Polymer Cement
Polymer Cement
Polymer Cement
Pia Klinckowstrorn
M. Sc. (Eng.) Research Engineer
Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Concrete Tech.
Rakentajanaukio 4, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland
Vesa Penttala
D. Tech., Professor
Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Concrete Tech.
Rakentajanaukio 4, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland
Increased tensional properties of concrete can enhance the use and competitiveness of many
unreinforced concrete structures. These range from concrete pavements and floors to many
environmental concrete produets.
In this work different kinds of polymers were used in improving the flexural strength of plain
concrete. The aim of the project was to produce concretes having as good flexural strength
values as possible measured by 100*100*500 mm3 beams with a two point bending test. The
maximum aggregate size of the test concretes was 16 mm and customary concrete aggregates
were used. The different polymers studied in this work include styrene butadiene rubbers,
polymethyl methacrylate, epoxy resin, polyacrylic ester, polyvinyl acetate, styrene acrylate
and pure acrylate. These polymers are water dispersed latexes except styrene acrylate and
pure acrylate which are powders. The concretes produced by them are polymer cement
concretes because they are mixed with ordinary inorganic binders like portland cements and
condenced silica fume. In addition to the flexural properties of these polymer cement
concretes their compressive strength properties and fresh rnix properties were measured. The
chemical structure of the concretes was studied by phase maps produced with EDX element
Concrete is classified as polymer cement concrete if the polymer arnount exceeds 5 % of the
cement amount. The airns of using polymers in concrete are usually to improve water
impenneability, to increase acid resistance of the concrete, and to increase flexural, tensile,
and splitting strengths of concrete. In many cases the addition of polymer decreases
compressive strength.
The comatrix of cement and polymer is generally fonned according to a three-step sirnplified
model introduced by Y. Oharna (Ohama 1987, p. 511). In the model mixtures of cement gel
and unhydrated cement particles are enveloped with a close-packed layer of polymer particles.
The influence of polymer particles on Ca(OH)2 crystal formation can be explained in the
following manner. When a nucleus of calcium hydroxide is form.ed and it attains a face to
accomodate polymer particles and its further growth is inhibited due to the blocldng action of
adsorbed polymer particles. Instead of further growth of this crystal new nuclei are forrned
where other polymer particles adsorb on and so on. Since in this process only small
cryst.allites are formed many of them can be attached to a polymer particle. In this way few
polymer particles are sufficient in producing a big aggregate. Asa consequence large cryst.als
are not formed and the microcracks usually developing due to crystal formation are reduced.
(Chandra & Flodin 1989, p. 266) Even if cracks are formed their further propagation will be
hindered due to the presence of polymer particles and the flexural properties of polymer
cement concretes are irnproved.
The spatial distribution of the polymer partides in polymer cement concrete can be studied in
the phase map of Figure 1 where a micrograph of polymer cement concrete produced by
styrene butadiene rubber (15 % of the sulfate resist.ant portland cement content) is shown. Tue
phase map has been produced from the EDX element maps with statistical principal
component analysis. Because color pictures can not be presented due to printing costs the
aggregate particle is colored gray 1, the nearly unhydrated cement particles are colored black,
and the different hydration produets are colored with another tone of gray 2 and white,
subsequently. The element compositions of the different phases are presented in Tabte 1. Due
to the polishing procedures of the sample its surface was coated with a carbon layer which had
to be subtracted in the EDX analysis. This additional carbon amount has been calibrated out
from the results.
Figure 1. The ESEM _image and the phase map of a polymer cement concrete produced by 400
kg/m3 of sulfate resistant portland cement and 120 kg/m3 styrene butadiene. Granite based
aggregates were used. The edge of the pictures equals 60 µm.
