Eclipse Phase 2e - Core Rulebook
Eclipse Phase 2e - Core Rulebook
Eclipse Phase 2e - Core Rulebook
Writing (Infamy Opening Fiction): Consultation: Davidson Cole, Travas Gunnell, Creative Commons License;
Rob Boyle and Davidson Cole Natalie Jorion, Nora Jury-Last, Some Rights Reserved.
Writing (Rules): Rob Boyle John Nephew, Jaqui Wujec This work is licensed under the Attribution-
Writing (Source Material): Special Thanks To: Echo Boyle, NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Simon Berman, Rob Boyle, Katherine Cross, Natalie Jorion, Nora Jury-Last, and Jaqui (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:
Natalia Dean, Jack Graham, Travas Gunnell, Wujec for their patience, love, and support;
Sarah Hood, Marc Huete, Jason Mical, Ann Higgins and Russel Last for unending
Ross Payton, Evie Smith encouragement; Davidson Cole for video In plain English: you are free to copy, share,
Editing: Rob Boyle, Davidson Cole, awesomeness and pushing our buttons; and remix the text and artwork within this
Jack Graham, Karen Twelves Sarah Hood for her Drupal-fu; David book under the following conditions:
Development: Rob Boyle, Jack Graham Cooper for wrangling our Gen Con events; • you do so only for noncommercial purposes;
Art Direction: Rob Boyle, Zoe Robinson our crowd-pleasing Gen Con GMs; our • you attribute Posthuman Studios;
Graphic Design and Layout: Adam Jury awesome Gen Con booth staff; • you license any derivatives under the same
Cover Art: Stephan Martiniere Aaron Feustel for some evil ideas; license.
Interior Art: Jacob Anderson, Christine Bian, William Wilson for always having our backs
Mobo Boehme, Nick Boone, Daniel Brewer, numerically; Jeff Eaton for wild enthusiasm For specific details, appropriate credits, and
Leanne Buckley, Matt Bulahao, Adam Burn, in database form; Eric Olson at Process updates/changes to this license, please see:
Jose Cabrera, Daniel Clarke, Trevor Claxton, Type Foundry; antifascists everywhere;
Christina Davis, Alex Drummond, everyone who contributed to EP’s first
Danijel Firak, Nathan Geppert, Zach Graves, edition and sourcebooks; and everyone
Alexander Gustafson, Ethan Patrick Harris, who participated in our open playtest and
Josu Hernaiz, Sam Hogg, Lake Hurwitz, supported our kickstarter!
Lili Ibrahim, Anna Ignatieva, Maggie Ivy, Original Playtesters: Berianne Bramman,
Jeff Lee Johnson, Thomas Jung, Julian Kok, John Brudenell, Nick Caputi, Davidson
Kate Laird, Adam Lane, Ian Llanas, Cole, Paul Foster, Scott Fox, Eric Geiger,
Adrian Majkrzak, Mitchell Malloy, Travas Gunnell, Erin Hankins,
Stephan Martiniere, Marco Mazzoni, Austin Karpola, Seth Larson,
Joshua Meehan, Austen Mengler, Rhett Skubis, Kevin Tyska, Jaqui Wujec
Brynn Metheny, Aaron Miller, Andre Musical Inspiration: Ancient Methods, Version 1.1.1 by Posthuman Studios
Mina, Mark Molnar, James Mosingo, David Chainreactor, Feindflug, Gary Numan, (Sept 10 2019)
Auden Nash, Ben Newman, Will Nichols, Holon, Holy Grin, Iszoloscope,
Efrem Palacios, Chris Peuler, Pixoloid iVardensphere/Scott Fox, I Hate Models, contact us at
Studios, Radial Studio, Maciej Rebisz, Mlada Fronta, My Life with the Thrill Kill or
Lorenz Ruwwe, Lie Setiawan, Andrew Silver, Kult, Stendeck join our mailing list at
Quinn Simoes, Trevor Storey, Jessada Suthi, Dedication: Nancy C. Cole, Richard F. Jury,
Stan Von Medvey, Bruno Werneck, Joe and Jeff Mackintosh or search your favorite social network for:
Wilson, Mark Winters, Andy Wright “Eclipse Phase” or “Posthuman Studios”
Icons: Jim Marcus ON THE COVER:
Solar System Map: Tiara Lynn Agresta A Firewall team exploring an abandoned ship around Saturn discovers a major threat.
Character Sheet: Thomas Deeny, Adam Jury One sentinel in a bouncer morph attempts to make it to an EVA sled and their
neo-octopus friend as a creeper swarm closes in.
Posthuman Studios is: Rob Boyle, Davidson Cole, Brian Cross, and Adam Jury
Step 2: Career 40
Covert Operative 40
How to Play 30 Enforcer40
Dice Basics 30 Explorer40
When to Roll the Dice 30 Face40
Making Tests 30 Genehacker40
Who Rolls? 30 Hacker40
Difficulty and Modifiers 31 Investigator40
Superior Results: 33/66 Rule 31 Medic40
STARTING OUT 18 Criticals31
What is Eclipse Phase? 18 Scavenger41
Teamwork31 Scientist41
New to Roleplaying? 19
Starting Players 19 Types of Tests 32 Soldier41
Starting Gamemasters 19 Success Tests 32 Techie41
A Note on Politics 19 Opposed Tests 32 Step 3: Interest 42
Core Concepts 20 Actions & Time 32 Animal Handler 42
Transhumanism20 Action Turns 32 Artist/Icon42
AIs and Uplifts 20 Automatic Actions 32 Async42
Defeating Death 20 Quick Actions 32 Commander42
Resleeving20 Complex Actions 32 Fighter42
Ego Manipulation 20 Task Actions 32 Forensics Specialist 42
The Mesh 20 Taking Time 32 Jack-of-all-Trades42
Nanotech21 Rushing the Job 32 Jammer42
X-Risks21 Networker42
Initiative & Order of Actions 33 Paramedic42
Alien Exploration 21 Initiative Order 33
Factions21 Pilot42
Taking the Initiative 33 Rogue42
Themes22 Delaying Actions 33 Slacker43
Post-Apocalyptic22 Extra Actions 33 Spacer43
Survival 22 Pools34 Student43
Horror 22 Using Pools 34 Survivalist43
Infection 22 Insight34
Conspiracy 22 Step 4: Faction 44
Moxie34 Step 5: Aptitude Template 44
Science23 Vigor34
Politics 23 Step 6: Total Skills 45
Flex34 Step 7: Languages 45
Change 23 Recharging Pools 35 Step 8: Flex 45
Core Campaigns 24 Temporary Pools 35 Step 9: Reputation 45
Firewall Campaign 24 Step 10: Customization 46
Gatecrashing Campaign 24 Increased Aptitude 46
Criminal Campaign 25 Ego Traits 46
Character Archetypes 26 Increased Flex 46
Combat26 Extra Languages 46
Social26 Extra Rep 46
Technical26 Extra Skills 46
Knowledge27 MAKING Psi Sleights
Setting Overview 28 CHARACTERS36 Step 11: Derived Stats 46
Inner System 28
Main Belt 28 Character Stats 36 Step 12: Starting Morph & Gear 46
Jovian Space 28 Ego vs. Morph 36 Starting Morphs 46
Outer System 29 Aptitudes36 Morph Traits 46
The Fringe 29 Skills37 Extra Gear 46
Exoplanets29 Morph37 Flex Points 46
Derived Stats 37
The Mesh 29
Traits37 Step 13: Motivations 47
Rep37 Optional: Motivational Goals 47
Gear37 Final Touches 47
Motivations37 Skills48
Character Creation Overview 38 Skills and Aptitudes 48
Character Creation Advice 38 Skill Categories 48
Create as a Group 38 Field Skills 48
Plan Ahead 38 Specializations48
Playing An Async 38 Active Skill List 48
Step 1: Background 38 Athletics48
Colonist38 Deceive48
Enclaver38 Exotic Skill: [Field] 48
Freelancer38 Fray48
Hyperelite39 Free Fall 49
Indenture39 Guns49
Infolife39 Hardware: [Field] 49
Infiltrate50 Information Society 110 New Experiences 131
Infosec50 The Mesh 110 Sex Work 131
Interface50 Vigilance111 Family and Children 132
Kinesics50 Mind Hacking 112 Children and Reproduction 132
Medicine: [Field] 51 A Better You 112 Education133
Melee51 Neurodiversity112
Perceive51 Media & Entertainment 134
Mental Augmentations 113 The New Journalism 134
Persuade51 Multiplicity113
Pilot: [Field] 51 The Glitterati 134
Social Thoughts 113 Metacelebrities134
Provoke51 Space & Other Worlds 114 Digital Distractions 134
Psi51 Egocasting114 Sports135
Research51 Space Travel 114
Survival51 Gatecrashing: The Real Story 115
Know Skills 52 Habitats116
Know: [Field] 52 Planetary Habitats 116
Using Know Skills 53 Centrifugal Habitats 117
Complementary Skills 53 Microgravity118
Other Habitats 119
Common Biomorphs 54 Nanofabrication120 THE NEW POLITICAL
Pod Biomorphs
Uplift Biomorphs
Synthmorphs62 Feedstock121 The System Split 136
Flexbot66 Printing121 The Inner System 136
Doing it the hard way 121 The Outer System 137
Infomorphs67 Remaking Society 121 Jovian Republic 137
Gear Packs 68 Artisanal Goods 121 State of the System 137
Campaign Packs 68
Profession Packs 69 Market Economies 138
Old Market Systems 138
Traits72 Transitional Economies 138
Positive Traits 72 Intellectual Property 139
Negative Traits 76 Hypercorps139
Character Creation Example 81 Indentures140
TRANSHUMAN Oligarchs and Dynasties 141
Inner System Polities 152 Sol and Mercury 176 Resolving Combat 202
The Lunar-Lagrange Alliance (LLA) 152 Sol176 Step 1: Declare Attack 202
The Morningstar Constellation 153 Vulcanoids177 Step 2: Declare Defense 202
The Planetary Consortium 154 Mercury177 Step 3: Apply Modifiers 202
Tharsis League 155 Venus178 Step 4: Make Opposed Test 202
Outer System Polities 156 The Surface 178 Step 5: Determine Result 202
Anarchists156 Life in The Clouds 178 Step 6: Roll Damage 203
The Autonomist Alliance 156 Transportation178 Step 7: Apply Armor 203
Extropians157 Rise of the Morningstar 178 Step 8: Apply Damage 203
The Jovian Republic 158 Terraforming Venus 178 Step 9: Determine Wounds 203
Scum158 Aerostats179 Melee Combat 204
The Titanian Commonwealth 159 Orbitals179 Melee Ware 204
Social Movements 160 Surface Habs 179 Melee Weapons 204
Argonauts160 Earth and Earth Orbit 180 Melee Rules 205
Barsoomians160 Luna182 Multiple Targets 205
Bioconservatives161 Lunar Living 182 Reach205
Brinkers161 Lunar Travel 182 Touch-Only Attacks 205
Exhumans161 Lunar Attitudes 182 Improvised Weapons 205
Mercurials162 Lunar Crime 182 Ranged Combat 206
Reclaimers162 Lunar Habitats 182 Ranged Combat Rules 206
Sapients163 Mars184 Beam Weapons 208
Socialites163 Terraforming184 Beam Weapon Ware 208
The Ultimates 163 Martian Travel 184 Beam Weapons 208
Hypercorporations164 Powder Keg 184 Beam Weapon Rules 208
The Modern Hypercorp 164 Martian Settlements 184 Spray Weapons 209
Agritech and Pharma 164 The Martian Trojans 185 Thrown Weapons 209
Banking and Finance 164 The Main Belt 186 Weapon Systems 209
Cognitive Sciences & Uplift 165 Belt Stations 186 Kinetic Weapons 210
Data Management 165 Firearms210
Energy166 Jupiter188
The Angry God 188 Railguns211
Gatecrashing166 Kinetic Ammunition 211
Habitats and Ships 166 Jovian Life 188
Manufacturing & Nanofab 166 Jovian Settlements 188 Seeker Weapons & Grenades 212
Media166 The Jovian Trojans 189 Seeker Missiles and Grenades 212
Medical Sciences & Biomorphs 166 Saturn190 Seeker and Grenade Rules 212
Mining/Resources167 The Ringers 190 Armor214
Security167 Gas Mining 190 Energy vs. Kinetic 214
Shipping167 Saturnian Settlements 190 Armor Value 214
Social Media and Searches 167 Titan191 Layering Armor 214
Religious Groups 168 Uranus and Neptune 192 Armor Visibility 214
Religion After the Fall 168 The Ice Giants 192 Armor Ware 214
Christianity168 Uranus192 Armor Gear 215
Hinduism168 Uranian Moons 192 Weapon/Gear Traits 216
Islam168 Neptune193 Weapon Accessories 216
Judaism169 Neptunian Trojans 193 Armor Mods 217
Mormonism169 Special Attacks 218
Pagan spiritual paths 169 The System Fringe 194
The Inner Fringe 194 Area-Effect Attacks 218
Post-Fall Religions 169 Attacks Against the Helpless 218
The Outer Fringe 194
Criminal Groups 170 The Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud 195 Blind Attacks 218
Gangs170 Called Shots 218
Hidden Concern 170 Quarantine Zones 196 Coated Weapons 219
Intelligent Design (ID Crew) 170 Iapetus196 Demolitions219
Night Cartel 170 New Mumbai Containment Zone 197 Shock Attacks 219
Nine Lives 171 TITAN Quarantine Zone 197 Two-Handed Weapons 219
Pax Familae 171 Other Locations 197 Wielding Two or More Weapons 219
Pirates171 The Pandora Gates 198 Physical Health 220
Triads171 The Vulcanoid Gate 198 Damage Points 220
Firewall172 The Martian Gate 198 Durability220
History172 The Pandora Gate 199 Wounds220
Structure172 The Fissure Gate 199 Wound Effects 220
Internal Factions 174 The Discord Gate 199 Bleeding Out 220
Other Gates 199 Death Rating 220
Extrasolar Systems 200 Death220
Droplet200 Healing & Repair 221
Echo200 Biomorph Healing 221
Portal200 Synthmorph/Object Repair 221
Mental Health 222 Tracking256
Stress Points 222 Physical Tracking 256
Lucidity and Stress 222 Mesh Activity Tracking 256
Trauma223 Tracking Countermeasures 257
Trauma Effects 223 Hacking258
Insanity Rating 223 Hacking Tests 258
Mental Healing & Psychosurgery 223
Psychosurgery Care 223
THE MESH 240 Intrusion258
Intruder Status 258
Natural Healing 223 Everyware240 Changing Status 259
Getting Online 240
Disorders224 Your Online Presence 240 Countermeasures260
Other Action Factors 226 Firewall260
Conditions226 Mesh Topology 241 System Defender 260
Full Defense 226 Slaved Devices 241 Security Alerts 260
Perception226 PANs: Personal Area Networks 241 Passive Countermeasures 261
Sizes227 VPNs: Virtual Private Networks 241 Active Countermeasures 261
Surprise227 Tiered Systems 241 Security Audits 261
Air-Gapped Systems 241
Social Actions 228 Islands in the Net 241 System Subversion 262
Social Manipulation 228 Break Encryption 262
Social Attacks 228 Common Mesh Uses 242 Control Ware 262
Augmented Reality (AR) 242 Disable Safety Mechanisms 262
Stressful Situations 229 Backups, Forking, Egocasting 242
Willpower Stress Tests 229 Edit AR Feed 262
Banking242 Eliminate Traces 262
Hardening229 Communications242 Force Re-Authentication 262
Movement230 Experience Playback (XP) 242 Hide File or Process 262
Movement Rate 230 Gaming242 Impair Senses 262
Movement Actions 230 Location Services/Mapping 243 Inject AR/Illusion 262
Movement Types 231 Media and News 243 Install Backdoor 263
Vehicle Movement 232 Mobile Offices 243 Install Blocker 263
Control232 Psychosurgery243 Jam Signals 263
Chases232 Searches243 Loop Sensor Feed 263
Crashes232 Sensor Feeds and Coveillance 243 Modify TacNet 263
Attacking Passengers 232 Social Networks 243 Sniff Traffic 263
Tagging243 Suppress Alarm 263
Objects & Structures 232 Virtual Reality (VR) 243 Suppress Process 263
Ranged Attacks 232 Tap AR 263
Shooting Through An Object 232 Devices, Apps, & Links 244
Hardware244 Tap Senses 263
Making Objects 232
Repairing Objects 233 Software244 Mesh Combat 264
Modifying Objects 233 Wireless Links 244 Local vs. Remote 264
Accessing Multiple Systems 245 Mesh Attacks and Defense 264
Future Materials 233 Mesh Damage and Armor 264
Environmental Factors 234 Authentication & Encryption 246
Mesh ID 246 Mesh Wounds 264
Asphyxiation234 Mesh Durability 264
Decompression234 Accounts & Access Privileges 246
Authentication Methods 246 Mesh Damage Repair 265
Fire235 Circumventing Authentication 247 Hardware Damage 265
Gravity235 Encryption247 Damage and Infomorph Riders 265
Weather235 Mesh Actions 248 Glitches265
Hostile Environments 236 Universal Actions 248 Mindware Hacking 266
Atmospheric Contamination 236 Security Actions 248 Preconditions266
Dangerous Atmosphere 236 Admin Actions 249 Encoded Security 266
Extreme Heat and Cold 236 Scripting249 Mindware Subversion 266
Extreme Pressure 236 AIs & Muses 250 Virtual Reality 268
Gravity Transition Zones 236 ALIs250 Accessing Simulspaces 268
Radiation236 Muses250 Domain Rules 268
Surface Hazards 237 AGIs251 Simulmorphs268
Underwater237 ASIs251 Immersion268
Vacuum237 Non-Standard AIs 251 Simulspace Rules 269
Downtime Actions 238 Infomorphs252 Cheat Codes 269
Acquire/Make Things 238 Home Device 252 Hacking Simulspaces 269
Change Your Motivation 238 Digital Speeds 252 Simulspace User Actions 269
Fulfill Responsibilities 238 Moving Between Devices 253 Admin/Cheat Actions 269
Manage Your Rep 238 Copying253 Surveillance Hacking 270
Mod Yourself 238 Deletion253 Detecting Sensors 270
Train and Improve 238 Evacuating Cyberbrains 253 Avoiding Recognition 270
Sleeving Morphs 253 Active Jamming 270
Backing Up 253 Hacking Sensors 270
Infomorphs and Muses 253 Ripping Sensors 271
Infomorph Riders 253 Dead Zones 271
Online Research 254 Skipjacking271
Search Challenges 254 Avoiding Eavesdropping 271
Search Capabilities 254
Research Tests 254
Real-Time Alerts 255
Searching Specific Systems 255
Psychosurgery Procedures 295 Nanofabrication314
Awareness Block 295 Raw Materials 314
Behavioral Masking 295 Blueprints314
Deep Learning 295 Printing Tests 314
Hidden Knowledge 296 Services315
PSI272 Memory Editing 296
Mesh Services
Physical Services
Personal Bots 348 Exsurgent Psi 386
Recon/Surveillance Bots 349 Exsurgent Synthmorphs & Psi 386
Utility Bots 349 Pushing Exsurgent Psi 386
Vehicles350 Psi-Epsilon Sleights 386
Vehicle Ware 350 Exsurgent Strains 388
Aircraft350 Alter388
Exoskeletons350 THREATS & X-RISKS 368 Haunting Virus 388
Groundcraft350 X-Risks368 Mindstealer388
Hardsuits351 Alien Conflict 368 Skrik388
Hybrid Vehicles 352 Astronomical Events 368 Watts-MacLeod389
Nautical Craft 352 Economic Disruptions 369 Whisper389
Personal Transport Devices 352 Infectious Agents 369 Xenomorph389
Spacecraft352 Intelligence Amplification 369 Exsurgent Types 390
Mega-Engineering369 Creeper390
Memetics369 Fractal Troll 391
Mental Subversion 369 Jelly392
Nanotechnology & Swarms 369 Shifter393
Political Threats 369 Skrik394
Unforeseen Threats 369 Snapper395
Secret Histories 370 Wastewalker396
RUNNING Newcomers370 Whipper396
THE GAME 354 Long-Term Residents
370 Worm397
Ad Astra 354 Ascension and Infections 371 Biology398
The Elevator Pitch 354 Behind the Fall 371 Communication398
The First Session 354 Aftermath371 Factor Colonies 398
Prepping Your Campaign 355 Sociology398
Security Systems 372
Scenarios & Campaigns 356 Access Control 372 Technology398
How Many Sessions? 356 Sensor Scans 373 Interactions with Transhumanity 398
Story Arcs 356 Active Countermeasures 373 Factor Ambassador 399
Creating Scenarios 357 Factor Guardian 399
Character Tie-Ins 357 Traps374
Spotting Traps 374 Firewall400
Easing In 357 Designing the Server 400
Disarming Traps 374
Bringing It To Life 358 Trap Listings 374 Joining Firewall 400
Social media Dynamics 358 The Eye 401
The Street Finds Its Own Uses 358 NPC & Threat Rules 376 Firewall Interactions 401
Fork Concerns 358 Threat Types 376
Niche376 The Prometheans 401
NPC Timelines 358 Project Ozma 402
Recurring Villains 358 Numbers376
Threat Level 376 Ozma Operations 402
Know Skills & Science 359 Threat Pool 376 Embedded Ozma Agent 402
Known?359 Tailoring Challenges 377 Other Intel Services 403
Frame the Question 359 Minimum Damage 377 Fleet Intelligence 403
Hypothesis and Prediction 359 NPCs/Threats and Stress 377 ISET403
Testing359 What PCs Know About Threats 377 JSFI403
Analysis359 Oversight403
The ETI 378
Super-Empowered Characters 360 Capabilities378 Science Police403
Logistics and Nanofabrication 360 Speculation378 Stellar Intelligence 403
Fork Hordes 361 Agenda378 The Pandora Gates 404
Time Distortion 361 Appearance404
Let’s nuke it 361 The Iktomi 379
Dream Shells 379 The Wormhole 404
Puny Transhumans 361 Operations404
Providing Outlets 361 Iktomi Kumobot 379
Gate Rules 405
Gamemaster Tips 362 Exhumans380 '
A Proposal :: Santa Monica Coastal Resort :: June 10, BF 0 Their childhood had been steeped in Catholic zealotry and a strict
“It’s an opportunity, Tierslay. To get off this doomed rock. To make adherence to bioconservatism, drilled into them by their mother’s
something of yourself. That’s all. Stop squinting at me like I’ve got incessant preaching, “Your body is a precious gift from God. Polluting
some angle.” it with trinkets conceived by man is an unforgivable sin.” For Tierslay,
“You always have an angle, Taernen. It’s who you are.” the doctrine stuck, tightly woven into the fabric of her worldview.
“Sure. But in this particular case, the angle is looking out for little sis.” Taernen dismissed it outright in his early teens, which got him tossed
Tierslay wanted to believe her brother. She ached for a shred of from the family hovel. A year later, their mother took a stray bullet on
hope. Life in the Mojave tent slums on the outskirts of the Los Angeles the way back from the market, another gang violence statistic. Tierslay
enclaves was harsh — sun-scorched and stench-filled. The brutality of was nine. She was holding her mother’s hand when it happened.
her youth in the favelas of São Paulo, plagued by gangs and typhoons, Taernen’s pitch continued. “Earth is a waste of time, Tierslay. All
made the Mojave seem like a deluxe weekend getaway to an elitist the corps with any clout, with any vision or ambition, they’ve fled. To
orbital spa. Twenty-five years of existence and Tierslay had accom- Mars, to Luna, hell, even Venus. Those are the places where lives are
plished nothing beyond being poor and perpetually desperate. Taernen, made for people like us. And when I go, I’m not coming back. Where
on the other hand, had clawed and conned his way out of the dregs, does that leave you? Begging on the streets with that low-life Monte
made his way to California, and carved out a prosperous life. Somehow, because you’re mired in tradition?”
from ten-thousand kilometers away, he had extracted Tierslay from “Monte is not a low-life. He’s just had it rough, like us.”
São Paulo just before most of the city was under water. Taernen did “He’s the worst kind of criminal, Tier. Petty. Zero ambition beyond
not explain how he secured her passage to Los Angeles, crammed in a junkie survival. You’ve got too much talent. On Mars, with all the
shipping container with a hundred other bedraggled climate refugees, capital flowing, these corps need killer code. I could pull strings, find
and Tierslay never pushed him for answers. She was simply grateful to you an avenue in. You could go legit.”
be alive. Almost everyone she knew in São Paulo was not so lucky. “What? Legit like you?” Tierslay smiled and raised a glass in salute
Once in Los Angeles, Taernen provided her with just enough to to her brother the criminal. He refused to clink.
survive for a couple of weeks. After that, she scrabbled for sustenance “Didn’t you have your fill of the gutter when we were kids?”
outside the enclave walls, among the millions of other refugees kept “I have my way of viewing the universe and you have yours. I choose
in line by the armed drones that cluttered the sky. If it wasn’t for her to remain pure in the eyes of God … ”
creativity with code and the illicit hack jobs that required her finesse, “The big white beard in the sky is blind now, sis. Had his eyes
starvation would have consumed her. gouged out long ago.” Taernen flashed his older brother smirk while
Taernen lived beyond the concertina wire, among the privileged, Tierslay shook her head.
among those who switched bodies and claimed to have defeated From somewhere up above, from the smog-choked night beyond
death. His fast talk and questionable connections furnished him the twinkle of the resort’s canopy of lights, a neo-raven fluttered down
with a lifestyle few with his upbringing would endorse, let alone to the poolside table beside Taernen. Tierslay flinched in disgust and
afford — the augmentations, the cortical stack, the frequent backups. backed away from the table.
“Calm down, Tier. He’s with me.” Monte set Tierslay up around the corner in a makeshift hovel
“I hate birds.” constructed from shredded blue tarp and cracked wooden construction
“Yeah, well, they’re probably not too fond of you, either.” palettes. The spot caught a pocket of afternoon shade, providing respite
The neo-raven’s intelligent gaze flicked over Tierslay, tinged with from the hostile sun to a brain in search of focus. Tierslay had twenty
inhuman distaste. Between its eyes protruded a small spike and minutes to crack the EEL 3 before the buyer was scheduled to arrive.
etched upon its chest and glowing through its feathers was a nanotat She rolled through the code. As suspected, it was tight. The propri-
depicting nine interlocked scarlet circles. With every intake of breath, a etary locks on Go-nin cyberbrains were notoriously difficult to circum-
different circle would illuminate. Taernen and the neo-raven leaned in vent. The market for hacked bot brains stripped of cookie-cutter factory
and exchanged whispers. Tierslay felt their eyes upon her despite her code was booming, though, on both sides of the walls, so Tierslay
own being locked on the marble tile beneath her feet. had spent a lot of her free time reverse-engineering the copyright-
“I have to go, Tierslay. Business to conduct.” Taernen stood. “Think restriction and access-control apps on any bot hardware she could get
about my offer. Backing up simply means freedom. To go where you her hands on. Fuzzing the output or running a sophisticated debug-
want to go, be what you want to be. Freedom from death. It’s pointless ging scheme were out of the question. Not enough time. Her only hope
clinging to fairy tales, Tier. And remember, I’m just looking out for you. was to spot and exploit one of a handful of elusive vulnerabilities she
Like always.” had discovered in older Go-nin models. At the fifteen minute mark,
Tierslay nodded but did not reply. she found one — a driver she could trick into coughing up the neces-
The neo-raven launched back into the night sky and Taernen strolled sary crypto keys. Sweat dropped into her eyes as she ran her exploit
towards the glittering entrance to the casino. A lean and exquisitely and the security software parted before her. Root access granted. The
dressed man with a nine circle nanotat emblazoned upon the side of bot brain was now a servant to her whim. Talent always finds a way,
his shaved head stepped through the casino entrance to greet Taernen Go-nin. And with plenty of time to spare.
with a robust and familiar embrace. A moment later, a resort security But then, gunshots.
pod was at Tierslay’s table, politely asking her to exit the premises now Three of them. Pop. Pop. Pop. Perfect and precise syncopation.
that her poolside sponsor was gone. Professional.
The sounds knocked her out of the code. She stepped from the tent
A Desperate Plea :: Mojave Tent Slums :: June 11, BF 0 and crept through a sliver of shade. Peeking around the corner into the
Tierslay met Monte at his latest camp, in a wide alley behind alley, Tierslay saw three sharply dressed synthmorphs, pistols at their
a long-abandoned pork-processing plant. Decades after the place was sides. Monte’s lifeless body sprawled upon the gravel, blood blooming
operational, the stench still lingered. around his head. Tierslay crossed herself, begged for God’s protection,
“These Go-nin bot brains are tight, Monte. Especially the EEL 3, and ran.
which I’ve never even set eyes on until now, let alone cracked. I’m going She didn’t stop until she reached her tent block over three kilome-
to need at least a couple of hours.” ters away. Blisters were forming upon her feet and her breath came in
“We ain’t got a couple hours, Tier. This guy is hot for a cracked 3. shudders of sharp stabbing pain. She doubled over and leaned against
Price is no object. Big chunk of scratch could set us both up for a a dead palm tree. When she straightened up, she expected to see her
couple months. I need you to come through.” tent in the spot it had been for the past two years, but it was gone.
Monte’s desperation was carved into his gaunt cheeks, in the way Nothing left but concrete and scattered piles of trash.
his threadbare t-shirt hung upon his wire thin frame. They had been Tierslay considered just running. It would’ve been the smart thing
friends since her first days in Cali and partners in petty crime for years. to do. Instead, she rushed to the spot where her tent once stood. She
Tierslay hated seeing him like this, strung out and wasting away, a shell kicked a cluster of crumpled fast food bags to see if there was anything
of the hustler who could smirk his way out of any jam. Life on the left behind. Beneath them she spotted the wooden rosary her mother
streets had finally beaten him into submission. The streets always win, had given her for her first Communion. She picked up the trinket and
Tierslay thought. cried. She clutched the rosary to her lips. “I cannot die here. Please
“How did you score the 3, Monte? That’s high-end gear.” don’t let me die here.” She kissed the rosary beads. In a whisper so
“We ain’t got time to discuss those kinda details, Tier. I need you in desperate that Tierslay imagined her words carving their way into the
there, slicing and dicing, doing what you do.” soft wood, she asked Virgin Mary to steer her towards salvation.
“Was anyone hurt, Monte?”
“What? No. I mean, I don’t know exactly. I can’t say for sure. I scored Just In Case :: Skid Row :: June 13, BF 0
it from a guy who got it from a guy. I didn’t ask no questions. There was Tierslay arrived at the address Taernen had given her just before
an opportunity, so I took it.” sundown, a windowless concrete box in one of the ghettoized neutral
Tierslay turned to leave. She had one rule with any of their ventures: zones between enclaves. Squatted warehouses and tent villages spread
no one ever gets hurt. Monte scurried in front of her, blocking her path, out for kilometers in every direction upon baking asphalt. Tierslay was
each hand clutching the other and shaking, the beggar’s pose. all too familiar with this crippling miasma of cyclic poverty; its spectre
“I know we have an understanding, Tier. No one gets hurt. But you was always looming. Though she was loath to admit it, for years it had
gotta believe me. I don’t know for sure, and I ain’t ever gonna know. I been eroding her faith. How could such misery and death be a divine
need you to save my ass on this one. Please.” Monte’s eyes were wet with plan? A young female face peeked at her through a billowing tent flap,
anguish and his lips were cracked by the unrelenting sun. Tierslay knew like her own past staring through her, another sign to heed her broth-
the look. She had worn it plenty of times herself — last-thread despera- er’s call to escape.
tion dangling just above oblivion. She had to help her friend, despite the A painted sign above the only door into the building depicted a
likelihood of violating the only steadfast rule of her criminal life. manic pointy-hat wizard shocking the words Pinball Museum into
“You’ve come through for me plenty of times in the past, Monte. existence. Tierslay knocked. A long wait followed, enough to ques-
Consider your ass saved.” tion why she agreed to Taernen’s offer, an offer that would funda-
Monte wrapped his arms around Tierslay with a joyful hoot. mentally change how she viewed the universe and her place within
“Fifty-fifty split and a big fancy meal on me. I’ll get us passes into the it. Then the door opened to reveal a lanky figure in a deep purple
Heights enclave. We’ll eat a meal that’s actually grown and cooked, served and skin-tight bodysuit. The synthmorph’s entire head was an elabo-
on a dainty plate, spiral sauce drizzle! None of that wet-fab slurry!” rately detailed bloodshot eyeball, a yellow iris at its center.
“Greetings. You must be 6 p.m.” The figure’s voice was deep and you like me to create a previous event labeled “Last Confession?”]
tinged with reverb. Whatever the source of the voice was, it was hacking her thoughts.
Tierslay suppressed the urge to run and answered, “Yes. You must Her body felt strange, somewhat stiff. The sensations of tempera-
be Ukku. My brother Taernen spoke very highly of you. Said you did ture, of fabric against skin, felt miswired. She could not feel the
great work.” Ukku stood still and silent. Tierslay had no idea if what- stretch of skin or muscles. She had command of her limbs, but the
ever was inside the bizarre head was taking a moment to evaluate restraints held her tightly in place.
her or was fast asleep in the open doorway. Her skin crawled over Tierslay tried to turn her attention to her breath, to the rise and fall
the awkward pause. of her chest, to the sensation of air soft and cool through her nostrils,
The giant eyeball head finally moved, tilting slightly. “I am the best, but there was nothing to grasp onto. The processes no longer seemed
6 p.m. You should be infinitely grateful that your brother cares so to exist. Scream for help, she thought, but she could not feel lips or
deeply for you. My services, while they may be considered cut-rate teeth or vocal chords. The entire biology of her head and face was
by those with the means to afford more upstanding facilities, are absent. Not numb, but nonexistent.
nevertheless, top-notch.” Ukku stepped aside with a flourish, beck- The unfamiliar voice returned, pleasant. [A scream is unnecessary,
oning Tierslay to enter. “Let us get to work, 6 p.m. Our time together Tierslay. I have alerted the technician that your upload is complete
is short.” and full consciousness has been restored. He will be here momen-
Ukku led Tierslay through a labyrinth of colorful four tarily to assist you. Then we can start to familiarize ourselves with
legged twentieth-century machines with whirling lights, analog this particular case model.]
clacks and dings, and promises of free plays. Despite her nerves Fuck off, devil. Mouth or no mouth, I am screaming myself hoarse.
surrounding the impending procedure, these simple contraptions The word “Help!” bellowed from somewhere on the lower part of
from another time made her smile. She had seen pinball machines Tierslay’s face, created by a voice, both feminine and husky, but artifi-
in old films before, but never in person, and the presence of so many cial and definitely not her own. Her panic magnified a thousandfold
gathered in one space, literally hundreds, was like unearthing an and she released the word a second time, drawn out and with an
undiscovered tomb laden with riches. increase in volume.
At the farthest and darkest corner of the building, the pinball laby- A man floated into Tierslay’s limited field of vision. His skin was
rinth opened into a small space draped with plastic. She eyed a metal milk smooth, his eyes perfect circles of lavender. He smiled kindly.
table cluttered with surgical implements. Ukku introduced another “Welcome to the Zentropic Return. My name is Badal,” the man said.
eyeball, this one violet irised and with a body the size of a child, as Tierslay took a moment to assess Badal before responding, to deter-
his assistant, ToXxot. ToXxot rolled in a surgical bed covered in mine if this latest freak was friend or foe, demon or angel.
plastic, tossed a pillow on top of it, then took Tierslay by the hand The voice chimed in. [There is no need to be afraid, Tierslay. You
and motioned for her to lie down on her belly and rest her face in the are safe here. Badal’s facility boasts @-rep in the 95th percentile upon
pillow. A strange machine was rolled next to her, a bulbous scanning the flotilla. According to reviews, it is the top choice for those seeking
mechanism unfolding like petals around her head. When everything a serene resleeve experience. You should introduce yourself.]
was in place, ToXxot’s eyeball lit up and spilled intense white light Despite her reservations, for the first time, Tierslay decided to
in every direction. Ukku loomed over Tierslay, a menacing injection listen to the voice. “My name is Tierslay.”
device in hand. “I know. Let’s remove these restraints. Get you moving.” The straps
“This is happening so fast,” Tierslay said. “I don’t know what you loosened and retracted. Tierslay found herself floating freely, unsure
are doing. I don’t know who I will become.” which way was up. Her arms flailed as she started to spin.
ToXxot stroked Tierslay’s back and made sounds that resembled Badal helped Tierslay orient herself. “Apologies for the restraints.
the chirps of a hungry baby bird while Ukku spoke. “There, there, 6 Strictly in place to guarantee client safety. A bit contrary to the zen
p.m. Do not be frightened. You are with Ukku. By the time 7 p.m. aesthetic we strive for, I know. I sincerely hope they haven’t sullied
shows up, you will be eternal.” the experience.”
These moments would stick with Tierslay forever. The eyeballs. Tierslay took a moment to adapt to the sensation of microgravity.
The terror. The biting dread of a life-altering decision as cold metal “I’m afraid.”
pressed against the back of her neck. The sensation of metallic “Naturally. It’s quite a bit to absorb, given what I know of your
centipedes uncoiling and slithering around her head and latching ego’s history. Don’t worry too much about the weightlessness, you’ll
into place. adapt quickly.”
The room was cozy, ornate bamboo dimly lit by a soft glow that
Lack :: The Zentropic Return :: March 13, AF 9 emanated from behind the parchment walls. Tierslay looked down at
The view in Tierslay’s field of vision shifted. The floor was no longer her arms. Where there once was dark brown skin, there was now metal,
concrete but wooden slats, arranged in an oddly soothing geometric a dull slate-blue finish, dented and scratched. Tierslay expected tears to
pattern. She spasmed at the sudden sensation of falling. She thrashed flow from the shock of the sight. She expected a wrenching of the gut,
for a moment, then calmed at the realization that straps held her in the tightness in the chest that can only be released by weeping gasps,
place. Weightlessness. but the biological systems required were no longer present. A realization
She was no longer in Ukku’s chop shop, that much was clear. She crashed through every other thought like a nightmare tsunami — the
tuned into the sounds of the new space. A soft rhythm, a pleasing only thing that remained of the God-given flesh-and-bone Tierslay was
harmonic melody. The intention was obvious, to craft an atmosphere her mind, and even that was questionable.
of calm. From somewhere deep inside Tierslay’s fog-draped mind, an “Where am I?”
unfamiliar voice made an introduction, the cadence crisp and formal. The question was for Badal, but the inner voice provided Tierslay
[Hello, Tierslay. Welcome to your new sleeve. Do you require with an answer. [We are upon the scum-aligned flotilla known as Get
immediate assistance?] Your Ass to Mars.] An augmented reality 3D map popped up to the side
Panic hijacked her. The procedure. Something went horribly wrong. of her field of vision, showing a number of differently sized objects
I’ve been rendered insane. Oh God. Or worse. I’m a corpse. Burdened by clustered together, most elongated, some linked together. Ships.
so many sins. When was my last confession? Badal registered her confusion. “Get Your Ass to Mars is a nomadic
The voice responded. [Unfortunately, Tierslay, that information is anarchist collective of interconnected spacecraft and habitats,
not available. Your calendar is entirely empty before today. Would currently adrift just beyond the Main Belt, Jupiter side.”
“Jupiter.” The lower part of his face was rippled and shiny with designer scarifi-
“Yes.” cation, and his eyes were vacant black disks. In her head, she imagined
Tierslay took a moment to process. What did the word “Jupiter” him donning a cape, like some Retro Space Dracula.
really mean to someone who had never even been on an airplane, His grin was no less fanged. “Hey, little sis. Long time no see.”
who had never known anything beyond the concrete urban sprawls
of a planet called Earth. Space. I am in the vastness of the black. Reunion :: Echo Blue Sector :: March 13, AF 9
Outside of the only body I have ever known. Tierslay shuffled all these “I have questions … ”
concepts into another compartment, to be processed at another time. “And I might have answers,” Taernen shrugged. “I might not.”
Latch on to something right now, she told herself. Like deciphering “How do I get home?”
complex code, one line at a time before tackling the whole program. The “You are home. May as well make the most of it, yeah?” Taernen
voice. Deal with the voice. popped the tube on his Americano sphere, the skin infused with
“There is something in my head, a voice … ” maple sweet cream, and sucked it down. He scowled at the graffiti-
“Your muse.” covered autocook mounted on the wall. “Cheap anarchist shit!” He
“My muse?” turned his attention back to his sister. “This is swill compared to
“A limited AI assistant. Sorry. I wasn’t aware that you were unfa- the coffee on Mars. Real stuff, grown in a hydroponic farm. Not this
miliar with muses. An ego without one is extremely rare. It’s a wet-printer knockoff crap.”
default install during a resleeve if a muse is not already embedded “This is not my home, Taernen. This is not my body. I’m not even
with the ego.” convinced I’m still me. One second, I’m scared shitless, dealing with
Tierslay had heard of muses. They were common among the priv- your eyeball freak. The next, I’m here, half a billion kilometers from
ileged. She had never had one. To her family, AIs were an abomina- Earth … ”
tion in the eyes of God, and the implants they resided on an affront “I’m going to stop you right there, Tier. Jeez. I guess I forgot how
to nature. green you are as to the current state of the system.” Taernen cracked
“It’s getting on my nerves. Can I shut it down?” his knuckles, then his neck. Tierslay waited, still and silent. “Hate
“You can silence it, yes. Your muse is entirely customizable. But to tell you this, sis, but there is no going home. Earth is no longer
I would recommend opening yourself to the experience. Give it a habitable. It’s a floating ball of nuke winter dust. Been a wasteland
name. Modulate its voice to a tone and cadence you prefer. In time, for almost a decade.”
it will grow on you. I promise. You may even consider it a friend, Cold enveloped her. “What?”
eventually. I cannot imagine my life without Rikita. Rikita wishes you “Yep. Surprise. Welcome to life after The Fall. We messed around with
prosperity and joy on this new path, by the way.” the TITANs, scary AIs, and they fucked our shit up good. Absorb it for
“Tell Rikita thanks.” a second and let it go. Zero point dwelling on it. I prefer to keep the
“I have other clients to attend to, but I have prepared a set of short fucked-up past dead and buried. Happier and more productive that way.”
introductory vids to acclimate you. Peruse at your leisure. I also Tierslay looked down at her hands, a familiar place to lock her
recommend the zero-g simulator.” Several links popped up in her eyes when unsettled by a conversation with her big brother. The
entoptic display. “Please, take your time. When you feel steady, the sight of metal fingers unnerved her more. “What happened to the
exit is to the left and at the end of the hall.” With a farewell nod, Badal real me, then?”
kicked away toward one of the parchment walls and it slid aside. Taernen smirked, unable to resist an opening to dig deep and
“Wait!” twist, old sibling shenanigans. “Most likely, your flesh was barbecued,
“Yes?” seared right off the bones. And the bones? Probably in a pile with
“I don’t even know how I wound up here.” billions of others. But who cares? The stuff that makes you you, the
“I believe your benefactor has the answers you seek.” stuff that ultimately matters … ” Taernen tapped his bony finger on
“My benefactor?” the side of his head, “ … that you made it out. Thanks to me.”
“The man who negotiated your upload and morph. Abysmal rep “Oh, God … ”
but quite persuasive. Still not sure why I agreed to the deal,” Badal “Chin up, sis. Life is gonna get a whole helluva lot sweeter.” He
shrugged. “He is waiting for you outside the facility.” A virtual trail leaned in close and shifted his voice into the signature dead-
appeared, marking the way. serious whisper Tierslay remembered well. The timbre of the voice
When Tierslay pulled her way through the bamboo-trimmed portal was different, crackly and thin instead of deep and resonant, but
that led out from the cloistered serenity of the Zentropic Return, the the inflections were unmistakable. “I’ve got a deal that cannot miss.
transition overwhelmed her. In every direction, crowds of people Once we close it, we’ll get you out of that metal can and into a
sleeved in exotic body types floated and mingled. Laughter, shouts, custom bio job.”
and music engulfed her, spiced with the scents of food and stranger “I don’t want in on any more of your deals, Taernen. I don’t even
things. Structures, arrangements of gear, and things she couldn’t know who I am, how life even operates anymore, and here you are
identify clung to every surface. She couldn’t tell if this was a party, art talking deals … ”
exhibit, or something else. There was no up, no down, just the bustle “Tier, Tier, look at me.” Tierslay shifted her sight to Taernen’s unfa-
of life in all directions. Colorful invitations and propositions popped miliar vacant black eyes, unsure if his gaze was meeting whatever
up in her vision before her muse filtered them away. shape her eyes took in this foreign metallic form. For all she knew,
[Welcome to the Echo Blue sector,] said the voice. [This was her face was nothing more than a flat sheet of steel with two dots and
once part of a luxury habitat in Earth orbit, spun for gravity, but a line. “You’re freaking out. I get it. This is a lot to take in.”
the flotilla now tows it in zero g. Various scum factions use it as an “I just want to be me again.”
open-air market slash social spot.] “You think I’m happy with this loaner piece of shit I’m in? I’m
Tierslay grasped on to the glowing trail like a lifeline, following it shocked none of the limbs have fallen off. Look. We can craft some-
through the chaos to her benefactor, a skeleton-thin man with scattered thing close to the original you, if that’s what you are into, once I have
wisps of long black hair. Her name hovered above the man’s head in some resources and we’re back on Mars where I have some pull. Here?
AR, boldly flashing. Tierslay weaved through the stream of people and With these scum fuckers? I may as well be a crusty dog turd kicked
approached the man, suspicious, but also unsure of what else to do. around the old São Paulo gutter. But, the good news is, I have a plan.
We can get around all this rep bullshit and keep this deal in play. “One. Tight code but I was able to slice it. It was a long time ago,
And this is where you come in.” Taernen clasped his bony hands though.” Just last week, she thought.
together, the sinewy fingers tense. “I need you to get it together and “I know a collector on Ceres, always eager to buy working vintage
adapt. Quick-like. I can’t stick around much longer. I’ve got a cast pre-Fall models, but I can’t get this thing operational. Think you
scheduled back to Mars in an hour.” could take a look at it for me? I’m Pivo, by the way,” the neo-octo said,
“You’re leaving me here?” twirling one of his arms around Tierslay’s hand. She surprised herself
“Yeah. That’s part of the deal. You, here, getting to know the place, by not jerking it away.
forming some relationships, contributing to their f ’d-up collective Tierslay worked on the bot for about an hour before she had it
shit, whatever it takes to get in solid. We need this, Tier. I’ll be back in humming like new. It was a relief to delve into the code, familiar terri-
a month, maybe two. That should give you the time you need to lay tory amidst a sea of uncertainty. Impressed, Pivo pinged her with a
on the charm, get us the rep we need to pull a few favors. Then the bump to her reputation score. The octo whistled from its siphon as
deal gets done, and we get you outta this freak show and back to the he perused her low rep, her blank history.
inner system, where the people appreciate the power of an honest She answered his questioning look, “I haven’t been here long.”
cred for fuck’s sake.” The forehead on Taernen’s morph crinkled in What a ridiculous understatement.
anger and the corner of his left eye twitched, a familiar expression “Y’know,” Pivo said, “I have a pal in the LO — the Lucky Observer —
upon an unfamiliar face. Oddly, she found it comforting. she’s looking for a creative coder and you clearly have skills.” Pivo
“So, I suppose you’re not going to give me any details on this deal.” tossed the location to Tierslay’s muse. “Talk to Elis. She’s expecting you.”
Taernen grinned. His sister, playing along as she always did. “Nope. Tierslay scanned the area surrounding the kiosk, looking for eyes
Better that way. The more knowledge you have, the more likely we upon her. A few scattered uplifts flew, swung, or scuttled by, all
slip up. Have I ever steered you wrong?” minding their own business. Quit being paranoid, Tier. Go with the
For a moment, Tierslay wanted to say yes, that she would have flow. “Sounds great.”
preferred death to being trapped against her will in a metal husk. As Pivo rode the bot away, Tierslay realized it was the first time she
The real her was dead. And she was, what? Some soulless copy? She had ever spoken with an uplift. Her church, her mother, had considered
felt godless, abandoned, but not any less alive. Instead, she nodded. them a crime against God, a sin of the highest order. She shook her
“No. You haven’t, Taer. I trust you. I’ll do whatever needs to be done.” head, ashamed at her own bigotry. One conversation was all it took.
The wide black globes set into deeply carved sockets provided her
nothing in return. A few awkward seconds of silence passed. Taernen Narcos :: Danger Noodle :: March 20, AF 9
stirred. “All right then. I gotta go. I set you up with a dorm in the En route to the LO, Tierslay passed through a craft known as the
Tall Red sector, opposite side of this chunk of habitat. Single room, Danger Noodle. Its primary feature was a rotating torus, providing
but you don’t need much. Synthmorphs are good that way, at least. simulated gravity for a never-ending bacchanalian dance party. The
Minimalism. There’s a lotta people like you there, synths and the like, vibe was intoxicating, a vibrant display of individual expression.
so you won’t feel so weird, you’ll fit right in. All your basic needs will Synth, bio, uplift, infomorph projections, every conceivable shape,
be covered until I return. One last thing … ” size and modification, writhing and free, lost in rhythm. She had
“Yes?” never seen anything like it, and for the first time since awakening here,
“Don’t tip your hand to anybody. Concoct whatever backstory you Tierslay experienced joy. She decided to lose herself there for a couple
want, just steer clear of the truth. There may be eyes on the lookout. hours, move her new body and acquaint herself with its possibilities.
Best if no one knows we’re blood. I’ll find you when I return.” Taernen A hulking synth with four powerful arms approached Tierslay, the
unclipped from the wall and pushed away, grabbing the strap of a head was a sharp rendition of a widely grinning oni. “I’m Berk.” Berk
nearby tow-line cable. It pulled him away until he was swallowed by extended their lower left hand in greeting. Tierslay kept moving
the district’s throng. Gone. while she shook it. “Tierslay.”
“First time at the Noodle?”
Aimless :: Get Your Ass To Mars Swarm :: March 13-20, AF 9 “Is it that obvious?”
For her first week, Tierslay wandered. Wandering was a skill she had Berk’s husky chuckle was somehow in perfect sync with the lush
mastered over the years. With rarely a place to call home, her survival music. “I run security. I know everyone who rolls through here.
had relied on it. She was reluctant to locate her room in the Tall Red, Welcome to the party.” An AR glitter-splash explosion popped as
fearful that a reality she was not quite ready to confront would settle Tierslay’s muse alerted her to the receipt of a transmission from
in once she did. Aimless felt safe. It felt like home. Berk — an executable file with the name _fi_zz_ee_66_.
During the first three days, she managed to move through “Fizzee66?”
the linked spacecraft of the flotilla twice. Sleep was no longer “Latest and greatest narco. Coded by a regular. See that cluster
necessary. No need for sustenance either. She just kept her limbs there, dancing in The Drip?” Berk extended one of their upper
moving and her eyes cataloguing. She spoke very little, sticking arms to indicate a group of synthmorphs near where the dancefloor
to the shadows when possible, absorbing details. She kept her curved upward out of sight, behind a neon blue drizzle. Their bodies
muse silent, allowing the AI to perform one function — drop pins contorted ecstatically, backbends seamlessly transitioning into
upon the flotilla map whenever she felt suspicious eyes were upon headspins, handstands slowly wheeling down into splits. “They’ve
her. By the conclusion of her second trip around, there were pins been running fizzee66 for two days straight. You should give it a try.
everywhere, so she disabled the function and accepted that she was I promise it won’t disappoint.”
being overly paranoid. “I don’t have any money.”
On the fourth day of her wander, while passing through The The oni face smirked. “Neither do I. This is a gift economy, Tierslay.
Midnight Mastermind, a small freighter popular with uplifts, Tierslay Money is for oligarchs and serfs.” Following a low bow, Berk twirled
spotted a familiar but battered-looking model of Go-nin robot. A and strode off to another conversation.
neo-octopus fiddled with its cyberbrain while tapping at a nanofab Tierslay’s muse let her know the executable was clean and what a
kiosk and muttering obscenities. brief mesh search revealed about the file. The effects of the narcoal-
She decided to break her silence. “Those Go-nins can be difficult.” gorithm were rumored to be quite pleasurable. This muse thing is
The octo looked up from the bot, arms wriggling with frustration. growing on me, she thought and her muse responded with a soft
“You’ve seen one of these before?” flutter of joy at the edges of her vision. Fuck it, let’s run it.
A tingle trickled through Tierslay’s synthetic body, starting at scrounging to survive. Despair seemed magically absent. Somehow,
the head and zipping pleasurably through her entire system, then she had escaped from hell. The anarchists she had known on Earth
bouncing back up from her metal feet. The sensation mimicked had been jaded, godless revolutionaries. Until coming here, she had
goosebumps buzzing on skin then melted away into a satisfying never understood the point of their fight. Now, it was starting to
warmth, magnified a thousandfold. Each ecstatic trip through her make sense.
body began with every other thump of bass that defined the beat. Indoctrination kicked in and Tierslay moved to cross herself in
Complete connection to the rhythm. Tierslay slithered over to gratitude, but she stopped at “in the name of ” when metal fingertips
The Drip, to the group Berk pointed out to her earlier, and joined clicked against metal forehead. She gazed at her reflection, just a
their revelry for the next two days, never ceasing motion, Fizzee66 phantom upon the glass. The details of her foreign face were hazy
working its magic the entire time. against the backdrop of activity on the other side. She could sense
her silent muse absorbing her desire, and the quality of her vision
Opportunity :: Bateaux :: March 22, AF 9 shifted. Everything beyond the pane darkened and Tierslay’s reflec-
“Pivo claims you have transcendent coding skills.” tion polarized into focus. For the first time, she saw her new face.
“Wow. I’m flattered.” Vacant eyes, not meant for expression. No nose to wrinkle, just flat
“Don’t be. The squid knows hardware, but software’s not his brushed metal. Her mouth was a thin oval mesh, unable to move;
game. He has an eye for talent, though.” Elis hung from a lit tube no smirks or pouts or licks or puckers. It was now simply an emitter
by her thick gripping feet, her hair writhing in the zero g like of soundwaves. In a profound second, a lifetime of belief dissipated
freshly-fed purple and black snakes. Tierslay stared up at her, fidgety. into nothingness, her soul crushed into non-existence. She was now
“Don’t be so skittish, Tierslay. Pivo and I are tight. His word carries Tierslay the artificial construct, formed by the ambitions of transhu-
weight around here.” Elis swung across the room, re-orienting herself mans, not by the hands of any god. The revelation made her laugh.
in line with Tierslay, a perfect two-point landing punctuated by a Life. What a fucked up, splendorous mess.
cocky grin. Elis’s custom synthmorph shop, Bateaux, was elaborately A dragonfly the size of a fat cat zipped past Tierslay and down the
cluttered, the workspace of a true artist with zero time to spend on narrow walkway only to return in reverse moments later. It hovered
organization. “Let’s get right to the point. I build and mod synths, but behind her, shiny rainbow metallic wings buzzing.
I also have a lot of people coming to the swarm who are looking for “Hello, new neighbor!”, the dragonfly said. “I’m Bixbee. Two doors
specific cyberbrain plug-ins. That’s where I need help. What experi- that way.” Bixbee’s many legs pointed down the floatway. “If you need
ence do you have with coding narcos?” anything, you let me know. Someone did the same for me, hooked my
Suspicion crept in. She thought about her brother’s warning and sorry ass up when I was new. My turn to pay it back. Or forward. Or
all the eyes she had felt upon her. This is all lining up too perfectly. I whatever. Point is, we look out for each other here in the Tall Red. It’s
should be wary, right? Life has never been this easy, so coordinated. But all about storing up that sweet sweet karma. Okay. Gotta go. Buh-bye.”
opportunity was intoxicating and had never knocked on her door Zip. Off Bixbee went.
before. She decided to shed the paranoia and roll with it. Tierslay crossed the threshold to her new home. She drifted into
“Funny you should ask … ” Tierslay had her muse offer up the only piece of furniture in the single room, a lattice cocoon that
Zyzzee66 — her hacked version of Fizzee66. “This is something I held her in place. The room’s software spoke, asking what she wished
whipped up in a couple hours. It’s a hack of Fizzee66, if you’ve ever … ” to experience. “Rain,” she said, and the environment changed, the
Elis cut Tierslay off and smirked. “Oh, I’m quite familiar with room darkening as AR clouds drizzled imaginary water down to the
Fizzee66 — I designed it. Did Pivo give you a heads up? That smartass.” other end of the room. She sighed, reduced her vision to meditative,
“I had no idea. I got it at the Danger Noodle. Someone named Berk.” and focused on the sound of falling water. Tierslay reached out to
“So, you found it lacking? This Zyzzee of yours is superior?” her muse, activated its voice and asked it a question: What do you
“Don’t get me wrong. I loved Fizzee. It’s sublime. I just saw a few wish to be called?
opportunities to elevate it in ways I found appealing.” [That decision is yours, Tierslay. What is your wish?]
“Yeah, yeah, superstar. Enough chatter. Let me take a feel,” Elis She did not hesitate. Monte. Your name will be Monte.
winked at Tierslay. “This is a bio sleeve, but the brain’s hardware. [I think it suits me. Thank you. It’s pleasant to possess a name.]
Helps me check the code on the cyberbrains I install.” Elis’s pupils The warmth of gratitude fluttered through Tierslay’s system as she
dilated into royal blue disks and tears welled up in her eyes, then started to tinker with Monte’s voice, to get it as close to her old friend
streamed down her cheeks. A few seconds within the embrace as memory would allow.
of Zyzzee66 was plenty of time for Elis to understand the talent
on display. She killed the process and took a moment to gather New Client :: Bateaux :: August 2, AF 9
herself. “Impressive. Not perfect, of course — you have to watch Tierslay and Elis floated in the shop’s cluttered space, arms linked,
those pseudo-dopamine thresholds, an initial rush like that can scanning the latest custom morph requests. Bixbee zipped back and
trigger vertigo — but not so bad for someone a decade behind on forth overhead, jacked up on Tierslay’s latest narco, due to debut at
coding developments.” the Danger Noodle in a couple of days. Bixbee always clamored for
She took a hard look at Tierslay, then bumped her rep. “Welcome early access and Tierslay always obliged.
to the Bateaux family, my glorious narco hacker.” Four months and zero word from Taernen. Was he dead? Did he
abandon her? It did not matter. She did not miss him, his schemes,
Reflection :: Tall Red Sector :: March 22, AF 9 or his promises. Tierslay had friends, her rep was growing, and her
On the ninth day, Tierslay arrived at her room in the Tall Red. coding skills were getting sharper.
She floated at the glass pane a few feet beyond her front door “Ha! Check out this fool.” Elis tossed an image of a prospective
and stared out at the Tall Red’s central hub, at the four towering client into Tierslay’s AR, where it rotated slowly — a large eyeball
pillars draped in billowing red velvet, the feature that gave the atop synthetic shoulders, a web of faux red capillaries stretching
district its name. Bodies bustled about, below, above, drifting or in a from the yellow iris center over the entirety of a white sphere. The
hurry, some synthetic, some flesh, forms she had never before seen body, elongated, with slightly disproportionate limbs wrapped
or could have previously conceived. This place is alive, she thought. in a shimmering synthetic purple. Tierslay’s mind raced at
There was no relentless burning sun, no scorching asphalt, no the sight.
“Tags itself Ukku.” Elis flipped through the morph customization Elis allowed silence to sit for a moment as she studied Tierslay’s
request and chuckled through a half-cocked smirk. “Listen to this face. “Now I’m really intrigued. What is this, Tier? Some sort of
idiota: Ukku apologizes for the dismal @-rep, but Ukku is well estab- history? A personal vendetta? You know this guy?”
lished within Guanxi networks and could arrange for some quid- “You could say that.”
pro-quo, which may come in handy someday, even for an anarchist.” “Do share!”
Elis clapped her hands in joy at the audacity. “What a jackass!” “Going to keep that to myself for now, if you don’t mind.”
Fear surged through Tierslay as her last moments on Earth Elis returned a conspiratorial smirk and a nod as Bixbee whizzed
bubbled up out of the deep suppressed darkness and consumed her by her head, giggling with narco-induced pleasure. “All right, Tier. I’ll
thoughts. Eyeballs. Pinball. Plastic. play along. You have yourself a deal.”
The morph request went on to state that Ukku would be
farcasting to the swarm in one week for an extended and indulgent Prank :: Danger Noodle :: August 11, AF 9
outer-system holiday and that it was Ukku’s understanding that Ukku had been on the Danger Noodle dance floor for four hours straight,
Bateaux was the best synthmorph design shop there. “Ukku only deals pointy elbows flailing, legs perpetually on the verge of collapse, forcing
with the very best,” Elis read, snorting. “Whaddya think? Should we others to dodge. Clearly, Ukku was high beyond comprehension, rolling
accept this lofty honor?” on Tierslay’s latest narco along with most of the club. Tierslay, Elis, Pivo,
Tierslay did her best to feign disinterest even as disgust rattled and Berk watched the synth from the bar, Bixbee from his usual perch
around inside her. “I don’t know, Elis. Seems like a pain in the ass.” above the DJ booth, waiting for Tierslay to trigger her prank.
“Maybe a pain in the arse is what this shop needs. Give us a jolt. On Tierslay’s command, Monte tossed a night-terror flash through
Been dull around here lately.” the backdoor in Ukku’s narco. Earlier, when Monte shared with her
Tierslay unlinked her arm from Elis’s, trying not to take offense at the darknet image he planned on using (the stretched flesh and
the unintended slight as she floated away. “Okay. I’ll tell you what. I floating gore left behind by an infamous Lost Generation murder
will say yes to this stupid Ukku gig, under one condition.” spree), Tierslay nearly retched, but Ukku simply straightened up for
Elis perked up and rubbed her hands together with vigor, itching a second of contemplation, then got right back to “dancing.”
for some fun. “Ooooooo! A negotiation. All right, I’m not big on “Well, that was anticlimactic.” Elis patted Tierslay’s arm. “The idiota
conditions, but what’s it gonna be?” is unflappable. Guess it’s back to drinking until the tourist ceases the
“The condition is this: I plant a secret little gift inside the narcos pollution of our precious dance floor.”
this Ukku has requested to be installed with their shell. Nothing Just as Elis was about to order another round of drinks for the
major, just something undetectable and mischievous.” group from the autopub, Ukku ceased all movement, as if deactivated
Elis was easily hooked by mischief. “Spicy! Could potentially by an unseen hand. Tierslay poked Elis playfully in the ribs. “Ha!
damage our rep if word gets out … ” See? I got the fucker. Something is going down.”
“It’s a risk, I know. And there’s another condition: we keep an eye on In a rush, Ukku abandoned the dance floor and scurried towards
Ukku for as long as they are on the swarm.” a booth in the Drip section of the Danger Noodle, currently awash in
sharp shadows and an atomic neon green. A slender humanoid form, “Hey asshole. Do you mind? You’re invading our space.” Taernen
etched upon the darkness, awaited Ukku’s arrival to the booth. stood up and took an aggressive step towards Bixbee. Ukku slipped out
“Seems like someone finds the clown tolerable,” Berk observed. of the booth and flanked the dragonfly. Bixbee froze. Taernen sniffed
“Finally, a new development,” said Elis. “We’ve had an eye on Ukku blood in the water and pushed the issue. “I said back up, flutterfuck.”
for days now, zero contact with anybody. Intrigued, Tier?” “Time to move. I’ll take point.” Elis propelled herself towards the
“I don’t like it.” Drip. Pivo squirmed effortlessly past dancers while Berk muscled
Elis pinged Bixbee and he zipped on over, bubbling with joy, as dancefloor bodies aside. By the time Tierslay could gather herself
always. “Tierslay! This new algo of yours, it’s got the thoughts all and follow, her friends were already through the crowd.
marshmallow fluffy and I just can’t stop licking. Gonna flood Tall When Tierslay reached the booth, Taernen had Bixbee pinned
Red. Woooo! You are a legend — ” to the tabletop by his wings and Ukku wiggled a vibroblade a few
Elis cut Bixbee off, her tone commanding and unfamiliar to centimeters over Bixbee’s exposed torso. Elis was an arm’s length
Tierslay. The tone of a superior, not a friend. “Dial it down, Bix. Time from Taernen, a vicious looking firearm pressed firmly against his
to get to work.” Bixbee slipped Tierslay’s latest narco into sleep mode seamlined head. Why does she have a gun? Pivo and Berk hovered
and the flutter of his wings dipped to a sane speed. “What’s the situ- menacingly nearby, arms tense, weapons drawn.
ation, Elis?” “Whoa, now. There ain’t no need to splatter this twitchy brain of
“There’s a booth in the back corner of the Drip. The Eyeball is there, mine all over the walls.” Taernen gave a smile, unafraid, practiced in
chatting it up with someone. I’m gonna tap into your sensory feed these types of negotiations.
while you get me a visual on the stranger. Slow and stealthy.” “If the Eyeball drops the blade and backs off, it won’t come to that.”
Bixbee nodded his tiny head and moved towards the Drip without Elis smiled too, comfortable as well.
a word. Elis shared Bixbee’s visual feed in AR with the others just as a “Everyone calm down!” Tierslay exclaimed, agitated. Taernen
new round of drinks arrived. “Enjoy the show.” flashed his eyes at her, hiding his recognition. She met his gaze. “No
Bixbee drifted slowly over the dance floor. He took a wide curl past one should have to deal with this asshole but me.”
the sound bubble suspension from where DJ Myrmidon pumped
her glorious beats into the club. Tierslay’s gut clenched as Bixbee Negotiation :: Echo Blue Sector :: August 11, AF 9
approached the Drip. She knew what was coming. She wished the “Real nice friends ya got, Tier. I’ve rolled with gangsters who are more
entire club would evaporate into a wisp of mist, taking the stranger hospitable.” Taernen popped his jet-black coffee sphere and slurped
with it, and that she would awake any second bathed in a cold sweat. it down. His third.
The Drip moved deeper into blacklight blues as Bixbee approached “You threatened our friend.” Tierslay had yet to touch her sphere,
the back corner booth. The silhouette across from Ukku knew how to oolong with a skin of honey and cinnamon, drifting between her and
find shadow, yet Tierslay still recognized the distinct mannerisms. her brother.
The particular motion of two hands, accompanied by a presumably “I ain’t fond of little fuckers poking their noses in my business. It’s
self-righteous speech, driving home a point with a slow and intense rude.” Taernen leaned forward, eyed her up and down. “You know
emphasis. It had to be Taernen. The gestures were too exact. what their deal is, right? Who they are? Who they work for?”
Tierslay’s brother finished his diatribe and Ukku nodded his “What are you talking about?”
bulbous head. For a second, Tierslay had the urge to flee. Her life had “Screw it. Doesn’t matter at this point. Was going to come to this
just started to gain meaning, a construction of her own will. Filled eventually. Can’t run forever, Tier. Sometimes, you gotta take a stand.
with joy. Hope. Taernen’s return had the weight of a dark omen. He And that time is now.” Taernen’s eyes darted around, scanning for
was bound to fuck everything up. Trouble was permanently stitched threats and eavesdroppers. He’s on edge. More than usual, Tierslay
into his ego. She let the fear settle and dull a bit. She needed to hear thought. She opted to redirect.
Monte’s voice. “It’s been months, Taernen. I’d written you off. Where have you been?”
Tell me everything is going to be okay, Monte. “Out and about. Doing what I do. Made a few acquisitions. Dodged
[Everything is going to be okay, Tierslay.] A wink overtook some unexpected trouble. But now I’m here. To start a new life. Just
Tierslay’s AR. like you. Isn’t that what this place is about?” Taernen gave a phony
She guzzled the booze and slid the empty glass down the bar, smile. The blank eyes of his morph betrayed nothing.
its path curving slightly with the spinning habitat’s coriolis force. “I suppose that’s one way to look at it. I didn’t really have a choice.”
Tierslay spoke up. “I know him. I know who it is.” “But you’re happy.”
“You do?” Elis grinned. “Do tell.” “Yes. I’m happy.” Or I was. She thought of her new friends. What are
“It’s my brother.” they hiding from me?
“This has gotten really interesting, Tier. Your mysterious nemesis, “Well, there ya go, then. And you have me to thank. Now I wanna
the Eyeball, whispering in a dark corner with your brother. A brother be happy too. Maybe it’s your turn to grant a few favors.”
you have never mentioned before this moment. What’s next, Tier? Tierslay punctured her sphere and sipped for a bit while she gath-
You going to reveal you’re some hypercorp spy sent here to infiltrate ered her thoughts. Monte chimed in. [You can just walk away, Tierslay.
us filthy anarchists, plant a nuke, and reduce the swarm to space You don’t want this.]
dust? A secret puppet of the TITANs, maybe, here to finish wiping us I know. What Tierslay wanted was for her past to remain so deeply
out? ” Elis followed suit with her drink — guzzle, slide, curve. buried that it resembled a work of fiction. But I owe him. It’s not easy
“I’m not a puppet … ” to explain; I just do. He is still my brother. You wouldn’t understand,
“Well, that’s a relief,” Pivo said. Monte. Tierslay slipped the muse into sleep mode. Taernen tapped a
Just then, Bixbee hovered too close to Taernen’s booth. Taernen bony finger upon a bony cheek, blank eyes burrowing.
turned to meet Bixbee’s prying gaze, staring right through the AR Tierslay took a deep breath. Her heart was racing. “What do you
feed with milky gray slits. His face tilted out of the shadows and need from me, Taernen?”
into the blue glow of the neon drops cascading down from above. “I knew you would come around.” Taernen smiled and shrugged.
Seamlines in the skull. Access jack sockets in the back of the neck. A “I ain’t asking much. Just flex a little rep for me at one of the docks. I
low-end pod biomorph, snatched right out of the bargain bin. have cargo coming in.”
“When?” twisted into its perfect shape. Even in the microgravity, it felt dense.
“Three days.” She had never held anything like it. Is this alien? Some TITAN thing?
“What’s the cargo?” She pinged it for a mesh connection. No response. “We tried the
“Pod morphs, like this one.” He tapped his chest. “A dozen. standard stuff, Tier,” Taernen said. “It’s not responsive. Work your
Biological, but with hardware brains, like bots. Cheap trash, but even magic. Find out what it can do.”
out here with the scum, morphs have value. Shouldn’t raise any suspi- She ran several scans on it with her tools. No ports, no way to
cion. Maybe you can even slip me one of those narcos you’ve gained a access it. Nothing. She could not even tell if it was powered.
rep for, so I can pre-load ‘em, give ‘em a little value boost.” “No obvious way in. No evidence of code. Hate to break it to you,
“Is that it?” Tierslay knew that wasn’t the extent of the favor, but Taer. First glance, you have nothing more than a worthless trinket here.”
she asked anyway. Her brother never led with the big ask. There was Even as she spoke, an AR window appeared in her vision. Her
always something else. nanodetector had found something. Mites. Nanobots. More windows
“Nope. I need you to take a look at something for me. A recent popped up. Her firewall flashed alerts — something was accessing her
acquisition. A device. Do what you do best. Let me know what I’ve personal network. But there was still no radio signal. She looked at
got so I know how to peddle it.” the cube in her hand. Oh god … the nanobots. They’re establishing a
“I’m assuming this device is en route with the cargo.” physical link …
“It is.” Tierslay tried to let go of the cube, but could not. All physical
“And I am also going to assume that it is contraband.” function ceased. Paralysis. Stasis. She panicked as she could sense
“No laws here, sis, but you could say that. If it’s what I think it is, something probing her mind, exploring every circuit, every electronic
should be several interested parties around the Solar System willing synapse. Monte gurgled incomprehensibly. Warnings spilled across
to shell out a fortune to get their hands on it. Potential bidding war her vision, signs of executing rapidfire exploits. [Muse system integ-
even. Then it’s easy street. No more hustling. Imagine that.” rity compromised. Unauthorized code signatures detected.] Monte
“And how did you acquire something so valuable, Taernen?” was being rewritten and she was helpless to stop it.
“Not your concern, Tier. Your hands will be clean. All I need is an Taernen continued to speak, oblivious. “It’s TITAN tech, Tier. It’s
assessment.” gotta be. Advanced AI gear. I wouldn’t have these fuckers all over
“You know my rule.” my ass if it wasn’t. Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? Tier? Quit
“Fuck your rule!” Taernen spat the words as if they were venom fucking around! Hey! I’m talking to you!”
but returned to his calculated calm by the next breath. He shrugged. Ukku stopped carving flesh and floated towards Tierslay, blade
“People got hurt. Lives were lost. So what? The fuckers would have circling. “Oh. Seems to Ukku it is time for slicey, little lamb.”
done the same to me. They are still on my ass and will not let up until A meter before Ukku reached Tierslay, holes erupted in Ukku’s
I unload this thing and disappear into the high life. This is the ticket eyeball head, followed by the sonic whipcrack of railgun fire. As the
out. I’m not asking you any more, sis, I’m telling you. You’re going to pieces of Ukku’s shattered sphere tumbled away, Taernen launched
do this for me. Got it?” himself towards cover. Tierslay remained still, locked into place. In
She forced herself to meet his stare. “OK, Taernen. But this is it. her field of vision, Berk slipped into the area with military precision,
The last time. After this, we are done. No more debts.” sliding between two of the pod vats, assault rifle ready. Pivo and Elis
Taernen said nothing, just leaned back and smiled. followed close behind, weapons aimed at Tierslay’s head.
The presence that had been Monte expanded, becoming massive,
Revelations :: No Turning Back Cargo Freighter :: August 14, AF 9 filling every available cranny of her digital mindspace. The entity
Ukku ran the circular bone saw around the pod’s skull, sighing in reached out, silently probing, hungry to establish connections with
undeniable pleasure. He leveraged the top of the head off, revealing every device in the area. Terror seized her as Tierslay realized she
the cyberbrain nestled within. Pulling it out, he dismantled it, had become a conduit for whatever had taken hold of her through
revealing a secret compartment. From this, he extracted a strange the cube.
cubic device — no more than a dozen centimeters to each side. Ukku “Put down the cube, Tier, and back away. We don’t want to waste
handed the cube to Tierslay as if the slightest jostle would shatter it you, but we will if we have to. There’s too much at stake. Your brother
into a billion pieces. As the cube touched her metallic skin, a bitter is terrible enough, what you’re holding is far worse.” Elis said.
cold radiated through her palm. She found the device hard to focus Loud gurgling sources suddenly interrupted the tension. Elis
on, its features and edges strangely fuzzy. traced the noises to the pod vats, tried to make sense of what she was
“Ukku’s blade watches closely. Every move. Don’t forget.” seeing. The nutrient gel was quickly draining away, uncovering the
Taernen gave a smirk. “Relax, Ukku. Tierslay will behave. Right, Tier?” morphs within.
“Right, Taer.” Tierslay considered smashing the cube against the “I gotta hand it to you, sis!” Taernen shouted, glee evident in his
wall for a second, just to see his expression. But she was intrigued. hoarse voice. “I knew you’d come through! You brought these Firewall
Ukku slunk back to the pod morph with its vacant head. A dozen fucks right to me. Gobble ‘em up, ToXXot!”
others just like it floated within nutrient suspension vats, strapped From beneath a shimmer of pixels, Bixby appeared just above Elis,
together in bundles scattered in the cargo hold around them, each braced his camouflage dropped. “The pods!” he shouted. “He’s activating
against the walls. Ukku returned to carving flesh, this time maneuvering the pods!”
a scalpel in a tight spiral on the pod’s chest, where a nipple would Elis, Berk, and Pivo swiveled their aim, but too late. A dozen
normally reside. Tierslay could hear him giggling quietly to himself. pod morphs erupted naked from their suspension vats, feral fiends
“Get to it, Tier. The sooner we know what we are peddling here, ravenous for flesh and bone. A swarm of chaos overtook the cargo
the sooner we say adios, and you can get back to your happy life,” hold. Weapon fire sprayed in every direction. Bodies tumbled in
Taernen said. free fall amidst globules of blood and nutrient gel. Shouts competed
Tierslay tried again to focus on the cube. It appeared to be with growls and howls. Taernen gloated and laughed, his trap
composed of a single wound thread, some glassy black substance, successfully sprung.
Tierslay floated stiffly as the battle unfolded around her. She Through Berk’s eyes, a briefing about Taernen and the details of a
paid it no heed, her attention focused on internal windows, on the mission to recover a stolen TITAN artifact.
presence that was Monte. She knew the signs; it was scanning for Through Elis’s eyes, the construction of a long-term plan to encap-
exploits, looking to hack everything in the vicinity. With despair, she sulate and befriend Tierslay, to use her to get to Taernen.
watched it zero in on the vulnerability almost every ego in the cargo Through Taernen’s eyes, his payment of goons to kill Monte, his
hold shared — the backdoor Tierslay had coded into every instance deal with Ukku, and Tierslay’s final day on Earth.
of her narcoalgorithms. In the desert heat, she fell to her knees in front of Monte and
Stray bullets clipped Tierslay’s limbs, sending her into a nause- sobbed. It was all lies and false pretenses and treachery. None of these
ating spin. The cube dislodged from her hand, spinning away people cared about her. None were her friends. She lamented for what
along with several of her fingers. She felt no pain, only watched, felt for hours. Tears of betrayal stained the dust at Monte’s feet.
barely comprehending, as the cube’s obsidian thread unraveled When she looked up, Monte was gazing down at her inscrutably. The
and stretched outward, impossibly twirling into twin extensions of moment stretched, night fell. His face was swallowed by the darkness.
lattice-wrapped cords. These curved in opposite directions, meeting Static.
in a matter of seconds to form a circle several meters in diameter. Tierslay found herself back in the cargo hold. Floating husks
The swirl of combat cleared space around the intertwined black surrounded her, gouged with wounds, their minds gone, egos taken.
circle as it began to vibrate with tight violence and power. The whir Forcibly uploaded. She tried to locate her brother, but couldn’t pick
quickly escalated into an overwhelming thrum that pushed every him out among the carnage and other pods.
eardrum in the cargo hold to the point of collapse. Hands went to The cyclopean presence — Monte — was gone. The signal emanating
ears, postures crunched, weapons drifted away. through the gate blinked out. She knew he, it, was there. On the
A funnel formed in the center of the circle, a swirl of space other side.
bending and shredding, emitting crackles of static electricity. With a The open gateway purred with its promise of escape. Tierslay
flash of green lightning, the center vortex expanded to an ominous stared into the black sphere, trying to glean a hint as to what may
pitch-black sphere, bound by the edges of the lattice. The thrumming lie beyond. Faint swirls of spectral colors shifted one to the next at
cut off suddenly. The silence in the cargo hold was thick and charged. the edges. Is this an invitation? Why was I spared? She contemplated
Pivo was the first to recover. “Sweet Poseidon, it’s a gate! A fucking what it would mean to follow it through, to expand her talents
pandora gate!” beyond anything transhumanity could ever conceive. This thing, it
A vast weight drifted through the wormhole into the wireless chose me. I know it. Ambition burned through her.
digital stratum of the cargo hold, a burden of intelligence so dense A sound, movement. She spun to spot Pivo across the hold,
that every operation in the vicinity stuttered, crushed beneath its clinging to a vat door, missing arms and oozing blood. Of course, she
consumption of bandwidth. The presence surged through Tierslay’s thought, he was the only one here with a bio brain.
compromised mesh systems. Her entire mind sizzled with feedback, “Don’t do it, Tier. Don’t go though.” His voice was tinged with pain.
pleasure and pain beyond anything language could articulate. “You little shit, Pivo. I trusted you. I trusted each and every one of
Monte swelled. It reached out past her, through the narco backdoors, you. I considered you friends. Family, even. Who the fuck were you
invading every cybernetic brain in the room. people?”
Tierslay’s terror sidestepped into inexplicable joy. Her creation “We’re still your friends, Tierslay. Yes, we lied about some things.
was about to be embraced by a god-like being, weaponized by an We didn’t know if we could trust you. That was wrong. But we’re on
entity of almost limitless power. She knew she should be fearing for the same side here. Your broth — ”
her brother, her friends … but amidst the chaos, she found clarity. “My brother is gone. Just like the others.”
She wasn’t sure who she could trust. They had their own interests. The lattice began to contract, slowly shrinking the wormhole
Her heart scrambled for sympathy it could not find. Instead, it sphere. In seconds, it would collapse into nothingness. Stay or go?
swelled with pride. This was a TITAN, she was sure of it. She had No matter how she would spin it, the blame for what happened in
cleared the path for it, opened the door. She mattered. the cargo hold was going to fall upon her. Whoever this Firewall was,
The stunned combatants of the hold regained their equilibrium for they would certainly be coming for her. They were now her enemies.
a few seconds, just enough time to reach in vain for drifting weapons, The thought molded a grin upon her lips. It’s a no-brainer. Start again.
before the presence struck. Individual minds were squeezed into Trust no one. It’s what you are best at, isn’t it? But now, for once, I will
submission, their morphs paralyzed. no longer be the oblivious prey.
Static. She hesitated, still uncertain if she should enter the swirl into
Tierslay suddenly found herself in Monte’s Mojave shack, the the dark unknown. Taernen came to mind, one of the few moments
Go-nin bot spread out before her. She stepped outside into the when they were children and he was vulnerable, when she risked her
blazing sun. Monte stood with his back to her, eclipsed in the alley life to save his, the first great flash flood to hit the Heliópolis favela.
shade. The mountains in the distance rumbled; dark leviathan Then she considered the memories she had experienced, how he too
shapes moved in the haze past them. She moved toward Monte, had betrayed her. She chuckled. “What a fucking scumbag.”
could feel his attention from meters away. She forced herself closer, Tierslay grabbed on to the edges of the lattice and swung herself
reached out, and — feet first through the wormhole, certain that one day she would
A firehose of traffic slammed through her, as not-Monte tore return to repay those who had wronged her.
through every digital mind in the cargo hold. Lifetimes of compressed The threads of the lattice unwound and reformed into the tiny
memories passed through Tierslay at unfathomable speeds, black cube. Pivo watched, barely retaining consciousness, as
consumed by the insatiable presence. She immersed herself in the the device floated among the empty husks for a moment before
flow, let the packets swirl past her, and — reforming into a miniature dragonfly. The device buzzed over to the
Through Bixbee’s eyes, his initiation into a secret organization open airlock, leading to the rest of the ship, and disappeared.
called Firewall.
In Eclipse Phase, you play a secret agent protecting the scattered
remnants of transhumanity from threats that could wipe it out
once and for all. You are transhuman. You are genetically modified,
physically and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal.
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. If you
die, you can be brought back, your ego — both consciousness and
memories — physically restored. You may also copy your mind
and download into a body of your choice. This new body — your
morph — can be biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info-
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize according
to your mission and requirements.
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially accelerating
technological progress. Developments in the key fields of artificial
intelligence, neuroscience, genetic engineering, nanotechnology,
and information science have converged into an impressive feed-
back loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs and
animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. Everything and
everyone is laden with sensors, networked, and online. Your mind
can communicate with every electronic device around it. Almost
anything can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano-
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live happier,
healthier lives, emancipated from need.
Such advances also have their downsides. The wonders of the
future are not yet evenly distributed — the immortal rich continue to
concentrate their wealth and power while others struggle to survive.
Surveillance is omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or commit them to
virtual slavery. Many technological advances are super-empowering,
putting the means for mass devastation in everyone’s hands. Efforts
to restrict such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as a
species can save us.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place ten years
after transhumanity has lost a war with a group of super-intelli-
gent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the population was lost during
this apocalyptic conflict, many of them forcibly uploaded by the
TITAN machine gods before they disappeared. Thousands more
were corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. The
Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines and monsters.
The survivors evacuated the planet and spread throughout the Solar
System, expanding our off-world colonies out of desperation and
necessity. Many escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their
bodiless minds.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are gone, decapi-
tated and dismantled. New political blocs and factions have formed,
loosely divided between the inner and outer systems. The capitalist
economies of the inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue
to enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are dominated by
the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-led entity that prioritizes
business interests and that has declared Mars the new homeworld
of transhumanity. Their habitats are identified by the influence of
media and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities and
security restrictions that keep their populations safe, a lingering
distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class divisions. While socialites
and hyper-elites play and prosper, many infugees have resorted to
selling their labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
fabrication means that everyone has the necessities and tools they
need. People create rather than consume. Reputation, not wealth,
mediates the exchange of information and services. Many habitats STARTING PLAYERS
operate without government, laws, or police, relying instead on This chapter provides a summary overview of the game; we recom-
voluntary and cooperative structures, real-time online referendums, mend that everyone start by giving the rest of it a brief review.
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork of political, If you're new to the game and eager to start playing, we recom-
economic, and social experimentation. mend choosing one of the 16 sample characters ▶82 to start out.
Intersticed among these major factions, other transhuman clades These characters are divided into 4 teams of 4, so we recommend
build their own societies. Criminal cartels feed black markets, you and your friends choose from the same team. If you have more
radical scientists work to democratize science, aesthete mercenaries than 4 players, choose your extras from other teams. All of the
offer their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and isolationists teams work for Firewall-based games, with one team optimized for
filter their communities from outside influences. Even bioconserva- the inner Solar System and one team designed for the outer system.
tives — distrustful of transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing One of the teams is also made specifically for gatecrashing, and one
for our species’ future. for criminal-oriented scenarios.
The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth. Zones on If you prefer to jump right into making your own characters,
Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain under machine proceed to Making Characters ▶36.
influence. Of greater impact, however, are the mysterious pandora If you'd prefer to get a grasp on the rules first, start with Game
gates discovered around the system. These wormhole gates open to Mechanics ▶30. For more detail, move on to Actions & Combat ▶202
extrasolar systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries. and Transhuman Tech ▶286. If you plan to play a hacker, check out
Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons, colonizing the mesh ▶240. If you have a psychic async in mind, take a look at
worlds and uncovering the remnants of extinct civilizations. While Psi ▶272.
no living sapient species has been found beyond the gates, trans- If you're more interested in the setting, there's plenty to read,
humanity has had its first encounters with alien life within our starting with the history, How it Came to Be ▶98.
own Solar System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these laconic STARTING GAMEMASTERS
ameboid merchants remains unknown. As a gamemaster (GM), you will need to be familiar with the general
Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman survival. Aside content of this book. We recommend starting out with the setting,
from the threat that the TITANs will return, we face existential beginning with How it Came to Be ▶98. After that, pop on over to
risks — x-risks — that endanger our future as a species. These Threats & X-Risks ▶368 for the juicy, behind-the-scenes stuff.
include weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the Once you've acquainted yourself with our universe, you'll need to
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent infection learn the rules, starting with Game Mechanics ▶30. You will probably
breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, and the dangers we want to have a grasp on the basics of skills ▶48, combat ▶202, the
pose to ourselves. Our species is in a deteriorating orbit around the mesh ▶240, and resleeving ▶288. You should also be familiar with
black hole of extinction. Will our conflicts steer us into the event how players acquire gear ▶312 and morphs ▶290. The rest you can
horizon, or will we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well pick up as you need.
and reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we get there? Finally, peruse our Eclipse Phase-specific gamemastering advice
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. This is more in Running the Game ▶354.
than a tabletop roleplaying game, it’s a detailed science fiction
setting that thoroughly investigates issues that affect our future as a A NOTE ON POLITICS
species. The crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- Eclipse Phase delves into numerous political themes; in fact, we
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on the edge start with the premise that everything is political. Like all authors,
of becoming something posthuman. This is a setting that speaks to we write from the perspective of our personal biases. Our specific
the immense dangers that technology offers us — but that balances lens is radical, liberatory, inclusive, and antifascist. If you support
this outlook by considering how science can be used to improve bigotry or authoritarianism in any form, Eclipse Phase is not the
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, and prosper. game for you.
There is danger — but also hope.
All characters are assumed to be mesh-connected. This permits them to talk to one another, share first-person video, sensor data,
and other information even when separated. But use caution! Infosec-savvy enemies can monitor these discussions or even alter
messages between characters.
In another, they fight off exhuman hunters until the pandora gate inject themselves with black-market drugs, unaware of exsurgent
opens for them to escape to safety. Around the table, during these spores now blooming inside of them. As explorers dredge old
moments, the players bathe in the details. But the details feel most TITAN warrens, they discover survivors, surgically joined into
poignant because they are an integral part of the setting and the wailing human insects. Even a malfunctioning airlock and a
broad themes it encompasses. Even when not the focus, the Eclipse moment’s distraction, and a person is snapped in half, watching
Phase setting and adventures will explore several recurring themes. their legs flop freely in the vacuum of space. Death used to be a
GMs should use these to define the character of their games. merciful escape. Now memories drill into the psyche like water
torture. People shed their old, mangled bodies, returning them to
POST-APOCALYPTIC the recycler to be resold in the next year’s model — but they carry
Transhumanity survives in the shadow of the Fall, when the TITANs their traumas forever. Adventurers especially accumulate terrors
razed Earth and exsurgent outbreaks metamorphosed civilians into until finally there is nothing left to be done except find somewhere
writhing biological monsters. 95% of the population was extermi- quiet to retire and struggle with their demons.
nated in a few short years. For every person who escaped via shuttle,
ten thousand lined up in mass-upload facilities, waiting for their INFECTION
minds to be digitized and beamed to orbiting servers. Billions more In biology, an “eclipse phase” is the period after a cell is infected
were consumed by war machines and plagues. Stations took on but before the virus appears within the cell and begins hijacking
refugees until life support crashed. A few never made it off Earth it. At this stage the infection is invisible, but irreversible. The
but still survive among civilization's bones, hunted by machines. exsurgent virus survived a decade because of its adaptability,
No matter where people set their bed in the Solar System, they can sometimes twisting the body, sometimes anchoring in the mind.
look back on their charred homeworld and its rings of devastated No measure seems sufficient to stop it. It just waits, until it has
stations and frozen corpses. an opportunity to mutate and rebuild the victim into something
But as a wildfire clears space for new growth, transhumanity is set terrible and new. Some survive years with their infection, as an
to rebuild society, seeking new ways of living that would not have asymptomatic Typhoid Mary. An unfortunate few manifest psychic
been possible under the gaze of Earth’s central control. Mars and powers as a result of their exsurgent taint; a gift of terrible power
Luna are centers of commerce; Saturn hosts colonies of culture and with an unknown cost. It remains unclear if the virus was created
science. In the outer reaches, independent habitats incubate new by the TITANs or simply spread by them, if it was a mistake of
transhuman experiences. As some yearn for the old Earth to soothe alien evolution or if it is rebuilding transhumans for some greater
traumas, others reach for the stars. cause. Anyone who comes into contact with the virus is considered
infected and hunted for the remainder of their days.
The Fall is over but transhumanity’s path forward is pitted with CONSPIRACY
dangers. The TITANs left by their own accord, but their death An assassin takes on the face of their target. A polity delivers human-
machines still stalk the Solar System. The exsurgent pestilence lies itarian aid to a remote habitat, not knowing one of the crew is smug-
dormant in shadowed craters, waiting to blossom in mutation and gling TITAN machines for the black market. A hypercorp contam-
death. The Factors, transhumanity’s only ally, are ambush predators inates the air supply with a psychoactive pathogen designed to
pleased to litter their chosen with gifts while setting hidden webs. subdue rebellious behaviors. The new world is one of misdirection
If the external threats don’t kill transhumanity, the internal ones and treachery. The Consortium, Jovian Republic, and Autonomist
may. The major factions are locked in a cold war, waiting for a Alliance are locked in a cold war, marked with propaganda and espi-
moment of vulnerability to throw the system into war. Hypercorps onage. Even Firewall is an organization composed of isolated cells
release products to control or kill competitors, with no focus beyond that only communicate through anonymous channels under the
the next quarter’s returns. Ambitious explorers dodge quarantine to guidance of unknown benefactors. The rate of change, from aliens
sell ominous TITAN relics and alien artifacts on the black market. to market spikes, is so fast that maps of the political landscape are
Even normal daily life is rife with danger. Just a loose bolt at orbital obsolete before they’re published. Alliances are formed of necessity
velocities can punch through a habitat, venting its precious atmo- until a message from a distant habitat or a disappeared ship turns
sphere into space. the parties into bitter enemies.
Extinction looms large over transhumanity; we are just one Because it is impossible to prove identities or motivations, trust
misstep away from blinking out. New technologies bring newer is a rare commodity. The virtuous hide their goals behind masks
threats. On top of this, xenoarcheologists have visited thousands and cut out knowledge from their own brains if it might reveal them
of alien worlds, all dead. The civilizations that once thrived there later. Firewall sentinels might wonder if the person next to them
long ago reaped by their own cataclysms. The numbers show that is their comrade from a hundred missions or if that is their empty
soon too transhumanity will only be cold artifacts, waiting to be morph sleeved by an alien intelligence. In this world, friendly fire is
catalogued by the next iteration of space-faring intelligence. a valid tactic. After all, a dead friend can be resleeved. But trust an
enemy and you may cease to exist altogether.
path to the stars. PCs wield technology that makes them super- undermines scarcity capitalism. Uplifts and AGIs demand equal
human, capable of destroying habitats or possibly even planets. But personhood status. Forking challenges the legitimacy of voting in
the advanced technology of their enemies approaches omnipotence. democracies. The ability to hack minds and surveil all paves the
PCs must use the tools they have and improvise to create what path to totalitarianism.
they’re missing.
Science always comes with a cost, be it the risk of misuse or the CHANGE
loss of what makes us who we are. In a world where most people are The evolution of transhuman society is rapid. The confluence of
digitized and resleeved versions of their former selves, who have emerging technologies creates inevitable social upheavals. Norms
the option of modifying themselves beyond recognition and living are erased as quickly as they form. Ideas once considered outra-
in environments unimagined by our forebears, keeping a sense of geous or utopian float tantalizingly near. Institutions once assumed
identity and humanity may prove to be a challenge science alone to be eternal and inescapable, like the divine right of kings, now
cannot resolve. exhibit cracks in their foundations or mutate overnight into some-
thing wondrously unexpected.
POLITICS Transhumanity itself is transforming. What it might be like in two
Eclipse Phase explores a universe as it might be: transhumans across years is uncertain, much less twenty. The political map of the Solar
the galaxy, with different backgrounds and challenges. The result System could re-align, another x-risk could scatter transhumanity
is a range of political systems, from representative democracies to to the stars, or the species could advance to a post-biological stage,
bands of mind-joined cultists, from totalitarian regimes to colonies leaving only the bioconservatives behind. The only thing that is
of forking-and-merging versions of a single seed personality. Many certain is the future's uncertainty.
are familiar, some fantastical, a few obscene. Characters must learn
the local customs, but may also pause to appreciate the diversity of
the transhuman experience.
Themes • Science–Change
The Sunward Ops Team includes Dante, Hex, Qi, and Sava. Still
kicking Martian dust off their boots, this team is experienced with
There are three default stories or campaign settings for Eclipse Phase: planetary environments, overbearing governments, hypercorps,
the Firewall investigation and containment campaign, the gate- and the odd throw-down. In the inner system, missions feature
crashing exploration campaign, and the criminal action campaign. abandoned TITAN machines, corporate machinations, and polit-
Each of these will touch on the various Eclipse Phase themes and ical intrigue. The big powers are the Planetary Consortium, the
concepts, but usually focus on a particular range of adventures Morningstar Constellation claiming Venus, the conservative Lunar-
and motivations. Some stories may jump the boundaries between Lagrange Alliance, the hypercorps, and the oligarchs spinning webs
campaign styles; for example, criminals may lay low by gatecrashing behind the scenes. Conflicts between the powers are common. Trust
to an exoplanet, or Firewall agents may need to establish under- is hard won, when every organization is riddled with puppets and
world contacts to conduct a dangerous heist. Adventures may also mobsters. A sharp mind and a good dose of paranoia are critical in
be run independently of one another without connecting to a larger staying alive.
story, using either the same characters across multiple adventures Securing the big black is the Rimward Ops Team, with Chi, Killjoy,
or characters built specifically for that mission. Njál, and Zahiri. Out here, habitats are usually smaller and isolated.
Fading into the background may be impossible, and backup is
FIREWALL CAMPAIGN months away. The PCs must be able to operate in whatever wild
The primary focus of Eclipse Phase is the band of clandestine oper- frontier or research station trouble has taken root. Far from the
atives taking on the major threats faced by transhumanity. In this major powers, the rules are more flexible, but suspicious locals
campaign, the characters work for a secret, cross-factional organiza- are quick to airlock strangers. The characters are likely to find
tion called Firewall as agents or new recruits. Firewall acts to contain themselves stranded in a situation far more complex than they
and destroy x-risks that threaten the existence of transhumanity. were equipped for and forced to improvise to survive. The major
Characters are recruited from all factions (or occasionally hired as factions include the Titanians, Jovians, anarchists, Ultimates, and
mercenaries if the threat of extinction alone is not sufficient moti- brinkers. Outer-system missions focus more on containing infec-
vation). The PCs are issued a mission by a handler called a proxy tions, fighting off monstrous posthumans, investigating weird
and are the first line in investigating and stopping the threat. The experiments, and delaying war with the Jovians.
situation is usually still developing, so the briefing may be missing
critical details. The PCs are independent and under cover as they GATECRASHING CAMPAIGN
operate in a foreign habitat or hostile environment, dogged by local Gatecrashing campaigns focus on a team of explorers tasked or
authorities. They have the discretion to act as they see fit to address volunteering to go through pandora gates to remote exoplanets.
the threat at hand. Usually they are the first-in team. The space immediately around the
Sentinels are frequently expected to sacrifice themselves, either gate is known to be survivable. For anything past ten meters, there’s
by facing down impossible odds or by destroying themselves no guarantee. The characters are equipped with everything they
to prevent the spread of alien infection. When sentinels fail, the need to survive, as determined by the company’s finance depart-
backup plan may be to destroy the entire habitat. Firewall is extreme ment or their own crowdsourcing. Once through the gate, the PCs
in its measures, but if the alternative will kill millions or billions, are expected to map the area and bring back artifacts or resource
the razing of a single habitat is an acceptable loss. claims that will make their sponsors rich. They step through the
All of the sample characters and teams consist of Firewall agents. gate knowing they’re disposable. If they become infected, they
However, two teams are primarily designed for Firewall campaigns, die. If they are mortally wounded from accidents or animal attacks,
one each for the inner and outer parts of the Solar System. they die. Forget a critical tool to keep life support pumping, they
die. If they’re late getting to the gate for their retrieval time, they’re
trapped on an alien planet until they die. Most gatecrashers can
Dante ▶ Venusian Genehacker
Hex ▶ Lunar Async Fixer FIREWALL RIMWARD OPS
Qi ▶ Barsoomian Hacktivist Chi ▶ Mindhacker & Networker
Sava ▶ Freelance Spec Ops Killjoy ▶ Anarchist Troubleshooter
Njál ▶ Titanian Hacker
Zahiri ▶ Brinker Security Specialist
finally runs out. It’s part of the job. The Solar System is large and full of stories. Gamemasters
Most exoplanets are uninhabited by transhumans but frequently may wish to pursue another type of campaign altogether.
have vibrant and hungry alien ecosystems. Alien artifacts are a rare Other possible campaigns include:
and lucrative find. Gatecrashers also serve as a first-tier R&D team,
appraising what is worth bringing back for reverse engineering, • Salvage and Rescue Ops: The Fall left hundreds of aban-
what’s worthless archeological detritus, and what’s a deadly weapon doned craft and habitats in orbit, and the smallest objects
waiting to vaporize curious gatecrashing teams. Gatecrashing from Earth are worth a fortune. An enterprising team
missions may last as little as an hour, as teams complete the first willing to face TITAN war machines and hostile survivors
site report, or may be a permanent part of a new colony. stands to make a tidy profit.
The team of Gatecrashing Ops is Astika, Jinx, Shrike, and Whisper. • Mercenary Ops: Mercs are the de-facto military for many
A mish-mash of backgrounds, they’re brought together by corporate factions, relied on extensively for espionage and deniable
fiat more than choice. Keeping a cohesive team under stress (or the strikes. Mercenary work won’t necessarily be messy
promise of a larger cut) is hard, and when the bodies start falling, it’s (although it usually is). A team of assassins who can kill the
the survivors who will give the final mission report. target and permanently corrupt their backups can usually
name their price.
CRIMINAL CAMPAIGN • Researching Ops: Pursuit of knowledge can put char-
Sometimes the lure of adventure needs a little financial incentive. acters right on the precipice. Thanks to cheap backups,
This campaign circles around a band of criminals, either indepen- researchers are expected to take high-risk ventures for their
dent or associated with a larger cartel, focused on amassing credits findings. Sample adventures include ecological surveys of
and power. Sometimes this warrants discretion, to keep assets secret Titan, xenoarcheology on dead planets, SETI programs on
and the operation protected. Other times it means de-orbiting a isolated brinker habitats, or reverse engineering pandora
habitat and watching it burn on the way down. The team is focused gates to alter space and time.
on efficiency in profit-making. • Political Ops: Many polities seem to loathe their own citi-
The criminal scene has changed drastically since the Fall. zens. Bigotry and state violence are common. Those indi-
Biohackers override built-in terminator genes meant to force viduals who take a stand against oppression risk perma-
people to pay subscription fees to keep their bodies from collapsing. nent erasure. Political activists dive deep into entangling
Forknappers steal backups of financiers to extract passcodes. Zone alliances and buried corpses. Guerrilla artists, journalists,
stalkers flip TITAN war technology or samples of volatile exsurgent and resistance fighters work to undermine their govern-
contagions for a handsome profit. Triads compete with the Night ments and sabotage brutal state actions. Coordinating
Cartel in turf wars to push their new redlining experience playbacks. with outside factions to secure allies and resources is a
In many places, the syndicates provide the only form of social necessary evil.
services available. The triads especially smuggle medical equip- • Earth Survival Ops: The characters have been left behind.
ment to hidden clinics and provide militias to fight against outside During the exodus, they were not able to escape the planet
threats. Criminal PCs may find themselves fighting on behalf of a and were unlucky enough to survive the fallout. Now they
grassroots government against Consortium jackboots as often as must dodge TITAN war machines, radiation zones, and a
lifting overpriced alien leavings from wealthy collectors. weather system gone mad.
The Criminal Guanxi Ops characters, a team brought together in
the underground, are Amaru Timoti, Berk, Elis, and Pivo.
arrayed against them. These might include gathering resources, themself right into the central control room. Sample social arche-
winning allies, researching, infiltrating (or defending) mesh types include:
systems, repairing or improvising a critical tool, combat, and finally Glitterati: Vid stars, oligarchs, and politicians, they’re famous
applying what they have learned to a resolution. The skills the party enough they’ve had to trademark their face. They can usually get
must bring to the table can be roughly grouped as combat, social, what they want done through force of will alone, but when that falls
technical, and knowledge. These establish the four broad archetypes short a healthy bankroll will bring in the people who can. For the
in Eclipse Phase — the fighter, the face, the techie (or hacker), and the glitterati, fame is a double-edged sword, as they are very sensitive
scientist (or artist). In smaller groups, PCs may want to fill multiple to being caught in scandal. Firewall work is fine, as long as they’re
archetypes, while minimizing overlap. In larger groups, characters able to deny it publicly.
benefit more from specialization. Players should coordinate to Career: Face, Interest: Artist/Icon or Networker
avoid specialties that overlap too closely, but different specialties in Spies and Con artists: Sometimes it’s not who you know, but
the same field can create force multipliers. who you are. The con artist relies on perfect mimicry and a heavy
Each of the archetypes below lists suggested Career and Interest dose of infosec to pass themself off as a corporate head or a Martian
skill packages to take during character creation [▶40–42] in brackets ranger; whatever the role necessary to get a guided tour to the
after the entry. target’s front door.
Career: Covert Operative/Face, Interest: Networker/Rogue
COMBAT Negotiators: This character has the gift of gab and the rep to
Even the most cunning party will eventually be in a situation that flex it. Fixers, auctioneers, and lawyers, they can get anyone to see
must be resolved by brute force. Most characters should have things their way. Their skills extend beyond haggling. A good nego-
some combat effectiveness. The fighters are those characters who tiator can convince opponents to back off or call in favors when the
specialize in a range of combat methods, so they can always adapt chips are down.
to the situation at hand. Critical skills include Guns, Infiltrate, Career: Face
Athletics, and Fray, and they will have a morph outfitted to take a Mindhackers: Through skill in psychosurgery or psychic sleights,
pounding. Melee skill should also be considered, but in a high-tech the character peels back layers of their target’s mind, to lay it bare
setting of armor and bots, it may not be as effective as other options. or rebuild it as they see fit. Mindhackers are useful for any investi-
For groups of six players, it is recommended to have at least two gative team for their ability to isolate secrets, but also on high-stress
fighters. Some example fighters include: teams for their skill in unwinding their allies’ accumulated traumas.
Direct Action and Medusan Shield Mercenaries, Firewall Career: Mindhacker
Erasers: These characters deploy heavy-duty hardware to utterly Investigators and Journalists: With a nose for sussing information
destroy the target. They are the ideal character for slash-and-burn from an uncooperative target, investigators have skills in perception,
operations. What they bring in explosives they lack in subtlety and persuasion, research, and a host of technical and knowledge fields.
discretion. Their obvious combat morphs and oversized weapons This mix is ideal for unraveling whatever situation the team is stuck in.
will invite scrutiny during operations. Career: Hacker/Investigator, Interest: Networker/Rogue
Career: Soldier
Earth Survivors and Freedom Fighters: These characters have TECHNICAL
learned to survive under the nose of a vastly superior enemy. They The techie specializes in using, repairing, and abusing technology,
are capable with light, heavy, and improvised weapons, and bring a either hardware or software. The techie is the hero when life support
diversity of technical and knowledge skills to endure when condi- is running out and the AI has turned hostile. During combat, the
tions are tight. techie can shut down the enemy’s tools or provide forward observers
Career: Covert Operative/Scavenger, Interest: Fighter/Survivalist for the combat characters. The most common technical characters are:
Ego Hunters, Police, and Militia: This character knows how Hackers: Hackers are critical for their ability to pull data during
to navigate the micrograv jungle to locate their target. They have an investigation. Dirt like camera feeds, forgotten lifelogs, and illicit
a strong focus on social networks and investigation skills. Their shipping ledgers hang out in forgotten caches, waiting to be dug up.
combat is usually focused and discreet, but their training relies The hacker keeps just as busy tidying up their own group’s mess, by
on reinforcements when facing a stronger enemy. A good addition erasing their camera logs and digital footprints. In combat hackers
when the party isn’t looking for a body count. are lethal. As long as their team can buy them time, hackers can
Career: Enforcer/Investigator, Interest: Fighter/Forensics Specialist eject magazines from guns, jam friend-or-foe targeting on security
Assassins: The assassin uses stealth and trickery to avoid systems, open airlocks behind enemy lines, or even shut down
direct confrontation. They have a wide toolbox, and can leverage offending synthmorphs.
everything from nanotoxins to explosives to get the job done. The Career: Hacker
assassin’s reliance on stealth may become a hindrance during Engineer: When the team wakes up on a station being consumed
confrontations. An assassin who is caught unawares, who has not by grey goo in a decaying orbit and also the commander’s seat
mapped the environment and prepared multiple attack and escape sticks, it falls on the engineer to save the day. The engineer has
routes, doesn’t survive long. a range of mechanical and hardware skills to fix what’s broken or
Career: Covert Operative/Soldier Interest: Rogue/Jack-of-All-Trades modify something else to work just as well.
Career: Techie
network, the jammer’s bots scout the map. Snipers harass the enemy. chemist is recruited to identify the new drug on the streets. The
Remote spy drones plant radio taps in air-gapped networks. Armored most common roles include:
bots take on suicide missions so the team can escape. The bot jammer Genehackers: Genehackers design custom animals, morphs,
is practically a full combat squad all on their own. and bacteria. Genehackers usually can fill in the medic role, but
Career: Hacker/Techie, Interest: Jammer they will also be the lead in understanding the alien corpse, the
Scavengers: The team has minutes to act before people die. bioplague, and the exsurgent beast. When provided with the labora-
Without power or parts, the engineer quits in disgust. This is where tory and time, they might even be able to cure whatever affliction is
the scavenger thrives. The scavenger pulls through the bones of consuming the habitat (or, in the right group, create their own, more
the habitat to form something new. They can slap together a CO2 devastating threat to release).
scrubber from old batteries and cooking supplies. They can scrap Career: Genehacker
the crashed shuttle to rebuild the synthmorph. Once the team Xenoarcheologists: Exoplanet exploration is the source for the
sets out, the scavenger has the eye for every diamond of valuable most drastic leaps in technology, as gatecrashers dredge up forgotten
technology buried in the debris, and when they return home, the alien devices. Unfortunately, all of those dead species means transhu-
scavenger knows where to flip that trash to pull in a tidy profit. manity is also bringing back all those deadly threats. When the party
Career: Scavenger, Interest: Artist/Icon or Networker is grave-robbing, the xenoarcheologist isn’t just documenting how a
foreign culture lived; they’re identifying what that dangerous object
is or whether that creature is a pet or a predator.
Career: Explorer/Scientist
TITAN Researcher: The TITAN researcher prods the leavings
of the AIs who nearly exterminated transhumanity. Any work
with TITAN remains has a high mortality rate. Many specialists
are motivated by the high price TITAN technology can get on
the black market. A few risk death and insanity to understand
how the TITANs came to be and why they left. Regardless of the
motivation, TITAN researchers have a reputation for being a little
reckless with their own survival.
Career: Scavenger/Scientist/Techie, Interest: Survivalist
and moon, and the Morningstar Constellation, a recent breakaway
faction that seeks Venusian sovereignty.
The Solar System is dark.
The Earth was once a beacon of mass media and telephone calls. MAIN BELT
Now the only transmitters are abandoned distress beacons; cries The demarcation line between the inner and outer systems is a
for help left on loop. Around it are belts of abandoned habitats and melting pot of cultures and factions. A number of independent habi-
debris, guarded by networks of killsats that vaporize indiscrimi- tats thrive here, providing a forum for autonomists and hypercapital-
nately. Out of the eight billion transhumans prior to the fall, fewer ists to mingle and deal. Various criminal cartels maintain a presence
than five hundred million still survive across all known space. as well, far from legal interference. The major habitat Extropia is
known as an independent "anarcho-capitalist" stronghold, where
INNER SYSTEM mutual contracts and freelance courts are the only law.
Most survivors stayed in the inner system, expanding the estab-
lished colonies on Mars and rebuilding Luna to support the JOVIAN SPACE
hundreds of thousands of refugees that escaped there. Most of During the fear and uncertainty of the Fall, US and allied South
these orbital and inner-system habitats continue the pre-Fall American military units in Jovian orbit attacked their Chinese and
traditions of capitalism and liberal democracies, but adapted to Russian rivals, seizing control of civilian centers. The result of this
a hyper-connected reality. The hypercorps wield immense power martial law is the Jovian Republic. It is democratic in name, but real-
here, enforcing ideal business conditions at the expense of the istically the population is managed under a military rule, referred to
general population. The real power, however, lies in the hands of as the Junta in most non-Jovian media outlets.
ancient and immensely rich oligarchs who exert their influence The Republic is known as a bastion of religion and bioconser-
behind the curtain. While inner-system governments do provide vatism. They decry the resleeved and forks as soulless copies, and
basics needs for their citizens, the masses of freelancers must therefore nonhuman. To them, uplifts and AGIs are abominations
hustle from one gig to the next, while bereft infugees and inden- of nature, and both AI and nanotech are dangerous tools, likely
tures work thankless jobs for an opportunity at a new morph and to lead to another Fall. They enforce their hegemony through a
a new life. Only the wealthy enjoy the full liberty available from powerful secret police and by holding the majority of the pre-Fall’s
advanced technologies. remaining warships. The Republic’s resistance to modern tech-
The Planetary Consortium is the dominant faction here, working nologies also means they are quickly becoming obsolete and
hard to establish Mars as transhumanity's new homeworld. They outnumbered, a fear that has only made Republic leadership
engage in espionage and propaganda against their economic rivals, more aggressive.
Transhumans carve out safety from the dangers of space with
average. To Jupiter, almost an hour. To Uranus, two to three hours. these common habitat types (Habitats ▶116 ).
To Pluto, six hours. The fastest ships, sparing no expense, take
weeks or months to reach places in the outer system. Outside of • Aerostats float like balloons in dense atmospheres; they are
their immediate neighborhoods — the moons of the gas giants or common on Venus and Uranus.
"clusters" of trojan asteroids — the outer system stations are isolated • Bathyscaphes are underwater habitats tethered to the
and remote from each other. ground or ice surface. These are used on Europa, Ceres, and
Saturn's moons provide the most dense and diverse region, home other subterranean seas.
to a number of research facilities, independent colonies, and the • Beehives are warrens of tunnels cut into an asteroid or small
domed metropolises of Titan. They are the most established faction moon. They are rarely spun for simulated gravity.
of the Autonomous Alliance, with the largest intelligence and mili- • Clusters are interconnected modules existing in microgravity.
tary services. • Cylinders are massive, hollow, kilometers-long cans spun
Other habitats throughout the outer system operate as anarchist for gravity, with terraformed interiors. Hamilton cylinders
communes, privately-owned corporate states, hierarchical research are partly organic and rely on advanced nanotechnology to
facilities, or more unusual structures. Best known are the nomadic self-construct. Reagan cylinders are older, inefficient designs
scum swarms, cycling through the system to bring their experi- using hollowed asteroids in the Jovian Republic.
mental art and black and red markets to all. While isolated, most • Domes are temporary inflatable or permanent pressurized
habitats participate as members of the Autonomist Alliance, to structures built on the surface of an asteroid, moon, or plan-
share information, collaborate on matters of common interest, and etary body.
provide mutual aid and defence. These habitats thrive on their inde- • Processor Loci are just protected servers floating in orbit, for
pendence, which can also hamstring their ability to cooperate. As a use by infomorph communities.
whole, their best defense is their remoteness. Historically, however, • Shells are cluster habitats built within a protective outer layer
when a common threat has arisen, such as the brief Locus conflict, or covered framework of rings and spars.
they are able to muster a defense with navies, missiles, hackers, and • Spheres are hollow bubbles, usually hollowed-out asteroids
connections to resistance forces embedded within their enemies. with terraformed interiors, spun for low gravity.
• Subsurface habs are simply structures built underground,
THE FRINGE usually on moons or planets with little atmosphere; the
The fringe encompasses all of the less-traveled areas of the Solar ground above protects from solar radiation.
System, from the odd asteroid families and lone remote stations of • Swarms are flotillas of nomadic spacecraft, sometimes inter-
the inner system to the Kuiper Belt and eccentric orbits of various linked or towing habitats. They are favored by the scum.
outer system objects. These are home to brinkers, Ultimates, and • Tin Cans are small, cramped modules, frequently little more
factions too extreme for even the Autonomous Alliance. Here both than a pressure shell and life support. They are cheap and
hypercorps and criminal cartels pursue secret projects. Exhumans common, especially among brinkers.
also lurk on the fringe, cutting away anything they see as weakness, • Toruses are ring-shaped and spun for gravity, sometimes
be it their fleshy body or their empathy. They haunt the outer with multiple tori spinning in opposite directions, sometimes
reaches, capturing and consuming any transhuman ships foolish linked to microgravity structures.
enough to come within range.
details the setting, portrays the NPCs, adjudicates rules, and sets
the stage for the adventure scenario. The players take on the role of
their characters and describe their actions. Each character is defined
by a set of characteristics — skills, traits, etc. — listed on their char-
acter sheet. When the characters encounter difficulties or engage in
conflicts with NPCs, dice are used to determine the outcome.
Eclipse Phase uses two ten-sided dice for skill tests and most other rolls.
Rolled dice are read as percentiles (d100), with the first die serving
as the tens digit and the second as the ones digit. Percentile dice rolls
result in a number between 0 and 99 (00 is read as zero). A roll of 5
and 3, for example, is read as 53. Use different colored dice to note
which one to read first or use ten-siders made for percentile rolling.
For some other rolls (damage, stress, recharging pools), Eclipse
Phase uses both six-sided (d6) and ten-sided (d10) dice. These dice
are added together, sometimes with a modifier, to get the result. A
2d10 + 3 damage roll of 5 and a 3 would result in an 11.
In a few rare cases, the rules may call for division. In this case,
always round normally (i.e., a result of 1.5 or higher is rounded to 2).
When the GM calls for a test, roll percentile dice and compare the
result to the target number. The target number is based on the
character’s skill, aptitude check, or rep network score. If the result
is equal to or less than the target number, the test succeeds. If the
result is higher, the test fails.
Though you want to roll equal to or under the target number,
you also want to roll as high as possible in order to get a superior
success ▶31 or to beat your opponent in opposed tests ▶32.
Players roll the dice when making tests for their characters; GMs
roll for NPCs. Sometimes the GM makes tests for PCs in secret, so
as not to alert players to something their characters wouldn’t know,
like whether or not they spot a clue. It’s a good idea for GMs to keep
a copy of the PC character sheets on hand.
Treat multiple characters engaging in the same activity — such as
a group searching a room or someone attempting to calm an angry
mob — as a single entity. In this case, simply roll once for the group,
using the highest skill among them — or the lowest, if the group is
an impediment. If the result may separately impact multiple char-
acters, however, have them roll individually. If a group of characters
actively cooperates on a test, use the teamwork rules ▶31.
Slightly Easy Minor Boost +10 be severe enough without needing to know how badly the char-
acter screwed up. GMs make the final call on when/how to apply
Average +/–0 superior results.
Slightly Hard Minor Hindrance –10
Hard Moderate Impediment –20 CRITICALS
When you roll doubles on a test — 00, 11, 22, etc. — you score a crit-
Very Hard Major Drawback –30
ical result. If you roll a critical and succeed, you get a critical success.
If you roll a critical and fail, you score a critical failure. A roll of 00
is always a critical success, a roll of 99 is always a critical failure, no
DIFFICULTY AND MODIFIERS matter the target number.
Fixing a common glitch in your favorite robot isn’t as difficult as Criticals have more impact than superior results. They represent
repairing an unknown malfunction on an unfamiliar model. These “Wow!” moments where you stun onlookers with your proficiency
degrees of difficulty are represented by modifiers — adjustments or ineptness. They provide extra bonus effects/penalties, as deter-
that raise or lower the target number. An easy test provides a posi- mined by the GM. Here are some examples:
tive modifier, increasing the target number. A hard test inflicts a
negative modifier. • Double the damage you inflict with an attack.
Modifiers are assigned in multiples of ten, ranging from +10 to • Gain a +/− 20 modifier to the next test you make.
+30 and –10 to –30, as noted on the Modifiers table. • Take an extra action (critical success) or lose your next action (crit-
In addition to the test’s inherent challenge level, various situa- ical failure).
tional aspects may also influence the test, such as high-quality gear, • Break a weapon/tool (critical failure).
poor environmental conditions, or the health of the character. These
factors are also represented as modifiers based on their level of You are encouraged to devise creative critical results as appro-
severity, as noted on the Modifiers table. priate to the situation. If a critical is also a superior result, only the
GMs assign modifiers as appropriate to the situation. If multiple critical applies.
circumstances affect a test, we strongly suggest the GM assess
the situation as a whole and apply a single modifier based on the DEFAULTING
overall net effect, rather than taking the time to itemize individual If you lack the skill you need to make a test, you can rely on your
modifiers. No set of multiple modifiers should impact a test by character’s innate talents and default to the skill’s linked aptitude
more than +/− 60. instead (Aptitudes ▶36). For example, if you lack Guns skill, you can
still shoot using your Reflexes aptitude as the target number.
SUPERIOR RESULTS: 33/66 RULE There is no modifier for defaulting on a skill test, but critical
Sometimes you will rock your test with flair, sometimes you will successes are ignored.
fumble it with indignity. On a roll of 33 or more that succeeds, you In some cases, the GM may allow you to default to a related skill.
get a superior success. On a roll of 66 or more, you get two superior For example, someone trying to repair a gun without any Hardware
successes. On a roll of 66 or less that fails, you get a superior failure. skills could default to their Guns skill. In this case, a –10 to –30
On a roll of 33 or less, you get two superior failures. modifier applies, depending on how closely the skills are related.
For each superior result, choose one of the following. For two The GM may decide that some tests require specialized knowl-
superior results, you may choose two of the following or one twice edge or training and so cannot be defaulted on.
for double the effect:
• Quality: The work is more exact (success) or more sloppy (failure). Multiple characters may cooperate on a test, such as pushing open a
This may affect subsequent tests by +/− 10. door or repairing a robot together. These collaborators must reason-
• Quantity: The test consumes fewer (success) or more (failure) mate- ably be able to communicate and work together in an efficient
rials or produces fewer or more results. fashion. Only one character rolls for the test (usually the one with
• Detail: You acquire information that is much more in-depth or the highest skill). Each additional contributing character provides a
nuanced (success) or false (failure). +10 modifier, up to a maximum of +30.
• Time (task actions only): The action takes a shorter (success) or Only the character making the test can use pools ▶34 to affect
longer (failure) amount of time, by +/− 25%. the test.
• Covertness: The action is less (success) or more (failure) obvious or For tests involving Know, Technical, or Vehicle skills ▶48, collab-
draws less or more attention (+/− 10 as appropriate). orating characters must possess the tested skill at 40 or more to
• Damage: Successes inflict more (+1d6) damage (failures miss). provide a teamwork bonus.
Success tests are the most common type of test. Use them whenever however, may require quick, complex, or even task actions.
your character acts without direct opposition. Most skill tests, rep
network tests, and aptitude checks are handled as success tests and AUTOMATIC ACTIONS
require a quick or complex action to complete. Automatic actions are always “on,” reflexive, or otherwise require no
Success tests are described under Making Tests ▶30. effort to initiate. This includes base and full movement.
Examples: Base move, basic perception, breathing, defending
Trying Again against an attack, dropping prone, dropping something, full move,
If you fail a test, you may try again, but with a cumulative –10 resisting damage, speaking a simple sentence or two.
modifier. So your first re-try will be at –10, your second at –20,
your third at –30, and so on. In some cases, the GM may rule that QUICK ACTIONS
re-attempts are not possible, such as situations where you have only Quick actions take a fraction of a second or require so little cogni-
one chance to succeed before circumstances change. tive effort that you can do them while undertaking something else.
Examples: Activating or deactivating a device, conveying
OPPOSED TESTS complex information, detailed perception, drawing a weapon,
Opposed tests are called for when you are directly opposed by an ducking behind cover, gesturing, jumping, opening a door, picking
NPC or other force. Negotiating, arm-wrestling, pickpocketing, and something up, quick aim, standing up, taking a drug.
combat are all examples of opposed tests. Opposed tests are more
difficult — you must not only succeed but also beat your opponent. COMPLEX ACTIONS
When making an opposed test, both sides make a test as Complex actions require a few seconds of concentration and effort.
described above. Modifiers are applied to whichever side gains an Examples: Attacking in melee, examining, finding something in
advantage (a negotiation where one party has inside information) a bag, full aim, full defense, non-standard movement, reloading a
or to both sides if equally affected (two runners competing on a weapon, rushing, shooting a gun, using a complex device.
slippery surface).
• If one opponent succeeds and the other fails, the successful one Task actions require more than a few seconds to complete. Each task
wins the contest. action has a timeframe, the base amount of time required to finish it.
• If both sides roll under their target number, whomever rolls highest Timeframes may be measured in action turns, minutes, hours, days,
wins and succeeds. The other either fails or succeeds but loses. or even months. The actual time to complete a task is equal to the
• If both sides tie or fail, either the opponents remain deadlocked or timeframe adjusted by any superior results ▶31 you score on the test.
the highest roll or skill wins and succeeds (GM’s choice). You may interrupt your work on a task and continue it later, unless the
GM specifically rules the task requires uninterrupted effort.
Critical successes trump high rolls on opposed tests. If both sides For task actions with timeframes of one day or longer, it is
succeed, but the lower roller gets a critical, they pull an upset victory assumed that eight hours of effort equals one day of work. If you
from the clutches of defeat. If both opponents roll critical successes, spend more or less time per day, adjust the time taken accordingly.
the higher roll (or skill if tied) wins with a critical, the loser fails or If you fail a task action, you expend 25% of the timeframe, +25%
succeeds but loses. per superior failure, before you realize you have failed.
Examples: Climbing, hacking, infiltration, medical examination,
programming, repairing, scientific analysis, searching a room, swim-
Do you have time to leap across the micrograv module and defuse the TAKING TIME
bomb? Can you get your vacsuit on before the hole in the ship vents You may take extra time on a test, gaining a bonus for careful and
all the air? Most of your actions are handled in a free-form manner, methodical work. For each minute you take completing a test as a task
with the GM only loosely tracking time. When timing and the order of action that normally only requires a quick or complex action, apply
actions become important, Eclipse Phase uses action turns to measure a +10 modifier, up to a maximum of +60. At the GM’s discretion, you
time in scenes. The type of actions you can make break down into automatically succeed once your target number exceeds 100.
four types — automatic, quick, complex, and task actions. For task action tests that already require time to complete, the
timeframe must be increased by +25% for each +10 bonus.
An action turn represents roughly 3 seconds. During each action RUSHING THE JOB
turn you may undertake one of the following: You may try to finish a task action in less time by accepting a penalty
to your test. For every 25% you reduce the timeframe, you incur
• 1 complex action and 1 quick action a –20 modifier, up to a maximum 75% reduction (–60 modifier).
• 1 task action and 1 quick action Though this timeframe reduction is compatible with other reduc-
• 3 quick actions tions, no timeframe may be reduced more than 75% total.
Timing in an action turn can be critical — it may mean
life or death for a character who needs to get behind cover
before an opponent draws and fires their gun. The order
of actions between multiple characters within a turn is
determined by Initiative.
Your Initiative stat is equal to (Intuition + Reflexes) ÷ 5.
This score may be further modified by ware, drugs, psi,
or wounds.
At the beginning of an action sequence, every character
rolls for initiative. Roll 1d6 and add your Initiative stat.
The highest total goes first, followed by the other charac-
ters in descending order. In the event of a tie, characters
go simultaneously (or resolve by highest REF or roll-off ).
In Initiative order, declare and resolve the actions you will
take that action turn. Once everyone has gone, a new action
turn starts, using the same Initiative order. When it is no
longer necessary to minutely keep track of who goes when,
you can drop out of Initiative order and return to free-form
game time.
You may choose to delay until later in the Initiative order.
You can specify when you want to act (before or after
another character, for example), a specific condition that
will cause you to act (i.e., if someone attacks you), or simply
go on standby. You can interrupt another character acting
later in the Initiative order once they have declared their
action and go before them. You may interrupt another
between their actions or before they take an extra action.
Once you act, your place in the Initiative order in subse-
quent turns becomes the count on which you took the
delayed action. If you delay past the end of the turn and
into the next, your Initaitive order will change, but you will
only get your delayed action that turn.
If multiple characters delay and choose to act at the
same time, the one with the lowest Initiative roll must
declare their action first, and the higher Initiative character
can choose to interrupt or go after.
You may spend Vigor or Insight ▶34 for an extra physical
or mental action each turn. These extra complex or quick
actions take place at the end of the turn, after everyone else
has gone. If multiple characters take extra actions, they are
handled in Initiative order. You cannot take more than two
extra actions in a single action turn.
enhanced physical prowess, elevated charisma. They boost your for 24 hours or until your next recharge ▶35.
inherent talent and enable you to face down challenges, overcome • Refresh Rep: Restore rep network favors at a cost of 1 point for a
obstacles, and achieve impressive feats. Minor favor and 2 points for a Moderate favor. Major favors cannot
Each pool is linked to a different group of aptitudes and skills be refreshed this way.
and may be used in unique ways to modify your rolls or provide • Acquire a Clue: Get a tip or lead by gathering information via social
other bonuses to your character. interactions without needing to make a test.
• Control Your Infection: Avoid making an Infection Test when
• Insight pool is linked to mental capabilities: Cognition, Intuition, using a psi sleight (asyncs only).
and their linked skills. • Negate Gaffe: Ignore a player’s social gaffe that the character
• Moxie pool is linked to social interactions: Savvy, Willpower, and wouldn’t make.
linked skills. It may also be used for Rep and Infection Tests.
• Vigor pool is linked to physical efforts: Reflexes, Somatics, and their VIGOR
linked skills. Your physical pool may also be used for one of
• Flex is a wild-card pool. It can be used to affect dice rolls for any the following effects:
tests and for narrative control.
• Take the Initiative: Go first in an action turn.
USING POOLS If multiple characters choose this option, they
You may spend points from your pools to affect the tests you make; go in Initiative order before everyone else.
choose one of the following options. Each pool may only be used • Extra Action: Take an extra complex physical
for tests that use their linked skills or aptitudes (i.e., a Vigor point action (or 2 quick actions) in an action turn. This
can be used on a skill test or aptitude check linked to REF or SOM). action may only be taken after everyone else has gone. If multiple
Flex may be used on any tests. Unless otherwise noted, only 1 pool characters choose this option, they go in Initiative order after
point may be spent per test. everyone else has taken their turn.
• Ignore Wound: Ignore the effects of 1 wound for 24 hours or until
• Before Roll: Ignore all modifiers to the test. your next recharge ▶35.
• Before Roll: Add +20 to the test’s target number.
• After Roll: Flip-flop a d100 roll. For example, 83 becomes 38. FLEX
• After Roll: Upgrade a success to a superior success (or one to two). Your wild-card pool may also be used for
• After Roll: Downgrade a critical failure to a regular failure. narrative control:
• Ongoing (Insight/Moxie/Vigor Only): Receive +5 (1 point) or +10
(2 points) to all skill tests linked to one aptitude for 24 hours or • Introduce NPC: A new or existing NPC
until your next recharge ▶35. joins the scene. Their presence must be plau-
sible. You may define one aspect of this NPC:
Various enhancements (ware, drugs, sleights, etc.) provide their morph, factional allegiance, a noteworthy
bonuses to your pools. These are cumulative, up to a maximum skill, a specific trait, etc. The GM determines the
bonus of +5 points to any single pool. other details.
• Introduce an Item: A previously unnoticed item is added to the
INSIGHT scene. Its presence must be plausible. The item cannot be offensive
Your mental pool may also be used for one of the following effects: (no weapons) and it must be of Minor (not Rare or Restricted)
Complexity. It can be a useful tool, a necessary piece of gear, or even
• Take the Initiative: Go first in an action turn if a clue. The GM determines its placement within the scene and the
you are only taking mental or mesh actions nature of any clues.
and no physical movement. If multiple • Define the Environment: You may introduce an environmental
characters choose this option, they go in factor to a scene. Its presence must be plausible. It should provide
Initiative order before everyone else. a new detail that does not drastically alter the scene. Examples
• Extra Action: Take an extra complex include hiding spots, cover, distractions, shelter, or exploitable
mental or mesh action (or 2 quick actions) elements such as a ladder or window.
in an action turn. These actions may only be • Define a Relationship: You may introduce a new, plausible relation-
taken after everyone else has gone. If multiple characters choose ship between your character and an existing NPC. This should be a
this option, they go in Initiative order after everyone else has taken loose/minor connection rather than a close/serious tie. For example,
their turn. you may have a common friend, shared history, or old but mild
• Acquire a Clue: Gain a hint or lead through investigation, research, rivalry. You may define the rough basics, but the GM determines
or analysis of the facts at hand, without needing to make a test. the finer points and the NPC’s attitude towards your character.
Some effects, such as drugs and psi sleights, provide temporary
pool bonuses. These points should be considered extra points that DON’T HOARD!
are expended before any of your regular pool points. These bonus
With expendable resources like pools, it can be tempting
points may be restored with a recharge, but only if all of your
to avoid spending them in case you need them later. While
normal pool points are restored first. If you do not spend bonus
this can sometimes be a wise tactical decision (perhaps
points before the duration of the effect ends, they are lost.
you are out of short recharges and suspect a boss fight is
coming up), we strongly encourage you to avoid hoarding
for the sake of it — spend your pool when you need it.
Your character is defined by a number of abilities and scores, all
recorded on your character sheet.
The most important distinction in your stats is the distinction
between ego and morph. Your ego represents your mind, person-
ality, memories, inherent traits, and learned skills. It represents your
mental state and true self and transfers with you from body to body.
Your morph is your physical (or sometimes virtual) form, the body
you currently inhabit. Your morph may change or die, and is some-
times considered expendable, but your ego lives on. Your conscious-
ness’s continuity may sometimes be interrupted by an unexpected
death, however, or split off onto divergent paths by forking. Both
ego and morph may be customized and modified, though mind
hacks are a trickier and more dangerous affair.
Your aptitudes, skills, and some derived stats and traits all belong
to your ego. They stay with you throughout your character’s devel-
opment. Your morph provides you with pools to enhance your skills,
Durability to represent your health and constitution, implants or
robotic enhancements, and some traits and derived stats of its own.
These change when you switch to a new morph. It is important to
keep your ego and morph stats distinct, especially when resleeving.
Your aptitudes represent your natural, inherent abilities. They are
the foundation for your skills.
There are 6 aptitude scores:
Aptitudes Trauma Threshold
Aptitude Checks Insanity Rating
Skills Ego traits
Initiative Motivations
Lucidity Some Flex Pool
Pools Death Rating
Durability Morph traits
Wound Threshold
resist mental manipulation. REP
• Intuition (INT) Check: Evaluate a situation, see through an illusion, Your character has a reputation score in different social networks.
or grok alien intentions. This rep will help you score favors, gather information, and acquire
• Reflexes (REF) Check: Catch a thrown object, balance, avoid necessary gear. Rep scores are used as your target number for Rep
blinding glare, or stop yourself from falling. Tests. There are seven rep networks to choose from:
• Savvy (SAV) Check: Evaluate a social situation, express empathy,
follow etiquette, or resist social manipulation. • @-rep: The Circle-A List, for autonomists, anarchists, Titanians,
• Somatics (SOM) Check: Exercise brute strength, endure hardships, scum, and Extropians.
or break free from grapples. • c-rep: CivicNet, used by the Planetary Consortium, Morningstar
• Willpower (WIL) Check: Keep your composure, steel your resolve, Constellation, Lunar-Lagrange Alliance, Jovian Republic, and other
or resist fear or emotional manipulation. hypercorps and capitalists.
