Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Submitting Organization:
Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; phone
orders accepted at (703) 487-4650.
The novelty/innovation of the proposed work is as follows. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-
CO2)-based extrusion and molding technology can be used to produce significantly improved (in
terms of strength/unit weight, durability, hardness and chemical resistance) cement-based products.
SC-CO2 can rapidly convert the calcium hydroxide in cured cement to calcium carbonate, which
increases the density and unconfined compressive strength in the treated region. In cured concrete,
this treated region is typically a several-mm thick layer (generally <-5mm, unless treatment time is
excessive). However, we have found that by treating the entire cement matrix with SC-CO2 as part
of the curing process, we can carbonate it rapidly, regardless of the thickness. By "rapidly" we mean
simultaneous carbonation/curing in < 5 ks even for large cement forms, compared to typical
carbonation times of several days or even years at low pressures. Carbonation changes the pH in the
treated region from -13 to -8, almost exactly compatible with seawater. Therefore the leaching rates
from these cements is reduced. These cement improvements are directed to the development of
strong but thin artificial reefs, to which can be attached microalgae used for the enhanced fixation of
It is shown below that attached microalgae, as algal beds or reefs, are more efficient for CO2
fixation by a factor of 20, compared to the open ocean on an area basis. We have performed
preliminary tests of the pH-neutral cements of our invention for attachment of microalgae
populations. We have found pH-neutral materials which attach microalgae readily. These include
silica-enriched (pozzolanic) cements, blast-furnace slags and fly ash, which are also silica-rich.
We have already developed technology to simultaneously foam, carbonate and cure the
cements; this foaming process further increases cement surface areas for microalgae attachment, in
some cases to >10 m2/g internal surface area.
Table of Contents
The contracted Tasks of Phase I, as spelled out in the original contract, have been completed.
A summary of each is as follows:
Task 1. The report providing environmental information required for NEPA was prepared and
delivered to DOE in July, 1998. It was also included in the Draft Final Report
(January 1999).
Task 2. Monitoring of the carbonation (neutralization) reaction for different cement mix
compositions, with concomitant simple strength testing of selected samples.
We prepared samples representative of (a) PC ; (b) blast furnace slags; (c) fly ash; (d) PC/slag
mixtures; (e) PC/fly ash mixtures; (f) PC/reactive silica (pozzolan) mixtures. Of these, all but (a)
could be carbonated to the maximum extent possible in <5 ks.
Cylindrical specimens molded in Task 2 were tested for saltwater algae attachment in long-
term tests at the marine test site of LUMCON (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium) in
Cocodrie, Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico. Other samples were also tested in fresh water from a
local lake. Material-dependent differences in algae colonization rates were observed. Carbonated
cements of type (f), (b) and (c) were especially effective in initial algae colonization in saltwater.
Carbonated cements of type (f) and (d) were especially effective in initial algae colonization in fresh
water. The rates of CO2 fixation for the final batch of fresh water samples were successfully
Task 4. Based on results from (2)-(3), development of a preliminary technical and economic
assessment of the novel technology for enhanced CO2 fixation.
The high-pressure CO2 "one step" molding technology can be adapted to the production of
artificial reefs. We anticipate the eventual manufacture of hollow reef balls™ , which are
approximately hemispherical in shape, -1 m wide x 1-1.2 m in height x 3 cm thick, with a weight of
~450 kg, and an active surface area for bacteria and microalgae growth of -104 m2.
By our calculations we can produce and install a reef ball for ~$260. Each one can remove
~73 kg CO2/year indefinitely. If we take a reasonable lifetime of 100 years for the reef ball, this cost
becomes ~$36/tonne of CO2 avoided. One way to put this number in perspective is to consider that
one proposed carbon tax is $50/tonne of CO2 produced. If we use the Reef Ball Development Group
estimate of a 500 year lifetime this number is reduced to ~$7.20/tonne.
Task 5. Preparation of a report summarizing results of the assessment, and the preparation of
a work plan with costs and schedule to further develop the concept in Phase 2.
Draft Final Report - delivered January 14, 1999 (Volume I); Work Plan for Phase II - Volume
II, delivered on same date; Costs and Schedules - Volume III, delivered on same date.
The permanent removal of a portion of the assimilated carbon dioxide in oceans and wetland
systems, coupled with the known enhanced rate of photosynthesis associated with algae beds and
reef-associated algae in oceas (Birkeland, 1997), and attached algae (Valiela, 1984), offers the
potential for artificial reefs designed to promote algae activity. In this manner substantial amounts
of CO2 could be removed from the oceans and subsequently from the atmosphere.
Mann (1982), citing the data of Whittle, showed a comparison of organic carbon and dry
matter produced annually by different marine systems (open ocean, upwelling zones, continental shelf,
algal beds and reefs, and estuaries excluding marshes). The open ocean accounted for a total net
primary production of organic carbon of 18,900 x 106 tons/year while algal beds and reefs accounted
for a total production of 700 x 106 tons/year. It is important to realize that “net primary production”
is the portion of CO2 absorbed by the ocean which is permanently converted to fixed carbon; in other
words, it is not recycled. The discrepancy in favor of open ocean is due to the fact that of the
ecosystems described, 91.9% of the total area is open ocean, compared to 0.2% for algal beds and
reefs. Put on a square meter basis, net primary production by algal beds and reefs exceeded the next
most productive ecosystems by a factor of about 1.7, and exceeded open ocean primary production
on a square meter (areal) basis by a factor of 20 to 1. The net production of dry matter for open
oceans versus algal beds and reefs is 125 and 2,500 g/m2Cyr, respectively.
This advantage for algal beds and reefs is confirmed in other reports. For example, Carter
(1988) presents net production (gross production minus respiratory losses of carbon) of 18
ecosystems associated with coastal waters and subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal systems. The
greatest productivity was for coral reefs (1,700-2,500 g of fixed carbon/ m2Cyear) with the next
highest values (700-1,300) shown for salt marshes, and a range of 5-50 given for typical ocean
waters. In summary, the demonstrated much greater net primary productivity of reef-attached algae
compared to other ecosystems, and given that more of this productivity will be “permanently” stored
in ocean sediments rather than being remineralized to carbon dioxide, suggest tremendous potential
for engineered reef structures to enhance CO2 removal.
In a typical forest ecosystem, and, in natural and agricultural upland ecosystems, CO2 removal
by photosynthesis is generally balanced by CO2 released through the utilization of agricultural crops,
and by the bacterial decay of residual organic matter returned to upland soils. These decay process
produce CO2 as a by-product. Though these processes are slower than combustion, the fact is that
the organic matter content of most upland soils changes little over time, indicating a near equilibrium
between accumulation of carbon in residual organic matter and its oxidation and conversion to CO2.
Primary productivity in wetlands, and especially in ocean environments, offers great potential
for the long-term removal of CO2 as organic matter which accumulates in wetland environments.
This organic matter is gradually buried by sedimentation processes. The rate of organic matter
decomposition is very slow in wetland soils and sediments relative to upland soils, and moreover
natural accretion processes result in burial of substantial amounts of organic matter that is thereby
removed from the mineralization-photosynthesis cycle that predominates in upland environments.
