Percutaneous VR 2019

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Guidelines for the Evaluation of Valvular

Regurgitation After Percutaneous Valve
Repair or Replacement
A Report from the American Society of Echocardiography Developed in
Collaboration with the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and
Interventions, Japanese Society of Echocardiography, and Society for
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
William A. Zoghbi, MD, FASE, (Chair), Federico M. Asch, MD, FASE, Charles Bruce, MBChB, FASE,
Linda D. Gillam, MD, MPH, FASE, Paul A. Grayburn, MD, FASE, Rebecca T. Hahn, MD, FASE,
Ignacio Inglessis, MD, Ashequl M. Islam, MD, MPH, FSCAI, Stamatios Lerakis, MD, FASE,
Stephen H. Little, MD, FASE, Robert J. Siegel, MD, FASE, Nikolaos Skubas, MD, DSc, FASE,
Timothy C. Slesnick, MD, FASE, William J. Stewart, MD, FASE, Paaladinesh Thavendiranathan, MD, MSc, FASE,
Neil J. Weissman, MD, FASE, Satoshi Yasukochi, MD, JCC, SJSUM, and Karen G. Zimmerman, BS, ACS, RDCS,
RVT, FASE, Houston and Dallas, Texas; Washington, District of Columbia; Rochester, Minnesota; Morristown, New
Jersey; New York, New York; Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Cleveland, Ohio;
Atlanta, Georgia; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Nagano, Japan; and Morgantown, West Virginia

Keywords: Doppler echocardiography, Valve disease, Transaortic valve replacement, Magnetic resonance
imaging, Aortic regurgitation, Mitral regurgitation

In addition to the collaborating societies listed in the title, this document is endorsed by the following American
Society of Echocardiography International Alliance Partners: Argentine Society of Cardiology, Argentinian
Federation of Cardiology, Asian-Pacific Association of Echocardiography, Australasian Sonographers Association,
Cardiovascular Imaging Department of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, Canadian Society of Echocardiography,
Chinese Society of Echocardiography, Echocardiography Section of the Cuban Society of Cardiology, Indian
Academy of Echocardiography, Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologists, Indonesian Society
of Echocardiography, InterAmerican Association of Echocardiography, Iranian Society of Echocardiography, Israeli
Working Group on Echocardiography, Italian Association of CardioThoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care, Mexican Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging, National Association of Cardiologists of
Mexico, National Society of Echocardiography of Mexico, Saudi Arabian Society of Echocardiography, Thai Society of
Echocardiography, and Venezuelan Society of Cardiology.

From Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas (W.A.Z. and S.H.L.); MedStar Health for Abbott Vascular, Edwards Lifesciences, Medtronic, Philips Healthcare, Siemens
Research Institute, Washington, District of Columbia (F.M.A. and N.J.W.); Mayo Clinic, Healthineers and Gore and Associates, serves on the speaker’s bureau for Abbott
Rochester, Minnesota (C.B.); Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, New Jersey Vascular, Boston Scientific, Edwards Lifesciences, Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthi-
(L.D.G.); Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas (P.A.G.); Columbia University neers; Ashequl M. Islam, MD, MPH, FSCAI, consulted for Edwards and Medtronic; Stama-
Medical Center, New York, New York (R.T.H.); Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, tios Lerakis, MD, FASE, consulted for Edwards Lifesciences; Stephen H. Little, MD, FASE,
Massachusetts (I.I.); Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts (A.M.I.); Icahn received research support from Medtronic and Abbott Vascular, and consulted for Abbott
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York (S.L.); Emory University School of Vascular. Robert J. Siegel, MD, FASE, served on the speaker’s bureau for Abbott Vascular
Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (T.C.S.); Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California and Philips; William A. Zoghbi, MD, FASE, has a licensing agreement with GE Healthcare
(R.J.S.); Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio (N.S. and W.J.S.); University of Toronto, and is on the advisory board for Abbott Vascular, GE Healthcare, and Siemens Healthi-
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (P.T.); Nagano Children’s Hospital, Nagano, Japan (S.Y.); West neers.
Virginia University Heart & Vascular Institute, Morgantown, West Virginia (K.G.Z.). Reprint requests: American Society of Echocardiography, 2530 Meridian Parkway, Suite
The following authors reported no actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this 450, Durham, NC 27713 (Email: [email protected]).
document: Ignacio Inglessis, MD; Nikolaos Skubas, MD, FASE, DSc; Timothy Slesnick,
MD, FASE; William J. Stewart, MD, FASE; Paaladinesh Thavendiranathan, MD; Satoshi Ya- Attention ASE Members:
sukochi, MD, JCC, SJSUM; Karen G. Zimmerman, BS, ACS, RDCS, RVT, FASE. The
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following authors reported relationships with one or more commercial interests: Federico
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tronic; Paul A. Grayburn, MD, FASE, consulted for Abbott Vascular, Neochord, and Ten- Copyright 2019 by the American Society of Echocardiography.
dyne and received research support from Abbott Vascular, Tendyne, Valtech, Edwards,
Medtronic, Neochord, and Boston Scientific; Rebecca T. Hahn, MD, FASE, consulted
432 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019


2D = Two-dimensional
3D = Three-dimensional I. Introduction 433
II. General Principles 433
AR = Aortic regurgitation III. Percutaneous Aortic Valve Interventions 434
A. Balloon-Expandable vs. Self-Expanding Valves 434
AV = Aortic valve
B. Pre-procedural Planning for TAVR and Valve-In-Surgical
CD = Color Doppler Valve 435
C. Implantation Technique for Routine TAVR 435
CMR = Cardiac magnetic resonance D. TTE vs. TEE in the Catheterization Laboratory 435
CS = Coronary sinus E. Evaluation of Valvular Regurgitation after TAVR 436
1. Aortography 436
CWD = Continuous-wave Doppler
2. Hemodynamic Assessment in the Catheterization Laboratory 436
EROA = Effective regurgitant orifice area 3. Doppler Echocardiographic Assessment of AR after TAVR 440
LA = Left atrium a. Color Doppler Jet Features 440
b. Continuous-Wave and Pulsed-Wave Doppler 444
LV = Left ventricle
c. Quantitative Doppler Assessment of PVR Severity 444
LVEDP = Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure F. Assessing Residual AR after Percutaneous Repair of Prosthetic Para-
valvular Regurgitation 446
LVOT = Left ventricular outflow tract G. Integrative Approach to Assessment of AR 446
MDCT = Multi-detector computed tomography H. Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Evaluating AR 447
IV. Percutaneous Mitral Valve Interventions 449
MR = Mitral regurgitation A. General Considerations in Evaluating Residual MR during MV Inter-
ventions 449
MV = Mitral valve
B. Mitral Leaflet Repair 450
MVA = Mitral valve area 1. Edge-to-Edge MV Repair 450
PA = Pulmonary artery 2. Evaluation of Residual MR with CD Immediately after Edge-to-Edge
Repair 451
PASP = Pulmonary artery systolic pressure 3. Interaction of Mean Transvalvular Gradient and Residual MR after
PR = Pulmonic regurgitation Edge-to-Edge Repair 452
C. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement 452
PVR = Paravalvular regurgitation 1. TMVR Implantation 452
PWD = Pulsed-wave Doppler 2. Evaluation of Residual MR Immediately after TMVR 453
3. Other Considerations in TMVR 454
RF = Regurgitant fraction D. Percutaneous Mitral Annuloplasty 454
RV = Right ventricle 1. Percutaneous MV Annuloplasty Devices 454
2. Evaluation of MR after Percutaneous Annuloplasty 455
RVol = Regurgitant volume
E. Transcatheter Repair of Paravalvular Prosthetic MR 455
RVOT = Right ventricular outflow tract 1. Repair of Paravalvular MR 455
SAVR = Surgical aortic valve replacement 2. Evaluation of Residual MR after Repair of Paravalvular MR 455
F. Evaluation of Residual MR Outside the Catheterization Laboratory
SSFP = Steady-state free precession after all MV Procedures 455
TAVR = Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 1. Color Doppler Imaging 456
2. CW Doppler of MR Jet 458
TMVR = Transcatheter mitral valve replacement
3. Mitral Inflow Pattern and Pressure Gradient 459
TPVR = Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement 4. Pulmonary Vein Flow Pattern 459
THV = Transcatheter heart valve 5. Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure 459
6. Regurgitant Volume and Fraction 459
TEE = Transesophageal echocardiography
7. An Integrative Approach to Assessing Residual MR 460
TR = Tricuspid regurgitation 8. Role of CMR in the Evaluation of Residual MR after Percutaneous
MV Interventions 460
TTE = Transthoracic echocardiography
a. Evaluation of Residual MR 460
TV = Tricuspid valve b. LV and LA Reverse Remodeling 462
VCA = Vena contracta area c. When is CMR Indicated? 462
V. Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Replacement 462
VCW = Vena contracta width A. Description of TPVR and Assessment of Acute Results 463
VTI = Velocity-time integral B. Evaluation of Residual Regurgitation Outside the Catheterization
Laboratory 463
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 433
Volume 32 Number 4

1. Assessment of Pulmonary Regurgitation after TPVR with Echocardi- dinated nomenclature as to the site of regurgitation, using a clock
ography 463 depiction or anterior/posterior, medial and lateral sites in relation to
2. Role of Computed Tomography in Pulmonic Regurgitation after the annulus. General principles for evaluating native valve regurgita-
TPVR 463 tion with echocardiography, Doppler, and CMR have recently been
3. Role of CMR in Pulmonary Regurgitation after TPVR 465 updated.7 The methodology of assessing regurgitation qualitatively
C. Integrative Approach to Assessing Residual Pulmonic Regurgitation and quantitatively with these techniques will not be reiterated in
after TPVR 465 detail but summarized, with emphasis on how these parameters
VI. Percutaneous Tricuspid Valve Interventions 466 may be affected in the setting of transcatheter valve replacement or
A. Tricuspid Valve Repair and Annuloplasty 466
repair. The committee concurs with recent ASE guidelines7 and those
B. Assessment of Residual TR after Tricuspid Valve Interven-
of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart
tions 466
C. Role of CMR in Assessing Residual TR after Tricuspid Valve Inter- Association (AHA) on valvular heart disease8 that valvular regurgita-
ventions 467 tion should be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
D. Integrative Approach in the Evaluation of Residual TR 468 There are four main principles to the evaluation of valvular regur-
gitation with echocardiography: comprehensive imaging, integration
VII. Conclusions and Future Directions 469 of multiple parameters, individualization to the patient, and precise
language to describe the findings. Comprehensive imaging by trans-
thoracic echocardiography (TTE) incorporates two dimensional/
three-dimensional (2D/3D) structural evaluation of the implanted de-
I. INTRODUCTION vice and surrounding structures, cardiac chamber size and function,
flow interrogation with pulsed-wave Doppler (PWD), continuous-
Valvular disease remains a major cause of cardiovascular morbidity wave Doppler (CWD), and color Doppler (CD), and volumetric
and mortality worldwide.1 Over the past decade, catheter-based in- quantitation as well as assessment of additional hemodynamic param-
terventions in valvular disease have evolved from balloon dilation eters such as pulmonary artery (PA) pressures. Each of these methods
of native stenotic valves to repair of paravalvular regurgitation has particular technical considerations, strengths, and limitations,
(PVR) with vascular plugs and more recently to valve replacement which have been described in detail.7 Unfortunately, many of these
and repair. Currently-approved interventions include transcatheter parameters may not be available during intra-procedural transesopha-
aortic valve replacement (TAVR), pulmonic valve replacement, and geal echocardiography (TEE) or TTE due to limited windows, inability
mitral valve repair, targeted to specific populations. Rapid technolog- to align Doppler interrogation with blood flow, and foreshortening of
ical advancements in device design are likely to improve acute and the apex, which may preclude accurate volumetric quantitation. Thus,
long-term results and expand current indications. intra-procedural echocardiography often relies heavily on CD jet
Hemodynamics of percutaneous valves have been very favorable.2-5 characteristics, evaluating when possible its three components of
However, a challenging area has been the new or residual valve flow convergence, vena contracta, and jet area. CD imaging of the
regurgitation that may occur either after transcatheter valve jet in this setting can be impacted by hemodynamics, effects of seda-
implantation or repair of a native or prosthetic valve. This condition tion/anesthesia, technical factors, and attenuation by the implanted
presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the interventional device. Because CD area is mainly determined by jet momentum
and imaging cardiology team in the catheterization laboratory and to (area  velocity2), the pressure gradient and therefore velocity driving
the clinician and imager in the outpatient setting. The current the jet can greatly influence jet size. For example, mitral regurgitation
document addresses the challenges of assessing residual regurgitation (MR) jets after mitral repair or transcatheter mitral valve replacement
after percutaneous valve replacement or repair and provides a guide to (TMVR) can be large despite a small orifice if left ventricular (LV) pres-
the cardiac team on how best to approach this condition, based on the sure is high (e.g., hypertension or aortic stenosis). Conversely, a low
available data and a consensus of a panel of experts. This document aortic diastolic pressure after TAVR might result in a small aortic regur-
supplements the previous American Society of Echocardiography gitation (AR) jet with CD despite hemodynamically significant AR. To
(ASE) guideline on the assessment of surgically implanted prosthetic compensate for hemodynamically mediated variation inherent in CD
valves.6 It does not address flow dynamics through the percutaneous characterization, it is common practice for the implanting physician or
prosthetic valves since, in general, the evaluation is similar to surgically im- anesthesia team to ‘‘normalize’’ post-implant hemodynamics (increase
planted valves,6 but focuses mostly on new or residual valvular regurgita- or decrease heart rate and systemic blood pressure) pharmacologi-
tion. In addition to the use of echocardiography and hemodynamic cally prior to assessing intraoperative valvular regurgitation in the pro-
assessment in the acute setting, the document incorporates the role of car- cedure room. Moreover, valve regurgitation after percutaneous
diac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. This guideline is accompanied procedures, in contrast to native or surgical prosthetic valves,
by a number of tutorials and illustrative case-studies on evaluation of frequently arises from multiple sites with variable severity, making
valvular regurgitation after catheter-based interventions as well as native CD assessment of regurgitation more difficult. All the above issues
valve regurgitation, posted on the following website ( highlight the need to integrate CD information with other echocar-
vrcases), which will build gradually over time. diographic findings to determine overall severity of regurgitation.
This comprehensive evaluation may be more feasible to perform after
completion of the procedure, out of the catheterization laboratory
II. GENERAL PRINCIPLES setting. Intra-procedurally, the findings by echo-Doppler are comple-
mented with invasive hemodynamic assessment to gauge the overall
In the catheterization laboratory, members of the heart team should results of the intervention, and cineangiography may be needed in sit-
be well versed with how to assess valve regurgitation, the language uations where the residual regurgitation is difficult to assess, inconclu-
used to describe valve structure and position, as well as a clear, coor- sive, or suspected to be more than mild (Figure 1). In the setting
434 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 1 Tools for the intra-procedural assessment of paravalvular regurgitation following TAVR: color Doppler (2D/3D), pulsed-wave
Doppler of aortic flow, aortic & LV diastolic pressures and aortography. All panels are from the same patient. The valve is a self-
expanding valve. (A) Mid-esophageal TEE long-axis view showing paravalvular AR (white arrows). Off-axis imaging is frequently help-
ful. (B) Deep transgastric view showing the paravalvular jet seen in panel A. Multiple views are essential to avoid missing jets. (C)
Mid-esophageal short-axis view showing a paravalvular jet (red arrow), and a pinhole jet (arrow head). It is important to scan the valve
and image at the lower end of the valve stent to ensure that the measured jet reaches the LV. The circumferential extent of the larger jet
here is 14% but the jet is relatively wide. The pinhole jet is too small to planimeter. (D) 3D planimetry of the same paravalvular jet yields
an area of 0.22 cm2. 3D echocardiography makes it possible to precisely identify the vena contracta, something that may be chal-
lenging with 2D imaging alone. (E) Mid-esophageal TEE images of the descending thoracic aorta showing non-holodiastolic flow
reversal by pulsed-wave Doppler. Some flow reversal, usually non-holodiastolic, may be present in patients undergoing TAVR
even in the absence of aortic regurgitation; Hence it is important to establish the baseline aortic flow pattern. (F) Simultaneous LV
and aortic (Ao) pressure tracings that form the basis for the AR index. In this case, the AR index is 28%. Indices of <25% have
been reported to have increased 1-year mortality. However, this value is very dependent on aortic and ventricular compliances as
well as the severity of paravalvular regurgitation. Red arrow denotes diastolic BP – LVEDP. (G) Diastolic still frame from post-
implantation aortogram showing 2+ paravalvular AR (outlined area). Ao, Aortic pressure tracing; EDP, end-diastolic pressure; LV,
left ventricular pressure tracing; S, systole.

