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Pub Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy Volume 1

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Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy

Edited by Fatbi Habashi

Volume I: The Metal Industry

Ferrous Metals

Weinheim· Chichester· New York· Toronto· Brisbane· Singapore
Professor Fathi Habashi
Universite Laval
Departement de Mines et de Metallurgie
Quebec G1K 7P4

EX1ractive metallurgy is that branch of met- present four volumes will f1l1 the gap for mod-
allurgy that deals with ores as raw material and ern extractive metallurgy.
This book was carefully produced. Nevertbeles, the editor, the autors and publisher do not warrant the metals as fInished products. It is an ancient art The Handbook is an updated collection of
information contained therein to be free of errors. Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, that has been transformed into a modern sci- more than a hundred entries in Ullmann s En-
data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate. ence as a result of developments in cheinistry cyclopedia ofIndustrial ChemistlY written by
and chemical engineering. The present volume over 200 specialists. Some articles were writ-
is a collective work of a number of authors in ten specifically for the Handbook. Some prob-
wliich metals, their history, properties, extrac- lems are certainly faced when preparing such
Editorial Directors: Karin Sora, Use Bedrich tion technology, and most important inorganic a vast amount of material. The following may
Production Manager: Peter 1. Biel compounds and toxicology are systematically be mentioned:
Cover illustration: Michel Meyer/mmad described.
• Although arsenic, antimony, bismuth, bo-
Metals are neither arranged by alphabetical ron, germanium, silicon, selenium, and tel-
order as in an encyclopedia, nor according to lurium are metalloids because they have
the Periodic Table as in chemistry textbooks. covalent and not metallic bonds, they are in-
The system used here is according to an eco- cluded here because most of them are pro-
nomic classification which reflects mainly the duced in metallurgical plants, either in the
Library of Congress Card No. applied for uses, the occurrence, and the economic value of
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library elemental form or as ferroalloys.
metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., the pro-
duction of iron, steel, and ferroalloys are out- • Each chapter contains the articles on the
lined. Then, nonferrous metals are subdivided metal in question and its most important inor-
into primary, secondary, light, precious, refnlc- ganic compounds. However, there are certain
tory, scattered, radioactive, rare earths, ferroai- compounds that are conveniently described
loy metals, the alkali, and the alkaline earth together and not under the metals in question
metals. for a variety of reasons. These are: the hy-
Although the general tendency today in drides, carbides, nitrides, cyano compounds,
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme peroxo compounds, nitrates, nitrites, silicates,
Handbook of extractive metallurgy I ed. by Fathi Habashi. - teaching extractive metallurgy is based on the
fluorine compounds, bromides, iodides,
Weinbeim ; New York; Chichester; Brisbane; Singapore; Toronto: fundamental aspects rather than on a system-
WILEY-VCH ISBN 3-527-28792-2 sulfites, thiosulfates, dithionites, and phos-
atic description of metal extraction processes,
phates. These are collected together in a spe-
Vol. 1. The metal industry, ferrous metals. -1997 it has been found by experience that the two
approaches are complementary. The student cial supplement entitled Special Topics, under
Vol. 2. Primary metals, secondary metals, light metals. -1997
Vol. 3. Precious metals, refractory metals, scattered metals, radioactive metals, rare earth metals. -1997 must have a basic knowledge of metal extrac-
tion processes: hydro-, pyro-, and electromet- • Because oflimitation ofspace, it was not pos-
Vol. 4. Ferroalloy metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals; Name index; Subject index. -1997
allurgy, and at the same time he must have at sible to include the alloys of metals in the
his disposal a description of how a partiCUlar present work. Another supplement entitled
© VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH - A Wiley company, metal is extracted industrially from different Alloys is under preparation.
D-69451 Weinheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 1997
raw materials and know what are its important • Since the largest amount of coke is con-
Printed on acid-free and low-chlorine paper compounds. It is for this reason, that this sumed in iron production as compared to
All rights reserved (including those of translation into other languages). No part of this book may be Handbook has been conceived. other metals, the articles "Coal" and "Coal
reproduced in any form - by photoprinting, microfilm, or any other means - nor transmitted or translated into
a machine language without written permission from the publishers Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in The Handbook is the first of its type for ex- Pyrolysis" are included in the chapter deal-
this book, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law. tractive metallurgy. Chemical engineers have ing with iron.
Composition: Jean Fran~ois Morin, Quebec, Canada already had their Perry's Chemical Engineers' I am grateful to the editors at VCH Verlags-
Printing: Strauss Offsetdruck GmbH, D-69509 Morlenbach Handbook for over fifty years, and physical gesellschaft for their excellent cooperation, in
Bookbinding: WJ1helm Oswald & Co., D-67433 NeustadtlWeinstraBe metallurgists have an impressive 18-volume partiCUlar Mrs. Karin Sora who followed the
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany ASM Metals Handbook. It is hoped that the project since its conception in 1994, and to
vi Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy

lean-Fran yois Morin at Laval University for

his expertise in word processing.
therefore be useful to industrial chemists as well.
It can also be useful to engineers and scientists
Table of Contents
The present work should be useful as a refer- from other disciplines, but it is an essential aid
ence work for the practising engineers and the for the extractive metallurgist.
students of metallurgy, chemistry, chemical en- volume! Part Refractory Metals
gineering, geology, mining, and mineral benefi- Seven 26 Tungsten 1329
ciation. Extractive metallurgy and the chemical Par( One The Metal Industry 27 Molylxlenum 1361
industry are closely related; this Handbook will Farhi Habashi 1 The Economic Classifica- 28 Niobium 1403
tion of Metals. . ' 1
29 Tantalum ~ .. 1417
2 Metal Production 15
30 Zirconium 1431
3 Recycling of Metals 21
31 Hafnium 1459
4 By-Product Metals 23
32 Vanadium 1471
Part Two Ferrous Metals 33 Rhenium 1491
5 Iron 29
6 Steel 269 Part Eight Scattered Metals
7 Ferroalloys .403 34 Gennanium 1505
35 Gallium 1523
Volume!! 36 Indium 1531
37 Thallium 1543
Part Primary Metals 38 Selenium 1557
Three 8 Copper 491 39 Tellurium 157l
9 Lead 581
10 Zinc , 641 Part Nine Radioactive Metals
11 Tin 6'33 40 General. 1585
12 Nickel 715 41 Uranium 1599
42 Thorium 1649
Part Four Secondary Metals 43 Plutonium 1685
13 Arsenic 795
14 Antimony 823 Part Ten Rare Earth Metals
15 Bismuth 845 44 General. 1695
16 Cadmium 869 45 Cerium 1743
17 Mercury 891
18 Cobalt 923 Volume IV
Part Five Light Metals
19 Beryllium 955 Part Ferroalloy Metals
20 Magnesium 981 Eleven 46 Chromium 1761
21 Aluminum 1039 47 Manganese 1813
22 Titanium 1129 48 Silicon 1861
49 Boron 1985
Part Alkali Metals
Part Six Precious Metals Twelve 50 Lithium 2029
23 Gold........... 1183 51 Sodium 2053
24 Silver 1215 52 Potassium 2141
25 Platinum Group 53 Rubidium 2211
Metals 1269 54 Cesium 2215
viii Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy

Part One
55 Alkali Sulfur
Compounds 2221
Part Alkaline Earth Metals The Metal Industry
Thirteen 56 Calcium 2249
57 Strontium 2329
58 Barium 2337

i\uthors 2355

Name Index 2375 Li Be Metalloids

Na Mg A1 Metals
Subject Index 2379

K Ca Sc Ii V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Ie Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd

Cs Ba Lat Hf Ia W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg

Fr Ra Act
1 The Economic Classification of Metals

1.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3.4 Precious Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2 Ferrous Metals. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . 1 1.3.5 Refractory Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.1 Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3.6 Scattered Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.2 Wrought Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3.7 Radioactive Metals. ... . .. . . . . . .. 10
1.2.3 Cast Irons. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . •. . 2 1.3.8 Rare Earths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . 12
1.2.4 Pure Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.9 Ferroalloy Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Nonferrous Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.10 Alkali Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.1 Primary Metals. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . 3
1.3.2 Secondary Metals. . . . .. . . .. . .. . 5 1.3.11 Alkaline Earth Metals.. . .. . . .. . .. 13
1.3.3 Light Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6 1.4 References............ . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.1 Introduction 1.2.1 Steel

While the Periodic Table classifies metals, Steel is made on a large scale by blowing
metalloids, and nonmetals according to their oxygen and powdered lime through molten
chemical properties, it does not indicate their iron to oxidize the impurities. According to
relative economic value. The fact that iron and their use, steels are divided into three main
its alloys, e.g., steel, are by far the most impor- groups:
tant metals from the point of view of produc-
tion and use, has resulted in the classification Constructional Steel. This is used for the
of metals as ferrous (iron and its alloys) and manufacture of machine parts, motor cars,
nonferrous (all other metals and metalloids). building elements, slqr scrapers, ships,
This classification is well justified: the annual bridges, war instruments (cannons, tanks,
production of iron in one year exceeds the pro- etc.), and containers. It can be carbon or alloy
duction of all other metals combined in ten steel. The mechanical properties of alloy steel
years. are considerably higher than those of carbon
steel. chromium and nickel are the main al-
1.2 Ferrous Metals loying elements used in this category.

Iron produced in the blast furnace (pig iron) Tool Steel. This is used for the manufacture of
is converted into the following commercial tools (lathe knives, chisels, cutters, etc.). It is
products: Steel, wrought iron, cast irons, and either carbon (0.7-1.2% C), or chromium,
pure iron. Table 1.1 shows typical analysis of manganese, silicon, or tungsten alloy steel.
these products; steel is the most important Manganese alloy steels are used to make ma-
product. Chemically pure iron is prepared on a chines such as rock crushers and power shov-
small scale because of its limited use. els, which must withstand extremely hard use.
Table 1.1: Typical analysis offerrous materials.
Pig iron Cast iron White cast iron Steel Wrought iron
C 3.5--4.25 2.50-3.75 1.75-2.70 0.10 0.02
Si 1.25 0.50-3.00 0.8--1.20 0.02 0.15
Mn 0.90-2.50 0.40-1.00 <0.4 0040 0.03
S 0.04 0.01--0.18 0.07-0.15 0.03 0.02
P 0.06-3.00 0.12-1.10 <0.02 0.D3 0.12
Slag o o 0 0 3.00
2 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 3

Special-Quality Steel. These include corro- which carbon-is present in the cast iron deter- duced from any cast iron by introducing a properties, use, and occurrence (Table 1.2).
sion-resisting, stainless, acid~resisting, and mines its properties. small amount of magnesium (in form of a This classification is arbitrary since one metal
heat-resisting steels. Stainless steel, which Grey Cast Iron. Produced by melting pig magnesium-nickel alloy containing 50-80% may be placed in two groups, e.g., titanium is
contains chromium and sometimes nickel and iron, scrap iron, and steel mixture to give the Ni), or cerium into the molten iron while in the both a light and a refractory metal, rhenium is
manganese, is a hard, strong alloy that resists cast iron composition. The slow cooling and ladle, shortly before casting. This addition cat- both scattered and refractory; similarly
heat and corrosion. Stainless steels are used the high silicon content favors the decomposi-
for such things as jet engines, automobile alyzes the decomposition of carbon into sphe- hafnium. The term "rare metals" is sometimes
tion of cementite into iron and free carbon in roids and not flakes. applied to the refractory, scattered, radioac-
parts, knives, forks, spoons, and kitchen the form of flakes_ Gray cast iron is character-
equipment. ized by its power to damp vibrations and by tive, and the lanthanides collectively. This ter-
the wear resistance imparted by the lubricating 1.2.4 Pure Iron minology is misleading because such metals
1.2.2 Wrought Iron effect of graphite. Both properties make it a are not rare; it may be the difficulty in their ex-
useful material for the construction of machin- . High-purity iron possesses temporary mag- traction and uncommon utilization that give
Wrought iron was known since antiquity ery by casting. It is readily machinable (due to netism, i.e., when the magnetic field is re- the impression that they are rare.
and was the major ferrous material produced graphite flakes) and is an economic material moved, the magnetism disappears. Carbon-
until the nineteenth Century; it is produced since it has a low melting point of about iron alloys on the other hand, show permanent
now in limited amounts. Wrought iron is prac- 1200 DC. It has, however, poor toughness and magnetism. For this as well as for other rea-
1.3.1 Primary Metals
tically pure iron, low in carbon, manganese, limited tensile strength.
sons, e.g., studying the physical properties of While iron is the most widely used metal, it
sulfur, and phosphorus, but contains an appre-
White Cast Iron. Produced by melting pig the metal, the preparation of high-purity iron lacks important properties such as corrosion
ciable amount of slag in mechanical admix-
iron and steel scrap. After solidifIcation no is of scientific interest. Preparation of pure resistance. From the beginning of the Nine-
ture. Its desirable properties are due to the carbon is precipitated but remains in combina-
fi brous structure of this slag which gives it ex- iron is a tedious process that requires special teenth Century, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and
tion as iron carbide. It is hard, brittle, and un-
cellent resistance to shock and vibration, mak- machinable. It is used for making grinding techniques and numerous operations. tin and their alloys found use as substitutes for
ing it particularly suitable for the manufacture balls, dies, car wheels, but mostly used for iron in industrial applications that required
of such products as engine bolts, crane hooks, making malleable cast iron.
lifting chains and couplings. Wrought iron is 1.3 Nonferrous Metals particular properties in which cast irons and
readily welded, and the presence of slag Malleable Cast Iron. Prepared from white steels were lacking. That is one reason why
makes it self-fluxing. It is readily machinable cast iron by annealing for several days, The nonferrous metals are divided into nu- these metals are known as primary metals.
and cuttings are sharp and clean because the whereby iron carbide is decomposed into iron merous groups according to their production, (Table 1.3).
chips crumble and clear the dies instead of and graphite in form of nodules. It is more
ductile and more resistant to shock than grey Table 1.2: Commercial classification of nonferrous metals and metalloids.
forming long spirals. Wrought iron is made
cast iron. It is used in large quantities for such Group Metals Remarks
from pig iron by melting in a furnace lined
with ferrous oxide. Under these conditions, materials as pipes and pipe fittings and the au- Primary Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Ni Extensively used; second in importance to iron.
the entire carbon content of the pig iron is oxi- tomative industry requiring higher mechanical Secondary As, Sb, Bi, Cd, Hg, Co Mainly by-products of primary metals but also fonn their own
deposits. Used in almost equal amounts (10-20 thousand tons an-
dized and removed, as well as most of the properties. nually).
other impurities while silicon forms slag. As a Ductile Cast Iron. It is a high-carbon ferrous Light Be, Mg, AI, Ji Low specific gravity (below 4.5), used mainly as material of con-
result, the melting point of the mass increases product containing graphite in the form of
and a sticky lump is obtained saturated with Precious Au, Ag, Pt, Os, !T, Ru, Rh, Pd Do not rust; highly priced.
spheroids. The spheroid is a single poly-
slag. the lump, which weighs about 200 kg is Refractory W, Mo, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Re, Melting points above 1650 DC. Mainly used as alloying elements
crysalline particle, whereas the nodule is com- Cr in steel but also used in the elemental form. Some resist high tem-
removed from the furnace then put through a posed of an aggregate of fine flakes. Ductile perature without oxidation.
squeezer to remove as much slag as possible. cast iron has all the advantages of cast iron, Scattered Sc, Ge, Ga, In, Tl, Hf, Re, Se, Te Do not form minerals oftheir own. Distributed in extremely
e.g., low melting point, good fluidity and ca- minute amounts in the earth's crust.
stability, ready machinability, and low cost, Radioactive Po, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Pu Undergo radioactive decay. Some of them (0, Pu, and Th) un-
1.2.3 Cast Irons dergo fission. Plutonium prepared artificially in nuclear reactors.
plus the additional advantages of high yield Rare earths Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Always occur together, similar chemical properties. Not rare as
Cast iron is a series of iron-carbon alloys strength, high elasticity, and a substantial Th, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu the name implies.
containing more than 1.5% C, together with amount of ductility. It is used by the automo- Ferroalloy Cr, Mil, Si, B Were once mainly used as alloying elements to stee~ but now
silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and -sulfur tive, agricultural instruments and railroad in- metals also used in elemental form.
which are impurities from the raw material dustries, pumps, compressors, valves, and Alkali Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs Soft and highly reactive.
and are not alloying elements. The form in textile machinery. Ductile cast iron is pro- -Alkaline earths Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba Higher melting point and less reactive than the alklali metals
4 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 5

Table 1.3: Typical uses of primary metals. per, can readily be shaped and machined, and structures, general machine building, and mil- hard, while tin greatly improves their castabil-
Metal Use % are strong, hard and resistant to corrosion. itary engineering. Strong and wear-resistant ity. Alloys of lead and antimony, hard and cor-
50 They fInd extensive application in chemical nickel cast irons, alloyed with chromium, mo- rosion-resistant, find extensive use in
Copper Electrical
Buildings 20 and general machine-building, ship-building lybdenum, and copper, are necessary for the chemical engineering. In soldering alloys, or
Engineering and transport 25 and military engineering. Bronze is an alloy of manufacture of heavy internal combustion en- solders, lead may partly replace tin.
Other 5 copper with 6 to 20% tin that found extensive gines for locomotives and of special machine
100 Zinc. Zinc protects iron against corrosion in
use because of its excellent mechanical, anti- tools and dies.
Lead Batteries 35 the air and in cold water. More than half of
friction, and anticorrosion properties. Alloys Many nickel alloys are chemically resis- zinc output is consumed for this purpose.
Pipes, sheets
Gasoline additive 12 similar to bronze are prepared by admixing tant and can withstand temperatures up to Zinc-plating (galvanizing) is considerably
Cable sheathing 10 metals other than tin to copper, e.g., aluminum 600 cC. They are used for turbines of jet air- cheaper than tin-plating or nickel-plating. An-
Pigments, chemicals 10 (5-11 %), lead (25-33%), silicon (4-5%), craft, gas turbine power plants, and in nuclear
Alloys, solder 10 other important fIeld of application is the man-
Other 7 and beryllium (1.8-2.3%). Aluminum bronzes reactors. Nichrome (75-85% Ni, 10-20% Cr, ufacture of alloys, inclusive of the already
100 with additions of lead are suitable for bearings the balance iron) and other similar thermo- mentioned brases and German silver. Zinc-
Zinc Galvanizing 40 while beryllium bronzes are used in the manu- electric nickel alloys are not only refractory, based alloys, partly employed instead of
Die casting 27 facture of springs. Copper-nickel alloys (5- but possess high electrical resistance and are bronzes and low-friction alloys in bearings,
Alloys 18 35% Ni) and German silver (5-30% Ni and suitable for wire or strip resistor heaters.
Sheet, wire, etc. 8 contain aluminium (8-11 %), copper (1-2 %
Zinc compounds 5 13-45% Zn) are particularly resistant to attack Strongly, magnetic alloys of nickel with iron and magnesium (0.03-0.06%). Identical com-
Other 2 by aggressive media. They are used to make (permalloys) and other similar alloys fInd ex- ponents, but in a different ratio to zinc, are
100 medical instruments, home appliances, and tensive application in electrical and radio en- contained in printing alloys, similar in proper-
Tm TInplate 50 works of art. Copper was the fIrst among non- gineering. Alloys of nickel with copper have ties to lead-antimony alloys.
Solder 20 ferrous metals in world output until 1958 been mentioned earlier.
Alloys 15 when it was moved to second place by alumi- Tin. Used in tin-plating, solders, bronze and
Chemicals 3 Lead. Lead was used to make coins, orna-
Other 12 num. In electrical engineering, copper is more other alloys. At one time was used for wrap-
100 and more being replaced by aluminum, which ments, miscellaneous vessels, and water pipes. ping purposed in form of tinfoil.
Stainless steel 28 is less electroconductive, but lighter. With the invention of gun powder, it found use
Cast irons and alloy steels 20 for the manufacture of case-shot, bullets,,and
Nonferrous alloys 20 Nickel. As compared to other heavy nonfer- shot. Abilities of lead to resist attack by dilute 1.3.2 Secondary Metals
High-temperature alloys 12 rous metals, nickel is stronger, harder, more sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and many
Electroplating 16 This group includes the metals cadmium,
Catalysts 1 refractory and more corrosion resistant. Simi- otller chemicals have made the metal the chief cobalt, and mercury and the metalloids ar-
Other 3 lar to iron and cobalt, it is ferromagnetic. It is material for the chemical industry in the 19th senic, antimony, and bismuth. They are
100 relatively expensive and its consumption as a century. Lead is amenable to rolling: sheets 2 mainly by-products of the primary metals but
pure metal is low. Nickel is used for plating to 10 rom thick are suitable for anti-corrosion also form their own deposits. They are used
Copper. The high heat conductivity of copper metals with a view to protect then against cor- coating of various apparatus. Sheaths of elec- worldwide in almost equal amounts of about
makes it a suitable material of construction for rosion and for ornamental purposes. Nickel tric cables intended for prolonged under- 20000 tons annually (Table 1.4).
heat conducting devices such as heating or sheets, pipes, and wire are used for special ground service, in water or moist surroundings
cooling coils, boiling kettles, and other parts components of apparatus and instruments in are made from lead blended with small Cadmium. Cadmium is used in the metallic
of chemical engineering apparatus. Because of the chemical industry. Nickel is also required amounts of other metals to enhance its plastic- form in electroplating and alloying. Cadmium
its high electrical conductivity it became the for the manufacture of certain types of batter- ity. Lead storage batteries are necessary to compounds are used in paints and pigments;
chief material for conductors, contacts, and ies which are lighter, more compact and de- start internal combustion engines. About half cadmium sulfIde is yellow, and cadmium se-
other electroconductive parts. It is used only pendable in operation than lead batteries. of the lead produced is used in the manufac- lenide is red. Cadmium compounds are toxic
as a pure metal since traces of impurities Nickel catalysts fInd their application in many ture of electric cables and storage batteries. In and therefore care must be taken during pro-
greatly reduce this property. However, pure chemical processes. nuclear engineering, lead serves as a shield cessing cadmium and its compounds to avoid
copper is too soft for structural components of against y-rays. inhalation or dispersal of cadmium fumes and
More than half of nickel is consumed in the dust or the release of cadmium-bearing efflu-
machines and apparatus. Its alloys with other manufacture of nickel-iron alloys. Chro- Lead alloys differ from the pure metal ei-
metals are much stronger and many of them ents into the environment.
mium-nickel, stainless, and acid-resistant ther by greater strength and hardness or by an-
surpass copper in other properties, e.g., in cor- steels, commonly containing up to 8% Ni and tifriction properties, and most of the alloys are Cobalt. This metal is used principally in heat
rosion resistance. with admixtures of chromium and other met- resistant to corrosion. Printing alloys for cast- and corrosion-resistant alloys, in jet engine
Alloys of copper with 10 to 40% Zn are als, are widely used in the chemical industry, ing type contain antimony, tin, and copper in parts, and in magnets. It also serves as a binder
called brass. They are cheaper then pure cop- machine tool manufacture, building of durable addition to lead. Antimony makes the alloys material in tungsten and other carbide cutting
G Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 7

tools, and in hardfacing alloys. Nonmetallic Arsenic. Arsenic is regarded as a troublesome form, 80% in form of beryllium--copper alloys aircraft and automotive engines as they readily
applications (paint drier, ceramics, and cata- impurity in smelting and refining and must be (containing about 2% Be), or other master al- reproduce mould configuration; they are also
lysts) account for about 20% of its consump- removed during the recovery of the primary loys, and the remaining 10% is used as a re- light and strong.
tion. metals. Its compounds are toxic and therefore fractory oxide. In the metallic form it is used The surface of aluminum and of its alloys is
their handling in a plant is costly because of as a moderator to slow down fast neutrons in always coated by a thin but strong layer of
Table 1.4: Typical uses of secondary metals. the strict anti-contamination measures. Its nuclear reactors because of its low atomic Al 2 0 3 which protects it against further oxida-
Metal Use % consumption in the metallic form is only 3% weight and low neutron cross section. As an tion. The film is extra strong if it is obtained
Antimony Batteries 47 of the total; it is mostly used as compounds. alloy with copper, it is particularly important by anodic oxidation. The film can readily be
Pigments, chemicals 18 As metal, it is used as a minor additive in non- in springs because such alloys possess high dyed in many colors and this is widely used.
Fire retardants 11 ferrous alloys (copper and lead based) to im- elasticity and great endurance.
The strength of the surface films and-its harm-
Rubber, plastics
Glass, ceramics 6 prove their strength, and sometimes to Table 1.5: Typical uses of light metals. lessness to users make aluminum suitable for
Bearing alloys 4 improve corrosion resistance. In the electronic the manufacture of various equipment in the
Metal Use %
Other 6 industry, high-purity arsenic is combined with food industry. In the form of foil it is used for
100 Beryllium Electric industry 37
gallium and/or indium for making semicon- packing foodstuffs. Aluminum powder is also
50 Electronic industry 16
Cadmium Cadmium plating ductors, solar cells, infrared detectors, light- Nuclear reactors 20 used in.the manufacture of paint The strong
Plastics stabilizer 20
Pigments 15 emitting diodes, and lasers. Arsenic com- Aerospace 18 affmity of aluminum makes it suitable for pre-
Ni-Cd batteries 7 pounds are mainly used as herbicides and in- Others 9 paring metals from their oxides. Because of its
Other 8 secticides. abundance in the Earth's crust, the metal is
100 Aluminum Buildings 30
Antimony. Antimony is mainly used as an al- more likely to be used as a substitute to wood,
45 Transportation (automotive,
Cobalt Alloys plastics, and other construction materials.
30 loying constituent oflead, e.g., to harden lead aircrafts) 20
Paint driers 10 for storage batteries, and as alloying element Electrical 15 Nonmetallic applications of aluminum ac-
5 Packaging 15 count for about 10% of the element. Bauxite
Ceramics in bearings, type metal, and solder. In com- Others (reducing agent, paint) 20
Catalysts 5 and alumina are used as refractories, fused
Other 5 pound form antimony trioxide is used in ce- TOO
100 ramic enamels in plastics, as a white pigment, alumina is used in abrasives, aluminum sulfate
TItanium Jet engine 84
and as flame retardant. Chemical industry 16 is used in water treatment.
Mercury Caustic-chlorine cells 35
Batteries, electrical 28 Bismuth. Bismuth is mainly used for the man- Magnesium. Magnesium is lighter than alu-
Biocidal paints 14 Magnesium As metal and alloy (reducing
10 ufacture of low-melting alloys (m.p. as low as 65
minum resists poorly the action of atmo-
Instruments agent)
Dental 5 60 DC) which are used for making safety As oxide for refractories 7 spheric air, particularly when moist but its
Agriculture 3 plugs. Fertilizer, paper, etc. 28 alloys with aluminum, zinc, and manganese
Other 6 100 are adequately corrosion resistant. These al-
loys, readily castable and machinable, have a
1.3.3 Light Metals Aluminum. Pure aluminum often replaces
wide application in the manufacture of air-
Mercury. In older times mercury was princi- copper in electrical engineering. Although its
These are beryllium, aluminum, magne- craft, automotive industry, and in rockets. The
pally used for the recovery of gold and silver electrical conductivity is only 65 % that. of
sium, and titanium. They are used in pure state high affmity of magnesium for oxygen allows
from their ores by amalgamation, a process copper, the density of aluminum: is almost
and in alloys, characterized by light weight its use as a reducing agent for metallotherrnic
that is now obsolete because of the poisonous three times as less (Cu 8.95, Al 2.7). This
and high strength hence they are valuable ma- reactions, e.g., production of titanium and ura-
nature of the metal vapor. It is now used as a means a lesser consumption of the metal. Also
terials of construction (Table 1.5). They are re- nium. The high affinity of magnesium for oxy-
liquid cathode in chlorine and sodium hydrox- suspension of aluminum conductors requires
active metals and difficult to prepare and gen and its ability to burn in the air with
ide manufacture. The mercury lamps use and fewer poles than that for copper. Pure alumi-
became known in the metallic state relatively evolution of large quantities of heat and light
num is soft, but, if alloyed with small addi-
electric discharge tube that contains mercury recent. makes it suitable in the manufacture of incen-
tions of other elements its mechachical
vapor; they are more efficient as a light Beryllium. Beryllium is an expensive metal diary shells and flares. The main application
strength increases. Aluminum alloys combine
source. Mercury is also used in electrical used in small and specialized industries. Its of magnesium at present is an oxide used as a
strength, lightness, and corrosion resistance.
switching devices, in thermometers and ba- dust and fumes as well as vapors of its com- refractory brick for furnace lining. A large
Its large scale production started in the first
rometers, as an alloy with silver and tin for amount of this material is prepared from sea
pounds are poisonous to inhale. It is fabricated quarter of this century when aeronautics was
dental applications. Nonmetallic applications water.
by powder metallurgy techniques because then making its first steps. Today it fmds wide
include mercuric oxide in batteries, in certain coarse grains tend to develop in the castings application in building construction. Alumi- Titanium. Titanium is somewhat heavier than
organic preparations as fungicide, bactericide, causing brittleness and low tensile strength. num alloys containing silicon are csed in cast- magnesium and aluminum, but it is stronger
or preservative. About 10% of the metal is used in the metallic ing, cylinders, pistons, and other parts of and very resistant to corrosion. TitaniUm and
8 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 9

its alloys resist heat up to 450 °e, whereas alu- • All the gold ever mined in the world would some are very hard, having excellent wear and eralliquid metals including sodium, mercury,
minum and magnesium alloys tend to fail at fit into a store room measuring 17 metres abrasion resistance (Table 1.7). gallium, and magnesium; to oxide ceramics
about 300 °e. That is why titanium alloys be- long, 17 metres high, and 17 metres wide. Table 1.7: Typical uses of refractory metals. such as alumina, magnesia, zirconia and tho-
came the basic materials for jet aircraft. Tita- • The American Federal Reserve Bank on ria. It is often used for crucibles to melt these
Metal Use %
nium alloys are used for the manufacture ofjet Wall Street is the biggest repository of gold materials in an inert atmosphere..
engines, rockets, and shells of satellites. The Vanadium Ferrous alloys 80
in the world: some 13 000 tons of gold are Nonferrous alloys 10 Molybdenum. Molybdenum is hard with re-
largest application of titanium is an oxide used kept behind 90 ton steel doors in vaults Catalyst (V205) 10 spect to tensile stresses. Its electric and heat
as a white pigment. blasted out of solid granite. 100 conductivities are somewhat lower than those
• Gold is used in the electronics industry to Chromium Metallurgical (stainless steel) 58 of tungsten. When heated without access of
1.3.4 Precious Metals make more than 10 billion tiny electrical Refractories (oxide) • 30
air, it is readily amenable to mechamcal work-
Chemical industry (tanning of
TIns group of metals is composed of gold, contacts every year. leather, electroplating) 12 ing and can be drawn into a thin wire. It retains
silver, and the six platinum group metals: plat- • Of the estimated 100 000 tons of refined 100 strength up to temperatures of about 1000 ae.
inum, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, gold in the world - bullion, jewellery, coin- Molybdenum Steel industry 80 It is used in parts of vacuum apparatus, e.g.,
and palladium. They are all common in that no less than 40 000 tons, or 40% was mined Chemicals 20 hooks for fJlaments in electric bulbs, targets of
100 X-ray tubes, heaters of high-temperature fur-
they do not rust, and are highly priced (Table in South Africa since 1886.
Tungsten Tungsten carbides 53 naces, plates of generator and rectifier tubes.
1.6). • Over 50 tons of gold are used every year by Alloy steels 23
Eleetricallamps 13
Molybdenum steels posses a high mechanical
TlIble 1.6: Typical uses of precious metals. the world's dentists.
Chemicals 4 strength, wearability and impact strength. Be-
Metal Use % III Italy is by far the biggest user of gold for the Other 7 cause molybdenum oxidizes rapidly at about
Gold Jewelry and arts 70 manufacture of jewellery: about 250 tons 100 600 ae in air, a protective coating is needed in
Dental 9 annually, enough to make 100 million wed- hot air applications. Many coatings involve
Space and defence 8 ding rings. Tungsten. .Tungsten has the highest melting
Other 13 formation of a thin layer of MoSi2 on the sur-
point of all metals; it also has one of the high-
100 Silver. Pure silver is too soft for many applica- est densities. When combined with carbon, it face of the molybdenum part. The compound
Silver Silverware 29 tions and an alloy of silver and copper is com- has outstanding oxidation resistance up to
becomes one of the hardest man-made materi-
Photography 28 monly used. Silver is used as an ornamental about 1650 ae. In vacuum, uncoated molyb-
Electrical 22 als. While the tungsten filaments for- light
metal for tableware and in coins. It is also denum has a virtually unlimited life at high
Brazes, solder 10 bulbs are widely used, its most common and
Silver batteries 3 commonly used in plating articles made of temperature.
most valuable use is in metal cutting, mining,
Other 8 cheaper metals, in fabricating mirrors, and in and oil drilling tools. Although tungsten can Vanadium is mainly used as an alloying ele-
100 preparation of silver salts used in photogra- be used at high temperatures, an oxide fIlm ment in steel, in titanium alloys, and in some
Platinum Catalysis 60 phy.
Electrical 17 forms which is volatile above temperature of high-temperature alloys. In form of V205 it is
Glass fOffiling 9 Platinum. Platinum is an important contact approximately 540 ae. So, for use at ex- used as a catalyst for oxidation reactions (S02
Dental, medical 5 catalyst in the chemical industry e.g., oxida- tremely high temperatures, tungsten parts to S03)'
Jewelry, etc. 4
Other 5 tion of ammonia. It has also important uses in must be coated, used in a vacuum, or be sur- Niobium. The major use of niobium is as an
100 the electrical industry, in dentistry, in jewel- rounded by a protective atmosphere. Typical alloying element for steel. It also offers lower
lery, and in laboratory ware. uses involving protective atmospheres - or density and low thermal neutron cross section
Gold. A large part of the world's gold supply vacuum - include incandescent lamp fIla- compared to other refractory metals, which
is held by governments and central banks, to ments, electron tube electrodes, and various
provide stability for paper currency, and as a 1.3.5 Refractory Metals makes niobiuni useful in atomic reactors. At
types of heating elements. Silicide coating and ordinary temperatures niobium will resist at-
medium for settling international trade bal- This group of metals is composed of the noble metal cladding are effective oxidation- tack by all mineral acids, with the exception of
ances. The unit of gold purity is called karat, it transition metals tungsten, molybdenum, nio- resisting coatings, for example, cladding the hydrofluoric acid, and it is not affected by
is 1/24 1. A 22-karat gold, for example, is an al- bium, tantalum, titanium, zirconium, hafnium, tungsten with a platinum gold alloys. mixed acids such as aqua regia.
loy containing 22 parts gold and 2 parts other vanadium, rhenium, and chromium. All these Tungsten is resistant to many severe envi-
ingredients, usually silver; ltence it contains metals have high melting points. For example, ronments which readily attack other metals. It Tantalum. Tantalum is one of the most corro-
91.67 % gold and 8.33 % silver. A large part is tungsten melts at 3380 °e, rhenium at resists nitric, sulfuric, and hydrofluoric acids sion resistant materials available. It forms sta-
also used in jewellery, arts, in dentistry, and in 3180 °e, molybdenum at 261O o e. They are at room temperatures. It is only subject to ple anodic oxide films which make excellent
corns. mainly used as alloying elements in steel but slight attack by hot alkaline solutions such as electronic capacitors.
also are used in the elemental form. Some re- potassium, sodium, and ammonium hydrox- Rhenium. Rhenium has a melting point'ex-
1 A carat is also the unit oftrade (200 mg) of dianlOnds. sist high temperature without oxidation, and ides. Tungsten also has good resistance to sev- ceeded only by tungsten, density exceeded
10 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 11

only by osmium, iridium, and platinum. It is

unique among refractory metals in that it does
1.3.7 Radioactive Metals Uraniwn series Actinium series Thorium series :Z:~u + ~ -7 ::Kr + l::Ba + 3~n + 200 MeV
These metals have the highest atomic J, J,
not form carbides. It is highly desirable as an
alloying addition with other refractory metals. weights in the Periodic Table starting from ::y +4e- l~a+ 3e-
The addition of rhenium greatly enhances the polonium, and include radium, actinium, tho-
rium, protactinium, uranium, and the transura- Uranium 238 absorbs neutrons forming
ductility and tensile strength of these metals uranium 239 which is a beta emitter with a
and tlleir alloys. Rhenium alloys are gaining nium metals which do not occur in nature l .
They undergo spontaneous nuclear disintegra- short half life; its daughterneptunium239 also
acceptance in nuclear reactors, semiconduc-
tors, thermocouple, gyroscopes and other tion due to tlle repulsion of the protons within
the nuclei of those atoms as a result of their in-
j J.
emits an electron to form plutonium 239.

aerospace applications. Tungsten-rhenium al-

loys are used to surface molybdenum targets creased number. In this process a helium ion
in X-ray tube manufacture. Other rhenium al-
loys (with tungsten or molybdenum) are used
(composed of two protons and two neutrons)
is ejected. The helium ion (called alpha parti-
cle) possesses extraordinary cohesion.

227 Ac •

Plutonium 239 (half life 2.4 X 104 years) is

for filaments, grid heaters, and ignitor wires in
photo-flash bulbs. Rhenium has found impor-
tant applications in catalysts for reforming in
Naturally-occurring radioactive metals
form three series, each element in the series

230Th •
227Th •
228Th an alpha emitter, it undergoes fission with the
emission of several neutrons and can maintain
conjunction with platinum and in selective hy-
drogenation. It is resistant to hydrochloric acid
being produced when the one before it disinte-
grates, with the successive radioactive disinte-

220Ra •
223Ra •
224Ra a chain reaction. Thus, a nuclear reactor using
uranium as a fuel, not only produces energy,
and shows good resistance to salt water corro-
grations stopping when a stable isotope of lead
is formed. The three series are formed from •


but also produces another nuclear fuel. Under
certain conditions it is possible to generate fis-
uranium 238, uranium 235 (an isotope of ura- sionable material at a rate equal to or greater
nium occurring in uranium ores· to the extent than the rate of consumption of the uranium.
1.3.6 Scattered Metals of 0.7%), and thorium 232 (Figure 1.1). Dur-
ing their disintegration radium 226, 223, and

218po •
215 po •
216 po Such a reactor is known as a breeder reactor.
Thorium absorbs neutrons and is trans-
This group of metals and metalloids is com-
posed of scandium, germanium, gallium, in-
224 are formed respectively. These disinte-
grate in tum to the radioactive inert gas radon

214Pb •
. 211Pb •
formed to uranium 233:

dium, thallium, hafnium, rhenium, selenium,

and tellurium. They do not form minerals of
their own but occur in very small amounts in
222 and its isotopes radon 219 (called acti-
non), and radon 220 (called thoron), respec- •
214Bi •
2llBi •

tively. They then disintegrate to different

the ores of other common metals. Thus gal- polonium isotopes. Being gases with short
limn occurs with aluminum in bauxite, sele- half lives, radon and its isotopes represent a Uranium 233 also undergoes fission; and
nium and tellurium in copper and nickel serious health hazard during the treatment of can be used to operate a breeder reactor ac-
sulfide ores, etc. (Table 1.8). As a result of ores containing radioactive metals. cording to the scheme:
processing a large tonnage of ores each year,
these melals are enriched in certain fractions 1Pota<;sium 40 is a very weak naturally occurring radioac-

210Bi ~U + ~n -7 Fission products + Energy
and are usually recovered.
Table 1.8: Parent ores of scattered metals.
tive element; it emits beta particles.

one neutron
that is captured
one neutron
to continue

• 23~
by chain reaction
Metal Parent ore Concentration in ore, % Major use 90
Gallium Bauxite 0.01 Semiconductor ,J.
Gemmnium Zinc sulfide Trace Semiconductor Figure 1.1: Radioactive metals. 23~Th
Hafnium Zircon sand Nuclear reactors, control £ods ,J.
Indium Zinc sulfide Trace Semiconductor
:Z:~Pa + e-
Rhenium Molybdenite concentrates from Refractory metal
porphyry copper ores Uranium 235 undergoes fission when bom-
23~U + e-
Scandium Uranium and thorium Trace barded by thermal neutrons; it breaks apart
Selenium Copper sulfides Trace Photoelectric cells into two smaller elements and at the same time Uranium is the base of nuclear power reac-
Tellurium Copper sulfides Trace emitting several neutrons and a large amount tors and nuclear weapons. Non-energy appli-
llmllium Zinc sulfide Trace of energy (Figure 1.1): cations (ceramic glazes, catalysts) account for
12 Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy The Economic Classification ofMetals 13

approximately 10% the industrial demand. At optics, quick-drying paints, synthetic gems, 1.3.11 Alkaline Earth Metals Magnesium is like calcium in forming large
the beginning of tlns century, shortly after the and others. deposits, for example, dolomite and magnes-
discovery of radioactivity, uranium ores were Tins is the second group of the Periodic Ta- ite. It is also found in relatively large amounts
exclusively treated for their radium content to ble whose name originates from the fact that in sea water. Besides being a light metal it is
be used for medical purposes while uranium
1.3.9 Ferroalloy Metals these metals form stable oxides (earths) that also used as a reducing agent. Strontium and
was rejected. It was only after the discovery of have alkaline reaction. For example, calcium barium on the other hand, are of limited use.
This group of metals is composed of chro- forms the oxide CaO which dissolves in water
fission that tlns tendency was reversed. Highly mium, manganese, silicon, and boron. They
enriched uranium, used for weapons needs, to form calcium hydroxide. The first two
has more than 90% 235U.
were once mainly used as alloying elements to members beryllium and magnesium are of 1.4 References
steel in form of ferroalloys but now are also useful mechanical properties and being light,
used in the elemental form. Thus chronlium is are used as light metals. The last member, ra- 1. F. Habashi, Metallurgical Chemistry, "'American
used as a protective coating by electroplating Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1987. Audio
1.3.8 Rare Earths dium is radioactive and of no importance as a course (5 cassettes, 5 hours playing tinle) and man-
on iron, silicon is used in the preparation of metal. At the beginning oftllis century, radium ual.
This group of 13 metals always occur to- semiconductors and to convert energy from salts were used for treating cancer and for 2. F. Habashi,Principles ofExtractiveMetallurgJI, vol-
gether and have similar chemical properties. the sum directly into electricity. Manganese is painting phosphorescent watch dials. Of the ume 1: "General Principles" (1969, reprinted 1980);
These are cerium, praseodymium, neody- vol. 2: "Hydrometallurgy" (1970, reprinted 1980);
used as an alloying element Witll aluminum remaining three, calcium is the most important vol. 3: "Pyromelallurgy" (1986, reprinted 1992).
mium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, ter- and copper. Manganese dioxide is a powerful being used sometimes as a reducing agent. Gordon & Breach, Langhorne, PA.
bium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, oxidizing agent. Boron carbide and boron ni- Calcium compounds CaC03 (limestone), 3. N. Sevryukov, B. Kuzmin, Y. Chelishchev, General
ytterbium, and lutecium. Another member of tride are hard materials second only to dia- Metallurgy, translated from Russian., Mir Publish-
CaS04"2H20 gypsum, and CalO(P04)6F2 (flu- ers, Moscow 1969.
tins group is prometlllum, whose position in mond. orapatite, the main component of phosphate 4. A. Zelikman, O. E. Krein, G. V. Sanlsonov, M etal-
the Periodic Table is between neodynlium and rock) occur in nature in great amounts and the lrlrg}' ofRare Metals, translated from Russian., Israel
samarium does not occur in nature but is found first two are widely used as material of con- Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem
in the fission products of uranium. To tllis 1.3.10 Alkali Metals struction while the third is a source of fertiliz- 1966.
group is always added lanthanum and yttrium 5. N. L. Weiss (ed.): SME Mineral Pmcessing Hand-
This is the first group in the Periodic Table. ers. The pyranlids of Egypt were constructed book, Society of Mining Engineers, AlME, New
because they also have similar properties and of limestone. York 1985.
Their name is derived from fact that when re-
are associated with these metals in nature.
acted with water they form alkalies. Soft and
These metals are not rare - they are widely
distributed in nature and it is preferable to call highly reactive, usually not used as metals ex-
them the lanthanides in reference to the first cept litllium as an alloying element for alumi-
member of the group. They form their own ore num, sodium as a reducing agent either alone
deposits and also occur in phosphate rock, in or as an amalgam, and an alloy of 50 % Na and
iron ores, and others. 50% K known as NaK is used as a coolant in
nuclear reactors. Sodium salts have a variety
The annual consumption of lanthanides is of applications, e.g., NaCI is a source of chlo-
about 30 000 tons. They are finding use as rine, potassium salts are used as fertilizers.
deoxidizers, in alloys, in the production of cast
iron and steel, as catalysts, in lighter flints and The economic deposits of the alkali metals
flares, in tile glass and ceranlic industry, in op- are mainly found in nature as salt deposits or
tical glass as well as glass polishers, in the in surface and subsurface waters except lith-
manufacture of ferrites for use as magnetic ium which may also be found as a silicate; the
materials for electric motors, electronic cir- last member of the group, francium, does not
cuits, and computers. Europium and yttrium occur in nature. At one time sodium carbonate
are used in the manufacture of phosphors, pro- was recovered from the ashes left after burn-
ducing the bright reds and greens of color tele- ing wood by leaching with water, while potas-
vision. Because of neutron-absorption sium carbonate was recovered similarly but
properties tlley are used in the manufacture of from ashes left after burning seaweeds. One of
control rods in nuclear reactors. they have potassium isotopes that is naturally occurring
many other applications, e.g., in the produc- is radioactive.
tion of more efficient fluorescent lighting, por-
table X-ray sources, better X-ray screens, fiber ~~K --)- ~~Ca + e-
2 Metal Production

2.1 The Logarithmic Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3 Prices... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. 18

2.1.1 Growth Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 16 2.4 Metal-Producing Associations and
2.1.2 Doubling Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 cartels. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 19
2.2 Production Patterns '. . 17 2.5 References ". . . 19

2.1 The Logarithmic Law rived from the relation: rate of increase of pop-
ulation at a certain moment is proportional to
There is usually a gradual increase in the the number of people at that moment:
production of most metals. This is due to new
ore discoveries, increased population, and the dN = kN
natural development in society. dt
For most metals, the rate of increase of pro-
duction follows a logarithmic law (Figures 2.1
and 2.2) and is constant within a certain period
of time:
logW2 -1ogW\ = k(t 2 -1\)
where W2 and W1 are the weights of metal pro-
duced in time 12 and 11 respectively, and k IS a Statistical information on metal production
constant. 111is logarithmic law is the same as are useful in projection of future needs. some
population growth (Figure 2.3) which is de- facts can also be deducted from these curves:
I oJ-""'-
r- ~
V 1A1l !mil umV
I:.;;::- (bpI
I~ ~ /
I..- I;.;:' Zi 1/"1/
I~ l-J
l,.;- Vin

-- ,


1/ S Iv r 1/ )
I T"ri. eD J...r
1J IV ~ I I
',,- .J
10' ~
abc It f7 e
J/ / ....

"" E
o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0
OJ 0 N ~ \Q CD aJ 0 N 'IIICI' t.C a::J aJ 0 N 'IIICI' t.C aJ
aJ 0\ 0\ C"l C"l 0\ CD Q'I 0\ CI\ 0\ CI\ aJ 0\ CI\ 0\ CI\ CI\
.... rI ...... ....t ....t rI r-I rI rI rt rt rI rI rI rt rt rI rt

Figure 2.1: Production of metals.

16 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Metal Production 17

10' 2.1.2 Doubling Period 10'


Another way of expressing the rate of
la' growth is the doubling period, f'!"t, i.e., the time
required for a certain metal to double its pro- 10' J!
la' duction. This is related to the growth rate by
the relation: II V l{r y
10' At = 2.3031og2 = 0.69 10"
~ .. .An im )ny k k // .
p;- V
~\ rv
lI] I~ I~

if Thus, is the case of copper mentioned above, a

r1 V-
t: in WO J I
0 Dl
growth rate of 5%, i.e. k = 0.05 means that

r §
1\ --"
la' 10'
r l
V V'
c~pper production doubles every 14 years (f'!"t
E-t ,I
M "
rc rv -v" /
= 0.69/0.05 ~ 14) during that period. St eel

I 10' I
Me ly de um /IB '8m ~th 2.2 Production Patterns ,


The maxima in the curves in Figures 2.1
and 2.2 are due to the exceptionally high pro-
1 0 0 0 000 o 0 0 0 0 0 duction rates in time of wars to meet military
at 0 N '" \D at 0 N .,zo \D II)
II) Ol Ol Ol Ol
Ol II) Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol needs and for stockpiling. On the other hand in
r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I
time of crises, the curves show exceptionally 10:
Figure 2.2: Production of metals (continued). o o 0 0 o 0 0 0
low production rates, e.g., 1921 and the early \D
~ \D to 0
10 pressed in percent. For example, the growth 1930s. ..-i ri ri ri
rate of copper during the period 1870 to 1910 With the exception of iron ores and alUl11i- Figure 2.4: World productioa of iron and steel.
was 5%, i.e., copper production increased by nllID ores, most ores are complex, i.e., they a Lead and zinc have nearly the same produc-
5% every year during the period mentioned. may yield more than one metal. As a result, tion level (as well as the same price). The
The growth rate for metals are not the same; the production pattern of a certain metal may two metals are closely related in the sense
c some metals, especially the new ones grow at also be complex. Table 2.1 shows the produc- that they always occur together in ores; thus
:a a faster rate than the old metals. For example: tion pattern for silver. It can be seen that only a zinc plant usually produces lead as by-
.sc 20% of the world's silver comes from silver
.Q • The growth rate of nickel is higher than that product and vice versa.
ores and the rest is by-product of lead, copper, Production patterns of metals change as a
for lead. The reason for this is that an old
S- copper-nickel, gold, and tin ores. result of the following factors:
metal like lead, once used extensively for
-.::: Table 2.1: Sources of silver produced worldwide.
constructing equipment for chemical plants, a Changing technology. Steel was produced in
e.g., lead chambers in sulfuric acid plants, is Origin % small amounts until the discovery of the
now giving way to the new metal, nickel, Silver ores 20 Bessemer Process in 1850s (Figure 2.4).
which is finding increasing use in the form Lead ores 45 Similarly, the production of alurninllID in-
Cu, Cu-Ni ores 18 creased rapidly after the discovery of the
of stainless steels and for constructing cor- Gold ores 15
0.5 ~~.------...--.---.-.,.-~.---r-...,--.--,-~,
rosion resistant equipment. TUI ores 2
electrolytic process in 1886, and that of gold
1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 200 100 after the discovery of the cyanidation pro-
Year • The growth rate of alurninllID is higher than cess in 1887.
Figure 2.3: World popUlatioIL that for copper. The two metals are good A metal may follow the production pattern a Changing application The curve for silver
electrical and heat conductors, easily of another if both occur together in ores. For shows a slight decrease in production during
2.1.1 Growth Rate worked or machined, and resistant to atmo- example: the past 40 years. It is not so much used as a
The constant k x 100, which is the slope of spheric corrosion. AlllIDinllID became • Gold and silver usually follow each other coinage metal since the introduction of
the curves shown in Figures and during a cer- cheaper than copper after World War II and because a large part of silver is a by-product nickel. Otherwise it has the same growth
tain period, is called the growth rate and is ex- is now replacing it in power cables. of gold production. . rate as gold.
18 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Metal Production 19

2.3 Prices expensive. Expressed in a different way, years it has only been double their price. this large stock of the metal available on the mar-
cheaper metals are consumed in greater quan- can be explained when comparing the produc- ket.
Prices of metals vary from few centslkg, tities than more expensive ones. M~ other tion patterns; it was only 30 years ago that Associations are usually formed between
e.g., iron, aluminum, and lead, to tens of thou- commodities fallon the same straight line. copper production approached that of lead or producers of a certain metal world-wide. For
sands of dollarslkg, e.g., gold and platinum. This straight line cannot be explained by zinc and started to surpass them. example:
The price of a metal varies also with the purity, the law of supply and demand because if a • Aluminum Association
the form whether in powder, ingot, pellets, metal is in great demand its price should rise. • Cobalt Development Institute
etc., and the amount sold. There are many fac- This is not the case: iron is in great demand yet 2.4 Metal-Producing
• International Copper Association
tors that control the price of a metal. For ex- its price is the lowest of all metals. The law of Associations and cartels • International Lead-Zinc Research Organi-
ample: supply and demand, however, applies tempo-
rarily within certain periods when the produc- zation "
Availability of rich deposits. Large iron de- A great demand for a metal causes a short-
posits containing 60% iron are common, tion level of a metal is changed. For example, age in the market, and as a result, the price • Nickel Development Institute
while a gold deposit is usually 0.001 %. It a shut down in the steel industry may lead to tends to rise. To meet the shortage and hold the • Tantalum-Niobium International Study
would, therefore, be expected that iron is an increased price of the metal because of the price constant, cartels are formed. These can Center
cheaper than gold. temporary shortage in supply. When the price be either private or government sponsored. The purpose of these associations is to pro-
reaches a certain high level, production is re- For example, the tin cartel which was com- mote the use of the metal in question through
Easiness in extraction. A metal that can be sumed. This is usually the case when there is a diffusing information, subsidizing research in
extracted by reduction with carbon is usually posed of seven producing countries as mem-
labor conflict. The price of the metal, how- potential applications, etc. Metal producing
cheaper than metal that lI).ust be extracted by bers and controlled 94% of the production in
ever, usually does not come back to its original companies participate by paying the cost of
reduction with metallic magnesium (or other the Western World fixed the price of the metal
level before the conflict because of the in- operations. They also sponsor holding confer-
metal). For example, lead oxide is reduced by by creating a stock of the metal furnished by
creased cost of its production. Soon after, ences and publish bulletins about their activi-
coke while beryllium fluoride is reduced by the members. Should the price of the metal in-
other industries follow suite, anc\ the prices ad- ties.
magnesium. Evidently, lead will be cheaper creases, the cartel offers its stock for sale thus
just themselves.
than beryllium. A natural phenomenon in pricing metals is lowering the price and vice versa: should the
that new metals start with high price, and their price decrease the cartel buys metal from the 2.5 References
Easiness in reiming. A metal that can be re- market until the price is stabilized at the de-
fined from aqueous solution or can be handled price gradually decreases as time goes on due 1. Canadian Minerals Yearbook, Conullunications
to development in the extractive 'processes, sired value. The tin cartel, however, bro'ke Canada, Ottawa 1996.
in air when molten· will be usually cheaper
and also to increase in its production due to in- down few years ago because a non-member 2. Minerals Yearbook, volume 1: "Metals and Miner-
than a metal that must be refined from fused als"; volume 2: "Area Reports"; volume 3: "Interna-
creased demand. For example, aluminum producing country increased its production of
salts or must be handled in inert atmosphere tional Review". US Bureau of Mines, Washington,
started as a very expensive. metal, now it is a the metal and the cartel was unable to buy a DC, 1992.
because of its reactivity. Thus nickel, for ex-
ample, is cheaper than titanium. cheap metal.
However, there are many exceptions to the The price of the lanthanides (rare earths) re-
above. For example: quires some clarification. There metals always
• Copper is actually easier to produce than occur together. To separate a member of the
aluminum, yet it is more expensive. group it is necessary to separate all the others
and stock pile them. The cost of producing a
• Tellurium occurs in ores in nearly the same desired member is therefore very high. If for
concentration as gold, yet, it is much instance a use is found for the stock piled ma-
cheaper. terial, then price would decrease.
• Lead is more difficult to refine than nickel, Once the price of an expensive metal is re-
yet, it is cheaper. duced and approaches another metal, substitu-
• Sodium is more difficult to handle than zinc, tion for a particular use becomes possible
yet, it is cheaper. without sacrificing a loss in the end use. For
All these factors combine to give a simple example, aluminum foil replaced tin foil in
relation: The price of a metal varies inversely wrapping, aluminum busbars replaced copper
with its production. Metals produced in large in electrical industry, and aluminum beverage
tonnage are less ex-pensive than those pro- cans replaced tirmed steel.
duced in small tonnage. Iron is the cheapest The price of copper was once about three
metal while the platinum metals are the most times that of either lead or zinc. In the last 30
3 Recycling of Metals

3.1 Introduction. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 21 3.3 Nonferrous Metals... . . .. 21

3.2 Ferrous Metals. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . 21 3.4 References....................... 22

3.1 Introduction scrap for steehnaking comes from two main

Recovery of a metal from scrap requires • Local. This is scrap produced locally in a
much less energy than starting from ore. For steelmaking plant during shaping. In a steel
example, the remelting of steel scrap to pro- plant, about one third of the steel produced
ducereusable steel saves about 74% of the en- is returned as scrap.
ergy that would be required to produce the
• External. This is old automobiles, farm
same quantity of steel from iron ores. In the
equipment, railroad rails, ships, etc., that is
case of aluminum, it is even higher - it reaches
purchased from outside sources.
96 % (Table 3.1). Recycling of metals has two
Steel scrap in form of tin cans is usually
important effects on society.
sold to the copper industry to be used for pre-
• Conservation of natural resources cipitating copper from leach solutions by the
• Decreasing pollution of the environment. reaction:
As a result, there is a great effort nowadays
to collect and recycle old metals. Cu1+ + Fe~ Cu + Fe1+ .

Table 3.1: Energy savings through recycling of metals; It is fIrst heated to remove tin by volatiliza-
Metal Energy saving, % tion before use (detinning).
Aluminum 9G A shortage of scrap is expected in the future
Copper 87 as a result of introducing continuous casting
Iron and steel 74
Zinc 63 method which produces less local scrap. This
Lead 60 shortage, however, can be overcome by pro-
ducing a certain quantity of iron by "direct re-
duction" methods. This iron is not produced in
3.2 Ferrous Metals the blast furnace but in less expensive equip-
There are small-scale steel plants that oper- ment such as a rotary kiln, a static bed, or a
ate solely on scrap; these usually use electric fluidized bed. It differs from blast fum ace iron
furnaces for melting. Other steelmaking pro- in being not subjected to melting, and is suit-
cesses based on raw iron as a starting material able as a substitute for scrap. Usually steel
also use scrap to a variable degree (Figure produced from such iron is made in electric
3.1). The use of scrap in certain steehnaking furnaces (Figure 3.1).
processes is necessary because it is used to
control the temperature in the converter during 3.3 Nonferrous Metals
steehnaking. As a result of oxidizing the im-
purities in the pig iron, the temperature rises Great efforts are now being made to collect
because of the exothermic nature of the reac- and recycle scrap of aluminum (e.g., beverage
tion. To prevent the rapid deterioration of re- cans), copper (e.g., electric wires), lead (e.g.,
fractories, scrap is added to cool down the old automobile batteries), silver (e.g., used
change. On the average, the steel industry con- photographic films, table ware), nickel from
sumes 50% raw iron and 50% scrap. Steel hydrogenation catalysts, platinum from auto-
Handbook ofExtractive M etaIIurgy

mobile exhaust gas catalyst and ammonia oxi- stitute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum, Mon-
tn!al 1992. 4 By-Product Metals
dation catalyst, etc. As a result, new 6. S. R. Rao, T. 1. Veasey, Second International Sym-
technologies are constantly emerging for treat- posium on Waste Processing and Recycling. in the
Mining and MetaIIull!.icalindustries, CanadIan In- FATHI HABASHI
ing and purifying such scrap. stitute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum, Mon-
trea11995. 4. 1 Introduction. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . 23 4.5 Rhenium from Porphyry Copper Ores 24
7. R. F. Rolsten (ed.), Materials: Dispose or Recycle?,
3.4 References Wright Company, Dayton, OIl, 1977. 4.2 Uranium from Phosphate Rock. . . . 23 4.6 Cadmium from Zinc Concentrates.. 24
8. M. Sittig, Metal and Inoll!.anic Waste Reclaiming 4.3 Vanadium from Fuel Oil. . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.7 Gallium from Aluminum Ores ..... 25
1. s.
A. Bortz, R. S. De Cesare, Accomplishments in Encyclopedia, Noyes Data Corporation, Park Ridge,
Waste Utilization, Information Circular 8884, U.S. NJ. 4.4 Precious Metals from Copper Ores. 23 4.8 References....................... 25
Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC, 1982. 9. M. 1. Spendlove, Recycling Trends in the United
2. S. A. Bortz, K. B. Higbie (eds.): Materials Recy- States, Information Circular 8771, U.S. Bureau of
cling, Information Circular 8826, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC, 1976.
Mines, Washington DC, 1980. 10. M. J. Spendlove, Bureau ofMines Research on Re-
3. R. K. Collings, Mineral Waste Resources of Can- SOUTce Recovery, Information Circular 8750, U.S. 4.1 Introduction 4.3 Vanadium from Fuel Oil
ada, a series of reports issued by CANMET, Ottawa Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC, 1977.
1977-1980. 11. P. R. Taylor, H. Y. Sohn, N. Jarret (eds.), Recycle It is often possible to recover certain metals Fuel oil contains on the average 100 ppm
4. P. Mehant et al. (eds.): Resource Conservation and and Secondary Recovery ofMetals, The Minerals, as by-products during the processing of ores.
Environmental Technologies in Metal/ull!.ical In- Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, vanadium. During burning in boilers to gener-
This is often aided by the fact that metals ate steam, the dust collected in the gas treat-
dustry, Canadian lnslilute of Mining, Metallurgy,
a.nd Petroleum, Montreal 1994. 12. K. J. 111ome-Kozmiensky (ed.), Recycling Interna- found in exceedingly small amount in a feed ment section is rich in vanadium (Figure 4.2).
5. S. R. Rao el aI., Waste Processing and Recycling in tional: Recovery ofEnergy and M aterial from Resi- material to a chemical or a metallurgical pro-
Mining and Metal/urgicallndustries, Canadian In- dues and Waste, Freitag-Verlag, Berlin 1982.
cess are enriched in certain fractions during
processing i.e.g. dust, slimes and residues and 4.4 Precious Metals from
therefore can be economically recovered as
by-products. In some cases tills may be a
Copper Ores
means to conserve the natural resources, in
others it may be an essential purification step. A copper are containing 1 to 2 % Cu that
Purchased scrap may be beneficiated to a concentrate contain-
a) ing 20 to 40% Cn, when smelted yields raw
4.2 Uranium from metal containing about 97% Cu. During the
Electric furnace Phosphate Rock electrolytic refining step to get 99.9% Cu, the
impurities behave differently: some remain in
Phosphate rock contains on the average 150 solution and can be crystallized, for example
Local scrap ppm uranium. During the processing of the nickel sulfate, while the others remain at the
rock for fertilizer manufacture, uranium is en- botton of the tank as insoluble residue called
riched in the phosphoric acid produced as an slimes (Figure 4.3). These are an important
intermediate product and is usually recovered source of the precious metals as well as sele-
b) as a by-product without interfering with the nium and tellurium originally present in the
Sleel manufacturing process (Figure 4.1). are.
Iron ore Blast furnace Sleelmaking plant
H2S0 4 Phosphate rock
Fuel oil
150 ppm uranium 0.01% vanadium

Local scrap

c) Scrap

Sleel Exhaust gas

Iron ore -1L-_D_ir_ec_t_r_ed_u_ct_i_on_F;;L-_E_le_ctr_i_c_fu_rn_ac_e_

Fly ash
Local scrap HJP04for
2% vanadium
fertilizer manufacture
Figure 3.1: The role ofscrap and scrap subslilutes in the sleel !ndustry: (a) Sleel industry b~ed solely on scrap; (b) Steel
industry based on'" 50% raw iron and '" 50% scrap; (c) Steel mdustry based on scrap substitutes. Figure 4.1: Recovery of uranium from phosphate rock. Figure 4.2: Recovery of vanadium from fuel oil.
24 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy By-ProductMetals

Copper ore 1-2% Cu Chalcopyrite ore 4.7 Gallium from Aluminum Bauxite
Traces of gallium found in bauxite, the
principal source of aluminum, are usually re-
covered from a bleed of the aluminate leach
solution (Figure 4.6). Residue

4.8 References
Slimes 1. W. Schreiter, Seltene Metalle, 3 volumes, VEB
Deutscher Verlag fUr Grundstoffmdustrie, Leipzig Al(OHh
Au: 0.2-2% 1961-1963.
Ag: 3-25% 2. R. Kieffe, G. Jangg, P. Ettmayer, Sondennetalle,
Se: 2-15% Springer-Verlag, Vienna 1971.
Te: 0.5-8% 3. A. Patrick et aI., The Economics ofB)LProduct Met-
Pt-metals: trace als, 2 parts, US Bureau of Mines Information Circu-
lars 8569,8570 (1973).
Figure 4.3: Enrichment oftraces of metals present in cop- 4. J. G. Parker, Occurrence and Recovery of Certain
per ore during the production ofthe metal. . Minor Metals in the Smelting-Refining of Copper, Gallium
US Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8778
(1978). Figure 4.6: Recovery of gallium from bauxite as a by-
5. L. A. Haas, D. R. Weir (eds.): Hydrometallurgy of product ofthe aluminum industry.
Copper. its By-Products, and Rarer Metals, Society
of Mining Engineers AIME, New York 1983.
4.5 Rhenium from Porphyry
Copper Ores Figure 4.4: Chalcopyrite - a major source of rhenium.

Chalcopyrite concentrate from porphyry

copper ores contains on the average 0.05%
molybdenite. This is usually separated by se-
lective flotation. The molybdenite concen-
trate obtained contains about 700 ppm Zinc sulfide concentrate
rhenium which is enriched in the dust fraction
during oxidation (Figure 4.4). This is the prin-
cipal source of rhenium.

4.6 Cadmium from Zinc

Concentrates Residue containing
Ge, ln, TI, and
During the production of zinc by the hydro- PbS04
metallurgical route small amounts ofcadmium Cd

are. present in the leach solution and these

must be removed before the electrowinning
step (Figure 4.5). This is an important source
of cadmium. At the same time germanium, in- Zinc
dium, and thallium are retained in the leach Figure 4.5: Recovery of cadmium as a by-product of the
residue and are recovered. zinc industry.
Part Two
Ferrous Metals

, H He

Li Be B C N 0 F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl AI

K Ca Sc Ii V Cr Mn Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Ie Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Ie I Xe

Cs Ba La t Hf Ia W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg II Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Act
5 Iron
FATHI HABASHI (§§ 5.1, 5.2, 5.4-5.6 EXCEPT 5.5.6-5.5.11,5.8-5.9 EXCEPT 5.9.1, 5.14-5.16, 5.17.1, 5.18-5.19); HEINRICH
(§§ 5.17.2-5.17.3); HANs STARK (§§ 5.17.4-5.17.5); FRANZ LUDWIG EBENHOCH (RETIRED), GABRIELE FRIEDRICH (§ 5.17.6);
NER, KATSUHISA NIITA, GERNARD PFAFF (§ 5.21.5); HARALD GAEDCKE (§§ 5.21.6-5.21.7); JOHN C. CRELLING (§§ 5.22.1-
5.22.4, 5.22.9-5.22.11); DIETER SAUTER (§§ 5.22.5, 5.22.8); DIETER LEININGER t (§ 5.22.6); UDO BERlMANN, BERNHARD
DOVIC, ALAN SCARON! (§ 5.22.13)

5.1 Introduction . 31 5.5.7 Effective Utilization ofEnergy ... 67

5.2 Occurrence . 31 5.5.8 Blast Furnace Productivity Criteria 77
5.2.1 Native Metal . 31 5.5.9 Use of Blast Furnace Products .... 80
5.5.10 Process Control ............... 81
5.2.2 Oxide Minemls . 32
5.5.11 Hot-Metal Desulfurization....... 90
5.2.3 Complex Oxides . 33
5.2.4 . Carbonates . 33 5.6 Plant Layout ..................... 96
5.2.5 Sulfides, Disulfides, and Complex 5.6.1 Dust-Recovery System ......... 96
Sulfides . 33 DustCatchers ................ 96
5.2.6 Phosphates . 34 Cyclones .................... 97
5.3 Ores . 35 Spray Towers . ................ 97
5.3.1 Ore Deposits . 35 Venturi Scrubbers ............. 98
5.3.2 Supply ofIron Ore . '36 Electrostatic Precipitators. ...... 98
5.6.2 Heat Economy System.......... 100
5.3.3 Most Important Iron-Producing
Countries . 37 5.7 Refractory Materials .............. 101
5.3.4 Beneficiation ofIron Ore . 39 5.8 Iron from Pyrite Cinder ........... 102
5.3.5 Agglomeration . 43 5.8.1 The Chloride Route ............ 102
5.4 Reduction of Iron Oxides . 49 5.8.2 The Sulfate Route ............. 103
5.4.1 Chemical Aspects . 49 5.9 Iron from Ilmenite ................ 103
5.4.2 Technical Aspects . 50 5.10 Direct Reduction Processes ....... 104
5.4.3 Raw Materials . 52 5.1 0.1 Fuels and Reducing Agents ...... 106 Iron Ores . 53 5.102 Shaft Furnace Processes for Direct Coke .- . 53 Reduction.................... 110 Limestolle . 54 5.10.3 Retort Processe"s............... 114 Air . 54 5.10.4 Fluidized-Bed Processes ........ 115
5.4.4 Products . 54 5.10.5 Rotary Kiln Processes .......... 118 Pig Iron . 54 5.11 Smelting-Reduction Processes..... 123 Slag . 54 5.11.1 Processes Using Electrical Energy 124 Gas . 55 5.11.2 Char-Coke-Bed Melter--Gasifiers. 127 Flue Dust . 55 5.11.3 Converter-Type Melters ......... 130
5.4.5 Behavior ofImpurities . 55
5.12 Aspects of Environmental
5.5 The Blast Furnace . 56
Protection ....................... 132
5.5.1 General Description . 56 5.12.1 Air Pollution Control. ..........
5.5:2 Operation . 59 5.122 Prevention of Water Pollution ....
5.5.3 Opemting Difficulties ........•. 60 5.12.3 Noise Reduction ..............
5.5.4 Shutdown . 61 5.12.4 Waste Management ............
5.5.5 Efficient Opemtion and
Improvements '. 61 5.13 Economic Aspects ................ 137
5.5.6 Engineering Aspects . 63 5.14 Pure Iron ........................ 143
30 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 31

5.15 Iron-Carbon System 144 5.21.4

Iron Phosphide
Iron Oxide-Mica Pigment. . . . . ..
5.1 Introduction l approximately 93 % of the tonnage of all the
5.16 Technical Varieties of Iron 146 metals used.
5.21.6 Transparent Iron Oxides. . . . . . .. 190
5.17 Compounds 147 5.21.7 Transparent Iron Blue 191 Iron is an Anglo-Saxon word; the symbol,
5.17.1 General .. , . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 147
5.22 Coal and Coal Pyrolysis , 191
Fe, comes from Latinfen-u11l. The French term 5.2 Occurrence Ferrous Compounds. .. . . .. . . .. 147 sidb-urgie, i.e., iron technology, comes from
5.22.1 Coal Petrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 191 FerricCompoullds 147 mBllP0C; the Greek word for iron. Also sideri- Iron is a relatively abundant element in the Complex Compounds '" 148 5.222 Coalification ..... . . .. .. .. .. .. 195
5.22.3 Occurrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 196 tis is the Latin work for lodestone. universe. It is found in the sun and many stars
5.17.2 Iron(II) Sulfate. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 149
5.17.3 lron(IIl) Sulfate. . .. . . . . . .. . 150 5.22.4 Classification " 198 The use of iron has been known since the in considerable quantity. Iron is found native
5.17.4 lron(IIl) Chloride. . . . . . . . . . 150 5.22.5 Chemical Structure of Coal 200 earliest times; it was prepared by the sa-called as a principal component of a class of meteor-
5.17.5 lron(lI) Chloride 153 Characterization ofCoals 202 bloomery hearth, or Catalan forge. Iron ores ites known as siderites. The core oftI(e earth is
5.17.6 Iron Pentacarbonyl . . .. . . . . . 153 Structural Deductionsfrom were heated in a shallow trench with a large thought to be largely composed of iron. The
Analytical alldBench-Scale Data. 204
5.17.7 Iron Compounds, Miscellaneous.. 160 Bonding ofElements in Coal .. ... 204 excess of wood charcoal, fanned by bellows. metal is the fourth most abundant element in
5.18 Relationships Between the Structural Evidence ofCoals . . . .. 205 Lumps (blooms) of wrought iron were ob- the earth's crust: about 5% is iron. Iron is a vi-
Different Forms ofIron Oxides. . .. 162 5.22.6 Hard Coal Preparation. . . . . . . . .. 205 tained, and were welded together by hammer- tal constituent of plant and animal life, and ap-
5.19 The Aqueous Oxidation of Iron Preliminary Treatment and ing. As technology advanced during the pears in hemoglobin.
Sulfides.. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 164 Classification ofRaw Coal 205 Middle Ages, the trench was replaced by a
5.19.1 Pyrite , . .. . . .. . 164 Wet Tre~tment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 206 small shaft furnace, and from this the present 5.2.1 Native Metal
5.19.2 Arsenopyrite '" 165 Dewatering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 207 day blast furnace has developed. The use of
5.19.3 Pyrrhotite " . .. . . . . . .. . ... 165 Decantation andThickening ofthe Iron occurs in the native state in two forms
Process Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. water power to operate the blast was intro-
5.20 Regeneration of Iron-Containing 208 [1 ]: Dosing andBlending , 208 duced during the 14th century. The conse-
Pickling Baths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 166 quent considerable increase m furnace Telluric Iron. This form of iron is known as Removal ofPyritic Sulfur. . . . . . .. 209
5.20.1 Sulfuric Acid Pickling Solutions.. 166 temperature resulted in the production of iron telluric iron, i.e., terrestrial, to distinguish it ThemIaI Drying. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Crystallization. . . .. . .. . . .. . ... 166
5.22.7 Coal Conversion (Uses) , 210 with a much higher carbon content than for- . from meteoric, i.e., coming from outer space. Electrolysis.................. 168
5.20.2 Hydrochloric Acid Pickling Preparation . . " 210 merly, namely cast iron. This was not mallea- The difference in nickel, cobalt, carbon, and
Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 Briquetting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 210 ble but it was soon discovered how this might basalt content clearly distinguishes one from
5.20.3 Nitric and Hydrofluoric Acid Carbonization alld Coking " 211 be converted into malleable iron by a second the other (Table 5.1). Although both types
Pickling Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . .. 169 Pyrolysis . . , 211 heating in an ample supply of air (refining). may look alike and may occur as large boul-
5.21 Pigments 171 Coal Liquefaction 212 The iron industry received a great impetus at ders 20 to 80 tons, there is another way to dis-
521.1 Iron Oxide Pigments. .. . . . . . 171 Coal Gasification 213 the end of the 18th-century, when the demand tinguish between the two, besides chemical Coal Combustion 215 Natural Iron Oxide Pigments 172 for iron began to increase as a result of the in- analysis, is the Widmanstiitten structure that Synthetic1ron Oxide Pigments. .. 172 Conversion ofCoalfor Purposes
Other 17lan the Generation of vention of the steam engine and the railway. appears in meteoric iron when a piece is pol- Taxicology andEnvirolu1lental Energy 215 The shortage of wood charcoal led to the intro- ished, etched and examined by the optical mi-
Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 177
5.22.8 Agglomeration 215 duction of coke, as fuel and as reducing agent. croscope. The large crystals indicating slow Quality , 177 Uses 178
5.22.9 Transportation 216 Coke was first used in the blast furnace by cooling is characteristic of meteoric iron. The
5.22.10 Coal Storage 217 Abraham Darby, in 1732. The refming process major occurrence of telluric iron is in associa- EconomicAspects 178
5.21.2 Iron Blue Pigments , 179
5.22.11 Quality and Quality Testing 218 underwent fundamental improvements during tion with the basalts2 of Western Greenland.
5.22.12 Economic Aspects. . . . . . . . . . . .. 220 the 19th century, through the introduction of Large boulders are on exhibit at the Natural Structure 179 WorldOutlook " 220 Production................... 179 the blast refming method (Bessemer process, History Museums in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Some Major Coal-Producing Properties................... 180
Countries " 221 1855; Thomas-Gilchrist process, 1878) and of and Helsinki. Telluric iron is found also as Uses........................ 182 regenerative heating (Siemens-Martin process small millimeter-sized pea-shaped grains dis-
5.22.13 Coal Pyrolysis 224 Taxicology andEnvirolu1lental 1865). Later, smelting in the electric furnace seminated in the basalt, characterized of their
Aspects , 184 ThemlOplastic Properties ofCoal . 224
5.21.3 Iron Magnetic Pigments , 185 Yield andDistributioll ofPyrolysis has been introduced for the production of cer- low carbon content, usually less than 0.7%.
Products , 238 tain high-grade steels. These were extracted from the basalt by the Iron Oxide Magnetic Pigments .. , 185 Kinetics 245 Cobalt-Containing Iron Oxide Hydropyrolysis 247
Iron is the cheapest and most widely used natives by crushing and then cold-hammering
Pigments , 187 Pyrolysis Processes. . . . . . . . . 248
metal. Its annual production exceeds by far the collected metallic particles into coin-sized Meta/licIron Pigme1lts , 187 that of all other metals combined. It comprises BariumFerritePigme1lts 188 5.23 References ". 257 2Basalt is a heavy dark grey or black basic igneous rock
composed mainly of fmely divided pyroxene, feldspar,
1 For History ofIron, see Secction 6.2. and sometimes olivine. .
32 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 33

flakes to insert them into groves in bone and microscopic lamellre in association with as- lit Hematite, Fep3' Occurs in nature in the fol- Table 5.2: Complex oxides of iron.
use them as knives. bestos, as microscopic crystals in association lowing forms: Chromite Cr2 0 3 ' FeO
with serpentine, or as microscopic particles Columbite Nbpj'(Fe, Mn)O
Table 5.1: Typical analysis of telluric and meteoritic iron. - Specular hematite: black to steel grey Tantalite Tap,-(Fe, Mn)O
associated with the minerals pentlandite, (Fe, crystals with metallic luster Ilmenite Ti02 • FeO
Telluric, % Meteoric, %
Ni)S, and hazelwoodite, NiS, in serpentine - Micaceous hematite: occurs in thin flakes Wolframite W03 ' FeO
Nickel O:~ 5-20
Cobalt 0.1-0.4 0.5-0.7 rocks (Figure 5.1). Thus it occurs in most as- resembling mica; they may be so thin as to
Carbon 0.2-4.5 0.03-0.10 bestos formations and can be recovered from be translucent and they are then deep red 5.2.3 Complex Oxides
Basalt 5-10 nil the asbestos tailings by magnetic methods. - Common red hematite is dark red in mas- Iron occurs in combination with other met-
Ferronickel. Ferronickel is an iron-nickel al- sive, granular or earthy (red ocher}form als in form of complex oxides (Table S.2). It is
loy that occurs in nature as the mineral awaru- 5.2.2 Oxide Minerals - Magnetic. This is the y-Fep3 which oc- only recovered from ilmenite concentrates as a
aite, FeNi3 (named after Awarua Bay in New curs in the Ural as the mineral maghemite. by-product of the manufacture of titanium
Zealand, where it was first discovered), and Iron ores of sedimentary origin account for . It is like Fep4, a cubic spinel type. slag, e.g., Sore1slag used for making Ti0 2 pig-
josephinite, FeNi 2 (named after Josephine nearly 80% of the world's reserves; the re- lit Magnetite, Fep4' It is brittle with a dark ment.
County, Oregon where it was first discovered). maining 20% is of magmatic origin such as grey to black opaque color, with metallic
Both minerals contain cobalt, usually in the ra- magnetite. The most important oxide minerals luster, strongly magnetic. 5.2.4 Carbonates
tio Ni: Co = 10: 1. Ferronickel also occurs as are the following:
Geological Terms Siderite, FeC03 • When occurring in eco-
lit Limonite is a geologic term signifying cer- nomic deposits it represents a low-grade iron
tain deposits of hydrated iron oxides which ore since the pure mineral contains only
vary in color from brown to yellow. It is 48.3% Fe. It crystallizes in rhombohedra like
formed by the weathering and alteration of calcite, which dissolves in water containing
other iron-bearing compounds. When carbonic acid, with the formation of iron(II)
present in a loose, porous and earthy depos- hydrogen carbonate, Fe(HC03)2' Such waters
its in swamps, it is known as bog iron ore. rapidly deposit iron(III) oxide hydrate when
When mixed with clay it forms what is exposed to air, since the excess carbon dioxide
known as yellow ocher. Most limonite ores escapes, the carbonate deposited is hydro-
require washing to remove clay, !!nd drying lyzed, and is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.
to remove moisture, before shipping or re-
5.2.5 Sulfides, Disulfides, and
• Taconite is another geological term signify-
ing an iron ore deposit consisting of fine
Complex Sulfides
grains of hematite and magnetite embedded Iron(H) sulfide occurs in nature as pyrrho-
in a matrix of silica. It is difficult to drill and tite, FeS, iron(ll) disulfide as pyrite and marc-
blast but easy to grind. Large deposits of this asite, FeS,. It also occurs in combination with
type occur in the Lake Superior region con- arsenic as the mineral arsenopyrite, FeAsS.
taining 25-35% Fe. Enrichment can be ef- Iron(llI) sulfide occurs in the form of double
fected by magnetic methods to separate sulfides, especially with copper(I) sulfide -
magnetite, and flotation to separate hematite e.g., chalcopyrite, CuFeS 2 or Cu2S' Fe 2S3 , and
to achieve a concentrate containing 63 % Fe. bornite, Cu3FeS 3 or 3Cu2S·Fe2S3 . These are
• Laterite is a limonite containing 1-2 % Ni the major copper minerals.
and about 0.1 % Co. At present these are Iron monosulfide (ferrous sulfide), FeS.
used as nickel and not as iron ore, e.g., in Iron sulfide, crystallized in the hexagonal sys-
Cuba. . tem, is magnetic. The iron sulfide occurring in
• Oolitic ironstone is iron carbomite which meteorites, with the same crystal structure, is
has replaced the CaC0 3 of an oolitic lime- called troilite. Pyrrhotite almost always con-
Figure 5.1: Photomicrograph ofpoIishe~ sections. A) Lame.lIa offe~onic~el in asbestos. deposit 0.05-{).5 ~ in size
stone retaining the texture of the original tains nickel, and is therefore of importance as
(70 x); B) Microscopic crystals of ferromckel (560 x); C) Microscopic particles of ferromckel (F) cemented With pent- rock. The rock consists of small round a nickel ore. The sulfur content of pyrrhotite is
landite (P) from serpentine rock (210 x). grains resembling the roe of fish. usually I to 2% higher than corresponds with
34 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 35

the fonnula FeS, the excess sulfur being built disulfide ion, S;-; arsenopyrite contains in ad- 5.3 Ores [2,3J C-I Laterite and iron-ore caps as a result ofweathering
dition the diars~nide ion, Asi-. In pyrite, FeS 2,
of underlying iron-bearing rocks
into the crystal lattice. Its ability to take up a C-2 Fluvial deposits and bog ore
certain excess of sulfur arises from the fact the iron atoms are in a face-centered cubic ar- Iron is found in high concentration in ore C-3 Other residual ores, e.g., caps ofsulfide ore deposits
that a proportion of the positions which should deposits, where it occurs mainly as oxide. Ta- (gossan, "iron hat"), unconsolidated clastic deposits
rangement with pairs of the sulfur atoms lo-
ble 5.3 lists the iron minerals of greatest indus- D By-products
be occupied by Fe atoms may remain vacant. cated on the cube diagonals. In arsenopyrite, Recoverable values in by-product iron oxide
trial importance (along with some
The density ofFeS varies between 4.5 and 5. FeAsS, the iron atoms are also in a face-cen- E Other Types of Deposits
accompanying gangue minerals) and their rel- · e g, lode-type deposits (Siegerland)
Pyrite (iron disulfide), FeS z• Pyrite is widely tered cubic arrangement like in pyrite but half evant properties. . Beddeddeposits are stratigraphic members
distributed in nature. The ore is not a source of of the diagonal positions are occupied by pairs The only minerals of worldwide impor- enriched in iron by a factor of ca. 4-12 above
iron but a source of sulfur. However, the resi- of the sulfur atoms and the other half by pairs tance are hematite (specularite, Fep3" mag- average. They occur in all geologic ll.ges; in-
of arsenic atoms. netite (Fep4) and limonite (FeOOH). Siderite cluding ores which originate from them, they
due of roasting from the manufacture of sulfu-
(FeCO~ finds limited use on a local basis. account for ca. nine-tenths of potential iron re-
ric acid is smelted for iron, after the impurities Pyrite and arsenopyrite have received great
Other ores such as chamosite (an iron magne- serves. Names applied to Precambrian meta-
which are undesirable for this purpose, al- attention recently because in some gold ores sium aluminosilicate) or pyrite are virtually
though often valuable in themselves, have morphic ore beds are itabirite, taconite, Lake
called "refractory", they entrap gold in their not important for iron production anymore. Superior type, quartz-banded ore, jaspilite,
been removed in special refineries: silver and crystal structure and render the metal unex- magnetite quartzite, hematite' quartzite, etc.
gold are present as well as copper and zinc. tractable by cyanide solution unless the min- 5.3.1 Ore Deposits More recent fonnations are known as minette
The disulfide also occurs as marcasite. eral structure is destroyed by thennal or (Jurassic), Salzgitter type, and other local
Of the variety of classification systems that
Pyrite and marcasite have a brassy yellow aqueous oxidation prior to cyanidation. Pyrite names. In general, the tenn bedded deposits is
have been proposed for iron-ore deposits, the
color and metallic luster. They differ in their is also the major sulfur-bearing impurity min~ one from the United Nations Survey is used
used for iron-mineral enrichments in which
crystal structures. Pyrite, which is commonly eral in coal. Attempts to upgrade the coal in- ore minerals are more or less closely lami-
here [4]. The criterion is the physical appear-
found in well fonned large crystals (usually clude the aqueous oxidation of the pyrite. nated with quartz, jasper or carbonate rock and
ance of the deposit; the main types are bedded
cubes or pentagonal dodecahedra, or combina- the iron-bearing sediments lie confonnably to
(A), massive (B), residual (C), by-product (D)
the under- and overlying beds of igneous or
tions of these fonns), belongs to the pentago- and other (E)
5.2.6 Phosphates metasedimentary rock. Thus, iron fonnations
nal hemihedral class of the cubic system. A Bedded Deposits
A-I Ironformation can be chemical rocks, clastic sediments, or
Marcasite is orthorhombic. Vivianite. Hydrated iron(II) orthophosphate, rock beds that have been replaced by iron min-
Lake Superior Type
Pyrite and arsenopyrite are different from Fe3(P04)2'8HP, is the main source of phos- Chiefly Precambrian; primarily as sedimentary depos- eral during diagenesis or in their subsequent
its, heavily metamorphosed (itabirite, taconite,jaspilite
other sulfide minerals since they contain the phorus impurity in iron ores. or quartz-banded ore); enriched by weathering pro- history.
cesses (Mesabi, Minas Gerais, Carajas, Venezuela, La- Massive iron-ore deposits are ore bodies of
Table 5.3: Important minerals in iron ores. brador and Quebec, Krivoi Rog) irregular shape, discordantly embedded in the
Specific susceptibility Algoma Type
Mineral Chemical formula Density,g/cm 3 Hardness CD enclosing rock. They include:
(order of magnitude) Primarily as thinly-banded quartzite with interlayers of
Iron (for comparison) Fe 7.88 4-5 iron ore; enriched as limonite hematite weathering ore • Replacement deposits in carbonate rocks
Magnetite Fe30 4 5.2 5.5 10-1-1 A-2 Ironstoneformation (Bilbao type) with siderite, hematite or li-
Specularite ("hematite") Fe20 3 5.2-5.3 6.5 10-4 Mainly marine sedimentary deposits of minette type;
Clinton, Wabana; chiefly mesozoic, with limonite as monite (the last two in the weathering zone
Limonite the most important mineral above the water table)
Needle ore a-FeOOH 4.3 5-5.5 10-0_10-5
4.0 5 10-0_10-5 A-3 Other Iron-Ore Sediments
Ruby mica fi-FeOOH
Examples: clastic deposits, ferruginous sandstone, and
• Contact-metasomatic deposits in the contact
Siderite FeC03 3.7-3.9 4-4.5 10-0
10-0 iron shale; also alluvial deposits and unconsolidated region of acidic intrusive rocks with magne-
Pyrite FeS 2 5.0-5.2 6--{j.5
clastic sediments tite and, to a lesser extent, hematite, siderite,
Pyrrhotite FeS 4.6 4 10-3_10-4
B Massive Deposits pyrite, pyrrhotite and copper sulfide (Mag-
Chalcopyrite CuFeS, 4.1--4.3 3.5--4 10-5_10-0
_10-0 B-1 Bilbao Type
Apatite Ca 5F(P-04)3 3.2 5 Deposits from weathering of siderite rock, with limo- nitnaya type)
Vivianite F~(P04k8HP 2.6-2.77 3 nite and hematite in the weathering zone
Quartz SiO, 2.65 7 _10-0 • Magnetite intrusions in acidic magmatic
B-2 Magnitnaya Type . rock (Kiruna type)
Orthoclase KAiSi30 s 2.55 6 10-0
Contact-metasomatic replacement deposits
Plagioclase NaAlSi3OglCaAl 2Si 2Os 2.6-2.8 2-2.5 10-2_10-5
B-3 Kinma'Ijlpe • Massive or intergrown titanomagnetite or il-
Kaolinite, dickite AliOH)sSi401o 2.6 I Magnetite intrusion, usually with apatite
2.6-2.8 2-2.5 10-2_10-5 menite concentrations in basic rock (Taberg
Muskovite KAl 2(OH,F)2 [AiSiPIO] B-4 Taberg Type
Pyrolusite Mn02 5 1--6 10-0 type).
Syngenetic titanomagnetite bodies and deposits of
Calcite CaC03 2.6-2.8 3 _10-0 fmely intergrown ilmenite ores The most important type of residual deposit
llmenite FeTI03 4.5-5 5--6 10-4 C Residual Deposits is laterite, which occurs as a cap overlying a
36 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 37

wide variety of rocks. It is the product of tions below are limited to the most important It is striking that the most important supply • Hematite enrichments (lump to powder ore),
weathering in tropical and subtropical climatic deposit areas and supplier countries. sources are type A deposits (bedded), and > 64% iron
regions. The iron content of these ores is usu- among these the metamorphic deposits of Ha- • Silica-rich hematite ore, 60-64% iron
Production figures for iron ore, ore concen-
ally low (limonite, hematite), the alumina con- bira type (under that or some other local
trate, and ore agglomerate appear in Table 5.5. • Itabirite, 35-60% iron, occurring in com-
tent high, and undesirable accessory name), chiefly of Precambrian age.
pact, soft and powder forms and typical- of
constituents such as chromium, phosphorus, Table 5.4: World iron ore reserves [5]. Especially important are the enrichment or
the Minas Gerais series
and nickel are frequently present (e.g., at Vo- Reserves, weathering zones of these deposits, where the
t x 106 Iron content, % • Canga, (60-68% iron), a conglomerate-like
gelsberg, Germany). Thus, laterite has largely mobilization of silica and alumina has pro-
Former Soviet Union 110750 25.4 duced rich ores that can be forwarded to iron- ore that often consists of rounded fragments
ceased to be an important iron ore except 42000 30.0
China works without preliminary benefi'ciation. in a limonite matrix ..
where the lateritic caps of other iron ore de- Brazil 34540 56.9
posits have secondary enrichments of up to Canada 26417 31.6 Table 5.5 also shows that ores expensive to Capacity is ca. 130 X 106 tJa of ore shipped;
United States 25400 20.7 produce and those whose beneficiation does about a tenth is shipped as lump ore, 24 x 106
69% iron. On the other hand, nickel-bearing 17781 60.0
laterites are the most important nickel ores of
Australia not yield concentrates with at least ca. 60% tJa as pellets, and the remainder as sinter fme
India 13 500 61.5
ore ("sinter feed").
the future (Cuba, New Caledonia, the Philip- South Africa 6300 59.1 iron have lost much of their importance. In
pines). E>..iended fluvial deposits, such as the France 4064 40.2 fact, most of them will no longer be in produc- The second large ore district is Carajas,
Sweden 3353 59.1 tion after a few years. Examples are the Meso- with a production target of 35 x }O6 tJa, }O-
Robe River deposit in Western Australia, Venezuela 2337 54.4 zoic deposits in France, Belgium and 20% of this being lump ore. The Carajas ore
should also be mentioned. Bog ores, in con- Liberia 1668 39.5
Other 2235 28.4 Luxembourg (minettes), in the United King- also lies within Precambrian beds and has
trast, form deposits of small extent that were
World total 290235 35.4 dom (home ore), and in Germany (Salzgitter, been enriched by secondary processes to 60-
formerly locally important. They are precipi"
Siegerland, Lahn-Dill, Oberpfalz). 67% iron.
tation products from iron-containing solu-
Table 5.5: World iron ore production, ore, concentrate The important producer countries rank as
tions. The weathering cap of sulfide deposits and agglomerate (1975-1986) (t x 106 ) [6]. Venezuela [4, 8]. The most important iron-ore
follows by tonnage output (1993 production,
(gossan or "iron hat"), which are usually sepa- 1975 1980 1986 1993 district is the Imataca belt, including the well-
tonnes x }O6):
rated from the primary sulfides by an indis- North America 132.0 127.1 82.8 96.0 known Cerro Bolivar, El Pao, and San Isidro
China 224.7
tinct boundary, are of some importance. Canada 46.9 48.8 36.1 32.3 Brazil 159.4 deposits. The belt is part of the Precambrian
Mexico 5.1 7.6 7.3 8.0 Former Soviet Union 154.0 Guyana Shield. The ores occur in a sequence
United States 80.1 70.7 39.4 55.7 Australia 121.4 of metamorphic rocks with gneiss, shales, and
5.3.2 Supply of Iron Ore South America 134.3 146.1 164.7 189.8 India 55.0
taconite-like iron-banded quartzite. Secondary
Brazil 89.9 114.7 132.0 159.4 United States 55.7
Until about the 1950s, ironworks were Chile 11.0 8.6 7.0 7.0 Canada 32.3 processes have created rich ore deposits,
Peru 7.8 5.7 5.0 5.2 Sweden 18.7 partly through the precipitation of iron hy-
mainly supplied from their own deposits; ore Venezuela 24.8 16.1 19.1 15.5 Venezuela 17.5
and concentrate were transported over short droxide in cavities. At the surface,a hematite-
Europe 355.5 335.3 313.6 184.2
distances. Since that time a fundamental Austria 3.8 3.2 3.1 1.4 rich laterite cap, 1-50 m thick has formed; this
France 49.6 29.0 12.4 3.5 5.3.3 Most 1m portant Iron- is still the main source of ore. In 1987, ore out-
change has occurred as a result of (1) the 3.3 1.9 0.7 0.1
greater demand because of increased produc-
4.1 3.9 3.7 2.2
Producing Countries [4-8] put was 17.2 x }O6 t, of which 5.5 X }O6 twas
tion, (2) the drop in the cost of overseas trans- Spain 7.6 9.2 6.1 2.5 consumed domestically.
Brazil. Brazil is currently the biggest pro-
port because of larger ship capacities, and (3) Sweden 30.9 27.2 20.5 18.7
ducer of ore for overseas shipment. Two ore Lump ore, sintered fine ore and pellet feed
Soviet Union/CIS 232.8 244.7 249.9 154.0 containing 62-67% iron, 0.6-6% silica, 2%
the need for higher productivity because of United Kingdom 4.5 0.9 0.3 districts are now in production. The "iron
continually rising labor and energy costs. The Former Yugoslavia 5.2 4.5 6.7 0.3 quadrangle" ("Quadrilatero ferrifero") in Mi- alumina and 2-5% loss on ignition are pro-
iron ore demand of the most important steel- Asia 122.7 122.8 151.9 303.8 nas Gerais state is the more important. It sup- duced. To meet the needs of direct reduction
producing regions is essentially met by a few China 65.0 68.1 90.0 224.7
plies several local ironworks, but most of the units (Midrex, HyL) at the Matanza iron-
India 41.4 41.9 47.8 56.0 works, a 6 600 000 tJa pellet plant has been
large ore-producing regions. NortbKorea 9.4 . 8.0 8.0 10.0 product is exported.
2.4 2.6 4.0 5.1 erected.
Medium-sized and small ironworks lo- Turkey The ores occur in three successive beds,
Africa 57.7 60.8 55.8 44.2 Precambrian in age and strongly metamor- Canada. The Labrador geosyncline is the
cated at deposit are now found only in case of Algeria 3.2 3.5 3.4 2.6
large deposits (northeast India, the Ukraine Liberia 24.0 18.2 15.3 phosed, called (from shallowest to deepest) most important ore district. Precambrian de-
and other areas of the former Soviet Union, Mauretania 8.7 8.9 8.9 9.2 Rio das Velhas, Minas Gerais, and Italcolomi posits of the Lake Superior type are regarded
northeast China). Table 5.4, listing world iron- South Africa 12.3 26.3 24.5 29.4 [4]. The ore is thought to consist of marine .genetically as continental shelf deposits that
Oceania 99.9 99.2 92.5 ')23.7 sedimentary deposits. The ore beds contain have undergone various degrees of metamor-
ore reserves, also shows, from the tonnage Australia 97.6 95.5 90.0 121.4
standpoint, that only a few countries play im- New Zealand 2.3 3.6 2.4 2.3 35%-60% iron. phosis. There are weathered rich ores contain-
portant roles in ore supply. The short descrip- World total 902.0 891.3 861.3 941.7 Various ore types are distinguished: ing over 60% Fe and having high limonite
38 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 39

contents; weathered, relatively coarse-grained medium- to fine-grained primary specularite, Sayan area. has acquired economic impor- transport costs and bring about a chemical
magnetite hematite ores containing 20-50% martite and, locally, primary magnetite as tance. It consists of a large number of contact- composition suitable for the subsequent re-
quartz; and unweathered banded ore. weathering residue, and contains only small metasomatic magnetite ore bodies of slight duction step. In this enrichment process, the
amounts of quartz, kaolin minerals, and gibb- and moderate thickness, which .also contain gangue is reduced and, in many cases, its com-
United States-Lake Superior. Most of the site as gangue. iron sulfide and zinc sulfide. The deposits are position improved. Current reduction and
known iron-ore reserves in the United States thought to have originated in the time of the smelting processes require a basic slag
are found in the Lake Superior area, in Minne- China. China has many isolated ore deposits, (CaO: SiO z > 1), but the gangue, of nearly ev-
Caledonian orogenesis.
sota, Wisconsin, and Michigan: About three- most of which form the basis for local iron and ery type of iron ore, is "acidic", that is, it con-
The G011lyi Altai district has limited re-
quarters of U.S. ore production comes from steel industries. The largest concentration of tains an excess of silica. Beneficiation lowers
serves in Clinton-type deposits (sedimentary
this region; the output goes to ironworks south reserves, however, is in the provinces of Lia- the silica level to 5-8 % in the concentrate.
deposits with partial secondary enrichment),
of the Great Lakes (Ohio, Pennsylvania). The oning (northeast China) and Hebei (eastern
which date from the Variscan orogenesis. Harmful components present in the ore
deposits occur in Lower and Middle Precam- central China). The ores are of itabirite type,
The western Siberian district, in a narrower must be removed. Such components include
brian strata. Iron oxide, carbonate, silicate and mainly with hematite-quartzite ores contain-
sense, has considerable reserves of minette- phosphorus, arsenic, chromium, copper, vana-
sulfides are thinly banded with gel quartz and ing 50% iron. Large rich ore reserves are obvi-
type sedimentary ore deposits that have not dium, alkali, sulfur and titanium; these either
other gangue minerals. The thickness is be- ously nonexisting in China. Of the ores now
been much explored; these had their genesis as make metallurgical processing more difficult
tween 15 and 300 m. Fine-grained magnetite being mined, it is known that beneficiation is
marine coastal deposits in the Upper Creta- or degrade the iron and steel quality. A small
often difficult and costly. Exceptions are the
and hematite are the principal ore minerals. ceous and the Eocene. quantity of titanium « 0.5%) is, however,
various magnetite deposits of Magnitnaya
In weathering zones locally enriched lump Sweden. For a long time, Sweden was the added to the burden at some ironworks, be-
type. Some ores contain undesirable second-
ores exist containing ca. 60% Fe; these consist most important ore supplier for the Central cause it has been found to increase the life of
ary constituents such as tin, fluorspar and
of hematite and limonite. Mining is limited to European and, in part, the Western European the blast-furnace brickwork.
finely intergrown apatite. Despite the potential
these rich ores and magnetite-bearing beds, iron industry. Quartz-banded magnetite-hema- The basic methods of beneficiation for iron
reserves, cost considerations may cause
which are relatively easy to beneficiate by tite ores of the Lake Superior type were mined ores are usually the same as for nonferrous
China to import iron-rich ore; the recently ob-
magnetic separation. in central Sweden. However, the chief source ores and industrial minerals. Naturally some
served construction of steelworks at coastal
of ore for export is northern Lapland, in a dis- peculiarities exist because of the mineralogy
Australia. The large iron-ore reserves of this sites is an indication of this policy.
trict centered around Kiruna and Malmberget, and the type of intergrowth.
continent are concentrated in the north of Former Soviet Union. The former Soviet Crushing. Conventional equipment is em-
Western Australia, in the Pilbara district. The where Kiruna-type magnetite deposits (mas-
Union has more than 20 iron-ore regions. The sive intrusions in granite-like enclosing rock, ployed for crushing. Primary crushing takes
Precambrian banded itabirite ores contain most important reserves are in the regions of place in gyratory crushers (up to 3500 t/h) or
magnetite, quartz, carbonate, and stil- with a relatively high apatite content) occur.
Kursk, western Siberia, and the Ukrainian Reserves are more than 2 x 109 t, with ca. 60 % jaw crushers. Mobile versions of the latter are
pnomelane. The near-surface region includes crystalline shield. The first two areas account now employed directly at the mines. Cone
hematite and limonite weathering ores. Be- iron and 0.04-5% phosphorus. The phospho-
for ca. 30% each, the last for some 10% of the rus content is reduced to 0.04% by beneficia- crushers are common for the second and third
sides these in situ enrichments, conglomerate Soviet Union's total reserves [4]. The most stages of crushing. They are however, increas-
and residual ores are also found; the latter tion, because hardly any Bessemer pig iron is
important production region is the Ukrainian produced in western Europe anymore. ingly replaced by semiautogenous grinding
have a high limonite content and occur chiefly Shield, with the Krivoi Rog syncline as its (SAG). Here steel balls, 100 mm or greater in
in old Tertiary riverbeds. center ("Krivbas"). The Precambrian strata diameter are added in a quantity of up to 6
here contain both magnetite-quartzite and he- 5.3.4 Beneficiation of Iron Ore vol % to aid the' comminuting action. Autoge-
India. In India the most important ore deposits
are enclosed in the strata of a Precambrian matite-martite quartzite ores. The purpose of beneficiation is to render nous mills are tumbling mills of large diame-
geosyncline, which runs parallel to the east In the area of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the ore more suitable for transport and for var- ter and relatively short length, roughly 0.4-1.2
coast over a significant part of the subconti- three basins are distinguished: Belgorod in the ious reduction and smelting processes in the times the diameter. Fine grinding takes place
nent. The ore is mainly of itabirite type; later- west, Kursk-Orel in the center, and Staryi Os- production of pig iron or steel. in rod and ball mills, usually in a closed circuit
itic weathering has produced rich ore with a kol in the east. Near-surface rich ore with he- The only processing steps used for ores with classification by hydrocyclones. Both dry
high alumina content in the gangue, which ex- matite and martite has been exploited for some mined from rich deposits (rich ores) are crush- and wet comminution are practiced; the wet
tends to a considerable depth. Locally, quartz- time. The horizontal quartzite magnetite beds ing and screening. Such ores come mainly process is more common when this step is fol-
banded lean ore and similar primary ores have are of increasing economic importance. From from the weathering zones of itabirite depos- lowed by concentration.
also been exploited. Hematite ore containing the geological standpoint, the iron-bearing its. At some mines, washing is combined with Another option is autogenous or semi-au-
> 60% iron is worked; it is partly lump ore and beds form part of the Precambrian basement the screening of fines « 6-8 mm) for sinter- togenous primary crushing followed by fine
partly sinter fine ore. Hematite-limonite ore of the Central Russian shield. ing; very fine material containing kaolin is grinding in a pebble mill; a tumbling mill
also occurs. The lateritic hard-ore cap is often In the weste11l Siberian ore province, three thus separated, and the alumina content is re- which does not contain steel balls but lumps of
underlain by blue dust. This ore consists of districts exist. However, only the Kuznetsk- duced. Low-grade ore is concentrated to lower ore of ca. 75-30 rom in diameter. This is possi-
40 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 41

ble only with hard ore that yields enough have been employed since ca. 1970 in the con- thermally converted to magnetite with solid, Table 5.6: Lump ore and agglomerate in blast-furnace
"pebbles" in the fIrst crushing stage. This pro- centration of weakly magnetic ore. The Jones liquid or gaseous reducing agents. The process charge, 1986, % [81.
cess has the advantage that no grinding balls design is most common. Here the separating is used in shaft furnaces in China and rotary G Western United
ermany Europe Japan States Total
are needed, but the energy requirement for elements are arranged in a ring which rotates kilns in the former Soviet Union.
grinding often increases if the conditions in carousel-fashion through a strong fIeld gener- A thennal benefIciation process is the
Lump ore 9.8 12.1 16.8 5.3 12.5
Sinter 64.4 70.5 73.6 22.5 62.4
the mill are not optimal. ated by electromagnets. The magnetic flux roasting of siderite ore. The purpose of this Pellets 25.8 17.4 9.6 72.2 25.1
Screening. Vibration screens with elliptical density in the separation zone is 0.1--0.5 T; be- process is to save weight for transport and to Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
or linear oscillations have been widely cause of the tip confIguration of the separating
relieve the blast furnace of the carbon dioxide
adopted for screening. Multilevel screens of elements, it is concentrated at the tips to much load. Shaft furnaces or sintering machines are
the Mogensen design are increasingly used. higher values with a strong convergence of the employed. In the latter case, agglomer'ation is
Concentration. The concentration of iron fIeld lines. The carousel design permits semi- combined with calcination.
ore is generally based on physical differences continuous operation.
High-intensity dry magnetic separators are . Figure 5.2 presents a general flowsheet for
between the iron-bearing and gangue minerals
(Table 5.3). Flotation and electrostatic con- generally not used in benefIciation any longer. the beneficiation of iron ore. Currently almost
centration utilize physicochemical differ- Electrostatic. drum type separators are em- all the crude ore comes from large-scale open
ences. The iron minerals have a higher pit mines with capacities between 10 000 and
ployed only for the recleaning of the concen-
100 000 tid. Only in Swedish Lapland, the
specifIc gravity than the gangue minerals, so trate, where they remove mainly quartz-
former Soviet Union and China are high-ea-
in many cases gravity or centrifugal concen- bearing gangue. The process is restricted to Fine are
tration is possible. The dense-media separa- grain sizes in the range of 1--0.05 mm. pacity underground mines operated. Depend-
tion process for coarse particles (;::: 3 mm) in Flotation has been used for iron-ore benefI- ing on the iron content and other requirements,
drum or tank separators is !llso used. For me- the ore is processed into lumps, sinter or pel- Removal of
ciation since ca. 1950. The fIrst two systems in undesirable
dium-sized material, ca. 15--0.5 mm, cyclone Michigan were built for "direct" flotation (val- lets; Table 5.6 lists the fractions of these prod-
separators or the cylindrical "Dyna Whirl- ues in froth) of fIne-grained specularite ore. ucts in blast furnace burdens in several areas.
pool" can be employed. Both use a centrifugal Tall oil and diesel oil were added as collectors. Table 5.7 gives some analyses of ores that are Coarse concentrate
"Hot flotation" enabled concentrates to float of commercial importance.
force fIeld for separation. Gravity separators
for fmes (rougWy 2--0.075 mm) include the with only a few percent of silica. The rougher The benefIciation of an Indian laterite OI;,e is
Humphreys' spiral concentrator and the Rei- concentrate in pulp form was heated to > shown schematically in Figure 5.3. The ore is
chert cone separator. 90 °C, then recleaned in several stages after a decomposition product containing limonite
The Reichert cone separator has been cooling. "Indirect" or "reverse" flotation is and hematite values along with kaolin, quartz
adopted in the past two decades mainly for the most commonly used today; the gangue goes and alumina minerals as gangue. By washing
beneficiation of placer ore, but it is used more into the froth and the iron ore into the under- in a drum and then removing the fmest frac-
and more for fIne-grained weathering iron flow. Conditions are controlled so as to pre- tion, the iron content is elevated by ca. 3 %
Lump are Sinter Pellets
ores. vent the ore from flotation. As depressants for units and the Al2 0 3 content is lowered from 3-
The magnetic concentration of magnetite iron ore, starches or dex-uin are used in con- 4% to < 1.7%. Figure 5.2: Schematic diagram of iron-ore processing.
ore takes place in drum-type separators with a junction with a basic pH. The collectors em-
low-intensity magnetic field. Dry separators ployed for gangue depend on the gangue
are fed from the top and discharge the non- minerals: oleic acid or oleates (e.g., for apa- Crude
magnetics, in wet separation the ferromagnet- tite) or amine salts (for quartz and feldspar). In
ics are picked up from the feed pulp general, the goal is fIrst to enrich the ore as
(underfeed). Ferrite-based permanent magnets much as possible by less expensive means
have almost completely replaced ALNICO (gravity, magnetic separation), using rela-
and electromagnets. The magnetic flux den- tively expensive flotation only for the fmal
sity is up to 0.15 T. Wet separators include benefIciation stage. In the case of rich ores,
drums up to 1500 mm in diameter and 3600 however, flotation can also be employed as the
mm wide, with throughput capacities of 50- sole concentration process when only a little
200 t/h. The drums, with up to fIve poles, are . gangue is to be removed. Concentrate to
arranged in appropriately designed tanks for A process of limited importance is lhagne-· pellet plant
cocurrent or countercurrent operation. In addi- tizing mastingfollowed by low-intensity mag-
Figure 5.3: Flowsheet of Pale beneficiation plant, India: a) Washing drum; b) Spiral classifier; c) Rod mill; d) Ball mills;
tion, high-intensity wet magnetic separators netic separation. The iron minerals are e) Slurry tank; f) Disk filter; g) Rotary dryer; h) Hydrocyclones.
42 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 43

Table 5.7: Analyses of iron ores [9, 10].

Fete< Si02 Al 20 3 CaO MgO Ignition loss
Hamersley Iron 65.0 2.9 1.6 0.1 0.1 2.7
Mt. Newman Mining 65.7 3.4 1.2 0.1 0.1 1.5
CVRD-ltabira 67.7 1.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.4
CVRD-Carajas 67.6 0.7 1.1 0.1 0.0 1.3
Ferteco Feijao 67.3 1.8 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.9
MBR-Aguas Claras 68.4 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.8
Chowgule 60.1 3.5 2.8 0.0 0.0 not known
Bellary-Hospet 66.9 2.1 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.8
SNIM-Mauretania 63.1 6.8 1.3 0.0 0.0 not known
ISCOR-Sishen 66.5 3.1 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.6
ISCOR-Thabazimbi 64.0 6.0 1.0 0.2 0.4 1.2
Cerro Bolivar 64.2 1.3 1.0 0.1 0.1 5.5
50 km
Fine ores slurry
Hamersley Iron 62.5 4.4 2.6 0.1 0.1 3.2 pipeline
Mt.Newman 62.6 5.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 4.7
Robe River 57.2 5.6 2.7 0.1 0.1 9.2 Concentrate to
CVRD-Sinter Fines
pellet ---pr,
Ferteco-Fabrica 64.3 3.1 1.9 0.1 0.1 2.7 plant
Romeral 65.4 4.4 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.8
Mifergui-Nimba 67.5 2.3 1.0 0.1 0.0 1.0 Figure 5.4: Flowsheet of Pena Colorada beneficiation plant, Mexico: a) Primary crusher; b) Crude-ore screen; c) Crude-
Sesa Goa 60.6 3.5 4.2 0.1 0.1 3.8 ore bins; ii) Autogenous mill; e) Primary magnetic separation; f) Hydrocyclones; g) Sieve bend; h) Secondary magnetic
NMDC-Bailadila 65.4 2.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 not known separation; i) BaIl mill; j) Concentrate thickener, k) Slurry tank; I) Concentrate thickener, m) Slurry tanks; n) Disk fIlter,
Carol Lake 65.8 4.5 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0) Tailings thickener.
Bong Mining Co. 64.7 7.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3
LAMCO 64.7 4.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 The concentrate has ca. 69% iron; with a Finally, the selective dispersion process
LKAB-Kiruna KBF 69.7 1.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.2 particle-size distribution .of ca. 80% < 0.045 should be mentioned. In one Michigan plant,
LKAB-Kiruna KDF 62.0 4.6 0.8 3.6 1.2 0.6 mm, which is fine enough for pipeline trans- this operation is a preliminary to flotation. Af-
Co. AndaIuza de Minas 55.0 4.4 1.1 4.3 0.4 not known
1.6 0.1 0.1 0.7
portation and pelletizing. Numerous benefici- ter grinding to the liberation size, sodium hy-
C. V.G.-El Pao 64.5 3.7 1.4 0.1 0.1 1.9 ation plants for magnetite ore from other droxide and starch are added to the ore pulp
Pellets deposit types have been designed in a similar (sodium hydroxide to disperse aluminous and
Evelth Mines 65.6 4.9 0.1 0.8 0.4 way, for example in the former Soviet Union limonitic constituents, starch to flocculate the
Kiruna 66.1 2.5 0.3 0.3 2.0 (Krivoi Rog, Kursk, Olenogorsk), in the Lake specularite) and the flocculated agglomerates
Malmberget 66.7 2.2 0.8 0.2 1.6
CVRD 65.3 2.8 0.5 3.0 0.1 Superior area, and in northern Sweden. Older are separated from the dispersed minerals' in a
Ferteco 65.0 3.3 0.9 2.5 0.0 installations still employ conventional commi- hydroseparator. The downstream flotation re-
Samarco 65.1 2.6 1.2 2.2 0.2 nution (three stages of crushing and two to moves coarse quartz which is discharged in a
Kudremukh 66.1 2.8 0.3 2.3 0.1
65.6 4.9 0.3 0.5 0.3
.three stages of grinding). conventional manner, with amine salts as col-
Carol Lake
Cartier Mining Co. 65.2 5.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 For hematite ore, the first grinding stage is lectors.
Wabush Lake 65.8 3.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 followed by gravity separation or, in the case
Bong Mining Co. 64.1 7.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 of fme grained ore, further grinding is fol-
Las Encinas 66.8 1.5 0.7 1.6 0.8 5.3.5 Agglomeration
Empire CCI. 65.3 5.6 0.4 0.2 0.3 lowed by high-intensity wet magnetic separa-
Empire CCI. 59.5 5.3 0.4 7.0 1.9 tion or flotation. In many cases, however, the In present-day smelting technology, very
Minntac 65.6 5.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 principal iron minerals in such ores from fine material is undesirable in the reduction
This simple way of improving the composi- washing drum. Applying 3-4 kWhlt on com- weathering zones include not only hematite equipment. The blast furnace is the dominant
tion of iron-rich fme ore is often used in India minution frequently results in satisfactory re- but martite (which is only a little less magne- type of equipment for the production of iron
and Brazil. A basically similar process with tizable than magnetite) with residual magne- metal. Only in exceptional cases (small fur-
moval of alumina. Figure 5.4 illustrates the
washing troughs or log washers was formerly tite. In this case, complex flowsheets must be naces with capacities up to ca. 100-150 tid of
beneficiation of a magnetite ore from a Mag- adopted, including low- and high-intensity pig iron) is unscreened crude ore used (after
used for high-alumina ores in many other re-
gions (Salzgitter, Ilsede, Mesabi Range). If n"itnaya-type deposit. Secondary and tertiary magnetic separation, flotation, classification primary crushing if necessary). Modem high-
much of the alumina present is associated with crushing and primary grinding are repladed by and slurry treatment for dewatering of the con- performance blast furnaces require physical
limonite, a rod mill is employed instead of a an autogenous mill. centrate. This is also the case if undesirable and metallurgical preparation of the burden.
constituents are present (e.g., apatite). Formerly agglomeration was used in a purely
44 Handbook ojExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 45

physical way, as a process of size enlargement Sinter consists of a calcium ferrite matrix, cur in the hardening process. In addition to added in a grain size corresponding to that of
aimed at improving the permeability of the with siliceous and aluminous constituents dis- bentonite, whose active constituent is strongly the fines.
blast-furnace burden; however, developments solved and primary hematite embedded in it. water-absorbent montmorillonite, organic
hI recent years have shifted part of the slag- Whereas pellets are thoroughly oxidized (a The second operation is the thermal hard-
binders such as Peridur have come into use re-
ging into the fine-ore or concentrate sh 1tering maximum of 0.5% FeD), sinter contains 4- ening of the pellets at 1200-1320 °C. Non-
cently. The latter are advantageous in that they
step. On the other hand, the requirements for 6% FeD, which is linked to silica and alumina can be burned off during hardening, whereas thermal hardening is employed only in a few
physical and chemical quality of the blast fur- in the matrix. bentonite elevates the silica and alumina con- unimportant cases. Three distinct heat harden-
nace burden have become more stringent, and Pellets are burned at a temperature below tent of the pellets. ing systems exist: the traveling grate (Figure
mining companies that supply ore to several the melting points of the constituents. Their 5.5), the combination of preheating traveling
ironworks (as the large ones generally do) now strength gain is adequate only when the reac- Purchasers usually prescribe the gangue
composition of pellets to fit the operating re- grate and rotary kiln (grate-kiln) (FigUre 5.6),
prepare a variety of concentrate or fme ore tion temperature is controlled to ± 10°C over
quirements of the particular blast furnace and and the shaft furnace. The shaft furnace is
qualities from the same or similar crude ores. long time periods. For this reason, hot gas is
As a rule, blast-furnace burden contains used to supply heat; it can be generated by the the chemical composition of the other iron mainly suitable for magnetite concentrates
lump ore, sinter, and pellets. Pellets are made combustion of fuel gas, oil, or even coal. In sources to be used. This composition, which and low capacities (up to ca. 500 000 t1a) and
from both concentrate and iron-rich fine ore. If sintering, on the other hand, the constituents also governs the chemical and metallurgical has lost much of its market share in the past 15
the beneficiation process yields very fine- of the mixture are melted. This' happens at properties of the pellets, is controlled with ad- years. The traveling grate and the grate-kiln
grained concentrates (e.g., < 0.1 rom), these temperatures so high that the reaction itself ditives, the most important being slaked lime, combination each share ca. 50% of the mar-
are usually converted to pellets at the mine and goes to completion within minutes, but in a limestone, dolomite and olivine. These are ket.

transported in this form. Sinter is generally thin layer that continuously advances through
Storage and
produced at the ironworks. The varying loads the material bed cocurrently to the gas. The
Grinding Section

imposed on material during transport to the fuel is coke breeze, or occasionally non-gas-
blast furnace mean that pellets must satisfy sing coal fmes, evenly distributed in the sinter Balling Section
stringent mechanical strength requirements. mixture.
Pellets are also nearly always made from one PelletiZing. Iron-ore pellets are made in two
well-defined ore or concentrate, whereas sin- steps. The concentrate to be pelleted must
ter is produced from predesigned mixtures of have a sufficiently fme particle-size distribu-
ores and additives. There are exceptions, such tion (65-85% < 0.045 rom) and a specific sur-
as pellets made at ironworks from mixed ore, face area of at least 1600 cm2/g as measured
or sinter made from a single ore or concentrate by a permeability method (Blaine, Fisher Sub-
quality where an ironworks uses ore from a sieve Sizer).
single deposit. Blast furnaces are also some- Spherical green pellets (green balls) of ap- Heart Layer
times operated with lump ore alone, sinter propriate size (ca. 9-16 mm in diameter) are
alone, or pellets alone. Sponge iron plants are formed by a pelletizing disk or drum, The par-
generally fed with a single iron source. ticles are bound together by capillary forces
Sinter and pellets differ in the way the par- acting through water bridges between them.
ticles are bound into the agglomerate. In pel- This means that green pellets can be obtained InduralJng Machine
SCreening and
lets, the ore particles are connected chiefly by only at a narrow range of moisture content. If Feeding Station
bridges of ore. When magnetite is oxidized at the water content in the fme ore (which is usu-
temperatures > 900 °C during hardening of ally recovered as a filter cake) is too high, wa-
pellets, these bridges arise through mobiliza- ter-absorbent materials such as bentonite can
tion of lattice constituents during recrystalli- be used to correct it within narrow limits. If
zation into the hematite lattice. In the case of the water content is low (ideal case) it is useful
hematite ores, mobilization is less pro- to hold it in the fIlter cake ca. 0.5-1 % lower
nounced, because the crystal lattice structure than the green pellet moisture content to sup-
does not change. The formation of iron oxide press the premature formation of undersize
bridges is supported by additional slag .pellets ("micropellets") in the granulator.
bridges; it must be remembered that the quan- Prior to (or during) the formation of green
Figure 5.5: Flowsheet of Lurgi-Darvo travelling grate pelletizing process: a) Grinding mill; b) Pelletizing discs; c)
tity of slag in many pellet qualities is only 3- pellets, substances are added to the fmes to Roller feeders; d) Travelling grate; e) Firing hood; f) Updraft Drying fan; g) Recuperation 'fan; h) Cooling air fan; i)
4 % (corresponding to 6-7 vol %). render them stable against the stresses that oc- Waste gas fan; k) Hood exhaust fan.
46 Handbook ofExtraclive M erallurgy Iron 47


Mixing Sectlon

f I mm
I J:a0ff-gaS waste Gas Fen end
-- <16 >9.3 mm <9.5mm Ga. Cleaning
SInter CoolIng

Figure 5.6: Flowsheet of combined traveling grate/rotary kiln ("grate kiln") process: a) Traveling grate; b) Rotary kiln;
c) Annular coolers.

