Production of Cumene

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Kinetics of catalyst-free thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene

Article  in  Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry · June 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s10973-013-3577-2


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3 authors, including:

Vadim Krongauz Michael t.k. Ling

ICU Medical, Inc Baxter International Inc.


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J Therm Anal Calorim (2014) 116:1285–1299
DOI 10.1007/s10973-013-3577-2

Kinetics of catalyst-free thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene

Vadim V. Krongauz • John F. O’Connell •

Michael T. K. Ling

Received: 9 September 2013 / Accepted: 27 November 2013 / Published online: 13 December 2013
 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2013

Abstract Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of Keywords Cumene  Thermal autoxidation 

cumene in the absence of catalyst was studied using high- Photo-oxidation  Kinetics  Activation energy 
pressure differential scanning calorimetry and low-pressure Rate constants  Kinetic modeling
photocalorimetry. Kinetics of oxidation was followed by
cumene hydroperoxide (CHP), acetophenone, and phenol
formation. The amount of CHP formed was deduced from Introduction
the total heat of reaction of thermal degradation of CHP at
453 K and using a new gas chromatographic method. CHP Reactions with oxygen at high temperature or in the pre-
solution in cumene oxidized at 453 K and 680 psi of sence of ultraviolet light lead to a number of well-known
oxygen reproducibly with the heat of reaction linearly phenomena such as fire, darkening of the paints, degrada-
dependent on peroxide concentration in cumene. It was tion of tires, and so on. Oxidation which accelerates as it
confirmed that cumene thermal oxidation was slow at proceeds was termed ‘‘auto-oxidation’’ or ‘‘autoxidation’’
\453 K, but at C453 K could occur explosively. Autoca- [1, 2].
talysis by CHP during thermo-oxidation was confirmed. Saturated hydrocarbons oxidize through a chain of rad-
Apparent activation energy of the photo-oxidation of ical reactions forming peroxides, alcohols, ketones, and
cumene was found to be Ea = 22.3 kJ mol-1. The value eventually carbon dioxide and water [1–3]. Usually the rate
corresponds to radical chain process of the cumene of room temperature oxidation in the absence of light or
autoxidation. Under assumption of pseudo-first order catalyst is low, and after several months of storage only
reaction, the rate constant of CHP formation was found to fraction of the percent of peroxides or other products would
change from kCHP & 0.76 s-1 during the first 4 h of photo- form. Low rate of oxidation is stipulated by low probability
oxidation to kCHP & 0.2 s-1 at the later stages at of radicals formation in liquid saturated hydrocarbons.
2.0 W cm-2 of UV exposure dose. It was established that Unsaturated hydrocarbons may react with oxygen faster,
the initial presence of the CHP in cumene does not change forming peroxides and epoxides. In the presence of cata-
the photo-oxidation kinetics, but shifts the kinetic curve to lyst, heat or ultraviolet light oxidation of hydrocarbons may
earlier time. Finite difference method was employed to and often does proceed explosively due to fast formation of
numerically model kinetics of cumene oxidation. The radicals and consequent exothermic chain reactions.
result indicated higher than expected thermal and photo- 1-Methylethyl benzene (cumene) is an alkyl-aromatic
stability of both, cumene and CHP. compound boiling at 152 C. The oxidation of cumene is
an important industrial process. It proceeds through for-
mation of (2-hydroperoxypropan-2-yl) benzene [cumene
hydroperoxide (CHP)] (boiling at &125 C), which con-
sequently converts to phenol, acetophenone, acetone,
V. V. Krongauz (&)  J. F. O’Connell  M. T. K. Ling
cyclohexanone, caprolactam, and other essential com-
Baxter Healthcare Corp., Rt. 120 & Wilson Rd., RLT-14, Round
Lake, IL 60073, USA pounds (Scheme 1) [4]. The catalytic CHP formation and
e-mail: [email protected] conversion process was developed and patented by the

1286 V. V. Krongauz et al.

group of Sergeyev, USSR [5–9] and almost simultaneously &2.51 9 10-9 L2 mol-2 s-1 at 90 C. Russell obtained
by Hock, Germany [10]. Because of its industrial impor- indene autoxidation initiation rate constant of
tance, the kinetics of catalytic oxidation of cumene was 1.55 9 10-9 L s-1 mol-1 at 50 C. We estimated the
extensively studied [11–57]. reaction rate of hydrocarbons with oxygen initiating
The mechanism of thermal oxidation of cumene can be cumene oxidation to be &6 9 10-11 L s-1 mol-1 at
constructed by the analogy with other hydrocarbons oxidation 25 C using Russell’s value of activation energy of
mechanisms [1–3, 11–51]. The most comprehensive reaction 104.6 kJ mol-1 and pre-exponential factor of 108 s-1 [1].
mechanism was constructed and examined by Opeida et al. The overall activation energy of cumene oxidative degra-
[16, 17], Denisov and coworkers [3, 11, 29, 30, 34], Thomas dation was reported to be Ea = 144.21 kJ mol-1 with
and Tolman [27], and Somma et al. [46]. apparent frequency factor, A = 1014.63 s-1 [33].
Majority of cumene oxidation studies were conducted in CHP is an intermediate in cumene oxidation. It is
the presence of catalyst. The rate constants of reaction of unstable at high temperature as other peroxides. Thermal
cumene with oxygen in the absence of catalyst or photo- degradation kinetics of CHP was studied in detail in the
initiator was deduced by Ikawa et al. [13], for the reaction past to insure control of ‘‘cumene process’’ and safety of
RH ? R•, to be 2.70 9 10-9 L s-1 mol-1 at 100 C and production [32–41]. The rates of thermal degradation of
by Denisov and coworkers [29], for the reaction 2RH ? CHP at room temperature were relatively low. It occurred
O2 ? 2R• ? H2O2, to be 2.51 9 10-9 L2 mol-2 s-1 at with apparent activation energy, Ea = 97.2 kJ mol-1 [39].
90 C. Other hydrocarbons react with oxygen in the Other recent work on CHP decomposition reported higher
absence of catalyst at rates of the same order of magnitude activation energy, Ea = 120.6 kJ mol-1 and extraordi-
[30, 31]. The experimental and theoretical analysis of narily large frequency factor, A = 1030.2 s-1 [37]. Since
hydrocarbon oxidation mechanism by Denisov and frequency factor should be close to a frequency of
coworkers [29, 30] was most scrupulous and comprehen- molecular vibrations, 1013 s-1 [52–56], we believe that
sive and was accepted as classic. In our kinetic scheme of activation energy of 120.6 kJ mol-1 could be erroneous as
oxidation mechanism, we followed Denisov’s approach well. However, in all the reviewed studies a very slow
and considered that cumene oxidation initiation occurred oxidation of cumene or degradation of CHP at temperatures
by tri-molecular reaction rather than that by Russell’s \150 C was reported [34, 37, 39].
bimolecular one, RH ? O2 ? R• ? HO•2 [31]. The rate of Photochemical initiation of cumene oxidation was stud-
cumene reaction with oxygen sited by Denisov was ied in the past by many researchers starting with Hock and
Lang [10] and Melville and Richards [43]. In these inves-
tigations, photoinitiators were added to accelerate the photo-
oxidation [43, 57]. However, even in the absence of initia-
+ O O O tors, hydrocarbons eventually oxidize at room temperature
CH3 O in the dark or under ambient fluorescent illumination com-
monly used in the laboratories and warehouses [58].
CH3 Therefore, in the present work we monitored the kinetics
of cumene oxidation in the absence of initiators and com-
O + pared it with the previously published data [1–3, 11–51].
CH3 O CH3 Oxygen concentration in cumene was estimated using
available data to be &0.01 mol L-1 [60]. Photoactivation
rates were estimated from the experimental data as well
CH3 CH3 [61, 62]. In addition to experimental measurements, the
kinetics of cumene oxidation was modeled numerically by
O + C
a finite difference method [59] using our results and
CH3 OH CH3 previously published information on oxidation kinetics
[1–3, 10–51].

