API Open Cti
API Open Cti
API Open Cti
Last updated: May 21, 2019
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Build and integrate third-party computer-telephony integration (CTI) systems with Salesforce Call
Center using a browser-based JavaScript API.
To display CTI functionality in Salesforce, Open CTI uses browsers as clients. With Open CTI, you can Available in: Salesforce
make calls from a softphone directly in Salesforce without installing CTI adapters on your machines. Classic (not available in all
After you develop an Open CTI implementation, you can integrate it with Salesforce using Salesforce orgs) and Lightning
Call Center. Experience
Here’s how Open CTI connects to your telephony system. Available in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Note: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
With Open CTI, you can:
• Build CTI systems that integrate with Salesforce without the use of CTI adapters.
• Create customizable softphones (call-control tools) that function as fully integrated parts of Salesforce and the Salesforce console.
• Provide users with CTI systems that are browser and platform agnostic, for example, CTI for Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla®
Firefox®, Apple® Safari®, or Google Chrome™ on Mac, Linux, or Windows machines.
To implement Open CTI, it helps if you have a basic familiarity with: CTI, JavaScript, Visualforce, web services, software development, the
Salesforce console, and the Salesforce Call Center.
Keep in mind that Open CTI is only available for use with JavaScript pages. The examples in this guide are in JavaScript. You can use
Open CTI in JavaScript to embed API calls and processes.
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience.
Get Started with Open CTI Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs.
Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
The methods provided in the two APIs aren’t always the same. Some Salesforce Classic methods aren’t available in Lightning
Experience and some have been renamed.
Open CTI and Other Voice Solutions
Open CTI integrates third-party CTI systems with Salesforce. But do you wonder what came before? Or what the difference is between
Open CTI and Lightning Dialer?
Customize Open CTI Functionality
Your organization may have complex business processes that are unsupported by Open CTI functionality. Not to worry. When this
is the case, the Lightning platform offers advanced administrators and developers several ways to implement custom functionality.
Open CTI Support Policy
The current release of Open CTI is the only version that receives enhancements.
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Call Center
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Supported Browsers
Important: You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and function differently. Make
sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
In Lightning Experience
Input example:
arg1 : value1,
arg2 : value2,
Get Started with Open CTI Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience
• The two APIs provide similar methods, but a few methods behave differently. The input and output for methods can be different.
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning
The methods provided in the two APIs aren’t always the same. Some Salesforce Classic methods aren’t available in Lightning Experience
and some have been renamed.
Get Started with Open CTI Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and
Lightning Experience
enableClickToDial() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
getCallCenterSettings() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
getSoftphoneLayout() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
notifyInitializationComplete() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
onClickToDial() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
Get Started with Open CTI Open CTI and Other Voice Solutions
runApex() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
saveLog() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
screenPop() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
searchAndScreenPop() Uses the same method name in Open CTI for Link Link
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Get Started with Open CTI Customize Open CTI Functionality
Important: Desktop CTI is retired and you must migrate to Open CTI. Work with your partners to create an Open CTI
What about Lightning Dialer?
If you’re confused between Lightning Dialer and Open CTI, don’t be. Lightning Dialer provides a way to provision numbers and make
calls directly from Salesforce. However, if you already have a telephony system in place, Open CTI is the way to go since it integrates
to that existing system.
CTI Toolkit Retirement FAQ
Salesforce Help: Guidelines for Making and Receiving Calls
Feature Description
SOAP API Use standard SOAP API calls if you want to add functionality to a composite application that processes
only one type of record at a time and does not require any transactional control (such as setting a
Savepoint or rolling back changes).
For more information, see the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Visualforce Visualforce consists of a tag-based markup language that gives developers a more powerful way of
building applications and customizing the Salesforce user interface. With Visualforce you can:
• Build wizards and other multistep processes.
• Create your own custom flow control through an application.
• Define navigation patterns and data-specific rules for optimal, efficient application interaction.
For more information, see the Visualforce Developer's Guide.
Console API The Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit and the Lightning Console JavaScript APIs let you implement
custom functionality for the Salesforce console. For example, you can use the Console API to display
Visualforce pages or third-party content as tabs in the Salesforce console.
For more information, see the Salesforce Console Developer Guide.
Get Started with Open CTI Open CTI Support Policy
Feature Description
• Create custom transactional logic (logic that occurs over the entire transaction, not just with a
single record or object).
• Attach custom logic to another operation, such as saving a record, so that it occurs whenever
the operation is executed, regardless of whether it originates in the user interface, a Visualforce
page, or from SOAP API.
For more information, see the Apex Developer Guide.
Backward Compatibility
Salesforce strives to make backward compatibility easy when using Open CTI.
API Support
Salesforce is committed to supporting each Open CTI version for a minimum of three years from the date of its first release.
Backward Compatibility
Salesforce strives to make backward compatibility easy when using Open CTI.
Each new Salesforce release consists of two components:
• A new release of platform software that resides on Salesforce systems
• A new version of the API
Open CTI matches the API version for any given release. For example, if the current version of SOAP API is 46.0, then there’s also a version
46.0 of Open CTI.
We maintain support for each Open CTI version across releases of the platform. Open CTI is backward compatible in that an application
created to work with a given Open CTI version will continue to work with that same Open CTI version in future platform releases.
Salesforce doesn't guarantee that an application written against one Open CTI version will work with future Open CTI versions: Changes
in method signatures and data representations are often required as we continue to enhance Open CTI. However, we strive to keep
Open CTI consistent from version to version with minimal changes required to port applications to newer Open CTI versions.
For example, an application written using Open CTI version 37.0, which shipped with the Summer ’16 release, will continue to work with
Open CTI version 37.0 on the Winter ’17 release and on future releases. However, that same application might not work with Open CTI
version 38.0 without modifications to the application.
API Support
Salesforce is committed to supporting each Open CTI version for a minimum of three years from the date of its first release.
To improve the quality and performance of Open CTI, versions that are more than three years old might not be supported.
When a Open CTI version is scheduled to be unsupported, a no-longer-available notice will be given at least one year before support
for the version ends. Salesforce will directly notify customers using Open CTI versions that will no longer be available.
CHAPTER 2 Call Center Definition Files
A call center definition file specifies a set of fields and values that are used to define a call center in Salesforce for a particular softphone.
Salesforce uses call center definition files to support the integration of Salesforce CRM Call Center with multiple CTI system vendors.
A call center in Salesforce CRM Call Center must have a call center definition file that works specifically with a softphone. If you build a
custom softphone with Open CTI, you must write a call center definition file to support it. The first instance of a call center for a particular
softphone must be defined by importing the adapter's call center definition file into Salesforce. Subsequent call centers can be created
by cloning the original call center that was created with the import.
If your organization modifies a softphone or builds a new one, you must customize the softphone’s call center definition file so that it
includes any additional call center information that is required. For example, if you are building a softphone for a system that supports
a backup server, your call center definition file should include fields for the backup server's IP address and port number. Softphones for
systems that don’t have a backup server, don’t need those fields in their associated call center definition files.
Use a text or XML editor to define a call center definition file.
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. The reqSalesforceCompatibilityMode item in your call center definition file
identifies the user interface you plan to use—Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, or both. If no value is specified, the default
is Classic. This item is optional, but to make calls in Lightning Experience you must specify Lightning or
Salesforce Help: Set Up a Call Center
Salesforce Help: Creating a Call Center
Call Center Definition Files Call Center Definition File Format
This element represents a definition for a single call center phone system. At least one <callCenter> element must be included
in every call center definition file. A <callCenter> element consists of one or more <section> elements.
This element represents a grouping of related data fields, such as server information or dialing prefixes. When a call center is edited
in Salesforce, fields are organized by the section to which they are assigned. A <section> element belongs to a single
<callCenter> element, and consists of one or more <item> elements.
name String Required The internal name of the section as defined in the Salesforce
database. You can use this value to refer to the section when writing
custom adapter or SoftPhone code.
Names must be composed of only alphanumeric characters with
no white space or other punctuation. They are limited to 40
characters each.
Names beginning with req are reserved for required Salesforce
sections only (see Required Call Center Elements and Attributes).
Other reserved words that cannot be used for the name attribute
include label, sortOrder, internalNameLabel, and
label String Optional The name of the section when viewed in Salesforce. Labels can be
composed of any string of UTF-8 characters. They are limited to
1000 characters each.
