U17 3alpha
U17 3alpha
U17 3alpha
Code No.97899-61952
Record of Revisions
Symbol Date Main Revised Points & Corrective Measures Person-in-charge
Aug. 2008 Maintenance intervals EU - version revised. I. Okae
• Mechanism Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-M-1
• Service Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-S-1
• Mechanism Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-1
• Service Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
A. BODY AND ENGINE IDENTIFICATION MARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-3
a. Safety Measures Before Starting Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-5
b. Safety Measures During Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-5
c. Preparation for Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-6
d. Precautions for Disassembly and Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-6
D. IMPORTANT INSPECTION ITEMS AFTER REASSEMBLING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-9
a. Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-9
E. MAINTENANCE INTERVALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-15 1
a. EU-version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S-15 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
e.g. D902-8L001
“8” indicates year of 2008 and “L” indicates June.
So, 8L indicates that the engine was manufactured
in June 2008.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
(2) Reassembly
1. Clean all parts before assembly. Repair any scratches or dents. Take special precautions against dirt
and dust.
2. Parts with rust-preventive coatings must be assembles only after removing the coating.
3. Separated parts must be correctly reassembled using alignment marks.
4. As a rule, use a press to reassembled bearings, bushing and oil seals. Use pads when using a ham-
e. Maintenance
When adding oil and servicing:
1. Park the machine on a large, flat place.
2. Place the bucket and dozer on the ground.
3. Stop the engine
4. Move the attachment control lever and dozer lever to make sure the remaining pressure is relieved.
5. Draw out the starter key and check around the machine for safety.
Before starting the job, carefully read the Operational Manual in " ! Servicing Precautions" on the yellow
f. Waste Disposal
Do not carelessly throw away and burn waste materials. Such actions may lead to environmental pollu-
tion and punishment by local laws.
When disposing of waste:
* Let out waste fluid from the machine into a container.
* Do not let waste fluid flow on the ground as well as into a river, lake, marsh, and sea.
* Contact your dealer or a qualified industrial waste handler to treat (dispose of or incinerate) harmful
waste materials. Those materials include waste oil, fuel, cooling water (anti-freeze), coolant, solvent,
filters, batteries, rubber and other toxic substances.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
1. Essential Adhesives
Screw adhesive type:
• Unless otherwise specified, use Three-Bond 1324 adhesive (medium-duty type).
Keep the screw threads free of oil and water.
Instantaneous adhesive:
• Use Three-Bond 1733 or Three-Bond 1741E adhesive.
Keep the bond areas free of oil and water.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
Checking the oil level (For further datails, refer to the Operator’s Manual of each model.)
1) Park the machine on a level ground.
2) Make sure the hydraulic oil temperature is in the range of 10-30°C (50-86°F) and see if the oil level is
within the specified zone of the oil level gauge.
3) Extend the track cylinder to Max. position.
4) Keep the machine front as shown as following posture.
Posture:Extend the rods of the arm and bucket cylinders to max. Place the bucket link on the ground,
the offset swing at the center, and the dozer also on the ground.
Specified Leftward
machine posture swinging
a. Piping
(1) General precautions
• Tighten the pipe socket to the specified torque. If too tight, the socket itself or a hydraulic component
may get damaged. It too loose, an oil leak may result.
• In connecting a new hose or pipe, tighten its nut first to the specified torque and then turn it back (about
45°). Then tighten it again to the specified torque. (Do not this to the sealing tape-applied hose or pipe.)
• When disconnecting a vertical hose or pipe, separate its bottom connection first.
• In desconnecting and reconnecting the hose and pipe, be sure to use two wrenches. With one wrench,
restrain the mating part to allow no twist.
• Check the mating connector’s sleeve and the hose’s taper for dust deposits and scratches.
• When the pipe socket has been tightened up, wipe the joint clean. Apply the maximum operating pres-
sure 2 or 3 times to make sure there is no oil leak.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
Joint body
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
12 Ø32 ~ 51 68311-72830
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
Bolts, Nuts 4T 7T 9T
Nomial Dia.
SS41 S40C, S45C SCr4
7.8 ~ 9.3 N·m 9.8 ~ 11.3 N·m 12.3 ~ 14.2 N·m
M6 0.80 ~ 0.95 kgf·m 1.00 ~ 1.15 kgf·m 1.25 ~ 1.45 kgf·m
5.8 ~ 6.9 ft·lbf 7.2 ~ 8.3 ft·lbf 9.0 ~ 10.5 ft·lbf
17.7 ~ 20.6 N·m 23.5 ~ 27.5 N·m 29.4 ~ 34.3 N·m
M8 1.80 ~ 2.10 kgf·m 2.40 ~ 2.80 kgf·m 3.00 ~ 3.50 kgf·m
13.0 ~ 15.2 ft·lbf 17.4 ~ 20.3 ft·lbf 21.7 ~ 25.3 ft·lbf
39.2 ~ 45.1 N·m 48.0 ~ 55.9 N·m 60.8 ~ 70.6 N·m
M10 4.00 ~ 4.60 kgf·m 4.90 ~ 5.70 kgf·m 6.20 ~ 7.20 kgf·m
28.9 ~ 33.3 ft·lbf 35.4 ~ 41.2 ft·lbf 44.8 ~ 52.1 ft·lbf
62.8 ~ 72.6 N·m 77.5 ~ 90.2 N·m 103.0 ~ 117.7 N·m
M12 6.40 ~ 7.40 kgf·m 7.90 ~ 9.20 kgf·m 10.50 ~ 12.00 kgf·m
46.3 ~ 53.5 ft·lbf 57.1 ~ 66.5 ft·lbf 75.9~ 86.8 ft·lbf
107.9 ~ 125.5 N·m 123.6 ~ 147.1 N·m 166.7 ~ 196.1 N·m
M14 11.00 ~ 12.80 kgf·m 12.60 ~ 15.0 kgf·m 17.00 ~ 20.00 kgf·m
79.6 ~ 92.6 ft·lbf 91.1 ~ 108.5 ft·lbf 123.0 ~ 144.7 ft·lbf
166.7 ~ 191.2 N·m 196.1 ~ 225.6 N·m 259.9 ~ 304.0 N·m
M16 17.00 ~ 19.50 kgf·m 20.00 ~ 23.00 kgf·m 26.50 ~ 31.00 kgf·m
123.0 ~ 141.0 ft·lbf 144.7 ~ 166.4 ft·lbf 191.7 ~ 224.2 ft·lbf
245.2 ~ 284.4 N·m 274.6 ~ 318.7 N·m 343.2~ 402.1 N·m
M18 25.00 ~ 29.0 kgf·m 28.00 ~ 32.50 kgf·m 35.00 ~ 41.00 kgf·m
180.8 ~ 209.7 ft·lbf 202.5 ~ 235.1 ft·lbf 253.2 ~ 296.5 ft·lbf
333.4~ 392.2 N·m 367.7 ~ 431.5 N·m 519.8 ~ 568.8 N·m
M20 34.00 ~ 40.00 kgf·m 37.50 ~ 44.0 kgf·m 53.00 ~ 58.00 kgf·m
245.9 ~ 389.3 ft·lbf 271.2 ~ 318.2 ft·lbf 383.3 ~ 419.5 ft·lbf
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
Tightening procedure
1) Connecting with the valve
• Screw in the elbow by hand until the washer comes
into contact.
Note: Clean up the mating seal beforehand.
2) Positioning
• Turn the elbow back to its set position.
Note: Do not make any more than one turn back.
3) Fixing
• Tighten up the lock nut with a wrench.
• Lock nut tightening torque
G1/4: 25 ~ 30 N·m (2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m, 18 ~ 22 ft·lbs)
G3/8: 50 ~ 55 N·m (5.0 ~ 5.5 kgf·m, 36 ~ 40 ft·lbs)
G1/2: 60 ~ 65 N·m (6.0 ~ 6.5 kgf·m, 43 ~ 47 ft·lbs)
G3/4: 118 ~ 127 N·m (12.0 ~ 13.0 kgf·m, 87 ~ 94 ft·lbs)
G1: 118 ~ 127 N·m (12.0 ~ 13.0 kgf·m, 87 ~ 94 ft·lbs)
(11) Adhesives
1. Thread adhesive
Loctite 271 or equivalent (heavy-duty)
ThreeBond 1305P or equivalent (heavy-duty)
Types of thread adhesive
ThreeBond TB1401B or equivalent (light-duty)
ThreeBond 1324 (medium-duty) unless otherwise specified
* No oil and water allowed on the threads.
Type of instant adhesive ThreeBond 1733 or 1741E
* No oil and water allowed on the threads.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
a. EU-version
[Operator servicing]
Battery service 50 h
Tracks and chassis: clean,
visually inspect and check (50 h)
Check nuts and bolts 100 h
1.) Under dusty conditions the air filter must be cleaned more frequently or replaced.
I-S-15 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
[Operator servicing]
Battery service 50 h
Tracks and chassis: clean,
visually inspect and check (50 h)
Check nuts and bolts 100 h
1.) Under dusty conditions the air filter must be cleaned more frequently or replaced.
I-S-16 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
* The servicing identified with z must be carried out after the specified hours of operation after initial
operation have been reached.
1.) Under dusty conditions the air filter must be cleaned more frequently or replaced.
2.) When using a hydraulic hammer over 20% → every 800 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 40% → every 400 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 60% → every 300 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 80% → every 200 h.
3.) When using a hydraulic hammer up to 50% → every 200 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 50% → every 100 h.
Replace the return filter approximately 250 hours after the initial operation.
4.) Earlier if necessary.
I-S-16-1 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
1.) Under dusty conditions the air filter must be cleaned more frequently or replaced.
2.) When using a hydraulic hammer over 20% → every 800 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 40% → every 400 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 60% → every 300 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 80% → every 200 h.
3.) When using a hydraulic hammer up to 50% → every 200 h.
When using a hydraulic hammer over 50% → every 100 h.
4.) Earlier if necessary.
I-S-16-2 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
b. PP (KTC, KCL)-version
Hour meter indicator
No. Check points Intervals Consequently
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
check Daily check
1 Coolant
change every 2 years
2 Fuel check Daily check
check Daily check
3 Engine oil
change every 500 hrs
check Daily check
4 Hydraulic oil
change every 1000 hrs *1
5 Lubrication points - Daily check
6 Radiator and oil cooler check Daily check
7 Engine and electrical wiring check Daily check every year
8 Fuel tank, Fuel filter drain every 50 hrs
9 Battery condition check every 50 hrs
10 Greasing swing bearing teeth - every 50 hrs
11 Fan belt tension adjust every 200 hrs
check every 200 hrs
12 Radiator hoses and clamps
replace every 2 years
clean every 200 hrs *2
Outer element
13 Air filter element replace every 1000 hrs *2 @
Inner element replace every 1000 hrs *2
14 Greasing swing ball bearings - every 200 hrs
15 Fuel filter element replace every 400 hrs @
16 Engine oil filter replace every 500 hrs
17 Drive unit oil change every 500 hrs
18 Hydraulic return filter element replace every 500 hrs
19 Hydraulic suction filter element replace every 1000 hrs
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
First operation
*1 When using a hydraulic breaker, change hydraulic oil and return filter according to the table on "Hydraulic Oil Change
(Including Exchange of the Suction Filter in the Hydraulic Tank) under "EVERY 1000 SERVICE HOURS" in the chapter
*2 Clean and replace the air filter more frequently if used under dusty conditions. By heavy soiling, replace the filter.
*3 Replace only if necessary.
*4 Consult your local KUBOTA Dealer for this service.
A The items listed above (@ marked) are registered as emission related critical parts by KUBOTA in the U.S. EPA non-
road emission regulation. As the engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance
on the engine according to the above instruction. Please see the Warranty Statement in detail.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
c. KTA-version
Hour meter indicator Ref.
No. Checkpoints Intervals Consequently
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 1000 2000 page
1 Fuel check Daily check 49
check Daily check 50
2 Engine oil
change every 250 hrs 56
check Daily check 51
3 Hydraulic oil**
change every 1000 hrs 63
check Daily check 49
4 Coolant
change every 2 years 64
5 Lubrication points check Daily check 52
6 Radiator check Daily check 53
7 Battery condition check every 50 hrs 50,51
8 Electrical lines check Daily check, Annual servicing 64
Greasing of swing
9 every 50 hrs 54
bearing teeth
10 Drive unit oil change every 500 hrs 59
11 Fan belt tension adjust every 200 hrs 57
Radiator hoses check every 200 hrs 58
and clamps change every 2 years 64
clean every 200 hrs 55
13 Air filter element* @
change every 1000 hrs 63
Greasing of swing
14 every 200 hrs 56
ball bearings
Fuel pipes and check every 200 hrs
hoses change every 2 years 58
16 Engine oil filter change every 250 hrs 58
check every 50 hrs
17 Fuel filter
change every 500 hrs 59 @
Hydraulic return
18 change every 1000 hrs 60
filter element
Hydraulic suction
19 change every 1000 hrs 62
filter element
Front idler and
20 change every 2000 hrs 63
track roller oil
Dynamo and
21 starter motor check every 2000 hrs 63
• * Clean the air filter more frequently if used in dusty conditions. With heavy soiling, replace the filter.
** When using a hydraulic breaker, change hydraulic oil and return filter according to the table on
"Hydraulic Oil Change(Including Exchange of the Suction Filter in the Hydraulic Tank)" under
• The items listed above (@ marked) are registered as emission related critical parts by KUBOTA in the
U.S.EPA nonroad emission regulation. As the engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of
the required maintenance on the engine according to the above instruction. Please see the Warranty
Statement in detail.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
e. Maintenance Items
(1) Drive unit Oil Change (First Oil Change of the 100 hours)
To avoid personal injury:
• Lower attachments on the ground, stop the engine and remove the key before undertaking the oil
2) Remove the drain plug to let the oil run out. Screw
in and tighten the drain plug again and fill with
gear oil through the oil check port.
Oil change
• first oil change after 100 hrs
• then every 500 hrs
• or at least once a year
(1) Oil check port (also serves as oil filling port)
4) Use prescribed gear oil SAE 90. (2) Drain plug
• Should the machine be used in extremely dusty areas, the air filter element must be inspected and
cleaned more frequently than in the specified maintenance periods.
• The air filter has a dry element, keep free from oil.
• Do not run the engine without the air filter.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
To avoid personal injury:
• Wear eye protection.
• If the air suction is still inadequate, or the color of
the exhaust gases is abnormal even after the
cleaning, the air filter element must be replaced.
To avoid the personal injury or death:
• Place the machine on even ground when cleaning the track frame slide pipes.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
Abnormal exhaust
gas color Too much engine oil * Drain engine oil to prescribed oil level
Defective seal of the water pump * Replace
Worn or torn fan belt * Adjust or replace
Thermostat is defect * Replace
Coolant level too low * Fill to prescribed level
Radiator grill or fins are clogged * Clean
Coolant is contaminated with rust
* Replace coolant fluid and add anti-rust
Water temperature from the cylinder head or crank case
too high (Overheat- Defective radiator cap (Evaporation) * Replace
ing) Corroded coolant pipes * Clean
Continuous operation under full load * Reduce load
Cylinder head gasket is damaged
* Replace
(Coolant loss)
Engine oil level too low * Fill to prescribed level
Maladjustment of fuel injection * Readjust ignition timing
Use of poor fuel * Use prescribed fuel
Boom, arm, bucket, Hydraulic oil level too low * Add oil
Hydraulic System
Non-function of
Swing lock pin is in lock position * Remove swing lock pin in unlock position
swing motor
Deviation of drive
direction Crawler too loose or too tight * Adjust accordingly
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
• At the following periodic inspections, check the fuel hoses and hydraulic hoses as well.
Inspection Interval Check points
Daily Checks Oil leak at fuel and hydraulic hose connections and points
Every month Oil leak at fuel and hydraulic hose connections and points Damages at fuel and hydraulic hose
(cracks, chafing)
Every year Oil leak at fuel and hydraulic hose connections and points Interference, deformation, degrada-
tion, twist and other damages (cracks, chafing) of fuel and hydraulic hoses
To prevent serious damage to the hydraulic system, use only KUBOTA genuine hydraulic
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
h. Recommended Oils
1. ISO 46 viscosity grade is being used at the assembly line before delivery.
2. Use engine oil API service classification CD, CE or CF.
3. Use SAE 90 (API, CLA/GL5) as drive unit oil for all seasons.
In winter or by Shell Tellus T32 Mobil DTE-Oil 13 NUTO H32
low tempera-
Hydraulic oil
tures ISO
Shell Tellus T46 Mobil DTE-Oil 15 NUTO H46
In summer or by
high ambient Shell Tellus T68 Mobil DTE-Oil 16 NUTO H68
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
i. Lifting Capacity
The excavator as delivered may only transport materials in the bucket. The lifting of loads with
the bucket or any other means of attachment is not allowed. The excavator can be retrofitted for
lifting loads.
Do not lift loads which exceed the values indicated in the lifting capacity tables.
The values given in the tables apply only to level and hard grounds. When working on soft
ground, the machine can tip over easily, as the load is concentrated on one side only and the
track or the dozer can dig into the ground.
The values given in the tables apply only for loads without bucket. If a bucket is used, the weight
of the bucket must be subtracted from the values in the tables. The weight of mounted
accessories (e.g. hydraulic hammer) must be subtracted from the lifting capacity.
When lifting loads using the excavator with a lifting capacity (acc. to ISO 10567:1992) of
more than 1000 kg or a tilting moment 40,000 Nm, the excavator should be equipped
with additional devices as described in EN 474-5 / section
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
(1) U17-3α
Lifting capacity over front end, dozer down
KBM Standard arm
kN (t)
Load radius (mm)
[mm] Mini- Maxi-
1500 2000 2500
mum mum
3.1 3.6
(0.32) (0.36)
5.2 4.5 4.0 3.6
(0.53) (0.46) (0.41) (0.37)
6.2 4.6 3.8
(0.63) (0.47) (0.38)
6.9 4.9 3.8
(0.70) (0.50) (0.39)
6.6 4.8 3.6
GL 0
(0.67) (0.49) (0.37)
7.3 8.1 5.8 4.3 3.2
(0.75) (0.83) (0.60) (0.44) (0.33)
11.0 7.0 4.9 3.6
(1.12) (0.71) (0.50) (0.37)
5.3 3.7
(0.54) (0.37)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
To avoid personal injury or death:
Operate always in standard track width 1240mm(49.0 in), except to pass through
narrow space.
Do not operate in narrow track width 990mm(39.0 in), it makes risk of the excavator
tipping over.
Unit=1000 lbs. Unit=1kN
HEIGHT (ft) MIN 6 8 MAX HEIGHT (m) MIN 1.5 2.0 2.5 MAX
8 0.43 2.5 1.8
6 0.67 0.43 2.0 2.6 1.8
4 0.62 0.40 0.28 1.5 3.9 2.5 1.8 1.3
GL 2 0.55 0.38 0.27 1.0 2.3 1.7 1.3
0 0.52 0.36 0.26 GL 0.5 2.1 1.6 1.2
-2 0.97 0.52 0.35 0 2.1 1.5 1.2
-4 0.98 0.53 0.36 -0.5 6.1 3.1 2.0 1.5 1.2
-1.0 6.1 3.1 2.1 1.5
-1.5 3.2 2.1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
1) New Engine
Higher output engine
D782 → D902
2) Enhancement of undercarriage
• Advanced traction force
• Increased travel motor torque
• Outer-flange track roller
• Short-pitched rubber track
• Travel motor hose protection
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
c. Quick Chart
: additional sales feature
: enhancement of undercarriage
: other design change
1) Engine
D782-BH D902-BH
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
number of cylinder/
/L 3 / 0.778 3 / 0.898 - / +0.12
2) Pump capacity
7.2 ⇒ 7.5cc (Same pump as KX41-3 )
4) Dozer arm
45mm extended for easier cleaning with the dozer edge.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 I. GENERAL
e. Specifications Comparison
(Rubber track) Kubota Kubota Komatsu Yanmar
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
Mechanism Section
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
a. Major Dimensions and Working Range (with Rubber Crawler)
1. Specifications for the U17-3α: EU-version
KUBOTA Excavator
Model name U17-3α
Type (rubber crawler)
(without driver) kg 1650
Volume m³ 0,04
Width mm 400
Type 3 cylinder diesel engine, water-cooled
Model name KUBOTA D902-BH-1
Displacement cm³ 898
Engine performance
kW 11,6
DIN 70020
Rated speed 1/min 2300
Swivel speed (swivel
1/min 9,1
Vehicle speed
Performance km/h
Ground pressure kPa
26 (0,26)
(without driver) (kgf/cm²)
Climbing performance % (degree) 58 (30)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
Above dimensions are based on the machine with rubber trucks and JPN bucket.
JPN = made in Japan
Specifications subject to change without notice.
∗ With unloaded digging bucket.
∗ Firm compacted soil.
∗ Operators must exercise extra caution and follow instructions in the operator's manual.
∗ Worse condition or heavier attachment to the above will decrease climbing angle.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
b. Dimensions
1. U17-3α: EU-version
All dimensions in mm
990/ 990/
510 385 620 990 3540 2440 2310 1910 1440 2340 2630 280 190 2750 795 3545 3840 3900
1240 1240
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
2. U17/U17-3: PP-version
in. (mm)
39/ 39/
20.08 15.2 48.8 24.4 39.0 48.8 139.0 96.1 90.9 75.2 56.7 92.1 11.0 7.5 108.3 31.3 139.6 151.2 153.5
(510) (385) 990/ (620) (990) 990/ (3540) (2440) (2310) (1910) (1440) (2340) (280) (190) (2750) (795) (3545) (3840) (3900)
( )
1240 ( )
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
c. Main Specifications
model U17-3α U17/U17-3 Remarks
Type D902-BH-1 D902-E3-BH-2
Engine PS/rpm 16.7/2300 16.3/2300
kW/rpm 12.3/2300 12.0/2300
Displacement 3
cm (in )3 898 (54.8) ←
Machine weight kg (lbs) 1650 (3638) ←
Standard bucket
heaped m3 (ft3) 0.04 (1.34) CECE
Maximum digging force, arm KN (kgf) lbf 8.8 (900) 1984.1 Teeth bottom
Maximum digging force, bucket KN (kgf) lbf 15.2 (1550) 3417.2 Teeth bottom
Cycle time sec/cycle
Digging performance m3/h (ft3/h)
Dozer capacity m3 (ft3) without extention blade
Hydraulic pump Relief pressure MPa (kg/cm2) psi 21.6 (220) 3129 ←
P1, P2 Pump discharge rate L/min (USGPM) 16.6 (4.39) ←
Relief pressure MPa (kg/cm2) psi 18.6 (190) 2702 ←
P3 Pump discharge rate L/min (USGPM) 10.4 (2.75) ←
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
d. U17-3α vs U17/U17-3
1. Comparison between EU and PP-version
Items U17-3α (EU-version) U17/U17-3 (PP-version)
1. Variable track { {
2. Rops / Fops canopy { {
3. Cab X X
4. Boom cylinder in upper location { {
5. Anti-theft system { {
6. TPSS (Two pattern selection system) X {
7. Travel high speed switch on the dozer lever { {
8. Service port flow confluence, P2 + P3 { {
9. Wrist type pilot control lever { {
10. LCD meter { {
11. High lift half suspension seat and seat belt { {
12. Front hydraulic hoses shoe-in type { {
13. Travel alarm X { (Option), KTA (STD)
14. Accel lever Pull-type Push-type
15. Engine type D902-BH-1 D902-E3-BH-2
16. Fan petal 7 7
17. Accumulator { {
18. Service port, third line { {
19. Travel safety system (Main spool unload method) { {
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
(5) (14)
Vertical Operation
Note: For the export model, the travel Hi-Low control switch is located on the dozer lever grip.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
Adoption of Meters
Hour meter, oil level gauge and Easy checker
(oil lamp, charge lamp, glow lamp and fuel level
alarm lamp) for various indications.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
(1) (2)
The oil cooler and the radiator can be checked and cleaned by opening the left hood.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
(1) (2)
(4) (4)
(5) (6)
• Adoption of fuel level gauge makes it possible to check the remaining oil amount.
• A gauge is mounted at the side of the fuel filler port. When fuel is nearly filled up, the pointer of the gauge
starts moving and about 2 liters of fuel oil is filled up.
• A hydraulic oil filler port is provided also at the side of the fuel filler port.
(1) (6)
Like in the models of KX91-3Sα and KX121-3Sα Series, the fuel filter has been separated from the water
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
2. Swing bracket
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
(3) (φ12.58)
(P.C.D 12.93)
(P.C.D 14.25)
(1) Seal B
(2) S-mark
(3) Seal A
(4) Rp 1/8, for grease nipple Apply the nylon plug in position.
1) Number of teeth = 73 Details of the grease fitting Plug outer soft zone
2) Backlash = 0.05 ~ 0.35 mm
(0.002 ~ 0.014 inch)
3) P.C.D. = φ 328.5
4) Induction-harden the inner and outer ring
raceways as well as the tooth flank and
Raceway surface hardness: 50 ~ 60 HRC
Tooth flank and bottom surface hardness:
52 ~ 60 HRC Machine front Inner soft zone S - mark
(See the Gear Specifications for gear
hardening details.)
5) Inner ring’s “S” marking and outer ring’s
stopper on the soft zone.
When installing the bearing, position the
soft zone where there is the least load.
6) Radial clearance (Measuring load) (0.03
~ 0.25)
Axial clearance (Measuring load) (0.03 ~
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
2 3
or less
(0.354) (1.339)
(Set bolt)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
(1) Make sure the plug's end face does not stretch out of the shaft. No. Part Name
(2) Make sure the shaft stretches more than 0.1 mm at both ends. 1 Track roller subassembly
2 Roller: A
3 Roller: B
4 Color: A
5 Color: B
6 Shaft
7 Ring stopper
8 Bushing
9 Seal: Group
10 O-ring
11 Hex socket plug
1. Fill the bearing with oil (40 cm3 (2.44 in3)).
2. Use Engine genuine oil SAE30 class CD or equivalent.
3. Use care not to confuse the sides of the shaft circlip.
(Rolled-over side to be fitted in the groove is inner side, while the burred (sharp) side is the outer side)
4. The roller should be turned smoothly after it has been assembled completely.
5. Dimensions of assembling jigs for seal etc. and the assembling procedure are equivalent to those of
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
4. Tension Device
1) Rubber track
2 3
In the case of rubber crawler, position it so that the joint marking ( ) comes at the top center (see below).
10 ~ 15 mm
(4) Joint 10 ~ 15 mm
(0.39 ~ 0.59 in.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
2) Iron track
1 2 3 4
No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks (8) Cast line provided on the side to
identify apart from the idler assem-
1 RA231-2340Δ Idler assembly 2 Specific for iron crawler bly (RB237-2130Δ).
2 RA231-2150Δ Cylinder assembly (left) 1 For track (left)
RA231-2160Δ Cylinder assembly (right) 1 For track (right)
3 RC101-2155Δ Grease fitting (grease cylinder) 2
4 RA231-2112Δ Frame, track (left) 1
RA231-2113Δ Frame, track (right) 1
In the case of iron crawler type, fit the guide plate and sliding plate in position.
5 6 7
No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks (9) Attention to the fitting posi-
tion of the sliding plate
5 RA231-2318Δ Guide 4 Specific for iron crawler, 2 pcs. each for left and right
6 01133-61030 Bolt 12
7 90545-11341 Plug 4
25 ~ 30 mm
25 ~ 30 mm
(0.98 ~ 1.18 in.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
Iron track
Tightening torque:
77.5 ~ 90.2 N·m
(7.9 ~ 9.2 kgf·m)
57.2 ~ 66.5 ft·lbs
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
6. Rubber track
Sprocket specifications
Reference pitch 90 -00.5
Reference number of teeth 9.5
P.C.D. (Pitch circle diameter) 277.18 -02.5
Sprocket pitch 45.62
Sprocket number of teeth 19
Outer diameter 286 -02.5
Roller diameter 22
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
Over 25(0.98)
(when assembled) (Pin)
Rubber pad
Tighten hex nuts to torque of 70 ~ 100 N·m (51.6 ~ 73.8 ft·lbf) 7.14 ~ 10.2 kgf·m.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Service Section
A. SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-3
a. Machine Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-3
b. Main Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-3
c. Lever Stroke and Operating Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-4
d. Dimensions of Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-5
e. Quality Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-14
B. FRONT ATTACHMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-25
a. Pin, Bush and Shim Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-25
b. Instruction to Press in the Bushing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-29
c. Greasing Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-34
C. UPPER STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-39
a. Swivel Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-39
b. Travel Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-40
c. Accelerator Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-43
d. Dozer Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-48
f. Swing Pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-52
g. Service Port Pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-54
h. Pilot Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-55
i. Limit Switch Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-58
j. Seat and Seat Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-59
k. Wrist Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-60
l. Canopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-61
m. Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-63
D. UNDERCARRIGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-65
a. Track Tension Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-65
b. Track Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-S-68
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
a. Machine Weight
Iron crawler isn’t available for these models.
(1) KE, KDG, KUK-version
Unit U17-3α
STD arm / Rubber kg 1650
STD arm / Iron kg 1720
b. Main Specifications
model U17-3α (EU) U17/U17-3 (PP)
Type D902-BH-1 D902-E3-BH-2
Engine PS/rpm 16.7/2300 16.3/2300
kW/rpm 12.3/2300 12.0/2300
Displacement cm (in3) 898 898 (47.5)
Machine weight Rubber track kg (lbs) 1650 (3638) 1680 (3704)
Bucket kN (kgf) lbf 15.2 (1550) 3147 ←
Excavating capacity
Arm kN (kgf) lbf 8.8 (900) 1978 ←
Hydraulic pump Relief pressure MPa (kg/cm2) psi 21.6 (220) 3129 ←
P1, P2 Pump discharge rate L/min (US GPM) 17.3 (4.57) ←
Relief pressure MPa (kg/cm2) psi 18.6 (190) 2702 ←
P3 Pump discharge rate L/min (US GPM) 10.4 (2.75) ←
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
d. Dimensions of Parts
(1) Front pins and bush
[Unit: mm (in)]
Location No. Pin diameter x length Bush inner dia. x outer dia. x length Remarks
(1) φ35 x 257 (φ1.38 x 10.12) φ35 x φ45 x 45 (φ1.38 x φ1.77 x1.77)
(2) φ35 x 160 (φ1.38 x 6.30) φ35 x φ45 x 35, 44 (φ1.38 x φ1.77 x1.38, 1.73)
(3) φ35 x 160 (φ1.38 x 6.30) φ35 x φ45 x 45 (φ1.38 x φ1.77 x1.77)
(4) φ30 x 112.5 (φ1.38 x 4.43) φ30 x φ40 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.38)
(5) φ30 x 96 (φ1.38 x 3.78) φ30 x φ40 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.38)
(6) φ50 x 109 (φ1.38 x 4.29) φ50 x φ60 x 37, 28, 40 (φ1.97 x φ2.36 x1.46, 1.10, 1.57)
(7) φ50 x 109 (φ1.38 x 4.29) φ50 x φ60 x 37, 28, 40 (φ1.97 x φ2.36 x1.46, 1.10, 1.57)
(8) φ30 x 160 (φ1.38 x 6.30) φ30 x φ40 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.38)
(9) φ30 x 142 (φ1.38 x 5.59) φ30 x φ40 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.38)
(10) φ30 x 191 (φ1.38 x 7.52) φ30 x φ38 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x1.38)
(11) φ30 x 142 (φ1.38 x 5.59) φ30 x φ40 x 45 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.77)
(12) φ30 x 192.5 (φ1.38 x 7.58) φ30 x φ40 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.57 x1.38)
(13) φ30 x 192.5 (φ1.38 x 7.58) φ30 x φ38 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x1.38)
(14) φ30 x 182 (φ1.38 x 7.17) φ30 x φ38 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x1.38)
(15) φ30 x 182 (φ1.38 x 7.17) φ30 x φ38 x 35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x1.38)
* The working limits of the pins are 1.0 shorter than the reference on new vehicle.
[Unit: in]
0.003 , φ1.18 -0.003 , φ1.38 -0.003 , φ1.97 -0.003
pin:φ0.98 --0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
[Unit: mm (in)]
Parts name Specifications
(1) Bucket link 1 φ30 x 95.5 (φ1.18 x 3.76)
(2) Bush A φ30 x φ38 x W35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x W1.38)
(3) Pin A dia φ30 x 192.5 (φ1.18 x 7.58)
(5) Bucket link 2, 3 φ30 - φ30 (φ1.18 - φ1.18)
(6) Arm boss φ55 x φ38 x L125.5 (φ2.17 x φ1.50 x L4.94)
(7) Bush B φ30 x φ38 x W35 (φ1.18 x φ1.50 x W1.38)
(8) Pin B dia φ30 x 192.5 (φ1.18 x 7.58)
(10) Bucket cylinder L/S (stroke) 529 / 802 (269) (20.83 / 31.57 (10.59))
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Slide plate
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Unit U17-3α, U17/U17-3 Remarks
(1) Pin outside dia. - Length mm (in) φ30-102.5 (φ1.18-4.04)
(2) Outside diameter - Length mm (in) φ30-84.5 (φ1.18-3.33)
(3) Outside diameter - Length mm (in) φ30-84.5 (φ1.18-3.33)
(4) Outside diameter - Length mm (in) φ30-95 (φ1.18-3.74) Track cylinder mounting pin
(5) Outside diameter - Length mm (in) φ25-133 (φ0.98-5.24) Extension blade mounting pin
A Width mm (in) 1244/990 (48.98/38.98)
B Height mm (in) 261 (10.28)
C Length mm (in) 710 (27.95)
D Tip wear thickness mm (in) t 9 (t0.35)
E Distance between supports mm (in) 434 (17.09)
Movement above ground/below ground mm (in) 263/182 (10.35/7.17)
Dozer capacity 3 (ft3) 0.067 (2.25) w/o Extension blade
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
e. Quality Specifications
(Installation: Rubber track, standard arm and bucket.)
No Specifications Items Unit U17-3α (EU) / U17/U17-3 (PP) Remarks
Q1 Main Speed JIS A8404
1 1 Machine size Total length (Transport) mm 3570 ± 52
inch 102.4 ± 2.05
2 Total width mm 1240 / 990 ± 12
inch 48.8 / 39.0 ± 0.5
3 Total height (Canopy) mm 2300 ± 23
inch 90.6 ± 0.9
4 Total height (Cabin) mm -
inch -
2 1 Weight Machine weight (Canopy) kg 1600 ± 32 Fuel tank full
lbs 3527.4 ± 70.5
2 Machine weight (Cabin) kg -
lbs -
3 Ground contact press. kPa 27.73
(Canopy) psi 4.02
kgf/cm2 0.28
4 Ground contact press. kPa -
(Cabin) psi -
kgf/cm2 -
3 1 Performance Swivel speed rpm 9.1 ± 0.9 Rated engine RPM, η = 100%
2 Travel speed F1 km/h 2.1 ± 0.2
mph 1.31 ± 0.12
3 F2 km/h 4.1 ± 0.4
mph 2.55 ± 0.25
4 R1 km/h 2.1 ± 0.2
mph 1.31 ± 0.12
5 R2 km/h 4.1 ± 0.4
mph 2.55 ± 0.25
6 Gradeability deg. 30 <
4 1 Rear end min. turning radius mm 620 ± 12
inch 24.4 ± 0.5
2 Swivel frame rear ground clearance mm 422 ± 8
inch 16.6 ± 0.3
3 Tumbler center distance mm 1230 ± 37
inch 48.4 ± 1.5
4 Crawler total length mm 1587 ± 48
inch 62.5 ± 1.9
5 Crawler total width mm 1240 / 990 ± 26
inch 48.8 / 39.0 ± 1.0
6 Crawler shoe width mm 230 ± 5
inch 9.1 ± 0.2
7 Min. ground clearance mm 150 ± 4
inch 5.9 ± 0.2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
4 1 Engine start time (Normal temp and grow) sec. Glow 5 sec
5 1 Cold start Cell start time sec. Temp. -17°C
2 Number of start
6 1 Charge starting engine rpm
2 Charging voltage alternation Battery spec 12V 40A
& ampere
Q4 Travelling performance
1 1 Travel motor block performance, L/R mm 300 > 20 deg, 10 min
inch 11.81 >
2 1 Max. Traction F1 kgf 1437 ± 126 η = 65%
force kN 14.08 ± 1.24
lbs 3161 ± 278
2 F2 kgf 720 ± 64
kN 7.06 ± 0.63
lbs 1584 ± 141
3 1 Travel straight- F1 mm 600 > 10 m distance
ness inch 23.62 >
2 R1 mm 600 >
inch 23.62 >
3 Blade F1 mm 600 > Blade up & down 10 m distance
inch 23.62 >
4 Blade R1 mm 600 >
inch 23.62 >
4 1 Track shoe sag Steel mm 25 to 30
distance inch 0.98 to 1.18
2 Rubber mm 10 to 15
inch 0.39 to 0.59
Q5 Work performance
1 1 Work amount 45 deg digging & side dump m3/h
2 Digging, 180 deg loading m3/h
2 1 Cycle time 45 deg digging & side dump sec.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
3 1 Bucket limited Extended Side kgf 188, 162< Front horizontal, bucket crowd arm
load, static N 1842, 1558< tip end load swing straight dozer
lbs 376, 357< up.
Bucket weight 37 kgf isn’t included.
2 Forward kgf 215, 175<
N 2107, 1715<
lbs 473, 386<
3 Retracted Side kgf 110, 95<
N 931<
lbs 209<
4 Forward kgf 188, 175<
N 1078, 1715<
lbs 414, 386<
4 1 Bucket limited Extended Side kgf 138, 121< Arm extended, bucket crowd,
load, slow opera- N 1352, 1186< dozer up swing straight.
tion lbs 304, 267< Bucket weight 37 kgf isn’t included.
2 Forward kgf 152, 130<
N 1490, 1274<
lbs 334, 287<
3 Retracted Side kgf 66, 63<
N 647, 619<
lbs 145, 139<
4 Forward kgf 152, 130<
N 1490, 1274<
lbs 334, 287<
Q10 Comfortability
1 1 Noise level At opera- Canopy dB(A) 78> / 79>
2 tor's ear LPA Cab dB(A) - Cab door close
3 Noise source± LWA dB(A) 92 >
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
a. Pin, Bush and Shim Installation
(1) Swing cylinder, swing bracket, boom
52 51
53 50
43 42 41 40
72 71 70
61 62
23 24
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
114 111
125 124 123 90
121 92 91
122 102 101
133 132 83 82 81
131 130
80 84
146 140
145 144 143 141
Arm - bucket
Boom - arm Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks RA22166761 1 Pin-EU 120 φ 30 (φ 1.18in)
RB2386663 1 Pin 80 φ 30 (φ 1.18in) RB2386676Δ 1 Pin-PP 120 φ 30 (φ 1.18in)
687216652Δ 2 Bush 81 303835 687216652Δ 2 Bush 121 303835
0117361080 1 Bolt 82 RA11167331 2 Dust seal 122
0257450100 1 Nut 83 0113361225 1 Bolt 123
0661115010 1 Grease nipple 84 0401560120 1 Plain washer 124
6874166921 1 Spacer 125
Arm - arm cylinder
0661115010 1 Grease nipple 126
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks
RB2386665Δ 1 Pin 90 φ 30 (φ 1.18in) Bucket link1 - link2, 3
0117361065 1 Bolt 91
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks
0257450100 1 Nut 92
RB23866771 1 Pin 130 φ 30 (φ 1.18in)
Arm - bucket cylinder RB23866781 2 Bush 131 303840
0117361080 1 Bolt 132
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks
0211860100 2 Nut 133
RB2386665 1 Pin 100 φ 30 (φ 1.18in) 0661115010 1 Grease nipple 134
0117361065 1 Bolt 101
0257450100 1 Nut 102 Bucket link1 - bucket
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks
Arm - bucket link2, 3 RA22166761 1 Pin-EU 140 φ 30 (φ 1.18in)
Code No. Q’ty Part No. Remarks RB2386676Δ 1 Pin-PP 120 φ 30 (φ 1.18in)
RB2386675 1 Pin 110 φ 30 (φ 1.18in) 6872166521 2 Bush 141 303835
687216652 2 Bush 111 303835 RA11167331 2 Dust seal 142
0117361080 1 Bolt 112 0113361225 1 Bolt 143
0211860100 2 Nut 113 0401560120 1 Plain washer 144
0661115010 1 Grease nipple 114 6874166921 1 Spacer 145
0661115010 1 Grease nipple 146
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
160 181182
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(7) (2)
(1) 68721-6697 Shim (0.5, 60-31) SPCC 1. Front Play 0.6 mm (0.023 in) max.
