Job Description
Job Details
Location/Base: The base for the service will be Southmead Hospital however the
post holder will spend part of their time at the Paediatric & Perinatal
mortuary in St Michaels Hospital and, to a lesser extent, the
Essential Services Laboratory on Level 8 of the Bristol Royal
North Bristol NHS Trust is seeking two full-time (10 PAs) Consultant Paediatric and Perinatal
Pathologists within the Department of Cellular Pathology.
These replacement posts offer an exceptional opportunity to join the Bristol Paediatric
Pathology Service, and to develop specialist diagnostic and research interests with the
enthusiastic support of the corresponding clinical teams. The post holders will, with one
other full-time colleague, contribute to both the provision of paediatric pathology for Bristol
Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) and the provision of perinatal pathology for St. Michael’s
Hospital and the South West Region.
It has been agreed that the future model for paediatric pathology is for all the pathologists to
practice in both paediatric and perinatal pathology.
General Information:
Severn Pathology lies at the heart of patient care. Severn Pathology's mission is to provide
a best in class, high quality, innovative, value for money pathology service that serves the
needs of the healthcare market in the South West region and beyond. In doing so, we strive
to put pathology at the heart of a modern patient pathway, serving an increasingly diverse
market. The combination of general pathology services with a thriving and growing genetics
laboratory service will ensure continued development of state of the art pathology services in
to the future.
On 1 May 2016, North Bristol NHS Trust’s (NBT) Department of Cellular Pathology and the
Department of Histopathology at the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
(UHB) merged and co-located the bulk of their services to a new, purpose-built facility on the
Southmead Hospital site. The service is managed by NBT which also manages the Essential
Services Laboratory and Paediatric / Perinatal mortuary located on UHB premises. The
department provides services to the two acute hospital Trusts in Bristol as well as to a
number of other local Trusts and other local organisations. From April 2019, the service
provided at Weston General Hospital transferred to Southmead Hospital to provide a single
Cellular Pathology service for the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
(BNSSG) area.
Cellular Pathology:
The nature of the work of Bristol Cellular Pathology Service reflects the clinical services in
Bristol with both NBT and UHBristol providing secondary care and extensive tertiary and
specialist services. Bristol Cellular Pathology Service provides much of the specialist cancer
work for the Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire (SWAG) Cancer Alliance and
therefore a wide range of resections for cancer work are performed in the hospitals. Cases
are referred to the Network MDMs requiring review of their pathology. Please see Appendix
B for details on departmental workload.
There are specialist renal services for both adults and children including transplants. The
Bristol Dental Hospital is a tertiary referral centre for oral medicine, paediatrics and
restorative services and is supported by specialist pathology.
The department incorporates the Avon Cervical Screening Service that provides a
centralised service for Bristol and surrounding districts. The South West Regional Cytology
Training Centre is situated in the laboratory complex.
A new Laboratory Information and Management System (Clinisys Winpath Enterprise) went
live across Pathology in October 2016.
Bristol has introduced specialist reporting though the methodology used supports both those
who want to maintain a broader range of specialist practice as well as those who wish to
work in a smaller number of specialist areas. The consultants are members of one to three
specialist teams working to common standards. A number of the consultants support referral
The service monitors its performance using the RCPath KPIs and strives to achieve a
satisfactory level of service as measured by these and other criteria.
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There are opportunities to participate in collaboration with several well-established research
groups allied to NBT, to UHBristol and/or the University of Bristol.
The job plan which is included with this job description is by necessity indicative only and the
candidate will be expected to agree a substantive job plan with the departmental lead at NBT
within three months of starting.
Any candidate who is unable to work full-time for personal reasons will be eligible to be
considered for the post. If such a person is appointed, modification of the job content will be
discussed on a personal basis with the Trust, in consultation with consultant colleagues.
Pathology MANAGER
Jon Turner CONSULTANT MANAGER Professional Accountability
David Gibbs
Dr Kim Jacobson SCIENCES Lorraine Warne Paul Virgo Andrew Heryet
Jon Steer
Rachel Butler
Dr Paul Thomas
Dr Alastair Whiteway
Dr Sarah Johnston
Dr Nidhi Bhatt
The appointee will be contractually accountable to the North Bristol NHS Trust for the
provision of services. The appointee will be managerially responsible to the Chief Executive
through the Medical Director and the Clinical Director. All consultants are required to
undergo an annual appraisal carried out in accordance with the Trust’s policy.