This element represents a single field in a call center definition, such as the IP address of a primary server or the dialing prefix for
international calls. When call centers are edited in Salesforce, each <item> element is listed under the section to which it belongs.
You can have multiple <item> elements in a <section> element.
Call Center Definition Files Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
name String Required The internal name of the item as defined in the Salesforce database.
You can use this value to refer to the item when writing custom
adapter or SoftPhone code.
Names must be composed of only alphanumeric characters with
no white space or other punctuation. They are limited to 40
characters each.
Names beginning with req are reserved for required Salesforce
sections only (see Required Call Center Elements and Attributes).
Other reserved words that cannot be used for the name attribute
include label, sortOrder, internalNameLabel, and
label String Optional The name of the item when viewed in Salesforce. Labels can be
composed of any string of UTF-8 characters. They are limited to
1,000 characters each.
Salesforce Help: Call Center Definition Files
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. The reqSalesforceCompatibilityMode item in your call center definition file
identifies the user interface you plan to use—Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, or both. If no value is specified, the default
is Classic. This item is optional, but to make calls in Lightning Experience you must specify Lightning or
Call Center Definition Files Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
reqCanvasApiName Represents the API name associated with any Canvas applications
added to your call center. Required if you add canvas apps to Open Not supported
reqInternalName Represents the unique identifier for the call center in the database.
It must have a sortOrder value of 0, and its value must be
specified in the call center definition. A value for
reqInternalName must be composed of no more than 40
alphanumeric characters with no white space or other punctuation.
It must start with an alphabetic character and must be unique from
the reqInternalName of all other call centers defined in your
Call Center Definition Files Optional Call Center Elements and Attributes
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. The reqSalesforceCompatibilityMode item in your call center definition file
identifies the user interface you plan to use—Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, or both. If no value is specified, the default
is Classic. This item is optional, but to make calls in Lightning Experience you must specify Lightning or
• To display the softphone in Lightning
Experience, specify Lightning.
• To display the softphone in Salesforce
Classic, specify Classic.
• To display the softphone in both user
interfaces, specify
Call Center Definition Files Specify Values for <item> Elements
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
sets the value of the reqInternalName <item> to MyCallCenter. Note that any <item> value other than the value for
reqInternalName can be edited in Salesforce after the call center definition is imported.
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience. The reqSalesforceCompatibilityMode item in your call center definition file
identifies the user interface you plan to use—Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, or both. If no value is specified, the default
is Classic. This item is optional, but to make calls in Lightning Experience you must specify Lightning or
Call Center Definition Files Sample Call Center Definition File
Call Center Definition Files Sample Call Center Definition File
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
CHAPTER 3 Working with Open CTI
You can use Open CTI to increase agent efficiency, configure your softphone, and complete many more tasks.
With Open CTI, you can:
• Set the height or width of a softphone
• Enable or disable click-to-dial
• Return a call center definition file’s settings
• Determine if a user is in the Salesforce console
• Show or hide a softphone in the Salesforce console
• Return information about a page
• Execute an Apex method from an Apex class that’s exposed in Salesforce
• Save or update an object in Salesforce
• Search keywords in Salesforce and screen pop any matching records as defined in a softphone layout
Before developing an Open CTI implementation, learn how to connect to Open CTI and review the best practices.
Working with Open CTI Connect to Open CTI
Best Practices
When working with Open CTI, keep the following best practices in mind.
In Lightning Experience:
<script src="/support/api/46.0/lightning/opencti_min.js"
In Lightning Experience:
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Working with Open CTI Open CTI Demo Adapter
Tip: For Salesforce Classic console apps, if your CTI phone is running on a server with a non-standard port, make sure to include
the port number in your domain. For example, if your server is called myserver and your port number is 8500, include
myserver:8500 in your Salesforce console whitelist. This setting doesn’t apply for Lightning console apps.
Required Call Center Elements and Attributes
Mozilla Developer Network: Window.postMessage() method
Salesforce Help: Whitelist Domains for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
In Lightning Experience:
method({callback : function})
In Salesforce Classic:
//Set softphone height
sforce.interaction.cti.setSoftphoneHeight(300, callback);
Working with Open CTI Sample HTML Page Using Open CTI
In Lightning Experience:
//Disable clickToDial
sforce.opencti.disableClickToDial({callback: callback});
Note: The call result depends on the execution context. For example, calling setSoftphoneWidth() in the standard
Salesforce application has no effect, but calling setSoftphoneWidth() in the Salesforce console resizes the width
of the softphone.
Note: Keep in mind that to make calls in Lightning Experience, you must first create a Lightning app and add the Open CTI
Softphone utility.
Sample Code for Salesforce Classic
<!-- Imports Open CTI JavaScript library. Point to a valid Salesforce domain.
<script src="https://domain:port/support/api/46.0/interaction.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Callback of API method: isInConsole
var isInConsoleCallback = function (response) {
// Returns true if method is executed in Salesforce console, false
if (response.result) {
alert('Softphone is in Salesforce console.');
else {
alert('Softphone is not in Salesforce console.');
// Invokes API method: isInConsole
function isInConsole() {
// Callback of API method: getCallCenterSettings
var getCallCenterSettingsCallback = function (response) {
// Result returns call center settings as a JSON string.
if (response.result) {
else {
Working with Open CTI Sample HTML Page Using Open CTI
// Callback of API method: setSoftphoneHeight
var setSoftphoneHeightCallback = function (response) {
// Returns true if SoftPhone height was set successfully, false
if (response.result) {
alert('Setting softphone height to 300px was successful.');
else {
alert('Setting softphone height failed.');
// Invokes setSoftphoneHeight API method.
function setSoftphoneHeight() {
// Callback of API method: getPageInfo
var getPageInfoCallback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
else {
alert('Error occured while trying to get page info: ' +
// Invokes API method getPageInfo
function getPageInfo() {
<button onclick="isInConsole();">isInConsole</button><br/>
<button onclick="getCallCenterSettings();">getCallCenterSettings</button><br/>
<button onclick="setSoftphoneHeight();">setSoftphoneHeight(300)</button><br/>
<button onclick="getPageInfo();">getPageInfo</button>
Working with Open CTI Sample HTML Page Using Open CTI
This is your sample page.
<!-- End Default Content -->
<!-- Imports Open CTI JavaScript library. Point to a valid Salesforce domain.
<script type="text/javascript">
// Callback of API method: setSoftphonePanelHeight
var setSoftphonePanelHeightCallback = function(response) {
// Returns true if setSoftphonePanelHeight method is executed successfully,
false otherwise
if (response.result) {
alert('setSoftphonePanelHeight is successfully executed.');
else {
alert('setSoftphonePanelHeight failed.);
// Invokes API method: setSoftphonePanelHeight
function setSoftphonePanelHeight() {
heightPX: 500,
callback: setSoftphonePanelHeightCallback
// Callback of API method: setSoftphonePanelWidth
var setSoftphonePanelWidthCallback = function(response) {
// Returns true if setSoftphonePanelWidth method is executed successfully,
false otherwise
if (response.result) {
alert('setSoftphonePanelWidth is successfully executed.');
else {
alert('setSoftphonePanelWidth failed.');
// Invokes API method: setSoftphonePanelWidth
function setSoftphonePanelWidth() {
widthPX: 500,
callback: setSoftphonePanelHeightCallback
// Callback of API method: setSoftphoneItemIcon
var setSoftphoneItemIconCallback = function(response) {
// Returns true if setSoftphoneItemIcon method is executed successfully,
false otherwise
if (response.result) {
alert('setSoftphoneItemIcon is successfully executed.');
else {
Working with Open CTI Sample HTML Page Using Open CTI
alert('setSoftphoneItemIcon failed.');
// Invokes API method: setSoftphoneItemIcon
function setSoftphoneItemIcon() {
key: 'call',
callback: setSoftphoneItemIconCallback
// Callback of API method: setSoftphoneItemLabel
var setSoftphoneItemLabelCallback = function(response) {
// Returns true if setSoftphoneItemLabel method is executed successfully,
false otherwise
if (response.result) {
alert('setSoftphoneItemLabel is successfully executed.');
else {
alert('setSoftphoneItemLabel failed.');
// Invokes API method: setSoftphoneItemLabel
function setSoftphoneItemLabel() {
Label: 'MySoftphone',
callback: setSoftphoneItemLabelCallback
After you create the HTML page, add the URL to the call center definition file. Your softphone is rendered on the left in Salesforce Classic,
or in the footer in the Salesforce console or in Lightning Experience:
Working with Open CTI Sample HTML Page Using Open CTI
Working with Open CTI Work with Canvas
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Canvas and Open CTI are similar—they’re a set of tools and JavaScript APIs that developers can use to add third-party systems to
Salesforce. However, one of the benefits of Canvas, is the ability to choose authentication methods.
