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Rust Programming
Language Tutorial

Written by:
Apriorit Inc.

Alexey Lozovsky,
Software Designer in System Programming Team

[email protected]

This  Rust  Programming  Language  Tutorial  and  feature  overview  is  prepared  by  system 
programming  professionals  from  the  Apriorit  team.  The  Tutorial  goes  in-depth  about  main 
features  of the Rust programming language, provides examples of their implementation, and 
a brief comparative analysis with C++ language in terms of complexity and possibilities. 

Rust  is  a  relatively  new  systems  programming  language,  but  it  has  already  gained  a  lot  of 
loyal  fans  in  the  development  community.  Created  as  a  low-level  language,  Rust  has 
managed to achieve goals that are usually associated with high-level languages. 

Main  advantages  of  Rust  are  its increased concurrency, safety, and speed, that is achieved 

due  to  the  absence  of  a  garbage  collector,  eliminating  data  races,  and  zero-cost 
abstractions.  Unlike  other  popular  programming  languages,  Rust  can  ensure  a  minimal 
runtime  and  safety  checks,  while  also  offering  a  wide  range  of  libraries  and  binding  with 
other languages. 

This  tutorial  is  divided  into  sections,  with  each  section  covering one of the main features of 
the Rust language:  

● zero-cost abstractions
● move semantics
● guaranteed memory safety
● threads without data races
● trait-based generics
● pattern matching
● type inference
● minimal runtime
● efficient C bindings

In  addition,  we  have  added  a  detailed  chart  comparing  feature  set  of  Rust  to  C++.  As  a 
leading  language for low-level software development, C++ serves as a great reference point 
for illustrating advantages and disadvantages of Rust. 

This  tutorial  will  be  useful  for  anyone  who  only  starts  their  journey  with  Rust,  as  well as for 
those who want to gain a more in-depth perspective on Rust features.  
Table of Contents 


Summary of Features 

Rust Language Features 

Zero-Cost Abstractions 
Move Semantics 

Guaranteed Memory Safety 

Mutability and Aliasing 
Option Types instead of Null Pointers 
No Uninitialized Variables 

Threads without Data Races 

Passing Messages with Channels 
Safe State Sharing with Locks 

Trait-Based Generics 
Traits Define Type Interfaces 
Traits Implement Polymorphism 
Traits May be Implemented Automatically 

Pattern Matching 

Type Inference 

Minimal Runtime 

Efficient C Bindings 
Calling C from Rust 
The Libc Crate and Unsafe Blocks 
Beyond Primitive Types 
Calling Rust from C 

Rust vs. C++ Comparison 

Rust  is  focused  on  safety,  speed,  and  concurrency.  Its  design  allows  you 
to  develop  software  with  great  performance  by  controlling  a  low-level 
language  using  the  powerful  abstractions  of  a  high-level  language.  This 
makes  Rust  both  a  safer  alternative  to  languages  like  C  and  C++  and  a 
faster alternative to languages like Python and Ruby. 

The  majority  of  safety  checks  and  memory  management  decisions  are 
performed  by  the  Rust  compiler  so  the  program’s  runtime  performance 
isn’t  slowed  down  by  them.  This  makes  Rust  a  great  choice for use cases 
where more secure languages like Java aren’t good: 

● Programs with predictable resource requirements

● Embedded software
● Low-level code like device drivers

Rust  can  be  used  for  web  applications  as  well  as  for  backend  operations 
due  to  the  many  libraries  that  are  available  through  the  ​
Cargo  package 

Summary of Features 
Before  describing  the  features  of  Rust,  we’d  like  to  mention  some  issues 
that the language successfully manages. 

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Issue  Rust’s Solution 

Preferring  code  duplication  to  abstraction  Zero-cost abstraction mechanisms 

due to high cost of virtual method calls 

Use-after-free,  double-free  bugs,  dangling  Smart  pointers  and  references  avoid  these 
pointers  issues by design 

Compile-time  restrictions  on  raw  pointer 


Null dereference errors  Optional types as a safe alternative to nullable 


Buffer overflow errors  Range checks performed at runtime 

Checks  are  avoided  where  the  compiler  can 

prove they’re unnecessary 

Data races  Built-in  static  analysis  detects  and  prevents 

possible data races at compilation time 

Uninitialized variables  Compiler  requires  all variables to be initialized 

before first use 

All types have defined default values 

Legacy  design  of  utility  types  heavily  used  Built-in,  composable,  structured  types: 
by the standard library  tuples, structures, enumerations 

Pattern  matching  allows  convenient  use  of 

structured types 

The  standard  library  fully  embraces  available 

pattern  matching  to  provide  easy-to-use 

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Embedded  and  bare-metal  programming  Minimal  runtime  size  (which  can  be  reduced 
place  high  restrictions  on  runtime  even further) 
Absence  of  built-in  garbage  collector,  thread 
scheduler, or virtual machine 

Using  existing  libraries  written  in  C  and  Only  header  declarations are needed to call C 

other languages  functions from Rust, or vice versa 

No  overhead  in  calling  C  functions  from  Rust 

or calling Rust functions from C 

Now  let’s  look  more  closely  at  the  features  provided  by  the  Rust 
programming  language  and  see  how  they’re  useful  for  developing  system 

Rust Language Features 

In  the  first  part  of  this  Rust  language  programming  tutorial,  we’ll  describe 
such two key features as zero-cost abstractions and move semantics. 

Zero-Cost Abstractions 

Zero-cost  (or  zero-overhead)  abstractions  are  one  of  the  most  important 
features  explored  by  C++.  Bjarne  Stroustrup,  the  creator  of  C++, 
describes them as follows: 

“What  you  don’t  use,  you  don’t  pay  for.”  And  further:  ​
“What  you  do 
use, you couldn’t hand code any better.” 

Abstraction  is  a  great  tool  used  by  Rust  developers  to  deal  with  complex 
code.  Generally,  abstraction  comes  with  runtime  costs  because 

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abstracted  code  is  less  efficient  than  specific  code.  However,  with  clever 
language  design  and  compiler  optimizations,  some  abstractions  can  be 
made  to  have  effectively  zero  runtime  cost.  The  usual  sources  of  these 
optimizations  are  static  polymorphism  (templates)  and  aggressive  inlining, 
both of which Rust embraces fully. 

Iterators  are  an  example  of  commonly  used  (and  thus  heavily  optimized) 
abstractions  that  they  decouple  algorithms  for  sequences  of  values  from 
the  concrete  containers  holding  those  values.  Rust  iterators  provide  many 
built-in  ​
combinators  for  manipulating  data  sequences,  enabling  concise 
expressions of a programmer’s intent. Consider the following code: 

// Here we have two sequences of data. These could be stored in vectors

// or linked lists or whatever. Here we have _slices_ (references to
// arrays):
let data1 = &[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6];
let data2 = &[2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 8];

// Let’s compute some valuable results from them!

let numbers =
// By iterating over the first array:
data1.iter() // {3, 1, 4, ...}
// Then zipping this iterator with an iterator over another array,
// resulting in an iterator over pairs of numbers:
.zip(data2.iter()) // {(3, 2), (1, 7), (4, 1), ...}
// After that we map each pair into the product of its elements
// via a lambda function and get an iterator over products:
.map(|(a, b)| a * b) // {6, 7, 4, ...}
// Given that, we filter some of the results with a predicate:
.filter(|n| *n > 5) // {6, 7, ...}
// And take no more than 4 of the entire sequence which is produced
// by the iterator constructed to this point:
// Finally, we collect the results into a vector. This is
// the point where the iteration is actually performed:

// And here is what we can see if we print out the resulting vector:
println!("{:?}", numbers); /​ / ===> [6, 7, 8, 10]

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Combinators  use  high-level  concepts  such  as  closures  and  lambda 
functions  that  have  significant  costs  if  compiled  natively.  However,  due  to 
optimizations  powered  by  LLVM,  this  code  compiles  as  efficiently  as  the 
explicit hand-coded version shown here: 

use std::cmp::min;

let mut numbers = Vec::new();

for i in 0..min(data1.len(), data2.len()) {

let n = data1[i] * data2[i];

if n > 5 {
if numbers.len() == 4 {

While  this  version  is  more  explicit  in  what  it  does,  the  code  using 
combinators  is  easier  to  understand  and  maintain.  Switching  the  type  of 
container  where values are collected requires changes in only one line with 
combinators  versus  three  in  the  expanded version. Adding new conditions 
and transformations is also less error-prone. 

