Lecture 11 - Microservices

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include that microservices allow for better scaling, easier updates and reuse of components compared to a monolithic architecture. However, microservices also present challenges around consistency and failures that need to be addressed through techniques like idempotency, data locality and eventual consistency.

Some advantages of a microservice backend architecture over a monolithic architecture include improved scalability through vertical scaling of individual services instead of horizontal scaling of the entire application. Microservices also support easier updates through independent deployment of services and reuse of services across applications.

Building a RESTful monolith can present challenges around scaling, changes and reuse since the entire application is tightly coupled. It is difficult to scale individual components or support hot deployment of updates in a monolith.


SWE 432, Fall 2017

Design and Implementation of Software for the Web
• How is a being a microservice different than simply
being RESTful?
• What are the advantages of a microservice
backend architecture over a monolithic

• Next time: what additional infrastructure is required

to realize these advantages?

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The “good” old days of backends
HTTP Request
GET /myApplicationEndpoint HTTP/1.1
Host: cs.gmu.edu
Accept: text/html

web server
Runs a program
Give me /myApplicationEndpoint

Does whatever it wants My

Web Server
Here’s some text to send back Backend

HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8


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History of Backend Development
• In the beginning, you wrote whatever you wanted
using whatever language you wanted and whatever
framework you wanted
• Then… PHP and ASP
• Languages “designed” for writing backends
• Encouraged spaghetti code
• A lot of the web was built on this
• A whole lot of other languages were also springing
up in the 90’s…
• Ruby, Python, JSP

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Monolothic backend
Component presentation Component presentation Component presentation

Component logic Component logic Component logic

Front end framework




Presentation tier

Domain logic tier

Web Server
Persistence tier


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Microservices backend
Component presentation Component presentation Component presentation

Component logic Component logic Component logic

Front end framework


Request Request (JSON)

Request Request


Microservice Response Microservice Response
Web Servers (JSON) (JSON)


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• Recall guidelines for RESTful APIs from Lecture 6:
Handling HTTP Requests
• Support scaling
• Use HTTP actions to support intermediaries (e.g.,
• Support change
• Leave anything out of URI that might change
• Ensure any URI changes are backwards compatible
• Support reuse
• Design URIs around resources that are expressive
abstractions that support a range of client interactions
• Resources are nouns; use HTTP actions to signal verbs

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Challenges building a RESTful monolith

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Microservices vs. Monoliths
• Advantages of microservices over monoliths include
• Support for scaling
• Scale vertically rather than horizontally
• Support for change
• Support hot deployment of updates
• Support for reuse
• Use same web service in multiple apps
• Swap out internally developed web service for
externally developed web service
• Support for separate team development
• Pick boundaries that match team responsibilities
• Support for failure

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Support for scaling
Our Cool App


Backend Server

Mod 1 Mod 2

Mod 3 Mod 4

Mod 5 Mod 6


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Now how do we scale it?
Our Cool App

Backend Server Backend Server Backend Server

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2

Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4

Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6


We run multiple copies of the backend, each with each of

the modules
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What's wrong with this picture?
Our Cool App

• This is called the

Backend Server Backend Server Backend Server

“monolithic” app Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2

Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4

• If we need 100 servers… Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6

• Each server will have to Database

run EACH module

• What if we need more of
some modules than

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NodeJS, Firebase Google Service Java, MySQL
Mod 1 Accounts
Mod 2 Mailer
Mod 3


service service service
Our Cool App

Database Database Database


Mod 4 Engine
Search Analytics
Mod 5 Facebook
Mod 6 Crawler


service service service

Database Database Database

Java, Neo4J C#, SQLServer Python, Firebase

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Support for change: hot swapping
• In a large organization (e.g., Facebook, Amazon,
AirBnb), will constantly have new features being
finished and rolled out to production
• Traditional model: releases
• Finish next version of software, test, release as a
unit once every year or two
• Web enables frequent updates
• Could update every night or even every hour

• But.... if updating every hour, really do not want

website to be down

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Support for change in a monolith
Our Cool App

Backend Server Backend Server Backend Server

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2

Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4

Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6


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NodeJS, Firebase Google Service Java, MySQL
Mod 1 Accounts
Mod 2 Mailer
Mod 3


service service service
Our Cool App

Database Database Database


Mod 4 Engine
Search Analytics
Mod 5 Facebook
Mod 6 Crawler


service service service

Database Database Database

Java, Neo4J C#, SQLServer Python, Firebase

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Support for reuse
• In a large organization (e.g., Facebook, Amazon, AirBnb),
may have many internal products that all depend on a
similar core service (e.g., user account storage, serving
static assets)
• Would like to
• be able to build functionality once, reuse in many place
• swap out an old implementation for a new
implementation with a new technology or
• swap out an internal service for a similar external