The "basicity" of the [mal pellets, ex- found in practice are usually > 3000 N per
pressed as the ratio (CaO + MgO): (SiO z + pellet).
Al z0 3), is < 0.1 for "acid pellets" or up to 1.3 • Abrasion Resistance
for "basic pellets". Eachrange of values offers The abrasion resistance is determined in the
certain advantages and disadvantages with re- ISO tumble test. Under standardized condi-
spect to mechanical strength and metallurgical tions, pellets are tumbled in a drum and the
qualities. > 6.3 mm and < 0.6 mm fractions are deter- Figure 5.7: Flowsheet ofsintering: a) Mixing drum; b) Travelling grate; c) Gas distribution hood (EGS only); d) Annular
After a number of years of declining pellet mined. The values should be at least 95% cooler, e) Waste gas fan; f) EGS recycling gas fan; g) Fresh air blower (EGS only); h) Waste gas final cleaning.
production and the shutdown of several plants, and at most 4%, respectively.
the western world had, at the end of 1987, a • Reduction under Load (RUL) Sintering. Iron ore sinters are virtually all
• Low-Temperature Disintegration test In an upright retort, pellets are heated to produced in travelling-grate installations (Fig-
pellet capacity of roughly 163 X 10 6 t/a (l00 This test indicates how the pellets will be-
units using the three hardening processes). 1050 DC, placed under a mechanical load of ure 5.7). The rotary kiln and pan-sintering pro-
have, for example, in the blast furnace in the 5 N/cm2, and ex-posed to a reducing. atmo- cesses formerly in use are no longer important.
According to present information, the critical range of temperatures around
former Soviet Union has 20 traveling-grate sphere.. The pressure drop of the reducing Likewise, cooling of the hot sinter at the last
500°C. In an electrically heated rotary kiln, gas across the bed and the reduction rate are section of the grate has become obsolete. Stan-
plants and 5 grate-kiln plants. The first group pellets are heated to 500 ± 10°C and held at
has a total reaction area of ca. 6500 m Z, which determined. A low pressure drop indicates dard is now the straight-grate "Dwight-Lloyd-
this temperature for 60 min under reducing pellets stable in reduction. The pressure Process". Straight-grate as well as annular
might correspond to a pellet capacity of ca. 50 conditions. After cooling, the pellets are
X 10 t/a. Grate-kiln plants add an estimated drop should not exceed 100 Pa. coolers are in use. Quite some efforts are be-
screened to determine the > 6.3 mm and · rate at 40 0,0
capacity of ca. 107 t/a. < 0.5 mm fractions. The degree of reduction The re ducuon )/
re ducu··
on IS an ing made to reduce solid and gaseous contami-
nants contained in the sintering off-gas (dust,
While the former Soviet Union has a large is determined. The values for the > 6.3 mm important parameter of reducibility; dR/dt4o SOz, NO,). A new development recently intro-
number of pellet plants, up to noW this has not fraction are usually between 60 and 80%; should be at least 1% per tninute. duced by Lurgi in industrial plants is "EOS"
been the case for China. those for < 0.5 mm usually 10-20%. Special test methods have been devised for (Emission Optimised Sintering") process. It is
For the assessment of the mechanical and • Free Swelling pellets used in various direct-reduction pro- characterized by recirculating approximately
metallurgical properties of burned pellets, a In a vertical tubular furnace, 18 pellets are cesses (HyL reduction test in an upright retort, half of the off-gas of the sintering grate back
number of parameters are determined in more- reduced with a carbon monoxide hydrogen Midrex test, and testing for the SLIRN process to the gas distribution hood, where it is mixed
or-less standardized tests. The most important mixture at 1000°C. The weight loss during in an electrically heated laboratory rotary with fresh air and used as oxygen carrier and
are: . reduction yields the degree of reduction. kiln). In the test for the SL/RN process; pellets for heat transportation through the sinter bed.
• Cold Compression Strength The volume change in the pellets indicates and reducing agent (usually coal) are investi- The advantages are reduction of the [mal
Individual pellets 10-12 mm in diameter are the swelling, which should be 20% atmaxi- gated at the same time. A number of different waste gas volume (allows for smaller gas
compressed to failure between two plane or mum. The compression strength me'asured or modified test procedures are employed in cleaning facilities), and substantial reduction
. slightly concave faces of a hydraulic press, in a hydraulic press should be > 500 N per individual countries or at individual iron- of waste gas pollutants (dust, SOz, NO"" diox-
and the crushing force is measured (values pellet. works. ines, furanes). Fuel consumption is reduced by
48 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 49

about 5 kg/t of sinter, whereas the electric en- from German ironworks fall in the following > 20 mm, 20-8 mm, 8-2 mm, and < 2 mm above 900°C. Below this temperature, a dark
ergy consumption is increased by about 1.5 approximate ranges (in %): fractions are determined. porous' mass is obtained having the same
kWhit. Fe,<x 55.5-55.8 • Tumble Test shape as the original lumps or particles, and
As a rule, severaL ores are processed in one Fe(lI) 4.5-6 The shatter test is often replaced by the tum- reduction is usually incomplete. Figure 5.8
Si02 5--6 shows' a particle of FeZ0 3 before and after re-
unit; a "monosinter" from just one ore is the ble test, which follows the same guidelines
CaO 9-11 duction by hydrogen at 700°C showing the
exception. Along with ore and concentrate, the MgO 1.2-3.2 as described above for pellets The fraction
mixture for sintering also contains recycle ma- < 6.3 mm should be atleast 70%; at German porous nature of the product. In general, re-
AlP3 1.2-2
terial from the ironworks, provided no buildup CaO:Si02 1.4-1.9 ironworks it is between 70 and 85%. duction follows the scheme
of undesirable or detrimental substances re- Ironworks in Gennany ·use imported ores Fep, -? F~04 -? FeO -? Fe
• Low-Temperature Disintegration •
sults. Undersize sinter from the screening step almost exclusively; some heat-consumption This test is not one of the standard ones; it is If reduction is conducted below 570~oC, the
is also recycled. The basicity of the sinter has and analysis figures for other European iron- performed in a similar way to the test on pel- reaction follows the scheme
been substantially increased in recent years. works differ from the ones cited, because low- lets. Fe20, -? F~04 -? Fe
Originally sintering was considered only as a iron domestic ores still are processed there. In
means to deal with fme ore with respect to im- • Reduction Degradation Index (RDI)
contrast, sintering plants in Japan operate un-
proved handling and permeability of the blast The reduction degradation index is now re-
der conditions similar to those in Germany.
garded as the most important quality crite-
furnace burden ("physical burden process- The basicity of the sinter in Japan, however, is
rion for sinter. In the test, 500 g of sinter
ing"). The overall chemical composition of nearly always> 1.8.
(grain size 20-16 mm) in a stationary bed is
the blast furnace feed (including coke ash) In the United States, the fraction of sinter in reduced for 30 min at 550°C by a gas mix-
was adjusted by addition of suitable materials the burden is only 22.5% (1986; Table 5.6), ture comprising 30 vol %, carbon monoxide
in the form of lumps (limestone, dolomite, much lower than in Europe and Japan. The and 70 vol% nitrogen.
manganese ore if necessary). Thus, the basic- fraction of pellets, on the other hand, is very After cooling, the sample is placed in a
ity of sinter and lump ore generally was < 1 high (72.2%). Thus, in the United States im- drum (130 mm in diameter and 200 mm
(exception minette ore with high calcite con" provement in pellet quality, above all in metal- long and provided with two lifters) and sub-
, tent of the gangue). lurgical properties, have been the focus of jected to 900 revolutions at 30 rpm. Thema-
Today these additives are generally added attention, with the result that basic pellets with terial is then screened at 6.3 mm, 3.15 mm
to the sinter mix as fmes « 5 mm) and some- CaO: Si0 2 ratios of ca. 1.5 have been sought. and 0.5 mm. The RDI is the fraction < 3.15
times precalcined (burnt lime instead of lime- Few details are known about current sinter- mm. This should be 35% if possible; at iron-
stone). The basicity of the sinter is generally ing technology in the former Soviet Union and works, in Germany it is between 30 and
higher than that of the blast furnace slag to China. Rich fme ores are rare in both coun- 40%.
compensate (1) for the "acid" coke ash, (2) the tries, and agglomerates are made chiefly from
concentrates. In some works, blast furnaces • Relative Reducibility
gangue of the lump ore, and (3) slag compo-
are operated on 100% sinter. Since the basic- Ironworks use very different methods for
nents of the iron-ore pellets. the relative reducibility test. A sample'is re-
Increasing the basicity also improves the ity of the sinter in these cases must be adapted
to the requirements for blast-furnace opera- duced at 900°C using a carbon monoxide
quality of the basic sinter as well as the heat nitrogen mixture similar to RDI. The index
tion, the basicity values are often too low for a
economy. Many plants today produce sinter reported is the degree of reduction at the end
sinter of truly good quality. One remedy might
with a basicity of> 1.5. The slag analysis is of the test. In addition, a test as set forth in
be to pellet part of the concentrate at a low ba-
controlled by addition of limestone or burnt ISO 4695 is carried out to determine the re-
lime, dolomite (to control CaO and MgO), oli- sicity and raise the basicity of the sinter to
1.6-1.8. ' duction rate at 40%, reduction, which is
vine (to control MgO and Si02), and quartz usually ca. 1.5% per minute.
sand. The most common fuel is coke breeze. A variety of test methods are used for sinter
To ignite the mixture gas or oil heating is ap- quality control; some of the techniques are
plied. The total heat consumption for an iron- similar to the ones for pellets. The methods in- 5.4 Reduction of Iron Figure 5.8: A 20-IJIllFep3 sphere before and after reduc-
rich basic sinter is between 1.3 and 1.7 MJ per clude: Oxides [11] tion by hydrogen at 700 DC (2500 x).
tonne of final sinter. When low-iron ore mix- • Shatter Test since FeO is unstable below 570°C. When a
tures (e.g., those containing minettes) or ores The shatter test has been standardized only 5.4.1 Chemical Aspects hard dense oxide is reduced, metallographic
containing high levels of alumina (2-4 % in Japan. At Lurgi, 150 kg of sinter, (grain examination usually shows a layered struc-
Al:P3) are sintered, the heat consumption is size> 8 mm) is dropped three times from a The reduction of iron oxide ores takes place ture: Fe 20 3 in the core, surrounded by Fe30 4,
higher (up to 2.5 MJ/t). Analyses of sinter height of 2 m onto a steel plate; then the at an appreciable rate only at temperatures FeO, and fmally Fe as can be seen in Figure
50 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 51

5.9. For porous oxides, however, no distinct drogen is more effective than CO as a reduc- from the furnace in a molten form, thus allow- for convenient handling and therefore is cast
interfaces are observed, except a gradual ing agent. Like any other heterogeneous ing large scale production and continuous op- into molds where it solidifies to form what is
transformation from Fe on the outside to reaction, the rate of reduction is influenced by eration. Such a furnace is called' a blast referred to as pigs. Processes taking place in
Fe2 0 3 in the center. This is because the reduc-· the stagnant boundary layer of gas which sur- furnace because of the blast of air introduced. the furnace are:
ing gas can penetrate faster than it can react at rounds each oxide particle (the Nernst bound- Figure 5.10 shows a typical view of a blast
any oxide interface. ary layer). This factor depends on the rate of • Reduction of the iron compounds present in
furnace plant. At present, most pig iron is
flow of the reducing gas past the oxide parti- the ore
Between 950 and 1000 °C complete reduc- transferred in molten state to steelmaking
tion in a reasonable length of time usually cle, i.e., it is a function of the design and oper- plants and in this form it is referred to as hot • Separation of the resulting iron from the
takes place. At 1000 DC, sintering of the parti- ation of the apparatus used for reduction. The metal. Sometimes, it is required in soli~ form slag.
cles starts and a product having the form of a resistance of the boundary layer may be elimi-
sponge is obtained. At about 1200 °C a pasty nated by increasing the rate of flow of gas, but
porous mass is formed due to the presence of this way may not be economically feasible be-
impurities. If reduction is carried out in the cause unreacted gas will escape in the stack, or
presence of carbon, the iron absorbs it rapidly the carry over of dust particles will be exces-
and the product begins to melt at 1300 DC. sive.
Iron containing 4.5% carbon melts at 1125 °C Swelling or shrinkage may accompany the
which is far below the melting point of pure reduction. Swelling is due to the formation of
iron (1530 DC). Table 5.8 summarizes these whiskers which in turn is related to the phe-
points. nomena of nucleation and crystal growth.
Shrinkage is due to volume change when the
oxide is reduced to metal as well as due to sin-
tering. Both are influenced by impurities. Cal-
cium oxide, for example, was found to prevent
swelling and to increase the rate especially
when conducted at or below 700 DC. The
width of the FeO layer formed when Fe20r
CaO mixture is reduced is much less than
when pure Fe20 3 is reduced, all other condi-
tions being equal. It seems that FeO reacts
with CaO forming Fe and a ferrite according
Figure 5.9: Cross section of a partially reduced dense iron 3FeO + CaO ~ Fe + CaF~04
ore in hydrogen at 850°C for 35 minutes. Sample etched
to show the multilayer structure of products. Calcium ferrite formed is then reduced di-
Table 5.8: Effect of temperature on the reduction of iron rectly to Fe and CaO without producing FeO.
oxide ores. Calcium carbonate increases the rate of reduc-
Temperature, °C Product tion in the same way as CaO with the added
900 Dark grey porous mass has the same advantage that during sintering prior to reduc-
shapeas the original particles; reduc- tion, CO 2 is given off thus creating a porous
tion usually incomplete.
950-1000 Complete reduction in a reasonable
product which enhances reduction. Small
length of time. amounts (0.1-1 %) of Na 2C03 or K2C0 3 cause
1000 Sintering of product starts; the product extensive swelling.
has the shape of a sponge.
1200 A pasty porous mass is fonned.
1300 If reduction is carried out in presence of
5.4.2 Technical Aspects
carbon, the iron absorbs it rapidly and
the product begins to melt. It was not until the 14th century that fur-
naces were developed that could not only pro-
Ferric oxide, Fep3' is generally reduced duce iron but at the same time melt it so that Figure 5.10: Typical view of a blast furnace plant. TIle blast furnace at the center, the three towers on the left are the
with a higher velocity than Fep4' Also, hy- the product called pig iron could be tapped stoves.
52 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 53

Table 5.9: Raw materials and products of a blast furnace Table 5.11: Typical analysis of coke.
per ton of pig iron (in tons).
Raw materials C 90.0
Ore 1.7 Si0 2 4.4
Coke 0.5--{).65
Fe 1.3
Flux (limestone) 0.25 Mn 0.07
Air 1.8-2.0
P 0.03
Products Al,o] 2.8
Pig iron 1.0 CaO 0.3
Slag 0.2--0.4 MgO 0.2
Flue dust 0.05 S 0.9
Blast furnace gas 2.5-3.5 Hp 1.5 .,

Table 5.10: Typical analysis of Lake Superior ore.

% co .",g


Mn 0.2 '"Z
P 0.6 0
3.6 i= 800 !lOa 0
Alp] l>.
CaO 1.2 ~
MgO 0.9 '"0z 400 i5
SO] 0.06 u lE
700 300 l>.
Na,O+K,O trace ....
TiD - 0.02 '"

H,o 12.1 0.6 1.0 I.a

l4 1.6 '"

., Blast furnace flue dust after sintering FIgure 5.13: Effect ofsulfur in coke on coke consumption
and slag volume.
Figure 5.11: Hot metal mixer.
• Pyrite cinder after leaching away of the non-
ferrous metals it contained Besides, a small amount of carbon dissolves in
Steel is the most important commercial Table 5.9 shows the raw materials and the the hot metal, thus lowering its melting point.
form of iron because of its high tensile products of a modem blast furnace. Main requirement for coke are: high calorific
strength. Molten pig iron from the blast fur- Iron Ores value, high mechanical strength, and low im-
Iron ore
nace is usually stored in a hot-metal mixer be- High-grade ores contain 60-70% Fe, me- purities. A typical analysis of coke is given in
fore transferring it to the steelmaking plant dium-grade 40-60% Fe, and low-grade < Table 5.11. Coke burns intensively near the
(Figure 5.12). A hot-metal mixer is a cylindri- 40% Fe. The world's main supply of iron is tuyeres; temperatures in this region reach
cal vessel up to 1500 tons capacity, lined with obtained from ores containing hematite; those 1700 0c. At this temperature, CO 2 reacts im-
fire bricks (about 0.6 m thickness) and containing magnetite supply only about 5% of mediately with carbon to form CO:
mounted horizontally such that it can be tilted the world's iron and the most important source C+02~C02
to pour the desired amount of metal into a of such ores is Sweden and the Urals. The C +C02 -72CO
transfer ladle for transport to the steelmaking most important ore containing siderite is in
plant (Figure 5.11). The functions of the hot- Erzberg, Austria. A tYpical analysis of an iron Sulfur in the coke accounts for about 90% of
metal mixer are therefore the following: ore is shown in Table 5.10. the total sulfur entering the blast furnace.
About half of this sulfur is volatilized as H~S
• To conserve the heat in pig iron, keeping it Steel
or COS when the coke is burned and leaves
molten for long periods. Figure 5.12: Schematic representation for the flow of raw Coke 1 with the blast furnace gas. The remaining sul-
material for steelmaking.
• To promote uniformity of iron by mixing the . Coke in the blast furnace has two functions: fur is partially eliminated in the slag, and a
products of several blast furnaces. This per- small amount enters the metal. When coke
mits delivery of iron of more uniform com- 5.4.3 Raw Materials • As a fuel producing the heat required for re- contains excess sulfur, large amounts of lime-
positions and temperatures. Iron ores are the most important raw mate- duction and melting the iron.
stone must be added to insure that the sulfur
• To permit independent operations between rial charged to blast furnace. Other mi~or ma- • To supply the reducing agent (mainly CO). content of the pig iron is maintained at a low
the blast furnaces and the steelmaking plant terial are the following: level. This will result in a large volume of
because of its large capacity. • Mill scale (Fe 30 4 by-product of hot-rolling) 1 For the manufacture of coke, see Section 5.22. slag, and a correspondingly large consumption
54 Handbaak afExtractiveMetaliurgy Iron 55

of coke because the decomposition of lime- from the air by refrigeration before entering should be less than that required for granula- These gases are extremely poisonous. Their
stone is an endothermic reaction, as shown in the furnace. tion. This slag has a relatively high struc- formation is thought to be catalyzed by alkali .
Figure 5.13. Furthermore, the productivity of Table 5.13: Typical analysis cifpig iron. tural strength with good insulating and oxides:
the furnace decreases. % acoustical properties and is therefore used in H2 0 + 3C + N, ~ 2HCN + CO
C 3.5-4.25 making acoustical tile and for other struc-
tural purposes. Blast furnace gas contains 200-2000 mg/m3 of Limestone Si = 1.25
these cyano compounds. In the dust collecting
Mn 0.9-2.5 • Slag fmes are used as filling material inroad
The function of limestone is to render the S =004 system, the gases are scrubbed with water and
P 0.06~3.00
construction since they have excellent bind- some of this water fmds its way in waste dis-
gangue in the ore and the ash of the coke,
Fe =94 ing properties with bitumen. posal. Before discharging this water, cyanide
mainly Si0 2 and Al 20 3 which have high melt-
ing points, easily fusible. In the blast furnace, Table 5.14: Analysis of a typical blast furnace slag. compounds dissolved in it must be destroyed.
limestone is decomposed starting at 800°C as 5.4.4 Products %
follows: SiQ, 35 Flue Dust
CaO 44
CaC03 ~ CaO + cO 2 Pig Iron Al 20 3 15 This material is composed of about 15 %
It is used in pieces 5-10 em in size; a typical Pig iron is transferred molten as hot metal MgO 3 carbonaceous material, 15% gangue, and 70%
FeO 1
analysis is shown in Table 5.12. or molded in pig-machine. A typical analysis Fe 30 4 though only Fe2 0 3 may have been
MnO 1
Table 5.12: Typical analysis oflimestone. of pig iron is given in Table 5.13. The hearth S 1 charged; the reason is that the reaction at the
temperature influences the carbon content in Total 100 top offurnace is
CaO 51.5
pIg lion. 3Fe,03 + co ~ 2Fe30 4 + cO2
Table 5.15: Typical analysis of blast furnace gas.
MgO 1.7 Flue dust is collected as a mud in the venturi
41.4 vol%
CO2 Slag scrubbers and Cottrell precipitators; it con-
SiO, 3.4 CO 27
Fe - 0.3 Slag formed in the blast furnace serves two CO, 12 tains about 40% solids. It is transferred to
Mn 0.1 purposes: N, 60 thickeners where it is thickened to 60% solids,
P 0.006 H; 1 then filtered. The filtrate returns to the thick-
AI 20 3 0.9 • To collect the impurities in the molten metal (CN)2 trace
eners and the filter cake containing about 25 %
S03 • To protect the metal from oxidation by the Total 100
moisture is transferred to the sintering plant
Na,O+K,O trace furnace atmosphere
H20 - 0.5 where it is agglomerated into a product suit-
Analysis of a typical blast furnace slag is Gas able for charging to the furnace.
given in Table 5.14. About 1% of the slag con- Air taining about 60% Fe is recovered by mag- Gas coming out of furnace top is more than
netic separation and is returned to the blast that introduced at the bottom due to the gasifi- 5.4.5 Behavior of Impurities 0

Air for the blast furnace has to be preheated

to 500-1000°C and compressed to 200-300 furnace. Molten slag from a blast furnace is cation of carbon.. A typical analysis of the gas Impurities in the raw materials play an im-
kPa to burn the necessary amount of coke to usually treated in one of the following ways: is given in Table 5.15. The CO content in the portant role in the blast furnace because they
furnish the required temperature for the reac- • It is poured into a pit and after solidifying gas is due to the reaction: influence the quality of the product and the life
tion: and cooling it is excavated, crushed, and C02+C~2CO of the refractory lining. Although some of
screened. The product is called air-cooled About 20% of the total fuel requirement is these impurities may be in trace amounts, yet
C+ /P2 ~co
slag and is used in concrete and railroads. consumed in this manner. This reaction not they will represent hundreds of thousands of
Air always contains a certain amount of mois- tons when considering the continuous opera-
• It is either allowed to run directly into a pit only consumes coke but also consumes heat
ture depending on the atmospheric humidity. of water producing a coarse, friable product, tion of the furnace for 5 to 7 years through
since it is endothermic. Carbon dioxide is a
Near the tuyeres zone, any moisture in the air or a stream of molten slag is broken up by a which millions of tons of ore have been re-
product of ore reduction and CaC0 3 decompo-
will react with coke as follows: high-pressure water jet as it falls into the pit. duced. The behavior of impurities varies con-
sition. Because of its CO content, the blast fur- o

C+HP~CO+H, The product in both cases is called granu- nace gas is used as a fuel to preheat the air siderably and can be divided as follows:
Since this reaction is endothermic, variation in lated slag and is used in making building blast and to generate power (boilers, etc.). The • Unobjectionable impUrities are those which
atmospheric humidity greatly affects the ther- blocks. gas leaves the furnace at 120-370 DC. are not reduced, e.g., Al 20 3 and MgO. They
mal balance of the furnace to such an extent • If limited amounts of water are applied to During the manufacture· of iron in the blast are also valuable fluxes.
that it would cause wide variation in the chem- the molten slag, a dry cellular lump Of prod- furnace, some hydrogen cyanide, HCN, and • Impurities that completely enter the pig
ical composition of the iron produced. Some uct called lightweight expanded slag is cyanogen gas, (CN)2' are formed as a result of iron; these are phosphorus, copper, tin,
plants installed units to separate the moisture formed. In this case the amount of water the reaction of nitrogen in the blast with coke. nickel, and vanadium. The reduction of the
56 Handbook o/Extractive Metallurgy Iron 57

compounds of these element,s takes place - As the temperature of molten iron in- closed while the small bell is opened to ad- bell, thus permitting the independent opera-
readily. Of these the most serious is phos- creases, slag basicity should be decreased mit the charge to the large bell hopper. The tion of bells. The opening and closing of the
phorus since it has to be completely re- for any given alkali loading. small bell is then closed to prevent the es- bells is fully automated.
moved to make an acceptable steel. These conditions are opposite to those cape of gas into the atmosphere, and the
needed for hot metal sulfur content, and there- large bell is opened to admit the charge to • High temperature can be attained in a fur-
• Impurities that partially enter the pig iron: fore a compromise has to be made.
these are manganese, silicon, titanium, and the furnace. The large bell is again closed nace without damaging the refractory lining
sulfur. The reduction of Mn0 2, Si0 2, and and the process repeated. It should be noted by in~erting hollow wedge-shaped plates in
Ti0 2 takes place only at high temperatures. 5.5 The Blast Furnace that the rod supporting the large bell passes the outer side of the refractory lining which
Therefore, the presence of the respective through a hollow rod supporting the. small are water-cooled.
metals in pig iron will be a function of the 5.5.1 General Description [11-14]
temperature in the hearth; usually about
70% of these metals enter the pig iron. Tita- The blast furnace is composed of a hearth
nium is especially undesirable because its and a stack on the top. Such furnace is also HOl'PER - - - - - - - - -

presence in the slag, even in small amounts, known as a shaft or a vertical furnace (Figure ~-- GAS OFFTAKE
increases its viscosity. Manganese, silicon, 5.14). The name is due to the fact that air is
and sulfur have to be removed later in the blown or "blasted" through the charge. The
steelmaking process. furnace has the following characteristics:
• The charge enters at the top of the stack and TOP ~--- WEARING PLATES
• Impurities that accumulate in the furnace: the products get out at the bottom. Any
these are the alkali metals and zinc. Com- gases formed are discharged from the top.
pounds of these metals are readily reduced.
• Heating is conducted by burning coke
As the charge descends into the hotter re- which is incorporated in the charge. It is ig-
gion of the furnace they are reduced to met- 5 ; ; 1 - - - - STEEL JACKET
nited by air blown in near the bottom of the
als; these metals are volatile under the furnace. The hot gases pass upward through
conditions of operations in the furnace. As the descending cold charge.
vapors, they travel upward, where they react
• The charge must consist of coarse material
with CO 2 and deposit as oxides on the sur-
that is strong enough to withstand the static
faces of the cooler particles of the charge
pressure in the shaft without crumbling "into INWALL
and are again returned to the hotter-region of
powder. Powders are objectionable because STACK COOLER PLATES
the furnace as the charge descends. The pro-
they will be easily blown outside the furnace
cess is repeated and thus these metals will
by the gases. Also, they cause channelling to
never leave the furnace. They accumulate in
take place in the furnace, i.e., the reacting
large amounts and the vapors penetrate the
gases will go only through certain channels
refractories and partially condense in the
in the bed thus decreasing greatly the fur-
pores and cracks thus causing their disinte-
nace efficiency. The charge must be perme-
gration. To minimize difficulties in furnace
able so that the rising gases can pass freely : i B " ' 5 - - - MANTLE
operation such as fluctuating hot metal tem- through all of its parts.
perature or sulfur content and to avoid the BOSH

build-up of alkali in the furnace, the amount • At one time, the top of the furnace was left
of alkali entering the furnace is carefully open causing great heat loss. Later, it was
closed and opened only during charging. To-
monitored and maintained at a fixed low
day furnaces have at the top the double bell
level. Slag basicity and hot metal tempera- HEARTH SLAG HOLE
system which keeps the furnace closed at all
ture are also adjusted to ensure maximum
times thus preventing the escape of gases
removal of alkali in the slag. The tendency
even during charging. This system (Figure
is approximately as follows:
5.15) is composed of two bells: one small BOTTOM
- As the alkali content increases, slag basic- and one large. When both are in the closed
ity should be decreased for any given tem- position, the charge is dumped in the hopper
perature of iron. above the small bell. The large bell remains Figure 5.14: A vertical furnace - the iron blast furnace.
58 Handbook o/Extractive M etallllrgy [ron 59

COOUNG PLAIT • To support a large furnace, a reinforced con-

I crete pad about 3 m thick and 18 m diameter

is built. A circular heat-resistant concrete
pad about 6 em thick is laid over the founda-
tion (Figure 5.18). A large furnace requires
8-10 supporting columns which are an-
FURN~ BOSH chored to the concrete foundation. A heavy,
horizontal steel ring 5-10 em thick called
I mantle rests on the top of the supporting col-
umns. It supports the furnace shell and·
brickwork so that, When necessary, the
hearth and bosh brickwork may be removed
without much trouble.

Figure 5.15: Double belI system for charging a blast furnace without permitting an escape of gases. Figure 5.16: Section through the bosh and upper part of 5.5.2 Operation
the hearth wall of a blast furnace.
• Air for the furnace is introduced at the lower reaches the lower portion and comes in con- Starting a New Furnace. Bringing a newly
part. Figure 5.16 shows a section through tact with the hot air blast at the tuyeres, it built furnace into routine operation is called
the bosh and upper part of the hearth wall will bum with great intensity. In the upper "blowing-in". This process· requires the skill
showing details of connections between the part of the furnace, the ore also loses its wa- and cooperation of a large number of people,
tuyere and the bustle pipe in a large blast ter content and is preheated. and it takes probably more than a month to
furnace. The bustle pipe is a large circular, • The liquid products formed settle to the bot- achieve this goal. Once a furnace goes into op-
refractory-lined pipe that encircles the fur- tom from where they can be removed. New eration it is expected to continue for 5 to 7
nace at about the mantle level and distrib- material is charged at the top in quantities years during which about 8 million tons of
utes the air blast from the hot-blast main to sufficient to keep the charge level relatively iron are produced before a major shutdown.
the furnace. The blowpipe, a horizontal, ce- constant. The steps involved are:
ramic-lined steel pipe about 1.5 m long, car- • Tapping a molten material from the furnace, • Drying the lining of furnace and stoves.
ries the hot blast from the bustle pipe e.g., a molten metal is usually conducted in Figure 5.17: Section through slag notch of a blast fur-
nace. This operation is carried out for the follow-
through the tuyere stock and gooseneck to the following way. The notch which is mgreasons:
the tuyeres. The tuyeres are nozzle-like cop- closed with clay is opened by drilling into • The furnace is. lined with refractory materi-
per castings about 20 in number, spaced the clay with a pneumatic drill until the skull als which must have a high melting point to To drive off the vast amount of water ab-
equally around the hearth about 30 em be- of metal is met, then an o>.."ygen lance is used withstand high temperatures. Alumina-sil- sorbed by the brick during construction,
low the top of the hearth. Each tuyere fits to form a hole through it. The metal flows ica refractories are usually used for lining and contained in the slurry used in brick-
into a tuyere cooler casting through which into the main trough which has a skimmer the stacks. The percentage of Al 2 0 3 in the laying.
cold water circulates. The gooseneck is located near its end. The skimmer separates bricks increases in the lower part of the - To avoid as much as possible thennal
lined with fire brick, and has a small open- any slag flowing with the metal and drives it stack. Graphite is one of the most refractory shock to the structure. Drying is carried
ing closed by the tuyere cap through which a into the slag ladles. The metal continues to substances known but oxidizes slowly at out by burning natural gas or wood in the
small rod may be inserted to clean out the flow down the main runner from which it is high temperatures; it is usually used for lin- stoves and circulating the hot gases to the
tuyeres without removing the blow pipe. A diverted at intervals into the metal ladles by ing the hearth. furnace. Heating should be increased
small glass-covered opening called the means of gates. At the end of tapping, the gradually and it usually takes 10 to 14
peep sight is placed in front of the tuyeres to • The furnaces are fully automated and may
hole is closed by means of the clay gun. The produce 10 000 tons of iron per day. They days. During this stage intensive checking
allow the inspection of the interior of the nose of the gun enters the metal notch and of pipes, connections, etc., takes place.
furnace directly. are huge structures over 60 m high. The col-
clay is forced from the gun by a plunger or a umn of material inside the furnace is about • Filling the furnace. Usually the hearth and
• The furnace acts as a countercurrent heat ex- screw operated electrically or by steam. The 25 m high that varies in temperature be- bosh are filled with coke, then about an
changer: the cold charge is descending slag notch can be opened or closed by tween 190 and 1760 °e. A furnace is de- equal charge of coke, limestone, and sili-
while the hot gases are ascending in the fur- means of a steel cone-shaped knob,on the signed to operate continuously for 5-7 years ceous material are mixed together and added
nace. Thus, coke will be preheated in the up- end of a long steel bar. Figure 5.17 shows a with a total production of about 14 million on top. Then comes a charge composed of a
per part of the furnace so that when it section through the slag notch. tons. small amount of ore and coke.
60 Handbook ofErtractiveMetallurgy Iron 61

5.5.4 Shutdown • The large capital cost which will be difficult

to raise
Temporary shutdown for an emergency or
• The limited mechanical strength of coke to
otherwise is called "banking", and it involves
withstand the static pressure of a tall fur-
reducing the combustion rate, thus preserving nace.
the charge for future use. The air blast is
The great increase in the blast furnace output
stopped, the blowpipes are dropped, and the
is due to the following:
tuyeres openings are plugged with clay. If the
shutdown is planned for a few days, coke may Beneficiated Feed. A feed to a blast furnace
be charged without flux, and charging contin- should fulflll the following conditions~
ues, until the coke descends to the bosh. The • Uniform size to allow gases to flow through
final tapping is made and then air is cut off. A without channelling.
heavy blanket of ore is dumped in the furnace
• Mechanically strong to withstand handling,
to cover the upper burden surface and reduce
the high temperature, and the high static
the natural draft. At the conclusion of the tap-
pressure in the furnace without crushing or
ping, the tapping holes are plugged and the
furnace isolated. In this way the charge in the
furnace can be kept for an indefmite time until • Free from fines to minimize the dust blown
blowing-in is required. out of the furnace.
E)(tended shutdown is called "blowing out" • Fairly permeable to enhance the reduction
and usually takes place when the lining is process.
worn. Sometimes, however, business condi- For these reasons high quality coke sized to
tions may necessitate that production is no about 50 mrn is usually used. Ore is also pre-
more required and an exiended shutdown is pared and sized between 10 and 25 mrn. Pow-
necessary. Subsequent to blowing out and dered feed material is compacted and sized
when the furnace is to be completely relined, before charging. Since high temperatures are
the hot metal must be completely drained. A usually applied in the compaction process, a
Figure 5.18: General view ofthe iron blast furnace showing top details and concrete foundation. hole is drilled into the furnace bottom below part of the limestone required for the charge to
the hearth staves, and a runner for iron is in- the furnace is incorporated into the compacted
e Lighting the charge. This is done by blow- 5.5.3 Operating Difficulties stalled. A long oxygen lance is inserted in the material. In this way, the calcination CaC0 3
ing small volumes of hot blast at 1000 CC. takes place outside the furnace, thus increas-
An important difficulty in operation is hole to open the remaining brick and allow the
e First stages ofoperation. Once the coke in iron to flow. This residual iron is called "sala- ing its capacity and at the same time decreas-
when the charge in the upper part of the stack
the furnace is ignited, it is important to ig- mander", and may be 400 to 600 tons. ing the volume of the exit gases. This process
is cemented together into a large impervious is known as "self fluxing sinter".
nite the gas leaving the furnace otherwise it Starting an empty furnace from cold is gen-
mass (bridge) while the material underneath
will cause a health hazard to the environ- erally faster and requires less effort than start- Increased Blast Temperature. When the air
continues to move downward thus creating a
ment due to the CO content. Gradually the ing it from a shutdown. However, the cost of blast temperature is increased by preheating,
hot blast volume entering the furnace is in- void. The void tends to increase until the blowing out, raking out, and cleaning prior to the coke consumption will decrease and as a
creased. After the initial coke charge is con- bridge collapses, causing a sudden downward starting is more expensive than a temporary result the furnace capacity will increase. Since
sumed, slag will begin to accumulate in the movement of the charge which is known as shutdown. a certain amount of heat enters the furnace
hot hearth. Charging at the top continues "slip". In severe cases, this causes a sudden in- with the preheated air, the furnace efficiency
and at the same time the percentage of the crease in gas pressure and an effect like an ex- increases. The higher the air temperature the
5.5.5 Efficient Operation and higher the economy will be for the following
ore is gradually increased. Once there is in- plosion. Reasons for this slip may be due to
dication that enough slag accumulated, the
Improvements reasons:
alkali vapors that condense at the top of the
slag notch is closed. Tapping of slag takes furnace and cement the solid material to- In the past 50 years blast furnace produc- • The amount of coke required per unit metal
place 6 to 8 hours after the air was blown in, tion increased from an average of 800 t/day to produced is reduced.
gether, or it may be due to fme carbon,deposi-
while iron tapping takes place after 24 to 28 8000 t/day with some furnaces operating at • As a result of decreased fuel consumption,
tions which results from the reaction'
hours. It takes 5 to 6 days until the iron pro- 10 000 t/day. It seems, however, that the size the air volume per unit metal produced will
duced is according to the specifications. 2C0--7C0 2 +c of a blast furnace is limited by two factors: also decrease.
62 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy
Iron 63

• As a result of the previous two points, the ized coal, fuel oil, natural gas) can be injected results in a decreased coke consumption of Table 5.16 shows the simplified mass and
volume of gas leaving the furnace per unit to replace some of the expensive coke. This about 10%. heat balances of the reactions that proceed se-
metal produced will also decrease. This re- results in increased production because it per-
sults in the decreased size of gas ducts and mits the removal of some coke from the • As a result of decreased coke consumption, quentially during the descent of the burden in
dust collecting system, etc. charge. It is also a means for controlling the the available volume in the furnace will in- the blast furnace. All figures in the table are
flame temperature since the fuel is injected crease and more ore can be reduced. based 'on 1 mol Fep3' 1/4 mol CaC03 as a
• The reaction rate is increased as a result of
increased air temperature, thereby lowering cold. Generally, when tuyere-injected fuels are flux, and k mol of coke as fuel and reductant.
the reaction time of the process, i.e., in- used, the moisture content of the blast must be 5.5.6 Engineering Aspects Hematite is first reduced via magnetite to
creased productivity. decreased. The choice of the fuel depends on wustite by the gas. Because the heat require-
The iron produced in the blast furp.ace is
its cost and also on the cost of equipment for ment of the reactions are small, the h'eat con-
Oxygen Enrichment. Air is composed of saturated with carbon and is in the· molten
its injection. The equipment for gas injection state. Depending on burden composition and tent of the gas is sufficient for heating the
21 % oxygen and 79% nitrogen. The advan- is the least expensive and that for pulverized
tages gained by using pure oxygen or oxygen- operation technique of the blast furnace, the burden (see Figure 5.20). The gas composition
coal is the most. molten iron produced contains varying
enriched air in oxidation processes offsets the prevailing in the upper part of the furnace (be-
cost of liquefaction of air and ~eparating the Blast Humidity Control. By adding moisture amounts of other elements such as silicon, low 1000 DC) has the reducing potential for
nitrogen. The reasons for that are the follow- to the blast in the form of steam, it is possible manganese, phosphorus and sulfur. The blast hematite and magnetite as depicted in Figure
ing: to control the flame temperature and to furnace can produce pig iron but not steel. 5.21. Only a portion x of the wustite is reduced
• Nitrogen acts as a diluent and absorbs large achieve a smooth furnace operation because The blast furnace is operated to achieve the to iron because of kinetic limitation. The 'devi-
amounts of the combustion heat. When oxy- the reaction of steam with coke is endother- following three major objectives: ation of the gas composition from the Boud-
gen or ox),gen-enriched air is used, the mic: • Lowest energy consumption, particularly the ouard equilibrium above 650 DC is due to the
amount of heat lost by nitrogen is therefore H,O+C~H,+CO lowest coke rate; low reactivity of coke. Thus, carbon dioxide is
decreased. As a result, the temperature of The products of this reaction are themselves • Highest productivity, i.e., highest produc- not adequately converted to carbon monoxide.
the furnace rises, and consequently produc- reducing agents. tion rate per unit volume of the furnace; Deviation below 650 DC is caused by suppres-
tion is increased. Or, coke consumption/ton sion o{the carbon deposition reaction, 2CO :f±
of material processed is reduce.d. Pressure Operation. There is a recent ten- • Composition and temperature of the molten
dency to operate the blast furnace under a pig iron produced must meet the require- CO2 + C. For coke saving, the former devia-
• The total volume of gases passing through slight pressure. This results in increased fur- ments of the steel shop and must be c6n- tion from equilibrium is desirable, however,
the furnace would be considerably less than stant. the latter undesirable.
nace capacity and decreased coke consump-
in normal practice. Therefore, the erosion of
tion. Operating under pressure, however,
the refractories should be reduced and the
results in several difficulties. The furnace
size of furnace and dust-collecting units re-
must be air tight at the top. Also charging
duced. equipment must have a special mechamsm to
• High-melting-point slags can be used, i.e., allow the bell to be lowered. On the other
slags containing lime. In this case sulfur can hand, flue gases, being at high pressure, may
be eliminated. be recovered in a turbine to be used, for exam-
Nitrogen-Free Operation. Instead of using a ple, in blast blowing.
high temperature air blast it has been sug- Operating the blast furnace under pressure
gested to use cold oxygen. In this way the tem- can be achieved by introducing a throttling tlp-O.5-l
perature in the furnace could be kept high and valve in the gas system. This results in the fol- tlp-S -20
the inconveniences due to nitrogen could be lowing advantages: e
eliminated. The cold tuyeres facilitate the in- • Larger amounts of air can be blown and con-
jection of coal in the furnace and in this way sequently increased production rate. tlp-1S-30
coke will be used only as a reducing agent and tlp-l00
• Increased pressure shifts the equilibrium of g
not as a fuel, which represents a great saving. the following reaction to the left:
Further, the top gas could be cleaned, treated
to remove CO~, and the remaining CO recy- CO, + C '" 2CO
cled for use as fuel. This reaction is responsible for the con-
Fuel Injection. When a sufficiently hot blast sumption of unnecessary amounts of coke.
is available, a portion of a cheap fuel (pulver- As a result, operating a furnace at 200 kPa Figure 5.19: Top gas cleaning system [15]: a) Blastfumace; b) Dust catcher, c) Cyclone; d) To electric precipitator, e) To
hurdle scrubber, f) To bag fil ter, g) To venturi scrubber.
64 Handbook a/Extractive M erallurgy Iron 65

N C3 10 1 H2• o/ 0 - value of x corresponds to a higher coke rate

~ -
(0. (0 2. " I a -
according to the balance shown in Table 5.16.
o~u o~ I' o~ The wustite that has not yet been indirectly re-
10 ~o "0 .
II E~ 10 30 50
duced by the gas to iron must be reduced di-
uo ~-~ N-<:: ~
.. r-- ~ d'~ "u

,EA ~:>;j", cEo

.. _'"
tE¥ 4
rectly with carbon. This reaction requires a
great amount of heat For simplicity it has
"s:: ~~
1 a ~";:l
lot .... ~u
been assunled in Table 5.16 that direct reduc-
:§ tion of wustite proceeds at 1100 °C. This Zone
++ ~
8 of the furnace is critical for the completion of
",i; the entire process. The amount of~oxygen
~ ... which must still be removed from the ore in
0'" >{ '+ of E
~ 12 this part of the furnace depends on the degree
~ ",c
1:. 0'"
+ ~
-;. + '"
u of reduction achieved in its upper part. There-
fore the residual amount of oxygen depends
~ <'! '"
Ci on the reducibility of the ore. On the other

1j hand, the amount of oxygen which can be re-
.", ~
,±, u
0 I' <]1
- I

+ +

moved from the ore in this zone depends on
the enthalpy that is delivered by the gas at
'" <, /
1100°C. This enthalpy, in tum, depends on
the amount of coke that is available for corn-
.5 0
-.. '"

-+ -;.
0 400 800
Temperature, D(_
1200 1600
bustion in front of the tuyeres.
If excess heat is available, a higher top-gas
u u ;;;-"' ~~ temperature is found. However, the utilization
'" u'" -;.
~ Fil!fU'e 5.20: Schematic profile of temperature and gas degree of the gas 11m decreases because the
t: ~
composition in the longitudinal direction of the blast fur-
excess heat is supplied by combustion of coke

~'" ~
+ -~I N
+ Ii.
to carbon monoxide. This phenomenon can be
controlled by decreasing the coke rate of the
au burden materials fed at the top of the bed.

~'" ~ <]1


:;-' 800
3 600 .
. Fe

0, ·Pco=O.4 bar
- co2+[
-- - .......
However, the action will only be effective af-
ter 4-6 h when the burden charged at new
rates comes to the tuyere zone. An immediate
effect is obtained if the heat input to the lower
'@ .
+' I' +' 0 ""~
'" I part of the furnace is decreased by increasing
::c ~
~ 400
F~30~ the moisture content or decreasing the temper-
.s D1 C( Fe3[) I ature of the blast.

u ~
1" ~
N", u:.c
200 .
I It is more difficult to compensate an ell-
o'-! e~
thalpy shortage in the lower part of the fur-
u u 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
.D nace. An increase in the coke rate is effective
... ~ 6' ~a IJco=CO/(CO .. C0 2)x100 _
.", _0
a E
u s::
. OIl
Fil!fU'e 5.21: Variation of temperature and gas composi-
only after several hours. It is often not possible
to increase the temperature of the blast be-
+ .
+ '"
N .5
.. "
u; '" s::u
0 g~
::! II
tion in a typical operation of the blast furnace superim-
posed on the reduction eqliilibrium diagram of iron oxide.
cause the blast temperature is usually at its
E au " " <::
0 ~

t ;;::
...."a t .",
a ... -a
13 u
maximum for economic reasons. The maxi-
.", OIl ..
.5u ·.§~t·.§<::o
a <:: U
N uz
'" a During descent of the burden, limestone mum blast temperature is limited by the ca-
.- a
~ E
g g 2u
.", to ""'-N
+ a
0 ;;::
.. .... N
~ +... ..?
II eu
o "-
starts to decompose at ca. 700 DC. This reac- pacity of the stoves and also by the maximum
.5 ~.sU !:t+ a a ·~o '" E a
= tion requires heat and releases carbon dioxide, allowable temperature of the blast furnace. A
au.:::-"' .",
~ ~o:~

:aEo... :ati~
1:1 +.." u ..
aE tJ'E~ ..§
U tn

I -
tl.D "§.:-rt ~
.D + ::c
Eu -
a c..;l
.s ~ .~~

therefore the gas is cooled and its carbon diox-
ide content increases. Consequently, the re-
short-term solution to compensate an enthalpy
shortage is to inject fuels such as hydrocar-
is ~~ ~
III .c"a
u~.D .sll~ .s~)( Q 8x ~ ...... :i:i
.... 0
.... .. II duction rate of iron oxide decreases and the bons, natural gas, oil, or pulverized coal to-
~ N l"'l '<l' U""\ \0 l"- oa .5'.5'88 ~ ~-<' value of x in Table 5.16 decreases. A lower gether with an oxygen enrichment of the blast.
66 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 67

Upon further descent of the burden, the en- Q = 118k The thermal energy supplied by the hot
thalpy MIE,S needed to melt iron and slag must
I = 5y (amount of air) (7)
blast (Table 5.17) should be partly subtracted
on the basis of a carbon content of the coke of 2
be supplied. For simplicity, they are assumed 85 % and on iron content of the hot metal of from the total energy required for the blast fur-
ga = 3y-2x+ 2 (amount of off-gas) (8)
to melt down at 1300 °C (see column 6 in Ta- 93.5%. nace operation because the blast is primarily
ble 5.16). These equations are approximate expres- heated by the off-gas. Even in modem blast
The fraction ofindirect reduction reo indi-
The various heat sinks are compensated by sions and should be improved for more accu- furnaces ca. 30 % of the primary energy sup-
cates how much oxygen has been removed
the equal amount of heat supplied from the rate calculations-particularly when the plied by coke leaves the process in the form of
from the ore by indirect reduction. Taken to-
combustion of the coke and from the hot blast calculated results are to be used for furnace carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the off-gas.
gether with the fraction of direct reduction re,
as described in columns 7 and 8 in Table 5.16. the sum should be equal to unity: control to keep the composition and tempera- A heat loss of 3-7% is caused by slag en-
This requirement almost determines the coke ture of the hot metal constant. For this purpose thalpy. With these considerations in mind,
rate for various conditions. This is an approxi- (3) it is necessary to formulate the heat and mass lowering of the energy requirement can be ac-
mate calculation because the coke require- For reduction of hematite, the following re- balances on hydrogen from water vapor and complished as follows:
ment for the reduction of molten wustite, lation is valid (Table 5.16, columns 2 and 3): hydrocarbons and on the solutes in the iron • use the chemical energy of the off-gas as ef-
silica, and manganese oxide as well as that for (e.g., carbon, silicon, manganese, and phos- ficiently as possible in the process system,
the carbon dissolved in the metal has not been 0removcd
reo = - - = 1+-
phorus). • decrease the specific slag volume,
taken into account. To consider the heat and 0lOW 3
mass balances, the furnace is divided into two • prepare the burden (operation of the stack),
On the basis of the balance shown in Table 5.5.7 Effective Utilization of i.e., carry out dehydration and decarboniza-
parts by a boundary line which is drawn in the
5.16, it is not possible to assign a value to x Energy tion outside the blast furnace by utilizing in-
thermal and chemical reserve zone. In this
(amount of wustite indirectly reduced). The expensive energy sources.
zone, the temperature is almost constant (ca. maximum value of x can be determined ther- The high thermal efficiency of the blast fur-
Additionally, efforts exist to replace metal-
900°C) and no reduction of iron ores occurs. modynamically. If the value of x is given, then nace (Table 5.17) directly leads to a low coke
lurgical coke by other inexpensive energy
The coke rate is determined by the enthalpy reo, is obtained from Equation (4). In fact, the rate. Heat losses through the wall amount to
sources because of high cost and shortage of
requirement of the lower furnace. The quan- value of x is determined by the rate of the indi- ca. 5%. Additionally 2-5% of thermal energy coking coal.
tity of carbon y (mol of carbon per moles of rect reduction of iron ore and by the reactivity is lost in the form of off-gas enthalpy. These
hematite to be reduced) needed to supply the values decrease with increasing furnace size Blast Furnace Operation and Physical
of the coke which, in turn, determines the de-
heat is given by Equation (1) (for symbols see so that the total loss of thermal energy is < 6%. Properties of Burden Materials. The heat re-
gree to which the Boudouard reaction pro-
Table 5.16): Compared to the low thelmal energy loss of quired to produce 1 t of hot metal substantially
ceeds. The value of x can be evaluated from
the blast furnace, the chemical energy of the depends on the physical properties of the iron
(l-;,;)Mleo the composition of the top gas if the opera-
y = - MlE 5 + -'---'---'---== (1) off-gas is rather large and amounts to ca. half ores. In modem blast furnace operation, pro-
. Mle+MlL tional data are available. The gas utilization
of the thermal energy used effectively in the cessed ores like sinter and pellets are usually
factor is defined by Equation (5):
The total amount of carbon required k is furnace. fed to the furnace to conduct stable operation
given by (see Table 5.16): % CO for pursuing higher productivity and lower
'Ileo = ----=--
%C0 +%CO
(5) Table 5.17: An example of enthalpy balance for the mod-
em blast furnace (no. 6BF at Chiba works of Kawasaki coke rate. Physical properties which signifi-
k=y-2x+2 (2) 2
Steel Corp.). cantly affect the blast furnace operation are re-
The amount of carbon required for direct re- Substitution of the values in Table 5.16 pro- ducibility and reduction disintegration.
Enthalpy ¥ 103 kJ per ton ofpig iron
duction is: vides the following Equation: Higher reducibility contributes to the increase
k-y=-2x+2 1 +2;,; Raw materials 519 3 in indirect reduction in the stack region
Substitution of the figures listed in Table 'Ileo = 2(1-;,;) +y (6) Coke 14412 83 thereby increasing the utilization factor Tleo
Blast 1411 8 and decreasing the coke rate because of a de-
5.16 gives the carbon rate as a function of the Electricity 1093 6
hot blast temperature t B and the amount of Since y depends only on the enthalpies and x crease in direct reduction. Reduction disinte-
Total 17439 100
wustite reduced indirectly x, assuming that the for a given blast temperature (see Equation 1), gration directly affects the gas permeability of
the value of x can be determined if the decom- Output
direct reduction proceeds primarily at t R = Top gas 5389 31 the burden beds and may cause flow maldistri-
1100°C position of limestone is neglected. In practice, (chemical: 4966; thermal: 423) bution which negatively affects the reduction
reo is between 0.45 and 0.65 and the corre- Pig iron 9697 56 of iron ore and gas utilization. Therefore, the
Slag 908 5
k = 357 sponding values of x are between 0.175 and physical properties of the sinter should be con-
Dust 255 1
111 + 0.084(ta -1100) 0.475. TRT's recovery" 536 3 trolled appropriately. A lower FeO content in
_ 2+315 ;,;+2 The amount ofair I required per mole of he- Wall, heat loss 653 4 the sinter enhances the reducibility, however, a
111 + 0.084(ta -1100) Total 17439 100
matite and the amount ofoff-gas generated gG' higher content improves the reduction disinte-
The coke rate Q is then given by: are obtained from Table 5.16: '1RT: Top-gas pressure recovery turbine. gration as shown in Figures 5.22 and 5.23.
68 Handbook ojExtracliveMetallllrgy Iron 69

72.0 left for the coke packed bed around the race-
.., 5.0 Moreover, the direct observations indicate
45 E
that a shower of iron and slag droplets de-


• o.


I i:

scends in front of the tuyeres, together with
coke particles falling through the air flow In
~ lJ..a: E :J:c'" addition, in no other part of the raceway roof
LJ,lJ. AO 0 E
gf 64.0 "... 40 OJ was the burden observed to descend. On the
~ °
0 0 0 1
OJ C' - 3.0 t:LLtL:.-.L-_.L-_.l..-_..l-_..l-_-l.-_ basis of these observations it is assumed that
"0 FeO in sinter ~ ~ 500 580 660 '740 820 900 • 980
<:: FeO in raw material the molten iron and slag trickles down in the
'" jf Coke rate (dry basis), kg/t pig iron ________
~ space between the individual tuyeres and

u 60.0 °• a20
0 • 2
"0 IAIDL •o. .f: 35 Figure 5.25: Relationship between specific enthalpy of within the dead man. This phenomenon has
~ <1.20} (BIDL
'ii top gas and coke rate [24] (Courtesy of Verlag Stahleisen been proven by dissection of blast furnaces
.. ~1.20 c mbH). [28,29].
3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
:5:::> In spite of the successful efforts to decrease F/uidjIow studies have shown that the ade-
FeO content in sinter, % _ OJ
0: 30 the coke rate and to use substitutive fuels since quate quantity of gas cannot flow through the
the 1950s, the problem to what limit the coke cohesive layers or through the layers which
Figure 5.22: Influence of FeO content in sinter on the re-
ducibility [22] (Courtesy ofThe Iron and Steel Institute of 3 5 7 9 rate can be lowered is still not solved. Suffi- hold up the molten materials unless a suffi-
Japan). FeG content in sinter, % ~ cient coke must be present in front of the cient volume of coke bed (which has a high
Figure 5.23: Relation between FeO content in sinter and tuyeres to form a dead man through which the permeability) is present inside the furnace.
A low gangue content of the burden materi- reduction disintegration degree [23] (Courtesy of The Iron
als also contributes significantly to the coke gaseous products can ascend. In addition, the
and Steel Institute of Japan).
savings by decreasing the slag volume. coke consumed in the dead man must be re-
1000 [ . Federal Republic placed. If the quantitY of coke required for
Chemical Energy of the Off-Gas. Burden
materials with a high reducibility and a low re-
1 c 800
•• 0 of uermany
these portions of the process is not available,
then the characteristics of the process chapge
duction disintegration provide a low coke rate,
but a high gas utilization factor Tlco. A better
burden preparation allows the use of higher

Theoretical limit -.....;::

0 1st oi'l crisis
2nd oil crisis
and it can no longer be called a blast furnace
.>:: for oxidized burden .... ~
Figure 5.26 gives a schematic illustration of
blast temperatures which results in the use of a aJ- 400 ....... the processes occurring in the combustion
larger portion of the off-gas for heating the
~ at=600A~
~' ""-:for "" " ' , ~~
" " " "burden
zone in front of the tuyeres [24]. According to
blast. These circumstances significantly de- 'jjj
direct observations, coke particles are en-
. ~ 200 ,--~_=1_0_0°1c_0.L.-_'_'_'" _'_'.L.'_'_'_'_'_'.1..:>....-
_ _--..1.
crease the waste energy that leaves the blast trained in the turbulent air flow immediately
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
furnace process in the form of off-gas. Figure Year_ in front of the tuyere opening and fly on circu-
5.24 illustrates the decrease in the coke rate in lar trajectories within the raceway.
Figure 5.24: Specific fuel rate for the production of 1 t
Germany and in Japan by improving the phys- hot metal in Japan and Germany: - Fuel rate; - - Coal Figure 5.26: Movement of coke particles in front of the
ical properties of the burden materials and uti- rate. The coke particles are primarily gasified in tuyere and location of combustion zone: a) Packed zone;
the raceway. According to the gaseous compo- b) Coke fluidizing zone; c) Coke slow moving zone; d)
lization of the off-gas. Figure 5,24 also shows Figure 5.25 shows that the calorific value Blastjet.
the effect of replacing coke by oil and pulver- of the off-gas decreases with decreasing coke sition distribution in the raceway shown in
ized coal on the coke rate. The theoretical lim- rate, which favors the cost effective operation Figure 5.27, coke burns with the gas at first Basic Concept to Improve Blast Furnace
its of the coke rate for a fully oxidized burden of the blast furnace. On the other hand, it may forming carbon dioxide, and then carbon diox- Performance. The following technologies or
and a burden that has been 60% and 100% be necessary to increase the calorific value of ide is reduced to carbon monoxide in an area their combinations have been principally ap-
prereduced are also indicated in this diagram. the off-gas by increasing the coke rate when near the coke-mled bed. A typical gas compo- proved to decrease the coke rate and to in-
When 100% prereduced burden is used, the the calorific value of the off-gas is not suffi- sition change from the tuyere via the raceway crease the productivity of the blast furnace:
blast furnace is operated as a melting furnace cient to heat other furnaces in the steep plant to the packed bed calculated by a two-dimen- • Pretreatment of iron ores improves the re-
like a cupola that produces cast iron. In tliis or the hot blast stoves and when a cheaper en- sional model [27] is shown in Figure 5.28. ducibility and permeability and hence, in-
case, a gas with a very high calorific value is ergy source is not available. In the case, the From this figure the gasification reaction has creases the gas utilization Tlco. Examples
produced because the blast furnace works as blast furnace also has a function as a gas pro- almost gone to completion in the raceway re- are sintering or pelletizing of the ore and
an iron and gas producer. ducer. gion, therefore a very small quantity of CO 2 is screening to separate the fines.
70 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 71

1.6 40 together with curves lor II gives the carbon (no coke used for reduction) is based on the
co consumption (ClFe) on the ordinates I or II on assumption that the reactivity of the coke is so
the left side, while the coke consumption can poor that the Boudouard reaction and the di-

o o 0 0

be read from the ordinate on the right. The-
lower abscissa (0-100%) is valid for the seg-
ment between E and K. It shows the coke con-
rect reduction are suppressed completely.
However, it is also assumed that a gaseous
oj 0 Boundary of composition is reached which corresponds to
:£ sumption for heating (EF), for reduction (GK),
~ 0.8 the raceway 20
the reduction equilibrium from wustite to iron
Z and for the reduction of minor constituents in
QJ the burden (FG). For the blast furnace opera- (point W). In this case the entire quantity of
--A_ 10 8' tion in accordance with line 1 the coke rate is
550 kg per tonne of hot metal which is equiva-
carbon monoxide required for the reduction
.0 must be generated by the combustion of coke.
ttl lent to a C:Fe ratio of 2.3. The consumption
:<:en (°2 ratio is 60% for heating, 25 % for direct reduc- This condition causes the ex'tremely high coke
'iii o tion, and 15% for the reduction of the minor rate (line 2a) of ca. 1000 kg per tonne of hot
constituents in the burden. metal, a lower gas utilization Tleo as well as
Lines 2 and 3 are theoretical operating lines higher temperatures of off-gas and molten
o 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 for obtaining the limits of the coke rate. Line 2 iron.
Distance from the furnace wall. m _
Figure 5.27: Combustion of coke in the raceway [25] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan).
E2I N2
.. The use of partially reduced ore results in a I)co· %...:....--
I o 20406080100 II
decrease in the coke rate and an increase in
c 0.6
0.8 D
the productivity of the furnace.
The effect of these various technologies on
600 3000
!WCO the coke rate and their limits of applicability ~
'- 0.4 can be summarized with the aid of the ex-
400 2000 '
ttl en

tended Rist diagrams shown in Figures 5.29, ~ 5 QJ-
0 u 1000
L 5.30 and 5.32. -'"
o en
Table 5.18 lists quantitative results ob- o 0 I----l~_J_-_+_-.....,....____,,I---j 0 ~ o
Tuyere Raceway Packed tained from operational data concerning the
technologies applied to decrease the coke rate U1
::J 0.2 ~
Figure 5.28: Change of gas composition from the tuyere 3 '-
to the packed bed. on the basis of the Rist diagram and to in- 0.4 ~
crease the productivity. E .f
.. Injection of auxilimy fuels such as hydro- o , c
carbons, oil, and pulverized coal replaces Curve 1 in Figure 5.29 represents the con- -'-- c
QJ -
c 'x ~ 0.5
0.6 :S
coke for heating and reduction purposes. ditions in a blast furnace without additional ~oo
0.8 ~
technologies. Heat is liberated during the oxi- x 0 0
.. Oxygen enrichment of the blast together o.!:: E 0 1t:-_ _~L....:.:I---l.<:£.£...C.LL~
dation of carbon (coke for heating) by the hot
with fuel injection decreases the amount of
~.~ 10.5
blast (E to F). The segment FG represents the
blast; this decreases the amount of off-gas
per tonne of coke and increases the furnace reduction of elements dissolved in iron and
segment GK corresponds to direct reduction. ~:E~
.. Increase in the blast temperature reduces
The indirect reduction is represented by the
segmentAK. The diagram allows the determi-
-:.f: -] 1.0

the amount of coke required for heating. nation of the amount of carbon required .per ~~o
.. High pressure operation allows the intro- mole of iron (ClFe) and the amount of coke o U1 E 1.5 LL_.....L..L.-_L-_---.L_---l
duction of a larger amount of blast per unit oE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(85% C) required per tonne of hot metal 0/[_
time. (93.4% Fe). For this purpose, the operating o 20 40 60 80 100
.. Reducing gas injection in the lower part of line 1 is shifted to the line la which goes °/0 -----.......
the stack lowers the amount of coke re- through the origin. The intersection of 1a with Figure 5.29: ElI."tended Rist diagram [20]. Line 1: normal blast furnace operation (standard); Lines 2 and 3: hypothetical
quired for reduction. the abscissa in the upper part of the diagram operation (Line 2: coke for reduction = 0, line 3: coke for heating = 0).
72 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 73

1)(0. / 0 _ Table 5.18: Effect ofvariollS parameters on the coke rate and the productivity of the blast furnace, based on 1 t of hot
o 20406080100 metal [21].
600 3000 t Parameter Range Change
Effect on coke rate
kg per tonne of hot metal
Slag volume, kglt 250-350 -100 -15 to 25
400 2000 2"~ Partially reduced pellets', % ofburden 0-30 +10 -1.5 to 2.0

'-' 5 200 1000 ~o :t:

'-' -'"
CJ1 Fully reduced pel)ets b, kglt.
Scrap, kglt
Gas velocity in stack', m1s

-2.5 to 3.0
Hot metal silicon, % 0.5-1.5 -0.1 . -4 to 7
o 0 1-----I+--++-4-j.,L-'---~ 0 o ~ Fines in burden, % < 5 mm 0-7 -1 -4 to 7
Crushed ore, % of burden
0.2 '"
oE '"
t 1.0
0.4 ~
8-40 to 8-30 rom
8-30 to 10-25 rom
Coke ash content, %
-10 to 13
-5 to 7
-5 to 10
L.. ClJ· _
~"O 0 c:: .2 Pellet content of burden, % 0-100 +10 -5 to 10
~ ~
.- E
~~o 0.6 Sinter content of burden, % 0-100 +10 -5 to 10
=> "0
.Blast moisture contentd, glm 3

j ~: 1
~c_ -10 -6'to 10
0 0
E Blast temperature, cc 900-1350 +100 ---S to 20
Oil injection, kglt 50-100 +1 -0.9 to 1.4
Blast ox-ygen enrichment, % +1 +2 to 3%'
Top gas pressure, kPa 10-250 +10 +1 to 2%'

'With 68% Fe. 40% metallic iron.

b Fully metallized.
'With respect to empty stack (superficial velocity).
d Air at standard conditions.
'Increase in melting rate.

Fuel injection through the tuyeres (e.g., Coke

0.5-1.0 1.5 2.0 pulverized coal or hydrocarbons) can supply a
O/C_ C + I/P2 ~ co 1lli"298=-1l1 kllmol (11)

I I !

20 40 60 80100

part of the heat requirement. In some cases,

%~ the blast is also enriched with oxygen to in- Thus a given quantity of heating coke can
crease the combustion efficiency. The best only be replaced by a larger quantity of hydro-
Figure 5.30: Effect of measures to decrease the coke rate and to increase the productivity ofthe blast furnace estimated record achieved up to now with the blast fur- carbons if the same amount of heat has to be
by the Rist diagram [20]. Line 1: nonnal blast furnace operation (standard); Line 2: improvement in gas penneability and generated. In other words, the replacement ra-
nace in the Kimitsu Works of Nippon Steel are
reducibility; Line 3: improvement in indirect reduction (K]) by injecting reducing gas into the stack. tio, defined by hydrocarbons: coke is > 1.
shown by line 2 in Figure 5.32. The coke rate
Line 3 is based on the assumption that no shown in Figure 5.31, which were measured is 390 kg/t for a heavy oil addition of 60 kg/t However, twice to three times the amount of
coke is required for heating and that the total according to Japanese industrial standard. (gas utilization of ca. 45%, indirect reduction reducing gas including hydrogen is produced
heat required is supplied by a hot inert gas. In of ca. 75%). There is a slight break in the line per mole of combustion air (Equations 9 and
It is evident from Figure 5.30 that impI:ove- at K2 which indicates that the quantity of re- 10) compared to the combustion of coke
that case the coke rate would be ca. 200 kg per ment in the physical properties. of burdens ducing gas is larger as a result of the oil addi- (Equation 11).
tonne of hot metal while the gas utilization does not result in a large decrease in the coke tion than in the case of carbon gasification The addition of hydrocarbons increases the.
would be 80%. rate but can probably contribute much to the alone. degree of indirect reduction because the re-
Line 2 in Figure 5.30 shows the decrease of stable operation of the blast furnace. A lower Auxiliary fuels injected into the blast fur- duction rate of hydrogen is higher than that of
the coke rate caused hy the improvement of coke rate (i.e., a lower slope of the operating nace can replace coke only up to a certain carbon monoxide. Thus, the degree of direct
gas permeability and reducibility compared line in Figure 5.30) could only be achieved if limit. In the raceway the hydrocarbons are reduction and its enthalpy requirement de-
with the standard case Oine 1). Line 2 gives an it were possible to increase the degree of direct only combusted to carbon monoxide and hy- crease. Consequently, the overall effect of hy-
improvement of 5% in gas utilization thereby reduction together with the gas utilization. drogen, liberating less heat than coke per drocarbon injection on the replacement ratio
equal quantity of oxygen. increases, thereby giving an overall hydrocar-
close approaching the equilibrium point W in This method would lead to an increase in the
Natural gas bon coke replacement ratio < 1. The enthalpy
the wustite field. In addition, the degree of di- heat requirement that must he supplied by a
CH. + 1
/ 20 2 ~ CO +2H2 1lli"298 = -36 kllmol (9) deficiency which suppresses further increase
rect reduction (K2) decreases which leads to a hotter blast if coke is to be saved. However, of indirect reduction becomes increasingly no-
coke saving of 30 kg per tonne of hot metal the hot blast temperatures have already Oil ticeable whenever more coke is replaced by
(tbm). The reducibility of various burdens are reached their technological limit. increasingly larger amounts of hydrocarbons.
74 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 75

The advantage of the lower fuel cost, there- ditions of up to 70 kg/t have been tried and 11(0'%- II
fore, becomes gradually less. However, a were technically feasible. However, the oil cri- o 20 4060 80100
15 3
more serious problem is the decrease in the
furnace productivity. Fuel injection can be
ses of 1973 and 79 made oil very expensive.
Therefore almost all blast furnaces operated in
600 3000 t
made more cost-effective by increasing the Japan changed the injection fuel from oil to 10 2
2000 ~.~
oxygen enrichment of the blast or the hot blast pulverized coal. Figure 5.33 illustrates the re- 1 400
temperature. Modern practice makes use of placement ratio of coke by pulverized coal. '"
~ 5 1000

~ ~
the theoretical and actual flame temperatures Pulverized coal is more difficult to inject into o Cl

to control the replacement ratio. Japanese fur- the blast furnace than oil because it is in the o 0 1-----f+7-t-Tf--~ 0' o f!)
naces are operated on the basis of a theoretical solid not in the fluid state and it contains ash. OJ
0.2 ~
flame temperature of ca. 2200 DC. A successful technology for pulverized coal
injection has been developed to inject up to
t 1.0

C 0
150 kglt by using low ash coal crushed to < ~ 0.6 ~
200 mesh (74 Ilm) [33]. However oil or natu- ::J

j :: i
::J "C

ral gas injection is also conducted depending

~. 90 on local energy conditions all over the w~rld.
Line 3 in Figure 5.30 shows a break which ~"'
.t .
~ 80 represents the operation of injecting a reduc- 'iii'!:

ing gas into the stack to promote indirect re- E
o ~
'" u.'"
'" duction. This leads to the heating and reducing .t:.~ ] to
c:: 70 L - _ - - - I_ _--L_ _.....L._---,-:,-L-,---_ ~~ (3 E]
5-10 10-12 12-15 15-20 coke requirement of 390 kg/t (line 3a). How- >- 0 E1-=
Pellet diameter.. mm_ ever, inherent to the low coke rate is a low gas ~ ~ E 1.5 ~--=-'=-------:-'-;,----:-';:-----7
utilization TJco of only 30%. The break in line
o E, 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
I I , 1 !

3 at K 3 is the result of an increase in the quan- o 20 406080100

tity of the gas at the poinIt of injection. This

/0 technology has not been accepted for wide- Figure 5.32: Effect of measures to decrease the coke ratio and to increase the productivity ofthe blast furnace estimated
by the Rist diagram [20]. Line 1: blast furnace operation (standard); Line 2: decrease in the coke ratio through injection of
o_ _ o~. spread application because of the poor gas uti- inexpensive energy (best values achieved with Japanese furnaces); Line 3: operation 'with prereduced ore.
~ 80
lization and the large amount of top gas.
0/ /~ However, the reducing gas injection in the
Slag Practices. The slag must meet the fol-

lowing requirements:
'" 70 stack region is an important technology for the
.. It should absorb all unreduced non-volatile

c: operation of the blast furnace with pure oxy-
~ components of the burden and remove them
::J 60
gen [34], which is currently being developed from the blast furnace.
'" for the super high productivity of the blast fur-
c:: Cl
'5. 60 .. It should be a liquid oflow viscosity.
nace process.
C, .. It should be able to absorb the sulfur prima-
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 Line 3 in Figure 5.32 represents a blast fur- .>: 40 rily contained in the fuels and it should con-
Basicity ((aD/SiD z) - nace operation using prereduced ore with a
..>: tain as little iron oxide as possible to
Figure 5.31: Influence of basicity and pellet diameter on metallization degree of 50%. This procedure .::: 20 increase the yield of hot metal.
reduction degree [31] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel in- . leads to a decrease in the coke rate to 310 kglt. OJ
u • The slag volume should be as low as possi-
stitute of Japan): _ 0 _ 1200°C; --e- 1250 cC; - In this case, gas utilization is only ca. 30%. "'
~ 0 ble without impairing the desulfurization.
0 - 1300 cC; -x- 1350 cC. c::
Therefore, such an operation is only recom- • The temperature range where the burden
Cost effectiveness considerations should mended when the blast furnace capacity is in- components become cohesive should be
take into account the fact that the sulfur con- sufficient to satisfy a sudden increa~e in hot
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 narrow to ensure better permeability of the
Injection rate. kglt pig i r o n -
tent of the hot metal increases as a result of oil metal demand. The productivity of ilie blast burden column.
Figure 5.33: Coke replacement with pulverized coal in-
injections. This leads to a cost increase associ- furnace increases significantly by using prer- jection [32] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Institute of • Finally, the slag should be converted to sal-
ated with the desulfurization of hot metal. Ad- educed material although it is more ex-pensive. Japan). able material.
76 H andbaak afExtractive Metallurgy Iron 77

SiDz conditions. The softening and melting range Table 5.19: Optimum composition ofblast furnace slag in
% [35].
of the gangue constituents is ca. 80-130 °C for
A1 20 3 CaO MgO Si02
B = 0.5 and ca. 20-50 °C for B = 2.0. Because
of the higher melting temperature of the 5 43 16 36
10 44 14 32
higWy basic slag and of extra energy required 15 44 12.5 28.5
due to the larger quantity of flux addition, 20 45 Il 24
25 48 8 19
hence, the slag basicity is maintained at ca. 30 56 5 9
l.2. 35 54 4 7


CaD 30 3[aD.A1 20 3 12CaO.7A1 2D3 70

wt% _ [aD· Al 203

Figure 5.34: Phase diagrams of the system CaO-A1p3-Si02 [35].

These requirements are in part complemen- 5.35 can, therefore, be used only for process-
tary and in part mutually exclusive. It is there- ing low sulfur burden (e.g., in Brazil where
fore necessary to state priorities. very low sulfur content charcoal is often used
About 95% of the slag consists of Si0 2, as reductant). Because the gangue constituents
CaO, MgO, and A1P3' The requirement of usually form a low basicity slag, region 1
low viscosity can be met by a variety of com- largely represents the slag composition with- o 90
ponents in this quaternary system. Ignoring out addition of fluxes. The furnace can be op- CaD 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 10 0 Al zD3
the presence of MgO, the phase diagram of the erated at a relatively low temperature because Figure 5.35: Composition oftypical blast furnace slags on the CaO-A1p3-Si02 phase diagram (see Figure 5.34) [20]
ternary system CaO-Alp3-Si02 illustrated of the low melting points. Region 2 is reached (for explanation ofregions 1,2, and 3 see text).
in Figure 5.34 shows a low melting tempera- for low iron content burden with acid gangue
ture region which is parallel.to the CaO-Si0 2 constituents. This mode of operation prevails, 5.5.8 Blast Furnace Productivity (3) the square of the hearth diameter, (4) the
binary for low Al 20 3 content. This region ex- for example, in Salzgitter and requires exten- Criteria hearth area, and (5) the working volume of the
tends from high Si0 2 content to the saturation sive desulfurization of the hot metal outside of furnace. In Germany the hearth area is mostly
isotherm for 2CaO'Si0 2 and then for essen- the blast furnace. The attainment of a basicity The production rate P (tid) of a blast fur- used as a characteristic parameter for the fur-
tially constant CaO content toward high Al 20 3 that would result in adequate desulfurization nace has been linked in various ways with the nace size, whereas in Japan the inner volume
content. The MgO content of the slag does not within the furnace would require a large lime constructive data of the blast furnace and with of the furnace is often used.
substantially affect the relative position of the addition which leads to a high slag volume and metallurgical properties of the burden to give To compare various furnaces, the coke con-
low melting temperature region and only af- consequently to higher coke rate. Region 3 the specific furnace productivity. To date, no sumption with respect to the hearth diameter is
fects the absolute values of the melting tem- represents the worldwide preferred slag com- consensus has been reached to defme a param- often used. The coke consumption is a crite-
peratures. The compositions of blast furnace positions for large blast furnaces. In this case, eter which characterizes the furnace size and rion (typical parameter) to express the produc-
slags as encountered under various operating depending on the alumina content, dolomite can be used in the calculation of the productiv- tivity in the furnace which is operated in a
conditions are shown in Figure 5.35. must be added to satisfy the required MgO ity. The characteristic parameters proposed up given mode. The amount of coke consumed in
The desulfurization of the hot metal in- contents (see Table 5.19). " to now are (1) the hearth .diameter, (2) the the furnace is determined stoichiometrically
creases with slag basicity, i.e., with increasing Slags with higher basicities B as shown in hearth bustle area that determines the depth of by the constant blast volume blown. If the
CaO and/or MgO content. Region 1 in Figure Table 5.19 would favor optimum softening penetration of the blast in front of the tuyeres, quantity of blast exceeds the limit, unfavor-
78 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 79

able phenomena such as hanging of the burden Table 5.20: Values of constants in Equation (14) [39] Table 5.21: Characteristic data for modem large blast furnaces.
(Courtesy ofThe Iron and Steel Institute of Japan). Japan Germany France
or variations in hot metal composition' occur.
The following relations have been proposed m n No;2 No.5 No.1 No.4
between hearth diameter and coke consump- Oita Fukuyama Schwelgem Dunkerque
1000 0 2.0 500 NKK .
NSC Thyssen Stahl AG SOLLAC
tion: 1000 <PI ~ 1500 0.10 1.5 1000
1500<P,~2000 0.175 1.2 1500 Blown in date, month-year 10-1976 02-1986 02-1973 11-1987
2000 <PI 0.235 1.0 2000 Hearth diameter, m 14.8 14.4 13.6 14.0
D= .j4Q/rtR 3 5070 4664 3596 3648
Working volume, m
Number oftuyeres 40 42 40 40
Q = 30.673 x l.829(D - 1.829 - 2L p ) 2400
.=25 Number of tap holes 5 3 4 4
Q="(D 2
(12) Number of cinder notch j) o o o
Bell and hopper arrangement' 2B+V 4B PW PW
10gQ = 2.59 x logd + 0.73 Top gas pressure, kPa max. 300 230 330 max. 250
Hot blast stoves (number-type)b 4IECS 4/ECS 3/ECS 4IECS
Q = 9.06D2.ll Blast blower electr. electr. electr. electr.
2000 r=20 Gas cleaning' DC/2VS DCVSEP DCCVS DCVSC
where 'Y is the productivity factor, D is the Production, tid 10150 9295 8700 8250
hearth diameter and R a constant. The produc- Load on hearth area, tm-2d-1 59.0 57.1 60.7 54
Net burden weight, kglthmd 1640 1600 1631
tion of hot metal P is related to coke consump- Slag weight, kglthm 321 309 255 314
tion per day Q (t coke per day) by the coke rate Coke rate (dry), kg/thm 493 512 337 345
K (t of coke consumed for producing 1 t of hot 1600 r=15 Pulverized coal injection (dry), kglthm o o 145 127
Blast temperature, DC . 1097 995 1150 1185
metal) and is indirectly evaluated from the Blast volume (standard conditions), m 3 1110 1151 1100 1062
quantity of blast blown or the coke consumed: OJ
Oxygen enrichment, % o 1.05 o o
P=Q/K (13) '"
'B = bell; V = valves; PW = Paul Worth top without a bell.
c bECS = e.~temal combustion stack.
Blast furnaces which are well operated ~ 1200 'DC = dust catcher; VS = venturi scrubber; EP = electric precipitator; C = cyclone.
have a specific hot metal production rate p :::J dthm = tonne of hot metal.
c: r=10
P/A of 65 tm-2d-1 at a coke rate of 470 kg/thm, c

a slag volume of300kg/thm, a superlicial gas OJ

velocity at the top of 3 m/s and a blast temper- I...J
9241 + [(4.5(0 2 - 2.20))/100]
ature of 1100 DC. In Japan specific production 600
t 14000
rates of 80 tm-2d-1 together with slag volume
[ +(/+ (m/lO~~p,-n)J]
of 180 kg/thm have been achieved. Productiv- ~ 12000
ities based on the hearth area should be inter- OJ' P = A----=----------=--
preted carefully, because the hearth diameter 400 ~ 10000 489 - 0.10(tb -1132) + 10(Ash -10.8) ]
increases during the course of a furnace cam- c:
.!'! 0.2(SV - 304) - O.9[(SR- SFPe) -71.7]
paign by the wear of the lining. Therefore, the ~ 6000 [
-O.5(OPe-9l) .
productivity should be evaluated by using the 't:I
c.. (14)
actual hearth area. ro 6000
The coke consumption Q is shown as a O__= - J - _ - - - l_ _..l-_---l..._-' where P is the productivity (td-1m-3); A
a con-
o 2 4 6 6 10
E stant (0.85-1.15) 02 the oxygen enrichment of
function of the hearth diameter in Figure 5.36 4000
for a productivity factor 'Y between 10 and 25.
Hearth diameter. m _ c
:r: the blast (%); P, the top-gas pressure (gf/cm 2 =
The daily production rate of some blast fur- Figure 5.36: Change of coke consumption with the hearth gram force per square centimeter = 98.0665
naces, as a function of the hearth diameter is
diameterD and productivity factor"( [37]. Pa); I, 111, n are constants given in Table 5.20, t
shown in Figure 5.37. Curves for the specific Formulre for the calculation ofthe pmduc- the blast temperature (DC); Ash the ash content
hot metal productivity p are also shown for tivity based on empirical observation of oper- o 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 in coke (%); SV the slag volume, (kg per
comparison. In practice it has been observed ating furnaces have been derived with the aid Hearth diameter. m _ tonne of pig iron); SR the sinter ratio (%);
that the specific iron productivity does not in- of regression analysis [38]. These formulre are Figure 5.37: Relationship between hot metal production SFPe the self fluxing pellet ratio (%), OPe the
crease proportionally for extremely high coke used to compare various furnaces or for the rate and the hearth diameter. The curves are for different acid pellet ratio (%).
specific hot metal production rates [38]. a) 50 tm-3d- t ; b) The disadvantage of this formula is that it is
rates because for hard driven furnaces the design of new furnaces. A regression formula 68 tm-3d-1; c) 85 tm-3 d-1•
coke rate Kin Equation (13) increases with de- on productivity is given for the blast furnace entirely empirical. It does not predict produc-
creasing gas utilization. which produce pig iron for steelmaking. tivity increases with technological improve-
80 Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy Iron 81

ments. Important operational data for some • Air-cooled slag (solidification in slag pots
large blast furnaces are summarized in Table or pouring pads),
• Granulated slag (spraying of the liquid slag Composition
with water), Amount of ore or
5.5.9 Use of Blast Furnace Burdon matorials----
coko for ono chargo ---,
• Pumice slag (foaming with water), or Charging times ,!
Products -------~.,
{goOd _ 2)

! I warning ~ 1
To as {ComPosition }
• Slag wool (blowing of the liquid slag with p g Tomporaturo . 1-....
\worsening ~ 0
Hot metal, slag and top gas are the products air or steam)
1 I
,II ,
of the blast furnace. -®{Top gas pressur!}--: ..:
Granulated slag can be in the form ofpeb- -----{Burden descend }---l-l-
Hot Metal. Most of the hot metal is processed bles or can have a porous structure depending -----radial tom por2turoH,_L max GSN 1= 100)
distribution : 1 ( min GSN 1=0
to steel by means of the LD (Linz Donawitz) on the granulation process. The different I 1

oxygen top-blowing processes. The hot metal structure affects the hydraulic-bonding prop-
--®--l !: GSN=GSN 1

used for the LD or open hearth (Siemens- -(i)-i ! i! .GSN 2

erties, the grindability, and the strength. Gran-
T-1"reStack 1- 1_'-
t pressurej------!-!-i_
Martin) steelmaking process is known as low- ulated slag is used as a material for making -If\- I I
II !
I :- I

phosphorus hot metal. It is characterized by \U---l!

blast furnace cement by mixing it with Port- ®---~t1stavo tomp.raturo}: i :
low phosphorus and low sulfur contents. High
land cement after pulverization. It is also used tf\--l Thormal load to
:-1- r
phosphorus hot metal (Thomas iron) can also ' -1 "\!J" I

as a fertilizer. I :
be refined to steel by means of the oxy gen I- ....H\..
*-~ : III1 : GSN2=[PjWj

[~:~~~~:~u~~lumo}=~!_~! ~:~~r;;~n:o~~::i:~t~~~
max GSN 2=0 )
steelmaking (LD/AC) process Other types of Pumice slag is used in porous form as an in- ( min GSN 2=-30
hot metal are further processed in foundries to sulation and filler material in heavy concrete Moisturo-contont --t-l- 1-, r::--:-:-l:::==:;1 good
}-IU:i :--1 r---1
Oit addition Top gas _ 0)
cast iron or are used as alloys in the steel shop and as a replacement for other bulk additions. warning _-1
Hot motal composition worsening _-2
or in the foundry because of their high alloy
Air-cooled slag is either ground, such as Hot motal and------ tomporaturo Blast prossuro
content (e.g., manganese, silicon). The com- slag Amounts of hot ,!
granulated slag, or crushed and screened to be
position of the common types of hot metal are -I Stack pressuro
listed in Table 5.22. The Bessemer (Thomas) used as ballast or aggregate.
[ metal and slag
Slag tomporaturo l
: L"

and open hearth processes have been replaced Slag wool is used in the form of pads for ----------j Thormal lovol

by the oxygen top-blowing processes. thermal insulation.

Figure 5.38: A control system of blast furnace developed by Kawasaki Steel Corp.l41] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel
Slags. Depending on the conditions during so- The relative quantities of the various prod- Institute ofJapan).
lidification, the slags produced by the blast ucts made from blast furnace slag for the vari- Table 5.23: Slag production and use in Japan in 1987 gas. Almost all the top gas is used in the iron
furnace are further processed to: ous application are listed in Table 5.23 [40]. [40]. and steel plant itself which has been exten-
Table 5.22: Average composition of various kinds ofhot metal (%) [36]. sively discussed (see Figures 5.7, 5.20, and
Slag production from blast furnace 23842 5.25).
C Si Mn P S
Slag use
Low phosphorus iron 3.8--4.5 0.5-1.0 1.5-5.0 0.05--{).12 <0.05 Road-bed construction 6328 26.54
LDhotmetal 3.8--4.4 1.0 0.8-1.2 0.01 <0.04 Improvement of grand 174 0.73 5.5.10 Process Control
Thomas (Bessemer) iron 3.5-3.9 ca. 0.3 ca. 0.8 ca. 1.8 <0.055 Engineering works 1666 6.99
Hematite hot metal 3.5--4.2 1.5-3.5 0.7-1.0 <0.12 <0.04 Cement 12064 50.60 Thirty years ago, the blast furnace process
Foundry iron I 3.5--4.5 1.5-3.5 1.0 0.5--{).7 <0.04 Concrete 1496 6.27 was operated completely by manual controL
Foundry iron ill 3.5--4.5 1.5-3.5 1.0 0.7-1.0 <0.06 Manure and improvement of soil 423 1.77
Foundry iron IV A 3.5--4.5 1.5-3.5 0.7 1.0-1.4 <0.06 Relatively few measuring devices were avail-
Building 603 2.53
Foundry iron IV B 3.5--4.5 1.5-3.5 0.7 1.4-2.0 <0.06 Olhers 1088 4.56 able for process monitoring purposes. since
Specialty and malIeable cast iron 3.4--4.3 0.3--4.0 0.2-1.0 0.05--{).10 <0.05 the 1950s the productivity of a typical furnace
Specialty metal (high carbon) 4.0--4.8 <2.5 0.3--{).6 0.08--{).15 <0.05
Specialty metal for the production of
Top-Gas. The top-gas consists mainly of N2, has increased by ca. 20 times. Thi$ improve-
nodular cast iron 2.8--4.3 <2.0 <0.2 <0.06 <0.02 CO" CO and H,. The utilization degree of the ment in operation increased the importance of
Siegerland specialty metal 2.8-3.4 2-3.5 2--4 <0.1 <0.05 top gas is usually ca. 50% therefore it is a lean the process control. Modern blast furnaces are,
Spiegel iron 4.0-5.0 < 1.0 6-30 0.I--{).15 <Q.04 gas whose calorific value is between 2850 and therefore, equipped with a sophisticated sys-
Ferro manganese (75%) 6.0-7.0 < 1.0 70-80 <0.25 <0.03
Ferro silicon 1.4-2.2 8-13 0.5--0.7 <0.15 <0.04 3560 kJ/m3 (STP). This value is very low tem of measuring and controlling devices, and
Charcoal hot metal 3.6--4.2 0.25-2.75 < 1.0 ca. 0.03 ca. 0.015 compared to those of coke oven gas and LD are directly linked to the process computer
82 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 83

(Figure 5.38). The latter is often incorporated Static models based on statistics allow pre- constitute the entire blast furnace process. The
into the total control system of the whole plant dictions concerning the steady state of the fur- phenomena include thermodynamic equilib-
via a larger business computer. nace only_ Dynamic models based on statistics rium and the kinetic relationships that govern
allow predictions concerning the behavior the momentum, heat and mass transfer. The
The computer control of the blast furnace
during a transient when passing from one model is also based on the knowledge of the
process for the optimization of the quality and
steady state condition to another. behavior of burden materials (e.g., size distri-
costs started ca. twenty years ago. Research in
bution at the top of the furnace, descending
this area is still being carried out. Much infor- Models Based on Overall Balances. Models
movement, softening and melting), coke gas-
mation can be obtained about the process by derived by taking overall balances represent
ifIcation, and gas permeability. The model can
measuring the in- and outflows of mass and the internal phenomena of the blast furnace on
simulate the behavior of a blast furnace for
energy and also about many phenomena tak- the basis of two-stage heat and mass balances.
any given situation with a large computer. All
ing place inside the furnace. However, the ba- The procedure is principally similar to that de-
the data required for the model can be deter-
sic problem is to -convert these informations scribed in section 5.5.6 in which the applica-
mined in the laboratory and essentially need
into control variables to serve the control cir- tion of the Rist diagram and the heat and mass
not be corrected with data based on actual op-
cuit. The algorithm to evaluate the control transfer phenomena (Table 5.16) were dis-
erating conditions. The model thus con-
variables from the measured values are based cussed. However, the models are more exact
structed has proved to be advantageous for the
on various mathematical models. and detailed. A disadvantage of these blast
study of new processing conditions and the
~rna~e models is that they are unable to pre-
predictions of the operating results without
Static and Dynamic Models Based on Sta- dIct time-dependent phenomena in the fur-
performing costly experiments with the blast
tistics. In these models the blast furnace is nace, although data concerning phenomena
furnace. Its disadvantage is the requirement of
considered to be a black box. The effect of cer- occurring in the blast furnace are evaluated.
great amount of expenditure to complete in-
tain deliberate changes in the input variables For the evaluation ofthe control variables it is
formation on all the important phenomena oc-
(e.g., coke addition, pulverized coal injection, therefore, necessary to make assumptions con~
curring in the furnace. For routine blast
moisture content of the blast, back pressure at cerning the thernlal equilibrium between gas
furnace control, the model must be simplified
the top) on productivity, hot metal composi- and solids in the thermal reserve zone and the
to reduce computer loads. r_
tion, top gas utilization, etc. is evaluated. With chemical equilibrium between gaseous com-
The most important kinetic phenomena for
the aid of statistical models, this leads to re- ponents (CO and CO:J and solid component Figure 5.39: 1hree-interface unreacted core model [411
constructing the mathematical model by tak-
gression expressions containing the desired al- (iron and wustite), in the chemical reserve ~Courtes?, of~e ~o.n ~d Steel Institute of Japan): Del =
ing differential balances·around a control vol- ~ntrapartIc~e diffuslv!ty m i-th phase; kd = rate constant of
gorithms for the determination of the control zone. The assumption corresponds to point W
ume are the chemical reactions (e.g., reduction loth chemical reactIOn; ~ = mass transfer coefficient·
variables. These statistical blast furnace mod- in the Rist diagram.. through gas film; r = radial coordinate: Y = molar fraction
of. iron o:cide, coke gasifIcation, water gas
els that have already been applied successfully In the overall balance model, a direct rela- of gas. -
shift reactIOn, and reduction of silica). The re-
do not, in principle, require any knowledge tionship exists between input and output vari-
duction rate of iron oxide by carbon monoxide This mechanism has been found to give ex-
concerning the phenomena occurring inside ables. This is a defInite difference to the
or hydrogen can be expressed in terms of the cellent simulation results when it is incorpo-
the blast furnace. An example of such a re- statistical model. The overall balance model rated into the mathematical model.
three-interface unreacted-core shrinking
gression expression is the productivity for- has only one apparent degree of freedom
model which is represented in Figure 83. Rate The heat transfer between the different
mula (see Equation 14) which should only be which is the degree ofindirect reductiol/. The
and equilibrium constants needed for the rate phases in a packed bed is usually expressed in
used for control purposes based on the values existence of this apparent degree of freedom is
equation are given in reference [42]. For silica the form of convection heat transfer. The esti-
of a particular furnace and not based on values caused by a lack of knowledge and will disap-
reduction, a mechanism via the intermediate mation of the heat transfer coefficient is
pear when the internal phenomena of the blast
collected from various furnace operations. Al- formation of SiO gas h~s recently been pro- mainly based on the Ranz Equation [45]:
though it is relatively simple to derive such an furnace can be measured exactly and incorpo-
posed [43]. A rate equation has been derived
~ated in the model. Under the fixed technolog-
expression representing a blast furnace model for the transfer of silicon from the SiO gas to . Nu = 2.0 + 0.6(9Re p )I/2P r I/ 3 (16)
from operational data, its application is lim- Ical boundary condition the function of the
the hot metal in accordance with the mecha-
ited. If such a model is applied to new operat- blast furnace is determined by these phenom- ,?,here Hu, Rep' and Pr designate Nusselt, par-
nism as described by Equation (15).
ena in combination with certain pretreatment ticle ReynoldS, and Prandtl numbers.
ing conditions, then its predictions deviate
of ore and coke as well as a given hot metal d[%Si]
from reality, the more the new operating con- ~ = kc(A/M)PSiO (15) . Howev.er, this equation sometimes gives an
ditions deviate from those which are described ~appropnate value. The rate of heat exchange
by the statistical data. Optimization of the op- Kinetic-Dynamic Model. The kinetic-dy- where kc designates the reaction rate constant In a packed bed is currently being studied.
erating conditions becomes stringently con- namic model in its most extensive form is AIM the ~pecific area, and PSiO the partial pres~ Flow maldistribuiion of gas in a packed bed
servative when applying statistical models. based on a knowledge of all phenomena that sure of 810. can be estimated by using the Ergun equation,
84 Handbook ofErtractive M etallllrgy Iron 85

a potentialflow mechanism is often applied to transfer in the cohesive zone [53], raceway
the solid flow [46]. phenomena [2'7], fluid flow in the hearth [54]
® ©
On the basis of the principal concepts men- and so on. l--....-...-T-n 2.06 MP a f-----, 323 K
tioned above, one-dimensional [47], or two- Some examples of the simulation results
dimensional [46, 48, 49] mathematical models are shown in Figures 5.40, 5.41, and 5.42. Fig-
were derived. On the other hand, dynamic ....--+T-t"tl 2.35 MP a
ure 5.40 depicts a onedimensional distribution
changes in the internal situation of a blast fur- of process variables such as temperature, pres-
nace were'also simulated by an unsteady-state
sure, concentration, and fractional reduction
mathematical model [50,51].
for two different top-gas pressure. 1--_I-1""TTI2.65 MP a
Even if a supercomputer is available for the
simulation computation of a whole blast fur- Temperature and gas-concentration distri-
nace, it is still quite difficult to obtain detailed butions reveal the existence of thermal and
results which include all the phenomena oc- chemical inactive zones and characteristic dis-
curring in a blast furnace. Mathematical mod- tribution of CO concentration which shows
els presenting some specified phenomena in a maximum value at the position where the CO 2
blast furnace are effective when detailed infor- concentration is zero. The simulation results L.---f-l-'kt"...., 3.24 MP a 159BK
mation is requested. Such models are devel- agree well with the principal behaviors of the
oped for analyzing burden distribution at the process variables· previously shown in Figure 2236K
top of a blast furnace [52], gas flow and heat 5.20.
p.kg/m 3 (STPI _
1.18 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.34 a a

4 Figure 5.41: Two dimensional simulation results by [mite difference method [481 (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Insti-
tute ofJapan): A) Streamlines and isobars; B) Isotherms of solid; C) Reduction ofore; a) Liquid; b) Fusion zone.

35 35 •

600~ m
700 ~ 700
800/ 800
..; 16 25


8--~~"L.L::L~~~~~~~ t 20 t 20
400 BOO 1200 1600 2000 E 15
0.284 E 15
~ ~
",' 0.287 ",'
1200 1200
f g• f s . K - 0.289
i 10'00 1100

kg/m 3(bedl_

1400 10
10 1300
~I:l ~
J , J
5 0.300 5 2270 ~ 2260
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 3 5
f s' f l _ u, m / s - -d
! 0 0
2 3 4 5 ,
px10- 4 kg/m 2 _ 10 5 0 5 10 0 5 10 5 10
! , r, m_________ r. m_______
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0,4
Figure 5.42: Two dimensional simulation result by [mite element method [46] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Institute
t " !
of Japan): a) Isobars (P in MPa); b) Contour lines of average mass velocity of gas (kgm-"s-l); c) Isotherms of gas (tg ion
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 K); d) Isotherms of solid (t, in K).
FxlO- 5 m3(STPl/min _
Figure 5.41 shows the streamline of gas, as tant problems is how to control or utilize the
Figure 5.40: Longitudinal distribution of process variables in blast furnace (A) for the case of high-pressure pperations well as the radial distribution' of pressure, tem- nonuniformity to improve productivity. _
[46] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steellnstittne ofJapan): tg, t, = temperatures of gas and solid;!. = fractional reduction of
iron oxide;.t; = fractional decomposition oflimestone; II = superficial gas velocity; P = gas pressure; Po =top gas pressure; perature and reduction degree, which show a Figure 5.42 shows computed radial profiles
x,y= molar fraction of CO and CO2;F=volume flow rate of gas; P = gas density; Pb = bulk density of burden bed. considerable nonuniformity One of the impor- of pressure, gas velocity, and temperatures of
86 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 87

gas and solids. In this computation, the layer- Complete measurement of the int~rnal state Application of the Models. The purpose of vi
by-layer structure of the packed beds and the
radial particle size distribution were consid-
of a blast furnace is very difficult because of
its huge size. Simulation technology in combi-
the blast furnace control during continuous
operation is the increase in productivity by
'" ] 1 2040 ••••• (~~••~
Cl 0
ered, which markedly affect the gas pe!Ee- nationwith operating and some measured data stabilizing the furnace operation and the pro- ~8~
o DO~
ability and then gas flow and temperature is very important to understand the behavior duction of high quality pig iron of appropriate
temperature and composition. The control Top gas temperature
distributions. of the blast furnace.
variables are (1) ore: coke ratio and burden
distribution at the top of the furnace, (2) flow
rate and temperature of blast, water vapor ad-
dition, and oxygen injection, pulverizetl coal, 600
oil and fine ore injection. 200
Originally, attention was paid to the ther- o ~."Q~:lrlUl
000 0
Exothermic reactions B oj 1000 00
mal condition in the lower part of the blast _0°
Carbon combustion Br
furnace for the stable operation. The so-called -t.21
5: ~
600 000° Brick temperature
Wu model was proposed by the Institut de re- '>::0-
.~ E 200 > 7.5 m above tuyere
~ Blast moisture
cherchcs siderurgiques (lRSID) in France. In L.
~ 0 O......=-L--J.,-------L_---L_-'-_--'
I :::> ' the model, the heat input into the lower part of o 10 15 20 25 30
OJ~ 0- Time. h _
" E Hot metal
the furnace is calculated from blast volume
..."w and composition, tuyere injection, and the off- Figure 5.45: Comparison between measured and simu-
lated changes of process variables in blow-in operation of
Coke (lOOO°C)
gas analysis. The amount of heat Wu is that re- Kokura no. 2 blast furnace, Sumitorno Metal Industries,
quired for the melting of iron and slag, the re- Ltd. [51] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Institute of Ja-
duction of the alloying elements, and pan): - Predicted; • a Measured.
Burden (1000°C)
compenSation for heat loss. The value of Wu A one-dimensional dynamic model was ap-
Output can be calculated by subtracting the heat con- plied to the unsteady-state blast furnace opera-
shaft sumed by direct reduction of the iron oxides tion such as the shut down, the blow-in, and
from the total heat supplied to the lower part the blow-out together with a two-dimensional
of the furnace. By maintaining Wu at a con- gas flow model. A schematic diagram is
Figure 5.43: Heat balance for calculating value ofE,·heat required for the reduction ofsilicon and for the overheating of stant set value pig iron of a constant composi- shown in Figure 5.44. Figure 5.45 shows the
iron and slag [55] (Courtesy of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy). tion can be produced. simulation results for the blow-in operation of
At the Centre de recherches metallurgiques the blast furnace according to the scheduled
Input v'ariables Output
(CNRM) in. Belgium, a somewhat different increase in blast volume and temperature as
Chemical compositions (Burdenl (Top gas) Volume flow rate model of the same basic type was developed shown in Figure 5.46. The initial condition
Physical properties Temperature for automatic regulation of the thermal condi- given to the mathematical model was obtained
(Diameter. density. etc.) Compositions
tion of the furnace. In this model, the heat in- from the actual filling condition of coke and
(Working volumel put per ton of pig iron into the high- burden before the start of the blow-in. The re-
temperature zone of the furnace was calcu- sults confIrm the effectiveness of the model
(State variables) lated from the temperature and composition of application to the planning of the blow-in op-
Reactions Temperature the top gas, the blast volume, blast tempera- eration of the blast furnace. Another success-
Geometric pro file Heat exchange Compositions
Rate parameters Gas pressure drop ture, and blast composition. The value ob- ful example for the application of a dynamic
Flow rate tained is called the heat requirement. The term model to the actual operation has been re-
Heat loss Physical properties
Eo, was defined as the difference between the ported for the blow-out of the blast furnace.
actual (B r ) and the standard heat requirements The content of the blast furnace was blown out
Input variables (B s)' The latter quantity represents the amount with the decrease ofstock level from the top to
of heat needed to produce a pig iron at the upper bosh under the schedule predicted
Blast volume rate. Productivity 1300 DC containing 0% Si. by the mathematical model. Actual changes of
temperature. etc. Temperature
PC injection The value of Eo corresponds to the heat re- the operation conditions are shown in Figure
quired for silica reduction and for overheating 5.47 in comparison with the scheduled ones.
Figure 5.44: Schematic diagram of a dynamic simulation model ofblast furnace [51] (Courtesy ofThe Iron and Steel In- slag and metal. The heat balance to calculate The actual results are in reasonable agreement
stitute of Japan). Eo is shown in Figure 5.43. with the schedule (see Table 5.24). Some im-
88 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 89

provements to the mathematical model are system. Chiba works of Kawasaki Steel Corp.
necessary for obtaining a satisfactory agree- constructed this three layers system for two
ment. However, principally such a kinetic-dy- sintering plants and achieved effective opera- Business computer
namic model is found to be effective not only tional control. "Management"
for steady-state but also for unsteady-state op- OJ

The most precise mathematical model of a
600 Blast temperature ; -_ _1 - - _ - 1 -_ _-\- _

blast furnace to date is the two-dimensional

E 500
~ ;-' 2000
steady-state kinetic model developed by SUG-
IYAMA et al. [57) (Nippon Steel Corp:). It in- .t 1500 .
Blast volume
Process computer
cludes models tor operational design, burden ~ c 1000
distribution, gas, solid and liquid flow, for the _::J'-
reaction rate of seven chemical reactions, for >0:
~>­ 10 20 30 40
heat transfer and a total combination model. VlVl
ro -
ai~E Time, h _ loop Microcompu ter
When operational conditions and a blast fur- monitoring "Control"
nace profile are given, this model provides (1) Figure 5.46: Schedule of the blow-in operation for the
'-- --L ,--_--'- -'- _
streamlines of gas, liquid and solids, (2) pres- Kokurano. 2 blast furnace based on a dynamic model [51]
(Courtesy of The Iron and Steellnstitute of Japan).
sure distributio"n, (3) reduction degree of iron
oxides, (4) gas, solid and liquid temperature, ~
and (5) location of the cohesive zone. VI
VI Ironmaking process
An integrated process computer system in
the entire ironmaking department is being de-
. veloped for increasing flexibility and produc-
c. ro
Figure 5.48: Functional hierarchy ofthe ironmaking information system [57] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Institute of
tivity in the ironmaking systems which consist I-- .>0: Table 5.25: Summation of net exergy losses in the blast furnace ironmaking system [60] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel
Institule of Japan).
essentially of coke ovens, sintering machines,
Amount of blast volume Case A-I Case A-2, MJ/thm
hot stoves, and blast furnaces. Srheduled 1675.10]m](STPI Process
_E c: Actual 1380 .10 l mlISTP) Inflow Outflow Net loss Inflow Outflow Net loss
The three-layer hierarchical system shown E

in Figure 5.48 is used for integrated control. In

...~~- Blast furnace 17054 15175 1 879 (20.8%) 16920 14736 2184 (24.1 %)
the system, microcomputers can accept the op-
VlVl O~
---:,---,---:---,-_w.. Coke oven 22657 18580 4077 (45.1 %) 20110 16491 3619 (39.9%)
ro -
Completion time Hotslove 1983 1276 707( 7.8%) 2100 1423 677( 7.5%)
erating data directly from the plant and can Prediction Srheduled 24.5 h Sintering machine 3014 764 2250 (24.9%) 3074 733 2341 (25.8%)
control it. A process computer which eventu- " Actual 23.3 h Rotary kiln 138 33 105 ( 1.2%) 339 79 260 ( 2.9%)
Curing ofnonfired pellets 190 170 20( 0.2%)
ally controls the overall ironmaking system is
installed to provide sufficient information to
20 'Ad~al ~:::::""-: _ Total 45036 35998 9038 (100%) 42543 33462 9081 (100%)
o 4 8 12 16 20 24
the operator for realizing effective operation. Time, h _ Although great progress has been made in energy consuming industries, energy saving
Finally, a central business computer is con- Figure 5.47: Results of the empty blow-out operation of the computer control of blast furnaces by in- has been examined from various points of
nected to the process computers for optimal the Kokura no. 2 blast furnace [56] (Courtesy of The Iron troducing mathematical models, control is still view. In Japan 1.9 x 10 7 kJ energy is currently
control of the overall iron and steel production and Steel Institute of Japan). incomplete. Recently, artificial intelligence consumed to produce 1 t crude steel in the
has been introduced into blast-furnace control. blast furnace ironmaking process. This value
The principal strategy of this technology is is 20% lower than 10 years ago. The energy
Table 5.24: Results ofthe empty blow-out operation ofthe Kokura no. 2 blast furnace in Sumilomo Metal Industries [56] based on operational data [59). Therefore, the savings are still conducted in each ironmaking
(Courtesy of The Iron and Steellnslitute of Japan). question how to accumulate the operating data process. Tn the blast furnace, a lot of energy is
Actual resultS Schedule Difference, % is most important. Some trials have been made saved by using top-pressure recovery turbines.
23.3 24.5 5 to couple the artificial intelligence (Expert Figure 5.49 illustrates the development of en-
Blow-out operation time. h
Accumulated amounl ofblast volume, m 3 X laJ (STP) 1380 1675 -18 system) with a mathematical model. ergy savings in the ironmaking department of
Accumulated amount of water-spray, t 694 716 " -3 NSC during the last 15 years.
Pig iron produced during blow-out, t 880 998 -12
550 690 -20 Energy Recovery. After the oil crisis, energy To pursue further energy savings, an exergy
Amount of total coke consumption, t
Coke consumption per blast volume, tlm3 x 10 (STP) 0040 0041 -2 cost increased drastically. Therefore in high- analysis was conducted on the basis of actual
90 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 91

operation data of a blast furnace ironmaking shown schematically in Figure 5.51. After the
system which produced ca. 7000 t pig iron per hot metal is separated from slag, the former is
desulfurized by gas metal and slag-metal re-
I I Coke
I Dust Top gas
day. Very high net exergy losses occur in the
coke oven and the sintering machine (see Ta- actions. However, in the upper part of the co-
ble 5.25). Compared to these processes the hesive zone, the sulfur compounds present in
blast furnace destructs less exergy. Net exergy the gas phase are absorbed partly by solid iron I I
losses in the conventional blast furnace, the di- ores. Reduction I
rect reduction electric furnace, and the smelt- Exergy loss, G~lthm_
ing reduction systems are compared in Figure 4 6 8 10 r- .
5.50. The exergy analysis for the conventional I ® I
BF Sulfur pickup
I IRecondensation
and the direct reduction iron-electric furnace I

systems was performed on the basis of opera- EF I
tion data but in case of the smelting reduction SRF I
system, the data were obtained by taking heat ,, I ,
and material balances. However, no definite Figure 5.50: Summation of net exergy losses in different , / "" ,, I
,, ,, Cohesive zone
difference among the net exergy losses were ironmaking systems [61] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel , I

InstiMe of Japan): A) Blast furnace ironmaking (1 = stan- , , I

found. Further energy savings will probably -,"" "
danl, 2 = pulverized coal injection); B) Direct reduction- I

lower exergy losses even further. electric furnace ironmaking (1 = fired pellet, 2 = nOnIlI"ed I

pellet); C) Smelting reduction ironmaking (1 = shaft fur- I

t 29.00
nace, 2 = fluidized bed). 02 = oxygen production; BF =
blast furnace; EF = Electric furnace; SRF = Smelting re-
Carburization 1:
duction furnace. 0 Pretreatment, agglomeration of raw I
~ 25.00 NazS,KzS
~ materials; III Shaft furnace, fluidized beds; III Hot stove. I
I etc.
~ 21.00 The steelmaking process requires a sulfur I

~ 17.00
content of the hot metal of < 0.025--0.035%,
because desulfurization is difficult in the steel-
Hot metal
IL __________
------------- --,
i:;; 12.00
aJ 8.00
making process. Except for the desulfurization
of the coke, sulfur can be removed in the blast
furnace, between the blast furnace and the

F"f A

Vapor species
of alkali
and alkaline
earth metals
Gasification of
sulfur in coke

(oS,CS z
"0 steel shop, and in the steel shop. The cost is re- 5
Mg,Ca, SO,SOz
ported to be the lowest for desulfurization be-
K,Na, S03
Ecycy Zn etc.
tween the blast furnace and the steel shop [62].
CD t
77 81
79 83 85
Desulfurization in the blast furnace re-
quires an increase in the limestone additions.
Figure 5.49: Chronological change in the amount of en- This leads to the additional costs associated Tuyere level
ergy saved by main waste heat recovery process in Nip- with the limestone itself and the increased
pon Steel Corp. [60] (Courtesy of The Japan Iron and A..... ..h.
Steel Institute): a) Recovery of sensible heat from coke coke rate because more heat is needed for
oven gas; b) Recovery of waste heat from sinter cooler, c)
Coke dry quenching; d) Recovery of sensible heat from
hot stove; e) Top gas pressure recovery turbine.
melting the slag and for decomposing the
limestone. In addition to this, the carbon diox-
ide generated from limestone must be com-


5.5.11 Hot-Metal Desulfurization Desulfurization in the steel-producing ves- 'Hot metal
The sulfur content of the hot metal pro- sel requires a large slag volume even for
duced depends on the sulfur content of the fu- highly basic slags because of the unfavorable I
els, the slag basicity, the slag volume, and the sulfur distribution ratio under oxidizing condi- Fi~ 5.51: Schematic representation of sulfur transfer routes in the blast furnace [65] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel
tions. Iron losses to the slag increase because Inslltute ofJapan). '
silicon content of the hot metal. The sulfur
transfer mechanism in the blast furnace is of the large slag volume.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 93

At present, it is advantageous to desulfurize of the sodium sulfide contained in the slag oxidation of magnesium which occurs in the
at least a portion of the hot metal during trans- with water to produce hydrogen sulfide and desulfurization process.
portation to the steel shop. After mixing with sodium hydroxide. {Mg} + [S] ~ MgS (26)
hot metal which is not desulfurized outside the The desulfurization reactions of hot metal
{Mg} + [0] ~ MgO (27)
blast furnace, an input sulfur content of ::;; with calcium carbide are as follows:
t r-------..!(~aO~ ____ 0.02% can be delivered to the steel shop. (CaC':> + [S] ~ (CaS) + 2[C] (20) {Mg} + 1/10 1 ~ MgO (28)

10 -4 Desulfurizing Fluxes include calcium com- (CaC.J + 1/2{02} ~ (CaO) + 2[C] (21) The vaporization temperature of magne-
'if. pounds which are in the solid state or half sium is relatively low (1107 DC). Therefore,
(CaC':> + 1/1 [0] ~ (CaO) + 2[C] (22)
melting conditions at the hot metal tempera- . magnesium evaporates upon contact .}vith the
ture (e.g., CaO, CaC 2, Ca(CN)2' and CaF:z), al-. C+ 1/P2 ~CO (23) hot metal and the desulfurization efficiency
kaline compounds in the liquid state (e.g., As calcium carbide is easily oxidized (see decreases. It is therefore necessary to control
KOH, NaCl, and NaF), and magnesium and its Equations. 21 and 22) the desulfurization the vaporization (see below).
10-B L--L_ _-.L L-_ _L-_-:-:-:' alloys in the gaseous state. should take place under controlled atmo- Table 5.26: Typical desulfurization processes outside the
1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Their desulfurization ability is remarkably sphere. The reaction product CaS which has a blast furnace [18] (Courtesy of The Iron and Steel Insti-
Temperature, D C _ high melting temperature of 2450 DC forms tute of Japan).
affected by treatment conditions such as (1)
Figure 5.52: Temperature dependence of equilibrium sul- mixing, (2) atmosphere (oxidizing or reduc- the solid slag. The diffusion of sulfur in the hot Meiliod ~ocess
fur content of carbon-saturated hot metal [63] (Courtesy ing), (3) composition of hot metal, and (4) metal to the boundary between hot metal and
of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan). Soda-ash paving soda-ash paving process
property and amount of blast furnace slag. calcium carbide is the rate-determining step of reladling process
Figure 5.52 shows the equilibrium sulfur con- the desulfurization reaction. In the sulfur- ladle wiili siphon process
tent obtained by each desulfurizing flux. Ac- transfer mechanism, mixing strongly affects Shaking ladle shaking ladle process
0.08 tual desulfurization curves for the bottom the degree of desulfurization. When calcium DM converter process .
rotating drum process
blowing method with nitrogen are shown in carbide particles are injected with an inert car-
rier gas, a calcium sulfide layer grows at the Stirrer Demag-Ostberg process
Figure 5.53. Rheinstahl process
According to these figures, desulfurization outer surface of the particle as the reaction KRprocess
degree, method, cost, and workability should proceeds. The reactivity of each particle de-
Injection (ladle process)
0.06 be considered when selecting of a desulfuriz- creases with increasing thickness of this layer. (torpedo-car process)
ing flux in addition to its desulfurizing ability. Thus, the efficiency of this flux is relatively
Gas bubbling bottom blowing process
The equation for the desulfurization reac- low. Its advantage is that a very low residual top blowing process
tion with soda ash [64] and of concurrent reac- sulfur content of the hot metal can be achieved Gas-lift mixing reactor GMRprocess
tions are as follows (Equations 17-19): irrespective of its initial sulfur content.
Desulfurization wiili injection process
When lime is used, the following desulfur- magnesium plunging bell process
-,0.04 (N~C03)+ [S] + lSi] ~(N~S)+(SiO~+ CO (17) ization reactions proceed:
!!! Continuous desulfuriza- turbulator process
(Na1C03) + (FeS) + lSi] ~ 4CaO + 2[S] + lSi] ~ 2CaS + 2CaO' Si02 (24) tion in ilie blast-fur- powder injection process
(N~S) + (SiO~ + [Fe] + CO (18) nacerunner paddle-type stirrer process
2CaO + 2[S] + lSi] ~ 2CaS + Si02 (25)
electromagnetic stirrer process
(Na2C03) + lSi] ~ (N~O'SiO~ + C (19)
The reaction given by Equation (25) occurs
Furthermore, Na2C03 reacts easily with Si0 2 at 1300 °C even if the silicon content of the Desulfurization Processes. To produce low-
from the refractories forming 2Na 20'Si02, hot metal is only 0.05%. If the silicon in the sulfur or ultra-low sulfur steel, a number of
Nap'Si0 2 , and Nap·2Si0 2. The v~poriz~­ hot metal is oxidized to silicon dioxide in this desulfurization processes have been devel-
tion loss of Na 2C0 3 is ca. 6% at 1250 C. This process, it reacts with lime to form oped. Typical processes for desulfurization
value increases to 35% at 1350 DC, therefore 2CaO·SiO~. This reaction decreases the outside the blast fumace are listed in Table
the effect of desulfurization decreases sharply amount of-lime available for desulfurization. 5.26. Tn each process, acceleration of the des-
2 4 6 8 10 at temperatures> 1300 DC. The disadvantages Therefore oxidation of silica should be pre- ulfurization reaction is achieved by increasing
Time. m i n - of desulfurization with soda ash are its corro- vented by using the inert or reducing atmo- the contact area between the desulfurizing
Figure 5.53: Changes of sulfur content with time in. bot-
sive action to the vessel lining and the envi- spheres or airtight vessels. fluxes and the hot metal. This is carried out by
tom-blowing ladle desulfurization process for vanable ronmental problems related to discarding Magnesium is sometimes used as a desulfu- •employing improved stirring techniques. The
fluxes (amount offlux addition 10 kglthrn) [63] (Courtesy slags which contain high alkaline contents. rizing flux because it has a very strong affInity other requirements for the processes are as fol-
of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan): • CaC 2: .... CaO; Environmental problems arise from sodium for sulfur. Equations (26), (27), and (28) repre- lows: (1) inexpensive desulfurizing fluxes,
• Ca(CNh; 0 N~C03; b. NaOH; 0 KOH; X NaCI; \l
NaF; ... CaF1; • N3..l AlF 6'
oxide-containing fumes and from the reaction sent the desulfurization by magnesium and the (2) high reproducibility with regard to the de-
94 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 95

gree of desulfurization, (3) small decrease of ulfurization degree in most cases reaches a method). Figure 5.57 represents schematically sic principle of this method is to use the buoy-
the hot metal temperature, (4) low iron loss to plateau level. the bottom-blowing desulfurization ladle. Ul-
the slag, and (5) an easy and inexpensive dis- Efforts to improve the mass transfer of the ancy force of the gas injected at the bottom of
tra-low sulfur·steel containing 0.001-0.002%
posal of the slag. sulfur by moving the vessel containing the hot S can only be produced by this method if the the riser as driving force for a circulatory mo-
Desulfurization in the blast-furnace runner metal involved trials with rotating drums second addition of calcium carbide is made af- tion of the hot metal as illustrated in Figure
is not widely accepted at present despite the (Kalling-Donmarvet process [67]) and shak- ter the slag of the first treatment is removed. 5.58. This method removes sulfur in hot metal
favorable surface:.volume ratio 'and the low ing or rotating ladles. In the shaking ladle, the The gas-lift mixing reactor method (GMR to < 0.002 % by adding 5 kg of CaC 2 per tonne
degree of technical expenditure required. The ladle axis rotates around a circular path at ca. method) was proposed by Kobe Steel. The ba- of hot metal.
reasons are the corrosive attack of the slag on 70 rpm. By reversing the direction of the
the runner material, the hazardous exposure of movement, the mixing effect can be enhanced
the workers to alkaline fume, and the poor re- (Kobe Steel process [65]).
producibility with respect to the degree of des- Figure 5.55 shows desulfurization pro-
ulfurization. cesses with mechanical stirrers. The stirrer
100 . proposed by OSmERG (see Figure 5.55A) has a
hollow stirrer which discharges the hot metal
through horizontal tubes by centrifugal forces
and absorbs hot metal from the bottom of the
vertical tube. The simple stirrer proposed by
KRAEMER. in Rheinstahl Huttenwerk (Figure
5.55B) is made of refractory. This stirrer
mixes in desulfil11zing fluxes into the hot
metal. The stirrer developed by Nippon Steel
o0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 (Figure 5.55C) is an impeller which produces
f-O-3-1-3-S-!-S-8+8-11+--,11-1 eddy flow of the hot metal. Results of plant
Average addition of soda ash. kg/thm_
Figure 5.54: Effect ofthe amount of soda ash addition on
experiments for this stirrer are shown in Fig-
ure 5.56. According to this figure the process o ® ©
is highly effective for desulfurization. The Figure 5.55: Stirrers for desulfurization ofhat metal [75] (Courtesy ofThe Iron and Steel Institute of Japan): A) Demag-
the desulfurization ofhot metal in various desulfurization Ostberg process; B) Rheinstahl process; C) KR process. '
processes [66] (Courtesy of Verlag Stahleisen mbH): a stirrer method is widely used in North Amer-
Blast-furnace runner; • Transportation ladle; @ Mixer- ica, Europe, and Japan for the production of If magnesium is used as a desulfurizing
ladle; 0 Mixer-ladle-ladle; 0 Torpedo car ladle, ladle
with siphon. S = pig iron for steelmaking; Th = Thomas low-sulfur steel or ultra-low sulfur steel. t 16
flux, magnesium--eoke [80], a plunging bell
pig iron; F = pig iron for foundry. a) Ladle with siphon; b) The injection method of hot metal desulfur- 114 [80-82] injection,of a magnesium' aluminum
furnace-runner and transportation ladle. ization is widely accepted for the desulfuriza- alloy, surface-coated magnesium, or a mixture
The soda-ash paving method is frequently tion in a ladle or a torpedo-car. In this method of CaO and Mg with gas [83-85] are used to
used for desulfurization in the transport ladle the flux powder of desulfurization is injected suppress the vaporization loss of magnesium.
because of its simplicity. The transport ladle is with a gas stream. As flux powder CaC 2, ~ 10 Since some problems remain unsolved in
used to transport the hot metal from the blast Ca(CNh, CaO and soda ash are widely used. 1: magnesium desulfurization (such as violent
furnace to the hot-metal mixer located in the Currently magnesium is also used. The injec- ~ a scattering of hot metal and resulfurization
steel shop. In this method, the desulfurizing tion lance is better for dipping into the hot '-
which requires a too long treatment time) the
metal bath. The dipping depth should be 1/2 to ~ 6
flux is placed in the ladle prior to filling it with operation techniques must be improved. The
hot metal. Good mixing is achieved by forma- 3/4 of the bath depth. NSC [76] and TSAG '"
2c 4
advantages of this method in comparison to
tion of carbon dioxide and by the falling hot- [77] developed the respective process for des- other methods are the very small amounts of
metal stream. The slag is removed from the ulfurization by using the injection method. 8 flux required, ca. 1 kg/t, and the easy disposal
filled ladle. Figure 5.54 illustrates the relation- In the gas-bubbling method, the desulfuriz- of the slag.
ship between the fmal degree of desulfuriza- ing flux is at first added to the surface of the o ol----L--.L.-..L.-----I._--L_-L---.l
It is very difficult to compare the various
tion and the amount of soda ash added, The hot metal and then mixing is started by the in- 1234567
Amount of (a(2 added, kglthm_ desulfurization processes for the pretreatment
final desulfurization degree increases with in- jection of gas into the hot metal. The,injection
of hot metal, because many factors such as fa-
creasing soda-ash addition up to a value of is made through the lance dipped into the hot Figure 5.56: Relation between amount of CaC, added and
[S] content after treatment [75] (Courtesy of The Iron and cility cost, operation cost, amount and cost of
80%, which is obtained at 8 kg "soda-ash ad- metal (top-blowing method) or through the
Steel Institute of Japan). [S] content before treatment desulfurizing flux, degree of desulfurization,
dition" per ton of hot metal. After that the des- porous plug at the bottom (bottom-blowing (1350 DC): a 0.02%; x 0.03%;.0.04%. workability, and iron loss must be considered.
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 97

Figure 5.59 shows the relationship .between

degree of desulfurization and operatIon cost.
To reduce the cost of desulfurization, effective
and inexpensive desulfurization fluxes and £ 1.5
desulfurization processes requiring less flux IV

must be developed. ~
_ 1.0

'"e 0.5

-----~--- 70t ladle

:§ 00 20 40 60 80 100
~ Desulfurization degree, % ~
Figure 5.59: Relation between desulfurization degree and
relative cost oftrea1ment [76] (Courtesy of Dept of Mate-
rials Science and Engineering, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Canada). Sulfur content before treatment:
0.030%. a) Mag-coke process; b) Porous plug process~ c)
KR process; d) Top blowing process; e) Soda-ash pounng

5.6 Plant Layout

A blast furnace plant consists of numerous
Figure 5.57: Desulfurization ladle ~ith porous pl~gs [78] units beside the furnace itself (Figure 5.60).
(Courtesy of The Iron and Steel institUte of Japan). a) Sur-
face of hot metal; b) Porous plugs. The most important units are the following:
5.6.1 Dust-Recovery System
The blast furnace gas may contain up to
170 kg of dust per·ton of pig iron produced. Figure 5.60: Blast furnace plant.
This dust must be captured for two reasons:
dust~laden gas enters a cylindrical or conical
• To recover its valuable metal content chamber tangentially. The centrifugal force
• To prevent pollution of the environment. causes the dust particles to travel outward to
the wall of the chamber, where they collide
, Gas cleaning is conducted in two steps:
and fall downward to a receiver at the bottom,
'.'. • Removal of large particles in dust catchers while the gas escapes from an opening at the
followed by cyclones. top (Figure 5.62).
• Removal of fine particles in spray towers,
venturi scrubbers, or electrostatic precipita- Spray Towers
In these towers (Figure 5.63) the gas passes
upwards countercurrent to a descending spray
g Dust Catchers of water. To increase the contact between the
The gas is allowed to pass through a large two phases, the tower is packed with wooden
1:..;"'.. . ;.. ,.~.·l·::'.· ...~... ··,· ..•....-I'··.. :..:·,·:"-·;:· chamber to reduce its velocity ;.md cause the grates, ceramic tiles, or metal spirals, The part
Figure 5.61: Dust catcher.
dust to drop out by gravity. To enhance the of the tower above the water spray is for sepa-
Figure 5.58: Schematic diagram ofthe gas lift mixing re- rating the water droplets from the exit gases. A
actor for desulfurization [79] (Courtesy of The Iron and separation., the direction of ~as flow i~ re,:erse. Cyclones
Steellnstitute of Japan): a) Dust collecting duct; b) Com- A typical gravity chambe~ IS shown i? FI~e typical unit consists of a contact zone where
pressed nitrogen; c) Inlet of fluX; d) Cover for dust .catch; 5.61. It is a 1a-12-m dIameter, bnck-hned This equipment is more efficient than the the dust laden gas and the water are brought
. e) Desulfurizing flux; f) Hot metal; g) Ladle; h) Mam part previous type and occupies less space. The together, followed by a separation zone where
of gas-lift mixing reactor,
98 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 99

the gas is separated from the wetted slurry. In CLEAN

the contact zone,- the particles increase their .......r - - OUTLET INSULATION
weight and size and adhere together when they
are moistened thus making their separation


Figure 5.64: Venturi scrubber.