Thus primary productivity in oceans and many coastal and estuarine locals tends to permanently
remove the carbon from the cycle as long-term buried organic matter.
It is true that there is a lot of cycling of carbon in ocean environments between mineral (CO2)
and organic forms. Aquatic plants and algae cells producing organic matter by photosynthesis do
serve as an energy or food source for animal populations, where much of the carbon is again released
to carbon dioxide. However, the portion of residual organic matter (e.g., plant and animal detritus
and fecal droppings) that falls to the bottom of water columns and becomes associated with anaerobic
sediments tends to permanently accumulate in the bottom sediments. This residual organic matter
is gradually being buried by further deposition of sediments and settling organic detritus.
Thus, enhancing photosynthesis in coastal and especially ocean environments offers more
potential for permanent CO2 removal from the atmosphere, both in terms of greater long-term
removal rates and in terms of the essentially permanent storage of organic matter derived from carbon
dioxide fixation by photosynthesis. Engineered systems to enhance photosynthesis by algae in ocean
environments therefore look attractive in terms of lowering atmospheric CO2 levels.
Given the potential benefits of attached algae, it is reasonable to ask if the task can be
accomplished at low cost. Concrete is an ideal solid support, which can be prepared in shapes very
similar to existing reefs. Our industrial partner on this project, Reef Ball Development Group Ltd.,
has already installed 40,000 reef balls in 250 projects worldwide (see available designs at website). Concrete is also very inexpensive with costs <5 cents/lb. The problem
with concrete - whether prepared using portland cement (PC), fly ash, or cement slag - is that the high
pH (- 13) of its cementitious component is simply too basic to serve as an artificial reef. Concrete
generally needs to age in the ocean for 3-6 months before the pH in the surface region approaches
the -8.3 pH of seawater. A major problem is that during this aging process organisms which are
more pH resistant (e.g. barnacles) will attach to the concrete and prevent the settlement of other
marine life.
We have developed a low-cost process to prepare pH-neutral concrete using any common
cement raw material. This process is fully described in a patent application which preceded this
project (Knopf and Dooley, 1998). Here wet (uncured) cement or concrete is exposed to high-
pressure (usually supercritical or near-critical) CO2 during a molding process. The CO2 rapidly reacts
with the calcium hydroxide and other calcium-bearing phases, and similar Mg-containing materials
in cements to produce Ca(CO3) and some Mg(CO3). The final product is both strengthened
(compared to untreated cement) and neutralized. Therefore this broad class of new materials
represents an ideal candidate for further development as artificial reef materials. Although CO2 is
trapped in the concrete (as carbonates), and this itself means sequestration of some CO2, we believe
the real key to our proposal lies in the continuous sequestration made possible by the algae which will
attach to the artificial reef.
It is important to recognize that such pH-neutral concretes can be prepared from a wide range
of starting materials - from Portland cement (PC) which is mostly Ca-Si based to fly ash which is
more Si-Al based (only -5-10% CaO and MgO) to blast furnace slag (BFS) which is more similar
to PC but with a high MgO content. Particular cement compositions have proven more amenable to
the attachment of microalgae (Task 3, below). There are no problems associated with using BFS or
fly ash in concrete marine applications (Buck et al., 1984). A low-sodium content PC should be used,
but this is simply the Type I PC sold throughout the U.S.
It is also important to recognize that almost all past carbonation studies (both high and low
pressure) were done on completely cured cement samples. Regardless of the CO2 pressure or the
means of contact only surface carbonation will result unless excessive contacting times are employed.
We later discovered that treating cement with CO2 while it is still uncured or wet allows complete and
efficient carbonation of the entire cement matrix. In addition, because somewhat high pressures are
involved (~1000-2000 psi) it is possible to conveniently carbonate during a cement molding process,
a one-step operation.
Task 2.
In our initial "one-step" experiments, cements were placed in a simple cylindrical mold
operated by a piston (Figure 1). CO2 (at -900 psi) was introduced below the piston. This pressure
could be increased if desired by compression with a diaphragm compressor. The pressure above the
piston was rapidly increased using water as a driver fluid. As the piston moved rapidly toward the
concrete, the gas pressure above the concrete rose to equalize. Simultaneously the CO2 reacted with
the cement tending to moderate the pressure rise. Typically a 2000 psi water pressure was applied
to the piston. This prototype unit allowed us to study various modes of CO2 addition, without the
complexities inherent in mold filling under pressure with cement. Further, it allowed easy control of
the amount of CO2 added to the cement matrix simply by adjusting the initial height of the piston
(using spacers) above the cement. The molded cylindrical disks were 39 mm diameter and ~13 mm
height in not foamed. We controlled the foaming with the piston to increase the the height by ~50%.
Further details on molding procedures can be found in Appendix B.
Figure 1. Molding unit for cement disks. Left - CO2 fill cycle; right - compression by piston.
(Czernin, 1980). Reactive silicas include aqueous sols, silica flour, fine quartz sand and fumed silica.
The first of these is the most important, because some types are available as waste products. We used
sodium metasilicate solution as a sol (~10 wt% silicate in the mix on a dry basis). Mix %’s as high
as are 30% silica/70% PC are sometimes used.
Cements (b)-(e) were prepared by alkali activation of BFS or fly ash; this was the subject of
a recent patent from LSU (Roy et al., 1996). These compounds react with high-pH solutions (e.g.
NaOH) to form a cementitious mass. The rate of reaction and the reaction product are controlled by
the strength of the activating solution. For example, at a pH of 14.7, and a solution/solids ratio of
0.4, a high calcium fly ash will react to form a high strength cement within ten min. Reactions with
BFS can be similarly rapid. Cement (f) with reactive silica can be hardened and carbonated in <7 ks,
and does not require an alkaline activating agent.
Based on analysis of the patent literature for foamed cements, we tested 5 different surfactant
mixtures for foaming/molding on PC, PC/silica samples, fly ash, PC/fly ash, BFS, and PC/BFS
samples. Details of the molding procedure are in Appendix A. The surfactant mixtures denoted “D”
(based on a commercial ethoxyated alcohol and ether) and “E” (based on a mixture of commercial
nonionic, cationic and anionic surfactants) were determined most suitable for carbonated cements.
Their compositions are as follows.
1 part Aliquat 336, 1 part Igepal CA-210, 10 parts 10% sodium lauryl sulfate solution
The foamed sample recipes and some details on the quality of the resulting materials are given
in Appendix C. Carbonation results from characterization tests are given below.
All samples, whether foamed or not, were tested for pH reduction by carbonation. The tests
we have found most useful in this regard are a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) method for
Ca(CO3), quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD), and an aqueous contact pH measurement using an
aqueous bromothymol (BTB) solution. Details of test procedures can be found in Appendix B. In
all cases the introduction of SC-CO2 cuts curing times; in some cases cement disks hardened in <4
ks. Carbonation of the cement also lowers cement surface pH to at least 8 and in some cases to 7.
