Study Material Political Science-I

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Objectives of Study:

1) To understand the changing meaning, nature and scope of political – science.

2) To understand the various methods of the study of the political – science.

INTRODUCTION The lesson would enable the student to know the Definitions and Meaning of Political

The Definitions would reflect the changing understanding of Politics. It is difficult to give a single precise
definition of Political Science. It varies from person to person depending upon the importance he gives to
various aspects of political life.

The study of Political Science began with the Greeks.

Origin :- The term `politics‟, is derived from the Greek word `Polis‟, which means the city state According
to Greek Philosophers, Politics was a subject which dealt with all the activities and affairs of the city state.
Their City States were known as `Polis‟. City state was an all inclusive term, as the ancient Greeks made
no distinction between the state and the Government on one hand, and State and Society on the other.
They never differentiated between personal life and social life. Hence according to them Politics was a
total study of man, society, state, morality and so on.

1. Politics as the study of the State:- Traditionally Political science is a science of state.

Political thinkers like R.G. Gettel, J.W. Garner, Bluntschli and many others were of the view that political
science was the study of the state.

R.G. Getlel defined “Political Science as a study of state in the past, present and future and of Political
institutions and Political theories”.

J.W.Garner States, “Political Science begins and ends with the state”

2. Politics as the study of the Government :-

Some Political Scientists like Paul Janet, George Catlin, Hans Eulan have accepted the view which states
that politics deals with the state and government.

Paul Janet writes “Political Science is concerned with the foundations of the state and principles of

George Catlin states “Politics means either the activities of political life or the study of these activities.
And these activities are generally treated as activities of the various organs of government.”

Prof Hans Eulan considers in his definition of politics that the study of formal government is a fundamental
concern of politics.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines Political Science as “the study of the state and systems of

3. Politics as the study of national Institution :- Bridal expressed the view that “Political Science is,
above all, descriptive study which brings together the description of national political institutions,
their history, their ideological principles, their working, the forces that direct them, the influence
they undergo, the results they obtain and their effect on the life of the country and its relations
with neighboring states “.

4. Traditional Approach :- The concept of Political Science as a study of State, Government and
national Institution is not considered adequate today. This aspect of above definitions emphasizes
the legal structure only. They do not pay attention to what is happening withing the State. Political
Science must include the study of informal structures, facts and reality of Politics. Hence, modern
Political thinkers defined Political Science differently and taken modern approach.

5. Political Science as a Study of Power :- Modern Political thinkers like Lasswell, Robert Dahl have
defined politics in terms of power, influence, and authority. According to these thinkers Power
has acquired prominent position in political thought.

Harold Lasswell considers, “Politics is the study of shaping and sharing Political powers”
Robert A. Dahl defined that, “A Political system is any persistent pattern of human relationship
that involves, to a significant extent power, rule or authority.” According to the view of these
thinkers entire political activity directed towards capturing and maintaining power/ “Power” is
the central idea in Politics – who get, what when and How”.
6. Political Science as a study of Conflict Resolution :- This view was suggested by Miller in his
`Nature of Politics‟. The purpose of a political activity is either to bring about a change or resist a
change. People compete with each other to satisfy their needs. When resources are limited and
the people who want to utilize them are many conflicts arise. Politics is a means to resolve this
conflict. According to Peter B. Haris “ The Modern emphasis in the study of Politics is laid on
disagreements and reconciliation or resolution of these disagreement.
7. Political Science as a Study of Co - relation of many Forces
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences States, “Present day political science revolves around the problem
of the attainment, consolidation and distribution of political power whether in an actually existing
state or a hypothetical state”. Political Institution and politics can not function in vacuum. Social
and economic forces affect the political process. Hence they also must be taken into account.

Analysis and Conclusion :- The several definitions of the term Political Science reflect the changing
understanding of the discipline. From above definitions we may say that there are mainly two approaches
of looking at Political-Science.

1) Traditional approach 2) Modern approach.

The Traditional Approach suggests that Political-Science is the study of State, Government and National
Institutions. It studies the formal, legal structures and theoretical part.

The Modern Approach emphasizes “What is actually happening in the state”. It stressed on reality and
actual facts of politics. Thus it studies various forces, processes and informal structures making it dynamic.
However, it can be said that political - Science is a systematic study of the State, Government, Political
institutions, Power, influence and authority, Political processes and Political forces.