Iterators  are  Rust  examples  of  “couldn’t  hand  code  better”  parts.  ​
pointers  are  an  example  of  the  “don’t  pay  for  what  you  don’t  use” 
approach in Rust. 

The  C++  standard  library  has  a  s​hared_ptr  template  class  that’s  used  to 
express  shared  ownership  of  an  object.  Internally,  it  uses  reference 

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counting  to  keep  track  of  an object’s lifetime. An object is destroyed when 
its last ​shared_ptr​is destroyed and the count drops to zero. 

Note  that  objects  may  be  shared  between  threads,  so  we  need  to  avoid 
data  races  in  reference  count  updates.  One  thread  must  not  destroy  an 
object  while  it’s  still  in  use  by  another  thread.  And  two  threads  must  not 
concurrently  destroy  the  same  object.  Thread  safety  can  be  ensured  by 
using ​atomic operations​to update the reference counter. 

However,  some  objects  (e.g.  tree  nodes)  may  need  shared  ownership  but 
may  not  need  to  be  shared  between  threads.  Atomic  operations  are 
unnecessary  overhead  in  this  case.  It  may  be possible to implement some 
non_atomic_shared_ptr  class,  but  accidentally  sharing  it  between  threads 

(for  example,  as  part  of  some  larger  data  structure)  can  lead  to 
hard-to-track  bugs.  Therefore,  the  designers  of  the  Standard  Template 
Library chose not to provide a single-threaded option. 

On  the  other  hand,  Rust  ​

is  ​
able  to  distinguish  these  use  cases  safely  and 
provides  two  reference-counted  wrappers:  ​Rc  for  single-threaded use and 
Arc  with  an  atomic  counter.  The  cherry  on  top  is  the  ability  of  the  Rust 

compiler  to  ensure  at  compilation  time  that  Rcs are never shared between 

threads  (more  on  this  later).  Therefore,  it’s  not  possible  to  accidentally 
share  data  that  isn’t  meant  to  be  shared  and  we  can  be  freed  from  the 
unnecessary overhead of atomic operations. 

Move Semantics 

C++11  has  brought  ​

move  semantics  into  the  language.  This  is  a source of 
countless  optimizations  and  safety  improvements  in  libraries  and 

Table of content
programs  by  avoiding  unnecessary  copying  of  temporary  values,  enabling 
safe  storage  of  non-copyable  objects  like  mutexes  in  containers,  and 

Rust  recognizes  the  success  of  move  semantics  and  embraces  them  by 
default.  That  is,  all  values  are  in  fact  moved  when  they’re  assigned  to  a 
different variable: 

let foo = Foo::new();

let bar = foo; // the Foo is now in bar

The  punchline  here  is  that  after  the  move,  you  generally  can’t  use  the 
previous  location  of  the  value  (​
foo  in  our  case)  because  no  value  remains 
there.  But  C++  doesn’t  make  this  an  error.  Instead,  it declares foo to have 
an  ​
unspecified  value  (defined  by  the  move  constructor).  In  some  cases, 
you  can  still  safely  use  the  variable  (like  with  primitive  types).  In  other 
cases, you shouldn’t (like with mutexes). 

Some  compilers  may  issue  a  diagnostic  warning  if  you  do  something 
wrong.  But  the  standard  doesn’t  require  C++  compilers  to  do  so,  as 
use-after-move  may  be  perfectly  safe.  Or  it  may  not  be  and  might instead 
lead to an ​
undefined behavior​. It’s the programmer’s responsibility to know 
when use-after-move breaks and to avoid writing programs that break. 

On  the  other  hand,  Rust  has  a  more  advanced  type  system  and  it’s  ​a 
compilation  error  to  use  a  value  after  it  has  been  moved,  no  matter  how 
complex the control flow or data structure: 

Table of content
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `foo`
--> src/
11 | let bar = foo;
| --- value moved here
12 |
13 | foo.some_method();
| ^^^ value used here after move

Thus, use-after-move errors aren’t possible in Rust. 

In  fact,  the  Rust  type  system  allows  programmers  to  safely  encode  more 
use  cases  than  they  can  with  C++.  Consider  converting  between  various 
value  representations.  Let’s  say  you  have  a  string  in  UTF-8  and  you  want 
to  convert  it  to a corresponding vector of bytes for further processing. You 
don’t  need  the  original  string  afterwards.  In  C++,  the  only safe option is to 
copy the whole string using the vector copy constructor: 

std::string string = “Hello, world!”;

std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(string.begin(), string.end());

However,  Rust  allows  you  to  move  the  internal  buffer  of  the  string  into  a 
new  vector,  making  the  conversion  efficient  and  disallowing  use  of  the 
original string afterwards: 

let string = String::from_str(“Hello, world!”);

let bytes = string.into_bytes(); // string may not be used now

Now,  you  may  think  that  it’s  dumb  to  move  ​

all  values  by  default.  For 
example,  when  doing  arithmetic  we  expect  that  we  can  reuse  the  results 
of  intermediate  calculations  and  that  an  individual  constant  may  be  used 
more  than  once  in  the  program.  Rust  makes  it  possible  to  copy  a  value 
implicitly  when  it’s  assigned to a new variable, based on its type. Numbers 

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are  an  example of such copyable type, and any user-defined type can also 
be marked as copyable with the #
​ [derive(Copy)]​attribute. 

Guaranteed Memory Safety 

Memory  safety  is  the  most  prized  and  advertised  feature  of  Rust. In short, 
Rust  guarantees  the  absence  (or  at  least  the  detectability)  of  various 
memory-related issues: 

● segmentation faults
● use-after-free and double-free bugs
● dangling pointers
● null dereferences
● unsafe concurrent modification
● buffer overflows

These  issues  are  declared  as  ​

undefined  behaviors  in  C++,  but 
programmers  are  mostly  on  their own to avoid them. On the other hand, in 
Rust,  memory-related  issues  are  either  immediately  reported  as 
compile-time errors or if not then safety is enforced with runtime checks. 


The  core  innovation  of  Rust  is  ​

ownership and borrowing​
, closely related to 
the  notion  of  ​
object  lifetime​
.  Every  object  has  a  lifetime:  the  time  span  in 
which  the  object  is available for the program to use. There’s also an owner 
for  each  object:  an entity which is responsible for ending the lifetime of the 
object.  For  example,  local  variables  are  owned  by  the function scope. The 
variable (and the object it owns) dies when execution leaves the scope. 

Table of content
1 fn f() {
2 let v = Foo::new();​ // ----+ v's lifetime
3 // |
4 /* some code */ // |
5 } // <---+
In  this  case,  the  object ​Foo is owned by the variable v​ and will die at line 5, 
when function ​

Ownership  can be ​
transferred by moving the object (which is performed by 
default when the variable is assigned or used): 

1 fn f() {
2 let v = Foo::new(); // ----+ v's lifetime
3 { // |
4 let u = v; // <---X---+ u's lifetime
5 // |
6 do_something(u); // <-------X
7 } //
8 } //

Initially,  the  variable  ​v  would  be  alive  for  lines  2  through  7,  but  its  lifetime 
ends  at  line  4  where  v​  is  assigned  to  u
​.​  At  that  point  we  can’t  use  ​v 
anymore  (or  a  compiler  error  will  occur).  But  the  object  F
​oo  isn’t dead yet; 
it  merely  has  a  new  owner  u
​  that  is  alive  for lines 4 through 6. However, at 
line  6  the  ownership  of  ​Foo  is  transferred  to  the  function  ​
That function will destroy F
​oo​as soon as it returns. 


But  what  if  you  don’t want to transfer ownership to the function? Then you 

need to use references to pass a pointer to an object instead: 

1 fn f() {
2 let v = Foo::new(); // ---+ v's lifetime
3 // |
4 do_something(&v); // :--|----.
5 // | } v's borrowed
6 ​ / :--|----'
do_something_else(&v); /

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7 } // <--+

In  this  case,  the  function  is  said  to  ​

borrow the object ​Foo via references. It 
can  access  the  object,  but  the  function  doesn’t  own  it  (i.e.  it can’t destroy 
it).  References  are  objects  themselves,  with  lifetimes  of  their  own.  In  the 
example  above,  a  separate  reference  to  v​  is created for each function call, 
and  that  reference  is  transferred  to  and  owned  by  the function call, similar 
to the variable ​u​above. 

