BITS Goa Conference
BITS Goa Conference
BITS Goa Conference
IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. IEEE ANTS is financially and technically supported by IEEE
Communications Society. The distinguishing characteristic of IEEE ANTS is the promotion of an intense dialogue between academia and industry to bridge the
gap between academic research, industry initiatives, and governmental policies. This is fostered through panel discussions, keynotes, invited talks, and industry
exhibits, where academia is exposed to state-of-the-practice and results from trials and interoperability experiments. The industry, in turn, benefits from
exposure to leading-edge research as well as an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with academic researchers regarding practical problems. This year
the theme is “BRIDGE TO CONNECT EVERYTHING”. In addition to the myriad of topics mentioned in the list below, technical papers are invited which have special
focus on enabling technologies for a hyper-connected world. IEEE ANTS 2019 will be held at BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, one among the six institutes
of eminence identified by the Government of India. The theme of the conference will foster an environment for deliberating on different research aspects on
the said topic. Authors can submit short (4 pages) and regular (max 6 pages) papers that contain original material which is not currently communicated in
other conference or journal and has not been previously published. Potential research topics include (but not limited to) following thrust areas.
capabilities to researchers and engineers from all IEEE ANTS will present Best Paper Awards during the conference. After double-blind review, all accepted and presented papers will appear in IEEE Xplore and indexed
over the world. For more details about in SCOPUS, Google Scholar and other major indexing. There will be a few workshops co-located with the conference. Proposals to organize workshops in- line with
sponsorship, please visit: the theme and main conference are also encouraged. In addition, those interested in the conference are also encouraged to submit proposals for tutorials and PhD
comsoc- patrons/ Forum. IEEE ANTS 2019 offers several student travel grants of up to INR 7000/- to students who registered and co-authored an accepted paper in IEEE ANTS 2019
on competition basis.
or Please contact Dr. Sudhir Dixit for more
Extended version of selected accepted paper might be included for publication in selected IEEE publications
information at
Submit your paper using EDAS link
[email protected]
For enquiries: [email protected]