68051-6633 Shim (1.0, 60-31) SPCC Selective use * Pin on fulcrum * If the play exceeds 0.6
68051-6634 Shim (1.6, 60-31) SPCC Thrust direction mm, add some shims
* Insert a number of shims according to the clearance on the Clearance and make adjustments.
swing cyl bottom side. (Use the shims shown in
the illustration.)
(2) RA211-6647 Shim (0.3, 70-36) SPCC
RB211-6762 Shim (0.5, 70-36) SPCC 2. Vertical clearance + 0.3 ~ +1.3 mm
68741-6688 Shim (1.0, 70-36) SPCC
68741-6689 Shim (1.6, 60-36) SPCC
} Selective use between swivel frame
and swing bracket.
(+ 0.012 ~ +0.051 in)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Toward the Bushing
Press in Jig
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Thrust collar
1. Install the thrust collar, with its grooved face downward, on top of the swivel frame.
2. Select and install a 0.5 or 1.0 mm (0.02 ~ 0.04”) thick shim to have the clearance smaller than 0.5 mm
Thrust collar
090: 2.3 mm (0.09 in)
095: 2.3, 2.0, 2.5 selective
200: 0.5, 1.0, 1.6 selective
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(2) 1 Bush
2 Dust seal
3 Collar
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
c. Greasing Points
1) Keep applying grease until it comes out of the circumference at the
A-type: Straight type
other end surface of each rotating part.
2) Apply grease to the end surfaces of all the rotating parts and their
related shims.
B-type: 67°
C-type: 90°
(2) (3) (4) Turn the swivel bearing every 90 degrees
and lubricate the balls and tooth faces (8
locations in total). If already disassembled,
the balls and tooth faces may be lubri-
cated before being reassembled.
(4) (5)
(3) (5) (8)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(5) A - type (Boss - greasing)
(7) B - type (Boss - greasing)
(7) (7)
1 4 5
(1) Frame (Truck, center) 1
(2) Frame (Truck, L) 1
(3) Frame (Truck, R) 1
(4) Bolt, stopper 4
(5) Spring washer 4
(6) Stopper bolt (4)
Apply screw adhesive.
4 locations in total
(7) Track frame right and left, 4 locations in total
Apply grease all around the hatched surfaces.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(1) A B
(1) (1)
K008-3 69191-2129-3 M12 x 1.25 77.5 ~ 90.2 N·m 10 17
U10-3 (7T) (7.90 ~ 9.20
U15, U15-3 kgf·m)
KX41-3V 57.1 ~ 66.5 ft·lbf
II-S-36 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(2) (1)
(1) View from below the track frame
(2) Track cylinder
(3) Tighten up the plastic clamp here.
(Ensure a clearance of over 10 mm
with the telescopic cylinder rod. See
the -marked point.)
(4) Adjust the adapter angle to produce
a clearance of 1-10 mm between the
plate (Part C) and the hose.
(5) To cylinder bottom
(6) To cylinder rod
010 Frame, track center 1 030 050
020 Frame, track LH 1
030 Frame, track RH 1 110
040 Cover, motor 2 080 120
050 Bolt, flange 6 060 070 040
060 Pin 2
070 Bolt, stopper 2
080 Washer, spring 2
090 Cover, bottom 1 070
100 Bolt 4 060
110 Bolt, stopper 4
120 Washer, spring 4
100 140
II-S-37 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
a. Swivel Bearing
Pass between the hoses (2)
(selector valve - SJ).
A Selector
Swing Tooth Horizontal Front
cylinder face Ball
Direction of the swing
cylinder's grease adaptor
Machine front
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
b. Travel Lever
To-and-fro differences of the right and left travel
Lever position To-and-fro difference ( ) Travel lever adjustment 1. Adjustments of Mount the levers as Improper position
lever to neutral shown in the illus- ↓
Forward and Top view Front view position tration. Improper control
Within 10 mm (0.39 in.) each Mounting direc-
backward ends Link (MB)
RA221-6561Δ tion and angle
Neutral Within 5 mm (0.21 in.)
2. Travel lever rota- The levers must Improper return
tion return to the neu- ↓
tral position Improper action
promptly after oper-
Set up with the end ation.
groove vertical.
3. Travel lever Levers not aligned
adjustments ↓
1) Forward/ → 5 mm (max.) Contact between
Backward (0.2 in) levers
tolerance of Improper action
left and right
2) Clearance of → 5 ~ 25 mm (EU)
left and right (0.2 ~ 0.98 in)
levers 5 ~ 14 mm (KTC)
(0.2 ~ 0.55 in)
4. Grip mounting Mount the grips Improper assembly
Grip-to-grip clearance 2 5 Mounting direc- securely. ↓
tion and angle The grips must be Grips rotate
in backward/for-
ward directions.
5. Check items The valve spool Improper action
after mounting must operate full ↓
stroke. Increase in required
Grip The valve spool
must operate
operational power
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(7) (8)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
c. Accelerator Lever
1. Idle speed: 1350 ± 50 rpm Adjust it by stopper bolt.
2. Max. speed setting: Check if the accel lever link plate contacts to stopper bolt.
3. Lever stroke 99 mm (3.9”)
4. Accel lever operating force: 20 ~ 30 N (2 ~ 3 kgf) (4.5 ~ 6.7 lbf)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
1 8 2
10 9 11
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
2 3
5 10 4
8 9 7 6
8 9
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
d. Dozer Lever
(140) 1. Outer part of the cable shouldn’t be bent.
4 2 Straight length: 200 mm (7.78”) or more.
2. Allowable cable beading radius:
1 R = 150 mm (5.91”) or more.
3. Cable shouldn’t be twisted when fixing
4. Check points after installation
Control valve spool should shift smoothly
at full stroke.
5 3
No. Parts Name Q'ty Remarks
1 Lever assembly (blade) 1
Lever (blade) 1
Bushing 2
2 Grip 1
3 Seal (lever, blade) 1
4 Cable (blade) 1
8) Plain washer 1
Snap pin 1
5 Bracket (cable, blade) 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Pass through the 2 openings in the rear left rib of the swivel
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
e. Control Link
Item Points to remember
Installation of control valve (8) Tightening torque Poor tightness
23.5 ~ 27.5 N·m ↓
(2.4 ~ 2.8 kgf·m) Loose bolt
(17.4 ~ 20.3 ft·lbs) ↓
(Apply thread adhesive.) Come-off, damage
Installation of rods and control valve Fit them as illustrated. Poor setup
Operation failure
Installation of snap pin (05525-51000) and plain Fit them as illustrated. Poor setup
washer (04011-50100) on right-travel link only ↓
Operation failure
Installation of spring pin Drive the spring pin with its groove in Loose
the turning direction. ↓
Spring pin come-off
Service Swing
Travel, right
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
RA221-6531Δ RA221-6533Δ
Lever (travel, left 1) Lever (travel, left 2)
Turning direction
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
f. Swing Pedal
(1) Pedal adjustment (3) Tightening torque of link ball:
To be symmetrical right and left 17.7 ~ 20.6 N·m
(Horizontal at the center) (1.8 ~ 2.1 kgf·m)
Right-and-left: Swing 13.0 ~ 15.2 ft·lbs
(2) Pedal operation
Both spools of service port and swing port to move over their entire strokes smoothly.
Each pedal should return to its neutral position smoothly.
(273.5) reference
3 2 1
Lever assembly
1 RA221-6503Δ 1
RA221-6543Δ Lever (swing) 1
(7) 08511-01410 Bushing 2
2 04011-5014 Plain washer 1
3 05525-51400 Snap pin 1
4 RA221-6546Δ Rod (swing) 1
Rod end, right-
66021-4337Δ 1
hand threaded
02114-60080 Nut 2
04512-60080 Spring washer 1
04011-50100 Plain washer 1
05525-61000 Snap pin 1
Move the pedal to the neutral position
and make sure its top is on a level.
6 RB238-6543Δ Pedal 1
RB238-6595Δ Bolt 1
04013-60100 Plain washer 2
02572-50100 Anti-rotation nut 1
Lever assembly
7 RB238-6506Δ 1
(swing pedal)
Lever (swing
RA221-6547Δ 1
08511-01410 Bushing 2
8 04011-60140 Plain washer 1
05525-51400 Snap pin 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(1) Shaft
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(9) (10)
(0.39 in)
10 mm
(17) (20)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(1) Limit switch performance (3) Squeeze of the seat support rubber 2
Limit switch setup 1 ~ 2 mm (0.04 ~ 0.08 in)
Limit switch to perform as specified (4) DU-bush
* Apply screw loctite (Three Bond TB1401B). Apply grease.
No gap at points (A), (B) and (C) with limit (5) Safety lock switch tightening torque:
switch activated 3.9 ~ 4.9 N·m
(2) Tension spring fitting on the unload lever (0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m)
(left) (2.9 ~ 3.6 ft·lbs)
Hook tip of the spring (to hook on the unload
lever) to face the machine's outside.
A (3)
(4) (5)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
k. Wrist Rest
(7) (8)
(1) Fitting of the armrest (for both sides) (For both sides)
Fit the armrests as shown at left.
Insufficient tightening
Loose bolt
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
l. Canopy
(10)(11) (2)(3)(4)
(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) (5)(6)(7)(8)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(Stud bolt)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
Item Points to remember
Installation of counterweight Stud Loose
A (RA211-4821Δ) (01517-51460) ↓
Tightening torque Come-off
107.9 ~ 125.5 N·m
(11.0 ~ 12.8 kgf·m)
(79.6 ~ 92.6 ft·lbf)
(Apply thread adhesive.)
Nut Loose
(02174-60140) ↓
Tightening torque Come-off
107.9 ~ 125.5 N·m
(11.0 ~ 12.8 kgf·m)
(79.6 ~ 92.6 ft·lbf)
(Apply thread adhesive.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
a. Track Tension Device
(1) Assembling procedure
1. Make sure the unit slides smoothly in the track frame.
2. Tightening torque of idler assy and tension spring plate: 77.5 ~ 90.0 N·m
(7.9 ~ 9.2 kgf·m)
57.1 ~ 66.5 ft·lbs
Apply screw lock agent (Loctite 271)
3. Idler lubricant amount
Engine oil: SAE # 30 CD class, 30 cc (0.008 us gal.)
4. Spring pre - set length:
l = 130 ± 0.5 mm (5.12 ± 0.02 inch)
Set the split pin at the nearest position.
5. Track sag distance: Rubber track: 10 ~ 15 mm (0.39 ~ 0.59 inch) at the lower center.
2 3
10 ~ 15 mm
(0.39 ~ 0.59 inch)
10 ~ 15 mm
(0.39 ~ 0.59 inch)
(4) Joint
(5) For the rubber crawler, make such adjustment that the joint marking ( ) comes at the top center (see below).
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
1 2 3 4
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty Remarks (8) Identifiable cast line provided on the
1 RA231-2340Δ Assy idler 2 Specific for iron crawler side to fit the RB237-2130Δ (idler
2 RA231-2150Δ Assy cylinder, left 1 Track (left)
RA231-2160Δ Assy cylinder, right 1 Track (right)
3 RC101-2155Δ Nipple, grease cylinder 2
4 RA231-2112Δ Frame, track (left) 1
RA231-2113Δ Frame, track (right) 1
(9) 5 6 7
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty Remarks (9) Attaching the guide plate and sliding
plate on the iron crawler type
Specific for iron crawler, 2 pcs. (10) Pay attention to the sliding plate
5 RA231-2318Δ Guide 4
each for left and right location.
6 01133-61030 Bolt 12
7 90545-11341 Plug 4
25 ~ 30 mm
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
(7) A - part
(10) (8) Before fitting the grease fitting assembly
(6), insert the cylinder proper in position in
the track frame.
(9) Backup ring mating face
(10) Position the backup ring mating face within
the 90° range as shown above.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service II. MACHINE BODY
b. Track Roller
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1. Remove the stuck oil and paint on the track roller and track frame for mounting track roller.
2. Tightening torque for mounting track roller.
103 ~ 117.7 N·m
10.5 ~ 12 kgf·m
75.9 ~ 86.8 ft·lbf
Apply screw lock (loctite 271) on the female thread.
3. Seating face clearance of track frame and track roller should be 1.5 mm (0.06 inch) or less.
4. Center line dislocation to tamber line should be ± 2 mm (0.08 inch) or less
(Idler should be placed at the center of gap.)
5. Slide plate: Tightening torque 48.1 ~ 155.9 N·m (4.9 ~ 5.7 kgf·m)(35.4 ~ 41.2 ft·lbf)
Apply screw lock agent (Loctite 271)
1. Apply oil in the bearings. (40 cc (2.44 cn.in.))
2. Use Kubota Genuine Oil M80B or equivalent.
3. Be careful not to confuse the front and back of the
shaft circlip.
(Position the circlip so that its dull side to fit in the
groove should be inward and its sharp side out-
4. Finally check for smooth rotation.
5. The setup dimensions and procedures for the seal
and other parts are the same as RA211-2170Δ.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
Mechanism Section
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
1. Main specifications
Machine model U17-3α U17/U17-3
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
III-M-4 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
• Kubota Super Mini Series, the most compact multi-cylinder liquid cooled industrial diesel engines, com-
plies with EPA Tier 4 emissions regulations. These are the most stringent emissions regulations in the
world in this class.
• The 03-M Series engine complies with EPA Interim Tier 4 emissions regulations that are effective
through the end of 2012. This engine also complies with EU Stage III A requirements that are effective
through 2012 and beyond in the European market.
Durable Power
• The Kubota Super Mini Series has been chosen as a power source for a variety of applications since it
was first launched 25 years ago. It has become the benchmark in the compact diesel engine market.
• The D722 engine offers a seamless transition from Tier 2 to Tier 4 by totally maintaining the same perfor-
mance and physical characteristics of the previous Tier 2 engines.
• The Kubota 03-M Series is well recognized for industrial applications. With numerous features such as a
built-in solenoid, low fan position, and single side serviceability, this engine offers excellent performance
characteristics and application flexibility.
• The cooling water passages between the cylinder bores, using Kubota's original casting technology as a
countermeasure against heat load of high power density, provides both superior endurance and reliable
engine characteristics.
• The 03-M engine offers a seamless transition from Tier 2 to Interim Tier 4 by maintaining the same foot-
print and hard mounting points with only slight performance changes from the Tier 2 engine.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism III. ENGINE
III-M-8 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
Service Section
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
a. Engine Mount
(1) Shock absorber installation
Install as shown in Fig.
1. R part should be down to swivel frame side.
2. Tighten to torque from swivel frame side.
3. Tighten to torque at engine side.
Nut: 02118 - 60100
Tightening torque: 39.2 ~ 45.1 N·m
(4.0 ~ 4.6 kgf·m)
28.9 ~ 33.3 ft·lbs
Apply screw locktite agent. (Locktite 271) (8) (9)
(4) (7)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
b. Air Cleaner
<Outer element> P/N=6C060-99411
Filtering area: 0.45 m2, nominal, 10 μ
El element paper:
Clean efficiency: 99% (JIS 8 class)
<Inner element> P/N=T0270-93221
Filtering area: 135 cm2
250 mesh
1. Inner element
(2) (6) (4) (1) (3)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
2. Outer element
(Element inner dia.)
(Case outer dia.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
c. Radiator
(1) Stretch of fan out of fan shroud (3) Bracket fitting on the radiator cushion
Part (A) Rubber catch to hook on tightly
Refer to the Fig.
Fan to stretch uniformly out of its shroud
(2) Clearance between fan and fan shroud
Part (B)
10 mm, 0.39 inch or more to be ensured
(1) (1) (22)
B 0.87”
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
Main difference from EU-version is the number of fan, 7 fans and so the different fan shroud.
(1) (1)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
( ) : in
Clamp Cap (pressure)
(1.89) (11.89)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
Radiator data
Diy Heading Unit (Conventional unit)
Performance specifications Condition Air flow m/s 8 (17.9 mph)
Water flow L/min 40 (10.57USGPM)
Temp difference °C 60 (140°F)
Radiator capacity kW 20.7 (17853 kcal/h)
Air resistance Pa 132.3 (13.5 mmH2O) (0.019psi)
Water resistance kPa ( mmHg)
Valve opening pressure Press kPa 2
147 (1.5 kgf/cm ) (21.34psi)
Vacuum kPa
Test pressure kPa 147 (1.5 kgf/cm2) (21.34psi)
Vibration durability Acceleration 6G
Direct Up/down
Cycle 22.3 Hz
Cycle 10°
Structural specifications Core type CF29-2
Core size Wide mm 351 (13.82 in)
Height mm 325 (12.80 in)
Thickness mm 36 (1.42 in)
Fin pitch mm 4.5/2 (0.18/0.08 in)
Radiation area Fin m2 3.78 (40.69 ft2)
Tube m2 0.89 (9.58 ft2)
Total m2 4.67 (50.27 ft2)
Front area m2 0.132 (1.42 ft2)
Water passage area cm2 12.7 (1.969 in2)
Water quantity L 1.3 (0.343 gal)
Dry weight kg 2.4 (5.29 lbs)
Surface treatment
Remarks Louver-less
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
18 21 17 19
20 21
6 13 9 12 16 15 1 4 3 2 5 22 23
26 25
(1) Assy radiator 1 (11) Trim (25) 1 (21) Hose clamp, threaded 3
(2) Shroud, fan 1 (12) Bolt 4 M6 4T (22) Hose clamp (1) 2
(3) Bolt 4 M6 4T (13) Oil cooler 1 (23) Hose clamp, threaded 1
(4) Trim (5) 1 (14) Bolt 2 M8 7T (24) Hose, drain 1
(5) Grommet (30) 1 (15) Radiator stay 1 (25) Pipe clip 2
(6) Bracket: oil cooler 1 (16) Bolt 1 M8 7T (26) Joint, drain 1
(7) Grommet, cover 1 (17) Cap assy 1 (27) Washer 1
(8) Grommet (200) 1 (18) Hose, upper 1 1 (28) Plug 1
(9) Grommet 3 1 (19) Hose, upper 2 1 (29) Hose clamp to be oriented horizontally
(10) Trim (135) 1 (20) Hose, lower 1 (30) Hose clamp to be oriented vertically
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
(1) (3)
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty Remarks Item Points to remember
1 01125-60818 Bolt 1 M8 7T Fitting of radiator cush- Fit the rubber Poor fitting
2 RA221-4238Δ Shroud (fan) 1 ion (6C040-5858Δ) to hook tight into ↓
3 RA221-4231Δ Bracket (radiator) 1 bracket position. Greater vibrations
4 01133-61025 Bolt 2 M10 x 1.25 7T Damage
5 60040-5858Δ Cushion (radiator) 2
6 01202-60616 Bolt 2 M6 4T
7 04015-60060 Plain washer 2
8 RA221-4248Δ Stay (reserve tank) 1 M8 7T
9 01125-60816 Bolt 2
Tank assembly
10 RA221-4240Δ 1
11 RA111-4243Δ Hose (drain) 1
12 55411-2179Δ Horn 1
13 Vinyl clamp
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
d. Thermostat
Applied model=
Identify with black marking
ink on the shaded spot.
Mark the
Mark the valve opening manufacturing
temperature here. date here.
Mark the
logo here.
71°C (160 °F) 85°C (185 °F)
Approx. 10°C
(50 °F)
Valve opening temp. Full lift temp.
(6) (5)
(1) Seat
(3) (2) Body
(3) Valve
(4) Spring
(4) (5) Stopper
(7) (6) Shaft
(7) Pellet
(8) Adjust pin
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
e. Muffler
(1) Fitting of the flange (muffler) (3) Ensuring of a clearance between pipe (muf-
Tightening torque: 23.5 ~ 27.5 N·m fler) outlet and counterweight hole
(2.4 ~ 2.8 kgf·m)
(2) (1)
<Failure case>
Poor tightness
Emission leak
Unusual noise
(2) Place the hose clamp (RD411-6382Δ) with
the bolt at the machine back as shown at
left. Tighten up the bolt from above.
<Failure case> (3)
Poor tightness (4)
Emission leak
Sound absorber damaged (1) Clearance to be over 20 mm (inch)
Unusual noise (2) Tail pipe
(3) Weight
(4) Tail pipe not to stretch out of the weight end.
<Failure case>
Tail pipe in contact with counterweight
Unusual noise
Marketability reduced
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
(5) Applying the thermal insulators (1, muffler) (RB237-4247U) and (2, muffler) (RB237-4248U), (3,
muffler) (RB237-4249U)
Apply the thermal insulator (2, 3 muffler) on both sides of the muffler first and then another thermal insu-
lator (1, muffler).
Finally bind the muffler's both ends with the wires (07811-10984).
2 4
(17.5) (204)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
f. Pump Coupling
(1) Apply grease on spline section (1)
Proper amount to be applied (No overflow allowed)
No grease to be stuck on the rubber
Wipe off grease immediately as required.
(2) Tighten coupling bolts
(RB238-4262U) A
Tightening torque: 48.1 ~ 55.9 N·m (4.9 ~ 5.7 kgf·m)
(35.4 ~ 41.2 ft·lbs)
(1) Housing (pump)
(2) Coupling
(3) Coupling mounting bolt
(4) Apply grease to the spline.
(5) Finally cut off the tape from around.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
g. Fuel Tank
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
(1) Clamp
(2) Pass above the dozer cable.
(3) Pass behind the tank L member.
(4) Top of tank
(5) Clamp
(6) Pass below the cover (tank, return).
(7) Bottom of tank
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
h. Fuel Hoses
(10) (14)
Part A
(17) (16)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service III. ENGINE
i. Engine Outlook
1. Top view 2. Side view
This Workshop Manual has been prepared to provide servicing personnel with
information on the mechanism, service and maintenance of SM-E3B series. It is divided
into three parts, “General”, “Mechanism” and “Servicing”.
Q General
Information on the engine identification, the general precautions, maintenance check
list, check and maintenance and special tools are described.
Q Mechanism
Information on the construction and function are included. This part should be
understood before proceeding with troubleshooting, disassembling and servicing.
Refer to Diesel Engine Mechanism Workshop Manual (Code No. 9Y021-01875) for
the one which has not been described to this workshop manual.
Q Servicing
Information on the troubleshooting, servicing specification lists, tightening torque,
checking and adjusting, disassembling and assembling, and servicing which cover
procedures, precautions, factory specifications and allowable limits.
All information illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on
the latest product information available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes in all information at any time without notice.
Due to covering many models of this manual, information or picture being used have
not been specified as one model.
March 2007
© KUBOTA Corporation 2007
This engine WSM has been compiled by Kubota Kikai Service Ltd. in Sakai and the
Engine Division. Kubota produces basic standard engine WSM per its series. Adding
this WSM to Construction Machinery WSM is to meet requests from the dealers in
overseas, which is required when they overhaul and assemble. Engine performance is
optimized for each use so that some main data, such as engine output, torque and RPM
may differ from basic specifications. About those main specifications, please refer to the
data regarding engine mounted construction machinery at the Chapter III.
July 2008
This symbol, the industry’s “Safety Alert Symbol”, is used throughout this manual and on labels on
the machine itself to warn of the possibility of personal injury. Read these instructions carefully.
It is essential that you read the instructions and safety regulations before you attempt to repair or use
this unit.
DANGER : Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
CAUTION : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury.
Q IMPORTANT : Indicates that equipment or property damage could result if instructions are not
• Do not start the engine by shorting across starter
terminals or bypassing the safety start switch.
• Unauthorized modifications to the engine may impair
the function and / or safety and affect engine life.
• Do not work on the machine while under the influence
of alcohol, medication, or other substances or while
• Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.
• Use tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools,
parts, and procedures are not recommended.
• When servicing is performed together by two or more
persons, take care to perform all work safely.
• Do not touch the rotating or hot parts while the engine
is running.
• Never remove the radiator cap while the engine is
running, or immediately after stopping. Otherwise, hot
water will spout out from radiator. Only remove
radiator cap when cool enough to touch with bare
hands. Slowly loosen the cap to first stop to relieve
pressure before removing completely.
• Escaping fluid (fuel or hydraulic oil) under pressure
can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Relieve
pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or fuel lines.
Tighten all connections before applying pressure.
• Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable
or uncomfortable loud noises.
• Do not open high-pressure fuel system.
High-pressure fluid remaining in fuel lines can cause
serious injury. Do not disconnect or attempt repair or
fuel lines, sensors, or any other components between
the high-pressure fuel pump and injectors on engines
with high pressure common rail fuel system.
• High voltage exceeding 100 V is generated in the
ECU, and is applied to the injector.
Pay sufficient caution to electric shock when
performing work activities.
• Fuel is extremely flammable and explosive under
certain conditions. Do not smoke or allow flames or
sparks in your working area.
• To avoid sparks from an accidental short circuit,
always disconnect the battery negative cable first and
connect it last.
• Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and open
flame away from the top of battery, especially when
charging the battery.
• Make sure that no fuel has been spilled on the engine.
Model Z482-E3B Z602-E3B
Number of Cylinders 2
Type Vertical, Water-cooled, 4 cycle IDI diesel engine
Bore × Stroke 67.0 × 68.0 mm (2.64 × 2.68 in.) 72.0 × 73.6 mm (2.83 × 2.90 in.)
Total Displacement 479.0 cm3 (29.23 cu.in.) 599.0 cm3 (36.55 cu.in.)
8.10 kW / 3600 min-1 (rpm) 10.1 kW / 3600 min-1 ( rpm)
ISO Net Continous
(10.9 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm)) (13.5 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm))
9.30 kW / 3600 min-1 (rpm) 11.6 kW / 3600 min-1 ( rpm)
ISO / SAE Net Intermittent
(12.5 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm)) (15.5 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm))
9.90 kW / 3600 min-1 (rpm) 12.5 kW / 3600 min-1 ( rpm)
SAE Gross Intermittent
(13.3 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm)) (16.8 HP / 3600 min-1 (rpm))
Maximum Bare Speed 3800 min-1 (rpm)
Minimum Bare Idling Speed 900 to 1000 min-1 (rpm)
Combustion Chamber Spherical type (E-TVCS)
Fuel Injection Pump Bosch MD type mini pump
Governor All speed mechanical governor
Direction of Rotation Counter-clockwise (viewed from flywheel side)
Injection Nozzle Bosch “Throttle” type
Injection Timing 0.37 rad (21 °) before T.D.C. 0.35 rad (20 °) before T.D.C.
Firing Order 1-2
Injection Pressure 13.73 MPa (140.0 kgf/cm2, 1991 psi)
Compression Ratio 23.5 : 1 24 : 1
Lubricating System Forced lubrication by trochoid pump
Oil Pressure Indicating Electrical type switch
Lubricating Filter Full flow paper filter (Cartridge type)
Cooling System Pressurized radiator, forced circulation with water pump (not included in the basic engine)
Starting System Electric Starting with Starter
Starting Motor 12 V, 0.8 kW 12 V, 1.0 kW
Starting Support Device By glow plug in combustion chamber
EGR None
Battery 12 V, 28 AH equivalent 12 V, 36 AH equivalent
Charging Alternator 12 V, 150 W 12 V, 480 W
Fuel Diesel Fuel No.2-D (ASTM D975)
Class CF lubricating oil as per API classification is recommended.
Lubricating Oil
For details on recommended lubricating oils, see page G-6, 9
Oil Pan Depth
2.1 L (0.55 U.S.gals) 2.5 L (0.66 U.S.gals)
Lubricating Oil 101 mm (3.98 in.)
Capacity Oil Pan Depth
2.5 L (0.66 U.S.gals) –
121 mm (4.76 in.)
Weight (Dry) kg (lbs) 53.1 (117) 60.0 (132)
* The specification described above is of the standard engine of each model.
* Conversion Formula : HP = 0.746 kW, PS = 0.7355 kW
Q Z482-E3B
(1) Brake Horsepower (6) Net Intermittent Torque (11) Net Intermittent B.S.F.C. (15) Gross B.H.P.
(2) Engine Speed (7) Net Continuous Torque (12) Gross Torque (16) Overload B.H.P.
(3) B.S.F.C. (8) Gross Intermittent B.H.P. (13) Overload Torque (17) Continuous B.H.P.
(4) Torque (9) Net Intermittent B.H.P. (14) Continuous Torque (18) Overload B.S.F.C.
(5) Gross Intermittent Torque (10) Net Continuous B.H.P.
Q Z602-E3B
(1) Brake Horsepower (5) Gross Intermittent Torque (9) Net Intermittent B.S.F.C. (12) Gross B.H.P.
(2) Engine Speed (6) Net Intermittent Torque (10) Gross Torque (13) Overload B.H.P.
(3) B.S.F.C. (7) Gross Intermittent B.H.P. (11) Overload Torque (14) Overload B.S.F.C.
(4) Torque (8) Net Intermittent B.H.P.
Q D722-E3B
(1) Brake Horsepower (6) Net Intermittent Torque (11) Net Intermittent B.S.F.C. (15) Gross B.H.P.
(2) Engine Speed (7) Net Continuous Torque (12) Gross Torque (16) Overload B.H.P.
(3) B.S.F.C. (8) Gross Intermittent B.H.P. (13) Overload Torque (17) Continuous B.H.P.
(4) Torque (9) Net Intermittent B.H.P. (14) Continuous Torque (18) Overload B.S.F.C.
(5) Gross Intermittent Torque (10) Net Continuous B.H.P.
Q D782-E3B
(1) Brake Horsepower (5) Gross Intermittent Torque (9) Net Intermittent B.H.P. (13) Overload Torque
(2) Engine Speed (6) Net Intermittent Torque (10) Net Continuous B.H.P. (14) Gross B.H.P.
(3) B.S.F.C. (7) Net Continuous Torque (11) Net Intermittent B.S.F.C. (15) Overload B.H.P.
(4) Torque (8) Gross Intermittent B.H.P. (12) Gross Torque (16) Overload B.S.F.C.
Q D902-E3B
(1) Brake Horsepower (5) Gross Intermittent Torque (9) Net Intermittent B.S.F.C. (12) Gross B.H.P.
(2) Engine Speed (6) Net Intermittent Torque (10) Gross Torque (13) Overload B.H.P.
(3) B.S.F.C. (7) Gross Intermittent B.H.P. (11) Overload Torque (14) Overload B.S.F.C.
(4) Torque (8) Net Intermittent B.H.P.
Q Z482-E3B
Q Z602-E3B
Q D722-E3B
Q D782-E3B
Q D902-E3B
When contacting the manufacture, always specify your engine
model name and serial number.
The engine model and its serial number need to be identified
before the engine can be serviced or parts replaced.
Q Engine Serial Number
The engine serial number is an identified number for the engine.
It is marked after the engine model number.
It indicates month and year of manufacture as follows.
• Year of manufacture
Alphabet or Alphabet or
Year Year
Number Number
6 2006 H 2017
7 2007 J 2018
8 2008 K 2019
9 2009 L 2020
A 2010 M 2021
B 2011 N 2022
C 2012 P 2023
D 2013 R 2024
E 2014 S 2025
F 2015 T 2026
G 2016 V 2027
• During disassembly, carefully arrange removed parts in a clean
area to prevent confusion later. Screws, bolts and nuts should be
replaced in their original position to prevent reassembly errors.
• When special tools are required, use KUBOTA genuine special
tools. Special tools which are not frequently used should be
made according to the drawings provided.
• Before disassembling or servicing live wires, make sure to
always disconnect the grounding cable from the battery first.
• Remove oil and dirt from parts before measuring.
• Use only KUBOTA genuine parts for parts replacement to
maintain engine performance and to ensure safety.
• Gaskets and O-rings must be replaced during reassembly.
Apply grease to new O-rings or oil seals before assembling.
• When reassembling external or internal snap rings, position them
so that the sharp edge faces against the direction from which
force is applied.
• Be sure to perform run-in the serviced or reassembled engine.
Do not attempt to give heavy load at once, or serious damage
may result to the engine.
(1) Grease (A) External Snap Ring
(2) Force (B) Internal Snap Ring
(3) Place the Sharp Edge against the
Direction of Force
Service Interval
50 75 100 150 200 400 500 1 or 2 1 800 1500 3000 2
hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs months year hrs hrs hrs years
Recharging battery ,
*Replacing air cleaner element ,
Checking valve clearance ,
*Checking injection nozzle condition ,
*Checking injection timing ,
*Checking injection pump ,
*Replacing intake air line ,
Replacing battery ,
Replacing radiator hoses and clamp
*Replacing fuel hoses and clamp
bands ,
• When changing or inspecting, be sure to level and stop the engine.
Engine Oil :
• Refer to the following table for the suitable American Petroleum Institute (API) classification of engine oil
according to the engine type (with internal EGR, external EGR or non-EGR) and the Fuel Type Used :
(Low Sulfur, Ultra Low Sulfur or High Sulfur Fuels).
Engine oil classification (API classification)
Fuel Type Engines with non-EGR
Engines with external EGR
Engines with internal EGR
High Sulfur Fuel
(If the "CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, or CI-4" engine
[0.05 % (500 ppm) ≤
oil is used with a high-sulfur fuel, change –
Sulfur Content <
the engine oil at shorter intervals.
0.50 % (5000 ppm)]
(approximately half))
Low Sulfur Fuel
[Sulfur Content <
CF or CI-4
0.05 % (500 ppm)] or
CF, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4 (Class CF-4, CG-4 and CH-4 engine oils
Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel
cannot be used on EGR type engines.)
[Sulfur Content <
0.0015 % (15 ppm)]
EGR : Exhaust Gas Re-circulation
• CJ-4 classification oil is intended for use in engines equipped with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and is
Not Recommended for use in Kubota E3 specification engines.
• Oil used in the engine should have API classification and Proper SAE Engine Oil Viscosity according to
the ambient temperatures where the engine is operated.
• With strict emission control regulations now in effect, the CF-4 and CG-4 engine oils have been developed
for use with low sulfur fuels, for On-Highway vehicle engines. When a Non-Road engine runs on high
sulfur fuel, it is advisable to use a "CF or better" classification engine oil with a high Total Base Number
(a minimum TBN of 10 is recommended).
Fuel :
• Cetane Rating : The minimum recommended Fuel Cetane Rating is 45. A cetane rating greater than 50 is
preferred, especially for ambient temperatures below −20 °C (−4 °F) or elevations above 1500 m (5000 ft).
• Diesel Fuel Specification Type and Sulfur Content % (ppm) used, must be compliant with all applicable
emission regulations for the area in which the engine is operated.
• Use of diesel fuel with sulfur content less than 0.10 % (1000 ppm) is strongly recommended.
• If high-sulfur fuel (sulfur content 0.50 % (5000 ppm) to 1.0 % (10000 ppm)) is used as a diesel fuel, change
the engine oil and oil filter at shorter intervals. (approximately half)
• DO NOT USE Fuels that have sulfur content greater than 1.0 % (10000 ppm).
• Diesel fuels specified to EN 590 or ASTM D975 are recommended.
• No.2-D is a distillate fuel of lower volatility for engines in industrial and heavy mobile service. (SAE J313
• Since KUBOTA diesel engines of less than 56 kW (75 hp) utilize EPA Tier 4 and Interim Tier 4 standards,
the use of low sulfur fuel or ultra low sulfur fuel is mandatory for these engines, when operated in US EPA
regulated areas. Therefore, please use No.2-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.2-D, and use
No.1-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.1-D for ambient temperatures below −10 °C (14 °F).
• Do not remove the radiator cap until coolant temperature is
below its boiling point. Then loosen the cap slightly to
relieve any excess pressure before removing the cap
• During filling the coolant, air must be vented from the engine
coolant passages. The air vents by jiggling the radiator
upper and lower hoses.
• Be sure to close the radiator cap securely. If the cap is loose
or improperly closed, coolant may leak out and the engine
could overheat.
• Do not use an antifreeze and scale inhibitor at the same time.
• Never mix the different type or brand of L.L.C..
(1) Radiator Cap A: FULL
(2) Recovery Tank B: LOW
• Be sure to stop engine before changing engine oil.
1. Start and warm up the engine for approx. 5 minutes.
2. Place an oil pan underneath the engine.
3. To drain the used oil, remove the drain plug (2) at the bottom of
the engine and drain the oil completely.
4. Screw the drain plug (2).
5. Fill new oil up to upper line on the dipstick (1).
• When using an oil of different maker or viscosity from the
previous one, remove all of the old oil.
• Never mix two different types of oil.
• Engine oil should have properties of API classification CF
(See page G-6).
• Use the proper SAE Engine Oil according to ambient
• Upon an oil change, be sure to replace the gasket with new
SAE 30 or SAE 10W-30
Above 25 °C (77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 20 or SAE 10W-30
0 °C to 25 °C (32 °F to 77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 10W or SAE 10W-30
Below 0 °C (32 °F)
SAE 10W-40
2.1 L 2.5 L
0.55 U.S.gals 0.66 U.S.gals
3.2 L 3.8 L
0.85 U.S.gals 1.0 U.S.gals
3.6 L
D782-E3B –
0.95 U.S.gals
2.5 L
Z602-E3B –
0.66 U.S.gals
3.7 L
D902-E3B –
0.98 U.S.gals
* 101 mm (3.98 in.) oil pan depth is optional.
33 to 37 N·m
M12 × 1.25 3.3 to 3.8 kgf·m
Drain plug with 24 to 27 lbf·ft
copper gasket 64 to 73 N·m
M22 × 1.5 6.5 to 7.5 kgf·m
47 to 54 lbf·ft
Drain plug with 45 to 53 N·m
rubber coated M22 × 1.5 4.5 to 5.5 kgf·m
gasket 33 to 39 lbf·ft
• Be sure to stop the engine before changing filter cartridge.
1. Remove the oil filter cartridge (1) with the filter wrench.
2. Apply a slight coat of oil onto the new cartridge gasket.
3. To install the new cartridge, screw it in by hand. Over tightening
may cause deformation of rubber gasket.
4. After the new cartridge has been replaced, the engine oil
normally decrease a little. Thus see that the engine oil does not
leak through the seal and be sure to read the oil level on the
dipstick. Then, replenish the engine oil up to the specified level.
• To prevent serious damage to the engine, replacement
element must be highly efficient. Use only a KUBOTA
genuine filter or its equivalent.
• The oil pan of 101 mm (3.98 in.) depth is optional for Z482-
E3B and D722-E3B. This service interval is every 150 hours.
(1) Engine Oil Filter Cartridge [a] Standard Type
[b] One-side Maintenance Type
• Stop the engine when attempting the check and change
prescribed above.
• Be sure to stop engine before changing engine oil.
1. Start and warm up the engine for approx. 5 minutes.
2. Place an oil pan underneath the engine.
3. To drain the used oil, remove the drain plug (2) at the bottom of
the engine and drain the oil completely.
4. Screw the drain plug (2).
5. Fill new oil up to upper line on the dipstick (1).
• When using an oil of different maker or viscosity from the
previous one, remove all of the old oil.
• Never mix two different types of oil.
• Engine oil should have properties of API classification CF
(See page G-6).
• Use the proper SAE Engine Oil according to ambient
• Upon an oil change, be sure to replace the gasket with new
SAE 30 or SAE 10W-30
Above 25 °C (77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 20 or SAE 10W-30
0 °C to 25 °C (32 °F to 77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 10W or SAE 10W-30
Below 0 °C (32 °F)
SAE 10W-40
2.1 L 2.5 L
0.55 U.S.gals 0.66 U.S.gals
3.2 L 3.8 L
0.85 U.S.gals 1.0 U.S.gals
3.6 L
D782-E3B –
0.95 U.S.gals
2.5 L
Z602-E3B –
0.66 U.S.gals
3.7 L
D902-E3B –
0.98 U.S.gals
* 101 mm (3.98 in.) oil pan depth is optional.
33 to 37 N·m
M12 × 1.25 3.3 to 3.8 kgf·m
Drain plug with 24 to 27 lbf·ft
copper gasket 64 to 73 N·m
M22 × 1.5 6.5 to 7.5 kgf·m
47 to 54 lbf·ft
Drain plug with 45 to 53 N·m
rubber coated M22 × 1.5 4.5 to 5.5 kgf·m
gasket 33 to 39 lbf·ft
• Be sure to stop engine before changing engine oil.
1. Start and warm up the engine for approx. 5 minutes.
2. Place an oil pan underneath the engine.
3. To drain the used oil, remove the drain plug (2) at the bottom of
the engine and drain the oil completely.