It’s  expected  that  a  reference  will  be alive for at least as long as the object 

it  refers  to.  This  notion  is  implicit  in  C++  references,  but  Rust  makes  it  an 
explicit part of the reference type: 

fn do_something<’a>(v: &’a Foo) {

​ / something with v

The  argument  v​  is  in  fact  a reference to Foo with the lifetime ​‘a​, where ‘​a is 

defined by the function d
​ o_something()​as the duration of its call. 

C++  can  handle  simple  cases  like  this  just  as  well.  But  what  if  we  want  to 
return  a  reference?  What  lifetime  should  the  reference  have?  Obviously, 
not  longer  than  the  object  it  refers  to.  However,  since  lifetimes  aren’t  part 
of  C++  reference  types,  the  following  code  is  syntactically  correct for C++ 
and will compile just fine: 

const Foo& some_call(const Foo& v)

Foo w;

​ /* 10 lines of complex code using v and w */

return w;​ // accidentally returns w instead of v


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Though  this  code  is  syntactically  correct,  however,  it  is  ​

incorrect  and  has  undefined  behavior  if  the  caller  of  ​
some_call()  actually 
uses  the  returned  reference.  Such  errors  may  be  hard  to  spot  in  casual 
code  review  and  generally  require  an  external  static  code  analyzer  to 

Consider the equivalent code in Rust: 

fn some_call(v: &Foo) -> &Foo { / ------------------+ expected
let w = Foo::new(); ​/
/ ---+ w's lifetime | lifetime
/ | | of the
return &w; ​/
/ <--+ | returned
} ​/
/ | value
/ <-----------------+

The  returned  reference  is  expected  to  have  the  same  lifetime  as  the 
argument  v​​,  which  is  expected  to  live  longer  than  the  function  call. 
However,  the  variable  ​w  lives  only  for  the  duration  of  ​
,  so 
references  to  it  can’t  live longer than that. The ​
borrow checker detects this 
conflict  and  complains  with  a  compilation  error  instead  of  letting the issue 
go unnoticed. 

error[E0597]: `w` does not live long enough

--> src/
10 | return &w;
| ^ does not live long enough
11 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here

The  compiler  is  able  to  detect  this  error  because  it  tracks  lifetimes 
explicitly  and  thus  knows  exactly  how  long  values  must  live  for  the 
references  to  still  be  valid  and  safe  to  use.  It’s  also  worth  noting  that  you 

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don’t  have  to  explicitly  spell  out  all  lifetimes  for  all  references.  In  many 
cases,  like in the example above, the compiler is able to automatically infer 
lifetimes, freeing the programmer from the burden of manual specification. 

Mutability and Aliasing 

Another  feature  of  the  Rust  borrow  checker  is  ​

alias  analysis​
,  which 
prevents  unsafe  memory  modification.  Two  pointers  (or  references)  are 
said  to  ​
alias  if  they  point  to  the  same  object.  Let’s  look  at  the  following 
Rust example: 

Foo c;
Foo *a = &c;
const Foo *b = &c;

Here,  pointers  a
​  and  b
​   are  aliases  of  the  F
​oo  object  owned  by  c
Modifications  performed  via  ​a  will  be  visible  when  ​b  is  dereferenced. 
Usually,  aliasing  doesn’t  cause  errors,  but  there  are  some  cases  where  it 

Consider  the  ​
memcpy()  function.  It  can  and  is  used  for  copying  data,  but 
it’s known to be unsafe and can cause memory corruption when applied to 
overlapping regions: 

char array[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
const char *a = &array[0];
char *b = &array[2];
memcpy(a, b, 3);

In  the  sample  above,  the  first  three  elements  are  now  undefined  because 
their values depend on the order in which ​
memcpy()​performs the copying: 

{ 3, 4, 5, 4, 5 } // if the elements are copied from left to right

{ 5, 5, 5, 4, 5 } ​ / if the elements are copied from right to left

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The  ultimate  issue  here  is  that  the  program  contains  two  aliasing 
references  to  the  same  object  (the  array),  one  of  which  is  non-constant.  If 
such  programs  were  syntactically  incorrect  then  ​
memcpy()  (and  any  other 
function with pointer arguments as well) would always be safe to use. 

Rust makes it possible by enforcing the following ​

rules of borrowing​

1. At any given time, you can have ​

either​but not both of: 
○ one mutable reference 
○ any number of immutable references 
2. References must always be valid. 

The second rule relates to ownership, which was discussed in the previous 
section. The first rule is the real novelty of Rust. 

It’s  obviously  safe  to  have  multiple  aliasing  pointers  to  the  same  object  ​if 
none  of  them  can  be  used  to  modify  the  object  (i.e.  they  are  constant 
references).  If  there  are  two  mutable  references,  however,  then 
modifications  can  conflict  with  each  other.  Also,  if  there  is  a 
const-reference  A
​   and  a  mutable  reference  ​B​,  then  presumably  the 
constant  object  as  seen  via  A
​  can in fact change if modifications are made 
via  B
​ ​.  But  it’s  perfectly  safe  if  only  one  mutable  reference  to  the  object  is 
allowed  to  exist  in  the  program.  The  Rust  borrow  checker  enforces  these 
rules  during  compilation,  effectively  making  each  reference  act  as  a 
read-write lock for the object. 

The following is the equivalent of ​

memcpy()​as shown above: 
let mut array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let a = &mut array[0..2];
let b = & array[2..4];

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This won’t compile in Rust, and will throw the following error: 

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `array` as immutable because it is also

borrowed as mutable
--> src/
3 | let a = &mut array[0..2];
| ----- mutable borrow occurs here
4 | let b = &array[2..4];
| ^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
5 | a.copy_from_slice(b);
6 | }
| - mutable borrow ends here

This  error  signifies  the  restrictions  imposed  by  the  borrow  checker. 
Multiple  immutable  references  are  fine.  One  mutable  reference  is  fine. 
Different  references  to  different  objects  are  fine.  However,  you  can’t 
simultaneously  have  a  mutable  and  an  immutable  reference  to  the  same 
object because this is possibly unsafe and can lead to memory corruption. 

Not  only  does  this  restriction  prevent  possible  human  errors,  but  it  in  fact 
enables  the  compiler  to  perform  some  optimizations  that  are  normally  not 
possible  in  the  presence  of  aliasing.  The  compiler  is  then  free  to  use 
registers  more  aggressively,  avoiding  redundant  memory  access  and 
leading to increased performance. 

Option Types instead of Null Pointers 

Another  common  issue  related  to  pointers  and  references  is  null  pointer 
dereferencing.  Tony  Hoare  calls  the  invention  of  the  null  pointer  value  his 
billion-dollar mistake, and an increasing number of languages are including 
mechanisms  to  prevent  it  (for  example,  Nullable  types  in  Java  and  C#, 
std::optional​type since C++17). 

Table of content
Rust  uses  the  same  approach  as  C++  for  references:  they  always point to 
an  existing  object.  There  are  no  null  references  and  hence  no  possible 
issues  with  them.  However,  smart  pointers  aren’t  references  and  may  not 
point  to  objects;  there  are  also  cases  when  you  might  like  to  pass  a 
reference to an object and make no reference. 

Instead  of  using  nullable  pointers,  Rust  has  the  Option type. This type has 

two constructors: 

) – to declare some value 

None​– to declare the absence of a value 

None  is  functionally  equivalent  to  a  null  pointer  (and  in  fact  has  the  same 
representation),  while  ​
Some  carries  a  value  (for  example,  a  reference  to 
some object). 