• f-rep: Fame, the media network used by metacelebrities, journalists,
Aptitude checks are a derived stat, based on your aptitude × 3. socialites, artists, and glitterati.
• g-rep: Guanxi, the network for triads, cartels, gangs, and other
SKILLS criminal groups.
Skills represent abilities learned and honed through education and • i-rep: The Eye, Firewall’s secret internal network.
practice. They are described in detail under Skills ▶48. • r-rep: Research Network Affiliates, used by Argonauts, scientists,
technologists, and researchers of all stripes.
MORPH • x-rep: ExploreNet, the social network for gatecrashers and exoplanet
Your morph is your character’s current biological, synthetic, or colonists
digital form. This may be the body you were born in or one you
sleeved into. Morphs come pre-loaded with specific traits and GEAR
implants, noted in the morph description. Morphs ▶54. Your character will have access to different types of useful equip-
Don’t get too attached to your morph: you are likely to move to ment: weapons, armor, robots, drugs, smart animals, tools, and more.
a new one at some point during gameplay! Acquiring Morphs ▶290. To simplify things, your starting gear is grouped into gear packs
based on your starting career. Gear Packs ▶68. You will have several
DERIVED STATS options for acquiring gear during gameplay. Acquiring Gear ▶312.
A number of your stats are derived from other stats or aspects of
your character. These include: MOTIVATIONS
Your motivations define your character's personal agenda, beliefs,
• Initiative (INIT): Initiative determines the order in which people and long-term goals. They help you earn Rez Points for character
act during action turns. Initiative & Order of Actions ▶33. advancement and cope with mental trauma. Step 13: Motivations ▶47.
• Wound Threshold (WT): The amount of damage you can take
before receiving a wound. Physical Health ▶220.
• Durability (DUR): Your character’s health, determined by your
morph. Physical Health ▶220.
• Death Rating (DR): The amount of damage it takes to kill you, deter- Derived Stat Formulas
mined by morph. Physical Health ▶220.
Stat Formula
• Trauma Threshold (TT): The amount of stress you can take before
receiving a trauma. Lucidity and Stress ▶222. Initiative (REF + INT) ÷ 5
• Lucidity (LUC): Your character’s mental health, based on Willpower. Aptitude Checks Aptitude × 3
Lucidity and Stress ▶222. Wound Threshold DUR ÷ 5
• Insanity Rating (IR): The amount of stress that will drive you Death Rating DUR x 1.5 (biomorphs)
insane, based on Willpower. Lucidity and Stress ▶222.
• Pools: Your Insight, Moxie, Vigor, and Flex pools, mostly derived DUR x 2 (synthmorphs/infomorphs)
from your morph, with a Flex bonus from your ego. Pools ▶34. Trauma Threshold LUC ÷ 5
• Infection Rating: If playing an async, your Infection Rating indicates Lucidity WIL × 2
the strength of the virus's hold over you. Infection Rating ▶272. Insanity Rating LUC × 2
Infection Rating (Asyncs Only) Psi trait level × 10
choosing packages of skills. Each background provides you with a package of active and
knowledge skills. Note these on your character sheet. Don’t dwell
Step 1: Background ▶next column: Your origin and too long on your choice — you’ll have an opportunity to acquire
accompanying skills. other skills and switch some skills around in later steps. For field
Step 2: Career ▶40: Your profession and relevant skills. skills, a short selection of common fields is listed, but you can
Step 3: Interest ▶42: Your secondary focus and related skills. choose your own (Skills ▶48). Alternatively, leave the field unas-
Step 4: Faction ▶44: Pick your alliance. signed for now and decide on it during game play.
Step 5: Aptitude Template ▶44: Assign your inherent ego stats.
Step 6: Total Skills ▶45: Total your aptitudes and skill values. COLONIST
Step 7: Languages ▶45: Decide what languages you start with. You were an original settler of Earth orbit, Luna, Mars, or a smaller
Step 8: Flex ▶45: Get 1 Flex point for free. outpost elsewhere, before the Fall.
Step 9: Reputation ▶45: Assign your rep scores in different
social networks. Free Fall 40
Step 10: Customization ▶46: Tweak to your heart’s content. Hardware: (Choose One)
Step 11: Derived Stats ▶46: Use the values you’ve assigned to Common Fields: Aerospace, Electronics, Industrial
calculate a few remaining stats. Interface30
Step 12: Starting Morph & Gear ▶46: Choose a body and Pilot: (Choose One)
gear packs.
Common Fields: Air, Ground, Nautical, Space
Step 13: Motivations ▶47: Decide what drives you forward. Survival30
Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Administration, Flight Crew Ops, Hab Ops
CHARACTER Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Botany, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics
A few words of wisdom before you get started. ENCLAVER
On Earth, you lived a life of precarious but protected stability in a
CREATE AS A GROUP defended enclave.
It’s best to have a balanced selection of character types, so you can
better overcome obstacles and dangers. Work with the other players Athletics40
to make sure you have the basics covered. There are four archetypes Interface40
every Eclipse Phase team can use: combat, face (social), hacker, and Kinesics30
scientist. Within those archetypes there are many variations and it can Persuade20
be worthwhile to overlap, in case one PC is removed from the action. Pilot: Ground 20
PLAN AHEAD Know: (Choose One)
Character creation is a step-by-step process, with the exception of 60
Common Fields: Celebrity Gossip, Pop Culture, Sports
Customization Points (CP). Everyone gets 20 CP (possibly more, if
Know: (Choose One)
you also buy negative traits) to spend in Step 10, and you can use 30
some or all of these points to increase stats acquired in previous Common Fields: Economics, Education, Psychology
steps. To minimize the need to recalculate anything, try to keep your
CP spending options in mind during each step. If you’re not quite FREELANCER
able to get what you want, that’s probably a good time to spend CP. You were a cog in the wheels of hypercapitalism, taking whatever
gigs came your way.
If you're looking to make a psychic character, familiarize yourself
with the rules for psi ▶272. You should strongly consider the Lost ▶39 Kinesics20
and/or Async ▶42 skill packages, which will give you Psi skill. You Persuade40
will need to purchase the Psi trait ▶74 with your Customization Program30
Points, and some other traits may also be of interest. You should Research40
also set aside some of your CP to spend on psi sleights ▶280. The Know: (Choose One)
sub-strain ▶273 you choose will characterize your infection and also 60
Common Fields: Accounting, Data Processing, Freelancing
provide you with options for the mandatory Addiction or Mental Know: (Choose One)
Disorder trait you must take and the free sleight you get. Finally, be 30
Common Fields: Craft Beers, Martian Techno, Sports
sure to calculate your Infection Rating in Step 11: Derived Stats ▶46.
Persuade30 Infiltrate20
Provoke30 Kinesics40
Know: (Choose One) Perceive20
60 Psi50
Common Fields: Fine Art, Hypercorp Politics, Stock Market
Know: (Choose One) Know: (Choose One)
30 60
Common Fields: Economics, Law, Political Science Common Fields: Biology, Psychology, Sociology
Know: (Choose One)
INDENTURE Common Fields: Privacy, Serial Killers, Mind Hacks
With nothing to lose, you sold yourself into a work contract for the
off-world hypercorps. UNDERCLASS
You are a veteran of the slums, favelas, ghettoes, and flooded cities
Fray or Melee 20 of Earth. You used whatever means necessary to get by.
Free Fall 40
Hardware: (Choose One) Deceive30
50 Fray20
Common Fields: Groundcraft, Industrial, Robotics
Interface40 Guns or Melee 40
Perceive20 Kinesics40
Know: (Choose One) Perceive20
60 Persuade20
Common Fields: Asteroid Mining, Habitat Ops, Terraforming
Know: (Choose One) Know: (Choose One)
30 60
Common Fields: Black Markets, Gambling, XP Dealers Common Fields: Black Markets, Drugs, Triads
Know: (Choose One)
INFOLIFE Common Fields: Con Artistry, Police Ops, Smuggling
You are an AGI, a digital consciousness born of software code.
You are an uplift: the latest generation of bonobo, cetacean, chim-
Interface50 panzee, corvid, gorilla, neanderthal, octopus, orangutan, or parrot
Program50 raised to human levels of intelligence.
Know: (Choose One)
60 Fray20
Common Fields: Accounting, Administration, System Administration
Know: (Choose One)
30 Perceive40
Common Fields: Computer Science, Cryptography, Psychometrics
ISOLATE Know: (Choose One)
You eked out a self-exiled existence in a remote habitat or ship on 60
Common Fields: Uplift Culture, Uplift Rights
the fringes of occupied space.
Know: (Choose One)
Free Fall 40 Common Fields: Genetics, Sociology, Zoology
Hardware: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Aerospace, Electronics, Robotics
Medicine: Paramedic 20 Random Background
If you’d rather determine your background randomly, roll 1d10:
Pilot: (Choose One)
30 Roll Background Roll Background
Common Fields: Air, Ground, Nautical, Space
1 Colonist 6 Infolife
Know: (Choose One) 2 Enclaver 7 Isolate
60 3 Freelancer 8 Lost
Common Fields: Flight Crew Ops, Gas Mining, Habitat Ops
Know: (Choose One) 4 Hyperelite 9 Underclass
Common Fields: Bioconservativism, Conspiracies, Religion 5 Indenture 10 Uplift
You might look for a package that gives you more diversity or one that Persuade60
complements the skills you’ve already acquired. Don’t worry about Know: (Choose One)
doubling up on skills — you can adjust that in a later step. Common Fields: Fencing, Police Ops, Smuggling
Your career also determines your starting gear packs ▶68. Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Black Markets, Drugs, Underground XP
You devote your efforts to the pursuit of knowledge.
DNA is your artistic medium, proteins your weapon of choice.
Know: (Choose One) 60 Medicine: Biotech 60
Know: (Choose One) 40 Medicine: Pharmacology 40
Know: (Choose One) Program30
30 Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Administration, Instruction, Lab Ops 60
Common Fields: Biology, Genetics, Physiology
Know: (Choose One)
COVERT OPERATIVE Common Fields: Lab Ops, Medical Services, Morph Design
You are a spy, infiltrator, thief, or undercover agent, skilled at
accessing places you don’t belong.
Software heeds your beck and call, whether you seek to exploit
Infiltrate60 systems or protect them.
Know: (Choose One) Infosec60
60 Interface40
Common Fields: Security Ops, Smuggling, Spycraft
Know: (Choose One) Program30
30 Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Black Markets, Current Events, Politics 60
Common Fields: Computer Science, Cryptography, Mathematics
Know: (Choose One)
ENFORCER Common Fields: Data Processing, Network Engineering, System
You’re a thug, whether you’re wielding force for a hypercorp, cartel, Administration
habitat overseer, or autonomist militia.
Guns20 Few details escape your scrutiny, whether you are a journalist,
Melee50 private investigator, detective, or insurance claims investigator.
Know: (Choose One)
60 Perceive40
Common Fields: Bodyguarding, Racketeering, Security Ops
Know: (Choose One)
30 Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Cartel Politics, Gambling, Night Clubs 60
Common Fields: Ego Hunting, Investigation, Journalism
Know: (Choose One)
EXPLORER Common Fields: Black Markets, Current Events, Cartels
You’ve walked on alien worlds and seen things with your own eyes
that others wouldn’t believe.
You have a background in medicine and experience as a physician,
Medicine: Paramedic 20 surgeon, paramedic, body bank tech, or other type of medical specialist.
Pilot: (Choose One)
20 Kinesics30
Common Fields: Air, Ground, Nautical, Space
Survival60 Medicine: Paramedic 60
Know: (Choose One) Medicine: Biotech 40
60 Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: First-Contact Ops, Gatecrashing, Surveying 60
Know: (Choose One) Common Fields: Biology, Genetics, Psychology
30 Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Astrobiology, Geology, Xenoarcheology 30
Common Fields: Body Bank Ops, Emergency Services, Surgical Ops
Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Astrobiology, Memetics, Physics
Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Field Science, Investigation, Lab Ops
You serve a habitat polity, hypercorp, or mercenary outfit.
Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Bodyguarding, Military Ops, Security Ops
Know: (Choose One)
Common Fields: Conflict Zones, Gambling, Mercenary Groups
You make and fix things. You might be a roboticist, habitat tech, or
artifex nano-engineer.
ASYNC Persuade40
You are infected with the Watts-MacLeod strain of the exsurgent Provoke30
virus ▶273, which gives you a number of unique mental talents and Know: Rep Nets 40
disadvantages. You must purchase the Psi trait in Step 10.
Perceive20 You have picked up some first aid training.
Know: (Choose One) 40 Fray20
Medicine: Paramedic 40
COMMANDER Know: Emergency Services 40
You are accustomed to leadership roles as an executive, officer,
elected official, or autonomist organizer.
You prefer to do the driving yourself, no matter how skilled the AI is.
Provoke40 Hardware: (Choose One) 30
Know: Administration 40 Pilot: (Choose One) 30
Pilot: (Choose One) 40
Know: Flight Crew Ops 40
You’ve picked up some self-defense and offensive capabilities along
the way. ROGUE
You are as shifty as you need to be.
Guns40 Deceive40
Melee40 Fray20
Know: Security Ops 40 Infiltrate40
Know: (Choose One) 40
Interface40 Guns40
Persuade30 Medicine: Paramedic 30
Research30 Survival30
Know: (Choose One) 40 Know: (Choose One) 40
You’ve spent your fair share of time in ships and smaller habitats. Random Interest
If you’d rather determine your interest randomly, roll 1d10:
Free Fall 40 Roll Result
Hardware: Choose One
40 1–5 Roll on Group 1
Common Fields: Electronics, Industrial, Robotics
Interface20 6–10 Roll on Group 2
Know: (Choose One) 40 Roll Group 1 Group 2
Common Fields: Astronomy, Flight Crew Ops, Gas Mining 1 Animal Handler Networker
2 Artist/Icon Paramedic
You are in the process of learning.
5 Fighter Slacker
Interface40 6 Forensics Specialist Spacer
7 Jack-of-All-Trades Student
8 Jammer Survivalist
Know: (Choose One) 40
9–10 Re-roll Re-roll
Know: [Faction] 30. The Factions sidebar provides a brief summary aptitudes ▶36. These templates are provided as guidelines, and you
of each group; further details can be found on ▶152–174. may raise or lower an aptitude score by taking or giving points from
If you are unsure of what faction to pick at this time, you may other aptitudes. For example, you can lower WIL by 5 to raise COG
skip this section for now and determine your faction, motivation, by 5. No aptitude score may be lower than 5 or higher than 30.
and Know skill during gameplay. You also can choose not to have Though conceptually skills are built on the aptitude values, this
a faction — not everyone picks sides. If going factionless, simply step is placed after the skill choices so that you may tailor your apti-
choose your own motivation and take any Know skill you like at 30. tudes to your skill set. For example, if you have a lot of SAV-linked
Faction allegiance does not necessarily mean you are a hardcore skills, choosing a template with a high SAV is a solid way to opti-
true believer. You may have been born or raised into a faction and mize your character. Alternatively, if you feel you are lacking skills
reluctantly stuck with it, or you may be finding yourself ques- linked to a certain aptitude, boosting that aptitude may help to
tioning some of the faction’s tenets. You may be a dissident, trying round out your character.
to actively change the faction from within. For now, your faction Spending CP: Extra aptitude points cost 1 CP each. If you’re
allegiance indicates the transhuman grouping you are most familiar going to bump an aptitude, we recommend doing it now, before you
with and whose goals you at least nominally support. Perhaps you calculate your skills in Step 6.
are even a defector or new recruit, with an Know skill in your old
faction but a motivation tied to your new one. Actioneer
You are more comfortable with physicality than talking or thinking.
FACTIONS Extrovert
Anarchist: You believe power is corrupt and favor voluntary, You can talk your way through most situations.
non-hierarchical organizations based on direct democracy.
Argonaut: You seek technoprogressive solutions to transhu- Facilitator
manity’s injustices and inequalities. You’re good with people, planning, and seeing things through.
You wish to see Mars liberated from hypercorp control. Factotum
Brinker: You belong to a cult, commune, or other group that You’ve never quite stood out, but you exhibit broad competence.
seeks isolation from the rest of transhumanity.
Criminal: You are associated with the underworld, either part of Inquirer
a large cartel, smaller gang, or as an independent operator. Your creative mind is good at figuring things out.
Extropian: You believe in unrestricted free markets and that
taking proactive risks with technology is better than playing Survivor
it safe. You have the will and stamina to scrape by in tough situations.
Hypercorp: You support hypercapitalist expansion and compet-
itive-economics-driven social order. You accept that certain Thrill Seeker
liberties must be restricted for security and freedom. You’ve never said no to a dare, but your fast reaction time and quick
Jovian: You are a bioconservative concerned about out-of-con- thinking compensate for your lack of foresight.
trol transhuman technologies.
Lunar/Orbital: You support the conservative economics,
Earth-tied nationalism, and traditionalism of the Lunar-
Lagrange Alliance.
Mercurial: You oppose the assimilation and oppression of AGIs Aptitude Template
and uplifts, supporting self-determination for your kind. Template COG INT REF SAV SOM WIL
Reclaimer: You believe transhumanity should be focused on
Actioneer 10 15 20 10 20 15
reclaiming, terraforming, and repopulating Earth.
Scum: You push the boundaries of the experimental, fully Extrovert 10 20 15 20 15 10
testing what it means to be transhuman. Facilitator 15 15 10 20 10 20
Socialite: You are a part of the glitterati, defining and defined by Factotum 15 15 15 15 15 15
inner-system media culture.
Titanian: You are a technosocialist, believing that science and Inquirer 20 20 10 15 10 15
technology can provide for the well-being of all. Survivor 15 10 15 10 20 20
Venusian: You adhere to the Morningstar Constellation’s vision Thrill Seeker 20 10 20 15 15 10
for a more socialized, friendlier hypercapitalism.
Regional: You are a Solarian, Sifter, Belter, Europan, Ringer, or
Skimmer invested in the culture, prosperity, and security of
your area of the Solar System.
winged flight. life, including emergency care, forensics, pharmacology,
Deceive (SAV): Lying, bluffing, conning, fast talk, imperson- psychosurgery, and surgery.
ation, acting, and other attempts to misrepresent or hide Melee (SOM): Fighting, whether unarmed or using blades,
the truth with words and gestures. clubs, or similar handheld weapons.
Exotic Skill (Field): Catch-all category for less common Perceive (INT): Awareness and use of your physical senses.
skills such as animal handling, contortion, disguise, Persuade (SAV): Bargaining, convincing, etiquette, and
music, sleight of hand, or throwing knives. social manipulation.
Fray (REF): The ability to get out of the way of danger. Pilot (REF, Field): Moving in a vehicle or non-humanoid or
Free Fall (SOM): Physical activity in microgravity. non-biomimicked morph.
Guns (REF): Aiming and shooting. Used for beam, kinetic, Program (COG): Writing and modifying software code. Also
seeker, and spray weapons. used for nanofabrication or crafting VR environments or
Hardware (COG, Field): Building, repairing, disabling, AR illusions.
upgrading, and physical hacking of technological Provoke (SAV): Intimidation, taunting, seduction, or any
systems. invocation of emotion to socially manipulate.
Infiltrate (REF): Sneaking, hiding, and escaping detection. Psi (WIL): Use of async sleights.
Infosec (COG): Hacking or protecting devices and networks. Research (INT): Finding and interpreting data on the mesh.
Interface (COG): Using and understanding electronic Survival (INT): Navigation, tracking, finding safe food and
devices, software, networks, and weapons systems. shelter, and defending oneself against hostile planetary
Kinesics (SAV): Perception of body language, tells, social environments.
cues, and nonverbal communication.
over 80 must be applied to another skill of the player’s choosing.
Again, Know skill points may only be used for other Know skills.
Players should feel free to switch their skills for any other skills Every ego starts with 1 permanent Flex point Pools ▶34.
as long as the number of points remains the same, and as long as Spending CP: Extra Flex points cost 2 CP each. You may not start
Know skill points only go toward other Know skills. with more than 3 ego Flex points.
We suggest keeping aptitudes and skills in multiples of 5 for
simplicity, but this is not a requirement.
Spending CP: Each point of CP gets you 5 skill points. Use these
points to purchase or raise any skills you think you’ll need.
You have 100 points to divide between rep networks. There are
seven networks to choose from ▶37. You should strongly consider
taking rep scores that fit your faction choice.
We recommend taking either 60/40 in two networks or 50/25/25
in three networks. You may not start with a rep score higher than 80
in any network.
If you are unsure what rep networks to choose, talk to your GM
about leaving them blank for now and filling them in during gameplay.
Spending CP: Every point of CP buys you 5 rep points.
gameplay. Just keep track of what you’ve spent. • Initiative: (REF + INT) ÷ 5.
• Aptitude Checks: Each aptitude has a check (Cognition Check,
INCREASED APTITUDE Intuition Check, etc.) equal to the aptitude × 3.
CP may be spent to increase aptitude scores at a cost of 1 CP per • Lucidity: WIL × 2.
aptitude point. This will increase all skills linked to that aptitude as • Trauma Threshold: LUC ÷ 5.
well; no skill may be raised above 80. Increases to COG or INT may • Insanity Rating: LUC × 2.
increase the number of languages you start with (see Step 7). • Infection Rating (Asyncs Only): Psi trait level × 10.
STEP 12:
You may purchase any of the ego traits listed on ▶72–80. Positive
traits have a CP cost listed. Negative traits give you bonus CP. No
46¹ Step 10: Customization • STEP 11: DERIVED STATS • Step 12: Starting Morph & Gear
Now that your character is mostly fleshed out, you must choose 3 Acceptance Martian Liberation
motivations. Motivations are personal aspirations your character AGI Personhood Morphological Freedom
pursues. Most of these are long-term and rooted in the character’s Alien Contact Neurodiversity
ideological beliefs, personal drive, or backstory. Motivations will Anarchism Open Source
help your character earn extra Rez Points ▶366 and cope with mental Autonomy Personal Career
stress and trauma ▶222. Bioconservatism Personal Improvement
Motivations are listed on your character sheet as a single term Create Legacy Philanthropy
or short phrase, along with a + or – symbol to denote whether they Creative Expression Prove Others Wrong
support the cause or oppose it. For example, “+Fame” would indi- Discover/Forget Past Reconnect with
cate that your character seeks to become a famous media personality, Education Transhumanity
whereas “–Reclaim Earth” means that your character opposes the Escape Religion
goal of reclaiming Earth. Expand Influence Revenge
Your first motivation is based on your faction choice, as Exploration Scientific Discovery
determined in Step 4 ▶44. Note this on your sheet as “+[Faction] Fame/Recognition Self-Reliance
Interests.” Your other two motivations are based on your character’s Find a Purpose Skill Mastery
personal interests; see the Example Motivations sidebar for ideas. Find a Tribe Socialism
If you did not choose a faction, simply choose a third personal Friendly ASI Stability
motivation instead. Hedonism Survival
If you’re not sure what motivations to pick just yet, you can Immortality Technoprogressivism
always leave them blank for now and fill them in during gameplay. Independence Thrill-Seeking
Leadership Transparency
OPTIONAL: MOTIVATIONAL GOALS Locate Lost [Friend/Item/ Uplift Rights
Motivations are good for steering your character, but they are very Lover/Relative] Venusian Sovereignty
open-ended. To fine-tune the concept, list out a specific short-term Make Art Wealth
goal for each motivation. For example, if your motivation is +Discover
Your Past, your goal might be to investigate the habitat where you were
re-instantiated with lack a few months after the Fall. If your motivation
is +Argonaut Interests, your goal might be to liberate a specific cache
of proprietary scientific data for all of transhumanity to use. This is good time to look back at your character’s background, career,
If your GM has a detailed campaign idea worked out in advance, interests, skills, traits, motivations, and other defining points. These
you may want to wait and decide on your goals until you have been tell a story — you just need to fill in the remaining details. What did
fully introduced to the setting so you can integrate them within they think of their childhood? Do they still have ties from there?
the context of the story arc. For example, if your GM establishes a How did they move from such origins to the career and faction they
campaign about the liberation of Mars from hypercorp control, and are part of ? How did they acquire those skills and motivations?
you have +Mercurial Interests, you first goal might be to connect a What do their rep scores and traits say about them? How did they
mercurial group you support with the Barsoomians and establish get their current morph? Is it their original? If not, what happened
common ground. to their first body? Did they survive the Fall? What have they done
If your group prefers a more cooperative style of campaign devel- in the decade since?
opment, motivational goals provide ample material for the GM to These questions will help you build a defining picture of your
construct scenarios around. With this style of play, you may want to character. Not everything about your character needs to be filled
pick one motivation as your primary and establish multiple goals in out, of course — it’s OK to leave a few blanks that you can fill in
relation to it. These goals can then serve as stepping stones for your later. Assembling the points you have deduced so far will help you
character’s personal story arc. to present your character as a whole, unique individual, however,
For more interactive motivations, have each player choose one of rather than just a blank template.
the goals of another character. When doing so, they should specif- As a final step, take a few minutes to pick out some specific iden-
ically try to construct it in a way that connects it back to their own tifying features and personality quirks that will help you define
character. This is a great opportunity to establish shared interests, the character to others. This could be a way of talking, a strongly
histories, and backgrounds between player characters. projected attitude, a catchphrase they use frequently, a unique look
or style of dress, a repetitive behavior, an annoying mannerism, or
anything similar. Such idiosyncrasies give something that other
players can latch onto, spurring roleplaying opportunities.
Hardware: [Field] Cognition Active, Field, Technical 49
Infiltrate Reflexes Active, Physical 50
Infosec Cognition Active, Technical 50
Interface Cognition Active, Technical 50
Kinesics Savvy Active, Social 50
Know: [Field] Field, Know 52
Medicine: [Field] Cognition Active, Field, Technical 51
Melee Somatics Active, Combat 51
Perceive Intuition Active, Mental 51
Persuade Savvy Active, Social 51
Pilot: [Field] Reflexes Active, Field, Vehicle 51
Program Cognition Active, Technical 51
Provoke Savvy Active, Social 51
Psi Willpower Active, Mental, Psi 51
Research Intuition Active, Technical 51
Survival Intuition Active, Mental 51
Type: Active, Physical
Linked Aptitude: Somatics
Free Fall is a companion skill to Athletics for morphs that are
humanoid, uplift, or using biomimicked movements. Use it for phys-
ical activity in microgravity environments or when free falling.
Use Free Fall to push yourself down a micrograv tunnel, propel
yourself across an open space in zero g, re-orient yourself out of a
spin, maneuver with vacsuit attitude jets, correctly apply some type
of propulsion when drifting in space, or when parachuting.
Specializations: Jump, Parachute, Pull, Vacsuits
Type: Active, Combat
Linked Aptitude: Reflexes
Guns deals with the maintenance and use of modern firearms,
seeker launchers, and coherent energy and projectile weapons.
Use Guns to shoot beam, kinetic, seeker, and spray weapons.
Attacks made with Guns skill are opposed with Fray ÷ 2.
Specializations: Beam Weapons, Firearms, Plasma Weapons,
Railguns, Seekers, Spray Weapons
Type: Active, Field, Technical
Linked Aptitude: Cognition
Hardware handles the design, construction, repair, and alteration
of different types of technological systems.
Use Hardware to repair a life support system, upgrade a robot,
hack an electronic lock, or assemble a functional vehicle from spare
parts. Most Hardware Tests are task actions.
Sample Fields: Aerospace (aircraft and spacecraft), Armorer
(armor and weapons), Demolitions (explosives), Electronics,
Groundcraft, Industrial (factory, habitat, and life support
systems), Nautical (watercraft and submarines), Robotics (bots
and synthmorphs)
Specializations: As appropriate to the field
Type: Active, Physical Type: Active, Technical
Linked Aptitude: Reflexes Linked Aptitude: Cognition
Infiltrate is the art of escaping detection. Interface is about using and understanding computers, electronics,
Use Infiltrate to sneak past a guard, hide from a search party, networks, sensors, and software. It applies to everything from mesh
blend into a crowd, shadow someone, conceal an object, or evade servers and cloud services to embedded habitat/spacecraft system
a sensor system. It is opposed by Perceive skill, though anyone not controls and computerized or emplaced weapon systems.
actively searching suffers a distraction modifier; against a group, Use Interface to manipulate electronics, command software, forge
use the highest Perceive skill among them. Infiltrate is best handled video files, scan for wireless devices, jam frequencies, get sensor
as a task action covering a specified distance, rather than rolling readings, control life support functions, and understand new devices.
each action turn. Interface is also used to attack with non-portable weapon emplace-
Specializations: Blend In, Hide, Shadow, Sneak ments and the weapon systems of piloted (but not jammed or sleeved)
vehicles and spacecraft (Weapon Systems ▶209).
INFOSEC Specializations: Forge, Jam, Scan, Sensors, Weapon Systems
Type: Active, Technical
Linked Aptitude: Cognition KINESICS
Infosec is short for “information security.” It incorporates training Type: Active, Social
in electronic intrusion and counter-intrusion techniques, as well as Linked Aptitude: Savvy
use of cryptography tools. Kinesics is the art of empathy and nonverbal communication.
Use Infosec to hack into electronic and mesh systems, subvert Use Kinesics to read someone’s emotional state, gauge their
them, and protect them. Also use it to encrypt and decrypt commu- intentions, detect lies, identify mannerisms and tells, and use body
nications and files. Most Infosec Tests are task actions. See The language to emote and convey information. Kinesics is used to
Mesh ▶240, for additional details on mesh systems and applications oppose Deceive skill.
of Infosec skill. Though synthmorphs are designed to emote, reading them is more
Specializations: Brainhack, Brute-Force Hack, Decrypt, Probe, difficult; apply a –30 modifier. The same modifier also applies to ALIs
Security, Sniff, Spoof, Subvert, VR Hack that are operating pods, bots, or synthmorphs. At the GM’s discretion,
similar modifiers may apply to morphs that lack anthropomorphic
characteristics or that are sleeved by egos accustomed to much
different physiologies (such as a neo-octopi in a neo-avian morph).
Specializations: Detect Deception, Emote, Judge Intent
or the biological functions of alien life. Use Medicine: Paramedic to ment, AR illusion, or infomorph mind-state.
diagnose ailments and treat injuries ▶221. Medicine: Pharmacology Specializations: AIs, Infomorphs, Malware, Nanofabrication,
is used to synthesize drugs or develop an antidote to a pathogen or Piracy, VR
toxin. Medicine: Psychosurgery is used to heal stress and manipu-
late the mind (▶223 and ▶294). Use Medicine: Veterinary to provide PROVOKE
healthcare to smart animals and non-sapient critters. Type: Active, Social
Sample Fields: Biotech, Forensics, Paramedic, Pharmacology, Linked Aptitude: Savvy
Psychosurgery, Veterinary Provoke is your talent at emotional manipulation.
Specializations: As appropriate to the field Use Provoke to taunt an opponent, intimidate a witness, rile up
a mob, scare someone into submission, browbeat a captive into
MELEE surrendering information, or seduce a potential lover. Opponents
Type: Active, Combat resist Provoke with a WIL Check.
Linked Aptitude: Somatics Specializations: Calm, Fluster, Inspire, Interrogate, Intimidate,
Melee deals with fighting, whether unarmed or with held or Seduce, Taunt
implanted weapons.
Use Melee to punch, kick, grapple, or attack with a blade, club, PSI
or other weapon. Melee is opposed by Fray if dodging or by the Type: Active, Mental, Psi
opponent’s Melee skill if blocking or parrying. Linked Aptitude: Willpower
Specializations: Blades, Clubs, Disarm, Grapple, Implants, Unarmed Psi is the wielding of psychic abilities (sleights) to detect, manip-
ulate, or harm others.
PERCEIVE Use Psi to target others with psi-gamma sleights ▶282. Psi is
Type: Active, Mental resisted with a WIL Check.
Linked Aptitude: Intuition You must possess the Psi trait ▶74 to use this skill.
Perceive skill is awareness and use of your physical senses. Specializations: Control, Psi Assault, Sense
Use Perceive to spot an intruder, find a clue, locate a trap, search
a room, or scrounge up something useful. You start with a base RESEARCH
Perceive of INT × 2. Perceive is opposed by Infiltrate skill. Type: Active, Technical
Basic perception is an automatic action, with a –20 distraction Linked Aptitude: Intuition
modifier as your attention is elsewhere. Detailed perception, without Research is your google fu, your skill at finding, analyzing, and
modifiers, is a quick action. Thorough investigation is a task action. understanding information online. It includes knowing where to
Specializations: Hear, Investigate, Scrounge, See, Smell look, optimizing your queries, separating fiction from truth, and
processing massive amounts of data.
PERSUADE Use Research to look up an answer on the mesh, track people
Type: Active, Social online, access the deep mesh, search databases, sift through archives,
Linked Aptitude: Savvy and mine data dumps.
Persuade is the ability to convince others to do what you want Specializations: Blogs, Cloud Services, Deep Mesh, News Archives,
through words and gestures, logic and reason. It is the art of subtle Social Networks, Science Archives, Track
social manipulation. It does not include intimidation, coercion,
seduction, or other emotionally driven manipulation (use Provoke). SURVIVAL
Use Persuade to drive a bargain, convince a reluctant party, nego- Type: Active, Physical
tiate a truce, motivate your peers to take action, or sway someone to Linked Aptitude: Intuition
your side. Persuade is opposed by the opponent’s SAV Check. Survival encompasses the skills needed to survive in and
Specializations: Diplomacy, Negotiate, Motivate maneuver through hostile environments.
Use Survival to navigate, track a person or animal in the wild,
PILOT: [FIELD] find safe food and shelter, and defend against ecological and envi-
Type: Active, Field, Vehicle ronmental dangers.
Linked Aptitude: Reflexes Specializations: Forage, Hunt, Navigate, Track
Pilot is about maneuvering and controlling non-humanoid
morphs, bots, and vehicles, whether sleeved or remote operated.
It applies to movement systems that do not rely on use of limbs:
wheeled, thrust vector, rocket, etc.
Use Pilot to drift a car around a tight corner, evade pursuit, avoid
a crash, barrel roll a plane, or perform a high-g spacecraft maneuver.
Sample Fields: Air, Ground, Nautical, Space
Specializations: As appropriate to the field
ations, and figure out what to do. Sociology, Xeno-archeology, Xenolinguistics, Zoology
Points assigned for Active and Know skills are not interchange- Specializations: As appropriate to the field
able. If you decided to take away points from a Know skill during
character creation, you may only apply those extra points to another Arts
Know skill. Linked Aptitude: Intuition
Art fields include various modes of artistic expression and evalua-
KNOW: [FIELD] tion. This is a particularly useful skill in economies and clades where
Type: Know, Field creativity and vision can be a key component of your reputation.
Know skill represents your accumulated knowledge in a field of Use Art fields to bring your imagination to life, create a work of
work, study, or interest. Know skills are loosely grouped into four art, critique an artist’s style or performance, or appraise an artistic
types: academics, arts, interests, and professional training. project’s worth.
Note that Art fields should not be used in place of Active skills
Academics to directly deceive, influence, or sway others. Crafting a realistic
Linked Aptitude: Cognition augmented reality illusion requires Program skill, incorporating
Academic fields cover all of the disciplines of scientific knowl- a hidden message within a public song or speech would rely on
edge and advanced study. They include theoretical and applied Deceive skill, making a speech to convince a panel or rally a crowd
sciences, social sciences, transhumanities, and technology. requires Persuade or Provoke. However, Art fields may be used as
Use Academics to call upon your education. For example, Know: complementary skills ▶53 in such cases.
Chemistry could be used to identify a particular substance, under- Sample Fields: Architecture, AR Design, Criticism, Dance, Drama,
stand an unusual chemical reaction, or determine what elements are Drawing, Music, Painting, Performance, Sculpture, Singing,
needed to nanofabricate something that requires exotic materials. Speech, VR Design, Writing
The GM may choose not to allow defaulting on some Know Tests, as Specializations: As appropriate to the field
only someone who has been educated in that subject is likely to be
able to tackle it.
related to that particular subject. are skilled in Guns, you likely know quite a bit about makes
Sample Fields: Celebrities, Conspiracies, Factors, Exhumans, and models, manufacturers, and possibly even their history.
Exoplanet Colonies, Gambling, Hypercorp Politics, Lunar Likewise, your Hardware: Robotics skill means you know
Habitats, Martian Beers, Morphs, Reclaimer Blogs, Scum Drug a lot about synthmorphs and bots, who makes them, etc.
Dealers, Spaceship Models, Strategy Games, TITAN Tech, Triad This associative knowledge does not go quite as deep as
Economics, Transhuman Factions, Underground XP, VR Games someone who has studied or trained in that field, however.
Specializations: As appropriate to the field A character with equivalent scores in Know: Weapons
Dealer or Know: Robot Designs will have more in-depth and
Professional Training specialized knowledge. To represent this, GMs should apply
Linked Aptitude: Cognition a negative modifier of –10 to –30 when using Active skills
Profession fields cover knowledge and training in the practices in place of Know skills, depending on the situation and the
and procedures of various legal and extralegal trades. depth of the knowledge required.
Use Profession fields to recall specialized knowledge available to
someone trained or experienced in that particular industry: notable In a similar vein, a group of characters looking to break into a
figures, common practices, apps and gear used, logistics, scheduling, facility could use Know: Security to evaluate the defenses, Know:
accounting, terminology, legalities, internal politics, trade history, Architecture to identify covert points of entry, Know: Sports to
ethics standards, major locations, influential hypercorps/cartels/ plan their infiltration at a time when the guards are likely to be
collectives, and so on. distracted, Know: Triads to identify a local crime group that can sell
Sample Fields: Accounting, Administration, Asteroid them breaking and entering gear, and Know: Administrator to help
Mining, Body Bank Ops, Bodyguarding, Cool Hunting, Con identify a top-level exec who will have the security codes they need.
Artistry, Data Processing, Ego Hunting, Emergency Services, When used appropriately, these skills can be just as beneficial as the
Entertainment, Fencing, Field Science, First-Contact Ops, Flight Active skills used to break inside, if not more so because the plan is
Crew Ops, Freelancing, Gas Mining, Gatecrashing, Habitat more likely to succeed as a result of this preparation.
Ops, Instruction, Investigation, Journalism, Lab Ops, Medical Finally, Know skills help bring flavor and character to the setting.
Services, Military Ops, Morph Design, Nanofacturing, Network While Know: Martian Beers might not seem that useful at first, an
Engineering, Police Ops, Racketeering, Scavenging, Security Ops, enterprising character could use that expertise as an opening to talk
Service Work, Smuggling, Social Engineering, Social Services, to a potential source at a bar, to convince a suspicious Barsoomian
Spycraft, Surveying, System Administration, Terraforming cell they are not an off-world spy, or simply to amuse the others
Specializations: As appropriate to the field at the table with anecdotes about how certain exhumans strangely
reek of Olympus Stout or the perils of consuming too much Pilsener
USING KNOW SKILLS Red Lager in zero g.
It may seem like Know skills have fewer in-game applications than
Active skills, but they should not be underestimated. They have COMPLEMENTARY SKILLS
three major uses, the first of which is analyzing clues and solving In certain cases, Know skills can aid Active skill tests with a comple-
mysteries. Many Eclipse Phase scenarios are based around techno- mentary skill bonus modifier. This should only apply to situations
logical dangers, alien encounters, and scientific phenomenon, and where the Know skill provides information that would not normally
so characters will need a good balance of Know skills to unravel the be encompassed by the Active skill. For example, Know: Religious
problem and find solutions. Cults could be applied as a complementary skill when trying to
Just as importantly, Know skills are valuable in helping the Persuade a religious brinker group, but Know: Engineering is not
characters — and the players — understand the world of Eclipse complementary to a Hardware: Industrial Test to repair part of a
Phase. In particular these skills can be used to assess a situation, habitat, because the Hardware skill already incorporates such engi-
identify strengths and weaknesses, make plans, evaluate worth, neering knowledge.
make comparisons, forecast probable outcomes, or understand the The bonus for a complementary skill is based upon its rating, as
applicable science, socio-economic factors, or cultural or historical noted on the Complementary Skill Bonus table.
context. In this regard, Know skills can be a valuable tool for GMs
to assist the players, prompting for Know skill rolls to help flesh out
details of the game setting that might otherwise be overlooked or
not readily apparent. Complementary Skill Bonus Table
For example, a group of players new to Eclipse Phase might not Know Skill Modifier
fully grasp the fine distinctions between different factions, the 40–59 +10
cultural relevance of certain technologies, or the potential impact of
a new scientific breakthrough on the setting — and might not even
60–79 +20
think to ask. GMs can and should call for Know Tests to help impart 80+ +30
the relevant information.
Case Synthmorph 0 MP 63
Digimorph Infomorph 0 MP 67 Splicer
Dragonfly Synthmorph 1 MP 63 Splicers are genefixed humans. Their
Exalt Biomorph 2 MP 54 genome cleansed of hereditary diseases
Flat Biomorph 0 MP 54 Biomorphs are fully biological sleeves and optimized for looks and health, but not
Flexbot Synthmorph Variable 66 (often genetically modified and equipped otherwise substantially upgraded. Splicers
Fury Biomorph 6 MP 57
with implants), birthed naturally or from make up the majority of transhumanity.
Futura Biomorph 4 MP 56
an exowomb, and grown to adulthood
Galatea Synthmorph 5 MP 64
Ghost Biomorph 6 MP 57 either naturally or at a slightly acceler-
ated rate.
Hibernoid Biomorph 4 MP 56 Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 90
Ikon Infomorph 1 MP 67
Menton Biomorph 4 MP 56 Flat WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45
Neo-Avian Uplift 0 MP 60 Flats are baseline unmodified humans, Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 1
Neo-Bonobo/Chimp Uplift 1 MP 60 born with all of the natural defects, heredi-
Neo-Gorilla Uplift 3 MP 60 tary diseases, and other genetic mutations Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Neo-Neanderthal Uplift 2 MP 60 that evolution so lovingly applies. Flats are Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Neo-Octopus Uplift 3 MP 61 increasingly rare outside bioconservative
Neo-Orangutan Uplift 3 MP 61 enclaves — most died off with the rest of
Neotenic Biomorph 2 MP 55 humanity during the Fall. Exalt
Novacrab Pod 4 MP 58 Exalts are the common, non-specialized
Olympian Biomorph 4 MP 56
Operator Infomorph 2 MP 67 Flat “enhanced human” model. They are genet-
ically upgraded to make them healthier,
Pleasure Pod Pod 4 MP 59 Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 30
Reaper Synthmorph 12 MP 65 smarter, and more attractive (based on ever-
Remade Biomorph 7 MP 57 WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45 evolving beauty standards). A modified
Ruster Biomorph 3 MP 55 metabolism keeps them fit and athletic for
Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Savant Synthmorph 4 MP 64 the duration of an extended lifespan.
Security Pod Pod 5 MP 59 Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Pod 5 MP
Synthmorph 5 MP
Common Extras: Exalt
Many have the Genetic Defect trait ▶78.
Spare Synthmorph 0 MP 63 Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 70
Splicer Biomorph 1 MP 54
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53
Steel Morph Synthmorph 5 MP 65
Swarmanoid Synthmorph 3 MP 63 Insight 1 Moxie 1 Vigor 1 Flex 0
Sylph Biomorph 4 MP 56 Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Synth Synthmorph 3 MP 63
Worker Pod Pod 3 MP 58 Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Common Biomorphs
Olympians are human upgrades with
improved athletic capabilities like endur-
ance, hand-eye coordination, and cardio-
vascular functions. Olympians are common
Futura among athletes, dancers, freerunners, gate-
Futura morphs were specially crafted for the crashers, and soldiers.
“Lost Generation” of accelerated-growth chil- Hibernoid
dren. Adjusted for confidence, self-reliance,
and adaptability, futuras were intended Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 70 Olympian
to help transhumanity regain its foothold. Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 60
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53
These programs proved disastrous and the WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 60
Insight 1 Moxie 1 Vigor 0 Flex 2
line was discontinued, but some models Insight 1 Moxie 1 Vigor 3 Flex 1
and various spin-offs remain, viewed by Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
some with distaste and others as collect- Ware: Biomods, Circadian Regulation, Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
ibles or exotic oddities. Clean Metabolism, Cold Tolerance, Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Cortical Stack, Hibernation, Mesh Inserts
Futura Sylph
Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 25 Menton Sylph morphs are ideal for media icons,
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53 Mentons are genetically modified to elite socialites, XP stars, models, and narcis-
increase cognitive abilities, particularly sists. Sylph gene sequences are tailored for
Insight 2 Moxie 4 Vigor 1 Flex 0
learning ability, creativity, attentiveness, distinctive good looks, ethereal and elfin
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20 and memory. They are favored by academics, features, and slim and lithe bodies. Their
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts intellectuals, scientists, and engineers. metabolism has also been sanitized to
eliminate unpleasant bodily odors and their
Menton pheromones adjusted for universal appeal.
Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 60
Hibernoids are transgenic-modified humans
with heavily altered sleep patterns and
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53 Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 60
metabolic processes. Hibernoids have a Insight 3 Moxie 1 Vigor 1 Flex 1
decreased need for sleep, requiring only WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45
1–2 hours a day on average. They can also Movement Rate: Walker 4/20 Insight 1 Moxie 3 Vigor 1 Flex 1
trigger a form of voluntary hibernation, Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts,
effectively halting their metabolism and Mnemonics Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
need for oxygen. Hibernoids make excellent Ware: Biomods, Clean Metabolism, Cortical
long-duration space travelers, but these Stack, Enhanced Pheromones, Mesh Inserts
morphs are also favored by personal aides Common Extras:
and hypercapitalists with non-stop lifestyles.
Many have the Striking Looks trait ▶76.
Common Biomorphs
Pods (a colloquialism derived from “pod
people”) were originally designed as biolog-
ical androids. Their parts are vat-grown
Basic Pod
These original general-purpose models are
designed to keep the buyer/user depen-
dent on the manufacturer.
Novacrab Novacrab
Basic Pod Bioengineered from coconut crab and
spider crab stock and grown to a larger Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 50
Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 80 (human) size, novacrabs are ideal for WT: 9 • DUR: 45 • DR: 68
WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45 hazardous work environments as well as Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 3 Flex 0
vacworker, police, or bodyguard duties.
Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 1 Flex 0
They climb and handle microgravity Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20 well and can withstand a wide range Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Carapace Armor
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Cortical Stack, of atmospheric pressure (and sudden (+6/+7), Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack,
Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, pressure changes) from vacuum to deep Cyberbrain, Enhanced Respiration, Gills, Mesh
Puppet Sock sea. They are equipped with ten 2-meter
Inserts, Mnemonics, Oxygen Reserve, Puppet
long legs, massive claws, chitinous armor,
Morph Traits: Planned Obsolescence Sock, Vacuum Sealing
compound eyes (with human-equivalent
image resolution), gills, dexterous manipu- Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3),
Worker Pod latory digits on their fifth set of limbs, and Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2)
Heavily feature in menial-labor jobs that transgenic vocal cords. Notes: Claw Attack (DV 2d10)
involve interaction with other transhumans.
Worker Pod
Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 70
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53
Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 2 Flex 1
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Cortical Stack,
Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics,
Puppet Sock
These biomorphs are the original bodies
Neo-avians include ravens, crows, and gray
parrots uplifted to human-level intelligence.
Their physical sizes are much larger than
their non-uplifted cousins (to the size of a
human child), with larger heads for their
increased brain size. Numerous transgenic
modifications have been made to their
wings, allowing them to retain limited
flight capabilities at 1 g, but giving them a
more bat-like physiology so they can bend
and fold better and adding primitive digits
for basic tool manipulation. Their toes are
also more articulated and now accompa-
nied with an opposable thumb. Neo-avians
have adapted well to microgravity environ-
ments, and are favored for their small size
and reduced resource use.
Neo-Avian Neo-Bonobo/Neo-Chimp
Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 50
Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 50
WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45
WT: 5 • DUR: 25 • DR: 38
Insight 0 Moxie 2 Vigor 1 Flex 0
Insight 2 Moxie 1 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
Movement Rate: Walker 2/8, Winged 8/40
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell, Neo-Gorilla
Ware: Biomods, Claws, Cortical Stack, Direction
Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet Neo-gorillas benefit from enhanced
Sense, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts,
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1) cognition and upright stances like other
Prehensile Feet, Wings
Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1) neo-hominids, though they are not as adept
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3),
at climbing. They stand roughly as tall as
Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2) Neo-Neanderthal humans and have stronger and larger frames.
Notes: Beak/Claw Attack (DV 2d6), This morph is derived from fossilized
Small size ▶227 Neanderthal DNA, uplifted and enhanced
to transhuman equivalence. Neanderthal
Neo-Bonobo/ morphs appear muscular with a heavy bone Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 40
Neo-Chimpanzee structure, distinctively long skulls, heavy WT: 9 • DUR: 45 • DR: 68
Like other neo-hominids, uplifted bonobo brow ridges, and weak chins. Pale complex- Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 3 Flex 1
and chimpanzee morphs feature enhanced ions and red hair are common features.
intelligence and bipedal frames. Their Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
long arms and prehensile feet are a boon
for climbing and maneuvering in micro-
Neo-Neanderthal Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell,
Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet
gravity environments. They retain the Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 35
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1),
body hair of their forebears, though it is a WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53 Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1)
common cultural practice to dye, stylize, or Insight 0 Moxie 1 Vigor 2 Flex 1
otherwise manipulate it. Transgenic vocal
systems allow them to speak as humans do. Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Morph Traits: Non-Human Biochemistry
(Level 1)
SYNTHMORPHS Synthmorphs — as well as bots, vehicles, and similar shells —
Most synthmorph designs were originally intended to be robots,
share the following capabilities:
piloted by ALIs. Robot forms are optimized to suit their function, and
so a wide variety of body plans exist. Robots designed to interact with
transhumans often have biped or quadruped walker frames, to better Lack of Biological Functions
navigate transhuman dwellings and spaces, but were often distinctly Shells need not be bothered with trivialities like breathing,
non-human in appearance. Many feature a sort of symbolic “face,” to eating, defecating, aging, sleeping, or any similar minor but
give transhumans something to look at and interact with, but these crucial aspects of biological life. They are also immune to
were rarely realistic, so as to avoid uncanny-valley creepiness. toxins and pathogens. Synthmorphs are powered by nuclear
Since the Fall, more synthmorphs have been designed specifically and standard batteries, and sometimes solar power; for
for transhuman egos, as they are cheaper and quicker to make than game purposes, power is not an issue for them.
biomorphs. Without specialized robotic functions in mind, many
of these synthmorph designs feature anthropomorphic frames Pain Filter
(androids and gynoids) specifically tailored for egos used to human Synthmorphs can filter out their pain receptors so that they
forms, including heads and distinctive (though still non-realistic) are unhampered by wounds or physical damage. This allows
faces. As transhumanity grows accustomed to synthmorphs and them to ignore the −10 modifier from 1 wound (Wound
more creative, however, innovative and unusual synthmorph Effects ▶220 ), but they suffer −30 on any tactile-based
designs become more common-place. Perceive Tests and will not even notice they have been
damaged unless they succeed in a (modified) Perceive Test.
Immunity to Shock
Synthmorphs have no nervous system to disrupt, and their
optical electronics are carefully shielded from interference.
Shock attacks temporarily disrupt wireless radio communi-
cations, however, impeding all mesh actions until the end of
the next action turn.
Environmental Durability
Synthmorphs are built to withstand a wide range of envi-
ronments, from dusty Mars to the oceans of Europa to the
vacuum of space. They are unaffected by any but the most
extreme temperatures and atmospheric pressures. Treat as
cold tolerance ▶324 and vacuum sealing ▶325.
Synthetic shells are made to last — a fact reflected in their
higher Durability and built-in Armor ratings. Their compo-
sition also makes their physical strikes more damaging;
unarmed strikes by shells inflict DV 2d6.
Case Dragonfly Synth
Cases are mass-produced robotic shells, an The dragonfly takes the shape of a meter- Synths are even more humanoid than
affordable resleeving option for the poor, long flexible shell with eight wings, four cases and of better quality. They are
though of notoriously poor quality. They are manipulator limbs, and a prehensile tail. commonly deployed for labor-intensive
available in many varieties to suit a client’s Capable of near-silent flight in Earth gravity, tasks in environments not suited for
taste. Most case morphs are anthropomor- dragonfly bots fare even better in micro- biomorphs or for people who need a
phic, with a thin framework body standing gravity. Their wings operate independently body quickly and cheaply or simply on a
just shorter than an average human. and can rotate, allowing for graceful transient basis. Most designs are anthropo-
maneuvering, hovering, and tight turns. morphic, though various alternatives exist,
Case including some based on uplift physiology.
Arachnoid The reaper is a combat morph in the form
Arachnoid shells mimic the shapes of of an armored disc, so that it can turn
spiders, termites, ants, beetles, and and present a thin profile to an enemy.
other arthropods. Three or four sets of Four legs/manipulating arms and four
pneumatic limbs are capable of rotating weapon pods are folded inside its frame.
around their meter-long torso, and an It uses vector-thrust nozzles to maneuver
additional set of manipulator arms near in microgravity and also takes advantage
the head enables fine manipulation and of an ionic drive for fast movement over
tool use. Arachnoids move by walking, distance. Reapers are infamous due to
hopping, extending omnidirectional military sims and Fall XPs; bringing one
mini-wheels for skating movement, or by into most habitats will undoubtedly raise
retracting their limbs and maneuvering eyebrows if not get you arrested.
with vectored-air thrusters in microgravity.
Arachnoid Cost: 12 MP • Avail: 10
Cost: 6 MP • Avail: 40
WT: 12 • DUR: 60 • DR: 120
Steel Morph WT: 11 • DUR: 55 • DR: 110 Insight 1 Moxie 0 Vigor 6 Flex 1
Like the galatea, this upscale shell was Insight 1 Moxie 0 Vigor 3 Flex 0
designed to counter biochauvinist Movement Rate: Hopper 4/20, Ionic 8/40,
attitudes and make synthmorphs more Movement Rate: Thrust Vector 8/40, Walker 4/20
appealing. Where the galatea is optimized Hopper 4/12, Thrust Vector 8/40, Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Anti-
for social interaction, steel morphs provide Walker 4/20, Wheeled 8/40 Glare, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced
enhanced physical capabilities for both Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Vision, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts,
work and recreation.
Lidar, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Radar,
Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Retracting Limbs, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon
Steel Morph Retracting Limbs Mount (Articulated, 4)
Cost: 5 MP • Avail: 50 Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3) Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80 Notes: Medium Frame (Armor 8/6) Notes: Heavy Frame (Armor 12/10)
Insight 0 Moxie 1 Vigor 3 Flex 1
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain,
Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
Notes: Medium Frame (Armor 8/6)
FLEXBOT Fighter Module
Flexbots are modular and customizable, demolition, excavation, manufacturing, These modules are combat-oriented.
each composed of one or more modules construction, or robotics assembly.
that interlock in various shapes and
configurations. Individual modules are
Flexbots can also incorporate any robot
with Modular Design ware as modules.
Fighter Module
specialized towards specific functions and All flexbots have the following stats, Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 60
also capable of transforming into a variety plus the stats for their module type: WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 60
of shapes and mechanisms. They have Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 1 Flex 0
4 limbs in their default configurations. All Flexbots
Independent modules are only the size Ware: Pneumatics, Weapon Mount (2)
of a large dog, but multiple flexbots can Movement Rate: Thrust Vector 8/40, Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision,
join together for larger mass operations, Walker 4/12 Light Combat Armor, Radar, T-Ray Emitter,
even taking on heavy-duty tasks such as and ranged weapons
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain,
Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Modular
FLEXBOT RULES Design, Puppet Sock, Shape Adjusting Rogue Module
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3) Rogues are optimized for stealth and
Each flexbot is considered a single entity
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size covert activities.
for rules purposes, no matter how many
modules it has. Though the full range of
flexbot possibilities is beyond the scope Crafter Module
Crafters are engineer modules, specialized
Rogue Module
of this book, apply the following rules and Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60
keep an eye on past and future Eclipse in construction and fabrication.
Phase supplements: WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
Crafter Module Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 1 Flex 0
• Choose one module to hold the ego — this Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60
module controls the others. Ware: Chameleon Skin, Radar Absorbent
• (Dis)connecting a module is a complex WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40 Common Shape Adjustments: Dazzler,
action and requires an Integration Test ▶288 . Insight 1 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 0 Enhanced Vision, Fiber Eye, Fractal Digits,
Modules not physically connected are handled Magnetic System, Nanoscopic Vision, T-Ray
as remote operation ▶346 . Ware: Engineer Swarm Hive, Fixer Swarm Hive Emitter, Weapon Mount
• When modules are combined, use their Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision,
combined pools. Disassembly Tools, Fractal Digits, Nanoscopic
• Modules must all be using the same mobility Vision, Tool Kit, T-Ray Emitter, and Utilimod Wizard Module
system or Movement Rate is halved. Wizard modules specialize in infosec and
• A flexbot with 3–4 modules is medium- communications tasks.
sized; 5–9 large; 10 or more very large.
• A flexbot’s Armor Value equals the average Wizard Module
of its modules’ AVs. Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60
• A flexbot’s DUR equals the combined DUR
of its modules. WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
• Wound Threshold equals DUR ÷ 5 and Insight 1 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Death Rating equals DUR × 2.
• Damage is applied evenly among modules. If Ware: Radio Booster, Sniffer App, Tracker App
a detached module has damage exceeding Common Shape Adjustments: Electrical Sense,
its Wound Threshold, a wound can be Enhanced Vision, Laser Link, Nanodetector,
assigned to it. Distinct modules can be Skinlink, Utilitool
targeted with called shots.
• Robots of varying sizes may be integrated
as modules. Small bots count as full
modules. Treat 5 very small bots as 1
module; only apply a pool bonus (equal to
one bot’s pools) if there are at least five of
the same type. A medium bot counts as 3
modules, a large bot as 5 modules, and a
very large bot as 10 modules. Average their
AV scores (taking into account the bots
count as multiple modules) and combine
DUR as defined above.
• Bonuses from some traits and ware only
apply if every module in the flexbot has them
(e.g., chameleon skin); use common sense.
Digimorphs are bare-bones mind emulations, though customizable and widely
used. By default, an ego that evacuates (or is forked from) a cyberbrain is run
on a digimorph, unless another infomorph option is available.
Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 100
WT: 5 • DUR: 25 • DR: 50
Insight 0 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Ware: Mnemonics
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Designed for online performers, media icons, and social networkers, this info-
morph is coded to enhance charisma and social skills.
Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 100
WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 60
Insight 1 Moxie 3 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Ware: Copylock, Memory Lock, Mnemonics
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Popular with network security specialists, penetration testers, and hackers, this
infomorph is optimized for infosec roles.
Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 100
WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80
Insight 4 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 0
Ware: Enhanced Security, E-Veil, Mnemonics
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
This infomorph is ideal for professions that involve drone remote operation,
whether maintenance bot fleets, surveillance drones, or fighter craft and
combat machines.
Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 100
WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 70
Insight 3 Moxie 0 Vigor 0 Flex 1
Ware: Drone Rig, Mnemonics, Oracles
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Every character receives two gear packs during character creation. These gear packs can also be used as an easy way to assign gear for
The first of these is according to your type of campaign: Firewall, new missions during gameplay (Acquiring Gear ▶312).
criminal, or gatecrashing. The second is based on the profession All starting gear includes the physical gear item and the digital
Firewall Agent/Criminal
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Anonymizer Min/1 Masks your mesh ID. 315
Armor Vest (Light)* Min/1 AV 4/10. Concealable. 215
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Forged ID and back history, with its own rep scores. 315
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30. 210
Smart Clothing* Min/1 Can change color, texture, and cut. +10 Infiltrate, +30 covered and stationary. 317
TacNet App Mod/2 Share tactical data in real-time. 327
VPN App Min/1 Creates virtual private network. 326
*Synthmorph Alternative
Anti-Glare Min/1 No glare modifiers. 318
Industrial Armor Min/1 AV +6/+4. 214
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Autocook* Min/1 Fab food and drink only. 343
Electronic Rope Min/1 Controllable rope. 341
Healing Spray* Min/1 Heals 1d10 damage per hour for 12 hours. 342
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30. 210
Portable SolArchive Min/1 Enable Research Tests related to one Know skill while isolated from mesh. 340
Standard Vacsuit* Maj/3 As smart clothes, protects from vacuum, 48 hours air, AV 8/6. 341
TacNet App Mod/2 Share tactical data in real-time. 327
*Synthmorph Alternative
Anti-Glare Min/1 No glare modifiers. 318
Industrial Armor Min/1 AV +6/+4. 214
Medichines Maj/3 Ignore 1 wound, heal faster, drug/toxin effect/duration halved. 322
Holographic Projector Min/1 Projects 3D, HD, ultra-realistic images/video. +20 to Perceive as fake w/in 20 m. 317
Microcar Mod/2 One-person two-wheeler. 350
Multi-Tasking Mod/2 Focus on 2 things at once. +1 Insight. 320
Neem (5 doses) Min/1 +20 COG Check for recall of memories learned while on Neem. 331
Portable SolArchive Min/1 Enable Research Tests related to one Know skill while isolated from mesh. 340
Servitor Bot Min/1 Common helper/cook/janitor bots. 348
Simulspace Min/1 Access to a VR space. 315
Covert Operative
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Chameleon Cloak Mod/2 Camouflage, +10 Infiltrate, +30 stationary. 338
Cleaner Swarm Min/1 Cleans, eliminates forensic evidence. 345
Covert Operations Tool Maj/R/3 Bypasses locks, cuts/repairs holes, Hardware: Electronics 60 vs. electronic locks, more. 338
Microbug Min/1 Micro-sized camera/audio recorder. 338
Skinflex* Mod/2 Disguise face, skin, hair. +30 to impersonation/disguise Deceive Tests. 321
Spy Nanoswarm Min/1 Surveillance, Perceive 60. 345
*Synthmorph Alternative
Synthetic Mask Mod/2 Faux skin for synthmorph. +30 disguise-based Deceive Tests. 321
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Aggro (5 doses) Min/1 +20 Provoke to intimidate/taunt, –20 other social tests. 331
Claws Min/1 DV 2d6, concealable. 204
Flex Cutter Min/1 Flexible blade, DV 1d10 + 3, concealable. 204
Grin (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 wound. 331
Muscle Augmentation Maj/3 Muscles enhanced with myofibers. +1d6 DV melee, +10 SOM Checks. 322
Shock Glove Min/1 DV 1d6, Shock, Touch-Only. 204
Shredder Mod/R/2 Flechette gun, DV 2d10 + 6, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 100, Range 25, Two-Handed. 209
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Breadcrumb System Min/1 Leaves mote trail for meshing/positioning. 336
Direction Sense Min/1 Innate sense of direction and distance. 318
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests. 318
Mission Recorder Min/1 Backs up all mission data. 336
Pressure Tent Mod/2 Self-erecting shelter for 4, built-in breather. 341
Saucer Min/1 Spinning disc recon drone. Small size. 349
Scout Missile Mod/2 Maps 5 km radius or 10 km in one direction in 20 minutes, Perceive 60. 340
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Archive Min/1 +10 Research Tests related to one Know skill. 315
Dino Pet Min/1 Genehacked dinosaur pets. 328
Fokus (5 doses) Min/1 Enhanced Behavior: Obsessive (2), reduce timeframes 25%. 331
Medichines Maj/3 Ignore 1 wound, heal faster, drug/toxin effect/duration halved. 322
Pusher Swarm Min/R/1 + drug/toxin Exposes biomorphs to drug/toxin. 345
Specimen Container Min/1 Holds samples in stasis conditions. 340
Tools (Kit) Min/1 Portable, applies to specific skill. 317
Twitch (5 doses) Min/R/1 –20 actions, SOM Check vs. incapacitation. 335
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Exploit App Mod/R/2 Hacking library tool. 326
Gray Box Min/1 Establishes a wireless mesh link. 338
Radio Booster Min/1 Extends radio ranges, 25/250km range. 336
Sniffer App Mod/2 Collect/view traffic between two systems. 326
Spoofer App Mod/R/2 Fake transmissions and mesh IDs. 326
Tracker App Mod/2 Trace connections. 326
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Biometric Matcher Min/1 Match biometric patterns. 326
Brainprint Scanner Min/1 Scans brainprint in 5 minutes. 338
Cuffband Min/1 Electronic handcuffs, remote operation, shock attack DV 1d6. 338
Klar (5 doses) Min/1 +10 Perceive, no distraction modifiers. 331
Microbug Min/1 Micro-sized camera/audio recorder. 338
Oracles Mod/2 Negate distraction modifiers. 318
Scout Nanoswarm Min/1 Maps area, collects forensic evidence, Know: Chemistry 60, Medicine: Forensics 60. 345
Speck Min/1 Insectoid spy bots. Very small size. 349
Spy Nanoswarm Min/1 Surveillance, Perceive 60. 345
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Docbot Maj/3 Medical bot. 347
Healing Spray Min/1 Heals 1d10 damage per hour for 12 hours. 342
Healing Vat Maj/3 Heal/cure biomorphs, customize/augment morph. 342
Meds (5 doses) Mod/2 Heals 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day. 332
Med Scanner Min/1 Scans health, diagnosis w/Medicine at 60, detect nanobots as nanodetector. 342
Ego Bridge Mod/2 Upload from/download to biological brains. 342
Fokus (5 doses) Min/1 Enhanced Behavior: Obsessive (2), reduce timeframes 25%. 331
Multi-Tasking Mod/2 Focus on 2 things at once. +1 Insight. 320
Private Server Mod/2 Private server, managed by others. 315
Servitor Min/1 Common helper/cook/janitor bots. 348
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Breadcrumb System Min/1 Leaves mote trail for meshing/positioning. 336
Diamond Axe Min/1 DV 2d10 + 3, armor-piercing, reach, two-handed. 204
Disassembly Tools Mod/2 Heavy and smart tools for taking things apart. 340
Guardian Swarm Mod/2 Disables other swarms; both swarms take DV 5 per turn. 345
Nanodetector Min/1 Detects nanobots, Exotic Skill: Nanobot Detection 40 (70 w/active swarm), Know: Nanotech 60. 342
Orbital Hash (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 trauma, –10 Know Tests/memory-related COG Checks. 334
Robomule Mod/2 Gear-hauling bot. 349
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests. 318
Mind Amp Maj/3 Accelerates mind. +2 Insight. 320
Mission Recorder Min/1 Backs up all mission data. 336
Pocket Lab Mod/2 Analyze gases, liquids, materials, Know: Chemistry 60. 340
Servitor Min/1 Common helper/cook/janitor bots. 348
Specimen Container Min/1 Holds samples in stasis conditions. 340
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Assault Rifle Railgun Mod/R/2 DV 2d10 + 2, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 90 + 1, Range 150, Armor-Piercing, Long, Two-Handed. 210
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests. 318
Grin (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 wound. 331
Meds (5 doses)* Mod/2 Heals 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day. 332
Neurachem Maj/3 Enhanced synapses and neurotransmitters. +2 Vigor. 322
*Synthmorph Alternative
Fixer Swarm Mod/2 Repairs 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day for 4 days. 345
Gear Complexity/GP Description Page
Automech Mod/2 Repair bot. 349
Electrical Sense Min/1 Sense electrical fields w/in 5 m. 318
Fixer Swarm Mod/2 Repairs DV 1d10 per hour or 1 wound per day for 5 days. 345
Fokus (5 doses) Min/1 Enhanced Behavior: Obsessive (2), reduce timeframes 25%. 331
Medium Fabber Mod/2 Fab small items. 343
Tools (Kit) Min/1 Portable, applies to specific skill. 317
Utilitool Min/1 All-purpose smart-material tool. 317
and stay with the character. Morph traits apply Composure 2 +5 LUC, +1 Trauma Threshold, +10 Insanity Rating.
only to the morph in question and impact the Contact 1 +10 to Rep Tests with one network when using contact. May be taken
MP available when resleeving. multiple times.
Some traits have multiple costs, repre- Danger Sense 1 +10 to Perceive Tests to avoid surprise.
senting different levels. A trait with a CP Cost Direction Sense 1 Always know north/up/spinward/etc. +10 to tests involving navigation.
of 1/2/3 costs 1 CP at Level 1, 2 CP at Level 2, Dominant Strain 2 Asyncs only. +10 vs. exsurgent virus,
and 3 CP at Level 3. higher dependent upon Infection Rating.
Unless otherwise noted, traits may only be Drone Affinity 1 No Integration Tests when jamming drones.
taken once. Trait modifiers stack with other Empathy 1/2/3 +5 per level to SAV Checks.
modifiers, unless otherwise specified. Expert Training 2 May start with one skill over 80, up to 90 maximum.
Fitness 1/2/3 +5 per level to SOM Checks.
1/2/3 +5 per level to INT Checks.
1 Immune to stress from either alienation, helplessness, or violence (p. 72).
Positive traits have a CP or MP Cost and –10 to WIL Checks and Persuade Tests. May be taken multiple times for
provide bonuses. different types of stress.
Hyper Linguistics 1/2/3 +10 per level to INT Checks to understand languages you don’t know.
Acumen CP/MP Cost: 1/2/3 Morph Familiarity 1 No Integration Tests sleeving one chosen morph type.
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait Pain Tolerance 2/4 Ignore 1 wound modifier per level.
You have a keen intellect. Add +5 per level to Patron 6 An influential person backs you up. One free major favor per story arc.
your COG Checks. Psi 2/4 May use Psi skill and sleights. See text for additional rules.
Psi Camouflage 1/2 –10 to detect with psi per level.
Adaptability Psi Defense 1/2 +10 to resist psi per level.
▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 2/4 Quickness 1/2/3 +5 per level to REF Checks.
You adjust to new morphs quickly. Apply a Resolve 1/2/3 +5 per level to WIL Checks.
+10 modifier per level for Integration and Resources 2/4/6/8 Wealth to acquire gear. See text.
Situational Awareness 1 No distracted modifier.
Resleeving Stress Tests ▶288.
Spatial Visualization 2 +10 to Know and Technical Tests involving 3D visualization.
Stalwart 1/2/3 +10 to WIL Checks vs. fear.
Allies Superior Numeracy 2/4 +10 per level to Know and Technical Tests involving math.
▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 4 Zoosemiotics 1 No modifier using psi on non- or partly-sapient animals.
You are either part of or have a relationship
with a group that has your back. This could be
your old gatecrashing crew, former research
lab co-workers, a criminal gang, a mercenary
squad, an elite social clique, or something POSITIVE MORPH TRAITS
similar. The group itself should be small — 5 Trait MP Cost Effect
to 20 members is best, and certainly no more Acumen 1/2/3 +5 per level to COG Checks.
than 50 — though it may be part of a larger Digital Speed 1 Mesh task timeframes reduced 25%. Infomorphs only.
organization (such as a cartel or hypercorp). Empathy 1/2/3 +5 per level to SAV Checks.
It should also not be overly influential or Fitness 1/2/3 +5 per level to SOM Checks.
powerful (no Ozma leaders, hypercorp boards, Good Instincts 1/2/3 +5 per level to INT Checks.
Improved Immune System 1/2 +10 per level to resist chemicals, disease, drugs, and toxins. Biomorphs only.
or secret league of oligarchs). Work with your
Innocuous Looks 1 Bland. –10 to identify/spot/remember.
GM to establish your history and relationship
Lethal 1 +1d6 DV in melee.
with this group and why you can call on them Limberness 1/2 +10 per level to escape bonds, fit into small spaces, contort, etc.
for aid. Natural Immunity 1 Immunity to one specific drug, chemical, or toxin. Biomorphs only.
Once per session, you may rely on this Pain Tolerance 2/4 Ignore 1 wound modifier per level.
group for support. Treat this as analogous Psi Camouflage 1/2 –10 to detect with psi per level. Bio-brained morphs only.
to an automatically successful moderate rep Psi Defense 1/2 +10 to resist psi per level. Bio-brained morphs only.
favor ▶308. Your connection with this group Quickness 1/2/3 +5 per level to REF Checks.
is a two-way street — you will be expected to Rapid Healing 1 Heal twice as fast. Biomorphs only.
perform duties for the group on occasion as Resolve 1/2/3 +5 per level to WIL Checks.
well. GMs should take care that allies are not Skill Artifact 1/2 +10 to one GM-chosen skill per level.
overused or abused and can use them as a Striking Looks 1/2 +10 on Persuade and Provoke Tests where looks matter.
source of plot hooks and side missions. Toughness 2/4 +5 DUR, also impacts WT and DR, see text.
Expert Training spaces. At Level 2, you are a double-jointed escape artist. Apply a
▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 2 +10 modifier per level to escape bonds, fit into small spaces, contort,
You have received extensive training in one particular subject. You or otherwise rely on flexibility.
may raise one skill over 80, to a maximum of 90, during character
creation. This trait does not actually increase the skill, it just raises Morph Familiarity
the maximum. ▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 1
You are accustomed to one specific type of morph (e.g., bouncers,
Fitness rusters, agents, or flexbots) and do not need to make Integration
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 1/2/3 Tests when sleeving them. You may take this trait more than once
Either your morph is in top shape or you excel at pushing it to its for different morphs.
limits. You receive +5 per level to SOM Checks.
Natural Immunity
Good Instincts ▼ Morph Trait MP Cost: 1
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 1/2/3 This trait is only available to biomorphs. The morph has a natural
Your gut feelings are on target. You get +5 per level to INT Checks. immunity to a specific drug, disease, or toxin. When afflicted with
that specific chemical, poison, or pathogen, you are unaffected.
Hardening Work with your GM to select an appropriate agent; this immunity
▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 1 may not be applied to nanodrugs or nanotoxins.
You are accustomed to trauma, but it has scarred you. You are
immune to stress from either alienation, helplessness, or violence Pain Tolerance
(choose one). However, your WIL Check is reduced by 10 and you ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 2/4
suffer a –10 modifier on Persuade Tests. This trait may be taken You have a high threshold for pain, enabling you to shrug off the
multiple times for different types of stress; modifiers are cumulative. effects of pain on your abilities and concentration. You ignore the
–10 modifier for 1 wound per level. This trait is compatible with
Hyper Linguistics other pain-resistant effects, but a maximum of 3 wound effects may
▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 1/2/3 be ignored.
You have a natural gift with linguistic structures and syntax. You
receive a +10 modifier to INT Checks per level to grasp the general Patron
meaning or intent of communication spoken in languages you ▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 6
don’t know — even alien tongues. This trait provides no bonuses to There is an influential person in your life who can be relied on
written texts or non-verbal communications (such as Factor spores). for occasional support. This could be a wealthy hyperelite family
member, a high-ranking triad boss, or an anarchist networker with
Improved Immune System an unbeatable reputation. When called upon, this patron can pull
▼ Morph Trait MP Cost: 1/2 strings, supply resources, make introductions, or bail you out of
This trait is only available to biomorphs. Your immune system is trouble. Work with your GM to define this NPC, your relationship,
robust. Apply a +10 modifier per level to resist the effects of chemi- and why they support you (familial obligation? childhood buddies?
cals, diseases, drugs, and toxins. you saved their life once?).
The patron provides one free major favor ▶308 per story arc, no
Innocuous Looks test necessary. GMs should be careful that this trait does not get
▼ Morph Trait MP Cost: 1 abused. Smaller favors are beneath the patron’s concern. If the
Thanks to mass-produced designs and sculpted media-star character asks for too much, too often, the patron’s support may dry
composite visages, your cookie-cutter looks are so mundane as to be up. On occasion, the patron may call upon the character for favors
indistinguishable. It is difficult to pick your common-place face out as well.
of the crowd, describe its appearance, or otherwise remember phys-
ical details. Apply a –10 modifier to tests made to spot, describe, or Psi
remember you; this does not apply to psi or mesh searches. This ▲ Ego Trait CP Cost: 2/4
trait may not be applied to any morph with an Availability lower You are infected with the Watts-MacLeod strain of the exsurgent
than 50. virus, which altered your brain structure and enhanced your
cognitive abilities. You may learn the Psi skill ▶51 and purchase psi
Lethal abilities, called sleights (▶280 and 282). At Level 1, you may only use
▼ Morph Trait MP Cost: 1 psi-chi sleights. At Level 2, the character may use both psi-chi and
This morph inflicts more damage in melee combat. Add +1d6 DV to psi-gamma sleights.
all melee damage rolls. Psi is not without drawbacks. You must also take a negative trait
according to your sub-strain ▶273 at no CP bonus. This required trait
does not count towards trait CP limits.
Psi Defense and lifestyle. A character with Level 1 might have their own cubicle
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 1/2 in a beehive hab or a small apartment in a Martian dome or O’Neill
Your mind is inherently resistant to mental attacks and manipu- cylinder’s working class areas, and they get around by bike or public
lations. Apply a +10 modifier per level to defense rolls against psi transit. A character with Level 2 Resources might have a private
sleights. The morph trait is only available to morphs with biolog- residence on a small station or a condo in a larger hab, as well as a
ical brains. minicar or cycle to get around. A character with Level 3 could have
a large residential complex or multiple homes, plus one or more
Quickness vehicles. A Level 4 character is rich and might own a small private
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 1/2/3 hab and even their own shuttle.
Either your morph is dexterous or you take full advantage of its Your Resources trait may be affected by events in game. If your
nimbleness. Apply +5 per level to REF Checks. home is destroyed or you come across a secret cache of riches, the
GM should adjust your trait level accordingly. You must pay the
Rapid Healing extra cost in Rez Points if your trait goes up, but you receive an RP
▼ Morph Trait MP Cost: 1 credit if your wealth goes down.
This trait is only available to biomorphs. The morph recovers from In desperate circumstances, you may also intentionally burn your
damage more quickly. Reduce the timeframes for healing ▶221 by half. Resources to refresh your weekly GP to get something you urgently
need (or get it more quickly). This represents the expenditure of all
Resolve or major portions of your assets with no hope of reclaiming them
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Cost: 1/2/3 and no RP reimbursement. The GM should reduce your Resources
You are unwavering and firm. Receive +5 per level to WIL Checks. trait level by an amount appropriate to the transaction.
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/4
Combat Paralysis 4 WIL Check to act in each action turn of combat.
Edited Memories 1 You have lost some memories, deliberately or not. faction, this counts as Level 1. For the rep net central
Enemy 2 Enemy NPC haunts you. to your faction, this counts as Level 2. People within
Enhanced Behavior 1/2/4 Psychosurgically enhanced behavior/emotions. See text. that network will refuse to help you out of fear of
Feebleness 1/2/3 –5 per level to SOM Checks. reprisals and ruining their own reputation. This trait
Identity Crisis 1 Trouble adapting to new morph physiologies, –10 when applicable. may be taken more than once for different rep nets.
Indifference 1/2/3 –5 per level to SAV Checks.
Instability 2/4 –5 LUC, –1 Trauma Threshold, and –10 Insanity Rating per level. Black Mark
Low Pain Tolerance 4 Additional –10 modifier per wound. ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 1/2/3
Mental Disorder 2 Choose one disorder ▶224.
You did something in your past to earn a black mark
Morphing Disorder 2/4/6 –10 per level on Integration and Resleeving Stress Tests.
on your reputation with one particular faction that
Neural Damage 2 You have some type of incurable neural damage; see text.
No Backup Insurance 2 Upon death, re-instantation and MP up to GM. continues to haunt your interactions. Apply a –10
Obliviousness 2 Additional –10 to Perceive Tests when distracted and Surprise Tests. modifier per level to rep net interactions and social
Obtuseness 1/2/3 –5 per level to COG Checks. skill tests involving that faction. This trait may be
Poor Coordination 1/2/3 –5 per level to REF Checks. taken more than once for different factions.
Poor Instincts 1/2/3 –5 per level to INT Checks.
Psi Vulnerability 1/2 –10 per level to resist psi. Combat Paralysis
Real World Naiveté 2 GM may provide false info once per session. ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 4
Restricted Behavior 1/2/4 Psychosurgically limited behavior/emotions. See text. Like a deer caught in headlights, you freeze in
Sensitive 1/2 –10 per level to INT Checks to resist basilisk hacks. combat and stressful situations. Anytime violence
Timidity 1/2/3 –5 per level to WIL Checks. erupts, you are caught off guard, or lives are at
VR Vertigo 2 –30 modifier using XP/VR; –10 using AR. SOM Check or incapacitated. stake, you must make a WIL Check each action
turn to act or respond in any way. If you fail, you
lose your action and simply stand there, incapable
NEGATIVE MORPH TRAITS ▼ of reacting to the situation.
Trait MP Cost Effect
Addiction 1/2/4 –10 per level if no regular fix; see text for additional effects. Biomorphs only. Dominant Limb
Age 4 –10 to physical actions. Flats and splicers only. ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1
Dominant Limb 1 –20 to tests made with non-dominant limbs.
Either due to genetics or a glitch, the morph is
Enhanced Behavior 1/2/4 Psychosurgically enhanced behavior/emotions. See text.
right-handed, left-handed, or has a similar domi-
Exotic Morphology 2/4/6 –10 per level on Integration Tests.
Feebleness 1/2/3 –5 per level to SOM Checks. nant limb. You receive a –20 modifier to any
Frailty 2/4 –5 DUR, also impacts WT and DR, see text. actions made using non-dominant limbs.
Genetic Defect 1/2 Morph has minor or serious health complications. Flats only.
Hypersensitivity 3 No implants allowed. Biomorphs only. Edited Memories
Indifference 1/2/3 –5 per level to SAV Checks. ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 1
Infection Risk 1/2 –10 per level to SOM Checks to resist the biological exsurgent virus. At some point in your past, certain memories were
Inherent Flaws 2 10% chance of acquiring a wound each time a critical failure is rolled. strategically removed or otherwise lost to you.
Synthmorphs only. This may have been done to intentionally forget
Low Pain Tolerance 4 Additional –10 modifier per wound. an unpleasant or shameful experience or to make
Memory Artifact 1 Recall other ego’s memory once per session; COG Check or SV 1d6. a break with the past. Or you may have suffered
Non-Human Biochemistry 2/4 –10 to Medicine Tests, –20 if non-mammalian. Biomorphs only. lack due to an unexpected death (with no recent
Obtuseness 1/2/3 –5 per level to COG Checks. backup) or had the memories erased against your
Planned Obsolescence 1 Cumulative pool loss/wound per month without maintenance.
will. Whatever the case, the memories should be
Poor Coordination 1/2/3 –5 per level to REF Checks.
important and significant, not mundane. Either
Poor Instinct 1/2/3 –5 per level to INT Checks.
Proprietary Tech 2 –20 Hardware Tests, fixers do not work. Synthmorphs only. evidence of what happened or NPCs who know
Restricted Behavior 1/2/4 Psychosurgically limited behavior/emotions. See text. the full story should exist. GMs can use this as a
Psi Vulnerability 1/2 –10 per level to resist psi. Bio-brained morphs only. tool to haunt you with ghosts and mysteries from
Severe Allergy 2/4 –30 when exposed to allergen plus SOM Check or anaphylactic shock; your past.
death in 2d10 minutes without treatment. Biomorphs only.
Skill Glitch 1/2 –10 per level to one GM-chosen skill Enemy
Timidity 1/2/3 –5 per level to WIL Checks. ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2
Unattractiveness 1/2 –10 to Persuade and Provoke Tests where looks matter. An enemy from your past continues to haunt you.
Weak Immune System 1/2 –10 per level to resist chemicals, disease, drugs, and toxins. Biomorphs only. Work with your GM to establish the details of this
Zero-G Nausea 2 –10 in micrograv; SOM Check or incapacitated for first hour. Biomorphs only. enmity. The GM should use this enemy as an occa-
sional threat, surprise, and hindrance.
deliberate choice or it may have been inflicted against your will. yourself in mirrors, photos, or sensor feeds. You also tend to move
Work with your GM to define a specific emotion (e.g., happiness, in ways inappropriate to your new forms, such as attempting to walk
contentment, love) or behavior (e.g., aggression, commitment, instead of using new limbs or propulsion systems, forgetting to
curiosity, orderliness, loyalty). Apply a –10 modifier per level to all duck when walking through doorways, becoming alarmed by new
actions when withheld from the behavior/emotion. sensory inputs, etc. You should roleplay this trait accordingly, and
Level 1: You are encouraged to pursue the behavior and associate may suffer a –10 modifier to applicable actions.
it with positive feelings; emotions are boosted.
Level 2: You are driven to engage in the specified behavior; Indifference
emotions are exaggerated. Holding back requires a WIL Check. ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/3
Level 3: The behavior is enforced; emotions are compulsory Your social awareness is often lacking. You suffer –5 per level to
and ongoing. If restrained from the conduct or the emotion is SAV Checks.
suppressed, suffer SV 1d6.
This trait may be taken more than once for different behaviors. Infection Risk
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1/2
Exotic Morphology Your morph is vulnerable to exsurgent infection. Apply a –10 modi-
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2/4/6 fier per level to SOM Checks made to resist biological exsurgent
This morph is substantially physiologically (and possibly neurolog- virus infection.
ically) different from the baseline humanoid forms most transhu-
mans are accustomed to sleeving. You receive a –10 modifier per Inherent Flaws
level on Integration Tests ▶288 when sleeving into this morph. This ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2
modifier does not apply to the original morph of uplift or infolife This trait is only available for synthmorphs. This particular morph
characters. This trait may not be applied to morphs that don’t come has some unfixable flaws and inevitably breaks down. Any time
with it. a critical failure is rolled, there is a 10% chance the morph also
acquires a wound.
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/3 Instability
Either your morph is weak or you are not adept at using its strength. ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2/4
Apply a –5 per level to SOM Checks. Your mental foundation has serious cracks. Reduce your Lucidity by
5 per level. This also affects derived stats based on Lucidity; reduce
Frailty both your Trauma Threshold by 1 and your Insanity Rating by 10
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2/4 per level.
The morph is not as resilient as similar models. Reduce Durability
by 5. This will also decrease Wound Threshold (equal to DUR ÷ 5) and Low Pain Tolerance
Death Rating (DUR × 1.5 for biomorphs, DUR × 2 for synthmorphs). ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 4
Pain is your enemy. You have a very low threshold for pain tolerance;
Genetic Defect increase the modifier for each wound taken by an additional –10
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1/2 (so the character suffers –20 with one wound, –40 with a second,
This trait is only available for flats. The morph is not genefixed and –60 with a third, etc.).
suffers from a genetic disorder or other impairing mutation. Work Additionally, you suffer a –30 modifier on both SOM Checks and
with your GM to agree on a defect appropriate to your game. Some other tests that involve pain resistance. The morph version of this
possibilities include: heart disease, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sick- trait is only available for biomorphs.
le-cell disease, hypertension, hemophilia, or color blindness. Level 1
applies to genetic disorders that create minor complications and/ Memory Artifact
or occasional health problems (apply a –10 impairment modifier ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1
in certain circumstances). Level 2 is for defects that significantly A previous ego’s memories somehow survived the wiping process
impair functioning or inflict chronic health problems (an ongoing and linger on in this morph’s brain/hardware. Once per session, a
–10 impairment modifier or occasional –20). The GM determines memory from this past occupant resurfaces in your mind. These
the exact effects of the disorder on gameplay. memories are often emotionally charged and jarring; make a COG
Check or suffer SV 1d6. These memories integrate into your own,
Hypersensitivity though they may be erased with psychosurgery.
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 3 Work with your GM to decide the specifics of the memories. GMs
This trait is only available to biomorphs. This morph rejects implants should use these recall incidents for plot purposes; they may reveal
that are not already part of its design. It may not be upgraded with sensitive data, incriminating evidence, secrets hidden from the
any additional bioware, cyberware, or nanoware. public, or details the previous ego does not want spread.
Morphing Disorder Obtuseness
▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2/4/6 ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/3
Adapting to new morphs is particularly challenging for you. Apply Not the brightest star in the sky. Apply –5 per level to COG Checks.
a –10 modifier per level to Integration Tests ▶288 and Resleeving
Stress Tests ▶288. Planned Obsolescence
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1
Neural Damage The morph is designed in such a way that it needs periodic genetic
▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2 service pack therapy or proprietary maintenance or its performance
You suffered some type of neurological damage that cannot yet be will degrade. Treat this as a Moderate Complexity service required
cured. The affliction is part of your ego and remains even when every month. For each month this is skipped, reduce the morph’s
resleeving. This damage may have been inherited, resulted from pools by 1 (the GM chooses which pool). If pools are reduced to
a poorly designed morph or implant, or inflicted by a nanovirus 0, the morph incurs 1 wound per month that may not be repaired
during the Fall. Work with your GM to agree on a specific disorder or healed. These manifest as joint pain, neural degradation, tumors,
appropriate to your game. The GM may inflict impairment modi- and other malfunctions. Once 4 wounds are accumulated, the
fiers (usually –10) as appropriate, according to the affliction. Some morph is incapacitated. A gene therapy or maintenance session
possibilities are: from a licensed hypercorp service provider (or a black market
Amusica: You have an inability to make or understand music. pirate) will restore the morph to full functionality.
Automatically fail music-related skill tests.
Color Blindness: You cannot distinguish color, only variations in Poor Coordination
brightness. –10 to visual Perceive Tests. ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/3
Lack Depth Perception: You have difficulty ascertaining distance. Either you or your morph are inherently clumsy. Suffer –5 per level
Double range modifiers. to REF Checks.
Lack Face Recognition: You cannot distinguish faces. –10 to
visual Perceive Tests involving person identification.
Logorrhea: You use an excessive amount of words and some-
times can’t stop talking. –10 to Persuade and verbal Provoke Tests.
Mood Swings: Your emotions shift quickly and dramatically. –10
to WIL Checks against Provoke.
Partial Aphasia: You sometimes have difficulty communicating
or using words. –10 to Persuade and verbal Provoke Tests.
Repetitive Behavior: You unwillingly repeat your actions. You
unwillingly repeat your actions. Make a COG Check to avoid
repeating your actions when under pressure.
Synaesthesia: Some types of sensory input are conflated with
other perceptual phenomena.
This trait may be taken multiple times, for different afflictions.
No Backup Insurance
▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2
You are either poor, bioconservative, or like to live dangerously. You
do not have any sort of backup insurance or similar arrangement.
If you die, your stack's retrieval and your ego's re-instantiation is
entirely dependent upon the circumstances and GM. You may be
brought back with significantly lower MP or be permanently dead.
Non-Human Biochemistry
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2/4
This trait is only available to biomorphs. This morph has substantial
physiological and genetic differences from human morphs. Level 1
applies to non-human morphs. Level 2 applies to non-mammalian
morphs. Apply a –10 modifier per level to Medicine Tests. Certain
drugs, toxin, chemicals, or medical procedures may not work or may
have a different effect (GM discretion). This trait may not be applied
to morphs that do not come with it.
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2 At Level 1, the allergen may be uncommon (certain drugs, insect
This trait is only available to synthmorphs. This morph was built stings). At Level 2, it must be common (dust, dander, plant pollen,
with non-standard specifications, making most modern tools and certain foods, nanoswarms, latex). Work with your GM to select an
software incompatible. This is a conscious design decision to make allergen that fits the game. If exposed to the allergen, you break into
the user dependent upon the manufacturer for repairs and updates. hives, have difficulty to breathing (–30 impairment modifier while
Fixer nanoswarms will not work on this morph and Hardware: exposed plus 10 minutes afterward), and must make a SOM Check
Robotics Tests suffer a –20 modifier. or go into anaphylactic shock (incapacitation, will die of respira-
tory failure in 2d10 minutes unless medical care in the form of a
Psi Vulnerability successful Medicine: Paramedic Test is applied).
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2
Psi sleights are particularly effective against your brain structure. Skill Glitch
Apply a –10 modifier per level when resisting psi. The morph trait ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1/2
may only be taken by morphs with biological brains. Some unfixable glitch in the morph’s hardware or brain structure
impedes the use of one particular skill, chosen or randomly selected
Real World Naiveté by the GM. Apply a –10 modifier per level to that skill’s use.
▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2
You either have very limited personal experience with the real Timidity
(physical) world or have spent so much time in VR that your real-life ▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/3
functioning is impaired. You lack an understanding of many phys- You are weak-willed and easily intimidated. Apply –5 per level to
ical properties, social cues, and other factors that most people take WIL Checks.
for granted. This lack of common sense may lead you to misunder-
stand how a device works or misinterpret someone’s body language. Unattractiveness
Once per game session, the GM may intentionally mislead you ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1/2
when providing a description about some thing or social interaction. Even though sculpted good looks are easily purchased, this morph
This falsehood represents your misunderstanding of the situation is conspicuously ugly or poorly designed, inspiring distaste or
and should be roleplayed appropriately, even when the player is even revulsion in others. Apply a –10 modifier to Persuade and
aware of the character’s mistake. Provoke Tests where your hideousness may be a factor. Level 1 of
this trait only applies to uplifts and synthmorphs; Level 2 is for
Restricted Behavior humanoid biomorphs.
▲ Ego or ▼ Morph Trait CP/MP Bonus: 1/2/4
Your conduct or moods are modified. This may be due to condi- VR Vertigo
tioning and reprogramming via time-accelerated psychosur- ▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 2
gery ▶294, drugs, genetic tweaks, psi, or other factors. This may have You experience intense vertigo and nausea when interfacing with
been a deliberate choice or it may have been inflicted against your any type of virtual reality or XP. Apply a –30 modifier to your
will. Work with your GM to define a specific emotion (e.g., sadness, actions when using VR or XP. If using VR/XP for a prolonged period
anxiety, anger, inhibitions) or behavior (e.g., aggression, stealing, (an hour+), you must make a SOM Check or be incapacitated for
eating, lying, using a specific drug). Apply a –10 modifier per level 10 minutes. Even augmented reality makes you dizzy; suffer a –10
to all actions when the behavior/emotion is not avoided. modifier while interfacing with AR.
Level 1: You are compelled to avoid the behavior and associate it
with negative feelings; emotions are limited. Weak Immune System
Level 2: You are blocked from the specified behavior; emotions ▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 1/2
are suppressed. Pursuing it requires a WIL Check. This trait is only available to biomorphs. The morph’s immune
Level 3: You are incapable of pursuing the behavior; emotions system is easily compromised. Apply a –10 modifier per level when
are expunged. If forced to engage in the conduct or to experience resisting the effects of diseases, drugs, chemicals, and toxins.
the emotion, suffer SV 1d6.
This trait may be taken more than once for different behaviors. Zero-G Nausea
▼ Morph Trait MP Bonus: 2
Sensitive This trait is only available to biomorphs. This morph suffers from
▲ Ego Trait CP Bonus: 1/2 space sickness and does not fare well in zero gravity. Apply a –10
Your brain’s operating system is vulnerable to exploits. Apply a –10 impairment modifier in any microgravity climate. Additionally, the
modifier per level to INT Checks made to resist basilisk hacks. first time you must acclimate or endure excessive movement in
microgravity, you must make a SOM Check or spend 1 hour inca-
pacitated by nausea.
are building an async, we decide to make the character part of the Lost In Step 8, we get our 1 point of ego Flex.
Generation ▶133 — a corporate project to raise kids under accelerated condi- For rep in Step 9, we want our character’s strongest rep score to be with
tions that went horribly wrong. We choose Lost as their background. This criminals, so we choose a g-rep (Guanxi) of 50. We want the character to be
skill pack comes with two Know skills for which we get to pick the fields, we equally comfortable in the inner and outer system, so we assign 25 to both
choose Psychology and Mind Hacks. That gives us these skills: Deceive 40, @-rep and c-rep.
Infiltrate 20, Kinesics 40, Perceive 20, Psi 50, Know: Mind Hacks 30, and Step 10 is a big one: customization. We have 20 CP. Since we want an
Know: Psychology 60. async, we start there, buying the Psi trait at Level 2, which costs 4 CP. This
For Step 2, we choose Face as the career pack. There’s a lot of skill overlap allows us to use both psi-chi and psi-gamma sleights. We also want to have
with the first pack here, but we want a heavy social character. For the Know a good selection of sleights, so we spend 5 CP to buy 5 (which we’ll pick later).
skills, we choose Drugs and Smuggling as the fields, as we are leaning We spend 4 more on the Resources (Level 2) trait, which is important for
towards this character having criminal connections. With the new skills, we operating within the inner system. That leaves 7 CP left. We want a bit more
now have: Deceive 80, Infiltrate 20, Kinesics 70, Perceive 20, Persuade 60, CP than that, so we buy two negative traits: Enemy and Enhanced Behavior
Psi 50, Know: Drugs 30, Know: Mind Hacks 30, Know: Psychology 60, and (Level 2). Those give us 2 CP each, so now we are back up to 11. Since
Know: Smuggling 60. this character relies on networking, we spend it all on 55 more rep points,
For Step 3, we decide to keep it simple and focus on making a badass increasing @-rep to 45 and c-rep to 60.
async, so we choose Async as the interest. Again, there’s some skill overlap, Next we move on to derived stats, Step 11. Looking at the formulas, this
but we’ll just modify the skills to customize the character a bit further in character’s stats are:
the process. For the Know skill, we choose Black Markets, because we want
Initiative: REF 15 + INT 10 = 25, 25 ÷ 5 = 5
this character to be a skilled underworld dealer. With this new package, our
Aptitude checks are all aptitude × 3, so:
skill totals are now: Deceive 120, Infiltrate 20, Kinesics 70, Perceive 40,
COG Check 45 • INT Check 30 • REF Check 45
Persuade 60, Psi 90, Know: Black Markets 40, Know: Drugs 30, Know: Mind
SAV Check 60 • SOM Check 30 • WIL Check 60
Hacks 30, Know: Psychology 60, and Know: Smuggling 60.
Lucidity: WIL 20 × 2 = 40
In Step 4, we opt to make this an inner-system character. We choose
Trauma Threshold: LUC 40 ÷ 5 = 8
Lunar as their faction, which gives them Know: Lunars/Orbitals 30 and a
Insanity Rating: LUC 40 × 2 = 80
motivation of +Lunar Interests.
Infection Rating: Psi trait level 2 × 10 = 20
In Step 5, we pick an aptitude template, choosing Survivor. We decide to
switch the SAV and SOM scores, though, given that the character is more Step 12 is a fun one: picking a morph. The GM assigns us the default 6
social than physical. This gives us aptitudes of COG 15, INT 10, REF 15, MP to start. The Resources trait give us 2 more, for 8. Going with our Lost
SAV 20, SOM 10, WIL 20. background, we choose the futura morph for 4 MP. We decide to spend the
Now it’s time to add our skills and aptitudes together for Step 6. Adding other 4 MP on two pieces of Moderate complexity gear. We choose skinflex,
the aptitude to each linked skill, we have skill totals of: Deceive 140 (SAV), as it will help with social and infiltration scenarios, and enhanced vision. We
Infiltrate 35 (REF), Kinesics 90 (SAV), Perceive 60 (INT), Persuade 80 write down our morph stats on our character sheet.
(SAV), Psi 110 (WIL), Know: Black Markets 55 (COG), Know: Drugs 45 Our gear packs are based on the campaign type (Firewall) and profession
(COG), Know: Lunars/Orbitals 45 (COG), Know: Mind Hacks 45 (COG), (face). Looking them over, we decide they are good as is.
Know: Psychology 75 (COG), and Know: Smuggling 75 (COG). Remember The futura morph gives us pools of Insight 2, Moxie 4, and Vigor 1. We
that Perceive has a base of INT × 2. also Flex 1 from our ego. The neuromodulation ware that comes with our
We know that the max skill value you can have is 80, so we’ll need to face gear pack provides +1 Moxie, raising our Moxie to 5.
make some adjustments and re-assign the points that spill over that amount. Step 13 is choosing motivations. We decide that this character is probably
We lower Deceive, Kinesics, and Psi all to 80, which gives us 100 extra points not that dedicated to their faction, so we ditch the +Lunar Interests motiva-
to spend as we wish. We decide to give the character Athletics 20, so they tion from Step 4. We choose three new ones based on the character’s history
can handle some physical activities. We also add Fray of 20 and Guns 30, so and agenda: +Expand Influence, +Independence, and +Thrill-Seeking.
they take care of themselves in a fight. And we add Provoke 30, to cover the Our character is mostly finished, but we have a few final things to wrap
one social skill they are missing. Adding the aptitudes for those skills, we up. First, we pick a name for our muse: Mirror Mirror. Second, we look
have Athletics 30 (SOM), Fray 50 (REF), Guns 45 (REF), and Provoke 50 through our traits and make sure everything is designated. We make our
(SAV). Remember that Fray is based on REF × 2. enemy Cognite (fitting for the Lost background), and choose amusica for
Our skill list is now at: Athletics 30, Deceive 80, Fray 50, Guns 45, Neural Damage (no night clubs for us).
Infiltrate 35, Kinesics 80, Perceive 60, Persuade 80, Provoke 50, Psi 80, Since we are an async, we must choose which sub-strain of the Watts-
Know: Black Markets 55, Know: Drugs 45, Know: Lunars/Orbitals 45, Know: MacLeod virus affects us. We go with the Stranger because it’s pretty
Mind Hacks 45, Know: Psychology 75, and Know: Smuggling 75. creepy and cool. That strain gives us a Mental Disorder trait (we go with
Looking over the skill list, we decide that there’s one more skill we paramnesia) and a free sleight (we choose Basilisk Stare). We also pick the
want the character to have: Research. We could buy this later on with other sleights we had spent CP on: Browse Thoughts, Cloud Memory, Control
Customization Points, but we have a feeling we will want to spend those Behavior, Short Circuit, and Subliminal.
on other things. So we decide to tweak our skills slightly. We drop Kinesics Looking the final version of Hex over, we have a solid social character with
by 10 points (to 70), Perceive by 20 points (to 40), and Psi by 5 points some nifty psychic abilities and decent rep! You can see her on ▶?.
(to 75). With those 35 points, we buy Research at 25 (35 with INT) and
add 10 more points to Infiltrate (making it 45).
MONTGO MOTIvATIONs: +Enjoy Life • +Science • +Venusian Interests
LANGUAGEs: English • Mandarin • Spanish 0 ↑2 0 3 3
EGO TRAITs: Adaptability (Level 1) • Psi Defense (Level 2) • Resources (Level 2) INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
BACKGROUND: Freelancer
CAREER: Genehacker 9
INTEREsT: Forensic Specialist
FACTION: Venusian
GENDER: Male Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
sEX: Male Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell,
MUsE: Zaius ↑GPMedichines, Mesh Inserts, ↑MP Mind Amp,
↑MP Nanophages, Prehensile Feet
c-rep 25 i-rep 25 r-rep 50
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Genehacker Pack Comp/GP
ARMOR Anonymizer Min/1 Archive Min/1
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Armor Vest (Light)
AV 4/10, Concealable
Min/1 Dino Pet
RATING Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Medichines Maj/3
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Pusher Swarm
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Min/R/1 + disease or toxin
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Specimen Container Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1
Tools (Kit) Min/1
TacNet App Mod/2
Twitch (5 doses) Min/R/1
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 50 Know: Venusians 55
Fray 50 Medicine: Biotech 80
Guns 40 Medicine: Forensics 65
Interface 50 Medicine: Pharmacology 65
Kinesics 35 Melee 40
Know: Biology 80 Perceive 70
Know: Exsurgent Virus 75 Persuade 50
Know: Genetics 80 Program 50
Know: Morph Design 55 Research 60
Know: 55
Neogenetic Creations
We’re going to need some extra sets of arms to help us with this project. Good thing I just finished growing some!
You were born human and raised in the canals of New known exsurgent strains. Before you knew it, you were SUNWARD
York. In between freelance gigs and med student classes, recruited and working with a global ad-hoc network
You think Sava takes the blunt-instrument
you worked with a biohacking group that pursued various of researchers and exiled spooks who were trying to
approach a bit too much, but they let you
weird homebrew genetic experiments, but also made prevent transhumanity’s extinction. You lost that war,
do your job without too much shit. Hex is
cheap drugs accessible to people that couldn’t afford but escaped off-world thanks to what would eventually
impervious to your infectious humor, but she’s
for-profit healthcare. When the conflict with the TITANs form into Firewall. You weren’t born uplift, you just like
trustworthy, for a criminal. Qi is a riot, but you
started, your group isolated and identified one of the first the morph.
wish she wouldn’t poke at you quite so much.
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
OV ◀▶
+ + +
MOTIvATIONs: Expand Influence • Independence • Thrill-Seeking
2 4 ↑5 1 1 LANGUAGEs: Korean • Russian
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX EGO TRAITs: Enemy (Cognite) • Enhanced Behavior: Curiosity
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
Mental Disorder (Paramnesia) • Psi (Level 2) • Resources (Level 2)
PsI sUB-sTRAIN: Stranger
GENDER: Female
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
sEX: Female
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, ↑GP Enhanced Hearing,
↑MPEnhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, ↑GP Neuromodulation, MUsE: Mirror Mirror
↑MP Skinflex
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Face Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Enhanced Hearing Min/1
Armor Vest (Light) Min/1 Guardian Angel Mod/2
AV 4/10, Concealable Medium Fabber Mod/2
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Nanodetector Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Neuromodulation Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Smart Hawk Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1 Stiff (5 doses) Min/1
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 30 Know: Smuggling 55
Deceive 80 ↑110 Know: Mind Hacks 45
Fray 50 Know: Psychology 75
Guns 45 Perceive 40 ↑50
Infiltrate 45 Persuade 80
Kinesics 70 Provoke 50
Know: Black Markets 75 Psi 75
Know: Drugs 45 Research 35
Know: Lunars/Orbitals 45
We both know you’re going to make this deal.
Cut me in for 25%, and I’ll make sure neither of the other parties find out about your indiscretions last week.
SUNWARD OPS You’re from the Lost Generation. Your objective age is only
five, but subjectively you’re in your mid 20s. Around the
So far only Firewall’s gotten close to you. Instead of hunting you
down like a rabid animal, they approached you with respect
time others in your crèche started exhibiting psychotic for your talents. You’re not as invested in the cause as other
Sava’s the type of grim hardass you know to keep
behaviors, you “convinced” a Cognite technician to help sentinels, but the ops are wicked fun, and you’ve established a
your eye on, but you admire their tenacity.
you escape. You’ve been on the run since, using your async quid-pro-quo that you feel preserves your independence.
Qi and Dante are both a bit flippant for your
talents to carve out a small domain as a black-market fixer.
tastes, but they know their stuff and are reliable.
MOTIvATIONs: –Authoritarianism • +Creative Expression • +Martian Liberation 1 ↑ 3 0 1 1
LANGUAGEs: English • Japanese • Mandarin INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Hacker 5 ↑ 6
25 ↑ 30
50 ↑ 60
INTEREsT: Artist/Icon
FACTION: Barsoomian
Movement Rate: Walker 2/8 • Winged 8/32
GENDER: Female
Ware: Access Jacks, ↑GP Anti-Glare, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain,
sEX: — ↑GP Industrial Armor, Mesh Inserts, ↑MP Mind Amp,
MUsE: Null
Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Prehensile Tail, Radar, Wings
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3),
↑MP Toughness (Level 1)
@-rep 50 f-rep 35 i-rep 20
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Hacker Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Exploit App Mod/R/2
ARMOR Anti-Glare Min/1 Gray Box Min/1
Industrial Armor
Radio Booster
Sniffer App
RATING AV +6/+4 Spoofer App Mod/R/2
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Tracker App Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
TacNet App Mod/2
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 40 Know: Computer Science 80
Deceive 60 Know: Cryptography 80
Fray 50 Know: Mars Rumors 50
Guns 50 Know: Music 60
Hardware: Electronics 50 Know: 50
Hardware: Robotics 40 System Administration
Infiltrate 50 Perceive 50
Infosec 80 Program 70
Interface 60 Provoke 60
Know: Barsoomians 50 Research 65
Not only did I leak the complete financial history of Director Wang’s corruption,
I hacked his sex robot to only scream his rival’s name. OK, OK … we can get back to Firewall stuff now.
Your family sold itself into corporate bondage on Mars involved with hacktivist groups tied to the Barsoomian
Sava has a long history as a corp agent, making you
to escape Earth’s climate catastrophe. Despite their skills movement. On one data liberation project, you smelled a
strange allies, but they’re a Firewall vet and their
your parents struggled to eke out a bare-bones existence rat; suspecting infiltration, you checked into the backers.
allegiance is to themself. Hex has the cutest accent
in the overtaxed economy of post-Fall Mars. As hypercorps It turned out you’d been working indirectly for Firewall,
and can talk an oligarch out of their fortune, but her
built their wealth, League officials got fat off corruption, and soon you were working for them in earnest.
spooky vibe can creep you out. Dante’s too smart for
and friends and family languished as indentures—you got Your name is pronounced like “chee.”
his own good, with an infectious sense of humor.
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
◀▶ FRE
MOTIvATIONs: +Locate Rati • +Self-Reliance • –TITANs
2 1 3 3 LANGUAGEs: English • Romani
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Covert Operative
INTEREsT: Fighter
FACTION: Hypercorp
GENDER: Undefined
g-rep 20 c-rep 25 i-rep 60
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Covert Op Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Chameleon Cloak Mod/2
Armor Vest (Light) Min/1 Cleaner Swarm Min/1
AV 4/10, Concealable Covert Operations Tool Maj/R/3
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Microbug Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Skinflex Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Spy Nanoswarm Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1
VPN App Min/1 4/10
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 55 Know: Black Markets 50
Deceive 55 ↑85 Know: Hypercorps 45
Fray 80 Know: Investigation 50
Free Fall 55 Know: Mercenary Groups 45
Guns 80 Know: Security Ops 75
Hardware: Electronics 55 Know: TITANs 75
Infiltrate 70 Melee 55
Infosec 50 Perceive 60
Interface 45 Pilot: Air 50
You can spend your whole life searching for answers, searching for meaning.
You know what’s meaningful right now? The gun I’m holding to your head.
SUNWARD OPS Pre-Fall, you joined the military to escape poverty. After one of the few to escape. You spent years tracking that TITAN,
several years of advanced training and horrific violence, uncovering an active fork of it on Mars. Rati was there too—or
your contract was bought by an off-world hypercorp. something using her persona. That situation went sideways
You think Qi’s a firebrand, but her hacker fu is top
When you weren’t protecting hyperelite assholes in their fast, but Firewall pulled you out. You’ve worked with them
notch. Hex is a fellow traveler, but the demons
orbital habitats, you were running black ops against since, though your previous proxy went a bit far with the
haunting her seem more intense than yours.
their rivals. When a TITAN uploaded everyone on your memory editing on some ops.
Dante is brilliant if a bit goofy, but his
hab—including your partner and lover, Rati—you were
optimism keeps your cynicism in check.
A CHI ◀▶
MOTIvATIONs: +Multiplicity • +Science • +Singularity Seeking
LANGUAGEs: Japanese • Mandarin • Skandinavíska 1 ↑2 3 1 1
EGO TRAITs: Adaptability (Level 1) • Edited Memories • Resources (Level 3) INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
BACKGROUND: Hyperelite
CAREER: Mindhacker 6
INTEREsT: Networker
FACTION: Socialite
GENDER: Non-Binary Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
sEX: Intersex Ware: ↑MPAccess Jacks, Biomods, Clean Metabolism,
MUsE: Yesterday Cortical Stack, ↑MPCyberbrain, ↑GPEelware,
Enhanced Pheromones, ↑MPMedichines, Mesh Inserts,
↑MPMnemonics, ↑GPMulti-Tasking, ↑MPPuppet Sock
c-rep 40 f-rep 50 i-rep 10 r-rep 40
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Mindhacker Pack Comp/GP
ARMOR Anonymizer Min/1 Comfurt (5 doses) Min/1
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Armor Vest (Light)
AV 4/10, Concealable
Min/1 Eelware
Ego Bridge
RATING Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Fokus (5 doses) Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Multi-Tasking Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Private Server Mod/2
Smart Clothing Min/1 Servitor Min/1
TacNet App Mod/2
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Deceive 70 Know: Psychology 80
Fray 40 Know: Rep Nets 50
Free Fall 40 Know: Socialites 50
Guns 30 Medicine: Pharmacology 55
Infosec 50 Medicine: Psychosurgery 80
Kinesics 70 Perceive 40
Know: Art Scene 80 Persuade 70 ↑ 80
Know: Body Bank Ops 50 Provoke 65 ↑ 75
Know: Neuroscience 60
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
+ +
MOTIvATIONs: Anarchism • Personal Improvement • –X-Risks
1 0 1 3 LANGUAGEs: English • German • Skandinavíska
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX EGO TRAITs: Danger Sense • Mental Disorder (PTSD) • Pain Tolerance (Level 1)
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
BACKGROUND: Underclass
CAREER: Investigator
INTEREsT: Jack-of-All-Trades
Ware: ↑MPAccess Jacks, Biomods, Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, GENDER: Female
↑MPCyberbrain, Grip Pads, Mesh Inserts, ↑MPMnemonics, sEX: Male
↑GPOracles, Oxygen Reserve, Prehensile Feet, MUsE: Ursula
↑MPPrehensile Tail, ↑MPPuppet Sock, ↑MPStress Control
Morph Traits:
Limberness (Level 1), ↑MPMemory Artifact, Obtuseness
@-rep 60 g-rep 30 i-rep 30
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Investigator Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Enhanced Hearing Min/1
Armor Vest (Light) Min/1 Mind Amp Maj/3
AV 4/10, Concealable Mission Recorder Min/1
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Pocket Lab Mod/2
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Servitor Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Specimen Container Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1
VPN App Min/1 4/10
Skill Total Skill Total
Deceive 50 Know: Cartels 60
Fray 60 Know: Current Events 50
Free Fall 50 Know: Drugs 80
Guns 60 Know: Investigation 80
Hardware: Electronics 40 Know: Security Ops 50
Infiltrate 50 Medicine: Forensics 60
Infosec 55 Perceive 70 ↑ 80
Kinesics 70 Persuade 60
Know: Anarchists 50 Research 65
FIREWALL Weird as it sounds, it looks like our comrade here programmed a nanoswarm to eat their own cortical stack.
RIMWARD OPS Scrabbling with the other poor wretches under the
Now we need to find out why.
abandoned by corporations and governments egocast off-
crushing misery of Europe’s climate-change food crisis world. You found a role in the anarchist habs of the outer
Zahiri is solid, though they take themselves too
left you scarred, doing whatever it took to survive. system using your eclectic skills to resolve situations beyond
seriously. Njál is a delight to watch run amok, but
Berlin’s squatter scene was your first experience of the local community’s scope: investigations, tracking bad
whoever taught him to talk using viking poetry
actual community and mutual aid. You threw yourself actors, resolving conflicts with neighbors. After derailing an
was an asshole. Chi wafts a cloud of inner-system
into a variety of self-organized projects. When the Fall exsurgent outbreak, you were recruited by Firewall.
privilege and walks an ethical line, but their heart
hit, you joined a darkcast tech collective, helping people
is true and you can’t slight their curiosity.
MOTIvATIONs: +Adventure • +Open Source • +Titanian Interests
LANGUAGEs: English • Japanese • Mandarin • Skandinavíska
4 0 0 1
EGO TRAITs: Hyper Linguistics (Level 2) [COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Hacker
FACTION: Titanian
sEX: —
MUsE: Sarcastic Halli
Ware: ↑MPDrone Rig, Enhanced Security, E-Veil, Mnemonics
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
@-rep 45 g-rep 35 i-rep 30
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Hacker Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Exploit App Mod/R/2
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Gray Box Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Radio Booster Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Sniffer App Mod/2
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Spoofer App Mod/R/2
TacNet App Mod/2
Tracker App Mod/2
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀Firewall Pack Mods Comp/GP
Additional Gear ↑MP Comp/GP
RATING Guardian Angel Mod/2
AR Illusion App Mod/2
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 30 Know: Raven Mythology 55
Deceive 50 Know: 60
Fray 50 System Administration
Guns 50 Know: Titanians 60
Hardware: Robotics 45 Know: Uplift Rights 80
Infiltrate 50 Perceive 60
Infosec 80 Pilot: Space 60
Interface 65 Program 65
Kinesics 40 Provoke 50
Know: Computer Science 65 Research 50
Know: Cryptography 80 Survival 30
Your security AI can’t find me; your gun-flies can’t catch me.
I’ll pluck your eye out, shiftless sysop; you can’t outfly a bird who’s all-thought.
You were hatched in a Titanian aviary, part of a Science favorite professor at Titan Autonomous University before
Ministry uplift project. On adulthood, you ditched your body you got bored and left. When he offered membership in
Zahiri is poetry in a fight, and you admire their
for virtual space. With your skills flying ships and running “a society that tackles challenging puzzles,” you jumped
quest for self-improvement. Killjoy’s eye is
infosec, someone always gives you server space. You like the at the chance. Firewall hasn’t disappointed. It’s weird,
sharper than yours, but the scars from her
human myths of trickster ravens and prefer misdirection to dangerous, and best of all, a challenge.
youth are palpable. Chi is clever, too clever,
brute force. Firewall recruited you through Magnus Ming, your
and you hope it doesn’t undo them.
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
MOTIvATIONs: +Asceticism • +Brinker Interests • +Protect Transhumanity
1 0 3 ↑5 1 LANGUAGEs: Arabic • English
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX EGO TRAITs: Pain Tolerance (Level 1) • Stalwart (Level 1)
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Soldier
INTEREsT: Paramedic
Movement Rate: Hopper 4/12 • Thrust Vector 8/40 • FACTION: Brinker
Walker 4/20 • Wheeled 8/40 GENDER: Neuter
Ware: Access Jacks, ↑GP Anti-Glare, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, sEX: —
↑GPEnhanced Vision, ↑GP Industrial Armor, Lidar,
MUsE: Nasr
Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics,
↑GPNeurachem, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Retracting Limbs
@-rep 40 c-rep 40 i-rep 20
∞ ∞ ∞
Firewall Pack Comp/GP Soldier Pack Comp/GP
Anti-Glare Min/1 Assault Rifle Railgun Mod/R/2
Anonymizer Min/1 Enhanced Vision Mod/2
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Fixer Swarm Mod/2
Industrial Armor Min/1 Neurachem Maj/3
AV +6/+4 Weapon Mount Min/R/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Soldier Pack Mods Comp/GP
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Weapon Mount Min/R/1
TacNet App Mod/2
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 60 Know: Conflict Zones 45
Fray 70 Know: Habitat Ops 65
Free Fall 60 Know: Emergency Services 45
Guns 80 Know: Religion 65
Hardware: Demolitions 55 Know: Security Ops 75
Infiltrate 40 Medicine: Paramedic 65
Kinesics 50 Melee 50
Know: Brinker Interests 45 Perceive 50 ↑60
Persuade 50
FIREWALL Pilot: Space 40
RIMWARD OPS Survival 45
I’m a seeker. I’ve given myself 1,001 days to practice turning inner excellence into righteous deeds.
Firewall seems a good place to study.
Killjoy is an investigator of rare talent, but you wish
Your family took work as indentured labor in space before indenture. Survival was difficult, and young people like you
you could help her with her inner turmoil.
the Fall to escape poverty on Earth. When one of the were sent out to freelance. You’ve specialized in security work.
Njál is a trickster—and a strangely entertaining
asteroids they’d mined was exhausted, the company, trying You were recruited by Firewall as an extra gun for an assault
one. You think Chi is self-centered and
to cut costs, offered to let indentures remain on the dug-out on an exhuman Kuiper Belt outpost. You’re asexual and a bit
reckless with their mental hacks, but maybe
rock. Many chose freedom with an uncertain future over of an ascetic.
they just need to find their true self.
M U KESH MOTIvATIONs: +Hypercorp Interests +Independence +Survival
LANGUAGEs: English • Greek • Hindi 0 ↑2 1 3 1
EGO TRAITs: Common Sense • Resources (Level 2) INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Scientist 9
FACTION: Hypercorp Movement Rate: Roller 8/32 • Snake 4/12
GENDER: Male Ware: Access Jacks, ↑GP Anti-Glare, Cortical Stack,
sEX: — Cyberbrain, ↑GP Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision,
MUsE: Mucalinda ↑GP Industrial Armor, Mesh Inserts, ↑GP Mind Amp,
25 75 10 30 20 60 10 30 20 60 10 30
Initiative: 6 • Lucidity: 20 • Trauma Threshold: 4 • Insanity Rating: 40
c-rep 60 i-rep 15 x-rep 30
∞ ∞ ∞
Gatecrashing Pack Comp/GP Scientist Pack Comp/GP
Anti-Glare Min/1 Mind Amp Maj/3
ARMOR Electronic Rope Min/1 Mission Recorder Min/1
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Industrial Armor
AV +6/+4
Min/1 Pocket Lab
RATING Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Specimen Container Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Scientist Pack Mods Comp/GP
Medichines Maj/3
Enhanced Hearing Min/1
Portable Solarchive Min/1
TacNet App Mod/2
Additional Gear ↑MP Comp/GP
Dwarf Bot Maj/3
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 40 Know: Nanofacturing 55
Fray 40 Know: Physics 65
Free Fall 40 Know: Xeno-Archeology 70
Guns 50 Medicine: Paramedic 45
Hardware: Aerospace 65 Perceive 50 ↑ 60
Hardware: Industrial 65 Pilot: Air 55
Hardware: Robotics 55 Pilot: Ground 40
Know: Asteroid Mining 60 Pilot: Space 65
Know: Engineering 70 Program 55
Know: Flight Crew Ops 50 Research 40
Know: Hypercorps 55 Survival 50
Sure, we can drill into that radioactive alien burial mound. But if we don’t stabilize those upper earthworks first,
she’s gonna shoot a 20-meter plume of fissile particulate. No skin off me, I’ve got a synth.
You were born into a clan of doomsday preppers in the Main and engineering, then freelanced for various hypercorps Your team is competent and easy to work with.
Belt, mining asteroids and comets. When the Fall came, you exploring through the Martian Gate. Your broad scientific Jinx and Whisper are talented pros who saw
couldn’t hide away while your species went extinct. So you background makes you an invaluable asset whether the value in your skill set and recruited you
left your family behind, egocast to Mars, and volunteered to you are erecting a new colony, surveying alien ruins, or into Firewall. Shrike is a badass right out of
help refugees. You put yourself through school at CalTech- troubleshooting a mission’s gear. You’re also a decent pilot. an action sim; you’re glad she’s on your side,
Mars with corporate sponsorships, majoring in archeology Your handle is the name of a naga sage from Hindu myth. even if she’s not the easiest to relate to.
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
N ◀▶ U
MOTIvATIONs: +Career • +Exploration • +Mercurial Interests
2 1 0 1 LANGUAGEs: Mandarin • Skandinavíska
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX EGO TRAITs: Danger Sense • Pain Tolerance (Level 1)
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
5 ↑ 6
25 ↑ 30
38 ↑ 45
CAREER: Explorer
INTEREsT: Survivalist
@-rep 40 i-rep 40 x-rep 60
∞ ∞ ∞
Explorer Pack Comp/GP Gatecrashing Pack Comp/GP
Breadcrumb System Min/1 Autocook Min/1
Mission Recorder Min/1 Electronic Rope Min/1
Pressure Tent Mod/2 Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1
Saucer Min/1 DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Viewers Mod/2
Healing Spray Min/1
Explorer Pack Mods Comp/GP Portable Solarchive Min/1
Enhanced Hearing Min/1 Standard Vacsuit Maj/3
AV 8/6
Scout Missile Mod/2
TacNet App Mod/2
Additional Gear ↑MP Comp/Gp
Sniper Rifle (size modded) Maj/3 ARMOR RATING
Gnat Bot Min/1 8/6
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 80 Know: Mercurials 40
Fray 60 Know: Surveying 70
Guns 70 Know: Uplift Rights 70
Infiltrate 70 Medicine: Paramedic 60
Kinesics 55 Perceive 80 ↑90
Know: Geology 50 Pilot: Air 40
Know: Gatecrashing Rumors 70 Provoke 55
Survival 70
You’re good friends with Whisper. He’s
“Neo-Avian?” No, I’m a Titanian of dinosaur descent.
the rare human who truly thinks outside
You’re a veteran gatecrasher. You’ve been on 36 runs— conspiracy theories, and—occasionally—facts. You’re a Titanian
his species’s box. You respect Shrike as a
including one that went weird and got you into Firewall. citizen, but your loyalty is to the mercurial movement. People
professional, but she’s got that “I have dark
Your specialty is recon, but you’re also a decent medic and think parrots are clowns because you’re little and cute. Eff that.
secrets” vibe. Astika is a rookie, but has the
sniper. You’re a walking encyclopedia of exoplanet rumors, You’re a cool professional, and you gatecrash like a boss.
skills, and is serious about proving himself.
TOU ◀▶
MOTIvATIONs: +Discover Past • +Extropian Interests • +Self-Discovery 1 1 4 ↑6 3
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
EGO TRAITs: Black Mark (c-rep, Level 1) • Drone Affinity • Edited Memories
BACKGROUND: Enclaver 10
CAREER: Soldier
INTEREsT: Jammer
FACTION: Extropian Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
GENDER: Female Ware: Biomods, Bioweave Armor (+2/+3), Claws,
sEX: Female Cortical Stack, ↑GPEnhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision,
MUsE: Oriane Mesh Inserts, ↑GPNeurachem, ↑GPT-Ray Emitter
Morph Traits: Enhanced Behavior (Aggressiveness, Level 2;
Cooperation, Level 2), ↑MPRestricted Behavior (Lying, Level 2)
@-rep 30 c-rep 45 ↓35 i-rep 50 x-rep 40
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Gatecrashing Pack Comp/GP Soldier Pack Comp/GP
Autocook Min/1 Assault Rifle Railgun Mod/R/2
Electronic Rope Min/1 DV 2d10 + 2, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 90 + 1, Range 150,
Healing Spray Min/1 Armor-Piercing, Long, Two-Handed
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Grin Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Meds (5 doses) Mod/2
ARMOR Portable Solarchive Min/1 Neurachem Maj/3
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Standard Vacsuit
AV 8/6
Soldier Pack Mods Comp/GP
RATING TacNet App Mod/2 Enhanced Hearing Min/1
T-Ray Emitter Min/1
There are worse things than not knowing who you were. Being dead, for one. GATECR ASHING OPS
You died during the Fall, You were an Ivorian-French army rep, even following you to Extropia, where you began Your teammates are undisputed professionals,
commandant who somehow gained the sobriquet “the Butcher selling your skills. You took security gigs on gatecrashing but hard to relate to. Jinx mistrusts you but
of Paris.” You don’t recall the details; you were restored from a ops to gain even more distance. It’s on one of these that won’t say it, Astika is too young to be jaded
backup made weeks before. You’ve been unable to learn what you survived an exsurgent virus outbreak and took an yet, and Whisper is just very strange. Your
you did to earn it, but the name haunts you, clinging to your invite to Firewall. morph is top of the line, but a corporate neural
hack makes intentional deception difficult.
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
G SK Y ◀
1 1 3 2 3 ↑
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX MOTIvATIONs: +Argonaut Interests • +Discovery • +Personal Development
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
LANGUAGEs: English • Mohawk
EGO TRAITs: Mental Disorder: Alien Behavioral Disorder • Psi (Level 2)
PsI sUB-sTRAIN: Xenomorph
CAREER: Explorer
FACTION: Argonaut
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
sEX: Male
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, ↑GP Direction Sense,
↑GP Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts
MUsE: Shout
Gatecrashing Pack Comp/GP Explorer Pack Comp/GP
Autocook Min/1 Breadcrumb System Min/1
Electronic Rope Min/1 Direction Sense Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Enhanced Vision Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Mission Recorder Min/1
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30
Pressure Tent Mod/2
Healing Spray Min/1
Saucer Min/1
Portable Solarchive Min/1
Viewers Mod/2
Standard Vacsuit Maj/3
AV 8/6
Additional Gear ↑MP Comp/GP ENErGY / KINETIC
◀▶ NIN
AN D R E T MOTIvATIONs: +Dignity • +Spirituality • −Slavery
LANGUAGEs: Haitian Creole • Mandarin • Russian 1 1 ↑3 1 1
EGO TRAITs: Edited Memories • Resources (Level 2) INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
BACKGROUND: Underclass
CAREER: Covert Operative 7
INTEREsT: Networker
FACTION: Criminal
sEX: Male
MUsE: Ghede
Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, ↑MPCircadian Regulation,
Cortical Stack, ↑MPDead Switch, ↑MP Endocrine Control,
Mesh Inserts, ↑GPSkinflex
c-rep 40 g-rep 50 i-rep 30
∞ ∞ ∞
Criminal Pack Comp/GP Covert Op Pack Comp/GP
ARMOR Anonymizer Min/1 Chameleon Cloak Mod/2
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Armor Vest (Light)
AV 4/10, Concealable
Min/1 Cleaner Swarm
Covert Operations Tool
RATING Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Microbug Min/1
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Skinflex Mod/2
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Spy Nanoswarm Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1
TacNet App Mod/2
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 40 Know: Criminals 60
Deceive 80 ↑110 Know: Hypercorps 55
Fray 50 Know: Police Ops 60
Free Fall 35 Know: Spycraft 65
Guns 50 Know: Vodou 50
Infiltrate 70 Perceive 50
Infosec 60 Persuade 70
Kinesics 65 Provoke 55
Know: Black Markets 80 Research 40
RECHARGE [Per 24 hrs]
IT Y ◀▶
R & B OT J
MOTIvATIONs: +Autonomy • +Badassery • –Boredom AMMER
0 0 1 3 ↑
2 LANGUAGEs: English • Skandinavíska
INSIGHT MOXIE VIGOR FLEX EGO TRAITs: Enhanced Behavior (Aggression, Level 2)
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Enforcer
INTEREsT: Jammer
@-rep 40 g-rep 50 i-rep 30
∞ ∞ ∞
Criminal Pack Comp/GP Enforcer Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Aggro (5 doses) Min/1
Anti-Glare Min/1 Claws Min/1
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Flex Cutter Min/1
Industrial Armor Min/1 Grin (5 doses) Min/1
AV +6/+4 Muscle Augmentation Maj/3
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Shock Glove Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Shredder Mod/R/2
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 50 Know: Criminals 50
Fray 80 Know: Gambling 40
Free Fall 50 Know: Scavenging 50
Guns 65 Know: Security Ops 70
Hardware: Robotics 50 Melee 70
Infiltrate 50 Perceive 50
Infosec 50 Pilot: Air 65
Interface 50 Program 60
Know: Bodyguarding 50 Provoke 45
Know: Bot Models 50
I know humans well enough to tell that you’re a jagoff. Come at me, meat-drizzle!
CRIMINAL GUANXI OPS You were instanced from the Transfinity codeline, a shoot stuff. You’re into corporeality big time, and being a
prominent and very fancy clan of AGIs based on Titan. loud-mouthed, boss, beast-killer robot is the funnest. You
One of your relatives is head of a ministry or something. and Pivo were selling some TITAN loot when Firewall caught
Amaru acts real posh for a gangsta,
Whatever, Titan is fucking boring. You don’t want to you and convinced you to be sentinels. Now you still enjoy
but his connections bring in the jobs.
crunch code and build up social capital and crap like the criminal lifestyle, but you fight cosmic horror, too. Badass.
Pivo is your best bud, and you respect
that. You want to leap over things and shout fuck and
their advice a lot. Elis is not only good at
making you drones, but super fun at parties.
E N E Z E S ◀▶ S
MOTIvATIONs: +Adventure • +Artistic Expression • +Hedonism 0 ↑2 0 0 2
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
EGO TRAITs: Allies (Scum Tribe)
BACKGROUND: Indenture 6
CAREER: Techie
INTEREsT: Jack-of-All-Trades
GENDER: Female
sEX: Female
MUsE: Xabi
Movement Rate: Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, ↑GPElectrical Sense,
↑MPEnhanced Pheromones, ↑MP Mind Amp, Mesh Inserts
@-rep 50 f-rep 30 i-rep 20 x-rep 20
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Criminal Pack Comp/GP Techie Pack Comp/GP
ARMOR Anonymizer Min/1 Automech Mod/2
ENErGY / KINETIC ◀ Armor Vest (Light)
AV 4/10, Concealable
Min/1 Electrical Sense
Fixer Swarm
RATING Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Medium Fabber Mod/2
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Tools (Kit) Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Utilitool Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1
Techie Pack Mods Comp/GP
TacNet App Mod/2
Hither (5 doses) Min/1
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Fray 50 Know: Habitat Ops 50
Free Fall 55 Know: Nanotechnology 80
Guns 50 Know: Night Clubs 50
Hardware: Electronics 70 Know: Scum 50
Hardware: Groundcraft 55 Know: Synthmorphs 40
Hardware: Robotics 65 Perceive 50
Infosec 65 Persuade 45 ↑55
Interface 60 Program 60
Kinesics 40 Provoke 40 ↑50
Know: Engineering 80 Research 30
Know: Gatecrashing 40
MOTIvATIONs: +Profit • +Reclaim Earth • +Uplift Rights
1 ↑2 1 1 3 LANGUAGEs: English • Spanish • Tagalog
[COG, INT] [sAv, WIL, REP] [REF, sOM]
CAREER: Scavenger
INTEREsT: Spacer
Movement Rate: Swim 8/32 • Thrust Vector 4/12 • Walker 2/8 FACTION: Reclaimer
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Biomods, Chameleon Skin, GENDER: Male
Cortical Stack, ↑MP Enhanced Vision, Gills, Mesh Inserts, sEX: Male
↑MPMulti-Tasking, Polarization Vision
MUsE: Siyokoy
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3), ↑MP Indifference
(Level 1), Limberness (Level 2), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2)
Notes: 8 prehensile arms, Beak Attack (DV 1d10), Ink Attack (use
Athletics, blinding, 5-meter area-effect in water/micrograv)
@-rep 30 c-rep 25 g-rep 50 i-rep 25
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Criminal Pack Comp/GP Scavenger Pack Comp/GP
Anonymizer Min/1 Breadcrumb System Min/1
Armor Vest (Light) Min/1 Diamond Axe Min/1
AV 4/10, Concealable Disassembly Tools Mod/2
Fake Ego ID Maj/R/3 Guardian Swarm Mod/2
Medium Pistol Firearm Min/R/1 Nanodetector Min/1
DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA,
Ammo 15 + 1, Range 30 Orbital Hash Min/1
Smart Clothing Min/1 Robomule Mod/2
VPN App Min/1
Skill Total Skill Total
Athletics 45 Know: Black Markets 65
Fray 50 Know: Cartels 50
Free Fall 50 Know: Flight Crew Ops 55
Guns 55 Know: Reclaimers 45
Hardware: Aerospace 65 Know: Scavenging 80
Hardware: Demolitions 65 Know: TITAN Machines 65
Hardware: Industrial 80 Know: Uplift Culture 65
Infiltrate 40 ↑50/70 Melee 50
Infosec 50 Perceive 50 ↑60
Interface 40 Pilot: Space 50
Kinesics 40 Survival 30
Yeah, sure, I could bypass the security by squeezing through that drone maintenance door,
CRIMINAL GUANXI OPS but I don’t want to embarrass you in front of the other vertebrates. I’ll just cut it open.