4. Screw the drain plug (2).
5. Fill new oil up to upper line on the dipstick (1).
• When using an oil of different maker or viscosity from the
previous one, remove all of the old oil.
• Never mix two different types of oil.
• Engine oil should have properties of API classification CF
(See page G-6).
• Use the proper SAE Engine Oil according to ambient
• Upon an oil change, be sure to replace the gasket with new
SAE 30 or SAE 10W-30
Above 25 °C (77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 20 or SAE 10W-30
0 °C to 25 °C (32 °F to 77 °F)
SAE 10W-40
SAE 10W or SAE 10W-30
Below 0 °C (32 °F)
SAE 10W-40
2.1 L 2.5 L
0.55 U.S.gals 0.66 U.S.gals
3.2 L 3.8 L
0.85 U.S.gals 1.0 U.S.gals
3.6 L
D782-E3B –
0.95 U.S.gals
2.5 L
Z602-E3B –
0.66 U.S.gals
3.7 L
D902-E3B –
0.98 U.S.gals
* 101 mm (3.98 in.) oil pan depth is optional.
33 to 37 N·m
M12 × 1.25 3.3 to 3.8 kgf·m
Drain plug with 24 to 27 lbf·ft
copper gasket 64 to 73 N·m
M22 × 1.5 6.5 to 7.5 kgf·m
47 to 54 lbf·ft
Drain plug with 45 to 53 N·m
rubber coated M22 × 1.5 4.5 to 5.5 kgf·m
gasket 33 to 39 lbf·ft
(A) Deflection
Fan Belt Damage and Wear
1. Check the fan belt for damage.
2. If the fan belt is damaged, replace it.
3. Check if the fan belt is worn and sunk in the pulley groove.
4. If the fan belt is nearly worn out and deeply sunk in the pulley
groove, replace it.
(A) Good (B) Bad
• Be sure to stop the engine before changing filter cartridge.
1. Remove the oil filter cartridge (1) with the filter wrench.
2. Apply a slight coat of oil onto the new cartridge gasket.
3. To install the new cartridge, screw it in by hand. Over tightening
may cause deformation of rubber gasket.
4. After the new cartridge has been replaced, the engine oil
normally decrease a little. Thus see that the engine oil does not
leak through the seal and be sure to read the oil level on the
dipstick. Then, replenish the engine oil up to the specified level.
• To prevent serious damage to the engine, replacement
element must be highly efficient. Use only a KUBOTA
genuine filter or its equivalent.
(1) Engine Oil Filter Cartridge [a] Standard Type
[b] One-side Maintenance Type
• Be sure to stop the engine before changing filter cartridge.
1. Remove the oil filter cartridge (1) with the filter wrench.
2. Apply a slight coat of oil onto the new cartridge gasket.
3. To install the new cartridge, screw it in by hand. Over tightening
may cause deformation of rubber gasket.
4. After the new cartridge has been replaced, the engine oil
normally decrease a little. Thus see that the engine oil does not
leak through the seal and be sure to read the oil level on the
dipstick. Then, replenish the engine oil up to the specified level.
• To prevent serious damage to the engine, replacement
element must be highly efficient. Use only a KUBOTA
genuine filter or its equivalent.
(1) Engine Oil Filter Cartridge [a] Standard Type
[b] One-side Maintenance Type
• Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Then
loosen cap slightly to the stop to relieve any excess
pressure before removing cap completely.
1. Stop the engine and let cool down.
2. To drain the coolant, open the radiator drain plug (2) and remove
the radiator cap (1). Then radiator cap (1) must be removed to
completely drain the coolant. And open the drain cock (3).
3. After all coolant is drained, close the drain plug.
4. Fill with clean water and cooling system cleaner.
5. Follow directions of the cleaner instruction.
6. After flushing, fill with clean water and anti-freeze until the coolant
level is just below the port. Install the radiator cap (1) securely.
7. Fill with coolant up to “FULL” (A) mark on the recovery tank (4).
8. Start and operate the engine for few minutes.
9. Stop the engine and let cool. Check coolant level of radiator and
recovery tank (4) and add coolant if necessary.
• Do not start engine without coolant.
• Use clean, fresh, soft water and anti-freeze to fill the radiator
and recovery tank.
• When the anti-freeze is mixed with fresh, soft water, the anti-
freeze mixing ratio must be less than 50 %.
• Securely tighten radiator cap. If the cap is loose or
improperly fitted, water may leak out and the engine could
(1) Radiator Cap A : Full
(2) Drain Plug B : Low
(3) Drain Cock
(4) Recovery Tank
• There are two types of anti-freeze available: use the permanent
type (PT) for this engine.
• Before adding anti-freeze for the first time, clean the radiator
interior by pouring fresh, soft water and draining it a few times.
• The procedure for mixing water and anti-freeze differs according
to the maker of the anti-freeze and the ambient temperature.
Basically, it should be referred to SAE J1034 standard, more
specifically also to SAE J814c.
• Mix the anti-freeze with fresh, soft water, and then fill into the
• When the anti-freeze is mixed with fresh, soft water, the anti-
freeze mixing ratio must be less than 50 %.
Vol % Freezing point Boiling point*
anti-freeze °C °F °C °F
40 –24 –11 106 223
50 –37 –35 108 226
* At 1.013 × 100000 Pa (760 mmHg) pressure (atmospheric). A
higher boiling point is obtained by using a radiator pressure cap
which permits the development of pressure within the cooling
• The above data represents industrial standards that
necessitate a minimum glycol content in the concentrated
• When the coolant level drops due to evaporation, add fresh,
soft water only to keep the anti-freeze mixing ratio less than
50 %. In case of leakage, add anti-freeze and fresh, soft
water in the specified mixing ratio.
• Anti-freeze absorbs moisture. Keep unused anti-freeze in a
tightly sealed container.
• Do not use radiator cleaning agents when anti-freeze has
been added to the coolant.
(Anti-freeze contains an anti-corrosive agent, which will
react with the radiator cleaning agent forming sludge which
will affect the engine parts.)
Replacing Fan Belt
1. Remove the alternator.
2. Remove the fan belt (1).
3. Replace new fan belt.
4. Install the alternator.
5. Check the fan belt tension.
7.0 to 9.0 mm / 98 N
Deflection (A) Factory spec. 0.28 to 0.35 in. / 98 N
(10 kgf, 22 lbf)
• When the battery is being activated, hydrogen and oxygen
gases in the battery are extremely explosive. Keep open
sparks and flames away from the battery at all times,
especially when charging the battery.
• When charging battery, remove battery vent plugs.
• When disconnecting the cable from the battery, start with
the negative terminal first. When connecting the cable to the
battery, start with the positive terminal first.
• Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across
the posts.
Use a voltmeter or hydrometer.
1) Slow Charging
1. Add distilled water if the electrolyte level is low. When charging,
the amount of electrolyte should be slightly lower than the
specified level to prevent overflow.
2. Connect the battery to the charging unit, following the
manufacture’s instructions.
3. As the electrolyte generates gas while charging, remove all port
4. The electrolyte temperature must not exceed 40 °C (104 °F)
during charging.
If it exceed 40 °C (104 °F), decrease the charging amperage or
stop charging for a while.
5. When charging several batteries in series, charging at the rate of
the smallest battery in the line.
2) Quick Charging
1. Determine the proper charging current and charging time with the
tester attached to the quick charger.
2. Determine the proper charging current as 1/1 of the battery
capacity. If the battery capacity exceeds 50 Ah, consider 50 A as
the maximum.
Q Precaution for Operating a Quick Charger
• Operating with a quick charger differs according to the type.
Consult the instruction manual and use accordingly.
No. 1 + + + +
No. 2 , + , +
No. 3 – – + ,
+ : When No. 1 piston is at the compression top dead center position.
, : When No. 1 piston is at the overlap position.
Intake and exhaust 0.145 to 0.185 mm
Factory spec.
valve clearance (cold) 0.00571 to 0.00728 in.
• The sequence of cylinder numbers is given as No. 1, No. 2
and No. 3 starting from the gear case side.
• After adjusting the valve clearance, secure the adjusting
screw with the lock nut.
(1) Cylinder Head Cover A : Gear Case Side
(2) “1TC” Mark [a] Z482-E3B, Z602-E3B
(3) Alignment Mark [b] D722-E3B, D782-E3B, D902-E3B
Nozzle Holder
1. Secure the nozzle retaining nut (7) with a vise.
2. Remove the nozzle holder (1), and take out parts inside.
(When reassembling)
• Assemble the nozzle in clean fuel oil.
• Install the push rod (4), noting its direction.
• After assembling the nozzle, be sure to adjust the fuel injection
35 to 39 N·m
Nozzle holder 3.5 to 4.0 kgf·m
26 to 28 lbf·ft
20 to 24 N·m
Tightening torque Overflow pipe retaining nut 2.0 to 2.5 kgf·m
15 to 18 lbf·ft
49 to 68 N·m
Nozzle holder assembly 5.0 to 7.0 kgf·m
37 to 50 lbf·ft
• Never try to disassemble the injection pump assembly. For
repairs, you are strongly requested to contact a Kubota-
authorized pump service shop.
(1) Injection Pump Pressure Tester (3) Protection Cover for Jetted Fuel
(2) Injection Nozzle
Replacing Battery
• When the battery is being activated, hydrogen and oxygen
gases in the battery are extremely explosive. Keep open
sparks and flames away from the battery at all times,
especially when charging the battery.
• When charging battery, remove battery vent plugs.
• When disconnecting the cable from the battery, start with
the negative terminal first. When connecting the cable to the
battery, start with the positive terminal first.
• Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across
the posts.
1. Disconnect the negative terminal and positive terminal.
2. Remove the battery holder.
3. Remove the used battery.
4. Replace the new battery.
5. Tighten the battery holder.
6. Connect the positive terminal.
7. Connect the negative terminal.
Replacing Radiator Hoses and Clamp Bands
• Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Then
loosen cap slightly to the stop to relieve any excess
pressure before removing cap completely.
1. Drain the coolant.
2. Loosen the clamp bands.
3. Remove the upper hose (1) and lower hose (2).
4. Replace new upper / lower hose (1), (2) and clamp bands.
5. Tighten the clamp bands.
6. Fill with clean water and anti-freeze until the coolant level is just
below the port. Install the radiator cap securely.
(1) Upper Hose (2) Lower Hose
• Stop the engine when attempting the check and change
prescribed above.
• Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Then
loosen cap slightly to the stop to relieve any excess
pressure before removing cap completely.
1. Stop the engine and let cool down.
2. To drain the coolant, open the radiator drain plug (2) and remove
the radiator cap (1). Then radiator cap (1) must be removed to
completely drain the coolant. And open the drain cock (3).
3. After all coolant is drained, close the drain plug.
4. Fill with clean water and cooling system cleaner.
5. Follow directions of the cleaner instruction.
6. After flushing, fill with clean water and anti-freeze until the coolant
level is just below the port. Install the radiator cap (1) securely.
7. Fill with coolant up to “FULL” (A) mark on the recovery tank (4).
8. Start and operate the engine for few minutes.
9. Stop the engine and let cool. Check coolant level of radiator and
recovery tank (4) and add coolant if necessary.
• Do not start engine without coolant.
• Use clean, fresh, soft water and anti-freeze to fill the radiator
and recovery tank.
• When the anti-freeze is mixed with fresh, soft water, the anti-
freeze mixing ratio must be less than 50 %.
• Securely tighten radiator cap. If the cap is loose or
improperly fitted, water may leak out and the engine could
(1) Radiator Cap A : Full
(2) Drain Plug B : Low
(3) Drain Cock
(4) Recovery Tank
Diesel Engine Compression Tester (for Injection Nozzle)
Code No: 07909-30208 (Assembly) 07909-31251 (G)
07909-30934 (A to F) 07909-31271 (I)
07909-31211 (E and F) 07909-31281 (J)
07909-31231 (H)
Application: Use to measure diesel engine compression and
diagnosis of need for major overhaul.
(1) Gauge (7) Adaptor F
(2) L Joint (8) Adaptor G
(3) Adaptor A (9) Adaptor H
(4) Adaptor B (10) Adaptor I
(5) Adaptor C (11) Adaptor J
(6) Adaptor E
Diesel Engine Compression Tester (for Glow Plug)
Code No: 07909-39081 (Assembly) 07909-31301 (L)
07909-31291 (K) 07909-31311 (M)
Application: Use to measure diesel engine compression and
diagnosis of need for major overhaul.
(1) Gauge (4) Adaptor K
(2) Hose Assembly (5) Adaptor L
(3) L Joint (6) Adaptor M
• The following special tools are not provided, so make them referring to the figure.
Injection Pump Pressure Tester
Application: Use to check fuel tightness of injection pumps.
Pressure gauge full scale : More than 29.4 MPa
(300 kgf/cm2, 4270 psi)
B PF 1/2
C Copper gasket
D Flange (Mateiral Steel)
E Hex. nut 27 mm (1.1 in.) across the plat
F Adhesive application
G Fillet welding on the enter circumference
H Retaining nut
I 17 mm dia. (0.67 in. dia.)
J 8.0 mm dia. (0.31 in. dia.)
K 1.0 mm (0.039 in.)
L 17 mm dia. (0.67 in. dia.)
M 6.10 to 6.20 mm dia. (0.241 to 0.244 in. dia.)
N 8.0 mm (0.31 in.)
O 4.0 mm (0.16 in.)
P 11.97 to 11.99 mm dia. (0.4713 to 0.4720 in. dia.)
Q PF 1/2
R 23 mm (0.91 in.)
S 17 mm (0.67 in.)
T 4.0 mm (0.16 in.)
U 12.00 to 12.02 mm dia. (0.4725 to 0.4732 in. dia.)
V 100 mm (3.94 in.)
W M12 × P1.5
X 5.0 mm (0.20 in.)
Valve Guide Replacing Tool
Application: Use to press out and press fit the valve guide.
A 220 mm (8.66 in.)
B 80 mm (3.1 in.)
C 40 mm (1.6 in.)
D 20 mm dia. (0.79 in. dia.)
E 9.960 to 9.980 mm dia. (0.3922 to 0.3929 in. dia.)
F 5.50 to 5.70 mm dia. (0.217 to 0.224 in. dia.)
G 25 mm dia. (0.98 in. dia.)
H 6.00 to 6.10 mm dia. (0.237 to 0.240 in. dia.)
I 5.0 mm (0.20 in.)
J 18 mm dia. (0.71 in. dia.)
K 10.6 to 10.7 mm dia. (0.418 to 0.421 in. dia.)
L 6.90 to 7.10 mm (0.272 to 0.279 in.)
C1 Chamfer 1.0 mm (0.039 in.)
C2 Chamfer 2.0 mm (0.079 in.)
C0.3 Chamfer 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)
The rubber packing is fitted in to maintain the cylinder
head cover 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) or so off the cylinder head.
This arrangement helps reduce noise coming from the
cylinder head.
(1) Cylinder Head Cover (2) Rubber Packing
[1] COOLING FIN (Z602-E3B, D902-E3B)
The cooling fin is set up around the oil passage in the
gear case.
Therefore, the temperature of oil is decreased by the
wind generated by the cooling fan.
(1) Cooling Fin
1. TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................S-1
2. SERVICING SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................S-4
3. TIGHTENING TORQUES ..............................................................................S-11
AND NUTS...............................................................................................S-11
AND NUTS...............................................................................................S-12
4. CHECKING, DISASSEMBLING AND SERVICING......................................S-13
[1] CHECKING AND ADJUSTING ...............................................................S-13
(1) Engine Body........................................................................................S-13
(2) Lubricating System .............................................................................S-15
(3) Cooling System ...................................................................................S-15
(4) Fuel System ........................................................................................S-17
(5) Electrical System ................................................................................S-21
[2] DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING..................................................S-28
(1) Draining Engine Oil and Coolant.........................................................S-28
(2) External Components .........................................................................S-29
(3) Cylinder Head, Valves and Oil Pan.....................................................S-29
(4) Gear Case and Timing Gears .............................................................S-35
(5) Piston and Connecting Rod ................................................................S-42
(6) Flywheel and Crankshaft ....................................................................S-45
(7) Starter .................................................................................................S-49
(8) Dynamo...............................................................................................S-51
(9) Alternator ............................................................................................S-52
[3] SERVICING ..............................................................................................S-53
(1) Cylinder Head and Valves ..................................................................S-53
(2) Timing Gears ......................................................................................S-59
(3) Piston and Connecting Rod ................................................................S-61
(4) Crankshaft...........................................................................................S-64
(5) Cylinder...............................................................................................S-70
(6) Oil Pump .............................................................................................S-71
(7) Starter .................................................................................................S-72
(8) Alternator ............................................................................................S-75
Symptom Probable Cause Solution
Engine Does Not No fuel Replenish fuel G-11
Start Air in the fuel system Bleed G-11
Water in the fuel system Change fuel and –
repair or replace fuel
Fuel hose clogged Clean or replace G-11
Fuel filter clogged Replace G-17
Excessively high viscosity of fuel or engine oil at Use specified fuel or 5, G-9
low temperature engine oil
Fuel with low cetane number Use specified fuel 5
Fuel leak due to loose injection pipe retaining nut Tighten retaining nut S-29
Incorrect injection timing Adjust S-17, 18
Fuel camshaft worn Replace S-41
Injection nozzle clogged Clean or replace S-20, 21
Injection pump malfunctioning Repair or replace S-19, 35,
36, 37
Seizure of crankshaft, camshaft, piston, cylinder Repair or replace S-40 to 48
or bearing S-64 to 71
Compression leak from cylinder Replace head S-30, 31,
gasket, tighten 32
cylinder head screw,
glow plug and nozzle
Improper valve timing Correct or replace S-40
timing gear
Piston ring and cylinder worn Replace S-43, 44,
Excessive valve clearance Adjust S-14
Stop solenoid malfunctioning Replace S-26, 27,
29, 36
Starter Does Not Run Battery discharged Charge G-20
Starter malfunctioning Repair or replace S-29,
72 to 75
Wiring disconnected Connect –
Engine Revolution Is Fuel filter clogged or dirty Replace G-17
Not Smooth Air cleaner clogged Clean or replace G-14, 17,
Fuel leak due to loose injection pipe retaining nut Tighten retaining nut S-29
Injection pump malfunctioning Repair or replace S-19, 35,
36, 37
Incorrect nozzle injection pressure Adjust S-20
Injection nozzle stuck or clogged Repair or replace S-20, 21
Governor malfunctioning Repair S-41
Symptom Probable Cause Solution
Either White or Blue Excessive engine oil Reduce to specified G-7
Exhaust Gas Is level
Observed Piston ring and cylinder worn or stuck Repair or replace S-43, 44,
Incorrect injection timing Adjust S-17, 18
Either Black or Dark Overload Reduce the load –
Gray Exhaust Gas Is Low grade fuel used Use specified fuel 5
Fuel filter clogged Replace G-17
Air cleaner clogged Clean or replace G-14, 17,
Deficient nozzle injection Repair or replace S-20, 21
Deficient Output Incorrect injection timing Adjust S-17, 18
Engine’s moving parts seem to be seizing Repair or replace –
Injection pump malfunctioning Repair or replace S-19, 35,
36, 37
Deficient nozzle injection Repair or replace S-20, 21
Compression leak Check the S-13
pressure and repair
Excessive Lubricant Piston ring’s gap facing the same direction Shift ring gap S-43
Oil Consumption direction
Oil ring worn or stuck Replace S-43, 44
Piston ring groove worn Replace piston S-43, 44,
Valve stem and valve guide worn Replace S-33, 54,
Crankshaft bearing and crank pin bearing worn Replace S-47, 48,
65 to 69
Oil leaking due to defective seals or packing Replace –
Fuel Mixed into Injection pump’s plunger worn Repair or replace S-19, 35,
Lubricant Oil 36, 37
Deficient nozzle injection Repair or replace S-20, 21
Injection pump broken Replace S-35, 36,
Water Mixed into Head gasket defective Replace S-32
Lubricant Oil Cylinder block or cylinder head flawed Replace S-32, 54
Symptom Probable Cause Solution
Low Oil Pressure Engine oil insufficient Replenish G-7
Oil strainer clogged Clean S-34
Relief valve stuck with dirt Clean –
Relief valve spring weaken or broken Replace –
Excessive oil clearance of crankshaft bearing Replace S-47, 48,
66 to 69
Excessive oil clearance of crankpin bearing Replace S-42, 65
Excessive oil clearance of rocker arm Replace S-31, 57
Oil passage clogged Clean –
Different type of oil Use specified type of G-9
Oil pump defective Replace S-41, 71,
High Oil Pressure Different type of oil Use specified type of G-9
Relief valve defective Replace –
Engine Overheated Engine oil insufficient Replenish G-7
Fan belt broken or elongated Replace or adjust G-14
Coolant insufficient Replenish G-18, 19
Radiator net and radiator fin clogged with dust Clean –
Inside of radiator corroded Clean or replace G-18
Coolant flow route corroded Clean or replace G-18, 19
Radiator cap defective Replace –
Overload running Reduce the load –
Head gasket defective Replace S-32
Incorrect injection timing Adjust S-17, 18
Unsuitable fuel used Use specified fuel 5
Battery Quickly Battery electrolyte insufficient Replenish distilled G-15
Discharged water and charge
Fan belt slips Adjust belt tension or G-14
Wiring disconnected Connect –
Rectifier defective Replace S-52, 76
Alternator defective Replace S-29, 52
Battery defective Replace G-29
Item Factory Specification Allowable Limit
Valve Clearance (Cold) 0.145 to 0.185 mm –
0.00571 to 0.00728 in.
Compression Pressure Z482-E3B 2.85 to 3.23 MPa 2.26 MPa
D722-E3B 29.0 to 33.0 kgf/cm2 23.0 kgf/cm2
D782-E3B 413 to 469 psi 327 psi
– 10 % or less
Difference among Cylinders
Top Clearance 0.50 to 0.70 mm –
0.020 to 0.027 in.
Cylinder Head Surface Flatness – 0.05 mm
0.002 in.
Valve Recessing Intake and Exhaust −0.10 to 0.10 mm 0.30 mm
−0.0039 to 0.0039 in. 0.012 in.
Valve Stem to Valve Guide Clearance 0.030 to 0.057 mm 0.10 mm
0.0012 to 0.0022 in. 0.0039 in.
Width 2.12 mm –
0.0835 in.
Valve Spring Tilt – 1.2 mm
0.047 in.
Crank Gear to Oil Pump Drive Gear Backlash 0.0410 to 0.123 mm 0.15 mm
0.00162 to 0.00484 in. 0.0059 in.
Idle Gear Side Clearance 0.20 to 0.51 mm 0.80 mm
0.0079 to 0.020 in. 0.031 in.
Camshaft Side Clearance 0.15 to 0.31 mm 0.50 mm
0.0059 to 0.012 in. 0.020 in.
Alignment – 0.01 mm
0.0004 in.
Cam Height Intake and 26.88 mm 26.83 mm
Exhaust 1.058 in. 1.056 in.
Camshaft Journal to Cylinder Block Bore Oil Clearance 0.050 to 0.091 mm 0.15 mm
0.0020 to 0.0035 in. 0.0059 in.
Engine Oil Pressure At Idle Speed More than 49 kPa –
0.50 kgf/cm2
7.1 psi
Fan Belt Tension 7.0 to 9.0 mm / 98 N –
0.28 to 0.35 in. / 98 N
(10 kgf, 22 lbf)
Thermostat Valve Opening 69.5 to 72.5 °C –
Temperature 157.1 to 162.5 °F
(At Beginning)
Valve Opening 85 °C –
Temperature 185 °F
Radiator Cap Pressure Falling 10 seconds or more –
Time 88 → 59 kPa
0.90 → 0.60 kgf/cm2
13 → 8.5 psi
Radiator Water Leakage No leak at specified –
Test Pressure pressure
Item Factory Specification Allowable Limit
Injection Pump Injection Timing 0.35 to 0.38 rad –
[Z482/D722-E3B] (3600 min-1 (rpm)) (20 to 22°)
before T.D.C.
Injection Pump Injection Timing 0.28 to 0.31 rad –
[D782-E3B] (3200 min-1 (rpm)) (16 to 18°)
before T.D.C.
Injection Pump Injection Timing 0.34 to 0.36 rad –
[Z602/D902-E3B] (3600 min-1 (rpm)) (19 to 21°)
before T.D.C.
Pump Element Fuel Tightness – 13.73 MPa
140.0 kgf/cm2
1991 psi
Delivery Valve Fuel Tightness 10 seconds 5 seconds
13.73 → 12.75 MPa 13.73 → 12.75 MPa
140.0 → 130.0 kgf/cm2 140.0 →
1991 → 1849 psi 130.0 kgf/cm2
1991 → 1849 psi
Injection Nozzle Injection Pressure 13.73 to 14.70 MPa –
140.0 to 150.0 kgf/cm2
1992 to 2133 psi
Injection Nozzle Valve Seat Valve Seat When the pressure is –
Tightness 12.75 MPa
(130.0 kgf/cm2, 1849
psi), the valve seat must
be fuel tightness.
Item Factory Specification Allowable Limit
Glow Plug Resistance Approx. 0.9 Ω –
Starter (Electromagnetic Drive Type)
Commutator O.D. 28.0 mm 27.0 mm
1.10 in. 1.06 in.
Screws, bolts and nuts must be tightened to the specified torque using a torque wrench, several screws, bolts and
nuts such as those used on the cylinder head must be tightened in proper sequence and the proper torque.
Nominal Unit
Diameter N·m kgf·m lbf·ft N·m kgf·m lbf·ft
M6 7.9 to 9.3 0.80 to 0.95 5.8 to 6.8 9.81 to 11.2 1.00 to 1.15 7.24 to 8.31
M8 18 to 20 1.8 to 2.1 13 to 15 24 to 27 2.4 to 2.8 18 to 20
M10 40 to 45 4.0 to 4.6 29 to 33 48 to 55 4.9 to 5.7 36 to 41
M12 63 to 72 6.4 to 7.4 47 to 53 78 to 90 7.9 to 9.2 58 to 66
Screw and bolt material grades are shown by numbers punched on the screw and bolt heads. Prior to
tightening, be sure to check out the numbers as shown below.
Punched number Screw and bolt material grade
None or 4 Standard screw and bolt SS41, S20C
7 Special screw and bolt S43C, S48C (Refined)
[a] Nozzle Hole Adaptor Setting [b] Glow Plug Hole Adaptor Setting
No. 1 + + + +
No. 2 , + , +
No. 3 – – + ,
+ : When No. 1 piston is at the compression top dead center position.
, : When No. 1 piston is at the overlap position.
Intake and exhaust 0.145 to 0.185 mm
Factory spec.
valve clearance (cold) 0.00571 to 0.00728 in.
• The sequence of cylinder numbers is given as No. 1, No. 2
and No. 3 starting from the gear case side.
• After adjusting the valve clearance, secure the adjusting
screw with the lock nut.
(1) Cylinder Head Cover A : Gear Case Side
(2) “1TC” Mark [a] Z482-E3B, Z602-E3B
(3) Alignment Mark [b] D722-E3B, D782-E3B, D902-E3B
(A) Deflection
• When removing the radiator cap, wait at least ten minutes after the engine has stopped and cooled down.
Otherwise, hot water may gush out, scalding nearby people.
Radiator Cap Air Leakage
1. Set a radiator tester (1) and an adaptor (2) on the radiator cap.
2. Apply the specified pressure of 88 kPa (0.90 kgf/cm2, 13 psi), and
measure the time for the pressure to fall to 59 kPa (0.60 kgf/cm2,
8.5 psi).
3. If the measurement is less than the factory specification, replace
the radiator cap.
More than 10 seconds
for pressure fall
Pressure falling time Factory spec. 88 → 59 kPa
(0.90 → 0.60 kgf/cm2,
13 → 8.5 psi)
• The pressure of the leak test is different from each radiator
Thus, do the leak test, refer to the test pressure of each
radiator specification.
(1) Radiator Tester (2) Adaptor
• Never try to disassemble the injection pump assembly. For
repairs, you are strongly requested to contact a Kubota-
authorized pump service shop.
(1) Injection Pump Pressure Tester (3) Protection Cover for Jetted Fuel
(2) Injection Nozzle
Fuel Tightness of Delivery Valve
1. Remove the engine stop solenoid.
2. Remove the injection pipes and glow plugs.
3. Set a pressure tester to the fuel injection pump.
4. Install the injection nozzle (2) jetted with the proper injection
pressure to the injection pump pressure tester (1).
5. Run the starter to increase the pressure.
6. Stop the starter when the fuel jets from the injection nozzle. After
that, turn the flywheel by hands and raise the pressure to approx.
13.73 MPa (140.0 kgf/cm2, 1991 psi).
7. Now turn the flywheel back about half a turn (to keep the plunger
free). Maintain the flywheel at this position and clock the time
taken for the pressure to drop from 13.73 to 12.75 MPa (from
140.0 to 130.0 kgf/cm2, from 1991 to 1849 psi).
8. Measure the time needed to decrease the pressure from 13.73 to
12.75 MPa (140.0 to 130.0 kgf/cm2, 1991 to 1849 psi).
9. If the measurement is less than allowable limit, replace the pump
with new one or repair with a Kubota-authorized pump service
10 seconds
13.73 → 12.75 MPa
Factory spec.
140.0 → 130.0 kgf/cm2
Fuel tightness of 1991 → 1849 psi
delivery valve 5 seconds
13.73 → 12.75 MPa
Allowable limit
140.0 → 130.0 kgf/cm2
1991 → 1849 psi
• Never try to disassemble the injection pump assembly. For
repairs, you are strongly requested to contact a Kubota-
authorized pump service shop.
(1) Injection Pump Pressure Tester (3) Protection Cover for Jetted Fuel
(2) Injection Nozzle
• Check the nozzle injection pressure and condition after confirming that there is nobody standing in the
direction the fume goes.
• If the fume from the nozzle directly contacts the human body, cells may be destroyed and blood poisoning
may be caused.
Nozzle Spraying Condition
1. Set the injection nozzle to a nozzle tester, and check the nozzle
spraying condition.
2. If the spraying condition is defective, replace the nozzle piece.
(a) Good (b) Bad
Nozzle Holder
1. Secure the nozzle retaining nut (7) with a vise.
2. Remove the nozzle holder (1), and take out parts inside.
(When reassembling)
• Assemble the nozzle in clean fuel oil.
• Install the push rod (4), noting its direction.
• After assembling the nozzle, be sure to adjust the fuel injection
35 to 39 N·m
Nozzle holder 3.5 to 4.0 kgf·m
26 to 28 lbf·ft
20 to 24 N·m
Tightening torque Overflow pipe retaining nut 2.0 to 2.5 kgf·m
15 to 18 lbf·ft
49 to 68 N·m
Nozzle holder assembly 5.0 to 7.0 kgf·m
37 to 50 lbf·ft
• To avoid accidental short circuit, be sure to attach the positive cable to the positive terminal before the
negative cable is attached to the negative terminal.
• Never remove the battery cap while the engine is running.
• Keep electrolyte away from eyes, hands and clothes. If you are spattered with it, wash it away completely
with water immediately.
• Keep open sparks and flames away from the battery at all times. Hydrogen gas mixed with oxygen
becomes very explosive.
• If the machine is to be operated for a short time without battery (using a slave battery for starting), use
additional current (lights) while engine is running and insulate terminal of battery. If this advice is
disregarded, damage to alternator and regulator may result.
Battery Voltage
1. Stop the engine.
2. Measure the voltage with a circuit tester between the battery
3. If the battery voltage is less than the factory specification, check
the battery specific gravity and recharge the battery.
Battery voltage Factory spec. More than 12 V
Motor Test
• Secure the starter to prevent it from jumping up and down
while testing the motor.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the battery.
2. Disconnect the battery positive cable from the battery.
3. Disconnect the leads from the starter B terminal.
4. Remove the starter from the engine.
5. Connect a jumper lead from the starter C terminal (1) to the
battery positive terminal (2).
6. Connect a jumper lead momentarily between the starter’s body
and the battery negative terminal (3).
7. If the motor does not run, starter is failure.
Repair or replace the starter.
• B terminal : It is the terminal which connects the cable from
the battery to the starter.
• C terminal : It is the terminal which connects the cable from
the motor to the magnet switch.
(1) C Terminal [A] Electromagnetic Drive Type
(2) Positive Terminal [B] Planetary Gear Reduction Type
(3) Negative Terminal
Magnetic Switch Test
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the battery.
2. Disconnect the battery positive cable from the battery.
3. Disconnect the leads from the starter B terminal.
4. Remove the starter from the engine.
5. Connect a jumper lead from the starter S terminal (1) to the
battery positive terminal (2).
6. Connect a jumper lead momentarily between the starter’s body
and the battery negative terminal (3).
7. If the pinion gear does not pop out, the magnetic switch is failure.
Repair or replace the starter.
• B terminal : It is the terminal which connects the cable from
the battery to the starter.
• S terminal : It is the terminal which connects the cable from
the starter switch to the magnet switch.
(1) S Terminal [A] Electromagnetic Drive Type
(2) Positive Terminal [B] Planetary Gear Reduction Type
(3) Negative Terminal
Code Blue , , , , +
colors Green , , , , ,
Yellow + + + , +
Red , , , , ,
Draining Coolant
• Never remove radiator cap while operating or immediately
after stopping. Otherwise, hot water will spout out from the
radiator. Wait for more than ten minutes to cool the radiator,
before opening the cap.
1. Prepare a bucket. Open the coolant drain cock.
(1) Coolant Drain Cock
1. Remove the tappets (1) from the crankcase.
(When reassembling)
• Visually check the contact between tappets and cams for proper
rotation. If defect is found, replace tappets.
• Before installing the tappets, apply engine oil thinly around them.
• Do not change the combination of tappet and tappet guide.
(1) Tappet
1. Remove the valve caps (4).
2. Remove the valve spring collet (3), pushing the valve spring
retainer (2) by valve spring replacer (1).
3. Remove the valve spring retainer (2), valve spring (5) and valve
stem seal (6).
4. Remove the valve (7).
(When reassembling)
• Wash the valve stem and valve guide hole, and apply engine oil
• After installing the valve spring collets, lightly tap the stem to
assure proper fit with a plastic hammer.
• Don’t change the combination of valve and valve guide.
(1) Valve Spring Replacer (5) Valve Spring
(2) Valve Spring Retainer (6) Valve Stem Seal
(3) Valve Spring Collet (7) Valve
(4) Valve Cap
Thermostat Assembly
1. Remove the thermostat cover mounting screws (1), and remove
the thermostat cover (2).
2. Remove the thermostat assembly (4).
(When reassembling)
• Replace the gasket (3) with a new one.
(1) Thermostat Cover Mounting Screw (3) Thermostat Cover Gasket
(2) Thermostat Cover (4) Thermostat Assembly
Gear Case
1. Disconnect the start spring (2) from the fork lever 1 (3).
2. Remove the screw (1) of inside the gear case and outside
3. Remove the gear case (4).
(When reassembling)
• Apply a liquid gasket (Three Bond 1215 or equivalent) to both
sides of the gear case gasket.
• Be sure to set three O-rings inside the gear case.
• The gear case for energize to run type stop solenoid and the
gear case for one-side maintenance are available to meet
customer’s requirements. (Option)
(1) Screw (Inside) [a] Gear Case for Energize to Run
(2) Start Spring Type Stop Solenoid (Option)
(3) Fork Lever 1 [b] Gear Case for One-side
(4) Gear Case Maintenance (Option)
Idle Gear
1. Remove the external snap ring (3), the collar (2) and the idle gear
2. Remove the idle gear shaft mounting screws (4).
3. Remove the idle gear shaft (5) (if necessary).
(When reassembling)
• Apply engine oil to the idle gear shaft mounting screw (4). And
tighten them.
• Install the idle gear, aligning the mark (6) on the gears referring
to the photo.
9.81 to 11.2 N·m
Idle gear shaft mounting
Tightening torque 1.00 to 1.15 kgf·m
7.24 to 8.31 lbf·ft
1. Remove the camshaft mounting screws (1) and draw out the
camshaft with gear (2) on it.
(When reassembling)
• When install the camshaft, apply engine oil to the camshaft
• Apply engine oil to the camshaft mounting screws. And tighten
(1) Camshaft Mounting Screw (2) Camshaft Gear
Fuel Camshaft
1. Remove the retaining plate (6).
2. Remove the fork lever holder mounting screws (8), then draw out
the injection pump gear (1) and fuel camshaft (7) with the
governor fork assembly.
(When reassembling)
• Hook the governor spring (5) to the fork lever 2 (4) before
installing the fork lever assembly to the crankcase.
(1) Injection Pump Gear (5) Governor Spring
(2) Governor Sleeve (6) Retaining Plate
(3) Fork Lever 1 (7) Fuel Camshaft
(4) Fork Lever 2 (8) Fork Lever Holder Mounting Screw
1. Turn the flywheel and bring the piston to top dead center.
2. Draw out the piston upward by lightly tapping it from the bottom
of the crankcase with the grip of a hammer.
3. Draw out the other pistons after the same method as above.
(When reassembling)
• Before inserting the piston into the cylinder, apply enough engine
oil to the cylinder.
• When inserting the piston into the cylinder, face the mark on the
connecting rod to the injection pump.
• Do not change the combination of cylinder and piston. Make
sure of the position of each piston by marking. For example,
mark “1” on the No. 1 piston.
• When installing the piston into the cylinder, place the gaps
of all of the piston rings as shown in the figure.
• Carefully insert the piston using a piston ring compressor
(1). Otherwise, their chrome-plated section may be
scratched, causing trouble inside the cylinder.
Models Mark
Z482-E3B, D722-E3B 3
D782-E3B B
Z602-E3B, D902-E3B (3200 min-1 (rpm) spec.) 1C
Z602-E3B, D902-E3B (3600 min-1 (rpm) spec.) 2D
(1) Bearing Case Cover Mounting Screw (5) Bearing Case Cover
(Inside) (6) Oil Seal
(2) Bearing Case Cover Mounting Screw
(Outside) (a) Top Mark “UP”
(3) Bearing Case Gasket (b) Upside
(4) Bearing Case Cover Gasket
Crankshaft Assembly
For Z482-E3B, D722-E3B
1. Remove the main bearing case screw 2 (1).
2. Draw out all the crankshaft.
For Z602-E3B
1. Remove the main bearing case screw 2 (1).
2. Turn the crankshaft to set the crankpin of the cylinder to the
horizontal directions (right or left). Then draw out all the
crankshaft, holding the crankpins to the horizontal directions.
For D782-E3B, D902-E3B
1. Remove the main bearing case screw 2 (1).
2. Turn the crankshaft to set the crankpin of the third cylinder to the
bottom dead center. Then draw out the crankshaft until the
crankpin of the second cylinder comes to the center of the third
3. Turn the crankshaft by 2.09 rad (120 °) counterclockwise to set
the crankpin of the second cylinder to the bottom dead center.
Draw out the crankshaft until the crankpin of the first cylinder
comes to the center of the third cylinder.
4. Repeat the above steps to draw out all the crankshaft.
(When reassembling)
• Clean the oil passage of the crankshaft with compressed air.
• Install the crankshaft assembly, aligning the screw hole of main
bearing case screw 2 with the screw hole of crankcase.
• When tightening the main bearing case 2, apply oil to the main
bearing case screw 2 (1) and screw by hand before tightening the
specific torque. If not smooth to screw by hand, align the screw
holes between the crankcase and the main bearing case.
27 to 30 N·m
Tightening torque Main bearing case screw 2 2.7 to 3.1 kgf·m
20 to 22 lbf·ft
(7) Starter
Q Electromagnetic Drive Type
(1) Solenoid Switch Mounting Nut
(2) Starter Drive Housing
(3) Drive Lever
(4) Gasket
(5) Solenoid Switch
(6) B Terminal Nut
(7) C Terminal Nut
(8) Snap RIng
(9) Overrunning Clutch
(10) Armature
(11) Brush Spring
(12) Connecting Lead
(13) Rear End Frame
(14) Gasket
(15) Brake Spring
(16) Brake Shoe
(17) End Frame Cap
(18) Screw
(19) Yoke
(20) Brush
(21) Brush Holder
(22) Through Bolt
1. Unscrew the C terminal nut (7), and disconnect the connecting lead (12).
2. Unscrew the solenoid switch mounting nuts (1), and remove the solenoid switch (5).
3. Remove the end frame cap (17).
4. Remove the brake shoe (16), brake spring (15) and gasket (14).
5. Unscrew the through bolts (22), and remove the rear end frame (13).
6. Remove the brush from the brush holder while holding the spring up.
7. Remove the brush holder (21).
8. Draw out the yoke (19) from the starter drive housing (2).
9. Draw out the armature (10) with the drive lever (3).
• Do not damage to the brush and commutator.
