3rd Grading Exam - Lumen School
3rd Grading Exam - Lumen School
3rd Grading Exam - Lumen School
English 7
I . Write the simple past or past perfect form of the verb based on the given story lines. (10 points)
_____________ 1. The students (plant) bamboo in the school grounds before the rainy season.
_____________ 2. The bamboo plants (grow) up to seven feet tall.
_____________ 3. The students (write) about the bamboo plant project in their paper.
_____________ 4. The bamboo’s branches (sprout) numerous leaves in the last year.
_____________ 5. The farmers (harvest) the bamboo shoots already.
_____________ 6. The students (help) at the harvest.
_____________ 7. The students (make) chopsticks from the bamboo after the plants were harvested.
_____________ 8. The teachers (cook) rice in the empty hollows of the bamboo.
_____________ 9. My mother (prepare) pickled bamboo shoots before my classmates and I arrived home.
_____________ 10. We (slice) bamboo shoots thinly to make pickles.
II . Conjugate the following verbs in the present tenses – simple, perfect, progressive and perfect progressive forms.
(20 points)
III . Underline the verb in each sentence then identify each verb as active or passive. (10 points)
IV . Identify the figure of speech that being describe. Choose your answer on the box. (5 points)
Sizzile Irony
Metaphor Paradox
Personification Oxymoron
____________1. Believe me, I always lie!
____________2. The recent typhoon was monster.
____________3. “The sky wept all day long”
____________4. Oh my gosh, that’s an old news! so disgusting.
____________5. Someone living in the desert keeps a boat in her yard.
V . Fill in the blanks the general references are being asked. (5 points)
I . Underline the verb phrase in each sentences and identify whether it function as transitive or intransitive verb. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number. (20 points)
II . Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct modal and encircle the noun being
describe. Choose your answer from the words found inside the parentheses. (10 points)
1. The old couple thought, “There _______________ be something magical happening there.” (must, ought to)
2. Each day the old man _____________ clear the entire mountain for farming without feeling tired. (will,would)
3. The young men _____________ live outside their shells. (may not, cannot)
4. The old couple and their children _____________ live in peace and harmony. (should, shall)
5. The four young men _______________ like to marry the king’s daughters. (would, should)
III . Encircle the infinitive or infinitive phrase in the sentence then identify its noun function. (10 points)
IV. Complete the poem by filling in the blanks with modals depending on the appropriate degrees of modality.
Choose your answer from the words in the box. (10 points)
can would shall
I . Underline the gerund phrase then identify the function of the gerund phrase if it is used as subject, direct object,
subjective complement, object of the preposition or appositive. (10 points)
1. As she was writing her resignation letter, she was remembering her first day at work.
2. Knowing what I had discovered about you, I wish I had never met you.
3. Put into the machine along with my clothes, my cellphone stopped working.
4. Smiling to himself, Claire whistled a happy tune.
5. His life was an inspiring story.
IV. Encircle the infinitives used in the sentence then identify their function as subject, direct object, predicate noun,
appositive, or object of the prepositions. (20 points)
____________1. The parents were asked to contribute to the fund for the victims.
____________2. John did nothing in class except to gaze out the window
____________3. To condense a report is more difficult than you think.
____________4. It is not easy to memorize long poems.
____________5. One needs to study more seriously if he/she wants to finish school.
____________6. To preserve is a valuable strength in life.
____________7. Paul failed to jump the hurdles in the last round.
____________8. Magellan’s aim was to find a new land which has plenty of spice and other things.
____________9. The boat is about to leave the pier in a few minutes.
____________10. The manager would like to see you in his office for an interview.
V. Complete each gerund phrase by filling in the blanks with the missing gerund and write a sentence using each
gerund phrase. (10 points)
I . Underline the relative pronoun used in the sentences then circle the word it modifies. (10 points)
1. This building with long, narrow passage, paved, winding, open to the sky, bordered by two high walls came to
an end at another door.
2. Jayson took the shortest route toward the Seine.
3. Every day teachers go to school with a beautiful smile.
4. Jean Valjean, who came ragged and dirty and whom the porter beheld with some harrow, motioned to him
with his hand that Marius was not dead.
5. These men, tattered and exhausted, nearby all wounded, scarcely armed with worthless muskets and with old
hacked swords, became Titans.
III . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adverb. Choose your answer from the box. (10 points)
IV. Write the Comparative and Superlative of the following words by completing the tables. (10 points)
V. Change the clause into the adjective clause then use it in the sentence. (10 points)
I . Answer the following vocabulary words use your answer in the box. (10 points)
essay epic sarcasm objectivity jargon
generalization myth letters journal parable
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Identify the author and who write the following poem and story.
(5 points)
_______________1. The author of Haiku
_______________2. She live in Avila, Spain and dedicated her life in prayer and service to God.
_______________3. Writer of the play – Excerpt from Pygmalion
_______________4. A poet, novelist, and dramatist. He wrote the French romatic novel Les Miserables
_______________5. The author of the Orator
III. Based on the novel of Les Miserables answer and explain the following questions. (10 points)
1. What did Jean Valjean sacrifice for Marius? Why did he want to save him?
2. How did Javert react when he realized it was Jean Valjean he saw? Why do you think he helped him?
3. What do you think will happen to Jean Valjean and Javert?
4. What is the significance of the chapter’s title?
5. What are your realizations or learnings in the novel?
1. Speak - _________________________________________
2. Shout - _________________________________________
3. Big - ___________________________________________
4. Start - __________________________________________
5. Beautiful- ________________________________________
III. Match A to column B of each word to its antonym. Draw a line to its answer. (5 points)
1. clean a. wrong
2. easy b. dirty
3. Right c. loud
4. scared d. hard
5. quiet e. brave
IV. Draw in the line before the number a heart if the statement is correct and star if the statement is wrong.
(10 points)
_____________1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
_____________2. Chocolates are healthy foods.
_____________3. Playing computers every day is a good habit.
_____________4. Eating vegetables and fruits are good for our health.
_____________5. We need to exercise every day to become healthy.
_____________6. Eat junk foods every day.
_____________7. Sleeping late is good to our body.
_____________8. Reading books help improves our mind.
_____________9. Taking a bath every day will keep us clean and healthy.
_____________10. Eating hotdogs and hams will keep us healthy.
V. Encircle the correct pronoun for each of the following sentences. (5 points)
1. (We, Us, Their) will bring the laptop to the repair center tomorrow.
2. (Them, Us, They) are all aware of the changes in the schedule of trips.
3. (We, Their, They) all have to be present on the special day of our mother.
4. (We, They, Our) all laughed when I spoke like a baby.
5. (Us, Them, They) will go to Taiwan together.
VI. Write the correct capital letter of the following words. (5 points)
VII. Read each sentences and draw the possible cause for each effects. Color it. (10 points)
1. More flowers grew in Aling Tinay’s garden. What could have happened before?
2. Sandy got higher grades in class this academic year. What do you think did she do for this to happen?
3. Mr. Romano got to his office late. What might have happened before it?
4. Julie and Mikko were able to save money for the book they would like to buy. What did they do to make it
5. Mrs. Robles feels so full after eating breakfast. What do you think did she do for this to happen?