The  main  advantage  of  ​

Option  before  pointers  is  that  it’s  not  possible  to 
accidentally  dereference  ​
,  and  thus  null  pointer  dereferencing  errors 
are  eliminated.  To  use  the  value  stored  in  ​
,  you  need  to  use  safe 
access patterns: 

match option_value {
Some(value) => {
​ / use the contained value
None => {
​ / handle absence of value

if let Some(value) = option_value {

​ / use the contained value
let value = option_value.unwrap(); /​ / throws an exception if
option_value is None

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Every  use  of  ​
Option  acts  as  a  clear  marker,  so  that  no  object  may  be 
present  above,  as  it  requires  handling  in  both  cases.  Furthermore,  the 
Option​type has many utility methods that make it more convenient to use: 

// Falling back to a default value:

let foo_enabled: bool = configuration.foo_enabled.unwrap_or(true);

// Applying a conversion if the Option contains a value

// or leaving it None if Option is None:
let maybe_length: Option<usize> =|s| s.len());

// Options can be compared for equality and ordering (given that

// the wrapped values can be compared).
let maybe_number_a = Some(1);
let maybe_number_b = Some(9);
let maybe_number_c = None;
assert_eq!(maybe_number_a < maybe_number_b, true);
​ / None is less than
assert_eq!(maybe_number_a < maybe_number_c, false); /
assert_eq!(maybe_number_c < maybe_number_b, true);
assert_eq!(maybe_number_a != maybe_number_c, true);

No Uninitialized Variables 

Another  possible  issue  with  so-called  plain  old  types  in  C++  is  usage  of 
uninitialized  variables.  Rust  requires  variables  to  be  initialized  before  they 
are used. Most commonly, this is done when variables are declared: 

let array_of_ten_zeros = [0; 10];

But it’s also possible to first declare a variable and then initialize it later: 

Table of content
let mut x;
// x is left truly uninitialized here; the assembly
// will not contain any actual memory assignment

loop {
if something_happens() {
x = 1;
​ / This is okay because x is initialized now
println!(“{}”, x); /

println!(“{}”, x); // But this line will cause a compilation error

// because x may still not be initialized here

if some_condition() {
x = 2;
if another_condition() {
x = 3;

// The compiler knows that it is not possible to exit the loop

// without initializing x, so this is totally safe:
println!(“{}”, x);

Whatever  you  do,  keep  in  mind  that  with  Rust  if  you  forget  to  initialize  a 
variable  and  then  accidentally  use  a  garbage  value,  you’ll  get  a 
compilation  error.  All  structure  fields  must  be  initialized  at  construction 
time as well: 

let foo = Foo {

bar: 5,
baz: 10,

If  a  field  is  added  to  the  structure  at  some  point  later  than  all  existing 
constructors, it will generate compilation errors that must be fixed. 

Table of content
Threads without Data Races 
During  early  development  of  Rust,  it  was  discovered  that  the  borrow 
checker  (responsible  for  general  memory  safety)  is  also  capable  of 
preventing  ​
data  races  between  threads.  In  order  for  a  data  race  to  occur, 
three conditions must simultaneously hold: 

● two or more threads are concurrently accessing a memory location 

● at least one thread is writing there 
● at least one thread isn’t synchronized 

The  borrow  checker  ensures  that  at  any  point  in  time  a  memory  location 
has  either  any  number  of  read-only  references  or  exactly  one  writable 
reference,  thus  preventing  the  first  and  second  conditions  from  occurring 

However,  while  references  are  the  most  common  way  to  read  and  modify 
memory,  Rust  has  other  options  for  this,  so  the  borrow  checker  isn’t  a 
silver  bullet.  Furthermore,  risks  to  thread  safety  aren’t  limited  to  data 
races.  Rust  has  no  special  magic  to  completely  prevent  ​
general  data 
,  so  deadlocks  and  poor  usage  of  synchronization  primitives  are  still 
possible and certain knowledge is still required to avoid them. 

The  Rust  compiler  prevents  the  most  common  issues  with  concurrency 
that  are  allowed  by  less  safe  programming  languages  like  C  or C++, but it 
doesn’t  require  garbage  collection  or  some  background,  under-the-hood 
threads  and  synchronization  to  achieve  this.  The  standard  library  includes 

Table of content
many  tools  for  safe  usage  of  multiple  concurrency  paradigms.  There  are 
the following tools: 

● message passing 
● shared state 
● lock-free 
● purely functional 

Passing Messages with Channels 

Channels  are  used  to  transfer  messages  between  threads.  Ownership  of 
messages  sent  over  a  channel  is  transferred  to the receiver thread, so you 
can  send  pointers  between  threads  without  fear  of  a  possible  race 
condition occurring later. Rust’s channels enforce thread isolation. 

Here’s an example of channel usage: 

use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;

// First create a channel consisting of two parts: the sending half (tx)
// and the receiving half (rx). The sending half can be duplicated and
// shared among many threads.
let (tx, rx) = channel();

// Then spawn 10 threads, each with its own sending handle.

// Each thread will post a unique number into the channel.
for i in 0..10 {
let tx = tx.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {

// Now in the main thread we’ll receive the expected ten numbers from
// our worker threads. The numbers may arrive in any arbitrary order,
// but all of them will be read safely.
for _ in 0..10 {
let j = rx.recv().unwrap();
assert!(0 <= j && j < 10);

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An  important  thing  here  is  that  messages  are  actually  ​
moved  into  the 
channel,  so  it’s  not  possible  to  use  them  after  sending.  Only  the  receiver 
thread can re-acquire ownership over the message later. 

Safe State Sharing with Locks 

Another  more  traditional  way  to  deal  with  concurrency  is  to  use  a  passive 
shared  state  for  communication  between  threads. However, this approach 
requires  proper  synchronization,  which  is  notoriously  hard  to  do  correctly: 
it’s  very  easy  to  forget  to  acquire  a  lock  or to mutate the wrong data while 
holding  the  correct  lock.  Many  languages  even  go  as  far  as  removing 
support  for  this  low-level  concurrency  style  altogether  in  favor  of 
higher-level  approaches  (like  channels). Rust’s approach is dictated by the 
following thoughts: 

1. Shared  state  concurrency  is  an  essential  and  totally  valid 

programming  style.  It’s  needed  for  system  code  to  maximize 
performance  and  as  a  building  block  for  high-level  concurrency 
2. Most of the time, problems arise when a state is shared ​

So  Rust  provides  tools  for  using  shared  state  concurrency  in  a  safe  but 
direct way. 

Threads  in  Rust  are  naturally  isolated  from  each  other  via  ownership, 
which  can  be  transferred  only  at  safe  points  like  during  thread  creation  or 
via  safe  interfaces  like  channels.  A  thread  can  mutate  data  only  when  it 
has  a  mutable  reference  to  the  data.  In  single-threaded  programs,  safe 
usage  of  references  is  enforced  statically  by  the  borrow  checker. 

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Multi-threaded  programs  must  use  locks  to  provide  the  same  mutual 
exclusion  guarantees  dynamically.  Rust’s  ownership  and  borrowing 
system  allows  locks  to  have  an  API  that’s  impossible  to  use  unsafely. The 
principle “lock data, not code” is enforced in Rust. 

The  ​Mutex  type  in  Rust  is  actually  a  ​

generic  over  a  type  T  data  structure 
protected  by  the  lock.  When  a  Mutex  is  created,  data  is  transferred  ​
the mutex, giving up direct access to it: 

// Let’s write a generic thread-safe stack using

// a synchronized vector as its backing storage:
struct ThreadSafeStack<T> {
elements: Mutex<Vec<T>>,

impl<T> ThreadSafeStack<T> {
fn new() -> ThreadSafeStack<T> {
ThreadSafeStack {
​ // The vector we created is moved into the mutex,
// so we cannot access it directly anymore
elements: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),

In  order  to  get safe access to the data protected by the mutex, we need to 

use  the  lock()  method,  which  blocks  access  until  the  mutex  is  acquired. 
This  method  returns  a  value:  an  instance  of  M
​ utexGuard<T>  which  is  a 
RAII-style  guard.  The  guard  will  automatically  release  the  mutex  when  it’s 
destroyed, so there’s no unlock() method: 

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impl<T> ThreadSafeStack<T> {
​ / Note that the push() method takes a non-mutable reference to
// “self,” allowing multiple references to exist in different threads:
fn push(&self, value: T) {
let mut elements = self.elements.lock();
​ / After acquiring the lock, the mutex will remain locked until
// this method returns, preventing any race conditions.

​ / You can safely access the underlying data and perform any
// actions you need to with it:

The  key  idea  here  is  that lifetimes of any references to data protected by a 

mutex  are  tied  to  the  lifetime  of  the  corresponding  MutexGuard,  and  the 
lock  is  held  for  the  whole  lifetime  of  the  MutexGuard.  In  this  way,  ​
enforces  locking  discipline​
:  lock-protected  data  can  only  be  accessed 
when holding the lock. 

Consider  a  typical  mistake  when  using  mutexes:  a  dangling  reference  to 

protected data remains alive after the mutex is unlocked. For example, you 
may want to add the following method to ThreadSafeStack: 

impl<T> ThreadSafeStack<T> {
​ / Peek into the stack, returning a reference to the top element.
// If the stack is empty then return None.
fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {
let elements = self.elements.lock();
​ / Now we can access the stack data.