Pictures of typical disk samples are shown in Figure 2 below. The picture on the right is
taken after an algae attachment test.
Figure 2A - Carbonated PC/silica, Figure 2B - PC/silica, with algae.
after molding.
(1) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for Ca(CO3) content, and Contact pH Measurement.
The TGA method used here is standard for Ca(CO3) but cannot measure Mg(CO3) (Maycock
and Skalny, 1974; Bukowski and Berger, 1979; Ramachandran, 1979; Taylor et al., 1985a; Suzuki
et al., 1985). Therefore the actual carbonate content could be slightly higher, but not by more than
a factor of 1.05. On all TGA’s, if replicates showed >10 % relative error they were run again until
duplicates were within the 10% limit. We only had to do this once, so we are confident the TGA
method gives a good representation of CaCO3 content. In the Tables below, “core” samples were
taken from dead center of the disks, cut in half.
TABLE 1 - TGA Data for Non-Foamed Cement Samples
Examining Table 1 it is clear that PC itself can be extensively carbonated (7-10 wt% CaCO3)
even at ~900 psi CO2 feed pressure. The PC/silica mixture, from ~8 wt% sodium metasilicate in the
mix, could be extensively carbonated only at the surface (surface pH ~8-9). Fly ash can be even
better carbonated at these conditions. The BFS surface pH of 10 agrees with the poor carbonation
results in Table 1.
For foamed samples, all data reported here were taken using the “D” foamer recipe; the
surfactant solutions themselves constituted <1 wt% of the mix. Complete details are in Appendix C.
TGA results are in Table 2 below.
TABLE 2 - TGA Data for Foamed Cement Samples
64A, Core 2.3 3.8 2.0
64A, Surface 0.8 0.9 9.0
Molding 63B, which is a foamed PC/silica with the same recipe as 22B (non-foamed), at 1
h air set followed by 2.5 h CO2 mold time at 900 psi, almost doubled the carbonate content. Time
to cure was shorter than the 3.5 h which will be subsequently shown. However, the pH test showed
that a core pH>8, so more carbonation was possible.
This problem was solved by using a lower water to cement (w/c) ratio and higher CO2 feed
pressures. Therefore recipe 83 is almost the same as 22 and 63 except for a w/c = 0.45; the mold
time could be reduced to 1 h at the higher pressure of 1500 psi, and the carbonate content was
unchanged (Table 2). Even higher pressures showed few differences, except the core CO2 content
did increase somewhat. Recipe 87 is the same as 83 except it was allowed to set to a paste in air first.
There is a further increase in average carbonate content, and in uniformity of carbonate content.
Recipe 74 is the same but set in air for 1 h, then molded for 2.5 h in CO2. 74B’s CaCO3 wt% of 22.6
and core CaCO3 wt% of 21.4, and a core pH~8, proves that the lower w/c ratio allows for complete
carbonation. The air setting time (to form the paste) is only ~10 min.
Next we foamed PC/BFS and PC/FAC mixtures. We determined that a 50% BFS-PC
mixture (recipe 77) will harden in 1 h with an alkaline/surfactant activating solution of 0.55N NaOH,
and is extensively carbonated (Table 1) to core pH~7. However, 77B tended to crack. Cracks
become fewer with a decrease in BFS content but mold time takes longer. We can remedy the time
factor by using an activating solution of higher normality. In contrast to PC/silica mixtures, PC/BFS
was adversely affected by allowing it time to set to a paste (sample 88), probably because curing time
is fast and the paste became too hard before it was loaded into the mold.
Fly ash-PC foamed mixtures (recipe 80) with the 0.55N NaOH alkaline/surfactant activating
solution take at least 1.5 h to be hard enough to remove from the mold. To harden in 1 h or less, a
concentration of at least 1.0N NaOH surfactant would have to be used.
64B is pure fly ash with 5.0N NaOH alkaline/surfactant activating solution with a w/c=0.4.
We used a 1 h mold time, but it hardens in only 20 min. The numbers in Table 2 indicate essentially
complete carbonation for a fly ash, as does the core pH~7.
In conclusion, foamed samples almost always show increases in extent of carbonation (vs.
non-foamed samples), as much as doubling Ca(CO3) wt%. Going to higher CO2 feed pressures
sometimes further increased the extent of carbonation and decreased mold time for silica- and BFS-
PC mixtures to ~ 1 h.
XRD results tracked those from the TGA tests well. For example, the surface and core
samples for 63B (foamed PC/silica) exhibited no Ca(OH)2 peaks in the core or surface sample. For
its non-foamed counterpart (22B), the core sample exhibited a significant Ca(OH)2 peak, but not the
surface sample. This agrees with the TGA data showing extensive carbonation at the surface, but not
core, of the non-foamed 22B.
For carbonated PC’s, enhanced crystallization of calcite was noticeable in all samples to
varying extents. The small decreases or even increases in absolute portlandite peak areas sometimes
observed in XRD, coupled with large increases in calcite areas, suggest that high-pressure
carbonation accelerated the cure of these materials (portlandite is formed upon curing in PC); this is
in agreement with previous work (Young et al., 1974; Klemm and Berger, 1972; Simatupang and
Habighorst, 1993). The results for fly ash are more dramatic, with extensive calcite formation
observed for the molded and carbonated specimens.
The bulk density was measured by simply filling a known volume and weighing. The porosity
(void fraction) and particle density were estimated by water displacement (Archimedes’principle).
Surface areas were measured by N2 adsorption at the saturation temperature of liquid N2 (the BET
method). The numbers in the tables below are averages of two independent determinations which
agreed to within 10%. Further details of these experiments are in Appendix B.
The data for the non-foamed samples in Table 3 below clearly show porosity (void
volume/total volume) reductions upon carbonation. This is in agreement with data from the literature
on cement carbonation, and indicates that leaching rates from such samples would be low. The bulk
density of the carbonated materials should increase; carbonates are in general more dense than
hydroxides. We see that these expectations are completely borne out in Table 3.
The approximation of the void fractions reported in Table 3 to the true void fraction is
probably very good for the air-set samples, which absorb water readily and are known to have void
fractions in the rang e of 0.2-0.3 for PC and BFS (Taylor et al., 1985a,b; Papadakis et al., 1989).
For the carbonated samples the diffusion of water is slower by as much as an order of magnitude; for
this reason the samples were hydrated for 1 day.
The nature of the pores of the molded samples was also determined indirectly by measuring
the surface areas by N2 adsorption; at a fixed composition, higher surface areas are often associated
with void-filling and therefore decreased total pore volumes, when small pores are created from
larger pores in a deposition process. The amount of N2 adsorbed includes contributions from
capillary condensation in small pores. However, as voids are completely filled or sealed off, surface
areas decrease significantly. Thus an increase in surface area upon carbonation suggests a small
reduction in voidage and an increase in the number of small pores, while a decrease in surface area
suggests almost complete closure or sealing off of the pores in a specimen. The samples with reactive
silica (e.g., 19B, 22B) lost little or even gained surface area. These results suggest that it is possible
to use carbonation to fill large voids or cracks in cements without simultaneously filling all small
pores, and that fine pores are present at the surface.