(When reassembling)
• Apply grease (DENSO.CO.LTD. No. 50 or equivalent) to the parts indicated in the figure.
- Joint of solenoid switch (a)
- Bushing (b)
- Drive lever (c)
- Collar (d)
- Teeth of pinion gear (e)
- Armature shaft (f)
7.8 to 9.8 N·m
Tightening torque B terminal nut 0.80 to 1.0 kgf·m
5.8 to 7.2 lbf·ft
1. Unscrew the C terminal nut (5), and disconnect the connecting lead (9).
2. Unscrew the magnetic switch mounting nuts (1), and remove the magnetic switch (3) from the housing (2).
3. Unscrew the through bolts (15) and mounting screw (10), and remove the rear end frame (14).
4. Remove the brush from the brush holder while holding the spring up.
5. Remove the brush holder (13).
6. Draw out the armature (11) and yoke (12) from the housing.
7. Draw out the shaft assembly (7) with the drive lever (6) and overrunning clutch (8) from the housing.
(When reassembling)
5.9 to 11 N·m
Tightening torque B terminal nut 0.60 to 1.2 kgf·m
4.4 to 8.6 lbf·ft
(8) Dynamo
(1) Shaft
(2) Pulley
(3) Rotor
(4) Collar
(5) Bearing
(6) Stator
(7) Plate
(8) Bearing
(9) Alternator
(1) Pulley
(2) Drive End Frame
(3) Stator
(4) Bearing
(5) Retainer Plate
(6) Rotor
(7) Bearing
(8) Rear End Frame
(9) Rectifier
(10) IC Regulator
(11) Brush Holder
(12) Rear End Cover
(1) Cylinder Head and Valves
Top Clearance
1. Remove the cylinder head. (Do not attempt to remove the
cylinder head gasket.)
2. Move the piston up and stick a strip of fuse [1.5 mm dia. (0.059
in. dia.), 5.0 to 7.0 mm long (0.20 to 0.28 in. long)] on the piston
head at three positions with grease so as to avoid the intake and
exhaust valves and the combustion chamber ports.
3. Lower the piston, and install the cylinder head and tighten the
cylinder head screws to the specified torque.
4. Turn the flywheel until the piston exceeds top dead center.
5. Remove the cylinder head, and measure the thickness of the
squeezed fuses.
6. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications, check
the oil clearance between the crankpin and crankpin bearing and
between the piston pin and small end bushing.
• After checking the top clearance, be sure to assemble the
cylinder head with a new cylinder head gasket.
0.50 to 0.70 mm
Top clearance Factory spec.
0.020 to 0.027 in.
38 to 42 N·m
Tightening torque Cylinder head screw 3.8 to 4.3 kgf·m
28 to 31 lbf·ft
(1) Fuse
Cylinder Head Surface Flatness
1. Clean the cylinder head surface.
2. Place a straightedge on the cylinder head’s four sides and two
diagonal as shown in the figure.
3. Measure the clearance with a thickness gauge.
4. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, correct it with a
surface grinder.
• Do not place the straightedge on the combustion chamber.
• Be sure to check the valve recessing after correcting.
Cylinder head surface 0.05 mm
Allowable limit
flatness 0.002 in.
5.968 to 5.980 mm
Valve stem O.D. Factory spec.
0.2350 to 0.2354 in.
6.010 to 6.025 mm
Valve guide I.D. Factory spec.
0.2367 to 0.2372 in.
• Do not hit the valve guide with a hammer during
(A) When Removing (B) When Installing
Valve Seating
1. Coat the valve face lightly with prussian blue and put the valve on
its seat to check the contact.
2. If the valve does not seat all the way around the valve seat or the
valve contact is less than 70 %, correct the valve seating as
3. If the valve contact does not comply with the reference value,
replace the valve or correct the contact of valve seating.
2.12 mm
Valve seat width Factory spec.
0.0835 in.
31.3 to 31.8 mm
Factory spec.
1.24 to 1.25 in.
Free length (B)
28.4 mm
Allowable limit
1.12 in.
10.473 to 10.484 mm
Rocker arm shaft O.D. Factory spec.
0.41233 to 0.41275 in.
10.500 to 10.518 mm
Rocker arm I.D. Factory spec.
0.41339 to 0.41409 in.
17.966 to 17.984 mm
Tappet O.D. Factory spec.
0.70733 to 0.70803 in.
18.000 to 18.018 mm
Tappet guide bore I.D. Factory spec.
0.70867 to 0.70937 in.
0.0470 to 0.123 mm
Factory spec.
Backlash between idle 0.00185 to 0.00484 in.
gear and cam gear 0.15 mm
Allowable limit
0.0059 in.
0.0460 to 0.124 mm
Backlash between idle Factory spec.
0.00182 to 0.00488 in.
gear and injection pump
gear 0.15 mm
Allowable limit
0.0059 in.
0.0410 to 0.123 mm
Backlash between oil Factory spec.
0.00162 to 0.00484 in.
pump drive gear and
crank gear 0.15 mm
Allowable limit
0.0059 in.
Idle Gear Side Clearance
1. Set a dial indicator with its tip on the idle gear.
2. Measure the side clearance by moving the idle gear to the front
and rear.
3. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, replace the idle
gear collar.
0.20 to 0.51 mm
Factory spec.
0.0079 to 0.020 in.
Idle gear side clearance
0.80 mm
Allowable limit
0.031 in.
Camshaft Side Clearance
1. Set a dial indicator with its tip on the camshaft.
2. Measure the side clearance by moving the cam gear to the font
and rear.
3. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, replace the
camshaft stopper.
0.15 to 0.31 mm
Factory spec.
Camshaft side 0.0059 to 0.012 in.
clearance 0.50 mm
Allowable limit
0.020 in.
Camshaft Alignment
1. Support the camshaft with V blocks on the surface plate at both
end journals.
2. Set a dial indicator with its tip on the intermediate journal.
3. Measure the camshaft alignment.
4. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, replace the
0.01 mm
Camshaft alignment Allowable limit
0.0004 in.
Cam Height
1. Measure the height of the cam at its highest point with an outside
2. If the measurement is less than the allowable limit, replace the
26.88 mm
Factory spec.
Cam height of intake 1.058 in.
and exhaust 26.83 mm
Allowable limit
1.056 in.
32.934 to 32.950 mm
Camshaft journal O.D. Factory spec.
1.2967 to 1.2972 in.
Camshaft Bearing I.D.
33.000 to 33.025 mm
(Cylinder block bore Factory spec.
1.2993 to 1.3001 in.
Oil Clearance between Idle Gear Shaft and Idle Gear Bushing
1. Measure the idle gear shaft O.D. with an outside micrometer.
2. Measure the idle gear bushing I.D. with an inside micrometer,
and calculate the oil clearance.
3. If the oil clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the
4. If it still exceeds the allowable limit, replace the idle gear shaft.
0.020 to 0.084 mm
Oil clearance between Factory spec.
0.00079 to 0.0033 in.
idle gear shaft and idle
gear bushing 0.10 mm
Allowable limit
0.0039 in.
19.967 to 19.980 mm
Idle gear shaft O.D. Factory spec.
0.78611 to 0.78661 in.
20.000 to 20.051 mm
Idle gear bushing I.D. Factory spec.
0.78741 to 0.78940 in.
20.002 to 20.011 mm
Piston pin O.D. Factory spec.
0.78748 to 0.78783 in.
20.025 to 20.040 mm
Small end bushing I.D. Factory spec.
0.78839 to 0.78897 in.
Replacing Small End Bushing
(When removing)
1. Press out the used bushing using a small end bushing replacing
tool. (Refer to “SPECIAL TOOLS”)
(When installing)
1. Clean a new small end bushing and small end hole, and apply
engine oil to them.
2. Using a small end bushing replacing tool, press in a new bushing
(service parts) taking due care to see that the position of the
connecting rod oil hole matches the bushing hole.
[Servicing parts dimension]
0.015 to 0.075 mm
Oil clearance between Factory spec.
0.00059 to 0.0029 in.
piston pin and small end
bushing (Spare parts) 0.15 mm
Allowable limit
0.0059 in.
(4) Crankshaft
Crankshaft Side Clearance
1. Set a dial indicator with its tip on the end of the crankshaft.
2. Measure the side clearance by moving the crankshaft to the front
and rear.
3. If the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, replace the
thrust bearings.
4. If the same size bearing is useless because of the crankshaft
journal wear, replace it with an oversize one referring to the table
and figure.
0.15 to 0.31 mm
Factory spec.
Crankshaft side 0.0059 to 0.012 in.
clearance 0.50 mm
Allowable limit
0.020 in.
• Oversize thrust bearing
Oversize Bearing Code Number Marking
33.959 to 33.975 mm
Crankpin O.D. Factory spec.
1.3370 to 1.3375 in.
33.995 to 34.010 mm
Crankpin bearing I.D. Factory spec.
1.3384 to 1.3389 in.
• Undersize crankpin bearing
Undersize Bearing Code Number Marking
0.20 mm
Crankpin bearing 02 15861-22970 020 US
0.0079 in.
0.40 mm
Crankpin bearing 04 15861-22980 040 US
0.016 in.
• Undersize dimensions of crankpin
0.20 mm 0.40 mm
0.0079 in. 0.016 in.
2.3 to 2.7 mm radius 2.3 to 2.7 mm radius
Dimension A
0.091 to 0.10 in.radius 0.091 to 0.10 in.radius
1.0 to 1.5 mm relief 1.0 to 1.5 mm relief
*Dimension B
0.040 to 0.059 in. relief 0.040 to 0.059 in. relief
33.759 to 33.775 mm dia. 33.559 to 33.575 mm dia.
Dimension C
1.3291 to 1.3297 in. dia. 1.3213 to 1.3218 in. dia.
The crankpin must be fine-finished to higher than ∇∇∇∇.
*Holes to be de-burred and edges rounded with 1.0 to 1.5 mm
(0.040 to 0.059 in.) relief.
39.934 to 39.950 mm
Factory 1.5722 to 1.5728 in.
Crankshaft journal O.D. D782-E3B
Z602-E3B 43.934 to 43.950 mm
D902-E3B 1.7297 to 1.7303 in.
39.984 to 40.040 mm
Factory 1.5742 to 1.5763 in.
Crankshaft bearing 1 I.D. D782-E3B
Z602-E3B 43.984 to 44.040 mm
D902-E3B 1.7317 to 1.7338 in.
39.934 to 39.950 mm
Crankshaft journal O.D. Factory 1.5722 to 1.5728 in.
(Intermediate) spec.
Z602-E3B 43.934 to 43.950 mm
D902-E3B 1.7297 to 1.7303 in.
39.978 to 39.993 mm
Factory 1.5740 to 1.5745 in.
Crankshaft bearing 3 I.D. D782-E3B
Z602-E3B 43.978 to 43.993 mm
D902-E3B 1.7315 to 1.7320 in.
(5) Cylinder
Cylinder Wear
1. Measure the cylinder liner I.D. at the six positions (see figure)
with a cylinder gauge to find the maximum and minimum I.D.’s.
2. Get the difference (Maximum wear) between the maximum and
the minimum I.D.’s.
3. If the wear exceeds the allowable limit, bore and hone to the
oversize dimension. (Refer to “Correcting Cylinder”.)
4. Visually check the cylinder wall for scratches. If deep scratches
are found, the cylinder should be bored. (Refer to “Correcting
67.000 to 67.019 mm
Factory 2.6378 to 2.6385 in.
Z602-E3B 72.000 to 72.019 mm
D902-E3B 2.8347 to 2.8353 in.
Cylinder liner I.D.
67.150 mm
Allowable 2.6437 in.
Z602-E3B 72.150 mm
D902-E3B 2.8406 in.
(7) Starter
Overrunning Clutch
1. Check the pinion and if worn or damage, replace the clutch
2. Check that the pinion turns freely and smoothly in the
overrunning direction and does not slip in the cranking direction.
3. If the pinion slips or does not turn in both directions, replace the
overrunning clutch assembly.
• Do not wash off the grease in the overrunning clutch with
the chemicals or oils.
[A] Electromagnetic Drive Type [B] Planetary Gear Reduction Type
0.50 to 0.80 mm
Factory spec.
0.020 to 0.031 in.
Mica under cut
0.20 mm
Allowable limit
0.0079 in.
Brush Wear
1. If the connect face of the brush is dirty or dusty, clean it with
emery paper.
2. Measure the brush length (A) with vernier caliper.
3. If the length is than the allowable limit, replace the yoke assembly
and brush holder.
Electromagnetic 16.0 mm
Factory drive type 0.630 in.
spec. Planetary gear 14.0 mm
reduction type 0.551 in.
Brush length A
Electromagnetic 10.5 mm
Allowable drive type 0.413 in.
limit Planetary gear 9.0 mm
reduction type 0.35 in.
Brush Holder
1. Check the continuity across the brush holder and the holder
support with a circuit tester.
2. If it conducts, replace the brush holder.
Armature Coil
1. Check the continuity across the commutator and armature coil
core with resistance range of circuit tester.
2. If it conducts, replace the armature.
3. Check the continuity across the segments of the commutator with
resistance range of circuit tester.
4. If it does not conduct, replace the armature.
Field Coil
1. Check the continuity across the lead (1) and brush (2) with a
circuit tester.
2. If it dose not conduct, replace the yoke assembly.
3. Check the continuity across the brush (2) and yoke (3) with a
circuit tester.
4. If it conducts, replace the yoke assembly.
(1) Lead (3) Yoke
(2) Bush
(8) Alternator
1. Check the bearing for smooth rotation.
2. If it does not rotate smoothly, replace it.
1. Measure the resistance across each lead of the stator coil with
resistance range of circuit tester.
2. If the measurement is not within factory specification, replace it.
3. Check the continuity across each stator coil lead and core with
resistance range of circuit tester.
4. If infinity is not indicated, replace it.
Resistance Factory spec. Less than 1.0 Ω
1. Measure the resistance across the slip rings.
2. If the resistance is not the factory specification, replace it.
3. Check the continuity across the slip ring and core with resistance
range of circuit tester.
4. If infinity is not indicated, replace it.
Resistance Factory spec. 2.9 Ω
Slip Ring
1. Check the slip ring for score.
2. If scored, correct with an emery paper or on a lathe.
3. Measure the O.D. of slip ring with vernier calipers.
4. If the measurement is less than the allowable limit, replace it.
14.4 mm
Factory spec.
0.567 in.
Slip ring O.D.
14.0 mm
Allowable limit
0.551 in.
Brush Wear
1. Measure the brush length with vernier calipers.
2. If the measurement is less than allowable limit, replace it.
3. Make sure that the brush moves smoothly.
4. If the brush is defective, replace it.
10.0 mm
Factory spec.
0.394 in.
Brush length
8.4 mm
Allowable limit
0.33 in.
1. Check the continuity across each diode of rectifier with resistance
range of circuit tester.
2. The rectifier is normal if the diode in the rectifier conducts in one
direction and does not conduct in the reverse direction.
IC Regulator
1. Check the continuity across the B terminal (2) and the F terminal
(1) of IC regulator with resistance range of circuit tester.
2. The IC regulator is normal if the conducts in one direction and
does not conduct in the reverse direction.
(1) F Terminal (2) B Terminal
Mechanism Section
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a. Main Pump
1. Outer view
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(4) (4)
(1) Suction port (2) 4-M10 (3) Oil inlet (4) Discharge port (5) Rotation direction, clockwise
2. Pump coupling
(1.42) (0.16) ( ) : in
(1.26 (0.3
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. Structure
(1) Body S (10) Swash plate (21) Rod G (35) Snap ring (62) Seal washer
(2) Body H (11) Needle (24) Retainer (39) O-ring (65) Gear pump
(3) Shaft (12) Swing pin (25) Stopper pin (40) O-ring (66) Coupling
(4) Cylinder barrel (13) Packing (27) Pin (44) Hex. bolt (67) Collar
(5) Valve plate (14) Spring C (30) Ball bearing (49) Hex. plug (68) Bolt
(6) Piston (15) Spring T (31) Needle bearing (51) Plug (69) O-ring
(7) Shoe (18) Spring holder (32) Oil seal (56) Spring pin (70) Washer
(8) Shoe holder (19) Spring guide (33) Belleville spring (60) Hex. screw (71) O-ring
(9) Barrel holder (20) Pin (34) Snap ring (61) Nut (72) O-ring
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
7. Discharge rate
Unit U17-3α, U17/U17-3 Remarks
P1/P2 maker-specified type PVD-00B-14P-5G3-4552A(F)
Pp maker-specified type
without load/
Service port flow rate L/min (USGPM) 27/- (7.13/-)
with load
Rated load pressure P1/P2 MPa (kgf/cm2) psi 21.6 (220) 3129
Rated load pressure P3/Pp MPa (kgf/cm2) psi 18.6 (190) 2702
Theoretical discharge rate P1/P2/P3/Pp cc/rev (cu.in/rev) 7.5/7.5/4.5/2.7 (0.46/0.46/0.27/0.16)
Theoretical discharge rate P1/P2 L/min (USGPM) 17.3/17.3 (4.57/4.57)
at rated output P3/Pp L/min (USGPM) 10.4/6.2 (2.75/1.64)
85% of theoretical discharge P1/P2 L/min (USGPM) 14.7/14.7 (3.89/3.89)
rate P3/Pp L/min (USGPM) 8.8/5.3 (2.32/1.40)
80% of theoretical discharge P1/P2 L/min (USGPM) 13.8/13.8 (3.66/3.66)
rate P3/Pp L/min (USGPM) 8.3/5.0 (2.19/1.32)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
8. Function
1) Outline
Discharge groove P2
This compact, lightweight hydraulic pump has a Suction groove (1)
mechanism that provides for the performance of Discharge groove P1
two variable pumps. Yet it needs as small a space Suction groove (2)
as for just one conventional pump. This pump is
also equipped with a pilot gear pump.
The pump features a constant horsepower control
function for making most of the engine power. The
greater the pump load becomes, the lesser the
discharge rate becomes. As a result, when the
pump discharge pressures P1 and P2 have risen
and the resultant force of the piston higher, the (a) Valve plate
swash plate exceeds the spring force and tilts
from the oscillating center of the oscillating pin. In Discharge groove
this way, the discharge rate can be kept low. P1 and opening Discharge groove
P2 and opening
2) Function
An even number of pistons are used in this swash
plate variable piston pump. This is to produce the
performance of two same-capacity pumps in one
pump casing.
Conventional valve plates have one suction
groove and one discharge groove, as shown in
Fig. 4. The new system, on the other hand, is pro-
vided with two suction grooves and two discharge
grooves, as shown in Fig. 3. The discharge (b) Cylinder barrel
grooves P1 and P2 are located in the outer and Fig. 3 Operating principle
inner sides, respectively. Every other piston cham-
ber of cylinder barrel gets open to either of these
discharge grooves in the valve plate. In other
words, both the inner and outer suction grooves
behave just the same way, whereas the inner and Suction groove
outer discharge grooves work independently from Discharge groove
each other.
In this design with an even number of pistons, the
same number of pistons gets open outward and
inward of the valve plate. Because all the pistons
are of the same diameter, located in a same-pitch
circle and slide over the same swash plate, the
discharge rates of the discharge grooves P1 and (a) Valve plate
P2 are the same.
There is another advantage in employing just a
single swash plate. Even though the swash plates
tilting angle varies according to the variable con-
trol, the discharge rates of P1 and P2 ports change
accordingly and equally.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P-Q characteristic
(total horse power control)
Discharge rate ,
P1 + P2
Discharge pressure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
b. Control Valve
1. Relief valve specifications
Type of valve: CP CV NSC10-KP11-2
Manufacturer: Nabtesco
1) Bench set pressure specifications
2) List of pressures
Stamp product code (214749-01)
and serial No. on nameplate. Actuator port
No wrong Pump port
Tank port assembling Plug PF 3/8 (2 locations) (A4 and B4 are plugs.)
2. Control valve (1)
Tank port
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism
ID marking
provided Tightening torque
T=13.7 14.7N m
{1.4 1.5kgf m}
Thread depth 12
Actuator port
ID marking
Stroke Swing, dozer, service,
Check valve C
Pilot port
Plug PF 1/4
(2 locations)
Swing Dozer Swivel Confluence Service Arm Travel Supply Travel Boom Bucket Discharge Unload confluence valve
4 mm stroke
Stroke (mm)
Pilot pressure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness. Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness. Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
+0.49 +5
at 18.8 L/min (4.97 USGPM) Setting: 23.3 0 MPa {238 0
Setting: 21.4 0 MPa {218 0 kgf/cm2}
+0.49 +5
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}
(3101 psi) (2.89 ft·lbf) at 5 L/min (1.32 USGPM)
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m
at 18.8 L/min (4.97 USGPM) {T= 0.4 kgf·m}
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m} (2.89 ft·lbf)
(2.89 ft·lbf)
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Drilled ID hole
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}(28.9 ~ 3.62 ft·lbf)
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c. Swivel Motor
1. Swivel system specifications
(A) Reference on new vehicle
Unit U17-3α, U17/U17-3 Remarks
Maker Eaton Fluid Power Ltd.
Type 2-200DOS-E3888
Capacity cc/rev (in3/rev) 195 (11.9)
MPa 13.2
Brake V Pressure (kgf/cm2) (135) at bench
psi 1920
Locked L/min (USGPM) 1.0 (0.264)
Drain spec.
Rotating L/min (USGPM) 0.5 (0.132)
Swivel speed rpm 8.7 ± 0.9
Swivel speed (Three times rotation) sec. 20.8
Front horizontal, heaped, engine
Swivel startup sec. 2.1 ± 0.2
at max. rpm, 0 to 90° swivel
Front horizontal, heaped, 15°,
Swivel block performance mm/min (in/min) 120 (4.72)
engine at stop
> Front horizontal, heaped, engine
Allowable slope angle for swivel deg. (kg) 18 =
at max. rpm
Play at bucket tip mm (in) 73, 93 > (2.87, 3.66 >)
(How to measure the play at bucket tip)
1. Dump the arm and crowd the bucket. Position the bucket 1 m above the ground.
2. Push the bucket tip with a force of 5 kgf (11 lbf) or so. Take this position as "0", and push the bucket tip in the opposite direc-
tion with a force of 30 kgf (66.2 lbf).
3. Measure the displacement of the bucket tip.
4. Take the above steps more than 5 times, but without swing.
(How to measure the swivel block performance)
1. The swivel block performance must be checked with a hydraulic oil temperature of 45 ± 5°C (113 ± 9°F) on a 15-degree
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Mounting direction
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5. Function
1) Shaft output type
1. This type consists of ring 1, roller 2 and rotor (star) 3, as shown in the figure. The ring 1 is station-
ary, whereas the rotor (star) 3 turns under hydraulic pressure. The motor's output shaft is spline-
coupled with the rotor (star) 3. Hydraulic pressure is converted to a turning force in order to drive the
motor's shaft.
1 Ring 1
2 Roller
3 Rotor(star)
L3 L1
L2 L4
F4 F2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Whole view
This component consists of the hydraulic motor (orbital motor) and the pinion assembly. In the hydraulic
motor, there are 12 holes of a valve P and 7 holes of the valve plate N, and the capacity per revolution
is 195 cm3. A pinion 2 supported by two bearing L & 3 is incorporated in the pinion assembly.
1 Bearing housing
2 Pinion gear
3 Bearing
L Roller bearing
N Valve plate
P Valve
V Drive
W Geroller
X Valve
] Valve housing
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2 Pinion
N Valve plate
P Valve
V Drive
W Geroller
X Valve drive
] Valve housing
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(Sample illustration)
B Bearing is different.
Direction: Clockwise
1 Check valve
2 Disc valve (12 ports)
3 Plug for drain
8 4 Valve plate
5 Valve drive
6 Geroller
7 Main drive
7 8 Bearing
1 2 3
High-pressure oil flow The high-pressure oil coming in the motor flows through the disc
valve to the geroller, the star of which starts its planetary motion.
Lube oil flow Its own rotation alone is taken out by the main drive to drive the
Low-pressure oil flow output shaft. The disc valve is then driven by the disc drive. The
12 ports of the disc valve and the 7 ports of the valve plate shift
themselves to change the oil passage to the geroller in sequence.
(Sample illustration)
A B Bearing is different.
Direction: C.C.W.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1/14 Rotation
1/7 Rotation
1/6 Rotation
With reference made to Fig. 1, as high-pressure oil is led to the respective chambers 2, 3 & 4, the rotor
rotates in the direction of arrow while touching the stator internally. Since the valve also rotates in keep-
ing with rotation of the rotor, a chamber to which high-pressure oil is led also shifts in the direction oppo-
site to arrow one after another. In Fig. 2, the rotor makes a 1/14 turn, and consequently, a chamber to
which high-pressure oil is led shifts to chambers 1, 7 & 6, one after another. Center point B of the rotor
shifts to point B’ around point A at this time and further shifts from point B’ to B” around point A in Fig. 3.
That is to say, the center point of the rotor makes a 6/7 turn from point B’ and then to point B” around
point A. In Fig. 4 furthermore, returning from point B” to point B’, a chamber to which high-pressure oil
flows in also makes a round. The dot-marked spot of the rotor makes a 1/6 turn at this time in the reverse
direction to the movement of point B. Therefore, one turn of the output shaft becomes 7 chambers × 6
rounds = 42 chambers and so achieved by inflow of high-pressure oil of 42-chamber volume.
High-low speed change: In this type, high-low speed can be controlled by delivery oil amount.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
7) Valve timing
(1) A port
(2) B port
(3) From A port
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
M O-ring (large)
O O-ring (small)
Drain hole
M O-ring (large)
X Valve drive
Y O-ring (small)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
The hatched zones and H indicate high pressure.
View C View B View A
High pressure
from port B
A port side
High pressure
from port B
A port side
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1 Geroller
2 Valve
3 B port 1
4 A port 2
5 Valve drive
6 Shaft
6 5
(1) 9 x M10 x 1.5 (through) [mm: (in)]
(9 equally spaced)
(2) 2 x G3/8 lube oil filler/discharge port
(3) Stop plug (2 locations right and left)
(4) G1/8 (PP port)
ø18 countersunk
1. Overview
This wheel motor (travel motor) is the one upgraded its output torque.
2. Specifications
(1) Motor type ID mark
PHV - 1B0 - 12B - 9 - 8817A
R & D No.
Reduction ratio = 1/36.9
Motor torque
Motor size
NACHI travel motor PHV series
Allowable drain back Operating condition 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2) 42.7 psi
pressure Surge condition 1.0 MPa (10 kgf/cm2) 142.2 psi
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Structure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(4) Cylinder barrel (a) The motor shaft and gear S2 are combined or coupled through splines
(5) Valve plate (b) Port A
(6) Piston (c) Port B
(7) Swash plate
(8) Shaft
The pressure oil flowing in through the hydraulic valve is supplied to the valve plate (5). When the
pressure oil is supplied to the port A, the oil flows into the cylinder port, which corresponds to the port
A, in the cylinder barrel (4) and presses the piston (6). This pressing force is converted to turning
force through the swash plate (7) and the resulting turning force is transmitted to the shaft (3) spline-
coupled with the cylinder barrel (4). The return oil in the cylinder port flows out through the port B of
the valve plate (5).
In the case of reverse rotation, the pressure oil flows in through the port B and flows out through the
port A.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (2)
Description of operation
The PHV series travelling motor has a stationary main body composed of a hydraulic motor and hydrau-
lic valve and a rotating main body composed of a simple planetary gear reducer.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(5) Reducer
1) Function
The PHV series travelling motor reducer, which is a simple two-step planetary gear reducer, converts
the high-speed revolution of the hydraulic motor to low-speed high torque to obtain case rotation.
2) Description of operation
In the figure shown to the right, the gear S2 is
spline-coupled with the hydraulic motor output (1) (2)
shaft (or they are combined). The revolution of
the gear S2 is single-reduced through the
gears (S2, b2, a2). This single-reduced revo-
lution is double-reduced through the gears
(S1, b1, a1) spline-coupled with the carrier 2.
The reduced revolution is transmitted to the
rotating main body through the annular gears
a1 and a2, providing travelling driving force. (4)
The reduction ratio of a simple two-step plane-
tary gear reducer is generally expressed as
shown below.
Zs1 Zs2
R= ×
Zs1 + Za1 Zs2 + Za2
Zs1, Zs2: Number of teeth of gears s1 and s2
Za1, Za2: Number of teeth of gears a1 and a2
Because the PHV series travelling motor is of
the main body rotating type, the reduction ratio
is expressed as shown below.
(1) Stationary part
1 (2) Rotating part
R’ =
1-1/R (3) Simple planetary gear reducer (two-step)
(4) Carrier 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Control diagram
No.2 port
(Outer DIA. of the port - part)
No.3 port
T port
P port
6-G1/4 Thread depth 12
(O-ring seal to JIS B 2351)
Spot facing DIA. 24 depth 1
( 0.94 depth 0.039)
Tightening torque 29.4 2.0 N m
{300 20kgf cm}. No.1 port
(2170 144.7 ft lbf)
No.4 port
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Specifications
1. Max. primary pressure: 6.9 MPa {70 kgf/cm2} (995.6 psi)
2. Max. back pressure: 0.3 MPa {3 kgf/cm2} (42.7 psi)
3. Rated flow: 15 L/min (915.4 USGPM)
4. Secondary pressure characteristics: Refer to the ‘Control diagram’ shown previous page
5. Operating torque: Refer to the ‘Control diagram’ shown previous page
6. Max. allowable external torque: Refer to the ‘Max. allowable external torque’ shown below
7. Hydraulic oil: mineral hydraulic oil
8. Oil temp. range: -20 °C ~ +90 °C (-4 °F ~ +194 °F)
9. Filter: A filter of 40 mesh and over should be applied at the entrance of port P for preventing the
spool sticking.
3) Operating specifications
1. Primary pressure: 3.9MPa {40 kgf/cm2} (568.9 psi)
Operating torque (N m)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2. Sectional view
Hydraulic symbol
Grease is applied on
each top part.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Adaptors
P/V (both right and left)
(Quick coupler)
(5) Front
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. Function
1) Basic function
The pilot valve is intended to control the stroke and direction of the control valve spool. To do this, the
output pressure of the pilot valve is applied to the end of the control valve spool.
To achieve this function, the pilot valve consists of the following elements.
(1) Inlet port (P) used to supply oil from the hydraulic pump
(2) Multiple outlet ports (1, 2, 3 and 4) used to apply the feed pressure of the inlet port to the end of the
control valve spool.
(3) Tank port (T) required to control the output pressure discussed above
(4) Spool used to connect the output ports to the inlet port or tank port
(5) Mechanism (including the spring for the above spool) used to control the output pressure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3) Operation
The behavior of the pilot valve is discussed, referring to the hydraulic circuit diagram (Fig. 1) and behav-
ior diagrams (Figs. 2, 3 and 4). Fig. 1 shows a typical application of the pilot valve.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(18) (19)
[mm (in)]
(1) Cylinder tube (6) Backup-ring (11) DU-bushing Bucket Arm
(2) Cylinder rod (7) Scraper (12) Piston (17) Stroke 269 (10.59) 335.5 (13.21)
(3) Bushing (8) O-ring (13) Piston seal (18) Retracted L 529 (20.83) 589 ± 1.5 (23.19)
(4) Cylinder head (9) Backup-ring (14) Wear-ring (19) Extended L 802 -05 (31.57) 924.5 ± 2.5 (36.40)
(5) Packing (10) O-ring (15) Lock nut, M24 (20) 325 (12.80) 387.5 (15.26)
(16) grease nipple (21) 79 (3.11) 76.5 (3.01)
(Boom) T.T.
(289.3 ~ 318.3 ft·lbf)
(1) (2)
(1) Retracted L = 765 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 1234 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 469
(30.12 ± 0.059 in) (48.58 ± 0.098 in) (18.46 in)
(253.1 ~ 289.3 ft·lbf)
(1) Retracted L = 348 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 460 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 112
(13.70 ± 0.059 in) (18.11 ± 0.098 in) (4.41 in)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Retracted L = 610 +30 (2) Extended L = 940 -05 (3) Stroke = 330
(124.02 +0.118
0 in) (37.01 in) (12.99 in)
(1) Retracted L = 478 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 728 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 250
(18.82 ± 0.059 in) (28.66 ± 0.098 in) (9.84 in)
T.T.: Tightening torque
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
f. Unload Valve
1. Structure
Maker: Nishina
2. Specifications
(1) Allowable voltage:DC 10.8 ~ 14.4V
(2) Current: 1.2 A at 20°C (68°F)
Power consump-
(3) 14.4W
(4) Coil resistance: Approx. 10 Ω at 20°C (68°F)
Red (5) Insulation: JIS C 4003 H
(6) Surge killer: Diode
Relief valve set 3.9 +0.2
0 MPa (40 +0.2
0 kgf/cm2)
pressure: (568.9 psi) at 6 l/min (1.59USGPM)
Cracking 3.4 MPa (35 kgf/cm2)(497.8 psi)
pressure: at 2 l/min (0.53 USGPM)
p → A, B
Valve pressure
loss: 0.5 MPa (5.1 kgf/cm2)(72.7 psi) or
less at 6 l/min (1.59 USGPM)
A, B, G = G 1/4
(10)Port size: P, T = G 3/8
(JIS B2351 O-type)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
g. Selector Valve
1. Structure
2. Function
This valve is to select the oil flow direction for blade cylinder or track cylinder.
3. Specifications
1) Operating pressure and flow: Main relief pressure (20.6 MPa) (2986.9 psi) at 10.4 l/min (2.75
2) Inside leakage: 8 cc/min at 20.6 Mpa, 50°C (0.49 in3/min at 2986.9 psi 122°F)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(10) (11)
[mm (in)]
Model (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
67 55 φ26 30.02
KX41-3 EU G 1/2 27
(2.64) (2.17) (φ1.02) (1.182)
U17-3α, 65 53 φ18.6 25.4
G 3/8 22
U17/U17-3 (2.56) (2.09) (φ0.73) (1)
Cracking pressure: 196 ± 29 KPa (2 ± 0.3 kgf/cm2)
(28.4 ± 4.3 psi)
U17-3α: Check valve = RB238-63802
2. Hydraulic filter
Specifications items Suction filter Return filter
1. Filtration area 1650 cm2 (255.75 in2) 3600 cm2 (558 in2)
2. Filtration level 105 μm (150 mesh) (0.0041 in) 10 μm nominal (0.00039 in)
3. Oil flow 80 l/min (21.13 USGPM) 70 l/min (18.49 USGPM)
4. Hex. spanner 41 mm 36 mm
5. Filter dia. φ 85 (φ 3.35 in) φ 90 (φ 3.54 in)
6. Filter length 105 (4.13 in) 125 (4.92 in)
7. Relief opening pressure 0.1MPa (1.0 ± 0.15 kgf/cm2)
(14.2 ± 2.13 psi)
8. Code number RB238-62151 RA011-62191
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Oil cooler
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. Accumulator (EU-version)
(1) Gas plug
(2) Shell
(3) Holder
(1) (4) Bladder
(5) Poppet
(6) Oil port
(2) (7) O-ring type
(8) Across
1. Gas: Nitrogen
2. Gas volume: 300 cc (18.31 in3)
(4) 3. Max. operating pressure:6.9 MPa (70 kgf/cm2)
(995.6 psi)
(5) 4. Initial gas pressure: 1.2 MPa (12kgf/cm2) (170.7)
at 20°C (68°F)
(6) 5. Operating oil temp.: -30 ~ 100°C (-22 ~ 212°C)
6. Weight: 1.1 kg (2.43 lbs)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
P1 P2 P䋳
(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel
(10) Dozer
(11) Swing
With the unload lever being raised, oil of P1 and P2 flows from the supply section directly to the return
circuit and results in no functions of P1 and P2 pump, from bucket (1) to service port (7) except pump 3
When the unload lever is lowered, the supply section opens to supply oil of P1 and P2.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
6. Boom confluence
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left P1 P2 P3
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel
(10) Dozer
(11) Swing
When boom operation is performed, the boom is operated so that the joint valve is switched over to joint
P1 and P3.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
P1 P2 P3
When service port pedal is depressed, P2 and P3 pump’s oil will be supplied to service port section.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
P1 P2 P䋳
(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel
(10) Dozer
(11) Swing
Since only the Boom and Service are jointed with P3, straight travel is possible.
When left and right travel levers are shifted, F or R, P1 supplies oil to the travel motor and P2, to the right
P3 supplies oil to the boom section.
Therefore, only boom and service port operations are possible together with travel function.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• When the service port is not used for a long
period, dirt particles can settle in the lower
part of the service port lines.
When the plugs on the service port lines are
removed to connect attachments, drain
approx. 100 cc (6.102 in3) of oil per side.
Concerning the choice of a breaker, contact
your dealer.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• When the equipment (auger, crusher,
telescopic arm, ...), which need 2-way cir-
cuit will be used, position the lever to the
"CLOSED" position.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2. Hose connection
Front view Rear view
(4)(5)(6)(7) (2) (8)
A (1)
B C 2
(17)(25) (12)(26)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. Technical data
Test conditions:
1. Rated output: 4.0 MPa (40.8 kgf/cm2)
2. Hydraulic oil: ISO VG46 or equivalent
3. Oil temperature: 50 ± 5°C
Valve specifications:
Schematic symbol 1. Internal leak:
Below 300 ml/min at 3.92 MPa (40 kgf/cm2)
(With all ports fitted and tightened to 26.5 N·m
(2.7 kgf·m))
2. Lever operating torque:
Below 19.5 N·m (2.0 kgf·m) (under no load)
(With all ports fitted and tightened to 26.5 N·m
(2.7 kgf·m))
1. Coating color: No coating (plated)
2. Apply grease to the sliding surfaces of parts (2),
(4), (10) and (13).
Locktite 26L 3. Set the valve in pattern "B" before shipment.
4. Do not overtighten the lever (6): below the torque
Sectional view Z - Z M10x1.25, thread depth 15
of 80 N-m.