GAS Venturi Scrubbers
In this system, water is introduced at the
throat of a venturi perpendicular to gas flow
and is atomized into tiny droplets; thus a large
surface area is created. The venturi is followed

by a separating section usually in the form of a

centrifugal eliminator for the removal of the
entrained droplets and collected dust particles

(Figure 5.64).
INLET Electrostatic Precipitators

Dust separation in this equipment is based
FEED CHAMBER on the fact that if the solid particles carried in a
gas are given an electrical charge, they will be
attracted to a collection device carrying the
opposite charge. The type most commonly
Figure 5.62: Dust-collecting cyclone. employed consists of a series of ionizing elec-
trodes and an oppositely charged series of col-
lecting electrodes housed in a 'chamber
through which the exhaust gas is routed (Fig-
ure 5.65). The ionizing electrodes are rods
WATER while the collecting electrodes are grounded
plates or shells that have a large surface area
compared to the ionizing electrodes. A high
ZONE voltage of 50 000 to 80 000 volts is applied
across the two sets of electrodes to maintain
/ PACKING !he -highest electrostatic field without spark-
Under the influence of the electrostatic
field, the gas molecules get electrically
INLET 1'--J charged and move away from these electrodes
toward the collecting electrodes. As the sus-
J r-"I
pended dust particles collide with the;e mole-
cules, the electric charge is transferred to the
Figure 5.65: Electrostatic precipitator. A) Principle; B) Industrial installation.

Figure 5.63: Spray towers for dust removal.

100 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 101

MANHOLE 5.7 Refractory Materials crease in high-grade refractories (magnesia-

carbon, high-alumina castable).
Refractory materials must meet the follow- The world steel industry is the principal
ing requirements: consumer of refractories (ca. 60%).
CHECKERS • Mechanical stability under load at high Pig-iron production includes (1) blast fur-
LINING temperatures (up to and beyond 1800 DC, naces with hot blast stoves, and (2) torpedo la-
FIRE depending on quality), dles, with a molding capacity of 150 600 t of
• Resistance to slags and dusts at high temper- molten pig iron, as transport containers froqJ,
ature, and the blast furnace to the steelworks. This sector
SHELL employs mainly the following refractory qual-
• Specific thermal properties, such as thermal ities: carbon and graphite bricks, silicon car-
conductivity, specific heat, and resistance to
bide bricks, materials containing more than
.sudden temperature changes, depending on
50% alumina, fireclay, and silica.

These properties can be tested in the labora-
tory under conditions similar to the service
In steelworks the most important qualities
are magnesia--earbon bricks, bricks and mix-


conditions. Some methods are internationally
standardized (pRE, i.e., Federation eu-
ropeenne de produits refractaires and ISO rec-
ommended test methods) [86]. Refractories
tures based on magnesia and dolomite, zircon
material, and high-alumina castables.
Table 5.27: Consumption of refractories in Germany and
Japan (kg per tonne of crude steel).

are classified by chemical-mineralogical crite- Germany Japan

ria and by process requirements. The basic 1970 1980 1990 1993 1970 1980 1990 1993
distinction is between shaped products Bricks 19 12.9 8.8 7.1 24 9.5 5.5 4.9
Figure 5.66: Stoves for heat recovery from blast furnace gas. Mixtures 16 10.5 5.9 6.3 5 5.8 6.0 6.4
(bricks) and unshaped ones (mixtures, mor- Total 35 23.4 14.7 13.4 29 15.3 11.5 11.3
are hot, the blast furnace gas is switched over tars, castables). Another basis for classifica-
to another stove and air is introduced in the hot tion is the type of binding. Here a distinct,ion Table 5.28: Production of refractories in Japan in 1000 t.
chamber to take away the heat before entering must be made between fired products (firing Bricks 1970 1980 1990 1993
the furnace. The cycle is then repeated. A typi- temperatures 800-1800 DC) and unfired, Fireclay 1800 829 325 200
cal unit is 7-9 m diameter and about 36 m high chemically bonded refractories (phosphate 50% A1 10 J 191 173 155 125
Silica 260 66 7 5
with a dome-shaped top and consists of two binders, resin binders, refractory cements, wa- Chrome-magnesia 284 278 126 99
parts (Figure 5.66): ter glass, magnesium sulfate). Magnesia-carbon 52 123 107
In the iron and steel industry in Germany, Dolomite-magnesia 251 104 13 8
• The combustion chamber where the blast Zircon 61 91 52 31
Figure 5.67: Arrangement of refractory brick in a regen- furnace gas is burned. the classification of the "Steel and Iron Mate- Silicon carbide 53 27 18
erator. rial Data Sheets" (Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblat- lnsulants 88 55 27 15
• The refractory chamber where the hot com- ter) is used. Others 75 44 35 37
The particles are then attracted to the col- Unshaped Products
bustion gases pass before their exit(Figure Table 5.27 shows the consumption of re~
lecting electrodes, where they lose their (Mixtures) 570 907 836 845
5.67). fractory materials (kg per tonne of crude steel)
charge and fall into hoppers below, or become
dislodged by automatic intermittent tapping. The heating surface in the chambers is usu- for Germany and Japan in 1970, 1980, 1990, Blast Furnaces. Molten pig iron and slag are
Electrostatic precipitations are expensive but ally 22 000-25 000 m2. There are usually 3 and 1993. The steep decline is mainly ac- present in the lower part of the blast furnace
efficient equipment. . units per furnace, and they are provided with a counted for by new steelmaking technologies (bottom and hearth). Repairs cannot be made
common stack. The air blast for the furnace (ox-ygen-injection process replacing the Sie- to this part of the furnace during operation.
passes through the heated stove countercur- mens-Martin furnace, introduction of contin- Chemical and mechanical attacks on the re-
5.6.2 Heat Economy System rent to the gas. One stove is "on blast" for 1 to uous casting) and by improvements in fractory material occur here. Graphite and car-
Gases leaving a blast furnace are not at high 2 hours at a time while the other two stoves are refractory qualities. bon bricks are the most important structural
temperature but have a high calorific value "on gas" for 2 to 4 hours. This is achieved by This progression is also clear from Table refractories for this portion of the blast fur-
due to their CO content. The gases after being means of automatic valves. With the advance- 5.28, which lists the outputs of the main quali- nace. Carbon bricks have a higher cold-crush-
purified of their dust content are then burned ment of gas cleaning, the use of re'fractory ties of refractory bricks in Japan. The 1970 ing strength than graphite bricks and those
in stoves and the heat of combustion is used to bricks with small openings became feasible, and 1993 figures show the decrease in fireclay containing some graphlte (part-graphite and
heat fire brick chambers. Once the chambers thus resulting in a high efficiency. brick and silicate brick production and the in- semi-graphite bricks). Carbon bricks have a
102 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 103

lower porosity than graphite bricks. Mi- Lining bricks mostly contain> 50% Al 20 3 Table 5.29: Properties of blast-fumace lining bricks.
croporous carbon and part-graphite bricks (andalusite and bauxite bricks). If the slag has Microporous
Carbon carbon (10% Graphite Mullite Corundum concrete
with additions of alumina and silicon have a CaO: Si02 ratio> 1, unfired pitch-bonded A1P3' 15% Si)
(70% A1 20 3) (90%A120 3)
higher alkali and pig-iron resistance [91, 98]. dolomite bricks can also be used with success. Bulk density. g/cm3 1.53-1.57 1.63-1.73 1.55-1.60 2.45 3.30
The increase in metallurgical reactions in tor- Open porosity, % 14--18 14--18 25-28 15-18 9-12
The current state of the art is the "ceramic Micro porosity> 1 ~, % 8-11 S2
cup", which comprises sintered mullite bricks pedo ladles has led to new types of lining, Ash, % <7 35--40 <1
which have been adopted in an attempt to ex- Cold compression strength, N/mm 2 30--40 60-90 15-25 70 60
placed in front of the carbon on the bottom, Thermal conductivity, Wm-1K-1,
and large-size prefabricated panels of corun- tend the service life (100 000-400 000 t pig at 20°C 3-8 5-7 130 2 5
dum concrete in front of the carbon on the iron transported). In zone lining, resin-bonded at 500°C 5-12 8-10 95 1.8 4-
at 1000 °C 8-14 11-13 65 1.7 3
wall. This type of lining protects the carbon corundum-earbon-silicon carbide bricks are
used in the slag zone (especially in Japan), Table 5.30: Typical analysis of pyrite cinder. chlorides (Table 5.31). These are scrubbed in
bricks and prolongs their service life greatly.
with resin-bonded andalusite carbon bricks in Main components, % Trace metals, ppm water from the exit gases and the solution
In the other zones of the blast furnace (bosh,
the bottom. Linings differ from plant to plant, Fe 54--58 Co 300-1500 treated for metal recovery.
belly, stack), a variety of brick qualities are Gangue 6-10 Ag 25-50
used. These include bricks containing over depending on service conditions. Cu 0.8-1.5 Au 0.5-1.5
Zn 2.0--3.5 Cd 40-100 5.8.2 The Sulfate Route
50% alumina, corundum bricks, and silicon S 2.5--4.0 Ni 15-1500
carbide bricks with various binders. Hard fire- 5.8 Iron from Pyrite Cinder Pb 0.3-0.7 Mn 300-3000 This route is mairuy used for the recovery
clay bricks are usually employed in the stack. Table 5.31: Data on the treatment of pyrite cinder by
of cobalt from the cinder. It is based on a care-
[74] Kowa--Seiko process. ful temperature control during the oxidation of
Furnaces often differ greatly in their refractory pyrite. If the temperature is kept at 550 DC, co-
linings. The properties of some refractory Pyrite is mainly used for the manufacture of II ts "A Heated pellets, Volatilization,
Dry pe e , 0 % % balt in the pyrite will be converted to sulfate
structural materials are given in Table 5.29. sulfuric acid. It is oxidized in fluidized bed re- Cu 0.47 0.04 91 and therefore can be leached directly from the
actors whereby the following reaction takes Pb 0.18 0.01 92 cinder with water. At least two plants are using
Runner and Taphole Mixtures. Tar-free un- Zn 0.59 0.01 97 this process:
shaped products containing> 50% alumina, As 0.05 0.05
S 0.61 0.03 96.5 • At the BetWehem Steel plant, Sparrows
silicon carbide, and carbon are used in cast, vi- Fe 59.2 61.5 Point, Maryland, the hot pyrite cinder is
brated or rammed form. Numerous and very While S02 can be readily converted to S03 Au (g/t) 0.94 0.05 95 quenched with water to give a slurry con-
. Ag (glt) 33.6 7.00 80
different mixtures are in use, incluc:iing spinel .and then to H 2S0 4, iron oxide (called cinder) taining 6-8 % solids. When the solids are fil-
(MgAl 20 4)-containing material in the metal cannot be used directly for manufacturing iron DK Process. This process has been used in tered off, the solution contains 20-25 gIL
level and mixiures up to 80% SiC in the slag Germany for nearly a century at the Duis- Co; it is processed further for metal recov-
because of the presence of impurity metals.
level. burger Kupferhiitte in Duisburg (operations ery. In the cinder the Fe: Co ratio is 50: 1; in
Table 5.30 shows analysis' of cinder. As a re- ceased in 1980s). The pyrite cinder is mixed solution it is 1: 1. This plant supplies the
Hot Blast Stoves. The standard lining consists sult, methods have been developed to purify with NaCl and heated continuously in a multi- oruy domestic source of cobalt in USA.
of silica bricks in the dome (temperatures up the cinder and at the same time to recover the ple hearth furnace at 800 DC to transform non- • In Finland at the Outokumpu Company
to 1500 DC), bricks with> 50% alumina in the nonferrous metals present. The recovery of ferrous metals into water-soluble chlorides. plant, the sulfated pyrite cinder contains
combustion chamber, and silica and fireclay nonferrous metals from the cinder is achieved Each batch requires about 2 days for leaching . 0.8-0.9% Co and other nonferrous metals.
by two I:outes: the cWoride and the sulfate pro- in vats. The concentrated leach solution ob- It is leached with water to get a solution at
bricks (depending on thermal stress) in the tained in the first 15 to 20 hours is sent for
cesses. pH 1.5 analyzing 20 gIL Co, 6-8 Ni, 7-8
checkerwork shaft. copper and other metals recovery, while that Cu, 10-12 Zn, and trace amounts of iron,
subsequently obtained, being poor in metal which is treated for metal recovery.
Torpedo Ladles [90, 99]. In the lining design,
5.8.1 The Chloride Route content, is recycled. The residue, called purple
the following factors relating to stresses on the ore, now a high-grade iron ore (61-63% Fe),
refractory must be considered: temperature of In this route, the nonferrous metals are is sintered and delivered to the blast furnace. 5.9 Iron from llmenite [11]
pig iron (1450-1520 DC), distance trans- transformed into water-soluble cWorides by
Kowa-Seiko Process. This is a Japanese pro- ilmenite, FeTi03, is the major titanium
ported, slag composition, and metallurgical re- heating with a solid cWoride. At low te,mpera- cess in which the cinder is mixed with calcium mineral. It represents 90% of the world tita-
actions such as desiliconization, dephospho- ture the cWorides remain in the residue while chloride, pelletized, then heated in a rotary nium ore reserves while rutile, Ti01 , accounts
rization and desulfurization in the ladle. at high temperature they are volatilized. kiln at 1100 DC to volatilize nonferrous metal for the remaining 10%. Ilmenite occurs either
104 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 105

as massive deposits, e.g., in the Province of The concentrate is mixed with a certain Table 5.34: World direct reduction plants (plant list is correct as of December 31,1995) [102] This list does not include
amount of carbon which is just enough to re- plants that are inoperable or have been dismantled.. .
Quebec, or as sand at the mouth of rivers, e.g.,
duce the iron oxide component of the ore, then Capacity,
in India. The Quebec deposits are one of the Process Plant Location Modules Start-up Status'
charged in an electric funlace at 1650 °C
largest in the world. However, when compared where iron oxide is reduced to metal while ti- Midrex Georgetown Steel Georgetown, SC, USA DAD 1 1971 o
with other ilmenite ores, the Quebec ore is a Hamburger Stahlwerke Hamburg, Germany 0040 1 o
tanium is separated as a slag (Figure 5.68). Sidbec Dosco 1 Contrecceur, QC, Canada DAD 1 1973 o
low-grade ore (Table 5.32). It is beneficiated This method is used by the QIT Fer et Titane SIDERCA Campana, Argentina DAD 1 1976 o
by physical methods to a concentrate contain- incorporation at its plant in Sorel near Mont- Sidbec Dosco 2 Contrecceur, QC, Canada 0.60 1 1977 o
ing 36.8% Ti0 2, 41.8% Fe (total), and a small real and at Richards Bay in South Africa. It is SIDOR 1 Matanzas, Venezuela 0.35 1 o
AClNDAR Villa Constitucion, Argentina 0.60 1 1978 o
amount of sulfur. also used in Ukraine at Zaporozhye and in Ja- Qatar Steel Co. Umm Said, Qatar DAD 1 o
pan. British Steel Hunterston, Scotland 0.80 2 1979 I
SIDOR 11 Matanzas, Venezuela 1.27 3 o
A small amount of Ti0 2 is reduced to TiP3 CIL Point Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago 0.84 . 2 1980-1982 o
Table 5.32: Analysis ofilmenite ores. and will be found in the slag. The slag is Delta Steel Warri, Nigeria 1.02 2 1982 011
mainly titanates of iron, magnesium, and cal- Hadeed I Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.80 2 1982-1983 o
cium together with some calcium and alumi- OEMK Stary Oksol, Russia 1.67 4 1983-1988 o
Ti0 2 43-59 Amsteel Mills Labuan Island, Malaysia 0.65 1 1984 o
9-38 num silicates; its titanium dioxide content
FeO ASCO Ahwaz, Iran 1.20 3 1985-1992 o
Fe 20 3 5-25 varies between 72 and 98 %. The analysis of ANSDKI EI Dikheila, Egypt 0.72 1 1986 o
SiO, 0.4-4 iron produced at Sorel is given in Table-5.33. USCO Misurata, Libya 1.10 2 1989-1990 o
Ali'>3 1.3-3.3 o
The slag is high in titanium and low in iron Essar Steel I & 11 Hazira (India) 0.88 2 1990
MgO+ CaO 0.1-1.4 MINORCA (OPCO) Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela 0.83 1 o
and is therefore preferable to ilmenite in man-
V 0.4-2 VENPRECAR Matanzas, Venezuela 0.66 1 o
ufacturing Ti0 2 pigment or titanium metal. Essar Steellll Hazira, India 0.44 1 1992 o
NISCO Mobarakeh, Iran 3.20 5 1992-1994 o
Hadeed 11 Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia 0.65 1 1992 o
Ilmenite ore
5.10 Direct Reduction HDlL Raigad, India 1.00 1 1994 o
ANSDKII EI Dikbeila, Egypt 0.80 1 1997 C
Processes Hanbo Steel Asan Bay, Soutp Korea 0.80 1 C
lMEXSA Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico 1.20 1 C
The name "direct reduction" is misleading, Total 24.08 45
because these reduction processes do not con- HyL-lll Hylsa2M5 Monterrey, Mexico 0.25 1 1979 o
Hylsa3M5 Monterrey, Mexico 0.50 1 1983 o
stitute a "more direct" route to steel than does IMEXSA Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico 2.00 4 1988-1990 o
the blast furnace. Nor does the term have any- Grasirn Raigad, India 0.75 1 1993 o
thing to do with direct reduction in the blast PT Krakatau Steel Kota Baja, Indonesia 1.35 2 1993-1994 o

Anthracite Air furnace. Despite all these objections, however, PSSB Kemaman, Malaysia 1.20 2 1993
the term has become accepted in international Usiba Salvador, Bahia, Brazil 0.31 1 1994 o
Hylsa2P5 Puebla, Mexico 0.61 1 1995 o
usage. Total 6.97 13
--~. Table 5.34 lists the plants for direct reduc- HyL-l Tamsa Veracruz, Mexico 0.28 1 1967 I
tion of iron ore that were in operation or under SIDOR I Matanzas, Venezuela 0.36 1 1976 o
construction in 1995, together with their loca- Hylsa2P Puebla, Mexico 0.63 1 1977 o
PT Krakatau Steel Kota Baja, Indonesia 1.68 3 1978-1982 011
tions and the processes employed. SIDOR II Matanzas, Venezuela 1.70 3 1980-1981 o
Table 5.33: Analysis of iron produced from Quebec il-
ASCO Ahwaz,Iran 1.03 3 1993-1995 o
. Total 5.68 12
menite at Sorel (also known as Sorelmetal).
SLIRN Piratini Charquedas, Brazil 0.06 1 1973 I
SIlL Paloncha, India 0.03 1 1980 o
C 1.8-2.5 Siderperu Chimbote, Peru 0.09 3 o
S 0.11 ISCOR Vanderbijlpark, South Africa 0.72 4 1984 o
p 20 j 0.025 BSILI Chandii, India 0.15 1 1989 o
MnO trace Prakash Industries I Champa, India 0.15 1 1993 o
v 20 j o" Nova Iron & Steel Bilaspur, India 0.15 1 1994 o
Titanium slag Iron Cr 0.05 Prakash Industries II Champa, India 0.15 1 1996 C
Si 0.08 BSIL II Chandil, India 0.15 1 1998 C
Ti0 2 trace Total 1.65 14
Figure 5.68: Selective reduction of ilmenite.
106 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy

Capacity, Fuels. Fossil fuel, especially in the fonn of

Process Plant Location Modules Start-up Status'
Mtlyear coal, 83% of which is converted into coke.
coke constitutes the primary reducing agent in
Jindal Jindal Strips Raigarh, India 0040 4 1993-1995 0 Gas is derived as a by-product: 15% from the
Monnel Ispat 1 Raipur, India 0.10 1 1993 0 blast furnaces; this coke cannot be replaced ar-
coke ovens, 20% from the blast furnace, and
Jindal Stnps Raigarh, India 0.20 2 1996-1997 C bitrarily by substitutes such as coal. Coke
4 % from the steel mill. This gas is in turn pro-
Monnet !spat II Raipur, India 0.10 1 1997 C 'functions both as a support material and as a
Total 0.80 8 cessed in the coke oven plant and distributed
matrix through which gas circulates in the
DRC Scaw Metals I Germiston, South Africa 0.18 2 1983-1989 0
to power plants and other appropriate units
stock column. A portion of the' fuel can be in-
Tianjin Iron & Steel Tianjin, China . 0.30 2 1996 C within the facility for subsequent processing.
Scaw Metals II Germiston, South Afnca 0.15 1 C
troduced into the tuyere along with the air sup-
ply. Figure 5.69 provides detailed insight into A number of requirements must be met by
Total 0.63 '5
the demand for the fossil fuels in iron'manu- coke that is intended for use in iron manufac-
Cadir Dunswart Benoni, South Africa 0.15 1 1973 0 ture:
Sunflag Bhandara. India 0.15 1 1989 0 facture, indicating its percentage distribution
Goldstar Mallividu, India 0.22 2 1992 0 by various fuel types and consumers. • The ash, moisture, and sulfur content should
Total 0.52 4
The illustration is based on an integrated be as low as possible, and should show little
Fior Fior de Venezuela Matanzas, Venezuela 0.40 1 1976 0 variation.
OSIL OSIL Keonjhar, India 0.10 1 1983 0
production facility in which all the coke and a
Lloyd's Steel Ghugus, India 0.30 2 1996-1997 C portion of the required electrical energy is pro- • Coke strength should be consistently high
Total 0040 3 duced on site, the extent of the latter being a with the lowest possible variation.
Purofer ASCO Ahwaz,Iran 0.33 1 1977 0 function of the availability of excess off-gas • The coke should be as unreactive as possi-
SIlL SilL Paloncha. India 0.06 2 1980-19&5 0 [105].
Bellary Steels Bellary, India 0.06 2 1992-1993 0
ble, in particular toward carbon dioxide and
REG Borai, India 0.06 2 1992 0 All energy data in Figure 5.69 relate to total steam.
Kumar Met. Nalgonda. India 0.03 1 1993 0 energy input, including that from external
• Particle size should be kept in the range of
Raipur Alloys Raipur, India 0.03 1 0 sources of electricity. Approximately 88% of
Tamilnadu Sponge Salem, India 0.03 1 0 40-80 mm, but at least in the range of 20-80
the imported energy is derived ultimately from rom.
Aceros Arequipa Pisco, Peru 0.06 2 1996 C
Total 0.33 11
Iron Carbide Nucor Steel Point Lisas, Trinidad & Tobago 0.30 1 1994 0
(oal (dry)
Tisco Ipitata I Joda. India 0.12 1 1986 0 LHV =31.6 GJIt
, fotal energy
Oxygen Pellets
Ipitata II Joda; India 0.12 1 1998 C Electricity input
527_~_:~._~J 51.3rr 3 :O.3GJ 412 kg:O.5 GJ
Total 0.24 2 143kW; 1.4 GJ
.---------- IB.9GJ
- - --- -.--- ._--
Dav Davsleel Cullinan, South Africa 0.04 1 1985 0
Kinglor- No.3 Mining Enterprise Maymo, Burma 0.04 2 1981-1984 0
• Status codes: 0 =operating; I =idle; C =\lllder construction.
- 0.
Table 5.36 contains technical data for the 5.10.1 Fuels and Reducing Agents
direct reduction processes described in this
chapter and certain other processes. The .stated [103, 104]
capacities should be regarded as approXImate,
A considerable amount of heat input is re-
as some of the processes have been further de-
veloped. The annual plant outputs often ~aIY quired in the production of iron, because es-
from the original design capacity. In partIcu- sentially all the processes involved are
lar the demand of the client (i.e., of the elec- pyrometallurgic. Part of the heat is used to
tri~ steel mill), a low scrap price, or a shortage heat up the raw materials to be p~cessed :md
of spare parts may lower the annual output. part of it is required for endothermrc che.nucal
In most direct reduction processes, up to reactions. The majority of this energy IS ob-
92-95% of the iron oxide is reduced to metal- tained by combustion offossil fuels. Approxi-
lic iron. The degree of metallization Fernetal_ mately one-quarter of the annual. output of Tar and benzene
. !Fe in % is an important variable for steel is derived from scrap in elecmc are fur- 23 kg: 0.9 GJ Energy
he total . d . (DRI) naces which pose a correspondingly high de-
characterizing the dIrect-reduce Iron crediting
produced by the process in question. mand for thennoelectric energy. 0.9GJ
Figure 5.69: Energy demand distribution in an integrated steel mill based on 1 t of crude steel.
108 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 109

Table 5.35: Important characteristics of coke. are applicable not only to coke but also to in- the product me X He may range from 0.4 X An appropriate gas for reduction above the
Blast furnace coke jection coal. 1013 S-I to 0.4 X 1015 S-I. decomposition temperatUre of carbon monox-
Drum inde,," (%) >90 Depending on coke temperature and parti- Gaseous and liquidfuels used in iron man- ide is that produced by steam reforming, with
DustM 10'(%) < 6 cle size, the principal determinant in the rate ufacture are described elsewhere. a composition of 73 % hydrogen, 13 % carbon
Moisture (%)b < 5 of the Boudouard reaction monoxide, I % water, 8% carbon dioxide, and
Ash(%t <10 Reducing Agents, Assuming that iron oxide 5% methane:
Sulfur (%)C < 1 C + CO2 ''' 2CO (29) is present in the solid state, industrial-scale re-
Volatiles (%)C
is the varying resistance to reactivity In .the duction of iron ore with carbon monoxide or
'Based on DIN 51 717, equivalent to ISOIR 556. case of blast-furnace coke with a particle size hydrogen takes place according to
b% of crude weight. In the Midrex process a 1.5: I ratio of hy-
'Of dry weight. between 40 and 80 mm, and at low tempera- FeO. + n(CO, H,) ~ Fe + n(C0 2, H 2 0) (34) drogen and carbon monoxide is required. This
ture « 1050 0C), the limiting factor is the re- If iron oxide is present as a liquid, a second re- ratio is achieved by reaction of natural with
sistance of the interfacial reaction. For' ac~ion is also possible: blast furnace top gas which results in a better
particles < 8 mm in diameter the resistance of utilization of input energy (composition after
FeO. + nC ~ Fe + nCO (35)
the interfacial reaction is rate-limiting up to ca condensation of steam: 20% CO., with the bal-
1200°C. Between 1050 and ca. 1350 °C the Carbon monoxide is produced in the blast fur- ance being CO and H20 at equal-ratios):
resistance of pore diffusion becomes the rate- nace from the reaction of oxygen in the blast
deteimining factor in the Boudouard reaction. air with hot coke and other reducing agents CH4 + cO2 ~ 2CO + 2H 2

I 80 Above 1350°C the rate of reaction is governed
by the diffusion of carbon dioxide through the'
gaseous layers adhering to the coke particles.
such as injected coal or oil
Reduction gas should contain as little steam
and carbon dioxide as possible. Even rela-
tively small amounts of these substances dras-
The corresponding relationships. are illustrated Carbon monoxide is also the product of the
Boudouard reaction tically limit the utility of the gas, because
->c.... in detail in Figure 5.70.
according to Equation (34) the reduction of
,.. 10°
C Carbon conversion r e in molm-3 s-,1 may be C +C02 '" 2CO (29) iron oxide itself produces carbon dioxide and
'"c computed on the basis of the rate constant kefI
Carbon dioxide required by Equation (29) water. Their presence in the reduction gas
~ derived from Figure 5.70 [103]
is formed during the reduction of iron ox,ide would therefore shift the equilibrium to the
dn. 0 cq according to Equation (34). In some cases, side of iron oxide. At the temperatures nor-
a:: r. = dt = kcff(neo , - nco,) (30)
mally employed for converting iron oxide to
coal is utilized as the reducing agent, which
where n~ is the CO 2 concentration in the means that the gases actually re'sponsible for iron, the ratio CO:C0 2 or H 2 :Hp must not
gas phase (mol/cm3 ) and n~ the CO 2 con- reduction arise both from coal pyrolysis and fall significantly below 2.3. In addition, reduc-
6entration in equilibrium wtth·C and CO from coal gasification inside the reduction re- tion gas should contain as little undecomposed
(Boudouard reaction). actor. hydrocarbons as possible.
10- Z II..L-----' c--L- .l...-_ _- " -_ _
Furthermore Coal pyrolysis may lead to varying quanti- The use of fossil fuels in iron manufacture
ties of hydrogen and hydrocarbons, which in is currently the subject of careful reevaluation,
1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature. 0(_
tum serve partly as reducing agent and partly and new reduction techniques are in the devel-
where me is the mass of carbon (g) per cubic as fuel. The majority of the reducing gas in opment stage. It is quite likely that coal will
Figure 5.70: Limiting curves for the effective rate con- meter of charge and " the pore utilization fac- such a case originates from the solid carbon
stant in the Boudouard reaction shown for two types of
come to play an increasingly important role as
coke; - - coke type a; - - - coke type b (the curve pa- tor according to Thiele. Within the tempera- contained in the coal, where ore reduction and a source of reduction gas. This can be accom-
rameter is the grain diameter in mm): a) Chemical surface ture range in which the interfacial reaction is the Boudouard reaction are linked through plished by partially combusting coal with oxy-
reaction; b) Boundary layer diffusion; c) Pore diffusion. rate determining Equations (29) and (34). gen in an iron bath. The resulting hot gas is
Coke characteristics are the subject of nu- km = He' e-3601RT g-t S-l (32)
Gaseous reducing agents other than those then used to reduce iron oxide in a separate
merous norms, including ISOIR 556, DIN formed in the reduction reactor itself are de- vesseL (see the equations above). Then the re-
51 717-51 719, DIN 51729, and DIN 51730. where He is the reactivity factor. Moreover, rived from natural gas, oil, or coal. Stoichio- duced iron is itself transferred to the iron bath
Typical values for coke intended for iron man- because n = I metrically, the large number of processes that where it is melted. Gas generation on the basis
ufacture (reflecting these norms) are presented kef[ = me' He . e-360IRT S-1 (33)
are actually suitable for gas production, is lim- of nuclear energy is expected to remain eco-
in Table 5.35. ited significantly because a low content of nomic for many years, although some effort is
Coke reactivity is determined on the basis The activation energy of 360 kJ/mdl is uni- steam and carbon dioxide as well as a specific currently being directed toward the use of a
of the norm STIECE/Cool/12. Specifications formly applicable with respect to any fuel hydrogen:carbon monoxide ratio is required plasma arc for converting carbon sources into
supplied with respect to ash and sulfur content [86]. Depending on reactivity and charge size, in the reducing gas. reduction gas.
110 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 111

5.10.2 Shaft Furnace Processes tion, it was intended that coke would only be Oxide feed
used for the reduction process, the process
for Direct Reduction
heat being supplied by cheap electricity avail-
Wiberg-Soderfors Process. The oldest shaft able because of the geographical location.
furnace process for direct reduction of iron In the Wiberg process (Figure 5.71) the iron b
ore, the Swedish Wiberg process, is based on a ore is preheated in the top section of the fur- 950! 10 0 (
patent issued in 1918. Up to the end of the nace (a) to the reduction temperature of ca.
1950s, it was technologically improved and
950°C by hot gases generated by combustion
adapted to changed conditions on the ore and
fuel markets. Nowadays, the Wiberg process of part of the so-called excess gas. In the zone
is only ofhistorical ~ignificance. immediately below, the ore is reduced to wus-
tite with ca. one third of the reducing gas vol-
The development of the process was pro- DRI to hot briquetting
moted above all by the growing shortage of ume. The reduction to metallic iron takes
very low-sulfur charcoal pig iron, the raw ma- place in the bottom section of the furnace at
terial for swedish high-quality steel. In addi- ca. 950°C with ca. 1300 m3 (STP) gas/t DRl. Figure 5.72: Schematic ofthe Purofer process: a) Shaft furnace; b) Top-gas scrubber; c) Gas reformer; d) Stack.

Pellets Lump ore-pellets

1290 kg
(oke (=83% . Recycle
Excess gas
S=1.5 % gas Dolomite
207kg 175 m3
(oke circuit" 1 (0 2=23% 65 kg (0 2=40%
30 kg ,t 61kg
(0=54.7% (0=36%
H2=15.7% H2=11.5% Flue gas
I H20~/0 H20~0/0

145 m3
1.0 kg (0=65.5% Process gas
consumption H20=2% t e Process gas
Natural gas
Figure 5.73: Schematic ofthe Midrex process: a) Shaft furnace; b) Reduction zone; c) Cooling zone; d) Scrubber; e) Gas
compressor; f) Gas reformer; g) Recuperator.
Table 5.36: Typical consumption figures for direct reduc- in the carburetor (b) over a hot column of
tion processes. coke. The energy required for the endothermic
Consump- Electrical reactions
Process Reductant tion, GIlt energy. at' 0/<
Excess coke DRl kWhlt Diu z IOn, ° C02+C~2CO
Dolomite waste Sponge iron H20 + C ~ CO + H1
~30 mm dO mm 40kg Midrex natural gas 10.0 100 92-94
1000kg HyLI
30 kg 35 kg S=5 % natural gas 18.9 85 is supplied by resistance-heating electrodes.
metallic Fe=7Q.% HyLIII natural gas 90-93
(=62% (=30% 10.5
total Fe=80% Purofer natural gas,
The gas, which is contaminated with sulfur
S=0.8% S=1.1% (=0.5% oil 14.3 93 95 from coke, is passed through dolomite in a
Ash=17% Ash=68%
S=0.010% Nippon
shaft furnace for desulfurization (c). The re-
steel ·natural gas 10.5 90-92
Reduction grade =67% Fior natural gas 16.0 90
ducing gas contains 95% carbon monoxide
SLIRN coal 14.8 80 93 and hydrogen in a ratio of ca. 3: 1.
Figure 5.71: Flow Sheet and material balance (based on 1 t sponge iron) of the Wiberg process. All volumemc values of The Wiberg process, which was developed
the gases refer to standard conditions [101]. a) Reduction shaft; b) Carburetor; c) Desulfurization shaft; d, e, f) Fans; g, h, Two thirds of the reducing gas is withdrawn for the special conditions of the Swedish iron
i) Charging bins for pellets, dolomite, and coke; j) Electrodes; A) Preheating zone; B) Pre-reduction zone; C) Main re-
duction zone.
by means of a hot gas fan (e) and regenerated industry, was a pioneering technology. The
112 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 113

high cost of coke and electrical energy to gen- carbon monoxide (ratio ca. 1.5: 1) at ca. to a steel mill or to a hot briquetting plant. produced in continuous catalytic conversion
erate the reducing gas is the reason why this 900 DC using a partial stream (ca. 2/3) of the Only one plant in Malaysia with a design ca- of the natural gas, the generated gas must first
process is no longer in use. top gas, which is cleaned and cooled to lower pacity of 1000 tid has been built which was be cooled to remove the excess water vapor.
The principle of generating the reducing its water-vapor content. Reduction is accom- later modified into an HyL-III plant.
After addition of water- and carbon dioxide-
gas by a chemical reaction between the off-gas plished in the cylindrical part of the shaft fur- HyL-ill Process. Hojalata y Lamina S.A. free top gas and indirect heating to ca. 850 DC,
of the reduction shaft (the top gas) and natural nace at 780-900 DC, depending on the (HyL) of Mexico has also developed a shaft-
temperature at which sintering ("sticking") of the reducing gas is fed into the reduction shaft.
gas has been applied in two processes: the furnace process based on steam reforming of
Purofer and the Midrex process.. the reduced ore or the pellets occurs. In the natural gas (HyL-III process, Figure 5.75). In the bottom section of the shaft furnace, the
conical discharge section of the shaft furnace, This process represents a further development DRI is cooled down to < 50 DC as in the Mi-
Purofer Process. This process (Figure 5.72) the DRI is cooled to ca. 45 DC by recirculated of HyL's retort process (see Section 5.10.3). drex process. HyL-III plants can also be oper-
was developed at Htlttenwerke Oberhausen cooling gas. Here the carbon content of the Because of the large quantity of excess steam ated with hot discharge and hot briquetting.
(later Thyssen Niederrhein); the ICEM pro- product can also be adjusted to between 1.2
cess developed by the Romanian Research In- and 2.5%. There are also Midrex plants featur- Oxide feed
stitute for Metallurgy is similar to it. The ore ing hot discharge followed by hot briquetting. b
(preferably pelletized) passes vertically down- One third of the top gas is used to heat the
ward through the shaft furnace in countercur- gas reformer, whereas the hot flue gases serve
rent to the hot reducing gas. The gas is used to preheat the combustion air and the feed gas a
for heating the charge and for reduction. The mixture prior to reforming.
reducing gas is generated catalytically in re- With increasing heat recovery in the recu-
generative-type gas generators. After cooling perator and reduction temperatures of ca.
and purification, the top gas is used partly for 900 DC, energy consumption per tonne of DRI
heating up the gas generators and partly for may fall to 9.6 GJ in the Midrex process.
chemical conversion of the natural gas at 900- The reducing gas can also be generated by
1000 DC to reducing gas according to the steam refomling of natural gas. The first shaft
equations furnace direct-reduction process to employ g
CH4 + cO2 -? 2CO + 2H 2 steam reforming was the Armco process. Here
CH4 +HP-?CO +3H 2 natural gas undergoes continuous catalytic
The carbon from methane reforming that is conversion with excess steam according to the
deposited on the catalyst of the regenerator reaction:
Cooling gas Steam Natural gas
during reducing-gas production is burned off CH4 + xH 20 -? co + 3H 2 + (x- l)HP
during heating-up. This regenerative phase Figure 5.74: Schematic ofthe Nippon Steel process: a) Shaft furnace; b) Heat exchanger; c) Gas heater; d) Dust remover;
After removal of the water vapor, the top gas e) CO2 scrubber, f) Reformer; g) Stack; h) Cooling zone.
causes slight variations in reducing gas tem- is used as cooling gas.
perature and composition. In the Purofer pro- Only one commercial plant was ever built Fuel gas
Oxide feed
cess, the DRI is discharged hot and can be because of the difficulty of achieving com-
transported in containers either directly to an plete mixing of the cooling gases entering the
electric steel mill or to a hot briquetting plant. lower part of the shaft with the hot top gases
In addition to the pilot plant in Oberhausen from the reduction zone, the low reducing po-
(capacity 500 tid), one plant was built in Bra- tential of the gases, and a range of technical
zil (but with a Texaco heavy-oil gasifier as gas problems.
generator) which is now dismantled. The only
plant in operation in Iran is designed for oper- Nippon Steel (NSC) Process. The reducing
gas containing over 95% carbon monoxide Hot reducing gas
ation with natural gas. c
and hydrogen is generated by steam reforming
Midrex Process. The most successful gas- with only a slight excess of water vapor and
based direct reduction process is the Midrex addition of top gas freed from water and car-
process developed by Midland-Ross Corp. of bon dioxide (see Figure 5.74). Like the Puro- DRI
Toledo, Ohio (Figure 5.73) [107]. fer process, the NSC process has' a hot Natural gas Water
In this process, natural gas continually un- discharge facility, from which DRI can be Figure 5.75: Schematic ofthe HyL-III process: a) Shaft fum ace; b) Gas scrubber; c) Reformer; d) Cooler; e) Recupera-
dergoes catalytic conversion to hydrogen and filled into containers and taken either directly tor; f) Stack; g) CO 2 scrubber.
114 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron U5

The degree of metallization of the DRI pro- Hoganas Process. This process has been in Ore
duced by the various shaft furnace processes operation since 1911 and has undergone no @1----i-FllI ~::t~;;;;;;::;;d~~~:b==rl""'I
ranges from 92-95%. The carbon content is significant technical modifications since the I
usually 1.5-2%. 19505, nor has its use become any more wide- I
spread. In this process, iron ore is reduced I
with coal in hermetically sealed crucibles with I
5.10.3 Retort Processes indirect heating (by combustion of the carbon
monoxide escaping from the crucibles). The I p
HyL Process (HyL-I Process). A number of
plants employing this process were built up to
1975 before the shaft-furnace processes be-
came established. The development of this
sulfur content of the DRI is minimized by add-
ing limestone or dolomite to the charge mix
and rapidly cooling the product. It is thus suit-
I ,I

process began in 1951 at Hoj alata y Lamina able for use in powder metallurgy or stainless- from cooling water
steel production. The capacity of plants oper- regeneratio_n +.;-t- ..;-L- -2.-..L- --..J.-L
S.A., Monterrey (Mexico). It operates with

ating on the Hoganas process is relatively low, To darification plant _.o--tL...J,.I--------l. '-- ..JJt.......
four reactors simultaneously, each one being
at a different point in the reduction cycle at a ca. 35 000 tla.
particular time. Figure 5.76 shows the stage at Kinglor-Metor Process. This process occu-
which product DRI is cooled with cold reduc- pies a category between the shaft furnace and
ing gas in retort 1. At this point, the carbon Figure 5.76: Flow sheet ofthe HyL-I process: a) Ore conveyor belt; b) Retort I at cooling stage; c) Retort II at final re-
the retort processes. The development of this
duction stage; d) Retort III at pre-reduction stage; e) Retort IV at discharging and charging stage; fcf.) Cooler; gl---&l)
content of the DRI is adjusted to ca. 2%. Mter process (Figure 5.77) by Co. Kinglor-Metor Gas preheating; hI-h.) Intermediate container for sponge iron; i) Conveyor belt for sponge iron;j) Air compressor, k) Air
cooling and water-vapor condensation, the S.p.a., Mineraria & Metallurgica, Italy, began preheating; I) Reduction gas generator, rn) Superheated stearn generator, n) Cooler, 0) Saturated stearn generator; p)
off-gas from this retort is reheated to reduction in 1971 but was based on the Echeverria pro- Connection between cooler f. and preheater g..
temperature and passed through retort II, cess which had been in operation in Spain 5.10.4 Fluidized-Bed Processes
where pre-reduced material is fully reduced. since 1957 [108]. Like the rotary kiln pro-
The gas is then recooled to remove any newly cesses (see Section 5.10.5) and in contrast to Fluidized-bed processes for direct reduc-
formed water vapor, reheated and fed to retort the gas-based direct reduction processes de- tion exploit the lower cost of fine ores com-
III containing freshly charged ore, which is scribed so far, it uses a solid carbon-contain- pared with lump ores and pellets. However,
then pre-reduced. The off-gas from this stage ing reductant, which is charged together with the disadvantages of these processes are· that
is cooled and freed from water vapor; it is then the ore (6-25 mm size) and, where applicable, (1) the fme ores have a tendency towards
available for use as fuel gas for steam raising. limestone or dolomite is used for desulfuriza- sticking above ca. 700°C and that (2) below
Retort IV is simultaneously emptied from DRI tion. The heat for the strongly endothermic re- 600 °C the susceptibility to reoxidation of the
and charged with ore. action <:>
<:> DRI is so high that it must be stored under in-

As lump ore or pellets are stationary in the FeO, +xC ~Fe+xCO

ert gas or hot-briquetted.
retorts during reduction, the risk of sticking is Fluidized-bed processes that operated with
which in this case takes place at ca. 1050 °C, Reduction zone
high. Sophisticated removal devices are re- pure hydrogen were the Novalfer process and
is supplied through the wall of the shaft fur-
quired for emptying the retorts. nace, which must therefore have a high ther- Cooling zone the H-Iron process; however, they did not at-
The degree of metallization of the DRI is mal conductivity. Silicon carbide satisfies the tain any major technological significance. In
often lower at the bottom of the retorts than in requirements as to thermal conductivity, heat the HIE-process, reduction was carried out in
the upper layers. Thus the target average de- resistance, and abrasion resistance. The shaft several stages with a gas containing ca. 85%
gree of metallization is often only ca. 86%. As heating burners are designed for gaseous and hydrogen. The ore of 0.2 mm size underwent
gas generation is carried out with a large ex- liquid fuels. The reduced material is indirectly only ca. 65% metallization and was then hot-
cess of steam and cooling and reheating of cooled with gas in the bottom zone of the Figure 5.77: Shaft furnace of the Kinglor-Metor process briquetted. The sole commercial plant has
(dimensions in rnrn): a) Silicon carbide shaft; b) Gas dis- been converted by.Midrex Corp. into a shaft
each retort is very costly, an energy consump- shaft. Commercial plants consist of ili group of
charge pipe; c) Fireclay outer wall; d) Burner, e) Gas or
tion of ca. 21 GJ per tonne DRI must be taken six reduction chambers, each with a capacity oil pipe; f) Air cooling; g) Extruding screw discharge; h) furnace plant with hot discharge/hot briquet-
into account. of ca. 20 tid DRI. Hopper, i) Sponge iron discharge;j) Charging hopper. ting.
116 HandbookojExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 117

The Finmet process is a further develop-

5te am -------,
ment of the Fior process, taking advantage of
the eX'Perience gained in more than 10 years of
Fior plant operation. Top gas

Iron Carbide Process (Figure 5.79) [109]. In

NUCOR's Iron Carbide process, fine iron ox-
ide (0.1-1 mm) is reduced by a hydrogen- and
methane-containing gas to iron carbide ac-
cording to:

Reduction reaction The iron oxide is heated to 700°C prior to

feeding into the fluidized bed reactor in which
~------------~----_ ....•..... - ;
oRI to hot the reduction of the iron oxide and the forma-
tion of iron carbide occurs at a temperature of
approx. 570°C and at a pressure of approx. 3
In the fluidized bed reactor baffles are ar-
ranged, which cause the solids to move from
Natural gas the inlet to the outlet. The relatively low re- HBI
steam====::::l duction temperature required to form iron car- •••••••• Make up gas Hot IIlllIta up hydrogen
bide results in a retention time of about 16 ---Gas
Figure 5.78: Schematic of the Fior process: a) Reformer; hours in the first 900-tlday plant built in Trini- -Soids
b) Gas cooler; c) Heater; d) Fluidized-bed reactor; e) dad. At a gas-to-solids ratio of about 10 000
Scrubber; f) Stack. Figure 5.79: Flowsheet of the Iron Carbide process: a) Oxide heater; b) Reduction reactor; c) Cyclone; d) Heat ex-
Nm3/t oxide, the gas volumes to be handled changer; e) Scrubber/cooler; f) After-cooler; g) Compressor; h) Gas heater; i) Product cooling.
Fior (Fluidized Iron Ore Reduction) Pro- are very high compared to shaft-furnace pro-
Circored<!l Process (Figure 5.80) [110]. In into the CFB reactor. Most of the solids in the
cess. Development of the Fior process (Figure cesses.
Lurgi's Circored® process fme iron oxide ores off-gases from the CFB are recovered in the
5.78) started in the 1950s at Esso Research The fines carried over with the reduction (0.1-1 rnm) are reduced by hydrogen accord- recycle cyclone.
and Engineering in collaboration with Arthur gases are partially recovered in a cyclone and ing to:
recycled into the reactor: After heat exchange The gases are then passed through a heat
D. Little. Following the building and opera-
with the cold reduction gas, the off-gases are exchanger, dedusted, cooled for water vapor
tion of a 300 tid pilot plant in Dartmouth,
scrubbed, cooled for water condensation, The ore, preheated to approx. 800°C, is first condensation, and compressed to the plant
Nova Scotia, from 1965 to 1969, a 400 000 tla
compressed, and recycled via heat exchanger prereduced to about 65% metallization in a pressure of approx. 4 bar(g). After heat ex-
commercial plant operating on this process circulating fluidized-bed reactor (CFB) within
and a gas heater. Make-up gas is hydrogen. change with the hot off-gases from the CFB
was built in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. 20 minutes. the reduction gas is heated to 750°C before
The reduction gas consists of60% CH 4, 34%
After drying and preheating to ca. 880°C, Ho, 2% CO, 1% H.,O, and minor amounts of The fmal reduction to 90-93% metalliza- being reintroduced into the two reduction re-

the fme ore (mostly < 5 mm) is metallized to a CO 2 and N2. The iron carbide formed in tion is achieved in a following fluidized-bed actors.
degree of ca. 92 % in a three-stage fluidized NUCOR's plant contains 90% Fe total (90% reactor (FE) with several compartments at
lower gas velocities over a period of up to 4 Hot make-up hydrogen is fIrst used to
bed. The reducing gas is generated by steam as Fe3 C, 8% as FeO, 2% as Fe metal), 6.2 % C, transport and further heat up the reduced fines
hours - depending on the desired metalliza-
reforming of natural gas in continuously oper- 2% gangue. tion and the reducibility of the oxides. from the FB into a briquetting plant before be-
ating catalytic reformers. The reduced fme ore Iron carbide is listed as a nonpyrophoric ing passed into the CFB. The reduced DRI
The reactors are operated at temperatures
is hot-briquetted, the briquettes being cooled material, therefore handling and shipping do generally below 650°C to avoid sticking. The fines are hot briquetted if the product is in-
and shipped to the end-users without further not require briquetting or other treatment to off-gases from the final reduction step in the tended for export. It is also possible to directly
passivation. avoid reoxidation. FB as well as make-up hydrogen are passed charge it into smelting furnaces.
116 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 117

The Finmet process is a further develop-

steam ------,
ment of the Fior process, taking advantage of
the eX'Perience gained in more than 10 years of
Fior plant operation. Top gas

Iron Carbide Process (Figure 5.79) [109]. In

NUCOR's Iron Carbide process, fine iron ox-
ide (0.1-1 mm) is reduced by a hydrogen- and
methane-containing gas to iron carbide ac- b
cording to: Recydegas

The iron oxide is heated to 700°C prior to ~--------~~ •..••...••......•...... ;


feeding into the fluidized bed reactor in which

DRI to hot the reduction of the iron oxide and the forma-
tion of iron carbide occurs at a temperature of
approx. 570°C and at a pressure of approx. 3
In the fluidized bed reactor baffles are ar-
ranged, which cause the solids to move from
the inlet to the outlet. The relatively low re- HBI
Natura=1=g=as====::J duction temperature required to form iron car- •••••••• Make up gas Hot males up hydrogen
bide results in a retention time of about 16 -Gas
Figure 5.78: Schematic of the Fior process: a) Reformer; hours in the first 900-tlday plant built in Trini- - - - Soids
b) Gas cooler; c) Heater; d) Fluidized-bed reactor, e) dad. At a gas-to-solids ratio of about 10000 Figure 5.79: Flowsheet of the Iron Carbide process: a) Oxide heater; b) Reduction reactor; c) Cyclone; d) Heat ex-
Scrubber, f) Stack. Nm3/t oxide, the gas volumes to be handled changer; e) Scrubber/cooler, f) After-cooler, g) Compressor, h) Gas heater, i) Product cooling.
Fior (Fluidized Iron Ore Reduction) Pro- are very high compared to shaft-furnace pro-
Circored<!1 Process (Figure 5.80) [110]. In into the CFB reactor. Most of the solids in the
cess. Development of the Fior process (Figure cesses. Lurgi's Circored® process fme iron oxide ores off-gases from the CFB are recovered in the
5.78) started in the 1950s at Esso Research The fmes carried over with the reduction (0.1-1 mm) are reduced by hydrogen accord- recycle cyclone.
and Engineering in collaboration with Arthur gases are partially recovered in a cyclone and ingto:
The gases are then passed through a heat
D. Little. Following the building and opera- recycled into the reactor: After heat exchange
with the cold reduction gas, the off-gases are exchanger, dedusted, cooled for water vapor
tion of a 300 tid pilot plant in Dartmouth, condensation, and compressed to the plant
scrubbed, cooled for water condensation, The ore, preheated to approx. 800°C, is first
Nova Scotia, from 1965 to 1969, a 400 000 tfa prereduced to about 65% metallization in a pressure of approx. 4 bar(g). After heat ex-
compressed, and recycled via heat exchanger
commercial plant operating on this process circulating fluidized-bed reactor (CFB) within change with the hot off-gases from the CFB
and a gas heater. Make-up gas is hydrogen.
was built in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. 20 minutes. the reduction gas is heated to 750°C before
The reduction gas consists of60% CH 4, 34%
After drying and preheating to ca. 880°C, H2, 2% CO, 1% H 20, and minor amounts of The fmal reduction to 90-93 % metalliza- being reintroduced into the two reduction re-
the fme ore (mostly < 5 mm) is metallized to a CO 2 and N2. The iron carbide formed in tion is achieved in a following fluidized-bed actors.
degree of ca. 92 % in a three-stage fluidized reactor (FB) with several compartments at
NUCOR's plant contains 90% Fe total (90% Hot make-up hydrogen is first used to
lower gas velocities over a period of up to 4
bed. The reducing gas is generated by steam as Fe3C, 8% asFeO, 2% asFemetal), 6.2% C, transport and further heat up the reduced fines
hours - depending on the desired metalliza-
reforming of natural gas in continuously oper- 2% gangue. tion and the reducibility of the oxides. from the FB into a briquetting plant before be-
ating catalytic reformers. The reduced fme ore Iron carbide is listed as a nonpyrophoric The reactors are operated at temperatures ing passed into the CFB. The reduced DR!
is hot-briquetted, the briquettes being cooled material, therefore handling and shipping do generally below 650°C to avoid sticking. The fines are hot briquetted if the product is in-
and shipped to the end-users without further not require briquetting or other treatment to off-gases from the final reduction step in the tended for export. It is also possible to directly
passivation. avoid reoxidation. FB as well as make-up hydrogen are passed charge it into smelting furnaces.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 119

9 1+-----.

Make up

---Solids Iron cartlide Char 00 1
Figure 5.80: Flowsheet ofthe Circored<Z> process: a) Oxide heater, ~).Circulali~n in .fluid~ed bed; ':) Cyclone; d) Heat ex-
changer, e) Scrubber/cooler, f) Compressor, g) Gas healers; h) Fluidized bed; I) Bnquetlmg machme.

A 500 OOO-tpy Circored® plant is under ilar to the Circored® process, however, a CO 2-
construction in Trinidad. By using a CO/CH4- absorber step had to be included as thereduc- --SCIids
containing reduction gas, the Circored® pro- tion is achieved mainly with CO-containing
Figure 5.81: Flowsheet of the Circofer<Z> process: a) Preheating cyclone system; b) ...; c) Circulating fluidized bed; d)
cess can also be applied for production of a gases No commercial plant has been/built so Heal exchanger; e) Scrubber/cooler; f) CO2 removal; g) Compressor; h) Gas heater, i) Fluidized bed; k) Magnetic separa-
carbon containing HBI with approx. 1-3 % C far. tion; I) Briquettffig machine..

or iron carbide with approx. 6.5% C. Rotary kiln processes for direct 'reduction process have attained the greatest technologi-
5.10.5 Rotary Kiln Processes of iron oxides are based on coal as reductant. cal significance. The tv:o processes operate
Circofer® Process (Figure 5.81). Anotherflu- Typical features of rotary kiln processes are according to similar principles. As most of the
idized bed process developed by Lurgi Metall- The internal kiln temperature is continu- their high flexibility with regard to feedstocks DRI currently produced in rotary kilns world-
urgie operating with a CFB prereduction and a ously recorded by thermocouples installed and their capability for economic production wide is manufactured by the SLIRN process
final FB reduction step is based on coal as the of even small quantities of DRI. All non-cak- (see Table 5.36), the principle of the rotary
along the entire length of the kiln and project-
basic energy source. Fine coal is partially ing coals ranging from lignite through bitumi- kiln processes will be explained with refer-
ing into the kiln freeboard. The power supply nous coals up to anthracite or coke breeze are
burned in a "gasifier/heater" and the semicoke ence to this process.
to the shell fans and the transmission of the suitable as reductants. In addition to the pellets
produced is used as a heat carrier into the CFB The SLIRN process was developed in 1964
as well as to prevent sticking of the iron parti- data recorded by the individual thermocouples and lump ores that are the main iron-bearing out of the combination of two separate pro-
cles at the reduction temperature of> 900°C. is accomplished by means of slip rings materials, iron sands, and ilmenite concen- cesses: the Ste1co-Lurgi (SL) process for pro-
mounted on the kiln shell. Devices-for taking trates are also industrially used. ducing DRI from high-grade ores and the
The final reduction is achieved at lower tem-
peratures in the FB with recycled off-gases samples of material during operation are also Of the various rotary kiln processes [111], Republic Steel National Lead (RN) process
from the CFE. The gas treatment is rather sim- mounted on the kiln shell. the Krupp Codir p1Vcess and the Lurgi SURN for beneficiation of low-grade ores.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 121

F~;! t, ~riB- ( ~ LLoust

w"t. '"
Coal Cooling water ..
.;;; ..!!'-
oeoode f~r
For example, the necessary retention time
a combination of "porous" pellets and
highly reactive lignite is low, whereas that for
"compact" lump ores and low-reactive anthra-
cite is high.
. ~. si~plified terms, the rotary kiln can be

b~ e g J__ d
-.:::tN MNN
di~ided mto a preheating and a reduction zone
(Figure 5.83).
,"'!"" "\\ '/'1\. AI\\ .1'1\ ~f\
In the preheating zone, the feed materials
'" 0
",.0 .,.,
are dri~d, and coal volatiles escape,and the
~g charge is heated to reducing temperature (ca.
950-1100 QC). .
..'" .,'"
oRI .....- - - ' ' - - - - -
.g E-~


"" '"
~ 6cO
E An overview of the coals and ores used in
SLIRN plants is given in Table 5.37. The usual
grain sizes of the feed materials are < 15 rom
'"'" 2 ~ -E.SO g ~ for the reductant, < 25 mm for the iron-bearing
Figure 5.82: Lurgi SURN process: a) Bins for raw materials; b) Afterburning chamber; c) Waste-heat boiler; d) Gas
cleaning; e) Underbed air injection; f) Rotary kiln; g) Air tubes; h) Injection coal; i) Rotary cooler; j) Product separation. "
6 0"" 1
materials and < 3 mm for the desulfurizing
In the SLIRN process (Figure 5.82), reduc- Up to ca. 35% of the total fresh coal re- ~
F: ;>'Q
The :harge is h~ated through exchange of
quired is fed into the kiln from the discharge ..<: '"
tion of iron oxide is carried out in a refractory-
lined rotary kiln (f) inclined from the feed to end with a special pneumatic injection system
(h). This improves the utilization of the energy
l"'l • co
heat With the kiln waste gases flowing
count~r-current1y to the charge. The energy is
supphed by the sensible heat of the waste
the discharge end. The slope of the kiln is ca.
1.5-2.5% depending on the feed materials. contained in the coal volatiles and prevents ..

d-:""';ddd gases fr~m the reduction zone, by the partial
depletion of carbon in the material bed, espe- ..Q com~ustJ.on of the coal volatiles, and by direct
The kiln is equipped at both ends with spe- cially in'the case of very long kilns. '"C 6' -"d"NV"lV"lV"l
burmng of carbon in the preheating zone.
~ <t N ....;NN~N.....;
cial seals between the rotating kiln and the The charge passes through the kiln in ca. 8- 0 CZi
. ~ high-volatile coals are used, injection of
fixed feed and discharge heads. These seals 12 h. The retention time mainly depends on ,g= ~ arr ~to the charge can bring about partial com-
essentially prevent inleakage of air and thus the slope, ~egree of filling, and the rotational ~ '" .,., ~ oot'--\OC"'i\Ot--=
V"l \0\0 \0 \0\0 bu~tlOn of the volatiles within the charge,
reoxidation. A number of fans are installed on speed of the kiln. For each combination of which accelerates preheating.
the shell ofthe kiln; these supply the necessary iron-bearing material and reductant, a mini- . In the pre~eating zone, a certain degree of
process air via so-called air tubes or via air in- mum retention time is necessary to achieve the prereduchon IS accomplished through the coal
jection nozzles in the feed zone of the rotary '"c..
desired degree of metallization; this is deter-
mined with laboratory tests. .,;
~. ..
volatiles. However, the greater part of the re-
duction occurs in the reduction zone at near-
c <.>
The central bUl7ler installed at the kiln dis- Ore Waste gas Air Air -Injection c..'" c..
constant temperature according to .
~~ua~es r .. ~ ~+ ~~~(~
charge end is used to dry out the refractory
kiln lining during the initial start-up and to ~1I'1~ r;,.;::MtNl~~:t.;vt¢i'#;~ "'
Fe,Oy + co -lo Fe,OY_l + cO2
. The car~n ~ioxide formed during reduc-
heat up the system after a shutdown. Under .S £:;
hon reacts Within the charge with fixed carbon
normal operating conditions, only air without
t 1200 DRI and nonmagnettics
according to the Boudouard reaction
fuel is fed through the central burner. How-
~ 1000 100 C+C02~2CO
ever, if low-reactivity coals (anthracite) are
used, it may be necessary to continuously fire
~. 600 60 ~
and forms the carbon monoxide required for
~ 600 60 ~.. o
the reduction process.
a small amount of supplementary fuel via the ~ ~ -0
~ 400 40 ~ a. The necessary heat in the reduction zone is
central burner to satisfy the overall heat re-
~ 200 20 ~
quirement. -
.s 0 0
-~ 5'" supplied thro~gh combustion of the surplus
carbon monOXIde from reduction, of the vola-
Fresh coal, recycle carbon, ore or pellets, .tiles in the injected coal, and of fixed carbon.
and dolomite or .limestone as desulfurizing Q I Preheating . The desired temperature proflle is estab-
agent are charged in a predetermined ratio at Figure 5.83: Temperature and degree ofmetallization as a h~hed by controlled addition of combustion
the kiln feed end by a gastight charging sys- function ofthe location in the kiln: a) Gas temperature; b)
arr along the length of the kiln.
Charge temperature; c) Metallization.
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 123

Fixed carbon 380-475 kg duced by this combustion is transferred to the

0 ® Electric power
70-90 kWh
1.5-2.5 mJ
bath with high efficiency.) Economical and
100 Manpower ' 0.4-0.6 man hours technical comparison can be found in the liter-
Repair and maintenance $8-10 ature [116-118].
In addition to DR! production, SLJRN ro-
t 60
N1 tary kilns are commercially used for prereduc- Characteristics of Coals for the Smelting-
Reduction Processes. The most important
60 tion of iron ore at Highveld Steel in Witbank,
0 South Africa (13 units with an ore capacity of property of the coal for the smelting reduction
'iii H10 200000 tla each, 30-35% metallization) and processes is its volatile content, because this
40 H1,Ol· Ca,H n
FeO+(O = Fe+(02 for reduction of ilmenite concentrates at Wes- determines the gasification temperature of the
8 20 (0 2+( = 2(0 reaction .•
tralian Sands Ltd. in Capel, Western Australia
CO COl CO 2 FeO+[ = Fe+(O (one unit, ilmenite throughput 180000 tla, coal + O2 "" CO +·H 2
95-97 % metallization).
020 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 Coals with. low volatile content generate a
Kiln length, m_ Kiln length, m - Table 5.38: Coal analyses.
high temperature when gasified with oxygen,
Figure 5.84: Gas composition in the kiln freeboard (A) and kiln charge (8) measured in an industrial kiln of 50 m length. Coal ABC
the released energy being used for sponge iron
Inside the kiln an oxidizing atmosphere The waste gases leave the kiln at the feed Fixed carbon, % 44 59 88 melting. Gasification of coals with a high vol-
Volatile matter, % 51 27 8
above the charge :md a reducing atmosphere end at ca. 850-1000 °C. They pass through a Ash. % 5 14 4 atile content such as lignite results in a low
within the charge prevail in close proximity dust-settling chamber to. remove coarse dust Lo"';er heating value (dry), GJlkg 23.3 27.0 32.7 temperature because the volatile hydrocarbons
(Figure 5.84). Accordingly, the reactions oc- and ent~r an afterburnmg chambe~, where must be cracked before gasification can occur.
curring above the charge in the kiln freeboard combusttble gases and carbon parttcles are 5.11 Smelting-Reduction Figure 5.85 shows the calculated adiabatic
are exothermic and those taking place in the burnt off. The waste gases are then cooled, gasification temperature (gasification to CO +
material bed are endothennic. Separation of cleaned and discharged to the attnosphere. Al- Processes H2) as a function of the H:C and O:C molar
the two atmospheres is ensured by the gas gen- ~ernatively, the sensi?le heat of the gases leav- ratio of the coal. The higher the gasification
Smelting-reduction processes are multi-
erated in the material bed, which also prevents mg the afterburnmg chamber m~y be temperature the better the coal is suited for
stage processes where hot metal is produced
reoxidation of particles of DR! at the charge recovered in a downstream steam ~l1er for smelt reduction process, i.e., the lower is the
surface. generation of process steam ~r combmed for directly with coal,' particularly noncoking
coal. coal consumption. The classification of coals
. th t kiln the DR! is production of steam and electnc power. by the aforementioned molar ratio is more ac-
After 1eavmg e ro ary , S' 1984.c tr d SLJRN lant with The main reasons for developing smelt-re-
cooled to ca. 100 °c together with the excess mc~ ,a 10ur-S an P duction processes (since 1970) was to find curate than by volatile content because coals
coal in an indirectl cooled rotary cooler. The a capac1ty of 600 0.00 tla D~ and waste-heat with the same volatile content can show re-
. t d fY the nonmagnetic kiln recovery has been m operatton at the Vander- processes which produce liquid iron economi-
DR! 1S separa e rom .. k fiSC OR' S th Af . A cally at low capacity and use coal directly. The markable differences in their gasification tem-
discharge material by screening and magnetic
b1JlP~k wlor lS9° f mOtu (ln ca · p-
proXlffiate y . t 0 process seam. 6 MP a, processes should be more flexible regarding perature. The coal rank classification shown in
raw material and operation and should cause Figure 5.85 gives only a rough estimation.
separatIOn.. . 2600C) per tonne ofDRI are generated for the
The> 3 mm fractton of the magnetIc t 1 '11 - less pollution than a blast furnace. For converter-type melters the degree of
d 'por- seerm. postcombustion must be increased wlien using
tion can be direc.tly ~sed for steel pro uctlOn, Taking into account a variety of reducing The ore, fine ore, or lump ore is prereduced
the < 3 mm fractton 1S normally bnquetted be- agents, the energy requirement (without char with the gas produced in the melting vessel. highvolatile coal, but there are some limita-
fore further use. recycling) referred to as the lower heating The prereduced ore (sponge iron) is melted tions with respect to the movement of the bath.
The> 3 mm fraction of the nonmagnetic value ofthe coals. is ca. 19.3 GJ/t DR! for lig- down in a melting vessel where melting en- For processes with countercurrent flow of coal
and gas, besides energetic limitation, prob-
portion is mostly char and can. be recycl~~ to nite briquettes (A), ca. 18.4 GHor bituminous ergy is generated by oxidation of coal. Some
the process. The < 3 mm fractton, conta1lll~g coal (B), and ca. 17.8 GJ for a mixture consist- processes use also electrical energy in the lems with tar fonnation can also occur.
ash, calcined desulfurizing agent, and char, 1S ing of 70% anthracite (C) and 30% bitumi- melting stage. The ash content of the coal is less critical
disposed of. nous coal (B) [112]. The analyses of these Simulations with computer models were than its volatile content. The mainly acidic
In particular cases, e.g., if the ash content of coals are shown in Table 5.38. . perfonned for different smelt reduction pro- ashes of the coal must be compensated for by
the coal is very low, it is advantageous to If a combination C:B = 50:50 With rec~­ cess configurations [113-115] to fmd an opti- additives so that basic slags can be fonned.
charge the entire kiln discharge material di- cled char is used, the energy requirement 1S mum process and to estimate the influence of Thus, processes which require a high slag ba-
postcombustion and prereduction on coal con- sicity are more sensitive to the ash content.
rectly into a downstream ele.ctric f~ace v.:ith- only 14.8 GJ/t J?R! [112]. . _.
out cooling and separatlOn. This bnngs Further typ1cal. consumptlonfigures are sumption. (postcombustion is defined as the The additives (limestone, dolomite) enter the
partial oxidation of a gas previously generated melter stage in most cases in the calcined
considerable savings in electric energy for the given below:
melting down process., Ore or pellets (Fe",67%)
1.42-1.441 m the melting vessel, whereby the energy pro- fonn. Otherwise the influence of the ash con-
124 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy

tent on the coal consumption is too high and Processes which only modify the blast fur- Table 5.39: Smelting-reduction processes [118].
extra energy for calcining the additives and for nace technique such as the oxygen-coal blast
the endothermic Boudouard reaction is furnace ofBSC and NKK or the plasmaheated Process Ore Fuel Prereduction (reduc- Develop-
type tion degree) Final reduction
needed. blast furnace Pirogas [117] are not discussed mentstage References
Char or coke bed rne1te~asifier
The moisture content of the coal (ca. 10 %) here. Corex lump lump coal shaft furnace (90%) fluidized bed 1000 tid [120-123]
decreases the gasification temperature drasti- In the case of processes using fine ore gen- Sumitomo SC lump coke (30%) shaft furnace (60%) cupola 8t/d [124,125]
erally only the smelting reactor is developed. fine coal
cally because of the endothermic water-gas re- Kawasaki XR fme lump coal circulating fluidized
The integration of the fine-ore reduction into fluidized bed lOt/d [126,121]
action. Hence, most of the processes use dried bed (40--80%)
coal. the process and therefore directly into the Converter with postcornbustion
Other properties of the coal such as the smelting reactor has not yet been rea,lized in HIsrnelt (CRA) fme fine coal fluidized bed horizontal cylindrical con- 10 t
any of the existing pilot plants. [128-130]
melting behavior of the ash, the swelling in- verter (C-irijection)
MIP and melting fme fine coal hot and melting cy- horizontal cylindrical con· 20 t
dex, or the reactivity are of little or no con- cyclone clone (30%) [131]
verter (C-irijection)
cern. The Hardgrove index influences the 5.11.1 Processes Using Electrical NKK fme fine coal fluidized bed (15%) converter (C-top blowing) 5t [132, 133]
NSC fme fine coal circulating fluidized converter (C-top blowing)
grinding cost when grinding is necessary (con- 5t
Energy bed (30%) [134]
verter processes). Kobe Steel lump fine coaL shaft furnace converter (C-iTIjection) 0.5 t
These processes were developed in Sweden CH4 [111]

t 1.0 and consist of a prereduction stage of the fine

ore and a fmal reduction which use electrical
Wlthont postcornbnstion
Coin (Krupp) fme fine coal . circulating fluidized converter (C-injection)
bed (> 90%) 3t [135-131]
energy. The electrical energy is introduced via
CBF (British lump fine coal shaft furnace two-stage converter
plasma burners (plasmamelt), electric arc (El- SteellHoogovens) (>90%) [111]
(C-top blowing)
red), or electric resistance heating (lured). The Process with eleetrlcal energy
~ 0.4 only process which has a technical application ELRED (ASEA) fme fine coal circulating fluidized dc. arc furnace
~ . 8t1h melting, [138, 139]
is the Plasmamelt process in a modified form bed 0.5 tIh red.
u 0.2 (plasmadust and Plasmachrome). Because of Inred (Boliden) fine fine coal melting chamber arc furnace
'E Combismelt (Lurgi) lump lump coal 8 t!h [140, 141]
rotary kiln submerged electric
:;: the high electricity consumption these pro- fine coal furnace
0.1 0.2 0.3 cesses can only be considered for iron produc- Plasmamelt (SKF) fme coke fluidized bed shaft' furnace
fine coal 8t!hmelting [142,143]
tion in countries with cheap electricity.
Figure 5.85: Adiabatic gasification temperatures (H 2 +
CO) for coals in dependence on the atomic number ratio: Plasmamelt. The Plasmamelt process [142,
a) Lignite; b) Subbituminous coal; c) High volatile bitu- Coke
137] was developed by SKF Steel Engineering
minous coal; d) Medium volatile bituminous coal; e) Low
volatile bituminous coal; f) Anthracite; g) Coke. AB. The flow sheet is shown in Figure 5.86.
Fine ore is prereduced with a reduction gas
The sulfur content of the coal should be of
generated in the smelting reduction stage. The
course as low as possible (:5; 1 %). However,
prereduced material (reduction degree 50-
the tolerable range must be evaluated for each
60%) is injected together with powdered coal trate
smelt reduction process separately.
into a coke-fIlled shaft furnace (melter) pro- dried
Classification of Smelting-Reduction Pro- vided with plasma generators. Recycled pro- iron
cesses. The first developments in smelting re- cess gas is used as injection gas. The fmal ore
duction on a laboratory scale failed in the reduction and melting occur inside the coke
1960s because the conversion of coal and fine column which also protects the refractory. A
ore in a melting vessel was tried without prer- proportion of the spent reduction off-gases is
eduction [119]. The nexi development was in combusted to dry and preheat the ore fmes.
Sweden in the 1970s, where the energy was The Plasmamelt process requires a low
introduced into the melting vessel in the form coke intake (consumption 50-100 kg per
of electrical energy. Further developments tonne of hot metal), 1100 kWh of electricity
were the cOllverterprocesses with and without and 200 kg coal per tonne of hot metal. The
postcombustion. Processes which are closest prereduction stage was developed separately Slag Crude iron
to the blast furnace are those with a char-or in a 1 t/h pilot plant. Integrated operation of
coke-bed melter-gasifier (Table 5.39). melting and reduction has not yet been tested. ;~=~;86:.The PlilSmamelt process: a) Prereduction; b) Shaft furnace; c) Compressor; d) Pressure control; e) Plasma
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy . Iron 127

The ~orex process (formerly called KR

~rocess) IS the .most advanced smelting reduc-
Returns !10n process WIth a 1000 tid plant in operation
Ore cone. m South Africa since 1988 [120-123]. This
(oal process was developed by Deutsche Voest-Al-
p~ne IJ;tdustrieanlagenbau (formerly Korf En-
gm~en~g) and its parent company Voest-
Alpme III Austria to a 60 000 t/a pilot plant
from 1981 to 1987.
T.he Corex process· (Figure 5.89) s~parates
the Iron-ore reduction and melting steps into
two reactors:
• Generation of reducing gas and liberation of
energy from coal for melting occur in the
fluidizing gas-- melter-gasifier.

J • Reduction of iron ore occurs in a shaft fur-

The Corex process is designed to operate
under elevated pressure, up to 0.5 MPa.
Coal is fed into the gasifier (a) where it
comes into contact with a reducing gas atmo-
sphere at a temperature of ca. 1000-1100°C.
Instantaneous drying and degasification of the
coal particl~s occur in this upper portion of the
me!t~r-gaslfier. Reducing gas is generated in a
flmdlzed bed, by the partial oxidation of coal.
Figure 5.87: The Inred process: a) Flash-smelting chamber; b) Submerged-arc· furnace; c) Coke bed with sponge iron At first carbon is oxidized to carbon diox-
and slag; d) Slag; e) Iron; f) Waste-heat boiler; g) Boiler drum; h) Cyclone. ide. Then, carbon dioxide reacts with free car-
A melter with a capacity of 8 t/h is inte- fluidized bed at 950-1000°C before being bon to form carbon· monoxide. The gas
grated in a modified process (plasma dust) melted down in an electric arc furnace (hollow temperature in the fluidized bed is in the range
where waste oxides from steelworks are pro- Soderberg electrode). The reducing gas is pro- ?f 1600-1700 dc. The temperature conditions
duced by partial combustion of coal with air III the freeboard zone above the fluidized bed
cessed in Southern Sweden.
within the fluidized bed. The prereduction pi- ~arantee production of a high-quality reduc-
The Jnred process [140, 141] was devel- lot plant was built by Lurgi with a capacity of mg gas which contains ca. 65-70% carbon
oped by Boliden and tested from 1982-1984 500 kglh and the electric arc furnace by ASEA monoxide, 20-25% hydrogen, and 2-4% car-
in a pilot plant with a capacity of 8 t/h. Fine (capacity 8 t/h) (Figure 5.88). Up to now this bon dioxide. The remaining constituents are
ore, coal, and fluxes are fed together with oxy- process has found no technical application for Figure 5.88: The Elred process. methane, nitrogen and stearn.
gen in aflash-melting chamber giving temper-
iron production. ~er.leaving the melter-gasifier, the hot
atures of 1900°C. Superheated liquid FeO The Combismelt process combines the
together with some coal char fall into the elec- Lurgi prereduction rotary kiln and a sub- 5.11.2 Char-Coke-Bed Melter- gas IS IDlxed with cooling gas to obtain a tem-
tric jimlGce with submerged arc, where [mal merged electric arc furnace (DEMAG). The Gasifiers perature suitable for direct reduction, ca. 850-
reduction takes place (Figure 5.87). Because 900°C. The gas is then- cleaned in hot cy-
electric energy is generated by waste heat and In these processes the melting stage is a clones (d) and fed to the shaft furnace as re-
of the high FeO content in the slag (7-8%) a
off-gas. fixed bed or fluidized bed of char or coke. Pre- ~ucing gas. A small amount of the cleaned gas
sulfur content of 0.15--0.2 % must be expected .'\.
for a commercial plant. reduction is performed in a shaft furnace IS converted to cooling gas in a gas cooler. The
(Corex, Sumitomo) or fluidized bed (Ka- ~nes captured in the hot cyclone are reinjected
In the Elred process [138, 139] fine ore is
wasaki). mto the melter-gasifier.· .
prereduced to 60-70% in a single-stage fast-
128 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 129

Iron are additives The reducing gas is fed into the reduction According to the composition and quality
furnace and countercurrently ascends through of the coal, the specific oxygen consumption
Coal the iron burden. is ca. 450-550 m 3 (STP) per tonne of hot
Export gas
The iron ore, charged into the shaft furnace metal. The energy for the o>..)'gen production
through a lock hopper system, descends by can be supplied from about one third of the ex-
gravity. The reduction reaction in the shaft fur- port gas of the Corex plant. The coal con-
nace, using gas with ca. 70% carbon monox- sumption depends on the coal quality and is
ide and 25% hydrogen is exothermic, leading ca. 0.5-0.7 t fixed carbon per tonne of hot
to temperatures in the burden which are above metal.
the reducing gas temperature. Because'of car- If the export gas cannot be used economi-
bon monoxide decomposition, carbon depos- cally, it is converted to reducing gas by re-
its will form on the iron and act as a lubricant. moval of carbon dioxide and recycled. This
Formation of Fe3C occurs as well and cluster process route offers the advantage of a lower
formation is avoided. The top gas is cleaned coal and ox)'gen consumption.
and cooled in a scrubber, and is then available The SU11Iito11lo SC process [124-125] uses a
for various purposes. Metallization of the DRI combination of two shaft furnaces (Figure
averages 90-95 %, and its carbon content is in 5.90), the reduction furnace which produces
the range of 3-5%, depending on the rawma- DRl from lump ore and a coke-bed melting
terial used and operating conditions. furnace which generates the reducing gas. Ox-
The continuous transfer of the hot DRI ygen, air, and pulverized coal are blown into
(temperature 800-900 0c) from the reduction the coke bed. Low-grade coke is charged at
Hot metal, slag furnace to the melter gasifier is carried out by the top of the melting furnace which corre-
Figure 5.89: The Corex process, basic flow sheet with export gas: a) Melter-gasifier; b) Reduction shaft furnace; c) Coal a special controllable transport system which sponds to the lower part of a blast furnace or a
feed system; d) Hot dust cyclone; e) Cooling-gas scrubber; f) Top-gas scrubber. discharges into connected downcomers. The cupola.
Ore 1611 kglt
velocity of the descending sponge iron parti-
cles is lowered in the fluidized bed, further"re- The gas coming out of the melting furnace
I r - - - - - - Byproduct gas 939 m3(STPI!t with a temperature of 600°C is cleaned in a
duction is completed, heating and melting
T=200 a [
occurs. Hot metal and slag drop to the bottom cyclone, then it must be heated up by partial
[0=31.6% combustion with air to the reducing tempera-
CO z=40.9% of the melter-gasifier. Analogous to the prac-
tice in the blast furnace hot metal and slag are tureof800 °C.
'7=56% discharged by conventional tapping proce- The 11Ieltingjumace was developed in a pi-
dures. Tapping is carried out every 2.5-3 h on lot plant with a capacity of 8 tid ip 1982. In
an average. For a good desulfurization a slag 1984 the redl/ction jl/mace was integrated.
Coke 218 k9ltj basicity> I is required. Expected consumption figures (Figure 5.90)
F.L=87% Fuel 520 kglt Temperature and silica content of the hot for a commercial plant are given on the basis
metal can be adjusted by various process pa- of the result obtained by the pilot plant. The
Coal 302 kg!t expected coke consumption of 218 kg per
rameters, i.e., coal particle size, height of the

F.L=54% fluidized bed, system pressure, and rate of hot tonne of hot metal (in the pilot plant much
V.M.=34% higher) is nearly as high as that of a modem
metal production.
O2 227 m]ISTPI!t The melter-gasifier may generate a certain blast furnace with a high coal-injection rate.
amount of surplus gas depending on the coal So the goal of a cokeless process is not
Air 117m]ISTPI!t achieved.
selected. This surplus gas becomes part of the
cooling gas stream, and can be either used sep- Kawasaki developed a smelting reduction
Pig iron 2400 tId Slag 296 kglt
arately or mixed with the top gas from the process for ferrochrome production on the ba-
T=1500 a [ T=1500 D[ shaft furnace. When using a high volatile bitu- sis of a coke-bed 11Ielter with two-stage
[=4.5% [aO=43.3%
Si=0.5% SiO z=34.7% .',
minous coal, the resulting gas mixture (export tuyeres, the XR process [126, 127]. Powdered
S=0.03% MgO=6.0% gas) approximates 1800 m 3 (STP) per tonne of ore was prereduced in a fluidized-bed reactor
Figure 5.90: Expected material flow sheet for a Sumitomo SC commercial plant (F.C. = fixed carbon; V.M. = volatile hot metal with a lower heating value of ca. and injected into the furnace through the upper
8000 kJ/m 3 (STP). tuyere. For iron production, this process was
130 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 131

modified to feed coal from the top as schemat- duction degree of 15-90%. In most cases the Process Iron ores - - - - - - ,
ically shown in Figure 5.91. process pressure is low (ca. 50 kPa). At off-gas
Small-size degassed coal fOIms a fluidized present only the melting stage is developed for Coal Process gas
bed in the upper part of the furnace and the most of the processes. Integrated operation of
lumpy char forms a packed bed in the lower melting and reduction has not been tested. Flux
part. The pilot plant for the XR process with a Apart from the latter the most critical areas of
capacity of 10 tid was started 1987. It is these processes are refractory lifetime, gas- Oxygen and
planned to reduce the fines in a circulating flu- handling system (accretions), and foaming 231 kg other gases
idized bed to a reduction degree of 80%. and splashing of the melt. Because of the high
FeO-content in the slag the sulfur content of
1574 kg
the hot metal is higher and the silicon content
lower than in the blast furnace process.
a Converter
Processes with Postcombustion. The most off-gas
47% postcombustion
advanced converter process has been devel- Iron 3040 m3(STPJ
Coal oped by Klockner, Germany, and CRA, Aus- 1000 kg Coal Slag
640 kg 295 kg
~ tralia, since 1981 [128-130]. After pretests a
Figure 5.92: Flowsheet of Hlsmelt process for the case
pilot 10 t-converter started operation in 1984
47% postcombustion and reduction to FeD: a) Air pre-
with a capacity of 4 tIb. where especially post- heaters; b) Cyclone; c) Prereducer; d) ffismelt converter.
combustion was investigated. The prereduc- Figure 5.93: The NKK's smelting reduction process for
tion stage was not tested in this plant. In 1987 ironmaking: a) Smelting reduction furnace; b) Preheating
Klockner was bought out and CRA formed a and prereduction furnace.
joint venture with Midrex to further develop
the process under the name HIsme It. The flow-
sheet of the HIsmelt process is shown in Fig- CO decomposition Reduction
ure 5.92. Coal is injected from the bottom into
the melt. The energy for melting and final re-
duction is generated by partial combustion of
the converter gas with preheated air. The con-
verter off-gas is used for prereduction of the
fine ore. Because of the high oxidation degree
Figure 5.91: The Kawasaki XR process: a) Fluidized bed of the gas it is only possible to reduce the ore
prereduction furnace; b) Coke-bed melter; c) Upper to iron(II) oxide which is separated in a cy-
tuyere; d) Lower tuyere.
clone and fed to the converter. The main prob-
lem of this process is whether the high
5.11.3 Converter-Type Melters postcombustion degrees, up to 65 % depend-
The converter-type melters are under de- ing on coal quality, and reduction degree can
velopment from the experience of the o:-..-ygen be maintained for continuous operation and
LD-BOF converter for steelmaking. Coal is B40 m3(STPI Gas 1000 m3lSTPl Gas-- 1000 m3(STPI Gas
whether the huge amount of hot gas can be with
injected with or without oxygen in a liquid
with with ~
ir~n bath.
handled. 12%CO
12%H 2
420 kg Charred coal 40kg
In most of the processes the carbon monox- The NKK process [132, 133] is another 64%C0 2 37%C0 2
2 Lime
'7go .=O% 400 m 3(STP10
ide hydrogen gas mixiure coming out of the converter type process which also operates 10%H 20 B%H 20 2

melt is partially combusted (postcombusted) with a high postcombustion degree (see Figure '7g..=74 %
'7 go 45%
to generate heat (up to 1900 0c) which is 5.93). Coal and oxygen are blown in'from the
Figure 5.94: COIN concept ofa coal-based smelting reduction process for iron ore fines: a) Hot cyclone; b) Gas cooler;
transferred to the bath. Processes using fine top to the bath. The fine ore is prereduced only c) Bag filter; d) Screw conveyor; e) Whirl box; f) Pneumatic conveyor, g) Melter-gasifier; h) Charring; i) 1 t directly re-
ore prereduce the ore in fluidized beds to a re- to a low degree. duced iron and 85 kg carbon.
132 Handbook ojExtractive Metallurgy Iron

Since 1986 tests have been performed in a 5 5.12.1 Air Pollution Control
t-converter. In 1988 a prereduction stage was only Ca. 33 kg/h of sulfur are needed to pro-
integrated in the pilot plant with a capacity of Virtually all areas of ironworks make use of duce e.g., 20 ppm of sulfur trioxide for the
100 tid. gas dedusting techniques. Apart from mechan- conditioning of the waste gas of a 400 m2 sin-
Processes Without Postcombustion. The ical and filtering dust separators and scrub- ter belt. Extra sulfur trioxide emission does
Coin process [135-136] developed by Krupp bers, electrostatic precipitators are frequently not o~cur ~ecause it is bound to the dust by
operates without post combustion and with a used today [147-149]. cheilllsorptIon (sulfate formation). The effect
high reduction degree. In the first published o! this process depends on the basicity of the
flow sheets the prereduction stage was a shaft Sintering Plants. In the past, dust separation sIllter feed and on the composition of the raw
furnace. The latest one (see Figure 5.94) fro~ off-gase~ in iron-ore sintering plants was material.
shows a multistage prereduction of fine ore carned o~t WIth cyclones. Today's demands ..
are essentIally fulfilled by three-field horizon- . Simp!e housings at feeding points, at the
which was tested separately in a pilot plant.
tal dry electrostatic precipitators, which are smter discharge end, at screening machines
The prereduction stage is a combination of en-
trained-bed and fluidized-bed reactors. operated on the suction side of the sinter and at numerous transport devices cannot ef-
The converter pilot plant is a 3 t-converter. waste-gas fan. The waste-gas flow rate of a fectively prevent the escape of dust into the
To achieve a high degree of metallization a ~~ter belt with a reaction area of e.g., 400 m 2 surroundings. For this reason, suction hoods
high reduction temperature is needed. Sticking IS lD the range of 1.8 x 106 m3/h. As shown in are installed that are connected by means of
of the ore is prevented by carbon monoxide Figur~ 5.9~, the waste-gas dedusting in that br~ch~d ducts to a central dedusting system,
decomposition in a prereduction stage at 500- case IS achIeved in two parallel electrostatic which IS o~en an electrostatic precipitator.
600°C. OX1'gen and degassed coal is blown precipitators. The schema~c of ~ so-called room dedusting
into the bath from the bottom. As no postcom- The electrical resistance of sinter dust system of this type IS presented in Figure 5.96.
bustion delivers energy, the coal (especially Air pollution control 67.7%
Water pollution control 21.4% ~hich in most cas~s is very high, frequentl; I~ many cases, the dust-laden off-gas fro~ the
high volatile coal) must be preheated and Noise reduction 9.5% Impede.s electrostatIc dust precipitation [150). sIllter cooler is passed through the room' de-
charred by injecting in the converter off-gas Waste management 1.4% Increas:ng the humidity of the gas, by adding dusting plant, however, it may sometimes be
and recycling via a cyclone. The process is Total water eIther to the off-gas or to the sinter belt led to a separate electrostatic precipitator.
very complex and integration of the multistage can ~prove .dust separation by reducing 'th~
prereduction, the coal devolatilizer, and the It can be seen that the investment in air-pol- electncal resIstance of the dust. Dust emission Bl~t Furnace. A blast furnace with an open
converter is not easy. lution control represents two thirds of the total can be reduc.e~ b~ 20-50% of the starting val- top IS not used any longer. Dedusting systems
capital expenditure. ues by condItlorung the waste gas with sulfur have allowed the cleaning of top-gas to dust
5.12 Aspects of Apart from the direct measures taken to trioxide [149]. In this process sulfur dioxide loading values of < 10 mg/m 3 (STP), and thus
Environmental Protection control pollution, the saving or recovery of en- o?tained, e.g., by combustion of sulfur, is oxi~ have .perm!tted. the utilization of the energy
ergy also has a favorable effect on the environ- d1zed to sulfur trioxide and added to the waste contamed m this gas in turbines and for the
In the recent past, the rapidly increasing en- ment because the corresponding amounts of gas in front of the electrostatic filter. A level of heating of hot blast stoves. Apart from the di-
vironmental consciousness has led to consid- energy can only be produced at the expense of .10-30 ppm of sulfur trioxide in the waste gas rect protection of the environment brought
erably tightened environmental standards in the environment. The most important exam- IS suffiCIent to reduce the electrical resistance
about by top-gas purification compared to an
many countries. In Germany, for instance, a ples of these measures are (1 ) the reduction of of dust and thus cause the improvement in de- ?pen top, an indirect effect is achieved by sav-
limiting value for· dust emissions of 150 the specific fuel consumption during sintering dusting efficiency mentioned above. The re-
mg energy which would have to be produced
mg/m 3 (STP) was stipulated as early as 1974 by half since the 1950s, (2) the expansion of quired amount of sulfur trioxide is so low that
in the TA Luft for the prevention of air pollu- at the expense of the environment.
blast-furnace top gas in turbines and its utili-
tion. The amendment to the TA Luft in 1986 zation for heating, (3) dry coke quenching,
further reduced dust emissions in waste gases and (4) CO gas recovery.
to 50 mg/m 3 (STP) [144]. This limit applies to
total dust emissions. Lower limits have been Pollution-control techniques being cur-
set for individual components, such as heavy rently employed in pig-iron production and in
metals, e.g., 0.2 mg/m3 (STP) for cadmium, related auxiliary plants will be desc.ribed with
mercury, and thallium; 1 mg/m 3 (STP) for ar- a series of examples. However, in view of the
senic, cobalt, nickel, selenium, and tellurium; diversity of processes available, a complete
Figure.5.95: Sinter plant waste-gas dedusting: a) Sintering machine' b) Feed ' . . . .
and 5 mg/m3 (STP) for antimony, lead, chro- survey cannot be presented here. f) Manifold; g) Electrostatic precipitator; h) Fan; i) Stack. ' pomt, c) Igmter; d) Smter; e) Wmd boxes;
134 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 135



Figure 5.%: Sinter plant room dedusting: a) Sintering machine; b) Hot screening; c) Cooler; d) Cold screening and
crushing; e) Sinter product: f) Return fmes; g) Suction system: h) Electrostatic precipitator; i) Fan;j) Stack.

Figure 5.98: Cast house dedusting: a) Blast furnace, area of tapping hole; b) Main runner with skimmer; c) Hot metal
runner with transfer points; d) Slag runner with transfer points; e) Suction lines; f) Electrostatic precipitator; g) Fan; h)

In the area of raw material handling a room hot metal, and slag runners on a casting plat-
dedusting plant prevents dust emissions. The form as well as the suction system is shown in
burden bunkers and conveyors are connected Figure 5.98. The hatched parts of the diagram
by a suction system to a bag f1J.ter or an elec- represent the enclosed areas. It can be seen
BIas t furnace
trostatic precipitator. that each suction point has a damper. When
dust The smoke that arises during the tapping of the plant is in operation, only the suction
the blast furnace represents a minor environ- points at which smoke is to be trapped are
mental problem as far as emission protection opened. For instance, if no slag is discharged
Effluent is concerned. However, it is a nuisance for the in the first phase oftapping, all the dampers on
Figure 5.97: Top-gas cleaning: a) Blast furnace; b) Gravity dust catcher; c) Cyclone: d) Scrubber; e) Wet electrostatic operating personnel and makes working con-
precipitator; f) Fan.
the slag runner remain closed.
ditions on the casting platforms very difficult.
In blast furnace tapping, the flow volume
The top-gas leaving the blast furnace (a) is ric flow rates are very high, several purifica- Cast house dedI/sting is being carried out for
that has to be trapped, dedusted, and trans-
loaded with 10-40 g/m 3 (STP) of dust. The tion plants are installed in parallel. some years now to improve working condi-
The top-gases from blast furnaces that are tions. In fact, even older blast furnaces are be- ported is 500000-800000 m 3/h. The power
volumetric flow rate of a blast furnace that consumption of a casting house dedusting sys-
has, e.g., an output of 5000 t of hot metal per operated at higherpressllres can be freed from ing equipped with dedusting systems [151,
3 dust to the desired degree of purity by using a 152]. The enclosing of the skimmer, iron, and tem can reach 0.8 MW, hence, modem plants
day is ca. 420000 m /h (STP). Figure 5.97 are automatically controlled. Control dampers
pressure difference of ca. 20 kPa in high per- slag runners and their points of transfer with
sh~ws the components of the top-gas purifica- in the suction lines and variable-speed blowers
formance scrubbers without an electrostatic easily removable hoods having fire-proof lin-
tion plant of a blast furnace that is operated at ings is characteristic for a casting house de- draw off as little air as necessary. For example,
precipitator. Another method of top-gas dust
a slight ove/pressure. The larger particles of separation, which has been repeatedly and dusting plant. The enclosed areas are a minimum amount of air is withdrawn during
dust are first separated in a gravity dust successfully used recently, is dry dust removal connected to suction lines, which are prefera- tapping pauses and maximum amounts at the
catcher (b), i.e., a settling chamber with flow in electrostatic precipitators. This method has bly installed below the casting platform. The start and termination of tapping. Bag filters or
deflection, and subsequently in a cyclone (c). the advantage of involving low pressure losses region of the tapping hole cannot be enclosed electrostatic precipitators are employed as
Further cleaning of the blast-furnace gas oc- and consequently has a lower energy require- because it has to remain accessible to the drill- dust collectors. The advantages of electro-
curs in a single- or multiple-stage scrubber (d) ment for gas transport and, in addition, water ing and plugging machines. In this case, static precipitators are the substantially lower
and in a wet electrostatic precipitator (e), . and sludge treatments are no longer necessary. smoke is usually caught with a suction hood pressure loss and the fact that they can be op-
which carries out both fine purification as well Dry top-gas purification represents the latest placed near the tapping hole and then led to erated during tapping pauses with minimal
as removal of droplets. If the top-gas volumet- technological development. the precipitator. The flow diagram of the main, power input.
136 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy fron

Dry Coke Quenching. As mentioned above, increasingly rare today that the wastewater of Effluent from scrubber and
dry' quenching of coke also has a positive ef- this process is released into the atmosphere. In wet electrostatic precipitator
fect on the environment, because of the fact fact the introduction of a closed water circula-
that, in contrast to wet quenching, the waste tion' with the appropriate water conditioning Flocculant
heat of the coke is utilized and no cooling plant [155, 156] for top-gas purification and
clouds are produced. The heat is removed blast furnace cooling contributes to the
from the coke with the help of recirculating marked decrease in the water requirement for
gas and used for steam generation in a waste- steelmaking, which is today ca. 30 m 3 per
heat boiler. In an ironworks in Germany, two tonne of raw steel [146].
70 tlb dry coke quenching plants produce 36
Blast-furnace cooling with a closed circula-
t/h of steam each, which is then used as a fuel
tion requires water-cooling plants. Usually the
substitute in a neighbouring power plant
circulation water is evaporated in the blast fur-
[153]. The fuel saved in this way contributes
nace coolers and condensed and cooled in
to environmental protection. An equivalent of
cooling towers.
> 20 MW of electrical power is produced.
The essential components of a scrub- Bias t furnace slUdge
Direct Reduction Plants. In direct reduction ber/precipitator effluent for top-gas purifica- Figure 5.99: Effluent treatment for top-gas cleaning: a) Thickener; b) Filter press; c) Cooling tower.
plants the waste gases leaving the furnace are tion are shown in Figure 5.99. The
freed from dust in an electrostatic precipitator, clarification of the effluent can be carried out 5.12.4 Waste Management in the last field of the electrostatic precipitator
bag filter or scrubber, depending on the re- in a thickener and the dewatering of the sludge must be removed from the circulation because
quirements in the operational areas. Electro- Blastfurnace slag is quantitatively the most
in a filter press. However, other dewatering of alkali enrichment.
static precipitators or bag filters are used for important waste material created in the pro-
machines, such as drum or rotary disk filters duction of pig iron. This material is com- The prime goal is always the avoidance or
room dedusting plants. may be applied. pletely utilized. About two thirds of the total minimizing of residual substances. For exam-
Regarding the emissions of the dust com- amount is employed in road construction. The ple the specific amount of slag has decreased
ponents mentioned above, cadmium, lea~, and remainder is used by the cement industry for from 800 kg/t at the beginning of the 1950s to
possibly manganese can be of relevance 1ll the
5.12.3 Noise Reduction
the production of blast furnace cement [160j. 300-350 kg/t of pig iron today. In a modem
making of pig iron, however, the limiting val- As in other industrial plants, numerous The recycling of the dly dust obtained in steel plant, ca. 90% of the total amount of
ues for these metals are generally adhered to. sources of noise exist in ironworks, which top gas purification also causes no problems waste products is recycled.
contribute to the total noise emission. Many of because it can be recycled to the sintering
5.12.2 Prevention of Water these noise sources are not specific to the pro- plant. However, blastfitrnace sludge is for the 5.13 Economic Aspects
duction of pig iron. These include fans, com- most part still being dumped, in amounts of
Pollution pressors, pumps and ore-dressing plants. The 130000 t/a in Germany [161]. The reason for Pig Iron. The conventional and by far the
In the course of pig iron production, mod- noise abatement measures consist of, e.g., the this is the high content oflead, zinc, and alkali most common approach to iron manufacture
ern ironworks cause practically neither water use of low-vibration motors, the enclosing of found in the sludge. If the sludge were recircu- involves reducing and smelting the iron are in
pollution, nor warming up of waters. Only machines or other apparatus, or even entire lated, these substances would accumulate in a blast furnace together with coke, the imme-
small amounts of water are required in sinter- parts of the plant, such as the sinter waste-gas the blast furnace. Today, various processes are diate product being pig iron. Pig iron, in turn,
i ng plants for rolling the burden and, if neces- fans [157]. available which reduce the environmental im- is the principal raw material for the manufac-
sary, for sinter cooling or gas conditioning. pact caused by these dumps by allowing the ture of commercial iron and steel. Production
Special measures are required to dampen
The water used is released into the atmosphere recycling of blast furnace sludge and other of a tonne of steel requires ca. 700 kg of pig
the feeding and expansion noises at hot blast waste containing lead and zinc.
in the gaseous state through the waste gas iron in addition to scrap and flux.
stoves. Considerable noise reduction can be
stack. Generally, direct reduction plants do not One way of expelling the unwanted accom- World production of pig iron in 1988
achieved here by covering the valves and the
produce wastewater. panying substances is the reprocessing of reached a level of 532 x 10 6 t, derived from ca.
expansion line with a sound-absorbing mate-
dusts and sludge in rotary kilns [162-165]. 6
960 x 10 t of iron are (Tables 5.40 and 5 AI)
Blast fimlOces, on the other hand, have a rial and by using sound absorbers or perfo-
The product thus obtained consists essentially [167]. The European Community alone pro-
considerable water requirement for cooling. In rated disks in the blowoffline [158]. Emission
of metallic iron, which can, e.g., be briquetted duced 93.7 X 10 t of pig iron in 1988, using
the past, up to 60 m 3 of water were consumed values of ca. 40 dB(A) can be achieved at a
and returned to the pig iron production [166]. 6
per tonne of pig iron [154]. Another water- distance of 1000 m from a blast furnace or sin- 142 X 10 t of ore and sinter together with 44 X
Most of the dust separated in the waste-gas 6
10 t of coke [168]. The major cost factors in
consuming process pertaining to the blast fur- tering plant if noise damping measures are precipitators of sintering plants can usually be
nace is wet top-gas purification. It is becoming used consistently [159]. pig iron manufacture are related to raw materi-
led back into the process. Only the dust arising als (41 %), fuel (34%), and processing (25%).
138 Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy Iron

Table 5.40: Iron ore production and fraction ofworld olltput, reported by country. Table 5.41: Pig iron production and fraction ofworld output, by country.
Production, 106 t % of World Output
Country Fe content, % Country Production, 106t % of World Output
1986 1987 1988' 1986 1987 1988'
1986 1987 1988' 1986 1987
France 30 12.6 11.3 10.0 1.3 1.2 1.0 1988'
EEC 85324 85603 93681
United Kingdom 28 0.3 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 17.45 16.94 17.62
Germany 29018 28517 32453
Germany 30 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 5.94 5.64 6.II
BelgiwnlLuxembourg 10 724 10 559 9182
Spain 46 6.1 3.3 3.9 0.6 0.4 0.4 2.19 2.09 1.73
France 13 982 13 449 14786
Sweden 64 20.5 19.6 20.4 2.1 2.1 2.86 2.66 2.78
2.1 United Kingdom 9812 11914 13 235 2.01 2.36
Turkey 57 4.0 4.5 4.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 Italy 2.49
II 886 11 355 11376 2.43
Norway 64 3.5 3.1 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 2.25 2.14
The Netherlands 4628 • 4575 4994 0.95 0.91 ,0.94
Austria 30 3.1 3.1 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 Portugal 463 431 445 0.09
Finland 59 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08
Spain 4811 4804 4691 0.98 0.95 0.88
Unite d States 62 39.6 47.0 57.4 4.1 5.1 6.0 Finland 1978 2063 2173 0.41
Canada 64 37.3 37.8 40.2 3.9 4.1 4.2 0.41 0.41
Norway 570 370 367 0.12 0.07 0.07
Brazil 65 129.5 134.0 145.0 13.6 14.5 15.1 Austria 3349 3451 3664 0.69 0.68
Venezuela 64 16.7 17.2 18.2 1.7 1.9 1.9 Sweden 0.69
2435 2314 2494 0.50 0.46
Mexico 62 .8.0 7.0. 8.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.47
Switzerland 65 70 70 0.01 0.01 0.01
Peru 67 5.3 504 4.3 0.6 0.6 0.4 Turkey 3666 4068 4437 0.75
Chile 60 6.3 6.2 7.3 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.81 0.83
United States 39772 43917 50457 8.14 8.68 9.49
Argentina 39 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 Canada 9249 9719 9486 1.89
Other Latin America 004 0.6 0.6 0 0.1 0.1 1.92 1.78
Japan 74651 73 418 79295 15.27 14.53 14.92
South Africa 64 24.5 22.0 22.7 2.6 2.4 2.4 Australia 5853 5579 5723 1.20
Liberia 60 15.6 13.8 12.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.10 1.08
OECD Nations 232 181 230497 251 837
Mauretania 61 9.2 9.0 9.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 47.50 45.61 47.38
Former Soviet Union 113600 II3900 114000 23.24 22.53 21.45
Algeria 50 3.4 3.4 3.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 German Democratic Republic 2625 2743 2750 0.54 0.54
Egypt 44 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 Bulgaria 0.52
1600 1656 1650 0.33 0.33
Tunisia 50 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 Poland 0.31
10 200 '10 023 10000 2.09
Morocco 63 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 1.98 1.88
Rumania 9500 9500 9500 1.94 1.88 1.79
Zimbabwe 64 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 Former Czechoslovakia 9600 9788 9800 1.96
India 63 48.8 48.4 52.5 5.1 5.3 5.5 1.94 1.84
Hungary 2075 2109 2050 0.42 0.42 0.39
Iran 46 0.3 0.3 0.5 0 0 0.1 Comecon Nations 149200 149770 149750 30.52 29.64
South Korea 48 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 28.17
Former Yugoslavia 3067 2868 2912 0.64 0.57 0.55
Japan 50 0.3 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 South Africa 5774 6317 6112 1.18
Other Asia 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 1.25 1.15
Zimbabwe 644 560 545 0.13 0.11 0.10
Australia 62 97.3 104.6 95.4 10.2 11.3 9.9 Argentina 1639 1752 1610 0.34
New Zealand 57 2.6 2.3 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.30
Brazil 15838 21335 23627 3.24 4.22 4.44
Former Soviet Union 60 250.0 251.0 25D.4 26.2 27.2 26.1 Chile 591 617 778 0.12 0.12
China 60 142.5 157.0 153.8 14.9 17.0 16.0 0.15
Colombia 319 326 310 0.07 0.06 . 0.06
North Korea 48 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 Mexico 3728 3698 3642 0.76 0.73
Yugoslavia 35 6.8 4.2 5.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 Peru 0.69
216 179 202 0.05 0.04
Rumania 26 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 Venezuela 0.04
491 471 506 0.10 0.09
Bulgaria 33 2.1 1.9 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 China 0.10
47000 50200 51000 9.62 9.93
Former Czechoslovakia 26 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 India 9.59
10 509 10 920 II 709 2.15 2.16
Hungary 24 North Korea 2.20
5750 5900 5900 1.18
Albania 50 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.17 1.11
South Korea 9003 11 057 12585 1.84 2.19 2.36
EEC 19.7 16.5 14.2 2.1 1.8 1.5 World 488836 505514 531575 100 100
Western nations 501.1 495.2 535.5 52.5 53.7 55.8 100
Socialist nations 433.7 426.7 424.5 45.4 46.3 ~ 44.2 •Preliminary ligures, in some cases estimates. Source for EEC data: SAEG; for all other nations: IlSL
World total 954.5 921.9 960.0 100 100 100
aPreliminary figures. in some cases estimates.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 141

• Increased emphasis on major sources of ore 55-75$/t for nearly 20 years. It finally began Sponge Iron. The direct reduction process
100 displaying a high iron content, a consider- to climb at the time of the 1974 oil crisis as a (see Section 5.10) has recently provided the
~ 80
ation which helps to minimize fluctuations result of increasing energy pnces, subse-
quently reaching a level of 190-260$/t.
market with a new form of pig iron: sponge
Lump ore etc. in ore quality. iron, available in significant quantity since the
,£ The largest exporter of pig iron, and by a
~ 60 • Significant improvement in the facilities for 1970s and produced from lump ore or pellets.
'iii wide margin, is Brazil at 2 X 106 tla, followed
handling and transporting ore in increas- Current world output of sponge iron is esti-
~ 40 Sinter ingly large unit amounts. Intercontinental by Canada and Ge17llany with ca. 0.5 X 106 tla
o each (Table 5.42) [169]. mated at 14 X 106 tla.
marine ore transport today involves units as
large as 350000 dwt (i.e., dead weight), rep- Table 5.42: Development of import and export of pig iron (worldwide).
oLL_..L---.l_--.L.._.L----L--L---:-:=_ resenting a three-fold increase in maximum Country 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985
load in the course of 20 years. Import'
• Steady improvement in the preparation of EE.C b 1550 1672 1430 1541 1698 1885 1906 2363
Germany 285 303 279 295 348 379 364 324
the fUl7lace charge in terms of ore classifica- 172 132 89 135 160 159 182 309
tion, sintering, and pelleting. For example,
1200 ® the use of lump ore has decreased in Ger-
~ 1000 many from 35% in 1970 to < 10% currently. United Kingdom 148 165 168 102 124 148 119 233
Sinter input, on the other hand, has in- Ireland 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3
348 437 319 400 335 475 530 745
creased to 60%, and pelletized ore-virtu- Italy
Netherlands 51 50 39 64 62 61 60 72
ally unknown before 1965-now represents
Greece 17 14 17 7 14 25 21
30% of the charge (Figure 5.100). Spain 41 104 102 52 88 147 126 8
u 400
"C Coke • Significant reduction in fuel consumption Austria 95 89 51 66 67 52 42 62
ro 200 and more variety in the nature of the fuel Sweden 64 83 61 64 69 77 62 25
Switzerland 65 74 72 71 78 42 34 46
employed for reduction.
Former Czechoslovakia 843 901 780 745 869 809 717 685
o1950 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Fuel consumption has dropped by a total of Japan 1068 1337 952 777 604 921 1443 2917
Year- ca. 20% over the last 20 years, now amounting United States 857 6:13 456 925 307 603 378 811
Figure 5.100: Development of blast furnace burden com- to only 480 kg per tonne of pig iron. Coke con- Poland 1449 1273 1135 1188 1354 1323' 1338
position (A) and fuel rate (B) in Germany since 1950 for tinues to constitute the major source of fuel Hungary 291 235 295 281 321 255 263
basic pig iron. (415 kg/t), although since about 1986 inex- Fornler Yugoslavia 71 99 65 75 57 57' 27
In view of the massive requirements for pensive coal has increasingly been used as a Export"
raw material and energy, and investment costs, coke substitute (40 kg/t). Petroleum fuel cur- EEC b 1420 1013 996 1145 1281 690 697 713
the potential for savings through optimization rently accounts for ca. 25 kg/t. Germany 821 622 497 590 705 542 540 464
Belgium/Luxembourg 19 17 16 27 26 23 30 38
of scale and exploitation of more economical By far the largest part of the pig iron output
6 Denmark I
sources of raw material is extremely attrac- goes· into steel production: ca. 91 X 10 t France 538 332 389 475 451 12 d 54 55
tive. Environmental protection measures have (97%) in the case of the EEC with an addi- United Kingdom 35 31 60 34 59 33 43 31
also come to play an increasingly important tional 2 x 106 t consumed by foundries. About Ireland 2 1
economic role in iron manufacture in recent 0.7 x 106 t in the form of spiegel eisen and Italy 1 3 22 10 22 61 20 37
years. high-carbon ferromanganese are being used Netherlands 6 5 12 9 18 18 10 4
Norway 280 213 183 160 212 185 191 134
Careful organization and quality control on for the production of alloyed steel.
Austria 1 1 7
the input side of pig iron production is also im- In Europe essentially no open market exists Sweden 45 30 27 3 7 10 3 12
portant with respect to the properties of the for basic pig iron, because the steel industry is Australia 158 300 350 150
principal end product-steel-and conse- effectively self-supporting. Iron of this type is Japan 12 61 341 285 1083 1058 51 30
quently on the market picture as it relates to purchased only rarely and in times of shortage, Canada 523 526 389 449 654 602 523 388
steel vs. alternative materials. Economic fac- as when demand is particularly strong or some United States 33 59 14 61 40 50 53 70
Hungary 5 21
tors and quality are therefore closely linked. industrial mishap causes supply problems. By
Brazil 714 693 1801 2473 2476 2369 2445 2532
Several recent developments deserve spe- contrast, there is a lively trade in~such prod-
cial mention as determinants of the competi- ucts as foundlY iron, hematite iron, and sphe- ·Pig iron including spiegel iron and blast furnace ferromanganese.
b Including internal excbange. 1988 without Greece.
tiveness of steel, especially from the roidal pig hun. The list price offoundry iron, ?reliminary. .

standpoint of cost reduction: for example, remained steady in the range of Export not totally broken down because ofsecurity reasons.
142 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 143

Alternative Production Methods. So far, no conditions favor other sources (through cheap magnetic field. Unlike iron which contains
other alternative routes to iron manufacture sources of energy or limited demand) is the carbon, pure iron has a very low remanence,
11000 have achieved any significance. The current otherwise efficient and economical blast fur- i.e., it instantly loses its magnetization when
o trend in technical innovation is suggested by nace likely to be displaced. the applied electric field is removed. For this
\ the Corex method utilizing a meIter-gasifier reason it finds certain applications in electro-
-:;; 800 which was developed in Germany and first in- technology, e.g., for electric motors and trans-
B 5.14 Pure Iron [172,173]
formers, in which rapid fluctuations must
b troduced in South Africa in 1988. One impor-
1: 600
... ......
tant advantage of the process is a significant The pure metal is not often encountered in occur in the magnetism of ·an iron core. In the
OIl d / ' --0
" reduction in environmental pollution, and it commerce, but is usually alloyed with carbon solid state, iron can have several allotropic
QJ ....... ~
> -- - _ also avoids the expensive construction of cok- or other metals. Chemically pure iron can be forms depending primarily on its temperature.
u 400 L__-----'-_ _--'--_ _.L..-_-----'-_---' ing pelletizing, and sintering facilities. The prepared either by the reduction of pure iron These are:
'::; 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 potential cost saving has been estimated at as oxide (best obtained for this purpose by heat-
~ Crude steel production, 10 6 t l a - III a-Iron: magnetic and stable to 768°C, crys-
much as 30%. ing the oxalate in air) with hydrogen, or by the tallizes in a body centered cubic lattice, i.e.,
electrolysis of aqueous solutions of iron(II) iron atoms are arranged at the centre and the
Figure 5.101: Specific investment costs for steel mills Size of the Production Facility. One way of
based on coal. salts, e.g., of iron(II) ammonium oxalate. On apexes of unit cubes. It dissolves very little
classifying the various manufacturing meth-
the technical scale, pure iron is prepared carbon (0.025% at 721°C). Alpha iron with
Blast ods is in terms of dimension (scale, capacity).
30 (orex (KRI Plasmamelt Midrex
chiefly by the thermal decomposition of iron the carbon traces dissolved in it is calledftr-
furnace For example, blast fitl7laces today may be as
t 25
N large as 15 m in diameter, with a working vol-
ume of 5580 m 3 (Cherepovets, Novolipetsk).
pentacarbonyl. The so-called "carbonyl iron"
prepared in this way initially contains some
III ~-Iron: it is a form stable between 768 and
:::: 20 carbon and o;o,,'Ygen in solid solution. These
-, Nevertheless, massive facilities such as these 910°C. It is alpha iron that has lost its mag-
_ 15 impurities can be removed by suitable after
are not always optimal from an economic netism. It does not dissolve carbon.
OJ treatment.
~ 10 standpoint, nor do they necessarily match the
needs in a given situation. Local factors and a Table 5.43: Some physical properties of iron. III y-Iron: this form is stable between 910 and

~ 5 desire for flexibility may well dictate smaller Density at 20 DC, g/cm J
7.874 1390 °C. The crystallographic appearance is
w 0 L...JL....IL.LIO.._---'--"'-''-''-L_--''~L__.I..<..<l"'__ units. Thus, the average blast furnace in Japan Thermal el\'jlansion coefficient at20 DC 11.7 x 10-6 a face centered cubic lattice, i.e., iron atoms
Lattice constant, em 2.861 x 10-8 , are arranged at the apexes and centers of the
Figure 5.102: Comparison of specific gross energy con- has a diameter of 12 m, while in Germany 9 m Melting point, DC 1539
is more typical. sides of unit cubes. It is nonmagnetic and
sumption (0), net energy consumption (B), and con- Boiling point, DC '" 3200
sumption of primary energy referred to net energy (rn ) for Temp. of a;ytransformation (.4 3 ) on dissolves 2% carbon at 1102 0c. Gamma
For technical reasons, direct reduction fa-
different production processes (for the production of 1 t of heating, DC 910 iron with carbon in solution is called austen-
crude steel based on ore). cilities are much smaller, with a typical maxi- Temp. ofy,o transformation (.4 4 ) on ite.
mum annual output of 600 000 1. The first cooling, DC 1400
This newer production method represents a smelting reduction Corex units are currently Resistivity at 20 DC, acm 9.7xlO-6 &-Iron: the last of the allotropic forms, it is
for commercial iron 11 x 10-6
significantly more economical route to pig producing only ca. 300 000 t/a. nonmagnetic and stable between 1391 and
Temperature coefficient of resistance 0.0065
iron than that involving coke when alternative Lower investment costs are responsible for Compressibility, cm!lkg 0.60x 10-6 1537 °C, melting point. The crystallo-
forms of energy are available in abundance the fact that smaller steel mills in particular Specific heat, calg'l 1\:,1 0.105 graphic arrangement is in the form of a
(e.g., natural gas, as in the case of Indonesia, (i.e., those with an annual output < 1 x 106 t) Heat offusion, callg 64.9 body-centered cubic lattice.
Malaysia, the Middle East, Mexico, and Vene- Heat of a,ytransformation, cal/g 3.86
tend to utilize a direct-reduction or smelting- Heat ofy.otransfonnatioIl, callg 1.7
The physical properties of iron are changed
zuela). Indeed, sponge iron can often be pro- reduction iron process (Figure 5.101) in con- Linear correction at a, yon heating 0.0026 by the presence of foreign elements (metal-
duced for 120$/t under appropriate trast to the blast furnaces at larger integrated Linear correction at r..o on heating 0.001-0.003 loids or metals) in very small amounts.
conditions, and most of the direct reduction fa- steel mills, where the lowel'fitel consumption Modulus of elasticity. lb/in! 30x 10 6
dynes/em! . 21 X lOll Iron has a great affinity for o~'Ygen. It rusts
cilities currently in operation are located in the associated with a conventional blast furnace is in moist air, i.e., the surface gradually be-
Modulus of rigidity, Ib/in! 12 X 106
regions cited [170]. the decisive factor [171] (Figure 5.102). Proportional limit for aJmealed iron. comes converted into iron oxide hydrate.
Sponge iron is devoid of elemental silicon The principal economic factors addressed Ib/in! . 19 X 103 Compact iron reacts with dry air only above
Tensile strength, lb/in! 25-100 X 103
and phosphorus, and it contains only little car- here with respect to iron intended as a precur- Brinell hardness number (annealed) 50-90
150°C. When heated in air it forms the inter-
bon i.e., it lacks any source of energy for the sor to steel-performance of the production mediate oxide, Fe 30 4, which is also formed
subsequent conversion to steel. In this sense it unit, investment costs, energy con~umption, Pure iron is a lustrous, rather soft metal during the forging of red hot wrought iron. In a
is comparable to steel scrap, and it is highly advantages of scale-all sugg~st that' the blast (hardness 4.5). Some of its physical properties very finely divided state - such as is ob-
priced as a charge for electric furnaces where furnace will continue to retain its primacy are given in Table 5.43. Iron is ferromagnetic, tained, for example, when iron oxalate is
these can be operated economically. over the long term. Only where unusual local i.e., it is strongly magnetized ""hen placed in a heated in hydrogen - iron is pyrophoric.
144 Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy Iron

Iron objects are protected from rusting by Above 660°C, this is transfonned without librium with mixed cl}'stals having the com-
covering them with coatings of other metals change of composition into crystals of Fe,N, position given by the point a on the solidus
(e.g., zinc, tin, chromium, nickel) or with paint in which only one half of the available lattice curve AC. The melt is thus enriched in carbon
(red lead). A particularly effective protection positions are occupied by nitrogen atoms. through the deposition of austenite. At the
from rust can be achieved by converting the Hydrogen is also absorbed by iron at a red same time, the concentration of carbon in the
iron superficially to iron(II) phosphate ("phos- heat. The amount absorbed is small, and is auste~te deposited rises continuously until, at
phatizing"). This is done by treatment with a proportional to the square root of the pressure. the pomt C, with a carbon content of 1.7% C
solution of acid manganese or zinc phosphate, Electrolytic iron, however, may contain larger this phase is saturated with carbon. The melt
Mn(H 2P0 4h or Zn(H2P04h. Iron dissolves in amounts of hydrogen, which make it hard and has then reached the point E, and the remain-
dilute acids with the evolution of hydrogen brittle. The hydrogen is driven off on heating, ing melt solidifies as ledeburite.
and the fonnation of iron(II) salt<;. The nonnal
potential of iron in contact with iron(II) salt
and the iron then becomes ductile.
,LL,.£:t{jG~ Co
f Melts containing up to 1.7% of carbon
solutions is +D.440 V at 25°C, relative to the therefore yield only austenite, and those with a
normal hydrogen electrode. If iron is dipped
5.15 Iron-Carbon System
~l higher content (up to 4.2%) give ledeburite as
well. Austenite, however, is only stable at high
into a copper sulfate solution, it becomes cov- A variety of textural constituents can be tempera~res. When the alloy is slowly
ered with metallic copper: distinguished in solidified iron containing car- cooled, It undergoes transformation into a
Fe + cu2 > -7 Fel> + Cu bon. The most important are the following: f4-- ao----+-I f4-- a----+-l mixture offernte and pearlite, at temperatures
At ordinary temperature, iron is hardly at- Austenite, a solid solution of carbon in iron Figure 5.103: Detailed structure of the textural constitu. b~twe~n F (tJ:1e transfonnation temperature of
tacked by air-free water. If air has access, (more precisely, in y-iron). The formation of ents in iron--{;arbon system. )'-iron: a = 3.59 A (eXirapo- y-Iron mto o-rron) and H (or D), depending on
austenite depends on the fact that carbon at- lated to room temperature); austenite: a = 3.63 A (for 8 Its carbon content (G is the transfonnation
however: the porous iron(III) oxide hydrate is atom% C); martensite: a o = 2.84, Co = 3.00 A (for 6
formed, and corrosion goes on continuously as oms can take up positions at the center and in atom % C); a(o}-iron: a = 2.86 A temperature of o-iron into a-iron). Martensite,
a result. Concentrated sodium hydroxide at- the middle of the cell edges of the unit cube of which is characterized by its· e;.,.treme hard-
Cementite, a compound of iron and carbon,
tacks iron, fairly strongly, even in the absence y-iron (Figure 5.103). If these sites were occu- ness, is formed as an intermediate product in
pied in every unit cell, a compound FeC, with FeF (contains 6.68% C), has a considerably
of air, especially at high temperatures, since this transformation, and persists at ordinary
50 atom % C, would be produced. However, more complex structure; the Fe atoms form temperature if cooling is effected rapidly
the Fe(OHh goes into solution through the prisms, with the C atoms located at their mid-
formation ofhydroxo salts. the crystal lattice of austenite is stable only be- ("quenching"). Under microscopic examina-
Iron combines energetically with chlorine low 8 atom% C. The C atoms thus built into tion on a polished section, martensite stands
when heated, and also with sulfur and phos- the crystal lattice distribute themselves statis- Ledeburite, an eutectic mixture of cementite out clearly in the fonn of dark needles from
phorus, but not directly with nitrogen. It has a tically between the cell centers and cell edges,' with austenite (saturated with carbon). An eu- the light, not yet transformed austenite.
and austenite has the characteristics of a "solid tectic is formed by the cooling of a melt. 1600·'r---,---;--_,--_--.-_----,
strong tendency, however, to unite or alloy
with carbon and silicon. These alloys are most solution". The crystal lattice of y-iron is ex- Pearlite, am eutectoid mixture of fernte and 1526v A

important for the properties of technical iron. panded uniformly in all directions by the in- cementite. An eutectoid is applied to a mixture
Oll.)'gen is dissolved by molten iron, as FeO; corporation of the C atoms, but the expansion which is formed in the solid state.
some of this is retained in solid solution on is small.
Figure 5.104 represents the phase diagram ~
cooling (o-iron can dissolve up to 0.12%, a- Martensite, a metastable conversion product
iron only up to 0.04% of in solid solution).
The ox)'gen content of iron reduces its work-
of austenite, formed by rapid cooling, can be
regarded as a (supersaturated) solid solution of
of the iron-earbon system up to a content of
?% by weight of C. The melting point of iron
IS first lowered by the addition of carbon, from


ability when hot. Nitrogen is absorbed from carbon in a-iron. Like all supersaturated solu- A to E, and is then raised again with further in-
the air by molten iron only in minimal tions, it is unstable (or metastable). As shown crease of carbon content. The eutectic point E
amounts. However, if iron is heated in ammo- in Figure 5.103, only a fraction of the sites corresponds to 4.2% C, and a temperature of
nia gas, an iron-nitrogen compound, Fe 2N, is available for C atoms is occupied in the mar- 1140 0c. A melt of iron containing 4.2 % of
fonned, which displays a considerable solubil- tensite structure also. If all lattice positions carbon solidifies in the form of ledeburite. ~I
600 Q F~rrjl~
ity in solid iron, and confers great hardness. were occupied, a compound FeC would result From melts with a lower carbon content "I

