APK Aug991

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The document discusses various anatomy, physiology and kinesiology topics including congenital muscular torticollis, cardiopulmonary function during exercise, requirements for PT-OT admission and examinations, components of the problem oriented medical record, muscles innervated by different nerves and ligaments of the shoulder.

Congenital muscular torticollis is characterized by a head tilt away from the side of the shortened muscle, head rotation toward the ipsilateral side, and restricted neck range of motion secondary to a shortened sternocleidomastoid muscle. Conservative stretching is usually the first treatment approach.

Acceptable ergonomic recommendations include having the feet flat on the floor, monitor at eye level, padded wrist rest, keyboard at a slight incline 15 degrees below elbow height, and a hard copy holder close to the monitor.


Must have at least nine months clinical

AUGUST 1999 internship in physical and occupational therapy
in an adequate PT-OT department of a certified
1. Congenital muscular torticollis is a musculoskeletal hospital or clinic under the supervision of a
anomaly with the following characteristics, EXCEPT competent and duly registered therapist
a. Children referred to PT before one year of age e. Applicant must have received a degree from a
have better outcomes than those referred later school of physical therapy duly recognized by the
b. Conservative treatment approach is a stretching government
program to lengthen the involved muscle
c. Clinical features include a head tilt away from the 4. The Problem Oriented Medical Record is a system
side of the shortened muscle and head rotation based on the following, EXCEPT
toward the ipsilateral side a. Identification of a specific treatment plan
d. Restricted neck range of motion secondary to a b. Assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment
shortened sternocleidomastoid plans
e. A surgical treatment approach is lengthening of c. Preparation of the informed consent
the involved muscle d. Formation of present and past information about
the patient
2. Which of the following statements is true of e. Development of a specific, current problem
individuals without cardiopulmonary abnormalities?
a. The increased in ventilation (VE) and CO are 5. The radial nerve innervates the following muscle
a. Extensor indicis proprius
inversely proportional to the increase in
b. The medial lumbricals
metabolic rate, allowing venous blood gas and c. Two radial lumbricals
pH levels to remain close to baseline values d. Flexor digitorum communis
during exercise e. Abductor pollicis brevis
b. The decrease in ventilation (VE) and CO are
closely matched to the decrease in metabolic 6. A terminal lateral rotation of the tibia is said to “lock”
rate, allowing venous blood gas and pH levels to the joint when the knee is fully extended. This key is
remain close to baseline values during exercise the
c. The decrease in ventilation (VE) and CO are a. Gastrocnemius
closely matched to the increase in metabolic b. Biceps femoris
rate, allowing venous blood gas and pH levels to c. Piriformis
d. Soleus
remain close to baseline values during exercise
e. Popliteus
d. The increase in ventilation (VE) and CO are
closely matched to the increase in metabolic 7. Leaning the trunk forward when standing from a
rate, allowing arterial blood gas and pH levels to sitting position is better accomplished because
remain close to baseline values during exercise a. Forward increase shifting of the line of gravity
e. The increase in ventilation (VE) and CO are b. Increased posterior torque
closely matched to the decrease in respiratory c. Center of gravity is shifted forward
rate, allowing arterial blood gas and pH levels to
lower than baseline values during exercise 8. Increased base of supporting of cardiac dysfunction
include the following, EXCEPT
3. To be admitted to the PT-OT examination, the a. A heart rate that is either excessively high or
applicant at the time of filing of application and must exceptionally low during exercise
satisfy the following requirements, EXCEPT b. An increase in diastolic blood pressure during
a. A foreign applicant can be admitted to the PT-OT exercise that is greater than 15-20 mmHg
examination even if his country of citizenship c. Electrocardiographic changes such as
does not allow Filipino therapists to practice in dysrhythmias or ST segment depression
his country on the same as the subjects/citizens d. A diastolic blood pressure that does not rise
of that country progressively as work level increases
b. Clinical experience must include neurological, e. A systolic blood pressure that falls during
musculoskeletal, pulmonary, cardiovascular, exercises
paediatrics and psychosocial functions
9. If the tendon surface becomes irritated and rough and
c. He/she is at least twenty-one years of age
if the sheath becomes inflamed and continues to

press on the tendon, the following condition may be d. Calcium channel blockers
diagnosed e. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
a. Tendinitis
b. Epicondylitis 16. A deep sulcus that outlines and sweeps backward
c. Stenosing tenosynovitis above the temporal pole and then continues on the
d. Tenobursitis superolateral surface, almost horizontally backwards,
e. Cysticis marking the line along which the hemisphere became
folded. The speech and hearing area are both closely
10. In Allen Test, if the hand does not react or if it flushes
associated with it
very slowly
a. Medial
a. The released artery is not occluded
b. Central
b. The released vein is not occluded
c. Lateral
c. The released artery is partially or completely
d. Collateral
occluded e. Calcarine
d. The released vein is partially or completely
occluded 17. This joint is the upper extremity’s only attachment to
e. The released artery and vein are partially or the trunk
completely occluded a. Sternoclavicular
b. Acromioclavicular
11. Mean arterial pressure is expected to increase if c. Scapuloclavicular
a. Stroke volume increases d. Glenohumeral
b. There is maintained exertion e. Scapulothoracic
c. Calcium channel blockers are administered
d. Cardiac output decreases 18. The shapes of articulating surfaces of bi-axial joints
e. There is generalized vasodilation are either
a. Plane or saddle
12. Licenses of registered physical and occupational b. Condyloid or ellipsoid
therapist shall be renewed upon presentation of c. Pivot or condyloid
credit units earned in the past three years totalling d. Hinge or pivot
a. 30 credit units e. Ball and socket
b. 50 credit units
c. 70 credit units 19. Area of skin supplied by one dorsal root
d. 60 credit units a. Erector pilii
e. 80 credit units b. Dermatome
c. Myotome
13. Denervation hypersensitivity d. Epidermis
a. Is due to an increased in the number of receptors e. Dermis
b. Is due to a decrease in the sensitivity of
receptors 20. Proximal side to side tremor found on heel shin or
c. Is due to an increase in the amount of finger-nose testing
neurotransmitters released a. Cerebellar tremor
d. Results from avulsion of the nerve b. Parkinsonian tremor
e. Is due to an increased sensitivity to c. Myoclonus
neurotransmitter d. Senile tremor

14. Crystalloids and colloids solution in water 21. Theoretical relationship are established between the
a. Blood platelets primary concept to be measured and one or more
b. White blood cells other concepts n this type of validity
c. Plasma a. Prescriptive
d. Macrophages b. Content
e. Phagocytes c. Predictive
d. Construct
15. Decrease vascular resistance by inhibiting calcium- e. Face
mediated contraction of vascular smooth muscle
a. Calcium channel blockers 22. Facial expression is an age-related change that may
b. Beta-adrenergic blockers affect expressive communication in the elderly. The
c. Diuretics sagging cheeks or jowls which give a resting