2,0 3,0 3,9
37,1 45,3 50,8
18,6 15,l 13,1
4,4 3,8 3,6
30,7 26,0 25,2 24,6
11,2 5,0 3,7 2,6
1,9 3,5 2,8 2,2
1,0 2,0 1,7 1,2
0,3 0,5 0,4 0,3
7,1 2,9 .2,1 1,7
From the phase map one can notice that most part of the carbon from the polymer envelopes
the hydration produets and no obvious transition zone is present around the aggregate particle.
Special precausions have been taken in the sample preparation to polish as even sample
surface as possible but the intrinsic porosity of the white and gray 2 phases of the cement
paste causes inevitable errors in the phase compositions due to the more inhomogeneous
matrix structure. It should be noticed that the percentual weight amounts of carbon,
aluminium, iron, sulphur, and sodium increase as Ca/Si-ratio of the cement paste phases
Usually the termoplastic latexes cause better compressive strength and rigidity to polymer
cement concrete, while the elastomeric latexes possess better flexural strengths. Unsuitable
polymers can produce quite opposite strength changes. It is important to note that polyrners of
the same type but of different brands can produce greatly differing changes in the properties
of the modified mortar. (Popovics 1985. P.210) The amount of polymer affects the strength of
the concrete strongly. Usually the latex amount is 5 - 25 % of the cement amount, but some
latex producers recommend to use 30 % latex amounts. The polymer-cement ratio varies
between O,025 and 0, 15.
In some studies the use of condensed silica fume has increased the flexural strength of
polymer cement concrete. The amount of binding material should be limited because too high
cement amount may cause cracking in polymer cement concretes. According to research
reports remarkably bigger cement amounts than 370 kg/m3 should not be used. (Matela, E.
The optimum curing of latex polymer cement concrete is different from ordinary concrete.
The optimum properties are obtained by moist curing for 1 to 3 days followed by air curing of
the concrete at ambient temperature. (Ohama 1987, P.513)
In the tests following polymer types were used. Five different styrene butadiene rubber (SBR)
brands, polyacrylic ester (PAE), polyvinyl acetate (PVAC), styrene-acrylic (S-A) polymer
powder, pure acrylate powder, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and epoxy were tested. All
of the tested polymers were water dispersed latexes, except styrene-acrylate and pure acrylate.
These polymers were in pulverized form. Chosen polymers were intentionally selected so that
they would represent all kinds of polymers suitable for polymer cement concretes.
lnorganic binders
The four Finnish cement types used in the project were sulfate resistant Portland cement
P40/28 SR, ordinary Portland cement P40/28, extra rapid hardening Portland cement P40/3,
and rapid hardening Portland cement P40/7. Condensed silica fume was also used as an
additive in some of the test concretes.
Normal granite based sieved aggregates were used in the test concretes. Also sieved gabro
based aggregates were used to improve tensile strength properties of the aggregates. Standard
sand was used in mortar prism tests.
Concrete tests were done according to test plan. The test plan is presented in Tabte 2. RH
denotes for relative humidity.
Mix designs
All test concretes were proportioned to have a consistency between 1 to 3 seconds in the VB-
consistometer test. The used latex amounts were 30 % of the cement amount by weight except
in the batches of test series V. Latexes contained about 50 % of water and the other half was
solid polymer. The most common cement amount in the test concretes was 400 kg/m • When
superplasticizers were used the dosage was 2,5 % of the cement arnount by weight. Silica
fume dosages were 10 % and 20 % of the cement amount.
Tested polymer types were Tested inorganic binders were Tested cement amounts were
Tested curing methods at 20°C Tested latex am.ounts were Tested aggregates, particle size
were (all specimens kept ld in distributions, and effect of
molds) 30% of the cement amount using superplasticizers were
20 % of the cement amount
A. 6 or 27d in RH 45% 10 % of the cement amount A. Normal grading curve, with
B. 6 or 27d in H20 0% of the cement amount only a small amount of fine
C. 27d in RH 70% aggregate.
D. 20d in H20, 7d in RH 45% B. Normal type of grading
E. 6d in RH 45%, 21d in HzO curve.
F. 6d in RH 45%, 14d in C. Normal grading curve, more
H20, 7d in RH 45% finer aggregates in the mix than
G. 6d in RH 45%, 7d in H20, in aggregate A.
14d in RH 45% D. Similar grad.ing curve as in
H. First 24h in +45°C, 6 or aggregate A, but the aggregate
27d in RH 45% mineral was gabro.