~ixed crystals of y-iron with carbon (austen~

This property is utilized in the surface-harden- in this case also. As compared with the a-iron T

Pr</ilr .t: "I

ing of iron articles, by heating them in ammo- structure, the crystal lattice of martensite has lte) first separate. The mixed crystals have a 4000 0 I 1
4 1 5%(
nia (nitriding process). In addition to the undergone tetragonal distortion; it is stretched lower carbon content than the melt, so that a 09 17
--Carbon aJOlrnl
foregoing, there is a second compound, Fe 4N, in one direction, and contracted a little in the melt h.aving the composition corresponding to
two others. . Figure 5.104: Phase diagram of iron-carbon alloys (sim-
with a rather narrow range of homogeneity. the pomt b on the liquidus curve AE is in equi- plified).
146 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron

On passing to a melt with more than 4.2% 0.1 % graphite). Since it is harder and more If, in course of tempering, the temperature Because of the ease with which ferrous com-
of carbon, cementite, Fe3C, first separates on brittle than grey cast iron, it is less suitable for is raised higher, so that pearlite begins to sepa- pounds are oxidized, particularly in alkaline
rapid cooling. When the carbon content of the castings (except for malleable cast iron), and rate out in a state of very fine subdivision, the solution, ferrous sulfate is widely used in
residual melt has thereby been reduced to is used almost exclusively as raw material for hardness decreases to some extent but the ten- chemical industry and in the laboratory as a re-
4.2 %, the rest solidifies as ledeburite. If cool- the production of malleable iron. sile strength is increased. It is essential, how- ducing agent.
ing is allowed to take place slowly, however, ever, that the heat treatment should not be
Malleable iron has a lower carbon content When equimolar proportions of ferrous sul-
graphite crystallizes out, for the most part, in continued so long that the martensite decom-
than pig iron, and contains fewer impurities. fate and ammonium sulfate are brought to-
place of cementite. This is because, at temper- poses completely into pearlite, as the hardness
atures below the melting point, a mih1ure of The carbon content is usually between 0.04 gether in aqueous solution, and the solution is
and strength would then be lost once more.
and 1.5%. Malleable iron melts at a higher evaporated until crystallization takes place, a
iron and graphite is more stable than a mixture
temperature than pig iron. It softens gradually double salt of the formula (NHJ2S04'FeS04'
of iron and cementite. Hence the latter is 5.17 Compounds
at high temperatures, and can therefore be 6Hp, known as Mohr's salt, is obtained. In
slowly converted into the former at about
forged and welded, as well as rolled or the solid state, Mohr's salt is not oxidized by
1000 dc. As a result of this transformation
stretched into wires. 5.17.1 General the air, and it is useful, therefore, as a depend-
within the solid alloy, the graphite is deposited
able source of ferrous ion free from ferric.
in an eh1remely finely divided state ("temper Soft Iron. This iron contains 0.5 % of carbon
carbon"). This fact, as already mentioned, is The ferrous halides are most readily pre-
at the most. It is tough and relatively soft, and Ferrous Compounds pared by the action of solutions of the corre-
taken advantage of in malleabilizing. can therefore be worked particularly well. It
When iron is dissolved in nonoxidizing ac- sponding hydrogen halides upon metallic iron.
approaches pure iron in its properties, but dif-
ids such as hydrocWoric or dilute SUlfuric, so- The cWoride crystallizes as the green hydrate
5.16 Technical Varieties of fers from the latter in that, when magnetized, it
lutions containing ferrous ion are obtained. FeCI2'4~O when its solution is evaporated
loses its magnetism with a greater or less delay out of contact with the air.
Iron (hy steresis). Fe+2W ~Fe2++H2
When a solution of a pure ferrous salt is Ferrous SUlfide, FeS, is obtained either by
Ordinary technical iron contains silicon, Steel. Steel has a higher carbon content than direct union of iron and sulfur or by the action
manganese, and other impurities, as well as treated with an alkali hydroxide, a white, ge-
soft iron - usually between 0.5 and 1%. It of hydrogen sulfide on neutral or basic solu-
carbon, and the properties of the iron-carbon latinous precipitate of ferrous hydroxide,
can be forged and welded less readily than soft tions of ferrous ion. The black precipitate of
alloys may be modified to a considerable ex- Fe(OH}z is formed. In the presence of air, fer-
iron. It is also harder than the latter, and not FeS obtained in this reaction is readily soluble
tent by these other constituents. Thus silicon rous hydroxide quickly turns green, and then
tough but elastic at ordinary temperature. The in even weakly acidic solutions. A black pre-
represses the formation of cementite and fa- slowly becomes reddish-broviIl as it is oxi-
most important characteristic of steel is that it cipitate is obtained by the action of S2- ions on
vors the deposition of graphite, whereas man- dized to hydrous ferric oxide.
may be hardened. If it is heated to bright red- iron(III) salt solutions. This is practically in-
ganese acts in the opposite manner. The 4Fe(OH)2 + O2 ~ 2Fep] + 4H20
ness, and suddenly cooled (by plunging it into' soluble in water, but is soluble in dilute acids,
influence of silicon, manganese, etc. on the water or oil), it becomes eh1raordinarily hard Because of this fact it is difficult to obtain pure and has a composition corresponding to the
range of existence of the various modifica- and brittle. The brittleness can be removed white ferrous hydroxide, and ferrous oxide, formula Fe:!S3' It decomposes readily in air
tions of iron, becomes practically important without any reduction in hardness, by "tem- FeO, is prepared by the thermal decomposi- when it is moist, with the formation of iron ox-
only when these elements are present in con- pering" the steel - that is, by hearing it care- tion of ferrous oxalate: ide hydrate and the deposition of sulfur. Sulfur
siderable concentration, as in the special fully for a short time to a moderately high FeC20~ ~ FeO + co + cO2 is also deposited when the precipitate is
steels. temperature (250-300 DC). treated with hydrocWoric acid:
rather than by the dehydration of ferrous hy-
Pig Iron or Cast Iron. This is iron which con- The possibility of hardening steel is based droxide. Solutions containing ferrous ion have Fe 2S] + 4HC\ ~ 2FeCI 2 + 2H2S + S
tains more than 2.3 %, and usually 5-10% of on the fact that iron-carbon alloys with a car- a pale green color. In the presence of air, fer-
foreign constituents, with a carbon content of bon content below 1.7% can be converted into rous ion is slowly oxidized to ferric. This oxi-
2-5%. It melts without previous softening, austenite by heating them. When this is sud- Ferric Compounds
dation takes place much more readily in
and therefore cannot be forged, but it casts denly cooled ("quenched") it passes over, par- alkaline than in acidic solution, as is indi~ated The iron atom has only two electrons in its
well, since it fills the molds sharply. The melt- tially or completely, into the very hard by the standard potentials for the following outer (4s) shell. It may, however, lose or share
ing point of pig iron lies between 1100 and martensite. As follows from the phase dia- half-reactions: in addition an electron from the incomplete 3d
1200 dc. Pig iron is brittle at ordinary temper- gram (Figure 5.104), the temperature neces- Fe 2+ ~ Fe]+ + e- £=--0.77 V subshell, thereby attaining an oxidation state
ature. Ordinary grey cast iron contains the car- sary for hardening varies, according to the of 3+. Solutions of many ferric salts contain
bon chiefly in the form of graphite (typically carbon content of the steel. It is usually about Fe(OHh + ow ~ Fe(OH)] + e- E = 0.56 V
the hydrated ferric ion, Fe(Hp).r. Because of
0.9% "combined carbon", 2.8% graphite). 900 dc. The effect oftempering is tc> release or The most important ferrous compound is the small size and high charge on the ferric
White cast iron, contains its carbon essentially diminish the internal strains that result from the sulfate, which crystallizes from aqueous ion, the hydrated ion reacts with water to give
as cementite (e.g., 3% "combined carbon", quenching. solution as the heptahydrate, FeS0 4 ·7H:!0. acid solutions.
Handbaok ofExtractive Metallllrgy Iron 149

pound. Several solid hydrates are obtainable, conditions under which the reaction is carried readily formed; an example is Mohr's salt,
Fe(Hp)~+ + Hp ~ Fe(H20)s(OHf+ + HP+
the most familiar being FeCl 3·6Hp. out. The important fact, however, is that fer- iron(lI) ammonium sulfate, FeSOiNH4)S04'
When solutions offernc salts are boiled, basic On evaporation of solutions containing rous ion reacts with ferricyanide ion to give a 6H20. This green salt is soluble in water, eas-
femc salts or hydrous ferric oxide may be pre- equimolar proportions of femc sulfate and the dark blue precipitate, whereas femc ion reacts ily purified, and more stable to oxidation than
cipitated. The yellow color of solutions of fer- sulfate of an alkali metal or ammonium, vio- with ferrocyanide ion to give a precipitate of iron(lI) sulfate heptahydrate.
ric salts is due to complex hydrated ions or to let-colored ferric alums are obtained, e.g., practically identical color. On the other hand,
Production. Iron(lI) sulfate is produced by
colloidal hydrous femc oxide. When a solu- (NH4)2S04,Fe2(S04k24Hp. Femc nitrate, pure ferrous ion forms a white precipitate with
dissolving scrap iron in dilute sulfuric acid or
tion of a ferric salt is treated with ammonia, or also, may be obtained in violet-colored crys- ferrocyanide ion, and ferric ion reacts with fer-
by oxidizing moist pyrites in air.
with a soluble hydroxide, a red-brown gelati- tals, having the formula Fe(N03k 9H20 . ricyanide ion to yield a brown solution con-
taining a complex of unknown composition. Iron(lI) sulfate is also obtained as a gyprod-
nous precipitate of hydrous femc oxide is ob- uct from steel pickling and from the produc-
tained which readily goes into the colloidal These reactions provide a convenient method Complex Compounds for testing for ferrous and femc ions and for tion of titanium dioxide (sulfate process, with
condition. Since its composition varies with ilmenite a s raw material). It is recovered from
the method of preparation. It is best repre- Iron in both the 2+ and 3+ oxidation states distinguishing between them.
forms many complex compounds. Of these, The addition of a solution containing thio- pickling liquors in a relatively pure form. The
sented as Fep3'xHp. Hydrous ferric oxide purity of iron(lI) sulfate from the production
does not dissolve in basic solutions. the complex cyanides, because of their high cyanate ion, SCN-, to a solution containing
stability, are particularly important. of titanium dioxide depends on the source of
femc ion produces a deep red color. More than
When hydrous ferric oxide is strongly When solutions containing ferrous ion are the ilmenite. A typical composition is 87-90%
one colored complex ion is formed but in each
heated. it loses all its water and yields the an- F~S04'7H20, 6-7% MgS0 4'7H:P, 0.6-0.7%
treated with an excess of cyanide ion, the pale of these complexes, thiocyanate ions are coor-
hydro~ oxide, Fep3' This oxide exists in a yellow complex ferrocyanide ion is obtained. dinated to the femc ion. This reaction consti-
TIOS0 4, 0.2% MnS0 4'7HP, 3-6% water,
number of crystalline modifications, the par- This ion is so stable that solutions offerrocya- and depending upon the type of ilmenite used,
tutes a very sensitive test for femc.
ticular form depending upon the method by nides have none of the properties either of fer- traces of nickel, chromium(lll), vanadium,
which it is obtained. As the mineral hematite, copper, zirconium, and others.
rous or of cyanide ion: 5.17.2 Iron(ll) Sulfate
femc oxide occurs in large quantities in the Uses. Iron(lI) sulfate is used for the prepara-
earth's crust. Finely divided femc oxide ob- Fe2+ + 6CW ~ Fe(CN)t
Properties. Iron(lI) sulfate heptahydrate, fer- tion of other iron compounds. It is employed
tained by the b~g of pyrite is used as a red. The most familiar ferrocyanides are the rous sulfate, copperas, green vitriol, to a lesser extent in writing inks, wood preser-
pigment or as a mild abrasive under the names readily soluble sodium and potassium salts, FeS0 4'7H 20, 11Ip 64°C, P 1.898 g/cm3, crys- vatives, desulfurizing coal gas, and the pro-
of Venetian red. When femc oxide is heated to Na4F~(CNk lOHP and K4Fe(CNk3Hp. tallizes from aqueous solution as green, mono- duction of Turnbull's blue, Prussian blue, and
a very high temperature, or when iron bums in Likewise, when solutions containing femc ion clinic crystals, which are readily soluble in other iron pigments; as an etchant for alumi-
o:-..)'gen or is heated in steam, ferroxofemc ox- are treated with an excess of cyanide ion, the water and glycol but insoluble in alcohol, ace- num; for process engraving and lithography;
ide, Fe304' is obtained. This compound occurs very stable red femcyanide complex is ob- tone, and methyl acetate. On being heated to and as an additive to fodder.
naturally as the ore called magnetite, some tained: 60-70 DC, 3 mol of water is driven off to form As sensitivity to environmental protection
samples of which are highly paramagnetic and Fe 3+ + 6CN- ~ Fe(CN)t the tetrahydrate, FeS0 4·4H20. In the absence increased, other uses had to be found for
are known as lodestones. This oxide may also of air, at ca. 300°C, iron(lI) sulfate monohy- iron(lI) sulfate, because the above mentioned
The most important ferricyanide is the potas-
be regarded as ferrous femte, and its formula drate, a white powder, is formed. When heated applications did not consume the amounts
sium salt K3Fe(CN)6' which is obtained indus-
accordingly may be written Fe(Fe0 2h trially by the oxidation of the ferrocyanide
to ca. 260°C in the presence of air, the mono- available as a byproduct from industrial pro-
The most important salt of femc ion is fer- hydrate is oxidized to iron(III) sulfate. De- cesses. Large amounts of iron(lI) sulfate are
with chlorine: composition of iron(lI) sulfate begins at about
ric chloride. It is a true salt only when hy- used for the clarification of community efflu-
2K.Fe(CN)6 + Cl 2 ~ 2K3Fe(CN)6 + 2KCl 480°C. Iron(lI) sulfate is efflorescent in dry
drated; the physical properties of the ents. With an additional clarification step, up
anhydrous form indicate that it is covalent. These complex cyanide ions form precipi- air. In moist air, the surface of the crystals be- to 90% of the phosphate in the effluent can be
Anhydrous ferric halides are obtained by the tates with a number of metal ions and are comes covered with brownish basic iron(III) eliminated. Sludge formed in clarification
passage of a current of the corresponding therefore useful in analytical chemistry. sulfate. Aqueous solutions of iron(lI) sulfate tanks may be used as fertilizer [174-175].
halogen gas over heated iron. Under these When a solution of a ferrocyanide reacts with are slightly acidic due to hydrolysis. The rate Iron(lI) sulfate can also be recycled. After dry-
conditions, femc chloride, for example, crys- a soluble femc salt, a dark blue precipitate of of oxidation by air increases in alkaline solu- ing to the monohydrate, it is decomposed in a
tallizes in black crystals in the cold parts of the complex structure, called Prussian blue, is ob- tion and on raising the temperature. Iron(ll) calciner:
tube. The density' of the vapor formed when tained. Likewise, when a solution of a ferricy- sulfate reduces copper(lI) ions to copper(l)
4FeSO. ~ 2F~03 + 4S02 + 02
anide is treated with a soluble ferrous salt, a ~ons and gold or silver ions to the correspond-
these crystals ai-e volatilized (280°C) indi-
complex dark blue precipitate known as Turn- mg metal. With univalent cations (e.g., K, Rb, Sulfur dioxide is converted by the contact pro-
cates th~t the compound is Fe 2C1 6. Anhydrous
bull's blue is obtained. The compositions of Cs, NH 4, and Tl) and divalent cations (e.g., cess to sulfuric acid [176]. The conversion of
femc chloride dissolves readily in water to
these precipitates vary considerably with the Cd, Zn, Mn, and Mg), double salts (alums) are iron(lI) sulfate to gypsum and iron(ll) chloride
yield a yellow solution of the hydrated com-
150 Handbook ofExtractive MetalIlIrgy Iron 151

by treatment with calcium chloride has also tained contains a mixture of iron(lII) sulfate 37 DC. It forms yellow crystals and occurs as chloride, a 10-30% excess of chlorine is used.
been proposed. The iron(lI) chloride is then and iron(III) chloride. [FeClz(HP)4tCl-·2Hp. Iron scrap is added continuously at a rate de-
decomposed to iron(lII) oxide and hydrochlo- lron(III) chloride is very soluble in water: pending on the reaction temperature and the
Uses. Ferric sulfate is used to prepare alums 430 g of FeCl3 per kilogram of solution at amount of chlorine remaining in the exit gas.
ric acid [177]. To convert surplus iron(II) sul-
and iron oxide pigments, and as a coagulant o DC, 480 g/kg at 20 DC, and 743 g/kg at 40 DC The iron(lII) chloride vapor produced passes
fate to a product that can be disposed on a
for the treatment of liquid effluents. Ammo- through water- or air-cooled condensation
dump site, it can be neutralized with one [191]. The enthalpy of solution of anhydrous
nium ferric sulfate is used for tanning. Solu- iron(III) chloride is 95 kl/mol for the forma- chambers. The crystals obtained are removed
equivalent of calcium hydroxide. The conver-
tions of iron(III) compounds are used to tion of a 40% solution at 20 DC. The aqueous continuously from the walls by vibration or
sion is reportedly 97% [178]. To regulate the
reduce the volume of sludge from effluent knocking. They are then ground, screened,
setting characteristics of cement, gypsum can solution is strongly acidic. If a solution of
treatment plants. By using a mixture of iron(III) chloride is diluted and neutralized and packaged with exclusion of moisture.
be replaced by iron(lI) sulfate [179]. As an ad-
iron(III) sulfate, iron(lII) chloride, and cal- slowly with alkali, [Fe(Hp)6]3+ is deproto- Chlorine in the waste gas is removed either by
ditive to cement, iron(lI) sulfate can reduce
cium hydroxide it is possible to achieve a dry- nated to give yellow [Fe(OH)(Hp)sf+ and scrubbing with iron(lI) chloride solution, to
the content of water-,soluble chromates sub-
matter content of the sludge, after filtration, of dimeric [Fe 2(OH)2(HP)g]4+. Brown, colloi- give iron(III) chloride, or by reacting with so-
stantially [180]. Iron(II) sulfate solutions can
at least 35% [186]. dal ~-FeOOH is formed upon further neutral- dium hydroxide solution, to yield sodium hy-
be used to eliminate chlorine in waste gases
[181]. Effluents containing cyanides and chro- ization; at higher temperature, iron hydroxide pochlorite and sodium chloride.
mates may be decontaminated with iron(II) 5.17.4 Iron(ID) Chloride precipitates [192]. In another process, carried out in a reactor
sulfate [182]. Iron(II) sulfate can be used to lron(III) chloride is readily soluble in liq- with an acid-resistant liner, iron scrap and dry
combat chlorosis, a disease of vines [179]. It is Iron(III) chloride, ferric chloride, is a by- uids having donor properties, such as alcohols, chlorine gas react in a eutectic melt of iron(III)
also used to treat alkaline soil and to destroy product of some metallurgical and chemical ketones, ethers, nitriles, amines, and liquid chloride and potassium or sodium chloride
moss [179]. processes, such as the chlorinating decompo- sulfur dioxide, but only sparingly soluble in (e.g., 70% FeCl3 and 30% KCl) [195]. First,
sition of iron-bearing oxide ores. Its ready nonpolar solvents such as benzene and hex- iron scrap is dissolved in the melt at 600 DC
Toxicology. If swallowed, iron(II) sulfate can availability and the cheap feeds used to pro- and oxidized to iron(II) chloride by iron(III)
ane. The reaction of iron(lII) chloride with hy-
cause disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract. duce it (iron and chlorine) have made iron(III) drochloric acid or chlorides .yields the chloride. lron(II) chloride then reacts with
Ingestion of large quantities by children may
cause vomiting, hematemesis, hepatic dam-
chloride, especially its aqueous solution, a sig-
nificant feed stock for many industries, in par-
tetrachloroferrates [FeCl 4 r and [FeC1 4 chlorine to yield iron(lII) chloride, which sub-
(H~O)zJ-. Because complexes are also formed limes and is collected in cooled condensation
age, and peripheral vascular collapse [183]. ticular, water treatment and the production of with donor solvents, iron(lII) chloride can De chambers.
The acute oral toxicity (LD50) of iron(II) iron oxides or other iron compounds. extracted from aqueous solutions in the pres- The advantages of direct chlorination in-
sulfate in the rat is 1389'-::2778 mgtkg, and the Properties. lron(III) chloride, FeCI3, sublima- ence of hydrochloric acid by using ether [193]. clude higher space time yields, lower capital
in rabbit, 2778 mgtkg [184]. tion temperature ca. 305 DC, bp 332 DC [2.1]; lron(III) chloride is a strong oxidizing cost, and less waste. The melt process gives a
Ml~ (25 DC) -399.67 kllmol [187], p (25 DC) agent. Thus, many metals (for example, Fe, purer product because impurities remain
5.17.3 Iron(ID) Sulfate 2.89 g/cm3 [188], is an almost black crystal- Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt, Mo, Pb, and Sn) are dissolved largely in the melt; however, for this reason
line solid. by aqueous iron(lII) chloride, with the forma- the melt must be changed and disposed offre-
Properties. Anhydrous iron(III) sulfate, fer- tion of iron(II) chloride; magnesium dissolves quently.
It is dimeric (Fe 2CIJ in the gas phase up to
ric sulfate, FeiS04)3, is a yellowish-white about 400 DC, dissociates at higher tempera- with evolution of hydrogen. Iron(III) chloride Iron(III) chloride solutions are prepared by
solid. It dissolves in water, hydrolyzing at the ture, and is monomeric at 750 DC in the pres- solution liberates carbon dioxide from alkali- dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid and oxi-
same time, to yield a brownish solution. Basic ence of excess chlorine. If chlorine is not metal carbonates. When iron(III) chloride is dizing the resulting iron(lI) chloride with
iron(lII) sulfate precipitates when the solution present in excess, the compound decomposes heated in air, iron(III) oxide and chlorine are chlorine. In a continuous, closed-cycle pro-
is boiled. With alkali metal (M) sulfates, to iron(II) chloride and chlorine above 200 DC produced. Above 200 DC, iron(III) chloride is cess, iron(III) chloride solution is reduced
iron(lII) sulfate forms alums, MIFe(S04)~' [189]. rapidly reduced by hydrogen to iron. It is also with iron and the resulting iron(II) chloride so-
12H~O. Alums are almost colorless but nor- . reduced by coal. lution is reoxidized with chlorine. Iron(III)
Anhydrous iron(lII) chloride has a hexago- chloride solution is also produced by solving
mally have a violet tinge. Production. Anhydrous iron(III) chloride is
nal layer structure and forms dark, almost iron(III) oxide in hydrochloric acid. Solid
black, microcrystalline platelets with a metal- produced industrially by reaction of dry chlo-
Production. lron(III) sulfate is prepared by iron(lII) chloride he~ahydrate is crystallized
treating iron(II) sulfate with boiling concen- lic luster. The strongly hygroscopic crystals rine with scrap iron at 500-700 DC [194]. The
by cooling a hot concentrated solution.
trated sulfuric acid, or by evaporating a mix- form a series of hydrates in humid air process is known as direct chlorination. Pre-
ture of iron(III) oxide and sulfuric acid. (FeCI3'xHp, x = 6,3.5,2.5,2) [190] and deli- heated scrap is charged into the top of a water- Quality Specifications and Analysis. Com-
lron(III) sulfate solutions are produced indus- quesce on absorbing more moisture. The crys- cooled iron shaft furnace, while chlorine (or a mercial forms of iron(III) chloride include
trially by injecting chlorine gas into an iron(II) talline commercial product is iron(III) mixture of chlorine and nitrogen) is admitted sublimed anhydrous iron(III) chloride (~99%
sulfate solution [185]. The solution thus ob- chloride hexahydrate, FeCI 3'6Hp, 1IIp ca. at the bottom. To prevent formation of iron(II) FeCI3), iron(III) chloride hexahydrate (ca.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy Iron 153

60% FeCI 3), and iron(III) chloride solution used for the etching or surface treatment of also used ex1:ensively as flocculents in water tained as a sublimable white mass. lron(II)
(ca. 40% FeCI 3). Iron(III) chloride for potable metals (e.g., in the manufacture of electronic treatment [201]. chloride can also be prepared by passing hy-
water treatment must comply with DIN 19602 printed circuits, copperplate rotogravure print- drogen over heated iron(III) chloride.
Economic Aspects. Of the few anhydrous
(February 1987). ing, textile printing rolls), and for making Solutions of iron(II) chloride are prepared
iron(III) chloride producers worldwide, the
Trivalent iron is determined by iodometric signs. Iron(III) chloride solutions are also used by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid or by
most important in Europe is BASF. Most of
titration with sodium thiosulfate; chloride ion in leaching the copper ore chalcopyrite. reducing iron(III) chloride solutions with iron.
the iron(III) chloride is obtained as a by-prod-
is determined by argentometry. Iron(III) chloride is used as a starting mate- uct when iron-bearing raw materials are chlo- When a hot saturated solution is cooled to
rial in the preparation of other iron com- rinated or when steels are pickled with o °C, pale green, monoclinic crystals of the
Occupational Health. Iron(III) chloride irri- pounds, particularly oxides and hydroxides. hexahydrate are obtained; cooling to room
tates the skin and, especially, eyes. Therefore, hydrochloric acid; the major commercial form
However, most iron(III) oxide pigments ob- is the 40% solution. temperature yields the blue-green ''tetrahy-
workers handling it must wear protective tained by hydrolysis of iron(III) chloride at drate. If the solution is concentrated at 90°C,
glasses, facial protection, and rubber gloves. Outputs (by year, as 100% FeCI3) and ma-
high temperature have weak colors and a blu- the green dihydrate is obtained; above 120°C
The TLV for iron(III) chloride is that for solu- jor producers are
ish cast, so these processes have not achieved Europe (1994) estimated 150000 t (Solvay,
or on vacuum evaporation, the dihydrate is
ble iron salts: 1 mg of iron per cubic meter. commercial importance. Atochem, BASF, SIDRA) converted to the monohydrate, FeCkH,O. In
Storage and Transportation. Anhydrous The largest use of iron chloride is in the USA (1994) [199] 200000 t (Du Pont, PVS, Imperial the absence of air, the monohydrate i; con-
West Chern.) verted to anhydrous iron(II) chloride at 230°C
iron(III) chloride can be stored in standard form of dilute solutions that are employed as Japan (1987) [200] 322 000 t
steel containers. It is shipped airtight in sheet- flocculating and precipitating agents in water [202]. ,
The most important European producers of
iron drums or plastic barrels, and loose in tank treatment [198]. In processing surface waters iron chlorosulfate are Kronos Titan and Thann Quality Specifications. Iron(lI) chloride is
trucks. Moist iron(III) chloride and iron(III) into potable and process water, 5-40g of et Mulhouse SA. sold as an anhydrous powder (~ 96% FeClz),
chloride solutions attack ordinary metals. The iron(III) chloride is added to 1 m 3 of crude wa- as the dihydrate (> 75 % FeClz), as the tetrahy-
following materials are suitable for containers ter at pH 6-7. The precipitated iron(III) hy- drate (> 60% FeClz), and as an aqueous solu-
to hold iron chloride solutions: rubberized droxide adsorbs finely divided solids and
5.17.5 Iron(II) Chloride
tion (ca. 30% FeClz).
steel; plastics such as polyethylene, poly(vinyl colloids (e.g., clays and humic acids). If decar- lron(II) chloride, ferrous chloride, is much
chloride), and polytetrafluoroethylene; fiber- bonization or the precipitation of heavy metals less important industrially than iron(III) chlo- Transportation. Solid iron(II) chloride is
reinforced plastics; glass; stoneware; porce- is to be carried out at the same time, slaked ride. The etching of steel with hydrochloric shipped in sheet-iron drums, plastic bags, or
lain; and enamel. The only suitable metallic lime is added to adjust the pH to 9-11. acid yields large amounts of iron(II) chlorille, glass containers, and its solution is transported
materials are titanium, tantalum, and Hastel- which is chlorinated in solution or thermally in rubberized containers or plastic barrels.
In municipal and industrial wastewater
loy C. treatment, iron(III) chloride is particularly ef- decomposed to iron oxide and hydrochloric Uses. lron(II) chloride is used as a reducing
The transport classification for anhydrous fective because it precipitates heavy metals acid. A solution of iron(II) chloride is also ob- agent and for the production of other iron
iron(III) chloride is UN No. 1773, RID-ADR and sulfides, whereas contaminants such as tained as a by-product from the chloride pro- compounds. Increasingly, iron(II) chloride so-
Class 8.11 c and for iron(III) chloride solution, oils and polymers, which are difficult to de- cess for the production of titanium dioxide. lution serves as a precipitating and flocculat-
UN No. 2582, RID-ADR Class 8.5c. grade, are adsorbed on the iron hydroxide Properties. Iron(II) chloride, FeCI:!, 11Ip ing agent with reducing properties for use in
lron(III) chloride spilled by accident must flocs. Phosphates are also lowered to a level of 677 °C, bp 1074 °C, Mfi (25°C) -342.1 water treatment; it is especially effective with
be collected and forwarded to a sewage plant ca. 1 mg of phosphorus per liter of water in the kllmol, p (25°C) 3.16 g/cm3 , forms pale wastewater containing chromate, for example.
for disposal. Contaminated soil must be clarifier discharge. Preliminary treatment with green, rhombohedral crystals which are Pure iron(II) chloride solution is an impor-
cleaned with a large amount of water and neu- iron(III) chloride can increase the capacity of readily soluble in water, alcohol, and acetone, tant starting material for the preparation of ac-
tralized with lime. Iron(III) chloride is a Class overloaded clarifier plants. but only sparingly soluble in ether and ben- icular goethite, <x-FeOOH, and lepidocrocite,
1 hazard to water quality. Sludge conditioning with iron(III) chloride zene. The compound occurs naturally as the y-FeOOH, which are further processed to y-
and lime improves the dewatering of filter mineral lawrencite. It forms several hydrates, Fe Z0 3 magnetic pigments. Pure iron(II) chlo-
Uses. Anhydrous iron(III) chloride is used in ride is also employed in the preparation of
organic chemistry as a chlorinating agent for sludge, so that drier sludges, better suited to FeCl:!'xHzO (x= 1, 2, 4, 6).
disposal or incineration, are obtained. When heated in air, iron(II) chloride forms pure iron.
aliphatic hydrocarbons and for aromatic com-
pounds. It also acts as a catalyst in Friedel- Consumption of iron(III) chloride in the iron(III) chloride and iron oxides. lron(II)
Crafts syntheses and condensation reactions. United States in 1994 was as follows [199]: chloride solution undergoes virtually no hy- 5.17.6 Iron Pentacarbonyl
lron(III) chloride is also used occasionally as Sewage and wastewater treatment: 65% drolysis; it is oxidized readily by air. Metal carbonyls are complexes in which
an oxidizing agent [196, 197]. Water treatment: 25 % Production. Anhydrous iron(II) chloride is carbon monoxide is coordinated to the central
Because solutions of iron(III) chloride dis- Catalyst, etchant, and other: 10% ~, produced from iron filings heated to red heat metal atom. Of the iron carbonyls, only iron
solve metals such as copper and zinc without Solutions of iron chlorosulfate, FeCIS0 4, in a stream of hydrogen chloride or from iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(CO)5' is economically sig-
troublesome evolution of hydrogen, they are obtained by chlorinating iron(II) sulfate, are and chlorine at 700°C. The product is ob- nificant.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 155
M. BERTIIELOT [203] and, independently, L. Vapor pressure, kPa Table 5.44: Equilibrium data for the formation of iron Carbon monoxide pressure, temperature,
at 20°C 3.49 pentacarbonyl. and flow rate are controlled carefully through-
MOND and L. QUINCKE [204] discovered iron at 60 °C 21.33
at 100°C 87.58 s out the batch to avoid spontaneous decompo-
pentacarbony1in 1891 [205]. Only after BASF Fe(CO)s' K = ~
had developed high-pressure technology for Iron pentacarbony1 is completely miscible 1; °C Pco, vol% (at equi- PFe(COls sition of carbon monoxide, which would result
ammonia synthesis was its industrial produc- with petroleum ether, hexane, benzene, pen- librium) ~c---,--------:----:-­ in a sharp temperature increase and the depo-
Observed Calculated
tion feasible. In 1925, a large plant was built in tanol and higher alcohols, ethyl ether, acetone, sition of carbon black [234].
60 0.69 22.4 0.86 0.363
GelTI1any by BASF to make iron pentacarbo- acetic acid, and ethyl acetate. It is partially 80 1.47 21.8 20.1 3.39 The liquid carbonyl contains some lubricat-
ny1 which had proved to be a very effective miscible with paraffin oil and lower alcohols 160 38.83 9.0 2.4 x 10 7 1.0 x lOS ing oil (from the pump), water, and iron dust.
up to butanol [207]. 200 132.68 5.7 5.5 x 10' 1.26 x lOS Depending on the starting material, volatile
antiknock agent for gasoline engines. When
the compound was replaced shortly afterwards Water solubility data for iron pentacarbonyl carbonyls of nickel, chromium, molyodenum,
Production. Although nickel carbonyl can be
by lead all..1'ls, which were beneficial to mo- are contradictory; a value of 50-100 mglL can and tungsten may also be present. These are
obtained from nickel and carbon monoxide at
tors, the production of iron powder from iron be assumed [208]. The solubility of water in removed by distillation.
atmospheric pressure and moderate tempera-
pentacarbony1came to the fore. iron pentacarbony1is 200-400 mglkg. ture, the production of iron pentacarbonyl re- The batch process is rather expensive and
In 1940, GAF began producing the pentac- The most complete documentation on iron quires a pressure of 5-30 MFa, a temperature requires inert gas purging at the beginning and
arbonyl in the United States under license pentacarbonyl is given in [209]; for earlier lit- of 150-200 °C, and the presence of reactive end of each batch. Nonetheless, other ap-
from BASF. A BASF plant was moved to the erature, see [210]. iron. proaches have not been implemented. In a wet
Soviet Union in 1945. Plants built in England Chemical Properties. Iron pentacarbonyl is process, carbon monoxide was reacted with
Values reported for the reaction equilibrium solutions of iron(II) salts in aqueous ammonia
(1944) and France (1952) have ceased produc- an easily combustible substance. It does not are not in good agreement with those calcu-
tion. In addition to iron powder, BASF has react with water or with weak or dilute acids. at 11.5 MFa and 80°C, giving iron pentacar-
lated [225-228]. Table 5.44 lists experimental bonyl in yields of 40-50% [235,236]. A solu-
been producing pure iron oxide from the car- With concentrated acids, the corresponding data for the equilibrium constant along with
bonyl since about 1930. iron salts are fOlTI1ed with the evolution of car- tion of iron(II) chloride in methanol
values calculated from the Nemst approxima- containing a sulfur compound'and Mn powder
Physical Properties. Iron pentacarbony1 is a bon monoxide and hydrogen. Reactions with tion [228].
halogens yield iron halides. Iron pentacarbo- is said to fOlTI1 iron pentacarbonyl on reaction
clear, yellow, mobile liquid with an indistinc- Even at high temperature and pressure, with carbon monoxide [237]. Another process
tive odor. The molecule has a trigonal-bipyra- nyl also reduces organic compounds; for ex- massive iron reacts sluggishly with carbon
ample, nitrobenzene is reduced to aniline; a uses three fluidized beds in series, for iron ore
midal structure [206]. monoxide, so iron sponge, with its greater sur- (e.g., hematite) reduction, high-pressure car-
Endothermic decomposition to iron and ketone, to an alcohol; and indigo, to indigo face area, is used as starting material [229].
white. The Hieber base reaction yields iron bonylation, and carbonyl decomposition;
carbon monoxide begins at ca. 60°C. Al- Better yields are said to be obtained with iron however, the process has not been adopted
though decomposition becomes marked at e 0 carbonyl hydride or its salts [212-216]: quenched and granulated from the melt and commercially [238,239].
boiling point, iron pentacarbonyl can be dIS- Fe(CO)s + 4NaOH ~ N~Fe(CO)~ + N~C03 + 2H20 containing 2-4% sulfur [230], which has a
tilled at atmospheric pressure with slight catalytic action [231]. For the reaction kinet- Qualit)' Specifications and Analysis. Com-
The salt Na zFe(CO)4 is a strong reducing
losses. ics, see [232]. mercial pure iron pentacarbony1 is brought to
agent. high purity by double distillation. The levels
Some physical properties of iron pentacar- Visible-light photolysis of pure iron pentac- The exothermic reaction
bonyl are as follows: of contaminants, metals that form volatile car-
arbonyl or its solutions yields diiron nonacar- Fe + 5CO ~ Fe(CO)sm' l!Jl =-226.92 kJ/mol bonyIs, and sulfur are at or below the thresh-
mp -20°C
bp 103°C
bonyl, which precipitates as golden old of detectability [208].
hexagonal platelets [217, 218]: is carried out in high-pressure batch equip-
Critical temperature 285-288 °C To test for trace contaminants, a sample is
ment with a vertical reactor charged with iron.
Critical pressure 2.90 MPa 2Fe(CO)s ~ Fel(CO). + co solidified by cooling, treated with excess bro-
Heat of fusion 69.4 kJfkg The gas, circulated by a pump, is preheated
Heat ofvaporization 190 kJfkg The trinuclear iron carbonyl FeiCO)12 is also and admitted to the reactor. It leaves the reac- mine, and brought slowly to room tempera-
Specific heat (20°C) 1.2 kJkg-1K- known [219-224]. tor hot and loaded with iron pentacarbonyl ture. Mter the reaction stops, the residue is
Viscosity (20°C) 76 mPa's As a highly reactive and readily available which is condensed in a heat exchanger and al- dissolved in dilute nitric acid. Techniques suit-
Surface tension (20°C) 0.022 Nfm able for analyzing the solution (e.g., for Cr, Ni,
Coefficient oflinear ell.-pansion (20°C) 0.00125
compound, iron pentacarbony1 is used for the lowed to expand into the unpressurized purifi-
Refractive index (no 2:1) 1.518 preparation of many complexes, but these are cation system under low pressure. To maintain Mo, or Pb) are atomic absorption spectros-
1 not very significant industrially [211]. copy and emission spectroscopy with induc-
Thermal conductivity 0.139 W m-1K- the pressure in the system, the carbon monox-
Enthalpy of dissociation (vapor) 994 kJfkg The most important industrial reactions of ide used is replaced with fresh gas. Most of tively coupled plasma. Iron pentacarbonyl
Heat of combustion (to CO2 and Fep3) -8200 kJfkg this is obtained when the carbonyl is decom- can be analyzed in a similar fashion after be-
iron pentacarbony1 are thelTI1al decomposi-
Density, gfcm 3 ing dissolved in concentrated nitric acid.
atO °C 1.495 tion in the absence of air, yielding iron powder posed to iron pOWder. This closed operating
at 20°C 1.457 and carbon monoxide, and combustion to cycle removes carbonyl from the reaction Iron pentacarbonyl in gases, including air,
at 40 °C 1.419
1.380 iron(III) oxide, Fe Z0 3• equilibrium [233]. can be oxidized with a hydrogen peroxide
at 60°C
156 Handbook ofExtractive M eta/lurgy Iron 157

methanol mixture and analyzed as iron hy- Iron pentacarbonyl bums completely to transportation of iron pentacarbony1. Contain- able. In hot liquids such as paraffin oil, fmely
droxide [208]. Bromine water and concen- iron(III) oxide and carbon dioxide only when ers must be airtight and stable. dispersed iron is obtained [242]. The only pro-
trated nitric acid are also suitable as oxidizing it is atomized with air. Open combustion (e.g., In Germany, the same regulations apply as cess that has become industrially important is
agents. The exposure of individual workers to in a dish) does not go to completion, and car- in the case of nickel carbonyl. Both substances decomposition in cavity decomposers, which
iron pentacarbonyl is measured using a per- bon monoxide is formed. are assigned to Class 6.1, No.3 under RID and yields spherical iron particles of 1-10 J.lII1 di-
sonal air sampler, consisting of a charcoal- The best protection against the occurrence GGVE for rail shipment, and under ADR and ameter (243].
filled tube and a small battery operated gas of iron pentacarbonyl concentrations that GGVS for road shipment. These regulations The decomposer is a pipe, externally heated
pump. The iron pentacarbonyl is catalytically might present a danger of poisoning or explo- allow pressurized containers up to 250 L rated by electricity or gas, into which iron pentacar-
oxidized on the activated charcoal to give iron sion is continuous air monitoring. Carbon at 1 MPa. They are subject to inspection as bonyl vapor is admitted from the top. The car-
oxide, which can be determined as iron after monoxide alarms respond only at much pressure vessels (e.g., by TVY) before' being bonyl decomposes not on the wall, which is
combustion of the charcoal. The average con- higher, toxic concentrations. placed in service and at five-year intervals heated to > 300°C, but on iron particles circu-
tent of iron pentacarbonyl in the air is then cal- thereafter. The contents are limited to 1 kg of lating in the gas stream. These particles grow
culated. Storage. At industrial plants, iron pentacarbo- iron pentacarbonyl per liter of capacity. Every to 3-8 Ilm and are then discharged along with
nyl is stored and processed in the absence of pressurized container must bear a nameplate the carbon monoxide generated. Carbon and
Indoor air can be continuously monitored
air in metallic (usually steel) equipment. Suit- with the following infonnation: name of sub-
by radiometry with ionization detectors. Iron oxygen produced by the decomposition of car-
able seals and fittings are recommended by the stance, owner, empty weight, year of first in- bon monoxide are incorporated in the iron.
pentacarbonyl is atomized to an aerosol in a
measuring chamber at 150°C; the aerosol di- carbonyl producer [208]. spection and year of most recent inspection, Addition of ammonia reduces the carbon and
minishes the ionization current generated by a In unpressurized tanks, the carbonyl is cov- inspector's stamp, maximum filling weight, oxygen content but leads to incorporation of
radioactive source. The change in current is a ered with a protective gas (CO, N2, Ar, CO 2 ), and rated pressure. nitrogen in the iron particles.
measure of the carbonyl concentration. The Tanks are connected to a gas reservoir so that The largest producer of iron pentacarbonyl, The cavity decomposer, invented by BASF
detection threshold is ca. 0.1 ppm [240]. the pressure does not drop below atmospheric BASF, sells it in 20- and 250-kg pressurized in 1924, has not changed fundamentally. A va-
Gas chromatography with an electron-cap- even when the tank is cooled. containers. Each container has two valves or a riety of practices have been adopted to control
ture detector has been used to determine iron When the product is stored in pressurized double valve, so that liquid can be withdrawn the product, above all its particle size. Zinc
pentacarbonyl and nickel tetracarbonyl in syn- vessels, the liquid is withdrawn through a sub- through a submerged tube. particles are obtained by admitting oil vapor
thesis gas. The limit of detection for nickel tet- . merged tube, not through valves in the tank Also used as nometurnable packaging in into the decomposer [244], by diluting the car-
racarbonyl has been found to be 0.001 ppm bottom. Europe are l-L pressurized aluminum bottles, bonyl vapor with recycled carbon monoxide
and that for iron pentacarbonyl somewhat less Tanks and pumps are installed in liquid- with a rated pressure of 1 MPa and a filling gas [245], or by applying a temperature gradi-
[241]. tight collecting basins. weight of 1 kg. ent from the top to the bottom of the decom-
For international shipment by sea, iron pen- poser [246]. Fine particles result if the rate of
Safe!)'. Two potential hazards must be consid- Cleaning of Equipment and Disposal. Pro- flow of iron pentacarbonyl is high; larger
ered in relation to iron pentacarbonyl: toxicity cess equipment can be cleaned before opening tacarbonyl is classified as follows: UN No.
1994, Class 6.1, IMDG Code. Air shipment ones, if the rate is low [247]. Inlet velocity is
and combustion. These can be controlled only by flushing with steam and then condensing also a factor [248].
and mailing are forbidden.
if the product is handled in sealed equipment the iron pentacarbonyl and water. Carbon, nitrogen, and oXl'gen can be
[208]. The fire hazard can be summarized as Similar regulations now apply in the United
Carbonyl residues are collected and reused largely eliminated from the iron powder by
follows: States. Although iron pentacarbonyl is a Poi-
whenever possible. Because of the density dif- treatment with hydrogen at ca. 450°C [249].
son B, because of the risk of inhalation it must
Flash point <-15°C ference, the product can easily be separated The spheres, which were previously very hard
Ignition point < 65°C be packaged in gas containers under pressure
from water. (Vickers Lardness 800-900), become soft
Lower explosion limit 2.6-4.5 vol% as prescribed for a Poison A under DOT Haz-
Laboratory carbonyl residues can be col- ardous Materials Regulations. The containers (100-150 Vickers) and can be deformed by
On substances with a high surface area, such lected in a bottle partly fIlled with water. pressure. Hard and soft types are marketed for
as activated charcoal, ignition is possible even hold 300 pounds of carbonyl.
Glassware is washed several times with a diverse applications [250].
at room temperature. small amount of acetone, which is poured into Carbonyl Iron Powder. By far the largest use Carbonyl iron powder is made into mag-
Because the heat of combustion of iron water for phase separation. of iron pentacarbonyl is for the production of netic cores for electronic components [251,
pentacarbonyl is only one-fifth that of fuel oil, Small amounts of iron pentacarbonyl can carbonyl iron powder. The equilibrium reac- 252]. In powder metallurgy, pure iron and iron
iron pentacarbony1 fires are easy to extin- tion alloys are made into parts by pressing [253,
be disposed of by burning in a sheet-metal tub.
guish. The best extinguishing agent is water, The presence of carbon monoxide in the off- 254] and by metal injection molding [255,
Fe(CO),rg) '" Fe + 5CO, Mi = + 194.7 kllmol
which removes heat and forms an airtight gas must be taken into account. ~. 256], carbonyl iron powder being an impor-
cover. Water that has been used to extinguish goes from left to right at standard pressure tant component of powders and feedstocks
tires must not be discharged into natural wa- Transportation. Because of fire and toxicity above 200°C. The iron deposited on hot sur- [257,258]. Carbonyl iron powder is also em-
ters. hazards, stringent regulations apply to the faces is brittle hard, and not commercially us- ployed for the fortification of foods such as
158 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 159
white bread and in the production ofiron-con- in aqueous suspension as contrasting agents in tially on the metal, which could then be recov- The fIrst laboratory study demonstrated
taining pharmaceuticals. It is used as a reduc- nuclear magnetic resonance tomography ered by magnetic separation [302]. that a 45.5 min inhalative exposure to 0.025
ing agent in organic chemistry, and is [275]. Iron pentacarbonyl is not an important in- vol % (250 ppm) of iron pentacarbonyl is fatal
incorporated in rubber or plastic sheets that To obtain mixed oxides with iron as pri- dustrial catalyst [303]; for its use as a catalyst to rabbits [316]. Studies by BASF showed that
are used for microwave attenuation [259- mary component, iron pentacarbony1 is atom- in organic chemistry, see [304]. Iron pentacar- 30-mi~ exposure to 40 ppm of iron pentacar-
261] . For preparation, use, particle-size distri- ized together with a compound of the other bonyl has been described as a catalyst for the bonylls already lethal to rabbits [317]. Cats
bution, and behavior on heat treatment, see metal (in liquid or dissolved form) that is con- hldrogen~tion of coal [305, 306]. The cataly- reac~ed with considerably less sensitivity and
[262-266]. verted to the oxide at high temperature. For SIS of p~rtIal .subsurface combustion of heavy survIved exposure to 300 ppm. In guinea pigs,
example, by atomizing the carbonyl with an crude 011 by Iron pentacarbonyl, with the aim rats, and mice, fatalities began after exposure
Carbonyl Iron Oxide. Only BASF converts aqueous solution of chromic acid, iron chro- of lowering the viscosity, has been reported to 140 ppm. After 3~-min exposure, LC 50 val-
iron pentacarbonyl to iron oxides. The pro- mium oxide can be obtained for use as a cata- [307,308]. ues of 2.190 mg/m (275 ppm) for mice and
cesses are harmless to the environment, be- lyst or as a brown pigment [276,277]. The complex Naj'e(CO)4 formed in solu- 910 mg/m 3 (115 ppm) for rats were found in
cause the only by-product is carbon dioxide, tion by the Hieber base reaction [309], recom- later acute toxicity studies [318]. The four-
and no pollution of the wastewater with salts Other Uses. Polycrystalline iron whiskers can
mended lo~g ago for re~ucing vat dyes [310], hour median lethal concentration was deter-
occurs, unlike when iron oxides are precipi- be made by decomposing iron pentacarbonyl
in a magnetic field [278-288]. The whiskers has met WIth renewed mterest. For example, mined to be 10 ppm in rats [319].
tated from solutions of iron salts. chlorate can be removed from diaphragm-cell
Red iron oxide, in a finely divided form are remarkably strong and said to be suitable The oral LD 50 of iron pentacarbonyl is
for making composites or for catalysts. An- caustic soda with this product [311]. The use 0.012 rnLlkg (0.018 mg/kg) in rabbits and
similar to carbon black, is obtained by atomiz- of Naj'e(CO)4 to reduce organic compounds
ing iron pentacarbonyl and burning it in an ex- other process for producing iron whiskers em- 0.22 rnLlkg (0.033 mglkg) in guinea pigs
ploys an empty space decomposer at has been described [312]. Operation of a fuel [320]. After percutaneous application, the
cess of air [267]. By varying temperature and cell using iron pentacarbonyl and an aqueous
residence time in the reactor, transparent or temperatures higher than 360°C for thermal LD so in rabbits is 0.24 rnLlkg [320]. In BASF
alkali hydroxide of pH < 9 has been proposed
highly transparent red pigments can be pro- decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl [289]. expe~ents, the following LD so values were
[313]. determtned for acute oral toxicity: rabbit, 20
duced [268-270]. The highly transparent pig- Novel effect pigments ranging from bright
If iron carbonyl is added during thermal mg/kg; rat, 25 mg! kg; mouse, 100 mg/kg; cat,
ments are nearly X-ray amorphous and have yellow to brilliant red are prepared in a fluid-
degradation of hydrocarbons to carbon fibers 100 mg/kg. Iton pentacarbonyl was found to
ized bed of aluminum powder, which is coated
BET surface areas of 80-160 m 2/g. The less subsequent high~temperature treatment give~ be not mutagen in an Ames test. No skin and
transparent grades have surface areas of 10-35 with iron oxide when iron pentacarbonyl va-
a higher yield of better graphitized, more co"n- eye irritation was observed in OECD 404
m 1/g and clearly show a hematite structure. por and air are admitted [290, 291]. Novel
ductivefibers [314]. OECD 405 tests [317]. ,
The iron oxide is used to make high-quality brilliant pigments are produced by coating
Pyrite mms are obtained from iron penta-
ferrites and similar ceramic materials. Be- aluminum flakes with nanometer films of he- Depending on carbonyl concentration, leth-
carbo~yl and sulfur or hydrogen sulfide by
cause the content of other metals and electro- matite deposited from iron pentacarbonyl and argy, respiratory symptoms, and lung edema
che~lcal vapor deposition. The films are pho-
lytes is extremely low and little energy is optionally a second layer of colorless metal were found in rats in further inhalation ex-peri-
oxide [292]. Other pigments are made on a toactIve and can be used to make solar cells
needed for dispersion, the oxide is particularly [315]. ments [321]. No data are available on the
suitable for use as a lightfast, UV-blocking red mica base [293]. These pigments are lightfast chroni.c toxicity of iron pentacarbonyl. Only
pigment for paints, wood varnishes, fiber dye- and corrosion resistant and are therefore suit- ~conomic Aspects. Three companie~ produce
on~ Six-month feeding study with rats, in
ing, and color printing. . able for use in automobile paints. Iron pentacarbonyl: BASF (Germany) with a which 13 mg/d did not lead to any toxic ef-
Carriers for the toner in photocopiers are capacity of over 9000 t/a, GAF (Huntsville, fects, has been reported [322]. The clinical
Water injection [271] and passage through
obtained by coating fine spherical particles of Alabama) with an estimated 1500-2000 t/a
an intense centrifugal force field [272] during syr:tPt~m~to~ogy of iron pentacarbonyl intoxi-
iron or glass [294], respirable plastics [295], and a plant in the former Soviet Union. '
production improve both separation and com- cat1?n IS s~l1ar to that of nickel carbonyl poi-
or porous silico-containing material [296]. These plants also produce carbonyl iron sonmg. It IS marked by immediate onset of
Colored single component toner powders are powder, with capacities of ca. 1500 t/a disori~ntation and vomiting. Fever, coughing,
Air oxidation of iron pentacarbonyl to mag-
made of dispersions of carbonyl iron powder, (BASF? and 5.00 t/a (GAF). The BASF plant and difficulty in breathing occur after 12-36 h.
netite is possible at higher temperature [273].
reflecting pigments or dyes and other sub- has an Iron OXIde capacity of ca. 1000 t/a. Fatalities usually occur 4-11 d'after exposure
At 10Q-400 °C, magnetic black Fep4 or
stances in a binder [297, 298]. Co~s~mpti~n of the carbonyl for other pur- to a lethal dose. Pathological lesions are found
brown 'Y-FeP3 can be obtained, as desired.
Suspensions of finely divided iron [299] or poses ~s mSlgruficant compared to inplant con- in the lungs and in the vascular and nervous
The carbon monoxide formed undergoes vir-
its alloys [300] are prepared by decomposing sumptIon. systems [323]. Although iron pentacarbonyl
tually no oxidation if the reaction takes place
in a mechanically agitated fluidized bed of iron pentacarbonyl in solution. This process Toxicology and Occupational Health. Based and nickel carbonyl intoxications have similar
product oxide [274]. Finely dispersed 'Y-Fe~Os can be used to produce magnetic liquids [301]. upon the limited data that is available from SYU:Ptoms, iron pentacarbonyl is probably less
pigments and Fep4 pigments (particle size 2. If iron pentacarbonyl is decomposed on, for laboratory animal studies, iron pentacarbonyl toXlC (see Table 5.45) [324]. Furthermore, the
to 200 nm) are produced by BASF to be used example, gold ore, the iron deposits preferen- must be classified as highly toxic. . use of iron pentacarbonyl should result in less
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 161
Iron Citrates. Iron citrate is a complex of in- Iron(II) phthalocyanine is synthesized from globin appears to be independent of the salt
exposure than nickel carbonyl because of its 1,2-dicyanobenzene and an iron(II) complex used, provided sufficient iron is given. Factors
lower vapor pressure. definite formula, containing both iron(II) and
iron(III). 11"On(11) citrate and i1"On(111) citrate in refluxing l-chloronaphthalene and is puri- affecting the choice of preparation are the inci-
Safety precautions are, however, required fIed by sublimation at 450 °e. This green dence of side effects and the cost. If side ef-
when working with iron pentacarbonyl to pre- are also of indefinite stoichiometry. 11TJn(111)
citrate (l : 1 Fe-eitric acid) is also known. Iron compound is insoluble in most solvents. Be- fects occur, an alternative iron preparation or a
vent oral, inhalatory, and dermal exposure, be- cause it can exist in many oxidation states, reduced dosage can be tried. The main iron
cause of the relatively high acute toxicity. The citrates are readily soluble in hot water and ex-
hibit complex solution chemistry. These com- iron(II) phthalocyanine is used as a catalyst compounds used in iron supplements are
MAK value for iron pentacarbonyl is 0.1 ppm. for a variety of chemical and electrochemical iron(II) fumarate, iron(II) gluconate, iron(II)
The TLV-TWAis 0.1 ppm (0.8mg/m ), as Fe. pounds have been used as supplements to
animal diets and to soil. redox reactions. It is also an important pig- sulfate, iron(II) succinate, iron(Ill) chloride
Table 5.45: Acute rat inhalation toxicity.
1ron(111) ammonium citrate also has an in- ment [326]. solution, and iron(III) ammonium cit.ate. In
Substance LC~o, mglml Exposure time, min addition, iron dextran and iron sorbital are
definite formula. The brown hydrated form Iron Compounds for the Treatment of Ane- used in injectable hematinics. Iron(II) sulfate
Ni(CO)4 240 30 contains 16.5-18.5% iron, ca. 9% ammonia,
Fe(CO)l 910 30 mia [327, 328]. Sufficient iron in the diet of is often preferred because it is the cheapest
and 65% citric acid, whereas the green hy- humans and animals is essential for tissue form and is at least as effective as any other. A
drated form contains 14.5-16% iron, ca. 7.5% growth. Iron is found at the active site of many
5.17.7 Iron Compounds, ammonia, and 75% citric acid [325]. Iron am- number of oral preparations contain ascorbic
important proteins in the human body. These acid (vitamin C) to stabilize the iron(II) state.
Miscellaneous monium citrates are very soluble in water but include hemoglobin (ox-ygen transport), myo- However, the therapeutic advantage is mini-
insoluble in ethanol. They are used as iron ad- globin (storage of oxygen), cytochrome c oxi- mal and the cost may be increased. Folic acid
Iron Acetates. When scrap iron reacts with ditives in food for human consumption (e.g.,
acetic acid, it dissolves to form acetate salts dase (converts oxygen to water), cytochrome is used in conjunction with an iron salt for the
[325]. If the initial black solution is concen-
bread and milk) and for the treatment of iron P450 (hydrox-ylation of poisono~s or un-, prevention of anemia in pregnant women.
deficiency in small animals and cattle. They wanted chemicals), and other cytochromes
trated to 12%, solid iron acetate can be ob- are sensitive to light and are used in light-sen- Iron(II) complexes have a major disadvan-
tained. This salt is a mix"ture of iron(II) and such as cytochrome c (part of the electron- tage, however, in that they are sensitive to oxi-
sitive paper [325]. transport system). In addition, iron is neces-
iron(III) oxidation states of indefInite propor- dation, especially in aqueous environments.
tions best formulated as Fe,,(CH3COO)' It is Iron Halides. The iron(II) halides (fluoride, sary for the biosynthesis of iron-sulfur pro- This can be hindered initially by protectively
used as a catalyst for acetylation and carbony- bromide, and iodide) are used as catalysts for teins such as rubedoxin. coating iron(II) compounds in tablet fonn.
lation reactions. fluorination, bromination, and iodination in Although a sufficient amount of iron c,an However, when they dissolve in the gut, oxi-
1rrm(11) acetate, Fe(C 2H30 2h is colorless. organic reactions. Iron(II) iodide is used as a usually be found in the diet, the level of ab- dation still occurs to give insoluble iron(III)
It is used in textile dyeing as an iron base for source of iron and iodine in veterinary medi- sorption of this element from food is generally salts (containing hydroxide). These fre-
dark brown, dark blue, and black colors. cine. low. Therefore, the supply of iron can become quently cause irritation and gastrointestinal
11TJn(111) acetate, Fe(C 2Hp:U3, is prepared 11"011(111) fluoride is used as a catalyst in or- critical in a variety of conditions. Iron-defi- distress. Such side effects are often severe, be-
industrially by reacting scrap iron with acetic ganic reactions. Iron(Ill) bromide is used in ciency anemia is commonly encountered in cause large doses are necessary to ensure that
acid, followed by oxidation of the solution the catalytic bromination of aromatic com- pregnant women and may also be a problem in enough iron is absorbed. Nausea and epigas-
with air, it is very sensitive to light. Iron(Ill) pounds. the newborn, especially in animal species such tric pain may occur and are said to be dose-re-
acetate is used for dyeing and printing textiles, Iron Nitrates. 11"011(11) nitrate hexahydrate, as the pig. Some diseases (e.g., rheumatoid ar- lated, although the relationship between
as a mordant in dyeing, as a catalyst in organic Fe(N0 3h' 6HP, mp 60.5 °C, forms gre~n, thritis, hemolytic diseases, and cancer) result altered bowel behavior (constipation) and dos-
oxidation reactions, and in dyeing chamois rhombohedral crystals. It is prepared by dIS- in poor distribution of iron in the body and age is unclear [328].
leather. solving iron in cold nitric acid (d < 1.034 thus lead to chronic anemia. Soluble iron(III) complexes are thus pre-
Basic i1TJn(111) acetate, Fe(OH)(C:f-I30 2h, g/cm\ With increasing density, a greater pro- More than 34 iron-containing preparations ferred (because oxidation is not a problem).
is obtained by boiling a solution of iron(Ill) portion of iron is oxidized to iron(III). Iron(II) are used as hematinics for the treatment of Unfortunately, such complexes are likely to be
acetate and allowing the hydroxy salt to pre- nitrate is used as a catalyst for reductions. iron-deficiency anemia [328]. Oral iron ther- charged (which is unsatisfactory for passive
cipitate. This brownish-red compound is used 11"On(111) nitrate nonahydrate, apy is usually the preferred method of treat- membrane diffusion). Even if these complexes
as a mordant in dyeing, for weighting silk and Fe(N03h"9H20, forms colorless or pale violet ment unless good reasons exist for using were neutral, they may still be toxic.
felt, as a conservation additive for timber, and monoclinic crystals. It is made by dissolving another route. The daily oral dosage of ele- The ideal properties of an iron(III) chela-
as a colorant for leather. iron in nitric acid (d> 1.115 g/cm3 ). mental iron should be 100-200 mg. Iron(II) tion complex for treating iron-deficiency ane-
1ron(111) nitrate hexahydrate, salts are more commonly used than iron(III) mia are: (l) solubility in the pH range 6-9, (2)
Iron(ll) carbonate, FeC0 3, forms as a white
Fe(N0 3h' 6H20 , forms colorless, cpbic crys- salts because they are assumed to be more sol- a ligand with a high affinity for iron(III), (3) a
precipitate when solutions of alkali-metal car- uble in the pH range 3-7. Solubility is essen- neutral iron(III) complex, and (4) nontoxicity.
bonate salts are added to solutions of iron(ll) tals (mp 35°C). Iron(Ill) nitrate is used as a
mordant, in tanning, and as a catalyst for oxi- tial if the compound is to permeate cell Furthermore, after absorption into the body
salts. It is used as a supplement in animal diets
dation reactions. membranes. The rate of regeneration of hemo- the complex must enter into an equilibrium
and as a flame retardant [325].
162 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 163
with transfemng (the iron-transport protein) FejO'('1 n1h• ti .) ~ y-Fe 20 j ~ a-FeOO j As aging takes place, the diffraction pattern studies showed that the transition process
so that iron is available for utilization in meta- FejO'(n"unl) ~ a-Fe 20 j
characteristic to FeOOH develops but is never amorphous-erystalline is accompanied by an
bolic pathways. This means that the chelator complete: increase in the particle size from below 50 A
This was later resolved when it was found that
must be metabolized rapidly to ensure that j
Fe + + 30W ~ Fe(OH)j
to about 300 A. This phenomena is not re-
the oxidation is dependent on the particle size
iron is freshly available. stricted to iron oxides but to other oxides as
of Fe30 4; only extremely fme particles 3000 A Fe(OH)j ~ FeOOH + HoD well.
One such complex currently under trial is yield y-Fe:P3.
iron(III) maltol, [FeL 3] (maltol(HL) = 3-hy- Ferrous oxide, FeO, is known as the wilstite Two types of iron oxide hydroxide can be ob- ~-FeOOH is obtained as a light brown de-
drow-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one). Recently, phase, Fel_xO, after its discover Fritz Wust. It tained in this way: a-FeOOH from sulfate, ni- posit when a femc solution containing Cl- ion
iron(III) maltol and similar complexes [328- has a cubic lattice of NaCl type, and unstable trate (Figure 5.105), and ~-FeOOH from is hydrolyzed by boiling. It entraps variable
332] have been shown to possess the desirable below 570°C when it decomposes as follows: chloride and fluoride solutions (Figure 5.105). amounts of Cl- ions within its crystal §tructtire
properties outlined above for the treatment of 4FeO ~ FejO. + Fe
Freshly precipitated femc hydroxide when which can be partly washed with water. The
iron-deficiency-related diseases. filtered and washed, then examined by differ- amount of Cl- has an important influence on
However, it can be cooled rapidly to prevent ential thermal analysis shows endothermic the thermal behavior of the material and its in-
Another iron-related disease in humans is
the decomposition. It can be obtained as a peak at low temperatures (100-250 0c) due to frared spectrum but not on the x-ray diffrac-
severe tissue iron overload. This may occur
during the treatment of anemia, mainly as a re- black pyrophoric powder in the following the loss of water, followed by exothermic peak tion pattern.
sult of a large number of blood transfusions. ways: at about 300°C. X-ray diffraction before y-FeOOH occurs in nature to a minor extent
This condition is treated by injections of des- • Heating ferrous oxalate in the absence of 300 °C shows no pattern, but after 300°C as the minerallepidocrocite. When heated be-
femoxamine mesylate, which is a good air: shows that of a-Fep3' thus indicating that the low 500°C it loses water giving y-Fe20 3 :
chelating agent for iron(III), and is also used (COOhFe ~ FeO + co + cO2 exothermic peak is due to the crystallization of
to treat cases of accidental iron poisoning. a-Fe:!°3: 2y-FeOOH ~y-Fe20j + HoD
• Heating stoichiometric amounts of Fe and
Fe30 4 in an inert atmosphere at 1100°C, It is artificially prepared by adding NaOH to
5.18 Relationships Between then cooling rapidly:
A sample aged for 28 months showed similar dilute FeS0 4 solutions until pH 6 followed by
Fe + FejO. ~ 4FeO blowing air through the solution for 2 hours
the Different Forms of Iron behavior, but the transition amorphous to crys-
and is then allowed to age for 2 days. The dif-
Iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OHh or FeO'Hp, talline took place at about 400°C and is less
Oxides is formed by treating iron(II) salts with alkali defmed, demonstrating that during aging only ferential thermal analysis pattern ofy-FeOOH
hydroxide in absolutely air-free solution. It partial crystallization took place. shows an endothermic dehydration peak at
Fe:P3 loses O)o,.-ygen on heating at about 330°C followed by the exothermic transfor-
precipitates as a white flocculent material If the oxide hydrate is prepared at room
1390 °C to give Fep4: mation of y-Fe 20 3 to a-Fe:!03 at 535°C. At
which has a great affinity for ohl'gen. It temperature by precipitation, the transition
3Fe20 j ~ 2FejO. + 'fo0 thereby turn green, which progressively dark- room temperature and in weak acid or neutral
2 temperature of crystallization is about 300°C
ens and eventually passes into the red brown medium, FeS is oxidized slowly to y-FeOOH
Fe3 0 4 can be considered as a compound offer- as indicated previously; but, if prepared at
color of iron(III) oxide hydrate. The green as follows:
rous oxide, FeO, and femc oxide, Fep3. It 90°C by hydrolysis, the transition tempera-
crystallizes in the cubic system and can be ob- color may be an intermediate product such as ture is about 450°C. Electron micrographic 4FeS + 302 + 2HoD ~ 4y-FeOOH + 4S
tained by heating iron fillings in air. it is also Fe(OH):!"FeOOH. Pure Fe(OH)2 when
formed during the forging of red hot wrought washed and dried in the absence of air decom-
iron. In pure water in the absence of oxygen, poses at 200°C to give FeO with some Fep4·
steel forms a film ofFe3 0 4 at about 50°C: It is slightly soluble in concentrated NaOH
forming sodium hydroxoferrate,
Fe + 2HoD ~ Fe(OH)2 + H2
Na 2[Fe(OH)4]. If Ohl'gen is passed through a
3Fe(OHh ~ FejO. + H2 + H20 strongly alkaline suspension of Fe(OHh, a-
It is a black powder, insoluble in dilute acids, FeOOH is produced.
strongly ferromagnetic, and has a high electri- Iron(III) hydroxide, Fe(OHh is formed by
cal conductivity. That is why it is sometimes adding ammonia to iron(III) salt solutions, as a
used as electrodes. red-brown slimy precipitate which yields a gel
It was once thought that synthetic Fe30 4 be- of variable water content when it is dried.
haves differently from natural magnetite on When freshly precipitated, it is amoryhous to
oxidation in that an intermediate phase y- x-rays. It dissolves readily in dilute acids, and
Fep3 is observed in the synthetic sample but also dissolves to some extent in hot concen- Figure 5.105: Left: a-FeOOH obtained by aging iron hydroxide gel for 155 days (precipitation took place at pH 10):
not in the natural mineral: trated NaOH forming sodium femte, NaFeO z· Right: ~-FeOOH. .
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 165
Oxidation of Fep4 below 400°C also yields When the disulfide ion reacts further, the equi- si- + j/P2 ~ S20 ;- thiosulfate, sulfites, and sulfate ions is shown
librium is shifted to the right, and more pyrite which oxidizes further to sulfate: schematically below:
goes into solution. Disulfide ion is similar to
o-FeOOH is obtained from Fe(OHh by
rapid oxidation with an excess ofH20 2 or am- peroxide ion, oi-,
which may undergo autoox- S20 ;- + 5Hp ~ 2S0~- + lOW + Se-
" ,,~2-
...." .. J2-
t".. ..
[ ......
idation1 to elemental sulfur and sulfide ion: I/P2 + Hp + 2e- ~ 20H-
[ :s:Sj ":0:" :0:" ":0:"
monium persulfate. It is a brown strongly [
.. .. ..
magnetic material that loses about 10% of its si- ~2S +2e- W+OIr~H20 Disulfide lbiosulfate Sulfite Sulfate
water at 100 °C and is partially transformed to si- + 2e- ~ 2S 2- The overall reaction in this case is:
hematite; complete transformation takes
place at 200°C. Overall reaction: S20;- + 202 + H20 ~ 2S0~- + 2lf" 5.19.2 Arsenopyrite
FeC0 3 can be formed artificially when si-~S + S2- which leads to the global oxidation reaction
Arsenopyrite may dissociate In water as
(NH4hC03 is added to a ferrous solution. Hence, three paths may arise depending on the of pyrite in neutral medium follows:
Freshly precipitated ferrous carbonate when
oxidized by excess H 20 2 is transformed to
conditions: ° + Hp
si- + '/2 2 ~ 2S0~- + 2lf"
2FeAsS(,) '" 2Feraq) + Asi(aq) + si(,q)
Fe(OHh; however, this hydroxide is dark yel- • High acidity and the absence of oxygen. In or The behavior of disulfide ion is probably the
low instead of red brown. It also undergoes this case H 2 S is formed: FeS2 + 'IP2 + H20 ~ Fe 2++ 2S0~- + 2lf" same as in the case of pyrite in acid and in neu-
crystallization during aging to a-FeOOH. Fer- S2-+2W ~H2S Two points should be noted from the above tral medium, while the diarsenide ion forms
rous carbonate reacts with NaOH to form a or scheme: arsenic acid:
surface layer of Fe(OH)2 which on oxidation • Pyrite takes up one eighth of its oxygen re- Asi- + 302 + 2lf" + 2HP ~ 2HjAs04
FeS 2+2lf" ~Fe2+ + S + H2S
results in the formation of magnetic iron ox- quired for oxidation to sulfate from the wa-
• High acidity and low oxygen concentration. The overall reactions are:
ides: ter and the remaining from molecular
In this case, elemental sulfur is formed: • In acid medium:
FeCO] + 2NaOH ~ Fe(OHh + Na2COj o)o;ygen. This was confirmed experimentally
by using radioactive o:-..-ygen in following up 4FeAsS + 702 + slf" + 2H 20 ~ 4H j As04 + 4Fe 2++ 4S
2Fe(OH)2 + 1/2°2 ~ y-Fe 20 j + 2H 20
1/2°2 + 2lf" + 2e- ~ H20 the reaction. • In neutral medium:
3Fe(OHh + 1/20 2 ~ Fej0 4 + 3H 20
Overall reaction: • Under certain conditions hydroxyl ions are 4FeAsS + 1302 + 6H 20 ~ 4HjAs04 + 4Fe2++ 4s01-
This is the basis of a beneficiation method for fonned during the oxidation. This was ccm-
low-grade siderite ore, whereby the magnetic S2-+ 1/202+2lf" ~ S + H20 Ferrous ion formed in the above reactions oxi-
firmed when pyrite was in contact with wa- dizes further to form ferric arsenate precipi-
iron oxides formed are separated from the or ter containing agar-agar thus minimizing the
gangue minerals by magnetic methods. tates:
FeS 2+ 1/2°2 + 2lf" ~ Fe2++ 2S + H20 diffusion of OH- ions. Cathodic regions j
fonn on pyrite whereby oxygen is reduced 2Fe 2++ 1/2°2 + 2lf" ~ 2Fe + + H 20
In this case, the aqueous oxidation of pyrite
5.19 The Aqueous Oxidation may be considered to take place by an elec-
according to: Fe3+ + H j As04 + 2Hp ~ FeAs04 + 2H20 + 3W
1/2°2 + H20 + 2e- ~ 20H-
of Iron Sulfides [333] trochemical mechanism like other sulfides
in acid medium and can be represented by: while at the anodic zone the following reac- 5.19.3 Pyrrhotite
The behavior of pyrite and arsenopyrite tions would take place:
Anodic reaction: FeS 2 ~ Fe 2++ 2S + 2e- Pyrrhotite is slowly solubilized in water at
during leaching is different from other sulfides
FeS 2 ~ Fe2++ si- 110°C and 200 kPa ox-ygen pressure as fer-
due to the presence of the disulfide ion, si-· Cathodic reaction: I/P2 + 2W + 2e- ~ H 20
rous sulfate:
Arsenopyrite contains in addition, the diars- • In neutral medium and high o:-..-ygen concen- st + j/202 ~ S20 ;- FeS + 20u,v ~ FeS04r,q)
enide ion, As;-. The presence of the disulfide tration: In this case, it seems that the autoox- Sp;- + 5Hp ~ 2S0~- + 1Olf" + Se-
ions is manif~sted on heating the minerals in idation of the disulfide ion does not take If, however, the reaction is conducted in pres-
absence of air: pyrite loses an atom of sulfur, The presence of thiosulfates in waste solu- ence of dilute acid (0.1 M), the formation of
place because in neutral medium, thiosul- tions raises an environmental problem be-
while arsenopyrite loses an atom of arsenic: fates and other lower oxidation products elemental sulfur and ferric oxide takes place:
cause these are usually not precipitated by
FeS 2 ~ FeS + S were identified. Thiosulfates may, therefore, standard methods like sulfates, e.g., when add- II'
form directly from the disulfide ion by the 2FeS + j/2021.qj ~ Fe 20 j + 2S
FeAsS ~ FeS + As ing Ca(OH)~. Hence they escape the mine site
following reaction: and may contaminate surface waters. This It will be also observed that the acid initially
5.19.1 Pyrite topic was the subject of an extensive research added will be present unchanged at the end of
1 TIle autooxidation of peroxide ion is as follows: project in Canada'. reaction. In fact the acid is consumed at the
Pyrite dissociates in water as follows: 0:;- ~ 0, + 2e- 0:;- + 2e- ~ 202-
oVerall reaction: - Sulfites were also identified in deaerated initial stage of the reaction and then regener-
2oi- ~ 02 + 20- or 2H 20 2 ~ 02 + 2HP solutions. The relation between disulfide, ated later. The reason is that the oxidation of
166 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 167
ferrous ion to ferric is possible only in pres- ric, nitric, and hydrofluoric acids are used for k sulfate crystals are separated in the centrifuge
ence of acid: special purposes and stainless steels. (d); the filtrate (regenerate) is returned to the
2Fe2+ + 2H'" + 1/2°2 ~ Fe 3+ + H 20 Iron(III) ions that dissolve during pickling pickling plant.
are reduced by metallic iron, so that the pick- The iron(II) heptahydrate can be used in the
Hydrolysis of ferric ion then follows with gen-
ling acid contains primarily iron (II) salts. The production of cyanoferrates, as a flocculent in
eration of acid:
quantity of iron dissolved during pickling is wastewater treatment, in the production of gas
Fe J+ + 3H20 ~ Fe(OH)J + 3H'" called chemical pickling loss; it accounts for adsorbents, as a pesticide, as a chemical fertil-
2Fe(OH)3 ~ FepJ + 3H20 0.2-1.2% of the iron or steel being pickled izer, and in the production of iron-oxide pig-
That is why FeS suspended in water will yield and accounts for approximately three-quar- Spent pickling ments.
ters of the weight loss during pickling. solution
only a solution ofFeS0 4 when oxidized but in
presence of acid the formation of FeJ+ be- If iron salts are removed from the pickling Regenerate
comes possible. Because of hydrolysis, Fe20 3 liquor, the unconsumed pickling solution can
Figure 5.106: Vacuum crystallization (Keramche-
is formed and the acid is regenerated. It should be returned to the pickling unit after the addi- mie/Lurgi): a) Suction tank; b, c) Precoolers; d) Crystal-
be observed that the oxygen utilization in the tion of an amount of acid equivalent to the lizer; e) Steam-jet compressor; f) Salt-slurry pump; g)
presence of acid is less than in the first case. quantity of salts precipitated. Thickener: h) Centrifuge; i) Direct-contact condenser; j)
Auxiliary condenser; k) Steam-jet venting device; I) Vac-
The acid consumed in pickling can also be uum pump; m) Water receiver; n) Pickling solution re- Spent pickling Air
5.20 Regeneration of Iron- completely regenerated from the iron salts. ceiver; 0) Acid direct-contact condensers.
The pickling liquor recycled between the pick- Part of the pickling solution is pumped con- Air
Containing Pickling Baths ling tanks and the regeneration unit is thus not tinuously from the pickling tank to the vac-
consumed, apart from evaporation losses. uum crystallizer, where it is cooled Regenerate
In Germany in 1987, the output of rolled
steel products from base, high-grade, and evaporatively to 5 DC and then to 0 DC to crys-
stainless steels averaged 2.0 X 106 t per month. 5.20.1 Sulfuric Acid Pickling tallize iron(II) sulfate. Water vapor flows di-
rectly, or after compression in a high- FeS0 4 ·7H zO
Approximately 60% of this is pickled at least Solutions
once. performance stearn-jet apparatus, to a direct- Figure 5.107: Cyclone crystallizer (Andritz-Ruthner): a)
When steel is pickled with sulfuric acid, the contact condenser. The salt-liquid mixture is Acid pump; b) Cyclone crystallizer; c) Cooling vessel; d)
Pickling removes the oxide layer that ad- Centrifuge; e) Vent; f) Blower; g) Pickling liquor tank; h)
scale oxides dissolve to give iron sulfates. The removed continuously by a salt-slurry pump
heres to the steel surface. The oxide layer Cooling system.
rate of dissolution of the three oxides in sulfu- and separated in a centrifuge. After the mother
arises as scale in heat-treatment processes or
ric acid increases in the order Fe 20 3, Fe30 4, liquor has been freshened with concentrated
as rust through the corrosive action of water,
FeO. The reaction of sulfuric acid with metal- sulfuric acid and water, it is returned to the
with its load of dissolved susbstances, or
lic iron to give iron(II) sulfate and hydrogen is pickling tank. The vacuum in the evaporator is
through humid atmospheric con-osion.
inhibited by pickling additives (inhibitors). maintained by a vacuum pump connected to
Whereas rust consists largely of Fep3'
scale is made up of the three iron oxides (wus- Two processes are employed to regenerate the direct-contact condenser. Regenerate
tite FeO, magnetite Fe30 4, and hematite sulfuric acid pickling liquor, whose descrip- A modified design omits the steamjet appa- Fresh
Fe2 0 3) in a ratio that depends on steel compo- tion follows. ratus; therefore, only electrical energy is
sition, annealing conditions (temperature, needed for its operation, which may be an eco-
heating time, furnace atmosphere), final tem- Crystallization nomic advantage because in this case no fuel
perature of rolling, and rate of cooling after is required for steam generation. e
In industrial plants, spent pickling solution
rolling. Cyclone Crystallization (Figure 5.107). In Figure 5.108: Regeneration by electrolysis: a) Pickling
is usually cooled by using brine. The cooling
The "picklability" of a steel and the acid the cyclone crystallizer (b), fme droplets of tank; b) Electrolysis cell; c) Diaphragms; d) Cascade rins-
effect depends strongly on the cleanness of the ing; e) Spent pickling solution.
consumption for pickling also depend on spent pickling solution are sprayed counter-
cooling surface, on which salt crust can easily
many factors: adherence of scale, composition current to a stream of air. In this way, rapid The heptahydrate can also be converted to
form. These systems, therefore, require very
of the steel, mode and magnitude of mechani- evaporation and cooling are accomplished. If the monohydrate. A continuous apparatus for
careful upkeep. Frequent shutdowns must be
cal working, type and composition of pickling the iron content of the pickling solution is to the preparation of very pure monohydrate is
solution, and pickling conditions. The selec- be kept low, a second cooling stage is added. built by Mannesmann AnlagenbaulMesso-
tion of pickling acid is dictated by the required Vacuum Crystallization (Figure 5.106). A Indirect cooling with water or brine takes Chemietechnik.
surface quality and by economic factors. The vacuum equal to the vapor pressure ofwater at place in the cooling vessel (c). A blower in- The hepta:hydrate is dehydrated to the
most important pickling acids for iron and the desired final temperature is maintained in jects air to prevent the crystals from settling monohydrate at a well-defmed acid concentra-
steel are sulfuric and hydrocWoric. Phospho- the crystallization vessel. and forming a crust on the vessel wall. Iron(IT) tion at ca. 90 DC. After separation of the crys-
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 169

the fluidized-bed process and (2) the spray- From the venturi scrubber, the cooled gas the cyclone, is discharged continuously (bulk
talline monohydrate in a centrifuge, iron stream goes to the absorber, where hydrogen density 0.3-0.4 g/cm 3).
sulfate-poor mother liquor is returned to the roasting process.
Each is employed in more than 100 indus- chloride is absorbed adiabatically with rinse w.h.en so~e ~ilicon-rich steels are pickled,
reactor. The water vapor resulting from the de- liquor and fresh water. The hydrochloric acid th~ silIcon dIOXIde content of the pickling so-
hydration is removed from the cycle. trial plants. The efficiency of the acid recovery
thus produced has a concentration of ca. 18%. lutIon does not permit the iron(III) oxide prod-
is ca. 99%.
It is recycled to the pickling unit or held in a uct to be used in the ferrite industry. The Electrolysis Fluidized-Bed Process. In the Lurgi-Keram- storage tank. After passing through a scrub- quantity of silica can be reduced in an addi-
An electrolytic process has recently been chemie fluidized-bed regeneration process bing stage and a mist collector, the off-gas is tional precleaning step [337], in which silica is
developed [334]. Cathode and anode compart- [335] (Figure 5.109), spent pickling solution is virtually free of hydrochloric acid and is re- s.electively removed from the pickling solu-
led via the settling tank and the venturi loop leased to the atmosphere. tIon. .•
ments are separated by a diaphragm (Figure
5.108). Metallic iron is deposited at the cath-
into the fluidized bed in the reactor. The bed
Spray-Roast Process. The spray-roast pro-
~er passing through the cyclone, the
ode; sulfuric acid and o:-"1'gen are produced at consists of granulated iron oxide. Residual roastIng gases are cooled and scrubbed in the
acid and water are evaporated at 850°C, and ce~s is often employed for the recovery of
the anode. Electrolysis is facilitated by addi- venturi scrubber before going to the absorber,
iron chloride is converted to iron oxide and metal oxides from metal chloride solutions. It
tion of an electrolyte, which is not consumed where hydrogen chloride is absorbed to pro-
hydrogen chloride. Growth and new formation can also be used for the regeneration of iron
and does not affect the pickling process, but duce 18-20% hydrochloric acid. The acidic
of iron oxide grains in the fluidized bed are chloride-laden hydrochloric acid solution
allows iron to be recovered most effectively iron chloride solution, which is generated
controlled so that a dust-free granulated prod- [336]. The pure spray-roast oxide obtained in
from the acidic solution. Sulfuric acid either when the pickled steel is rinsed, is used as the
uct is obtained, with a particle diameter of 1-2 this way is used in the ferrite industry
flows directly from the anode compartment absorption l~qu~r. Hydrochloric acid is recy-
mm and a bulk density of ca. 3.5 g/cm . The (150000 t in 1987).
back to the pickling tank or is detained tempo- cled to the pIcklmg tank. Residual gases, with
granular product is discharged continuously at As shown in Figure 5.11 0, spent pickling a low hydrochloric acid content, are dis-
rarily in a holding tank. solution goes to the venturi scrubber where
Evaporation and electrochemical decompo- the bottom of the reactor and transported by a charged to the atmosphere.
vibrating cooling chute and a vibrating spiral hot gases concentrate it hy evaporation ofwa- Spray-roast plants have unit capacities of
sition result in a continual loss of water. Using ter. In the next step, the highly concentrated
multiple countercurrent cascade rinsing after conveyor to the storage bin. In smaller units, 0.3-25 m 3/h of pickling acid and a similar
the granular product can also be discharged di- pickling liquor is injected into the spray-roast amount of rinse liquor.
pickling allows the quantity of water to be ad- reactor at a pressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa as a fine
justed so that no wastewater is produced. The rectly into shipping containers. The Fep3 generated in the thermal decom-
spray either cocurrent or countercurrent to hot
unit is marketed by Keramchemie. position process can be used as raw material in
combustion gases. The cocurrent arrangemeiIt
various industries. The most important options
is common for pickling acids that contain zinc are the production of magnetic materials (e. g.,
5.20.2 Hydrochloric Acid Pickling and lead, because their chlorides have high va-
soft and hard ferrites), the production of iron
Solutions por pressures and are separated after a shorter
powder ~or the fabrication of sintered parts
retention time.
Because of its technical advantages, hydro- Fresh water and weldmg electrodes, and use as an additive
and rinse liquor Spent i~ the ?1anufacture of magnetic tapes, abra-
chloric acid has largely replaced sulfuric acid pickling solution
in pickling baths, especially in large plants. SIves, tIles, glass, cosmetics, and pigments.
Hydrogen is produced when iron is dis- Spent pkkling
solved. Iron(III) chloride, formed by dissolu- solution 5.20.3 Nitric and Hydrofluoric
tion of Fe30 4 and Fep3' is reduced by the Figure 5.109: Fluidized-bed process for regeneration of L-

hydrochloric acid pickling solutions: a) Separating tank;

::J Acid Pickling Solutions
hydrogen to yield FeCI:!, so that virtually the b) Venturi scrubber; c) Reactor; d) Cyclone; e) Absorber; go
only chloride present in the -pickling liquor is f) Scrubbing stage; g) Off-gas blower; h) Stack; i) Mist Stainless and acid-resistant steels are usu-
iron(II) chloride. Spent pickling solution can collector. ally pickled with a mixture of nitric and hy-
be regenerated completely by thermal decom- The hot gases from the reactor contain hy- drofluoric acids. Nitric acid serves as an
position. Iron chloride is converted to iron ox- drogen chloride and a small amount of iron oxidizing agent, whereas hydrofluoric acid
ide and hydrochloric acid: oxide dust, which is collected in the cyclone Figure 5.110: Spray-roast process for regeneration ofhv-
forms complexes with metal ions. In contrast
4FeCl 2 + 4Hp + 02 ~ 2Fe 20 + 8HCl and returned to the fluidized bed. In the ven- drochloric acid pickling solutions: a) Venturi scrubber: h) to the pickling of carbon steel, the permissible
turi scrubber, the off-gas is then cooled to ca. Spray-roast reactor; c) Cyclone; d) Absorber. e) R~e iron concentration in a pickling solution for
Gas or oil is used as fuel. The heat consump- tanks; f) Pickling tanks. .
100°C. The thermal energy of the off-gases is special steels is limited by the tendency of iron
tion is ca. 3 MJ for the simultaneous regenera-
used to concentrate the pickling s9lution by The temperature of the roasting gas outlet and the alloy components to form fluoride
tion of 1 L of pickling solution and 1 L of
evaporation before it is fed to the reactor. Fine from the spray tower is about 400°C. The complexes and thus reduce the concentration
rinse liquor. gases proceed to the cyclone. Fine iron oxide of fluoride ions in solution. Severe inhibition
In large-scale operations, the two processes dust particles in the gas stream are removed by
scrubbing. powder, together with the oxide collected in of the pickling process occurs at a total metal
that have found widespread application are (1)
170 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 171

concentration of 50 gIL, so that pickling solu- washes out the acids. The organic phase dis- moved periodically by filtration. The filtrate is achieved. The flow sheet for the process is
tions must be topped up with fresh hydrofluo- charged at the top goes back to the e:>..1raction led to a storage vessel where it is combined shown in Figure 5.114.
ric acid, and eventually neutralized and tower. In an adsorber, traces of tributyl phos- with condensate from the condenser. After ad- Acid retardation can probably be accounted
discarded, even though only about half the phate are removed from the aqueous regener- dition offresh nitric and hydrofluoric acid, the for by diffusion of undissociated acid into the
acid content has been consumed. ate before it is returned to the pickling tank. liquor is returned to the pickling tank. ion-exchange resin grains so that upon elution
When the pickling bath is neutralized with The tributyl phosphate is returned to the tank with water, it must diffuse back out; the result
calcium hydroxide, the resulting metal hy- (c). Bipolar Membrane Process. In the bipolar
membrane process [339] (Figure 5.113), the is that elution of acid is retarded [340].
droxides and calcium fluoride form a sludge For nitric and hydrofluoric acid pickling
Fluoride-Crystallization. In this process, the free acids are first recovered in an electrodial-
that can be disposed of without treatment, but solutions, most of the free acids can be recov-
recovery of nitric acid is ca. 90% (Figure ysis cell and then returned to the pickling tank.
nitrates remain in solution and contribute to ered in this way. Partial regeneration of pick-
5.112) and that of hydrofluoric acid, 55%, de- Metal ions are then precipitated as metal hy-
eutrophication in receiving waters. ling solutions reduces disposal costs.
spite the fact that metals precipitate as fluo- droxides by neutralization with potassium hy-
The following regeneration processes have Regenerate
rides, so that corresponding amounts of droxide. Metal hydroxide sludge is collected
been devised in recent years. hydrofluoric acid are consumed. The fIlter res- in the downstream filter press. The filtered salt Spent pickling liquor
idue can be employed as a feedstock for the solution (potassium fluoride and potassium ni-
production of hydrofluoric acid or for the re- trate) goes to a bipolar membrane module

f 1---=---1_
covery of nickel.
pickling liquor
where HF, RN0 3 , and KOH are separated
from the potassium salts. The acid mixture is
returned to the pickling tank, whereas potas-
sium hydroxide is reused for neutralization.
The dilute salt solution (KF, KN0 3) is desalted
d by reverse osmosis. Part of it is used as wash
Byproduct to Byproduct
neutralization plant liquor for the filter press, and the rest is recy-
to neutralization
cled to the membrane unit to obtain the highest plant
possible yield of acids and potassium hydrox- Figure 5.114: Regeneration of HN0 3-HF pickling solu-
pickling solution ide. The residue from the fIlter can be reused tions by acid retardation: a) Sedimentation tank; b) Buffer
as raw material in iron and steel works, de- tank; c) Pickling-liquor metering tank; d) Water metering
Figure 5.111: Regeneration ofHF-HN03 pickling liquors tank; e) Resin bed.
by liquid-liquid extraction: a) Heat exchanger; b) Extrac- pending on its content of metal hydroxides.
tion column; c) Storage tank; d) Reextraction column; e) Spent Filtrate e KOH, KF
Storage tank; f) Adsorber. pickling liquor
5.21 Pigments
Liquid-Liquid Extraction. Liquid-liquid
extraction [338] makes use of the fact that ni- 5.21.1 Iron Oxide Pigments
tric and hydrofluoric acids form adducts with
tributyl phosphate that are soluble in hydro- Regenerate Fluoride The continually increasing importance of
carbon solvents. Addition of sulfuric acid also crystals iron oxide pigments is based on their nontox-
renders extractable acid anions bound in the icity; chemical stability; wide variety of colors
Figure 5.112: Regeneration of HN0 3-HF pickling solu-
form of metal salts. Around 93 % of the nitric tions by fluiride crystallization: a) Particle collector; b) ranging from yellow, orange, red, brown, to
acid and 60% of the hydrofluoric acid can be Flow-through evaporator; c) Condenser; d) Crystalliza- black; and low price. Natural and synthetic
recovered. The flow sheet for the process is tion tanks; e) Filter; f) Storage tank. Figure 5.113: Regeneration of HN0 3-HF pickling solu- iron oxide pigments consist of well-defmed
tions in a bipolar membrane cell: a) Pickling tank; b) Elec- compounds with known crystal structures:
shown in Figure 5.111. Spent pickling solution is led through a par- trodialysis cell; c) Neutralization; d) Filter press; e)
After sulfuric acid has been added to the ticulate collector and a flow-through evapora- Bipolar membrane module (Aquatech cell); f) Reverse os- • a-FeOOH, goethite, diaspore structure,
mosis. color changes with increasing particle size
spent pickling solution and the mixture has tor, where it is evaporated within minutes to
been cooled, it is directed to the top of an ex- about half its volume by electrical heating. Retardation Process. The retardation process from green-yellow to brown-yellow
traction tower; the organic phase enters at the The water vapor, which c~ntains part of the ni- can generally be employed for separating • y-FeOOH, lepidocrocite, boehmite struc-
bottom. The aqueous raffmate, containing sul- tric and hydrofluoric acids, is condensed by strong inorganic acids from their salts. By ture, color changes with increasing particle
furic acid, is discharged at the bottom. From indirect cooling. The sparingly soluble fluo- loading a strongly basic ion-exchange resin size from yellow to orange
the top of the tower, the organic phase, laden rides of iron and of the alloy constituents pre- with spent pickling solution and then eluting • a-Fe:P3' hematite, corundum structure,
with e:>..1racted acid, goes to the foot of a re-ex- cipitate from the concentrated, supersaturated with water, separation into a high-salt fraction color changes with increasing particle size
traction tower. The water inlet at the top solution in crystallization. tanks and are re- and a subsequent high-acid fraction is from light red to dark violet
172 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 173

• y-Fep3' maghemite, spinel super structure, ocher, and is ca. 20% in the French deposits duced, e.g., (Fe, Mn)P3 and y-Fe z0 3, but of water-soluble salts. They can therefore only
ferrimagnetic, color: brown and ca. 55 % in the South African. quantities a~e small. in co~parison to. the be used in low-grade applications.
Umbers are mainly found in Cyprus. In ad- mixed matenals. FemmagnetIc y-Fe z0 3 IS of
• Fep4' magnetite, spinel structure, ferrimag- dition to Fep3 (45-70%), they contain con- Solid-State Reactions of Iron Compounds.
great importance for magnetic recording ma-
netic, color: black siderable amounts of manganese dioxide (5- Black iron oxides obtained from the Laux pro-
Mixed metal oxide pigments containing 20%). In the raw state, they are deep brown to cess (see below) or other processes may be
Several processes are available for produc- calcined in rotary kilns with an oxidizing at-
iron oxide are also used. Magnetic iron oxide greenish brown and when calcined are dark ing high-quality iron oxide pigments with con- mosphere under countercurrent flow to pro-
pigments and transparent iron oxide pigments brown with a red undertone (burnt umbers). trolled mean particle size, particle size duce a wide range of different red COIOIS,
are described later. Siennas, mainly found in Tuscany, have an distribution, particle shape, etc. (Table 5,46): depending on the starting material. Tp.e pig-
average Fe 20 3 content of ca. 50%, and contain
< 1% manganese dioxide. They are yellow- • Solid-state reactions (red, black, brown) ments are ground to the desired particle size in Natural Iron Oxide pendular mills, pin mills, or jet mills, depend-
brown in the natural state and red-brown when • Precipitation and hydrolysis of solutions of
Pigments calcined [342]. ing on their hardness and intended use.
rron salts (yellow, red, orange, black)
Naturally occurring iron oxides and iron The processing of natural iron oxide pig- The calcination of yellow iron oxide pro-
ments depends on their composition. They are • Laux process involving reduction of ni- duces pure red iron oxide pigments with a high
oxide hydroxides were used as pigments in
either washed, slurried, dried, ground, or dried trobenzene (black, yellow, red) tinting strength. Further processing is similar
prehistoric times (Altamira cave paintings)
[341]. They were also used as coloring materi- immediately and then ground in ball mills, or The raw materials are mainly by-products to that of calcined black pigments.
als by the Egyptians, Greeks, and ancient Ro- more often in disintegrators or impact mills from other industries: steel scrap obtained High-quality pigments called copperas reds
mans. [343]. from deep drawing, grindings from cast iron, are obtained by the thermal decomposition of
Siennas and umbers are calcined in a di- FeS0 4 ·7HzO from TiO z production or from FeS0 4·7H20 in a multistage process (Figure
Hematite (a-Fe 2 0 3) has attained economic
rectly fired furnace, and water is driven off. steel pickling, and FeC1 2 also from steel pick- 5.115). If an alkaline-earth oxide or carbonate
importance as a red pigment, goethite (a- The hue of the products is determined by the ling. is included during calcination, the sulfate can
FeOOH) as yellow, and the umbers and sien- calcination period, temperature, and raw ma-
nas as brown pigments. Deposits with high Iron oxides obtained after flame spraying be reduced with coal or carbon-containing
terial composition [344]. of spent hydrochloric acid pickle liquor, red compounds to produce sulfur dioxide, which
iron oxide contents are exploited preferen-
Natural iron oxide pigments are mostly mud from bauxite processing, and the product is oxidized with air to give sulfuric acid [346-
tially. Naturally occurring magnetite (Fe 30 4) used as inexpensive marine coatings or in
has poor tinting strength as a black pigment, of pyrites combustion are no longer of impor- 349]. The waste gases and the dissolved impu-
coatings with a glue, oil, or lime base. They tance. They yield pigments with inferior color rities that are leached out in the [mal stage
and has found little application in the pigment are also employed to color cement, artificial
industry. properties that contain considerable amounts present ecological problems, however.
stone, and wallpaper. Ocher and sienna pig-.
Hematite is found in large quantities in the ments are used in the production of crayons, Table 5.46: Reaction equations for the production of iron oxide pigments.
vicinity of Malaga in Spain (Spanish red) and drawing pastels, and chalks [345]. Color Reaction Process
near the Persian Gulf (persian red). The Span- The economic importance of the natural Red 6FeS04'xH 2 0 + 3/20 2 ~ Fe,03 + 2Fe 2(S04)3 + 6H,o copperas process
ish reds have a brown undertone. Their water- iron oxide pigments has decreased in recent 2Fe 2(S04)3 ~ 2Fe20 3 + 6S03
soluble salt content is very low and their Fe::P3 years in comparison with the synthetic materi- 2Fe30 4 + 1/20 2 ~ 3Fe 20 3 calcination
content often exceeds 90%. The Persian reds als. 2FeOOH ~ Fe20 3 + H,o calcination
have a pure hue, but their water-soluble salt 2FeCl 2 + 2H,o + 1/20 2 ~ Fe,03+ 4HCl Ruthner process
content is disadvantageous for some applica- Synthetic Iron Oxide 2FeS04 + 1/20 2 + 4NaOH ~ Fe,03 + 2Na,S04 + 2H,o precipitation
tions. Other natural hematite deposits are of Yellow 2FeS04 + 4NaOH + 1/20 2 ~ 2a-FeOOH + 2Na,S04 + Hp precipitation
only local importance. A special variety oc- Pigments 2Fe+2H2S04 ~ 2FeS04 +2H 2
cur~ in the. form of platelets and is extracted in
large quantities in Karnten (Austria). This mi-
caceous iron oxide, is mainly used in corro-
Synthetic iron oxide pigments have become
increasingly important due to their pure hue,
consistent properties, and tinting strength.
2FeS04 + 1/20 2 + 3H2O
2Fe + \0 2 + 3H2O

2a-FeOOH + 2H 2S04
2a-FeOOH + 2H2 ] Penniman process

2Fe + C6H~N02 + 2H2O ~ 2a-FeOOH + C6H~NH2 Laux process

sion protection coatings. Single-component forms are mainly produced Orange 2FeS04 + 4NaOH + 1/20 2 ~ 2"tFeOOH + 2Na 2S04 + H,o precipitation
Goethite is the colored component of yel- with red, yellow, orange, and black colors. Black 3FeS04 + 6NaOH + 1/20 2 ~ Fe30 4 + 3Na,S04 + 3H,o I-step precipitation
low ocher, a weathering product mainly of Their composition corresponds to that of the 2FeOOH + FeS04 + 2NaOH ~ Fep4 + Na,S04 + 2H2O 2-step precipitation
siderite, sulfidic ores, and feldspar. It occurs in minerals hematite, goethite, lepid09rocite, and 9Fe + 4C6Hj N02 + 4H,o ~ 3Fe30 4 + 4C 6H5 NH2 Laux process
workable amounts mainly in South Africa and magnetite. Brown pigments usually consist of 3Fe 20 3 + H2 ~ 2Fe30 4 + H20 reduction
France. The Fep3 content gives an indication mixtures of red and/or yellow and/or black; ( Brown 2Fe 30 4 + 1/20 2 ~ 3"t Fe 203 calcination
of the iron oxide hydroxide content of the homogeneous brown phases are also pro- 3Fe30 4 + Fe 20 3 + Mn02 + 1/20 2 ~ (FeU,Mn)OIB calcination
174 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 175

In a new process, micaceous iron oxide is Precipitation is especially suitable for pro- a-FeZ0 3 nuclei, and then continuously adding
obtained in high yield by reacting iron(III) ducing soft pigments with a pure, bright hue. solutions of iron(II) salt with atmospheric oxi-
chloride and iron at 500-1000 °C in an oxidiz- The manufacture of a-FeOOH yellow is de- dation at 80°C. The hydrogen ions liberated
ing atmosphere in a tubular reactor [351]. scribed as an example. The raw materials are by oxidation and hydrolysis are neutralized by
iron(II) sulfate (FeS0 4'7HzO) or liquors from adding alkali and keeping the pH constant
Black Fep4 pigments with a high tinting the pickling of iron and steel, and alkali [364]. Pigment-quality a-Fe 20 3 is also ob-
strength can be prepared by calcining iron tained when solutions of an iron(II) salt, pref-
[NaOH, Ca(OH)2, ammonia, or magnesite].
salts under reducing conditions [352]. This The pickle liquors usually contain appreciable erably in the presence of small amounts of
process is not used industrially because of the quantities of free acid, and are therefore first other cations, are reacted at 60-95 °C with ex-
furnace gases produced. cess sodium hydroxide and oxidized with air
optionally neutralized by reaction with'scrap
Soluble ....aste Controlled oxidation of Fe 30 4 at ca. 500°C iron. Other metallic ions should not be present [365].
produces a single-phase brown y-Fe z0 3 with a in large amounts, because they have an ad-
neutral hue [353]. verse effect on the hue of the iron oxide pig- The Penniman process is probably the most
ments. widely used production method for yellow
f Calcination of a-FeOOH with small quan-
The solutions of the iron salts are first iron oxide pigments [366, 367]. This method
~ tities of manganese compounds gives homo- considerably reduces the quantity of neutral
Red iron oxide geneous brown pigments with the mixed with alkali in open reaction vessels
to dryer (Figure 5.116 Route A) and oxidized, usually salts formed as by-products. The raw materi-
composition (Fe, Mnh03 [354]. Calcination als are iron(II) sulfate, sodium hydroxide solu-
Figure 5.115: Production of copperas red: a) Dryer, b) of iron and chromium compounds that decom- with air. The quantity of alkali used is such
Rotary kiln (dewatering); c) Rotary kiln; d) Tank; e) that the pH remains acidic. The reaction time tion, and scrap iron. If the sulfate contains
pose at elevated temperatures yields corre- appreciable quantities of salt impurities, these
Thickener; f) Filter. (ca. 10-100 h) depends on the temperature
sponding pigments with the composition (Fe, must be removed by partial precipitation. The
Lower quality products can be obtained by Crh03 [355]. (l0-90 0c) and on the desired particle size of
single-stage calcination of iron(II) sulfate hep- the pigment. This method yields yellow pig- iron must be free of alloying components. The
tahydrate in an oxidizing atmosphere. The Precipitation Processes. In principle, all iron ments (a-FeOOH) [356, 357]. Ifyellow nuclei process usually consists of two stages (Route
pigments have a relatively poor tinting oxide hydroxide phases can be prepared from are produced in a separate reaction (Route A B in Figure 5.116).
strength and a blue tinge. Decomposition of aqueous solutions of iron salts (Table 5.46). in Figure 5.116, tank c), higWy consistent yel- In the first stage, nuclei are prepared by
iron(II) chloride monohydrate in air at high However, precipitation with alkali produces low iron oxide pigments with a pure color can precipitating iron(II) sulfate with alkali (e.g.,
temperatures "also yields a low-quality red iron neutral salts (e.g., Na zS0 4, NaC!) as by-prod- be obtained [358]. sodium hydroxide solution) at 20-50 °C with
oxide pigment [350]. ucts which enter the wastewater. If precipitation is carried out at ca. 90°C aeration (c). Depending on the conditions, yel-
while air is passed into the mixture at ca. pH ~ low, orange, or red nuclei may be obtained.
7, black iron oxide pigments with a magnetite The suspension of nuclei is pumped into ves-
NaOH structure and a good tinting strength are ob- sels charged with scrap iron (d) and diluted
Seed sus- Scrap iron tained when the reaction is stopped at a with water. Here, the process is completed by
FeS04 solution
hrt-;:::===::JW-:::J~~p:::en~s~io~n~.., FeO:Fez0 3 ratio of ca. 1: 1. The process can growing the iron oxide hydroxide or oxide
Steam be accelerated by operating at 150°C under onto the nuclei. The residual iron(II) sulfate in
~-0-------L--®-d pressure; this technique also improves pig-
ment quality [359]. Rapid heating of a suspen-
the nuclei suspension is oxidized to iron(III)
sulfate by blasting with air at 75-90 °C. The
sion of iron oxide hydroxide with the iron(III) sulfate is then hydrolyzed to form
b d
necessary quantity of Fe(OH)z to ca. 90°C FeOOH or a-Fe Z0 3. The liberated sulfuric
also produces black iron oxide of pigment acid reacts with the scrap iron to form iron(II)
L- o ®
_=_, ,...--------' quality [360,361].
Orange iron oxide with the lepidocrocite
sulfate, which is also oxidized with air. The re-
action time can vary from ca. two days to sev-
structure (y-FeOOH) is obtained if dilute solu- eral weeks, depending on the conditions
tions of the iron(II) salt are precipitated with chosen and the desired pigment. At the end of
sodium hydroxide solution or other alkalis un- the reaction, metallic impurities and coarse
g@ til almo;t neutral. The suspension is then particles are removed from the solid with
Irono~ heated for a short period, rapidly cooled, and sieves or hydrocyclones; water-soluble salts
Waste ....ater oxidized [362,363]. are removed by washing. Drying is carried out
Very soft iron oxide pigments with a pure with band or spray dryers (f) and disintegra-
Figure 5.116: Production of yellow iron oxide by the precipitation (A) and Penniman (B) processes: a) Tank; b) Pigment
reactor, c) Seed reactor, d) Pigment reactor with scrap basket; e) Filter; f) Dryer; g) Mill. red color may be obtained by first preparing tors or jet mills are used for grinding (g). The
176 Handbook o/Extractive M etallllrgy Iron 177

main advantage of this process over the pre- The type and quality of the pigment are de- Water
cipitation process lies in the small quantity of termined not only by the nature and concentra- Iron filings----.
alkali and iron(II) sulfate required. The bases tion of the additives, but also by the reaction
FeCl z solution
are only used to form the nuclei and the rela- rate. The rate depends on the grades of iron
used, their particle size, the rates of addition of Nitrobenzene:--o+-----,
tively small amount of iron(II) sulfate required Aniline
initially is continually renewed by dissolving the iron and nitrobenzene (or another nitro Water
the iron by reaction with the sulfuric acid lib- compound), and the pH value. No bases are re- Additives----'
erated by hydrolysis. The process is thus con- quired to precipitate the iron compounds. a
sidered environmentally friendly. The iron Only ca. 3% of the theoretical amount of acid
oxide pigments produced by the Penniman is required to dissolve all of the iron. The aro-
process are soft, have good wetting properties, matic nitro compound oxidizes the Fe Z+ to steam-------l
and a very low flocculation tendency [366- Fe3+ ions, acid is liberated during hydrolysis iron
and pigment formation, and more metallic
iron is dissolved by the liberated acid to form
Under suitable conditions the Penniman iron(II) salts; consequently, no additional acid
process can also be used to produce reds di- Wastewater
is necessary.
rectly. The residual scrap iron and coarse par- The iron raw materials used are grindings
ticles are removed from the pigment, which is from iron casting or forging that must be virtu-
then dried [375] and ground using disintegra- ally free of oil and grease. The required fine-
tors or jet mills. These pigments have unsur- ness is obtained by size reduction in edge
passed softness. They usually have purer color runner mills and classification with vibratory
than the harder red pigments produced by cal- sieves. The iron and the nitro compound are
cination. added gradually via a metering device to a f
stirred tank (a) containing the other reactants
The Laux Process. The Bechamp reaction (e.g., iron(II) chloride, aluminum chloride,
(i.e., the reduction of aromatic nitro com- sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid). The sys-
pounds with antimony or iron) which has been tem rapidly heats up to ca. 100°C and remains Red iron oxide
known since 1854, normally yields a black- at this temperature for the reaction period. The
gray iron oxide that is unsuitable as an inor- nitro compound is reduced to form an amine_ Yellow and black iron oxide
ganic pigment. By adding iron(lI) chloride or (e.g., aniline from nitrobenzene) which is re-
aluminum chloride solutions, sulfuric acid, Figure 5.117: Production of iron oxide pigment by the Laux process: a) Reactor, b) Condenser, c) Classifier, d) 1bick-
moved by steam distillation. Unreacted iron is ener, e) Filter, f) Dryer, g) Mill; h) Rotary kiln.
and phosphoric acid, LAUX modified the pro- also removed (e.g., in shaking tables, c). The
cess to yield high-quality iron oxide pigments pigment slurry is diluted with water in settling Other Production Processes. The three pro- mg/m 3 . This is the highest value proposed for
[376]. Many types of pigments can be ob- tanks (d) and the pigment is washed to remove cesses already described are the only ones that fine dusts.
tained by varying the reaction conditions. The salts, and filtered on rotary filters (e). It may are used on a large scale. The following pro- Iron oxide pigments produced from pure
range extends from yellow to brown (mixtures then be dried on band, pneumatic conveyor, or cesses are used on a small scale for special ap- starting materials may be used as colorants for
of a-FeOOH and/or a-FeZ03 and/or Fe30 4) spray dryers to form yellow or black pigments, plications: food and pharmaceutical products [382]. Syn-
and from red to black. If, for example, iron(II) or calcined in rotary kilns (h) in an oxidizing • Thermal decomposition of Fe(CO)5 to form thetic iron oxides do not contain crystalline
chloride is added, a black pigment with very atmosphere to give red or brown pigments. transparent iron oxides [380] silica and therefore are not considered to be
high tinting strength is produced [376]. How- Calcination in a nonoxidizing atmosphere at • Hydrothermal crystallization for the produc- toxic, even under strict Californian regula-
ever, if the nitro compounds are reduced in the 500-700°C improves the tinting strength tion of a-Fep3 in platelet form [381] tions.
presence of aluminum chloride, high-quality [379]. The pigments are then ground to the de-
yellow pigments are obtained [377]. Addition sired fineness in pendular mills, pin mills, or Toxicology and Quality
of phosphoric acid leads to the formation of jet mills, depending on their hardness and ap-
light to dark brown pigments with good tinting plication. Environmental Aspects The red and black iron oxide pigments pro-
strength [378]. Calcination of these products The Laux process is a very important The Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen duced by the methods described have an Fe Z0 3
(e.g., in rotary kilns) gives light red to dark vi- method for producing iron oxide because of Industrie (Germany) has recommended that content of 92-96%. For special applications
olet pigments. The processes are illustrated in the coproduction of aniline; it does not gener- all iron oxide pigments should be classified as (e.g., ferrites) analytically pure pigments with
Figure 5.117. ate by-products that harm the environment. inert [me dusts with an MAK value of 6 Fe Z0 3 contents of 99.5-99.8% are produced.
178 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 179

The Fe Z0 3 content of yellow and orange pig- fect the setting time, compression strength, or bian Chemicals, Harcross, Miles (USA); Structure
ments lies between 85 and 87 % corresponding tensile strength of the construction materials. Globo (Brazil); and Toda (Japan).
to FeOOH contents of 96-97%. Variations of Synthetic pigments are superior to the natural X-Ray and infrared spectroscopy show
1-2% are of no importance with respect to the pigments due to their better tinting power and that iron blue pigments have the formula
quality of the pigments. Pigment quality is purer hue. 5.21.2 Iron Blue Pigments MIFeilFeill(CNkHzO [386]. M1 represents
mainly determined by the quantity and nature Natural rubber can only be colored with potassium, ammonium, or sodium, of which
The term iron blue pigments as defined in the potassium and ammonium ions are pre-
of the water-soluble salts, the particle size dis- iron oxides that contain very low levels of ISO 2495 has largely replaced a variety of
tribution (hue and tinting strength are ef- copper and manganese (Cu < 0.005%, Mn < ferred because they produce excellent hues in
older names which were either related to the industrial manufacture.
fected) and the average particle size of the 0.02 %). Synthetic rubber is less sensitive. place where the compound was produc:ed or The crystal structure of the FeIIFe~(CN)6
ground product. The hue of red iron oxide is In the paint and coating industries, iron ox- represented partiCUlar optical properties, e.g., grouping is shown in Figure 5.118. A face-
determined by the particle diameter, which is ide pigments can be incorporated in many Berlin blue, Bronze blue, Chinese blue, Milori centered cubic lattice of Fe 2+ is interlocked
ca. 0.1 Ilm for red oxides with a yellow tinge types of binders. Some reasons for their wide blue, Non-bronze blue, Paris blue, Prussian with another face-centered cubic lattice of
and ca. 1.0 Ilm for violet hues. applicability in this sector are pure hue, good blue, Toning blue, and Turnbull's blue. These Fe3+ to give a cubic lattice with the corners oc-
The optical properties of the yellow, usu- hiding power, good abrasion resistance, and names usually stood for insoluble pigments cupied by iron ions. The CN- ions are located
ally needle-shaped, iron oxide pigments de- low settling tendency. Their high temperature based on microcrystalline FeOI)Fe(III) cyano at the edges of the cubes between each Fe 2+
pend not only on the particle size, but also on resistance allows them to be used in enamels. complexes which do not differ significantly in ion and the neighboring Fe3+; the carbon atom
the length to width ratio (e.g., length = 0.3-0.8
The use of iron oxide as a polishing me- their composition; many were associated with of the cyanide is bonded to the Fez+ion and the
Ilm, diameter = 0.05-0.2 Ilm, length: diameter
dium for plate glass manufacture has de- specific hues. A standardized naming system nitrogen atom is coordinatively bonded to the
ratio = ca. 1.5-8). In applications for which
needle-shaped particles are unsuitable, sphe- creased now that other methods of-glass has been demanded by users and welcomed by Fe3+ ion. According to [387] the deep blue co-
production are available. manufacturers, and has led to a reduction in lour is the result of electron transfer from
roidal pigments are available [383]. Black iron
oxide pigments (Fe 30 4 ) have a particle diame- Table 5.47: Main areas of use for natural and synthetic the number of names [384]. ironOI) and ironOII) with the absorption of
iron oxide pigments. Iron blue, C.l. Pigment Blue 27:77510 (sol- light energy ("Charge Transfer Complex").
ter of ca. 0.I-O.6Ilm.
Some iron oxide pigments have a limited Amount, % uble blue is C.l. Pigment Blue 27:77520), was The wide-mesh lattice of the crystal con-
stability on heating. Red iron oxide is stable Use United discovered in 1704 by DIESBACH in Berlin by a tains relatively large spaces which can be oc-
Europe States World
up to 1200 DC in air. In the presence of O-x:y- precipitation reaction, and can be regarded as cupied alternately by alkali ions and water
Coloring construction materials 64 37 60 the oldest synthetic coordination compound. molecules. In order to retain the crystal struc-
gen, black iron oxide changes into brown 'Y-
FeZ0 3 at ca. 180 DC and then into red a.-F e:P3 Paints and coatings 30 48 29 ture - and also the optical properties - water
Plastics and rubber 4 14 6 Mn..ORI was the first to produce it as a pig-
above 350 DC. Yellow iron oxide decomposes molecules must be present. Loss of water be-
Miscellaneous 2 1 5 ment on an industrial scale in the early nine-
above ca. 180 DC to form red a.-Fe Z0 3 with yond a certain limit brings about fundamental
teenth century [385].
liberation of water. This temperature limit can changes in the pigment properties. A bonding
be increased to ca. 260 DC by stabilization Economic Aspects mechanism for the coordinating water mole-
with basic aluminum compounds. The thermal cules assumes that both zeolitic and adsorptive
behavior of brown iron oxides produced by Accurate production figures for natural states are possible.
mixing depends on their composition. and synthetic iron oxide pigments are difficult Many investigations helped to elucidate the
to obtain, because statistics also include non- structure of iron blue [390-393].
pigmentary oxides (e.g., red mud from bauxite Uses treatment, intermediate products used in fer-
All synthetic iron oxides possess good tint- rite production). World production of syn- Production
ing strength and excellent hiding power. They thetic iron oxides in 1985 was estimated to be Iron blue pigments are produced by the pre-
are also lightfast and resistant to alkalis. These between 500 000 and 600 000 t; production of cipitation of complex iron(II) cyanides by
properties are responsible for their versatility. natural oxides was ca. 100 000 t. The most im- iron(II) salts in aqueous solution. The product
The principle areas of use are shown in Table portant producing countries for synthetic pig- is a whitish precipitate of ironOI) hexacyano-
5.47. ments are Germany, the United States, the ferrateOI) M~eII[FeII(CN)6] or MIIFeII
Iron oxide pigments have long been used United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, and Japan. The [FeII (CN)6]' (Berlin white), as an intermediate
for coloring construction materials. Concrete natural oxides are mainly produced in France, stage, which is aged and then oxidized to the
Spain, Cyprus, Iran, Italy, and Austria. • Fe 2• in [Fe(CNI 614-
roof tiles, paving bricks, fibrous cement, bitu- blue pigment [388].
men, mortar, rendering, etc. can be colored The most important manufacturers are
o Fe3•
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) or sodium
with small amounts of pigment that do not af- Bayer, Deanshanger, SILO (Europe); Colum- Figure 5.118: Crystal structure of iron blue [388]. hexacyanoferrate(II) or mixtures of these salts
Iron 181
180 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy

are usually used. When the pure sodium.salt ~r A "water-soluble" blue can be manufac-
a calcium hexacyanoferrate(II) soluuon IS tured by adding peptizing agents (the la~er
used, the pigment properties ~e obtained.by improve the water solubility via an emuls!fY-
adding a potassium or ammomum salt dunng ing action). This forms a transparent~ol101dal
the precipitation of the white paste product or solution in water without the use of high shear
prior to the oxidation sta~e. ., forces [388].
The iron(II) salt used IS crystalhne Iron(~)
sulfate or iron(II) chloride solution. The OXi- Properties .
dizing agent can be hydrogen peroxide, alk~li Hue relative tinting strength, dispersibility,
chlorates or alkali dichromates. Industnal and rh~ological behavior are the properties of
precipitation is carried out batchwise i~ large iron blue pigments with the most pr~ctical sig-
stirred tanks by simultaneous or sequenual. ad- nificance. Other important propertIes are the
dition of aqueous solutions of potaSSIum volatiles content at 60°C, the water-soluble
hexacyanoferrate(II) and iron(II) sul~ate to a fraction and acidity (ISO 2495). Pure blue
dilute acid. The filtrate from the white paste pigments are usually used singly (~:g., in
product must contain a slight excess of iron. printing inks) and do not need any addluves. to
Temperature, pH, and concentration of the improve them. Finely divided iron. bl.ue ~Jlg­ Figure 5.119: Electron micrograph of an iron blue pig- Figure 5.120: Electron micrograph of an iron-blue pig-
starting solutions have a deci~i:,e inf1uen~e on ments impart a pure black tone to pnntmg mk. ment of small particle size (Manox Blue~ 460 D). ment ofnormal particle size (Vossen Blau~ 705).
the size and shape of the preCIpItated parucles. Owing to their small particle size (~ee Table
The suspension of white paste is aged by heat- 5.48 and Figures 5.119 and 5.120), lIDn blue
ing. The ageing period varies in l~ngth and Table 5.48: Physical and chemical properties of iron blue pigments (Vossen-Blau~ and Manox~ grades).
pigments are very dif:?c~lt t? d~spe:rse. .(\ Vossen Blau~ Vossen Blau;g; Vossen BliiiM anox~Manox E ' ~
temperature dependin~ on the r~q~red prop- graph of particle size dlstnbu~on IS ~lve~ m
Type au aslsperse
705 705 1.8 8 724 Blue 480 D HSB 2
erties of the finished pIgment. This IS followed Figure 5.121 for a commercial q~alio/ ~n Colour Index Number 77510 77510 77510 77510 77510
by the oxidation to fo~ the blu~ pigment by blue and for a micronized grade WIth slIDilar Colour Index Pigment 27 27 27 27 27
adding hydrochloric aCId and SOdIum or I?otas- primary particle size. The micronized. grade Tmting strengthb 100 100 100 115 95"
sium chlorate [394]. Finally, the suspensIOn of gives greater tinting strength in dry nll~es
H~ p~b~ pure blue pure blue pure blue pure blue
the blue pigments is pumped into filt~rpresses Oil absorptiond, gllOO g 36-42 40-50 36-42 53-63 22-28
than the blues obtained from standard gnnd- Weight loss on drying", % 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2--6
either immediately or after havmg been ing. The average size of the aggregates in the. Tamped density, gIL 500 200 500 500 550
washed with cold water and decanted. After micronized material is ca. 10 !lm compared Density!!, g/cm3 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8
filtering, it is washed until free of acid and with ca. 35 !lm for the normal quality product. Mean diameter of primary particles, nm 70 70 70 40 80
salt. . Iron blue pigments are thermally stable for
Specific surface areah, m /g 35 35 35 80 30
Thermal stability, °C 150 150 150 150 150
Depending on the pigment type, the filter short periods at temperatures up to 180°C, Resistance to acids very good very good . very good very good very good
press-cakes (35~0% solids) are ~ither moul- and therefore can be used in stoving finishes. Resistance to alkalis poor poor poor poor poor
ded into cylindrical pellets and dned to a fin- The powdered material presents an ex-plosion Resistance to solvents very good very good very good very good very good
ished dust-free product, or liquefied and spray hazard, the ignition point is 600~25 o~
Resistance to bleeding very good very good very good very good very good
dried, or dried and then ground to form a pow- (ASTM D 93-52). The pigments are ~ombust~­ 'LS = Luftstrahlmilhle (air jet mill).
der pigment. . b DIN ISO 7871X1/1 and DIN ISO 787fXXN.
ble in powder form, ignition in air bemg POSSI- •Surface-treated easily dispersible type.
Dispersibility can be improved by add~ng ble above 140°C [388]. 'DIN ISO 787fV, ASTMD 281, or JIS K 5101119 (JIS: Japanese Industrial Standard).
organic compounds to the pigment s.uspensIOn 'DIN ISO 7871II, ASTMD 280, or JIS K 5101121.
fDINISO 787/XIor JIS K 5101118.
before filtering to prevent the partl~les from 'DIN ISO 7871X0r nSK5101117.
agglomerating too strongly on drymg [395, bDIN 66131.
396]. In another method (the Flushing. pro-
Iron blue pigments have excellent light- and color after a short weathering period. The
cess), the water in the wet pigment paste IS re-
and weatherfastness. When mixed with white pigments are resistant to dilute acid and oxi-
placed by a hydrophobic binder [397].
pigments, these properties can disappear dizing agents, and do not bleed. They are de-
Although these and other met?0ds ~f pigment
[401]. Recent investigations have shown that a composed by hot, concentrated acid and
preparation produce fully ~lsperslble prod-
topcoat (as commonly applied in automobile alkali. Other properties are listed in Table
ucts consisting mainly of Iron blue and a
manufacture) overcomes this problem [402]. 5.48.
binder [398-400], they have not become es-
Figure 5.122 shows changes in residual gloss
tablished on the market
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 183