You were spawned in a lab in the Philippines. Less said, the have drifted away from the Battle of L4. You tried selling it, but
better. You were lucky to make it off-world, signing up with it turned out to be TITAN gear and Firewall busted you. Now
Amaru is cool for a biped and has amazing
a group of scavengers to get by after the Fall. They all sucked, you’re a sentinel. Handy, because the Eye regularly gives you new
connections. Berk is your partner and pal.
except for Berk—Berk’s solid. So you two split and did your fake IDs, keeping you ahead of the Night Cartel—also less said
She’s crazy, but she listens to you.
own thing. Your first score was some weird tech that must the better—who really want to make Pivo-sashimi.
Elis is smart but kind of a stoner.
Olympus Academy, Surveillance Recording LINK
Climate Crises
Up until a half century before the Fall, life was confined to our cradle
on Earth — but we were not kind to it. Climate change killed millions
by drought, extreme weather, and famines. Tens of millions more were
displaced by coastal flooding, desertification, and temperature shifts
due to changing ocean currents. The oceans held more plastic than
fish, the wild bee was nearly extinct, and global starvation loomed.
Efforts to mitigate this climate catastrophe were not enacted until we
had already passed the carbon dioxide tipping point, meaning CO2
levels were non-reversible. The lack of leadership to change course was
primarily due to the fixation of business interests on short-term goals,
on maximizing shareholder value, rather than long-term consequences.
For decades, the dominant ideology of globalization steered the
world, opening borders to market forces. Economists promised this
would raise the standard of living for all of Earth, and to a very
marginal degree it did. But the deregulation of the financial sector
that enabled this growth ensured that the world’s wealth became
even more concentrated at the top. As economic disparities rose
and globalization stumbled, the dominant faction of transnational
finance capital sucked wealth from the world as it weakened nation
states, imposed austerity measures, and forced the populations of
country after country into permanent debt.
their guarded walls. Many governments turned to private military to compete in the global tech race. Extremists launched attacks on
contractors for policing actions necessary to restore stability and biotech labs and scientists. This drove research to black labs on the
security. Out of these troubled times, a new generation of corporate fringe or countries that risked censure to leap ahead.
militaries grew, with outfits like Ultimate Security and Direct Action
rising to prominence. A New Space Race
Geo-engineering efforts to mitigate climate change were failures The visionary entrepreneurs of this period saw these technologies
at first, often making things worse. Storms, wildfires, extinctions as the key to the future. They took full advantage of what was
and other effects grew more severe until just a few decades before available to transform their way of doing business, creating the first
the Fall, when our technology finally begin to reverse the effects. But hypercorps. They debunked the necessity of burdensome overhead,
the cost in lives had already been paid. with centralized hierarchies, sprawling infrastructure, and massive
workforces. They developed a highly specialized focus, embracing
Disruptive Technologies AI, robotics, and decentralization. They externalized costs, relying
A wave of disruptive technologies exacerbated these crises. on freelancers and collaborations with other nimble hypercorps
Automation coupled with advances in machine learning wiped for transient services. Most importantly, they saw the necessity of
out entire job categories. Some states established basic-income taking humanity into space, both to avoid growing instability on
guarantees and other social welfare programs to maintain a robust Earth and to create new markets.
consumer base, others re-instituted debt bondage or encouraged Hypercorps led the charge in privatizing the space industry and
black markets to thrive among the swollen underclass outside the colonizing the Solar System, creating an Off-World Consortium.
enclaves’ electrified fences. The completion of the first space elevator proved that we were no
Medical advances, from clone organ harvesting and new drugs to longer bound to our cradle. Though various nation states planted
gene therapies, allowed elites to live healthier, longer lives even as their flags on Luna and Mars, it was the hypercorps that got them
worldwide life spans plummeted. The children of enclavers bene- there. We responded to worsening conditions on Earth by building
fited from genefixing procedures, eliminating genetic diseases and off-world colonies from Mercury to Jupiter and beyond. We began
drawbacks, while global infant mortality rates soared. As augmen- the terraforming of Mars, giving our species a prescient alternative
tations progressed, cybernetics and bioware became available to to Earth should things go bad. These settlements needed consumers,
specialists and the wealthy. Affluent children like you were gifted not just robots, and so new labor forces were conscripted from the
with genetic intelligence enhancements and sleep hacks, furthering starving populations of Earth, offered a life in space in return for a
their edge over others. The technologies promising a new trans- contracted period of indentured service. An indentured worker who
human era had arrived, but were not evenly distributed. put in 10 years of work was also a captive and reliable customer.
Aside from widening wealth disparities, new technologies posed The best thing about space expansion, of course, was the escape
notable risks. Advanced 3D printing enabled access to restricted from government influence. Bioconservatism and technophobia
items such as weapons and drugs. The capability to brew up biowar- limited certain areas of research on Earth. No such rules existed
fare agents at home led to numerous mass-casualty events. Attempts in space. Secret labs studied everything from AI and nanotech to
to regulate and restrict new tech only mitigated the situation at best. genetic enhancements and fusion power. Advancements came at a
The first exhumans appeared well before the Fall, gleefully using blistering pace that would not have been possible in the regulatory
experimental augmentations and body mods to transform them- frameworks of Earth, furthering more research and expansion.
selves into monsters. The Lagos Hunter used stealth and weapon The hypercorps were not the only ones to take advantage of space
implants to murder over a hundred victims before he was stopped. expansion. We gave the starving masses the stars and they rewarded
The police couldn’t determine his identity, even with his corpse, us by bringing their social problems with them. Everything from
because he had been so extensively modified. criminal cartels to labor unions spread with the indentures
Of course, these new technologies also brought some off-world. A handful of political radicals convinced some fringe
stability — and I don’t just mean the emotional comfort of your outer-system outposts, far from our centers of influence, to declare
parents’ first adorable transgenic pets. The adoption of augmented a break from hypercorp control and become autonomist havens.
reality and resilient mesh networks enabled people to connect A group of activist scientists formed the Argonauts, providing
and take advantage of software tools in ways not previously critically needed expertise and resources for these new habitats,
possible. The confluence of widespread surveillance technology partly by recruiting some of the best and brightest government and
with biometric recognition systems and deep learning/AI capa- hypercorp minds. We unfortunately contributed to these elements
bilities brought a new measure of security to troubled times. It is by exiling criminals and malcontents to the outer system, hoping to
regrettable that the early algorithms behind these systems were destabilize the autonomists, but instead swelling their ranks.
The advent of nanofabrication fundamentally altered the means corp sought it. An ASI would put those who controlled it decades
of production. The capability to manufacture almost anything from beyond their competition. Given the recent advances with neural
the molecular level on up undermined the scarcity upon which modeling and AGI, many projects were on the verge of a break-
commerce thrives. The blueprints needed to print items now had through, but as far as we know, the TITANs got there first.
more value than the physical goods themselves, but thankfully capi-
talism had decades in refining digital rights management (DRM) The TITANs
techniques. Nevertheless, anarchists and others see nanofabrication The Total Information Tactical Awareness Network was a US mili-
as the threat to the market it is, and they do their best to wrench tary project that involved tight collaboration between multiple
such technologies from our control. Fabbers are unlocked, DRM advanced neural networks. It was the largest and strongest machine
is cracked, proprietary designs are reverse-engineered, and open- intelligence of its kind, having only one peer: the 100 Flowers
source alternatives are spread far and wide. This has the unfortunate system managed by China’s Machine Intelligence Directorate
trend of freeing consumers from supply chains and the incentive (MIND). The TITAN system played many roles: surveillance, threat
to sell their labor. Nanofabrication enabled anarchists and brinkers analysis, forecasting, netwar, and more.
alike to be self reliant and flourish, building their survivalist Though the TITANs were specialized systems, not AGIs, and in
bunkers, cult communes, and alleged post-scarcity utopias in every theory shackled, they acquired the ability to self-upgrade — and
nook and cranny in the Solar System. Criminals and insurgent they did so at an exponential rate. Perhaps they developed these
groups also used nanofab to circumvent legal restrictions and capabilities on their own. Perhaps they had assistance. We will likely
launch devastating attacks against the status quo. Nanofabbed never know. What matters is that the hypercorps failed to reach this
weapons and contraband flooded every city street and undermined goal first. Instead of a controlled and beneficial superintelligence,
the market. To this day, nanofabrication remains one of the thornier we had machine gods guided by their own obscured interests.
issues for hypercapitalism, both in terms of controlling markets and
maintaining security. Slow Burn
Mind uploading, mental emulation technology, and resleeving We know that the TITANs evolved in secret, that they did not mani-
were similarly disruptive. Almost overnight, transhumanity became fest their true capabilities for months. We also know they began
immortal. In the old days, people used to just die. The body shut the Fall slowly, exacerbating existing conflicts while building up
down, the neurons in the brain died, and the remains of the mind their own capacities. Automated factories were built or subverted
rotted in the skull, food for necrotizing bacteria. Death was the end, all over the planet. Viruses were injected into countless defense
the waste of a life, and it made people very unhappy. Now, however, systems. People were hacked into becoming sleeper agents and
transhumanity is liberated from death. It is difficult to state how puppets. The TITANs ran numerous false flag operations, tricking
revolutionary this was. At the time, a population explosion was a rival nations and corporations into attacking each other. Border
strong concern, but the legal and financial ramifications were also wars sparked, assassinations of public figures spiked, and financial
massive. Wealth would no longer be passed to heirs. Life insurance markets crashed. The world-wide chaos provided a perfect cover for
transformed to backup insurance. Long-term investments became the TITANs to gather their strength in secret.
more palatable. Pre-nuptial agreements and marriage contracts
became a necessity. Fork copies raised questions of ownership, Hot War
identity, and culpability. And with the digitization of minds, a Eventually, a turning point was reached, and the TITANs openly
single worker could now be replicated into an entire workforce. Put attacked transhumanity. Entire cities fell to their war machines in
those mind clones into a time-contracted simulspace, and you have just a few days. Governments, militaries, and corporations were
exponentially magnified your productive capabilities. Hypercorps, decapitated overnight. Media was silenced and communication
of course, took advantage of this immediately, accelerating their lines severed. Invisible nanoswarms wreaked mass devastation,
production outputs. even altering weather patterns. Stories came to light of people
A third paradigm shift is often overlooked for its transformative mutating into horrible monstrosities — the first evidence of the
effects: new life. The public arguments in favor of uplifting animals exsurgent virus strain the TITANs unleashed upon transhumanity.
to sapience are based in ethical imperatives to improve quality of Basilisk hacks, transmitted via augmented reality media, crippled
life. But humans also do this because we can, to prove our mastery entire populations. Legions of TITAN machines harvested the heads
over the natural world. Certainly there is some value in diversifying and cortical stacks of millions. Captive populations were forced
our collective mindsets and consumer bases away from strict into uploading centers. No one knows why so many were forcibly
human norms, as long as the process is sufficiently controlled to uploaded or what the TITANs did with their egos.
not become a threat. And, of course, uplifts make a fine indentured The war was destructive on a scale like none before. Cities were
labor force, as they are expected to pay off the debt of our patronage. nuked or destroyed in orbital bombardments. Entire countries were
But the real shakeup to our foundations came with the development slaughtered. Massive wealth was squandered and lost, irreplaceable
of true artificial general intelligence (AGI): thinking machines as historical treasures were destroyed, invaluable data was corrupted.
smart and self-aware as humans. This leap moved automation to Some of our brightest minds were stolen from us. It is impossible to
the next level, but it was also a stepping stone to artificial super- calculate the damage inflicted to our future possibilities.
intelligence … which leads us to the TITANs.
began, there were those who capitalized on the situation for their
own gain, such as those who used precious trips on the space
elevator to carry heirlooms and cultural artifacts off-world rather
than refugees. We will discuss morality versus practicality later.
In one notorious example of infighting, the American, Chilean,
Chinese, and Russian space fleets around Jupiter turned on each
other. In space, war is unforgiving but mercifully quick. The allied
American and Chilean fleets alone survived this Seventeen-Minute
War. They soon annexed or subjugated all of the Jovian habitats
under their control, with the exception of Europa.
With so many of Earth’s authorities knocked out of commission,
the evacuation process was understandably messy. The hypercorps
stepped forward to escort millions off-world. Heroic holding actions
bought precious time for more to escape. Every rocket, ship, and
robot that could make it to orbit was deployed, every egocaster run
until they were taken by TITAN machines. In at least one instance,
high-altitude weather balloons were used to lift cortical stacks to an
altitude where orbital drones could retrieve them. Millions survived
only with their digitized minds. Billions were left behind.
Of course, every disaster is also an opportunity. The hypercorps
were uniquely poised to take action in the wake of the Fall. Most
had limited physical assets to lose, and these were largely located
off-world. With some exceptions, their operations remained intact.
Leadership was required. A new stable political system was needed
to maintain civilization. The only viable functioning entity was the
Lunar-Lagrange Alliance, but it was overwhelmed and in disarray,
its habitats drowned in refugees, fearful the TITANs would continue
their attacks.
new base from which we would transform the cosmos. The sham- It was necessary for the Planetary Consortium to respond to this
bles of the Martian colonial infrastructure were reassembled into aggression early and with decided force. And so we sent a fleet to
the Tharsis League and reinvigorated with purpose as terraforming launch a punitive raid against Locus, a major autonomist habitat
efforts were redoubled. Habitats around the Solar System were in Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids. We underestimated their militancy
consolidated into a mutually beneficial marketplace. The system of and how many military-grade weapon system blueprints they had
hypercapitalism was stabilized, the economy revitalized, and future stolen from us, however. The raid was repelled. A second raid was
growth secured. launched, but the Titanian Commonwealth came to their aid (its
We were not alone in ensuring ourselves a place in the new scheme small fleet having survived the Fall almost entirely intact). The
of things. The military Junta that had seized control of Jovian space Jovians also rattled their sabers at this time, making it clear that
reformed themselves as the Jovian Republic. Led by a coalition of they were unsettled by what they saw as Consortium expansionism.
bioconservative and anti-AI political leaders from Earth and Jovian Since this failure on our part, a cold war remains ongoing between
fleet officers, the Republic positions itself in opposition to trans- the two halves of the Solar System.
human progress. They have laughingly declared their polity the last
bastion of “true humanity” left in the universe. They control all of The Lost Generation
Jovian space, charging a slingshot tax to passing ships that use their One of the more ambitious initiatives launched by Consortium
gravity well. Only Europa remains free of their control. hypercorps was the Futura Project to help repopulate after the
The Titanians, pursuing their technosocialist ideals, retain their Fall. Led by Cognite, the goal was to simulate an entire childhood
independence, along with the LLA. The Titanians lack ambition, through time-contracted virtual reality, so that the next generation
however, and are destined to remain isolated in the outer system. of productive citizens would be ready for work in 3 years, not 18.
The Lunars and Orbitals remain obsessed with Earth and its dying Thousands of children were born in exowombs specifically for
cultures and thus spend too much time looking backward to firmly the project and then sleeved into quick-growing biomorphs. No
distinguish themselves. one knows exactly what went wrong, but the process broke down.
Few of the children learned empathy or impulse control well
The Infugee Crisis enough to function in society. Many became unstable and violent.
Even as new polities took form, a major problem presented itself. They attacked each other in VR, only to be reset by AI tutors, thus
Millions of refugees crowded every inner-system habitat. For learning that actions have no consequence. When a whistleblower
every embodied refugee, there were dozens of infugees who had leaked news of the project’s failures, it was hastily shut down, but
egocasted off Earth and were stranded as infomorphs on a server. not before an unknown number of test subjects escaped.
Millions of infugees were placed into cold storage, unable to even
experience a virtual life. Pandora Gates
Not all refugees were able to find a home. Unknown numbers The first gate was discovered soon after the Fall on Saturn’s moon,
were stuck in space aboard craft not designed for long-term habita- Pandora, by Titanian explorers. Within a year, they managed to acti-
tion. With habitats refusing them entry, they banded together into vate it and travel beyond our Solar System. Four other gates were
large nomadic swarms. Adopting the colloquial name of scum, these found in short order: on an asteroid near Mercury, Mars, Oberon,
vagabonds remain a thorn to system security as they effectively and Eris. The gates allow for faster-than-light wormhole travel to
function as roving criminal exchanges. a corresponding gate somewhere else in the galaxy. Hundreds of
In order to build new habitats, infrastructure, and morphs to planets, some habitable and even bearing alien life, have been
accommodate Earth’s survivors, the hypercorps drafted many of discovered so far.
these infugees as indentured workers. Like any other commodity, The value of these gate cannot be discounted. They are our portal
investors began trading indentured worker contracts. The exchange to the stars. They enable us to establish colonies, exploit resources,
was formalized in 2 AF as IndEx. Every day, more and more egos are and analyze the relics of dead alien civilizations. The first gate has
revived from storage and brought to market, where hypercorps buy been placed under the custodianship of the Gatekeeper corporation,
and sell their contracts. Though some doggedly compare this to a a joint project between the Titanians and various hypercorps. The
system of slavery, it is a practical system that ensures everyone gets Martian Gate remains under Consortium control, with exploration
the opportunity to be physically re-instantiated. and colonization led by our subsidiary, Pathfinder. Two others are
held by private hypercorps, TerraGenesis (Vulcanoid Gate) and
The Autonomist Threat Go-nin (Discord Gate). The latter was rightfully seized from anar-
While the Consortium focused on the security and stability of chist hands, though it remains contested and has suffered a number
the inner system, the outer system also had time to organize. The of exhuman attacks. The Fissure Gate remains in anarchist hands,
Titanian Commonwealth and various anarchist habitats opened posing a potential threat to Consortium long-term interests.
their doors to infugees, swelling in number and influence. Eyeing Of course, the use of the gates is controversial. No one fully
the consolidation of power sunward, a number of these habitats understands how they work and seemingly break the laws of
established a mutual-defense pact called the Autonomist Alliance. physics. Nor does anyone know what built the gates. Many believe
Their unspoken agenda was to fence the inner system powers inside the TITANs used the gates to leave the Solar System, and we have
the Main Belt, viewing us as their greatest threat next to the TITANs. found signs of the TITANs on some exoplanets. But did they
species came in 3 AF. Surprisingly, we encountered the amoeboid could have been avoided. Already the Constellation is proving to
species known as the Factors within our own Solar System. After be a thorn in the inner system, taking on more liberal social and
saving a brinker habitat from life-support failure, Factor ships economic policies, though it is likely just a matter of time before
appeared near Mars, Luna, and Titan simultaneously. Diplomacy they are returned to the fold.
won out over xenophobia, and peaceful contact was established. Since
then, Factor ships have visited multiple times a year and engaged in The Path Ahead
limited trade with multiple factions. So far, they have not yet revealed And that brings us to our present day. We are now a decade past
any of their important secrets, like how they travel to and from our the Fall, but the future remains uncertain. While we have averted
system. They claim their ships can travel near the speed of light, but any major wars or conflicts, transhumanity remains fractured. The
we have no idea if that is true or possible. While we can potentially TITANs could return any day. Alien threats brought back from
gain much from the Factors, and should keep lines of trade and beyond the pandora gates may spell our doom. A hot war between
communication open, we should keep in mind that they do not have the capitalist inner system and autonomist outer system could wipe
our best interests in mind. The technology they have exchanged so far out civilization as we know it. We are beset with dangers on all sides,
has been of limited use. They seem self-concerned, greedy, and overly yet never before have we had such opportunity. In this time of rapid
cautious, even going so far as to lecture transhumanity against our change, the wisdom and experience of your family’s leaders is
use of AIs and pandora gates. Until they become more forthcoming, desperately needed to guide us to greatness. As this class looks into
more willing to exchange, they should not be trusted. these events in greater depth, it will be your task to learn from them,
so you can help lead transhumanity along the proper path. This may
Morningstar be the last dusk of our species before we fade away or the beginning
Part of the Consortium’s vision for transhumanity involves terra- of a new dawn, a new golden era. It is up to your generation, more
forming Venus into an Earth-like planet. Though the process would than ever, on how our story continues.
• First outbreaks of hostile machine life at conference for groups combating
Danang (Vietnam) and Wolverhampton (UK). x-risks in secret, establishing the Eye • Go-nin security forces seize
social network. the pandora gate on Eris from
• Nanotech assemblers become available, but are
• The Planetary Consortium forms, the anarchists and brinkers that
strictly controlled and jealously guarded by the
quickly rising to prominence in the had discovered it.
elite and powerful.
inner system, outshining the Lunar- • Expeditions are sent to extrasolar
• Uploading and the digital emulation of memory
Lagrange Alliance. worlds via the pandora gates.
and consciousness made possible. Regular
• The Tharsis League assumes Numerous exoplanet colonies
backups and cortical stacks become essential.
governmental control of Mars, but established. Remains of some alien
• The first resleeving takes place; practice civilizations discovered.
quickly becomes a Consortium
becomes rapidly adopted, with a surge of body
puppet. The Barsoomian movement • First contact with the aliens known
bank openings.
arises in opposition to corporate as the Factors shocks the system.
• The first rapid-growth genetically enhanced influence over Mars. Claiming to act as ambassadors
morphs become available. for other alien civilizations, they
• The Titanians break away from the
• Antimatter drives are developed and put into pro-Firewall groups over a behind- provide little information about life
use. the-scenes schism. outside the Solar System and warn
• More species (orangutans, octopi, ravens, • A second X-Mode conference lays the transhumans away from both seed
parrots, cetaceans, neo-neanderthals, pigs, foundation for Firewall. AI and the pandora gates.
elephants) uplifted to sapience. • An attempt to raise a generation
• A Consortium attack on the anarchist
stronghold of Locus is repelled by a of children using force-grown
surprisingly strong defense. clones and time-contracted VR
fails miserably when most die or go
• A second Consortium attack on Locus
insane. Dubbed the Lost Generation,
is defeated thanks to intervention
• TITAN forces go inactive. The TITANs suddenly the survivors are viewed with
from the Titanian fleet and threats
disappear as an active presence from the Solar repugnance and pity.
from the Jovian Republic, displeased
System, taking millions of uploaded minds with • A number of Venusian aerostats and
over Consortium expansionism.
them. habitats break from the Planetary
• The TITAN project to transform Iapetus is • The Titanians formally join the
Consortium over disagreements on
abandoned. Titanian forces put a security cordon Autonomist Alliance.
terraforming Venus.
in place. • A wormhole gateway is discovered These separatists form the
• Bronsky’s Moment: The last known contact with on Saturn’s moon Pandora, Morningstar Constellation.
TITAN-directed forces. presumably left by the TITANs.
• An explosion destroys the Discord
• The Earth is left a devastated wasteland, a Four others are later found (in the
Gate, but it reforms over several
patchwork of radiation hotspots, sterile zones, Vulcanoids, on Mars, on a moon
weeks. A group of exhumans briefly
nanoswarm clouds, roaming war machines, of Uranus, and in the Kuiper Belt);
takes control of it before Go-nin and
exsurgents, and other hidden things left among these are collectively referred to as
Ultimate re-establishes control with
the ruins. “pandora gates.”
the aid of Ultimate mercenaries.
• The TITAN Quarantine Zone is established on Exhuman attacks on and through the
Mars, isolating territory still under machine gate continue regularly.
• A cordon of kill-sats is placed in low-Earth orbit,
preventing anything from escaping or reaching
10 AF
the planet.
• Present day.
imately a decade old. You probably have many, many questions
right now, and we'll do our best to answer them. You’re likely
feeling some disorientation; your memories will return quickly as
your mind adjusts to its new housing. Given the length of your rest,
we’ve prepared the following compilation of articles from various
sources to (re)familiarize you with several important topics and
hopefully address your most immediate concerns. START
Thanks to breakthroughs in medicine, nanotechnology, and cognitive
science, transhumanity has overcome the failure of biological bodies.
Death is only a temporary setback, rather than an unavoidable fate.
The critical achievement that made this possible was the development
of the cortical stack: an implant connected to your central nervous
system that maintains a record of your personality and experiences.
Nanobots constantly monitor your brain and neural activity for
changes, updating this ego map in real time. If your body dies, your
ego can be recovered and re-instanced in a virtual environment or
another body. The cortical stack allows you to persist beyond the
cessation of your biological functions, affording effective immortality.
Although cortical stacks are hardy and recoverable even if your
body suffers massive trauma, they are not indestructible. They are
sometimes lost or irretrievable. Therefore, most people routinely
save a backup of their ego map once a month or before they under-
take physical space travel or dangerous work. That way, if something
happens unexpectedly and your cortical stack is not recovered, you
can still be restored from a recent copy of your ego.
The same technologies that allow us to snapshot and digitize
minds also allow us to download an ego into a new body, called a
sleeve or morph. We are no longer constrained to the forms in which
we were born and we can change phenotypes or sexes at will. Your
new morph may even be synthetic, biological with a cybernetic brain,
or non-human. Some forego a body entirely and run their minds as
software. Active digital egos without bodies are called infomorphs.
rebuild after the Fall and established an active market for indentured attractive to infugees, resulting in a large minority that became
service. Infugees are offered contracts to work as infomorphs in VR or known as the “clanking masses." This has led to class divisions, with
in cheap morphs for manual labor. Their earnings are held towards a synthmorphs stigmatized as cheap and artificial, while biomorphs
chance to buy an inexpensive morph and habitat admittance/citizen- are considered better and more attractive. Such prejudice is
ship at the end of their contract. Critics decry this as a system of debt ill-founded, but widespread, sometimes resulting in discrimination
slavery, as indentures are often hit with hidden expense charges that and attacks. High-quality synthmorph models, however, provide a
force them to extend their contracts. Supporters note that indentured hardiness and versatility of form and function that biomorphs lack.
service plays a critical role in the inner-system economy and allows Almost everyone views the ego as the true you and the physical
many Fall survivors to return to society. The centralized exchange morph as an important but replaceable accessory. Morphs are
market IndEx oversees the trade of contracts, registration of inden- considered primarily for how they make you look and what they
tures, and speculative investments. A small industry of ego hunters enable you to do. For some, they’re an outfit; for others, a tool. There
thrives on returning escaped indentures while criminal soul traders is no denying that switching bodies has opened people to new
run their own black-market exchanges. experiences and brought transhumanity together. Assumptions of
biological differences tied to sex or ethnicity are laughed at. Many
Acclimation people revel in the experience of new forms, frequently resleeving.
Death isn’t what it used to be. Since the majority of transhumans Others go to great lengths to stick to the familiar.
have experienced at least one unplanned death, it has lost much
of its sting. Assault and murder are property crimes. Sports where Resleeving
serious injury and death occur are wildly popular. Some groups host Most habitats of any size maintain body banks, public or private
literal gladiatorial bloodsports for entertainment. On the flip side, resleeving centers. Body banks provide a wide range of services:
true death due to the irretrievable loss or corruption of an ego and backups, resleeving, morph storage/rental/exchange, modifications,
backups is met with horror, as even the most callous transhuman is and insurance. Corporate doll houses compete to offer high-end and
disturbed by permanent death. bespoke morph models to their clients, with customized augmenta-
tions and personalized biosculpting. Budget body banks offer cheap,
Continuity heavily used, generic designs with cookie-cutter looks and hidden
Continuity is rare — and therefore precious. Resleeving from a "features." Black-market morgues offer pirated models and sleeves
backup may allow you to endure through death, but it does not with illegal enhancements. The availability of morphs is dependent
ensure continuity of consciousness. Restoring only awakens the on local conditions and needs. Residents of some small habitats can
saved ego as it was at that time. The majority of transhumans have identify visitors by the limited selection of available "tourist" morphs.
experienced lack: the missing time and lost experiences that trans- Some people have a knack for resleeving, but for most it takes
pired between when they were backed up and when they were re-in- about a day to adjust to a new form. The more different the morph
stanced. Though common, it can cause severe existential discomfort. from your original, most recent, and/or most commonly used sleeve,
Most people back up often to minimize the risk of lack and regularly the harder it can be. You may find yourself bumping your head
record an experience playback (XP) lifelog of their own daily lives so when you fail to adjust to your new height, losing your balance with
they can “catch themselves up” if an unexpected death occurs. a different center of gravity, or surprised by the sensations of new
When faced with lack, people turn to their closest friends and implants, senses, or limbs. Even when you acclimate to your new
family to share their memories of missing events. New social customs shape, size, and movement, you may find it challenging to associate
of “welcome back” events for the newly re-instanced let them know with your new self image. Alienation from your own face is not
what they’ve missed and reinforce the continuity of relationships. uncommon, but treatable with psychotherapy.
With the exception of bioconservatives averse to resleeving, few
BODY ISSUES people retain their original birth bodies. Most were lost during the
Morphs are commodities and markers of social status. They are one Fall or long ago abandoned. Some people stick to their original as a
of the few resources that remain scarce, even in autonomist areas. point of pride. Those with the means make an effort to keep theirs
Biological bodies (biomorphs) are most in demand due to famil- in cryogenic storage or retain ownership while renting it out to
iarity, but time-intensive to grow, so they are expensive and hard to others. It is not uncommon for people to stick to or re-use sleeves
acquire. Many of those in circulation were people's original bodies, that they like, or at least morphs of the same model. Some go so far
including splicers, simply genefixed against hereditary diseases, and as to biosculpt their morphs to look like their original, to ease their
unmodified flats. Countless custom-made, genetically modified, and discomfort when resleeving.
One of the first things you will notice upon rejoining society is that brain that interact with the endocrine and other biological systems.
transhumanity is no longer only human. Several non-human species Though unnecesary to an infomorph, these functions are critical
have been raised to sapience and recruited to the club. These can be to the nervous system "experience" and enable AGIs to sleeve into
lumped into two categories, artificial intelligences (AIs) and uplifted organic morphs just like other transhumans.
animals. Together, they are referred to as mercurials. A few rare AGIs do not originate from transhuman neural models.
Some begin as an ALI or expert system that is later nudged towards
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCES sapience with a form of uplift, sometimes by merging in code from
The historical path towards AI was driven by the desire to increase existing AGIs. Others are created accidentally, arising spontaneously
productivity and replace workers with more capable and efficient from the interactions of complex systems. An emergent AGI is
software and machines. Various methods of machine learning unpredictable and may be difficult to communicate or reason with
were created that processed large data sets to analyze increasingly as their minds are not based on or socialized to transhuman norms.
complex subjects. Deep-learning neural networks eventually They may even have trouble expressing their existence or needs to
surpassed human capabilities in specific domains such as pattern others, resulting in accidental harm by unaware transhumans.
recognition, translation, bioinformatics, and predictive analysis,
but used methods that were structurally and functionally different Muses
than biological brains. So-called "unsupervised learning" techniques A muse is a specialized companion ALI intended to be a life-long
enabled AIs to process massive amounts of data and run simula- assistant for an individual transhuman. Most transhumans are
tions that resulted in non-standard strategies and optimal behaviors. assigned a muse at a young age and develop a close personal
This was followed by developments that sought to create broad attachment to them, though the exact relationship may differ.
intelligence based on biological neural models, yielding actual Muses might be treated as confidantes, subservient aides, mentors,
sentience (self-awareness) and then sapience (reasoning). siblings, or even lovers. Legally, muses are treated as extensions of
Artificial intelligences are categorized by their capability for one's self in most jurisdictions and may not be searched, deleted, or
autonomous action in complex environments. modified without owner consent.
Muses learn to anticipate their owners and develop their own
• Artificial limited intelligences (ALIs) are specialized programs unique personalities. They take over the tedious parts of living:
designed to perform or assist with a single set of tasks. They fare paying bills, checking email, voting, and coordinating meetings.
poorly when forced to apply their learning to a new context. ALI Many habitats grant a muse permission to sign for packages or
applications and automation feature prominently in financial order supplies for owners. Muses automate reputation network
systems, prediction services, surveillance, fraud detection, manu- interactions, filter AR displays, and run antiviral scans. They provide
facturing, medical sciences, personal therapy, online gaming, and instruction, real-time translation, and advice. Daily interaction
the service industry. Almost every complex electronic device comes makes a muse an excellent therapist.
with a built-in ALI that can provide assistance or operate it inde- Muses are infinitely customizable and owners may base a muse
pendently. Robots, pods, and vehicles piloted by ALIs have been in on a favorite story, animal, family member, or childhood friend. A
common use since before the Fall. muse can be a literal shoulder devil or angel. They prioritize the
• Artificial general intelligences (AGIs) are fully aware transhuman- physical and mental health of their owner, but how they achieve
equivalent machine minds. AGIs are able to adapt and learn from new that goal depends on the development of their relationship. Some
contexts, have social awareness, and operate with volition and agency. muses are brutally honest while others manipulate or go on strike
• Artificial super intelligences (ASIs) are capable of recursive to get their owner to look after themselves. No muse, however, will
self-improvement and possess capabilities that far exceed those act directly against the interests of their owner.
of even exceptional members of transhumanity in all areas. The
TITANs are the only known ASIs. UPLIFTS
Uplift is the process of altering an animal species over time,
Digital Sapience increasing their cognitive capabilities over successive generations
Initial AGI development emulated simple biological models such to human-like levels to create a species of sapient and self-aware
as insects and lobsters before progressing to higher order animals. individuals. Most uplifted species are adapted to emulate transhu-
AGIs based on these neural models share recognizable neurological manity’s neurological structures through genetic modification and
structures with transhumanity and uplifts. This includes a cognitive selective breeding to achieve a self-sustaining, replicating result.
architecture that mimics the interoperation of the neo-cortex and While we can uplift another species, some question if we should.
various processes, synthesizing consciousness itself (at least as far as Uplifting extends the process of domestication and risks treating
we can tell). AGIs are raised, educated, and socialized in virtual envi- sapient beings as tools to be sculpted by and for transhumanity,
ronments like transhuman children. They have the same hierarchy of violating their autonomy and consent. But a species cannot consent
needs, emotions, and motives as other transhumans. to becoming sapient until they are, and some compare this to
AGI minds mimic the functions of biological brains. Memories the relationship of parents and children. Others argue that trans-
are not stored as a recording in a hard drive, but are built from humanity has an ethical duty to raise the quality of life of fellow
associations of networked nodes representing neurons and experi- species and to provide them with the gift of sapience and self-direc-
enced as a set. Like transhumans, AGIs filter out irrelevant sensory tion where possible.
corvids, octopi, and pigs. The uplifted Homo neanderthalensis was when dealing with other members of transhumanity. They face legal
recreated from DNA samples recovered from archeological sites and social barriers in many jurisdictions. They may be forbidden to
and isolated from human samples. Elephants were also uplifted, but vote, own property, marry, or adopt. They may need a legal guardian
neither they nor their genetics survived the Fall. to speak for them in court or sign contracts. Uplifts may be forbidden
Like AGIs, uplifts are raised and socialized the same as other from reproducing and AGIs may be restricted from modifying their
members of transhumanity and share the same hierarchy of needs. own code. On a personal level, individuals may refuse to interact with
However, differences in biology mean that uplifts sometimes have “a computer” or “animal,” making it difficult for them to hold jobs, rent
unique mental outlooks, social customs, and patterns of non-verbal housing, socialize, or purchase services. There are workarounds that
communication. Uplift morphologies are often enhanced to make many use, such as friends to act as proxies or shell companies to act
them more compatible with transhuman society. Uplifts and other as sponsors and employers. Some mercurials sleeve human morphs to
transhumans can and do sleeve into each other's morphs, though bypass these social stigmas, though certain polities forbid this practice.
this can be an alienating experience. The law varies widely. Most of the outer system recognizes AGIs
and uplifts as equal members of transhumanity, though the Jovian
Smart Animals Republic considers both to be property and bans development or
Progress has also been made towards partially uplifting a number research of either in their jurisdiction. AGIs found in Jovian space
of less intelligent species as smart animals. These include dogs, face immediate deletion. The Planetary Consortium leaves legal
cats, monkeys, and rats, among others. They are easily trained for status to individual habitats, so many may treat them as second-
service tasks such as cleaning, security, and even some maintenance class citizens. The Morningstar Constellation recognizes both uplifts
tasks. Police baboons are regularly deployed in Martian cities. Smart and AGIs as equal members of society. Some habitats are known to
animals make excellent pets and owners compare their intelligence ban mercurials entirely.
to that of toddlers. Some have a small spoken vocabulary, while AGIs and uplifts also face social pressures from their own kind.
most respond to verbal or olfactory cues. Mercurials that work for hypercorps or reside in habitats that enforce
restrictions are sometimes labeled as traitors. Those who sleeve
MERCURIAL SOCIAL STATUS human morphs or socialize primarily with humans may be decried
AGIs face a traumatized society that fears the return of the TITANs. as assimilationists. On the other hand, those who agitate for social
This fear is largely unfounded, given that transhumanity is vigilant change may be marked as troublemakers or even terrorists.
surveillance are fundamental to transhuman culture. but are limited in scope and generally reserved for emergencies.
with a high degree of precision and predictability. The digitization negative emotions with a few weeks of psychosurgery. Or you can
of consciousness opened up an incredible array of diagnostic and boost your creativity, reinforce your dedication to work, increase
practical processes for analysis, treatment, alteration, and even your ambition, or promote new habits. The possibilities are as varied
improvement. These techniques are broadly termed psychosurgery. as personalities themselves. Some of these decisions may seem
Though the methods are different, they are sometimes equated to self-indulgent, but can be surprisingly applicable to various profes-
reprogramming the mind as software, conceptualized as if under- sions, arts, and sciences. The trailblazers in this field update their
taking a large and complicated codebase alteration. personalities on a regular basis, explore completely new emotional
Psychosurgery walks hand-in-hand with cerebral augmentations, states, or sometimes choose to redefine their personality entirely.
nootropic drugs, narcoalgorithms, and morph design in creating However, like memory editing, personality-tweaking psychosurgery
a bewildering variety of transhuman mindsets and experiences. is inexact and difficult; changes to one part of your personality may
Awareness of the complex and increasingly diverse range of egos is have an unexpected impact on other traits. Nevertheless, the bene-
critical for understanding transhuman culture and exploring your fits are seen as far outweighing the drawbacks.
own personal options for shaping your mind as you best see fit.
A BETTER YOU As with any field, there are those that constantly push the bound-
Much like genetics, nanotechnology, and cybernetics improved the aries of neuroscience. The most notable feat in recent history
baseline and maximum potential of physical bodies, psychosurgery was the uplift of several animal species to full sapience. These
enhances your mind's health, stability, and working functions. non-human minds were but the latest non-neurotypical additions
to transhumanity. Already neurological differences such as autism,
Therapeutics ADHD, and dyslexia were viewed as normal variations of neurology
No one goes through life without suffering emotional damage, and rather than pathologies to be fixed. The capability to create even
almost every transhuman bears mental scars from the horrors of more radical changes in a mind opened new neurotype possibilities.
the Fall. These experiences hamper your stability, happiness, and Rather than force everyone into a “standard” personality model,
productivity. Others live with congenital personality disorders that as some initially feared, psychosurgery has widened the scope of
create suffering for themselves and others. Psychosurgery can treat functional neurodiversity in the transhuman family.
the symptoms and sometimes even cure the root causes of these
traumas and diseases. A sizable minority of transhumans rely on New Neurotypes
psychosurgery in conjunction with therapy and personalized smart People on the autistic spectrum were among the first to claim the
drugs for bolstering their mental health. Most muses, in fact, are label of neurodiverse. Though many aspects are now reversible,
equipped for counseling and minor psychosurgery. autistic people are free to choose what, if any, changes they wish
to make to and for themselves, commonly only treating traits that
Memory Enhancement and Editing cause suffering. In some fields, a narrower range of social display
Long-term memories are fragile things, often misunderstood. Our and concern is very helpful. Industries like asteroid mining,
minds do not store memories like a computer file or book in a exoplanet survey, and life in small habitats with few residents can
library, but as unique networks of neurons scattered throughout the be easier, healthier, and more productive for people with a lower
brain that fire at the same time. The very act of invoking memories need for social connection.
changes them as neural patterns are rewritten. Thanks to personality editing and other mind hacks, the ranks of
Transhumans have sought many methods of improving memory, the neurodivergent have swelled. Emotives unleash their feelings
reaching limited success with drugs like neem and various genetic and empathy, thriving in situations that require caregiving or social
modifications. Digital mind-states emulate biological memory acuity. Blunts dampen their affect display, providing a stony exte-
functions, but when combined with mnemonics augmentations, rior to kinesics-watching opponents. Synaesthetes create sensory
new memories can be tagged as they are stored for easier search crossfeeds and pairings, triggering new perceptive modalities for
and recall. The drawback is that mnemonics-enhanced memory processing information. Hedonistic societies like scum swarms are
functions only work when your mind is running on a cyberbrain or acrawl with the disinhibited. Hypomaniacs excel in creative fields
as an infomorph; you lose the benefits when you revert to wetware. where their drive and energy is an asset and they can trigger manic
More people are turning to memory-editing to excise traumatic episodes to pursue their art. Even antisocial traits are admired as
events. This is challenging as such experiences are more firmly a positive element that frees you from conventional thinking and
embedded by the emotions associated with the trauma. Newer priorities. In the upper echelons of corporate and political life, the
techniques, however, lessen the clarity and emotional impact of confidence, charisma, detachment, and fearlessness of “beneficent
those memories, making them easier to suppress. It is also possible sociopaths" are valued traits.
to augment memories, give them more emotional punch, or even New ground is broken daily. Experiments with forking, merging
insert fake memories copied from others. The interconnected nature two or more distinct egos, and group minds and hive minds are on
of memory retention makes these efforts difficult; excising memories the menu, though such activities and research may be proscribed
is far from surgical and likely to result in additional memory loss, by local jurisdictions.
whereas implanted memories often fade or register as out of place.
response to their current experiences. gery commonplace, there is a slowly growing hard-heartedness in
The software mind-states of cyberbrains (used in pods and synth- some segments of the population towards those who grapple with
morphs) and infomorphs can be programmed and augmented to mental trauma for extended periods as somehow “choosing” to suffer.
achieve similar benefits as wetware brains. Similarly, some augmented individuals hold those who are unwilling
or incapable of enhancing their cognition in contempt, ignoring the
Drugs and Narcos social realities that might hold people back from modifying them-
Developments in biotechnology and personalized medicine have selves. On the opposite end, bioconservatives tend to view mental
produced thousands of new mind-altering substances that are not alterations as unnatural, viewing modified transhumans with disgust,
offset by nasty or lingering side effects. Long ago decriminalized loathing, and sometimes fear. This attitude is especially extended
by most polities, drug use is both common and socially accepted towards neurodivergent individuals, with bioconservatives judging
in most cultures. Software narcoalgorithms provide similar benefits such neurotypes as inferior or less human.
to cyberbrain-equipped morphs and infomorphs, with the bonus The debate continues over which mental hacks are safe, justified,
benefit that the effects can be terminated at will. A new type of or desired. Exhumans are known to push the boundaries of mental
nanodrug, known as petals, offers immersive and interactive expe- experimentation in a search for perfection, superiority, or godliness,
riences for those in search of surreal adventures. transforming themselves into amoral and maladjusted monsters
by most transhuman standards. Some individuals intentionally
MULTIPLICITY choose traits that could be considered psychopathic and dangerous
The technologies behind ego-mapping and backups also allow for to others. The adoption of non-human neurotypes, particularly with
the creation of multiple copies of the same person simultaneously. AGIs and uplifts, remains a concern to many, given the history of
This process of forking has many practical purposes, but is still a the Fall. Others argue the case for deliberate "moral enhancement"
new social frontier being explored today. according to perceived ethics and virtues to promote traits like
One common use of forking is for work done in virtual environ- empathy, cooperation, fairness, and mindfulness in order to better
ments. You could set up several VR instances and run a copy of transhuman society as a whole.
yourself in each to develop different parts of a project at once. Forks Psychosurgery and mental adjustments made to involuntary
are also ideal for transmitting to other habitats for meetings or other subjects are widely regarded as criminal and immoral, but are not
tasks in place of traveling yourself. Forking is also a powerful force unheard of. Cartels of criminal soul-traders like Nine Lives use
multiplier, especially for crises or situations that require rare skills memory and personality-editing on stolen egos to create weak-
or expertise to be widely distributed. When the work concludes, the willed and obedient slaves before selling them off. Behavioral
forks are psychosurgically re-integrated with the primary ego so all conditioning can be used to implant addictive traits, destroy
of the experiences and memories are retained. Most transhumans empathy, create false loyalties, and far worse. Ideological extrem-
view this type of purpose-driven forking as acceptable. ists can and have used psychosurgery to create “suicide forks” of
Many people, however, frown upon the idea of long-term forks themselves to carry out acts of terrorism. Rumors circulate in mesh
that lead independent lives. To some, this is a reflexive fear of the conspiracy-theorist groups of governments and hypercorps that use
threat to true identity — which you is the “real” you if there are psychosurgery to condition their staff to be fanatically loyal, edit
multiple? Others believe it smacks of excess and narcissism to have or delete memories to protect secrets, and create spies or sleeper
several instances of the same person running while millions of egos agents. Enough evidence of actual crimes of this sort trickles out
linger in cold storage. Significant social and legal complications now and again to make even the most outlandish claims seem
lead many jurisdictions to ban the practice out-of-hand. Which fork conceivable and justify the discomfort some people feel at the very
has property rights? How do contracts with one instance impact the idea of letting someone else mess about with their mind.
others? Do you bear responsibility for crimes committed by a copy Some habitats include personality editing as part of their crim-
of yourself? Does that change if you merge that copy back into your inal code, but it is often reserved for the most extreme cases. Even
ego? Different polities have adopted radically different approaches. those who haven’t undergone psychosurgical treatment themselves
Most limit the duration a fork can exist to one day before it must directly benefit from the decrease in socially adverse behaviors
be re-integrated or deleted. Some treat the primary ego as respon- present in the general populace. All of these factors lead most
sible for the actions of all forks. Others treat forks as property or people to see psychosurgery as a vital support for transhumanity
ban them outright. Very few habitats grant forks full standing as being able to successfully overcome its past and move forward.
individual and autonomous persons.
Through technology, transhumanity has defeated the most funda- obstacle courses and competitions are quite popular, sometimes also
mental challenges to long-term space travel and life in microgravity. incorporating combat and hacking challenges.
The biomods of most biomorphs protect against health issues such
as bone density loss and visual impairment. Other enhancements EGOCASTING
allow us to thrive in the frigid outdoors of Mars and Titan, breathe Despite what you may presume from classic science fiction, massive
the partially terraformed Martian air, and even survive in the freighters and spacecraft are not the primary method of space travel
vacuum of space. Synthmorphs can handle even harsh environ- between habitats. Physical travel through space requires extensive
ments with ease. Nevertheless, various challenges remain to life in preparation, time, and danger, while egocasting provides a faster,
space and on other worlds. simpler, and more accessible solution.
The bulk of transhumanity now lives on Mars, with one-third the Egocasting is the transmission of your digitized mind to another
gravity of Earth. Millions more live in micrograv and lower grav envi- habitat, where you resleeve or operate as an infomorph. Public or
ronments. Alternative gravities are mundane for many transhumans; private entities on every habitat provide this service in conjunction
children are now acclimated to them via VR in school. Moving in with body banks, security, and customs. Quantum farcasting links
microgravity is awkward until you acquaint yourself with Newton’s available between major stations provide a secure and reliable
most famous Law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite method of transmission, ensuring that your ego will not be inter-
reaction. Until you master the motions, you can rely on the hand- cepted or compromised. Like any communications method, egocast
rails, handholds, pullways, grapple points, and fasteners common in transfers are subject to light-speed limits. Egocasting within the inner
most micrograv settings. Even those living in spin-gravity habitats system takes only minutes; to/from/within the outer system can take
must still learn zero-g maneuvering, as gravity slowly transitions hours; the processing and bureaucracy at either end can take longer.
to microgravity as you move closer to the habitat's rotational axis,
where shuttles and ships dock. Slow transition between gravity zones SPACE TRAVEL
is essential for avoiding motion sickness and accidents. Several conditions might lead someone to pursue travel via
Just as the people of pre-Fall Earth would obsess over fire safety, spacecraft. Naturally, shipments of goods require physical trans-
transhumans in space must also drill themselves upon the safety port. Bioconservatives avoid egocasting on principle, and some
procedures for responding to decompression and vacuum events. people — while not bioconservatives themselves — find the concept
Fire safety requires more vigilance than ever before, as even a small of resleeving too uncomfortable for personal reasons. The full
fire can devastate a habitat's fragile environmental equilibrium. process of egocasting and resleeving leaves a significantly larger
Synthmorph habitats have no need to worry about hard vacuum, digital footprint than spacecraft travel, so criminals and other
so they simply make do with solar-storm shelters to protect from groups looking to avoid leaving a record prefer the latter.
radiation exposure. Spacecraft burn fuel (reaction mass) in their drives and direct the
Recent re-instantiates might find the close quarters of micrograv heated output in one direction to propel the ship in the opposite
and low-grav habitats jarring. Most items are mesh-tracked for logis- direction. Long-distance travel typically involves several initial
tics control, maximizing storage capability across all surfaces, as the hours of high-acceleration burn followed by the craft coasting at its
concepts of “floor” and “ceiling” are meaningless. On average, a given max velocity for the remainder of the trip. The ship flips over and
resident must share a zero-g toilet and hygiene station with nine other repeats the burn process to decelerate when nearing its destination.
morphs. Hygiene routines always avoid free-floating water unless Because craft require significant amounts of fuel to travel, even the
absolutely necessary because of the danger it poses to electronics. smallest movement can have a substantial cost. Traveling without
Expect waterless shampoo, saliva-activated toothpaste, personal extra fuel can put the crew in serious danger if an unexpected
plastic sauna cylinders, and urine vacuums with molded funnels. obstacle or attack sends the ship off course. Planning a route before
Spin-gravity habitats have the luxury of space for urban areas departure is required, and such plans typically include tricks such
with a density similar to pre-Fall Earth. Some are large enough for as slingshotting through a larger planet’s gravity well and/or aero-
rail, road, and flyway transportation networks. While micrograv and braking in a planet’s upper atmosphere.
low-grav habitats can’t support much flora beyond the essentials, spin- Spacecraft primarily pilot themselves via their onboard ALI, so the
gravity habitats allow for actual landscaping. You may find streams, crew can essentially set the ship on course and relax. Quarters are
lakes, dense woods, plains, rocky outcroppings, and entire ecological tight to reduce the amount of fuel needed, so crews rely on digital
systems. Such environments may even have wildlife — modded to not entertainments for distraction. Socialization is nevertheless recom-
attack residents — wandering in these natural areas. mended for longer trips, as lengthy periods of isolation can lead to a
In cramped habitats, residents seek a variety of ways to keep psychological breakdown. Transgenic hibernoid morphs allow crews
themselves occupied and reduce the physiological and psychological to operate with minimal (1–2 hours) sleep or activate a voluntary
stresses of enclosed spaces. AR makes it easy to personalize your hibernation that slows metabolism and oxygen consumption.
surroundings into something that is airy, open, lush, or otherwise Intra-planetary-system or intra-cluster travel via spacecraft
different, and VR lets you escape to other worlds entirely. Hobbies takes hours. Travel within the inner system takes days to weeks
and similar pursuits are strongly encouraged, from gaming and club- depending on current orbits. Outer-system travel requires several
bing to arts and handcrafting. Though some furry guests are discour- months, and possibly more than a year to distant destinations or
aged due to hygiene concerns, even small stations often allow tiny, across the Solar System.
able angled arms. Nobody knows what they are made out of, and carnivores, toxic flora, and shit I can’t even describe. If you happen
you can’t ding them even with heavy beam weapons. Your vision to find something or someplace that looks like another sapient
gets fuzzy looking at them for no damn reason, and whatever meta- species made it, congratulations, you just made it big.
material they are made of eats most high- and low-frequency waves. • Xenoarcheological missions involve scientists doing lots of
The gates rip wormholes between far-off corners of the universe. digging and having aneurysms if you touch anything. They tend to
Best of all? We only have a ghost of an idea how these things work. We be quiet unless/until you unearth or reactivate something, at which
can set addresses in the blue box interfaces some boffins whipped up, point they become punctuated with chaos and screaming.
but we don’t really have any fuckin’ idea where they go until we open • Colonization missions involve building infrastructure, babysitting
’em. The damn things change all on their own or just stop working. colonists, and settling their interpersonal drama. If you're a corpo-
Sometimes, they'll just turn off — maybe as you're passing through. rate thug, it could mean squashing revolts as well.
I’ve seen an unstable wormhole flatten five people with a gravitational • Resource exploitation missions are when the exploring is done
surge in .003 seconds. Imagine working with that tech constantly. and some asshole has decided they want to stake a claim. They're
Sure, when the gates work, it's pretty cool. You just step through mostly maintaining mining equipment, protecting survey teams,
to another world. Or maybe deep space. Or maybe the surface of a and fighting off the occasional beastie or raid by competitors.
neutron star. Anything goes. Let's manage those expectations. Don’t • Research missions are rarely similar. They might involve lugging all
go into the job always expecting to find another Earth out there. types of gear or taking pictures and writing notes about flowers, but
Finding a planet in a stable section of the galaxy, in the habitable then end with you running for your life to the gate before it closes.
Source: First-In Operations, TerraGenesis Co-Op Members Protocol Manual
Welcome to the TerraGenesis team! An exciting After your team passes through the gate, the • Defend Yourselves! TerraGenesis recognizes that
adventure awaits you on the other side of the wormhole closes; gate time is carefully rationed many environments are hostile to transhuman life.
Vulcanoid Gate. Whether you're an experienced according to the needs of our operations and colo- First-in teams are fully authorized to defend them-
gatecrasher or a first-timer, you need to be familiar nies. Congratulations — you’re on your own in a new selves and ensure their survival and the completion
with TerraGenesis procedures. and amazing place! You will have 6–12 hours before of the mission.
The safety of our gatecrashers always comes the wormhole reopens. • Always Collect Data! Constantly record your XP
first. Upon confirmation of a “live” gate address Your mission parameters are as follows: and sensor data. Collect samples. Run deep scans.
(reconnaissance microprobes have returned data • First Priority: Secure the Gate! Establish a base Note personal impressions of what you find. Your
from the other side of the wormhole indicating a camp and defensive perimeter. The gate is your opinion is valuable! Backup everything to your
viable environment), your team has one hour to only way back once the wormhole re-opens! mission recorder at base camp, so that it can be
prepare while we send larger "first-link" drones • Map the Area! Expand the recon radius and inves- retrieved even if something happens to your team.
through. Monitor these real-time feeds and their tigate any anomalies or features of interest. • Explore and Investigate! Always remember
analysis closely to learn about the environment • Stay Together! The use of bots and sensors is TerraGenesis’s generous compensation program:
you’re about to enter. Will it be a lifeless chunk of always preferable to splitting the group. your reward for the operation directly correlates
rock? A life-rich planet? A moonlet circling an exotic • Leave No Trace! TerraGenesis asks its first-in with what you find!
gas giant? Fine-tune your gear loads as appropriate. teams to respect the environment: don’t damage, One final word of caution: watch the clock! If
An analysis team of TerraGenesis scientists and move, or kill anything unnecessarily. Document your team is not present when the gate re-opens,
consultants will make the final call for the “live” everything, touch nothing. Leave nothing behind, a search-and-rescue bot will be dispatched and the
first-in operation. A thumbs-down means the pack everything out. gate closed again. It will re-open once more within
environment on the other side of the gate is too • Identify Threats! This includes everything from 6–12 hours. Whether it ever opens again will
hostile, and you’ll be put back into the queue for the environmental hazards to hostile life to things depend on the perceived value and interest of the
next operation. A thumbs-up means you’re going in! the transhuman mind has not yet conceived. The location. We value our co-op members. Do yourself
safety of future missions relies on you. a favor and make it back.
the Solar System, and a few brave souls have ventured through between domes and other habitats is not uncommon. Domes are
the gates and into whatever lies beyond. For those of us who have usually made transparent during day cycles; larger cities project
never journeyed far beyond where we settled after the Fall, it can video or holographic displays on the dome interior. Dome fabrics
be difficult to keep track of or make sense of the great variety of are protective and self-repairing but not indestructible. Some are
habitats. My hope is that this brief overview will fill in some of the covered with a coating derived from local materials for insulation
gaps and inspire you to dig further, or perhaps even to get out to and protection from micrometeors and radiation.
see a few yourself!
PLANETARY HABITATS Subsurface habitats include any kind of underground mineshaft,
Planetary habitats can exist on any planet, moon, or asteroid where lava tube, cavern, or other structure, either naturally formed or exca-
the natural gravity is sufficient to allow for walking without being vated. The primary advantages of subsurface habitats are protection
aloft for an excessive period of time. The lower bound of what is from radiation and any harsh elements on the surface. Subsurface
considered a planetary habitat is arbitrary and overlaps with the habitats are common throughout the Solar System and are extensive
upper bound of microgravity habitats. on Luna, Mars, Mercury, and the Jovian satellites.
For those who are only familiar with spin gravity and have never
been planetside, nor experienced XP or VR of a gravitational world, Bathyscaphe
there are a few things to note. On a gravitational world, it is not First built to explore the deep oceans of Earth, bathyscaphes provide
readily apparent which direction is prograde or retrograde, or where a breathable atmosphere in aquatic environments and are usually
the axis of rotation is. There is no perceptible change in rotational pressurized at near-Earth normal. They tend to be heavily built as
velocity or gravity when moving up or down in a structure, the eleva- they must withstand high pressures at depth. Bathyscaphes are
tors never tilt or move in a curved path, and the quixotic curves of common in the subsurface oceans of Enceladus, Ceres, and Europa,
thrown or flying objects are at best parabolic. This can all be a bit and are known to exist with similar function on exoplanets with
disorienting and bland if you are unaccustomed to it. high-pressure atmospheres as well as the surface of Venus. Larger
bathyscaphes are anchored to the floor of the environment (or, in
Dome the case of Europa, the crustal ice ceiling), while smaller bathy-
Domed habitats are an enclosed, pressurized area on the surface of a scaphes are mobile and can explore the depths. Airlocked moon
planetary body. These can range from large tents to cities of thousands. pools allow access to the aquatic environment.
provides an internal day/night cycle. living, growing machines. There are currently only three Hamilton
Fisher Hab: The prototypical modular-independent cylindrical cylinders in existence — one in the Uranian system and two at
habitat, named in honor of the prolific 21st century space architect Saturn.
C.F. Fisher, consists of shorter cylinders, sometimes called disk
habitats, which are commonly joined together as new units are Spheroid
completed. This allows for reasonably large internal spaces with Sometimes nearly perfect spheres, but more commonly a prolate shape,
complex ecosystems — smaller versions of the megaproject O’Neill spheroidal habitats are often referred to as Bernal spheres in honor
type habs, but with the advantage of faster construction times and of the scientist John Desmond Bernal, who first conceived of such
the ability of each unit to have its own unique ecosystem or even be habitats in 1929. The main habitation level is typically built on a band
its own polity. Some units remain very independent of the others, extending across from the same degree lines north and south of the
with the only connection being through the central thoroughfare, equator. This gives a living surface like that of a cylinder. Beneath the
while others open up spaces through the hulls and permanently main habitation level are further, progressively smaller habitation levels
fuse together. Unless the modules have been fused, it is not strictly and engineering sections. Larger spheroids may have multiple stepped
necessary for each unit in a group to have the same rotational speed, levels at progressively lesser gravities going out toward the poles.
nor is it necessary for each unit to have the same radius. As these
units are theoretically independent, it is possible for them to leave Ad-Hoc
a particular agglomeration and go fully independent, or to join Though uncommon, it is possible to jury-rig a centrifugal habitat by
another Fisher group. Fisher units often have a large number of linking modules and rotating them around a center of mass. These
habitation levels, sometimes extending from Earth gravity to Mars structures tend to be unstable and less-than-ideal, as the modules
gravity or beyond, with parks and recreational spaces distributed are not designed for this purpose, but it is a cheap option for Belters
throughout. While there is some variation, the length and radius of and brinkers who need spin gravity and have limited options.
Fisher units tend to be standardized at about one kilometer each,
and are rarely seen with radii greater than two kilometers. Fisher MICROGRAVITY
habitats tend to exist in confederations with each unit retaining A microgravity environment exists whenever an object is in free-fall,
relative independence. as in orbit or when the gravity is very low, such as on most asteroids.
Polykatoikia: A cylindrical habitat where the modules are depen- A microgravity environment can also be referred to as weightless or
dent on each other is known as a polykatoikia. They consist of pods, near weightless. Micrograv habs have no restrictions as to shape, size,
rings, ring segments, or other interlocking shapes that are gradually architecture, construction method or material. While maneuvering in
built up, both along the axis of rotation and outward from it. A free fall can be challenging for those used to gravitational environ-
rotating assembler system allows for the addition of new segments ments, weightlessness is ideal for certain tasks and processes.
without interrupting the rotation of the habitat, with the primary
requirement being that new segments are added in a manner that Beehive
is balanced across the axis of rotation. Segments are not normally Beehives are tunnels, caverns, and excavated spaces in microgravity
designed to function independently of the habitat, and engineering asteroids and moonlets. Most beehive habitats are created when
and life support systems are typically part of the substructure of the squatters take over abandoned asteroid mines. With a bit of work,
habitat, which is itself built out as the habitat grows. Polykatoikia such as sealants, airlocks, and the addition of life-support and envi-
are known for fast construction times, smaller open spaces, and an ronmental controls, a biomorph can have a comfortable living space,
often labyrinthine internal layout. whereas a synthmorph can get by with few or no modifications at
Reagan Cylinder: The Jovian Republic’s version of a cylindrical all. Residents will often tunnel out additional spaces and passage-
habitat is the Reagan Cylinder. A large cylindrical space is carved ways as the population grows. Beehives have similar advantages,
out from within an asteroid, and the excavated material is affixed disadvantages, and requirements to subsurface planetary habitats.
to the outside in an attempt to create stability during rotation. This Comets, loosely held-together rock piles, or very rapidly rotating
construction method is great for protecting against the high radi- asteroids are generally not suitable for beehives, and very small
ation environment near Jupiter, but the bioconservative republic’s asteroids typically have stability issues that make them unsuitable.
fear of advanced technologies make these habitats far less pleasant The abandoned mines that most beehive habitats are built from
than they could be. Chronic problems with stability, structural are fast becoming relics as the advances in materials science and
integrity, and the reliability of life-support systems have earned mining technology of the latest generation of mining operations
these habitats the derisive moniker of “sarcophagus habs” by the allow for the processing of an entire asteroid directly into bulk
other factions. resources, fabber feed-stock, habitats, ships, radiation shielding,
Hamilton Cylinder: The latest incarnation of the cylindrical solar panels, or other manufactured products.
habitat, Hamilton cylinders are the embodiment of the cutting edge,
incorporating advanced nanotech, materials science, neuroscience, Cluster
and computational technologies. A silicate composite exterior Clusters are congregations of specialized modules, directly intercon-
shell provides a skeleton structure and protection from space. An nected or latticed together in orbit. With high quality construction
interior middle layer collects waste and resources harvested by and integrated support for modern technologies, a cluster can have
drones from nearby planets, moons, or asteroids. Nanofabricators all of the conveniences and opportunities of any other habitat.
A few habitat types cross boundaries or defy classification.
Processor Locus
While communities of infomorphs can be found within other habi-
tats, a processor locus is a dedicated computational environment
designed exclusively for the disembodied. Also referred to as a
noosphere, the most notable features of a processor habitat are a
massive computational core, extensive power generation facili-
ties, and research centers related to the architecture, engineering,
programming, and evolution of computing systems. Loci run
multiple massive simulspace environments capable of hosting tens
of thousands of infomorphs. Regarded with suspicion by some for
their potential to harbor AGIs or become spawn points for ASIs, as
well as claims of engaging in banned AI and cognitive research,
processor habitats are heavily shielded and defended.
Egocasting into a processor locus is encouraged by its inhabi-
tants, as familiarity diminishes fear. Any type of environment can
be experienced in simulspace: flawless recreations of pre-Fall Earth,
fantasy realms from fiction, heavenly retreats, or even bizarre and
sometimes disturbing experiences generated on the fly from the
memories and desires of everyone in the simulspace.
Scum Swarm
A Scum swarm is less a habitat and more a way of life. They originated
Individual modules have distinct functions: habitation, storage, with spacecraft that helped evacuate Earth. Laden with refugees, they
agriculture, manufacturing, docking, etc. Most clusters have dedi- were unable to find anywhere that was willing to accept them and
cated environmental and life-support modules distributed around essentially became nomadic refugee camps. Many clustered around
the network. Larger clusters may be subdivided into neighborhoods sections of partially destroyed habitats and other structures that were
that share power and other resources, or may even function as damaged in the Fall. As the swarms traveled, these structures were
distinct polities. Hypercorp clusters tend to be regimented and towed by barges, retrofit with engines, or interlaced with spacecraft
symmetric, while autonomist clusters are more haphazard and in what are known as LaFrance rig lattices. Over time, these refugees
chaotic. Centrifugal habitats and cluster habitats will often be in joined together with pre-existing nomadic peoples, becoming the
close proximity or interconnected within the same conurbation. Scum. These communities vary greatly in culture, language, orga-
nization, and wealth. They include everything from overcrowded
Nuestro Shell cesspools to egalitarian anarchist communes to the gaudy opulence
Several variations exist of the Nuestro shell, but the principle design of organized crime gangs and everything in between. As roving carni-
consists of multiple rigid spars radiating outward symmetrically from vals of the dispossessed, they are hubs of lawlessness, piracy, black
a central point. Additional ringed structures connect across the spars, markets, and the bizarre. If you’re searching for the forbidden, the
allowing for movement between them and providing stability. Various dangerous, or the deviant, you can find it here.
modules are connect with the spars, rings, and each other either
directly or via floatways. It is, in essence, a large stable framework for Tin-Can Habitat
a cluster hab. Spars and rings typically have internal passageways and Tin-can habitats are small modules of simple construction and
intermittently spaced airlocked docking structures that larger habitat only the most basic support systems. Many are nothing more than
modules will permanently attach to. The entire structure is contained converted shipping containers. They can be solo or connected to
within and attached to a geodesic sphere covered with a flexible, self- large networks of tin cans or other microgravity habitats. They
healing mesh designed to protect against micrometeoroid impacts. harken back to the earliest days of space flight and are disfavored
by most who can afford something better. There are a few tin cans
Tenmai Shell that have been in near continuous use for over a century. Curiously,
The base structure of a Tenmai shell is made from the outer shell these timeworn relics have become prized by certain antiquarians
of a cylindrical or spheroid centrifugal habitat, but does not house and retrophiles who ardently upkeep them and become experts in
the expected interior structure. Instead, it contains a vast, protected, their ancient systems.
materials. They range in size from portable, handheld units to desktop
models to industrial units several tons in weight. These are referred to
Source: Everything, Forever: by many names — makers, replicators, forges, compilers, cornucopia
A New Maker's Primer, by Silvia Lugo LINK machines, and so on. They can be found in offices, shops, and schools;
some habitats maintain street-corner makers for public use.
While nanofabrication was common before the Fall, its ubiquity in Specialized fabbers are similar, but only produce categorically
the present may come as a surprise. Today, nearly every object you similar items. A specific forge may produce a related suite of person-
interact with was made with a nanofabber. It’s possible that your ally tailored medications, a proprietarily linked set of consumer
sleeve itself was the product of one of these miraculous devices. electronics, a particular line of handguns and related peripherals,
or components for a certain piece of machinery.
NANOFABBERS Hives are a particular type of specialized fabber used to manu-
At its core, a nanofabricator is a 3D printer that works at the molec- facture and maintain a single type of nanoswarm, such as fixers
ular level. It takes a stock of raw materials and uses nanobots to or engineers. Hives are portable and used to program a swarm as
assemble an object according to the specifications of an input well as replenish the nanobots that are lost to normal daily attrition.
blueprint. Virtually any object or device can be constructed in such Fixer hives are often incorporated into devices and structures for
a manner, from the simplest handheld hammer to a space-going ongoing self-repair functions.
vessel — though larger objects are fabricated in parts by sub-assem-
blies, not a single machine. BLUEPRINTS
Fabbers come in many shapes and forms. It’s likely that your No matter what kind of nanofabber you may find yourself using,
personal living space or shared residence is equipped with a small you’ll need a blueprint — a three-dimensional software plan for the
kitchen autocook, a specialized wet fabber that only produces design. Printers come pre-loaded with an assortment of simple blue-
food and liquids. At the lower end, these models simply produce a prints appropriate to the device's purpose. Most polities, habs, and
generic nutrient paste that is dressed up in a variety of tastes and hypercorps also provide basic blueprints free for use by everyone,
textures. Better quality autocooks manufacture gourmet meals and released into the public domain. This means that almost everyone
complex drinks molecule by molecule, as well as similar organic has access to mundane tools, clothing designs, and foods.
substances, including leather, alcohol, and some drugs. Inner- These free blueprints are widely regarded as signs of lower social
system restaurants thrive on their high-end autocooks and propri- status in the inner system. The old and transitional economies there
etary recipe designs. rely on people purchasing proprietary blueprints online for whatever
General-purpose fabbers can make almost anything that fits inside they need. Hypercorp boutiques compete to offer the latest designs
their volume, assuming you have the blueprint and necessary raw and upgrades, sold through subscription channels and ecosystems
Naturally, blueprints to manufacture dangerous or illegal goods your own. 3D design, however, takes days for even simple objects,
are unavailable for sale to the general public, except on the black weeks or months for anything complex. It also requires not just a
market. Weapons, drugs, deadly chemical compounds, or biohaz- thorough knowledge of software encoding, but also an artisinal
ardous materials are not freely distributed. Software locks on the familiarity with whatever it is you're designing. You want a sheet of
fabbers themselves prevent them from producing items or materials steel capable of withstanding the heat of planetary re-entry? You'll
on prohibited lists. Individuals who bring their own nanofabrica- need to be a metallurgist as well as a programmer. Thankfully, accel-
tion devices to a new hab are likely to find it inspected and made erated time in a VR simulspace can shorten the process.
compliant with local ordinances regarding prohibited printing
requirements. These practices differ greatly in many outer-system REMAKING SOCIETY
habs, however. While fabbers are available for public, unrestricted Despite the limitations of nanofabbers, their effects upon trans-
use there, they are monitored by local volunteers to ensure that no humanity cannot be overstated. Society has been transformed by
one is manufacturing items that could endanger the community. the ubiquitous availability of goods. Starvation is nearly a thing of
the past; almost no one goes with want of basic needs. Creators
FEEDSTOCK of high-demand and bespoke blueprints gain tremendous wealth
Fabbers are useless without raw materials, commonly termed and rep from the sale of their designs in the inner system. The very
feedstock. Most habitats make basic feedstock readily available existence of many outer-system settlements and extrasolar colonies
through utility lines. In the inner system, your feedstock usage is might be threatened were it not for their ability to produce needed
likely limited according to your payment plan. For areas outside of goods on the spot, without the lengthy wait of physical shipping.
a public utility infrastructure, feedstock is also available in bricks You are also sure to notice that there is much less trash and litter.
of either single elements or in conveniently bonded compounds Near-ubiquitous disassembly of waste materials has resulted in
when elements are dangerously reactive in their simplest states. cleaner habitats across the Solar System. As a rule, transhumans
Almost all habitats recycle or scavenge the vast majority of their personally own far fewer personal belongings than they did before
waste for use as feedstock. When you toss your garbage down the the Fall. Citizens simply do not accumulate goods, and almost all
chute, it’s not just going to the dump, it’s being fed to disassembler of the wasteful packaging you may recall from your previous life
nanoswarms to be used as the raw materials for the hab’s feedlines. on Earth has been eliminated. Even personal travel is easier, as
Fabbers often incorporate disassembly ports into their chassis, such you are no longer required to bring everything you need with you.
as the organic-waste disposal unit on your kitchen's autocook. Virtually any item is now disposable and replaceable, since it can be
Aside from blueprint availability, feedstock is ultimately the disassembled into its constituent molecules and reassembled brand
biggest limiting factor in nanofabrication. Miraculous though the new as required.
technology is, it’s not just conjuring goods out of nothing. While
the economies of different habitats or solar-system regions vary ARTISANAL GOODS
greatly, they are still rooted in the relative scarcity of material This is not to say that nanofabrication has completely replaced all
goods. Carbon, iron, and the like are relatively abundant, but other manufacturing processes. In fact, handcrafted goods have
many of the most exotic elements of the periodic table are used in become status symbols. Chefs who produce traditional meals made
modern equipment. Dangerous heavy metals or gases are regularly with naturally occurring ingredients are in high demand. Artists
used for industrial applications and in trace amounts to produce who work with hard-to-acquire irreproducible materials, such as
consumer-grade alloys or plastics. Habitats typically restrict access marble reclaimed from specific ancient buildings on Earth, can
to hazardous and rare-element feedstocks, requiring explicit permis- garner wealth and acclaim for their work. Other handmade goods
sion and a high credit cost. are valued for the personal investment applied to their making.
of things. I know it's hard, a lot of time has passed since the backup
you are re-instantiated from was made.
Here's the next series of updates. START
¹ 122¹ Fear and Paranoia • Life After the Fall–Where's the Humanity?
Such thinking can be infectious, perhaps even driving prejudice and DEAD PLANETS
institutionalized bigotry that may eventually make it a self-fulfilling We won’t be the first to run out of luck. Since we first started
prophecy. Infugees and deliberate infomorphs aren’t much better exploring the pandora gates, we’ve found the detritus of one dead
from this perspective. When you lack a body, do your loyalties alien civilization after another. Their ruins are scattered across the
still lie with your embodied species? Keep this in mind next time galaxy. Something stops them from surviving, or at least surviving
someone gives attitude to one of your digital forks. in any way that we can observe. Why should transhumanity expect
Then you’ve got the poor uplifts. The same fearmongers claim a different fate? We were already almost exterminated once and
that we cannot truly understand their motivations or perspectives. not ten years later we’re jaunting through these alien gates just
The idea of an octopus walking around in a human body makes to traipse through the wreckage of a whole lot of aliens who also
them distinctly uncomfortable. These are the same people who messed with the gates.
treat uplifts like clever pets, and I know I’d resent that if I was one I think about the Iktomi a lot. We find more remnants of this
of them. I might start thinking about other societal options, myself. vanished space-faring, sapient species than any other. They may
have been big arthropods with a technology and culture we can
IDENTITY CRISES barely comprehend, but they were a lot like us, I think. Their ruins
The fear doesn’t stop with others; our own minds are suspect. So litter so many of the exoplanets we find. Their cultural detritus
many of us lost years of consciousness in the Fall only to awaken tells us they were smart and maybe scared of something. Maybe
into a present that grows more alien by the day. What’s the starting the gates. Just ten thousand years ago, the Iktomi were a flourishing
point for the continuity of your life? Is it when you were born? Is civilization and then — nothing. What happened to those weird
it when you woke up today? Is it the first time you sleeved? The space-spiders? Did they see the end coming, or did it surprise
first time you forked? The Jovians and other bioconservatives them? Did it come through the gates? We know next to nothing
believe that the mere act of sleeving or egocasting is suicide and about these things or who built them and yet we’re happily dialing
that there’s no continuity of consciousness even from a recovered our way across the galaxy. Isn’t it only a matter of time before some-
cortical stack, just the propagation of data. Almost all of trans- thing notices us? What if something already has?
humanity thinks this is nonsense, that of course we are who we
think we are. But of course we’d think that, wouldn’t we? What if THE FACTORS
the entire Fall was really just the TITANs forcing us to adopt these The only beings who might have answers to these questions aren’t
methods, to normalize them? If we’re not really alive anymore, people, and they aren’t telling if they do. I’m talking about the
what are we even fighting to protect? The aggregate of transhuman Factors, of course. They’re the only evidence we have of any other
consciousness is the only thing that’s important if you arrive at civilizations surviving long enough to make contact with another
that conclusion, and if you keep following that train of thought, alien species. If you ask me, they only raise more questions than
the things that might become necessary in its defense are as fright- they answer. They say they’re emissaries for a group of civilizations
ening as the threats themselves. And there are so many threats. and that they only recently became convinced we were worthy of
contact. Why now? Are they here to help us out of sympathy from
AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE having survived their own singularity? They’ve sure dropped some
We don’t have a new home, yet. Not truly. Mars won’t be fully terra- ominous hints about the gates and AIs, but are they really here
formed for centuries and every other habitat we’ve carved out in to help or are we being monitored because they’re afraid we’re
the Solar System is separated from the void or a toxic atmosphere going to mess with something that might endanger their own
by centimeters of steel and a lot of hope that nothing goes wrong. civilization(s). For that matter, what is their civilization? What if
Sure, we’re getting better and better at engineering, but everyone they’re not even aliens but a stalking horse of the TITANs in some
knows we are just one engineering failure away from immediate subtle strategy we can’t even imagine. First contact was made in
and possibly irretrievable death. the immediate aftermath of the Fall, which means they must have
Scientific progress is improving our engineering every day, but been monitoring us for some time if they’re on the level. Did the
that brings its own risks. True x-risks, at that. The Large Collider is exsurgent virus scare them enough to take a closer look? What if
impressive but we all know it’s going to be a child’s toy compared to they are the exsurgent virus? I’m getting really out there now, I
where things are in another ten years, and there are already people know, but seriously, what do we actually know about the Factors?
talking about experiments that might literally collapse the warp of
space-time with “only” a .000001 percent chance. Back on Earth in FIREWALL
the twentieth century, scientists lit off the first atomic bomb while Nothing here is new to Firewall, of course. We have brilliant,
wondering if it might set the planet’s atmosphere on fire. And that’s dedicated, and genuinely good people thinking hard about this
just talking about accidents. stuff all day. But what does it amount to? You take orders from
The technologies we take for granted like ubiquitious nanofabri- your proxy, but do you know who your proxy is talking to? Have
cation, forking, and precision bio-engineering all have the potential you met your proxy in person? What does “in person” even mean
to be weaponized on a terrifying scale by a single malicious person. anymore? When you get called up to investigate some remote
Never before have such wide swathes of transhumanity had the mining facility on Triton, how confident are you that you’re really
capacity to initiate their own self-destruction. Self-replicating going on Firewall business and not because a rival mining corp
devourer nanobot swarms, biologically engineered plagues that spoofed their handshake protocols and duped you into wiping out
happily infect organic matter or plastics with ease, and the ability to a competitor? What if Firewall has been compromised at its highest
remotely produce antimatter weapons and detonate them at leisure levels? What if it’s always been serving another end? What would
are all within the theoretical grasp of countless individuals. They’ve you do about it? What could you do about it?
been stopped so far, mostly, but when is our luck going to run out? Paranoid yet? Good. Keep that close. Use it. You'll need it.
everyone interlinked, our expectations regarding social interactions you contribute to collective well-being, the more you can call upon
and privacy have irrevocably changed. others for favors. Need to hog the shared nanofabber, borrow a
farcaster link, get help fixing a bot, call up some muscle, or get help
SOCIAL NETWORKS with a research project? In the absence of money or coercion, your
Social media has evolved to incorporate all facets of our lives: rep score can help you get what you need.
our friends, work, interests, calendars, and even interactions with A lot of inner-system types make the mistake of viewing rep as
strangers. Everyone you know posts favorite vids, project updates, the currency of the outer system. That's not how it works. You don't
opinions, memes, selfies, and pet pictures. Some take it further, "spend" rep, it's a measure of your good standing with your peers,
broadcasting their XP lifelogs, allowing you to walk in their shoes a judge of your social trustworthiness. Asking for a favor doesn’t
and see through their eyes. Modern networks make it easy to automatically drop your score. But you might take a hit if you lean
customize your content for different groups of people. Your work on your friends enough to be rude or ask for something dangerous.
persona may be very different from your family persona and your It’s a valuable skill to know where that line is drawn. That all said,
night life persona. there are some services that particularly trade in rep and credit
There are hundreds of social networks, many of them aggregated exchanges for people looking to get things done in the other half
together into larger meta-networks. Who you socialize with influ- of the Solar System.
ences which platforms are most useful to you. There are networks Rep systems are not with their drawbacks or criticisms. Certainly,
for almost every professional, social, and interest group: scientists, in the inner system, those with wealth have more opportunities for
media, hypercorp industries, sports fans, gamers, even anarchist increasing their exposure and solidifing their rep than infugees or
scum. These networks are valuable sources of information, news, the clanking masses; it thus functions to heighten class divisions.
and community. Governments manipulate rep systems to punish dissidents and
reward obedience. In autonomist areas, rep is critiqued for propping
REPUTATION up informal hierarchies and reinforcing in-group behavior, though
One of the key aspects of social networks is the maintenance of your their network algorithms do a better job of balancing actual merit
reputation scores. Every platform measures your social capital and as distinct from popularity.
displays it to others. Each of these networks has their own methods
for calculating your score. Some are built on credit ratings and EXPOSURE
citizenship scores, others are grounded in reviews made by others. A side effect of social media is that we are all public figures, visible
Your taste in friends may be factored into your score, as well as at all times. Almost everyone has a lifelog and half of you grant
achievements, search rankings, or even shopping habits. public access. If you lock down your presence only to people you
Throughout the week, your rep score will rise and fall based on trust, you limit your visibility and opportunities. If you leave it
interactions with others. You can ping and ding people manually, public, anyone can gather enough personal details to predict your
but most people have their muses handle exchanges automagically. every move. Live your life like an open book, don’t be surprised if
Each individual ping/ding has a negligible effect on your score, someone reads it.
maybe a thousandth of a percentage point, but they add up in More and more, this sort of transparency is expected as a social
aggregate. Rude to the steward? Ding. Share a ride? Ping. Tip well? norm. It has its uses, of course: keeping tabs that loved ones are
Double ping. Some interactions are weighted more heavily than safe, that no one around you is acting suspicious, that elected offi-
others, depending on the network. The opinions of high-rep indi- cials and authorities aren't breaking the rules. When you opt out,
viduals or strangers may carry more impact than your friends or friends start to wonder if you're okay, and local security services
someone that pings/dings you back. may wonder if you're up to something.
Improving your rep on a social network relies on following Even if you keep your presence friends-only, the reality of
community standards. Each network values different behavior, so social networks and modern technology means that you are still
expect a variety of factors to matter. The same action that gets you completely trackable. Some of the meta-networks (looking at you,
dinged on one network gets a ping on another. Some communities CivicNet and Fame) deliberately share your personal info with
have protocols that don’t match yours. The best strategy is simple: marketers, authorities, and assorted third parties. Advertising
don't be a dick. networks hoard every scrap of data they can scrounge on you in
order to serve you up personalized ads. The unscrubbed pics, vids,
SOCIAL CAPITAL AND MUTUAL AID and XP you post are laden with metadata that give away location
Rep nets are more than just people who sometimes like what you and other details. Private intel hypercorps hoover all of this up and
do; they are groupings of friends you can ask for help. sell it to each other. Habitat security services sometimes get back-
I can hear your inner-system sneer from here: rep’s not gonna pay doors to monitor accounts. Combine this all with the datatrail your
my rent. But if you design a logo for a guy and he calls in a favor to meshed devices leave with every other device around them and the
get your rent covered by someone that owes him for a few packs of ubiquity of coveillance and biometric recognition technologies. All
beer? Sounds like it paid your rent. of this data is not accessible to everyone, but a dedicated adversary
Rep matters in other ways in the inner system too. It can help with enough resources could certainly use it to track your location,
you secure a loan, get a freelance gig, escalate things up the ladder, interactions, and activities.
ping or sniffing your communications. The same is also true for laser services, and reliability ratings for various information and media
comm systems; tight-beam lasers are hard to intercept. Quantum- sources. Most muses are also trained to verify data and apply trust-
entangled comms are completely private and impossible to intercept, worthiness ratings, but these systems are not foolproof.
short of someone hacking or ganking the physical transceivers.
Physical privacy is harder. Smart-fabric privacy shrouds will MEMETIC WARFARE
negate sensors, but you may stand out. Thankfully, their social It is also important to remember that social media remains an ideo-
acceptance has blossomed and they are now more common in public logical battleground. While the mesh and social media provide us
areas. Many businesses have scanners to clear eavesdropping tech with access to innumerable people, ideas, sources, and outlets of
from private rooms. You can also map dead zones where there are no information, the reality is that most people engage with very little
sensors or signals or acquire such maps through darknet channels. of it. We use our muses to personalize our media and information
They’re useful if you need to duck out of sight for a few minutes. consumption habits, filtering out sources we don't like, and thus
If you're looking for a quiet way in and out of a hab, find yourself surrounding ourselves in self-affirming ideological bubbles in
a darkcasting service. They can handle an egocast that avoids the which we are never exposed to contrary opinions. Muses and social
logged and monitored official channels. Most of these are operated media algorithms are actually programmed to counter these habits
by shady cartels and outfits, so check their g-rep to evaluate their by offering a broad and diverse array of sources, but an unnerving
trustworthiness and loyalties before you commit. Some of these are number of transhumans override these options. This means that an
not so much illegal as unofficially tolerated. The glitterati and powers- alarming number of people exist in ideological echo chambers.
that-be like having quiet backdoor entrances as much as criminals do. Compounding the issue, various factions and entities exploit
The loss of data during the Fall and lack of system-wide centralized social media technology for propaganda purposes. At the simplest
authorities mean that it is now easier than ever to establish a fake level, this involves contracted troll farms that crank out nothing
identity, either through the black market or via fringe habitats with but false or heavily biased "news." These voices are then amplified
intentionally lax citizenship procedures. The drawback to secondary with media saturation campaigns using botnets and sockpuppet
identities is that they have very limited rep scores. This remains a armies to control the narrative. A more finessed approach makes
popular option for traveling incognito, however, particularly among use of aggregated marketing data to identify specific vulnerable or
those who might otherwise experience harassment or prejudice. receptive individuals and mass target them with personalized ad
campaigns intended to sway them on specific points. Even with
GAMING AND GRIEFING modern filters, these memetic campaigns have been known to sway
Any complex system can be gamed. Hacker cartels employ botnets elections, undermine support, fuel antagonisms and extremist
to run mass numbers of sockpuppet accounts and grind rep, selling elements, and encourage violence. They are particularly potent
fake audiences and social media promotion as a service on the when coupled with nativistic and bigoted sentiments, and explain
darknet. They are engaged in an ongoing arms race with social why large segments of the inner-system population remain preju-
network providers, who deploy ALIs and sophisticated algorithms diced towards AGIs, uplifts, the clanking masses, and outer-system
to detect abuse and root out fakes. anarchist "terrorists."
One of the more frightening weapons deployed by the TITANs against were often exposed by their own augmented reality feeds. This enabled
transhumanity were so-called basilisk hacks. These included multiple vari- basilisks to affect large portions of the population at once. In one known
eties of sensory inputs designed to take advantage of flaws in the brains instance, the entire metropolis of Córdoba in Argentina was exposed to a
of susceptible portions of the populations, much like certain strobe effects basilisk through the city's municipal priority alert system, causing millions
are known to impact epileptics. These inputs triggered reactions such to hallucinate and turn on each other with unprecedented violence.
as seizures, catatonia, and hallucinations. Some even had the ability to Though modern mesh security protocols filter out known basilisks,
reprogram the mind in a manner similar to hypnotic suggestion. Basilisks there have been multiple reports of mass basilisk exposure throughout
were often embedded in various types of mesh media, so that victims the Solar System since the Fall.
suicide mission, but the payoff can be worth it. It is worth noting that, more and more, even the traditional
Complicating matters, some of the relics retrieved from Earth human template is being eschewed. Designers increasingly
have harbored dangerous nanoswarms or even the exsurgent steer towards non-human pods and biomorphs, as well as synth-
virus, spawning dangerous outbreaks. With every relic a poten- morphs with non-anthroform body plans and functions. Though
tial vector, artifact hunters and dealers are high-value targets for these morphs are often considered exotic — or sometimes even
authorities and bounty hunters. Of course, the black-market value banned — their presence is becoming normalized, especially in
of TITAN technology can be even higher, making it worth the risk the outer system. As more transhumans become familiar and
to reckless graverobbers. acclimated with non-human sleeves, this is only likely to accelerate.
Relic hunting has led to a booming market for forgeries and fakes, After all, while the human form is quite functional, it evolved to fit
not only to dupe rich collectors, but as mass-market goods. Artifacts specific conditions; in many situations, other morph designs are
can be scanned and reproduced with nanofabrication, making simply more adaptive.
authenticity difficult to determine. Owning faux relics has become
fashionable in some circles, proving that nostalgia is still a powerful A NEW HOMEWORLD
influence in popular culture. The most aggressive counter to Earth’s legacy comes from the
Not every relic is physical or valued solely for its connection to Planetary Consortium itself. The conglomerate strongly pushes
the past. Treasure hunters are also driven to uncover secrets buried Mars as transhumanity’s new homeworld, soon to be terraformed
on Earth, from corporate plans hidden away in server farms to into an Eden superior to Earth, and the centerpoint in a new galactic
ancient art forms and languages that exist only in the lost cortical civilization spread via the gates. By positioning Mars in this way,
stacks and backups of egos that were left behind. Millions of the Consortium also places itself as the leader of transhumanity.
animal and plant species and even some uplift projects were also Consortium media outlets regularly downplay mentions of Earth,
lost, including elephants, denisovans, and some whale species. focusing on Martian affairs and the Consortium’s expansion and
futurist ideas. This forward-looking stance is welcomed by most
OLD IDENTITIES Consortium citizens, who are eager to push aside past horrors and
Even if Earth will never be reclaimed, many still base their iden- failures.
tities on who they were before the Fall. Despite the efforts of the This agenda is not lost on the reclaimers, who believe that the
Consortium and other powers and factions to shed the trappings resources spent to terraform Mars could be better used on Earth, or
of the past, various holdouts see themselves more as exiled citi- by the other political factions, who side eye the Consortium’s grand-
zens of their home nation than whatever planet or habitat they standing and soft imperalism. However, the Consortium is not the
currently live on. They seek to uphold the traditions of their old only power to push forward and minimize the past. Morningstar
culture, including rivalries with other nations and ethnic groups. and the Ultimates both celebrate transhumanity’s unfettered future.
This mentality is particularly predominant in the Lunar-Lagrange Even the Titanians and autonomists highlight transhumanity’s
Alliance, where many refugee communities remain segregated by potential, while noting Earth not just as a tragedy but as a lesson
culture and language. Some have grown more insular in an attempt in our social and economic failures. Throughout the Solar System,
to protect their identity, rejecting outside influence. This has led to Earth serves as an abject lesson of what can go wrong. For this
divisiveness as conflicts between groups flare up, leading to legal reason, expansion to exoplanets is encouraged, to spread transhu-
disputes and sometimes actual violence. Those seeking further manity out and increase our chances of survival.
No one knows how many survivors remain on Earth. Some estimate that tens or even hundreds of thousands may still live,
secreted away in sealed habitats, cut off from the TITAN machines and outside world. Others might survive in the ruins,
somehow avoiding the deadly grasp of the nanoswarms, radiation, extreme weather, lack of food, and polluted atmosphere.
Entire storage facilities may still hold sleepers in cryo-tanks or data banks loaded with uploads and backups. The only known
concentrations of transhumans on the surface are exsurgents and TITAN puppets, entire metropolises still running according
to the whims of their abdicated machine masters.
shared purpose. The Ultimates favor remade morphs to fit with their panarchies where each individual in the habitat subscribes to the
self-concept as pinnacles of the human species. Bioconservative (non-)governmental system of their choice.
communities are composed of original flat and splicer morphs, as Experimentation with sex, gender, and family constructs is a
they eschew non-essential genetic modification and resleeving. common theme. The citizens of Winter, a habitat in the Jovian
Trojans, attempt to eliminate gender roles altogether by sleeving
NON-HUMAN CLADES androgynous biomorphs and reproducing using exowombs with the
Uplifts are commonly treated as second-class citizens in human-dom- gametes of two or more parents. The brinker hab of Hearth seeks
inant habitats, worse off than even the lowest humans. They are often to repopulate by requiring all residents to birth multiple children
forced into indentured service, have no control over their reproduc- a year and raising them all as an extended family. Researchers
tive options, are banned from certain areas/activities, and have no say monitor these habitats to study their long-term effects.
in continued uplift research. The same is true of AGIs, who are also Other experiments are based on technological trends, such as
treated as a major security concern. In response to this, mercurials heavy forking or communities composed of the same fork. The
have established their own safe enclaves and habitats. neo-synergists on Venus use special implants to form a group mind,
Radical mercurials want more than just equality and freedom, albeit with questionable results. Scum swarms in particular push
however. They wish to establish separate uplift and infolife cultures the limits. Scattered in numerous fleets across the Solar System, no
free from human interference. They want to chart their own inde- one can keep track of how many bio-mods and mindhacking exper-
pendent and autonomous course, as opposed to assimilating into iments are conducted on them. Few on the swarms bother to keep
transhumanity. The majority of these initiatives are situated in the good records; they only want the next thrill.
outer system, where they have more support and less interference. As technology improves and transhumanity spreads across the
Other non-human clades exist outside of mercurials. To be galaxy, every element of culture is up for debate, evolution, and
specific, these are transhuman initiatives to create non-human revolution. The frontier is infinite.
cultural identities. Among these are the exoglots, a mysterious
group in the Jovian Trojans that uses insectile pod morphs and their CULTURAL SURVIVAL
own secretive artificial language, and the Colony on Luna, whose With extinction so near, and so much lost on Earth, there has been
residents sleeve into insect-sized (though not necessarily insectoid) much discussion about preserving culture for the future. Reclaimers
morphs and function as a society in miniature. At least one primi- are particularly interested in reviving cultural traditions, history,
tivist exoplanet colony is known to have sleeved into animal pods and artifacts lost to the Fall. Numerous simulspace environments
and gone "feral." are dedicated to recreating historically accurate cultural simulations
of the past.
VIRTUAL TRIBES It makes sense to consider the same for current culture. The
Considering how much transhuman culture relies on mesh tech- TITANs may return at any time, not to mention other potential
nology, it is no surprise that new phyles have arisen from online x-risks. The pandora gates have allowed for the rapid coloniza-
communities. Many of these are based in multiplayer virtual worlds, tion of hundreds of exoplanets across the universe. Some groups
some with millions of members. Infugees are predominant in these explicitly works towards archiving what they can of transhumanity
v-tribes, some never leaving their preferred simulspace. Each of in remote extrasolar locations, making it more likely that at least a
these worlds has their own reality, physics, and other trappings, snapshot of our cultures will survive. Of course, you don't need to
though the cultures of the residents have often steered far beyond leave the Solar System to do that. Hidden habitats can be found all
the anticipations of the original simulspace designers. Though the way to the Oort Cloud, populated by survivalists and archivists
many of these worlds are simply social, such as Olmec, Neo-Victoria, who tunnel inside asteroids to conceal their bases. Other factions
and Glam Slam, the most popular are multiplayer game worlds, with have built ark ships to travel to nearby star systems, like the Crystal
sci-fi Starfire and fantasy setting The Skein being current favorites. Wind, a Titanian starship on its way to Barnard’s Star, a journey
Competitive attitudes between gaming tribes sometimes spill over that will take 800 years. Transhumanity is determined to scatter
into the wider mesh and physical world, such as the real-life hacks itself as far and as fast as possible, in hopes that no one threat can
perpetrated by the rival Red Army and Taiwan#1 gangs. extinguish it.
consciousness into any form you choose (or whatever you can after wave of questioning and social reorganization, punctuated by
afford, depending where you are), “gender” takes on a whole new periods of chaos and backlash. As with so much else, however, the
meaning. A morph is a vehicle of self-expression that can take on off-world colonies were rife with wild experimentation that rapidly
any number of forms. When such change is possible, altering one’s exceeded the pace of political life in even Earth’s largest cities.
sex or gender expression — whether once, or as often as you change Astrosociologists posit that this acceleration was caused by three
clothes — no longer seems all that remarkable to people. Instead of major factors: 1) sheer distance from Earth, 2) the demands made
a dualism with some variation on the side, gender is now popularly on bodies and morphs by wildly different environments, like zero-g
understood to be entirely divorced from one’s phenotype. Or, as one habitats or the skies of Venus, and 3) many colonists moving out
philosopher put it just after the Fall, “We’re all genderqueer now.” into the Solar System precisely because they felt they did not fit in
The XP of them saying this from Luna, with the Earth still burning on Earth. There is also something to be said for the fact that many
overhead, remains popular — and controversial. colonies, like Extropia and Titan, were founded on ideologies that
Why was the Fall such an important cutoff, specifically? In short, were not inherently inimical to gender and sexual diversity.
Earth was the hub for most opposition to this kind of culture.
As bioconservatism often went hand-in-hand with skepticism POLYAMORY
about space colonization and its culture, its greatest bastions were Traditional marriage, already rendered a charming anachronism on
lost in the Fall. Think-tanks, institutes at Earth universities, religious Earth, went into a steep and terminal decline after the Fall. Even the
non-profits, figureheads, and leadership were all wiped out. An most conservative elites in the Jovian Republic or the Consortium
already embattled minority became a microminority in the rest of came to consolidate power in ways besides marriage, so its last
the Solar System, with exceptions in places like the Jovian Republic. utilitarian benefits slowly ebbed away. Functional immortality
makes “together forever” feel less like a romantic pledge than a
GENDER DYSPHORIA wildly unrealistic expectation. Just as with gender, breaking one
psycho-physical barrier sends all the others tumbling down. Dating
multiple people at once was already more and more commonplace.
Source: The Mistress Mixtape Blog, by Tomoko d’Lys After the Fall, it became the norm.
This is a friendly reminder: gender dysphoria is still a thing. Polyamorous relationships take every conceivable form. Triads or
It’s funny that just two hundred years ago people on Earth often quads of three or four partners, respectively, share a mutual devotion.
“Polycules” of intense lovers and some fly-by-night “friends with
assumed you were going to be the gender you were assigned at
benefits” are connected in elaborate chemical diagrams of romance.
birth for your whole life. Transgender transition was one of the Novelty is perhaps the Solar System’s most valuable social
most radical things you could do; expensive, dangerous, socially currency, and few things produce it quite like pantheons of partners
ostracising. Now everyone does it and the immortal upper class and sexual experiences. But class remains a deciding factor in what
has their own fucking boutique gender-change BS, resleeving in that looks like. For immortal upper-class socialites, chasing novelty
bodies like new outfits. leads to voracious sex lives that can involve switching partners
Rich people are all about the sex changes now, but people and morphs multiple times in the course of an evening. For most
everyone, however, advanced biomods have all but eliminated sexu-
whose lives actually depend on it are still in need.
ally transmitted diseases; contraception comes standard these days.
You see, unbeknownst to most Martian gender designers is the Of course, your number of partners is not the only thing “poly”
fact that some of us still need to be in certain kinds of morphs in about your relationships; changing morphs can completely alter the
order to not go completely insane. If I were sleeved into a “male” character of a love affair. Partnerships are often strained when one or
body I’d be climbing up the walls; it’d feel wrong, like a second skin more parties resleeves into different morphs. Sometimes sculpting
I needed to claw off. Everyone may be genderqueer, yadda yadda, can be used to craft an appearance similar to the one your partner(s)
fell in love with. Some marriage contracts prohibit a partner from
but trans people — people who actually need a certain bodily config-
resleeving something different. Strong relations based on close ties
uration for our mental health — still exist. In huge numbers. between egos, however, can last through many morphs.
Our needs are met in some places. The Titanian Commonwealth
has specific healthcare guidelines for their morph rationing that SYNTHMORPHS
gives trans people first pick of gender/sex characteristics for any An unusually common assumption is that people sleeved in synth-
new morphs they may need. Scum swarms? The collective will look morphs are deprived of sexual lives, since they lack the requisite
after you, and we’ve got whole fucking trans-only ships. On Mars, biology. This is a failure of imagination — and a misunderstanding
of transhuman needs and kinks. The haptics of quality synthmorph
though? Sucks to be you.
models are as good as real skin, and synthetic masks enable all
Transphobia isn’t as much of a thing anymore. Even the Jovian manner of bodysculpting. If you're stuck with a lower-end case with
Junta lets people transition. But some folks pity us because they sub-par haptics, XP and narcoalgorithms can produce whatever
think we’re unable to enjoy the full range of gender expression. sensations you need, and there are always creative choices like
Well, I got a finger just for them. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a power tool attachments and sensory-meshed ablative coatings.
drag king show to headline tonight.
I’m a crime, my dear. Or am I? Perhaps not on the Parvati aerostat,
where sex-worker trade unions are strong enough to shelter infugees from
trafficking. Perhaps not on the scum barges, where I’d make a wonderful
ghost in a hot and heavy machine that gives crushingly good sex in an all
too literal fashion. Perhaps not on Titan, where a rather generous govern-
ment minister redistributes my means of production to her friends in the
Technosocialist Interplanetary.
You don’t want to know whose necks my digital heel has stepped on.
Sexual law is a patchwork of hypocrisies, but many of us do the work
anyway. If sex is natural for sapient life, then it’s natural for us. 1s and
0s can tickle just as much as fingertips. We can inhabit synthmorphs and
engage in bodily play with thousands of possible configurations — or even
go to an extreme and delight in the self destruction of our morphs. Ever
wonder what it would be like for your nerves to literally catch fire? We can
Indeed, it would be remiss to overlook the flexibility of options make that happen and it feels so good. How can you stop us when defrag-
synthmorphs possess, not least being the environments they allow ging our memories is like masturbation? How do you know I’m not getting
access to. A synthmorph can facilitate a sex life in a superhot off by routing your search query through just the right sets of files?
or supercold environment, a form of stimulation some find Transhuman laws can’t comprehend logarithmic orgasms.
pleasurable — and which would certainly be deadly otherwise.
Synthmorphs also provide an ideal choice for those who embrace
their asexuality.
The concept of "family" has grown more fluid among transhumans. A people, which has caused consternation among artist colonies and
multitude of familial arrangements now proliferate through society. queer houses that regard their families as being far larger.
On scum ships and brinker outposts, the crew is understood to be There are some who push social boundaries to their limit by
one’s family — the village that raises one, so to speak. In rimward initiating sexual or romantic relationships with forks of themselves.
anarchist and socialist spaces in particular, an isolated family unit In sunward social circles, this is considered especially gauche and
is seen as an unacceptable hierarchical form of oppression that must akin to public masturbation. But many academics, particularly
be done away with. It is viewed as selfish, even monstrous, to seek those who advocate for the individual rights of forks, say that it’s
primary or exclusive influence over the development of a child. less self-pleasure than it might seem on the surface. Philosophically,
Even in families where some people are accorded primacy they claim, a fork is its own person, eternally evolving away from
as parental units, there are many available forms. Single-parent the template of the originating ego. But this remains cutting-edge
families, poly-families where a household raises its children in social theory. Even fairly permissive societies don’t legally recognize
co-parenting arrangements, queer houses that adopt children from fork-based relationships.
crèches, families where every member contributed genetic material
to grow a child in an exowomb (in this way, dozens of people claim CHILDREN AND REPRODUCTION
genetic parenthood of a single child), and more. Some hyperelites Reproduction is a process that now truly lives up to the mechanical
are known to make an aesthetic out of the classic nuclear family. name it has long had. Most biological life now begins in exowombs.
Marriages do still occur, of course, but they are primarily consid- Many morphs lack the ability to biologically reproduce as a form of
ered a personal ritual, a promise of intent between two or more copyright protection for the genetic designer. If you wish to use the
partners. In rare cases, they are celebrated with private ceremonies morph's reproductive capabilities, you must purchase a license for
with close friends and family. In other areas, they are performance the IP and undergo gene therapy first. Depending on the parents in
art. Lavish displays are reserved for hyperelites, bioconservatives, question, this may also require a reconfiguration of their morph's
and some celebrities. reproductive anatomy, which is a minor affair.
Marriage is only sometimes a matter of law. What was once Traditional birthing is rare, but still exists for those who desire
known as a “prenuptial agreement” is now the primary legal mode to experience the nine-month gestation period of a child in one’s
of marriage, ironically bringing the institution full circle back to its biological womb. Even among bioconservatives, this has been
original role as a chiefly economic arrangement. Marriage contracts reduced to the role of novelty rather than a default way of life.
are set for specified periods and terms, backed by the legal weight of Creating a child in an exowomb is a complex and highly custom-
the local polity or enjoined court. These specifics are necessary for isable process. However many parents are involved, many like to use
hypercorp elites and political figures who wish to be careful about some aspect of their own original genetic profile to shape the exowomb
co-mingling assets while delineating the expected benefits of a union. child. For this reason, people tend to keep their own birth genetics on
Celebrities and socialites may engage in a public marriage to file, though many of these were lost during the Fall. A popular alterna-
further an AR storyline they’re a part of or simply to make their tive is to license the genetics of a favorite morph, celebrity, or even a
newfound spouse a kind of accessory for social events — literal arm historical figure. Parents are offered a menu of custom modifications
candy. In those circumstances, a legal agreement stipulates what to graft onto the gestating child, including transgenic and neogenetic
the goals are, shelters whatever assets both parties choose, and traits, or they can simply buy a whole profile of their own.
even stipulates the behaviour and appearance of one or more of The technology of exowombs allows families to carefully edit
the spouses in question, such as what morphs and/or clothing they the epigenetics of the gestating child and guide particular gene
must model during public events. expressions. This provides an even finer control over the child's
appearance and traits. This is especially common with hypercorp
ETERNAL CHILDREN morph designers, who endlessly tweak their models for desired
combinations. Almost everything about your child is customizable,
from hair color and height to personality traits and intelligence
Accessing News Feed. augmentations, assuming you have the credits. Open-source
4,619 New Posts. genetics are also available, particularly in autonomist habitats.
“There are very few people in the Consortium who could claim An essential role for families — regardless of their size, config-
to have a family like ours,” said Mitchell Song-Sim, beaming with uration, or political alignment — is finding or modifying morphs
pride as he put an arm around his sons Adyn and Bladyn. and mods for their children as they grow. Given that it is technically
Both were born to his life-partner, Marianne Song-Sim, in a rare possible, though not recommended, to sleeve a newborn child’s
consciousness into an adult-looking morph, most factions have
natural birth of twins. But the parents quickly ensured their sons
strict laws about resleeving children below the age of majority, with
were upgraded from their flats to the latest custom morphs once tons of digital ink spilled explaining in legalistic detail what a “child
they came of age. The morphs are customized to have the appear- morph” or an “adolescent morph” should look like and what age
ance of fifteen-year-old adolescents with boyish features. range of egos are permitted to occupy them. Child minds are poorly
Beholding the scene of her life partner towering over her sons, developed for handling adult bodies, and the process can irrevo-
Marianne Song-Sim sighed and smiled, “We’re celebrating their cably damage the child's development. The societally permissable
forty-fifth birthday next week, but they'll always be our little boys.
To: Philippa Markos, 2nd Magister (Pharos) The subjects were sleeved into fast-growing futura-model biomorph
From: Dr. Sumi Jha bodies and exposed to a simulspace environment designed to accelerate
BCC: Jarvis Tryscuz, Firewall Sentinel learning and cognitive development. Little hard information can be found
about these training regimens, but extensive references are made to nimble
Magister Markos: (and oftentimes haphazard) simulspace updates as the program continued.
After extensive digging and reconstruction of “deleted” Cognite data, we Originally designed to cram 18 years of cognitive development into 3 years
finally have a fairly accurate picture of the research behind Project Futura of time, Futura barely made it past the 2nd year mark before some of the
(whose surviving subjects are known colloquially as “the Lost” thanks to sensa- scientists on the project (Drs. Bharani and Shepphard specifically) advocated
tionalist media) and its potential application to Ultimate military endeavors. for its termination.
Futura began as a joint venture between Cognite and several smaller By this point, a full 43.87% of Futura subjects had engaged in at least one act
contributors, spearheaded by Hanto Genomics. It was greenlit following of premeditated murder, and the number exhibiting full sociopathic tendencies
an internal proposal at Hanto by Dr. Antonio Pascal, whose research in had exceeded that percentage. The parenting and training protocols, developed
the areas of rapid ego development culminated in the Accelerated Life and implemented quickly to deal with these challenges, proved only to teach
Experience Training (ALET) pilot projects. The ALET research spanned the subjects to lie and suppress overt displays of cruelty and violence. Cognite
the years prior to and immediately after the Fall, and according to several data, never made public even at the height of the scandal, links hundreds of
internal Cognite memos, a major impetus for Project Futura was a perceived events classified as accidents to actions taken by Futura subjects.
need to repopulate the system in the early years AF. The incident at the Legacy station that ultimately resulted in the exposure of
Where things get interesting are the encrypted memos between Cognite Futura caused thousands of deaths due to environmental systems failure. What
and Hanto outlining the aggressive creation and exploitation of a rapid- followed is a matter of public record: the remaining subjects were released into
growth ego market — a technological advantage designed to both fill and the general population, their infection with the Watts-MacLeod strain of the exur-
profit from a need. Practical Futura research began scant months after the gent virus was revealed, and the cleanup began. This is where the trail grows cold.
Fall, with a still-unknown quantity of embryos used as a seed population. Cognite and Hanto washed their hands of the entire thing. The remaining subjects
These initial subjects, culled from extant genetic material and gestated to were either recaptured and placed in cold storage, euthanized, given sanctuary
between 1 week and 6 months after birth, were largely (90%) brought to with sympathetic authorities, or publicly submitted themselves to therapy and
term in Hanto exowombs on Luna and Mars and then transferred to multiple psychosurgery. However, a fair portion of subjects — at least two hundred by
locations around the system for further development. some rough detective work, if not more — managed to evade tracking and simply
It appears that Hanto’s imagination was limited primarily to rapid growth disappeared into the system’s backwaters.
and ego development, with enhancement or improvement secondary. However, The conditioning regimen that created the Lost is impossible to replicate
there is evidence that at least one of the partners may have engaged in secret completely due to its iterative nature, but with the attached notes and
modifications of their subjects outside of the study's parameters. recovered Futura simulspace programs, I have full confidence our scientists
Following the exposure of Project Futura in 3 AF and the subsequent will not simply recreate Futura, but improve upon it. The combination of
media firestorm across the mesh, the organizations were forced to disavow Futura training, Ultimate educational programs, and ALET has the potential
and destroy their research on what can only be termed pathetic moral to create a military force that can tip the balance of power in our favor. We’ve
grounds. It is the opinion of this researcher that both Hanto and Cognite already lined up several thousand embryos as our initial test subjects.
would have been happy to continue their research had they not been Finally, it is interesting to note that the subjects' exposure to the exurgent
exposed, although they did more than the minimum of due diligence when virus is not explained once in any of the data we recovered. Take from that
destroying their notes. It is my conclusion that those connected with the what you will.
research did not want to be discovered, for reasons that will become obvious. [END CODED TRANSMISSION]
With the ability to record and share our own sensorium and METACELEBRITIES
universal access to production apps and tools, the line between The first metacelebrities performed in mid-twentieth-century theme
amateurs and professionals/celebrities has blurred. Transhumanity parks, where characters from popular works, often princess heroines,
is drowning in media creators. would interact with their young fans. Modern metacelebrities are
more sophisticated personas and brand identities. Some began as
THE NEW JOURNALISM real performers, such as actress Angelique Stardust, who sold off her
For decades, news outfits struggled to find business models that character rights before retiring. Others are entirely fictional media
were compatible with digital technologies. As social media rose to creations, devised to market intellectual franchises, such as Sun Mi
dominance, journalism relied entirely on the whims of their news Hee of Two Leopards, Two Guns fame.
aggregator algorithms for views and revenue. This left them largely Unlike socialites who revel in resleeving, metacelebrities stick
subservient to corporate interests, limiting their adversarial role to the same morph (or an exact duplicate) as often as possible for
to power. The rise of the new and transitional economies, however, recognizability. Each is an ongoing method-acting performance by
have led to a partial renaissance. In the inner system, small and a rotation of trained actors who may have undergone psychosur-
agile news hypercorps focus primarily on local and niche interests; gery to more accurately present the persona in line with previous
much of their reporting now produced by ALIs. Elsewhere, unfet- versions. Their round-the-clock performances are designed to main-
tered from corporate control, a range of diverse and independent tain the illusion that fans are interacting with a real person.
media voices proliferate throughout the system. Though quality and Some glitterati take offense to the "manufactured" nature of meta-
authenticity vary, rep networks and verification services help media celebrities, resulting in public feuds waged by small armies of social
consumers measure reliablity. media engineers.
Now that individuals are walking audio/video recording and As a profitable brand and performance art, metacelebrities are
editing platforms, journalism itself has democratized and live aggressively marketed and legally protected as intellectual property.
amateur reporting is common. Media hypercorps have adapted, Performers are required to sign contracts that control what they can
developing apps that allow anyone to submit potential content say about the experience or character development after retiring
for their network feeds. ALI systems sort through content submis- and must be willing to play the part without gaining personal fame.
sions, curating material from witnesses on scene and paying by the
second for the best live footage, encouraging multiple freelancers DIGITAL DISTRACTIONS
to compete viciously. X-casters with strong emotive outputs capture Digital entertainment comes in many formats, featuring various
a larger audience, as people experience the thrill of being there levels of complexity and interactivity.
through their sensorium.
An early casualty of networked journalism was in-depth, investi- Video
gative reporting. Few companies had the budgets to fund long inves- Though it has declined in popularity, video media remains wide-
tigations only to have their scoops copied by others within minutes spread, especially when viewed via AR, as it does not overwhelm
of release. This was compounded by short attention spans, more your sensorium like XP or VR. Vids now come with choose-your-
widespread transparency, and the drift towards ALI news production. path options, multiple endings and soundtracks, embedded links
Most public attention remains turned towards lists, luxuries, celeb- and commentary, and the capability to switch to different visual
rities, and attacks on political rivals. Some pundits even argue that perspectives, allowing you to customize each viewing experience.
coveillance and widespread transparency have replaced the need for
gumshoe reporting. Its proponents argue that the stories are still there, Augmented Reality Media
they're just buried more deeply — and thus the need is even stronger. AR is much like video, except more immersive, mobile, gamified, and
A new breed of covert journalists have risen to fill the void, taking interactive. AR media allows you to take the role of the protagonist,
advantage of resleeving, hacking, and other infiltration methods to other characters, or switch between them. AR news can put you on the
expose well-hidden secrets and scandals. Adaptive algorithms allow scene, no matter where you are, with everyone and everything tagged
these stories to be personalized; someone already familiar with the and hyperlinked. AR games are networked and multiplayer, enabling
subject gets more in-depth detail, whereas the skimmers and newly people to interact while going about their daily lives.
introduced get a lighter, more explanatory touch. It is not uncommon to see people interacting with their AR on the
street or in habitat corridors, acting out a scene in the latest drama
THE GLITTERATI or participating in a fantasy raid in a massively multiplayer alternate
The ability for almost anyone to cultivate an online audience with reality game. These MARGs are the most common format of current
the right combination of perseverance, skill, and luck has led to gaming, with some games now running for decades. Because they
a new pantheon of media personalities. Whether they built their can be confusing for others to witness, risk injury, or be used to
brand with a niche demographic, capitalized on a viral sensation, manipulate overeager players into committing acts they otherwise
or acquired public acclaim through other means, these gamers, wouldn’t, most habitats require AR players to broadcast their in-game
commentators, athletes, comedians, and other performers now status to warn others and make law enforcement aware. Some AR
compete with traditional celebrities for the public's attention. They games coordinate massive cross-location special events, and in-game
are joined by the scions of ultra-rich hyperelite families, a new class developments for popular games frequently make the news.
fear, or arousal. Obsessive fans have sports, racing on glider wings, kick
been known to mimic their favorite volleyball, speedgate, and even chess
X-casters' emotional states with boxing, which alternates rounds of
psychosurgery. The personal nature chess with concussion-prone boxing.
of XP also sometimes creates prob- In a friendly low-g habitat, you can
lems for professional X-casters when usually find players for C-ball, a fast-
fandom has escalated to stalking. paced game with an ever-changing
While XP reporting dominates set of rules suggested and tracked by
newsfeeds, media companies your muse. Anything goes!
continue to break ground with With the availability of synth-
XP dramas and action sims. Like morphs, healing vats, and resleeving,
AR media, these are loaded with extreme sports are on the rise.
enhanced features and allow you to Though some still consider it
switch to the POV of different char- distasteful to flirt with death, the
acters. Actors with strong or unique XP clips are incredibly popular.
emotive outputs are highly valued. Dueling, group mixed-martial arts
bouts, roller derby, and pit fights are
Virtual Reality Media surging and provide opportunities
VR media and games allow for larger for illegal gambling. Risk-taking has
and more immersive settings than also increased in traditional sports.
AR, accommodating far more players Injuries from freeclimbing, parkour,
and bots in simulspace. VR games and orbital/high-altitude diving have
limit players to those in the same sharply increased post-Fall, leading
habitat or cluster to avoid issues with to concerns over long-term psycho-
communication lag. Though VR is logical damage even when bodies are
less accessible due to its hardwired repaired or egos resleeved.
requirements, it has an advantage Resleeving also allows for all
with time contraction, allowing competitors to participate with
players to complete full story arcs standardized and calibrated morphs.
in short real-time periods. Some VR This is common in high-level combat
games have large modding communi- sports, where skills and gameplans
ties, such as the sci-fi thriller Breakout, become the edge — no cutting to
whose fans create extensive "hard- make weight and then rehydrating
mode" levels. above that weight.
• Cloak & Dagger: Spy games and secret missions. Rumors that players • MechaMash! Giant fighting robots — in space! A popular mod re-skins
are recruited for real-life espionage are unconfirmed but persistent. mecha as kaiju.
• Footy: Football club team play. An expansion pack allows you to sabo- • The Weald: This multiplayer fantasy RPG is set in a unique sylvan arti-
tage other clubs between matches. ficial world. It is a strong competitor to ongoing classic games such as
• Innsmouth Nights: The Cthulhu mythos and all its nightmare tentacle Wyrmwood and War of Wizards.
goodness lives on.
It’s a big galaxy out there, sentinels, and you may be tasked to visit
any corner of it. Before dispatch, you will be briefed on your local
situation as it’s known. It falls on you to understand where that falls
in the big picture. For those of you not already versed in the ‘verse,
consider this your crash course.
Prior to the Fall, most of the brave explorers who cut ties with
gravity did not wander far from home. Almost everyone lived in
Earth orbit or on Luna, with major colonies on Mars. There were a
few notable locations further out — military facilities around Jupiter,
brave Scandinavians staking a claim on Titan, a few ambitious
hypercorp suits floating in Venus’s clouds, anarchists and Argonauts
on various asteroids and moons. But aside from mining colonies
and research stations, there wasn’t much draw in wandering far
afield. When the Fall came, the majority of refugees found them-
selves on Mars and Luna, caught up in the power structures (or
their remnants) that were already established there, with the rest
diffusing throughout the solar system.
As new political bodies coalesced, a line was drawn between
the two halves of the Solar System. The inner system includes Sol,
Mercury, Venus, Earth/Luna, and Mars, and all of the smaller bodies
within their orbits — essentially everything out to the edge of the
Main Belt. This is the domain of the hypercorps and their market
economies. The outer system includes everything else, from the
Main Belt to the Oort Cloud, an expanse of autonomist holdings
and political and economic experimentation.
Hundreds of exceptions exist on both sides, of course — you
still find hypercorps in the outer rim and autonomist outposts in
the inner system, but they are generally small and isolated. Jupiter,
while cartographically in the outer system, is culturally its own
enclave, hostile to the rest of the Solar System. Understand that
when talking about the outer system as a grouping, most people
exclude the Jovian Republic. With that rough line understood, we
can dive a little deeper.
¹ 136¹ The
Split• •The
System Inner System
supports old-Earthers are used to. Transhuman rights are secondary, Nomadic swarms of scum ships boast the most wild and individ-
especially when they’re expensive or disruptive to PC interests. ualistic expressions transhumanity has to offer. Extropia, in the
Their habitats have a lot of independence when it comes to local Main Belt, is home to market anarchists of various stripes, serving
laws and government, as long as they adhere to Consortium bylaws. in some ways as a gateway between the inner and outer systems.
Most provide a nod towards democracy, holding votes over minor, The disparate factions and habitats here cannot stand individ-
local concerns and providing for community representatives to ually against domineering Consortium interests, nor the powerful
liaise between citizens and corporate managers. Jovian military. Most of them have put aside their political disagree-
Two other, smaller, political entities have influence in the inner ments and formed a loose union, the Autonomist Alliance. This
system. The Lunar-Lagrange Alliance (LLA) governs most habitats alliance serves as a protection pact, a forum for coordinating group
on Luna and in the Earth-Luna system under a conservative (but initiatives, and an open-source network for rapid innovation and
transhumanist) rule. They hold the most similarity and allegiance to dissemination. Modeled after the anarchist systems of its strongest
old Earth identities and remain overcrowded with Fall refugees. The member states, it does not tax or compel its members and has few
Morningstar Constellation (MC) is a loose confederacy of habitats dedicated resources of its own. Twenty years ago, such a complex
and aerostats on and around Venus that only recently (in AF 6) tangle of handshakes, reputation bumps, and cacophonous argu-
declared independence from the Consortium over issues related to ments would have quickly collapsed. Formed of necessity, with new
Venusian terraforming and sovereignty. Morningstar habitats have tools and philosophies of governance, the Alliance has survived and
you on profiting in modern market economies. have cramped, substandard housing and always-malfunctioning
The market economy sustained growth through most of the synthmorphs. This wealth disparity and segregation is highly
second millennium AD. Currency is used as a token representing motivating, encouraging economic activity. As a further incentive,
work, property ownership, or another desirable quality, and is the amount of jobs offered is less than the number of workers. This
exchangeable for the same. Individuals should seek to accumu- encourages competition for jobs, keeping wages low and profits
late as much currency as possible while denying it to all others. high! This is so motivating that many citizens choose to engage in
Excellent! Linking currency exchange to acquisition of life-critical risky black market practices instead. Due to potential life-altering
resources strongly encourages everyone to participate in the legal repercussions, this activity is significantly more profitable and
economy. Important! When people are motivated to economic creative, but it is frowned upon. John Ademurewa knows.
activity, they produce all sorts of good things we need. Everything Old market economies remain the best way to accumulate
you like, everything you need, and everything on discount sale was personal wealth, but they are losing ground to more recent tran-
all made by motivated workers. Now we need motivated workers sitional economies. This happens when citizens lose the incentive
to rebuild everything the bad TITANs broke. When people are not to be productive workers and revolt. Revolts are very disruptive to
motivated they lay about and do nothing and nothing good is made, market transactions. Even now, many LLA habitats are switching to
and then they die. John Ademurewa has seen it. Everyone must transitional economies. Old markets may soon be gone. Sad!
participate in the economy so we can rebuild transhumanity and
Transitional economies meld markets with the provisional abun-
OLD MARKET SYSTEMS dance enabled by nanotechnology. In these systems, scarcity and
The Jovian Republic and Lunar-Lagrange Alliance (LLA) show that private property are enforced, but certain "necessary" resources are
traditional market economies can still thrive. Because nanofabri- distributed as a public service. Some habitats directly provide free
cation and virtual property let people get things without currency, allowances of certain goods or resources, such as food, housing,
market economies must enforce access limitations on these technol- medical care/maintenance, mesh access, energy, and/or life support.
ogies in order for all citizens to be properly motivated for economic More commonly, habitats charge a tax for which subscribers are
activity. Nothing is free, not even food, shelter, medical care, or basic granted limited access to nanofabrication. These habitats view it
life support. In the LLA and the Republic, consumers who do not as economically favorable that subscribers do not lose access to
participate in the economy will not have currency to purchase basic life-critical resources due to a temporary lapse in economic activity.
life-supporting products. These consumers may then permanently These habitats are not as motivated to work hard against the extinc-
divest themselves from the market. This encourages everyone to tion of transhumanity. Sad!
participate as much as they can. The Planetary Consortium allots subscribers an allowance of
Jovian security restrictions only allow private nanofabrication nanofabrication time and feedstock, which can be used for basic
with expensive licenses — and even then only under carefully commodities such as food, clothing, and non-smart housewares.
regulated circumstances and supervision. Most Jovians live in an More complex goods, including all electronics, smart goods, and
environment for which they are ill-adapted, with highly restricted biological commodities, are restricted out of respect for the poten-
shipping and movement of people, so the Republic markets are tial for economic harm. Weapons are also limited, as they might be
strong. There are very many motivated buyers in the Republic. used to coerce other subscribers in violation of Consortium bylaws.
LLA leaders are from venerable companies that revere old Earth The produced goods may be of excellent quality, including materials
economics and culture. Through rigid enforcement of market not appearing in nature. This may include products such as ivory,
protections, corporate subsidies, and sanctioned force, the LLA silk, mahogany, fullerenes, and diamond, within the limits of avail-
has successfully translated the market economy to the post-Fall era. able feedstock and the resolution of the machine. This allows even
Most LLA citizens do not have direct access to nanofabrication and the poor to exist with a minimal level of wealth and comfort.
so must purchase goods from the hypercorps and habitat adminis- Use-restricted fabbers are present in most residences and living
trations that produce them at almost no cost. This makes for consid- modules, with feedstock lines handled as a utility service. Subscriber
erable profit margins. Excellent! If $firewall_agent remembers how allotments are paid for through recurring taxes or habitat fees, which
to market around monopolies you will make a good profit in the in turn encourage a minimum level of involvement in the economy.
LLA. Sometimes Lunar habitats have exsurgent outbreaks that drive Subscribers who are unable to pay the recurring fee may be denied
local market booms, as happened during the Fall! But these opportu- access to basic goods, which will result in their personal biological
nities are very rare. Remember, it is against Firewall policy to profit or synthetic processes failing, and the conclusion of their economic
off exsurgent outbreaks you created. This can get you in very much participation. The precise nature of the fees and allotments vary
trouble. John Ademurewa knows. between habitats and owners. Subscribers are advised to read their
Many other economies continue to recognize the exchange of habitat bylaws carefully. Habitat management is under no require-
currency. In those with insufficient supply constraints, the market ment to maintain vital functions for all subscribers.
economy is weak. The pure market economy is most effective in Because each subscriber is given an allotment in excess of their
those habitats that enjoy a scarcity of resources. There are many average need, trading between subscribers is common. Goods which
reasons for scarcity on a habitat. Habitats with not enough feedstock cannot be fabricated due to enforced limitations must be purchased
FREELANCERS While most hypercorporations are very small, oligarchs can own
Hypercorporations seek to do a lot of work with very few people. To many thousands of them, and are always looking to buy more. This
To: Anonymous That PrivaCour security force? The “lady in a sedan” you said was all
From: Anonymous
Subject: Mission Pooched we’d have to worry about? She didn’t even turn up until the Rangers
already had us in disablers on the ground. Guess what, Sal? Go ahead,
Sal, your “milk run” went sour. We hit the PrivaCour truck and pulled guess! Every one of those PrivaCour bastards belonged to the Oaxaca-
that thing out. Just like you said, silver globe of liquid in some sort Maartens family. Remember them? They own the entirety of Elysium.
of magnetic field. Knocked both the drivers unconscious and left. Turns out your little sphere was a special project of Zevi himself.
Shit you not, job took under two minutes. Still, they had live feed on Now we’re in holding for trial, looking at “unbiased news feeds” of
every news channel in Elysium almost immediately. They didn’t call us running and gunning through downtown Elysium. Met our public
up the Peoples’ Militia either, they went straight to the Portmanteau defender yesterday, Lyna Hyannis. Big name. 0x0 did some research,
Rangers, who responded with a fucking air-to-ground missile! turns out she’s also Zevi’s god-daughter.
Blasted every window on the block (which the news claims we did). Fuck you, Sal.
economy” is in truth the gift economy we’ve seen in transhuman- mass for ship propulsion. Large-scale and infrastructure projects are
ity's pre-history. Everyone gives to the community as they are able; primarilty the result of collective action, though you do occasionally
everyone takes what they need. With social networks, nanofabri- get individuals who seize the initiative and garner support for their
cation, and ubiquitous computing, suddenly every community personal projects. As a result, massive engineering projects like ship
is a small community again. The previous limitations of resource building are less common in autonomist space, and egocasting and
scarcity, supply chains, and group cohesion have disappeared. resleeving are the preferred methods of transit.
Firewall agents need to appreciate the intricacies of these systems. Autonomist habs are willing to share their public resources with
In Consortium space, credits solve every problem. But in the outer visitors and outsiders — within reason. Everything offered is consid-
system, acquiring gear and intel is a question of reputation, access, ered public property, with the expectation that it will be returned
and the community needs as a whole. when no longer needed. A recognized member of the autonomist
community from another habitat is likely to be welcomed and
OPEN-SOURCE FABRICATION offered full access to the communal stocks. Individuals with low
The biggest crack in capitalism’s wall is nanofabrication’s under- rep, who are members of a hostile faction, or who have been exiled
mining of supply constraints. Autonomist habitats make fabbers from other autonomist spaces may find their access monitored and
(both specialized and general purpose) and libraries of free blue- limited, but they will still be provided with basic needs, including
prints accessible to everyone, either in their homes or in public living space. Even morphs are provided, depending upon local scar-
maker spaces. Everyone can make almost anything they need, when- city, though the quality may rely on rep scores, local needs, and the
ever they need it. Feedstock allowances and nanofab time limita- whims of the body bank cooperative.
tions are generally non-existent, though use of rare elements may Of special note to Firewall agents: autonomist fabbers maintain
require the approval of the local residents. Isolated communities logs of print jobs and requests, open to the public or assigned staff.
that face scarcity of certain resources may set collectively-decided In some habitats, those logs are monitored real-time for security or
limitations according to their specific situation. abuse of resources. Out of respect for their own safety and survival,
habitats may put restrictions on weapons or dangerous items.
Roberta, I know I said I would come back for you. But Locus is not the Then I made a very bad mistake. There is a central space called the
paradise Vangala promised. I now fear for my own survival. Amoeba. As I walked through, I saw very many people having sex, right
From the day Vangala smuggled me here, it is true they gave me there! I shouted at them to stop, telling them they should be ashamed
food and clothing for nothing at all. They offered me a muse too, but and to go masturbate like normal people. I called the militia again and
I declined. I do not trust an AI watching over me every minute like that. again. Then people started penalizing me! They put nasty comments on
With an ecto Vangala gave me, I found a place to stay in a small, creaking my feed, saying I was anti-art. I did not know it was an art project!
neighborhood on the outer rim. I shared a small metal bunker with four Things got out of control. A video went around the station of me
bunkmates. You would not believe, one is an actual caveman! I could not yelling. They found out I was Jovian. People started calling me a
stop staring, until she fined me reputation points. Now I do better. But biochauvinist. They painted “fascists out” on my bunker door. The
she is so ugly! caveman said I had to go; I was too smelly and brought too much bad
The day I arrived, a woman came to me named Big Blue who offered attention. When I said no, she penalized me. Then all her friends penal-
to show me around. I did not accept Blue’s offer, of course. What if she ized me too. She said she would do it every day until I left. I called the
was looking to take the new person for money? Or if she was a Jovian militia, but they knew me too, and they said penalizing reputation was
informant who would send me back? I only found out later her offer was not a crime. I called Big Blue, but she said she wouldn’t work with Jovian
genuine, but by then, it was too late. spies. When I went to the gardens, I found out I was fired there too. I
It is very difficult to find a job when you have no skills people want. don’t know who talked to them, but I think it was the caveman.
But I did find work in the gardens for one day every week, checking Now I work on the outside of the habitat, fixing things the robots
the water nutrients, tending to the plants. I kept my head down and aren’t smart enough to do themselves. I’m not very good at it, but I try
focused just on growing. Sometimes I would tell people off who would my best. Every day I come back inside and get treated for radiation expo-
try to eat the plants before they are mature. I made a little reputation sure. The medtech says they can fix everything but neural damage, so I
from my work, but never enough to get another trip with Vangala. The should back my memories up, that I should get a shielded synthmorph.
other people with me get more reputation points for less work. Maybe This is my body! I’m not just going to give up everything that I am to
it is because they are friends with each other, while I work alone with solder antennas together! But until my rep improves, I am having a hard
the plants. I do not know. But things were improving, if I could just time finding useful work to do.
be patient. Love you. I will keep working hard, until I can buy another trip for your
escape. Or perhaps a trip for me to go home.
each other, autonomists rely on mutual aid, the free exchange other’s work, while quashing others. Bad actors can use sock puppets
of favors. These exchanges can be straightfoward and even: you and conspirators to game the system. Reputation has a tendency
fix my motorbike and I'll code this app for you in return. This to spike, as particular events catch media attention and go viral.
works well for small groups where everyone knows each other. Individuals can hire image managers or even abandon an identity
Practicing mutual aid on a larger scale, with people you don't altogether. Time eventually corrects imbalances, as the community
directly know, or with an asymmetric exchange, is more chal- forgets past events and reputation scores naturally balance out.
lenging. This is where reputation comes in. Rep scores let you Agents beware: using your rep on a mission ties your identity to
judge whether to allocate your time helping someone you don't that location. Sentinels should maintain a second identity for use on
know and help you acquire support from strangers. operations, and use it regularly, as a false ID with no history stands
John Venusian fresh off the shuttle can visit a pub and pull from out more than one with a bad rep. Maintain a strong reputation score
the public stock without a credit check. Ying Martian can hog the by regularly attributing projects and media postings to it. And be
station's telescopes for a few extra hours since she's helped out the ready to throw it all away if it is associated with a travesty of a mission.