TABLE 3 - Surface Area (m2/g) and Porosity Data for Non-Foamed Cement Samples
TABLE 4 - Surface Area (m2/g) and Porosity Data for Foamed Cement Samples
63B - w/c = 0.55; 64B, etc. - w/c = 0.45
A=air set; B=CO2 set, feed pressure ~900psi.
C=feed pressure 1500psi CO2
D=feed pressure 2000psi CO2
E=feed pressure 2500psi CO2
Comparing Tables 3 and 4, it is easy to see that both surface areas and porosities (void
fractions) are usually increased by foaming, so both small and large pores are formed. This suggests
more area for possible microalgae attachment. There is a compromise here; if leaching rates in
seawater for these samples are high, non-foamed samples would be preferred. If not, foamed samples
would definitely be preferable.
As was the case for non-foamed samples, the porosities (void fractions) generally decreased
and the densities generally increased when going from air-set (“A”) to carbonated (“B”, “C”, etc.)
samples. This was expected because carbonates are in general denser than oxides. As the CO2 feed
pressure was increased, the same phenomenon was not always observed (samples 83 and 84), because
as seen previously this step did not always increase the carbonate content.
The earliest saltwater Organic Matter Attachment tests (Months 3-4) indicated that PC/silica,
PC/BFS, fly ash and BFS cement materials were suitable for rapid microalgae colonization.
Therefore replicates (3) of these materials, both carbonated and non-carbonated, were molded in
month 6 in order to conduct tests of compressive strength. The recipes (2, 19, 22, 87, 88) are given
in Appendix C.
We measured the 7-day unconfined compressive strength of these select samples by a relevant
ASTM test (ASTM, 1986). The repeated load test facility was that of the Louisiana Transportation
Research Center, and is therefore re-calibrated on a prescribed schedule. The test dies were machined
in our shop. The results are given in the graph below (Figure 3).
7-Day Unconfined Compressive Strength, ASTM C-39
Molded Cement Pastes, 2000 psi
12 Fly Ash
9 PC/Silica(A)
air-set air-set air-set carbonated carbonated carbonated
However, highly foamed samples are not nearly as strong as non-foamed samples. Of the
highly foamed samples, the PC/silicas (63, 74, and 83) are the hardest. Sample 77 (foamed PC/BFS)
is just as hard, but it can form cracks during molding. Using less BFS in the PC/BFS mixtures
decreases cracking, but it increases mold times.
The variability in the ASTM compressive strength testing for the PC/silicas and the BFS
samples was high, although the trend was clear. This suggests that some of these samples developed
cracks during molding or demolding. In all cases at least 2 of the 3 samples showed similar strength.
More careful initial mixing and demolding procedures can be followed in the future to try to prevent
crack formation.
Task 3. Measurement of the attachment (mass/area) of microalgae to the pH-neutral cements,
and the rates of CO2 fixation by such microalgae.
We have measured the attachment (mass/area) of organic matter to both uncarbonated and
pH-neutral cements. Test procedures are given in Appendix B. The test was designed to eliminate
contributions from attached sediment, but there was some contribution from the organic matter in
barnacles, especially for uncarbonated samples. This is discussed in more detail below. Cylindrical
specimens molded in Task 2 were tested for saltwater algae attachment in long-term (it takes at least
28 days to run an entire attachment test including the attachment phase and the analytical phase) tests
at the marine test site of LUMCON (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium) in Cocodrie,
Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico. Other samples were also tested in fresh water from a local lake
(University Lake), added to an aquarium. Material-dependent differences in algae colonization rates
were observed. PC/silica was generally the most effective in initial colonization (~0.009 mg/cm2Cday
for saltwater algae attachment). CO2 utilization rates were also measured in the last 2 months of this
project, on freshwater samples.
For all samples of the same type, the relative precision was 30 wt%, and in most cases within
10%. Such differences can be attributed to the depth difference in the water, with an increase in
depth also increasing algae attachment.
The second and third saltwater runs (each run consisting of a batch of several sample disks)
were the most successful. Disks of the same type were located at different depths, to 30 inches, and
the results averaged. We have have not included data from the 4th and 5th batches because there was
so much mud on them data have no meaning. There was a minimum of one Gulf hurricane in all runs
after Run 2, which caused many problems, including severe weather variations, inconsistent tides
which stirred up mud in the basin, more than normal boat traffic seeking shelter from hurricanes
(which stirred up more mud), etc. We removed as much as possible with water rinsing, but could not
get all of it and in doing so removed some algae. The results from run 3 generally agreed with run
2; sample 42B (PC/silica) performed best. Test conditions for these runs are shown below.
Runs 1 & 2 both had good weather, with run 2 having sunshine almost every day all day.
Unfortunately for Run 1 the sample holders were poor and we lost the samples. These were replaced
with polypropylene vise clamps which preformed well in all subsequent tests. Saltwater tests were
then suspended due to the onset of winter weather. Foamed samples had to be tested using
freshwater only, because it was the only water readily available for laboratory studies using artificial
sunlight (fluorescent lamps).
The PC/silica (22B, 42B) and fly ash cements (2A, 2B) did considerably better than BFS
(19A, B) in this run. 42B, molded at 1500 psi CO2 pressure, seems to have done slightly better as
would be expected from its greater extent of carbonation. 42B’s average collection of organic matter
is 0.87mg/(cm2 day), the highest average in this run. 24B (PC) collected less than half of this amount;
the BFS was even worse.
The result for 19A4 (non-carbonated BFS) may seem puzzling, but the extra weight here was
contributed by many barnacles on the surface, which was true of the non-carbonated samples. This
is discussed in more detail below. Initial visual observation revealed that 19A4 had very little algae
on it, just like 19B5 and 19B6.
Level is also an important factor in algae attachment. The lower into the water our samples
were, the more algae attachment, with only a couple of exceptions. For example, 42B1 collected
0.78 mg/(cm2Cday) being 4-22 inches under water (depending on tide). 42B2 collected 0.96 mg/(cm2
day) being 8-26 inches under water (depending on tide). Therefore there is an improvement in algae
attachment from a small increase in depth (4-8 inches). This increase in algae growth with depth
agrees with the literature. However, such an increase only applies to the photic zone; at greater
depths, significant decreases take place.
Organic Matter Collected-Gulf of Mexico
16 days exposed-Run 2
Organic Matter Collected
mg/(sq cm day)
2B4 2B5 2A4 19B5 19B6 19A4
Cement Type
Figure 4A
mg/(sq cm day)
22B3 22B4 42B1 42B2 24B3 24B4 24A3
Cement Type
Figure 4B
Data Run 3 - See Figure 5 Below
For the most part Run 3 repeated the results of Run 2. 42B’s algae attachment improved
from 0.62 mg/(cm2Cday) to 1.3 mg/(cm2Cday) with an increase in depth of 4-6 inches. 19B’s (BFS)
algae attachment rates also increased from 0.40 mg/(cm2 day) to 0.63 mg/(cm2 day) with an increase
in depth of 4-6 inches. However, 2B’s (fly ash) algae attachment did not increase with increasing
depth - this was the only anomalous depth result observed.