// Handle the case of empty stack.

if elements.is_empty() {
return None;

​ // And if we have at least one element then return a reference

// to the last one in the vector:
return Some(&elements[elements.len() - 1]);

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However,  the  Rust  compiler  won’t  allow  this.  It  sees  that  the  reference 
you’re  trying  to  return  will  be  alive  longer  than  the  time  for  which  the  lock 
is held, and will tell you exactly what is wrong with the code: 

error[E0597]: `elements` does not live long enough

--> src/
45 | return Some(&elements[elements.len() - 1]);
| ^^^^^^^^ does not live long enough
46 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here

Indeed,  if  this  were  allowed,  the  reference  you  got  may  suddenly  be 
invalidated  when  some  other  thread  popped the top element off the stack. 
A  possible  race  condition  has  been  swiftly  averted  at  compilation  time, 
saving  you  an  hour  or  two  of  careful  debugging  of  a  weird  behavior  that 
occurs only on Tuesdays. 

Trait-Based Generics 
Generics  are  a  way  of  generalizing  types  and  functionalities  to  broader 
cases.  They’re  extremely  useful  for  reducing  code  duplication  in  many 
ways,  but  can  call  for  rather  involving  syntax.  Namely,  generics  require 
great  care  in  specifying  over  which  types  they  are  actually  considered 
valid.  The  simplest  and  most  common  use  of  generics  is  for  type 

Rust’s  generics are similar to C++ templates in both syntax and usage. For 
example,  the  generic  Rust  data  structure  implementing  a  dynamically 
sized  array  is  called  ​Vec<T>​.  It’s  a  vector  specialized  at  compile  time  to 

Table of content
contain  instances  of  any  type  T.  Here’s  how  it’s  defined  in  the  standard 

// Definitions of generic structure type look like this

pub struct Vec<T> {
​ / the buffer representation
buf: RawVec<T>, /
len: usize, // used size of the vector

pub struct RawVec<T, A: Alloc = Heap> {

ptr: Unique<T>, // pointer to the actual buffer array of T
cap: usize, // allocated size of the buffer
a: A, // the allocator

A  generic  function  max()  that  takes  two  arguments  of  any  type  T  can  be 
declared like this: 

fn max<T>(a: T, b: T) -> T { /* … */ }

However,  this  definition  is  incorrect  because  we  can’t  in  fact  apply  max() 
to  ​
any  ​
type.  The  maximum  function  is  defined  only  for  values  which  have 
some  defined  ordering  between  them  (the  one  used  by  comparison 
operators  like  <  and  >=).  This  is  where  Rust  generics  are  different  from 
C++ templates. 

In C++, requirements for template parameters are implicit: 

template <typename T>

T max(T a, T b)
return a < b ? b : a;

This  function  will  compile  only  when  used  with  types  that  actually  define 
the ‘operator<(), and will cause a compilation error otherwise: 

Table of content
test.cpp: In instantiation of ‘T max(T, T) [with T = Person]’:
test.cpp:19:46: required from here
test.cpp:11:14: error: no match for ‘operator<’ (operand types are
‘Person’ and ‘Person’)
return a < b ? b : a;

This  error  may  be  sufficient  in  simple  cases  like  max()  where  type 
requirements  and  the  source  of  the  error  are  obvious,  but  with  more 
complex  functions  using  more  than  one  required  method,  you  can  be 
quickly  overwhelmed  by  large  amounts  of  seemingly  unrelated  errors 
about obscure missing methods. 

Rust makes generic type requirements explicit by using ​


fn max<T: Ord>(a: T, b: T) -> T {

if a < b { b } else { a }

Now  max()  can  be  used  with any type T that ​

implements the Ord trait. This 
trait  defines  the  ordering  essential  for  the  implementation  of  max()  and 
makes  it  possible  to  use  the  comparison  operators.  Explicit  requirements 
enable  the  compiler  to  generate  much  more  friendly  error messages when 
a function is accidentally provided with arguments of an incorrect type: 

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Person: std::cmp::Ord` is not satisfied

--> src/
16 | let bigger_person = max(person1, person2);
| ^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for `Person`
= note: required by `max`

Traits Define Type Interfaces 

Traits  are  Rust’s  way  of  defining  interfaces.  They  describe  what  methods 
must  be  implemented  by  a  type  in  order  to  satisfy  the  trait.  For  example, 

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the  Ord  trait  requires  a  single  method  cmp()  that  compares  this  value  to 
another and returns the ordering between them: 

pub trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd<Self> {

fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;

Traits  may  be  derived  from  other  traits.  The  Ord  trait  is  derived  from  the 
traits  ​
PartialOrd  (specifying  partial  ordering)  and  ​
Eq  (specifying 
equivalence  relation).  Thus,  Ord  may  be  implemented  only  for  types  that 
implement  both  the  PartialOrd  and  Eq  traits.  Methods  of  parent  traits  are 
inherited  by  child  trait  implementations,  so  for  example  any  Ord  type  can 
be compared with the == operator provided by the Eq trait. 

Traits  may  also  contain  common  implementations  of  methods  provided to 

all  concrete  implementations  of  the  trait.  For  example,  the  PartialOrd  trait 
provides  the  implementation  of  the  lt()  method. This is the method actually 
called when the < comparison operator is used in code: 

pub trait PartialOrd<Rhs: ?Sized = Self>: PartialEq<Rhs> {

​ / Method defining ordering between this value and some other value,
// possibly returning None if such ordering is not defined.
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Rhs) -> Option<Ordering>;

​ // The lt() method will be automatically implemented like this

// for all types that implement the partial_cmp() method:
fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool {
match self.partial_cmp(other) {
Some(Less) => true,
_ => false,

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Aside  from  methods,  traits  can  only  contain  type  definitions.  Like  in  Java 
or  C#,  traits  define  only  interface  requirements,  not  the  data  layout  of 
concrete implementations of the interface. 

Traits Implement Polymorphism 

Together  with  generics,  traits  provide  s​tatic  (compile-time)  polymorphism​. 

The  data  layout  for  generic  data  structures  and  the  actual  implementation 
of  generic  methods  and  functions  is  selected  during  compilation  time 
based  on  the  known  types  of  values.  The  resulting  machine  code  is  as 
efficient  as  it  would  be  in  case  of  manual  specialization.  Generics  are  a 
zero-cost​abstraction mechanism. 

But  sometimes,  you  want  to  have  generic  code  that  acts differently based 
on  real  runtime  value  types.  Rust  implements  ​dynamic  (runtime) 
polymorphism​via so-called ​
trait objects​

For example, here’s how the A

​ bstract Factory pattern​looks in Rust: 

First we need to define the interfaces: 

// Interfaces of the produced products

trait ProductA {
fn do_foo(&mut self);

trait ProductB {
fn do_bar(&mut self);

// Interface of the abstract product factory

trait ProductFactory {
fn make_product_a(&self) -> Box<ProductA>;
fn make_product_b(&self) -> Box<ProductB>;

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Note  that  the  factory  produces  ​
Boxes  with  products.  A  Box  is  Rust’s 
equivalent  of  std::unique_ptr  in  C++.  It  denotes  an  object  allocated  on the 
heap  and  can  contain  ​
trait  objects  that  are  actually  pointers  to  the 
concrete implementation of a trait. 

Then we define the concrete implementations of products and the factory: 

// Example of concrete implementation of products

struct ConcreteProductA;
struct ConcreteProductB;

// Implement trait ProductA for struct ConcreteProductA

impl ProductA for ConcreteProductA {
fn do_foo(&mut self) {
println!("ConcreteProductA doing foo");

// Implement trait ProductB for struct ConcreteProductB

impl ProductB for ConcreteProductB {
fn do_bar(&mut self) {
println!("ConcreteProductB doing bar");

// Example of concrete factory

struct ConcreteFactory;

// Implement trait ProductFactory for struct ConcreteFactory,

// creating some concrete products when asked
impl ProductFactory for ConcreteFactory {
fn make_product_a(&self) -> Box<ProductA> {

fn make_product_b(&self) -> Box<ProductB> {


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Note  how  trait  implementations  are  separated  from  declared  structures. 
This  is  why  Rust  has ​
, not interfaces. A trait can be implemented for a 
type  not  only  by  the module that declares the type but from anywhere else 
in  the  program.  This  opens  up  many  possibilities  for  extending  the 
behavior of library types if the provided interfaces don’t meet your needs. 