OH Experimental

+ Materials
+ H3C CH3
Cumene used in most experiments was 99.9 % pure (PHR
Scheme 1 Simplified cumene oxidation reaction scheme 1210-3X1.2 mL, Fluka Analytical); CHP was 89.0 ± 0.1 %

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1287

pure in cumene (Cat. No. 213942, MP Biomedicals, LLC). Table 1 GLC analysis method parameters
Toluene, acetophenone, and hexane were ReagentPlus, Function/equipment Value/setting
99 % pure grade (Sigma-Aldrich).
Injection volume 10 lL, liquid injection
Equipment Cleaning cycle Two pre-injection and post-injection
flushes with hexane
Du Pont Instruments 910 Differential Scanning Calorimeter Two pre-injection and post-injection
flushes with MEK
(DSC) with high-pressure cell or with Photo-DSC attach-
Oven temperature regime Hold at 40 C for 5 min
ment custom made by the authors was used for calorimetric
Increase temperature to 150 C
kinetic measurements. OmniCure 2000 light source and at 5 C min-1
OmniCure R2000 radiometer (Lumen Dynamics) were used Injector temperature 200 C
for photoexcitation. Two-output split optical fiber was used
FID temperature 300 C
to illuminate the reference and the sample pans of Du Pont
Carrier gas Helium
910 DSC simultaneously. Cary 4000 (Varian) spectropho-
Make-up gas Nitrogen, 27 mL min-1
tometer was used to measure absorption spectra. Emission
Helium carrier flow rate 3.0 mL min-1
spectra were measured using a fiberoptic spectrophotometer
Hydrogen flow rate 35 mL min-1
USB4000 (Ocean Optics Inc.).
Air flow rate 300 mL min-1
All the chromatographic separations were conducted
Conditions Split flow
using Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (GC) equipped
with 30 m long Supelcowax 10 capillary column.

Analytical procedures accompanied by high purity of the products. Absence of

substantial work on cumene thermal oxidation in the
DSC and photo-DSC were conducted using the 5–10 mg of absence of catalyst was discussed in the Introduction. We
cumene or CHP placed in aluminum crimping cover observed that in the absence of catalysts, cumene is highly
(SSC000E032, TA Instruments). The isothermal conditions resistant to thermal degradation. Thus, no reaction of
with initial equilibration at 20 C min-1 were used in DSC 99.9 % pure cumene with oxygen was detected by high-
experiments. pressure DSC at temperatures up to 180 C at 680 psi O2
The GC method of cumene and cumene peroxide ana- pressure. We did not monitor oxidation at higher temper-
lysis was developed and implemented using 30 m capillary atures, since even smallest amounts of CHP forming at
Supelcowax 10 column with flame ionization detector temperature[180 C led to explosions of various intensity.
(FID) (Table 1). Toluene was used as an internal standard. To evaluate the extent of cumene peroxide initiation of
The samples of cumene and CHP were diluted with hexane explosive chain oxidation, we analyzed its stability. Like
prior to the GC analysis. The reagent and product amounts cumene, cumene peroxide reaction with oxygen was almost
were obtained using calibration curves and interpolated to undetectable by high-pressure DSC at temperatures
the original concentrations in cumene. \150 C and 680 psi of oxygen. At 180 C, the degrada-
tion of &10 mg 80 % CHP in cumene occurred with an
Computations audible and destructive explosion (Fig. 1).
Relatively pure cumene was more resistant to oxidation
Solution of the stiff system of differential equations at 180 C than CHP solutions in cumene (Figs. 1, 2). The
describing cumene oxidation reaction kinetics [1–3, 11–51] exothermic oxidation of CHP solution in cumene was
was conducted using Kaps-Rentrop finite differences examined (Figs. 1, 2). The dependence of the enthalpy of
method [59]. Ordinary differential equations solver routine thermo-oxidation of CHP solution in cumene on CHP
in PSI Plot version 10.5, (Poly Software International Inc.) concentration was remarkably linear (Fig. 3). After a cal-
was used. ibration of DSC response (peak area), we were able to
detect as little as 40 ppm of CHP in cumene (Figs. 2, 3).
Overall the oxidation of up to 2 % solutions of CHP in
Results and discussion cumene at 180 C was less violent than might have been
expected considering reported autocatalytic effect of CHP
Thermal oxidation radicals [1–3]. The initial slope of each curve of heat flow
dependence on time of isothermal heating (from the end of
Commercial interest in cumene oxidation products led to heating at &1.5 min to peak inflection point) and the slope
extensive search for the improved oxidation rate and yield, of the peaks after first peak inflection point increased with