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The NBT Department of Pathology
The NBT Medical Advisory Committee.
The NBT Core Clinical Services Division
The appointee is expected to participate in delivery of services within their agreed specialties
and assist with developing the direction of the future service through liaison with department
colleagues and clinical users.
The appointee is required to take an active and co-operative approach to their job planning
which will be reviewed on an annual basis by their Divisional Lead. Any dispute that may
arise as a result of job planning or any other aspect of the job will be referred to the relevant
Medical Director for resolution if they are related to clinical activity and to the Chief Executive
if the dispute is around management activity that cannot be solved within the Divisional
Consultants will, at all times, be expected to have exemplary standards of professional and
personal behaviour, and to act as role models within the Trusts. It is a requirement that if the
employee has concerns about the professional performance of a member of the medical
staff, they have a duty to speak to the person concerned. If the matter is potentially serious
or satisfaction is not obtained with a direct approach, such concerns should be discussed
with the Trust’s Medical Director. There is a protocol in place in the Bristol Cellular Pathology
Service specifically covering this area. The appointee will be expected to be fully involved in
the developments of the Speciality, to take account of the Trust policies, including Risk
Management Strategy and developments in Clinical Governance.
The Paediatric and Perinatal pathologists work across different sites in Bristol. The Core
Laboratory is based in Southmead Hospital and an Essential Service Laboratory is based in
the Bristol Royal Infirmary. The Paediatric & Perinatal mortuary in located in St Michael’s
Hospital. The paediatric multidisciplinary meetings are held in Bristol Royal Hospital for
Children (BRHC) and the perinatal meetings are held in St. Michael’s Hospital.
All posts are regarded as being Trust-wide however the base Hospital will be Southmead
Hospital. An essential services laboratory remains at the BRI and staff may need to spend
time there.
All consultants in cellular pathology in addition to their contract with their employing
organisation have an honorary contract in the other Bristol Trust enabling them to work there
as required.
To work with the Clinical Lead for the service on the continued development of
cellular pathology services embracing the clinical and operational requirements
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including meeting KPIs and other quality standards and ensuring maintenance of ISO
You will join the team of Consultant Pathologists making up the Cellular Pathology
Service. You will be employed by NBT and will be based at Southmead.
The responsibilities of this post include perinatal pathology taking part in the delivery
of this service including the perinatal and paediatric autopsy service and the
examination of placentae and paediatric surgical pathology. The paediatric
histopathology spans a wide range of specialities including paediatric tumours,
gastrointestinal biopsies, skin biopsies and general surgical work. The current activity
level and case mix is summarised in Appendix B.
On a rotational basis, you will contribute to the clinicopathological and MDT meetings
(up to 14 per month) as required and as summarised in Appendix C.
It has been agreed that the best model for the future is for all the pathologists to
practice in both paediatric and perinatal pathology.
More specifically as part of your direct clinical care (DCC) you will: -
Work to the standards set by the Cellular Pathology Service described in its
policies, protocols and procedures
Cut-up and report specimens as required within your areas of specialist practice.
This will include cut-up and reporting of placentas.
Contribute to the running of the MDMs and CPCs as appropriate to your areas of
Cover for colleagues' annual leave and other authorised absences
Manage your workload to deliver a safe service to patients
The Trust supports fully the concepts of CPD, clinical audit and EQA and time for
undertaking such activities is included in job plans. Therefore, in addition to the direct
provision of the diagnostic service the following are other activities in which you will
be expected to participate: -
To take part in continuing professional development and to join the RCPath CPD
To audit aspects of your work and to produce or contribute to at least one audit
per year relevant to your areas of work
To participate in the Paediatric Histopathology EQA scheme
To use your study and professional leave allowance of 30 days over 3 years to
attend relevant professional and educational meetings
To develop and maintain a portfolio of evidence to support GMC revalidation
To undergo an annual appraisal carried out in accordance with the Trust policy.
To contribute to the training and supervision of junior medical staff sharing these
responsibilities with your consultant colleagues
The successful candidate will be expected to comply with all relevant Trust policies
relating to administration of patient care. Consultants are also expected to work with
service managers and clinical colleagues to manage their caseload in a flexible way,
to ensure that clinical, national and local priorities are achieved.