Note: For a canvas app to appear in a Salesforce console, you must add it to the console as a custom console component. For
more information, see the Canvas Developer Guide.
When developing a canvas app, and you want to include functionality from Open CTI, do the following:
1. Include the Open CTI API in index.jsp.
2. Call Sfdc.canvas.client.signedrequest() to store the signed request needed by the console integration toolkit
API. For example, if the Canvas method of authentication is a signed request, do the following:
If the Canvas method of authentication is OAuth, do the following in the callback function used to get the context, as shown in the
Canvas Developer Guide:
Working with Open CTI Work with the Console APIs for Open CTI
Consider the following when working with Open CTI and canvas apps:
• The Open CTI API script depends on the signed request and should be added after the call to
Sfdc.canvas.client.signedrequest() has executed. We recommend that you load the scripts dynamically.
• To retrieve the entity ID of the record that is associated with the canvas sidebar component, do the following:
// Get signedRequest
var signedRequest = Sfdc.canvas.client.signedrequest();
var parsedRequest = JSON.parse(signedRequest);
// get the entity Id that is associated with this canvas sidebar component.
var entityId = parsedRequest.context.environment.parameters.entityId;
To see an example on how to retrieve msg.payload, see the Canvas Developer Guide.
Salesforce Canvas Developer Guide : Getting Context in Your Canvas App
Salesforce Help: Add Console Components to Apps in Salesforce Classic
Best Practices
When working with Open CTI, keep the following best practices in mind.
• Since many of the methods in Open CTI are asynchronous and return their results using a callback method, Salesforce recommends
that you refer to the documentation for each method to understand the information for each response.
• Errors generated by Open CTI are typically emitted in a way that doesn't halt JavaScript processing. We recommend that you use
browser built-in developer tools to monitor the JavaScript console and to help you debug your code.
• If you plan on customizing, extending, or integrating the sidebars of the Salesforce console using Visualforce, review the online help
for information about console components.
Salesforce Help: Customize a Console with Custom Components in Salesforce Classic
CHAPTER 4 Methods for Lightning Experience
If your org is using Lightning Experience, use methods that work with Lightning Experience.
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience.You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Methods for Lightning Experience disableClickToDial() for Lightning Experience
Disables click-to-dial. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Note: You can use this method with the Lightning web component lightning-click-to-dial. You can also use it
with the Aura component lightning:clickToDial. Keep in mind that you can’t use either component in iFrames. This
method can’t be used with the Visualforce component support:clickToDial.
callback: function //Optional
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function disableClickToDial() {
sforce.opencti.disableClickToDial({callback: callback});
<button onclick="disableClickToDial();">disableClickToDial()</button>
Methods for Lightning Experience enableClickToDial() for Lightning Experience
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Lightning Components Developer Guide: lightning:clickToDial
Enables click-to-dial. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Note: You can use this method with the Lightning web component lightning-click-to-dial. You can also use it
with the Aura component lightning:clickToDial. Keep in mind that you can’t use either component in iFrames. This
method can’t be used with the Visualforce component support:clickToDial.
callback: function //Optional
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience getAppViewInfo() for Lightning Experience
function enableClickToDial() {
sforce.opencti.enableClickToDial({callback: callback});
<button onclick="enableClickToDial();">enableClickToDial()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Lightning Components Developer Guide: lightning:clickToDial
Returns information about the current application view. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
callback: function
Methods for Lightning Experience getAppViewInfo() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function getAppViewInfo() {
sforce.opencti.getAppViewInfo({callback: callback});
<button onclick="getAppViewInfo();">getAppViewInfo()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
When you switch from a record detail page to a list view, this method returns:
• In Lightning Experience, only the url
• In Lightning Experience console apps, nothing is returned because the listener isn’t invoked
returnValue object Returns the URL of the current application view and includes any applicable record
ID, record name, and object type. For example:
Methods for Lightning Experience getCallCenterSettings() for Lightning Experience
"recordId": "001x0000003DGQR",
"recordName": "Acme",
"objectType": "Account"
Invoking this API method on a person account object returns the following additional
• accountId or contactId—The associated account or contact ID.
• personAccount—Which is true if person accounts are enabled in your
org, false otherwise.
For example:
"recordId": "001x0000003DGQR",
"recordName": "Acme Person Account",
"objectType": "Account",
"contactId": "003D000000QOMqg",
"personAccount": true
Note: Since the URL structure of the returnValue might change in the
future, we recommend that you don’t build any logic based on it.
error array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Returns the call center settings associated with the current user. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
callback: function
Methods for Lightning Experience getCallCenterSettings() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function getCallCenterSettings() {
sforce.opencti.getCallCenterSettings({callback: callback});
<button onclick="getCallCenterSettings();">getCallCenterSettings()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object If the API call is successful, the call center settings are returned.
"/displayNameLabel": "Display Name Label",
"/internalNameLabel": "Internal Name Label",
"/reqDialingOptions/reqInternationalPrefix": "01"
"/reqDialingOptions/reqLongDistPrefix": "1",
"/reqDialingOptions/reqOutsidePrefix": "9",
"/reqGeneralInfo/reqAdapterUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
"/reqGeneralInfo/reqDescription": "Test Call Center",
Methods for Lightning Experience getSoftphoneLayout() for Lightning Experience
error array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Returns the softphone layout of the current user. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Note: The Open CTI for Lightning Experience methods screenPop() and searchAndScreenPop() don’t support
callback: function
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience getSoftphoneLayout() for Lightning Experience
if (response.success) {
} else {
'Something went wrong. Please check error information in developer console.'
function getSoftphoneLayout() {
callback: callback
<button onclick="getSoftphoneLayout();">Get Softphone Layout</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object If the API call is successful, the softphone layout definition is returned. If the API call
fails, null is returned.
The returned object contains three elements that represent each of the call-types:
• "Internal"
• "Inbound"
• "Outbound"
Each call-type contains three sub-sections:
• "callRelatedFields"—An array of call-related fields selected to display.
Possible values are "ANI", "DNIS", "SEGMENT", and "QUEUE".
• "objects"—The set of Salesforce objects selected to display, along with the
Field Label and Field Name (API name) selected to display from each
• "screenPopSettings"—This object contains a
"screenPopsOpenWithin" field with a value of either
"ExistingWindow" or "NewWindow".
Methods for Lightning Experience getSoftphoneLayout() for Lightning Experience
"screenPopSettings" : {
"NoMatch" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToEntity",
"screenPopData" : "Contact"
Methods for Lightning Experience High Velocity Sales (HVS) Methods for Lightning Experience
"SingleMatch" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToVisualforce",
"screenPopData" : "Visualforce_Page_Name"
"MultipleMatches" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToSearch"
"Outbound" : {
"callRelatedFields" : [
"objects" : {
"Account" : [ {
"displayName" : "Account Name",
"apiName" : "Name"
"screenPopSettings" : {}
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Lightning Flow for Service Developer Guide (English only)
These two methods allow your CTI implementation to communicate with High Velocity Sales (HVS) to handle HVS work. The
onWorkStart method lets you listen for when an HVS work item starts. You communicate back to HVS with the completeWork
method when the work completes. These methods are available in API version 46.0 or later.
Note: You can use this method with the Lightning web component lightning-click-to-dial. You can also use it
with the Aura component lightning:clickToDial. Keep in mind that you can’t use either component in iFrames. This
method can’t be used with the Visualforce component support:clickToDial.