outside the catheterization laboratory, uncertainty regarding severity SAVR.12-14 Residual AR is an important predictor of mortality15-18
of regurgitation by echocardiography due to poor-quality data or dis- and was a major impetus for recent improvements in TAVR design,
crepancies among parameters that cannot be resolved should be such as cuffs, skirts and repositionable valves. Although early
stated in the report to alert the clinician to consider other imaging mo- studies suggested that even mild PVR might impact outcomes,19
dalities such as TEE, CMR or multi-detector computed tomography more recent observations in the intermediate-risk population suggest
(MDCT), if clinically indicated, to better assess lesion severity and that only moderate or severe PVR increase mortality.2,10 Several
mechanism, particularly if it could mean the difference between factors may account for the varying incidence of PVR and its
another intervention and medical therapy. prognostic outcome, including prosthetic valve design, valve
calcification, physiologic considerations, and difficulty in grading
PVR severity.20 Newer valve iterations or designs however, show
III. PERCUTANEOUS AORTIC VALVE INTERVENTIONS very low rates of PVR (0-2%), which will likely reduce the impact
of this complication on outcomes.10,21,22
TAVR is an accepted alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement
(SAVR) in high- and intermediate-risk as well as inoperable pa-
tients.2-5,9-11 Evaluation of the use of TAVR in patients with low A. Balloon-Expandable vs. Self-Expanding Valves
surgical risk is ongoing. Multiple studies have shown a higher While transcatheter aortic valve designs continue to evolve, devices
incidence of PVR in patients undergoing TAVR compared to that have the largest world-wide experience fall into two general
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 435
Volume 32 Number 4

categories: those deployed with balloon-assisted expansion and those tored anesthesia care has been reported recently and is increasingly
that spontaneously expand on release from the delivery system, the used.34-36 However, the conscious sedation approach is not
so-called self-expanding valves. Within these categories, the most universal, and conversion to general anesthesia in 10-17% of
widely used valves have been the Edwards SAPIENÔ family of cases37,38 has been reported, with a more recent lower rate of
balloon-expandable valves and the Medtronic CorevalveÒ/ conversion (5.9%) published from the National Cardiovascular
EvolutÔ self-expanding valves. Within these families of valves, im- Data Registry (NCDR).39 TEE guidance has been associated with
provements in design have reduced the incidence and severity of less contrast use,40 lower incidence of PVR,41 and greater procedural
PVR. The construct of these valves has been reviewed recently.23 success.39 A recent study from a high-volume site performing primar-
Although other valves have received the CE (conformite ily conscious sedation with TTE guidance showed that there was a
Europeenne) mark in Europe and are in varying phases of clinical trials higher incidence of second valve implantation (7% vs. 2%;
in North America, they will not be further discussed. P = .026) and post-TAVR balloon dilation (38% vs 17%; P < .001)
intra-procedurally compared to the TEE approach.42
B. Pre-procedural Planning for TAVR and Valve-In- Studies evaluating the clinical outcome of patients undergoing
Surgical Valve TAVR with either TEE/general anesthesia or TTE/moderate sedation
Pre-procedural planning for TAVR can be useful for predicting PVR have not shown consistent results favoring one or the other approach.
following valve implantation and allows the heart team to plan for In the Brazilian Registry,43 the use of TEE to monitor the procedure
the appropriate treatment of intra-procedural PVR. Numerous studies compared to TTE was associated with less overall mortality (HR:
have shown that significant under-sizing of the transcatheter heart 0.57) and late mortality (HR: 0.47). Recent observational studies sup-
valve (THV) will result in greater degrees of PVR.12,24 MDCT port the safety of the ‘‘minimalist’’ anesthetic approach36,44 and the
reconstruction-based measurements of the aortic annulus has been European Society of Cardiology’s Transcatheter Valve Treatment
shown to reduce the incidence of greater than mild paravalvular AR (TCVT) Registry found that survival at 1 year was similar between
compared to 2D TEE measurements.25 The accuracy of 3D TEE for groups.35 Lastly, the observational NCDR study reported that while
annular sizing and prediction of PVR severity has also been demon- the conscious sedation approach had lower procedural success, it
strated.26 MDCT determination of calcium location and burden is was associated with a reduced rate of in-hospital mortality (1.5%
another important predictor of PVR.27,28 For valve-in-surgical-valve versus 2.4%, P < .001) and 30-day mortality after TAVR (2.3% versus
procedures, knowledge of the manufacturer’s reported internal diam- 4.0%, P < .001), warranting formal study.39 This is particularly impor-
eter of the bioprosthetic surgical valve is essential for appropriate tant as the field begins to address TAVR in the lower-risk patient pop-
sizing. In the absence of this information, TEE or MDCT may be ulation who are also at lower risk for complications during general
used to determine the internal diameter of the valve; however, regur- anesthesia, and whose expected outcomes are significantly better
gitation following this procedure is rarely more than mild.29 than patients treated in these registries.10,45
Advantages and disadvantages of TTE and TEE as they pertain to
C. Implantation Technique for Routine TAVR assessing valvular regurgitation after TAVR are listed in Table 1. Using
TTE, imaging from the parasternal windows requires direct place-
Although not required, the balloon-expandable THV may be pre- ment of the probe within the fluoroscopic imaging plane with
dilated using balloon aortic valvuloplasty, which is intended to high exposure of the imager to radiation. The patient’s supine posi-
improve the positioning process but may also decrease the number tion and operator avoidance of the sterile field may prohibit optimal
of cerebral ischemic lesions.30 The SAPIEN 3 delivery system has a transducer placement. The usual sources of ultrasound interference
middle marker and two other markers to facilitate trans-annular posi- still apply, such as chest wall deformities, emphysema, obesity, etc.
tioning of the valve before deployment; because of stent cell design, Intra-procedural TTE can evaluate the causes of acute hemody-
the valve shortens from the ventricular end, engaging the surrounding namic compromise such as pericardial effusion, under-filled or
tissue early in the deployment process. After obtaining a suitable co- dysfunctional ventricles, and severe valvular regurgitation. The
planar angle, the Edwards SAPIEN 3 valve is deployed using rapid assessment of PVR may be challenging unless imaging windows
ventricular pacing to reduce valve motion just before balloon expan- are ideal. On the other hand, a major advantage of intra-
sion. Medtronic’s CoreValve Evolut R and Evolut Pro have a procedural TEE guidance is continuous imaging throughout the
controlled and slow-release self-expanding delivery system. They do TAVR procedure with rapid and accurate diagnosis of complications,
not require rapid pacing, although some interventionalists may use including PVR.32,46,47 Studies have shown that TEE can be safely
pacing to stabilize the valve during deployment. The valve can also performed in the setting of monitored anesthetic care.48 Since CD
be repositioned and recaptured up to a point in the unsheathing pro- is essential in localizing and assessing PVR severity, it is important
cess. In addition to adequate sizing of the annulus, accurate posi- to recognize that shadowing of the prosthetic valve may affect detec-
tioning of all valves is essential to reduce post-implantation PVR tion of paravalvular regurgitation by either TTE or TEE (TTE may not
and reduce post-procedural pacemaker rates.31 Valve positioning optimally display posterior paravalvular regurgitation whereas TEE
can be imaged by TTE and TEE as well as fluoroscopy.23,32 The may not optimally display anteriorly located defects; Figure 2). A
amount and location of calcium within the landing zone of the combination of both techniques may be needed in situations where
valve also plays a major role in the incidence and severity of PVR an AR jet is detected in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) or
following TAVR.12,28,33 LV and the source cannot be localized by one approach. TEE must
include standard and deep transgastric views to assess both
D. TTE vs. TEE in the Catheterization Laboratory valvular/LVOT hemodynamics and detect paravalvular regurgita-
Echocardiography remains the primary imaging modality for assessing tion that may be missed in esophageal views (Figure 2). Overall,
PVR immediately following TAVR. Initially, the procedure was per- qualitative and quantitative echo-Doppler parameters can be ob-
formed under general anesthesia with TEE monitoring. Performing tained with TTE or TEE imaging and applied to assess the severity
TAVR under local anesthesia with conscious sedation or with moni- of PVR either during or after the procedure.
436 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of TTE versus TEE imaging for assessment of aortic regurgitation during and after TAVR

Parameter TTE TEE

Advantages  Standard windows for assessing valvular/cardiac  Higher resolution with high frame rates for 2D and
General structure & function 3D imaging, and quantitation of VCA
 Imaging anterior paravalvular regurgitation with  Imaging posterior paravalvular regurgitation with
 Ease of CWD interrogation of AR jet
 Ease of PWD interrogation of flow in the LVOT
 Can provide volumetric quantitation
 Less resource intensive
Advantages  Does not require intubation or general anesthesia  Continuous imaging throughout procedure,
During TAVR  Superior viewing of anterior paravalvular irrespective of TAVR access route
regurgitation  Intra-procedural imaging may help avoid
 May still convert to TEE approach, if needed complications (e.g., imaging during balloon
valvuloplasty to assess risks of calcium
 Immediate intra-procedural diagnosis of
 Lower contrast use for procedure
 Ability to hold respiration during general
anesthesia for better 3D assessment of PVR, and
aortic annular measurement (if needed)
Disadvantages  Image quality dependent on patient factors (e.g.,  Image quality dependent on patient factors (e.g.,
General chest morphology, lung hyperinflation, valve calcific acoustic shadowing, cardiac
suboptimal positioning, valve calcific acoustic position relative to esophagus and stomach)
shadowing)  Difficulty imaging anterior paravalvular
 Difficulty imaging posterior paravalvular regurgitation with CD in esophageal views
regurgitation with CD  Challenge in optimizing CWD recording of AR jet
 Lower resolution of 2D and 3D imaging and CD display of AR from deep transgastric view
Disadvantages  Procedural delay during image acquisition (to  Requires conscious sedation or monitored
During TAVR minimize radiation exposure to imager) anesthesia care
 Non-continuous imaging during procedure may  More resource intensive; may prolong
delay diagnosis of complications (e.g., valve mal- hospitalization if requires intubation & there is
positioning, annular rupture, coronary occlusion) difficulty extubating patient
 Limited imaging windows for non-transfemoral  Probe interference with fluoroscopic imaging
TAVR access routes (minimized by articulation of probe)
 Difficult to perform volumetric quantitation

E. Evaluation of Valvular Regurgitation after TAVR windows of interrogation of flow, for either TEE or TTE. Thus,
Assessment of the presence and severity of AR after TAVR is complex, during the acute setting, hemodynamics and aortography are
requiring imaging and Doppler evaluation of the valve and annulus. frequently used to complement CD imaging for a comprehensive
Central valve regurgitation is far less common than paravalvular evaluation of residual PVR (Figure 1). The current document will
regurgitation. Evaluation and grading of PVR is complicated by the therefore address aortography, hemodynamic assessment, and
complex nature of AR jets after valve implantation and the differ- Doppler methods that can be used in the interventional arena during
ences in jet characteristics between valve designs. Regurgitant jets TAVR (qualitative/semi-quantitative parameters) and will detail also
around a stented valve are due to mal-apposition of the stent and other Doppler quantitative methods and CMR methods that can
the native surrounding structures. Mal-apposition may occur for a be applied outside the interventional laboratory for a more compre-
number of reasons: 1) THV collapsible frames have empty cells be- hensive evaluation of PVR with non-invasive techniques.
tween metal struts; 2) metallic stents have limited deformability, pre- 1. Aortography. Conventional cineangiography with an aortic root
venting complete closure of small gaps created by irregularly-calcified injection of radiographic contrast can be used for intra-procedural
leaflets, protruding dystrophic calcium in the annulus or LVOT, or determination of AR severity.49 This is usually performed during
triangular commissural gaps; 3) mal-positioning of the THV (too the TAVR procedure in the catheterization laboratory when AR is de-
high or low in the annulus); and 4) under-sizing of the THV for the tected by CD and its severity needs further evaluation. This approach,
native annular size. however, is rarely indicated in the chronic setting or for serial follow-
Assessment of PVR relies heavily on CD imaging both during the up. Angiographic grading, while helpful in extremes, may not corre-
procedure and in the outpatient setting, as conventional spectral late well with quantitative assessment of AR severity, and cannot reli-
Doppler parameters may have limitations.20 CD evaluation has out- ably distinguish central from paravalvular regurgitation.20,50,51
comes data from 2 separate trials using 2 different core labora-
tories.2,10 Spectral Doppler evaluation is particularly hampered in 2. Hemodynamic Assessment in the Catheterization
evaluating PVR during the TAVR procedure because of limited Laboratory. A number of investigators have attempted to use the
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 437
Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 2 Demonstration of paravalvular leaks after TAVR assessed by TTE and TEE in two different patients, demonstrating ultra-
sound attenuation of the valve ring and adjacent structures by the prosthetic valve, and the importance of comprehensive color
Doppler imaging from the apical views (apical in TTE and transgastric in TEE). Panels A to C demonstrate an anterior paravalvular
leak that is identified from a parasternal long-axis view (A), short-axis view (B), and modified apical five-chamber view (C). There
is posterior attenuation (yellow arrows). Panels D-F demonstrate posterior paravalvular leak on mid-esophageal 120 degrees (D)
and short-axis views (E); the transgastric view (F) demonstrates two jets of paravalvular regurgitation, one jet is anterior and the other
is posterior. Without careful comprehensive interrogation, the anterior leak would have been potentially missed on just mid-
esophageal views because of attenuation (yellow arrows).

Table 2 Invasive hemodynamic indexes for assessing severity of AR immediately After TAVR

Author Index Formula Cutoff for significance

Sinning et al.52 AR index ([DBP– LVEDP] O SBP) x 100 AR index <25 predicted higher mortality
Sinning et al.54 ARI ratio Ratio of post-procedural to pre-procedural AR ARI ratio <0.60 improved 1-year mortality
index prediction of post TAVR AR Index <25
Jilaihawi et al.53 CHAI score ([DBP – LVEDP] O HR) x 80 <25 (denoting $ moderate PVR), predicted
higher mortality
Bugan et al.55 TIAR index (LV-Ao diastolic pressure time integral)/(LV TIAR index <80 was associated with a sensitivity
systolic pressure time integral) x 100 of 86% and a specificity of 83% for $mild AR.

AR, Aortic regurgitation; ARI, AR index; CHAI, composite heart-rate-adjusted hemodynamic-echocardiographic aortic insufficiency; DBP, diastolic
blood pressure; HR, heart rate; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, SBP, systolic blood pressure; TIAR, Time-integrated aortic regur-

hemodynamic tracings obtained during the TAVR procedure to assess pressures decreases with increasing severity of acute AR (higher LV
the severity of AR acutely. Several indices have been proposed, most diastolic pressure, lower aortic diastolic pressure, or a combination
of which use a combination of differences between aortic pressure of the two). Despite multiple limitations of these indices, including
and LV diastolic pressure (Table 2).52-55 The premise of these heart rate dependence and inability to distinguish valvular from
indices is that the difference between aortic and LV diastolic paravalvular regurgitation, they remain a helpful adjunctive tool
438 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Table 3 Echocardiographic parameters (TEE/TTE) and respective comments in determining AR severity after TAVR

Parameter Comments

Stent shape and Not accurate in predicting presence/severity of

position AR

Color Doppler
Jet number, - Needs meticulous scanning of whole valve to
location, identify sites of regurgitation, which are
direction, and frequently multiple and eccentric
eccentricity - Essential to identify origin of jets, which may
not all be at the same level
- Short-axis imaging below the valve may
overestimate AR severity in eccentric jets
- Attenuation of ultrasound by prosthesis in far
field may hinder visualization of regurgitation
(anterior with TEE and posterior with TTE)
- Deep transgastric views during TEE are
essential for assessment of regurgitant jets (jet
area and length are not used to assess
regurgitation severity)

Vena contracta VCW >0.6 cm specific for severe AR; severity of

width (VCW) multiple smaller jets more difficult to evaluate

Vena contracta - May allow addition of multiple jets

area (VCA) - Prone to blooming artifacts
- Accuracy limited by spatial resolution for small

(Continued )
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 439
Volume 32 Number 4

Table 3 (Continued )
Parameter Comments

Circumferential - Continuous circumferential extent of AR of

extent (%) >30% indicative of severe AR
- Circumferential extent of few, smaller discrete
jets more difficult to assess

Flow Large flow convergence in aorta indicative of

convergence severe AR

Spectral Doppler
Flow reversal in - Useful if new (relative to baseline) and
descending holodiastolic, consistent with at least
aorta (PWD) moderate AR; lesser aortic flow reversal is
- Holodiastolic flow reversal in abdominal aorta
more specific for significant AR

(Continued )
440 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Table 3 (Continued )
Parameter Comments

CW Doppler - Dense velocity waveform consistent with

profile of AR jet more than mild AR
(velocity - Pressure half-time in extremes (>500 or
waveform <200 ms) may be helpful acutely; influenced
density, by LV compliance and other factors
pressure half-

Quantitative - Not feasible during TAVR procedure

parameters: - Stroke volume by PWD in LVOT: particular
RVol, RF, and attention must be paid to site of measurement
EROA of LVOT diameter and velocity depending on
type of TAVR valve
- 3D echo or contrast echo is recommended for
LV volumetric quantitation of stroke volume to
avoid underestimation of RVol and RF
- Mitral valve annulus for calculation of
systemic stroke volume has limitations in
presence of mitral annular calcification; RVOT
site can used in the absence of significant
pulmonic regurgitation
- EROA determination (RVol/VTIAR) is rarely
used clinically

AR, Aortic regurgitation; EROA, effective regurgitant orifice area; LV, left ventricle; LVOT, LV outflow tract; RF, regurgitant fraction; RVol, regurgitant
volume; RVOT, RV outflow tract; VTI, velocity-time integral.

immediately following TAVR to assess the acute hemodynamic in the paravalvular space, with jets having irregular shapes and trajec-
severity of AR and its prognostic impact.52-55 tories, thus challenging standard CD measures of AR severity. Third,
limitations of imaging AR are similar to those observed with surgical
3. Doppler Echocardiographic Assessment of AR after prostheses,6 such as acoustic shadowing of the far field (posterior par-
TAVR. Similar to any assessment of regurgitation, evaluation of avalvular region for TTE and anterior paravalvular region for TEE;
PVR should be an integrative approach using a number of qualitative Figure 2), requiring an extensive search for jets, using multiple imaging
parameters as well as semi-quantitative and quantitative measure- windows (Figure 3). It is essential to use windows that not only avoid
ments. These Doppler parameters are, in principle, similar to those the acoustic shadowing but also image the regurgitant jets parallel to
used in evaluating native or prosthetic valve AR.7 However, there the insonation beam: in general, apical and subcostal windows for
are particular considerations related to TAVR and the TAVR popula- TTE, and mid-esophageal and deep transgastric for TEE. In very
tion that may modulate the approach to imaging PVR, and the feasi- eccentric jets directed anteriorly or posteriorly, the parasternal win-
bility, applicability, and accuracy of standard Doppler parameters in dow may be best for TTE. Fourth, the paravalvular jet path and num-
assessing regurgitation severity. Table 3 details the echocardiographic ber of jets are significantly affected by native calcium and leaflets, and
parameters that may be used in the evaluation of severity of PVR after by the discontinuous nature of the metallic stent. This is particularly
TAVR and offers technical and interpretive comments and caveats. important to understand when assessing the circumferential extent
Table 4 details the overall comprehensive evaluation of aortic regur- of the PVR. Jet length or area should not be used to grade severity,
gitation after valve implantation. but rather to confirm the presence and location of the AR jet(s).
A few comments for assessing PVR severity post-TAVR should be
mentioned (Table 3). First, stent shape and position may support a. Color Doppler Jet Features.–The assessment of PVR following
AR Doppler findings but lack sensitivity and specificity for AR TAVR relies heavily on CD. It is by far the most essential Doppler
severity. Second, PVR post-TAVR frequently arises at multiple sites modality during the TAVR intervention. A number of jet
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 441
Volume 32 Number 4

Table 4 Evaluation of severity of prosthetic aortic regurgitation after TAVR

PVR severity Mild Moderate Severe

Aortography Contrast does not fill Intermediate Contrast fills LV on

entire LV and clears first beat, ending
with each cycle with greater density
than in ascending
Invasive Hemodynamic Parameters
AR index* $25 <25 <25
Dicrotic notch Present Present Effaced or absent
Echocardiography: TTE and/or TEE
Structural parameters
Position of prosthesis Usually normal Variable Frequently abnormal
Stent and leaflet morphology Usually normal Variable Frequently abnormal
Doppler Parameters
Proximal flow convergence (CD) Absent May be present Often present
AR velocity waveform density (CWD) Soft Dense Dense
Diastolic flow reversal (PWD) in
- Proximal descending aorta†‡ - Brief, early diastolic - May be holodiastolic - Holodiastolic (end-
diastolic velocity
- Abdominal aorta - Absent - Absent $20 cm/s)
- Present
Vena contracta width (cm) (CD) <0.3 0.3-0.6 >0.6

Vena contracta area (cm ) (2D/3D CD) §
<0.10 0.10-0.29 $0.30
Circumferential extent of PVR (%) (CD)k{ <10 10-29 $30
Jet deceleration rate (PHT, ms)# (CWD) Variable Variable Steep
Usually >500 200-500 Usually <200**
Regurgitant volume (mL) <30 30-59†† >60†† (May be lower
in low flow states)
Regurgitant fraction (%) <30 30-49 $50
EROA (cm2)‡‡ <0.10 0.10-0.29†† $0.30††
2D, Two-dimensional; 3D, three dimensional; AR, aortic regurgitation; CD, color flow Doppler; CWD, continuous-wave Doppler; EROA, effective
regurgitant orifice area; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; PVR, paravalvular regurgitation; PHT, pressure half-time; PWD, pulsed wave Doppler;
TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography.
*One of the hemodynamic parameters (Table 1) used in the catheterization laboratory after TAVR.

