom
reciprocals Two numbers whose product is 1. of a graph. (p. 308)
(p. 255) scale drawing A drawing of something accurate
rectangle A parallelogram with four right but different in size. (p. 392)
angles. (p. 346) scalene triangle A triangle with no congruent
rectangular prism A prism with six rectangular sides. (p. 344)
faces. (p. 362) scatter plot A graph with points plotted to show
rectangular pyramid A pyramid with a a relationship between two variables. (p. 313)
rectangular base. (p. 362) scientific notation The expression of a number
reflection A transformation that moves a figure as the product of a power of 10 and a number
by flipping it along a line. (p. 356) greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10.
(p. 76)
regular polygon A polygon with all sides and all
angles congruent. (p. 342) sector A region of a circle bounded by two radii
and their intercepted arc. (p. 352)
regular price The original price of an item
before a discount has been given. (p. 426) sequence A set of numbers given in a certain
order. Each number is called a term. (p. 145)
relative frequency The frequency of a category
divided by the sum of the frequencies. (p. 298) similar figures Figures that have the same
shape. They may or may not be the same size.
repeating decimal A decimal in which a digit or (p. 388)
groups of digits repeats in an unending pattern.
(p. 206) simple closed curve A path that begins and
ends at the same point and does not intersect
rhombus A parallelogram with all sides itself. (p. 342)
congruent. (p. 346)
simple interest The amount obtained by
right angle An angle that measures 90°. (p. 344) multiplying the principal by the annual rate by
right triangle A triangle with one right angle. the time (number of years). (p. 434)
(p. 344) simplest form The form of a fraction when the
Roman numerals Symbols for numbers used numerator and denominator have no common
by the Romans. (p. 61) factor other than 1. (p. 188)
rotation A transformation that moves a figure by skew lines Lines that do not intersect, are not in
turning it about a fixed point. (p. 356) the same plane, and are not parallel. (p. 332)
rotational symmetry A figure is rotated less solution A value of a variable that makes an
than 360° around its center point and still looks equation true. (p. 128)
exactly the same as the original figure. (p. 358) sphere A curved solid figure in which all points
rounding To approximate a number by are the same distance from a point called
replacing it with a number expressed in tens, the center. (p. 362)
hundreds, thousands, and so on. (p. 42) square pyramid A pyramid with a square base.
(p. 362)
sale price The difference between the list price square root One of two equal factors of a
and the discount. (p. 426) number. (p. 83)
sales tax The amount added to the marked statistics The study of the collection,
price of an item and collected as tax. (p. 428) interpretation, and display of data. (p. 314)
sample A segment of a population selected for
study to predict characteristics of the whole.
(p. 292)
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stem-and-leaf plot A graph that arranges U

numerical data in order of place value. The last unbiased sample A sample is unbiased if
digits of the numbers are the leaves. The digits every individual in the population has an equal
to the left of the leaves are the stems. (p. 306) chance of being selected. (p. 296)
straight angle An angle that measures 180°. unit fraction A fraction with a numerator of 1.
(p. 332) (p. 192)
Subtraction Property of Equality If the same unit price The cost of one item. (p. 380)
number is subtracted from both sides of an
equation, the sides remain equal. (p. 130) upper extreme The greatest number in a set
of data. (p. 304)
supplementary angles Two angles the sum of
whose measures is 180°. (p. 334) upper quartile (The median of the upper half of
a set of data. (p. 304)
surface area The sum of the areas of all the
faces of a solid figure. (p. 474) V
variable A symbol, usually a letter, used to
survey A way to collect data to answer a represent a number. (p. 124)
question. (p. 294)
Venn diagram A drawing that shows
symmetrical figure A plane figure that can relationships among sets of numbers or
be folded on a line so that the two halves objects. (p. 282)
are congruent. (p. 358)
vertex (plural: vertices) The common endpoint
T of two rays in an angle, of two line segments
term Each number in a sequence. (p. 145) in a polygon, or of three or more edges in a
terminating decimal A decimal in which digits solid figure. (p. 330)
do not show a repeating pattern. A terminating vertical angles A pair of congruent opposite
decimal results when the division of the angles formed by two intersecting lines. (p. 334)
numerator of a fraction by the denominator
leaves a 0 remainder. (p. 206) volume The number of cubic units needed to fill
a solid figure. (p. 478)
terms The parts of an expression that are
separated by an addition or subtraction sign. W
(p. 124) weight The heaviness of an object. (p. 454)
terms of a proportion The numbers that form whole number Any of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .
the proportion. In a : b ⫽ c : d, a, b, c, and d (p. 150)
are the terms. (p. 382) X
tessellation The pattern formed by fitting plane x -axis The horizontal number line on a
figures together without overlapping or leaving coordinate grid. (p. 502)
gaps. (p. 360) x-coordinate The first number in an ordered
translation A transformation that moves a pair; it tells the distance to move right or left
figure by sliding along a line without flipping from (0,0). (p. 502)
or turning it. (p. 356)
transversal A line that intersects two or more y-axis The vertical number line on a coordinate
lines. (p. 336) grid. (p. 502)
trapezoid A quadrilateral with only one pair of y-coordinate The second number in an ordered
parallel sides. (p. 346) pair; it tells the distance to move up or down
tree diagram A diagram that shows all possible from (0,0). (p. 502)
outcomes of an event or events. (p. 276) Z
triangular prism A prism with two parallel zero pair A pair of algebra tiles, or counters,
triangular bases. (p. 362) consisting of one positive and one negative.
(p. 156)
triangular pyramid A pyramid with a triangular
base. (p. 362) zero property Multiplying a number by 0 always
results in a product of 0. (p. 150)