Methods for Lightning Experience High Velocity Sales (HVS) Methods for Lightning Experience
The onWorkStart method allows you to listen for when work starts. HVS calls your listener function when the work starts. In your
listener, the completeWorkWhen parameter specifies whether you should call HVS back when the task is saved (TaskSaved) or
when the call ends (CallEnd).
sforce.opencti.hvs.onWorkStart({listener: function});
When the work completes (either when the call ends or when the task is saved), call the completeWork method so that the HVS
system can update its information.
workId: string, // Id from onWorkStart
attributes: {
disposition: string, // Only needed for task
taskId: string, // Only needed for task
wasConnected: boolean, // Only needed for call
callback: function
Note: You should only call this method for outbound calls. Inbound calls are not started by HVS.
Arguments for onWorkStart:
workId string ID of the work item. Depending on the type of work, this value is either the step
tracker ID or the my list ID.
completeWorkWhen string Defines when you should call the completeWork method. This value is either
CallEnd or TaskSaved.
Methods for Lightning Experience High Velocity Sales (HVS) Methods for Lightning Experience
attributes object Attributes object that can contain the following fields: disposition, taskId,
wasConnected boolean Indicates whether the call successfully connected. Required when
completeWorkWhen is CallEnd.
Sample Code
Listen for HVS work to start:
listener: function(payload) {
var workId = payload.workId; // Save the work ID
var whenVal = payload.completeWorkWhen; // Save the completion requirement
var toVal = payload.attributes.to; // Save the number to associate with
Salesforce Help: High Velocity Sales
Salesforce Help: Open CTI and High Velocity Sales
Methods for Lightning Experience isSoftphonePanelVisible() for Lightning Experience
Use this method to return the visibility status of the softphone panel. Returns true if the softphone panel is visible and false if it’s
minimized. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
callback: function
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function isSoftphonePanelVisible() {
sforce.opencti.isSoftphonePanelVisible({callback: callback});
<button onclick="isSoftphonePanelVisible();">isSoftphonePanelVisible()</button>
Methods for Lightning Experience notifyInitializationComplete() for Lightning Experience
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object Contains the boolean property visible which indicates the visibility status of
the softphone panel. It’s true if the softphone is visible and false if it’s
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Notifies Salesforce that the softphone initialization is complete and that Salesforce should not switch to a standby URL. While the
softphone initializes, a loading icon displays in the softphone area. To use a standby URL, you must specify the reqStandbyUrl and
reqTimeout fields, in the call center’s definition file. For more information, see Optional Call Center Elements and Attributes
The notifyInitializationComplete() method for Lightning Experience works differently from the Salesforce Classic
• In Lightning Experience, the method takes an optional callback object. In Salesforce Classic, the method doesn't take arguments.
• In Lightning Experience, after you go to the standby URL your browser session continues to use that standby URL. To force the
standby URL check, you must restart the browser—close it and open it again. In Salesforce Classic, the standby URL check was
completed only after you logged in to Salesforce, and the check wasn't repeated if you kept using the same Salesforce session.
callback: function //Optional
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience onClickToDial() for Lightning Experience
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Registers a function to call when a user clicks an enabled phone number. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Note: You can use this method with the Lightning web component lightning-click-to-dial. You can also use it
with the Aura component lightning:clickToDial. Keep in mind that you can’t use either component in iFrames. This
method can’t be used with the Visualforce component support:clickToDial.
listener: function
Methods for Lightning Experience onClickToDial() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
listener function JavaScript method called when the user clicks an enabled phone number.
The payload object passed to each call to the listener method contains the following fields.
recordId string Provides the ID of the record associated with the clicked phone number.
recordName string Provides the name of the record for the clicked phone number.
objectType string Provides the type of record associated with the clicked phone number.
accountId or contactId string If the clicked phone number belongs to a person account, the associated
account or contact ID is provided.
personAccount boolean If the clicked phone number belongs to a person account, this property is true.
If person accounts aren’t enabled in your org, this field isn’t included in the
payload object.
Lightning Components Developer Guide: lightning:clickToDial
Methods for Lightning Experience onNavigationChange() for Lightning Experience
Registers a function to call when one of the following actions occur:
• The URL of the page changes
• In a standard app in Lightning Experience, a user navigates between browser tabs or windows and the document comes back into
focus. If the document doesn’t come back into focus, the listener isn’t invoked. Also, internal navigation actions that open a new
record modal, such as the screenPop() method, will invoke the listener.
• In a console app in Lightning Experience, a user navigates between primary tabs and subtabs in a console, or the document comes
back into focus when a user navigates between browser tabs or windows.
• In a console app, a tab is refreshed, such as when you create a new case in a console and save it.
For example, the listener is invoked when a user navigates away from a browser tab and then comes back to the tab.
This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
listener: function
Name Type Description
listener function JavaScript method called upon a navigation change.
Methods for Lightning Experience refreshView() for Lightning Experience
The payload object passed to each call to the listener method contains the following fields.
When you switch from a record detail page to a list view, this method returns:
• In Lightning Experience, only the url
• In Lightning Experience console apps, nothing is returned because the listener isn’t invoked
recordId string If the user navigated to a Salesforce record, such as an account or case, the
loaded record ID is returned. Otherwise, the field is empty.
recordName string If the user navigated to a Salesforce record, the loaded record name. Otherwise,
the field is empty.
objectType string If the user navigated to a Salesforce record, the loaded object type, such as an
account or case. Otherwise, the field is empty.
accountId or contactId string If the page the user navigated to is the record home of a person account, the
associated account or contact ID is returned.
personAccount boolean Returned only if person accounts are enabled in your org and the user navigates
to a person account.
If the page the user navigated to is the record home of a person account, this
field is true.
If the page the user navigated to is not the record home of a person account,
this field is false.
If the page the user navigated to is a business account, this field along with the
accountId and contactId fields aren’t included in the payload.
Returns true if view refresh is invoked, false otherwise. When this method is called within the Salesforce console, it refreshes the
current active view. If any related lists are included in this tab, they’re refreshed too. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Methods for Lightning Experience refreshView() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
callback function Optional. JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function refreshView() {
<button onclick="refreshView();">refreshView</button>
Methods for Lightning Experience runApex() for Lightning Experience
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Executes an Apex method from an Apex class that’s exposed in Salesforce. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
args object A JavaScript object containing the following:
• apexClass (string)—Specifies the Apex class of the method to execute.
• methodName (string)—Specifies the method to execute.
• methodParams (string)—Specifies the method parameters to pass. The string
must include field value pairs and be formatted as a valid query string.
For example:
name=acme&phone=(212) 555-5555
If the Apex method doesn’t take any parameters, you can specify
methodParams as none or an empty object, {}.
Methods for Lightning Experience runApex() for Lightning Experience
2. In Setup, click Generate from WSDL to expose the method and class so that a third-party softphone can call it.
3. Add your code to the softphone:
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function(response) {
if (response.success) {
console.log('API method call executed successfully! returnValue:',
} else {
console.error('Something went wrong! Errors:', response.errors);
function runApex() {
var param = {apexClass: 'AccountRetrieval', methodName: 'getAccount',
methodParams: 'name=acme'};
param.callback = callback;
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="runApex();">runApex</button>
4. Output is returned. In this example, one account named Acme was found:
"success": true,
"returnValue": {
Methods for Lightning Experience saveLog() for Lightning Experience
"errors": null
Name Type Description
success boolean Returns true if the API method call was invoked successfully, false otherwise.
returnValue object A JavaScript object containing the result from executing the method from the
specified Apex class. No specific format is returned. The format is determined by the
value from the method that executed. For example:
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Salesforce Help: Apex Code Overview
Saves or updates an object in Salesforce. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
• To update using this method, include Id.
• To create using this method, include entityApiName.
• If an object uses recordType, pass the recordTypeId in the saveLog call. If you don’t pass the recordType,
the record is created using the default recordType for the profile. To create a person account, you can pass the person
account recordType if the profile's default is to a business account.
• To refresh after you update or create using this method, call the refreshView method in the callback method.
Methods for Lightning Experience saveLog() for Lightning Experience
entityApiName:string, //Optional
Id:string, //Optional
param:value //Optional
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
value object Specifies the fields to save or update on the object.