More specific in peri-procedural or early post-procedural assessment. Holodiastolic flow reversal may not be seen in severe bradycardia.

Dependent on aortic compliance; limits its utility in the elderly population; influenced by heart rate.
The vena contracta area is measured by planimetry of the vena contracta of the jet(s) on 2D or 3D color Doppler images in the short-axis view.
Measured as the sum of the circumferential lengths of each regurgitant jet vena contracta (not including the non-regurgitant space between the
separate jets) divided by the circumference of the outer edge of the valve.
Circumferential extent of PVR best not to be used alone, but in combination with vena contracta width and/or area.
Influenced by LV and aortic compliance, particularly in this population.
**May not be specific for severe aortic regurgitation in the setting of abnormal aortic or ventricular compliance.
May be functionally important at lower values depending on the acuteness of PVR, and size and function of the LV. When total stroke volume is
calculated from LV volumes, use of 3D echocardiography and preferably contrast echocardiography is recommended to avoid underestimation
of LV volumes, RVol, and RF.
EROA is infrequently used in AR. It is derived using the volumetric approach, not PISA.

characteristics are important to assess: jet width at its origin, the tracking around the stented valve and into the LV, there is usually
number of jets, whether there is visible proximal flow convergence significant mal-apposition of the stent and more than mild PVR.56
(usually a sign of more than mild PVR), jet path/direction, and Because PVR jets may be re-directed by bulky calcium, it is impor-
circumferential extent of the jet. Although PVR jets may not be tant to note the direction of the AR; not infrequently these jets may
as wide as with surgical PVR, a single jet VC width at its origin be eccentric, going across the short-axis plane of the LV outflow
of >6 mm is specific for severe AR. If the jet path can be imaged tract (Figure 4). The severity of these AR jets is prone to
442 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 3 Standard 2D echocardiographic views depicting the detection of TAVR-related paravalvular regurgitation. Color coding de-
lineates the regions around the prosthetic valve that can be visualized from the parasternal and apical views. With ultrasound plane
rotation, tilting upward or sideways, a more complete interrogation of the valve can be accomplished. Although these unconventional
planes may foreshorten cardiac structures, they are essential in detecting and localizing the residual regurgitation. The importance of
apical views lies in the fact that some jets may not be detected in the parasternal views because of either shadowing from the pros-
thesis in parasternal short axis (PSAX; lateral, medial and posterior surfaces; see Figure 2) or are located medially or laterally to be
seen in the parasternal long-axis (PLAX) view.

overestimation if assessment of the circumferential extent of the jet Importantly, the jet must enter the LV to be considered true regurgitation,
origin mistakenly includes this single short-axis view displaying jet thus imaging just below the edge of the stent will confirm the presence of
eccentricity. Because the number of jets also reflects severity, an true PVR; however, the vena contracta of the jet should be measured at its
extensive search for all jets should be performed, using multiple im- narrowest region.
4. Color flow around the THV within the sinuses of Valsalva but above the annular
aging windows, biplane imaging, and subtle manipulation of the
valve skirt should not be mistaken for PVR. Flow in the sinuses has low velocity
transducer within each window.
and does not connect with the LVOT in diastole. Scanning through the long axis
The circumferential extent of the jet is a useful parameter for as- of the valve is useful in distinguishing color flow in the sinuses from PVR.
sessing PVR severity; however, as with all parameters, it should not 5. Small jets of regurgitation are typically isolated to the open stent cells and
be used in isolation (Figure 5). The updated Valve Academic not at the ‘‘nodes’’ of the stent frame. It is important not to include the
Research Consortium (VARC-2) criteria57 used in the PARTNER I stented frame in the measurement of the circumferential extent of the
trial58 recommended the following with respect to the circumferen- regurgitation but to integrate only the regurgitant jets when determining
tial extent of paravalvular AR in short axis: trace (pinpoint jet), mild the circumferential extent (Figure 5).
(<10%), moderate (10-30%), and severe (>30%). Recent studies us- 6. In contrast to native valve AR, the ratio of jet width to LVoutflow tract width
ing the VARC-2 criteria, including this parameter, have shown or jet cross-sectional area to cross-sectional area of the valve or LV outflow
tract should not be used to assess the severity of AR since regurgitant jets are
increased mortality associated with worse PVR severity.10,45,59
frequently eccentric, constrained by and entrained within the LVOT, lead-
To assess residual AR with CD after TAVR, the following caveats
ing to rapid jet broadening (Figure 4).
should be considered: 7. Using a clock face to represent the short-axis view (placing the tricuspid
valve at 9 o’clock) may be helpful for recording the jet location and number,
1. The whole transcatheter valve should be scanned, from the distal (aortic) to and useful for follow-up comparisons (Figure 3).
the proximal (ventricular) end of the THV, to identify the number, loca- 8. Echo assessment of valve implant depth is important to assist the implanter
tion(s), and direction(s) of the AR jet(s). in assessing the mechanism and potential mediation (i.e post dilatation,
2. The entire short axis of the valve should be imaged in a single view, if valve repositioning, placement of a second valve or even possible plug
possible, so that the valve level imaged is the same in the far field as it is placement) of significant AR when present.
in the near field, and laterally as well as medially.
3. Central prosthetic AR jets will occur at the level of leaflet coaptation Three-dimensional echocardiography with CD can be used to
whereas PVR will be seen at the proximal (ventricular) edge of the valve. planimeter the vena contracta, an estimate of the regurgitant orifice
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 443
Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 4 Effect of AR eccentricity on color Doppler jet recording in assessing PVR severity after TAVR. Scanning of the whole stented
valve in short axis is needed to identify the vena contracta of the jet(s). Proper plane selection of the short axis is critical. In the case of
an eccentric jet in the LVOT (A; curved arrow), the plane below the valve ring (B; dashed red) shows a large color jet as it spreads in the
LVOT (C), overestimating AR severity. By selecting the proper short axis at the aortic annulus (D), the regurgitant orifice is best de-
picted (small red arrow), more consistent with mild PVR. Similarly, a high short-axis view at the aortic root level (not shown) could be
misinterpreted due to normal diastolic flow in the sinuses of Valsalva or coronary arteries; flows in these locations, however, are of
lower velocity and are not aliased.

Figure 5 Examples of paravalvular regurgitation of different degrees of severity using short-axis color Doppler depicting two criteria:
vena contracta area (VCA), and % circumferential (Circ) extent of the jet in relation to the total circumference of the prosthetic valve
ring. % Circ is calculated as the length of the jet along the valve curvature (‘‘a’’ in Panel A) divided by the total perimeter (‘‘c’’ in panel A)
as: (a/c)*100. In the case of two jets (D), % Circ would be [(a + b)/c]*100. As the VCA and circumferential extent of the jet increase, AR
severity is more significant. However, VCA in TAVR is affected by both circumferential extent and thickness of the PVR, i.e., separa-
tion of the valve from the aortic wall. As shown in Panels A and B, the circumferential extent may at times be similar to those of mild
regurgitation but the thickness of the PVR is large, leading to a larger VCA (B). Similarly, Panels B and C depict two lesions of similar
moderate severity by VCA but different circumferential extent. These considerations are very important in assessing mild and mod-
erate AR severity and multiple jets (A-D). Once circumferential extent exceeds 30%, PVR is usually severe.
444 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 6 Quantitative Doppler for assessing regurgitant volume (RVol) and regurgitant fraction (RF) in a patient with AR after TAVR.
Stroke volume (SV) is calculated at the LVOT and RVOT in this patient with mitral annular calcification. Flow quantitation complements
other assessments of AR severity.

area.60-62 Studies have shown the feasibility of measuring AR 3D c. Quantitative Doppler Assessment of PVR Severity.–
vena contracta area (VCA) in native valves61,63-65 as well as post- Quantitation of prosthetic AR involves the calculation of regurgitant
TAVR.62 The primary pitfalls of this technique at this time are low volume (RVol), regurgitation fraction (RF), and less often, effective re-
frame rates and color blooming artifacts, which may be resolved gurgitant orifice area (EROA; Figure 6). The methods for calculating
with more advanced 3D technology. these parameters are well described in prior guidelines.6 However,
it is important to highlight a few issues that may be encountered in
b. Continuous-Wave and Pulsed-Wave Doppler.–Classically, two the TAVR population that can modulate the approach to quantitation,
parameters from CWD recordings have been used in the evaluation the accuracy of the derived parameters, and their clinical implications
of AR: velocity waveform density and the deceleration rate (pressure in assessing PVR severity.
half-time). These may have limited applicability in the TAVR popula- Methodology: RVol in aortic regurgitation is derived as total LV
tion. The common occurrence of multiple PVR jets limits the utility of stroke volume minus systemic stroke volume. LV stroke volume is
CWD spectral density from a single jet; however, a very dense veloc- quantitated with either pulsed-wave Doppler at the LVOT site or
ity waveform recording may signal at least moderate AR. In the cur- with a volumetric approach (the difference between LV end-
rent elderly patient population undergoing TAVR, ventricular and diastolic and LV end-systolic volumes). There are challenges to calcu-
aortic compliance abnormalities may limit the use of pressure half- lation of LV stroke volume in the LVOT by PWD in the TAVR popu-
time for assessing the severity of PVR. A recent computational lation. This stems from the measurement of LVOT diameter in the
modeling study confirmed that increasing LV and/or aortic stiffness presence of the prosthetic valve as it protrudes into the LVOT (in
led to faster decay of the transvalvular pressure gradient and, there- contrast to a sutured surgical valve at the aortic annulus). The core
fore, to a faster decrease of diastolic flow velocity across the aortic lab methods for calculating LVOT stroke volume and aortic valve
valve compared with normal stiffness with the same regurgitant area following implantation of the balloon-expandable and self-
orifice. This faster decay led to both a shorter pressure half-time (simu- expanding valve have been recently published.71 It is important to
lating greater AR severity) and a lower regurgitant fraction (indicating match the location of the PWD sample volume with the location of
less AR severity).66 diameter measurement of the THV for accurate stroke volume calcu-
Flow reversal in the descending aorta recorded with pulsed-wave lations (Figure 7). The preferred approach is to measure the LVOT
Doppler may similarly be of limited value in the setting of abnormal diameter from the outer-to-outer border of the stented valve at its
aortic or ventricular compliance. A number of studies in patients with ventricular tip, with the corresponding PWD sample volume just api-
hypertension have shown some flow reversal in the descending aorta cal to the valve stent (Figure 7, upper panels). In the case where the
in the absence of AR.67,68 Thus, in order to use this parameter for prosthesis is positioned too deep into the LVOT, encroaching on
assessing post-TAVR regurgitation severity, a pre-TAVR assessment the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, an in-stent diameter measure-
of descending aortic flow is essential. In the absence of baseline ment is performed at the mid-stent level (level of leaflets), with the
flow reversal, a new holodiastolic reversal of flow in the descending PWD sample volume positioned into the stent but proximal to the
thoracic aorta is consistent with at least moderate AR,56 and likely se- valve (Figure 7, lower panels).71 In cases of technical difficulty, the
vere if the end-diastolic velocity is >20 cm/s at a normal heart rate.69 LV volumetric method is used, provided there is no significant mitral
In severe bradycardia, holodiastolic flow reversal may not be seen, regurgitation.
despite the presence of severe AR. Flow reversal in the abdominal For LV volumes measurements to derive SV, avoidance of LV fore-
aorta is a more specific indication of significant regurgitation.70 shortening is essential. In general, 3D volumes are preferred to 2D
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 445
Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 7 Calculation of stroke volume in the LVOT in transcatheter aortic valves. The default approach is to measure the LVOT diam-
eter using the outer edge-to-outer edge diameter at the lower (ventricular) end of the valve stent (A, arrow). The pulsed-wave Doppler
(PWD) sample volume is placed immediately proximal to the site of flow acceleration at the inlet to the stent (B). Stroke volume is then
calculated as usual, assuming a circular LVOT geometry as: 0.785*d2*VTI. In instances where a self-expanding valve is placed low in
the LV, particularly if the lower end of the stent is not in close proximity to the anterior mitral leaflet and interventricular septum, an
alternative approach is to measure the inner edge-to-inner edge diameter of the valve stent immediately proximal to the cusps (D).
The PWD sample volume should be placed just inside the stent but proximal to the site of flow acceleration at the cusps (E). Note that
with transcatheter valves there is flow acceleration at the inlet to the stent and again at the cusps. Red arrows point to the lower end of
the stent. Panels C and F show the respective PWD recordings in the LVOT.

determinations. In studies with suboptimal endocardial definition, which has been supported by larger studies.72 The usual cut-off for se-
contrast-echo enhancement is recommended to avoid underestima- vere chronic native AR (RVol of >60 mL) seems inappropriate early
tion of ventricular size and thus underestimation of all measurements after TAVR in this population with LV hypertrophy, smaller LV cavity
of total SV, RVol, and RF. Lastly, for determination of systemic stroke size, and abnormal ventricular compliance. The effect of relatively
volume, the usual mitral valve (MV) site with PWD used for mitral small RVols on patients with abnormal ventricular and aortic compli-
inflow volume may be problematic in this population, as the mitral ances could explain why even mild regurgitation may have a signifi-
annulus is frequently calcified, hindering the measurement of mitral cant impact on clinical outcomes post-TAVR.12,19
annular diameter and derivation of accurate annular area. The mitral Regurgitant fraction may be a more physiologically important
annulus site may also be problematic in the presence of more than parameter that normalizes for the lower stroke volumes seen in this
mild mitral regurgitation. In these circumstances, the pulmonic annulus population. In fact, CMR grading of PVR relies on RF and is discussed
is an alternative site to calculate systemic stroke volume (Figure 6). below. According to ASE guidelines, mild AR has a RF <30%, mod-
Lastly, EROA can be derived from the ratio of RVol to the velocity erate AR, a RF of 30-50%, and severe AR a RF of >50%.6,7 Data in
time integral of the AR jet, obtained by CWD. This is rarely performed the TAVR population using CMR measures of PVR severity showed a
in clinical laboratories. EROA using the proximal isovelocity surface reduced survival with a regurgitant fraction of 30%,73 supporting the
area (PISA) method is usually not feasible because the flow conver- use of this cutoff for moderate AR post-TAVR. Harmonizing grading
gence from the apical window is shadowed frequently by the pros- schemes between imaging modalities may minimize discordance be-
thesis and its shape is typically non-hemispheric. tween the two techniques.
Severity of PVR using quantitative criteria: Whereas quantitative Continued follow-up of patients following TAVR is recommen-
grading schemes have been advocated for the evaluation of prosthetic ded, particularly in the setting of recent data suggesting PVR may
valve regurgitation, there is little data to support the use of these quan- improve over time74,75 and because of the unclear long-term
titative parameters in the context of acute PVR, shortly after TAVR. durability of these valves. Patients with uncomplicated THV im-
The PARTNER IA study reported a mean LVOT Doppler stroke vol- plantation should undergo a comprehensive TTE soon after implan-
ume in patients with $mild AR following TAVR of 68 6 20 mL,14 tation to establish baseline valvular function, and subsequently at
446 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 8 Repair for bioprosthetic aortic paravalvular regurgitation. At baseline: 2D color Doppler depicts very eccentric paravalvular
AR evident in both short-axis (left) and long-axis (right) TEE views (arrows). An occluder device is deployed with reduction of color
Doppler intensity but with significant residual PVR noted medial to device #1 (white arrows in center image, bottom). Occluder device
#2 was deployed medial to occluder device #1 with immediate reduction in PVR severity to trace (white arrow).