1288 V. V. Krongauz et al.

the CHP concentration (Figs. 2, 4). The slope of the DSC- could be expected to yield similar overall reaction heat
detected heat emission curves (Fig. 2) was considered (peak size). This was not observed (Figs. 1, 2). High-
proportional to an overall rate of thermo-oxidation. Then, pressure DSC experiments could not separate contributions
the rate of heat emission increased with the CHP concen- of different species and processes to overall oxidation
tration increase (Fig. 4). The higher slope of the early reaction exotherms. Therefore, we conducted kinetic
portion of DSC trace may indicate autocatalysis of the modeling of cumene autoxidation in the presence of CHP
cumene oxidation by CHP. The duration of the initial low to assist with the data interpretation.
slope, or rate of oxidation reaction, before the peak (Fig. 4)
was analogous to the induction period of oxidation reac- Analysis of cumene oxidation products
tions. With the increase of the CHP concentration duration
of initial region possibly indicating autocatalysis (Fig. 4). CHP concentration dependence of the heat of CHP thermo-
At 180 C and 680 psi of O2 80 % CHP solution in cumene oxidation reaction in solution (Fig. 3) can be and was used
reacted highly energetically (Fig. 1). It was not clear to by us for quantitative detection of CHP in cumene by DSC
what extent the heat emission kinetics was stipulated by the
cumene oxidation initiated by CHP and to what extent it 400
was determined by the reactions of CHP only. Indeed, once
350 y = 196.83x – 83.466
the radical chain reaction of cumene oxidation is initiated it R² = 0.9964


Heat released/J g–1

91 250
Heat flow/mW Exotherm →

CHP at 100 °C
CHP at 125 °C 200
CHP at 150 °C 150
51 CHP at 180 °C
21 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
CHP concentration/mass%
0.1 1 10
Time/min Fig. 3 Dependence of enthalpy of oxidation of cumene hydroper-
oxide solution in cumene at 180 C and 680 psi of O2 on CHP
Fig. 1 Typical high pressure, 680 psi of O2, DSC-monitored results concentration
of oxidation of 80 % cumene hydroperoxide solution in cumene at
different temperatures. Exothermic direction was positive in the used
position of sample and standard in DSC cell. Vertical line at 180 C 20 7.00
indicated explosive combustion at 180 C
inflection point
Rate of heat emission/mW min–1

y = –1.331ln(x) + 3.775 6.00

Inflection point time/min

50 CHP in Cumene (mass%) Heat of Reaction at 180 °C 5.00
Heat flow/mW Exotherm →

0.4 7.54 J/g

0.68 42.47 J/g 4.00
40 1.0 112.37 J/g 10
2.0 323.56 J/g
heat emission rate
30 y = 9.0147x – 2.2665
6 2.00
20 4
2 heat emission rate
y = 1.6507x + 0.8287
10 0 0.00
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

0 Cumene hydroperoxide concentration/mass%

0 10 20 30 40
Time/min Fig. 4 Dependence of the initial rate of heat emission before peak
inflection point (filled square), the initial rate of heat emission after
Fig. 2 Examples of DSC-monitored oxidation of cumene hydroper- inflection (filled circle), and the first inflection point time (filled
oxide solutions in cumene at 180 C, and 680 psi of O2. Peak height triangle) during the oxidation of solution of CHP in cumene at 180 C
increased with increase of CHP concentration in cumene and 680 psi on CHP concentration

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1289

as an alternative to other methods of CHP analysis. second region was slow, lasting up to several hours. The
Remarkably, the oxidation rates in slow and fast autoxi- rate of the reaction was obtained as a slope of the linear fit
dation regions were linearly dependent on CHP concen- to the ascending region of the heat release curve (Figs. 9,
tration as well (Fig. 4). This proportionality can be used for 10). The reaction rates in both fast and slow regions of
CHP concentration analysis as well. photo-oxidation increased with the light intensity increase
Species differentiation is difficult by classical high- as Stark–Einstein law predicted, confirming the occurrence
pressure DSC. To detect a broad range of CHP and cumene of photochemical reaction (Fig. 10). The fast, early portion
concentrations as well as reaction products, we developed a of the heat emission kinetics curve (first few seconds after
gas chromatographic (GC) technique giving a good reso- illumination start) could be attributed to the photoinitiation
lution and sensitivity (Fig. 5). Under the GC conditions of the radical reaction of cumene oxidation, while the
described above, the retention time of phenol was slower, later one could be attributed to chain propagation.
26.6 min, retention of CHP was 21.6 min, of cumene Enthalpy of cumene photo-oxidation reaction was
6.3 min, and of toluene standard 2.6 min (Fig. 5). An equal deduced from the heat flow kinetics for the entire process,
GC response to cumene and CHP could not be assumed to starting from the moment when the light exposure began,
simplify the CHP concentration determination from a and separately for the slower portion of the process starting
chromatogram (Fig. 5). Thus, the main difficulty in CHP
analysis by both, high-pressure DSC and by GC methods 3.0
arose from the absence of high-purity standard. The best Toluene
commercial standard found was only 89.0 ± 0.1 % purity 2.5
CHP solution in cumene (MP Biomedicals). The GC
response to CHP concentration was almost linear over a ↙
wide range of CHP concentrations based on this standard 1.5
dilution (Fig. 6). Hydroperoxide
1.0 ↙

Photo-oxidation, monitored by photo-DSC 0.5

According to the First Law of Photochemistry, Grotthuss– 0.0

Draper law, only the light absorbed by the molecules may –0.5
lead to chemical reaction [62]. The absorption spectra of 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
both cumene and CHP (Fig. 7) have practically no overlap Time/min
with the emission spectra of regular household fluorescent Fig. 5 A typical chromatogram of cumene photo-oxidation products
lamps (Fig. 8). Yet, we detected a substantial yield of CHP with toluene internal standard added. Retention times: ttoluene &
upon exposure of 99.9 % pure cumene to the light sources 2.6 min, tcumene & 6.3 min, tacetophenone & 19.0 min, tCHP &
with only a weak emission in UV-region. This indicated a 21.6 min, and tphenol & 26.6 min
branching, autocatalytic radical chain mechanism of photo-
oxidation leading to high CHP yield (Scheme 1).
According to the Second Law of Photochemistry, Stark–
Concentration in hexane/mg mL–1

y = 3.5897x
Einstein Law, the rate of photochemical reaction increases R ² = 0.9942 – Cumene
with the light intensity increase [62]. The light intensity – Acetophenone
dependence of cumene photo-oxidation kinetics was – Cumene Hydroperoxide

obtained using OmniCure 2000 light source, not filtered, 1.5

y = 2.9799x
continuous illumination, and Du Pont 910 DSC, 30 C R² = 0.9956

isothermal conditions, ambient air pressure (Figs. 9, 10). 1

The illumination of the sample and reference thermo-
y = –0.3817x 2 + 1.4579x
couples in Du Pont 910 DSC through split glass fiber light 0.5
guide produced a consistent initial drop in the heat flow
even in the absence of any samples in the pan. The same
drop was observed when water was placed in the sample 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
pan as well. No heating of empty or water-filled sample Normalized analyte peak height/volts
and reference pans was observed.
Fig. 6 Example of GC calibration: dependence of the analyte peak
Two distinct regions in photo-oxidation of cumene were
height normalized to toluene internal standard peak height on the
observed. First region was a few seconds wide, fast process analyte concentration in hexane: filled triangle cumene hydroperox-
starting immediately after the light exposure started, the ide, open square acetophenone, and filled circle cumene