If the object’s ID is specified, a record is updated. For example:
{Id:"00QR0000000yN5iMAE", LastName:"New lastname" }
Note: To create a record, ensure all the required fields are specified.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience screenPop() for Lightning Experience
<button onclick="saveLog();">saveLog</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object ID of object if creating or updating the object was successful; null if creating or
updating the object wasn’t successful.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Pops to a new location as specified by the input type and parameters. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Note: Open CTI for Lightning Experience doesn’t support the softphone layout field Screen pops open within when
the value is New browser window or tab. In Lightning Experience, the default value is Existing browser
type: sforce.opencti.SCREENPOP_TYPE.*, //Review the arguments section.
params: object //Depends on the SCREENPOP_TYPE. Review the arguments section.
Name Type Description
type string The enumerated type to screen pop to. Use one of the following values:
Methods for Lightning Experience screenPop() for Lightning Experience
• For URL:
params : { url: string }
The URL must be a relative parameter. For more information about the URL,
see the force:navigateToURL url parameter in the Lightning Aura
Components Developer Guide.
params : { scope: string }
Pops to the home of an object or entity such as a case or account. For more
information about the scope, see the force:navigateToSObject
recordID parameter in the Lightning Aura Components Developer Guide. Here’s
a sample input:
{ scope: “Account”}
• For LIST:
{ listViewId: string, scope: string }
For more information about the listViewId and scope parameter, see
force:navigateToList in the Lightning Aura Components Developer
params : {searchString: string}
Pops to the Top Results section of the search page. The string must be at least
3 characters in length.
Required. The API name of the custom or standard object, such as Account, Case,
Contact, or Lead.
Methods for Lightning Experience screenPop() for Lightning Experience
Note: For custom objects, the name for a new record model follows this
This name takes the default namespace. Notice that the separator includes
2 underscores.
If your org has namespace enabled, you must prefix it for custom objects.
Use this format:
To pop to a new person account model, use the input Account.
• For FLOW:
params: {flowDevName: 'Flow_Dev_Name', flowArgs:
[{'name': 'Name', 'type': 'Type', 'value':
Pops to the target flow. Additional arguments can be passed to the flow, for
example, the caller’s phone number or a list of matching records.
Note: Only active UI screen flows (that use the type Flow) can be
popped. Arguments passed to the flow must be defined as variables
inside the flow, or else they’re ignored at runtime. Consult the FlowVariable
section in the topic on Flow in the Metadata API Developer Guide for
details on flow arguments.
defaultFieldValues object Optional. If you set up your softphone to pop to a new entity when there are no
search results (for inbound calls), you can use this argument to specify the default
fields for the screen pop. For example, when the screen pop opens for the new entity
it’s pre-populated with the fields you’ve specified.
{ searchParams: 'searchTermWithEmptyResults',
callType: 'inbound',
defaultFieldValues: {LastName :
deferred: false,
callback: function(result) {
if (result.success) {
} else {
callback function Optional. JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Lightning Flow for Service Developer Guide (English only)
Searches objects specified in the softphone layout for a given string. Returns search results and screen pops any matching records. This
method respects screen pop settings defined in the softphone layout. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Methods for Lightning Experience searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience
Note: The returned response displays only matches that meet your softphone layout settings. However, the search page that
screen pops, displays all matches, regardless of the objects you specify in your sofpthone layout.
The searchAndScreenPop() method for Lightning Experience works differently from the Salesforce Classic method.
• Open CTI for Lightning Experience doesn’t support the softphone layout field Screen pops open within when the value
is New browser window or tab. In Lightning Experience, the default value is Existing browser window.
• Open CTI for Lightning Experience provides a new argument called deferred.
Tip: The searchAndGetScreenPopUrl() method is not available in the Open CTI API for Lightning Experience. To
accomplish the same functionality in Lightning Experience, use the deferred parameter available in this method. Pass the
value in SCREEN_POP_DATA from the return object into the screenPop () method.
If you’re noticing inconsistent behavior with the default settings of your softphone layout, edit your softphone layout to force the cache
to refresh. From Setup, edit your softphone layout and save the changes. Then edit the layout again and reset the layout to the default
searchParams:string //Optional
queryParams:string, //Optional
defaultFieldValues:object, //Optional
callType:sforce.opencti.CALL_TYPE.*, //Required. See arguments for more information.
deferred:boolean //Optional)
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
searchParams string String to search.
queryParams string Specifies the query parameters to pass to the URL. Query parameters are only passed
to the URL if the screen pop option is set to Pop to Visualforce.
params object Specifies arguments to pass to a flow. flowArgs is a list of objects with key-value
pairs containing information about the arguments being passed to the flow.
Arguments must correspond to input variables of the specified name and type
defined in the flow, else they are ignored.
params: { FLOW: { flowArgs: [{ 'name': 'Your_Name',
'type': 'Your_Type', 'value': 'Your_Value'}] } }
Important: This argument can only be used with flows. Consult the
FlowVariable section in the topic on Flow in the Metadata API Developer
Guide for details on flow arguments.
defaultFieldsValue object Optional. If you set up your softphone to pop to a new entity when there are no
search results (for inbound calls), you can use this argument to specify the default
Methods for Lightning Experience searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience
callType string Specifies the type of call, such as inbound, outbound, internal, or null. Per the settings
in the softphone layout, the call type determines which objects to search for any
Specify the call type with one of the following values:
• sforce.opencti.CALL_TYPE.INBOUND
• sforce.opencti.CALL_TYPE.OUTBOUND
• sforce.opencti.CALL_TYPE.INTERNAL
deferred boolean Specifies whether the screen pop is performed immediately following the search or
if it’s performed later. If the screen pop is performed later, a JSON object is returned.
This object must be passed unmodified to sforce.opencti.screenPop to
perform the operation.
• False—Default value. Indicates an immediate screen pop after the search is
• True—A JSON {object} is returned in the SCREEN_POP_DATA key. Return
this object unmodified to sforce.opencti.screenPop for a screen
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience
} else {
console.error('Something went wrong! Errors:', response.errors);
function searchAndScreenPop() {
//Invokes API method
sforce.opencti.searchAndScreenPop({ searchParams : 'Acme',queryParams :
'Key1=value1&Key2=value2', callType : sforce.opencti.CALL_TYPE.INBOUND, deferred: false,
callback : callback });
<button onclick="searchAndScreenPop();">searchAndScreenPop</button>
Name Type Description
success boolean Returns true if the API method call was invoked successfully, false otherwise.
returnValue object Returns a list of objects that match the search results. The search is performed on
the objects specified in the softphone layout. For each object found, the object ID,
object type, last modified date, field names, and field values are returned as JSON
Note: Make sure that you specify fields to return in your softphone layout.
If you don’t, nothing is returned.
The following is an example of searching for “Acme,” and finding one Account and
three Opportunity objects:
"Id": "006x0000001ZcyG"
"LastModifiedDate": "2017-10-24T18:42:39.000Z",
"Name":"Acme - 600 Widgets",
"Id": "006x0000001ZcyH"
"LastModifiedDate": "2017-10-24T18:42:39.000Z",
"Name":"Acme - 200 Widgets",
Methods for Lightning Experience searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience
"Id": "006x0000001ZcyF"
"LastModifiedDate": "2017-10-24T18:42:39.000Z",
"Name":"Acme - 1,200 Widgets",
Invoking this API method with a deferred parameter returns the following sample
output without any screen navigation.
"Id": "006x0000001ZcyG"
"LastModifiedDate": "2017-10-24T18:42:39.000Z",
"Name":"Acme - 600 Widgets",
SCREEN_POP_DATA : {} //an object. Do not modify it.
Pass it to screenPop() API to navigate.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Lightning Flow for Service Developer Guide (English only)
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphoneItemIcon() for Lightning Experience
Sets the icon for the softphone item in the utility bar. Returns true if the function is successfully executed, and false when there
is a failure. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
The softphone icon in the utility bar.