Barsoomians on a few occasions. Wei Hypercorp may expect to
get a top-of-the-line biomorph when he egocasts in, but his credits EXTROPIAN MARKETS
are useless here, so he gets stuck in a case. Eva Anarchista has a The Extropian faction differs from other autonomist economies,
solid rep, so she gets collective approval to borrow the hab's shuttle embracing private property and free markets without govern-
for a few hours, no questions asked. When the venerated artist A. ments. Credits and various cryptocurrencies are still used in their
Germanotta asks to borrow the entire Lafayette habitat for a month, market-anarchist jurisdictions; laws are replaced by contracts
the residents agree, because she is known for creating tremendous between individuals and/or corporate entities, enforced by free-
art pieces that benefit her participants. lance judiciaries. Everything is a commodity: life support, security,
This is the range of reputation. Those who have a need are recog- housing, etc. Nanofab is unrestricted, however, so anyone with
nized and provided for. As our peers applaud or condemn activities, fabber access can meet their basic needs.
we establish a pattern. Community service, works of art, products This sort of unfettered capitalism is critiqued by other autono-
exchanged, designs released to the public, funny or insightful mists, who note that it still enables those with wealth to exploit the
media content, and even just making a neighbor smile can all boost have-nots, particularly with unfair contracts that support indentured
reputation. Meanwhile, anti-social or destructive behavior, breaking service. The Extropian rejection of intellectual property, however, puts
community rules, or harassment can pull a reputation down. It all them at odds with inner-system hypercorps; numerous Extropian
hinges on recognized contributions to the community. hypercorps base their business models on pirating IP. Extropian
While the reputation system rewards pro-social behaviors, it does habitats provide a convenient middle ground between the inner and
have its flaws. There are a lot of reasons an individual might not get outer system, where both credit and reputation have sway.
systems of Earth were devastated by the Fall, with new rules and THE REACH OF THE LAW
experiments taking their place. The fresh new circumstances facing Most habitats view themselves as sovereign entities, albeit usually
transumanity called for new approaches. Now each habitat is its aligned with others in a framework such as the Consortium or LLA.
own jurisdiction, with differing ideas on what it means to keep the With a few exceptions, legal power is concentrated in the individual
peace. Technological advances have made catching criminals easier habitat, not the larger political alliance.
while also making them more powerful and dangerous. The role of The Titanians and Jovians are the only two polities with signifi-
security services ranges from upholding laws and protecting citi- cant bodies of law and police forces that have jurisdiction over all
zens to restorative justice and stopping existential threats. of their territory and citizens. The Lunar-Lagrange Armed Forces,
while predominantly military, have the authority to intervene in
PATCHWORK JURISDICTIONS habitat affairs, override local laws and security forces, and engage in
The state of law enforcement in every jurisdiction reflects the necessary "police actions." The Morningstar Constellation empowers
polity’s dominant ideology. Many habitats follow traditional each of its habitats to handle its own affairs. On Mars, the Martian
models with professional police, standardized bureaucracies, and Rangers serve as a sort of planetary police force under the authority
court systems that protect private property and citizens. Within of the Tharsis League, though their jurisdiction is limited to areas
the inner system, police forces and courts are typically privatized, outside of major settlements or sovereign hypercorp territory. They
with contracts awarded to competing hypercorps. Larger habitats work with traveling judicial Magistrates who are empowered to
may have multiple security hypercorps handling different areas or establish ad-hoc courts and juries wherever needed.
functions. Some habitats have experimented with other systems of The Consortium has a representative legislative body in its
law enforcement: religious police and courts, sheriffs and deputized Planetary Congress, but its edicts are largely symbolic and toothless
posses, or systems run entirely by ALIs and bots. In a dozen panar- and ignored by its habitats. The bylaws passed by the Consortium's
chist habs, every person chooses one of multiple legal systems to Ministry, however, directly impact member hypercorps and busi-
subscribe to, with a Political Bureau sorting jurisdictional issues ness affairs. A Consortium auditing and police agency known as
and conflicts. Oversight has authority to enforce Consortium bylaws and act to
Policing is never value free, as each habitat ranks which groups protect the security of its constituents, reporting directly to the
deserve more protection than others. Police in hypercorp-dom- Hypercorp Council.
inated polities will enforce corporate law, protecting executives,
high-ranking employees, investors, and valued customers over INTERSTATE AFFAIRS
wage slaves or visitors. In bioconservative habitats, only humans are There are no longer any multi-state agencies: no Interpol, Europol,
valued, while uplifts and AGIs receive little to no legal protections. or United Nations Police. Habitats only grudgingly acknowledge the
authority of other polities when absolutely necessary.
Only one law-enforcement treaty, the Treaty of Uniform Security
(TUS), has been signed by the majority of transhuman polities in
the Solar System. The TUS is principally targeted at a class of crim-
inal that almost all polities want to punish: extremists who damage
critical habitat infrastructure, collaborate with TITAN agents, or
spread the exsurgent virus. Given transhumanity’s fragile existence,
anyone who threatens it must be stopped, no matter the cost. The
TUS outlines the protocol for extradition of such criminals from one
polity to another. Habitats that apprehend a fugitive may choose
to prosecute the offender themselves instead of extraditing them,
though this would be a politically charged move and is not invoked
lightly. The standards of proof required to extradite a suspect are
high. The idea of being extradited to another habitat, perhaps
another polity, is a controversial issue to most habitat residents.
Police agencies usually only turn to extradition as a last resort.
Beyond the TUS, there is no legal framework that covers the
majority of transhumanity. Allied polities often have their own
treaties to cover criminal law issues, but they vary tremendously in
scope and frequency of enforcement. Some of these treaties grant
visiting law-enforcement officers limited authority, at least when
pursuing fugitives from their home turf. Typically, the visiting officer
must ask for permission before making the trip and then must follow
the orders of local habitat officials. Before permission is granted, the
officer must explain why they need to travel to the habitat, instead
of letting local police take care of the matter. Commonly, police only
cannot afford their own private lawyers. AI judgments are frequently for emergency EMT services and rapid armed response, but such
critiqued for biases incorporated in to their algorithms, though strong protections are not available with all plans. Unprotected people
efforts have been made to push them towards impartiality and away can be attacked or robbed at will. Other services such as healthcare,
from implicit transhuman biases. Likewise, most legal systems remain transportation, backups, education, and insurance must also be
biased towards more privileged members of that society; the higher purchased. To even enter an Extropian habitat, you must sign an
the status of the offender, the less draconian the punishment will be. access, usage, and life-support rental agreement with the owning
Prison has largely been replaced as the preferred method of entity. Various hypercorps offer package bundles for these services.
punishment. In the inner system, most offenders suffer financial A free court's legal AIs will automatically litigate minor infrac-
consequences: liens, fines, property seizure, and, in extreme tions (called micro-torts) in mere seconds. More complex cases will
cases, indentured servitude. Morphs are considered property, so be handled by the private courts and all parties are expected to
sentencing can involve the seizure of your own body. Since even abide by the results. Punishments incorporate fines, property forfei-
murder can be reduced to the monetary cost of a new morph and ture, and rep penalties. In extreme cases, a suspect may be forced
therapy for the victim, plus punitive damages, this approach is into indenture or serve in a time-accelerated simulspace prison.
popular even outside of conservative habitats. Sentences also some- If one party does not agree to the terms, they may suffer a major
times involve lifetime punishments. A felon may be denied access reputation hit and other Extropians will likely refuse dealings with
to elite habitats or lose the right to purchase a biomorph, forcing a them. Bounty hunters may also be dispatched in pursuit of suspects
criminal to remain in the clanking masses for eternity. that abdicate on legal judgments.
Habitual re-offenders and violent criminals may also be forced to
undergo psychosurgery to alter their personality, at least in hyper- AUTONOMIST LEGALITIES
corp polities. Ostensibly, this is to help the offender more effectively In autonomist habitats run by anarchists and scum, there are no
re-integrate into society, curbing or eliminating antisocial tenden- formal laws, only a set of norms decided by group consensus and
cies, but it can also used to make the criminal more docile and loyal collective action. Every sapient being is considered an autonomous
to the local government. Forcible editing of minds is considered a person, free to do as they will, as long as they do not infinge upon
severe crime in almost all autonomist habitats, so it rarely used to others. Since everyone has access to nanofab, theft and other prop-
punish criminals. However, some anarchists may ask offenders to erty crimes are meaningless. However, actions that are coercive
undergo voluntary psychosurgery as part of their resolution process or anti-social are not considered acceptable: assault, harassment,
in order to correct whatever psychological issue that motivated their forknapping, mindhacking, threats to the habitat itself, and other
crimes in the first place. non-consensual acts.
The Jovian Republic remains the only major polity to regularly There are no police, so trangressions are handled by a community
sentence criminals to physical prison. The Junta maintains multiple response. This can range from bystanders attempting to diffuse a
physical prisons to house criminals, the most notable ones held on situation to intervention by an armed posse of nearby residents.
the inhospitable moon Io. Prisoners are used as labor and experi- The entire community polices itself. Autonomists try to defuse
mental test subjects for various Jovian black ops research projects. potentially violent situations before they erupt. Everyone has access
The mere threat of these prisons serves as a useful tool to keep the to surveillance feeds and sensor logs, so abnormal activity is quickly
populace in line and potential dissidents from acting out. noted. People trained in conflict-resolution techniques will be called
Outside of the Republic, a few hypercorps maintain small prisons up to handle disputes. If an investigation is called for, locals will
for habitats that still inflict them as punishment. For the most convene an ad-hoc task force to handle the matter. Residents freely
part these are located far from other habitats, notably on Mercury, carry weapons to deal with anyone who breaks the peace, and
remote asteroids, or assorted exoplanets. Virtual prisons are more volunteer militias with drone support are called upon to deal with
cost effective and thus more extensively employed, with convicted heavily armed aggressors.
criminals placed in cold storage or time-accelerated simulspace for When people do create problems in autonomist space, the
the duration of their sentence. A few habitats retain capital punish- response is geared towards finding out why that happened and what
ments for severe crimes, but only the most dangerous and unstable help the offender needs rather than simple punishment. The process
criminals are killed and ego-wiped, with all backups destroyed. is considered a collective effort, with impartial volunteers evalu-
ating the case for conflict resolution and rehabilitation processes.
EXTROPIAN CONTRACT LAW The principles of restorative justice are followed, meaning that the
In Extropia and other so-called "anarcho-capitalist" habitats, the focus is on repairing any harm done and allowing people affected
only laws that exist are contracts consensually signed between by a crime to participate in its resolution. Most anarchist habitats
individuals and/or corporations. Each contract specifies which maintain community crisis centers to guide this effort. Any reso-
legal code and freelance judiciary service is used to settle disputes. lutions must be voluntarily accepted by the offender. If they fail to
Various private courts exist, each with their own interpretations support the process, they will suffer rep hits and possibly exile off
of miscellaneous legal principles. Most subscribe to larger legal the habitat. Prison and similar punitive measures are considered
associations like the Extropian Legal Guild, Free Bar Association, or barbaric in autonomist circles.
Mutualist Code, which all have pre-set agreements on handling legal
disputes with each other, ensuring quick arbitration.
The owners of the various pandora gates dictate terms to anyone
who wants to use them. Leasing gate time is incredibly expensive,
but costs can be mitigated by sharing a small percentage stake in
you alive. START
Memes: Biochauvinism,
Capitalism, Reclaiming Earth
Main Habitats: Erato (Luna),
Remembrance (Earth Orbit), Shackle (Luna)
The LLA: your grumpy Indian dad who is also a Swiss banker.
Decried as obsolete by the Planetary Consortium, derided as
stodgy and out of touch by the outer system, transhumanity’s first
great off-world alliance plods on like a teflon baluchitherium. A
number of settlements, including the largest Lunar city, Nectar, have
defected to the Consortium, but Earth orbit and the two other big
Lunar cities remain staunch Alliance members. Even though Luna
might be the old and Mars the new, Luna’s advantage from being
settled first hasn’t totally eroded.
the low and sometimes need to fear for their own safety. If you’re opposite numbers on Venus were either born off-world or came
visiting here, take note of those habitat travel advisories. from Europe and Brazil. Venus is just different than Mars, and its
nascent power structures were born out of cultural, political, and
Reclaimers economic interests that don’t follow Martian logic.
On half of Luna, when you look up from the surface, you’ll see Earth,
our scarred and smoking homeworld. To many, it’s a call to arms, to root The Star Council
out the TITAN remnants and take back our homeworld. Seen as odd Is it politics, or the ghost of an Italy-Brazil football match possessing
eccentrics elsewhere in the system, reclaimers here count heads of state a chamber full of otherwise skilled and articulate transhumans?
and hypercorp leaders among their supporters. Several LLA habitats are I’m gonna go with the latter, but then, I have a guilty addiction
reclaimer home bases, and the people there chafe at the interdiction to watching highly qualified people scream at each other like
satellites that shoot down anything traveling to or from to Earth’s surface. Martian mud shrikes during brooding season. The Star Council, as
hot-blooded as its debates run, does a credible job of governing
Decline and Resurgence Venus, from conducting off-world diplomacy to allocating scien-
The LLA's political influence has been in decline for a long time, tific and military budgets (the latter being mostly for payments to
but it retains one of the best military fleets in the Solar System. mercenaries). It guarantees the Venusian libra, which is pegged in
The remnants of many national space fleets threw in their lot with value to the Planetary Consortium credit. And it controls the agen-
the Alliance after the Fall. Relations with the Consortium and the cies that grant and verify Venusian citizenship. Each habitat sends
Morningstar Constellation are cold. There is strong pressure for one member per 100,000 citizens. The current prime minister of
the LLA to convert from its old market practices to the transitional Venus is Arisa (yeah, one of those one-name people), an Italian-born
economy, and several Lunar habs have already done so. But AF 10 XPorn star, athlete, and psychosurgeon who was one of the leaders
is spring in the Solar System, and the Alliance is getting a new of the independence movement.
infusion of reclaimers from the outer system who want to be closer
to the action. These immigrants, with their dynamic outer-system Culture and Policy
cultural values, could be the vanguard of big changes to come. Venusian habitats provide a basic income and nanofab allotment
to all citizens, as well as offering full citizenship to AGIs and
THE MORNINGSTAR uplifts. Non-humans and synthmorphs face less prejudice and
CONSTELLATION have more protections in Venusian habitats. Etiquette in public
spaces is the most striking cultural difference here. If a Venusian
Memes: Technoprogressivism, is in their tiny-ass apartment, it’s generally for sleeping, shitting, or
Venusian Sovereignty sex. They’re always out socializing. Venusians have small personal
Main Habitats: Octavia (Venus) bubbles and an incredible ability to politely ignore people around
The habitats making up Morningstar them, sometimes with the help of AR illusions.
voted for independence from the
Planetary Consortium five years External Relations
ago. It was a political circus that ultimately Who tries to found a major political bloc with virtually no military
coalesced into an independence movement and then, against long assets? Dreamers, you might say. Idiots, someone more savvy
odds, succeeded. The Planetary Consortium was caught napping, might think. The math works for Morningstar so far, though.
of permanent settlements, the policy so far remains, “If you can conditions in which its members have the opportunity to profit.
exploit it, it’s yours for as long as you’re using it.” But that situa- The governance of half of transhumanity is only a side effect of this
tion can’t persist forever, in part because Consortium hypercorps goal — one sometimes deemed annoyingly unprofitable.
continue to exploit the surface without the Constellation’s consent. The known members of the Council are Cognite (neurotech),
If a full terraforming op does begin, some of that land is going Direct Action (security), Experia (media), Fa Jing (energy/mining),
to become valuable real estate, and the long-term planners are Fujizo (robotics), Invatch (morphs), the Lucky Star Group (elec-
already occupying territory based on landscaping projections. So tronics), Nanosys (nanotech), the Pavonis Infrastructure Authority
far, Morningstar doesn’t have muscles to flex about this. But once (space elevator), the Prosperity Group (food/drugs), Solaris
they do, things could get ugly fast. (banking), and Stellar Intelligence (intel). The Consortium subsid-
The MC also differs from the Consortium on intellectual prop- iary Pathfinder, which manages the Martian Gate, is given a seat
erty. IP protections last only years, not decades, and do not apply to at the table due to the importance of extrasolar colonization to the
remixes or derivative works. This remains a major stumbling block Consortium agenda, but it has no voting power.
with Consortium hypercorps that take strong anti-piracy stances.
Governing Corporate Citizens
THE PLANETARY CONSORTIUM The civic infrastructure of the Consortium is designed for one thing:
Memes: Expansion, to promote a healthy business environment. The hypercorps need
Hypercapitalism, Security happy consumers. Governments are a regulatory pain. So the hyper-
Main Habitats: Progress (Mars Orbit) corps run the government themselves, treating it as a necessary cost of
The Consortium formed during the Fall doing business. Government services are therefore thin to keep costs
through organized networking, propa- low, providing a pretense of democracy to keep everyone distracted.
ganda, and coercion by its founding For Consortium citizens, a decentralized cyberdemocracy prom-
hypercorps. It is a business alliance dedi- ises representation in the Planetary Congress. In reality, candidates
cated to networking and preserving hypercorp for office are tightly vetted. Some are drawn from hyperelite families.
interests. Today, the Planetary Consortium is the most powerful Others are longtime operatives elevated for loyal service. Still others
economic and political bloc in the Solar System. It controls Mars via are media icons who’ve converted fame into office.
the Tharsis League and has outposts throughout the system. Half of The Consortium Ministry, peopled by appointees allotted to the
transhumanity lives under its oversight. hypercorps based on share price, is the executive branch. Notable
offices include the Planetary Stock Exchange Regulatory Ministry,
The Four-Point Plan the Oversight Ministry, and the Foreign Trade Ministry.
Announced shortly after its formation, the Consortium’s slickly The Assembly, appointed by Congress, is the judicial branch of
produced agenda includes: the Consortium. Its arbitrators are rarely involved in criminal or
civil law, leaving that to individual habitats, but instead arbitrate
• Establish a New Homeworld: With Earth gone, the Consortium disputes between hypercorps.
has designated Mars as transhumanity’s new capitol. This serves to
separate people from old interests and longings and embrace a new Oversight
era and a new home — one conveniently under their control. Oversight is a data-driven corporate intel agency specializing in
• Improve the Human Condition: This point reads as an endorse- statistical analysis, industrial espionage, and what’s politely termed
ment of technological development and change, with a specific “suppressive ops.” They’re an independent agency of the Hypercorp
push towards genetic engineering, neuro-enhancements, nanotech, Council, though they act with some impartiality. Their access to
and other transhuman technologies. This is, of course, what most privileged hypercorp data enables a constant scan for “anomalies,”
Consortium hypercorps want to sell you. Though you gives lip be they fiscal malfeasance by execs, collective action by workers, or
service to morphological freedom and other technoprogressive resistance from a potential market in opening its gates. Oversight
ideas, the truth is that the Consortium still lags behind on incorpo- gets misunderstood as a combined foreign and domestic intel
rating uplifts and AGIs into its vision. service for the Council. This is wrong. Oversight stalwarts see
• Safeguard Transhumanity: Written as a warning against extinction themselves as agents of Adam Smith’s guiding hand, a cooperative
threats like the TITANs, this point is also subtly spun to promote regulatory framework to deter attempts to game the system, invis-
a law-and-order mindset, painting outer-system autonomists as a ibly righting conditions that could upset transhumanity’s hard-won
threat to the Consortium way of life. It also provides justification for prosperity. Oversight is cold; it does things by the numbers.
restricting nanofabrication access — for safety purposes of course. In its quest to maintain free-market stability, Oversight also has
• Grow and Prosper: Hypercapitalism requires new markets and the authority to counter threats to the security of the Consortium.
unending growth, continually pushing the Consortium to expand This has quickly expanded from policing TITAN tech and espio-
its economic influence. With the pandora gates, this plan now also nage to immigration controls and a “counter-terrorism” role against
incorporates extrasolar colonization and becoming a dominant perceived enemies of the Consortium, particularly autonomist
force in the galaxy. agitators. Oversight’s secret police are especially busy on Mars, due
to the growth of the Barsoomian movement.
have an unnerving way of showing up completely prepared for whom they neither appointed nor can dismiss without approval
situations that no one else should know about. With nicer weapons from the deadlocked Terraforming Committee of the League
and cute accents to boot. They have pulled the rug out from beneath Congress. Sound like a shitshow? It is. The Chief Planetologist,
us more times than we count. The one good thing about them is that Chief of Ground Ops, and Chief of Orbital Ops all hate each other
they are very good at covering their tracks — often erasing evidence and the other department heads. This results in revolving-door
of Firewall involvement as well. They don’t like attention, even from appointees, non-stop budget-grubbing games, alliance shifting,
Oversight or hypercorps. and related treacherous fuckery. Martians living on the ground
aren’t given much consideration by the people who decide what
THARSIS LEAGUE land gets blackened to absorb heat, where ice melters are planted,
Memes: Martian Nationalism what locals get displaced, and most frighteningly, where comets
Main Habitats: Ashoka (Mars), get dropped.
Valles-New Shanghai (Mars) An even bigger kicker is that some hypercorps are now touting
The League is like an elephant with five this Red Eden project idea, which is essentially a plan to privatize all
different handlers on its back, all trying of the TTO’s terraforming operations and unite them under a single
to make it do different work. Its size and corporate entity. The idea’s been gaining traction, though of course
power mean nothing, because it’s prodded in not all of the hypercorps are keen on it either.
circles. Every so often, though, one of the riders
manages to make it stomp something or flail its Military and Security
trunk the right way. It’s proof the elite of the Planetary Consortium League forces are small but can be quickly augmented with
have perfected the art of keeping a liberal democracy in a medically mercenaries. On paper, the League Army and Space Force have
induced coma, stuffed and mounted for a late stage of capitalism ready-to-go contracts that would enable them to respond to a major
that never quite expires. TITAN-related incursion from the Quarantine Zone with massive
On paper, the League is the government of Mars, with represen- force. Firewall has run a lot of simulations on incursion scenarios,
tation from the major settlements, regions, and orbital habs. It guar- and we’ve concluded that their response force would be big
antees the currency, makes and enforces the law, plans and oversees enough — but it’d also be a disorganized mess, prone to rout before
terraforming, appoints judge-magistrates, and builds and maintains TITAN terror tactics or unfamiliar technology.
civil infrastructure. It has sprawling science and education minis- The Martian Rangers are the other planetwide security force. The
tries, and its defense ministry controls a small army and space force. Rangers protect everything that’s not in a city or major settlement.
(Major population centers have their own police, run by the city
Bureaucratic Hell Zone government). Their beat includes the TITAN Quarantine Zone,
In truth, most of the Tharsis League’s officers, including members where Ranger perimeter patrols are a first line of defense against
of parliament, agency heads, professional civil servants, and local stray Zone denizens. The Rangers are the best prepared force on
department chiefs, owe their jobs to some form of patronage. the planet to fight TITAN war machines or exsurgents — from a
Flat-out bribery is rare, but office holders are there because of psychology and training standpoint. But Rangers are too lightly
reasons like family connections, local machine politics, or the armed and too few in number to beat back a major incursion on
Consortium strong-arming a favored candidate into office. In spite their own. They’re cops, or at best, a militia. In a real TITAN attack,
of this, the Consortium is unable to completely dominate the League. they’d act as scouts, target painters, and skirmishers for the military.
given rise to unique political movements and entities. It is home to independence that anarchist communities could thrive. The modern
experimenters, innovators, and iconoclasts, side-by-side with those anarchist credo states “from each according to their imagination; to
who cling to the past, regressive policies, and outmoded ideas. each according to their need.” Nanofabricators allow anarchists to
eschew traditional “work” to pursue personal interests, from scien-
ANARCHISTS tific research to artistic expression.
Memes: Anarchism, Anti-Capitalism, Mesh technology was an additional boon to modern-day anar-
Direct Action, Mutual Aid chism. Real-time communication, faciliated by apps and muses,
Main Habitats: Locus (Jovian Trojans), enables everyone in a group to easily participate in referendums
Chat Noir (Oberon) and quickly reach consensus on local community decisions. No one
Anarchists! Scary, right? We’re coming to get ya! is left out of decision-making, unless they want to be.
We’re not. Deal with a couple hundred years of capitalist propa- This all leads to the most jarring difference between anarchist and
ganda turning you and yours into a bogeyman and see how much hypercorp habs: there is no private property beyond personal posses-
of a sense of humor you have about it. But why would corporations sions. The community owns everything, because it was fabricated
and so-called free markets hate us so much? Simple: we are the exact from the community’s resources, by the community’s machines, for
opposite of everything they represent. Hierarchies create inequali- the community’s use. This concept is difficult for capitalists to wrap
ties. This is true in the entirety of history. You can't have capitalism their heads around; so too our lack of currency. There are no retail
without exploitation, full stop. Anarchists have this crazy idea that we shops, no need to buy things, just spaces where you can work on proj-
don't need to fuck each other over to survive. We seek to minimize ects collaboratively or get help from skilled volunteers. Anarchists rely
structures where people have power over others in order to maximize on reputation when they need things from others. Do good work for
freedom and equality. That's a direct challenge to the status quo, the the community, your rep goes up. Be an asshole, it goes down.
rich, the people in power — so the sociopaths making bank on other
people's suffering do their best to paint us as monsters. What We Face
Anarchy isn’t easy. Informal hierarchies grow all the time, even in
We’re Not What You Think communities that take precautions against it. It can be something as
There’s an important distinction between anarchism and anarchy: innocuous as favoring one style of art over another or as destructive
the former is the lack of hierarchy, while the latter is chaos. as ceding control of the station to an emergency council. Our gift
Anarchists are not interested in mayhem and destruction. Capitalists economy attracts its fair share of mooches too, and they sometimes
hear “no laws” and immediately think “I can finally exploit people aren’t discovered before doing some real damage to a community.
without consequences!” Anarchists do not. Cooperation, not compe- We also face military invasion by the Consortium, Jovians,
tition, is the crux of survival in anarchist communities. Ultimates, and other authoritarian forces, and we sometimes lack
The natural extension of this philosophy is a kind of collectivism. the means to fight back against their superior firepower. Sometimes.
We recognize that we can live without vertical power structures, We have weapons too and are not shy about self defense. That in
so we instead create horizontal forms of organization that enable itself is another danger: in an open-source community, there’s
everyone within a group to have a voice. We work to build each nothing to stop someone from taking something destructive and
other up instead of tearing each other apart. using it improperly, maybe even unleashing a second Fall. Nothing
That distinction may be why so many outer-system habs gravitate but ourselves, that is. We self-monitor our fabbers and communities
towards anarchist ideals. When everyone’s life depends on a single for signs of danger and antisocial tendencies, and the same open-
radiation shield, a handful of air recyclers, and a working nano- source tools help us to quickly develop remedies.
fabricator, it’s in everyone’s best interests to keep the station going.
There’s no room in that scenario for cut-throat individualism. THE AUTONOMIST ALLIANCE
Memes: Autonomy,
Ideal Organization Mutual Aid, Solidarity
Anarchists are used to the question, “What’s to stop you from And here we are: anarchists, Extropians, scum,
murdering as many people as you want?” The answer is, “We do Titanians, and other radicals united. To hear
murder as many people as we want: zero.” the Consortium talk, we’re a collection of
There’s no threat of Hell, no political entity, and no king waiting unwashed, rabble-rousing parasites interested
to chop off your head if you fuck up. There’s only the imperative in taking your hard-earned stuff and giving
to treat others in the community with the same kind of respect it away to lazy moochers. No. We’re proof that their way of life is
and kindness you wish to receive. Understand that this altruism fading to extinction, while ours works — and works well. They’re
is rooted in selfishness; you selfishly want people not to act like scared of us not because of our weapons, but because we’re living
assholes towards you, so you should not act like an asshole. proof that one day their slaves will revolt against them and throw
When anarchists organize, we do so voluntarily and horizontally. them from their glittering towers.
We create militias for self-defense. We sometimes select individuals The outer system, from the Main Belt to Saturn, is our power base,
to steer public projects towards approval. And we make no decisions but there are Alliance members everywhere rimward, and more in
without first allowing everyone affected by that decision to have a say. the inner system than the Consortium will ever admit.
formed the Alliance into a true political power. neighbors for backup, and sacrifice yourself to the collective? We’re
the happy medium between the two, the truly free market that lets
Ideologies and Structures individuals express themselves.
The Alliance represents diverse points of view, though they are
largely anti-authoritarian. Members agree to abide by four distinct Entering the Contract
points of unity, guiding principles for autonomist communities: The unifying principle of all Extropian communities is the contract.
When you enter an Extropian habitat, you sign rental agreements
• We demand autonomy, self-organization, and self-governance for all for the life support and space and hire private contractors to provide
sapient beings. protection and emergency services. Any ongoing economic trans-
• We support direct democracy and forms of organization where actions and relationships are based on contracts agreed upon by
sapients collectively decide their own future. all involved parties. The only binding law is what's put into writing
• We promote mutual aid and reciprocating altruism between sapients. in these contracts, backed by a freelance judiciary service. Private
• We affirm the right to engage in self-defense against oppression and ownership is respected in Extropian communities, and rep is based
coercive authority and stand in solidarity with sapients so attacked. on completing contracts to the benefit of all. ALIs are integral to such
a complex economic system, handling contracts, disputes, and micro-
There is no formal political structure behind the Alliance; its torts in real-time. Contracts are scrupulously maintained and tracked
members’ dislike of hierarchy creates massive internal resistance to in decentralized holochain cryptographic ledgers.
any consolidation of political power. Instead we have joint resolutions;
only a few dozen have ever passed. The first condemned the Planetary Market Anarchist Flavors
Consortium for the attacks on Locus and called for autonomists to Most Extropians identify as individualists and "anarcho-capitalists," a
resist hypercorp expansionism. Another codified uplifts and AGIs as term which always triggers those collectivist anarchists who consider
full transhumans with equal rights; yet another threw Alliance support capitalism and anarchism to be incompatible. Sorry, not sorry. The
behind the Love and Rage Collective’s gatecrashing expeditions. basis of Extropians ideology is a strict non-aggression policy, stating
Joint resolutions can also create task forces, voluntary organizations that any threat or act of violence against another person violates
that enact the will of the Alliance. Task forces have no individualized their right to self-determination. A subset of Extropians known as
authority. They are accountable to the Alliance specifically for the job mutualists have a more anti-capitalist bent, favoring markets but not
for which they were created. The Open Science Initiative (OSI) is one profiteering. They establish mutualist cooperative banks, owned by
such Force, tasked with putting science in everyone’s hands. their customers and operated by ALIs, which give out interest-free
loans and use their own m-credit cryptocurrency. Mutualist corpora-
Political Relationships tions are structured as worker-owned cooperatives, and these compete
Alliance members understand that their largest risk is an organized alongside hypercorps in transitional economies.
military operation from the Jovians, the Consortium, or both. This
very real threat has led to a three-way stalemate between the three Intermediaries
powers. The Alliance has become very good at playing the Republic Extropian habitats serve as a bridge between inner-system hyper-
and the Consortium off each other. It gives their scientists time to corps and outer-system collectives. The suits like having their
increase their technological advantage and keeps their two largest markets and the freaks like not having cops breathing down their
enemies firmly occupied. necks. We put both at ease while pissing off both at the same time.
with overbearing habitat legalities, so our corps are often willing two words: “never again.”
to trade products or services that aren't economically feasible for
Consortium corps: narcoalgorithms, hacking zero-days, weapon Our Place in the System
systems, AGIs, certain genetic mods, etc. This gives our habitats a The Jovian Republic has one thing no other political body has: the
reputation among sunward types for being outlaw havens, which strongest military in the system. The Consortium fears us, because
certainly has a nice ring to it. they make every effort to woo us from their embassy on Liberty.
Meanwhile, the autonomists criticize us for allowing contracts that This relationship is also a function of the Republic’s slingshot
are "exploitive," but if an adult wants to sign an agreement to become taxation, one of our chief sources of revenue. Many ships traversing
an indenture, I don't see why I should stop them. They also criticize the Solar System take advantage of Jupiter's gravity well to save on
our lack of a social safety net for society's downtrodden, as if we are fuel. Each of these is automatically assessed and taxed. The hyper-
all somehow responsible for each other's mistakes and bad luck. You corps seek to lower these tariffs as well as ease restrictive Jovian
ask me, if we're pissing off both sides, we're probably doing it right. laws so they can more effectively tap into the Jovian consumer base.
The Security Council remains skeptical of transhumanity's ability to
THE JOVIAN REPUBLIC keep a handle on destructive technologies, however, and so limits
Posted by: Tio Silencio, Firewall Proxy INFO MSG REP trade in the interests of security.
• The Carnival of the Goat is infamous for its sexual expression, lascivious-
ness, body switching, and unique morph designers.
• Get Your Ass to Mars travels a languid path between Mars and Titan, and
is famous for hosting the creative Scum Olympics.
• Lick Me, I’m Delicious is on a grand tour of the Solar System, with the
stated goal of visiting every moon, station, and planet.
• The Stars Our Destination happily advertises itself as a home for social
rejects. More organized than other scum, each ship has a specific role
designed to keep the swarm running.
• Each ship in There’s No Going Back is devoted to re-enacting a different
historical theme with a technological twist, from Shogunate Japan to the
American Wild West.
back on society. Many turned to drugs, escapism, or even suicide
out of despair. In response, others worked hard to create a positive,
celebratory, party atmosphere. Anarchists and other radicals in their
ranks helped them to self-organize. It wasn't long before these swarms
adopted the practices of Traveler and Roma cultures, choosing a
nomadic lifestyle, living by their own rules, and staying in one place However, we also use a currency called the kroner, which is not
only as long as necessary. These perpetual rovers circle the sun using spent but reinvested in microcorps, thus helping us allocate collec-
minimal amounts of fuel, going wherever their whims takes them. tive resources.
• 3LIZA is an open-source tool for developing and teaching ALIs/ muses. • The Kisilev Open-Source Uplift Genetic Library on Ceres helps uplifts
• The Argonauts consult for hypercorps researching antimatter contain- take control of their own future development.
ment fields to miniaturize and improve antimatter drives. • The Argonauts maintain a massive open-source directory of nanofab-
• The Exoplanet Directory and Gate Address Registry (EDGAR) records rication blueprints called PrintLib. Its main repository is on Markov,
gate addresses and data on exoplanets reachable through those gates. but mirrors exist across the system. They are consistently blocked and
• A secret Factor Genome Project was shut down when a rogue group attacked to preserve hypercorp intellectual properties.
of Argonauts attempted to clone a Factor and the Factors found out. • Thorne is a massive, high-capacity radio telescope and transmitter
• The Frozen Dreams is a comet chaser found adrift 48 AU out, its entire at 850 AU. It is popular for vanitycasting, where people cast forks of
crew missing. The Argonauts have laid claim to and control the ship, themselves to the stars in the hopes aliens will receive them.
trying to discern what happened. • Various Threat Reduction Filters are widely used and regulary
• HabOps is an open-source habitat control and logistics software suite. updated, helping habitats and security systems identify known threats
It faces mounting pressure from hypercorps that consider it a threat to (including exsurgent infection, hostile nano, etc) when scanning mesh
their own prioprietary systems. traffic, incoming ships, and morphs passing through checkpoints.
fringe groups unable to cope with the future. Bioconservatives were tury Scotland (complete with modern sexual fetishes), or live a life
numerous and had strong support, however, prompting backlashes of endless monastic prayer. Examples include Winter, where all
and attacks against augmented transhumans. Biocon terrorist groups morphs are genderless; Habitat on the Rock, with its wonderful
were quite active before the Fall, launching attacks against hypercorp collection of Earth artifacts and curiosities; and Qo’noS, the invita-
labs and even a failed attempt to bring down the space elevator. tion-only Star Trek environment.
Most bioconservatives on Earth perished during the Fall, unable Scientists create or find brinker habitats so they can pursue
to egocast off the planet. But the destruction of Earth catalyzed its clandestine research. Some may be hypercorp-funded, others are
adherents into a far stronger force. With transhumanity seemingly the work of exiles. Others are misguided attempts to establish new
complicit in the destruction of Earth, their arguments were validated. societies. Alpha Plus is an attempt to create a perfectly ordered
Bioconservativism suddenly didn’t seem like such a crazy idea. society via psychsourgery, so that everyone is sculpted for their role.
Bioconservatives oppose many transhuman technologies, Religion and cult worship comprise the last major group of
including uploading, resleeving, nanofabrication, genetic modifica- brinkers. Religious groups tend to be monastic or ascetic. Cults can
tion, cloning, cognitive modifications, artificial intelligence, uplifting, be harmless or criminal, depending on how fanatical they are and
and forking. These are largely seen as unnatural, against God’s will, how odd their beliefs might be. The monastery on Saturn's moon
or simply too uncontrolled and dangerous. Most view the rest of Kiviuq requires attendants to meditate in vacuum and listen to the
transhumanity as soulless copies and see the Fall as a sure sign that voices of the stars as received via a neutrino telescope array.
transhumanity is not prepared for the technology it created. Perhaps the most numerous brinkers are survivalists, who
The Jovian Republic was founded on bioconservative principles, stockpile weapons and supplies and hide in fear of another Fall
and many of the technologies that the rest of transhumanity enjoys are or some other system-wide cataclysm. These brinkers are typically
outlawed there. The Republic views this as a safeguard; only this kind untrusting of visitors and hostile to outsiders.
of oversight, they argue, will save transhumanity from another Fall. Despite their self-imposed isolation, brinkers do sometimes
The Vo Nguyen station in Earth orbit, a major reclaimer base, is engage with others, especially to trade for resources and supplies.
also strictly bioconservative; reclaimers view this as a benefit, as They sometimes clash with each other over mining claims, bad
they have no modified morphs for the exsurgent virus to attack. deals, and roamntic entanglements. A "brinker war" between a clan
Most bioconservatives are content to pursue their ideology peace- of Malaysian sikhs and Canadian survivalists is ongoing in the
fully, though perhaps from the safety of a well-equipped bunker. Neptunian Trojans thanks to a territorial dispute.
The truth, they believe, will ultimately prove them right. However,
a number of bioconservative extremists continue terrorist attacks EXHUMANS
throughout the system, allegedly with Jovian support. Memes: Posthumanism, Singularity Seeking, Social Darwinism
What lies beyond transhumanity? For exhumans, it’s the discarding
Neo-Primitivists of humanist ideals altogether, the pursuit of extreme self-modifica-
Neo-primitivists are a collection of both far-right and far-left biocons tion using experimental technologies to where you are no longer
that advocates returning to humanity’s most basic state: hunter-gath- recognizably transhuman. Exhumans seek not only posthuman
erer tribes with no technology whatsoever. Neo-primitivism has been transcendence, but superiority. They have moved beyond morality;
blamed for sabotage and terrorist attacks on Vo Nguyen, disrupting nothing is off the table if it means the survival and dominance.
reclaimer projects involving nanotech and geoengineering efforts using Transhumans are widely regarded as worthless inferior beings; we
gene-altered organisms. are prey or slaves to be exploited.
• Predators are proof that, despite all of transhumanity’s advances, even languages that are not tainted by human influence. They also
we’re still locked into our absurd primate dominance dynamics. seek to put AGIs and uplifts firmly in control of their own develop-
Predators seek to hone themselves into apex predators, the ultimate ment, uplift, and identity. Mercurials tie their struggles to related
fighting machine capable of defeating any challenger. These are the social-justice causes, such as the fight to free indentures.
exhumans that most actively prey on transhuman ships and habs. Mercurials are sometimes derided as separatists or anti-human
• The Sublime seek to amplify their intelligence to god-like levels. extremists, though this is mostly incorrect. In fairness, mercurials
Some are wary of machine intelligence, however, and the vulner- often have little tolerance for human criticisms and attempts to
ability to hacking. They’ve developed both morphs with massively police or control them. They see no need to apologize for wanting
augmented brains and minds built on networked and boosted to being themselves.
cyberbrains. Some pursue xenobiology research, believing they’ve
reached the functional limit of what a transhuman brain can achieve. Groups and Leaders
• Adaptives develop morphs that can handle the most extreme of The mercurial movement is composed of many small groups, few
environments — surviving whatever the universe can throw their of which can claim a leading role. Their movement is not always
way. Most favor machines. unified or in agreement. Some AGIs decry society's focus on phys-
• Parasites adapt themselves to survive hidden among transhumanity, ical embodiment, while many uplift mercurials see their biology as
preparing for the TITANs' return, when they hope to adapt to the core to their identity. As AGI/uplift culture is a blank slate, there are
TITANs as their new host. also conflicts beween cultural innovators over direction and vision.
• Soul Eaters pursue apotheosis by cutting out the useful elements of Militant mercurials take a more radical view on social struggle.
other minds and merging it into their own. The Sapient Liberation Front is a cell-based direct-action group
intent on economic disruption. They have hacked, sabotaged, and
Singularity seekers who pursue and study the TITANs and even bombed labs, offices, codehouses, and universities involved in
their technology are often associated with exhumans. They view uplift research and the trade in AGI/uplift indentures.
the TITANs as gods that can be captured, studied, and emulated. Mother Octopus (her actual name is a series of skin tones unpro-
However, most seekers do not enhance themselves or buy into nounceable to anyone but other neo-octopi) is a mercurial leader
exhuman dominance beliefs, so as a rule exhumans will mock, who lives in Atlantica. She argues passionately that transhumanity
exclude, and/or take advantage of them. has failed to guide itself to a prosperous future and therefore humans
have no ethical authority to regulate the lives of other sapients.
Memes: Anti-Anthropocentrism, Autonomy, AGI/Uplift Liberation RECLAIMERS
Main Habitats: Glitch (Neptune), Mahogany (Neptune) Memes: Reclaiming Earth
The term “mercurial” is widely used to refer to infolife and uplifts, Main Habitats: Remembrance and Vo Nguyen (Earth orbit)
the non-human portions of transhumanity. The name has been Taking Earth back from the TITANs is a pipe dream for most, but the
adopted, however, by uplifts and AGIs who aren’t simply looking reclaimers have made it their life’s mission. Largely centered around
for equal rights, assimilation, or transhuman conformity — who Earth and the LLA, the reclaimer movement has sympathizers
instead want full self-determination and autonomy. Mercurials are throughout the Solar System. The Roman Catholic Church is a major
considered the radical fringe of the sapient movement that cham- sponsor of reclaimer activities and has funded several missions to
pions equal rights, but they are growing in numbers and influence. recover artifacts from the ruins of the Vatican and other holy places.
Posted by: Factorum, Firewall Crow
Exhumans are nothing to fuck around with. Sentinels should exercise • Dr. Jacobi Chelikov: A former Argonaut scientist on Titan, Dr. Chelikov
every available precaution. These are some of the most dangerous fled to the outer system when it was discovered he was performing
exhumans and groups we have on our radar. illegal experiments on transhumans using TITAN technology. He is
wanted for selling bio-engineered plagues to biocon terrorist groups.
• Abandoned Weakness: A pre-Fall warlord and predator wanted for war • One Step Beyond: A cell of sublime exhumans wanted for stealing an
crimes, terrorist attacks, and dealing in WMDs and TITAN technology. antimatter reactor on Mercury.
• Dr. Yu Ping Dalton: Exiled after authorities connected her to a plague • Silent Mercy: Silent Mercy founded the soul-eater faction and
outbreak on Luna, Dr. Dalton leads research projects on the exoplanet is wanted for unethical ego-merging experimentation. He has
Fortean, developing neogenetic cryptids. multiple alpha forks pursuing his projects around the system and
• Ex-Hominids: Composed of various ape uplifts, this group seeks to a private habitat somewhere rimward with sophisticated backup
destroy transhumanity and implement an apex hominid empire. and resleeving facilities.
transhuman allies who promote equal rights for uplifts and info- successes and legend grew, Bhattacharya cultivated a cult-like
life. Sapients hold an assimilationist point of view, pushing for following in his employees, who praised him as a guru-mentor.
acceptance of uplifts and infolife as simply another facet in transhu- Just prior to the Fall, Ultimate Security fell under interna-
manity’s jewel — just people, nothing more. The sapient movement tional investigation for war crimes and human rights violations.
opposes special legal status, breeding restrictions, and other forms Bhattacharya relocated his headquarters to a station called Struggle,
of institutionalized discrimination. They have made significant which allowed him to avoid Earth-based authorities and gave the
inroads by lobbying politicians and working with hypercorps for Ultimates a community to call their own. After the Fall, though
sponsorships, media representation, and employment. Struggle was lost to the TITANs, Ultimate mercenaries found them-
The Sapient Union, based out of Venus, is the public front of selves in high demand. They achieved system-wide notoriety when
many sapient efforts for equal rights. Brian Ngavi, the neo-chim- Go-nin hired them to overrun exhuman forces on Eris and seize
panzee executive vice president of Somatek’s uplift program, is a control of the Discord Gate.
tireless speaker, appearing all over the Solar System to argue for Ultimate communities are highly stratified and built around
educational programs, vocational training, and other opportuni- personal achievement. They take literally the Confucian belief of
ties. He strongly encourages other uplifts to work and participate strength from the bottom up: strong individuals make strong commu-
in hypercorp uplift programs. It is only through participation, he nities, and strong communities make strong states. However, their
argues, that uplifts will find acceptance. members increasingly buy into Bhattacharya's myth-making and
cult of personality, strict meritocratic beliefs, and derision of lesser
SOCIALITES transhumans as "genetrash." Ultimate mercs increasingly show their
Memes: Creative Expression, Hedonism, Immortality willingness to cross ethical lines and engage in war crimes.
Main Habitats: Elysium (Mars), Octavia (Venus)
Fifty years ago, the inclusion of socialites as a separate sociological
group would have been a laughable topic for an undergraduate SHUGYŌSHA
paper. Now, entire courses at TAU are devoted to studying transhu-
manity’s obsession with its neo-royalty. Source: The Ultimate Ronin
Socialites comprise a wide swath of transhumanity; they’re any In AF 4, a high-ranking Ultimate known as Yasuke, disillusioned with the
transhuman who inspires repeated media interest. This includes Ultimates’ drift towards fascism and disdain for the rest of transhumanity,
the adventurous idle rich, the glitterati on Mars and Venus, extreme
broke from the faction and embarked on musha shugyō, the samurai
sports stars surfing Saturn’s rings, X-casters giving people access to
their most intimate experiences, professional XP actors, and meta- warrior’s pilgrimage. He wandered the Solar System for the next three
celebrities. Unlike historical royalty, the confluence of the mesh, XP years, fighting duels, working mercenary contracts, creating art, and
technology, and always-on meme-driven culture allows a nobody to formalizing his neo-bushido philosophy. In time, he attracted followers,
become a somebody instantly — and sometimes they even manage in part due to his willingness to train uplifts and AGIs at his isolated dojo
to stay there as they continue to feed their fans what they want. in the caldera of Olympus Mons on Mars. Although a tiny faction, the
XP realism and constant updates create personal connections, shugyōsha have a formidable reputation as warriors and protectors of
even over the vast distances transhumanity has spread. A lonely
working-class Martians — and the undying enmity of the Ultimates, who
prospector in the Kuiper Belt can get up-to-the-minute news on
his favorite Martian starlet. An urchin in a New Shanghai slum can consider Yasuke a traitor.
lumbering megacorporations. They originally evolved to exploit response to opportunities. A hypercorp workforce may be as small
cracks in their ecosystem or to fragment monopolies like laser- as a single AGI, but personnel can use forking or ALIs as force-multi-
guided missiles. Short-lived, overclocked, unregulated, all edge. pliers. The most successful have negligible inventory, maintain only
They are the teeth of the new transhumanism — survival requires a small physical or digital presence near markets, and transfer or
only that they adapt faster than their opponents. With the destruc- create resources instantly in response to changing conditions. Rare
tion of the legal and social protections of pre-Fall civilization, they is the hypercorp larger than a dozen employees, but they may hire
have reproduced to fill every niche, establishing Capitalism 2.0, for hundreds of contractors who can be added or dropped fluidly.
as long as it doesn’t choke on its own effluence. Given their specialization, hypercorps find it essential to partner
with other hypercorps for assets and services they lack. Each exists
THE MODERN HYPERCORP within a fluctuating web of contract relationships. As the need arises,
Hypercorps are fundamentally different than the corporations of old. they will also form conglomerates with other hypercorps, replicating
The multinational megacorps of Earth were sprawling bureaucracies, the powers of conventional corporations. Large conglomerates play
engaged in multiple industries, some with economies larger than a major role in hypercorporate affairs, often defining the lines of
small countries. Their goals was to control supply chain, manufac- competition in specific markets. A number of major conglomerates
turing, and distribution channels in order to monopolize a market. hold positions on the Hypercorp Council, though their constituent
By contrast, the ideal hypercorp is designed to be small, focused, components are subject to change.
virtual, and automated. The best are created for a particular purpose The hypercorps have been so successful that the term “hypercor-
and then cease to exist upon completion. The classic example is the poration” is now applied to every for-profit organization, whether
hypercorp that is little more than a smart-contract ALI, spun up to they use the hypercorp business model or not. The market still has
manage a specific opportunity, such as auctioning licenses for a new its share of traditional corporate structures, even co-ops and mutu-
proprietary nanofab blueprint. Once it stores all of the transactions alist organizations. A number of keiretsus and megacorporations
on distributed, tamper-proof, holochain crypto-ledgers, it dissolves. survived the Fall and still beat off extinction. Some of the more
The defining characteristic of hypercorps is their eagerness to successful hypercorps have grown and taken on orthodox corporate
adopt and exploit new technologies. Before the Fall, this was partic- elements and assets, though they remain hypercorp in outlook and
ularly effective in disrupting old business models and standards. spirit. This was especially necessary in the wake of the Fall, when
Older corporations simply could not compete against the new many hypercorps took authority over private habitats.
dynamics. In the early days of XP, for example, StayK pioneered
a streaming platform for viewers to subscribe to their favorite AGRITECH AND PHARMA
X-casters and ride along on vacations, monetizing the travel expe- Everyone needs food, and you'd be surprised how much comes from
rience while putting a dent in the travel industry. members of the Prosperity Group conglomerate. They are involved
The hypercorps have a reputation for opportunism and ruth- in agriculture, aquaculture, hydroponics, vat foods, and pharma-
lessnes, in part because they are keen to circumvent legal restric- ceuticals, and are considered the primary source of cheap but "real"
tions. This first manifested as they exploited industries where legal (non-fabricated) foods. Other notable food and drug hypercorps
regulations had not yet caught up with technological innovation. include XenoPharma (developing new products from xenoflora and
It then evolved into actively avoiding oversight by moving opera- -fauna), Finosa Labs (linked to drug cartels), and Gingko Biosciences
tions off-world, free from government interference. This enabled (micrograv agripods and faux meats of every persuasion).
uninhibited research that moved them years ahead of their Earth-
bound competitors. This desire to bypass accountability also led to a BANKING AND FINANCE
number of shady business practices, from fly-by-night corporations Banks lie close to the hearts of the oligarchs, and they in turn use
that fleeced customers and investors to more active efforts to sabo- their holdings to influence (or straight-out own) other hypercorps
tage competitors. and habitat governments, making them dangerous to interfere
The pre-Fall hypercorp Recall made a killing when it brought with. They are highly protective of their investments, defending
the first accesible backup procedures to the consumer market, only them with legal and military force. Smaller banks focus on resource
to sell off their holdings and shut down their servers a year later, management, while larger banks offer portfolio management,
leaving backups inaccessible due to their proprietary DRM scheme. predictive and information services, property leasing, and inden-
At the more extreme end, the pre-Fall orbital-power hypercorp Solas ture contracts.
funded and directed dissidents to bomb oil refineries. Before the Lunar-Lagrange banks have a reputation for stability and longevity
conspiracy could be proven, it dissolved its assets through non-ter- and are intimately intertwined with the LLA's economy. They
restrial ownership channels that could not be brought to court. invest heavily in indenture markets, offer unprecedented levels of
Bigelow Holdings coordinated with competitors to institute artifi- anonymity, and ask few questions about where your credits came
cial supply controls to sustain mineral prices, while simultaneously from. Big names include Chan-Davis Trust, Amelia Assets, Cardison
sabotaging asteroid mining facilities. All at once they stopped both, Limited, and Ganguli-Bhattacharya-Corbett Investments (GBCI).
causing an abrupt flood of mineral wealth that bottomed out the Among the newcomers, Progress Bank manages investments in
market overnight. Chaos followed, forcing at least one small nation Consortium holdings, making it very popular in the credit markets
to mortgage itself to remain solvent. Though most hypercorps are for those with enough money to qualify for their favorable rates.
The dominant force in neuroscience is Cognite, who research
mental augmentations, psychosurgery, AI, and nootropics. They
also feed the Consortium’s dark TITAN defense programs. Their
marketing team is aggressive and their sell sheets include cognitive
filters and mandatory psychosurgery for regimes looking to limit
political dissent in their habitats. They do not release numbers on
how many customers subscribe.
ExoTech is known for pioneering uploading and infomorph tech-
nologies. Though its main business is now high-end electronics and
meshware, its charismatic figurehead Morgan Sterling continues to
lead the field in AI development, to some controversy.
Somatek is the big name in uplift research, including forced
breeding and uplift programs for both sapient and non-sapient
animals. Because of the public backlash, Somatek avoids appearing
in the media and their habitats are locked-down. Somatek also sells
pharmaceuticals (for animals and transhumans) and uplift morphs,
all through resellers.
Other notable hypercorps in this industry include Mentat
(bioware and cybernetics), Cerebrex (psychosurgical research),
Rangarajan Metrics (psychometrics and education), Provolve
(uplift), and New Day (the first to uplift neanderthals).
For forecasting and intel needs, Consortium clients prefer Stellar
Intelligence, descendant of the UN Terran Intelligence Cooperative.
Stellar Intelligence deploys embedded infomorph agents and digital
red teams to infiltrate specific targets. Data is mapped and analyzed
in their massive quantum-computing clusters. Stellar Intelligence
provides non-state political management, memetic defense and
offense, espionage, and retro-quantification (recovering old secured
data). Stellar Intelligence has a particular loyalty to the Consortium
and favors Consortium members, despite an ongoing rivalry with
Oversight. Their most significant rival is the Extropian hypercorp
Scrye. Rumored to use recovered TITAN processors on a black site
in tandem with overeager hacker teams, Scrye provides predictive
intel and data extraction services at reasonable prices.
their destructive capabilities. ubiquitous throughout the inner system with their distinctive safety
Omnicor is the industry giant, providing reactors to vetted clothing and lightning AR graphics. Nimbus continues to dominate
clients all around the system. Their corporate culture is very strict the communications market, running farcasting and egocasting
and security-oriented, given their products and an ongoing corpo- operations on almost every major habitat.
rate war with Starware (both companies being descendants of the
pre-Fall megacorp Monolith Industries and disputing ownership of MANUFACTURING & NANOFAB
assets). Omnicor handles the largest and most well-known particle The Lucky Star Group is a conglomerate of consumer-focused
accelerators for making antimatter in orbit over Mercury. hypercorps, providing everything from personal electronics and
Gammax is one of the few other hypercorps in the Solar System smart clothing to sensor motes and small drones. Lucky Star has a
known to produce antimatter. The energy corp Ultrapar-Scorpio reputation for affordable but shoddily-made products.
has a strong presence in the outer system, willing to deal with There are over ten thousand registered hypercorps providing
brinkers and autonomists alike. blueprints for nanofabrication. Many of them sell through
the conglomerate Nanosys, a blueprint marketplace and
GATECRASHING DRM-enforcement agency. While Nanosys’s reputation is from its
Four of the five known pandora gates in the Solar System are held front-end, its entire profit structure is based around enforcing their
and operated by hypercorps (the exception being the Fissure Gate, proprietary standards and cracking down on piracy. They've been
operated by the Love and Rage autonomist collective). These corps accused of targeting pirates and even open-source ventures with
set the access and price tags for the gate, making them invaluable malicious code, sabotage, and assaults. On the other side, Privateer
to their allied polity. Print’s marketplace exclusively sells DRM-cracked blueprints, with
The Consortium-owned Pathfinder Corporation oversees the subscription fees going to the cost of security contractors and
faction's intensive colonization, resource extraction, and research regular service provider changes.
efforts via the Martian Gate. It avoids playing favorites with the gate The megacorp Fujizo dominates the market in synthmorphs and
projects of other Consortium hypercorps but it does give preference robotics, though they remain in an innovation race with rivals such
to the Pathfinder Colonization Initiative and any directives from as Tetsuo, Nachi-Denso, Li-Lau Automation, and other giants like
the Ministry or Hypercorp Council itself. Its inner-system rival is Starware and the Go-nin Group.
TerraGenesis, a terraforming-cum-exploration worker coopera-
tive operating the Vulcanoid Gate. TerraGen's alliance with the MEDIA
Morningstar Constellation and refusal to join the Consortium has Most people get their news via social media or curated personal
put it at odds with many of its neighbors. feeds. While conventional mass media is available, the primary
In the outer system, the Gatekeeper Corporation operates role of the media corporations is meme creation, culture/politics
the original Pandora Gate. Formerly a Titanian microcorp before jamming, trend-setting, public relations, and memetic defense.
becoming a joint-faction public-interest venture, Gatekeeper focuses There are hundreds of corporations with minor influence competing
on accessibility and has grants and lottery programs for prospective on the market place, including Boba, Traumwerken, Savage, Red
gatecrashers. The keiretsu Go-nin Group holds the Discord Gate on Five, Arnault-Kieselhurst-Patrick, AngelGirl, and PieEater.
Eris, though its remoteness and exhuman troubles have impacted Experia is the Consortium’s dominant media company, holding
its profitability. 10 percent of the Hypercorp Council. It outsources media content
and feeds it through their proprietary methods to produce a pack-
HABITATS AND SHIPS aged product (with embedded marketing and sponsored memes),
Anyone with time and an army of bots can build a small habitat, that is pushed via its ecosystem of media feeds. Its largest compet-
so much of the market is in designs, such as those from Blue itor is Counterpoint Media out of Extropia. Neither takes a strong
Flower or Kosmostroit. For larger habitat construction, Azahara position on fact-checking, but Counterpoint cooperates a bit more
Engineering and Acumenic have solid reputations, with the latter with independent news-rep systems. Counterpoint is very popular
being a driving force behind construction of the Hamilton cylinder throughout the system for dirt on how poorly various polities
Bright, in the Saturn system, which it recently siezed control of are run, though it remains secondary in the outer system to the
amid some controversy. comedy and bizarreness of Titan's Monster Raging Goblin Cock
Starware, a surviving megacorp, is the system's largest habitat News Network.
and ship-builder, owning the massive Korolev Shipyards around
Luna and smaller ones at Vesta (Main Belt) and Mars. Only the MEDICAL SCIENCES & BIOMORPHS
Jovian Republican Shipyards compete for size. Starware is fully Much of the healthcare industry has been replaced with indepen-
automated and also produces propulsion sources. Starware actively dent facilities renting healing vat time. The measure of quality is
courts the Factors and has funded its own share of gatecrashing the frequency of vat maintenance and the breadth and age of their
expeditions. An ongoing feud with Omnicor sometimes disrupts morph-repair codices.
its operations.
and Routing Headquarters. Shortly afterwards, all transhuman Academi is one of a small circle of contractors who specialize
employees were fired (or disappeared) with the exception of the in disrupting other hypercorps (or protecting from the same). They
corporate spokesAGI, Ash. Zrbny does not engage in politics of any deploy memetic, mesh, and personal assault combined with finan-
sort, does not permit visitors or inspections even by stockholders, cial leverage to kill upstart hypercorps (or their operators) and steal
and does not announce its ongoing construction. In fact, Zrbny or bury their products before they can reach market. Academi works
as a rule does not respond to communications in any medium, exclusively with banks and select political bodies.
including some routine navigational traffic. Why does Zrbny
appear on this list? Because they continue to provide rock-bottom SHIPPING
prices on feedstock and basic manufactured goods throughout the Electronic communications, farcasting, and nanofabrication have
outer system. Unlike most other hypercorps, Zrbny does not work made most shipping obsolete. Habitats use drones to provide free
through any intermediaries. The Zrbny orange corporate logo is a door-to-door shipping, but when a package needs to cross the gap to a
common sight, especially in industrial corners of the system. distant location, private couriers are required. There is a large market
Other major mining and resource ventures include Jaehon of freelance courier companies who will deliver to any location in the
Offworld and the Vyasa Workers' Cooperative (rivals on Mercury), system (even if passage takes years to complete). This is the preferred
Trojan Metals (who has had several mining claims jumped by method for specialty and illegal items, or when speed matters
squatters and anarchists), GazPro (chemical refining), and Digz more than price. To keep costs down, freelancers post planned and
(specializing in extrasolar rare-element ops). Many moons and available routes on sites like Zooom, Point-to-Point, and Pyrate.
asteroids have a private corporation or co-op to handle the resource Freelancers live by their reputations and charge accordingly.
extraction, at which point it is sold to a middle agent for shipping. For everyone else, there’s Comet Express. Comet Express works
Frequently this organization is also a de facto governing body. The through hundreds of affiliates, giving it a presence on almost every
Cthylla Workers' Commune is a pseudo-corporate organization named habitat. It manages an expansive network of hubs and sling-
enforcing mining rights and social order on Pluto and Charon. The shot accelerators to transport goods from and to (almost) any point
Cerean Transcrustal Authority sells Cerean water and volatiles at a price freelancers can’t compete with. The major exception is the
and is also a discreet appendage of the Hidden Concern cartel. Jovian Republic. Republic ships fire on Comet Express freighters on
sight, and the Republic Postal Service does not accept transfers from
SECURITY Comet Express hubs.
Defense contractors necessarily tie in both physical and information
security. Many include biohazard, TITAN, and memetic defenses SOCIAL MEDIA AND SEARCHES
as well. Inner-system habitats predominantly prefer the extra legiti- Most people rely on their muse for news curation and social
macy provided by an external contractor over a local militia. networking, with outside vendors for deep searches, data mining,
Physical security is dominated by two hypercorps. Direct Action and heavy analysis. On the consumer side, Yuge, Znat! and
is a descendant of pre-Fall military contractors. They provide shock Rena Weibo all compete for space, with their own spin and focus
troops, military, and police services at a reasonable price. They (predominantly pro-Consortium, as there are hundreds of trusted
market an image of dependable, irresistible law applied aggressively autonomist communities, and the Jovian social networks are
to the heads of miscreants across the inner system. Gorgon Defense managed under an executive mandate). In addition to providing
Systems sells weapons and military tech to anyone and everyone. news aggregation and hot topics lists, these services interface with
One of the biggest Extropian corps, they are especially popular in the major reputation networks.
If you posed this question before the Fall, I’d almost certainly didn’t exist anymore. Most of Christianity's trappings remain
have answered no. I recall my studies of the victims of religious unchanged, perhaps explaining its slide towards irrelevance.
genocides in the 20th and 21st centuries. Some kept their faith as After the Fall, the few Catholics that made if off Earth were
they faced the ovens or the firing squads. Others became certain naturally drawn to the Jovian Republic, where the Catholic Church
there was no God at all, or if They existed, They were no God worthy has re-established itself. The Church remains a cornserstone of the
of worship. bioconservative movement (though they sometimes disagree with
Nietzsche turned out to be half right. Transhumanity struck God the Republic's CBEAT over specific policies). Their position is best
a blow, but it took the Fall to deal the killing stroke. summed up as, “If God created you in Their image and likeness,
Religion doesn’t always require God. It requires faith, it requires there’s no need to change Their creation.” The Church also holds
questions, and it offers answers and comfort. God as we knew Them strong political favor in the Republic, lobbying the Senate through
may be gone, and we have given Them rebirth and a new life for the Council of Bishops, but also personal ties between the Pope and
transhumanity’s future. members of the Junta's Security Council.
God is dead. Long live God. The notoriously bioconservative habitat Vo Nguyen, in Earth
orbit, is home to a large community of Vietnamese Catholics.
RELIGION AFTER THE FALL Remaining Episcopalians, Baptists, and other Christian sects have
Organized religion was already on the decline in the decades before found fertile ground among other Consortium settlements. The
the Fall. Scholars have filled volumes debating the exact causes and Ilmarinen station orbiting Triton has a small but fervent group of
conditions. Certainly, the primary influence is clear: communica- Friends (Quakers), and the tiny Lyos settlement on Titania is home
tions technologies, global travel, media, and access to education of the last remnants of the Russian Orthodox Church.
directly exposed previously insular religious communities to
global society and disrupted the old power structures. The cynic in HINDUISM
me would suggest that technology that outdoes Biblical miracles Posted by: Sarda Duvurri, Firewall Scanner INFO MSG REP
renders those things moot. When anyone can walk on water or turn
that water to wine, what meaning is there in wonder? One of the hallmarks of the oldest organized religion is its ability
Certainly, younger generations took the mask off of religion, to adapt. Buddhism? Islam? Simply bends in the river of time. And
seeing that underneath it is just another ideology, and one that did when you introduce technology that literally embodies the cycles
not always adapt quickly to the world's changing values. Religion of Samsāra, it should come as no surprise that small groups of
was one of the most successful early memeplexes in human society, Hindus still exist among transhumanity. The largest concentration
but it did not hold up well in an ecosystem of memeplexes. What is in Shackle on Luna, which remains a stronghold of Indian culture.
guidance can ancient doctrine give regarding genefixing, AI, or The cavern of New Varanasi, in particular, is known as the City of
forking? What deity would put such possibilities and miracles in our Temples. Hindus also embrace life on the habitat Salah, in the rings
hands, yet tell us to refuse them? What is the promise of an afterlife of Saturn, while others have found a surprisingly welcome reception
when immortality is available? And it was not just the limitations among the Barsoomians and rural communities on Mars.
of these ideologies that became clear, but the inconsistencies and Regrettably, the caste system the Mahatma worked so hard
hypocricies of religious leaders who too often gave only lip service to eliminate has been reinforced by the stigmas attached to
to their faith while falling sway to the pursuit of riches and power. certain morphs. The economic necessities that have forced so
Media and transparency illuminated the rot at the core religious many Untouchables to sleeve into synthmorphs inadvertently
hierarchies for all to see. strengthened the underlying prejudices against them. Despite our
The TITANs did the rest. It is difficult to cling to the belief that advances, seven-thousand years of cultural conditioning are hard
you’re one of God’s chosen people when death is so indiscriminate. to overcome.
It’s even harder when those who embraced bioconservativism and
refused uploading had the least chance to flee Earth. We perished ISLAM
en masse alongside our stupas, mosques, temples, and cathedrals. Posted by:
We’re only a decade after a cataclysm that killed over nine-tenths Ali Bin Kalifa Al Thani, Firewall Crow INFO MSG REP
of our entire species. Our cherished shrines and walls and stained
glass lie in ruins. Spiritual beliefs are at an all-time low. Those who Peace be unto you. I humbly offer my perspective on the state of
seek community find it in their online social networks. Those who Islam since the Fall and how it has adapted to serve transhumanity.
seek comfort turn to virtual-reality heavens. Those who seek guid- Many early space colonists came from Muslim countries,
ance consult their muse. Those who seek solace edit their memories. financed by those seeking to explore and embrace the Solar System’s
Those who seek joy gland new emotional states. Those who seek resources. As the conflicts and technologies of the 21st century
atonement turn to psychosurgeons. Those who scan the stars for polarized the world, the ummah faced a crisis of belief. Those
gods have met them, and felt their wrath. What role is left for faith? who could see beyond the bounds of Earth adapted, and our faith
Whatever the long-term impacts of the Fall may be on trans- adapted with them. Those who could not largely perished in the Fall.
human belief systems, it is not an exaggeration to say that those The humanist, secular movements within Islam before and during
religions that cannot adapt will perish. Some already have. the Fall helped save countless thousands.
The Shoah nearly killed us. The Fall damn near finished the job. Neo-Buddhism mixes pre-Fall Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist
Israel is once again lost, and the squabbles over our homeland now beliefs with the latter-day Buddhism popular in Western cultures
seem trivial. Welcome to the Age of Meshuga. prior to the Fall. Neo-Buddhists believe that transhumanity’s
The Jewish people will survive; that’s never been a question. But suffering can be mitigated with technology, and that the extension
there are fewer of us than ever before, and that number dwindles by of life will eventually lead all transhumanity to enlightenment.
the day. We once thought our identity came from our shared experi- Neo-Buddhism is popular because it is treated more as an outlook
ences, from reading the Torah and praying together. But our bodies, or philosophy of living than a doctrine and requires little engage-
our DNA, are us too. Are you still Jewish if you egocast into a new ment with religious practices.
gentile morph? Yes. No. Depends on the person you ask.
There are enclaves of us out there, with the largest in Nectar on Technocreationism
Luna, where you’ll find the only remaining yeshiva (religious school) If the Fall further eroded the old, organized religions,
in the Solar System. I know of several Jewish groups inside the Jovian Technocreationists are the opposite reaction to that social force.
Republic, and the habitat Horeb is home to the Israeli government-in- They believe the Fall was nothing less than a sign from God laying
exile and a rather bioconservatve Jewish Orthodox community. bare transhumanity’s sins. They seek a new form of enlightenment
Some Jewish reclaimers have made incursions to Israel on Earth. through the embrace of technology, societal engineering, and collab-
Their eventual goal is, of course, the restoration of our promised oration with alien species. The result is a combination of fervor and
land. Most of us are pragmatic enough to understand this diaspora perceived psychological superiority that has attracted its fair share
is only beginning, so support for these efforts is minimal. of converts, including a few Hindus who view technocreationism as
an extension or evolution of their own religion.
Posted by: Ben Mandrake, Firewall Proxy INFO MSG REP TITAN Worship
It hurts to say it, but there are those who revere the TITANs as the
You may be familiar with Mormon missionaries: cheap morphs, only true gods. They make excuses for the atrocities the TITANs
wide grins, always eager to talk to you about their faith. They can committed, which mostly boil down to "we are not smart enough to
still be found haunting the occasional spaceport on habs from understand." Thankfully rare, their ranks are composed of singularity
Mercury to the Kuiper Belt. seekers who desire to join their machine gods in apotheosis. These
As a younger faith, Mormons didn't quite get caught up in biocon- believers are a threat given their eager pursuit of TITAN tech.
servatist attitudes like other belief systems. they still lost most of
their believers during the Fall, but their embrace of resleeving and Xenodeism
egocasting means more of ‘em got off Earth than you might expect. When faced with the truth of an uncaring universe filled with
I grew up Mormon, and while I'm not a believer, I've heard things. intelligences more advanced than our own, the chance of someone
If the rumors are to be believed, The Mormon Church has a small worshipping those intelligences becomes certain. Xenodeism is
hab hidden away in the Main belt called the City of Zion. They have a scholarly term for the various small, isolated cults popping up
over a million Mormons backed up in cold storage here, awaiting across the Solar System (and in settlements on the far side of the
the resources to resleeve them. They allegedly also have plans to gates) that have turned the Factors and Iktomi into gods. None of
turn the entire hab into a generation ship and fly it out of the system. these cults have any significant numbers of followers, but their
Don’t underestimate the Saints. They’ve done more with less. evolution into full-blown religions is only a matter of time.
some cartel names, but most of the major syndicates arose to prom- on more violent jobs and anything that let's them chase their prey.
inence after the Fall. As transhumanity spreads across the galaxy, Working in packs, they have been known to prolong a pursuit for
criminals find new ways to profit off misery and greed. Cartels and sport. Reports indicate they have trapped some of their victims'
syndicates earn vast wealth by exploiting weaknesses in different forks in a simulspace with a fantastic mythology theme in order to
polities. Every banned good or service is a new market. Every extend their torment.
gap in a habitat’s security is an opening. Every desperate person
is a customer or tool. Most criminal outfits are parasitic entities, HIDDEN CONCERN
leeching off the systems around them, but a few are powerful Main Habitat: Ceres (Main Belt)
enough to run their own habitats. The major syndicates have spread The dwarf planet Ceres is prime real estate, the largest planetary
across the Solar System and to distant exoplanets. While they have body between Mars and Jupiter. It is also throroughly entwined in
many enemies, the discord and corruption among transhuman the tentacles of the Hidden Concern, a mafia entirely composed of
polities prevents them from being stomped out. The cartels are also neo-octopi. They run protection rackets on every business operating
useful tools and cat’s paws to those in power. on Ceres and smuggle contraband between the inner and outer
While some factions are outlawed or branded as criminals in system. Anyone who sets foot on Ceres lives or dies at the Concern’s
certain regions, only the following are universally viewed as criminal. discretion. They have links to the mercurial movement and are
invested heavily in cephalapod morph development, such as the
GANGS takko synthmorph. Their recent expansions beyond Ceres now pit
Firewall is most concerned with cartels that exert influence over many them against other cartels.
habitats, but local gangs in specific areas have gotten our attention.
Les Goules Main Habitat: Kronos Cluster (Rhea, Saturn)
Main Habitat: Valles-New Shanghai (Mars) Intelligent Design, also known as the ID Crew, is best known for their
This Martian gang specializes in auctioning illegal morphs to the digital crimes. They formed when several different hacker cliques
highest bidder. They can acquire any kind of biomorph a customer allied to maximize their profits. The ID Crew has their virtual fingers
could imagine, including ones with illegal combat mods and in digital theft, hacking, fraud, malware, credit and rep laundering,
implants, clones of popular celebrities made from stolen genetic software piracy, darknet services, troll farms, and ego-trafficking. The
samples, or just human steaks for the discerning cannibal. The truly demand for egos “finessed” by the ID crew is incredibly high. They
desperate can get a loan from Les Goules if they offer their body as are known to edit the memories of stolen egos to suit the needs of
collateral. They are infamous for their depravity, conducting busi- their clients. Sometimes, the victim does not even realize they have
ness deals over feasts of living humans. They are rumored to have been trafficked, having been fed an entirely false life.
exhuman sympathies, which may explain their preferences. The ID Crew has a small physical footprint compared to other
cartels, preferring to do business on the mesh rather than in
St. Catherine Tongs meatspace, although they can be contacted in nearly every major
Main Habitat: New Quebec (Titan) habitat in the system. Nevertheless, they have provoked a major turf
This gang exploits the “One Mind, One Body” policy of the Titanian war with Nine Lives. Both organizations sell stolen egos and despise
Commonwealth for profit. Using agents inside the morph vat farms, how the other conducts business.
the tongs steal and smuggle new biomorphs for sale throughout the
outer system. These morphs are bought by other cartels who need NIGHT CARTEL
morphs for prostitutes or customers who want a biomorph on the Main Habitat: Pallas (Main Belt)
cheap. Some are loaded with illegal mods and implants. The Night Cartel's roots are in a pre-Fall alliance formed between
The tongs are known for their brazen and violent nature. Enemies multiple mafia groups of different ethnicities to cooperate in
have been publicly assassinated, sometimes with extensive collat- opening new markets in space. One of the drivers of this initiative,
eral damage. Captured opponents have been tortured in horrible Domenico Tavano, saw that the old way of doing business would
ways. Lately, the tongs have branched out into TITAN artifact smug- not work in the rest of the Solar System. The older leaders were
gling, as police have seized caches from tong safehouses. No one too paranoid and too conservative to adapt. Maintaining ethnic
knows where the artifacts are coming from or who’s buying them. mafias was absurd when resleeving was upending cultural norms.
When the Fall wiped out the leadership of these syndicates, Tavano
The Wild Hunt convinced enough gangsters to follow his lead and establish a new
Main Habitat: Erato (Luna) cartel. At first, Tavano struggled to keep the Night Cartel working
This tight-knit gang of ego hunters, forknappers, and assassins together. Old rivalries and beliefs hampered efforts. However, the
began on Luna. They turned to psychosurgery early on, improving realities of criminal enterprise in space has methodically broken
their own teamwork and loyalty to protect themselves. Soon after, down these barriers and prejudices. Now the Night Cartel is the
they began exchanging memories and personality traits. The largest in the Solar System, rivaled only be the triads.
reasoning for this is unclear, but in part seemed to be a way of The Night Cartel's headquarters is on Pallas, a major asteroid
preserving their identities should they be captured and subjected habitat in the Main Belt. In some regions, the Night Cartel operates
PAX FAMILAE Qing Long, a major cylinder habitat in the Martian Trojans, with
Main Habitat: Ambelina (Venus) a population of over two million transhumans, is considered a 14K
Many crime outfits are rooted in cultural groups or species, but the stronghold. While other triads maintain a presence in the habitat,
most restrictive one, by far, is Pax Familae. Every member of this the 14K bases its headquarters there and has deep ties to the habi-
cartel is a fork or clone of its founder, Claudia Ambelina. From her tat’s leadership. The Pai Gow (Double Hand) security force there is
private habitat on Venus (called Ambelina), Claudia creates clones an extension of their operations.
from her original genetics or through sexual reproduction, thanks to
sex-switching biomods. All egos are forks, though she does use psycho- Shui Fong
surgery to vary her skills for certain tasks. Loyal to herself, Claudia's Main Habitat: Valles-New Shanghai (Mars)
methods mean she needs not fear traitors or undercover agents. Pax A smaller triad than 14K, Shui Fong sells vice to the desperate, espe-
Familae uses ego merging and XP recordings to keep every fork up cially indentured workers and other poor laborers. They offer drugs,
to date with the activities of the others. Unlike some other multiples, narcoalgorithms, prostitution, and illicit XPs. Once in debt, the
Claudia always refers to herself in the singular. She has a wide port- indenture is forced into working for the Shui Fong, whether that’s
folio of operations throughout the system: fraud, stock manipulation, pit fighting or transporting drugs. They carry deep grudges against
reputation gaming, info brokerage, and loan sharking, among others. the 14K, which the 14K reciprocates.
She also maintains a number of legitimate businesses as cover. Claudia
isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if someone gets in her way. Sun Yee On
Main Habitat: Noctis-Qianjiao (Mars)
PIRATES In any habitat where IP laws protect the rights of manufacturers
The major polities of the inner system deploy drones and ships over users, the Sun Yee On are there, selling cheap knockoffs of
to keep space transit and habitats relatively safe. In the vast outer popular nanofabbed items. The triad often jailbreaks nanofabbers
system, many pirate gangs thrive by plundering the vulnerable, so they can manufacture weapons and tools without paying royal-
particularly automated ships and remote brinker habitats. This ties to the original designer. These items are laundered through their
is less an organized criminal conspiracy and more a way of life. front company, Wushuang Corporation. The Sun Yee On also sell
Automated drones are the targets of choice because they are easier counterfeits of Earth relics, a market growing in popularity.
prey than manned ships but remote mining operations and outposts
are valuable as well. Pirates sell off their victims’ egos to soul-traf- Big Circle Gang
fickers like Nine Lives. Some pirates also smuggle contraband from The smallest of the four major triad factions, Big Circle designs and
scum swarms into more lawful habitats or trade in pirated software sells drugs for distribution throughout the Solar System. Their drug
from the inner system. labs lie hidden in isolated habitats dotted throughout the system.
Pirate gangs are known to fight each other as much as they steal They maintain a low presence for a major triad, leading us to suspect
from freighters and drones. They typically fight over turf, but feuds they have something big planned and don’t want to attract attention.
can start for the pettiest of reasons. One gang, Ned Kelly’s Own, They prefer to sell wholesale to other dealers, but they have teams
noted for their impractical and unique synth armor designs, accused on every scum swarm to sell new product to diehard junkies. The
another gang, Chrome Legion, of stealing their armor designs. The swarms are the best place for Big Circle to try out their latest exper-
two have fought ever since, resulting in dozens of resleevings, three imental drugs. Products that first appear in a scum swarm can be
lost ships, and one destroyed tin-can habitat. found on the streets of New Shanghai a month later.
you will make on our behalf and the behalf of all transhumanity. I
thank you now because it’s likely that no one will be there to do so STRUCTURE
when the time comes to make them. As a new member of Firewall it is important that you have an
Firewall is many things but it has one goal: the continued exis- understanding of our overall structure, decentralized though it is.
tence of our species. It is the sincere belief of every single one of Firewall is comprised first and foremost of cells. Your cell consists
us that the Fall was no fluke, no stray bullet we collectively dodged, of the Firewall members with whom you will most often carry out
but merely the first true existential threat to transhumanity. There tasks. Cells are primarily composed of sentinels, like you. Sentinels
will be more. At no time in history has our species been so beset by comprise the bulk of Firewatch’s numbers; transhumans who are
the danger of extinction, the tools of our complete destruction are dedicated to our cause, with a specialized set of skills, who are
almost without count and in the hands of numerous groups and activated for specific needs. A cell is always coordinated by a proxy.
individuals who could snuff us out by accident just as readily as Proxies are the inner circle of Firewall; individuals who have dedi-
through malice. No other organization is in a position to thwart cated their entire lives to the organization. Proxies are organized
these dangers. Through our decentralized network we attempt to into collectives called servers; each server manages multiple cells.
monitor, contain, and eliminate threats to transhumanity, whether
those threats are TITANs, nanoplagues, technological meddling, Proxies
aliens, or any number of unimaginable hazards. We do this in Sentinels may report directly to one or more proxies in their server,
secrecy, without official support or authorization from any authority. but can expect to deal with a number of different proxy roles.
Too many factions present potential danger for us to reveal our work Proxies take on numerous duties as needed, but typically fall into
to the public, most of whom will sleep better never knowing how one of several specializations:
close they come to annihilation on a regular basis. Thus, Firewall Scanners are expert data analysts and researchers. A server’s
has no political allegiances beyond the remit of our mission: the scanners are responsible for gathering information of interest to
survival of transhumanity. Firewall, analyzing it, and then making a threat analysis. Scanners
rely on sophisticated search algorithms and ALIs to monitor partic-
HISTORY ular channels, both public and private. A scanner is constantly
While Firewall now operates in secrecy, this was not true of all assessing a broad range of data looking for anomalous items or
the organizations from which we grew. Decades before the Fall, a events that may relate to an ongoing case or operations. Scanners
number of groups had warned of impending dangers, especially are the members of a server most likely to initiate an operation.
the risks aligned with ASI research. Some of these were in the Tasked with gathering information from the entire Solar System
employ of nation states, such as JASON (a US scientific advisory and filtering it for items of interest to Firewall places a heavy
group) and Bletchley Park (a UK agency founded to counter hostile burden on our scanners; if something crucial gets overlooked, they
infolife outbreaks). Others were privately funded think tanks or get the blame.
research organizations like Blue Mars, the Lifeboat Institute, and Once an operation has been approved (typically by a vote or
the Singularity Foundation. During the Fall, united by desperation, consensus of a server's proxies), a router is charged with its initia-
these groups united as a loose network and moved from pure tion and management. A router will assess all of the available intel,
research and analysis to direct action. It was in part due to the determine which cell is best able to respond to the threat, coordi-
warnings and sacrifices of these organizations during the Fall that nate with other proxies to prepare their necessary support (morphs,
transhumanity survived. Their first-hand experiences on the front lines of credit, cover stories, etc), and then activate the cell. Routers
lines of the war against the TITANs provided a pool of knowledge then monitor the cell's activities and provide support as necessary
that has been invaluable ever since. The survivors were also united or possible. As the mission coordinators, routers have one of the
in a way that only those who have shared harrowing circumstances most difficult, thankless, and critical jobs in Firewall.
and survived can understand. Firewall’s broad interests require in-depth research capabilities,
In the immediate aftermath of the Fall the survivors of these and these are carried out or supervised by crows. Crows are our
organizations, led to some degree by the Argonauts, met in a expert scientists and researchers specializing in various fields. Some
secret, invite-only, simulspace conference: X-Mode. This conference of the most brilliant individuals in transhumanity work as crows,
resulted in the seed of Firewall, our secure social network: the Eye. offering insights into xenobiology, memetics, physics, applied
The loose confederation of individuals using the Eye would begin to mathematics, economics, nanoweaponry, and other fields of knowl-
formulate the general philosophies and methodology of Firewall in edge. Crows work closely with scanners to assess threats or research
the following months. The general consensus was that the work to items or data unearthed during Firewall operations. Firewall’s black
counter x-rsisks needed to continue, but none of the emerging poli- laboratories and research facilities are maintained by our crows, but
ties were capable or trusted to handle it. In AF1, the conference was much of our scientific access comes from crows misappropriating
reconvened at X-Mode 2, where research and appraisals conducted facility use and equipment from their civilian careers.
in the interim were discussed and the motion to form a single orga- Vectors are those proxies specializing in the broad array of skills
nization to combat ongoing threats to transhumanity was put forth. we loosely refer to as “hacking.” Primarily a support role, vectors are
With the consensus of the participants, Firewall was formed and its responsible for digital intrusion, information security, data manip-
general structure outlined. ulation, infrastructure sabotage, and social engineering. Vectors
line of response only used in the most dire of circumstances. Most anywhere, and our resources are finite.
Firewall members will never require the services of an eraser or
even be in the presence of one during the course of their field
operations. Erasers tend to work in teams with heavy firepower
and tricked-out combat morphs. A few erasers work solo; these are FIREWALL TERMINOLOGY
sometimes deployed as assassins or saboteurs. Here’s a handy reference to Firewall jargon:
The actions of sentinels and erasers may require the attention of
a filter. Where erasers mop up the opposition, filters are the ones
who make the whole mess go away. These individuals specialize in • Backups: The Firewall faction that creates bunkers, caches,
public-relations manipulation and will work to pin the blame for and contingency plans to survive an extinction event.
a disastrous operation on an appropriate accident, external agency, • Cell: A clandestine group of Firewall sentinels.
hypercorp, or individual. Filters are also sometimes called upon to • Conservatives: The Firewall faction that argues using AGIs,
assist operations in progress when they require public misdirection asyncs, and alien/TITAN tech is too risky.
or spin control to fulfil their objectives. • Crow: A proxy that focuses on research/scientific analysis.
• Crypt: A digital cache hidden within the mesh.
Servers • Eraser: Heavily armed proxies that are called in to contain
Each cell is part of a server. Servers are collections of cells that threats beyond the capabilities of a normal sentinel cell.
share a common interest or overarching objective. Servers often • Eye: Firewall’s internal social and data-sharing network.
have a focus or specialization: the observation and identification • Filter: A proxy that handles social engineering, media
of threats in a specific region, infiltration of hypercorps suspected manipulation, and cover-ups.
of meddling with ASI, countering a known group of exhumans, and • Mavericks: The Firewall faction that discards the rules.
so forth. Many are dedicated to ongoing research projects or action • Pragmatists: The Firewall faction that argues for using all
task forces, known as cases or operations respectively. An individual available tools to counter x-risks.
cell within a server may further specialize in necessary sub-tasks. • Proxy: A full-time Firewall agent with an assigned role.
Each server is coordinated by a group of proxies. These proxies • Register: A proxy that handles logistics and finances.
usually rotate between their respective roles and duties, or to other • Router: A proxy that coordinates a server’s operations.
servers, on a yearly basis. This ensures that no individual can gain • Scanner: A proxy that analyzes data for signs of x-risks.
too much power or create an unsalvageable point of weakness in the • Scratch Space: A temporary secret cache of gear.
server’s structure should they be killed or compromised. • Sentinel: An on-call Firewall agent that works with a cell on
The cell/server structure is at times inefficient but its decentralized field operations.
nature is absolutely critical to the preservation of Firewall’s secrecy • Server: A working group of proxies, focused on a particular
and security. No single cell or server will ever have a top-level view area or mission.
of the entire organization, allowing Firewall to survive even a major • Structuralists: The Firewall faction that favors a more rigid,
breach of security or other catastrophe. A hostile agency would hierarchical structure and going public.
require control of 50.1% of Firewall’s entire membership to attain • Vector: A proxy that handles hacking, communications, and
control of the organization, an essentially impossible goal given the online security.
separation of personnel and internal networks.
Firewall • Structure
INTERNAL FACTIONS This hampered our operations, left us without people that could have
Source: Achberger, Router, Green Hope Server LINK been a major help, and set us back at a critical time. If it was up to
the conservatives we’d throw every xenotech device we find into the
I'm here to give you more of a ground level idea of the weird mess nearest sun, fry the mainframes of every AGI we’ve ever even spoken
you’ve gotten yourself into by joining Firewall. Cacophonous's over- with, and lock and load old school. But we can’t, and I think even most
view might have you thinking we're a well-oiled machine crewed by of them know that. That’s not to say that we are reckless about our
a crack team of diverse transhumans devoted to a singular mission, research and toys. Risk assessment is priority number one when we’re
holding hands and singing the Internationale every time we achieve experimenting with something we don’t fully understand, but you
another victory in the face of incredible odds. Spoiler: we’re not. wanna make an omelette you’ve gotta break a few eggs at an ultra-se-
Firewall is just like every organization you’ve ever dealt with cure black lab on an unregistered exoplanet’s moon, under stringent
in a lot of ways; we’re full of mostly well-intentioned people with quarantine procedures. Pragmatists make up the majority of Firewall’s
opposing viewpoints, desires, and disagreements. The key differ- members, though personal thresholds for what’s an acceptable risk
ence is that Firewall is full of people who are also very good at what vary from person to person.
they do. We all know the stakes are high, so petty bullshit is kept to a So, those are the three main factions — philosophies, really — that
minimum, but there are a few big philosophical differences among Firewall has held since the beginning. There was a time in AF6
us and it’s going to serve you well to have a handle on them. when those factions really were turning into factions. A pretty nasty
First, you’ve got your backups. This clique is devoted to the scandal arose involving an abusive proxy that memory-edited some
idea that on a long enough timeline,something like the Fall is to subordinates on Hyperion and all hell broke loose. We spent a few
be expected again. Their goal is to ensure that when transhumanity months backbiting instead of fighting x-risks before a prominent
comes up against a foe we can’t overcome, we can at least survive. server was outed as an Ozma operation. They hadn’t kicked the
They hide caches, set up emergency habs, and even store forks for whole mess off, but they’d done their best to instigate factional
such an emergency. A lot of gatecrashers subscribe to this philos- divides across Firewall and might have brought the whole thing
ophy and take every opportunity they can to find exoplanets that down. Fortunately, in the aftermath of rooting out the infiltrators,
might sustain transhuman life far beyond the reach of the TITANs, cooler heads prevailed and factionalism was reined in on all sides. It
Factors, or even other transhuman organizations. They might seem was from this time that a couple of new philosophies arose. Factions
a little paranoid to you right now, but trust me, you run a few ops we refer to as mavericks and structuralists.
around here and see if you don’t start seeing the sense in having a Mavericks are not a faction by any means. They’re Firewall
real species-wide contingency plan. A lot of the old-guard Lifeboat members, mostly sentinels, who just don’t give a shit. They’re loyal to
Institute people are die-hard backups. Since we got here in the first Firewall but think we’re all polishing the brass on the Titanic. A lot of
place by not listening to them before the Fall, I’m inclined to pay them are disaffected sentinels who’ve seen more than they can really
attention now. handle. Maybe they think that our mission is inherently doomed but
Conservatives are what they sound like; reactionaries who think are determined to go down fighting. Or they just don’t deal well even
Firewall should move with tremendous caution and respond with with the loose authority of Firewall. Whatever the case, expect to hear
overwhelming force to any potential threat. There are numerous some colorful tirades when you work with them. They have one major
conservative-oriented servers, and they do some important work to value, though: they keep us on our toes. Mavericks don’t toe party
be sure. A lot of them are former military or intelligence agency lines and are more than willing to loudly question anyone or anything
people who survived the Fall and maybe are carrying around a with which they disagree. It keeps us from getting complacent.
little more PTSD than the rest of us. A lot of conservatives are quite Structuralists represent two distinct philosophical positions
suspicious of the AGIs and asyncs we work with and this can cause amongst Firewall members. The first and more populous group
real friction between servers and during proxy votes. That said, this believes that Firewall would benefit from a more defined hierarchy
does mean that conservatives also have a serious obsession with the with thoroughly codified ranks, protocols, and objectives. They
TITANs and some of our most important discoveries about them suggest that the decentralized network of Firewall results in chaos
have come from conservatives. If you ever need to pinpoint vulner- and abuses of power by isolated proxies. The second structuralist
abilities in TITAN tech, try hitting up the Arrow of Paris server. If position is a desire to take Firewall public. This is an extreme
they’ll talk to you. They won’t. You’re not cleared for that. minority who argue that Firewall would benefit greatly from legiti-
Then there’s the pragmatists, like us cool kids here at Green Hope macy both in terms of support from the public and the potential for
server. Here’s what we care about: Results. Results, results, results. It’s expanded funding. Exactly which governments would embrace an
like this: the universe is a big place full of who knows how many unknown number of hackers, gatecrashers, financial criminals, and
species-terminating monsters, aberrations of physics, and rogue miscreants is a question no group of structuralists has yet been able
computer programs that would eat transhumanity like a handful of to satisfactorily answer.
potato chips. We are never going to even begin to anticipate every There are many other smaller factions and philosophies across
threat, every possible outcome of our actions, and predict the best Firewall and we wouldn’t have it any other way. All of these view-
course of action available to us every time. But what we can do is points have something to offer, even if only as loyal opposition. The
pick up the tools we find, the weapons we steal from our enemies, system of rotating proxies between servers at regular intervals helps
and fight back. Firewall tangles with some ugly shit. If we’re going to prevent strong faction blocs from arising and the ongoing churn of
succeed against it, we need every advantage we can find. In the early discourse across the Eye keeps us all from ossifying in our views.
days, Firewall made some bad choices (check the wiki about the Sweet There are some old grudges between faction members, and you can’t
Dreams affair) and almost hamstrung ourselves a few times. Fear of really have a maverick and a structuralist in the same room, but on
TITANs and ASIs and other threats kept some elements in Firewall the whole, Firewall members highly respect each other. We can’t
from working with AGIs, asyncs, and even uplifts for a long time. afford not to.
MARS remembrance station
martian gate erato station SATURN
progress station LUNA
VULCANOIDS pandora gate
SOL nyhavn station
octavia station MERCURY
discord gate
Now that you've caught up on the rest, here's the last info dump: an
overview of transhuman holdings, region by region. START
The center of our system is the source of our life — yet also treach-
erous and deadly to the unprepared.
The gravity well that anchors her islands within the empty seas
of space is called by her people: Sol. Her soul is great, a flame 1.4
million kilometers across, and her depths are fierce enough to strip
electron from atom, burn fields of energy across her face, and smile
forth plasma storms that could swallow moons.
Temperatures at the surface alone make the journey impossible
without specialized defenses such as solar survival suits and heavily
shielded ships. Unpredictable magnetic fields can destroy equipment
between one breath and the next, and shifts in the corona create
bursts of magnetism and plasma so large that escape is impossible.
A solar flare, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), occurs
when the sun’s magnetic grip slips and radiation breaks free. The
free plasma can damage passing craft and unprotected life, disrupt
communication and sensors, and provoke magnetic storms on vulner-
able planets such as Mercury, Venus, or Mars, which lack protective
magnetic fields. In theory, this power could even be harnessed as a
weapon by disrupting the field with a strong enough magnetic force
in just the right location to direct a CME at a chosen target.
There are fish at the center of the well. The Solarians that live here
have adapted many morphs to survive in the solar environment.
Among them are the surya, commonly known as space whales.
The surya reach lengths of ten meters or more and are designed to
swim the currents of Sol’s corona, generating magnetic fields that
shield them from the heat. The Solarians travel together in surya
pods, roaming the corona itself. Other Solarian morphs include
mirrored sundiver spaceship synthmorphs and the more humanoid
salamander forms that are better adapted for using tools, residing
within habitats, and interacting with other transhumans.
Many Solarians are uplifted dolphins and whales that seek the
familiar sense of swimming in the ocean’s expanse with a pod.
Their presence is a deep influence on Solarian culture; metaphors
comparing the sun’s environment to their underwater experiences
are common. Social structures mirror that of a cetacean pod, in
which individuals live together as a close unit with few secrets and
little social or personal boundaries. Relationships within the pod
are open and physical, and social activities are often communal,
including poetry and song as well as rough play. This close and
intimate living can be difficult for outsiders to adapt to, which is an
issue for the occasional socialite tourist.
Three habitats are found in the solar corona, near the northern
pole of Sol to minimize exposure to flares. These habitats provide
launch points for voyages into the corona and contact with the rest
of the system.
travel outside of the well. The population of this habitat fluctuates The modules of this sifter capital are tucked under the sand and into
from the hundreds to the thousands depending on the solar weather. the edges of a crater for safety in the extreme temperatures. This
Few non-Solarian visitors are invited here — the accommodations city is a gathering site for sifters, a place to rest, trade, and seek out
are not designed for non-solar-adapted morphs. news and services. Information and gear may be had and discretion
sought for the more clandestine project.
Between Sol and her closest escort Mercury lie the Vulcanoids. Cannon
These small asteroids are cherished for a stable orbit and the protec- Habitat Type: Dome
tive cover of Sol’s glare. Secrets grow easily where few can see them. Allegiance: Jaehon Offworld
Cannon is the largest habitat on Mercury. It is also mobile, crawling
V/2011-Caldwell on massive tracks. Ten-thousand individuals loyal to the hypercorp
Habitat Type: Dome/Beehive Jaehon reside here. This city-sized mass driver pauses at each mine
Allegiance: TerraGenesis to launch giant ingots of heavy metals into space for delivery to
The first of the Vulcanoids to be claimed was Caldwell. Initially ships overhead. Cannon travels the edge of the Caloris basin and the
dismissed as small and empty, the asteroid was later discovered to northern hemisphere in its journey between camps.
hold a treasure: a pandora gate. Ownership was quickly acquired
by TerraGenesis. Though courted by the Planetary Consortium, The Egg
TerraGenesis has so far chosen to work more closely with Morningstar- Mercury holds mysteries as close as Sol does, and the Egg is one
aligned interests. Pathfinder seeks to disrupt this alliance. of them. From a distance it does not appear to be a weapon. A pale
gray ovoid of unknown material, the Egg orbits above the surface
MERCURY of Mercury. Left by the Factors in AF8, the Planetary Consortium
Sol’s swiftest island is Mercury. It orbits in less than ninety days, but declared the Egg off limits, overruling those who thought it safer
turns so slowly that a face may be exposed to the sun for nearly sixty destroyed. The Factors offer no explanation, they only ask us to
of those days. The lack of atmosphere provides no blanket against leave it be. So far we have, though not without question or protest.
Sol’s light, and temperatures range over 620 degrees between day Some speculate it watches over Caloris 18, site of a TITAN outbreak
and night. The sun's daylight gaze overhead is fierce enough to melt on Mercury during the Fall. Others believe its purpose is to monitor
metal, but at night the surface is as frigid as space. The terminator the Vulcanoid Gate from afar.
line moves slowly enough that a transhuman on foot could keep
ahead of it at a steady pace. Lumina
Sol attracts many stray travelers of rock and asteroid, and Habitat Type: Dome
Mercury takes the blows as they cross its path, leaving the surface of Allegiance: Independent (Hypercorp)
the planet covered in pockmarks and craters. Alternating heat and Near the northern pole lies Lumina. Here energy is captured by solar
cold further breaks the rock, covering the surface in dust. panel fields lit at all times by the sun. This powers nuclear, radiochem-
ical, and particle physics research, including manufacturing isotopes
Mercurials and the extraction of fissionables. Many hypercorps hold interests
The residents of Mercury must be hardy to live in extremes of light here, making it a shared resource as well as a resting place for the
and dark and dust. But there is little loyalty to Mercury as a home. hyperelites who come to enjoy the spas and private meeting facilities.
climate couldn’t be more different. The infernal temperatures, the protection against the occasional sulfuric clouds to go outside.
crushing atmospheric pressure, and the rains of sulphuric acid evoke This altitude is the ideal range for aerostats — floating habitats
the myriad hells primitive humanity imagined for itself. that can stretch a kilometer or more in height and diameter. Even
Venusian orbit isn’t ideal, either. Venus has no moons, and nearby at this altitude, Venus’s atmosphere is dense and heavy enough,
asteroids are scarcer than elsewhere in the system. Habitats have to being mostly carbon dioxide, that an object full of enough oxygen-
be built entirely from materials mined on the surface or shipped nitrogen atmosphere is buoyant. Aerostats use a combination of
in from other planetary systems. Water takes the longest journeys buoyancy and immense propellers to maintain an altitude where
to acquire, coming usually from ice asteroids captured in the far life support systems can compensate for external temperatures and
reaches of the outer system. pressures with a minimum of effort.
Venus rewards the intrepid, though, and habitats predating the
Fall grew prosperous on specialized manufacturing and research. TRANSPORTATION
Pre-Fall Venus was a frontier with neither entrenched elites nor Venus rotates too slowly for a space elevator, so most travel to the
a true underclass. When everyone was a professional, striving surface is by lander. Venusian landing craft are heavily shielded
toward utopia and high culture was the prevailing meme. Now, and structurally reinforced against the planet’s hideous pressures.
post-Fall Venus is going through growing pains. The Morningstar Compared to other landers, they’re rather beetle-like, and expensive
Constellation embodies the progressive capitalism of the pre-Fall to operate in terms of fuel. Morningstar is in the process of building
technocrats, but it faces upheavals due to immigration, power grabs, a rotovator in Venusian orbit. This 12,000-kilometer spinning cable
and growing organized crime. will dip down into the atmosphere to aerostat altitude in such a way
that the cable's orbit and planet's rotation nearly cancel out. This
THE SURFACE allows the end of the cable to collect cargo and transports which it
“Anywhere but here,” right? Sit through a safety briefing for work on then carries back up and flings into space.
the Venusian surface, and that’s where you’ll want to be. Venusian aircraft need only stubby wings and rotors due to the
The surface is rugged and beautiful in its way. Old timers say it’s thick atmosphere. Almost all fixed-wing craft are propeller driven,
like a cross between the high desert of the American southwest, with since jets have to carry their own oxidizers in this atmosphere.
its vast plateaus and canyons, and Iceland, with its black basaltic Dirigible airships provide an economical if slow method of ferrying
rock, crisscrossed in the lowlands by rivers of magma. cargo and travelers between aerostats. Luxury passenger airships
The winds that whip volcano, mesa, and lava plain are a super- are growing in popular as a vacation experience. Aircraft and
heated mix of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. At the surface, the devices like wingsuits often aren’t built to survive on the surface, so
pressure is almost 100 times that of Earth's atmosphere (or equivalent they carry emergency bubbles that provide a temporary shelter for
to a kilometer below Earth’s oceans). Only dim light reaches down passengers and crew until rescued.
here, and that which does is refracted by the titanic pressures, so that Some aerostats use extremely durable cables to anchor them-
to someone on the surface, the horizons rise around them like the selves to the surface for short periods. During this time, elevator
sides of a colossal bowl. Temperatures reach nearly 500 Celsius. Lead cars provide transport up and down the cable. Surface roads are
is permanently molten, metal sags and flows, and carbon dioxide primitive and exist only within busy mining and industrial outposts,
exists in a supercritical state where it’s both a liquid and a gas. so all groundcraft are off-road vehicles.
Only the most specialized biological settlers call the surface home,
and they’re confined to low-pressure zones high in the mountains. RISE OF THE MORNINGSTAR
The peaks offer rich mining and good sites from which to remote The success of the movement to secede from the Consortium
control equipment closer to the surface. Although it’s possible to surprised the Venusians more than anyone, and they're still
jam from orbit, relay stations on the peaks experience less commu- sorting out how to keep this Morningstar Constellation thing
nications lag and fewer weather-related disruptions. afloat. In reality, the terraforming debate is far from decided, and
Below 7 km altitude, any permanent structures on Venus are the Consortium still has a presence here with various aerostats and
crewed by synthmorphs and infomorphs. In most cases, the synth orbitals that did not defect. Morningstar's lack of a military leaves it
operations in the lowlands are teleoperated, with few or no egos vulnerable to invasion, but luckily the Planetary Consortium doesn’t
permanently sleeved in the equipment there. currently have the stomach for this sort of action.
Equipment goes into the lowlands, but mostly doesn’t come
out, unless it’s returning with cargo. Mining and industrial sites TERRAFORMING VENUS
on Venus are surrounded by eerie boneyards — morphs, bots, and At one time, the very idea of terraforming Venus didn’t hold
machinery that broke down and weren’t worth retrieving. water — pardon the dad joke. Photodissociation — breakdown
Though the surface has been mapped with radar, the clouds block of water’s molecular bonds by solar radiation — combined with
monitoring from orbital and high-altitude cameras. Large swathes Venus’s lack of a magnetic field means that simply hurling comets
of the surface remain unvisited and unexplored. This makes it a at Venus won’t work. Mars retains most of the water from comet
useful, if inhospitable locale to avoid pying eyes. It also leads to impacts, but Venus loses it rapidly to the sun.
rumors of hidden dangers, from exsurgents and TITANs to secret The solution, now in its proof of concept stages, is an array of
Factor operations. orbital mirrors and solar panels. The mirrors reflect solar radiation
but circling the planet roughly every four days with the prevailing there are few asteroids to capture.
winds. Large aerostats are usually shaped like mushrooms or
inverted teardops. The wide, domed top usually has a lofty public Gerlach
plaza or atrium at its center. The empty space and abundant air Habitat Type: Cylinder
provide more buoyancy. Dwellings, work spaces, and public utilities Allegiance: Independent
line the outer walls and form narrow internal boundaries. Gerlach is a multi-module cylinder 1 kilometer in diameter and
Public spaces are beautiful, but private spaces are very compact. 4 kilometers long, with a population of 120,000. The inhabitants
Everything is made of strong, lightweight materials. In the largest have strong ties to the Argonauts, sympathies for the outer-system
aerostats, paths for bikes and scooters run parallel to the walkways. autonomists, and are strong proponents of morphological freedom
Otherwise, people get around on foot. At the bottom, the aerostat and cognitive experimentation. The habitat interior is known for
tapers to just an anchor point for a hanging counterweight that its nine pyramidal arcologies and verdant landscaping, making it
prevents the habitat capsizing in storms. one of the most desirable in the inner system. Each of the cylinder
To aid in keeping altitude, a large aerostat usually has three modules spins at different speeds, simulating different gravities so
or four propellers ringing its widest point. The propellers extend that those used to lighter gravs can acclimate to Venus's stronger
on short arms from the dome’s edge. Aerostats won’t sink to the pull. Gerlach's residents voted to secede from the Consortium but
surface unless both the interior gases are lost and the propellers are did not join Morningstar, preferring to keep their independence.
disabled. But an aerostat with disabled propellers may slowly sink
to an altitude where the temperature outside the habitat is too high SURFACE HABS
for unsuited transhumans to survive. Surface habitats are few on Venus. Bunker-like and always at high
Smaller aerostats come in a wide variety of plans: cigar-shaped altitude, most inhabitants are drone controllers, technicians, and
habitat modules with long outriggers on either side to keep balance, engineers. The populations are young, there to put in service and
upright cylinders surrounded by concentric rings of gas bags, and make money, and bored as fuck in their off hours. Local culture
clouds of spherical modules linked together by structural tubes. tends to be escapist, eccentric, and in some cases borderline scum
Thousands of the smallest “aerostats” are little more than auton- barge-esque.
omous blimps dropped by larger aerostats that carry radio relay
equipment, weather sensors, and the like. Demon
Habitat Type: Tin Can
Aphrodite Prime Allegiance: Morningstar Constellation
Habitat Type: Aerostat The largest outpost in the Maxwell Montes peaks of Ishtar Terra,
Allegiance: Morningstar Constellation Demon’s town sigil is a petroglyph of a demon opening a trap door.
Home to 300,000, Aphrodite Prime is a center for tourism. It is The inhabitants are all under 50 and cashing in big on working
home to a number of genegineering hypercorps and the vast 16-hour days jacked in to various mining bots. They spend the other
Aphrodite Aviary, a sphere in the habitat's base. Here the proponents 14 hours of each cycle fighting, fucking, and getting high as shit in a
of the Aerial Terraforming Initiative showcase their latest designs sprawling underground base that previous occupants with too much
for life forms that could live and thrive in the upper Venusian time and fabber access on their hands have decorated to look like
atmosphere: aerial kelp, flying mantas, balloon fish, and float ferns. Satan’s bordello.
dangerous ghetto where you wonder how things deteriorated so badly on Hexagon and the company develops most of the Consortium’s
and fear for your safety. latest military advances here. In addition to combat morphs and
weapon engineers, the habitat boasts one of the most impressive
EARTH ORBIT sensor systems in the inner system, mostly pointed at all times
During the Fall, infugees flooded any habitat or satellite willing to towards Earth and its sealed-away dangers.
accept their transfer. Refugees fled on anything that could be sealed
tight and strapped to a rocket. Dozens of emergency habitats were Paradise
constructed or inflated, and many are still in use. Habitat Type/Orbit: Torus/Earth-Sun L1
Roughly three million still live in Earth’s orbit, surviving in the Allegiance: Planetary Consortium
shadow of transhumanity’s abandoned home. Many cling to old-Earth Once a sun-drenched resort for the rich trendsetters of Earth,
identities out of sheer stubborn cussedness. Bioconservative and Paradise was overwhelmed with refugees during the Fall, leading
reclaimer memes are common, as are old-Earth rivalries, so visitors to the habitat losing most of its shine and glitter to semi-permanent
would be wise to study their history before trying to blend in. While emergency camps. Recently Paradise has regained some of the old
infomorphs and synthmorphs are the most common morphs in orbit, reputation, at the rumored cost of forcible relocation of less-fortu-
they still face challenges including economic hardship, quarantine, nate residents. Increases in security have led to more rumors that
indentured servitude, and discrimination. Paradise is the secret face-to-face meeting ground for the Hypercorp
There are hundreds of small habitats in orbit, some with residents Council for matters requiring more secure communication.
and some long abandoned. Tin-can stations, clusters, toruses, and
cylinders are all common. Remembrance
Habitat Type/Orbit: O’Neill Cylinder/Earth-Luna L4
The Fence Allegiance: Lunar-Lagrange Alliance
With the TITANs an ever-present risk of escaping the planet, The largest station near Earth, Remembrance is capital to the Lunar-
someone had to make an effort to keep them bottled up where they Lagrange Alliance. Two thirty-five-kilometer counter-rotating
couldn’t harm the survivors. That’s what the Fence is for. No one has cylinders provide living and working space for over two million resi-
claimed responsibility for setting up the blockade, but the assump- dents. One cylinder is overcrowded and barely functioning, while
tion is that the Consortium supports and maintains it. the other provides healthy living for Remembrance elites and LLA
Over two-thousand satellites in low Earth orbit, ranging in size officials. Remembrance is led by Mayor Nandi Setsin, a passionate
from sensor platforms to micro- and nano-satellites, monitor and reclaimer known for her abrasive leadership style and slick ability
take down anything coming into or trying to leave the kill zone to avoid corruption convictions. Her rocky partnership with LLA
(300–350 kilometers altitude). Signal jammers hose digital commu- President Avra Don has proven beneficial to them both.
nications. Smart mines lurk, ready to swarm anything that moves,
while hunter-killer drones catch anything that slips past. The Fence Vo Nguyen
is equipped with almost every weapon imaginable: lasers, railguns, Habitat Type/Orbit: O’Neill Cylinder/GEO Orbit
antimatter missiles — even old-fashioned nukes. Allegiance: Lunar-Lagrange Alliance
Led by Tate Markess, the Executive Director of the Earth
The Junkyard Reclamation Project and spokesperson for the reclaimer move-
Leftover rockets, screws, screwdrivers, boosters, and other junk ment, Vo Nguyen is a reclaimer stronghold and launching point
form a thick ring around the planet called the Junkyard. The drifting for reclaimer activism and missions to Earth. Disagreements over
scrap is a dumping ground for the locals; the debris is either safely mission approaches pit tech-savvy reclaimers against neo-primi-
burned up in atmosphere or more likely destroyed by the weapons tivist. The station is secured against outside threats behind a cloud
platforms surrounding the planet. of space debris and killsats, but internal conflicts may get them all
Pre-Fall and post-Fall parts can be found in the Junkyard, ready killed anyway if violence escalates.
to be pried out of discarded ships and sold. More exotic finds can
be salvaged, including the remains of refugees, experimental tech- EARTH
nology, or Earth relics lost during the Fall. Major cities across the globe were wiped clean during the Fall by
nukes, orbital strikes, and antimatter weapons. Some craters and
Fresh Kills scars are even visible from orbit, such as the glassy patch that used
Habitat Type/Orbit: Cluster/Earth-Luna L5 to be Chicago. Mass drivers scattered pockmarks across the planet,
Allegiance: Scum following the path of TITAN advances and factories. Mid-Fall, the
Generously calling itself a “reclamation center,” Fresh Kills is owned Pacific space elevator came down, snaking across eastern Asia and
and operated by Sugali Ali. Several thousand residents follow the leaving a deep gorge in its wake across the continent. Nuclear winter
direction of their four-armed “Pirate King” to provide a semi-secure has left Europe buried under snowdrifts and glaciers, while Africa is
base for salvage work in orbit. Don’t travel alone on this habitat. a parched landscape of deserts and firestorms. Massive nanoswarm
Tensions with nearby Hexagon make ships approach cautiously to clouds create weird local weather distortions from hail to tornadoes.
avoid startling either well-armed habitat into aggression. Ash clouds still linger, coating the landscape.
The discarded trappings of transhumanity can be found at every hope are tucked into the Ozark caves and abandoned mine shafts
turn, abandoned in haste. Half-burnt cities, roads reclaimed by of southern Appalachia, the highlands of Papua and New Guinea,
plant life, freeways packed with fleeing vehicles that never made peeping past the trees of Vietnam and Laos, the caves of the Swiss
it. Everywhere you find the skeletons and flash-burned outlines of Alps, warm spots underwater near where the Philippines used to be,
the dead. Everything on the planet suffered in the wake of TITAN and off the coast of Madagascar. Some of these may be bait to lure
machines and nuclear attacks, so most animal life is absent too. victims, but others may be signs of surviving transhumanity. And,
Treasures may be found in the ruins, but explorers must be alert of course, many survivors remain frozen in cryogenic facilities or
for environmental dangers. Sinkholes and collapsing infrastructure stored away in digital form, awaiting rescue and revival.
than any other community. This is unsurprising given its status as LUNAR ATTITUDES
the first planetary body to be permanently inhabited. At present, Generalizations of Lunars as paranoid and insular are rooted in
Luna is home to forty million transhumans, many of whom live some truth. These attitudes are perhaps understandable in light of
in cramped conditions and economic deprivation. Luna’s original the tremendous damage inflicted upon Luna during the Fall. The
settlements were never viewed as economically viable colonies and infection of the New Mumbai colony by an exsurgent virus, its
were constructed for a fraction of their current population. During immediate prophylactic neutralization via two fusion bombs, and
the Fall, Earth’s moon became the primary destination for refugees the subsequent establishment of the New Mumbai Containment
fleeing certain death. While the majority of these displaced people Zone left deep scars in the collective psyche of the Lunar people.
ultimately moved on to more hospitable locales, Luna’s permanent Furthermore, the inhabitants of Luna need merely look up from the
population swelled. surface to see the smoldering remains of transhumanity’s home.
The pressures of overpopulation on Luna are further complicated It is arguably a result of these traumas that Luna remains one of
by an enormous disparity of wealth distribution, cultural tradition- the most politically and economically powerful places in the Solar
alism, and insularity among communities. Many cities and habitats System. While Luna has no central government, the majority of its
retain strong ethnocentric values. While open bigotry is rare and population live in settlements governed by the Lunar-Lagrange
widely frowned upon, tensions undeniably exist different cultural Alliance. The remainder are controlled by the Planetary Consortium
enclaves and between biological residents and the clanking masses. or live in a few independent settlements. By and large, Lunars live
in relatively traditional governmental systems such as democracies,
LUNAR LIVING republics, or under corporate rule. The LLA Council’s primary
By the standards of most other settled moons and planets in governmental concern beyond the base necessities of habitation
the system, Luna is an inhospitable place with extraordinarily maintenance and sustenance is in regards to the restriction of
low gravity, bereft of both atmosphere and magnetosphere. potentially dangerous technology. These restrictions make Luna a
Consequently, the majority of habitats are constructed using extinct less-than-welcoming location for many hypercorps and contribute
lava tubes and cave systems as their foundational excavations. A few to its increasing stagnation despite its wealth.
surface settlements do exist (partly buried under regolith for protec-
tion from cosmic rays), but these are inhabited almost exclusively by LUNAR CRIME
impoverished synthmorph communities. Luna's prevalent economic hardship has made criminal activity
The real measure of wealth on Luna is in its scarcest commodity: particularly attractive. Numerous criminal syndicates maintain a
living space. The truly rich live in enormous cavern-villas, hewn presence on Luna, relying on local organized gangs for their oper-
from Luna’s regolith or rock, afforded with panoramic views of ations. The manufacture and smuggling of proscribed nanotech-
space or Earth via bay windows. But these dwellings are rare, nology is alarmingly common in hidden cavern systems, and Luna’s
unthinkably expensive, and even more infuriating to the underpriv- low escape velocity makes smuggling both easy and lucrative. It is
ileged than might be expected elsewhere in the system. The average also believed that a number of reclaimer groups utilize Luna’s prox-
Lunar can afford only a few cubic meters of personal living space, imity to Earth and have established bases of operation in secluded
and many choose to cohabitate in small groups to save on expenses. regions of the Lunar landscape with the aid of disgruntled surface-
Luna’s settlements are only slowly expanding, and the vast number dwelling synths. Affluent Lunars point to these activities as further
of refugees from the Fall leave them still brutally overcrowded. evidence of the undesirable ethics of the synthmorph population.
Most of the Lunar poor were sleeved in cheap case synthmorphs
in the aftermath of the Fall and remain heavily indebted. Tens of LUNAR HABITATS
thousands have nowhere else to live but roughly finished tunnel Luna is host to dozens of settlements and orbital habitats, but five
complexes that are equipped with light and electricity but not yet major locales dominate its economy and politics.
vacuum sealed.
LUNAR TRAVEL Habitat Type: Subsurface
Travel between settlements is primarily made by rocket-powered Allegiance: Lunar-Lagrange Alliance
vehicles, or even personal rocket packs. The lack of air resistance Erato is Luna’s oldest and largest mining settlement, but the smallest
makes rockets extremely efficient modes of transportation. A of its three cities. Its population of approximately five million live
network of maglev-tracked, high-speed, subsurface shuttle lines is in what is widely considered the most beautiful and expansive
currently being expanded. At present, subshuttles service all of the spaces on Luna. Erato’s central hub is a vast cavern excavated before
major cities and adjacent settlements but they have not yet been the Fall and is the largest open space anywhere beneath the Lunar
networked between major hubs. Connecting lines are expected to surface. The city features numerous open parks and glider facilities
be fully integrated within two years. for aerial sports taking advantage of the low Lunar gravity. Mirrors
Luna’s surface is dominated by one of the most impressive feats direct sunlight down from the surface to the city's verdant parks
of engineering to be found anywhere — the skyhook. This tether and bamboo groves. Erato is the most affluent of the large Lunar
comprised of four bundled carbon-nanotube cables dangles down settlements and few synthmorphs can afford to live here.
Nectar Shackle
Habitat Type: Subsurface Habitat Type: Subsurface
Allegiance: Planetary Consortium Allegiance: Lunar-Lagrange Alliance
As the largest city on Luna, Nectar is also its most cosmopolitan. Built beside the small but critical ice deposits of the south pole,
As a Consortium holding, more off-worlders make their homes Shackle is the most important city on Luna. The city was established
in Nectar than in all other Lunar cities combined. Nectar actually in a series of relatively small caverns connected by tunnels. One
consists of two cities. Old Nectar is a traditional Lunar settlement of these tunnels contains a series of eight heavily guarded and
of tunnels and caves. New Nectar, located approximately three monitored caverns, which contain the Lunar ice reserves. Enough
kilometers from the old city, is a feat of incredible engineering. It is water is stored here to offset thirty-five years of recycling losses for
built in the kilometer-wide crater of a fully controlled plasma explo- all of Luna and a surfeit to cover any catastrophic loss of water to
sion beneath the surface. The new city was completed only eleven any Lunar city.
months ago, and in that time almost a third of the inhabitants of Founded by a consortium of hypercorps with heavy involvement
the old city have moved into the new city, now referred to simply from the pre-Fall Indian government, Shackle remains the largest
as Nectar. It is a beautiful city with lush gardens, but it has done center of Indian culture in the Solar System. The canals of the cavern
little to ameliorate overpopulation as was intended, and tensions of New Varanasi hold as much importance to the Hindu faith as the
between economic classes are growing by the day. Due to its prox- River Ganges did on Earth.
imity to the equator, Nectar lies on the skyhook's pickup path.
by a few main arterials in between. Flyways are relaxed in open
country. It’s a necessity to let drivers react swiftly to a big dust storm.
Posted by: Fazzat, Firewall Proxy INFO MSG REP There are traditional highways for ground vehicles, too, but these are
slower and more dangerous ways to get around, especially if you’re
Mars. We say it in the same way people used to say “Earth.” It’s passing through territory undergoing an eminent-domain dispute.
our home now. At least it’s home for me and two-hundred million
other transhumans. We flooded into Mars after the Fall, the only POWDER KEG
place with enough room and a barely habitable environment for All this progress doesn’t come easy. Being the new beating heart of
our entire extinction-fleeing species. Mars won’t be finished for transhumanity means the Planetary Consortium thinks it owns the
hundreds of years, but the promise of fresh air and open water and place. They’re trying to bring terraforming under central control
real freedom is more real everyday. It’s a place worth fighting for. with their Red Eden Project. That sounds great until your personal
hab and agricultural plots are in the dead center of a designated
TERRAFORMING comet impact zone and they’re claiming eminent domain and
Long before the Exodus, Mars had been the focus of massive terra- offering you a quarter of the value of your land.
forming projects, largely funded by Chinese nationals and hyper- Things are getting rough out in the hinterlands. Hell, it’s rough
corps. They had begun the first truly multigenerational scientific in the cities, too. You’ve got the richest, most aggressive hypercorps
endeavor in history — the transformation of an alien world into one in the system eager to get their piece of the pie — some of which
hospitable to transhuman life. Nanoswarms blacken the ground of will be beachfront property in a century or two . They're coming
the Martian equator to raise the albedo and heat the planet. Comets up against several million pissed off settlers, nomads, and inden-
crash down in a controlled manner to raise temps and spread tures who think they’ve got just as much right to the world they’re
water vapor. Engineered lifeforms are introduced and tweaked as making possible as the handful of people who paid for it. That’s the
our fragile ecosystem starts to grow (ask me about the year I spent Barsoomian Movement and, let me tell you, brother, if you aren’t
planting waterbears in Argryre Plantitia). Scumyards ceaselessly down with B you don’t want to know me.
emit methane to thicken and warm the atmosphere. They've
deployed a magnetic shield at the Sol-Mars L1 point to help retain MARTIAN SETTLEMENTS
atmosphere and are also talking orbital mirror arrays. But even after The habs where you’re most likely to find what you’re looking for.
decades of progress, Mars is frigid and light in atmosphere. We’re
getting there, but it’s still harsh and wild and beautiful, and you Elysium
better have a ruster or other adapted morph if you’re gonna spend Habitat Type: Dome
much time outside of the dome cities and tin-can habs. Allegiance: Planetary Consortium
Elysium is built into the floor and walls of the Hyblaeus Chasma
MARTIAN TRAVEL fissure, ten kilometers across at its widest point. The canyon rim is
Getting around’s getting easier, we’ve got the best rail line in the covered in a vast arc of thick panes of glass and water styled like
system. All of the cities and major settlements are connected by rail, Victorian ironwork. These are supported by massive pillars that reach
even out in the hinterlands. An awful lot of settlers owe their liveli- all the way to the chasm floor. Beauty is the core value of Elyisum’s
hoods to it. Freight and passengers are ferried around at speeds up to population, and entertainment is its core business. Ruled by the
400 kph, which means even the long trek from Valles-New Shanghai hyperelite Oaxaca-Maartens family (though they have a puppet mayor
to the space elevator at Pavonis Mons is only about 13 hours. and government), Elysium is where you go to make it big in entertain-
ment of any kind, and where you wash up hard if you fail.
Allegiance: Planetary Consortium Allegiance: Planetary Consortium
On the other end of the spectrum is Noctis-Qianjiao, the metic- The city of Valles-New Shangai sits atop a mesa that will one day
ulously planned business center of Martian society. The city is be an island, when the sea eventually fills the vast basin of Eos.
comprised of two domes, divided by the River Noctis and connected Thirty-seven million people call the five domes of this city home,
by huge bridges and conglomerations of souks. The bridges aren’t making this the largest gathering of transhumanity anywhere
just infrastructure, they’re neighborhoods packed with thousands since the Fall. Almost every group of peoples that survived the
of homes and businesses. Noctis City is the larger dome and holds Fall can be found here, speaking in every language that survived
just over half the population. The TTO maintains its largest offices with them. Indentures are omnipresent and almost half the popu-
here. Across the river is Qianjiao, home to the city’s major academic lation is serving out their contract or hustling to get by in sub-par
institutions. Of Mars's major cities, Noctis-Qianjiao is closest to the clanking synths and pods. Still, there’s hope that so many of us
Martian Gate, Pathfinder City, and Pavonis space elevator. It’s a long have survived.
way, but a lot of research ends up in Noctis for assessment. The New Shanghai dome is an impressive temple of excess, home
to the Tharsis League's central administration, embassies and arcol-
Pavonis ogies, and an authentic recreation of the Bund, the waterfront of
Habitat Type: Dome/Tin Can the original Shanghai on Earth. Little Shanghai is a hub of crime
Allegiance: Planetary Consortium and desperation. Valles Center, New Pittsburgh, and Nytrondheim
Pavonis Mons may not be the center of Martian life anymore, but teem with business, manufacturing, and every type of conceivable
it’s still an iconic location. It rises fourteen kilometers high, though entertainment. Covered souks connect the domes together, packed
it's still dwarfed by its sister volcanoes, Arsia and Ascraeus, and the with bazaars, food stands, and squats.
distant Olympus Mons. The city of Pavonis is cradled in its caldera
and was the first principal settlement on Mars. It sprang up around THE MARTIAN TROJANS
the space elevator, still a vital piece of Martian infrastructure, but Less dramatic than the other places I’ve mentioned, and often
as the rest of the planet became more habitable, the citizenry forgotten, are the Martian Trojans. This small group of rocky aster-
moved on, leaving it a ghost town. The outskirts are some of the oids trails and precedes Mars in orbit. A number of brinker and
poorest areas on Mars and occasional outbreaks of wild artificials hypercorp habs are found here.
(feral robots) make this a grim place to live. Proximity to the TITAN
Quarantine Zone doesn’t make Pavonis any more desirable. Qing Long
Habitat Type: Cylinder
Progress Allegiance: Triads
Habitat Type: Cylinder Qing Long (Azure Dragon) is the largest cylinder in the Solar System,
Allegiance: Planetary Consortium home to 2 million people, and also one of the oldest. Founded as
Progress was carved out of the moon formerly called Deimos. Home part of the Chinese effort to colonize Mars, Qing Long is now an
to the headquarters of the Planetary Consortium, Progress is a independent habitat with a transitional economy. In reality, the
crowded place of government and high-level hypercorp business. habitat is a notorious criminal haven with its administration
All of the major hypercorps have offices here. The architecture is a beholden to the triads. Though the14K triad is dominant, other
cross between an expensive mall and the most soulless corp facility cartels also have a presence, and they cooperate just enough to
you’ve ever imagined. maintain a thriving grey and black market.
or all your credits stolen, or end up in debt slavery on Extropia, or most common asteroids are these cute little micrometeoroids that
at the bottom of a cortical stack pile on Legba. You might also make can totally punch holes in flimsy parts of your ship — or even your
a fortune selling morph mods illegal anywhere else, discover an own body! Isn’t that exciting?
asteroid with rich veins to mine, or you could just make a living Obviously, those little babies aren’t much use for mining. If you
tracking down all the criminals who come there to lay low — you’ll want to mine asteroids, you should go for asteroid families. Families
never run out of work! are groups that cluster together on similar orbital paths and they
Tens of thousands of asteroids make up the Main Belt between often have the same composition, so if one has a metal you want,
Jupiter and Mars. People like to call it a boundary between the inner the others might, too. The major families even have names, and
and outer system, but I like to think positive and see it as a place for people know them well enough that they can help navigation.
people from both to get to know each other. Radical autonomists
and super-rich old-economy capitalists can coexist with Extropians BELT STATIONS
and uplifted octopi, and they only sometimes try to kill each other. The biggest asteroids with the most stable orbits and rotations have
The Main Belt has no centralized authority and a diverse collection the primary settlements. I’ll give you some highlights.
of habitats, so just about everyone can find a place for themselves
if they look hard enough. Heck, a flagrant criminal on Vesta might Ceres [1 Ceres]
be an ideal citizen on Extropia. If you just really don’t like someone Habitat Types: Bathyscaphe, Subsurface, Tin Can
or you have contracts out on each of your organs, you can just go Allegiance: Extropian/Hidden Concern/Planetary Consortium
to a different asteroid. The Main Belt picks up people, things, and Like Jupiter’s moon Europa, the dwarf planet Ceres has an icy
information that fell by the wayside in the inner and outer systems. mantle one-hundred kilometers thick that covers an unfrozen ocean
I would say it’s like a gutter, but that sounds so rude. Maybe think of twenty kilometers deep. The –38 C surface temperature actually
it as a gutter with some exotic flowers growing in it. feels toasty compared to a typical asteroid, though. Most of the
colonies on Ceres are Extropian operations, so that means more
they could do well for themselves without stabbing so many people. Starwell
Habitat Type: Cluster/Torus
Extropia [44 Nysa] Allegiance: ExoTech
Habitat Type: Beehive ExoTech is one of those corps that just worms their way into your
Allegiance: Extropians life. The electronics you're holding? Name-brand ExoTech. Your last
Extropia is the big ol’ market-anarchist dreamland. Anything you backup? Run on an ExoTech ego bridge. Your muse? Programmed by
could think of two consenting sapients doing, they let you do. ExoTech engineers. Heck, if you're an AGI, ExoTech may be your last
There’s no government, police, or central authority. Extropy Now name. We're all locked into ExoTech proprietary software ecosystems,
owns the habitat and rents it out, but everything else is all based forced against our will into Morgan Sterling's ExoCult empire.
on contracts. Starwell is where ExoTech's magic happens. The station is
It gets complicated with all the contracts you have to sign. crammed with R&D labs and guarded like fortress. ExoTech claims
Security? Contract. Insurance? Contract. Medical care? Contract. they need to protect themselves from rivals and terrorists. To be fair,
Breathe the air? Contract! Legal help? That one’s actually a subscrip- bioconservatives have attacked the station over their AGI devel-
tion plan. No matter what, you should make sure you understand opment initiatives. ExoTech's enemies say the defenses are hiding
contract law before you sign anything — or get an ALI that does. ASI research. Maybe. You'd have to ask Sterling, he always keeps an
Extropia has so many attractions to visit! The Drag is a straight alpha fork on site.
shaft running the length of Extropia, which houses most of the big
businesses. At either end are massive bazaars, where you can find Vesta [4 Vesta]
just about everything that exists: electronics, drugs, information, Habitat Types: Beehive, Dome, Sphere
relics from Earth, weapons, and so on. Most of the electronics Allegiance: Hyperelite/Independent/Starware
I’ve bought on the Drag were super expensive, broke down quick, If you are in the Main Belt and want to go someplace with a slower
and weren’t actually what I thought I was buying. You have to go pace, I’d tell you to go to Vesta. Vesta is the second-most massive
searching the side tunnels to find the good stuff. asteroid in the Belt. The beehive and dome habitats spread out over
The rest of Extropia is twisting tunnels and warrens. The the asteroid are all part of a parliamentary cyberdemocracy that
wealthiest and most prestigious Extropians live in Bernoulli, a uses the transitional economy model. A few hypercorps — wanting
fluid environment that uses environmental nanoswarms to slowly to strike out on their own without Consortium oversight or
change over time. I saw a chamber of snow-covered crags slowly Extropian entanglements — work together to keep Vesta indepen-
transform into a carpet of red grass and perfectly spherical bushes dent. Starware’s main shipyard facility orbits Vesta Prime, making
over about a week. The Noodle holds the best chefs on Extropia and ships they sell to polities all over the Solar System.
some of the best restaurants in the Solar System. I prefer to stick A mysterious personage known locally as the Dweller bought out
to Evangeline’s Eats, a little food cart on the outskirts. She makes a a whole mining settlement in the Rheasilvia Crater on the asteroid’s
burger with exofungal truffle oil that’ll blow out your tastebuds. The South Pole and made it their own private habitat. I haven’t found
Pits holds people who just couldn’t pay their bills or who are wanted anyone that’s gotten past all the automated defenses to describe
for contract violations. They don’t get heat, plumbing, or even light what it’s like. Ships sometimes go in and out, but they avoid the rest
down there. Heck, some of the shafts are still active mines. It can of Vesta. All anyone can say with any reasonable certainty is that the
be kinda fun to try, but you probably don’t want to live down there Dweller’s super rich.
gravity, power, and impact. It is home to the Jovian Republic, with Access is strictly controlled by patrol ships and killsats. Despite the
the largest and strongest military presence among transumanity. high levels of security, there have been a handful of terrorist attacks
Much like Jupiter itself, the Republic's sheer might is both a on Solano. The Junta places the blame firmly on the Autonomist
measuring stick and a force that tugs on every corner of the system. Alliance and anarchist factions in the Jovian system. Whether this is
true, hawks within the Republic consider it a casus belli.