Finally,  we  can implement abstract algorithms using the abstract factory to 

make abstract products and operate on them: 

fn make_and_use_some_stuff(factory: &ProductFactory) {
let mut a: Box<ProductA> = factory.make_product_a();
let mut b: Box<ProductB> = factory.make_product_b();


Here,  the  function  ​

()  doesn’t  know  the  concrete 
types  of  the factory and products involved in computation. It operates only 
on  trait  objects.  All  method  calls  involve  ​
dynamic  dispatch  on  the  ​
method  tables  stored  inside  the  trait  objects.  The  function  isn’t  generic 
and only one implementation of it exists in the program. 

Traits May be Implemented Automatically 

Some  traits  may  be  automatically  derived  and  implemented  by  the 
compiler  for  user-defined  data  structures.  For  example,  the  ​PartialEq  t​rait 
that  defines  the  ==  comparison  operator  can  be  automatically 
implemented  for  any  data  structure  provided  that  all  its  fields  implement 
PartialEq too: 

struct Person {
name: String,

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age: u32,

The #[derive] attribute can be used with the following traits: 

● Comparison traits: ​Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd

● Clone​, used to create a copy of a value via reference to it
● Copy​,  which  gives  the  type  ​
copy  semantics  instead  of  ​
semantics​by default
● Hash​, used by many containers to compute a hash value of elements
● Default​, used for creating empty instances in a consistent way
● Zero​, defined for zero-initialization of numeric types
● Debug​, a trait used by the {:?} formatting string in debugging output

Pattern Matching 
Similar to C++, Rust has enumeration types: 

enum Month {
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December,

It also has a multiple-choice construction to operate on them: 

match month {
Month::December | Month::January | Month::February
=> println!(“It’s winter!”),
Month::March | Month::April | Month::May
=> println!(“It’s spring!”),
Month::June | Month::July | Month::August
=> println!(“It’s summer!”),
Month::September | Month::October | Month::November
=> println!(“It’s autumn!”),

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However,  m
​ atch  has  more  features  than  a  simple  s​witch​.  The  most  crucial 
difference  is  that  matching  must  be  ​
:  the  match  clause  must 
handle  all  possible  values  of  the  expressions  being  matched.  This 
eliminates  a  typical  error  in  which  switch  statements  break  when  an 
enumeration  is  extended  later  with  new  values.  Of  course,  there’s  also  a 
default catch-all option that matches any value: 

match number {
0..9 => println!(“small number”),
10..100 if number % 2 == 0 => {
println!(“big even number”);
_ => println!(“some other number”),

Another  important  feature  of  Rust  enumerations  is  that  they  can  carry 
values, implementing ​
discriminated unions ​

enum Color {
Red, Green, Blue,
RGB(u32, u32, u32),
CMYK(u32, u32, u32, u32),

Pattern  matching  can  be  used  to  match  against  possible  options  and 
extract values stored in a union: 

match some_color {
Color::Red => println(“Pure red”),
Color::Green => println(“Pure green”),
Color::Blue => println(“Pure blue”),
Color::RGB(red, green, blue) => {
println(“Red: {}, green: {}, blue: {}”, red, green, blue);
Color::CMYK(cyan, magenta, yellow, black) => {
println(“Cyan: {}, magenta: {}, yellow: {}, black: {}”,
cyan, magenta, yellow, black);

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Unlike  C  and  C++ unions, Rust makes it impossible to choose an incorrect 
branch when unpacking a union. 

Type Inference 
Rust  uses  a  ​
static  type  system​
,  which  means  that  types  of  variables, 
function  arguments,  structure  fields,  and  so  on  must  be  known at compile 
time;  the  compiler  will  check  that  correct  types  are  used  everywhere. 
However,  Rust  also  uses  ​
type  inference​
,  which  allows  the  compiler  to 
automatically deduce types based on how variables are used. 

This  is  very  convenient  because  you  no  longer  need  to  explicitly  state 
types,  which  in  some  cases  may  be  cumbersome  (or  impossible)  to  write. 
The ​auto​keyword in C++ serves the same purpose: 

std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::vector<Object>>> some_map;

// Iterator types can easily become a mess:

for (const auto &it : some_map)
/* ... */

// Lambda functions can only be used with auto;

// their exact type cannot be expressed in C++
auto compare_by_cost = [](const Foo &lhs, const Foo &rhs) {
return a.cost < b.cost

However, Rust also considers future uses of a variable to deduce its type – 
not only the initializer – allowing programmers to write code like this: 

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let v = 10; ​ / v’s type is some integer (based on the constant),
// but the exact type (i32, u8, etc.) is not yet known

​ / vec’s type is some Vec<T>, where T may be

let mut vec = Vec::new(); /

vec.push(v); ​ / after this line, the compiler knows that T == v’s type

let s = v + vec.len(); // vec.len() returns “usize”, so this must be the

// of v (as another addend) and s (as a sum), and vec
// is now also known to have type Vec<usize>

​ / prints 11: [10]

println!(“{}: {:?}”, s, vec); /

Rust  uses  the  widely  known  and  thoroughly  researched  ​

inference  algorithm​
.  This  algorithm  is  most  commonly  used  in  functional 
programming  languages.  It  can  handle  global  type  inference  (inferring  all 
types  in  an  entire  program,  even  the  types  of  function  arguments, returns, 
structure  fields,  etc.)  But  global  type  inference  can  be  slow  in  large 
projects  and  can  cause  types  to  change  with  unrelated  changes  in  the 
code  base.  Thus,  Rust  uses  inference  only  for  local  variables.  You  must 
explicitly  write  types  for  arguments  and  structure  fields.  This  strikes  a 
good  balance  between  expressibility,  speed,  and  robustness.  Types  also 
make good documentation for functions, methods, and structures. 

Minimal Runtime 
Runtime  is  the  language  support  library  that’s  embedded  into  every 

program  and  provides  essential  features  to  the  Rust  programming 

language.  The  Java  Virtual  Machine  can  be  thought  of  as  the  runtime  of 
the  Java  language,  for  example,  as  it  provides  features  like  class  loading 

Table of content
and  garbage collection. The size and complexity of the runtime contributes 
significantly  to  start-up  and  runtime  overhead.  For  example,  the  JVM 
requires  a  non-negligible  amount  of  time  to  load  classes,  warm  up  the JIT 
compiler, collect garbage, and so on. 

Rust  doesn’t  have  any  garbage  collection,  virtual  machine  bytecode 

interpreter,  or  lightweight  thread  scheduler  running  in  background.  The 
code  you  write  is  exactly  what’s  executed  by  the  CPU.  Some  parts  of  the 
Rust  standard  library  can  be  considered  the  “runtime,”  providing  support 
for  heap  allocation,  backtraces,  stack  unwinding,  and  stack  overflow 
guards.  The  standard  library  also  has  some  minor  amount  of  global 
initialization  code,  similar  to  the  initialization  code  of  a  C  runtime  library 
that  sets  up  the  stack,  calls  global  constructors,  and  so  on  before  control 
is  transferred  to  the  main()  function.  (You  can  compile  Rust  programs 
without  the  standard  library  if  you  don’t  need  it,  thus  avoiding  this 

In  short,  Rust  ​

can  be  used  for  really  low-level  work  like  bare-metal 
programming, device drivers, and operating system kernels: 

● Rust Embedded (​​)
● rust.ko (​​
● Windows KMD (​​
● Redox OS (​​

Furthermore,  the absence of a complex runtime simplifies embedding Rust 
modules  into  programs  written  in  other  languages.  For  example,  you  can 

Table of content
easily  write  JNI  code  for  Java  or  extensions  for  dynamic  languages  like 
Python, Ruby, or Lua. 

Efficient C Bindings 
There’s  more  than  one  programming  language  in  the  world,  so  it’s  not 
surprising  that  you  might  want  to  use  libraries  written  in  languages  other 
than  Rust.  Conventionally,  libraries  provide  a  C  API  because  C  is  a 
ubiquitous  language,  the  common  denominator  of  programming 
languages.  Rust  is  able  to  easily  communicate  with  C  APIs,  without  any 
overhead,  and  use  its  ownership  system  to  provide  significantly  stronger 
safety guarantees for them. 