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Support for reuse in a monolith
Our Cool App

Backend Server Backend Server Backend Server

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 1 Mod 2

Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 3 Mod 4

Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6 Mod 5 Mod 6


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NodeJS, Firebase Google Service Java, MySQL
Mod 1 Accounts
Mod 2 Mailer
Mod 3


service service service
Our Cool App

Database Database Database


Mod 4 Engine
Search Analytics
Mod 5 Facebook
Mod 6 Crawler


service service service

Database Database Database

Java, Neo4J C#, SQLServer Python, Firebase

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Conway's Law
• The structure of an organization mirrors the structure of a

• Building a car.
• Have a team for tires
• Have a team for drivetrain
• Have a team for seating
• Have a team for paint
• Have a team for ...

• Could pick a product structure and design team around it.

• Or could pick a desired team structure and design product
around it.

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Organization in a monolith
Frontend Classic teams:
Orders, shipping, catalog
1 team per “tier”

Orders, shipping, catalog

Orders, shipping, catalog

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Organization around business capabilities
in microservices
Orders Example: Amazon

Teams can focus on one

business task
Shipping And be responsible
directly to users

“Full Stack”
“2 pizza teams”

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How big is a microservice?
• Metaphor: Building a stereo system
• Components are independently replaceable
• Components are independently updatable
• This means that they can be also independently
developed, tested, etc
• Components can be built as:
• Library (e.g. module)

• Service (e.g. web service)

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Goals of microservices
• Add them independently
• Upgrade the independently
• Reuse them independently
• Develop them independently

• ==> Have ZERO coupling between

microservices, aside from their shared interface

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Exercise: Design a restaurant review site

• In groups of 2 or 3, build diagram depicting a set of

microservices, their connections, and a list of important

• Requirements
• Restaurant owners can create restaurant pages, add links
to website, add food keywords, update address and
business info
• Restaurant reviewers can post reviews of a restaurant, see
reviews they've written, comment on other reviews.
• All users can search for a restaurant based on its food
keywords and address.
• Users have accounts, with profile information and settings.

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Design for Failure
• Each of the many microservices might fail
• Services might have bugs
• Services might be slow to respond
• Entire servers might go down
• If I have 60,000 hard disks, 3 fail a day
• The more microservices there are, the higher the
likelihood at least one is currently failing
• Key: design every service assuming that at some
point, everything it depends on might disappear -
must fail “gracefully”
• Netflix simulates this constantly with “ChaosMonkey”

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Support for failure
• Goal: Support graceful degradation with service

• Design for idempotency

• Should be able to retry requests without
introducing bad data
• Design for data locality
• Transactions across microservices are hard to
• Design for eventual consistency

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Design for idempotency
• Want to design APIs so that executing an action
multiple times leads to same resulting state

• Prefer state changes on existing entity rather than

creating new entities

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Design for data locality
• If datastore server fails or is slow, do not want
entire site to go down.
• Decentralizes implementation decisions.
• Allows each service to manage data in the way that
makes the most sense for that service
• Also performance benefit: caching data locally in
microservices enables faster response

• Rule: Services exchange data ONLY through their

exposed APIs - NO shared databases

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Consistency NodeJS, Firebase Google Service Java, MySQL

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3

Todos Accounts Mailer

One of our rules was “no shared

REST service REST service REST service

• Our Cool App


Database Database Database

Backend AJAX

But surely some state will be

Mod 4 Mod 5 Mod 6
Facebook Crawler

• Search Engine

REST service

REST service REST service

shared Database Database Database

• Updates are sent via HTTP Java, Neo4J C#, SQLServer Python, Firebase

• No guarantee that those updates
occur immediately
• Instead, guarantee that they occur
• Can force some ordering, but
that’s expensive

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Maintaining Consistency
NodeJS, Firebase Google Service Java, MySQL

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3

Todos Accounts Mailer

REST service REST service REST service

Our Cool App

Database Database Database

Backend AJAX

Mod 4 Mod 5 Mod 6

Search Engine Facebook Crawler

REST service REST service REST service

Database Database Database

Java, Neo4J C#, SQLServer Python, Firebase

• Core problem: different services may respond to requests at different

• What if a request results in change to resource in one service, but
other service has not yet processed corresponding request?
• May end up with different states in different resources.
• Logic needs to be written to correctly handle such situations.
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Eventual Consistency: Example

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Reading for next time

• Fundamentals of DevOps:
• https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/getting-

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