appearance of “anger” or “crabbiness” to many increased demand may not be within the limits
elderly are actually the result of of his or her reserve capacity
a. Pessimistic outlook over the years c. Ambulating while using an assistive device is
b. Significant loss of fat in the muscle fibers of the known to create a metabolic demand different
face from that for unassisted ambulation
c. Denervated facial nerve d. Assistive devices are used as transitional aids
d. None of these towards the goal of independent ambulation
e. All of these e. The decreased metabolic demand with the use
of assistive devices is at least in part due to the
23. The following statements describe the Median nerve,
lower speed
a. It is formed from the lateral and medial cords of
27. The following statements characterize De Quervain’s
the brachial plexus
disease, EXCEPT
b. It accompanies the axillary and brachial arteries
a. Combinations of hand twisting and forceful
c. As it passes the cubital fossa, it gives off a deep
gripping can cause the disease
branch. The anterior interosseous nerve
b. Repetition friction accounts for the abnormal
d. It gives off branch only until it reaches the elbow
thickening of the fibrous sheath and resultant
e. It enters the plan with the long tendons and constriction of the tendon
c. Attributed to excessive friction between two
supplies the three thenar muscles and all
thumb tendons and their common sheath
d. Affects the tendons on the side of the wrist and
24. The following statements characterize the radial at the base of the thumb
e. The tendons affected are connected to the
nerve, EXCEPT
a. A little farther down the arm, it passes obliquely muscles on the back of the forearm that contract
lateralwards to run behind the humerus in its to pull the thumb back and away from the hand
spiral groove, deep to the triceps
28. This procedure stretches the spinal cord and
b. As it crosses the elbow joint, it supplies the
reproduces pain. The patient is in supine and asked to
muscles arising from the lateral supracondylar
forcibly flex his head onto his chest with his hands
ridge: the brachioradialis, and extensor carpi
behind his head. The result may be pain in cervical
radialis brevis
c. It is the largest nerve of the upper limb spine and occasionally in the low back or down the
d. Its nerve roots include C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1 legs indicating meningeal irritation, nerve root
e. The nerve divides into a long Superficial branch involvement or irritation of the dural covering of the
and the Deep branch or posterior interosseous nerve root.
nerve a. Kernig’s test
b. Milgram test
25. The Act known as the Philippine Physical and c. Gaenslen’s test
Occupational Therapy Law, creating the board of d. Hoover’s test
e. Naffziger’s test
examiners for PT and OTs is known as Republic Act
No. 29. The osmotic gradient in the medullary interstitium is
a. 8066
maintained because
b. 5680
a. The vasa recta is permeable only to water and
c. 5670
d. 8056 not to the solutes
e. 5690 b. The oncotic concentration in the vasa recta
increases from the cortex to the medulla
26. Assistive device are often used and prescribed to c. The rate of fluid flow in the vasa recta is slower
facilitate the process of gait training. The following than the tubules
statements are true, EXCEPT d. The flow of fluid in the ascending extremities of
a. These devices may be used as permanent the vasa recta is perpendicular but along the
functional aids that can be used for home or same direction
community ambulation e. The direction of fluid in the descending and
b. When a person using an assistive device has ascending limb of the vasa recta is parallel and
compromised cardiorespiratory function, the counter to each other

a. Something that is sterile is free of any microbial
30. Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) is the most life
commonly used approach to treatment with cerebral b. Disinfection is a process that results in the
palsy. The following statements describe NDT, EXCEPT complete removal of all microbial life form an
a. Treatment outcomes are supposed to be object
achieved through physical handling of the child c. Sterilization may be accomplished thought
during movement, giving the child more normal autoclaving or irradiation by x-rays or gamma
sensorimotor experience rays
b. As the child gains postural control, the therapist d. Disinfection tends to kill vegetative
gradually withdraws support microorganisms or inhibit their growth
c. This approach focuses on encouraging and e. Most disinfectants are chemical, generally used
building upon normal movement patterns and on inanimate objects or surface rather than on
normal postural reactions while trying to reduce living tissues
abnormal movements
d. Current interpretations of NDT does not include 34. The following characterizes straight posterior knee
the importance of functional skill practice in instability, EXCEPT
treatment a. May be caused by hyperextension, when some
e. It is implicit in NDT that improved postural other force is directed against the extended knee
control will lead to improvement in functional b. Structures involved are the anterior cruciate
skills without necessarily working on those ligament and themeniscotibial portions of the
specific skills capsule
c. May be caused by hyperextension, when a weigh
31. True hip pain in rheumatoid involvement of the hip falls on the extended joint
produces pain on the d. Rupture is caused by a force directed against the
a. Lateral aspect of the thigh flexed knee that strikes the anterior aspect of the
b. Groin tibial head and drives it rearward
c. On the acetabular area e. Primary structures involved are the posterior
d. Medial aspect of thigh cruciate ligament and the posterior part of the
e. Posterior aspect of thigh capsule

32. Resolution No. 381, Series of 1995 standardized the 35. Following statements characterize pernicious anemia,
guidelines and procedures for the implementation of EXCEPT
the continuing professional education program, which a. Degeneration of dorsal and lateral columns of
includes the following, EXCEPT the spinal cord including gray matter
a. The CPEC is composed of a chairman from the b. There is diminished two-point discrimination and
members of the PRB and two members, the first joint sensation
is the president of the PPTA and OTAP, the c. Loss of position and vibration sense in the legs
second is the president of the Association of PT and positive Romberg sign
and OT Schools d. Difficulty in walking and tingling sensations in the
b. The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) feet
Council for PT and OT assists its corresponding e. In later stage, muscles stretch reflex may
Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) for PT and diappear
OT implementations CPE program
c. The CPEC does not accept, approve applicant for 36. Vestibular influence on the geocentric frame of
accreditation of CPE providers reference are as follow, EXCEPT
d. The term of office of the chairman of each CPE a. Detection of head acceleration
b. Tibialis anterior muscle activity increases during
council is co-terminus with his/her incumbency
ambulation when head is tilted backward
in the PRB
c. Otolith organ provide reference for head position
e. The term of office of the first and second
with respect to earth-vertical
member is co-terminus with his/her incumbency
d. No influence on trunk and limb stability when
as officers of their respective organizations
head position changes
e. Used for repositioning the eyes based on
33. Disinfection is a process distinct from sterilization. The
changes in head orientation
following statements are true, EXCEPT

e. Association
37. Deep tendon reflex are
a. Polysynaptic nerve response 42. The aorta leaves this chamber of the heart
b. Excitatory transmission a. Right ventricle
c. Monosynaptic reflex response b. It bypasses the heart
d. Excitatory presynaptic potential c. Right auricle
e. Bisynaptic reflex pressure d. Left ventricle
e. Left auricle
38. The following statements describe the “Carrying
Angle” EXCEPT 43. Nerve cells at rest are positively charged on the
a. The angularly of the extended and supinated outside and negatively charged on the inside
limb disappears on pronation a. Active potentials
b. As the ulna swings round the trochlea from b. Action potentials
flexion to extension, the trochlea is forced c. Hyperpolarization
d. Depolarization
gradually lateralwards
e. Resting membrane potential
c. The difference in circumference between the two
ends (ulna and trochlea) of the hour-glass is 44. The following statements describe Down Syndrome,
responsible for forcing the ulna gradually out of EXCEPT
line with the humerus a. Deficits in eye-hand coordination laterality and
d. The difference in alignment between humerus visual control were present in older children
and ulna is compensated for when the lower end b. The presence of monosynaptic reflex during
of the radius crosses over the medial side of the platform perturbations suggested that balance
ulna problem do not result from hypotonia but from
e. This difference in alignment between the defects within higher level postural control
humerus and ulna amounts to about 15 degrees mechanism
when the elbow is fully extended c. In 7-11 years of age group, those with Down
Syndrome scored equally in running speed,
39. Allograft rejection is a result of
balance, strength and visual motor controls than
a. Formation of antibodies and sensitized
the group without
lymphocytes, wither or both of which may
d. In children 1-6 years of age,
destroy the antigen, a property of acquired
__________responses to loss of balance were
slow and therefore _________ for maintaining
b. Histocompatibility complexes
c. That function to which protects an individual stability
e. Attachment of early motor milestones is thought
from toxins that might cause tissue damage
d. Destruction of the antigen by phagocytosis, a to be delayed because of problems with
property of innate immunity ligamentous laxity in some joints, decreased
e. Provoked immunity strength and hypotonia