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
key string The key corresponding to the icon in the Lightning Design System you want to use
for the softphone icon in the utility bar.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphoneItemLabel() for Lightning Experience
function setSoftphoneItemIcon() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphoneItemIcon({key:"call", callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphoneItemIcon();">setSoftphoneItemIcon()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Salesforce Lightning Design System: Utility Icons
Sets the label for the softphone component item in the utility bar. Returns true if the function is successfully executed, and false
when there is a failure. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphoneItemLabel() for Lightning Experience
label: string,
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
label string The string you want to use for the softphone label in the utility bar.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelHeight() for Lightning Experience
function setSoftphoneItemLabel() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphoneItemLabel({label: "MySoftphone", callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphoneItemLabel();">setSoftphoneItemLabel()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Sets the softphone panel height in the utility bar. The height must be specified in pixels. This method is available in API version 38.0 or
callback:function //Optional
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelHeight() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
heightPX number The softphone panel height in pixels. The height must be a number from 240 through
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function setSoftphonePanelHeight() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelHeight({heightPX: 400, callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphonePanelHeight();">setSoftphonePanelHeight()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelIcon() for Lightning Experience
Sets the icon for the softphone panel. Returns true if the function is successfully executed, and false when there is a failure. This
method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
The softphone panel icon.
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
key string The key corresponding to the icon in the Lightning Design System you want to use
for the softphone panel icon.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelLabel() for Lightning Experience
function setSoftphonePanelIcon() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelIcon({key:"call", callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphonePanelIcon();">setSoftphonePanelIcon()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Salesforce Lightning Design System: Utility Icons
Sets the label for the softphone panel. Returns true if the function is successfully executed, and false when there is a failure. This
method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelLabel() for Lightning Experience
label: string,
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
label string The string you want to use for the softphone panel label.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelVisibility() for Lightning Experience
function setSoftphonePanelLabel() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelLabel({label: "Mysoftphone",callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphonePanelLabel();">setSoftphonePanelLabel()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Sets the visibility status of the softphone panel. When the visible parameter is passed as true, the softphone panel is displayed.
When it’s set to false, the panel is minimized. This method is available in API version 38.0 or later.
callback:function //Optional
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelVisibility() for Lightning Experience
Name Type Description
visible boolean To dock (display) the softphone panel, set the value to true. To minimize (hide)
the softphone panel, set the value to false.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function setSoftphonePanelVisibility() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility({visible: true, callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphonePanelVisibility();">setSoftphonePanelVisibility()</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Methods for Lightning Experience setSoftphonePanelWidth() for Lightning Experience
Sets the softphone panel width in the utility bar. The width must be specified in pixels. This method is available in API version 38.0 or
callback:function //Optional
Name Type Description
widthPX number The softphone panel width in pixels. The height must be a number from 200 through
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
function setSoftphonePanelWidth() {
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelWidth({widthPX: 400, callback: callback});
<button onclick="setSoftphonePanelWidth();">setSoftphonePanelWidth()</button>
Methods for Lightning Experience Common Error Messages for Lightning Experience Methods
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
returnValue object This API method doesn’t return this object. The returnValue is always null.
errors array If the API call was successful, this variable is null. If the API call failed, this variable
returns an array of error messages.
Methods for Lightning Experience Common Error Messages for Lightning Experience Methods
For the runApex method, if there is a server error, the description field provides "Could not load Apex class:
For the saveLog method, the details field provides information based on the type of error. For example:
description:"An error occurred while calling the saveLog() API method. Review the Details
field in the error section.",
message:"An error occurred while trying to update the record. Please try again.",
message:"Required fields are missing: [Name]",
fieldLabel:"Account Name",
CHAPTER 5 Methods for Salesforce Classic
If your org is using Salesforce Classic, use methods that work with Salesforce Classic.
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience.You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience.You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
Methods for Salesforce Classic getPageInfo() for Salesforce Classic
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Returns information about the current page.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function getPageInfo() {
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="getPageInfo();">getPageInfo</button>
Methods for Salesforce Classic isInConsole() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
result string Returns the URL of the current page as a JSON string, and includes any applicable
object ID, object name, object type, and for API version 33.0 or later, the object tab
name. For example:
For API version 31.0 and later, invoking this API method on a PersonAccount object
returns the following additional information.
• accountId or contactId, the associated account or contact ID
• personAccount, which is true if the object is a PersonAccount and false
For example:
"objectId":"001x0000003DGQR","objectName":"Acme Person
"object":"Account", "contactId":"003D000000QOMqg",
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Indicates if the softphone is in the Salesforce console.
Note: If this method is used in a Salesforce console where multi-monitor components is turned on, any popped out softphone
components are indicated as in the console.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Salesforce Classic isVisible() for Salesforce Classic
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('User is in console.');
else {
alert('User is not in console.');
<button onclick="sforce.interaction.isInConsole(callback);">isInConsole</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Turn On Multi-Monitor Components for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Returns true if the softphone is visible or false if the softphone is hidden.
Methods for Salesforce Classic notifyInitializationComplete() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Softphone is visible');
} else {
alert('Softphone is not visible');
function isVisible() {
<button onclick="isVisible();">isVisible</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean true if the softphone is visible, false if the softphone isn’t visible.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Notifies Salesforce that the softphone initialization is complete and that Salesforce should not switch to a standby URL. While the
softphone initializes, a loading icon displays in the SoftPhone area. To use a standby URL, you must specify it in the call center’s definition
file. For more information, see Optional Call Center Elements and Attributes on page 12.
Methods for Salesforce Classic onFocus() for Salesforce Classic
Sample Code
<script src="http://domain:port/support/api/29.0/interaction.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Invokes API method
The interaction framework has been notified that the CTI initialization is complete.
Registers a function to call when the browser focus changes. In the Salesforce console, the browser focus changes when a user navigates
between primary tabs or the navigation tab.
sforce.interaction.onFocus( listener:function );
Name Type Description
listener function JavaScript method called when the browser focus changes.
Methods for Salesforce Classic onFocus() for Salesforce Classic
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} };
function onFocus() {
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="onFocus();">onFocus</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
If the page isn’t focused on an object, the object ID, object name, and object will be
For API version 31.0 and later, invoking this API method on a PersonAccount object
returns the following additional information.
• accountId or contactId, the associated account or contact ID
• personAccount, which is true if the object is a PersonAccount and false
For example:
"objectId":"001x0000003DGQR","objectName":"Acme Person
"object":"Account", "contactId":"003D000000QOMqg",
Methods for Salesforce Classic onObjectUpdate() for Salesforce Classic
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Turn On Multi-Monitor Components for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Registers a function to call when case fields, the feed, or related list data have changed on records that are displayed with a feed-based
Note: Use this method with Visualforce pages you want to use as custom publishers in Case Feed.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<apex:page standardController="Case">
<apex:includeScript value="/support/api/26.0/interaction.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function(response) {
alert('Case was updated. Fields = ' + response.fieldsUpdated +
' Related lists = ' + response.relatedListsUpdated + ' Feed = ' +
//Invokes API method
Methods for Salesforce Classic refreshObject() for Salesforce Classic
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
relatedListsUpdated boolean true if one or more case related lists were updated.
Notifies a page that uses a feed-based layout, that fields, the feed, or related list data has changed, and forces an update of these on the
Note: Use this method with Visualforce pages you want to use as custom publishers in Case Feed.
Name Type Description
objectId string The record ID of the case object.
refreshFields boolean Indicates that one or more fields on the case have changed.
refreshRelatedLists boolean Indicates that one or more case-related lists have changed.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<apex:page standardController="Case">
<apex:includeScript value="/support/api/26.0/interaction.js"/>
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
Methods for Salesforce Classic refreshPage() for Salesforce Classic
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
Returns true if page refresh is invoked, false otherwise. When this method is called within the Salesforce console, it refreshes the
current active tab. This method is only available in API version 28.0 or later.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Page refresh has been invoked.');
} else {
alert('Page refresh has not been invoked.');
function refreshPage() {
Methods for Salesforce Classic refreshRelatedList() for Salesforce Classic
<button onclick="refreshPage();">refreshPage</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean Returns true if page refresh has been invoked, false otherwise.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Returns true if the related list with the given listName is refreshed, false otherwise. When this method is called within the
Salesforce console, only the related list with the given list name in the currently focused view will be refreshed. This method is only
available in API version 28.0 or later.
sforce.interaction.refreshRelatedList(listName:string, callback:function)
Name Type Description
listName string The name of the related list to refresh. For example, Contact for Contacts related list
or Activity for Open Activities related list.
