ABB-Motor Unbalance Voltage Supply
ABB-Motor Unbalance Voltage Supply
ABB-Motor Unbalance Voltage Supply
Variable Speed Drives (VSD) that trip, programmable logic Figure 1 demonstrates an over voltage on one line, and an under
controllers (PLC) that suddenly experience faults, motors that voltage on another at the Medium Voltage (MV) or High Voltage
overheat and erroneous sensor signals can all cause interruption (HV) transformer, while the third is at specified voltage. On the
and shutdown of industrial processes. This can result in major Low Voltage (LV) secondary, not only are the Line to Neutral vol-
restart delays, product scrapping, customer dissatisfaction, tages on two phases clearly over and under by 10% respectively,
consequential losses and significant costs to business. measuring the Line to Line vectors (dashed lines) shows voltage
varying from specification.
Unbalanced voltage causes
All electrical networks suffer from power quality issues in varying This white paper deals only with the simple over and under
degrees and frequencies. Brief sags and surges are common but voltage and the influence on motors and electronic rectifiers and
networks can exhibit voltage supply irregularities that may be the consequential effects of those devices. Further reading is
present for prolonged periods of time, or are constantly present on available in other papers referencing phase angle shift that occurs
the network. Where a voltage imbalance exists on a supply with unbalanced voltage in three phase installations.
network, it is usually due to generation faults, unmatched
impedance on transformer banks, or large single phase loads on Unbalanced voltage and induction motors
the three phase network. The effect of unbalanced voltage on induction motors is widely
known by most technicians and plant engineers. Motor torque and
Customer installation produced voltage imbalances are most speed are negatively affected and the motor may produce exces-
commonly the result of single phase loads not connected evenly sive noise. The voltage imbalance can also cause an increase in
across the 3 phase system. Single phase motors, heating and current imbalance and a temperature rise far greater than the
cooling loads are very commonly connected in such a manner voltage imbalance percentage.2 We can calculate the increased
that one phase conductor carries significantly more current than temperature in an induction motor winding as a result of voltage
the other two. The Line to Neutral Voltage of one phase is lower imbalance.
that the other two. Similarly, where the majority of the load is
connected over only two phases, one Line to Neutral voltage is Voltage imbalance in a 3 phase system is expressed as a single
higher than the other two. In either case, Line to Line voltages are percentage. As in Figure 1, there may exist an under voltage and
affected. an over voltage.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The diodes in a typical rectifier switch when the switching
Three phase induction motors should be de-rated according to the threshold voltage is exceeded in the positive direction. During
chart in Figure 3.5 each half cycle, two phases will exceed the switching threshold
voltage, as one is decaying another is rising and vice versa-thus
producing two peaks in the line current draw.
The larger the voltage supply imbalance, the more single pulse
shape the AC line current waveform becomes. Again, the same To find out more about ABB’s PCS100 AVC-20 solutions:
amount of watts is required so the amplitude of the waveform
needs to increase as the duration decreases to maintain the area.
Line current significantly increases with larger voltage imbalance
as shown in Figure 6.
Bruce Bennett
ABB Limited, DMPC
Napier, New Zealand
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