40. These mechanoreceptors are found in the skin and 45. Transaction of the pituitary stalk will produce
connective tissues surrounding bones and joints to a. Increased LH
b. Decreased TSH
detect vibration
c. Decreased prolactin
a. Muscle spindle
d. Increased FSH
b. Ruffini’s end organ
e. Increased ACTH
c. Meissner’s corpuscles
d. Pacinian corpuscles
46. The following statements apply to Duchenne
e. Kraus end bulbs
(pseudohypertrophic) dystrophy, EXCEPT
41. A pathway of communication between the two a. Subject is still able to rise from a forward flexed
hemispheres is created as these fibers cross the position without using his hands to assist the
midline from one hemisphere to the other movement
a. Transhemisphere b. Contractures are common and patients seldom
b. Projection survive into the third decade
c. Commissural c. The enlargement of the muscles is due to fatty
d. Superior longitudinal bundle infiltration and the muscles are weak

d. A primary, genetic disorder characterize by the c. Is a 2nd class lever
early weakness and enlargement of the d. Cannot be moved
musculature of the calves, thighs, hips and e. Is a 3rd class lever
52. Following statements are true of upper motor
e. Onset is in the first five years of life and occurs
neurons, EXCEPT
almost exclusively in boys
a. Provide final direct link with muscles through
47. This structure resists the tendency of the femur to myoneural junctions
b. Synapses directly on alpha, beta, and gamma
slide forwards off the plateau-like tibial surface in
motor neuron in the spinal cord and cranial
actions such as in jumping with knees bent
a. Lateral collateral ligament nerve nuclei
b. Posterior cruciate ligament c. Completely contained within the central nervous
c. Medial and lateral menisci system
d. Anterior cruciate ligament d. Synonymous to corticospinal tract
e. Medial collateral ligament e. Lesion results in exaggerated deep reflexes and
muscle rigidity
48. Plantar-flexion contracture can interfere with the
performance of functional tasks through the 53. Gait patterns between young (20-40 years old) and
following, EXCEPT old (60-80 years old) people differ in their gait
a. Soft tissue passively limit dorsiflexion to the performance as follows, EXCEPT
muscle moment developed about the ankle a. Ankle dorsiflexion is slightly increased in older,
during the stance phase while ankle plantar flexion was decreased in
b. Decrease the plantarflexion moment when the older people
ankle is in dorsiflexed position b. Peak hip flexion exhibit a slightly increase in
c. There is knee hyperextension during the stance older persons
phase c. Peak knee extension is significantly greater in the
d. There is decreased ankle dorsiflexion during the younger persons
swing phase d. Stride time is shorter for the young than the old
e. There is decreased peak hip extension in late
stance phase 54. The following statements describe clavicular motion,
49. This joint is primarily responsible for a. After the shoulder has been abducted 90
inversion/eversion and abduction/adduction of the degrees, clavicular transverse rotation occurs to
foot complete scapular upward rotation and shoulder
a. Talonavicular flexion
b. Talocrural b. The clavicle rotates at the sternoclavicular joint
c. Subtalar approximately 40 degrees around its long axis
d. Tranverse tarsal c. Clavicle motion include elevation-depression and
e. Calcaneocuboid protraction-retraction
d. Tightening of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments
50. This muscle has an extensive origin from the whole
cause the upward rotation of the clavicle
lower half of the shaft of the humerus and inserted by e. When clavicular rotation is prevented, arm
a tendon into the tuberosity of the ulna below the elevation is limited to 90 degrees
coronoid process, its sole concern is flexion of the
elbow joint 55. The following statements are true of the hips, EXCEPT
a. Brachialis a. The anterior and lateral portions of the greater
b. Brachioradialis trochanter are covered by the tensor fascia lata
c. Pronator teres and the gluteus medius muscle
d. Biceps brachii b. When the iliac crests are not level in relation to
e. Coracobrachialis
each other, it is usually because of pelvic
51. When force is applied at a site intermediate between obliquity
c. When the greater trochanters are unequal, they
the fulcrum and the weight to be moved, this lever
a. Does not exist may be due to a congenital dislocation of the hip
b. Is a 1st class lever

or a hip fracture that has healed in a poor 60. These carpal bones form the radiocarpal joint by their
position biconcave distal end of the radius and the biconcave
d. The pubic tubercles are just above the top of proximal articulating surface
the greater trochanters a. Scaphoid and capitates
e. About three inches from the top of the iliac b. Scaphoid and lunate
crest, the iliac tubercle marks the widest point c. Capitates and lunate
on the crest d. Lunate and capitates
e. Scaphoid and trapezoid
56. Functional capacity evaluation are often used to
61. Which the following meal will be emptied first?
determine the following, EXCEPT
a. 300 cal semi solid high protein
a. A person’s readiness to return to work
b. 300 cal liquid high carbohydrate
b. The degree of the person’s disability in order to
c. 300 cal liquid high protein
collect disability pay d. 300 cal solid high protein
c. The need for further rehabilitation e. 300 cal solid high carbohydrate
d. Physical capabilities and work tolerance
e. The need for job modification 62. A frame of reference for balance and head control
that provides spatial coordinates for limb and body-
57. In this lifting technique, the individual establishes a
segment position
wide solid base of support with one foot positioned in
a. Exocentric
front of the other. The body is slightly over the load b. Proprioceptive
with the knees bent in half squatting position. No c. Gravitational
bending at the waist takes place. In beginning the lift, d. Egocentric
the head moves first, followed by the straightening of e. Geocentric
the legs
a. Golfer’s lift 63. The great parasympathetic nerve supplies the thorax
b. Deep squat lift and abdomen
c. Tripod lift a. Abducens
d. Power lift b. Hypoglossal
e. Partial equal lift with support c. Pelvic sphlanic
d. Vagus
58. Bilateral vestibular deficits result in the following, e. Glossopharyngeal
a. None of these 64. The following statements characterize carpal tunnel
b. Oscillopsia syndrome, EXCEPT
c. Skew deviation a. Pain, numbness and tingling of the heads
d. Disequilibrium b. Advanced cases may include wasting of the
e. Postural instability hypothenar eminence and an apparent
clumsiness of the hand
59. The following statements are true of the pituitary c. Condition may affect both hand or only the
gland, EXCEPT dominated hand
a. Its rich blood supply is derived from the small d. Symptoms are most often acute while sleeping
branched of the right and left internal carotid e. Uncomfortable sensations are usually felt on the
arteries first three fingers and the base of the thumb
b. It is made of the anterior and posterior lobe that
function differently 65. In the revised category-ratio rating of perceived
c. It is pea-sized gland hanging by a stalk, the exertion (RPE), a rating of 7 is described as
infundibulum, from the floor of the third a. Very strong
ventricle of the brain, just behind the optic b. Very, very strong
chiasma c. Somewhat strong
d. Its shape and appearance resembles a miniature d. Weak
e. Moderate
pine cone, projecting backwards from the back
of the roof of the third ventricle 66. Feedback information about the kinematic or kinetic
components of the movement being attempted by
the patient

a. Result oriented a. When adults with BKSs walked at the same
b. Knowledge of performance speed as adults without, their energy costs were
c. Knowledge of function approximately 32% greater
d. Knowledge of results b. Energy costs are the same between adults with
e. Performance oriented
BKAs and those without when walking at the
67. The following characteristics describe Type IIS muscle same speed
c. They have the same energy costs because the
fibers, EXCEPT
a. Contained in motor units characterized by a high person with amputations walked at slower
firing frequency or discharge rate speeds
b. High threshold for activation and slow-twitch d. Adults with BKAs and short residual limbs (less
contraction than 6% of total body height) had a 40% increase
c. Have cytological properties that fall between when they perform the same activities
type I and type II B fiber e. Adults with BKAs and long residual limbs (greater
d. Relatively fatigue resistant than 8% of total body height) had a 10% increase
e. With intermediate levels of glycolytic and in oxygen consumption compared with adults
oxidative enzyme activity without

68. If there is anterior cruciate instability, the tibia will 73. Hypocoagulopathy can lead to
rock a. Increased heart workload
a. Backward b. Hemorrhage and edema
b. Medially c. Embolus formation
c. Forward d. Thrombus formation
d. Laterally e. Increased breathing
e. Diagonally
74. Normally, the movement of the contents of the
69. A solute with a high portion coefficient is gastrointestinal tract is slowest along this segment
a. Moves through the cell membrane with difficulty a. Mouth
b. Where saturation can occur b. Large intestine
c. Directed against a chemical gradient c. Esophagus
d. More soluble in fat than in water d. Small intestine
e. More soluble in water than in fat e. Stomach