J. Id in H20, 2d in RH 95%,
3 or 24d in RH 45%
Test Series VIl
From each batch 9 beams of 100*100*500 mm3 were cast and vibrated internally. Test
specimens covered with plastic sheats were kept in molds for one day. After the first day the
beams were unmolded and shifted to climate room having a temperature of +20°C and
relative humidity of 45 %. Test beams were kept in the climate room up to the testing time.
Few exceptions were made during the curing tests of polymer cement concretes.
Testing of the specimens
The beams were tested at the ages of 1, 7 and 28 days. Three specimens were tested in
respective age. Flexural strength was measured according to standard SFS 5444 with two line
loads using a step motor controlled universal testing machine. After flexural strength test
compressive strength was measured from the end parts of the beams.
Mortar test were made to supplement the concrete tests. Mortar test specimens were prisms of
40*40*100 mm3 • Cement amount was about 500 kg/m3 and latex amount 30% of the cement
amount (polymer amount 15% of the cement amount). Mortars were mixed with Hobart N-50
mixer, batch volurne was about one dm3 •
Usually the latexes contained anti-foaming agents and therefore the air contents were only in
few cases relatively high. The flexural and compressive strength results of the concretes and
mortars are presented in Figures 2 to 10. The results are averages of three separate
10 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~
9 . ! - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - f-=.=-1-dt
8 1 - - -- -- - - - 1 - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - i 111d
7 1-- - -- - -- 1 - - -- - -- - - - 1 D 28d
6 1 - -- - - - --
5 s
] 4
~ 3
Comparisoo batch SBR PAE PVAC PMMA
Figure 2 a. Test series I, concrete beams. Cement type was sulfate resistant portland cement
P40/28 SR and cement coiltent was 400 kg/m3 • Latex amounts were 30 % and superplasticizer
dosage was 2,5 % of the cement amount.
( >')
14 • Id
III 7d
028d I
; 10
f:! 8
s>< 6
Comparison SBR SBR+silica Epoxy S-A Pure
batch Acry)ate
Figure 2 b. Test series I, mortar prisms. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content was
500 kg/m3 • Latex amounts were 30 % (solid polymer amount 15 %) and superplasticizer
dosage was 2,5 % of the cement amount.
Figure 3. Test series Il. SBR latex was used 30 % of the total amount of cement and silica
fume. Cement amount was 400 kg/m3 when no silica fume was used. Cement amount was 350
kg/m3 when silica fume content was 10 % of the cement amount and the cement amount was
330 kg/m 3 when silica fume dosage was 20 % of the cement amount.
9 t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . Id
8 t--------r----..----l ml 7d
400kg/m3 3S0kg/m3 300kg/m3
Figure 4. Test series III. Cement type was P40/28 SR, SBR latex amount was 30 % and the
superplasticizer amount was 2,5 % of the cement amount.
10 , , - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
9 -1 - - - - - · - - - - - - - t . ld
8 -------~ .7d
Figure 5. Test series IV. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content was 400 kg/m3 •
SBR latex amount was 30 % of the cement amount. No superplasticizers were used.
Figure 6. Test series V. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content was 400 kg/m3
when latex dosages were O and 30 %. When latex dosages were 10 and 20 % the cement
content was 470 kg/m3 • (Oksa 1992)
9 - ------- - 111 7d
Figure 7. Test series VI. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content was 400 kg/m\
SBR latex amount was 30 % and superplasticizer amount was 2,5 % of the cement amount.
Figure 8. Test series VII. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content was 400 kg/m3.