Comparing 2A to 2B at the same level there is good indication that carbonation increases
algae attachment. Comparing 22B to 22A at the same level also shows that carbonation increases
algae attachment. For Run 3 on the whole the PC/silicas again did best followed by BFS followed
by the fly ash.
The results for the non-carbonated samples are again skewed in that a large portion of their
total organic matter was from inside barnacles rather than as algae. A wet oxidation /oven organic
matter attachment test such as that used here cannot eliminate this contribution. The barnacles are
attracted by the high surface pH of the non-carbonated samples. From visual observation, the non-
carbonated sample surfaces were at a minimum 50% covered by barnacles, some as large as 3/4".
The carbonated samples had a maximum of 10% barnacle coverage, with much smaller barnacles.
Therefore even a few barnacles significantly reduce actual microalgae colony counts on the small
sample disks. We can estimate the oxidizable mass of barnacles by visual observation of barnacle size;
on non-carbonated surfaces barnacles this would account for at least 50% of the mass determined
from the test. When this is considered, the great advantage of carbonation in initial colonization is
clear. A picture of barnacles removed is shown below, Fig. 6.
Organic Matter Collected-Gulf of Mexico
19 days exposed-Run 3
Organic Matter Collected
mg/(sq cm day)
2B6 2B7 2BA 2A5 19B7 19B8 19B9
Cement Type
Figure 5A
mg/(sq cm day)
22B5 22A2 42B3 42B4
Cement Type
Figure 5B
Figure 6 - Barnacles, ~1.5 x actual size
We will revise the test in future work in order to eliminate all “barnacle” contributions to the
results. This was extensively discussed in Vol. II of the Phase II proposal on pages 12-13.
In the first freshwater attachment test, aquarium water was changed every day with water
drawn from University Lake on the LSU campus. The water is changed to simulate lake turnover
conditions. The pH of the lake water varies during the day, ~10 after a day of good sunlight and ~7
overnight. The decrease at night is caused by bacteria consuming dead algae (which releases CO2)
at a rate exceeding CO2 fixation. These first tests were done in the summer and so under ideal algae
growth conditions.
Six types of cement were used in the first freshwater study. These samples were from initial
moldings, and so not as good in terms of carbonation and pH reduction as those used in the saltwater
studies. Type I PC (3A, air set), w/c = 0.32 and surface pH ~9, collected 0.73 mg/(cm2Cday) for 24
days. Type I PC (3B, CO2 treated), w/c = 0.32, surface pH ~ 8, collected 0.75 mg/(cm2Cday) and
0.51 mg/(cm 2Cday) (2 samples). The relatively low surface pH for 3A accounts for the small
deviation in results, carbonated vs. non-carbonated. A Class C fly ash, treated with CO2 but pH still
>10, collected 0.19 and 0.19 mg/(cm2Cday) (2 samples). The air-set fly ash collected 0.20
mg/(cm2Cday), because its surface pH was also ~10. For a BFS, the surface pH of CO2-treated slag
was ~10, but this was low enough for fresh water, as the samples collected ~0.49 mg/(cm2Cday).
Algae removal tests were run on two blank samples (never exposed to algae) and both showed less
than a 0.35 wt% weight loss. The difference in these and the saltwater tests is the result that
carbonation in these initial freshwater tests did not improve algae attachment. Our initial assessment
was that the combination of the higher average lake pH and the poorly carbonated samples used in
these early tests contributed to this result.
We later tested newer foamed formulations of PC/silica, PC/BFS and PC for both rate of
freshwater microalgae attachment and rate of gross photosynthesis as measured by O2 production.
Due to winter weather, these tests took place in an aquarium using lake water changed 3 times per
week. Water from University Lake in Baton Rouge was again used. A bank of three 18" fluorescent
lights simulated sunlight, and an aquarium pump was used to simulate the lake circulation. The
recipes of the materials used (samples 63, 77, 83) are given in Appendix C. Results of this test (mg
organic matter/cm2 external surface area/day) are given in Table 5 below.
TABLE 5 - Organic Matter Attachment and Rate of Photosynthesis - Foamed Cement Samples
SAMPLE Attached Organic Matter Gross Productivity
mg/cm2/day mg O2/L/h
Blank (water only) --- 1.7
63A (PC/silica) 0.69
63A 0.98 3.5
63B 0.58
63B 0.78 4.5
77A (PC/BFS) 0.74
77B 0.18
77B 8.1 1.2
77E 5.3
77E 8.5 0.77
83A (PC/silica) 0.13
83B (PC/silica) 0.18
83C 0.19
83D 3.7
63 has a w/c=0.55, 77 and 83 have a w/c=0.45; 83 is for 1 h mold time (vs. normal 2.5 h)
A=air set; B=CO2 set, feed pressure ~900psi.
C=feed pressure 1500psi CO2; D=feed pressure 2000 psi CO2; E=feed pressure 2500 psi CO2
Sample 63 is a foamed PC/silica with a recipe similar to the non-foamed sample 22 used in
previous tests. It is clear that carbonation of this PC/silica did not improve its rate of microalgae
attachment. Recipe 83 is almost the same as 22 and 63 except for a w/c (water/cement ratio) = 0.45;
the mold time could be reduced to 1 h at the higher pressures, although the carbonate contents were
unchanged. Even higher pressures showed few differences. However, there was evidently a dramatic
effect on surface pH as the samples molded at the highest pressure showed a significantly higher rate
of microalgae attachment.
We had determined that a 50% PC/50% BFS mixture (recipe 77) will harden in 1 h with an
alkaline/surfactant activating solution of 0.55N NaOH, and is extensively carbonated to core pH~7.
The carbonated samples here, with one exception, gave high rates of organic matter attachment. In
fact, the rates for 77E and 83D were far higher than for previous tests done under actual sunlight.
Due to the small weights involved in this test, the accuracy is no greater than ±20%. This
number was established through attachment tests on six blank cement samples representing different
materials (PC, BFS, etc.).
These freshwater samples were also used to measure rates of CO2 fixation by the “light and
dark bottle” test (Appendix B). This is a well-established method for measuring CO2 utilization in
primary production by algae cells. Mann (1982), Livingston (1979), and Millero and Sohn (1992)
discuss various aspects and methods of the light and dark bottle approach to measuring primary
productivity using either the uptake of 14-C labeled carbon dioxide, unlabeled carbon dioxide, or
release of oxygen (a product of photosynthesis). Where oxygen is being measured, for example, the
increase in oxygen in the light bottles represents net photosynthesis and gross productivity is
determined from the difference in the oxygen in the light and dark bottles where oxygen loss in the
dark bottles is due to respirations. With this technique, transparent bottles (where photosynthesis and
mineralization can occur simultaneously) and dark bottles (where only mineralization or organic
matter decomposition will occur) are suspended in the photic zone of a water column for relatively
short intervals. Where the objective is to compare data collected in different regions, or for the
purposes of comparing different treatment effects under lab conditions, this approach typically works
well. The gross productivity in terms of mg O2/L/h, as given in Table 5 above, is directly proportional
to the amount of CO2 fixation.