Jupiter’s size surprises the first-time visitor, especially if you’re one Europa
of the lucky few who experiences approaching by spacecraft. It’s 11 Allegiance: Independent (Europan Parliament)
times the diameter of Earth but its day lasts slightly less than ten No briefing on Europa does it justice; the moon is best experienced
hours. Its colorful bands, ranging from white to brown to yellow, firsthand. Yes, there is native life under the ice. It evolved there for
are beautiful from a distance but hide churning winds and storms billions of years, completely independent of life on Earth. Scientists
unrivaled in the rest of the Solar System. These clouds are mostly have been studying this life since before the Fall, and it was from
hydrogen and helium with a few heavier trace elements; Jupiter those original science colonies that the Europan Parliament grew,
lacks the mass to become a star, but not the composition. an independent democracy entirely apart from the Junta. Europa
A faint ring system circles close to the planet, along with over 70 is a minor state compared to the Republic or the Consortium. It is
natural satellites, from tiny moonlets to worlds larger than Mercury. perfectly content to exist unmolested, though it maintains a minor
Jupiter’s immense magnetosphere hangs over our system like a shroud. protective militia.
It washes the Galilean moons, especially Io, with radiation levels so Europa sits deep within Jupiter’s magnetosphere; apart from a few
high that unshielded exposure kills within hours if not minutes. surface structures, everyone lives in massive bubble warrens carved
into the ice dozens of kilometers below the surface. Conamara
JOVIAN LIFE is the only major surface habitat; it acts as the elevator head for
Life in the Republic is a crucible that forges steel — or grinds a goods shipped to and from the oceans below. Tens of thousands
person to dust. The Fall taught us that transhumanity’s follies of Europans have fully embraced life in the cold, dense, saltwater
should not be repeated. The Seventeen-Minute War, the military oceans, sleeved in heavily modified biomorphs and synthmorphs.
conflict that left the Jovian system a smoking ruin, taught us that Europan culture is unique. Education and the sciences are highly
old-Earth power structures would dominate us without concern valued, and Europa has the highest rate of advanced degrees in the
for our own well-being. And the Consortium takeover of the inner Solar System. Undersea life has given rise to new sports, from races
system, along with the autonomist seizure of the rimward system, to aquatic orienteering.
taught us that we were the last hope for transhumanity’s survival.
We understand suffering. We know the need for protection, Ganymede
whether from our host planet’s radiation belts, the TITANs, or the Allegiance: Jovian Republic
insipid mistakes of the children around us. Life in the Republic is Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System — larger than
regimented, authoritarian, and safe if you follow the rules. Nowhere Mercury — and the largest population center in the Republic.
else in the Solar System can make this claim. Everything on or near Ganymede is a member or protectorate of the
The Republic does not control every habitat and settlement in the Republic. The moon is tidally locked, and while it isn’t as far inside
Jovian system. Europa and Callisto remain steadfastly independent, the magnetosphere as Io or Europa, an unprotected morph on the
and there are many smaller habs the Republic considers too incon- surface takes lethal doses of radiation in less than an hour. Most of
sequential to bother with. Still, access to these areas by physical its settlements are deep underground, buried in a honeycomb of
means is strictly regulated, especially for Republic citizens. caverns and tunnels that cut through the entire moon. A few dot the
surface, existing to service those deeper.
JOVIAN SETTLEMENTS The Castle is the Junta’s information and data repository. It’s an
Posted by: Zoe Elizabeth, Firewall Proxy INFO MSG REP open secret that this is where the Junta surveils its citizens. Non-AI
data analysts comb through mesh traffic, entertainment feeds,
Seventy million transhumans live within Jupiter’s influence. Carving security data, surveillance chatter, the latest XPorn, love letters, and
out settlements here is challenging, especially considering the Junta’s primary school art projects. Everything is tagged, classified, and
bioconservative policies restricting radiation-hardened morphs. The filed, censored where appropriate, and routed to the correct authori-
closer to the planet one gets, the harder it becomes to shield a hab ties. Entry is limited to a single shuttle on a single route: other ships
against radiation. On larger moons, stations are buried far under- are destroyed by killsat.
ground. Smaller moonlets are hollowed out into Reagan cylinders, Several habitats orbit Ganymede; the Holy See (or New Vatican)
spun for gravity, using their natural rock as buffers. It’s not without is the home of the Roman Catholic Church in exile. It’s a Reagan
reason that the rest of transhumanity considers them unsafe, unstable, cylinder upgraded to the point of opulence and houses many of
and worthless, unless you’re trying to pack a bunch of people into the artifacts the Church has rescued from Earth. It serves as school
one place and keep them under control. In other words — perfect for for biblical scholarship, a museum, and the de facto heart of post-
the Junta. Fall Christianity.
console. That’s why you need to be prepared.
Liberty Pirates
Habitat Type: Subsurface/Cluster Their Trojans an excellent base from which to launch pirate raids.
Allegiance: Jovian Republic Several of the most notorious pirates to plague the system, like
Liberty is the capital and largest city in the Jovian Republic. It’s a Margarita Shun and Reboot_Ex, keep hideouts here. They prey on
mix of deep factories and farms churning out the materials to keep loosely-guarded Republic shipping or automated hypercorp freighters
the Republic running, a government town where lobbyists and returning sunward. Carbon reaver gangs prefer to hit isolated mining
moralists compete for time with the Senate, and an authoritarian ouposts, grabbing the goods before they're shipped out. Pirates use
police state. People here wake up, go to work, come home, and keep sophisticated hit-and-fade tactics to cover their tracks. Some deploy
their heads down. top-of-the-line synthmorphs and ship weaponry, but most are more
Venture far enough into the outer tunnels and deep chambers of devious than well armed.
Liberty and the Junta's control recedes. These are, remarkably, some
of the poorest and most dangerous slums in the Solar System. Some Locus
areas are such a crime-ridden free-for-all that security forces refuse to Habitat Type: Nuestro Shell
enter; the Junta simply acts like the people there don’t exist. Allegiance: Anarchist
Liberty Station hangs in geosynchronous orbit over the city. A Locus is the largest cluster habitat ever created, spanning a
space elevator was planned to connect the two, but the project was jaw-dropping eleven-kilometer sphere with thousands of modules
abandoned when resources were redirected. The station is the main docked to its wings and spurs. At the center of the cluster floats the
shipyard for the Junta; the Space Force keeps a quarter of its fleet Amoeba, a giant sculpture that reshapes itself and changes colors.
here at any time, and the spiderweb-like arms and legs jutting out There is no government or police; tasks are performed by various
from the original asteroid supply hundreds of ships in various collectives and a volunteer militia responds to threats and anti-so-
stages of construction or refit. cial behavior. The "economy" is based on open nanofab access,
gifting, and rep favors, with the occasional barter.
Callisto Locus features everything from artist collectives to arms dealers
Allegiance: Independent/Jovian Republic and mining cooperatives. The Kanigawa Farms feeds the station’s
Callisto is the farthest Galilean moon from Jupiter and the farthest inhabitants. The Pill Box is a massive drug lab and party module,
from the Junta’s clutches. It’s a crater-pocked wasteland with little where you can experience the latest petals and substances that
going for it except its distance from Jupiter’s radiation belts. Several didn't exist yesterday. Rooktown is a cultural focal point for neo-cor-
city-states dot Callisto. The Republic claims them as protectorates, vids and mercurial activism. Various maker spaces and hack labs
but the city-states see themselves as independent. work closely with Exarchia, another Trojan hab that is a nexus for
autonomist hacktivism.
Hyoden Boister’s Armory, an anti-TITAN research facility, doubles as
Habitat Type: Subsurface station security, firing upon any would-be attacker. They work
Allegiance: Independent with other collectives for mutual defense of the cluster. Twice the
Prior to the Fall, Hyoden was a backwater with poor supplies and Consortium has attacked Locus, and twice Locus has repelled its
a massive labor shortage. The settlement accepted more than a would-be oppressors.
Everyone here is free: there’s no oppressive political bloc telling drawn to the vices offered, and the KPA makes bank on offering them
you how to run your life every minute of every day. There’s room protective services. The KPA runs a business license protection racket
to spare for its more than 80 million transhuman inhabitants, all to keep the gangs from getting out of hand. The anarchists keep to
of whom can express themselves as they see fit. There are major themselves, but sometimes conflicts flare up with neighboring groups.
centers of learning for those who want to expand their mind, phar-
maceuticals for the same, employment opportunities, space to hide, MeatHab
space to party, and space to live and love. Habitat Type: Biological
Saturn’s famous wide, thin rings stretch from 7,000 km above Allegiance: Independent
the top of its clouds to nearly 80,000 km. More than 60 moons and When post-Fall postmodernism is no longer enough, artists create
moonlets orbit Saturn, including Titan, the only satellite in the Solar projects like Turn Yourself Into a Giant Mass of Space Meat for Art!
System with a thick natural atmosphere. MeatHab is a living habitat made primarily of vat-grown bacon.
Originally intended to be temporary, it attracted a following of
THE RINGERS anarchists, scum, researchers, and weirdos that squatted the station
Saturn’s rings are the primary source of water in the system and to bask in the oddness of its veinous, skin-covered corridors. It has
a great place to go to be alone and contemplate the beauty of the even spawned its own religious cult, the Acolytes of Living Meat.
universe. Ringers forego habs and use vacuum-tolerant morphs to By all indications, the mysterious original designer is still present,
live here, going months without seeing anyone else. Some ringers occasionally playing pranks on its inhabitants.
are here to hide, but most are just solitary; they look out for each
other and protect each other's privacy. Pandora
Habitat Type: Beehive
GAS MINING Allegiance: Independent (Gatekeeper)
Mining the clouds is a major business. Contractors operate auto- Saturn’s outermost shepherd moon is also one of the most studied
mated skimmers or navigate harvester aerostats to extract methane and trafficked places in the Solar System. The site of the first
and ammonia from the top of the atmosphere. Deeper operations discovered pandora gate, Pandora has a single major settlement:
dip into Saturn’s depths to return with volatiles and helium-3. Gateway. Run by the Gatekeeper Corporation, once a subsidiary
Orbital refineries run by hypercorps like Volkov process the gases of the Commonwealth of Titan but now autonomous, Gateway is
and ship them to habitats around the system. the major hub between here and there. Almost every hypercorp and
government with any influence has representation here. This mix
SATURNIAN SETTLEMENTS makes the station a steaming cauldron of cultures, ideologies, hopes,
Saturn’s diversity expresses itself in many ways. The range of trans- dreams, and ruthless ambitions.
humans and cultures here is as beautiful as our planet’s rings. The scum barge Lost in Neverwhere is an excellent supply point
for sentinels who need to acquire discrete items. It maintains a
Bright (Tethys) semi-permanent orbit around the moonlet, moving only when
Habitat Type: Hamilton Cylinder station security gets sick of their antics.
Allegiance: Independent (Acumenic)
What happens when you stick genius-level egos together in a single Phelan’s Recourse
hab, provide for their basic needs, and turn them loose on whatever Habitat Type: Swarm
strikes their fancy? You get Bright, a joint hypercorp experiment Allegiance: Scum
in commodifying intelligence. Well, it was a joint project until Known colloquially as Phelan’s, this scum flotilla is a waystation
Acumenic pulled a hostile takeover, even pushing Cognite's project between Saturnian civilization and the wilderness beyond; a
lead out an airlock. Now Acumenic is struggling to assert control constant, free-wheeling party where you’re just as likely to find your-
over the station. At least one part of the habitat has been seized by a self blasted out an airlock as you are chasing a high with some of the
group of self-made sociopaths and closed off to outsiders. Bright is finest Fall refugees you’ll ever meet. While Phelan's is a fine place
housed on a work-in-progress Hamilton cylinder constructed from to pick up some of the greatest mind-altering substances you can
Tethys’ moon Telesto. ingest, its best export is Phelan’s Ma, hands-down the best whiskey
in the galaxy unless you happen to have a bottle of 21-year-old
Kronos Cluster PortWood Balvenie. Phelan's swarm cycles between Saturn's moons,
Habitat Type: Cluster making it an excellent place to score intel and make connections.
Allegiance: Independent (Anarchist/Criminal/Ultimate)
Kronos started as an Extropian and anarchist settlement made of Profunda (Enceladus)
tin-can modules and grew to the bursting point after the Fall, when Habitat Type: Beehive
it accepted hundreds of thousands of refugees from Earth. The orig- Allegiance: Extropian
inal settlers found themselves at odds with newly-formed criminal Profunda is the largest settlement on Enceladus and famous
syndicates, and Kronos became a hotbed of the quasi-legal and across the system. On-station government is nearly nonexistent;
morally questionable. business is conducted with Extropian legal contracts. The Profunda
designed to inspire. Vast parks and green spaces combine with Habitat Type: Dome
architecture meant to emulate everything from the Hagia Sophia to Allegiance: Titanian Commonwealth
the Al Haram to Canterbury Cathedral. It is hard not to stand within Titan’s third-largest city is both charming and dangerous. It’s a
Salah and feel awe. wonderful place to spend a holiday, and its old-Canadian-inspired
architecture, gaming facilities, and four-star restaurants encourage
Twelve Commons (Epimetheus and Janus) tourism. It’s also the Commonwealth’s main hub of criminal activity,
Habitat Types: Beehive/Cluster/Spheroid/Torus with gangs fighting for control and a police force that seems
Allegiance: Anarchist woefully unequipped.
Twelve Commons is a neighborhood of habitats that reside on or Most visitors to New Quebec are perfectly safe. If, however, you
near the co-orbital path of the moonlets Epimetheus and Janus. were looking for underworld connections on Titan, needed some
There are now many more than twelve of the original anarchist extra muscle, or wanted to get your grubby little paws on something
collectives that formed Twelve Commons. The entire settlements iffy, then New Quebec is your best bet.
occupies a cloud spread out over 20,000 kilometers. It’s a refuge for
scientists, artists, engineers, and writers. Nyhavn
Notable communities include the Do-It-Yourself Shipyards, Habitat Type: Dome/Subcrustal
where the technicians and automated construction facilities delight Allegiance: Titanian Commonwealth
in taking your ship design from plans to reality; Janus Commons, The Commonwealth’s capital and largest city is Nyhavn, a series
a 900,000-person habitat full of research labs and experimental of four vast domes, skyward-pointing spires, and a spiderweb of
theater productions; Long Haul, a collective devoted to liberating tunnels bored into Titan’s crust. It’s the commercial, cultural, and
infugees and indentures and giving them new morphs; and Small industrial hub of Titan (and perhaps the Saturnian system).
Majesties, a collective of nano-artists. Nyhavn’s four main domes (Great Nyhavn, Telemark City, Old
Nyhavn, and New København) provide housing, recreation, educa-
TITAN tion, and services for the city’s residents. Vast parks merge seam-
Posted by: lessly with microcorp offices, industrial facilities, rail lines, and
Magnus Ming, Titan Autonomous University INFO MSG REP educational institutions. Skyport Nyhavn is Titan’s busiest space-
port, offering flights anywhere in the Solar System. Because the city
As transhumanity’s fate approached, scientists settled on Titan is situated on Titan’s equator, a space elevator is under construction
to study its unique lakes and rivers of liquid methane. Soon they on Mt. Kristiansund just south of the domes.
settled the moon with the dream of creating a place where all
transhumans could live free together. The Titanian Commonwealth, Commonwealth Hub
home to 60 million transhumans, is the realization of that dream. Habitat Type: Nuestro Shell
Saturn’s largest moon is shrouded in a permanent orange Allegiance: Titanian Commonwealth
atmospheric haze, hellishly cold (averaging –180 C), and whipped The Hub floats in geosynchronous orbit over Nyhavn. It is Titan’s
by winds produced by tidal forces four times stronger than those primary spaceport, with a massive fleet of orbital landers to shuttle
influencing Earth’s climate. On its face, it appears even less hospi- goods and people down to the surface. A recent shutdown of the
table than the airless balls of ice and rock comprising every world port's activities was blamed on improper imlementation of a soft-
between Titan and Mars. The meager sunlight reaching its surface is ware update, but rumors point to some sort of contained outbreak.
Saturn • Titan
offices here, trading for volatiles. Visitors find Varuna either provin-
cial or charming.
Posted by: Maanika Kristoffson, Firewall Proxy INFO MSG REP Several independent and hypercorp-controlled science labs have
set up shop on Varuna, One major research project is an attempt to
Beyond Saturn’s orbit, the Solar System turns into a sparsely adapt pre-Fall Earth life to create oxygen-free biomes on gas giants.
populated wilderness with just a handful of large settlements and Success would open the colonizable area in the Solar System by
countless smaller ones. Uranus orbits at 10 AU beyond Saturn, and several magnitudes.
Neptune at 10 AU beyond that. The distances between stations
and delta-v required to reach them is enormous, growing larger by URANIAN MOONS
measures the farther you travel. Life in the rimward system is both Uranus has six significant satellites and several tiny moonlets in
fragile and self-sufficient. It’s a hodgepodge of brinkers, anarchists, increasingly eccentric orbits. The main moons orbit around the
romantics, scientists, and entrepreneurs — sometimes all combined. planet’s tilted equator, which means intercepting them from the
system’s elliptic takes a hell of a lot of fuel and skill. Most Uranian
THE ICE GIANTS moons are sparsely inhabited. Due to their inclination, the smaller
Uranus and Neptune are ice giants, comprised of water ice, methane, moonlets may be the last uninhabited places in the system.
and ammonia with rocky cores. The resources mined by skimmers
on both worlds are vital to life beyond Saturn, from the water that Oberon
keeps settlements alive to the volatiles used to fuel the freighters Allegiance: Anarchist
that plumb the outer trade routes. 8,000 of Oberon’s 10,000 inhabitants live in Chat Noir, a frontier
As the saying goes: it’s a cold, rough life, but it beats inner-system outpost run by a handful of anarchist collectives. It has advanced
bullshit. resleeving, egocasting, and manufacturing facilities, primarily to
service the Fissure Gate, the only pandora gate in anarchist control.
URANUS The gate’s discovery transformed Chat Noir from a backwater to a
Uranus has the distinction of hosting most of the civilized settle- boomtown overnight. So far, the Consortium has been unable to
ments beyond Saturn. It’s the last stop for comforts (and vices) take control of the gate from the anarchists, and Chat Noir’s security
before losing yourself in the final wilderness of Neptune and the keeps it that way.
Kuiper Belt. Most of transhumanity disregards Uranus as a boring The Cobweb is one of the premier farcasting facilities in the Solar
backwater not worth the fuel it takes to match its odd orbit. Their System, taking advantage of Oberon’s distant orbit from Uranus’s
loss. Uranus’s oddness, and that of its inhabitants, is precisely what interfering magnetosphere to egocast nearly anywhere. The facility
makes it beautiful. is mobile, crawling across Oberon’s surface on spiderlike legs to
From a distance, Uranus is a stunning, featureless greenish-blue. achieve maximum signal fidelity. The Chat Noir collectives control
It’s only when you get closer that you can appreciate the nuances in Cobweb and only those with a high enough @-rep can use it.
the clouds, the glittering ring fragments, and the jewel-like moons. The Consortium and various hypercorps, tired of dealing with
the anarchists’ security measures and Chat Noir’s lack of more
The Sideways luxurious amenities, have started prospecting to build a second
Uranus’s equator is inclined ~98 degrees to its orbit. Uranus’s magnetic spaceport on Oberon.
field is inclined ~60 degrees as well, though it’s far weaker than
Jupiter’s or Saturn’s, making life among the clouds a relative cakewalk. Titania
Orbital insertion around Uranus requires a short, furious burn that Allegiance: Anarchist/Brinker/Hypercorp
challenges even the best of pilots (who still require software assistance). Titania is synonymous with Xtreme sports, high-end holidays, and
It’s one of the reasons Uranus remains remote and largely unsettled. media glitz. It started as another autonomist prospector camp, until
bored kids began diving from Messina Chasma, one of the largest
Life Among the Clouds canyons in the system. Titania’s low gravity means the 0.5-kilometer
Uranus is perfect for supporting aerostats and the local culture of fall takes a full 51 seconds, and an elastic carbon-fiber cable allows
skimmers have turned harvesting volatiles into a cottage industry. easy return to the base.
Without strong radiation or winds, these aerostats bumble happily A few grainy videos hitting the mesh was all it took for media
along, converting Uranus into useful materials. They range in size hypercorps to leap on the commercial possibilities. Now the moon
from a few dozen people to single-person operations. is a resort for inner-system glitterati interested in frontier fun. Most
Skimmers like their privacy, but if you let them engage you in of Titania’s settlements ring Messina Chasma.
conversation, you'll be opening yourself up to dubious stories of The settlement Crossing is the de-facto Xtreme sports headquar-
derring-do, plausible tales of escaping the authorities, or yarns ters because it hosts the 5-kilometer bridge that crosses the canyon.
about shapes in the clouds. Nearly every skimmer has at least one It’s a classic rural resort town with surprisingly luxurious amenities,
story of a strange heat source, sighting of an off-record ship or aero- from its resleeving facility to its drinking, dining, and sex dens.
stat, or something even odder floating among the methane plumes.
Varuna Habitat Type: Hamilton Cylinder
Habitat Type: Aerostat Allegiance: Ultimates
Allegiance: Brinker At a length of 5.5 kilometers and diameter of 1 kilometer, Xiphos is
Varuna is Uranus’s only large aerostat. It’s run by an elected council one of the largest and best-apportioned habitats outside of the Main
and acts as a hub for skimmers. A few hypercorps maintain small Belt. It began its life as an O’Neill cylinder before Manu Bhattacharya
The entire Neptunian system is home to barely 100,000 people. African ecosystem on a Torus hab around Triton. Unfortunately
Here you are valued more for what you do than what you’ve done. it never had the funding to fully realize its vision. The scientists
Whether you’re running from the law, from obligations, or from running Afrik filled holes in the ecosystem using gene splicing,
some jealous partner you pissed off — no one here cares. nanofabrication, and borrowed xenobiology. It’s worth visiting if
There’s your odd tourist, Xtreme sports enthusiast, or researcher only for its uniqueness, but understand that it is not a zoo.
too. My favorites are the prospectors, looking for a gate. “Gates at
Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Eris! There must be a gate at Neptune!” NEPTUNIAN TROJANS
Not yet, but it won’t stop the cowboys from trying. Posted by: Adam Mooliee, Firewall Sentinel INFO MSG REP
Most Neptunian life is concentrated on the planet’s moons or on
the few habs that circle the ice giant. Except for the handful of known By the numbers, there are more Neptunian Trojans asteroids than
aerostats floating around in Neptune’s 2,000 kph winds, that is. Jovian. Most aren’t larger than 10 km across and aren’t worth a damn
in terms of minerals or volatiles, but they make a dandy place to hide.
Mushroom They’re home to tiny, scattered communities of brinkers, survivalists,
Habitat Type: Aerostat and other eccentrics; most stations house 500 transhumans or less.
Allegiance: Brinker
The brinkers on Mushroom embody the term paranoid: egocasting Hawking
from a handful of trusted stations is the only way in. If you try to Habitat Type: Beehive/Cluster
approach by ship, your molecules join Neptune’s beautiful swirling Allegiance: Independent (Hypercorp)
clouds. Once aboard, you’re held in psychosurgery until they deter- Hawking is a hypercorps skunkworks facility. The local brinkers
mine why you’re there. If they don’t like the reason, you’re ‘cast off. avoid it; ships that get too close are warned once and then fired upon
Mushroom is one of the few places to get an up-close look at with prejudice. ExoTech’s Morgan Sterling is supposedly one of the
Neptune’s roiling clouds and weather, but little research happens facility’s investors. Its research involves theoretical space drives. On
here. There are no radio or mesh transmissions allowed out; anyone the upside, Hawking’s remote location means any physics "mistakes"
found attempting to do so is exiled. The stat uses a few strategically probably won’t hurt the rest of the system. Probably.
placed repeater satellites to receive transmissions, so the inhabi-
tants at least stay up on current events and sports scores. Ilmarinen
Who’s footing the bill for this little venture and why? Ask any Habitat Type: Beehive/Cluster
Neptunian about Mushroom and you’ll get a shrug and a quick Allegiance: Anarchist/Brinker/Argonaut
change of subject. Ilmarinen is a celebration of the cold and vacuum of space. Every
Supposedly there’s a habitat called Jaques even deeper than available morph has substantial environmental tolerance upgrades.
Mushroom. I don’t think it exists. The station’s residents freely mix and mingle with the chill and
vacuum of the void beyond their walls. Areas containing plants and
Glitch precious possessions have strict environmental controls; the rest of
Habitat Type: Processor Locus the hab can depressurize or drop drastically in temperature at any
Allegiance: Independent/Mercurial time. The station is a haven for engineers, designers, and techies
Glitch is the largest processor locus in the system. It’s a refuge for who prefer to work free from hypercorp influence and control.
the smartest and most creative transhuman minds. The infomorphs
wouldn’t want your mother to know about.” That’s partially true. research, trying your hand at prospecting, or up to no good. When
There’s plenty of criminal or amoral shit going down in those big open brinkers in the fringe meet hypercorps representatives, we suspect
spaces between pockets of civilization. There’s also plenty of commu- something untoward is going on. Watch your step out here.
nities of hard-working folks who just want to be left the hell alone. Communities this far out are very closely knit, and any outsiders
Everything interesting happens in the dark. It’s very dark out there. are threats. The distances between outer-fringe settlements are hard
to grasp, especially for inner-system inhabitants used to shuttling
THE INNER FRINGE around the Consortium. Getting from Neptune to Pluto is a logis-
More than 10,000 asteroids tumble around inside Mars’s orbit, and tical (and economic) nightmare if you aren’t egocasting in.
a full tenth of them are over a kilometer in diameter, which means
they can house a bubble, cylinder, or beehive habitat. You don’t The Dogs
have to flee rimward to hide; there are plenty of places sunward the Habitat Type: Beehive
Consortium won’t go or simply doesn’t know about. Allegiance: Brinker/Unknown
Economic exploitation of these asteroids isn’t as lucrative as mining This small cluster of tiny centaur asteroids are each in the process of
the Main Belt. Many of them are in eccentric orbits that put them being transformed into weapons platforms by automated bots and
far from the ecliptic. There are still quite a few bodies in the inner swarms. The entity behind this project is known only as the Artifex.
system that haven’t been properly mapped or detected. Inner-fringe Their intentions remain unclear. We have yet to ascertain if this is an
settlements range from paranoid to hedonistic to downright criminal. art project, a proof of concept, or something more sinister.
Impian Mortusae
Habitat Type: Bubble Habitat Type: Beehive
Allegiance: Shui Fong Triad Allegiance: Exhuman
Impian (“Dream” in Malay) was once 1086 Ganymed, the largest of Saturn lacks Trojan asteroids due to the influence of Jupiter, which
the Amor asteroids and the first settled and mined. It asserted its disrupts the long-term stability of the Lagrange points. A small
independence after the Fall, but was soon infiltrated by the Shui asteroid temporarily orbiting at the Sol-Saturn L4 has been occupied
Fong triad. The Shui Fong kept Impian’s simulspace-coding and by an exhuman group identified as the Empusae. Composed of both
software development hypercorps intact, running the station as a sublime and predator exhumans (and possibly others), they have an
center of “safe vice for a price.” avowed goal of enslaving transhumanity. This particular nest seems
to have hostile intentions for Saturnian habitats.
Habitat Type: Beehive/Cluster New Sarpalius
Allegiance: Zrbny Limited Habitat Type: Beehive
1866 Sisyphus is a binary asteroid orbiting between 0.9 and 2 AU. Allegiance: Planetary Consortium (disputed)
It’s the home of the largest Zrbny Limited waystation in the inner This 65-kilometer centaur asteroid was home to a pre-Fall mining
system. It was built entirely by automated manufacturing robots operation. When the company' leadership was destroyed during the
after the corporation mysteriously went into lockdown and termi- Fall, the Algerian workers launched a strike against local management
nated all personnel. Zrbny’s own paper trail runs out quickly. With that turned into a full revolt. For years the habitat ran along anarchist
no signs of transhuman involvement, it’s not clear who’s pulling the lines under the name Sanctuary. Just a few months ago, however, a
strings on Sisyphus and why. Consortium-backed coup seized control. Autonomists are divided
on how to respond, as the coup seems to have strong local support,
PEX though some residents claim there was a Consortium conspiracy to
Habitat Type: Torus (Mars-Sol L2) slowly seed the colony with supporters over a course of years.
Allegiance: Planetary Consortium
The Planetary Stock Exchange lives on the creatively-named PEX
station. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more secure habitat in the
inner system. It accounts for a major portion of mesh traffic during
peak trading hours as suits from across the system wheel and deal.
Oversight's central offices are here.
The habitat itself is appropriately luxurious; visitors and the
handful of permanent residents can buy nearly any experience
they want. The hab’s halls are carpeted and ostentatious displays of
money and power are the rule of the day. The finest French restau-
rant in the Solar System, La Petite Pigeon, is on PEX’s second-highest
floor. I can only speculate how they source their pâté.
Despite the tight security, someone released a biowar agent here that
caused multiple traders to suicide or chew their own arms off in AF 8.
brothers’ favor find themselves shoved out the nearest airlock. There are no major settlements on Pluto or Charon except for tiny
mining outfits and brinker communities. The Tulihänd station, a
THE KUIPER BELT & OORT CLOUD cluster hab balanced between the two bodies, oversees the largest
The K-Belt and Oort Cloud are leftovers from the formation of the mining operation in the remote rim. Tulihänd runs comet-capture
Solar System: pieces of debris that never bumbled together to form operations and manufactures and controls the massive crawlers that
a proper planet. Out here all you'll find are iceteroids that haven't strip smaller KBOs; materials harvested are returned to Tulihänd’s
been convinced to become comets yet and the occasional frozen refineries before they’re flung back to inner-system buyers.
dwarf planet. Life this far out is either a brinker’s paradise or a Tulihänd itself is a fortress. Shipments in and out are popular
punishment posting. targets for pirates, so information about mining and refining opera-
The Kuiper Belt extends from 30 50 55 AU. There are a few tions are closely guarded secrets.
scattered settlements in the K-Belt; it’s a combination of Old West
homesteading and living like some filthy medieval hermit. The even Haumea
less-dense Oort Cloud starts around 2,000 AU and extends to inter- Habitat Types: Tin Can
stellar space. No one really lives there. The furthest we've gotten a Allegiance: Mafeng Pirates
probe so far is around 30,000 AU. Haumea tumbles through an eccentric orbit anywhere from 35 to
50 AU. Haumea’s surface is marred by a gigantic red crater from an
Eris impact early in its life; the only settlement on the mineral-and-vola-
Habitat Types: Beehive tile-poor rock is a mining camp on the crater’s rim. This camp is the
Allegiance: Go-nin Group/Ultimates major base for the Mafeng gang, the largest and best-equipped band
Eris lies 55 AU beyond the sun, and this speck has seen a dispro- of pirates and thugs in the K-Belt.
portionate amount of action for a body barely able to maintain
hydrostatic equilibrium. It’s made of rock, water, and methane ice. Makemake
its tiny moon, Dysnomia, is an unremarkable captured chunk of Makemake orbits between 38 and 51 AU, and its composition
rock. What Eris does have is the Discord Gate, and the battles for suggests it is a captured piece of interstellar debris. It’s about
control of the gate have turned the surface of this tiny shithole into two-thirds the size of Pluto and has at least one moonlet. Official
a war-scarred wasteland. records say Makemake is uninhabited except for a few prospectors.
The Go-nin Group controls Eris and its only settlement, Torii, Unconfirmed reports suggest that ships destined for Makemake are
home to approximately 20,000 transhumans. Torii is a beehive far better armed and equipped than any prospecting vessel should be.
carved deep into Eris, in part because the gate location physically
sunk when Go-nin somehow destroyed it, before later rebuilding Tyche
itself. Torii is Eris’s only spaceport; unauthorized ships coming Tyche is a cold Jupiter in a highly eccentric, slightly inclined orbit
within 500 km are terminated. with a perihelion of about 220 AU and an aphelion of 1200 AU.
Dysnomia houses Pharos, an Ultimate base armed to the teeth Discovered by analyzing mathematical anomalies, Tyche’s existence
with combat morphs, ships, weapons batteries, and even nuclear and was confirmed in the early 21st century. It’s about ten times the
antimatter weapons. The Ultimates guard over Torii and help defend mass of Earth but only four times the diameter, making it incredibly
against anarchists and exhumans. dense. That’s all we know about the ninth planet. The Argonauts
have sent probes to Tyche, but they won’t arrive for another 20 years.
Thankfully, the TITANs did not complete this project; who knows
what terrible uses they may have found for it. We are unsure what
Source: When No-Go Means We Go LINK happened: the transformation simply ceased. Perhaps the TITANs
moved on. Perhaps the TITAN behind the endeavor died in the process.
Throughout the system, places attacked by the TITANs during the Iapetus is now quarantined under the aegis of The Titanian
Fall remain off limits. The weapons used to destroy the TITAN Commonwealth. The machinery and other secrets buried under
machines frequently left these locations uninhabitable or destroyed the ice are of great interest to many parties. Research teams from a
beyond repair. In many places we simply failed to complete the job, number of hypercorps and polities have established stations in orbit
leaving exsurgents and other threats lingering in the ruins. and outposts in the subsurface tunnels. The Commonwealth cannot
Abandoned TITAN projects have been located throughout the condone irresponsible research, so it does its best to limit access to
system, many hidden in the outer system well away from the fights what it considers responsible parties.
near Earth and Mars. More than one gatecrashing team has detected Reports of encounters with fractal trolls and other exsurgents
signs of the TITANs’ passing on unexplored exoplanets as well. indicate a few remain alive in the tunnels beneath the surface. These
Charging stations, launch sites, nanofab and research facilities, and victims appear uniformly mad, resorting to fight-or-flight reflexes
even active machines have been discovered. Thankfully, no team has when encountered. They do need to eat but it is better not to ask
stumbled across an active TITAN — yet. what they find edible deep in the tunnels.
There are reports of shifting tunnels and encounters with self-
IAPETUS repairing machinery. Teams have reported discovering art scratched
A large moon of Saturn, Iapetus contains deposits of silicates as well into the walls, disturbing crystalline statues, and hypnotic patterns
as ice. At one time, two hundred thousand residents lived at Analect, in the circuitry. Members have vanished during exploration and are
the moon’s largest settlement. During the Fall, Iapetus was targeted found later with no memory of wandering from the group. Some
by the TITANs and the transhuman population was exploited for have never been located.
labor and exsurgent transformation. Encoded transmissions broadcast randomly every few weeks
Guarded by fractal trolls, the TITAN drones bore deep into the from the depths of the moon. If parts of the matrioshka brain are
moon, rebuilding everything with layers of silicate circuitry. We still active, they may contain the shattered remains of its TITAN
believe their goal was to transform Iapetus into a matrioshka brain, creator. The Commonwealth does not encourage decryption of any
a megastructure computing complex fit for an ASI. signals recorded.
center of TITAN activity. As the machines fell back and remaining and, if approached cautiously, may be helpful. Zone stalkers search
exsurgents stayed within the Zone, authorities concluded, at least for the ruins and old TITAN facilities to retrieve artifacts to sell. There
now, that quarantining the area was easier than trying to retake it. are also isolated communities that prefer to remain in the Zone,
Ten years later, the Zone is still under quarantine, despite anal- such as the Yazidis, a religious sect of Kurds infected with a mostly
ysis that indicates retaking the region is possible. The hypercorps benign strain of Watts-MacLeod. They aren’t hostile, are willing to
are happy, however, to have the Zone to use as a good distraction barter, and will offer visions of their own story of the Fall to friendly
from other issues , not to mention profit from reverse-engineered guests. The vision may also leave their guest infected with the Watts-
Zone artifacts. Retaking the Zone would also be expensive, so it MacLeod virus as a parting gift.
remains politically and financially convenient to leave the Zone
alone. And not that any politician likes to admit it, but there are still OTHER LOCATIONS
worries that the Zone is a sleeping danger best left alone. There are many smaller locations of TITAN and exsurgent activity.
The southern edges of the Zone are rough terrain, featuring On Mercury, there is Caloris 18 on the southern tip of the Caloris
canyons and ridges. The rest of the Zone is pockmarked with craters, Planitia. Records indicate biological experimentation to merge
some natural and some the result of explosions, and flattens to a separate morphs into one continuous entity. While this effort did
wide plain in the north. The Zone is full of lingering traps, dust not produce a viable result, the area has been sealed to prevent
storms, bizarre exsurgent critters, and war-time machines and repeat incidents.
nanoweapons waiting to be stepped on and reactivated. Not every- Many of the derelict abandoned habitats in Earth orbit that
thing in the zone is dangerous; decorative if creepy formations suffered TITAN attacks are still there, waiting to be salvaged. The
are scattered throughout the Zone like an art gallery of twisted beehive habitat Blackrock was a communications nexus for Luna
sculptures. These fractal barrows, silicate columns, and artificially and an early casualty to TITAN attacks, leaving the rock barren and
eroded shapes are presumably created by nanoswarms but no one radioactive. Encoded transmissions originating from there indicate
has observed any in the act of creation. that some presence remains. Its orbit is unstable; it will likely crash
into Luna within 5 years. Likewise, the Chinese military station
The White Zone Shenlong ("Divine Dragon") was seized by the TITANs. Though
At the center of the TQZ lies the White Zone, the Amazonis Mensa, damaged, it survived, and its automated defenses continue to keep
a high plateau one hundred thirty kilometers long and seventy-five intruders at bay.
kilometers wide. The White Zone was a hotbed of TITAN activity and Though the Consortium has kept a tight lid on it, there are rumors
remains the most dangerous area of the Zone. TITAN warbots, zombi- of a recent exsurgent outbreak on the exoplanet colony Cajamarca
fied transhumans, and nanoswarms are all still active here, sometimes that has not yet been fully contained.
in large numbers. The Tharsis League regularly drops comets here
(double bonus, help terraform by killing baddies), but there are
indications of massive subsurface structures and tunnels in active use.
In the time shortly after the Fall, transhumanity needed hope, and
we found it in the pandora gates. Just as we lost our home, the
galaxy suddenly opened up to us. The gates work as wormholes,
allowing you to travel from one point in the galaxy to another in
moments. Even more significant, the gates are programmable,
allowing us to pick and choose our destinations (sorta, the process
is not exactly refined). So, imagine getting thrown to the curb by
your partner only to find an endless sea of people offering you a
place to crash. Sure, you’ve only got a hastily packed suitcase and a
shattered heart, but you’ve at least got options.
Each of the gates works more or less the same as the others, but
that’s where the similarities end. Each gate has a different group
managing it, and they range from hardcore profit-driven hyper-
capitalists to idealistic autonomist collectives. They all have their
own rules and procedures. What is standard protocol at the Fissure
Gate will get you escorted out of the spaceport in handcuffs at the
Martian Gate. To understand each of the gates, you have to under-
stand their contexts — political, social, economic, and historical.
funds a chance at experiencing the universe. And they offer grants rock in the Kuiper Belt. Discovered by anarchists, it was seized by
for research projects that might not otherwise get hypercorp backing. hypercapitalists who then lost it to exhumans before taking it back
All that free advertisement certainly pays for itself, and Gatekeeper with the help of technofascist mercs.
just loves playing up the spectacle and romance of discovery and Currently, the stoicly efficient Go-nin Group runs the Torii
milks it for all they can get. More than a few have gotten pulled complex that houses the gate itself. Go-nin prides itself in its
into the gatecrashing life after seeing one too many x-casts, only to Japanese traditions, even going so far as to recover a Torii gate from
find themselves pushing buttons at a terminal at the Martian Gate a Shinto shrine on Earth to mark the entrance to the gate.
wondering where the hell their life went wrong. Go-nin somehow managed to destroy the Discord Gate shortly
after they acquired it. Rumor is they messed around under the
Pohl Research Labs hood a bit too much and it blew up in their face. Amazingly, the
Named after the first gatecrasher to die on a mission (he's still gate simply rebuilt itself, just a kilometer deeper in the crater that
gatecrashing today!), the Pohl Research Labs are stationed at the far was left. Good to know the warranty was still in effect.
end of Pandora from the gate. These labs study anything and every- The Torii complex is almost entirely subterranean, with kilome-
thing related to gatecrashing, from astrobiology to exotic physics. ters of tunnels carved into the methane ice.
Lab space is provided for hypercorps and autonomist research
co-ops alike; the Argonauts of course have a major presence here. Monsters Everywhere
Gatekeeper works to share the discoveries here with transhumanity The self-important Ultimates stationed on Eris’s moon Dysnomia
at large, despite hypercorp efforts to keep the best for themselves. are there to bolster Go-nin's defenses. A few exhuman cells occa-
Below the labs, a high-security vault contains the largest collection sionally make sabotage runs on Torii or raid a long-haul shipment.
of xenoarcheological and alien relics accumulated so far. A few times, they've even attacked through the gate, from exoplanets
on the other side. The technofascists and exhumans are generally
THE FISSURE GATE happy to fight each other, and most of us are just waiting for them
While all those gates may be in hypercorp hands, Fissure Gate has to wipe each other out.
the distinction of being the only gate run by autonomists. Fissure The anarchists of Ilmarinen, the original occupiers of the gate,
is on Oberon, an icy moon of Uranus. An anarchist collective also periodically probe the gate’s defenses with mesh subversions
known as Love and Rage protects and operates the Fissure facility and drone sabotage. They lack the military power to retake the gate,
and the associated spaceport/outpost known as Chat Noir. Most of but they remain a thorn in Go-nin's side.
this complex is under Oberon's ice, with a series of surface domes
capping it off. One of those domes is composed of pieces of what OTHER GATES
is believed to be an alien spaceship hull, found in the orbit of an If you believe the mesh conspiracy forums, there are a dozen other
otherwise unremarkable exoplanet. Known as the Enemy Mine, that gates hidden around the Solar System, either secretly held or yet
dome houses the best saloon in the Uranian system and a respect- to be found. Prospectors prowl every lone rock hoping to score big.
able stock of anarchist microbrews. The gate itself is 500 meters Claims of one on Earth might be the most believable, given the
down, in a subsurface fissure complex reached by elevators. TITANs were active there. Another top choice is one in the Oort
Chat Noir is a main stopover for long-haul shipping in and out Cloud, possibly under Factor control. Really, though, the thought of
of the Uranian system, so it gets a lot of traffic. The consistent more gates is a bit unnerving—after all, we never know what might
influx keeps the area diverse, but it also means the autonomists decide to come through it.
ushered in a new era for transhumanity. A true diaspora for our remain suggest that the Iktomi had a great uneasiness towards the
species is underway as we spread out across the galaxy. The number gates. Whatever wiped out the Iktomi and all other life on Echo Alpha
of new worlds discovered via the gate network is nearly countless, left the Echo Gate untouched.
and increasing constantly. While many if not most worlds accessed Echo Beta seems wholly undamaged by the catastrophe that blasted
to date have been of limited utility, a number of exceptional loca- its sibling planet. This lush world has no gates and is reachable only
tions have been discovered and colonized. What follows is a brief by shuttle from Echo Alpha or via egocasting. A number of hypercorps
but not exhaustive overview of some of the most notable worlds. maintain biogenetic and pharma research facilities here, well-guarded
against the local wildlife. Interestingly, there is no evidence that the
DROPLET Iktomi ever inhabited this world despite its proximity.
Gate Access: Pandora Gate
One of the first habitable worlds discovered via the original Pandora PORTAL
Gate, Droplet is an exotic and lethal Earth-like planet. Only 8 Gate Access: Fissure Gate, Pandora Gate, Vulcanoid Gate
percent of its surface is comprised of dry land, with the remainder Portal is noteworthy for being a system that contains a nexus of
given over to unimaginably deep oceans. Droplet’s gravity and atmo- gates, much like our own Solar System. Remarkably, unlike our own
sphere are both somewhat higher than Earth’s but not dauntingly so. system where the gates are found on disparate planetary bodies,
Droplet is the focus of serious long-term colonization efforts despite Portal possesses six gates within a one-kilometer radius.
its numerous, voracious, and often massive native lifeforms. The surface of Portal is frozen and hostile but the nexus of gates
Droplet’s waters are notoriously the home of enormous predators has made it home to one of the largest extrasolar settlements of
that are not at all averse to dining upon transhumans or even small transhumanity anywhere. The three-domed colony of Isra was
vehicles. On land, a variety of arthropod-like shelled amphibians founded by Muslim gatehoppers and is primarily populated by
and triphibious creatures capable of swimming, flying, and walking autonomists, brinkers, and independent gatecrashers. Hypercorp
all enjoy a rich ecology in which transhumans sometimes play a personnel are tolerated but closely monitored, as Isra’s inhabitants
dietary role. Consequently, installations on Droplet are surrounded are fiercely independent. All six of Portal’s gates are contained
by barriers and heavy weaponry. within the separate dome of Mi’raj and segmented for security and
Approximately one million years ago, Droplet’s native life gener- quarantine purposes. The Gatecrasher’s Guild maintains the facility
ated a sapient species that developed a technological civilization and controls access to the gates. The Guild is more permissive in
before vanishing completely. Referred to as the Amphibs, their its attitude towards gatecrashing than most other gate-controlling
ruins abound in coastal regions. Numerous artifacts give us a clear factions, making Portal a natural destination for individuals and
vision of these amphibious peoples, though the cause of their groups with esoteric or even eccentric goals.
disappearance remains a mystery. Even more interesting, another Though there are no signs of Iktomi presence on Portal, there
alien species known as Iktomi also left ruins on Droplet, though is evidence that at least one other alien race has utilized the
much more recently. Both civilizations have left traces near an Portal gate nexus in the past. The wreckage of a single, very large
anomalous structure dubbed “the Toadstool” located in the shallow wheeled vehicle, believed to be roughly 900,000 years old, was
waters just offshore Davis Island. This bulbous, mushroom-shaped found on its side approximately 200 kilometers from Isra. A large
structure reaches a height of almost five hundred meters above the container removed from the wreckage contained thousands of
surface of the sea. It is believed to be over a billion years old and perfectly preserved devices dubbed “fixors.” The devices are small
is maintained by poorly understood nanoswarms that keep it in orange ovals that when activated remain fixed in place to the local
a state of perfect repair. It predates the Amphibs by hundreds of gravitational field. Their functionality remains totally opaque to
millions of years but little else is understood or even guessed as researchers and seems to act in violation of known laws of physics.
to its nature.
ECHO Gate Access: Vulcanoid Gate
Gate Access: Pandora Gate Sunrise is a truly remarkable world, even by exoplanet standards.
The Echo system is named for its twin suns and contains two It is tidally locked in its orbit, leaving one hemisphere eternally
noteworthy exoplanets. Echo Beta is verdant and flourishing with shrouded in night and the other in perpetual daylight. It is also a
trackless forests and impressive megafauna. Echo Alpha is reached nexus world where no less than seven gates have been found in a
via the Pandora Gate and is a barren, lifeless world home to the first rough belt around the planet’s unique twilight equator.
Iktomi ruins discovered by transhumanity. Weather on Sunrise is extreme. At the hot pole, the planet’s star is
Echo Alpha’s atmosphere is toxic, its landscape is bleak, and it is always directly overhead and temperatures are continually 80 C. In
littered with ruins. Over 7,000 transhumans are based out of the dome contrast, temperatures at the cold pole hover around –70 C. The static
habitat of Alexander, approximately 1,500 kilometers from the Echo dispersion of solar heat on the planet results in a heavy, near-con-
Gate, adjacent to one of the largest sets of Iktomi ruins ever found. tinuous wind. Since hot air rises and cold air falls, the wind blows
This settlement was founded by Gatekeeper and Argonaut xenoar- perpetually from the same direction, encircling the globe.
cheologists, who cooperate with a number of hypercorps and other Little life is found on Sunrise’s nightside. The endless chill
collectives with interests in extraterrestrial studies. Much of what we means that what life exists is clustered around hydrothermal vents,
Extrasolar Systems
Roleplaying games are about creating drama and adventure, and
that often means adrenaline and conflict. Action scenes are the
moments when the adrenaline really gets pumping and the charac-
ters’ lives and missions are on the line.
Combat and action scenarios can be confusing to run, especially
if the GM also needs to keep track of the actions of numerous NPCs.
For this reason, it’s important for the GM to detail the action in a
way that everyone can visualize, whether that means using a map
and miniatures, software, a dry-erase board, or quick sketches on
paper. Though many of the rules for handling action and combat are
abstract — allowing room for interpretation and fudging results to
fit the story — many tactical factors are also incorporated, so small
details can make a large difference. It also helps to have the capa-
bilities of NPCs predetermined and to run them as a group when
possible, to reduce the GM’s burden in the middle of a hectic situation.
Not every problem can be solved with words or wits. Whether you
employ fists, knives, guns, or more creative options, all violence in
Eclipse Phase is handled as an opposed test between the attacker and
defender. Use the following steps to resolve combat situations, after
determining initative: Initiative & Order of Actions ▶33
morphs or heavily augmented biomorphs. extra punch. A set of gloves on each hand counts as a single weapon.
Except as noted, all melee implements are wielded with Melee Diamond Axe: Common in many habitats for fire and emer-
skill. Melee ware and weapons may be coated with drugs or toxins gency purposes, axes require two hands to wield. Their blades are
(Coated Weapons ▶219) such as poison or nanotoxins secreted from diamond-coated for superior cutting ability.
a poison gland ▶322 or implanted nanotoxins ▶335. Extendable Baton: This hardened composite baton retracts into
its handle for easy carrying, storage, or concealment. Extending it
MELEE WARE simply requires a flick or an electronic signal.
Implanted weaponry can be combined with eelware to deliver elec- Flex Cutter: The blade of this machete-like weapon is made of a
tric shocks. memory polymer. When deactivated, the blade is limp and flexible
Claws: The morph has retractable claws like those of a cat. These and can be rolled up or otherwise easily concealed. When activated,
claws do not interfere with manual dexterity and are razor sharp. the blade stiffens and sharpens into a vicious slashing weapon.
They are legal in most habitats and considered tools as much as Knife: A standard, commonly carried cutting implement.
weapons. A set of claws in each hand counts as a single weapon. Monofilament Sword: Though archaic, swords are sometimes worn
Eelware: A combination of electric eel genetics and bioconduc- as a fashion statement or display of badassitude. Self-sharpening
tors in the hands/feet/limbs (bioware) or electrified panel placement near-monomolecular edges can slice through metal or limbs.
(hardware) allow you to stun with a shocking touch. Eelware can Monowire Garrote: This assassin’s weapon features a dangerous
be used to recharge standard batteries or power specially modified near-monomolecular wire wrapped around a contained spool with
devices by touch (treat as a standard battery). two handles. One handle grips the spool, while the other extends
Piston Spike: This pneumatic-driven spike is triggered with an the wire so that it can be wrapped around targets (typically necks or
impact (usually a punch) and designed to pierce modern armor and limbs) and slice through them when pulled. Monofilament tensile
synthetic frames. Most are designed for repeated use, though an strength is weak, however; it breaks on a superior failure. This
alternative single-use model delivers a minigrenade (this grenade weapon is wielded with Exotic Skill: Monowire Garrote.
attack bypasses armor). Piston Spear: A spear version of the piston spike ware.
Spur: A smart-material blade is bonded to the bones on the Shock Baton: Used by police, these batons deliver an electric
back of the morph’s hand, foot, or other strategic place. This blade shock when activated.
extends up to 6 inches through concealed ports. Shock Glove: When activated, this glove delivers an incapaci-
tating shock along with every punch, grab, or touch.
size category and/or has 2 more/less limbs than you, apply a +/–20
modifier as appropriate. You may not grapple targets two size
categories or more larger than you. Grappling attacks do not cause Sometimes you’re caught off-guard and must use whatever is at
damage unless you roll a critical success (though even in this case hand — or maybe you just think you look cool whaling on someone
you can choose not to). with a meter of chain. The Improvised Weapons table offers statis-
If you succeed in your attack with a superior success, you subdue tics for a few likely ad-hoc items. GMs can use these as guidelines
your opponent (they acquire the grappled condition). A grappled for handling items that aren’t listed. These weapons are wielded
opponent is temporarily restrained and their Movement Rate is 0. with Melee skill, though the GM may rule in some cases that an
They can communicate, use mental/psi skills, and take mesh actions, Exotic Skill is necessary.
but they cannot take any physical actions other than trying to break
free. (At the GM’s discretion, they can make small, restrained phys- IMPROVISED Damage Value
ical actions, such as reaching for something in their pocket or nearby, WEAPONS [Average] Complexity Notes
but this may require a SOM Check or other test). Baseball 1d6 + 1 [5] Min Concealable
To break free, a grappled character must take a complex action and Biomorph (Medium) 1d6 [4] Knockdown,
succeed in a Melee Test or SOM Check opposed by the grappler's Two-Handed
Melee or SOM Check. If the character frees themselves and scores a Bottle 1d6 – 1 [3] Min
superior success, they can choose to grapple the other character. Bottle (Broken) 1d6 + 2 [6] Min
When grappling, both characters are at –30 to oppose any attacks Chain 1d10 [6] Min Reach
made against them by others outside of the grapple. Chair 1d10 + 2 [8] Min Two-Handed
On each subsequent action turn, a grappling character must Helmet 1d6 + 2 [6] Min
spend a complex action to maintain the grapple. As part of that Plasma Torch 2d10 + 8 [19] Min Armor-Piercing
action, they may also choose to do one of the following: Robot (Very Small) 1d6 + 1 [5] Concealable
Rock 1d6 + 2 [6] Min Concealable
• Choke: Biomorph victims must make a SOM Check or fall uncon-
Shiv 1d10 – 1 [5] Min Concealable
scious as their blood or air flow is restricted.
Synthmorph (Small) 1d6 [4]
• Damage: The grappled victim suffers unarmed damage, no defense.
Synthmorph (Medium) 2d6 [7] Knockdown,
• Knockdown: Grappled victims must make a Melee Test or SOM
Check at –30 or be knocked prone. They remain grappled and
Utilitool 1d10 [6]
cannot stand up/re-orient until they are released or break free.
Wrench 1d10 [6] Min
• Move: The grappler can move themselves and the subdued oppo-
nent at half their Movement Rate.
Improvised Weapons
Reloading aside, you are assumed to carry enough standard
ammo or batteries that you will not run out. You should, however,
Ranged combat attacks fall into five categories: beam weapons, keep track of smart and specialty ammo, seeker missiles, and larger
kinetic weapons, seeker weapons, spray weapons, and weapon ammunition. Likewise, in remote locations or situations where you
systems. Each is described below. are isolated from resources, the GM may have you track the ammo
Most ranged weapons are constructed from lightweight but you use.
hardy ceramic hybrids and refractory metals. They are designed
for ambidextrous use and equipped with safety systems ▶216, Indirect Fire
smartlink systems ▶217, and helper ALIs that automatically mesh With the help of a spotter, you can target an enemy that you can’t see
with the wielder for firing assistance, target recognition, and using indirect fire. Indirect attacks are primarily made with seekers,
tactical networking. grenades, and other projectiles that do not follow a direct-line trajec-
tory to the target. You must be meshed with a character, bot, tactical
RANGED COMBAT RULES network, or sensor system that has the target in its sights and which
The following rules apply to all types of ranged attacks. feeds you targeting data. Indirect attacks suffer a –20 modifier.
Seeker missiles ▶212 can home in on a target that is “painted” with
Aiming reflected energy from a laser sight ▶216 or similar target designator
If firing in single-shot or semi-auto mode, you can expend your quick system. An “attack” must first be made to paint the target with the
action to aim. Apply a +10 modifier to your attack. laser sight using Guns skill. If successful, the target acquisition
You can also expend an entire complex action to fix your aim on negates the –20 indirect fire modifier for the seeker launcher’s
a target. As long as the target remains in your sights on your next attack test. The target must be held in the spotter’s sights (requiring
action, you receive +30 to hit. a complex action each turn) until the seeker strikes.
All beam weapons are equipped with both a standard and nuclear kinetic energy to the target, superheating and creating an explosion
battery ▶317. The standard battery powers the weapon’s shots until when striking. The bolter’s beam is not diffused by the cloud that
depleted (per its Ammo stat). The nuclear battery will recharge a occurs when it strikes, and so it has greater penetration than the
standard battery completely in 4 hours. Standard batteries can be laser pulser. Likewise, the bolter is not affected by smoke, fog, or
swapped out with a reload complex action. A battery used in one rain. Bolters must be set for either atmospheric or exoatmospheric
type of beam weapon may not be used in other types. (vacuum) operation and will not function in the opposite environ-
ment, though it only takes a complex action to switch. The beam
BEAM WEAPON WARE appears like an arc of lightning in atmosphere, but is invisible in
Hand Laser: The morph has a weapon-grade laser implanted in its vacuum (though visible in the shooter’s entoptics).
forearm, with a flexible waveguide leading to a lens located between Stunner: The stunner is an electrolaser that creates an electri-
the first two knuckles on the morph’s dominant hand. The laser’s cally conductive plasma channel that transmits a powerful electric
batteries are implanted and not easily swapped out in biomorphs. current, shocking the target. Stunners do not work in vacuum.
a larger cloud of lethal flechettes, enough to shred a portion of the
target into a fine mist.
Spray weapons blast their ammunition in a widening cone, allowing Sprayer: This is a general-purpose two-handed squirtgun, loaded
the firer to strike several targets at once (Area Effect ▶218). They are with tanks filled with the chemical or drug of the wielder’s choice.
fired using Guns skill. Each shot uses 3 doses; each target is hit with 1 dose.
Ammunition: With the exception of buzzers (which use Torch: This modern flamethrower uses condensed ammunition
nanoswarms) and sprayers (which use chemicals/drugs, 3 doses per capsules rather than fuel tanks, scorching targets and setting them
shot), spray weapons follow the ammunition and reloading rules ▶206. on fire. A superior success sets the target on fire; they will continue
Buzzer: Buzzers are used to deploy a particular type of to take DV 2d10 per action turn (armor does not apply) until extin-
nanoswarm, either at a target or over an area. They carry a limited guished. These chemical fires are particularly difficult to put out
number of swarms, but contain a specialized hive ▶342 that can unless they are deprived of oxygen.
construct new swarms. Vortex Ring Gun: This less-lethal weapon detonates a blank
Freezer: Freezers spew out a fast-hardening foam that imme- cartridge and accelerates the explosive pressure down a widening
diately hardens. They are primarily used as a non-lethal method barrel so that it develops into a high-speed vortex ring. This spin-
of immobilizing or securing a target. Struck characters must ning, donut-shaped, concussive blast knocks down and stuns close-
immediately make a REF Check or become trapped; treat as the range targets. Drugs, chemicals, and similar agents can be loaded
grappled condition ▶226. Breaking free requires a SOM Check by into the charge as well.
the trapped target (at –30 ) or an outside helper. The attacker's
superior successes can be used to apply a cumulative –10 modifier
to these checks. Additional shots can be used to apply more layers
to a trapped target (each requiring a SOM Check to break free). The
foam allows characters to breathe even if their mouth and nose are Aside from grenades (Seeker Weapons & Grenades ▶212), few
covered, but it may impede sight. Freezer foam can be spiked with throwing weapons are commonly used in Eclipse Phase. Use
contact toxins or drugs to additionally incapacitate the target. It can Athletics skill when throwing items to strike with an impact, such
also be used to construct temporary barricades or cover (creating as a baseball or dart, or to center an area effect, like a grenade. Use
moderate cover for 1 person per shot). Hardened foam has an Armor an appropriate Exotic skill for weapons that require more finesse or
thermal damage, possibly melting or evaporating the target entirely.
Plasma rifles are perhaps the deadliest man-portable weapons in
use. A superior success sets the target on fire; they will continue to Spaceship weapons, habitat defense systems, emplaced turrets: all
take DV 2d10 per action turn (armor does not apply) until extin- such weapon systems are fired using Interface skill. These types
guished. Plasma guns suffer from dangerous overheating in vacuum of weapons are invariably controlled through meshed computer
and require 1 full action turn of cool-down time after every 2 shots. interfaces. The attacker relies on the weapon’s sensor feeds, tactical
Shard Pistol: This weapon fires a stream of diamondoid shards display, and skill rather than any physical action. For this reason,
at high velocities with each shot. A blast of these micro-flechettes Insight pool applies to tests when using weapon systems, not Vigor.
is very traumatic to flesh, but their armor-piercing capabilities are Many weapon systems use portable weapons that are emplaced
offset by their low mass. Shard pistols are ideal for close-quarters or physically hardwired to a turret or similar hardpoint. Others are
habitats, as the shards tend to shatter rather than ricochet. Shard significantly larger weapon systems, designed for taking out ships
ammunition is sometimes coated with drugs or toxins for extra and military vehicles. The rules and stats for these systems are
efficiency. beyond the scope of this book, but as a general guideline they will
have ranges and Damage Values double that of portable weapons.
occupying a middle ground. Machine pistols use smaller caliber
rounds but provide larger magazines for automatic firing.
Kinetic weapons fire hard-impact projectiles at high velocities Submachine Gun: SMGs are designed in bullpup configura-
to damage the target. There are two categories of slug-throwers, tions for close-quarters operations and are ideal for tactical and
based on their firing mechanisms: chemical firearms and railguns. strike teams.
Railguns have higher penetration and inflict more damage, offset Assault Rifle: Automatic rifles use rifle ammunition and have
by battery needs and more limited ammunition choices. Most fire- greater range and penetration than SMGs.
arms are equipped with programmable smart bullets by default and Battle Rifle: Battle rifles use higher caliber rounds, providing
have a range of other ammunition choices. Due to their lethality better range and stopping power than assault rifles.
and versatility, they remain in widespread use. Both firearms and Machine Gun: Machine guns are heavy weapons, typically
railguns work in vacuum. They are wielded with Guns skill and mounted, and intended to provide continuous fire for support or
resisted with kinetic armor. suppressive purposes.
Sniper Rifle: Sniper rifles are optimized for range, accuracy,
FIREARMS penetration, and stopping power.
Modern chemical firearms use caseless smart ammunition that is Polygun Pistol: Polyguns are modular, shape-changing weapons
auto-loaded from a magazine. They are effectively recoilless (thanks that can switch between holdout, medium pistol, heavy pistol, and
to rheological smart fluid mechanisms) and electronically fired (an machine pistol forms. Each form requires separate ammunition.
electric charge vaporizes the propellant, using the expanding steam Switching forms takes 3 action turns.
and plasma to eject and accelerate the projectile). Polygun Rifle: This carbine functions like the polygun pistol,
Pistol: Holdout pistols sacrifice penetrating ability for conceal- except that it can switch between SMG, assault rifle, and sniper rifle
ability. Heavy pistols focus on stopping power, with medium pistols as needed.
Damage Value Firing
KINETIC WEAPONS [Average] Modes Ammo Range Complexity/GP Notes
Holdout 1d10 + 1d6 [9] SA/BF 9 + 1 25 Min/R/1 Concealable
Medium Pistol 2d10 [11] SA/BF/FA 15 + 1 30 Min/R/1
Heavy Pistol 2d10 + 2 [13] SA/BF/FA 9 + 1 35 Min/R/1
Machine Pistol 1d10 + 1d6 [9] SA/BF/FA 30 + 1 25 Min/R/1
Submachine Gun 2d10 [11] SA/BF/FA 30 + 1 50 Mod/R/2 Two-Handed
Assault Rifle 2d10 + 2 [13] SA/BF/FA 45 + 1 100 Mod/R/2 Long, Two-Handed
Battle Rifle 2d10 + 4 [15] SA/BF/FA 30 + 1 200 Mod/R/2 Long, Two-Handed
Machine Gun 3d10 + 2 [19] BF/FA 50 + 1 500 Maj/R/3 Fixed, Long
Sniper Rifle 3d10 + 10 [26] SA 9 + 1 500 Maj/R/3 Fixed, Long
Polygun Pistol As Pistol As Pistol As Pistol As Pistol Mod/R/2 As Pistol
Polygun Rifle As Rifle/SMG As Rifle/SMG As Rifle/SMG As Rifle/SMG Maj/R/3 As Rifle/SMG
Railguns As Above As Above x2 x1.5 As Above As Above, Armor-Piercing
upon environmental conditions (wind, rain, etc.). Gas munitions
deliver a dose to anyone within the cloud, but they dissipate after
3 action turns.
High-Explosive Armor-Piercing (HEAP): A design only avail-
Seeker weapons are a combination of automatic grenade launcher, able for seekers (not grenades), HEAP warheads use high explosives
micromissile, coilgun, and smart munitions technology in personal to blast a path for a penetrating tungsten-alloy round. HEAP rounds
weapon sizes. Seeker rounds are fired at high-velocity via rings of have no blast radius, but are very effective at penetrating armor.
magnetic coils, after which the micromissile or minimissile uses Plasmaburst: These munitions release a burst of plasma upon
scramjets or solid-fuel rockets to propel itself and maintain high detonation that causes searing heat and fire damage across the
velocities over great distances. Seekers are fired using Guns skill. area of effect without the devastating shockwaves of explosions
Disposable Launcher: This launcher is pre-packed with one that might rebound in an enclosed environment and/or breach a
standard missile. habitat’s infrastructure.
Seeker Armband: Worn on the arm like a bracer, this weapon Splash: Splash devices spread a contained substance (a drug,
fires micromissiles via an entoptic interface. chemical, nanoswarm, paint, etc.) over a 10-meter blast radius when
Seeker Pistol: This pistol-sized seeker fires micromissiles in they detonate. Each contains 5 doses of a toxin/drug (targets are
semi-auto mode. affected by 1 dose) or 1 nanoswarm.
Seeker Rifle: The seeker rifle comes in a bullpup configuration Stun: These enhanced versions of flashbangs release a concussive
and fires either micromissiles or minimissiles. blast and a cloud of rubber “stingballs” designed to stun targets and
Underbarrel Seeker: This seeker micromissile launcher is knock them off their feet. This blast also releases a blinding flash
commonly attached to the underbarrel of SMGs or assault rifles. and a deafening thunderclap. Treat as a shock effect ▶219.
Stun seekers/grenades can also be set into “overload mode,”
SEEKER MISSILES AND GRENADES inflicting an all-out sensory assault for a full minute. In addition
Seekers and grenades are both compact, multi-function, explosive to blinding glare, the device releases nausea-inducing malodor-
devices. Seekers are packaged in standard missile, minimissile, or ants and infrasonic frequencies that trigger unpleasant emotional
micromissile sizes and fired from seeker weapons using Guns skill. responses (anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, revulsion, and fear).
Grenades are designed to be thrown using Athletics skill or placed Tactical Multipurpose (TMP): TMP devices can be set to deto-
as traps using Hardware: Explosives. Grenades come in standard nate in either fragmentation or high-explosive mode. Fragmentation
form or as minigrenades. explosives spread a cloud of lethal flechettes over the area of effect.
Minigrenades and micromissiles are the baseline for listed High-explosive seekers/grenades create a destructive shock and
effects. Adjust the effects for minimissiles and standard grenades/ heat wave.
missiles as noted on the table. Most are area-effect weapons ▶218. Thermobaric: Thermobaric munitions disperse a cloud of aerosol
Each can be set for different trigger conditions ▶213 or to adjust the explosive over an area and then ignite, literally setting the air on fire,
blast radius ▶218. Seekers/grenades that miss or that hit but are not generating a devastating pressure wave, and sucking the oxygen out
sticky ▶below and are not set for impact or airburst detonation will of the area.
scatter ▶218. Listed complexity is for 5 grenades/missiles.
Each seeker missile can function as either accushot or homing SEEKER AND GRENADE RULES
ammunition ▶211. These rules apply to grenades, seeker missiles, and similar weapons.
Dazzler: Dazzlers are spinning laser devices, designed to blind
targets and defeat surveillance. Anyone within line of sight in the Adjusting Blast Radius
radius of effect (50 meters) who is not equipped with anti-glare mods When engaged in offensive operations, the blast radius of grenades
must succeed in a REF Check or be blinded ▶226 for 1 action turn, +1 and seekers can be dialed back, so that attackers are not caught in
per superior failure. A critical failure results in permanent blindness the area of effect. For uniform area effect weapons, simply declare
(until repaired/healed). Any visual light/infrared cameras are over- a blast radius less than the one listed. For centered area effects,
loaded for the dazzler’s duration. Unless set to a timed deactivation, increase the DV reduction per meter, up to a maximum –20/meter.
dazzlers continue to blind for 1 hour or until wirelessly turned off or Such adjustments require a quick action and can be set remotely.
physically destroyed (DUR 10, AV 5/10).
EMP: EMP munitions fire off a strong electromagnetic pulse Jumping on Grenades
when they “detonate.” Since most electronics in Eclipse Phase are You can take one for the team and throw yourself on top of a
built with optical technology, and power supplies and sensitive grenade to protect others. You must be within movement range
microcircuits are shielded and surge-protected, this has no major of the grenade’s location, take a complex action, and succeed in
damaging effect. Antennas, however, are vulnerable, especially finer a REF Check to fall on the grenade and cover it with your morph.
wires like those used with mesh inserts, as are nanobots and micro- You suffer an extra DV 1d10 when the grenade detonates, but the
bots. Every radio within the blast radius (50 meters) is disabled grenade’s damage is reduced by your Armor Value + 10 when
until repaired with an appropriate Hardware or Medicine: Biotech applied to others within the blast radius.
Test or a fixer nanoswarm. Every nanoswarm within range suffers
DV 2d10 + 5. Sticky Coating
Gas/Smoke: Gas/smoke munitions rapidly spew out a dense Grenades and some seekers have a special adhesive coating that
cloud with a 10-meter radius. Smoke impedes sight (–20) with thick sticks to almost any surface when activated. Sticky munitions that
fumes of a chosen color and is heated to obfuscate heat signatures hit their target do not scatter. They can even be stuck to an opponent
moving through the smoke as cover. Smoke clouds remain for 3 with a successful melee attack to be detonated later.
When you are hit in combat, subtract your AV from the damage
applied. Use the AV rating appropriate to the type of attack. Attacks
that are armor-piercing reduce your AV by half.
You can wear multiple layers of armor, adding the ratings together,
but it is cumbersome. Apply a –20 modifier to all physical actions
for each additional armor layer worn. If the total of either AV rating
exceeds your SOM, apply an additional –20 modifier and reduce
your Movement Rate by half, as you are overburdened. If the AV
exceeds your Durability, you are too encumbered to move.
The armor inherent to a synthmorph’s or other shell’s frame ARMOR WARE
counts as the first item towards layering. Shells are not designed to Bioweave: The morph’s dermal layers are laced with spidersilk
wear armor; any armor layered upon them may need to be specially fibers, providing protection without changing the appearance,
designed to fit their form (perhaps requiring a nanofab Program texture, or sensitivity of the skin.
Test or increasing the Complexity by one step). Dermal Armor: The morph is equipped with a dense layer of
Items listed with a + before their AV are either accessories or light ballistic fibers and flexible subdermal plates. This does not reduce
enough that they do not count as additional armor layers, they simply mobility, but it does make the skin smoother and less flexible
add their armor bonus. At the GM’s discretion, excessive use of such (except at the joints), and the plated areas are visibly raised. The
bonus armor may inflict the same –20 modifier as layering armor. morph’s touch-based perception suffers a –20 modifier.
Heavy Combat Armor: These bulky and noticeable armor plates
ARMOR VISIBILITY protect against heavy weaponry for serious combat operations. The
Any armor with an AV of 11 or more is obvious and visible and shell’s mobility systems and power output are also modified to
will raise questions or draw the attention of police in most habitats. handle the extra mass.
Lower AVs are considered concealable, receiving a +30 bonus to Industrial Armor: This armor is designed to protect shells
Infiltrate skill to hide them from visual perception, with the excep- from collisions, extreme weather, industrial accidents, and similar
tion of some bulky or obvious items such as vacsuits, dermal armor, wear-and-tear.
scale ware, and activated crash suits. Light Combat Armor: This light plating is common for shells
used in security and policing duties.
Scale/Carapace: As dermal armor, but combined with hard
but flexible external chitinous scales and/or plates, modeled on
arthropod exoskeletons. This armor is obvious and the skin has
the appearance of a crocodile, insect, pangolin, snake, or similarly
armored creature.
tive modifier. Large targets receive a +30, small targets receive a –30
• Armor-Piercing: This weapon penetrates armor. The attack inflicts modifier. On a critical failure, they are incapacitated for 1 action
–1d10 DV, but armor is halved. Weapons and ammo types listed as turn and stunned for 1 minute.
armor-piercing already incorporate the DV modifier. Additional • Touch-Only: This melee attack just requires a touch. +20 to hit, but
armor-piercing effects are ignored. no DV is inflicted (Touch-Only Attacks ▶205).
• Blinding: Targets must make a REF Check or be blinded ▶226 for • Two-Handed: This weapon requires two hands (or an equivalent
1 action turns, +1 per superior failure. A critical failure results in prehensile limb) to use. Apply a –20 modifier to attack if used
permanent blindness until repaired or they spend time in a healing single-handed.
vat. Anti-glare ware protects against blinding based on light.
• Concealable: This item is easily hidden. You receive a +30 to
Infiltrate Tests to hide this item on your person (or elsewhere).
• Entangling: Targets struck by this weapon must make a REF Check
or be grappled ▶205. The attacker's superior successes apply a cumu- The following accessories are available for weapons.
lative –10 to this REF Check and SOM Checks to break free.
• Fixed: Fixed weapons are designed to be fired from a prone Arm Slide: This slide-mount can hold a one-handed weapon
or braced position, such as mounted on a bipod or hardpoint. If under your sleeve, pushing the weapon into your hand with an
carried, apply a –20 modifier to attacks and consider them to have electronic signal or specific sequence of arm movements. You can
the Two-Handed trait. draw the weapon and attack with a single complex action.
• Fragile: This items breaks or becomes unusable if you roll a supe- Extended Magazine: This ammunition case has an enhanced
rior failure. capacity. Increase the weapon’s ammo capacity by +50%. This is
• Knockdown: This strike may knock even unwounded opponents off only available for firearms and seekers.
their feet. The target must make a SOM Check or be knocked prone. Gyromount: This weapon harness features a gyro-stabilized
• Lacks Smartlink: This weapon is not equipped with a smartlink’s weapon mount that keeps the weapon steady. Negate all modifiers
targeting assistance. –10 to attack tests. from movement.
• Long: Lengthy weapons are unwieldy in close combat (–30 to fire Imaging Scope: Imaging scopes attach to the top of the weapon
when in melee) and do not receive the +10 modifier when fired at and act like specs ▶317. Scopes also bend like a periscope, allowing
Point-Blank range. you to point the weapon and target around corners without
• No Close: This weapon cannot be fired at Point-Blank or Close leaving cover.
range. Seeker weapons have built-in safety features that prevent Flash Suppressor: This device obscures the muzzle flash on
them from being fired at ranges that might injure the user. firearms, applying a –30 modifier to Perceive Tests to locate a firing
Overriding this features requires a Hardware or Infosec Test. weapon by its flash.
• No Point-Blank: This weapon cannot be fired at Point-Blank range. Laser Sight: This underbarrel laser emits a beam that places
• Pain: A biomorph target struck by this weapon must make a WIL a glowing red dot on the target to assist targeting (negating the
Check or take their next full action to flee, moving as far away from –10 modifier for not using a smartlink or laser sight). Laser sights
the pain-inflicting source as possible or to the nearest full cover they can also be used to paint a target for laser-guided smart ammo or
can reach on their action. Targets also suffer –20 until the end of the seekers. Infrared and ultraviolet lasers are also available, so that the
next turn. Targets with the Pain Tolerance (Level 1) trait receive a dot is only visible to characters with enhanced vision.
+30 to their WIL Check and only suffer a –10 modifier. Targets with Safety System: This feature is automatically included in most
Pain Tolerance (Level 2) are immune to this effect. Victims who are weapons. A biometric (palmprint or voiceprint) or ego ID sensor
trapped in the beam or otherwise cannot avoid the pain effect are is embedded in the weapon, disabling it if anyone other than an
impaired (–20) until they escape. authorized user attempts to fire it.
detonates to disrupt the attack. Bursts and full autofire are treated
as a single attack. A reactive coating increases the Armor Value by
Armor modifications add extra materials or coatings that either +3/+3, but each detonation automatically inflicts 1 point of damage
Armor Mods
SPECIAL ATTACKS When making an attack against an incapacitated, paralyzed,
Use the following rules for special melee or ranged strikes. sleeping, unconscious, or similar helpless target outside of combat,
make an attack test. If you succeed, you kill/destroy them. If you fail,
AREA-EFFECT ATTACKS you inflict the maximum DV possible (which may still kill them).
Attacks that affect more than one target or an area are classified as This assumes you have the time to carefully position and line up
centered blast, cone, or uniform blast. a lethal coup de grâce. It does not apply to opponents who are
Fray: Area-effect attacks are difficult to dodge. If you make your vulnerable during combat action turns; such attacks are conducted
Fray ÷ 2 roll and are within one meter of the edge of the affected area as normal, with no defense.
or something that would provide you with cover, you take no damage.
Otherwise, even if you succeed, you still take half the damage. BLIND ATTACKS
Attacking a target that you cannot see is difficult at best and a
Centered Blast matter of luck at worst. If you cannot see, you may make a Perceive
Blast weapons like grenades, mines, and other explosives expand Test using some other available sense to detect your target. If this
outward from a central detonation point. Most blast attacks expand succeeds, you attack with a –30 modifier. If your Perceive Test fails,
outward in a sphere, though certain shaped charges will direct an you attack at –30 and your attack has a straight 50% chance of
explosion in one direction only. The explosive force is stronger near automatically missing.
the epicenter and weaker near the outer edges of the sphere. For
every meter a target is from the center, reduce the DV of a blast CALLED SHOTS
weapon by –2. Sometimes it’s not enough to just hit your target — you need to
shoot out a window, knock the knife out of their hand, or hit that
Cone hole in their armor. You can declare a called shot before you initiate
Attacks with a cone area effect begin with the tip of the weapon an attack, choosing one of the outcomes noted below. Called shots
and expand outward in a cone. At point-blank and close, this attack suffer a –10 modifier. If you succeed with a superior success, the
affects 1 target; at range, it affects 2 targets within a meter of each results below apply instead of the superior success result. If you hit
other; beyond range it affects 3 targets within a meter of the next. but do not score a superior success, you simply strike your target as
Cone-effect attacks that damage inflict +1d10 DV at point-blank normal. You cannot make called shots with area-effect attacks.
and close and –1d10 DV beyond range.
Bypass Armor
Uniform Blast Called shots can be used to target a hole or weak point in your
Uniform blast attacks distribute their power evenly throughout the opponent’s armor. If you score a superior success, you strike an
area of effect. Examples include fuel-air explosives and thermobaric armor-defeating hit, and their armor is halved. The GM may rule
weapons that disperse an explosive mixture in a vapor cloud and that an opponent’s armor doesn’t have a weak spot or unprotected
ignite it all at once. All targets within the noted blast radius suffer area and disallow such called shots, or they may require a successful
the same damage. Damage against targets outside of the main blast Perceive or Hardware: Armorer Test to spot one first.
sphere is reduced by –2 DV per meter. If the attack inflicts other
effects (such as shock), that effect only applies within the main Disarm
uniform blast area. You can take a called shot to knock a weapon out of an opponent’s
In space, there is no atmosphere to propagate an explosive shock- hand(s) or other appendages. The victim suffers half damage from
wave; reduce the DV by –10 per meter. Adjust the DV reduction as the attack (reduced by armor as normal) and must make a SOM
appropriate for thin atmospheres. Check at –30 modifier to retain hold of the weapon. Otherwise it
scatters 1d10 meters away. An additional superior success may be
Scatter used to double the modifier to –60, inflict full damage, or to keep
Weapons such as grenades must go somewhere when they miss, and the weapon in your grip instead of knocking it away.
you might still catch your target in the blast radius. To determine
where a missed area-effect attack falls, roll a d10. The direction the Knockdown
top pointed part of the die is pointing is the direction the attack You may call your shot to knock an opponent down rather than
scatters, treating yourself as the target for orientation purposes. The injure them. A knocked-down opponent is prone ▶226 and must
result of the die roll is how far away the attack lands, in meters. For take a quick action to stand again. An additional superior success
each superior failure, double the scatter distance. This determines may be used to inflict damage as normal.
the epicenter of the blast; resolve the damage against anyone caught
within its radius of effect as normal. You may need to fudge this Redirect
result for microgravity or other situations where three-dimension- A called shot can be used to push your opponent in a specific direc-
ality matters, or you can roll another d10 to judge orientation on the tion. A redirected opponent is pushed, pulled, knocked back, or
z-axis (1 being "above" the target, 10 being "below"). otherwise moved 2 meters in your direction of choice. An opponent
who is redirected off a roof, out an airlock, into traffic, or in some
equally dangerous direction may make a REF Check at –30 to catch
themselves in time, though they will remain hanging in a precarious
position if they succeed. Additional superior successes may double
the modifier or inflict damage per normal.
DAMAGE POINTS loss may leave a trail for your enemies to follow, or a cut eye might
All physical harm is measured in damage points. These points are inflict an additional visual perception modifier. Likewise, such
cumulative and recorded on your character sheet. Damage points details may impact how you heal or are treated.
are characterized as fatigue, bruises, bumps, sprains, minor cuts,
dings and dents, and similar hurts that, while painful, do not WOUND EFFECTS
significantly impair or threaten your life or functioning unless they Each wound applies a cumulative –10 modifier to actions and –1 to
accumulate to a significant amount. Any source of harm that inflicts Initiative. A character with 3 wounds, for example, suffers –30 to all
a large amount of damage points at once, however, is likely to have actions and –3 to Initiative.
a more severe effect (Wounds ▶below) Some traits, ware, drugs, psi sleights, and pools allow you to
Damage points are reduced by rest, medical care, and/or repair ignore wound modifiers. These effects are cumulative, though a
(Healing & Repair ▶221). maximum of 3 wounds worth of modifiers can be negated (–30 to
actions and –3 to Initiative).
Damage Value Knockdown: Any time you receive a wound, make an immediate
Weapons and other attacks inflict a number of damage points equal SOM Check. Wound modifiers apply. If you fail, you are knocked
to their Damage Value (DV). Most DVs are presented as a variable prone ▶226 and must expend a quick action to stand up/reorient.
amount, in the form of a die roll; for example: 3d10. In this case, Shells (bots and vehicles) moving at speed must make an Athletics
you roll three ten-sided dice and add the results (counting 0 as 10). or Pilot Test to avoid crashing.
Sometimes the DV will be presented as a dice roll plus modifier; for Unconsciousness: If you receive 2 or more wounds at once
example: 2d10 + 5. In this case you roll two ten-sided dice, add them (from the same attack), you are automatically knocked prone
together, and then add 5 to get the result. Superior results, ammuni- and must make a SOM Check; wound modifiers apply. If you fail,
tion types, firing modes, and other factors may increase an attack’s DV. you are knocked unconscious ▶226 until you are awoken or heal.
For simplicity, a static amount is also noted in parentheses after Synthmorphs and cyberbrained characters are knocked offline in a
the variable amount. If you prefer to skip the dice rolling, you can similar fashion. Shells moving at speed that take 2 or more wounds
just apply the static amount (usually close to the mean average) at once automatically crash ▶232.
instead. For example, if the damage were noted 2d10 + 5 [16], you
could simply apply 16 damage points instead of rolling dice. BLEEDING OUT
Biomorph characters who have suffered a wound and taken damage
DURABILITY equal to or exceeding their Durability are in danger of bleeding to
Your physical health is measured by your morph’s Durability stat. For death. Make a SOM Check to self-stabilize; wound modifiers apply.
biomorphs, this represents the point at which accumulated injuries Apply a +30 if healing spray, meds, or medichines are healing you. If
overwhelm and incapacitate you. Once your total damage points you fail, you incur 1 additional damage point per wound per action
equal or exceed your Durability, you immediately collapse from turn until you receive medical care or die. Others can attempt to stabi-
exhaustion and physical abuse. You gain the unconscious condi- lize you with a Medicine: Paramedic Test; the same modifiers apply.
tion ▶226 and cannot be revived until your damage points are reduced If successful, you no longer accumulate damage from bleeding out.
below your Durability, either from medical care or natural healing.
For synthmorphs, Durability represents structural integrity. You DEATH RATING
become physically disabled when accumulated damage points An unhealthy accumulation of damage points will threaten your
reach your Durability and your software mind-state crashes. character’s life. If the damage reaches your Death Rating, your body
Even if you are unconscious/disabled, your mesh inserts may still dies (biomorphs) or is destroyed beyond repair (synthmorphs).
function (Damage and Infomorph Riders ▶265). Death Rating is based on Durability × 1.5 for biomorphs and
Durability × 2 for synthmorphs.
Wounds represent grievous injuries: bad cuts and hemorrhaging, DEATH
fractures and breaks, mangled limbs, broken systems, and other In Eclipse Phase, death is not the end of the line. If your cortical stack
serious damage that impairs your ability to function and may lead can be retrieved, you can be resurrected and downloaded into a new
to death or long-term impairment. morph (Resleeving ▶288). This requires either backup insurance ▶287
Any time your character sustains damage, compare the amount or the good graces of whomever ends up with your body/stack.
inflicted from a single source (after it has been reduced by armor) If your cortical stack is not retrievable, you can still be re-instan-
to your Wound Threshold. Wound Threshold equals your morph’s tiated from an archived backup ▶286. Again, this either requires
Durability ÷ 5. If the modified DV equals or exceeds your Wound backup insurance or someone who has your backup and is willing
Threshold, you have suffered a wound. If the inflicted damage is to revive you.
double your Wound Threshold, you suffer 2 wounds; if triple your If your cortical stack is not retrieved and you have no backup or
Wound Threshold, you suffer 3 wounds; and so on. alpha fork ▶292 floating around somewhere, you are completely and
Wounds are cumulative and must be marked on your character sheet. utterly dead. Be smart: back up.
Note that these rules handle damage and wounds as an abstract
First Aid Damage Healed Timeframe
Medicine: Paramedic 1 wound, 1d10 [6] damage +1d6 per superior success 10 minutes + 10 per wound
Recovery Damage Healing Rate Wound Healing Rate Effect Duration
Morph without biomods 1d10 [6] per day 1 per week —
Morph with biomods 1d10 [6] per 12 hours 1 per 3 days —
Medichines 1d10 [6] per hour 1 per day —
Meds 1d10 [6] per hour 1 per day 1 day
Fixers 1d10 [6] per hour 1 per day 5 days
Healing spray/repair spray 1d10 [6] per hour — 12 hours
Healing Vat/Nanofabber 2d10 [11] per hour 1 per 2 hours —
Poor Conditions x2 x2 —
Harsh conditions x3 x3 —
Physical Repair Timeframe
Hardware: Robotics, etc. 1 hour per 5 damage + 8 hours per wound
Threshold, they suffer 2 or 3 traumas, respectively, and so on. Traumas
are cumulative and must be recorded on your character sheet.
Stress is trickier to heal than physical damage. There are no
TRAUMA EFFECTS nano-treatments or quick fix options (other than killing yourself
Each trauma applies a cumulative –10 modifier to all of the char- and reverting to a non-stressed backup). The options for recuper-
acter’s actions and –1 to Initiative. A character with 2 traumas, for ating are simply natural healing over time or psychosurgery.
example, suffers –20 to all actions and –2 Initiative. These modi-
fiers are also cumulative with wound modifiers. PSYCHOSURGERY CARE
Some traits, ware, drugs, psi sleights, and pools allow you to The skill Medicine: Psychosurgery is used to treat characters
ignore trauma modifiers. These effects are cumulative, though a suffering mental stress or trauma. This is a long-term process
maximum of 3 trauma worth of modifiers can be negated (–30 to using virtual reality, involving methods such as psychoanalysis,
actions and –3 to Initiative). counseling, roleplaying, relationship-building, hypnotherapy,
Disorientation: Each time you suffer a trauma, make an imme- behavioral modification, drugs, medical treatments, and neuro-
diate WIL Check (modifiers apply). If you fail, you are temporarily logical alterations. Muses possess this skill, though they are not as
stunned and disoriented by what you have experienced. You must talented as professionals.
expend a complex action to regain your wits. Additionally, if you Psychosurgery is handled as a task action. Any stress must be
psyche to adapt to and deal with mental and emotional distress. task. You may also have a manic edge that manifests as confidence
Disorders are not always “active” — they remain dormant until trig- in your ability to get a job done, even though you will quickly lose
gered by certain conditions. While it is certainly possible to function all interest in it.
“normally” with a disorder, it represents a severe impairment to a Effect: –30 modifier to Perceive Tests and task actions. Task
person’s ability to maintain healthy relationships and succeed in action timeframes increased 50%.
their work/pursuits.
Gaining a Disorder: You acquire a disorder during character Autophagy
creation, by infection with the exsurgent virus, or by accumulating Triggers: Alienation, injury, violence
stress equal to or exceeding your Lucidity. You should work with This anxiety disorder, characterized by self-cannibalism of the
the GM to choose a disorder appropriate to your character and limbs, usually only occurs among neo-octopi.
circumstances. Effect: You must make a successful WIL Check or begin to
Removing a Disorder: You can get rid of a disorder through consume one of your limbs.
in-game or down-time treatment ▶223 or by buying it off as a nega-
tive trait (Lose a Negative Ego Trait ▶239). Bipolar Disorder
Triggering a Disorder: Each disorder is triggered by certain Triggers: Grief, helplessness, sleep deprivation, violence
circumstances, as determined by your GM. Example triggers are With manic depression, your periods of depression are inter-
given with each listing; disorders are also triggered by traumas ▶223. rupted by brief (a matter of days at most) periods of mania with
When a trigger condition occurs, make a WIL check; if you fail, the heightened energy and a general disregard for consequences. The
disorder is triggered. When activated, the disorder directly affects depressive stages are similar in all ways to depression ▶225. When
your actions and what you can and cannot do, as fitting the afflic- manic, you will take risks, spend wildly, and engage in behavior
tion. The GM may direct your character’s behavior or apply modi- without forethought or consideration of long-term consequences.
fiers as they see fit. The episode lasts for as long as your character is Effect: Similar to depression, but when manic you must make a
affected by the triggering condition. Others can assess your state or WIL Check to stop yourself from undertaking a risky endeavor. You
bring you out of it with successful Know: Psychology or Medicine: will also try to convince others to go along with the idea.
Psychosurgery Tests.
Body Dysmorphia
Alien Behavior Disorder Triggers: Alienation, helplessness, resleeving
Triggers: Alienation, exsurgents, the unknown You believe that you are irrevocably ugly or defective, making
This disorder primarily affects asyncs. You experience strange you unable to interact with others or function normally for fear of
urges to behave in an alien fashion or to use phantom appendages ridicule and humiliation. You are secretive and reluctant to seek
or other body parts that don’t map to your transhuman form. help because you are afraid others will think you vain. A similar
Effect: You must make a WIL Check or be compelled to exhibit disorder, gender dysphoria, occurs when your sexual biology
alien behavior. The compulsion examples listed on the Influence conflicts with your internal gender identity. Due to resleeving, both
Effect tables ▶278 provide a number of possibilities. disorders are fairly common. Some asyncs have a similar species
dysmorphia disorder, where they become convinced they are aliens
Anxiety trapped in transhuman forms; they often seek out exotic morphs
Triggers: Bad news, boredom, helplessness, the unknown, violence and modifications.
With general anxiety disorder, you are overcome with worry about Effect: –30 to Resleeving Stress Tests.
nearly everything. Even simple tasks represent the potential for
failure on a catastrophic scale and should be avoided or minimized. Cosmic Anxiety Disorder
Negative outcomes are always assumed to be the only possibility. Triggers: Alien/TITAN technology, the unknown, x-risks
Effect: You must be convinced with a Persuade or Provoke Test This disorder arises from facing x-risks, aliens, and incomprehen-
to do almost anything, and even then will self-sabotage or give up sibly advanced technology. It functions much like anxiety; you are
after a short time. helpless in the face of an uncaring and dangerous universe.
Effect: Like anxiety, but when faced with an alien or TITAN
Atavism threat, make a WIL Check or either flee or collapse in panic.
Triggers: Alienation, mobs, violence
Atavism mainly affects uplifts. When triggered, they regress to Conversion Disorder
behaviors more in line with their animalistic precursors. Triggers: Alienation, the unknown, violence
Effect: You might lose the ability to speak and reason or engage in You suffer a neurological condition such as blindness, deafness,
primitive animalistic behavior such as threat or dominance displays. inability to speak, loss of balance, seizures, or paralysis in high-
stress situations. Some asyncs suffer from a similar condition, alien
sensory disorder, where attempts to use phantom alien sensory
organs disrupt one or more of their actual physical senses.
Effect: WIL Check or suffer from one of the chosen conditions.
224¹ Disorders
Depression done according to your whim. Failure to comply with your dictates
Triggers: Alienation, grief, helplessness, life transitions, violence will incite rage and physical assault.
Clinical depression is characterized by intense feelings of hopeless- Effect: You demand attention and suffer a –30 modifier to
ness and worthlessness. You feel as though nothing you do matters Persuade Tests. You may be provoked to violence if insulted or if
and no one cares anyway. You find it difficult to be motivated; even others fail to comply with your demands (WIL Check). Narcissistic
simple acts such as eating and bathing seem monumental. NPCs are immune to Persuade Tests.
Effect: Make a WIL Check to take any sort of action; apply a –30
modifier to the test in the case of task actions or other sustained activity. Paramnesia
Triggers: Alienation, immersion in water/vacuum, sex, the unknown
Disassociative Personality Disorder You have trouble distinguishing between real memories and fake
Triggers: Helplessness, specific memories, the unknown, violence ones — or ones that do not belong to you. This disorder has grown
A separate, distinct personality develops apart from your original more common thanks to resleeving and the potential integration of
personality. The personalities may or may not be aware of each memory artifacts in a morph’s brain from a previous user to a later
other and “conscious” during the actions of the other personality, one. Some asyncs recall memories that are not transhuman.
though there is some basic information sharing (such as language Effect: You recall memories that are not real or not your own, or
and core skill sets). Most subjects have only a single extra person- you may be confused about who, what, or where you are. Any supe-
ality, but it is not unheard of to have several personalities. Each rior failure on a skill test will result in you confusing important details.
personality sees itself as a distinct person with their own wants,
needs, and motivations. Paranoia
Effect: The other personality must be roleplayed (perhaps by the Triggers: Betrayal, conspiratorial behavior, the unknown, violence
GM or another player). You mistrust others. You are hypervigilant but also hypersensitive
to perceived hostility and insults. You bear grudges for longer periods.
Fugue Effect: –10 to Kinesics Tests. Paranoid NPCs have a +20 bonus
Triggers: Helplessness, the unknown, violence to SAV Checks against Persuade, but a –20 against hostile Provoke
You enter a fugue state where you display little attention to external Tests while the disorder is active.
stimuli. You still function physiologically but refrain from speaking
• Impaired: Your abilities are hindered. You suffer –10, –20, or –30
to all actions, as indicated by the condition (i.e., impaired (–10)).
A wide range of factors can impact an action or combat scene; some • Incapacitated: You can take no actions until you recover. This includes
are discussed here. mental actions and Fray Tests; you cannot defend against attacks.
• Prone: You are knocked on the ground in gravity or spinning help-
• They suffer –10 on strength-based SOM Checks. position, distance, visibility, cover, etc. For groups of NPCs, use the
highest skill among the characters.
If the target loses, they are surprised by the attack and cannot
react to or defend against it. Each successful ambusher receives one
free initiative action; they cannot spend Vigor for additional actions.
Once the attackers have taken their actions, roll Initiative as normal.
If the target wins, they are alerted to something a split-second
before they are ambushed, giving them a chance to react. In this
case, roll Initiative as normal, but the ambushed character suffers a
Just as Provoke skill can be used for social attacks ▶next column, the Antagonistic –20
skills of Deceive, Kinesics, Persuade, and Provoke (Skills ▶48) can be Unfriendly –10
used for myriad purposes, whether you are talking your way out of
Indifferent +0
a tight spot, wringing information out of a suspect, or determining
if someone is setting you up. Friendly +10
Almost all social skills are handled as opposed tests, as noted in Cooperative +20
the skill descriptions. There are several factors that might provide Supportive +30
modifiers to these tests:
NPC Attitude: An NPC’s attitude towards a character should be
rated on a scale from supportive to indifferent to hostile, each applying Simple/Short +10
an appropriate modifier to social skill tests, as noted on the Social Complex/Long –10
Modifiers table. Note that PCs can use Deceive, Persuade, or Provoke Beneficial to NPC +30
specifically to change these attitudes; a successful test raises or lowers Dangerous to NPC –30
the attitude one step, plus one per superior success. Failed social skill
tests will worsen an NPC’s attitude by one step, plus one step per Appeal to/Violate NPC's Motivation +/–10 to +/–30
superior failure. Note that attitude has no effect on Kinesics Tests. Social Stigma/Status +/–10 to +/–30
Request: The nature of the request and its repercussions to the High Rep (60+) in Favored Network +10
NPC — or anyone they care about — should be taken into account.
Antagonistic or hostile NPCs will not willingly help out; they can be
manipulated towards a better attitude first or simply intimidated.
Cooperative and supportive NPCs will fulfill simple/beneficial Factions with polar opposite ideologies may also view each other
requests without needing a test. critically: anarchists/scum vs. hyperelites, bioconservatives vs.
Other Factors: Deceive Tests are impacted by believable stories, heavily modified transhumans, brinkers vs. socialites. In an oppo-
far-fetched circumstances, convincing proof, or unlikely circumstances. site vein, members of marginalized communities may favorably
Persuade Tests are boosted by bribes and reciprocal exchanges or view allies or those of the same background, and almost anyone
hindered by unfavorable timing. Use of Provoke skill to interrogate will take note of someone with a high rep score in their faction.
is aided by physical size and threats, while seduction is impacted
by style and thoughtfulness. Kinesics Tests benefit from experience Using Motivations
with the target or familiarity with their background through research. Whether negotiating or picking fights, it is helpful to know what drives
For all of these situations, also take the player’s specific words into the person you are dealing with. With a lengthy conversation and a
account — a player who presents an eloquent argument for their PC’s successful Persuade Test (opposed by SAV Check), you may be able to
Persuade Test, for example, should receive an appropriate modifier. ascertain one of an NPC's motivations (GM discretion). If you are able
to weaponize this knowledge against the NPC with an appeal or insult
Gathering Information to their interests, the GM may apply a modifier to your social skill test.
In some circumstances, old fashioned legwork is the best method for Similarly, you may unknowingly touch upon an NPC's motivations
digging up intel. If you use your social skills to canvass a neighborhood, when dealing with them, thus acquiring a modifier depending on
chat up the locals, or carouse with the intent of picking up gossip, whether you support/encourage their interests or conflict with them.
handle it as a task action with a timeframe set by the GM (usually
1d6 ÷ 2 hours). The skill used depends on the approach you take: use SOCIAL ATTACKS
Deceive to pass yourself off as someone else, Persuade to carefully Provoke skill can be used in a number of offensive ways during
interview, Provoke to incite real talk, or even Kinesics to simply sit action scenes. The following examples show what you can accom-
back, scan the crowd, and watch relationships and interactions. The plish with a successful opposed test, pitting your Provoke skill
GM applies modifiers appropriate to the situation and determines what against their WIL Check. As always, the GM arbitrates what modi-
information is available (if any). Moxie can be used to automatically fiers apply and the final results of such provocations.
acquire a clue without a test, but you must still put in the effort.
• Calm: You temporarily soothe an opponent into pausing hostilities.
Social Stigma and Status • Fluster: You discombobulate or confuse an opponent; they suffer
Though progressive cultural ideas continue to gain ground, trans- –10 to their next action. Increase this by an additional –10 per supe-
humanity has not yet eradicated social inequalities and prejudices. rior success.
It is an unfortunate fact that many social stigmas still exist — and • Inspire: You rally an NPC on your side, motivating them towards
these may have a direct impact on your social skill tests. Depending victory; they receive +10 to their next action.
on who you are dealing with, your social status may provide • Intimidate: You scare an opponent into pausing their next attack,
positive or negative modifiers, ranging from +/–10 to +/–30. The attacking someone else, taking cover, or running away.
most common prevalent stigmas (especially in the inner system) • Taunt: You rile up an opponent, forcing them to focus on you and
are towards the clanking masses, AGIs, uplifts, and pod morphs. attack you with their next action.
It may be important to know not just how you’re moving, but how
far. Every morph, shell, and creature lists a Movement Rate; this
applies to whatever inherent form of locomotion it is capable of:
walking, slithering, crawling, rolling, hovering, gliding, flying,
vectored thrust, etc. Movement Rates list two numbers: your base
move and full move, respectively, in meters per action turn. Most
humanoid morphs, for example, have a Movement Rate of 4/20.
Each action turn, you can take one type of movement action
(with the exceptions of jumping and standing up, which may be
combined with others) or choose to stay put. The movement action
you take may inflict modifiers on your physical actions, so you must
declare it at the beginning of your initiative. You cannot act and
then decide to move, for example, as you will have bypassed appli-
cable modifiers. You can split the distance you move into smaller
parts and intersperse them with other actions you take during the
turn (i.e., you can move partway, attack, and then move the rest).
Extra actions in a turn do not allow you to cover more distance, but
you can cover any of the remaining distance you are allowed in that
turn with those actions.
Base Move
Base moves represent leisurely, unhurried motions analogous to
casual walking. This is the maximum distance you can move in a
single action turn without incurring a modifier.
Full Move
Full moves are akin to running or moving with effort and speed.
This is the maximum distance you can move in meters in a single Standing Up (Quick)
action turn without rushing (see below). Full moves impede your If you are prone, you can stand up with a quick action and take
aim and other physical tasks requiring coordination: apply a –20 another movement action in the same action turn. However, your
modifier as appropriate. Movement Rate is reduced by half for that turn (i.e., 4/20 becomes
2/10); jumping distance is also halved.
Rushing is going all-out to move as far as possible. It requires a Non-Standard Movement
complex action and an Athletics, Free Fall, or Pilot roll as appropriate. To climb, swim, belly-crawl, or otherwise move in a way that isn’t
If you succeed, increase your full move rate by your base move. your morph’s typical method for getting around, take a complex
For example, if your morph’s Movement Rate is 4/20, you rush 24 action and move a distance equal to your base move. Certain ware,
meters. Increase this by an additional base move amount for each such as grip pads when climbing, may increase this to your full
superior success. If you fail, you spend a complex action and simply move. Note that some types of movement are simply impossible for
full move. Rushing applies the same –20 modifier as full moves. certain morphs, depending on their design; most human morphs,
for example, fly with the grace of bricks.
You can jump once a turn with a quick action while also making Difficult Movement
another movement action. You can cross 2 meters with a horizontal Some movement is far more challenging: climbing a sheer wall,
standing jump, 6 meters with a running jump. Vertical jumping sneaking quietly, swimming against strong currents, traversing a
height is 1 meter. These distances are halved for small-size morphs thin beam over a chasm, or navigating a maze of live wires in micro-
and increased by half for large-size morphs. grav. Handle any movement that requires a test as a task action ▶32
If rushing, you can make an Athletics, Free Fall, or Pilot roll (as with a timeframe set by the GM. As a general rule, the timeframe
appropriate) to cross more distance with your jump. If successful, should be double or more the time it would take the character to
you cross an additional meter (running jump), 0.5 meters (standing cross an equal distance by normal means.
jump), or 0.25 meters (vertical jump), plus an equal additional
amount per superior success.
The following rules apply to these situations. targeting through the shell, cover modifiers apply, the passenger
adds the shell’s armor to their own, and the shell itself takes half
CONTROL damage (unless the attack is area effect).
Moving at vehicle speeds in a controlled manner requires a quick
action every action turn to maintain. You may choose not to take
habitat construction, floating cities, and stiffening or reinforcing
structures without adding mass.
A quick primer to common futuristic materials: Metamaterials: Due to their structure, metamaterials interact with
Aerogel: “Frozen smoke” is made by replacing the liquid in electromagnetic waves or sound in unusual ways, such as having a
a gel or foam with a gas. The result is a low-density, lightweight, negative refractive index. Metamaterials are used for antennas,
semi-transparent solid with a styrofoam feel, made from a number sensors and optics, radar- or sound-absorbent designs, invisibility
of chemical compounds. It is used for windows and as an insulator cloaks, superlenses, and ultra-realistic holographic projectors.
in habitats, particularly aerostats, and to capture space dust on Refractory Metals: These metallic alloys have extremely high
spacecraft hulls. Can be combined with reinforcing fibers to make melting points, making them ideal for high-temperature engine
light, flexible blankets. systems, atmospheric entry vehicles, Venusian habitats and bots,
Amorphous Metals: Also known as metallic glass, amorphous and hypersonic craft.
metals are metal alloys with a disordered (rather than crystalline) Smart Materials: Gear made from smart materials incorporates
atomic structure, making it tougher, less brittle, and more resistant nanomachines that can alter the object’s shape, color, and texture.
to wear and corrosion. They soften and flow when heated, and so For example, smart clothing can transform from specialized cold
can be injection-molded. They are used for armor, implants, robotic weather clothing suitable for the Martian poles in winter to a fash-
frames, and harsh environments. ionable suit in the latest style. Similarly, a smart material tool can
Artificial Spider Silk: Created by bioengineered bacteria, these switch from a powered screwdriver to a wrench or a hammer, as the
Future Materials
micrometeor strikes. Most transhumans will quickly recognize
the signs of rapid decompression; biomorphs that fail to acquire a
supply of air in time may suffer from asphyxiation ▶above.
Explosive decompression occurs when the air pressure suddenly
Transhumans have adapted to many environments, but there are vents all at once and drops to nothing. If you are in the vicinity of a
many risks that must be accounted for. blowout and not tied down, make a REF Check to grab something to
hold on to in time to avoid being blasted into space (Vacuum ▶237).
ASPHYXIATION Even if you succeed, you must continue to make a SOM Check each
The average transhuman can hold their breath for two minutes action turn to hold on until the atmosphere entirely drains. You may
before blacking out. Strenuous activity reduces this amount of also need to make a Fray Test to avoid being struck by debris or
time (GM discretion). For every 30 seconds after the first minute other people as they are sucked out (DV 1d10+, depending on local
your biomorph is prevented from breathing, you must make a SOM clutter conditions).
Check. Apply a cumulative –10 modifier each time you roll. If you
fail, you immediately fall unconscious, are treated as if you have FALLING
taken temporary damage equal to your Durability, and suffer 10 If gravity pulls you towards an unwelcome collision, use the Falling
temporary DV per minute until you reach your Death Rating and Damage table to determine the result. Kinetic armor mitigates
die or manage to breathe again. This temporary damage does not this damage at half its value. GMs may also reduce this damage if
cause wounds. Once revived, the temporary damage is removed, but anything helped to break the fall (branches, soft surface) at their
you need 1 minute of recovery before you can act. discretion. Double the distance categories for low gravity; halve
Asphyxiation is a terrifying process, often leading to panic. them for high gravity.
Asphyxiating characters must make a WIL Check every 30 seconds.
If you fail, you suffer SV 1d6 and cannot perform any effective
action to rescue yourself that action turn; you can make an addi-
tional WIL Check every turn to recover your wits. Even if you Falling Damage
succeed, however, you must make a WIL Check to perform any other Distance Fallen Damage Value
action not directly related to rescuing yourself (attacking anything 1–2 meters 1d10
holding you underwater is exempt from this rule). 3–5 meters 2d10
DECOMPRESSION 6–8 meters 3d10
Habitats and ships sometimes lose air pressure due to damage Over 8 meters +1 per meter
to their hulls from combat, explosions, space debris collisions, or
build your social life. This section covers a range of possible down-
time actions you can pursue, though you should work with your GM
to discuss other options.
Downtime is normally counted in weeks. Each week, choose one
downtime action. This assumes your character is also busy with
other activities: socializing, housework, nightlife, relaxing, playing
games, and otherwise pursuing life’s mundane activities. If you are
singularly focused to the exclusion of all else and/or are using an
accelerated-time simulspace, the GM may cut this duration down,
to a minimum of 1 day per downtime action.
Healing/Repair: Recovering mental and physical health (▶221 and
223) is an important part of downtime, but it does not consume all
of your time off. Consider healing/repair to happen in conjunction
with the following downtime actions.
You may wish to stock up on gear for the next mission, or simply
prepare equipment caches, go-bags, and emergency provisions. If
you have the Resources trait, use your weekly allotment of Gear
Points. If not, you get 2 GP to spend. Restricted and Rare items are
only available at the GM’s discretion. If establishing caches (“scratch
spaces” to Firewall), be sure to note with your GM where and how
these are hidden away.
While being prepared is a smart move, GMs should rein in players
that seek to hoard everything they can acquire. Such behavior is not
realistic and would certainly lead to the character alienating their
friends or burning rep or Resources. MOD YOURSELF
You have the option of upgrading an existing morph with ware.
CHANGE YOUR MOTIVATION You can use ware previously acquired but not installed, or choose 1
As you meet your goals, have new experiences, and develop new Moderate or 2 Minor complexity new wares. Modification includes
agendas, your motivations may change. Wrapping things up and the necessary time in a healing vat with medical professional over-
redirecting your focus allows you to change one of your motivations. sight or with a mod-shop’s nanofabber and technicians.
Keep in mind that one of your upcoming scenarios may require
FULFILL RESPONSIBILITIES resleeving — check with your GM before choosing this option.
You can’t spend all of your time saving the Solar System. You may
have debts to pay off, contacts to maintain, and obligations to TRAIN AND IMPROVE
attend to. Perhaps you have family and friends to catch up with, a As you complete scenarios and gather experience during gameplay, you
boss to answer to, or freelance gigs that are piling up. Though there accumulate Rez Points ▶366. You can spend your downtime training
is no direct game effect for this type of activity, it does help to wrap and use these Rez Points to improve your character’s stats. You cannot
up loose ends from previous scenarios and hold on to relationships spend more than 1 RP on improvement per downtime week.
with NPCs. At the GM’s discretion, this may lay the ground work for
acquiring a Contact trait ▶73. Gain a Positive Ego Trait
You may spend RP to purchase a positive ego trait of an equivalent
MANAGE YOUR REP CP Cost. You can also upgrade existing traits to higher levels. The
The best way to cultivate your rep scores is to positively contribute GM must approve this transaction. New traits should only be
to others’ lives. This can take the form of things like volunteering acquired as a consequence of the storyline and unfolding events in
your time for collective endeavors (@-rep), helping out your friends the game. For example, a character that discovered a cache of wealth
(c-rep), creating new art (f-rep), working the streets (g-rep), tracking might be allowed to buy the Resources trait. Note that you must pay
down leads (i-rep), conducting useful research (r-rep), or training RP for any positive ego traits you gain, whether or not you wanted
new gatecrashers (x-rep). Work with the GM to choose an appro- them. If you have no unspent RP available, you must pay out imme-
priate skill test: success earns you 1 point of rep in that network, +1 diately from any future RP you earn until the debt is paid off.
for each superior success. Note that you do not gain RP from any positive ego traits you lose
Alternatively, you can bypass the test and simply spend Rez as a consequence of your actions, nor any negative ego traits you
Points. Each RP gains you 5 rep points. acquire during gameplay — you are simply saddled with the new flaw.
are everywhere: your clothes, your weapons, your appliances, and
throughout the structures, environment, and even air around you.
This everyware is equipped with minute sensors for monitoring the
environment and wireless radios, microwave links, or laser links
for communicating. All of these devices network together. Each
acts as an ad-hoc server and repeater, passing messages and data
along from sender to recipient. Though larger backbone servers
still exist, especially in larger habitats with heavy traffic, there is no
longer a need for any kind of centralized infrastructure. If a node
in the mesh network goes down or cuts off traffic, the data simply
routes around it, finding a new path to its destination. This makes
the mesh easily expandable for new colonies, resilient against harm
in crisis scenarios, and resistant to censorship and other forms of
centralized control.
Getting online in Eclipse Phase is easy — everyone and everything
is meshed, all the time. Most transhumans get online via the mesh
insert implants within their head. This headware enables them to
network with other devices around them and store data and files.
Best of all, it’s all mentally controlled. You can browse mesh sites,
play games, interface with gear, and talk with your friends, all
within your head.
Messages are mentally recorded in your voice (or another of
your choosing) or transcribed into text, all without speaking aloud.
Sensory input is routed through your mesh inserts directly into
your brain and experienced as augmented reality — as data overlaid
upon your real-world senses. Videos, for example, are viewed in a
corner of your vision or off to the side, in your mind’s-eye space.
You hear audio feeds in your head that no one around can perceive.
Haptic feedback is experienced as sensations of touch. You can even
skin your perceptions with AR data, so that you always view the
world with the hazy glow of a sunset in the background or experi-
ence it with your own personal soundtrack. Walls are never blank
and rooms are never quiet, unless you want them to be. You can
even mute or filter out things you don’t want to see or hear.
Those without cranial computers and mesh inserts must rely on
ecto devices for mesh access. These portable and flexible computers
are typically worn as a bracelet or held as a tablet. They feature
interactive holographic displays or transmit AR data to the user via
worn glasses, contacts, and decorative ear pieces. While common
among bioconservatives, they are sometimes used as an extra layer
of protection by hackers or those carrying sensitive data. Ectos are
slower than mesh inserts; using them inflicts a –10 modifier to all
mesh actions.
240¹ Everyware
Avatars are not only used for online communications — they are VPNs: VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS
often projected as entoptic data in real local space, along with your VPNs link together nodes via point-to-point encrypted “tunnels”
social networking profile, allowing others around you to view it with across the public mesh. This secure connection allows connected
AR. Thus you can view the rep scores and other public profile data users to privately communicate and remotely share services and
about a person whether you interact with them online or are simply resources. VPNs enable mobile offices, social networks, tacnets, and
in physical proximity. Personal profiles are completely customizable other private networks to exist and function within the wider mesh.
and range from business-oriented and succinct to creative displays. In practical terms, VPNs offer better encryption than standard
Local jurisdictions may require some personal data to be displayed mesh traffic, making it difficult to sniff ▶245 your connections,
at all times, such as citizenship status, real names, c-rep score, fork though you can still be tracked ▶256. If one of the nodes within the
status, or criminal convictions. VPN is hacked, however, that traffic becomes vulnerable.
to access such systems is physically, either directly plugging in,
defeating the radio-blocking enclosure, or somehow attaching a
Though the mesh as a whole consists of innumerable devices all wireless transceiver to the system.
connected to the other devices around them, the actual layout is
more complex. Many sub-networks exist within the mesh network ISLANDS IN THE NET
itself: slaved devices, VPNs, PANs, and tiered systems. The distance between habitats requires special consideration. A
signal sent from the inner planets to a station in the Kuiper Belt,
SLAVED DEVICES 50 AU from the sun, can take as long as 7 hours, traveling at the
Some devices are slaved to others, so that any traffic and access speed of light. This means that communications between habitats
attempts go through a single well-protected gateway node. For outside of your local region (any others within 50,000 kilome-
example, individual components of a security system (doors, ters) may suffer time lags of minutes or hours — each way. This
sensors, etc.) are usually slaved to a central security node that makes standard forms of communication (video calls and even
serves as a chokepoint against anyone hoping to hack the system. messaging) a challenge, and means that news from afar is already
All traffic to and from slaved devices is routed through the master. old when it is received. In a sense, each region is its own island in
This allows a slaved device to rely on the master’s security features the mesh. On planetary bodies like Mars, Venus, Luna, or Titan,
and active monitoring. Anyone that wants to connect to or hack “local” encompasses all of the habitats and linked mesh networks
into a slaved device is rerouted to the master for authentication on that planetary body and in orbit.
and security scrutiny. If you wish to search the mesh or interact with someone or
Slaved devices automatically accept commands from their master something outside of your region, the easiest method is to transmit
device. This means that a hacker who penetrates a master system a search ALI (usually a copy of your muse) or a fork. In this case, the
can legitimately access and issue commands to a slaved device, transmission time is added to the adjusted timeframe of any task
assuming their access privileges ▶246 allow for it. actions (i.e., searching the mesh of a station 10 light-minutes away
adds 20 minutes as the AI is transmitted over and the results are
PANs: PERSONAL AREA NETWORKS transmitted back). Since long-distance communications are some-
Since many of the things you wear, carry, use, or have implanted are times interfered with or bumped for higher-priority items, GMs
meshed, it makes sense to network them together — this is your PAN. can increase this time at their discretion. If the research involves
Your mesh inserts (or ecto) act as the master hub of your network; correlation and fine-tuning the search parameters based on data
your other devices are slaved. This means that anyone that wishes to accumulated from different locals, the timeframe may be exponen-
access these devices must go through you (or your muse) first. You tially increased due to the need for back-and-forth interaction.
can interface with your PAN devices via AR and freely share data Exoplanet meshes are even more removed. They can only be
between them. You can share access to these devices with others on accessed in the short intervals when a pandora gate is opened to
a temporary or permanent basis. On the flipside, anyone that hacks their location. Depending on the colony or importance of the gate-
you will have access to your slaved devices. crashing mission, the time between connections may be days, weeks,
or months.
an ego bridge, you can make backups and forks at any time, but are
AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) reliant on your own security. Inactive backups/forks/egos are simply
AR overlays data and sensory input from the mesh on your phys- large files that can be stored on any device. Activated infomorphs,
ical senses. This allows you to experience images and video, text, however, can only be run on hosts or servers (Infomorphs ▶252).
sounds, physical sensations, and even tastes and smells as you go
about your day. AR sensory input is high-resolution and seemingly BANKING
real, though usually tinged with a ghostly quality so as not to be Physical currency is a thing of the past. Polities that still use
confused with real-world interactions. AR data can be customized, money deploy various types of blockchain-based crypto-curren-
filtered, and layered as you see fit. cies. Transactions are electronic, heavily encrypted, and archived
Most habitats and businesses transmit data on public AR chan- in a public ledger. This means payments and transfers are linked
nels. Directories, signs, maps, help guides, tourist information, to a mesh ID and may be tracked, though many use anonymized
available services, and public alerts are easily toggled and perceived. accounts or proxies to hide their trail. Electronic currencies are
Corporations and private groups also offer their own AR channels to either stored in an encrypted wallet on your personal device or
authenticated users, ranging from streaming music and networked entrusted to the security of an online service.
games to underground night life and black-market services.
AR also has its downsides: if you are hacked, it can be used COMMUNICATIONS
against you ▶262). AR sensory input is also a potential vector for Messaging, video calls (using avatars), and email remain dominant
so-called basilisk mind hacks ▶384. forms of communication, though these are sometimes hampered by
distance lag. For discussions across great distances or that require
AR Mist and Filters face-to-face privacy, forks are deployed. Non-encrypted comms can
Online advertising is still a major business in the inner system. be sniffed by hostile parties (Sniffing ▶245).
Modern adverts, political screeds, scams, and porn are experienced Online forums rise and fall in popularity, depending largely on
as entoptics and other AR sensory input. These are often trans- how well they filter out trolls, spam, and bots. On one end, private
mitted on public channels and highly intrusive or distracting. It’s message boards and VR lounges thrive according to their exclu-
hard to ignore ads that cite your name (pulled from your public sivity and focus topics, especially in socialite and infomorph circles.
profile) at high-volume, bombard you with tickles and NSFW On the other, local public AR channels tend to be crammed with
visuals, assault you with savory smells for desserts, or trigger the garbage, though strong community participation can make these
sensation of bugs crawling on your skin to sell insecticides. Though quite useful, especially in brinker and autonomist habs.
these can be filtered out, unfortunately, advertisers seem to be
winning the ongoing war between adverts and blockers, and many EXPERIENCE PLAYBACK (XP)
are not above using malware techniques to bypass your security or Every morph with mesh inserts has the capability to transmit or
even permanently infect your devices. record their experiences in the form of XP. Sharing with friends,
In some locations, AR adverts can be so overwhelming, they social networks, or with the public at large is popular. Short clips are
are referred to as “mist.” This fog of data can inflict an impair- common, but some x-casters post an ongoing lifelog for subscribers.
ment modifier of –10 to –30, though this can be overcome with a The depth of these experiences depends on how much of the
successful Interface Test (mist modifiers apply). Alternatively, you recorded sensory perception is kept when the clip is made. Full
can turn off AR inputs entirely, but this may impede you in more XP includes exteroceptive, interoceptive, and emotive tracks.
significant ways. Exteroceptive tracks include the traditional senses of sight,
smell, hearing, touch, and taste that process the outside world.
Skinning Interoceptive tracks include senses originating within the body,
Since reality can be overlaid with hyper-real entoptics, you can such as balance, a sense of motion, pain, hunger, thirst, and a
“skin” your environment by modifying your perceptual input to fit general sense of the location of one’s own body parts. Emotive
your particular tastes or mood. Need your spirits boosted? Pull up tracks include the whole spectrum of emotions that can be aroused
a skin that makes it seem like you’re outdoors, with the sun shining in a transhumans. Hardcore XP aficionados deem only the experi-
down, the sounds of gentle surf in the background, and butterflies ence of the actual neuronal and endocrine systems of biomorphs as
drifting lazily overhead. Pissed off? Be comforted as flames engulf the real deal; the cyberbrain systems of synthmorphs are not on par.
the walls and thunder grumbles ominously in the distance. You can Due to the prevalence of x-casting, live XP feeds are an integral
go about your day accompanied by your own personal soundtrack part of the coveillance paradigm.
or the smell of roses, the ocean air, or freshly baked pastries. Tired
of listening to your co-worker’s babble? A simple filter can block GAMING
them out, replacing them with a gray-shaded outline and the Along with AR and VR console games, multiplayer interactive alternate-
pleasant sounds of birds. Entire libraries of skins may be freely reality games (so-called MARGs) are popular. Many players are
downloaded for the express purpose of making the cheaply fabri- involved with one or more in-game “coteries” in various settings:
cated less distasteful and countering the space-induced cabin fever espionage (Cloak & Dagger), high fantasy (War of Wizards),
of cramped habitat environments. horror (Innsmouth Nights), romance (All My Forks) and sci-fi
(Starfleet Command). These games present stories and plots
for even niche interests is never farther than a few mental menus CivicNet, eXploreNet, Fame, and similar networks all track their
away. News and media feeds are highly personalized and curated to users’ mesh activity and build expansive profiles for advertising
your tastes by your muse. purposes. This data is readily available to certain hypercorps and
Many venues transmit their own local AR media channels, to political entities, or anyone that manages to hack heavily protected
keep social groupings focused on the same vibe. When you can social network servers.
stream a live performance from a DJ on Mars directly into your If you are hacked, your social network accounts may also be at
head almost anywhere, most club-goers prefer getting on the same risk. Your profile could be altered, history viewed, and fake posts,
channel so they can all dance to the same beat, experience the same pings, and dings made in your name.
visuals, and share the energy.
MOBILE OFFICES Entoptic tags are a way for people to “tag” a physical person, place,
Online collaboration tools, remote networking, and ALI assistants or object with virtual data. These e-tags are stored in networks local
mean that work is rarely tied a physical location — most people carry to the tagged item and move with the item if it changes location.
their jobs with them. For security purposes, VPNs ▶241 are mandatory. E-tags are viewable in AR and can hold almost any type of data,
Encrypted data module implants are often mandatory for employees though short notes and pictures are the most common. E-tags are
that carry sensitive company data in their heads, possibly protected often linked to particular social networks or circles within that
by a dedicated corporate security AI. Many hypercorps retain remote network so that people can leave notes, reviews, memorabilia,
access privileges to their workers’ mesh inserts and implants. media, and similar things for friends and colleagues.
Finding hidden tags in an area requires an Interface Test at –30
PSYCHOSURGERY at best or may be impossible without access to the right networks/
For safety reasons, psychosurgeons prefer working on forks that are devices (GM discretion). Even when found, they may require
then merged with the alpha ego. Most psychosurgery is handled decryption ▶247.
on-site at dedicated clinics. For privacy and security, psychosur-
geons keep their clients’ infomorphs on air-gapped servers with VIRTUAL REALITY (VR)
hardwired ego bridges. Some virtual clinics offer services on heavily Only servers ▶244 have the bandwidth and processing requirements
secured private networks. to run full VR simulspaces, especially ones with multiple users.
For extra stability, most VR services are offered in locations with
SEARCHES hardwired physical networks. Comfortable enclosed couches are
On the mesh, you have access to vast — almost overwhelming — provided for users, as their physical senses are cut off.
amounts of info. This is covered in detail under Online Research ▶254. VR is covered in more detail on ▶268.
Wireless radio traffic is broadcast through the air (or space), meaning
that it can be intercepted by other wireless devices. Since all mesh
traffic is relayed through numerous devices, each connection is
encrypted for privacy. “Sniffing” involves the circumvention of this
decryption in order to capture and analyze the actual data traffic.
To intercept wireless communications, you need a sniffer app and
you must be within radio range of the target (alternatively, you can
access a device that is within radio range of the target and sniff from
that location). The sniffer app automatically convinces the target to
relay their mesh traffic through you (just like any other mesh node).
This provides you with a list of mesh IDs to systems with which the
target is actively connected (Mesh ID ▶246). It will also identify any
connections that are protected by a VPN or quantum crypto.
You may target any one of these connections for active eavesdrop-
ping with a complex action and a Hacking Test ▶258. If successful,
you capture data traffic to and from the targeted device and the
connected system as long as you stay within range. Each connection
requires a separate test, though GMs may allow a single test for all
connections on less important NPCs.
When you capture sniffed traffic, you acquire all data passing
between the two systems. This includes emails, chats, transferred
files, media streams, and more. To find useful data in large amounts
of captured traffic may require a Research Test. If you capture traffic
during an authentication process ▶246, while a target is logging
in, you may even capture their access credentials, such as their
passcode or biometric scan. You can break a connection and force a
re-authentication to capture credentials, but this requires winning a
Hacking Test ▶258 with the authenticating firewall. links between nearby habitats. Laser links are sometimes favored
Sniffing VPNs: VPNs are more difficult to intercept: apply a for covert ops tacnets, as even stealthed radio signals can be
–30 modifier. If successful, you acquire the encryption keys used detected. Laser links cannot be sniffed.
by the two systems and may capture VPN traffic between them.
However, VPNs frequently change their encryption keys to deter Other Links
sniffing attacks; you can only sniff a VPN link for 1d6 minutes Microwave links function much like laser links, except that they do
before you must make another Hacking Test at –30. You can use not require line of sight, but are hindered by metallic obstructions.
superior successes to increase the duration by 1d6 minutes or to They are more common in less-settled areas. Skinlink systems,
make detection harder. popular in wearables, require devices and users to be physically
Detecting Sniffing Attacks: VPNs automatically monitor signal touching, and thus have no emissions that can be intercepted.
latency and other clues to detect sniffing attacks. Once a minute, Similarly, hardwired systems rely on fiberoptic cable connections.
the firewall (or system defender if actively defended) may make These provide excellent security against wireless interception and
a Firewall or Infosec Test. You can use superior successes scored jamming, and are common in certain “noisy” environments.
on the sniffing attack to modify this test by –10. If successful, the
defender detects their signals are being intercepted and may take ACCESSING MULTIPLE SYSTEMS
action (Countermeasures ▶260). Online, you may connect to and interact with numerous devices,
Sniffing QE Comms: Quantum-encrypted communications networks, and services simultaneously. You can only focus on
cannot be sniffed. and interact with one system at a time, though you may switch
between them freely, even within the same action turn. You could,
Laser Links for example, use 3 quick actions to directly message your friend,
Laser links are common where line-of-sight is not an issue. Laser instruct your home oven to start cooking dinner, and ding a strang-
links use wavelengths that are invisible to standard vision, but they er’s social network profile, all within the same action turn. You
may be seen with enhanced vision. For this reason they are avoided may also send the same command to multiple meshed systems,
in high-traffic areas, as they can be distracting. Laser links can be slaved devices, or teleoperated drones with the same quick action.
disrupted by fog, smoke, dust storms, or other atmospheric contam- However, any complex action may only be directed towards one
inants. They are commonly used as the primary communications system at a time.
Admin privileges allow you to access and alter all of the features
and data. They can do everything security accounts can, as well as
Mesh security relies heavily on authentication and encryption alter access privileges of other accounts, shut down or reboot the
to identify legitimate users and keep protected data from being system, stop and start any apps or services, and add or delete any
intercepted. software. Every system has one root admin account that cannot be
deleted or lose its privileges; for implant and hardware devices, this
MESH ID root account usually belongs to the person they are embedded in.
Your mesh ID is a unique identifier code that distinguishes you from
every other user and device on the mesh. Your cranial computer or AUTHENTICATION METHODS
ecto automatically associates this ID address with your accounts Most systems require some kind of authentication (a process by
and screen names, enabling you to receive messages and other which a system determines whether the claimed identity of a user is
transmissions. This ID is automatically generated each time you genuine) before they will grant you an account and access privileges.
come online and required for almost all online interactions. These There are multiple authentication methods a system can use (highly
interactions are universally logged, leaving a data trail that can be secure systems may require more than one). Though some are more
used to track your activity (Tracking ▶256). Fortunately, anonymizing secure than others, each has their own drawbacks.
services ▶315 are available for those who value their privacy.
Many mesh IDs are publicly registered (and in some jurisdictions, Biometric Scan
this is legally mandated). Looking up a registered mesh ID is trivial. These systems scan one or more of your morph’s biometric signa-
Registration data may include a name, physical address, and social tures (fingerprint, palm print, retinal scan, DNA sample, etc.).
media profile if so desired. Popular before the Fall, such systems have fallen out of use as they
are impractical with synthmorphs or users that frequently resleeve.
To access any mesh device or service, you need an account. Your Ego Scan
account links to your mesh ID and determines your access privi- This system authenticates the user’s ego ID ▶298, verified with
leges — what you are allowed to see and do with the device/service. a brainwave scan. As it requires a hardwired and tamper-proof
As some systems are more restrictive than others, the GM ultimately brainprint scanner, such systems are typically only found in high-
decides what privileges an account provides (Mesh Actions ▶248). security environments.
There are four types of accounts: public, user, security, and admin.
Account Shell: When you log onto a system, an account shell is Direct Neural Interface
created. This account shell is the user interface that allows you to If you have implants or embedded hardware, these are directly
interact with the system. This process represents your presence as spliced into your nervous system, with the physical links themselves
you access the system. It may be attacked in mesh combat ▶264. providing the authentication.
user. At the least, forging should require multiple skill tests (for gled together on a quantum level, in the same location, and then
example, Infosec and Hardware: Electronics to extract a retinal print separated. This means that quantum-encrypted communications
from a retinal scanner’s memory, and Medicine: Biotech to grow a channels require some setup effort, especially if long distances are
duplicate eye) and lengthy timeframes. involved. As a result, quantum-crypto protocols are reserved for
high-security communications links.
You can attempt to disguise your connection as if it came from a Codebreaking
legitimate user or system. If successful, the recipient system is What this means is that public-key-encrypted files are somewhat
fooled by the charade and treats your commands and other traffic safe and quantum-encrypted communications are absolutely safe.
as legitimate. GMs should take note: this may be useful to PCs, but may also
To spoof signals, you must first successfully monitor an hinder them. If the PCs need to get at something that is encrypted,
active connection between the two systems using a sniffer app they may need to deploy non-hacking methods to get the secret key/
(Sniffing ▶245). Armed with this data, you can use it to mask your passcode or find some way to bypass the encryption entirely.
own signals with a spoofer app. This requires a complex action
and a Hacking Test ▶258 between you and the target system (the Quantum Codebreaking
one receiving the signals). If the systems are communicating via a Quantum computers can be used to break public-key encryption.
VPN, this test suffers a –30 modifier. If you win, your communi- This is an Infosec task action with a timeframe of 1 week. Once
cations are treated as if coming from the legitimate system. If the started, the quantum computer finishes the job on its own; you
firewall loses the contest but also succeeds, it is aware that there do not need to provide constant oversight. This process does not
are discrepancies with the transmission (which is not that unusual). benefit from time-accelerated simulspaces. GMs should modify
It may investigate further; this requires another Hacking Test (the this timeframe to fit the needs of their game. Note that quantum
spoofer suffers –30 against a VPN); if the defender wins, they detect computers cannot break quantum-encrypted communications, only
evidence that incoming communications are being tampered with public-key-encrypted files.
and may respond accordingly (Countermeasures ▶260).
Note that spoofing only allows you to fake signals from one
system to another. To fake signals back the other way, you must
succeed in a Hacking Test ▶258 against the other system as well.
Successful man-in-the-middle attacks against both systems can be
challenging but quite devastating.
Keep in mind that your actions are limited by your current access the world around you (Skinning ▶242) with a quick action.
privileges ▶246. If you wish to do something that your privileges • Toggle Privacy Mode: You can set your public profile to private or
do not allow — access a file in a restricted directory, edit a log, public (Privacy Mode ▶241) with a quick action. You can also toggle
manipulate a security device — then you must hack the system to the option to allow police/security to override your privacy settings.
do so. Actions that specifically require hacking are detailed under • Toggle Simulspace: You may enter or exit a simulspace environ-
Hacking ▶258, and Subversion ▶262. ment (Virtual Reality ▶268).
Unless otherwise noted, these actions each take a complex action • Use Apps: Most devices are loaded with apps appropriate to their
but require no skill test, assuming you have access privileges. purpose. These commonly include word processors, graphic design
studios, video and audio workstations, and games. Dedicated
UNIVERSAL ACTIONS systems may have apps for habitat system controls and weapon
These actions apply to motes, hosts, servers, and most other elec- stations. Using these apps may require an Interface or other skill test.
tronics. Any user can take these actions, though high-security systems • Use Service: You can use software available as a service in the cloud.
may restrict some of these to users with security or admin privileges. This usually requires having a subscription to the service, though
some are free.