70. Suggested dimension (in feet) for a treatment cubicle 75. The following statements characterize thoracic outlet
area is syndrome, EXCEPT
a. 10 x 10 a. There is numbness in the fingers of the hand
b. 8 x 8 b. Involves both the nerves and adjacent blood
c. 6 x 8 vessels of the shoulder and the upper arm
d. 8 x 12 c. Arm may feel as if it is “going to sleep”
e. 8 x 10 d. There is compression of the nerves and blood
vessels between the neck and shoulder
71. This vertically directed device acts as the pivot round e. Wrist pulse remain strong
which the rotation occurs and which brings this lateral
rotation of the tibia (or medial rotation of the femur) 76. The following statements describe work hardening
to a halt programs, EXCEPT
a. Lateral collateral ligament a. Attempts to meet the functional and physical
b. Posterior cruciate ligament needs of clients
c. Medial collateral ligament b. Emphasize physical conditioning through
d. Semilunar cartilage strengthening, endurance and coordination
e. Anterior cruciate ligament exercise
c. Supposed to stimulate or duplicate actual job
72. Energy costs during walking adults with below knee
amputations (BKAs) and those without amputation d. Work oriented
may be generalized as follows, EXCEPT e. A job specific type of rehabilitation program that
attempts to address vocational and behavioural
needs of clients

e. Popliteal artery
77. Shortly after the brachial plexus exit the vertebral
bodies and pass between the scalenus anticus and 83. The sensory cranial nerve supply of the eyeball is
medius muscles, the nerve roots of C5 and C6 joint to a. Fourth (trochlear)
b. Third (oculomotor)
c. Sixth (abducens)
a. The middle trunk
d. Ophthalmic division of the Fifth (trigeminal)
b. Posterior cord
e. Seventh (facial)
c. Lateral cord
d. The upper trunk
84. Muscle contraction strength gradation can be
e. The lower trunk
accomplished in the following manner, EXCEPT
78. In retinacular test, the proximal IP joint is held in a a. Motor neurons with greatest innervations ratio
neutral position and the distal IP joint attempts to are activated initially activating few muscle fibers
b. Increasing the frequency of stimulation of
move into flexion. Then the proximal IP joint is flexed
individual motor units
to slightly relax the retinaculum and the distal IP joint
c. Simultaneously recruiting the number of
still does not flex
activated motor unit
a. The distal IP joint capsule is probably contracted
d. Initially activating few muscle fibers
b. There is no contraction in the distal IP joint
e. As each active muscle fiber is developing
maximum tension, the percentage of time is
c. The retinacular ligaments are loose
d. The retinacular ligaments are tight increased
e. None of these
85. Factors contributing to neuropathic plantar ulceration
79. Coordination disturbances are usually assessed in patients with diabetes include the following,
through the following methods, EXCEPT EXCEPT
a. “finger to nose test” a. Food deformities
b. Reciprocal tracking tasks b. Limited mobility of the great toe
c. Tracking tasks metatarsophalangeal joint
d. Unilateral tapping tracking tasks c. Limited mobility of the talocrural joint
e. Kinematic analysis d. Limited mobility of the subtalar joint
e. Increased plantar sensation
80. Depolarization is initiated when this moves inside the
cell 86. The following are true of Tetanic contractions, EXCEPT
a. Potassium a. Serial, continuous contractions, in which
b. Magnesium individual contractions cannot be distinguished
c. Chloride b. Series of increasing stronger twitch contractions
d. Sodium occurring in response to repeated contractions
e. plutonium c. They occur in response to a bombardment of the
muscle by rapid, successive stimuli
81. Normal spread of excitation in the heart is d. Incomplete tetanic contractions may convert to a
a. SAN, AVN, bundle of His, Purkinje Fibers,
normal contraction if the excessive stimulation
ceases abruptly
b. AVN, bundle of His, Atrium, Purkinje Fibers,
Ventricles 87. In evaluating the client, the caregiver
c. SAN, AVN, Purkinje Fibers, Bundle of His, a. Initiate planning for extended treatment as
Ventricles necessary
d. SAN, Bundle of His, AVN, Purkinje Fibers, b. Prepare and document the treatment plan and
Ventricles program
e. AVN, SAN, Purkinje Fibers, Ventricles c. Determines the client’s current condition, his
functional abilities and limitations
82. Supplying the lower limb, this artery enters the thigh
d. Documents client’s condition and functional
in the midline in front then descends vertically
outcome abilities
a. Tibial artery
e. Determine and selects the appropriate
b. Left femoral circumflex artery
c. Femoral artery treatment techniques and equipment
d. Sciatic artery

88. Splints that incorporate some elastic component such 92. Segmental development is evidence of the human
as springs or rubber bands that exerts force on the torso’s nerve supply of an orderly series of spinal
joint but allow for some change of joint position nerves: i.e one pair of spinal nerve supplies this strip-
a. Dynamic-progressive like area of skin and is knows as a
b. Static-progressive a. Myotome
c. Static-progressive b. Terminal branches
d. Static c. Dermatome
e. Dynamic d. Spinal nerves
e. Vertebral nerves
89. When defining the motion between the foot and leg,
a common center of rotation is assumed with this 93. Differentiation of these three vesicles at the costal
joint primarily responsible for end of the neural tube initiates brain development
dorsiflexion/plantarflexion components a. Prosencephalon, mesencephalon and
a. Metatarsophalangeal metencephalon
b. Talonavicular b. Telencephalon, diencephalon and
c. Talocrural mesencephalon
d. Tranverse tarsal c. Prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and
e. Calcaneocuboid rhombencephalon
d. Mesencephalon, rhombencephalon and
90. The following statements are true of biceps brachii,
EXCEPT e. Prosencephalon, rhombencephalon and
a. A simultaneous flexion of the shoulder and
elbow and supination of the forearm will result
from an isolated unopposed contraction of the 94. When digital muscles have their proximal attachments
biceps in the forearm or humerus, they are classified as
b. When the forearm is supinated, it acts in flexion a. Extrinsic
of the elbow with or without a load, in slow or b. Thenar
fast movements in either concentric or eccentric c. Intrinsic
contraction d. Midtrinsic
c. Its effectiveness as a supinator is almost four e. Hypothenar
times as effective as a supinator at an angle of 90
95. These muscles retract the protacted scapula and turn
the glenoid fossa downwards, thus forcibly lowering
d. It is most effective as supinator when the elbow
the raised arm, with other muscles, they keep the
is flexed at about a 145 degrees angel
e. Its effectiveness as supinator diminishes as the scapula applied to the chest wall
a. Serratus anterior
elbow is extended
b. Trapezius
c. Pectoralis minor
91. The following statements describe repair of acute
d. Rhomboids
instability, EXCEPT e. Levator scapulae
a. Advancement of the posterior oblique ligament
is a reconstructive procedures that is almost 96. The most important factor giving rise to a
always used concentrated urine is the presence of
b. Peripheral tears of the medial meniscus is a. Digital convoluted tubule
salvaged by suturing the structure to the b. Proximal tubule
capsular ligaments c. Anti-diuretic hormone
c. The need to drill holes in bone to reattach d. Well develop zonula occludens at the collecting
ligaments is seldom necessary is as much as the tubule
periosteum is usually intact and will hold sutures e. Non-reabsorbable solute in the lumen of the
well connecting tubule
d. Repair of an acute case by direct suture is usually
avoided 97. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation has been used
e. Ligament stapling is avoided because it tends to for the following, EXCEPT
“strangle” a. Facilitate motor control
b. Increase strength
c. Temporarily decrease hypereflexia