The initial photosynthesis tests (results, Table 5) were unsuccesssful. We could not
understand why the gross productivities for the PC/silica samples were so high when their rates of
algae attachment were not correspondingly high. Conversely, we did not know why the gross
productivities of the PC/BFS were relatively low when their rates of attachment were high. Sediment
attachment cannot explain these results, because the aquarium water was drawn from the lake and
so had little sediment. The initial O2 concentrations in the PC/silicas and the blank were well below
the equilibrium value of 8.1 mg/L at 25EC (Drever, 1985), and this may have caused a problem with
the test for these samples. For example, there may have been adsorption of O2 by PC/silicas with
subsequent gradual release of O2 to the solution. Or possibly the operation of the dissolved O2 probe
was more disturbed by the presence of PC/silica than by the other samples. This would not explain
the problem with the blank, however. In any case, the values obtained for the PC/silicas and the blank
were abnormally high when compared to the solubility of O2, suggesting the gross productivity results
were unreliable at least for these samples. Later freshwater tests using this method gave far more
credible results, however (see below).
The final freshwater attachment tests in month 10 were also conducted using fresh water from
University Lake in Baton Rouge, changed 3 times per week. They were conducted outside the lab
in sunlight because the weather had warmed to the point where outdoors algae growth was
measurable. Unfortunately, some unusually cool weather for Baton Rouge intervened for almost a
week, and the growth rates did not approach the levels found in the previous month’s (indoors,
artificial sunlight) work, which had been as high as 8 mg/cm2/day. This does not invalidate the
relative comparisons given below in Table 6, however, as all samples in this batch experienced exactly
the same conditions.
TABLE 6 - Organic Matter Attachment and Rate of Photosynthesis - Foamed Cement Samples
63 has a w/c=0.55, 64 etc. have a w/c=0.45
A=air set; B=CO2 set, feed pressure ~900psi.
C=feed pressure 1500psi CO2; D=feed pressure 2000 psi CO2; E=feed pressure 2500 psi CO2
In contrast to some previous attachment tests, it was clear in these results that carbonation
of the PC/silica (63) did improve its rate of microalgae attachment. Recipe 83 is almost the same as
22 and 63 except for a w/c (water/cement ratio) = 0.45; the mold time could be reduced to 1 h at the
higher pressures, although the carbonate contents were unchanged. However, there was evidently
a dramatic effect on surface pH as the samples molded at the higher pressure again showed a
significantly higher rate of microalgae attachment. This is in complete agreement with the freshwater
results from the previous month and suggests that an excellent surface for algae attachment is
PC/silica molded at low water/cement ratio.
While 77C (50% PC/50% BFS) performed satisfactorily here (in agreement with previous
work), sample 75 performed poorly. This was expected from its low carbonate content (Table 1).
All of the fly ash-containing samples also performed poorly. Therefore FAC would not be suitable
for freshwater algae attachment. This is in contrast with the successful results for FAC in saltwater
(months 3-4).
These freshwater samples were also used to measure rates of CO2 fixation by the “light and
dark bottle” test (Appendix B). The gross productivity in terms of mg O2/L/h, as given in Table 6
above, is directly proportional to the amount of CO2 removed. These tests were conducted over a
4 h period using water from University lake sufficient to fill a 250 mL bottle containing (except for
the blank) the 25 g cement disk sample.
Although our previous experience (month 9) with this test was spotty, the results in the table
above do not suffer from obvious anomalies. In particular, the gross rates of photosynthesis for the
samples which attached algae successfully exceeded that of the blank. This improvement could be
the result of more careful calibration of the dissolved O2 meter, or of better standardization of test
procedures. Future tests will prove if we have solved the problems associated with this test, as
appears to be the case.
The initial O2 concentrations in the PC/silicas and the blank were only about 25-30% of the
equilibrium value of 8.1 mg/L at 25EC (Drever, 1985), which shows that the lake has been relatively
stagnant. The stagnancy at this time of year may have contributed to the relatively low rates of algae
growth in this test when compared to last month’s tests, which were performed in the lab under
artificial sunlight and with water circulation.
Task 4.
Based on results from tasks (2)-(3), we developed a preliminary technical and economic
assessment of the novel technology for enhanced CO2 fixation.
The high-pressure CO2 "one step" molding technology can be conveniently adapted to the
production of artificial reefs. As noted above we anticipate the eventual manufacture of hollow reef
balls™ (trademark of Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd.), of roughly hemispherical shape, - 1 m
diameter x 3 cm thick, with a weight of -450 kg, and an active surface area for bacteria and
microalgae growth of -104 m2. The thickness of - 3 cm is thick enough to ensure needed strength,
but thin enough to ensure sunlight penetration into the pores in all “blue water” applications. The
molded spheres will contain several large openings, approximately 7-12 inches in diameter, to allow
for enhanced fish growth.
The technical assessment was discussed in the Results of Tasks 1 and 2. The economic
assessment is discussed below. Once the reef balls are placed in the ocean or intercostal waterways
they will continue CO2 removal indefinitely without additional maintenance costs.
In the following calculations we assume each reef ball contains 1000 pounds of concrete. No
time value of money (i = 0) will be used. Basis - one reef ball.
Manufacture of Cement
According to Simatupang and Habighorst (1993) the manufacture of 1000 pounds of cement
will result in 136 pounds of carbon dioxide being released to the environment.
1. Cost of Cement
In the proposed process, CO2 at 900 psi will be compressed to a higher pressure and
contacted with the cement. The key here is the reaction of CO2 with the cement will produce
Ca(CO3) and other carbonates. Our Phase I experiments showed that CO2 capture during the high
pressure neutralization process will be about 10% of the cement weight using optimal materials. To
treat and neutralize a 1000 lb reef ball, about 100 lbs of CO2 will be needed, costing $5.
3. Molding system.
As part of Phase II we will determine the best way to manufacture reef balls of carbonated
cements. Two methods are currently under evaluation. In the first process the reef ball mold would
be filled with cement at low pressure and then the mold would be treated with high pressure CO2.
The second process consists of reactive extrusion, with high pressure mixing and reaction of the
cement and CO2 in the barrel of the extruder. The pressure would be reduced to near atmospheric
and the reef ball mold would be filled. The key to the second process is controlling the amount of
setting in the extruder.
For either system, high pressure molding or reactive extrusion, we estimate the capital costs
at $10,000. For the high pressure molding system this includes the cost of a compressor ($6,000)
to generate high-pressure CO2 and the high pressure containment system ($4,000) to hold the reef
ball during the molding/treatment process. For the reactive extrusion process the primary cost will
be a high-throughput vented extruder ($9,500) and a low-pressure mold ($500).
This capital cost can be amortized over the expected 5-year life of the equipment. We assume
250 day operation per year and a conservative estimate of 12 reef balls produced per day.
Capital cost = $10,000/5 years * 1-year/250 days * 1-day/12 reef-balls = $0.7/ reef ball
Including instrumentation, maintenance, and utilities at 20% of the capital cost, an estimate of ~$1/
reef ball is obtained. We estimate labor costs at $40/reef ball produced.