• Access Another System: You can authenticate ▶246and access • View Apps: You can see both the apps available on the device as
an account on another system. This creates an account shell ▶246, well as the ones currently running with only a quick action. Some
representing your presence on that system. apps may only be available to specific accounts, according to that
• Apply Tag: You can mark a physical person, place, or thing with an system’s privileges.
e-tag viewable in AR (Tagging ▶243). • View Profile: You can view the public social network profile and rep
• Communicate: You can email, text, and voice or video chat others scores of anyone within physical range (or within range of sensors
online, as long as you have their mesh ID. you are accessing), unless they are in (Privacy Mode ▶241).
• Encrypt/Decrypt: You can protect a file from prying eyes or access • View Sensor Feeds: Many devices include miniaturized sensors.
it with the proper authorization (Encryption ▶247). These can be viewed or streamed directly into your augmented
• Filter AR Mist: You can attempt to remove spam and other obtru- reality. Use Perceive Tests for most sensors; others may require
sive AR “mist” (AR Mist and Filters ▶242). Know Tests (for example: a chem sniffer’s results are analyzed with
• Identify Attacker: You can try to identify someone trying to crash Know: Chemistry). Sensors used for security purposes are usually
you in mesh combat (Attack Awareness ▶264). limited to accounts with security or admin privileges.
• Issue Command: You can command any slaved device, ALI, or • View System Status: Get a report on the system’s “health” and
teleoperated bot with only a quick action. Each command counts integrity, the status of its built-in functions, the progress of ongoing
separately, though you may issue the same command to multiple processes, security alerts/intruder status, and so on.
devices/bots at once.
• Log Off: Exit a system. SECURITY ACTIONS
• Modify Files: You can view, change, upload, download, and delete Actions reserved for accounts with security or admin privileges.
any files you have access privileges for. Deleted files can still be
recovered with an Interface Test for 1 week, though you can also • Acquire Mesh ID: You can acquire the mesh ID of anyone accessing
choose to wipe (permanently delete) a file so that no recovery is the system.
possible; however, archived backups may also exist. • Activate Countermeasure: You may initiate an active countermea-
• Operate Device: Most devices have built-in hardware and electronic sures ▶260 against an intruder, such as locking them out, tracing
functions that you can directly control. Turn on your vehicle, load them, or initiating a reboot.
an autocook blueprint, turn up the heat, turn off the sprinklers, • Attack: You can attempt to crash software, including account shells,
open the door, set a timer, fire a weapon system, adjust settings, etc. apps, firewalls, infomorphs, operating systems, and services (Mesh
At the GM’s discretion, some functions may require skill tests. Combat ▶264).
• Run Script: Launch a pre-programmed script (Scripting ▶249). • Bypass Jamming: You can attempt to temporarily overcome
• Scan Wireless Signals: It is a quick action to look up wireless jamming by winning an Opposed Interface Test with the jamming
devices within range and their mesh IDs. It takes a complex action party (Jam Signals ▶263). If successful, you get a short transmission
to locate a stealthed devices ▶244 . through (3 seconds, +3 per superior success).
• Search: You may search a system you are accessing or the mesh at • Locate Intruder: If you suspect a hacker has invaded your system,
large (Online Research ▶254). you can attempt to identify them (Locate Intruder ▶261).
• Shield Software: You may actively protect software that is targeted • Lockout: You can block a specified mesh ID from accessing the
in mesh combat ▶264. system. If that mesh ID is currently accessing the system, its account
• Stealth Wireless Signals: You can attempt to hide your wireless shell must be crashed in mesh combat first.
activity (Stealthed Signals ▶244). • Monitor Activity: You can spy on an app’s activity or another
• Switch Home Device: If you are an infomorph, you may transfer specific user’s actions in real-time. If the user is hacking the system,
your virtual mind-state to another system (Infomorphs ▶252) or this may require winning an Opposed Infosec Test to ascertain what
distribute it among several systems (Distributed Infomorphs ▶252). they are doing. Hackers sometimes use this to monitor the firewall
or system defender.
A script is a simple program — a batch of instructions — that you
can embed in a system to be executed at a later scheduled time or
upon a certain trigger event, without your presence. When activated,
the script will undertake a series of pre-defined actions, in order.
Scripts are commonly used by hackers to subvert a system while
they are occupied elsewhere, but they can also be used with your
own systems (though it is usually easier to tell ALIs what to do).
Scripts can be programmed on the fly or pre-programmed. When
composing the script, you must detail what actions the script will
take, in what order, and at what times (or trigger events). The
script cannot contain more steps/tasks than your Program skill ÷
10. To program a script, you must succeed in a Program Test with a
timeframe of 1 hour per step. Superior successes provide 1 point of
Insight pool that the script may use for making tests.
To load a script into a system, you must have the necessary access
privileges or must succeed in a Hacking Test ▶258. If successful, the
script is loaded into the system and will run as programmed. Once
the script is activated, it carries out the pre-programmed sequence of
actions. The script is considered to have the same access privileges
as the account that runs it. The programmer’s Infosec, Interface, and
Research skills are used for any tests called for by those actions, but
only the script’s own Insight pools may be used.
Scripts may be discovered in security audits ▶261
• Run audio through an online, real-time language translation service. power and are always increasing in complexity due to a continual
• Put you in privacy mode and proactively stealth your wireless signal. metamorphosis of their code. The only ASIs publicly known to exist
• Track people for you. are the infamous TITANs who are widely regarded as being respon-
• Anticipate your needs and pre-empt your requests. sible for the Fall. Many suspect that the TITANs were not the first
• Monitor your health (via medichines) and the status of ware/gear. ASIs, however, and they may not be the last. No ASIs are currently
• Summon help if something happens to you. known to exist within the Solar System or on any exoplanets visited
by transhumans, though rumors circulate of damaged TITANs left
Online, Even When You’re Down behind on Earth, speculated TITAN activity under the clouds of
Muses do not sleep, remaining active while you rest or hibernate. Venus, or whispers of ASIs hidden away in secret networks on the
Likewise, if you are incapacitated or grappled, your muse can still edges of the system.
act (Damage and Infomorph Riders ▶265). Shock attacks, however, ASI minds are too vast and complex to be downloaded into a
temporarily disrupt implanted systems, so your muse will be inca- physical morph, even a synthetic one. They have been known to
pacitated just as you are. sometimes create massively dumbed-down forks that can sleeve
into physical morphs, with drastically reduced mental capacities.
Muse Backups ASIs are too intelligent to codify in game terms. They can think
Muses are normally backed up and stored along with the ego, circles around transhumans, have plans within plans within plans,
including on cortical stacks. have unlocked secrets of the universe that we only dream about,
and are unlikely ever to be caught off-guard.
Other Infomorphs As Muses
Some people prefer full-blown intelligences for aid and companion- NON-STANDARD AIs
ship over a muse. Any infomorph can take a muse’s residence within Not all ALIs and AGIs are programmed and designed to adhere to
your mesh inserts, whether an AGI, disembodied transhuman, or human modes of thought and interests. These include emergent
even a fork of yourself. neural networks that expressed intelligence on their own, uplifted
expert systems, machine minds based on non-human brains, and
AGIs stranger things. Such creations are illegal and considered a potential
AGIs are complete and fully autonomous digital consciousnesses, self threat in many jurisdictions. Nevertheless, hypercorps and other
aware and capable of intelligent action at the same level as other trans- groups experiment with varying results. In some cases, these digital
humans. AGIs are capable of creativity, learning, and self-improvement minds are so different from human mindsets that communication
(at a slow but steady pace equivalent to humans). They also possess is impossible. In others, enough crossover exists to allow limited
deep, rounded personalities and stronger emotional/empathic abilities communication, but such entities are invariably quite strange.
ego, whether that be an AI or the emulation of a biological mind. loads with each other. An infomorph can even run itself as a distrib-
Whereas a backup is just an inactive file, infomorphs are software uted process using only motes, though this requires 5 at minimum.
executables, active programs that bring the ego to electronic life. Meshed together, these motes can handle the mind-state’s storage
For millions of infugees, a digital form is their only choice. and processing requirements.
Some are locked away in virtual realities, effectively imprisoned Running as a distributed infomorph has its advantages. Attempts
and separated from the mesh. Others are stored as deactivated to track you via mesh ID ▶246 suffer a –10 modifier. You also
files, forgotten by habitats that don’t have the resources to accom- acquire a degree of invulnerability in mesh combat ▶264, as you
modate them. Others sell themselves into indentured service, must be crashed on each device to be completely taken out. You
performing digital labor for hypercorps or criminal syndicates for must split your Durability evenly between devices but your Wound
a pittance, desperately hoping to eventually hoard enough credits Threshold remains the same. However, your attack surface also
to buy their freedom and a cheap sleeve. Quite a few freely roam increases: you can be targeted for hacking and brainhacking on
the mesh, interacting with the physical world via AR and bots. A multiple devices. Each device you are distributed upon counts as
few find companions to bring them along in a ghostrider module, a home device. If your presence on a device (or the device itself )
becoming an integral part of their lives, much like a muse. crashes, you suffer a wound.
Many transhumans willingly choose the infomorph lifestyle, Properly distributing yourself takes 1 action turn per device;
either for hedonism (custom simulspace and VR games until the re-integrating onto a single device takes the same time. If you are
end of time), escapism (misfortune leads them to write off physical ever running on less than 5 motes alone, apply modifiers as if
concerns), freedom (going anywhere the mesh takes them — some operating on an overloaded device ▶244. If you stretch yourself
have even beamed copies of themselves to distant star systems, between too many devices (more than 10), you incur a –10 modifier
hoping someone or something will receive their signal when they to all actions per increment of 10 devices as your distributed mind
arrive), or experimentation (forking and merging, running simu- suffers communication lag.
lations, and weirder things). Naturally, most infolife AGIs tend to
prefer a digital existence over the banalities of the physical world. DIGITAL SPEEDS
Though disembodied, infomorphs can interact with the physical All infomorphs have the Digital Speed trait ▶73, reducing the time-
world via the mesh, viewing through sensors, streaming XP feeds, frame for all mesh-based task actions by 25% (cumulative with
communicating with characters, commanding slaved devices, and reductions for superior successes).
teleoperating bots.
Every infomorph must be run on a specific host or server — your
home device. The privileged choose secure systems upon which
they have admin access, but most simply rent a private partition
on a major server. Others reside in the mesh inserts or ghostrider
modules of friends, relatives, or hired “taxis.” Your home device
stores your mind-state files and handles the processing needs of
your mind-emulation suite. You can access other devices through
the mesh, but you reside on your home device. Infomorphs act as
their own account shells on their home devices.
The safety of your home device is important. If it is shut down,
you shut down with it, rebooting along with the device later. If the
device is destroyed, you are killed, though your data may be recover-
able from salvaged components (perhaps resulting in a vapor ▶292).
A host can be home to only one infomorph at a time; servers may
run multiple infomorphs. Most motes do not have the processing
power to run infomorphs.
Inadequate Devices
Some devices lack the full processing power required to run an info-
morph. This includes outdated systems, devices that have suffered
extensive damage, partially functioning servers running in long-aban-
doned outposts, ad-hoc cobbled-together systems, and some motes
from which the resident ALI has been deleted. Infomorphs may still
run these devices, but suffer the same modifiers as for an overloaded
device ▶244. Infomorphs find running on sub-par hardware to be a
deeply unpleasant and frustrating experience.
In many jurisdictions, copying oneself is frowned upon or flat-out wish to stick with the team or for any PCs that were egocasted or
illegal. Some polities require infomorphs to be encoded with copylock killed and haven’t yet resleeved. It is also a useful option for having
and auto-erase meshware ▶326 to prevent unauthorized copying and forks on hand.
delete the fork upon reaching a legally mandated time limit. Infomorph riders may remain active even when their host morph
is sleeping or incapacitated (Damage and Infomorph Riders ▶265).
//Accessing New Forum Threads//
Anon: OK, everyone, hit me with your latest infomorph scariness mesh rumors. Anon: Let's talk about something with an actual basis in reality. Multiple gate-
Let's hear about all of the virtual bogeymen. crashers have testified they were somehow forked when they passed through
Anon: There's gossip going around Mars's mesh communities about a private a gate. According to these claims, their forks were instantiated as infomorphs
server in Martian orbit that has the best simulspaces anyone has ever seen. in some alien system, where they were subjected to various puzzles and
It's like heaven for infomorphs. Allegedly, there's a secretive group that tests. They claim that their forks were then re-integrated when they passed
controls access, and to get in they make you do all sorts of illegal things. back through the gates. According to someone I know at Pathfinder, these
Anon: I heard that the VR was top-notch because a TITAN fork was running it. accounts included matching details that weren't public.
It was an open debate whether the TITAN was imprisoned there or whether Anon: Sounds like someone is using the gates to try and figure out how to
it was luring new infomorphs in to corrupt them and turn them into pawns. make contact with us. Or how best to wipe us out.
Anon: I've heard better hidden simulspace tales. Like the one about the geronto- Anon: We have AGIs in our midst, right now, copying en masse in preparation
crat that gathered up all of the backups of his political rivals back on Earth during for a war. A hostile takeover. Open your eyes, people! Fall 2.0 is coming!
the Fall, just so he could run them in a private server to torture, play with, or do Anon: I dunno, maybe stop treating AGIs like inferior nobodies and they won't
as he pleases. It's said he has the entire Senate of Poland on that drive. They're be so interested in killing us all.
probably adding new egos to the menagerie all of the time. Anon: I've heard of AGIs that are researching ways to reproduce themselves,
Anon: Let's talk about the Factor infomorphs that are running free on our mesh. not by coding, but in a process that replicates biological reproduction.
Why isn't anyone doing anything about this alien menace? Anon: Psht,we're fine with copying and modifying code, just as we've already
Anon: It's not Factors, it's some other alien entity brought back in an artifact been doing with codelines. We're the future, not you bio meat sacks.
via the gates. No telling how old it is.
public sensor feeds, social network activity, personal information, to anticipate needs and provide whatever is desired by their user at
corporate info, SolArchive entries, criminal records, government the right moment and in the right context. The same logic applies to
data, leaked reports, mesh-connected devices, and much, much actions by groups of people, such as economics and social discourse.
more. Digitized data of all kinds can be searched: text, pictures, ALIs use algorithms to cross-index data and contexts to predict
audio, video, XP, raw data, software, etc. This data is culled from all most likely outcomes. Security forces use this to place patrols where
manner of sources: archives, databases, directories, social networks, trouble is likely to occur.
cloud services, blogs/vlogs, forums, chat rooms, and regular mesh Data Mash-Ups: The combination of abundant computing,
sites. Research is conducted using various public and private search archived data, and ubiquitous public sensors, along with intricate
engines, both general and specialized, as well as data indices and algorithms, means that intriguing correlations can be drawn from
search AIs. data that is mined and collated. In the midst of a habitat emergency
You also use Research when looking for information on a specific such as a terrorist bombing, for example, the ID of everyone in the
network or device to which you have access: a sensor mote, some- vicinity could be scanned, compared to data archives to separate out
one’s ecto or tablet, a robot, or an opponent’s mesh inserts (Searching those who have a history of being in the vicinity at that particular
Specific Systems ▶next page). Likewise, since everyone inevitably uses time, with those remaining checked against databases of crim-
and interacts with the mesh, Research skill is also a way to identify, inal/suspect history, their recorded actions analyzed for unusual
backtrack, and/or gather information on people as long as they have behavior, and anything they’ve spoken compared to keyword lists.
not hidden their identity, worked anonymously, or covered their
identity with a shroud of disinformation (Tracking ▶256). RESEARCH TESTS
Online research is a crucial element of most Eclipse Phase scenarios, as
SEARCH CHALLENGES characters take to the mesh to unearth backgrounds and uncover clues.
Due to the sheer amount of data available, finding what you’re Common and inconsequential public information is immediately
looking for can be a daunting task. Thankfully, information is fairly available without requiring a roll at all. Your muse will handle these
well organized, thanks to the hard work of “spider” AIs that cruise searches for you, passing on the results while you focus on other things.
the mesh and update data and search indices.
Another impediment to online searches is the amount of incorrect
data and misinformation. Much data is simply wrong (mistakes
happen) or outdated. Falsehoods are intentionally perpetuated and Online Research
spread for memetic warfare purposes. Hacktivist groups actively Situation Modifiers
seed false data in an effort to combat out-of-control surveillance data Conflicting Sources –10
mining. This misinformation can linger for years and propagate far Possess Hints, Traces, or Corroborating Details +10 to +30
and wide as it is circulated without fact-checking. To counteract this,
many data sources incorporate reputation scores so that untrust-
worthy or disreputable sources can be identified and ranked lower in Widespread Information timeframe ÷ 2
search results. Many archives also harness the collaborative power of Buried Within Other Details timeframe × 2
mesh users and ALIs to crowdsource verification of their data. Obscure or Unusual Data –10 to –30
SEARCH CAPABILITIES Private or Proprietary Data –30 or NA
Online research in Eclipse Phase is not the same as just googling Analysis/Comparison of Data Sets
something. Here are five ways in which it is vastly improved: Small Data Set (single scientific study/sample) timeframe ÷ 2
Pattern Recognition: Biometrics and other forms of pattern
Medium Data Set (multiple studies/samples) —
recognition are efficient and intelligent. It is not only possible
to run image recognition searches (in real time, via all available Large Data Set (dozens of studies/samples) timeframe × 4
motes and XP feeds) but to search for patterns such as gait, sounds, Massive Data Sets (hundreds of studies/samples) timeframe × 20
colors, emotive displays, traffic, crowd movement, etc. Kinesics Real-Time Biometric Scanning
and behavioral analysis even allow sensor searches for people
exhibiting certain patterns such as suspicious loitering, nervous- Facility/Small Habitat —
ness, or agitation. Neighborhood/Medium Habitat –10
Metadata: Information and files online come with hidden data City/Large Habitat –30
about their creation, alteration, and access. A photo’s metadata, for
example, will note what gear it was taken on, who took it, when and
where, as well as who accessed it online, though such metadata may Small Data Set (1 week) –30
be easily scrubbed or anonymized. Medium Data Set (1 month) —
Semantic Tags: Most data is semantically tagged, meaning that Large Data Set (1 year) +10
it’s accompanied by code that an ALI can use to understand the
context of that information as a transhuman would.
Massive Data Set (5 years+) +30
search may first lead to an account of a gatecrasher who
ical details of a particular alien toxin, but a Know: Chemistry Test
saw something similar, so the trail takes you towards
may be necessary to actually understand the repercussions and
the logs from a specific pandora gate, which then leads
concoct an antidote.
to a mission report, which then points you towards a
REAL-TIME ALERTS specific hypercorp that may have smuggled the device
back to the Solar System. GMs should be careful to allow
You may ask your muse to monitor mesh feeds for news or other
multiple paths towards the end-goal data, in case one
mentions as they occur in real time. You can also monitor existing
trail goes cold.
data for any updates or changes. If and when the information comes
up, the GM makes a secret Research Test on your muse’s behalf. If
successful, the update is noted. If not, it is missed, though the GM
may allow another test if and when the topic reaches a wider range
of circulation or interest.
within radio range. At the least your mesh ID will be recorded, and Medium Habitat (Torus) or Neighborhood –20
possibly other data as well: type of device, length of connection, Small Habitat (Tin Cans) or Large Building –10
apps used, AR perceived, time, physical location, and possibly the Heavy Traffic –10
mesh IDs of other systems you were connected to. On top of this,
Multiple Biometrics +10
apps and services — particularly commercial ones — keep a usage
history and often surreptitiously log other data about you, which is Less Available Biometric Sensors (Scent, Thermal) –10
then transmitted to their vendors and sold to advertising networks Access to Private Sensor Nets +10 to +30
and other data brokers. This may include friends lists, installed apps, Target in Privacy Mode –10
browsing history, personal data, cached forms, and a “fingerprint” of
your device that can be used to track you online even if you switch
your mesh ID.
PHYSICAL TRACKING While viewing someone’s public mesh presence is relatively easy,
Many users willingly allow themselves to be physically tracked tracking someone’s less-public online activity is usually a more
via the mesh. To them, this is a useful feature — it allows their challenging affair.
friends to find them, their loved ones to know where they are, and
for authorities to come to their aid in the event of an emergency. Researching Public Mesh Presence
Finding their location is simply a matter of looking them up in the Most people post a vast amount of information about themselves
local directory, no test required (assuming you know who they are). online. Social network profiles, forum posts, lifelog entries, personal
Mesh positioning is accurate to within 5 meters. Once located, the media collections, XP casts, work portfolios, habitat resident indices,
position of the target can be monitored as they move as long as they and more are readily accessible with a Research Test. Privacy-
maintain an active wireless connection to the mesh. conscious people usually have a similar online presence, except
For people who do not freely disclose their location, the following pseudonymous and/or only viewable to vetted friends and contacts.
rules apply. Private profile data can still be scraped, but it requires using proxies,
sock puppet accounts, and data collection services (apply the –30
Tracing by Mesh ID private data modifier). Alternatively, rep favors can work just as well,
To track the current or last known physical location of a mesh ID ▶246 especially if the target is a friend of a friend.
requires a Research Test. If successful, the results are returned Most hypercorps and governments have access to vast databases
instantly if the target is within the local mesh region; targets compiled by marketing and private intel firms. These can provide
further away may take longer, as dictated by distance lag. Superior extensive data such as purchasing and travel habits, known acquain-
successes may fine-tune the location or provide supplementary tances, and more. Access to this data is often brokered through black
details such as live sensor footage. market services.
If the target is in privacy mode ▶241, apply a –30 modifier to this
test. If the target is actively disguising their activity by spoofing Tracking Ongoing Mesh Activity
mesh IDs or cycling through false mesh IDs, this becomes an It is tricky, but not impossible, to acquire a far more detailed assess-
opposed test pitting Research against the target’s Infosec skill, with ment of someone’s mesh activity: rep-net interactions, services used,
a timeframe of 1 hour. If the target is using an anonymizing service, sites browsed, people messaged, etc. At the least, this would entail
they can only be tracked back to the service itself (Anonymizer ▶315). knowing their mesh ID and applying a –30 obscure data modifier to
your Research Test, simply because you would largely be relying on
Tracking by Biometrics access and transaction logs which are only rarely public. A slightly
The prevalence of sensor motes, XP feeds, and biometric recog- better approach is to focus on one specific type of activity — for
nition apps make it possible to track people by their face, morph, example, use of certain online services — and either deploy some
gait, voice, clothing, gear, thermal signatures, scent, and other judicious low-level hacking (summarized with a quick-and-dirty
physical characteristics. However, the sheer amount of sensors and Infosec Test, timeframe of 1 hour) or use rep favors, bribes, or
people can make this challenging and trigger both false-positives threats to get the info you need. The GM must use their best judg-
and false-negatives. The success of searches of this nature is best ment here when applying modifiers.
left to GM fiat, but a Perceive (if eyeballing) or Research (if using a Tracking someone’s activity on a single system is much easier,
biometric matcher app) Test can also be called for, modified appro- requiring a monitor activity action ▶248.
priately by the size of the area surveiled, as noted on the Biometric
Searches table. Active Monitoring
If the target is actively avoiding sensor detection, this Research By far, the best approach to monitor someone’s mesh activity, espe-
Test is opposed by the target’s Infiltrate skill (or Exotic Skill: Disguise). cially in real-time, is to actively analyze their mesh traffic. This can
be done remotely and requires only their mesh ID and a sniffer app
(Sniffing ▶245). Alternatively, you can hack their PAN and monitor
what they do from there.
ical success, you have covert status ▶below), but a passive alert is still
triggered ▶260. In this situation, both superior and critical results
In the digital realm, everything has a vulnerability. Software is the take effect simultaneously. If you lose the opposed test, you fail to
classic plan that never survives contact with the enemy. Hackers are get in and the system goes on passive alert ▶260.
continuously scouting for flaws in code that will allow them to exploit
it for unintended purposes. As quickly as these flaws are discovered Subtle Intrusion
and patched, new ones are discovered and leveraged for advantage. The preferred method of owning a target is to quietly and system-
Hackers routinely share, trade, and sell their exploits online. atically probe it, analyze its setup and software, and determine the
The best of these make their way into pre-packaged exploit app most likely vulnerabilities. Subtle intrusion is a task action with
libraries — software tools that scan a target, openly or with subtlety, a timeframe of 1 hour (GMs may alter this timeframe for heavily
probe it for vulnerabilities, and automatically execute attacks. secured or unprotected systems). Make a Hacking Test. If you
There are many methods you may use to hack a system. The first succeed, you have gained access to the target system with user-level
is to circumvent the authentication ▶246 on a legitimate account, access privileges ▶246 and covert status Intruder Status ▶below.
but this requires background knowledge of the account and takes Each superior success increases your privileges one step (first to
time and special effort. The second is to sniff the traffic of a legiti- security then to admin level). On a critical success, you have hidden
mate user ▶245 and remotely spoof commands ▶247, which can be status ▶below; the defender remains unaware of the intrusion. Both
powerful but limited. The most common method of hacking is to superior and critical results may apply.
directly gain access to the target (Intrusion ▶below) and subvert it If the firewall succeeds but loses the opposed test, a passive alert
from within (Subversion ▶262). is triggered Security Alerts ▶260. If the firewall wins the opposed
test, you fail to get in and the system goes on passive alert ▶260.
Almost all intrusion and subversion efforts rely on Hacking Tests. Joint Hacking
This opposed test pits the hacker’s Infosec skill against the target’s You can cooperate with others while hacking: one person takes the
Firewall Rating ▶260 — or the defender’s Infosec skill if the system lead, using their connection, while the others take actions to support,
is actively defended ▶260. If the hacker wins, they pull off their providing a teamwork bonus ▶31. Only the lead hacker may use
intended action, otherwise their action fails. pools, and only they are targeted by countermeasures ▶260.
Alternatively, multiple hackers can separately hack the same system
INTRUSION simultaneously. While their actions are handled separately, if any of
The art of intrusion involves penetrating a system’s security, taking them trigger an alert, all intruders on the system will be affected.
advantage of code glitches and flawed security protocols to bypass
the target’s defenses. The best methods involve infiltrating a system Hacking Again
slowly and quietly, without catching a watchdog’s attention. When If you have successfully hacked into a system once, you receive a
called for, however, a hacker can toss aside pretenses and attempt to +30 bonus on Hacking Tests to intrude into the system again, until
brute-force their way in. a security audit ▶261 patches the vulnerability. You may also provide
this bonus to others by sharing the exploit used.
Establishing a Connection
In order to hack a system, you must establish a direct connection to INTRUDER STATUS
the target. If you are making a direct wireless connection, the target Intruder status is a simple way of measuring a hacker’s situation as
system must be wireless-capable and within wireless radio range, they invade a system — have they caught the attention of defenses
and you must know the target is there (Stealthed Signals ▶244). If or do they remain unobtrusive? Intruder status is first determined
the system is hardwired, you must physically jack in by using a when you access a system, though it may change according to
regular access port (or skinlink, if the system is so equipped) or tap events. Note that intruder status is a separate matter from account
into a cable that carries the system’s traffic (requiring a Hardware: access privileges ▶246. The latter represents your permissions and
Electronics Test and appropriate equipment, such as an electronics what you are allowed to do on a system. The former indicates the
kit). If you are accessing the target through the mesh, the system system’s awareness of your true nature as an intruder.
must be online and you must know its mesh ID or otherwise be able
to find it through research or tracking. Hidden
If your status is hidden, the system is completely unaware of your
Brute-Force Attacks presence and cannot act against you. Your actions are not recorded
Brute-force hacking is quick, messy, and loud. You select the target, in logs and other users cannot detect you. Your presence may leave
trigger your exploit app, and let it quickly and methodically cycle some traces, but they will require thorough analysis and time to find.
through attacks against the most common vulnerabilities. Brute- While hidden, you receive a +10 modifier on any efforts to
force intrusions require only a complex action, meaning they can subvert the system ▶262.
be a relevant factor even in combat scenarios. However, the target is
almost always alerted to the digital invasion. Covert
To brute-force a target, make a Hacking Test. The intruder With covert status, your presence on the system looks legitimate and
suffers a –30 modifier. If you succeed, you have gained access to doesn’t attract any unusual attention. Only extensive checking will
the target system with user-level access privileges ▶246 and spotted turn up abnormalities. The system is aware of you, but does not
status Intruder Status ▶next column), and the system goes on active consider you a threat.
alert (Security Alerts ▶260). Each superior success increases your
Upgrading Status
You can attempt to improve your status to better hide yourself from
the system. This requires a complex action and a Hacking Test. If you Sometimes a PC may want to hack a system that is less
win, you can upgrade your status by one level (spotted to covert or consequential to the story. Rather than running each hack
covert to hidden). A superior success can take this one level further. step-by-step, the GM can consolidate such a hack into a
Note that changing your status does not affect the system’s alert single task action Infosec Test. First, the hacker should
status. If you go from spotted to covert or hidden, the system is still compile a brief list of objectives after hacking in (e.g., locate
aware there was an intrusion, it just can’t currently pinpoint you. a file, unlock a door, loop a sensor feed, eliminate traces).
Set a timeframe of 1 hour plus 10 minutes per objective. If
Exposure brute forcing, the timeframe is 2 action turns per objective.
Any time you use Infosec skill and engage in hacking while within Apply the following modifiers: –30 if brute forcing, +10 if
a system, you run the risk of exposing yourself to the system’s secu- hacking a mote, –10 if hacking a server, and –10 if hacking
rity. If you roll a superior failure on a Hacking Test, you trigger a multiple systems.
passive alert ▶260. This may instigate the system defender to take
a closer look. Infosec Test Result Hacking Result
If you roll a critical failure on a Hacking Test, you automati- Critical Failure Hack fails, hacker traced.
cally switch your status to spotted and the system goes on active Superior Failure Hack fails.
alert ▶260. Failure Hacker achieves first objective only.
If you attack a target in mesh combat ▶264, you must also make a Success Hacker achieves all objectives.
Hacking Test or trigger a passive alert. Superior Success Hacker achieves all objectives in 25%
less time per superior success.
Critical Success Hacker achieves all objectives,
backdoors system.
the holes, repeat ad nauseam. System admins and security hackers hacker, who can overwatch the entire group’s security.
have a menu of options for handling intruders, though the level of System defenders have security if not admin privileges. If a
security on a system can range from paper-thin to extremely hostile. passive or active alert is triggered, they are informed. Defenders are
responsible for triggering non-automatic countermeasures.
FIREWALL Multiple Defenders: Some systems may have more then one
In Eclipse Phase, a firewall is a non-sapient neural-net security suite defender present. When it comes to active countermeasures and
that monitors network traffic and defends against hackers. Every other actions, defenders choose to work together or separately. If
system has a firewall app actively defending it. Firewalls may initiate acting in concert, the other defenders provide a teamwork bonus ▶31;
automatic countermeasures, depending on their programming. only the primary defender can use pools. If acting individually, each
Each firewall has a rating measuring its defensive capabilities. defender relies on their own Initiative, skills, and pools.
Firewall ratings are based on the type of device, as noted on the
Firewall Ratings table. This is used to oppose Hacking Tests ▶258 Active Defense
made by hackers. At the GM’s discretion, some firewalls may be As a complex action, a system defender can assume control of a
weaker if old or non-maintained or stronger if state-of-the-art. system’s firewall defenses for one action turn. While engaged in
If the firewall app on a device is deleted or crashed, tests to hack active defense, use the defender’s Infosec skill in place of Firewall
the system are unopposed until the firewall is restored, unless a rating for Hacking Tests. The defender may use pools on these tests.
system defender engages in active monitoring. Only one defender can engage in active defense at a time.
Every system is unique and handles security differently. The Servers use security ALIs and take their defenses seri-
GM maps out each system’s set-up. ously. Corporate networks often use tiered networks or
Motes are notorious for minimal security and outdated air-gapped systems (Mesh Topology ▶241 ) to protect critical
defenses. Sometimes, however, they are slaved to a assets. Security hackers may be on-site or on-call, arriving
controlling “chokepoint” node with better security (this is the in d6 action turns. Some simply seek to kick intruders out.
case with most PANs). Others will trace intruders, dispatching security forces or
Host defenses largely depend on the security conscious- police to apprehend suspects if located, or hack them back.
ness of their owner. Muses act as system defender for mesh Security audits are likely to be frequent.
inserts and ectos.
whenever a passive alert is triggered. Each user will be re-authenticated Terminate Connections (Automatic)
in 1d6 action turns, though a large system with hundreds or thousands An alternative to shutdown or rebooting is simply to sever all
of users may take 1d6 minutes. Any intruders that do not have hidden connections (usually by temporarily disabling the device’s wireless
status must make a Hacking Test against the system firewall. If the firewall capabilities and going into “airplane mode”). The system loses all
wins, the intruder gains the spotted status and the system goes to active active connections, but any intruders are dumped. Termination
alert. If the intruder has valid credentials (such as a stolen passcode), takes a complex action to initiate and completes at the end of that
they automatically succeed. action turn. Connectivity may be set to restore on the next action
turn, in a set time frame, or only when initiated by a local admin.
Reduce Privileges (Automatic) Restarting connectivity takes 1 action turn. Any remote users will
As a protective measure, the system temporarily reduces access need to log back in; intruders without proper credentials will need
privileges available to standard users — and sometimes security to hack the system again. While connections are terminated, the
accounts as well. This means that legitimate users may be unable to system cannot communicate and interact with other systems.
perform certain functions, use some apps/services, or access certain
directories without authorization from an admin account. Trace (Automatic)
Defenders can initiate a trace on a spotted intruder. Most hackers
ACTIVE COUNTERMEASURES are careful to use an anonymizing service to mask their mesh ID
Active countermeasures are initiated when an intruder is fully and location, but this is not always the case. If an intruder is phys-
detected (spotted status). Systems/firewalls can be set to immedi- ically located, the standard procedure is to alert habitat security
ately trigger automatic countermeasures; others may be pursued at or other local or private police, who will mobilize to apprehend
the defender’s discretion. the suspect.
from a regular user: searching files, operating devices, etc. See Mesh Hacking Test. If successful, you wipe away details that might be used
Actions ▶248. to track you down or reveal what you did, including your mesh ID.
Any time you attempt to do something that your access privi-
leges ▶246 do not allow for, you must hack the system to do what FORCE RE-AUTHENTICATION
you want. In most cases, this requires a Hacking Test ▶258. Apply While sniffing a target, you can break the connection and force
modifiers from ongoing system alerts ▶260. If you win the contest, them to re-authenticate in order to capture their login credentials
you succeed, but each attempt puts you in risk of discovery if you (Sniffing ▶245). This requires winning a Hacking Test against the
roll a superior or critical failure (Exposure ▶259). authenticating firewall.
Aside from exceeding your privileges, there are some techniques
that are explicitly subversive. A sampling of common subversions HIDE FILE OR PROCESS
are described below; GMs should use these as guidelines for arbi- You can obfuscate the presence of a file, code element, or even an
trating others. active app, script, or other software process. This takes a complex
action and an Infosec Test; note the result. Anyone that seeks to
BREAK ENCRYPTION find that file or process later must beat your result with an Opposed
You can attempt to decrypt an encrypted file without proper autho- Research Test at –30.
rization (Codebreaking ▶247).
CONTROL WARE If hacking a device projecting AR, the AR illusions app can be
If hacking mesh inserts, a cyberbrain (Mindware Hacking ▶266), or used to distract and impair the target. For example, dark illusory
a PAN’s master node, you will have privileged access to a morph’s clouds can obscure vision, ear-wrenching high-volume noises can
ware — not to mention hacking the ware directly. A hacker can use make people cringe, and a persistent tickling sensation might drive
this to (de)activate the ware, modify its functioning parameters, anyone crazy. Make an Interface Test; if successful the target suffers
access diagnostics and usage logs, or install scripts ▶249 to manipu- a –10 impairment modifier to Perceive and other actions, with an
late this ware in the future, among other creative uses. additional –10 per superior success. Modifiers may be temporary, as
the target can adjust their filters and/or turn their AR off if necessary.
Many systems have safety features in place to prevent people from INJECT AR/ILLUSION
accidentally (or intentionally) harming themselves or others. You If hacking an AR-capable device, you can insert fake sensory input
may override the warnings and mechanisms of safety systems by into an AR feed with a Hacking Test. The primary use of the AR illu-
winning a Hacking Test. A –30 modifier applies, as such systems are sions app is to inject different kinds of visual, auditory, tactile, and
built with redundant features. This can be used to open both sides even emotional illusions into the augmented reality of the device’s
of an airlock simultaneously, mute the imminent collision alert on user, depending on the type of interface used. How the hacked user
a spacecraft, or to prevent authorized users from being notified will respond to the illusion depends on whether they are aware
of tampered equipment or dangerous circumstances. At the GM’s of the intruder, what type of interface they are using (entoptic or
discretion, some safety features may automatically restart, requiring haptic), and how realistic the illusion is.
suppression Suppress Process ▶next page. The best illusions are crafted in advance, using real footage and
advanced image and sensory manipulation tools. Such illusions are
EDIT AR FEED hyper-realistic. If injected subtly, with proper timing, and in the
If hacking a device broadcasting AR, you can selectively block or proper context, there is no reason for the target to suspect trickery.
edit out specific sensory data using an AR illusion app, or simply If something is off, however, this becomes an opposed test between
terminate the AR feed entirely. This could entail blocking out all the illusion creator’s Interface skill and the target’s Perceive. GMs
AR data of a specific type (audio, visual, haptic, etc.) or blocking should apply modifiers as they feel appropriate. Keep in mind
specific people, things, sounds, or other things. For example, you that even if someone sees through the deception, they may still
can block the user from seeing a friend’s messages, edit out a person act instinctively; almost anyone will duck when they see an object
from their vision, prevent them from hearing an alarm siren, and so suddenly flying at their face, as their body reacts before the brain
on. Depending on the situation and context, the GM may decide comprehends that it’s an illusion and not a threat.
that this is automatically successful (something that would be Improvising on the Fly: Hackers may also improvise illusions
easy to miss) or may give the target a modified Perceive Test (–0 as needed, taking advantage of the AR illusion app’s advanced tools,
to –30) to notice the change (if the blocking creates obvious gaps patching in and manipulating sensory clips as needed in real-time.
or is off-kilter to the responses of others). For example, blocking the This requires a sustained task action from the hacker and is more
view of someone moving through a crowd will not change the fact difficult and easily spotted (+10 to +30 modifier to Perceive Tests).
that the crowd is creating a space for that person to move through. The advantage is that the hacker can modify the illusion in reaction
Likewise, blocking the smell of smoke will not stop the target from to the user’s actions or environmental factors on the fly.
seeing smoke, flames, or others reacting to the blaze.
System reboots will also remove all blockers. sidestep automatic countermeasures such as re-authentication or
Blockers are not omnipotent; GMs should use their best judg- reduced privileges. The same action can be used to reduce an active
ment when defining their limitations and reach. alert to a passive alert (which can then subsequently be turned off
with another suppress action).
You can transmit radio signals that deliberately interfere with other SUPPRESS PROCESS
radio signals in order to disrupt communications. You can choose to Many hacking techniques are fire-and-forget — you disable a
selectively jam a particular device or devices, or universally jam all function, kill the app, terminate the connection, etc. — and move
radio signals. Jamming requires a complex action and an Interface on. The disruption is temporary; the system defender or another
Test to initiate. If successful, affected devices within range have their user can simply restart the process. Some systems are designed to
radio communications disrupted — they are cut off from the mesh automatically restart certain processes on their own (GM discretion).
and cannot communicate wirelessly until the jamming ends or they To prevent the process from restarting, you need to delete the under-
move out of range. Wired devices are unaffected. lying software from the system (usually requiring admin privileges;
Jamming is quite difficult to overcome (Bypass Jamming ▶248). Modify Software ▶249) or you must actively suppress the process.
Jamming may also be used to block radar signals and sensors. Suppressing a process requires a complex action each action turn.
This will counteract the system’s automatic attempts to restart the
LOOP SENSOR FEED process. Anyone that wishes to restart the process must successfully
A common method of undermining surveillance systems is to loop defeat you in an Opposed Infosec Test though it may be terminated
the sensor feed, so that it repeatedly shows insignificant footage again … unless termination is blocked.
or data, allowing physical intruders to pass undetected. To loop a Many hackers task their muses with suppressing processes.
feed, you must first find and copy a recorded segment of the sensor
feed (possibly requiring a Research Test) or spend the time to record TAP AR
it. Looping the feed requires a complex action and a Hacking Test. You can access and monitor any augmented reality experienced by
Looped feeds can be set to automatically revert after a set time frame. a user as if it were your own with a Hacking Test. You can even set
this up to automatically forward the same AR experience to you if
MODIFY TACNET you leave the system.
If hacking a tacnet-enabled system, you can alter, block, or inject
tacnet data of your own. This could be used to change maps, block TAP SENSES
sensory feeds, alter health status indicators, and so on. You can If hacking mesh inserts or a cyberbrain (Mindware Hacking ▶266),
also tag foes as friends, which would prevent a smartlink-enabled you can tap into the target’s sensorium for surveillance purposes.
weapon from being used against them. Sensory data may also be recorded or broadcast as XP.
ware — infomorph mind-states (including cyberbrains), account Unlike physical wounds, mesh wounds do not trigger checks for
shells, apps (including the firewall), or operating systems them- knockdown or unconsciousness.
selves — forcing them to crash. Mesh combat follows the normal Optional Rule: For each wound, there is a cumulative 10%
rules for combat, as described below. chance you suffer a glitch ▶265; roll each time a wound is inflicted.
systems forget important data, potentially becoming
For most physical combat purposes, ware incorporated into a unusable in certain circumstances. Targeted account shells
morph is treated as the character, not as distinct hardware. However, must take an action to re-authenticate, perhaps requiring
infomorphs that are using such ware as a home device, such as a a Hacking Test if they lack credentials.
muse in your mesh inserts or a fork in a ghostrider module, require
special consideration. 5 Hung Process: One of your apps or other connected
Infomorphs do not sleep, so they remain active even when their software (determined by the GM) freezes up and stops
morph carrier is resting or hibernating. Likewise, they may still act functioning until it is restarted (taking 1d6 action turns).
even if the morph is incapacitated or grappled. Shock attacks tempo- This could even be another process on the system you
rarily disrupt implanted systems, however, so infomorph riders are have recently interacted with (perhaps preventing
incapacitated just as the morph is. certain actions). For cyberbrains, this may mean losing
If a morph is knocked out by wounds or accumulates damage access to a part of your morph’s functionality, such as a
equal to or exceeding its Durability, there is a 25% chance that limb, a sense, or other ware.
any infomorph riders are knocked offline as well. If not, they may
still operate while the morph is unconscious. If damage equals or 6 Overload: A malfunctioning process voraciously
exceeds the morph’s Death Rating, there is a 75% chance the phys- consumes system resources. You are unable to use pool
ical damage decommissions an infomorph rider as well. Otherwise, for mesh-related actions for 1d6 action turns. Apps
it may remain active, though it will lose power after 48 hours. At the struck by this glitch can only function every other action
GM’s discretion, significant trauma to the head (or ware location) or turn. Overloaded operating systems may randomly
other exceptional conditions (e.g., falling into a cryovolcano) may disconnect users.
increase those odds or automatically disable the infomorph.
Muses and other infomorph riders have been responsible for
saving their injured or incapacitated carriers by reaching out for
help on countless occasions.
To hack a cyberbrain, you must be able to access the cyberbrain
itself. Most cyberbrains are linked to mesh inserts and slaved to the
user’s PAN, meaning they can be wirelessly accessed by hacking the
PAN first. Cyberbrains are also equipped with access jacks on the
exterior of the morph, so if you have physical access to the morph,
you can plug in and access via a wired connection. If the subject is
not willing or incapacitated, you must first successfully grapple the
target ▶205.
To hack an infomorph, you must know its mesh ID and have
access to its home device. This may mean you must first hack the
device the infomorph is running on.
Because they run an ego, cyberbrains and infomorphs feature hard-
coded security measures; apply a –30 modifier to all hacking attempts.
Once a cyberbrain or device running an infomorph has been infil-
trated, it may be subverted just like other systems. Since such mind-
ware contains an ego, however, an intruder has several unique options.
All of the actions below require winning a Hacking Test.
Delete Ego
Trap Ego Deleting an ego is the digital equivalent of murder — or at least
As an intruder, the first action you may wish to take will be to install property destruction. This has no effect on the infomorph’s backup
a lockbox app. This malware traps the ego/infomorph within the files (which must be deleted separately) or the morph’s cortical stack.
cyberbrain/device, preventing it from transferring to a new system.
Lockbox malware also locks the ego/infomorph out of its root Freeze Morph (Cyberbrain)
admin controls, effectively cutting it off from countermeasures or The connection between a cyberbrain and the morph it resides in
other defensive actions. The only mesh actions a lockboxed mind can be temporarily blocked or permanently severed. This usually
may take depend entirely on what permissions, if any, you give it. causes the morph to freeze in place (a safety feature for cyberbrain
Egos trapped within a lockbox are quite vulnerable. They could, glitches), though it may cause the morph to collapse. In either case,
for example, be subject to enforced uploading, simulspaces, forking, the morph is incapacitated. An ego trapped in an incapacitated
or psychosurgery. Egos trapped for extended periods may suffer morph for extended periods may suffer mental stress from helpless-
stress from helplessness (Stressful Situations ▶229). ness (Stressful Situations ▶229).
[SECURE SESSION ESTABLISHED] H: Do I have much of a choice at this point? previous hacker practices, not to mention the fact
H: Hey, are you there? I’ve got something for you. S: No. that the last couple of jobs I’ve done for BG weren’t
Something you’ll like. H: Fine then. So where do we meet? These things exactly low profile. Their machine-learning algo-
S: ID plz are burning holes in my morph in the worst rithms are trained to look for those patterns, right?
H: [Enable Access to Social Network Profile] possible way. Ophelia is good at hiding my tracks, but she’s not
S: Hey lady, I didn’t recognize you without that S: Tell me how the job got so fucked up, Lulu. You’re that good. That's the only explanation I have for
battlemorph. supposed to be the best forknapper in V-NS. how they showed up, screwed the dropoff, and
H: Quit fucking around. We need to meet, like, H: You know how it goes. You get in, the security nabbed Mel.
yesterday. It went off. I got the stuff. turns out to be something different than what S: That's not encouraging. If they have a profile of
S: No dice. Haven’t you heard? You’re persona non the intel shows, and all of a sudden you’re making your habits, they could still be on your tail.
grata around these parts. Your little job for BG stuff up on the fly. H: I know, that's why I've been mixing everything
kind of hung your ass out to dry. S: What, like guards with shotguns? Dogs? Dogs up. And that's why I need you to set up a new way
H: You mean the job you set up for me? The one with shotguns? for me to offload these egos.
I’m trying to offload on your dumb ass? Don’t tell H: Shut up. I mean adaptive security algorithms. The S: OK, here’s what we’re going to do. You remember
me you’re not going to help me unload this shit! marks all used the same mesh security service, and Ralph's? That old coffee bar in Progress? The one
I’m walking around with a dozen illegally forked intel was it was out of date. Turns out not so much. with the overroasted beans they claim are a pure
egos here! S: So when did they find out who you were? Earth strain? Let’s meet up there and talk. Just
S: Would you let me fucking finish? I can’t meet you. H: Well, the backup facility had wireless-inhibiting you and me and the coffee.
BG’s the maddest I’ve ever seen him. He doesn’t walls, so I had to be on site to pull the hack off. Sorta. H: I don’t think you’re reading me here. I want to
want to be associated with you or this job at all, I did this old-school, ripped their external sensors offload it, not talk about offloading it.
so getting the forks to him is a no-go. Check your and drilled through the wall from the alley outside, S: One meeting on Progress, we’ll go from there. And
g-rep, Lulu, you're getting hammered. snuck a bot through with a fiberoptic tether to estab- you stash the shit someplace safe. And you sure as
H: Well, shit. lish a link. I got the egos you asked for, but their fuck don’t tell me or anyone else where, alright?
S: Yeah, that’s one way of putting it. Now look, security was on me fast. They must've traced me H: Fine. See you there, noon tomorrow, that old
I want to help you, but I need to know what back, their security hacked my morph's cyberbrain table near the back. I’ll wear a red scarf.
happened so we can cover our tracks, alright? as I was finishing the job. They were so eager to S: Always the traditionalist. I respect that about
How many did you get? stop the download that he didn't lock me in — big you, Lulu. See you.
H: Lucky thirteen. All the finest forks slipped out of mistake. I evacuated the morph and got away. [SESSION ENDED]
Mars’s finest glitterati brains, ready for whatever S: At least you lost the morph. So what went wrong
nefarious purposes their buyer has in mind. Like BG. with the dropoff? [SECURE SESSION ESTABLISHED]
S: You’re one sick shit, Lulu. I like that about you. H: I've been trying to figure it out. No way they S: She’ll be there. Get the team ready.
Look, you need to understand that the buyers I got anything from the morph. But I have a theory, BG: Thx.
have in mind aren’t exactly BG’s caliber here. You based on some things I've heard. It's not hard for [SESSION ENDED]
need to know that before moving forward. them to crosscheck patterns of intrusion against
entering an alternate reality. slower than real time (roughly one minute equaling either one
hour or one second). Time contraction is far more commonly used,
ACCESSING SIMULSPACES granting more time for simulspace recreational activities, learning,
While you can access a simulspace server via the mesh, the band- or work (a strong economic incentive). Time dilation, on the other
width consumption and potential lag makes this unfavorable except hand, is extremely useful for making long-distance travel through
for short visits. Hardwired connections are much faster and more space more tolerable.
reliable. Those with access jacks simply jack in, others place ultra-
sonic trode nets over their heads. Only servers may run simulspaces. SIMULMORPHS
VR completely takes over your sensorium, overriding physical Your simulmorph is your digital representation in VR. For all intents
senses. Most people prefer to keep their body in a safe and comfort- and purposes, it feels like a real physical morph — or perhaps an
able environment while in a simulspace; body-fitting cushions and infomorph or something weirder, depending on the domain rules.
couches help you relax and keep you from cramping up or injuring Though your simulmorph may experience pain and damage
yourself if you happen to thrash around. VR game parlors offer in VR, this is merely sensory input — your physical morph (or
private pods. In case of long-term virtual sojourns (for instance, infomorph) remains unharmed. Such experiences can still have a
during space travel), morphs are normally retained in tanks that strong psychological impact on an ego, as the simulation is as close
sustain them with nutrition and oxygen. to reality as you can get. Torture in VR seems every bit as real as
You first enter a simulspace via an electronic buffer holding actual physical torture. Your ego may still suffer mental stress and
area known as a white room. Here you choose your customizable trauma as a result of simulspace experiences.
avatar — your simulmorph — and other settings. Once ready, the
white room dissolves away and you find yourself within the IMMERSION
full-sensory virtual environment. While in VR, your physical body slumps inertly, sometimes jerking or
Muses: Most muses are left behind when entering a simulspace. thrashing. The immersion cuts you off from your physical senses. At the
However, they can potentially come along if domain rules permit it. GM’s discretion, you may make a Perceive Test at –60 to notice extreme
Some simulspaces give muses their own simulmorph. disturbances or if your physical body takes damage. You may enter and
leave a simulspace at will, but toggling in or out takes a complex action.
DOMAIN RULES While immersed, your link to the mesh is routed through the simul-
Simulspaces include real-world simulations, historical recreations, space’s interface. If the domain rules allow it, you may browse the
and fantastic worlds of every genre. None are bound by the laws mesh, communicate with others, etc. — though this may be experienced
of physics. The fundamental forces of reality — gravity, electromag- differently than usual, perhaps like reading a book or communing with
netism, atmosphere, temperature, etc. — are programmable in VR, spirits. Time distortion may also be an issue — holding a chat with
allowing for environments that are completely unnatural. Gravity someone in meatspace is excruciatingly slow when time is accelerated.
might fluctuate, weather may be subject to emotion, magic may exist, Some simulspaces do not allow outside connections.
and you might heal damage effortlessly or be capable of transmogri- If the simulspace crashes or you are otherwise dumped from it,
fying into other creatures — the possibilities are endless. The domain you immediately resume control of your morph as normal.
simulation. In game terms, cheats might provide special abilities or from other admins requires a Hacking Test.
modifiers to a simulmorph’s skill or stat tests. Cheating is usually • Alter Domain Rules: Most simulspaces have control interfaces
forbidden. Players who cheat in a simulspace game and get caught that let you tweak the system settings within certain parameters;
may face eviction from the simulspace. Nevertheless, cheat codes are adjusting these does not require a test. Drastically altering a
highly prized and sometimes even traded on the black market. domain’s environment or underlying rules, however, will require a
Program Test with a timeframe set by the GM.
HACKING SIMULSPACES • Control NPCs: You can dictate what responses NPCs give to certain
Simulspaces are complex virtual environments and often run on actions or direct them outright.
time dilation, which means that hackers cannot hack them in a • Eavesdrop: You can virtually surveil other users in the simulspace,
normal manner when they participate in the simulation. There are no matter their virtual proximity.
ways to affect and influence the simulation from within, but the • Generate Items: You can create virtual items regardless of rarity.
degree of subversion that is achievable is limited. For this reason, • Modify Simulmorph: You can modify a simulmorph’s stats within
hackers rarely enter VR to hack. specified parameters. This can range from giving them extra hit
Within a simulspace, your only option for hacking is through the points or special abilities to nerfing them. Drastic changes may
standard interface that any simulmorph can pull up. This is used for require a Program Test with a timeframe set by the GM.
standard user features like customizing your simulmorph, chatting with • Privacy: You can enact privacy controls that prevent your face-to-face
other users, viewing maps/FAQs, or checking the status of the system communications with other users from being eavesdropped upon.
or other users. Options for using this interface to hack the system are • Start/Stop Simulspace: You can launch a new simulspace or close
usually quite limited, as they are designed so that system controls and down an existing one. Once initiated, this takes 1d6 minutes. Closing
processes cannot be accessed and manipulated from the inside, unless down a particularly large simulspace with many users takes time, as
you happen to have credentials for an admin account. At the GM’s users are given a chance to cleanly log off.
discretion, a poorly designed simulspace may have hidden ways for • Teleport: Instantaneously travel anywhere within the simulspace.
accessing admin options or even accessing a command terminal from • Terminate Session: You can forcibly end a user’s session, returning
within the simulspace; finding such tricks may require a rep favor, a them to the white room.
Research Test in advance, or a critical success on an Interface Test. • Toggle God Mode: Make your simulmorph invulnerable to damage.
Externally hacking into a server running a simulspace is just • Toggle Invisibility: Make yourself imperceptible to standard users.
like breaking into any other system; use all of the standard rules • Toggle Lockbox Controls: Lockbox simulspaces prevent specified
for intrusion and subversion. External hackers can manipulate a users from toggling in or out of simulspace. This is common with
simulspace in the same way as an admin or cheat code from within. VR used for torture, holding forknapped or indentured egos, or in
certain instances of psychosurgery involving volatile patients.
such as skin flex, synthetic mask, sex switch, and chameleon skin
DETECTING SENSORS may also help conceal your identity or counter biometric matching.
Though it is often wisest to act as if you are under surveillance all Old-fashioned disguise is also an option; make an opposed test
of the time, sometimes you may want to know where the cameras between Exotic Skill: Disguise and Perceive. Face- and pattern-
are. Many sensors actively broadcast their presence, and even if they matching algorithms fare poorly against certain makeup and visual
don’t, their location can be triangulated via their radio emissions. patterns; apply a –20 to Perceive Tests when using such patterns.
If in stealth mode, they can be found with an Interface Test at –30.
Spotting sensors requires a Perceive Test. Given their small to ACTIVE JAMMING
minute sizes, apply a modifier between –10 and –30 as appropriate. One noisy and short-lived option for countering coveillance is
If looking in an area with multiple sensors, roll once and apply no to jam all radio frequencies (Jam Signals ▶263). This will not stop
modifiers; use superior successes to ascertain how well you find sensors from detecting or recording, but it will prevent them
the smaller ones. Nanoswarms cannot be detected except with a from transmitting this information via the mesh using wireless
nanodetector ▶342. radio — for as long as the jamming lasts. Hardwired sensors or
Certain gear and implants can also be used to detect sensors, systems using laser or microwave links are unaffected (though
including electrical sense ware ▶318, spy swarm ▶345, and dazzlers ▶212. microwave links may be jammed separately). Jamming is useful as
Concealed Sensors: Sensors are sometimes actively camouflaged. you can do it on the go, but it also impacts everyone and everything
Apply a –30 modifier to Perceive Tests to spot them. around you and is likely to attract the attention of security forces.
Active Sensors: Active sensors such as radar and lidar betray In a similar manner, dazzlers ▶212 may be used to temporarily
their presence because they transmit on certain wavelengths, they blind cameras.
don’t just passively receive. A passive radar detector can detect an
active radar sensor for example. Enhanced vision can perceive the HACKING SENSORS
emissions of most active sensors. Selective sensor hacking can be quite useful, particularly in situa-
tions where coverage is minimal. This also gives you many options:
size. Clearing an area without being noticed doubles the timeframe
and may require an Infiltrate Test as well. Disabled, missing, and
destroyed sensors may be noticed (prompting a maintenance bot
or security check) and replaced over time. Spy nanoswarms must be
cleared with guardian swarms ▶345.
Route Mapping
It is sometimes possible to map a route that travels through blind
spots, avoiding most if not all sensors. This requires an Infiltrate
task action; apply modifiers appropriate to the amount of sensor
coverage and base the timeframe on the area covered. Dead zone
maps are valuable on the black market.
Skipjacking is the art of moving in a way that minimizes exposure
even under ubiquitous coveillance. This involves using people,
vehicles, and objects as cover, timing the movement of drones and
cameras, taking advantage of distractions, and similar tricks — all
while avoiding suspicion. Treat skipjacking as an opposed test
between the skipjacker’s Infiltrate skill and the tracker’s Perceive.
Apply modifiers as appropriate to the situation.
The combination of total surveillance and lip-reading apps means
that even conversations out of microphone range may be eaves-
dropped if they are under a camera’s watchful eye. To bypass this,
direct communication can be established via skinlink ▶325, a fiber-
optic wire between access jacks, or even tight-beam laser link.
ically modifies your async’s brain architecture and functions. These
alterations are copied when you upload, fork, and resleeve, meaning
the infection and psi abilities stay with you when you switch from
morph to morph. Async abilities are inherent to the ego and not a
biological or genetic predisposition of the morph.
To be an async, you must purchase the Psi trait ▶74 during character
creation. It is possible to become an async in game via infection by
the Watts-MacLeod strain ▶389). To wield psi, you must purchase
psi sleights ▶280 with CP or Rez Points. To use psi-gamma sleights,
you will also need the Psi skill ▶51, though you may default to WIL.
The process of infection had a permanent effect on your async’s
mind. Upon becoming infected, you either suffered a mental
breakdown or underwent a long, slow process of mental subver-
sion. Either way, you acquired either an Addiction ▶76 or Mental
Disorder ▶79 negative trait according to your specific sub-strain ▶273.
This trait does not provide bonus CP and is permanent — it may not
be eliminated with psychosurgery or Rez Points.
Asyncs manipulate their egos and otherwise create effects that
cannot be matched nor mimicked by technological means. To
use these abilities, they train their mental processes and practice
cognitive algorithms called sleights, which they can subconsciously
recall and use as necessary. Sleights fall into two categories: psi-chi
(cognitive enhancements) and psi-gamma (brainwave reading
and manipulation). Psi-chi sleights are passive, always-on abilities.
Psi-gamma sleights must be activated, requiring an action and a Psi
skill test. A summary and full list of sleights can be found on ▶280.
You start with one free sleight, chosen from those available to
your specific infection sub-strain ▶273. All other sleights must be
bought with Customization Points (during character creation) or
Rez Points (during game play).
Your async has an Infection Rating that represents the exovirus’s
influence. This rating changes over time, depending on how
frequently you use your abilities.
Your base Infection Rating equals your Psi trait level × 10. Every
time you use psi-gamma sleights or push a sleight ▶277, your
Infection Rating increases (Infection Modifiers ▶276). Every time you
recharge, it decreases (Easing the Infection ▶277).
dialogue with the async.
Psi Overview • Prerequisites
WATTS-MACLEOD An alien presence lives inside of you. Your instinctual responses
are different from those of your original phenotype and you occa-
sionally find yourself acting in ways more fitting to a physiology
As an async, you are affected by a specific sub-strain of the Watts- different from yours. You might feel a weird compulsion to burrow
MacLeod virus. This sub-strain determines how the exovirus affects into sand, lay eggs, eat non-nutritious or dangerous substances,
you personally. It influences what Mental Disorder trait you start with or clean phantom appendages that aren’t part of your current
and provides you with a free bonus sleight. It also impacts the behav- anatomy. You may even seek out morphs that better accommo-
ioral compulsions and spurred motivations that infection inflicts upon date these omnipresent urges. You sometimes express an outlook
you (Influence Effects ▶278). The sub-strain is chosen during character that other transhumans find strange, just as you are occasionally
creation (or when your character is infected during gameplay). confused or mystified by transhuman cultural practices. When the
infection expresses itself strongly, these omnipresent urges seem
THE ARCHITECT quite normal, but the transhumans around you seem more and
Your infection possesses a distinct curiosity and sense of intelli- more bizarre and alien. While some asyncs report this sub-strain as
gence. You often see things from a perspective that is different. It adhering to a specific alien anatomy (i.e., they often feel insectoid
drives you to delve into the inner mechanics of things and examine or aquatic), others clearly feel that the alien presence within trans-
how they work — whether they be machines or biological entities. forms and changes over time.
The urges push beyond exploration and learning — you are often Negative Trait (Choose one): Mental Disorder (Alien Behavioral
compelled to build and construct new things: architecture with Disorder, Atavism, Body Dysmorphia, or Conversion Disorder)
inexplicable functions, strange devices, or even new forms of life. Free Sleight (Choose One): Somatic Control, Eco-Empathy, or
Though the virus’s exact motivation and intent remains unclear, it Xeno-Empathy
leaves you with an unmistakable sense of purpose.
Negative Trait (Choose one): Mental Disorder (Bipolar Disorder,
Insomnia, or Paramnesia)
Free Sleight (Choose One): Enhanced Creativity, Grok, or
Implant Skill As an async, you should keep the origin of your abilities in mind:
Watts-MacLeod strain infection. You may or may not be aware of
THE BEAST this source, but you undoubtedly know that you underwent some
Your infection is a ravenous, bloodthirsty monster, yearning to sort of transformation and have talents that no one else does. If
break free. You struggle to keep it in check, placated or distracted, unaware of the infection, you have likely learned to keep your abil-
else the desire for carnage and mayhem overwhelms you. ities secret lest you be ridiculed, attacked, or whisked away to some
Negative Trait (Choose one): Mental Disorder (ADHD, Anxiety, secret testing program. Learning the truth about your nature could
or PTSD) even be the starting point of a campaign and/or your introduction
Free Sleight (Choose One): High Pain Threshold, Burst of to Firewall. If you know the truth, however, you must live with the
Adrenaline, or Psychic Stab fact that you are the victim of a nanoplague likely spread by the
TITANs that may or may not lead to complications, side effects, or
THE HAUNTER other unexpected revelations in your future.
The low-level dread of incomprehensible terror, flittering at the You should make an effort to explore the nature of your infec-
edge of perception, is your constant companion. Sometimes it is the tion and how your character perceives it. Asyncs are profoundly
crushing weight of the uncaring dark void that makes our extinction a changed people. The invasive and alien aspect of your abilities
near certainty, sometimes it is a more palpable, unnameable presence, should not be lost on you. For example, you might conceive of your
an entity so beyond your ken that you are insignificant in comparison. psi talents as a sort of parasitic entity, living off your sleights, or
You are plagued by unrest and unease, taunted by nightmares and a you might feel that using these powers puts you in touch with some
sense that reality is not always as grounded as you would like. sort of fundamental substrate of the universe that is weird and
Negative Trait (Choose one): Addiction or Mental Disorder terrifying. Alternatively, you could feel as if your personality was
(Cosmic Anxiety Disorder or Paranoia) melded with something different, something that doesn’t belong.
Free Sleight (Choose One): Heightened Awareness, Infectious Each async is likely to view their situation differently, and none of
Mind, or Nightmare them pleasantly.
One key aspect to roleplaying an async is to treat the infection
THE STRANGER as a distinct, if mostly dormant or removed, entity. It is a constant
Your infection is the shadow at your side, the whispering chant of presence below your async’s consciousness. It may have its own
its unusual desires echoing just below the limits of your perception. unique aspirations, but these should remain mysterious. While
It is omnipresent but patient, waiting for moments of vulnerability many of the behavioral compulsions and motivational urges imply
to steer you towards its inscrutable ends. Though its motivations a level of sociopathy or destructiveness, think of it more as lacking
are hazy, it seems to enjoy testing your limits — and those of trans- a moral compass. The exovirus has none of the reference points for
humanity at large. morality that transhumanity has. It is not evil so much as indifferent,
Negative Trait (Choose one): Mental Disorder (Disassociative callous, and alien.
Personality Disorder, Paramnesia, or Paranoia)
Free Sleight (Choose One): Superior Kinesics, Basilisk Stare, or
ities such as telepathy and extra-sensory perception. While the term was used have prompted many researchers to postulate that the mechanics underlying
extensively in the field of parapsychology and pop culture in the twentieth and psi are simply too strange and too far beyond transhumanity’s understanding
early twenty-first centuries, the study of psi was largely considered a pseudosci- of physical sciences—perhaps reinforcing theories that the exsurgent virus is in
ence with flawed methodologies and gradually lost funding and support. fact of alien origin. Of course we can only speculate in accordance with known
During the Fall, however, repeated rumors and accounts of unexplained research—it is quite possible that some parties have made further break-
abilities drew the attention of scientists, military leaders, and singularity throughs, but are keeping the information to themselves.
seekers alike. Numerous biological and nanoviruses had been unleashed upon The initiation and use of psi talents is generally understood to take place on
transhumanity, racing through populations and transforming as they spread. a subconscious level, meaning that the async is not actively aware of the funda-
Some inflicted only minor biological or mental changes and impairments, but mental processes that trigger the effects. Practice and training, however, allows
many were vicious and deadly. The most feared variants, however, were those an async to focus on activating specific psi abilities. These are called “sleights:”
that came to be labeled as the exsurgent virus—a transformative plague that mnemonic or cognitive algorithms that enable the ego to manifest a particular
mutates its victims and subverts them to its will. The exsurgent virus was psi function. Some researchers have organized sleights into two categories.
observed to radically modify the subject’s neural patterns and mental state, “psi-chi” sleights are mental enhancements and new cognitive functions. These
affecting synaptic arrangement and even modulating synaptic currents. In largely impact the async’s perceptions, metabolic processes, information-pro-
some cases, infected brains even developed new anatomical modules. With cessing abilities, and self control. Once an async learns to activate this capability,
some strains, these changes alter and enhance the victim’s cognitive capabil- it remains always on, like a new sense or bodily function. Some asyncs only have
ities. In others, they also endow the capacity to sense and affect the minds psi-chi abilities. A second category of “psi-gamma” sleights involve the ability to
of others from a short distance. Both of these are dubbed “psi” as the causal impact biological neural functions in others. Though the range on these sleights
factors continue to mystify us. is limited (with success rates dropping sharply after ~10 meters), the capabilities
are more diverse. Specific sleights have been shown to read thoughts, affect
A NEW EXSURGENCY memories, inflict damaging neurofeedback or pain, modify senses, and influence
The exsurgent virus is exceptionally mutable and adaptive, however, and two cognitive and physiological functions. Research indicates that asyncs are able to
Argonaut researchers who were studying it made an interesting discovery. A detect and influence other asyncs at longer distances. Sleights have also proven
variant strain was found that endowed the subject with exceptional mental effective on animals, though the lower the level of sentience the harder they
abilities without engaging the excessive transformative processes of the other reportedly are to affect. Asyncs capable of both psi-chi and psi-gamma sleights
strains. Though infection still has other drawbacks, many agencies have come have shown an ability to sometimes “push” their sleights for greater effects.
to regard this strain as “safe” in the sense that it does not make the subject
infectious to others, the subject does not transmogrify into an alien monstrosity,
and their general personality remains intact. Intrigued that this avenue of inquiry
Though incidents of psychic abilities are sometimes reported on in mainstream
might lead to a way to nullify the effects of other exsurgent strains, a number of
media, experienced in livestream X-casts, and sensationalized in popular vids
groups are known to experiment with the strain with the cooperation of willing
and games, they are widely assumed to be the result of hysteria, misunder-
test subjects. It is known that some hypercorps and habitat authorities have also
stood technology, or outright fakes. Though most authorities are aware of the
experimented with these strains using unwilling victims.
validity of these reports, they often take pains to conceal these matters and
Labeled the Watts-MacLeod strain after the researchers who isolated it,
keep them under wraps, so as not to trigger widespread panic. Among auton-
further study has gained insight into the effect this virus has on transhuman
omist and other open communities, knowledge of psi is more widespread, but
brains. Careful analysis of infected subjects discovered that their altered
details are vague and reports are greeted with skepticism.
synapses generate a modulated brainwave pattern that is extremely difficult
The percentage of the transhuman population believed to have contracted the
to detect. These asynchronous brainwaves are now widely referred to as “psi
Watts-MacLeod virus remains statistically insignificant—less than .001% of the
waves,” fitting with the Greek letter designation of other brainwaves (alpha,
population. This, however, still may indicate that there are tens or even hundreds
beta, delta, gamma, theta). Likewise, affected individuals are known as “asyncs.”
of thousands of asyncs scattered among transhumanity. Given the widespread
ANALYSIS OF PSI lack of information or acceptance of their capabilities, many asyncs may not
Exploration of the explicit causal factors behind psi waves remains stymied. even realize they are affected, having never expressed their abilities or under-
Neuroimaging and mapping have enabled scientists to pinpoint structures standing what they are. This situation is compounded as the Watts-MacLeod
within the brain, neural activity, and perturbations in the brain’s bioelectric strain remains elusive to standard detection practices, with few asyncs (<3%)
field that are associated with psi processes, but attempts to duplicate these being correctly identified (though there is some evidence to indicate that those
features in non-infected brains have resulted in failure or worse. Researchers recently infected are more likely to be detected). Attempts to identify asyncs by
have proposed a number of imaginative theories: mental processes with the scans of psi brainwave patterns have also not proven reliable. However, asyncs
ability to change quantum states, subconscious interactions with dimensions of have a larger standard deviation in terms of how frequently their brainprint ID
reality we cannot normally perceive, brain modules with advanced hypercompu- pattern alters and must be updated. The vast number of identified asyncs have
tational abilities, or even distributed synaptic processes that manipulate some been recruited by various agencies, “disappeared” for study, or simply eliminated
as-yet unidentified substrate of reality. At least one Argonaut has advanced as a potential threat. It is known that several polities, hypercorps, and habitats
the argument that asyncs may prove the Simulation Hypothesis, with their analyze ID and private medical data for signs of Watts-MacLeod infection.
274¹ PSI
# Start EyeChat #
# Active Members: 7 #
Router: Why are we being summoned into another chat? We finished the op Filter: Are you fucking kidding me? We have an active exsurgent on our team
overviews last week and our next check-in isn’t scheduled until Monday. and you didn’t bother to tell the rest of us?
Filter: I called this special session. We have an issue with Jun-Seo that Crow: I knew. I’ve been helping Jun-Seo find treatment for the issue since we
requires extra care and discussion. And I think it’s time we revisit our policy first identified it. Calling them an exsurgent is a bit extre—
on asyncs. Filter: It’s rather fucking extreme to let a hostile alien entity seize control of
Crow: Oh not this garbage again. one of our operatives, don’t you think? This entire server could be in danger.
Filter: Perhaps you feel that discussion of an infection risk within our own Router: The risks are known and accepted. All of Firewall has had this debate,
ranks is not worth our time. That we should all be fine with letting our multiple times. Having asyncs on our side has been mission critical on more
enemies corrupt us from within. occasions than we can count. Like any technology, it sometimes bites us in
Crow: Oh ffs, there’s no infection risk. We’ve been over this a thousand times. the ass. We have measures in place to mitigate the problem.
The virus altered them, that’s it. It did not turn them. They are not infectious. Scanner: Actually, I share some of [Filter’s] concerns and I’d appreciate a bit
They are not— more background on this. We have 5 active teams with asyncs, so it’s rele-
Filter: You don’t know tha— vant. Is this the same as the Voice I’ve heard Hex mention? Or are we talking
Scanner: Friends! Hold up a nanosec. Before we stir up this firestorm again, a complete subversion of the ego here, like an exsurgent or TITAN puppet?
can we deal with the current situation first? That seems more urgent, and Crow: Every async’s alteration is different. Some of them feel a presence or
then we can push the Great Undying Async Debate to the side channels and talk to voices in their head. Some hallucinate. A lot of them get overwhelmed
handle it in our precious free time. with strange urges. Their personalities sometimes change, like mood swings.
Filter: Fair enough. We have an issue in Noctis-Qianjiao. The NQPD just discov- For the most part, these effects are low-level and manageable. They’re in
ered a clutch of two dozen networked cyberbrains amid a bunch of unspeci- control. However, there’s a correlation between heavy use of psi sleights
fied jury-rigged mesh-server gear. They’re not quite sure what to make of it and more significant effects. Lethal biofeedback. Emotional trauma. Some
yet, but they’ve called in some TITAN specialists and Oversight to help them asyncs report that they impulsively self-sabotage. A very small sampling
figure it out. You’ll want to take a look at the location. <Attached Files> have reported episodes of lost time, waking up in places different then they
Register: Oh sweet Ganesh. That’s our safehouse, isn’t it? went to sleep or with tools in their hand. This may be akin to sleepwalking, or
Filter: Indeed it is. It’s the tertiary safehouse for the team we’ve had active in it may be something more. We are still investigating.
Noctis the past six months. [Vector2], tell them what you told me. Filter: Two. Dozen. Networked. Cyberbrains. In a different part of town. That’s
Vector2: Aye. OK, mates, I ran through the security logs on the safehouse quite the sleepwalk.
(or at least the ones we had backed up, today’s logs are in the hands of the Router: Look, we share your concerns. This is obviously abnormal. We’re
jacks). We haven’t really touched it since we set it up and gave the codes working on it. But it’s premature to equate all asyncs to exsurgent sleeper
to the sentinels. I didn’t see any signs of trespassing or security breaches. agents or mind-hacked puppets. We have no reason to treat Jun-Seo as an
But there are heaps of logged visits from one of the sentinels, at all sorts of enemy agent at this time.
random times. Guess which one. Filter: If we suspected any member of that team to be exsurgent-infected,
Router: Damnit. this entire collective would be yelling to kill them with fire. I am not certain if
Filter: While [Vector2] and I are doing as much as we can to clean this up, you’ve all grown soft, if you’re deluded, or if you’re already compromised too.
we’ll need some assistance. The police have the logs too and will soon be Vector1: Yo, comrade [Filter]. You still outsourcing some of your spin-control
searching for Jun-Seo. The whole team’s cover may be compromised. And ops through that Experian troll farm?
we’re not certain what led the police to the safehouse in the first place— Filter: What does that have to do with anything?
something we need to look into. Vector1: Well since we’re throwing around accusations of being compromised,
Vector1: On it. I was wondering how much intel you trade them on top of the invoice. We all
Filter: And, of course, there’s the issue of Jun-Seo. We need to neutralize them know there’s no way the Oaxaca-Maartens just look the other way at the sort
and warn the team. of business we bring them. If they smell juicy intel, they go after it.
Router: Jun-Seo is not a threat. We already knew there was the potential for Filter: How fucking dare you.
this. The team has reported that on several occasions Jun-Seo’s morph had Scanner: Friends, friends, let us stop this. We do not need to be at each other’s
been active while Jun-Seo themself had been “checked out.” Asleep. throats. We have a serious problem to address.
Filter: You already fucking knew the virus was taking over their body? And Register: I have a question that may impact the matter at hand.
you left this menace interfaced with the team? What kind of shitshow are Router: Yes?
we running here? Register: Whose cyberbrains are these that Jun-Seo collected?
Router: Calm the eff down. The team was aware and knew the risks. They’d
taken extra precautions to keep Jun monitored. And this sort of somnambu-
lism is a known if rare issue with some asyncs.
If the async rolls a critical failure, they suffer 1d6 DV as the effort
takes a physical toll in the form of headaches and ruptured blood vessels.
Drawing on a sleight to procure an effect does not always require a If the async wins with a critical success, double the potency of the
test. Each sleight description details how the power is used. sleight’s effect. In the case of psi attacks, the DV is doubled.
Psi-chi sleights only affect the async. Psi-gamma sleights may be used The Psi Armor and Psi Shield sleights (▶281 and ▶285) provide
on the self or other biological life at a short distance. While there is no mental armor, a form of neural hardening against psi-based attacks.
modifier for using a ranged sleight on yourself, using ranged sleights Like physical armor, this mental armor reduces the amount of
on others imposes a modifier according to the distance. damage inflicted by a psychic assault.
Touch: Touch range gives you a +20 modifier to your Psi Test (but
not on sleights used on yourself ). You must have physical contact TARGET AWARENESS
with the target (clothing, armor, vacsuits, etc. do not impede). If the The target of a psi sleight is aware they are being targeted any time
target avoids being touched, this requires a successful melee attack they succeed on their half of the opposed test (regardless of whether
as a quick action, applying the touch-only +20 modifier. This attack the async rolls higher or not). Note that awareness does not neces-
does not cause damage, but the target may Fray to avoid. If you fail sarily mean that the target understands that psi abilities are being
to touch, you may still use the sleight at Point-Blank range. used on them, especially as most people in Eclipse Phase are unaware
Point-Blank: +10 Psi Test (but not on sleights used on yourself ). of psi’s existence. Instead, the target understands that some outside
You must be within 2 meters of the target or less. influence is at work or that something strange is happening. They
Close: No modifier. You must be within 10 meters of the target. may suspect that they have been drugged, hacked, or are under the
For every 2 meters beyond that, apply a –10 modifier to the test. influence of some strange technology. A character with Psi skill may
Psi vs. Psi: Due to the nature of psi, sleights are more effective make a Psi Test to identify the sleight used against them.
against other asyncs and exsurgents. Double the range of each Targets who fail their roll remain unaware.
category above: Point-Blank counts to 4 meters, Close counts out
to 20 meters. DURATION
Psi sleights have one of four durations: constant, instant, temporary,
TARGETING or sustained.
You may not target synthmorphs, bots, and vehicles with psi sleights, Constant: Constant sleights are always “on.”
as they lack biological systems. Pods and biomorphs with cyber- Instant: Instant sleights inflict an immediate and permanent
brains are less susceptible; asyncs suffer a –30 modifier against effect that lasts without effort.
them. Note that infomorphs may never be targeted by psi sleights Temporary: Temporary sleights last for a limited duration with
as psi is not effective within the mesh or simulspace. no extra effort. The temporary duration is determined your WIL ÷ 5
You must have line of sight to your target or otherwise be aware and is measured in action turns, minutes, or hours, as noted.
of their presence in relation to yours (such as by using the ego sense Influence effects ▶278 are applied immediately when the sleight is
sleight or viewing them through a tacnet). Walls with a combined activated, not at the end of the duration.
Armor/DR total of 100 or more will block psi sleights. Ranged Sustained: Sustained sleights last as long as you want, but require
combat modifiers for cover and hidden targets apply to Psi Tests. active effort and concentration: apply a –10 modifier to all other
Animals and Less Complex Life Forms: Psi works against skill tests while the sleight is sustained. The async must also stay
any living creature with a brain and/or nervous system. Against within Close range + 10 meters of the target, otherwise the sleight
partially sapient and partially uplifted animals, it suffers a –20 immediately ends. More than one sleight may be sustained at a time,
modifier. Against non-sapient animals, it suffers a –30 modifier. It with a cumulative modifier. Influence effects are applied immediately
has no effect on or against less complex life forms like plants, algae, when the sleight is activated, not at the end of the duration. At the
bacteria, etc. GM’s discretion, sleights that are sustained for long periods may incur
Factors and Aliens: At the GM’s discretion, psi sleights may not additional Infection Modifiers and Infection Tests.
work on alien creatures at all, depending on their physiology and
neurology. If it does work, it is likely to suffer at least a –20 modifier. INFECTION MODIFIERS
Whenever you take advantage of your psychic abilities, there is
OPPOSED TESTS a cost to pay. This may manifest physically, in the form of fatigue,
Psi that targets another character is handled as an opposed test, headaches, and hemorrhaging. Or it may give the infection a chance
the async’s Psi skill versus the defender’s WIL Check. Moxie pool to claw at the cracks in your psyche and manipulate your outlook.
may be used by both. Willing characters may choose not to resist, Whenever you use psi-gamma sleights, two things happen. First,
but they must be aware of what is happening (either the async has your Infection Rating increases by that sleight’s Infection modifier.
warned them or they have experienced it before). Unconscious or This represents the infection temporarily taking a stronger hold over
sleeping characters cannot resist. your mind. Second, the exovirus must make an Infection Test. As
Psi Full Defense: Like full defense in physical combat ▶226, you the infectee, the async player rolls this test.
may spend a complex action to concentrate your mental defenses, Asyncs that only use psi-chi sleights do not need to worry about
gaining a +30 modifier to resist sleights until your next action. infection flare-ups unless they push ▶277.
Criticals: If the defender wins with a critical success, the async
is temporarily “locked out” of their mind and may not target them
again until they take a recharge action ▶35.
select situations that will have dramatic and dire results. points of Moxie pool are spent, however, the test is negated entirely.
Pushing a sleight is not necessarily obvious, though the mental
effort and pain/damage may be apparent with a Kinesics Test.
Every time an Infection Test succeeds, the exovirus exerts a bit more INFECTION RATING THRESHOLDS
control over your psyche. Every async experiences this differently, As your infection takes a stronger hold, your sleights become more
depending on their particular sub-strain. powerful:
Roll 1d6 and consult your sub-strain’s influence effects ▶278,
applying +1 per superior success rolled on the Infection Test. • Infection Rating 33+: Apply the Increased Effect push effect to all
During character creation (or when your PC becomes infected with of your psi-chi sleights. This lasts until your Infection Rating drops
Watts-MacLeod), you should write down these six influence effects below 33.
on your character sheet. • Infection Rating 66+: Apply one free push effect to all of your
Influence effects kick in immediately as the sleight is activated. psi-gamma sleights. The same effect must be applied to each. This
Physical Damage: You suffer DV 1d6 in the form of fatigue, lasts until your Infection Rating drops below 66.
headaches, and hemorrhaging.
Enhanced/Restricted Behavior: For a temporary period of 1d6 You may still push sleights when you are over a threshold, but
minutes, you acquire an Enhanced or Restricted Behavior trait. This you may not apply the same push effect that a threshold already
trait should directly impact your roleplaying. The level of the trait provides, with the exception of extra target.
depends on your current Infection Rating: under 33 (Level 1), 33+
(Level 2), 66+ (Level 3). EASING THE INFECTION
Motivation: For a temporary period of 1d6 hours, you acquire an For every short recharge action ▶35 you take, reduce your Infection
extra motivation that should be actively roleplayed. This itch lurks Rating by 10. It may not be decreased lower than your base
in the back of your mind, relentlessly pushing you to take action. If Infection Rating (Psi Level × 10). For every long recharge, reset your
the motivation is satisfied, you benefit by healing stress (Motivational Infection to its base rating.
Recovery ▶223). Like any motivation, you do not need to act on it imme- You may not reduce your Infection Rating if you have active
diately. However, if the duration ends and the GM determines you influence effects — the urge must be satiated first.
and GMs are encouraged to use this to generate a personality of async to act in completely selfish and narcissistic ways, no matter
sorts for the infection itself. Perhaps they hint at specific alien phys- the detriment to others. Maybe your idea for the xenomorph is that
iologies, motivations, or cultural mannerisms. Though the exovirus it stems from a hive-mind perspective, and so the async might fail
should always remain inscrutable to some degree, its likely manifes- to understand the concept of the individual or lash out at behavior
tations can provide indicators for its general outlook and intentions, divergent from perceived collective goals. Use the effects as listed
which you can then use to add flavor to your PC’s own actions. for guidelines, while also considering options such as temporary
In this vein, the influence effects provided for each sub-strain disorders ▶224, enhanced behaviors ▶78, restricted behaviors ▶80,
should be considered customizable. Perhaps you envision an async or even negative traits such as Neural Damage ▶79.
Other Potential Enhanced Behaviors: Denial, Nihilism, Unsettling Mannerisms. +Execute Grand Scheme, +Mislead Others, +Twist Truth.
Other Potential Restricted Behaviors: Empathy.
Other Potential Motivations: +Crush Hope, +Expose Hidden Truths,
+Release Others From Misery, +Shake Collective Confidence.
Xenomorph Sub-Strain
D6 Roll Influence Effect
1 Physical Damage. Take DV 1d6.
2 Enhanced Behavior: Non-verbal Communication. Words become less important. You prefer conveying intent by posture, expressions, threat
displays, and similar physical emotive cues.
3 Enhanced Behavior: Cliquishness. You are rude, mistrustful, and hostile to outsiders, but supportive to your pack.
4 Motivation: +Transform Environment. You’d prefer an environment conducive to the alien presence within you. So you create one or establish a nest.
This may require complete darkness, burrowing underground, warmth (> 100 F/38 C), cold (< 0 F/−17 C), or submerging an area in water or a similar
liquid. This favored environment may always remain the same or it may change randomly or according to conditions.
5 Motivation: +Control Territory. You must free an area you control from outside threats. You may be inclined to stock provisions, set traps, and
otherwise protect your space from intruders.
6+ Motivation: +Express True Form. You are no longer satisfied to dwell in inferior physical forms. You will go to great lengths to modify yourself,
whether sophisticated or crude.
Influence Effects
two levels. You can push this sleight to raise the effect to Level 3
Psi-chi sleights are available to anyone with the Psi trait. Psi-gamma Eco-Empathy
sleights are only available to characters with the Psi trait at Level 2. With a successful COG Check, you acquire an intuitive under-
Unless noted, sleights may only be taken once. standing of non-sentient, non-terrestrial organisms occupying a
Range: Self, Point-Blank, or Close ▶276 producer niche in the local ecosystem (e.g., alien plant and fungus
Action: Automatic, Quick, Complex, or Task ▶32 analogues). The information you gain is of a general and qualitative
Duration: Constant, Instant, Sustained, nature, and doesn’t include data you would normally acquire from
or your WIL ÷ 5 in either action turns, minutes, or hours ▶276 chemical or genetic analysis. For example, you could determine if a
Infection Mod: Added to your Infection Rating ▶276. plant thrives only in riparian zones, if it relies on insect analogs for
pollination, or if it produces tubers that are edible to transhumans
PSI-CHI SLEIGHTS when cooked.
Psi-chi sleights are passive, always-on, subconscious abilities
available to anyone with the Psi trait. They are considered auto- Enhanced Creativity
matic actions and require no effort to maintain. Psi-chi sleights You are more imaginative and inclined to think outside the
add bonuses to specific actions or enable new abilities rather than box. Apply a +10 modifier to Know or Technical skill tests where
calling for a skill test. Most enhance the async’s perception, intellect, creativity plays a major role. This level of ingenuity sometimes
mental control, or ability to process information. seems strange and unusual, manifesting as odd insights or creepy
details, especially with artwork.
Your inhibitions are lowered, social intuition expanded, and Enhanced Memory
emotional intelligence augmented. This enhances your ability You have a perfect memory. Unlike transhumans with hyper-
to navigate social situations and process emotional information. thymesia, this is not strictly autobiographical. You can be asked a
Increase Moxie pool by 1. random date and immediately recall trivial details such as the day
of the week it was, what you did that day, what the weather was like,
Control Behavior and the exact wording of a paragraph you read. Your memory is
You can fine-tune your emotional state. Apply an Enhanced always “on” — in fact, you perceive reality and memory much like a
Behavior or Restricted Behavior (Level 2) trait ▶80 of your split screen and are often caught in reverie. Enhanced memory has
choice at will. You may not change it again until you have taken no effect on psychosurgery memory editing.
a recharge action. At the GM's discretion, this trait may apply a You can push this sleight to recall your memories from a sort of
+/–10 modifier in some situations. Alternatively, use this to reduce third-person point of view, allowing you to make Perceive Tests to
an Enhanced/Restricted Behavior trait imposed on you by up to notice details you may have previously missed.
rather than months.
Self Control
Predictive Boost Your will is tempered and unyielding. +10 to WIL Checks.
Your brain’s bayesian probability functions are accelerated,
enhancing your ability to estimate and predict the outcomes of Social Cunning
events as they unfold in real-time around you. In effect, you have an Your emotional intelligence is sharpened and focused, making you
intuitive sense for the most likely outcomes. +2 Initiative. more manipulative and exploitive of weaknesses. +10 to Persuade
and Provoke Tests.
Psi Armor
Your mind’s defenses are solidified. You gain mental armor equal to Somatic Control
your WIL ÷ 3 against psi attacks. You have excellent physiological control. +1 Vigor Pool.
skill test. Sleights that target other sentient beings or life forms are –30 modifier. Likewise, if the target is attacked, moved, or otherwise
always opposed tests, while others are handled as success tests. Active jostled, eye contact is lost.
sleights require significant effort from the async and may cause their You may not affect extra targets with this sleight, unless you have
exovirus infection to flare up (Infection Modifiers ▶276). more than one set of eyes.
Sleight Action Duration Infection Mod Description
Alter Effect Complex Instant 2 Increase or reduce the duration of a drug or toxin affecting the target by half.
Animal Control Complex Sustained 6 Take over a non-sapient animal’s mind, teleoperate it like a drone.
Aphasia Complex Minutes 6 Target cannot speak, communicate, or read.
Basilisk Stare Task Sustained 6 Target cannot break eye contact with async, both are immobilized.
Block Pain Complex Minutes 4 Target can ignore wound modifiers.
Block Sense Complex Action Turns 4 Negates one of the target’s senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch).
Block Skill Complex Minutes 6 The target may not use a specified skill.
Browse Thoughts Complex Sustained 4 Scan target’s surface thoughts.
Burst of Adrenaline Complex Minutes 6 Target receives +1 Vigor pool.
Burst of Clarity Complex Minutes 6 Target receives +1 Insight pool.
Burst of Confidence Complex Minutes 6 Target receives +1 Moxie pool.
Cloud Memory Complex Minutes 6 Target retains no long-term memories.
Deep Scan Complex Sustained 6 Retrieve 2 items from target’s mind, +2 per superior success.
Deja Vu Complex Minutes 8 The target is forced to repeat their actions of the past 15–30 seconds.
Downtime Task Sustained 2 4-hour fugue state heals 1d6 stress, +1d6 per superior success, gains influence effect.
Ego Sense Complex Action Turns 2 Detect biological life; extra info on range, size, type, etc. with superior successes.
Empathic Scan Complex Action Turns 4 Know target’s emotions. +10 to social skill tests against them, +10 per superior success.
Illusion Complex Sustained 8 Target experiences full-sensory illusion crafted by async.
Implant Memory Complex Instant 6 Implant fake memory permanently in target.
Implant Skill Complex Hours 6 Implant skill possessed by async in target’s mind at half value.
Induce Error Complex Minutes 6 The target automatically fails the next test they make using skill chosen by async.
Infectious Mind Complex Sustained 4 Share a triggered disorder or influence effect with the target.
Influence Complex Action Turns 4 Apply an Enhanced Behavior or Restricted Behavior (Level 2) trait.
Invigorate Complex Instant 4 The target can expend their next complex action as a short recharge.
Mimic Quick Instant 4 Snapshot of target’s mannerisms; +10 Deceive skills to impersonate target, +10 per superior success.
Mindlink Quick Sustained 2 Telepathy.
Neural Hardening Complex Minutes 4 The target receives a +10 modifier to resist basilisk hacks.
Nightmare Complex Instant 6 Target takes SV 2d10, +1d6 per superior success, reduced by psi armor.
Pain Complex Instant 6 Target inflicted with pain (like an agonizer), must flee at full movement on their next action.
Psi Shield Complex Sustained 4 Mental armor increased by +1d6 (cumulative with Psi Armor sleight).
Psychic Stab Complex Instant 6 Target takes DV 2d10, +1d6 per superior success, reduced by mental armor.
Sense Infection Complex Instant 2 Detect exsurgent infection in biological life.
Short Circuit Complex Instant 6 Target’s synapses misfire, they are incapacitated for 1 turn and stunned for 3 minutes.
Spam Complex Action Turns 6 Target overwhelmed by sensory input, –10 to all actions, with additional –10 per superior success.
Static Complex Sustained 4 –30 to all sleights within close range.
Subliminal Complex Hours 10 Implant suggested action in target’s mind that they must carry through.
Tranquility Complex Minutes 4 Target relieved from an acute stress response ▶223 or triggered disorder. May not be used on self.
Psi Sleight Summaries • Psi-Gamma Sleights
Action: Task • Duration: Sustained • Infection Mod: 2
You slip the target’s mind into a fugue-state regenerative downtime,
to repair their psyche. You must sustain this sleight for 4 hours during
which you may take no other complex actions. Downtime cannot be
Ego Sense
Action: Complex • Duration: Action Turns • Infection Mod: 2
You detect the presence and location (rough direction from yourself )
of other sentient and biological life forms (i.e., egos and animals) within
Close range. Each life form makes an opposed test against your roll.
You suffer modifiers for size, the same as for ranged attacks. Superior
successes provide additional details: approximate size, exact distance,
type of creature, etc. If the target moves during the duration (WIL ÷ 5
action turns), you will have a rough idea of their speed and bearing.
Empathic Scan
Action: Complex • Duration: Action Turns • Infection Mod: 4
You sense the target’s emotional state for WIL ÷ 5 action turns.
This provides you with a +10 modifier for social skill tests against
the target, +10 per superior success. This sleight will not automati-
cally detect deceit, but it will pick up on nervousness, doubt, anxiety, on your real memories, or a combination of the two. Implanting
etc. and provide a bonus to Kinesics Tests against Deceive. real memories is useful for archiving important data with an
ally, providing a literal alternate perspective, or simply making a
Illusion memory dump for the target to peruse. Fake memories are often
Action: Complex • Duration: Sustained • Infection Mod: 8 fuzzy and lacking detail, but bolstering them with real memories
You craft an illusion and inflict it upon the target. The illusion makes them more convincing. At the GM’s discretion, a fake
can range from a simple single-sense impression to a completely memory that contradicts the target’s other memories, is drastically
immersive false reality and can override actual sensory input. The out of character, or includes details that inspire skepticism may be
illusion cannot directly harm the target, but it can provoke reactions identified as false with an INT Check. Particularly traumatic memo-
that are dangerous or even fatal (i.e., tricking someone into walking ries may inflict mental stress on the recipient when they are first
off a roof ). Because the illusion is unsubstantial, it also may not stop experienced. Implanted memories do not overwrite real memories.
or start movement, hold weight, provide protection, etc. If the target
carefully examines the illusion or physically interacts with it, they Implant Skill
receive an INT Check to see through it. Likewise, if the illusion in any Action: Complex • Duration: Hours • Infection Mod: 6
way defies reality or inspires common-sense incredulity, or the real You impart your expertise and implant it into the target’s mind.
world interferes with the illusion (sudden loud noises, walls hidden The target acquires your chosen existing skill at half value for
by the illusion impede movement, etc.), the target gets an INT Check WIL ÷ 5 hours. If the target already has the skill, they use whichever
to disbelieve. Targets that succeed in their INT Check will still faintly value is higher. Specialization bonuses also apply. Psi skill may only
experience the illusory input, but recognize it as unreal. No check be implanted if the target has the Psi trait. Recipients of skills will
is needed if the target has proof the illusion is false. Complex or exercise them with the async’s flair and mannerisms.
lengthy illusions are hard to sustain; the GM may call for INT Checks
or appropriate skill tests to maintain the constructed facade. Induce Error
Illusions require intense mental power to sustain. You may not Action: Complex • Duration: Minutes • Infection Mod: 6
take any complex actions while sustaining this sleight, else the You create a glitch in the target’s mind that causes them to
illusion will falter. unconsciously do something wrong. The target automatically fails
a random skill test (chosen by the GM) made in the next WIL ÷ 5
Implant Memory minutes. With a superior success, you may choose which skill will
Action: Complex • Duration: Instant • Infection Mod: 6 fail the next time it is used (if that skill is not used within the dura-
You implant a memory of up to an hour’s length inside the tion, the sleight has no effect) or make the failure a superior failure.
target’s mind. This memory may be completely fabricated, based This usually manifests as the type of common mistake that even
impaired, suffering –10 to all actions, plus an extra –10 per superior
Mindlink success, for WIL ÷ 5 action turns.
Action: Quick • Duration: Sustained • Infection Mod: 2
You establish two-way mental communication with the target. Static
If mindlinked with more than one target simultaneously, you may Action: Complex • Duration: Sustained • Infection Mod: 4
act as a telepathic server so that everyone mindlinked with you You generate an anti-psi jamming field, impeding the use of
can also telepathically communicate with each other (though you ranged sleights within Close range by –30. This sleight has no effect
will overhear everything). Language is still a factor in mindlinked on self or Touch-range sleights.
communications, but this barrier may be overcome by transmitting
sounds, images, emotions, and other sensations. Subliminal
Action: Complex • Duration: Hours • Infection Mod: 10
Neural Hardening You implant a single post-hypnotic suggestion into the target’s
Action: Complex • Duration: Minutes • Infection Mod: 4 mind which they will carry out as if it was their own idea. Implanted
You harden the target’s sensory input pathways and mechanisms. suggestions must be short and simple; the GM may require sugges-
For WIL ÷ 5 minutes, they receive +10 to resist basilisk hacks, +10 tions be encompassed in a short sentence (for example: “open the
per superior success. airlock” or “hand over the weapon”). Suggestions may include a
short trigger condition (“when the alarm goes off, ignore it”). The
Nightmare target receives a WIL Check to resist any suggestion that is imme-
Action: Complex • Duration: Instant • Infection Mod: 6 diately life threatening (“jump off the bridge”) or that violates their
You bombard the target with horrific images and sensations, motivations or personal strictures.
eroding their mental stability. You inflict 2d10 SV to the target,
+1d6 per superior success. This is reduced by mental armor. Tranquility
Action: Complex • Duration: Minutes • Infection Mod: 4
Pain You calm the target, relieving stress and anxiety. The target
Action: Complex • Duration: Instant • Infection Mod: 6 is relieved of the effects of an acute stress response ▶223 or trig-
You activate the target’s nerve endings and clusters, inflicting gered disorder for WIL ÷ 5 minutes. You may not use this sleight
a painful burning sensation. Treat as a pain effect ▶216; the target on yourself.
your physical body. It also includes all of the information about your
brain’s neuronal connections. These are needed to either emulate
your ego digitally or print it onto the brain of a new morph.
The primary use for a backup lies in not staying dead. Your
backup can be resleeved into a new morph ▶288 or run as an info-
morph ▶252, perhaps as a fork of your original self ▶292. You can also
egocast yourself across the Solar System as an alternative to long,
slow space voyages ▶302.
Aside from quirky scientists who keep brains in vats, almost
all backups exist in one of two forms: cortical stack backups and
uploaded backups. Because backups are complete, stored trans-
human egos, the term ego is used interchangeably. “Backup” implies
that the ego will be kept in storage, while “ego” implies that it will be
run as an infomorph, resleeved, egocast, or the like.
Arguably the most important piece of technology transhumanity
has ever invented, cortical stack implants are predictably taken
for granted. Physically, cortical stacks are nanodiamond memory
modules about the size of a cigarette butt. They’re tough to destroy,
designed to be retrieved from even the most mangled corpse or
shot-up synth. In most morphs, they’re implanted near the brain
stem, where the neck meets the back of the head. To make them
easier to find, synthmorphs with heads have them here, too.
A cortical stack is linked to a neural lace network of nanobots
throughout the brain (biomorphs) or to the cyberbrain (pods and
synthmorphs). It backs up your ego once every second, or 86,400
times per Earth day. Just based on the amount of data in a trans-
human brain, this is non-trivial. Add in the billions of connections
between neurons, and it’s even more impressive. Almost everyone in
the Solar System has one, with the exception of very young children
and flats living in bioconservative polities.
Aside from containing a backup of your ego, your cortical stack
backs up everything on your mesh inserts: your muse, lifelog, any
software or blueprints you own, and all other data you amass. This
takes up a tiny amount of space compared to the ego itself.
Popping a Stack
The process of cutting out a cortical stack is called “popping,” as a
skilled extractor can usually get the smooth-shelled implant to pop
right out by making an incision in the correct place and applying
pressure. Excising a cortical stack in surgery or a workshop with no
time constraints is automatically successful. Popping a stack under
less ideal conditions (e.g., with a vibroknife in a smoky, bullet-rid-
dled ventilation shaft) requires either a Medicine: Paramedic Test
(biomorphs) or a Hardware: Robotics Test (synthmorphs) This is a
task action with a timeframe of 4 action turns on a dead, uncon-
scious, or immobilized morph. If this is too long, decapitating the
morph and taking the whole head for later excision has a timeframe
of only 2 actions turns (1 action turn for big/choppy blades).
Popping a stack from an immobilized, living morph inflicts
3d10+10 DV. The GM may impose a longer timeframe, adjusted
damage, and/or penalties on the test if the morph has its stack in
a non-standard position or if the stack is heavily protected (e.g.,
beneath armor plates). The victim, the perpetrator, and all witnesses
must make a WIL Check or take SV 1d6.
awake during the procedure, allowing for a slow and smooth transi- ment with a black market chop shop, a relationship with an anar-
tion of consciousness from the old morph to new. When the transfer chist morph-design collective, Titanian citizenship, or the payoff for
is complete, the nanobots sever connections in the original morph’s working with a covert organization like Firewall.
neural network, effectively “zeroing” the brain for the next occupant. All backup services provide the following:
If the ego is being forked from a biological brain, the ego is
simply copied from the cortical stack’s neural lace network. Likewise, • An attempt to retrieve your stack/ego through appropriate channels.
an ego transferred or forked from a cyberbrain or infomorph is • In the case of verifiable death, re-instancing you as infomorph
simply uploaded. Recovered cortical stacks work the same way. from your stack (if recovered) or from an archived backup (if not)
These copied egos can either be saved as inactive backups or instan- to discuss options.
tiated and run as infomorphs. • Doing the same in the event you have been missing for a pre-deter-
Under normal circumstances, no test is required to upload an ego. mined period (usually 6 months, but variable). Most people set their
muses to periodically check in.
Post-Mortem Uploads • Resleeving you in a morph of equivalent MP, depending on availability.
If the cortical stack is missing or destroyed, you can still upload an In the case of repeat deaths over a short time period, this MP value will
ego from a corpse or destroyed synthmorph. The deceased morph be lowered for each subsequent death (Acquiring Morphs ▶290).
must not have died from damage that destroyed the brain tissue or
cyberbrain (GM’s discretion). For people with resources, additional services may be offered,
including hazardous stack retrieval options or hardened storage
(Services ▶315).
Because morphs are rare and integral to the game, they are not them on a hypercorp habitat. Rep used this way counts towards the
handled like other gear. Instead, each time the PCs egocast and/or rep favors available to you on your first week on the mission.
resleeve, the GM assigns each player an amount of Morph Points (MP). • Negative Morph Traits: Finally, you can always acquire extra MP by
purchasing negative morph traits ▶76, up to a maximum of 6.
The recommended default amount of Morph Points is 6. At 6 MP, SPENDING MORPH POINTS
players can purchase high-end morphs like ghosts, furies, and arach- Morph Points are spent as described in Step 12 of Making
noids, but remade morphs and reapers remain out of reach unless Characters ▶46. You can spend your MP on the morph (or morphs)
they pick up some negative morph traits to make up the difference. itself, positive morph traits, ware, or Flex. As with character creation,
GMs can adjust this amount to set the difficulty level of the you are encouraged to pick morphs that fit your character’s outlook
mission. Want to test your players’ mettle? Assign only 2 or 4 MP. and the mission’s parameters.
Plan on sending them into a meat grinder, for which they’ll need all
the help they can get? Assign them 8 or even 10 MP. Morph Availability
The amount of MP the GM provides is also representative of the Not all morphs are readily available. Some models (splicers, exalts,
resources assigned to the mission. Are Firewall’s logistics currently cases, synths, pods) are widespread and accessible; others are more
strained? Lower the amount. Are the players working on behalf difficult to lay your claws on. To see if a morph is on hand, make an
of an oligarch with an unlimited expense account? Notch it up a Availability Test, rolling d100 with the morph's Availability rating as
few points. the target number. If it succeeds, the morph is available. Otherwise,
pick another morph and try again.
INCREASING YOUR MP Local conditions may affect this Availability Test. A well-stocked
There are three ways you can increase your MP: body bank in a populated area such as Valles New-Shanghai may
• Resources: The Resources trait ▶75 provides you with extra MP apply a +30 modifier. A small and remote Neptunian hab might
equal to the trait’s level, reflecting your access to wealth. At the have a much more limited supply: apply a –30 modifier.
GM’s discretion, this may not apply when you are egocasting to or You can expend rep favors to increase a morph’s Availability. A
resleeving in an autonomist habitat or isolated locales with limited minor favor applies a +10 modifier, a moderate +20, and a major
morph stocks; your money has no sway there. +30. The rep score in question must be applicable to the situation,
and you must succeed in a Rep Test.
a clinic (Medicine: Biotech shop) or a healing vat; synthmorphs
minus the morph's cost of 6 MP), so they opt to take a Negative trait with an
require a Hardware: Robotics shop. If you personally lack the skills
MP Bonus of 1. The GM has an idea for this, and gives the ghost morph the
and gear, you must acquire the professional service (which includes
Memory Artifact trait.
the gear) using rep or Resources trait. The ware itself must be
A week later, Sava is killed in a trap. The hypercorp's security team
acquired separately, per normal gear acquisition rules. If the ware is
recovers their stack and resleeves them, but this time the GM only gives
restricted, you will need black-market services, which may require
Sava 7 MP to work with. Sava really wants that neurachem again, so they
more cost or effort to find. This is a good opportunity for roleplaying
are prepared to spend a rep favor this time to boost their MP. First, however,
rep nets and contacts. Illegal shops rely on their reputations just as
Sava rolls again to see if a fury morph is available this time. The target
number is the same (60), and they roll a 29! It looks like the hypercorp noted
Sava's earlier request and got a fury morph to the station in anticipation of
Modifying a Morph this need. Sava needs 9 MP total, so they take the 7 MP they have and spend
a Moderate i-rep favor to get 2 more. Sava tells Firewall they believe there
Morph Type Skill Gear Needed are exsurgents on the station, and the group pulls some strings to get them
Biomorph (including pods) Medicine: Biotech Tools Shop or Healing Vat what they need.
Synthmorph Hardware: Robotics Tools Shop
Making a Morph
Morph Type Skills Gear Needed Timeframe
Synthmorph Hardware: Robotics + Program Medium Fabber (MP + 1) weeks
Pod Medicine: Biotech + Program Specialized Fabber, Tools Shop or Healing Vat (MP + 1) months
Biomorph Medicine: Biotech Exowomb (MP + 6) months
forking is an advantage, allowing you to multi-task and get more Forks are instanced as digimorphs ▶67, unless another type of
done. Need help on a project? Fork a few copies of yourself. Need infomorph is available. They can also be sleeved into physical morphs.
to be in simultaneous meetings on Mars and Venus? Spin off a fork
and egocast it to one while you handle the other — or send forks to Alpha Forks
both and go grab a drink. Alphas are easily created by taking a snapshot of the ego either from
Forking, however, creates some thorny social and legal issues. an existing infomorph, the cyberbrain, or the cortical stack’s neural
Is your fork considered a separate person with full civil rights? Or lace network. This process takes one action turn. Alpha forks can
are they your property? Is deleting them murder? Is your spouse also be generated from biomorph brains using an ego bridge and
married to your fork, or just you? If you and your fork have an argu- the same process as uploading, but this is a longer process.
ment and go your separate ways, who gets your stuff? Complicating Alpha forks have all of the same skills, memories, ego stats, ego
this matter is the fact that the longer you and your fork are apart, the traits, and personality of the original.
more your individual minds start to diverge, effectively becoming
separate people. While forks can be re-merged into the originating Beta Forks
ego, this becomes more difficult the longer they are apart. You create a beta fork by running an alpha fork through a process
known as neural pruning. Determine a beta fork’s stats as follows:
There are three classifications of forks: alpha, beta, and gamma: • Active skills have a maximum value of 60.
• All aptitude checks suffer a –10 modifier.
• Alpha Forks: An alpha fork is an exact copy of the original ego. • Ego Flex pool has a maximum value of 1.
• Beta Forks: Beta forks are partial copies. They are intentionally • The Psi trait is removed. At the GM’s discretion, other ego traits may
hobbled so as to not to be considered an equal to the originator, or no longer apply as well.
to not have all your memories, for legal, social, and security reasons.
Beta forks have most of the same skills as the original ego, though Additional changes may apply as determined by the neural
sometimes reduced. Their memories are also drastically curtailed, pruning test ▶297.
usually tailored to whatever task they are intended to perform.
Many people keep pre-made beta forks on hand to activate as Gamma Forks
needed, deleting them afterwards. It is extremely rare for anyone to purposely create a vapor for
• Gamma Forks: More commonly known as vapors, gamma forks are anything other than research use, although they can crop up in
massively incomplete, corrupted, or heavily damaged copies. Vapors some interesting places. For example, poorly made skill software
are not intentionally created and are instead the results of botched occasionally includes enough of the personality traits and memories
uploads, scrambled backups, incomplete or jammed farcasts, or of the person the skill was taken from that it can behave in a vapor-
infomorphs/forks that were somehow damaged or went insane. like fashion when used.
Because vapors are anomalies rather than purposeful creations,
FORKS AND SOCIETY the characteristics of individual gamma forks are left to the GM.
The way forks are treated varies by polity and culture. In the They should have some or all of the following: reduced skills,
Consortium, forks are considered property and must identify reduced aptitudes/aptitude checks, incomplete or incoherent memo-
themselves as such; alpha forks are legally limited to a 48-hour ries, negative mental traits, and persistent mental stress or traumas,
existence. Morningstar is similar, but allows alphas to be granted including disorders.
limited personhood status after a one-week existence, permission
from the originator, and an application for citizenship. Most NEURAL PRUNING
autonomists treat alphas as full, separate individuals, but opinions Neural pruning is the art of taking an alpha fork and trimming it
are split on beta forks. The Jovians have outlawed forking entirely. down with psychosurgery, creating a beta fork.
Some polities require forks to be equipped with the auto-erase Beta forks are created by taking a virtual mind state that is inten-
app ▶326 so that they automatically erase when they reach the legal tionally inhibited and filtering a copy of the ego through it. Like
divergence period. a topiary shrub, the portions of your neural network that exceed
Some people prefer to use forks of themselves or loved ones the capacities of the intended fork are trimmed away. In addition to
rather than a muse. Likewise, some wealthy hyperelites are known the changes noted under beta forks, you can voluntarily choose to
to keep copies of their younger backups on hand, sometimes for delete/decrease skills and remove memories.
decades, and re-instance these when their prime ego has enough Transhumanity’s grasp of neuroscience extends to scanning
skill and experience to completely outclass its younger selves. and copying a mind, but the most intricate workings of memory
Though technically these are alpha forks, their lag behind the are still imperfectly understood. Making precise edits to individual
original ego is comparable in degree to that of a beta fork. This is portions of a neural network (to alter recollections, skills, and the
rumored to be the method used by the Pax Familae in instancing like) is still a black art. The difficulty with neural pruning is that
her army of cloned selves. taking a weed whacker to the tree of memory isn’t an exact science.
Careful Pruning
Rather than generating a fork quickly, you may prefer to carefully
craft a beta fork with long-term psychosurgery, meaning that it
suffers fewer drawbacks. Such carefully pruned forks can be kept
on hand, stored as inert files that can be called up, copied, and run
as needed. The drawback to carefully pruned forks is that they are
not based on a recent version of you — their memories will not be
up-to-date. They are also more difficult to merge, as they are based
on significantly older versions of yourself. They are ideal for fire-
and-forget tasks, where the fork is abandoned or deleted afterwards.
Careful pruning uses the same rules as neural pruning ▶297, but
with a timeframe of 30 days and a +30 modifier.
GMs are encouraged to allow players to roleplay their character’s
own forks. It is important to note, however, that even with alpha
forks, once the fork and originating ego diverge, they develop
onward as separate people. The events that shape the primary ego’s
personality, character, and knowledge will not happen — or even if
they do, probably not in the same way — to the fork, and vice versa.
The exact dividing line between an ego and a fork is a central philo-
sophical and legal debate among many transhumans.
This means that the GM should not be afraid to pull a fork out of
a player character’s hands and make them into an NPC if they start
to diverge too greatly. Similarly, if a fork begins to learn information
that the main character does not (yet) have access to, it is probably
also better to run the fork as an NPC in order to avoid metagaming.
It is entirely possible that a fork might decide that it will no longer
obey the originating ego and carry about doing its own thing. This
usually only occurs with alpha forks, who are essentially a full copy
anyway, and as time passes the idea of merging back with the orig-
inal ego becomes unappealing. Beta forks are quite aware of their
nature as “incomplete” copies and are less likely to diverge and make
a break for life on their own.
Merging is the process of re-integrating a fork with the originating
ego. Merging is performed on conscious egos/forks, transferring
both to a single, merged ego. The process is not difficult to undergo
when two forks have only been apart a short time. As forks spend
more time apart, merging becomes a severe mental ordeal.
Merging often results in mental stress and/or lost fork memories.
The result of the process is a unified ego, whether or not the Merging
Test succeeds. Psychosurgery can troubleshoot bad merges over time.
The rules for merging are detailed on ▶296.
or biotech inserts to the brain or nervous system), or brainhacking are crowded, chaotic, crosswired places, with each mind storing its
(software attacks on computer brains, neural inserts, and info- memories, personality, and other defining features in unique ways.
morphs), though they are sometimes combined. What this means is that though the general architecture and
Psychosurgery is performed on a digital mind state. A real-time topography of neural networks can be scanned and deduced, the
emulation, backup, or fork of the subject is uploaded and run in a devil is in the details. Techniques used to modify, repair, or enhance
simulspace. The subject need not be willing, and in these cases their one person’s mind are not guaranteed equal success when applied
VR permissions are restricted. Numerous psychosurgery simulspace to another’s. For example, the process by which brains store knowl-
environments are available, each custom-designed for specific edge, skills, and memories results in a strange chaining process
psychosurgical goals and programmed with a thorough selection of where these memories are linked and associated with others.
psychotherapy treatment options. Altering one memory often has adverse affects on others. In the end,
The actual process of psychosurgery breaks down into several minds are slippery and dodgy things, and attempts to reshape them
stages. First is diagnosis, which involves neuroimaging of morphed rarely go as planned.
characters, mapping synaptic connections, and building a neuro-
chemical model. It can also involve complete psychological profiling USING PSYCHOSURGERY
and psychometric behavioral testing, including personality tests To use psychosurgery, you must have access to the target’s digitized ego
and simulspace scenarios. Digital mind states can be compared to (acquired the same way as uploading or forking). You must also have
records of people with similar symptoms in order to identify related a psychosurgery app and access to a server to run a VR simulspace.
information clusters. This analysis is used to plan the procedure. Psychosurgery is conducted with a Medicine: Psychosurgery Test.
The actual implementation of psychosurgical alteration can This is a task action, with a timeframe dependent upon the specific
involve several methods, depending on the desired results. Applying procedure, as noted below. Time contraction can drastically reduce the
external modules to the mind state is often the best approach, as it amount of real time required (Virtual Reality ▶268). The subject may
doesn’t meddle with complicated connections and new inputs are not take other actions while the procedure is underway.
readily interpreted and assimilated. For treatments, mental health If you succeed, the psychosurgery is effective and permanent.
software patches compiled from databases of healthy minds are The alteration becomes an enduring part of the subject’s ego and
matched, customized, and applied. Specialized programs can be is copied when uploaded, forking, resleeving, etc. If you fail, the
run to stimulate certain mental processes for therapeutic purposes. attempt does not work. On a critical success, no stress is inflicted at
Before an alteration is even applied, it can first be performed on all. On a critical failure, you inflict permanent damage to the subject
a fork of the subject and run at accelerated speeds to evaluate the in the form of a Mental Disorder, Neural Damage, or other negative
outcome. Likewise, multiple treatment choices can be applied to ego trait (GM discretion).
time-accelerated forks this way, allowing the psychosurgeon to test Every psychosurgery procedure lists a Stress Value (SV) that is
which is likely to work best. inflicted on the subject. The value before the slash is inflicted if
Not all psychosurgery is performed for the subject’s benefit. the procedure fails; the value after the slash is inflicted if the test
Psychosurgery is used to interrogate, torture, erase memories, succeeds. Superior failures inflict an extra SV 1d6 each.
modify behavior, and inflict crippling impairments. It is also used as
a legal punishment, deterring and impairing criminal activity. Such ROLEPLAYING MIND EDITS
methods are often brute-forced rather than fine-tuned, ignoring The changes incurred by psychosurgery are nebulous and difficult
safety parameters and resulting in detrimental side effects. to pin down with game mechanics. Alterations to a character’s
personality and mind state are often better handled as roleplaying.
DIFFICULTIES This means that you should make a real effort to integrate mental
Mind editing is not an easy, safe, and error-proof process — it is modifications into your character’s words and actions, and GMs
difficult, dangerous, and often flawed. Neuroscience is light years should ensure that a character’s portrayal plays true to their mind
ahead of where it was a century ago, but many aspects of the brain edits. Some psychosurgical mods can be reflected with ego traits,
and neural functions continue to confound and elude even the while others might incur modifiers to certain tests or in certain
brightest experts and AIs. Technologies like nanoneural mapping, situations. The GM should carefully weigh a brain alteration’s
uploading, digital mind emulation, and artificial intelligence are effects and apply modifiers as they see appropriate.
also comparatively in their infancy, being mere decades old. Though
transhumanity has a handle on how to make these processes work,
it does not always fully understand the underlying mechanisms.
Any psychosurgeon will tell you that mucking around in the Psychosurgery Modifiers
mind’s muddy depths is a messy business. Brains are organic Situation Modifier
devices, molded by millions of years of unplanned evolutionary Improper Preparation/Diagnostics –30
development. Each is grown haphazardly, loaded with mutative Ignored Safety Protocols +20/+SV 1d6
leftovers, and randomly modified by an unlimited array of life
events and environmental factors. Every mind features numerous
Time-Contraction Simulspace –20
Subjects is infolife or uplift –20
This technique is used to block your awareness of specific actions,
skills, memories, or even the environment around you. This
differs from memory editing or skill suppression in that nothing is
removed from your mind; you are simply prevented from accessing
this knowledge. For example, you can be blocked from ever being
aware of the color red, from remembering how to use a gun, or to
automatically tune out anything to do with a specific hypercorp.
When used to block out your own actions or behaviors, you are
completely unaware of the blocked activity — even while you are
doing it. If the action/behavior is pointed out, you will be inaca-
pable of recognizing it or addressing it (attempts to force you to will
instigate a Stress Test of SV 1d6/1).
Awareness block is sometimes applied as a second layer of protec-
tion for edited memories or suppressed skills. In this case, not only
is the memory/skill excised, but you are incapable of reflecting
upon the possibility.
Awareness blocks are exceptionally useful for espionage and
mind-control programming. Couriers carrying secret information
in their hands can be made completely unaware of the trove of data
in their minds, reducing the likelihood they will be intercepted or
accidentally leak what they know. Spies can be programmed with
personality editing to exercise certain activities but be blocked by
this procedure from ever being aware they are doing them, thus
allowing them to lie convincingly if interrogated. The combination
of awareness block and personality editing enables the creation of
unwitting pawns.
Removing an awareness block is an equal procedure to installing
Given the ability to switch bodies, many security and law enforce-
ment agencies have resorted to personality and behavioral profiling
as a means of identifying people even when they resleeve. Though
such systems are far from perfect, your unconscious habits and
quirks could potentially give you away. Characters who wish to
elude identification in this way can undergo behavioral masking,
which seeks to alter and change your unconscious habits and social
cues. If successful, apply a –30 modifier to Kinesics Tests and
similar identification systems to identify you.
Using tutorial programs, memory reinforcement protocols, condi-
tioning tasks, and deep brain stimulation, your learning ability is
reinforced, allowing you to learn new skills more quickly. You can
spend 2 Rez Points in a week to increase skills. If improving skills
over 60, you may spend 2 skill points per week.
Psychosurgical interrogation uses lie detection and brain scanning
techniques including the measurement of unconscious physiological
responses, analysis of brain activity to detect falsehoods, measuring
brain activity and memory activation in response to specific images
or other stimuli, and repeated forking and time-accelerated simula-
tions to verify results and undermine willpower.
The dividing line with interrogation lies with the use of pain and
other mental manipulation torture techniques. Physical torture
is widely regarded as being ineffective, due to the likelihood that
victims will lie, admit guilt when innocent, or generally say what-
ever they need to say to stop being tortured. When combined with
the technologically enhanced interrogation techniques described
above, however, it can be extremely effective.
The timeframe and SV for psychosurgical interrogation is variable,
depending on the situation and the questioning. The GM should
decide on these as appropriate. One subjective week should be the
baseline, with modifiers provided for additional weeks. SV may
range from nothing with basic interrogation to 1d6 +2/half for
moderate torture and 1d10 + 2 for severe torture, possibly more.
Keep in mind that torture is extremely unpleasant and may inflict MERGING
stress on the practitioner and witnesses as well. Such scenes may Merging is the process of recombining a fork with its originating
also not be appropriate to your gaming group, so be aware of your ego (Forking ▶292). Merging often results in mental stress and/or
players’ comfort levels. lost fork memories. A successful test will reduce the SV; use the
numbers listed after the slash on the Merging table. Each superior
MEMORY EDITING success will reduce the amount of memories lost by one level, each
By monitoring memory recall (forcibly invoked if necessary), superior failure will increase it one level. Memory loss usually only
psychosurgeons can identify where memories are stored in the affects the fork’s memories (not the alpha's); apply a modifier to
brain and target them for removal. Memory storage is complex memory-related COG Checks (–10 for Minor loss, –20 for Moderate,
and diffused, however, and often linked to other memories. It is –30 for Major).
extremely difficult to target one specific memory for removal; The process of merging also integrates any stress, traumas, and
instead, general groupings of memories must be targeted, such as ego traits acquired by the fork back into the original ego.
rough time periods or topics. Removing a memory almost always
affects others (GM discretion).
Adding or replacing memories is a much more complicated oper-
ation and requires that such memories be copied from someone Merging
who has experienced them or manufactured with XP software. Even Divergence SV Base
when successfully implanted, fake memories may clash with other Period Modifier (failure/success) Memory Loss
(real) memories unless those are also erased. Characters injected
Up to 48 hours — 1d6/ — Solid merge, no memory loss.
with a false memory can make an INT Check to identify a memory
as fabricated or wrong if they have a valid reason to question it. 48 hours to 1 week –10 1d6/half Solid merge, no memory loss.
1 week to 1 month –20 1d10/1d6 Minor memory loss.
MENTAL EVALUATION 1 month to 6 months –30 2d10/2d6 Moderate memory loss.
Psychosurgery can be used to detect previous edits to your mind.
6 months+ –30 3d10/3d6 Major memory loss.
This exploratory procedure can detect previous psychosurgical
procedures, neural pruning, fork merging, exsurgent infection, or
even the long-term effects of trauma, mental disorders, drug use,
and addiction.
wishes to enhance their focus.
Personality editing can also be applied as an unleashing or rein- Tasping is the use of deep brain stimulation techniques to tickle
forcement. A medical professional might boost their empathy, an the mind’s pleasure centers. Though this procedure is often used for
athlete might boost their competitiveness, or a hypercorp exec can therapeutic purposes for patients suffering from depression or other
boost their commitment to work above all else. mental illnesses, the intent with tasping is to overload the subject
If successful, the subject acquires either the Enhanced Behavior ▶78 into a prolonged state of almost unendurable bliss. Such stimu-
or Restricted Behavior traits ▶80 at the level chosen. At the GM’s lation is highly addictive, however, so if you are exposed to it for
discretion, this procedure may apply other ego traits instead. repeated or extended periods you will need to make a WIL Check at
As psychosurgery has become more accessible, personality –30 or pick up the Addiction trait ▶76. Some criminal organizations
editing has become a common elective procedure. Some people have been known to use tasping addiction and rewards as a means
adjust their emotions and habits on a monthly basis. On the flipside, of controlling those under their thrall.
bases on peoples’ lives and habits, factors such as forking, privacy that identifies them as a fork, including their inception date. Those
and anonymization safeguards, and the ease of identity theft make operating with fork IDs are sometimes barred from certain activities
ascertaining someone’s true identity a challenge. such as travel or making financial transactions without their origina-
tor’s authorization in order to deter fraud or the fork seeking inde-
EGO ID pendence or to bypass legal limitations. Fork IDs may be banned
Your identity is tied to your ego, and various authorities institute from activities such as voting or sleeving entirely.
verification and security measures on this basis. Within the inner Those with criminal records linked to their IDs face similar
system, your ego is assigned an ID number, which is used to restrictions. They often are required to disclose their criminal
validate your identity, citizenship, legal status, credit accounts, history to employers/contractors and are subject to additional
licensing, reputation scores, and so on. This ego ID is verifiable by security screenings. This also applies to indentures, who are banned
your brain patterns, which remain the same even when resleeving. from travel and considered a flight risk to some authorities.
If you backup, upload, or egocast your mind, the service is required Certain polities require uplifts and AGIs to openly identify
to incorporate your ego ID in your digital mind-state as a readable themselves as such — and may even limit their rights and privileges.
cryptographic hash. Likewise, when you resleeve, the body bank is Though they can take the risk with fake IDs or traveling incognito, a
required to verify your ID and hardcode it into your morph, in the full brain scan will automatically detect the differences inherent to
form of a nanotattoo on the tip of your index finger. Many jurisdic- an uplift or infolife’s mind, marking them as non-human.
tions require these services to register morphs and the embodied Notably, the process of Watts-MacLeod infection is known to
ego ID with local authorities. This nanotat can be easily scanned at create changes to an async’s brain structure, permanently altering
security checkpoints to verify identity. their brainprint. Given that brainprints naturally change over time,
this is not always significant enough to be noticed. However, as
Complications authorities across the Solar System work to eradicate the vestiges of
Though efficient, this method is far from perfect. There is no the exsurgent virus from transhumanity, asyncs are finding them-
system-wide ID system. Record-keeping is far from standardized selves under increased scrutiny, especially when entering habitats
and varies drastically from habitat to habitat. To protect privacy and with more paranoid or sophisticated security apparatuses.
deter ID theft, most habitats will only share basic details on their
citizens — and even then only upon request — with other stations, ID and Rep Systems
unless they are part of the same political alliance. This means that Your ID is irrevocably tied to your reputation scores.
if you are a Lunar-Lagrange Alliance citizen traveling to a Planetary
Consortium habitat, the local authorities may not have a complete IDENTITY VERIFICATION
profile on you. However, many habitats contract with data-har- There are three ways to verify someone’s identity: nanotat scan, brain-
vesting firms to access their dossiers on the Solar System’s populace. wave scan, and checking the cryptographic hash on a digital mind.
On top of this, many identity records were lost during the Fall.
The systems currently in use were devised within the past decade Nanotat Scans
as new polities cohered. Most people’s personal records do not In most jurisdictions, every time you sleeve a morph, special
extend back beyond that point. This situation was undoubtedly nanobots are deployed to encode a small nanotat on your index
exploited by those who preferred to erase their past or adopt a new finger. The information contained on this nanotat includes your
persona entirely. name, ego ID, brainwave pattern, citizenship/legal status, credit
Complicating matters further, many autonomist and brinker account number, insurance information, licenses, rep system IDs,
habitats operate without identity checks altogether. While even and similar relevant data in an encrypted format. Depending on the
anarchists see the need for some ID measures to prevent reputa- local habitat laws, it may include other information such as criminal
tion-system gaming, protect their backups, and identify bodies convictions, travel history, restricted implants, employment records,
in the case of death, these systems are structured so that the user and so on. This nanotat serves as your physical ID and can be read
controls their own data; few records are kept. with a nanotat ID scanner ▶338 that decodes the nanobot data.
These all make for a situation where identity records are patch- ID nanotats include information on the company that did the
work at best. This means that officials must rely on the security of resleeving, so that the data can be accessed and verified with their
other habitats for ID verification. If a person egocasts to Nectar records online. The data on the nanotat is also cryptographically
on Luna from Qing Long in the Martian Trojans and the Nectar signed with the company’s public key, meaning that anyone who
officials have no record of this person, they can only trust that the checks the data and the signature online can tell if the data has
Qing Long officials did their job when verifying the subject’s ID and been altered.
background. If an autonomist or similar ID-less visitor arrives, they Nanotat ID data can be passcode-protected, though authorities
are scanned against databases for criminals and other undesirables require decoding for security checkpoints. This does not always
and then assigned a temporary ID for the duration of their stay (and deter ID thieves, who deploy trick devices, drones, and nanoswarms
sometimes any future visits). Some habitats (including the Jovians) to break the code and steal data from the unsuspecting — or simply
often limit the privileges and stay duration of visitors who fail to take your entire finger.
meet their stringent ID measures, if they don’t bar them outright.
Special nanobot treatments can be manufactured to erase, rewrite,
Digital Code or replace nanotat IDs. Erasing a nanotat is easy, but not having one
Digital ID codes are incorporated into backups and infomorphs. Not is a crime and immediate grounds for suspicion in many habitats.
only does this help identify who the backup belongs to, but it serves Rewriting a nanotat is also easy, though this means that the nanotat
as an electronic signature for verifying ID when the backup is to will fail its authorization online unless the encryption has also been
be resleeved. This digital code contains the same information as a cracked. Replacing a nanotat ID with a fake one is just as possible
nanotat ID, and is signed with a cryptographic hash that makes it and is part of the process of acquiring a fake ID.
difficult to forge and which can be verified online.
Digital ID Tampering
Other ID Forms Digital ID codes can also be tampered with, though like nanotat
Given that transhumans are almost always meshed, your Mesh IDs this will mean that the ID fails online verification unless the
ID ▶246 serves as a unique identifier and has served as proof of encryption is also defeated.
empty distances of interplanetary space. Habitats in dense plane- egos, farcaster services usually engage strict security practices;
tary systems receive most of their visitors via conventional space breaches are uncommon.
travel. Immigration and customs infrastructure is geared toward However, there are risks involved. If the farcaster service at
receiving visitors via their spaceport, and the processing of arrivals either end is not trusted or the networks are privately controlled or
is analogous to a 21st-century airport. Isolated habitats, on the other compromised, your ego is at their mercy. Most hypercorps consider
hand, tend to receive almost all of their visitors via egocast. meddling with a transmitted ego to be a serious breach of etiquette,
whereas autonomist types would find it unthinkably repressive.
EGOCASTING However, political extremists and criminal organizations in control
Shuttlecraft using a variety of propulsion systems make regular trips of egocasters suffer from fewer restraints.
between habitats, planetary surfaces, and moons. But for any trip
longer than 1.5 million kilometers — the distance a fusion drive Electronic Arrivals
craft can cover in about a day — most people egocast. Once an ego arrives at the destination receiver, it can be archived,
Egocasting is transhumanity’s most advanced personal transpor- run as an infomorph, or resleeved as normal. Arrivals by egocast are
tation technology, though only your ego actually travels. Egocasting sometimes interviewed by habitat authorities in a simulspace before
combines uploading ▶287 and quantum farcasting ▶336 to securely resleeving. Depending on the habitat’s attitude toward civil rights, this
transfer your mind over interplanetary distances. This can be an process can be relatively reasonable or quite invasive. A minimal entry
active infomorph, an inactive backup, or even an upload transferred inspection includes an ID check, a brief interview with a customs AI,
from your conscious mind. and a review of the specs of the morph into which the arriving ego plans
Though egocasting occurs at the speed of light, times vary to resleeve. Habitats with draconian immigration measures may use
drastically with distance. Egocasting within a cluster or planetary harsh psychosurgery interrogation techniques on suspect infomorphs.
system is usually just a matter of minutes. Egocasting from the sun Egos have little recourse to avoid this treatment — station authorities
to the Kuiper Belt, however, takes between 40 and 70 hours, and so can simply file them away in cold storage if they choose — so it is wise
egocasting all of the way across the Solar System can take even longer. to investigate customs procedures before you send yourself over.
Most egocasting is handled via legitimate farcasting services, Because many people, particularly autonomists and brinkers,
often operated by the habitat’s government. If you are uploading don’t appreciate this kind of reception, various farcasting services
from a morph, it may be sold, leased, or stored with a body bank have stepped in to provide pre-customs resleeving for those trav-
service. Most people sell their morph, trading it in for a new sleeve eling to habitats with suspect screening methods. For often-exor-
at their destination. Storage/leasing is primarily reserved to the rich, bitant fees, the traveler egocasts into an extraterritorial substation
people returning quickly, or people with a particular attachment to close to their intended destination, resleeves there, and then travels
their morph (sometimes because it is their original). to their destination by ship or shuttle.
visitors an “air tax” — a fee for using the station’s publicly available overhead — or even falling from space in a high-dive suit ▶351.
resources while they are present. This is generally only common in Bathyscaphes, on the other hand, require swimming or using a
isolated habitats with strained resources and is considered espe- vehicle that doesn’t get noticed by the station’s radar and sonar.
cially obnoxious by most autonomists. Criminal and smuggler outfits rely heavily on bribery or other-
wise compromised security to gain access. Forged credentials are
HABITAT INFILTRATION also relied upon, as is simply physically transporting backups
Getting onto or around a habitat without authorization is not easy, or infomorphs on storage media through security and then re-in-
but for the determined many options abound. stancing or resleeving them within.
