Alternators Connected To Infinite Bus Bar

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Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar

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10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

        In the previous post we have seen that synchronous generators do not operate individually in a
generating station but they are interconnected so that total generating capacity will be high.When
number of alternators are interconnected forming a system which may be treated as an in nite bus.
In nite bus bar is one which keeps constant voltage and frequency although the load varies. Thus it
may behave like a voltage source with zero internal impedance and in nite rotational inertia. Any
alternator switched on to or off, the in nite bus does not cause any change in the voltage and
frequency of the system.
            The characteristics of a synchronous generator on in nite bus bars are quite different from
those when it is connected to another alternator and both are in parallel. When two alternators are
connected in parallel we have seen that a change in the excitation changes the terminal voltage and
p.f. is determined by load. However change in excitation for an alternator connected to in nite bus
bar will not change the terminal voltage but the power factor only is affected whereas the power
developed by an alternator depends only on mechanical power input.
              Now we will consider the effect of excitation and driving torque on the performance of an
alternator which is connected to in nite bus bar. In all the further discussion we will take zero
losses for the machine.
1.1 Effect of Excitation 
        Let us consider the cylindrical rotor as shown in the Fig.1 connected to in nite busbar.

Fig. 1

       The voltage equation can be written as

       where     E = Induced e.m.f. or excitation e.m.f.

                     V = Constant bus voltage
                      I = Armature current
                      Zs  = Synchronous impedance
The same equation neglecting the armature resistance can be rewritten as, 2/9
10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

       Again we will consider the two cases one with alternator on no load and other with alternator
on load.
1.1.1 Alternator on No Load
        Since we are considering the losses to be zero the power angle will be zero. Thus the power
transferred from or to the bus is zero ( P = ((EV/Xs) sinδ )
        Now if the excitation is properly adjusted at no load then induced e.m.f. E will be equal to bus
voltage V and no current will ow. This is shown in Fig. 2. This is oating condition of alterntor.

Fig. 2                                                             Fig.3

        Now if the alternator is under excited then induced e.m.f. E will be less that V. This will cause
circulating current ISY to ow which will lead E by angle of 90o. Due to this it produces magnetizing
m.m.f. which will try to increase eld m.m.f. to maintain alternator terminal voltage equal to the bus
bar voltage. This is shown in the following Fig. 3.
        Similarly if alternator is over excited then induced e.m.f. will be more than V which will again
cause a circulating current to ISY ow. The power angle δ is zero. This current lags E by 90o. This
will produce demagnetizing armature m.m.f. which will counterbalance the effect of increased eld
m.m.f. and again the terminal voltage of an alternator will be equal to constant bus bar voltage V.
This is represented in Fig. 4.

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10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

Fig. 4 appendix

        It can be seen that in both the cases considered above, no active power is delivered since ISY is
in quadrature with V and load angle is also zero. But alternator takes reactive power from bus since basics of transmission and distribution
E < V and delivers it to bus if E > V.
1.1.2 Alternator on Load
        Now let us consider that alternator is supplying power to an in nite bus which has induced C.B devices
e.m.f. E, power angle δ and working at unity power factor with current I.
        With mechanical power input to the alternator remaining constant, the power given by (EV/Xs) cables

sin δ will remain constant. If by varying excitation induced e.m.f. E is increased to E1 then the load Circuit Breaker
angle will also change from   δ to   δ1. From the phasor diagram it can be determined as E1 sinδ1 =
Control Systems
E sinδ as V and Xs are constant. The drop due to synchronous reactance also increases and armature
D.C. Generator
current increases from I to I1. This current has two components one real component and other
quadrature component. This quadrature component is nothing but demagnetizing component. This D.C. Motor
will result in lagging power factor cosΦ1.
Diode and Circuits
              Similarly if the excitation is decreased so that induced e.m.f. reduces from E to E2 with
corresponding change in power angle from δ to  δ2. The armature current in this case will be I2 Electrical Instruments

which has real component and magnetizing component which results in leading power factor Electrical Symbols
cosΦ2. This can be represented in the phasor diagram shown in Fig. 5.
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10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

Semiconductor Theory

Single Phase Induction Motor

Single Phase Transformers

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Special Transformer

Synchronous generator

Synchronous Motor

Three Phase Induction Motor

Transmission Line Parameters

Fig. 5

        From the phasor diagram it can be seen that 

                   I1 cosΦ1 = I2 cosΦ2 = 1
        Multiplying by V throughout,
                     V I1 cosΦ1 = V I2 cosΦ2 = VI
       This indicates that power delivered to the bus will remain constant. Thus by changing the eld
excitation the active power is unaltered. But change in excitation results in corresponding operating
power factor as shown in phasor diagram.
Note : An under excited alternator operates at leading power factor whereas an over excited
alternator operates at lagging power factor.
        It can also be seen that armature current is minimum at unity power factor. For over excited
alternator as E1 cos δ >V therefore as seen from case (i) i.e. no load condition alternator delivers
reactive power to the bus whereas for underexcited alternator E2 cosδ < V, alternators takes reactive
power from the bus. This variation of excitation and armature current can be plotted as shown in
Fig. 6. This is known as curves for synchronous generators by virture of their shape. 5/9
10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

Fig. 6    V curves for alternators

1.2 Effect of Driving Torque

       As already discussed in the previous section the driving torque of an alternator can be changed
by throttle opening in steam power plants and by gate opening in case of hydrogeneration. Let us
see the effect of driving torque on performance of alternator with the help of phasor diagram as
shown in Fig. 7.

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Fig. 7
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        The voltage equation remains same as
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10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home

        The load angle is δ. Now if the driving torque of alternator is increased keeping excitation Followers
constant then output (EV/Xs) sinδ also increases as is changing, but E, V and Xs are constant. The
Followers (312) Next
angle increases so as to balance between increased mechanical input and the power (EV/Xs)sinδ.
Thus the tip of phase E follows a curved path. The maximum value of  δ will be 90o for which
arm,armature current is I1 leading the bus bar voltage V by power factor angle Φ1.
       Thus with increase in input the alternator delivers more power to in nite bus. The frequency
and terminal voltage of an alternator remains same as it is connected to in nite bus bar.
        If driving torque is decreased, the power angle δ must decrease correspondingly. If it becomes
zero, no power is transferred to the in nite bus. The prime mover will only supply the losses.
        If driving torque is reversed or if the prime mover is decoupled from the shaft E shifts and lags
behind V, then δ will be reversed and the operation of machine will change from synchronous
generator to synchronous motor as now

        Th synchronous motor operates at a leading p.f. indicating that it is delivering reactive power
to in nite bus.

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t4tonish October 24, 2015 at 10:02 PM

like it

Shivpal Singh January 9, 2016 at 12:04 PM

Best answer

jagadishkr cherry November 15, 2016 at 10:23 PM

I want synchronization generator not alternator

Unknown March 27, 2017 at 10:43 PM

Best ans and,BT sir explain abt generator.

Neharu Rai March 27, 2017 at 10:45 PM

Good ans sir...

Neharu Rai March 27, 2017 at 10:45 PM

Good ans sir...

Giri talari September 16, 2017 at 9:26 AM

good nice

thunderclap August 18, 2019 at 11:46 PM 8/9
10/29/2019 Alternators Connected to Infinite Bus bar ~ your electrical home
good explanation ....

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