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Addition of decimals multiplication, 67, 70, 73, 134–5, 272–3, 496–7, 500–1
check, 50–1 number sentences
computation addition / subtraction, 31, 50–1, 54–5, 56–7, 154, 156,
through hundred thousandths, 5(SU), 46–7, 50–1 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, 239, 242,
column, 44–5, 47, 50–1 282, 283, 334, 335, 336, 343, 381, 426, 428,
estimate sums, 5(SU), 44–5 496–7, 498–9
missing addend, 7(SU), 57, 130–1 multiplication / division, 72–3, 95, 99, 159, 160, 250,
representations, 44 251, 252, 257, 258, 259, 264, 268, 269, 272, 273,
284, 334, 335, 336, 365, 381, 500–1
Addition of fractions and mixed numbers translate, 7(SU), 31, 56–7, 68, 70, 72–3, 78–9, 80–1,
check, 238, 140 88–9, 90, 92–3, 95, 96, 102–3, 104–5, 112–3,
computation 114–5, 142–3, 146, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 165,
column, 224–5, 226–7, 228–9 170, 171, 223, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250, 251,
like denominators, 12(SU) 252, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 264, 268, 269, 272,
mixed numbers, 228–9 273, 284, 386–7, 409, 416–7, 418–9
unit fractions, 225, 227 open / closed sentences, 128–9
unlike denominators, 226–7, 228–9 slope, 519
estimate sums, 224–6, 228 solve, 48, 56–7, 59, 67, 70, 73, 78–9, 80–1, 88–9, 92–3,
missing addend, 223, 231, 238–9 95, 102–3, 104–5, 110–1, 112–3, 114–5, 121, 130–7,
on a number line, 222, 224, 228 142–3, 164–5, 183, 231, 238, 240, 251, 252, 256, 257,
rename sums, 226–7, 228–9 261, 264, 268, 269, 272, 273, 281, 284, 337, 334, 343,
representations, 222, 224 348, 350, 351, 365, 381, 390–1, 392, 394, 409, 413,
strategies 414–5, 418–9, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 429,
use compensation, 224–5 430–1, 432–3, 434–5, 436–7, 438–9, 440–1, 443,
use properties, 222–3, 236–7 462–3, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 470–1, 472–3, 474–5,
Addition of integers 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9,
computation, 154–5, 498–9 496–7, 498–9, 500–1, 516–7
on a number line, 154–5 subtraction, 132–3, 231, 238–9, 496–9
related to subtraction, 156–7 two-step, 496–7, 498–9, 500–1
representations, 154–5 exponents, 38–9, 55, 74–5, 76–7, 80, 83, 95, 122–3, 126–7,
162–3, 182–3, 266–7, 409
Addition of whole numbers and money expressions
addend / sum, 46–7 algebraic
computation equivalent, 378–9, 380, 383, 385, 388–9
up to 10-digit numbers, 46–7 evaluate, 54–5, 108–9, 126–7, 164–5, 193, 236–7,
column, 47 270–1
estimate sums, 5(SU), 47 translate, 52–3, 54–5, 58–9, 106–7, 109, 124–5,
missing addend, 7(SU) 126–7, 167, 270–1, 392, 416–7, 496
related to subtraction, 7(SU) numerical
strategy: use properties, 7(SU) compare, 66–7, 68–9, 75, 97, 99, 101, 139, 161, 227,
257, 263, 265
Algebra evaluate, 52–5, 58, 61, 75, 97, 99, 100–1, 122–3,
algebraic thinking, 1, 40–1, 52–3, 54–5, 66–7, 70–1, 74–5, 124–5, 138–9, 161, 162–3, 164, 165, 236–7, 257,
94–5, 98–9, 106–7, 108–9, 122–3, 124–5, 126–7, 128–9, 263, 510–1
130–1, 132–3, 134–5, 136–7, 138–9, 140–1, 150–1, translate, 163, 164
152–3, 154–5, 156–7, 158–9, 160–1, 162–3, 164–5, factorials, 279
168–9, 184–5, 196–7, 198–9, 208–9, 210–1, 212–3, factorization, 182–3, 187, 195
222–3, 236–7, 238–9, 254–5, 266–7, 270–1, 272–3, formulas (see also Measurement and Probability)
308–9, 310–1, 314–5, 378–9, 380–1, 382–3, 384–5, area, 464–5, 446–7, 448–9, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 472–3,
386–7, 388–9, 390–1, 392–3, 394–5, 418–9, 426–7, 474–5, 476–7, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9, 496–7
430–1, 432–3, 436, 438–9, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 470–1, circumference, 470–1
472–3, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 496–7, diameter, 352–3, 470–1, 472–3, 474
498–9, 500–1, 502–3, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, distance / rate / time, 136–7, 387
512–3, 514–5, 516–7 interest, 434–5
combine like terms, 127, 272, 349, 350, 351, 456–7 percent, 418–9, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9,
coordinate graph, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, 514, 519 432–3, 434–5, 438–9
equations perimeter, 25(SU), 136–7, 462–3, 486–7, 488–9
addition, 56–7, 130–1, 223, 231, 238–9, 496–9 probability 274–5, 277, 280–1, 476–7
division, 134–5, 272–3, 496–7, 500–1 Pythagorean Theorem, 409
evaluate, 58, 128–9, 138–9 related to a circle, 352–3, 470–1, 472–3, 475
linear, 309, 510–1 sum of angle measures
missing addend, 7(SU), 57, 130–1, 223, 231, 238–9 convex polygons, 350–1
missing dimensions, 137, 462–3 quadrilaterals / triangles, 348–9
missing dividend / divisor, 7(SU), 10(SU), 95, 99, 109, 265 temperature: conversion C° to F°, 166–7, 273
missing factors, 7(SU), 67, 73, 254, 257 volume, 136–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 488–9
missing minuend / subtrahend, 7(SU), 54, 55 function, 193, 502–3
missing number in proportion, 383, 384–5, 386–7, 388–9, function rule, 161, 502–3, 510–1, 514–5, 516
392–3, 398, 407 function tables, 107, 156, 161, 502–3, 510–1, 514–5
missing numerator / denominator, 184–5, 193, 379

Key: Italics = Enrichment/Challenge
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graph a function, 510–1, 514–5, 516–7, 519 y-coordinate, 502–3, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1,
graph transformations, 506–7, 508–9 514–5, 516–7, 519
inequalities (use symbols), 40–1, 68–9, 75, 99, 128–9, 139,
173, 196, 197, 198, 210, 227, 265, 397, 416–7, 423, 430, Area (see Measurement and Estimation)
449, 450, 453, 455, 461, 491 Assessment
integers (see Integers) Chapter Test, 62, 84, 118, 146, 174, 218, 246, 288, 326, 372,
irrational numbers, 470–1, 472–3 410, 444, 492, 520
linear functions, 309, 510–1, 514–5, 519 Check Your Progress, 60, 82, 116, 144, 172, 216, 244, 286,
order of operations, 122–3, 126–7, 128, 138–9, 162–3, 236, 324, 370, 408, 442, 490, 518
266–7, 491 Cumulative Review, 63–4, 85–6, 119–20, 147–8, 175–6,
ordered pairs, 502–3, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, 514–5, 516–7, 219–20, 247–8, 289–90, 327–8, 373–4, 411–2, 445–6,
519 493–4
patterns, 39, 66–7, 87, 89, 94, 98–9, 103, 145, 169, 212–3, Performance Assessment, 62, 84, 118, 146, 174, 218, 246,
243, 351, 366, 414–5, 502–3, 512–3 288, 326, 372, 410, 444, 492, 520
problems with more than one solution (see Problem-Solving Tell About It, 62, 64, 84, 86, 118, 120, 146, 148, 174, 176,
Strategies, More Than One Solution) 218, 220, 246, 248, 288, 290, 326, 328, 372, 374, 410,
properties 412, 444, 446, 492, 494, 520
additive inverse, 150–1, 208 Test Preparation, 37, 71, 101, 123, 163, 179, 237, 271, 301,
associative (grouping) 335, 387, 423, 451
addition, 8(SU), 222–3, 236
multiplication, 8(SU), 70, 254–5, 257 Associative property (see Algebra, properties)
commutative (order)
addition, 8(SU), 222–3, 236 Averages (see Statistics)
multiplication, 8(SU), 254–5, 257
distributive, 70–1, 254–5, 257, 267 Brain Builders, 533–6
division property of equality, 272, 390–1, 430–1, 436
identity of addition, 8(SU), 155, 222–3
identity of multiplication, 8(SU), 254–5 Calculator, 138–9
inverse property of operations, 7(SU), 48, 102–3, 104,
130–1, 132–3, 134–5, 140, 155, 157, 212–3, 222–3, Challenge (see also Brain Builders, Critical Thinking, and
231, 238, 240, 241, 260, 496–7, 498–9, 450–1 Enrichment), 39, 41, 97, 137, 151, 161, 185, 239, 253, 265,
multiplicative inverse, 255 279, 299, 311, 337, 351, 357, 379, 389, 401, 429, 457, 465,
properties of equalities 467, 471, 499, 503
addition, 132, 133, 137, 142, 143, 164, 165, 173, Chapter Openers, 33, 65, 87, 121, 149, 177, 221, 249, 291, 329,
496–7, 498–9, 501 375, 413, 447, 495
division, 134, 135, 136, 137, 142, 143, 164, 165,
390–1, 422, 496–7, 501 Choose a Computation Method, 41, 458
multiplication, 134, 137, 142, 143, 164, 165, 272, 273,
422, 496–7, 501 Circumference (see Measurement)
subtraction, 130, 131, 137, 142, 143, 164, 165, 173, Communicate (see Math Journal, Tell About It, Write About It)
343, 496–7, 498–9, 501
reciprocal (inverse property), 255, 260 Commutative property (see Algebra, properties)
zero of multiplication, 8(SU), 159, 254–5, 257
rational numbers, 208–9, 210–1, 399 Compare
relation, 502–3 decimals, 40–1, 97, 99
scientific notation, 76–7, 80, 95 decimals and fractions, 394–5, 398–9
sequences, 145, 512–3, 516 decimals and percent, 396–7, 398–9
variables fractions, 196–7, 198–9, 227, 257, 263
more than one, 25(SU), 54–5, 56–7, 59, 136–7, 273, 274, fractions and percent, 394–5, 398–9
275, 280, 281, 352–3, 382–3, 387, 418–9, 420–1, integers, 152–3
422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9, 434–5, 436–7, 438–9, percent of a number, 417
440–1, 446, 447, 448, 449, 462, 463, 464–5, 466, 467, rational numbers, 210–1, 399
468–9, 470–1, 472–3, 474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, whole numbers, 1(SU), 67, 69
482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9, 514, 516, 519 Composite number, 180–1, 182–3
using, 52–3, 54–5, 56–7, 59, 67, 70, 72–3, 75, 81, 88,
92–3, 95, 96, 99, 102, 104, 106–7, 108–9, 110, 112, Connections, 33, 65, 87, 121, 149, 177, 221, 249, 291, 329,
115, 117, 121, 124–5, 126–7, 128–9, 130–1, 132–3, 375, 413, 447, 495
134–5, 136–7, 140, 142–3, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
164, 165, 166, 171, 173, 183, 185, 221, 228, 230, 231, Consumer
232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 253, 254, 255, 261, better buy, 430–1
264, 265, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 282, 283, 285, commission, 432–3
293, 309, 343, 345, 348, 351, 363, 369, 379, 380–1, compare prices, 430–1
382, 383, 384–5, 386–7, 390–1, 392–3, 394, 398, 409, discount / sale price, 426–7, 431
426, 427, 428, 429, 430–1, 432–3, 438, 439, 440, 441, estimate cost, 428–9, 431
443, 462, 496–7, 498–9, 500–1, 502–3, 510–1, 514–5, finding discount, 426–7
516–7 finding total cost, 428–9
x-coordinate, 502–3, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, interest, 434–5
514–5, 516–7, 519 sales tax, 428–9