d. Improve ROM 103. Thin, strong sheet of fibrous tissue that
e. Muscle re-education occasionally attaches flattened muscles:
a. Raphe
98. As gliding occurs, the “No” movement takes place on b. Tendons
the surface of these joints that are nearly flat and c. Aponeurosis
circular d. Retinaculae
a. Axial
b. Antlanto-occipital 104. When a muscle contracts to eliminate some
c. Antlanto-axial unwanted movement that would otherwise be
d. Axial-occipital produced by the prime mover, it is said to be a/an:
e. Occipital a. Prime mover
b. Fixator
99. The most important substance regulating blood c. Antagonist
pressure that is produced by the kidney is: d. Coordinator
a. Vasopressin e. Synergist
b. Renin
c. Atrial natriuretic hormone 105. The following statements are true of LMNL,
d. Prostaglandin EXCEPT:
e. Progesterone a. Muscle atrophy may begin to show within a few
100. The following are true of palmar prehension pattern, b. Even with the loss of sensory feedback to the
EXCEPT: nervous system coordinated movements are still
a. Large objects may be held by widening the grip properly accomplished
b. This grasp is used to pick small objects c. The muscle loses both its voluntary & reflex
c. In a glass jar, the entire palmar surface of the responses
hand grasp around it & the thumb closes in over d. Hypotonia is observed as well as absence of
the glass muscle stretch reflex
d. The thumb opposes one or more of the other
digits 106. Which of the following is NOT true of the deltoid?
a. The nerve supply is by C5 & C6 via the circumflex
101. Postoperative rehabilitation of acute posterolateral nerve
instability of the knee consists of the following, b. It can carry the arm higher than the horizontal
EXCEPT: position
a. After the cast is removed, a knee-ankle-foot- c. It is a powerful abductor of the humerus but
orthosis with a dial lock is applied cannot initiate that movement
b. Active extension is controlled because the d. The middle fibers concern themselves with
arcuate complex has been advanced abduction alone
c. Orthosis is worn at all times & the dial lock is
adjusted to allow extension of an additional 15 107. Decrease in resting membrane potential, making it
degrees each week more positive:
d. The long leg brace dial lock is adjusted to allow a. Depolarization
full flexion but to limit extension to about 60 b. Membrane denervation
c. Hyperpolarization
d. Action potential degradation
e. The subject begins partial weight bearing when
e. Variable conductance
the lock prevents only the final 15 degrees of
extension 108. Diffusion occurs faster if:
a. The temperature is lower
102. In performing this test, the patient with contracture b. The partition coefficient is higher
will be unable to keep his leg, spine & pelvis flat on c. The partition coefficient is higher & the
the table when the opposite hip is flexed: molecular size is bigger
a. Baker’s test d. The molecular size is bigger
b. Segal’s maneuver e. The molecular size is bigger & the temperature is
c. Patrick’s test
d. Gallic flexion test
e. Thomas test

109. The following statements are true of straight leg lidocaine & frequently hydrocortisone is
raising test, EXCEPT: combined with a gel base to formulate a 10%
a. The normal angle between the table & the leg hydrocortisone solution
measures approximately 80 degrees b. Combined use of a drug-impregnated coupling
b. At the point where patient experiences pain, medium with US to drive whole molecules of
lower the leg slightly & then dorsiflex the foot-if topically applied medication percutaneously into
there is no pain, the pain induced is probably inflamed tissues
due to the sciatic nerve c. Often applied via continuous US with an intensity
c. Designed to reproduce back & leg pain between 1.0 & 2.0 W.cm at a frequency of 5MHz
d. If there is a positive reaction to the SLR test &
& with a treatment duration of 5 minutes
the foot dorsiflexion maneuver, the pain maybe d. The physical mechanism which phonoporesis
either in the lumbar spine or along the course of acts is unknown
the sciatic nerve e. Acts as fast, painless, non-invasive alternative to
e. The foot is lifted upward supporting the local injection
calcaneus & with the knee remaining straight,
raise the leg to the point of discomfort or pain 115. In this type of gating, protein channel gates are
opened by the binding of another molecule with
110. Which crutch walking technique would you choose the protein causing a conformational change in the
for patients with a walking cast, DJD or new leg protein molecule that opens or closes the gate:
prosthesis or for a patient who has had a leg a. Ligand gating
surgery? b. None of these
a. Swing through 3 point gait c. Voltage gating
b. 3 point & 1 gait (partial weight bearing) d. Both of these
c. 3 point gait (non-weight bearing)
d. 4 point gait 116. Babinski’s sign is a strong indication of a disorder
e. 2 point gait of:
a. Basal nuclei
111. Muscles will develop strength very rapidly even if b. Reticulospinal tract
the contractions are performed only a few times c. Corticospinal tract
each day & if they contract at or near their maximal d. Vestibulospinal tract
force of contraction: e. Tectospinal
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true 117. This elbow flexor is innervated by the radial nerve
c. 1st statements is false, 2nd statement is true & attaches proximally to a ridge on the humerus
d. 1st statement is true, 2nd statement is false above the lateral epicondyle:
a. None of these
112. This nerve provides innervations to the superior, b. Brachioradialis
inferior & medial rectus & the inferior oblique c. Biceps
muscle of the eye: d. Brachialis
a. Trigeminal
b. Oculomotor 118. If your patient can’t support his full weight on his
c. Optic legs but does have a reasonably good muscular
d. Abducens coordination & arm strength, which crutch walking
e. Throchlear gait would you choose?
a. 4 point gait
113. The left & right cerebral hemisphere is separated by b. Swing point 3 point gait
the: c. 3 point & 1 gait (partial weight bearing)
a. Medial longitudinal fissure d. 3 point gait (non weight nearing)
b. Anterior median sulcus e. 2 point gait
c. Central sulcus
d. Parieto-occipital 119. Components of subtalar joint pronation when the
e. Lateral fissure foot is bearing weight:
a. Excessive calcaneal eversion, talar abduction &
114. The following statements are true in the technique talar dorsiflexion
known as phonoporesis, EXCEPT: b. Excessive calcaneal eversion, talar adduction &
a. Medications commonly used include talar plantar flexion
hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, salicylates &

c. Moderate calcaneal inversion & talar dorsiflexion a. Central transmission of pain impulses via large
d. Excessive calcaneal inversion, talar adduction & diameter, myelinated fibers is via inhibition of 2 nd
talar plantar flexion order neurons located in the dorsal horn
e. Talar adduction & talar dorsiflexion & moderate b. Intramuscular receptors sent afferent impulses
calcaneal inversion via group III & IV fibers & the spinothalamic tract
to brainstem cardiovascular centers
120. The hormone regulating Ca++ metabolism that is c. The transmission rate of action potentials from
produced by the kidney is: peripheral nociceptors to the CNS can be
a. Estrogen
modulated by convergence of other afferent
b. Thyroid
c. Parathyroid inputs at the level of SC
d. 1,25 (OH)2 cholecalciferol d. Some group III & IV afferent mediate the pressor
e. Calcitonin response to sustain isometric muscle contraction
e. TENS of group I & II afferent fibers is thought to
121. The following apply to distraction, EXCEPT: modulate central transmission of pain impulses
a. Relieves pain in the cervical spine by decreasing carried by group III & IV fibers
pressure on the joint capsule around the facet
joint 126. If a 40 kg force is applied over an area of 4 sq cm, the
b. May help alleviate muscle spasm by relaxing the pressure (in kg per sq cm) is equal to:
contracted muscle a. 20
c. The test faithfully reproduce pain referred to the b. 5
upper extremity from the cervical spine c. 10
d. The test demonstrates the effect the neck d. 160
e. 80
traction might have in relieving pain
e. Relieves pain due to a narrowing of the neural
127. These muscles are said to place the hand in “writing
foramen by widening the foramen
position” (MCP joints flexed, IP joints extended):
a. FDS
122. Changes in the capability to produce a given response
b. 4 lumbricals
during practice when augmented feedback about the c. Palmar interossei
performance is provided: d. Dorsal interossei
a. Initiative
b. Response 128. Informed consent includes the following, EXCEPT:
c. Learning a. Maybe given before, during or after the initial
d. Performance treatment
e. Function b. The client or surrogate may sign a document to
document the process indicating authorization to
123. This type of contraction occurs when muscular
the proposed treatment
tension equals the opposing force:
c. Known or potential risks associated with the
a. Relaxed
b. Isometric treatment are explained & the client must be
c. Isotonic able to ask questions & receive responses about
d. Concentric any aspects of treatment
e. Eccentric d. Consent from a legally qualified surrogate is
necessary if the patient has not reached the legal
124. The most abundant cation inside the living cell is: age of consent or mentally confused
a. Na+ e. Provide sufficient information about the
b. K+
proposed & alternative treatment/s appropriate
c. Mg+
to the client’s condition, to allow him to make a
d. Cl-
e. Ca++ knowledgeable decision

