Facts and Statistics About Digital Out of Home (DOOH) Advertising

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Digital screens and consumers

84 percent​ of shoppers say that a digital screens in the supermarket helped them pass the time
as they waited at the checkout

91% of London bus passengers can spontaneously recall a bus advert.


DOOH ads are ​twice as likely to be seen and are 2.5 times more impactful​ than static OOH ads
- Mediatel 2018

‘Approximately two-thirds of Americans (65%) say that they recall seeing an out-of-home digital
video display in the last month in 20 different locations listed. The study found that the highest
recall for these screens were in locations where they could immediately influence a transaction
such as gas stations, convenience stores, malls, and retail stores.

Nearly a quarter of Americans also noted that they had seen a display in the last month at a
café or quick service restaurant, which is indicative of just how rapidly this channel is becoming
more commonplace, especially with the growing number of digital menus installed by some of
America’s largest food service companies.’

In a survey of 1000 people , one-third of those who recall seeing a display in the last month
saying they have sought out more information about a product as a result of their exposure

● 65 percent recall seeing an out-of-home digital video display in the last month in any of
the nearly 20 different locations listed.
● The highest recall for these screens were in locations where they could immediately
influence a transaction such as gas stations, convenience stores, malls, and retail stores.
● 46 percent who recalled seeing a display in the past month agree that digital video
displays are a good way to learn about products and services.
● 35 percent agree that these displays are engaging.
● One-third of those who recall seeing an ad on a digital display in the past month have
sought out more information about a product as a result of that interaction.
● 29 percent say they have recommended a product they had seen advertised on a DOOH
display to a friend or family member.

(​Edison research, 2019​)

DOOH Market growth and spend

Date:​ August 21, 2019​Summary: ​Out of home (OOH) advertising revenue rose 7.7 percent in
the second quarter of 2019 compared to the previous year, accounting for $2.69 billion, based
on figures released by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA).
Year-to-date 2019 the OOH industry is up 7.0 percent, fueled by the highest quarterly growth
the industry has experienced since 2007. ​OUT OF HOME ADVERTISING UP 7.7% IN Q2 2019

OOH drives more than 3x more digital and social activations (per ad dollar spent) than any other
media – ​OAAA

Billboards make up 66% of the OOH advertising market. ​And over 25% of those billboards are
digital. ​ – T​ he Hustle

84% of Generation Z-ers pay more attention to OOH advertising than any other types of
advertising – ​AdAge

OOH ads have produced 31 consecutive quarters of growth, and a 35% increase in ad spend
since 2010 – T​ he Hustle

For every dollar spent on OOH advertising, businesses see an average profit of $5.97​ – O

40% of adults have visited an organization’s social media page or posted to their page after
seeing an OOH ad ​– ​OAAA

In 2018, OOH ad revenue rose 2.1% to $10B, extending its growth streak to 31 consecutive
quarters. ​Source

OOH advertising spend grew from $7.7B in 2017 to $10B in 2018. ​Source

Tech giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook continue to increase their OOH ad
spend.​ ​Source

Did you know? More than 75% of audiences who saw an OOH ad in conjunction with
other ad types recalled the brand 7 days later.
Digital out of home (DOOH) media revenues worldwide increased by 13% in 2018 with the U.S.
estimated to expand by more than 10%. In actual dollars, that’s more than $3 billion in the U.S.
and $13.4 billion globally.

Consumer exposure to digital out of home (DOOH) screens grew 9% this year.

- ​PQ Media’s 2017 Global OOH Forecast​,

D​igital OOH advertising spending​ will reach $4.5 billion in 2019, up from $2.7 billion in 2014, in
the United States alone.
-emarketer 2019

Programmatic ad spending will surpass $57M in 2018, and mobile advertising will grow past
$40B according to the latest eMarketer reports. While the total out-of-home industry in the US
is approximately $30B, DOOH is at $5B and counting, providing tremendous expansion

Video DOOH

When full-motion OOH is added to a social campaign, brand funnel metrics such as awareness
and emotional response increase by 23 per cent.

Talon, 2018

Video OOH now reaches more than 32.5 million people each month—that’s nearly half the
population of the UK, and a broadcast reach that historically only TV has been able to offer.

-research by Route, 2018



Benefit of localisation

100% of retailers reported at least one key ROI benefit of localization, including increased sales
(74%), increased profits (61%), and increased customer loyalty (55%).
- Rethinking Retail, Infosys

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