Aristotle called his studies in Political Phenomena as `Politics‟. Prof Laskis work was named as a “Grammer
of Politics”. However, most of the modern writers prefer the subject to be called as `Political Science‟ and
not as Politics. Because Political Science is a systematic study of Political theory, political institutions,
political forces and processes. The term `Politics‟ indicates the current political problems or issues. Many
times common people use the term of Politics as a dubious, messy, rotten affairs. `Politics‟ is a wide
spread and universal activity and that is analysis in political - science. Study of politics is a part of the study
of political Science. Politics is an activity and that what it analyses as a political science is only a part of it.
The term `Politics‟ is not precise to give us whole range of knowledge pertaining to state and other
political institutions. There is distinction between a politician and political scientist. A politician is a person
who actively participates in the political affairs. Whereas a political scientist is an expert in the subject. He
studies the subject systematically. Hence it is preferable the subject be called a `Political Science and not

Political Science is the study of State

(b) Elements of the State :- As noted State has four constituent elements (i) Population (ii) Territory (iii)
Government (iv) Sovereignty Each of these element needs to be studied property.

(i) Population – We cannot imagine a State without population. How much population is an issue that can
be debated. For example, India is over populated State whereas Austria is under populated State. This
issue has engaged the attention of scholars from time immemorial. Aristotle was talking of optimum
population small enough to be well governed and big enough to be self sufficient. But there is no denying
the fact that without population, there is no State.

(ii) Territory – Like without population, we cannot think of a State without territory. A State can exercise
its authority over well defined territory. Fixed Territory is necessary for legal purpose. For emotional
purpose, people need to have a fixed territory which they call mother - land or father - land. Territory is
so important that normally there are disputes over borders between two states. For example, India and
Pakistan have dispute about Kashmir. India and China has dispute about Arunachal Pradesh. Fixed, well
defined territory is also necessary for legal purpose. A State has control over land, water, mineral wealth
and air space. However, there are some exceptions to the importance of territory as a constituent element
of state. Some nomadic tribes wander from region to region. They have no fixed territory. Similarly the
Jewish people had no territory of their own till 1948. These are exceptions, not the rule.

(iii) Government – government is that agency which steers the ship of the State. Without government,
state will be directionless. Here the form of government does not matter. It could be Presidential System,
one party rule or even dictatorship, there has to be a government. In other words, government is nothing
but the implementing arm of state. Government is that system through which state expresses its will. The
government makes law, punishes law breakers, promotes welfare of people.

(iv) Sovereignty – scholars believe that sovereignty is the soul of state. Before 15th august 1947, India had
territory, population and government. But it did not have sovereignty. It shows the importance of
sovereignty. It has two aspect (i) internal and (ii) external. In internal sovereignty, the state has ultimate,
unlimited power within its territory. It enjoy final control over all people, associations and other things.
Under external sovereignty, it means a state is free from external control. It can enter into international
treaties. Some scholars believe that after UNO was formed in 1945 and more specifically after the age of
globalization began in 1991, the scope of external sovereignty has shrunk considerably.

We have discussed in detail the four constituent elements of state. STATE AND GOVERNMENT Quite often
even well read intelligent people tend to use state and government as if they are synonymous words. In
today‟s political Science, they carry vastly different meaning. Hence it is necessary to understand their
meanings. Government:- By now it is clear that government is one of the four ingredients of the state,
However it has been specifically defined by various scholars. Prof Gettel defined it “It consists of all those
people who are engaged in implementing the will of the state.” In other worlds it is the implementing are
of the State which covers civil services, armed forces and police forces. For implementing the will of the
state, the government is given all powers, resources, men and material. It must get obedience of its
subjects. It must also have the necessary power to enter into international treaties etc. J.W.Garner has
summed it well. He says `Government must be organized and it must possess the powers and necessary
resources so that it can enforce its authority, command respect and obedience. It should be able to
maintain peace, order and perform international obligation under the international law.

Distinction between State and Government State Government

1] State has Four Constituent Elements 1] It is an agency of the State 2] State enjoys original and unlimited
Power 2] Powers of the government are limited and delegated 3] State is an abstract idea 3] Government
is a solid reality 4] Territory is an essential element Of state 4] There can be government without territory
5] State is permanent 5] Government is temporary 6] State is a universal Phenomenon with fixed Elements
6] Form of government can change - Dictator- ship, one party rule 7] State covers all citizens Including
those who are part of Government 7] Government is made up of only those who work for government. 8]
A person cannot have rights Against the state 8] A Person can have rights against government

STATE AND CIVIL SOCIETY Having discussion `State‟, “Government”. Now we will discuss the broader
concept of `Society‟, Today Scholars believe that this concept can be used while discussing non human
living creatures. But it is in the case of human because, as was observed by Aristotle „man is a social
animal.‟ Society is nothing but a web of social relationships. Hence it is observed that by nature as well as
by necessity man is a social animal. Hence the relationships between man and man have multi dimensions.
These relationships cover not only political relationships but social, religious relations relationships also.