1290 V. V. Krongauz et al.

Relative emission intensity


Heat flow/mW Exotherm →

40001 mercury 25
30001 15

–5 0.5 W cm–2 1 W cm–2 2 W cm–2
3 Wcm–2 4 W cm–2 5 W cm–2
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength/nm –15
400 4000
Fig. 7 Emission spectra of various light sources used (measured
using Ocean Optics USB 4000) Fig. 9 Dependence of DSC-detected cumene photo-oxidation
kinetics on light intensity: OmniCure 2000 light source, full spectrum:
continuous illumination, isothermal DSC regime at 30 C. Sharp
initial drop in a heat flow was due to slight difference in intensity of
1.3 100 % hexane light exposure of the sample and the standard in photo-DSC. High
initial heat release rate was attributed to photoinitiation of chain
1.1 100 % cumene oxidation of cumene. The arrows on the graph point to examples of
Optical density

the end of the fast initiation and the beginning of the slower chain
0.9 80 % CHP in cumene propagation process

0.5 Reaction Rate Light Intensity Dependence

Heat emission rate/mW s–1

short–time slope
Fitting Model:
–0.1 y = a*x^b + c
230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 a = 0.57841212
b = 0.8257315
Wavelength/nm 0.1 c = –0.081943607

Fig. 8 Absorption spectra of hexane, cumene, and 80 % solution of long–time initial slope
CHP in cumene (measured using Varian Cary 4000) 0.01

Fitting Model:
y = a*x^b + c
from the bend on heat flow curve (Fig. 9). The total 0.001 a = 0.00194807206
b = 1.85336283
enthalpy of the cumene photo-oxidation reaction and c = 0.00122442427

enthalpy of the slower, later process passed through a 0.0001

0 1 2 3 4 5
maximum as the light intensity increased (Fig. 11). Such
Light intensity/W cm–2
behavior was observed in the past in radical polymerization
reactions. The heat effect of a complex reaction is a sum of Fig. 10 Dependence of DSC-detected cumene photo-oxidation rate
all enthalpies of the elementary steps. Thus, it was on light intensity: OmniCure 2000 light source, full spectrum,
observed by Alfrey and Lewis that exothermicity of co- continuous illumination, isothermal DSC regime at 30 C. The top
curve (filled triangle) represents early, chain initiation events, lower
polymerization reaction depends on relative monomer curve (filled circle) corresponds to the initial portion of the later chain
concentration and passes through the maximum at certain propagation process
monomer ratio [63, 64]. Krongauz observed that in the
absence of oxygen photo-induced radical processes were and the chain reaction propagation rate as was established
overall less exothermic than in the presence of oxygen. He by Norrish, Smith, Medvedev and Trommsdorff [65–69],
supported his explanation for the observed lower enthalpy while higher radical concentration lead to faster oxygen
of oxygen-free radical photopolymerization by showing scavenging. As a result, low contribution of radical reac-
that the sum of enthalpies of elementary radical reactions tions with oxygen would reduce overall exothermicity of
was higher in the presence of oxygen [65–67] (Table 2). At cumene photo-oxidation at high light intensity (Fig. 11)
high intensity of initiating light oxygen diffusion into the [65–69]. Further analysis and kinetic modeling are needed
liquid layer where photo-activated radical processes occur to confirm the interpretation of this behavior of cumene
could become slower than the rate of generation of radicals photo-oxidation reaction enthalpy. The observed maximum

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1291

in the dependence of the enthalpy of cumene photo-oxi- bonds far exceeds thermal energy at temperatures between
dation on light intensity was not reported previously 30 and 100 C. However, the diffusion controlled chain
(Fig. 11). propagation and termination reactions are sensitive even to
minor temperature variations [75].
Photo-oxidation threshold energy The activation energy of cumene photo-oxidation was
found using the Arrhenius–Eyring equation:
To the best of our knowledge, the activation energy of Ea
k ¼ AeRT ;
cumene photo-oxidation in the absence of catalyst was not
reported previously. Temperature dependence of cumene where k is a rate constant, A is a frequency factor, usually
photo-oxidation kinetics was monitored at temperatures A & 1013 s-1, R = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1, T is absolute tem-
between 30 and 100 C under isothermal photo-DSC perature and Ea is an activation energy. The activation
regime at initiating light intensity of 2.0 W cm-2 (Fig. 12). energy of photo-oxidation was obtained using Arrhenius–
The slope of a linear fit (PSI Plot) to the initial regions of Eyring plot of the natural logarithm of the photo-oxidation
the kinetic curves (virtually first few points) (Fig. 12) rate dependence on the inverse absolute temperature. The
yielded the rates of cumene photo-oxidation. The fast slope of the linear fit to the experimental heat flow curve
photoinitiation process rate showed no temperature (in the slower kinetic region starting from the inflection
dependence, confirming it as a region of initiation, where point) yielded the activation energy of cumene photo-oxi-
the radicals are generated by light absorption and covalent dation to be Ea & 22.3 kJ mol-1 (Fig. 13). The value of
bond cleavage (Fig. 12). Indeed, the energy required to Ea & 22.3 kJ mol-1 is close to that of reactions of
cleave the carbon–carbon and carbon–hydrogen covalent hydrogen abstraction from hydrocarbons by radicals, which
is also &20 ± 5 kJ mol-1 for most systems [1, 3, 70, 71].
For example, Bamford and Dewar reported activation
Specific total enthalpy of reaction/J g–1

energy of &18 kJ mol-1 for tetraline photo-initiated

7000 autoxidation [72].
Activation energy value of Ea & 22.3 kJ mol-1 indi-
cated that the slower portion of the DSC-detected heat flow
5000 kinetic curves (Figs. 9, 12) corresponded to the radical
4000 chain propagation and termination reactions, while fast,
temperature-invariant portion corresponded to direct light-
hydrocarbon interaction.