Note that to refresh a custom related list created from a custom lookup field,
listName must specify the ID of the custom lookup field.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
Methods for Salesforce Classic refreshRelatedList() for Salesforce Classic
function checkRefreshResult(result) {
if (result.result) {
alert('The related list is refreshed!');
} else {
alert('Cannot refresh the related list with the given listName! Make
sure the listName is correct and the related list is on the page.');
function refreshActivityRelatedList() {
sforce.interaction.refreshRelatedList('Activity', checkRefreshResult);
function refreshHistoryRelatedList() {
sforce.interaction.refreshRelatedList('History', checkRefreshResult);
function saveAndRefresh() {
'Subject=ImportantTask&WhatId=[15-character ID of an account to which you want to attach
the task]', function(result) {
if (result.result) {
} else {
alert('Could not save the object! Check the developer console for error
<button onclick="refreshHistoryRelatedList();">Refresh History Related List</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean Returns true if the related list with the given name is refreshed, false otherwise.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
• This method cannot refresh related lists created from <apex:relatedList>.
• This method cannot refresh a related list from an overridden Visualforce page in the Salesforce console.
• If called from within the Salesforce console, this method will only search for the related list to refresh in the currently focused view.
Methods for Salesforce Classic reloadFrame() for Salesforce Classic
Reloads the frame that contains the page making the call. This method is available only if the record is displayed with a feed-based
layout. This method is available in API version 34.0 or later.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<apex:page standardController="Case">
<apex:includeScript value="/support/api/34.0/interaction.js"/>
<a href"javascript:void(0); onclick="sforce.interaction.entityFeed.reloadFrame();">
Executes an Apex method from an Apex class that’s exposed in Salesforce.
sforce.interaction.runApex(apexClass:string, methodName:string, methodParams:string,
(optional) callback:function)
Name Type Description
apexClass string Specifies the Apex class of the method to execute.
Methods for Salesforce Classic runApex() for Salesforce Classic
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
1. An administrator creates an Apex class and Apex method:
global class AccountRetrieval{
2. In the location where you’ve created the Apex class and method in Salesforce, click Generate WSDL to expose the method and
class so that a third-party softphone can call it.
3. Add your code to the softphone:
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function runApex() {
//Invokes API method
sforce.interaction.runApex('AccountRetrieval', 'getAccount', 'name=acme',
<button onclick="runApex();">runApex</button>
Methods for Salesforce Classic saveLog() for Salesforce Classic
4. Output is returned. In this example, one account named, Acme, was found:
"Id":"001x0000003DGQRAA4","Name":"Acme","Phone":"(212) 555-5555"}]
Name Type Description
result string Returns the result from executing the method from the specified Apex class.
No specific format is returned. The format is determined by the value from the method
that was executed.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Apex Code Overview
Saves or updates an object in Salesforce.
Note: If an object uses recordType, pass the recordTypeId in the saveLog call. If you don’t pass the recordType,
the record is created using the default recordType for the profile. For person accounts, you can't pass the person account
recordType if the profile's default is to a business account.
sforce.interaction.saveLog(object:string, saveParams:string, (optional)callback:function)
Name Type Description
object string The name of the object to save or update.
Methods for Salesforce Classic screenPop() for Salesforce Classic
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function saveLog() {
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="saveLog();">saveLog</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean true if saving or updating the object was successful, false if saving or updating
the object wasn’t successful.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Pops to a target URL, which must be relative.
Methods for Salesforce Classic screenPop() for Salesforce Classic
sforce.interaction.screenPop(url:string, force:boolean, (optional) callback:function)
Name Type Description
url string A relative URL, which specifies the location of the screen pop.
force boolean Set value to true to force a screen pop, false otherwise. This argument is only
available in API version 28.0 and later.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Screen pop was set successfully.');
else {
alert('Screen pop failed.' + result.error);
function screenPop() {
//Invokes API method
sforce.interaction.screenPop('/001x0000003DGQR', true, callback);
<!-- Note that '001x0000003DGQR' is an example of an object Id to screen pop. -->
<button onclick="screenPop();">screen pop to entity Id</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean true if the screen pop was successful, false if the screen pop wasn’t successful.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Methods for Salesforce Classic searchAndGetScreenPopUrl() for Salesforce Classic
Searches objects specified in the softphone layout for a given string. Returns search results and the relative URL to be screen popped.
Note that this method does not perform an actual screen pop. This method respects screen pop settings defined in the softphone layout.
This method is only available in API version 28.0 or later.
Tip: This method is not available in the Open CTI API for Lightning Experience. To accomplish the same functionality in Lightning,
use the deferred parameter available in the searchAndScreenPop() for Lightning Experience method.
sforce.interaction.searchAndGetScreenPopUrl(searchParams:string, queryParams:string,
callType:string, callback:function)
Name Type Description
searchParams string String to search.
callType string Specifies the type of call, such as inbound, outbound, internal, or null. Per the settings
in the softphone layout, the call type determines which objects to search for any
If callType is null, searches are inbound by default. If callType is internal or
outbound, no screen pops occur.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function searchAndGetScreenPopUrl() {
//Invokes API method
Methods for Salesforce Classic searchAndScreenPop() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
result string Returns a list of objects that match the search results and the URL to the screen pop
(screenPopUrl). The search is performed on the objects specified in the
softphone layout. For each object found, the object ID, field names, field values, and
for API version 33.0 or later, object tab name are returned as a JSON string.
The following is an example of searching for “Acme,” and finding one account and
three opportunity objects:
{"006x0000001ZcyG":{"Name":"Acme - 600
"006x0000001ZcyH":{"Name":"Acme - 200
"006x0000001ZcyF":{"Name":"Acme - 1,200
For API version 31.0 and later, invoking this API method on a PersonAccount object
returns additional information:
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Designing a Custom Softphone Layout
Searches objects specified in the softphone layout for a given string. Returns search results and screen pops any matching records. This
method respects screen pop settings defined in the softphone layout.
Methods for Salesforce Classic searchAndScreenPop() for Salesforce Classic
Note: The returned response displays only matches that meet your softphone layout settings. However, the search page that
screen pops, displays all matches, regardless of the objects you specify in your sofpthone layout.
sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop(searchParams:string, queryParams:string,
callType:string, (optional) callback:function);
Name Type Description
searchParams string String to search.
callType string Specifies the type of call, such as inbound, outbound, internal, or null. Per the settings
in the softphone layout, the call type determines which objects to search for any
If callType is null, searches are inbound by default. If callType is internal or
outbound, no screen pops occur.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function searchAndScreenPop() {
//Invokes API method
sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop('Acme', 'Key1=value1&Key2=value2',
'inbound', callback);
<button onclick="searchAndScreenPop();">searchAndScreenPop</button>
Methods for Salesforce Classic setVisible() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
result string Returns a list of objects that match the search results. The search is performed on
the objects specified in the softphone layout. For each object found, the object ID,
field names, field values, and for API version 33.0 or later, object tab names are
returned as a JSON string.
The following is an example of searching for “Acme,” and finding one account and
three opportunity objects:
"006x0000001ZcyG" : {"Name" : "Acme - 600 Widgets",
"object" : "Opportunity", "displayName" :
"001x0000003DGQR" : {"Name" : "Acme", "Type" :
"Analyst", "object" : "Account", "displayName" :
"006x0000001ZcyH" : {"Name" : "Acme - 200 Widgets",
"object" : "Opportunity", "displayName" :
"006x0000001ZcyF" : {"Name" : "Acme - 1,200 Widgets",
"object" : "Opportunity", "displayName" : "Opportunity"}
For API version 31.0 and later, invoking this API method on a PersonAccount object
returns additional information:
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Designing a Custom Softphone Layout
Shows or hides the softphone in the Salesforce console.
Note: If this method is used in a Salesforce console where multi-monitor components is turned on, an error will be returned.
Methods for Salesforce Classic setVisible() for Salesforce Classic
sforce.interaction.setVisible(value:boolean, (optional) callback:function)
Name Type Description
value boolean Set value to true to show the softphone or set value to false to hide the
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
} else {
function setVisible(value) {
sforce.interaction.setVisible(value, callback);
<button onclick="setVisible(false);">hide softphone</button>
Name Type Description
result boolean true if showing or hiding the softphone succeeded, false if showing or hiding
the softphone didn’t succeed.
