MAP GRP 2 Full Final

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Multidisciplinary Action Project Report

‘Lack of marketing strategy’

Submitted to
Institute code: (817)


In partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the degree of
Offered By

Gujarat Technological University,

Mr. Pradip Mehta (HOD)
Prepared by:
Jalpa G .Chavda (188170592009)
Krishna K. Kuhada (188170592016)
Priyanka K. Kanabar (188170592018)
Kajal A. Lalani (188170592019)
Riddhi N. Yadav (1881705943)
MBA (Sem 3)
Students’ Declaration

We hereby declare that the Multidisciplinary Action Project titled

undertaken at “Vruddhniketan NGO” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to
other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If we are found
guilty of copying from any other report or published information and showing as our original
work, or extending plagiarism limit, we understand that we shall be liable and punishable by
the university, which may include being declared ‘Fail’ in the MAP examination or any
other punishment which the university may decide.


188170592009 Jalpa G. Chavda

188170592016 Krishna K. Kuhada

188170592018 Priyanka K. Kanabar

188170592019 Kajal A. Lalani

188170592043 Riddhi N. Yadav

Place: ……..

Date: ….

Date: /__/

Institute Certificate

“This is to Certify that this Multidisciplinary Action Project Titled

Jalpa G .Chavda (188170592009), Krishna K. Kuhada (188170592016),Priyanka K.
Kanabar (188170592018),Kajal A. Lalani (188170592019),Riddhi N. Yadav
(1881705943) ,who have carried out their project under my supervision. I also certify
further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of
any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was
conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. I have also checked the
plagiarism extent of this report which is 0.0 % and it is below the prescribed limit of 30%.
The separate plagiarism report in the form of html / pdf file is enclosed with this.

Rating of Project Report [A/B/C/D/E]: (A=Excellent;

B=Good; C=Average; D=Poor; E=Worst) (By Faculty Guide)

Signature of the Faculty Guide/s

(Name and Designation of Guide/s)

Signature of Principal/Director with Stamp of Institute

(Name of Principal / Director)

Plagiarism report


First of all, we are very thankful to our NJSMTI College which gives our great
opportunity to visit VRUDDHNIKETAN OLD AGE - JUNAGADH & express
very specially thanks to Mr.PRADIP MAHETA who gives our necessary
guidance regarding multidisciplinary action project .

We are also thankful to the Managing director Miss. Rajni purohit of

vruddhniketan old age home . who give our permission of visit in their
organisation .

I am also thankful to the all member of organisation who gives our necessary
information regarding project.

Only due to the blessings of “GOD” and “OUR PARENTS”, we have been
successful to handle this project.

Achievement of a goal is not a one person’s job. It is obtained by guidance & co-
operation of others

I hope that you will be satisfied with my project.

Thanks to all.

Date: Yours Faithfully,

Place: GROUP 2


Sr. No. Particulars Pg. No.

1. Introduction to NGO
 Changing world scenario 08
 Ageing the Indian scenario 08
 Problems faced by elderly 09
 Care givers’ perspective on elder care 09
 Solution for elderly 10
 Types of NGO 12
2. About Vruddhniketan
 Quote 13
 Introduction 14
 Profile 15
 Organisational structure 15
3. Diagnosis phase 16
 Objectives 17
 Facilities 18
 Problems 19
4. Design and analysis phase 21
 Methodology 22
 Sources 25
 Schedule tasking 26
5. Implementation phase 27
 Identify alternative course of action 28
 Solution 29
 Suggestions 30
 Benefits 31
 Future recommendations 32
6. Annexure 33

Introduction of NGO

Non-governmental organizations - commonly referred to as NGOs, are usually non-

profit independent of governments, many are active in humanitarian etc. areas; however,
NGOs can also be as lobby groups for corporations, such as the World Economic Forum.


 The world will have more people who live to see their 80s or 90s than ever before.
 The past century has seen remarkable improvements in life expectancy.
 Soon, the world will have older people than children.
 The world population is rapidly ageing.
 Low and middle-income countries will experience the most rapid and dramatic
demographic change.


India is one of the few countries in the world where sex ratio aged is in favour of males.

Population above 60 years-

 10% suffer from impaired physical mobility.

 10% hospitalized at given point of time.

Age more than 70 years-

 More than 50 percent suffer from 1 or more chronic conditions like CHD, cancer
and HT.



