Kansas City Deaerator Product Brochure

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Spray Tray

Users James River Paper

Kansas Power & Light
Abitibi Consolidated Kuwait Petrochemical
First Stage Spray
ADM Las Vegas Cogen Second Stage Tray
AES Louisiana Pacific
At Kansas City Deaerator addition, our field service engineers are avail- Air Products & Chemicals Luberff II
able for on-site service within 24 hours of
Co., Service and Experience request to repair or service your existing
Agrico Chemical
Mass Power Cogen
Maui Electric
Model TC:
Max. Capacity:
Tank Car
250,000 #/hr.
Henry’s Law of Partial Pressures Formed the
are One In The Same deaerator. Aleppo Thermal Power
Melaka Conversion
Midwest Power
1 piece Foundation for Designing Deaerators.
Key to Kansas City Deaerator Assuring Quality, Safety At Ansaldo
Ashland Petroleum
Milford Cogen
Monsanto Enviro-Chem
Company’s profile is our wealth of experi-
ence. Since the mid 1970s, our personnel Every Turn AT&T
Athabasca Oil Sands
National Power Corp. of the
Philippines First Stage Spray
have designed hundreds of deaerators for Kansas City Deaerator Co. relies on the lat- Atofina Neenah Paper Second Stage Tray
utility and industrial applications. As a est technology to provide quality design, fabri- BASF Niagara Mohawk
result, our team of professionals has earned cation and document control. With sophisti- Bajio Power Nova Chemical
Bonneville Pacific Orlando Utilities
respect among peers and customers alike. cated computer programs for vessel calcula- BP Amoco
Model DS:
Max. Capacity:
Double Shell
800,000 #/hr.
In fact, our team was central to the devel- tions, nozzle load calculations, heat balances, Osborne Cogen Height: 14'-20'
Brighton Beach Power, Ltd. Plains Electric Shipment: 2 pieces
opment of the 1992 improved edition of ratings and CAD drawings, we’ll take you Calpine Port Arthur Refinery
the Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) from conception to start-up — error free — CNF Constructors Ryegate Power
Standards for Deaerators. consistently. Cogen Partners of America Saltend Cogeneration
Consolidated Paper Samalayuca II
We are committed to 100 percent cus- Likewise, when specified, our work is per- CSW Scott Paper
tomer satisfaction. This begins with formed, in strict accordance with ASME Dow USA Semass
detailed proposals, accurate engineering codes, NACE and HEI standards to assure East Kentucky Power Shoaiba Power First Stage Spray
submittals, complete drawing packages, Falcon Seaboard
not only quality, but long-term safety and reli- Fina Oil & Chemical
Shurtan Gas Chemical Second Stage Tray
and continues with thorough preshipment ability. To assure quality upon completion, Tennessee Eastman Co.
Ford Motor Co. Texaco
inspections and on-time deliveries. our units are typically inspected by three to General Elecric Transfield Power
Model VT:
Max. Capacity:
Vertical Tray
800,000 #/hr.
Our speciality is problem solving. Our five inspectors prior to shipment. Gulf States Utilities Union Carbide Height:
1 piece
GWF Power Systems Unocal
engineers will custom design your deaerator Hanfeng Power
in accordance with your specific needs. In Weyerhauser
Houston Light & Power Willamette Industries
Huaneng Nantong Power Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
Hutchinson Utility
First Stage Spray
Engineers Second Stage Tray

Bantrel, Inc. Harris Group

Bibb & Associates HDR Engineering
Bechtel Corporation Howe-Baker Engineers, Ltd.
Black & Veatch IHI Inc.
Burns & McDonnell Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Inc.
Burns & Roe Kellogg, Brown and Root
Chiyoda Corporation
Ebasco Services
NLK Consultants
Parsons Main, Inc. Model HH: Horizontal
But Here’s What Henry
Energy Services, Inc.
Enron Power
The Pritchard Corporation
Stone & Webster
Max. Capacity:
16,000,000 #/hr.
Didn’t Tell Us....
Fluor Daniel Shipment: 2 pieces
United Engineers & Constructors