Methods for Salesforce Classic Methods for Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI)
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Turn On Multi-Monitor Components for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Important: The way you implement Open CTI depends on your org’s user interface. There are separate Open CTI APIs for Salesforce
Classic and Lightning Experience.You can’t swap the two Open CTI APIs in custom JavaScript code because they behave and
function differently. Make sure that you think about where you want to implement your CTI system before you begin developing.
Why Your UI Matters—Open CTI for Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning Experience
Method Parity Between Open CTI for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Disables click-to-dial.
sforce.interaction.cti.disableClickToDial( (optional) callback:function )
Methods for Salesforce Classic disableClickToDial() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Click to dial was disabled.');
} else {
alert('Click to dial was not disabled.');
function disableClickToDial() {
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="disableClickToDial();">disable click to dial</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Visualforce Developer Guide: support:clickToDial
Methods for Salesforce Classic enableClickToDial() for Salesforce Classic
Enables click-to-dial.
sforce.interaction.cti.enableClickToDial( (optional) callback:function )
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Click to dial was enabled.');
} else {
alert('Click to dial was not enabled.');
function enableClickToDial() {
//Invokes API method
<button onclick="enableClickToDial();">enable click to dial</button>
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
Methods for Salesforce Classic getCallCenterSettings() for Salesforce Classic
Visualforce Developer Guide: support:clickToDial
Returns the call center settings in the call center definition file as a JSON string. For more information, see Call Center Definition Files.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
//Calls getCallCenterSettings
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
Methods for Salesforce Classic getDirectoryNumbers() for Salesforce Classic
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Returns the list of phone numbers from the call center’s directory. This method is only available in API version 31.0 or later.
sforce.interaction.cti.getDirectoryNumbers(isGlobal:boolean, callCenterName:String,
(optional) callback:function, (optional) resultSetPage:Integer, (optional)
Name Type Description
isGlobal boolean Set the value to true to return a directory number from the global call center
name, or set the value to false to return a directory number that is specific to a
call center.
callCenterName string Specifies the call center name on which to return directory numbers. If isGlobal
is set to false, and this field is not specified, all directory numbers are returned.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
resultSetPage integer Represents the page number of the list of results to return. This number starts at 0.
resultSetPageSize integer Sets the maximum number of phone numbers to retrieve, which is defaulted to 5000
and has a maximum number of 10000. If hasNext returns true in the
callback, use this argument with resultSetPage to get the next page of
results. For example, if resultSetPageSize is set to 5000, and
resultSetPage is set to 0, the first 5000 phone numbers are returned. If
resultSetPage is set to 1, the next 5000 phone numbers are returned.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script src="https://domain:port/support/api/31.0/interaction.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Methods for Salesforce Classic getDirectoryNumbers() for Salesforce Classic
var isGlobal = false; //Do not return directories from the global call center
var callCenterName = ‘My Call Center’; //Call center name of directory numbers to
function getDirectoryNumbers() {
sforce.interaction.cti.getDirectoryNumbers(isGlobal, callCenterName,
<button onclick="getDirectoryNumbers();">Get Directory Numbers</button>
Name Type Description
result string Returns a JSON string that represents the list of phone numbers from the specified
call center name. Each phone number element contains a call center name, phone,
and description. For example:
{ directoryNumbers:
{callCenterName:'Demo Call Center', name:'Sales
Cloud', phone:'415-555-1212', description:'Sales Cloud
additional number'},
{callCenterName:'Demo Call Center 2', name:'Service
Cloud', phone:'415-555-3434', description:'Service
Cloud additional number'},
hasNext: false
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Methods for Salesforce Classic getSoftphoneLayout() for Salesforce Classic
Returns the softphone layout as a JSON string. This method is only available in API version 27.0 or later.
Name Type Description
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
// Calls getSoftphoneLayout
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
Methods for Salesforce Classic getSoftphoneLayout() for Salesforce Classic
Methods for Salesforce Classic onClickToDial() for Salesforce Classic
"screenPopSettings" : {
"NoMatch" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToEntity",
"screenPopData" : "Contact"
"SingleMatch" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToVisualforce",
"screenPopData" : "Visualforce_Page_Name"
"MultipleMatches" : {
"screenPopType" : "PopToSearch"
"Outbound" : {
"callRelatedFields" : [
"objects" : {
"Account" : [ {
"displayName" : "Account Name",
"apiName" : "Name"
"screenPopSettings" : {}
error string or If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
undefined variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Designing a Custom Softphone Layout
Registers a function to call when a user clicks an enabled phone number.
sforce.interaction.cti.onClickToDial( listener:function )
Methods for Salesforce Classic onClickToDial() for Salesforce Classic
Name Type Description
listener function JavaScript method called when the user clicks a phone number.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var listener = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('User clicked on a phone number.' + response.result );
//Invokes API method
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
For API version 33.0 or later, invoking this API method on a PersonAccount object
returns the following additional information.
• accountId or contactId, the associated account or contact ID
• personAccount, which is true if the object is a PersonAccount and false
For example:
"personAccount":true,"contactId":" 003D000000QOBPX"}
Methods for Salesforce Classic setSoftphoneHeight() for Salesforce Classic
Visualforce Developer Guide: support:clickToDial
Sets the softphone height in pixels.
Note: If this method is used in a Salesforce console where multi-monitor components is turned on, an error will be returned
because resizing multi-monitor component is not allowed.
sforce.interaction.cti.setSoftphoneHeight(height:number, (optional) callback:function)
Name Type Description
height number Softphone height in pixels. The height should be a number that’s equal or greater
than 0.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Height was set successfully.');
else {
alert('Height was not set successfully.');
Methods for Salesforce Classic setSoftphoneWidth() for Salesforce Classic
<button onclick="sforce.interaction.cti.setSoftphoneHeight(200, callback);">
set softphone height to 200px
Name Type Description
result boolean true if the height was set successfully, false if setting the height wasn’t
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Turn On Multi-Monitor Components for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
Sets the softphone width in pixels for the Salesforce console.
Note: If this method is used in a Salesforce console where multi-monitor components is turned on, an error will be returned
because resizing multi-monitor component is not allowed.
sforce.interaction.cti.setSoftphoneWidth(width:number, (optional) callback:function)
Name Type Description
width number Softphone width in pixels. The width should be a number that’s equal or greater
than 0.
callback function JavaScript method executed when the API method call is completed.
Methods for Salesforce Classic setSoftphoneWidth() for Salesforce Classic
Sample Code–JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
var callback = function (response) {
if (response.result) {
alert('Width was set successfully.');
else {
alert('Width was not set successfully.');
<button onclick="sforce.interaction.cti.setSoftphoneWidth(100, callback);">
set softphone width to 100px
This method is asynchronous. The response is returned in an object passed to a callback method. The response object contains the
following fields.
error string If the API call was successful, this variable is undefined. If the API call failed, this
variable returns an error message.
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Turn On Multi-Monitor Components for a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
CHAPTER 6 Other Resources
In addition to this guide, there are other resources available for you as you learn how to use Open CTI.
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Call Center
Salesforce Help: Salesforce Console
Salesforce Help: Glossary
Salesforce Developers: Getting Started with Salesforce Platform
Salesforce University: Training
Convention Description
Courier font In descriptions of syntax, monospace font indicates items that you should type as shown,
except for brackets. For example:
Public class HelloWorld
Italics In descriptions of syntax, italics represent variables. You supply the actual value. In the following
example, three values need to be supplied: datatype variable_name [ = value];
If the syntax is bold and italic, the text represents a code element that needs a value supplied
by you, such as a class name or variable value:
Bold Courier font In code samples and syntax descriptions, bold courier font emphasizes a portion of the code
or syntax.
<> In descriptions of syntax, less-than and greater-than symbols (< >) are typed exactly as shown.
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!account.Contacts}" var="contact">
<apex:column value="{!contact.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!contact.MailingCity}"/>
<apex:column value="{!contact.Phone}"/>
Other Resources Open CTI Typographical Conventions
Convention Description
{} In descriptions of syntax, braces ({ }) are typed exactly as shown.
Hello {!$User.FirstName}!
| In descriptions of syntax, the pipe sign means “or”. You can do one of the following (not all).
In the following example, you can create a new unpopulated set in one of two ways, or you
can populate the set:
Set<data_type> set_name
[= new Set<data_type>();] |
[= new Set<data_type{value [, value2. . .] };] |