Seizing Officer VNZ Umadhay
Seizing Officer VNZ Umadhay
Seizing Officer VNZ Umadhay
5. On or about 5:30 PM of the same date, our team left our office
and proceeded to the target area while simultaneous lateral coordination was
made with the Quezon City Police District at Camp Karingal, Quezon City. We
also coordinated with the required witnesses under Section 21 of R.A. 9165
as amended by R.A. 10640, relative to the implementation of the said search
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the act of having a pot session. While scattered on the floor where several
drug paraphernalia and transparent plastic sachets containing white
crystalline substance suspected to be shabu.
10. As I search the house, particularly the cabinet located behind the
open door, there I saw one (1) bundle of transparent plastic sachets together
with one (1) piece of bamboo stick used as improvised sealer. While
scattered on the floor were one (1) red purse with multi-colored circular
design containing sixteen (16) heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets, each
containing white crystalline substance, suspected to be shabu. Likewise, also
scattered on the floor were five (5) pieces of aluminum foil, placed inside a
plastic sachet. Along with it was two (2) pieces of cigarette ligthers and one
(1) improvised tooter or water pipe which was later marked during the
inventory process of seized evidence.
11. After the said pieces of evidence were revealed, Agent Cortez
immediately hand-cuffed and place all suspects under arrest and thereafter
informed them of their Constitutional rights and the nature of their arrest, in
a language and dialect known to them.
13. After the inventory process was concluded, we were then ordered
that the arrested suspects and seized pieces of evidence be brought to the
PDEA RO-NCR for documentation and investigation. The drug evidence
seized were submitted by the undersigned to the PDEA Laboratory Service
for quantitative and qualitative examination in order to determine the
presence of dangerous drugs, in which, the examination yielded POSITIVE
results for the presence of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or
“shabu”, with a total registered net weight of 27.0016 grams. This is
reflected in PDEA Chemistry Report No. PDEA-DD017-132. A copy of
which is hereto attached as part of this Affidavit.
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UMADHAY, 29 years old, male and resident of Informal
Settler’s Compound, NIA Road, Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon
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Administering Officer
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