Port size: 1 ~ 4, A ~ D
G1/4 O-ring seal (JIS B 2351)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(13) (5) (3)
1 Main pump
2 Pilot valve, L
3 Pilot valve, R
4 Accumulator
5 Unload valve
6 Control valve
(8) 7 Swivel motor
(17) 8 Rotary joint
(26) 9 Travel motor, L
10 Travel motor, R
11 Change valve for SP
(1 way, 2 way)
12 Change valve: Dozer-track
13 Hydraulic oil tank
14 Oil cooler
15 Boom cylinder
16 Arm cylinder
17 Bucket cylinder
18 Swing cylinder
19 Dozer cylinder
20 Track cylinder
21 Suction filter
22 Return filter
(6) (11) (9) 23 Track rollers
24 Grease tension cylinder
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT (cc/rpm) 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
DISCHARGE CAPACITY (l/min) 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
U17-3 EU
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT (cc/rpm) 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
DISCHARGE CAPACITY (l/min) 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
U17-3 EU
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT (cc/rpm) 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
DISCHARGE CAPACITY (l/min) 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
U17-3 EU
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. U-17, PP-version
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT cc/rev 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
(in3/rev) (0.46) (0.46) (0.27) (0.16)
DISCHARGE CAPACITY LMP 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
(GPM) (4.57) (4.57) (2.75) (1.64)
TPSS Valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5. U-17, PP-version: Three operation; boom up, arm extend, swivel R, A (JD)-pattern
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT cc/rev 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
(in3/rev) (0.46) (0.46) (0.27) (0.16)
DISCHARGE CAPACITY LMP 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
(GPM) (4.57) (4.57) (2.75) (1.64)
TPSS Valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
6. U-17, PP-version: Travel forward, high speed and boom down, B (ISO, Kubota)-pattern
Fujikoshi PVD-00B-15P-5G3-4982A
PUMP P1 P2 P3 P4
ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 2300 2300 2300 2300
DISPLACEMENT cc/rev 7.5 7.5 4.5 2.7
(in3/rev) (0.46) (0.46) (0.27) (0.16)
DISCHARGE CAPACITY LMP 17.3 17.3 10.4 6.2
(GPM) (4.57) (4.57) (2.75) (1.64)
TPSS Valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Service Section
A. TROUBLESHOOTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-3
a. Common Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-3
b. Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-6
c. Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-9
d. Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-10
e. Swivel Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-11
f. Traveling Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-13
B. TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-15
a. Testing Instruments & Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-15
b. Pump Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-17
c. Pressure Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-18
d. Drain Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-28
e. Measurement of Block Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-30
f. Operating Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-32
g. Straight Travel Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-34
h. Swivel System Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-35
i. Travel System Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-38
j. Cylinder natural fall amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-43
k. Control and Traveling lever operating force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-43
l. Lever stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-43
C. SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-45
a. Pump Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-45
b. Relief Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-46
c. Swivel Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-48
d. Traveling Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-49
e. Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-50
f. Service Port Flow Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-52
g. Motor Oil Drain Amount Test Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-52
D. DISASSEMBLING AND REASSEMBLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-53
a. Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-53
b. Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-68
c. Pilot Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-111
d. Swivel Motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-143
e. Rotary Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-157
f. Travel Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-169
g. Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-188
h. Change Valve (Dozer, Track). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-197
i. Unload Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-199
j. Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-203
k. Oil Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-206
l. Third Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-207
m. TPSS Valve (PP-version Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-209
n. Hydraulic Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-S-215
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a. Common Circuit
Engine System
Engine not starts Starter not rotates normally Check electrical components
Engine revolution drops and engine stops with load imposed Check engine components
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Hydraulic system
Boom, arm, bucket, swing, or dozer cylinder not operates Check hydraulic components
Slow and weak total hydraulic pressure system Check hydraulic components
Slow and weak boom, arm, bucket, swing, or dozer cylinder Check hydraulic components
Travelling motion not stops or runs away on slopes Check traveling components
Temperature of
Engine system error; cooling water, oil, or combustion system Check engine components
operating oil tank rises
Check specifications of
Attachment not satisfies recommended operating range attachment and machine
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Abnormal sound while in Loosened mounting bolts or nuts for cover and Check cover and other
operation other parts around source of abnormal sound parts mounting conditions
Tube, hose, or other parts around source of Check tube or hose mounting
abnormal sound in contact with other parts conditions
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
b. Hydraulics
Failure Probable cause Remedy
Whole hydraulic pres- 1) The quantity of hydraulic oil in the tank is insuffi- Supply or replace the hydraulic
sure system not oper- cient or the hydraulic oil is of poor quality. oil.
ates. 2) The suction line (suction filter) is clogged. Check the suction line or replace
Slow speed and weak the suction filter.
3) The pump mounting coupling is in improper con- Repair or replace the pump cou-
dition. pling.
4) The pump drive shaft is broken. Replace the shaft.
5) The seizing of or damage to pump internal parts. Repair or replace the pump.
The boom, arm, bucket, 1) The hydraulic pressure pilot line filter is blocked. Clean or replace the pilot filter.
or swivel does not oper- 2) The change valve is in improper condition. Disassemble or replace the
ate. change valve.
Slow speed and weak
power. 3) The seizing of or damage to the internal parts of Replace the pilot pump.
the pilot pump.
The boom, bucket, or 1) The main relief valve (P1) is not at the specified Check and adjust the main relief
traveling LH does not pressure. valve (P1).
operate. 2) The seizing of or damage to the internal parts of Repair or replace the pump.
Slow speed and weak the P1 or P2 pump system if the arm, service
power. port, or traveling RH does not operate.
The arm, service port, 1) The main relief valve (P2) is not at the specified Check and adjust the main relief
or traveling RH does not pressure. valve (P2).
operate. 2) The seizing of or damage to the internal parts of Repair or replace the pump.
Slow speed and weak the P1 or P2 pump system if the boom, bucket,
power. or traveling LH does not operate.
The swing, dozer, or 1) The main relief valve (P3) is not at the specified Check and adjust the main relief
swivel does not oper- pressure. valve (P3).
ate. 2) The seizing of or damage to the internal parts of Repair or replace the pump.
Slow speed and weak the P3 pump system.
The boom or arm does 1) The operation or adjustment of the TPSS link is Check and adjust the link.
not operate. improper. (PP-version)
Slow speed and weak 2) The TPSS valve is in improper operation. Disassemble the valve and
power. (PP-version) replace the seal.
Only the boom does not 1) The overload relief valve of the boom is not at Check and repair the overload
operate. the specified pressure. relief valve.
Slow speed and weak 2) The spools of the control valve boom section is Check and repair the spools.
power. in improper operation.
3) The pilot valve is in improper condition. Measure the secondary pressure
and check the pilot valve.
4) Damage to the packing of the boom cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
Only the arm does not 1) The overload relief valve of the arm is not at the Check and repair the overload
operate. specified pressure. relief valve.
Slow speed and weak 2) The spools of the control valve arm section is in Check and repair the spools.
power. improper operation.
3) The pilot valve is in improper condition. Measure the secondary pressure
and check the pilot valve.
4) Damage to the packing of the arm cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Failure Probable cause Remedy
Only the bucket does 1) The overload relief valve of the bucket is not at Check and repair the overload
not operate. the specified pressure. relief valve.
Slow speed and weak 2) The spools of the control valve bucket section is Check and repair the spools.
power. in improper operation.
3) The pilot valve is in improper condition. Measure the secondary pressure
and check the pilot valve.
4) Damage to the packing of the bucket cylinder Disassemble the cylinder and
rod. replace the seal.
Only the swing does not 1) Improper adjustments to the swing pedal and Check and adjust the pedal and
operate. link. link.
Slow speed and weak 2) The spools of the control valve swing section is Check and repair the spools.
power. in improper operation.
3) The anti-void valve is in improper condition. Check and replace the anti-void
4) Damage to the swing cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
Only the dozer or leg 1) Improper adjustments to the dozer lever and Check and adjust the lever and
expansion and contrac- cable. cable.
tion function does not 2) The spools of the control valve dozer section is Check and repair the spools.
operate. in improper operation.
Slow speed and weak
power. 3) Damage to the packing of the dozer cylinder or Disassemble the cylinder and
tracking cylinder rod. replace the seal.
4) The operation or adjustment of the link of the Check and adjust the link.
change valve (dozer and truck) is improper.
5) The change valve (dozer and truck) is in Disassemble the valve and
improper operation. replace the seal.
Only the service port 1) Improper adjustments to the service port pedal Check and adjust the pedal and
does not operate. and link. link.
Slow speed and weak 2) The spools of the control valve service port sec- Check and repair the spools.
power. tion is in improper operation.
The natural drop of the 1) The overload relief valve is not at the specified Check and repair the overload
boom, arm or bucket pressure. relief valve.
cylinder is excessive. 2) Damage to the spool or spring of the control Check and repair the spool or
valve. the spring.
3) Damage to the packing of the boom cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
The swing cylinder 1) Improper adjustments to the link system of the Check and adjust the link.
returned to the neutral swing pedal.
position moves. 2) The anti-void valve is in improper condition. Check and replace the anti-void
3) Damage to the stick or spring of the spool of the Check and repair the spools.
control valve.
4) Damage to the swing cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
Natural drop of the 1) Damage to the spool or spring of the control Check and repair the spools.
dozer cylinder is exces- valve.
sive. 2) The change valve (dozer and truck) is in Disassemble the valve and
improper operation. replace the seal.
3) Damage to the packing of the dozer cylinder rod. Disassemble the cylinder and
replace the seal.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Failure Probable cause Remedy
The temperature of the 1) Hot air overflows due to damage to the division Check around the oil cooler.
operating oil tank rises. plate around the oil cooler.
2) Clogging of the oil cooler. Cleaning of oil cooler.
3) Clogging of the return filter. Check and replace the return fil-
4) The low-pressure line is clogged with a foreign Check the low-pressure line.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c. Pump
Problem Cause Correction
1) Engine rpm higher than specified. 1) Readjust as specified.
1. The engine gets overloaded. 2) Pressure higher than specified. 2) Readjust as specified.
3) Pump internal parts seized or damaged. 3) Repair or replace the pump.
2. The pump flowrate drops 1) Engine rpm too low. 1) Readjust the rpm.
extremely with too low 2) Pump coupling defective. 2) Repair or replace the pump coupling.
discharge pressure. 3) Pump internal parts seized or damaged. 3) Repair or replace the pump.
1) Air or water mixed in hydraulic oil. 1) Retighten the circuit connections, the
suction pipe in particular. Replace if
water is mixed in.
3. Unusual noise or unusual 2) Suction strainer clogged. 2) Clean or replace the suction strainer.
vibrations occur (cavitation 3) Suction pipe clogged or throttled. 3) Correct the suction pipe.
phenomenon). 4) Attached pump in trouble (if provided). 4) Repair or replace the attached pump.
5) Piston shoe poorly crimped. 5) Replace the piston assembly.
6) Pump loosely mounted. 6) Mount correctly.
7) Coupling defective. 7) Replace the coupling.
1) O-ring or sheet packing defective. 1) Replace the O-ring or sheet packing
4. There is oil leak. (install as specified).
2) Oil leak from oil seal edge. 2) Replace or repair the oil seal or shaft.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
d. Motor
Problem Cause Correction
No pressure rise or no oil flow. Check the entire hydraulic circuit including the valves and pumps.
Oil viscosity inappropriate. Ensure the specified viscosity ranges.
Motor failure
to run Dust, degraded hydraulic oil, cavitation, Run the motor alone and get it under a pressure of 30 kgf/cm2 (2.9
internal parts seized due to excessive radial MPa) or so. If it fails to run, then some internal parts might be seized
load, unusual contact, bearing damaged. or damaged. Disassemble the motor and replace damaged parts.
Check the pump discharge rate, the motor rpm, and the valves for oil
Incoming flowrate too low.
Rpm not as
Low viscosity and internal leak for oil
designed Ensure the specified viscosity ranges.
temperature or other reason.
Internal parts worn out. Replace worn-out parts.
Wrong Wrong pipe connections. Reverse the pipe connections.
turning Poor valve timing due to wrong
direction Disassemble and reassemble again for good valve timing.
disassembling/reassembling procedures.
Replace the oil seal. Repair or replace if the shaft seal contact surface
Oil seal scratched or worn.
is scratched or worn.
Loose bolt or plug, resulting in oil leak (at Tighten the bolt and plug to their specified torques. See also if the O-
joints) from O-ring. ring is damaged. Replace the O-ring as required.
Oil leak O-ring scratched or damaged. Replace the O-ring.
Check for hit marks, burr, etc. Correct the surface with #600 or so
Dust or dent on the O-ring contact face.
sandpaper. Replace the O-ring. Clean up and reassemble.
Cracked port, damaged screw. Replace the housing. Use an appropriate joint and tighten it to the
Inappropriate joint. specified torque.
Shaft poorly fitted. Center the shaft exactly.
Let out the air completely. Fill the motor with oil and keep it running
Air left in the circuit or motor.
Unusual under no load until there is no air bubbles in the tank.
noise Pump's cavitation. Unclog the suction filter.
Apply oil or grease to each connection and carefully listen to the noise
Air mixed in the suction pipe line.
there. If the noise is less, retighten the joint there.
Unusual Cooler in trouble. Repair the cooler.
rise Motor seized. Repair or replacement
As listed above, there are various problems and their possible causes. The majority of troubles are,
however, caused by the entry of dust. Be very attentive not to allow any dust into the system.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
e. Swivel Performance
Check that only the swivel components are in improper condition.
Failure Probable cause Remedy
1. The swivel does not 1) The spooling of the pilot valve is improper. Check the operation of the valve,
turn left or right. and disassemble and clean the
2) The spool stick of the control valve operates Check the operation of the valve,
improperly. and disassemble and clean the
3) The secondary pressure of the pilot is improper. Measure the pressure.
4) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
5) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
6) Internal damage to the motor. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the motor.
7) Internal damage to the control valve. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the control valve.
2. One of the two sides 1) The spooling of the pilot valve is improper. Check the operation of the valve,
does not work. and disassemble and clean the
2) The spool stick of the control valve operates Check the operation of the valve,
improperly. and disassemble and clean the
3) The secondary pressure of the pilot is improper. Measure the pressure.
4) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
5) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
6) Internal damage to the motor. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the motor.
7) Internal damage to the control valve. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the control valve.
3. The power is low. 1) The spooling of the pilot valve is improper. Check the operation of the valve,
The speed is low. and disassemble and clean the
2) The spool stick of the control valve operates Check the operation of the valve,
improperly. and disassemble and clean the
3) The secondary pressure of the pilot is improper. Measure the pressure.
4) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
5) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
6) Internal damage to the motor. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the motor.
7) Internal damage to the control valve. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the control valve.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Failure Probable cause Remedy
4. The swivel does not 1) The spooling of the pilot valve is improper. Check the operation of the valve,
stop with the position and disassemble and clean the
set to neutral. valve.
An excessive flow. 2) The spool stick of the control valve operates Check the operation of the valve,
improperly. and disassemble and clean the
3) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
4) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
5. Excessive shock 1) The spooling of the pilot valve is improper. Check the operation of the valve,
with the swivel and disassemble and clean the
comes to a stop. valve.
No inching is possi- 2) The spool stick of the control valve operates Check the operation of the valve,
ble. improperly. and disassemble and clean the
3) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
4) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
6. The swivel wobbles 1) The spool of the control valve operates improp- Check the operation of the valve,
when the swivel is erly. and disassemble and clean the
pressed by hand. valve.
2) Relief valve pressure is improper. Measure the pressure, and dis-
assemble, clean, and adjust the
3) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
f. Traveling Performance
Check in advance that only the traveling components are in improper condition.
Failure Probable cause Remedy
Machine does not run. 1. Sticking or dropping of the traveling lever of the Adjust and replace the link sys-
link system. tem.
2) Sticking of the spool of the control valve. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the control valve.
3) Internal leakage of the rotary joint. Disassemble the rotary joint and
replace the seal.
4) Sticking of the spool of the counter balance Disassemble, clean, and replace
valve. the counter balance valve.
5) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain quantity, dis-
assemble, and replace the
6) Internal damage to the motor. Disassemble and replace the
Slow traveling speed. 1) The link system of the traveling lever is in Adjust the link system.
Low traveling power. improper operation.
2) The spooling of the control valve is improper. Disassemble, clean, and replace
the control valve.
3) Internal leakage of the rotary joint. Disassemble the rotary joint and
replace the seal.
4) The spooling of the counter balance valve is Disassemble, clean, and replace
improper. the counter balance valve.
5) Excessive motor drain. Measure the drain quantity, dis-
assemble, and replace the
6) Internal damage to the motor. Disassemble and replace the
7) Sticking of the spool of the communicating valve. Clean or replace the communi-
cating valve and clean the filter.
Skewing 1) The left and right traveling levers of the link sys- Adjust the link system.
(Only in traveling con- tem are not in uniformed operation.
trol) 2) The left and right control valves are not in uni- Disassemble, clean, and replace
formed spool operation. the control valve.
3) Internal leakage of the rotary joint on one side. Disassemble the rotary joint and
replace the seal.
4) Sticking of the spool of the counter balance Disassemble, clean, and replace
valve. the counter balance valve.
5) The difference between the left and right in Measure the drain quantity, dis-
motor drain quantity is great. assemble, and replace the
6) Internal damage to the motor on one side. Disassemble and replace the
If the traveling right and left pumps are different in flow rate or pressure or if the delivery hose on one
side malfunctions, the product will skew. In that case, other operational errors will occur as well.
Machine does not stop 1) Improper returning or sticking of the link system Adjust the link system.
running. of the traveling lever.
Machine runs away on 2) Improper returning or sticking of the spool of the Disassemble, clean, and replace
slopes. control valve. the control valve.
3) Improper returning or sticking of the spool of the Disassemble, clean, and replace
counter balance valve. the counter balance valve.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Failure Probable cause Remedy
The traveling speed 1) The spool of the change valve is in improper Disassemble, and clean or
range does not change. operation. replace the change valve.
2) The high/low speed change spool in the travel Disassemble, and clean or
motor is in improper operation. replace the high and low speed
change valve in the travel motor.
3) The limit switch is in improper operation. Check and replace the switch.
4) The wireharness of the solenoid or limit switch is Check and replace the har-
broken. nesses.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a. Testing Instruments & Special Tools
1) Gauges and special tools for pressure testing
1. Pressure hose
2. Pressure gauge: 2.94 MPa, 30 kgf/cm2, 427 psi
For secondary pilot pressure test.
3. Pressure gauge: 5.88 MPa, 60 kgf/cm2, 853 psi
For primary pilot pressure test.
4. Pressure gauge: 64.3 MPa, 350 kgf/cm2, 4978 psi
For main relief pressure and overload relief
pressure test.
5. Pipe joint (S, F2 - F2)
Code No. 69181-63191
6. Pressure test plug: PT 1/8
7. Allen wrench: M5
8. Plug: PT 1/8 Code No. 68311-13381
9. Wrench: Size 17 - 19 mm
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Vacuum pump
FESTO VAD-1/4 9334
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
b. Pump Flow
1) Measuring procedure
1. Connect the tester to the pump outlet. Be care-
ful not to confuse the tester’s pipe connections.
2. Open the tester’s loading valve. Start the
3. Set the engine to the maximum rpm.
4. Gradually close the loading valve. Apply the
rated load pressure (test pressure) to the pump.
5. Measure the discharge flowrate and pump
rpm (engine rpm).
6. Calculate the volumetric efficiency and judge
the performance.
(1) Hydraulic oil tank (2) Pump
(3) Flow tester (4) Control valve 2) Checking the pump performance
To inspect the pump performance, apply the
Pump discharge side specified pressure to the pump discharge side.
Measure the discharge rate at the specified rpm
P1 P2 to check the volumetric efficiency.
Volumetric efficiency =
Discharge rate at rated load
× 100(%)
Theoretical discharge rate (calculated value)
1. The pump’s volumetric efficiency is proportional
to the pump rpm and inversely proportional to
the load pressure. During the test, keep the
engine at its maximum rpm.
2. The volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the
discharge rate per pump turn (cc/rev) to the
theoretical discharge rate (calculated value). The
main relief set pressure is used as the rated load.
3. The discharge rate under rated load must be
converted to that per pump turn. This is because
P3 P4 (EU-version) the pump usually runs at lower rpm when
measuring the pump flow at loaded condition.
P1 P2
Discharge rate under rated load
Discharge rate at rated load (L/min) × 1000
(cc/rev) =
Pump rpm at rated load (rpm)
P3 P4 (PP-version)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c. Pressure Measurement
(1) Pilot pressure
1) Primary pressure
1. Vacuum the hydraulic system line to prevent oil
from leaking out.
Install the vacuum pump onto the tank cap.Set the
main key on and get the safety lever down.
2. Open rear bonnet.
3. Install the pressure gauge on pilot pump delivery
port after removing the plug (1/8 PT).
4. Start the engine and run it at the maximum speed.
5. Leave the safety lever up or get lever down.
6. Take 2 or 3 measurements to have an exact read-
7. Hydraulic oil temp.: 50 ± 5 °C, 122 ± 9 °F
In case of engine idle speed, pressure value is
slightly lower than that engine max. speed by 2 ~ 5
kgf/cm2 (0.2 ~ 0.5 MPa, 28 ~ 71 psi).
P3 P4 (EU-version)
P1 P2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Secondary pressure
1. Remove step.
2. Connect a joint for measurement to the arrow-
marked point and set pressure gauge on it.
3. Start the engine and run it at the maximum speed.
4. Get the safety lever down to activate the unload
5. Shift the control lever to be measured.
6. Take 2 or 3 measurement to have an exact reading.
7. Hydraulic oil temp.: 50 ± 5°C, 122 ± 9°F
8. Pilot valve is at its max. stroke and control valve
spool is being fully shifted.
1.96 ± 0.1 MPa
Reference Value
at idle speed 20 ± 1 kgf/cm2
284 ± 14 psi
2.1 ± 0.2 MPa
(1) Pilot pump pressure port Reference Value
at max.speed 21 ± 2 kgf/cm2
299 ± 28 psi
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P3 P4 (EU-version)
7777772$ a3 a1
a1: P1 main relief valve
a2: P2 main relief valve
a3: P3 main relief valve
P3 (2) P1 (1)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a3 b3 a1 b2
b1: Boom bottom a1: P1 main relief valve
b2: Boom rod a2: P2 main relief valve
b3: Arm bottom a3: P3 main relief valve
b4: Arm rod
P3 (1) P1 (2) b5: Bucket bottom
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P3 P4 (EU-version)
P1 P2
P3 P4 (PP-version)
P3 (1) P1 (2)
b4 a2 b1 b5
(1) Arm
(2) Boom
a3 b3 a1 b2
b1: Boom bottom
b2: Boom rod
b3: Arm bottom
b4: Arm rod
b5: Bucket bottom
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P3 P4 (EU-version)
P1 P2
P3 P4 (PP-version)
P3 (1) P1 (2)
(1) Arm
(2) Boom
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a. Symptoms Found
1. A boom-up overload relief pressure value shows lower than its bench test pressure value when you
test the pressure in light of the foregoing description.
2. Max. boom-up overload relief pressure value comes not at max. engine speed but around 1500 ~
2000 rpm.
These two symptoms are peculiar to U17/U17-3 and KX41-3, which hydraulic circuit diagrams are con-
sist of P1 and P3 confluence flow and bleed-off control valves of boom-up line.
b. Reason Found
Followings are the study result based on the machine test.
1. Why is the max. boom-up overload pressure lower than its bench pressure value?
Because: 1) Boom-up circuit has two pump lines, P1 and P3.
Additionally bleed-off orifice is incorporated inside the spool.
At engine max. speed, P3 main line reaches to its relief pressure condition.
Due to a horse power control system with variable displacement pump and bleed-off line, an
oil flow amount into boom-up circuit decreases and thus overload relief pressure value
becomes lower than the bench test pressure.
2) Following graphs show this symptom.
Graph C: Boom overload relief pressure
Graph D: Max. boom-up pressure
Graph E: P3 pressure indicates this fact.
In this graph, why is P3 pressure decreases at boom-up operation?
Because P3 pump is a gear pump and this confluence circuit has bleed-off orifice
The lower the pump flow, the greater the bleed-off function and thus P3 line pres-
sure decreases.
Then horse power control system recover its swash plate angle to supply enough
oil to the boom-up circuit.
2. Why does the boom-up overload relief pressure become higher at 1500 ~ 2000 rpm than at its max
engine speed?
Because: 1) At engine max. speed, P3 pump main line reaches to its relief pressure and the pump swash
plate returns to minimum displacement position when pump 1 being applied by its max.
relief pressure.
On the contrary, at engine 's lower speed, P3 pump main line does not reach its max. pres-
See graph “E... P3 pressure”.
Therefore, due to its horsepower control system, pump swash plate angle still keep positive
to provide some amount of oil flow to boom-up circuit.
Additionally, engine's torque stays its highest conditions even at 1500 ~ 2000 rpm.
This theoretical description can be supported by the test result of “G. Boom-up overload
relief pressure vs RPM at P3 line” is dumped to tank.
As P3 line is dumped to tank, P3 pump has no load and engine and pump has enough
horsepower to keep the swash plate positive condition to supply enough oil to boom-up cir-
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Boom-up 1
A. Current pump pressure condition C. Boom overload relief pressure Boom-up 2
25.0 Boom down
Pump 1
Pump 2 30.0
Pilot pump 25.0
10.0 15.0
0.0 0.0
Engine speed
Engine speed
P3 pressure at boom-up D. Max. boom-up pressure trend vs RPM
E. P3 pressure
P3 pressure at dozer
25.0 23.5
20.0 23.0
15.0 22.5
10.0 22.0
5.0 21.5
1100 1200 1423 1530 1660 1750 1800 1960 2070 2180 2200 2480
28.0 Boom-up 2
Boom-up &
bucket dump
Bucket crowd
28.0MPa relief
23.0 valve
Engine speed
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P1 P2
P3 P4 (EU-version)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
d. Drain Measurement
(1) Traveling motor
1. Vacuum the hydraulic system line to prevent oil
from leaking out.
2. Disconnect the drain hose from the travel motor
and connect another hose (the pressure gauge
hose will do) where the drain hose was discon-
3. Float the crawlers as shown as below.
4. Run the engine one minute at max. rpm with the
lever in the forward position and measure the
amount of hydraulic oil in the pan.
5. If the measurement exceeds the specification,
determine the cause and replace the assembly.
6. Hydraulic oil temp.: 50 ± 5°C, 122 ± 9°F
7. Reference value: Refer to page.
Never place your body under the crawler.
(3) (R)
(R) (2)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Vacuum the hydraulic system line to prevent
oil leakage while fitting hoses.
(1) Vacuum pump, compression air type
(3) (2) Drain port
(3) Measuring cylinder
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(2) Traveling
1. Park the machine on a 20 deg. slope. Keep
front at traveling position.
2. Put marks on the truck frame and the crawler.
3. Measure 10 minutes slip-distance without
engine running.
4. Hydraulic oil temp.: 50 ± 5°C, 122 ± 9°F.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
f. Operating Speed
(1) Checking each operating speed.
[Important points]
1. Measure full stroke operating time with no load on the standard bucket.
2. Make several measurement and use average time for judgement.
3. Two different measurements are expected for the forward and backward movements as well as the
right and left swivellings.
Obtain their respective measurements. Do not calculate for their average.
4. Before operation, make sure nobody is around the machine.
[Measurement conditions]
1. Engine rpm is max.
2. Hydraulic temperature is 50 ± 5°C, 122 ± 9°F.
3. Ground is flat.
4. Measure time after several pre-operation.
Reference Up 1.9 ~ 2.5
Value Down 2.2 ~ 2.8
Reference Crowd 3.2 ~ 3.8
Value Dump 2.1 ~ 2.7
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Reference Crowd 2.5 ~ 3.1
Value Dump 1.6 ~ 2.2
Reference Left 4.3 ~ 4.9
Value Right 3.4 ~ 4.0
Reference Down 1.6 ~ 2.2
Value Up 1.8 ~ 2.4
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
[sec/three turns]
Reference Value 18.8 ~ 23.1
Reference 1F 15.0 ~ 18.0
Value 2F 8.2 ~ 10
(Rubber track)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(7) (6)
4. If the trouble is with one way alone, reverse the right and left hoses and see if the trouble occurs with the
other way alone.
5. If the trouble occurs with the other way in the above step, it means that the cause exists in the upstream.
If not, it means that the cause exists in the downstream.
6. Hose reversing locations (-)
(2) Pilot valve ~ (1) Selector valve (AC, multi) ~ (9) Control valve ~ (8) Swivel motor
7. Reversing the right and left parts
(2) Pilot valve (5) Brake
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(9) (9)
(6) (6)
(7) (7)
(4) (4)
(5) (3)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(4) Checking the counterbalance valve and high/low-speed selector valve (travel motor)
1. For disassembling and reassembling the valves,
refer to the Hydraulic System Section.
2. Remove the plugs and spools. Check and clean
them up.
(1) (Fujikoshi-made)
(2) Counterbalance valve
(3) High/low-speed selector valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• When applying a pressure, be careful not to confuse the control parts and the operating directions.
• When disconnecting the hose, pay attention to oil flow-out. In the neutral state, the hose is connected
with the tank circuit.
Hose routing
(2) (3)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (4)
(3) (6)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
l. Lever stroke
1. Stop the engine.
2. Move each lever from neutral to full stroke end, and
measure each stroke with respect to the top center of
the each lever grip.
3. If any lever is loose at its neutral position, measure the
stroke from each loose end.
4. Make three measurements and take their average.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a. Pump Specifications
No. Machine model Remarks
Unit STD value
1 Manufacturer Fujikoshi
2 Pump type PVD-00B-15P-5G3-49822A
3 Pump rated RPM 2300
4 Theoretical dis- p1 cc/rev 7.5
charge amount cu.in./rev 0.46
p2 cc/rev 7.5
cu.in./rev 0.46
p3 cc/rev 4.5
cu.in./rev 0.27
p4 cc/rev 2.7
cu.in./rev 0.16
5 Theoretical p1 L/min 17.3 Recommended limit:
delivery amount USGPM 4.57 ηV = 85%
at rated rpm: Service limit: ηV = 80%
p2 L/min 17.3
USGPM 4.57
p3 L/min 10.4
USGPM 2.73
p4 L/min 6.2
USGPM 1.64
(Above data “6. Actual delivery amount” is just for your information on one new machine's sample value only.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
b. Relief Valve
(1) Bench set data
No. Type of valve Unit Value Allowance Value Allowance Remarks
1 a1: Main relief valve of P1 MPa 21.6 +1.0 -0.5 at 17.4 l/min
220 +10 -5 (4.6 USGPM)
Bar 216 +9.8 -4.9
psi 3128 +142 -71
2 a2: Main relief valve of P2 MPa 21.6 +1.0 -0.5 at 17.4 l/min
2 220 +10 -5 (4.6 USGPM)
Bar 216 +9.8 -4.9
psi 3128 +142 -71
3 a3: Main relief valve of P3 MPa 18.6 +1.0 -0.5 at 17.4 l/min
190 +10 -5 (4.6 USGPM)
Bar 186 +9.8 -4.9
psi 2702 +142 -71
4 ap: Primary pilot system pressure MPa 3.9 +0.3 -0.2
kgf/cm2 40 +3 -2
Bar 39.2 +3 -2
psi 569 +43 -28
5 as: Secondary pilot system pressure MPa 2.2 0.3 0.0
kgf/cm2 22 3 0
Bar 21.6 2.9 -0.2
psi 313 43 -3
6 b5: Overload relief valve of bucket bottom MPa 23.5 0.5 0.0 at 5.0 l/min
2 240 5 0 (1.3 USGPM)
Bar 235 5 0.0
psi 3413 71 0
7 b2: Overload relief valve of boom rod MPa 27.5 0.5 0.0 at 5.0 l/min
2 280 5 0 (1.3 USGPM)
Bar 275 5 0.0
psi 3982 71 0
8 b1: Overload relief valve of boom bottom MPa 17.7 0.5 0.0 at 5.0 l/min
180 5 0 (1.3 USGPM)
Bar 177 5 0.0
psi 2560 71 0
9 b3, b4: Overload relief valve of arm, rod and MPa 23.5 0.5 0.0 at 5.0 l/min
bottom 240 5 0 (1.3 USGPM)
Bar 235 5 0.0
psi 3413 71 0
10 c1: Overload relief valve of swivel motor MPa 13.2 0.5 0.0 at 5.0 l/min
R&L 135 5 0 (1.3 USGPM)
Bar 132 5 0.0
psi 1920 71 0
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c. Swivel Performance
Machine model
Manufacturer Eaton Fluid Power Ltd.
Model 2-200DOS-E3888
Displacement cc/rev cu.in/rev 195 48.01
Max. oil flow L/min USGPM 30 8
Motor speed rpm 53.3 at 10.4 L/min
Brake valve pressure MPa psi 13.2 1920
kgf/cm2 135
Drain amount at lock L/min USGPM 2.0 0.53
Drain amount while rotating L/min USGPM 0.25 0.07
Swivel speed rpm 8.7
3 times rotation swivel speed sec 19.8 ± 2.2
Swivel block performance deg. 30 > 1 min. 20 degree slope
Capable swivel rotation angle deg. 18 <
Play at the tip of bucket mm inch 53 2.1
Brake release pressure MPa psi 13.2 1920
kgf/cm 2 135
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
d. Traveling Performance
1 Motor Displacement Low speed 11.36 cm3/rev 0.69 cu.in/rev
High speed 6.21 cm3/rev 0.38 cu.in/rev
2 Gearbox ratio 1 : 36.96
3 Total displacement High speed 419.9 3
cm /rev 25.62 cu.in/rev
Low speed 229.5 cm3/rev 14.01 cu.in/rev
4 Max. pressure 21.6 MPa 3128.4 psi
220.0 kgf/cm 2 216 bar
5 Max. flow 17.3 L/min 4.57 USGPM
6 Max. drain pressure Continuous 0.1 MPa 14.2 psi
1.0 kgf/cm 2 1 bar
Peak 0.5 MPa 71.1 psi
5.0 kgf/cm 2 5 bar
7 Max. motor output torque (theoretical) High speed 39.0 Nm at 216 bar 28.8 ft•lbs at 3132 psi
Low speed 21.3 Nm at 216 bar 15.7 ft•lbs at 3132 psi
8 Max. motor output speed (theoretical) High speed 2786 rpm
Low speed 1523 rpm
9 Max. gearbox output torque (theoreti- High speed 788.5 Nm 581.6 ft•lbs
cal) Low speed 1443.0 Nm 1064.4 ft•lbs
10 Max. gearbox output speed (theoreti- High speed 75.4 rpm
cal) Low speed 41.2 rpm
11 Counter balance spool operating pressure 0.59 MPa 85.3 psi
6.0 kgf/cm2 6 bar
12 Check valve cracking pressure 0.03 MPa 4.3 psi
0.3 kgf/cm2 0.3 bar
13 Hydraulic motor oil ISO VG46
14 Gearbox oil type Gear oil SAE-90-CD
15 Gearbox oil: quantity 330 cm3 20.14 cu.in
16 Oil temperature -20°C/ 100°C -4°F/ 212°F
17 Total weight 17.0 kg ±10% 37 lbs ±10%
18 Climbing ability 30°
19 Max. traction force 1F 12.7 kN 2855 lbw
2F 7.1 kN 1596 lbw
20 Traveling block performance less than 300 mm less than 11.811 in
21 Traveling speed Rubber/Steel crawler 1F 2.3 km/h 1.43 mph
2F 4.1 km/h 2.55 mph
22 10 m traveling time 1F 15.7 sec
2F 8.8 sec
23 Straight travel performance 1,2F less than 600 mm less than 23.62 in
24 Drain amount at lock 1F 4.0 >
= LPM 1.06 >= GPM
2F 4.0 >
= LPM 1.06 >
25 Drain amount while rotating 1F 0.5 >
= LPM 0.13 >
2F 0.5 >
= LPM 0.13 >
26 Hi-speed change pressure 1st → 2nd 0.5 MPa 5 kgf/cm2
27 Manufacturer Fujikoshi
28 Motor type PHV-120
29 Sprocket, PCD 277.18 mm 10.91 in
30 Kubota part No. RB238-61292
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
e. Cylinder
(1) Speed
(unit: sec.)
Unit (A) (B) Remarks
Boom cylinder Up 2.1 ± 0.3 2.9 GL to Max. height (exclude cushion time)
Boom cylinder Down 2.4 ± 0.3 3.2 Max. height to GL
Boom cylinder cushion 0.5 ~ 1.5 1.8
Arm cylinder Crowd 3.3 ± 0.3 4.3 Cylinder full stroke
Arm cylinder Dump 2.2 ± 0.3 3.0
Bucket cylinder Crowd 2.7 ± 0.3 3.6 Cylinder full stroke
Bucket cylinder Dump 1.8 ± 0.3 2.5
Swing cylinder Left 4.6 ± 0.3 5.9 Cylinder full stroke
Swing cylinder Right 3.7 ± 0.3 4.8
Blade cylinder Up 1.7 ± 0.3 2.4 Cylinder full stroke
Blade cylinder Down 2.1 ± 0.3 2.9
Truck cylinder Extend - - Cylinder full stroke
Truck cylinder Retract - -
Boom cylinder mm 25 125 6 Boom raise, Arm extend, Bucket crowd, Bucket load: heaped
inch 0.98 4.92 0.24 capacity 10 min Engine stop
Arm cylinder mm 15 75 4
inch 0.59 2.95 0.16
Bucket cylinder mm 10 50 2
inch 0.39 1.97 0.08
Dozer cylinder mm 25 125 1
inch 0.98 4.92 0.04
Swing block mm 6 30 90 degrees swivel 100 times
inch 0.24 1.18
(Measuring procedure)
1. Equip the machine with standard bucket. Arm stretched and bucket bottom 1 m above ground
2. Air-vent all the cylinders. Load piled up (JIS), specific gravity 1.8
3. Measure the gravity fall for 10 minutes.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Note: Above data is just for your information, not the specifications.
Note: Above data is just for your information, not the specifications.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
P1 P2
10 8
P3 Pp
11 1 3 2 7 13 7 7 12 4 6 5
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Pump assembly (piston) 1 P1, P2
2 Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
3 Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
4 Pipe joint (3-3-35) 1 P1
5 Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
P3 P4
6 O-ring 1
7 Plug (seal) 3 R1/8 P1, P2, P3
8 Flange (suction) 1
9 Bolt 4 M10 x 1.5 7T
10 O-ring 1 S35
11 Bolt 2 M12 x 1.25 7T
12 Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
13 Pipe joint (L, R1/8-R1/8) 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
10 8
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty
040 ASSY PISTON 10 260 ROD 1
050 HOLDER 1 270 PIN 1
060 HOLDER 1 280 PIN 1
070 PIN 3 290 PIN 1
110 PLATE 1 330 BOLT, HEX-SOC-HD 4
120 PIN 2 340 PLUG 4
130 KIT SEAL 1 350 PLUG 1
140 GASKET 1 360 PIN, SPRING 1
150 SEAL, OIL 1 370 SCREW, SET 1
160 O-RING 1 380 NUT, LOCK 1
170 O-RING 2 390 ASSY PUMP, GEAR 1
190 O-RING 1 410 COLLAR 1
200 O-RING 1 420 BOLT 2
210 O-RING 1 430 WASHER, PLAIN 2
220 SPRING 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty
1 Body S 1 37 -
2 Body H 1 38 -
3 Shaft 1 39 O-ring 1
4 Cylinder barrel 1 40 O-ring 2
5 Valve plate 1 41 -
6 Piston 10 42 -
7 Shoe 10 43 -
8 Shoe holder 1 44 Screw 4
9 Barrel holder 1 45 -
10 Swash plate 1 46 -
11 Needle 3 47 -
12 Ball 2 48 -
13 Packing 1 49 Plug 4
14 Spring C 1 50 -
15 Spring T 1 51 Plug 1
16 - 52 -
17 - 53 -
18 Spring holder 1 54 -
19 Spring guide 1 55 -
20 Pin 1 56 Spring pin 1
21 Rod G 1 57 -
22 - 58 -
23 - 59 -
24 Retainer 2 60 Screw 1
25 Stopper pin A 1 61 Nut 1
26 Stopper pin B 1 62 Seal washer 1
27 Pin 1 63 -
28 - 64 -
29 - 65 Gear pump kit 1
30 Bearing 1 66 Coupling 1
31 Needle bearing 1 67 Collar 1
32 Oil seal 1 68 Screw 2
33 Coned disk spring 8 69 O-ring 1
34 Snap ring 1 70 Washer 2
35 Snap ring 1 71 O-ring 1
36 - 72 O-ring 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Disassembling
1. Remove the two bolts and the gear pump.
Tool: 13-mm closed wrench
(1) Nut
(2) Set screw
Before tightening the nut, record the protruding margin (the dimension L as shown in the illustration)
of the setscrew for ease of pressure adjustment after assembly.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Bolt
(1) Bolt
(2) Bolt (M10 x 65)
(1) Body S
(2) Body H
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Body S
(2) Body H
6. Remove the pivot pin, stopper pin, disc spring, (4) (2), (3)
and rod.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Reassembling
• Assemble the parts in the order reverse to that taken for disassembly. Clean the parts with wash oil,
and pay utmost attention to keep the parts free of dust sticking or contamination at the time of assem-
bly and protect each sliding part free of damage. The following section provides the important points of
• Apply a little amount of grease to the circumference of the O-ring attached to the spigot section for the
prevention of damage.
(1) Body S
(2) Oil seal (2)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c) Check that the play of the piston and shoe (1) (2)
in the shaft direction satisfy the following
ε = 0.2 mm (0.008 in)
Play of Piston and Shoe
(1) Shoe
(2) Piston
2. Shaft
Check that the wear of the oil seal mounting (1)
part is at a maximum of 0.025 mm (0.001 in).