1-3 months and 1 year. Studies should also be performed if unex- and the effect of high pulmonary pressures on right ventricular size
pected clinical deterioration or new murmurs occur after THV. and function.
TTE is used to identify complications of the procedure, especially
PVR, and changes in LV or RV function, assess aortic root structure G. Integrative Approach to Assessment of AR
and valvular function, and measure PA pressure. The baseline post-
The evaluation of AR by Doppler echocardiography after percuta-
TAVR TTE is integral to accurate follow-up, since changes in base-
neous interventions on the aortic valve should be a comprehensive
line hemodynamics (increase in mean gradient of $10 mm Hg or
and integrative process, based on all the information collected during
1 grade in AR) are an indication of possible valve deterioration or
the examination, since each of the parameters used in this evaluation
has advantages and limitations. In all cases, one should routinely
perform a comprehensive sweep of the implanted valve by 2D and
F. Assessing Residual AR after Percutaneous Repair of CD echocardiography, which includes an assessment of LV size and
Prosthetic Paravalvular Regurgitation function, as well as velocity recordings in the LV outflow tract, mitral
The recently published Paravalvular Leak Academic Research and pulmonic valve annuli, and in the proximal descending aorta
Consortium Expert Statement reviews the technical aspects of per- and/or abdominal aorta. CW Doppler of the AR jet should also be
forming PVR closure after SAVR or TAVR.77 The document also de- routinely recorded but only utilized if a complete signal is obtained.
fines the clinical endpoints reflecting safety and effectiveness of Recordings of CD and pulsed-wave Doppler of prosthetic valve AR
transcatheter devices, as well as the single and composite clinical end- are more challenging compared to native AR due to the valve struc-
points for clinical trials. The therapeutic endpoint should be under- ture and mechanism of residual AR after aortic valve interventions.
stood prior to the procedure. If the procedure is being performed Based on data in the literature and a consensus of the committee
to address heart failure, any reduction in RVol is desirable. If, on the members, the Writing Group proposes a scheme for evaluation of pa-
other hand, the procedure is to address hemolysis, then complete tients with AR (Figure 9). It is in a similar format to the scheme
or near obliteration of the leak should be the objective. In deciding recently proposed for native valve AR, but differs in the incorporation
when and how to address PVR after SAVR or TAVR, it is important of VCA and % circumferential extent of VC, the removal of the con-
for the imaging physician to understand the underlying mechanism ventional AR jet width/LVOT diameter ratio because of AR jet eccen-
of the paravalvular regurgitation; this should guide the treatment tricity, and the consideration of LV size and function.7 In applying this
approach and may also predict whether a transcatheter closure device scheme, it is the consensus of the committee members that the pro-
will be successful in treating the regurgitation. cess of grading AR should be comprehensive, using a combination
Localization and grading of residual AR after repair is assessed pri- of signs and measurements obtained by Doppler echocardiography.
marily with TEE or TTE as described for acute intra-procedural TAVR If the AR is definitely determined as mild or severe using these specific
assessment (Figure 8). In addition to grading of the regurgitation, an signs, no further measurement is required, particularly for mild le-
assessment of the effects of regurgitation in the chronic setting should sions. If there are only a few parameters consistent with mild or severe
include an evaluation of change in LV size and function, PA pressures, AR, and the quality of the primary data lends itself to quantitation, it is
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 447
Volume 32 Number 4

Aortic Regurgitation After TAVR or Percutaneous Prosthetic Valve Repair

Yes, mild Yes, severe

* Does AR meet specific criteria of
mild or severe AR? *
Specific Criteria for Mild AR Specific Criteria for Severe AR
• VC width < 0.3 cm Intermediate values:
• VC width > 0.6 cm
• VCA < 0.10 cm2 AR probably moderate
• VCA ≥ 0.30 cm2
• Circumferential extent <10% • Circumferential VC extent ≥ 30%
• Small or no flow convergence 2-3 criteria 2-3 criteria • Large flow convergence
• PHT > 500 ms Perform quantitative methods whenever possible to
• PHT < 200 ms
• No or brief diastolic flow refine assessment • Prominent holodiastolic flow
reversal in the descending aorta reversal in the descending aorta

≥ 4 criteria ≥ 4 criteria
Definitively mild Definitively severe
(quantitation not needed) RVol < 30 mL RVol 30 - 59 mL RVol ≥ 60 mL¶ (may still quantitate)
RF < 30% RF 30 - 49% RF ≥ 50%
EROA <0.1 cm2 EROA 0.10 - 0.29 cm2 EROA ≥ 0.3 cm2

3 specific criteria
for severe AR

Mild Moderate Severe


• Poor TTE quality or low confidence in measured Doppler parameters

Indeterminate AR
• Discordant quantitative and qualitative parameters and/or clinical data Consider further testing:
TEE or CMR for quantitation

* AR after TAVR is frequently eccentric, involving more than one jet; an integrative approach is essential

¶ Regurgitant volume for severe AR may be lower in low flow conditions.

§ EROA is infrequently used in AR. It is derived using the volumetric approach, not PISA.

Figure 9 Suggested algorithm to guide implementation of integration of multiple parameters of AR severity after TAVR or prosthetic
aortic valve repair. Good-quality echocardiographic imaging and complete data acquisition are assumed. If imaging is technically
difficult, consider TEE or CMR. AR severity may be indeterminate due to poor image quality, technical issues with data, internal incon-
sistency among echo findings, or discordance with clinical findings.

desirable for echocardiographers with experience in quantitative H. Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in
methods to measure quantitatively the degree of AR, including the re- Evaluating AR
gurgitant volume and fraction as descriptors of volume overload. The A few studies have demonstrated the feasibility of CMR for evalua-
effective regurgitant orifice area, a descriptor of lesion severity, is less tion of PVR after TAVR.78-81 There are a number of advantages of
frequently used after aortic valve interventions. As previously CMR for assessing PVR in this setting, including the ability to
mentioned, quantification of EROA via PISA is limited in TAVR; measure RVol irrespective of the number of regurgitant jets or their
hence quantification via the volumetric approach is recommended. morphology,82 the high reproducibility of measurements,83 and the
Grading of AR in this population is more challenging than in native ability to measure RVol for multiple valve lesions.80,81,84 LV
AR and for this reason and the errors involved in quantitation, a volumes and function can also be assessed using standard cine
three-grade system is proposed (mild, moderate, and severe). When CMR sequences. Few pitfalls of the technique exist, and the cost,
the evidence from the different parameters is congruent, it is easier access to scanners, and expertise with valve disease continue to be
to grade AR severity. When parameters are contradictory, one must barriers to widespread use.
look carefully for technical and physiologic reasons to explain these The direct measurement of forward and reverse flow volumes in
discrepancies and rely on the components that have the best quality the aortic root by CMR facilitates the calculation of aortic RF for
of the primary data and that are the most accurate considering the un- assessment of PVR severity (Figure 10). PVR can be visualized in
derlying clinical condition. In situations where the assessment is diffi- the cine CMR three-chamber view using the steady-state free preces-
cult and indeterminate, provides contradicting echo/Doppler data sion (SSFP) technique. Due to intra-voxel spin dephasing, a regurgi-
that cannot be resolved or conflicts with the clinical presentation, tant jet causes a signal change that is either bright or dark
further testing is advised with either TEE or CMR. TEE in this scenario depending on the direction of phase encoding. However, due to sus-
can provide the mechanism of AR and quantitation of VC area and ceptibility artifact from the valve frame, identification of regurgitant
circumferential extent. CMR, on the other hand, can provide quanti- flow can often be challenging (Figure 10). Alternatively, phase-
tation of RVol and RF (see below). contrast imaging in a CMR three-chamber view using in-plane phase
448 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 10 CMR for evaluation of PVR after TAVR and subsequent valve-in-valve (ViV) implantation for treating residual AR. Three-
chamber cine view showing the PVR jet (red arrow) after TAVR (A). (B) shows the decreased severity of PVR after ViV placement.
Phase-contrast imaging of the flow through the prosthetic valve (C and D) shows the PVR jet, which has decreased significantly after
ViV. The right panels show the flow-volume curves through the aortic valve (plane of acquisition in A & B) before and after ViV place-
ment. Significant backward flow was seen due to PVR with a RF of 36% (moderate severity). After ViV placement, regurgitation was
reduced and the RF decreased to 12% (mild severity).

encoding can be used to more reliably visualize the jet. Given the 2D been shown to have prognostic value in native AR93 as well as in
nature of both SSFP and phase-contrast imaging, eccentric regurgitant post-TAVR patients.78
jets may be missed. The major advantage of CMR in the characteriza- A number of different cutoffs for defining severity of aortic regur-
tion of PVR is the ability to quantify regurgitant flow regardless of gitation after TAVR have been used, adding to the confusion in the
whether a regurgitant jet has been visually identified. This is accom- literature. RF cut-offs for severe AR after TAVR in small populations
plished via through-plane phase-contrast imaging acquired at the level ranged between >30% and >40%,85 and quantitative RF values of
of the aortic root immediately above the transcatheter heart valve. AR severity obtained by phase-contrast imaging were lower than
This allows the direct measurement of forward stroke volume and those obtained by echocardiography.94,95 However, strong
RVol, and subsequent calculation of regurgitant fraction (Figure 10). outcomes evidence from recent trials using TTE grading suggests
Contrary to TTE, this technique is not affected by potential variability that this may not be the case and that TTE can accurately assess
in the shape of the regurgitant orifice during the cardiac cycle. severity.2,10 Gelfand et al.95 have shown that the CMR cutoffs that
Furthermore, the quantitative approach by CMR has very low optimized the correlation with integrative echocardiographic grades
observer variability compared to either 2D or 3D TEE.82,85,86 were similar to those recommended for both native and surgical pros-
Preliminary data have shown that paravalvular AR severity grading thetic AR in guidelines published by the American Society of
with TTE may be underestimated compared to quantitative Echocardiography: mild <30%, moderate 30-50%, and severe
CMR.79 Limitations of the phase-contrast technique include signal >50%.6,7 Developing a unified grading scheme would help
loss due to complex flow, velocity encoding choices in stenosis/regur- determine the true differences between imaging techniques, since
gitation, temporal and spatial resolution, and that reverse flow by obtaining a routine CMR in this elderly population with high
CMR includes coronary flow in addition to AR,87 partially explaining prevalence of pacemakers is frequently not possible.
the variable cutoffs for mild AR in previous studies. Alternatively, the
indirect method can be used to calculate RVol and RF. This involves Key Points
comparison of total LV stroke volume derived in the aorta with phase Assessment of paravalvular regurgitation after
contrast or from LV volumes, to stroke volume in the pulmonary ar- aortic valve interventions
tery or from the right ventricle (in the absence of significant tricuspid  Paravalvular regurgitation (PVR) is a complication of trans-
or pulmonic regurgitation), which reflect systemic stroke volume.7 catheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Recent observa-
Similar to native valve disease, when the clinical presentation and tions with newer valve designs suggest that the incidence of
TTE results do not concur, CMR at centers with appropriate expertise PVR is low (0-2%) and that mild or lesser PVR does not affect
should be considered for further evaluation of PVR, especially when a outcomes.
therapeutic intervention is under consideration.7 CMR-based phase-  Imaging prior to TAVR (echocardiography and multi-detector
contrast imaging provides direct, accurate, and reproducible quantifi- computed tomography) and intra-procedural imaging (echo-
cation of valvular regurgitation.88-90 AR quantification is more cardiography and fusion imaging) can predict and reduce the
reproducible by CMR compared to echocardiography in native risk of PVR following TAVR. The predictors of PVR include:
valve disease.83,91,92 CMR-derived quantitative findings also have
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 449
Volume 32 Number 4

the 4 categories of percutaneous MV interventions with comments

under-sizing the transcatheter heart valve (THV), severe
and caveats for assessing residual MR during the procedure, followed
valve/annular calcification and inappropriate positioning of
by an overall evaluation of MR outside the catheterization laboratory
the valve.
common to these interventions. TEE (2D & 3D) is the main imaging
 Intra-procedural echocardiography may be performed using
modality for guiding the procedures and evaluating their immediate
transesophageal (TEE) or transthoracic (TTE) imaging; each
success, while TTE is the main initial modality outside the catheteriza-
approach has its advantages and limitations in assessing
tion laboratory. Similar to all regurgitant lesions, an integrative
TAVR results and severity of PVR. Because echocardiographic
approach using various parameters is essential in the overall evalua-
views and availability of Doppler parameters are limited dur-
tion of the severity of residual MR.
ing the procedure (color Doppler and flow pattern in de-
scending aorta), confirming the severity of PVR with
aortography and invasive hemodynamics may be needed if A. General Considerations in Evaluating Residual MR
echocardiographic imaging is non-diagnostic. during MV Interventions
 Color Doppler is the first-line method for detecting and as- Unlike PVR after TAVR for aortic stenosis, which represents a new
sessing severity of aortic regurgitation (AR) after TAVR. How- lesion, residual MR after most mitral interventions involves assess-
ever, the limitations of echocardiography and characteristics ment of the reduction in MR severity from baseline, as most current
of PVR jets both introduce challenges: 1) From parasternal MV interventions are aimed at reducing MR. An assessment of
or esophageal views, there is ultrasound attenuation from changes in both hemodynamics and Doppler echocardiographic pa-
the valve in the far field, necessitating the use of multiple im- rameters is important in the overall evaluation of acute changes in
aging windows to detect all AR jets, including apical views (for MR severity during MV repair or replacement. Table 5 depicts the he-
TTE) and deep transgastric views (for TEE); 2) AR after TAVR modynamic and Doppler parameters that can be evaluated with TEE
frequently arises from multiple jets that are often eccentric; 3) during the procedure and their implications for severity of MR. CD is
In the setting of stent frame non-conformability, intact calci- the main Doppler modality for assessing MR (site, number of jets, ec-
fied leaflets, and open THV cells, there are frequently multi- centricity, vena contracta, and flow convergence) prior to and during
ple small PVR jets traveling in atypical directions; 4) the procedure, with special considerations and limitations depending
Conventional AR jet width/LVOT diameter ratio cannot be on the type of MV intervention (see text below and Table 5). The pul-
used to assess AR severity because of jet eccentricity. monary vein flow pattern is used together with other findings in an
 Evaluation of residual AR after TAVR should be comprehen- integrated fashion to assess residual MR; it should be meticulously
sive and include assessment of: 1) THV shape and position; 2) interrogated in all patients before and during the procedure.
The number and location of the regurgitant jets; 3) Vena con- Patients with severe MR have either systolic blunting or systolic
tracta width and area; 4) Circumferential extent of the regur- flow reversal in one or more pulmonary veins. Normalization of pul-
gitant jets (with careful consideration of non-contiguous, monary vein flow after MV interventions strongly suggests that MR
small, discrete jets); 4) Duration of diastolic flow reversal by has been reduced to mild, with normalization of left atrial (LA) pres-
PWD in the descending and/or abdominal aorta; 5) sure (Table 5). Failure of pulmonary vein velocity pattern to improve
Continuous-wave Doppler velocity waveform density and suggests insufficient MR reduction. Recently, these intra-procedural
pressure half-time; 6) Methods for quantifying regurgitant changes in pulmonary vein flow patterns have been shown to
volume, regurgitant fraction, and, less often, effective regurgi- predict re-hospitalization and mortality after the procedure.96
tant orifice area. Appearance of spontaneous contrast in the LA after MV intervention
 When more than mild AR is suspected but the data are equiv- also suggests significant reduction in MR severity. The mitral inflow
ocal, CMR should be performed (at centers with appropriate velocity pattern [(decrease in mitral E velocity and velocity time inte-
expertise) to quantitate aortic regurgitant volume and frac- gral (VTI)] may be helpful in assessing reduction of MR, particularly in
tion, as well as LV chamber volumes. procedures that do not change actual MV structure (annuloplasty and
repair of PVR). A change from an E-wave-dominant to an A-wave-
dominant pattern suggests mild residual MR. Furthermore, measure-
ment of velocity in the LVOT with TEE from deep transgastric views,
while challenging, may be helpful in demonstrating an increase in ve-
IV. PERCUTANEOUS MITRAL VALVE INTERVENTIONS locity and thus systemic flow. Lastly, a decline in LV ejection fraction
after MV intervention suggests significant MR reduction because of
There are 4 major categories of percutaneous mitral valve interven- increased afterload, absent other causes (ischemia, pacemaker-
tions aimed at reducing MR: mitral valve leaflet repair (edge-to- related, etc.).
edge clip, and placement of artificial chords), transcatheter mitral Hemodynamically, the resolution of a regurgitant v wave and
valve replacement, mitral annuloplasty, and catheter-based plugging reduction of left atrial or pulmonary pressures provide important
of paravalvular leaks. Among these, edge-to-edge repair is the only clues to improvement in MR severity that might be particularly help-
catheter-based MV intervention approved by the United States ful when residual MR severity is difficult to assess with color Doppler.
Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for commercial use and It is also common to observe a 10-15 mm Hg increase in systolic blood
thus will be detailed in this document. Each intervention has unique pressure immediately after a successful reduction in severe MR, re-
issues regarding both intra-procedural and post-procedural assess- flecting an increase in forward stroke volume. On the other hand, it
ment of residual MR. However, the general principles of assessing re- is important to note that MV interventions are performed under gen-
sidual MR with Doppler echocardiography after percutaneous mitral eral anesthesia, which may alter hemodynamics in a way that can
interventions are similar to those recently published in detail for reduce the severity of MR. Consequently, assessment of MR severity
native and prosthetic valves.7 The current document will focus on before and immediately after mitral interventions should be
450 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Table 5 Hemodynamics and TEE parameters useful in determining residual MR severity during MV interventions in the
catheterization laboratory

Parameter Assessing severity of residual MR

Invasive hemodynamics Decrease in regurgitant v wave, LA pressure, and pulmonary pressures are
specific signs of reduction in MR severity; Consider effects of general
anesthesia on MR severity
General echocardiographic findings
Spontaneous echo contrast in LA Appearance of spontaneous contrast after MV intervention suggests significant
reduction in MR severity
LVEF Decline in LVEF after MV intervention suggests significant MR reduction in the
absence of other causes (ischemia, pacemaker-related, etc.)
Color Doppler
Color Doppler jet (size, number, location, eccentricity) - Easy to obtain with a comprehensive, systematic approach
- Difficult to assess multiple and eccentric jets
- Jet area affected by eccentricity, technical and hemodynamic factors
(especially driving velocity)
Flow convergence - Large flow convergence denotes significant residual MR whereas a small or
no flow convergence suggests mild MR
- Difficult to use in presence of multiple jets or very eccentric jets, or may be
masked by the device
Vena contracta width - VCW $0.7 cm specific for severe MR
- Difficult to use in presence of multiple small jets or very eccentric jets for
which orifice shape is not well delineated
Vena contracta area (3D planimetry) - Allows better delineation of eccentric orifice shape and possibly the addition
of VCA of multiple jets
- Prone to blooming artifacts
Spectral Doppler
Pulmonary vein flow pattern - Systolic flow reversal in >1 vein specific for severe MR
- Increase in forward systolic velocity after MV intervention helps confirm MR
MR jet profile by CWD (contour, density, peak velocity) - Dense, triangular pattern suggests severe MR
- May be hard to line up CWD properly in flail leaflet or very eccentric jet after
Mitral inflow pattern - In sinus rhythm, mitral A-wave-dominant flow excludes severe MR
- Decrease in mitral E velocity and VTI suggests reduction in MR severity
Pulsed Doppler of LVOT (deep transgastric view) Increase in LVOT velocity and VTI after procedure suggests MR reduction
Quantitative parameters In general, more difficult to perform; some procedure-specific limitations in
EROA by PISA - Not recommended after edge-to-edge repair because assumption of
hemispheric proximal flow convergence is violated by the device.
- PISA often underestimates MR severity in the presence of multiple jets or
markedly eccentric jets.
- Not feasible in PVR of mechanical prosthetic MV or possibly TMVR (flow
masking in LV by TEE)
Regurgitant volume - Difficult to perform volumetric RVol with pulsed Doppler by TEE
CWD, Continuous-wave Doppler; EROA, effective regurgitant orifice area; LA, left atrium; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVOT, left ven-
tricular outflow tract; PISA, proximal isovelocity surface area; PVR, paravalvular regurgitation; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TMVR,
transcatheter mitral valve replacement; VCW, vena contracta width; VCA, vena contracta area; VTI, velocity-time integral.

