Bioethics 2 PDF
Bioethics 2 PDF
Bioethics 2 PDF
‘altahu sahla anta taj ‘alu al hazana poverty alleviation and improve quality of
life. This is done through a range of programs
eza ma shi’ta sahal.”
that covers education, training and skills
“Oh Allah! Nothing is easy upgrade, healthcare and covers development.
except what you have made 3. Ecological – or environmental stewardship
easy. If you wish, you can can be defined as ‘the responsible use
make the difficult easy.” (including conservation of natural resources
in a way that takes full and balanced account
of the interest of society, future generations
and other species, as well as of private needs
and accepts significant answerability to
Stewardship – the responsible overseeing and society’
protection of something considered worth caring for 4. Biomedical – physicians have a
and preserving. responsibility to practice effective and
efficient health care and to use health care
Principle of Stewardship resources responsibly in practicing high-
Stewardship requires us to appreciate the two great value care. Parsimonious care that utilizes the
gifts that a wise and loving God has given: the earth, most efficient means to effectively diagnose
with all its natural resources, and our own human a condition and treat a patient puts the patient
nature with its biological, psychological, social and first but also respect the need to use resources
spiritual capacities. wisely and to help ensure that resources are
equitably available.
This principle is grounded in the presupposition that
God has absolute Dominion over creation, and that,
insofar as human beings are made in God's image and
likeness (Imago Dei), we have been given a limited
dominion over creation and are responsible for its
The principle requires that the gifts of human life and
its natural environment be used with profound
respect for their intrinsic ends. The gifts of human
creativity especially should be used to cultivate
nature and environment, recognizing the limitations
The principles are basic and obvious morals truth
of our actual knowledge and the risks of destroying
that guide deliberation and action
these gifts.