History of Company Law 1
History of Company Law 1
History of Company Law 1
1. What were the basic vehicle of commerce in pre 14th Century England
The basic vehicles of commerce in pre 14th Century England are Sole Proprietorship and
Partnership as earlier practiced by guild of merchant.
2. What is a Commenda?
This was a cross between a partnership and a loan whereby a financier advanced sum of
money to the active trader upon terms that he should share in the profits of the enterprise, his
position being similar to that of a sleeping partner but with no liability beyond that of the
capital originally advanced.
In other words, a contract in which one party invested his labour and the other invested his
capital. The venture is financed entirely by the by the investing partner; traveling partner did
supply capital, but he had to run the risk of a dangerous sea voyage.
3. What is a Societas?
This is a more permanent form of association which developed into present-day partnership,
each partner being an agent of the others and liable to the full extent of his private fortune
for partnership debts. Societas merely created rights and duties for the parties to the relevant
contract. Any third party who made a contract with a partner in a societas would be denied
access to the others’ assets, even if they had expressly approved of the contract with the
third parties in question. In other words there is no privity of contract but parties are
11. Outline the main features of the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1862
- It is the first enactment to bear the title of Companies Act
- The Memorandum and Articles of Association form integral part for the formation of a
limited liability company.
- A company could be formed with liability limited by guarantee
- Any alteration in the object clause of the memorandum is prohibited.
- Provisions for winding up of company was introduced.