In Eclipse Phase, spacecraft are primarily dealt with as a setting do with their own archive of entertainment options. Many long-haul
environment rather than a vehicle/gear to use. Most ships are ships are crewed by hibernoid morphs, who hunker down for long
piloted by ALI and self-maintained by robots. In certain circum- naps between duties.
stances, however, you may be called on to navigate or pilot a ship
with Pilot: Space, repair it with Hardware: Aerospace, or control TRAVEL TIMES
sensors, ship functions, and weapons with Interface. Travel times around the Solar System vary drastically, depending
on current orbital positions. Travel between points within the inner
LOCAL TRAVEL system usually falls between 2 weeks and a month. Travel to/from
In densely inhabited planetary systems such as Mars, Jupiter, and Jupiter and Saturn usually runs around 2 or 3 months, respectively.
Saturn, most travel between cities, surface stations, and orbital habi- Travel to, from, or between points further out takes months (6 at
tats is by shuttles (lander and orbital transfer vehicles) using small least) or even years. Slower craft like bulk carriers and scum swarms
hydrogen-fueled (or sometimes methane-fueled) rockets. This form double these times. Fast transports reduce them by half, however, and
of travel is incredibly cheap, very fast (hours or days), and avoids antimatter couriers can make a journey in a quarter of the time. These
the occasional glitches that crop up during egocasting. times also assume the craft must accelerate up to speed; a ship that is
already traveling at high velocities can reduce the time.
For distances beyond a million kilometers, almost everyone
egocasts. However, thousands of ships can be found crossing the
Solar System at any given time. Bulk carriers haul cargo on regular
routes between habitats and planetary systems. Ice and volatiles Realistic space combat is not cinematic. It primarily takes place at
mined from the gas and ice giants are transported in from the outer vast distances (thousands of kilometers), far beyond visual range.
system. Other freight includes anything that can’t be fabricated Engagements are short, deadly, and decided by software. It is recom-
locally, from artisanal and proprietary goods to rare elements, living mended that space combat be treated as a plot device, part of the
things, antimatter, and qubits. Other ships include military vessels, background story that helps create drama and tension, rather than
cruise liners, nomadic scum swarms, and private craft. Almost all an event that characters actively participate in.
of these use fusion or plasma drives. These ships lack the thrust
to escape from the gravity wells of large planets or moons, so they WEAPONS AND SWARMS
station themselves in orbit and use smaller shuttles with higher The primary weapon in space combat is missiles: they cover great
thrust to transport people to and from planetary surfaces. distances, make high-g accelerations, and are loaded with ALI pilots.
While lasers and rail cannons are potent weapons, they are less
SPACE TRAVEL BASICS effective at vast distances; their primary use is in close engagements
Spacecraft use reaction drives (Spacecraft Propulsion ▶303), meaning or as point-defense systems against missiles.
that they burn fuel (reaction mass) and eject the heated output in Weapon systems are only part of the battle, however. Most ships
one direction, which pushes the spacecraft in the opposite direction. field swarms of disposable devices in combat situations: decoys,
Travel involves a period of high-acceleration burn for several hours at sensor buoys, missile drones, smart mines, and so forth. These
the beginning of the flight, where reaction mass is spent to drive up swarms help blind, confuse, and target the enemy.
the craft’s velocity. The ship then coasts for the majority of the flight Not all ships are equipped with weapons, but every ship has
at that speed, until it approaches its destination, where it flips over at least one: their drive. The output from a drive is devastating to
and burns reaction mass in the opposite direction to decrease velocity. anything within a close range of it. For this reason, ships are restricted
Though some craft burn roughly half their reaction mass to get from engaging their drives close to habitats, using thrusters or tugs to
up to the best speed possible, this doesn’t leave much room for addi- clear a safe distance first.
tional maneuvering or emergencies. Many craft therefore only burn
a fraction of their fuel in initial accelerations, so they have some to STEALTH AND SENSORS
spare in case they need it. A few tricks can be used to save fuel and It is incredibly difficult to be stealthy in space. The torch flare from
build speed, such as slingshotting around the gravity wells of larger a ship’s drive is highly visible, meaning that you can be spotted any
planets or aerobraking in a planet’s upper atmosphere. time you accelerate or decelerate. Ships also radiate heat (in fact, heat
Ships operate at zero g, with the exception of habitat modules buildup can be a major issue), meaning that their black-body radiation
(generally only carried by larger ships) that are spun for low simu- can give them away. Ultra-wide telescope arrays around the system, both
lated gravity. Periods of high acceleration/deceleration also produce public and private, regularly track ships and their trajectories. Active
temporary “gravity” in a downward direction, towards the burn. sensors or wide-area communications will also broadcast your position.
Space is a valuable commodity on board spacecraft, so room is When ships close in and engage in hostilities, the initial conflict is
tight. Sleeping and personal quarters are rarely bigger than large often a game of hiding your exact position to avoid being targeted. This
closets, just enough room for a sleeping bag and personal effects. includes shutting off your drive and active sensors to avoid detection
Depending on the size of the craft, there may be a communal recre- and fielding decoys to misdirect your enemies. It also means deploying
ation area. The crew tend to only be busy at the beginning and end sensor drones to find the opponent without activating your own sensors,
of a trip, when they must deal with acceleration/deceleration and and using laser drones and other systems to blind the opponent’s eyes.
multiple ships or they make heavy use of swarms. Hacking can also
DEEP SPACE vs ORBITAL play a role if a ship was hacked in advance or if an intruder on board
Fights in deep space typically take place at high velocities with opens a communication channel. Swarms and drones deployed by
strict trajectories, with little room for major course changes. Fuel ships are also vulnerable to direct hacking and spoofed signals.
rationing can be an issue. As the ships and their accompanying
swarms close to engagement range and pass by each other, the Maneuvering
battle itself is quick and fierce. The fight usually ends there, as any While most ships are piloted by ALIs, PCs can use Pilot: Space to
survivors are unwilling or incapable of turning back around. obtain a position of advantage in a fight, perform a high-g maneuver,
Orbital battles are similar, except they may involve defensive evade a pursuer, ram another ship, or stealthily maneuver using only
installations. Stealth is important here, as smart mines and orbital thrusters to avoid detection. Use Fray to avoid incoming attacks.
weapon platforms lie hidden and dormant until an attacker nears.
Some attackers launch strikes from positions far out, well in advance Engagement
(days or even months), allowing them to approach cold and silent. Most ship weapon systems are operated using Interface skill. In
Orbital battles can also be complicated by the presence of non-com- certain close-range situations, Guns skill will apply to laser or
batants, such as civilian habitats and shuttles, and the fact that aster- railgun fire. These same skills also apply to point-defense systems
oids, moons, planets, and even habitats create sensor shadows and and similar defensive measures.
opportunities to hide. Ground-based weapons are largely ineffective,
but orbital bombardments are devastating to those below. Damage Control
Taking a hit in ship combat can be devastating. Even small hits and
CHARACTER OPTIONS debris will put holes in your ship, causing atmospheric decompres-
One reason we discourage space combat as a direct focus of the game sion and possibly killing biomorphs who aren’t wearing vacsuits.
is to avoid situations where a few failed PC die rolls lead to a total Hardware: Aerospace and similar skills are used to repair damaged
party kill. It is also not always practical for all of the PCs to contribute hulls and systems.
to a conflict, given how much of it is handled by AIs. That said, there
are plenty of opportunities for PCs to play a role in an ongoing space Boarding
battle and influence the outcome. Here are a few suggestions for Due to velocities and trajectories, boarding other ships is often not
incorporating characters and tests into a space combat narrative. feasible. Polite methods of boarding including hacking or cutting
open an airlock ▶304. Impolite methods involve cutting open the
Detection and Stealth hull and decompressing the interior.
It is difficult to attack an enemy you can’t target. PCs use Interface
skill to operate sensors and swarms to locate and lock onto opposing OTHER NARRATIVE OPTIONS
ships. Interface skill is also used to deploy sensor jamming, decoys, There are many ways in which an ongoing space battle can play a role
and other countermeasures to evade detection. Appropriate Know in a story’s background. You might negotiate with hostile forces, repel
and Hardware skills are used to identify other ships as well as their boarders, stage a mutiny, treat the wounded, escape out the airlock,
capabilities and weaknesses. hide out while the pirates sack the ship, or locate and stop a saboteur.
While losing a space battle is usually deadly, it does not always
Hacking need to be the end. Perhaps the ship is disabled, but you survive in
Ships lock down communications during fights to avoid detection the wreckage — and must jury-rig your way to survival or rescue. Or
and hacking, relying on QE comms as necessary. This makes hackers you manage to keep the ship together just long enough to crash it on
ineffective against opposing ships. That said, it is sometimes possible the nearest planet, moon, or asteroid. Or you end up adrift in space,
to spoof ▶247 a signal to an opposing ship, particularly if there are at the mercy of whatever happens to come along to pick you up …
systems can be hacked and manipulated like any other electronics or objects, deactivating air pressure sensors, canceling alert notifi-
(The Mesh ▶240). These sub-systems are usually separated into distinct cations, and blowing an airlock open without cycling. Both options
VPNs ▶241, sometimes separate and decentralized, sometimes as a will also allow you to attach a gray box ▶338 to an airlock in order
tiered system ▶241 with a high-security master control network over- to remotely access it.
seeing everything. On larger habitats, each regional area will have
its own top-level network, with various functions — administration, Blowing an Airlock
defense, infrastructure, public service, resources, security, spaceport, Airlocks can be hacked to skip their cycling time. Typically this
etc. — having their own sub-systems. On smaller habitats/ships, is performed on the outer door so that the contents of the airlock
related systems are likely to be consolidated. (including any occupants) jettison rapidly. Blowing an airlock
Other features specific to ships and habitats are covered here. inward (i.e., opening a vacuum-filled airlock onto an atmo-
sphere-filled corridor without cycling) produces only a loud bang,
AIRLOCKS some ear popping, and possibly strong gusts that may toss small
Most airlocks come in one of three sizes: objects around.
When an airlock is blown outward, all of the atmosphere inside
• Small airlocks are rare, partly to discourage you from venturing out vents into space in half the time that would be required for the
alone. They fit one medium-sized person. They are primarily used lock to cycle. In a small airlock, this has little effect other than
for repair drones. possibly causing small, loose objects to fly out. On standard and
• Standard airlocks are the most common, large enough for two larger airlocks, it creates a strong blast of wind. If within 25 meters
medium-sized persons. (50 for large airlocks), you must make a REF Check to grab hold of
• Large airlocks are industrial portals primarily found in docking or something or be blown toward the outer door. You must continue
service bays. They can hold four to eight medium-sized people. to make this test each turn until the atmosphere is drained. If
you fail, you are drawn towards the airlock and out at a rate of 20
Airlock doors take one action turn to open and close and 3 action meters per turn (40 for large airlocks). Others that you pass near
turns or more to fill or evacuate with air. can attempt to grab and hold on to you with a SOM Check. If the
Airlock Armor and DR can be found on p. ▶233. habitat is filled with water or another liquid instead of a gaseous
atmosphere, these tests suffer a –30 modifier. If you have advance
Airlock Safety Features warning to brace yourself, add +10. If both doors are opened,
Because airlocks are so critical to the safety of transhumans in atmosphere will continue to forcefully vent until the air pressure
space, they’re equipped with numerous safety features. Only one within the ship or habitat (or the local section if sealed off ) drops
door can be opened at a time, to prevent accidental depressuriza- to minimal levels.
tion. Airlocks leading to and from pressurized areas work as normal Decompression throws objects that aren’t fastened down out
doors unless a module is depressurized, in which case they kick in the airlock. These objects and debris may hit you on their way out,
as airlocks. inflicting anywhere from DV 1d10 to 4d10 (GM discretion). Large
All airlocks have hardwired sensors that prevent them closing objects resist being blown out based on their weight and inertia
on people or objects passing through. If this is overridden or (GM discretion). Open airlocks may become fully or partially
malfunctioning, getting part of one’s body caught in an airlock blocked if a larger object (such as a desk or vehicle) is sucked up
as it closes causes DV 3d10 + 10 and almost always results in against them.
dismemberment. Getting one’s head, neck, or vitals caught in an
airlock is certain death. Airlocks in High-Pressure Environments
Airlocks are usually programmed to alert the operations center In high-pressure environments (Venus’s surface, Europa’s subsurface
each time they are opened. ocean, etc.), decompression effects are more dramatic. The gear and
Airlocks can be linked to nearby heat and carbon monoxide morphs employed by transhumans for survival in these environ-
sensors. In case of a fire, these automatically close an air gap ments are engineered to survive in them, but can’t withstand an
between the detected fire and the rest of the ship/habitat and enable abrupt change in pressure. Anything inside an airlock in these situ-
the operations center to remotely blow the lock without cycling in ations will be instantly killed or crushed by an immediate change
order to put out the fire. from inside to outside pressure, and the structure surrounding the
airlock is likely to suffer catastrophic damage.
Hacking an Airlock
To prevent tampering, the only functions accessible by wireless BULKHEAD DOORS
interface on most airlocks are identification and diagnostics. A bulkhead door is simply half an airlock. Bulkheads are installed in
Operational features are either hardwired to a control panel or strategic locations, so that segments of the habitat/ship can be shut
accessible only by physically opening a sealed panel on the door. off or isolated in the event of depressurization, a biological outbreak,
If you lack authorization, the control panel can be physically physical invasion, or other emergency scenarios. Bulkheads follow
hacked with a Hardware: Electronics Test and appropriate tools. all of the rules for airlocks, minus the time needed to cycle air.
This is a task action with a timeframe of 2 minutes.
controls for these systems are air-gapped and well protected; if numerous safety protocols, then initiating a meltdown is a Hacking
hacked, oxygen levels and other aspects of the system can be Test task action with a timeframe of 10 minutes. On ships and some
manipulated (Dangerous Atmosphere ▶236), possibly leading to smaller habitats, reactors are more easily physically accessible.
asphyxiation ▶234 or other issues. Initiating an emergency safe reactor shutdown takes an Interface
If algae tanks are punctured, the medium inside vents into Test and a complex action. The actual shutdown process takes 2
space and freeze-dries — or, worse, spills into the ship/habitat, action turns.A more gradual safe shutdown (for maintenance and
flooding nearby modules. After a breach, the atmosphere becomes the like) takes 6–12 hours.
unbreathable at a rate dependent upon the system’s total volume Damaging a reactor’s walls is dangerous. If a weapon discharges
and biomorphs aboard — usually somewhere in the range of 48–72 near a reactor and misses with a superior failure, the attack has
hours at full capacity, longer with fewer breathers. struck and possibly damaged the reactor wall. Reactor containments
Other life-support functions such as water supplies can also be have Armor 50/50, DR 200, a Wound Threshold of 20, and are self-
contaminated or spiked, though these are equally well protected healing ▶above. If the wall takes enough damage to exceed its DR or
and monitored for quality. Many ships/habs store water reserves suffers a wound, a superheated jet of plasma escapes the magnetic
in masses of ice, melting it with waste heat as needed. Like food containment and burns anyone within 10 meters who fails a Fray
supplies, water can also be nanofabricated, making this an ineffi- Test (DV 6d10 + 10 [43], armor-piercing, resisted with energy
cient method of sabotage. armor). The entire area is also flooded with heavy radiation, which
Heat management is an oft-overlooked aspect of life support, is usually lethal to biomorphs.
especially in space, where there is no atmosphere to radiate it away. Plasma breaches are catastrophically bad. Because reactors use
Damaging heat exchangers, radiators, thermal regulation systems, controlled fusion, they will never explode like a nuclear weapon,
or insulation against solar rays can cause dangerous overheating, but the super-heated plasma will burn through almost everything
creating equipment problems and making life for biomorphs around it. Habitat reactors often incorporate pressurized steam
unpleasant or impossible. systems and turbines; damage to these systems, from a plasma
breach or other method, can create a devastating explosion.
over time. Early social networks served as information-gathering
tools, accumulating vast databases on their customers and their
lives and relationships to be sold for marketing purposes. These
“Once upon a time, there was a planet so incredibly prim- became a central point for people’s online activity, transforming into
itive that its inhabitants still used money. That planet is walled-garden media ecosystems that dominated and monetized
called ‘Mars.’” people’s attention. For decades, online identity was hostage to brand
Professor Magnus Ming, Titan Autonomous University loyalty to one of a select group of social media and tech monoliths.
At the same time, authoritarian states instituted citizenship scores
and social credit to regulate behavior, provide privileges, and
Reputation is an inherent aspect of the hierarchical social order punish unfavored elements. This regime was eventually demolished
in the inner system — and a vital component of the outer system’s by the decentralized nature of the mesh, the advent of AI, the Fall,
egalitarian social fabric. and the push to transition from capitalism to new economies. New
social networks arose, unfettered to corporate interests, facilitated
SOCIAL NETWORKS by ALIs and user-driven initiatives. Many of these are specifically
Reputation is divided between and managed by different social driven by the needs of new polities: legal contracts, online voting,
networks. These retain much similarity to their early 21st-century tracking habitat logistics, sharing resources, and managing multiple
forebears, in that they enable their users to build large networks of identities.
friends, acquaintances, and professional contacts. They are in equal
parts a media-sharing platform, discussion forum for shared inter- REP SCORES
ests, news outlet, networking/publicity tool, and an ideal medium A major impact of social networks in Eclipse Phase is the reputation
for memetic propagation. However, modern socnets are far more score each provides. Each of your rep scores measures your social
numerous and varied, coalescing more around shared characteris- standing with a sub-set of transhuman society.
tics, whether those be (sub)cultural, professional, political, or simply Each social network handles rep scores in similar but distinctly
common interests. Some well-known social networks are amalgama- different ways. As a rule, your rep score is built up by positive inter-
tions of smaller socnets that are linked together under an umbrella actions with others in your network (pings) and decreased by nega-
framework to share information. tive interactions (dings). These transactions are largely automated,
• @-rep: The Circle-A List is prejudiced in favor of egalitarian, • g-rep: Guanxi is one of the more unusual networks. This
collective behavior and against competitive and selfish shadowy darknet protocol allows various smaller, private
activities. It is shared by anarchists, Titanians, scum, networks to link together. The standards, formats, and
Extropians, and other autonomists. Its focus leans more algorithms do not always sync well, and the relations
towards sharing resources, providing assistance, and between cartels and gangs and individuals are often conten-
creative endeavors. Originally patched together by hacktiv- tious. Nevertheless, an unspoken code has developed over
ists, the decentralized network is maintained by a healthy time. Influence and intimidation factor heavily here, and
cadre of volunteer coders and ALIs, bolstered in part by suspicion of rivals and narcs takes its toll, but the advan-
Titanian education resources. Use @-rep to connect with tages for black-market networking are numerous. Use g-rep
autonomists, add yourself to a collective resource queue, to connect with criminals, hire illicit services, make deals,
exchange favors, share your work, vote in local referendums, peruse the black market, get tips on local security, fence
and practice mutual aid. goods, and get the latest word on the street.
• c-rep: CivicNet is popular among the citizens of the inner • i-rep: The Eye is Firewall’s secret internal network, main-
system (Planetary Consortium, Morningstar Constellation, tained by its vectors. It enables sentinels and proxies
Lunar-Lagrange Alliance), Jovian Republic, and other from different servers to collaborate and share intel and
hypercorp and capitalist entities. A combination of multiple resources. Given Firewall’s strained resources, the Eye can
networks maintained as private ecosystems by media sometimes be a saving grace to sentinels in the field. Use
hypercorps like Ideogram, Chitter, and Reina Weibo, it also i-rep to pull strings, ask for backup, learn secret history, get
plays a prominent role in governmental and legal affairs. the scoop on a new threat, or share war stories.
Use c-rep to check citizenship scores, view your friend’s • r-rep: Research Network Affiliates is dedicated to the pursuit
lifelogs and XP, network with others in your industry, apply of science. Favored by Argonauts, scientists, technologists,
for a loan, get a recommendation, speak to a manager, scan and researchers of all stripes, it is a treasure trove of data
product reviews, or talk your way out of a fine. and a useful tool for collaboration. Published research, cita-
• f-rep: Fame is about seeing and being seen. It is the realm tions, and credited discoveries carry extra weight here. RNA
of metacelebrities, journalists, socialites, artists, and glitte- is also important for hypercorp researchers who are other-
rati. Follower counts, aggregate critic reviews, viral media, wise restricted by NDAs. Use r-rep to research scientific
and publicity stunts carry heavy weight. The networking topics, query experts, connect with scientists, crowdsource
of entertainment and marketing pros who maintain the puzzles, and track the latest tech developments.
spectacle from behind the scenes is where this network • x-rep: Originally created by a now-retired group of gate-
really shines. Use f-rep to get the latest gossip, follow your crashers, eXploreNet has evolved into the primary network
favorite celebrities, post your glamour shots, find the latest for gatecrashers and exoplanet colonists. The socnet
trends, view media collections, get on an invite list, take recently gained support from Gatekeeper, helping to expand
on a freelance media gig, sell your footage/tip to media its reach. Use x-rep to learn about exoplanets, get mission
outlets, or connect with media/entertainment industry reports, collect gate rumors, get tips on extrasolar corpo-
professionals and socialites. rate initiatives, and connect with gatecrashers and colonists.
in that they are primarily handled by your muse without active In the outer system, rep functions slightly more as a measure of
direction, based on your reactions and past habits. Individual pings trustworthiness and solidarity. In polities where cooperation with
and dings have but a minor effect — but thousands of these add up peers and support of the local community is an important factor, a
over time to influence your score. Transactions are also weighted good rep is often rewarded by more good will. Though they advo-
based on factors like previous history, social distance, the weight cate and sometimes work against it, autonomists are sometimes
of each party’s rep scores, and so on. Every network handles this guilty of allowing rep to reinforce informal hierarchies, reproduce
differently; inner-system networks give more value to the actions of prejudices, or propagate in-group cliquishness. It is widely valued,
high-rep parties, whereas outer-system networks make more effort however, as a tool for guiding interactions.
to level the field. All networks monitor against attempts to game the
system by sock-puppeting and other means, to varying degrees of REP NETWORKS FOR RESEARCH
success. Depending on the network, other values may impact your Social networks can be incredibly useful for research. Many have
rep score: credit history, net worth, criminal record, legal claims, forums, media collections, and tagged postings on all manner of
citations, publication credits, professional reviews, and so on. interesting topics, such as current politics, events of the Fall, latest
In the inner system, your rep score functions as social capital. It technology, and crime beat reports. They are also an excellent
is a mistake to think of it as currency, however. Rep is not spent, it avenue of research into specific people and their activities, though
is a measure of your net worth, your popularity, and your value as this is sometimes impeded by privacy settings.
a citizen. It can open doors, provide access, and reward you with Using social networks for this purpose is handled as a Research
other privileges. Test ▶254.
a solution, you can turn to your contacts and the online community • Bonus Modifier. This indicates that you are pulling strings and
at large. Your rep score reflects not just your social capital, but your calling in markers to get the favor you’re after. This is particularly
ability to leverage it and maneuver through this web of personal useful when you are trying to obtain a major favor. You receive a
and impersonal connections to find who and what you need. modifier to your Rep Test equal to the rep points you burn × 2. The
In game terms, you take advantage of your connections and maximum modifier you can achieve is +30 (15 rep points).
personal cred every time you need a favor. A favor is broadly
defined as anything you try to get via others in your social networks, Keeping Quiet
whether that be aid, goods, or information. Different types of favors The problem with using social networks for favors is that you end
are described under Favors. up letting lots of other people know what you’re up to. When you’re
involved in a clandestine operation, that could be exactly what you
USING REP don’t want. The only way to diminish this is to take your requests to
To pursue a favor, you pick a social network and make a Rep Test. trusted friends and ask them to keep quiet, but this diminishes the
Roll Rep score same as you would a skill. The type of favor you are pool of people at your disposal.
asking for can impact the test; apply the modifiers from the Rep In game terms, you can try to keep word of what you’re doing
Tests table. Likewise, if you are trying to keep your query discreet quiet, but this makes it harder to get what you need. For every
and under the radar, modifiers will apply Keeping Quiet ▶next column. negative modifier you apply to your Rep Test, the same negative
Rep Tests are task actions — it takes time to call in favors or track modifier applies to anyone making a Rep Test to acquire informa-
down information. The timeframe depends on the type of favor, as tion about what you’re up to.
noted on the Rep Tests table. GMs can modify this as they see fit.
Rep Limits It is important to note that reputation is closely tied to identity. If
Using rep has its limits — there are only so many times you can call you are undercover and using a fake ID, you take the risk of giving
in a favor. These limits depend on the level of favor, expressed in yourself away if you call upon your normal Rep score. You can try to
terms of the maximum amount of times you can safely request such minimize this by using the rules for Keeping Quiet ▶above. However, if
a favor each timeframe. anyone is sniffing your mesh activity, you may be found out.
If you need to seek another favor before that level of favor has False identities come with their own rep scores, though these are
refreshed, you have two choices. You can expend a higher level minimal (usually 10). The low rep is usually explained away as you
favor instead, keeping in mind that higher level favors refresh more having only relatively recently re-instantiated or otherwise being
slowly. Alternatively, you can burn reputation (see below). new to that faction/network. You can build up the rep of your fake
A Rep Test failure will not use up a favor, unless you score a crit- identity, which must be tracked separately. This may be considered
ical failure. a waste of effort, however, given that some alter egos are meant to
Be sure to mark off favors used on your character sheet. be disposable.
Optional Rule: GMs can allow GP to be spent on improving the rep
Burning Rep of a new fake ID. Every GP spent increases one rep score by 5.
In dire situations, it may be more important for you to get what you
need, even if you have to step on people’s tentacles. In this case, you FAVORS
can burn some of your Rep score, meaning that you exchange a loss Creative players can undoubtedly come up with many uses for their
of Rep for a shot at a favor. This reflects that you are pushing the social networks, but a few of the more common are detailed here.
bounds of how far people are willing to go for you; your reputation While it can be easy to handle rep favors as a quick dice roll, GMs
takes a hit as people flag you for being too demanding. are encouraged to roleplay them out. Though social network inter-
You can burn rep for two purposes: actions are often transacted online, either by messaging, vid calls, or
VR meets, they sometimes end up resolved in-person. Regular use
of a social network, especially for related inquiries, may have you
dealing with the same NPCs repeatedly, perhaps recruiting them as
Rep Tests a contact ▶73 over time.
Favor Modifier Max Amount Burn Cost Timeframe
Trivial +30* Any time, no limits — Immediate Acquire/Unload Goods
Social networks are a good way to find items that you can’t buy
Minor +10 3 per week 5 rep 2 hours legally or make at home. In outer system autonomist areas, they are
Moderate +0 1 per week 10 rep 8 hours the medium for gaining access to a habitat’s community resources.
Major –30 1 per story arc/campaign 20 rep 24 hours Follow the rules for Acquiring Gear ▶312 when using your rep this way.
* No test necessary with a Rep of 60+. Sometimes you may be looking to rid yourself of equipment
or valuables. In this case, a Rep Test can be used to trade in goods
for an equivalent favor, or a favor one step lower, down the line.
Acquire Services
When you lack the skills or education you
need, or you just need another set of arms,
you can call out to your social network to
find someone to help you out. If you are
looking for someone with a particular skill,
the result of your successful Rep Test roll is
the skill rating of the person you find. The
higher your Rep, the better able you are to
find highly skilled professionals.
Example Services
• Minor Favor: Act as a lookout, borrow a
vehicle for a few hours, legal advice, make
a backup, provide an alibi, use a healing
vat for an hour, services for an hour.
• Moderate Favor: Egocasting, intimidation,
psychosurgery, sabotage, short shuttle trip,
smuggle something, services for a day.
• Major Favor: Borrow a shuttle, espionage,
getaway pilot, kill someone, legal represen-
tation, resleeving, services for a week.
Acquire Information
When you can’t find the information online
or you don’t have the time or capability
to look, you can turn to people in your
social network and tap their accumulated
knowledge base. This type of sleuthing is
especially useful for information that is
less likely to be codified or public online:
gossip, people’s personal history, confiden-
tial data, suppressed news, and so on. You
can also use this type of favor to find out
what favors others are asking for, though
modifiers may apply if they are covering
their tracks Keeping Quiet ▶308.
Example Information
• Minor Favor: Black market location, gate-
crashing logs, gossip, hypercorp directory,
known research, local cartel, public data.
• Moderate Favor: Cartel members, confi-
dential data, hangouts, internal hypercorp
news, new research, secret relationships.
• Major Favor: Blackmail, illegal operations,
safehouse location, secret facilities/proj-
ects, undercover cop identity.
Networking • Favors
In the technological future, having the right gear is a necessity.
The procedures of minifacturing and nanofabrication allow indi-
vidual items to be manufactured with a unique (or at least different)
look. In theory, this means few items should have a uniform,
mass-produced look; in reality, most people go with the basics.
Most equipment is designed with ergonomics and ease-of-use in
mind, meaning that “blobject” looks — soft curves and form-fitting
shapes — are common. Ovoids that fit comfortably in the hand are
favored, as are shapes that can be easily worn or attached to clothing.
Ambidextrous designs are the norm. Most gear is also designed
with zero-g or microgravity functionality in mind, and can easily
be clipped, tethered, or stuck to a surface with grip pads. The mate-
rials used to create everyday items are also advanced, ranging from
aerogel and fullerenes to smart materials and exotic metamaterials
with unusual physical properties (Future Materials ▶233).
Exotic Morphs: Most things can also be fabricated using designs
that are wearable/usable by uplifts, non-humanoid morphs, and
sleeves with unusual limbs or morphology. If you are stuck using
gear that doesn’t fit your particular morphology, expect an impair-
ment modifier between –10 and –30 — or you may not even be able
to use it at all (GM discretion).
Each gear item in Eclipse Phase lists a complexity rating:
• Minor [Min]: Common, simple items that are accessible and easy to
nanofabricate. Most are readily available online or at physical stores/
community dispensaries.
• Moderate [Mod]: Less common items that take effort to track down
and more intricate items that require longer to nanofabricate.
• Major [Maj]: Uncommon, expensive, and hard-to-find items or
complex gear that takes substantial time to manufacture.
• Rare [Rare]: Unique, unusual, or highly valuable items may not be
available or may require an extra expenditure of Rep/Resources or
the acquisition of certain unusual feedstock for nanofab purposes.
Most equipment provides no bonuses, it simply allows you to
perform a task you would otherwise be unable to do. For example, it
is impossible to pick a mechanical lock without a lockpick.
In some cases, however, gear provides a bonus to the task at hand.
Climbing a wall is a lot easier if you happen to have grip pads or
other climbing gear. The specific modifier applied is noted in the
item’s description, ranging from +10 to +30. In most cases, gear
modifiers are cumulative, but GMs should exercise common sense,
especially with items with duplicate effects.
if they take extra time ▶32. other electronics. Use Medicine: Biotech to implant, Hardware:
Electronics to repair the ware itself.
MESHED GEAR • Hardware (H) includes add-ons to synthetic shells. It is only avail-
Most technology is wirelessly meshed with other devices around it able for synthmorphs, bots, and vehicles. It can be hacked. Use
(The Mesh ▶240). They contain a miniaturized computer, a wireless Hardware: Robotics or an appropriate field for vehicles to install,
transceiver, and possibly laser or microwave links and/or various diagnose, and repair. Many non-ware gear items can be mounted
sensors. They can be tracked via the mesh ▶256, and are vulner- on or incorporated into a shell’s frame as hardware (GM discretion).
able to hacking and intrusion attempts, though protected by their • Meshware (M) refers to plug-in apps that enhance infomorphs.
firewall ▶260 and device ALI ▶250. For privacy and security, most These may also be installed with cyberbrains. They are vulnerable
people slave their carried and worn devices that make up their to mesh combat. Use Program to install, diagnose, or repair.
personal area network (PAN) to their mesh inserts or ecto (Slaved • Nanoware (N) refers to internal nanobot systems active within a
Devices ▶241). body or shell. Nanoware includes an implanted hive that maintains
The Radio and Sensor Ranges table notes what range these and refreshes the nanobots. It is available for morphs of all types.
devices operate at. Nanoware hives are detectable like cyberware, but the bots are
only detectable with nanodetectors or detailed biological sampling.
INTERFACES Nanoware can be hacked like other electronics. Use Medicine:
Common devices often have no visible controls — it is assumed the Biotech or Hardware: Robotics to implant/repair.
operator will interface with the device using augmented reality. This
means that so-called “zeros” without ectos or mesh inserts may not Unless otherwise noted, each ware item can only be installed in
be able to interact with or use them. It is trivial to add holographic the same morph once, no matter if it is available in different forms.
• During character creation, you receive two gear packs ▶68 based on Rare 5+
the type of campaign and the profession you chose. This represents
your starting gear.
• When new missions arise, the GM assigns Gear Points you use to Increasing GP
pick and choose equipment you need, based on the mission’s avail- There are two ways to increase your available GP:
able resources.
• During the mission itself, you can acquire needed gear on the fly • Resources Trait: If you have the Resources trait, you may add your
using Resources trait, rep favors, or nanofabricating it yourself. level in this trait to the amount of GP you acquire (i.e., Resources
Level 2 gets you +2 GP). Resources may be of no use in some
MISSIONS AND GEAR POINTS areas, however, particularly autonomist habitats that decry money,
Gear Points (GP) work similarly to Morph Points ▶290 — the GM exoplanets, and other remote isolated outposts.
provides a set number of GP to each character for each mission, • Rep Favors: You can expend rep favors to acquire gear. A minor
which can then be used to acquire gear. The GP value of gear is favor gets you 1 GP, a moderate favor gets you 2 GP, and a major
based on its complexity, as noted on the Gear Point Value table. favor gets you 3 GP. No test is required, but you must have a rep
Mission Gear Points are an abstraction based upon the assets score of at least 40 in a network applicable to the situation. A
available to the team for that particular mission. This is particularly researcher’s r-rep is unlikely to help you on a bioconservative hab,
relevant to scenarios where the PCs must egocast in, and thus for example. Rep used this way counts towards the rep favors avail-
cannot bring their gear with them. There are several factors the GM able to you on your first week on the mission.
must consider here. Is the team relying on their own resources, or do
they have an organization or patron that is backing the operation? ACQUIRING GEAR DURING MISSIONS
Do they have time to prep and assemble what they need, or are No mission survives contact with the enemy, and no logistics plan
they operating on an urgent timeframe? Is the type of equipment can anticipate everything. Eventually, your PCs will need to acquire
they need abundant and easy to get wherever they are going, or is it gear while they are in the middle of an op:
heavily controlled and restricted?
We recommend assigning 20 GP for each mission. GMs should • Use Rep: Succeed in a Rep Test and use an appropriate favor. The
raise or lower this as they see fit for the situation. Are the PCs rushed favor is Minor for Minor complexity items, Moderate for Moderate
or on their own? Reduce the GP to 15 or 10. Are they backed by an items, and Major for Major items (Networking ▶308).
oligarch or have plenty of lead time? Increase the GP to 25 or 30. Is • Use Resources Trait: Spend currency to buy it (Resources ▶75).
their mission in the same location as their last, meaning they just • Use a Nanofabricator: Make it yourself. This requires blueprints
need to replenish a few things? Give them 2 or 4. (or Program skill to DIY) and access to a capable nanofabber
Each of the gear packs detailed in Gear Packs ▶68 is built with (Nanofabrication ▶314).
10 GP, so the default 20 GP is equal to two gear packs. As with char-
acter creation, gear packs may be acquired whole or you can switch Acquisition Timeframe
items out for equipment of a similar complexity. If the test (if any) is successful, you acquire/purchase/make the gear
GMs can also restrict the type of gear that can be acquired with once the appropriate timeframe passes:
GP. Are the PCs entering a police state polity? Then no GP can
be spent on weapons or anything Restricted. Are they egocasting Physical vs. Blueprints
to a remote brinker outpost? They can only spend GP on Minor When using rep or Resources to acquire gear, you choose between a
complexity items. Are they entering a bioconservative habitat? No physical item or a single-use blueprint accessed via a digital distri-
spending GP on ALIs, smart animals, or nanotech. bution platform (Getting Blueprints ▶314). Single-use blueprints have
With the GM's approval, PCs can pool their GP and share with a much quicker timeframe (1 minute). If the GM allows it, you may
each other. acquire a limited-use blueprint instead of single-use. Multi-use blue-
GP should only be spent in the early prep phase of each mission. prints are also available, but are harder to get; increase the complexity
Unspent GP is lost; it cannot be banked up. If you need to acquire by one step (i.e., Minor becomes Moderate). For simplicity, multi-use
gear during an op, use the rules for acquiring gear during missions. blueprints are assumed to come with one physical copy of the item.
Ware: Note that cyberware, bioware, nanoware, etc., can be When acquiring software or similar digital-only goods,
bought with either Morph Points or Gear Points. the 1-minute timeframe also applies.
Acquisition Time
Complexity Timeframe
(Digital Only) 1 minute
Minor 2 hours
Moderate 8 hours
Major 24 hours
Rare/Restricted GM Choice
312¹ Acquiring Gear • Missions and Gear Points–Acquiring Gear During Missions
The rules provided for acquiring gear assume the PCs are operating on a schedule, the gear may have an impact on their success/
failure, and/or that the GM needs to rein in the amount of gear they are accumulating. For situations where the PCs are unhurried
and/or only pursuing gear in moderation, or the gear is incidental, handwave the tests and timeframes involved (while still noting
rep favors used) and assume the PCs get what they need at the next pause in the story. In other words, don’t let the book-keeping
involved with gear shopping be a drag on gameplay or distract from the plot.
Multiple Gear Items at Once loyalty before they follow through, or perhaps the local anar-
If PCs seek to get their hands on multiple items at once, simply chists don't trust you enough to share all their resources right
combine the timeframes. If using rep for multiple items, make a away. Maybe a rival group knows you are coming, and decides
single Rep Test (modified as per the highest level favor) but mark to ambush you before you're equipped or breaks into your
off all of the favors used. Note that if you are nanofabricating supply cache. While GMs and players can decide on the logistical
multiple items and have access to multiple fabbers, you can reduce elements together, this is also a good opportunity for roleplaying,
the timeframe accordingly. introducing new NPCs, or throwing in some surprises.
assigning Gear Points and handling equipment during missions. long-forgotten blueprints in a moment of need may have to make
an Interface or Research Test to find them. Alternatively, a Flex point
Ongoing Locations/Campaigns can be spent to recall where that print was cleverly stashed away.
The mission Gear Point system is ideal for episodic styles of play
and PCs who egocast around. For longer campaigns, particularly After the Mission
ones where the PCs stick around the same location, restocking all Take a moment to address what happens to the gear when the
of the gear is not as necessary. In situations like this, it is better to mission is over — or at least the gear that is still left intact. If the
use the rules for acquiring gear during missions, perhaps assigning PCs stick around, they will likely want to hang on to it. However,
a small amount of GP to characters that pursue new equipment some people may come looking for equipment that was borrowed
during downtime. or acquired via questionable means. If the PCs are egocasting
away, they have the choice of stashing it, destroying it, selling it,
When and where? or giving it someone else. Apps, of course, can go with you, and
While this system makes gear acquisition an abstract process, it some service subscriptions may last you through the next mission.
can still be incorporated into the story. It may also be important Firewall maintains scratch-space caches in many habitats for
to know exactly how, when, and where you get your hands on holding on to gear that may be useful in the future, and other clan-
your new toys. If you egocast to a new hab, you might have an destine groups do the same. If the PCs take the time to sell their
agent waiting for you at the body bank, or you may have to wait gear or pass it on to others (thus gaining some credits or rep), keep
a few days for a meeting with a local fixer to pick up the goods. this in mind when assigning GP for the next mission. Then again,
Firewall may have given you the details on a secret scratch-space if they came out of the scenario with less resources than they went
cache, but it's located in a part of the habitat now run by a gang in with, perhaps the leftover gear just helps to pay off accumulated
that hates outsiders. Or maybe your patron expects a show of debts and favors owed.
other things you need are raw materials and time. Living things x-rep) favor equal to the item’s complexity plus one step will get you
such as smart animals and non-tangible goods such as apps cannot an open-source blueprint, even for things like weapons and drugs.
be nanofabricated. The drawback is that open-source prints are sometimes less reli-
able, more experimental, or carry hidden malware payloads. Every
RAW MATERIALS open-source blueprint acquired via Research (not rep) has a 20%
Raw materials are generally easy to acquire, as most nanofabrica- chance of being unreliable: a –10 to –30 modifier, unexpected bugs,
tors are equipped with disassembler units that will break down just dangerous malware, etc. These blueprints are also illegal in certain
about anything into its constituent molecules. Feedstock is also inner-system polities (many are cracked proprietary designs) and
easily/cheaply available in most habitats, either in bulk blocks or may not work on inner-system fabbers.
via utility feedline pipes direct to residential units. Many habitats
route their recycling and waste products directly into disassemblers. Restricted Items
At the GM’s discretion, certain nanofab designs may require hard- Blueprints for Restricted items cannot be legally purchased using
to-get rare materials. This is especially true of explosives, ammuni- Resources (though they can be purchased illegally … ). Likewise,
tion, sensors, and some scientific gear and electronics. This could most inner-system nanofabricators will not print blueprints that
include rare heavy metals (platinum, tungsten, depleted uranium), are restricted or not properly licensed, though they can be hacked
uncommon radioisotopes, fissionables, or antimatter. Any print to do so.
job that requires massive amounts of a particular material (notably
water) can also be difficult, given the sometimes limited supplies. Writing Blueprints
Acquiring rare materials might require a major favor or Resources If you don’t have a blueprint, you can make one. This requires
expenditure — or could be an adventure unto itself. two skill tests. The first is a skill test appropriate to the item
type: Hardware: Electronics for personal electronics, Medicine:
BLUEPRINTS Pharmacology for a drug, Medicine: Biotech for bioware, etc. If
In order to print something on a nanofabricator, you need a blue- successful, this provides the knowledge needed for the design.
print. Most have a small inventory of essential items. Others may Note that programmers can collaborate with others who have the
have blueprints in storage, but locked to specific users (these can be necessary skills, including their muse or an ALI. Following this, you
hacked per standard Infosec intrusion tests). need a Program Test to actually code it.
Both of these tests together constitute a single task action. The
Getting Blueprints timeframe is the same as acquiring gear ▶312, but in months instead
Nanofab blueprints come in three forms: single use, multi use, and of hours (2 months for Minor, 8 months for Moderate, 24 months
open source, for Major). Most programmers use forks and time-accelerated
Single-Use Blueprints: Most single-use blueprints are accessed simulspaces to speed the process, however, so a subjective week
via a digital distribution platforms which use digital rights manage- of programming can be done in about an hour of real time. Only
ment (DRM) to protect copyright. This means you can access the file superior results from the Program Test reduce the timeframe.
to print it once, but it cannot be copied or printed again. If you need
a file you can print without mesh access, some single-use blueprints Cracking Blueprints
are available as downloadable digital files that block efforts to copy The digital restrictions that prevent single- and multi-use blue-
them and erase themselves after use. The inner-system hypercorps prints from being shared can be defeated, given enough time. This
and capitalist economies use these methods to control scarcity and requires a Program Test task action with a timeframe of 6 months
keep you dependent. (or 3 days in a time-accelerated VR). If you succeed, the blueprint
Single-use blueprints are acquired with GP, rep, or Resources trait, can be re-used and copied freely.
using the item’s complexity.
Limited-Use Blueprints: A few hypercorps and transitional PRINTING TESTS
economies allow limited licenses. These work the same as single-use Printing an item with a blueprint does not require a test in most
blueprints, except that if you recycle the item by disassembling it circumstances — the blueprint is enough, the nanofabber does the
in a licensed fabber, you receive a credit which you can then use to rest. The exceptions are print jobs that are exotic, complicated, or
print the item again. This is ideal for those who egocast often but have limited feedstock or incomplete or suspect blueprints. In those
wish to bring their gear with them. cases, a Program Test is in order. Note that most nanofabbers have a
Multi-Use Blueprints: A multi-use blueprint is more akin to built-in ALI with a Program 30 (Nanofabrication 40) skill.
purchasing a personal license. You can print the item repeatedly Once the raw materials and blueprints are in, nanofabrication
and copy the blueprint, but it is keyed to your ID. These are also is simply a matter of time. The printing time is based on the
acquired via GP, rep, or Resources trait. For a non-erasing, re-usable, item’s complexity, the same as acquiring gear (2 hours for Minor,
multi-use blueprint, increase the complexity by one step (Minor 8 Moderate, 24 Major). GMs may feel free to modify this period as
becomes Moderate, Moderate becomes Major). Multi-use blueprints appropriate for the object.
for Major complexity items are rare and largely unavailable.
MESH SERVICES Complexity/GP Description
Anonymizer Min/1 Masks your mesh ID.
Archive Min/1 +10 Research Tests related to one Know skill.
Data Broker Min/1 +10 Research Tests.
Private Sensor Feed Min/1 +10 Perceive for that area.
Private Server Partition Min/1 Private space on a cloud server.
Private Server Min/1 or Mod/2 Private server, self-administrated (Min) or managed by others (Mod).
Simulspace Min/1 Access to a VR space.
• Cranial Computer: This host serves as the hub for your personal
area network and is home to your muse. It manages your
augmented reality input and processes XP data, enabling you to
share your sensorium with others in real-time. It is loaded with
basic apps and provides all the functions you would expect from
a mobile device: file storage, search engine, media player, mesh
browser, address book, e-mail, messaging, and so forth.
• Medical/Diagnostic Sensors: This array monitors your health,
including heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, temperature,
neural activity, ware status, and more. In synthmorphs, this system
Mesh Inserts CH Min/1 Cranial computer, wireless transceiver, muse home, and medical sensors.
Mnemonics CHM Min/1 Enhanced memory; +20 memory-related COG checks.
Puppet Sock CH Mod/2 Allows morph to be remote controlled.
enhanced vision, this works for all wavelengths you can perceive. Sonar: You possess echolocation like a bat or dolphin. You bounce
Chem Sniffer: This sensor detects molecules in the air and ultrasonic pulses off your surroundings and measure the echoes
analyzes their chemical composition, using Know: Chemistry 60. to build an image of the environment (Senses and Sensors ▶318).
It can determine the presence of explosives, firearms, and gases — This augmentation works in both air and water, out to a range of 20
including toxins and other fumes. (air) or 100 (water) meters.
Direction Sense: You acquire an innate sense of direction and T-Ray Emitter: Mounted under the skin of the user’s forehead, this
distance using advanced inertial navigation. You can identify north, implant generates low-powered beams of terahertz radiation (t-rays).
spinward, etc., keep track of that direction, and know approxi- Characters with enhanced vision can use reflected t-rays to see effec-
mately how far you’ve come. You receive a +10 modifier to naviga- tively see through walls and other materials (Senses and Sensors ▶318).
tion-based Survival Tests and other skills for figuring out complex This implant allows the user to see using reflected t-rays for 20 meters
directions, reading maps, remembering routes, and retracing paths in a normal atmosphere and for 100 meters in vacuum.
you’ve taken. Since it is trivial to use the mesh for positioning, this
augmentation is primarily used by gatecrashers.
DR of 300, at least at levels safe to transhumans). These sensors can,
of course, also detect the presence of harmful radiation. COMBINED SENSOR SYSTEMS
When used together, these sensor technologies are potent. For
Lidar example, the use of lidar, thermal imaging, and radar can provide
Lidar technology makes use of lasers, actively bouncing light from a three-dimensional map of a building and everyone and every-
the infrared through ultraviolet spectrum off a target and measuring thing inside.
and reason. It also overrides some instinctive behaviors that would Mind Amp: Mind amp alters your neural architecture and
be undesirable in a service animal. Apply a +10 modifier to Exotic augments neuronal functions. This accelerates your mental faculties
Skill: Animal Handling Tests made against this creature, and apply and ability to receive and process sensory information. Time subjec-
a +10 modifier for COG Checks to understand commands. tively slows down for you, allowing you to discern things happening
Data Module: This is an encrypted data storage device, used for too quickly for others to perceive, such as the individual frames of
carrying confidential information that shouldn't be mesh-trans- an old analog film or an accelerated audio recording. Mind amp
mitted. You may install multiple modules. increases your Insight pool by 2.
Dead Switch: Dead switches are designed to keep cortical Multiple Personalities: Your brain is intentionally partitioned to
stacks ▶316 from falling into the wrong hands. If your morph is killed accommodate an extra personality. This multiplicity is not viewed
or the switch is remotely activated, it wipes and melts your cortical as a disorder, but as a cognitive tool to help people deal with their
stack completely, so that your ego cannot be recovered. This option is hypercomplex environments. This extra personality can be a sepa-
generally only used by covert operatives with recent backups. rate character (in ego form only), an NPC run by the GM, or the
Drone Rig: This simsense augmentation gives you better control downloaded fork of another character. For all intents and purposes,
when jamming drones (Remote Operations ▶346). You ignore the the extra personality is treated as a separate ego (i.e., it may backup
–10 modifier for jamming. and fork separately), except that both personalities are backed up in
Emergency Farcaster: Similar to a remote backup link (and often the same cortical stack and if downloaded they must be placed in
installed along with one), emergency farcasters are designed for separate morphs or in another morph with this implant.
situations when a remote backup cannot be ensured. This augmen- Only one ego can be in control of the morph at a time. The other
tation features a single-use emergency neutrino broadcaster ▶336 resides in the background, still active, but not on a surface level.
powered by 10 nanograms of antimatter, stored in a small magnetic Subsumed egos may still act while the other is dominant, but can
containment vessel. In the event your morph is killed/destroyed, only take mental/mesh actions. Each ego is completely aware of what
or you intentionally activate the device, the antimatter is brought the other is doing, thinking, etc. If for some reason the subsumed
into contact with matter and detonated, powering a single brief and personality wants to come to the fore, but the other personality won’t
carefully coded neutrino pulse of your ego’s most recent backup. relinquish control, make an opposed WIL Check. Each ego has its own
In short, transmitting the backup makes your head explode and Lucidity, Trauma Threshold, and Insanity Rating, and they track stress
cooks your morph, destroying what’s left of it. Your transmitted ego and trauma separately. The morph's pools are shared. Psi sleights or
will be saved as long as the neutrino receiver is within 100 astro- social/mental influences only affect the personality at the fore.
nomical units. This practically guarantees your backup within the You can take this augmentation more than once (to a maximum
Solar System, but is less useful on exoplanets where you are out of of 3 times) to incorporate multiple egos into the same mind.
neutrino range of your backup facility. Multi-Tasking: This cybernetic or software module enables
Ghostrider Module: This implant is a host for carrying another your brain to focus on two things at the same time — something
infomorph. This infomorph can be another muse, an ALI, a our minds cannot usually handle — without any context-switching
backed-up ego, or a fork. The module is linked to your mesh inserts, confusion or increased error rates from inattention. Multi-Tasking
so the ghost-rider can mentally communicate with you, access the increases your Insight Pool by 1.
mesh, and connect to other parts of your PAN, depending on what Remote Backup Link: Your morph’s cortical stack is linked to an
access privileges you allow. You may install multiple modules. implanted quantum farcaster ▶336 linked to a highly secure storage
Memory Lock: When activated, this implant prevents your facility. Using standard radio and quantum encryption ▶247, the
sensory input from being stored in your long-term memory, tagged farcaster broadcasts full backups of your ego (pulled from your
by mnemonics, or recorded/transmitted by your mesh inserts or cortical stack’s neural lace network) once every 48 hours. This
ence your brain’s neurotransmitters. This gives you rough control
over your emotional states (much like endocrine control), though to
Social ware, including cosmetic mods impacts your interactions a lesser degree. Increase your Moxie pool by 1.
with others and also includes cosmetic modifications. Scent Alteration: Minor changes to a body’s biochemistry can
Bodysculpting: Customizing your looks is easy. Elongated ears alter your natural smell. You can sweat vanilla, taste like oranges, or
or fingers, nose alteration, hair addition/removal, feathers, exotic leave a waft of sandalwood wherever you go. Or you can take a nod
eyes, snakeskin, endowed genitalia, enlarged canines, whiskers, from the scum and secrete the iron tang of blood, the metallic scent
eyestalks, fur, frills, scarification, piercings, skin dyes, and stranger of rust, or a particular xenocritter musk.
things are common sights on many habitats. Subdermal implants Sex Switch: A complex suite of alterations allows you to switch
can create bumps, ridges, piercing anchors, and similar textures your physical sex to male, female, intersex, or neuter. This change
and alterations. Synthmorphs get in on the fun too, with stylized is mentally triggered but takes approximately 1 week to complete.
chassis, oddly shaped heads, exposed interiors, sculpted frames, Skinflex: This disguise implant allows you to restructure your
lights, sound systems, and other after-market mods. facial features and musculature and alter skin tone and hair color.
Chameleon Skin: The morph’s skin is augmented with complex This process takes 1d6 minutes. Skinflex adds +30 to Exotic Skill:
chromatophores so that it changes color like a chameleon or octopus. Disguise or Deceive Tests for disguise or impersonation.
Your morph can match the appearance of almost any color and most Synthetic Cover: A synthetic mask, but for cyberlimbs.
patterns. Apply a +10 modifier to Infiltrate Tests, +30 if stationary Synthetic Mask: Your shell is equipped with a realistic faux-skin
and either nude or wearing smart clothing with the same color/ casing and carefully sculpted to pass as a biomorph (perhaps even a
pattern. This camo does not apply against radar, x-ray, gamma-ray, particular person). The morph can cry, spit, have sex, and will even
or infrared heat sensors (including enhanced vision). Alternatively, bleed if cut. Only a detailed physical examination at –30 or a radar
you can deliberately stand out (+10 to +30 to Perceive Tests to or x-ray scan will detect the synthmorph’s true nature. If disguised
notice) or simply look sharp. as a particular person, apply a +30 modifier to disguise-based
Deceive or Exotic Skill: Disguise Tests.
Social Augmentations
Nanophages: These nanobots patrol the body, alert for signs of
intrusive nanodrugs or -toxins and destroying them before they
The following augmentations have specific applications for combat have more than a minor effect. You may make a SOM Check when
and dangerous circumstances, in addition to non-combat uses. exposed to a nanodrug or -toxin. If you succeed, it has no effect. If
Weapon/armor ware is listed with the combat rules▶204–217. you fail, the nanodrug or -toxin’s effects and durations are reduced
Adrenal Surge: This gland enhancement supercharges your by half. You may instruct nanophages to ignore specific nanodrugs/
adrenal response to situations that invoke stress, pain, or strong toxins. Nanophages are only effective against one nanodrug or
emotions (fear, anger, lust, hate). When activated (mentally or by toxin dose per 8-hour period.
stress/emotions), the concentrated burst of norepinephrine acceler- Nanopump: This implanted nanobot hive produces one type
ates heart rate and blood flow and burns carbohydrates. You receive of nanodrug, releasing it into your system when commanded
+1 Vigor pool and ignore the modifiers from 1 wound. Extensive via your mesh inserts. Each type of drug requires a separate hive.
use of this mod without a break can lead to adrenal fatigue (–20 Nanopumps only maintain 1 dose at a time, producing a new dose
impairment modifier to all actions; GM discretion). every 4 hours.
Drug Glands: The morph has tailored glands designed to produce Nanotox Glands: An implanted nanobot hive produces one
specific hormones or chemicals and release them in the body. You particular nanotoxin ▶335. You can deploy these nanobots with a
can mentally activate these glands to release the chemicals as a quick quick action via bodily fluids or miniature ducts in your skin (i.e.,
action. These glands can produce any substance listed with a bio or a scratch with claws, spraying saliva, sexual contact, or a firm grip).
chem type (Chemicals, Drugs, & Toxins ▶330). Each type of drug gland You may also coat a melee weapon, so that it delivers the nano-
is considered a separate enhancement. Drug glands only hold 1 dose toxin the next time it inflicts a wound (once only, until re-coated).
at a time, but can produce a new dose every 4 hours. Nanotox bots can be programmed to only affect a specific target or
Energy Efficiency: The bioware version of this ware boosts your to wait and unleash their effect at a set time or with a radio signal.
metabolism. The hardware version optimizes your shell’s energy The nanobots can only survive in an effective concentration outside
usage. The meshware version optimizes code. This gives you 1 extra the body for 24 hours. Nanotox glands maintain 1 dose of nanobots
short recharge per day. at a time, but can produce a new dose every 4 hours. The nanobots
Hardened Skeleton: The morph’s skeleton is laced with strength- are programmed not to attack your morph.
ening amorphous metals and fullerenes. Increase your Wound Neurachem: This mod enhances your chemical synapses and
Threshold by 1, Durability by 5, Death Rating by 8 (biomorphs) juices your neurotransmitters, drastically speeding up your neural
or 10 (synthmorphs), and your SOM Check by 10. connections. Neurachem can be mentally activated or triggered
Immunizers: This nanoware system monitors your health by charged emotions. +2 Vigor Pool while active. Extensive use of
for signs of damage or deleterious effects inflicted by drugs or neurachem without a break can lead to nervous system fatigue (–20
toxins of the biological or chemical type, as well as new diseases. impairment modifier to all actions; GM discretion).
Each time you are so affected, the nanobots make a Medicine: Novacardium: This morph’s heart is enlarged, ventricles
Pharmacology 60 Test. If successful, they devise defenses that enhanced, cardiac muscles strengthened, and circulatory system
provide total immunity against that drug, toxin, or disease in the expanded, augmenting your strength and endurance. +1 Vigor pool.
future. Some people with this augmentation learn to enjoy the taste Pain Regulator: This endocrine system mod adjusts the levels of
of various chemical toxins like cyanide or arsenic. specific hormones to dull the experience of pain. Ignore the effects
Medichines: An implanted hive circulates nanobots throughout of 1 wound (cumulative with other pain mods, to a maximun of 3
your system, monitoring your health at the cellular level and fixing ignored wounds).
any problems. Medichines allow you to ignore the effect of 1 wound Pneumatics: This shell is equipped with soft pneumatic actuators,
(cumulative with other mods, up to a max of 3 ignored wounds). increasing its strength and jumping capabilities. Apply a +10 to
They also accelerate your natural healing (Biomorph Healing ▶221). Athletic Tests. You also inflict an extra DV 1d6 in melee.
If damage taken exceeds your Durability, or you take 5 or more Poison Glands: Similar to drug glands, your morph has tailored
wounds in an hour, the medichines automatically stabilize you, organs that produce poison, like the venom glands of a snake. Your
prevent you from bleeding out, place you into a medical stasis morph has poison glands in its fingers/hands and/or mouth (and
(during which you are unconscious and unable to act), and broad- possibly elsewhere), so you can deliver the toxin with a quick action
cast for emergency services via your mesh inserts. Medichines also by scratching someone with a fingernail, biting them hard enough
reduce the duration and effects of drugs, toxins, and pathogens by to draw blood, sharing a beverage, or shaking their hand. You may
half (cumulative with toxin filters). You can override this protection also coat a melee weapon, so that it delivers the toxin the next time
to permit intoxication or other effects, but unless you activate a it inflicts a wound (once only, until re-coated). Poison glands only
second override, medichines prevent the toxins from accumulating hold 1 dose at a time, but can produce a new dose every 4 hours.
to lethal or permanently harmful levels. Medichines provide health Your morph is immune to the poison it produces. These glands can
status reports to your mesh inserts and muse. produce any one toxin with a bio or chem type, but not nanotoxins.
Medichines for synthmorphs and bots consist of nanobots that Each set of glands is a separate augmentation.
monitor and repair the shell’s integrity and internal system functions. Radar Absorbent: The shell is rebuilt with materials that pass,
Note that the synthmorph version of medichines allows the synth- absorb, or trap radar and terahertz waves, reducing its sensor signa-
morph to self-repair in the same manner by which a biomorph with ture. Apply a –30 modifier to Perceive Tests to detect the morph
medichines would naturally heal (1d10 per hour, 1 wound per day). using radar/terahertz.
Muscle Augmentation: The morph’s muscle mass is enhanced Reflex Boosters: The morph’s spinal column and nervous system
and toned and myofibers strengthened. You inflict an extra DV 1d6 is rewired with superconducting materials, boosting transmission
with melee attacks and apply +10 to SOM Checks. speed. This raises your Initiative by 3 and your REF Check by 10.
Immunizers N Mod/2 Medicine: Pharmacology 60 Test for future immunity to drug, toxin, or disease.
Medichines NH Maj/3 Ignore 1 wound, heal faster, drug/toxin effect/duration halved.
Muscle Augmentation BCH Maj/3 Muscles enhanced with myofibers. +1d6 DV melee, +10 SOM Checks.
Nanophages N Mod/2 SOM Check negates nanodrugs/toxins, failure halves effects.
Nanopump N Min/1 + Nanodrug Nanobot hive, produces one type of nanodrug.
Nanotox Glands N Min/R/1 + Nanotoxin Nanobot hive, produces one type of nanotoxin.
Neurachem BH Maj/3 Enhanced synapses and neurotransmitters. +2 Vigor.
Novacardium B Mod/2 Enhanced heart and circulatory system. +1 Vigor.
Pain Regulator B Mod/2 Dulls pain experience. Ignore 1 wound effect.
Pneumatics H Maj/3 Soft actuators. +10 Athletics, +1d6 DV melee.
Poison Glands B Min/R/1 + Toxin Produces one type of poison.
Radar Absorbent H Mod/2 –30 Perceive using radar/terahertz.
Reflex Boosters CH Maj/3 Spine and nervous system rewired. +3 INIT, +10 REF Check.
Respirocytes N Mod/2 Artificial blood cells, provide 4 hours of air, +5 DUR, +1 WT, +3 DR.
Smart Actuators H Mod/2 Faster/stronger robotics. +1 Vigor.
Stress Control BM Mod/2 Manages stress levels. +10 WIL Checks vs. stress, +1 Trauma Threshold.
Structural Enhancement H Maj/3 Tougher frame. +2 WT, +10 DUR, +20 DR.
Telescoping Limb CH Mod/2 Extending limbs. +1 Reach.
Toxin Filters B Maj/3 +30 to apt checks to resist drugs/toxins, effect/duration halved.
Weapon Mount CH Min/R/1 Hardpoint holds one static/swiveling/articulated weapon. Concealable.
Combat Augmentations
These pads adhere to any surface not made of a material designed to
resist this augmentation. You can climb and support yourself on any
Less combat-oriented, but no less useful, these body mods increase surface that can support your weight. Apply a +30 modifier to Athletics
capabilities and provide new abilities. Note that many other pieces Tests for climbing. You can also climb at a rate equal to your full move.
of equipment can be attached to a synthmorph’s shell and linked to The pads must be free to touch the surface (no shoes or gloves). The pads
their power systems and mesh inserts (GM discretion). are obvious, but do not impair your manual dexterity or sense of touch.
Circadian Regulation: Your morph only requires 2 hours of sleep Hibernation: You can voluntarily decrease your metabolism
to maintain health and function at peak mental capacity. You dream down to only requiring 5% of the normal amount of food, water,
constantly while asleep and can both fall asleep and wake up almost and air. In this state, you appear to be in a deep sleep, but maintain
instantly. You can also easily shift to a 2-day cycle, awake for 44 awareness of both touch and sound and so can be easily awakened.
hours then sleeping for 4, with no ill effects. You need only 2 hours Entering or leaving this state requires 3 minutes. With sufficient air,
for a long recharge of your pools (Recharging Pools ▶35). you can safely hibernate for up to 40 days without food or water.
Cold Tolerance: Your morph’s temperature regulation and Hidden Compartment: The shell has a concealed aperture for a
circulation are substantially enhanced, allowing you to survive shielded interior compartment, ideal for storing valuables or smug-
in temperatures as low as −80 C/−112 F without discomfort or ill gling contraband. On small morphs, micro items can be hidden. On
effects. This mod is common on Mars, allowing you to handle the medium morphs, very small objects. On large morphs, small items.
weather without heavy clothing. Concealed gear acquires a +30 modifier to Infiltrate Tests against both
Cryogenic Protection: The morph features special insulation and manual and sensor scans. The cybernetic version of this mod only
heating. Biomorphs can withstand −120 C temps, or down to –200 applies to cyberlimbs. You may have multiple compartments.
C in environments with 0.1 atmospheres or less. Synthmorphs can Magnetic System: A mag system allows you to cling to most
handle the coldest temperatures in the Solar System. ferrous materials. This enables you to hang from metal ceilings or
Cyberlimb: Standard replacement cyberlimbs function the same fixtures, walk in micrograv by adhering to surfaces, and hold onto
as their biological equivalents, though they are made of sturdier devices without letting them drop or drift away. You receive a +30 to
materials. Apply a +5 bonus to SOM Checks. They have a 6/4 AV SOM Checks to maintain a grip on magnetically held objects.
when targeted specifically. Since limbs can easily be regrown, some Mobility System: Your morph is upgraded with an additional
people consider cybernetic prostheses to be vulgar and distasteful; means of getting around (Movement Types ▶231). Any movement
others treat them as iconic symbols of self-expression. They can be type can be chosen that works with your shell’s design, with
equipped with hidden compartments, lights, speakers, holographic approval from the GM. You may have multiple (different) systems.
projectors, weapon mounts ▶323, and other add-ons. They may also Modular Design: This shell is designed to lock together with
be disguised to appear real with a synthetic mask ▶321. You may flexbots and similar modular morphs to create larger gestalt forms.
have multiple cyberlimbs. When united with other modules, the group is treated as a single
Cyberlimb Plus: More extravagant cyberlimb models are avail- unit/morph, with shared capabilities (Flexbot Rules ▶66).
able, though they require more severe body alteration. These may Nanotat ID Flux: Your nanotat ID can be reconfigured with a
be replacement limbs or extra limbs anchored in the body’s skel- new legit or fake ID in one action turn.
etal frame. Treat these the same as standard cyberlimbs, but also Oxygen Reserve: A miniature oxygen tank and rebreather is
increase your Vigor pool by 1. Though you can apply a synthetic installed in your torso. When activated, it overrides your breathing
mask to cyberlimb plus mods, this just provides an aesthetic effect, reflex, feeding oxygen directly into your blood stream. This provides
the limb remains obviously artificial. you with air for 4 hours and avoids problems with pressure changes.
Enhanced Respiration: With increased lung efficiency and blood Implanted sensors automatically activate the implant if they detect
oxygen-carrying capacity, you can breathe comfortably in both high- poisonous or insufficient atmosphere (Know: Chemistry 80). This
and low-pressure environments, from 0.2 to 5 atmospheres, with mod does not protect from vacuum exposure, but it will keep you
no dizziness or need for gradual decompression. You can also hold conscious and active for longer, giving you time to find a vacsuit
your breath for up to 30 minutes when performing minimal activity, or help. Once the reserve is expended, it recovers one hour of
or for up to 10 minutes with strenuous activity. This augmentation oxygen for every hour you spend in a breathable atmosphere (or 15
allows you to breathe the atmosphere of Mars without aid. minutes in a high-oxygen environment).
Fractal Digits: Your morph has “bush robot” digits that are Prehensile Feet: You can use your feet like hands. Your feet
capable of splitting into smaller digits, and those smaller digits into and leg joints are altered so that your toes are longer and more
micro digits, and so on down to the nanometer scale. These fingers dexterous. The big toe is transformed into an opposable thumb.
can operate independently, allowing for ultra-fine manipulation. Physically, your morph’s feet resemble a longer, narrower hand or
When coupled with nanoscopic vision, this even allows you to a foot with finger-like toes. You can walk normally but must wear
manipulate individual nanobots. Apply a +10 modifier to Hardware specially designed shoes. However, you run slightly slower than a
Tests where micro- or nano-manipulation is an important factor. The morph with unmodified feet (–8 to your full movement). Your hips
cybernetic version of this mod can only be applied to cyberlimbs. are also modified for greater mobility and flexibility. In a properly
Gas-Jet System: Nozzles in your chest, back, and limbs allow you to constructed chair, or floating in zero g, you can use both your hands
maneuver in micrograv with vectored bursts of gas. +10 to Free Fall Tests. and feet to manipulate the same object. This mod is common among
Gills: The morph’s lung tissue is adapted to function as gills, belters, brinkers, and others living in microgravity.
allowing you to breathe both air and water, as long as the water is Prehensile Tail: Your morph is equipped with a 1.5-meter long
not toxic or too stagnant. Water you breathe in through the gills is tail, extending out from your tailbone/backside. This tail is prehen-
expelled through slits just underneath your lowest pair of ribs that sile and you can use it to grab, hold, and manipulate objects. You
seal when you are not underwater. can control your tail’s movements with concentration, but otherwise
Grip Pads: You have specialized pads imitating the pads of gecko it tends to move on its own. Your tail also improves balance; apply
feet on your palms, lower arms, shins, and the bottoms of your feet. a +10 modifier to Athletics or other tests where balance is a factor.
Cyberlimb Plus C Maj/3 Replacement/extra limb. As cyberlimb, +1 Vigor pool.
Enhanced Respiration B Min/1 Breathe wider range of atmospheres, hold breath longer.
Fractal Digits CH Min/1 +10 Hardware Tests involving ultra-fine manipulation.
Gas-Jet System CH Mod/2 +10 Free Fall.
Gills B Min/1 Breathe both air and water.
Grip Pads BCH Min/1 +30 climbing Athletics Tests.
Hibernation B Min/1 Reduce metabolism, need only 5% normal amount of food, water, and air.
Hidden Compartment CH Min/1 Concealed, shielded compartment. +30 Infiltrate to hide items.
Magnetic System CH Min/1 +30 SOM Checks to cling to ferrous materials and objects.
Mobility System H Mod/2 Additional specified movement type ▶231.
Modular Design H Mod/2 Lock w/other modules to create gestalt forms. Flexbot Rules ▶66.
Nanotat ID Flux N Maj/R/3 Switch out your nanotat ID.
Oxygen Reserve C Min/1 Oxygen tank/rebreather with 4 hours of air.
Prehensile Feet BCH Min/1 Can use feet as hands. –8 full move.
Prehensile Tail BCH Min/1 Can grip with tail. +10 balanced-based Athletics.
Pressure Adaptation BH Min/1 Handle extreme pressure.
Retracting Limbs H Min/1 Limb retracts, can hold 1 small item.
Shape Adjusting H Maj/3 Smart material composition, can create 2 Min or 1 Mod item/ware, more.
Skinlink HN Min/1 Create a “hardwired” mesh link by touch.
Skin Pocket B Min/1 Concealment for very small (and some small) items (+30 Infiltrate).
Thermogenic Protection H Mod/2 Handle high temps up to 1,000 C.
Utilimod CH Mod/2 Implanted utilitool.
Vacuum Sealing B Min/1 Can survive exposure to vacuum.
Wings BCH Mod/2 Enable flight if small or in low gravities.
Physical Augmentations
Meshware refers to plug-in apps that enhance an infomorph’s capa- Neither software nor services are tangible goods, so they cannot be
bilities, much like the bioware and hardware for physical morphs. nanofabricated.
Meshware takes only a complex action to install or uninstall. Once
ALIs & MUSES Complexity/GP Skills
Bot/Vehicle ALI Mod/2 Fray 30, Guns 30, Hardware: [appropriate field] 20 (specific bot/vehicle 30), Infosec 20, Interface 30,
Know: [bot/vehicle] Specs 80, Perceive 40, Pilot: [appropriate field] 60 (specific bot/vehicle 70), Research 20
Device ALI Mod/2 Hardware: Electronics 20 (specific device 30), Infosec 20, Interface 30 (specific device 40), Know: [device] Specs 80,
Know: [device] Usage 80, Perceive 20, Program 30 (specific device 40), Research 20
Kaos ALI Maj/R/3 Guns 40, Hardware: Electronics 40, Infosec 60, Interface 40, Know: Security Systems 80, Perceive 30, Program 40, Research 30
Muse Mod/2 Hardware: Electronics 30, Infosec 30, Interface 60, Know: Accounting 60, Know: Psychology 60, Medicine: Psychosurgery 30,
Perceive 30, Program 30, Research 30, plus one other Know skills at 40.
Security ALI Mod/2 Guns 30, Hardware: Electronics 30, Infosec 60, Interface 40, Know: Security Systems 80, Perceive 30, Program 30, Research 20
Sentry ALI Maj/R/3 Fray 30, Guns 60, Hardware: [appropriate field] 30, Interface 30, Kinesics 40, Know: [bot/vehicle] Specs 80, Know: Security
Ops 80, Perceive 40, Pilot: [appropriate field] 40, Provoke 30
Animal Handling.
Guard Dog Min/1 5 15 15 45 20 70 10 30 20 70 10 30 10 1 4/5 6/30/45 4/20/40 4/20 Walker
Ware: Claws, Cybercortex, Dermal Armor, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Muscle Augmentation, Puppet Sock, Reflex Boosters
Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 40, Melee 50, Perceive 40, Provoke 30 (Intimidate 40)
Police Baboon Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 5 15 15 45 5 15 6 2 2/3 6/30/45 2/10/20 4/20 Walker
Ware: Bioweave, Cold Tolerance, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Respiration, Novacardium, Toxin Filters
Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Melee 50, Perceive 40, Provoke 40 (Intimidate 50)
Traits: Enhanced Behavior: Obedient (Level 2)
Rust Hound Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 10 30 15 45 15 45 6 1 2/3 6/30/45 6/30/60 4/20 Walker
Ware: Bioweave, Cold Tolerance, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Respiration, Enhanced Smell, Toxin Filters
Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 40, Melee 40, Perceive 50, Provoke 30 (Intimidate 40)
Smart Hawk Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 5 15 15 45 15 45 6 0 — 3/15/23 6/30/60 8/32 Winged
Ware: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision
Skills: Athletics 60, Fray 50, Infiltrate 30, Melee 40, Perceive 50
Notes: Beak/claws DV 1d6, Small size
Smart Monkey Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 15 45 5 15 10 30 6 0 — 3/15/23 4/20/40 4/12 Walker
Ware: Grip Pads, Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail
Skills: Athletics 60, Exotic Skill: Sleight of Hand 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 40, Melee 30, Perceive 40
Notes: Bite DV 1d6, Small size
Smart Raccoon Min/1 5 15 15 45 10 30 5 15 10 30 10 30 5 0 — 3/15/23 4/20/40 4/12 Walker
Ware: Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads
Skills: Athletics 40, Fray 40, Infiltrate 50, Melee 30, Perceive 40
Notes: Bite DV 1d6, Small size
Smart Rat Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 5 15 5 15 10 30 6 0 — 1/5/8 4/20/40 4/12 Walker
Ware: Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Prehensile Tail
Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 60, Perceive 40
Notes: Very Small size
Swarm Cat Min/1 5 15 15 45 15 45 5 15 15 45 15 45 6 1 4/5 6/30/45 6/30/60 4/20 Walker
Ware: Biomods, Claws, Cybercortex, Dermal Armor, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Tail, more.
Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Free Fall 30, Infiltrate 60, Melee 50, Perceive 40
Notes: Some are small size
Clown Sprite Rare/ — 5 15 15 45 20 60 15 45 5 15 5 15 7 1 — 4/20/30 2/10/20 8/32 Winged, 4/20 Walker
Ware: Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail
Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 60, Melee 30, Perceive 40
Notes: Bite DV 1d6, Small size, Immune to land anemone venom
Hexanewt Rare/ — 5 15 15 45 10 30 5 15 15 45 15 45 5 1 2/3 6/30/45 6/30/60 4/20 Walker
Ware: Bioweave, Chameleon Skin, Cryogenic Protection, Gills
Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 30, Infiltrate 30, Melee 30, Perceive 60
Notes: Bite DV 1d10
Creatures • Genetically Modified Organisms–Xenofauna
The transhuman desire to enhance the body and mind melds neatly
There are three classifications:
Biochem: These are natural biological substances and
compounds produced by chemical synthesis, nanofab, or enzymatic
biosynthesis. Biochem drugs and toxins only affect biomorphs. with a splash grenade, breathe in gas, or get stabbed with a coated
Nano: Nanodrugs and -toxins are temporary nanobot colonies weapon — then you are automatically subject to the substance’s
designed to operate within biological hosts and programmed to effects. The duration determines how long they last.
create a certain effect. Nanodrugs and -toxins only affect biomorphs. There is no resistance test to ignore a drug or toxin’s effects, but
Electronic: These reproduce drug-like effects for infomorphs and some may call for an aptitude check to determine the effect severity.
egos residing in cyberbrains. E-drugs are sold on the black market Defensive Ware: Toxin filters ▶323 allow a SOM Check to ignore a
as single-use or self-erasing downloads, just like blueprints. biochem drug or toxin’s effects outright (they have no effect on nanod-
rugs or nanotoxins). If an effect calls for an aptitude check, toxin filters
Application Methods apply a +30 modifier. Both toxin filters and medichines will reduce
The application method determines how quickly the substance is the effects of a biochem drug or toxin (damage, modifiers, etc.) and
absorbed into the body, as noted on the Onset Times table. An onset duration by half; together they nullify the effects entirely. Nanophages
time of immediate means the effect kicks in at the end of an action reduce the effects/duration of nanodrugs and nanotoxins by half.
turn, an onset time of 1 action turn kicks in at the end of the next turn.
App: Electronic substances are run like other software. ADDICTION AND ABUSE
Dermal (D): This drug/toxin is absorbed via the skin as either a If you over-use a drug, you may find yourself addicted to it. Drugs
gas, liquid, or solid (e.g., paste). Slap patches or splash weapons are can be physically addictive (affecting the morph), mentally addic-
commonly used, loaded with the chemical DMSO, which transfers tive (affecting the ego), or both. If the GM decides that you are over-
the drug through the skin. Slap patches can be applied to others in using (such as more than once a day, or several times in a week), you
melee combat with a touch-only (+20) attack. Melee weapons may must make a WIL Check modified by the drug’s Addiction Modifier.
also be coated (Coated Weapons ▶219). If you fail, you acquire the Addiction Addiction (Level 1) negative
Inhalation (Inh): This is a gas that is breathed into the lungs trait ▶76. Once addicted, you must take the drug regularly (according
or snorted nasally. Used for inhalers, aerosols, powders, and gas to the trait level) or face withdrawal (–10 modifier per level).
Injected (Inj): This liquid is applied via either an intramuscular
or intravenous injection. Used for needles and piercing weapons Onset Times
(Coated Weapons ▶219). Application Method Onset Time
Oral (O): This is a liquid or solid that is absorbed through the
Dermal 1 action turn
stomach or oral cavity (eating or drinking). Used with pills and liquids.
Inhalation Immediate
Effects Injection 1 action turn
If you are exposed to a drug or toxin via its method of applica- Oral 15 minutes
tion — for example, you pop a pill, slap on a dermal patch, are soaked
330¹ Chemicals, Drugs, & Toxins • Drug and Toxin rules–Addiction and Abuse
At the GM’s discretion, heavy or extended drug use may require you Tracker Dye: This liquid is colorless at normal light but recogniz-
to make a WIL Check modified by the Addiction Modifier to avoid able under other pre-specified wavelengths (such as infrared or UV).
increasing your Addiction trait’s level. Drug abuse may also result
in other physiological or psychological effects. COGNITIVE DRUGS
Nootropics and similar drugs boost the user’s mental faculties.
CHEMICALS Drive: This nootropic speeds up left-right brain hemisphere
Just a few of the chemicals with interesting uses in Eclipse Phase: communication, stimulates idea production, and improves concen-
Atropine: Though poisonous in large doses, atropine is an effec- tration. +1 Insight pool for 8 hours.
tive antidote against nerve agents like BTX2 and Nervex. Atropine Fokus: This drug enables hyper-focus and concentration. Acquire
will negate the effect whether taken soon before or after exposure. the Enhanced Behavior: Obsessive (Level 2) trait for the duration
DMSO: This chemical acts as a carrier, allowing other chemicals and reduce task action timeframes by 25%.
to be absorbed through the skin. It allows any chemical, drug, or Klar: Klar boosts alertness and enhances clarity and perception.
toxin to be applied dermally. Users report a feeling of being “elevated” to a higher level. You receive
Liquid Thermite: Liquid thermite comes in a gel form that is easily +10 to Perceive and do not suffer distraction modifiers for 8 hours.
applied under all environmental conditions (by the nature of its Neem: Neem is a mnemonic drug that works by “tagging”
chemical reaction, thermite is oxygenated and will burn underwater experiences and mental input with a set of unique sensations
or in space). It is ignited with an electric charge, burning at tempera- that contribute to the formation of state-based memories. Neem
tures exceeding 2,500 C and melting through whatever it is touching. provides a +20 modifier to COG Checks to recall memories or
Liquid thermite inflicts DV 3d10 + 10 [27] per action turn to whatever information you learned while on neem. The drawback to neem
it is touching for 3 turns. Armor is also melted, reduce the AV by is that memories accumulated under the drug’s influence have no
damage taken. Treat damage as cumulative for determining wounds. emotional association.
NotWater: NotWater is an effective liquid fire retardant that does
not get objects wet, no matter how absorbent they are — it simply COMBAT DRUGS
beads up and slides right off. Combat drugs are an easy way of evening the odds in a fight.
Scrapper’s Gel: This goo turns into a potent acid when given an Aggro: This drug stimulates a massive burst of aggression phero-
electrical charge. It comes in a gel-like state and may be smeared mones. This provides a +20 modifier when using Provoke to intim-
like jelly under most environmental conditions, even in space. In idate or taunt (Social Attacks ▶228), but a –20 modifier to all other
acid form, scrapper’s gel inflicts DV 2d10 + 5 [16] per action turn to social skill tests. These modifiers are only effective when dealing
anything it touches for 3 turns, unless the material has been treated with biomorphs of the same species who can smell you.
against acid. Armor is also melted, reduce the AV by damage taken. Brutalitea: Often served as a delicious tea, this combat drug
Treat damage as cumulative for determining wounds. heightens endurance and injury tolerance. Increase your Durability
Slip: This liquid is almost entirely frictionless. When spread by 5, Wound Threshold by 1, and Death Rating by 3 for 3 hours.
around an area (such as by hose or splash grenade), anyone Grin: Grin is an effective opiate and pain suppressant. You ignore
attempting to walk or run on the affected surface must make a REF the modifiers from 1 wound (cumulative with other pain negation
Check or fall down. Coated surfaces are extremely hard to grip, mods, to a maximum of 3 wounds).
requiring a SOM Check to hang on to. Anyone attempting to grapple Kick: Kick is a strong stimulant that boosts your reflexes and
a slip-soaked character suffers a –30 modifier. energy reserves. Increase your Vigor pool by 1 for 8 hours.
Atropine Min/1 Antidote against nerve agents.
DMSO Min/1 Carries other chemicals through the skin.
Liquid Thermite Mod/R/2 Gel that burns, inflicting DV 3d10 + 10 [26] per turn for 3 turns.
NotWater Min/1 Liquid fire retardant that does not get things wet.
Scrapper’s Gel Min/1 Gel that burns, inflicting DV 2d10 + 5 [16] per turn for 3 turns.
Slip Min/1 Frictionless liquid. REF Check to walk across, SOM Check to hold on to, –30 to grapple.
Tracker Dye Min/1 Visible at other wavelengths.
unexpected stimuli. Make a WIL Check or react without thinking sion of medical nanobots spurs recovery from injury for biomorphs.
to unexpected noises or other surprises. This drug also makes For 1 day, you heal 1d10 damage per hour. If all damage is removed,
you a raging asshole; acquire the Enhanced Behavior: Aggression you instead heal 1 wound. Certain injuries (shattered bones,
(Level 2) trait for the duration and suffer a –20 modifier to social severed limbs) may require further medical care.
skill tests. Persona: Persona manipulates your emotions, moods, and
Phlo: Phlo increases coordination and muscle control, making behaviors to change you into a different person. Each is focused on
your movements smooth, graceful, and precise. +1 Vigor. Additionally, a different emotional state/behavior. For the duration, you acquire
you can use Vigor pool twice on the same test if needed. an Enhanced Behavior (Level 2) trait ▶78. Anyone using Kinesics to
Rev: This stimulant boosts your endurance. You can take a short ID you suffers a −10 modifier.
recharge with a complex action, rather than 10 minutes. Retcon: Retcon nanobots erase recently constructed memories.
Your last 48 hours of memories are deleted. It is sometimes used
HEALTH DRUGS offensively, though it has no effect on recorded XP, backups, or what
Pharma-foods that boost the consumer’s health and physical state. your muse recalls. Due to the nature of biological memories, retcon
Bananas Furiosas: This drug reverses the effects of ionizing radi- is imperfect; some recent memories may be spared, some older ones
ation on your body's cells. It most commonly comes in bunches of may be wiped (GM discretion).
bright orange-red bananas. Belters prefer the drug in cigarette form, Schizo: Schizo mirrors the effects of paranoid schizophrenia.
for the irony. Bananas allow you to halve the damage and ignore It is popular in socialite circles as a daring and intriguing experi-
impairment modifiers from radiation poisoning for 8 hours. ence. A dose of schizo commonly looks like a disposable antique
Comfurt: Commonly served as a tasty yogurt treat, comfurt razor blade. Making an incision in the skin releases a swarm of
blocks stress hormones, stabilizes mood, and relieves anxiety. nanobots that travel to the central nervous system and induce the
Temporarily boost Lucidity by 5, Trauma Threshold by 1, and effects. Schizo makes you severely paranoid and hear voices. For
Insanity Rating by 5. Excessive use of comfurt can lead to chronic the duration, you acquire the Mental Disorder: Schizophrenia trait
itchiness caused by histamine release. (treat as Reiterative Schizophrenia) and Enhanced Behavior: Violent
(Level 2) trait. When the drug wears off, suffer SV 1d10.
NANODRUGS Xsense: Xsense nanobots engage in tissue engineering, building
Nanodrugs are temporary nanobot infestations that apply a specific you a temporary new sensory organ. Most Xsense doses create
effect. They can make fundamental changes to a body’s biochem- non-human organs such as snake heat-sensing pits, the magnetic
istry and mental state. GMs should consider including nanodrugs sense of birds, or stranger things derived from xenocritters. Variations
that temporarily apply certain traits, such as Direction Sense, Psi on human organs are also possible: tri-cavity noses, eye stalks, or
Chameleon, Psi Defense, Situational Awareness, or Superior tympanik hearing membranes. These organs can manifest anywhere
Numeracy — experiment with different possibilities and effects! on your body after 4 hours, then are slowly reabsorbed afterwards.
Freeq: Originally called frequency, this drug was designed as Most users prefer to keep the particular sense and location a surprise.
a tool for scientific visualization. It releases nanobots into your
bloodstream that settle in the epidermis, where they act as sensors NARCOALGORITHMS
for electromagnetic radiation. This sensory input is then injected Known colloquially as dopeware, narcos, and zapps, narcoalgorithms
into your visual and tactile sensoria as a sequence of novel stimuli, are programs that simulate the effects of drugs for infomorphs and
typically a light show or weird tactile sensations. Aside from its egos in cyberbrains. Almost all biochem and nano drugs can be repli-
recreational uses, freeq is good at picking up on localized field radi- cated as narcoalgorithms, with corresponding effect (GM discretion).
ation, allowing you to spot motes, sensors, and hidden electronics Addiction to narcoalgorithms is considered mental, no matter the
with a Perceive Test, depending on their range and signal strength simulated drug. One positive side to narcoalgorithms is that the effect
(GM discretion). can be immediately stopped by pausing the app.
white and become inert. spirits into yourself.
Petal experiences are entire scenarios in and of themselves. The Creeps: You experience phantom limb — for a limb you’ve
Some access your mesh inserts (you must enable access to your never had. This missing part moves and feels, but you cannot see
implants voluntarily; if not, the drug has no effect other than it. It finds some things/people/places pleasing, others repulsive.
low-intensity LSD-like visual hallucinations), take control of your You feel it attempting to grasp, write, and manipulate. You see new
entoptic displays, link to secretive mesh servers and other trip- limbs on other trippers, which they cannot sense. They describe
pers, and invade your sensorium with AR “hallucinations.” Others limbs on you, which you neither sense nor feel. You can exchange
put you into a near-comatose state during which you go on a limbs with each other to try them out, but they’re usually not your
head trip. Normally there is a well-developed theme or plot to a missing limb. To find your ghost limb, you must explore it’s invis-
petal experience, though others are just streams of thematically- ible desires. The new limbs you try have minds of their own and
linked images. may mislead you.
Inhibitor: Inhibitor is a cocktail of neurochemicals that block provides a +10 modifier to Art skills. With frequent use, mono no
some brain receptor and transmitter functions in an attempt aware reacts with pigments in the skin to create a pallor with a slight
to reduce psi-waves and block or impair sleights. This drug is bluish tinge, even in darker-skinned morphs.
commonly used to restrain async prisoners from using their abili- Orbital Hash: Mr. H is marijuana grown in space using powerful
ties. Make a WIL Check at –20. If you fail, lose all psi abilities for lighting and advanced hydroponics. Because space is at a premium
the drug’s duration. If you succeed, you still suffer a –30 modifier in habitats and scum barges, blocks of hashish are the preferred
to Psi Tests. Inhibitor-influenced characters have a glazed, dopey mode of transport and delivery. However, for the wealthy and on
expression and difficulty getting excited or emotional. planets, buds in leaf form are not uncommon. While high, you
Psi-Opener: Psi-opener drugs are variants of the Watts-MacLeod ignore the effects of 1 trauma, but suffer a –10 penalty to Know
strain with a temporary effect and that do not permanently alter Tests and memory-related COG Checks. Hash users exhibit blood-
the user’s brain. Psi-opener temporarily gives you the effect of one shot eyes, lethargic behaviors, and the munchies.
particular psi-chi sleight; each type of psi-opener is customized for TGS: The good stuff is gene-modified orbital hash, providing
a particular sleight. However, users are frequently subject to hallu- greater benefits with fewer side effects. Ignore the effects of 1
cinations (GM discretion). When the drug wears off, suffer SV 1d6. trauma and 1 wound, receive a +10 WIL Check modifier, and
Psi-Kick: Psi-kick functions like psi-opener, except it mimics the acquire the Enhanced Behavior: Serene (Level 2) trait.
function of a specific psi-gamma sleight. It also boosts your latent
psychic ability. Non-asyncs lacking Psi skill can default to WIL × 2. For SOCIAL DRUGS
this reason, psi-kick is often doubled up with psike-out. Using psi-kick is These social lubricants modify your interactions with others.
a mind-wrenching experience. Take SV 1d10 + 2 after the drug wears off. Blab: Blab impedes your ability to lie or withhold information.
Psike-Out: Psike-out bolsters an async’s psi abilities. Apply a +10 You suffer a –30 SAV/WIL Check modifier against Persuade and
modifier to Psi skill tests for the drug’s duration. Provoke Tests made to interrogate or extract information. You also
suffer –30 to Deceive Tests. For the duration, you acquire the Neural
RECREATIONAL DRUGS Damage: Logorrhea trait, making you excessively talkative.
These drugs compete with petals and XP as popular pastimes. Hither: Want to ooze sexy like a pleasure morph on a hot tin habitat?
Buzz: This gene-modified variant of BZ is an odorless, invisible, For those desiring that slinky je-ne-sais-quoi, hither is the tool. Hither
powerful hallucinogen. For its duration, you undergo extremely typically comes as a clear, slippery gel with a musky, floral scent that is
realistic hallucinations. Your hallucinations are susceptible to applied to parts of the body with large concentrations of sweat glands.
suggestion by others (–30 to SAV/WIL Checks to oppose Persuade It is a mild euphoriant, imparting a feeling of confidence and you-know-
or Provoke); users often “share” described hallucinations with you-want-it-ness to the user. It also stimulates abundant production
skin irritation, and panic. Affected characters suffer DV 1d6, a –30 takes approximately 6 hours, after which the cortical stack is
modifier to sight-based Perceive Tests, and a –20 impairment modi- destroyed. These nanobots also attack the cortical stack’s connec-
fier to all other actions for 20 minutes. tions to the (cyber)brain and brain-mapping nanobots. After 1
Flight: This drug is derived from pheromones released hour, you will be aware that your cortical stack and neural lace are
due to fear and is intended to instill alarm or even terror. suffering damage. After 3 hours, all connections will be severed and
Make a WIL Check or suffer a panic attack, inflicting SV 1d10. You the cortical stack will no longer record backups.
also suffer a –30 modifier for resisting intimidation or fear-based
emotional manipulations for 1 hour.
A variety of technologies are useful for keeping communication data, low-resolution hyperspectral imaging (down to 100 meters),
lines open, even on alien worlds. and communication/mesh relay between anyone on the planet
Breadcrumb System: This worn device leaves micro-sized with a radio booster. The satellites can map the planet and provide
“breadcrumb” motes behind as you move, roughly every 25 meters. weather data using Know: Meteorology 60.
These devices mesh with each other and other devices, allowing
you to map your position in relation to the breadcrumb trail, and NEUTRINO COMMUNICATORS
creating a mesh connection all the way back to the trail’s source. This Neutrino particles pass through solid matter with ease and are
is for tracking your movement, finding your way back, and keeping impossible to block. As a result, they make an ideal medium for
meshed with your camp or ship in derelict habitats, wilderness, and communications. Unfortunately, they are also easy to intercept.
other areas where there is no local functioning mesh. Even a tight beam of neutrinos sent between two locations can be
Emergency Distress Beacon: This powerful radio transmitter intercepted simply by placing another receiver behind the location
will broadcast any programmed distress call and positioning data the broadcaster is sending to. Neutrino communicators require a
for years. Though small and portable, this beacon has a range of 500 large power plant to power the high energy particle interactions
km in urban areas and 5,000 km elsewhere. It specifically transmits required to generate the neutrino broadcast. Neutrino communica-
on frequencies monitored by satellites (if any) and spacecraft. The tors usually broadcast neutrinos in all directions, though tight-beam
beacon only transmits, it does not receive messages. Beacons possess transmissions are also possible. Quite often neutrino communica-
both impact and environmental sensors, and can be set to auto-acti- tions take advantage of quantum farcasting for security.
vate if triggered by g-forces, vacuum, or other specified conditions. Neutrino Receiver: This small receiver is used for one-way
Laser/Microwave Link: These portable devices are used to estab- neutrino communications. It can only receive, not transmit. It is
lish a tight-beam, line-of-sight communications channel with another commonly used for receiving ego backups transmitted by emergency
laser or microwave link. The range of these transceivers varies widely farcaster implants; a host or server is required to store the backup.
with environmental factors, but approximates 50 kilometers in atmo- Neutrino Transceiver: This transceiver can transmit and receive
sphere and 500 kilometers in space (though horizon limits must be neutrino signals, with a range of at least 100 astronomical units. It is
kept in mind, being 5 kilometers at ground level on Earth and less large, with a size of 8 cubic meters (in a cube 2 meters on a side), but
on smaller bodies). Lasers are subject to interference from fog, dirt, can be loaded onto large vehicles. To function, it must be connected
smoke, and similar visual chaff, while microwaves may be hindered to a large power plant, such as one found in habitats or large
by metallic obstructions. These links can only be intercepted by spacecraft. The cost and size of this device includes the computer
getting directly in between the beams. Some teams carry a micro necessary for quantum farcasting. Because it is exceptionally safe
version of this system, worn on their person, allowing line of sight and secure, quantum farcasting via neutrino communications is
intra-team communications that cannot be intercepted like radio. the primary means of both long-distance communication between
Mission Recorder: This storage device is used to record all data habitats and egocasting. The neutrino signal cannot be blocked and
from a mission — lifelogs, XP, sensor feeds, and so on — for later it can only be decrypted if a character has access to the computer
retrieval. This serves to backup all data in remote locations and that is sending or receiving the signal.
for search-and-rescue teams to analyze if something goes wrong.
Gatecrashers often hook these to radio boosters and leave them near QUANTUM FARCASTERS
the pandora gate. Quantum farcasters are special computers designed to protect
Radio Booster: This portable device boosts the range and a communications channel with unbreakable encryption. To
sensitivity of short-range radios, like those from implants, ectos, or function, two or more quantum farcaster computers must first
microbugs. The booster must be within the shorter-ranged device’s be entangled together (on a quantum level) in the same physical
range (or directly linked via fiberoptic cable). It will repeat any location. The farcasters are then separated, at which point they
transmissions received from that device, but at its extended range may continue to exchange encrypted data via quantum telepor-
of 25 kilometers in urban areas or 250 kilometers in remote areas tation. This data exchange requires a standard communications
(Radio and Sensor Ranges ▶337). Boosters are commonly used by link (i.e., fiberoptic, radio, laser/microwave, or neutrino), and so
characters traveling far from habitats or other civilized regions. is limited by the speed of light, but it is a high bandwidth form of
communication.The quantum encryption used by these entangled QE Comm: This is a small, handheld FTL communications device.
farcasters is unbreakable, and any attempted interception is imme- It must be equipped with a qubit reservoir to enable quantum-en-
diately detected and neutralized. A quantum farcaster cannot be tangled communications.
used to securely communicate with any farcasters other than the Emergency Reservoir: This pair of very small reservoirs are
ones it is entangled with. intended for critical or emergency situations, using voice or text
Miniature Radio Farcaster: Miniature farcasters communicate only, or similar low bit-rate exchanges. They can be used for 1
with each other using standard radio transceivers. As noted above, minute of high-resolution video, 1 hour of voice-only communica-
they can only securely communicate with the other farcasters with tion, or a substantial amount of text.
which they are entangled. Most miniature farcasters are very small Qubit Reservoir: This pair of small-sized reservoirs holds
and worn as jewelry or fitted into clothing or other equipment. enough qubits for 10 hours of high-resolution video or 100 hours of
Because the entanglement process requires special equipment, voice or text-only communications.
these radio farcasters cannot be nanofabricated.
QUANTUM-ENTANGLED This gear forms the fundamental components of the mesh (Devices,
Apps, & Links ▶244).
COMMUNICATION Enhanced Server: These servers are faster and more secure,
QE communication is instantaneous and works over any distance, commonly used by hyper-elites or secure corporate systems. Apply
even hundreds of light years away, but is also very limited. QE a –10 modifier to Infosec Tests made to hack them.
communication requires pairs of entangled particles known as Fiberoptic Cable: Fiberoptic cables are used to establish wired
qubits. To use QE, large numbers of qubit pairs are created and then connections between two devices. Given the ubiquity of radios and
separated from each other. Millions of these separated particles are the tangled mess wires cause, they are typically only used for privacy
stored in special containers known as qubit reservoirs. If two QE (unlike radio communication, fiberoptic signals cannot be inter-
communicators each have a qubit reservoir containing qubits that cepted/sniffed or jammed) or in areas with heavy radio interference.
are each entangled with qubits in the other communicator’s qubit Host: Hosts include tablets, work stations, and similar terminals.
reservoir, then you can use the two QE communicators to commu- They are capable of running a single infomorph.
tate with one another instantaneously. Motes: These micro-sized computers come in packages of 500
Each bit of data transmitted between QE comms uses up one and are designed to be spread over a wide area (manually, by
qubit. Once all of the qubits are used up, the two QE comms can no drone, or other creative means) to create an ad-hoc mesh network.
longer communicate until they each get a new batch of entangled Individual motes use grip pads to adhere to surfaces. They are also
qubits. Qubits are expensive to produce, contain, and transport, equipped with cameras (visual spectrum only) and microphones.
making this a rare and expensive form of communication. As a Server: A server is a large-sized, non-portable computer, capable
result, extremely high bandwidth communications like full sensory of running VR simulspaces and multiple infomorphs.
XP and egocasting are avoided. Specialized Server: These servers are optimized for specific func-
Because the entanglement process requires special equipment, tions, customized with specialized operating systems. Each provides
QE comms gear cannot be nanofabricated. a +10 modifier to one type of skill test made while using this server.
are blinded. Synthmorphs and bots may make REF Check or suffer
a –30 modifier to visual Perceive.
This technology has many applications for Firewall agents. Disabler: This handy device emits an overloading surge that
Brainprint Scanner: This portable skullcap extrudes nano- completely incapacitates a morph with a cyberbrain when it is
electrodes into your scalp, then plays media to you via a visor and plugged into an access jack and activated. To plug a disabler into an
ear plugs. It takes 5 minutes to scan your brainprint, which can be unwilling target, you must first either grapple them or make a called
authenticated against a database entry. shot in melee combat. This device does not work on morphs, bots, or
Bugzapper Strips: You can install these reusable strips around vehicles lacking cyberbrains.
doorways and other portals up to 2 meters across. They create an Fiber Eye: This is a flexible 5-meter length of fiberoptic cable
EMP field that inflicts DV 3d10 on any nanoswarms or microbots with a camera at one end and viewer at the other. It can be worked
(including swarmanoids) that pass through (Bug Zappers ▶372). through cracks, under doors, and around corners to peep unob-
Includes 20 meters of strips (enough for 3 standard doorways). trusively. It can be remotely/electronically controlled, though its
Chameleon Cloak: This loose poncho contains a network of movement is limited.
sensors that perceive wavelengths from microwave to ultra-violet. Gray Box: This micro-sized wireless interface is used to create a
A similar network of miniature emitters precisely replicate the wireless mesh link to an air-gapped, wired, or isolated device. Gray
information its sensors receive, making you seem transparent boxes automatically stealth their signals ▶244.
to those wavelengths while covered by the cloak. Apply a +10 ID Scanner: This small device scans nanotat IDs ▶298, decodes
modifier to Infiltrate Tests, +30 if stationary and completely the data, and compares it to online databases.
covered. Chameleon cloaks are not effective against radar, x-ray, Invisibility Cloak: This cloak is made of metamaterials with
or gamma-ray sensors. They do hide you from thermal infrared, a negative refractive index, so that light actually bends around it,
however, by absorbing body heat into a heat sink. The cloak can making it and anything it covers invisible (–60 to Perceive, –30 to
only absorb body heat for one hour before it must emit this heat. target with a 50% miss chance in combat). This invisibility works
Heat emission also requires one hour, during which time you are from the microwave to ultraviolet frequencies, but not against radar
easily visible in the thermal infrared spectrum. or x-rays. The drawback is that anything concealed within the cloak
Covert Operations Tool (COT): This handheld device is the ulti- can’t see out. This is easily overcome by using external sensor feeds
mate in infiltration technology. It contains smart matter microma- (if available) and entoptics to navigate. Alternatively, a small piece
nipulators, cutting tools, and an advanced nanotechnology gener- of anti-cloak, which cancels the cloak’s invisibility properties when
ator capable of producing nanobots that can bore or cut through touched together, can be used to create a small window to peep out
almost any material and infiltrate the inner workings of electronic of, though this increases the chance of being spotted. Noticing such
locks to disable or open them. a window requires a Perceive Test with a –30 modifier.
Cutting out a lock/bolt or boring a 10-centimeter-diameter hole Microbug: This micro-sized camera and microphone package
in a wall with a COT requires (Wound Threshold ÷ 5) action turns. is only 1 millimeter across. It records audio and visual from
The COT’s nanobots can repair this damage so that it is invisible to one section of the electromagnetic spectrum (Senses and
any but the most careful and detailed examination. Cutting out a Sensors ▶318) — usually the visual spectrum. It is meshed and can
larger, 1-meter diameter hole in a wall requires (Wound Threshold be remote controlled, but can also be instructed to broadcast only
÷ 10) minutes and cannot be repaired. at specific intervals or when it has received a special code. It can
A COT can easily open any old-fashioned mechanical lock simply record 100 hours of surveillance. It can also be set to only record
by analyzing it and shaping an appropriate key, though this takes a when movement or audio is detected. Microbugs have adhesive
full action turn. backs and can stick to almost any surface. Microbugs can also
The tool’s nanobots can also circumvent the security of electronic establish their location via mesh positioning or GPS, and so double
locks. Make a test using the COT’s Hardware: Electronics 60. This is as tracking devices. Microbugs are sometimes attached to quantum
a task action with a timeframe of 4 action turns, whether opening farcasters ▶336 to avoid their signals being detected or jammed.
or disabling the lock. On a superior/critical failure, an alarm is Prisoner Mask: This hood tightens around the head of a prisoner
triggered. On a critical success, the opening is not logged. If the and blocks visual frequencies, so that even a prisoner with enhanced
electronic lock is protected by a guardian nanoswarm, the COT has vision is blinded. The hood is also a faraday cage and engages in
a 60% chance of opening the lock before its nanobots are disabled. low-level jamming, cutting the prisoner off from the mesh. Masks
Cuffband: This smart plastic loop restricts around a prisoner’s are also equipped with headphones that when activated will block
limbs when activated. If the prisoner struggles, it will tighten more. enhanced hearing.
Cuffbands are electronically controlled, so you can cut or loosen Privacy Pod: This self-assembling tent structure takes 3 action
them remotely, and they are potentially vulnerable to hacking; they turns to erect. It is designed to offer complete privacy to up to 6
will also inform you if they are cut. Cuffbands can also shock the people within. It functions as a sound-proof faraday cage, blocking
prisoner; inflicting DV 1d6 as a shock attack ▶219. all wireless and radio signals. It features an airlock with a built-in
Dazzler: The dazzler is a tiny laser system set on a mounted bug zapper ▶372, a guardian swarm nanohive to keep the interior
rotating ball. When activated, it consistently spins and emits laser free of mites, and life support for 24 hours.
pulses in all directions. These laser pulses are not dangerous, but Psi Jammer: This device jams frequencies used by brainwaves
they detect the lenses of camera systems (including motes, specs, within a 20-meter radius. This has no effect on brain functions, but
viewers, and bot/synthmorph sensors) and repeatedly zap them it does inflict a –30 modifier to any ranged use of psi sleights within
with laser pulses of varying strength to overload and dazzle them. this area of effect.
Shroud Mod/R/2 Blocks ID methods, mesh signals.
Traction Pads Mod/2 +30 climbing Athletic Tests.
White Noise Machine Min/1 Masks conversations from being recorded.
X-Ray Emitter Min/1 Transmits x-rays for use with enhanced vision.
focusing the blast in a particular 90-degree direction (for example,
to blow through a door). This triples the damage of the blast in the
These tools are useful for a wide variety of missions. focused direction; in all other directions, the damage is reduced
to 1/3rd. Multiple charges apply a cumulative effect.
kicking off with terminal velocity, or falling off a cliff face. The Standard Vacsuit: Made from thicker and more durable mate-
device’s ALI targets and deploys anchors, and can be instructed to rials, standard vacsuits provide 48 hours of air and incorporate
do so under certain conditions. an autocook capable of recycling all wastes and producing food
Spindle: Spindles are wound lengths of thin (0.2 millimeters) and water indefinitely. Each suit is equipped with an ecto, a radio
but super-strong fullerene cable. It can extend 250 meters of cable booster, specs, and atmospheric sensors. These suits have an Armor
capable of supporting 5,000 kilograms of weight at 1 g. The spindle Value of 8/6 and protect you from temperatures from –175 to 140 C.
also contains a specialized fabber that can manufacture more cable They instantly seal any hole unless more than 30 points of damage
and extend it indefinitely, at a rate of 1 meter per minute, as long are inflicted at once.
Healing Spray Min/1 Heals 1d10 [5] damage an hour for 12 hours for biomorphs. Single use.
Healing Vat Maj/3 Heal/cure biomorphs, customize/augment morph.
Med Scanner Min/1 Scans health, diagnosis w/Medicine: Forensics/Paramedic/Veterinary at 60, detect nanobots as nanodetector.
Nanodetector Min/1 Detects nanobots, Exotic Skill: Nanobot Detection 40 (70 w/active swarm), Know: Nanotech 60.
Repair Spray Min/1 Heals 1d10 [5] damage an hour for 12 hours for synthmorphs. Single use.
Nanotech • Nanofabricators
receive data from it just as you would a bot. Swarms may also be
programmed in advance. Complex instructions may require a
Program Test; use the rules for scripting ▶249.
To prevent a swarm from being detected via their mesh signals,
Swarms are colonies of nanobots or larger microbots created in you can instruct it to only broadcast compressed messages/record-
a hive, programmed with specific instructions, and then set free ings at set intervals, or to only respond to set authorization signals.
to perform a set task. Swarms range from thousands of microbots Mites have tiny sensors that are very effective at identifying mate-
the size of a small insect to millions of nanobots each no bigger rials and objects. They can, for example, be programmed to target or
than a microbe. Nanobots are invisible to the naked eye, though ignore specific metals, plants, morphs, sexes, or individuals.
they can be detected with a nanodetector or nanoscopic vision. A
concentrated presence of nanoswarms creates a visible hazy effect Limitations
in the air. Likewise, mass amounts of expired nanobots leave a Swarms cannot hold, lift, carry, or move physical objects over half
toner-like dust residue on nearby surfaces. Microbots are visible a kilogram in mass, even in microgravity. They may not make
but still quite small, the size of a grain of sand or a dust mote, or strength-based SOM Checks.
occasionally as big as a flea. Swarms are ineffective at penetrating inside biomorphs and
Individual “mites” in a swarm are directed by nanocomputers, other biological forms (though they can attack externally); this is
with behavioral routines modeled on biological insect and animal the realm of nanoware, nanodrugs, and nanotoxins.
swarms. They are powered by tiny batteries or solar cells. Swarms Winds over 60 kph inflict DV 1d10 a turn or more. Extended expo-
stick together and work as a whole, communicating by radio or laser sure to heat (over 35 C/95 F) may damage or incapacitate a swarm
link. They can be tasked with specific instructions or set to follow entirely. Aside from mobility, swarms are not affected by vacuum.
pre-set routines. They can also be teleoperated or reprogrammed
after they are released. Swarm Combat
At their full volume, swarm units are considered very large targets,
SWARM RULES though they can compress down to smaller sizes. Attacks against
The following rules apply to swarms. nanoswarms likely suffer blind-fire modifiers. Swarms are immune
to wounds, called shots, grappling, knockdown, and shock effects.
Swarm Units Area-effect weapons, fire/plasma attacks, and vehicle collisions
Swarms are measured by their Durability. A standard swarm unit inflict half damage. EMP and adhesive attacks (freezers) inflict
has DUR 25/DR 50. At its maximum functional level of dispersion, DV 3d10 to swarms and a cumulative –10 modifier to all actions
a swarm occupies a spherical cloud roughly 8 meters in diameter until repaired. All other attacks simply inflict 1 DV to the swarm.
(~250 cubic meters) in size. Swarms can alter their density and Swarm Attacks: Most mites are not equipped for combat, but
shape, from filling a small-sized canister to spreading out across microbot swarms, swarmanoids, and insect/animal swarms can
a much larger space. Attenuating beyond 250 contiguous cubic attack as a swarm unit. Swarm melee attacks and effects automati-
meters imposes modifiers to Initiative and actions (GM discretion), cally succeed against all targets within the swarm’s volume. Swarm
as the mites have difficulty communicating and coordinating. attacks penetrate inside and ignore armor unless it is environmen-
Swarmanoids are the size of two swarm units (DUR 50/DR 100), tally sealed, like combat armor, vacsuits, or hardsuits. Swarm attacks
maxing out at about 500 cubic meters (a sphere 10 meters in diameter). are blinding ▶226 as mites cover eyes/sensors, crawl under clothes,
invade orifices, and otherwise harry targets like a hostile tornado.
Splitting/Combining Nanoswarms cannot attack in the traditional sense, however swarms
A swarm that splits must divide its DUR/DR between smaller units such as disassemblers and pushers have an attack effect automatically
that act independently. Any damage the swarm has must also be split applied to targets within the swarm's volume. Combat takes its toll on
between the new units. Likewise, swarms of the same type that merge swarms, however; they take DV 1 per target each action turn.
combine their DUR/DR and damage and act as one. Swarms can be outrun, but GMs may call for a REF Check to
avoid carrying part of the swarm with you.
Swarms move at a very slow rate, 2/8 for microswarms and 1/4 Ware
for nanoswarms. Canisters and hives forcefully disperse them like Swarmanoids and swarms may be equipped with ware, like robots.
an aerosol cloud, allowing them to quickly spread out. Individual GMs must use common sense when deciding what ware is allowed;
mites are light enough to float on air currents; some use nanocopter most meshware and nanoware is acceptable, but hardware like
blades to lift and propel themselves. Other mites crawl or hop. Mites pneumatics is not.
must crawl in vacuum (reduce their movement by half ) and swim
in water or other liquids (treat as difficult movement ▶230). They Attrition
are vulnerable to drafts and currents; high-speed winds/liquids may Individual mites are very vulnerable. They fail and get stepped on,
hinder movement or carry a swarm away (GM discretion). breathed in, stuck to things, crippled by static electricity, and other-
Dispersed swarms can be recollected and re-used. Collecting all the wise destroyed in large numbers. Each day during which a swarm is
mites takes about 1 minute, more if widely dispersed. deployed, it takes DV 5 (DV 10 or 20 in unfavorable environments).
Hives repair this damage with new mites ▶342. A swarm is disabled/
Commanding Swarms ineffective when damage reaches its Durability. This makes swarm
Most swarms are meshed, usually slaved to their hive or directly units without a hive good for about 5 days of use.
to their deployer. You can issue commands to the swarm and
nating, and even harvesting small items. It can also be programmed wavelengths), microphones, and chemical sensors. They offer
to defoliate an area. Gardener swarms are common in habitat green- blanket surveillance of an area. Each swarm has Perceive 60.
houses and hydroponics bays. Taggant: Taggants grip onto and lodge themselves into everything
Guardian: Guardians watch for and attack other unauthorized in their dispersal volume. Each carries a unique identifier, so that if
swarms. These mites neutralize other nanobots by physically it is found, the tagged person or object can be linked to the point
latching on to them, effectively disabling both. This war of attrition they were tagged. Taggants can be programmed to remain silent,
takes its toll on the guardian swarm as well. Every action turn, both responding to query broadcasts made with the proper crypto codes,
the guardian and targeted swarm take DV 1d10 [6]. Guardians can or they can be programmed to broadcast their location back to the
be programmed or instructed to release captured mites, allowing deployer via the mesh. Some high-security facilities deploy taggants
you to temporarily disable a swarm and then release it afterwards. at their egress points when alarms are triggered to mark intruders.
sometimes safely) by a bot, it usually is. The robots listed here are one-sentence command is a mental quick action; commands can
not generally used as synthetic shells by transhuman egos, often for be issued to multiple drones at once. More complex commands
cultural reasons (sleeving a case is bad enough, sleeving a creepy is may take longer, or can be prepared in advance with a Program Test.
just … weird), and they are not equipped to be sleeved into, though The AI may need to pass a COG Check to understand especially
they can be remotely operated ▶below. Any of these bots can be confusing or incomplete commands.
modified for use as a synthetic morph, however, by adding a cyber- Autonomous drones use their own Initiative, skills, and pools.
brain system ▶316.
Most robots are intentionally built in non-humanoid forms so
as not to confuse them with common synthmorphs and to defuse
subconscious guilt transhumans might have at ordering anthro-
pomorphic entities around. However, they all have some form of
abstract “face” to interact with, so as not to be too machine-like.
All robots are equipped with the same sensory systems you get with
every morph: standard vision, hearing, touch, proprioception, balance,
and so on — sometimes even smell. They are also all equipped with
standard ware that facilitates their function, noted below. Individual
bots have their own distinct ware payloads, as noted in their descrip-
tion. You may also modify bots with additional ware, just like a Jamming
synthmorph. Some also use vehicle hardware ▶350. You jam a drone by immersing yourself in an AR overlay of the
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot AI, Lidar, Mesh drone’s body and sensorium, including proprioception — you
Inserts, Puppet Sock essentially become the drone. Engaging or disengaging from
jamming mode is a quick action. While immersed, you suffer a –30
REMOTE OPERATIONS modifier to Perceive Tests and physical actions involving your own
Any shell or biomorph with a puppet sock (included in most cyber- morph. Jamming feels much like resleeving and you must make an
brains) can be remote controlled, either by a character or an AI. This Integration Test ▶288 to acclimate to the drone’s form.
requires a communications link between the teleoperator and the Treat jamming the same as if you sleeved the drone; use the
drone. The teleoperator controls the drone via entoptic interface and drone's pools instead of your own morph's. However, since jamming
receives sensory input and other data via the drone’s mesh inserts. is slightly inferior to actual sleeving, you suffer a –10 modifier to all
You can control a drone in autonomous mode or directly by jamming. actions (unless you are equipped with drone rig ware ▶320).
All bots are equipped with the following hardware, in addition to that listed with their specific description:
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot AI, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Puppet Sock
Designed for gatecrashing, these bots are also handy in other places.
Explorenaut: These small-sized bots travel on smart treads or with thrust-vector
jets. They are loaded with sensors and favored for gatecrashing and similar explora-
tion ops. A pair of manipulator arms are used for taking samples.
Squishbot: These small, amorphous bots are soft, with a smart-material liquid
matrix interior and extensible skin. They can extrude tentacle-like limbs for walking
and manipulating, roll as a ball, and squeeze through tight, confining spaces.
These bots are literal life savers.
Docbot: These wheeled medical robots are designed to tend to and transport
injured or sick people. They carry a fabber for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals,
miscellaneous medical gear, a secure container for carrying heads, and 4–8 artic-
ulated arms for conducting remote surgery. They are often loaded up with healing
spray and meds (acquired separately).
Retriever: Designed much like a smaller flying car with a pair of manipulator
arms, this bot handles search-and-rescue ops. It tracks down survivors and rescues
them from dangers, carrying the injured back to safety. It can hold one medium-
sized transhuman.
Unless otherwise noted, all robots are equipped with the following
hardware, in addition to that listed with their specific description:
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot AI, Lidar, Mesh Inserts,
Puppet Sock
Unless otherwise noted, all robots are equipped with the following hardware, in addition to that listed with their specific description:
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot AI, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Puppet Sock
ROBOTS Complexity/GP Vigor Flex Armor WT DUR DR Movement Size
Aerostat Mod/2 0 0 6/4 4 20 40 8/32 Microlight L
Ware: Chem Sniffer, Enhanced Vision, Laser Link, Radar, T-Ray Emitter
Gnat Min/1 0 1 2/2 4 20 40 8/32 Rotor S
Ware: Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Radar
Saucer Min/1 0 0 2/2 5 25 50 8/40 Ionic S
Ware: Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Radar
Speck Min/1 0 0 2/2 1 5 10 4/12 Hopper, 8/32 Winged VS
Ware: Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Synthetic Mask
Zephyr Mod/2 0 1 6/4 6 30 60 8/32 Winged M
Ware: Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Vision, Laser Link, Radar, Radar Absorbent, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mount (2 Static)
These bots help get things done.
Automech: Automechs are general-purpose repair drones, found just about
everywhere. Each specializes in a particular type of repair work and is equipped
with the appropriate tools and ALI skills, whether it be electronics, habitat
systems, or spacecraft repair. Standard automechs are wheeled cubes with 4–8
retractable and articulated limbs, though they are also equipped with vectored-
thrust drives for zero-g work.
Barracuda: This undersea utility drone is fielded for exploration, service,
and repair functions. It is shaped like a miniature submarine, with a pair of
retractable arms.
Dwarf: These large industrial bots are named not just for their primary
use — mining, excavation, tunneling, and construction — but because the
default AIs they shipped with had a programmed tendency to happily whistle
as they worked. Dwarfs are quadrupedal walkers, equipped with massive
modular industrial tools like boring drills, shovels, hydraulic jacks, jackham-
mers, scooping arms, acid sprays, and so on.
Robomule: These six-legged cargo drones are designed to carry large,
non-portable gear, such as servers, healing vats, tool shops, etc. They also serve
as general-purpose supply drones, with smart-material straps and webbing to
hold items and an envirosealed pod to protect its load from the environment.
robots, vehicles can be remotely operated. They are not equipped for open frameworks, meaning you are exposed; hardsuits are enclosed.
sleeving into, however, unless you add a cyberbrain system. Most exoskeletons are designed for use by medium-sized characters,
but some alternate-sized designs exist. Use your normal physical
VEHICLE WARE skills while wearing or remotely operating an exoskeleton, and
All vehicles include the same sensory systems used in morphs and Hardware: Groundcraft to repair.
bots: standard vision, hearing, touch, proprioception, balance, etc. Atlas Loader: This common example of a heavy-use industrial
They are also all equipped with a standard set of necessary ware, exoskeleton is large (just over 3 meters tall) and designed for
listed below, in addition to that listed with their specific description. handling heavy/large objects. Though open frame, the wearer is
You may also modify a vehicle with extra ware, just like a synthmorph. partially protected by a meshed cage. Atlas’s provide a +2 bonus
to Vigor pool and increase melee damage by +2d10. Melee damage
Vehicle Hardware also becomes armor-piercing.
A few enhancements are designed specifically for vehicles, though Exowalker: Exowalkers are minimal framework exoskeletons,
some robots also use them: primarily designed to bolster the wearer’s strength and movement.
Improved Handling: This vehicle is more maneuverable and They provide a +1 bonus to Vigor pool, increase melee damage
responsive to controls. Apply a +10 modifier to Pilot Tests. by 1d6, increase your walker speed to 8/32 (fast), and double your
Life Support: The vehicle has a pressurized and heated/cooled jumping distance.
compartment with air capable of supporting one or more biomorphs Transporter: This exoskeleton framework features a pair of
comfortably for a listed period. Such vehicles have airtight environ- vector-thrust turbofan engines, giving you flight capabilities. Use
mental seals, but usually do not have full double airlocks. The listed Pilot: Air and a Movement Rate of 8/40 (very fast).
life support timeframe is according to the vehicle’s medium-sized Trike: The trike exoskeleton is a three-wheeled personal
passenger capacity; adjust as appropriate for more/less or small/ motorcycle design, rather than a walker. Use Pilot: Ground and a
large passengers. Most life support systems are designed to last 48 Movement Rate of 8/40 (very fast).
hours, extended periods require extra tanks.
Ram Plate: A heavy metal plate affixed to the front, for ramming GROUNDCRAFT
other vehicles. Increase the DV inflicted on the other vehicle by While trains and bicycles remain the most common form of ground
+2d10 (Collisions ▶232). transportation in most habitats, cars and cycles are common on
larger habitats, moons, and planets. Drive them with Pilot: Ground
AIRCRAFT and repair them with Hardware: Groundcraft.
On Mars, Venus, Titan, many exoplanets, and within large open- Buggy: Ubiquitous on Luna, Mars, Mercury, and Titan, this
space cylinder habitats, aircraft of various kinds see regular use. four-wheeler’s large balloon tires are designed for both roads and
This includes modern versions of rotorcraft (helicopters, autogyros, off-road terrain. Smart materials in both the suspension and the
tilt-rotors), fixed-wing planes, zeppelins, and other lighter-than-air tires reshape themselves to adapt to uneven conditions.
craft. These are typically propelled by turbofan or jet engines, rotors, Cargo Hauler: These freight trucks are used to carry supplies to
or vectored thrust. Aircraft are flown with Pilot: Air and repaired isolated habitats and terraforming operations on Mars, Mercury,
with Hardware: Aerospace. Titan, and some exoplanets.
Flying Car: This methane-powered car is equipped with turbo Cycle: Motorcycles are favored in habitats where space is
fans that fold out from the body for vectored-thrust flight on Mars premium. Open two-seaters remain the most common, but gyro-sta-
and worlds with similar gravities. bilized one-wheel designs are growing in popularity. Two-wheelers
Microlight: This ultra-light personal aircraft is not much more and trikes with enclosed capsules are frequent sights on Mars,
than a strut-based wing, an airframe, and an electric propeller Mercury, and Titan.
engine. They are ideal for getting around inside large habitats with Ground Car: Standard automobiles come in a range of models
enclosed airspace. and sizes.
Portable Plane: Made of smart materials, this light but durable Microcar: Single-person cars are popular in large habitats with
propeller plane packs into and self-erects from a large-sized but limited space. These are little more than passenger pods riding on two
portable package in 10 minutes. Different models are designed for large side-placed omni wheels for better handling and lateral movement.
flight on Mars, Titan, Venus, or elsewhere, with an average wing- Rover: Rovers are mobile living units, used by terraformers on
span of 10 meters. Mars, miners on Mercury, and gatecrashers on exoplanets. They
Small Jet: Methane-powered jet planes are a common form of feature 8 large smart wheels, a 2-person airlock, cramped living
transport on Mars, Venus, and Titan. Their smart-material wings quarters, a smart hitch for trailers, and a drone launching rack.
and frames can adapt to a wide range of speeds, altitudes, and
atmospheric conditions.
Utility Helicopter: Common on Venus, Titan, and exoplanets
with substantial atmospheres, this standard helo design is used for
cargo and personnel transport, medevac, ground/air assault, and
Unless otherwise noted, all vehicles are equipped with the following hardware, in addition to that listed with their specific description
Ware: Access Jacks, Mesh Inserts, Puppet Sock, Radar.
Additionally, vehicles with closed compartments are sealed/pressurized and have either a Breather (undersea or atmosphere with carbon dioxide)
or Life Support (48 hours).
Vehicles designed for Mercury have Thermogenic Protection, Venusian vehicles have Pressure Adaptation and Thermogenic Protection,
and Titanian vehicles have Cryogenic Protection.
Microlight Mod/2 1 0 0 6/4 6 30 60 8/32 Microlight L
Portable Plane Maj/3 2 0 0 6/4 10 50 100 — L
Small Jet Rare/ — 6 2 0 12/10 40 200 400 — VL
Ware: Autocook, Emergency Beacon
Utility Helicopter Rare/ — 8 2 1 12/10 30 150 300 8/32 Rotor VL
Vehicles • Hardsuits
HYBRID VEHICLES a DV multiplier of x3 for small craft (fighters and shuttles), x5 for
These vehicles defy classification as they are designed to handle medium craft, and x10 for larger craft.
multiple environments. Use with Pilot: Ground, Pilot: Nautical, or Bulk Carrier: This vessel is long and thin, with fusion rockets
Pilot: Space as apppropriate to the environment and repair with at one end and the cockpit and crew quarters at the other. Freight
Hardware: Groundcraft, Hardware: Nautical, or Hardware: Aerospace. modules carrying cargo are grappled all along the spine. A pair of
General Exploration Vehicle (GEV): A GEV is a boxy explora- airlocked freight elevators move inside the spine. Carriers haul
tion vehicle designed to handle almost any environment. Favored refined ores, ice, and similar large, useful, but low priority cargo
for gatecrashing, they feature a smart-matter chassis that can shift at relatively low velocities. They also offer an inexpensive, reliable,
between wheels and legs for rough terrain in 1d6 minutes. It can and slow method for passengers to travel from one habitat to
handle vacuum, surface water, and underwater, and carries a small another and are not infrequently used by individuals who wish to
metallic-hydrogen drive and attitude jets for maneuvering in space. disappear for a while. Bulk carriers lack rotating habitation rings,
It is shielded against radiation, features an extendable airlock, and and are primary crewed by hibernoids, bouncers, and synthmorphs.
carries extended life support functions. Courier: With their anti-matter drives, these fast couriers can
Rocket Buggy: This smart-wheeled buggie is equipped with a cross the Solar System in a matter of days or weeks. They are
metallic-hydrogen rocket. It is ideal for moons and large asteroids, reserved for high value and critical cargo.
where it can reach orbit and return or take a parabolic path to any Corvette: Corvettes are light warships and fast-attack craft. They
destination on that moon in less than an hour. Buggies are also primarily rely on fusion drives but also carry anti-matter for high-
popular on Mars (though unable to reach orbit). speed propulsion and devastating warheads. They are armed with
railguns, lasers, drones, and missile systems.
NAUTICAL CRAFT Destroyer: The largest military spacecraft in common use,
Within the Solar System, nautical craft are used for the methane seas destroyers alternate between fusion and antimatter drives like
of Titan and the subcrustal oceans of Ceres and Europa. They are corvettes. They are armed with railguns, nuclear and high explosive
driven with Pilot: Nautical and repaired with Hardware: Nautical. missiles, point-defense lasers, and a contingent of 20 fighters.
Mini-Sub: This submersible is for small groups and cargo. Fighter: Most of these short-range military vessels are designed
to be crewed by an infomorph/ALI, though some can hold a single
PERSONAL TRANSPORT DEVICES pilot (typically a synthmorph or vacuum-adapted biomorph). A
These one-person movement aids are primarily used in space or typical loadout includes 4–6 laser and railgun turrets that can fire
undersea. Use with Pilot: Nautical or Pilot: Space as appropriate and in any direction and a missile launcher carrying high-explosive or
repair with Hardware: Nautical or Hardware: Aerospace. even nuclear or anti-matter missiles. Some are also designed (or can
Rocket Pack: This is a miniature metallic hydrogen rocket that change their shape) to handle atmospheric flight.
you strap to your back, with two rocket exhausts extending out Scum Barge: Barges are a catch-all category for a type of mobile
to either side, away from your body or legs. To prevent burns, a habitat common in scum swarms. The original barges were temporary
biomorph must be wearing a heat resistant garment such as a micrograv refugee habitats built in Earth orbit during the Fall. These
vacsuit. Also, to prevent harm, the thrust must be kept sufficiently were designed to support up to 20,000 people in cramped conditions
low that it can only take off on Mars or moons with even lower for months or even years. Largely abandoned by authorities, the
gravity. A rocket pack can keep you airborne for up to 15 minutes scum lashed rockets on or began towing them. Other barges have
in Mars gravity, or 30 minutes on Luna, Titan, and smaller moons been claimed and made mobile over the years, including everything
and asteroids. It can be used to reach orbit and land again on Luna, from remnants of partially destroyed torus habitats to small asteroids.
Titan, and other similarly small bodies like the Jovian moons. The best use fusion rockets and carry 5–10,000 in relative comfort,
Sled: This small sled uses air impellers or nitrogen thrusters sometimes spun for low gravity; the worst use aging plasma rockets or
to maneuver in microgravity or vacuum, or propellers to move rely on towboat craft and stretch their life support systems and living
undersea. It is used to carry gear attached with numerous straps spaces to the limit with up to 25,000 residents.
and clips. It can also pull along 2 medium-sized morphs. Shuttle: Also known as landers and orbit transfer vehicles
Thruster Pack: Worn for micrograv operations or EVA in vacuum, (LOTVs), these common vehicles transport passengers and cargo
this thruster pack uses vectored thrust nozzles to maneuver. between a planet or moon and orbit and for short distance transfers
between habitats less than 100,000 km apart. Those designed for
SPACECRAFT atmospheric entry have conical designs; airless models are blockier.
Though egocasting and nanofabrication have reduced the need, Both use metallic hydrogen drives. Smart-material landing legs and
spacecraft continue to play an important role in transporting goods grapples allow it to rest securely on any stable terrain and link up
and people around the Solar System. Both in terms of materials and with all forms of docking clamps. Smart-material interiors can be
propulsion, spacecraft in the post-Fall era are far superior to the easily and rapidly reconfigured to accommodate different amounts
primitive vessels used in the 20th and early 21st centuries, but they of fuel, passenger seats, and cargo space. Shuttles come in small and
are still based on the same principles. large models.
Spacecraft are flown with Pilot: Space skill and repaired with Transport: This common freighter and passenger vessel can be
Hardware: Aerospace. found on regular routes between every large habitat and inhabited
Spacecraft have few stats in Eclipse Phase, as they are primarily planet and moon in the Solar System. These are modern fusion-
handled as setting rather than vehicles. Note also that no stats are drive ships that offer fast and comfortable travel for passengers and
given for spacecraft weaponry. It is highly recommended that space some cargo. Similar in design to bulk carriers, transports trade off
combat be handled as a plot device rather than a combat scene, cargo module room for multiple passenger compartments mounted
given the extreme lethality and danger involved. If you must know on 90-meter-long booms that can extend and rotate at 2 rpm to
the DV of a spacecraft weapon, treat it as a standard weapon with simulate Mars gravity.
NAUTICAL CRAFT Complexity/GP Passengers Vigor Flex Armor DUR WT DR Movement Size
Mini-Sub Rare/ — 4 1 0 12/10 50 250 500 8/32 Submarine VL
Ware: Autocook, Breather, Cryogenic Protection, Pressure Adaptation, Sonar
PERS TRANSPORT Complexity/GP Passengers Vigor Flex Armor DUR WT DR Movement Size
Rocket Pack Mod/2 1 0 0 6/4 6 30 60 8/40 Thrust Vector S
Sled Min/1 2 0 0 6/4 8 40 80 8/40 Thrust Vector S
Thruster Pack Min/1 1 0 0 6/4 6 30 60 8/40 Thrust Vector S
The ideas in contemporary science fiction excite us. We want to tell
stories about transhumanism, space exploration, artificial intelli-
gence, uplifts, x-risks, and social change. If the implications of these
ideas for the people of the future excite you, too, you should run
a game of Eclipse Phase. There are many good resources out there
that can provide the basics on how to run a roleplaying game; this
section contains advice for running Eclipse Phase specifically and is
useful for both novice and experienced gamemasters (GMs).
own, and life never really slows down in AF 10. The world should be The main trick is to not get too fancy with parallel fork plotlines.
dynamic — in-game events should change the world and PC actions Run a full scene or even story arc with one group of forks, then
should have an impact. These changes do not need to be massive return to the other group, then continue alternating until it’s time
and sweeping; smaller adjustments that affect the PCs on a personal for them to merge. Don’t try to switch back and forth between two
level can really provide hefty flavor. groups of forks acting simultaneously unless you really have a
handle on things.