Printing Ink Industry. Iron blue pigments solutions and good dispersibility. "Resistance" dispersible iron blue is preferred to be used for
.... -.,.. are very important in printing, especially roto- is understood here as the hydrophobic charac- combined dispersion with carbon black in the
-- gravure, because of their deep hue, good hid- teristics of the pigment. so-called "Co-Grinding" process.
,.,- --
r= ing power, and economic cost/performance This property prevents wetting of the pig- In the following section, the coloristic ef-
.Q ; ment by water and therefore its peptization.
i basis. Iron blue is often mixed with phthalocy- fects 'of those iron blue pigments are de-
€6O i
'In anine pigments for multicolor printing. An- Non-resistant iron blue can render the ink use- scribed, as obtained in toning experiments
i5 i
~ 40 other important use is in controlling the shade less by adsorbing water to above the normal involving a LCF-type carbon black, in com-
"3 // - - vaSSEN-81au 705 of black printing inks. Typical amounts used content. A negative side-effect of peptization parison with Pigment Blue 15:3 and Pigment
U 20 ~/ --_._- VOSSEN-Blau 705 LS are 5-8% for full-shade mtogravure inks and is the "dissolution" of the blue pigment from Blue 61.
2-8% for toning black gravure and offset inks. the printing ink and the resulting blue.coloura- The pigment concentration of the"inks is
. .;.0"'"
-- tion of the fountain solution with the familiar
O U.59L-"~w....J6.1Cu8w....J..uJ...1..u4"'-'.8J..u..1"'-'."'-'35-'"'"'-'.4J..u..1-'-'-'-':64:.'"'-'=.5J..u..1~1::U63 Iron blue pigments are used in the manufac- 24%, i,e. the amount of carbon black was re-
Par1icle size, IllT1 ture of single- and multiple-use carbon papers problems of printing-plate contamination, also duced correspondingly with the addition of 3,
and blue copying papers, both for toning the known as scumming or toning. 6, or 9% of blue pigment. Black inks contain-
Figure 5.121: Cumulative particle size distribution curve +b*
of a normal (705) and a micronized (705 LS) iron blue carbon black and as blue pigments in their ing IS to 24% of carbon black are excluded
2.0 from this experiment, and are presented to
pigment of equal primary particle size. LS = Luftstrahl- own right [388].
miihle (air jet mill). give an additional coloristic description of
Toning of Black Gravure Inks. For the ton-
"pigment" black as regards the development
Residual glo55, % tJe ing of black gravure inks, for example, 2 to
100 c ~ a of the hue when used as a self-colour pigment
6% ofVossen-Blau 705 are used together with
in increasing concentrations.
6 to 12% of carbon black. Combinations with .
red pigments with a blue undertone are also 4.0
common. When using organic pigments, resis-
20 tance to solvents must be taken in account. Be-
60 cause of the poor dispersibility of iron blue
compared with carbon black it is both eco-
nomical and practical to disperse the blue pig-
40 b
ment in a separate step.
While the visual judgement of black is in-
fluenced by the individual ability of the ob-
server to distinguish small colour differences .
in deep black, it is possible, with the help of --b*
o LJc::::Jc:.::..llli_ photometric measurements, to graphically in- Figure 5.123: Colour coordinates of black gravure inks
Figure 5.122: Residual gloss and AE*ab values for isocy- terpret objective evaluations by means of with different toning. + 2~: Pigment Black LCF*/Vos- 16
anate-cross-linked polyacrylate resins that contain 15% physical data [389]. sen-Blau 705; • 5-7: Pigment Black LCF/[VB 705-Pig- -2.0 13
Vossen-Blau" 2000 (older pigment type which has been ment Red 57: 1(4: 1)]; x 1-10: Pigment Black LCF*/[VB
Figure 5.123 illustrates the colour changes 705 Pigment Violet 27 (2: 1)]; 1111: Pigment Black LCF =
replaced by Manoxolo Blue 460 D) relative to the binder
and 15% TiD, (rutile) relative to the iron blue pigment af- of a low structure LCF-type carbon black by Printex 35. -G.O
ter 1000 h fast exposure to UV [402]: a) Without addition of Pigment Blue 27 (Vossen-Blau The combined dispersion of pigments is
clearcoat; b) With clearcoat but without UV protection; c) 705) and Pigment Violet 27 or by toning with
With c1earcoat and UV protection. only practical with colourants of similar dis- Figure 5.124: Colour locations of black offset printing
a 4: 1 combination of Pigment Blue 27 and persibility. Toning agents with a considerable inks with different toning. II 1-4: Pigment Black LCF (=
Pigment Red 57: 1. A mixture of asphalt resin, higher resistance to dispersion than carbon Printex 35); + 5-7: Pigment Black LCFlManox Eas-
isperse; x 8-10: Pigment Black LCF/[Manox Eas- Uses calcium/zinc resinate and phenol resin was black are therefore delivered by the manufac- isperselPigment Red 57: 1(4: 1)]; • 11-13: Pigment Black
used as a binder. The pigment concentration turer in the form of a predispersed paste or LCF/Pigment Blue 61; '" 14-16: Pigment Black LCFlPig-
Total production of iron blue in 1975 was for all was 13.2%. The toner was added in ment Blue 15 :3.
must be ground separately by the user.
ca. 25000 t/a, but in 1991 it was only ca. 2.2% steps up to 6.6% with a simultaneous re-
15 000 t/a. The main consumer in Europe and
Developments in the fields of iron blue In the visual and the colorimetric evalua-
duction from 13.2 to 6.6%. technology have overcome these problems. A tion the colour location change of the carbon
the United States is the printing industry. The
Toning of Black Offset Printing Inks. The new generation of pigments has been gener- black when used as a self-colour pigment is
second largest use in Europe, especiallY of mi-
basic requirements for the successful use of ated which covers both the demand for a suffi- noticeable since there is a tendency to a black
cronized iron blue pigments, is for coloring
iron blue as a toning agent in offset printing cient resistance against damping solutions and with a blue undertone at higher pigment con-
fungicides, but use in the paint industry is de-
inks are resistance to damping or "fountain" the request for a good dispersibility. Easily centration, even without the addition of toning
184 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron

agent. In Figure 5.124 these are the colour lo- 406]. Iron is necessary for cWorophyll synthe- completely excreted with the urine. After oral part from a slight obstipation no effects were
cations 1-4, starting with 15% carbon "black
and in increasing additions in steps of 3% to a
sis, which improves grape quality and yield.
Other iron salts do not have this effect [405].
administration of ferric cyanoferrate 9Fe) ap- reported [426, 427].
prox. 2% of the labelled hexacyanoferrate ion Fe4[Fe(CN)J can bind cesium therefore
maximum concentration of 24%. was absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract
Paints and Coatings. Iron blue pigments are iron blue pigments are used in clinical practice
However, it is also clear that without the used in the paint industry, especially for full, [414]. Most of the substance is excreted with as an antidote for the treatment of humans
addition of a blue pigment the achromatic dark blue colors for automotive finishes. A the feces [415] and there was no evidence of contaminated with radioactive cesium (see
point cannot be achieved. full shade with good hiding power is produced its decomposition. also section Clinical use of iron(III)
By adding various toning agents the desired by 4-8% iron blue pigments. The decomposition of blue pigment salts to ferrocyanide in doses up to 20 gld for decon-
colour hue is achieved - although with varying toxic cyanide in aqueous systems is very low. taminations of persons exposed to radio ce-
red/green spread. Iron blue (Manox Easisperse Paper. Blue paper can be produced by adding The CN-release of KFe[Fe(CN)6] in artificial
"water-soluble" iron blue pigment directly to sium has not been associated with any
154) brings about a clear shift towards green gastric or intestinal juice was 141 or 26 flg/(g . reported toxicity [428].
with a relatively small shift in the blue direc- the aqueous phase. Alternatively, a suitable 5 hours) respectively and in water 37 flg/(g ·5
iron blue pigment can be ground together with Blue pigment salts are also used as an effec-
tion (see colour locations 5-7). The required hours). The corresponding figure of tive antidote for thallium intoxications. Femc
target is more successfully achieved by the use a water-soluble binder, applied to the paper, Fe4[Fe(CN)J were 64, 15 and 22 flgl(g . 5
dried, and glazed (quantity applied: ca. 8% in cyanoferrate interferes with the enterosys-
of a mixture of iron blue an Pigment Red 57: 1 hours) [416]. temic circulation of thallium ions and· en-
in the ratio 4: 1. The colour locations 8-10 il- the finished product).
In the breath of rats after i.p. injection of hances their faecal excretion [429].
lustrate useful ways of approaching the achro- Pigment Industry. The importance of iron 14C-labelled KFe[Fe(CN)6] less than 0.01 % In a semistatic acute fish toxicity test (Leu-
matic point with the addition of 3%,6%, and blue in the production of chrome green and (detection limit) was found, whereas in an- ciscus idus, melanotus, fresh water fish) a sat-
9% of the mixture. zinc green pigments has greatly increased other study 0.04-0.08% of the orally adminis- urated solution with different blue pigment
The"addition of3% of Pigment Blue 61 al~ worldwide (see Section tered dose was found in the exhaled air [417]. compounds (with unsolved material on the
ready results in a significant step towards Medical Applications. Iron blue has become It can be concluded, that the hexacyanofer- bottom or filtrated solution) no death occurred
blue/red and shows almost identical incremen- important as an agent for decontaminating rate(II) complex disintegrates only to a small within 96 hours. Based on the quantity
tal changes with further additions (see colour persons who have ingested radioactive mate- extent in the intestinal tract after oral adminis- weighed the No Observed Effect Level
locations 11-13). In addition, the bronze effect rial. The isotope l37Cs which would otherwise tration. This is confirmed by the results of (NOEL) is greater than 1000 mgIL (nominal
occurs which intensifies with increasing dis- be freely absorbed via the human or animal di- acute oral toxicity studies which show in high concentrations) [430].
tance from the achromatic point. With Pig- gestive tract exchanges with the iron(II) of the doses no clinical symptoms or lethality. Tlte The bacterial toxicity was measured ac-
ment Blue 15:3 in numerically equivalent iron blue [407, 408] and is then excreted in the LD 50 values are above 500D-15000 mg/kg cording DEY, DIN 38 412, L3 (TTC [2,3,5-
increments, the hue of the black ink moves to- (limit tests) [418-420]. triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chlorid] test). The
feces [409]. Gelatin capsules containing 500
wards blue/green in the opposite direction mg iron blue are marketed as Radiogardase-Cs In primary imtation tests no or only slight result gives an ECso (effective concentration)
from the achromatic point and with a negative (Heyl). Thallium ions have been found to be- effects were seen at the skin or in the eyes of varying between 2290 and 14 700 mgIL, and
shift (colour locations 14-16). have similarly [410-412]. The gelatin cap- the treated rabbits respectively [420,421]. No estimated NOEC values in the range of < 10 to
Agriculture. Since ca. 1935 and especially in sules for this purpose are sold as "Antidotum skin sensitisation occurred in a Guinea pig 100mgIL [431].
Mediterranean countries, blue inorganic fun- Thalii" (Heyl) [413]. maximisation test [418]. There are no harmful effects on fish, but the
gicides based on copper and used for treating The subchronic (9D-120 days) consump- toxic effects on bacteria constitude a slight
vines have largely been replaced by colorless Toxicology and tion of iron blue pigments at concentrations of hazard when iron blue pigments are present in
organic compounds. Micronized iron blue pig- 1-2% in the food or drinking water influenced water.
ments are used to color these fungicides (nor-
Environmental Aspects slightly the body weight gain, but no other
mally at a concentration of 3-8%), so that Blue pigment compounds show no toxicity clinical signs or histopathologial changes 5.21.3 Iron Magnetic Pigments
even small amounts become visible due to the in animal studies therefore it is not expected to were observed [422-425]. After the adminis-
high color intensity, and precise control is pos- cause any adverse effects on human health. No tration of daily doses of 200 or 400 mg/kg for
sible. The fungicide is usually milled or mixed toxic effects were reported in humans when ten days to dogs the body weight gained and Iron Oxide Magnetic
with a micronized iron blue pigment [403]. blue pigment compounds were used experi- the general condition remained unaffected Pigments
A welcome side effect of treating fungi mentally or therapeutically. [426].
Ferrimagnetic iron oxide pigments are used
(e.g., perOllospora plasmopara viticola) with Toxikokinetic studies showed, that the ad- In a bacterial test system (ames test) no in-
in magnetic information storage systems such
iron blue is the fertilizing of vines in soils that sorption of iron blue pigments is very low. crease of mutagenicity was detected without
as audio and videocassettes, floppy disks, hard
give rise to cWororsis. Leaf color is intensi- Following intravenous injection of a 59pe-ra- or in presence of a metabolic system [420].
disks, and computer tapes. Cobalt-free
fied, aging of the leaves is retarded, and wood dio labelled iron blue pigment, the In human volunteers who received 1.5 or iron(lII) oxide and nonstoichiometric mixed-
quality ("ripeness") is also improved [404- [59pe(CN)6]4-- ion was rapidly and virtually 3.0 g ferric cyanoferrate for up to 22 days ap- phase pigments have been used since the early
186 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron

days of magnetic tape technology. Currently, tective coating of sintered material (usually Table 5.49 shows some quality require-
y-Fe2 0 3 and Fep4 (the latter in small silicates [436], phosphates [437], chromates hulk of the pigment particles. It is either in-
ments for the most important applications of corpomted during production of the FeOOH
amounts) are mainly used in the production of [438], or organic compounds such as fatty ac- magnetic pigments. Column 4 gives the coer-
low-bias audiocassettes [iron oxide operating ids [439]). precursor or precipitated as the hydroxide
cive field strength (HJ required for informa- onto one of the intermediate products [442]
point IEC I standard (International Electro- Finely divided stoichiometric Fe 30 4 pig- tion storage materials. The coercive field is the
technical Commission)], and studio, broad- ments are not stable to atmospheric oxidation. using cobalt(lI) salts as the cobalt source.
magnetic field required to demagnetize the
casting, and computer tapes. They are therefore stabilized by partial oxida- sample. • Cobalt-coated pigment particles (2-4% Co)
tion or by complete oxidation to y-Fe 20 3 be- The saturation magnetization M s is' a spe- consist of a core of y-Fe 20 3 or nonstoichio-
Production. The shape of the pigment particle
low 500°C. cific constant for the material and for mag- metric iron oxide phase, and a 1-2 nm coat-
is extremely important for ensuring good mag-
In an alternative process, the starting mate- netic iron oxides is principally determmed by ing of cobalt ferrite with a high coercivity
netic properties. Isometric iron oxide pig-
rial consists of needle-shaped particles of (1- 2
the Fe + ion content. The ratio of remanent [443]. The coating can be produced' by ad-
ments produced by direct precipitation are
Fep3 instead of FeOOH pigments [440,441]. magnetization to saturation magnetization sorption of cobalt hydroxide, or epitaxial
seldom used. Since 1947, needle-shaped y-
The synthesis is carried out in a hydrothermal (MIA-fs ) for the tape depends mainly on the precipitation of cobalt ferrite in a strongly
Fe 20 3 pigments have been prepared with a
reactor, starting from a suspension· of orientation of the pigment needles with re- alkaline medium [444, 445]. Surface-
length to width ratio of ca. 5: 1 to 20: 1 and a
Fe(OH)3, and crystal growth is controlled by spect to the longitudinal direction of the tape, coated pigments show better magnetic sta-
crystal length of 0.1-1 ~ [432]. bility than doped pigments.
means of organic modifiers. and should approach the theoretical maximum
Anisometric forms of Fe30 4 with the spinel
structure or y-Fe20 3 with a tetragonal superlat- Properties. Magnetic pigments with very dif-
value of unity as closely as possible. Properties. Pigments with a coercive field
tice structure do not crystallize directly. They ferent morphological and magnetic properties Apart from the morphological and mag- strength of 50-56 kAlm are used in video cas-
are obtained from iron compounds that form that depend on the field of application and netic properties, usual pigment properties such settes, high-bias audio cassettes (chromium
needle-shaped crystals (usually (1- and y- quality of the recording medium, are used. aspH value, tap density, soluble salt content, dioxide operating point mc II), and high-den-
FeOOH) [433-435]. The oxyhydroxides are The largest particles (length ca 0.6 ~) are oil absorption, dispersibility, and chemical sta- sity floppy disks. Depending on the quality of
converted to Fe 30 4 by dehydration and reduc- used in computer tapes. The noise level of the bility are of great importance for the manufac- the tape, the particle size varies between 0.2
tion. Reducing agents may be gases (hydro- magnetic tape decreases with decreasing parti- ture of magnetic recording materials. and 0.4 !lm (Table 5.49).
gen, carbon monoxide) or organic compounds cle size. Fine pigments are therefore being Producers of magnetic iron oxides include Pigments with a higher coercive field
(e.g., fatty acids). The particle geometry is re- used increasingly for better quality compact BASF and Bayer (Germany); Ishihara, Sakai, strength (ca. 70 kAlm) and smaller particle
tained during this process. cassettes. Showa DenIm, Titan K., and Toda K (Japan); size (particle length ca. 0.15-0.2 !lm) are used
3M, Magnox (USA); and Saehan Media (Ko- for super VHS cassettes.
Since the pigments are subjected to consid- The magnetic properties may be deter- rea).
erable thermal stress during this conversion, mined by measurement of hysteresis curves on Pigments treated with only small amounts
the FeOOH particles are stabilized with a pro- the powder or magnetic tape. World production of cobalt-free magnetic of cobalt (0.5% Co, coercive field strength ca.
iron oxides in 1990 was ca. 24 000 t, of which 31 kAlm) are used as an alternative to cobalt-
Table 5.49: Some quality requirements for iron oxide and metallic iron magnetic pigments. ca. 74% was used in compact cassettes and au- free y-Fe20 3 pigments for high-quality low-
Approxi- Specific Coercive Saturation dio tapes, and ca. 25% in computer tapes. bias audio cassettes.
Field of application Pigment type mate particle surface field strength magnetization M/M,
length, mm area, m /g H" kAlm M" mT· m 3/kg
2 Cobalt-containing pigments are mainly
Computer tapes y-Fep3 0.60 13 17 23 25 Y 0.80-0.85 Cobalt-Containing Iron produced by the magnetic iron oxide produc-
Studio radio tapes y-Fe,03 0.40 17-20 23-27 85-92 0.80-0.85 Oxide Pigments ers. World production for 1990 was 45 000 t,
IEC 1compact cassettes
of which the highest proportion (ca. 85%) was
standard (iron oxide operating
Cobalt-containing iron oxides form the used for video tapes.
point) 'Y- Fe P3 0.35 20-25 27-30 87-92 0.80-0.90 largest proportion (ca. 60%) of magnetic pig-
high grade Co-y-Fe Z0 3 0.30 25-37 29-32 92-98 0.80-0.90 ments produced today. Due to their high coer-
IEe II compact cassettes (cr0 2 op- Co-y-Fe Z0 3> civity they can be used as an alternative to Metallic Iron Pigments
erating point) Co-Fe 3O. 0.30 30--40 52-57 94-98 0.85-0.92
chromium dioxide for the production of video The magnetization of iron is more than
IEC IV compact cassettes (metal
operating point) metaJlic iron 0.35 35-40 88-95 130-160 0.85-0.90 tapes, high-bias audio tapes (CrG;! operating three times higher than that of iron oxides.
Digital audio (R-DAT)' metaJlic iron 0.25 50-{i0 Il5-127 130-160 0.85-0.90 point), and high-density floppy disks. Metallic iron pigments can have a coercive
liz" Video Co-y-Fep" Production. The iron oxide pigments de- field strength as high as 150 kAlm, depending
Co-Fe30 4 0.30 25-40 52-57 94-98 0.80-0.90
scribed above are either doped or coated with on particle size. These properties are highly
Super-VHS video Co-y-Fep3 0.20 45'-50 64-72 94-96 0.80-0.85 cobalt: suitable for high-density recording media. Ox-
8-mm video metallic iron 0.25 50-{i0 115-127 130-160 0.85-0.90 idation-resistant products based on metallic
• Body-doped pigments contain 2-5% cobalt pigments first became available in the late
•R-DAT: rotary digital audio tap~.
that is uniformly distributed throughout the 1970s.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 189

storage media [448,449]. They are very suit- This method is only suitable for the high-coer- susceptibility makes barium ferrite media par-
Production. Metallic iron pigments are com- ticularly suitable for the anhysteretic (bias
able for preparing unoriented (e.g., floppy civity pigments required for magnetic strips
mercially produced by the reduction of acicu-
disks), longitudinally oriented (conventional [451]. field) duplicating process [465]. Unlike many
lar (needle-shaped) iron compounds [446]. As
tapes), and perpendicularly oriented media. In / other magnetic materials used in high-density
in the production of magnetic iron oxide pig- Hydrothennal Method. Iron [Fe(III)], barium,
the latter the magnetization is oriented perpen- ' recording, barium ferrite, being an oxide, is
ments, the starting materials are iron oxide hy- and the dopants are precipitated as their hy-
dicular to the coating surface. They are re- not affected by corrosion [466]. Processing of
droxides or iron oxalates, which are reduced to droxides and reacted with an excess of sodium
quired for perpendicular recording systems the pigment can be problematic, e.g., applying
iron in a stream of hydrogen either directly or hydroxide solution (up to 6 mollL) at 250-
which promise extremely high data densities, orienting fields can easily lead to unwanted
via oxidic intermediates. 350°C in an autoclave. This is generally fol-
especially on floppy disks. Barium and stron- stacking of the particles which has adverse ef-
Due to their high specific surface area, me- lowed by an annealing treatment at .750-
tium ferrites are also used to prevent forgery fects on the noise level and the coercive field
tallic pigments are pyrophoric, so that passiva- 800°C to obtain products with the desired
of magnetic stripes, e.g., in cheque and iden- strength of the magnetic tape. A marked tem-
tion is necessary. This can be achieved by magnetic properties. Many variations of the
tity cards. perature dependence of the magnetic proper-
slow, controlled oxidation of the particle sur- process have been described [452--456], the
ties was a problem in the early days, but this
face [447]. Properties. Hexagonal ferrites have a wide earliest report being from 1969 [457]. In later
can be overcome by appropriate doping [467].
range of structures distinguished by different processes, hydrothermal synthesis is followed
Properties. The coercive field strength of me- by coating with cubic ferrites, a process re-
tallic iron pigments is primarily determined by stacking arrangements of three basic elements
known as M, S, and Y blocks [450]. For mag- sembling the cobalt modification of iron ox- 5.21.4 Iron Phosphide
their particle shape and size, and can be varied ides. The object is to increase the saturation
between 30 and 150 kAlm. Pigments for ana- netic pigments, the M-type structure (barium Commercial iron phosphide anticorrosive
hexaferrite BaFe 120 19) is the most important. magnetization of the material [458-460]:
log music cassettes (He::; 90 kAlm) usually pigments usually consist ofFe;zP with traces of
have a particle" length ofO.3511m (Table 5.49). The magnetic properties of M-ferrite can be Glass Clystallization Method. This process FeP and Si02. The pigment is a powder with a
The length to width ratio of the pigment nee- controlled over a fairly wide range by partial was developed by Toshiba [461]. The starting metallic gray color and contains 70% Fe, 24%
dles is ca. 10: 1. Finely divided pigments (par- substitution of the Fe3+ ions, usually with materials for barium ferrite production are dis- P, 2.5% Si, and 3.0% Mn. The density is 6.53
ticle length ca. 0.25 llm) with a coercive field combinations of di- and tetravalent ions such solved in a borate glass melt. The molten ma- g/cm 3 and the mean particle size is ca. 3-511m.
strength of 120 kAlm are used for 8-mm video as Co and Ti. Barium ferrite crystallizes in the terial at ca. 1200 °C is quenched by pouring it
form of small hexagonal platelets. The pre- onto rotating cold copper wheels to produce Iron phosphide anticorrosive pigments are
and digital audio cassettes (R-DAT), tapes
ferred direction of magnetization is parallel to glass flakes. The flakes are then annealed to recommended by manufacturers as replace-
used by television organizations (ED Beta,
the c-axis and is therefore perpendicular to the crystallize the ferrite in the glass matrix. In the ment materials for zinc dust to reduce the price
Betacam SP MP, M II, Digital Video D2), and
surface of the platelet. The specific saturation final stage the glass -matrix is dissolved in ofzinc-rich paints [468].
for master video cassettes (mirror master
tapes). In the field of data storage, a small magnetization of the undoped material is ca. acid. In a variation of this process, the glass A trade name for iron phosphide is Ferro-
quantity is used in micro floppy disks. n- Am2{kg and is therefore somewhat lower matrix is produced by spray drying [462]. phos(Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp.,
Metallic pigments have a higher specific than that of other magnetic oxide pigments. In USA).
banum ferrite the coercive field strength is pri- Magnetic Recording Properties. Typical
surface area (up to 60 m 2 /g) and a higher satu- values of physical properties of barium ferrite
ration magnetization than oxidic magnetic marily determined by the magnetocrystalline
anisotropy and only to a limited extent by par- pigments used in magnetic recording are given 5.21.5 Iron Oxide-Mica
pigments. Their capacity for particle align- in Table 5.50.
ment corresponds to that of the oxides (Table ticle morphology. This is the reason why Pigment [469-474]
banum ferrite can be obtained with extremely Barium ferrite is highly suitable for high-
5.49). density digital recording mainly because of its Mica can be coated not only with Ti0 2 but
uniform magnetic properties. Barium ferrite
Economic Aspects. The largest producers of pigments have a brown color and ch~mical very small particle size and its very narrow also with other metal oxides that are deposited
metallic iron pigments are Chisso, Dowa Min- properties similar to those of the iron OXIdes. switching field distribution. It also has a high from hydrolyzable metal salts [469--474].
ing, Kanto Denka K., Mitsui Toatzu, and Nis- anhysteretic susceptibility and is difficult' to Iron(III) oxide is highly suitable because it
san Chemicals (Japan). Production. There are three important meth- overwrite [463]. This is partly explained by combines a high refractive index (metallic lus-
World consumption in 1990 was ca. 1000 t, ods for manufacturing barium ferrite on an in- positive interaction fields between particles in ter) with good hiding power and excellent
of which ca. 75% was used in the manufacture dustrial scale: the ceramic, hydrothermal, and the coating layer [464]. The high anhysteretic weather resistance [475].
of video tapes and ca. 25 % for audio tapes. glass crystallization methods. The main pro-
Table 5.50: Typical properties ofbariurn ferrite pigments.
Consumption is expected to increase. ducers are Toshiba and Toda.
Specific surface
Application area, m 2/g Platelet diameter, nm Platelet thickness, nrn
Ceramic Method. Mix1Ures of barium carbon- Barium Ferrite Pigments ate and iron oxide are reacted at 1200- Unoriented (floppy disk) 25-40 40-70 15-30 5Q--{j5 5Q--{j5
1350 °C to produce crystalline agglomerates Oriented 25--{;0 40-120 10-30 55-100 5Q--{j5
Barium ferrite pigments have been consid-
which are ground to a particle size of ca. lllm. Magnetic strips 12-15 100-300 50-100 220-440 60-70
ered for several years for high-density digital
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy

Aqueous precipitation reactions are used tation, a temperature of < 25 DC during oxida-
heating finely atomized liquid pentacarbonyl
for production of commercial Fe20rmica tion, and short oxidation times « 5 h).
iron in the presence of excess air at" 580-
5.21.7 Transparent Iron Blue
Ipigments, starting from Fe 2+ or Fell- with sub- Oxidation can be carried out under acidic or
800 DC [484, 485]. The products have a pri- Iron blue, C.1. Pigment Blue 27:77520
Isequent calcination at 700-900 DC. basic conditions [481, 482]. The best results //
mary particle size of ca. 10 nm, are X-ray (Milori blue), also occurs in [mely dispersed
Pigments can also be produced by a direct are obtained by using 6% iron(II) sulfate solu-
amorphous, and have an isometric particle forms (primary particle size < 20 nm specific
CVD fluidized-bed process based on oxida- tions and precipitation with ca. 85% sodium
form. Hues ranging from red to orange can be surface area 100 m 2/g) that are more transpar-
tion of iron pentacarbonyl and deposition of carbonate as a 10% solution. The starting ma-
obtained with this procedure, however, it is ent than the conventional iron blue pigments.
Fe 2 0 3 on mica and other platelet substrates terial is usually crystalline FeS0 4 ·7Hp, ob- They are generally produced by the same pro-
[476,477]. tained as a by-product froin ilmenite in the not suitable for yellow hues.
cedure as the less transparent iron blue pig-
Brilliant, intense colors are obtained with pickling of iron or in the production of tita- Transparent brown iron oxides are ,pro- ments but a higher dilution factor is used. The
50-150 nm layers ofFe z0 3 (hematite) on mus- nium dioxide according to the sulfate proce- duced by precipitating iron(lI) salt solutions transparency of these pigments is exploited
covite. Absorption and interference colors are dure. In order to improve pigment properties, with dilute alkali (sodium hydroxide or so- sol~ly in the production of printing inks (illus-
produced simultaneously and vary with layer the suspension is matured for about a day be- dium carbonate) and oxidizing with air. Only tratlon gravure).
thickness. Especially the red shades are more fore filtration. It is then filtered, dried, and two-thirds of the precipitated iron hydroxide, Trade names include Manox Iron Blue
intense than those of Ti0 2-mica pigments be- carefully ground to a powder. The primary oxide hydrate, or carbonate is oxidized. Alter- (Manox, UK), and Vossen-Blue 2000 (De-
cause interference and absorption enhance particles are needle-shaped and have an aver- natively, the iron oxides can be produced by gussa, Germany). Transparent iron blue pig-
each other. An intense green-red flop with dif- age length of 50-100 nm, a width of 10-20 complete oxidation of the precipitate iron ments are also produced by Dainichiseika
ferent viewing angles is possible at a Fe20 3 run, and a thickness of 2-5 run. compounds and subsequent addition of half (Japan).
layer thickness producing green interference Transparent red iron oxide, C.1. ·Pigment the amount of the initial iron salt solution and
[478]. A theoretical investigation is given in Red 101 :77491, is obtained by heating the yel- precipitation as hydroxide [486, 487]. How-
[479,480]. low pigment (e.g., in a cylindrical rotary kiln) ever, these products have the composition
5.22 Coal and Coal Pyrolysis
On account of their good hiding power, at 400-500 DC (Figure 5.125). FeO'Fe20 3 and are ferromagnetic; they are
high chemical inertness, lack of toxicity, and not ofpractical importance. 5.22.1 Coal Petrology
brilliant intense color in the bronze, copper,
and red ranges, these pigments are becoming Properties and Uses. As far as resistance to Coal Characterization. Coal is an eXtremely
increasingly important in sophisticated end light, weather; and chemicals is concerned,. heterogeneous, complex material that is diffi-
uses such as automotive coatings and cosmet- transparent iron oxides behave in a similar cult to .characterize. Coal is a rock formed by
ics. manner to the opaque iron oxides. In addition, geologICal processes and is composed of a
they show a high UV absorption, which is ex- number of distinct organic entities (macerals)
5.21.6 Transparent Iron Oxides ploited in applications such as the coloring of an~ lesser amounts of inorganic substances
plastic bottles and films used in the packaging (mmerals). Each of the coal macerals and min-
Tnmsparent yellow iron oxide has the IX- erals has a unique set of physical and chemical
FeO(OH) (goethite) structure; on heating it is ofUV-sensitive food{[488, 489].
properties; these in tum control the overall be-
converted into transparent red iron oxide with Worldwide consumption of transparent iron havior of coal. Although much is known about
the IX-Fe 20 3 (hematite) structure. Differential oxides is 2000 tJa. They are mainly used in the the properties of minerals in coal, for example,
thermogravimetric analysis shows a weight production of metallic paint in combination the c~stal chemistry, crystallography, and
loss at275 DC. Orange hues develop after brief with flaky aluminum pigments and in the col- ~agne~1c ~nd electrical properties, surpris-
thermal treatment of yellow iron oxide and Figure 5.125: Electron micrograph of a transparent red oring of plastics for bottles and fibers. I~g!y lIttle 1S known about the properties of in-
can also be obtained by blending directly the iron oxide pigment (Sicotrans Red 2815). dIVIdual coal ma<;erals. Even though coal is
yellow and red iron oxide powders. Toxicology. Special toxicological studies on composed of macerals and minerals, it is not a
Transparent red iron oxides containing iron
transparent iron oxides have not yet been car- uniform mixture of these substances. The
Production. Transparent yellow iron oxide, oxide hydrate can also be produced directly by
precipitation. A hematite content of> 85% ried out. The results of opaque iron oxides are macerals and minerals occur in distinct associ-
C.I. Pigment Yellow 42:77492, is obtained by applicable.
the precipitation of iron (II) hydroxide or car- can be obtained when iron(II) hydroxide or ations called ~ithotypes, and each lithotype has
bonate with alkali from iron(II) salt solutions iron(lI) carbonate is precipitated from iron(I1) a set of physlCal and chemical properties that
Trade names and producers include Capelle also affect coal behavior.
and subsequent oxidation to FeO(OH). On an salt solutions at ca. 30 DC and when oxidation (Gebroeders Cappelle N.Y., Belgium), Fas-
industrial scale, oxidation is usually carried is carried out to completion with aeration and tona Transparent Iron Oxide (Blythe Colours Coal seams, the basic units in which coal
out by introducing atmospheric oxygen into seeding additives (e.g., cWorides of magne- ~ccurs,· are in tuin composed of layers of coal
Ltd., UK), Sicotrans (BASF andBASF Lacke
the reaction vessel. Important factors for good sium, calcium, or aluminum) [483]. Transpar- IIthotype.s, and individual coal seams may also
+ Farben, Germany), and Trans Oxide (Hilton have theIr own sets of physical and chemical
transparency are high dilution during precipi- ent iron oxides can also be synthesized by Davis, USA). .
properties. For example, even if two coal
192 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 193

rinite, can exist in a bituminous coal as well as Table 5.51: Survey ofthe macerals ofhard coal, according to the lCCP system.
seams have the same maceral and mineral
in an anthracite. Maceral group Maceral Maceral type' Maceral variety' Kryptomaceral"
composition, the seams may have signifi-
Vitrinite telinite cordaitotelinite
cantly different properties if the maceral asso- In contrast, the maceral concept of SPACK- fungotelinite
ciations in lithotypes in the two seams are MAN (commonly held in North America) is/ xylotelinite kryptotelinite
different. The enclosing rocks immediately based on the idea that macerals are substances collinite telocollinite kryptocorpocollinite
adjacent to a coal seam can also affect the with distinctive sets of properties [492]. Thus, desmocollinite
properties of the coal. This aspect is particu- vitrinite in a bituminous coal is viewed as a corpocollinite
larly important in mine design, production, different mac'eral than vitrinite in an anthracite vitrodetrinite
because the two materials have different prop- Exinite sporinite tenuisporinite
and strata control. The compositional charac- crassisporinite
terization of a coal" seam must cover the nature erties. microsporinite kryptoexosporinite
of the macerals, the lithotypes, the entire The basis of the petrographic study of coal macrosporinite kryptointosporinite
seam, and the association of the seam with the composition is the idea that coal is composed resinite
neighboring strata. of a number of distinct macerals. The entire alginite
body of coal petrographic literature supports Iiptodetrinite
In addition to compositional factors, coal micrinite
this idea and is in direct contrast to the earlier Inertinite
properties also change with the rank or the de- macrinite
gree of coalification of a given sample of coal. chemical concept of coal being composed of a semifusinite
single unique molecular substance. Although fusinite pyrofusinite
Coal is part of a metamorphic series ranging degradofusinite
the concept and the term "coal molecule" may
from peat, through lignite and subbituminous sclerotinite plectenchyminite
once have been useful, modern chemical stud- corposclerotinite
and bituminous coal, to anthracite. Tempera-
ies of coal recognize coal's heterogeneous pseudocorposclerotinite
ture, pressure, and time alter the original pre- maceral composition. inertodetrinite
cursors of coal through this metamorphic
•Incomplete, can be arbitrarily extended.
series. As the rank of the coal changes, the Maceral Types and Properties. A large num-
properties of the coal macerals change pro- ber of different macerals have been named and Table 5.52: Classification of macerals, according to the teration at the peat stage or during later coalifi-
classified in various systems. The ICCP sys- AS1M system, for routine analysis. cation.
gressively and, therefore, so also do the prop-
tem is given in part in Table 5.51. Although Maceral Additional Terms used in Under the microscope, vitrinite macerals
erties of lithotypes and the entire seam. Maceral
AS1MD AS1MD fluorescence
this system is useful for some purposes, it is group
2799 2796 analyses have a reflectance (brightness) between that of
Because of these factors, coal characteriza-
impractical for routine maceral analysis be- Vitrinite vitrinite pseudo- fluorescing vit-
the liptinite and inertinite macerals. Because
tion requires a detailed knowledge of both the
cause of the large number of terms. For such vitrinite rinite the reflectance of the vitrinite macerals shows
maceral composition and the rank of the coal. a more or less uniform increase with coal rank,
routine analysis, classification systems with a Liptinite exinite sporinite fluorinite
All coal properties are ultimately a function of limited number of terms are needed. In the resinite cutinite bituminite reflectance measurements for the determina-
these two factors. alginite ell;udatinite
standard method for maceral analysis D 2799 tion of rank are always taken exclusively on
Inertinite micrinite macrinite vitrinite macerals. The reflectance of vitrinite
The Maceral Concept. The term maceral was of the American Society for Testing and Mate- sernifusinite sclerotinite
rials (ASTM), only six terms are required, al- fusinite macerals is also anisotropic, so that in most
introduced by STOPES todistingu~sh the or-
though some additional terms are defmed in orientations a particle of vitrinite will display
ganic components of coal (macerals) from the Most vitrinite macerals are derived from two maxima and two minima with complete
inorganic components (minerals) [490]. The ASTM Standard D 2796 (see Table 5.52).
the cell wall material (woody tissue) of plants. rotation. Two types of vitrinite are usually dis-
term is now interpreted in two conflicting Although there is no standard method for Although the details of the vitrinization pro- tinguished in North American coals. Normal
ways. The interpretation of the International the analysis of fluorescent macerals, some ad- cess are not well understood, it is generally be- vitrinite is almost always the most abundant
Committee for Coal Petrology (ICCP) is that a ditional terms, listed in Table 5.52, are used lieved that during the coalification process the maceral present and makes up the groundmass
maceral is the smallest microscopically recog- for this type of analysis. plant cell wall material is chemically altered in which the various liptinite and inertinite
nizable component of coal [491]. Thi s concep- As shown in Table 5.52, coal macerals fall and broken down into colloidal particles that macerals are dispersed. It has a uniform gray
tion, generally held by most European coal into three distinct groups: vitrinite, liptinite, are later deposited and desiccated. This pro- color and is always anisotropic. With UV ex-
petrographers, is based on morphology and and inertinite. Vitrinite macerals are generally cess commonly homogenizes the components citation, some normal vitrinites will fluoresce.
other criteria such as size, shape, botanical af- the most abundant, commonly making up 50- so that the resulting macerals are structureless. Pseudovitrinite always has a slightly higher
fmity, and occurrence. The ICCP concept im- 90% of North American coals. This group is The variation in vitrinite macerals is usually reflectance than normal vitrinite in the same
plies that the properties of the macerals not as abundant in coals that originate in the thought to be due to differences in the original coal. It also tends to occur in large particles
change with rank. Thus, the same maceral, vit- southern hemisphere. plant material or to different conditions of al- that are usually free of other macerals 'and py-
194 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 195

rite. Pseudovitrinite particles commonly show Some of the larger pieces of resinite may ap- and greatest range of reflectance of all the geological forces begin to act in the geological
brecciated comers, serrated edges, wedge- pear to be translucent with an orange color. In macerals. They are distinguished by their rela- or metamorphic phase of coalification.
shaped fractures, and slitted structures. some coals, particularly in those from the tive reflectances and by the presence of cell Because of the common occurrence of
Pseudovitrinite does not fluoresce under UV western United States, a number of different / texture. high-rank coals in geologically deformed ar-
light. forms of resinite may be distinguished by us: Fusinite is seen in most coals and has a eas; for example, anthracite in the eastern Ap-
In international practice, the terms desmo- ing fluorescent microscopy. Alginite is de- charcoal-like structure. It is always the highest palachian Mountains and low-volatile
collinite, heterocollinite, and vitrinite Bare rived from fossil algre colonies. It is rare in reflecting maceral present and is distinguished bituIninous coal in the folded and faulted Ca-
used to describe normal vitrinite, and telocol- most coals and is often difficult to distinguish by a cell texture that is commonly broken into nadian Rocky Mountains, it was assumed that
linite, homocollinite, and vitrinite A are used from mineral matter. However, in UV light it small shards and fragments. tectonic pressure was responsible for the high
for pseudovitrinite. fluoresces with a brilliant yellow color and Semifusinite has the cell texture and gen- rank of most coals. However, this position has
Liptinite macerals are derived from the can display a distinctive flower-like appear- eral features of fusinite except that it is of now lost most of its support because recent
wax)' and resinous parts of plants, i.e., the ance. lower reflectance. In fact, semifusinite has the studies in the folded coal seams of the Ruhr
spores, cuticles, and resins. This group gener- Newly Defined Fluorescent Macerals. With largest range of reflectance of any of the vari- Basin show that isorank lines (isovols) follow
ally makes up 5-15 % of most North American the use of fluorescence microscopy, TEICH- ous coal macerals. SeInifusinite is also the the folds in the seams [495]. This shows that
coals, although it dominates some unusual MULLER defined three new macerals: fluorinite, most abundant .of the inertinite macerals in the coal achieved its rank before the structural
types of coal such as cannel and boghead. In bituIninite, and exudatinite [493]. Although most coals. deformation and was not altered during or af-
any given coal, liptinite macerals have the these macerals have some characteristic fea- ter such deformation. Similar studies of strati-
Macrinite is a very minor component of
lowest reflectance. Liptinite macerals arc the tures in normal white~light microscopy, they graphic relationships in the Canadian Rocky
most coals and usually occurs as structureless
most resistant to alteration or metamorphism can be properly identified only by their fluo- Mountains showed that the higher rank coals
ovoid bodies with the same reflectance as
in the early stages of coalification; thus, the re- rescence properties. correlated with increasing depth of burial and
flectance changes are slight up to the rank of Fluorinite usually occurs as very dark not tectonism [496]. Laboratory experiments
medium-volatile coal. In this range the reflec- Micrinite occurs as very fine granular parti-
lenses that may show internal reflections. Flu- cles of high reflectance. [t is commonly asso- using increased confining pressure have not
tance of liptinite macerals increases rapidly led to increased coalification [497].
orinite is also commonly associated with cu- ciated with the liptinite macerals and
until it matches or exceeds the reflectance of
tinite. Fluorinite fluoresces with a very intense sometimes gives the appearance of actually re- The majority of the geological evidence
vitrinite macerals in the same coal and, thus,
yellow color. placing the liptinite. suggests that temperature is the major factor in
essentially disappears. Sporinite is the most
common of the liptinite macerals and is de- Bituminite is difficult to detect in white coalification and that the temperature range in
rived from the waxy coating of fossil spores light and is often mistaken for mineral matter. which most coalification takes place is 50-
It is common in vitrinite-poor detrital coals. It 5.22.2 Coalification 150°C. The depth at which these temperatures'
and pollen. It generally has the form of a flat-
tened spheroid with upper and lower hemi- occurs as stringers and shreads and fluoresces A unique and often troublesome feature of occur is a function of the natural geothermal
spheres compressed until they fuse. The outer weakly with an orange to brown color. This coal that distinguishes it from other fuels and gradient (dT/dZ), which ranges from
surfaces of the sporinite macerals often show material is similar to what organic petrologists bulk commodities is its property of rank. All 0.8°CIl00 m to 4°C1l00 m. Therefore, at
various kinds of ornamentation. In Paleozoic call amorphous organic matter (AOM). coal starts out as peat, which is then changed these two geothermal gradient extremes, the
coals, two sizes of spores are common. The Exudatinite is a secondary maceral which into progressively higher ranks of coal. This depth at which 150°C would be reached, if a
smaller ones, usually < 100 IlJIl in diameter, appears as an oil-like void filling. It has no transformation is generally divided into two surface temperature of 20°C is assumed, is
are called microspores, and the larger ones, shape of its own, and can usually only be de- phases. The first, which occurs in the peat 16.25 kID (53 300 feet, 10.1 miles) for the low-
ranging up to several millimeters in diameter, tected by its weak orange to brown fluores- stage, is called diagenesis or biochemical est gradient and 3.25 kID (10700 feet, 2.02
are called megaspores. Cutinite, found as a cence in UV light coalification. In this phase most of the plant miles) for the highest. The major lines of evi-
minor component in most coals, is derived The inertinite maceral groups are derived material makingup the peat is biochemically dence for the importance of temperature in
from the waxy outer coating of leaves, roots, from plant material, usually woody tissue, that broken down. Specifically, most of the cellu- coalification are as follows:
and stems. It occurs as long stringers, which has been strongly altered by charring in a for- lose in the plant material is digested away by
II An increase in coal rank and temperature
often have one fairly flat surface and another est fire or by biochemical processes such as bacteria, and the lignin in the plant material is with depth is confirmed by thousands of
that is crenulated. Cutinite usually has a re- composting either before or shortly after depo- transformed into huInic acids and humic com- bore holes.
flectance equal to that of sporinite. Occasion- sition. These macerals can make up 5-40% of pounds, huInins. Some plant material is also
ally the stringers of cutinite are distorted. most North American coals, with the higher thermally altered by partial combustion or bio- • Lines of equal rank contour igneous intru-
Resinite is also common in most coals and amounts occurring in Appalachian coals. In chemical charring. Still other plant material, sions and show an increase in rank in the di-
usually occurs as ovoid bodies with a reflec- southern heInisphere coals, this group com- such as spores and pollen, survive the diagene- rection of the intrusion. In some cases,
tance slightly greater than that of sporinite and monly is more abundant than vitrinite. The in- sis stage without much change. After diagene- natural coke is found at the contact of a coal
cutinite but still less than that of vitrinite. ertinite macerals have the highest magnitude sis is complete and the altered peat is buried, seam with an intrusion.
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron 197

• Laboratory experiments show that wood can and, therefore, appear to have a lower rank sas, Missouri, and Arkansas region, the Weir- seam often pinch and swell to change the coal
be coalified by heating in an inert atmo- than it actually does on the basis of a rank pa- pittsburg and Lower Hartshorne seams are the seam thickness. Such features have been
sphere. Increasing the pressure alone has no rameter independent of composition such as most important. In the Powder River Basin, called pinches, rolls, horsebacks, and swells,
reflectance. The reflectance parameter of coaJ/ the Anderson-D-Wyodak seam is continu- and their occurrence at the base of a seam is
effect on the coalification of wood.
is based on the amount of light reflected from ously exposed for 193 km and is estimated to usually attributed to differential compaction.
• When thermodynamic factors are consid- the vitrinite macerals in a coal compared to a contain. at least 91 Gt of coal. In Utah the Roof rolls are common and the protrusion of
ered, it is clear that temperature should have glass standard of known refractive index and Lower Sunnyside and Hiawatha seams have rock into the coal causes some serious prob-
more of an effect than pressure While an in- reflectance. The vitrinite reflectance of coal produced the most coal. The former is ofcok- lems with mine roof stability. Cutouts or
crease in temperature will encourage most changes uniformly across most of the coal ing quality, and the latter is characterized by a stream washouts are the extreme cases where
coalification reactions by increasing the rank range. However, it is not very sensitive in high resinite content, which itselfhas.oeen ex- the protrusion actually eliminates the coal
. available energy, an increase in pressure the lowest rank range (lignite to lower subbi- ploited. In Colorado the Wadge, Raton- seam. These features are clearly the result of
may often inhibit such reactions by raising tuminous). Walsen, and Wheeler A, B, C, and D are the nondeposition or erosion by ancient streams
the energy requirements for such reactions most important coal seams and some produc- associated with the coal swamps.
to take place. tion from the Raton-Walsen and Wheeler Another important feature of coal seams,
5.22.3 Occurrence seams has been used for coking. Finally, in especially in bituminous coals, is the presence
It was long thought that time was not a fac-
tor in coalification, and the example of the Coal Seam Occurrence. Although coal parti- Washington state the Roslyn (No.5) is the of closely spaced fractures within the coal.
Russian paper coals of lignite rank and Car- cles are scattered throughout many rock units, most mined coal seam. Production from these These fractures, called cleats, are usually per-
boniferous age was often cited as evidence. most coal occurs in seams, which can range in seams accounts for ca. 75-80% ofthe cumula- pendicular to the bedding plane of the coal and
However, it is now believed that if the peat has thickness from a few millimeters to over 30 m. tive past United States coal production [499]. commonly occur in two sets perpendicular to
been buried deeply enough to effect coalifica- In North America and, indeed, most of the each other. This gives the coal a tendency to
tion, then time does have a "soaking effect". world, anthracite and bituminous coals occur Coal Seam Structures. All coal seams have a break into blocks. The cleat controls the ease
in thinner seams of 1-2 m while the lower number of structural features, including part- with which the coal breaks up, and it has long
For example, in Venezuela there is a subbitu-
rank coals, lignite and subbituminous, com- ings, splits, rolls, cutouts, cleats, faults. folds, been used in coal mining. The most prominent
minous coal of Eocene age that has been bur-
monly occur in thicker seams of up to 20-30 and alterations caused by igneous intrusions. cleat is called the face cleat because the work-
ied at a depth of 1120-1220 m at 125°C for
These features strongly affect the mining and ing face of a mine is often parallel to it. The
(10-20) x 106 years. In Germany there is a m. While many seams, even minable seams,
are of a limited size area, some seams continu- economical recovery of the coal. Partings,are other cleat is called the butt cleat. Cleats gi@
coal that has been at the same depth and tem-
layers of rock, usually shale or sandstone, that coal high permeability to gas and groundwater
perature for 300 x 106 years and is of anthra- ously underlie large areas. The Pittsburgh coal
seam extends over 77 700 km2 in Pennsylva- occur within a coal seam and were caused by and also act as sites of mineral deposition.
cite rank [495]. Numerous other examples
nia, Ohio, West VIrginia, and Maryland, and it . an influx of sediment into the original coal Calcite and pyrite are the most common cleat-
have been found and a number of correlation
is of minable thickness for over 15 540 km .
2 swamp. In commercial seams, the partings filling minerals, although other minerals in-
charts relating depths of burial, temperature,
must, of necessity, be few and thin (a few cen- cluding gypsum can occur.
rank, and time are based on this type of data. Although there are hundreds of named coal
timeters). However, even in such seams the Faulting andjolding of coal seams by geo-
. Changes in the coal rank correspond to seams in the United States, relatively few are
partings can be very extensive. For example, logical forces can also be important features.
changes in most of the properties of the coal. of the quality, thickness, and size of area to be
near the base of the Herrin No.6 seam, there is Seams that are faulted or folded usually can-
For example, as rank increases, moisture, vol- extensively exploited commercially. In the
a parting known as the blue band that is found not be mined by surface methods and are more
atile matter, and ultimate oxygen and hydro- Appalachian anthracite region, the Mammoth
throughout the entire Illinois Basin. When the expensive to mine than flat seams. When
gen decrease, whereas fixed and ultimate seam is the major source of production. In the
thickness of a layer of rock within a seam in- faulting is extensive, even thick seams of high
carbon, calorific value, and reflectance in- northern Appalachian field, the major minable
creases to the point where it is no longer prac- quality may be too discontinuous to mine. On
crease. All of these measurements and even seams are the Pittsburgh, Lower Kittanning
tical to mine the parting with the coal, the the other hand, folding can double the minable
some combinations of these have been used as (No. 5 Block), Upper Freeport, Campbell
seam can be considered to have split. Al- thickness of some seams, thereby increasing
measures of coal rank. However, with the ex- Creek (No. 2 Gas), Upper Elkhorn (No.3),
though some seams like the Hiawatha in Utah their value, as with the anthracite seams in
ception of reflectance, they all suffer from two Fireclay, Pocahontas, and Sewell seams. All
split into three or more minable seams, the eastern Pennsylvania.
major drawbacks. First, none actually change of these seams are suitable for use in making
splitting of one seam into multiple seams can The alteration of coal seams by igneous in-
uniformly across the rank range of coal. Sec- coke. In the southern Appalachians, the
present serious problems in mining, including trusions is widespread and is a serious prob-
ond, they are all bulk properties of coal and, Sewanee, Mary Lee, and Pratt seams are the
correlation (i.e., tracing a given seam across a lem in some coal fields, such as those in the
thus, can be significantly affected by changes most important, and the latter two are used ex-
zone, e.g., a valley, where it is missing) and Rocl)' Mountains of the United States. The al-
in maceral composition having nothing to do tensively as coking coals. In the illinois Basin,
loss of minable thickness. teration is thermal and causes an increase in
with rank. For example, a coal with a higher- the Harrisburg Springfield No.5 and the Her-
than-normal content of liptinite macerals can rin No. 6 are of a minable thickness of over In addition to partings and splits within the carbon content and a .decrease in hydrogen,
have a higher-than-normal hydrogen content 38800-51 800 km2• In the Oklahoma, Kan- coal seam, the upper and lower surfaces of a moisture, and volatile matter. In the contact
198 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 199

zone, the coal may be transformed into natural alent to inertinite) [501, 502]. Under this sys- have some compositional implications at the
coke. Although such contact zones are usually tem, coals are divided into two groups: microscopic level. For example, vitrain layers
small, extensive amounts of natural coke are banded coals, with> 5% anthra:-.:ylon, and contain mainly vitrinite macerals, fusain lay-
known and have been commercially exploited nonbanded coals, with < 5% anthraxylon. erscontain mainly inertinite macerals, and
in some areas such as the Raton Mesa of Colo- The banded coals are subdivided into three clarain and durain are mixtures of all three
rado. types: bright coal, consisting mainly of anthr- maceral types.
axylon and translucent attritus with < 20% The most important classification for com-
Coal Seam Distribution. Although coal opaque matter, semisplint coal, consisting mercial purposes in the United States is the
seams are found in rocks of all geologic ages mainly of translucent and opaque attritus with ASTM classification by rank. It is the 1;Jasis on
since the Devonian, the age distribution is not 20-30% opaque matter, and splint coai, con- which most of the coal in the United States is
Figure 5.126: Geographic location ofthe world's coal.
even. Major coal deposits of Carboniferous sisting mainly of opaque attritus with> 30% bought and sold. This classification, ASTM
age occur in eastern and central North Amer- opaque matter. The nonbanded coals are di- Standard D 388 shown in Table 5.53, divides
( vided into cannel coal, consisting of attritus
ica, in the British Isles, and on the European coals into 4 classes, anthracite, bituminous,
continent. Major deposits of Permian age oc- with spores, and boghead coal, consisting of subbituminous, and lignitic, which are further
cur in South Africa, India, South America, and attritus with alga::. subdivided into 13 groups on the basis of fixed
Antarctica. In Jurassic times the major coal ac- The various bands or layers in coal evident carbon and volatile matter content, calorific
cumulation was in Australia, New Zealand, to the unaided eye have also been classified value, and agglomerating character. The fixed
and parts of Russia and China. The last great into four types [503]. Vitrain layers appear carbon and volatile matter values are on a dry,
period of coal deposition was at the end of the bright and vitreous; c1arain appears as rela- mineral-matter-free basis and the calorific val-
Cretaceous period and the beginning of the tively less bright, striated layers; durain is dull ues are on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis.
Tertiary period. Coals originating at this time and featureless;filsainlayers are dull gray and In this system, coals with ~ 69% fixed carbon
are found in the Rocky Mountains of North like charcoal. Although these terms (all end- are classified by fixed carbon content and
Figure 5.127: Coal provinces ofthe conterminous United ing in ain) are megascopic terms meant to be
America, in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, States: a) Eastern; b) Gulf; c) Interior; d) Northern Great
those with < 69% fixed carbon content are
and in parts of Europe and Africa. Because Plains; e) Pacific Coast; f) Rocky Mountains. applied to hand-specimen samples, they do classified by calorific value.
they are younger, these coals tend to be of Table 5.53: Classification of coal by rank. This classifi~ation does not include a few coals, principally nonbanded variet-
lower rank, usually subbituminous, than the 5.22.4 Classification ies, which have unusual physical and chemical properties and which come within the limits of fixed carbon or caloric
value ofthe high-volatile bituminous and subbituminous ranks. All ofthese coals either contain < 48% dry, mineral-mat-
Carboniferous coals. Since the Cretaceous Coal is combustible and should be com- ter-free fixed carbon or have> 15 500 Btullb moist, mineral-matter.free.
some coal has been deposited in scattered lo- posed of more than 50% carbonaceous mate- Fixed carbon Volatile matter Calorific value lim-
cations more or less continuously and tends to rial [500]. Commercially, coal is classified in a limits, % (dry limits, % (dry, its, Btullb (moist, Agglomerating
Class Group
be lignite or brown coal. number of ways on the basis of: mineral-matter- mineral-matter- mineral-matter-free character
free basis) free basis) basis)'
The distribution of coal seams throughout • The original plant or maceral composition, Anthracite metaanthracite <:: 98 :S 2
sometimes called coal type non-
the world is also not uniform. As shown in anthracite <:: 92 < 98 >2 :S 8
Figure 5.126, most of the world's coal is lo- semianthraciteb <:: 86 < 92 >8 :S 14
• The degree of maturity or metamorphism,

Bituminous low-volatile bituminous coal <:: 78 < 86 > 14 :S 22
cated in only three countries, the United called coal rank <::69 <78 >22 ::;;31
medium-volatile bituminous coal
States, the former Soviet Union, and China. • The amount of impurities such as ash or sul- high-volatile A bitwninous coal <69 >31 <:: 14000' commOll~y a1-
Although the figures vary from source to high-volatile B bitwninous coal <:: 13 000' < 14 000' g10meratmg
fur, called coal grade high-volatile C bitwninous coal 6 <:: 11 500 < 13 000'
source, each of these countries has about 25 %
• The industrial properties such as coking or <::.1 0 500 < 11 500 agglomerating
of the total coal resources, while the rest of the agglomeration. Subbitumi- subbituminous A coal <:: 10 500 < 11 500
world shares the remaining 25%. In the One of the main classifications by compo- nous subbituminous B coal <:: 9 500 < 10 500
United States, bituminous coal seams are con- subbituminous C coal <:: 8 300 < 9 500 non-
sition used by the United States Bureau of <:: 6 300 < 8 300 agglomerating
centrated in the Appalachian and Illinois Ba- Lignitic lignite A
Mines is based on the relative amounts of pet- lignite B <6300
sins. Most of the subbituminous coal occurs in rographic entities detected in thin-section
the various smaller basins in the Rocky Moun- 'Moist refers to coal containing its natural inherent moisture but not including visible water on the surface of the coal.
analysis, including anthra,,:ylon (translucent b If agglomerating. classify in low-volatile group of the bituminous class.
tain region, and the lignite seams are concen- material roughly equivalent to vitrinite), trans- 'Coals having 69% or more fIxed carbon on the dIY, mineral-matter-free basis shaH be classified according to fIxed carbon, regardless of
caloric value.
trated in the northern Great Plains and the Gulf lucent attritus (roughly equivalent to liptinite), d It is recognized that there may be nonagglomerating varieties in these groups of the bituminous class, and there are notable ..'<ceptions in
Coast area. and opaque attritus and fusain (roughly equiv- high-volatile C bituminous group.
200 Handbook ofExtractive MetalIlIrgy 201

Thus, all lignitic and subbituminous coals 5.22.5 Chemical Structure of Coal I~
:>'t: o"'r:r9"9 9"9'1 9'1 ~
and the lower rank bituminous coals are clas- g~ /I o~o-~ o-~c:J ~c:J
The organic components of coal consist of ,...,
sified by their calorific value. It is also impor- "' on
a complex mixture of macromolecular carbon/
''2'" § ..
C t: .5
::s e. .-
tant to note that not all coals can be fitted into "'e.'" 0 0
this system. This is especially true of coals
compounds of varied chemical constitution:
The heterogeneity of coal is well-known from .. .. -~ .c'"E ~~~o ~

~66V1 o'VI.\:!
on t:
0 .~ o

'ii J.l
with a high liptinitic maceral content, such as optical studies of thin coal sections. The mi- ::s t: 0
CI.l:;2 " " C
cannel and boghead types. croscopically distinct and distinguishable ~
=- ..
::I ..
The other important classification system is maceral groups of vitrinite, liptinite, and iner- 0..,

tinite, their proportions, and the association of .:§ 1Il~"'N ... N .... N .... c;>

the international system of the ISO. In this ~=

macerals of several groups with each other are
system, coals are divided into two types: hard .... 0
1 0
essentially responsible for the physical, chem- 0
0 QI .... ~O'I
coals with greater than 23.86 MJ/kg (10260 ical, and technological properties of a particu- 0'1 /I
BtuIlb) and brown coals and lignites with cal- lar coal. Preformed macerals derived from 1 0
orific values less than that amount. In the hard . transformation of the original lipidic, woody, ....
00 00 00
00 00
oc '"
'"/I ~O'I
coal classification shown in Table 5.54, the and waxy plant matter under varying oxidiz- ~~

coals are divided into classes, groups, and sub- ing and reducing conditions and processes are c!,o
present in peat and soft lignites. Temperature-
.... N .... N ~
~~ r--r--r-- r--r--
[::: r-- ....
'" 'Don
groups. The classes are similar to ASTM /I N'"
induced chemical changes of these macerals ~-
groups and based on dry, ash-free volatile mat- 0
and increased pressures influencing the physi- In 'V r""I N
ter and moist, ash-free calorific value. The Mr"Ir"Ir"I N N N
"'N~ N~

0 'D '"
cal structure of the material undergoing coali- \0 \0 \0 \0 'D 'D 'D 'D

classes are numbered as 0 to 9. The classes are fication have led to the formation of lignitic,

divided into four groups, numbered 0 to 3 on V\'Vr""IN 0

subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracitic ~ r""I r"I r"I r"I
on on on on on on
~::: 0 III '7
00 I
the basis of the swelling properties (free- coals, forming the basis of coal classification '"
.c N
swelling index, also called crucible swelling by rank [504,505]. c V"l 'V r""'I N ",N~ N~


number, and Roga index). These groups are '"

"C f'1"lr"lr""ll""l
'<t' '<t''<t' :;~ ~ ~
The minerals of coal play a considerable 0
further broken down into six subgroups num- part in the industrial use of coals of all ranks. 0
'<t' .... ~ .... N~
NNN ~::: 0
... N

- I
bered 0-5 on the basis of their Audibert-Amu The mineral content, its distribution within the r"Ir""I~ ............ .... ""' '" .J.
coal and its composition may affect carboniza- o
dilatation number and Gray-King coke type. V
.... N
The system is set up in such a way that all tion, gasification, combustion, and liquefac- N~ 0

coals are classified with a three-digit number, tion processes by modifying the process of
coal depolymerization and influencing hydro- 0
in which the first digit is the class, the second
..... I'
genation and the thermal behavior of the re- 0
~ on I
digit is the group, and the third digit is the sub- sulting ash under both oxidizing and reducing
group. conditions. 0
~ ..... '1 I
The lignites and brown coals are only di- Besides microscopically unidentifiable '"
vided into classes and groups. The classes, plant ash, coals contain varying amounts of = ~ I
numbered from I to 6, are based on ash-free
moisture; the groups, based on dry, ash-free
syngenetic and epigenetic minerals, which en-
tered the organic coal substance during the
first or second phase of coalification, respec- ,...,
.5 :<
Q '"
tar yield, are numbered from 0 to 4. This clas- ~ N

sification is shown in Table 5.55.
Although the ASTM and International Sys-
tively. They have either grown together with
the organic substance or are physically separa-
ble. Generally, medium to high ash coals con-
o ..
c. c.
0 ~"C
c. ~.5
'" '<t'
.,., :!
~~ 5

..,.. ~~ -;;CJ
'" on N
tems are different, there is a reasonable corre- tain epigenetic minerals. Structure and
o~ .5 J: u. .

spondence between the ASTM group names ~ §

hardness bear considerable influence on the ~ =-t = ~~
and the International System class numbers. distribution in the various fractions of the
e§ ... N ..... 0
'"'" ~<l
This is shown in Table 5.56. crushed coal from coal preparation plants. Cl= a" -§ CJ ..
H andbaak afExtractive Metallurgy Iran 203

The mineral structure of coal ash is ex- ceived, dry (d), dry ash-free (daf), or dry min-
eral-matter-free (dmmf) basis. TS
tremely difficult to determine. Low-tempera-
ture combustion in oxygen plasma produces Figure 5.128 shows the comparison and re- TS=IS.OS
an ash that can be analyzed by X-ray diffrac- lationship between the proximate and ultimate
tion and IR absorption spectrometry. Deduc- analyses as well as the carbonization assay.
tions must also be made from the chemical
analysis of the oxides present in the ash. The In Figure 5.129 the sulfur forms occurring CS= TS-FS

major constituents of coal ash as determined in coals are illustrated. Figure 5.130 shows se-
by this chemical analysis are Si0 2, AlP3' lected typical distributions of mineral compo- Figure 5.129: Scheme of sulfur distribution in coal. TS =
Fe 20 3, and CaO, in addition to MgO, Na2 0, nents. total sulfur, IS = inorganic sulfur, OS = organic sulfur, S2
= pyrite sulfur, S = sulfide sulfur; S04 = sulfate sulfur, CS
K20, BaO, Ti0 2, PPs, and S03' The coalification series, expressed by plot- = combustible sulfur, FS = fixed sulfur.
These oxides may be derived from minerals ting atomic ratios of HlC vs. O/C, is graphi-
of the following types originally present in the cally represented in Figure 5.131. As one
coal: kaolinite, illite, and bentonite as major moves from right to left, i.e., from peat to bitu- lignite
clay minerals; calcite or siderite as major car- minous coals, the diagram shows only a slight Bitumi-
bonates; pyrite or marcasite as the sulfides; shift to somewhat lower HlC ratios while the nous
and many other minor minerals such as apa- (oal
O/C ratios steadily decrease.
tite, hematite, rutile, quartz, etc. bitumi-
At an OIC level of ca. 0.05, a steep decline nous ~:L:2~:L:2~~~EEHff
in the HlC ratio occurs when the anthracitic (oal
Proximate coals are reached. Examples of actual compo-
analysis sitions of various coals of different degrees of Figure 5.130:,Distribution of mineral components of ash:
a) Si02; b) AlP3; c) Fe 20 3; d) MgO; e) CaO; f) N~O +
coalification are given in Table 5.57. Kp; g) S03; h) Balance.
anal ysis
Laboratory and Bench-Scale
Carbonization Simulation Tests
Because of the complex structure of coal
Figure 5.128: Comparison of proximate and ultimate and its vastly varying composition, its depoly- '"'-
analysis with carbonization assay. C, H, 0, N, S = ele- merization, liquefaction, and combustion I...J 0.5
ments; T = tar; w* = decomposition water, G* = carbon- i:
characteristics in thermal and extractive appli-
ization gas; VM = volatile matter.
cations are somewhat unpredictable. In com-
mercially operated processes, they depend o0'---:'0.-,--"':"'0.-=-2--.....J0.L3- - -0.L4----' Characterization of Coals very much on the prevailing conditions, such OIC ratio_
as heating and flow rates, pressure, and gas or Figure 5.131: Coalification series: atomic ratios HlC vs.
StandardAnalytical Methods solvent composition. O/C.

Coals are characterized by various chemi- Table 5.57: Analytical data for coals of different degree of coalification.
cal and physical methods that have been estab- Analytical parameter Peat Soft lignite Lignite
Subbituminous Bituminous Anthracite
lished as national and international standards. coal coal coal
These include proximate analysis, carboniza- Moisture (as received), % >75 56.7 38.7 31.2 3.7 1.0
tion assay, ultimate analysis, heating value Ultimate analysis (daf)
Carbon, % 58.20 70.30 71.40 73.40 82;60 92.20
(calorific value) determination, sulfur distri- Hydrogen, % 5.63 4.85 4.79 4.86 4.97 3.30
bution, caking and coking behavior, ash com- Nitrogen, % 1.94 0.74 1.34 1.16 1.55· 0.15
position, and fusibility. Sulfur, % 0.21 0.27 0.60 0.31 1.50 0.98
Oxygen (difference), % 34.02 23.84 21.87 20.27 9.38 3.37
The above tests are carried out on represen- Elemental ratio
tative prepared coals, using either as-received HlC 1.15 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.72 0.43
(by the laboratory) or predried samples. The O/C 0.44 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.09 0.03
results are commonly expressed on an as-re- Heating value (dry, ash-free), kJ/kg 23500 27500 28500 29400 30600 35700
204 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 205

Therefore, it is often necessary to evaluate an increasingly densified structure. The ele- C in bituminous coals and is over 90% C in experimental data on structural fragment anal-
coal properties further by subjecting samples ment ratio, particularly that of HlC and its anthracites. ysis, have been tentatively proposed. How-
to thermal, extractive, and mechanical tests, change to lower values as coalification Hydrogen: Aromatic bonding to carbon and ever, none as yet fully accounts for all the
assessing on a small scale the expected behav- progresses, points toward the aromatizatio!k as aliphatic hydrogen in, e.g., methylene (- phenomenological characteristics [507].
ior and at the same time providing for study of of structural groups. Likewise, the dramatic CH:d and methyl (-CH3) groups occurs.
the types and compositions of specific reac- decrease in oxygen within the series peat to Oxygen: Major functional groups are hy-
anthracite strongly suggests the loss of func- droxyl (-DH), carboxyl (-COOH), carbonyl
5.22.6 Hard Coal Preparation
tion products.
Such experiments that yield fragmental de- tional end groups. (>C=O), etheric (-D-) and heterocyclic oxy- The ROM (run of mine) coal brought to the
composition compounds can also be em- The softening properties of bituminous gen. surface contains various types of accompany-
ployed for the structural identification of coals (caking and coking tests) reveal the mo- Sulfur: Bonding is predominantly as ing minerals and interstratifications, which
coals. bility of fragmented decomposition products, thiophenes, also in the thiolic form (R-SH), must be removed to obtain a coal that com-
The determinations include, e.g., pyrolytic observed particularly in coals with high hy- decreasing with higher rank coals; up to ca. plies with market demands for the different
or progressive devolatilization tests, extrac- drogen and, hence, high vitrinite and liptinite 25 % S is present as aliphatic su1fi~es (R-S- types and grades. Grain size, ash content, and
tion or solubility studies, performance of se- contents. On the other hand, oxygen-rich R). Heterocyclic sulfur compounds are also moisture content can be controlled within a
lected coking tests, reactivity measurements coals, i.e., low-rank coals with an associated known to exist. narrow range by applying mechanical and
on specially prepared cokes, grain stability appreciable inertinite content or highly aro- Nitrogen: Very little information on organic physical cleaning methods. The ROM coal is
evaluation, and ash slagging behavior. matic coals with a high degree of cross-link- nitrogen bonding is available. It appears to oc- subjected almost exclusively to mechanical
age, yield recondensed solid depolymerization cur in heterocycles. wet treatments that are more difficult and ex-
products. The tar and gas composition (car- pensive if the feed is intimately intergrown.
Petrographic Studies
bonization assay, devolatilization, caking, and Structural Evidence of
The determination of the petrographic com- coking tests) shows that hydrogen preferen-
position of coals by maceral group analysis is tially enters liquid and gaseous components
Coals Preliminary Treatment
a valuable tool for assessing structural aspects due to rearrangement [506]. Much data on the structural aspects of coal and Classification of Raw Coal
and predicting coal behavior. Usually it also Stable fragments, obtained from specific has been accumulated and published by nu-
incorporates the determination of the degree pyrolysis or hydropyrolysis studies, indicate merous authors, with the aid of the chemical The upper grain size of raw coal is defined
of coalification by measuring the reflectance the major types and the volatility of aromatic and physical techniques available to modtrn by the dimensions of the coal cleaning equip-
of the vitrinite as the most important and abun- molecules present in a partiCUlar coal. Liquid- science [508, 509]. ment. Before being fed to that equipment, the
dant group of macerals. This method allows a phase treatment produces larger unit frag- The overall picture, however, is still very coal is subjected to preliminary screening and
ranking or classification of coals by their de- ments, which can be determined analytically. incomplete. The difficulty is that coal is a crushing to a diameter of 120-150 mm; for-
gree of coalification and, hence, identifies the A petrographic survey permits selective com- highly heterogeneous mixture and, as such, is eign matter is simultaneously removed.
type of coal. It also reveals specific phenom- position analyses and structural identification not a clearly defmed macromolecular aro~ Coarse dirt is normally reduced in particle size
ena that may have induced structural coal of individual major maceral groups such as matic compound of uniform molecular mass along with the coal, and only in exceptional
changes within the geochemical stage of coal vitrinite. and structure. Thus, evaluated structural pa- cases is it removed by prel~ary treatment.
formation, such as aging or contact coalifica- rameters refer to isolated fragments, compo- Such preliminary removal of coarse dirt is
tion due to inflowing magma. nents (vitrinite), or constituents. According to done exclusively in drum or inclined separa- Bonding of Elements in tors. Dual eccentric and resonance screens are
the current level of understanding, however,
Coal coal may be described structurally as a three- used for lump coal; each of these machines has Structural Deductions a throughput of up to 2 ktlh.
Thermal depolymerization by controlled dimensional skeleton of generally four to five
from Analytical and Bench-Scale slow or flash pyrolysis of coals, oxidation, hy- highly stable condensed aromatic and hy- After preliminary screening and removal of
Data drogenation, liquefaction of coals, supercriti- droaromatic units with cross-linkage by foreign matter, the coal in the 0-150 (or 0-
The results of coal analyses predict thermal cal and selective solvent extraction, as well as weaker short-chain aliphatic groups. Reactive 120) mm diameter range is defmed as raw feed
decomposition products (proximate analysis, the application of modern physical techniques functional end groups and aliphatic structures coal. To an increasing extent, this coal is fed to
carbonization assay, caking and coking tests) such as X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, nu- are attached to the aromatic skeleton. The av- a storage and homogenization plant without
and the element composition (ultimate analy- clear magnetic resonance, or pyrolysis mass erage molecular mass distribution is ca. 500- further treatment. Homogenization then pro-
sis). Furthermore, the moisture level of run-of- spectrometry have furnished extensive data on 800 for low-rank coals, increasing to ca. duces a consistent grain size and uniform con-
mine coals is indicative of the capillary struc- the bonding of elements in coals. Major find- 3000--6000 for bituminous coals, and possibly tents of moisture, dirt, and volatile materials.
ture, allowing a first tentative cla.ssification of ings from these investigations are [507]: values in excess of 100 000 for anthracites. The uniform quality of the coal .feed makes
a particular coal. The lack of moisture holding Carbon: The aromaticity increases from Various overall models for the complex or- possible a uniform product and optimal utili-
capacity of highly coalified coals is proof of 40-50% C in subbituminous coals to 70-80% ganic structure of coals, combining available zation of the washery capacity [510].
206 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 207

Homogenization of the raw feed coal can tor dust is added unscreened to the saleable A jig can be controlled by using either Dewatering
be carried out in blending silos or on blending products; in the future, however, an increasing floaters or a layer of a given weight. It can also
yards. Figure 5.132 shows the homogeniza- proportion of the dust will need to be cleaned. be fully automatic, controlled by gamma-ray Moisture must be removed after wet clean-
tion results of a silo. A critical factor in ho- counters. Dense-media equipment is con- ing [516-519]. There are static and dynamic
mogenization is the size of the storage Wet Treatment trolled by maintaining the densities constant methods. Among the dynamic methods are
location for containing one day's output via automatic· addition of the dense liquid. screen dewatering of nut-size coal and prelim-
Cleaning of the raw feed is done by wet This adjustment can be set so precisely that it inary dewatering of small products on station-
~ ~ t 1~ treatment in jigs and dense-medium separa-
tors, which separate according to differences
approximates separation by a true solution. ary screening tables or in refuse elevators. The
static methods are being replaced by dynamic
~o ~ I 6 hd\-::-fr~d-T.:-+hc=~"""'Af:.==¥:~ in density or flotation (surface) properties.
While the cut point with dense-media cleaning
ones (centrifuge, vacuum, and pressurized de-
LJ 5.86±O.74 is, in general, more precise than that with jigs,
1.8 the latest achievements in jig cleaning have re- watering) because of the demand for low [mal
~ 1.4 ll-\-!l:....\I+I-I-It\----,A-H:>"".._~,;:>,""""'f>8L Cleaning in Jigs sulted in the widely expanded use of jigs moisture content. The concurrent higher ul-
'- ~.
c: r
1.0 1.19±0.11 Almost all of the jigs used in Germany are within Germany because the coal normally is trafine and moisture contents in the raw coal
have necessitated additional process steps.
:s ~


32 of the air-pulse type or, in exceptional cases, highly amenable to jig cleaning and because
machine expenditure and costs are lower. Smalls are normally dewatered on vibrating
of the wash-box type [513, 514]. They usually
yield three products. Separation is accom- screen centrifuges. Several improvements in
o~ ~
20 plished by density, under the action of a pul- Cleaning by Flotation
their design particularly the conversion from
.J::. c: sating flow of water. Pulsation may be applied vertical to horizontal arrangements have al-
~ 2 16 L~_2:.:5::..:.4:::4.::.±.:::12:::.82-4 LL _ lowed high throughputs and easy repair and
Unhomogenized Homogenized
either by a simple stroke or a superimposed Currently, some 14% of the raw coal feed
double stroke. in Germany is subjected to flotation. The di- maintenance. Centrifuges with drum diame-
(42 separate samples)
During recent years, the Batac jig with verging degrees of wettability of different ters of 1.3 m and rated capacities of 250 tIh
Figure 5.132: Homogenization ofraw coal in a blending
compressed air chamber underneath the bed (water-free) are the best. The smalls are dewa-
silo. mineral components allow cleaning of very
proved to be the most successful machine. fine particles by means of air bubbles. The tered down to 5 or 7% at centrifugal forces of
In the washery the coal is first classified to With such a system, all of the machine width, 80-100 g, depending on grain size distribu-
bubbles are created by dispersion of the air
ensure optimal utilization of the subsequent including the chamber width, is available for tion.
feed in the dense medium; they remove the
cleaning equipment for coarse coal and . jigging. An electronic valve control or a me- coal particles that have been rendered hydro- Feed
smalls. Normally the raw feed coal is screened chanical rotational valve is used to adjust the b c .(!.
phobic by flotation agents [516]. Flotation is
off between 10 and 12 mm and subdivided compressed-air load. Air pulsation coupled to applied to slurries if they contain an excessive
into coarse raw coal and raw smalls. Such the hydraulic inductive discharge controls en- . percentage of mineral components so that
classification is carried out either on vibrating abIes the operator to modify the cut point by their inclusion in the high-grade product is
screens or on tensioned screens equipped with simply actuating a selector. This allows the '+----'~-+_+_++--d
economically impossible.
varying types of bottoms of perforated plate or cleaning of two different coal types succes-
tissue. The throughput for a unit may be as sively in the same jig. The jigs usually accept Flotation plants consist offive to seven sep- -I-I---e

high as 1 ki/h [511]. The raw coarse fraction is coarse coal 10-150 (or 10-120) mm in diame- arate cells or flotation troughs with the corre-
then subjected to wet mechanical cleaning, ter and smalls < 10 mm. sponding number of stirrers. Each cell is
which completely removes adhering smalls between 5 and 14 m3 and has a throughput up =~:r-I-g
and ultrafines by spraying. to 100 tIh particulate matter corresponding to
Prior to cleaning of the raw smalls 0-12 (or
Cleaning in Dense-Media Separators 1000 m 3/h of pulp. Flotation is done either in
0-10) mm, the ultrafmes are removed by a The coarse fraction is also cleaned by dense one or two steps. The current flotation agent is
complex method. Normally an air separation media, particularly in star-wheel extractors or of the collecting and foaming type. A ton of
particulate matter requires 0.3-0.8 kg offlota- Liquid Particle
method, e.g., dry classifying, or wet desliming inclined separators [515]. discharge
on screens is used. Among the air separators, Whereas previously baryte, clay, ultrafine tion agent for the process.
Figure 5.133: Two-step pusher screen: a) Enclosure; b)
cyclone separators with mechanical dust dis- dirt, lress, and pyrite were used as dense me- ElI.1ernai screen drum; c) Internal screen drum; d) Slot
charge have proven to be most successful. dia, the more recent equipment runs almost Other Cleaning Methods screens; e) Feed pipe; f) Vortex; g) Pusher rings.
These are designed for throughputs of up to exclusively on magnetite and ilmenite. Selec- Coarse slurries are dewatered in pusher
700 tIh. Vibrating separators are used in some .tion of the dense medium depends on the Cleaning on tables and in dense-media cy- screens where the centrifuge forces (400-500
exceptional cases where dust must be removed method of regeneration (magnetic separation clones has been used in certain cases to reduce g) are higher than in vibrating screen centri-
from all of the raw feed 0-150 (or 0-120) mm or gravity). The regeneration method also de- the sulfur content of the product and to obtain fuges and where residences are considerably
[512]. With some rare exceptions, the separa- pends on the grain size of the dense medium. a coal extremely low in ash. longer. Figure 5.133 shows a pusher screen. A
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 209
208 Decantation and the desired ash content. Instruments for rapid low in sulfur. The intergrowth from the cy-
first (comparatively short) step provides pre-
and continuous measurement of moisture con- clone is reduced to a diameter < 3 mm and
liminary dewatering and an even distribution Thickening of the Process Water tent will soon be introduced. Other mechani- then classified in cyclones at 0.063 rom and
of particles on the drum periphery. This is fol- cal equipment used for dose-feeding and subjected to secondary cleaning on tables. The
lowed by the secondary dewatering step. Re- Wet-type coal preparation plants involve a
number of particle-water circuits where up to blending includes filling-level indicators, < 0.063 mm product is then subjected to flota-
cent pusher screen designs have drum 6000 m3/h medium are circulated. If the water dose-feeding devices, and belt weighers. tion. Dewatering of the intermediate products
diameters up to 1.2 m with a rated throughput is to be reused for further cleaning steps, the is done in vibrating screen centrifuges, pusher
of coarse slurrying of more than 40 t/h. The particulate matter must be removed from it as screens, and solid-bowl screen centrifuges.
coarse slurry is dewatered to 9-15%, depend- Removal of Pyritic Sulfur
far as possible. Decantation units, which usu-
ing on grain size distribution. ally consist of cin:ular thickeners with diame- Sulfur may be present in hard coal as ele-
ters up to 40 m, are used. Rectangular Thermal Drying
Drum filters with surface areas up to 120 mentary sulfur, sulfate, organic sulfur, or sul-
m 2 and disk filters of up to 500 m2 are avail- thickeners are used less often. Water circula- fide (pyrite). Thermal <;trying is restricted to a few special
able for ultrafine dewatering. With this equip- tion varies, depending on the mechanical cases in the treatment of coking and power sta-
Pyritic sulfur is removed by modem clean-
ment, specific feed rates of 100--800 kgm-~-1 equipment; and can be as high as 6 m 3 per ton tion coals because the procedure involves high
ing procedures [520, 521]. The raw coal is
(wi) and moisture contents of 18-28% are at- of raw feed coal. Water consumption oscillates screened off at ca. 40 mm. The dirt of the > 40 costs. The continuing increase of the ultrafine
near 0.2 m 3/t feed for a closed circuit. It can mm product is removed iIi a jig. The jig float- proportion, which is difficult to dewater and
tainable. rise to as high as 1 m 3/t feed if, e.g., salt con-
ings are reduced to < 40 mm, fed along with the increasingly stringent quality demands ne-
The flotation concentrate is also dewatered tent is excessive or if the flotation waste must
the < 40mm product from sizing to a blending cessitate more advanced dissociation and
by means of a solid-bowl screen centrifuge be discharged to an external disposal site. cleaning of ultrafines, as well as novel tech-
yard, and homogenized. The product is then
where a solid-bowl section is followed by a The decantation units are meant to bring niques of coal extraction, haulage, and treat-
cleaned in another jig; the coal and inter-
cylindrical screen section, which dewaters the about simultaneously a desirable degree of growth of this step are reduced to a diameter ment. These factors have led to increasing
pre-thickened feed under favorable condi- thickening for subsequent dewatering or of < 10 mm and fed to dense-media cyclones reliance on thermal drying in the aforemen-
tions independent of the particle concentration. cleaning procedures. Thickener outputs fluc- to yield, at low separation density, a raw coal tionedsectors [521].
in the feed medium. Such a solid-bowl centri- tuate between final concentrations of 120 gIL
fuge is depicted in Figure 5.134. Flotation tail- for flotation feed and 650 gIL for pusher
ings are dewatered either by chamber filter screen dewatering. About 0.5 g of organic sed-
presses or by solid-bowl centrifuges. More re- imentation accelerators are added per cubic
cently, screen belt presses have also been meter to promote sedimentation for wash-wa-
used. The selection of these alternatives de- ter decantation.
pends on the desired moisture content of the Dosing and Blending ,
waste. __ --,I, '\. _
abc d The products from coal preparation (nuts, ,.. ........ /~ ......

pr~thickeni~g oLatering I dewatered smalls, air separation dust, flotation

concentrate, 'and middlings, i.e., product that
(/ Liquefaction " I I\
" --r'\" / / ' . . . -r"'t""-\
Pyrolysis " I

has a high content of intergrown material) are ... I \ J \ ,

stored separately in bunkers. The demand for " jl" ; .\ " \

r-- --..,r~:t.. --,\ : f--1. -, \
Product nut-size particles has been declining, and they I Synthesis II
I gas II
eSI ue
I' :
I Char I I
feed L..--J
are reduced to < 10 mm diameter by impact or L. L J " I L. .J \
¢ , \ I \
hammer" mills. They then serve as a constitu- I \ I ,

ent of high-grade coals. The cleaned products

; 'I, \
I 1\ \
I I \ \
are withdrawn from the bunkers and blended I
I \
I 1
according to a set program. During this opera- , I
tion, the ash contents can be monitored or ad- I

Secon- justed by automatic rapid-measuring r--'--~ ....---J_--. ..... - J_ -.., .---'--~ . . .~...t....1:...., ...--:0....;>--_ ...;a..~.I-.....-~_ ..... - j - - ,
dary de-
instruments. The addition of those compo- l Reducing :I I Formed I
I coke
nents that are highest in ash (air separation I gas
"'-_ _...JII...-_ _.J'- J L I
dust) is adjusted, depending on the measure-
Figure 5.134: Solid-bowl centrifuge: a) Solid bowl; b)
ments, so that the fmal product is brought to Figure 5.135: Coal conversion processes and end uses.
Conveyor screw; c) Screen bowl; d) Enclosure.
Handbook o/Extractive M etalIllrgy Iron 211

Drum-type dryers are usually superior to open-cast mining, is used for power genera- means of heating in other countries because of Considerable technical improvements in
the gas suspension dryers in terms of energy tion without preparation. The lignites and sub- their cost and convenience. coke production have occurred in recent years.
balance. The current quality requirements for bituminous coals in the United States and These have led to greater cost effectiveness.
coals for coking and power stations require Australia are also used without preparation. They include mechaniz:;ition and automation
These two countries only submit coal to full' Carbonization and of oven operation, reduction of coking time
that only part of the coal volumes be dried to
stay within the moisture tolerances required preparation if it is to be used for coking. Prob- Coking and increase of specific throughput by the use
for the final smalls product. Less drying also ably about half of the coal used throughout the of thinner bricks of higher thermal conductiv-
Low-temperature carbonization and cok- ity, and increased oven sizes.
reduces problems of dust. world undergoes preparation.
ing involve heating of coal with the exclusion
The water, ash, and sulfur contents, the Coking in horizontal chamber ovens is be-
of air. This process removes the condeI].sable
size, and the volatile constituents are all im- coming increasingly difficult for the long term
5.22.7 Coal Conversion (Uses) hydrocarbons (pitch, tar, and oil), gas; and gas
due to the deteriorating quality of coal feed-
portant properties of coal that can be affected liquor, leaving a solid residue of coke. Low-
Coal conversion processes may be divided by preparation. Reduction of the sulfur con- stocks. Therefore, coking technology must be
temperature carbonization (up to 800°C) and
into three groups. MechanicaL conversion pro- tent is especially significant because there is a assisted with additives and auxiliary technol-
coking (> 900°C) are differentiated by the fi-
cesses include coal preparation and briquet- worldwide concern about pollution. ogy. Potential additive.s include petroleum
nal temperature. The two processes also differ
ting. Processes for transfomling coal into coke, bitumen, and oil. Among the auxiliary
Comminution, screening, grading (the true sharply in the rate of heating of the coal and in
secondary fuels include coking, gasification, technologies to be considered are the ramming
focal point of the preparation process), dewa- the residence time in the reactor. These param-
liquefaction, and combustion. Processes for operation, such as is used in Germany and
tering, settling, thickening, storage, propor- eters have a direct effect on the product yields.
the conversion ofcoaL for purposes other than some East European countries, and the various
tioning, and mixing to blend the finished Low-temperature carbonization produces fine modifications of coal preheating, which are
the generation ofenergy include the'recovery
products are all important preparation pro- coke and fairly large quantities of liquid and used in Western Europe, the United States, and
of by-products during coking, the production gaseous products, whereas high-temperature
cesses. Japan.
of active carbon, and the preparation of coal-
The production and stabilization of suspen- coking is used primarily for the production of
based materials. Dry cooling of coke has recently found in-
a high-temperature lump coke. Mter the oil,
In Figure 5.135 the individual conversion sions of coal in water and coal in oil, which crisis of 1973, attempts were made to submit creased use in Western Europe to recover
processes are shown by ellipses, and the inter- can be used to replace fuel oil in power sta- the coal used in power stations to preliminary
stored heat. For climatic reasons this tech-
mediates and end products are depicted by tions and industrial boilers, are not considered low-temperature carbonization. The coal by-
nique has been used for a considerable time in
rectangles. Because there are so inany varia- to lie within the normal scope of preparation. products were then to be refined while toe
the former Soviet Union. Dry cooling of coke
tions of the processes, only the most important The application of suspensions of coal in wa- coke was used for firing. However, the process
leads to considerable savings in energy and
routes are depicted. The dark lines show pro- ter to the transport of coal in pipelines is being could not be made profitable. '
pollution, especially when used in combina-
cesses and common applications. The thinner examined as an alternative to other types of tion with preheating.
lines represent less common routes, and the transport [523-525]. . Currently, high-temperature coking of coal At the start of the 1960s, many countries
broken lines show those that are still under de- is carried out entirely in batch-operated coke considered developing a continuous produc-
velopment or have not yet found commercial Briquetting ovens, of which the majority are of the hori- tion process for formed coke in expectation of
application. zontal chamber type. The feedstock is a cok- a further worldwide increase in demand for
Lignites or low-volatile coals of a particle ing coal of given size composition. The coking coke for steel production. Numerous process
diameter < 6 mm that are not suitable for cok- properties depend chiefly on softening and re- developments, such as briquette coking or hot Preparation ing and are not used in power stations can be solidification temperatures and on swelling briquetting of a mixture of char and caking
Coal preparation is part of the colliery oper- burned in grate stokers only if they are con- behavior. Coking takes place at a temperature coal, have been demonstrated on an industrial
ation and is intended to turn the raw coal into verted to lump form. This can be carried out of 1000-1400 dc. The coking time of 15-30 h scale. Even so, these processes have not been
more saleable products with defined charac- commercially by briquetting. Binding agents depends on the operating conditions and type able to gain acceptance. This is partly because
teristics. The choice of preparation process de- are used for low-volatile coals, but these are of oven. The main product is metallurgical unexpected improvements in chamber coking
pends on the raw material and its not required for lignites. Less common meth- coke required for the production of pig iron. It have been realized and partly because the steel
technological properties, the market require- ods of compacting include hot briquetting, in is characterized by its suitable size and high industry has been having difficulty for more
ments for quantity, type, and quality, and eco- which a coking coal is used as the binding resistance to abrasion even under blast furnace than a decade, and thus, the anticipated short-
nomic and environmental considerations. agent, and pelletizing. With some exceptions, conditions. Coke oven gas and liquid by-prod- age of coking coal has not yet occurred.
Coal preparation is used to differing extents such as in the former German Democratic Re- ucts are also produced. In Western Europe,
in different countries. In Germany, all of the public, briquetting is of only minor signifi- these have considerable influence on the econ-
omy of coking and, therefore, are reprocessed. Pyrolysis
coal obtained by underground mining is sub- caIlce in the sales of coal to private and
jected to preparation, whereas ca. 85-90% of industrial users. Since the mid-l 950s, oil and However, in many coke oven plants in the Pyrolysis includes carbonization and cok-
the lignite, which is obtained exclusively by natural gas have effectively replaced coal as a United States, the by-products are burned. ing. It is also the starting reaction in gasifica-
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 213

compared to those of the reactant feed coal. ing, and heating into the second half of this
tion, combustion, and direct liquefaction using a solvent brings about depolymerization Thus, extractive hydrogenation is also consid- century. However, coal or coke gasification
processes. As the modern coal conversion pro- at ca. 15 lvfPa and 430-460 °C to yield an as- ered as a means of obtaining a clean boiler fuel was also employed mainly for peak shaving in
cesses have come to involve higher pressures, phalt-like product. This product can have the from coal. However, the economic prospects large gas schemes and also for the supply of
e.g., to increase the reaction rates and reduce ash removed, e.g., by hot fJ..1tration, and itcan / that complete hydrogenation will produce a gas to industrial furnaces. These applications
the vessel dimensions, pyrolysis under pres- serve as a boiler fuel or as a feedstock, e.g., f6( synthetic crude oil are more promising. Fur- provided strong development incentives. Nat-
sure and in different gas atmospheres has been the production of high-quality carbon prod- ther refinement into light fuel oil, automotive ural gas and mineral oil in large amounts and
ucts. However, many development schemes
systematically studied. fuels, and chemical feedstocks essentially fol- at low cost replaced gas manufactured from
went on to further hydr.ogenate the extract in a
Laboratory-scale trials show that under lows petrochemical technology although coal coal not only in the heating market, but also in
separate stage and thereby produce a synthetic
high hydrogen pressure, coal can be converted oils require an adaptation of the refining cata- the chemical industry in most countries. The
oil that can be distilled and refmed into mar-
to gaseous and liquid products, especially lysts. ?ilcrisis?f 1~73-l974, with its sudden steep
ketable products [527, 528]. New examples of
BTX aromatics (benzene, toluene, and xy- mcre'ase m pnces of mineral oil and natural
this technology are the American EDS (Exxon
lene), with good yield. In addition, the process gas and the subsequent supply shortages, trig-
donor solvent) [529] and SRC (solvent refined Indirect Liquefaction
results in a residue char that must be either coal) [530] processes and several Japanese de- gered new interest in coal gasification.
burned or gasified. The technology is called The synthesis of hydrocarbons from syn- Gasification can be accomplished by react-
velopments on a pilot-plant scale [531]. In the
hydmpymlysis. It is classified as gasification thesis gas is called indirect liquefaction. This ing coal with oxidizing or reducing agents.
new American development of ITSL (inte-
or liquefaction, according to temperature and technology is also named the Fischer Tropsch Using oxygen (or air) and steam as gasifying
grated two stage liquefaction), extraction and
pressure (800°C, 100 lvfPa). An extended re- synthesis after its discoverers. The process agents yields water gas.
further hydrogenation are combined in one
search and development program on hydropy- was developed in prewar Germany and was
rolysis is funded by the International Energy process [532]. used extensively during World War II. After C+H2 0
-4 CO+H 2
Catalytic hydrogenation of coal usually re-
Agency. After successful laboratory trials, a the war, the process could not compete with
quires a pressure of tens of megapascals and a The composition chosen for the blast de-
process development unit has begun opera- temperature of 450-480 DC. These strong re- cheap oil from the Middle East. New capacity pends on individual process conditjons and
tion. action conditions yield a light oil fraction that was erected only in South Africa, where it was governs the carbon monoxide: hydrogen ratio
can be further refined. This technology is set up downstream of Lurgi fixed-bed coal of the product. Varying the steam: oxygen ra- Coal Liquefaction used, e.g., in the Kohleol process (Germany), gasifiers. In the Sasol I plant, two different tio in the blast is a very sensitive and conve-
in the H-Coal process (United States), and in Fischer Tropsch process technologies are en;L- nient means of controlling the reaction
Coal liquefaction can be accomplished in ployed, the fixed-bed Arge process (Lurgi Ru-
Japanese developments. For the Kohleol pro- temperature.
two ways. Treating coal suspended in suitable hrchemie) and the entrained-flow Synthol
cess a demonstration plant of 200 tid coal Gasification with hydrogen (hydrogasifica-
oils with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst process (Kellogg-Sasol), The Arge process
throughput has been in operation'since 1981., tion) leads primarily to methane.
or with hydrogenating solvents yields oil produces mainly gasoline, fuel oil, and waxes,
The Japanese are just completing a demonstra-
products and some unreactive residue. This whereas the Synthol process yields a larger C+2H2 -7CH4
technology is called direct liquefaction or coal tion plant in Australia. These new processes fraction of gasoline and low molecular mass However, hydrogasification is usually in-
surpass the prewar Bergius-Pier process by
hydmgenation. In addition, coal can be gas- products (methane and propylene). The Sasol complete and produces a char residue, which
increased selectivity and yield of useful liquid
ified with steam and oxygen to yield a mi:-..ture II and III plants, built in the late 1970s, use cannot economically be converted with hydro-
products, by a considerable reduction in oper-
of hydrogen and carbon monoxide (synthesis only the Synthol process. On an energy basis gen. Thus, reductive gasification is considered
ating pressure to 20-30 lvfPa from ca. 70 lvfPa,
gas) from which liquid products can be syn- the total liquid product yield obtained by indi- ~s o~y a preliminary step in the complete gas-
by increased volumetric reactor throughput,
thesized. This technology is usually called in- rect liquefaction of coal in the Sasol II plant is lficatIon of coal. However, it is a very favor-
by improved availability of the plant, and last
direct liquefaction. Both routes were ca. 32%. able step if a gas with a high heating value,
but not least, by having the unreacted residue
developed into industrial-scale processes dur- e.g., substitute natural gas (SNG), is to be pro-
conditioned in such a way as to make it acces-
ing the 1930s. However, (indirect) coallique- duced. Hydrogasification is also involved in
sible to steam gasification for hydrogen pro- Coal Gasification
faction is currently employed on an industrial most fixed-bed countercurrent-flow gasifica-
duction. The very recent German development
scale only in South Africa (Sasol plants I, II, Systematic development of coal gasifica- tion processes, contributing to the methane
and III). Further developments took place in of integrated raffination in which part of the tion began in the first half of the 19th century. content of the product. Several other reactions
downstream processing of the Kohleol has
1975-1985 mainly in Germany, the United A mix1ure of carbon monoxide and hydrogen take place simultaneously, including the Bou-
been incorporated into the hydrogenation pro-
States, and Japan. cess has -led to further substantial improve- was produced. This was generally used for douard reaction, complete combustion of car-
ments and may even constitute an entirely new chemical purposes, which remained the main _bon, and methane formation from carbon
Direct Liquefaction liquefaction process. application of coal gasification for nearly 100 monoxide and hydrogen.
Direct liquefaction also reduces the sulfur years. Many communities relied on coke oven In coal gasification processes, it is neces-
Coal hydrogenation is a hydrogenating di- gas to supply town gas for illumination, cook- sary to optimize heat transfer, mass transfer,
gestion of the coal molecule. Hydrogenation and nitrogen contents of the liquid products
214 Handbook o/Extractive M etallllrgy Iron

and chemical reaction conditions between reactor throughputs even at atmospheric pres- a clean fuel gas that can be used either conven- are used for the production of special coke,
huge flows of solid and gaseous agents and to sure. However, reaction temperature is limited tionally or in highly efficient technologies like e.g., that used for electrodes.
achieve a high throughput and optimal energy by the need to avoid ash agglomeration so that fuel cells or combined cycle power plants.
economy at the same time. Many varieties of fluidized gasification is restricted to very reac- / Until the early 1950s, industrial production
Furthermore, low-quality coals, which are lo- of aliphatic hydrocarbons was based on acety-
coal gasification processes have been devel- tive fuels such as subbituminous coals or lig':: cated in remote places and are therefore not
oped, reflecting compromises of the many nite. Winkler gasifiers operating at lene produced from calcium carbide. This
marketable as such, can be gasified and con- coal-based chemical feedstock was subse-
constraints and conditions. atmospheric pressure produce synthesis gas in verted on site into transportable products such
First consideration must be given to the in- the former German Democratic Republic and quently replaced by the more economical eth-
as commodity chemicals or hydrocarbons and ylene produced from crude oil. Research into
tended use of the product gas. Current interest in India. In Germany, further development to thereby contribute to worldwide supplies.
focuses on the preparation of the following: Winkler gasification at high pressure has taken the production of acetylene is again being car-
place, and a first demonstration unit has been ried out worldwide, and new methods using
• A gas with a high heating value, e.g., SNG Coal Combustion carbide and plasma arcs are being investi-
• A fuel· gas, e.g., a clean boiler or tillbine fuel completed [533, 534].
Entrained-j7ow gasification takes place in gated. Special attention is given to reducing
• Synthesis gas, for the production of com- In combustion the energy content of the the high energy requirement.
a flamelike reaction zone, usually at a very fuel is completely released and can be recov-
modity chemicals high temperatille to produce a liquid slag. For ered as sensible heat. The combustion prod-
.. Hydrogen, for ammonia production or for economical operation, a high-standard heat re- ucts are usually considered to be useless waste Production and Use ofActivated
energy purposes covery system is mandatory, but the product products. Therefore, coal combustion is not Carbon
• Reducing gas, for direct reduction of iron gas is free of methane, tars, etc., thereby con- classically considered to be a coal conversion
ore siderably simplifying gas and water treatment. Precise thermal and chemical treatment of
or refining process, but rather an energy con- lignite or coal can produce activated carbon
A second, equally important, consideration Entrained-flow gasifiers of the Koppers- version process. However, modem combus-
applies to the available coal. Of particular im- Totzek design operated at atmospheric pres- with a specific pore system. Activated carbons
tion systems, e.g., two-stage combustion or made from coal are particularly noted for their
portance are coal rank, grain size, caking sure are used industrially in many countries to low-nitrogen oxide burners, involve clearly
properties, ash content, and ash melting be- produce hydrogen or synthesis gas. The Tex- high ignition temperatures and good resis-
distinguishable reaction steps such as pyroly- tance to abrasion. Therefore, they are suitable
havior. Third, environmental regulations, site aco partial-oxidation process recently has sis and partial oxidation (gasification), which
specific infrastructure, etc. have to be taken been adapted to coal gasification in a pressur- for use in industrial processes for removing
are classical conversion reactions. In the fluid- sulfur and nitrogen compounds from the flue
into account. Considering all these factors, a ized entrained-flow reactor. Industrial-scale ized-bed combustion of coal, ~ulfur dioxide is
decision in favor of fixed-bed, fluidized-bed, plants operate or are under construction in the gases emitted by coal-fIred power stations, for
removed from the flue gas during the combus- wastewater purification, for separation ofvari-
or entrained-flow gasification can be made. United States, Germany, and Japan. tion process by adding limestone sorbent to
In a fixed-bed gasifier, coal and blast are Apart from these well-established or highly ous mixtures of gases, and for solvent recov-
the feed coal. This enables low-grade coal to ery, etc.
usually contacted in countercurrent flow. This developed processes, further intense develop- be burned cleanly, eliminating the need for
leads to the splitting of the overall gasification ment is under way on existing processes, as preliminary upgrading steps.
reaction into several zones with favorable con- well as on new concepts. During the last de- 5.22.8 Agglomeration
ditions for the various reaction steps involved. cade most of the existing processes have been Numerous industrial processes require coal
Fixed-bed gasification usually results in ex- modernized or modified by incorporating new Conversion of Coal for
in its coarse state for handling and transporta-
cellent carbon utilization and high efficiency. process engineering, materials, and control Purposes Other Than the
tion and as a feed for such thermal applica-
It is applicable to coals of all ranks. However, technology. Such new concepts as pressurized Generation of Energy tions as combustion, gasification, iron ore
it requires lump, noncaking or weakly caking gasification in various modes, hydrogasifica- reduction, and carbonization. However, highly
coal with a high ash softening temperatille. tion, multistage processes, slag bath and mol- mechanized mining operations, coal prepara-
The product contains tars and other liquid by- ten iron processes, and allothermal processes, Coal Tar Chemical Industry
tion, and beneficiation yield a high proportion
products that complicate the gas treatment. e.g., using process heat from gas-cooled nu- Considerable quantities of aromatic chemi- of fines. Upgrading of such coal fines by ag-
Atmospheric fixed-bed gasifiers of various clear reactors, have been proposed and tested cal feedstocks are still prepared by reprocess- glomeration is frequently applied and consid-
design are still occasionally found in small- [535-540]. ing the coal tar that is produced during coking ered [541-546].
scale industrial use. On a large scale, some Some of the new development projects at a worldwide rate of ca. 16 Mtla (tar and The choice of agglomeration process and of
Lurgi fixed-bed pressurized gasification have subsequently been terminated or shelved pitch). The tar components are reprocessed a possible binder depends very much on the
plants are operating commercially, e.g., in because of the present availability of mineral into dyes, pesticides, varnishes, vitamins, and degree of coalification of the coal and the in-
South Africa (Sasol I, II, and III). oil and natillal gas. However, the long-term in- teXiile auxiliaries. Tar oils are used for the pro- tended application.
Fluidized-bed gasification, invented in centive of securing and diversifying the world duction of carbon black, e.g., for tire manufac- The agglomeration ability of a coal is
1922 by WINKLER at BASF, has the advantage energy supply is still valid. Environmental tille, and for the production of impregnating mainly influenced by its moisture-holding ca-
of fairly simple reactor design and very high considerations may favor converting coal into oils. Special pitches recovered from coal tar pacity, ash content and composition, hydro-
Handbook o!ExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 217

phobicity, size distribution, and plastic or mode of agglomeration is preferentially ap- The cars are of either the bottom-dumping or corrosion and improve flow characteristics,
elastic behavior. plied to subbituminous, bituminous, and an- roll-over type, and each car can be unloaded in and mixed with water. It is then pumped as a
Fundamental coal agglomeration methods thracitic coals of both low and high ash 1.5-5 min in modem processing facilities, slurry at a velocity of 1.5-2 mls. The fact that
contents, but predried lignites can also be pel-/ which have a capacity of 2000--6000 t/h. pipelines can be built above ground or buried
are grouped into
letized [542, 551, 552]. Drying and thermal The least expensive means of transporting eliminates some environmental problems, but
• Briquetting and extrusion [542, 546-550]; treatment of these pellets, however, cause se- coal is by river barges, whereby the cost is as their high water requirements can be a serious
• Balling andtumbling [542,544,545, 551- vere cracking and significant losses in strength low as $0.005 per mile ($0.003 per km). The drawback. Sustained delivery rates of> 600
554]. and stability. barges have open tops and commonly hold up tJh have been demonstrated.
In the processes of the fIrst group, a com- Coal agglomerates must withstand mechan- to 1000-1500 t each. They are moved in
pressive force is applied to a prepared coal or a ical and thermal treatment when used in indus- groups or tows of 20-30 barges powered by a 5.22.10 Coal Storage
coal and binder mixture. try. The type and severity of stress depend on single towboat. Although there can be some
The double-roll hydraulic press and extru- the particular use and mode of treatment problems with delivery schedules due 'to con- The use of any bulk commodity requires
sion presses of various designs are the most which mainly include transportation, drying, gestion, the ease and economy of river trans- the storage of sufficient material to ensure ef-
common mechanical devices used. Binderless thermal shock, pyrolysis, gasifIcation, and port are major factors in the location of many ficient operations. In the case of coal, this re-
briquetting or extrusion requires that a high combustion [546, 549, 551]. Suitable proce- coal-burning utilities along inland waterways quirement varies from a few days supply at the
pressure be exerted on the coal. Therefore, its dures for the agglomeration step may be de- in the United States and in Europe. mine to a few months supply at a power plant.
applicability is generally limited to predried veloped and selected from bench-scale In the United States, ca. 12% of coal pro- Although some covered storage in bins or si-
peat or soft lignites sized to particle diameters simulation studies. Subsequent handling and duction is carried by trucks. Much of this is los is practical at mines and small operations,
< 1 or 0.5 mm that exhibit defmed plastic thermal experiments with these agglomerates done at surface mines, where the coal is most of the larger volumes of coal are stored
properties. Ash contents should be low to pre- lead to a final, optimized product, which may hauled from the working face to preparation in open piles, where it is exposed to the air and
vent excessive erosion [550]. be tested on a larger scale in pilot or commer- plants. This is usually done with dedicated precipitation. When coal is exposed to air, it
Binder briquetting or extrusion exercised at cial plants. high-capacity vehicles; however, significant loses moisture and begins to oxidize. This oxi-
low to medium pressures is applied to. coal amounts of coal are hauled by trucks on public dation can degrade coal quality, and more im-
with insufikient plastic properties, but essen- highways. Conveyor belts are also used for portant, it can cause spontaneous combustion
5.22.9 Transportation transporting coal from mines to preparation that destroys the coal. The main coal proper-
tially elastic properties, i.e., subbituminous,
bituminous, and anthracitic coals usually of The large amount of coal that is mined ev- plants, as well as for short cross-country hauls ties that influence oxidation are the particle
particle sizes < 3 mm. Organic binders such as ery year is a major commodity for the trans- of over 10 miles (16 km) to loading points. size, pyrite content, and rank. Coal oxidation
pitch, bitumen, starch, molasses, lignos~l­ portation industry and one that requires a Because they are dependable and economical, leading to spontaneous combustion is en-
fonates, or inorganic additives, e.g., clay mm- significant capital investment. In the United conveyor belts are also widely used for in- hanced as the particle size decreases and as the
erals, are used in quantities of 2-8%. States, ca. 50% of the 700-800 Mt of coal pro- mine coal transport. pyrite content increases. Low-rank coals such
Briquettes produced with water-soluble bind- duced per year is shipped by rail; 18% is Although> 80% of the coal mined in the as lignite and subbituminous coal are very dif-
ers require a subsequent drying step to attain shipped by river barges; and the rest is handled United States is used domestically as steam ficult to store because of their strong tendency
final strength [546, 555, 556]. by trucks, conveyor belts, and pipelines. The coal, some of the metallurgical coal produc- toward spontaneous combustion, and care
Hot briquetting techniques utilizing the actual cost oflong-distance shipping is usually tion is shipped overseas. This coal is shipped must be taken even with the lower rank bitu-
softening of bituminous coals at a temperature quite modest, but the loading and unloading of in dry bulk carriers that can be loaded and un- minous coals. Repeated wetting and drying
of 350-450 DC are employed for the produc- the coal adds greatly to the total cost of ship- loaded in modem port facilities at rates of up also exacerbate oxidation. The continued oxi-
tion of hot briquettes from mixtures of coal ping. In a typical surface mining operation, for to 100 000 t/h. These ocean-going ships are dation generates more heat than can be dissi-
example, coal is moved from the mine by usually in the 60 000 t range, although some pated, and this leads to hot spots, which
and coke.
truck or conveyor belt to a nearby preparation are larger. In addition, some smaller vessels in eventually ignite.
Balling of fmely ground prepared coal gen-
erally smaller than 0.315 mm in particle diam- plant, where it is loaded onto a unit train for the 30 000 t range that are self-unloading are In a stockpile even mild oxidation can lead
eter with 2--6% of organic or inorganic rail shipment to a utility or port facility. At the also in service. These ships have the advan- . to a degradation of coal quality. For steam
binders has only recently evolved as a com- port it may then be loaded onto river barges or tage of being able to use a much greater num- coals there can be some loss in calorific value,
mercially viable coal agglomeration technique ocean-going bulk carriers. ber of ports. but in coking coals there can be a total loss of
by using pelletizing disks designed for light Although some of the coal transported by The transportation of coal by slzmy pipe- quality. The fluid properties can be destroyed,
bulk materials [544, 554, 557]. Both moist and rail is shipped at single car or bulk rates, most line has been demonstrated to be dependable and the heat transfer properties and coke pro-
dry pellets may be used industriallY. Although is carried at lower rates in unit trains of up to and economical, even though there are only a duction yields can also be reduced. The qual-
the disk produces pellets of almost uniform 100 cars that travel continuously to a single few such pipelines in use around the world. In ity of coke made from oxidized coal is also
size, tumbling in, e.g., rotary drums or mixers destination and return. The unit train carries this technique the coal is reduced to a diameter seriously altered. The prime coke property,
yields pellets of a wide size distribution. This only coal and each car can carry up to 100 t. of < 1 mm, treated with chemicals to prevent coke strength or stability, is reduced, and this
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 219

Chemical Analyses. Although coal is com- lated to a condition of no moisture and no ash. cient swamps. Certainly much of the mineral
can result in the loss of iron production in the
posed of a large number of organic chemical These calculations are done so that different matter is transported into the coal-forming
blast furnace. Oxidized coal also increases the
components, no true standard organic chemi- coals can be compared on their inherent or- swamp from the environment. Much of the
reactivity of coke and leads to higher coke
cal test exists for coal. The two major kinds of . ganic nature. The reporting basis can cause clays and quartz minerals were brought into
consumption in the blast furnace. Because all
chemical analyses used are the proximate·· significant changes in the values reported, and the coal swamp as clastic material in streams
of the effects of oxidation are undesirable, ev-
analysis and ultimate analysis, which are stan- it is essential that a target value and the value or in airborne dust. Most of the common min-
ery effort should be made to prevent it.
dard tests defined by the American Society for of a sample in question be on the same basis. erals could be chemically precipitated from
The main steps to prevent oxidation in-
Testing and Materials. For example, for a given coal with a moisture solution under conditions that can exist in
volve limiting the access of air and protection
The proximate analysis (ASTM D 3172) of 10%, an ash value of 15%; a volatile matter swamps. Some minerals such as calcite and
from wind and precipitation. Stacking the coal
consists of a determination of the moisture, of 30%, and a fixed carbon content of 45%, pyrite can also be precipitated into cleats and
to eliminate size segregation and compaction
ash, and volatile matter, and a calculation of the volatile matter content would be 33.3% on fractures in coal after it has formed and coali-
of the pile with earth-moving equipment to re-
the fixed carbon value. The moisture is deter- a dry basis and 40% on a dry, ash-free basis. fied beyond the peat stage.
duce pore space have proven helpful. Coating
mined by heating the sample at 104-110 DC to The corresponding fixed carbon values are The presence of sulfur in coal is of great in-
the pile with a sealant also helps protect it
a constant weight. The percent weight loss is 50% and 60%, respectively. terest because of the problems it causes in uti-
from air and moisture, although this may be
reported as the moisture value. The ash in this Because some components of the minerals lization, especially air pollution. There are
expensive. Another costly but useful step is to
analysis is the incombustible residue after the such as water from the clays and carbon diox- three commonly recognized forms of sulfur in
provide the storage piles with some kind of
coal is burned to a constant weight. It should ide from calcite are lost in the high-tempera- coal. Pyrite sulfur is the sulfur tied up in the
wind protection. The wind not only enhances
be noted that the ash value is not a measure of ture ashing process, the ash value determined mineral pyrite, FeS 2; it is determined by leach-
oxidation, but it also removes the fme particles
the kinds or relative amounts of the minerals is less than the actUal mineral matter in the raw ing with nitric acid. Sulfate sulfur is of minor
from the coal pile and can thereby create envi-
in the coal. The volatile matter is a measure of coal. A number of corrections for this loss are importance and thought to be formed by the
ronmental problems. weathering of pyrite; it is determined by
Another aspect of coal storage is the need the amount of gas and tar in a coal sample. It is in use, but the one most used in the United
reported as the weight loss minus the moisture States is the Parr formula, where the corrected leaching with hydrochloric acid. Organic sul-
to mix and blend the stockpile coal to homoge- .
after the coal is heated in the absence of air at mineral matter is equal to 1.08 times the ash fur is that portion of the total sulfur that is or-
nize the product coal reclaimed from it, so that
950 DC for 7 min. The fixed carbon is not a percentage plus 0.55 times the sulfur percent- ganically bound with the various coal
a consistent, uniform product can be delivered
distinct chemical entity. It is reported as the age. Results reported with this correction are macerals; it is determined indirectly by differ-
to the plant. This can be a serious concern in
difference between 100% and the sum of the considered to be on a dry, mineral-matter-free ence. There also may be some minor elemen-
cases where coal is coming into an operation
moisture, ash, and volatile matter values. basis. tal sulfur present in coal. The forms of sulfur
from· a number of sources. The usual way to
While the proximate analysis as described are determined in accordance with the AS TM
solve this problem is to develop a bedding and Mineral Matter. The mineral matter content
above is a rather simple assay of the chemical standard D 2492.
blending system. A typical system consists of of a coal is the actual weight percent of the
nature of coal, its value as a quality parameter The occurrence of pyrite in coal is of spe-
a plan to build a stockpile with long, thin lay- minerals present. It is the best measure of the
is well established and is widely used in com- cial interest because it is the only form of sul-
ers of the various incoming coals and to re- inorganic content of a coal, but it is difficult to
merce. fur that can usually be removed by mechanical
claim the coal from the pile with vertical cuts determine. Although there is no standard test
The ultimate analysis (ASTM D 3176) con- cleaning methods and because it is a major
across these layers. The key design factors are
sists of direct determinations of ash, carbon, for mineral matter, low-temperature ashing « source of air and water pollution. Although
the variability of a target blending parameter 150 DC) with an oxygen plasma device is
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and an indirect de- some pyrite is formed by the chemical combi-
such as ash or sulfur content and the desired widely used for this purpose. The X-ray dif-
termination of the oxygen. The ash is deter- nation of the sulfur and iron that occur natu-
degree of homogeneity. These are evaluated to fraction analysis of the low-temperature ash is
mined as in the proximate analysis, and rally in peat, most of the pyrite found in coal is
determine the necessary pile parameters such used to identify the actual minerals in the ash.
because all of the values are reported on a thought to form from Fe(III) ions absorbed on
as individual layer thickness. However, with present techniques it is impos- clay minerals that are transported into coal
moisture-free basis, moisture must also be de-
sible to accurately determine the amounts of swamps, and from sulfate ions that are intro-
5.22.11 Quality and Quality Both proximate and ultimate analyses are the various minerals present in a given coal. duced into the swamp in seawater. Marine wa-
Testing reported in a number of different ways, and Although a large number of different min- ter usually has about two orders of magnitude
erals have been identified in coal, the four more sulfate ions than fresh water. In the
Because coal is so variable in its maceral care must be taken to be certain of the method
most common are clays, pyrite, calcite, and swamp the ferric Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(II),
and mineral composition, its suitability for a of reporting. On the "as-received" basis, the
quartz. The minerals get into the coal in a vari- which combines with the sulfur in the sulfate
given use must be determined by a variety of results are based on the moisture state of the
coal sample as.it was received for testing. ety of ways. Some can be part of the original ions to form pyrite. While this process is
tests. Although some tests such as chemical
With the "dry" basis, the results are calculated plant material itself. Silica (quartz) is present clearly not the only way that pyrite can form in
analysis are quite general in nature, others
in some of the saw grasses of modem swamps, coal seams, it is a good model for many
such as ash fusion are specific for particular back to a condition of no moisture, and with
the "dry, ash-free" basis, the results are calcu- and similar types of plants are known from an- United States coal seams, especially those in
220 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 221

the illinois Basin. In these seams it is reported ever, the individual regions of production have Some Major Coal- Production. The United States have main-
[558-560] that both the total sulfur and pyritic developed to different extents. For instance, tained a high level of production for decades,
sulfur contents are controlled by the nature of
Producing Countries
production in Europe has been reduced, while producing one fourth of the world's coal.
overlying rocks; they are both high under ma- the coal output of countries such as Australia;' Long-wall mining accounts for an increasing
rine rocks and low under nonmarine rocks. China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa has United States ofAmerica proportion of underground coal production.
Pyrite can occur in coal in a nwnber of increased, in some areas considerably. In
forms such as single crystals, void ftllings, ir- 1994, production of hard coal reached 3.2 x Reserves. The United States possess econom- Consumption. Domestic coal consumption,
regular and dendritic masses, and framboids 109 t (Table 5.58). World production of brown ically recoverable hard coal reserves of ca. which absorbs nearly 90% of the production,
(raspberry-like clusters). The most significant coal (subbituminous and lignite) has been in- 107 x 10 9 t - one fifth of the total w~rld re- has varied little in the past few years, with
forms are the more massive ones, which are creasing continuously, and in 1994 output serves. For brown coal the respective figures power stations being the main consuniers. Ex-
easier to remove from the coal by washing, amounted to ca. 1.3 X 109 t (Table 5.59). This are 134 x 109 t and 25%. . ports have fallen due to heavy competition
and the framboidal forms, which are more amount yields approximately the same heat as from newcomers.
chemically active because of their high sur- Table 5.59: World hard coal production in 1994 [562].
0.9 X 109 t of hard coal.
face area. When pyrite is exposed to air and Quantity, Proportion,
Region or country X 106 t %
water, it oxidizes in a series of chemical reac- Consumption. Approximately 20% of the 3.2 Australia
tions that generate sulfuric acid and cause acid Africa
x 109 t of hard coal used in the world is allo- South Africa 195.3 6.1
mine drainage. In fact, the reaction of 1 mol of cated to coking coal and 80% to steam coal. Others 7.9 0.3
Reserves. Australia possesses economically
pyrite with air and water results in the genera- VIrtually all brown coal is used in power sta- Africa total 203.2 6.4 recoverable reserves of 45 x 109 t of hard coal
tion of 2 mol of sulfuric acid. tions. The largest growth in bcith production Americas and 45 x 109 t of brown coal, each represent-
United States 605.0 19.0 ing 9% of world reserves.
Thermal Properties. The most widely used and conswnption in the period 1984 to 1994 Canada 36.6 1.2
thermal property is the calorific value, which has been in Australia and Asia. Brazil 4.4 0.1 Table 5.60: World brown coal production in 1994 [562].
is a measure of the heat produced by combus- Colombia 23.5 0.7
Trade. Most coal is consumed in the regions Mexico 6.7 0.2 . Quantity, Proportion,
tion of a unit quantity of coal under given con- Others 6.3 0.2
RegIon or country X 106t %
ditions (ASTM D 3286). It is usually reported of production. World trade in hard coal America total 682.5 21.4 America
on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis and is amounts to only 12% of world production. Asia United States 330.0 26.0
used this way in the ASTM classification of Nevertheless, since some important consumer China 1110.0 34.9' Canada 36.2 2.8
India 248.0 7.8 America total 366.2 28.8
coals by rank. The major use of the calorific countries are without adequate resources of
Indonesia 30.5 1.0 Asia
value is in the evaluation of coals for use in their own, trade in hard coal has asswned Japan 6.9 0.2 China 100.0 7.8
stearn generation. In many utility company worldwide proportions (Table 5.61). Austra- . South Korea 7.4 0.2 India 19.0 1.5
contracts, coal is bought on the basis of total lia, North America, and South Africa are the Pakistan 3.1 0.1 Turkey' 45.0 3.5
Turkey' 5.0 0.2 Others 38.4 3.0
calorific value per unit mass. main net exporting regions, Japan, Western Others 51.5 1.6 Asia total 202.4 15.9
Europe, and Korea are the main importing re- Asia total 1462.4 46.0 Europe
5.22.12 Economic Aspects gions. Brown coal is not traded over long dis- Europe Bulgaria 28.6 2.2
Bulgaria 0.2 0.0 Czech Rep. & Slovakia 65.8 5.2
tances. Czech Rep. & Slovakia 17.4 0.5 Hungary 12.4 1.0 World Outlook Table 5.58: Proven recoverable world coal reserves as of Hungary
end 1994 [561]. 2.9
Reserves. The world's proven recoverable re- Romania 4.3 0.1 Former Soviet Unionb 105.8 8.3
Quantity, Mt Former Soviet Unionb 369.2 11.7 Other Eastern Europe
serves of coal are an estimated 520 X 109 t of Other Eastern Europe 0.2 0.0 Eastern Europe total
Region Anthracite Subbitumi-
hard coal (anthracite and bitwninous) and 512 and nous and Iig- Eastern Europe total 525.9 16.5 Austria 1.4 0.1
x 10 9 t of brown coal (subbitwninous and lig- bituminous nite France 7.5 0.2 France 1.5 0.1
Germany 52.0 1.7 Germany 207.1 16.4
nite). Proven reserves are those which geolog- Africa 60405 1267 Spain 14.4 0.5 Greece 57.3 4.5
ical and engineering information indicate with Canada & United States 111004 138177 United Kingdom 48.0 1.5 Italy 0.5 0.0
reasonable certainty can be recovered in the Latin America 6509 4899 Other Western Europe 0.6 0.0 Spain 15.7 1.2
Asia 133 173 94599 Western Europe total 122.5 3.9 Western Europe total 283.5
future from known deposits under existing Europe total
Eastern Europe' 135422 180091 648.4 20.4 Europe total 652.8 51.4
economic conditions. . Western Europe 27476 47529 Australia & New Zealand 184.7 5.8 Australia & New Zealand 48.8 3.9
Production. Total production of hard coal Australia & New Zealand 45369 45690 World 3181.2 100.0 World 1270.2 100.0
(anthracite and bituminous) worldwide has re- Total 519358 512252
•Includes the part in Europe. •Includes the part in Europe.
mained on the same level since 1988. How- •Including the fonner Soviet Union. • Includes the part in Asia. • Includes the part in Asia.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 223