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The post holders will be required to split their time between the core laboratory at
Southmead Hospital and the Mortuary and to a lesser extent, the Essential Services
Laboratory based on UHBristol premises. Majority of their time will be spent at the
core laboratory where they will be provided with office accommodation for sole use
with appropriate facilities including microscope with imaging facility, computers, and
email access to support both management and clinical functions. Specific
requirements may be subject to further negotiation and agreement however will
necessarily involve IM&T tools and appropriate levels of secretarial support. Office
accommodation with similar facilities will also be provided at the other site to enable
them to carry out their duties although this may not necessarily be space for sole use.
The specialist team will establish the most effective means of rotating members to
provide cover for all aspects of their activity including case review. Digital scanning
technology is available to facilitate the sharing of images when individuals are on
different sites. It may be that individuals will spend an entire day at one location or, if
cross-site travel is required during the day, taxis are available to enable this.
Following a period in which very few paediatric Coroner’s autopsies were undertaken
in Bristol, the pathologist currently in post has repatriated much of this work and now
undertakes work for Avon Coroner, and other Coroners in the South West and
Wales. There is considerable scope to expand this service and there are good links
with the clinical teams, including specialist Paediatric Radiologists based at Bristol
Royal Hospital for Children.
Adult coronial post-mortems are not performed on hospital premises in Bristol but at
a purpose built mortuary operated by Bristol City Council
The Cellular Pathology departments at both NBT and UHBristol have been approved
for Higher Specialist Training by the Royal College of Pathologists.
The post holder will be responsible for the professional supervision and management
of junior medical staff. Where appropriate, the post holder will be named in the
educational contract of junior staff as the person responsible for overseeing their
training and as an initial source of advice to such doctors regarding their careers.
In liaison with the Director of Postgraduate Medical Education the post holder may be
required to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate training.
The post holder can request up to a maximum of 30 days study leave within a 3-year
period (pro rata for part-time posts) as stated in the Terms and Conditions of Service.
The Trust is committed to ensuring that support is given for Continuing Medical
Education. The post holder will be required to fulfil the requirements laid down by the
relevant Royal College, and to fulfil the requirements for revalidation laid down by the
General Medical Council. There is a budget for study leave of approximately £650
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per Consultant.
The post holder will not necessarily be expected to undertake research however
opportunities do exist and encouragement is given to develop collaborative projects
with other departments within the Trust or with the University of Bristol and the
University of the West of England. The post holder will be required to submit all
research development plans which have resource implications to the Clinical Director
prior to implementation.
There are professionally staffed Medical Libraries in the Medical Postgraduate Centre
at Southmead Hospital, with a rapid service between these and the University Library
situated in the centre of Bristol City. A computer literature search facility is available
for which a charge is made and the library has links with other networks. The libraries
are at the forefront of developments in electronic knowledge delivery.
The Severn Pathology buildings are located in the Science Quarter of Southmead
Hospital Site with a large L&R facilitate that contains a permanent University of
Bristol presence and a clinical research unit which are laid out in a campus basis.
(v) Audit
The post holder will be required to take part in a Clinical Audit Programme. The Trust
has an audit department which supports and monitors such activity. There is an
active Trust Clinical Audit Committee.
NBT runs a Saturday and bank holiday service for urgent renal biopsies. This is
currently treated as on-call in the contract though this is under review. If the
successful applicant wishes to participate in the rota, it can be arranged.
The work of the department includes the interpretation of frozen sections during
Hirschsprung’s disease surgery. There is the possibility that this work will run beyond
normal working hours; time is taken back in lieu of any hours worked beyond the
normal working day to report these specimens
In the event of a major incident or civil unrest all trust employees will be expected to
report for duty on notification. All Trust employees are also expected to play an
active part in training for and preparation or a major incident or civil unrest.
The Trust is committed to ensuring that all current and potential staff, patients and
visitors are treated with dignity, fairness and respect regardless of gender, ethnicity,
disability, sexual orientation, age, marital or civil partnership status, religion or belief
or employment status. Staff will be supported to challenge discriminatory behaviour.