We estimate that one boat and diver can install 12 reef balls per day. The cost for a boat and
diver is $2000/day.
Installation cost = $2000 boat and diver/12 reef balls = $167/reef ball (installation)
In this analysis it is assumed the manufacture of the reef balls results in no net CO2 release to
the atmosphere. The CO2 emitted during the manufacture of the reef balls, including cement
manufacture, is nearly equal to the amount of CO2 bound in the cement (as carbonates) during the
neutralization process. It is also important to realize this $263/reef ball can be substantially reduced
by certain manufacturing technologies. For example, if we can use reactive extrusion technology, it
may be possible to manufacture the reef balls nearer to destination, which could lower the installation
and labor costs per reef ball.
CO2 Sequestered
According to Carter (1988) coral reefs result in 1,700 - 2,500 g of fixed carbon/m2-year. This
m is gross or external coral surface area, not accounting for the surface area created by the
microporous structure of the coral. Reef balls are ~4 ft wide, 3 ft high. The external surface area of
a hemisphere with these dimensions would be ~70 ft2. Because reef balls are microtextured the true
surface area is much higher but as noted above only the external surface area should be considered.
The availability of the base of the reef ball to grow microalage increases the estimate of the available
external surface area in the reef ball to about 100 ft2 or 10 m2 .
2000 g of fixed carbon/m2 - year * 10 m2 = 20,000 g fixed carbon / year - reef ball
73 kg captured CO2/ reef ball-year = 0.073 tonne CO2 avoided / reef ball-year
If we take a reasonable lifetime of 100 years for the reef ball, this cost becomes:
$3603/tonne of CO2 avoided * 1/100 year reef ball life = $36.03/tonne of CO2 avoided
One way to put this number in perspective is to consider that one proposed carbon tax is
$50/tonne of CO2 produced. If we use the Reef Ball Development Group estimate of a 500 year
lifetime this number is reduced to $7.21/tonne of CO2 avoided.
Task 5. Preparation of a report summarizing results of the assessment, and the preparation of
a work plan with costs and schedule to further develop the concept in Phase 2.
The Work Plan with costs and schedules was included in the Phase II proposal (Vol II), which
was submitted to DOE-FETC on January 14, 1999. Vol. III of this proposal consisted of the Cost
Plan. The preliminary Final Report on this project was also submitted on January 14, 1999.
(1) In terms of short curing times, high extents of carbonation, low CO2 feed pressures, and low
surface pH, PC and fly ash are the best materials in non-foamed applications. Portland
Cement (PC)/silica will require longer cure times (>2 h) or higher pressures.
(2) Foamed samples (vs. non-foamed) show increases in extent of carbonation; Ca(CO3) wt% can
increase by a factor of 4. Going to higher CO2 feed pressures also increases extent of
carbonation and decreases cure times for silica- and blast furnace slag (BFS)-PC mixtures to
~ 1 h or less.
(3) In terms of short curing times (~1 h), high extents of carbonation (>20wt% in some cases),
and low surface pH (~7), PC/silica, PC/BFS and fly ash all behave excellently in foamed
molding applications.
(4) Carbonated, non-foamed samples have low porosity and low internal surface area, and are
optimal for low leaching rates. Carbonated, foamed samples have high porosity and surface
area (10 m2/g common) and should be better for algae attachment.
(5) All classes of samples showed increases (in some cases >100%) in the 7-day unconfined
compressive strength upon carbonation. In artificial reef applications, this could prove
important in withstanding wave and tidal action.
(6) In saltwater organic matter attachment tests, non-carbonated cement samples attach some
algae, but far less than carbonated samples. Conservatively, ~50% of their attached organic
matter is from barnacles.
(7) Carbonated PC/silicas, fly ash, and some BFS all show high algae attachment rates in initial
colonization in saltwater (~0.009 mg/cm2Cday).
(8) Carbonated PC/silicas and PC/BFS show high initial algae attachment rates in initial
colonization in fresh water.
(9) Economic analysis shows that if we take a reasonable lifetime of 100 years for a reef ball (an
engineered reef structure), the cost in $/tonne of CO2 avoided becomes: $36.03/tonne of CO2
avoided. If we use the Reef Ball Development Group estimate of a 500 year lifetime this
number is reduced to $7.21/tonne of CO2 avoided.
We have not patented or filed any disclosures of invention on any of the technology developed
under this Phase of the project.
Birkeland, Charles (editor), 1997. Life and Death of Coral Reefs. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Buck, A.D.; K. Mather; B. Mather 1984. Cement Composition and Concrete Durability in Sea Water.
Technical Report SL-84-21, Department of the Army, US Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Bukowski, J.M.; Berger, R.L. Cement and Concrete Res. 9, 57 (1979).
Czernin, W. Cement Chemistry and Physics for Civil Engineers, Georg Godwin: London, 1980.
Dewaele, P.J.; E.J. Reardon; R. Dayal Cement and Concrete Research 21, 441-454 (1991).
Drever, J.I. 1985. The Geochemistry of Natural Waters. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, ch.
Dubinsky, Z. (editor). 1990. Coral Reefs (in) Ecosystems of the World, Vol. 25. Elsevier,
Livingston, R.J. 1979. Ecological Processes in Coastal and Marine Systems. Plenum Press, New
Mann, K.H. 1982. Ecology of Coastal Waters: A Systems Approach. University of California Press,
Berkeley, California
Millero, F.J., and M.L. Sohn. 1992. Chemical Oceanography. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Papadakis, V.G.; Vayenas, C.G.; Fardis, M.N. AIChE J. 35, 1639 (1989).
Reardon, E.J.; B.R. James; J. Abouchar Cement and Concrete Research 19, 385 (May 1989).
Roy, A.D.; Schilling, P.J.; Eaton, H.C. U.S. Patent 5,435,843 (1996).
Saetta, A.V.; B.A. Schrefler; R.V. Vitaliani Cement and Concrete Research 23, 761 (1993).
Sarott, F.A.; M.H. Bradbury; P. Pandolfo; P. Spieler Cement and Concrete Research 22, 439 (1992).
Simatupang, M.H; Habighorst, C. Inorg.-Bonded Wood Fiber Compos. Mater. 3, 114 (1993).
Stowe, Keith. 1987. Essentials of Ocean Science. John Wiley and Sons. New York.
Suzuki, K.; Nishikawa, T.; Ito, S. Cem. Concr. Res. 15, 213 (1985).
Sykes, J.F.; R.E. Allan; K.K. Tsui, Proceedings of the 8th Int'l. Conference on Computational
Methods in Water Resources, 413 (June 11-15, 1990).
Taylor, H.F.; Mohen, K.; Moir, G.K. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 68, 680 (1985a).
Taylor, H.F.; Mohen, K.; Moir, G.K. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 68, 685 (1985b).
Young, J.F.; R.L. Berger; J. Breese J. Amer. Ceramic Soc. 57, 394 (1974).