performed under similar loading conditions. Phenylephrine or intra- early feasibility trials and will not be discussed separately. It is ex-
vascular volume expansion may be given to adjust systolic blood pres- pected that residual MR assessment after the latter procedure will
sure or filling pressures to physiologic levels prior to final assessment be similar to surgical MV repair with valve preservation techniques.
of MR severity during the procedure.
1. Edge-to-Edge MV Repair. The MitraClip (Abbott Vascular
Structural Heart, Santa Clara, CA) is a chromium cobalt device with
B. Mitral Leaflet Repair two polyester-covered clip arms designed to grasp both MV leaflets
Edge-to-edge mitral leaflet repair is the only USFDA-approved percu- in a similar fashion as edge-to-edge surgical repair. A similar device
taneous therapy and will be discussed in detail. Artificial chords are in (PASCAL, Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) is in early feasibility
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 451
Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 11 Illustrative echocardiographic parameters of reduction of MR severity to mild after edge-to-edge mitral valve repair.

trials.97 These devices are implanted via a transcatheter delivery sys- during edge-to-edge device deployment to evaluate the severity of re-
tem that is inserted into the LA from the femoral vein via transseptal sidual MR. CD evaluation pertaining to edge-to-edge repair is further
puncture. TEE (2D and 3D) is used to guide the transseptal puncture discussed below.
and to steer the device to the appropriate MV pathology. A key part of
the procedure is to visualize the stable capture and insertion of both 2. Evaluation of Residual MR with CD Immediately after
leaflets into the clip arms. Once anterior and posterior leaflet insertion Edge-to-Edge Repair. CD allows rapid assessment of the pres-
is verified, the clip is then closed more fully while TEE color flow im- ence or absence of MR. Despite its limitations,7 CD is the mainstay
aging is used to assess MR reduction. This is typically done in the of intra-procedural TEE because of its simplicity. It is important to
commissural view (mid-esophageal between 60-90 degrees) because maintain the same ultrasound settings pre- and post-procedure.
it allows imaging of MR jets on both sides of the clip and across the In vitro experiments have shown that when there are two or more
entire coaptation plane of the MV. After confirmation of leaflet inser- MR jets, they tend to merge together and overestimate the severity
tion, demonstration of MR reduction and a non-significant mitral of MR.98 MR jets after clip deployment can be multiple, in different
pressure gradient post-clip implant, the clip is detached from the de- planes, of different severity, and may crisscross and merge, thus add-
livery system and permanently deployed. If needed, a second, or less ing to the complexity of assessment of residual MR severity
frequently a third clip can be placed for further MR reduction. The (Figure 12). Two or three small, thin jets emanating after deployment
decision to proceed with a second clip is complex and based on of a single clip resemble the washing jets from a bi-leaflet mechanical
the degree of reduction of MR with the first clip, residual MR, MV and are usually no more than mild MR. Factors indicative of at
mean mitral gradient and valve area, improvement in hemodynamics, least moderate MR after edge-to-edge repair include a wide vena con-
and the technical feasibility of placing a second clip. Regardless of tracta or a prominent proximal convergence zone on the LV side.
whether 1 or more clips are deployed, evaluation of the degree of Because proximal convergence is constrained by the presence of
MR reduction, the severity of residual MR, and the trans-mitral the clip itself, angle correction would be required for the calculation
mean gradient are key components of the decision-making process of EROA by PISA.7 However, the requirement for angle correction
and are predominantly guided by intra-procedural TEE. Table 5 and and the frequent presence of 2 or more jets makes PISA less reliable
Figure 11 detail the echocardiographic parameters that are assessed and therefore, it is not recommended for flow quantitation and
452 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 12 Challenges of multiple MR jets after edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. Transesophageal echocardiographic images from a
mid-esophageal level. (A) Three separate, small jets are seen. (B) A large jet with a wide orifice is seen medial to the device with a very
small jet laterally. (C) Two separate large jets, crisscrossing with a confluence close to the valve. (D) Five different residual jets of var-
iable severity seen after deployment of a single clip.

derivation of EROA. 3D imaging of the vena contracta area(s) of the sidual MR grade in determining the need for and advisability of a sec-
MR jet(s) after valve repair shows promise because of its quantitative ond clip. On the other hand, residual moderate or greater MR can
nature and good correlation with CMR.99-101 Each jet that is deemed augment the diastolic gradient across the MV when a clip is present,
significant would need to be analyzed separately for VCA, since they which should also be taken into account when considering placement
are often in different planes and with different orientations, and their of an additional clip. In such a setting, an additional clip may reduce
VCAs are added (Figure 13). Further experience and validation is the transmitral diastolic gradient if the MR is effectively reduced.
needed with this approach. Multiplying the velocity time integral of
the CWD jet of MR by the total VCA provides, in principle, the
RVol; however this has not been validated.7 3D color can help iden- C. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement
tify, assess, and localize residual eccentric or wall-hugging MR jets not
seen by 2D color flow imaging. 1. TMVR Implantation. A few TMVR designs have been devel-
oped and successfully implanted in patients.104-108 None of these
3. Interaction of Mean Transvalvular Gradient and Residual valves are currently US FDA-approved for commercial use. At this
MR after Edge-to-Edge Repair. Mitral valve edge-to-edge repair time, the Edwards SAPIEN 3 is US FDA-approved only in the setting
causes a reduction in MV area (MVA). Reduction in MR after a first of valve-in-bioprosthetic mitral valve. The valves specifically designed
clip may reduce mitral E velocity but narrowing of the MV orifice for TMVR share common requirements, including a proper seal at the
may have an opposing effect. In the EVEREST I and II trials, an initial mitral annulus, an anchor to the native structures, and avoidance of
maximal MVA in early diastole was empirically chosen to ensure that LVOTobstruction. The approach to implantation has initially been pri-
clip placement did not cause mitral stenosis. Lubos et al.102 showed marily trans-apical. However, transvenous transseptal implantation
that a baseline MVA #3.0 cm2 and a mean gradient $4 mm Hg has also been successfully performed and will likely be the primary
were associated with a high risk of an aborted procedure due to po- implant approach in the future.
tential mitral stenosis. Altiok et al.99 found that mitral stenosis is un- Fluoroscopic imaging planes for the MV are well-defined,109 and
likely to occur if the MVA is at least 4.1 cm2 by 3D TEE. Further, a pre-procedural imaging planes for TMVR can be determined by
post-procedure mean gradient of $5 mm Hg is predictive of elevated multi-detector computed tomography.110,111 MDCT is particularly
mean gradient at discharge.103 Thus, the MV gradient is always useful to comprehensively evaluate the entire MV landing zone,
measured after clip implantation and is considered along with the re- choose the appropriate device size, and evaluate the predicted neo-
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Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 13 3D vena contracta area measurements by TEE during MitraClip implantation. (A) Baseline 3D en face view from the left
atrium. Both leaflets were restricted with coaptation defects (arrows). (B) 3D quad images showing vena contracta width (yellow ar-
rows) that is wider in bi-commissural view (top left) than long-axis view (top right). 3D vena contracta area (VCA, bottom left) is ellip-
tical, seen in magnified view in (C), measuring 0.57 cm2. (D) 3D en face view from left atrium after placement of two MitraClips
(arrows). (E) 3D vena contracta measurements after placement of two MitraClips orienting cut planes to lateral jet with VCA of
0.10 cm2. (F) 3D vena contracta measurements orienting cut planes to medial jet with VCA of 0.04 cm2. The combined VCA is
0.14 cm2, consistent with mild MR.

LVOT after valve deployment.111 For trans-apical implantation, the 2. Evaluation of Residual MR Immediately after
location of the apical puncture can be determined pre-procedurally TMVR. Because the TMVR orifice is smaller than that of the native
by MDCT and confirmed during the procedure by TEE. Each device mitral valve, devices typically rely on skirts or flanges to seal off the
has unique aspects to implantation, but they all require TEE guidance native valve lines of coaptation to both competitive antegrade flow
to ensure that the guide wire and subsequent device delivery system and PVR. As with all bioprostheses, there is a risk of central MR
are centrally located in the chord-free space between the middle seg- due to cusp malfunction, which is readily identified by CD. Acute cen-
ments of the valve (A2 and P2 segments) to avoid chordal rupture. tral valvular regurgitation is uncommon, and may occur due to inad-
During the TMVR procedure, the device can interfere with anterior equate initial cusp motion, theoretically as a result of collapsing the
leaflet closure and create transient acute severe MR. Prompt recogni- valve or damaging the leaflets during delivery.
tion of this problem by TEE and redirection of the delivery system is Early feasibility trials indicate that PVR occurs infrequently after
important. After deployment of the device, 2D and 3D imaging are TMVR.114,115 However, identification and localization of PVR after
used to confirm appropriate device seating, stability, orientation, TMVR may be difficult, in contrast to central MR (Table 5). The valve
and function (transvalvular gradient and the determination of central flange or skirt causes acoustic shadowing, which may make it difficult
or paravalvular regurgitation). LVOT obstruction after TMVR may to discern if the color jets that are seen moving across the annular
occur either due to the MV prosthesis itself or displacement of the plane are contained within the flange/skirt or enter the LA, causing
anterior mitral leaflet into the LVOT. In addition to TMVR per se, im- MR. PVR may occur at any point along the perimeter of the valve;
plantation of TAVR valves in the mitral position in patients with native it is essential therefore to interrogate the valve systematically with
mitral annular calcification, complete annuloplasty rings, or prior bio- multiple views and imaging angles and is best performed with 3D
prosthetic valves has been reported in large registries.112,113 The same TEE. PVR following TMVR may result from suboptimal valve sizing
principles of evaluating MR severity after such procedures is that may leave native commissures/lines of coaptation exposed,
applicable. which then can interfere with the seating of the valve and flange.
454 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
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Figure 14 Plug repair for mechanical MV paravalvular regurgitation. At baseline: 2D color Doppler depicts paravalvular MR with a
vena contracta diameter of 7 mm. A large paravalvular defect is noted at the 10 o’clock location (arrow). 3D color Doppler depicts
a large paravalvular MR jet. The left upper pulmonary vein demonstrates systolic flow reversal (S). After deployment of an occluder:
2D color Doppler depicts two very small MR jets on either side of the repair device. The device is appropriately deployed within the
paravalvular defect (arrow). 3D color Doppler depicts a very small residual paravalvular MR jet at the superior margin of the occluder
device. Left upper pulmonary vein flow demonstrates systolic blunting but no reversal of flow.

This may also be exacerbated because of native annular or valvular tion of the valve with the septum may interfere with the stability of the
calcification. Even with appropriate sizing, there may be inadequate implanted valve.
seating due to insufficient capture of the native valve elements to
which the prosthetic valve is anchored. This may be associated with D. Percutaneous Mitral Annuloplasty
excessive systolic movement of the valve, which may result in perma-
nent or intermittent displacement of the valve flange/skirt into the 1. Percutaneous MV Annuloplasty Devices. Mitral annulo-
LA. In extreme cases, complete valve dislodgement will result in se- plasty is a critical component of most surgical MV repairs for both pri-
vere MR. mary and secondary MR with annular dilatation. Accordingly, there is
Since experience with TMVR is limited, the approach to evaluating a significant interest in the development of percutaneous mitral annu-
the severity of MR is extrapolated from that used for surgical mitral loplasty. Indirect annuloplasty refers to the deployment of a device
prostheses6 or native MR.7 CD is used to identify and localize the within the coronary sinus, taking advantage of the vicinity of the cor-
jet(s). Although jet dimensions may provide semi-quantitative infor- onary sinus to the posterior and lateral aspects of the mitral
mation as to the degree of regurgitation, it should be noted that there annulus.116,117 None of the devices listed below are approved for
has been no validation of jet dimensions in the setting of TMVR. clinical use in the US. The Carillon device (Cardiac Dimensions
Theoretically, measurement of VCW or VCA for discrete jets may Inc., Kirkland, WA) is currently approved in Europe and works by
be helpful but lacks validation after TMVR. Application of the PISA pulling together the distal and proximal coronary sinus to reduce
approach to PVR with TEE has significant limitations, as the PISA the mitral valve orifice area.118,119 The role of intra-procedural echo-
shells are rarely hemispheric, are usually truncated by adjacent walls, cardiography is to evaluate MR severity before and after deployment,
and are frequently shadowed by the prosthetic valve (Table 5). Non- and to detect complications such as pericardial effusion (due to coro-
holosystolic MR jets that typically are not associated with severe MR nary sinus laceration or perforation) and LV lateral wall ischemia from
may be encountered post TMVR. Therefore, it is important to verify acute compression of the left circumflex coronary artery. Direct annu-
MR jet duration with CWD and/or color M-mode. loplasty consists of the re-shaping of the mitral annulus by cinching it
through different mechanisms that approach the annulus itself rather
3. Other Considerations in TMVR. Many of the current TMVR than the coronary sinus. Mitralign (Mitralign Inc., Tewksbury, MA)
prostheses have structural elements that may project toward the inter- consists of 2 pairs of pledgets deployed in the posterior annulus.120
ventricular septum and predispose to LVOT obstruction. The orienta- Each pledget of the pair is implanted by perforation of the annulus
tion of valvular elements relative to the septum should be carefully with radiofrequency wires from the LV to the LA. Cinching and lock-
assessed and LVOT pressure gradients recorded from the transgastric ing the pledgets together reduces the annular dimension. As this pro-
approach during TEE. While the relationship between LVOT gradi- cedure is performed in the P1 (lateral) and P3 (medial) segments, the
ents and MR is uncertain, there is a theoretical possibility that interac- antero-posterior dimension is reduced, therefore improving leaflet
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 455
Volume 32 Number 4

coaptation. This procedure requires TEE guidance for precise posi- interfere with the prosthetic valve leaflets during systole, preventing
tioning of the guiding catheters near the commissures and for subse- proper closure. This complication can be more difficult to recognize,
quent safe crossing of the radio frequency wires into the LA. The and frequently the only sign is an abrupt increase in valvular regurgi-
Cardioband system (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) uses TEE tation that is greater than the normal closing volume.124 Other poten-
and fluoroscopic guidance to anchor a band directly to the annulus tial complications include device embolization, thrombus formation,
from the lateral to the medial trigones.121,122 The band is then and compromise of the circumflex coronary artery (typically with
adjusted in the beating heart to cinch the annulus until maximal posterolateral defect targets) manifesting as a new lateral regional
MR reduction is obtained. 3D TEE has demonstrated acute wall motion abnormality.
reduction of annular dimensions with associated MR reduction.123
2. Evaluation of Residual MR after Repair of Paravalvular
2. Evaluation of MR after Percutaneous Annuloplasty. The MR. In assessing residual MR by TEE, a remaining defect versus an
evaluation of MR after any of the annuloplasty procedures is the least echo dropout around the occluder(s) should be confirmed by the
challenging of all MV percutaneous interventions, as the MV still con- presence of a PVR jet. Multiplane TEE imaging with CD (often
sists of a single orifice, with an anatomy predictably similar to a native with off-axis views) is used to visualize the PVR defect. CD is used
valve. Evaluation of MR severity should be performed according to to localize the PVR jet as well as assess its severity. Visualization of
the recent ASE recommendations for native MR.7 Importantly, all the post-repair residual PVR jet and its area in the receiving chamber
Doppler measurements pre-intervention can be compared after the can provide a rapid screening of the presence and direction of the jet
procedure (CD, PWD, CWD) for a comprehensive assessment of and a semi-quantitative assessment of its severity (Figure 14). Larger
changes in MR severity. If the anchors detach, the shape of the jet areas represent more significant residual PVR. However, eccentric,
annulus may be altered, allowing for unusual MR jet location poste- wall-impinging jets appear smaller than centrally directed jets of
rior to the annuloplasty device, possibly resulting in worse MR similar hemodynamic severity, leading to underestimation of PVR
severity. In general, the expected result of all these annuloplasty pro- by CD.
cedures is that mitral annular dimensions and tenting area decrease,
and coaptation length increases, resulting in a decrease in MR Key Points
severity, and subsequently in LV dimensions and volumes over time. TEE guidance of mitral valve interventions
 Most mitral valve interventions are designed to reduce MR
severity, so comparison of baseline to peri-interventional
E. Transcatheter Repair of Paravalvular Prosthetic MR measures are paramount.
 Each device has unique characteristics that require device-
1. Repair of Paravalvular MR. TEE with 3D imaging and CD is specific imaging protocols for successful and safe deployment,
the imaging technique of choice for the localization and anatomic as well as for evaluating residual MR severity.
analysis of prosthetic paravalvular MR and for guidance during the  Color Doppler is a convenient first-line method for detecting
procedure (Figure 14). There is, however, an increasing interest in the presence of residual MR, determining the number, loca-
integrating and co-registering MDCT imaging with real-time fluoros- tion, and direction of MR jets, and for estimating MR severity
copy in the catheterization laboratory. The localization and image using jet characteristics of flow convergence, vena contracta,
display of the PVR jets should be done to facilitate the communica- and jet area. However, determinations of severity of MR using
tion between the echocardiographer and the interventionalist. The color Doppler alone can be misleading, so integration with
standard approach is to use the ‘‘surgeon’s view’’ from the LA, other parameters is necessary.
whereby the aortic valve is at the top (12 o’clock), the medial commis-  A change in pattern from systolic flow reversal in more than
sure/annulus is to the right (3 o’clock), and the lateral commissure/ one pulmonary vein to a normal pattern is strongly suggestive
annulus and neighboring LA appendage are to the left (9 o’clock). of mild residual MR.
Most para-prosthetic MR defects are in the anteromedial or postero-  A change from an E-wave-dominant mitral inflow pattern to
lateral locations. Evaluation of the size and shape of the defect(s) is an A-wave-dominant pattern is consistent with mild residual
important for procedural planning. In the rare cases of PVR repair MR.
of TMVR, the skirts/flanges of the prosthesis pose challenges to trans-  3D TEE measurement of MR vena contracta area(s) may be
catheter approaches of valve repair not encountered with surgical MV useful in determining residual MR severity but requires
replacement; 3D TEE imaging is an essential component of pre- further validation.
procedural planning and intra-procedural monitoring.  Integration of echo/Doppler measures with invasive hemo-
Knowledge of the 2D echocardiographic appearance of the dynamics can help determine residual MR severity.
expanded occluder device is important for proper positioning, stabil-  In addition to assessment of residual MR severity, trans-mitral
ity, and potential for impacting prosthetic valve function and leaflet pressure gradient, mitral valve area, and potential LVOT
motion. 3D echocardiography of the MV from the LA provides excel- obstruction should be evaluated.
lent visualization of the occluder device, extent of overlap (if any), and
the need for repositioning or deployment of additional occluders to
successfully obliterate the defect. Assessment should be performed
from both an LA and LV perspective. CD is used to identify and
confirm defects and differentiate them from dropout or artifact sec- F. Evaluation of Residual MR Outside the Catheterization
ondary to acoustic shadowing from the mitral prosthesis. Doppler Laboratory after all MV Procedures
assessment of antegrade mitral flow and calculation of the mean Follow-up echocardiographic evaluation after MV interventions
mitral valve pressure gradient should be undertaken to screen for should be a comprehensive study that includes qualitative, semi-
possible prosthetic valve obstruction. Occluder devices may also quantitative, and quantitative analysis when possible, using color
456 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
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Table 6 Echocardiographic parameters and related comments in the assessment of MR severity with TTE after transcatheter MV