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The job plan below is by necessity indicative only and the candidate will be expected to
agree a substantive job plan with the departmental lead at NBT within three (3) months of
Any candidate who is unable to work full-time for personal reasons will be eligible to be
considered for the post. If such a person is appointed, modification of the job content will be
discussed on a personal basis with the Trust, in consultation with consultant colleagues.
Page 8 of 24
Predictable Direct Clinical
emergency on Care
call work
Unpredictable Variable Direct Clinical
emergency on Care
call work (Max
per week until 31
Total PAs 10
This is a proposed job plan. Only those times that need to be fixed, such as the start and usual
finish times of clinics are detailed. All other times must be discussed with the appointee. The
timetable will be reviewed after the appointee has been in post for three months. It must
therefore be regarded as a temporary work programme only
The paediatric pathologists cover the service in weekly rotations alternating one week in
Paediatric Pathology and one week in Perinatal Pathology. There is a rota to ensure cover of
relevant MDT meetings.
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Time Activity
08.30 to 12.30 St. Michael´s Autopsy work
Placental cut-up
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Ability to teach
Willingness to lead
medical staff and
biomedical scientists in
research activities
Personal Excellent motivational, communication Evidence of attendance Other
Requirements and organisational skills. at a healthcare
(e.g. management course.
Communication Ability to influence peers and previous
Leadership experience of engagement with
Skills, Flexibility) executive leads of Trust organisations.
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Assessment at Interview stage
Further Training, Evidence of thorough and broad Recent experience and familiarity
Management, Audit training and experience in of UK hospital systems and
histopathology and cytopathology practices (or equivalent).
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SECTION 8 - Commitment to Patients, Infection Control, Health and Safety, No
Smoking, Confidentiality, Equal Opportunities, Safeguarding
Patients are the most important people in the health service and are at the centre of what we do.
Patients and carers are the ‘experts’ in how they feel and what it is like to live with or care for
someone with a particular illness or condition. The patients’ experience of our services should guide
the way we deliver services and influence how we engage with patients every day in our work.
All staff should communicate effectively in their day to day practice with patients and should support
and enable patients/carers to make choices, changes and influence the way their treatment or care is
provided. All staff, managers and Board members should work to promote effective patient, carer and
public involvement in all elements of their work
We have a duty to involve, engage and consult with patients, carers and families about plans for
health facilities and the provision of our services. North Bristol NHS Trust wholeheartedly embraces
the principles of patient partnership and has made clear its commitment to involve patients in key
aspects of its work, which will be further strengthened through becoming a Foundation Trust.
Infection Control
Compliance with all infection control policies and procedures will form an integral part of the practice
of all staff working in a clinical environment. Each staff member will be responsible for familiarising
themselves with the Infection Control Manual in the clinical areas and on the Trust’s Intranet
site. Staff must keep up to date with new policies and subsequent implementation in practice.
Staff must seek support and advice from Infection Control in all instances where cross infection is
likely to have occurred or when managing situations involving patients with infections where guidance
provided in the Policies is not applicable.
All staff must contact the Occupational Health Dept if they are suffering from any form of infection
which may put patients and other staff at risk.
It is the duty of every employee to work in such a way that accidents to themselves and to others are
avoided, and to co-operate in maintaining their place of work in a tidy and safe condition, thereby
minimising risk. Employees will, therefore, refer any matters of concern through their respective line
managers. Similarly, it is each person’s responsibility to ensure a secure environment and bring any
breaches of security to the attention of their managers.
No-Smoking Policy
As an NHS employer, the Trust has a duty to its staff and patients to protect them from the health
hazard that smoking represents. Consequently, from 8 March 2006, in line with the public health white
paper, Choosing Health, smoking will not be permitted anywhere on Trust property including all
buildings, grounds and within leased/owned vehicles of the Trust. This applies to all staff, patients and
visitors of the Trust. Failure by staff to comply with this requirement may result in recourse to the
disciplinary procedure. Employees also have a responsibility to remind members of the public, visitors
and other staff to refrain from smoking on Trust premises and to inform the appropriate manager if
they witness repeat non-compliance.
Equal Opportunities
North Bristol NHS Trust has given its full commitment to the adoption and promotion of the key
principles of equal opportunities contained within current legislation and the Trust’s Equal
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Opportunities Policy.