Photo-oxidation, monitored by GC

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The peroxide-free cumene (99.9 % pure analytical standard
Illumination light power/W cm–2 grade) and solvent grade cumene (99 % pure grade) were
exposed in 1 9 1 cm quartz cell continuously to
Fig. 11 Dependence of DSC-detected heat of the reaction of cumene 2.0 W cm-2 broad-spectrum light from OmniCure 2000
photo-oxidation on light intensity (OmniCure 2000 light source, full
spectrum continuous illumination, isothermal DSC regime at 30 C):
(Fig. 7). The kinetics of CHP formation upon cumene
filled triangle total enthalpy of photo-oxidation reaction; filled circle photolysis was monitored using GC analysis of the cumene
enthalpy of photo-oxidation excluding the fast initiation region and its photo-oxidation products (Fig. 5). It was observed

Table 2 Radical reactions enthalpy [65–67]

Radical reactions in oxygen Specific total Radical reactions Specific total
enthalpy/kJ mol-1 without oxygen enthalpy/kJ mol-1

RCH•2 ? O2 ? ROO• 121.3 R• ? R• ? R2 100–330

• •
RCH2OO $ [RCH–O–O–HH ]* -14.6 R• ? H2C=CR1 ? •R–CH2C–R1 8–80

RCHOOH• ? RCHO• ? OH• 238.5 R• ? HR1 ? RH ? R•1 8–80

2RCHO• ? RCO ? RCOH 334.7
RCHO• ? R•1 ? RCHOR1 188.3

1292 V. V. Krongauz et al.

25 3.0

Concentration of CHP in cumene/mass%

20 2.5

Heat flow/mW Exotherm


0 30 °C 50 °C 65 °C

75 °C 90 °C

–10 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 5 10 15
Time/s Time of exposure to 2.0W cm–2 of UV/hour

Fig. 12 Dependence of DSC-detected cumene photo-oxidation Fig. 14 Kinetics of cumene hydroperoxide formation upon UV
kinetics on temperature. OmniCure 2000 light source, full spectrum, exposure of cumene: filled circle analytical grade, 99.9 % pure
continuous illumination light intensity was 2.00 W cm-2 in all the cumene; filled triangle solvent grade, 99 % pure cumene
measurements. Sharp initial drop in a heat flow was due to slight
difference in intensity of light exposure of the sample and the

Concentration of CHP in cumene/mass%

standard in photo-DSC. High initial heat release rate was attributed to 3.0
photoinitiation of chain oxidation of cumene. The arrows on the
graph point to examples of the end of the fast initiation and the 2.5
beginning of the slower chain propagation process

Activation energy, E a = 22.3 kJ/mol 1.5



0 5 10 15
–4.5 Fitting Model:
y = a*x + b Time of exposure to 2.0W cm–2 of UV/hour
a = –2684.25
b = 4.021 Fig. 15 Superimposed kinetics of CHP formation upon UV exposure
–5.0 of 99 % pure cumene and of 99.9 % pure cumene: filled circle
0.0027 0.0028 0.0029 0.0030 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034
–1 –1 analytical grade, 99.9 % pure cumene; filled triangle solvent grade,
T /K 99 % pure cumene data shifted in time
Fig. 13 Dependence of DSC-detected cumene photo-oxidation rate
(slow portion of the process, chain propagation) on inverse temper- concentration, Co, obtained by the regression fitting of the
ature. OmniCure 2000 light source, full spectrum, continuous data was 0.01 % for first 4 h of reaction and 0.1 % for later
illumination light intensity was 2.00 W cm-2 in all the measurements
processes. Since the initial purity of cumene was 99.9 %,
the initial value of 0.01 % was plausible.
that the CHP formation kinetics were different for cumene The difference in the apparent rate constants is a result
of different purity (Fig. 14). However, after some amount of gross simplification of the complex chain mechanism of
of CHP was formed in 99.9 % pure cumene, the kinetics of hydrocarbon oxidation. Nevertheless, the extraction of
CHP production followed the same kinetic path regardless apparent overall rate constant and apparent activation
the original CHP concentration (Fig. 15). energy allows a straightforward estimate of the reaction
Under the assumption of pseudo-first order kinetics, i.e., rate and comparison of oxidation stability of various
Concentration = Coekt, it was found that during the first compounds, becoming almost traditional in the literature
4 h of exposure to 2.00 W cm-2 broad-spectrum UV light [1–3, 33, 39, 45].
CHP formation occurred with the rate constant The rate constants for reactions occurring under the
kCHP & 0.76 s-1, while the rate constant of CHP forma- exposure to light of different intensity could be obtained
tion after 4 h was &0.2 s-1 (Figs. 14, 15, data). Initial from the rate constants at 2.00 W cm-2 light dose,

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1293

considering that the radical production rate constant con-

Concentration of acetophenone in
tains a square root of light intensity, I0.5 [62, 75]. 0.05

According to the published data [12], acetophenone is


a product of CHP decomposition. We detected formation
of around 10-2 % of acetophenone during light exposure 0.03
of cumene (Fig. 16, top). It was observed that when CHP
is initially present in cumene, like in the reagent grade 0.02
solvent, the acetophenone was also present as an impu-
rity, and slowly decayed under the light exposure 0.01

(Fig. 16, top). However, when 99.9 % cumene analytical

standard was exposed to light, acetophenone concentra- 0 5 10 15
tion steadily increased with time of light exposure and UV exposure time/hour
kinetics of its accumulation resembled the one expected