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simple interest, 434–5 Division of integers

unit price, 430–1 computation, 160–1, 500–1
related to multiplication, 160–1
Coordinate plane rules, 160–1
graph of a line, 510–1, 514–5, 519
in four quadrants, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, 514–5, Division of whole numbers and money
516–7, 519 check (inverse operations), 10(SU), 11(SU), 89, 92–3
ordered pairs / x- and y-axis, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, computation
514–5, 519 1- to 3-digit quotients, 10(SU), 11(SU), 88–9, 92–3
quadrants, 504–5 dividends: multiples of 10 through 100,000, 66–7
transformations, 506–7, 508–9 divisors: multiples of 10, 100, and 1000, 94–5
money, 88–9
Critical Thinking, 33, 35, 53, 65, 75, 87, 93, 99, 103, 121, 129, patterns, 88–9, 90–1
149, 153, 159, 177, 181, 187, 189, 191, 195, 199, 207, 221, short division, 88–9
231, 249, 251, 263, 291, 297, 309, 313, 319, 329, 339, 345, trial quotients, 10(SU)
349, 361, 363, 375, 377, 383, 385, 391, 413, 447, 459, 463, zero as a placeholder in the dividend, 104–5
479, 495, 509, 513 zero in the quotient, 92–3
concepts, 88–9, 92–3, 190–1
Data (see Statistics) divisibility, 178–9
divisor / dividend / quotient, 90–1, 100
Decimals estimate quotients, 90–3
compare and order, 40–1, 97, 99 interpret the remainder, 89, 112–3
concepts, 36–41, 200–3 missing dividend / divisor, 7(SU), 10(SU), 95, 109
decimal sense, 40–1, 48–9 remainder, 88–9, 92–3, 112–3
equivalent decimals, 36–7, 40
greater than one, 40–1 Do You Remember?, 55, 77, 91, 125, 133, 165, 167, 193, 201,
on a number line, 40, 204–5, 398 223, 227, 233, 235, 269, 273, 303, 341, 343, 365, 381, 403,
operations (see Addition, Division, Multiplication, and 425, 435, 449, 461, 469, 497, 515
Subtraction of decimals)
place value (see Place value, decimals) Enrichment (see also Brain Builders, Challenge, and Critical
read and write, 34–5, 200–1, 202–3, 205 Thinking)
related to fractions, 200–1, 202–3, 204–5, 206–7, 396–7, Complex Fractions, 287
398–9 Inequalities in One Variable, 173
related to percent, 396–7, 398–9 Logic: Conjunctions and Disjunctions, 491
repeating / terminating, 206–7 Logic: Open / Closed Statements, 117
representations, 398–9 Logic: Statements and Negations, 245
rounding, (for rules see Estimation, for computation see Network, 371
Estimation strategies) Patterns: Sequences, 145
word names, 34–5 Percent Change, 443
Distributive property (see Algebra, properties) Pythagorean Theorem, 409
Roman Numerals, 61
Divisibility, 3(SU), 88–9, 178–9, 183 Sieve of Eratosthenes, 217
Slope, 519
Division of decimals Square Roots, 83
check (inverse operations), 96–7, 102–3, 104 Triple Line and Bar Graphs, 325
divide a decimal by a decimal, 98–9, 102–3, 110–11 Estimation
divide a decimal by a fraction, 268–9 check for reasonableness, 44, 48, 92, 96, 102, 104, 224–5,
divisors of 10 through 1000, 94–5 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 256, 264, 268, 385, 455
by whole numbers, 96–7, 100–1 fraction sense, 192–3, 224–5, 262–3, 378–9, 398–9, 414–5
short division, 96–7 geometry
estimate quotients, 96–7, 100–2, 104, 110–1 greater/less than a right angle, 331
missing dividend/divisor, 95, 99 measurement
patterns, 94–5, 98–9, 103 angle, 330–1
zero as a placeholder in the dividend, 104–5 area, 464–5, 472–3
zero in the quotient, 104–5 circumference, 470–1
precision, 449, 452–3, 461, 463, 467
Division of fractions and mixed numbers temperature (C as F), 166
checking (inverse operations), 260, 264–5 percent, 416–21
computation rounding: rules for (for computation see Estimation
fractions, 258–9, 260–1 strategies)
mixed/whole numbers, 258–9, 264–5 decimals
estimate, 260–1 to the greatest non-zero place, 42–3, 68–9
meaning, 258–9 through nearest ten thousandth, 42–3, 110–1
missing divisor / dividend, 265 to nearest whole number, 72
reciprocal, 260–1, 264–5 fractions/mixed numbers, 224–5, 256, 262–3
related to multiplication, 260–3 money
rename, 264–5 to nearest cent, 42–3, 73, 111, 125
representations, 258–61

