Comparison NDT and DT
Comparison NDT and DT
Comparison NDT and DT
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1. Introduction
Recent development in concrete is high strength concrete, which is mixture of cement, sand,
aggregate, water and admixtures. The compressive strength of concrete is its one of the most
valuable property. To determine compressive strength of concrete is a major task of
engineers/researchers for existing concrete structures. There are two aspects of determination of
compressive strength of concrete which are destructive tests (DT) and non destructive tests
(NDT). The DT of concrete is not always appropriate method to find compressive strength of
concrete and concrete structures because it affects the durability and lifespan of concrete.
Hence, the NDT method is only one predominant method to find the strength of existing
concrete and concrete structures, and to judge the quality of concrete. The NDT method is direct
and easy tool to find in situ compressive strength of concrete. The NDT test methods include
rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, penetration test, radiography test, sonic integrity
tests etc. There are two distinct areas in civil engineering works where it has to be relied on NDT
for practical and theoretical purposes. The first ones are the old monumental structural systems
like ancient temples and edifices. The second ones are the buildings which are coming up so fast
in the urban areas as the result of burgeoning housing industry, which badly needs quality
control for mass safety and security of the people.
The properties, characteristics and qualities of these two groups of structural systems can be
quickly and systematically recorded, if the tests performed are NDT ones. However, for the
reliability of these results and records can be proven only if the relationship between these tests
Comparison of Concrete Properties determined by Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests 131
and the DT which are more realistic and reliable but not always possible has been established.
The relationship between the two types of tests which the research work is to establish will
provide a series of vital data and solve a series of problems in assessment of the properties,
characteristics and vulnerability of the standing structural systems [12]. However, none of these
tests can be used independently to yield reliable quantitative results. Out of these NDT test
methods, combination of two or more NDT yields results of acceptable levels. For instance, in
case of a historical monument, which is already standing for hundreds of years or in case of a
structural system which has already been constructed but requires verification of the properties
and characteristics of its material, elements or the system as a whole, the DT is not the best
method to apply.
One of the challenging and virgin areas in testing civil engineering materials and structures is to
establish relationship between the results from DT and NDT [13]. The usefulness and reliability
of the results of NDT when DT is not practically possible can only be verified only if/when the
relationship between the two tests has been properly established.
2. Literature Review
A series of related M Sc theses of the Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, other
national and international journals as well as books have been studied. Out of these, some of the
significant works are mentioned below:
Aydin and Saribiyik [3] have attempted to establish the relationship between rebound numbers
(N) and crushing strengths of cubes and core samples from elements of structures. The data
plotted were compared by doing linear regression. It has been found that the variations in
correlation were higher for older (than ninety days) concrete. A table and chart of
transformation factors for old concrete based upon strengths have been suggested.
Pattanaika [21] suggested at least two independent methods of different equipment of NDT
should be used to determine the compressive strength of concrete. By using correlation curves,
he obtained a correction factor that can be used for quick assessment of quality of the concrete
by rebound hammer. He also established correlation between each pair of NDT instruments for
assessment of compressive strength of concrete at necessary location which would be necessary
for structural health monitoring.
Hannachi and Gueteche [7] have studied both single and multiple variable equations involving
SH and pulse velocity meter. They have compiled works done by various researchers till now
and have compiled them in a tabular form (Table 1).
132 Journal of the Institute of Engineering
Table 1: Equations of existing relationship used for compressive strength estimation of concrete
Single-variable equations
Equation Dimensions Reference RMSE
fc [MPa], NDT Windsor
1 fc = 21.575 × L – 72.276 3.7813
L[cm] Sys. Inc. (1994)
fc [MPa], Kheder 1
2 fc = 1.2 × 10–5 × V 1.7447 6.0974
V[km/s] (1998)
Kheder 2
3 fc = 0.4030 × R 1.2083 fc [MPa] 2.1651
fc [MPa], Quasrawi 1
4 fc = 36.72 × V – 129.077 3.6981
V[km/s] (2000)
Quasrawi 1
5 fc = 1.353 × R – 17.393 fc[MPa] 2.8152
fc [MPa],
6 fc = –5333 + 5385 × L Malhotra et al. 2.2128
Multi-variable equations
Equation Dimensions Reference RMSE
fc = –25.568 + 0.000635 × R3 + fc [MPa], Bellander
7 2.2128
8.397V V[km/s] (1979)
fc [MPa], Meynink et al.
8 fc = –24.668 + 1.427×R + 0.0294V4 7.0654
V[km/s] (1979)
9 fc = 0.745 × R + 0.951 × V – 0.544 Tanigawa et al. 2. 1000
fc[kg/cm2], Postacioglu
10 fc = [R/(18.6 + 0.019 × R + 0.515 × V)] 3.7617
V[km/s] (1985)
fc [kg/cm2], Arioglu et al.
11 11 fc = 18.6 × e (0.019×R+ 0515V) 2.9205
V[km/s] (1991)
fc [kg/cm2], Arioglu et al.
12 4.2305
V[km/s] (1994)
fc [kg/cm2], Raymar et al.
13 fc = –39.570 + 1.532 × R + 5.0.614 × V 7.5910
V[km/s] (1996)
fc [kg/cm2], Arioglu et al.