Latex amounts were 30 % and superplasticizer dosage was 2,5 % of the cement amount.
• • lj
• •
•• I
- •
,_., •
~ 6
N •
~J) • •
= 5
Q, 3
0 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Measured air content (%)
Figure 9. Flex.ural strength versus air content of the polymer cement concretes.
9 - • •
00 6
= 5
::.., I
0 o.z 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1.Z 1,4 1,6 1.8 2
VB-eonsistometer test (sVB)
Figure 10. Flexural strength versus consistency of the polymer cement concretes.
The bending test where two line loads are applied gives smaller flexural strength values
compared to the method with one line load because the area of maximum moment is longer in
the first mentioned method. According to the results of this project one line load method gives
about 25 % better flexural strength values. Also the specimen size and maximum aggregate
size have a strong effect on the obtained flexural strength values, smaller prisms give always
higher strengths than larger concrete beams. Flexural strengths of the mortar prisms
(40*40*100 mm3) having 2 mm maximum aggregate size were 27 % in the average higher
compared to the concrete beams (100*100*500 mm3) produced with 16 mm maximum
aggregate size at the age of 28 days.
The studied polymers caused quite diverse effects on the strength properties of the test
concretes. Similarly consistency, air content, setting times and other fresh concrete properties
changed adversively depending on the used polymer type. Compressive strengths of SBR
concretes and comparison concretes were quite similar and the use of SBR latexes reduced the
compressive strength only slightly. Thermoplastic latexes (PAE, PVAC, S-A) diminished
compressive strengths rather much although the flexural strength was very good compared to
the compressive strength. Thennoplastic latex concretes increased the ratio between flexural
and compressive strengths, this ratio ranged from 0,16 to 0,22. The compressive strengths of
thennoplastic latex concretes ranged from 33,7 to 52,2 MPa.
Thermosetting latex (epoxy) did not increase the strength oftested mortars as much as for
example SBR latexes. There were some hardening problems with powdered polymers but they
possessed fairly good tl.exural strengths. The use of powdered polymers caused some
shrinkage cracks in the specimens after the moist curing.
Sulfate resistant portland cement P40/28 SR seemed to work best in polymer cement
concretes. With this cement type flexural strengths developed reasonably well from the first
day to 28 days ~ However, one of the best flexural strength values was achieved with extra
rapid hardening Portland cement P40/3 and silica fume. This test was the only one where
silica fume caused a clear increase in flexural strength. Usually with P40/3 cements not very
good flexural strengths were achieved at the .age of 28 days. The use of P40/3 caused flexural
strengths to decrease slightly from the first day results compared to 7 day results but strength
always recovered at the age of 28 days.
Not surprisingly the cement amount correlated well with the achieved flexural strengths at
least up to 400 kg/m3 • Similarly when the latex arnount is between O - 30 % of the cement
amount, increase in the latex amount always increased flexural strength of polymer cement
concretes. The inefficiency of large 20 % silica fume dosages in enhancing the flexural
strength of polymer cement concretes can be explained by the blocking action that polymers
have on calcium hydroxide formation in the cement paste.
According to the tests air curing after one day in the mold is the best curing method for
polymer cement concretes. Best curing method might vary if the polymer cement concrete
contains smaller latex amounts than used in these tests. When latex amount is as high as 30 %
of the cement amount polymer properties have a dominating-influence ·on concrete behavior.
Polymer cement concretes produced by gabro aggregates increased somewhat the flexural
strengths compared to typical granite based polymer cement concretes. Normal grading curve
with small amount of fine aggregates gave better flexural strength results than polymer cement
concretes where larger amounts of fine aggregates were used. All polymer cement concretes
containing superplasticizers had better flexural strength values compared to the same concretes
without superplasticizers.