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to nearest 10 cents, 43 Geometry

to nearest $1/$10/$100, 45 concepts, 17(SU), 18(SU), 390–1
on a number line, 224 congruence
whole numbers to nearest 10 through 1,000,000, 2(SU), angles, 333
42–3, 68–9 corresponding angles, 354
corresponding parts, 354–5
Estimation strategies line segments, 333
compatible numbers, 11(SU), 90–1, 92, 93, 96, 100, 101, polygons, 354–5
110, 193 triangles, 345
front-end, 44–5, 101, 102 constructions
rounding, 44–5, 48, 68–9, 70–1, 72–3, 91, 101, 110–1 angle bisector, 333, 341
Exponents circle, 352–3
base, 38, 55, 74, 77 congruent angle, 340–1
base other than 10, 182 congruent line segments, 338–9
negative (used in expanded form), 38–9, 95 parallelogram, 347
positive, 38–9, 55, 74–5, 76–7, 80, 83, 126–7, 182–3, 409 perpendicular bisector, 333, 338–9
with order of operations, 122–3, 162–3, 266–7 perpendicular lines, 339
regular polygons, 353
coordinate geometry, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1
Factors / Factorization (see Number theory) draw, 18(SU), 330–1, 333, 353
estimate (see Estimation, measurement)
Finding Together, 33, 65, 87, 121, 149, 177, 221, 249, 291, lines
329, 375, 413, 447, 495 definition, 17(SU), 332–3
Fractions (see also Number theory) intersecting, 332–3, 371
compare / order, 196–7, 198–9, 227, 257, 263 parallel, 371, 18(SU), 332
complex, 287 perpendicular, 332–3
concepts, 184–5, 190–1, 200–1, 206–7, 250–1, 260–1 ray, 17(SU), 18(SU), 330, 333
denominator / numerator, 196–7 skew, 332–3
density of, 192–3, 198–9 line segment
equivalent fractions bisector, 333
chart, 184 definition, 17(SU), 18(SU)
compute, 184, 196–7, 198–9, 200–1, 202–3, 204–5, diagonals, 442–3
226–7 midpoint, 333
finding the missing number, 185, 193, 231, 236–7, 238–9, perpendicular bisector, 333
272 measure (see Measurement)
related to ratios, 378–9 nets, 15(SU), 16(SU), 363
related to whole numbers, 184 networks, 371
fraction bar, 184, 258–9, 260 plane, 17(SU), 330
fraction sense, 184, 192–3, 196–7, 198–9, 200–1, 202–3, plane figures
224–5, 250–1, 252–3, 258–9, 260, 394–5 angle
improper fractions, 190–1, 200, 201 classification
lowest/greater terms, 188–9, 204–5, 226–7 acute / obtuse / straight, 332–3
missing numerator / denominator, 185, 193, 379 right, 332–3
mixed numbers, 190–1, 198–201, 204–5, 225, 226–7, 228–9, definition, 17(SU), 330–3
232–3 measures, 330–1, 332–3
on a number line, 12(SU), 192, 196–7, 198–9, 200, 204, 208, pairs
224, 250, 252, 270, 274, 398–9 adjacent / vertical / linear pair, 334–5
operations (see Addition, Division, Multiplication, and alternate interior / alternate exterior /
Subtraction of fractions) corresponding, 336–7
parts of a region / set, 184, 190, 199, 202, 250, 252, 258–9, of parallel lines, 336–7
260, 394–5, 398 supplementary / complementary, 334–5
in probability notation, 274–5, 280–1 attributes
read and write, 204–5 vertex (angle) / side, 330, 344
related to circle graph, 318 circle
related to decimals, 200–1, 202–3, 204–5, 398–9 central angle, arc, diameter, radius, center, chord,
related to percent, 398–9 352–3
related to ratios, 378–9, 394–5 formulas, 470–1, 472–3, 475
related to whole numbers, 184 pi, 470–1
representations, 184, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, polygon
201, 202, 203, 204, 208, 209, 215, 243, 250, 252, 258–9, angle / side / vertices, 19(SU)
260, 270, 394, 395, 398 classify, 342–3
round (for rules see Estimation, for computation see concave / convex, 342–3
Estimation strategies) diagonals within, 342–3
simplest form (see Fractions, lowest terms) quadrilaterals, 346–7, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467,
unit fractions, 259 468, 469, 497
zero as numerator, 12(SU), 255 regular polygon, 19(SU), 342–3
sum of angles within, 348–9, 350–1
Functions (see Algebra / function, function rule, function table) triangle, 19(SU), 344–5, 348–9, 466, 467

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point, 17(SU), 352–3 negations, 245

Pythagorean Theorem, 409 open/closed inequalities, 129
ray, 330, 333 open/closed sentences, 128–9
read/write symbols, 330–1, 332–3, 354 open/closed statements, 117, 128
similarity, 354–5, 388–91 statements and negations, 245
solid figures Venn diagrams, 282–3, 285, 405
attributes: vertex / edge / face / base, 362–3
cone / cube / cylinder, 362, 474–5, 478–9, 480–1
nets, 362–3, 474, 475 Maintenance (see Do You Remember, Mental Math, Still More
prisms Practice, Cumulative Review)
hexagonal, pentagonal, rectangular, triangular, 362–3, Map, 92, 393, 459
474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3
pyramids Materials (see Representations)
hexagonal, pentagonal, rectangular, square,
triangular, 362–3, 476–7, 482–3 Math Journal, 47, 67, 89, 99, 107, 111, 180, 207, 259, 261, 263,
sphere, 362 331, 347, 433
views / cross sections, 364–5 Measurement (see also Estimation)
spatial reasoning (see Reasoning) area
symbols, 17(SU), 18(SU) by formula
symmetry circle, 472–3
reflection / rotational / point, 358–9 parallelogram, 466–7
tools rectangle, 25(SU), 464–5
compass, 338–9, 340–1, 345, 347, 352–3, 436–7, 440–1, square, 464–5
meterstick, 448 trapezoid, 468–9
protractor, 330–1, 437 triangle, 466–7
ruler, 448–9, 452–3 of an irregular figure, 464–5, 484–5
straightedge, 338–9, 340–1, 353 missing dimensions, 465
transformations square units, 464
graph, 506–7, 508–9, 516 benchmark, 20(SU), 21(SU), 22(SU), 23(SU)
reflections, rotations, translations, 356–7, 506–7, 508–9, choose the appropriate unit, 20(SU), 21(SU), 22(SU),
512 23(SU), 451
tessellations, 360–1 circumference, 470–1
Glossary, 546–52 pi, 470–1
compare customary units to metric units, 460–1
Graphs (see Statistics and Coordinate graphs) compare units
capacity, 23(SU), 450–1, 454–5
Greatest common factors (GCF/GCD), 186–7, 250–1 length, 22(SU), 24(SU), 458–9, 452–3
relate customary units, 452–3, 484–5
Hands-On lessons, 338–9, 340–1, 345, 347, 353, 436–7 weight / mass, 23(SU), 450–1, 454–5
computing with customary units, 456–7
convert between customary and metric systems, 460–1
Integers customary system
absolute value, 150–1, 152–3, 158, 159 capacity, 21(SU), 450–1
compare / order, 152–3 length, 20(SU), 448–9
concepts, 150–61 weight, 23(SU), 454–5
on a coordinate grid, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1 denominate numbers, 456–7, 458–9
on a number line, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 distance / rate / time, 136–7, 387
operations (see Addition, Division, Multiplication, and estimate (see Estimation)
Subtraction of integers) indirect measurement, 390–1
opposites, 150–1, 156 measure
related to a thermometer/sea level, 160–1, 166–7, 498–9 angles, 330–1
representations, 150–9, 169 maps and scale, 392–3
to nearest mm/cm/dm, 448–9
Interpret the remainder (see Problem-Solving Strategies) to nearest 1/16 in. through 1 in., 452–3
Inverse property (see Algebra, additive inverse, multiplicative metric system
inverse, reciprocal) capacity, 21(SU), 450–1
length, 20(SU), 448–9
Irrational numbers, 470–1, 472–3 mass, 21(SU), 450–1
relate metric units, 448–9, 450–51
Journal (see Math Journal) by formula, 25(SU), 136–7, 462–3
by separating figures, 462–3
Least common denominator (LCD), 196–7, 198 missing dimensions, 462–3
rename units, 21(SU), 22(SU), 23(SU), 448–9, 450–1, 452–3
Logic (see also Problem-Solving Strategies and Reasoning) 454–5, 459
always / sometimes / never, 93, 153, 189 surface area
analogies, 366–7, 369, 453, 455 cube / cylinder / rectangular prism, 474–5
conjunctions / disjunctions, 491 pyramid / triangular prism, 476–7