125. The gate theory of Melzack & Wall had been used to 129. This is formed when synovial fluid extends into the
explain the effectiveness or conventional sensory popliteal space & becomes exposed in a membrane:
a. DVT
level TENS in reducing pain. The following statements
b. Lateral meniscus
discuss the theory, EXCEPT:
c. Baker’s cyst
d. Thrombophlebitis

e. Inflammation of the PCL 136. The following statements describe the anterior
compartment on the leg’s anterolateral side between
130. To test this muscle, the proximal IP joint of the hand is the tibia & fibula, EXCEPT:
stabilized: a. The tibialis anterior, extensor, hallucis longus &
a. Interossei the extensor digitorum longus inserts into this
b. FDS
c. Lumbricals
b. The anterior fascia, posterior tibia, fibula &
d. FDP
e. Pronator teres interosseous ligament render it inflexible &
131. The following are actions of the upper fibers of the c. If the structures are tight & intractable & if the
trapezius: palpation elicits tenderness, there is evidence of
a. Shrugs the shoulders, maintain shoulder level an anterior compartment syndrome
but in fatigue allow the shoulder to droop d. Because of its instability to expand, swelling in
b. Steady the scapula at the very beginning of the anterior compartment can create foot drop
movement of raising the arm above the head or anterior compartment syndrome
c. Pull the medial end of the scapula downwards e. Necrosis of the muscles, nerves & vessels may
d. Cooperate with the horizontal fibers to rotate result from pathology that may causes swelling
the glenoid cavity upward within the anterior compartment
e. Retract the scapula
137. The ulnar nerve innervates the following structures,
132. Due to their innervated tripod arrangement, they EXCEPT:
function as a stabilizing mechanism for the pelvis & a. All interossei
capable of cooperating with the splint mechanism of b. Medial half of the FDP
the Iliotibial tract on the lateral side: c. Adductor pollicis
a. Sartorius, gacillis & semitendinosus d. Palmaris longus
b. Adductor magnus, vastus lateralis & biceps e. All hypothenar
c. Semitendinosus, semimembranosus & gracillis
d. Semitendinosus, biceps & gracillis 138. Suggested dimension (in feet) for an extremity
e. Piriformis, quadratus femoris & obturator whirlpool in hydrotherapy area is:
internus a. 8 x 8
b. 5 x 7
133. The ability to recognize numbers or letters traced on c. 7 x 8
the body: d. 10 x 8
a. Sensory extinction e. 8 x 10
b. Cutaneous tactile sensation
c. Stereognosis 139. This test helps determine whether the patient is
d. Grapesthesia malingering when he states that he cannot raise his
e. Sensory inattention leg in that as the patient tries to raise his leg, he puts
pressure on the calcaneus of his opposite leg to gain
134. This nerve supplies the serratus anterior muscle & leverage, the patient is not really trying if he does not
arises from C5, C6 & C7 roots of the brachial plexus: bear down as he attempts to raise his leg:
a. Subscapular nerve a. Hoover’s test
b. Musculocutaneous nerve b. Kernig’s test
c. Long thoracic nerve c. Milgram’s test
d. Lateral pectoral nerve d. SLR test
e. Valsalva maneuver
135. The nutritional components necessary for proper
erythrocyte formation & malnutrition is/are: 140. Blood cells which is activated by antigen only when
a. All of these this is associated with another host cell:
b. Riboflavin (Vit. B2) a. B-lymphocytes
c. Iron & folic acid b. T-lymphocytes
d. Folic acid c. Eosinophils
e. Iron d. Neutrophils
e. Basophils

141. These muscle mainly flex the IP joint: recommendation to authorize schools to offer
a. FDP & FPL courses in PT or OT
b. FDS & FCU b. To study, promote & improve the conditions of
c. Lumbricals & flexor longus the practice of PT & OT
d. Lumbricals c. To issue, suspend, revoke or re-issue any
e. FDS & Lumbricals
certificate or registration for the practice of PT &
142. This type of traction temporarily immobilizes an OT
d. To give examinations to applicants for the
injured area through hands pulling on an injured body
practice of PT & OT in accordance with the
a. Manual traction provisions of the Philippine PT & OT law
b. Reduction traction e. To look into the conditions affecting the practice
c. Mobilization traction of PT & OT & delegate to accredited professional
d. Skin traction associations so they may adopt measures of
e. Skeletal traction good ethics & high professional standard in the
143. After successfully passing the Board Examination, the
following initials maybe added after the name of the 146. Incorrect entries in the documentation maybe edited
successful PT/OT examinee: by doing the following, EXCEPT:
a. PTRP/OTRP a. Corrected statement must be entered in the
b. PTR/OTR chronological sequence
c. PTRP/OTR b. On the margin, state why the correction was
d. RPT/ROT necessary
e. RPT/OTRP c. Single line drawn through the inaccurate
information, but still making it legible
144. In a recent study conducted on phonoporesis, where
d. Correction must be dated& initiated
hydrocortisone was prepared by blending e. Erase or draw multiple lines on the inaccurate
hydrocortisone acetate with Aquasonic gel, which of information
the following statement is true?
a. 5 mins of hydrocortisone phonoporesis with 10% 147. In as much as the knee extensor mechanism is
hydrocortisone using continuous US at 1.0W/cm involved, the following statements applied, EXCEPT:
did not result in an increase in human serum a. The exercise is increased according to subject’s
cortisol level tolerance
b. 5 mins of hydrocortisone phonoporesis with 10% b. SLR exercises are progressed slowly
hydrocortisone using continuous US at 1.0W/cm c. By the time of discharge, (about 7 days) the
resulted in an increase human serum cortisol subject should be doing 2-3 sets of 5 leg raises
levels d. Resistance is seldom added to the exercise
c. 5 mins of hydrocortisone phonoporesis with 10% e. Repetitions should be aggressively increased
hydrocortisone using continuous US at 5.0W/cm until about 8 sets of 10 leg raises daily are
did not result in an increase human serum performed over the next 3 weeks after discharge
cortisol levels
d. 10 mins of hydrocortisone phonoporesis with 148. If excessive tightness of the hip ligament muscles or
20% hydrocortisone using continuous US at fasciae prevents commonly complete extension of the
5.0W/cm resulted in an increase human serum hip joints, an individual commonly compensates for
cortisol levels this limitation by:
e. 5 mins of hydrocortisone phonoporesis with 10% a. Lengthening the vastus group
b. Accentuating the anterior tilt of the pelvis &
hydrocortisone using continuous US at 5.0W/cm
lumbar lordosis
resulted in an increase humam serum cortisol
c. Increasing the posterior tilt of the pelvis
levels d. Lumbar kyphosis