8% of the world's economically recoverable Consumption. The slight increase in produc- some coal is imported, mainly for quality rea-
Table 5.61: World trade in hard coal in 1983.[563].
coal reserves. tion in the last years was initiated by higher in- sons.
Country ternal demand. Coal is the main primary
El\llorts Imports Production. Output of hard coal has fallen energy for the generation of electricity (95%).
67603 6631
from a peak ofl50 X 10 6 t in 1957 to 52 x 10 t
United States In addition, South Africa still uses coal as a
Canada 28225 8402 in 1994, and further reductions are planned. Reserves. Indonesia has vast resources of
raw material for the production of liquid and
Colombia 18400 Brown-coal production dropped continuously high-quality accessible coal. In terms of ton-
3600 gaseous fuels. Exports are estimated at a rather
Venezuela with the closure of mines in the eastern nage, southern Sumatra contains the highest
18000 1350 6 constant 43 X 106 tla.
China Lander. Nevertheless, with> 200 X 10 t, Ger- proportion although much of it is lignite. The
India 99 6278
18833 251 many is still the second largest producer of coal from Kalimantan includes some deposits
5381 brown coal in the world. China of very high quality (low ash and sulfur, high
Japan 111404 volatile matter).
35977 Consumption. The majority of the hard coal Reserves. China accounts for ca. 11 % of
Turkey 5640 (65%) and nearly all of the brown coal is world recoverable coal reserves. Hard-coal re- Production. In the period 1984 to 1994, pro-
Belgium 645 II 894 channeled into the generation of electricity. serves are concentrated in the north and north- duction has risen dramatically.
Czech Republic 5301 1939 The second largest consumer is the steel in- west of the country. Substantial lignite depos-
24 10467 its are distributed throughout the country. Consumption. A major export market has de-
Denmark dustry. Hard-coal imports have not varied veloped and exports are expected to grow and
Finland 5933
622 14231 much in recent years. Production. Production has been increased to gain a substantial market share for high-
Germany 970 13 090 steadily, so that China is now the world's larg- quality coals in Europe, the Far East, and pos-
2242 15 121 Poland est producer (1994: 111 0 X 10 6 t hard coal; 100 sibly the United States. However, Indonesia is
22968 129 X 106 t lignite and brown coal).. expected to become a net importer of oil early
Poland Reserves. Polish recoverable coal reserves
Russia 27400 28300 9
amountto 29 X 109 t of hard coal and 13 X 10 t Consumption. China is very dependent on its in the 21 st century. The national policy is
Spain 12726 therefore to expand internal use. The target is
4126 8930 of brown coal. vast coal reserves. In the period 1984 to 1994
18400 China's coal demand has increased by 50% for 80% of electricity to be generated from
United Kingdom 1095
Production. Poland boosted its prop-uction for coal-fired plants.
So1.tth Africa 42650 and now accounts for ca. 75% of primary en-
export reasons for a long period. In mid-1980s
Australia 128405 ergy requirements. Transportation of coal is a
government officials expected to increase United Kingdom
37692 101933 major problem, with a significant proportion
Others hard-coal output to 205 X 106 t and its brown
428900 438706 . of production being in the north, but with the
Total coal output to 100 X 106 t by the year 2000. In- Reserves. In its 1992-1993 annual accounts,
6 most rapidly growing demand in the southern British Coal estimated thai 190 X 109 t of coal
stead, production in 1994 fell to 133 X 10 t of
Production. Coal production has risen 6 and eastern regions. Therefore, China is inves- resources lie under the United Kingdom in
hard coal and 67 X 10 t of brown coal.
steadily during the last few decades and is ex- tigating the transport of coal by pipeline. seams over 0.6 ill thick and less than 1200 m
pected to do so in future. Consumption. Inland consumption de-. High-capacity electricity transmission to the deep, of which 2 X 109 t were regarded as eco-
creased every year from 1984 to 1994 and may south is another option under consideration. nomically recovenible. A reasonable estimate
Consumption. The high-quality coals found decrease even further. In the meantime, Po- Only minor quantities (20 X 10 6 tla) of coal are
in Queensland and New South Wales are of for lignite resources in Northern Ireland is ca.
land tried to maintain its exports. In 1984, exported, the bulk' being used internally for
6 109 t.
value as steam and metallurgical coals, and when it was able to export 45 X 10 t, thereby electricity and heat generation.
most of production is for export. In 1984 Aus- attaining a 14% share of world trade, Poland Production. Due to the high cost of extracting
tralia became the world's foremost hard-coal set its intermediate export goal at 42 X 10 t/a the coal, production had to be steadily reduced
India and will be cut even further.
exporter with 61 X 10 6 t. In 1993 exports even of hard coal. During the last years, exports
doubled these figures. Production from West- reached only 20 X 106 t. Reserves. India possesses ca. 7% of world re- Consumption. The United Kingdom is still
ern Australia, Victoria, and South Australia serves, mostly bituminous coal. among the major consumers of coal in the
(bituminous and subbituminous coal, lignite) South Africa world, but with competition from other energy
Production. Coal is the main source of energy
is geared to local thermal electricity genera- and vital for India's economic development. resources, especially oil and gas from the
Reserves. South Africa has recoverable re- North Sea, a further decline is expected.
tion. Efforts to develop the industry have resulted in
serves of ca. 55 X 109 t of hard coal, which at
current production levels would last 300 a steady increase of production to ca. 250 X
Germany years. 106 t of hard coal. Former Soviet Union
Production. Production has remained fairly Consumption almost doubled in the period Reserves. With 241 X 10 9 t of recoverable coal
Reserves. Due to its very large deposits of 1984 to 1994. Despite increased production, reserves, 104 X 109 t of which hard coal, the
brown coal, unified Germany possesses nearly constant at ca. 190 X 106 tla.
224 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 225

former Soviet Union accounts for 25% of the cies (the so-called mobile phase), which are maximum Vs at temperature Te• With a further into a semicoke depend on the fluidity of the
total world reserves. believed to be trapped within the coal network increase in temperature, the fluid coal resolidi- plastic mass and its resistance to the escape of
[565]. However, if the fragments undergo sec- fies at temperature T;, the corresponding vol- gases and vapors.
Production. Due to its vast resources the So-
ondary cracking, polymerization, or conden- ume is Vr These phenomena, i.e., softening, An understanding of the thermoplastic be-
viet Union ranked third among world produc-
sation reactions, part of the primary product is swelling, and resolidification are collectively havior of coal is important for nearly all coal
ers. The political changes were followed by
converted to char. referred to as the the17noplastic properties of a conversion and coke-making processes. For
major economic disruptions which affected
coal production in particular. In 1994 coal pro- The four fundamental aspects of this com- coal, otherwise called the softening, plastic, example, plasticity development and agglom-
plex process are the following: fluid, agglomerating, caking, and coking prop- eration may create severe operating difficul-
duction in Russia reached only 65 % of the
• The thermoplastic behavior of some coals; erties of coal. ties in gasifiers.
1984 level. The Ukrainian production dropped
The terms "caking" and "coking" are some- In a moving-bed gasifier, as the 'coal pro-
by 40%. • The yield and distribution of pyrolysis prod-
ucts; times used incorrectly as synonyms. In a strict ceeds down the (sometimes pressurized) reac-
Consumption. Coal consumption has mir- sense, caking describes softening and agglom- tor, it devolatilizes at relatively low heating
rored reduced production. Major changes will • The temperature and time dependency (ki- eration of coal on heating, without any impli- rates (25-65 DC/min) in the presence of a re-
depend on future political developments. netics) of the pyrolysis process; cations about the nature of the resulting solid. ducing atmosphere. Under these conditions,
• The source of hydrogen for the stabilization Coking coals, on the other hand, are those that bituminous coal undergoes, in varying de-
5.22.13 Coal Pyrolysis of reactive fragments. form strong, coherent solids (metallurgical grees, thermoplastic transformations that can
cokes) on softening and resolidifying in con- lead to the formation of coke masses. These
Coal pyrolysis is the heating of coal to pro- Thermoplastic ventional coke ovens. In other words, all cok- are detrimental to the flow of gases and solids,
duce gases, liquids, and a solid residue (char ing coals exhibit caking behavior, but not all resulting in poor operation of the gasifier. In
or coke). Pyrolysis occurs in all coal utiliza- Properties of Coal
caking coals can be coked. Coal that does not the extreme, coke agglomerates can com-
tion processes, i.e., combustion, gasification, When bituminous coal is heated, it under- become fluid when heated is generally tenped pletely plug the reactor.
liquefaction, and carbonization. The nature of goes marked chemical and physical changes, nonswelling or noncaking. In ajluidized-bed gasifiel~ an agglomerated
pyrolysis and of the products is intimately re~ which are influenced by rank, petrographic Continued heating of a semicoke, i.e., a mass may disrupt the fluidization. As a com-
lated to the operating conditions and to the composition, particle size, heating rate, tem- solid residue still containing appreciable vola- plicating factor, highly swollen coke may
composition and properties of the coal. Conse- perature, and the atmosphere in which pyfOly- tile matter, to ca. 1000 DC leads to further de- greatly reduce the bed density and lower the
quently, control of pyrolysis is important in sis occurs. Bituminous coal softens and melts composition with formation of a solid residue throughput. As a further complication, a
coal utilization processes. at 350-400 DC. In contrast, lignite, subbitumi- termed coke. Coke contains little orno volatile highly swollen coke mass tends to disintegrate
The thermal decomposition (or devolatil- nous coal, and anthracite do not soften when matter and undergoes little further volume when it is fluidized, producing excessive fines
ization) of coal is illustrated using WISER'S heated. Fusion and agglomeration may pro- change when heated. The volume changes oc- that are carried from the bed and must be sepa-
model of coal structure (Figure 5.136) [564].. duce a fluid mass. Concurrently, thermal de- curring during the transformation of a coal rated from the exhaust gas.
This model, one of many in the literature, rep- composition may liberate gases and vapors,
resents the types of structures found in coals. producing a foamlike material with significant
Although it does not necessarily depict the volume change. At some point, the foam so-
structure of a particular coal, it is consistent lidifies.
with current knowledge of coal physics and These macroscopic changes are accompa-
chemistry. nied by microstructural rearrangements within
Pyrolytic rupture of functional groups at- the fluid phase, which govern the properties of
tached to aromatic and hydroaromatic units of the resulting coke. Development of the coke
the coal structure leads to the formation of microstructure often involves formation of an
gases (CO, CO 2 , H 20, CH4, C2H 4, etc.). In ad- intermediate phase called carbonaceous me-
dition the cross-links (indicated by arrows in sophase.
Figure 5.136) break and release reactive free Volume changes (expansion and contrac-
radicals (fragments). The fate of these radicals tion) occur in some bituminous coals on heat-
controls the overall yield and distribution of ing. Initial softening at temperature Ts
products. Stabilization of the fragments with produces a fluid. As softening increases, pores
hydrogen gives primary volatile products and and voids are eliminated and the material un-
favors a high yield of gases and liquids (Figure dergoes volume contraction, reaching a mini-
5.137). Some primary products are also ob- mum Ve at temperature Te • At this point, rapid HO H
tained by release of low molecular mass spe- gas evolution leads· to expansion, producing a Figure 5.136: WISER'S model of coal structure [564].
226 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 227

Coal flexibility. Hot-stage optical microscopy per- mum at ca. 28-32% of volatile matter [568]. crease the maximum swelling [569].
mits the visual observation of morphological Correlation of the free-swelling index (FSI) However, beyond a limiting heating rate (l00-
j Thermal
Primary volatiles,
e g water
Fragments - - - - - - - - 1 1._. . " ,
changes caused by heat. The Foxwell gas flow
method measures the resistance to the flow of
with the maximum Gieseler fluidity is poor,
which is not surprising; rather, it illustrates the
300 DC/min) a further increase does not in-
crease swelling. On the other hand, at a low
with hydrogen methane, benzene, a highly purified gas through a bed of coal heterogeneity of coal [567]. Some variations heating rate (below 3 DC/min), even a highly
during continuous heating; the pressure drop can be expected because of the obvious differ-
j plastic coal may not soften or swell.
toluene, pyridine
reactions indirectly measures the fluidity of the plastic ences in test conditions. In the FSI test, a I-g
mass. The constant torque plastometerrecords sample of coal (250 Ilm particle siie or 60
...-.... ,
(1) Cracking: CnHM-C, .Cn_,Hm I \
the velocity, as a function of temperature, of a mesh) is heated in a silica crucible at 820 ± 800 Exinites ....../ \
12l Repolymerization: rotating shaft passing through a bed of coal. In 2 DC for 2.5 min; the swelling is compared to I
I \
I \
the variable torque plastometer, the velocity is that of a standard. The Gieseler fluidity test
~ 600
kept constant and the required torque mea- measures the rotary speed (in dial division per
sured as a function of temperature. The result- minute, ddpm) of a stirrer under a constant o
ing measurements of fluidity provide a torque in a compacted 5-g charge, heated at 3 'Vi
± 0.1 DC/min from 300 DC until it resolidifies. c..
sensitive index of oxidation or weathering, but X

not of swelling. The heating rate is limited to However, the FSI does not increase monotoni- ...... 200
ca. 3 DC/min. In the dilatometer, the volume cally with increasing Gieseler fluidity. In any
change on solidification is measured as a func- case, the data support the concept of an opti-
Figure 5.137: Primary and secondary reactions in coal tion of temperature. Tbis is applicable over a mum fluidity that is essential for maximum 80 82 84 86 88 90
pyrolysis. wide range of heating rates and provides data swelling. Rank, % C _
In contrast to the general objectives in gas- on dilation parameters and transition tempera- The principal maceral responsible for coal Figure 5.138: Expansion ofvitrinites and exinites [566].
ification and combustion, extensive plasticity tures, but not on fluidity changes. plasticity is vitrinite, the predominant petro-

development is essential during carbonization These empirical tests require that experi- graphic constituent of most United States 575
to produce metallurgical coke. The main ob- mental conditions be specified when results coals. Exinite differs from vitrinite of the same
jective of the coking industry is to produce are reported. Furthermore, these tests measure rank by containing more hydrogen and vola-

coke for blast furnace operation. In this con- different aspects of thermoplastic behavior; tile matter. Exinite exhibits a lower softerring 550
text, recent research haS focused on the identi- therefore, there is no single best method or temperature, wider plastic range, greater Gie-
fication of coke microconstituents and the technique that can predict the changes wbich seler fluidity, and higher dilatometric swell-
mechanism of their formation. The improve- occur in all industrial processes. Selection of a ing than vitrinites (Figure 5.138) [566].
r 525
ment of coke microstructure depends largely test method depends on the utilization process. Inertinite is infusible and inert, regardless

on the ability to modify the thermoplastic

properties of the coal feedstocks and the asso-
ciated mesophase. Tbis is of particular signifi-
lS~eriJnental Variables
of coal rank. It is distinguished from vitrinite
of the same rank by its higher density and
~' 500
:/ /0

The thermoplasticity of a coal is a compli- lower hydrogen and volatile matter contents ~ 475
cance because of the interest in the plastic [568]. .....
behavior of weakly caking coal as a supple- cated phenomenon. It is affected by softening 0

ment to the reserves of prime coking coal.

The industrial importance of the thermo-
and rheological properties and by formation of
gas bubbles [570], wbich are strongly influ-
enced by pyrolysis conditions and feedstocks.

Coal Rank and Petrographic Composition

Plasticity usually reflects the properties of
the constituent macerals, but it also depends
on the dispersion of exinite and inertinite
within the vitrinite. This dispersion deter-
mines the degree of interaction between the

I20 40 60 80 100
different macerals. Consequently, predicting Heating rate, DC/m'm_
plastic properties of coal is reflected in the The thermoplastic properties. of coal vary
the thermoplastic behavior of a coal from its
many methods available for its characteriza- widely as a function of rank. Moreover, the Figure 5.139: Effect of heating rale on the characteristic
petrographic (maceral) analysis alone is im- temperatures of a low-volatile bituminous coal (particle
tion [566]. A common objective of these tech- plastic properties of some bituminous coals possible. size: -74 fll11; pressure: 101.3 kPa of He) [567]. 0 Soften-
niques is to predict the behavior of coal in serve to differentiate them from others of sim- ing temperature; !:; Temperature of maximum devolatil-
vanous processes. ilar rank. A number of attempts have been ization; 0 Temperature of maximum fluidity [570]; 0
Heating Rate Temperature of maximum swelling (dilatometry).
The free-swelling index (Gray-King) pro- made to con"f!late plastiC properties with rank.
vides a visual comparison of cokes carbonized Swelling, measured by dilatometry, exhibits a The thermoplasticity of coals increases as The effect of heating rate can be explained
under well-defined conditions. The method is maximum for a volatile-matter content of ca. the heating rate is increased [569]. Shock heat- in terms of a competition between evolution of
inexpensive, rapid, and reproducible, but lacks 25-28%; the Gieseler fluidity reaches a maxi- ing rates (above 100 DC/min) significantly in- volatile matter and thermal decomposition. At
228 Handbook o!ExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 229

a higher heating rate, reactive components of the more finely ground coal, or to maceral and the thennoplastic properties of coal. In the ab- uum, for example, volatile and plasticizing
the volatile matter, which would otherwise be mineral segregation that occurs during grind- sence of data at elevated pressure, the behav- components are readily removed before suffi-
lost before plasticity develops, can participate mg. ior of coal under typical gasification cient fluidity or swelling pressure can de-
in secondary reactions that promote fluidity. Experimental data on particle size must be conditions (elevated pressure and reducing at- velop. Hence, thermoplastic behavior is
With an increase in heating rate, the charac- interpreted with caution. Studies conducted in mosphere) has generally been extrapolated inhibited [567].
teristic temperatures (for softening, maximum a Hoffmann dilatometer, which accommo- from data obtained at atmospheric pressure. Production of volatile matter during pyrol-
swelling, and maximum fluidity) increase, as dates coarse samples, have shown that the ef- However, this treatment has serious deficien- ysis is a necessary but insufficient condition
measured by plastometry or dilatometry (see fect of particle size varies according to coal cies. for a coal to become plastic and swell. The
Figure 5.139). Because these temperatures do type and petrographic constituents [568]. Several investigations have shown that combined effects of the generated volatile
not shift to the same extent, the temperature The effect of particle size is dependent on pressure increases the coke and gas YIelds at matter and the rheological properties of coal
range over which the coal is plastic is gener- heating rate [567]. At a high rate (60 DC/min), the expense of tar production. This has been determine thermoplastic behavior [567, 572,
ally widened. a considerable decrease in the particle size re- attributed to an increased residence time of 574].
An important effect of heating rate on the sulted in a significant increase in swelling. volatile and plasticizing substances in the coal 120
thermoplastic properties of coals is related to This confmned earlier findings that, at a melt and to a corresponding effect on rheolog-
the maximum rate of devolatilization [566]. higher heating rate, the maximum swelling ical behavior. Pyrolysis of bituminous coal at /
As the heating rate increases from ca. 1 to ca. was greatest for the smallest size fraction elevated pressure has also been shown to in- 100 /
7 DC/min, the maximum swelling, maximum [571, 572]. The behavior at 60 DC/min has crease the Gieseler fluidity (Figure 5.140) ;'
Gieseler fluidity, and maximum devolatiliza- been explained as follows: the ·smaller coal [573]. ;'
tion rate all increase [567]. An increase in the particles, with their greater surface: volume Swelling of coal in dilatometers results 80 ; ' H,

heating rate produces a linear increase in the ratio, fuse more easily with the neighboring from a balance between opposing forces and /
maximum rate of devolatilization. In addition, particles and produce a homogeneous mixed occurs when the internal (intraparticle or intra- 0 /
the maximum swelling increases with increas- phase [567]. In contrast, the larger coal parti- bed) gas pressure (swelling pressure) gener- ::;:
60 /
cles tend to maintain their individuality [567, ated in the plastic state is higher than the a. /
ing heating rate, although this parameter is de-
pendent on particle size. The maximum rate of 569]. applied forces that tend to contain it. This in-
,.:. "."' __; '
/:..----------- N1
devolatilization is slightly lower for the larger With slower heating (5 DC/min), the swell- ternal pressure depends on the coal type, parti- ~


ing parameter for the smaller fraction (-74 cle size, heating rate, and temperature. '3 / /
fraction. u: 1

llJIl) was less than that at 60 DC/min. This was Consequently, at elevated pressure, coal swell- / , /'
The sequence of events occurring during
attributed to slower devolatilization at ing depends largely on experimental condi- 20 1
coal pyrolysis is a function of heating rate.
5 DC/min, resulting in a lower swelling pres- tions. For a range of bituminous coals, the I'
Softening is preceded by a rapid increase in
sure, i.e., the pressure generated inside the rank dependency of the effect of pressure on
evolution of volatile matter. Within the same o '---__,--__,--__,--__.---_
particles. In addition, the diffusion distance the maximum swelling parameters was highly
temperature range, the viscosity of the sample
(the distance traveled by the volatile sub- variable [567]. In addition, the extent of maxi- 0.78 1.56 2.34 3.12
reaches a minimum [570]. In response to this Pressure. MPa_
stances before escaping) is shorter for smaller mum swelling varied markedly.
rapid rise in formation of volatile substances
particles. Therefore, an increase in particle Other observed effects of pressure, irre- Figure 5.140: Effect of pressure on the Gieseler fluidity
the coal particles and coal bed expand, pro- of a bituminous coal [573]. *DDPM = dial divisions per
size with slower heating results in greater spective of coal rank, were an increased con-
ducing the maximum swelling, determined by minute.
swelling. traction parameter and an expanded plastic
dilatometry, and the maximum rate of devola-
A particle-size effect is also noted in the range. In contrast, with vacuum pyrolysis,
tilization, determined by thermogravimetric Gaseous Atmosphere
contraction parameter. In general, the initial maximum swelling, contraction, and plastic
analysis [567]. The effects of a gaseous atmosphere on the
contraction of the coal particles is signifi- range were significantly reduced [567]. The
effects of pressure can be explained qualita- thermoplastic properties of coal are of interest
Particle Size cantly greater for the smallest' fraction [567,
tively by invoking the concept of optimum because in many processes devolatilization
571, 572]. This is explained by the suggestion
The effect of particle-size variations on the fluidity, which is essential for high expansion. occurs in the presence of reactive gases, e.g.,
that larger coal particles fuse less than smaller
thermoplastic properties of coal has not been If the melted coal is very fluid, swelling is not H 2, COIH 2 , or CO 2,
ones because of their lower surface: volume
widely reported. The data published before extensive because the volatile substances es- The effects of H2 and He depend on the
1980 conflict. A few investigations have sug- cape easily. At the other extreme, minimum conditions. However, an increase in the maxi-
gested that extremely fine grinding of the coal fluidity is essential for the material to fuse and mum swelling parameter can be correlated
particles reduces thermoplastic properties, entrap volatile material. This implies that an with the degree of hydrogenation. At heating
. However, these results are possibly due to in- Until recently, little work had been pub- optimum fluidity exists, which is necessary to rates above 60 DC/min in a high-pressure mi-
creased ease of weathering and oxidation of lished on the effects of inert gas pressure on permit a high degree of swelling. Under vac- crodilatometer, the thermoplastic properties of
230 H andbaak a/Extractive Metallurgy Iran 231

a low-volatile bituminous coal were not sig- Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) studies Table 5.62: Effects of additives on thermoplastic behavior of coal [584).
nificantly different in atmospheres ofH2 or He suggest that in the early stages of oxidation, Changes in caking index
Additive Concentration Pretreatment Caking index"
[567]. The total loss of mass during pyrolysis the main functional groups formed are carbo- Before After
at ca. 630°C in these two gases was similar, nyl and carboxyl [580]. At higher degrees of Dry sand 20% dry mixed FSI 4.5 4.1
indicating little hydrogenation at high heating oxidation, evidence indicates a significant in- NaOH 20% dry mixed FSI 4.5 1.0
rates. crease in ether, ester, and phenolic groups. N~C03 20% dry mixed FSI 4.5 1.8
In contrast, at a low heating rate of Loss of plastic properties on oxidation is at- N~C03 10% dry mixed FSI 4.5 3.0
5°C/min, the maximum swelling is signifi- tributed to the formation of ether and ester N~C03 5% dry mixed dpm 275 15
cantly greater at elevated H 2 pressure com- cross-links. The decline in fluid behavior on K1 C0 3 20% dry mixed FSI "7.0 1.5
pared to He. The loss of mass during pyrolysis oxidation can be correlated to a reduction in Boric acid 2% dr}rmixed BS swelling no. 8.0 0.5
is also significantly greater in H 2 than in He,
indic!!ting some hydrogenation at this heating
the aliphatic hydrogen content [581].
The swelling of a higWy fluid coal in-
I N ,,1'''0'
1 N solut~on
]'0' of ,,01 m 200mL of FSI
solution dried at 1050C FSI
NaHC03 1 NsolutlOn for40min FSI 4.5 1.5
rate [567]. creased on mild oxidation [568, 569, 571]. NaOH 1 N solution FSI 4.5 1.0
The maximum Gieseler fluidity (heating More severe oxidation sharply reduced swell-
] .""""m••~ "'P"'"
BF3 0.25mmol FSI 8.0 2.0
rate, 5°C/min) of a weakly swelling coal (FSI mg. BF3/100 g FSI 8.0 2.0
= 0.5) at atmospheric pressure was markedly Little work has been done on carbonization BF3 0.27 at saturated pressure FSI 9.0 2.0
BF, 0.21 FSI 7.0 2.5
greater in H 2 than in He or N 2 [573, 575]. of preoxidized coal under the pressure of a re-
AlCI" (CH3hCHClb coke inspection agglomerated powder
ducing gas. Successful operation of fixed- and
HCI not stated 1 hat 150°C coke inspection agglomerated powder
Preoxidation fluidized-bed processes depends on the behav-
Excess tri-n-butyl borate BS swelling no. 8.0 0
In many processes, thermoplastic behavior ior of preoxidized coal when it is devolatilized
Phosphorylation' BS swelling no. 8.0 0.5
of bituminous coals can have undesirable con- under these conditions.
Acetylation' BS swelling no. 8.0 2.5
sequences. Caking can be reduced or elimi- A preoxidized coal shows a higher loss of NH, solution with Ni catalyst 3-3.5% Ni autoclaved with liquid swelling no. 2.2 1.1
nated by low-temperature (below the mass during pyrolysis in H 2 than in N 2 [567]. NH3 at 120°C for 4 h
softening point) preoxidation, which can de- The thermoplastic properties of preoxidized 'FSI = Free Swelling Inde.,<; dpm =Divisions per minute as determined by a Gieseler plastomer; BS =British Standard.
stroy thermoplastic properties [568,569,576, coal are higWy dependent on pressure, and bFriedel--erafls alkylation.
maximum swelling increases significantly at 'Esterification ofphenolic hydroxyl groups.
577]. In addition, carbonization of preoxi-
dized bituminous coal produces a char with a an elevated pressure of H 2 or He [567, 582,
The mechanism of decaking is not known. Fe significantly reduced thermoplasticity un-
higher gasification reactivity and surface area 583]. This suggests that if preoxidized coal is
In general, an !!dditive may function as an in- der most conditions. Although K 2C0 3 and
than coke produced from untreated coal [578]. used as a feed material for a pressurized pro-
ert diluent or in a more active role by chemi- KOH are effective decaking agents, KCl is
Although many studies have been con- cess where devolatilization occurs in a reduc-
cally interacting with the softened coal. Some not. Similarly, CaO and Ca(OCOCH3)2 were
ducted on oxidized or weathered coals, oxida- ing ~tmosphere, the effects of preoxidation are
inert additives may provide sites for complex more effective than CaC03 . Both Fe:P3 and
tion mechanisms are still poorly understood. reduced.
reactions of the coal. Some inert additives re- Fe 30 4 destroyed thermoplasticity at 0.1 MFa
Small amounts of oxygen (0.01-0.02%) can Although oxidation is an inexpensive tech- duce fluidity by adsorbing primary decompo- (H~ or He), even at ca. 5%.
produce substantial changes in coal plasticity nique for reducing the plastic behavior of coal, sition products. Removal of 2-3 % of the Effective additives may promote char for-
[579]. The first stage of oxidation was postu- deleterious consequences have been reported extractable bitumen prevents caking com- mation during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis at elevated
lated as peroxide formation; however, this has [567]. Preoxidation results in an overall loss of pletely [568]. hydrogen pressure usually increases V•. This
not been confirmed experimentally. It was fur- carbon (as CO 2) and hydrogen (as H 20);
Additives may also increase the permeabil- was attributed to a reduction of char-forming
ther suggested that the peroxide is unstable hence, the heating value is significantly re-
ity to gas flow and, therefore, reduce swelling reactions, thereby increasing fluidity of the
above 70°C and decomposes to yield more duced. Consequently, other means of reducing in the coal melt. Compounds like Si0 2 , how- system [567].
stable coal oxygen complexes with evolution thermoplastic properties are being investi- ever, serve simply as diluents.
of CO~, CO, and H 20. gated. Additives may also react chemically with
An~ther proposed mechanism was that oxi- Development a/Thermoplasticity
the pyrolysis products. Substances, such as
dation increases hydroxyl, carboxyl, and car- Additives K 2C0 3, KOH, CaO, Fe 20 3, Fe 30 4 , HCI, and
bonyl content [566]. As the temperature rises Softening
Inorganic additives are an alternative to BF3' reduce the swelling of coal at atmo-
the hydroxyl groups can condense with the spheric pressure. Although thermoplastic properties of coal
preoxidation. They reduce the caking of coal
liberation of water: carbonized at atmospheric pressure (Table The effectiveness of additives in decaking have been studied for many years, softening
Ar--QH + Ar--QH ~ Ar-O-Ar + HzO 5.62); however, they have economic and oper- under gasification conditions has been exam- still lacks a satisfactory explanation. However,
where Ar is an aromatic radical. ational drawbacks. ined [567,585,586]. Compounds ofK, Ca, or a general pattern has been established.
232 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy [ron 233

Direct microscopic observations are reveal- plasticized. The fusible fraction, the coking and physicochemical processes without appre- The extent of swelling depends on the rate
ing Between 325 and 450°C, depending on principle or bitumen, has been identifIed in ciable rupture of covalent bonds during pyrol- of devolatilization [566, 567]. A minimum
coal rank and experimental conditions, visible benzene and chloroform extracts. ysis. After melting of the mass, the properties fluidity is essential to reduce the permeability
softening is manifested as follows [569]: 44 are modifIed by pyrolytic reactions [594].· of the plastic mass to gas flow and generate
This mechanism is consistent with three con- swelling pressure. However, if the plastic
• Coal particles become mobile and fIll the
bed space. Larger particles, which soften
t 40 ditions that have been proposed as being nec- mass is too fluid, gas bubbles escape at low
less than smaller ones, fuse with the smaller
I 36 essary and sufficient for plasticity pressure.
~_ 32 development [600]:
particles. Swelling has been viewed as a process in-
"'i 28 dependent of softening [596, 597, 601]. In this
• So-called fusion pores begin to form as soft- • Lamellar bridging structures that 9an be
:;;- 24 light, swelling is a consequence offue pore
ening continues, depending on particle size thermally broken
'" 20 structure of the starting coal. It is caused by
and nature of the coal. However, with fur- E • A supply of hydroaromatic hydrogen the pressure of the evolved gas trapped within
ther softening, the material becomes more QJ

• Intrinsic ability of micelles and lamella: to the micropores.

homogeneous, making distinction between '" 12
0 become mobile, i.e., ability of the coal to
pores formed by fusion and those formed by > 8 Porosity exhibits a minimum for the higher
melt independent of thermal bond rupture. rank bituminous coals, for which swelling is at
devolatilization difficult. As softening con- 4
tinues, viscosity decreases, particle bound- 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 a maximum. This mechanism explains intra-
Temperature, ° C _ Swelling particle swelling, but not interparticle swell-
aries disappear, and gas evolution increases.
Figure 5.141: Relationship of volatile matter content to Investigators agree that the softening of ing. Because microporosity is a prominent
• With a further increase in temperature, vis- softening points and decomposition points of coal [589]. feature of agglomerating coal, an empirical re-
cosity increases until resolidifIcation oc- coal particles is caused by the melting or sol-
In the thermobitumen theory, softening is vation of low molecular mass substances or by lationship between swelling and porosity may
curs, pore volume and vitrinite reflectance exist without necessarily implying that swell-
increase, and in some cases, anisotropy in- defined as a consequence of pyrolysis that primary pyrolytic decomposition [568]. Soft-
transforms coal into fluid products. The ap- ening causes swelling and the formation and ing is a consequence of porosity. In fact, swell-
creases. ing and porosity may be consequences of a
Softening can be measured in a dilatomet- pearance of these fluid products causes soften- liberation of gas. The gas cannot escape rap-
third factor, such as cross-linking density.
ric test by the onset of contraction when a bed ing and plasticity. Their disappearance by idly because of the low permeability of the
of coal is heated under a weighted plunger. A evaporation or thermal decomposition results plastic mass. Hence, gas bubbles are fOITIled
more precise measurement is given by the at- in resolidification. The fluid products are with high internal pressures. In response to
tainment of a specific degree of fluidity within termed metaplast or thermobitumen, implying this internal pressure, the viscous plastic mass ResolidifIcation is usually attributed to a
the plastometer. In all theories of plasticity, it that they are the products of pyrolysis. swells like baker's dough. The formation of an series of. cracking reactions followed by con-
is acknowledged that a fusible material is The physical and physicochemical theory impermeable plastic mass is a precondition for densation and polymerization. A large number
formed during softening, but differences of proposes that thermal softening is initially a swelling. of free radicals and small molecules are gener-
opinion exist as to the origin, nature, and func- physical process of partial melting of the coal Swelling can be observed in coal particles ated by cracking. This is consistent with the
tion of this material [572]. substance to a fluid mass. However, the rheo- individually or collectively. Intraparticle (sin- observation that the original solvating agent,
The homogeneous-melt theory, for exam- logical properties of this mass are subse- gle-particle) swelling results from the forma- the bitumen, decomposes at ca. 480°C, before
ple, proposes that coal undergoes pastelike quently modifIed by chemical reactions tion of a plastic mass that eliminates the resolidifIcation of the coal to form a semicoke
melting throughout the entire mass, but de- during decomposition.' Therefore, develop- fissures and macropores through which gas [594]. Because of the loss of hydrogen-donat-
composes at the same time, giving rise to gas ment of fluidity is believed to be the result of could escape. The resulting internal pressure _ing and solvating agents, which would other-
and an infusible solid [587,588]; the composi- both physical and physicochemical processes. swells the plastic mass. Swelling of particle wise stabilize the free radicals, the solid
tion of this mih"ture depends on time and tem- In noncaking coal, the decomposition point beds, i.e., intelparticle swelling, is caused material polymerizes forming semi-coke. This
perature. ResolidifIcation is observed when is lower than the softening point. The rank de- similarly when the plastic mass fIlls the inter- viewpoint is supported by the fact that the
the transformation to infusible material is pendency of these temperatures is illustrated particle spaces, preventing gas from escaping. semicoke IS deficient in hy drogen compared to
complete. If decomposition proceeds too rap- in Figure 5.141, which shows that plastic coals The importance of each type of swelling the precursor.
idly before the inception of softening, fusion occupy only a narrow range of rank. Other depends on the particle size and the nature of
does not occur and char is formed. On the theories suggest that the fraction of a coal that the coal. Intraparticle swelling is only impor- Coke Microstructure alldMesophase
other hand, if softening occurs before the evo- fuses plasticizes the remainder [589-598]. tant for weakly coking coal. For coal to form a Formation
lution of volatiles, a coal fuses and swells to Thermal softening of coal is apparently not coherent and strong coke, interparticle swell-
form a coke. related to physical melting but instead to ki- ing is necessary. In highly plastic coal distinc- The properties of cokes are determined by
According to the partial-melt the01Y, only a netic phenomena [566, 599]. The develop- tion between the two types of swelling is often their microstructural characteristics. The
fraction of the coal melts and the remainder is ment of fluidity may be the result of physical impossible [585]. structure property relationship is, however,
234 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy [ron 235

difficult to establish for coke because ofits ex- yellow, blue, and dark purple for anisotropic Table 5.63: Optical microscopic classification of solid carbonization products. [627].
treme heterogeneity in chemical constitution materials and light purple for isotropic materi- Classification Optical nature Intermediate fluid phase Maceral precursor
and physical structure. Nevertheless, consid- als. Thus, cokes can be characterized by color Vitroplast (VP') isotropic vitroplast vitrinite, sernifusinite
erable progress has been made since the and the shape and size of the isochromatic ar~· Cenosphere (CS') isotropic and anisotropic vitroplast vitrinite
1920s, primarily with the aid of optical mi- eas [617]. Semicoke (SC') anisotropic mesophase vitrinite, sernifusinite
croscopy. Differences in optical activity between iso- Unreacted or slightly altered
vitrinite (VV') anisotropic vitrinite
The most significant industrial use of coke tropic and anisotropic cokes are due to differ- fusinite (FS') isotropic fusinite
is in the production of iron and steel. Only ences in the range of crystallographic order
[618]. The crystallographic order of isotropic •Abbreviation.
prime coking coal produces coke appropriate
for blast furnaces, where reactivity and stabil- coke is considered to be only small in scale; In contrast to vitroplasts, the mesophase is Carbonaceous Mesophase
ity under thermal stress are required [602, i.e., the parallelism of associated constituent optically anisotropic and represents the main The important properties of cokes, includ-
603]. These requirements are met by metallur- lamellar molecules extends over short dis- route for the formation of anisotropic struc- ing mechanical strength and reactivity, are
gical coke. tances (ca. 1-5 nm). Although the structure can tures in coke. It is considered to be a unique,
governed by the arrangement of the constitu-
In general, the principal feature of the coke be claimed to be anisotropic for 1-5 nm, it is ordered, fluid system consisting of high mo-
ent carbon atoms. The principal features of the
microstructure is the anisotropy of the organic essentially isotropic to the light beam because lecular mass, planar molecules.
atomic arrangement are the alignment and size
coke substance as observed by optical micros- this range is far below the resolution of the op- The solid product formed via a mesophase of carbon clyslallites. The highest degree of
copy [604-608]. The critical role of an inter- tical microscope (ca. 200 nm). However, for is called a semicoke, a term used in a more alignment is seen in natural graphite crystals,
mediate plastic phase (carbonaceous anisotropic coke, the range of crystallographic general sense for the solid products of low- which consist of extended layers offused hex-
mesophase) in the development of the charac- order extends from 0.3 to ca. 200 Ilm; in the temperature (500-600 0c) carbonization of agonal rings of carbon atoms. This structure,
teristic anisotropic structures was first recog- light beam, the material has bulk anisotropy coking' coals or heavy hydrocarbon feed- with an interlayer spacing of 0.3354 nm, is ap-
nized in 1965 [609,610]. Subsequent research [618]. stocks, such as coal-tar and petroleum pitches. proached by certain carbons manufactured
has been devoted to the significance· of me- An optical microscopic classification of the Both vitroplasts and cenospheres may de- from coal tar and petroleum pitches and by
sophase formation during the carbonization of organic solid residues derived from the hydro- velop intrinsic anisotropic structures (depend- polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on heating
coking coal [611], the effect of coal rank and genation of bituminous coal can be applied to . ing on the conditions of carbonization) while at 2500-3000 °C. Depending on their behav-
chemical constitution on mesophase forma- coke obtained by carbonization. Table 5.63 in- retaining their characteristic morphology. An- iorwhen heat-treated, carbonaceous solids can
tion [612-616], the use of optical and scan- cludes the type of macerals and the transient other type of anisotropy in coke is associated be classified as graphitizing or nongraphitiz-
ning electron microscopy [617], and the phases responsible for coke microstructures. with the unreacted vitrinite fragments. The ing, e.g.·, coke and char, respectively, in the
chemistry of mesophase formation [618-622]. The formation of the transient, fluid phases distinction among these anisotropic microcon- case of coal-derived solids.
These investigations may help to improve (vitroplast and mesophase) is indicative offu- . stituents has a significant bearing on coke Although the crystallite alignment in car-
coke manufacture by modifying the micro- sion (or plasticity) during carbonization and is properties [627]. bonaceous solids is only observable after heat-
structure through the .development of a car- limited to certain bituminous coals. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is ing at 1000 °C, crystallite alignment starts
bonaceous mesophase. The term vi/rap/ast designates a plastic or also useful for examining the microstructural during carbonization over a narrow tempera-
formerly plastic carbonization product of vit- characteristics of solids [630]. Its high resolu- ture range near 450°C [620]. This stage, coin-
Microscopic Characterization rinite that, unlike the starting material, is opti- tion (ca. 3 nm) and depth offocus permit char- cident with plasticity development, is
Optical microscopy is the principal means cally isotropic. In coke it is characterized by acterization of surface topography at very low characterized by the formation of carbon-
of analyzing coke morphology and anisotropic flow structures and spherical morphologies. and high magnifications (up to x 200 000). aceous mesophase, which leads to the aniso-
structures [617, 620]. The resolution limit of The semifusinite maceral can also make a Specimens are examined by sweeping a finely tropic structures found in cokes. The shape
the optical microscope is ca. 0.2 Ilm. Optical small contribution to the formation of spheri- focused electron beam across the surface. The and size of these anisotropic structures usually
anisotropy is an expression of structural cal vitroplast. Further alteration of vitrinite resulting signals include secondary electrons, determine the behavior of the coke [63IJ. Sub-
anisotropy on the same scale [623]. and the spherical vitroplast derived from it is backscattered electrons, and characteristic X- stances that form graphitizing coke via a me-
For microscopic examinations, polished seen in the development of cenospheres. This rays. sophase include the vitrinites of medium-
coke sections are viewed in plane-polarized term was first used to designate structures In the examination of coke, the most useful volatile coking coal, coal-tar and petroleum
light [624]. The appearance of the polished formed by rapid heating of pulverized coal signal is the variation in secondary electron pitches, polymers such as poly(vinyl cWo-
surface is termed the optical texture. Isotropic [628,629]. A cenosphere is defined as a retic- emission with changing surface topography. ride), and polynuclear aromatic compounds
and anisotropic structures can be distin- .ulated hollow sphere composed of ribs or Optical microscopy and SEM are complemen- such as anthracene.
guished on the basis of different behavior frames and windows. Cenospheres are tary techniques for coke characterization, pro- Lignites, thermosetting resins, polymers
[625, 626]. A common technique employf. re- formed by the gas liberated within vitroplast viding structural and topographical such as poly(vinylidene chloride), and hydro-
flection interftrence co/aI's [626]. These are spheres during the plastic stage [627]. information, respectively [618]. carbons such as biphenyl do not form me-
236 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 237

sophase; instead, they produce isotropic rial plane around the polar axis, but curve to coal carbonization, are termed mosaics. A sterically hindered. The spherical shape of the
nongraphitizing coke commonly referred to as reach the surface at an angle [620, 640]. Other widely used classification, based on the' shape separated anisotropic miscella results from the
char [620]. configurations have been observed, especially and size of the anisotropic structures found in usual requirement of minimum surface area
An outstanding characteristic of carbon- in the presence of induced magnetic fields and coke, is as follows [614]: and surface energy at the interface of a two-
aceous mesophase is the prevailing molecular solid particles, e.g., carbon black [641, 642]. Isotropic no optical activity, uniform, light phase system [618].
order, which represents an intermediate state These configurations apparently show no dif- purple color on the surface
The principles governing mesophase for-
between totally isotropic liquids and anisotro- ferent properties. Anisotropic
Via mesophase dark purple, yellow and blue areas mation can be summarized as follows:
pic solid crystals. A crystal is characterized by ofvarying shape and size
long-range order. Isotropic liquids, on the • Heteroatoms and alkyl groups inhibit me-
Fine-grained irregularly shaped, isochromatic ar-
other hand, possess no long-range order [632]. mosaics eas (ISlA), 0.5-1.5 J.1IIllong sophase formation by cross-linkin,g reac-
Medium-grained ISlA, 1.5-5.0 J.1IIllong tions, which impair planarity.
In liquid crystals, some but not all of the long- mosaics
range order is maintained. The state is neither Coarse-grained ISlA, 5.0-10 IJ.II1long
• Naphthenic hydrogen promotes mesophase
crystalline nor strictly liquid, and in 1922 the mosaics formation via hydrogen-transfer reactions,
term mesophase was proposed [633-635]. The Coarse flow rectangular, flow-type structures which retard cross-linking and increase flu-
30-60 J.1IIllong; > 10 J.1IIl wide idity.
plastic, anisotropic phase formed during car- Flow domains flow-type structures> 60 J.1IIllong;
bolization is designated interchangeably as > 1OJ.1IIl wide • Aromatic systems promote mesophase for-
liquid crystal or (carbonaceous) mesophase. Domains isometric structures> 60 ~m in di- mation by virtue of their planarity and low
Of the several types of liqUid clystals, the Basic anisotropy flat, featureless anisotropy associ-
nematic (threadlike) type is the most relevant ated with the parent unreacted (or These findings are based on studies of
to carbonaceous mesophase [636]. Nematic slightly altered) vitrains from high- model compounds thought to resemble the
rank coals
liquid crystals separate from the isotropic liq- building blocks of bituminous coal and petro-
Figure 5.142: Nematic molecular order of carbonaceous
uid as anisotropic spherical droplets that even- mesophase comprised of methyl-substituted polynuclear The sequential formation of mesophase is leum feedstocks [619, 622, 643, 644]. In addi-
tually coalesce to give nematic domains. The aromatic compounds connected by methylene bridges and apparently not the sole mechanism leading to tion, mesophase formation depends on
molecular arrangement is envisaged as rod- biaryllinkages [637, 639]. anisotropic structures in coal-derived coke. carbonization conditions.
shaped, similarly sized molecules lying paral- The uninhibited formation and develop- Vitrains from high-rank coals behave some- The carbonization of coal of different rank
lel to each other but with no stacking order. ment of mesophase occurs in three sequential what differently from coking and caking coals produces coke with corresponding optical
The parallel alignment of the molecules in stages: nucleation, growth, and coalescence. [612]. The inherent (basic) anisotropy of vit- properties [616]. Low-rank coals (lignite and
carbonaceous mesophase and the separation This progression, although clearly seen with rain, which is rather featureless, is unchanged subbituminous) do not soften during carbon-
from the isotropic liquid in the form of spheres the optical microscope in pitch and aromatic or converted directly to flow-type anisotropy. ization, thus producing isotropic chars [617].
suggest the behavior of nematic liquid crys- hydrocarbons, is not always observed during In this respect, it does not follow the progres- The size of the anisotropic structures in
tals. The molecular units of carbonaceous me- coal carbonization because of the inhibition of sive development of flow-type anisotropy. coke generally increases with increasing coal
sophase are, however, disk-shaped and widely growth and coalescence or the very rapid for- Mesophase formation results from ex- rank (Figure 5.143) [51]. Whole coal behaves
varied in size [637]. Furthermore, the forma- mation of the fmal texture of the semicoke. tremely complex and interdependent physical like vitrain. Caking coal with high volatile
tion of carbonaceous mesophase usually in- Nucleation is observed as the separation of and chemical processes occurring during car- content forms isotropic coke containing small
volves irreversible chemical processes, in anisotropic spheres from the isotropic melt, bonization. The first chemical process is the amounts of fine-grained mosaics. With ir).-
contrast to the physical and reversible forma- when they become sufficiently large (ca. 0.3 rupture of weak bonds, breaking down the mo- creasing rank up to the prime coking coals,
tion of nematic liquid crystals. Carbonaceous IJlI1 in diameter) to be visible. This is a homo- lecular network and forming free radicals, fol- these anisotropic structures become larger (5-
mesophase consists essentially of large poly- geneous process that does not require a spe- lowed by such reactions as cyclization, 10 Ilm) and more numerous.
nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons [638]. Me- cific site. Under favorable conditions, the aromatization, and polymerization. In coke from prime coking coal, the optical
sophase spheres formed during the spheres can grow at the expense of the isotro- The fluid carbonization mediu11/ at this texture (apart from inorganic and infusible or-
carbonization of pitch may contain smaller pic melt and coalesce to form large domains of stage can be envisaged as a dynamic chemical ganic petrographic components) is essentially
molecules incorporated in the matrix of planar ordered regions, which eventually solidify to system, with increasing molecular mass and and continuously anisotropic, with structures
. condensed-ring compounds (Figure 5.142) semicoke. This type of extensive mesophase size [618]. When the planar molecules reach a varying in size from fine-grained mosaics to
[637]. This gives a molecular mass distribu- development (flow domains) leads to highly critical concentration and size, van der Waals' coarse particles up to 20 Ilm. The anisotropic
tion in the range of 400-3000 or even more. graphitizable coke. forces become sufficiently strong to establish structures in coke from fusing coal (high-to-
The most commonly observed arrangement If growth'and coalescence are inhibited, ir- parallel orientation. The resultant anisotropic low-volatile-content bituminous) develop·
of molecules in mesophase spheres is the regularly shaped anisotropic spheres of small- miscellre separate from the isotropic fluid mostly via mesophase formation.
Brooks-Taylor configuration, in which layers scale order (0.3-10 Ilm grain size) are formed. phase in the form of spheres. If the molecules Semianthracites, anthracites, and some
of planar molecules lie parallel to the equato- These structures, frequently encountered in are not sufficiently planar, parallel stacking is noncaking low-volatile bituminous coals
238 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 239

have no fluid stage during carbonization. The Modification of Optical Texture and ASTM value (e.g., last line, Table 5.64). total yield of volatile substances, when not ob-
large anisotropic structures found in these Properties When volatile products are desired, increased tained from material balances, is frequently
cokes originate from the inherent anisotropy yield is of great interest. Furthermore, factors determined from the mineral matter or ash in
The most significant feature of the micro", that influence the product distribution are im-
of the parent coal [612]. structure of metallurgical coke is the unique .. the coal or char. The distribution of volatile
portant because in many processes the liquids
The variations in the optical texture of coke anisotropy that is associated with low porosity products is usually determined by gas chroma-
(not the gases) are of primary interest.
from coals of different rank reflect the differ- and takes the form of mosaics bridged by tography or mass spectrometry.
ences in mesophase formation. These differ- small flowtype structures in the pore wall In contrast to coal gasification, for exam-
ences can be explained in terms of the [616]. Most macropores are hundreds of mi- ple, with its few and easily identified products, 48
variations in chemical constitution. crometers in size; the pore wall is of signifi- the prediction of yield and product distribution
cant thickness [616]. The limited porosity in coal pyrolysis is difficult. The eXtreme
Coals become more aromatic with increas-
provides a coke density suitable for blast fur- complexity of coal pyrolysis precludes accu-
ing rank, which is also associated with de-
nace operations, whereas the bonding of the rate thermodynamic analysis. Moreover, the
creasing oxygen content and increasing
small growth units of the anisotropic struc- temperature and pressure are often ill-de-
incorporation of oxygen into cyclic structures
tures strengthens the coke. In addition, the fined. In rapid pyrolysis, internal pressures as
[645--647]. high as 100 MFa have been estimated [652].
In low-rank coal, most oxygen is in the anisotropic and nonporous nature of the coke
reduces reactivity toward carbon dioxide, as is The design of reactors and processes is usually
form of carboxyl (-COOH)and hydroxyl based on experimental determination of the
(- OH) groups; both are reactive cross-linking desired in blast furnace operations.
yield and product distribution as functions of
agents. Oxygen in cyclic structures does not Consequently, coke properties can be modi-
fied by altering the optical texture and mor- temperature, heating rate, pressure, particle
participate in cross-linking. In light of the size, and coal rank [653].
principles discussed in this section, increasing phology. This makes possible manufacture of
aromaticity and decreasing oxygen content metallurgical coke from the large reserves of
can explain the improvement in mesophase noncoking coal oflow rank. Experimental Variables
formation with increasing coal rank. Modification of mesophase formation has 2 3 4
therefore, ·great value in improving coke. The Time and Temperature Mass, g _
Carbonization conditions also affect me-
cocarbonization of noncoking coal with cok- Figure 5.144: Effect ofsample mass (bed depth), heating
sophase formation. These effects are due to The determination of temperature and reSi-
ing coal or pitch is also usefu\ [650, 651]. rate, and pyrolysis temperature on mass loss [652].
changes in the rate of chemical and physical dence time in entrained-flow reactors presents
processes [648, 649]. special problems. Particle temperature is usu- Symbol Heating rate, aCls Temperature, °C
Optical texture Yield and Distribution of ally estimated from measurements of gas tem- ~ 6 ~O

Pyrolysis Products 0' 14 950

perature (by suction pyrometry) with the aid

I I ExperimentalMethods
of a heat-transfer model. Particle residence
time (~ 1 s) is calculated from known or as-

mosaics sumed trajectories by using an appropriate • 0.5 1150
The yield of pyrolysis products (gases, liq- model for the fluid and solid dynamics. The • Standard ASTM volatile mailer tesL
mosaics uids, and solids) is determined by monitoring
C~arse-grained the loss of coal mass or the quantity of gas
mosaics evolved. In the traditional determination of
proximate volatile matter (e.g., ASTM or Table 5.64: Comparison of e,...perimental pyrolysis yields with proximate volatile matter [653].
anisotropy DIN), the yield is measured as the mass lost Conditions Coal rank Proximate Elo.llerimental VIVM'"
analysis', VM, % yield, V, %
Flow domains from a fixed bed at standard conditions. Devi-
Dry basis, medium-volatile bituminous (mvb) 25.3 19 0.75
ations from these conditions can change mass heated to 950°C at 600 °Cls high-volatile A bitwninous (hvAb) 31.6 36 1.14
Domains losses significantly (Figure 5.144). Smaller
Unchanged basic
I samples in a standard crucible (shorter bed
high-volatile A bituminous (hvAb)
high-volatile bituminous (hvb)
depths) and higher heating rates and tempera-
tures increase volatile yield. Dry, ash-free basis. bituminous 46.2 53.7 1.16
o 10 20 30 40 heated to 1000 DC at 10 3 °Cls lignite 44.3 44.7 1.01
Volatile matter, Yields are also increased by reducing gas bituminous 44.6 52.2 1.17
a/aldry. ash-freel-----. pressure and particle size. Thus, the volatile- heated to 2000 °c at 10' °Cls bituminous 42.5 65 1.53
matter content is highly dependent on pyroly- • ASTM method.
Figure 5.143: Variation of coke optical texture with vola-
tile matter content ofthe parent vitrains [614]. sis conditions and can exceed 150% of the b V = total volatile mailer; VJ.1 = proximate volatile mailer.
240 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Iron 241

Table 5.65: Distribution of volatile products in coal pyrolysis [653].

yield of char or coke is substantial even at
Volatile products, % (dry) 1000 DC. . ,
Method Coal type
Tar' Gas Water rfl> 50
Fischer assay, 600°C Furst Leopold 11.2 10.0. 8.1 29.3
Stirred bed, 600°C 18.7 7.0 7.5 33.2 c
Slow heating, 0.08 °C/s
Rapid heating to 500°C
Moscow brown coal 4.6
21.7 t 30 40
Thin layer of particles Maigre Oignies no. 2 1.8 5.1 1.5 8.4 -c
heated to 1050-1100 °c at 1500 °Cls Bergmannsgluck 41.7 >
5.9 3.0 23.6 'iii
Emmafmes 15.9 6.2 2.4 24.5 u
Lens-Lievin no. 10 17.1
Flenus de Bruay
E 20 1
'C 30

Faulquemont 18.9 12.6 5.2 >
36.7 VI
• co 'w
Entrained flow, 600°C West Vrrginia, mvb' 18.7 1.8 6.5' 27.0 n ~
Illinois, mvb' 19.6 19.7 4.6' 43.9
::: 10 VI
Pittsburgh, hvAb d 31.5 22.0 8.0' 61.5
'" oJ .:-?-HC' ~

Wyoming, subbituminous B 11.0 26.4 5.6' 43.0 ::E "f~'A • ~ 20


~ .... -
Fischer assay, 500°C
Flow tube, 530--650 °C
Western Kentucky
41.3 ..

Thin layer ofparticles Pittsburgh, hvAb d 25.8 11.3 6.5 43.6 VI

. heated to 1000 °C at 1000 °Cls Montana lignite 6.8 22.7 10.4 39.9
a 200 400 600 800 1000 '"
Temperature, · C _ 10
• Volatiles condensable at 20°C.
b Combined volatiles from tar, gas, and water. Figure 5.145: Effect oftemperature on the distribution of
, See Table 5.64 for abbreviation. volatile products from a lignite (pressure: 101.3 kPa of
d High-volatile A bituminous.
He; mean particle diameter: 74 mm; heating rate: 270-
'Estimated as mass difference between original dry coal and combined tar, gas, and cbar yields.
10000°C/s). 0 Total; 0 Tar + HC gases and H2 + CO +
Table 5.66: Composition of gaseous products in coal pyrolysis [653]. CO2; . . Tar + HC gases and H2 + CO; b. Tar + HC gases 400 600 800 1000
and H2; . Tar [653]. * HC = Hydrocarbon. Temperature. ° C _
Gas composition, vol % (dry)
Conditions Temperature, °C Volatiles, %
CO 2 CO H2 CH4 The effect of temperature, the most impor- Figure 5.146: Effect oftemperature on the distribution of
volatile products from a bituminous coal (pressure: 101.3
Thin layer ofparticles 105-1I00 (at 1500 °Cls) 8.4 2.2 10.1 66.2 8.6 tant influence on product distribution, is illus- kPa of He; mean particle diameter: 74 rnm; heating rate:
18.1 1.6 5.0 67.2 21.4 trated in Tables 5.65 and 5.66, and Figures 1000 °C/s). 0 Total; .. HC gases and H2 + CO and CO2 +
20.4 2.0 6.0 62.9 20.3
5.145 and 5.146. The influence of temperature H2 0 and H 2S; 0 CO and CO 2 + H2 0 and H2 S; • ~O and
24.4 3.8 9.6 64.2 21.0
on the distribution of volatiles obtained from H2S [653]. * HC = Hydrocarbon.
31.0 4.1 15.8 54.3 16.9
33.9 2.4 10.0 52.8 21.8 rapid pyrolysis of a lignite (270-10 000 °C/s)
36.4 6.1 20.6 60.3 l3.1
is clearly seen in Figure 5.145. The yield of 100
Fluidized bed 600 31 12.0 12.3 14.7 50.5
tars reaches a low maximum at relatively low
Fischer assay 600 31 10.3 8.7 22.4 54.2
temperature. The hydrocarbon gases consist
Entrained flow 600 31.6 9.2 3.6 19.4 24.7
34.6 11.7 0.0 23.0 40.7 mainly of methane, ethylene, and hydrogen.
37.7 9.5 9.5 17.1 42.9 The oxygen-containing products, water, car-
40.7 16.0 10.5 25.6 33.9 bon dioxide, and carbon monoxide, dominate
Flow tube 530--650 41 10.6 4.9 25 42.3 the gas composition. A result of this tempera-
Thin layer of particles 1000 (at 1000 °C/s) 39.5 3.2 9.9 57.8 17.8 ture dependence is that the pyrolysis products
39.6 24.0 37.2 27.8 8.8
have a range of heating values. This is illus-
The yield of volatile products in the pyroly- entrained-flow reactors, pyrolysis is complete trated in Figure 5.147 for lignite and is typical
sis of coals of different rank under different at ca. 1000 DC. For a longer residence time, a of the problems associated with obtaining
heating rates increases continuously with in- lower temperature is needed to achieve a par- clean-burning fuel from low-rank coals. 200
creasing temperature. This results from the ex- ticular yield, in accordance with Arrhenius- In contrast, a high yield of tar and other
istence of a hierarchy of bond energies in the type behavior. In particular, the yield is a sensi- combustible matter is obtained by the rapid
structure of coals (Figure 5.136). In most cases, tive function of temperature for short residence pyrolysis of bituminous coal (Figure 5.146).
even at heating rates as high as 10 000 °e/s in times in entrained-flow reactors. In both cases, as in all pyrolysis processes, the
242 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 243

Table 5.67: Effect of heating rate on product distribution product distribution are unaffected [653], but Table 5.68: Effect of pressure on product distribution from lignite and bituminous coal [653].
from bituminous coals [653]. the time required to reach a given yield is re- Yield, % (as received) .
Yield, % (as received) duced. Product Lignite Bituminous·
Product 350- 13 000- 6.6 PaofHe b 0.1 MPaofHeb 6.9 MPa ofHe' 6.6 Pa of He 0.1 MPaofHe 6.9 MPaofHe
450 eC/s 1000 eC/s 15 000 eC/s
Pressure CO 6.1 7.1 9.0 2.0 2.4 2.5
co 2.4 2.4 2.3 CO2 7.6 8.4 10.6 1.4 1.2 1.7
CO, 1.6 1.2 1.7 In the rapid pyrolysis of bituminous coal H 2O' 17.7 16.5 13.4 6.8 7.8 9.5
H20 7.6 7.8 7.7
yield usually decreases with increasing pres- H, 0.50 0.75 1.0
CH. 2.2 2.5 2.4 0.94 1.3 2.5 1.6 2.5 3.2
0.40 0.83 0.66 sure (Figure 5.149). A drop in the yield of tar CR.
C2H. CzH. 0.43 0.56 0.55 0.45 0.83 0.46
C2Hs 0.59 0.51 0.59 is not compensated by an increase in the yield C 2H s 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.44 0.51 0.89
C3 S 1.1 1.3 1.2 of hydrocarbon gases, such as methane (Fig- C 3H s + C 3H. 0.46 0.37 0.38 0.71 1.3 0.71
OtherHC gas 1.1 1.3 1.4
Light HC liquid 2.3 2.4 2.7 ure 5.150 and Table 5.68). Increased pressure Other HC d gases 0.60
0.21 0.98 1.3 1.6
Tar 22.4 23.0 23.0 evidently favors char-forming reactions, par- Light HC d liquids ·0.81 1.1 1.6 2.4 2.0
H, 1.0 Tar 6.9 5.4 2.8 31.9 23.0 12.0
ticularly cracking and polymerization. Char 55.2 58.7 59.0 48.5 53.0 62.4
char 54.0 53.0 53.0
Total 95.69 97.24 96.65 Total 97.0 99.5 99.7 97.1 97.2 97.0
Error (loss) 4.3 2.8 3.3 Particle Size Error (loss) 3.0 0.5 0.3 2.9 2.8 3.0.
Number ofnlns 3 20 2
As with heating rate, the effect of coal par- : Finallemperature: 850-1070 °C; mean particle diameler: 741Jlll; healing rale: ] 000 °C/s; residence lime: 2-] 0 s.
Finallemperalure: 900-1035 °C; no residence lime.
50 ticle size has been difficult to determine. 'locludes coal moislure (Iignile: 6.8%; biluminous: 1.4%); may include H1S.

40 . ' .~
Changes in particle size are usually accompa-
nied by changes in temperature and residence
d HC = Hydrocarbon.


~ -0
- 30
08 time. In entrained-flow systems, the calcu- 52

lated residence time is dependent on particle

> size. Obtaining identical temperature time his-
° t 50
]'~ 20 -0
QJ tories for a range of sizes is difficult; there- • QJ
~ .::: 48

fore, reports in the literature are conflicting. 45 Tolal yield of volatiles ~ ~

~ ~ 10 VI

As might be intuitively expected (see Sec- ~ VI 46

40 ~~

tion, larger particles give a lower A
Time. s _ yield of volatiles. Increase in char formation 200 400 600 800 1000
(due to tar cracking or polymerization) is not Mean particle diameter, I ! m _
Figure 5.148: Effect oftime on pyrolysis mass loss from compensated by increased yield of hydrocar-
a lignite (pressure: 101.3 kPa of He; fmal temperature (if Figure 5.151: Effect of particle size on pyrolysis mass
attained): 1000 ec; mean particle diameter: 70 I!ID). • bon gas (Figure 5.151 and Table 5.69). loss from a bituminous coal (pressure: 101.3 kPa of He; fi-
10' eC/s; () 3000 eC/s; 0 650 eC/s; f:::. 180 eC/s [653}. nal temperature: 1000 ec; heating rate: 650-750 eC/s;
residence time: 5-20 s) [653].
55 o 00

Heating Rate
The effect of heating rate on coal pyrolysis
.~ 50
~~ • 9
Coal Rank
I Coals over a wide range of rank can give
has often been misunderstood. If slow heating QJ

yields of pyrolysis products that are higher
(e.g, 10 eC/min in fixed-bed reactors) is com- VI
.!!! 45
than their standard content of volatile matter

~l H''''"'~
pared with rapid heating (e.g., 10000 °C/s in ~ (as determined by ASTM proximate analysis)
entrained-flow reactors), the latter usually VI' 40
VI (see Figures 5.145 and 5.146, Tables 5.65 and
gives a better yield. In most such comparisons, E
5.70). The most important result is the high tar
however, the heating rate is not the only vari- VI
VI 35 ~ I I
yield given by entrained-flow pyrolysis of bi-
able. A change from a fixed-bed reactor to an L'" 10.3 10.2 10.1 10 10 2 10 3 10~
0.1 1 10 10 2 10 3 10~ tuminous coal.
entrained-flow reactor involves a sharp de- Helium pressure, k P a _
Helium pressure. k P a _
crease in the density of the pyrolyzing me- Figure 5.150: Effect ofpressure on the yield and distribu·
dium, with important implications for Figure 5.149: Effect of pressure on pyrolysis mass loss tion of volatile products from a bituminous coal (final
secondary char-forming reactions. However, from a bituminous coal (fmal temperature: 1000 ec; mean tem~erature: 1000 ec; mean particle diameter: 74 I!ID;
particle diameter: 70 I!ID; residence time: 5-20 s). Nomi- heatmg rate: 1000 eC/s; residence time: 2-10 s) [653].
when the only change is an increased heating nal heating rate, eC/s: • 650-750; () 3000; 0 10 000.
rate (Table 5.67 and Figure 5.148), yield and ----- Proximate volatile matter (AS1M).
244 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 245

Table 5.69: Effect of particle size on product distribution from a bituminous coal (pressure: 101.3 kPa of He; fmal tem- reactors and the heating rate is far higher. Flu- high yield. Again, entrained-flow conditions
perature: 850--1070 DC; heating rate: 1000 DC/s; residence time: 3-10 s) [653].
idized-bed reactors are intermediate between reduce secondary reactions and increase over-
Yield, % (as received) these two types.
Product all yield. However, even under dilute condi-
53-88lUJ1 (average, 74 rom) < 300 lUJ1' 300--830 Ilm 830--900 lUJ1 When pyrolyzed, low-rank coal yields tions in entrained-flow reactors, high
CO 2.4 2.7 3.2 3.0 much less tar than bituminous coal. In part this temperature causes substantial cracking and
CO, 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 is due to the presence of high molecular mass gives gas as the principal volatile product.
H?D b 78 5.4 5.3 7.2
H:CH 1.0
2.5 2.9 3.0
. aromatic units in high-rank coal, which form
liquid rather than gaseous products. 'Another
'1.1 Kinetics
C 2H 4 0.83 1.0 1.3 factor is the presence of cations in low-rank
C2 H. 0.51 0.50 0.55 0.63 coal. Acid washing removes these cations and The practical importance of the kinetics of
C 3S 1.3 0.92 0.84 1.1
Other HC' gases 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.2
substantially increases the yield of volatiles the processes described in section
Light HC' liquids 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 (Figure 5.152). This is attributed to a higher depends on the reactor type [653,657,658]. In
Tar 23.00 24.2 21.3 18.4 tar yield and the elimination of char-forming fixed-bed reactors, such as coke ovens where
Char 53.0 57.1 56.5 55.8 reactions catalyzed by the highly dispersed the heating rate is ca. 100 DC/min or less, ki-
Total 97.2 99.7 96.7 96.8 cations (principally Ca 2+). netics are not important. The time required for
Error (loss) 2.8 0.3 3.3 3.2 complete pyrolysis is much less than the time
Nllmberofnms 20 1 2 3
required for heating to the final temperature,
• 830-990-~ sample ground 10 pass 297-~ sieve (50 mesh), o
50 which determines yield and product distribu-
b Includes coal moisture (1.4%); may include some H,S.
'HC =Hydrocarbon. tion.
Table 5.70: Effect of coal type on yields of gaseous pyrol- and liquid products (coke production is a On the other hand, residence time at pyrol-
ysis products [653]. notab I e exception). This is achieved by reduc- ysis temperatures is important in entrained-
Composition, % ing secondary char-forming reactions (crack- 0_ 30 flow reactors, such as pulverized-coal com-
Element/compound Subbitu- Bitu- ing and polymerization) of high molecular '"o
oil bustors and s·ome modem pyrolysis reactors,
Lignite which are increasingly important.
minous minous mass products. '" 20
Coal analysis (as received) '"
A simple kinetic treatment for determining
Cracking and polymerization can occur L
C' 71.2 73.5 77.7
within and between the coal particles. These 10 the rate constants that define the size of a reac-
H' 4.6 5.8 5.5 tor or reaction zone is to assume first-order de-
N' 1.1 1.2 1.5 reactions are usually subject to surface cata-
o composition of the volatile matter in the coal:
S' 1.3 0.81 6.1 lytic effects and to the nature of the medium to
0', by difference 21.8 18.7 9.2 o
which the primary products are exposed [654]. 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
H,O 6.8 34.7 Residence time, s _ dV = k(V' - V) (37)
ASh, dry 10.6 9.1 11.5 Volatile material can be driven from the in- dt
VM' 44.3 11.5 terior of a coal particle by increasing the inter- Figure 5.152: Effect of cations on pyrolysis mass loss
from a lignite (pressure: 101.3 kPa ofN2 ; final tempera- where k = late constant (S-I), V = fraction of
Product analysis' nal pressure or by reducing the external ture: 900 00, mean particle diameter: 70 Ilm; heating rate: volatiles evolved at time t, and V' = total
CO 8.5 5.8 2.8 (ambient) pressure. High pressure gradients 104 °C/s). 0 Acid-washed; 0 As received [6551.
CO? 10.10 11.3 1.4
amount of volatiles in the coal.
H,D 11.6 7.4
accelerate volatilization, thus reducing resi- Various options are available when select- The magnitude of the effect of coal rank is
H: 0.60 1.1 1.2 dence time within the particle, which de- ing the operating conditions of a pyrolysis re- debatable. In one report the kinetics ofpyroly-
N; creases the probability of secondary reactions actor [656]. Residence times of 0.1 s or less sis were found to be insensitive to changes in
CH4 1.6 4.8 2.9 and char formation. This explains the effect of
C 2H4 0.67 0.24 0.95 are attainable only in entrained-flow reactors; rank from lignite to bituminous coal [657]. A
C 2H. 0.24 0.89 0.58 external pressure (shown in Figure 5.149) and at the other extreme, residence times of possible eX1Jlanation for this observation is
C3HB 0.17 0.47 1.5 b of high heating rates, which result in rapid 100 000 s or more are practical only in fixed- that rapid pyrolysis rates are not determined
Total 33.5 24.6 18.7 heat transfer and a high rate of thermal decom- bed reactors. At low temperature (ca. 525°C), by the chemical process of bond rupture, but
•Dry, ash-free. position. This higher rate offormation of vola- the total yield of volatiles is low because ther- by the physical processes of heat or mass
b Includes C,H•. tiles increases the internal pressure and mal decomposition is incomplete. Entrained- transfer.
reduces char formation. flow conditions minimize secondary reac- The modeling of the complex pyrolysis
Mechanism Minimizing interparticle secondary reac- tions and give the highest overall yield. Fur- process by a single first-order reaction is an
tions also is important for a maximum yield of thermore, high molecular mass products are oversimplification. Many alternative kinetic
The objective of most coal pyrolysis pro- volatiles. This is achieved by minimizing par- stable at low temperature, and the product dis- schemes, proposed to represent more closely
cesses, whether fuels or chemicals are being ticle loading. In entrained-flow reactors, parti- tribution favors liquids. At ca. 1000 DC, vola- the actual mechanism of coal pyrolysis, range
produced, is to maximize the yield of gaseous cle loading is far lower than in fixed-bed tilization is complete, with a correspondingly from 2 independent parallel reactions corre-
246 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurg)l Iron 247

sponding to the postulated 2 components in sion or time of pyrolysis. Limited experimen- To reduce char formation and increase vol-
V' - V
coals [659], to 42 reactions of the postulated -y;- (41) tal evidence [665] suggests that k decreases atile yield, the coal is pyrolyzed in the pres-
with conversion because of an increase in the
14 different functional groups in coal [660].
A reasonable compromise, which incorpo- 1
- [
E (E-E2o )2] observed activation energy. This can be inter-
ence of hydrogen [666]. The effect is more
pronounced at higher hydrogen pressure, but
rates process complexity and is a mathemati- = aJ21t! exp -A!e-iITdt- 2a dE preted as the intuitively reasonable initial pre- is not observed if pyrolysis in an inert atmo-
cally adequate yet physically reasonable dominance of the rupture of relatively weak sphere is followed by exposure to hydrogen.
kinetic model [661], is based on a hierarchy of Equations (40) and (41) show that in addi- bonds in the coal structure. Coal can be converted completely to methane
bond energies in the coal structure (Figure tion to the temperature time history, four pa-
rameters are needed to correlate coal pyrolysis The main conclusion from this brief analy- in a few seconds at 950°C and 50 MPa of hy-
5.136). The pyrolysis is assumed to consist of sis is that some of the variation in ratl': con- drogen [667]. These effects are not fl.!lly un-
a large number, i, of independent chemical re- data. The total yield of volatiles, VI, should be
determined experimentally and is not neces- . stants can be attributed to the fact that the derstood, but seem to resemble the effect of
actions representing the rupture of various constants may not have been compared at the hydrogen in coal liquefaction, where external
bonds within the coal structure: sarily equal to the ASTM volatile matter con-
tent. same level of conversion. hydrogen stabilizes the free radicals formed
dt == k I (VI I - V)
(38) This model represents a significant im- For optimization of product distribution, by bond scission and inhibits char formation.
provement over the single first-order reaction having rate parameters for the total yield of Another possible role of hydrogen in hydropy-
where the symbols are analogous to those of scheme. Curves drawn through the experi- volatiles and for individual compounds is de- rolysis is to attack the highly reactive, but
Equation (37), with the subscript i denoting a mental points in Figures 5.145 and 5.146 were sirable. The principal issue is the number of transient nascent carbon sites. Aromatic car-
particular reaction. The rate constants ki are obtained by using ~s model. reactions necessary to describe the pyrolysis. bon radicals are formed by cleavage of func-
assumed to be of Arrhenius form and to differ If, for simplicity and convenience, the sin- In particular, determination of tar evolution . tional groups. Hydrogen reacts with these
only in the values of their activation energies. gle first-order reaction model of coal pyrolysis rates is difficult because the rates are depen- active sites eventually forming methane, and,
The number of reactions is assumed to be is assumed, the treatment that in the past has dent on the transport properties of the experi- thus, the overall yield of volatiles is increased.
large enough to permit the activation energies been applied to complex continuous reaction mental system. In one report these rate
E i to be expressed as a continuous Gaussian mixtures [662] and more recently to model constants seem to correlate equally well the
distribution function coal liquefaction [663] should be used. It re- pyrolysis of lignite, subbituminous coal, and
sults in a temporal distribution of activation bituminous coal [657]. This means that pyrol- OJ

1 [ (E -Eo )2] energies rather than the spatial distribution ysis rates may be dependent only on the quatl- .~ 50
f(E) = a(27t)1I2 exp 2a2 just described. It considers coal to be com- OJ
tity of the various functional groups in the coal L

posed of constituents C j ; pyrolysis results in

with productsP p
and not on its origin or type. This conclusion,
if established as generally valid for chemically •. 40
Jf(E)dE = 1
rather than physically controlled pyrolysis '"'"a
LC/--7 LP/
processes, would simplify the design ofpyrol- e
where the pyrolysis of each constituent is a ysis reactors. '"'"
where Eo = mean activation energy and (j = first-order reaction: '"
L 30 .L---,...---r--"---~--r"---''''--
standard deviation. 10-· 10- 3 10- 2 10- 1 10
The term j(E)dE represents the fraction of dCI . Hydropyrolysis'
potential volatiles that have an activation en-
-dt" = k l (1)f(C I ) Pressure. MPa_

ergy between E and E + dE, Because Ci and Pi are not identifiable . Most coal conversion processes involve hy- Figure 5.153: Effect of helium and hydrogen pressure .on
chemical species, a grouping procedure is drogen transfer reactions; pyrolysis involves pyrolysis mass loss from a bituminous coal (fmaltemper-
ature: 1000 DC; mean particle diameter: 70 Jlrn; residence
dV' = f(E)dE (39) used: hydrogen redistribution. Free radicals formed
V' time: 5-20 s). 0 He (104 ·C/s); 0 He (3000 °C/s); • He
by bond rupture usually capture hydrogen at- (650-750 °C/s); /:;. H2 (750 °C/s) [653].
The total amount of volatiles remaining in LC/ = V 'oms (Figure 5.137). Under entrained-flow py-
the coal is obtained by combining the contri- rolysis conditions, the total yield of volatiles is The effects of hydrogen pressure on the
bution from each reaction, i.e., by integrating The first-order rate expression, analogous to . yield and distribution of pyrolysis products is
typically 20-40% higher than the ASTM vol-
Equation (38) over all values of E by using Equation (37), becomes [664]
atile content of the coal, i.e., at least 30-40% illustrated in Figures 5.153 and 5.154 (see also
Equation (39): of the product is a solid. The available hydro- Table 5.71). As discussed previously, an in-
- ~~ = k(T, V)f(V)
gen is used primarily to stabilize gaseous radi- crease in the pressure of an inert gas reduces
V' - V
-J [
J'( E) (E-E o
= 0 exp -A 0 -RT dt- 2a2
)2] dE (40) Thus, the first-order rate constant k is not cals, such as methyl or ethyl, leaving the the yield of volatiles. With hydrogen, how-
only a function of temperature, but also of the higher molecular mass radicals to polymerize ever, the yield first drops (Figure 5.153), and
or concentration of the volatiles, i.e., of conver- and form char. then increases with an increase in pressure.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 249

Table 5. 71: Yields from pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis of bituminous coal (fmal temperature: &50-1070 DC; mean particle products, are at various stages of precommer- vanced). The eady processes generally in-
diameter: 74 j.lI1l; heating rate: 1000 °C/s) [653]. cial development volved low-cost systems and were intended to
Yield, % (as received) Pyrolysis processes can be classified as produce solids (coke or char) rather than liq-
Product 0.1 MPa of He" 6.9 MPa of He" 6.9 MPa ofH,b early (Table 5.72) [668] or contemporary (ad- uids.
Bituminous' Lignite d Bituminous' Lignite d Bituminous' Lignite d

CO 2.4 9.4 2.5 9.0 7.1

1.2 9.5 1.7 10.6 1.3 &.5 Table 5.72: Early pyrolysis processes [66&].
H20 6.& 16.5 9.5 12.9 16.0 Pyrolysis process Final temp., °C Products Processes
CH4 2.&5 1.3 3.2 2.5 23.2 9.5
Low temperature 500-700 more coke, high tar yield Rexco (700°C), cylindrical vertical retorts; coalite
C2H4 0.& 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 (650°C), vertical tubes
C,H6 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.2 2.3 1.4
0.7 Medium temperature 700-900 more coke, high gas yield, Town gas (obsolete) and coke, phurnacite, using
C3H6 + C 3H8 1.3 0.7 domestic briquettes low-volatile steaming coal, pitch-bound briquettes
Other HC' gases 1.3 1.6 2.0 carbonized at &00 °C
Light HC' liquids 2.4 2.0 5.3
12 & High temperature 900-1050 hard, unreactive coke for foundry coke (900°C); blast furnace coke (950-
Tar 23 5.4 12 3 1050 DC)
metallurgical use
Char 53.0 56.0 62.4 59.& 40.2 4&.5
Table 5.73: Low-temperature batch processes [670].
b Hydropyrolysis. Process
'Residence time: 2-20 s. Brennstoff-
'Residence time: 3-10 s. Krupp-Lurgi Otto Weber Phurnacite Parker retort Rexco
'He =Hydrocarbon. Technik
Country Germany Germany Germany Germany United King- United King- United King-
icals) and less reactive volatiles. The latter es- (year) (l930s) (I 94Os) (1940s) (l940s) dom (19405) dom (l920s) dom (l920s)
cape unchanged, whereas the fonner are either
_ 24

quenched and escape, are cracked, or poly-

Objective char production lumpy char from
weakly coking
char and
gas produc-
char pro-
smokeless do-
mestic fuel
smokeless do-
mestic fuel
domestic fuel
coals tion
.~ 20
merize. Active char (or coke) contains active
u sites that react with H 2 to give ·methane. The Plants (year) Warme-Eickel Berlin-Neukol- South Wales Barnsley Nottingham,
... 16 (1943)' lin (1944) (1942) (1927), Bols- England

.. deactivated sites contribute little or nothing to
the overall volatile yield. The corresponding
over (1936) (1936)
~ 12 • Yields
kinetic expressions are given below [653]: Char 2.04 x 108 kg/a 0.75 kg/kg dry 0.7 kglkg coal
-0" 8 coal
Qj Pyrolysis: Tar 1.2x 106 kg fuel 0.1 Llkg dry coal- 0.06 kglkg coal 0.0& L!kg coal 0.0& LIkg
':;:" 4
... oilla coal
>-OL......,,<2:::=;::---.-=-...---.-....----,--...--r-- V' - V "+ V"~ = V "+ V" 1 1.9 x 106 kg
200 400 600 800 1000 -Dr 'K,+k 1 o r ' l + k1 Plkc motor fuel/a 142 Ukg dry 125 L!kg coal
Gas 105 Llkg coal coal . unknown
Temperature, 0(_
HydropYl'Olysis: Gas HV' (2.5-3) x IO' 26 000 kJ/m' 5200 kJ/m 3
Figure 5.154: Comparison of tar yields from pyrolysis kJ/m 3
and hydropyrolysis of a bituminous coal (mean particle Kc+k,PH vertical
V'=V"+V" +kP Reactor vertical fixed- vertical fixed- vertical vertical fixed- vertical fixed- vertical
diameter: 74 j.lI1l; heating rate: 1000°C/s). 0 0.1 MPa of 2
'Kc + k,P H + k1 3 Hz
Dr bed retort bed retort fixed-bed fixed-bed bed retort bed retort fixed-bed re-
He;. 6.9MPa ofHe;.6. 6.9 MPa ofH, [653]. 2
retort retort tort
Experimental evidence suggests that the The curves in Figure 5.153 were obtained Capacity 270 kg/d 1O~ kg bri- 3600 kg/d unknown II 340 kg/d 0.3 kglkg 50000 kg/d
principal effect of Hz is not in preventing sec- by using these expressions. quettes/d charge
ondary char-fonning reactions (Figure Heating indirect hot gas indirect hot gas indirect unknown indirect heating indirect radi- direct heat
recycling recycling heating by by recycling ant heat by bycombus-
5.154). The yield of tar under the experimental Pyrolysis Processes gas burned hot combustion combustion tion gas
conditions employed decreased under high in flues gas gas
hydrogen pressure. In this instance, the detri- Pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis give gas- Tempera- 560-620 DC 650°C 650 DC 650 a C
mental effect of a high external pressure over- eous, liquid, and solid products; a further hy- ture range
came the beneficial stabilizing effect of drogenation step may be required. Fixed-bed Residence 2-3 h 2-4h 4h 4.5 h 13.5 h
processes (low heating rate) give the highest time
hydrogen. In the case of a bituminous coal and
quality coke. They predominate commer- Current semicornmercial closed
a lignite, the overall yield enhancement was status plant still may be
due to an increase in methane production (see .cially and are often referred to as carboniza- . op erating in the
tion processes. Dilute-phase fluidized-bed and formerGDR b
Table 5.71).
On thermal decomposition, the pores of entrained-flow processes (high heating rate), •HV =heating value.
suitable for high yield of gaseous and liquid b GDR = German Democratic Republic.
coal particles are fIlled with reactive (e.g., rad-
250 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Iron

Table 5.74: Low-temperature continuous processes [670]. and flows, forming large masses of coke that process; was developed at a pilot plant near
Process stick to the retort walls. Golden, Colorado, with a capacity of 22.5 x
Coalite & Chemical Prod-
Lurgi-8pullgas Disco Kopper.; continuous verti- Two noteworthy low-temperature pyrolysis 103 kg/d.
ucts cal ovens
processes are the Disco and Coalite processes. Crushed dry coal is preheated in lift pipes
Country (year) United Kingdom (1950s) Gennany (1930s) United States (1930s) Gennany (1940s)
These were successful when most low-tem- with flue gas from a ball heater and is fed to a
Objective char, liquid fuels char, automotive fuels lump char char
perature processes failed [671,672]. rotating pyrolysis drum containing hot ce-
Plants (year) Bolsover, England (1952) Ofileben,Gennany,Japan Pittsburgh, PA Kattowitz (1945)
(1941), New Zealand ramic balls. Pyrolysis at ca. 500 DC produces
(1931), Lehigh, North char and hydrocarbon vapors. The char is sep-
Dakota (1940)
arated by a trammel screen and withdrawn.
Char 0.74 kglkg coal 0045 kglkg briquette 1.5 X 104 kg/d-retort
The balls are reheated and returned to the
Tar 0.06 IJkg coal 0.125 kglkg briquette 2.1 x 103 kg/d retort drum. Pyrolysis products are cooled and con-
Gas 111 lJkg coal l44lJkg briquette 0.32lJkgcoal densed to recover light gases and coal liquids.
GasHV' 26000kJ/m3 8380 kJ/m 3 1.8 x 104 kJ/m 3
Reactor Parker vertical retort continuous vertical retort continuous rotating
horizontal retort
continuous vertical retort High-Temperature Processes
Capacity 0.3 kg coal charge 2.7 X 103 kg briquettes/d lAx WSkgld 25000 kgld (Coke-Making)
Heating radiant heat supplied by direct contact with com- indirect heating by indirect and direct heating
combustion gas bustion gas circulating hot com- by passing hot gases alter- Coke Ovens
bustion gas through nately upward and down-
flues built in hearths ward through flues and High-temperature carbonization is em-
regenerators ' - - - - - - Product char ployed primarily to produce blast-furnace and
Temperature combustion chamber held 600-700 DC 550 DC 700 DC
range between 600 and 700 DC foundry cokes for use in iron and steel manu-
Residence time coal carbonized for 4 h 20h 1.5h 21 h/retort Air facture. The process is carried out in coke ov-
Current status in operation closed Figure 5.155: Lurgi-Ruhrgas proc~ss: a) Transport reac-
ens at ca. 900 DC.
tor and lift line; b) Coal preparation; c) Collecting bin; d) In the 16th century, coke was found to burn
•HV = healing value. Cyclone; e) Heat recovery; f) Mixer--carbonizer; g) Surge hotter and cleaner than coal [673]. The earliest
hopper; h) Cyclone; i) Condenser.
Contemporary processes, on the other Rising oil prices have reactivated interest in type of coke oven, the so-called beehive oven,
hand, have been designed to maximize pro- this process. was developed in the 1850s; its main charac-
Contemporary Processes
duction ofliquid by using conditions (e.g., di- teristic is that the heat necessary for coking is
The many low-temperature processes de- Lurgi-Ruhrgas Process. The Lurgi-Ruhr- produced by burning the volatile coal constitu-
lute phase, pressurized H 2, and rapid heating veloped in Europe can be classified as batch or
and quenching) that minimize secondary py- gas process (Figure 5.155) for the low-temper- ents within the oven [674, 675]. All the gas-
continuous, vertical or horizontal, and directly ature production of liquids from low-rank eous and liquid by-products are lost, together
rolysis reactions. This requires more expen- or indirectly heated (Tables 5.73 [670] and coals is currently in commercial use in Eu- with large amounts of heat.
sive equipment and severer operating 5.74).
conditions [656,669]. rope. Beehive ovens have persisted well into the
Retorts or by-product coke ovens were em- Crushed coal is rapidly heated in a mixer (f) 20th century with progressive improvements
ployed. Horizontal retorts (D retorts), 2.5-6 m to .450-600 DC by contact with recirculating in design and operation, such as heat recovery
Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Processes long, were usually grouped together to form a char particles that have been heated by partial systems and vertical flues to supply process
bank heated by flue gas, with manual loading oxidation in an entrained-flow reactor. The heat to the coking chamber.
Early Processes and unloading. Vertical retorts, both batch and gas from the mixer is freed of particulate mat- A parallel development during the 19th
continuous, were preferred in the United ter in a cyclone (h) and is passed through a se- century led to slot ovens. At fIrst, these were
Low-temperature pyrolysis (below simple rectangular firebrick structures holding
700 DC) was developed mainly to supply gas States and Europe because they permit gravity ries of condensers (i) to collect the liquid
loading and unloading [671]. products, the latter are hydrogenated to yield a layer of coal ca. 1 m deep; later they were
for public lighting and smokeless (devolatil- equipped with external heating flues [650]. In
stable products.
ized) solid fuel for horne use. By-product tars Rates of heat-transfer and carbonization
The char constitutes ca. 50 % of the prod- a further development, volatile by-products
were valuable as chemical feedstocks and were increased by using steel refractories as were collected and used as fuel.
could be converted to gasolines, heating oils, materials of construction. Internal heating was ucts, whereas liquid yield is ca. 18%; the re-
maining 32% is gas with a heating value of By the 1940s, the basic design of modern
and lubricants. Commercial low-temperature sometimes necessary to accelerate heat trans-
(26-31) x 106 Jlm 3. coke ovens had been developed. The ovens
coal pyrolysis was utilized extensively in Eu- fer by circulating hot gas. Only noricaking or
were ca. 12 ill long, 4 m high, and 0.5 m wide,
rope, but was almost abandoned after 1945 as weakly caking coals were used in continuous Toscoal Process. The Toscoal process, an ad- equipped with doors on both sides. The air
oil and natural gas became widely available. vertical retorts because caking coal softens aptation of the Toscoal II oil-shale retorting supply was preheated by the hot exit gas. The
Handbook o/Extractive Metallurgy Iron 253

recovery of the waste heat created higher tem- Coke Properties Coal blending improves coke properties • Coal tar pitch (solid residue), consisting of
peratures and increased coking rates [676]. and yield and permits the use of noncoking or a wide range of polycondensed aromatic
The properties of coke depend on the coal weakly coking coals [678]. Blending may also compounds; it can be used as a binder for
Since the 1940s, the process has been mecha- and the processing conditions employed. The prevent damage to ovens when high coking coal briquetting.
nized and the construction materials have been particle size, mineral matter, and moisture
pressure develops. By-"products that are obtained more cheaply
improved without significant design modifica- content, which can be controlled, affect the
tions. Current assemblies may contain up to 60 bulk density of the coal. Rank and maceral from petroleum are no longer recovered ex-
ovens as large as 14 m long and 6 m high: Be- composition determine the fluidity of the plas- By-Products haustively from coal tar.
cause of heat transfer considerations, widths tic phase formed at interm~diate temperatures. Carbonization by-products were important
have remained 0.3-0.6 m. Each oven in the Significant process conditions include the Formed-Coke Processes
in the development of the organic chemicals
battery holds up to 30t of coal and operates on wall temperature, coking time, and oven industry, but their use has greatly diminished
width; the heating rate and fmal temperature The preparation techniques and reactor
a 15-h cycle [677]. because of competition from petroleum-based
also affect coke structure. configurations employed by some of the cok-
The coking process illustrated in Figure products. The principal by-products are tar ing processes developed since the 1960s are
5.156. The coal is conveyed from storage bun- The coal is prepared for coking by washing, and coke-oven gas. Gas produced in the early
drying, sizing, preheating, briquetting, and different. Among these processes, the formed-
kers (a) to blending (b) and crushing (c) units, slot ovens was used for domestic heating. Coal coke ones have been the most successful (see
blending, with or without addition of pitch or tar can be processed by petroleum-refming
and then to the coke oven bunker (d). The ov- Table 5.75). The term "formed coke" is used
breeze (fine coke particles) [674]. Foreign techniques. High-temperature tar can be frac-
ens are loaded from a mobile larry car (e) lo- to describe cokes obtained by the carboniza-
matter is removed mechanically and particle tionally distilled; three oil cuts are taken and a
cated on top of the battery. Coking takes place size is adjusted. Preheating (up to ca. 600 QC) tion of briquettes of weakly coking or noncok-
in completely sealed ovens (f). The by-prod- . increases production by ca. 50% and reduces solid residue remains [596, 679]: ing coals. These processes provide the
uct vapors and gases are collected and sent to coking time without loss of quality [674]. • Light oil (bp < 200 Qq, composed primarily possibility of using weakly coking or noncok-.
recovery and processing units. of benzene, toluene, xylenes, and styrene. ing coals, of controlling coke size to improve
Briquetting, with or without binder, in-
blast furnace operation, and of continuous op-
After carbonization, the oven doors are creases the strength of the coke produced and • Middle oil (bp < 370 Qq, containing tar ac- eration in a contained system.
opened and the ram (g) pushes the red-hot permits noncoking or poorly coking coals to ids (phenols), tar bases (e.g., pyridine,
coke into a quenching car. The coke is trans- be used to make metallurgical coke. Cold bri- Blast furnace tests of these cokes have been
anilines, and quinolines), and neutral oils
ported to the quenching unit (h) and then quetting is performed below the softening successful. They are usually higher in mois-
(naphthalene). '
dumped on a sloping wharf (i) for cooling and point of the coal (ca. 400 Qq and hot briquet- ture, volatile matter, sulfur, and reactivity to
drying. The dry coke is transferred to the ting above the softening point (450-520 QC) • Heavy oil (bp < 550 QC), containing aro- carbon dioxide, and lower in abrasion resis-
screening and loading unit (j). [676]. matic compounds, such as anthracene, tance than conventional metallurgical cokes
phenanthrene, carbazole, and chrysene. [650].
Table 5.75: Formed-coke processes [650,676,680].
Process (country) Raw materials Process steps
FMC (USA) noncoking or coking coals and tar 1) Oxidation and carbonization of coal in fluidized beds
2) cold briquetting of char with tar
3) preheating and carbonization of briquettes
DKS (Japan) noncoking, coking coals and pitch I) cold briquetting of coal with pitch
2) carbonization of briquettes
HPNC (France) weakly coking, coking coals and I) cold briquetting of coal with pitch
pitch 2) carbonization of briquettes
BFL (Germany) high-volatile noncoking coals and I) carbonization of noncoking coal
coking coals or pitch 2) hot briquetting of char with coking coal or pitch
3) carbonization of briquettes
ANCIT (Germany) low-volatile noncoking coals and 1) flash heating oflow-volatile noncoking coal
coking coals 2) hot briquetting of char with coking coal
3) reheating of briquettes
Sapozhnikov (Russia) high-volatile weakly coking coals I) flash heating of coal
and low-volatile weakly coking 2) hot briquetting

high-volatile noncoking coals and
3) carbonization of briquettes
1) preheating of high-volatile coal
. Figure 5.156: Coke-making process [650]: a) Storage bunkers; b) Blending plant; c) Crusher, d) Service bunker, e) coking coals on pitch as binder 2) hot briquetting of char with binder
Charging car, f) Coke oven; g) Ram machine; h) Cooling tower, i) Cooling wharf; j) Coke screen. 3) carbonization of briquettes
254 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Iron 255

Environmental Aspects The Coal Oil Energy Development (COED) Low-temperature pyrolysis gases
process (Figure 5.157), is a part of the CO- Raw synthesis gas and pyrolysis vapors
Coking plants create environmental prob- GAS process for complete conversion of coal
lems like other large installations producing 275-350 DC 425-470 DC 535-650 DC
dusty materials and gaseous and liquid efflu-
ents [649]. Gas and volatile emissions may
to gases and liquids. The residual char from,
pyrolysis reacts with H2 0 and O2 in a fluid- I'"J-c,---....,----. Re(y de
ized-bed gasifier (g) to produce the hot syn- flue gas
arise from leaks. Coal and coke particulates thesis gas, a mixture of CO and H 2. The Wet (oal
may be discharged during loading and unload- synthesis gas serves as fluidizing and heat- feed Char
ing, and water used for quenching may be con- transfer medium in the pyrolysis reactors (p\- fines
taminated. P4)'
'---'""~ Air
Particulate, volatile, and gas emissions can The conditions in the gasifier do not permit
be reduced by using sheds or traveling hoods .complete conversion to gases. Part of the char
with dust and fume collectors [650]. Polluted that leaves is recycled to the pyrolysis section, steam Slag
' - - - - - - - - - - - , r - - - - - - . . . . J1 \ "'-------,.....---'
water must be treated in wastewater plants. In where it provides additional heat for the en-
Pyrolysis stages Gasifier Combustor
some plants, dry quenching is used instead of dothermic devolatilization. The entrained fine
water quenching, and the coke is cooled by particles and the remaining char are burned in Figure 5.157: COED pyrolysis process [656]. Pt-P. = Pyrolysis reactors; g = Fluidized-bed gasifier, c = Combustor.
gas or steam in a closed system. A further ad- a combustor (c). The hot flu~ gas is also recy- The complete internal utilization of the coal valuable products, as in the COGAS process.
vantage of this process is that energy can be cled to the pyrolysis section to provide more is a virtue of the COED/COGAS process. The Less reactive chars serve as fuel.
recovered via sensible heat and combustible heat. relatively low final pyrolysis temperature In the Occidental process (Figure 5.158)
gases. This brief description illustrates the princi- forms a char that is highly reactive and, thus, [681], the reactor operates at ca. 625°C; thus
suitable for gasification with steam. The re- maximizing production ofliquids. Heat is sup-
In addition to air pollution, machinery and pal technical issues involved in the evaluation sulting synthesis gas is a highly valuable and plied by mixing the coal with recirculated char
working conditions are hazardous. Plant loca- of pyrolysis processes: the type of contact be- versatile product that can be converted, for ex- that is made incandescent by partial combus-
tion and accident prevention require serious tween solids and fluids; the method of supply- ample, to a natural gas substitute by methana-
ing heat; and the amount and fate of the tion. The conditions for entrained flow require
consideration. tion.
residual char. In this context, several features particles smaller than 200 flm (tYpically 80%
of the COED process increase the production Entrained-flow reactors are favored by' a passing through a 60 mesh screen) and, thus,
Contemporary Hydropyrolysis and of liquids. The countercurrent flow of solids new generation of coal-conversion processes pulverization is necessary in contrast to fixed-
Pyrolysis Processes and gases (or vapors) and the increasing oper- for several reasons. Both fixed-bed and fluid- bed and fluidized-bed processes. The residual
ating temperatures in the various pyrolysis ized-bed reactors need auxiliary equipment to char is usually desulfurized for sale as
The three processes shown in Table 5.76 il- stages help to reduce cracking by avoiding avoid difficulties in processing of agglomerat- "smokeless" fuel.
lustrate the principles described in section subsequent exposure to higher temperatures. ing bituminous coal. The fusion of coal parti- r - - - - - - - Combustion gas Their main objective is production The relatively dilute medium in the fluidized cles during pyrolysis can block these reactors.
of liquid hydrocarbons, for which entrained- beds also helps to reduce the probability of In the COED process (Figure 5.157), for ex-
flow conditions are the most favorable. How- secondary interparticle reactions. ample, where bituminous coal is the preferred
ever, char or coke is'still the principal product The low final temperature favors produc- feedstock because of its potentially high liquid
in all three processes; its efficient use is one of tion of liquids. However, the heating rates are yield, one of the stages (P2) introduce~ ox-ygen Coal
. - - - - - Gas
the main issues in their economic analysis. relatively low and intraparticle secondary re- cross-links into the coal structure and subse-
The use of hydrogen in the Rockwell process actions may still occur. The use of internally quently reduces or eliminates thermoplastic-
reduces char production to some extent but as generated and recirculated hot gas and char to ity, thus preventing agglomeration.
discussed in Chapter, this is provide energy for devolatilization has the ad- a
High throughputs are possible in entrained-
achieved primarily by increasing the yield of vantage of efficiency but it introduces a degree flow reactors. The very dilute medium reduces
gas, not liquids. of complexity. the probability of particle agglomeration. Fur-
Table 5.76: Characteristics of selected pyrolysis processes [656]. thermore, rapid heating and a short residence
Yield, % (dry)
time sharply reduce the importance of the Air
Process Reactors Temperature, DC Pressure, MPa plastic phase of pyrolysis of bituminous coals. Char prodllct
Coke Tar and oil Gas H2O
COED fluidized-bed 290-565 0.12-0.19 62 21 14 3 Finally, these conditions maximize the Figure 5.158: Occidental pyrolysis process [681]: a) Char
Occidental entrained-flow 610 0.3 56 35 7 2 yield of volatiles and favor production of burner, b) Cyclone; c) Reactor; d) Cyclone; e) Oil collec-
38 tion system; f) Liquid upgrading; g) Char desulfurization
Rockwell entrained-flow 845 3.5 46 16 chars that may be sufficiently reactive to" give plant.
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Iron 257

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268 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy

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677. A E. Williams, L. O. Smith, K. A Konig, K. A
Basciani, Iron Steel Eng. 60 (1983, May) 45. 6 Steel
672. G. S. Pound,J. Inst. Fuel 25 (1952)355.
673. M. O. Holwatey in R A Meyers (ed.): CoalHand- 678. N. Nakamura, Y. Togino, T. Adachi, Ironmaking
book, Marcel Dekker, New York 1981, Chapter 9. Steelmaking 5 (1978) no. 2, 49---60.
674. F. Denig in H. H. Lowry (ed): Chemistry ofCoal 679. T. F. Edgar: Coal Processing andPollution Control, DIETER SCHAUWINHOLD (§§ 6.1, 6.7.1); MANFRED TONCOURT (§ 6.2); ROLF STEFFEN (§ 6.3.1); DIETER JANKE (§ 6.3.2); KLAUS
Utilization, vol. 1, J. Wiley & Sons, New York 1945, GulfPubI. Co., Houston 1983, Chapter 6.
Chapter 24. SCHAFER (§§ 6.3.3--6.3.4); RUDOLF HAMMER t, HATTO JACOBI (§§; ROBERT HENTRlCH (§; LOTHAR
675. J. Speight in J. Falbe (ed.): The Chemistry and Tech- 680. W. Eisenhut in [569], Chapter 14. KUCHARClK (§; ROGER PANKERT (§§ 6.4---6.5); HANS HOUGARDY (§ 6.6.1); HANS-JORGEN GRABKE (§ 6.6.2); WlNFRIED
nology of Coal, Marcel Dekker, New York 1983, 681. P. W. Chang, K. Durai-Swamy, F,. W. Knell, Coal DAHL (§ 6.6.3); REINHARD WINKELGRUND (§ 6.7.2); VOLKER BROCKMANN, HElNZ-LoTHAR BONNAGEL (§ 6.8)
Chapter 12. Process. Techno!. 6 (1980) 20.
676. E. AhIand, G. Nashan, W. Peters, W. Weskamp in J. 6.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 270 6.5 Surface Coating 351
Falbe (ed.): Chemical Feedstocks from Coal, J. 682. C. L. Oberg, A Y. Falk, Coal Process. Techno!. 6
Wiley & Sons, New York 1982, pp. 12-77. (1980) 159. 6.2 History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 274 6.5.1 Introduction '. .' 351
6.2.1 From Prehistoric Times to the Middle 6.5.2 Hot-Dip Coating 351
Ages 274 Plant andProcesses 351 Native Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 274 Other Coating Processes 353 Ironfrom Ores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 274 6.5.3 Electrolytic Coating (Electroplating) 356 Teclmology ofIron Production . . .. 274 Plant andProcesses 356
6.2.2 From the Middle Ages to the 1800s. 275 Electroplating Cells ,357 BloomeryFurnaces ".. 275 Coating Types 359 Blast Furnaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 276 6.5.4 Vacuum Vapor Deposition. . . . . . .. 359 Metal Shaping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 277 Plant andProcesses 359
6.2.3 The Industrial Age. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 277 Further Developments. . . . . . . . . .. 360
6.2.3.) Pig Iron Production. . . . . . . . . . . .. 278 6.5.5 Coil Coating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..360 Steel Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 278 PlantandProcesses 360 RolledSteel Production. . . . . . . . .. 281 6:5.5.2 Coating Systems 361
6.5.6 Roll-Bonded Cladding. . . . . . . . . .. 362
6.3 Crude Steel Production 282 Principles 362
6.3.1 Raw Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 282 The Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 362 Hot Metal. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 284 Variations 362 Scrap........................ ~85
6.5.7 Summary 362 Sponge Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 286 Lime......................... 288 6.6 Uses , 363
6.3.2 Physical and Chemical Fundamentals 290 6.6.1 Introduction 363 ThennocJynamics............... 290 6.6.2 Chemical Properties. . . . . . . . . . . .. 363 Kinetics andMass Transfer. . . . . .. 299 Introduction 363
6.3.3 Production Processes. . . . . . . . . . .. 301 Unifonn Corrosion 364 Oxygen-Blowing Processes. . . . . .. 302 AtmosphericCorrosion 365 Electric Steel Process . . . . . . . . . .. 306 Passivation 365 Production ofStainless Steels ..... 310 6:6.2.5 Pitting Corrosion. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 366
6.3.4 Secondary Metallurgy. . . . . . . . . .. 312 Crevice Corrosion ' 366 Steel Treatment at Atmospheric IntergronularCorrosion ofStainless
Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 313 Steels 366 VacuumTreahlzent 316 Stress Corrosion Cracking 367
6.3.5 Casting and Solidification " 318 HydrogenAbsorption andHydrogen
Embritffement 367 Fun~entals 317 Oxidation ofIron 368 Ingot Casting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 323 Oxidation ofCarbon Steels and Con!inumzs Casting. . . . . . . . . . . .. 327 Low-Allay Steels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 368 Consumable Electrode Remelting High-TemperatureSteels 369
Processes 336 Effects ofChlorine in Oxidation. . .. 370 CastSteelandCastlron 338 Sulftdation ofIron andSteel. . . . . .. 370
6.4 FonIring 344 Carburization 370
6.4.1 Pickling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 344 6.6.2.I6Nitriding 371
6.4.2 Rolling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 345 Decarburization. Denitriding, and
6.4.3 Annealing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 347 HydrogenAl1ack " 372
6.4.4 Skin-Pass Rolling 348 6.6.3 Physical Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 372
6.4.5 Stainless Steels . . . . . . . . . .. 349 Pure Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 372
6.4.6 Future Developments. . . . . . . . . . .. 349 a-Iron SolidSolutions : .. 375
270 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 271 y-Iron SolidSolutions. ........... 376 Factors Influencing Recycling . .... 3&5 steel grades-more than 2500 are available to- A rapid increase in steel production also OtherEffects ofStructure ........ 376 6. 7.2.5 Economic and Logistic Aspects . ... 3&7 day-very good welding properties are impor- took place in some Latin American countries,
6.7 Environmental Protection......... 377 6.8 Economic Aspects ................ 3&& tant, and here steel has an advantage over continuing until the mid-l 980s. In many coun-
6.7.1 Environmental Aspects of Steel competing materials. tries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, new
Production and Processing........ 377 6.&.1 World Steel Production,
6.7.I.l Production ofSteel and Steel Consumption, and Tmde ......... 3&& Modern knowledge of controlling the mi- steel industries were built up, or existing ca-
Products ...................... 377 6.&.2 Steel Intensity and Weight Saving crostructure of steel, and hence its properties, pacity was increased. The developments in Steel Processing and Steel ill Use .. 3&0 in Steel ....................... 391
offer opportunities to match steel products to some Asian countries during the last 16 years
6.7.2 Steel Recycling ................ 3&1 6.&.3 Capital r"nvestment and Subsidies... 393 are remarkable (Table 6.1).. The Tradition ofSteel Recycling . .. 3&1 new sets of requirements [2]. Types ofScrap ................. 3&1
6.&.4 Future Prospects ................ 395 The relationship between total economic
Unlike brick or concrete buildings~ steel Scrap Processing ............... 3&4 6.9 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 development and steel production can be seen
structures can be dismantled relatively easily. clearly from these figures. Figure 6.1 also
Furthermore, almost 100% of the steel can be shows that world production of crude steel has
recovered from steel-containing products and stagnated since the mid-l 970s, apart from the
can be remelted to yield steels of similar or
6.1 Introduction ponent can be adjusted by means of the chemi-
higher quality. In this respect, iron and steel
usual market fluctuations. A sharp rise in
cal composition, the forming conditions and a crude steel production in countries with rap-
Nowadays the term steel is understood to wide variety of possible heat treatments. The are superior to all competitive materials. idly increasing industrialization contrasts with
include not only all forgeable iron-based ma- attainable tensile strength ranges from ca. 300 The great importance of steel in the world's zero or even negative growth in steel produc-
terials, but also all highly alloyed metallic ma- N/rnrn 2 for deep-drawing sheet steel (e.g., for economy is also exemplified by production tion in countries that are already highly indus-
terials in which the element iron is an automotive body parts that are difficult to figures. In the early 1900s, total world produc- trialized (e.g., the United States). Several
important component, but which are not nec- draw) to > 2000 N/rnrn 2 for critical compo- tion of steel was less than 35 x 10 6 t1a. In 1940 reasons can be suggested:
essarily forgeable. With few exceptions, the nents in aircraft. Tensile strengths as high as it was 140 x 106 t/a. The figures for the period Table 6.1: Development of crude steel production in
carbon content is < 2%. 2600 N/rnrn 2 are achieved in 0.15 mm diame- after 1950 (Figure 6.1) indicate a surprisingly Asian countries (Source: International Iron and Steel In-
For over 3000 years, steel has made a major ter drawn wire for steel cord used in radial large growth in world crude steel production stitute).
contribution to human development, e.g., in tires. after World War II. Up to the mid-1970s, this Production, loJ t/a
tools for cultivating the soil and processing Cryogenic steels with high strength and was mostly due to those developed countries Country
1975 1985 1991
stone and almost all other materials, as a con- good toughness at very low temperatures are with the greatest rate of economic growth,
struction material for steel and reinforced con- used for the transport and storage of liquefied China 23903 46700 70400
such as Japan, the six founding countries of South Korea 1994 13 539 26000
crete structures, in transport technology, for gases at temperatures of < -200°C. Other the European Community, and also the Soviet Taiwan 680 5088 II 000
the generation and distribution of energy, for steels with good properties at temperatures of Union. In the United States, growth had al- India 7991 II 140 17100
the fabrication of machinery and equipment 650-700°C and above are used in power sta- ready ceased by the mid-l 960s due to market
(including equipment for the manufacture of tion equipment and gas turbines. saturation. The steel consumption of a country is deter-
plastics), in the household, and in medicine. It Highly developed soft magnetic steels are mined by the "specific market demand", i.e.,
remains, for the foreseeable future, by far the essential in the construction of transformers. production plus imports minus exports of steel
most important material for the maintenance Steel is also used to make permanent magnets. product s expressed in kilograms crude steel
and improvement of our quality of life. Nonmagnetizable steels have also been devel- 800 per capita. In industrialized countries, this
The outstanding importance of steel is the oped for use in electrical technology, ship- 700 reaches saturation at ca. 600 ± 100 kg, which
result of its ready availability and its versatil-
ity. The earth's crust contains ca. 5% iron,
building, and physics research. Wear-resistant
steels are used in rock-crushing machines and
~f 500
can only be exceeded in special circum-
stances. If there are sections of industry with
making it the fourth most abundant element in industrial stirring equipment. Machine 1= 400 extremely high steel consumption (shipbuild-
after o}<,:ygen (46%), silicon (28%), and alumi- tools, used for metal cutting, require steels of 2300 ing or automotive industries), and if these are
num (8%). Rich deposits of iron ores are the highest possible hardness to endow stabil- 111
strongly export oriented, a value of > 700 kg
available in many parts of the world. More- ity to the cutting edge. Other steels with very per capita can be reached because the exported
over, the free energy required to isolate iron good machinability have been developed and finished products do not remain in that coun-
from its oxidic ores is less than half of that re- are used for the economic manufacture of try. Figure 6.2 shows that the saturation value
quired for aluminum [1]. The versatility of complex turned parts, or for mass production of 600 kg was reached as early as 1950 in the
steel is due to the polymorphism of the iron on high-speed automated equipment. Chemi- 100 '---------'----------'-----'------'--- United States. Other industrialized countries
crystal and its ability to alloy with other ele': cally resistant steels are essential in the chemi- 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 reached this figure in the 1970s, and this re-
ments, forming solid solutions or compounds. cal and foods industries, as well as in duced the growth of steel production. Also,
The microstructure of steel in a finished com- household equipment. For the majority of Figure 6.1: World crude steel production 1950--1991. the expansion of the steel industry in countries
272 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 273

which had been importing rolled steel made it wide. By 1991, the proportion of continuously through weight reduction. Consequently, there which underwent a threefold increase to 9 x
impossible for steel exports from the industri- cast steel reached 67 % worldwide. This pro- is a decrease in the amount of steel used, in ad- 106 t, accounted for barely 1.2% of total pro-
alized countries to grow. Extrapolation of the cess gives an increase in yield of ca. 12-15% dition to that achieved with the replacement of duction. In modern industrialized countries,
Figure 6.2 into the 1980s is problematical be- of crude steel for rolled steel products, com- steel by competing materials such as alumi- 60-70% of rolled steel production consists of
cause the figure "kilogram crude steel per cap~ pared with ingot casting. Hence, up to 15% num or plastics. flat products, mainly hot- and cold-rolled strip
ita" is now no longer comparable with figures less crude steel is required to produce the same When assessing the technological and eco- and sheet, coated sheet, tinplate and electric
up to ca. 1975 due to technical developments amount of rolled steel product for the steel nomic significance of steel, it is interesting to sheet, all with thicknesses in the range of
(described below) in rolled steel products. processing industry. Other improvements in examine the different finished steel products 0.15-3 mm. The production of cold-rolled
1000 yield productivity in steel plants and in steel- and how their share of the total production of stainless steel strip has increased sharply dur-
rolled steel has changed over the years.'There ing the last 25 years, as shown in Figure 6.4.
consuming industries also reduced the con-
sumption of crude steel without jeopardizing are two groups: "long products" (i.e., beams, There is intensive world trade in products
the use of steel for a particular end product. steel shapes, steel bars, railway-track material, of the steel industry, especially among major


Table 6.2 lists all countries with a crude
steel output of more than 106 t/a during 1991
piling sections, and wire rod) and "flat prod-
ucts" (i.e., plates, sheets, strip-steel and uni-
steel producing countries. Only in a few cases
does this involve special products or special
... versal-plate). steel grades, for which some producers have a
Co and 1992 and gives the percentage of continu-
ously cast steel. leading position. International competition is

~l ~J

VI In 1978, however, for the countries repre- severe, and producers must offer consistently
." sented in Figure 6.2, the percentages of con- . high-quality products. The large producers
40 I...--L.._L-----L_-'-------L_-'--------L---J tinuously cast steel were: ~ ~ ·0 have therefore built up comprehensive quality
_~ 6 ~
1950 54 5B 62 66 70 74 7B 19B2 o u assurance systems over many years, .conform-
Year- Former Soviet Union 9.5% <: .s 4 <:-
ing to ISO Standard 9002 and local regula-
Japan 46.2% .2~ ~
Figure 6.2: Specific market demand for crude steel (pro- United States 15.2% ~ c. 2 ~ tions such as ASME in the United States,
duction + imports -exports) [1]: -'-=United States;- Germany 38.0% g. ~ ~%Z~~~2&ZZ63::::zz:Z:2Z:1.8 0 ~ Lloyds Register in the United Kingdom, and
- = Germany; ...•.. = Former Soviet Union;-= Japan;-
a:"t; 1B70 1900 1950 19BO Cl. TUV in Germany. The aim is to control all
Thelarge differences between the 1978 and Year- steps of the manufacturing process, and to use
Table 6.2: Countries with a crude steel output> 10 x 106 1991 figures, means that comparison of the Figure 6.3: World production of steel for railway-tqck
tla (1991 and 1992) with portion ofcontinuously cast steel statistical methods to ensure that the finished
shown (Source: International Iron and Steel Institute,
number of kilograms crude steel per capita is material lines. Solid line: total production ofrailway-track
product has the desired properties, dimen-
of questionable value. material; Hatched area: railway-track material as percent-
1992). age ofthe total world production of rolled steel. sional tolerances, and a defect-free surface
Portion of Below a continuously cast steel portion of finish. The intensive testing of finished prod-
Production, 4
continuously ca. 85-90% "kilograms crude steel per capita" ucts that was formerly carried out can then be
Country 10 6 tla
cast steel, %
is an indication of the state of modernization largely dispensed with, and replaced by the
1991 1992 1991 1992
of the steel industry of a country. Above this testing of random samples, the results of
Soviet Umon
132.8 116.8
109.6 98.1
95.4 range, the production program and the propor- t 3 which form part of the control loop.
United States
tion of steel products not produced by continu-
ous casting (e.g., steel castings, heavy
forgings) play an important part in crude steel