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temperature (Celsius / Fahrenheit) factor / multiplicand / multiplier / product, 3(SU), 9(SU)

convert / rename (using formula), 166–7, 273 missing factor, 7(SU), 67
write / read below zero, 166–7, 169, 273, 498, 499 multiplicand / multiplier, 66
time product, 66
compute with units of, 458–9 properties, 8(SU) (see also Algebra)
elapsed time, 458–9
time zones, 459
tools, 24(SU), 448–9, 452–3 Negative exponents, 95
volume Number line
count cubic units, 478–9 with data: line plots, 302–3
by formula decimals on, 40, 204, 398
cube, 136–7, 478–9 fractions on, 12(SU), 192, 196, 198–9, 200, 204, 208, 224,
cylinder, 480–1 250, 252, 270, 274, 398
pyramid, 482–3 integers on, 150–1, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158
rectangular prism, 478–9 compare / order decimals on, 40
triangular prism, 480–1 percents on, 395, 398, 399
Mental Math (maintenance), 537–45 probability, 274
rational numbers on, 208–9, 210–1, 399
Mental Math (end-of-lesson feature), 47, 49, 69, 73, 109, 135, rounding on, 2(SU), 224
157, 197, 211, 229, 257, 267, 305, 397, 419, 427, 473
computation, 234–7, 415–7 Number sentences (see Algebra equations)
patterns, 66–7, 145, 243 Number theory
percent, 414–5 abundant number, 181
strategies deficient number, 181
fractions: find sums of one, 234–5 divisibility, 3(SU), 178–9, 183
use properties, 236–7 factors (common), 3(SU), 180–1, 186–7
Multiples greatest common factor (GCF/GCD), 12(SU), 186–7, 250–1
common multiple, 3(SU), 133, 194–5, 196 least common multiple / LCM, 194–5, 196–7, 198
least common multiple (LCM), 194–5 multiples, 3(SU), 133, 194, 196
perfect number, 181
Multiplication of decimals prime and composite numbers, 180–1, 182–3, 187, 195, 217
computation, 72–3 prime factorization (factor tree), 182–3, 195
multipliers of 10 through 1000 and multiples of, 66–7 Sieve of Eratosthenes, 217
estimate products, 72–3
missing factor, 73
patterns, 66–7, 72–3 Order
zeros in products, 254–5 decimals, 40–1, 97, 99
fractions, 198–9
Multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers integers, 152–3
cancellation (using the GCF), 250–1, 256–7 whole numbers, 1(SU), 67, 69
check, 255
computation Order of operations
fractions, 250–1 decimals, 122–3, 126–7
mixed / whole numbers, 252–3, 256–7, 268–9 fractions, 236, 266–7
three factors, 255 integers, 162–3
concepts of, 250–1, 252–3, 255 mixed / improper fractions and decimals, 236–7, 266–7,
estimate products, 256, 268–9 270–1
find part of a whole number, 252–3 rational numbers, 266–7, 399
missing factor, 254, 257 whole numbers
“of” in multiplication, 252–3, 268–9 with exponents, 122–3, 126–7, 128, 138–9, 162–3
related to division, 264–5 with other grouping symbols, 122–3, 126–7, 138–9, 162,
rename, 250–1, 252–3 491
representations, 250–1, 252
strategy: use properties, 254–5 Patterns (see also Mental Math)
Multiplication of integers algebraic (see Algebra, patterns)
computation, 158–9, 500–1 with decimals, 66–7, 207
related to division, 160–1 with fractions, 196–7, 207
Multiplication of whole numbers and money pentagonal numbers, 513
computation triangular and square numbers, 512–3
multipliers/multiplicands of 10, 100, 1000 and multiples of, percent, 414–5
66–7 rule, 145, 161
three factors, 8(SU), 73 with integers, 156–7, 158
up to 3-digit multipliers, 9(SU), 70–1, 91 with whole numbers, 66–7, 217
zeros in, 66–7
estimate products (see Estimation strategies) Percent
exponents, 74–5 commission, 432–3
compare to decimals, 396–7, 398–9

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compare to fractions, 394–5, 398–9 factorials, 279

discount / sale price, 426–7 formula, 274–5, 277, 280–1, 476–7
estimate, 416–7, 418–9, 420–1, 424–5, 428–9 notation, 274–5, 276–7, 278–9, 280–1, 284–5
find the number when percent is known, 422–3 predict, 280–1
formulas, 418–9, 420–1, 424–5, 426–7, 434–5 odds, 281
of a number, 414–5, 418–9, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9 outcomes, 15(SU), 16(SU), 275–7
on a number line, 395, 398–9 representations, 15(SU), 16(SU), 274, 275, 277, 280, 281
patterns, 414–5 sample space, 274–5
percent of change (increase / decrease), 443 theoretical, 280–1
percents greater than 100% / less than 1%, 400–1, 402–3 tree diagrams, 276–7
related to circle graphs, 415, 421, 425, 427, 436–7
related to decimals, 396–7, 398–9, 400–1, 402–3, 418–9, Problem Solving
424–5 Applications (Mixed Strategies), 32, 58–9, 80–1, 114–5,
related to fractions, 394–5, 398–9, 400–1, 402–3, 414–5, 142–3, 170–1, 214–5, 242–3, 284–5, 322–3, 368–9,
418–9, 424–5 406–7, 440–1, 488–9, 516–7
representations, 394–5, 398–3, 400, 402, 413, 415, 416, 417, Formulation (see Write Your Own), 59, 67, 81, 115, 143, 171,
418, 426 215, 243, 285, 323, 367, 407, 517
sales tax, 428–9 Introduction to Problem Solving (Heuristic Model), 26–7
simple interest, 434–5 Strategies
using proportions, 424–5, 427, 429 Combine Strategies, 404–5
Find a Pattern, 33, 39, 59, 80, 87, 99, 212–3, 215, 243,
Perfect numbers, 181 366, 513, 514–5
Guess and Test, 28, 32, 65, 69, 81, 115, 171, 177, 179,
Perimeter (see Measurement) 185, 214, 215, 217, 253, 404–5, 465, 516–7
Place value Interpret the Remainder, 93, 112–3, 114–5, 171
decimals Logical Reasoning, 33, 41, 43, 117, 282–3, 285, 366–7,
chart, 4, 34, 36, 38, 39 369, 405, 491, 517
concepts, 34–5, 36–7 Make an Organized List, 16(SU), 181, 182, 183, 186, 187,
tenths / hundredths, 4, 34–5, 36–7 194, 195, 276, 277, 278, 279, 291, 320–1, 323, 369
thousandths, 34–5, 36–7, 38–9 Make a Table, 81, 168–9, 171, 212, 213, 243, 276, 277,
expanded form 36–7 291, 298, 299, 366, 404, 407, 502–3, 514–5, 516–7
expanded form with exponents, 38–9 Make / Use a Graph, 30, 50, 59, 115, 215, 294, 295, 296,
on a number line, 40 297, 302, 303, 307, 308–9, 312–3, 314–5, 316–7,
short word names, 34 318–9, 322, 376, 397, 425, 427, 436–7, 440, 505,
standard form, 34–5, 36–7, 38–9 510–1, 514–5, 516–7, 519
word names, 4, 34–5 Make / Use a Model / Diagram, 121, 149, 151, 153, 155,
whole numbers 157, 199, 211, 221, 228, 243, 250, 251, 258, 261, 270,
chart, 1, 34, 36, 38, 39 276, 277, 279, 282–3, 291, 320, 321, 329, 335, 341,
concepts, 34–7 349, 351, 353, 355, 356, 358, 361, 363, 365, 366, 369,
magnitude of numbers, 34–5, 36–7 389, 390–1, 392–3, 399, 401, 405, 409, 422–3, 427,
through the trillions period, 34–5, 36–7, 38–9 440–1, 449, 459, 462–3, 465, 468–9, 471, 472–3, 474,
expanded form, 38–9 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 486–7, 488–9, 497,
expanded form with exponents, 34–5, 36–7 516–7
short word names, 34 More Than One Solution, 41, 170, 199, 231, 320–1, 367,
standard form, 34–9, 55, 77 369, 383, 391, 514–5, 517
use of commas in, 34 More Than One Strategy, 420, 422, 427, 429, 430–1,
514–5, 517
Practice (see Practice in each lesson and Still More Practice) Use Drawings / Formulas, 136–7, 166–7, 462–3, 464–5,
466–7, 468–9, 470–1, 472–3, 474–5, 476–7, 478–9,
Prime factorization (using exponents), 182–3 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9, 519
Prime number, 180–1, 182–3, 187, 217 Use More Than One Step (multistep), 29, 32, 51, 58–9,
67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 78–9, 80–1, 91, 105, 109, 113, 115,
Probability 137, 140–1, 168, 170, 171, 203, 205, 212, 213, 214,
compute, 274–7 215, 225, 227, 235, 243, 251, 253, 265, 269, 284, 369,
events 403, 405, 407, 413, 423, 425, 426–7, 428–9, 430–1,
certain / impossible, 274–5 432, 435, 436, 438–9, 440–1, 443, 451, 461, 465, 467,
combinations, 278–9 469, 472–3, 474–5, 477, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9,
combined 497, 517
disjoint / mutually exclusive, 274–5 Use Simpler Numbers, 78–9, 81, 115, 243
complementary, 274–5 Work Backward, 79, 83, 87, 168, 231, 240–1, 243, 404
complement, 275 Write an Equation, 31, 32, 47, 49, 50–1, 53, 55, 56–7,
counting principle, 276–7, 278–9 58–9, 67, 68–9, 71, 73, 75, 79, 80–1, 88–9, 90–1,
dependent / independent, 277, 284 92–3, 95, 96–7, 100, 102–3, 104–5, 107, 109, 110–1,
equally / not equally likely, 15(SU) 112–3, 115, 122–3, 124–5, 126–7, 128–9, 130–1,
permutations, 278–9 132–3, 134, 139, 140–1, 143, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160,
probability of more than one, 274–5, 276–7 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 181,
experiments 215, 223, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 237,
list outcomes, 16(SU) 238, 239, 242, 243, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257,
random experiments, 15(SU), 275, 280–1