Parameter Assessing residual MR after MV interventions

Color Doppler
Color Doppler MR jet(s)  Multiple jets can lead to overestimation of MR severity
 MV device artifacts/shadowing may mask MR jet (TTE) or flow convergence (TEE).
 PVR often difficult to identify, localize and quantify by TTE; TEE often needed
 Eccentric jets difficult to evaluate and harder to detect (out of imaging plane)
Flow convergence  Small, suggests mild MR; large suggests significant MR
Vena contracta width  Often better defined with TEE
 Not validated for multiple jets or various interventions
Vena contracta area (3D)  Better defined with TEE
 May be useful after edge-to-edge repair; likely a preferred method for CD quantitation but limited studies
Spectral Doppler
CW Doppler of MR jet  Parabolic contour and soft density suggest mild MR
 Dense and triangular velocity waveform suggests significant MR
Pulmonary vein flow pattern  Systolic flow reversal specific for severe MR
 Flow pattern influenced by multiple factors: LA pressure, LV filling pressure, atrial fibrillation
 Difficult to record with prosthetic mitral valves
Mitral inflow pattern  Mitral E-wave dominance affected by multiple factors: increased MR severity, LV filling pressure, and
relative MV obstruction from implanted MV devices
 Mitral A-wave dominance suggests mild MR
Quantitative parameters
EROA and RVol by PISA  Not recommended in the presence of MV devices, including edge-to-edge repair (not validated for multiple
jets, double orifice MV, or eccentric jets)
Volumetric RVol and RF  Requires excellent LV endocardial definition to quantitate LV stroke volume; best used with 3D echo or
contrast echo so as not to underestimate LV stroke volume and hence RVol/RF
 Cannot use mitral annulus site for flow because of MV devices (except MV annuloplasty)
 Multiple measurements may compound errors
 Not accurate if >mild aortic regurgitation or VSD present
VSD, Ventricular septal defect.
Other abbreviations as stated earlier.

and spectral Doppler. Patients who have undergone a transcatheter used for surgical mitral prostheses.6 There is little data validating
MV intervention should typically receive TTE one day, 30 days, MR assessment after any of the annuloplasty procedures. However,
and 6-12 months after the procedure. Additional TTE studies should since these procedures result in a valve similar to a native MV with
be performed sooner if clinically indicated. Echocardiograms on day 1 a surgical ring annuloplasty, assessment of residual MR would be
and 30 are primarily for assessing complications and acute results. The similar to native MR.7 Lastly, evaluation of residual MR after PVR
study at 6-12 months is performed to determine primary effectiveness closure has similar complexities and limitations as after TMVR
of the device, including favorable reverse remodeling of the LV and because of the presence of the prosthetic MV and shadowing of the
LA (important indicators of MR reduction), and possible decrease Doppler signal. Defining PVR often requires TEE, especially if the re-
in elevated pulmonary artery pressure. The post-procedure TTE is gurgitant orifice is small or eccentric. Thus, if there is clinical suspicion
more informative if comprehensive echocardiograms are performed of PVR because of a systolic murmur, hemolysis, or congestive heart
before, during, and immediately after the procedure and are available failure, a TEE, preferably with 3D capability, should be performed.
for comparison. At the time of the follow-up TTE, it is important to The following details all echocardiographic parameters used in the
document any changes in medical therapy or clinical condition, mea- evaluation of residual MR severity after MV interventions, along with
sure blood pressure and heart rate, and assess cardiac rhythm to deter- pertinent issues with the TTE approach (Table 6). Table 7 summarizes
mine if the pre- and post-procedure studies are performed under all Doppler and echocardiographic parameters used in assessing
similar clinical and hemodynamic conditions. Following reduction severity of residual MR with either TTE or TEE, as these approaches
of MR, the precise timing of LV reverse remodeling is unclear, but it are complementary in evaluating post-procedural MR.
appears that at 6 months, assessment with TTE is reasonable to deter-
mine if there has been a reduction in LV size; changes in LA size are 1. Color Doppler Imaging. General consideration: CD is essential
less prominent.125,126 in detecting residual MR after MV interventions and identifying
More data is available regarding MR assessment after edge-to-edge several characteristics of the regurgitation (number of jets, site, direc-
repair than for the other MV procedures. With little information on tion, eccentricity). It is important to identify the three components of
the assessment of MR severity after TMVR, most investigators have the MR jet (flow convergence, vena contracta, and jet area in the LA),
assumed that evaluation of residual MR should be similar to that using traditional parasternal long-axis, apical, and off-angle views;
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 457
Volume 32 Number 4

Table 7 Echocardiographic and Doppler parameters for grading MR severity by TEE or TTE after transcatheter MV interventions*

Parameter Mild Moderate Severe

Morphology Device appropriately No specific criteria Abnormal device position/flail
positioned/expected or valve (single leaflet
normal valve motion detachment, dehiscence,
incomplete TMVR
expansion etc.)
LA and LV volumes Reduction in size from Minimal change Enlarged with no change/
baseline or normalization worsening from baseline,
particularly in primary MR
Color Doppler jet (size, One or two small, narrow jets More than mild but does not Large central jet/multiple jets/
number, eccentricity) meet severe criteria eccentric jet(s) of any size
wrapping around LA
Flow convergence size† None or small Intermediate Large
Mitral inflow pattern A-wave dominant No specific criteria No specific criteria
Pulmonary vein flow Normal Blunted systolic flow Systolic flow reversal
CW Doppler of MR jet Faint, parabolic contour No specific criteria Dense, triangular contour
(density, contour)
Vena contracta width (cm) Single jet with VCW #0.3 Single jet with VCW 0.4-0.6 Any jet with VCW $0.7 or $2
moderate jets
Vena contracta area by 3D Single jet with VCA <0.2 Single jet with VCA 0.2-0.39 Any jet with VCA $0.4 or $2
planimetry (cm2)§ moderate jets
EROA by PISA (cm2) <0.2 0.2-0.39 $0.4
Not recommended after edge Not recommended after edge- Not recommended after edge-
to- edge repair or in PVR to-edge repair or in PVR to-edge repair or in PVR
Regurgitant volume (mL) <30 30-59k $60k (May be lower in low flow
Regurgitant fraction (%) <30% 30-49 $50%
CW, continuous-wave; EROA, effective regurgitant orifice area; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; MR, mitral regurgitation; PISA, proximal isovelocity
surface area; PVR, paravalvular regurgitation; TMVR, transcatheter mitral valve replacement; VCA, vena contracta area; VCW, vena contracta
*All parameters have limitations and an integrated approach must be used that weighs the strength of each echocardiographic measurement. All
signs and measures should be interpreted in an individualized manner that accounts for body size, hemodynamics, and other patient characteristics.

Flow convergence is usually small with a PISA radius #0.3 cm and large with a radius $1 cm at a Nyquist limit 25-40 cm/s.

Influenced by many other factors (LV diastolic function, atrial fibrillation, LA pressure).
by Color Doppler; further validation is needed.
Total stroke volume (inclusive of the RVol) is calculated from LV volumes. Use of 3D echocardiography and preferably contrast echocardiography
is recommended to avoid underestimation of LV volumes, RVol, and RF.

parasternal short-axis views at the level of the valve may identify the no or little flow convergence denote mild MR (Figure 15); large jets
number of residual jets. Despite all these manipulations, the 3 compo- or eccentric jets that track along the LA wall to the pulmonary veins
nents may not be seen in the same plane. It is also important to with a large VC or proximal flow convergence are typically severe.
acknowledge three areas of challenge for CD in assessing MR severity CD should always be coupled with other supportive PWD and
after MV interventions: CWD parameters of MR, using an integrative approach, particularly
when limitations with CD are suspected (Figure 16).7 If there is suspi-
1) There is frequently more than one MR jet;
cion for significant residual MR, further evaluation is needed with
2) MR jets are often eccentric and wall-hugging, and may crisscross;
other parameters and/or TEE with 3D capabilities. The utility of 3D
3) A variable degree of shadowing of MR jets occurs, depending on the proced-
ure/MV structure, is worse in the presence of a prosthetic MV (e.g., TMVR CD to assess MR severity has been reported but is not yet fully vali-
and repair of PVR), and occurs to the least extent with MV annuloplasty. dated.99
Vena contracta: There is a paucity of data on vena contracta width
Nonetheless, CD is useful as a first-line approach to identify and and area in evaluating severity of residual MR after MV interventions.
localize the site or origin of MR jet(s). In general, small thin jets with VCW is generally not recommended unless limited to a single jet
458 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
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Figure 15 Echocardiographic features of mild residual MR after edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. The MR jet is narrow, small, and of
low velocity (minimal aliasing), with a small VC and no flow convergence. Pulmonary venous flow shows normal systolic dominance.
There is A-wave dominance of mitral inflow and the CWD recording of the MR jet has a faint spectral display with a parabolic profile.

within the native valve after annuloplasty, provided that the origin of TEE. These same parameters should in principle also apply to other
the MR jet is well identified in a zoomed view and preferably in an MV procedures. For central jets and at a Nyquist limit of 30-
imaging plane in the axial resolution of ultrasound, thus optimizing 40 cm/s, mild MR is associated with a minimal flow-convergence
resultant measurement accuracy.6 There is controversy as to whether radius of #0.3 cm, and severe MR is characterized by a large flow-
to add VCW of multiple jets, or ignore the very small ones (VCW convergence radius of $ 1 cm. After edge-to-edge device implanta-
#2 mm). MR is severe in the presence of a single jet with a VCW tion, flow convergence can be used qualitatively, however PISA is
$0.7 cm, as well as two or more moderate (VCW 0.4-0.6 cm) jets. unsuitable for MR quantification due to multiple MR jets or because
3D TEE allows measurement of VCA, although data with this the clip may obscure the flow-convergence zone or truncate it, mak-
parameter is still scant. Altiok et al.99 measured VCA with 3D TEE ing angle correction necessary and difficult. Similar limitations may be
after MitraClip placement and found that patients with improved present with the other prosthetic MV repair devices/replacement, and
NYHA functional class at 6 months had a greater reduction in there are little data on these newer devices.
VCA when compared to patients without improvement.
Moreover, they found that the reduction in LA and LV volumes 2. CW Doppler of MR Jet. Density of the spectral display of the
were significantly greater in patients who had more than a 50% MR jet relates to the severity of MR. A soft parabolic MR waveform
reduction in VCA after repair. 3D TEE has the unique advantage is consistent with mild MR (Figure 15). However, a dense velocity
of allowing for the analysis of MR severity from each orifice of the waveform is associated with greater severity, but cannot differentiate
double-orifice mitral valve after edge-to-edge repair. There is less moderate from severe MR (Figure 16). An early peaking, triangular
experience with VCA in other residual MR conditions, but it is ex- waveform contour denotes a large regurgitant pressure wave in the
pected that such measurements would also be applicable, given LA and significant MR. If early-peaking of the MR jet is present prior
good quality of the acquired data. The proposed thresholds for to the procedure, the contour of the MR velocity waveform changes
MR severity using VCA are detailed in Table 7; with increasing expe- from early-peaking to parabolic, with reduction in MR severity.
rience in mitral interventions and 3D TEE, further validation and Occasionally a bimodal, early and late systolic flow pattern of MR is
refinement will be forthcoming. seen. When severe MR persists after the procedure, the MR CWD
Flow convergence: PISA has been traditionally used to assess the signal is holosystolic, dense, with similar density to the mitral inflow
severity of native or prosthetic MR in conjunction with TTE and Doppler signal.
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Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 16 An example of significant residual MR after edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. The severity from the above views is likely
moderate but would need to be substantiated further with either quantitative LV volumes/Doppler (see example in Figure 17), TEE
or CMR. The color Doppler jet is aliased and large in the left atrium; however’ flow convergence is not prominent. There is aliased
systolic flow reversal in the pulmonary vein but this may be contaminated with the MR jet being directed into the interrogated pulmo-
nary vein. Mitral E wave-dominance is sensitive but not specific for significant MR as it is load dependent and also related to the re-
sidual valve area after repair. The CWD velocity waveform is of moderate density and still parabolic.

3. Mitral Inflow Pattern and Pressure Gradient. After edge-to- strongly suggests that MR has been reduced (Figures 11 and 14).
edge MV repair, TMVR, annuloplasty ring insertion, or catheter-based Diastolic dominance may persist if MR is still significant, or in the
plugging of paravalvular leaks, the mitral inflow velocity pattern is as- presence of elevated LV diastolic pressure or atrial fibrillation.127
sessed using CWD to determine the peak mitral E velocity, its decel- With worsening of MR, pulmonary vein systolic flow reversal may
eration rate, and the mean mitral pressure gradient. The heart rate develop.
should be noted. Anatomic assessment of mitral valve openings after
edge-to-edge repair or residual paravalvular leaks is best assessed with 5. Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure. Pulmonary artery sys-
3D TEE.124 After edge-to-edge repair, a mean mitral valve gradient of tolic pressure (PASP) is an adjunctive measurement because it may
<5 mm Hg at a normal heart rate is considered acceptable. An be normal or elevated at rest in patients with moderate-to-severe
elevated pressure gradient in the presence of a large valve opening MR; elevated PASP may also be due to intrinsic pulmonary vascular
may be an important clue to the presence of significant MR. A change disease rather than MR. In one study, the PASP fell from 36 6 4 to
from an E-wave-dominant mitral inflow pattern at baseline to an 29 6 7 mm Hg after MitraClip placement.128 The fall in PASP was
A-wave-dominant pattern after the intervention is indicative of signif- primarily seen in patients with elevated values at baseline.123
icant reduction in MR and non-severe residual MR, provided the pa-
6. Regurgitant Volume and Fraction. Evaluation of RVol and RF
tient is in sinus rhythm. In contrast, a mitral E-dominant inflow pattern
by volumetric echo/Doppler is a useful method to assess MR post-
is not diagnostic of significant MR, as it is influenced by many factors,
intervention. This is feasible unless more than mild AR or a significant
including the new relative valve stenosis after the MV intervention,
ventricular septal defect is present. Because MV anatomy is usually
and LV filling pressures (Figures 15 and 16). On the other hand, an
abnormal after MV percutaneous interventions (edge-to-edge repair,
increase in mitral E velocity and velocity-time integral with a decrease
prosthetic valve), determination of stroke volume with PWD at the
in LVOT velocity over time may indicate worsening severity of MR.
MV annulus is not feasible. Thus, total LV stroke volume is determined
4. Pulmonary Vein Flow Pattern. Pulmonary venous flow veloc- from the difference between LV end-diastolic and end-systolic vol-
ities can be a useful indicator of LA pressure and MR severity. umes from TTE apical images. It is preferable to use 3D or contrast
Improvement in or normalization of systolic pulmonary vein flow echo so as not to underestimate LV volumes and thus stroke volume
460 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
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Figure 17 Quantification of mitral regurgitation using a combination of total LV stroke volume (from contrast-enhanced bi-plane LV
volume measurements) and LVOT stroke volume (from diameter and velocity measurements). (A) Apical two-chamber view shows
two jets of MR and the MitraClip; (B) Apical four-chamber contrast-enhanced image; (C) Apical two-chamber contrast-enhanced im-
age; (D) LVOT diameter measurement, (E) LVOT pulsed-wave Doppler velocity waveform.

and RVol (Figure 17).6 Systemic stroke volume is most often esti- to native valve regurgitation7 but with several modifications. These
mated with PWD at the LVOT.6 Foster et al.127 analyzed the RVol recommendations have not been extensively validated and further
and RF before and after MitraClip placement and demonstrated studies are needed to test and refine these criteria singularly and in
that RVol fell from 50.3 6 21.5 mL at baseline to 27.5 6 18.6 mL combination.
(P < .0001). RF also fell from 44.6 6 13.6 % to 28.9 6 15.3 % As stated, MR grading may be difficult due to the complexity of its
(P < .0001) at 6 months. Hamilton-Craig et al.129 compared mechanisms after MV repair or replacement, the frequent multiple
Doppler echocardiography and CMR grading of MR severity in pa- eccentric jets of variable size, shadowing from devices, mitral annular
tients after MitraClip placement. RF by Doppler quantification ex- calcium, or the hemodynamic conditions that may affect some of
hibited significantly better reproducibility than expert readers’ these parameters. For these reasons and because of the errors
subjective assessment. CMR quantitation demonstrated excellent involved in quantitation, a three-grade system is proposed (mild,
reproducibility. Altiok et al.99 showed that during TEE, 3D quantita- moderate, and severe). Nevertheless, if the preponderance of the
tion of mitral RVol before and after MitraClip placement have lower data favors mild or severe regurgitation, the assessment is most likely
intra-and inter-observer variability as compared to 2D techniques. accurate and further quantitation may not be needed, at least for the
Lastly, the ratio of velocity-time integral of mitral inflow to LV mild lesions. However, if the data are of suboptimal quality and
outflow (VTIMV/VTILVOT) has been used in prosthetic mitral valves possibly conflicting, quantitation is advised; if not possible, additional
to assess function of the prosthesis and detect MR.6 An elevated evaluation with TEE or CMR should be undertaken.
VTIMV/VTILVOT ratio (>2.2 in mechanical bileaflet valves; > 2.3 in
bioprosthetic pericardial; > 2.6 in porcine valves) suggests significant 8. Role of CMR in the Evaluation of Residual MR after Percu-
MR in the presence of a normal pressure half-time.6,130 Conceptually, taneous MV Interventions. CMR has a role in the evaluation and
this ratio could be used after TMVR and catheter-based plugging of quantitation of residual or paravalvular MR after MV interventions.
PVR of prosthetic mitral valves. However, a cut-off value has not However, since there are currently no published data on the use of
been validated for TMVR and requires further study. CMR in this clinical setting, potential approaches for quantification
are extrapolated from the literature of native MR or surgical pros-
7. An Integrative Approach to Assessing Residual thesis.131,132 Furthermore, it is essential to first ensure that the
MR. Similar to all valvular regurgitation, an integrative approach implanted device is CMR-safe prior to performing the study.
is needed in the overall evaluation of residual MR after interven-
tions on the MV. Table 7 lists the various parameters that may be a. Evaluation of Residual MR.–Qualitative assessment of regurgita-
helpful in this evaluation and Figure 18 provides an algorithm using tion based on SSFP cine images may not be reliable in the presence of
these parameters to help facilitate the overall assessment of residual implanted valves, clips, or annuloplasty rings due to susceptibility ar-
MR. These suggestions are based on clinical expert opinion, avail- tifacts from the valve frame, ring, or clip itself (Figure 19). In addition,
able data, and a consensus of the Writing Group members. All pa- the atypical regurgitant patterns due to valve flange/skirt from TMVR
tients should have blood pressure, heart rhythm and rate, and may make visual assessment of regurgitation challenging. The use of
medications (e.g., pressors, inotropes, vasodilators) recorded at phase-contrast imaging with through-plane phase-encoding may pro-
the time of study, as these may influence MR severity. These pa- vide better visual assessment of the regurgitation as opposed to SSFP
rameters are predominantly based on recent guidelines pertaining cine images; this however remains to be studied.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 461
Volume 32 Number 4