All staff hold personal responsibility for the application of this policy on a day-to-day basis and should
not undertake any acts of discriminatory practice during the course of their employment. Similarly all
staff have a responsibility to highlight any potentially discriminatory practice to their line manager,
human resources department or trade union/professional associations.
Copies of the Equal Opportunities Policy are available in the Personnel Policies and Procedures file in
every department and on the intranet.
We believe that all people, whether staff, patients or visitors, are entitled to an environment in which
the dignity of the individual is respected.
We are also firmly committed to promoting an organisational culture which values diversity and
equality of opportunity and to preventing discrimination in all aspects of its employment practices and
services. We regard harassment and bullying as totally unacceptable forms of behaviour that will not
be tolerated or condoned.
The person appointed to this post is reminded this organisation is committed to safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of children and young people. It is the responsibility of all staff to be clear about
appropriate and inappropriate practice and further information on ‘Guidance for Safer Working
Practice for Adults who Work with Children and Young People, Nov 2007 can be found at
Information relating to patients’ records, diagnosis and/or treatment of patients, staff records, or
information concerning contracts, tenders and other commercially sensitive matters etc. are
considered to be confidential and must not be divulged without prior authority other than in
accordance with the provisions of the Trust’s Policy on raising concerns about Health Care Services
as may be amended from time to time. Breaches of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action, and
may result in dismissal. Managers are also required as a condition of this Contract to represent the
views of the Trust in any dealing they may have with Trust employees, their representatives, the
media, general public or other organisations in which they may come into contact.
However, as a public body, the Trust has a requirement to publish particular information. Therefore, in
addition to the above confidentiality requirements you must also comply with all aspects of the law
concerned with information handling. For this purpose, the relevant legislation is the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. This Act places a legal duty on all staff to comply with the rights of the public to
access information. Any altering, destroying or concealing of information held by the Trust with the
intention of preventing the legitimate disclosure of all or part of that information will result in
disciplinary action, and may result in dismissal.
North Bristol Trust are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people
and adults and to protecting them from all risks of harm. The organisation expects all staff to work to
national and local children and adult safeguarding policies and procedures. The trust expects all staff
and volunteers to be dementia aware and to support the care of people with dementia. All staff are
expected to share this commitment and meet the competencies relevant to their role.
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Appendix A. Staffing in Cellular Pathology
Consultant Staffing
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Vacant FT Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology
Vacant FT Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology
Vacant FT To be advertised
Vacant FT Recruitment in progress
Vacant FT Recruitment in progress
1. Dr Nidhi Bhatt is the Clinical Lead for the service
2. Drs Mohammed Sohail, Miranda Pring and Francesca Maggiani are Consultant Senior
Lecturers at the University of Bristol
Scientist staffing
BMS Band 8 6.60
MLA (Bands 2 – 4) 44.56
Cytoscreeners 3.42
MTO 4.10
Cellular Pathology has been approved for Higher Specialist Training by the Royal College
of Pathologists both for general training and for training in Oral and Maxillofacial pathology
and Paediatric/Perinatal Pathology. There is an active training programme with the
following table showing the number of training posts.
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The trainees on general histopathology training rotate to various training centres in the
training region including Weston, Bath, Cheltenham, Swindon and Taunton. All the
regional trainees come to Bristol for paediatric pathology, perinatal pathology,
neuropathology and lung pathology training.
Bristol is part of the South West Histopathology Training School. This runs a dispersed
model with a capacity of 8 ST1 trainees. Four of these training posts are in Bristol with the
others based in Plymouth and Exeter.
For the last 5 years Bristol has organised the national block teaching week for all the ST1
trainees of England and Wales.
Specimens Cases
Breast 4 3
Cardiovascular 19 12
Cytology 9 8
Endocrine 24 16
GI 3965 953
Gynae 40 24
H&N 247 165
Lymphoreticular 175 113
Ophthalmology 5 4
Bone & Soft tissue 88 55
Placenta 950 950
Respiratory 73 31
Skin 236 179
Undefined 360 149
Urology 271 223
Total 6466 2885
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Appendix C: List of MDMs and CPCs. Meetings relevant to this post are in bold.
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at the BRI
Network Upper GI MDM, 9am to
11.30am in the BRI
Neuroendocrine MDT, bimonthly
11:15 – 12:30
Paediatric Surgical Mortality
meeting CPC, Bi-monthly,
10.30am to 12.00 noon. BRI, King
Edwards room.