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261, 263, 265, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 329,
279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 348, 350, 351, 369, 334, 335, 336, 343, 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 356,
379, 382–3, 386–7, 388–9, 390–1, 392, 404–5, 406–7, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367,
409, 413, 416–7, 421, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9, 368, 369, 371, 375, 379, 380–1, 382–3, 386–7, 390–1,
430–1, 432–3, 434–5, 436–7, 438–9, 440–1, 443, 457, 392–3, 395, 402–3, 404–5, 407, 409, 413, 416–7,
459, 460–1, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 472–3, 474–5, 418–9, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9, 430–1,
478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 488–9, 495, 496–7, 432–3, 434–5, 436–7, 438–9, 440–1, 443, 448–9,
498–9, 500–1, 513, 514–5, 516–7, 519 450–1, 453, 457, 458–9, 460–1, 462–3, 464–5, 466–7,
Topics 468–9, 470–1, 472–3, 474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1,
Extra Information, 57, 81, 215, 405, 407, 441 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9, 496–7, 498–9, 500–1,
Hidden Information, 29, 81, 115, 285, 405, 407, 489, 517 502–3, 504, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, 512, 514–5, 516–7,
Properties (see Algebra) apply strategies / rules / conceptual understanding, 35, 37,
Proportions 43, 45, 46–7, 49, 51, 55, 58–9, 61, 71, 73, 79, 89, 90–1,
cross products, 382–7 99, 103, 105, 109, 113, 114–5, 123, 125, 131, 133, 135,
equal ratios, 382–3, 386–7 137, 138–9, 141, 142–3, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161,
indirect measurement, 390–1 162, 163, 165, 169, 170, 171, 178, 185, 186–7, 189, 191,
means / extremes, 382–3, 384–5 193, 197, 199, 200, 214, 215, 227, 231, 232, 235, 236,
missing number in, 383, 384–5, 386–7, 388–9, 392–3, 398, 237, 239, 243, 257, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269,
407 271, 273, 274, 275, 277, 282, 351, 377, 379, 380–1,
percent of a number, 419 386–7, 404–5, 421, 423, 425, 427, 428–9, 431, 433,
scale and maps, 392–3 434–5, 436–7, 440–1, 443, 449, 451, 453, 460–1, 462–3,
similar figures, 388–9 465, 467, 476, 481, 482, 497, 498–9, 501, 502–3, 508–9,
solving, 384–5, 386–7 516–7, 519
write, 386–7, 391 classify / sort, 55, 77, 128–9, 133, 145, 167, 177, 180, 181,
189, 192, 201, 206, 207, 208, 217, 222–3, 225, 233, 234,
Pythagorean Theorem, 409 235, 254, 255, 260, 262, 269, 274, 282, 292, 293, 303,
304, 305, 330, 331, 332, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, 344,
346, 347, 350, 352, 356, 357, 358, 359, 361, 362, 363,
Rate 368, 403, 504, 507, 508–9
definition, 380–1 communicate, (see Communicate, Math Journal, Tell About
formula, 420–1 It, and Write About It)
Ratio compare / contrast, 40–1, 58, 61, 67, 68–9, 75, 80, 92, 99,
equivalent, 378–9 100–1, 124, 128, 139, 152, 153, 160, 161, 170, 184, 185,
as fractions, 376–7, 378–9, 380–1 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 205, 210, 211, 224, 225, 227,
representations, 378 254, 260, 263, 265, 275, 293, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301,
related to proportions, 382–3 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314,
simplest form, 376–7 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 332, 335, 336, 337,
write three ways, 376–7 342, 346, 347, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 362,
363, 364, 365, 366, 375, 388–9, 393, 395, 396–7, 398–9,
Rational numbers 401, 402–3, 407, 413, 414–5, 416–7, 418, 420, 422–3,
concepts, 208–9 427, 428, 430, 432–3, 435, 441, 448–9, 450–1, 452–3,
compare / order, 210–1, 398–9, 403 454–5, 456–7, 458–9, 460–1, 469, 471, 473, 475, 476–7,
opposite / on a number line, 208–9 479, 481, 483, 484–5, 487, 488–9, 506–7, 508–9, 512,
pi, 470 516–7, 519
read / write, 208–9 conclusions / deductive reasoning, 156, 158, 261, 263, 296,
299, 302, 305, 307, 309, 313, 314, 315, 316
Reasoning conjectures, 353, 512–3
algebraic thinking (see Algebra) data / problems, (see Statistics and Probability)
analyze generalize / inductive reasoning, 93, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165,
information, (relevant / irrelevant), (see Problem-Solving 259, 345, 512
Topics: Hidden Information and Extra Information), 33, justify / verify
35, 39, 43, 45, 46–7, 48–9, 50–1, 52–3, 54–5, 56–7, evaluate reasonableness of solution in context, 239, 240,
58–9, 61, 65, 66–7, 68–9, 70–1, 72–3, 78–9, 80–1, 87, 242
88–9, 90–1, 92–3, 94–5, 96–7, 98–9, 102–3, 104–5, logic / logical reasoning, 41, 43, 117, 128–9, 197, 245,
106–7, 108–9, 110–1, 112–3, 114–5, 121, 122–3, 282–3, 285, 353, 366–7, 369, 405, 453, 455, 460, 491
124–5, 126–7, 128–9, 130–1, 132–3, 134–5, 136–7, validity of results, 33, 45, 49, 50–1, 56–7, 58–9, 68–9,
139, 140–1, 142–3, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 70–1, 72–3, 78–9, 80–1, 89, 92, 96–7, 102–3, 104–5,
155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 112–3, 114–5, 123, 127, 129, 130–1, 132–3, 134–5,
168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 136–7, 138–9, 140–1, 142–3, 145, 149, 152, 156, 158,
184, 185, 188–9, 191, 194, 195, 199, 203, 205, 206, 159, 161, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 177, 179, 180,
207, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 221, 222–3, 224, 225, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189, 192, 195, 199, 205, 212,
226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 213, 214, 215, 222–3, 224–5, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230,
238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 231, 232, 233, 236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 249, 250, 251,
256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 268, 269, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266,
270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 267, 268, 272, 273, 275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284,
284, 285, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 285, 320, 321, 322, 323, 329, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337,
302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 341, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348, 351, 354, 355, 357, 358,