Calling C from Rust 

Let’s  look  at  a  simple  example.  Consider  the  following C library for adding 

numbers  (here  we  take  it  easy  and  use  a  regular for loop, but we could do 
something clever with AVX instructions): 

* Sum some numbers.
* @param numbers [in] pointer to the numbers to be summed
* must not be NULL and must point to at least
* `count` elements
* @param count [in] number of numbers to be summed
* @returns sum of the provided numbers.
int sum_numbers(const int *numbers, size_t count)
int sum = 0;

for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)


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sum += numbers[i];

return sum;
Note  that  some  parts  of  this  function  API  are  described  formally  by  the 
argument  types,  but  some  things  are  only  specified  in  the documentation. 
For  example,  we  can  only  infer  that  we  can’t  pass  NULL  for  a  ​
argument  and  that  there  must  be  at  least  ​
count  numbers  available.  And 
only  the  common  sense  of a C programmer tells us that the function won’t 
call free() for the n
​ umbers​array. 

Here’s how we can call this function from Rust: 

extern crate libc;

extern {
fn sum_numbers(numbers: *const libc::c_int, count: libc::size_t)
-> libc::c_int;

fn main() {
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let sum = unsafe { sum_numbers(array.as_ptr(), array.len()) };
println!(“Sum: {}”, sum);​ // ===> prints “15”

As  you  can  see,  there’s  ​

no  syntactical  overhead  in  calling  an  external 
function  written  in  C  (other  than  spelling out the prototype of the function). 
It’s  just  like  calling  a  native  Rust  function.  If  you  look  at  the  generated 
assembly  code,  you  can  see  that  this  function  call  has  ​
no  runtime 
overhead​as well: 

leaq 32(%rsp), %rdi

movl $5, %esi
callq sum_numbers@PLT
movl %eax, 12(%rsp)

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There’s  no  hidden  boxing  and  unboxing,  re-allocating  of  the  array, 
obligatory  safety  checks,  or  other  things.  We  see  exactly  the  same 
machine  code that a C compiler would have generated for the same library 
function call. 

The Libc Crate and Unsafe Blocks 

However,  there  are  some  details  in  the  above  code  that  require  further 
explanation  –  first  of  all,  the  l​ibc  crate​.  This  is  a  wrapper  library  that 
provides  types  and  functions  of  the  C  standard  library  to  Rust.  Here  you 
can find all the usual types, constants, and functions: 

● libc::c_uint (unsigned int type) 

● libc::stat (struct stat structure) 
● libc::pthread_mutex_t (pthread_mutex_t typedef) 
● libc::open (open(2) system call) 
● libc::reboot (reboot(2) system call) 
● libc::EINVAL (EINVAL constant) 
● libc::SIGSEGV (SIGSEGV constant) 
● and many more, depending on the platform you compile on 

Not  only  can  you  use  “normal”  C  libraries  via  the  Rust  Foreign  Function 
Interface – you can also readily use the system API via ​libc crate​. 

Another catch lies in the u


let sum = unsafe { sum_numbers(array.as_ptr(), array.len()) }; 


As  the  sum_numbers()  function  is ​

, it doesn’t automatically provide 
the  degree  of  safety  provided  by  native  Rust  functions.  For example, Rust 

Table of content
will  allow  you  to  pass  a  NULL  pointer  as  the  first  argument  and  this  will 
cause  ​
an  undefined  behavior  (just  as  it  would  in  C).  The  function  call  isn’t 
safe,  so  it  must  be  wrapped  in  an  ​
unsafe  block  ​
which  effectively  says 
“Compiler,  you  have  my  word  that  this  function  call  is  safe.  I  have  verified 
that  the  arguments  are  okay,  that  the  function  won’t  compromise  Rust 
safety guarantees, and that it won’t cause undefined behavior.” 

Just  as  in  C,  the  programmer  is  ultimately  responsible  for  guaranteeing 
that  the  program  doesn’t  cause  undefined  behavior. The difference here is 
that  with  C  you  must  manually  do  this  at  all  times,  in  all  parts of the code, 
for  every  library  you  use.  On  the  other  hand,  in  Rust  ​
you  must  manually 
verify  safety  only  inside  unsafe  blocks​
.  All  other  Rust  code  (outside unsafe 
blocks) is automatically safe, as routinely verified by the Rust compiler. 

Herein  lies  the  power  of  Rust:  you  can  provide  safe  wrappers  for  unsafe 
code  and  thus  avoid  tedious,  manual  safety  verifications  in  the  consumer 
code. For example, the sum_numbers function can be wrapped like this: 

fn sum_numbers(numbers: &[libc::c_int]) -> libc::c_int {

​ / This is safe because Rust slices are always non-NULL
// and are guaranteed to be long enough
unsafe { sum_numbers(numbers.as_ptr(), numbers.len()) }

Now  the  external  function  has  a  safe  interface.  It  can  be  readily  used  by 
idiomatic  Rust  code  without  unsafe  blocks.  Callers  of  the  function  don’t 
need  to  be  aware  of  the  actual  safety  requirements  of  its  native  C 
implementation. And it’s still as fast as the original! 

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Beyond Primitive Types 

Aside  from  primitive  types  like  libc::c_int  and  pointers,  Rust  can  use  other 
C types as well. 

Rust  structs  can  be  made  compatible  with  C  structs  via  a  #[repr] 

#[repr(C)] struct UUID

struct UUID {
{ uint32_t time_low;
time_low: u32, uint16_t time_mid;
time_mid: u16, uint16_t time_high;
time_high: u16, uint16_t sequence;
sequence: u16, uint8_t node[6];
node: [u8; 6], };

Such  structures  can  be  passed  by  value or by pointer to C code, as they’ll 

have  the  same  memory  layout  as  their  C  counterparts  used  by  a  C 
compiler.  (Obviously,  the  fields  can  only  have  types  that  C  can 

C unions can also be directly represented in Rust: 

union TypePun union TypePun

{ {
f: f32, float f;
i: i32, int i;
}; };

Table of content
As  in  C,  unions  in  Rust  are  ​
.  That  is,  they  don’t  store the runtime 
type  of  the  value  inside  them.  The  programmer  is  responsible  for 
accessing  union  fields  correctly.  The  compiler  can’t  check  this 
automatically,  so  Rust  unions  require  an  explicit  u
​nsafe  block  when 
accessing their fields both for reading and writing. 

Simple enumerations are also compatible with C: 

enum Options enum Options

{ {
ONE = 0, ONE,
} };

However,  you  can’t  use  advanced  features  of  Rust  enum  types  when 
calling  C  code.  For  instance,  you  can’t  directly  pass  Option<T>  or 
Result<T> values to C. 

Rust  functions  can  be  converted  into  C  function  pointers  given  that  the 
argument types are actually compatible and the C ABI is used: 

Table of content
fn launch_native_thread() {
let name = "Ferris";
// We’re going to launch a native thread via pthread_create() from libc.
// This is an external function, so calling it is unsafe in Rust (think
// about exception boundaries, for example).
unsafe {
let mut thread = 0;
libc::pthread_create(&mut thread, /​ / out-argument for pthread_t
ptr::null(), // in-argument of thread_attr_t
thread_body, // thread body (as a C callback)
mem::transmute(&name) ​ / thread argument (requires a cast)
libc::pthread_join(thread, ptr::null_mut());

// Here’s our thread body with C ABI written in Rust

extern "C" fn thread_body(arg: *mut libc::c_void) -> *mut libc::c_void {
​ / We need to cast the argument back to the original reference to &str.
// This is unsafe (from the Rust compiler’s point of view), but we know
// what kind of data we have put into this void*
let name: &&str = unsafe { mem::transmute(arg) };
println!("Hello {} from Rust thread!", name);
return ptr::null_mut();

Calling Rust from C 

Native  Rust  functions  and  types  can  be  made  available  to  C  code  just  as 
easily  as  you  can  call  C  from  Rust.  Let’s  reverse  the  example  with  the 
sum_numbers() function and implement it in Rust instead: 

pub extern “C” fn sum_numbers(numbers: *const libc::c_int, count:
-> libc::c_int
// Convert the C pointer-to-array into a native Rust slice of an array.
// This is not safe per se because the “numbers” pointer may be NULL
// and the “count” value may not match the actual array length.
// As with C, we’ll require the caller of this function to ensure
// that these safety requirements are observed and will not check
// them explicitly here.