1 Failing health Health
2 Economic insecurity Economic security
3 Isolation Inclusion
4 Neglect Care
5 Abuse Protection
6 Fear Reassurance
7 Boredom(idleness) Be usefully occupied
8 Lowered self-esteem Self confidence
9 Loss of control Respect
10 Lack of preparedness for Preparedness for oldage
old age


 Demanding behaviours of older people

 Selfishness and self centeredness
 Rigid and opinionated
 Authoritarian nature
 Nagging and criticizing
 Interfering
 Being jealous and impatient


Increasing awareness Increasing awareness among physicians,

mental health professionals, home health care
workers and others who provide services to
older adults and family members can help
break patterns of abuse or neglect, and both
the person experiencing the abuse and the
abuser can receive needed help.
Education & media Education is the cornerstone of preventing
elder abuse. As most cases of abuse occur in
the home by family members or caregivers,
there needs to be a concerted effort to
educate the public about the special needs
and problems of older adults and the risk
factors for abuse.
Respite care Respite care – having someone else care for
the elder, even for a few hours each week is
essential to reducing caregiver stress, a major
contributing factor in elder abuse. Respite
care is especially important for caregivers of
people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or
of older people who are severely disabled.
Area agencies on Aging are a local resource
for services that might help with difficult
care tasks, such as bathing, dressing and
Counselling Counselling for behavioural or personal
problems in the family or for the individual
with mental health and/or substance abuse
problems can play a significant role in

helping people change lifelong patterns of
behaviour or find solutions to problems
emerging for current stresses. If there is a
substance abuse problem in the family,
treatment is the first step in preventing
violence against the older family member.
Social contact and support Social contact and support can be a boon to
older persons and to family members and
caregivers as well. Having other people to
talk to is an important part of relieving
tensions. Many times, families in similar
circumstances can band together to share
solutions and provide informal respite for
each other. In addition, when there is a larger
social circle, abuse is less likely to go
unnoticed. Isolation of elders increases the
probability of abuse, and it may even be a
sign that abuse is occurring. Sometimes
abusers will threaten to keep people away
from the older person.

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Types of NGOs: by orientation and level of Operation

Types by level of
Types by orientation

Charitable Community based

orientation organisations

Service orientation

orientation National NGOs

Empowering International NGOs


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’’જીવનસંધ્ યાએપહ ચ
ં ેલા,
સંસારથીબળે લા- ઝડેલા,

કૈં કવૃધ્ ધ નીઆંતરડીઠારત વવસામ ”

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Introduction of oldage home (VRUDDHNIKETAN)

Vruddhniketan oldage home - Junagadh is located in Junagadh, Gujarat. Vruddhniketan

is registered as a Trust at Junagadh of state Gujarat with trust registration no. E-39 dated 10-
7-1962. It is connected with SAMAJIK SANSTHA SAHAYAK SANGH - JUNAGADH.
The Chairman of Vruddhniketan oldage home is Smt. Rajniben Purohit and Chief functionary
officer is Mr. Mansukhbhai Vaja. Adviser of the trust is Mr. K. B. Sanghvi.

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Name of organization Vruddhniketan old age home

Address Street of saurashtra bhoomi press, behind
district jail, Junagadh
Establishment 1st November, 1958
Form of organization NGO
Size of organization Small size
Service Free service for old age and infirm
Chairman Smt. Rajniben Purohit
Telephone (0285)2650597
Email [email protected]
[email protected]


Organisational structure:

Manshukh bhai M. Vaja


Rajniben R. Purohit
(managing director)

Jahnviben Upadhyay
Nileshbhai Dhuleshiya
Kamleshbhai Pandya
(District Collector of Junagadh)
K.B. sanghvi

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Diagnosis phase

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Main objectives

 To understand operation of older age home.

 How NGO sector work in India.

 To study the management of NGO.

 To identify various financial source for the firm.

 What are alternative source benefits to NGO?

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Facilities which they provide:

 Organisation have washing machine for wash clothes of the old people. So that old
people can easily manage their facilities.

 Any people who are not able to walk give them wheel chair and stick due to that they
can move easily to anywhere by them self.

 Lady who manage this oldage home is always aware to take about proper food

 They give natural milk, butter milk, and sometimes sweets also.

 Proper water arrangement

 Old people don’t get bore during the day organisation made GAUSHALA owed there.

 They also make cages for different birds because of their voice old people get energy
and live happy.

 Differently disabled person room is different because they don’t get hurt and don’t
irritate others and they get some extra help from the women over there.

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During our project identify following problems in this NGO

 They need sufficient manpower for each particular person when they are ill
which they don’t get instantly and easily.

 Marketing strategy are not there.

 Issues related to health care problem like need some doctor aur the educated person
with respective medical degree.

 Fund raising problem.

 Lack of other activity which motive old for doing this like special skill which are
there in old but not explore that skill.

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lack of

free people
dont know lack of fund
about this NGO

medical manpower
checkup problem

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Design and analysis

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For social media strategy we used following methodology and steps for making Facebook


improve set goals

social media
strategy cycle

measure stretegies


From the above stages how we implement in our project is as below:

1. Listen:
Listening is the art of discovering valuable insights from people’s public expression
all over the internet consider public problem and based on that problem make strategy
which is useful to that organisation and also the unknown person know about that
strategy based on problem listening we can identify which strategy we adopt for
overcome that problem. Listening refers to the various platform on the internet
through which one could listen to the voice of the customer.

 What we consider in our strategy:

We discuss various facilities are that instead of various facilities only less
people know about that so after listening their problem which this NGO face
and based on that problem we identify their maximum solution and how we
can help them.

