Mind Mapping

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Yogyakarta as a tourism city given more impact on attitude and Teenagers, that at the time of puberty is time in which they seek the
behaviour sexuality among adolescents. Including the pattern of teenage identity and meaning of life. In these days teenagers have such great
sexuality. curiosity in everything. No wonder that some of them often make risky
The study is basically on the attitude and behaviour about sexuality decisions just to feel the things they do not know yet, including the
among adolescents. mystery of sexuality.
This study was conducted in adolescents aged 15 – 17 years. By this time fredoom of association has reached and alarming level.
The purpose of this study is to inform sex education, policymaking, Teenagers have never had sex with boyfriends/Girlfriends.
prevention and intervention program. Freesex behavior causes many negative effects for adolescents.
Because adolescents have high risk sexual behavior.


 Design: Descriptive quantitative

ATTITUDE AND  Place of study : high school in city yogyakarta
BEHAVIOR SEXUAL  Population : Adolescents aged 15-17 years
 Total sammple : 106 people
 The sexual attitudes of this study were
YOGYAKARTA measured by the Brief sexual Attitude Scale (
Indonesian journal of nursing practices
permissiveness, birth control, communion and
Vol. 1 NO. 2 Juni 2017 instrumentality)
 Reliability test with Alpha Cronbach
 Questionnaire from Tara


This study was conducted in adolescents aged 15 – 17 years (Male
The man shown to prefer high premarital sexual behavior than 64,6 % Female 42,4%).
female. Adolescents still have high risk sexual behavior, so parent, Teens get sexuality information through media electronic without
school and goverment should arrange intervention program together consulting to parents.
toward sex education for adolescent Parents should provide reproductive health information.
Teenagers should be open with parents.
Listen and feel.
Teenagers have sex in relationships in the name of love.

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