Concentration of phenol in cumene

for the secondary products of cumene oxidation (Fig. 16, 0.007
top). Similarly, phenol was present as an impurity in the 0.006
reagent grade, 99 % pure, cumene, and decayed upon the
light exposure, however formed upon UV exposure of
99.9 % pure analytical cumene standard (Fig. 16, bot-

tom). It appeared that phenol photo-degraded faster than 0.003
acetophenone (Fig. 16), which may explain its lower
concentration in the UV-exposed cumene. The kinetic 0.002

modeling of cumene oxidation qualitatively confirmed 0.001

the low concentrations of forming phenol and
acetophenone. 0 5 10 15
UV exposure time/hour
Kinetic modeling Fig. 16 Top kinetics of acetophenone formation upon UV exposure
of analytic, 99.9 % pure, cumene (filled circle) and reagent grade,
We modeled formal kinetics of cumene autoxidation using 99 % pure, cumene containing initially [5 % cumene peroxide (filled
Gulbert and Waage’s Law of Mass Action [61, 73, 74]. square). Bottom kinetics of phenol formation upon UV exposure of
analytic, 99.9 % pure, cumene (filled diamond) and reagent grade,
According to the Mass Action Law, the rate of reaction is 99 % pure, cumene containing initially [5 % cumene peroxide (filled
proportional to the product of reactants concentrations. triangle)
Thus, for the reaction aA ? bB ? cC, where A, B, and C
are reactants and product, and a, b, c are the corresponding investigations of cumene oxidation to construct a reason-
stoichiometric coefficients, the Law of Mass Action would ably comprehensive reaction scheme [1–3, 11–51]
take a form: (Table 3). As in the cited publications, more elementary
reactions could be added, but we believed that the reaction
1 d½A 1 d½B 1 d½C
¼ ¼ ¼ k½Ax ½By ; scheme was realistic and in agreement with the published
a dt b dt c dt models [1–3, 10–51]. Some reactions, for example,
where t is time, x and y are the reaction order with respect decomposition of dicumyl peroxide (P in the equations)
to the reagents A and B present in concentrations [A] and [37] were not included in our reaction scheme (Table 3).
[B], respectively [61]. A series of differential equations The rate constants used in the computations were shown in
describing the rates of elementary steps of a complex the last column of Table 3.
reaction are integrated to obtain dependence of the It was assumed that viscosity of cumene was low
reagent and product concentrations on time of reaction. enough to insure that mixing of the reagents was much
We used Kaps–Rentrop finite differences methods of faster than the elementary reactions rates, i.e., kinetics in
numeric integration of a series of stiff differential equa- ‘‘perfectly stirred’’ reactor was considered. This assump-
tions [59]. tion is contrary to the experimental dependence of reaction
The series of elementary reactions involved in hydro- enthalpy on the UV light intensity (Fig. 11). However, at
carbons oxidation are usually abbreviated to a few reactions 2.00 W cm-2 of UV dose and low temperature thermal
which influence the rate of products formation the most. In oxidation, formal kinetics with no diffusion rate controlling
published cumene oxidation process studies, the reaction step was applicable.
scheme varied from one author to another [1–3, 10–51]. Oxygen solubility in non-polar hydrocarbon liquids
We compiled the results of the previously published varies from 10-2–10-3 mol L-1 [60]. We used constant

1294 V. V. Krongauz et al.

Table 3 Mechanism of cumene oxidation (R is Cumyl) used in thermo-oxidation modeling

Reaction Rate const Rate constant value Temperature/C References Constants used
in calculations

2RH ? O2 ? 2R• ? H2O2 k1(Denisov) 0.25 9 10-8 L2 s-1 mol-2 90 [29, 30] 2 9 10-8 L2 s-1 mol-2
-8 2 -1 -2
1.52 9 10 L s mol 120
2.61 9 10-8 L2 s-1 mol-2 130
5.66 9 10-8 L2 s-1 mol-2 140
R• ? O2 ? ROO• k2 1 9 109 L s-1 mol-1 35 [42] 1 9 105 L s-1 mol-1
5 -1 -1
1 9 10 L s mol 85 [16, 17]
5 -1 -1
4 9 10 L s mol 65 [11]
1 9 107 L s-1 mol-1 Any [3, 46]
ROO• ? RH ? ROOH ? R• k3 1.0 L s-1 mol-1 65 [11] 1.0 L s-1 mol-1
-1 -1
1.2 L s mol 110 [34]
1.7 L s-1 mol-1 85 [16]
-1 -1
1.035 L s mol 65 [17]
0.31 L s-1 mol-1 50 [43]
0.56 L s-1 mol-1 65 [43]
0.64 L s-1 mol-1 57 [27]
ROO• ? ROO• ? 2RO• ? O2 k4 5.4 9 104 L s-1 mol-1 85 [16, 17] 2 9 104 L s-1 mol-1
2.8 9 104 L s-1 mol-1 50 [43]
4 -1 -1
3.3 9 10 L s mol 65, 57 [27, 43]
1.6 9 104 L s-1 mol-1 30 [11]
1. 9 108 L s-1 mol-1 25–65 [11]
0.87 9 104 L s-1 mol-1 25 [45]
3.05 9 104 L s-1 mol-1 65 [45]
• •
RO ? RH ? ROH ? R k5 [4 9 105 L s-1 mol-1 65 [11] 1.0 L s-1 mol-1
-1 -1
11 L s mol 66 [17]
0.64 L s-1 mol-1 57 [27]
ROOH ? RO• ? HO• k6 3.5 9 10-6 s-1 100 Computed 1 9 10-6 s-1
using [33, 44]
7.1 9 10-9 s-1 100 Computed using [39]
1.4 s-1 100 Computed using [41]
HO• ? RH ? H2O ? R• k7 0.64 L s-1 mol-1 57 [27] 1.0 L s-1 mol-1
• • 4 -1 -1
R ? R ? R2 k8 3.3 9 10 L s mol 65, 57 [16, 17, 27, 43] 3.3 9 104 L s-1 mol-1
RO• ? RO• ? ROOR k9
R• ? RO• ? ROR k10
R• ? ROO• ? ROOR k11
R• ? HO• ? ROH k12
RO• ? HO• ? ROOH k13
RO• ? ROO• ? ROR ? O2 k14
HO• ? HO• ? H2O2 k15
HO• ? ROO• ? ROH ? O2 k16
H2O2 ? HO• ? HO• k17 1 9 10-12 to 10-19 s-1 25 Computed 1 9 10-12 s-1
using [47–51]
RO• ? ROOH ? k18 1. 9 106 L s-1 mol-1 25 [16, 17, 27] 1. 9 106 L s-1 mol-1
ROH ? ROO• 12 L s-1
mol -1
1.0 L s-1 mol-1

oxygen concentration of 10-2 mol L-1 in all the compu- above). The number of photons emitted by OmniCure 2000
tations. Light intensity up to 5.0 J s-1 cm-2 was used in light source at this wavelength would be of
OmniCure 2000 Hg lamp illumination. The absorbed O(1019) s-1 cm-2. Considering that the area of the DSC
photons corresponded to the wavelengths B405 nm (see pan was &0.25 cm2 and assuming absorbance of 0.1 and a

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1295

0 rate equations corresponding to the kinetic scheme of
Table 3 are presented below:
10 RH
Concentration/mol L–1