8206-2_553-562 10/9/07 6:47 PM Page 561

359, 361, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371, 381, 382–3, Statistics
385, 386–7, 388–9, 390–1, 392–3, 395, 404–5, 407, cumulative frequency table, 298–9
409, 413, 417, 418, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, data
428–9, 430–1, 432–3, 435, 437, 438–9, 440–1, 443, averages, 160
451, 456–7, 459, 463, 464, 467, 469, 470–1, 472–3, choose the appropriate scale, 14(SU)
474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, choose the most appropriate measure (mean, median,
488–9, 495, 496–7, 498, 500–1, 505, 512–3, 516–7 mode, range), 301
predictions, (make), 39, 88–9, 145, 161, 169, 280, 281, 293, collect/organize data, 14(SU), 298–9
294, 295, 309, 351, 512, 514–5 make an organized list, 320–1
problem solving mean, median, mode (measure of central tendency), 97,
apply strategies to other situations, (see Problem-Solving 300–1, 302–3, 304–5, 306–7, 322
Strategies and Problem-Solving Applications) most representative measure, 301
approach, (see Problem Solving) range, 300–1, 304–5, 306–7, 309
break apart to simpler, (see Problem-Solving Strategies: survey, 188, 294–5
Use Simpler Numbers, Use More Than One Step, and frequency table, 298–9, 316–7
Combine Strategies) graphing sense, 296–7, 308–9, 314–5
proportional reasoning, 376–7, 378–9, 380–1, 382–3, 385, graphs
386–7, 388–9, 390–1, 392–3, 394, 405 bar
relationships, 150, 152–3, 155–6, 158–9, 160, 166, 190–1, broken scale, 316, 323
193–4, 197, 198, 202–3, 204–5, 214, 395, 396, 398–9, double bar (make / interpret), 312–3, 323, 441
400–1, 403, 414–5, 417, 418–9, 422, 426–7, 432, 436–7, interpret, 32, 50, 59, 115, 294–5, 297, 314–5, 376
440–1, 443, 448–9, 450–1, 452–3, 454–5, 456–7, 459, make, 14(SU)
460–1, 464, 466, 468, 470, 472, 474–5, 478, 480, 482–3, triple bar (make / interpret), 325
486–7, 495, 496, 505, 519 box-and-whisker plots (make / interpret), 304–5, 322
spatial reasoning, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, 337, circle
338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, interpret, 215, 318–9, 323, 407, 421, 425, 427
350, 351, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, make, 436–7
363, 364, 365, 394, 400, 402, 409, 416, 466, 472–3, related to percent, 413, 415, 425, 427, 436–7
474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, histogram
488–9, 497 broken scale, 316
true / false, 35, 153, 180, 223, 245, 333, 357, 363, 416–7, interpret/make, 316–7
491 line
visual reasoning, 150, 184, 190, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, broken scale, 308–9, 314–5
200, 208, 210, 215, 222, 224, 228, 250, 251, 252, 258, double line (make / interpret), 310–1, 397
274, 285, 318, 319, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, interpret, 30, 296, 308–9, 314–5, 322
337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, make, 308–9
348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, triple line (make / interpret), 325
360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 371, 388–9, 390–1, 394–5, line plot
398–9, 400, 402, 414–5, 417, 422, 426–7, 448–9, 452–3, gaps, 302–3
454–5, 462–3, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 470–1, 474–5, interpret/make, 302–3, 322
476–7, 480–1, 486–7, 488–9, 496, 504, 506–7, 508–9, pictograph
510–1, 512, 514–5, 516–7, 519 half symbol, 13(SU)
write a rule, 259 interpret, 294–5
make, 13(SU)
Reinforcement (see Do You Remember?, Check Your Progress, scatter plot, 313
Still More Practice, Cumulative Reviews) stem-and-leaf plot
Representations (see Decimals, Fractions, Integers, Whole interpret, 306–7, 322
numbers and the Four operations with each of these number make, 306–7
types. See also Percent and Place value) misleading statistics (expanded scale), 314–5
outlier, 302–3
Roman Numerals, 61 predict, 293
samples, 292–3
Rounding (for rules see Estimation, for computation see survey
Estimation strategies) bias, 296–7
take, 292–5
Scientific notation tables
of decimals, 95 complete/make, 14(SU), 28, 101, 167, 168, 181, 205,
of whole numbers, 76–7, 80 207, 318, 343, 347, 366, 377, 392, 397, 407, 427, 435,
436, 467, 502–3, 513
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 217 read, 13(SU), 14(SU), 19(SU), 22(SU), 23(SU), 28(SU),
41, 43, 46, 47, 49, 52, 58, 81, 93, 107, 124, 143, 159,
Skills Update, xii–25 171, 178, 214, 276, 280, 281, 297, 298–9, 300, 301,
Slope, 519 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315,
316, 317, 342, 350, 366, 377, 429, 436, 448, 450
Square numbers, 512 tally chart, 31, 298–9, 316, 439
trends, 308–9
Square root, 83
Standardized test practice (see Assessment, Test Preparation)

8206-2_553-562 3/23/06 5:39 AM Page 562

Still More Practice, 521–32 Time (see Measurement)

Strategies (see Estimation strategies and Problem-Solving Transformations
Strategies) graph, 506–7, 508–9, 516
reflection / rotation / translation, 356–7, 506–7, 508–9, 512
Subtraction of decimals tessellations, 360–1
check, 48–9
computation Tree diagrams, 276–7, 320
through hundred thousandths, 6(SU), 48–9, 50–1
estimate differences (see Estimation strategies) Triangular numbers, 512
missing minuend / subtrahend, 54, 55
Subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers Venn diagrams, 282–3, 285, 405
computation Volume (see Measurement and Estimation, measurement)
like denominators, 230–1, 332–3
mixed numbers, 232–3
unlike denominators, 232–3 Whole numbers
estimate differences, 230–1, 332–3 compare and order, 1(SU), 67, 69
rename differences, 230–3 composite numbers, 180–1, 182–3
rename mixed numbers, 232–3 divisibility, 3(SU), 88–9, 178–9, 183
expanded form, 36–7, 38–9
Subtraction of integers on a number line: identify a point on, 150–1
computation, 156–7, 498–9 operations (see Addition, Division, Multiplication, and
related to addition, 156–7 Subtraction of whole numbers)
representations, 156–7 prime numbers, 180–1, 182–3, 187, 217
Subtraction of whole numbers and money representations, 2(SU), 150–1
check, 48 rounding (for rules see Estimation, for computation see
computation Estimation strategies), 42–3
across zeros, 48–9 short word names, 34–5
to 10-digit numbers, 48–9 word names, 34–5
difference / minuend / subtrahend, 6(SU) Word Problems (see Problem Solving: Applications, Strategies,
estimate differences (see Estimation strategies) and Topics)
missing minuend / subtrahend, 7(SU)
related to addition, 7(SU) Write About It, 89, 107, 111, 131, 155, 255, 259, 261, 307, 315,
317, 331, 347, 359, 393, 417, 421, 427, 431, 455, 477, 481,
Symbols, Tables, and Formulas, 129, 563 483, 505
Symmetry, 358–9 Write Your Own, 59, 67, 81, 115, 143, 171, 215, 243, 285, 323,
367, 407, 517
Tables (see Statistics)
Tables of Measure, 564 Zero
as a numerator, 12(SU), 255
Tell About It (see Assessment) identity property of addition, 222–3
in division, 92–3, 104–5, 160
Temperature (see Measurement) in multiplication, 254–5