145. The powers & duties of the Board of PT & OT include 149. The following statements apply to translation ,
the following, EXCEPT: EXCEPT:
a. To study the conditions affecting PT & OT
education & prepare a written favorable

a. A process which a protein molecule is formed
while the messenger RNA travels along the 155. The somatic sensory examination is the most difficult
ribosome & least reliable part of the evaluation. The following
b. A codon signals the end of a protein molecule rules & generalizations will be helpful, EXCEPT:
c. The process is initiated when a molecule of a. Consistency of findings of several sensory
messenger RNA comes in contact with ribosome examination gives some assurance of validity
d. The manufacturing plant in which the protein b. Peripheral nerve lesions are often associated
molecules are formed with diminished or absent sweating, dry skin,
tropic changes in the nails & loss of
150. Receives the weight of the body when one sits up subcutaneous tissue
straight: c. The test ordinarily used for sensory examination
a. Inferior ramus are rather crude & findings are imprecise, the
b. Ischial tuberosity
more so the less complete the lesion
c. Lesser sciatic notch
d. Subjective symptoms of numbness & paresthesia
d. Spine of ischium
are unfortunately much the same qualitatively
151. Bound by these tendons, they comprise the whether they result for thalamic, spinal,
anatomical snuffbox: radicular, or peripheral neural deficits
a. EPL, APL, & EPB e. Cutaneous sensitivity is greater on the face,
b. EDC, extensor indicis proprius, ECR hand, forearms, genitalia & feet, avoid testing
c. APL, APB & extensor indicis proprius calloused areas
d. EPL, extensor indicis proprius & EPB
e. ECU, EDC & EPB 156. The following statements are generally accepted in
improving muscle strength & endurance, EXCEPT:
152. As proposed by Cyriax, the scheme of selective a. Isometric contractions close to maximal forces
tension testing is a clinical system of diagnosis of for long periods of time is necessary to increase
painful problems of soft tissues & is conducted in the muscle endurance
following manner, EXCEPT: b. Concentric contractions against light loads may
a. Resisted contractions increase endurance
b. Palpation c. To improve endurance, a muscle must maintain
c. Active motion small forces for long periods of time
d. Assistive contractions d. A muscle must generate close to maximal forces
e. Passive motion
for short periods of time to build muscle strength
e. Isometric or even eccentric forceful contractions
153. Immediate postoperative care following cardiac
maybe necessary for building strength
transplantation include the following, EXCEPT:
a. Oral diet is begun as soon as patient can tolerate
157. Of the body water compartment, the largest is
occupied by the:
b. Most patients are weaned from mechanical
a. Transcellular fluid
ventilatory assistance within 24 to 36 hours b. Intracellular fluid
c. Typically, heart rate is maintained at about 30 c. Plasma
beats per minute for the 1st 72 hours & then d. Spinal cord
tapered off e. Interstitial fluid
d. 1st endomyocardial biopsy is performed 7 to 10
days after transplantation 158. A patient points to lateral aspect of the thigh as his
e. Endotracheal & orogastric tubes are removed source of pain. This may indicate that underlying
within 24 to 36 hours problem may be due to:
a. RA
154. This tiny ophthalmic artery which accompanies the b. Trochanteric bursitis
optic nerve & the anterior & middle cerebral arteries c. Gluteal bursitis
supply most of the cerebral hemisphere: d. Sacroiliac stenosis
a. Occipital artery e. Lumbar spinitis
b. External carotid artery
c. ICA 159. Abdominal muscle exercises during pregnancy & at
d. Subclavian artery least 8 weeks post birth should be chosen with care
e. Optic artery because of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

a. There is a noted increase in rectus abdominis 163. Refers to the possibility that the conclusions drawn
muscle separation width, length & angle of from experimental results may not accurately reflect
insertion what has gone in the experiment itself
b. Decrements in abdominal muscle function can a. Parallel reliability
parallel in time the structural adaptations as b. External validity
pregnancy progressed c. Low reliability
c. The ability to stabilize the pelvis against d. Incoherency
e. Internal validity
resistance can be decreased as pregnancy
progresses & remain compromised post birth 164. It is widely believed that these muscles are involved in
d. No reversal in rectus abdominis muscle
“tennis elbow”, a condition in which the extensor
separation may be found by 4 weeks post birth
muscles strained by an unusual amount of stress,
e. Continued functional deficits may be found in
cause pain at the lateral epicondyle of the elbow &
parallel with incomplete resolution of structural
along the course of the muscles:
adaptations post birth
a. Extensor communis
b. FDS
160. The following describe the modified Thomas test,
EXCEPT: d. The mobile wad of 3 (ECRB in particular)
a. Hip ROM is considered normal if the patient has
80 degrees of knee flexion 165. Junction formed by the terminal branches of the
b. The pelvis is placed in approximately 10 degrees basilar artery & the 2 internal carotid arteries:
of posterior tilt by flexion of one hip & knee a. Anterior communicating arteries
toward the chest while lying supine b. None of these
c. Hip ROM is considered normal if the patient has c. Circle of Willis
10 degrees of femoral extension relative to the d. Posterior communicating arteries
d. The other leg is positioned to extend off the edge 166. An example of this class of lever is at the atlanto-
of a treatment table far enough to allow the occipital joint, where the head is balanced by the peel
knee to bend freely of the neck extensor muscles:
e. It only tests the ROM & the length of one-joint a. 2nd
hip flexor muscles b. 4th
c. 5th
161. In an open-packed or loose packed position: d. 1st
a. The ligamentous & capsular structures are slack e. 3rd
b. Increased joint friction allow spinning & sliding
c. Joint surfaces may be distracted several 167. In polyneuropathy, lesions often occur bilaterally, the
millimeters effects are usually more prominent in proximal than in
d. The ovoid joint surfaces are incongruent distal parts of extremities:
e. Allows spinning, rolling & sliding, thereby a. 1st statement is false, 2nd statement is true
decreasing joint friction b. 1st statement is true, 2nd statement is false
c. Both statements are true
162. The following statements describe closed kinematic d. Both statements are false
chain, EXCEPT:
168. A form of validity that concerns the extent to which a
a. The distal segment is fixed & proximal parts
test or measure appears to measure what it suppose
b. The distal segments of the chain moves in space to measure & actually based in the personal opinion
c. Stair climbing is an alternating closed chain of those either taking or giving a test:
motion during the support phase of the a. Content validity
b. Face validity
c. Direct validity
d. Occurs in the upper extremity when performing
d. Criterion related validity
chin up e. Construct validity
e. All segments are required to move in the
movement of the segment 169. If there is a compression of the subclavian artery, one
feels a marked diminution or absence of the radial
pulse. This test is called:

a. Swallowing test
b. Adson test 173. The digestion of food involves the process of:
c. Valsalva test a. Hydrolysis
d. Compression test b. Conjugation
e. Distraction test c. Condensation
d. Mastication
170. After internal fixation of the hip, the PT must pay e. Decarboxylation
special attention to:
a. Use of trochanter roll or proper properly placed 174. Foot dorsiflexors are composed of:
sandbags beside the thigh to avoid extreme a. None of these
b. TA, EDB, Extensor Hallucis Brevis
external rotation
b. All of these
d. Peroneus tertius, peroneus brevis & extensor
c. Patient may not lean forward further than 30 to
digitorum brevis
40 degrees which would increase hip flexion
d. To prevent increased pain & undue strain on the
175. This characterizes DM:
fracture site, adduction, ER or acute flexion of a. Decrease blood pressure
the patient’s hip must not be allowed b. Increase lipogenesis
e. Use of pillow or abductor triangle to maintain c. Androgen binding protein
abduction & keep the affected leg to one side of d. Enhanced protein synthesis
his midline e. Insulin deficiency