Residual Mitral Regurgitation after Percutaneous MV Repair or Replacement

Yes, mild
Does MR meet specific criteria for Yes, severe
mild or severe MR?
* **
Specific Criteria for Mild MR Intermediate values:
Specific Criteria for Severe MR
• Small, narrow central jet MR probably moderate
• Abnormal device morphology/flail leaflet
• VCW ≤ 0.3 cm • VCW ≥ 0.7 cm or ≥ 2 moderate jets
2-3 ** 2-3
• VCA < 0.2 cm • VCA ≥ 0.4 cm or ≥ 2 moderate jets
• No or small flow convergence criteria criteria
Perform quantitative methods whenever possible • Large flow convergence
• Mitral A wave dominant inflow • Central large jet > 50% of LA area
• Soft or incomplete jet by CW Doppler • Pulmonary vein systolic flow reversal

≥4 Criteria
≥4 Criteria
Definitely mild
Definitely severe
RVol < 30 mL RVol 30-59 mL RVol ≥ 60 mL¶
RF < 30% RF 30-49% RF ≥ 50%
**EROA < 0.2 cm2 **EROA 0.2-0.39 cm2 **EROA ≥ 0.4 cm 2

3 specific criteria
for severe MR

Mild Moderate Severe


• Poor TTE quality or low confidence in measured Doppler parameters

Indeterminate MR
• Discordant quantitative and qualitative parameters and/or clinical data Consider further testing:
TEE or CMR for quantitation

* Beware of underesƟmaƟon of MR severity in eccentric, wall impinging jets

** EROA by PISA: not recommended aŌer edge-to-edge valve repair or in PVR; assumes holosystolic MR; single frame EROA by PISA,
VCW, and VCA overesƟmate non-holosystolic MR

¶ Regurgitant volume cut-offs for severe MR may be lower in low flow conditions.

Figure 18 Suggested algorithm to guide implementation of integration of multiple parameters of MR severity after mitral valve percu-
taneous interventions. Good-quality echocardiographic imaging and complete data acquisition are assumed. If imaging is technically
difficult, consider TEE or CMR. MR severity may be indeterminate due to poor image quality, technical issues with data, internal
inconsistency among echo findings, or discordance with clinical findings.

Figure 19 Quantitation of mitral regurgitant volume and regurgitant fraction with CMR in a patient after edge-to-edge mitral valve
repair. The ‘‘indirect’’ method is used: total LV stroke volume is calculated from LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) and end-systolic
volume (LVESV) using a short axis stack of the LV (A and B). The susceptibility artifact from the MitraClip is shown by the arrow in
panel A. Forward stroke volume is derived from phase-contrast flow through the aortic valve (C: flow curve; D and E depict in red
the regions of anatomic and phase-contrast flow in the aorta, respectively).
462 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Quantitative assessment of residual mitral RVol and RF133-141 may be important to note that while the use of gadolinium contrast is contrain-
useful in the context of percutaneous MV interventions.129 Available dicated in patients with significant renal dysfunction, quantitation of
CMR techniques can be divided into direct and indirect methods, which valve regurgitation can still be performed in these patients as phase-
have been discussed in detail.7 The direct method uses short-axis phase- contrast and SSFP cine images do not need contrast administration.
contrast imaging with through-plane velocity encoding to measure RVol
directly.133 The use of this direct technique is less feasible in the case of Key Points
percutaneous annuloplasty ring implantation and edge-to-edge Assessment of residual MR after percutaneous MV
repair,129 and is limited in the setting of TMVR or post-paravalvular interventions
leak closure due to significant susceptibility artifacts. Indirect techniques  Imaging after MV interventions includes careful evaluation of
are likely more appropriate for the quantification of MR. This includes device integrity, position, stability, and interaction with adja-
calculation of RVol using: (1) the difference between LV stroke volume cent structures.
using planimetry of short-axis cine images and aortic stroke volume ob-  Color Doppler is the first-line method to assess residual MR
tained by phase-contrast images (Figure 19)135-137; and (2) the with TTE. It is reliable for excluding or detecting mild MR.
difference in left and right ventricular stroke volumes by endocardial For more severe lesions, color Doppler assessment of MR
contouring of left and right ventricular cine images.133,138-140 The severity with TTE is challenging due to interaction of the de-
regurgitant fraction can be calculated by dividing the RVol by the LV vice or adjacent structures with the MR jets, and the frequent
stroke volume. Careful attention to the basal LV slice is important in presence of multiple MR jets, often crisscrossing and in
calculating LV volumes as this slice is most likely to be affected by different planes.
susceptibility artifact from the implanted device (Figure 19). If suscepti-  Evaluation of residual MR requires careful integration of mul-
bility artifact significantly affects the delineation of endocardial borders, tiple parameters, as no single parameter is sufficiently accu-
then LV volume, RVol, and RF measurements will be less reliable, and rate to assess MR severity. These parameters include
this should be stated in the report. assessment of color Doppler components of MR jets (flow
Currently there are no published data validating partition values of convergence, VC, jet area and direction), regurgitant volume
RVol or RF by CMR to classify patients into degrees of MR severity in by volumetric methods, mitral inflow pattern, pulmonary vein
the context of percutaneous MV intervention. Previous data sug- flow pattern, CWD jet density and contour, and forward
gested grading MR using the following RF values: Mild #15%, mod- stroke volume [(LVOT or right ventricular outflow tract
erate 16-25%, moderate-to-severe 26-48%, and severe >48%;95 (RVOT)]. The PISA method for MR quantitation is not
clinical outcome was differentiated at a cut-off of 40%.142 More advised after edge-to-edge MV repair or in paravalvular regur-
recently, the partition values used with echocardiography were sug- gitation.
gested as appropriate thresholds with CMR to grade MR severity.7,143  It is important to compare post-procedural parameters to pre-
It is the consensus of the Writing Group that these partitions for MR procedural baseline images, which can help evaluate the
severity also be used for both echocardiography and CMR after change in MR severity and reverse remodeling of the LV or
percutaneous MV interventions, until further data are available LA.
specific to the population of percutaneous MV interventions (Table 7).  When more than mild MR is suspected, but the data are
b. LV and LA Reverse Remodeling.–CMR can also have a role in as- uncertain, this should be communicated so that further
sessing reverse remodeling of the LVor LA after percutaneous MV inter- imaging with either TEE or CMR is performed.
ventions.144,145 LV volumes and function are measured using a stack of  CMR offers the advantage of quantitation of mitral regurgi-
SSFP short-axis cine images based on existing recommendations.146,147 tant volume and fraction, comparing total LV stroke volume
As stated earlier, careful attention to the basal slice is important as it is to systemic stroke volume in the aorta by phase contrast or
the most affected by susceptibility artifact, which would affect derived from the right heart. Depending on the MV device,
measurements of LV volumes and LVEF. All measurements should be a variable amount of artifact around the device is seen.
indexed to body surface area.143,148-151 Similarly, accurate
measurement of LA volumes would require acquisition of multiple
cine planes through the LA, allowing quantification without
geometrical assumptions.152 Since this will require additional dedicated
imaging and analysis, it can be time intensive. Left atrial area and dimen-
Initial repair of tetralogy of Fallot often involves surgical disruption of
sion based on standard two- and four-chamber cine images indexed to
the pulmonary valve with resultant pulmonary regurgitation (PR). In
body surface area can also be used to assess atrial remodeling.151,152
addition to patients with tetralogy, several other forms of congenital
c. When is CMR Indicated?.–The primary indication for CMR in the heart disease require placement of a right ventricle-to-pulmonary ar-
assessment of residual MR or paravalvular MR after percutaneous MV tery (RV-PA) conduit to establish reliable pulmonary blood flow, such
intervention is when Doppler echocardiographic assessment is unsatis- as truncus arteriosus, pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect,
factory or inconsistent with the clinical findings. Another potential role and some forms of double-outlet right ventricle (RV). Over time,
of CMR is in determining the physiologic consequences of MR on the dysfunction of the native RVOTor RV-PA conduit leads to varying de-
LVand LA, with more accurate and reproducible measurements of vol- grees of stenosis and regurgitation. Progressive pulmonary insuffi-
umes and ejection fraction. The major limitations in using CMR for ciency with resultant RV dilation and dysfunction has been shown
regurgitation quantification include: 1) CMR compatibility of the im- to lead to decreased exercise tolerance, increased arrhythmia burden,
planted device, 2) susceptibility artifacts, 3) underlying arrhythmia in and sudden cardiac death.153,154 In these patients, specific criteria for
patients undergoing these procedures and, 4) lack of validated partition re-intervention are used to guide placement of a competent pulmo-
values specific for CMR to grade severity of the regurgitation. It is nary valve including moderate to severe pulmonary valve/RV-PA
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 463
Volume 32 Number 4

conduit regurgitation in combination with clinical symptoms, severe Melody Valve Investigational Device Exemption Trial, among the
RV dilatation, and depressed RV function.155-160 Traditionally, 113 patients who were alive and free from re-intervention at
surgical pulmonary valve replacement was undertaken, but over medium-term follow up (average 4.5 years), 97 had no or minimal
the last 15 years, transcatheter techniques for pulmonary valve PR, 15 had mild, and only 1 had moderate PR.161
replacement have become widely available.
The Melody valve (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN) and the 1. Assessment of Pulmonary Regurgitation after TPVR with
Edwards SAPIEN XT valve (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) are Echocardiography. Compared to the evaluation of percuta-
the only FDA-approved valves for transcatheter pulmonary valve neous aortic and MV interventions, there is a paucity of consensus
replacement (TPVR) in the United States.161-163 To date, more than and recommendations regarding the echocardiographic evaluation
6000 patients worldwide have received TPVR for a variety of of patients after TPVR.126 Evaluation of PR by TTE most commonly
underlying congenital heart abnormalities.164 Currently, TPVR is utilizes a combination of techniques, including color and spectral
only USFDA-approved for placement of a competent valve within Doppler interrogation of the RVOT/conduit and the main and
an RV-PA conduit, although trials are now underway assessing devices branch pulmonary arteries, extrapolating traditional assessment of
designed for native outflow tracts in these patients.165,166 As an PR in native valves.7,177 In the US Melody Valve Investigational
adjunct to this therapy, some centers also perform bare-metal stenting Device Exemption Trial,178 PR was graded via a composite scale
of a native outflow tract to serve as a conduit, and then implant a based on the width of the regurgitant jet by CD in relation to either
transcatheter pulmonary valve within the stent.167 the conduit or pulmonary annulus diameter (Figure 20) as well as
the extent of diastolic flow reversal in the pulmonary artery
A. Description of TPVR and Assessment of Acute Results (Table 8). For this trial, both pre- and post-TPVR studies were as-
Prior to implantation, CMR or MDCT imaging allows 3D multiplanar signed a PR value corresponding with the greater value between
reconstruction and provides accurate delineation of anatomy, size, PR jet width and extent of diastolic flow reversal. This technique,
and geometry of the RVOT and pulmonary arteries (with or however, yielded only modest correlation with CMR-derived pul-
without an existing RV-PA conduit or bioprosthetic valve).168 This in- monary RF,178 suggesting that TTE evaluation of PR in this patient
formation is crucial in pre-procedural assessment for TPVR, as certain population remains challenging. It is important to note that in severe
anatomic criteria must be met before valve implantation.162,163,169 PR with normal pulmonary artery pressures, the color jet can be
Ensuring that the outflow tract/conduit is of an appropriate size to difficult to detect as the PR jet velocities are low and brief in dura-
accept a TPVR valve (not too small or too large) and that there is tion due to rapid equalization of pulmonary and RV diastolic pres-
an appropriate ‘‘landing zone’’ to seat the valve are both critical. sures. Though not validated in patients who have undergone TPVR,
Delineation of the coronary artery course is also essential prior to additional Doppler indices have been reported for assessment of
any RVOT intervention, as a subset of these patients have a severity of PR. Rapid deceleration of the PR CW Doppler velocity
coronary branch crossing the RVOT, which may complicate the waveform with a pressure half-time of <100 ms has been shown
interventions.170-173 Additionally, for some patients the left anterior to have good sensitivity and specificity for predicting severe PR
descending coronary artery and conal branches arise normally, but (Figure 20).179,180 Pressure half-time, however, is also influenced
lie directly posterior/inferior to the RVOT in the area of proposed by the diastolic pressures in both the pulmonary arteries and the
valve deployment. In these cases, coronary compression from valve RV, such that a non-compliant RV with restrictive physiology will
expansion is a rare but potentially catastrophic complication. demonstrate a shorter pressure half-time. Similarly, a period of
TPVR is performed via femoral or jugular venous access. The time in late diastole with no regurgitation indicates rapid equilibra-
currently available valve platforms require large delivery systems tion of the RV and PA diastolic pressures, and in cases with severe
(up to 22 French in size), which are relatively rigid, making navigation PR and poor RV compliance, there may in fact be antegrade flow
through the right-sided heart chambers occasionally challenging, in late diastole into the main PA.181 The density of the CWD signal
particularly in smaller children. Presently, there are two available plat- relates to severity of regurgitation but does not differentiate moder-
forms that can be used for TPVR in the United States. In addition to ate from severe PR (Figure 20). Finally, flow convergence quantita-
the Melody valve, the Edwards SAPIEN valve has been successfully tive methods such as PISA, though theoretically applicable to
used in the pulmonary position during the multicenter pulmonary valve assessment, are difficult to record in the presence
COMPASSION trial,174 and also received FDA approval. As opposed of prosthetic material and have not been validated for either native
to aortic and mitral valve interventions, TPVR is primarily guided by or transcatheter pulmonary valves to date.182 However, flow
fluoroscopy rather than echocardiographic imaging. Due to the ante- convergence can be used qualitatively in the evaluation of PR
rior location of the pulmonary valve, both TEE and TTE guidance (Figure 20). The use of TEE in TPVR patients is not widely em-
have proven less helpful than in TAVR. Recently, rotational angiog- ployed to assess severity of PR, as visualization of the RVOT and
raphy with acquisition of MDCT-like 3D volume imaging or fusion pulmonary valve replacement is limited.
with pre-existing MDCT images is gaining popularity for intra-
2. Role of Computed Tomography in Pulmonic Regurgita-
procedure guidance and may improve accuracy in sizing and posi-
tion after TPVR. MDCT offers excellent spatial resolution and
tioning. Acute valve performance is primarily evaluated by catheter-
rapid acquisition times. However, the lack of flow data limits its utility
measured pressure gradients and pulmonary angiography, although
in assessing patients who have undergone TPVR for residual valve
some operators use intracardiac echocardiography as well.175,176
regurgitation. MDCT can provide excellent assessment for stent frac-
ture as well as delineation of the valve orientation and eccentricity in-
B. Evaluation of Residual Regurgitation Outside the dex, which may be helpful in predicting valve dysfunction (Figure 21)
Catheterization Laboratory since stent and valve distortion have been shown to impact valve
To date, TPVR has proven to be very successful at reducing PR acutely function.183-185 These factors may be important in TPVR,
and over the medium term. In the most recent update for the US particularly in patients with post-operative pectus deformities, as the
464 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 20 Examples of patients with mild (left panels) and severe (right panels) pulmonary regurgitation (PR) after TPVR are shown.
The width of the color jet is depicted by the yellow arrows. Note also the difference in flow convergence (white arrows). Lower panels
show examples of CWD recordings of mild and severe PR. The density of the spectral Doppler waveform (faint versus dense, partic-
ularly in relation to systolic flow) and the slope of the decrease in velocity in diastole (long vs. short pressure half-time) are apparent.

Table 8 Echocardiographic and Doppler parameters useful in grading pulmonary regurgitation severity after TPVR

Parameter Mild Moderate Severe

Jet width in relation to pulmonary <20% 20-40% >40%

annulus or conduit (CD)*
Site of diastolic flow reversal in Proximal half of the main PA/ Distal main PA/conduit Extends into PA branches
PA/conduit (PWD) conduit
PR velocity waveform density and Soft Dense; early termination of Dense; early termination of
contour (CWD) diastolic flow possible diastolic flow
(depending on RV compliance)
PR pressure half-time (CWD) <100 ms†

Regurgitant fraction <20% 20-40% >40%
CD, Color Doppler; CWD, continuous-wave Doppler; PA, pulmonary artery; PR, pulmonary regurgitation; PWD, pulsed wave Doppler; RV, right
*At a Nyquist limit of 50-60 cm/s.

Not reliable in the presence of high RV end-diastolic pressure.