8206-2_563-564 3/8/06 12:21 AM Page 563

Mathematical Symbols
⫹4 ABC plane ABC
⫽ is equal to positive 4
⫺4 䉭ABC triangle ABC
⫽ is not equal to negative 4
⬍ is less than ⫺
円 4円 the absolute value ⬃ is similar to
⬎ is greater than of negative 4 ⬵ is congruent to
⬇ is approximately 10 2 ten squared ⱍⱍ is parallel to
equal to 10 3 ten cubed ⬜ is perpendicular to
... continues without 兹苶
positive square root ␲ pi
end AB line AB cm 2 square centimeter
% percent A
_ 苶 segment AB in. 3 cubic inch

苶 0.333...(repeating
0.3 AB ray AB degree

decimals) ⬔ABC angle ABC 2:3 two to three (ratio)
(3, 4) ordered pair m⬔A measure of ⬔A P(E) probablilty of an
. decimal point event

Geometric Formulas
Perimeter Surface Area
Rectangle: P ⫽ 2(ᐉ ⫹ w) Cylinder: S ⫽ 2␲r 2 ⫹ 2␲rh
Regular Polygon: P ⫽ ns Cube: S ⫽ 6e 2
Square: P ⫽ 4s Rectangular Prism:
S ⫽ 2(ᐉw ⫹ ᐉh ⫹ wh)
Circumference of Circle
Square Pyramid: S ⫽ s 2 ⫹ 4(ᎏ1ᎏbh)
C ⫽ ␲d ⫽ 2␲r 2
Cylinder: V ⫽ (␲r 2)h
Circle: A ⫽ ␲r 2 Cube: V ⫽ e3
Parallelogram: A ⫽ bh Prism (general formula): V ⫽ Bh
Rectangle: A ⫽ ᐉw 1
Square: A ⫽ s 2 Pyramid (general formula): V ⫽ ᎏ3ᎏ Bh
Triangle: A ⫽ ᎏ2ᎏ bh Rectangular Prism: V ⫽ (ᐉw )h
Trapezoid: A ⫽ ᎏ2ᎏ (b1 + b 2)h Triangular Prism: V ⫽ (ᎏ1ᎏbh)h

Other Formulas
Celsius (°C) C ⫽ ᎏ59ᎏ (F ⫺ 32) Fahrenheit (°F) F ⫽ ᎏ95ᎏ C ⫹ 32
Simple Interest ⫽ principal ⫻ rate ⫻ time: I ⫽ prt
Distance ⫽ Rate ⫻ Time: d ⫽ rt
Discount ⫽ List Price ⫻ Rate of Discount: D ⫽ LP ⫻ R of D
Sale Price ⫽ Regular Price ⫺ Discount: SP ⫽ RP ⫺ D
Sales Tax ⫽ Marked Price ⫻ Rate of Sales Tax: T ⫽ MP ⫻ R of T
Total Cost ⫽ Marked Price ⫹ Sales Tax: TC ⫽ MP ⫹ T
Commission ⫽ Total Sales ⫻ Rate of Commission: C ⫽ TS ⫻ R of C

8206-2_563-564 3/8/06 12:22 AM Page 564

Table of Measures
60 seconds (s) ⫽ 1 minute (min) 052 weeks ⫽ 1 year
60 minutes ⫽ 1 hour (h) 365 days ⫽ 1 year
24 hours ⫽ 1 day (d) 366 days ⫽ 1 leap year
07 days ⫽ 1 week (wk) 100 years ⫽ 1 century (cent.)
12 months (mo) ⫽ 1 year (y)

Metric Units
Length Capacity
1000 millimeters (mm) ⫽ 1 meter (m) 1000 milliliters (mL) ⫽ 1 liter (L)
0100 centimeters (cm) ⫽ 1 meter 0100 centiliters (cL) ⫽ 1 liter
0010 decimeters (dm) ⫽ 1 meter 0010 deciliters (dL) ⫽ 1 liter
0010 meters ⫽ 1 dekameter (dam) 0010 liters ⫽ 1 dekaliter (daL)
0100 meters ⫽ 1 hectometer (hm) 0100 liters ⫽ 1 hectoliter (hL)
1000 meters ⫽ 1 kilometer (km) 1000 liters ⫽ 1 kiloliter (kL)
1000 milligrams (mg) ⫽ 1 gram (g) 0010 grams ⫽ 1 dekagram (dag)
0100 centigrams (cg) ⫽ 1 gram 0100 grams ⫽ 1 hectogram (hg)
0010 decigrams (dg) ⫽ 1 gram 1000 grams ⫽ 1 kilogram (kg)
1000 kg ⫽ 1 metric ton (t)

Customary Units
Length Capacity
0012 inches (in.) ⫽ 1 foot (ft) 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) ⫽ 1 cup (c)
0003 feet ⫽ 1 yard (yd) 2 cups ⫽ 1 pint (pt)
0036 inches ⫽ 1 yard 2 pints ⫽ 1 quart (qt)
5280 feet ⫽ 1 mile (mi) 4 quarts ⫽ 1 gallon (gal)
1760 yards ⫽ 1 mile
16 ounces (oz) ⫽ 1 pound (lb) 2000 pounds ⫽ 1 ton (T)

Percent Table
1 1 1 1 1 7
01% ⫽ ᎏ ᎏ ⫽ 0.01
50% ⫽ .ᎏ2ᎏ. ⫽ 0.5 12 ᎏ2ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ8ᎏ ⫽ 0.125 87 ᎏ2ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ8ᎏ ⫽ 0.875
1 3 1 2 1
10% ⫽ .ᎏ1ᎏ
. ⫽ 0.1 60% ⫽ .ᎏ5ᎏ. ⫽ 0.6 25% ⫽ ᎏ4ᎏ ⫽ 0.25 16 ᎏ3ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ6ᎏ ⫽ 0.16

1 7 1 3 1 1
20% ⫽ 0ᎏ5ᎏ0 ⫽ 0.2 70% ⫽ ᎏ1ᎏ
⫽ 0.7 37 ᎏ2ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ8ᎏ ⫽ 0.375 33 ᎏ3ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ3ᎏ ⫽ 0.33

3 4 1 5 2 2
30% ⫽ .ᎏ1ᎏ
. ⫽ 0.3 80% ⫽ .ᎏ5ᎏ. ⫽ 0.8 62 ᎏ2ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ8ᎏ ⫽ 0.625 66 ᎏ3ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ3ᎏ ⫽ 0.66

2 9 3 1 5
40% ⫽ 0ᎏ5ᎏ0 ⫽ 0.4 90% ⫽ ᎏ1ᎏ
⫽ 0.9 75% ⫽ ᎏ4ᎏ ⫽ 0.75 83 ᎏ3ᎏ% ⫽ ᎏ6ᎏ ⫽ 0.83

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