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let rust_slice = unsafe { from_raw_parts(numbers, count) };

​ // Rust slice types already have a handy method for summing their
// elements. Let’s use it here.
return rust_slice.sum();

And  that’s  it.  The  #[no_mangle]  attribute  prevents  symbol  mangling  (so 
that  the  function  is  exported  with  the  exact  name  “sum_numbers”).  The 
extern  directive  specifies  that  the  function  should  have  the  C  ABI  instead 

of the native Rust ABI. With this, any C program can link to a library written 
in Rust and can easily use our function: 

// Declare the function prototype for C

int sum_numbers(const int *numbers, size_t count);

int main()
int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int sum = sum_numbers(numbers, 5);
printf(“Sum is %d\n”, sum);

Calling  a  Rust  library  in  C  is  as  easy as calling a native C library. There are 

no  required  conversions,  no  Rust  VM  context  needs  to  be  initialized  and 
passed  as  an  additional argument, and there’s no overhead aside from the 
regular function call. 

Rust vs. C++ Comparison 

Rust  is  syntactically  similar  to  C++,  but  it  provides  increased  speed  and 
better memory safety. 

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In order to explain why Rust is a safer and faster language than C++, we 
decided to create a Rust vs C++ comparison chart that clearly shows the 
differences between these two languages.  

For better comparison, we’ve chosen features that reveal the key 
similarities and differences between these two languages. 

● Zero-cost abstraction 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Preferring code  Zero-cost abstraction  Zero-cost abstraction 

duplication to  mechanisms allow you to  mechanisms allow you to 
abstraction due to high  avoid runtime costs when  avoid runtime costs when 
cost of virtual method  possible.  possible. 

● Move semantics 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Move constructors may  Move constructors are suggested to  A built-in static 
leave objects in invalid  leave the source object in a valid  analyzer disallows 
and unspecified states  state (yet the object shouldn’t be  use of objects after 
and cause  used in correct programs).  they have been 
use-after-move errors   moved. 

Use-after-move errors are detected  The compiler can rely 

at runtime using a special sentinel  on this built-in 
state.  analyzer for 

External static code analyzers can 

spot use-after-move errors at 
compile time. 

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● Smart pointers vs. null pointers 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Use-after-free,  Smart pointers and references  Smart pointers and references 

double-free bugs,  are preferred to raw pointers.  are preferred to raw pointers. 
dangling pointers 

Manual code review can spot  Raw pointers can only be used 
use of raw pointers where smart  inside unsafe blocks, which can 
pointers would suffice.  automatically be found by tools. 

Null  References are preferred to  References are preferred to 

dereferencing  pointers and cannot be null.  pointers and cannot be null. 

Null dereferencing is still  Null references can be emulated 

possible even for smart  by Option types, which require 
pointers, but is declared as  explicit null checks before use. 
undefined behavior and should 
never appear. 

Compilers assume that  Smart pointers return Optional 

undefined behavior never  references and therefore require 
happens, don’t produce  explicit checks as well. 
warnings, and use this for 
optimization (sometimes with 
fatal consequences for 

External static code analyzers  Raw pointers can be null, but 

can spot possible errors at  they can only be used inside 
compile time.  unsafe blocks. Unsafe blocks 
need to be carefully reviewed, 
but they can be found and 
marked automatically. 


Table of content
● Internal buffer 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Buffer  Explicitly coded wrapper classes  All slice types enforce runtime range 
overflow  enforce range checks.  checks. 

Debugging builds of the STL can  Range checks are avoided by most 
perform range checks in standard  common idioms (e.g. range-based 
containers.  for iterators). 

● Data races 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Data races  Good programming discipline,  The built-in borrow checker and 
(unsafe  knowledge, and careful review  Rust reference model detect and 
concurrent  are required to avoid  prohibit possible data races at 
modification of  concurrency errors.  compile time. 

External static code analyzers  A novel locking API makes it 

can spot some errors at  impossible to misuse mutexes 
compile time.  unsafely (though still allowing 

External code sanitizers can 

spot some errors at runtime. 


Table of content
● Object initialization

Issue  C++  Rust 

Uninitialized  Constructors of user-defined  All variables must be explicitly 

variables  types are recommended to  initialized before use (checked by 
initialize all object fields.  the compiler). 

Primitive types still have  All types have defined default 

undefined values when not  values that can be chosen instead 
initialized explicitly.  of explicit initialization types. 

External static code analyzers 

can spot uninitialized variables. 

● Static (compile-time) polymorphism

Issue  C++  Rust 

Static interfaces  Concepts​should provide this feature  Traits provide a unified 

for static  directly, but they’ve been in development  way of specifying both 
polymorphism  since 2015 and are only scheduled for  static and dynamic 
standardization in C++20.  interfaces. 

Virtual functions and abstract classes may  Static polymorphism is 

be used to declare interfaces.  guaranteed to be 
resolved at compile 

Virtual function calls may be optimized by 

particular compilers in known cases. 

Table of content
● Adding new traits 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Extending  Adding new methods normally  Traits can be added to and 

externally  requires inheritance, which can be  implemented for any class in 
defined classes  inconvenient.  any module at a later point. 
with new 
methods  Unified function call syntax​could  Modules restrict visibility of 
be used to emulate extension  available methods. 
methods (if it gets into C++20). 

● Standard library 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Legacy design of  Structured types like std::pair,  Built-in composable structured 
utility types  std::tuple and std::variant can  types: tuples, structures, 
heavily used by  replace ad-hoc structures.  enumerations. 
standard library 
These types have  Pattern matching allows 
inconvenient interfaces  convenient use of structured 
(though C++17 improves this).  types like tuples and 

Most of the standard library  The standard library fully 

doesn’t use structured types.  embraces available pattern 
matching to provide easy-to-use 

● Branches in switch statements 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Forgetting to  Code review and external static  The compiler checks that 
handle all  code analyzers can spot switch  match expressions explicitly 
possible  statements that don’t cover all  handle all possible values for 
branches in  possible branches.  an expression. 

Table of content
● Typing of variables 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Complex  The ​auto​and d​ ecltype​keywords provide  Local type inference 

variable types  limited type inference (for expressions).  (for a function body) 
become tedious  allows you to 
to type manually  explicitly specify 
types less 

Lambda functions still require manual type  Function 

specifications, but this is improving with  declarations still 
C++17.  require explicit types 
which ensures good 
readability of code. 

● Runtime environment 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Embedded and  The C++ runtime is already  The Rust runtime is already 
bare-metal  fairly minimal, as it directly  fairly minimal as it directly 
programming have  compiles to machine code and  compiles to machine code and 
high restrictions on  doesn’t use garbage collection.  doesn’t use garbage collection. 
C++ programs can be built  Rust programs can be built 
without the standard library  without the standard library 
with disabled exceptions and  with disabled range checks, 
dynamic type information, etc.  etc. 


Table of content
● Using libraries written in other languages 

Issue  C++  Rust 

Using  C libraries are immediately usable  C libraries require Rust-specific 

existing  by C++ programs.  header declarations. 
written in C 
and other  Libraries in languages other than  Libraries in languages other than 
languages  C++ require wrappers.  Rust require wrappers. 

Exporting a C interface requires  Exporting a C interface requires 

only a simple e
​ xtern​declaration.  only a simple ​extern​declaration. 

There’s no overhead in calling C  There’s no overhead in calling C 

functions from C++ or calling C++  functions from Rust or calling Rust 
functions from C.  functions from C. 

You have no doubt noticed that both languages use zero-cost 

abstractions and move semantics. They also both have smart pointers, no 
garbage collection, and other similarities. 

In contrast to C++, Rust has a built-in static analyzer but no uninitialized 


Rust avoids possible data races, informs about undefined behavior, and 
allows null raw pointers inside unsafe blocks. The Rust language also has 
other distinctive features that allow programmers to achieve better safety 
and performance of their software.  

Table of content
This Rust Programming Language Tutorial is based on the experience of Apriorit team who 
uses Rust for s​oftware development​along with other programming languages. 

This Tutorial is intended for information purposes only. Any trademarks and brands are 
property of their respective owners and used for identification purposes only. 

About Apriorit Inc. 

Apriorit Inc. is a software development service provider headquartered in the Dover, DE, 
US, with several development centers in Eastern Europe. With over 350 professionals, we 
bring high-quality services on software consulting, research, and development to software 
vendors and IT companies worldwide. 

Apriorit’s main specialties are cybersecurity and data management projects, where system 
programming, driver and kernel level development, research and reversing matter. The  
company has an independent web platform development department focusing on building 
cloud platforms for business. 

Apriorit team will be glad to contribute to your software engineering projects. 

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