Shaft Check
(1) Oil Seal Mounting Part
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Discharge: q1 = q2 (cc/rev)
Stamp product code (214749-01) "Side E"
and serial No. on nameplate. Setting Actuator port
Caution: "Side E"
No wrong Pump port Setting
Tank port assembling Plug PF 3/8 (2 locations) (A4 and B4 are plugs.)
b. Control Valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service
Tank port
ID marking
provided Tightening torque
T=13.7 14.7N m
{1.4 1.5kgf m}
Thread depth 12
Actuator port
ID marking
Stroke Swing, dozer, service,
Check valve C
Pilot port
"Side E" "Side E" Plug PF 1/4
Setting Setting (2 locations) Setting
Swing Dozer Swivel Confluence Service Arm Travel Supply Travel Boom Bucket Discharge Unload confluence valve
4 mm stroke
Stroke (mm)
Pilot pressure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
A1 ‚a1
A2 ‚a2
A3 ‚a3
T2 Pb8 '
Pa8 '
A4 ‚a4
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service
A5 ‚a5
A6 ‚a6
P1 P2
A7 ‚a7
A8 ‚a8
Pa8 Pb8
Pa9 A9 ‚a9
T3 T1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
B Bucket E P1·P2 19
25 5 4 6
18 13
G Arm J Swivel 11
20 24
25 24 21 24 25 24
5 22 17 4
25 5 6
SP type
I P3·T2 L Swing
23 16 17 25 24 7
25 24 15 24
5 14
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty
1 RA228-6113Δ Control valve assy 1 16 RC411-6400Δ Pipe joint (L, 3/8-3/8) 1
2 01125-60816 Bolt 4 17 RC418-6613Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/8-G1/4) 3
3 68881-3493Δ Elbow with washer 2 18 RC631-9234Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
4 69254-7849Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 3 19 RP201-6181Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 4
5 RA131-6195Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/8-G1/4) 5 20 RA021-6325Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 2
6 RA131-6199Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/8-G1/4) 3 21 RP431-7969Δ Pipe joint (S, G2-G2) 1
7 RA221-6315Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 3 22 RA221-6314Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 1
8 RA221-6316Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1 23 RA221-6319Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-14) 1
9 RA228-9256Δ T-joint (3-3-3) 1 24 RA221-6316Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
10 RB238-6380Δ Valve assy 1 25 RP201-6181Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 2
RB238-6381Δ Body 1 26 RP421-6192Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
RB237-6382Δ Popet 1 27 RB511-6398Δ T-joint (3-3-3) 1
RB237-6384Δ Spring 1 28 RD118-9489Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G1/2) 1
RB237-6383Δ Washer 1 29 RA228-9257Δ Pipe joint (L, G3-16-141) 1
04611-00140 Circlip hole 1 30 04817-00140 O-ring 6
11 RB411-6376Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 10 31 04817-00110 O-ring 10
12 RB411-6391Δ L-joint (G3/8-13) 2 32 04817-00080 O-ring 8
13 RB411-6403Δ Straight joint (3-3-35) 1 33
14 RC101-6382Δ T-joint (F2) 2 34
15 RC411-6393Δ Pipe joint (Bushing G1/4) 1 35
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
G Arm J Swivel
11 11
7 20 31 32 31 21 31 32 31
5 22 17 4
32 5 6
H Service K Blade
31 4 11
30 26 24
I P3·T2 L Swing
30 16 17 32 7
15 31
32 31
5 14
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty
1 RA228-6113Δ Control valve assy 1 16 RC411-6400Δ Pipe joint (L, 3/8-3/8) 1
2 01125-60816 Bolt 4 17 RC418-6613Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/8-G1/4) 3
3 68881-3493Δ Elbow with washer 2 18 RC631-9234Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
4 69254-7849Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 3 19 RP201-6181Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 4
5 RA131-6195Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/8-G1/4) 5 20 RA021-6325Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 2
6 RA131-6199Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/8-G1/4) 3 21 RP431-7969Δ Pipe joint (S, G2-G2) 1
7 RA221-6315Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 3 22 RA221-6314Δ Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 1
8 RA221-6316Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1 23 RA221-6319Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-14) 1
9 RA228-9256Δ T-joint (3-3-3) 1 24 RA221-6316Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
10 RB238-6380Δ Valve assy 1 25 RP201-6181Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 2
RB238-6381Δ Body 1 26 RP421-6192Δ Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
RB237-6382Δ Popet 1 27
RB237-6384Δ Spring 1 28 RP20-6181Δ Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
RB237-6383Δ Washer 1 29 RB411-6391Δ L-joint (G3/18-13) 1
04611-00140 Circlip hole 1 30 04817-00140 O-ring 6
11 RB411-6376Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 10 31 04817-00110 O-ring 10
12 RB411-6391Δ L-joint (G3/8-13) 2 32 04817-00080 O-ring 8
13 RB411-6403Δ Straight joint (3-3-35) 1 33
14 RC101-6382Δ T-joint (F2) 2 34
15 RC411-6393Δ Pipe joint (Bushing G1/4) 1 35
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(Sample photo)
(1) Outlet
(2) Bucket
(3) Boom
(4) Travel, LH
(5) Inlet
(6) Travel, RH
(7) Arm
(8) Service
(9) Combination
(10) Swivel
(11) Dozer
(12) Swing
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1 3 2 4 5 1 5
Service Swing 6
Travel left Dozer
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Travel, RH
Travel, LH
Tightening Torque
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Swing section
(1) Plug (G3/8), 39.2 ~ 49.6 N·m (4.0 ~ 5.0 kgf·m) (29.0 ~ 36.2 ft·lbs)
Tightening Torque
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 6 Bolt 2
2a Spool 1 7 Check valve 1
2b O-ring 1 Same as No. 3 8 Spring 1
2c Back up ring 1 Same as No. 4 9 O-ring 1
2d Retainer 1 Same as No. 5 10 Plug 1
2e Spring retainer 2 11 Cap 1
2f Spring 1 12 Bolt 2
2g Bolt 1 13 O-ring 1
3 O-ring 1 14 Plug 1
4 Back up ring 1 15 Anti-void valve 1
5 Retainer 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Dozer section
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 6 Bolt 2
2a Spool 1 7 Check valve 1
2b O-ring 1 Same as No. 3 8 Spring 1
2c Back up ring 1 Same as No. 4 9 O-ring 1
2d Retainer 1 Same as No. 5 10 Plug 1
2e Spring retainer 2 11 Cap 1
2f Spring 1 12 Bolt 2
2g Bolt 1
3 O-ring 1
4 Back up ring 1
5 Retainer 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3) Swivel section
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 Spring 1
2a Spool 1 9 O-ring 1
2b Retainer 1 10 Plug 1
2c Spring 1
2d Spring retainer 1
2e Bolt 1
3 O-ring 2
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4
6 Cap B 1
7 Check valve 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4) Combination section
Do not make
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 Spring 1
2a Spool 1 9 O-ring 1
2b Retainer B 1 10 Plug 1
2c Spring 1 11 -
2d Retainer A 2 12 -
2e Bolt 1 13 Main Relief valve 1
3 O-ring 2
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4 Tightening torque: 5.88 ~ 6.86 N·m
0.6 ~ 0.7 kgf·m
6 Cap B 1
7 Check valve 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5) Service section
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 6 Bolt 2
2a Spool 1 7 Check valve 1
2b O-ring 1 Same as No. 3 8 Spring 1
2c Back up ring 1 Same as No. 4 9 O-ring 1
2d Retainer 1 Same as No. 5 10 Plug 1
2e Spring retainer 2 11 Cap 1
2f Spring 1 12 Bolt 2
2g Bolt 1
3 O-ring 1
4 Back up ring 1
5 Retainer 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
6) Arm section
Tightening Tightening
Torque Torque
Strict observation
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 Spring 1
2a Spool 1 9 O-ring 1
2b Spring Retainer B 1 10 Plug 1
2c Spring 1
2d Spring Retainer A 1
2e Bolt 1
3 O-ring 2
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4
6 Cap B 1
7 Check valve 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Screw, 1.96 ~ 2.94 N·m(0.2 ~ 0.3 kgf·m) (3) Bolt, M5 x 45, 5.9 ~ 6.9 N·m (0.5 ~ 0.7 kgf·m)
(1.44 ~ 2.17 ft·lbs) (3.62 ~ 5.06 ft·lbs)
(2) O-ring, 1B P11 (4) O-ring, AS1B 127
Tightening Torque
Strict observation
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 6 Bolt 2 M5 x 10
2a Spool 1 7 O-ring 1
2b O-ring 1 Same as No. 3 8 Plug (PF1/4) 1
2c Back up ring 1 Same as No. 4 9 Cap 1
2d Retainer 1 Same as No. 5 10 Bolt 2 M5 x 45
2e Spring retainer 2
2f Spring 1
2g Bolt 1
3 O-ring 1
4 Back up ring 1
5 Retainer 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
8) Inlet section
(1) Plug (PF1/8) 9.8 ~ 14.7 N·m (1.0 ~ 1.5 kgf·m) (2) O-ring, 1B P8
(7.23 ~ 10.9 ft·lbs)
Do not make
Tightening mistakes
Torque Do not make assembling mistakes
Do not make
Torque Strict observation
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 O-ring 1
2a Spool 1 9 Check valve 1
2b Spring retainer B 1 10 Spring 1
2c Spring 1
2d Spring retainer A 1
2e Bolt 1
3 O-ring 2
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4 M5 x 20
6 Cap B 1
7 Plug (PF1/8) 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(3) (5)
(7) (4)
(1) O-ring, 1AP-10A (3) O-ring, 1B P11 (6) Plug (G1/4) 24.5 ~ 29.4 N·m (2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m)
(2) Back-up ring, T3P10A (4) O-ring, AS1B127 (18.1 ~ 21.7 ft·lbs)
(5) O-ring, 1B P-10 (7) Bolt, M4 x 45, 5.9 ~ 6.9 N·m (0.6 ~ 0.7 kgf·m)
(4.34 ~ 5.06 ft·lbs)
Tightening Torque
Strict observation
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 6 Bolt 2 M5 x 10
2a Spool 1 7 O-ring 1
2b O-ring 1 Same as No. 3 8 Plug (PF1/4) 1
2c Back up ring 1 Same as No. 4 9 Cap 1
2d Retainer 1 Same as No. 5 10 Bolt 2 M5 x 45
2e Spring retainer 2
2f Spring 1
2g Bolt 1
3 O-ring 1
4 Back up ring 1
5 Retainer 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Tightening Tightening
Torque Torque
Strict observation Torque
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 Spring 1
2a Spool 1 9 O-ring 1
2b Spring Retainer B 1 10 Plug 1
2c Spring 1
2d Spring Retainer A 1
2e Bolt 1
3 O-ring 2
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4
6 Cap B 1
7 Check valve 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) M5 x 20, torque: 5.9 ~ 6.9 N·m (0.6 ~ 0.7 kgf·m) (4.34 ~ 5.06 ft·lbs)
(2) Plug torque: 24.5 ~ 29.4 N·m (2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m) (18.1 ~ 21.7 ft·lbs)
Strict observation
Apply LockTight #242 to prevent loosening
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
1 Housing 1 8 Spring 1
2a Spool 1 9 O-ring 1
2b Spring Retainer B 1 10 Plug 1
2c Spring 1 11 O-ring 1
2d Spring Retainer A 1 12 Plug (PF3/8) 1
2e Bolt 1 13 Check valve 1
3 O-ring 2 14 Spring 1
4 Cap A 1
5 Bolt 4
6 Cap B 1
7 Check valve 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
a (1)
d (2)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Disassembly Precautions
The product is disassembled and assembled in the manufacturer's factory, in principle. If the user is
under the necessity of disassembling or assembling the product, strictly observe the following precau-
tions in a factory that has sufficient hydraulic equipment technology.
1. All the hydraulic equipment is highly precisely processed with a minute clearance between adjacent
blocks. Select an especially clean place and carefully disassemble or assemble the equipment so
that the equipment will be free of dust, earth, or sand.
2. Before the disassembly, prepare a valve structure drawing and fully familiarize yourself with the
3. At the time of removing the control valve from the equipment, provide a dustproof cap to each port.
Before disassembling the equipment, recheck that the port is covered with the cap. Then wash the
exterior of the control valve assembly.
Work on an appropriate workbench, putting a clean sheet of paper or rubber mat thereon.
4. If the equipment is left disassembled, be sure to apply antirust oil and seal the equipment so as to
prevent the equipment from corrosion.
5. Handle the control valve with care while carrying or moving it, and do not hold the exposed part of
the lever spool or relief.
6. Never rap the equipment if the equipment does not move smoothly.
7. After disassembling and assembling the equipment, it is desirable to conduct a variety of tests
including relief setting, leak, and flow resistance tests. Hydraulic pressure test equipment is required
for the tests.
Do not disassemble the following parts but replace the whole assemblies though it is possible to take
them apart technically, because it is difficult to test and adjust them.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
In addition to the above, prepare clean wash oil, grease, LockTight #242, tags, and permanent marker.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Remove the spool assembly
slowly in the horizontal direction.
Carefully remove the spool
assembly, or otherwise the spool
seal (with the O-ring and backup
Spool assembly ring) will be shifted to the edge of
the spool and damaged by the
edge. Record the direction of the
spool and the main component
into which the spool is inserted so
as not to make mistakes at the
time of assembly.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Do not use the 8-mm hexagon
hole for removal.
Remove the spool assembly slowly in the hori-
zontal direction. Carefully remove the spool
assembly, or otherwise the spool seal (with the
O-ring and backup ring) will be shifted to the
edge of the spool and damaged by the edge.
Spool assembly
Record the direction of the spool and the main
component into which the spool is inserted so as
not to make mistakes at the time of assembly.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3) Reassembling
Precautions (Observe for Safety)
• Assembly Precautions
• Uneven tightening torque or internal dust contamination at the time of assembly may result in malfunc-
• Check the number of parts and compare the parts with the valve structure drawing at the time of
assembly so as to prevent mistakes in assembly or missing parts.
• Carefully clean the assembly parts with wash oil and dry them, and soak the parts in operating oil
before assembling them.
• Before applying LockTight, clean and degrease the applicable area, i.e., two screw threads. Do not
apply LockTight excessively or otherwise it will run off the edge and may result in operational failures.
• In principle, do not reuse the O-rings or backup rings. Replace them with new ones.
• When assembling the O-rings, apply operating oil or grease to the O-rings and mounting parts to
ensure smooth lubrication.
Do not apply operating oil or grease to the O-rings mounted between any of the mating sides of adja-
cent main parts (supply, swivel, arm, travel, dozer, breaker, swing, boom, and bucket parts).
Carefully handle the O-rings at the time of assembly so that the O-rings will not break or receive dam-
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1. Main Part
a) Lay out each main part in assembly order with the mating sides facing upward.
Mount the O-rings between the mating sides of the adjacent main parts. Do not apply operating
oil or grease to the O-rings at that time, or otherwise the operating oil or grease will run off the
edges and it will be misconceived as oil leakage.
The assembly order and the O-rings to be used are shown in the next page.
The sizes of the O-rings to be used are specified in the respective structure drawings as well.
b) Prepare an object with a flat surface, such as a level block, locate each main part in the order
shown in a) on the surface with the actuator port facing downward.
Make sure that each mating side is free of dust and that the O-rings are mounted securely.
c) Insert the three M8 mounting bolts from the side and lightly secure the bolts with the M8 nuts. At
that time, use an appropriate tool, such as a plastic hammer, and lightly hit each main part so that
the ports of the respective main parts will be aligned. Then tighten each nut while applying a 13-
mm spanner to the other side so as to prevent the other side from turning.
Do not apply the specified torque at a time. Tighten the nuts little by little in turn so that the three
nuts will be tightened evenly. Unless the specified torque is applied, the main parts may deform
or oil leakage may result.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
O-ring used
8: O-ring 1BP11
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
If there is a defect in the spool or its configuration parts, replace the assembly.
Put the return spring cover (11) next, and insert the two M5 bolts (12). Press the return spring cover
(11), press the O-ring presser (2d) until the O-ring presser comes in close contact with the main part
(1), and tighten the parts with the two M5 bolts (12) evenly.
At that time, check that the spool protruding on the spool link side will lightly rotate.
If the spool does not turn lightly, loosen the cross-slot screws once, make readjustments, and tighten
the parts.
Tighten the two M5 cross-slot screws (6) that are temporarily secured on the spool link side.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
O-ring used
9: O-ring 1BP11
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
O-ring used
17a: O-ring 1BP14
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
O-ring used
7: O-ring 1BP11
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
If there is a defect in the spool or its configuration parts, replace the assembly.
Put the return spring cover (9) next, and insert the two M5 bolts (10). Press the return spring cover
(9), press the O-ring presser (2d) until the O-ring presser comes in close contact with the main part
(1), and tighten the parts with the two M5 bolts (10) evenly.
At that time, check that the spool protruding on the spool link side will lightly rotate.
If the spool does not turn lightly, loosen the cross-slot screws once, make readjustments, and tighten
the parts.
Tighten the two M5 cross-slot screws (6) that are temporarily secured on the spool link side.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Swing section
O-ring used
9: O-ring 1BP11
After mounting the return spring
cover (11) on the opposite side,
temporarily secure the O-ring O-ring used, Backup ring
pressure so as to check that the 3: O-ring 1AP10A
spool will rotate lightly.
4: Backup ring T3P10A
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
If there is a defect in the spool or its configuration parts, replace the assembly.
Put the return spring cover (11) next, and insert the two M5 bolts (12). Press the return spring cover
(11), press the O-ring presser (2d) until the O-ring presser comes in close contact with the main part
(1), and tighten the parts with the two M5 bolts (12) evenly.
At that time, check that the spool protruding on the spool link side will lightly rotate.
If the spool does not turn lightly, loosen the cross-slot screws once, make readjustments, and tighten
the parts.
Tighten the two M5 cross-slot screws (6) that are temporarily secured on the spool link side.
O-ring used
13: O-ring 1BP14
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Do not use the 8-mm hexagon
hole for removal.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5) Maintenance Standards
The following section provides the replacement intervals of parts required and replacement methods in
cases other than overhauls due to machine trouble.
2. Spool
a) The spool does not need to be replaced unless one of the following occurs: The sliding part is dam-
aged by foreign substances contained in the operating oil; the spool is bent due to unexpected force
applied to the link mounting part; the spool is broken.
4. Relief Valve
a) If the set value drops or an abnormal pressure occurs while the relief valve is in used, the relief valve
needs a resetting. If the value does not return to normal, replace the cartridge.
5. Overload Valve
a) If the seat should have flaw damage or defects because the seat bites foreign substances contained
in the operating oil, the body seat made of cast metal needs to be replaced.
If the seat on the overload valve has flaw damage, the cartridge needs to be replaced.
6. Anti-cavitation Valve
a) If the seat should have flaw damage or defects because the seat bites foreign substances contained
in the operating oil, the body seat made of cast metal needs to be replaced.
If the seat on the anti-cavity valve has flaw damage, the cartridge needs to be replaced.
7. O-ring Replacement
a) When assembling the parts (e.g., the relief valve, overload valve, anti-cavity valve, and a variety of
plugs) once disassembled, it is recommended to replace the existing O-rings with new ones.
b) Replace the O-rings for the mating sides of the respective parts disassembled with new ones.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
c. Pilot Valve
(1) Installation
(2) (3)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(7) (8)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Control lever, RH
010 Bracket, control rh
020 Assy valve, pilot rh
030 Bolt, hex-soc-hd
040 Washer, spring
050 Clamp
060 Clamp
070 Sponge, control rs
080 Sponge, control rs
090 Sponge, control rs
100 Bolt
110 Plate partition
120 Bracket, wristrest rh
130 Bolt
140 Wristrest
150 Nut
160 Washer, spring
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(2) (2)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
The behavior of the pilot valve is discussed, referring to the hydraulic circuit diagram (Fig. 1) and behavior
explanations (Figs. 2 thru 4). Fig. 1 shows a typical pilot valve circuit.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Horn switch
Right P / V Left P / V
2 1
32 T 32 T
P 4 3 P
About 250 mm
(9.8 in.)
(9.8 in.)
About 250 mm
2 2
3 3
P 1 P 1
4 4
Rear Rear
1. Pilot valve LH
2. Pilot valve RH
3. Filter (68499-83741)
4. Quick coupler adaptor
• Filter is installed on P port of each side of pilot valve.
• Adaptor tightening torque:24.5 ~ 29.4 N·m
(G1/4) 2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m
18.1 ~21.7 ft·lbf
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
6 (7)
up down 5
Pa8 Pa5 Pa8' Pa3
Pa9 T (5)
A9 A8 A7 P1 A6 A5 A4 P3 A3 A2 A1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service
(6) Pilot hose connection
B9 B8 B7 P2 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 A
T1 T2
2 1
4 P
Pb8' Pb3
Pb9 Pb8 Pp Pb5
16 9
13 down up P3 P4
15 3
2 2
T 3 T 3 EU-version
(1) Pilot valve LH
14 P 11 P (2) Pilot valve RH
1 1
(1) 4 4
(2) (3) Control valve
8 (4) Accumulator
(5) Unload valve
(6) Pump
(7) Hydraulic oil tank
No. Connecting point Application Code No. Q’ty Tape color Hose type Remarks
mm (in.)
1 Pump (P4) ~ Accumulator P4 RA228-6324Δ 1 720 (28.3) G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
2 Accumulator ~ Unload valve (P) P4 RA228-6329Δ 1 460 (18.1) G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
3 Unload valve (B) ~ CV (Pp1) Travel lock RA221-6325Δ 1 1240 (48.8) Pink x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
4 Unload valve (A) ~ SJ (G) Hi - signal RA221-6447Δ 1 650 (25.6) White x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
5 PV (L,P) ~ Unload valve (B, M) PV (L, P) RA228-6326Δ 1 1610 (63.4) White x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service
6 PV (R,P) ~ Unload valve (B, U) PV (R, P) RA228-6327Δ 1 400 (15.7) Red x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
(7) Pilot hose (Size 1/4)
7 PV (L,T) ~ Oil tank PV (L, drain) RA228-6338Δ 1 1140 (44.9) Yellow x1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
8 PV (R,T) ~ Oil tank PV (R, drain) RA228-6339Δ 1 485 (19.1) Quick PLT04 G1/4
9 PV (R,4) ~ CV (Pa8) Boom - up RA228-6341Δ 1 1500 (59.1) Gray x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
10 PV (R,2) ~ CV (Pb8’) Boom - down RA228-6342Δ 1 1460 (57.5) Light Blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
11 PV (R,3) ~ CV (Pa9) Bucket dump RA228-6345Δ 1 1510 (59.4) Brown x2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
12 PV (R,1) ~ CV (Pb9) Bucket crowd RA228-6346Δ 1 1340 (52.8) Pink x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
13 PV (L,2) ~ CV (Pb5) Arm dump RA228-6343Δ 1 930 (36.6) Blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
14 PV (L,4) ~ CV (Pa5) Arm crowd RA228-6344Δ 1 1270 (50.0) Green x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
15 PV (L,1) ~ CV (Pb3) Swivel, L RA228-6347Δ 1 990 (39.0) Red x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
16 PV (L,3) ~ CV (Pa3) Swivel, R RA228-6348Δ 1 1170 (46.1) Yellow x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
17 CV (Pb8) ~ CV (Pb8’) Boom-down combined RA221-6351Δ 1 190 (7.48) G1/4 PF1704 G1/4
18 CV (Pa8) ~ CV (Pa8’) Boom-up combined RA221-6352Δ 1 410 (16.1) G1/4 PF1704 G1/4
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Pilot hose LH
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Pilot hose RH
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Vapor phase inhibitor
• Kerosene
• Heat-resistant grease
• Sandpaper (#1000, #2000)
• Oilstone
• Vise
2) Maintenance standard
Checkpoints Criteria Remarks
Replace the pilot valve assembly with Conditions:
new one if the oil leak exceeds 1000 cc/ Primary pressure: 2.95 MPa
Leak amount
min with the steering wheel at neutral or
2000 cc/min while in operation. Oil viscosity: 23 mm2/s
If the sliding face is worn over 10 μ more This amount of wear corresponds to the
Spool than the non-sliding one, replace the above leak amount. The same condi-
pilot valve assembly with new one. tions as above are expected.
Push rod If the tip is worn 1 mm or more, replace the push rod with new one.
If the disc (302) or joint (301) is worn out
If the shakiness is caused by a loose fix-
Loose control elements and loose 2 mm or more, replace it with
ture, tighten it up.
new one.
If unusual noise, hunting, primary pres-
sure drop, etc., occurs and it cannot be
Stable operation corrected according to "Troubleshoot-
ing", replace the pilot valve assembly
with new one.
Note 1:It is advisable to replace the O-rings and other sealing elements at every disassembly. They may be
reused when they are found not damaged.
Note 2:When the hex socket bolt (125) has been loosened, be sure to replace the sealing washer (121).
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3) Disassembling
1. Preparations
(1) Prepare a workbench that is spacious enough for the parts handled and strong and stable
enough to keep the parts in place.
(2) Also have the tools and jigs, at hand.
2. General precautions
(1) The parts are precision-machined. Handle them with enough care not to hit them against each
other or drop them.
(2) Even if any part is hard to remove, do not strike it out or pry out forcibly. Such handling may
cause burrs or damages, which may invite oil leak or poor performance later. Try to do the job
with patience.
(3) Do not leave the taken-out or exposed parts unprotected. Moisture or dust may get stuck on
them, causing rust. If unavoidably the job is interrupted halfway, be careful to protect such parts
against rust and dust.
3. Disassembling procedure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-1
• Clean up the pilot valve with kerosene.
• Fix the pilot valve on a vise using copper (or lead)
• Remove the bellows (501). [Photo 7-1]
• Be careful not to break the bellows (501)
Photo 7-2
• Apply a wrench across the adjusting nut (312) and
disc (302). Loosen and remove the adjusting nut and
disc. [Photos 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4]
If the jig shown on the Photo 7-5 is not available:
• Slightly tighten the adjusting nut (312) and disc (302)
shown in Photograph 7-2 instead of loosening them.
(1) Adjusting nut
(2) Disc
Photo 7-3
Photo 7-4
(1) Adjusting nut
(2) Disc
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-5
• With the specified jig, turn the joint (301) counterclock-
wise to get it loose. [Photos 7-5 and 7-6]
• Photo 7-5 shows the jig in its specified position.
• Drawings of jig is shown in next page.
When the return spring (221) is strong in force, take care in
loosening and drawing out the joint (301). The plate (151),
plug (211) and push rod (212) may pop out together when
taking out the joint.
Photo 7-6
Photo 7-7
• Remove the plate (151).
(When the return spring (221) is strong in force) [Photo
(When the return spring (221) is weak in force) [Photo
Photo 7-8
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Drawing of Jig
The jig consists of a main part and two bushings.
1. Drawing of Main Part
(Chromium-molybdenum steel)
(Hi-Carbon Steel)
(Chromium-molybdenum steel)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-9
• When the return spring (221) is weak in force, the slid-
ing resistance of the O-ring holds the plug (211) inside
the casing (101). Using a bladed screwdriver, draw out
the plug. [Photo 7-9]
• Using its outer groove, draw out the plug (211) with
care not to get it damaged by an unbalanced load.
Keep in mind that when the plug (211) may pop out by the
force of the return spring (221).
Photo 7-10
• Pull the push rod (212), plug (211), reducing valve
assembly, and return spring (221) out of the casing
(101). [Photo 7-10]
• Keep record of the positional relation with the casing
Photo 7-11
• Fix the pilot valve, with its port plate (111) upward, in
the vise.
• Using the specified hex wrench, loosen and remove
the hex socket bolt (125). [Photo 7-11]
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-12
Detach the port plate (111) and O-ring (122) from the cas-
ing (101). [Photos 7-12 and 7-13]
Draw the bushing (131) out of the casing (101).
Photo 7-13
Photo 7-14
To disassemble the reducing valve, do the following.
Press in the spring seat (216) to get the secondary-
pressure spring (241) warped. Then slide this spring seat
sideways and pass it through the larger hole and out of the
spool (201). [Photo 7-14]
Photo 7-15
Next separate the following parts: spool (201), spring seat
(216), secondary-pressure spring (241) and washer 2
(217). [Photo 7-15]
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-16
Remove the folding-purpose spring (246) and spring seat
(218) from the push rod (212). [Photo 7-16]
Photo 7-17
Draw the push rod (212) out of the plug (211). [Photo 7-17]
Photo 7-18
Remove the O-ring (214) and seal (213) from the plug
(211). Use a small bladed screwdriver or the like to take
out the seal (213). [Photos 7-18 and 7-19]
Photo 7-19
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Do not wipe dirty parts in kerosene from the beginning
because otherwise they might get scratched. Keep
them dipped until dirt, fat and grease become loose
enough off the parts.
• Keep the kerosene clean enough. Otherwise the parts
may get scratched, leading to poor performance when
• Do not dry up the parts with compressed air. Dust and
moisture in the air may damage the parts or get them
rusty later.
• Do not leave the parts without rust-preventive. Rust
may build up, causing malfunction later.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4) Assembling
1. Preparations
(1) As in the case of reassembling, prepare the specified workbench, tools and materials.
2. General precautions
(1) Take the same general precautions as in disassembling.
(2) Before reassembling, remove metal chippings and foreign matters from all the parts. Make sure
the parts are free of burrs, hit marks and other problems. If a burr or hit mark is found, get rid of it
with an oilstone.
(3) In principle, replace the O-rings and backup rings with new ones.
(4) When fitting the O-rings and backup rings, handle them with care not to damage it. (Apply a small
amount of grease for smooth fitting.)
(5) When fitting the parts in place, preferably use grease to avoid accidental drop.
(6) Tighten the bolts and the like to the their specified torques listed in each reassembling procedure.
Measure the tightening torques with a torque wrench.
(7) Finally apply blind plugs to all the open ports to avoid entry of dust.
3. Reassembling procedure
Photo 7-20
Fit the bushing (131) and O-ring (122) to the casing (101).
[Photo 7-20]
Photo 7-21
Install the port plate (111), with the hex socket bolt (125)
and seal washer (121) in between, on the casing (101).
[Photos 7-21 and 7-22]
Photo 7-22
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-23
Tighten the hex socket bolt (125) to the specified torque.
[Photo 7-23]
Photo 7-24
Install the washer 2 (217), secondary-pressure spring
(241) and spring seat (216) in this order on the spool
(201). [Photo 7-24]
Photo 7-25 Then press in the spring seat (216) to get the secondary-
pressure spring (241) warped. Now slide this spring seat
sideways and pass it through the larger hole and onto the
spool (201). [Photo 7-25]
Photo 7-26 Fit the return spring (221) in the casing (101). Also fit the
reducing valve assembly to the casing (101). [Photo 7-26]
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-27
Fit the O-ring (214) to the plug (221). [Photo 7-27]
Photo 7-28 Fit the seal (213) to the plug (211). [Photo 7-28]
Seal Plug
Push rod
Apply hydraulic oil.
Photo 7-29
Fit the push rod (212) into the plug (211). [Photo 7-29]
Photo 7-30
Fit the folding-purpose spring (246) and spring seat (218)
into the push rod (212). [Photo 7-30]
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-31
Fit the plug assembly to the casing (101).
When the return spring (221) is weak in force, this assem-
bly is kept in place by the sliding resistance of the O-ring.
[Photo 7-31]
Photo 7-32
When the return spring (221) is strong in force, fit all the
four plugs at once using the plate (151). Apply and tempo-
rarily tighten the joint (301). [Photo 7-32]
Keep in mind that the plug assembly and plate (151) may
pop out.
Photo 7-33
Place the plate (151) in position.
Using the specified jig, tighten the joint (301) to the casing
(101) by the specified torque. [Photos 7-33 and 7-34]
Photo 7-34
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Go to photo 7-37
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Photo 7-35
Fit the disc (302) to the joint (301). [Photo 7-35]
Photo 7-36
Apply the adjusting nut (312) and fix it by applying the
specified wrench across the disc (302). Tighten the adjust-
ing nut to the specified torque. [Photo 7-36]
Photo 7-37 Apply grease to the turning portion of the joint (301) and
the top of the push rod (212). [Photo 7-37]
Photo 7-38
Fit the bellows back into position. [Photo 7-38]
Pour vapor phase inhibitor from the ports and apply the
blind plugs.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5) Troubleshooting
It is not easy to pinpoint trouble spots. The table below lists some typical problems, their possible causes
and corrections. Before starting repair jobs, refer to the table below.
A machine trouble is not necessarily caused by just one part, but by come different parts combined. It
should be noted that the corrections listed below might not be enough and additional measures might be
This chart does not cover all possible causes and corrections. Whenever necessary, it is therefore
essential for the repair supervisor to look further into the problem and cause in question.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
d. Swivel Motor
(1) Component of swivel motor
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks
1 Bearing housing 1 26 Relief cartridge (2) Include 32 ~ 44
2 Pinion gear 1 27 Steel ball (2)
3 Ball bearing 1 6308 LLU 28 Plug (2)
4 Ball bearing 1 6207 { 29 O-ring (2) 1BP14
5 Plug 1 R1/8 30 Spring (2)
{6 X-ring 1 31 Plug (3) R1/8
7 Retaining ring 1 32 Cartridge (2)
{8 O-ring 1 AS568-041 33 Screw guide (2)
{9 Shaft face seal 1 34 O-ring (2) 1BP16
10 Wear plate 1 35 Needle valve (2)
{ 11 O-ring 2 AS568-041 36 Spring washer (2)
12 Valve plate 1 37 Spring presser (2)
{ 13 O-ring 1 AS568-038 38 Orifice plate (2)
14 Valve 1 39 Spring (2)
15 Balancing plate 1 { 40 O-ring (2) 1BP18
16 Spring 2 { 41 O-ring (2) 1BP5
{ 17 Inner face seal 1 42 Hexagon socket setscrew (2)
18 Pin 2 43 Hexagon nut (2)
19 Outer face seal 1 { 44 O-ring (2) 1BP12
20 2 K drive 1 45 Nameplate 1
21 Gear roller 1 46 Rivet 2
22 Valve drive 3 47 Hexagon bolt 4
23 O-ring 1 AS568-011
24 Valve housing assembly 1 Include 25 ~ 44 Pinion gear assembly Include 1 ~ 8
25 Valve housing (1) { Seal kit Include { items
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Tools
Tools Remarks
Torque wrench Capacity: 9.8 to 98 N·m
Socket 9/16” (or 14 mm)
Hexagonal socket 5 mm
8 mm
Snap ring pliers
Flat-blade screwdriver
Resin mallet
2) Disassembling
At the time of disassembly, clean the work site and prepare a plastic box for parts.
Before disassembling the motor, clean up and around the port, and remove the paint coating of each joint
with a wire brush.
Do not disassemble the parts unless it is necessary.
Pinion gear assembly, Valve housing assembly
Locate the valve housing part and secure the flange with a vise.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Remove the four hexagon bolts (47). Do not remove the check plug (28) unless it is nec-
Remove the valve housing assembly (24). Pay Remove the balancing ring (15) and valve (14).
utmost attention not to lose spring (16) and pin
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Remove the valve housing assembly (24). Pay Remove the wear plate (10).
utmost attention not to lose spring (16) and pin
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Use a pressing machine (2) and remove the pinion (6) Remove the X-ring.
gear shaft.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3) Assembly Procedure
Check the mating side of each part.
Flaw damage and burrs may result in leakage.
Clean each part with clear wash oil, and dry them with natural ventilation or an air blower.
Do not remove the part with cloths or paper towels, or otherwise the nap will stick to the part, which may
result in trouble.
Replace the seals with new ones. Apply grease to the new ones before use.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Mount the bearings (3) and (4) to the bearing hous- Mount the retaining ring (7).
ing (1).
Mount the shaft face seal (9) to the wear plate (10).
Use a pressing machine and mount the pinion gear Shaft face seal (9)
shaft (2) to the bearing housing (1).
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Mount the O-ring (8) to the bearing housing (1). Mount the O-ring (8) to the valve plate (12).
Mount the drive (20). Mount the valve plate (12).
Mount the valve plate so that the drain hole of the valve
plate will coincide with the drain hole of the gear roller.
Mount the O-rings (8) and (23) to the wear plate (10).
Valve timing
Mount the valve drive and valve as shown in the
Mount the gear roller (21). Mount the gear roller so photograph.
that the drain hole of the waist plate will coincide Mount the valve (14).
with the drain hole of the gear roller.
Gear roller star
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Mount the inner face seal (17) and outer face seal Mount the relief cartridge (26) to the valve housing
(19) to the balancing ring (15). (25).
Balancing ring
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Make the positions of the two pins on the valve Mount the hexagon bolt (47).
housing and balancing pin grove coincide together. Mount the four bolts evenly to a tightening torque of
Then mount the balancing ring (15) to the valve 53 N·m.
housing (25).
Pin (18)
Spring (16)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4) Troubleshooting
Trouble Cause Countermeasure
No motor rotation Insufficient oil in the tank Supply the tank with oil to an appropriate level.
Improper operation of relief valve or set pressure Disassemble and clean the relief valve and set
the pressure to an appropriate level.
Slow response Low oil viscosity Use oil with appropriate viscosity.
Extremely low oil temperature Increase the tank size or oil cooler.
Low relief set pressure Set the relief valve to an appropriate pressure.
Unstable rotation Low relief set pressure Set the relief valve to an appropriate pressure.
Air contamination into suction side of pump Close the pipe on the pump suction side.
Reverse rotation Reversed piping Reverse the pipe connections.
Pump cavitation Clean the clogged suction filter. Increase the suc-
tion pipe diameter of the pump.
Increase the boost pressure of the pump.
The life of the motor is considered to have expired in the following cases.
The torque and revolutions are reduced.
The noise increases.
In the above cases, it is recommended to repair or replace the motor. Contact your Kubota representative for
motor repairs.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
e. Rotary Joint
(1) Installation
Swivel joint fitted in place (at swivel frame)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(2) Adaptors
No. Part Code Part Name Q’ty Item Points to remember
1 RA231-6230Δ Swivel joint assembly 1 M12 x 1.25 7T Fitting direc- Fit the adaptor Hose's contact with
A tion and angle as shown in the nearby parts
2 01133-61230 Bolt 4
of hydraulic figure. ↓
adaptor Rubbing, oil leak
3 68728-7615Δ Adaptor 1 B
4 RP301-6186Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 1 C
5 RA131-6192Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/8) 1 G
Shaft side
I B (10)
11 69254-7849Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 2 e, j (5)
8 (11)
12 RA221-6185Δ Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 2 d (12)
(14) 4
04817-00110 O-ring 2 For 1/8 a, j (13)
(1) Travel bi-speed signal G A J
(2) Travel (right) top port I
(3) Travel (left) top port C
(4) Travel (left) bottom port 0°
(5) Track cylinder (rod) H
(6) Front (15) (18)
(7) Travel (right) top port 10 9
(8) Travel drain
(9) Track cylinder (bottom) (19)
(10) Parallel 12
(11) Parallel 22~24°
(12) Blade cylinder (bottom)
(13) Blade cylinder (rod) 51~53° 33~35°
(14) Position the adaptors for ports E, H and I upward. 41~43°
(15) Blade cylinder (bottom) (c) 25~27°
(16) Track cylinder (rod) (a) (16)
(17) Travel bi-speed signal (g) 11 19~21°
(21) (22)
(18) Travel (left) top port (i) (17) (20)
(19) Travel drain (d) 10 9
(20) Travel (left) bottom port (h) 6~8°
(21) Left
(22) Rear
(23) Travel (right) top port (f)
(24) Travel drain (d)
(25) Travel bi-speed signal (g) (23) (26)
9 D 10 F
(26) Blade cylinder (rod) (b) C
(27) Travel (right) bottom port (e)
(28) Track cylinder (bottom) (j) (24)
(29) Right
(30) Front
32~34° 9
16~18° 11
(29) (30)
48~50° 10
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
No. Mounting position Part No. Reference Part Name Q’ty Dimension: mm (in.) Tape color on hose
5 R/J (l) ~ Travel M left A RB238-63911 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 790 (31.1)
6 R/J (h) ~ Travel M left B RB238-63911 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 790 (31.1)
7 R/J (f) ~ Travel M right B RB238-63911 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 790 (31.1)
8 R/J (e) ~ Travel M right A RB238-63911 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 790 (31.1)
9 R/J (g) ~ Travel M left PP RB238-63922 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 810 (31.9) White x 1
10 R/J (g) ~ Travel M right PP RB238-63922 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 810 (31.9) White x 1
11 R/J (d) ~ Travel M left DR RB238-63931 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 740 (29.1)
12 R/J (d) ~ Travel M right DR RB238-63931 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 740 (29.1)
13 R/J (b) ~ Intermediate joint RB238-64811 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 310 (12.2)
14 R/J (c) ~ Intermediate joint RB238-64831 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 310 (12.2)
15 Intermediate joint RB238-64821 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 310 (12.2)
~ Dozer cylinder rod
16 Intermediate joint RB238-64821 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 310 (12.2)
~ Dozer cylinder bottom
17 R/J (j) RB238-64851 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 950 (37.4)
~ Track cylinder bottom
18 R/J (a) RB238-64861 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 710 (28.0)
~ Track cylinder rod
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4 8
5 14
2 13
10 9 11
1. Apply grease over the inner and outer surface of the D-ring (3) beforehand.
2. Apply grease over the inner and outer surface of the D-ring (5), (11) beforehand.
3. Apply screw adhesive (Loctite 271) on the Bolt (14).
Tightening torque: 48.1 ~ 55.9 N·m
4.9 ~ 5.7 kgf·m
35.5 ~ 41.2 ft·lbf
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Remove track cylinder hoses from track
Remove track cylinder from track frames.