Friday pm Urology MDM, 9.30am to 11am at GI Medical CPC, 1pm to 2pm at
the BRI Southmead
Lower GI MDM, 1pm to 2pm in the
Network Anal MDM, 1.30pm to 2pm
in the BRI
List of MDMs and CPCs for the Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology Service:
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Paediatric Bi-Monthly Friday 10:30 to BRI Pathologist
Surgical 12:00 King’s Edward on
Mortality Room perinatal
Meeting rotation*
BCH (Bristol Children’s Hospital) St Michaels and BRI (Bristol Royal Infirmary) are located
on the same site at UHBristol NHS Foundation Trust
(*) Perinatal and Paediatric Mortality Meetings are covered by the pathologist on the
perinatal rota in cases of short-staffing; however, each pathologist usually presents their own
PM cases.
A further nine colposcopy CPC’s will be scheduled as part of HPV primary screening
implementation, expected mainly to be supported by consultant BMSs
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Appendix D: Resources available
Digital micro- and macro photography equipment including the supporting software has
recently been purchased and installed in both laboratories. There is facility to view slides
in real time through a network link between both sites and the trust is committed to further
development of video linking and related technologies.
The diagnostic service is fully computerised with extensive databases. The department
implemented a new LIMS, Clinisys Winpath Enterprise, in October 2016 and utilise the
Leica Cerebro system for in-lab tracking.
Within the department, you will be assigned an individual reporting room with a consultant
grade microscope (with a teaching arm to allow teaching of pathology trainees to be
carried out in the Consultant’s office), and a personal computer linked to the Trust’s IT
system, internet, digital dictation and e-mail facilities. Secretarial and administrative
support, predominantly for general diagnostic work and also for personal professional
tasks (managerial, teaching and administrative) is provided from our team of excellent
medical secretaries. The department has good facilities for digital photography of
macroscopic and microscopic specimens.
Library Facilities
There are professionally staffed Medical Libraries in the Postgraduate Medical Centre at
Southmead Hospital, with a rapid service between these and the University Library
situated in the centre of Bristol city. A computer literature search facility is available and
the library has links with other networks across the country, thus ensuring a
comprehensive and rapid service in response to information needs.
The Postgraduate Medical Centre has an active programme of clinical meetings, lectures
and symposia.
Academic Facilities
North Bristol NHS Trust currently has medical education facilities available on Southmead
site. The Learning & Research Centre opened in December 2009 and has the following
facilitates: 130 seated lecture theatre, Library (24 hour access), Seminar Rooms,
Resuscitation training rooms, IT training suite, Clinical Skills Laboratory, Manual handling
training rooms and University of Bristol laboratories and office base.
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Appendix D: Organisation information
North Bristol NHS Trust is the largest Trust in the South West region and one of the
largest trusts in the country. Last year the Trust treated over 100,000 inpatients, over
35,000 outpatients, 90,000 emergency department patients and helped deliver over 6,000
babies. It employs more than 8,000 staff, has approximately 1,050 inpatient beds and
income in excess of £540 million.
The Trust provides Medical, Surgical, Neonatal, and Maternity Care for its local population
of approximately a million people in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.
The Trust also provides regional services in Neurosciences, Orthopaedics, Pathology,
Plastic Surgery and Burns, Renal Medicine and Transplant and Urology and is the Major
Trauma Centre for the West Country.
The health service in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is being
remodelled to concentrate on acute facilities and where appropriate to provide more care
close to patient home through a network community hospitals and facilities. The Trust
recently moved the majority of its acute services to the Brunel Building, regarded as one of
the best hospital facilities in Europe, on the Southmead Hospital Site. At Southmead
Hospital, we also have our excellent maternity and women’s health services, the Bristol
Breast Care Centre and the Trust’s Severn Pathology service.
As well as Southmead Hospital, the Trust also has Cossham Hospital, in Kingswood, that
recently underwent a £19m refurbishment, the Bristol Centre for Enablement, at Cribbs
Causeway (Bristol) and the Trust also runs children’s community health services across
Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
The Trust has University Teaching status and is associated with both the University of
Bristol and the University of the West of England.