Nature of Society :- It is clear by now that society is a much broader concept compared to State and
government. However a bunch of people does not become society. Similarly a crowd is also not a society.
In fact, today society is a big complex of all types of associations and communities. It has become essential
to human existence as through society only, a man can fulfill his needs and dreams. Similarly in a society
there are rules, regulations, initiations which regulate the relationships between people.

Association :- It has been defined as an organization of people operating with some fixed rules and has
been formed for some specific purpose. These rules are normally written but in rare cases, they could be
unwritten. If we compare an `association‟ with a mob it will become clear that `mob‟ has no common
specific purpose and has no organization. The comparison between mob and `association‟ bring forth four
elements of an association 1] A group of people 2] Definite rules and regulations Specific purpose. 4] Co-
operation among the members. In today‟s society one can find all kinds of associations such as social,
economic, cultural, sports, political. All these associations are created by people and for the people etc.
But we must keep in mind that `State‟ is the supreme association, which can be called association of
associations. While other associations are man made, State is regarded as the natural outcome of man‟s
nature. Community :- Community covers a whole area of social life. It could be a village, city, Province or
a country. Hence the focus is on discussion of common life being lived by people. Hence people relate to
each other freely. This common way of life exhibit common social characteristics. This discussion brings
to surface two essential elements of community – 1] Locality area – Community covers a specified
territory. e. g., village, town state. Normally a good community would be settled on a particular piece of
land. This habitation on land creates strong emotional bonds towards the land. 2] Common Social
Characteristics :- Whether it is a village community or town community, one can identify some common
social characteristics. Like social customs, religious festivals, etc. These create a sense of belonging,
oneship among the members. Quite often we see `community‟ is being used to communicate a group of
people of a particular faith. For example, Sikh Community, Jewish Community. But Such use is regarded
as `unscientific‟. Institution – It is nothing but well established and recognised forms of relationship
between social beings. In the case of `institutions‟, what is important is recognised form of relationship.
But in case of association and communities they deal with body of people. In other word, society is a huge
complex of many kinds of associations, groups, communities and institutions. Historically, we find that for
thinkers like plato, Aristotle, there was no distinction between state and society. Since the city states of
Greek era, were small in size and number, there was no distinction between state and society. Similarly
we can also quote Hegel, a German Philosopher who had projected the idea of `State-society‟. In modern
times however, we believe that state and society are two different bodies. This distinction can be
understood through their comprehensive definitions `State is a community of people, more or less
numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent or nearly independent of
external control, having an organized government which is obeyed by maximum people‟. As discussed
earlier, analysis of this definition brings four element 1] Population 2] Territory 3] Government 4]
Sovereignty. Similarly we must also discuss definition of `Society‟. It is the whole community of mankind,
just as much as a small social group or a village‟. There is always a web of relationship covering not only
political relationships but also social, relations, economic relationships etc. While discussing State and
Society it is essential to understand which come first? Society or State? Scholars believe that society come
first. Much before state became a reality, there existed some kind of social organizations. In the earliest
phase of humanity, there were hunters, fishermen, fruit gatherers who had some social groups. There
was no State then. State evolved over a period of time. Even today, we have Eskimos who have no
semblance of State. In other words, out of Society comes State. It is not just the issue of who come first
state or society, it is also the issue of scope of the two. It is clear that the scope of society is much larger
than the State. In case of State it is just a system created for enforcing discipline, law and order, tax
collection, ensuring internal and external security. But society covers lot of ground. In a society various
kinds of associations exists. These care social, cultural, economic, religious, sports and entertainment
associations. We can sum up by saying State is single - purpose body whereas society is multi - purpose
body. Also in terms of structure, society encompasses state. Similarly we should also understand one more
aspect about state and society. State is allowed to use coercion, force to implement its orders,
programmers, schemes, etc. But society cannot use force. It uses persuasion, forces of tradition. In rare
case, it can use `social boycott‟. But more often than not, it believes in persuasion. In addition to above
differences, one must conclude by highlighting one more difference. It is about territory. A State must
have well defined territory, where as society can be borderless. For example, the Red cross society have
branches all over the world. While discussing the difference between state and society, one must also
take into account the agency of government. As noted before, `government‟ is a constituent element of
state, whereas `government‟ has no role in the formation and functioning of the society. Historically
society came first and then came `government‟.

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