(1) Hose connecting portion
(2) Track cylinder
(3) Track frame (1)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
5. Remove bolts.
Take off base plate with
rotary joint assy.
(1) Bolt
(2) Base plate
(3) Rotary joint assy
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
f. Travel Motor
(1) Component of travel motor
Ref. No. Part No. Reference Part Name Q’ty Ref. No. Part No. Reference Part Name Q’ty
040 RB238-6129-2 Assy motor, wheel 2 290 04810-00180 O-ring 4
050 RB238-7812-0 Cover 2 300 08101-06201 Bearing, ball 2
060 RB238-7802-0 Assy gear 2 310 05411-00512 Pin, spring 2
070 04612-00260 Circlip, external 2 320 RB238-7805-0 Assy body, motor 2
080 05411-00312 Pin, spring 6 330 RB238-7806-0 Assy shaft 2
090 RB238-7826-0 Circlip, external 6 340 08101-06004 Bearing, ball 2
100 RB238-7813-0 Gear 8 350 RB238-7807-0 Assy cylinder 2
110 RB238-7814-0 Ring, seal 2 360 04611-00280 Circlip, internal 2
120 RB238-7815-0 Ring, snap 2 370 RB238-7808-0 Kit seal 2
130 RB238-7816-0 Plate 2 380 04810-51050 O-ring 2
140 RB238-7817-0 Ring, slide 2 390 04810-00060 O-ring 2
150 RB238-7818-0 Needle 120 400 RB238-7829-0 Seal, oil 2
160 RB238-7819-0 Seal 2 410 04810-00140 O-ring 4
170 RB238-7821-0 Bearing 4 420 04810-00180 O-ring 4
190 RB238-7803-0 Kit seal 2 430 RB238-7831-0 Swash plate 2
200 04811-51300 O-ring 2 440 07715-03215 Ball 4
210 RB238-7828-0 O-ring 2 450 RB411-7824-0 Screw 14
220 04810-00110 O-ring 4 460 RB411-7825-0 Pin 2
230 04810-00140 O-ring 4 470 RB238-7824-0 Washer, plain 8
240 RB411-7813-0 Plug 4 480 RB238-7825-0 Plug 4
250 RB238-7801-2 Assy motor 2 490 RB238-7826-0 Circlip, external 8
260 RB238-7804-2 Assy body, motor 2 500 RB238-7827-0 O-ring 8
270 04811-00100 O-ring 4 510 01311-11030 Bolt, hex-soc-hd 16
280 04810-00140 O-ring 4 520 04512-60100 Washer, spring 16
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
120 210 060-2 080 130 060-3 440 430 200 110 160-1 160-2 320-1 350-4 450 350-1 350-3 310 480 260-13 260-23
060-4 270
060-1 290
500 350-9
240 260-20
230 380
350-5 350-6 350-7 390 260-15 260-21 260-6 260-12 280 410 260-5 260-22 260-9
090 340 150 100 470 170
Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty Ref. No. Part Name Q’ty
050 Cover 1 260-16 Plug 2 360 Snap ring 1
060-1 Carrier 2 1 270 O-ring 2 200 O-ring 1
060-2 B2 gear 3 280 O-ring 2 500 O-ring 1
060-3 S1 gear 1 290 O-ring 2 220 O-ring 2
060-4 B2 pin 3 260-20 Choke 1 230 O-ring 2
060-5 Needle 39 260-21 Needle 2 380 O-ring 1
060-6 Thrust washer 6 260-22 Metal plug 6 390 O-ring 1
070 Snap ring 1 260-23 Choke 2 100 B1 gear 4
080 Spring pin 3 300 Bearing 1 110 Seal ring 1
090 Snap ring 3 310 Spring pin 1 120 O snap ring 1
260-1 Body 1 1 320-1 Body 2 1 130 Thrust plate 1
260-2 Spool 1 320-2 Control piston 1 140 Slide ring 1
260-3 Check valve 2 320-3 Oil seal 1 150 Needle 60
260-4 Spring guide 2 320-4 Metal plug 1 160-1 Floating seat 1 set
260-5 Spool 1 330-1 Shaft 1 160-2 O-ring
260-6 Shuttle spool 1 340 Bearing 1 170 Bearing 2
260-7 Spring V1 2 350-1 Cylinder barrel 1 240 Plug 2
260-8 Spring V2 2 350-2 Valve plate 1 470 Thrust washer 4
260-9 Spring V3 1 350-3 Piston 7 480 Plug 2
420 Plug 2 350-4 Shoe 7 430 Swash plate 1
411 Plug 2 350-5 Shoe holder 1 440 Ball 2
260-12 Plug 2 350-6 Barrel holder 1 450 Screw 7
260-13 Choke 2 350-7 Pin 3 460 Pin 1
260-14 Ring 2 350-8 Spring c 1
260-15 Plug 4 350-9 Retainer 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4 5 1
6 3
9 8
11 10
Travel motor (LH)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
Mounting position Part Name Q’ty Dimension (mm) Tape color on hose
1 R/J (l) ~ Travel M left A Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 880
R/J (n) ~ Travel M left B Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 850 White x 1
R/J (f) ~ Travel M right B Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 880
R/J (e) ~ Travel M right A Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 850 White x 1
2 R/J (g) ~ Travel M left PP Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 875 White x 1
R/J (g) ~ Travel M right PP Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 875 White x 1
3 R/J (d) ~ Travel M left DR Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 855
R/J (d) ~ Travel M right DR Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 855
4 R/J (b) ~ Intermediate joint Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 250
R/J (c) ~ Intermediate joint Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 250
5 Intermediate joint ~ Dozer cylinder rod Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 350
Intermediate joint ~ Dozer cylinder bottom Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 350
6 R/J (j) ~ Track cylinder bottom Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 895
7 R/J (a) ~ Track cylinder rod Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 720
3 3
1 1
1 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) High-height adapter
(2) White
(3) Drain
(4) Travel 2nd speed
(5) Travel A port (forward)
(6) Travel B port (backward)
(7) White
(8) Low-height adapter
Motor (Right)
(1) Recommended Procedure
1 All adapters
(2) 2 Hose drain
(3) 3 Hose travel B port
PHV- 120- 37- 9- 8 158A
4 Hose travel A port
5 Travel 2nd speed adapter
(6) 6 Hose travel 2nd speed
(7) (8)
(1) High-height adapter
(2) Drain
(3) Travel B port (forward)
(4) Travel A port (backward)
(5) Travel 2nd speed
(6) White
(7) White
(8) Low-height adapter
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1. Work in a clean place. Pay attention to keep the equipment free of dust, paint film fragments, or
water. Prepare a clean container to keep the disassembled parts.
2. Before disassembling the equipment, remove the dirt on the exterior of the traveling motor, and
remove the paint on each joint with a wire brush.
3. Before disassembling each part, mark the part so that the part will be assembled to the original posi-
4. Carefully handle the disassembled parts so as not to damage them.
5. Clean the disassembled parts with wash oil.
6. Check whether the disassembled parts have any abnormal wear or seizing. Eliminate all burrs.
7. Replace the seals and snap rings with new ones.
8. Fundamentally, press-fit parts (e.g., bearings and pins) described in the text cannot be disassem-
2) Assembly Procedure
The assembly procedure for the traveling motor is explained below. Take the procedure in reverse order
to disassemble the traveling motor.
Important points for disassembly is described in the following assembly procedure.
Hydraulic valve
Decelerator Hydraulic motor
Counter balance valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Hydraulic Motor
2. Mount the counter balance valve and spool. (4) (3) (2) (1)
The configuration of the parts is shown in the
(1) Spool 1
(2) Ring 2
(3) Spring 2
(4) Plug 2 (5)
(5) O-ring 2
3. Insert the spool and rings (for both sides) into (2) (1)
body 1.
(1) Spool
(2) Ring
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
19. Mount the retainer, followed by the spring and (1) (2) (3) (4)
retainer to the cylinder barrel and secure with
the snap ring.
(1) Cylinder barrel 1
(2) Retainer 2
(3) Spring 3
(4) Snap ring 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Body 1
(2) Valve plate
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
• Decelerator
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
4. Insert the seal ring with the O-ring set into the
main component.
• Apply grease to the O-ring.
• Insert with the sealing side facing upward.
• See the following illustration for the insertion
(1) Seal ring
(2) O-ring
Larger chamfer
(1) (2)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Ring
(2) Thrust washer
(3) B1 gear
(4) Needle
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(3) 7777772#
Edge side
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
The cover can be removed with ease by lifting
the cover with a crane with a hoisting hook
applied to the drain plug screw.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
The snap ring can be removed with ease if the
edge of the snap ring is moved to the crane of
the main component with a screwdriver and
(1) Snap ring edge
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
g. Cylinder
(1) Components and specifications
1) Boom cylinder: Kubota Seiki - made
(1) (2)
(1) Retracted L = 765 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 1234 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 469
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(20) (21)
(18) (19)
(1) Cylinder tube (6) Backup-ring (11) DU-bushing Bucket Arm
(2) Cylinder rod (7) Scraper (12) Piston (17) Stroke 269 335.5
(3) Bushing (8) O-ring (13) Piston seal (18) Retracted L 529 0 589 ± 1.5
(4) Cylinder head (9) Backup-ring (14) Wear-ring (19) Extended L 802 -05 924.5 ± 2.5
(5) Packing (10) O-ring (15) Lock nut, M24 (20) 325 387.5
(16) grease nipple (21) 79 76.5
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(20) (21)
(18) (19)
(1) Cylinder tube (6) Backup-ring (11) DU-bushing Bucket Arm
(2) Cylinder rod (7) Scraper (12) Piston (17) Stroke 269 335.5
(3) Bushing (8) O-ring (13) Piston seal (18) Retracted L 529 0 589 ± 1.5
(4) Cylinder head (9) Backup-ring (14) Wear-ring (19) Extended L 802 -05 924.5 ± 2.5
(5) Packing (10) O-ring (15) Lock nut, M24 (20) 325 387.5
(16) grease nipple (21) 79 76.5
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (2)
(1) Retracted L = 348 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 460 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 112 (4) or more
T.T.: Tightening torque
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) Retracted L = 610 +30 (2) Extended L = 940 -05 (3) Stroke = 326
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(1) (2)
(1) Retracted L = 478 ± 1.5 (2) Extended L = 728 ± 2.5 (3) Stroke = 250
T.T.: Tightening torque
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
2) Inspection
1. Piston rod warp
1. Mount the piston rod on a V-block.
2. Set a dial indicator at the center of the rod.
3. Rotate the piston rod and read the indicator. Warp
is one-half of the difference between the maxi-
mum and the minimum readings.
4. If the valve exceeds the allowable limit, replace
the piston rod.
• Reference value .. warp within 0.05 mm, 0.002 in.
• Allowable value ... warp within 0.5 mm, 0.0197 in.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
1) Specifications
1. Hydraulic oil: ISO VG46 or equivalent
2. Oil temperature:
-20 ~ +100°C (in-tank oil temperature)
3. Pressure (main relief setting):
20.6 MPa (210 kgf/cm2) (at 9.5 L/min)
4. Flow rate: 9.5 L/min
2) Selectable connections
No. Location (connection)
P1 Control valve
P2 Control valve
A1 Dozer cylinder, rod side
A2 Dozer cylinder, bottom side
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks B1 Telescopic cylinder, rod side
1 Valve assembly (selector) 1 B2 Telescopic cylinder, bottom side
2 O-ring 2 HN-B
3 Ring (backup) 2 Bias cut for P21
4 Spacer (1) 1 t3.2
5 Hex socket bolt 2 M8 x 1.25 x16
6 Spring washer 2 No. 2 for M8
7 Threaded plug 4 MT6 x 0.75
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
i. Unload Valve
(1) Location and adaptor
1 Fitting the valve assembly Tightening torque
(unload) 17.7 ~ 20.6 N·m
(1.8 ~ 2.1 kgf·m)
(13.0 ~ 15.2 ft·lbf)
2 Orientation and angle of Position the adaptor as
hydraulic adaptor shown in the figure.
3 Fitting the hydraulic adaptor G1/4
24.5 ~ 29.4 N·m
(2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m)
(18.1 ~ 21.7 ft·lbf)
37.2 ~ 42.1 N·m
(3.8 ~ 4.3 kgf·m)
(27.5 ~ 31.1 ft·lbf)
Apply oil (New UDT,
M80B or equivalent) to
the O-ring.
(17) (16)
1 7 (15)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks (9)
1 Valve assembly (unload) 1
2 Straight pipe joint (drain) 1 T
O-ring 1 For G3/8 P
3 Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 1 B
4 Tee joint (F2) 1 B
5 Elbow joint with washer 1 B
O-ring 1 For G1/4 A
6 Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 1 A
7 Straight pipe joint 1 P 8
O-ring 1 For G1/4 A
8 Bolt 2 M10 x 1.5 7T (10)
9 Hydraulic tank
10 Tank cover 2 (11)
11 PV·P (right) T
12 PV·P (left)
13 Unload
14 2-speed 5
15 SJ·2-speed signal (G)
16 Pump·P4
17 CV·Pb (13) B
3 (14)
1 7 6
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(5) (6)
(4) (1)
(5) (1)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
j. Accumulator
(1) Installation
4 5 8 6 7
3 2 1
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks 1 Connecting the pipe Tightening torque
joint (accumulator) 48.1 ~ 55.9 N·m
1 Accumulator 1
(4.9 ~ 5.7 kgf·m)
2 Pipe joint (accumulator) 1 (35.4 ~ 41.2 ft·lbf)
3 Bolt 2 7T 2 Orientation and angle Position the adaptor as shown
of accumulator hydrau- in the figure.
4 Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1
lic adaptor
5 Straight pipe joint (G3) 1 3 Fitting the accumulator G1/4
6 Valve assembly (check) 1 hydraulic adaptor 24.5 ~ 29.4 N·m
Body (check) 1 (2.5 ~ 3.0 kgf·m)
(18.1 ~ 21.7 ft·lbf)
Poppet 1 G3/8
Spring 1 37.2 ~ 42.1 N·m
(3.8 ~ 4.3 kgf·m)
Spring retainer 1
(27.5 ~ 31.1 ft·lbf)
Circlip 1 Apply oil (New UDT, M80B or
7 Elbow joint 1 equivalent) to the O-ring.
8 Elbow joint (1) 1
9 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1
10 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1
11 Do not confuse the direction of the notch.
12 Pump assembly (piston)
13 Unload valve
14 Arch frame
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
k. Oil Tank
(1) Installation
No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
010 Oil tank 1 120 Rubber-fitted washer 1
020 Cover (tank, return) 1 130 Bolt 3 M10 x 25 L
030 Filter (return) 1 140 Tee joint (F2) 1
040 O-ring 1 G-120 Class 1, A 150 O-ring 1 P11 Class 1, A
050 Plug (oil filler) 1 160 Thermal insulator (oil tank) 1
060 O-ring 1 G30 Class 1, A 170 Sound absorber (oil tank, 2) 1
070 Bolt 6 M8 x 14L 180 Sound absorber (oil tank, 3) 1
080 Filter (suction) 1 190 Sound absorber (oil tank, 4) 1
090 Gauge (oil level) 1 200 Sound absorber (oil tank, 5) 1
100 O-ring 1 P-25 Class 1, A 210 Sound absorber (oil tank, 6) 1
110 Plug 1 220 Sound absorber (oil tank, 7) 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
l. Third Line
010 Hose, hydraulic
020 Aassy valve
030 Bolt
040 Plate
050 Bolt
060 Hose
070 Clamp, hose
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(8) (9)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
(4) (7)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Disconnect 4 hoses.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
3. Port position
Port 3 should be top, aleigning to the name plate.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service IV. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
n. Hydraulic Hose
1 Control valve (A8) ~ Boom cylinder (rod) Boom up (rod) RA221-64113 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 3290 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
2 Control valve (B8) ~ Boom cylinder (bottom) Boom down (bottom) RA221-64123 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 3080 Yellow x 2 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
3 Control valve (A5) ~ Arm cylinder (bottom) Arm crowded (bottom) RA221-64213 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 2860 Blue x 2 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
4 Control valve (B5) ~ Arm cylinder (rod) Arm dump (rod) RA221-64224 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 3020 Green x 2 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
Bucket crowded (bot-
5 Control valve (B9) ~ Bucket cylinder (bottom) tom) RA228-64311 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 3860 White x 2 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
6 Control valve (A9) ~ Bucket cylinder (rod) Bucket dump (rod) RA228-64321 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 4060 Red x 2 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
SP (left step-down for SP type
7 Control valve (B8) ~ Arm left high pressure) RA228-92411 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 3360 White x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8 machine only
SP (right step-down SP type
8 Control valve (A8) ~ Arm right for high pressure) RA228-92421 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 3440 Black x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8 machine only
No. Connecting point Application Part No. Part Name Q’ty Tape color Hose type Remarks
1 Swivel joint (i) ~ Travel motor left A Travel left forward RA231-64451 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 880 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
2 Swivel joint (h) ~ Travel motor left B Travel left backward RA231-64441 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 850 White x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
3 Swivel joint (f) ~ Travel motor right B Travel right forward RA231-64451 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 880 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
4 Swivel joint (e) ~ Travel motor right A Travel right backward RA231-64441 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 850 White x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
5 Swivel joint (g) ~ Travel motor left PP Travel left dual-speed RA231-64461 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 780 White x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
Travel right dual-
6 Swivel joint (g) ~ Travel motor right PP RA231-64461 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 780 White x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
speed signal
7 Swivel joint (d) ~ Travel motor left T1 Travel drain left RA231-64391 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 715 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
8 Swivel joint (d) ~ Travel motor right T2 Travel drain right RA231-64391 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 715 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
9 Swivel joint (b) ~ Relay Dozer up RB238-64811 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 310 G1/4 PF2106 G1/4
10 Swivel joint (c) ~ Relay Dozer down RB238-64831 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 310 G1/4 PF2106 G1/4
1 Pump (P1) ~ Control valve (P1) P1 RA221-63211 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 1155 White x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
2 Pump (P2) ~ Control valve (P2) P2 RA231-63221 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 1100 Red x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
3 Pump (P3) ~ Control valve (P3) P3 RA231-63231 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 1105 Pink x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
4 Control valve (A7) ~ Swivel joint (I) Travel left backward RA221-64411 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 560 Yellow x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
5 Control valve (B7) ~ Swivel joint (H) Travel left forward RA221-64421 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 450 Green x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
6 Control valve (A6) ~ Swivel joint (F) Travel right backward RA221-64431 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 400 Blue x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
7 Control valve (B6) ~ Swivel joint (E) Travel right forward RA221-64441 Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 335 Red x 1 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
8 Control valve (B3) ~ Swivel motor (B) Swivel left RA221-64511 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 410 Gray x 1 G1/4 PF1704 G1/4
9 Control valve (A3) ~ Swivel motor (A) Swivel right RA221-64521 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 410 Light blue x 1 G1/4 PF1704 G1/4
10 Control valve (A1) ~ Swing cylinder (bottom) Swing left RA221-64611 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 820 Yellow x 1 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
11 Control valve (B1) ~ Swing cylinder (rod) Swing right RA221-64621 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 950 Orange x 1 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
Control valve (B2) ~ Variable track width valve
12 P1 CV dozer up RB238-64811 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 515 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
13 Control valve (A2) ~ Variable track width valve CV dozer down RB238-64821 Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 540 G1/4 PF2104 G1/4
1 Pump (P4) ~ Accumulator P4 RA238-6324Δ Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 720 G3/8 PF2106 G3/8
2 Accumulator ~ Unload valve (P) P4 RC461-6356Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 370 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
3 Unload valve (B) ~ Control valve (Pp1) Travel lock RA221-6325Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1240 Pink x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
4 Unload valve (A) ~ Swivel joint (G) Dual-speed signal RA221-6447Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 650 White x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
5 Pilot valve (left P) ~ Unload valve (B, center) PV (left P) RA228-6326Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1610 White x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
6 Pilot valve (right P) ~ Unload valve (B, top) PV (right P) RA228-6327Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 400 Red x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
7 Pilot valve (left T) ~ Oil tank PV left drain RA228-6338Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1140 Yellow x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
8 Pilot valve (right T) ~ Oil tank PV right drain RA228-6339Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 485 Quick PLT04 G1/4
9 Pilot valve (right 4) ~ Control valve (Pa8) Boom up RA228-6341Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1500 Gray x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
10 Pilot valve (right 2) ~ Control valve (Pb8') Boom down RA228-6342Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1460 Light blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
11 Pilot valve (right 3) ~ Control valve (Pa9) Bucket dump RA228-6345Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1510 Brown x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
12 Pilot valve (right 1) ~ Control valve (Pb9) Bucket crowded RA228-6346Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1340 Pink x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
13 Pilot valve (left 2) ~ Control valve (Pb5) Arm dump RA228-6343Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 930 Blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
14 Pilot valve (left 4) ~ Control valve (Pa5) Arm crowded RA228-6344Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1270 Green x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
15 Pilot valve (left 1) ~ Control valve (Pb3) Swivel left RA228-6347Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 990 Red x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
16 Pilot valve (left 3) ~ Control valve (Pa3) Swivel right RA228-6348Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1170 Yellow x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
Boom down/conflu-
17 Control valve (Pb8) ~ Control valve (Pb8') ence RA221-6351Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 190 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
18 Control valve (Pa8) ~ Control valve (Pa8') Boom up/confluence RA221-6352Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 410 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
1 Pump (P4) ~ Unload valve (P) P4 RA231-6324Δ Hydraulic hose (3/8) 1 345 G3/8 PF1706 G3/8
2 Unload valve (B) ~ Control valve (Pp1) Travel lock RA221-6325Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1240 Pink x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
3 Unload valve (A) ~ Swivel joint (G) Dual-speed signal RA221-6447Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 650 White x 1 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
4 Pilot valve (left P) ~ Unload valve (B, center) PV (left P) RA228-6326Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1610 White x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
5 Pilot valve (right P) ~ Unload valve (B, top) PV (right P) RA228-6327Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 400 Red x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
6 Pilot valve (left T) ~ Oil tank PV left drain RA228-6338Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1140 Yellow x 1 Quick PLT04 G1/4
7 Pilot valve (right T) ~ Oil tank PV right drain RA228-6339Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 485 Quick PLT04 G1/4
8 Pilot valve (right 4) ~ TPSS (3) Boom up RA228-6361Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1045 Gray x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
9 TPSS (C) ~ Control valve (Pa8) Boom up RA228-6362Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 370 Gray x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
10 Pilot valve (right 2) ~ TPSS (1) Boom down RA228-6363Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1065 Light blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
11 TPSS (A) ~ Control valve (Pb8) Boom down RA228-6364Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 370 Light blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
12 Pilot valve (right 1) ~ Control valve (Pb9) Bucket crowded RA221-6346Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1280 Pink x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
13 Pilot valve (right 3) ~ Control valve (Pa9) Bucket dump RA221-6345Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1430 Brown x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
14 Pilot valve (left 1) ~ Control valve (Pb3) Swivel left RA228-6365Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1040 Red x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
15 Pilot valve (left 3) ~ Control valve (Pa3) Swivel right RA228-6366Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 1230 Yellow x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
16 Plot valve (left 2) ~ TPSS (2) Arm dump RA228-6367Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 605 Blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
17 TPSS (B) ~ Control valve (Pb5) Arm dump RA228-6368Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 215 Blue x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
18 Plot valve (left 4) ~ TPSS (4) Arm crowded RA228-6369Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 605 Green x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
19 TPSS (D) ~ Control valve (Pa5) Arm crowded RA228-6371Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 530 Green x 2 Quick PLT04 G1/4
Boom down/conflu-
20 Control valve (Pb8) ~ Control valve (Pb8') ence RA221-6351Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 190 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
21 Control valve (Pa8) ~ Control valve (Pa8’) Boom up/confluence RA221-6352Δ Hydraulic hose (1/4) 1 410 G1/4 PLT04 G1/4
1 Hydraulic tank ~ Pump Suction RA231-63111 Hose (suction) 1 165 32 44 Formed hose
1 Return pipe ~ Oil cooler front Oil cooler OUT RA231-63771 Hose (1/2) 1 280 13 19.8 DKE08
2 Control valve (T3) ~ Oil cooler back Oil cooler IN RA231-63781 Hose (1/2) 1 1070 13 19.8 DKE08
3 Control valve (T2) ~ Return pipe Oil cooler bypass RA221-63731 Hose (1/2) 1 350 13 19.8 DKE08
4 Return pipe ~ Oil tank Return RA221-63711 Hose (3/4) 1 1050 19.3 27.7 DKE12
5 Swivel motor (T) ~ Control valve (T1) Swivel motor drain RA221-63751 Hose (1/2) 1 220 13 19.8 DKE08
6 Unload valve (T) ~ Oil tank Unload valve return RA221-63731 Hose (1/2) 1 350 13 19.8 DKE08
7 Swivel joint (D) ~ Oil tank Travel drain RA221-63761 Hose (3/8) 1 370 9.7 15.9 DKE06
12 P1
A7 A6 A3 A2 A1
P1 P3
A9 A8 A5 A4 8 B1 B2
(18) A B
B9 B8 B4 T2
?i P2 B6 B5 B3 B2 B1
Upper-structure hoses 14 10
No. Location Part No. Q’ty
1 Pump (P1) ~ Control valve (P1) White P1 RA221-63211 1
2 Pump (P2) ~ Control valve (P2) Red P2 RA231-63221 1
3 Pump (P3) ~ Control valve (P3) Pink P3 RA231-63231 1 1
4 Control valve (A7)~ Swivel joint (I) Yellow Travel left forward RA221-64411 1 3
6 2
5 Control valve (B7)~ Swivel joint (H) Green Travel left backward RA221-64421 1
6 Control valve (A6)~ Swivel joint (F) Blue Travel right forward RA221-64431 1 F (22)
7 Control valve (B6)~ Swivel joint (E) Red Travel right backward RA221-64441 1 4
D P1
8 Control valve (B3)~ Swivel motor (B) Gray Swivel left RA221-64511 1
9 Control valve (A3)~ Swivel motor (A) Light blue Swivel right RA221-64522 1 P3
5 E
10 Control valve (A1)~ Swing cylinder (bottom) Yellow Swing left RA221-64611 1
11 Control valve (B1)~ Swing cylinder (rod) Orange Swing right RA221-64621 1 H G
12 Control valve (B2)~ Selector valve (P1) Pink CV dozer up RA221-64812 1 C
13 Control valve (A2)~ Selector valve (P2) CV dozer down RA221-64821 1 J
Pa9 T (24)
A9 A8 A7 P1 A6 A5 A4 P3 A3 A2 A1
(20) B
B9 B8 B7 P2 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 A
T1 T2
2 1
4 P
Pb8 ' Pb3
Pb9 Pb8 Pp Pb5 P1
16 9 P3
13 P4
(21) (22)
15 3 P2
Pilot hose
12 No. Location Part No. Q’ty
(29) (28)
1 Pump (P4) ~ Accumulator P4 RA238-6324Δ 1
2 2 2 Accumulator ~ Unload valve (P) P4 RC461-6356Δ 1
T 3 T 3 3 Unload valve (B) ~ Control valve (Pp1) Pink Travel lock RA221-6325Δ 1
4 Pilot valve (left P) ~ Unload valve (B, center)White PV (left P) RA228-6326Δ 1
14 P 11 P 5 Pilot valve (right P)~Unload valve (B, top) Red PV (right P) RA228-6327Δ 1
1 1 6 Pilot valve (left T) ~ Oil tank Yellow PV left drain RA228-6338Δ 1
(30) 4 4 (27) 7 Pilot valve (right T)~Oil tank PV right drain RA228-6339Δ 1
8 8 Pilot valve (right 4)~Control valve (Pa8) Gray Boom up RA228-6341Δ 1
Pa9 T (24)
A9 A8 A7 P1 A6 A5 A4 P3 A3 A2 A1
(20) B
B9 B8 B7 P2 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 A
T1 T2
2 1
4 P
Pb8 ' Pb3
Pb9 Pb8 Pp Pb5 P1
16 9 P3
13 P4
(21) (22)
15 3 P2
Pilot hose
No. Location Part No. Q’ty
1 Pump (P4) ~ Unload valve (P) P4 RA231-6324Δ 1
2 Pilot valve (right T)~Oil tank PV right drain RA228-6339Δ 1
12 3 Pilot valve (left T) ~ Oil tank Yellow PV left drain RA228-6338Δ 1
(29) (28)
4 Pilot valve (right P)~Unload valve (B, top) Red PV (right P) RA228-6327Δ 1
2 2 5 Pilot valve (left P) ~ Unload valve (B, center)White PV (left P) RA228-6326Δ 1
T 3 T 3 6 Unload valve (B) ~ Control valve (Pp1) White Travel lock RA221-6325Δ 1
7 Control valve (Pa8)~Control valve (Pa8’) Boom up/confluence RA221-6352Δ 1
14 P 11 P 8 Control valve (Pb8)~Control valve (Pb8’) Boom down/confluence RA221-6351Δ 1
1 1 9 Pilot valve (right 4)~TPSS (3) Gray Boom up RA228-6361Δ 1
(30) 4 4 (27) 10 Pilot valve (right 2)~TPSS (1) Light blue Boom down RA228-6363Δ 1
8 11 Pilot valve (right 1)~Control valve (Pb9) Pink Bucket crowded RA221-6345Δ 1
12 P1
A7 A6 A3 A2 A1
P1 P3
A9 A8 A5 A4 8 B1 B2
(18) A B
B9 B8 B4 T2
?i P2 B6 B5 B3 B2 B1
14 10
6 2
F (22)
Low pressure hose D P1
(2) (3) (5)
Mechanism Section
A. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-3
a. New Functions of Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-3
B. KUBOTA INTELLIGENT CONTROL SYSTEM (KICS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-7
a. Features of Digital Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-7
b. Operating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-12
c. Servide Mode Menues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-15
d. Auto Idoling (AI) Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-35
e. Main Component’s Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-36
f. Failure Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-42
g. Service Mode Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-50
h. Electrical Component Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-53
i. Electric Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-54
j. Electrical Wiring Diagram, Revised Version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-M-55
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
a. New Functions of Electrical System
1. Kubota Intelligent Control System (KICS)
Kubota’s Advanced Control System favorably accepted in the market worldwide has been incorporated in
U17-3α and U17/U17-3 models.
2. Digital panel
Important Note:
Currently digital panel shows a model name of KX41-3 not U17-3α nor U17/U17-3.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
3) Turn the key to run. 4) Turn the key to start the engine.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Fig. 1
Normal screen
Fig. 2
Language selection
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
b. Operating Mode
1. Outline
In operating mode, normally LCD shows three types of information.
1) Key switch ON,
2) Normal display, hour meter
3) Normal display, tachometer
When in trouble, LCD shows warning and failure indications as shown below.
In the following list, item No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 61, will be
indicated according to the machine conditions.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
data005 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of low charging voltage of alternator
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of each function; higher voltage line
connected for example, 24 V battery
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning thepossibility of engine overheating
condition EU - version only : 124 ± °C
data008 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning ofaccel sensor line break or shortage
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of governor sensor line break or
data010 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor line shortage.
data011 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor line break.
data012 The letter on the LCD indicates the failure or disconnect of knob switch.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical shortage of aux. solenoid
valve left side.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical line break of aux. sole-
noid valve left side.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical shortage of aux. solenoid
valve right side.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of electrical line break of aux. sole-
noid valveright side.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of coolant sensor or water temp. sen-
sor fail.
data018 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of fuel sensor fail.
data019 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of 12 V sensor supply line shortage.
data020 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of 5 V sensor supply line shortage.
data021 The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of controller error in the meter panel.
The letter on the LCD indicates the warning of AI motor being restricted by any
data082 These indicates where machine was manufactured.
data084 This indicates that operator is suggested to lift up unload lever(safety lock lever).
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(3) In case oil sw and charge lines broken (4) Fuel shortage
(7) Lift down the lock lever for service port (8) Maintenance indications
sw function
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
KTC, KTA-version :
Only English language is available.
English and French languages are possible to select.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Switch contact point is OFF. When AI sensing line pressure is 1.96 ± 0.3 MPa
(Terminal CN-1-8 of 22pin coupler has 0V) (20 ± 3 kgf/cm2) 284 ± 43 psi or lower
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
By selecting the Fail record, the system reads the contents of the EEPROM and checks the information on
If failures are found, each failure item and the number of times on the hour meter can be scrolled at 1.5-sec-
ond intervals.
By pressing the display selector just once, the next failure point can be viewed.
If there is no failure, "No fail record" will be displayed.
(See the Section of Fail Safe for failures in detail.)
The message "Fail record deleted" will be displayed when the record is deleted.
By pressing the display selector switch while this message is displayed, the message to read the fail
record will appear again. The message to read the fail record will, however, appear automatically in 3
seconds without pressing the display selector.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Model settings can be made by selecting Set up and Set up machine. (See fig. 6.)
When [Set up] is selected, [Engine start] is displayed at engine speeds below 800 rpm. The menu stays
disabled until the engine gets started. When the engine rpm has reached 800 rpm, the display changes
itself as shown below, enabling to select on the menu. This is to avoid troubles that would be caused by
making AI or S/P settings without running the engine.
By selecting the country of manufacturer, optional functions attached to the country - version, such as the
overheating and service auto manual items can be determined automatically.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
3-6 Set up AI
Select [Set up] first and then [Set up AI], and make the AI settings. (Fig. 7)
Fig. 7 AI setting
In default condition, Overheat warning is OFF for North America and Oceania - version
and ON for EU - version.
While in simple mode, the output will be turned OFF when the fail-safe function is activated, but no mes-
sages will be output. The fuel replenish mode will not be available.
No messages for failures including engine oil failures will be output while in simple mode. In this case, the
hour meter cannot be switched over to the tachometer while in normal mode. Therefore, only the hour meter
will be displayed. The reason is that the tachometer does not display the engine oil icon.
This meter is used for the U-50-3 meter for China, but the U-50-3 meter for China is shipped with a factory
setting made to simple mode. But currently, this simple mode is not used even for chinese market.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
When the Circuit check Engine stop is selected, the message "Checking touch harness" will appear at the
moment the engine revolution drops below 800 rpm. This mode is available on the condition that the engine
is stopped. The mode cannot be selected when the engine revolution is 800 rpm or over.
While in harness check mode, the following items can be checked. Items in parentheses are error criteria.
(1) Lever lock switch (OFF When lever is down).
(2) Fuel sensor (Reading of 2 V or more, or sway 0.2 V or more).
(3) Water temperature (Water temperature of 140 °C or more, or -30 °C or lower.).
(4) Acceleration sensor (below 0.25V, above 4.75V or fluctuations of over 0.2V): Enabled on AI version
machines only
(5) Governor sensor (below 0.25V, above 4.75V or fluctuations of over 0.2V): Enabled on AI version
machines only
(6) S/P sensor (below 0.25V, above 4.75V or fluctuations of over 0.2V): Enabled on S/P version machines
(7) Oil switch (OFF When engine stops and Key is ON).
(8) Charge circuit (OFF).
If there is any error, a message indicating the position of the error will flash automatically. Simultaneously,
the buzzer will beep.
When the error is restored, the buzzer will be turned OFF, but the flashing memory will be kept on hold.
If there are a number of errors, the screen will scroll.
By selecting All fail record, the first hour meter items generated after shipping through the last one will be
There are 19 types of failure diagnostic items, and the details of each type of item can be checked. The hour
meter will, however, remain even after the failure records are deleted.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Select Other menu →, AI motor drive , and the AI motor can be controlled with the following switches.
With [AI motor drive] selected, pressing the working light switch turns the motor in the normal direction
and pressing the center switch turns it in the reverse direction.
Ten items are displayed on each page in hexadecimal, and 13 pages will be used in total.
The EEPROM consists of 128 x 16 bits.
Checkered pattern 1, checkered pattern 2, and the outer frame will be displayed. Checkered pattern 1 and
checkered pattern 2 are opposite to each other in dot ON-OFF pattern. Missing dots can be checked by
using this function. (See Figs.9 and 10.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Fig. 2
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
EU - version machine
A message appears initial at 50-hour intervals and 250-hour intervals (i.e., every 250, 500, 750, and 1000
When the hour meter has counted up to the hours circled in the maintenance list below, the message appears. The
message shows up as follows. (The message reappears on the hour meter designated next.)
Hour meter indicator
No. Check points Intervals Consequently
50 100 250 300 500 550 750 800 1000
1 Engine oil every 500 hrs
2 Hydraulic oil every 1000 hrs
First operation
In case a meter panel were replaced due to any trouble with it, the service hour meter is set to "0". Contact your
KUBOTA dealer for details.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
As you reach to this menu, first box is blinking to ready to change the digit. Push the
SW in short, the number will be incremented. Push the SW longer, the number will
be fixed and shifted to next box. After fixing all boxes, the beep sounds three times
and automatically returns to service hour meter with new service hours.
Manual: EU - version
The service hour meter will be turned off with the working lamp switch pressed continuously for 3 seconds.
But from the view point of service maintenance policy in EU market, this deletion method should be
announced only to the dealers but not to the customers.
Change in Service Hour Meter
North American specifications: By default, set to “auto” to make it disapper “Service warning” on the panel.
European specifications: By default, set to “manual” to make it disapper “Service warning” on the panel.
Turn off the service warning indication with the working lamp switch pressed for 3 seconds.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
System will always “Reset” to low speed when key is switched “OFF” or safety lock lever is lifted.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Meter display
1) The LCD with four vertical dots and 37 horizontal dots is used to display the fuel gauge.
2) A fuel shortage (0.899 V or over) is judged with 8,653 sampling times for 60 seconds. If a fuel short-
age is detected 7,780 times or more (i.e., a minimum of 90% of the total), the fuel shortage alarm will
be displayed.
3) If the fuel shortage alarm is displayed when the key is turned OFF, data on the alarm will be saved in
the microcomputer. If the voltage on average for 0.2 second indicates a fuel shortage (0.899 V or
over) when the key is turned ON again, the alarm will be displayed at once.
4) The alarm displayed will be canceled if the alarm cancel voltage (0.719 V or below) is detected 649
times or more (i.e., a minimum of 90% of the total) after the sensor signal is sampled 721 times for 5
5) When the engine starts, the sensor float sways greatly, thus resulting in input voltage dispersion.
The sampling cycle of the sensor signal is set to 25 seconds.
6) If fuel sensor disconnection occurs, the existence of fuel is not detectable, and the fuel shortage
alarm will not turn ON.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
This means tester mode which test the following circuit conditions electrically on
real time.
The letters and symbols indicate the real time conditions of the following items.
engine speed , battery voltage
Engine oil pressure switch condition; on or off, Alternator charging circuit condi-
tion; normal or abnormal
Water V indicates water temp. sensor voltage
Fuel V indicates fuel sensor voltage
AI SW indicates on or off condition of AI switch. Press indicates AI pressure
data045 switch condition.
Motor A means current amount flowing to AI motor.
Accel V indicates voltage amount at accel sensor.
Gover V indicates voltage amount at governer sensor.
data047 Compressor indicates the condition of air conditioner's compressure switch.
S/P is abbriviation of auxiliary port and indicates the switch condition, on or off.
Breaker indicates the breaker switch condition ,on or off.
S/P means in this case auxiliary port solenoid valve.
L;left side, R; right side, A; current amount to each solenoid valve.
Fail record means machines' failure record are stored in the memory and can be
shown up on the display. Delete record means you can delete if you want.
First h indicates the operating hours when first failure occurred, last means last
data051 fail occurred.
Count indicates the number of fail occurred.
data052 This means no failure occurred in the past.
Back tier indicates that you can return back to one upper tier or same tier by
pressing the buttom, for either a long or a short time.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
data085 Simple mode means that min. fail indications are shown up on LCD.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
KX61-3,71-3, S,
U20-3 , 25 , U25
KX91-3, 121-3, 161-3, S,
U35, U45, U50, S,
Convert circuit
Sensor chip
+ V:
B -
V: Induced electromotive force
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
e. Main Component’s
p Function
(1) Auto release function
1. Auto release Circuit diagram & function
1) Function chart
When in normal operation
When the key switch is returned after the engine got started, the release relay functions as shown
below upon engine speed.