S'! 2
Such quality-assured production is a pre-
requisite for the direct processing of sheet
coils on automatic press lines without any in-
South Korea 26.0 28.0 96.4 96.8 o
Italy 25.1 24.9 95.1 96.1 production. Only countries with a crude steel ~ spection (even for exposed autobody parts).
Brazil 22.6 23.9 56.0 58.6 output in 1991· of max. 106 t/a (e.g., Switzer- :::l
." A further important aid to international.
France 18.4 18.0 95.0 95.2 land and New Zealand) produce 100% of their ...o
Cl. trade in steel is the existence of common stan-
India 17.1 18.1 14.3 steel by continuous casting.
United Kingdom 16.5 16.1 85.5 87.0
dard specifications and terms of delivery.
Canada 13.0 13.9 83.6 86.5 A further reason for the absence of the Ou..J..J..J....LI...L.L.J....L.LL..u..JUJ...L1...L.L-LL.J....L~ Specifications for steel products have been
Spain 12.9 12.3 91.8 93.2 usual growth in crude steel production in the 1960 1965 1970 1975 19BO 19B5 formulated by ISO over many years. However,
Czechoslovakia 12.1 ILl 17.0 21.9 1960s in the industrialized countries, must be 'Yeaf- these are often only the first steps toward har-
Belgium 11.3 10.3 92.2 93.9 attributed to the development of higher
Taiwan 94.9
Figure 6.4: Production of cold-rolled stainless steel strip monization of the various interpretations and
11.0 10.7 94.6 by western countries.
Poland 10.4 9.8 8.6 9.1 strength steel grades. In the last 15-20 years, technical possibilities. In Europe, sinc~ 1986,
these grades of steel have been increasingly In 1870 3 x 106 t of railway-track material EN Standards for all steel products and testing
From the second half of the 1960s, use of used by steel processors. Especially in the mo- accounted for 43 % of total world production methods have been compiled by the ECISS
the continuous casting process in steelworks tor vehicle industry, high-strength steels have of rolled steel products (Figure 6.3), while in (European Committee for Iron and Steel Stan-
increased, approaching 20% by 1975 world~ been used to improve constructional design i991 the output of railway-track material, dardization). These standards must be adopted
274 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 275

via CEN (Comite europeen de nOImalisation) Around 500 B.C., knowledge of iron winning tion of properties, such as toughness and hard- extensive trade in medieval Europe. The his-
into the national standards of all European na- spread through Asia Minor to North Africa, ness, e.g., in the production of Damascus torical development of iron and steel produc-
tions. They will certainly achieve importance parts of Asia, and all of Europe. steels. tion equipment, and the growth of total world
outside Europe, too. steel production, is summarized in Figure 6.6. Technology of Iron 6.2.2 From the Middle Ages to the
6.2 History Production 1800s Bloomery Furnaces
At first, the iron was smelted in a bloomery
6.2.1 From Prehistoric Times to fire, later in a bloomery hearth furnace, and In the 900s, technology was revolutionized In principle, bloomery furnaces were sim-
crucibles. The iron ore was charged with char- by the waterwheel, with far-reaching effects ply an increase in furnace size. They were up
the Middle Ages
coal, and later, according to the type of gangue on iron production. Water power became more to 6 m high, operated batchwise, and pr~duced
material, with other fluxes, into a hearth or the important than the availability of ore when a bloom up to 100 kg after ca. 15 h operation. Native Iron shaft of a furnace. The charcoal was burned by choosing the location for iron smelters. Thus, The earlier furnaces produced a bloom of only
Since the earliest times, humans have used a blast caused either by a natural draught (con- the preferred smelter location changed from 20 kg. Refining the blooms is a two-stage op-
iron, the second most abundant metal in the vection) or by hand- or foot-operated bellows. the mountains, with proximity to ore and eration: a metallurgical treatment in the refm-
earth after aluminum. It was first discovered in The rising combustion gases dry the materials wood, to the river valleys, with their availabil- ing furnace (slag removal, homogenization,
the form of the native element, which occurs (Figure 6.5), and reduce the ore at ca. 900- ity of flowing water. and, if necessary, decarburization); followed
only rarely as tellurian iron of volcanic origin, 1100 DC, forming a primary slag of wustite
(FeG). From the gangue, a molten liquid slag The blast produced by water-driven bel- by hammering into bars, and a mechanical
and mainly as meteoric iron. The Egyptians,
forms, from which, in a further reduction lows enabled larger furnaces to be operated. mixing operation in which bars of st~el ofvar-
Sumerians, Khatti, and Hittites must have had
knowledge of its origin, as they called it ore, stage, pure solid iron separates out, with for- These were originally bloomery furnaces, but ious qualities are hammered together, forming
or metal, from heaven. Meteoric iron can be mation of secondary slag. Since no apprecia- became flowing furnaces in the 1100s and a fairly uniform product. Bloomery furnaces,
identified from its high nickel content (ca. 5- ble carbonization of the iron takes place, it l200s. Water power was also used to operate like the small Corsican and Catalan forges that
25 %), and the typical Widmanstiitten struc- does not liquefy, even in the lower part of the tail hammers, lift hammers, etc. This develop- used the same principle, were still producing a
ture, formed on solidification. The oldest furnace (temperature ca. 1200-1300 DC). The ment took place almost simultaneously in the small fraction of the total production up to the
known examples of worked meteoric iron are product, the so-called bloom, consists of iron alpine regions, and in western and northern l800s. The production of steel by the direct
beads from Gerzeh (3500 B.C.) and a dagger with slag inclusions and residual charcoal. Europe, which is not surprising in view of the method is currently undergoing a renaissance.
from Ur(3000 B.C.). These were separated, and the blooms were re-
heated and forged into bars. Up to the late Burden: Furnace gas:
. Ore + charcoal + aditives N2 + CO + CO 2
Middle Ages iron, or rather steel, was ob- Iron from Ores
tained exclusively by this process directly Reduction Slag
Products reactions reactions Products
It is not known when, where, or how iron from the ore, except in China. As a result of
was first deliberately produced from its ores. It improved bellow technology, the furnace vol- Some unreaded Drying the raw
are and charcoal ma:erials
is often said that the technique of extracting ume grew. About 900 years ago, this develop- -----------..,
ment culminated in bloomery furnaces with Some prereduced Prereduction of I r---p,:;a7f7t;---
iron was developed from observations made are the are I I formation from
during copper extraction, and that the idea reached heights of 4 m, thanks to the wind I the ore
suggested itself simultaneously in many pressure from waterwheel-powered bellows.
- - - - - - - - - -..... L__ __J r------------
~edudion to IL __ / Secondary slag
formation with
Furnace slag
places with a long tradition of copper smelt- In addition to the technique of iron win- /rOl __ ....I Furnace wall slag
~ the furnace
ing. A geographical analysis can be carried out ning, knowledge of the properties of iron and .~ refractory
from linguistic similarities, archeological how to modify them also developed empiri- ~
- (and additivesI
--------- " ,-_. _... ~------------
finds, and documents. According to present cally and involved little understanding of Carburization ::c
cause and effect, even up to the l700s. It was
_. E"'--------

knowledge, iron was first smelted in eastern ::l

Iron blooms with Agglomeration u..
Asia Minor and northern Mesopotamia around recognized at an early stage that iron could be varying carbon of iron to form
2000-1500 B.C., and possibly also in the hardened by heating (with carburization) fol- content ~~~~ s--- -L _
plains north of the Caucasus. As the Chinese lowed by rapid cooling. As early as the 900s Furnace sows Melting out of the Final stag formation Flowing slag
were the first to produce a high-carbon, high- B.C. crucible furnaces were used for carburiz- hi~ carburized after separation (Bottom slag)
iron (Pig iron) from the reduction (Slag lump)
phosphorus (up to 7%) liquid castable iron, it ing iron in Gerar, Palestine. Moreover, the process
is conceivable that they also succeeded in win- technique of combining high- and low-carbon
ning iron from its ores at a very early date. steels was used to achieve a desired combina- Figure 6.5: Furnace reactions for the production of iron by the direct method in a bloomery furnace (after D. HORSThlANN).
276 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 277

1000 rope increased from 20 000-30 000 tJa (when rolls were large. At fIrst the rolls were made

-J.1~ ?~~
small blast furnaces were introduced in ca. by welding a hardenable steel sheet around the
1200 A.D.) to ca. 150000 tJa at the inception forged roll body. Later, cast iron rolls were
of coke-based metallurgy in the mid-1700s. used. A further development was the casting
a e of steel around a bar which was used as roll
800 t),.,

700 " Metal Shaping
up to the 1500s, iron was processed only
Rolling mills did not .yet replace hammer
forges, as their use was limited by the quality

by forging and drawing, but, as the indirect of the engineering and the availability of
c- method of iron production became ·wide- power.
~ spread, water-powered rolling mills came into

"~ use. However, production rates of the blast

Co furnace, the fInery fIre, and the hammer forge 6.2.3 The Industrial Age
were roughly comparable, and hot rolling was The 1700s saw the development of me-
'" unable to produce a product comparable to chanical power (steam engines), transport
~0 300 forged steel. Therefore, hot rolling was only (railways, bridges), and the increasing use of
3 occasionally used for the treatment of forged
200 machinery, all of which was made possible
material. Its most important application only by the almost complete replacement of
P emerged later in the so-called" iron-splitting
100 wood by steel as a construction material. The
Iifi;-- works, in which strips were produced from resulting enonnous increase in demand pro-
steel sheet (e.g., for nail production). These vided the impetus for the development of new
2000B.C. 16001700 1800 1850 19501970 2000 operations were common in almost all iron- methods for bulk steel production.
Year_ producing countries until the mid-1600s.
Iron and steel were produced exclusively
Figure 6.6: Development of steel production processes and forming, with a graph of annual steel production [13]: a) The range of rolled products increased dur- from charcoal up to the 1700s, but by the end
Hammer and anvil; b) Tail hammer; c) lWo-, three-, and four-high rolling stands; d) Open rolling mill; e) Steam hammer; ing the early 1700s. In Sweden, CHRlSTOPH
f) Forging press; g) Continuous rolling mill; h) Finery fire; i) Puddling furnace;j) Crucible furnace; k) Electric furnace; I) of the century, processes had been developed
Open hearth furnace; m) Bessemer converter (acid lining); n) Thomas converter (basic lining); 0) Oxygen steelmaking POUIEMS was able to produce rolled steel with that enabled charcoal to be replaced by coal.
converter; p) Finery fire; q) Bloom furnace; r) Charcoal blast furnace; s) Coke blast furnace; t) Cupola furnace; u) Elec- various profIles for knife blades and fIles. In These were coke-based metallurgy and the
tric shaft furnace; v) Low shaft furnace; w) Vacuum degassing; x) Continuous casting; y) Thin slab casting. England, JOHN HANBURY produced thin steel crucible steel and puddling process, supple-
sheet on a pillar rolling mill for tinplate manu- mented by the development of the hot rolling Blast Furnaces ably improved output. The furnaces could be facture. This type of equipment was being
charged without interrupting the process, and process. They" formed the basis for the eco-
used for the manufacture of steel sheet for nomic mass production of this universal con-
Together with the use of water power, the the liquid iron was directly cast into fmished steam boilers by 1764 at the latest. In the same
main revolution in iron smelting in Europe products (furnace plates" and cannon balls) or struction material, which satisfIed the broad
year, JOHN PAYNET obtained a patent for the requirements of the approaching industrial
was the discovery of the two-stage indirect bars for sale or captive processing in the fInery preforming of flat bar by grooved rolls, and
production of steel - the method still used to- shown. Here, the crushed pig iron was smelted era.
JOHN WESTWOOD was awarded a patent for cold
day. In the fIrst stage, liquid pig iron with a in the fmery hearth and decarburized under an rolling in 1783. In 1778, the Frenchman FLEUR During the preindustrial epoch, most of the
high carbon content is produced in the blast oxidizing slag. Steel blooms were formed described a four-stand rolling mill with closed improvements in steel production methods
furnace. In the second stage, this pig iron is from the molten metal as it thickened, and took place on the European mainland, but the
passes which he used for wire production. Pro-
decarburized and refmed to steel in a fInery these were then hammer forged into semifm- posals for continuous rolling were also pub- inventions that led to the industrial revolution
fIre. The improved air pressure and flow rate ished products. The furnace workers were able lished. were made in Britain. These are linked with
enabled furnace temperatures> 1200 °C to be in some degree to control the properties of the the following names:
Apart from the iron bearings, rollers, cut-
achieved. The furnace volume could be in- product, but their empirical knowledge was ting rings, and spacers, the rolling mills were • ABRAHAM DARBY 11 (1711-1763) who intro-
creased, leading to a longer dwell time for the mainly limited to processing certain types of constructed of wood. In the mid-1700s, gear duced the fIrst true coke-based blast furnace
burden as it passed down the furnace shaft. ore or pig iron. An example is Osemund iron, wheels and pillars were all of cast iron. Energy (1735) and the fIrst use of steam engines
This led to improved reduction of the iron ore which was ductile and, therefore, used for was supplied by one or two waterwheels, de- (1742) to steel production
(the yield increasing from 50 to > 85%), and wire production. Steel production and pro- pending on the size of the rolling mill. The up- ". BENJAlvlIN HUNTSMAN (1704-1776) - cruci-
carburization of ca. 2.5-5.0%. Tb.e lowering cessing centers were established in Austria, per and lower rolls were generally driven ble steel casting (1742)
of the melting point led to the production of France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, separately, but pinion stands were also used. • HENRY CORT (1740-1800) - development of
liquid pig iron for the fIrst time, and consider- Sweden, and Russia. Iron production in Eu- The mechanical and thermal stresses on the the puddling process (1783-1784)
H andbaak afExtractive Metallurgy Steel 279

first to operate a blast furnace fueled entirely duced almost 80 000 t steel in 1862. The last to give finished products (e.g., machine parts,
• JEAN BEAUMONT NEILSON (1792-1865) - hot
with coke in 1735. Coke-based metallurgy of these went out of production in 1951. This construction elements, household articles) or
air blast (1829)
• JAMES NASMYTI! (1808-1890) - steam ham- spread to the rest of the United Kingdom only cemented steel (blister steel), which was inho- was decarburized to forgeable steel. The steel
mers (1839), first installed at Creusot (1841) slowly at first (in 1750, 3 of 74 blast furnaces mogeneously surface-carburized and blis- produced by decarburizing coke pig iron
• HENRY BESSElviER (1813-1898) - acid air re- were coke based; in 1760, 14 of 78; in 1791, tered, was homogenized by hammering out tended to be brittle (owing to sulfur and phos-
fining process (1856-1860) 85 of 107). The real breakthrough came with (sometimes repeatedly) bundles of cemented phorus) compared with that produced from
• SIDNEY G. THOMAS (1850-1885) and PERCY the development of the puddling process for steel rods to form "shear steel". Although this charcoal pig iron. The low productivity of de-
C. GILCHRIST (1851-1935) - basic refining converting pig iron into steel, the production led to some equalization in material proper- carburization in open charcoal-fired fmery fire
process (1878) rate matching that of the iron~making process. ties, this steel met the increasing quali;ty re- became a problem, owing to the increasing
• WILHELM SIEMENS (1823-1892) and In mainland Europe, these new technologies quirements only to a limited extent.
were adopted in a dilatory fashion. The first rate of production of pig iron; steel producers
FRIEDRICH SIElviENS (1826-1904) -regenera- sought a more effective fining process that
tive heating (1861) coke-based blast furnaces were operated in
Important innovators in other countries in- France by CREUSOT in 1785, and in Germany Crucible Steel would operate with coal or coke. The break-
in Gleiwitz (1796). Whereas pig iron produc- through was achieved by HENRY CORT with his
clude: The first decisive step toward production of
tion in the u.K. was almost exclusively based patented method (1783-1784) for producing
• FABER DU FAUR (1786-1855) - blast heating nearly homogeneous and slag-free steel was
on coke in the early 1800s, Germany reached wrought steel - the puddling process. This
(1832) taken by BENJAMIN HUNTSMAN in 1740, with
this stage only at the end of the century. consisted of remelting the pig iron and fining
• PIERRE-EMILE MARTIN (1824-1915) - open the production of liquid steel by melting to-
From the early 1800s, coke-based metal- with the combustion gases from the coal- or
hearth process (1864) gether cement steel with added bar iron and
lurgy was accompanied by research and devel- coke-fired reverberatory furnace (Figure 6.7),
• RAINER DAELEN (1813-1887) - universal
opment, with increases in productivity and glass in refractory crucibles. The productivity
mill stand (1848) followed by mechanical slag removal and
profitability. Developments were mainly con- of this process was later increased by im-
• CHARLES MORGAN (1831-1911) - rolling welding together of the lumps of steel by
cerned with the design and size of blast fur- provements to the crucible material (graphite).
mill technology (from 1865) means of a steam hammer or squeezer to form
naces, including blast and power supplies, Crucible steel opened up completely new per-
• GEORGE BEDSON - continuous rolling mills blooms of very variable chemical analysis.
increasing the efficiency of energy utilization, spectives. The steel was both castable and
(1860) These were rolled in a rolling mill to form
and improving yield and quality through better forgeable. By pouring the contents of several
• R.:E:!NHARD MANNESMANN (1856-1922) and "crude" flat iron. To produce a homogeneous
understanding of the metallurgical processes, crucibles into one mold, ingots and castings of
MAX MANNESMANN (1857-1915) - rolling
enabling the control of the blast furnace pro- large mass were produced for the first time. As rolled steel, fagots of flats were placed to-
seamless tubes (1890)
cess to be improved, culminating in computer alloying was possible, steel developed into a gether, heated in a welding furnace, and
• PAUL HERoULT (1863-1914) electric arc fur-
control. This development can be demon- universal construction material. As this pro- rolled. This step could be carried out several
nace (1900) strated by data for selected blast furnaces (Ta-
These innovations were gradually intro- cess was more economical than the production times. The process met all requirements of the
ble 6.3). time, i.e., increase in productivity (tenfold),
duced into the most important iron-producing of shear steel, it spreads relatively rapidly.
countries, including the United Kingdom, Bel- replacement of charcoal by coal, and reduc-
gium, France, Germany, Austria, and the Steel Production tion of production costs. It spread relatively
United States, all of which made their own
Puddled Steel
After the invention of the pig iron furnace, rapidly into all iron-producing countries. In
contributions to the further development of forgeable and hardenable iron (steel) was pro- Pig iron from the small furnaces that later Germany, the first puddling plant was started
iron and steel technology. Historically, the last duced both from almost carbon-free wrought in the Rasselstein iron works in 1824. The last
developed into blast furnaces was cast, either
pioneering inventions are the basic oxygen iron and from highly carburized pig iron. directly or after remelting, in a cupola furnace puddling operation ceased in the 1940s.
steelmaking process, secondary metallurgy, Wrought iron, in the form of soft iron bar,
and continuous casting, which were developed was carburized to steels with a higher carbon Table 6.3: Development of blast furnaces.
in the 1940s and 1950s. content from the early 1600s (originally in Coke consumption per
Year and location Hearth area, m2 Iron output, tid
tonne iron, kg
1601 in Nuremberg by PAULUS HANNIBAL) by Pig Iron Production heating in carbon-containing powders with 1796 (Gleiwitz) 0.3 3500 1-2 (later 4)
1801":1815 (U.K.) 2500 5-7
The cradle of coke-based metallurgy was exclusion of air. This so-called cemented steel 1856 (Hasslingbausen) 3.6 1600 20-23
Coalbrookdale, where ABRAHAM DARBY I had a wide range of uses, e.g., for springs, 1880 (United States) 8.8 1510 120
(1678-1717), who had invented the process of knives, and files. In the I700s, the steel indus- 1901 (United States) 15.3 1000 464
try in Sheffield was founded on the use of this 1929 (Bruckhausen) 33.2 740 1100
casting iron in sand molds in 1707, probably 1993 (Schwelgern 2) 174.9 480' 10 600
began the production of pig iron using coke in process for the treatment of imported Swedish
iron bars. Here, 205 cementation furnaces pro- •Fuel consmnption.
1709. His son, ABRAHAM DARBY II, was the
280 Handbook o/Extractive Metallurgy Steel

Ingot Steel Germany, the fIrst Thomas steelwork was op-

erated in 1879. The last one was shut down
With time the puddling process also be- only very recently.
came unable to meet the increasing demand
Ingot steel production by air refming be-
for steel. In 1856, HENRY BESSEMER invented

came the most important steel production pro-
his autothermic air refming process, which
cess worldwide with the introduction of the
made it possible for the fIrst time in the history
basic o;.,,'ygen (LD, Linz-Donawitz) process
of iron production to convert pig iron directly
into liquid steel, increasing productivity by a in 1952.
factor of 70 (Figure 6.8). In the Bessemer pro-
cess, molten pig iron is blown with air from D
below in a tiltable converter. The molten metal
is decarburized by oxidation, which also re-
moves silicon and manganese. The heat liber-
ated causes the temperature to rise well above
the melting point. As the original lining of the
converter was acidic, only low-phosphorus
pig iron could be treated, and the use of the
process was therefore limited. This problem
was solved in 1878 by SIDNEY G. THOMAS and o
S 10 1S 20 2S 30 3S 40 m
.! I I I I I ! I
PERCY C. Gn.CHRlST by the use of basic dolo-
mite' as converter lining. Thus, phosphorus Figure 6.9: Ground plan ofrolling mill at Couillet (1835) [15]: a) Puddling furnace; b) Coal-fIred boiler; c) Welding fur-
naces; d) Waste heat boilers; e) Finishing drop; f) Workshops; g) Machine 1; h) Machine 2; i) Stores.
could be removed by means of a basic slag,
which later became an important fertilizer .0,= In parallel with the air-refIning processes,
the allothermic hearth process was also devel- Rolled Steel Production
(Thomas slag). The Thomas process v.:as
widely used, especially on the Europea~.m~m­ oped. In 1864, F. and W. SIEMENS together with
land, where the ores, e.g., minette (oolItIc Iron E. and P. MARTIN succeeded in melting pig Puddled Steel and Steam Power
FIgure 6.7: Puddling furnace with iron hearth and cast
ore), often have a high phosphorus content. In iron shell (1830) [14]. iron and steel scrap, using regenerative heat- Following the discovery of (l) the puddling
ing in a reverberatory furnace. The Siemens- process, which enabled iron to be converted to
Martin process at fIrst achieved great impor- the finished product by a rolling operation;
tance for the recovery of scrap. Later, pig iron and (2) the introduction of the steam engine,
was melted with iron ore, with or without the the technology of the rolling mill became an
addition of steel scrap. Until the breakthrough integral part of steel production.
achieved by the oxygen refining process, this Although this new technology was quickly
was the most important steel production pro- adopted and further developed in England,
cess, accounting for up to 60% of all steel pro- this only happened in a few places, owing to
duction. the high cost of steam engines. As early as
Mter the l850s, electrical energy became 1784, 1. Wn.KlNSON started the first steam-
available, and attempts were made to build driven rolling mill in his iron works in Brad-
electric hearth melting furnaces. The electric bury, and replaced the hammer forge by a
arc furnace developed by HERoULT was espe- blooming mill with self-adjusting rolls. This
was patented in 1792. There followed im-
cially successful, and was fIrst operated full-
provements in rolling equipment, by making it
scale in Germany in 1906. Although it was ini-
more powerful (the production of cast ma-
tially used for the production of special steels,
chine components of ever-increasing size,
it is now increasingly used only for steel melt-
and the development of techniques for gearing
ing, owing to the availability of cheap electric- and driving). This can be seen from the dimen-
ity, and the introduction of secondary sions of the rolls, which reached diameters of
Figure 6.8: Bessemer steel works with circular casting pit (Friedrich Krupp, Historical Archive, 1970). metallurgy.
300 mm and body widths of 1200 mm.
Handbook ofExtractive M etal/urgy Steel 283

On the basis of these new methods, En- FRITZ, in 1857, eliminated the need for revers- • Molten iron from blast furnaces (hot metal), The most important iron-bearing material is
gland's iron and steel industry occupied a ible rolls by designing and successfully oper- mainly used for steel production by the ba- hot metal. Of the total world crude steel pro-
leading position throughout the l800s. Conti- ating a three-high rolling stand for rail sic oxygen furnace (BOF) process duction of 770-720 t/a in the early 1990s, ca.
nental iron producers were able to adopt the production. In 1848, RAINER DAELEN built the • Scrap, sponge iron, and solidified blast-fur-· 60% was produced from hot metal obtained
new technology only later, sometimes only by first universal rolling stand, which found wide nace iron (pig iron), mainly used for melting by reducing iron ore, and ca. 40% from steel
industrial espionage or by the enticement of application, especially in the United States. steel in electric furnaces scrap. Steel scrap is of increasing importance
specialist personnel. The major economic in~ Using this equipment, finishing of I-beams Another important raw material is lime for as a raw material because of the lower primary
centive was the immense demand for railway was first achieved in 1866. In 1883,1. 1. SEA- slag formation. Alloying elements, such as energy· consumption and lower CO2 emis-
track. MAN and H. SACK separately applied for pat- chromium, nickel, molybdenum, titanium, va- sions, compared with the blast furnace--eon-
ents for universal rolling mills for rolling nadium, and niobium, and elements used as verter production route. Figure 6.10 Cdmpares.
The plan view (Figure. 6.9) of the' rolling deoxidizing agents (e.g., manganese, silicon, the total specific primary energy consumption
mills at Couillet(l835) shows the layout of a beams. Wire and rod steel products were
rolled in open rolling trains. The introduction and aluminum) are not discussed in detail per tonne of steel produced from ore with that
typical works of that time. The puddling and here. for steel produced from scrap [17].
rolling plants formed a single unit. The steam of mechanical loopers in 1877 led to a consid-
engines were at the heart of the ironworks. erable increase in performance. At the end of Table 6.4: Properties ofhot metal, sponge iron, and scrap [16].

They drove the puddling plant and rail mill, the l860s, G. BEDSON constructed the first Hot metal Sponge iron Scrap
the three-stand sheet mill, the six-stand bar continuous finishing train for wire, with 16 al- Raw materials poor to rich ores, low or ores with low gangue con- internal scrap
mill, a two-stand mill for rolling-cutting, and ternately horizontal and vertical rolling stands. high in phosphorus tent production scrap
an auxiliary plants. This works produced ca. This type of train was further developed, collected scrap

10 000 t rolled steel in 1840. mainly by C. MORGAN in the United States. In Availability almost unlimited limited to low gangue ores depends on steel consumption
1905, in Gary, Indiana, the first train operating or pellets and crude steel production
completely continuously from ingot to fm- Production and processing classification, sintering, classification or pelletiZing shears (cutting-buming)
Ingot Steel andMass Production ished product was commissioned. From the pelletizing shaft furnace
blast furnace rotary furnace
early l800s, a large number of proposals for retort
The further development of rolling mills the production of seamless tubes by rolling fluidized bed
took place against the background of the de-
were made. However, the breakthrough was Primary energy consumption 14 12 (shaft furnace) 0.6 (shredder)
veloping mass production of ingot steel. The (GIlt)
an invention by M. and R. MANNESMANN, in
first product became the cast steel ingot. De-
which a hollow body was produced by skew State of aggregation liquid solid solid
velopments took place particularly in drive
rolling (1886), with subsequent expansion to Storage and transport severelY,limited special techniques may be good
technology and the construction of specialized necessary (e.g., briquet-
form a seamless thin-walled tube in the Pilger
rolling stands and mills (and also auxiliary ting)
machinery and reheating furnaces which are step-by-step-type seamless tube rolling mill
(1890). The development of flat rolling aimed Type of furnace using this oxygen-blowing furnace electric furnace electric furnace
not considered in this article). The realization material (BOF) (as cooling agent in oxygen Siemens-Martin furnace
of reversible operation of rolling stands driven to increase the dimensions of strip and sheet, (electric furnace) furnace) (as cooling agent in oxygen
by steam engines was the trigger for the fur- the weight of charge, and productivity. The furnace)

. ther improvement of the driving machinery. In United States led the way, and the first contin- Price depends on production depends on production market price
the 1870s, hydraulic friction coupling for re- uous hot strip mill went into operation during costs costs, market price, or
agreed price
versible operation was successfully designed the 1920s. These mills constitute as important
a development for modem steel production as. Chemical properties
and constructed. However, almost 30 years of Composition constant constant variable
development were required before the prob- the oxygen steelmaking process, secondary
Unwanted elements sulfur none depends on process
lem of reversing the steam-driven rolling mill metallurgy, and continuous casting. phosphorus (depends on phosphorus (depends on ap-
engine was solved by CLEMENS KISSELBACH in application) plication)
1891. The use of electrical driving machinery, Type of gangue depends on ore
which began in 1900, increased, especially af-
6.3 Crude Steel Production Physical properties bulk material
liquid variable shredded scrap (in
ter the invention of the reversible electrically bulk)
driven rolling mill engine by lLGNER in 1902. Bulk density fluctuates around 1.2 tlmJ de-
6.3.1 Raw Materials pending on type ofscrap
The design and construction of rolling mills Thermal conductivity low high .
and plant was driven by the demand for mass The following iron-bearing materials are
production, with increasing throughput, size, used for crude steel production (Table 6.4)
and range of products. The American, JOHN [16]:
284 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel
285 Scrap Current proportions are ca. 50% from old

.-l2.:J- scrap, 15-20% from new scrap, and 30-35%
Steel scrap is traded worldwide [19]. It is from internally recycled scrap.
~ mainly melted in electric furnaces, but to a The quantity of scrap available worldwide
limited extent is also added as a cooling agent depends on the quantity of crude steel pro-
,.J!L. 18.5
to converters used in steel production by duced, although there is a time delay. Whereas
~ blowing processes. In 1992, C!J.. 350 X 106 t internally recycled and new scrap are immedi-
steel scrap was used worldwide for steel pro- ately returned to the system, an average of ca.
" '" duction, the specific scrap consumption being 70% of used steel products are returned as old
'" ...'"

~.g "'~ "'" ~'" ca. 445 kg per tonne of crude steel. Specific
" .. '"
,.,Cl. ='"O.c.'"'"
N .c.
.- '" scrap consumption differs widely between
scrap after ca. 20 years [19, 20]. On the basis
of this assumption, H. W. KREmzER has shown
. ""- >",
'" 0
Jij '"
countries, depending on the structure of the
steel industry [20, 21]. In Italy, where the pro-
how the total world supply of old scrap has
changed with time (Figure 6.14). In line with
Basic oxygen furnace steelmaking I Electric furnace steelmaking portion of electric steel production is 50%, the
(are-based") (scrap-based) steel production figures which increased
proportion of scrap used, ca. 650 kg per tonne steadily in former years, the availability of old
Figure 6.10: Comparison oftotal specific primary energy consumption for steel products made from ore and scrap [17]. of crude steel, is naturally larger than in Ger- scrap at first continues to increase, but then
* Including primary energy consumption for generating electricity in thermal power stations, and energy-intensive mate- many (ca. 380 kg/t), which has 21 % electric levels out after ca. 20 years.
rials (oxygen, steam, compressed air, cooling water, etc.); ** Including added scrap for cooling. steel production (Figure 6.11). OJ

Table 6.5: Characteristic compositions of grades. § 700

The total quantity of scrap handled on 2 '_ ,."'-'-.-._._._. ..!.~~L.-._._._
Type of pig iron C,% Si,% Mn,% P,% S,o/,.
world markets is ca. 50 X 106 tla. A survey of ~ 600 .--.~.~.~._._._._._._._._ United Shtes
the most important exporting and importing
countries is given in Table 6.6. The price of
~ t 500 _::..../~ \\.united KingdO~-'-'-'-'-'---'-
c~ '.
Foundry 3.5-4.2 1.80-2.50 0.70-1.00 0.50-0.70 0.03-0.06 .9: Luxembourg ,._"-"_"_"
scrap fluctuates widely, depending on supply -::i.Qj 400 ---__.. . ::.................. . ..
and demand. Figure 6.12 gives an example of ; ~ 300 .. ·F·;~~~~· .. ·~~~·~~...pa-n ""-"..-----------7-------- Hot Metal silicon). The chemical compositions of several the fluctuations in the price of a particular S~ Germany
grades of hot metal are listed in Table 6.5. grade of scrap in the Ruhr region. ~ b 200 L--CL-----'L----'_---'---'------'-_-'--_..J
Hot metal is produced by reduction of iron b~ 1970 1975 1980 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990
ore in a blast furnace. Modern furnaces pro- Low-phosphorus hot metal is important for Scrap is classified according to its origin: Vl 0 Year_
duce 5000-12000 tId. Immediate transfer of steelmaking. Typical temperatures for tapping internally recycled scrap; production scrap
Figure 6.11: Average specific scrap consumption for
the hot metal to the converter for refining to the blast furnace are 1350-1450 cC. Carbon from the steel processing industry, also known crude steel production in various countries [21].
crude steel requires the blast furnace and the content is typically high (4-4.5%), as is sulfur as new scrap; and collected scrap, also known 300
steelworks to be in close proximity. as old scrap.
content, these elements being picked up from
Iron ore is charged to the blast furnace in the coke and the injected coal. A pretreatment Internally Recycled Scrap. Improvements in
t 260
lump form or as agglomerated fine ore (sin- of the hot metal, e.g., with lime-magnesium the utilization of materials and technological
tered or pelletized), and reduced. Coke and in-
mixtures, reduces the sulfur content from ca. changes, e.g., the introduction of the strand
jected coal are used' as reducing agents, and
0.040% to < 0.010%. casting process, have steadily reduced the
these react with the hot air blast, liberating en-
Pig iron is also used to a limited extent as availability of internally recycled scrap in re-
ergy. The molten product, known as hot metal,
cent years (Figure 6.13) [22].
separates from the liquid slag. It can be pre- an iron-bearing material for steel production 1980 82 84 86 88 1990 92
treated before transfer to the steelworks, to re- involving melting; the hot metal, after tapping New and Old Scrap. To meet the require- Year-
duce the content of undesired accompanying from the blast furnace, is cooled in sand molds ments of steelworks, internally recyCled scrap Figure 6.12: Variations in scrap prices since 1978 [20].
elements such as sulfur, silicon, and phospho- to form pigs which can be used like scrap in is supplemented by the purchase of new and
rus. steel production. old scrap. To maintain steel production qual-
Various types of hot metal are produced, ity, the quality of these purchased materials is
depending on the composition of the ore fed to Hot metal is produced not only by the blast
controlled by lists of scrap grades. Criteria in-
the blast furnace (burden) and the method of furnace method, but also in coke-free pro-
clude the metallic iron content (e.g., > 92%),
furnace operation. They include low-phospho- cesses in smaller units by smelting reduction, the lump size, the bulk density (e.g., > 0.9
rus hot metal, (Thomas) hot metal (high in e.g., the Corex process, which produces 1000- tlm3 ), and the density of bundles (e.g., > 1.3
phosphorus), and foundry hot metal (high in 2000 tid [18]. tlm3 ).
286 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 287

Table 6.6: Balance of exports and imports for several quality products, e. g., thin steel strip, the cop- 900
countries in 1991 [21].
Export Import
balance, 106 t balance, 106 t
per content is normally < 0.01 %. Therefore,
when recycling scrap automobiles, copper-
containing components such as electric mo- ~
j 600
Internal scrap
:::-.-- ca. 88 x10 6 t

~ :.:::- New scrap

United States 8.28 tors and cables must be stripped out before 600 ca. 96 x 10 6 t
Germany 7.63"
scrapping. On the other hand, when zinc- ~
United Kingdom 3.12 OJ
> 500
European Community
coated car bodies are recycled, the zinc be-
comes concentrated in the steelworks dust,
and can be easily recycled, if the levels of zinc
300 20 years
.- .-.-.
Taiwan '"c: Old scrap
South Korea 3.49
in the dust are high enough (ca. > 20%). So
~ 200 Old scrap recovery ".". " ca. 272 x 106 I
Spain far, this has been achieved in electric steel- u ',......... 70%
Turkey 4.44 :::>
-c 100 _.- ...... Tolal recovery
italy 6.03 works owing to the high input of scrap [23]. e
a. 0
ca. 456 x 10 6 I
Developing countries 10.30 The zinc is recovered from the dust in nonfer- 60 90 2000 10
1950 60 70
'Data for 1992. rous metal smelting works. Year-
Figure 6.14: World crude steel production, with a forecast of old scrap availability up to 2015 [20].
Table 6.7 shows the maximum tolerable to-
400 Table 6.8: Processes for the direct reduction of iron ores. Figure 6.15 shows the growth of the capac-
tal content of Cu, Sn, Ni, Cr, and Mo for a
01975 Reduction by gases Reduction by solids ity and production rate of sponge iron [25]. In
e 1980 number of steel products, and some typical 6
o 01965 concentrations of these elements in the raw Shaft furnace: Rotary kiln: 1993, total production was 23.9 x 10 t while
c: 300
"-.~ited Slates 01967 materials pig iron, sponge iron, and five differ-
Midrex SURN capacity was ca. 35 x 10 6 t, i.e., production
o <31986 HyL III Krupp-Codir plants were only 68% utilized. A further in-
Uniled ""'"~
Kingdom '\.
~ 1989
ent types of scrap. Fluidized bed:
Rotary hearth furnace:
crease in world sponge iron capacity of at least
12 X 106 tJa is forecast for the year 2000.

-c ~
o ..
<i. So~iel
'\. "
~ 0

France Sponge Iron
Another solid raw material for the steel in-
Iron carbide

t 50
The sponge iron produced is mainly melted
in adjoining steelworks, so that amounts avail-
able on the world market are limited. Approxi-
0._ dustry is sponge iron, also known as DR! (di- i 40 ..../ mately 3.4 x 106 t sponge iron was exported in

'"'- -c
:;:; b 100
rect reduced iron). Because of its purity and Q.

~ g 30
~ Capacily .... "......
1992 [26]. However, there is an increasing
suitability for controlled feeding, it is becom- c: // trend toward the construction of "merchant
.~ .g- 20
c: .. Uniled Kingdom ing of increasing importance. .....,............ plants", e.g., in Malaysia and Venezuela.

1: E ~ ~ 10 ....../ These types of sponge iron could be of

Table 6.7: Residuals in steel and its raw materials [24]. c -c ,_-
lU~ OI:.Q'i.ac:l<:r::i:::l:i::...........J..l...w..........:L..w,-uO..L>............":I::w..:":':" great interest for reducing levels of unwanted
o L--'-10-2LO~3-'--0-4,.Lo----::5L..o-!'60~7=-=0-----=8':-0---:::90;----;:100 Cu+Sn+Ni+ Vl 0. 65 1970 80 85 90 95 2000 elements by replacing some of the scrap used
Cr+Mo,% Year---
Strand-cast steel, % - - - in the production of scrap-based, high-grade
Typical maximum residual limits of Figure 6.15: Growth of production capacity and produc- steel products, especially flat products pro-
Figure 6.13: Variations in the specific amount ofintemal carbon steels tion of sponge iron [25].
scrap produced in various industrialized countries as a
duced in minimills.
Tmplate for draw and iron cans 0.12
function ofthe percentage of strand casting [22]. Extra deep drawing quality sheet 0.14 Sponge iron is produced by reduction of Because trade in these materials has so far
Drawing quality and enameling steels 0.16 iron ore in the solid phase, by means of (1) re- been small, no lists of grades or general regu-
It is important that scrap should not intro- Commercial quality sheet 0.22 duction gas (obtained from natural gas with lations exist for sponge iron supplies, such as
duce unwanted elements into the steel, thereby Fine wire grades 0.25
Special bar quality 0.35
varying hydrogen and carbon monoxide con- apply to scrap. Important characteristics in-
impairing its quality. Pretreatment of the scrap Merchant bar quality 0.50 tent); or (2) coal. Of the direct reduction pro- clude the total iron content, the ratio of metal-
by size reduction and sorting, e.g., with the aid Typical residual content ofcharge ma- cesses listed in Table 6.8, the Midrex and HyL ·lic iron to total iron, the gangue content, and
of a shredder, is therefore very important. It is terials processes are the most important. Gas reduc- the carbon content. As all the gangue constitu-
Direct reduced iron 0.02 tion processes account for 92% of world ents repOrt to the sponge iron, ores low in
essential not to introduce elements that cannot
Pig iron 0.06 sponge iron production. Direct reduction pro- gangue, or specially produced pellets, are
be removed from the crude steel, or whose re- No.1 factory bundles 0.13 cesses are operated where cheap energy is used. Otherwise, additional energy must be
moval is costly, e.g., copper, nickel, molybde- Bushelling 0.13
No. 1 heavy melting 0.20 available (natural gas, coal), e.g., Mexico, used to melt the gangue when melting sponge
num, or tin. In some steel products, a copper Shredded auto 0.51 Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia, In- iron. The metallic iron/total iron ratio should,
content of 0.40% is tolerable, but in high- No.2 heavy melting 0.73 donesia, India, and South Africa. therefore, preferably be > 92 %. The carbon
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 289

content of sponge iron from the gas reduction tion behavior, typical of many types of sponge slag. Calcined (soft-burned) dolomitic lime- In electric steel production with scrap addi-
process is 1-2.5%, which is higher than the iron, can be characterized by determining the stone is also used in steel production. tion, the process in the 1970s was mainly to
typical value for sponge iron produced by the ignition temperature, the rusting behavior, and In steel production by top blowing with ox- add an oxidizing slag, and then to change to a
coal reduction process (0.1-0.2%). A high the evolution of hydrogen in a moist atmo- ygen, the hot metal composition is of the refming slag. Today, both low- and m,edium-
carbon content can help to reduce the con- sphere. Safety precautions must always be greatest significance when determining the alloyed steels are produced under one slag.
sumption of electrical energy for melting if the taken for the transport, loading, unloading, quantity oflime to be added for refining in the The oxidizing treatment is followed by a re-
carbon is burned with air or oxygen to fOlID and storage of sponge iron. Regulations and converter. The amount required to produce a duction phase by the slag. All the other metal-
carbon monoxide, which is post-combusted in other information relevant to transport by sea slag that is slightly supersaturated with respect lurgical operations have been moved to the
the melting plant. New developments in direct have been published by in~rance companies. to lime is illustrated in Figure 6.16, whi~h also later processing stages of the secondary metal-
reduction involve the production of iron car- The tendency to reoxidation can be reduced by shows the iron content of the slag. [29]. As lurgy. Specific lime consumption in s(eel pro-
bide, which should give a carbon content of> passivation of the sponge iron. The best well as decreasing the silicon and sulfur con- duction in the electric arc furnace is currently
5% of the DRI [27]. method of limiting transport hazards is bri- tent of hot metal, the changes brought about 35-40 kg/t. Soft-burned lime usually has lump
Table 6.9 gives typical figures for the com- quetting. by the introduction of the combined blowing size 10'-30 mm, and should have a sulfur con-
position of a Midrex sponge iron (gas reduc- process in the mid-l 980s had a further effect tent < 0.02%. With sponge iron instead of
Table 6.9: Chemical composition ofsponge iron [25].
tion in a shaft furnace) and an SLIRN sponge in reducing lime content [30, 31]. By bottom scrap, the amount of slag increases, because of
Midrex SURN blowing with an inert gas to give agitation dur- the silica introduced with the gangue materials
iron (solid state reduction with coal in a rotary
kiln). Table 6.10 gives typical figures for bulk Fe, % 91-93 90.4-93.7 ing oxygen blowing, the reactions approach in the sponge iron. The amount of lime added
Metallic Fe/total Fe, % 92-95 92-93 equilibrium much more closely, and hence a depends on the amount of Si02 that is to be re-
density, lump density, and porosity of sponge
SiO.,,% 2.0-3.5 2.4-5.8 better utilization of the slag is achieved. Fig- acted. The slag basicity (CaO/Si0 2) should be
iron produced from lump or pelletized ore, and
Al 26 3, % 0.5-1.5 1.8 ure 6.17 illustrates this trend toward a reduc- 1.5-2. . .
for briquetted sponge iron [16]. CaO,% 0.2-1.6 0.05--{).3
MgO, % 0.3-1.1 S 0.05 tion in specific. lime consumption, using Modem developments in secondary metal-
100 23 20
C,% 1.0-2.5 0.1--0.2 German BOF steelmaking as an example. Be- lurgy have led to new process steps in the op-
t 90
Table 6.10: Properties ofsponge iron [16].
tween 1970 and 1990, specific lime addition
was reduced from ca. 70 to ca. 45 kg per tonne
erations that take place between the
17 steelworks and the strand casting plant. Slags,
Bulk den- Lump Porosity,
of crude steel. which have become reactive contact phases,
14 Form srty',tlm3 densi~, %
E 70 g1cm are now at the heart of metallurgical research
.r:. 1.9
and development. As there are many aims of
10 Lumps
60 2-3.5 70-50 secondary metallurgy, the slags used can differ
Pellets 1.7
<: widely. Lime-containing slags mostly consist
5 50 Briquettes 2.5 4.5-6 35-15 of reactive CaO-'CaF 2-Al 20 3 mixtures for
~ 40 steel treatment in the ladle furnace, for inten-
0> ~ 601------'1,-------------1 sive blowing in the ladle, or as a basic cover-
-"" Lime OJ
<: ing slag. The compositions of desulfurizing
Lime is used as a reagent and slag former in slags are ca. 55--{'i0% CaO, 5-10% CaF 2 and
~ 20 steel production. It is the main constituent of OJ
c- AlP3' Typical lime addition rates are there-
'i5 the most metallurgically effective slags that O>
-"" fore, 10-15 kg/t. As well as the intensive stir-
~ 10
<II combine with the unwanted elements in the "j
ring process with synthetic slag, the injection
:.:::; oI_---.L,_ _,L:-~':----::-'L:---:!:':---::'-':----::'-:::':--;!' steel. . ~ 5 0 1 - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - 1 O.B of CaO-'CaF 2 mixtures at the rate of 3-5 kg/t
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O.B is common.
Silicon, % - Lime (CaO) is formed on calcination of .~ 0.7 t
limestOlie (CaCOJ at ca. 1000 cc. Depending '0
-c 0.6 Metallurgical lime must fulfill special re-
Fignre 6.16: Required rate of addition oflirne as a func-
tion of the silicon content of pig iron and iron content of on the calcination temperature, calcination '"
a quirements for utilization of waste slag from
+ 0.5 ;:t.
slag [29]. time, dwell time in the furnace, and type of gas the steelworks [32]. Steelworks slags, when
; U~
When transporting and storing porous flow through the furnace, various qualities of :.:::; used as hydratable components of building
sponge iron, attention must be paid to its ten- CaO can be produced, e.g., soft- or hard- 407-'=5--'-'--'-~19,....B....
0 ...........l-J'-B.L5--'-~....J-19..J..9...J0 '--' 0.3 materials, should contain only such levels of
dency to reoxidize exothermically, owing to burned lime [28]. The quality requirements of Year- lime and free magnesium oxide that volume
the large surface: volume ratio. The heat given the steel industry include high purity (94-97% stability can be absolutely guaranteed. For this
Figure 6.17: Variation in the specific consumption ofline
off can lead to ignition of the sponge iron and CaO), well-defined chemical composition, op- and the silicon content of low-phosphorus pig iron in an reason the relevant specifications limit the free
to a fire, e.g., during transport. This reoxida- timum grain size, and rapid dissolution in the oxygen steelmaking plant in Germany (1975-1990). lime content to < 7% or < 4%, according to
290 Handbook ofE:ctractive Metallurgy Steel 291

the intended use (volume of intergranular free (arbon, atom%_ ements on the activity coefficient of carbon is in the range 1530-1700 DC. Equation (2) cor-
space). . 10 15 20 25 shown in Figure 6.20 [36J. responds to the line BB' in Figure 6.21.
The interests of the steelworks and the slag The Fe-Q phase diagram is shown in Fig-
ure 6.21 [37]. The liquid region, in which mol- There have been many experimental deter-
users coincide with respect to lime [32]. The
ten iron is in equilibrium with molten iron(lI) minationsof oxygen activities in the system
steelworks require a readily soluble lime for
metallurgical reasons. The slag user has prob- u
t oxide, is relevant to the steelmaking process. Fe-Q and of the effect of other elements X in
lems with volume stability if the solid slag ° The solubility of oxygen in molten iron is lim- the system Fe-Q-X The temperature depen-
~. 1000
contains lime that failed to dissolve when it ~ ~
ited by the precipitation of molten FeD in the dence of is [36]: eg
was liquid. Therefore, reactive, soft-buI)1ed ro reaction:
~ BOO ~~.,...,.,......~_..;7~4.;,0·..c;[;.....~_~.......1
lime should be used for slag utilization rea- E 727°[ Fern + 0 ~ FeO(l) e~ = _ 1750 + 0.794 (3)
sons. ~600 T
The solubility of oxygen varies with tempera-
400 0"----L---'-2---L--4L----I- - - - I .-1.=t ture according to the equation [38]: The effect of various alloying elements and
6.3.2 Physical and Chemical 3 5 6 7
6320 other additives on the activity coefficient ~ at
(arbon, w t % - 10g[%Olmax = --'-+2.734 (2)
T 1600 DC is shown in Figure 6.22 [39].
Figure 6.18: Phase diagram for Fe-C alloys. Thermodynamics
Oxygen, atam"lo_
50 52 54 56 58 60
Metallic Systems Based on Iron 180 0 I I
In steelmaking, the most common accom- / liquid ~on. \ I' Uquid oxide+
liquid oxygw
panying elements in molten iron are C, Si, Mn, ;"00 liquid oxide UquitJ oxide

P, S, and the gaseous elements H and N. In the 52 \,IX

reactions that take place when oxygen is
oA J I \

~,. R'\y
Hagnetite. r
brought into contact with the molten materi- -6.0 oxygen
0 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 6.21: Phase diagram for Fe-
als, the concentrations of the unwanted ele- 8 6-~.n. li'l'jid olide'
Alloying element, w t % _ liquid .,ide 1 magneHte X Z 0[37].
ments in the ·iron are reduced to the levels
IT G ill lu
Figure 6.19: Effect of alloying elements on the solubility 140 0 T,oc O 2,%
required in the steel produced. The thermody- ~ Pea/Pea
of carbon in molten iron alloys [34]. N) vn
namic data for metallic systems based on iron, A 1536
such as solubility and activity, are of funda-
mental importance for the control of these re-

I --

H 1424 25.60 16.2
o~~~;;-_ _- - [ o .,; I-IrDn•
Hematite. I 1424 25.31 16.2
The state of carbon in Fe-C alloys can be ~

oxygen ...... J
N 1371 23.16 0.281
seen from the phase diagram (Figure 6.18) [r ~c. XII " L 911" 23.10 0.447
[33]. Carbon dissolves in both molten and ~
WusHte+ N 1371 22.91 0.282
~ 1000 magnetite
Q 560 23.26 1.05
solid iron. Its solubility in the latter varies ac-
cording to the crystal structure of the iron. Al-
]' -0.5
/ VI

1600 0 [
though carbon dissolves to only a very small o S 1424 27.64 16.2
extent in a.-Fe and B-Fe, its solubility in y-Fe V 1597 27.64'
-1.00 15 800 Y 1457 28.36 b
at 1153 DC is 2.1 %. The solid solution of y- 5 10

Alloying element, w t % - a-lron. Z 1457 30.04b
Fe-C is known as austenite. The solubility of wustite Z' 30.06
carbon in molten iron is given by the equation Figure 6.20: Effect of alloying elements on the activity IVa
[34,35]: . coefficient of carbon in molten iron alloys [361. •Value for pure iron.
600 I- 'Po, =0.1 MPa.
[%C1 mu = 1.30 x 2.57 x 1O-3 t (1)
The effect of other elements on the activity U
U '5.75 kPa.
of the carbon in molten iron can be repre- 1l..lrDn.. V
t = 1152-2000 °C sented by the interaction parameters e~ and magnetite
The solubility of carbon in molten iron is also e~. The value of e~ at 1600 DC is 0.14 [36]. I I
Fep· FePI I Fe.p3 z·
influenced by other elements present (Figure The activity of the carbon is only slightly de- o 0.4 22 24 26 28 30
Oxygen, w t " l o -
6.19) [34]. pendent on temperatur~. The effect of other el-
292 Handbook ofExtractiveMeta/lllrgy Steel 293

nitrogen during steelmaking is atmospheric and by the addition of materials such as lime.
0.2 air. Nitrogen is also absorbed during oxygen It is extremely important that the slag forms
blowing, the N 2 content of the 02 used being quickly, enabling the important reactions be-
1 o~PMn~::;
ca. 3%. tween metal and slag, e.g., desulfurization and
The solubility ofH and N in iron obeys the dephosphorization, to proceed until the re-
0.2 quired low levels of sulfur and phosphorus are
-0.2 Sievert square root law:
obtained in the fInished steel.
-0.4 [%H] = KH Jp(H 2 ) (4) 1
0.1 6 0.8
[%N] = KN Jp(N 2 ) (5) .5l 4 '0.6
-0.6 CJ..:_L_....L..:.:..:...:...:=:r:=~-::-------J 0
o 5 10 15 20 25 where p represents partial pressure. 0.4
Alloying element or additive, w t % - 2
The effect of temperature on solubility is -1 (o.Ni 0.2
Figure 6.22: Effects of alloying elements and other addi-
tives on the activity coefficient of oxygen in molten iron reflected in variations of the equilibrium con-
alloys at 1600 °C [39].
stants KH and KN . The solubility of hydrogen
and nitrogen.in pure iron at p'artial pressure 0.1 -2 1
W 0

~0.6 -0.2 ~
Fe(l) MFa (l"bar) is shown as a function oftempera-
o 2
25 ture in Figures 6.23 and 6.24 [40}. For hydro- 2 4 6 B 10
Alloying element, w t % _
12 14
0.4 t -0.4
gen. the solution process is endothermic over
the whole temperature range 400-1800°C. Figure 6.26: Effect of alloying elements on the activity
0.3 ~
o 0.25 o.s~ 1 -0.6
0. coefficient of hydrogen in molten iron alloys at ca. 0.2 1.02~0.l'
0. 15 Nitrogen dissolves exothermically in the "(- 1600 °C andp(H~ = 0.1 MPa [41].
OJ phase. o Al 0 ~

~ 10 0.20 0.1
The solubility of hydrogen and nitrogen is -1.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
:I: 5 changed by the presence of a third element, 0.18 Alloying element, w t % _
mainly by affecting the activity coefficient of
400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 lBOO
the dissolved gas (Figures 6.25--6.28) [41-43]. 0.044~0.16 Figure 6.28: Effect of alloying elements on the activity
coefficient ofnitrogen in molten iron alloys at ca. 1600 °C
Temperature, 0 [ _ 45
o 0.25 0.5
and p(N~ = 0.1 MPa [43].
0.14 r----.-.....J
Figure 6.23: Effect oftemperature on the solubility ofhy- .Calcium silicate slags are important in the
drogen in pure iron at 0.1 MPa [40]. 0.12
40 metallurgy of steelmaking when the raw mate-

0.05 rials have a low phosphorus content. The es-
Fe(1) ~ sential system is FeO-CaO-Si02 (Figure
1 0.04
3 0.08 6.29) [44}. In general, the total of these three

° 0.03 1 30
c> 0.06
components is> 80%, the remainder consist-
ing mainly of MnO, with smaller amounts of

~ 0.02
- ...

Z 0.04 (uSn
p205' MgO, Al 20 3, and Cr2 0 3. Figure 6.29
shows the solid phases in equilibrium with the
1= [o.Ni melt at various surfaces of the precipitate.
Z 0.01
Continuous lines separate the saturation sur-
a-Fe faces of individual solid phases from each
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Alloying element, w t % _ other, at which more than one phase is precipi-
Temperature, 0 [ _ 15 tated on COOling. The isotherms are shown as
Figure 6.27: Effect of alloying elements on the solubility
Figure 6.24: Effect of temperature on the solubility ofni- of nitrogen in molten iron alloys at ca. 1600 °C and p(N~ broken lines. For steelworks slags, the most
trogen in pure iron at 0.1 MPa [40]. =0.1 MPa [42]. important region includes the stability zones
Hydrogen and nitrogen can have adv:erse 14 of the liquid slags, dicalcium silicate, trical-
effects on the properties of solid and liquid Slag Systems cium silicate, and lime. An important isother-
metals. During the process of steelmaking, hy- mal diagram for steel manufacture is that at
Figure 6.25: Effect of alloying elements on the solubility
drogen from atmospheric moistUre usually en- of hydrogen in iron alloys at ca. 1600 °C and p(H 2 ) = 0.1 In the steelmaking process, slags are 1600 °C (Figure 6.30) [45], which shows lines
ters the steel. The most important source of MPa [41]. formed as products of the refIning reaction of equal FeO activity for the equilibrium with
294 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 295

metallic iron. In the area a~-d--e-f, the shortest possible time. However, the time
slags are liquid at 1600 DC. All other areas must be long enough to enable the slag to
consist of more than two phases. The activity form, the desired tapping temperature to be
ofFeO gives a measure of the tendency of the achieved, and phosphorus and sulfur to be re-
slag to oxidize, and from it the corresponding moved from the system until the desired levels
oh:ygen content of the melt can be deduced. are reached.
The FeO activity is also important in desulfur- Decarburization is achieved by the reac-
ization and dephosphorization. tion:

Metal-Slag Reactions C+o.,. co (6)

The CO bubbles promote homogenization of

Refming Reactions the melt, and the elements H and N dissolved
In the refining treatment of molten pig iron in the melt are picked up in the bubbles as they
to make steel, carbon is removed along with ascend. The equilibrium constant of the decar-
other elements, e.g., Si and Mn, by blowing burization reaction [47] is given by:
Figure 6.30: Phase diagram for CaD-FeO-Si02 with lines ofequal activity for FeO at 1600 °c [45].
the molten metal with oxygen. The thermody- 1160
namics of the reactions are independent of the 10gK = ' - - + 2.003 (7) 4.------------, amount of slag formed are mainly determined
process' used; differences between the various by the Si content.
processes affect only the kinetics of the indi- In practical decarburization processes, a sim- Manganese is removed at the beginning of
vidual reactions. Typical concentration plified expression for the equilibrium between t t the oxidation process, mostly in parallel with
changes in the steel melt during oxygen blow- C and 0 is used §~ ~
.!:! - 2
0.2 vi 0.1 ~
t silicon. Oxidation of manganese can be repre-
ing in a basic ox-ygen converter are shown in := QJ
~ sented by the equation:
[%C][o/oOl = 0.0025 P(CO) (8) VI VI
cu 0
Figure 6.31 [46]. The main aim is to reduce • c:
c: ItJ ..c:
0.. .2 [Mn] + [0] .,. (MnO) (11)
the carbon content to the desired value in the at 1600 DC. o C1
.c c: VI
L. ItJ ..c: Vl
~ E c- The equilibrium constant is given by
OL-....::..:...----=:"'--'----....:::l O aMaO 12590
o 10 10gK = 1og-- =- - - 5.53 (12)
Blowing time, m i n _ aMaaO T

Figure 6.31: Changes in melt composition during the Toward the end of the silicon oxidation, the in-
blow in a basic oxygen steelmaking converter (idealized) creased melt temperature leads to the reduc-
[46]. tion by carbon of the manganese oxide in the
Silicon is rapidly removed during the oxi- slag, according to the equation:
dation process, owing to its high affinity for (MnO) + [C] .,. [Mn] + co (13)
oxygen, and combines with the lime in the
slag; oxidation takes place by the reaction: However, at the end of the blow, the manga-
nese content decreases continuously, owing to
Si + 20 .,. Si02 (9) oxidation of the manganese, mainly by FeO in
The equilibrium constant for this reaction is: the slag:
aSiO. 30110 (FeO) + [Mn] .,. (MnO) + Fe(\) (14)
10gK = 1og-- = ---11.4 (10)
aSia;) T
The exothermic oxidation of silicon pro- The conditions in steelmaking processes fa-
vides a large proportion of the process heat.
vor dephosphorization of iron, which, takes
The oxidation product Si02, together with place by oxidation of phosphorus and combi-
FeO, forms the first slag. This reduces the nation with a basic slag. The reaction proceeds
melting point of the added lime to such an ex-
as follows:
tent that a reactive liquid slag can be formed.
Figure 6.29: Phase diagram for CaD-FeO-Si02 [44]. Therefore, the amount of CaO added and the 2[P] +5[0] +4(CaO)'" (4CaO'P20 j ) (15)
296 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 297

Slag composition: are particularly well satisfied at the start of the (02-) + [S] ~ (S2-) + 2[0]
HnO=6%; MgO=2"1o - - Oxygen concentration
process. - - - Oxygen activity (ao="IoO for
CaO + SiO z + PzOs + FeO n + MnO= 100"10 LlGo = 71 965 - 38T llmol (18)
In low.phosphorus pig iron, the type most . F!&..saturat~._ "IoX_O)
commonly produced today, the slag formed The most favorable thermodynamic condi-. ,6 Z0 3
58 48 38 28 during .steelmaking consists mainly of CaO, tions for slag desulfurization are: 0) high ba- "
Si0 2, and FeO", withP20s content ca. 1-2%. sicity of the slag; (2) low oxygen content in ~3
The phosphorus equilibrium in this type of the slag or melt; and (3) high temperature.
slag has been thorougWy investigated. In Fig- Figure 6.34 shows the partition of sulfur ~ 10-z

ure 6.32, lines of equal phosphorus distribu- between aluminum-containing steel and CaO- x
tion at 1600 °C are shown for the system A120rSi02-MnO slag containing 5%' MgO 'C

CaO--{Si02 + P20J--{FeOn + MnO), with 6% at 1625 °c [50]. Slags of this type are used for '"

10 20 30 40 SO 60 ~ 10-3
FeOn + MnO. % - MnO and 2% MgO. As expected, the lines are the desulfurization of steel in ladle metallurgy. on
approximately parallel to the lime saturation The sulfur in pig iron can also be removed by "
Figure 6.32: Lines of equal phosphorus distribution in the ZrOz "-
line. Na 2C0 3. The desulfurization reaction is: ............ lizO]......""
system CaO-{Si0 2 + P20~}-{FeOn + MnO) [48]. 10- 4 1...--.:::.........l...----l"""-----'-'>..----'
NazCOJ + [S] + 2[C] ~ (NazS) + 3C0(g) (19) 10- 3 10-z 10-1 10 0 10 1

10 or Dissolved deoxidizing element, w t % -
Unlike dephosphorization, desulfurization
10.1 is a reduction reaction. Since the oxidizing NazCOJ + [S] + lSi] ~ (NazS) + C0(g) + (SiO,) (20) Figure 6.35: Deoxidation equilibria in molten iron at
CeS 1600 °C [51].
conditions in the converter do not favor the re- The Na 2S formed can be oxidized by air:
10-z moval of sulfur from the melt, desulfurization
2(NazS) + 202(s) ~ 2S02(g) + 2(NazO) (21) (23)
is mainly carried out by treatment of the pig

t iron or of the metal in the ladle.
Desulfurization can be carried out by . 1I.--=.5~5--.....---,-...,-____ \ In practice, either the deoxidation constant
10-4 means of the precipitation reaction that occurs ;l75~ 20 '\ K' = a~ao or the solubility product K" =
when elements with a high affinity for sulfur .\0 'Co [%MJX[%O]Y is usually used. Small values of
'" 10-5 (as ~ 85 10 ~ ,
are added, either by taking up the sulfur into ~' ~ K' or K" correspond to high deoxidizing
the slag phase, or by transferring it into the gas cj> 95l-_""-_..JL_~_~~~"':'--"--""0 0-
power. The relative deoxidizing powers of
phase. o 10 20 30 40 various elements are shown in Figure 6.35
The affinity for sulfur of a desulfurizing Al z0 3 , w t % - [51]. The activities, or concentrations, of oxy-
10.7 L-_...L._...L._..l>..._.....l..._....l.._.....J
10-5 10- 4 10-3 10-z 10-1 10 0 10 1 agent is indicated by the solubility product of Figure 6.34: Sulfur partition coefficient L s between alu-
gen are plotted against those of the d~oxida­
ax,lIto/.- its sulfide in molten iron (Figure 6.33) [49], minum-containing steel (aAI = 0.07%) and CaG-A1 20 J- tion elements on a logarithmic scale. The three
the most stable of these being calcium sulfide. Si0 2-MgO slags containing 5% MgO at 1625 °C [50]. deoxidation elements most commonly used, in
p(Ca), M P a -
Although the alkaline earths and rare earths increasing order of effectiveness,. are Mn < Si
10-3 10-z 10-1 10 0 Deoxidation
I I 1 I I i
form relatively stable sulfides, their oxides are < Al. Aluminum is one of the most powerful
10-z 10-1 10 0 10 1 much more stable; the sulfides are formed deoxidation elements.
At the end of the refming process, there is a
plMgl. MPa_ only if the dissolved oxygen has been re- Deoxidation elements are often used in
considerable amount of oxygen dissolved in
moved. The most commonly used desulfuriz- the molten steel; this can be removed by add- combination; the advantage of this lies partly
Figure 6.33: Equilibria between sulfur and various metal- ing agents are added to the steel in the form of
lic elements in molten iron.[49]. ing elements with a sufficient a:ffmity for Q},:y- in lowering the thermodynamic activity of the
alloys (CaSi, CaC 2, CaAl, etc.), by special gen (precipitation deoxidation), or by slags oxides formed, owing to compound forma-
The equilibrium constant is given by: techniques. The desulfurization reaction can which take up an amount of oxygen from the tion, or dilution in the slag, and partly in the
be represented by the typical equation: melt corresponding approximately to the equi- formation of oxidic slags with lower melting
a4CaO.P 2 0, 61100
logK = log 4 2 5 =- - - 23.3 (16) CaC2(') + [S] ~ CaS(.) + 2[C] librium distribution (diffusion deoxidation). points, which separate more readily from the
aCaoa[PlarOI T
for which The reaction between oxygen and a metal steel melt, or can be shaped at the rolling tem-
This expression shows that the conditions for M in precipitation deoxidation can be repre- perature. Figure 6.36 is a graphical representa-
oxidative dephosphorization are: (1) oxidizing LlGo=-359 000 + 109.4T llmol (17)
sented by the equation: tion of deoxidation with Al-Si. Various
slag (high FeO activity); (2) high activity of Desulfurization by slag treatment is repre- deoxidation products (alumina, mullite, and
x[M] + y[O] ~ (M,Oy) (22)
lime in ~e slag; and (3) low temperature, as sented by the following equation, according to silicate) are formed, depending on the
reaction (5) is exothermic. These conditions the ionic theory for slags: The equilibrium constant is: [aA)]/[aSi] ratio.
298 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Steel 299

10.1 r - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , gen varies with pressure according to the step. If the overall process is considered, the
equation: mass flux density j is:
ao=O.0005 wt%
[%0] = K O ./P(02) f [II C_cfl
it is not feasible to remove oxygen simply by '-.I Phas'e I Phase IT . K
10.2 F--.:..:..:..;----------~ ] = I I I (25)
pressure reduction, as the required oxygen ~ [.11 j3; + k + K~n
partial pressure is less than that attainable in ~
'" I

vacuum vessels (10 Pa). However, it is possi- ~ [II Phase where Cr, ClI are concentrations in phases I
ble to use vacuum in conjunction with reaction U
o boundary
and II, K is the equilibrium constant of the het-
(6) in the melt between carbon and oxygen to erogeneous reaction, 13r, I3rr are mass transfer
form the gaseous deoxidation product CO. coefficients, and k is the reaction rate constant.
The equilibrium constant: o
Distance from phase boundary_ The equation:
K = p(eo) Figure 639: Schematic concentration profiles across a I I I I
acao phase boundary. - - -+-+- (26)
~U1t - ~I k K~n
explains the strong pressure dependence. Fig- Dissolved hydrogen and nitrogen can also
ure 6.38 shows the equilibrium between oxy- be removed without vacuum degassing by defines the overall mass transfer coefficient
gen and carbon as a function of p(CO) [3.37]. bubbling an inert gas through the melt. As the. ~tot. Therefore, from Equation (25):
A decrease inp(CO) leads to simultaneous de- partial pressures of the hydrogen and nitrogen
10.1 10 0
carburization and deoxidation. in the bubbles of inert gas are almost zero, hy- (27)
as;. wt%_
drogen and nitrogen diffuse from the melt into
Figure 6.36: Deoxidation diagram for Al-Si-D at the bubbles, owing to the concentration differ- The mass transfer coefficients 13r, and I3rr are
1600 ·C [49]. 10.2 ence, and ascend with them. obtained from theory of mass transfer by using
In diffusion deoxidation, no inclusions are
fonned in the melt, but long er reaction times ~
t 10.3 Kinetics and Mass
experimental data. The rate constant k is ob-
tained from the chemical kinetics of phase
are necessary to remove the oxygen. The reac- boundary reactions for metallurgical systems.
£ Transfer
tion can be represented by: These rate constants are usually greater than
[0] + Fen> ~ (FeO) (24) "0 the mass transfer coefficients of the transport
Kinetics ofHeterogeneous Reactions processes that take place before and aftoc the
Decreasing the FeO content of the slag 10·S,'-0.<s.J-J-J.LJJLI.L''-0.'4,--,-.u..u.LlJ''-0.''3~u..u.w'0-.2:;L-L.U.LWJ10'1 chemical reactions. The overall rate is there-
In the metallurgy of steel production, the
leads to removal of oxygen from the melt. Dif- fore determined by mass transfer. Equation
Partial pressure, MPa_ kinetics of the heterogeneous reactions are of
fusion deoxidation is being replaced by pre- (27) gives the rate of mass transfer to a phase
Figure 6.37: Solubility of nitrogen and hydrogen in mol· interest because the individual homogeneous
cipitation deoxida,tion. boundary when the mass transfer coefficient is
ten iron [40]. phases are usually in local thermodynamic
equilibrium, so that macroscopic reactions do known. To obtain an expression for the varia-
Metal-Gas Reactions not occur. Heterogeneous reactions occur be- tion with time of the concentration of a dis-
tween the various phases that are not in ther- solved substance in the mother phase, a mass
If there is no slag on the surface of the mol- modynamic equilibrium with each other. balance must be carried out which takes ac-
ten metal, or if gas bubbles are formed within Figure 6.39 shows the concentration profile of count of the nature of the phase contact and
the melt, metallurgical reactions between the a substance in two phases in contact with each the characteristic parameters for emulsified
metal and gas phases take place. These include other. The total reaction is made up of several systems [53].
decarburization and degassing, either under steps:
reduced pressure, or by bubbling an inert gas
such as argon through the melt. • Transport of the reactants to the phase Flow andMass Transfer Coefficients
AB mentioned earlier, the concentrations of Mass transfer into a phase is made up of
the gases dissolved in the iron depend on their • Chemical reaction at the phase boundary diffusion and convection. In the interior of the
partial pressures (Figure 6.37). Pressure re- • Transport of the reaction products from the phase, sufficient flow takes place to give a
duction can cause hydrogen and nitrogen to be phase boundary uniform concentration. Concentration gradi-
removed from the melt, but this is not the case The overall rate depends on the rate of the ents exist only near the phase boundary. As
with oxygen. Although the solubility of oxy- slowest step, known as the rate-determining' there is no flow at this boundary layer, mass
300 Handbook ofExtractiveMeta/lurgy Steel 301

transport takes p lace by diffusion, and Fick's fusion boundary layer must be considered on interfacial tensions, Ciequiv can be assumed
Length of
fIrst law applies: flowing surface- the side of the melt. The mass transfer coeffi- equal to the interfacial tension of the melt. The
cient can be obtained by theoretical calcula- shearing force rate Uor is a measure of the de-
j = D --
oN (28)
!. · 1I tions from the equation:
gree of turbulence. The value must be deter-
mined by turbulence measurements. For steel
where the asterisk indicates the phase bound-
ary.· (\ melts, this can at present only be investigated
with the aid of mathematical models.

If this is combined with the flow equationj Equation (32) is also valid for metal-slag
= ~(Cl - C l"), the equation ~ = D/~ is ob- phase boundaries with turbulent flow, ,if there
Flow rate is no turbulence in the slags, and if the full
tained. Here, ~ denotes the thickness of the profile
boundary layer, and D the diffusion coefficient Metal u;=O
weight of the stationary slag layer on the melt
of the overlying material. To determine ~, it is Figure 6.40: Mass transfer with continuous renewal of is considered when calculating the equivalent
necessary to determine the boundary layer the free surface (schematic). interfacial tension. If thereis any turbulence in
thickness, whose value depends on flow con- u=o the slag, this should be included. However, it
U=U oo ----I
ditions. Theoretical analysis and experimental is often negligible.
investigation of the various flow fIelds that oc- Slag Phase Flow rate Figure 6.42: Mass transfer at a wall.
U=Uj profile
cur in metallurgical processes yield a formula Metal boundary
for calculating the mass transfer coefficient in
u=uj . 6.3.3 Production Processes
Mass Transfer with Thrbulent Flow
dimensionless form. Steel production depends on the availabil-
u=uoo In metallurgical vessels, turbulent flow is ity of raw materials such as pig iron, scrap,
Metal-Gas Phase Boundaries with Figure 6.41: Flow field at a liquid-liquid phase boundary. usually present, caused by ascending CO bub- and sponge iron. There are two fundamentally
Nonturbulent Flow bles and/or blowing with oxygen. In turbulent
different methods (Figure 6.43) [55]: blowing
Metal-Slag Phase Boundaries with flow, turbulence spheres at the phase bound-
ary contribute additional mass transfer by their oxygen into liquid iron (mainly pig iron), and
The flow fIeld is represented in Figure 6.40. Nonturbulent Flow
flow components perpendicular to the pMse smelting iron-contairring materials, such as
The flow from the interior of the melt is fIrst This flow fIeld is represented in Figure
boundary. This mass transfer can be regarded scrap and sponge iron.
deflected at a stagnation point, e.g., the top of 6.41. Friction takes place between the slag and
a column of bubbles or the middle of an induc- as turbulent diffusion, leading to an increased A typical example of the fIrst method is the
the metal. The phase boundary moves at a ve-
tively agitated melt, flows parallel to the upper value of the diffusion coefficient. To calculate oxygen converter. In the electric fumace, and
locity ui during mass transfer. In the determi-
surface, and is again deflected at a later stag- the mass transfer at a solid wall with turbulent (now of less importance) the open hearth fur-
nation of the mass transfer, momentum
nation point, e.g., the wall, and flows back into flow, the following equation can be used [54]: nace, large amounts of scrap and sponge iron
transfer due to friction must be taken into ac-
the interior. In this way, the surface is continu- count. Equations for the flow fIlm thicknesses Sh = 0.037ReO. 8ScO. 2 (31) can be melted together. Depending on local
ously renewed. The diffusion process takes on the metal and slag sides are first obtained. conditions, mixed methods can also be used,
p~ace between the gas phase and the metal By including the condition that the shearing At free surfaces [53, 54]: in which various proportions of scrap and pig
flowing to the surface. A mean mass transfer forces on each side of the phase boundary 1/2 iron are processed, e.g., the KMS (KlOckner-
= O.32(DP~iJ
coefficient for this condition can be calculated must be equal, the velocity of the phase .Maxhlltte-Stahlerzeugungsverfahren, and
in the form of a Sherwood number Sh, as a Sh (32)
boundary obtained and the mass transfer cal- ocqwv EOF (energy-optimized furnace) processes.
function of the Reynolds number Re and the culated.
Schmidt number Sc: The object of all steel production processes
where D is the diffusion coefficient, p the den-
Solid (Metal or Slag}-Liquid Phase is the removal of unwanted metallic, nonme-
2 sity ofthe melt, Ciec;,.iv the equivalent interfacial
Sh = ./icRel/2Sc1/2 (29) Boundaries with Nonturbulent Flow tension of the melt, and Uor the shearing force tallic, and gas-forming elements from the raw
rate for turbulent flow. materials, and the controlled addition of alloy-
This condition represents, e.g., the pro- ing elements to obtain the required character-
where Sh = ~l/D, Re = lIlIv, Sc = v/D; ~ is the cesses of dissolution of alloys, or the solution The equivalent interfacial tension differs istics of the various grades of steel.
mean mass transfer coefficient (cm/s), I the abrasion of refractory materials. Mass trans- from the normal interfacial tension in that the
flow length (cm), u the flow rate (cm/s), v the fer takes place on the liquid side. As shown in back pressure, caused by the irregularity of the The growth of world crude steel produc-
kinematic viscosity of the melt (cm2/s), and D Figure 6.42, the flow rate, which is lI~ within boundary surface, is expressed as the sum of tion, and the proportional contributions of the
the diffusion coefficient of the overlying ma- the melt, falls to zero at the boundary layer, the effects of interfacial and gravitational various processes are shown in Figures 6.44
terial (cm2/s). and both the flow boundary layer and the dif- forces [54]. For steel melts, which have high and 6.45 [56,57].
302 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 303

Iron are Iron are dolomite was used to line the converter, and a
Fine Lump are, . lime-based slag could then be used to treat
Lump are are fine are phosphorus-containing pig iron [58].
Sintering The nitrogen in air dissolved to some extent
in the liquid steel, and has a detrimental effect
on its properties. Increasing quality require-
ments (aging stability, etc.) and the unfavor-
able economics of this process led to its

Pig iron g

;:$ Electric arc
02 conver~er 02 converter
d Flow pattern
Crude s~eel
during blowing
Figure 6.47: Top-blown oxygen converter: a) Oxygen
Figure 6.43: Crude steel production methods. lance; b) Converter top; c) Supporting ring; d) Converter
bottom; e) Taping hole; f) Refractory lining; g) Gas space;
800 Fluctuations oxide produced during the oxidative decarbur- h) Slag layer, i) Molten metal.
- -' due to market ization processes.
700 forces
600 Blas~
The energy required to raise the tempera-
ture and melt the raw materials during the
LD and OEMProcesses
~ 500 furnace
The first LD (Linz-Donawitz) converter,
02 converter blowing process comes from the enthalpies of
:= 400 the oxidation reactions: with a capacity of 30 t, was operated in Linz in
~- 300 Electric arc BOO ne.1 !'!
Figure 6.46: Section through a Thomas converter after 1952. The decarburization reaction is greatly
~ 200
400 melts.
..... furnace
,.. ••••••• Siemens-Hartin
speeded up by the use of pure oxygen, giving
2C+02~2CO MI=-221kJ blowing times of 10-20 min. The oxidation
E 100 .' ~~.•- process
0... "..-" .... :.::.:~.~ Thomas process 2Fe + O 2 ~ 2FeO MI = -529 kJ enthalpies result in lower heat losses and en-
o '--->::::::-.L-,=:L--........:..--'-----J
1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2000
Si + O 2 ~ SiO, MI = -878 kJ
able more scrap or ore to be added. The con-
Year_ verters have total charge 50-400 1, and are
Figure 6.44: Growth of world pig iron and crude steel 2Mn+02~2MnO MI=-771kJ lined with dolomite or magnesite bricks [55].
production by various processes.
From ca. 1870, conversion of pig iron to liquid Oxygen is injected from above through a
crude steel was carried out by blowing air, the water-cooled lance with several nozzles, onto· Oxygen-Blowing Processes oxidizing agent, through tuyeres in the base of the surface of the melt (Figure 6.47). The
Unwanted elements in pig iron (and some- 81 ,= 89. 103.' ~. 15. 147. ~~. a bottom-blown converter (tiltable steel vessel high-pressure jets of oxygen (up to 1.2 MPa)
~. ai. ;:;. ~ 4.9' 6.3' ~.9~ 6.e~ .5 with refractory lining) containing a 20-80 t oxidize the iron, carbon, and other elements at
times in scrap), principally carbon, silicon,
and phosphorus, are removed by the oxidation 100 charge. Steel production processes using air rates depending on their affinity for oxygen.
reactions and transferred into the gas or slag blowing can be subdivided into the Bessemer The gas reactions cause thorough mixing of
phases (decarburization). W~1_1_1_1_WM~71~1_
process (only for low-phosphorus pig iron) the molten materials, and this is maintained af-
The carbon monoxide produced is a source Vear and the Thomas process (capable of removing ter completion of the blowing process by purg-
cif thermal energy. After thorough purification, D Blowing processes ~ 8ectric steel process phosphorus). In the Bessemer process, the ing bricks built into the base of the vessel.
it is collected in gasholders and burned to pro- [2] Siemens-Mcrtin process • other process
converter was lined with silica bricks. It was Temperatures of 2500-3000 °C are produced
vide heat for associated production plant. The not possible to use a lime-containing slag to in the central reaction zone, and a reactive slag
Figure 6.45: Growth of crude steel production,' with con-
oxides Si0 2 and P205 dissolve in the liquid tributions of the various production processes. * Esti- combine with the PP5' owing to the acidic is rapidly formed from the added lime and the
slags formed from the added lime and the iron mated. lining. In the Thomas process (Figure 6.46), oxidized iron. The thermodynamic and kinetic
304 Handbook o/Extractive Metallurgy Steel 305

processes are described in Sections oped from the top-blowing process and past
and The heat and mass transfer' pro- experience of the bottom-blowing process
cesses take place according to the rules given [55]. The combined process provides:
• Homogeneous melts due to rapid break-
Exhaust gas: down of the scrap .
Cooling, dedusting,
collecting • Reduction of the blowing cycle time by
• Higher yield of iron and alloying elements
• Better control of the chemical composition
• Improved purity
• Lower quantity of slag and reduced ten-
dency for it to be ejected
• Increased lifetime of the converter lining
• More favorable conditions for the measur-
ing systems for process control Figure 6.50: Converter and continuous casting plant: a) Feeder conveyor belt; c) High bunker; c) Blowing lance; d)
Figure 6.48: Section through an OBM converter. Oxygen Plant layouts do not differ greatly from one Chute; e) Control room; f) 310 t converter; g) 600 t torpedo ladle car; h) Ladle transporter; i) Pig iron filling pit;j)Filled
ladle; k) Pouring ladle; I) Ladle turret; m, n) Continuous casting machine; 0) Continuous casting control room; p)
is injected from below, through tuyeres cooled by hydro- another. Figure 6.50 shows a side view of the Dummy bar; q) Cutting.
carbons blown into the melt converters and continuous casting plant of a
steelworks [55]. Blast furnace Oeslagging Oephosphorization trol of the height of the lance are computer
The OBM (ol\."ygen-blowing technique) center and desulfurization controlled. The course of the blowing opera-
(Figure 6.48), a modification of the air blast Depending on the products required, the . ~ tion is set by the dynamic process control,
processes, was developed in 1968-1969 in
Sulzbach-Rosenberg [55]. Pure oxygen is
pig iron in the torpedo ladle car or filling pit is
desulfurized by blowing with slag formers 11,,&_
which requires occasional fine adjustments
based on "sub-lance measurements", that give
passed through bottom tuyeres into the melt. containing lime and/or magnesium. In Japan, the temperature and the carbon and oxygen
These tuyeres are highly stressed, and are sta- for steel products with a very low phosphorus Oesiliconization (two stations) (four stations) content of the melt. Other elements may also
bilized by cooling them with hydrocarbons. content, it is also usual to remove the silicon at runner be determined if required. Figure 6.52 shows
The cooling effect is a result of the endother- and phosphorus [59]. In this case, the con- how the melt temperature and composition
mic decomposition of the hydrocarbons by the verter simply removes carbon from the melt center change during the blowing operation. Here,
hot melt. The OBM process causes more in- (Figure 6.51). . the fmal composition is 0.059% C, 0.031 %
tensive mixing of the steel and the slag com- '-'------'---'--' Mn, 0.018% P, 0.019% S, 0.003% N, and
pared with the method of blowing in the i Top-blowing lance '"",
t (four stations)-
d 0.083% O. Figure 6.53 shows the corre~pond­
oxygen from above. This gives improved re- (two stations) Converter ing changes in the composition of the slag
action kinetics and yield, owing to the lower ! U [60].
iron content of the slag. The advantages of the Torpedo car
cleaning center
more rapid slag formation and the less violent
blow can be enhanced by adding powdered Figure 6.51: Hot metal pretreatment process at Mizush- I 5

lime through the bottom of the converter,
along with the oxygen. However, the capacity
of the OBM process for melting scrap is lim-

The mathematical model of the process cal-

culates the quantities of pig iron, scrap, and
3 1400:
1000 ~
ited in comparison with the LD process, owing
to the lesser extent of afterbuming of the waste
lime for the melt (based on the composition
and temperature of the raw materials); the
~ 1
0.10 ;;e
gases, and the smaller amount of iron oxida- nominal tapping temperature; and the analysis .~ 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ~
tion. of the crude steel, and starts the oxyrgen addi- L Blowing time, min_
The combined blowing technique in gen- Figure 6.49: Combined blowing technique with top- tion after the scrap and pig iron have been Figure 6.52: Changes in melt temperature and composi·
eral use today (Figure 6.49) has been deve1- blowing lance or side tuyere. charged. Distribution of the oxygen and con- tion during blowing.
306 Handbook o/ExtractiveMetallurgy Steel 307

Higher additions of scrap require the use of tal investment to be reduced. Today, this oxygen. The gaseous carbon monoxide
1 50 r'-
_' .......--. an allothermic process, with added fuel. In the process is second in importance only to the ox- fonned from the reaction between the iron ox-
./ o
"- KMS (Klockner-Maxhutte-8teelmaking Pro- ygen-blowing process in world crude steel ide and the carbon causes bubbling in the melt
cess) process, additional energy is provided by production (Figure 6.47). and purges the hydrogen and nitrogen. Re-
adding hydrocarbons during scrap preheating, Over 90% of all electric steel produced is moval of the phosphorus as calcium phosphate
or powdered coal or coke during the blowing by the use of the a. c. electric arc furnace [61]. in the slag during the oxidation phase isim-
operation. This process is extremely flexible Three graphite electrodes carry the current
with regard to the metallic materials used, i.e., portant, and all the other metallurgical pro-
through the furnace roof into the charge of cesses take place during the "reductive
scrap, pig iron, and sponge iron.
metal. The electric arc fonned mel~s the secondary metallurgical treatment in tb,e ladle
In the KS process, the use of pig iron is
Figure 6.53: Changes in slag composition during blow· charge at temperatures up to 3500 DC. The fur- or ladle furnace.
completely eliminated. In the first phase, a
ing. nace has the following essential components:
carbon-rich melt is produced by melting scrap After the steel has reached the required
At the end of the oxygen treatment, the con- the vessel or shell with a furnace door and a
and adding carbon by a blowing process, to- temperature, the tap hole is opened and the
verter is tilted and the steel is tapped into a la- gether with an equivalent amount of oxygen. tapping hole; the roof which can be removed
dle (a steel container with bottom-pouring for charging; electrode arms which support the furnace is tilted to empty it into the ladle be-
Heat transfer is optimized by afterburning the
facility and refractory lining). The steel is sep- reaction gases. In the second phase, conver- electrodes; tilting equipment for emptying the low.
arated from the slag during emptying of the sion of the carbon-rich melt to steel is com- furnace; the furnace transfonner, and the mea- The development of the modern electric
converter by means of a floating stopper intro- pleted by the further addition of scrap. suring and control equipment. steel process began early in 1960, using pow-
duced into the tapping spout. This prevents the In the Tula process (developed in the The melting procedure for the electric arc erful transfonners and blowing with oxygen
slag, which is of lower density, from running fonner Soviet Union), a carbon-containing furnace comprises the following stages: (Figure 6.54) [62]. Modern furnace design and
out. Alternatively, an electromagnetic mea- material in lump fonn is added from above to
• Charging process control techniques have made it possi-
surement in the tapping system can give a sig- a combined blowing converter. This provides
nal for the emptying process to be stopped. ble to increase the specific transfonner power
the energy required for melting the scrap. • Melting
To prevent emission of dust in the waste from 300-400 kVAlt to 800-1000 kVAlt. The
The EOF furnace (energy-optimized fur-
gases, all sources of dust, such as the pig iron nace) uses combustion of the waste gas and • Oxidization (decarburization), with an in- electric furnaces of this new generation are
handling and charging operations, lillie feed- continuous preheating of the scrap in the hot crease in temperature operated at a power factor of 0.8-0.86, and en-
ing equipment, etc., are linked to a filtering waste gas stream to minimize the additional able tap-to-tap times of 50-80 min, and
• Tapping
system, usually cloth filters. The physical and fuel requirements for an increased proportion throughputs of> 100 t!h to be achieved (Fig-
chemical heat of the converter waste gases are The raw materials (scrap, sponge iron, pig
of scrap in the melt. This has enabled up to ure 6.55).
utilized by installing a waste heat steam boiler 60% steel scrap to be used. iron, alloying elements, etc.) together with the
with associated electrostatic filter or scrubber. required additives (lime, coal, ore, etc.) are
The waste gases, at 1400-1600 DC, supply loaded into special charging buckets which are Electric Steel Process then emptied into the furnace through a bot- 100 500
heat to the steam generation system, and the
cooled gases, calorific value ca. 7000 kJ/m3 , In the electric steel process, the heat re- tom opening. To fill the furnace, two or three 90 • 1987
charging operations are required, between o 1970
are collected in a gasholder after purification. quired is obtained not by oxygen combustion 80 400
The dust collected in the fllters or scrubbers of the accompanying elements in the pig iron, which the scrap is partially melted.
~ 70
can be recycled to the process, after suitable but from electrical energy. The conversion of The melting process begins with switching
treatment. electrical energy into heat can be achieved by :;;' 60
on the current and striking the arc. A supple- :0
an electric are, induction, or plasma furnace. mentary blow with oxygen and fuel oxygen ~ 50
Electric steel processes are based on the use of ~

Other Developments scrap, with small amounts of solid pig iron.

mixtures accelerates melting and reduces cur- ~
rent consumption. The duration of the melting '"~ 30
Steel production processes based on an air For a long time, the use of these processes was period is detennined by the electric power '"
or oxygen blast are autothennic, i.e., the en- limited to the production of special steels, as E' 20
limit and the maximum heat load of the fur- ::J
ergy requirement is provided by the physical energy consumption was high and the eco- E
nace shell. 'x 10
and chemical heat from the pig iron. The use nomics were unfavorable. Increases in the size '"
of scrap is limited by the composition and of power stations and the capacity of electrical Oxidation of elements, such as silicon,
manganese, carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur 20 40 60 80 100 120 140160180200
temperature of the pig iron, and varies be- distribution systems have enabled batch
Average tap weight, t _
tween 0 and 20%, depending on process varia- weights to be increased, and the costs of en- begins during the melting phase as the liquid
tions and quality requirements. ergy, electrodes, refractory material, and capi- reactants, steel and slag, react with the added Figure 6.54: Development of specific installed power.
308 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 309

UHP technology of the housing. This is constructed from r""ghC! to

Oxygen injection sound-insulating elements, and reduces the
Jet burners
Ladle metallurgy 6
noise level from the furnace to 20-25 dB. The
waste gas is passed through a cooler which can,
also serve to recover the heat, and is then de-
~ 500
' ... . ... 5~ " dusted by cloth filters. In some operating Con-
3 c;-
ditions, the dust from the electric furnace can
... ..., 4b..
contain considerable quantities of heavy met-
400 ,, \.
als, such as zinc and lead, and so it is worth re-
E c;
VI 300 " ... ...... '..... 3 S covering them.
8 , '. Power
-c The slags produced consist of calcium sili-
........ 0
200 Electrode 2t:i
cate with 10-15% iron oxide. These are quite
): OJ
ll. W stable, and can be used as fill for road and dam
1960 1970 1980 1990 construction.
The very rapid development of the d.c. Figure 6.56: The bottom is made of electrically conducting refractory material to ensure reliable and durable continuity.
Figure 6.55: Effects of developments in electric arc fur-
nace technology since 1965 on specific power and elec-
electric arc furnace began in the middle of
trode consumption. 1985 (Figure 6.56) [63]. Important advantages
The essential characteristics of modem
electric steel production are: • Lower electrode consumption
• Process automation • Savings in electrical energy
• Enclosure of the furnace • Smaller effect on the electricity supply sys-
• Preheating of the scrap tem
• Water-cooled wall and roof elements • Symmetrical distribution of heating in the Figure 6,57: Electric induction furnace: a) Circuit breaker; b) Transformer; c) Frequency converter; d) Capacitor bank;
melt . e) Induction furnace. Melting capacities of 15 tJh can be achieved at current densities of 1 MW/t in an 8 t medium-fre-
• Gas/oil-oxygenjet burners quency furnace.
• Foam slagging • Stirring effect on the melt
• Current-carrying supporting arms for the The central electrode becomes the cathode, Special Processes melts the furnace contents. The use of inert
electrodes and the melt the anode, the bottom of the fur- gases for the plasma protects the melt against
nace vessel being insulated from the wall. In foundries, induction furnaces are widely reactions with oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,
• Electrode cooling used for melting and holding steel and nonfer-
Current-carrying elements are built into .the etc., thereby ensuring a high yield of alloy.
• Facilities for charging through the furnace hearth, and provide an electrical connection to rous alloys [63]. The water-cooled, current- Carburization of the melt does not occur, as
roof the melt. carrying coil surrounds a refractory-lined cru- there are no graphite electrodes. Vacuum treat-
cible (Figure 6.57) that holds the material to ment of the steel is not necessary.
• Bottom stirring devices The d.c. arc acts as ajet pump, directing the be melted. Electricity is supplied by a me-
• Slag-free tapping (eccentric bottom tap gases in and around the electric arc plasma to- dium-frequency (MF) frequency converter, For the production of special alloys con-
hole) ward the melt, causing efficient heat transfer fed from a high- or low-voltage transformer. taining high proportions of alloying elements
Owing to their high energy input, modem from the electrode to the melt. The largest d.c. The current density can be 1MWIt, and an out- with a high affinity for oxygen (Al, Ti, etc.), it
electric furnaces produce considerable quanti- furnace operating has a capacity of 130 t, with put of 15 tIh can be obtained from an MF fur- is common to use inductively heated or elec-
ties of smoke and waste gas. To minimize en- a transformer power of 100 MV .A, and a steel nace with a capacity of 8 t. tron beam vacuum furnaces.
vironmental pollution, the furnaces are output of 10 6 tla. Since the development of high-power
enclosed. Conditions in the workplace and An important feature of modem electric plasma burners, it has become possible to use The Siemens-Martin Open Hearth
surroundings can thus be maintained to a stan- steel production is computer control. The su- . plasma melting furnaces for the production of Process
dard that meets legal requirements. pervision and control of the production units, special steels in 40 t batches. The energy is
The waste gases produced in the furnace combined with precise data collection, leads supplied by adjustable d.c. argon plasma burn- In 1960, the Siemens-Martin open hearth
are extracted through an aperture in the fur-· to improved material flow and more efficient ers, built into the furnace shell. The burner process (Figure 6.58) produced ca. 70% of the
nace roof, and the dust from various sources in utilization of energy and alloying metals, and produces a plasma (ionized gas) in the electric world's crude steel, but this rapidly declined
the furnace area is collected in the upper part ensures high and reproducible quality. are, at temperatures 3000-5000 DC, and this following the growth of the oxygen-blowing
H andbaak a/Extractive Metallurgy Steel 311

and electric steel processes, and ceased opera- 1.5 content. Decarburization and desulfurization gen pick up of the steel. After decarburization,
tion after a few years. are carried out, either in a converter or a'ladle the Cr20 3-containing slag is reduced with sili-
It was developed for melting scrap, and was in vacuum, or in a combination of the two con, and the sulfur combines with the lime-
characterized by its great flexibility with re- (Figure 6.61). based slag. In an alternative process,the pre-
spect to the proportions of pig iron and scrap The converters are operated by the com- melt is poured from the electric furnace into a
used. The tank-shaped furnaces are heated by ,bined blowing technique (i.e., via top lance
1.0 and bottom tuyeres) to increase the rate of de- ladle placed in a vacuum chamber. Decarbur-
fossil fuels such as gas or oil, burned in hot air. carburization. Nitrogen is used as the protec- ization is then achieved by a stream of oxygen
The regenerative air preheating invented by
tive gas for the bottom tuyeres and to reduce which enters via the lid of the vacuum cham-
Siemens takes place in "checker chambers"
that contain refractory bricks heated, by the the oxygen partial pressure. Argon is used to ber as the pressure is reduced, and is then
waste gas, and are situated under the furnace. give low carbon contents and to avoid nitro- blown through a lance into or over the melt.
The combustion temperatures achieved enable Methods for decarburizing
steel scrap to be melted. high-Cr melts
The capacity of these furnaces is 50-1000 t.
The use of air for the combustion leads to the
production of large quantities of waste gas,
whose purification, sometimes including de- 10 15 20
sulfurization, is difficult and expensive. Addi- (r,O/O_
tional oxygen, introduced through lances or
Figure 6.59: The Fe--C--Cr-O system.
burners (tandem furnaces), has been used to
improve operation, but this leads to severe Temperature, 0(_

erosion of the refractory furnace lining. The -273 0 500 1000 1500
open hearth process has in general lost its im- o
portance, as it cannot achieve either the output inert gas °2
or flexibility of blowing processes. t ,t
Production of Stainless
02+ 02+ 02+ Ar 02+
02+ 02+
Although world steel production is subject inert inert inert inert Ar/N 2 +
to very severe fluctuations dictated by market gas gas gas gas CHx
conditions, the average growth rate of stain- Figure 6.61: Methods for decarburizing high-chromium melts: AOD = argon-oxygen decarburization; ASM = argon
less steels (i.e., resistant to rust, acid, and !:;teat) secondary metallurgy; MRP = metal refming process; AOD-L = argon-oxygen decarburization lance; KCB-S = Krupp
combined blowing stainless; K-BOP = Kawasaki basic o"J'gen process; VODC = vacuum-o"J'gen decarburization con-
between 1950 and 1985 was 6%. In 1990, to- verter; VOD = vacuum-oxygen decarburization.
tal output reached 107 t. Special metallurgical -200
0 500 1000 1500 ' 2000 In the vacuum process, the rate of decarbur-
processes have been developed for steels with Temperature, K _ ISmelting-reduction I IDecarburization I
a chromium content 12-28% and low carbon ization reaches 0.03%/min, a considerably
Figure 6.60: Free energy of oxidation ofCr, P, and C as a lower figure than that achieved by the con-
content [65]. function of temperature. Dephosphorized
hot metal (r ore, Scrap verter processes. The latter give high produc-
Production conditions are determined by coke allo tivity and favorable economics and are
the thermodynamic equilibria of the reactions " r--y '\... therefore, used for high-volume production of

~ ::ti ~
ofoxygen with carbon and chromium (Figures crude stainless steels. Vacuum processes are
6.59,6.60). i especially suitable for the production of spe-
In the first process variation, which is cial steels with very low carbon content (30
O [,He "~ Ar + 02 (,He
mainly used in western countries, an electric 2 ppm), and low levels of nitrogen and hydro-
furnace is used to melt scrap and alloying ele- gen.
ments. The composition of the molten metal Figure 6.62: Two-stage stainless steel production (smelt- A combination of both processes utilizes
o2 4 6 8 10 m ing-reduction) process. the high decarburization rate of the converter
used corresponds approximately to that of the
Figure 6.58: Gennan-American design for a 250 t fur-
desired steel product, apart from the carbon in the high-carbon content region, and the low
nace for gas and oil firing [64].
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Steel 313

The secondary metallurgical treatment pro- To hold back the slag formed during the ox- ica or alumina).. These oxides are of lower
carbon levels achievable by the vacuum pro- ygen-blowing process, floating stoppers are density than steel, but their particle size also
cesses produce the specific properties required
cess. used to close off the tap hole. Their function greatly affects their upward movement. The
for the various applications of the steels con-
In Japan, a two-stage process is used for the depends on the different densities of the steel deoxidation products are encouraged to coag-
melt reduction of chromium ores to produce cerned. They include:
and slag; alternatively, mechanical or pneu- ulate by agitating the steel in the ladle with ar-
stainless steels (Figure 6.62) [66]. Two 85 t • Adjustment of alloy composition matic devices can be used. 10 electric fur- gon or nitrogen. The ascending reaction
combined blowing converters are used. In the • Deoxidation naces, there is a curved region or syphon near products take up the liquid reactive ladle slag.
first of these, chromium are is added to a de-• Homogenization of temperature and compo- the tapping hole, or an oval hearth is provided The amount of these materials remaining in
phosphorized pig iron bath where it is reduced sition so that no slag is discharged, provided that a the steel determines its oxide content and af-
to chromium with coal and oxygen. The car- residue of 15-20% steel is retained in the fur- fects its mechanical properties. By' using a
• Temperature adjustment
bon-containing chromium melt is tapped and, nace. combination of deoxidizing metals, a very low
• Decarburization
after slag removal, charged to the second con- level of oxygen in the steel can be achieved
verter, where it is decarburized. The heat of re-
• Desulfurization (Figure 6.64) [68].
action enables added scrap and alloying Steel Treatment at
• Degassing 100
Atmospheric Pressure
metals to be melted. The advantage of the
combined blowing converter is that, as well as
• Control of inclusion shape ~.(Olt'h'
Secondary metallurgy requires mixing in 10
passing o:-.:ygen and argon through the bottom• Adjustment of purity ~ (Sltoto'
The processes take place in the steel ladle, the ladle. This is achieved by passing gases
tuyeres, it is also possible to decarburize with through porous bricks in the bottom of the la-
pure oxygen, as the tuyeres are cooled with so that the steel production equipment is not E
dle, or by injecting them through refractory- c.
involved, and correspond to the quality pro- ,.:
hydrocarbons. covered lances dipping into the melt, thus pro-
gram and the production plan (Figure 6.63) ~ 0.1
[55]. ducing a rising stream of bubbles. A possible "5


6.3.4 Secondary Metallurgy It is essential that the slag produced during alternative is to use the stirring effect of elec- <-
tromagnetic fields acting through the nonmag- r='
The steelmaking processes described ear- the oxidation processes should be separated netic walls of the ladle. Depending on the

lier with the exception of plasma furnaces, cleanly, and that the refractory lining of the la-
x 0.001
amount of mixing energy generated, this can 0
take place in oxidizing atmospheres, and are dle should not act as a source of oxygen during cause circulation and homogenization of the
designed to maximize the output and cost-ef- the reduction phase, or have a detrimental ef- steel under the slag layer, or mixing of the
0.0001 '--_--1.._ _...1.---.;._.1.--_ _
fectiveness of crude steel production. fect on the composition of the reaction slag. 0.1 1 10 100 1000
steel with the slag with chemical reaction, e.g., Calcium, ppm_
desulfurization. If ladle covers are used the
4 ~
~I~ 6:64: Equil.ibri~ of calcium and sulfur or oxygen
Prevention of discharge steel can be protected from reoxidation' and
of slag with metal ~ ~ falling temperature.
ID hqUld Iron at umt actIvity of CaS and CaO [66, 67].

Gas blowing Electromagnetic The solid materials can be added in lump Desuljurization
field form through openings in the ladle lid, or in-
Mixing and homogenization
porous .i!-Lance Eil!.. .
Coil jected in powder form through lances, using a . ~or high rates of steel production, only a
llDllted amount of desulfurization can be car-
brick gas as transport medium. For exactly mea-
sured additions, solid wire can be added (e.g., ried out in the blast furnace. When a blast fur-
. Alloying Powder/gas aluminum), or wire filled with other sub- nace process is optimized for low fuel
/ elements ~
Wire consumption, the sulfur distribution coeffi-
stances (e.g., CaSi), which can be added al-
Addition of solids
51 -Gas
§"- \fiJ
most without loss of material. cie~t between the slag and the pig iron is 20,
which, for current mass ratios, leads to a sulfur
content of 500 ppm in the pig iron (Figure
Ladle Deoxidation
Vacuum treatment
,if degassing
-t VOD As well as alloy addition, deoxidation (re-
moval of residual oxygen) i s necessary in the
production of quality steels. Depending on the
6.65). Depending on quality requirements, the
first step is the injection of lime and other cal-
cium-magnesium compounds into the pig iron
ladle. The relatively poor sulfur partition coef-
Ladle furnace carbon content of the steel, it can contain 100- ficient (ca. 5) in the oxygen injection steel-
I fI} VAD 300 ppm dissolved oxygen, and this is re-
moved by adding elements with an affinity for
making process is due to the oxidizing
reactions. However, if the steel has a high
oxygen (e.g., silicon or aluminum, to form sil- enough aluminum content after deoxidation,
Figure 6.63: Secondary metallurgy processes in steel production. VAD = vacuum arc decarburization.
314 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel

this gives good reducing conditions. If the cor- elusions that are not deformed during the ladle furnace. The electricity consumption for
rect desulfurizing agents are chosen (CaO, rolling process. This has enabled high- treatment time ca. 40 min is 30-40 KWhlt, and
Mg, CaC 2, CaSi), or lime-saturated desulfuriz- strength steels with good toughness properties the amount of electrode material consumed is b----
ing slags are used, sulfur distribution coeffi- to be developed.
0.3 kg per tonne of steel. With a ladle furnace,
cients of 1000 can be achieved [69]. The
desulfurization of the pig iron and steel, espe- the temperature at which the steel is tapped
Dephosphorization can be reduced by 100°C without affecting
cially if both these processes are used, enables
the required quality to be achieved flexibly Phosphorus removal is carried out under the secondary metallurgical reactions.
and economically. The use of desulfurizing oxidizing conditions during production of the
slags requires intensive mixing of the steel and crude steel, and is influenced by the lime satu-
the slag under reducing conditions. ration, the Pps content, and the temperature
, - - - - - - - - - - - r " ' J 1000 of the slag produced during decarburization t 200

~ I
I 500
(Section 6.3.3). The production of low-phos- d-
~ 150

phorus steel requires low-P, low-Mn pig iron,

/\ IS)/\51/
I \ I 200 t and effective removal of the P20s-containing '"c:

I /" \ I / 100 I slag produced during decarburization and be- ~

OJ 100 e ~_.

t 1000 ~
/ \
\ I
I - 50
fore deoxidation. 't5
ti 50

;;: -\o;~~! :~'

Temperature Control L..
The temperature changes during steel pro- ::J
z: 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985
duction affect the course of the reaction (as Year_
50 f- shown by the example of dephosphorization),
and also affect the economics (wear of the re- Figure 6.67: Ladle furnace development.
20 I-
fractory linings of furnaces and ladles). The
10 I I '0
en ~
secondary metallurgical operations: alloying,
E desulfurization, degassing, etc., require time,
'" u..
t- aJ --c .....'"
OJ .....

and therefore involve heat losses. Without la- Figure 6.69: Equipment for the CAS process: a) Dust-
-' "' L..
dle heating, this would necessitate the use of collecting hood; b) Alloy chute; c) Snorkel raising and
Figure 6.65: Process stages for adjustment of low sulfur unfeasibly high tapping temperatures. Electri- lowering unit; d) Oxygen lance; e) Bell; t) Porous plug.
content in liquid steel. cally heated ladle furnaces are increasingly
used in steelworks-initially in EF steel plants An alternative to the ladle furnace is the
t 200 and then in BOF plants-to ensure an opti- CAS/CAS-OB (Composition Adjustment by
..... 150 = :;20ppm 5 mum temperature regime during the process. Sealed Argon Bubbling) developed by Nippon
~ 100 = :;50 ppm 5 Figure 6.67 illustrates the increasing use of Steel [69], the IR-UT (Injection RefIning-Up
OJ 50 :;200ppm 5
= ppm 5
c= ::120ppm 5
ladle furnaces [67]. The furnaces consist of an
assembly of two or three a.c. or d.c. elec:
Temperature) process proposed by Sumit-
omo. The heat evolved by the oxidation of alu-
~ c::::!::::J -250 p~m S trodes, and a water-cooled roof, with fume ex- minum or silicon is used to heat the steel,
f 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 tract ion equipment, and "a working door for
instead of electrical energy. The process is
Year_ adding materials and for the control equip-
Figure 6.66: Development of toughness and sulfur con- ment (Figure 6.68) [69]. suitable for producing flat products that are in-
tent The transformer capacity is ca. 150 kV·A sensitive to hydrogen. After the slag-free steel
Figure 6.66 shows the changes in sulfur per tonne ladle contents, and gives a heating has been tapped, it is agitated by inert gas, and
content in steel produced on a large scale over rate of 5°C/min. The diameter of the pitch cir- alloyed in a bell (Figure 6.69). If the tempera-
a number of years [68]. In this example, which cle has been reduced to 600-700 rom in new ture has decreased too much, the melt can be
refers to steel used for pipes, the development designs to protect the refractory ladle lining. heated to the required pouring temperature by
of toughness and sulfur content is shown. The Agitation of the steel and slag to homogenize adding aluminum and oxidizing it with oxy-
use of calcium compounds under certain con- the steel, and to promote the steel-slag reac-
gen. The addition of 02 at a rate of 11 m 3h- I C 1
ditions leads to the formation of spheroidal in- tions, is very important in the operation of the Figure 6.68: Typical layout for a ladle furnace. gives a heating rate of 7°C/min.
316 Handbook ofExtractive M eta/lurgy Steel
317 Vacuum Treatment content during oxygen blowing is shown in cast-to-shape products, promise technological
Figure 6.72 [68]. ciples are valid for all metals and alloys, and
The vacuum treatment of steel is· used in- and economic stimuli, especially with respect the theory is very advanced [71-76].
If the nitrogen content in the pig iron is low, to the environment.
creasingly owing to its versatility·and special nitrogen levels of 30 ppm in plain carbon
advantages, and is indispensable for removal Nevertheless, steel is special material, hav-
steels can be· achieved. However, steel can ing its. own characteristic casting and solidifi-
of gases dissolved in the steel, such as hydro- pick up nitrogen if nitrogen-containing alloy- Fundamentals
gen and nitrogen. The reactions proceed at cation properties that differ from those of both
ing elements are used, and nitrogen removal
very low pressure (0.5 bPa). The various pro- may then be necessary. This can be carried out All processes of casting and solidification light and heavy nonferrous metals. The pecu-
cesses are shown in Figure 6.70 [55]. They can by vacuum treatment under controlled condi- depend on the basic processes of heat transfer, liarities of steel include: high melting point,
be divided into three groups: recirculating tions [68]. Nitrogen removal by ladle degas- mass transfer, and interface kinetics. This ap- low thermal conductivity, phase transforma-
treatment of small quantities of metal; ladle sing (after desulfurization) can give a nitrogen plies not only to ingot casting, continuous tions of the iron, high density, and stro'ng af-
treatment; and treatment of a stream of molten content ca. 50 ppm (Figure 6.73). Sulfur inter- casting, and foundry work, but also to remelt- finity for oxygen. The wide variety of alloy
metal. feres with nitrogen removal. ing and spraying processes, crystal growth, the compositions of steel is also retlected in its so-
The recirculating processes are character- The ladle degassing operation gives inten- production of composite materials from a lidification properties, i.e., the way in which
ized by high throughputs. In the RH plant, two sive phase contact between the steel and the
refractory-clad snorkels dip into the steel be- melt, and rapid solidification to give a crystal- the thermal processes and structure formation
slag, which has a beneficial effect on desulfur- line or amorphous structure. These basic prin-
ing treated; in the DH plant only one snorkel is ization. With 10 ppm sulfur and low oxygen take place [77].
used. Whereas in the RH process, the steel is content, a nitrogen level ono ppm in the steel
transferred into the vacuum vessel by blowing can be achieved, whether the starting level is
inert gas via a nozzle (gas lift), in the DH plant 50 or 110 ppm.
the movement of the steel in the vessel is
achieved by the up-and-down motion of the Vacuum ~reatment of molten steel
vessel. In both processes, oxygen lances can
be provided. To avoid flaking (material separation) in·
the steel, the hydrogen content must be lower
Decarburization than its maximum solubility. For large cross
sections, i.e., conditions favoring segregation,
The decarburization reaction is strongly it is necessary to reduce the hydrogen content
pressure dependent, so that when it is carried of the liquid steel to < 0.8 ppm. The diffusion
out under vacuum, fine decarburization is the reaction is controlled by the difference be-
result. As shown in Figure 6.71, carbon con- tween the hydrogen partial pressure in the Continuous Vacuum Degassing
ladle ingot during Vacuuml Vacuum/
tent < 50 ppm can be achieved reproducibly steel and that in the gas at the phase boundary, degassing casting circulation siphon
tapping off
under optimal process conditions [68]. and therefore proceeds more rapidly as the process process
The required treatment time is strongly pressure in the vessel decreases. The forma-
pressure dependent. A rapid decrease in pre~­ tion of new surfaces by intensive purging with
sure is only feasible if the vacuum vessel IS inert gas, or otherwise agitating the steel in
fairly large, as the melt splashes severely. If RH and DH equipment promotes hydrogen re-
the amount of m".-ygen·dissolvedin the steel is moval, as shown in Figure 6.74 [70].
insufficient for the decarburization reaction, The choice of steel production and second-
oxygen is blown in with a lance, liberating ary metallurgical processes depends on the
heat. product, the production rate, the raw material,
and the energy situation. In Europe, high-qual-
ity flat products are produced by the route:
Nitrogen Removal
blast furnace - oxygen blowing - RH or DH
High nitrogen content has a detrimental ef- vacuum treatment - continuous casting. Long Ladle degassing
fect on the deep-drawing properties of contin- products are mainly produced by the route: Vacuum VOD va DC Electric arc Inductive stirring Induction
in vacuum chamber ladle Vacuum
electric furnace - ladle furnace - continuous heating under vacuum
uously annealed mild steel, and also reduces decarburation under
casting. New developments such as COREX- Heating in air furnace
the resistance of tube steels tohydrogen-in- processes vacuum
duced cracking (rnC). The change in nitrogen EOF-KES and continuous casting to give
Figure 6.70: Vacuum treatment of steel.
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Steel 319

ings against distance from a surface of the slab 1.0

o 8-11kg top slag/t steel
• • • 2-4kg top slag/t steel are parabolic, with the widest spacings in the
center of the slab.
1a. .-II II By the method of steady-state unidirec-
tional solidification, typical values for the
.- RH-process, growth variables affecting the dendrite ann


r::: 20min spacings can be determined [78, 79]. In the E

E 0.6

~ 400 equations: ci\
o 00 10 20 30 40 .§
-c Number of circulations at p~ 200 Pa - A=cRmG" ro
:> •• and

~III 200 Figure 6.74: Hydrogen removal.

" "
'0 A rigorous scientific treatment of heat and A = cep
mass transfer and interface kinetics cannot be . R represents the solidification rate, G the tem-
00 10 20 30 40
given here, but their most important conse- perature gradient, and Sf the local solidifica-
quences are indicated, including solidifica~on tion time.
Figure 6.71: Final carbon content as a function of dis-
morphology, micro- and macrosegregatlOn Figure 6.77 shows such a correlation for the
solved o"'Ygen.
phenomena, sulfide precipitation, and the for- primary arm spacings in a steel with 0.15% C
mation of inclusions by deoxidation. Thermal o"'----_......L_ _....L_ _--'----_-:....I--_---.3
and 1.44% Mn. Further values of these param-
~ o 40 60 120 160 200
Waste gas flow
0.6'::i 1
stress and mechanical deformation also merit
consideration, as they particularly affect the
eters for selected steels are given in Table
6.11. These show that high-alloy steels have a
Distance from lower side, m m -
Figure 6.76: Variation of dendrite arm spacing in a con-
~ 900 0.6] quality of the product; processing technique.s finer dendritic structure than low-alloy steels. tinuously cast slab of steel, grade API X60, 0.14% C,
"'E 600 - 0.4 § and mechanical engineering are tailored to SUIt Figure 6.78 shows that, for four low-alloy l.50%Mn.
';$- u ~
o 300 0.2 < : - them. steels (I-IV), the data are in good agreement 0.12
..... 0 ~~
~ with equations of the form:
100 ~:i
0 8---'10-2L.-3-'-0--'4O----'SL...O-6.l...0-7-'-0--'60---'9'-0-0
Blowing time, % _ z C'
6.3.5 Casting and Solidification Az = cep 0.10

Solidification Morphology of Steel. The gen-
eral criteria for the stability of a nominally pla-
nar soiidification front are: high superheat,.
I 0.06

convection, low rate of solidification, low g 0.06

content of alloying elements, and a high parti- ...;:
tion ratio. These conditions are seldom met in 0.04
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 casting operations in the steel industry. Much
Blowing time, % -
more frequently, there is "constitutional un- 0.02
Figure 6.72: Nitrogen removal. dercooling" at the solidification front, so that
Melt, nitrogenized steel almost always solidifies dendritically.
110 k1 Figure 6.75 shows a scanning electron mi-
crograph of a "quasi-decanted" dendri~ic so-
0.5 1.0 1.5
R- 0•26S • uL -O.3&S _
lidification front from the central shrinkage
cavity of a continuously cast billet of high-
Figure 6.75: Dendrite morphology in center of a continu-
Figure 6.77: Correlation of primary arm spacing Al with
R and q!. for steel II with 0.15% C, 1.44%Mn. Al =
0.0368K"·265 GL-0385; Al in cm; R in cmls; G L (Klcm) is the
temperature steel.