Regurgitant fraction data primarily derived from CMR with limited application with echocardiography.

position of the RVOT often lies directly posterior to the sternum. can provide an estimate of pulmonary RVol and RF with reasonable
Additionally, with retrospective electrocardiographic gating, multi- correlation to values obtained by CMR.186 This, however, comes at
phase MDCT imaging can provide functional imaging to calculate the cost of increased radiation exposure and may only be indicated
ventricular volumes. In the absence of other concomitant valve regur- in the context of non-diagnostic echocardiography and contraindica-
gitation, comparison of the right and left ventricular stroke volumes tions to CMR.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 465
Volume 32 Number 4

Figure 21 Value of CT angiography in evaluating the mechanism of significant PR after TPVR. Longitudinal and cross-sectional im-
ages of a fractured RVOT stent are depicted, showing discontinuity of the stent circumference (red dotted line) and collapse of the
fractured stent into the vessel lumen.

Figure 22 CMR phase-contrast analysis of a patient with severe pulmonary regurgitation, as demonstrated on the flow curve. Quan-
titation shows a regurgitant fraction of 63%. The left panel shows the stent artifact usually seen with CMR. The dashed lines depict the
plane where phase-contrast data are obtained for flow quantitation, to avoid the artifact.

3. Role of CMR in Pulmonary Regurgitation after other centers have reported more consistent results with placement of
TPVR. CMR imaging allows quantification of PR and assessment of the phase-contrast imaging plane more distal (or proximal) to the stent
its hemodynamic effects. The methods have been described in detail artifact (Figure 22).187 In the context of stent artifacts, indirect tech-
for native valves.7 For patients who have undergone TPVR, this can niques may be of greater value to quantify regurgitation.
be done similarly, either directly through flow quantitation in the
main PA (Figure 22) or indirectly by several methods, including calcu- C. Integrative Approach to Assessing Residual Pulmonic
lating the differences between right and left ventricular stroke volumes, Regurgitation after TPVR
as described earlier and for native PR.187 With isolated PR (assuming no TTE is the first-line imaging modality after TPVR to assess prosthetic
other valve regurgitation and no intracardiac shunts), the difference in valve function, the presence and severity of any residual PR, changes
stroke volumes between the ventricles reflects the RVol. in right heart size and function, and PA pressure. If color and spectral
As is the case for other valve replacement, a significant challenge in Doppler demonstrate no evidence of PR or mild PR, no further imag-
this patient population are the imaging artifacts imposed by pre-stenting ing is needed. If PR is suspected to be moderate, severe, or indetermi-
the RV-PA conduit prior to insertion of the valve. These stents create nate, CMR is indicated for further quantitation of the regurgitation,
susceptibility artifacts throughout their length, limiting CMR’s ability and right heart size and function. MDCT, TEE, and catheterization
to fully visualize the RVOTand measure phase-contrast stroke volumes are reserved for patient-specific situations to assess the mechanism
within the conduit itself (Figure 22). In the COMPASSION Trial, only of valve dysfunction and/or associated hemodynamics.
50% of the initial cohort had complete, interpretable ventricular vol- There are presently no consensus guidelines for the timing of
umes and phase-contrast data on post-intervention CMR,174 although routine follow-up of patients after TPVR. The trials to date have
466 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

performed TTE evaluations at discharge, 1 month, 3 or 6 months, A. Tricuspid Valve Repair and Annuloplasty
1 year, and then annually thereafter, with a follow-up CMR at TV repair with the edge-to-edge approach has been recently used to
6 months.174 In clinical practice many centers roughly follow these treat severe TR. As stated, this technique is not approved in the US for
early imaging recommendations, but often forego the 3-month TTE treatment of TR. A recent registry of 64 cases performed in Europe
and perform the first post-implant CMR either 6 months or one showed feasibility, an effective reduction in various parameters of
year after TPVR. Follow-up after 1 year post-implant is based predom- TR severity, and an improvement in functional status.192 Vismara
inantly on TTE, but most centers apply the more generalized multi- et al. developed an ex vivo model of functional TR and showed
modality imaging guidelines for tetralogy of Fallot,155-160 which that grasping the septal and anterior leaflets allowed for the best
encompass the majority of patients with TPVR, for mid- and long- post-procedural outcome.193 In the registry, the most common loca-
term follow up. Routine follow-up for asymptomatic patients usually tion of implanted clips was anteroseptal (78%). Although technical
includes TTE every 1-2 years and CMR every 3 years. success was high (97%) and reduction in at least 1 grade of TR was
seen in 91% of patients, 13% of patients had residual severe TR.
Key Points In the setting of functional TR, the annulus dilates laterally. The
Assessment of residual PR after pulmonic valve most common surgical tricuspid repair is a ring annuloplasty.194
interventions Numerous transcatheter tricuspid annular repair devices are currently
 Pulmonary regurgitation (PR), when greater than mild in being investigated, attempting either to reduce the size of the annulus
severity, occurs most frequently in patients with palliated or or to replicate the results of the Kay bicuspidization surgical proced-
repaired congenital heart disease. ure.195 Practically, all these interventions rely significantly on echocar-
 Experience with grading and, in particular, with quantification diography for device placement and assessment of results.196
of PR after transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement
(TPVR) is limited. B. Assessment of Residual TR after Tricuspid Valve
 Similar to recommendations for native PR, a combination of Interventions
Doppler and 2D echocardiographic parameters are needed
The assessment of native TR with echocardiography relies predomi-
to grade PR severity. When multiple parameters agree, PR
nantly on TTE, using an integration of information from qualitative
grade can be determined with a high degree of certainty
and semi-quantitative parameters of color and spectral Doppler.7
(occurring most often with mild or severe regurgitation).
These include CD evaluation of flow convergence, VC size, and jet
 Jet width, extent of diastolic flow reversal, pressure half-time,
behavior/extent in the right atrium, spectral density and contour of
PR duration, and regurgitant velocity waveform density all
the regurgitant velocity waveform by CWD, and assessment of hepat-
lend insight into the severity of regurgitation.
ic flow pattern by PWD. Patients undergoing TV interventions to
 Reverse remodeling of RV volume after intervention should
reduce severe TR present particular challenges, at least at this
be considered over time as it does not occur immediately af-
ter TPVR.
 MDCT plays a role, particularly in assessing valve position 1- Lack of well-validated quantitative parameters of TR severity.
and orientation, as well as in evaluating stent fracture. Cardiac Evaluation of TR has been traditionally less quantitative than other
CT can be used to quantify pulmonary insufficiency by com- regurgitant lesions. EROA, RVol, and RF by echocardiography are
parison of ventricular stroke volumes with retrospective rarely performed, partly because of technical challenges of quan-
gating; this comes at the cost of increased radiation dose. titation of EROA, RV volumes, or Doppler flow through the TV
 CMR provides good quantification of RV volumes and regur- annulus.
gitant fraction. CMR imaging in this patient group is impaired, 2- Wide range of severe TR. Patients with severe TR are intervened
however, by susceptibility artifact from the TPVR, as well as upon currently late in their course, usually when edema and asci-
from any bare metal stents that may be in the RVOT. tes become unresponsive to diuretics. Thus, patients undergoing
percutaneous procedures frequently have a markedly dilated
valve annulus, right atrium, RV, as well as RV dysfunction. In these
patients, the regurgitant orifice can be exceedingly large, 3-4 times
VI. PERCUTANEOUS TRICUSPID VALVE INTERVENTIONS the cut-off for severe TR, with obvious non-coaptation of the valve
leaflets. In contrast to MR, this wide-open TR is compatible with
Interest in the tricuspid valve (TV) has increased in recent years with life. Thus the range within the severe TR category can be very
the recognition of the impact of secondary TR on outcomes.188-191 A wide, prompting a proposal to extend the current ASE guidelines
number of approaches and devices to address symptomatic severe TR severity scheme7 to include grades of ‘‘massive’’ and ‘‘torrential’’
are in early development stage or trials.192 None however, as of the TR using both semi-quantitative and quantitative methods.197
date of this publication, have received FDA approval for this clinical This is for the purpose of recording the change in TR following de-
indication. Tricuspid repair devices currently under investigation can vice therapy, as patients may benefit from reduction in TR severity,
be generally divided into those targeting coaptation of the leaflets although residual TR may still be in the moderate or severe range.
with edge-to-edge repair and those treating annular dilatation. The clinical significance of this approach and its impact on
Individualized valve-in-valve and valve-in-ring procedures are also outcome however, still needs to be evaluated.
performed, off-label, in patients who previously underwent TV sur- 3- The type of intervention on the TV may complicate the assess-
gery. TV replacement devices are still in very early stages of develop- ment of residual TR. Challenges of CD evaluation are more likely
ment. Since catheter-based intervention on the TV is still an evolving after edge-to-edge repair, similar to the mitral valve, where multi-
field, a brief overview is presented along with challenges and pro- ple jets can be seen, going in different directions. The flow-
posals to the assessment of residual TR. convergence method in these situations is difficult to apply
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 467
Volume 32 Number 4

Table 9 Proposed grading of the severity of residual tricuspid regurgitation by echocardiography after tricuspid valve

Parameters Mild Moderate Severe

Color jet area* Small, narrow, central Moderate central Large central jet or eccentric wall-
impinging jet(s) of variable size
swirling in RA
Flow-convergence zone† Not visible or small Intermediate in size Large
TR CW Doppler velocity waveform Faint/partial/parabolic Dense, parabolic or triangular Dense, often triangular
(density and shape)
Tricuspid inflow A-wave dominant Variable E-wave dominant‡§
VC width (cm)* <0.3 0.3-0.69 $0.7 or $2 moderate jets
PISA radius (cm)† #0.5 0.6-0.9 >0.9
Hepatic vein flow‡ Systolic dominance Systolic blunting Systolic flow reversal
EROA (cm2)k <0.20 0.20-0.39 $0.40
RVol (mL)k <30 30-44 $45
CW, Continuous-wave; EROA, effective regurgitant orifice area; RA, right atrium; RVol, regurgitant volume; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; VC, vena
*With Nyquist limit >50-60 cm/s.

Not well-validated for quantitation; best used after interventions that leave the valve intact; baseline Nyquist limit shift to 25-35 cm/s.

Non-specific, influenced by other factors (RV diastolic function, atrial fibrillation, RA pressure).
Not suitable in procedures intervening with valve leaflets (e.g., edge-to-edge repair).
EROA from 2D PISA is not suitable in patients with edge-to-edge valve repair because of multiplicity of jets and non-hemispheric shape of flow
convergence. Needs further validation of cut-offs by either PISA or volumetric methods.

quantitatively; the VCA method using 3D CD would be likely ating TR after interventions on the TV apparatus (Table 9), modified
more appropriate for quantitation, although is not yet well-vali- from those previously published for native TR.7 These proposed rec-
dated. ommendations take into consideration variables that are no longer
applicable in assessing TR severity such as right heart chamber size
There is scant data on how to evaluate residual TR after TV inter-
and function, or are less accurate because of the intervention
ventions. In the registry of tricuspid edge-to-edge repair,192 a number
(EROA by 2D PISA after edge-to-edge valve repair). Examples of
of methods to assess regurgitation were used. The vena contracta and
changes in parameters of TR severity after edge-to-edge repair are
PISA-derived EROA and RVol were calculated and summed from the
shown in Figure 23. The Writing Group acknowledges that the field
multiple jets. These methods require further validation in view of pre-
is evolving and there is a need for further validation of proposed
vious studies showing the limitations of both CD jet characteristics and
quantitative parameters against independent standards. Irrespective,
quantitative methods in assessing MR after edge-to-edge repair.129
and as is the case for all valvular regurgitation, an integrative approach
In the early experience with tricuspid annuloplasty,192 residual TR
to overall evaluation of TR severity is needed to complement any
was assessed using multiple quantitative methods, including PISA and
quantitative parameter of residual valve regurgitation.
RVol. Systemic stroke volume was measured using LVOT or RVOT
forward flow, and stroke volume across the TV was calculated using
annular diameters from orthogonal planes (ellipse formula for annular C. Role of CMR in Assessing Residual TR after Tricuspid
area), and velocity-time integral (PWD at the annulus). A reduction in Valve Interventions
tricuspid EROA by quantitative Doppler from 0.9 6 0.2 to CMR assessment of TR is less established compared to other regurgi-
0.6 6 0.3 cm2 was associated with an increase in LVOT stroke vol- tant valvular lesions. A few indirect quantitative techniques have been
ume, and improvement in functional status. Although the PISA used, since direct measurement of tricuspid inflow is of limited
method is simple and easy to perform,198 the complex relationship value.7,203 Regurgitant volume can be calculated by subtracting the
of the isovelocity shell to the often elliptical199,200 shape and large pulmonic forward stroke volume from the RV stroke volume, from
size of the TR EROA resulted in significant underestimation of which regurgitant fraction can be derived. Alternatively, in the
volumetric EROA.201 Importantly, the SCOUT trial showed that absence of AR, aortic forward stroke volume can be subtracted
PISA EROA underestimates the quantitative EROA by >50%.202 from RV stroke volume. Lastly, in the absence of other regurgitant
Other possible novel quantitative methods have been recently re- lesions, LV stroke volume can also be subtracted from RV stroke
viewed196 and include quantitative Doppler (using either biplane or volume to obtain tricuspid regurgitant volume. These methods have
3D annular area) and 3D color Doppler VCA; further validation, significant limitations since the shape of the RV and RVOT present
however, is needed. significant problems for short-axis planimetry. A recent study evalu-
Against this backdrop, and with the current knowledge of assessing ating methods of assessing TR with CMR and comparing them to
TR severity, the Writing Group proposes a few parameters in evalu- echocardiographic CD showed that the standard velocity-encoded
468 Zoghbi et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
April 2019

Figure 23 Illustrative echocardiographic parameters of reduction in severe TR after percutaneous tricuspid repair.

methods had only moderate agreement with echocardiography.204 normalization of the hepatic venous flow pattern would point to a
These issues may be magnified after catheter-based TR interventions, significant reduction in TR severity to mild (Table 9 and Figure 23).
as susceptibility artifacts may invariably occur in the RV base depend- In less impressive scenarios, one needs to evaluate whether minimal
ing on the type of device, hindering visualization of the basal short- or moderate improvement in parameters has occurred, with more
axis slice and interfering with RV volumetric measurements. As the confidence achieved if most of the signs and indices are concordant.
field advances, both the methods of quantitation and the grading While quantitation may be feasible, it is more challenging at this
schemes will require validation. time as the various methods proposed by echocardiography and
CMR need further validation and experience.

D. Integrative Approach in the Evaluation of Residual TR Key Points

The approach to the evaluation of TR severity is to integrate multi- Assessment of residual TR after tricuspid valve
ple parameters rather than emphasize or depend on a single mea- interventions
surement; this helps mitigate the effects of technical or  Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is most often secondary (func-
measurement errors inherent to each method discussed earlier. tional) due to lateral dilation of the annulus. Primary causes
Evaluating reduction in TR after catheter-based interventions is an such as flail leaflet are less common.
evolving field. While research is progressing, and further validation  Currently, there are no catheter-based devices approved for
of quantitative methods are needed, the Writing Group proposes TV repair. Early experience has been with edge-to-edge repair
an approach to TR evaluation that would assess first whether there in the setting of secondary TR; alternative catheter-based ap-
are a majority of signs that would point toward severe regurgita- proaches are being developed.
tion—the underlying indication for TR interventions (Table 9). A sig-  As is the case for native TR, an integrated approach is used to
nificant reduction in CD jet parameters (flow convergence, VC, and assess severity of residual TR. However, the presence of
jet area), an improvement in TR jet CWD features toward mild, and
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Zoghbi et al 469
Volume 32 Number 4

ommendations only and should not be used as the sole basis to make
multiple jets as commonly seen after edge-to-edge repair, and
medical practice decisions or for disciplinary action against any
the limited experience and validation of quantitative parame-
employee. The statements and recommendations contained in this
ters complicate this assessment.
report are primarily based on the opinions of experts, rather than
 Key elements of evaluating residual TR severity include color
on scientifically-verified data. ASE makes no express or implied war-
jet characteristics, flow convergence, 2D vena contracta,
ranties regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information in
CWD jet waveform density/shape, and hepatic venous
this report, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
flow. 3D VCA may be helpful but needs further experience
particular purpose. In no event shall ASE be liable to you, your pa-
and validation.
tients, or any other third parties for any decision made or action taken
 PISA-derived EROA and regurgitant volume have been used
by you or such other parties in reliance on this information. Nor does
but are less helpful following edge-to-edge repair.
your use of this information constitute the offering of medical advice
 Quantitative pulsed-wave Doppler approaches are limited af-
by ASE or create any physician-patient relationship between ASE and
ter repair.
your patients or anyone else.
 While devices may reduce TR and favorably affect clinical sta-
Reviewers: This document was reviewed by members of the
tus, residual TR with current attempts is frequently moderate
2018–2019 ASE Guidelines and Standards Committee, ASE Board
or severe using the conventional scoring system. Expanding
of Directors, ASE Executive Committee, and designated representa-
the grading scheme to include categories of ‘‘massive’’ and
tives from the Japanese Society of Echocardiography, Society for
‘‘torrential’’ TR has been suggested to capture the impact of
Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society for
devices. However, this approach and its clinical outcome
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Reviewers included Bonita
need further evaluation.
Anderson, MAPPLSC, DMU, AMS, FASE, ACS, Alicia Armour, BS,
 The use of CMR for quantitation of residual TR after catheter-
MA, RDCS, FASE, Azin Alizadehasl, MD, FASE, Scott D. Choyce,
based interventions is feasible using the indirect method.
RDCS, RVT, RDMS, FASE, Craig Fleishman, MD, FASE, Benjamin
However, this approach needs further validation as TV de-
Freed, MD, FASE, Mark K. Friedberg, MD, FASE, Edward Gill, MD,
vices may create artifacts that can interfere with accuracy of
FASE, Suzanne Golz, MS, RDCS, FASE, Yuchi Han, MD, MMSc,
volume calculations.
FASE, FSCMR, Renuka Jain, MD, FASE, Pei-Ni Jone, MD, FASE,
 As devices evolve, so will approaches to quantitation.
James N. Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE, Judy Mangion, MD, FASE, Anuj
Mediratta, MD, FASE, Satoshi Nakatani, MD, PhD, Andy Pellett,
PhD, RCS, RDCS, FASE, Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD, FASE,
Geoffrey A. Rose, MD, FASE, Michael H. Salinger, MD, FSCAI,
Wiener, MD, FASE, and Megan Yamat, RDCS, RCS, FASE.
Catheter-based interventions to repair or replace heart valves have
progressed exponentially over the past few years. From early applica-
tions in high-risk patients with aortic valve stenosis, catheter-based
technology has evolved to address the pulmonic, mitral, and more REFERENCES
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NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This report is made available by ASE American College of Cardiology Foundation, American Heart Associa-
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