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2nd Page
By the time learners reach Senior High School, they would have already
acquired almost all the competencies and skills that would prepare them for the
themselves and apply what they have learned in a non-school scenario. In work
immersion, learners are not only able to apply their previous training but are also
during work immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them
as they transition from high school to real life. The theory of the immersions is to
that will prepare students for the clinics, their practicum courses, and eventual
entry to practice. Attempting to do more would be misguided and futile. The two-
week period provides an intense focus on the sessions and skills. Although many
skills of litigation readily transfer to transactional and other practice settings, and
vice versa, for organization’s sake, the fall immersion is focused mostly on litigation
This study aimed to know the level of work immersion preparedness and
at General Luna Street, Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan. The grade 12
senior high has a 3-building and 137 ABM students. Work Immersion is an integral
part of the K to 12 Program in fully realizing its goal to produce job-ready graduates
equipped with industry-based skills. DOLE strongly affirms that while work
Program, the safety, health, and morals of SHS students, especially those below
of learners is primary to DepEd, the department shall ensure that all schools and
venues for learning are conducive to the education and safety of the learners. This
endeavor is in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders found near where
the schools are located. The guidelines further provide that the maximum number
of hours spent in the work immersion venue is 40 hours per week and no more
than eight hours per day as provided by law. So as not to exploit the students who
are still minors, DepEd stressed that work immersion should not be reduced as a
mere recruitment tool for a partner institution, saying that the students should also
gain skills that will enable them to qualify for other job options. The SHS program
consists of common core subjects and specialized education through four tracks.
Design, and 4) Sports. The Project focuses the second track and assists in the
the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipment and
documents. In effect, the work place becomes a development venue for student
trainee to learn more about their chosen field and practice what we have learn.
prepare students for work or a university life. The World Education News and
Taiwan, for example, has three years of either senior vocational schools or senior
high schools made mandatory in 2014. Indonesia also has three years of Upper
Secondary Education (Senior High) with the first curriculum being more generalist
and the last two is either for general academic or vocational stream (WENR, 2014).
High schools in South Korea are divided into general/academic, vocational, and
special purpose curriculum which students are graduating from Middle School can
opt to enroll (WENR-2, 2013). Despite not being compulsory or free, the
progression rate is as high as 99% (ibid). Consequently, the schools and students
should not be asked to pay the senior high school partner institution for any work
immersion activity conducted. The guidelines added that fees for work immersion
must only be set after consultation with parents. This Corner hopes that these
guidelines will serve its purpose of providing the students, parents and the
stakeholders a document to refer that will govern the work immersion and a piece
of paper that will realize the full potential of our SHS graduates towards creating a
Statement of the Problem
This research proposal will seek to find out the relationship between the level of
a. Age;
b. Sex;
d. Parents Occupation;
e. Sibling Position?
a. Academic;
b. Cognitive;
c. Experiences and;
d. Financial?
4. Is there any significant difference relationship between the level of work
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the level of work immersion and
This study intends to determine and examine the level of work immersion
School. The result of this study will be great benefits to the students for them to
know about the work immersions preparedness and work venue preferences of
also for the teachers for them to inform about the immersions.
Scope: This study will be conducted primarily for identifying the level of work
National High School. The respondents of the study will be participating by all
Limitation: It is also about the level of work immersion preparedness and venue
Delimitation: This study will not be conducted in other strands in Don Ramon E
Definition of Terms
Partner Institutions are public or private institutions or organizations that are able
and willing to lend their expertise and resources; and enter into agreement with
specific terms and conditions between and among parties entering into a
Partnership refers to the relationship between the partner institutions and hthe
school, or any office of DepEd (Central Regional or Division) that responds to the
Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which
involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their
Work Immersion Teacher and may also be the representative of the partner
the learners at the Work Immersion Venue in coordination with the Work
shall conform with the law and the rules and regulations on safety, appropriateness
for learning, and availability of facilities and equipment, which are issued by the
Conceptual Paradigm
a. Age;
b. Sex;
c. Achievements
a. Academic;
b. Cognitive;
c. Experiences and;
d. Financial?
Chapter II
Work Immersion as basis for the implementation of work immersion in all Senior
High Schools (SHSs). Work Immersion is a key feature of your SHS Curriculum. It
guidelines will take effect starting School Year 2017-2018 for all SHS. These
guidelines will remain in force and in effect for the duration of the program, unless
sooner repealed, amended, or rescinded. All existing Orders and memoranda that
are inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded. Immediate dissemination of
Under DepEd Order No. 30 series 2017 released June 5, the guidelines
specify that the said work immersion will enable students to become familiar with
areas of specialization. The said work immersion activity can range from 80 to 320
feature in the senior high school curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways
depending on the purposes and needs of the learners. It was stated in the
guidelines that work immersion will help develop among learner’s life and career
employment gearing towards the four exits envisioned for SHS graduates to
work immersion venue is 40 hours per week and no more than eight hours per day
advisory is hereby issued for the guidance of the parties involved in K-12 Building
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9231, entitled, “An Act Providing for the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor and Affording Stronger Protection
for the Working Child otherwise known as “Special Protection of Children Against
Department Order149-2016.
fishing and aquaculture; hunting and trapping; security and investigation; and
The Labor Advisory said work immersion may be scheduled for no more than
eight consecutive hours per day and must only be between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Also, Dole said work immersion for students that are still below 15 years old
must have permission from their parents or guardians and should be no longer
than four hours per day. Lastly, Dole said the actual work immersion shall be held
under the supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the
partner firm. Work immersion is part of the SHS curriculum being implemented by
B. Review of Related Literature
This study focuses on the guidelines of work immersion and the K-12 Program.
Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills and
K-12 Program
Adding two more years to high school curriculum, more commonly known as
the K-12 Program was really an upset to some parents when the former President
Benigno Aquino III signed the Enhanced Basic Education Act 2013, May 15, 2013
because it adds two years to the basic education system and additional expenses
One of the practical benefits of schooling under this education cycle is the
readiness of the students to join the workforce. The good thing is, SHS graduates
will be equipped with skills that will make them good in certain fields of their choice
TRACK. From the unpleasing reactions of parents to oblige their children sending
them to school for another two years, this year, the piloting of the (Enhanced Basic
Education Act 2013), is almost over as to Batch 2018 is fast approaching to gear
towards the four exits envisioned for SHS graduates to choose from ---
education. With that, Senior High School (SHS) students were given the chance
This work immersion as an essential element caters 21stlearners of Senior
High School (SHS) students with opportunities to learn about the workplace, as
well as the authentic work environment as to what TRACK they are engaged to.
To further hone the acquired skills of the senior high school students gained after
Department of Education (DepEd) has released the guidelines for the conduct of
2017 released on June 5, the guidelines specify that the said work immersion will
up with agreements on work immersion for students and because the students
The DepEd shall ensure that all schools and venues for learning are conducive
to the education and safety of the learners because the safety of learners is
The guidelines further provide that the maximum number of hours spent in the
work immersion venue is 40 hours per week and no more than eight hours per
between 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. every day for a minimum of 80 hours or a
maximum of 240 hours per term. Students below 15 years old need to have
parent’s consent and shall be at the workplace for at most four hours a day.
recruitment tool for a partner institution, saying that the students should also
gain skills that will enable them to qualify for other job options. DOLE advisory,
The safety of the students while they are in the work immersion program is also
The schools and students should not be asked to pay the senior high school
partner institution for any work immersion activity conducted. The guidelines
added that fees for work immersion must only be set after consultation with
emphasized the need for each institution to have their own child protection policy
Republic Act (R.A.) 9231 or the “Special Protection of Children Against Child
Department Order No. 149 which provides guidelines for assessing hazardous
The government believes that K-12 curriculum in the Philippines will put Filipino
students at par with the rest of the world. Moreover, The DepEd allowed flexibility
in the curriculum to adjust to the market. The design from knowing the theory to
the application in considering the child protection policy and labor laws of the
Immersion Education
children. Research on the topic of the immersion education (cf. Swain and
instruction in a second language and at the same time they attain normal levels of
its goal to produce job-ready graduates equipped with industry-based skills. DOLE
strongly affirms that while work immersion contributes to the full realization of the
objectives of the K to 12 Program, the safety, health, and morals of SHS students,
the health, safety, and morals of SHS students must not be compromised.
Provides conditions on the Time and Hours of Work Immersion Provides that Work
the seminar, several issues such as the policy being “too restrictive” were brought
to the attention of the Bureau initiating a review of its existing Labor Advisory on K
Concerns, Occupational Safety and Health Center, as well as DepEd and TESDA
D. Justification of proposed study
This study will primarily help the graduating ABM students in what are the best
way they can help themselves for being prepared in their work immersion. This
study will help the students to know if they are prepared or not yet prepared. It
seeks to find out how much prepared the graduating ABM students in their work
immersion. It will also identify and determine how the ABM student prepared to
their work immersion. This study should be implemented because it will help them
to know their capacity of preparedness. It will help the ABM student for them not
to deal in any difficulties in their work immersion. The benefit of it to the graduating
ABM students is that they will not worry about their knowledge in work immersion.
Chapter III
In this chapter the research methodology used in the study is described. The
geographical area where the study was conducted, the study design and the
population and sample are described. The instrument used to collect the data,
are described.
Research Design
This study used a survey method to obtain information about the level of
students in DRECMNHS. This survey contains different ways about how prepared
the graduating ABM student is. This will help them to overcome difficulties and be
very much prepared in their work immersion. The respondent will rate the following
criteria from the highest rate of very much prepared to the least of not prepared.
total population as good as possible. Our respondent are the graduating students
in DRECMNHS aged 16-18. They are the students who will undergo work
This study will used Descriptive Survey method in this study more precisely
it was convenience sampling, where respondents got the survey questionnaire and
answer it with their knowledge of being prepared. The sample size that will be used
variables in the study. The sampling was conducted in DRECMNHS. This was
achieved by surveying the ABM-12 students who will answer the survey
questionnaire truthfully and reliable. That is, researcher will be applied sampling
with replacement.
The sample population of this study was the selected 137 ABM 12 students
first by assigning numbers to each member of the population in the voters list and
then choosing numbers via lottery (via fishbowl or tambiolo). This method will be
Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum,
which involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply
conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of learners. It
will also help develop among the learner’s life and career skills and will prepare
feature in the senior high school curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways
depending on the purposes and needs of the learners. It was stated in the
guidelines that work immersion will help develop among learner’s life and career
employment gearing towards the four exits envisioned for SHS graduates to
Research instrument
the researchers in the study and if was validated by the selected teachers of
and venue preferences of graduating ABM students is to get the profile of the
chosen samples and structured to a 5-point scale, ranging from 5-Very much
(MP), 2-Less Prepared (LP) to 1-Not Prepared (NP). Subjects will then be
in the questionnaire.
Validation of research instrument
process for content validity. Content validity is the notion that a test should sample
the researchers in the study and if was validated by the selected teachers of
The data collection from the field will be analyzed. Summation of variables
Statistical Instrument
The spearman rho will be used as a statistical treatment tool for this study.