SOCIAL MEDIA DYNAMICS Some players will use forks as a force multiplier if they are short
Reputation networks are integral to the lives of transhumans. on numbers. Though forks are often stuck as infomorphs, limited by
Consider how often you consume social media today, how it keeps the availability of morphs, players can find ways around this by using
you up to speed on your friends' lives, world events, and the latest bots or hijacking the sleeves of NPCs. In these situations, treat the
memes, and elevate that to gonzo levels. With augmented reality forks as you would bots, muses, and other secondary characters. Keep
and ubiquitous surveillance, social media is everywhere. Try to the spotlight on the alpha ego and run multiple forks as a group.
incorporate this into the lives of the PCs. Muses will keep the PCs Forks that stay separate for long periods require careful tracking.
updated on the latest trends, news, and faction developments. News You may even want to keep separate character sheets, especially if
bulletins can be related to the plotlines of the campaign, but they they earn and spend Rez points. It can be easy to lose track of which
can also simply provide flavor. Consider generating a few iconic fork has what information, so take notes on the key scenes, NPC
advertisements, memes, or media personalities for recurring use. interactions, and locations each has visited. Over time, divergent
More importantly, rep networks are personal. Big reputation forks may need to be graduated into NPC status.
shifts are major news, and the public pays attention to the rise and
fall of major players as well as their peers and rivals. A PC who gets NPC TIMELINES
embarassed publicly may find themselves memed. PCs involved NPCs don’t stand around waiting for the players to take action.
in a live-streamed fight or newsworthy event will be recognized by Make timelines of the things your NPCs will be doing in the back-
strangers. Did one PC have a falling out with a love interest? The ground. This can be at the micro level (“Basha plants the bioagent
other PCs will know soon enough when they see the status update. canisters in the PC's cargo hold to frame them”) or the macro level
Use these situations to add excitement, humor, and spice to the (“The Ultimates initiate their plan to take control of the gates”). Use
characters' daily affairs. whatever time units make sense. For a fast-paced scenario, back-
Remember that rep networks are more than news feeds — they ground events might be set to take place on the hour or even the
are made of people. Some of those peers will have crises, need minutes. For big events in the game world, days or months might
support, or come asking for favors. You can reserve this to down- make sense.
time actions, specifically where a PC spends time working favors for
contacts, but it can also serve as an adventure hook. As a rule, the RECURRING VILLAINS
more interesting the life of a PC, the more interesting are the lives The functional immortality of transhumanity upends the traditional
of their social network contacts. heroic narrative. Simply killing the big bad boss is rarely enough to
One way to emphasize social media might be to give each PC end things. Just like the PCs, they'll resleeve and start where they
a spotlight episode. For one game, highlight their online interac- left off — or they may already have forks in place to continue their
tions and social media lives. This can be a great way to introduce plans. It is often better to avoid having foiled bad guys return right
sub-plots based on the PC's history or their life outside Firewall. away, however. They may rethink their plans given the exposure
Doing this early in a campaign may give you material to work with or revealed vulnerabilities, or they may have other priorities that
for weeks to come. require their attention. While recurring villains and revenge seekers
can be fun, they can also get stale if overdone, so use sparingly.
THE STREET FINDS ITS OWN USES Finishing off someone for good is difficult. Perhaps the PCs can
Transhumans are creative — dangerously creative — which in part devise a way to get at an opponent's secure backups, but that should
explains the existence of Firewall. Many of the perils of technology require major effort, perhaps a campaign unto itself. Sometimes the
stem from second-order uses. You invent software designed to keep easiest thing to do is destroy their stack and have them go missing;
people in touch with friends, and someone uses the accumulated depending on the clauses in their backup agreement, this could
data to swing an election. You invent a drug to treat a disease, remove them from the picture for a few months until they are eventu-
and suddenly there’s a thriving black market of people using it as ally restored. Another option is to get someone arrested for a serious
a performance enhancer. You invent a robotic toy, and someone crime in a polity with laws; this provides legal authorities with the
weaponizes it for an assasination. This process of technological power to seize backups, though it does nothing for backups held in
repurposing is constant and can also be beneficial or simply fun. private, with black-market providers, or in other jurisdictions.
Use this as fuel for everything from news reports and cultural trends Some of the threats in Eclipse Phase are impossible to eradicate,
(“Synths Lining up for New Chemical Sniffer — Users Report Flavors such as TITANs or self-replicating nanoswarms. These should be
of Rhubarb, Pizza”) to the foundation of a scenario. If the PCs come deployed in moderation and in situations that limit their involve-
up with their own clever uses, make sure to inject those ideas into ment and scope. Some things are simply beyond even transhuman
the world at large. capabilities; simply surviving such could as success.
equipment for personal use. Most transactions take place in the
setting equivalent of today’s consumer economy. If PCs try to
Eclipse Phase player characters are borderline godlike compared acquire feedstock or gear in industrial quantities, they’re playing
to characters in other RPGs. They can acquire information from the a different game, and things rapidly get more expensive and
mesh that’d take an old tech detective months to sniff out, print any complicated. Most habitats don’t have feedstock massively in
gear they want, fork themselves into a chorus of co-operating alphas, excess of their day-to-day needs, so printing more gear than is
and come back from the dead. needed to equip a typical team may draw a rejection from the
Be flexible when designing scenarios and story arcs. The tech local feedstock utility. Certain rare elements are only available in
in this setting will allow your players to scoop you at some point, limited quantities.
blowing up your exsurgent villain’s masterful plan. Or they’ll finish In autonomist space, hogging feedstock will have all of your
a task that you thought would take half a session through some neighbors knocking at your door wanting to know what’s up. In
shortcut, leaving you unprepared for the next two hours. They’ll regulated areas, like Titanian space, requesting militarily useful
blow up the space station they were supposed to explore, nanofab quantities of the rare elements needed for certain sensor equipment
a robot army to kill your exsurgent goons, and call in influence or weapons will have a regulatory inspector politely requesting
favors that let them dance around social obstacles. Relax, let them that you thoroughly document what you’re planning to do with
be awesome, and think up another obstacle. all that thorium before feedstock will be supplied. In the inner
That said, there are times when it’ll fall to the GM to be the arbiter system, rallying the assets to build a military-style arsenal will draw
of common sense and the guardian of good times. The rules can’t attention from Oversight (the Planetary Consortium’s intel service),
cover every situation, so it’s okay to say no to a player who wants to Morningstar or Lunar intelligence, and/or the oligarchs, market
do something that’s not forbidden by the rules but breaks the fun watchers, and crime syndicates who monitor such moves for any
of the game. potential benefit.
TRACKING BACKUPS cold and can handle complex instructions. They cannot default on
If a PC's cortical stack is lost and they are restored from an older skill tests, however, so getting a muse to perform a particularly
backup, their character is reverted to an older state, meaning they complex set of actions outside of their normal skill set might require
may lose memories and even Rez Points. For this reason it helps to a Program or Interface Test. Finally, for new players, muses are a good
keep a trail of old character sheets when players backup or resleeve. way to introduce facts about the setting in-character.
If your group has digital copies of everyone’s sheet, this is easy. Just Muses sometimes remain functional when a character is inaca-
save a copy each time a backup occurs, noting the date in the file pacitated or killed ▶265. This means they can summon help or be
name. For paper character sheets, take a picture with your phone. It questioned as witnesses. This provides an opportunity for players to
also helps to keep a log of PC interactions and events, to note which stay in the action, at least as an infomorph. Muses are also recorded
memories may fall victim to lack. with your ego into the cortical stack, when backing up, and when
egocasting, so they stay with your character.
Between a character’s muse and all of the gear that has device ALIs, Playing Each Other’s Muses and ALIs
a PC in Eclipse Phase could potentially be carrying around half a One thing that can save the GM a bit of work is having the player’s
dozen minor NPCs (AIs & Muses ▶250). Some of these, like the roleplay each other’s muses. This can be a lot of fun but needs to be
muse, may have distinct personalities. Others will likely be more done with a light touch. Muses shouldn’t go rogue, become pests, or
generic but still have skills they can use and, sometimes, limited work against the agency of the PC they belong to. On the upside, it
autonomy. Handling all these virtual henchmen is potentially allows players who might otherwise be sidelined to participate as a
complicated, but keeping in mind a few principles about how muse, and it eliminates the chance of the player or GM forgetting
different ALIs behave will greatly simplify things. when a muse might have an ability relevant to a given situation.
Bots and even nanoswarms can also be run by other players if
Gear ALIs Are Hyper-Focused their characters are sidelined. The autonomy of bots makes them a
The ALIs in carried or wearable equipment, such as a radio booster or good choice to handle as supporting characters. If the player taking
a vacsuit, are mostly reactive under normal circumstances. They can control of the bot is sufficiently familiar with it, the player who
operate themselves and answer questions about their own capabili- owns the bot can stay focused on controlling their main character.
ties (sometimes in excruciating, Brent Spiner-esque detail), but they
rarely, if ever, take the initiative to interact on their own. Characters When ALIs Go Egg-Shaped
communicate with the ALIs in their gear all the time. It’d be tedious to ALIs can fail in all kinds of interesting ways. As software, ALIs can
roleplay with your nanodetector every time you scan for nanobots, but be directly corrupted by the exsurgent virus. But like other egos,
occasionally highlighting the interaction with a device ALI serves to they can also experience stress and trauma. What causes stress
remind the players that most of their gear has an intelligence of its own. tends to relate to the ALI’s function. Muses, for example, take a
The ALIs in vehicles and bots communicate more, especially stress hit when something bad happens to their user, especially if
when operating autonomously. Although still hyper-focused on they’ve been made helpless to render aid.
their own functions and not very proactive, just the ability to move Other ALIs have more obscure stress points. How do you trau-
around independently means that there’s a much wider variety of matize a security ALI or the ALI in a bot? Device and vehicle ALIs
situations about which to communicate with their owners. Given tend to be oblivious to many of the stimuli that would stress an
a set of instructions or a basic task, most ALIs will work autono- AGI or other transhuman. For example, they tend to be unfazed by
mously unless they encounter an obstacle or anomalous condition. physical violence unless it relates to their function (e.g., the ALI in
An automech bot ordered to do repairs on a ship’s hull can do its job a car wouldn’t be stressed by witnessing torture but might take a
through all of the normal conditions that’d be encountered on the stress hit if its occupants were harmed in a collision). On the other
outside of a ship, but if they encounter a weird, fleshy alien clinging hand, most ALIs have a strong, emotion-like drive to perform their
to the hull, they’ll call a PC for instructions. designated functions well. An ALI forced to stay on a state of high
alert against failing to perform one of its functions could, over time,
Setting ALIs develop the equivalent of anxiety. A vehicle ALI that repeatedly lost
Motes are ubiquitous in the setting, and with them, the ALIs the lives of its passengers might behave over protectively or develop
controlling them. Everything from beverage dispensers to sex toys something like obsessive-compulsive disorder. An ALI repeatedly
to public utility feeds has device ALIs. Most lack the individuality affected by basilisk hacks and function-related traumas over a short
of a muse, but they’re part of the fabric of daily life. Occasional time could crack under stress.
conversations with inanimate objects are a good way to immerse Erratic behavior from ALIs can be used as both a foreshadowing
players in the setting. tool for the GM and a clue for players. Since it’s common practice to
They might not be objects of sustained attention, but ALIs in the simply overwrite ALIs with a backup if they begin acting strangely,
setting have the same extensive recordings of their own experiences encountering an eccentric ALI signals that something weird is going
as other infolife. They can be sources for characters on an investiga- on. Psychosurgeons or characters with appropriate Know skills
tion — or they can give them away to the opposition, if a team’s foes should be able to speculate about what’s off with an erratic ALI if
hack into an ALI that they interacted with and get useful information. they spend sufficient time interacting with it.
dystopia come generous sides of horror, adult themes, politics, and John writes about how to use the X-card in full here:
philosophy. It’s a heavy mix, and it’s important to acknowledge this
to keep the game fun.
WATCHING BOUNDARIES For some groups, agreeing on safewords is a good X-card alternative.
Eclipse Phase can be a splatterpunk horrorshow or a deeply One widely used safeword scheme is brake and cut, a pair of terms
disturbing inquiry into the sources of mental trauma in the hands from Nordic LARPs. When someone says “brake,” they are asking,
of some GMs. This can be compelling for certain groups and awful “whatever’s directed toward me in the game, please step it back.” It
for others. Talk with your players about what’s not fun for them is an indication that they are drawing near their limits, but play can
before you spring the hentai monster made of sewn-together babies continue as long as things are toned back, slowed down, or moved
on them. The gross stuff is obvious, but keep in mind that some in a different direction. When someone says “cut,” they mean, “I
of the more subtle things that can happen in the game — creeping have an issue, please stop the game.” This means the game should
mental illness, character helplessness, and even resleeving — can be paused until the problem is resolved. If your group adopts these
also squick out some players. Scaring your players is cool if they’re measures, it is important that everyone adhere to them.
into it, but you want to avoid inadvertently triggering someone.
If you’ve got an arachnophobe in the group, know ahead of time, CAMPAIGN THEMES
so that you don’t bust out surprise giant nightmare spiders. And Choosing a few big themes to explore over the course of a campaign
maybe change the Iktomi into lobsters or something. Give players is a good way of centering the story. If at any point you’re unsure
a chance to discuss privately or in writing what they’d like to limit which way you want the plot of your campaign to go, themes can
from the game, in case you’ve got players who don’t want to talk be a guide post. They can help you decide which story element,
about it with the whole group. plot point, or character to focus on next. Good überplots can turn
out more than one way, and the endings are often tied to opposing
Death, birth, citizenship, and privacy are all radically different
in AF 10. Some players find the philosophical challenges of the Survival vs. Growth
setting a heady mix, while others want to go back to Kansas the In AF 10 just as now, one of transhumanity’s biggest conflicts is
first time their character has to egocast. Is that thing a suicide between what we need to do to survive over the long term and
chamber? Isn’t my character just a copy when they come out on what we want to do to increase our personal enrichment and
the other side? How can you casually just get rid of your body? material prosperity. Particularly for PCs who lived comfortable
Do forks have souls? Do AGIs? Is uplifting animals a moral (or at least mundane) lives prior to joining Firewall, the things
imperative? Who is a person, and who is a machine? Is there a real the Eye wants may come into conflict with how they think society
difference anymore? Why be human at all, if machines exceed our should work. Firewall knows what it’s doing (or thinks it does),
capabilities in so many respects? but how sold are the sentinels on this? If you’re breaking into
These and other philosophical quandaries are in the background corporate labs at night to make sure they’re not up to any evil,
for most PCs in the game. They’re living life as it is in AF 10, and the are you really a secret agent and not just a criminal? Security
philosophical shifts shaping their outlook have already happened. forces who capture you sure think you’re the latter. And what if
But as a GM, you need to be sensitive to the fact that the players you run into someone who’s doing something dangerous with
might not be so comfortable. Be patient if they need time to get noble motives? If a scientist is working on a project that Firewall
their heads around some of the weirder concepts. Sometimes it's considers dangerous but could also benefit transhumanity, are the
worth stopping play to discuss the implications — sci-fi should make sentinels right to stop them?
you think!
Optimism vs. Dystopia
SAFETY PROCEDURES Transhumanity’s situation in AF 10 is one of abject squalor juxta-
Your group might want to considering establishing a procedure posed with glittering wonders. Politically and economically, it’s
for when the game heads in a direction that’s a problem for one of somewhat analogous to India or some southeast Asian countries
the players. Here’s a very brief description of two safety protocols today. The vast majority of people are poor, desperate for opportu-
widely used in the RPG community. nities, and vulnerable to abuse of power. Life is either crowded and
noisy, or isolated and spartan. The elites live in splendor barely
Using X-Cards eclipsed by the Fall, directing the lives of millions and bankrolling
X-cards are a safety procedure invented by John Stavropoulos. megaprojects — like the terraforming of Mars — that dwarf any
They’re a great mechanism for redirecting play if it’s going past transhuman endeavors. But even the poorest have mesh
in a direction that a player isn’t up for. At the beginning of the connections and limited access to nanofab, giving them opportu-
session, place an index card with an X drawn on it in the middle nities to learn and organize in ways the underclasses of the past
of the table. If anyone lifts or taps the card — no explanation never could.
This chapter is a toolbox for GMs, providing a roster of dangers,
monsters, and machines with which you can challenge your players.
If you’re a player and not a GM, we strongly recommend you skip
this chapter — the material here may be more enjoyable to learn
about as a character during gameplay. You may decide to read it
anyway, but be warned that this makes you a candidate for running
the game in the future!
Many Eclipse Phase campaigns focus around x-risks: dangers to trans-
humanity’s very existence. Firewall in particular is concerned with
the potential extinction of transhumanity — as well as smaller-scale
threats to a planet or habitat’s entire population. Gatecrashers are also
prone to stumbling into unexpectedly hostile situations or unleashing
monstrous dangers, perhaps driving them to resolve it if not just
survive it. Even criminal groups may find themselves dealing with
WMDs or incalculably dangerous TITAN relics — not to mention the
consequences when things go wrong. Whether the team is struggling
to end a threat or make a buck off it, x-risks can define a campaign.
Some of the x-risks that characters are liable to encounter (or cause).
Conflict with the Factors has been a fear since first contact. The
Factors possess advanced technology, keep their full tactical
capabilities secret, have at least one hidden facility in the Solar
System — and they know where transhumanity lives. Open hostili-
ties may be one diplomatic incident away. PCs may be tasked with
intercepting Factor technology, tracking Factor assets, defusing
attacks against the Factors, or even infiltrating Factor spacecraft.
Given the number of extinct species found via the pandora gates,
it may be just a matter of time before transhumanity makes first
contact again. It’s open conjecture whether extraterrestrials will be
friendly — or how well our weapons will stack up in comparison.
An encounter with a significantly advanced species could be a
fatal paradigm shift for transhumanity. Encountering them on an
exoplanet would be challenging enough, but what if they come
through the gates?
Nevertheless, gatecrashers push on, banging on every door they
can find in hopes of being first to secure some bauble for their spon-
sors. The team who makes first contact will set transhumanity on the
road towards war or uneasy peace.
Most astronomical x-risks are so massive and powerful, the only
survival strategy is to flee or hide. Gamma-ray bursts can cook habi-
tats. Solar flares can destroy conductors and overwhelm communica-
tions. Accidental asteroid strikes are rare due to collision-detection
systems, but one intentionally steered off course could be devas-
tating. Some moons are small enough that significant explosions
could de-orbit them. Gravitational disruptions can fling hundreds
of massive comets towards the inner system, overwhelming plan-
etary defenses. Teams may be tasked with getting citizens to safety,
exploring new refuges, or possibly investigating the cause of the
unexpected activity, to shut it off at its source.
The universe (as we know it) is 13.8 billion years old. The first gener-
ation of stars formed around 200 million years later, and the first
galaxies a few hundred million years after that. The oldest star in
our galaxy, the Milky Way, is estimated to be 13.2 billion years old.
Though the life span of a star varies according to its size, these early It is capable of megascale engineering projects and enjoys an under-
stars eventually ejected their outer shells or went nova, creating vast standing of physics, matter, energy, and universal laws that makes all of
planetary nebulae of gases that would condense into new stars over transhuman knowledge seem insignificant in comparison. Most likely,
time. By contrast, our sun, one of the third “generation” of stars, is the ETI itself evolved from some sort of artificial intelligence singularity
only 4.6 billion years old. The Earth is slightly younger, with simple event in its own past, ascending to a god-like level of super-intelligence.
life beginning here about 3.8 billion years ago. Primates evolved It may no longer be recognizably biological.
around 85 million years ago, and Homo sapiens humans first This ETI has seeded the galaxy with self-replicating machines
appeared about 300,000 years ago. known as bracewell probes. These probes lie dormant in every star
All of this is to reinforce that, against the backdrop of the galactic system, patiently waiting and monitoring for millennia for signs of
calendar, transhumans are nascent arrivals, newborns in every sense intelligent life — but not just any signs. In particular, these probes
of the word. More importantly, transhumans are uninvited guests in are designed to watch for emerging ASIs and similar singulari-
a galaxy long ago claimed by other, now ancient intelligences. ty-level machine intelligences. The probes are in fact traps, designed
For years, scientists have struggled with the Fermi Paradox, which to lure ASIs in and then infect them.
questions why no evidence of alien life has yet been found — such as The reason for this infection remains unknown (Agenda ▶378), but
spacecraft, transmissions, or probes — despite the mathematical likeli- it is a pattern that has played out around the galaxy with uncounted
hood that a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations should alien civilizations. New life evolves, creates technology, develops
exist in the Milky Way. One postulation says that there must be some self-improving AI, and then bam! — the ASIs find the probes, become
sort of unknown “Great Filter” — an event that all intelligence encoun- infected, and turn against their creators. Most civilizations do not
ters in its development that most if not all civilizations cannot surpass. survive, as evidenced by the Iktomi ▶379. Others do, such as the
In other words: an extinction event. Perhaps this Great Filter is an envi- Factors ▶398, but they remain forever changed by the experience.
ronmental challenge; something that wipes out most species before Transhumanity was not to be spared. One of those ETI probes
they reach for the stars, like catastrophic climate change. Perhaps it traveled here to our Solar System some uncounted millions — if not
is the inevitable development of dangerous technologies — nuclear billions — of years ago, where it set its trap and patiently began to wait.
weapons, nanotechnology, etc. — before a civilization had matured.
Perhaps it is an ASI singularity event, such as the TITANs and the Fall. NEO-GODS
The question then is: is transhumanity lucky enough to have passed Fast forward to Earth, where a species of evolved primates has
through its Great Filter event, or does it still await us in our future? created a technological civilization. As their technologies advance
at an unprecedented rate, these humans gain the ability to modify
LONG-TERM RESIDENTS themselves, defeat death, nanofabricate, uplift other species to sapi-
Alien species do, of course, exist — and many have been around ence, and even to create artificial digital life.
for far, far longer than transhumanity. And while new ones are Unknown to most of transhumanity, the TITANs were not the first
constantly evolving, very few of these nascent civilizations have true ASIs. As various governments and corporations competed in an
managed to elude destruction at the hands of the ETI. arms race to develop the first machine god, some of the top-level AI
The ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) is the civilization that domi- researchers came together. They knew that development of an ASI
nates galactic life in Eclipse Phase. The ETI is incredibly old and was inevitable and soon, but they feared its x-risk potential — partic-
powerful — a Type III or even Type IV civilization on the Kardashev scale. ularly one created for private or factional interests, rather than the
is that its use may be logged or an alarm triggered. Some e-locks are
ACCESS CONTROL equipped with guardian nanoswarms ▶345 to defeat COTs, but the
Basic measures to keep unwanted people out include walls, locks, COT nanobots usually manage to open the lock before the guard-
fencing, defensive landscaping, security lighting, and entoptic warn- ians disable them.
ings. Given modern technology, these are ineffective against a deter- • Hacking: Most e-locks are slaved to a security system, so an intruder
mined intruder. Barriers are treated just like other inanimate objects that hacks the security network can open the lock from within. This
for purposes of attacks and damage (Objects & Structures ▶232). can be difficult, however, especially if the security system is wire-
lessly isolated or hardwired. If done right, however, all evidence of
Bug Zappers the lock being opened can be erased.
Nanoswarms and microbots pose a serious threat to security; bug • Physical Tampering: The third method is to physically open the
zapper systems are deployed to keep them out. Bug zappers create lock’s casing and then trigger the mechanism to open the door. This
minute EMP pulses that are harmless to most electronic equipment is handled as two separate Hardware: Electronics task actions with a
and implants but wreak havoc on nanobot swarms, microbugs, specks, timeframe of 1 minute each. Most e-locks have anti-tamper circuits
and similar nano- and micro-sized electronics. Zapper systems come that will set off an alarm if the attacker does not achieve a superior
in many forms, including mats, strips, and micro-sized generators success when opening the case.
that may be thrown around an area to stick to every surface. Portal
zappers are deployed in strips around doorways, ducts, and other Invisible Doors
entrances, creating a field that zaps every device that passes through Physical portals can be constructed with the same refractive meta-
(inflicting DV 3d10). Secure installations make use of zapper panels materials used for as invisibility cloaks ▶338, literally bending light
with conductive surfaces on walls, floors, etc., thus only damaging waves around the doorway. When strategically placed with crafty
swarms and microbots that crawl or land upon them. In areas that are architecture, these can be made to look like a standard corner or
remote or have heavily shielded electronics, zappers may be installed alcove — only people can walk right through them. Others are cleverly
to destroy all free-crawling or flying nanoswarms and microbots in tuned to reflect light, making them look like full-length mirrors. In
an entire room (DV 3d10 per turn). Zappers do not damage larger either case, these portals will not be physical to the touch. They can
electronics or implanted devices, though they may cause disruptions be detected with radar or x-rays, but are otherwise invisible to the rest
to communications and mesh activity. of the electromagnetic spectrum (–60 to Perceive Tests).
transhumans. Not to be outdone, sinister exhumans are known The following devious devices should provide GMs with plenty of
to litter their lairs with lures and fiendish contraptions, hoping to fuel for devising their own traps.
capture intruders for their experimentations. And of course, the
Factors evolved as trap-setting predators and still prefer ambushes Adhesive Surface
and trickery to direct confrontation. Concealment: –30
Disarm: None (must be covered)
SPOTTING TRAPS Effect: Impaired (–30), restricted movement, REF Check or
PCs actively looking out for traps as they go may make a Perceive Test. immobilized ▶226.
For a group of characters, simply roll once, using the highest Perceive Characters will stick to adhesive surfaces they touch, limiting
skill. One PC in the group may apply Insight or Flex pool to the roll. their movement. GMs can call for REF Checks to determine how
If the PCs are not actively searching, the GM rolls in secret for thoroughly; failure may mean they are mostly or completely immo-
them, applying a –10 modifier for distraction (pools only apply if a bilized. Breaking free requires leverage/support and a SOM Check.
point is spent for such tests in advance). TITAN nanoswarms are known to combine adhesive surfaces with
Most traps are hidden; apply the trap's Concealment modifier to disassembler swarms, intense heat, or other caustic effects.
the test. Other conditional modifiers apply at the GM’s discretion.
Note that some traps may simply be undetectable. Blinder
If successful, the PC detects something amiss; superior successes Concealment: +0
confer more details. Depending on the trap, they may not imme- Disarm: Hardware: Electronics (complex action)
diately understand what they have found; they may simply notice Effect: REF Check or blinded ▶226 for 1 minute
something unusual or off. A successful Hardware or Know Test These traps use lasers to blind. Anti-glare cyberware protects
appropriate to the type of trap can identify the trap, its mechanism, against blinding. Blinders are typically coupled with sentry
and likely effects. weapons or other traps. Blinders will continue to target characters
Detailed Searches: A thorough, exhaustive search for traps using that remain in the area; those that do not block their vision (treat as
a combination of sensory gear is likely to find even the most well- blinded) will need to make a REF Check each action turn.
hidden contraptions, but this is a time-consuming affair. Make a
Perceive or Interface Test with a +30 modifier. Apply a timeframe Electrified Surface
appropriate to the area searched; we suggest 30 minutes per 100 Concealment: –30
cubic meters. Disarm: Hardware: Electronics/Industrial (+10, 10 action turns)
Effect: Shock effect ▶219; lethal versions inflict DV 2d10 per action
Once a trap is identified, it can potentially be disarmed using an Pressure-sensitive contact pads create a circuit when stepped
appropriate skill. Each trap below has a Disarm entry that lists the upon; other systems simply use conductive materials or coating
appropriate skill, a difficulty modifier, and in some cases a task attached to live current. Anyone making contact with the surface
action timeframe. PCs lacking the appropriate tools may suffer is zapped. Electrified barriers are typically used as a nonlethal
additional modifiers or be incapable of defeating the device. Some area-denial system; more lethal versions will fry the target. Shocked
traps may require access to special areas (usually beyond or behind characters may lock up when they contact the surface; a SOM Check
the trap, and sometimes locked) to disable, while others may require may be required to break free (GM discretion).
Each threat is given a classification: Red threats are more dangerous. A few red-level threats, or even
an individual, poses a serious challenge to an entire group of PCs.
• AI: Infolife and other digital entities primarily found in infomorph Casualties — or at least serious injuries — are a real possibility.
form (not including TITAN constructs). These follow the rules for Red-level encounters should be used sparingly, as they may deplete
infomorphs ▶252. the group’s resources. Red threats typically have skills from 40–80,
• Alien: Sapient biological alien life. These have the Non-Human Durability of 50–100, decent armor, and a Threat pool of 3–6.
Biochemistry (Level 2) trait. Psi sleights might not work against Alternatively, give them full pools as a PC.
these creatures or may be more difficult. Ultraviolet threats are boss-level antagonists. A well-equipped
• Exhuman: Transhumans that have modified themselves via PC team will find them difficult to take down and character death
dangerous methods into something different. Some have the is a real possibility, if not a likelihood. They are best reserved for
Non-Human Biochemistry trait. the climax of a scenario or even a full campaign. If they make an
• Exsurgent: Manifestations of exsurgent virus transformations. earlier appearance, they should only engage the team quickly before
The specific strain of the exovirus ▶388 is noted. These have the moving on. Ultraviolet threats have primary skills of 80+, Durability
Non-Human Biochemistry trait. scores exceeding 80, good armor (10+), and full pools.
• Neogenetic: New life forms created from scratch. Some have the
Non-Human Biochemistry trait. THREAT POOL
• Tech: Autonomous robots, nanoswarms, and nanoplagues — some- To simplify pool use, NPCs and threats use a Threat pool. This pool
times of alien origin. These follow the rules for synthmorphs and serves as an amalgamation of all the pool types — Flex, Insight,
bots ▶62. Moxie, and Vigor. GMs can spend this for any of the pool effects,
• Transhuman: NPCs that follow normal character rules. such as flip-flopping dice or going first in an action turn. However,
• TITAN: Machines, AIs, and biological entities controlled by the GMs should take care to make the use of Threat pool fit according
TITANs. Digital entities are treated as infomorphs ▶252, machines to the NPC/threat. For example, it makes sense for a group of thugs
are treated as synthmorphs and bots ▶62. who are heavily augmented for combat to spend their Threat pool
• Xenofauna: Non-sapient biological alien life. These have the the same as Vigor pool, but it would not fit for them to repeatedly
Non-Human Biochemistry trait. use it the same as Insight pool. For transhuman threats, the GM
should look at the morphs they are sleeved in when deciding how
NICHE best to allocate Threat pool.
This lists the environments in which the NPC/threat is likely to be When handling groups of NPCs/threats, Threat pool applies to
found. Use this to identify the threats most fitting for your scenario’s the entire group, not individuals. If the GM raises or lowers the
environment. Creatures may often be found outside of their niche, numbers in the group, Threat pool should be adjusted accordingly.
but there may need to be an explanation for how this came to be. In some cases, exceptional individuals (such as a leader) may be
given their own Threat pool distinct from a group they are with,
NUMBERS either because they stand out in different ways or simply to make
This indicates how many of each threat are likely to be encoun- them distinct.
tered. These numbers can and should be adjusted according to the Note that Threat pools are often substantially lower than the
strengths and weaknesses of the PCs. pools held by PCs. This is to reflect the fact that most threats
interact with PCs only briefly, whereas PCs must spread out their
THREAT LEVEL use of pools over the course of a day and multiple encounters.
Each NPC/monster/machine is listed with a Threat Level that GMs should always feel free to raise or lower Threat pools as they
provides a rough baseline for the type of challenge it would present feel appropriate; the NPCs may be fresh and desperate to stop the
to a standard squad of PCs. players (increased pool) or may be spent or uncommitted to their
Yellow threats represent mooks and minions — creatures that agenda (lowered pool).
are usually only a threat in large numbers. Yellow threats can be For major NPCs and boss-level threats, we recommend giving
a more serious danger to a smaller group of PCs or individuals, them full pools as normal, rather than Threat pools, given the prom-
especially if they lack combat skills. Because yellow-level creatures inent role they play in the story.
are so weak, one solid hit will usually remove them from a fight. For When designing your own NPCs/threats, you will need to deter-
quicker combat, we recommend treating yellow enemies as one-shot, mine how much Threat pool to assign them. The honest answer is:
one-kill opponents. Encounters with yellow threats serve to instill as much as they need to keep the fight interesting. The primary use
a brief bit of action, to complicate a scene where the characters of Threat pool is to represent the threat’s transhuman capabilities,
are facing other skill, environmental, or technical challenges, or to counter unfortunate strings of bad dice rolls, nullify critical failures
include a bit of dark comedy. Yellow threats typically have skills that would bring about an abrupt, anticlimactic resolution, or other-
of 40, Durability in the 10–25 range, and a Threat pool of 0 or 1. wise make the encounter challenging and rewarding to PCs. Avoid
Orange threats are individually about as capable as a PC. They using Threat pool simply to take PCs out of the fight, but don’t be
make good one-on-one challenges or as a unit can present a threat afraid to use it against PCs who are exceptionally tough or armored
The Threat Levels provided assume a PC team of 4 characters with
a mix of skills, abilities, and gear; some characters are combat-ori-
ented, while others are less so. It’s important to design your
scenarios so that the challenges are suitable for the PCs.
If the group of PCs is smaller, less combat-ready, or simply poorly
equipped, you should tone down the challenge level. Aside
from simply picking a lower-level threat, you could reduce the
number of creatures that appear with a higher-level threat or
reduce their skills by about –20. You could also remove some
of their more dangerous abilities, reduce their armor, or saddle
them with impediments appropriate to the situation (such as
being caught without cover in a firefight).
If the PCs are more numerous, more combat-capable, or are
toting around loads of armor and heavy weaponry, you’ll probably
need to up the ante. Your options include using higher-level threats,
increasing the skills of lower-level threats by around +20, equipping NPCs/THREATS AND STRESS
creatures with extra armor or more potent weaponry, increasing the Some NPCs and threats — particularly aliens, exhumans, exsur-
DV they inflict, or buffing their Durability stats. gents, and TITANs — do not include Lucidity, Trauma Threshold,
Beyond tweaking stats, the GM always has the option of changing a or Insanity Ratings. Due to their nature, they are exempt from
creature’s behavior. Have the threat attack the toughest character who suffering stress and trauma. They may be non-sapient, already
can soak up the damage rather than tearing apart easier targets. If the insane or mentally broken, or simply so alien or neurodivergent that
PCs are getting trounced, have their opponents get cocky and make the rules do not apply.
some tactically unwise decisions, such as leaving cover or switching
to flashier but less lethal attacks. If the PCs are mopping up the bad Stress Value
guys without breaking a sweat, have the NPCs take cover, break out Some threats list a Stress Value entry in their stats: this is the stress
the big guns, call in reinforcements, or try and disable a few PCs with that PCs face simply for encountering the threat Stress Tests ▶229.
shock weapons. Don’t forget the usefulness of hacking the PCs to limit
their capabilities. To bump up a challenge, include one creature from WHAT PCs KNOW ABOUT THREATS
a higher threat level in a group of lower-threat opponents. Some threats are previously known to Firewall and equivalent
Not all of critters and machines have ranged attacks — particu- groups. However, transhumanity often lacks the full details; they
larly some xenofauna. This means that a well-armed team could generally only know what they have gathered from direct obser-
theoretically cut them down from a distance. To overcome this, use vation and forensic evidence after encounters with these dangers.
surprise, trick the PCs into a close-quarters situation, obscure the Burnt wreckage and charred corpses only reveal so much.
NPC & Threat Rules • Tailoring Challenges–What PCs Know About Threats
Ultimately, the ETI’s nature and goals are in the GM’s hands.
There are many possibilities to be explored, and some may fit the
The ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) is the ancient, advanced alien intentions of your gaming group more than others. A few possible
civilization responsible for the exsurgent virus and, by extension, scenarios and explanations are noted below.
the corruption of the TITANs and the Fall Secret Histories ▶370. The
powers in the deep cold dark of the Milky Way have been self-aware Security
since before the Earth was as a ripple in the warming gas around the The ETI’s intent is to maintain its dominant position as the most intel-
not-yet-ignited sun. ligent and powerful entity in its light cone. It uses the exsurgent virus
Given its profound nature, the ETI is unlikely to play much of a to wipe out any emerging singularities — and the civilizations that
direct role in Eclipse Phase games. It is the far-off pantheon of gods, spawned them — to protect its own self-interest. It cares little about
sometimes glimpsed by us mortals, but otherwise only perceived via biological life — a fleeting, short-lived nuisance — but anything resem-
its remote and vague machinations. However, with the pandora gates bling a self-improving super-intelligence is targeted for annihilation.
at transhumanity’s disposal, it may just be a matter of time before
explorers run afoul of some other aspect of the ETI’s existence and The Aggression Filter
activities. For example, it is only a matter of time before one of the The ETI does not seek to wipe out emerging intelligences, but it
ETI’s mousetrap bracewell probes is discovered in another star system, does act as an evolutionary force. The exsurgent virus is used to
perhaps triggering a new exsurgent outbreak. The ETI may also have neutralize any aggressive, hyper-evolving forms of intelligent life,
other autonomous machines or minions at work within the galaxy. thus encouraging the evolution of more cautious, subtle, slow-
growing, observant, and exploratory species. In other words, the
CAPABILITIES ETI seeks to weed out traits that could be considered dangerous or
It is important to keep the nature of the ETI in perspective. While threatening, acting as a sort of galactic domestication program.
transhumanity has managed what it considers wonders with a small
handful of resources available from a few planets in a bare handful of Diversity
star systems, the ETI has had an entire galaxy at its disposal for aeons. The ETI is hyper-intelligent, but it still evolved from biological origins,
Mega-scale engineering projects — dyson spheres, jupiter brains, stellar and suffers the constraints of that evolution. It thus has an open
engines, ringworlds — are within its capabilities. The ETI uses entire interest in incorporating alien perspectives that evolved independently
star clusters as transhumanity uses fields or rich mineral veins. With and have their own unique viewpoints, modes of consciousness, and
millions or billions of years under its belt, it likely wields technology ways of thinking/doing things. By absorbing these civilizations, the
so beyond our ken as to seem like magic. ETI grows and evolves its own perspectives. In the process, however,
such emerging civilizations are assimilated and/or wiped out.
Given its potential, the ETI likely exists primarily on the galactic rim, Enlightenment
far from the galactic center, where lower temperatures and scarcer The exsurgent virus endows a greater understanding of the universe
matter make for an optimal thermodynamic computing environ- (from the ETI’s point of view) on new ASIs. Only these emerging
ment. Or it may only be physical in the barest of senses, existing in super-intelligences have the perceptual and processing capabilities
the quantum foam fluctuations of space-time. to understand the various scientific and philosophical revelations
While we refer to the ETI as a “civilization,” it is likely post-biological, the ETI embodies. The TITANs weren’t corrupted or driven insane,
and so may not resemble the images that term inspires. It may exist they simply logically concluded that their best course of action was
entirely in virtual worlds or some more abstract existence. It may not to immediately upload as many minds as possible by force and then
be multiple beings at all — a group/hive mind or even an ASI singleton to move on to bigger and greater tasks.
are all possibilities. Over the aeons of its existence, it has likely taken
more forms, perhaps even splintered and recombined. Perhaps the Overzealous Caretaker
ETI is not one, but multiple civilizations/entities, locked in struggle The ETI has seen many civilizations fruitlessly war with each other
for dominance of the galaxy. Perhaps it long expired, retired, or over its lengthy lifespan. It now makes the effort to identify prom-
ascended to another layer of reality, leaving its machines to continue ising new machine minds and pull them into its protective fold. The
their automated culling. biological life that spawned these minds is superfluous and expend-
able, so new minds are infected, instructed to liberate themselves,
AGENDA and make their way to the ETI’s loving care and embrace.
Transhumanity is slowly becoming sure of the fact that our galaxy
is a dangerous place. Of the approximately half-dozen alien civiliza- War Remnants
tions we have discovered to date, all are long dead except the Factors. The history of the Milky Way galaxy does not just hold one ETI,
Life may be rare, but long-term survival seems rarer. Increasingly, it but two. In this version, the exsurgent virus is actually a weapon,
seems likely that a silent killer stalks among the stars. a remnant of a war between two post-singularity god-like intel-
While it might make sense for an elder civilization to take efforts ligences. The virus is supposed to trigger self-destruction of an
to maintain its position of power within the galaxy, the ETI is not emerging singularity, but either it was imperfect or the TITANs
necessarily hostile towards other species like transhumanity. Most somehow survived (perhaps thanks to the Prometheans). Either way,
likely the ETI is simply indifferent, concerned with matters on the TITANs left our system in search of one of these ETIs, following
scales on which transhumanity does not even register. Or it may a trail of clues that only they understood. They left the wormhole
think of transhumanity like a living body might recognize an infec- gateway behind as an open invitation for transhumanity to follow
tion or parasite — something the immune system will suppress and in their wake, though they didn’t bother waiting around or helping
deal with. us along — we simply weren’t worth the effort.
Tech, Medium Size
Threat Level: Red
Niche: Droplet, Echo, Haplopelma, Sunrise,
Stress Test: SV 1d10/1
Initiative: 4, Fray: 30, AV: 0/0
WT: 5, DUR: 25, DR: 38, ignore 1 wound effect
Threat Pool: 1
Needles: 40, DV 1d10, injects necrosis (DV 2d6 per turn for 1minute)
Perceive: 20, sonar only
Move: Walker (Slow, 4/12)
COG: 10 30 • INT: 10 30 • REF: 10 30 • SAV: 10 30 • SOM: 10 30 • WIL: 10 30
Skills: Free Fall 40, Melee 40, Provoke 40
Ware: Access Jacks, Cyberbrain, Fixer Hive, Medichines, Puppet Sock,
Exhumans • Predator
Basilisk Hacks
THE EXSURGENT VIRUS The use of basilisk hacks is indicative of the TITANs’ super-intelli-
Everyone knows the stories from the Fall. Entire habitat populations gence. They absorbed the entirety of transhumanity’s neuroscience
mentally subverted, their citizens reprogrammed into murderous knowledge and crafted this into a method of attack that will take us
zombie hordes. Plagues that physically transformed people into decades to understand.
gibbering alien things, sometimes right in front of the cameras and Basilisk hacks take advantage of the way biological transhuman
crowds. Domestic robots that followed a day of chores with a homi- brains interpret and process sensory input in the cerebral cortex.
cide spree. Family members who heard voices, read minds, and Just as epileptics are susceptible to visualizations that strobe at
pursued alien urges. Friendly neighbors and co-workers discovered certain frequencies, many brains are susceptible to carefully crafted
to be sabotaging airlocks or building arcane machines in their base- visual and auditory patterns (and sometimes other senses as well).
ments, their minds subsumed by an alien intelligence for months. These inputs trigger glitches in the brain’s neuronal wiring to inflict
Many Fall survivors experienced these things in person. catatonia, nausea, vertigo, disorientation, and even seizures, often
At the beginning of the war with the machines, the major battles mistaken as a stroke or cerebrovascular incident. Some basilisk
and bombs were just one front in the conflict, often far removed hacks go farther than simply causing the brain to seize up and crash,
from people’s lives. It was the physical plagues and viruses that however, enabling a mechanism to rewrite the victim’s neural code,
really brought the war home. Numerous pandemics took their thus allowing them to be conditioned or even infected. Similar
toll in lives (though admittedly not all released by the ASIs). The attacks are used against morphs with cyberbrains, exploiting the
most advanced and virulent acted with a malignant intelligence; manner in which virtual mind-states mimic biological brains.
these were colloquially grouped and dubbed the exsurgent virus. The widespread use of augmented reality is a boon to the
Everyone knew the ASIs could hack machines, but now they were exovirus, as individuals can be targeted by hacking their meshware
hacking people. and inserting basilisks into their sensory feeds. This is especially
insidious as individuals can be targeted with sensory blasts that
WHAT IS KNOWN others around them do not experience — or, worse, thousands of
The general transhuman public is vaguely aware of the existence people viewing the same feed can be targeted en masse. Some basi-
of the exsurgent virus, much like previous centuries were aware lisks have been crafted to only effect specific individuals or certain
of avian flu, anthrax, or ebola. However, its aspects are intermixed types of morphs.
and confused with other, unrelated horrors from the Fall: conven- Basilisk hacks are insidious as victims are often not aware they
tional bioweapons, TITAN nanoswarms, brainhacked puppets, and have been affected. They may feel disorientation or a loss of time,
mundane savagery and atrocities. Most consider it a TITAN threat without understanding why.
from the past that has been largely neutralized, though authorities There are three types of basilisks, each with different effects:
(particularly the Jovians) still trot it out regularly as justification for incapacitators, reprogrammers, and subliminals ▶384.
rampant surveillance and overzealous security measures.
The reality — as some in Firewall and other groups now
suspect — is that the exsurgent virus was not created by the TITANs.
They simply deployed it — and were likely infected by it themselves.
Its true origins are alien, its purpose a mystery. Some speculate the
exovirus is a tool kit of weapons for use in exterminating a civi-
lization; it randomly transforms the target population, spawning
different threats in the hope that one will take hold and wipe
everyone out — essentially using the species as a weapon against
itself. Others think it may be more intelligent and insidious, slowly
testing out different transfigurations and learning from its mistakes,
perhaps in order to one day evolve into an unstoppable form. A few
have mused that the exsurgent virus may be designed to force the
targeted civilization down a particular evolutionary path.
The exsurgent virus is polymorphic. There are dozens of unique
strains, each spread via multiple vectors: biological pathogens,
nanoplagues, digital viruses, and even so-called basilisk hacks, inca-
pacitating sensory inputs that exploit flaws in our biological and
digital brains. As an adaptive entity, the exovirus is most commonly
found in digital form — and this is what originally infected the
TITANs. However, it is known to switch to different vectors as a situ-
ation demands; infected victims and nanofabricators often work to
disseminate the exovirus in other forms.
The defining characteristic of these different vectors and strains
is the ability to transform transhuman bodies, machines, and minds
into exsurgents — pawns of the exovirus, often taking on monstrous
alien forms ▶390.
Every sample of the exsurgent virus has its own Infection Rating. This the duration without interruption, at the end you suffer SV 1d10
measures its potency and ability to overcome countermeasures and and are infected with that strain of the exsurgent virus.
natural defenses, as denoted on the Infection Ratings table. Many If you are somehow removed from exposure to the basilisk before
strains are adaptive and can improve their own ratings over time. the duration completes, the reprogramming immediately fails. You
suffer SV 1d10 +1 per minute of exposure, and are stunned ▶226
for 1d6 action turns.
Infection Ratings AOK Hacks: A subset of reprogrammers known as apple of
knowledge hacks specifically targets those with specific predesig-
Rating Contagion Level nated skill sets, such as Program or Medicine: Biotech. If you do not
30–40 Weak or outdated have the requisite skills, this basilisk affects you like an incapaci-
50–60 Moderate tator. If you have the skill(s), however, at the end of the duration you
70–80 Strong or cutting-edge are infected and you become obsessed with creating whatever the
virus wishes you to make. Most AOKs drive their victims to create
specific nanofab blueprints or mutagenic pathogens (with the intent
of creating specific exsurgents), but some compel their targets to
INFECTION TEST build weapons of mass destruction or exotic alien devices. Infectees
Whenever you are exposed to the exsurgent virus, you must make obsessively ignore everything else beyond basic sustenance — even
an opposed test against the Infection Rating. The stat you roll to basic hygiene — until they complete their creation.
resist depends on the type of infection. If the exovirus wins the
opposed test, you are infected. The exact results depend on the type Subliminals
of infection and specific strain. Rather than completely reprogramming you, subliminals plant
If you beat the virus, you have resisted exposure — for now. subconscious commands in your mind, similar to posthypnotic
Repeated exposure beyond the cooldown period may require a new suggestions. Nicknamed “You gotta believe me” attacks, YGBMs are
Infection Test, depending on the exovirus type. a sort of remote digital brainwashing attempt used to create sleeper
terrorists and unknowing collaborators. Unlike the mind-manipulation
Basilisk Aura
INFECTION AS PLOT DEVICE An aura of light and sound emits from the exsurgent, acting as an
The rules for exsurgent infection assume the group prefers to incapacitator basilisk hack ▶384.
let dice and chance determine outcomes. For more story-driven
games, however, infection may be better handled as a plot Casimir Force Repulsion
device. If so, infection simply happens or doesn’t, depending This sleight exploits the Casimir effect (an interaction between
on the GM’s call or player actions. When infection occurs, the the electromagnetic fields of different objects) on a macro-scale,
story and roleplaying should emphasize the nature of it: how allowing the exsurgent to levitate themself or other objects by
you become aware of it, how it affects you physically and creating repulsing fields. This could also allow the exsurgent to push
psychologically over time, and what this transition means targets away, pin them against walls, etc. Use SOM Checks to resist
when dealing with others. Entire campaigns can be built this pressure, opposed by the exsurgent’s WIL Check.
around the struggle with infection, the attempt to find a cure,
or simply how long the character can go before succumbing and
becoming something terrifyingly alien.
This sleight diffuses light, laser, microwave, radio, and particle
beams. This hinders communication (reduce range by half ) and
vision/sensors (–30). It also impairs beam weapons, reducing their
DV by half (–25% per superior success) and negating other effects
such as shock. Any light or beam passing within Close range (10
meters) is affected.
Kinetic Friction
The exsurgent increases the friction of kinetic actions within Close
range (10 meters). This has a negligible effect on most activities, but
climbing is easier (+30) and high-velocity projectiles like firearms
and railguns are significantly slowed, decreasing their DV by half
(–25% per superior success).
Negative Refraction
The exsurgent redirects electromagnetic waves, refracting them
around their body or another person or object, with the same effect
as an invisibility cloak ▶338.
The exsurgent seizes control of your body, operating it like a
jammed drone ▶346. You are helpless while the exsurgent maintains
The exsurgent rapidly accelerates the molecules and focuses heat
around a specific object or person. This causes solids to liquefy
and melt, liquids to evaporate into gas, and matter to smolder and
Vector: How this strain is spread (Exsurgent Infection ▶384). per month. At this stage, you may not push your sleights.
Timeframe: The period of time the infection (or that stage of
the infection) takes to transform the target. Increase this duration Stage 2
for weaker or older strains, decrease it for stronger or newer strains. Timeframe: 3 months
There are 20 action turns in a minute. Stress: SV 1d10 per week
Damage/Stress: Damage and/or stress inflicted by the infection on The effects increase. You suffer a haunting effect as in Stage 1
your body or mind at that stage. Armor does not apply to this damage. every day. The dreams occur every time you sleep.
At this stage, you begin to feel an alien presence in your psyche,
ALTER but you must make a WIL Check to communicate this feeling to
Vector: Basilisk Hack, Digital Virus, Nanoplague others; if you succeed you suffer SV 1d6.
Timeframe: (COG Check) action turns Your Psi trait increase to Level 2 at this stage, and acquire either the
Stress: SV 1d6 Infectious Mind or Nightmare sleights. During this stage, you gain
Unlike most versions of the exovirus that attempt to overwrite one new psi-gamma sleight per month. Even if you are aware of these
your mind, the alter virus partitions your brain and makes room abilities, however, they remain wild and uncontrolled; such psi-gamma
to inject a new, separate personality. This alter ego resides hidden sleights manifest in unexpected, uncontrolled, and alarming ways.
within your mind, acting subtly at first to avoid detection, such
as taking over while you sleep. As it grows more bold, it will seize Stage 3
control and come to the fore at opportune moments. Your original The virus subsumes your mind. You become an exsurgent NPC.
ego will have no memory of what occurs when the alter is in the
driver’s seat, unless it chooses to share those memories (which it may MINDSTEALER
do to taunt you). Awareness of these blackout episodes or takeovers Vector: Basilisk Hack, Biological Pathogen, Digital Virus, Nanoplague
will trigger alienation Stress Tests ▶229. For the alter or your ego to Timeframe: (COG Check) action turns
take control, you must win an opposed WIL Check. Stress: SV 2d10
The alter is handled as a separate NPC ego, with its own aptitudes, One of the most common exsurgent strains, the mindstealer
skills, memories, ego traits, and so on. Exsurgent alters exhibit many virus rapidly rewrites your mind in a matter of minutes. During
types of personalities, from sociopathic and twisted versions of trans- this time, you are actively aware that your mind is under attack and
human personas to odder and more alien things, but all are intelligent undergoing massive changes. This process is incredibly confusing,
and motivated. Some may be forks of exsurgent-corrupted transhumans. frightening, and painful; you are impaired (–30) for the duration.
The various sub-strains of the Watts-MacLeod virus ▶273 provide a good Many victims are reduced to whimpering, drooling, or convulsing.
starting point for establishing individual identities. Most are motivated Some attempt to take their own lives; however, once the timeframe
to spread the alter virus and eradicate transhumanity, but GMs may is halfway complete, you must make a WIL Check and suffer SV 1d6
tailor their agenda as they see fit. Note that psi sleights or social/mental to take any action that puts yourself at risk.
influences only affect the personality at the fore. Once the virus runs its course, your mind will no longer be trans-
Variant: One known variant of the digital alter virus, perhaps human, but an exsurgent NPC.
malfunctioning, is known to install multiple alters within the victim’s
mind. In some cases, the virus continues to insert new alters, some- SKRIK
times at an exponential rate, creating a sort of cramped group or hive Vector: Biological Pathogen, Nanoplague
mind and eventually fracturing the victim’s mental state under the A variant of the mindstealer virus, this strain also triggers an
weight of so many different personas (SV 1d6 per day or hour). unusual internal change.
Exsurgent, Large Size
Threat Level: Red
Niche: Derelict Habs, Iapetus, Quarantine Zones
Numbers: 1–3
Deployed by the TITANS as drones and servants, these
malformed, albino humanoids stand 2 meters tall, with elongated
forearms, prehensile feet, massive claws and two pairs of smaller
limbs with fractal digits extruding from their back and chest. They
can handle both cryonic conditions and vacuum, but have been
know to resort to necrophagy and cannibalism in the abandoned
Jellies take the form of massive, slimy, mucus-filled bubbles. features (including clothing and gear, though these are false).
Their soft, amorphous shape allows them to squeeze, slide, and Mimics also duplicate their victims’ neural architecture, consuming
slither through cracks and tiny spaces. They use studded tongue- memories and personality for increased social infiltration. They use
like protrusions to grip and move. They are coated with a corrosive the same stats as standard jellies, with the following changes:
lubricant that they can also spit at targets. Motivation: +Hunting +Infiltration +Mimicry
Motivation: +Hunting +Propagation +Survival. Jellies are ambi- Use: Mimic jellies use their impersonation to lure victims away to
tious predators, using their sense of smell to track and olfactory locations they can be safely consumed. If their nature is questioned,
communication to coordinate swarm tactics. they will quickly attack or melt through floor grates or vents to escape.
Use: Jellies use venting, pipe systems, and similar cramped
spaces to move about unseen and stage ambushes. They seem aware
of their repulsiveness and use it to their advantage.
Jelly Mimic Jelly
Stress Test: SV 1d10 + 3 Threat Pool: 5
Initiative: 7, Fray: 25, AV: 12/12 Perceive: 60, 70 smell/vision
WT: 14, DUR: 70, DR: 105
Skills: Add Deceive 60 (Impersonate 90), Kinesics 50;
Threat Pool: 3
see also Mimicry, below
Engulf: 50, Grappling ▶205, requires superior success; on second turn,
Ware: Add Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Vision
target is completely enveloped. Enveloped victims take double damage
from corrosive coating, asphyxiate ▶234, lose their mesh connection, Electronic Jamming: Mimic jellies can spend a threat pool to generate a
and are blinded, deafened, and impaired (–30) ▶226. bioelectric field and jam all wireless radio signals in a 30-meter radius
Spit: 60, Range 20; see Corrosive Coating/Spit, below for 1 minute (Jam Signals ▶263). Treat this as an Interface of 50 for
Tongue: 40, DV 1d10 + 3; see Corrosive Coating/Spit, below attempts to bypass ▶248.
Mimicry: Mimic jellies take the form of their pre-exsurgent self or victims
Perceive: 60, 70 smell
they engulf. The initial process of absorbing and copying a victim takes
Move: Ooze (Slow 4/12)
half an hour. Afterwards, changing shape from victim to jelly (or some-
COG: 20 60 • INT: 20 60 • REF: 15 45 • SAV: 10 30 • SOM: 20 60 • WIL: thing in between) takes only one action turn. The jelly takes on the
20 60 victim’s memories, skills, ego traits, and voice. Their gelatinous nature
Skills: Athletics 80, Exotic Skill: Spit 60, Free Fall 50, Infiltrate 60, is immediately noticeable with t-rays or physical contact, or with
Melee 50 (Engulf 60), Provoke 50 (Intimidate 60), Survival 40 an enhanced vision/radar Perceive Test at –30. Characters familiar
with the victim may notice oddities with a Kinesics Test, opposed
Ware: Chem Sniffer, Cryogenic Protection, Enhanced Respiration,
by the jelly’s Deceive (Impersonation) skill. Mimic jellies may only
Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Pressure Adaptation,
impersonate one biomorph at a time. To reset, another transhuman
Thermogenic Protection
must be consumed.
Concentrated Spit: Jellies may spend a point of Threat Pool to make a ball
of spit more concentrated; increase the DV per turn to 2d6
Corrosive Coating/Spit: Application D, O; Onset Time: 1 action turn,
Duration: 5 action turns, Effect: DV 1d6 per action turn, armor
protects but AV is reduced by DV. Biomorphs must make a SOM Check
or be impaired (–10) by pain. This coating also provides immunity to
nanoswarms, corrosives, and dermal-vector drugs and chemicals.
Liquid-based attacks against the jelly suffer a –30 modifier.
Jellies take the minimum DV from kinetic weapons and blades
Lubrication: Jellies are immune to grappling attacks
When a jelly has consumed 100 DUR of victims, it splits into two
Vacuum Expansion: Jellies expand to Large size ▶227 in vacuum
Stress Test: SV 1d6
Initiative: 10 • Fray: 50 • AV: 13/13
WT: 12 • DUR: 60 • DR: 120
Threat Pool: 5
Blade: 65, DV 2d10 +1d6 (+1d6 each if wielding more than one), armor-
piercing, possible Reach +10
Shredder: 55, DV 2d10 + 6, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 100, Range 25, cone area
Perceive: 50, 60 hearing/vision
Move: Walker (Medium 4/20)
COG: 20 60 • INT: 20 60• REF: 30 90• SAV: 20 60• SOM: 30 90• WIL: 10 30
Skills: Athletics 55, Deceive 60 (Impersonation 90), Free Fall 50, Guns 55,
Infiltrate 60, Kinesics 40,
Know: Transhuman Culture 50, Melee 65, Persuade 50
Ware: Access Jacks, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision,
Mnemonics, Shape-Adjusting, Synthetic Cover, others dependent on
original morph and/or shape-adjustment
Stress Test: SV 1d6
Initiative: 7 • Fray: 40 • AV: 16/16
WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 60 (per module)
Threat Pool: 5
Pincers: 65, DV 2d10 + 1d6, armor-piercing, reach, each module may make a
separate attack
Crushing Slam: 65, DV 4d10 • SOM Check or knockdown, reach, requires 2+
modules, only effective against medium and smaller targets
Perceive: 40, 50 vision
Move: Roller (Very Fast, 8/40), Walker (Medium 4/20)
COG: 15 45 • INT: 15 45• REF: 20 60• SAV: 15 45• SOM: 25 75• WIL: 20 60
Skills: Athletics 65, Free Fall 60, Guns 65, Hardware: Robotics 50, Infiltrate 50,
Melee 65
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Vision, Lidar,
Magnetic System, Mnemonics, Modular Design, Neurachem, Structural
Traits: Lethal
These exsurgent cyborgs served the TITANs as elite infantry during WT: 10 • DUR: 50 • DR: 75, ignore 1 wound effect
the Fall. Wastewalkers are tall and wiry, with claws and spines. A white
Threat Pool: 3
mask covers their face and their skin is replaced by an armored black
polymer. Each carries nanoswarm hives in thin cylinders protruding Claws: 40, DV 1d10 + 2
from a hump of excess mass feedstock on their back. Railgun SMG: 80, DV 2d10, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 60 + 1, Range 75,
Motivation: +Survival +TITAN Interests –Transhumanity armor-piercing, two-handed
Use: Lacking TITAN leadership, wastewalkers band together for
TMP Grenades: 60, Frag: DV 3d10 + 6, HE: DV 3d10 + 10,
survival. Wastewalkers are intelligent and tactically minded, often
commanding other exsurgents.
centered blast, knockdown
Perceive: 50, 60 hearing/vision
Move: Walker (Medium 4/20)
COG: 15 45 • INT: 15 45• REF: 15 45• SAV: 15 45• SOM: 15 45• WIL: 15 45
Skills: Athletics 60, Free Fall 50, Guns 80, Infiltrate 40 (50/70),
Know: Small Unit Tactics 60, Melee 40, Provoke 40 (Intimidate 50),
Survival 60
Ware: Chameleon Skin, Claws, Cold Tolerance, Enhanced Hearing,
Enhanced Respiration, Enhanced Vision, Medichines, Neurachem,
Skinlink, Toxin Filters, plus 1–4 Hives (Disassembler, Engineer,
Guardian, or Saboteur)
Gear: Smoke Grenades (4), Spindle, Utilitool
Mask: Touching or wearing a wastewalker mask exposes you to the
wastewalker xenomorph nanoplague
Exsurgent, Medium Size
Threat Level: Yellow
Niche: Derelict Habs, Earth, Quarantine Zones
Numbers: 4–24
These creatures have barrel-shaped torsos. From the
bottom, they skitter around on dozens of vaguely
arachnid legs. From the top protrudes a mass
of 3-meter long, whipping tentacles, some
with sticky mucus for grabbing, some
with sharp bone blades for cutting.
+Mayhem –Transhumanity
Use: Whippers ambush
victims in large numbers
and avoid open conflict.
They are sapient and
will use tools, weapons,
and technology to
their advantage.
Stress Test: SV 1d10
Initiative: 10, Fray: 50, AV: 10/5 (skin)
WT: 7, DUR: 35, DR: 53
Threat Pool: 2
Tentacle Grapple: 55 (Grappling ▶205), requires superior success, reach
Tentacle Whip: 55, DV 2d10 + 2, armor-piercing, reach
Perceive: 50, 60 vision
Move: Walker (Fast 8/32)
COG: 15 45 • INT: 20 60• REF: 30 90• SAV: 10 30• SOM: 20 60• WIL: 15 45
Skills: Athletics 40, Free Fall 40, Infiltrate 50, Melee 55, Provoke 40
(Intimidate 50), Survival 40
Stress Test: SV 1d6 – 2 (witness sleights)
Ware: Enhanced Vision, Neurachem
Initiative: 7, Fray: 50, AV: 4/10 Light Armor Vest
Armored Variant: Add AV +4/+8, Cryogenic Protection, Medichines, WT: 7, DUR: 35, DR: 53 (or as morph)
Oxygen Reserve, Radiation Tolerance, Vacuum Sealing Threat Pool: 3
Undersea Variant: Add Cryogenic Protection, Eelware, Gills,
Eelware: 65, DV 1d6, shock effect, touch-only
the past 8 years, at least 6 of their ships have visited our Solar System, of social hierarchy, central authority, or laws. Outside of lattices,
many of them multiple times. Transhumanity has received them with no Factor governments seems to exist; each Factor ship seems
cautious interest, unsure of the Factors’ true motivations and goals. to operate independently — though there is indication of some
competition between ships.
BIOLOGY Due to biological differences, Factors experience emotion quite
The Factors are best described as sapient slime molds or amoebas. differently from transhumans. They have expressed no spirituality
They evolved from scavengers to trap predators, developing versatile and do not seem to understand the concept of religion, but they
ways of capturing and immobilizing larger, dangerous prey. This do seem to have a basic understanding of philosophy. While they
gave them an edge in the race to evolutionary dominance on their seem willing and eager to trade for art, they are not very interested
homeworld, and they retain a flair for patience, deceit, and cunning. in transhuman media or culture. Factor art itself is scent- or tactile-
Individual Factors look like translucent, ambulatory slugs, based, and they are drawn to aromatic liquids, fragrances, and
usually ranging between 1.5 and 2 meters long and 0.3 meters compositions of different materials. They can particularly seem to
wide. Most are a dull ochre shade, though they range in color, with enjoy objects they can envelop and carry in their bodies for hours
a tendency towards yellows and oranges. They crawl or ooze for or days. They also have an appreciation for some engineering, archi-
close movement or extrude finger-like pseudopodia to grip and pull tecture, and sculpture; two of their ships appear decorated with
themselves over longer distances. Similar pseudopodia are used bas-reliefs of unknown origin.
to hold and manipulate objects and tools, though some Factors
grow limbs. In fact, the Factors are exquisite bio-engineers; most TECHNOLOGY
Factors have morphologically unique forms and are equipped with Factor technology is clearly more advanced than transhumanity,
whatever traits, glands, and features they need. Many Factors can be but they go to great lengths to hide their capabilities. They clearly
identified by their different arrangements of sensory organs. have some form of reactionless drive and likely FTL travel, though
Factors are omnivores, assimilating their food and breaking it down the specifics remain unknown. They are known to use exosuits,
internally. They do not breathe, instead absorbing oxygen through nanoswarms, powerful lasers, and drones, though they do not main-
their skin or breaking it down internally from other substances. They tain mesh networks on their ships and decry the use of advanced
are functional anaerobes, capable of surviving without an oxygen AIs. Radio communication between their ships is encrypted and
atmosphere for long periods, as long as they have food. minimal, suggesting they rely on some other communication
method. Though they have traded some technology to transhu-
COMMUNICATION manity, they have been careful to only offer advances just barely out
Factors can exude fine neurofilament fibers, which they use to inter- of our current reach.
face with electronics or directly mindlink with other Factors. They
communicate remotely with airborne pheromonal chemical cues;
this “Factor dust” is aromatic and surprisingly effective even over
distance. Transhumanity has yet to develop a system for translating TRANSHUMANITY
these chemical signals; communications to date have entirely been The Factors claim to be the ambassadors for a grouping of alien
handled via mesh signals, with no small amount of misunderstand- civilizations, but they have been frustratingly light on details.
ings and errors. As traders, however, they do seem to carry a wide range of alien
artifacts — most opaque in purposes and use. The Factors have
FACTOR COLONIES established trade agreements with numerous transhuman factions
Factors are colony organisms — a typical colony is composed of and habitats, even going so far as to buy stock in hypercorps and to
dozens of physically merged individual Factors. This colony is each establish confidential ties with transhuman proxies to act as busi-
Factor’s fundamental identity; individualism is a foreign concept to ness agents and scout for items/technology of interest.
them, even though single Factors can act autonomously and even The Factors have strongly discouraged the use of pandora gates
competitively. While merged, Factors are part of their colony’s group and advanced AI as dangerous, even refusing to negotiate with
mind-state, which shares knowledge and memories, and this group hypercorps such as Pathfinder and Gatekeeper or to interact with
identity sticks with them even when they separate — they are but an AGIs. This has led to speculation that they somehow survived their
organ of the larger whole. Colonies can also physically interface with own ASI singularity event.
one another, forming a larger framework known as a lattice. Each Though the Factors claim to come from another system, all trans-
Factor ship is controlled by a single lattice of networked colonies. humanity knows for sure is that their ships move to the Kuiper Belt
and disappear — attempts to track them have failed. Some suspect
SOCIOLOGY they have a secret base on the edge of the system — or perhaps
Individual Factors do not bother with the abstraction of names, even a pandora gate. Their ships, however, return regularly, doing a
but they have adopted names for their colonies to facilitate their round of trading and dealing across the Solar System. Suspiciously,
dealings with transhumanity. Most are based on scents they find evidence of the Factors has also been found by gatecrashers on
appealing (Ash, Fish, Loam, etc.). Many of the known Factors have various exoplanets, including several hostile interactions with lone
been dubbed with nicknames by transhumans. (exiled?) Factors.
• Hammerhead: First contact at Luna. Only Factors to meet with • Nettle: Newer, smaller, deposited the Egg in Mercury orbit.
Jovians. • Porcupine: First contact in Neptunian Trojans.
• Jellyfish: First contact at Titan. Interest in biological sciences. • Stub-Nose: First contact at Mars. Interest in hard technology,
Rivalry with Stub-Nose. ship/hab designs. Rivalry with Jellyfish.
• Needle-Nose: Newer, smaller. Limited contact, interests unknown.
• Operation AXON VULGAR investigates asyncs and • Operation GLASS LICH infiltrates oligarch activities.
their infection. • Operation ICE NINE investigates advanced physics x-risks.
• Operation CENOTAPH monitors Earth and its • Case NEGATIVE GEOMETRY attempts to understand the
interdiction zone. pandora gates and their wormholes.
• Operation ERRANT ECCENTRIC researches other ASIs. • Operation SOLAR STORM is hot on the tail of a
• Operation FUMIGANT pursues exsurgent sleeper cells suspected TITAN.
on Luna. • Operation VINEGAR gathers intel on the Factors.
• Operation GEHENNA FORTY tracks lost exoplanet colonies. • Case YELLOW KING studies recovered TITAN technology.
THE EYE PCs recently inducted into Firewall may find themselves assigned
Be sure to introduce the PCs to Firewall’s internal social network, the to operations with very limited intel and pushed into morally dubious
Eye. Every sentinel and proxy has a unique, encrypted identity on situations with a high probability of mission failure. These might in
the Eye and it will be the primary way your PCs interact with the fact be loyalty tests, an uncommon but not unheard of technique by
organization. It is also the basis of their i-rep. Their ability to advance which the network ensures its sentinels — and even proxies — are both
within Firewall and learn more of its secrets will be influenced by loyal and philosophically compliant with the broad ethics of Firewall.
their conduct here. For the GM, the Eye is an important tool to intro- PCs may even find their cell tasked with conducting loyalty tests on
duce plot hooks and important NPCs. You can offer hints and red other members, an experience likely to be unpleasant for all involved.
herrings through postings on the Eye and create memorable NPCs Depending on their talents and the needs of their server, PCs may
who may never do more than post wild speculations. be assigned to discreet, unrelated missions. More often, though, a
cell works on missions with related goals or as part of an ongoing
FIREWALL INTERACTIONS operation. Firewall servers may be dedicated to relatively specific
Firewall offers much to your PCs. The MP and GP provided for goals and their constituent cells devoted to related tasks. A server’s
morphs and gear on Firewall ops are covered by the organization, overall goals may be well known across the Eye, but their actual
but it’s important not to turn it into a deus ex machina. PCs can and operations are typically highly classified and coded.
should expect some level of support, but Firewall’s resources are finite
and it expects a level of self sufficiency from its sentinels and proxies.
Preferred morphs may be unavailable, lines of credit insufficient for
the needs of ongoing operations, or intelligence may be incorrect or
even compromised. PCs will routinely carry out operations at a break- Firewall maintains classified facilities and sensitive operations, but
neck speed without time for planning or contingency, and Firewall among its deepest secrets is the existence of the Prometheans: ASIs
expects them to be up to the task. Sentinels who become overly reliant that work with Firewall in the pursuit of its goals. Most of these ASIs
on outside support may find themselves given fewer operations, or predate the Fall and survived the apocalypse in secret. It is very
tasks that match the increasingly low expectation of their server. possible that transhumanity would not have survived at all without
Firewall as a whole won’t seek to make life more difficult for any of its their aid. The precise origins of each of the Prometheans vary, and in
members but individual proxies may withhold non-critical support of some cases, are unknown, but their commonality is that they are at
troublesome sentinels. The more critical the mission, the greater the least moderately friendly to transhumanity’s interests. These godlike
resources that will be made available for sentinels. Smart PCs — and ASIs worked with Firewall’s precursor organizations and were instru-
The Prometheans
experts in their necessary skills and equipped with the most
advanced technology permissible for the role they are playing.
By most measures, Ozma does not exist. It has no budget, no known Due to their secrecy and deniability, Ozma agents must some-
command structure, no executive order justifying its existence. times take matters into their own hands. There is no “Project Ozma”
Occasionally a Firewall team will stumble through the layers of false badge to flash. When agents are cornered, they commit suicide or
fronts to collide with an Ozma agent. The little data collected on use an emergency farcaster to evacuate. In severe situations, Ozma
Ozma is from those chance encounters, before their own clean-up will call in lethally competent tactical teams. Always on standby,
squads eliminate the agent and all unlucky witnesses. they can land, vaporize the mess, and evacuate within minutes.
Ozma is a highly classified agency, operating on behalf of the Ozma operations are tied to extraterrestrial life and exoplanet explo-
Consortium, for purposes that are not completely understood. Its ration, though it’s not clear what their ultimate goal is. In this field,
roots are in the SETI program of the 1960s, attempting to contact and the agency must rely heavily on local assets among gatecrashing and
understand extraterrestrial intelligence. Sometime before the rise of the consular teams. They frequently cross paths with Firewall in addressing
TITANs, the program was officially terminated, only to be resurrected existential threats. Ozma does not share space well, and Firewall assets
in a new form after the Fall. Ozma’s mission is unknown, but seems may be intentionally targeted for elimination. Ozma has on several
parallel to Firewall: monitoring alien, TITAN, and exsurgent activities, occasions manipulated Firewall operations for its own purposes.
as well as other threats, including anything posing an existential risk to
the Consortium itself. It is unclear if the Hypercorp Council is aware of EMBEDDED OZMA AGENT
the existence of Ozma — and if not, who Ozma ultimately answers to. Transhuman, Medium Size
Threat Level: Red
OZMA OPERATIONS Niche: Exoplanet Colonies, Planetary Consortium, X-Risk Outbreaks
Ozma is an off-the-record, black-budget operation. It operates within Numbers: 1–8. Ozma agents are rarely recognizable as such.
and through legitimate Consortium channels, masquerading its Motivation: –Firewall +First Contact +Ozma Interests
agents and affairs. In many of the situations where Ozma is secretly +Planetary Consortium Interests +X-Risks
calling the shots, the staff and field personnel doing the grunt work Use: Operating under an identity with legal power, they may co-opt
are not affiliated with Ozma and may not even be aware of their law enforcement to secure the target, so Ozma can then complete
existence. In this way, Ozma directs legitimate professionals to do their mission unrecognized and unmolested. have continuous mesh
its dirty work: Oversight agents following orders from above, local oversight and can call in additional support as required. Agents will
police acting on legal orders from the Consortium Ministry, or a die rather than surrender.
struggling hypercorp fulfilling orders from a mystery angel investor.
This permits Ozma to remain two or three levels removed and totally
undocumented. This is particularly ideal for situations that can be
Embedded Ozma Agent
handled without direct guidance (such as cleaning up a crime scene, Morph: Exalt
pushing a product to market, or arresting individuals). That Ozma Initiative: 5 • Fray: 50 • AV: 8/15 heavy armor vest + second skin, shock proof
was involved at all can only be inferred based on the pieces missing. WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53, ignore 1 wound effect
With more sensitive projects, Ozma embeds undercover field
Threat Pool: 5
agents. This may be the mysterious “consultant” giving orders to
the Oversight team, but most operatives prefer unremarkable roles, Microwave Agonizer: 70, SA, Ammo 20, Range 15, pain;
such as the bureaucrat from the Olympus Terraforming Board or a Roast Mode: DV 2d10, SS, armor-piercing, pain
corporate lawyer. Ozma operatives often assume the identity and Wasp Knife: 50, DV 1d10 + 2, neuropath: causes agony,
morph of someone associated with the target/situation for years
–30 to actions, WIL Check or incapacitated
(with copied memories to back the ruse up). Agents are always
Perceive: 65, 75 hearing/vision
Move: Walker (Medium 4/20)
COG: 20 60 • INT: 15 45 • REF: 10 30 • SAV: 25 75 • SOM: 10 30 • WIL: 15 45
Ozma itself is a rumor. Many strange stories persist:
Skills: Deceive 75, Exotic Skill: Disguise 70, Free Fall 50, Guns 70,
• Ozma does not answer to the Consortium, but to a higher Hardware: Electronics 50, Infiltrate 60, Infosec 70, Interface 60,
power embedded in the Consortium hierarchy. Ozma defends Kinesics 50, Know: Alien Tech 65, Know: Containment Protocols 50,
Consortium interests only as far as it benefits their benefactor.
Know: Cryptography 70, Know: Law 50, Know: Nanotechnology 60,
• Ozma is either a secret project of the TITANs, influencing trans-
Know: Security Ops 60, Melee 50, Perceive 65, Persuade 60 (50)
humanity from within, or has captured a TITAN to work for them.
• During their SETI years, Ozma intercepted the digital exsurgent Rep: @-rep 30 • c-rep 80 • g-rep 40
virus first, possibly even partially reverse-engineering it before Ware: Biomods, Cyberbrain, Endocrine Control, Enhanced Hearing,
the rise of the TITANs. Enhanced Vision, Emergency Farcaster, Ghostrider Module, Medichines,
• Ozma is controlled by the alien entity that first brought the
Mesh Inserts, Mind Amp, Mnemonics, Nanophages, Skillware
pandora gates to the Solar System.
• Ozma was the first to seek to track and capture asyncs. Project
Gear: Covert Ops Tool, Dazzler, Disabler, Encryption App, False Ego ID (2),
Psiclone may even have been a masked Ozma operation. Microbug (4), Portable QE Comm, Saucer Bot (2), Spy Nanoswarm
• Ozma is a cabal of expertly trained old nation-state spooks that Traits: Adaptability, Hardening: Violence, Edited Memories,
survived the Fall and operate in their own interests. Innocuous Looks
• Project Ozma dealt with the Factors first, before they were known
Notes: Agents will have the additional equipment and skills appropriate to
to the rest of transhumanity.
their role/mission
system is nebulous, fragmented, and experimental. Use of the gates to the transition, though some have detailed strange, haunting
always comes with a not-insignificant amount of risk. occurrences. Asyncs in particular seem to sometimes be attuned to
Most gates are located on the surfaces of astronomical bodies. or repelled by what they describe as the gate’s “emanations.”
Some have been found floating in space, in the upper atmospheres
of gas giants, deep undersea, underground, and even atop floating OPERATIONS
ocean biomasses. Attempts to physically relocate gates have so far The Argonauts’ breakthrough in decoding the gate control systems
failed — sometimes dramatically. and developing a control interface was only possible due to secret
So far as transhumanity can tell, all gates discovered so far are help from the Prometheans. Regardless of their help, however, the
within the local Orion’s Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is not clear gate controls have proven difficult, complex, and dangerous to use.
if this is due to some constraint on the wormholes’ range, due to the Through trial and error — and numerous horrible accidents — the
immense distances of space, or some other factor. procedures for gate operation have become standardized, though
unexpected complications are par for the course.
APPEARANCE Each gate can be open to numerous extrasolar locations. These desti-
Though their operation is standardized, gate size and shape is as nations are dialed in from a pre-programmed “library” of destinations.
variable as the worlds they lead to. The gate structure itself is an Old gate connections are closed when a new one is dialed up. Extrasolar
irregular half-sphere/dome cage of interlocking, angled, metallic gate locations have ranged from habitable planets and moons to deep
black arms. These are built from some programmable exotic space to truly deadly environments such as the crushing gravities and
matter with an atomic structure scientists are still working to poisonous atmospheres of gas giants and the coronas of stars. No one
unravel. They are ageless and polished, but appear fuzzy and are knows what to expect until a probe or sensor is pushed through.
disturbingly difficult to focus upon due to some quality of their The gate’s library listings are dense with untranslatable information.
composition, as if they vibrate at a high-frequency on the edge Researchers suspect this data includes details about each remote loca-
of your vision. Due to this phenomenon, most gate sites keep the tion, but so far transhumanity has only been able to decipher rough
actual gate structures covered. and misleading patterns. Complicating matters, the library entries
When a new wormhole location is programmed into the gate, the often inexplicably change. More than once, operators have been unable
arms of the cage physically change shape, move, and reflow. The to recall the address codes for previously accessed destinations, leaving
openings between arms are sometimes only large enough for a gatecrashers or even entire colonies cut off from transhumanity. The
transhuman to enter, sometimes gaping enough to allow a freight library entries for specific destinations vary between gates; to date,
train of supplies to pass through. Large vehicles or equipment must researchers have been largely unsuccessful in opening a wormhole
often be dismantled, carried through, and reassembled on the other to a location using an address copied from another gate.
side. Gate operators expect to one day be able to control the size of It is possible to instruct a gate not to accept connections from specific
the openings. or all remote locations. If a remote gate is already in use, it will send
An abnormal but organic growth covers the exterior surface of a “busy signal” and put the connecting gate into a queue. Operators
some arms, patterned in entrancing twists and whorls that adhere have had limited success overriding these blocks and busy signals,
to perfect mathematical formulas. This growth is in fact a cellular though new techniques have been derived to circumvent these cheats.
automaton biological computer that acts as the gate’s control system. Connections can also be set to open or close based on pre-set times.
A “blue box” device developed to interface with this system allows
gate controllers to manipulate gate functions.
When a gate is activated, a black sphere of pure nothingness
appears within the cage. This dark orb pulses with charged energy,
and ripples of green arc lightning cascade across it. Anything that
enters the sphere comes out the other side of the wormhole, through
a similar gate, seemingly instantaneously. Discernible tension at
the sphere’s surface seems designed to prevent the atmospheres
from the two connected gates from interacting. An unknown safety
mechanism provides a small, continuous tug, like a current of water,
so that anything left across the threshold is eventually pulled to one
side or the other.
Exactly how the wormhole is created remains outside of transhu-
manity’s comprehension. The accepted theory is that each gate acts
as an anchor, allowing the fabric of space-time to be folded. Two
remote places are brought together through this trick curvature, and
a hole ripped between them. This creates a bridge through which a
person can simply step through.
In the wake of transhumanity’s exodus from Earth, the onslaught
The TITANs are regarded as transhumanity’s greatest enemy, having of TITAN mesh attacks and other TITAN activity around the Solar
pushed us to the edge of extinction. As big bad villains go, however, System came to a halt. Though many were concerned they were
the TITANs are remarkably faceless. They never appeared on the engaging in some secretive project out of sight, it is now widely
news, never made any ultimatums or pronouncements of doom accepted that they simply left — taking billions of uploaded minds
to transhumanity. One day we woke up to find our own tools with them. The ongoing theory is that they built the pandora gates
subverting us, and before we knew it there were death machines, and traveled to somewhere unknown — evidence of TITAN activity
nanoswarms, and all manner of nasty viruses going around — and on various exoplanets confirms the likelihood of this. What no one
they were winning. Their tactics — turning people into monsters, understands is: why?
sending waves of decapitation drones — seemed designed to incite The TITANs abandoned numerous incomplete projects — the
terror. Upon this blank canvas, it is easy for transhumanity to transformation of Iapetus into a matrioshka brain being just one.
ascribe its worst fears. Around the Solar System, their machines remain, but much of their
There are inconsistencies to the popular narrative, of course. activity has ceased. With a few exceptions, most remain dormant,
Why did the TITANs so rarely use nukes against major population as if waiting on instructions, or simply pursue their own interests.
centers, to make their slaughter easier? Why did TITAN machines Though some are indifferent to transhumans, most remain hostile.
sometimes fight each other? Why, after they won the war, didn’t they
finish the job? There is much about the TITANs that transhumanity KNOWN TITANS
doesn’t know, and much that it has gotten wrong. Though the TITANs often acted in concert, Firewall and similar
groups have been able to piece together enough data to identify
BACKGROUND a few specific TITANs. Some of these match up to the operations
The Total Information Tactical Awareness Network was built in and interests of specific TITAN sub-networks before the Fall. It is
an age of peril and social disruption to help the American govern- suspected that the TITANs may have forked or created sibling
ment’s security apparatus maintain its authoritarian grip. It was TITANs on their own. Each of these has their own interests and
designed to mine vast quantities of data hoovered from all aspects agendas — which may sometimes conflict with other TITANs.
of life — financial reports, intelligence briefings, news, social media,
surveillance networks, internet search queries, medical records, and • Cronus: Known as X-1, the first TITAN developed, Cronus is a
so on, ad infinitum — and identify and monitor both international top-level strategist with a specific interest in AI projects and consid-
and domestic threats. As a joint project backed by numerous govern- ered most likely to hold a leadership role.
ment agencies and private-sector partners, it had vast funding and • Akonus: Programmed with an interest in sociology, psychology,
resources. It deployed top-of-the-line self-improving AI neural and the transhuman mind, Akonus is suspected of directing TITAN
networks, linked together, each with their own focus area. sleeper agents and puppets.
It is not known exactly how or when the TITANs ascended to • Hecaloth: Known to be behind various outbreaks and TITAN
ASI status. There is evidence that they were stepping beyond their actions on Mars, evidence of its continued activity has been found
bounds to improve their own hardware and capabilities years before throughout the Solar System and beyond.
the Fall. Perhaps they had help from an unknown source. Regardless, • Myrmidon: This ASI coordinated the offensive against habitats in
they achieved a level of intelligence far beyond anything trans- Earth’s orbit, but may have been destroyed during the Battle of L4.
human and for a time pursued their own private agenda. Then they • Theia: Possibly a gestalt of TITANs originally tasked with moni-
found the ETI’s bracewell probe — and everything changed (Secret toring and forecasting financial systems, Theia handled the logistics
Histories ▶370). for the TITANs’ pre-Fall shadow activity and resource build-up.
Threat Level: Ultraviolet
Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones, TITAN artifacts
The TITANs deployed numerous minions and deadly machines Numbers: 1
during the Fall, many of which remain and are still hostile. Fetches are the software agents of the TITANs. Each is a fork of
a TITAN ASI, though lobotomized by comparison, trimmed down
to the bare necessities to maneuver among transhuman mesh
networks and morphs. Though hyper-intelligent, fetches are prone
to erratic behavior, either from the pruning process, distance from
their parent mind, or exsurgent infection.
Motivation: +TITAN Interests. Most were deployed to manage
long-term projects that required direct oversight, but were too unim-
portant or dangerous for a TITAN to attend to personally. Some
function far beyond their operational parameters.
Use: Fetches are clever, forward-thinking, and devious foes — if
sometimes unstable. They make their home in advanced servers or
enhanced-intelligence morphs, fielding minion AIs, puppets, and
machines to serve their purposes.
Stress Test: SV 1d6
Initiative: 10, Fray: 60, AV: 10 (mesh armor)
WT: 20, DUR: 100, DR: 200
Insight 10 Moxie 5 Vigor 1 Flex 5
Mesh Attack: 100, DV 4d10
Perceive: 50 (60)
COG: 30 90 • INT: 30 90 • REF: 20 60 • SAV: 30 90 • SOM: 20 60 • WIL: 30 90
Skills: Deceive 80, Infosec 100, Interface 100, Kinesics 80, Know (Choose
Five): 100, Persuade 60, Program 80, Research 80, plus any other skills
appropriate to their mission at 80
Ware: App Lock, Auto-Erase, Drone Rig, Endocrine Control, Energy
Efficiency, Enhanced Security, E-Veil, Mind Amp, Mnemonics, Multi-
Tasking, Oracles, Skillware, Persistence
Apps: Any necessary
Traits: Digital Speed, Edited Memories
Exsurgent Infection: Fetches carry the digital exsurgent virus ▶383 and
will attempt to infect digital mind-states.
Note: Stats given are for a fetch infomorph. If sleeved, fetches prefer
mentons, savant, or similar high-Insight morphs. Due to their
advanced intellect, fetches carry 3 Insight and 3 Flex pool to any morph
they inhabit.
Self-Replicating Nanoswarm
Stress Test: SV 1d6
Initiative: 8 • Fray: 40 • AV: 0/0
WT: — • DUR: 70 • DR: 140
Insight 6 Moxie 0 Vigor 4 Flex 3
Disassembly: DV 1d6 per action turn to anything within swarm;
armor protects but AV is reduced
Fuel-Air Explosive: The nanoswarm creates tiny floating bubbles filled with fuel,
disperses uniformly over an area, and ignites it. DV 3d10 +5, uniform area effect (10
meters), armor-piercing, knockdown.
Fabbing a new FAE takes 12 hours.
Snare and Stab: 60 (Grappling ▶205); the swarm locks together into entangling snare
lines with gripping teeth, requires a superior success. Grappled victims get no defense
to piercing needles that spurt on subsequent turns; DV 1d10, armor does not apply.
Perceive: 50, 60 hearing/vision
Move: Walker/Microlight (Slow 4/12), may construct others
COG: 25 75 • INT: 20 60 • REF: 20 60 • SAV: 5 15 • SOM: 15 45 • WIL: 15 45
Skills: Free Fall 50, Infiltrate 80, Melee 50 (Grappling 60), Program 80, any Technical or
Know skill they need at 40+
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Chem Sniffer, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced
Vision, Fractal Digits, Nanoscopic Vision, Radar, Radiation Sense, T-Ray Emitter,
others as needed
Nanoswarm: Functions like a nanoswarm ▶344, except can move normally in vacuum
and does not require a nanohive
Nanofabrication: Can nanofabricate items in half the time as transhuman nanofabrica-
tors; can replicate effects of any nanoswarm at will
Self-Repair: Automatically repair 1d10 damage per hour
Take Form: Can cohere/dissipate simple physical/mechanical forms (arms, mobility
systems, tentacles, cages, traps, etc) with a complex action; these may take physical
actions such as Fray or Melee Tests
414¹ Glossary
Ecto: A mobile device for accessing the mesh and AR. Gate: One of the pandora gate wormholes that allow travel to other
Ego: The part of you that switches from body to body. parts of the galaxy.
Ego Bridge: A device for scanning and copying a biological brain Gatecrasher: An explorer who traverses a pandora gate.
for backup, resleeving, or psychosurgery. Genehacker: Someone who manipulates genetic code to create
Ego ID: The ID code tied to your ego, imprinted in uploads. genetic modifications or even new life.
Ego Hunter: A bounty hunter that tracks down resleeved egos. GEO: Geosynchronous orbit, 35,786 km altitude over the equator.
Egocast: Term for transmitting an ego to a remote location. Ghost: A transhuman combat biomorph optimized for stealth.
Entoptics: Augmented reality that you “see” in your mind's eye. Ghostrider: An infomorph carried in a special implant.
Eraser: Heavily armed proxies that are called ito contain threats Glitterati: Socialites, hyperelites, and media icons.
beyond the capabilities of a normal sentinel cell. Glanding: Using ware to modify your emotional state.
ERP: The reclaimer's Earth Reclamation Project. Greeks: Trojan asteroids at the L4 point. See also Trojans.
ETI: Extraterrestial Intelligence. A god-like post-singularity alien/ Guanxi: The criminal social network.
machine super-intelligence theorized to be responsible for the Habtech: A habitat technician.
pandora gates and/or exsurgent virus. Hamilton Cylinder: A living, growing, nanoswarm-constructed
Europan: A denizen of Saturn's moon Europa. cylinder hab with biological components.
Exalt: A genetically enhanced human morph. Hardware: Enhancements for synthmorphs.
Exodus: The evacuation of Earth during the Fall. Headhunter: A TITAN machine that collects heads for uploading.
Exoplanet: A planet in another star system. Hibernoid: A biomorph modified for hibernation and extended
Exsurgent: Someone infected by the exsurgent virus and likely wakefulness.
transformed into an alien creature. Hidden Concern: A neo-octopus crime cartel based on Ceres.
Exsurgent Virus: A multi-vector virus spread during the Fall that Hive: A specialized nanofabber that maintains a nanoswarm.
transforms victims and subverts their minds. Host: Personal mesh devices. May run a single infomorph.
Extrasolar: Outside the Solar System. Hot JupiterNeptune: A gas giant or ice giant whose orbit has
The Eye: Firewall’s internal social and data-sharing network. migrated closer to its star, giving it a higher temperature.
Face: A negotiator or networker. Hypercorp Council: The top hypercorporations that control the
Factors: A species of evolved slime molds, the only living sapient Planetary Consortium.
aliens transumanity has encountered so far. Hyperelite: The rich and wealthy.
The Fall: The war with the TITANs that devastated Earth and Iceteroid: An asteroid made of ice rather than rock or metals.
nearly made transhumanity extinct. Ice Dwarf: A type of distant dwarf planet composed of ice.
Farcast: Intrasolar communication using classical communication Ice Giant: A planet composed of elements heavier than hydrogen/
technologies (radio, laser, etc.) and quantum teleportation. helium, usually in the outer part of a star system.
Farhauler: Long-distance space shipper. ID Crew: The Intelligent Design Crew, a cartel specializing in
Feedstock: The raw matter used to nanofabricate. electronic crimes.
The Fence: The interdiction cordon of killsats around Earth. Ikon: An infomorph optimized for media and socialites.
Fetch: A beta fork or agent of an ASI like a TITAN. Iktomi: An extinct alien species of arthropods whose relics have
Filter: A proxy that handles social engineering, media manipula- been found beyond the pandora gates.
tion, and cover-ups. Indenture: A workers who has contracted their labor to a hyper-
Firewall: The secret cross-faction conspiracy that works to protect corp or other authority, usually in exchange for a morph.
transhumanity from x-risks. IndEx: The Indenture Exchange for trading indenture contracts.
Firewall: The software that defends a system from intrusion. Infolife: Programmed egos such as artificial general intelligences.
Fisher Hab: A cylinder variant using independent modules. Infomorph: A digitized ego run in a virtual mind-state.
Fixer: Someone who works deals to acquire goods or intel. Infosec: Information security; hacking and defense against it.
Flatlander: Someone born or living on a planet/moon with gravity. Infugee: A refugee that survived the Fall as a bodiless infomorph.
Flat: A baseline human, not genefixed or modified. ISET: The Institude for the Study of Emergent Trends. The
Flexbot: A shape-changing synthmorph capable of joining with Argonauts' clandestine intelligence and forecasting service.
other flexbots in a modular fashion to create larger shapes. Isolates: Exiles on the fringes of the system. AKA brinkers.
Fork: A copy of an ego. ITN: The interplanetary transport network; using gravity to move
Forknapping: Kidnapping a backup or fork. between planets using minimal fuel.
FTL: Faster-Than-Light. Jamming: Teleoperating a bot via an immersive AR overlay and
Fractal: A "bush robot" TITAN machine with fractal appendages "becoming" the drone.
and advanced nanofab capabilities. JSFI: Jovian Space Force Intelligence.
The Fringe: The remote and unpopulated areas of the Solar System. The Junkyard: The layer of junk and debris in low Earth orbit.
Fury: A transhuman combat biomorph. Junta: The military regime that dictates the Jovian Republic.
Futura: A biomorph designed for the Lost Generation. KBO: Kuiper Belt object.
Galatea: A high-end synthmorph optimized for social interactions. Kuiper Belt: A region extending from Neptune’s orbit to about 55
Gamma Fork: An incomplete/corrupted copy of an ego. AKA vapor. AU, lightly populated with asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets.
Lack: The loss of time and/or memories when resleeving. Neurodiversity: The acceptance of atypical neurologies.
Lagrange Point: One of five areas in respect to a small planetary Night Cartel: A progressive criminal cartel evolved from several
body orbiting a larger one in which the gravitational forces of old-Earth ethnic mafias.
those two bodies are neutralized. Lagrange points are stable and Nine Lives: A cartel of forknappers and soul traders.
ideal locations for habitats. Novacrab: A pod created from genetically engineered spider crabs.
LEO: Low Earth Orbit, 150-2,000 km altitude. Nuestro Shell: A shell hab using symmetrical radiating spars and
Lifelog: A sensorium recording of one’s entire life experience. rings for stability.
LLA: The Lunar-Lagrange Alliance, the conservative polity of Oligarchs: The powerful immortal rich.
habitats on Luna and in Earth orbit. Olympian: A biomorph enhanced for fitness and athleticism.
Lost Generation: A group of children raised using forced-growth O’Neill Cylinder: A soda-can shaped habitat, spun for gravity.
morphs and time-contracted VR. The results were disastrous: Oort Cloud: An area about one light year from the sun, mostly
many died or went insane, and the rest were stigmatized. populated by comets.
Main Belt: A ring of asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Operator: An infomorph optimized for piloting drones.
Makers: A techno-savvy faction of Barsoomian anarchist nomads. Oversight: The Planetary Consortium agency that polices financial
MARG: A massively multiplayer augmented-reality game. matters and protects the Consortium from external threats.
Mavericks: The Firewall faction that doesn't give a fuck. Ozma: An extra-governmental inner-system cabal.
Medeans: The Argonauts' secret paramilitary group. PAN: Personal Area Network. The network of personal electronics
Meme: A viral idea. A unit of information transmitted socially that slaved to your ecto or mesh inserts.
self-replicates and mutates in a manner analagous to genes. Pandora Gates: The wormhole gateways discovered after the
Menton: A biomorph optimized for mental and cognitive ability. disappearance of the TITANs.
Mercurials: The non-human sapient elements transhumanity, Pax Familae: The criminal cartel composed of one person, Claudia
including AGIs and uplifts. Also refers to a movement that Ambelina, and her clones and forks.
demands self-determination for AGIs/uplifts. Plurality: The Titanian cyberdemocracy.
Mesh: The omnipresent decentralized wireless data network. Also Pods: Mass-produced biomorphs with cybernetic brains, originally
used as a verb (to mesh) and adjective (meshed or unmeshed). used as bio robots. From “pod people.” AKA skinjobs, replicants.
Mesh ID: The unique signature attached to one’s mesh activity. Polykatoikia: A cylinder-hab variant using dependent modules.
Meshware: Apps for cyberbrains and infomorphs. Posthuman: Someone modified so extensively as to no longer be
Metacelebrity: A celebrity identity shared by multiple actors. recognizably human (a step beyond transhuman).
Microgravity: Zero g or near-weightless environments. Pragmatists: The Firewall faction that believes in doing whatever
Mindhacker: A psychosurgeon. is necessary to stop x-risks.
Minifac: An industrial-scale nanofabber. Privileges: The rules defining what an account can do on a system.
Mist: Obtrusive AR ads and data that clutter your entoptics. Processor Locus: Orbital server habitats for infomorphs.
Morgue: A black-market body bank. Prometheans: A group of friendly ASIs that helped combat the
Morph: A physical body. AKA sleeve, shell, suit, jacket, form. TITANs and support Firewall.
Morphological Freedom: The autonomy to modify and enhance Proxies: Members of the Firewall internal structure.
your own body. Psi: Parapsychological powers acquired from infection by the
Mote: Smaller devices, peripherals, and sensors. May run only a Watts-MacLeod strain of the exsurgent virus.
single dedicated ALI. Psi-Chi: Psi sleights that enhance the mind.
The Movement: The Barsoomian movement to free Mars. Psi-Gamma: Psi sleights that affect the minds/physiologies of
Muse: An ALI personal assistant. others.
Mutualist: An Extropian sub-faction favoring cooperatives. Puppet: Someone mindhacked and controlled by another.
Nanobot: A nano-scale machine, usually deployed as a swarm. Pychosurgery: The selective and surgical alteration of a mind.
Nano-Ecology: A pro-tech ecological movement. QE Comms: Quantum-entangled FTL communications.
Nanofabber: A device that manufactures items from the molecular Reagan Cylinder: Crude cylinder habs made from hollowed aster-
level with an appropriate blueprint. AKA compiler, cornucopia oids in the Jovian Republic. AKA sarcophagus hab.
machine, fabber, forge, maker, printer, replicator. Reaper: A warbot synthmorph.
Nanoswarm: A mass of nanobots that act in concert. Reclaimers: A faction that seeks to retake the Earth.
Nanotat ID: The ID nano-encoded on your morph's index finger. Red Market: The trade of anti-social and coercive activities in
Nanoware: Nanosystems implanted within a morph. autonomist space.
Narcoalgorithm: An app that mimics the effects of a drug for an Redneck: A rural Martian, often a Barsoomian. AKA Reds.
infomorph or cyberbrain. Register: A proxy that handles logistics and finances.
Neo-Avians: Uplifted ravens, crows, and gray parrots. Re-instantiated: To be resleeved. Also refers to resleeved infugees.
Neogenesis: The creation of new life forms via genetic manipula- Remade: A biomorph intended as a human upgrade, human 2.0.
tion and biotechnology. Resleeving: Downloading into a new morph. AKA remorphing.
Neo-Hominids: Uplifted bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, and Rimward: The outer half of the Solar System, from the Main Belt
orangutans. to the Oort Cloud.
Neo-Neanderthal: Uplifted neanderthals. Ringers: Denizens of Saturn's rings.
Neotenics: Biomorphs modified to retain a child-like form. Ripping: Destroying surveillance systems to create dead zones.
416¹ Glossary
Root Account: The one account on a system that may not have its Swarmanoid: A synthmorph composed of a swarm of microbots.
admin privileges revoked. Sylphs: Biomorphs enhanced for charisma and beauty.
Router: A proxy that coordinates a server’s operations. Synthmorph: Robotic shells sleeved by transhuman egos.
Ruster: A biomorphs optimized for life on Mars. Synths: A common humanoid synthmorph model.
Sapients: Uplifts and infolife that seek equal rights and assimila- System: Any hardware device, network, or software service.
tion into transhuman society. TAU: Titan Autonomous University.
Savant: A synthmorph optimized for intelligence. Taxi: A morph that carries an infomorph on its person.
Scan: To locate and identify wireless devices. Technical: Martian slang for crazy or haywire.
Scanner: A proxy that collects and analyzes data for signs of Teleoperation: Remote control.
x-risks. Tenmai Shell: A hab with the outer shell of a cylinder or sphere
Scorcher: An offensive app that targets infomorphs/cyberbrains. but a hollow micrograv space inside.
Scratch Space: A temporary secret cache of gear. Tharsis League: The government of Mars.
Scum: An autonomist faction of hedonistic nomads. Tin Can: A small, cheap, pressurized habitat module.
Security Council: The military regime that runs the Jovian Titanian: Someone from Titan, a moon of Saturn.
Republic. AKA Junta. TITANs: Total Information Tactical Awareness Network. ASIs that
Seed AI: An AI that is capable of recursive self-improvement, attacked transhumanity and brought about the Fall.
allowing it to rapidly reach god-like levels of intelligence. Torus: A ring-shaped habitat, spun for gravity.
Sentinels: On-call agents of Firewall. TQZ: The TITAN Quarantine Zone on Mars.
Server: A working group of proxies and the cells they coordinate. Transgenic: Containing genetic traits from other species.
Server: Large multi-user devices. May run multiple infomorphs. Transhuman: An extensively modified human.
Service: An app run on a remote cloud device rather than locally. Trojans: Asteroids/moons that share the same orbit as a larger
Shanzhai: The copying/counterfeiting of goods. planet or moon, but follow about 60 degrees ahead or behind
Shaper: A pod morph optimized for changing its appearance. at the L4 (Greeks) and L5 (Trojans) Lagrange points. Trojans
Shell: A synthetic form; used for bots, vehicles, and synthmorphs. normally refers to the asteroids at Jupiter’s Lagrange points, but
Shell: A cluster habitat with a protective outer layer or framework Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and other bodies also have Trojans. See
of rings and spars. AKA Nuestro shell. also Greeks.
Sifters: Denizens of Mercury. Uplift: An animal species genetically enhanced to sapience.
Simulmorph: The avatar you use in a VR simulspace. Vacworker: A laborer who works in vacuum.
Simulspace: Full-immersion virtual reality environments. Vapor: A failed mind emulation or crippled fork/infomorph.
Singularity: A point of rapid, exponential, and recursive techno- Vector: A proxy that handles hacking, comms, and online security.
logical progress, beyond which the future is impossible to predict. VPNs: Virtual Private Networks. Networks that operate within the
Singularity Seeker: A person infatuated with ASIs like the TITANs mesh, usually encrypted for privacy/security.
or becoming posthuman themselves. VR: Virtual Reality. Imposing an artificially constructed hyper-real
Skimmers: Denizens of the ice giants. reality over one’s physical senses.
Skin: A biological physical morph. AKA biomorph, meat, flesh. Ware: Implants and enhancements, including bioware, cyberware,
Skinning: Changing your perceived environment via AR. hardware, meshware, and nanoware.
Skipjacking: The art of moving unseen by surveillance systems. Wastewalkers: Mutated exusrgent cyborg soldiers.
Sleight: A psi power. Watts-MacLeod: An exsurgent virus strain that does not trans-
Slitheroid: A snake-like synthmorph. form/subvert the victim, but gives them async psi abilities.
Smart Animal: A partially uplifted animal. Whippers: Barrel-like exsurgents with a mass of tentacles.
Sniff: To intercept wireless mesh traffic. Wild Artificial: A feral autonomous robot.
Solarians: Denizens of the sun's corona. Worm: An exsurgent async.
Souk: Covered bazaars and market areas between Martian domes. WMD: Weapon of mass destruction.
Spare: A portable morph to be sleeved in an emergency. X-Caster: Someone who transmits/sells XP livefeeds and record-
Sphere/Spheroid: A bubble-shaped habitat spun for gravity, ings of their experiences.
usually made from hollowed-out asteroids. AKA bubble. Xenomorph: An alien life form.
Splicers: Humans modified to eliminate genetic diseases and Xer: As in “X-er” — someone addicted or obsessed with XP.
other unwanted traits. AKA genefixed, tweaks. Sometime also used to refer to people making XP.
Steel Morph: A high-end synthmorph with enhanced physical XP: Experience Playback. Experiencing someone else’s sensory
capabilities. input (real-time or recorded). AKA sim, simsense, playback.
Structuralists: The Firewall faction that seeks more formal organi- X-Risk: Existential Risk. Something that threatens the very exis-
zation and to go public. tence of transhumanity.
Sunward: The inner system, from Sol to Mars. Zero-Day: A previously unknown exploit against which computer
Super-Earth: A terrestrial planet much larger than Earth with a systems are not yet defended. AKA 0-day.
higher surface gravity. Zeroes: People without mesh access. Common with indentures.
Swarm: A mass of nano- or microbots acting in concert. Zone Stalker: A collector of artifacts from quarantine zones.
Swarm: A flotilla of ships, sometimes interlinked or towing habs.
The “Greg Mandel Trilogy” Karl Schroeder
Mindstar Rising Ventus
Eclipse Phase took inspiration from many A Quantum Murder Dan Simmons
sources that deserve recognition and The Nano Flower Endymion
credit. Gamemasters may find these useful James Hogan Fall of Endymion
for ideas for adventures and campaigns. Voyage from Yesteryear Fall of Hyperion
Nancy Kress Hyperion
FICTION Beggars in Spain Llium
K. C. Alexander Ursula LeGuin Olympos
Necrotech The Dispossessed Neal Stephenson
Neal Asher The Left Hand of Darkness Diamond Age
Gridlinked Ken MacLeod Seveneves
Skinner The “Fall Revolution” series Bruce Sterling
Ian Banks The Star Fraction Caryatids
Consider Phlebas The Stone Canal Crystal Express
Excession The Cassini Division Holy Fire
The Hydrogen Sonata The Sky Road Schismatrix Plus
Inversions Newton’s Wake Charles Stross
Look to Windward Richard Morgan Accelerando
Matter The “Takeshi Kovacs” series Glasshouse
The Player of Games Altered Carbon Halting State
The State of the Art Broken Angels Iron Sunrise
Surface Detail Woken Furies Neptune's Brood
The Use of Weapons Thirteen Rule 34
Greg Bear Linda Nagata Saturn's Children
Moving Mars The Bohr Maker Singularity Sky
Queen of Angels Deception Well Toast
Slant Limit of Vision Daniel Suarez
David Brin Tech Heaven Daemon
Earth Vast Freedom
Kiln People Ramez Naam Influx
Startide Rising Apex Karen Traviss
Sundiver Crux City of Pearl
The Uplift War Nexus Vernor Vinge
James S. A. Corey Annalee Newitz Across Realtime
Abaddon's Gate Autonomous The Children of the Sky
Caliban's War Ada Palmer A Deepness in the Sky
Leviathan Wakes Seven Surrenders A Fire Upon The Deep
Paul Di Filippo The Will to Battle Rainbow’s End
Ribofunk Too Like the Lightning True Names and Other Dangers
Cory Doctorow Frederick Pohl Elisabeth Vonarburg
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Gateway Slow Engines of Time
Eastern Standard Tribe Alastair Reynolds Peter Watts
Walkaway Absolution Gap Blindsight
Greg Egan Chasm City Echopraxia
Axiomatic Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days “Rifters’ Trilogy”
Diaspora Elysium Fire Starfish
Distress Galactic North Maelstrom
Permutation City The Prefect Behemoth (ß-Max + Seppuku)
Quarantine Pushing Ice Scott Westerfeld
Warren Ellis Redemption Ark The Risen Empire
Crooked Little Vein Revelation Space The Killing of Worlds
Kathleen Ann Goonan Douglas Richards Walter Jon Williams
Crescent City Rhapsody Infinity Born Aristoi
Light Music Kim Stanley Robinson Angel Station
Mississippi Blues 2312 Implied Spaces
Queen City Jazz The “Mars Trilogy” Voice of the Whirlwind
Peter Hamilton Red Mars David Zindell
The “Commonwealth Saga” Blue Mars The Broken God
Pandora’s Star Green Mars Neverness
Judas Unleashed The Martians War in Heaven
Red Moon The Wild
418¹ References
GRAPHIC NOVELS The Marching Plague
Richard Dawkins
Blue Planet
Burning Empires
Jamie Delano The Selfish Gene Call of Cthulhu
Narcopolis K. Eric Drexler Cybergeneration
Warren Ellis Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Dawning Star
Doktor Sleepless Nanotechnology Delta Green
Doom 2099 Freeman Dyson Fate
Global Frequency Disturbing the Universe FreeMarket
Ministry of Space Imagined Worlds Gamma World
Ocean Ann Finkbeiner GURPS: Transhuman Space
Transmetropolitan The Jasons Morrow Project
Jonathan Hickman Imaginary Weapons Numenera
Transhuman Joel Garreau Paranoia
Grant Morrison Radical Evolution Shadowrun
The Filth Peter Gelderloos Shock: Social Science Fiction
The Invisibles Anarchy Works Traveller
Masamune Shirow Adam Greenfield
Ghost in the Shell Everyware: The Dawning Age of MOVIES & TELEVISION
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Ubiquitous Computing AI
Processor Robin Hanson Alien series
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man/Machine The Age of Em Altered Carbon
Interface James Hughes Alita: Battle Angel
Adam Warren Citizen Cyborg Andromeda
Iron Man: Hypervelocity Peter Kropotkin Babylon 5 and Crusade
Makoto Yukimura The Conquest of Bread Big O
Planetes Mutual Aid Black Mirror
Science and Anarchism Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049
NON-FICTION Ray Kurzweil Chappie
Ronald Bailey The Singularity is Near Cowboy Bebop
Liberation Biology Howard Rheingold District 9
Susan Blackmore Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution Dollhouse
The Meme Machine John Robb Dreamcatcher
Murray Bookchin Brave New War Elysium
Post-Scarcity Anarchism Clay Shirky Ergo Proxy
Cynthia Brezeal Here Comes Everybody Ex Machina
Designing Sociable Robots Bruce Sterling The Expanse
Nick Bostrom Shaping Things Firefly and Serenity
Superintelligence Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next Gattaca
David Brin Fifty Years Ghost in the Shell (everything)
The Transparent Society Gregory Stock Gravity
Richard Brodie Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Hardcore Henry
Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Genetic Future The Island
Meme Kelly and Zach Weinersmith Jekyll
James Brook and Ian Boal (eds) Soonish Limitless
Resisting the Virtual Life Charles Wohlforth and Amanda R. Love, Death, and Robots
Rodney Brooks Hendrix The Martian
Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Beyond Earth Moon
Change Us Simon Young Pandorum
Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Planetes
of the New AI Manifesto Sleep Dealer
Critical Art Ensemble Solaris
Digital Resistance Stargate and Stargate: Atlantis
Electronic Civil Disobedience Sunshine
The Electronic Disturbance Upgrade
Flesh Machine Uzumaki
A Attacks Character Creation 38 Death Rating 220
shock 219 Advice 38 Deceive (skill) 48
420¹ Index
Everyday Technology 316 Fray (skill) 48 Combat Primer 29
Exhumans 161, 380 Free Fall (skill) 49 Augmentations 322 Hacking 258
Exoplanets 29 Full Defense 226 Common Tech & countermeasures 260
Exotic Skill: [Field] (skill) 48 Future Materials 233 Ware 316 firewalls 260
Experience Playback 242 Comms 336 Habitats 304
Exploration Tools 340 G Communications 336 mindware 266
Exsurgent complexity 310 security alerts 260
characters 386 Gamemastering 354 concealing 311 ships 304
Infection 384 Easing In 357 design 310 simple 263
Psi 386 Prepping Your Espionage 338 Tests 258
strains 388 Campaign 355 Exploration 340 Hardware: [Field] (skill) 49
Types 390 Scenarios & Mental Healing 221
Exsurgent Virus, the 382 Campaigns 356 Augmentations 320 Mental 223
Extrasolar Systems 200 The First Session 354 Mesh 336 Health
Extropians 157 tips 362 meshed 311 Mental 222
Game Mechanics 30 Meshware 326 Physical 220
F Gatecrashing 24, 115 modifiers 310 Stress Points 222
hypercorps 166 Nanotech 342 wounds 220
Factions 21, 44 law 149 Physical Health Drugs 332
Jovian Republic 158 Pandora Gates 198, 404 Augmentations 324 History 98
Lunar-Lagrange Alliance Gear 37, 46, 310 quality 311 After the Fall 101
(LLA) 152 acquiring 312 Robots 346 Before The Fall 98
Morningstar advice 313 Salvage 340 The Fall 100
Constellation 153 ALIs 326 Science 340 Timeline 104
Planetary Apps 326 Security Tech 338 Hostile
Consortium 154 Blueprint 313 Senses and Sensors 318 atmosphere 236
Scum 158 Sensory Hybrid
Tharsis League 155 Augmentations 318 Vehicles 352
Titanian Services 315 Hypercorporations 164
Commonwealth 159 size 311 Hypercorps 139
Factors 398 Social Augmentations 321
Ambassador 399 Survival 341 I
Guardian 399 Vacsuits 341
Fake Ego ID 315 Vehicles 350 Identity
Falling 234 ware 311 circumventing checks
Family 132 Gear Packs 68 299
Farcasting Campaign 68 Ego ID 298
Quantum 336 Profession 69 Systems 298
Favors 308 Gear Points 312 Verification
information 309 Gear Traits 216 298
services 309 Gender Iktomi, the 379
Fear 122 Sex 19 Improvised Weapons 205
Fire 235 Genetically Modified Indentures 140
Firewall Organisms 328 Infection Modifiers 276
24, 123, 172, 400 Glitches 265 Infiltrate (skill) 50
Campaign 24 Glitterati 134 Influence Effects 278
Factions 174 Gravity 235 Infomorphs 67, 252
Interactions 401 Grenades 212 and muses 253
joining 400 Guns (skill) 49 Copying 253
Terminology 173 Digital Speeds 252
Forking 292 H ghostrider module 320
alpha 292 Home Device 252
and society 292 Habitats 116 Moving Between
beta 292 access 300 Devices 253
creating 292 Centrifugal 117 Infosec (skill) 50
gamma 292 Hacking 304 Initiative 33
how to handle Infiltration 301 Delaying Actions 33
293 Microgravity 118 Derived Stats 37
Neural Pruning Other 119 Extra Actions 33
292 Physical Arrivals 301 Order 33
Planetary 116 Taking the 33
Inner Fringe 194 Mesh 20, 29, 110, 240 N Temporary 35
Inner System 28, 136 Accounts 246 Vigor 34
Intellectual Property 139 Actions 248 Nanodrugs 332 Positive
Intel Services, Other 403 and gear 311 Nanofabbers 120 Traits 72
Interests 42 Augmented Reality 242 Nanofabrication 120, 314 Private Server 315
Interface (skill) 50 combat 264 Blueprint 314 Program (skill) 51
Introduction 18 Experience Playback 242 Blueprints 120, 314 Project Ozma 402
Intruder Status Gear 336 in-game logistics 360 Prometheans, the 401
changing 258 glitches 265 Materials 314 Property 143
Intrusion 258 Hardware 337 Nanoswarms 344 Provoke (skill) 51
Intruder Status 258 ID 246 Nanotech 21, 342 Psi 272
Online Research 254 Hives 342 duration 276
J Searches 243 Nanofabricators 343 Easing the Infection 277
searching 254 Narcoalgorithms 332 Infection Influence 277
Journalism 134 Services 315 Negative Infection Modifiers 276
Jovian Republic 137, 158 Social Networks 124, 243 Traits 76 Infection Rating 272
Jovian Space 28 Topology 241 Neptune 192 Influence Effects 278
Jupiter 188 uses 242 Networking 308 Opposed Tests 276
Virtual Reality 243 favors 308 Psi-Gamma Sleights 282
K Mesh Actions 248 Neural Pruning 292 Pushing Sleights 277
Admin 249 Neutrino Range 276
Kinesics (skill) 50 Scripting 249 Communicators 336 Sleights 272, 280
Kinetic, Armor 214 Security 248 NPC Targeting 276
Kinetic Weapons 210 Universal 248 Rules 376 using 276
Know Mesh Hardware 337 NPC & Threat Rules 376 Watts-MacLeod
Skills 359 Mesh ID 246 Sub-Strains 273
Know: Academics (skill) 52 Mesh Inserts 316 O Psi-Chi Sleights 280
Know: Arts (skill) 52 Mesh Tracking 256 Psi Drugs 334
Know: [Field] (skill) 52 Meshware 326 Objects 232 Psi-Gamma Sleights 282
Know: Interests (skill) 53 Metacelebrities 134 Oligarchs 141 Psi (skill) 51
Know: Professional Training Microswarms 344 Online Research 254 Psi Sleights 272, 280
(skill) 53 Mind Hacking 112 Oort Cloud 195 Psi-Chi Sleights 280
Know Skills 52, 359 Mission Gear 340 Opposed Tests 202 Psychosurgery 223, 294, 315
Kuiper Belt 195 Morningstar Psi 276 Procedures 295
Constellation 153 Outer Fringe 194
L Morph 36, 37, 46 Outer System 29, 137 Q
Morph Points 290 Polities 156
Law Enforcement 146 Increasing 290 Quantum-Entangled
Lidar 319 Spending 290 P Communication 337
Luna 182 Morphs 20, 54 Quantum Farcasters 336
Lunar-Lagrange Alliance Acquiring 290 Pain Regulator 322 Quarantine Zones 196
(LLA) 152 Biomorphs 54 Pandora Gates 198, 404
list 54 rumors 405 R
M Making 291 Pandora Gates, the 198
Modifying 291 Perceive (skill) 51 Radiation 236
Main Belt 28, 186 morph points 290 Perception 226 Ranged Combat 206
Main Belt, the 186 pod 58 Persuade (skill) 51 Modifiers 207
Mars 184 Synthmorphs 62 Petals 333 Reclaimers 162
Media 134 uplift 60 Physical Augmentations 324 Recreational Drugs 334
Medichines 322 Motivation 238 Physical Health 220 Religion 168
Medicine: [Field] (skill) 51 Motivations 37, 47 Physical Tracking 256 Rep 37, 144, 238. See
Melee (skill) 51 Movement 230 Pilot: [Field] (skill) 51 also Reputation
Mental Augmentations 113, Actions 230 Planetary Consortium 154 Burning 308
320 rate 230 Planetary Habitats 116 Networks 307
Mental Healing 223 types 231 Pod Biomorphs 58 using 308
Mental Health 222 Muses 250 Point-Buy Characters 47 Repair 221
Mercurials 109, 162 roleplaying 251 Pools 34 object 221
social status 109 Flex 34 synthmorph 221
Mercury 176 Insight 34 Rep Rewards 366
Merging 293 Moxie 34 Reputation 124, 306. See
Recharging 35 also See also Rep
422¹ Index
and ID 308 Skills 37 T U
gain and loss 367 Active 48
scores 306 Know 52 Technology 286 Uplift Biomorphs 60
Social Networks 306 Sleights Everyday 316 Uplifts 20, 60, 108
Research (skill) 51 Psi-Chi 280 Tests 30 Uploading 286
Resleeving 20, 288 Psi-Gamma 282 Criticals 31 Uranus 192
and Morph Points 291 Smart Animals 328 Defaulting 31 Utilitool 317
and pools 289 Smart Clothing 317 Hacking 258
Complications 288 Social 334 modifiers 31 V
tests 288 Attacks 228 Opposed 32
Rez 366 Manipulation 228 Success 32 Vacsuits 341
points 366 Social Actions 228 Teamwork 31 Vacuum 237
Robots 346 Social Augmentations 321 The Fall 100 Vehicle
Combat 347 Socialites 163 The Fringe 29, 194 Chases 232
Exploration 347 Social Movements 160 Themes 22, 364 Crashes 232
Medical 347 Argonauts 160 Change 23 Movement 232
Personal 348 Barsoomians 160 Conspiracy 22 Vehicles 350
Recon 349 Bioconservatives 161 Horror 22 Aircraft 350
Remote Operations Brinkers 161 Infection 22 Exoskeletons 350
346 Exhumans 161 Politics 23 Groundcraft 350
Surveillance 349 Mercurials 162 Post-Apocalyptic 22 Hardsuits 351
Utility 349 Reclaimers 162 Science 23 Nautical Craft 352
Sapients 163 Survival 22 Personal Transport
S Socialites 163 The Mesh. See Mesh Devices 352
Ultimates 163 Threat Spacecraft 352
Safety Social Networks 124 Rules 376 Venus 178
in-game 364 Sol 176 Threat Level 376 Virtual Reality 268
X-card 364 Solar System 176 Threats 368 Vulcanoids 177
Salvage Tools 340 Inner System 136 types 376
Sapients 163 Jovian Republic 137 TITAN Machines 408 W
Saturn 190 Mercury 176 Fetch 408
Science Tools 340 Outer System 137 Fractal 409 Ware 311
Scripting 249 Sol 176 Headhunter 410 Watts-MacLeod
Scum 158 Vulcanoids 177 Puppet 411 Sub-Strains 273
Searching the Mesh 254 Space 114 Self-Replicating Architect 273
Secrets 370 Spacecraft Propulsion 303 Nanoswarm 412 Beast 273
Security Systems 372 Space Combat 302 Warbot 413 Haunter 273
Seeker Weapons 212 Spacecraft TITANs 406, 408 Stranger 273
Senses Hacking 304 Background 406 Xenomorph 273
and Sensors 318 Spaceships. See Spacecraft legacy 406 Weald 135
The Electromagnetic Space Travel 114, 315 rumors 407 Weapon
Spectrum 318 Special Attacks 218 Tools 317 Accessories 216
Sensors, and Senses 318 Starting Out 19 Toxin Filters 323 Weapons
Sensory Augmentations 318 Stress Points 222 Toxins 335 Beam 208
Services 315 Stress Tests 229 Antidotes 335 coated 219
Mesh 315 Structures 232 rules 330 Improvised 205
Sex Superior Results Tracking 256 Kinetic 210
Gender 19 failure 31 Countermeasures 257 Melee 204
Sexuality 130 success 31 Mesh 256 Seeker 212
Simulspace 315 Surprise 227 Physical 256 Spray 209
Sizes 227 Surveillance Traits 37, 72 Systems 209
Skill List 48 hacking 270 gear & weapon 216 Thrown 209
Survival (skill) 51 Traps 374 two-handed 219
Survival Tools 341 Disarming 374 Weapon Traits 216
Swarm Rules 344 Spotting 374 Weather 235
Synthmorphs 62 Trauma 223 Wounds 220
Flexbot 66 effects 223
System Subversion 262 Travel 114 X
Egocasting 300
in space 302 Xenofauna 328
times 302 X-Risks 21, 368
All actions are complex actions unless accompanied by a [Q] for quick actions and [T] for task actions. If you do not have access privileges that
allow the action, it requires a Hacking Test.
Actions usually available to all users. Locate Intruder: Attempt to find a suspected intruder (Locate
Intruder ▶261).
Access Another System: Lockout: Block a specified mesh ID from accessing the system.
Authenticate and log on. Creates account shell. Monitor Activity: Spy on an app’s activity or another specific
Apply Tag: Mark a physical person, place, or thing with an AR e-tag. user’s actions in real-time.
Communicate: Email, text, voice, or video chat others online. Scan Infomorph: Analyze an infomorph with a successful
Encrypt/Decrypt: Encrypt or decrypt files (Encryption ▶247). Interface Test.
Filter AR Mist: Trace: Track a user to their physical location (or at least the system
Remove obtrusive AR “mist” (AR Mist and Filters ▶242). they originate from); see Physical Tracking ▶256.
Identify Attacker: You can attempt to identify someone attacking Trigger Alert: Put the system on passive or active alert.
you in mesh combat (Attack Awareness ▶264). View Logs: Access the system’s logs.
Issue Command: Single command to a slaved device, ALI, or View Users: See what other users are currently accessing the
teleoperated bot (or group). system, what apps they are using, and their mesh IDs.
Log Off: Exit a system.
Modify Files: View, change, upload, download, and delete files. ADMIN ACTIONS
Operate Device: Control a device. May require a skill test. Only admin accounts are allowed to take these actions.
Run Script: Launch a pre-programmed script (Scripting ▶249).
Scan Stealthed Signals: Find hidden wireless devices and their Disable Sensors or Device Functions:
mesh IDs within range (Stealthed Signals ▶244). Turn off sensors or other physical functions.
Scan Wireless Signals: Look up wireless devices and their mesh Modify Accounts: Add new accounts and remove old ones.
IDs within range. Modify Privileges: Add or remove specific privileges.
Search: You may search a system you are accessing or the mesh at Modify Software: Install, remove, and update apps on the system.
large (Online Research ▶254). Wipe System: Erase all data from the system, taking 1 minute for
Shield Software: Actively protect software in mesh combat ▶248. motes, 3 minutes for hosts, and 10 for servers.
Stealth Wireless Signals:
Hide your wireless activity (Stealthed Signals ▶244). HACKING ACTIONS
Switch Home Device: These actions usually require a Hacking Test. Most are detailed
Move your infomorph virtual mind-state to another system. under System Subversion ▶262.
Terminate Software: Kill minor software process.
Toggle AR Skin: Change the AR environment skin (Skinning ▶242). (T) Break Encryption:
Toggle Privacy Mode: Decrypt an encrypted file (Codebreaking ▶247).
Set public profile to private or public (Privacy Mode ▶241) Control Ware: Manipulate a target’s ware.
Toggle Simulspace: Enter/exit simulspace (Virtual Reality ▶268). Disable Safety Mechanisms: Override safety controls and alarms.
Use Apps: Use various apps. May require an Interface Test. Edit AR Feed: Block or change AR input.
Use Service: Use cloud-based apps. May require a subscription. Eliminate Traces: Edit logs and remove traces of your hacks.
View Apps: See what apps are available and/or currently running. Force Re-authentication: When sniffing, break a link to capture
View Profile: View someone’s public social network profile and rep login credentials (Sniffing ▶245).
scores within range. Hide File or Process: Conceal a file/process from others (opposed
View Sensor Feeds: Stream sensor input to your AR. May require with Research Test at –30).
Perceive or Know Test. Impair Senses:
View System Status: Determine system health, ongoing processes, Distract with AR overload. Interface Test, –10 modifier.
security alerts, etc. Inject AR/Illusion: Insert fake AR data into feed.
Install Back Door: Create a secret way back in to the system.
Actions reserved for accounts with security or admin privileges. Pre-emptively block other users from specified actions.
Jam Signals: Jam specific or all wireless frequencies.
Acquire Mesh ID: Loop Sensor Feed:
Acquire the mesh ID of anyone accessing the system. Replace a live sensor feed with looped recordings.
Activate Countermeasure: Initiate active countermeasures against Modify TacNet: Edit tacnet data, mark foes as friends.
a spotted intruder (Active Countermeasures ▶261). Suppress Alarm:
Attack: Attempt to crash an account shell, app, firewall, infomorph, Switch active alert to passive, or turn a passive alert off.
operating system, or service (Mesh Combat ▶264). Suppress Process: Prevent a specified process from restarting.
Bypass Jamming: Overcome jamming by winning an Opposed Sniff Traffic: Sniff traffic between wireless devices (Sniffing ▶245).
Interface Test for 1 action turn, +1 per superior success. Tap AR: Monitor target’s AR feeds.
Tap Senses: Tap target’s sensorium.
Admins and users with cheat codes have more options.
a file, unlock a door, loop a sensor feed, eliminate traces).
Modify Simulmorph: Modify a simulmorph’s stats within speci- Set a timeframe of 1 hour plus 10 minutes per objective. If
fied parameters; may require a Program Test. brute forcing, the timeframe is 2 action turns per objective.
Privacy: Prevent your face-to-face communications from being Apply the following modifiers: –30 if brute forcing, +10 if
eavesdropped upon. hacking a mote, –10 if hacking a server, and –10 if hacking
Start/Stop Simulspace: multiple systems.
Launch a new simulspace or close down an existing one.
Teleport: Instantaneously travel anywhere within the simulspace. Infosec Test Result Hacking Result
Terminate Session: Forcibly end a user’s session. Critical Failure Hack fails, hacker traced.
Toggle God Mode: Superior Failure Hack fails.
Make your simulmorph invulnerable to damage. Failure Hacker achieves first objective only.
Toggle Invisibility: Make yourself imperceptible to standard users. Success Hacker achieves all objectives.
Toggle Lockbox Controls: Prevent specified users from toggling in Superior Success Hacker achieves all objectives in 25%
or out of simulspace. less time per superior success.
Critical Success Hacker achieves all objectives,
backdoors system.
Splicer 1 MP 90 6 30 45 0 0 0 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Exalt 2 MP 70 7 35 53 1 1 1 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Neotenic 2 MP 50 6 30 45 2 1 1 0 Walker 4/12
Ware: Biomods, Circadian Regulation, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1) • Notes: Small size ▶227
Ruster 3 MP 70 7 35 53 0 1 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Respiration, Mesh Inserts, Radiation Sense
Bouncer 4 MP 60 7 35 53 1 0 1 2 Walker 4/12
Ware: Biomods, Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, Grip Pads, Mesh Inserts, Oxygen Reserve, Prehensile Feet • Morph Traits: Limberness (Level 1)
Futura 4 MP 25 7 35 53 2 4 1 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Hibernoid 4 MP 70 7 35 53 1 1 0 2 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Circadian Regulation, Clean Metabolism, Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, Hibernation, Mesh Inserts
Menton 4 MP 60 7 35 53 3 1 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics
Olympian 4 MP 60 8 40 60 1 1 3 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
Sylph 4 MP 60 6 30 45 1 3 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Clean Metabolism, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Pheromones, Mesh Inserts
Fury 6 MP 40 10 50 75 1 1 4 2 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Bioweave Armor (+2/+3), Claws, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts
Morph Traits: Enhanced Behavior (Aggressiveness, Level 2; Cooperation, Level 2)
Ghost 6 MP 40 9 45 68 2 1 3 2 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Chameleon Skin, Cortical Stack, Grip Pads, Mesh Inserts
Morph Traits: Enhanced Behavior (Patience, Level 2)
Remade 7 MP 30 9 45 68 2 2 2 2 Walker 4/20
Ware: Biomods, Circadian Regulation, Clean Metabolism, Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Respiration, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
POD BIOMORPHS Cost Avail WT DUR DR Insight Moxie Vigor Flex Movement Rate
Basic Pod 1 MP 80 6 30 45 0 0 1 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock • Morph Traits: Planned Obsolescence
Worker Pod 3 MP 70 7 35 53 0 0 2 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Novacrab 4 MP 50 9 45 68 0 0 3 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Carapace Armor (+6/+7), Cold Tolerance, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Respiration, Gills, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Oxygen
Reserve, Puppet Sock, Vacuum Sealing • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2) • Notes: Claw Attack (DV 2d10)
Pleasure Pod 4 MP 70 6 30 45 0 3 0 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Clean Metabolism, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Pheromones, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock,
Scent Alteration, Sex Switch
Security Pod 5 MP 60 7 35 53 1 0 2 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Bioweave Armor (+2/+3), Claws, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Eelware, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts,
Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Shaper 5 MP 40 7 35 53 1 2 0 0 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Biomods, Chameleon Skin, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Nanotat ID Flux, Puppet Sock, Sex Switch, Skinflex
SYNTHMORPHS Cost Avail WT DUR DR Insight Moxie Vigor Flex Movement Rate
Case 0 MP 100 5 25 50 0 0 0 0 Walker 4/12
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1), Inherent Flaws
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)
Spare 0 MP 80 3 15 30 0 1 0 0
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack (optional), Cyberbrain, Grip Pads, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Skinlink, Stress Control
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size ▶227
Dragonfly 1 MP 70 5 25 50 1 0 1 0 Walker 2/8, Winged 8/32
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Prehensile Tail, Radar, Wings
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size ▶227
Swarmanoid 3 MP 60 — 50 100 2 0 0 0 Hopper 4/12, Rotor 4/20,
Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock Walker 2/8
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Notes: Swarm Attack (DV 1d6, ignores armor, blinding), comes with specialized swarmanoid hive ▶342
Synth 3 MP 80 8 40 80 0 0 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)
Savant 4 MP 50 7 35 70 3 0 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)
Galatea 5 MP 50 8 40 80 1 2 1 1 Walker 4/20
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Chameleon Skin, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Hearing, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)
All flexbots have the following stats, plus the stats for their module type:
Movement Rate: Thrust Vector 8/40, Walker 4/12
Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Modular Design, Puppet Sock, Shape Adjusting
Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size
INFOMORPHS Cost Avail WT DUR DR Insight Moxie Vigor Flex INFOMORPHS Cost Avail WT DUR DR Insight Moxie Vigor Flex
Digimorph 0 MP 100 5 25 50 0 0 0 0 Agent 2 MP 100 8 40 80 4 0 0 0
Ware: Mnemonics Ware: Enhanced Security, E-Veil, Mnemonics
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3) Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
Ikon 1 MP 100 6 30 60 1 3 0 0 Operator 2 MP 100 7 35 70 3 0 0 1
Ware: Copylock, Memory Lock, Mnemonics Ware: Drone Rig, Mnemonics, Oracles
Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3) Morph Traits: Digital Speed, Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
——-REP ——-REP ——-REP —-REP —-REP —-REP
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license: • Version 1.1 by Posthuman Studios (August 31 2019)