14 fc = 0.00153 × (R3 × V4) 11.1623
V[km/s] (1996)
fc [kg/cm2], Kheder 3
15 fc = 0.0158 × V 0.4254 × R 1.1171 2.1375
V[km/s] (1998)
Comparison of Concrete Properties determined by Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests 133
3. Experimental Investigation
For NDT two equipment were used for SH and UPV testing. For SH and UPV testing W-M-250
[4] and Pundit Lab Proceq, [20] respectively were used. For DT the testing machine used was
Compression Testing Machine Mark XII (Compression Testing Machine Mark XII, N D). The
objects used for testing were standard sized samples (150 mm cubes, 100 mm cubes, and 200
mm×100 mm cylinders) and cores taken from existing structures. For testing, first the samples
were weighed on a digital weighing machine with an accuracy of 0.001 kg, and then were tested
with UPV machine. Next, the objects were clamped concentrically in CTM with vertical force
with pressure of the order 5 – 7 kN mm-2 and the testing by SH was conducted. Both of the NDT
were conducted as per standard procedural instructions stated in IS 13311 [17]. After finishing
the SH test the vertical force was gradually increased until ultimate crushing strength was
4. Research Methodology
One of the basic problems in NDT is to improve its reliability. It can be done by correlating it
with the DT.
The focus is confined to the main property of concrete - compressive strength, as it is the most
valuable property of concrete. The variables have been defined as the results from NDT and DT
on sample objects and only NDT on the target object.
The methodology used in this research work is laboratory works and experiments based. after
doing a detailed literature review, a theoretical concept regarding how to perform experiment has
been developed. The main aim of this research work is to derive the relationship between
Comparison of Concrete Properties determined by NDT and DT.
The tests are done as per specified rules and the results are processed statistically to determine
the compressive strength of target object.
The collection of samples were done from the cubes and cylinders prepared recently by various
bachelor and master level students of Institute of Engineering at Pulchowk Campus. The
samples were grouped appropriately and then the tests conducted as per requirements.
y 0.405x 14.98 , (see Figure 5) where x = SH strength according to Navg from the SH (see
Table 2). Here, x = 29.5, from Table 2.
The required strength y = 0.405 × 29.50 + 14.98 = 26.93 MPa
Regression equation for v value from correlation data of 15 cm cube:
y 0.013x 30.63 , (see Figure 6) where x = average UPV, vavg from Table 2. Here, x =
4086.7, from Table 2.
The required strength y = 0.013 × 4086.70 - 30.63 = 22.49 MPa
Comparison of Concrete Properties determined by Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests 135
y 0.522 x 11.56 , (see Figure 9) where x = SH strength according to Navg from the SH (see
Table 2). Here, x = 29.5, from Table 2.
The required strength y = 0.522 × 29.50 + 11.56 = 26.96 MPa
After converting it into 15×15 cm cube strength, (see Table 3) the required strength = 26.96 ×
0.91 = 24.53 MPa
Regression equation for v value from correlation data of 10 cm cube:
y 0.019 x 58.47 , (see Figure 10) where x = average UPV, vavg from Table 2. Here, x =
4086.7, from Table 2.
The required strength y = 0.019 × 4086.70 - 30.63 = 19.18 MPa
After converting it into 15×15 cm cube strength, (see Table 3) the required strength = 19.18 ×
0.91 = 17.45 MPa
Regression equation for N value from correlation data of 10 × 20 cm cylinder:
y 0.07 x 14.21 , (see Figure 13) where x = SH strength according to Navg from the SH
(see Table 2). Here, x = 29.5, from Table 2.
The required strength y = -0.07 × 29.50 + 14.21 = 12.15 MPa
After converting it into 15×15 cm cube strength, (see Table 3) the required strength = 12.15 ×
1.16 = 14.09 MPa
Regression equation for v value from correlation data of 10 × 20 cm cylinder:
y 0.008x 21.79 , (see Figure 14) where x = average UPV, vavg from Table 2. Here, x =
4086.7, from Table 2.
The required strength y = 0.008 × 4086.70 – 21.79 = 10.90 MPa
After converting it into 15×15 cm cube strength, (see Table 3) the required strength = 10.90 ×
1.16 = 12.64 MPa
136 Journal of the Institute of Engineering
y = 1.5443x - 26.579
40 R² = 0.9566
y = 0.6263x + 4.1885
R² = 0.3498
20 30 40 50
Figure 4: Rebound number versus CTM and SH strength for 150 mm cube samples
y = 0.4051x + 14.984
20 R² = 0.3647
10 20 30 40 50
y = 0.0139x - 30.63
R² = 0.5065
3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Figure 6: Ultrasonic Pulse velocity (m/s) vs compression testing machine (CTM) strength (MPA) for
150 mm cubes
y = -0.7512x + 4217.7
R² = 0.0002
25 30 35 40 45 50
RN VS UPV Linear (RN VS UPV ) Linear (RN VS UPV )
Figure 7: Rebound Number Vs ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s) for 150 mm cubes
iii) The relationship between results of compressive strength values from NDT of the target
object must be compared with those from DT and the most probable result should be
taken as the final estimate.
iv) The NDTs should always be performed at least with two equipment and the results
should be close enough so that the most probable one from them can be adopted.
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Comparison of Concrete Properties determined by Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests 139
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