Zurn/NEPCO Spray Scrubber
Second Stage Scrubber
Aalborg Boiler
Alstom Power First Stage Spray
Cerrey SA
Deltak Corporation
Ecolaire Corporation Model HS: Horizontal Spray
Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. Max. Capacity: 800,000 #/hr.
Height: 4'-13'
Foster Wheeler Ltd. Shipment: 1 piece
Nooter/Eriksen Cogeneration Systems, Inc.
Sino-Thai Construction
Transfield Power Technology
Kansas City Deaerator
Available Testing Procedures 6731 West 121st Street
Hydro test Overland Park, KS 66209
100 % x-ray Kansas City Deaerator (913) 338-2111 Fax: (913) 338-2144
Magnetic Particle Inspections email: [email protected]
Ultrasonic testing website: www.deaerator.com

September 2003
Not All Deaerators Are Created Equal
How To Make A Deaerator Last! S.S. Floating Tray Enclosure Header Spray Valves Inlet Vent
No longitudinal water box welds to Now you can mix hot and cold water at the Sized per strict velocity control criteria Located at the highest point in the vessel and Relief valve
Henry’s Law: Pa=XaHa(T): crack, no dissimilar welds, no liner deaerator with two separate headers and not above the header, eliminating vent pipe cracks
“The solubility of any gas dissolved in liquid is directly propor- plug welds to fail and no water box reduce your deaerator life. and “water out the vent”. Drier steam is vented Sized per HEI or customer
tional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid.” buckling. The enclosure is built out- due to the turning action around the header. request.
It was 1801 when William Henry first devel- side the vessel for improved quality Lifting Lugs
control and ease of inspection.
oped the basic equation on which the Principles
of Deaeration are based. But Henry didn’t Equalizing
develop the technology to make deaerators last. Designed to
compensate for tray
pressure drop and
Kansas City Deaerator Co. is Manway load swings.

Building On the Cornerstone of Tray removal,

vessel inspection
Experience. and header
Kansas City Deaerator Co. has mastered the
technology to design and build quality deaera-
tors. In fact, our rise to become a leading suppli-
er of deaerators for the utility, cogeneration and
industrial market is based on sound engineering
and service.
From Section VIII Utility Deaerators to
Section I Integral HRSG Deaerators, our ability
to eliminate typical operational and mainten-
ance problems represents the best of the indus- Counterflow design
try’s knowledge and technology. The cleanest, hottest steam scrubs the final traces of oxygen
from the cleanest, hottest water exiting the tray bank to
assure proper deaeration and heating. Steam travels
Reliability As The upward, countercurrent to the inlet water. All oxygen
Basis Of Design removed is completely contained in the stainless steel tray
enclosure and not exposed to the carbon steel shell.
In response to the demand for a more reliable Header
deaerator, Kansas City Deaerator Co. has devel- Replacement
oped an innovative Header Design. This new Complete
design provides greater durability and extended header can be
replaced during
life with improved operational features and ease outages quickly
of maintenance. In addition, this new design uti- and without
lizes an improved fabrication process which expensive code S.S. Steam Baffle
allows for stricter quality control and ensures welds.
that our deaerators will be in service long after
others have been replaced.
Our quality Spray Valves are investment cast
of type 316 S.S., hydraulically balanced and pro- Vacuum Rings
vided with Teflon stem guides for extended life As required by code
and quiet operation. These rugged valves are
designed to handle flow fluctuations from 0% to Downcomers Trays Tray hold-downs
200% of design. Equalizer
Grating Support Generously sized for low pressure drops Equipped with vortex breakers Rugged construction for long life. No more tray upsets due to inadequate tray hold-
Kansas City Deaerator Co. Trays are stamped Stabilization of trays during and Deaerator pressure fluctuations and antiflash baffles for upset down troughs. Our compression hold-down
and riveted as recommended by the HEI upset conditions with antiflash baffles conditions and tray protection. system locks the trays in place and will not
Standard. Our 16 ga., 430 S.S. trays are the most loosen, allowing trays to dump.
rugged available in the industry and have been
utilized successfully by central station utilities for
over 30 years. Our tray locking tabs and com-
pression tray hold-down system will resist deaer-
ator transient loads and reduce tray damage
under upset conditions.

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