(1) Test pH-neutral cements of different types (portland cements, fly ash, blast furnace slags) for
microalgae attachment. Determine which compositions lead to enhanced algal densities.
(2) Compare CO2 fixation rates for unattached vs. attached algae populations. Determine which
cement compositions lead to enhanced fixation rates.
Preliminary experiments performed at LSU have shown that supercritical CO2 can rapidly
carbonate any cement-based product - portland cements, fly ash, or blast furnace slag. This
technology will allow the development of hardened concrete structures of nearly neutral pH, which
can be used as artificial reefs. It is known that attached (to coral reefs, e.g.) microalgae and algal
beds are 20 times more efficient, on an areal basis, for the fixation of CO2 when compared to the open
ocean. The questions which must be answered by the proposed research are: (a) What density of
microalgae can be attached to pH neutral cements?; (b) How can the surface compositions of the
cements be altered to enhance attachment densities and rates of photosynthesis?; (c) What locations
where temperature, light penetration, nutrient status, and perhaps other factors affect algae
productivity will be most favorable for further enhancement of rates of photosynthesis associated
with fixed algae?; (d) How can the surface areas of the cements be increased without sacrificing
minimal required strength?
The recipe was mixed and stirred in a beaker, then poured into the mold (cylindrical, piston-
opererated, sealed on outer surface by silicone rubber O-rings). CO2 gas (-900 psi) is introduced
below the piston. The pressure above the piston is rapidly increased using water as the driver fluid
(to -2000 psi) to initiate molding. As the piston moves rapidly toward the sample the pressure above
the sample rose to equalize; simultaneously the CO2 was reacting with the cement, tending to
moderate the pressure rise. The samples, cylinders 39 mm diameter and 13 mm height, were typically
molded for 2 h, although molding times were varied from 0.67-4 h. The amount of CO2 added to the
cement matrix was controlled by adjusting the initial height of the piston (using spacers) above the
Not compressing the dry powder down to a 50-70% volume increase will cause the cement
to become flaky. Beyond 70% expansion the cement is brittle.
Surface areas were estimated using the one-point BET method at 30% relative saturation,
using a Micromeritics 2700 Pulse Chemisorption apparatus. Water was first removed under vacuum
at 1 torr for 24 h at 100EC, then under flowing N2/He for at least 2 h. The surface areas of selected
samples were checked by the full BET N2 adsorption method using an Omnitherm (model Omnisorp
360) adsorption apparatus. The pore volume was determined in water by displacement (Archimedes'
principle). All specimens used in density and porosity measurements were dried under vacuum at 1
torr at ambient temperature prior to measurement.
A Scintag PAD-V X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) using Cu Ka radiation was used to
identify crystalline phases in the specimens. Samples were step-scanned from 3-60E 2?, at 0.02E step
size, 3 s/step. A Perkin Elmer thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) operating at atmospheric pressure
was used to quantify the weight losses due to water evolution (from hydrates), hydroxide (e.g.,
Ca(OH)2) to oxide conversions, and carbonate (e.g., CaCO3) to oxide conversions. The carrier gas
was He, and the temperature program was 200-700EC, 5EC/min, then hold at 700EC. The peak for
calcium carbonates appears at > 450EC.
The key result in XRD analysis is the ratio of the portlandite (crystalline Ca(OH)2) to calcite
(crystalline Ca(CO3)) peak heights. The portlandite peak is at 18.1E 2? and the calcite peak at 29.5E.
This ratio is not strictly quantitative, because detailed calibration of peak height vs. weight of a given
phase was not performed, and also because careful microtome sectioning procedures were not used.
But it is a useful qualitative measure of both carbonate formation and of the extent of cure.
CO2 Fixation Measurements Using the “Light and Dark Bottle” Test
2. Four bottles will be used, two clear and two covered with aluminum foil to inhibit sunlight.
3. Measure the O2 concentration (the initial O2 concentration of the water in the bottles) of the
water in the aquarium with a dissolved oxygen meter. The meter must be of ±0.05 mg O2/L
4. Two samples of the same type will be placed in a clear bottle and a dark bottle, respectively.
The bottles will be filled to the top with water. The other two bottles will be filled to the top
also and all bottles covered with a lid.
5. Samples will be left alone for 4 h, then the O2 concentration of each bottle will be measured.
6. From the initial value obtained previously and the O2 content of the clear bottles, the amount
of photosynthetically formed oxygen is obtained. New O2 concentration minus initial O2
concentration gives the amount of oxygen formed and thus the average amount of CO2
removed. A comparison of bottles can be made to determine if the bottles with the extra
algae on the cement actually remove more CO2.
Appendix C - Detailed Cement Mix Recipes
19B 19A
25g BFS 25g BFS
10.0 g 5N NaOH 10.0 g 5N NaOH
2 h CO2 mold 2 h air mold time
22B 22A
22.4g Type I Portland Cement 22.4g Type I Portland Cement
6.2g Sodium Metasilicate (Na2SiO3@9H2O) 6.2g Sodium Metasilicate (Na2SiO3@9H2O)
9g DI H2O 9g DI H2O
CO2 mold time varied Air mold time varied
0.67 h mold time, same recipe as 22B except 1500 psi CO2 during mold.
24B 24A
24g Type I Portland Cement 24g Type I Portland Cement
12g DI H2O 12g DI H2O
3 h CO2 mold time 3 h air mold time
3B 3A
25g Type I Portland Cement 25g Type I Portland Cement
8g H2O 8g H2O
3 h CO2 mold time 3 h air mold time
Foamed Sample Recipes 63A, 73A, 75A, 77A, 83A, 87A, 88A same as “B” except no CO2 used -
set in air only.
83B - PC/silica, 1 h CO2 mold (83C, feed P = 1500 psi; 83D, 2000 psi; 83E, 2500 psi)
22.9g Type I Portland Cement
12.8g Silicate Surfactant D
w/c=0.45, immediate CO2 introduction prior to set
84C - PC/silica, 1 h set in air, 1 h CO2 mold, feed P = 1500 psi (84D, feed P = 2000 psi)
22.9g Type I Portland Cement
12.8g Silicate Surfactant D
w/c=0.45, immediate CO2 introduction prior to set
77B - PC/BFS, 1 h CO2 mold (77C, feed P = 1500 psi; 77D, 2000 psi; 77E, 2500 psi)
12.5g Type I Portland Cement
12.5g Slag
10g 0.55N NaOH Surfactant D solution
CO2 introduced immediately (before set). Very hard after 1 h, but some cracking.
12.5g Fly Ash
10g 0.55N NaOH Surfactant D
CO2 introduced immediately (before set). Not fully hardened, need ~2.5 h, or more concentrated
activating solution (~1.0 N NaOH).
Surfactant D (wt%)
2% Igepal CA-210 (polyethoxylated alcohol nonionic surfactant)
0.5% Polyoxyethylene-3, methyl ether
Balance 0.55N NaOH or whatever normality desired.
Surfactant E (wt%)
15.2% Na2SiO3
1% Aliquat 336 (a cationic quaternary amine surfactant)
1% Igepal CA-210
1% sodium lauryl sulfate
balance water