Mat1014 Discrete-mathematics-And-graph-Theory TH 1.1 47 Mat1014

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MAT1014 Discrete Mathematic s and Graph Theory

Pre-Requisite : None 3 2 0 0 4
Module Topics SLO
1. Mathematical Logic and Statement Calculus
Introduction -Statements and Notation - Connectives –
1, 2,7,
Tautologies – Two State Devices and Statement logic - 7
Equivalence - Implications – Normal forms - The Theor y
of Inference for the Statement Calculus
2. Predicate Calculus
1, 2,7,
The Predicate Calculus - Infer ence Theory of the Pr edicat e 4
3. Algebraic Structures
1, 2,7,
Semigr oups and Monoids - Groups – Subgroups – Lagr anges 6
Theorem Homomorphism –Properties - Group Codes .
4. Lattices
1, 2,7,
Partially Ordered Relations -Lattices as Posets - Hasse 5
Digram – Properties of Lattices
5. Boolean algebra
Boolean algebr a - Boolean Functions - Representation and 1, 2,7,
Minimization of Boolean Functions –Kar naugh map – 9
Mccluskey algorithm
6. Fundamentals of Graphs
Basic Concepts of Graph Theory – Planar and Com plete
1, 2,7,
graph - Matrix Representation of Graphs – Graph 6
Isomorphism – Connectivity – Cut sets -Euler and Hamilton
Paths – Shortest Path algorithms
7. Trees, Fundamental circuits and Cut sets
Trees – properties of trees – distance and centers in t ree – 1, 2,7,
spanning trees – Spanning tree algorithms .- T ree traversal - 9
Fundamental circuits and cut sets.
8. Graph colouring, covering and Partitioning
Bipartite graphs - Chromatic number - chromatic 1, 2,7,
partitioning – chromatic polynomial - matching – cover ing 9
– four color problem .
Total Lectur e Hours 45
 Class room teaching
 Introducing Units through applications
 Min of 1 lecture by experts

Tutorial 15 1, 2,
 A minimum of 5 problems to be wo r ked out by students in 7,
ever y Tutorial Class 9,17,
 Another 5 problems per Tutorial Class to be given as home 20

Mode: Individual Exer cises, Team Exercises, Online Quizzes, Online

Discussion Forums
1. Discrete Mathematical Structur es with A pplications to Computer Science by
J.P. Trembley and R. M anohar , Tata McGr aw Hill – 35 t h reprint, 200 8.
2. Narasing Deo, Gr aph theory with application to Engineering and Computer
Science, Pr entice Hall India 2010 .

Reference Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics and its applications by Kenneth H. Ros en, 7 t h Edition,
Tata McGr aw Hill, 2012.
2. Discrete Mathematical S tructur es by Kolman, R.C.Busby and S.C.Ros s, 6 t h
Edition, PHI, 2009.
3. Discrete Mathematics by Richard Johnsonbaugh , 7 t h Edition, Pr entice Hall,
4. Discrete Mathematics by S. Lipschutz and M. Lipson , McGr aw Hill Education
(India) 2013.
5. Elements of Discrete Mathematics – A Computer Oriented Approach by
C.L.Liu, Tata M cGraw Hill, Special Indian Edition, 200 8.
6. Introduction to Gr aph Theory by West, D.B, 3 r d Edition , Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ , 2007 .

1. Having an ability to apply mathematics and science in engineer ing applications

2. Having a clear understanding of the subject r elated concepts and of
contemp orary issues
3. Having an ability to be socially intelligent with good SIQ (Social Intelligence
Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient)
4. Having Sense-Making Skills of cr eating unique insights in what is being seen or
observed (Higher level thinking skills which cannot be codified)
5. Having design thinking capability
6. Having an ability to design a component or a product applying all the relevant
standards and with realistic constr aints
7. Having computational thinking (Ability to translate vast data in to abstract
concepts and to understand databas e reasoning)
8. Having Virtual Collaborating ability
9. Having problem solving ability - solving social issues and engineering
10. Having a clear understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
11. Having interest in lif elong learning
12. Having adaptive thinking and adaptability
13. Having cross cultural competency exhibited by wor king in teams
14. Having an ability to design and conduct exper iments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
15. Having an ability to us e the social media effectively for productive use
16. Having a good wor king knowledge of communicating in English
17. Having an ability to us e techniques , skills and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice
18. Having critical thinking and innovative skills
19. Having a good cognitive load management skills
20. Having a good digital f ootprint

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