Engine speed
Auto release relay (T1, T2)
KX41-3 KX080-3, KX61-3 ~ 161-3S/α, U20-3 ~ U45-3S/α
1000 >
= Nx 800 >
= Nx ON
ON (Within 6 seconds)
1001 ~ 1150 801 ~ 950
OFF (After 6 seconds)
> > ON (Within 0.5 seconds)
1151 = Nx 951 = Nx
OFF (After 0.5 seconds)
The reason why KX41-3 has different sensing speed is that idling speed of KX41-3 is 1300 rpm
which is higher than any other machines.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
2) If the engine has started but the key switch fails to return (key switch failure)
Suppose that the key switch fails to return and the key switch start signal stays on. But if the engine
speed sensor signal is fed, the automatic release control system regulates the transistor's base cur-
rent flow, which turns on the release relay solenoid ON or OFF.
3) If the key switch fails to return and the engine speed sensor is also in trouble
c.Release relay solenoid
turned off
If the key switch start signal is detected to have been on for 30 seconds, the automatic release con-
trol system (3) lets the transistor's base current flow, which turns on the release relay solenoid (1)
and turns off the relay switch.
a:Key switch status b:Engine speed sensor status c:Release relay solenoid action
(1) Normal: Normal Normal:
No particular action No particular action
(2) Start position Normal Relay deactivated 0.5 or 6 seconds
Failure to return according the engine speed.
(3) Start position Engine failure to start, or no engine Relay deactivated 30 seconds after
Failure to return speed sensor signal the key switch turn to "START"
2.Trouble shooting
If Engine Does Not Start
2) Check if the prevention of start mode reentry is working. (Wait two seconds or more.)
3) Check if the auto release relay is turned OFF.
Make a manual check with a circuit tester.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
B (1)
1 2 (4)
Hi-Low SW
P1 P2
2. Press the travel hi-speed switch to see if the 12 V signal comes to terminal 1.
3. Turn on and off the travel hi-speed switch and check the continuity and discontinuity.
4. Check the continuity of the travel hi-speed solenoid coil and measure its resistance.
5. If there is no problem with the above steps, it means the electrical system functions. Now go to the
hydraulic system.
6. Possible troubles with the hydraulic system include stuck solenoid spool, poorly performing pilot pump,
malfunctioning primary relief valve, stuck Hi-Lo selector spool, etc.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
f. Failure Diagnosis
1. Failure display and diagnosis criteria
The following table 1 shows data on failure diagnosis, for operating mode and service mode.
• Display items of the system in service mode can be checked with the fail record.
• In the case of a warning for fuel scarcity, the buzzer will be turned ON for a moment at five-minute intervals.
• No.11 ~ 61 except 31, 32, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 will be incorporatrd in future version machine, such as auto
idle (AI) model, anxilliary port (AUX) model and anti - theft system model.
Table 1. Failure diagnosis
Display Function stop EEPROM
Buzzer Lamp Reset method Method of diagnosis
Operating mode service mode point address
1 Fuel - 5-minute Yellow Replenish fuel --- --- Fuel scarcity rate is 90% min. after
intervals 60-s sampling
2 Engine oil 2 Engine oil Continually Red Returns to nor- --- 66, 86 At 5 V (normal).
mal The following conditions continue
10 s: oil = L and 800 rpm min.
3 Charge 3 Charge Momentarily Red Returns to nor- --- 65, 85 At 5 V (normal).
mal The following conditions continue
10 s: charge = L and 800 rpm min.
4 High voltage 4 High voltage Continually Red Turn key OFF AI AUX 67, 87 At 5 V (normal).
A power supply voltage of 18 V
min. continues 3 s.
5 Overheat 5 Overheat Continually Red 112°C ± max. AI AUX 77, 97 At 5 V (normal).
(EU only) The following conditions continue:
Engine revolution of 800 rpm min.
with overheat warning
When the water temperature sensor is nor-
mal, a water temperature of (124 ± ) °C min.
continues 5 s.
( : Adjustable between -10 °C and +10 °C.)
31 Lift up - Momentarily Yellow Wait for 5 s, Engine does not --- The key is shifted to the start position with the
unload lever then disappear start lever lock moved down.
32 Service - Momentarily Yellow Wait for 10 s --- --- The specified hour meter is set.
33 Key is - Momentarily Yellow Wait for 3 s Engine does not --- Theft prevention specifications
wrong start The wrong key is used to start the engine.
The specifications are presently under con-
34 Different - Momentarily Yellow Wait for 3 s Engine does not --- Theft prevention specifications
key start The different key is used to start the engine.
The specifications are presently under con-
51 Coolant - Momentarily Red Turn key OFF --- 82, 102 At 5 V (normal).
sensor (EU A water temperature of -30 °C max.
only) or 140 °C min. continues for 1 s.
- 52 Fuel sensor Momentarily Red Turn key OFF --- 81, 101 At 5 V (normal).
The fuel sensor at 2 V min. continues for 10 s.
53 Sensor sup- 53 Sensor sup- Momentarily Red Turn key OFF LCD turns OFF 79, 99 5-V short-circuiting detection terminal at H
ply short 5V ply short 5V AI AUX 5-V out- level continues for 0.1 s.
put turns OFF
54 Sensor sup- 54 Sensor sup- Momentarily Red Turn key OFF AI AUX always 0 80, 100 At 5 V (normal).
ply short 12V ply short 12V rpm The 12-V short-circuiting detection terminal at
H level continues for 0.1 s.
55 Meter con- - Momentarily Red Turn key OFF AI AUX 78, 98 The rightmost 16 bits of the added value of
troller error addresses 36 through 50 do not coincide
with the value of address 64.
- 61 AI motor Momentarily Red Press acceler- --- 83, 103 At 5 V (normal).
restricted ator AI specifications
A motor current of 6 A min. continues for 3 s.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Hour meter data and the number of errors (1) will be written to both addresses if an error occurs for the first
time. The last hour meter data will be converted into present hour meter data for errors on and after the sec-
ond time. The count will remain 15 regardless of whether the actual number of errors exceeds 15, and only
data on the last hour meter data will be overwritten.
0 A A 7
0 A A 7 H
Fig. 1 Error Data Storage Method
2-2Number of Errors
Data is stored in four bits. Therefore, the maximum number of errors is limited to 15. The count increases by
one if an error occurs after the key is turned ON. Once the key is turned ON, however, the count increases
only by one until the key is turned OFF.
(Example) Binary to decimal
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Binary
0 x 20 = 0
1 x 21 = 2
0 x 22 = 0
1 x 23 = 8
0 x 24 = 0
1 x 25 = 32
0 x 26 = 0
+1 x 27 = 128
(decimal) 170 hrs
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
36 Machine model (Ref.1)
37 Optional item (Ref.2)
AI control data
Thumb control data
Overheat control data
53 Language (Ref.3)
Machine hours & times
Machine failure warning
Original manufacturer use
Ref.1 : 0:KX41-3, 1:KX61-3, 2:KX71-3, KX91-3, 4:KX101-3, 5:KX-121-3, 6:KX161-3, 7:KX080-3 ···
Ref.2 : bit No : 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
The frequency of this pulse is commonly referred to as kHz control. The higher this frequency is, the finer the
control becomes, but the FET may fail to follow up the control in some cases. The PWM wave, on the other
hand, can be defined as “rectangular wave the pulse width of which changes with time”. Interestingly, rectan-
gular waves give out various sounds according to their duty ratio: from saw-tooth wave to square wave (nar-
row sine curve), and in between them.
In this method, the pulse width is controlled to regulate the average output voltage and any output voltage
can be taken out of a constant supply voltage. (See below.)
(1) Small pulse width
(3) (2) Large pulse width
(6) (3) Supply voltage
(4) PWM period
(5) Average voltage low
(6) Average voltage high
(1) (2)
AI electric motors use electromagnetic force and have a coil built in. The inductance of a coil makes the cur-
rent flow in somewhat smooth patterns.
PWM frequency
The torque generated by a motor is proportional to the current. The higher the PWM frequency is, the
smoother the current waveform is. In other words, raise the PWM frequency, and the torque fluctuates less.
Noise-causing harmonic components are also reduced.
This, however, has downsizes, such as greater loss of electrical steel sheet and drive elements (transistors,
FETs, etc.). The final PWM frequency is determined by trade-off between these positive and negative char-
9 0.9
8 0.8
7 0.7
6 0.6
5 0.5
4 0.4
3 0.3
2 0.2
1 0.1
0 0
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Display data
Meter panel
Fail history data
Water temp.error
Display data
Operational data Engin oil press.error
Work lamp SW SP SW selector SW
Display Display
direction direction
Display data
Input data control
control Driver output
Sensors(Input) Actuators(Output)
* Governor sensor * Solenoid valve
Data * Acceleration sensor * AI motor
communication * Engine pressure sensor * Glow relay
* AI pressure sensor * AI hold relay
* Engine speed sensor * Anti-theft relays
Various sensor signals are fed to the CPU that is incorporated in the LCD meter. They are compared with
the settings of the input data controller. After being controlled with the program, the resulting drive output
signals are sent to actuators (solenoid valve and AI motor, for example). When the selector switch, AI switch
or work light switch is pressed, the display output controller issues a display command and its relevant icon
is picked up from the data storage and displayed on the LCD display.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
1-4 This service mode flow chart is diivded into two zones.
One is for ordinary service personnel to carry out the troubleshooting of the machine if needed.
The other is for only the authorized personnel to proceed several important machine set-up, adjustment
and troubleshoothing in detail.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Battery circuit
1 (AC)
2 (Start) OFF
3 Key SW
Cab relay
Light SW
Stater motor
1. Keep in mind that the battery voltage is applied through the above circuit all the time.
2. A 60A fuse is added close to the alternator, otherwise part of the harness may get short-circuited due to the
alternator's current generated while the engine is running. In this way, the devices and harness can be
protected against burn-out.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Back of engine
Thermal unit 7Lock lever limit switch 8Glow
Ground 9Battery KStarter motor
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Meter Sub
5A CN-1-12 +B
Start SW CN-1-9
CN-1-1 AC-1
Meter Main Glow relay
10A CN-115
CN-17-4 CN-17-3 Glow plug
Fuel sensor
CN-23-1 CN-2-2 Fuel Sensor Glow Relay CN-17-1 CN-17-2
5V CN-1-21
CN-110 CN-2-15 +5V
CN-17-3 CN-17-1
CN-2-16 Analog-GND
Auto release Relay CN-17-4 CN-17-2 CN-17-1 CN-17-3
CN-1-22 CN-17-4 CN-17-2
CN-32-1 CN-32-2 Water temp Sensor Auto release relay
CN-2-1 Working lamp Relay Anti theft starter relay
Water temp.sensor(auto glow)
JS Control(R) Motor Pot Compressor crutch Relay
GND CN-2-4
CN422-8 CN422-2 CN-1-14
pot CN-2-3 Accel pot
+5V CN422-3 AUX Control ON-OFF LED
CN422-1 CN-2-5 AUX. control pot CN-1-16
HornSW-vcc HornSW
CN422-7 CN422-4 Breaker Lock sw AI operation LED
BrakerLockSW-vcc BrakerLockSW CN-1-4
CN422-6 CN-1-15
SW AUX. Control ON-OFF sw Travel hi-low solenoid
CN-1-5 Travel Hi-Low Sol
Travel Hi-Low Travel hi-low lock SW CN-2-10 CN-13-2
Travel Hi-Low sw CN-13-1
5A CN-15-2 CN-15-1 CN-1-6
Travel hi-low lamp
CN-1-7 AI operation sw
CN-306-3 CN-306-1
Anti theft Horn relay Spare sw Motor(+)
Horn relay Horn Motor(-) CN-2-20
Horn CN-46
10A CN-306-3 CN-306-1 CN-2-19
CN-306-4 CN-45 Engine speed sensor
5V 3
Eng. rpm Solenoid_Out_1 Main to Engine AUX. L solenoid
CN-33-2 CN-1-17 AUX. sol(+)-L PMM_IN1 1
CN-1-18 5 CN-428-1
SWP-4p-1 CN-428-2
PMM_IN2 Solenoid_Out_2 Main to Engine AUX. R solenoid
AUX. sol(+)-R 2
CN-2-13 RS-485(+) CN-1-19 6 CN-427-1
AUX. sol(-) Power_Source(GND) SWP-4p-2 CN-427-2
CN-33-1 CN-55-2 CN-18-2 CN-2-12 RS-485(-) 4
CN-55-1 CN-18-1
Flash cnt
CN-2-11 Txd-1
CN-1-3 12V out(RF-unit) Rxd-1 Charge sw
CN-2-8 CN-2-7
unti thieft sub +B
10A CN-1-7
CN-1-6 GND CN-1-3 Signal-GND oil sw Engine oil SW
CN-2-6 CN-28
CN-1-12 RF-GND
CN-41-1 50A
Anti theft RF Unit CN-2-4 CN-2-10
Anti theft Unit
Battery Alternator
60A CN-113
10A CN-25-1
CN-17-3 CN-17-1
CN-17-2 CN-36-2
Wiper Motor CN-17-2 CN-17-4
Heater relay GND Anti theft ESS relay CN-36-1
Heater fan CN-305-6
10A CN-305-1 M
CN-305-3 CN-303-1 +1 S+
Hi CN-303-2
CN-304-1 off
Heater switch
Wiper sw
CN-17-2 off CN-17-2
Cab relay ‚l on CN-17-2
10A CN-16-4 Heater(Aurora)) CN-17-2 Washer Motor
CN-308-3 CN-308-1 CN-17-2 CN-17-2
Auxiliary ‚l
15A CN-16-2 CN-17-2
CN-308-2 CN-308-4
CN-16-1 Cab power source Cab Work light
Room Light room light CN-17-2
5A CN-16-3 CN-17-2 Cab Work light
CN-17-2 CN-17-2
CN-103-1 Cab GND
Cigarette lighter
15A CN-317-1
Power consent
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
+5V CN422
4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5 dewtsch-8pf
7283-4421 7282-4421
090II-2pf 090II-2pm
’Ê?M ’Ê?M
HM090-2pm Without Antitheft
1 2 6187-2801 0.5-Br/w 485+ 0.5-Br/w
0.5-Br 0.5-ƒcƒCƒXƒgƒyƒAƒP?[ƒuƒ‹ 0.5-ƒcƒCƒXƒgƒyƒAƒP?[ƒuƒ‹ Anti theft Antenna unit
485- 1 2 3
0.5- HM090-6pm
4 5 6 6189-6171
meter?ibig?j 7283-5834
CN1 0.5f-W(AVX)
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 meter(small) CNT4
CN2 Anti theft unit
EU(Antitheft) 4 3 2 1
2-B 8 7 6 5
BeaconSW 7123-7923-40
12 11 10 9
Free Lock 1 7122-2820-30
2.3II-6pf CN(A)250-2pm
2 1 2
4F0670-000 CN456
6 5 4 3 Auto release relay Travel Alarm Power source(cap)
Light- CN34
com nc Light+ 2 1
coil contact
4 3 CN250-2pf
CN250-2pf CN455
7123-2820-60 1 Travel Alarm Power source(US)
EU(without Antitheft)
0.5-B 2
Beacon Power source CN12
EU(without Antitheft)/USA 2 1 PB185-02046
CN(A)250-2pm CN302 Light relay 0.85-B/W EU(without Antitheft)/USA Lever lock solenoid(EU)
7122-2820-60 2 1 + -
coil contact
Beacon Power source(cap) 4 3 CN12
com CN11
Wiper Roomlight
1 2
PB185-02026 CN13
Key switch CN13
10A 1.25-G Wiper/Washer CN317 Travel_hi-low_Solenoid(US)
2 1 ac 15A 1.25-G Cigarette lighter Power source
1 CN103 st 1.25-G
3 1 1 2
Cab GND com 0.85-L
5A 0.5-Br/W Room light 2
20A 2f-R/W Work light +-
1 2
Travel hi-low lamp
CN306 090-2pf-lamp
10A CN45
1 2
2 1 1
4 3
CN308 coil com
Cab relay 10A 0.5- Alternator
3-R 0.5-B Horn(-)
Travel Hi-Low CN46
5A 0.5-
Fuel Pump
5A 0.85- Meter Sub 1 CN24
10A 0.85- Meter Main
10A Anti theft sub 0.5- ‚q‚a‚Q‚R‚V?|‚T‚R‚R‚U¢
3 4coil
1 2
CN250-1pf Anti thieft ESS relay
7123-2810 3-R/W Working lamp(+)
EU(without Antitheft) 0.85-Y
0.5- 1
2 2
0.5- 0.85-B
Fuel Sensor
CN17 Working lamp(-)
Glow relay
2 1 0.5-B
coil coil M5 Fuel Sensor GND
4 3
com NO CN101
RA231-5341Δ 3-B
Harness (Main theft)-(EU) 3 2 1
RA238-5331Δ 6 5 4 0.5-B
- + -
2 1 2 1
Battery Cable (+)
SBF(alternator) AUX.[L]control_SOL AUX.[R]control_SOL
60A CN428 CN427
Battery Cable (-)
1 Battery
2 1
2 1 store pull
M4 M6
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Mechanism V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Service Section
A. TROUBLESHOOTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-3
a. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-3
b. Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-4
c. Panel Relevant (Key Switch: ON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-5
d. Panel Relevant (Engine Starting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-6
e. Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-7
B. TROUBLE/ALARM DISPLAYS AND CHECKPOINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-9
C. INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-11
a. Coupler Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-11
b. Components Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-12
c. Fuse Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-15
d. Harness Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-16
e. Battery Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-16
f. Measuring Instruments and Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-17
D. WIRE HARNESS INSTALLATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-19
a. Precautions in Clamping the Electrical Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-19
b. Harness Layout, Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-21
c. Engine's Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-22
d. Engine's Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-25
e. Cabling the Unload and Horn Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-26
f. Routing the Front Electrical Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-28
g. High-speed Switch, Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-29
h. Electrical Cabling (Engine Room, Fuel Sensor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-30
i. Electrical Cabling route (Unload, Horn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-31
j. Electrical Cabling (Horn and Dual-speed Wire Harnesses in Right-hand Console) V-S-32
E. MAIN COMPONENTS MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-33
a. Checking the Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-33
b. Checking the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-33
c. Checking the Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-34
d. Checking the Glow Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-35
e. Glow Plug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-36
f. Unload Safety Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-37
g. Hi-Low Travel Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-39
h. Checking the Solenoid Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-40
i. Checking the Fuel Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-43
j. Checking the Fuel Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-45
k. Engine Stop Solenoid and Coil Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-47
l. Checking the Water Temperature Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-48
m. Oil Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-49
n. Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-51
o. Installation of Canopy Light for KTA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-S-52
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
a. General
(1) How to diagnose
The most important point in troubleshooting is to determine "Probable Causes". Once the probable causes
are determined, parts to be checked can be limited to those associated with such probable causes. There-
fore, unnecessary checks can be eliminated. The determination of the probable causes must be based on a
theory and be supported by facts and must not be based on intuition only.
If an attempt is made to solve a problem without going through correct steps for troubleshooting, the prob-
lem symptoms could become more complicated, resulting in failure to determine the causes correctly and
making incorrect repairs.The four steps below should be followed in troubleshooting.
Observation of Problem
1 Symptoms Observe the symptom carefully. Check if there are also
other problems.
Repair and Confirmation After the problems are corrected, be sure to check that the
4 system operates correctly. Also check that new problems
have not been caused by the repair.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
b. Engine
Trouble Check item Remedy
1. The starter does (1)Check the slow-blow fuse (50A) and fuse (10A) for blowouts. Check or replace.
not run. (2)Check the battery terminal for looseness. Retighten.
(3)Hold the starter switch in the starting position and check if a Charge or replace.
voltage of 10.5 V or more appears between the both ends (+, –)
of the battery.
(4)Hold the starter switch in the starting position and check if a Repair or replace.
voltage of 9V or more is applied to the starter 50 terminal.
(5)Check if the key switch is normal. Check or replace.
(6)Check the starter M terminal for looseness. Retighten.
2. The starter runs (1)Turn On the key switch and check if fuel overflows into the tank. Check visually.
but the engine (2)Turn On the key switch and check by hand if the fuel pump is Replace.
does not start. running.
(3)Check the fuel pump fuse for blowouts. Replace.
(4)Check if a voltage is applied to the Fuel pump coupler 1 and 2. Repair or replace.
(5)Disconnect the stop solenoid and check if the engine starts. Repair or replace.
(6)Turn On the key switch and check if a voltage is applied to the Repair or replace.
engine stop solenoid coupler.
3. The cold- (1)Check if the battery voltage is normal. Charge or replace.
temperature (2)Check the glow relay fuse for blowouts. Replace.
starting property
(3)Check by hand if the glow relay is running. Replace.
is poor.
(4)Check if a voltage is applied to the glow relay coupler. Repair or replace.
(5)Check if a voltage is applied to the glow plug. Repair or replace.
(6)Check if the glow plug is normal. Replace.
(7)Check the glow relay. Replace.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
e. Others
Trouble Check item Remedy
1. The machine does (1)Check the fuse (5A) for blowouts. Replace
not run in spite of (2)Check the lever lock solenoid coupler and switch coupler for Repair or replace
the machine lock disconnection.
lever being
(3)Interchange the lever lock solenoid coupler and 2nd-speed Repair or replace
solenoid coupler.
(4)Check if a voltage is applied to the lever lock solenoid coupler Repair or replace
and switch coupler.
(5)Check the solenoid valve. Repair or replace
(6)Check if the lever lock switch is normal. Replace
2. The travel speed (1)Check the fuse for blowouts. Replace
does not change in (2)Check the 2nd-speed solenoid coupler and switch coupler for Replace
spite of the two- disconnection.
speed pedal being
(3)Interchange the 2nd-speed solenoid coupler and lever lock Repair or replace
solenoid coupler.
(4)Check if a voltage is applied to the 2nd-speed solenoid Replace
coupler and switch coupler.
(5)Check the solenoid valve. Replace
(6)Check if the 2nd switch is normal. Replace
3. The horn does not (1)Check the fuse for blowouts. Replace
sound in spite of the (2)Check the harness from the grip (horn switch) for breaking. Repair or replace
horn switch being
(3)Check the horn coupler and grip (horn switch) coupler for Repair or replace
(4)Check if a voltage is applied to the horn terminal. Replace
(5)Check if the horn switch is normal. Replace
(6)Check if the horn is normal. Replace
4. The working light (1)Check the fuse for blowouts. Replace
does not go on in (2)Check the working light terminal and switch coupler for Repair or replace
spite of the working disconnection.
light switch being
(3)Check if a voltage is applied to the working light terminal. Replace
(4)Check the lamp for blowouts.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
1. Meter panel and couplers 2. Meter readings to be as specified? 3. Checking for unusual meter readings
4. Checking the failure log 5. Calling the tester mode for detained 6. Machine model on the screen KX41-3
1 → : Start the engine. 2 − : Nothing particular (no display) 3 Engine : ENG checking instead of U17/U17-3.
No. Location Display when in order Display/alarm when in trouble Failure log display Wire harness breakdown diagnosis Checking in tester mode Possible cause/correction/remarks
Refuel to specified level - - - 1 Fuel amount drop below 7L 1 Add fuel to specified level.
1 Fuel level Dots marked according to level
No fuel level dots marked Fuel sensor broken Voltage over 2V, beep tone Voltage over 2V 2 Wire harness coupler broken 1 No fuel level alarm displayed
displayed → OFF - 1 10A fuse blown out 1 No operating sound heard from fuel pump
OFF, flashing and beep tone OFF 1 60A fuse blown out 1 Check the fan belt for breakage or slippage.
± displayed → ON 2 Get the engine started in tester mode. See if the
2 Charging system − + → OFF Charging error inspected 1 Terminal B broken
Charging error in several min- battery voltage soon becomes 13 ∼ 15V.
utes - ON 1 Terminal L short-circuited 3 Check for disconnection by turning on and off the
charger in tester mode. (OFF when disconnected)
displayed → OFF - 1 IG/L coupler broken 4 Check the alternator itself for damage.
OFF, flashing and beep tone OFF
Engine oil indicator - 1 Wire harness coupler broken 1 Add engine oil to specified level.
Engine oil indicator ON 2 Detach the oil switch and measure the oil pres-
3 Engine oil Engine oil indicator ON → OFF Engine oil pressure out 1 Engine oil too low, or short-
Engine oil pressure out of spec - ON sure.
of spec circuit 3 Check the oil switch itself for damage.
in several minutes →
1 Glow time too long (about 10 seconds) regard-
1 Wire harness coupler broken
Water tempera- Dots marked according to tem- No temperature dot indicator dis- Water temperature sen- Water temperature indicator flash- less of cooling water temperature
4 Over 4.8V displayed 2 Sensor itself in trouble
ture sensor perature played sor in trouble ing, and beep tone 2 Water temperature up, but its indicator not dis-
Engine failure to get started - - - 1 Meter's 10A fuse blown out
With the key OFF, press the Hour meter failure to get dis- 1 Meter's 5A fuse blown out
Power supply sys- switch, and the hour meter played even by pressing the - - - 2 Short-circuit along meter's 5V 1 LCD meter in trouble, only alarm lamp on
tem gets displayed. switch with the key OFF line
Overvoltage error and unusual 1 Possible to get alternator or the like in trouble
- Overvoltage error - - 1 Getting started at 24V
charging to be checked
Machine operable with no spe- Machine inoperable even with 1 With lever lock ON, the engine can get started.
- - - 1 Wire harness coupler broken
cific display lever lock ON no specific display lever lock ON The machine cannot run, however.
Solenoid valve for 2 Check continuity between the lever lock switch
lever lock function 1 Short-circuit terminals.
- Lever lock in trouble Lever lock in trouble - Lever lock OFF 3 Check continuity between controller and sole-
2 Solenoid valve in trouble
noid valve.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
a. Coupler Check
Following procedures shall be followed for testing continu-
ity and voltage at connector in order to prevent improper
contact and deterioration of waterproof in connector.
(1) Insert screwdriver [1.4 mm (.06 in.) width] as shown in the
figure, disengage front holder and remove it.
(2) Insert harness of terminal to be rectified deep into connec-
tor from harness side and hold it there.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
b. Components Check
1) Visual and aural checks
Check relay operation, blower motor rotation, light illumina-
tion, etc. visually or aurally. The flow of current is invisible
but can be checked by the operation of the parts.
2) Simple checks
For example, if a headlight does not come on and a faulty
fuse or poor grounding is suspected, replace the fuse with
a new one or ground the light to the body by a Jumper wire
to determine which part is responsible for the problem.
4) Inspection instruments
In inspection, make use of the following instruments.
1. Test lights
A test light consists of a 12 V bulb and lead wires. It is used
to check voltages or short-circuits.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
3. Jumper wire
A jumper wire is used to close an open circuit. Never use
one to connect a power supply directly to a load.
4. Voltmeter
A voltmeter is used to measure the circuit voltage.Nor-
mally, the positive (red lead) probe is applied to the point of
voltage measurement and the negative (black lead) probe
to the body ground.
5. Ohmmeter
An ohmmeter is used to check continuity or measure resis-
tance of a switch or coil. If the measuring range has been
changed, the zero point must be adjusted before measure-
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
5) Checking switches
In a circuit diagram, a switch is represented by a sym-
bol and in the idle state.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
c. Fuse Inspection
1) Checking fuses
A blade type fuse has test taps provided to allow checking
of the fuse itself without removing it from the fuse block.
The fuse is okay if the test light comes on when its one
lead is connected to the test taps (one at a time) and the
other lead is grounded.
(Change the key switch position adequately so that the
fuse circuit becomes live.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
d. Harness Check
1) Check connections for looseness, rust and stains.
2) Check terminals and wires for corrosion by battery elec-
trolyte, etc.
3) Check terminals and wires for open circuit or impending
open circuit.
4) Check wire insulation and coating for damage, cracks
and degrading.
5) Check conductive parts of terminals for contact with other
metallic parts (vehicle body and other parts).
6) Check grounding parts to verify that there is complete
continuity between attaching bolt(s) and vehicle body.
7) Check for incorrect wiring.
8) Check that wirings are so clamped as to prevent contact
with sharp corners of the vehicle body, etc. or hot parts
(exhaust manifold, pipe, etc.).
9) Check that wirings are clamped firmly to secure enough
clearance from the fan pulley, fan belt and other rotating
or moving parts.
10) Check that the wirings between the fixed parts such as
the vehicle body and the vibrating parts such as the
engine are made with adequate allowance for vibrations.
e. Battery Check
When checking or servicing does not require power from the
on vehicle battery, be sure to disconnect the cable from the
battery (-) terminal. This is to prevent problems that could be
caused by shorting of the circuit. Disconnect the (-) terminal
first and reconnect it last.
1. Before connecting or disconnecting the negative cable,
be sure to turn off the ignition switch and the lighting
(If this is not done, there is the possibility of semicon-
ductor parts being damaged.)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
• Special tools
Use these tools if the test leads are not easily inserted or fixed in the couplers or connectors.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(1) Fix the wire harness of slow-blow fuse battery in the opening of fan shroud.
(2) Fix the connector from the fuel tank to the bracket (coupler).
(3) Bracket (coupler)
(4) Fuel tank
(5) Retainer (fuel tank)
(6) Hydraulic tank
(7) Main wire harness
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
c. Engine's Back
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(2) (2)
(7) (1) Insert at the front.
(2) Battery cable (positive)
(1) Straight upward (5) Fixed in the lower opening Dozer cable
(2) Bolt (VT, M8) (bolt) The wire harness for the anti-theft unit passes through the
(3) Cable (body ground) (6) Straight downward vertical rib.
(4) Straight upward (7) Battery cable (positive)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(8) (9)
(10) (11)
(1) T1066-30372
Bolt (VT, M8)
(2) Finally make sure this part faces toward the back of the machine.
(3) RA221-5322Δ
Battery cable (positive)
To face just downward
(4) 01135-61020
To face just downward and be fixed in the lower hole
(5) RA221-5324Δ
Cable (body ground)
(6) Wire harness
(7) Slow-blow fuse
(8) Groove
(9) Cover (right, top)
(10) Projection
(11) Starter switch
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
d. Engine's Top
(1) Bi-speed: Insert into the right hole. (1)
Connect the yellow wire harness (white-marked) and
the wire harness (white-marked) below the unload
(2) Hook the wire harness.
(3) Unload: Insert into the left hole.
Connect the green wire harness and the wire harness
located above.
(1) Fuel pump
(2) Ground
(3) Unload (4)
Left-hand hole
Green wire harness
Upper solenoid
(4) Dual-speed
Right-hand hole
Yellow wire harness
Lower solenoid
(1) Glow plug
Pass below the guide.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(3) (5)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
1 A
4 5
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(1) With the connector connected, store the wire harness in the corrugated section.
(2) Cord clamp 34260-29381
Tighten the cord clamp together with the working light lock bolt.
(3) Cord band 55311-41261
Secure the wire harness to the member on the boom's side.
(4) Pass the wire harness through the opening first and then the boss-side plate. (5)
(5) Pass below the boom pin.
(6) Fix the anchor clamp to the fixture.
4 2 1 3
(7) Place the light with its lighting face in parallel with the boom bottom plate.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(5) Insert
(2) (1) ECU (anti-theft) (6) RD411-5347
(2) Connect to the wire harness of Switch (Limit)
anti-theft unit.
(3) (3) Pass between the counterweight
and battery mount.
(4) (4)
(1) 36919-8262Δ
(2) 01125-60816
(3) RD809-5371Δ
Horn assembly (111DB)
010 Battery 1 (4) Insert the clamp into position.
020 Label (battery) 1
025 Rubber pad (fuel tank) 1
030 Plate (battery) 1
040 Bolt 3
045 Trim (plate, auxiliary) 1
050 Cushion (fuel tank, 3) 3
060 Retainer (battery) 1
070 Cushion (rubber 2) 2
080 Bolt (hook) 1
090 Plain washer 2
100 Nut 4
105 Spring washer 2
110 Battery cable (positive) 1
(1) 36919-8262Δ
120 Battery cable (negative) 1 Collar
130 Bolt (VT, M8) 1 (2) 01125-60816
140 Cable (body ground) 1 (3) RD809-5371Δ
150 Bolt (VT, M8) 1 Horn assembly (111DB)
160 Bolt 1
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(6) (10)
(EU-version) (EU-version)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Fig. 2
(1) Fuse box
Fig. 3
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Fig. 17
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
e. Glow Plug
(1) Function of the glow plug (7)
This plug is of two-material QGS (Quick Glow Sys-
tem) type. It features quick temperature rise, self-
control function and high durability. (5)
The Super Glow plug has a heating element and a (1)
(3) (8)
heating-cum-resisting element built in a sheathing
tube. These elements are connected in series.
The lower temperature the heating element is, the
lower resistance it shows, and vice versa. (2)
Because a sufficient current flows initially through
the heating element, the element quickly gets (4)
heated and its resistance becomes higher. This (10)
means that the flowing current will get smaller to
prevent the heating element from overheat. (1) Heating-cum-resisting (6) Current (A)
The glowing point is located 2-3 mm around the tip element (7) Super Glow plug
to keep the projection into the combustion cham- (2) Heating element (8) Conventional quick-heat
(3) Sheathing tube glow plug
ber relatively short. (4) Insulating powder (9) Glow plug current
(5) Glow plug temperature (10) Power-on time (sec.)
(1) Unload lever (°C)
(2) Bi-speed pedal (for Japanese market only)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(13) (16)
1 KE1-401 Plunger 1 SWRM8 φ5 KFZa8-3K
2 P-56 Plain washer 1 SPCC t1 MFZa8-3B
3 RC411-53961 Boot 1 B 510-01 BLACK
4 P-31 Contactor 1 C1100P 10.5
5 KE1-101 Body 1 ZDC Chromate (black)
6 KE2-021A Terminal block complete 1 PM-EE
7 KE1-301 Packing 1 10.5
8 CE77-601 Cord 1 AV 0.5
9 R-P5 O-ring 1 P5
10 YG3-501 Action spring 1 SWPA φ 0.45
11 YE23-201 Roller 1 POM Natural
12 S-58 Spring 1 SWPA φ 0.8 KFZa8-3B
(1) * Stroke
(2) Not to stretch out of the mounting face
(3) Apply silicone resin.
(4) Crimp. (4 spots)
(5) PVC tube, black
(6) Sumitomo 6195-0006 (dark gray)
Water-proof connector M
(7) Mounting face
(8) Surface treated
(9) Crimp. (all around)
(10) Internal details
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(4) (11)
(5) (12)
(6) (13)
(7) (14)
(1) Left lever lock switch (2) Lever lock solenoid valve
4. Checking for continuity (Fig. 36)
Disconnect the couplers in advance. Fig. 36
(1) Check for continuity between the solenoid
valve coupler CN12 [2] and the body ground.
(2) Check for continuity between the solenoid
valve coupler CN12 [1] and CN11 [1].
(3) Check for continuity between the left lever lock
coupler CN11 [2] and the 5A fuse.
(1) Left lever lock switch (2) Lever lock solenoid valve
5. Checking the solenoid valve (Fig. 37)
(1) Coil resistance Fig. 37
Specification: 6-15 Ω
* The figure at right shows measurement with
digital meters.
(Note that the positive and negative sides must
be reversed with analog meters.)
(2) Coil insulation resistance
Specification: Over 1 MΩ
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(1) Bi-speed switch
(2) Bi-speed solenoid valve
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
1. Rated voltage: DC 12 V
2. Operating voltage range: DC 8.5-16.5 V
3. Maximum operating current: Below 1.5 A
4. Discharge rate: Above 400 cm3/min when open
5. Cut-off pressure (discharge pressure + suction pressure):
Average total pressure below 37.3 kPa
6. Suction pressure (when dry): Below -4.9 kPa
7. Air-tightness: Apply 98-kPa pneumatic pressure
from the suction port and discharge port for 15 sec-
onds, and make sure there is no air leak.
8. Operating temperature range: -30°C to +70°C
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Circuit diagram
(1) (Black)
(2) Unit
(3) (Blue)
(4) Thermistor
(5) (Red)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
m.Oil Switch
(1) Checking for continuity
1. Disconnect the cable from the oil switch terminal.
2. Check for continuity between the terminal and the
body. (1)
3. Start the engine and check for the same continuity
as above.
4. If not as specified, replace the oil switch with new
Hydraulic pressure
below 4.9 kPa (0.5 0Ω
Between kgf/cm2) 7.1 psi Reference
Hydraulic pressure value
and body
above 4.9 kPa (0.5 ∞Ω
(1) Oil switch
kgf/cm2) 7.1 psi
(1) (Stop)
(2) (Start)
(3) Pressure
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
n. Relay
4 Relay applications
A: Lever lock relay
A B: ESS relay
5 C: Starter relay
3 B D: T horn relay
F C Relays boxed above to be des-
G D tined for Japan and Europe only
2 H E: Cabin relay
F: Horn relay
G: Light relay
H: Automatic release relay
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(3) (11)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(7) (8)
(1) Wire harness (light power) (RC418-5339Δ)
(2) Clamp with the main wire harness (2 locations).
(3) To canopy
(4) Pass between the T3 hose and the control valve.
(5) Wire harness (light, 4P canopy) (RC418-5338Δ)
(6) Connector
(7) Without canopy light
(8) With canopy light
(9) Wire harness (main)
(10) Wire harness (light power)
(11) Disconnect the connector and reconnect it as shown at left.
(12) Wire harness (light, 4P canopy)
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
(6) Wire harness (light power)
(2) (7) Pass inside of the accelera-
tion cable.
(8) Double-speed wire harness
(3) and clamp
(9) Right side of the machine
(4) (5) (10)Tank top
(12)Pass above the fuel hose and
clamp to the return pipe.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
a. Outline
Anti-theft system is now only introduced to EU and Japanese markets.
The structure and function of Anti-theft System of U17-3α are identical with those of KX41-3.
You're requested to refer to the following Code Number of Anti-theft System WSM.
Anti-theft System WSM: Code No. 97899-61431
Note: Meter panel doesn't show the model name of U17-3α. You're requested to follow the same menu flow with KX41-3.
When needed the machine set up after replacing the meter panel, you're also supposed to follow to KX41-3.
(3) (1) Meter panel
(2) Antenna
(3) Key switch cover
(7) (4) Red key
(4) (5) Black key
(5) (6)
(7) Yellow instruction guide
Model name
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
b. Anti-theft system
The excavator is equipped with an anti-theft system that restricts the engine to be started using a registered
key only. If a registered key gets lost or stolen, you can invalidate it. This will prevent the engine from being
started with this key, thus protecting the vehicle against theft.
The engine can be started only with a key that was registered for the particular vehicle.
The scope of delivery includes two black keys, among them a spare key. The two black keys
have already been registered. Up to four keys can be registered.
(Next page).
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Starting the excavator is only allowed when the operator is sitting on the driver's seat.
Do not allow the engine to run indoors, unless the room is equipped with an exhaust gas
extraction system or otherwise well ventilated. The exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a
colourless, odourless, and lethal gas.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
If a registered black key is lost, the other black keyes must be re-registered. This procedure locks
the lost or stolen black key, which can no longer be used to start the engine.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Engine may be
• Oil pressure too Stop the engine defective.
low. immediately. Immediately contact
skilled personnel.
Check V-belt.
• Faulty battery When the V-belt is If the indicator does
Red charger circuit OK, let the engine not go out, contact
• Charging error. run until indicator skilled personnel.
goes out.
If the indicator still
comes on after the
Jump-start the
Red • Defective starter. external ignition,
contact skilled
• Starting Lift the control
procedure with Engine does not console and repeat
lowered control start up. the starting
console. procedure.
Run the
• Maintenance
Yellow -- maintenance
Yellow • Wrong key. -- Use correct key.
• Try starting the
Try starting the
engine with the Engine does not
-- engine with the
red key (for start.
black key.
• The key is
attached to a
Engine does not Remove the metal
-- -- metal object
start. object and retry.
(such as a key
• The key is part
Detach the proper
-- -- of a bunch of --
key and retry.
• Short circuit in
No display Working lights light Contact skilled
Red the sensor
(warning light flashes) up. personnel.
power source.
WSM U17-3α/U17-3/U17 Service V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
KUBOTA Corporation
PHONE: +81-72-890-2888
FAX: +81-72-890-2886
KUBOTA Corporation Printed in Japan 0805, 0808, 0810.CMC.e.12 OSIK Code No.97899-61952