The Board of North Bristol NHS Trust comprises of the chairman and chief executive, 6
non-executive directors, and directors of capital projects, finance, facilities, I M and T,
organisation, people and performance, as well as a director of operations, medical director
and director of nursing. For further information, refer to the trust website, www.nbt.nhs.uk
Pathology is part of the Core Clinical Services Division together with critical care, radiology
and pharmacy. The Clinical Director of the Core Clinical Services Division is Dr Rommel
Ravanan, Consultant Nephrologist. The Head of Pathology post is vacant and the
Divisional Operations Manager is Ms Sarah Robinson. Within Pathology a unified
management structure has been implemented.
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Information about University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Situated in the heart of Bristol, UHBristol is a large city centre Teaching Trust employing
over 7000 staff, with annual revenue of nearly £400 million and with a total of 1156 beds
throughout the Trust. UHBristol are one of the largest employers in Bristol and provide a
wide range of in-patient, out-patient and day-care services to the local population within
Bristol, as well as being the biggest specialist referral centre for the South West of
Hospital and outpatient services are based over eight sites comprising: the Bristol Royal
Infirmary, Bristol General Hospital, Bristol Eye Hospital, Homeopathic Hospital, Bristol
Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol Dental Hospital, St Michael’s Hospital and
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. A significant capital redevelopment programme is
underway with re-provision and expansion of facilities for Paediatric, Cardiac and Medical
The Hospital has close links with both city Universities. University of Bristol is the largest
Medical School in Southwest England, with Bristol Royal Infirmary delivering the largest
proportion of teaching to its Medical and Dental Students. The Trust Executive Group has
bi-monthly meetings with its teaching and research partners.
The Trust Board consists of seven Executive members and 7 Non-Executive Directors
including 1 independent member. There are four public Board meetings a year, normally
held on the fourth Tuesday of the month. In addition, the Trust Board holds an Annual
General meeting, normally in September. Members of staff and public are welcome to
attend these meetings.
The Public Trust Board Meeting agenda contains issues for decision on major strategy
and policy direction, as well as regular public reporting on performance against key
The Divisions are supported by a sixth Division, Trust Services, which comprises of a
number of corporate functions including Finance, IM&T, and Human Resources.
A clinical Head of Division, supported by a Divisional Manager leads each Division.
The Trust is committed to increasing both clinical engagement and the involvement of staff
and their representatives in key decisions. A Clinical Reference Group comprising senior
clinicians and representatives of clinical professions including the Heads of Divisions is
Page 23 of 24
chaired jointly by the Medical Director and Chief Nurse/Director of Governance. The group
works collaboratively with a range of committees and groups within the Trust, in order to
ensure that there is strong clinical advice, leadership and engagement in all decision-
making processes.
Pathology is part of the Division of Diagnostic & Therapy Services, along with Radiology,
Pharmacy, Medical Physics (incl. MEMO), Audiology, Neurophysiology, Physiotherapy,
Occupational Therapy, Dietetics, Speech & Language and Orthotics.
The Clinical Chair is Kate Love and the Divisional Director is Alison Lowndes.
The University of Bristol offers an exciting academic environment with centres of excellence in
all of its faculties. It also has an ambitious programme for expansion and a well-established
major “campaign for resources” to facilitate future developments. The University is in the city
centre and the medical school and basic science departments are within walking distance of
Bristol is one of the few universities with schools of medicine, dentistry and veterinary science,
all in close proximity. The Medical School has an intake of 250 students each year to its
undergraduate medical course following recent expansion. The Dental School has also recently
expanded and now has an intake of 75 undergraduate students per year.
The Faculty’s research philosophy is to undertake internationally recognised basic and applied
medical and health services within a setting which patients are cared for in association with
undergraduate teaching and postgraduate training.
The Trust provides a wide range of acute health and rehabilitation hospital services to the
population of North Somerset from its main campus at Weston General Hospital. The Trust
works closely with other hospitals in Bristol as part of ‘clinical networks’ including, for example,
cancer, pathology and cardiology. The Trust employs 1800 people and provides 234 beds to
service a 212,000-strong local population and for 3.3 million summer visitors to this popular
West Country seaside resort.
Weston Area Health NHS Trust has developed a North Somerset Health and Social Care
Academy, in partnership with the local deanery and University Medical Schools. This Academy
delivers and facilitates the training and development of all Health and Social Care Workers.
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