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2. Goal setting:
After listening problem and their requirement how we can help them and how we give
them probable solution from considering various problem we consider lack of
marketing strategy as major problem and based on that problem we made goal
 What we consider in our strategy:
For remove that problem we made goal that how we can identify probable
solution and how people know about that old age home and how people help
as much as possible.

3. Strategies:
After defining a set of goals to achieve let us further see how to develop a strategy to
achieve those goals the strategy consists of three main parts:
 Content strategy
 Target audience
 Platform

 What we consider in our strategy:

 Content strategies:
It is the art of creating valuable content for the target audience.
For valuable content we made various broachers and various template
for attracting audience.
 Target group:
Clearly defining to each set of audience will help one promote the most
relevant aspects of their NGO to each set of audience we consider to
target mainly two people opinion leader and general public
 Platform
For attracting target group, we need particular platform so we focus on
two target group for attracting opinion leader we use twitter as a
platform and for attracting general public we use Facebook as a

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 Implementation:
After making strategy how we implement this strategy how it will affect and people
know about this strategy
 What we consider in our strategy:
For implementing this strategy, we made Facebook account for this NGO.
We implement strategies two parts
1)timely post
Monday Related thoughts
and picture of that
old age home
Diwali We post template
for dev Diwali in
Facebook page.
Birthday We already post
template and we
decide to celebrate
our next birthday
over their

2) reaction checks:
For timely post we will planning to give advertisement in social media timely like in
every festival. And based on like and dislike we identify how people know about that

4. Measure:
Measurement of social media performance is still evolving there is no 1 fixed method
for assessing success failure and different companies use different method
 What we consider in our strategy:

For measuring how it is important we measure from the followers and like get from
the page.
Engagement rate: total interaction
Total fans

= 86%
 Improve:

For the likes and suggestion, we improve our page and added other story and videos
related and which attract and people and also made broacher for that.

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primary secondary
source source


from internet

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Schedule Tasking

MAP Group 2 at Vruddhniketan

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Identify alternative course of action

For creating awareness, consider following alternatives:

 Make a Facebook page

 Make twitter page
 Make YouTube channel
 Make Instagram page

From the above alternative action, we consider below 2 alternative

Facebook page
For creating Facebook page and for Facebook advert we use below two advert
 Page like advert
 Video adverts

Twitter page

By following legend pages and adding photos and videos in this page. Screenshot is attach in

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We give them probable solution as per our view and contact with respective
person for that.

 For problem related to marketing strategy we suggest them that make marketing for
your organisation because many people don’t know about that NGO.

 Issue related to that medical check-up they take to their relative who is doctor but at
that time when they are ill but need some check-up monthly because as people
growing up they need more check-up and health issue is higher.

 For manpower problem we give them ideas about person which are ready at that
particular pay scale with their benefit and limitation.

 For attracting donor need some idea about that NGO which are not there because
there is no marketing strategy over there.

 For some activity which motive old people like some “bhajan kirtan” and ladies
which are expert and have some skill like making “lamp” and expert in making some
woollen clothes.

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From the given suggestion they implement following:

 We made them Facebook page and some broacher for their marketing.

 They consider our suggestion related to motivation activity related to “bhajan kirtan”
and explore related skill.

 They consider our format related to employment of particular person which we joint
in our project under the heading annexure.

 We made broacher for attracting donor and general public for which they consider our
format for that.

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Tangible and intangible benefit delivered to the organisation

Intangible benefit:

 More people know about this NGO with the help of Facebook page.

 People also go there and celebrate their birthday and their child birthday with that old

 More people spent their time with the old people.

 They do proper and monthlyhealthcheck-up programme and encourage old people to

explore their skills by arranging bhajan kirtan mahotsav and yatra.

Tangible benefit

 Also some donation gets to that organisation with the help of marketing strategy.

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Future recommendation

 With the help of YouTubechannel, we explore more and more about this old age
home and we give donation and find many donors for that organisation and take
always quarterly or if possible take monthly visit over there and spend our time with
 We also suggest NGO to plan to attract people that instead of celebrating your
birthday with only one parents celebrate with people of oldage home which gives
happiness in their mouth.
 We recommend NGO to make aware people that don’t waste their cake and waste
their money but donate moneyto oldage people which change their whole life with
real happiness by donating to needy people.
 With the use of social media NGO should create buzz marketing by providing
knowledge and information about that NGO and also encourage them to celebrate
their festival and birthday over there.
 Website

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Sources of Employment:

Qualification Benefit Limitation Salary they expect

12th 1.Highly available 1.Limited knowledge Less than 10000
2.No specific skill 2.Emotions
3.emotions 3.Hard to find perfect
Graduate 1.Part time 1.High expectation of Up to 12000
employment salary
2.Skills available 2.Interest for NGO
3.Specialization wise Want specific
skill position
Masters Lack of specific As per graduate’s Up to 15000
position as per their
Retired Easily available May be they have -
Interested to do work some lack of strength
like this

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Facebook page screenshot:-

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Twitter page screenshot:-

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Brochure for donors:-

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Post uploaded on facebook:-

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