ROOH ½RH0 ¼ ½RHðk0  k1 ½RH½O2   k3 ½ROO 
10 ROH
k5 ½RO   k7 ½HO Þ
–3 H2O
P ½ROOH0 ¼ k3 ½ROO ½RH  k6 ½ROOH
–4 H2O2  
þk13 ½RO ½HO   k18 RO ½ROOH
10 ½ROH0 ¼ k5 ½RO ½RH þ k12 ½R ½HO 
10 þk16 ½RO ½HO  þ k18 ½RO ½ROOH
–7 ½R2 0 ¼ k8 ½R ½R 
10 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
½P0 ¼ k9 ½RO ½RO  þ k11 ½R ½ROO 
½H2 O0 ¼ k7 ½RH½HO 
½H2 O2 0 ¼ k1 ½RH½RH½O2  þ k15 ½HO ½HO 
10 RH k17 ½H2 O2 
Concentration/mol L–1

10 ROH ½ROR ¼ k10 ½R ½RO  þ k14 ½RO ½ROO 
½R 0 ¼ k0 ½RH þ k1 ½RH½RH½O2 k2 ½R ½O2 
–4 P þk3 ½ROO ½RH þ k5 ½RO ½RH
H2O2 þk7 ½RH½HO 
–5 ROR
k8 ½R ½R   k10 ½R ½RO 
10 k11 ½R ½ROO   k12 ½R ½HO 
10 0 1 2 3 4 5
k18 ½RO ½ROOH
10 10 10 10 10 10
Time/s ½RO 0 ¼ k4 ½ROO ½ROO  þ k6 ½ROOH
k5 ½RO ½RH  k9 ½RO ½RO   k10 ½R ½RO 
Fig. 17 Computed kinetics of cumene thermal oxidation at 30 C.
The rate constant of cumene hydroperoxide reaction with radicals was k13 ½RO ½HO   k14 ½RO ½ROO 
1 9 106 L mol-1 s-1 (top) and 1.0 L mol-1 s-1 (bottom). Radical k18 ½RO ½ROOH
species are not shown
½ROO 0 ¼ k2 ½R ½O2   k3 ½ROO ½RH  k4 ½ROO ½ROO 
k11 ½R ½ROO   k14 ½RO ½ROO 
17 19 -1
quantum yield of 1 [61, 62], from 10 to 10 s k16 ½HO ½ROO  þ k18 ½RO ½ROOH

radicals-forming events, such as RH ? hm ?

½HO 0 ¼ k6 ½ROOH  k7 ½RH½HO 
RH* ? R• ? H•, would occur by the reaction of cumene
and CHP with light. This would correspond to the photo- k12 ½R ½HO   k13 ½RO ½HO 
initiation photon flux of B10-5 mol s-1. The value of k15 ½HO ½HO   k16 ½ROO ½HO 
k0 & 10-5 s-1 was used for photoinitiation rate constant in þk17 ½H2 O2 
the finite differences model computations of photo-oxida-
tion for both cumene and CHP initial radical formation rate The computed cumene oxidation kinetics, in both thermal
constants. In thermal oxidation computations, k0 = 0 was and photo-oxidation, was very sensitive to the selection of
used. the rate constant of the CHP reaction with radical species
The thermal autoxidation initiation mechanism of Den- (reaction 18, Table 3). The kinetics of thermo- and photo-
isov and coworkers was adapted in calculations: oxidation of cumene were computed using two different rate
2RH ? O2 ? 2R• ? H2O2 [29]. The value of 10-8 s-1 constants, k18. One value of rate constant of CHP reaction
was used for thermal auto-initiation rate constant at 30 C with radicals was 1 9 106 L s-1 mol-1 as was estimated in
(Table 3). the past [16, 17]. Other published data indicated that the
The model computations were conducted using the stability of CHP was comparable to that of cumene [32–39].
following set of differential equations for the reagent and Therefore, it was reasonable to assume that CHP and
product concentrations with cumene initial concentration cumene reacted with radicals with similar rate constants of
arbitrarily set to 1.0 mol L-1 under the assumption of &1.0 L s-1 mol-1. Substitution of the lower rate constants
30 C reaction in both thermal and photo-oxidation. The for CHP reaction with radicals, k18 = 1.0 L s-1 mol-1,

1296 V. V. Krongauz et al.

0 1.0
10 RH
10 ROH 0

Concentration/mol L–1
Concentration/mol L–1

10 0.1
–3 P 0.6 0.5 0.5
10 H2O2
–4 ROR
10 0.4 0.1
–5 0
–7 0.0
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
10 10 10 10 10 10
Time/s Time/s
10 RH
–1 0.8

Concentration/mol L–1
10 ROH
Concentration/mol L–1

10 R2 0.6
P 0.5
10 H2O2
ROR 0.4
–4 0.1
10 0.2
–7 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 Time/s
Fig. 19 Computed kinetics of cumene thermal oxidation (top) and
Fig. 18 Computed kinetics of cumene photo-oxidation at 30 C. photo-oxidation (bottom) at 30 C at different initial concentrations of
Radical species and some stable products are not shown. Rate CHP: thick lines cumene; dotted lines 2-cumyl alcohol; dashed lines
constants of cumene peroxide and cumene reactions with radicals CHP. Rate constants of cumene peroxide reactions with the radical
were 1 9 106 L mol-1 s-1 (top) and 1.0 L mol-1 s-1 (bottom) species were 1.0 L mol-1 s-1. Numbers crossed by the curves
correspond to the initial CHP concentration (mol L-1) used in
computations of a particular specie behavior
resulted in different computed CHP formation kinetics, both
in thermal and photolytic processes (Figs. 17, 18). CHP reaction with radical, 1 9 106 L s-1 mol-1, was used
Computations suggested that slower cumene peroxide in computations, the yields of CHP and the secondary
degradation would actually lead to higher cumene species in computed photo-oxidation were lower (Fig. 18,
oxidation rate, while fast degradation of CHP would top) than the yields obtained using k18 = 1.0 L s-1 mol-1
reduce the oxidation reaction rates for thermal and photo (Fig. 17, bottom). However, use of either rate constant
processes (Figs. 17, 18). The computed yields of CHP were resulted in plausible and comparable photo-oxidation
slightly lower in case of thermal oxidation model with high kinetics. Faster conversion of cumene at lower CHP con-
k18 (Fig. 17). The formation of the secondary species such as version rate was consistent with the autocatalysis by the
hydrogen peroxide was delayed when we used larger amounts of forming CHP (Fig. 18).
k18 = 1 9 106 L s-1 mol-1 in computations (Fig. 17, The experimental data showed a noticeable catalysis of
top). In photooxidation more drastic difference in cumene CHP formation by CHP forming under thermal oxidation
oxidation kinetics was observed for all the species (Fig. 18, (Figs. 2, 8). To illustrate autocatalysis effects, we used
top vs. bottom). These results are consistent with three initial concentrations of CHP in kinetic computations,
autocatalysis by CHP. 0.0, 0.1, and 0.5 mol L-1. The results of computations of
Our experiments showed a fast accumulation of CHP in thermal and photo-oxidation kinetics using the either 1.0 or
UV-exposed cumene forming 2.5 % CHP in 15 h (Figs. 14, 15). 1 9 106 L s-1 mol-1 as k18 value showed autocatalysis
The experimentally obtained concentration of the second- leading to increased yield of the CHP degradation products,
ary species, such as 2-cumyl alcohol, acetophenone or such as 2-cumyl alcohol and phenol, and faster cumene
phenol after the same UV exposure time, was two orders of degradation. We displayed only the results for
magnitude lower (Fig. 16). When the high rate constant of k18 = 1.0 L s-1 mol-1 (Fig. 19).

Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation of cumene 1297

In simulated thermal oxidation at 30 C, the computed (Figs. 2, 3). Another technique used capillary gas chro-
cumene disappearance rate increased with initial CHP matography (Figs. 4, 5). The GC technique was used to
concentration increase, and the computed yield of the detect cumene, CHP and the products of CHP degradation,
secondary products increased as well (Fig. 19, top). When phenol and acetophenone. GC was used for point-by-point
much faster photo-oxidation initiation was modeled, com- discrete kinetic monitoring (Figs. 14, 15, 16).
puted autocatalytic effect of CHP on the kinetics of cumene Kinetics of cumene autoxidation was monitored con-
disappearance was substantially weaker than in the case of tinuously by reaction heat emission rate using high-pres-
thermal oxidation process (Fig. 19, bottom). Indeed, fast sure DSC and low-pressure photo-DSC.
initiation rate and fast cumene radicals formation used in Thermal catalyst-free autoxidation of cumene in the
photo-oxidation model, lead to very weak influence of absence of initiator or catalyst was found to be insignificant
secondary radicals forming during CHP degradation on at room temperature and 680 psi O2 pressure, and explo-
cumene disappearance. However, CHP and secondary sive at temperatures near and above 180 C. Autocatalysis
species were sensitive to the change in initial CHP con- of cumene catalyst-free autoxidation by CHP, especially at
centration (Fig. 19, bottom). Our experimental data 180 C, was confirmed.
showed strong dependence of CHP yield during cumene Activation energy of the photo-oxidation of cumene was
photolysis on the initial CHP concentration (Figs. 14, 15). found by photo-DSC method to be Ea = 22.3 kJ mol-1
It appears that computed CHP yield was similarly sensitive (Figs. 12, 13). The value was consistent with the radical chain
to initial CHP concentration (Fig. 19). Naturally, at long process, which constituted most of the autoxidation of
reaction times some of the formed CHP would decay, as cumene. Under assumption of pseudo-first order reaction, the
was shown by classic consequent reactions shape of the rate constant of CHP formation upon exposure to
computed data plots (Fig. 19). The secondary products 2.00 W cm-2 broad-spectrum UV activation was found to
formation computed using cumene photo-oxidation model change from kCHP & 0.76 s-1 at the early stage of photo-
showed the CHP catalysis comparable to that computed for oxidation (0–4 h) to kCHP & 0.2 s-1at the later stages. The
the thermal process (Fig. 19, top vs. bottom). rate constants under other light intensity could be obtained
The modeling of formal reaction kinetics depends on the using photoinitiation rate proportionality to the square root of
choice of the elementary reactions, and the values of the activation light intensity [75]. It was established that the initial
corresponding rate constants. Kinetic model is helpful in presence of CHP in cumene does not change the photo-oxi-
prediction and illustration of the relative yields and relative dation kinetics, but shifts the kinetic curve to the earlier times,
kinetics of reactions, when experimental data are difficult or consistent with autocatalysis by the CHP (Figs. 14, 15).
dangerous to obtain, like the data of cumene autoxidation at It was observed that the total heat of photo-oxidation
high cumene conversion, or high temperature. It appears that reaction dependence on activating light intensity passed
the selected kinetic scheme and the rate constants presented in through a maximum (Fig. 11). The observed behavior was
Table 3 provided a reasonably comprehensive kinetic model attributed to the decreasing contribution of the enthalpy of
and can be used to visualize cumene autoxidation, under both reactions between the radicals and oxygen as concentration
thermal and photoinitiation in the absence of initiators or of radicals and the radicals reactions rates increased with
catalysts. It appears that k18 = 1.0 L s-1 mol-1 or the light intensity increase.
k18 = 12.0 L s-1 mol-1 [27] could be reasonably chosen. A formal kinetic model of cumene autoxidation was
Use of a higher rate constant of k18 = 1 9 106 L s-1 mol-1 developed and kinetics was computed under various
did not lead to physically impossible computational results. assumptions using finite difference method (Table 3;
However, similar rates of CHP and cumene reactions with Figs. 17–19). The sensitivity of the computations results to
radicals [27] appear more realistic. rate of CHP degradation was found and evaluated. The
kinetic scheme (Table 3) gave good semi-quantitative
agreement with the experimentally obtained kinetics of
Conclusions cumene autoxidation.
Kinetics of thermal and photo-oxidation reactions was
The initiator and catalyst-free cumene autoxidation under extensively studied in the past [1–3, 11–57]. However, the
thermal and photochemical initiation leading to formation mechanism and kinetics of these reactions was not con-
of unstable peroxides was monitored and the mechanism of clusively established due to experimental difficulties in
this chain process was numerically modeled. monitoring intermediate species. This lack of detailed
Two methods of cumene peroxide concentration moni- experimental information on the hydrocarbons oxidation
toring were developed and used. One method was based on intermediates and kinetics lead, for example, to recent
monitoring, by DSC, the heat of CHP solution oxidation, attempt to re-evaluate the intermediates in chain oxidation
which was proportional to the peroxide concentration of hydrocarbons using molecular modeling [76]. Most of

1298 V. V. Krongauz et al.

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