It seems that mixing procedures have very smalt effects on the strength properties of polymer
cement concretes. Air content did not seem to have any effect on flexural strengths, a batch
containing more than 9 % of air had a flexural strength of 7, 7 MPa at the age of 28 days and
the same batch containing only 1,6 % of air had a flexural strength of 7 ,2 MPa at the same
age. These polymer cement concretes were made with almost the same mix proportions. In
Figure 9 the flexural strength dependence on air content is presented. There is no correlation
between flexural strength at the age of 28 days and the air content values. Consistency of the
fresh concretes seems to affect flexural strengths. The hest flexural strength values were
obtained when consistency was ·between 1,0 - 1,5 sVB. Batches having fluid consistency and
when the consistency exceeded 2 sVB did not achieve as high flexural strength values. Reason
for this was probably in the efficiency of the available compaction techniques.
The best flexural strength achieved with the larger concrete beams was 9 ,3 MPa at the age of
28 days when styrene butadiene rubber latex was used. Solid polymer content was 15 % of the
400 kg/m3 cement amount. Cement type was sulfate resistant, nonnally hardening Portland
cement P40/28 SR. Gabro based aggregates and lignosulfonate based superplasticizer were
used in this test concrete and it had a compressive strength of 72,2 MPa at the age of 28 days.
Almost as good flexural strength of 9,2 MPa was achieved using 10 % silica fume of the
cement amount and extra rapid hardening Portland cement P40/3 350 kg/m3• In this concrete
latex was also styrene butadiene rubber and normal granite based aggregates were used. A
sulfonated naphthalene formaldehyde condensate was used as superplasticizer and its dosage
was 2,5 % of the cement amount. Comparison concrete batches without polymers achieved
only 5 ,2 MPa and 5 ,4 MPa flexural strength values but their compressive strengths were 70
The best flexural strength achieved with mortar prisms was 16,7 MPa when the batch had a
very dry consistency. The applied polymer was styrene butadiene rubber. When the
consistency of the batch was fluid the best flexural strength achieved was 14,3 MPa with
styrene-acrylate powder having a dosage of 15 % of the cement amount. Cement type was
sulfate resistant Portland cement P40/28 SR and cement content was 500 kg/m3• Lignosulfate
based superplasticizer had a dosage of 2,5 % of the cement amount. Good flexural strength
value was also achieved with the use of styrene butadiene rubber 15 % (solid) of the cement
amount together with superplasticizer based on sulfonated naphthalene fonnaldehyde
condensate with the dosage of 2,5 % of the cement amount. This mix proportioning gave 11,6
MPa flexural strength at the age of 28 days. Cement type was P40/28 SR and cement content
was 500 kg/m3 • Comparison mortar batch without polymers achieved only 5,9 MPa flexural
strength at the age of 28 days.
The carbon distribution in the phase map of Figure 1 shows that the polymer component
concentrates into the cement paste phases where Ca/Si-ratio is smallest. Siinilarly the
percentual weight concentrations of metal, sulphur, and alkali components increase in the
phases that are situated at longer distances from the unhydrated cement particles. During the
byd.ration process AFt, AFm, and alkali components grow or migrate to the more porous
regions between the cement particles or to the transition zone near the aggregate particles.
The work has been carried out as part of a larger project "High tensile strength concretes"
supported by Technology Development Centre of Finland (TEKES) and Partek Ltd.
Chandra, S. & Flodin, P. 1989. Interaction of Polymer with Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium
Trisilicate. In: Malhotra, V.M. (editor}. Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in
Concrete. Ottawa, Canada. Proc. Third Int. Conf. ACI. p. 263-272.
Ohama, Y. 1987. Principle of Lates Modification and Some Typical Properties of Latex-
Modified Mortars and Concretes. ACI Materials Journal. Vol.84. No.6. p. 511-518
Popovics, S. 1985. Modification of Portland Cement Concrete with Epoxy as Admixture. 'In:
Dikeou, J.T. & Fowler, D.W. (editors). Polymer Concrete, Uses, materials, and Properties.
Detroit, ACI. p. 207-229