171. The following characterizes the patella, EXCEPT: 176. The product of breathing frequency & tidal volume
a. Lateral dislocation is resisted by the lateral lip of (Vt)
the trough being projected forwards a. Ventilation (in liters per minute)
b. It maintains a constant relationships with the b. Stroke volume
fibula as the knee is flexed c. Metabolic rate
c. Its posterior surface is articular since it lies in d. Heart rate
front of the expanded lower end of the femur e. Cardiac output
d. It is easily dislocated medially due to the
177. Which of the following examples therapeutically
powerful extensors of the knee that pull
increase the pressure on a given area?
obliquely & chiefly from the lateral side of the
a. Use of closed-cell foam shoe inserts for walking
thigh b. Prescribing a wearing schedule for a prosthesis
e. Enhances the power of knee extensors by c. Use of orthotics to increase the force arm length
increasing the leverage of that muscle d. Frequent body weight shifts
e. Decreasing the force arm length in orthotics
172. The following statements apply to myocardial
ischemia & infarction, EXCEPT: 178. Following statements are true of the corticospinal or
a. Characteristics symptoms of pain associated with pyramidal tact, EXCEPT:
angina pectoris is caused by an imbalance a. About 1/3 of the axons in the pyramidal tract
between myocardial oxygen supply & demand arise from the primary motor cortex in areas 4 &
b. Resolving thrombus formation in the coronary 6
arteries cannot control factors leading to b. About 90% of the tracts decussate to the
coronary occlusion opposite side at the lower levels of the medulla
c. Caused primarily by coronary artery c. The fibers arise from the neurons in the ventral
atherosclerosis that decreases the ability of the part of area 4 on lateral surface of the
coronary arteries to supply adequate oxygen to hemisphere & from area 8
meet the demands of the myocardium d. Concerned with skilled movements of the distal
d. Progressive atherosclerosis also leads to the muscles of the limb
development of coronary artery thrombosis
resulting in vessel before occlusion & MI 179. The following statements describe the triceps brachii,
e. Drugs are often used to treat the symptoms of EXCEPT:
ischemic heart disease & restore myocardial a. The long head may help also in extending the
oxygen balance before additional damage occurs shoulder joint
to the heart

b. The long & lateral heads lie side by side & 185. The gateway to pain is opened by:
together are comparable to the biceps a. Intense stimulation of large diameter fibers
c. Of the 3 heads, only the long head arises from b. None of these
the scapula c. Mild stimulation of small diameter fibers
d. It acts in a lever system of the 2 nd class but its d. Mild stimulation of large diameter fibers
e. Intense stimulation of small diameter fibers
lever arm is extremely short
e. The medial head has fleshly origin from the back
186. The combined action of these muscles is vertebral
of the shaft similar to the brachialis
extension & are continuous from the sacrum to the
180. Histologically, warm receptors in the skin are called: occiput:
a. Naked nerve endings a. None of these
b. Flower spray endings b. Erector spinae or sacrospinalis
c. None of these c. Transversopinalis
d. Krause’s end bulbs d. Quadratus lumborum
e. End organs of Ruffini
187. Increase in resting membrane potential, making one
181. Fast twitch fibers differ from slow twitch fibers, negative:
EXCEPT: a. Depolarization
a. Number of capillaries per mass of fibers is b. Velocity excitation
c. Hyperpolarization
greater in slow twitch fibers
d. Action potential propagation
b. Fast twitch fibers are organized for endurance
e. Variable conductance
c. Fast twitch fibers can achieve double the
maximal power 188. In one leg standing, the gluteus medius of the
d. Fast twitch fibers are twice in diameter
supporting leg is performing:
a. Isometric contraction
182. A functional map of the motor cortex resembling an
b. Positive work
image of the body turned upside down & reversed left c. Eccentric contraction
to the right: d. No work
a. Brodmann’s area
b. Hemisphere 189. Ergonomic design in office settings has become
c. Parietal lobe increasingly important, particularly because of the
d. Homunculus
increased use of computers. The following are
e. Premotor cortex
acceptable recommendations, EXCEPT:
183. The following statements are true of the tibialis a. Feet flat on the floor or footrest to provide
posterior, EXCEPT: stability
a. Innervated by the tibial nerve b. Top of the monitor placed at eye level to allow
b. The most deeply situated muscle of the calf proper head & neck & position
c. Inverts & supinates of the subtalar joint only in c. Padded wrist rest to reduce arm & shoulder
dorsiflexion discomfort
d. Inverts & assists in ankle plantar flexion d. Keyboard placed at 15 degrees from elbow
height with a slight incline
184. The following statements describe ataxia, EXCEPT: e. Hard copy holder close to monitor to reduce eye
a. Can result from damage to the dorsal & motions and discomfort and allow proper neck
ventricular spinocerebellar pathways & pontine posture
b. Can result from damage to the afferent portions 190. The following characteristics describe Type I muscle
of peripheral nerves & the dorsal column of the fibers, EXCEPT:
SC a. Higher myosin ATPase activity than the other
c. Can result to damage to several different motor fiber type
or sensory regions of the CNS b. Resistant to fatigue, with high levels of oxidative
d. Can result in high amplitude tremor that enzyme activity & low levels of glycolytic enzyme
accompanies movement activity
e. Damage in one cerebellar hemisphere is c. Contained in motor units characterized by a low
manifested contralaterally to the lesion firing frequency or discharge rate

d. Associated with extensive capillary density & a b. Establishes the functional diagnosis & outcome
high concentration of myoglobin goals
e. Low threshold for activation & slow twitch c. Prepares a written home program for the client
contraction & family member
d. Evaluates the patient’s responses to treatment,
191. Vacuum compression therapy may be applied determine progress towards functional outcomes
following whirlpool cleansing of the wound at these e. Gathers data & information for documentation
manufacturer prescribed settings to emphasize the
vacuum phase of the cycle in an attempt to increase 196. The kinetic variable that reflects the rate of work
capillary filling: performed at given point:
a. -0.10 bar (-75 mmHg) of negative pressure for 90 a. Torque
b. Velocity
seconds followed by 0.05 bar (38.5 mmHg) of
c. Strength
positive pressure for 30 seconds d. Energy
b. -0.10 bar (-75 mmHg) of negative pressure for 60 e. Power
seconds followed by 0.05 bar (38.5 mmHg) of
positive pressure for 90 seconds 197. Dividing the body into (R) & (L), flexion & extension
c. -0.10 bar (-75 mmHg) of negative pressure for 90 occurs in this plane:
seconds followed by -0.05 bar (-38.5 mmHg) of a. Trans-sagittal
positive pressure for 30 seconds b. Horizontal
d. -0.10 bar (-75 mmHg) of negative pressure for 90 c. Sagittal
seconds followed by 0.05 bar (38.5 mmHg) of d. Transverse
positive pressure for 30 seconds e. Frontal
e. -0.10 bar (-75 mmHg) of positive pressure for 90
198. The following are determinants of gait, EXCEPT:
seconds followed by -0.05 bar (-38.5 mmHg) of
a. Knee flexion in stance
negative pressure for 30 seconds b. Trendelenburg
c. Medial displacement of the pelvis
192. Constricts the pupil & is involved in light & d. Pelvic rotation
accommodation reflex due to their connections with e. Knee, ankle, & foot rotation
postganglionic neurons:
a. Facial nerve 199. After transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap
b. Trigeminal nerve procedure, the following techniques maybe used to
c. Optic nerve reduce stress on the sutures of the abdominal wound
d. Trochlear nerve
closure, EXCEPT:
e. Oculomotor nerve
a. Teach log rolling techniques for moving safely in
193. Unusually violent & flinging motions of the limbs: bed without disrupting the sutures
a. Chorea b. Positioning the bed at a 90 degree angle, patient
b. Dystonia lying on the uninvolved side in fetal position
c. Ballismus c. Lifting & sit-ups are not permitted until 6 weeks
d. Spasticity after the surgery
e. Athetosis d. Exercises designed for co-contraction of the
oblique transverse abdominis & mulitfidus
194. This ligament, in accompany the supraspinatus muscles for optimal trunk strengthening
muscle, prevents the downward dislocation of the e. Avoid valsalva manueuver by exhaling during
humeral head: physical exertion
a. Glenohumeral
b. Coracoacromial 200. Occupies an extensive area on the medial aspect of
c. Coracoclavicular the hemisphere, this lobe of the lateral surface of the
d. Biceps hemisphere is caudal to an arbitrary line drawn from
e. Coracohumeral
the parietooccipital fissures to the preoccipital notch
195. When developing a treatment program, the caregiver: and:
a. Bases the treatment goals on the outcome & a. Temporal
b. Frontal lobe
c. Insular lobe
d. Parietal lobe

e. Occipital lobe


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