The Supreme Court ruled that the NTC correctly based its computation of supervision and regulation fees on PLDT's subscribed capital stock rather than its property and equipment. The Court affirmed that under Section 40(f) of the Public Service Act, as amended, the fee is to be computed based on "the capital stock subscribed or paid" by the company. While the NTC imposes the fee, it is mandated to do so by the legislature, which has the authority to tax corporations through its police and taxation powers. The Court upheld the NTC's assessment against PLDT.
The Supreme Court ruled that the NTC correctly based its computation of supervision and regulation fees on PLDT's subscribed capital stock rather than its property and equipment. The Court affirmed that under Section 40(f) of the Public Service Act, as amended, the fee is to be computed based on "the capital stock subscribed or paid" by the company. While the NTC imposes the fee, it is mandated to do so by the legislature, which has the authority to tax corporations through its police and taxation powers. The Court upheld the NTC's assessment against PLDT.
The Supreme Court ruled that the NTC correctly based its computation of supervision and regulation fees on PLDT's subscribed capital stock rather than its property and equipment. The Court affirmed that under Section 40(f) of the Public Service Act, as amended, the fee is to be computed based on "the capital stock subscribed or paid" by the company. While the NTC imposes the fee, it is mandated to do so by the legislature, which has the authority to tax corporations through its police and taxation powers. The Court upheld the NTC's assessment against PLDT.
The Supreme Court ruled that the NTC correctly based its computation of supervision and regulation fees on PLDT's subscribed capital stock rather than its property and equipment. The Court affirmed that under Section 40(f) of the Public Service Act, as amended, the fee is to be computed based on "the capital stock subscribed or paid" by the company. While the NTC imposes the fee, it is mandated to do so by the legislature, which has the authority to tax corporations through its police and taxation powers. The Court upheld the NTC's assessment against PLDT.
NTC vs CA and PLDT Whether or not the CA erred in holding that
GR No. 127937, July 28, 1999 the computation of supervision
311 SCRA 508 a n d regulation fees under section 40 (f) of the PSA should be based on the par value of Facts: the subscribed capital stock.
Sometime in 1988, the NTC served on PLDT Held:
assessment notices and demands for payment under Section 40 (e) (f) and (g) o f Yes. The ruling is clear in the case of PLDT vs PSC, the Public Service Act (PSA). PLDT 66 SCRA 341, that the basis for computation challenged the aforesaid assessments. of the fee to be charged by N T C o n On September 29, 1993, the NTC PLDT, is “the capital stock rendered a Decision in NTC Case No. 90-223, subscribed or paid and not, alternatively, the denying the protest of PLDT due to lack of merit. property and equipment.” The On October 1993, PLDT interposed a fee in question is based on the M o t io n fo r Reco ns i der at io n w h ic h w as c a p i t a l s t o c k s u bsc r ibe d o r pa i d, denied by NTC in an Order issued on n o t hi n g le ss no t h in g more. It should be May1994. PLDT then appealed the reiterated that the proper b a s i s f o r t h e aforesaid Decision to the Court of Appeals. c o m p u t a t i o n o f s u b j e c t f e e under The Court of Appeals ordered the NTC to Section 40(e) of the Public Service Act, as compute the a s s e s s m e n t s a n d d e m a n d s amended by Republic Act No. 3792,is “the f o r p a y m e n t again. On November 20, 1996, capital stock subscribed or paid and n o t , NTC moved for partial alternatively, the property and reconsideration of the equipment. “ I t b e a r s s tr e s s i n g t h a t i t is abovementioned decision, with respect to not the NTC that imposed such a fee. the basis of the assessment under I t i s t h e legislature itself. Since Congress Section4 0 (e) i.e. the par v alue o f the has the power to exercise the State inherent subscribed c a p i t a l s t o c k . I t a l s o powers o f P o l i c e P o w e r , E m i n e n t s o u g h t a p a r t i a l reconsideration of D o m a i n a n d Taxation , the distinction the fee of fifty (P0.50) centavos for the between po lice power and the power to issuance or increasing of t h e c a p i t a l tax, which could be significant if the s t o c k u n d e r S e c t i o n 4 0 ( f ) . However, exercising authority were mere political the CA denied the motions. With the denial of subdivisions, would not be of a n y m o m e n t its motions for reconsideration by the when, as in the case under Resolution of the Court of Appeals, consideration, Congress itself exercises the petitioner found its way to this Court. power. All that is to be done would be to apply and enforce the law when sufficiently Issue: definitive and not constitutional infirm.