Melts without ously cast billet ofsteel, grade 10 CrMo 910. temperature gradient at the liquidus temperature.
[aO/[aF1 The dendritic crystals consist of primary,
Table 6.11: Equations for dendrite arm spacings A (cm) as a function of growth variables R (cmls), G (OC/cm), and 9r (s).
secondary, and tertiary arms, all with crystal-
c- lographic growth direction [100]. The de.n- Type Steel composition Primary arms Secondary arms
dritic growth mainly determines the spatIal I 0.09% C, 1.36% Mn Al = 0.0367~.29G-o.43 A, = 0.01487~.43G-o·51 A., = 0.002809r°.507
20 0 20 40 60 60 100 120
pattern of segregation. 11 0.15% C, 1.44% Mn A = 0.0368~·27a-039 A.; = 0.00645~.43a-oAO A.; = 0.00 1689r°.43
Final sulfur content, p p m - III 0.59% C, 1.10% Mn Al = 0.1900~·26G-o·n A., = 0.01500~.4IG-o·51 ~ = 0.00158er0447
Primary and secondary dendrite arm spac- IV 1.48% C, 1.14% Mn A: = 0.2700~·2·G-o·n A.; = 0.01000~.49G-o·51 ~ = 0.000n9t50
Figure 6.73: Mean nitrogen content before ~d after vac- ings in a typical continuously cast steel slab V 0.63 % C. 24.9% Mn Al = 0.061O~·I7G-036 A., = 0.00360~.4IG-o·37 Az = 0.000589t3944
uum treatment. 0 = [N] before ladle degassmg; • = [N]
are shown in Figure 6.76. Plots of these spac- VI C;
0.68% 28.3% Cr Al = 0.0280~·25a-031 A.; = 0.00320~.41G:".37 ~ = 0.00052erO.
after ladle degassing.
320 Handbook ofExtractiyeMetdUlIl'gy Steel 321

An advantage of this equiaxed structure is that Segregation can be measured over a large strains at the heterogeneous solidification

its properties are isotropic.
Interdendritic Microsegregation. The tiler- . . .
area by computer-controlled automatic elec-
tron beam microanalysis. For example, Figure
front cause segregated internal cracking if crit-
ical stresses are exceeded. "Soft" or "hard" re-
6.80 shows a three-dimensional relief map of duction, to densify the central zone must,
~ / // modynamic basis for microsegregation is the
the manganese concentration in a 25 CrMo 4 therefore, not lead to overstressing of the ma-
~ "'".
change in concentration that accompanies a
/ ~~ steel [80]. The scattered high peaks are caused terial below the solidus.

c: phase change from liquid to solid, and is ex-
'"c.. pressed by the partition ratios k of the solute by MnS inclusions. .
lIJ If there is forced convection at the solidifi-
.... 0.010

'" -/5/e/: elements present in the iron. Kinetic factors

include enrichment of the dissolved elements
Modem microanalytical techniques can
produce up to 106 point measurements within
cation front, e.g., caused by rimming action
during ingot casting of unkilled steel or by
/ •
in front of the phase boundary, which depends
on mass transfer in the liquid, and the extent of
24 h. In a typical manganese determiIiation,
the area investigated can be 80 x 80 mm, the
number of points measured 600 000, the time
electromagnetic agitation, a washing effect
occurs. A depleted streak.)' layer is produced.
e Steel IV diffusional equilibration in the solid. The de- With continuous casting, "white bands" are
.... gree of concentration enrichment at the phase required 13 h, and the beam diameter 100 11m

1 10 100 1000 10000
boundary C:,
in the case of layer crystal for-
mation without diffusion in the solid, is given
Depletion is also caused by sedimentation
Local solidification time Dr. s - Formation of Macrosegregations. Macro- of suspended crystallites, as these are purer
by: segregations extend over considerably greater
Figure 6.78: Correlation of secondary ann spacing A.:t than the melt. The accumulation of a conical
with local solidification time 91' c; = kCo(l - f.)t-l distances than dendrite branches. Typical heap of crystals at the b~ttom of the ingot
ranges are between the edge and the center or therefore leads to "negative" segregation,
where Co is the starting concentration, and f- between the top and the bottom of an ingot.
the extent of solidification in the dendritic vol- whereby the axial concentration of alloying el-
The distinction must be made between enrich-
ume element. The degree of solute rejection is, ements increases toward the top of the ingot.
ment and depletion. A systematic discussion
therefore, determined by k. Typical values of k This happens, e.g., with heavy forging grade
of segregration phenomena, including a theo-
for the more important elements found in steel ingots.
retical treatment, is given in [82].
are given in Table 6.12. The elements S, P, and
Positive A- and V-type segregations in cast Sulfide Precipitation. With modem ladle
C segregate strongly. With carbon, some con-
ingots result from natural convection due .to metallurgical treatment, the sulfur content can
centration equilibration takes place by diffu-
density differences in the enriched liquid over be brought below 10 ppm, albeit at some cost,
the cross section of the cast material. Stable by transferring the sulfur into the slag. Any
Table 6.12: Equilibrium partition ratio k ofsolute element flow channels can be formed. Sometimes, V-
at solid-liquid interface for 0- Dry-iron. dissolved residual sulfur can be combined
type segregation can also occur in the center of with calcium to form stable calcium sulfide,
continuously cast strands with equiaxed solid- which has no harmful effects on the properties
Figure 6.79: Formation of free crystals in a steel melt C 0.20 0.35 ification structure. of the product.
continuously cast with undercooling. Si 0.77 0.52
In the two-dimensional solidification of
If R, G, and 8 f are known, the segregation Mn 0.75 0.75 However, it is not always necessary to have
p 0.13 0.06 continuously cast billets, segregation can take
spacings can be predicted. Conversely, local the lowest possible sulfur content, so desulfur-
S 0.06 0.025 place along the axis of the core. This is associ-
cooling rates can be found by measuring the ization and calcium treatment of the steel can
ated with shrinkage, and is caused by the
segregation spacings. often be omitted. The sulfur then becomes
growth of dendrites that periodically form
concentrated in the interdendritic spaces, ow-
If molten metal is undercooled during cast- bridges that partially seal off the lower part of
the liquid metal. Owing to the volume deficit, ing to its low k value, and eventually precipi-
ing, free crystallites can be generated. This
a powerful suction force is produced toward tates as MnS. The course of the reaction, and
can take place by heterogeneous nucleation, or 2000
hence the form of the sulfide, are determined
by the detachment of dendrite arms, which can
be caused by a small degree of superheat, or
t 1600 /
1200 /
the crater end. This type of flow restriction
does not occur during the one-dimensional so- by the degree of deoxidation and alloy content
of the melt, and the local processes of solute
by inoculation, stirring, jolting, or vibration. lidification of slabs.
VI BOO ~~ redistribution and mass transfer. The various
A suspension of crystals in molten steel is -:::2 ~.
'1::' Segregation can also be caused by defor-
.2: 400 ~ sulfide types in the cast product are [84, 85]:
mation of the outer shell of a strand, e.g., by
shown in Figure 6.79. The crystallites can re-
dissolve and become globular in form.' The
.3 0 J-~ .._~_~~~~~r .,~
nonsteady-state bulging outward and rolling Type I. Globular ox:ysulfides that were
o 400 BOO 120016002000 ~~'1>
globulites settle out during casting and appear, Measuring line, ~m-­ back again [83]. This causes a pumping effect originally liquid. Formation mechanism:
e.g., at the bottom of an ingot or the lower side Figure 6.80: Concentration profile of the microsegrega-
in the remaining liquid metal, and leads to so- monotectic degeneration. Steel grades: un-
or central zone of a continuously cast strand. tion ofMn in a 2.8 t ingot ofsteel, grade 25 CrMo 4. called central segregation in the slab. Tensile killed, semikilled.
322 Handbook ofExtractiveM etalIllrgy Steel 323

tic. Steel grades: fully killed, high-alloy, tions and activities of the Ol\:ygen and alumi- Ingot Casting
containing C, Si, P, Cr, Zr. num are shown in Figure 6.84 [89]. From left
The scanning electron micrographs in Fig- to right, the oxygen level decreases and the The transition of steel from liquid to solid is
ure 6.81 show typical examples of these mor- aluminum activity increases. At low ol\.)'gen mainly achieved by continuous casting. Nev-
phologies. Types intermediate between II and levels, the spheroidal oxides initially formed ertheless, the older ingot casting process is
III can have faceted shapes with branched become covered with radiating, stalk)', or still used in steelworks all over the world. The
dendrites. compact nitrides. molten steel is poured into ingot molds, where
The size of the sulfide inclusions depends it solidifies.
on the local precipitation rate and hence indi- o The steel is poured (teemed) from, the re-
rectly on the rate of cooling at the solidus tem- a 0
fractory-lined ladle via a ceramic, closable
perature. This correlation is illustrated by the outlet nozzle. There are two methods of filling
log-log plot in Figure 6.82 [86]. . Increasing activity of deoxidation metal
the ingot mold. In the top-pouring method, the
® steel is poured from above directly into the
a 0 mold, and in the bottom-pouring method, it
passes down a central funnel, then through a
Oxide Transition Nitrides with oxide nuclei system of refractory passageways built into a
Figure 6.84: Schematic representation of oxide and ni- thick steel plate, and passes from below into
tride morphologies as a function of oll:ygen level. the ingot molds standing on the plate (Figure
6.85) [90].
® The molds can have a rectangular, square,
Ladle with circular, or polygonal interior cross section,
stopper depending on the cross section of the profile to
be produced by rolling. To facilitate removal
of the solid ingot, the mold tapers slightly out-
Figure 6.81: Variation of sulfide morphologies in as-cas! ward, with the wider end either at the bottom
Figure 6.83: Growth morphologies of alumina inclusions
steel: A) Type I; B, C) Type II; D, E) Transitional types; F) in AI-killed steel. (big-end-down molds) or top (big-end-up
Type Ill. molds) (Figure 6.86) [91]. Ingots can be 0.1-
Formation of Inclusions by Deoxidation. In
contrast to sulfide formation during solidifica- 40 t for rolled steel, and up to 500 t for forged
tion, oxide inclusions are precipitated in the steel.
E liquid steel at an earlier stage by deoxidation. Apart from the cross-sectional shape, the
- The amount of dissolved oxygen is reduced to type of ingot mold, and the pouring method,
<:: the equilibrium value in a few seconds after ® ingots are also characterized according to the
"iii the addition of aluminum [87]. As deoxidation physical, thermodynamic, and chemical pro-
~ proceeds, the inclusions agglomerate or coag-
ulate, and mostly go into the slag. This flota-
tion leads to a reduction in so-called total
cesses that take place during solidification.
Several gases are present in solution in liquid
steel. The solvent power of the steel decreases
Vi 0.1 OL.---JL....l...L..l..L1.l1L-J......JL....L.L.U.JW-:--J-.l.-1..l...U.J.1!100 oxygen.
1 1 10 as the temperature decreases, and as the steel
(-dT/dflrsoudu.' O [ / s _ When aluminum is used for deoxidation,
solidifies. In ingot casting, oxygen is of partic-
alumina inclusions are formed with a spheroi-
Figure 6.82: Mean size of sulfide inclusions in steel in- dal or dendritic morphology (Figure 6.83) ular significance for the solidification process.
gots with 0.55% C, 2.00% Mn, 0.009-0.039% S. If ol\.1'gen is liberated during solidification, it
[88]. The coral-like shapes are formed by ag-
Type n. Coral-shaped chain-like sulfide glomeration of particles, 2-5 !lm in size. In reacts with the carbon in the steel to form car-
colonies. Formation mechanism: eutectic. steelworks these clusters are referred to as bon monoxide. This can be partially or com-
Steel grades: killed, low alloy. "nests" or "clouds". pletely prevented by combining the oxygen
. Type m. Angular, crystalline sulfideparti- The various growth shapes that can be Figure 6.85: Top pouring (A) and bottom (B) pouring with deoxidants such as aluminum, silicon, or
cles. Formation mechanism: "divorced" eutec- formed under different supersaturation condi- during ingot casting [90]. titanium.
324 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 325

ification front and downward in the center sate for the difference between the specific
® (Figure 6.87) [97]. This rimming action has volume of the liquid and that of the solid steel.
led to the name "rimming steel". The walls of these cavities have a clean and
In the production of rimming steel, CO bright metallic surface, and weld together dur-
Mold should be produced rapidly from the start of ing subsequent rolling.
wall solidifIcation, giving a strong flow. If the flow These processes during solidifIcation
is weak, CO bubbles remain entrapped by the cause the ingot of rimming steel to have a
growing dendrites. This causes excessive for- clean edge zone, a rim of bubbles in the lower
mation of a ring of bubbles not far below the region, a chemically pure equiaxed region at
outer surface of the ingot, which resultS in the the bottom end of the interior, and a strongly
appearance of surface defects resembling segregated upper region (Figure 6.88) [98].
cracks when the ingot is processed in the roll- Thus, the ingot of rimming steel has a very
ing mill. inhomogeneous structure. Owing to its clean
Apart from oxygen, other elements that are edge region, it can be used in applications that
r I f'------'1 less soluble in the solid state are released at the require a good surface. However, it cannot be
a b d
Stool solidifIcation front. This solute rejection is used for manufacturing components where a
Figure 6.86: Cross sections (notto scale) ofthe principal types of ingot mold [91]. A) Big-end-down-molds: open top (a) known as segregation (see Section large amount of deformation is involved. This
and bottle top (b); B) Big-end-up-molds: open top (c) and closed top (d). The elements that separate out are carried is due to its great inhomogeneity and its aging
Rimming Steel. As soon as the liquid steel away by the flow of steel, and are concen- properties, owing to the residual nitrogen. It is
comes into contact with the walls of the mold trated in the remaining melt. This leads to a also unsuitable if great importance is attached
and the bottom plate, a thin skin of solid steel rim layer of greater chemical purity and en- to welding properties [97-110].
is formed. This grows rapidly at fIrst, as the
cold mold and bottom plate rapidly absorb
richment of the segregated elements in the in-
terior. o ® CD
heat, and, much later, release it to the atmo- After a time, the process of gas release 1'----' -- Original
sphere. After a short time, this compact layer (rimming action) is deliberately stopped by .;t' level of
",,' molten
of steel becomes detached from the ingot wall placing a heavy steel cover on top of the ingot, • steel
as the solid steel contracts. The gap formed re- or a steel plate, over which water is sprayed.
duces the heat transfer rate from the steel to The steel solidifies on the underside of the
the mold, and hence the rate of loss of heat to cover, and forms a dense cap. In the interior of ~ -' ~.'
the surroundings. Consequently, the steel so- the ingot, gas formation ceases, owing to the j :
: , . ... 01 ....:

lidifIes more slowly [92-96]. increase in gas pressure, and the flow of steel
gradually subsides. In the part that still re- Figure 6.88: Distribution of bow holes in rimming steel
As the steel changes from liquid to solid, ingots [98]. A) After slight rimming action: low oxygen
the solubility of oxygen decreases, so that it is mains liquid, there are detached crystals of content; B) After moderate rimming action: medium oxy-
liberated and reacts with the carbon present to very pure iron, formed by redistribution of sol- gen content; C) After vigorous rimming action: high oxy-
ute elements. These suspended solid particles gen content
form carbon monoxide. In addition to the dis-
solved oxygen present at the start of the pour- sink to the lower part of the ingot, as their den- Killed Steel. If the dissolved oxygen content
Figure 6.87: Flow pattern in a rimming steel ingot during ing process, atmospheric oxygen is picked up sity is higher than that of the remaining liquid in the steel is reduced by deoxidation until it is
solidification [97]. by the liquid steel during pouring, and during metal. This sedimentation results in an equi- signifIcantly less than the carbon present, no
If the oxygen is allowed to react with the its subsequent solidification; this also reacts axed zone, with a reduced level of impurity el- carbon monoxide gas can form during solidifI-
carbon, the steel product is known as rimming with the carbon in the steel. The CO gas bub- ements in the lower part of the ingot. At the cation, .and the steel is said to be killed. In
steel. Partial deoxidation leads to "semikilled" bles are partly entrapped between the growing top of the ingot, enrichment of elements oc- killed steel, there is redistribution of those ele-
steel, and complete deoxidation to "killed steel dendrites, forming so-called edge blow curs, e. g., phosphorus and sulfur, which can ments whose solubility in solid steel is lower
steel". Deoxidation to semikilled or killed holes, but most of them ascend in the region of have a harmful effect on the properties of the than that in liquid steel. Some of these segre-
steel is carried out in the ladle. There is also a the solidification front, combining with other rolled product. This marked concentration of gated elements are enclosed between the
combined rimming and killed steel, obtained bubbles on their way up. This leads to the for- elements at the top of the ingot is called mac- growing crystals (dendrites). This is termed
by fIrst allowing the melt to solidify for some mation of a rim of bubbles at the edge of the rosegregation. microsegregation (see Section
time, and then deoxidizing it in the mold, after steel, and an upward gas flow which causes an The ring of gas bubbles formed during the Convection of the molten metal also takes
which it solidifIes completely like a killed upward flow of the liquid steel. Thus, the steel rimming action, and those formed even after place during solidification of killed steel.
steel. This produces "ingot-killed steel". in the ingot flows strongly upward at the solid- the ingot has been closed off, tend to compen- However, this is considerably less intense than
326 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Steel

in rimming steel, and takes place in the oppo- into normal big-end-up and big-end-down in- remain entrapped, however, these consist molds are provided with insulating tiles, as
site flow direction. In front of the solidifica- got molds, with and without a feeder head, or mainly of oxidic and sulfidic materials. These with killed steel. The steel is poured undeoxi-
tion interface, free crystallites move "hot top", of this type [91]. In big-end-down can originate from the products of deoxida- dized into the mold until the insulated region
downward along with the liquid steel. The ingots, through-solidification occurs earlier in tion, from insulating materials, or are formed contains a few centimeters of steel. A second
solid particles of steel settle at the bottom end the upper part than in the lower part of the in- during solidification by reactions of the segre- and possibly a third mold is then filled in the
of the ingot, while liquid steel flows upward in got. This produces axial porosity, which under gation elements. Inclusions in killed steel are same way. During this time, rimming takes
the center. As the descending crystals are no circumstance should connect with the out- mainly found entrapped in the region of the place in the first mold, as well as solidification
chemically purer than the remaining liquid side atmosphere, as this leads to oxide forma- cone of sedimented equiaxed material, at the of an outer shell of steel, several centimeters
steel, a depleted conical heap forms at the bot- tion in the interior, preventing welding during bottom of the ingot [91, 111-119]. thick, which consists of very clean unkilled
tom of the ingot. Here, the concentration of subsequent rolling operations. Unless the top
Semikilled Steel. In this type of steel, the ratio steel, free of inclusions and segregatidn. The
solute elements is lower than it was in the steel of the ingot is thermally insulated (hot top-
of oxygen to carbon content is set by con- first ingot mold is then completely fUled,
before pouring, whereas the concentration of ping), ingots produced in big-end-up molds
trolled deoxidation, so that the ingot at first so- while simultaneously adding aluminum in
the solute elements in the upper part of the in- form shrinkage cavities which eX1end deep
got is correspondingly higher. Thus, there is into the ingot, so that the yield of good mate- lidifies, like killed steel. After a time, the granular form to the stream of metal, thereby
carbon and oxygen become enriched in the re- mixing it into the liquid part of the ingot. Car-
so-called negative segregation in the lower rial is poor. An ingot from a big-end-down
maining liquid, so that the solubility product is ried by the central downward flow of rimming
part, and positive segregation in the upper part mold without a hot top will have axia.l poros-
ity. exceeded and carbon monoxide is formed. steel, the aluminum is transported to the lower
of the ingot. This is generally referred to as in-
got segregation, and becomes more marked as Meanwhile, the ingot head has solidified and part of the ingot. The dissolved aluminum re-
the ingot cross section increases. is therefore dense, so that blow holes are acts with the oxygen to form coarse A1 20 3 par-

As well as ingot segregation, so-called A- formed in the interior of the ingot, owing to ticles, which rapidly ascend into the highest
or V-type segregation can take place when shrinkage (Figure 6.90) [91]. part of the ingot, owing to their low density.
killed steel ingots solidify (see Section Semikilled steels are not used for applica- The ingot then solidifies like a killed steel. All Unsteady flow through the network tions with high demands on internal purity and the ingots from a heat are poured in this piece-
of dendrites sometimes leads to the formation defect-free surface properties [91, 120-122]. meal fashion. This process produces an ingot
of channels, in which enriched liquid metal so- with an outer layer of clean rimming steel, ca.
lidifies. On longitudinal cross sections of the 30 mm thick, and a larger inner region of
ingot, these channels appear as A- or V- nonaging killed steel with little macrosegrega-
shaped segregation. The intensity of this type tion (Figure 6.91) [123]. This steel can be used
of segregation is dependent on the morphol- when a defect-free surface is required on a
Figure 6.89: Types of killed ingot [91]. A) Big-end-up,
ogy of the solidified ingot. The finer the den- hot-topped; B) Big-end-down, hot-topped; C) Big-end- nonaging material [123].
dritic structure, the less marked is A- and V- up, not hot-topped; D) Big-end-down, not hot-topped.
type segregation. When steels are to be used in applications Continuous Casting
To prevent the uncontrolled formation of that require an absolute minimum of interior
shrinkage cavities in the interior of ingots of defects, a hot top of adequate size is essential. In the historical development of continuous
killed steel, the steel at the upper part of the in- For example, when heavy ingots are produced casting (strand casting), a breakthrough was
got (the ingot head) is kept in the liquid state for forging, and are cast big-end-up, a feeder achieved in large-scale production by S. JUNG-
as long as possible. The liquid steel can then head of thermally insulating material is placed HANS with the invention of the oscillating mold
flow downward to compensate for the shrink- on top, with a volume large enough to prevent in ]949. This became widely used during the
age of the solidifying region, and cavity for- formation of a shrinkage cavity in the ingot. 1970s [124, 125]. By definition, strand casting
mation is prevented. Segregation of the remaining molten material is a steady-state process in which a strand is
The reservoir of liquid steel is maintained then takes place in the feeder head inside the continuously drawn out of a mold [126-130].
by reducing the heat transfer from the top part hot top. This part is later separated from the After the 1980s, development of the conven-
of the ingot to the mold by lining the latter good part of the ingot. tional continuous casting process virtually
with refractory, thermally insulating, and often As killed steel is mostly used for demand- Figure 6.90: Longitudinal section through a semikilled came to an end [131-143]. The rolled products
slightly exothermic plates. The loss of heat in ing applications, there must be as few nonme- steel ingot [91].
produced from continuously cast strand sec-
an upward direction to the atmosphere is re- tallic inclusions as possible. Modern ladle Ingot killed steel was developed to combine tions are characterized by their extremely
duced by applying an insulatiI).g and/or exo- metallurgy, combined with a very high stan- the clean surface of rimming steel with the low good finish and functional properties, are not
thermic powder. Figure 6.89 shows typical dard of pouring practice, have brought great degree of macrosegregation and good aging subject to any particular limitations, and are
longitudinal sections of steel ingots poured improvements. If any nonmetallic inclusions stability of killed steel. The tops of the ingot suitable for a wide range of applications [144].
328 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 329

rolled products per tonne molten steel is in- cast immediately after another without inter- gressively. E)o,.1remely precise mechanical
creased by 10-18% (see section 6.1). This ruption. The ladles are mounted on a turret technology is used to minimize stressing of
technological change has resulted in an excess which swivels, raises, and lowers the ladle the cast material.
of crude steel capacity, but has greatly contrib- " (Figure 6.94). The molten steel passes through
uted to energy savings. The production rate for a single strand de-
the following items of plant or process steps:
Figure 6.93 shows the shapes and dimen- pends on the format, dimensions, and casting
ladle-tundish-mold-secondary cooling zone-
sions of some typical strands, with size ranges. speed (Figure 6.96) [144]. For slabs, a rate of
straightening and withdrawal machine-
Billets are used to manufacture wire or rod. 5.5 tlmin is possible. This must be matched to
runout rollers.
Round bar products are used as the starting the batch time of the basic o:-..ygen furnace.
material for seamless tubes. Continuously cast For high productivity, it is also necessary to For blooms and billets, the number of strands
blooms are used in the production of profile have a high rate of withdrawal and a long must be increased to four or six to match this
steel and rails. Case hardening and heat-treat- length of the liquid pool. High outputs can batch time.
able steels, cold-heading and cold-extruding only be achieved when bow type casters are
steels, spring steels, chain steels, rolling bear- used, where the strand, which still has a mol- Plant availability can be improved by: in-
ing steels, and free cutting steels are routinely ten interior, is cast on a circular arc and then sertion of the dummy bar from above; design
produced [145]. Slabs are converted into thick straightened to the horizontal position. Figure of mold and runout rollers as a quick change
plate for pipeline or vess~l construction, or 6.95 shows the various types of plant used unit; flying tundish changeover by means of a
processed into hot-rolled wide strip and prod- during the development of the process. Verti- swivel device; uninterrupted casting of differ-
ucts made from this, such as cold-rolled thin cal plants (V) have a limited output, owing to ent steels me after the other without forming a
Figure 6.91: Longitudinal section through an ingot of sheet, which may be surface treated for auto- mixed zone the old strand being joined to the
steel killed in the mold [123]. the height required. The most usual system is
mobile construction or packaging applica-
the circular arc plant with a curved mold new by a cage-and-anchor joint); and com-
1200 60
(CAC), with several straightening points. In a puter-controlled automatic width adjustment
t 1000 t Billet 80-1BOmm square circular arc machine with straight mold of the strand. A high standard of control tech-

: 800 40 (CAS), the strand, with its molten center, is nology and automations necessary in the cast-
~ QJ

~- 600
30 lij'
first bent into an arc, and then straighten,ed. ing plant. Regular inspection and preventive
Round bar 150-430 mm diameter
:::; 400 20 ~ The bending and straightening take place pro- maintenance ensure problem-free casting.
~ QJ

~ 200
10 c..
B Bloom, up to 4S0".6S0mm

Figure 6.92: Development of world steel production, CC [) <J Slab, up to 350,,2640mm
output and CC ratio 1970-1980: a) World CC-production;
b) World crude steel production; c) Share of CC-produc- Figure 6.93: Typical cross sections and dimensions of
tioD, ~/o. continuously cast strands.

The Growth ofStrand Casting .Productivity

The growth of strand casting worldwide is If strand casting accounts for 100% of the
illustrated in Figure 6.92. It has already total output of a steelworks, productivity rates
reached> 60% of the total. Up to the 1980s, become very important. The capacities of the
the competitiveness of steel producers was melting, ladle treatment, and casting process
measured by the proportion of strand casting must be matched as precisely as possible. If
used. Today, many steelworks use the process the mix of steel types produced is variable, it
exclusively. In many industrialized countries, must be possible to react to changes with great
the proportion is > 90%, but in some regions, flexibility.
it is only 20% [144]. Modem strand casting plants are character-
The strand casting technique replaces indi- ized by high availability. The utilization ratio,
vidually cast ingots, blooming and slabbing i.e., the ratio of casting time to time available,
Figure 6.94: Blown caster with ladle turret: a) Ladle turret; b) Ladle; c) Tundish; d) Mold; e) Secondary cooling zone; f)
mills, and semifinished mills. The yield of is 40-90%. In sequential casting, one melt is Straightening and withdrawal; g) Guide rollers.
330 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 331

r33iT ® Casting powders consist of CaO, SiOz, and

AlP3 CaFz, Nap, or Li:P are added to lower

25 0.80
E 20 the viscosity. Carbon particles in the form of
:C' T 12 10 powdered coke or soot retard the melting. The
. basicity of the slags is given by:
!,,--~ ~,:
fm 88 '"
t 0.60
CaO/Si0 2 = 0.8 1.2

The amount of casting powder required de-
Figure 6.95: Principal types of continuous casting machines for steel: V = vertical; VB = vertical with bending; VPB = -c'
vertical with progressive bending; CAS;' circular arc with straight mold; CAC = circular arc with curved mold; PBC = <:: pends on the oscillation cycle, the' casting
progressive bending with curved mold; H = horizontal.
.£ 0.40
speed, the geometry of the gap, and the viscos-
With slabs and blooms, an average run of between the mold and the strand is impaired. '"
ity. Slabs are cast by means of low-viscosity
nine heats is usual, and with billets, five heats When changes to the casting rate occur during <:: slags: 0.1-0.3 Pa·s (1300 DC). For blooms,
144]. More flexibility in the production pro- unsteady phases, such as the start of casting or .!:!
~ 0.20 viscosities must be somewhat higher: 0.4-1.5
gram is provided by a device for longitudinal ladle changes, the frequency is adjusted. Am- -c
o Pa .s (1300 0c).
cutting of slabs, especially for "jumbo" slabs, plitudes are kept constant at 2-6 mm, but fre- <-
up to 2640 mm in width. Double and triple quencies vary around 6 S·l. A curved mold Casting powders protect the molten steel
casting can also be provided for. oscillates precisely along the arc. from radiation heat loss, prevent contact with
Molds are usually 700-900 nun long, and o
1979 1984 atmospheric o>.."ygen, and absorb oxide inclu-
Mold Oscillation and Shell Formation are made of high-strength, copper-based mate- Year_ sions that rise to the surface, especially Al Z0 3 •
rials. To maximize operating life, the surface
The most important invention in the techni- Powders and granules (nowadays preferred)
cal development of strand casting was mold
is coated with chrome (60-80 !!m) or nickel ® can be added automatically in the fluidized
(0.5-4.0 mm). For small cross sections, tube 2.0
oscillation, which gives the product a good molds are usual, and for large cross sections, state.
surface finish. Figure 6.97 shows how the
molten steel from the tundish passes through a
plates are mounted on stable steel frames. To
accommodate the contraction of the steel, the ~
'-'" 1.5

0 Slabs
o ElBlooms
l§j Billets
.. .....
submerged entry nozzle into a slab mold. The molds taper inward. For plants with high cast- ~ Molten steel
steel flows sideways during slab casting, but ing rates for billets and blooms, very close
vertically downward with square or round geometrical tolerances must be adhered to.
mold shapes. The pouring temperature is con- For sensitive steels with high sulfui content or <-
trolled within a very narrow range. wide solidification range, the casting speed is OJ

~ 0.5 a
The oscillation of the mold is illustrated in reduced.

Figure 6.98. The movement is usually sinusoi- u
dal. Stroke and frequency are so adjusted that
the mold briefly overtakes the strand during
Control ofMolten Steel Level and Gap
a.. 1 2 3 4 b{
the downward movement During this so-
. called negative strip time, the skin of the cast- For problem-free strand withdrawal from
Casting rate per strand, t /min_
Figure 6.96: Annual production per strand of European Mold ...uur.r7"1'~m Il Mold
ing is briefly upset. Any surface damage is the mold, the cycle must be optimized, the me- casters (A) as a function of the casting rate per strand for
different strand sections (B).
P"W'" ~ Ol~~~
completely healed. The negative strip time tN niscus level of molten steel kept constant, and
The casting powders used must be appro-
(an important control parameter) is given by
the following formula:

t ~)UCcos-~
= 1tJ
an appropriate casting powder must be used to
lubricate the gap.
The flow of steel is controlled by sliding
gates (Figure 6.97) or stoppers. The steel level
priate for the types of steel and the casting
conditions. On contact with the surface of the
steel, they should melt promptly at 1100-

.( r
N 1tIh 1200 DC, and form a lubricating film between
is detected with the aid of radioactive sources, shell
where tN is in s, the frequency f is in s·l, the 60Co or 137Cs, or eddy current detectors, and is the strand and the mold. Penetration into the Withdrawal
casting speed vg in mrnIs, and the stroke h in controlled within ±5 mOl, or even ±2 mm, de- gap plays a key role in the formation of the Figure 6.97: Steel flow from tundish into an oscillating
mm. If tN ~ 0, tearing of the shell occurs, and pending on the sophistication of the control steel surface for high withdrawal speeds slab mold: a) Tundish; b) Sliding gate; c) Submerged en-
if it is too large (> 0.2 s) deep oscillation equipment, the format of the strands, and the [145]. try nozzle; d) Copper mold plate.
marks are produced, and lubrication in the gap casting rate.
332 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Steel 333

must not exceed 1 mm. Loose-fitting and worn throughout. With slabs, soft reduction is car- Materials technology has elucidated the
rollers must not cause this limit to be ex- ried out by conical compression of the center. high-temperature ductility of steel from its
ceeded. Contact of air with the steel is prevented by molten state to the y-a. transformation, and
In the secondary cooling zone, the strand is shrouding systems and by covering the molten mechanical engineering has provided the nec-
<11 0 cooled with water sprays. There are various jet metal in tundish and mold with powder. Carry- essary data on permissible material stresses
systems to provide different flow rates of wa- over of slag along with the steel from the cast- during casting. By progressive bending and
l5.. ter impingement. In the extreme, the surface ing ladle is detected and prevented. The flow
'" can be sprayed "black". In the early days, of steel in the tundish is controlled such that straightening, and suitable roller distances,
i5 tensile strain at the solidification front can be
large quantities of water were used for fear of oxide inclusions separate out. It is also neces-
0 break-outs of molten steel. Since then, the wa- sary to use stable refractory materials and re- kept < 0.3 %. Critical temperature zones sus-
ter rate has been limited to the minimum re- fined pouring techniques to ensure a high- ceptible to surface cracking are avoided by ap-
Sine purity product. For high-output plants, a verti- propriate cooling. Harmful elements, e.g., N
quired for the necessary cooling intensity.
t + I--../.-'-,\~ Nonsinusoidal / /~ Air/water mixtures are used to achieve gentle
and uniform cooling. Specific consumptions
cal part of 2-3 m in height enhances the flota-
tion of inclusions and gas bubbles.
and S, are removed from the steel, or chemi-
cally combined to form stable compounds.
€ 0 1----~+------1'-/+--___i
of spray water are 0.7 L per kilogram of steel ~LeveI2~
for spray cooling, and 0.1--0.2 L/kg for air-
c -----
> __'" 1
r !l Withdrawal
\ mist cooling. Control data
I : velocity (e.g., desired values) Process data
o 1
i !
Today, almost all the functions of a casting
! W;0vA
machine are automatically controlled. Figure
Sine 1'-- ....I2'-"?;.L?;L../"'/-'-"?;.L?;L..:0'-'%..c..~'_' ____' 6.99 gives an overview of the individual pro-
Positive strip time cesses [132]. Secondary cooling is dynami-
Nega ~ive s ~rip time cally controlled. The spray water is adjusted Control Positioning Position of Position of Hotor Tachometer
Figure 6.98: Mold oscillation with definition of positive according to the casting speed to prevent un- value forces stopper rod molten metal speed
and negative strip times. dercooling. Cooling water circulation, hydrau- level
lic, and lubrication systems are computer o.uantity, Infrared Valve Flow,
Support Roller Apron and Secondary controlled. The rate of steel casting is mea- position sensor adjustment pressure
sured by weighing, and cutting of the strand
Cooling Zone Figure 6.99: Instrumentation and automatic process control of a continuous casting machine.
into lengths is optimized with respect to the
At the mold exit, the skin of the strand is heads and tail pieces. Break ring Horizontal Strand Casting
Casting level
sometimes quite thin, e.g., 10-12 mm, de- Horizontal strand casting has replaced in-
pending on the withdrawal velocity, and is Quality got mold casting for several types of steel
ductile and deformable under the conditions of
The quality of continuously cast steel as a
.::=... ~(asting direction. which have hitherto been regarded as unsuit-
high temperature and ferrostatic pressure. able for strand casting [137, 147]. The capital
Helt - --.
Whereas billets and round bars are dimension- semifmished material for rolled steel produc- ---- cost of a horizontal strand casting plant is
ally stable, the wide faces of slabs and blooms tion can be assessed by four criteria: ------- small. The tundish and mold form a single
te~d to bulge, and must be supported by rollers • Homogeneity of chemical composition
unit, giving complete exclusion of air. The
[146]. horizontal strand requires neither bending nor
• Uniformity of steel structure
To prevent excessive thermal stress on the straightening.
• E;..1remely high purity Cu-mold
rollers, they are cooled internally. The helirol- I The special feature of the process is the cre-
lers contain a spiral channel for circulating the • Defect-free surface Cycle 1 3 4 5 6 ation of an "artificial meniscus" at the break
water, and are stable and long-lasting [138]. The above requirements are met if the pro- Figure 6.100: Creating an artificial meniscus during so- ring, where the skin of the casting first forms
Divided rollers with intermediate bearings are cess is trouble free. Solidification can be con- lidification in a horizontal casting mold. (Figure 6.100) [148]. The strand is withdrawn
of smaller diameter and can accommodate trolled to be columnar or equiaxed by means stepwise, and the short frozen sections are
narrower gaps between them. Where bending of temperature control and the stirring effect welded together. The cycle comprises three
and straightening of the strand is carried out, of electromagnetic fields, enabling the blooms phases: pulling out, pushing back, and pause.
deviation of the rollers from the ideal line and billets to have isotropic properties The pushing-back stage allows healing to oc-
334 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 335

cur. The design of the machinery must enable productive capacity, but it offers the opportu- strand leaves the mold with plane parallel sur- into 45 m lengths, which are loaded at nearly
the large mass of the strand to be moved with nity for energy savings by integration with the faces in its wide dimension. Thin slab technol- 1100 °C into an annealing furnace, 162 m
very high precision with respect to both dis- rolling mill, i.e., utilizing the heat of the strand ogy is otherwise similar to conventional strand long. The final rolling temperature is 880°C.
tance and time [149, 150]. Typical round bar by hot charging or direct rolling [139]. For casting, e.g., control of the level of molten
In-line strip production (ISP) is shown in
dimensions are 150-350 rom in diameter. this, the operation of the rolling mill must syn- steel, supporting rollers, secondary cooling,
Figure 6.103. The thin slab, with a liquid core,
chronize with the flow of material from the etc.
melting shop, the secondary metallurgical pro- is softly reduced in thickness from 60 to 43
cesses, and the strand casting plant. The tem- mm immediately after the mold [142, 156,
perature of the cast product is not allowed to New Processesfor Hot Steel Strip 157]. After through-solidification, the strand
fall below 1200 °C. The surface and the inte- Production passes through three graded stands ofhigh-re-
Thickness ~ 150 mm rior must be of high quality. duction rolling units. Its thickness is reduced
For integrated "mini-steelworks", various to 15-25 rom, and it is made into 28 t coils.
processes have been devised for the produc- Before coiling, it can be reheated by inductive
tion of hot steel strip, based on thin slab cast- heating to a temperature of 1150 0C. The coils
ing technology. It is generally agreed that a
are kept hot in furnaces, ready for the finish
direct link between casting and rolling to pro-
rolling mills. The hot steel strip has a fmal
duce a finished product in an in-line, multi-
stand rolling mill is impossible, because the thickness of 1.8-12.5 mm and can be inten-
casting and rolling speeds cannot be matched. sively cooled.
Thickness ~ 40 mm
A buffer can be provided between these pro- The casting pressing-rolling (CPR) process
cesses by operating them in two stages. (Figure 6.104), combines a conventional os-
Thickness ~ 15 mm A compact strip production (CSP) plant cillating thin slab mold of the type described
consists of a casting machine, a conveying and above, with a powerful pair of compression
linking system designed as a roller hearth fur- rollers to reduce the thickness of the strand,
nace, and a hot finish rolling mill [154, 155]. which has a liquid interior, to 15-25 rom in a
The casting machine is vertical, with bendi~g single step [158]. The hot strand is then rolled
facility. The casting format is 50 x 1600 rom; to its fmal dimensions at 1300 °C in a four-
Figure 6.102: Schematic representation of casting mold the casting speed is 5 m/min. The strand is cut high stand.
for thin slabs.
Thickness <5 mm

Casting Thin Slabs

Figure 6.101: New processes for the production of thin
slabs and hot strip. Under the heading "near net shape casting",
The breaking ring is made ofBN, and is not the development of casting technology since
wettable. Useful lives for this item of 4-7 h 1983 has aimed to match the thickness of con-
have been reported. The formation of the so- tinuously cast slabs more closely to that of the
lidified skin is precisely controlled with the end product [151, 152], i.e., to reduce the d To induction furnace
aid of thermocouples. The casting parameters amount of metal forming required, and hence and twin coil furnace
and mold taper must be precisely matched.
Nevertheless, the process is flexible with re-
to economize on plant equipment [153-155].
Processes for the production of thin slabs or L
gard to the formats and steel types. It is of in- strip are illustrated schematically in Figure
terest for small-scale operations, e.g., 3000 6.101.

t/month in 100 different grades of mild, stain- At the heart of thin slab technology is the
less, or high-temperature steel [132, 149]. funnel-shaped mold into which a narrow sub-
merged entry nozzle with side exit openings is
inserted (Figure 6.102) [153]. The shell of the
Hot Charging or Direct Rolling strand is smoothly deformed in a controlled
Not only is conventional strand casting a manner until it leaves the mold, and the gentle Figure 6.103: Caster for in-line strip production (lSP): a) Vertical bow-type mold; b) Soft reduction; c) High reduction
fully developed process, guaranteeing a high contours keep the bending stress small. The (three stands); d) Pendulum shear.
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Steel 337

melted is first produced by primary melting, tion oflongitudinal and transverse mechanical
secondary refining, and casting processes, in- properties.
cluding vacuum induction (VIM) and plasma Conventionally cast ingots and strands
melting and casting. It is introduced into the have a predominant direction of solidification
remelting process as a so-called "electrode" fro.m the surface to the center, with consequent
-+-----+-a which is normally shaped by direct ingot cast~ VOIds and center segregations. To achieve ho-
ing, with or without subsequent rolling or m~gene~us and ac~eptable mechanical prop-
forging, or by continuous casting. Compound ertles, high reductlOn during hot forming is
b -I-----+--~ electrodes, such as bundles of bars or continu- necessary, which limits the fmal dimensions
ously cast billets may be used, as well 'as sev- of the finished products. Because of their low
eral individual electrodes to be remelted sol~dification rate, remelted ingots solidify
simultaneously. Addition of deoxidizers or al- mam!y fro.m the bottom to the top (Figure
--+---+--1- d
loying elements (e.g., AI wire, Ti strip, high- 6.10), wmch presents center voids and segre-
n -l -1--l~-o --,~---j-+- e nitrogen alloy compacts) to an electrode, to gations and leads to an extremely sound and
form a compound electrode, is common. homogeneous ingot structure. Less reduction
The electrode is heated at one end above ~s necessary to acmeve a sound product, which
the liquidus temperature so that liquid metal mcreases the fmal dimensions attainable with
-+-4- 9 droplets are formed. These fall through the re- a given hot forming device (rolling mill,
active environment of the remelting zone to forge).
Figure 6.104: Casting-press-rolling process: a) Ladle; b) 1+---+---1- 0
Tundish; c) Mold; d) Descaling; e) Press rollers; f) Bend- the liquid metal pool, the surface of which is
Cleanliness. The second aim of remelting is
ing roller; g) Straightening unit. m--+----l-l:.~ -+-----l--h also heated above the liquidus temperature.
the improvement of metal cleanliness two
The liquid metal pool is confined by a heat-ex-
mechanisms being effective: '
Rationalization tracting crystallizer, usually a water-cooled
copper (or steel) mold. Heat extraction causes • The heated metal surfaces and the droplets
The new processes of hot steel strip produc- dm/df the liquid pool to solidify slowly into a new in- react with the reactive environment. If the
tion may replace some of the classical "thick got, the "remelted ingot". A "mushy zone" is reac~ive environment is mgh vacuum, de-
slab hot strip steel mills", but not completely maintained between the pool and the fully so- gassmg and vacuum deoxidation reactions
Figure 6.105: Consumable electrode remelting: a) Elec- take place, lowering the content of hydro-
[155]. Hot strip steel produced by the standard trode = metal to be remelted; b) Electrode surface heated
lidified ingot. .
method can be divided into: mild steel for cold above mp; c) Metal droplets; d) Remelting enviromnent gen, oxides, nitrides, and volatile metallic
The remelting rate dm/dt of the elec-
forming and cold rolling (76.2%); weldable (vacuum, liquid slag, plasma); e) Liquid metal pool; f) residual elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, etc.); if it is
Surface ofliquid metal pool; g) Crystallizer (water-cooled
trode(s) practically equals the mold-filling
construction steels (10.5%); high-strength reactive slag, complex deoxidation, denitro-
mold); h) Remelted ingot; i) Mushy zone;j) Liquidus iso- rate d111/dt of the remelted ingot. This rate is
carbon steels (1. 7%); microalloyed weldable genation, and desulfurization take place, to-
thenn; k) Solidus isothenn; I) Exiemal enviromnent (vac- one or two orders of magnitude smaller than in
fine grain and tube steels (6.4%); stainless uum, air, inert gas); m) Solidification direction; n) gether with retention of inclusions from the
conventional ingot or continuous casting. A
steels (3.3 %); and silicon steels for electric Inclusion in liquid pool. electrode in the slag.
typical value for round remelted ingots of di-
sheet (1.9%). ameter D j is: • Large inclusions, finding their way into the
Assuming sufficiently good surface proper- Consumable Electrode liquid pool, have time to rise slowly to the
ties of the mild steels produced by the neW dm;ldt = (1000 kgh-1m-1)Dj
Remelting Processes top, where they are eliminated by various
casting-rolling processes, their suitability for A typical ingot for the rolling mill of mass mechanisms. By reaction with the liquid
cold forming and cold rolling is beyond ques- Remelting processes are used for upgrading metal, many of the rising inclusions are re-
3000 kg and diameter 0.5 m thus needs a re-
tion [155]. Of the total amount of hot steel the quality of steels and Fe-, Coo, and Ni- duced in size; below a certain particle diam-
melting time of 6 h, a big forging ingot o

strip listed above, 75% could be produced based superalloys; conventionally made eter rising stops, and these inclusions are
(180 000 kg, 2.4 m) needs 75 h; the time is fur-
more economically. A considerable fraction of metal bars are transformed, by simultaneous retained in the solidifying matrix. The re-
ther increased by the necessary "hot topping"
the total production could be transferred from remelting and resolidification, into new mate- melted ingot has not only a lower total in-
at the end of remelting.
large integrated steelworks to mini-steel- rials with superior properties. clusion content, but the maximum inclusion
works. The forming properties of 21 % of this size of the remaining inclusions is much
total are difficult or critical. Further develop- Remelting Processes General Aims ofRemelting lower than in the electrode material.
ment work is needed; in particular, the alloy
compositions of these materials must be Figure 6.105 outlines the remelting process Ingot Structure. One aim of remelting is im- Other Aims. Through the introduction of re-
matched to the new casting-rolling processes. for steel and superalloys. The metal to be re- provement of ingot structure and homogeniza- melting, these processes have often had the
338 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel

special aim of making products previously not The soundness of the ingot allows large forg- In the production of steel castings, all types
possible by conventional means. An important ings, up to 100 t or more, to be made from a of molds and casting processes are used, in-
application is the production of high-nitrogen much smaller ingot, compared with the con- cluding hand- and machine-made molds, shell
steels, with high-pressure nitrogen (e.g., 5 ventional route. Some high-temperature alloys molds, and ceramic molds. Other processes in-
MPa) as the remelting environment. Another exhibit improved forgeability. High-nitrogen, clude precision casting by the lost wax pro-
application is production of sound hollow in- fully austenitic PESR steels are used for pro- cess, the full mold process, and centrifugal
gots of steels which are difficult to hot-work, duction of large, nonmagnetic retaining rings casting. Castable steel is melted by methods
by remelting multiple electrodes into a com- for electrical power generators. Further appli- similar to those for rolling and forging steel,
mon annular mold. cations are listed in [159-166]. mostly in electric arc furnaces lined with a ba-
During the last decade, steady improve- sic refractory, and, less commonly, in induc-
Remelting Apparatus ments in conventional melting and casting tion-heated, crucible furnaces. The processes -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400
of secondary metallurgy in ox)'genlargon con- Temperature, D[_
Table 6.13 lists the main processes. Most technologies regarding cleanliness and sound-
ness have taken over many applications; the verters or specially designed gas-purged ladles Figure 6.106: Mechanical properties of unalloyed cast
units for general applications are ESR units, are increasingly important. steel as a function of temperature: a) Tensile strength; b)
followed by VAR units, EBR, PESR, VADER, more economic route of melting, secondary 0.2 % yield strength; c) Fle,..ural fatigue strength; d) Con-
and PAR are used for special applications. De- refining, and continuous casting is favored In Gennany, of all the crude steel produced, striction; e) Elongation; f) Notched impact strengtlL
tails of remelting apparatus construction (elec- over remelting processes. For sound ingots of 0.6% is cast. The proportion is similar in other
trode feeding; round, square, rectangular, and up to a few tonnes, the powder metallurgy industrialized countries. 32
hollow molds; ingot withdrawal; slags; alloy route has become a competing, albeit more ex-
pensive process. Cast Steel for General Applications. These
addition devices; automation, etc.) and other 28
materials are used for components intended
processes are given in the references [159- for use between -10 and 300 cC, which are
166]. Cast Steel and Cast Iron subject to moderate dynamic and impact
stresses, e.g., parts for general machinery,
t 24
Results andApplications wheels and wheel bearings, rolling equipment, ~ 20
Cast Steel D

The high cleanliness of remelted steels and ships' anchors. The most common mate-
makes them useful for surgical implants, Many grades of steel, of various composi- rial in this group is mild steel, though SOIJ,1e
higWy polishable pressing sheets for laminate tion, are suitable for casting. The carbon con- low-alloy steels are also used. Steels with a
low carbon content have good welding proper- ~ 12
production, etc. The homogeneity of mechani- tent can be as high as 2 %, but is usually 0.02- ~
cal properties is good for thick products of ul- ,0.4 %. Casting consists of pouring into refrac- ties, which has ensured a wide range of appli- ~
cations for steel castings. It is common to u.. 8
trastrength structural steels, tool steels, etc. tory molds, and allowing to solidify.
improve the welding properties by reducing
Table 6.13: Consumable electrode remelting processes. 4
the carbon content, and to compensate for this
Process Name Energy input Remelting environment E:l.1emal environ- References by increasing the manganese content. b
ment o'---'--_.L.-_-'--_--'----_-I..-_-.J
ESR electro-slag high-current a.c. (or liquid slag of CaF2--CaO- air or inert gas [159, 162, Figure 6.106 shows the temperature depen- 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 1600
remelting d.c.) resistance heat- Al20] or similar type, 163] dence of the mechanical properties of unal-
heated above metal mp
Tensile strength, N/mm 2 _
ing ofliquid slag
loyed cast steel.
VAR vacuum arc high-current d.c. arc low-vacuum plasma high vacuum [160-163] Figure 6.107: Correlation between fracture strain and ten-
remelting between electrode sile strength of tempered cast steel compared with rolled
and pool surface
Cast Steel for Special Applications. Cast
and forged steels: a) Steel values from DIN 17200; b)
EBR electron-beam high-voltage e1ec- high-vacuum plasma high vacuum [160, 162, steel was fonnerly at a disadvantage compared Tempered structure; c) Mi,..ed structure; d) Ferritic-pearl-
remelting tron beams hitting 164] with forged and rolled steel for welded con- itic structure. - = Cast steel valves from Steel Castings
electrode tip and struction, in that high-strength grades with ad- Handbook; ...... = Experimental cast steel valves.
pool surface
equate welding properties were unavailable. With these properties, the high-strength
PESR pressure electro- seeESR see ESR high-pressure inert [165]
slag remelting gas, mostly N, Metallurgical advances in steel production, es- weldable and castable grades of steel now
plus additions- pecially secondary metallurgy, have enabled available are suitable for welded designs in
VADER vacuum arc double- high-current d.c. arc vacuum plasma vacuum [161-163] the production of steels which, after casting many areas of engineering. Grades suitable for
electrode remelting between two elec- and heat treatment have tensile strengths of ca. turbines and steam power stations can be used
plasma gas
800 N/mm 2. They are thus equivalent to rolled to make castings up to 100 t.
PAR plasma arc plasma beams from vacuum.norrnalor [162,166]
remelting d.c. or a.c. plasma high-pressure inert and forged steels, and can be welded to them Alloying costs are not high, but they need
bumer(s) or reactive gas (Figure 6.107). to have a carbon content of ca. 0.2 % for good
340 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 341

welding properties. To ensure that compo- 200 5 wall thickness. However, heat treatment of
nents of all types will have the properties de- A gray iron is not normally practicable, so this
relationship is less important than the correct
sired, including welding properties,
martensitic and lower bainitic structures must t 100
choice of chemical composition. For gray iron
be produced, for uniform strength and tough- components, the design can only specify the
N 50 a~ wall thicknesses and the required strength the
ness. e
e choice of chemical composition must be left to
For plain carbon steel castings, the limit of '-
the foundry.
the wall thickness for through-tempering is ca. t:;
20 Cast iron is poured at ca. 1300-1450 DC.
20 mm. By the use of suitable alloying ele- 345 6 • 7
Si, 0 / 0 _
When molten, it can completely fill compli-
ments, this can be e:-.1ended to ca. 500 mm, al- 10 L-_---L_ _L-._-..L_ _..l..-_---l cated thin-walled molds, reproducing pattern
though the welding properties are somewhat 450 500 550 ~OO 650 700 Figure 6.110: Structure zones of cast iron. details exactly. Other important characteristics
affected. Temperature, 0 [ _
Tempering steels are used where compo- include its property of damping vibration, its
Hot-strength, low-temperature, and stain- Figure 6.108: High-temperature cast steel for working nents and work.-pieces undergo mainly abra- good resistance to corrosion by weathering,
less grades of cast steel, including austenitic temperatures above 540 "C. - = O'BIlOO 000; - = 0'1/100000; sion, but are also subjected to impact stress. and its good machining properties.
- ' - = DVM (Deutscher Verband fOr Materialpriifung
and duplex steels, are produced in a similar der Technik) creep limit. Abrasion-resistant cast hard chrome steels The amount of cast iron exceeds that of all
way to the rolling and forging steels. have the highest abrasion resistance of all cast other cast materials; ca. 40% is used in the au-
1000"(, Water 1000 0C, Furnace steels. They contain 2.5-3.5% C and 15-27%
The tendency of low-temperature nickel tomobile industry. Other applications include
steels to give a coarse-grained structure on so- Cr, and attain their highest abrasion resistance mechanical engineering, the building industry
after hardening at 900-1050 DC, with either (radiators, boilers, sanitary ware, pipes),
lidification makes them less suitable for cast-
accelerated or static air quenching. This group chemical plant, shipbuilding, and mining. The
ing. It is, therefore, recommended that Cr-Mo
has the lowest toughness of all the abrasion- former demand by steelworks for cast iron in-
or Ni-Cr-Mo alloy steels should be used, if resistant materials. Components made of this got molds has been greatly diminished by the
possible. material must not be subjected to transverse introduction of the continuous casting process.
Typical grades of steel for casting have heat stress. Hard chromium steel is used under con-
and abrasion-resistance properties which can- ditions of predominantly frictional abrasion, Spheroidal Graphite (SG) Cast Iron. In
not be matched by rolling and forging steels. 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 and where impact and pressure stresses are spheroidal graphite, also known as ductile iron
C,% - Martensite+ C, 0 / 0 - small. or nodular iron, the free graphite in the fer-
Cast steelis regarded as a high-temperature pearlite
ritic-pearlitic matrix is almost completely in
steel if it effectively resists the scaling effect Figure 6.109: Structure of cast hard manganese steel as a spheroidal form. This is achieved by treating
of gases at> 600°C. Heat-resistant steels can function of cooling rate.
Cast/ron the melt with magnesium. The formation of
be divided into ferritic and austenitic grades, Cast iron includes' iron carbon alloys with spheroidal graphite gives very good ductility,
Cast hard manganese steel (Figure 6.109),
and alloys based on nickel and cobalt. Ferritic carbon content ca. 2.8-4%. The carbon is for unlike the brittle properties of gray iron.
which contains 1.0-1.4% C and 12% Mn, was
steels are alloys containing 7-28% Cr and first described in 1888, and has retained its im- the most part not chemically bonded to the This material, first produced in 1948, is
1.7% Si, and austenitic steels contain 18-30% portance up to the present day. In order to de- iron, but is present in elemental form. now the subject of the German DIN 1693, BS
Cr and 10-37 % Ni. High-temperature steels velop its maximum abrasion-resistance 2789 in the United Kingdom, and ASTM A
Gray Iron. Cast iron with flake graphite, also
(Figure 6.108) are used for components that properties, a cold-hardening process is re- known as gray iron, is an iron-based material 536 in the United States. Its hardness can be
are highly stressed, both thermally and me- quired, e.g., by impact or pressure working, in which the carbon is nearly all in the form of increased by heat treatment and tempering. Its
chanically, and are subjected, either continu- which can increase the hardness of the abra- microscopic graphite flakes with a ferritic- mechanical and physical properties place it
ously or intermittently, to corrosive gases at sion-resistant surfaces from 250-300 to 500 pearlitic structure (Figure 6.110). In Germany, between lamellar cast iron and cast steel,
ca. 600-1150 DC. These materials have made HB (Erinell hardness scale). Good toughness this material falls under the DIN 1691 stan- though it more closely resembles cast steel.
the continuous operation of industrial furnaces properties can be produced by a solution an- dard, which specifies tensile strengths of 150- A large consumer of SG iron is the gas and
an economic possibility. Other areas of use in- nealing process at 1050 DC, with water 350 N/mm:!. In the United Kingdom, BS 1452 water pipe industry, which produces centrifu-
clude ore treatment (roasting furnaces), and quenching. applies, and in the United States, ASTM A48. gally cast pressure pipes and special pieces
the cement, petroleum, and petrochemical in- Hard manganese steel is unsatisfactory un- Formation of the graphite and its primary (elbows, Y-pieces, T-pieces, etc.). The auto-
dustries. Heat-resistant cast steel is used for der conditions of abrasive wear without im- structure, and hence the strength and hardness mobile and general engineering industries
valve cages, and combustion chambers in die- pact and pressure work hardening, as under of the product, depend very much on the cool- have an even greater and increasing demand.
sel engines. these conditions no cold hardening occurs. ing and solidification rate, and hence on the Rollers, ingot molds, and heavy, thick-walled
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Steel 343

elements such as nickel, chromium, manga- "black heart" malleable iron in which it does
storage containers for the disposal of radioac- J~""'"
tive waste are manufactured from SG iron. nese, copper, and silicon, which change the not. ",'I> 'Iio
'~ Ol .... ~' 110 120
metallic structure. Corrosion-resistant and \>-' 'I ~ 100 130
A special development, austempered duc- Malleable iron can be produced only in r 1500 ~ 90
14 ('.
tile iron (ADI), also known (somewhat inap- high-temperature grades are used, e.g.., in the castings of limited mass and wall thickness. u
13 0>"'0
propriately) as "bainitic" cast iron, has chemical industry, in furnaces, and in the auto- Mass varies between a few grams and ca. 100 80 .......:-<--0"""... 12. ,socZ
_~_~11 ~~
interesting mechanical properties. When its mobile industry. The cryogenics industry uses kg. The good machining properties and espe- .E. 70
.:>..o-o......::-~10· -7-
tensile strength is 900 N/mm 2, its breaking low-temperature grades that do not become cially the uniformity and consistency of the ~ 1400
brittle at temperatures far below 0 DC. The a.
elongation is 5-12 %; when its tensile strength useful properties of malleable iron make it e
electrical industry has wide-ranging require- 2
is 1400 N/mm 2 , its breaking elongation is 1- highly suitable for production foundries.. 8
2 %. These materials also have very good ments for nonmagnetic materials, and materi~
Most of the malleable iron castings pro- 1300
abrasion properties. The bainitic hardening is als with high electrical resistivity. L-....L..--.L.----l_-'---'--L.--l._L-....L..-....J
duced (65%) go to the automobile industry. In 4 6 8 10 12 14
carried out in a salt bath at ca. 300-500 °C for In Germany, these materials are covered by second place comes the building industry (fit- Melting capacity, t m- 2 h-1 _
20 min to ca. 2 h. As yet there is no standard DIN 1694 (austenitic cast iron) and DIN 1695 tings and pipe connectors). Other consumers
specification in Germany, the United States, (abrasion-resistant alloyed cast iron), in the Figure 6.112: Iron temperature and melting rate as a func-
include the general engineering and electrical tion of air blast and available carbon for a cupola furnace
Japan, or Sweden. A European standard is in United Kingdom by BS 3468, and in the industries, and manufacturers oflocks. with specific cross-sectional area 1 m~.
course of preparation. United States by ASTM A439.
The cupola furnace consists of a strong cy-
Cast Iron with Vermicular Graphite. In this White Cast Iron and Roll Casting. In these lindrical steel sheet outer cover, lined with a
type of cast iron, the graphite that separates special grades of cast iron, the carbon in the thick layer of refractory bricks and rammed
out is mainly in vermicular form. The connec- structure is not graphite, but iron carbide. refractory material. In the bottom part of the
tion between this type of cast iron and the min- White cast iron is extremely resistant to abra- furnace shaft, ring-shaped nozzles (tuyeres)
eral vermiculite, a magnesium aluminum sion by frictional and grinding effects. These blow air into the incandescent layers of coke,
silicate, is only conceptual. On heating and ex.- grades are used in a wide range of rolling op- iron, and other materials.
panding, vermiculite swells up to worm-like erations, and in grinding and mixing pro- In the melting zone, the metallic raw mate-
Carbon, %
shapes (Latin: veJ71/is, worm). Expanded ver- cesses. As these materials are normally not Bound: Total: rials, selected so that the molten cast iron has
miculite is used in the building industry as a heat treated, the mechanical properties depend ::0.1 ::0.1 _ Ferrite the desired composition when it flows from
sound, and thermal insulator, and has no con- only on the chemical composition, even for 0.1-0.7 0.1-2 0 Ferrite + pearlite + temper carbon the furnace, are mixed. Molten cast iron at ca.
nection with cast iron. very heavy and thick-walled components 0.7 2-3 ~ Pearlite + temper carbon 1500 °C and molten slag are then tapped from
The basic structure of cast iron with ver- (rolls). separate openings into separate containers.
micular graphite can be ferritic, pearlitic, or a Figure 6.111: Distribution of camon and development of
the structure in white heart malleable iron of various wall
The cast iron is usually collected in a large, re-
mixed structure. The mechanical properties of Malleable Iron. Malleable iron castings ac- thicknesses. fractory-lined holding vessel in front of the
the material lie somewhere between those of quire their special properties by a tempering cupola furnace. The casting ladles can then be
gray iron and SG iron. Vermicular graphite has heat treatment. Malleable iron is formed from Melting of Cast Iron. The oldest and most filled from this as required. The slag flows
been known since the discovery of spheroidal an iron-carbon alloy (DIN 1692) whose widely used melting furnace in iron foundries into a cast iron skip, and, after solidification, is
graphite in 1948. Any vermicular graphite in chemical composition is such that, after solidi- is the cupola furnace. It was developed from disposed of on a waste tip. It is sometimes
the SG iron structure was regarded as having a fication, the carbon in the metallic structure of the early charcoal furnaces, which were some- granulated by adding water, or is used to pro-
harmful effect on properties. Its occurrence in- the casting is not free graphite, but chemically times provided with a cover to keep off snow duce slag wool, used as an insulating material.
dicated the presence of troublesome elements combined as iron carbide, Fe3 C. In this condi- and rain. Modem cupola furnaces use the hot blast
(principally titanium), which limited the for- tion, the material is hard and brittle, and al- The modem cupola furnace is a shaft fur- system, in which the combustion air is pre-
mation of spheroidal graphite if the standing most useless. The tempering process causes a nace with height approximately six times its heated and sometimes enriched with oxygen.
time of the melt was inadequate or excessive. transformation of the white iron by decompo- diameter. The inside diameter is ca. 800-3000 This increases the temperature and melting ca-
This led to fading of the effects of the magne- sition of the iron carbide at the high tempera- cm. Most cupola furnaces have melting capac- pacity.
sium treatment, and imperfect formation of ture used. Elemental carbon is precipitated, ities of 6-12 t (Figure 6.112), but the largest In another type of cupola furnace, firing is
the graphite in the interior of thick-walled SG and is then present in the structure as compact cupola furnaces produce 80 t1h. Pig iron, al- by gas or oil. The furnace is provided with
iron castings. nodules or flakes. loying elements, scrap castings, and steel burners instead of tuyeres. The column of
There is no German standard for this mate- Depending on the heat treatment, two types scrap, together with coke (the fuel) and lime- metal is supported in the shaft by a water-
rial, but local standards exist. of malleable iron can be produced: "white stone to liquefy the slag and combine with the cooled grate, located above the burner zone.
Alloyed Cast Iron. The properties of cast iron heart" malleable iron in which the heat treat- sulfur in the coke, are all charged in weighed Ceramic spheres on the grate increase heat
can be modified within wide limits by adding ment removes the carbon (Figure 6.111), and batches into the cupola furnace. transfer by convection, and the molten iron
344 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel

passes over these and drips into the hearth. For many applications, the products of hot
The cupola furnace is an economic method of rolling are unsatisfactory, e.g., with respect to As the area of the clean steel surface in-
melting large amounts of iron of constant or cross section, surface quality, dimension al ac- cr~ases, the pickling time decreases until a
slightly varying composition. The molten iron curacy, and general finish, so that cold rolling pomt known as the critical free surface is
can be continuously removed from the fur- is necessary, i.e., reduction of the thickness of reaoched. For hydrocWoric acid, this is ca.
Phase boundary 15 Yo, and for sulfuric acid, ca. 2 %.
nace. To an increasing ex1ent, induction cruci- the hot-rolled strip between two working rolls
Steel After le~ving the acid baths, the strip is
ble furnaces are used in iron foundries, usually without additional heating. Cold rolling of
operating at mains frequency (50 Hz) with steel is mainly used in the production of light- washed, dned, oiled, and coiled to form rolls
iron capacities up to 80 t, although most are in section, thin sheet, and stainless steel sheet of of the required mass. The storage looper com-
thickness 0.1-3.0 mm. p~ns~tes for interruptions to the process. All
the range 3-25 t. Furnaces of this type do not ® picklmg plants are provided with trimming
absorb electrical energy when empty, and ab- The production cycles in a cold rolling mill
sorb very little when charged with material in shears, normally located at the exit, though in
differ considerably from those in a hot rolling some plants at the inlet.
small pieces, because no appreciable induced mill. The raw material is first descaled, rolled,
current is produced under these circum- The used acid can be regenerated in the
and then heated. Further steps are slitting,
stances. Hence, low-frequency crucible fur- coiling, inspection, skin-pass rolling and case of ~u1furic acid by precipitating ~on sul-
Steel Phase boundary fate .as itS heptahydrate in a crystallizer (see
naces must always have a quantity of molten packing.
SectiOn 5.20).
metal in the furnace (25 % of the total crucible
capacity). To start up the furnace, a precast Hydroc!lloric ~cid can be regenerated by
Figure 6.113: Structure of the scale layer on hot-rolled
starting block that matches the shape of the
6.4.1 Pickling lInal~oyed or l~w-al1oyed steel: A) Coil temperature ca.
de~ompos~ng the tron cWoride to hydrochloric
crucible is placed in the crucible by means of a 570 C; B) Coil temperature ca. 7500C. a<:id and tron oxide, by a spray process at
Hot-rolled steel sheet always has a layer of 4)0 °C, or in a fluidized bed at 850°C [180].
crane. scale of variable structure on its surface, de- Before the actual pickling process, there is
Medium-frequency induction crucible fur- pending on the hot rolling conditions (Figure usually a stretcher bend-leveling device which
6. 113). The method of descaling depends on a.ls~ causes me.ch~cal descaling. This pre-
6.4.2 Rolling
naces, operated at 500-1000 Hz, are similar to
the mains frequency furnaces, except that their the composition of the scale. For high-grade hll11nary descal~g is very important, as there . After pickling, the descaled hot-rolled strip
capacities are considerably less for electrical steels, chemical descaling is carried out in hy- must be a certam percentage of free iron sur- is cold rolled, reducing its thickness (1.5-5
reasons. Medium-frequency furnaces are used drochloric or sulfuric acid, while stainless face in the pickling bath, so that pickling Cffil mm) ~y up to 90%. Many types of stands are
if rapid melting and heating, melting without steels are normally pickled in a nitric acid start. Normal steels are usually pickled in 20- used ill th~ production of cold-rolled strip,
starting blocks, or frequent changes of metal mixture. Purely chemical descaling is often a 25% sul~c a~id at 95-100 °C, or 15-20% ~.g., two-high, four-high, or larger. In revers-
grade are required. long process, but it can be accelerated by pre- hydrocWonc aCid at 60-70 °C in three or four mg stands, one roll pass can be immediately
liminary mechanical descaling, e.g., stretch- fully enc~osed pickling baths. For strip speed followed by another by reversing the direction
ing, leveling abrasive blasting, or rolling. 240 m/mm, the dwell time in the bath is ca. of the rolle~. Reversing stands with many
6.4 Forming Effective descaling requires the scale to be 20-30 s. The pic~n.g time depends not only rolls ~xert a high pressure on the strip because
broken down. ~n the ste~l compoSition and hot rolling condi- the diameters of the working rolls are small.
Metals, including steel, can be subjected to ~ons, but is also a function of acid concentra- These st.ands are therefore mainly used for
Pickling is carried out in continuously op-
plastic deformation in the solid state by the ap- erating plants (Figure 6.114). There are usu-
!ion, temperature, and concentration of ste~ls With work-hardening properties, e.g.,
plication of external forces, i.e., they can be iron(II) salt, which increases as the dissolution stainless steels and electric sheet steels.
ally two pay-off reels from which the strip is of scale proceeds.
formed into new permanent shapes. Here, the run. It is first cut by cropping shears to fonn Some 4-6 four-high stands can be installed
term "forming" or "metal forming" means the the beginnings and ends of the strips, and the T~e ch~mical reactions during pickling are one after the other to form a so-called tandem
intentional and controlled change of the geom- start of the band is machine welded to the end desc~be~ m the l~terature [175-179]. Individ- cold rolling mill (Figure 6.115). These mills
etry of a workpiece, usually from a simple ge- of the previous band. Great care must be taken ual pickllllg reactlOns are given in Table 6.14. have t?e advantage that the strip reaches its fi-
ometry to a complex one with regard to the in the production of the weld bead, as this is Table 6.14: Pickling reactions.
nal thickness by going in one pass from the
shape, size, accuracy and tolerances, appear- rolled in the cold rolling mill, and must not be pay-off reel through all the stands. Strip
Fe 20 J + Fe + 3H 2S0 4 ~ 3FeS04 + 3H,O speeds at the exit can reach 2400 m/min.
ance and properties. The mass, composition, tom off. So that the actual pickling process Fe J 0 4 + Fe + 4H2S04 ~ 4FeS04 + 4H:O
and state of the material remain unchanged. If, can take place continuously during this inter- FeO + H2S04 ~ FeS04 + H:O Th~ gap is lubricated with an oil-water
however, the plastic limit is exceeded so that ruption to the flow, there is a storage looper Fe + H2S04 ~ FeS04 + H; ~mulslO~ to enable a high degree of deforma-
the change in geometry is not controlled, between the welding machine and the pickling Fe 20 J + Fe + 6HCI ~ 3FeCI2 + 3H,O ti~~m (thi9kness reduction) to be achieved at
forming with defects occurs, and the desired plant. After welding, the storage looper is re- Fe2 0 4 + Fe + 8HCI ~ 4FeCI, + 4H:O l:igh rolhng speeds. The oil provides lubrica-
FeO + 2HCI ~ FeCI: + H:O
product is not obtained. filled at ca. 2.5 times the pickling speed. Fe + 2HCI ~ FeCI; + H;O
tion, and the water absorbs the heat produced
in the rolling process.
Handbook ofExtractil'eMetallllrgy Steel 347

• Curved working rolls, both positively and ca. 700°C. This treatment produces a com-
negatively. Gap correction up to 180 J..Lm can plete recrystallization of the cold-rolled steel.
be achieved. The coils are cooled by removing the outer
• Adjustable intermediate rolls. This system casing. As the annealing space is then hotter
requires six stands. than its surroundings, heat passes out of the
protective hood in the reverse direction. The
• Thermal changes to the crowning of the roll.
outer windings of the coil cool more quickly
Feed section Treatment section Exit section The degree of thermal expansion of the roll
than the inner windings. If the cooling is too
body can be changed locally by adjusting
Figure 6.114: Continuous pickling plant: a) Cropping shears 1 (head); b) ~elding~planing ~ach~e; c) Cropping shew;; 2 rapid, tensions due to shrinking occur, and
the cooling, but this can only produee ex-
(foot); d) Stretch-bend-leveling device; e) Pickling/washing; f) Stampmg deVice; g) Tnmmmg shears; h) Croppmg these can cause diffusion welding of the wind-
tremely small changes.
shears; i) Take-up reel;j) Exit hooper, k) Entry looper:. I) Pay-olfree!. ings (stickers).
Take-up reel Hill stands Pay-off reels
• Continuously variable crown systems (uni-
versal profile control). The rolls can be ad- Table 6.15: Annealing reactions.
justed to produce a convex or concave gap; CO2 + C .,. 2CO Boudouard reaction
the range of control here is ca. 400 J..Lrn. CO + H20'" CO2 + H2 Water gas reaction
With the aid of precisely controlled strip Fe + xe0 2 .,. FeD. + xeD Oxidation ofiron due to
tensions between the stands and highly devel- CO/Coralio
oped measuring and automation technology, Oxidation ofiron due to
it is possible to provide a gap shape appropri- H 2 0IH z ratio
ate for the shape of the strip. With this system, Methane reaction·
Figure 6.115: Six-stand tandem cold rolling mil!. flat cold-rolled strip with thickness variations
Protedive of only a few thousandths of a millimeter and HNX-'- Hottest point
Furnace Furnace Coldest point
high-quality surface finish can be produced.
/ casing
Condudion of
heat into coil
Cold rolling causes work-hardening of the
steel. This is reduced by an annealing stage.
H1 - - Hottest point
Coldest point

/ hood

Combustion - -~r Heat transfer

II t o the edges
6.4.3 Annealing u
1 700

• 500
.----. -- - - ~
t of coil ~- .
- II.;
/ transport
Io'l/ through gas
The cold-rolled coiled strip is stacked in a
hood furnace for annealing (Figure 6.116).
The combustion chamber is heated by oil or
~ 300
100 '

d - Col des t point t . I~ Heat transfer gas burners. The heat passes through the pro- I-
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


"/.J'. I \
I-... ~1 through
protedive hood
tective hood into the space where the steel
coils are stacked. A circulating fan provides as
Time. h _

6 ~ t uniform a temperature distribution as possible. Figure 6.117: Comparison of armealing times in a hood
.... Burner t I and outer
The atmosphere in conventional plants is usu-
furnace under HNX and Hz atmospheres.

- -, \ casing
Radiation ~ ~ ally HNX gas (a nitrogen-hydrogen mixture Annealing in this type of furnace was for-
I Gas inlet and
I- 1
barrier in which the hydrogen content is close to the merly very slow. Another serious limitation
/ convection
Base plate flammability limit). was the limited rate of cooling attainable, so
Convedion of The heat passes into the coils through their that certain grades of steel were very difficult
Temperature protective gas
Circulating control outer edges, so that these areas are always hot- to produce in this furnace. An annealing pro-
fan ter than the inner windings, especially during cess in a 100% hydrogen atmosphere with im-
Figure 6.116: Hood furnace with heat transfer and gas flow indicated. heating up. proved convection has been developed in
Experiments have shown that it is not p?s- ?ef~c~s can occur (differences in the length of This heat treatment causes the organic resi- recent years. This gives shorter annealing
sible to change the profile in a cold rollmg mdlVldual fibers) [181]. . dues of the emulsion to bum off without leav- times (mainly owing to the rapid cooling), and
mill, so the hot-rolled strip profile must be The control elements usually used to adjust ing a residue, in accordance with the reactions more uniform mechanical properties. The hy-
produced to close tolerances. If the shape of the flatness are: given in Table 6.15 [182-184]. The strip is drogen easily diffuses into the coil windings,
then heated to the recrystallization tempera- and its conductivity is a factor of seven
the gap between the rolls does not correspond
ture, and annealed under the protective gas at greater. Moreover, the smaller H 2 molecules
to the profile of the strip being rolled, flatuess
348 Handbook o[ExtractiveMetaliurgy _ Steel

enable more rapid circulation of the atmo- ure 6.119). In the first, the strip is heated to the
sphere (high convection, Figure 6.117). annealing temperature, held at this tempera- Dwell zone steel.s. The strip is then quenched, by air-water
Gas jet cooling coolmg.
The continuous strip annealing process was ture, cooled to the dwell temperature, held
again, and then cooled to room temperature. Annealing in the hood furnace is successful
developed in Japan in the 1970s (Figure because of the increase in throughput obtain-
6.118). At the feed end there are: a double- The other alternative consists of heating to the able under the reducing atmosphere. Consid-
feeder pay-off reel, a welding machine, a annealing temperature, cooling with gas jets to era?le increases in throughput have been
Aging zone
cleaning zone, and a storage looper (required an intermediate temperature, and quenching in I ~chleved by the use of hydrogen, even though
if coils need to be welded together to give con- water to room temperature. The strip is then I
t---2-3 min---t
I ItS concentration is only 25%.
tinuous operation). The strip then passes brought up to the aging temperature, and fi- t A high proportion of the scale is removed
by ~brasive blasting. Although the ~brasive
through the heat treatment zone: heating nally cooled again to room temperature. Treat- ~r--------------~_
chamber, annealing chamber, cooling unit, ment at the aging temperature is not necessary '"<-OJ partICles are ~ainly spheroidal, a high degree
tempering zone, and second cooling chamber. for dual-phase steels.
c. Gas jet cooling of roughness IS produced. This must be re-
These are followed by the exit looper, the skin
>- moved by rollin.g,. an~ther cause of the high
Quenching is produced by the rapid cooling Quenching deformatIon stram m hIgh-grade steel mills.
pass mill, the side-cutting shears, the inspec- of the strip in the continuous annealing pro- (1000-2000 C/s)
. Sodium sulfate i~ us~d in electrolytic pick-
tion area, the cut-to-length line, and the dou- cess, so that the carbon remains in solution. Img. The electrolytIc pickle liquor is in effect
ble-coiling reel. As the treatment time for the For this reason, continuous annealing is very self-regenerating.
material is short (ca. 10 min), the annealing . Conventional pickling is carried out with a
suitable for producing high-strength, dual-
temperature is higher than in the batch anneal- m~xture of nitric (12-14%) and hydrofluoric
phase, and IF (interstitial-free) steels.
ing process. aCid (2--4%). Pickling temperatures are usu-
There are four continuous annealing pro- Time_ ally ~0-6? o~. U~ike sulfuric acid or hydro-
cesses which compete worldwide, differing
6.4.4 Skin-Pass Rolling Figure 6.119: Heating cycles of continuous annealing. cWonc a~ld picklIng solutions, regeneration is
not pOSSIble, so that the spent acids must be
mainly in the cooling equipment used, and the As stated above, the annealed material must Various steel grades can be produced in rendered harmless and disposed off.
cooling rates achieved [185]. be rolled (skin-pass rolling) to prevent flow these two annealing cycles. , - After pickling, the strip is usually rolled on
The recrystallizing annealing process elim- lines owing to the distinct upper and lower "Sendzimir" rolling mills (more rarely on
inates the hardening produced by cold work- yield points. This also produces the roughness four- and six-high stands).
6.4.5 Stainless Steels
ing, but the mechanical properties of the which customers require. This is of great im- The strip is then annealed to convert the
annealed strip are poor: low tensile strength, portance for deep drawing or coating the steel. The processing of stainless steel in a cold steel from 0e :"ork-hardened state produced
low yield point, high fracture strain, etc. An- For example, if complex deep-drawn parts are rolling .~ill is. quite different (Figure 6.120). by cold rolling mto a recrystallized and stress-
nealed thin strip has a marked upper yield AusterutIc stamless steel behaves differently relieved state, to enable further treatment of
required, e.g., for automobile construction, the
point and a large ~xtension at the lower yield surface of the steel should be rough in order to from ferntic stainless steel. The hot-rolled the strip to be carried out.
strip is first annealed. This is necessary be- .Stainless steels are to an increasing extent
point. retain the lubricant. Good coating properties
cause, after the hot rolling process, the strip bemg anne~led in bright annealing plants
There are two basically different annealing require a surface with a large number of peaks, cools s~owly, and carbon tends to precipitate at [186], as this process enables the bright sur-
cycles for continuous annealing furnaces (Fig- which should be randomly distributed. th~ ~am boundaries, owing to its reduced sol- face .produced by cold rolling, and typical of
Direction of strip_ UbIlity at lower temperature. Annealing causes speCIal steels, to be retained (Figure 6.121).
the ~arbon to go back into solution. Rapid ~he strip is finally rolled again (skin-pass
cooling of the strip then prevents the carbon rolling).
from p.recip.itation by diffusion. Although the
~nnealmg tIme required to bring the carbon 6.4.6 Future Developments
~nto solution is short for austenite, a long time
, "
" ..•

IS necessary for ferritic steels, so that batch an- .The exte~t of automation in cold rolling
~111~s. has raIsed the possibility of linking the
~ ~

nealing is necessary. In the continuous fur-
mdividual process steps. For instance at-
nace, annealing is carned out in an oxidizing
a b d e g h k tempts ~re being made to link the pickling
atmosphere to produce a scale with a high ox-
stag: WIth the tandem rolling operation. This
Figure 6.118: Continuous annealing plant: a) Pay-off reel; b) Strip cleaning; c) Entry looper; d) Heating zone; e) Temper- ygen conte~t, thereby assisting the pickling
ing zone; f) Reheating zone; g) Cooling; h) Exit looper; i) Skin-pass rolling, j) Inspection/oil treatment; k) Take-up reel. reqUires the outputs of the two operations to
process. This does not apply to high-grade
match. In Japan, a cold rolling mill is being
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 351

operated in which pickling, rolling, .and con- correspond. The maxi~um eco.nomic output Hot-rolled strip
tinuous annealing have been combmed, de- of a continuous annealmg plant IS 800 000 tla,
while tandem rolling mills can easily achieve +
spite the fact that the outputs o~ the c~ntinuous IPickling I
annealing process and the rolling null do not twice this production rate. I
r r
ICoid rolling I /Hot-dip coatingl
/ Hot-rolled strip ~ I I 1
O-furnace, skin-
pass rolling in
Hood furnace I IHot-.dip
I Ideposition
Vapor 11
Austenite Ferrite
line I
~ ISkin-pass I
Hood furnace (BOOO() rolling

A : 1100 D ( A : - rElectroplating I
B : Yes B : Yes 1
EP: - EP: - I
(P: HN0 3/HF

(P: HN0 3/HF
~ ~
polishing (if required) Polishing (if required) ..
Flnlshmg and despatch
~ ~ Figure 6.122: Surface coating in relation to oilier production processes.
(old rolling (old rolling "'"
Bright 6.5 Surface Coating chanical entry section, the process itself, and
a;ealin g the exit section. The input and output sections
\ / are provided with pay-off reels, coiling reels,
6.5.1 Introduction leveling machines, shears, welding machines,
/ A : BOOO( A : BOO D( A : -
Bright B : - B : - B : - Technical developments in recent years loopers, regulating and pulling rolls, etc.
annealing EP: NaZS04 EP: NaZS04 EP: - have greatly increased the output of surface- This equipment produces a continuous
(P: HN0 3/HF (p: HN0 3 (P: ~N03 coated steel strip. The demand for improved strip, and enables treatment to be carried out at
/ passive", I jSlve corrosion protect ion is not the only driving constant strip speed, under stable process con-
\ force. The properties of coated strip, such as ditions. Inspection areas for quality assurance
Skin-pass rolling Skin-pass rolling the yield point, expansion properties, and cold are usually situated at the exit end.
mls mg
workability needed to be improved before
these products could be used, e.g., in the auto-
As well as coated strip, the steel industry
also produces clad steel sheet. This is a com-
. . kl' r A - anne ling' B = abrasive blasting; EP = electro- motive industry. New processes had to be de- posite material that combines the properties of
Figure 6.120: Flow dia~ o~ a c?mbined annealtnglplc mg Ine. - a ,
veloped to improve welding and paint a carrier material which is usually cheap (e.g.,
lytic pickling; CP = chemical plcklmg.
application properties for large-scale indus- carbon steel) with those of a metal more suit-
h trial manufacture. These involved close coop- able for the conditions of use (e.g., corrosion-
9 m eration between the producers and consumers
e ... of coated steel sheet. Within the steel industry
resistant steel).
the continuous surface coating processes used
include hot dipping, electrolytic techniques, 6.5.2 Hot-Dip Coating
vapor treatment, and coil coating.
The status of surface coating in relation to Plant and Processes
other production processes within the steel in-
dustry is shown in Figure 6.122. In the hot-dip coating process, the steel
The design of surface coating plants for strip is continuously passed through molten
wide steel strip essentially consists of the me- metal. An alloying reaction between the two
352 Handbook ojExtractive M eta/lurgy Steel

metals takes place, leading to a good bond be- metal, with static cooling elements and rapid Aluminum has a dense outer oxide layer
tween coating and substrate. coolers. which reduces loss rates in various atmo-
Cold-rolled wide strip is usually used for After leaving the continuous furnace, the spheres, and gives better corrosion protection,
hot-dip coating, but this is contaminated with cleaned and heated strip, under a protective especially at higher temperatures. The zinc-
rolling lubricant emulsion and of abraded iron gas, is fed by means of a so-called snout into aluminum combination is selected to give the
fines. To ensure a good bond between the the molten metal (Figure 6.124), which is con- best coating properties for each application.
metal coating and the substrate, the surface of tained in a heated metal or ceramic vessel. Im- b
the strip must be thoroughly cleaned before mediately after this, jet processing is carried ~O In the hot-dip zinc coating process, when
dipping in the molten metal. out by blowing a gaseous medium through a the oxide-free steel surface is dipped, a multi-
The important parts of the hot-dip coating slit, of the same length as the width of the layer Fe-Zn diffusion zone is formed which is
process (Figure 6.123) are [187]: the continu- strip, onto the upper and lower sides of the then covered with a layer of zinc on removing
ous furnace; the treatment zone where the strip. This enables different coatings to be pro- the sheet from the bath. In batch galvanizing,
metal coating is applied; cooling and fmal duced on the two sides. The coating thickness uncontrolled growth of the Fe-Zn layer leads
treatment. (7-45 f..lm, or 50-300 g/m 2) is a function of gas to a thick and very brittle coating with several
Older plants usually have a horizontal con- pressure, strip speed, nozzle-strip distance, component layers (Figure 6.126) that does not
tinuous furnace which comprises a directly nozzle aperture, jet angle, and the viscosity readily undergo forming processes. On the
heated preheating furnace and indirectly and density of the metal being removed. Figure 6.124: Control of coating thickness: a) Coating other hand, a continuous zinc coating process
heated reduction and holding zones with re- thickness measurement; b) Jet processing nozzle (slit); c)
The thickness of the metal coating is con- Pass line roll; d) Stabilizing roll; e) Bottom roll. involves short contaCt times between the strip
ducing HiN2 atmospheres, followed by cool- and the molten zinc. Aluminum is added to re-
tinuously monitored, and controlled by adjust- Further chemical treatment--chromate
ing zones. In the preheating furnace, the strip duce the speed of the Fe-Zn reaction, leading
ments to the jet processing equipment. passivation and/or oil treatment, for temporary
is rapidly heated to > 550 DC, and is cleaned to a relatively thin alloy layer. Compared with
by burning off the oil emulsion residues. In the After jet processing, the liquid metal coat- protection of the surface against "white rust"
ing passes through air cooling equipment, so is sometimes carried out. batch processes, this composite system per-
reduction and holding zones, the strip is
that it solidifies before it comes into contact mits an extreme degree of deformation with-
heated to cause recrystallization or normaliza- In new plants (Figure 6.125), the continu-
with the first roller that deflects it from the out detachment of the coating.
tion, according to the grade of steel, to give the ous furnace is usually vertical, which reduces
cold-rolled, work-hardened substrate material vertical. the number of contacts between the eas~ly· When the zinc coating solidifies, the well-
the desired mechanical properties. The strip then passes through more pro- damaged strip and the carrier rollers. These known zinc spangle appears, caused by lead in
For normal grades' of thin steel strip, tem- cessing equipment. It is rolled in the fmishing Plants also have alkaline cleaning equipment, the zinc bath (usually 0.10-0.15%). Hot zinc-
peratures are 700-750 DC, and for IF (intersti- stand to improve its technical properties or to with brushing and rinsing zones to remove coated thin strip with good forming and paint
tial free) steels> 800 DC. give a uniform surface appearance. The flat- both the emulsion residues and most of the application properties must have zinc crystals
The strip is cooled in the cooling zones to a ness of the strip is then improved by stretch- particles of abraded iron. The preheater in that are as small and uniform as possible over
temperature slightly above that of the molten leveling equipment. these plants is usually indirectly heated, as the the length and width of the strip. Crystal size
emulsion residues are removed in the alkaline can be controlled by nucleation or by the com-
-------Treatment equipment·------- cleaning. position of the bath.
Stretch leveling Control of the number of nuclei by the in-
g Other Coating Processes troduction of foreign nuclei has been used for
Up to the late 1960s, only zinc and alumi- some years (Figure 6.127). Nuclei in the form
num were used to coat steel. Corrosion resis- of water, water vapor, water-soluble salts, or
~ --L----4rJ
L - -- - l - --.l...-
tance and working properties were later zinc dust are blown onto the liquid coating
c d e surface. The success of the operation depends
improved by using coatings based on a com-
posite zinc-aluminum system. Table 6.16 lists on uniformity over the whole width of the
m the most important coatings, with composi- strip.
tions, coating thicknesses, and bath tempera- The third method of reducing zinc spangle
IFeed section I Exit section Zinc in the presence of moisture provides
cathodic protection of the steel substrate. This
is to reduce the lead content (Figure 6.128). As
the solubility oflead in the zinc crystals is low,
Figure 6.123: Hot-dip coating plant: a) Pay-off reel; b) Entry looper; c) Preheater; d) Reduction zones; e) Holding zone; separate crystals tend to appear. If the lead
f) Cooling zones; g) Strip cooling; h) Nozzle; i) Molten metal bath; j) Skin-pass rolling; k) Final chemical treatment; I) is effective, even in the region of the uncoated content is < 0.05%, the crystals are hardly vis-
Exit looper; m) Take-up reel. edges, up to a steel thickness ca. 1rum. ible macroscopically.
Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrg}' Steel 355

Table 6.16: Composition and temperature ofhot-dip coating baths and coating thicknesses produced.
Coating Zn,% Al,% Si,% Bath temperature, °C Coating thickness, J.lI11
Zinc coating 7-45
Monogal ] 99.5 0.12--0.30 450-480 7-15
Galvannealed 7-15
Galfan 95 5 420-450 7-25
Galvalume 43.4 55 1.6 600-620 13-28
Aluminum coating (type 1) 90 10 660-680 17-45

b d e h
Figure 6.U5: Hot-dip zinc coating plant at the Kawasaki Mizushima works: a) Exit section; b) Chr~mate passiva~ion; c) =-:? c::::= .
Iron flash (electrolytic); d) Stretcher-rol1er leveling equipment; e) Measurement and c.ontrol equipment; f) Skin-pass - ~- Extraction
rol1ing; g) Zinc bath; h) Galvannealing furnace; i) Fumace;j) Pretreatment; k) Entry section. Water

steel T]
100 11m Zinc dust spray

Figure 6.127: Control of crystal size in hot-dip zinc coatings by adding foreign nuclei: A) Zinc dust spray; B) Water-air

Slight zinc Mixed Severe zinc system. A residual layer remains on the

.~ 1 brushed side, consisting of ca. 10 g/m2 mate-

7 spangle region spangle
60 rial in the form of an Fe-Zn layer. The result
"0 § 5 resembles material that has been coated by ap-
'- v; plying a hot melt to one side only.
Ol C'I
;5 ~ 1 too ---It---r
, I

ca. 30 11m a
ca. 111m o 0.05 0.10 0.31
Fe-Zn alloy coating Lead content of zinc bath, % _
Figure 6.128: Zinc spangle diameter as a function oflead
content ofthe coating bath.
400 400
Steel strip coated with zinc on one side
t 300
300 only, the other side having similar properties
to those of cold-rolled strip, is required in
~ ~ 200 200
c . small amounts by the automotive industry.
~ ;; 100 100 In the process shown in Figure 6.129, liquid
::r: ::r: o 0 L- --'--_ _ zinc is transferred to the strip under a nitrogen
atmosphere by means of a carrier roll. In the d
Figure 6.126: Coating structure, Fe content, and hardness of hot-dipped steel: A) Continuous galvanization; B) Batch
Monogal process, the zinc coating is removed
from one side of the strip by brushing in the
Figure 6.129: Coating steel strip on one side only (Nip-
opposite direction with a metal brush (Figure pon Steel): a) Furnace; b) N1 atmosphere; c) Coating
6.130), and is removed by a fume extraction rol1er; d) Zinc bath; e) Stripping nozzle.
356 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 357

and improved forming properties (for compa- chanical properties of the substrate are not af- In the electrolytic pickling process, the strip
rable coating thicknesses) when used without fected. The desired coating thickness is is activated before the zinc coating stage. Af-
a paint coating in an industrial atmosphere. achieved by controlling current and strip ter cleaning and pickling, the strip enters the
An Al-Zn alloy (ca. 55% Al, ca. 43% Zn, speed. coating facility, in which the number of elec-
and 1.6% Si) was introduced by Bethlehem In a electroplating plant (Figure 6.133), the trolytic cells is sufficient to enable the produc-
Steel in 1963 under the trade name Gal- equipment at the feed end is similar to that tion rate to match that of the rest of the plant.
valume. It has a low loss rate, especially in used for hot-dip coating, and only those fea- The strip can be treated to give additional
maritime climates. tures that differ from hot dipping are described temporary corrosion protection, most com-
here. monly by phosphating and/or chromate passi-
The surface of the cold-rolled strip must be vation. •
clean so that an adherent, optically defect-free A strip drier is always provided at the exit
metallic coating is produced. Electrolytic end of the treatment zones of an electrolytic
coating plants have facilities for cleaning the coating plant. In the discontinuous part or" the
strip, normally a combination of spray, brush, exit area, there are usually trimming shears to
and electrolytic cleaning with alkaline clean- ensure the correct strip width.
ing solutions at 80°C.
In cleaning facilities that use chemical so-
lutions, multistage rinsing with brushing Electroplating Cells
equipment is always provided, so that residues In steel strip electroplating plants, coating
from the treatment -solutions are removed as takes place in the electroplating cells. The
completely as possible. strip is connected to the negative pole of a rec-
After cleaning, many plants include tifier, and forms the cathode. The conduction
stretch-leveling equipment to ensure that the rollers have a highly wear-resistant cladding
strip is flat. This is necessary so that the dis- of special steel, and have to be cooled, owing
tance between the anode and the strip can be to the high current which they carry. Compres-
Figure 6.130: Hot-dip zinc coating by the Monogal pro- kept small, while avoiding contact between sion rollers ensure good electrical contact. The
cess: a) Reverse-direction metal brush with zinc dust ex-
traction; b) Nozzles; c) Zinc bath; d) Pass line roller. the two (short circuits), thus minimizing elec- anodes are situated on both sides of the strip,
tricity costs. as near the strip as possible.
In the Galvannealed process (Figure
6.131), on-line treatment of the strip is carried
out immediately after zinc coating. After so-
lidification, the coating (30-90 g/m2, 5-12 Figure 6.131: Hot-dip zinc coating by the Galvannealed Cathode:
~: Anode:
Ilm ) is heated briefly at 460-600 °C, induc- process: a) Cooling zone; b) Holding zone; c) Heating
tively or with gas. This converts the zinc coat- zone; d) Nozzles; e) Zinc bath. Zn 2• + 2e- - Zn 2S0~- - S20~- + 2e-
ing to a penetrating Fe-Zn alloy layer, which W+ e- - H sot- 2S20~- - 2sot- + 250 3+O2'
should have Fe content 9-11 % for maximum 6.5.3 Electrolytic Coating H+H=H 2' 2H 20 - 4W+0 2' +4e-
forming properties. Compared with a pure (Electroplating) Cathode ZnS0 4/H 2S0 4 Anode
zinc coating, Fe-Zn alloy coating gives im-
proved welding and paint adhesion proper- H2S0 4 - 2W + SO~­
ties. If the Galvannealed strip is not painted, -Plant and Processes
ZnS0 4 - Zn 2• + SO~-
its corrosion resistance is less good. In electrolytic coating (electroplating), the
Figure 6.132: Electrolytic coating with zinc.
A coating with the trade name Galfan was steel strip, which has been annealed and rolled
developed by the Centre de recherches metal- (skin-pass rolling), is continuously passed f

lurgiques in 1980. The zinc is alloyed with ca. through an aqueous electrolyte containing 01
5 % aluminum to give a eutectic composition zinc ions (Figure 6.132) [188]. An electric
. with melting point ca. 380°C. Wettability of current causes the zinc ions to be deposited on
the steel strip is improved by including small the steel strip, which forms the cathode. The
Figure 6.133: Electrolytic coating plant: a) Pay-offreels; b) Welding machine; c) Alkaline cleaning; d) Entry looper; e)
amounts of cerium and lanthanum in the melt process takes place at 55-75°C, so that there Stretch-leveler; f) Pickling; g) Electroplating; h) Aftertreatment; i) Exit looper; j) Trimming shears; k) Oil treatment; I)
bath. The Galfan coating has a lower loss rate is no alloying with the steel strip, and the me- Take-up reel.
358 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 359

There are two types of anode: Tin and Lead-Tin Coatings. Lead-tin coat-
o ® © • Solid anodes of the metal being coated dis- ings containing 10% Sn (Terne) are mainly
solve at a rate proportional to the current used to plate steel sheet for gasoline tanks. It
and must be replaced at regular intervals. has indifferent electrochemical behavior to-
• With insoluble anodes made of lead alloys, wards chemicals, but displays good corrosion
or titanium plates coated with noble metals. behavior as well as good paint application
Zinc solutions must be added to the electro- properties for selected paint systems.
lyte. Tinplate is steel strip, 0.1-0.5 mm thick,
Collection tank To produce zinc or alloy coatings, ~ulfuric with a tin coating of ca. 2.4 g/m:!. A solution of
or hydrochloric acid electrolytes and soluble tin fluoroborate can be used as electrolyte. The
anodes are most often used. Addition of con- thin strip, which forms the cathode, is passed
® CD ® ® ducting salts, e.g., Na:!S04 or (NH4hS04' en- between two rows of thin anodes. After coat-
d sures high conductivity, with current densities ing, the strip is heated above 232 DC (mp tin),
f' c
> 100A/dm:!. and quenched in water to give the brilliant lus-
Three types of cell can be used for electro- ter of electrolytically produced tinplate. Strip
plating (Figure 6.134); horizontal and vertical speeds > 650 mlmin can be reached. Tinplate
cells are used for coating one or both sides, is used in packaging (painted, foil-covered, or
while radial cells coat one side only. printed).
Electrolytic chromium-coated steel (ECCS) Coating Types is a special type of chromium-plated thin steel
~ Electrolyte feed t ~ strip, and is produced in a similar process. In
Electrolyte. in out Zinc Electroplated Thin Steel Strip. Corro- many applications, ECCS has replaced tin-
Figure 6.134: Electroplating ceIls: A) LCC-H (insoluble electrode, sulfate electrolyte; horizontal ceIl); B) NKK (solu- sion protection increases with increasing coat- plate.
ble/insoluble anode; chloride/sulfate electrolyte; horizontal ceIl); C) Krupp/SEH (insoluble anode, sulfate electrolyte, ing thickness, but workability and weldability
horizontal ceIl); D) Gravitel (insoluble Ti anode, sulfate electrolyte, vertical ceIl); E) HS (soluble anode, sulfate electro- deteriorate. A coating thickness of ca. 7.5 /lm
lyte, vertical ceIl); F) Carosel (soluble anode, chloride electrolyte, radial ceIl); G) KC (insoluble anode, sulfate electro-
represents a good compromise. • 6.5.4 Vacuum Vapor Deposition
lyte, radial ceIl). a) Insoluble anode; b) Soluble anode; c) Current-carrying roIler, d) Pressure roIler, e) Squeeze roIlers; f)
Dipping roIlers; g) Pump; h) Deflecting roIler, i) Top roIler,j) Edge mask. Zinc-Nickel Coatings with 11 ± 1 % Nickel.
This material has good corrosion properties, Plant and Processes
Vapor deposition section Conventional
hot-dip coating but mechanical properties are sometimes infe- In the vacuum vapor deposition process,
rior to those of pure zinc coatings. Sealed Zn- the coating metal is deposited onto the "cold"
Ni coatings (Durasteel) give improved work- steel strip from the vapor phase [189]. Vacuum
ability. vapor deposition is not yet established on a
Zinc-Iron Coatings. These give cathodic large scale in the steel industry, and is operated
protection up to an iron content of 85 % in the at only one location so far, where a hot-dip
c coating. Anticorrosion and workability prop- plant has been converted to a vapor deposition
Figure 6.135: Zinc vapor deposition plant at the Nisshin Sakai works: a) Gas jet cooler, b) Vacuum system; c) Vaporiza- erties are good with iron content 15-25%, plant (Figures 6.135,6.136).
tion chambers. while good paint application properties are ob- Vaporization is simply carried out in the
b a tained with iron content> 50%. This has led to zinc melting vessel. The plant has only a di-
the development of a two-layer coating, the rectly heated preheater, without alkaline
first with 10-25% Fe, (the rest being Zn), the cleaning. This degree of cleanliness of the
outer coating containing> 60% Fe. strip is often adequate for the vapor process.
As well as these established types of coat- Coating takes place in two chambers, both op-
ing, Zn-Co and Zn-Mn alloys are being inves- erating at 2.66 Pa; the vaporization capacity of
tigated. Cobalt also shows interesting the first is 350 kglh, and that of the second
properties, even at low concentration, and can chamber is 500 kglh. Molten zinc at 460 DC is
be plated at high current densities. Manganese pumped into the vaporization chamber where
is of great interest owing to the formation of a it immediately vaporizes at the low pressure.
Figure 6.136: Vacuum system for the zinc vapor deposition plant: a) Gas jet cooler; b) N~ gas; c) Edge heater, d, e) Va-
porization chambers (2.66 Pa); f) Heating coils; g) Vaporizer, h) Zn melt; i) Vacuum pumps. protective surface layer of Mn:!03' The strip must be cooled to ca. 250 DC in the
360 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 361

vacuum chamber so that the zinc precipitates With a sufficient number of vaponzmg Table 6.17: Coating materials and thickness ranges of
onto the cold strip. The operating pressure is chambers vapor coating could be carried out at coating films.
reached by successive reduction of the atmo- rates of 350-400 m/min. A vaporizing plant Abbrevia- Usual range
spheric pressure by squeeze rollers. Coating materials lion offilm thick-
could be incorporated into an existing continu- ness, JlII1
While the hot-dip process is mainly suit- ous annealing furnace, adding to the produc-
able for producing zinc coatings with thick- Liquid coating materials
tion capacity for coated steel strip. As only
ness > 60 g/m 2 , zinc vaporization produces one side is coated in each chamber, it would be Standard systems
coatings with thickness ca. 30 g/m2, often Polyesters SP 5-25
possible to coat either one side or both. Acrylics (resin) AY 5-25
more cheaply than the electrolytic process. Silicone-modified
® polyesters SP-SI 15-25 Further Developments 6.5.5 Coil Coating Epoxy resins EP 3-15
Polyurethanes PUR 10-25
[190,191] Poly(vinylidene fluoride) PVDF 20-25
Poly(vinyl chloride) Plant and Processes organosol PVC(O) 30-60
Vacuum vapor technology is mainly suit- Poly(vinyl chloride)
able for coating with pure metals, alloys, In the production of coil-coated thin sheet plastisol PVC(P) 80-400
chemical compounds, and composite layers Special systems
[192], the substrate material can be cold-rolled Weldable zinc dust primer ZP 10-20
that cannot be produced by hot-dip or electro- strip, zinc-coated thin sheet (hot-dip or elec- Heat-resistant nonstick
lytic coating. Potential coating materials under troplated), aluminum strip, or special steel Figure 6.138: Typical coil coating systems: A) Two roll- system HRNS 5-15
investigation are listed below: ers, reverse rotation; B) Three rollers, complete reverse
strip. Liquid paint or foil is applied to these rotation.
Film coatings
Metals carrier materials by rolling. Polyacrylate PMMA(F) 50-75
Zinc Primer or undercoat is applied at the first Poly(vinyl chloride) PVC(F) 100-300
Aluminum A coil coating plant (Figure 6.137) consists coating station (Figure 6.138). The paint is Poly(vinyl fluoride) PVF(F) 38
Chromium of the feeding equipment, strip cleaning, usually applied by typical rolling machines, Polyethylene PE(F) 100-300
TItanium chemical pretreatment, coating areas for running in the opposite direction to the strip,
Nickel primer and topcoat with the associated drying one on each side of the strip,. each paint roller Coating thicknesses, which depend on the
Copper ovens, and the exit equipment. The strip is coating system, are continuously monitored
having two or three feed rollers, depending-on
Silicon over short distances by integrating thickness
cleaned by methods similar to those used in the coating material. As a rule, a chromium-
zinc electroplating, but in this case the surface plated dipping roller supplies the paint from a measuring equipment, and are maintained
Nickel chromium
is then phosphated or chromated. For this, the tank to a rubber-coated roller running in the within very close tolerances by varying the ro-
Zinc alloys, e.g., Zn-Mg, Zn--Cr, Zn-Al, Zn--Ni, Zn-TI
<:henrlcnlcompoIUnds solutions are sprayed at ca. 40 DC, under pres- opposite direction to the strip, and applies a tation speed or the application pressure of the
TIN, TIC sure. The strip is then cooled with deionized paint fIlm at a rate controlled by a special coating rollers.
Al 20 3 water ang passivated. The chromate or phos- roller. The primer can be applied to the upper
SiO., and lower side of the strip. The strip then usu- Coating Systems (Figure
phate coating provides corrosion protection
<:omposites ally passes into the first drying oven in which
for the whole system, and improves adhesion 6.139, Table 6.17)
of the polymer coating. Before the strip is in- it hangs freely, and is heated to ca. 200-
Zn-AI troduced into the coating station, this precoat 240 DC, depending on the coating system. The The liquid coatings used are paints, based
Zn-Znalloys is dried with hot air. strip with its coat of primer is then cooled by on polyester and acrylic resins, poly(vinyl
air and water, and passes to the second coating cWoride) plastisols, and poly(vinylidene fluo-
station. The topcoat is applied on one or both ride). More recently, polyurethane paint sys-
sides, usually only the upper side. The coating tems have been used in special applications.
is then backed in the second drying oven at ca. Zincrometal and Inmozinc consist of thin steel
240-260 DC. Before the strip passes to the air sheet coated with zinc dust colors. Printed or
or water cooling area, it can be provided with a single color poly(vinyl cWoride) films are ap-
decorative and/or protective film. These lami- plied by rolling with an adhesive activated by
nates are applied under very precise condi- hot air, and the same process is used for
Feed section Treatment equipment Exit section tions of temperature and pressure. If a poly(vinyl fluoride) films. The coated or lami-
Fi~ 6.1~7: Coil coa~ing plant: a) Pay-off reel~ b) Cropping shears; c) Tack welding machine; d) Storage looper, e)
decorative foil is used, an adhesive is applied nated material can be provided with additional
Strip c1eanmg; f) Chemical pretreatment; g) Coatmg equipment; h) Furnace; i) Lamination equipment; j) Air cooler: k) instead of the top coat in the second coating protection against handling and assembly op-
Water quenching; I) Inspection table; m) Protective foil application; n) Edging shears; 0) Coiling reel. . station. erations by means of adhesive polyethylene
362 Handbook ofExtractive M etaIIllrgy Steel 363

protective films, applied hot or cold. Coating Variations properties. Each type of surface treatment has heat treatment can induce all the transitions
thicknesses are usually 15-300 Ilm. strengths and weaknesses compared with between the metastable states, and those states
In roll-bonding, a composite material is competitive processes. effectively correspond to equilibrium condi-
produced which often combines the special Other surface treatment methods are likely tions, so that a large number of microstruc-
6.5.6 Roll-Bonded Cladding properties of the individual components in an to become available, including electro- and tures and combinations of properties can be
[193,194] ideal manner. For cost effectiveness, a cheap plasma polymerization, electrolytic deposition produced [195, 196]. Another method of mod-
substrate material is often plated with an ex- of AI and Ti from organic solutions, plasma ifying steel consists of adding alloying ele- Principles pensive, corrosion-resistant, acid-resistant, or spraying, ion implantation, and cathodic sput- ments to stabilize the a-phase up to the
heat-resistant material (Table 6.18). tering. melting point, or conversely to cause the y-
In roll-bonding (cladding), two or more Table 6.18: Substrate cladding materials for cold roll- phase to be stable down to room temperature.
materials, which are usually flat, are pressure bonding. These possibilities are mainly used to improve
welded together. The process can be carried 6.6 Uses
Substrate materials Cladding materials c.orrosion resistance or to achieve particular
out with cold or preheated materials (cold roll- physical properties."
Iron Corrosion-resistant steels
bonding or hot roll-bonding). 6.6.1 Introduction
Steel High-temperature steels
In continuous cold pressure welding of Ni and Ni alloys (Section 6.6.1 is reprinted from Ullmann's
strip material, two metallic solids are bonded Cu and Cu alloys 6.6.2 Chemical Properties
Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 5th Edition)
strongly together by high pressure, which Aluminum
"At room temperature, pure iron has a body-
causes plastic deformation. The adhesive bond Noble metals
Special metals (T!, Ta, Mo) centered cubic structure. The solubility of car- Introduction
can only be assured if the surfaces are clean bon is < 0.001 % in this phase, which is known
and have a well defined surface structure Protective film as a-iron. On heating, a-iron is transformed at Iron is the most widely used metallic mate-
(roughness). [ca. 50-150 11m)

911 °C into the face-centered cubic y-phase. rial and, alloyed with different elements, it is
The surfaces must be brought together un- This y-iron can dissolve ca. 2% carbon as a the basis of a wide variety of steels, with a
der pressure until their distance apart is of the solid solution. On cooling this, transformation range of mechanical properties and chemical
Coating material
order of interatomic distances. As surfaces of Upper side (ca. 10-400 lim) ofy-iron to a-iron occurs and carbon is precip- stability. Iron itself is rather reactive, readily
technical quality are always covered with a itated as carbide Fe3 C. In the heat treatment of forming oxides, hydroxides, sulfides, etc. It
very thin oxide layer, these layers must be bro- transformable steels, they are heated until The undergoes an electrochemical reaction with
ken by deformation. In roll-bonding, it is Primer (ca. 5-10 11m)
y-phase is formed, so when this is cooled more humid air (rusting) which can rapidly con-
therefore necessary to stretch the surface, with Precoat (ca. 1lim) or less quickly, metastable states may be pro- sume unprotected unalloyed steel. The rust
exclusion of gas, so that new reactive surfaces Zinc· (ca. 2.5-25 lim) duced, and the precipitation of Fe3 C, which in layer is not protective, unlike the thin, dense
are exposed by plastic flow. These are then equilibrium is associated with the formation of oxide layer on aluminum or zinc, but similar
brought into contact at interatomic distances, a-phase, is more or less suppressed. The range behavior can be attained by alloying Fe with
so that a strong bond can be formed by adhe- Steel core (0.3-2.0 mmJ of applications of steel depends on the fact that Cr (> 12% Cr gives stainless steels).
sion. The bond strength is increased by subse-
quent annealing homogenization.

Zinc lea. 2.5-25 lim)
~ f- The Process (Figure 6.140) Precoat (ca. 1lim)
Paint film on
Hood furnace
Cold rolling
In the production of roll-bonded steels, sur-
face pretreatment is very important. The nec-
essary conditions are:
(ca. 5-10 lim)
~ f-- 8 Hot-rolled
steel strip
Figure 6.139: Cross section of coated steel strip. Abrasive blasting Pickling
• Complete absence of grease

~ ~ JDl
6.5.7 Summary
• A clean, fresWy activated metal surface ~~
~ 1--- rO- r--
o •. 0 . ",c

• A roughened surface, produced by stretch- Surface-coated thin steel strip was devel-
ing oped to improve, e.g., the corrosion properties Brushing Roll- Cold rolling Hood furnace Skin-pass
After pretreatment, the fresWy brushed
steel is fed, with the cladding material, into the
roll nip, and deformed in one roll pass, the ex-
of the steel, or to provide a decorative appear-
ance. The user must consider a range of prop-
erties, such as workability, welding properties,
- ~
annealing rol.ling

tent of deformation being 50-70%. adhesive properties, and paint application COIling
Figure 6.140: Production ofroll-bonded steel strip.
364 Handbook ojExtractiveMetallurgy - Steel 365

Iron is also very susceptible to oxidation or iron, is enhanced with increasing concentra- rust is formed, and the oxygen must diffuse In this reaction sequence, one S01 molecule
sulfidation at high temperature; FeO and FeS tion ofOH- [198], and also SH- or NH/ [199]. through the pores of this corrosion product. can transfer 15-150 Fe atoms into the rust
show a wide homogeneity range, correlated to 4 [204] by its catalytic action, until the reaction
high concentrations of lattice defects (cation Atmospheric Corrosion is stopped by formation of insoluble basic iron
vacancies), high diffusivities in the lattice, and 3 sulfates.
1 i. In corrosion by oXl'gen-containing electro-
high growth rates. Alloying can lead to high
oxidation resistance; Cr steels or Ni-Cr steels
with ca. 20% Cr can be used up to 1000°C,
e 2
lytes, Fe:!+ is oxidized to Fe3+, and oxides and
oxyhydrates are precipitated on the metal sur- Passivation
and Fe-Cr:-Al alloys at even higher tempera- face: The passivation behavior of iron is shown
tures, since they form slow-growing oxide 'Vi i.(Uk)=ik 4Fe2+ + 302 + 2H 2 0 ~ 4FeOOH (39) in Figure 6.142 [205]. Inregion 1, the current-
layers, which also give limited protection in 0 potential curve describes active anodic disso-
U 6Fe2+ + O2 + 120W ~ 2Fe,04 + 6H 2 0 (40)
environments which are sulfidizing, carburiz- ....c Uk 1i~IUk)=ik
ik lution; according to the Butler-Volmer equa-
ing, or chioriding (heat exchangers in combus-
-1 These reactions occur on the surface of the tion, the increase in current is exponential. In
tion or gasification atmospheres). L.J
solid corrosion products and not in the electro- region 2, the increase is limited since the solu-
The chemical behavior of iron and steels is -0.5 ~0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1
lyte. Atmospheric corrosion (rusting) in the bility limit of FeS0 4 is approached at the
of greatest interest in connection with corro- Electrode potential, V _ presence of a liquid electrolyte film [201] on metal surface--eorrosion is controlled by out-
sion problems; in the following, reactions and the metal leads to Fe30 4 at the iron surface, ward diffusion of the Fe2+ through the diffu-
Figure 6.141: Electrochemistry of iron corrosion.
corrosion processes are described only briefly, and FeOOH and Fe20 3 at the phase boundary sion boundary layer, independent of potential.
The reduction ofIr occurs in several steps; with the atmosphere. With restricted oxygen At the passivation (Flade) potential UF the
emphasizing the special points of chemical be-
electron transfer occurs by the Volmer reac- access, when all pores of the rust are filled current density abruptly decreases, owing to
havior of iron and steels.
tion: with water, Fe2+ formed at the inner phase formation of a passive layer, i.e., a very thin
W+e-~H.d (36) boundary [202] can react with FeOOH: oxide layer, most probably y-Fep3 [206], a Uniform Corrosion few nanometers thick, depending on potential
The adsorbed Had atoms can react to H 2, ac- Fe 2+ + 2FeOOH + 20W ~ Fe,04 + 2H2 0 (41)
Corrosion of iron in aqueous electrolytes and temperature. In the passive region 3, a
cording to the Tafel reaction: On drying the rust layer, allowing better ac-
results from the anodic dissolution process: steady state of continuous film growth and
2H.d~ H 2lBl (37) cess of oxygen, Fe30 4 is oxidized again, to dissolution is established, at current density i
Fe ~ Fe 2+ + 2e- (33) FeOOH. Atmospheric corrosion can be re- ca. 10-5 A/cm:!, corresponding to a corrosioJ
or the Heyrowski reaction:
tarded by certain alloying elements: Cu, P, Cr, rate 0.1 nun/a. In the transpassive region 4, en-
and the simultaneous, independent cathodic Had + W + e- ~ H2(g) (38) and Ni, which are added to rust-resistant hanced iron dissolution and oXl'gen formation
reduction of an oxidizing agent, in most cases
Adsorbed H atoms also can enter the metal, steels, e.g., Corten. Sulfur dioxide strongly ac- occur simultaneously. For the passivation po-
either hydrogen ions:
which leads to hydrogen-induced cracking celerates rusting of steels by initiating the re- tential of iron in the acidic region (in V):
(HIC) or hydrogen-induced stress corrosion action sequence [203]:
UF =O.5-0.005pH (44)
or o".-ygen molecules dissolved in the electro- cracking (HISCC). 4Fe +4S02 +202 +4HP~ 4FeS04 +4H 2 (42)
lyte: In neutral water, the corrosion rate is deter- 4FeSO. + 6H2 0 + O2 ~ 4FeOOH + 4H 2 SO. (43) Iron is passivated at pH > 10 by oxygen in the
mined by H+ diffusion to the metal surface, electrolyte, this is important for the use of re-
[O~ + 2H 20 + 4e- ~ 40W (35) inforcing steel in concrete, because the elec-
and the anodic dissolution rate is restricted to
The potential dependence of reactions (33) 0.2 !lA/cm2, corresponding to 2 x 10-4 cm/a. trolyte in the pores of the concrete is saturated
and (34) is described by the Volmer-Butler Since the exchange current densities i o of the with Ca(0H)2 at pH 12.5. Iron can also be pas-
equation, an exponential relation; oxygen re- Volmer and Tafel reactions are very low, and sivated in strong oxidizing acids such as
duction is mostly controlled by diffusion of since that of the Heyrowski reaction is negligi- HN03 ·
molecular oxygen to the metal surface, inde- bly small [200], iron does not corrode in neu- The current-voltage curve for nickel [207]
pendent of potential. The overlap of anodic tral water free of oxygen. In contrast, the is similar to that for iron; for chromium [208]
and cathodic reactions is shown in Figure corrosion of iron in neutral water saturated the passivation potential is shifted to more
6.141. The corrosion potential Uk is estab- with oxygen (in equilibrium with air) is negative potentials, and current density in the
lished at a negative value, where the current rapid-the calculation assuming rate-control- passive state is < 10-7 A/cm2 (Figure 6.143). In
density of anodic dissolution i a and oxygen re- ling 02 diffusion in a slowly flowing electro- o 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 the passive region, ci* is formed and very
duction i k are equal. The anodic dissolution is lyte yields 0.15 mA/cm:!, corresponding to a Electrode potential. V _ slowly dissolved, in the transpassive region,
further dependent on the concentration of de- corrosion loss of 0.15 crn/a. This high value is Figure 6.142: Electrochemistry of passivation of iron in formation of chromate and dichromate with
fects in the metal surface, and especially for not reached under natural conditions, since HCII mollL at 25 cC. UT = transpassivation potential. hexavalent Cr begins. This behavior is re-
366 Handbaak afExtractive M etalll/rgy Steel 367

flected in the passivation ofFe--er and Fe-Ni- Crevice Corrosion concentrations < 0.01 % (Figure 6.144), or by The latter type of SCC is enhanced by the
Cr steels [209]; with increasing Cr content the addition of stabilizing elements, such as Ti presence of impurity elements, such as P, at
passivation potential is shifted to lower values If there are crevices between a metal and a and Nb, which tie up carbon in very stable car- grain boundaries, similar to the intergranular
and the current density in the passive region is second phase, or in the metal itself, the onset bides [218, 219]. Precipitation of TiC and corrosion of iron and ferritic steels in nitrates
decreased, so stainless steels are passive over of corrosion is often observed in the crevice NbC can be induced by heat treatment at 900- at elevated potentials [231]. Under stress con-
a wide range of conditions. The breakthrough owing to retardation of the electrolyte ex~ 950°C (stabilization), where the chromium ditions, the selective corrosion of the crack tip
potential at which Cr6+ fOImation starts, is vir- change into and out of the crevice. When the carbides dissolve and the solubility of TiC and causes SCC at low P concentrations and with-
tually independent of Cr content. transport of oxidizing agent into the crevice is NbC is still very low; such treatment is impor- out anodic polarization.
retarded, leading to depletion of, e.g., dis- tant after welding of steels.
solved oXl'gen, the potential may fall below Pitting Corrosion the passivation potential and iron and low-al- ~. 850 Hydrogen Absorption and
loy steels may start to corrode. Also, the trans- ~
750 Hydrogen Embrittlement
If a passive layer is destroyed locally, the port of corrosion products out of the crevice is :g- 650
layer may heal under passivating conditions 2! On the surface of iron or steel, immersed in
or, in the presence of halide ions, pitting may
occur, i.e., local attack with formation of
inhibited, and their hydrolysis may lower the
pH, e.g., by the reaction:
cr* + 3H,o = Cr(OH), + 3H'
f \550
aqueous solution, the interplay of reactions
(33)-{38) establishes coverage with adsorbed
hemispherical pits. During pitting, active and ~ l;-' 450,L-!_1..J..LLWJ.,--'-J..UJ.wL .J-L.uJ.lJ,1l1.:""2L-L.L.w.ilI,~ol::"""1.W1lI,0 ~ hydrogen Had, which may correspond to a high
O 1O 0 hydrogen activity (a R = 1 at P(H2) = 100 kPa),
passive regions are stable in the immediate The increasing acidity reduces the activation
Annealing time, h -
neighborhood. The active areas are stabilized and pitting potentials, so active corrosion or depending on electrochemical potential E and
by the potential drop, caused by a high disso- pitting may start [213,214]. Figure 6.144: Annealing behavior of steel at various car- pH:
bon concentrations: a) 0.04% C; b) 0.02% C; c) 0.01 % C.
lution current through the electrolyte in the pit
(the bottom of the pit is at potentials below Intergranular Corrosion logu H = E -F - + pH = -E- + pH (45) Stress Corrosion Cracking 2.3RT 0.059
passivation potential and the surrounding pas-
of Stainless Steels especially if the Tafel reaction (37) is poi-
sive film is at a higher potential) [210]. Pitting The preconditions for stress corrosion
occurs if the value of the pitting potential U is Ferritic chromium steels and austenitic Cr- cracking (SCC) are: (1) the stress causes a soned by inhibitors, such as arsenic acid in the
exceeded, and if the corrosive ions have a crit- Ni steels are susceptible to intergranuhir cor- shear or strain ofthe material; and (2) the elec- electrolyte. In a neutral NaCl solution free of
ical concentration CL • For Fe--er and Fe-Ni- rosion after sensitization, i.e., after precipita- trolyte induces formation of a passive or pro- oxygen, the corrosion potential E of iron is
Cr steels, the pitting potential increases with tion of carbides at 450-750 °C. Precipitation tective layer [220, 221]. The strain leads to -0.6 V, and hydrogen activity can reach 103 .
Cr and Mo content (Mo is more effective than at grain boundaries [215, 216] leads to chro- failure of the passive layer at a slip step; there Correspondingly, hydrogen is absorbed into
Cr). Since then, N has been found to be even mium depletion nearby. If the potential is in the free material is rapidly attacked under an- the iron matrix in much higher concentration
more effective [211]. Pitting can start in Cr- the range between the passivation potentials of odic dissolution. Repeated failure at this spot than its solubility at P(H2) = 100 kPa, which at
depleted zones, e.g., after carbide precipita- the steel and iron, rapid dissolution of the 25°C is ca. 3 atoms per 108 iron atoms [232,
initiates crack growth. The electrolyte forms a
tion at grain boundaries [212]. metal phase occurs along the grain bound- new protective film at the walls of the crack 233]. Not all hydrogen in steels is dissolved,
aries. Potentials in this range are established in and only the crack tip stays active, leading to i.e., distributed on interstitial sites; most is in
the Strauss test [217], where the sample is in special sites (traps) where its energy is de-
~vV'VVV'i""'W'j deep cracks. Strain rate and passivation rate
contact with Cu and immersed in CuSOr creased, owing to stress fields in the lattice
:7 : must obey certain relations to obtain SCC; if,
H 2 S0 4 solution, so that sensitized materials around dislocations, inclusions, etc. [234].

f""~\ I po~ undergo intergranular disintegration. In the
for example, the passivation rate is too high,
this leads to immediate passivation of the
High hydrogen concentration in steels causes
le--~ temperature-time diagram, the conditions for whole crack and termination of crack growth, hydrogen embrittlement, i.e., decrease of
A \ \
sensitization are limited by curves for the on- toughness and brittle fracture. This effect of
0_ \ " \ whereas too slow passivation leads to strong
A \
set of carbide precipitation, which tends to hydrogen is explained by H enrichment at the
'\\I"! \ "\ l.i v "ioCr "IoNi
3.54 9.75 shorter times at higher C concentration and
truncation of the crack, or widening to a deep
crack tip, where it weakens the Fe-Fe bonds in

1 '"
\" v groove. SCC is observed in the following
U\ t~

£ 7.45 9.50
11.75 9.12
• 15.10 8.60
longer times at lower temperature, and by
curves for the end of carbide precipitation,
which also needs shorter times at higher tem-
• Austenitic steels in cWoride solutions-
the already strained regions at the tip, and de-
creases the surface energy of the newly
formed surface in the crack [235]. By this
10-2 L----'_--1._--1..-_--I..-_.l..-----I_--1.----J perature. After the end of precipitation, the transgranular crack growth [222-226] mechanism the presence of hydrogen can
-OJ 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 chromium concentration equalizes and the • Ferritic and ferritic-pearlitic structural cause hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), and
Electrode potential, V _ material becomes corrosion resistant again. steels in hot concentrated alkali carbonate aggravate stress corrosion cracking (HISCC).
Figure 6.143: Electrochemistry of iron passivation at var- This intergranular corrosion of stainless and nitrate solutions-intergranular crack High-strength steels are especially suscepti-
ious concentrations of Cr and Ni. steels can be suppressed by very low carbon growth [227-231] ble.
368 Handbook ofExtractive M etalIllrgy Steel 369 Oxidation of Iron r=2lcp t (50) scale is strongly adherent to the metal and dif- 10 4
which leads to growth rate decreasing with ficult to remove, e.g., after hot rolling. With
Iron forms three oxides, hematite Fe:P3'
magnetite Fe30 4, and wustite FeO which is time. Such parabolic behavior is characteris- increasing Ni content, enhanced temperature
tic of most metals and alloys used at high tem- and OXl'gen partial pressure, the formation of
stable only above 570°C [236-238]. FeO has 10 3
a wide ran.ge of homogeneity, due to cation va- peratures, the lower the value of k p the slower FeO on Fe-Ni alloys is suppressed in favor of
cancies ~~, for which the concentration is de- the growth of the scale. Values of k can be de- the more slowly growing spinel (Fe,Nih04'
pendent on oxygen pressure. Oxidation of iron duced according to the theory of t. WAGNER
[246] from data on the diffusivities of cations
.c: 10 2
at temperatures> 570°C yields fast-growing High-Temperature Steels "1
oxide layers composed of an outer layer of and anions or electric conductivity and trans- E
u •
Fe:P3, then Fe30 4, and a thick inner layer of ference numbers of the ions. Steels to resist heat and oxidation must be
FeO [239, 240]. The oxides grow mainly by alloyed with sufficient concentrations of Cr ->co.
10 •
outward diffusion of iron via cation vacancies, Oxidation of Carbon and/ or AI. The slowly growing oxides Cr:P3 .....-
which move inward. Since the cation vacancy or AI Z0 3, which have a small degree of disor- ~
concentration is highest in FeO, the diffusivity
Steels and Low-AlloySteels <II
der, can form a protective scale. Iron-chro- c:
of Fe 2+ is high, and the growth rate is most :3
On heat treatment and hot rolling, steels are mium alloys are the base materials for many
rapid. oxidized and decarburized [247-249]. Oxida- ferritic steels. The oxidation behavior as a ~
Owing to the high oxide growth rate, unal- tion is described by a linear law in CO~ and a function of Cr content is shown in Figure u
loyed steels cannot be applied at temperatures parabolic law in O2; both reactions behave ad- 6.145 [253]. At Cr concentrations < 2 %, the .c
> 570°C, but perform reasonably well at ditively. At first only iron is oxidized and car- oxidation rate is increased since dissolution of ru
lower temperatures, since the scale of hema- bon is enriched in the metal below the scale. Cr:P3 in FeO may even increase the amount of
tite and magnetite grows slowly enough. In With continued scale growth, vacancies con- cation vacancies (Wagner-Hauffe doping ef-
CO~-CO and H,O-H~ mix1ures at high tem- dense at the interface to form voids in which fect); trivalent Cr replaces divalent Fe, this is
penitures, oXl' ge'"n partial pressures are effec- CO 2 and CO are formed in equilibrium with equalized by negatively charged vacancies.
tive at which only FeO or a Fe 30 4IFeO layer is FeO. This gas diffuses outward through cracks 10-3 L-_-----L_ _--'---_ _l....-_--L_-----J
With increasing Cr content wustite formation o 20 40 60 80 100
formed. Under such conditions, the growth and pores of the scale, which leads to carbon is suppressed, the spinel (Fe,Crh04 is formed, Cr, wt·/._
rate ofFeO up to a thickness of about 100 JlD1 loss. Carbon diffusion through the solid oxide for which the growth rate decreases with Cr
is controlled by the phase boundary reaction is impossible. After some time, a steady state content. At Cr content 15-30%, the mixed ox-
Figure 6.145: Oxidation kinetics as a function of Cr con-
on the outer surface [241-243], where the ox- is established in which the carbon supply to tent: a) 1200 °C; b) 1100 °C; c) 1000 °C; d) 900°C.
ide (Fe,Crh03 is formed on the metal surface,
ygen is transferred from the gases: the interface is controlled by diffusion in the Iron-aluminum alloys need 6-8% AI to
its growth rate shows a minimum at 20-25 %
CO2 =CO+O. d (46) metal. Thus, after a brief oxidation, carbon en- form a protective AI 20 3 layer [255, 256], but
Cr in the alloy [254]. Many ferritic steels have
richment is observed, but after long-term oxi- only at temperatures> 900°C is the most pro-
HP=H 2 +°ad (47)
dation, the steel is always decarburized. Cr content 17-25%; they are oxidation resis-
tant, but there may be chromium depletion be- tective cx-Al 2 0 3 generated. Formation of
In this stage of oxidation, a linear rate law ap- Some other more noble alloying (or impu- AI 20 3 and suppression of internal oxidation is
plies for the increase of scale thickness: neath the scale, and if the scale is damaged
rity) elements in steels, e.g., Ni, Co, Cu, Sn, favored by chromium; Fe-Cr-AI alloys with
outgrowth of wustite may occur with forma-
dx Pb, As, and Sb also enrich beneath the scale ca. 20% Cr and 4-5% Al are used for heating
- = k( (48) tion of "rosettes".
during oxidation. Enrichment of Cu, Sn, As, elements and other highly oxidation-resistant
or Sb decreases the melting point, which can This effect is suppressed in the Cr-Ni steels components. The lifetime of the heating ele-
where the linear rate constant k1 is a function lead to difficulties in hot rolling. Specifically where, instead of wustite, a Fe,Ni spinel is ments is greatly increased by small additions
of the partial pressures, the oXl'gen activity at Cu, sometimes in combination with Sn, causes formed. Such austenitic steels, with 20-27 % of rare earths, e.g., Ce, Y, La, which strongly
the surface, and the distance from equilibrium "hot shortness" by formation of a melt which Cr and 12-32% Ni, are widely used for high- improve the adherence of the Al Z0 3 scale. The
[243-245]. There is a gradual transition from penetrates into grain boundaries. If other ele- temperature processes, since, in contrast to use of such additives also helps to improve
phase boundary reaction control to diffusion- ments are enriched beneath the scale, the iron ferritic Fe-Cr steels, they have higher me- other high-temperature alloys, in terms of nu-
controlled growth, where the rate is inversely must diffuse through this zone to the oxide- chanical strength and do not show embrittle- cleation, stability, and adherence of protective
proportional to the thickness x: metal interface before it is oxidized. Espe- ment by a-phase formation. Additional scales. .
cially for Fe-Ni and high-Ni steels [250-252], alloying with 12% Si improves resistance to Silica layers may also serve as protective
dx=~ (49) this causes inward growth of protrusions from oxidation and especially carburization, since
dt x scales, but Fe-Si alloys are not used as high-
the oxide into the metal which leads to a rug- an inner film of Si0 2 below the CrZ0 3 retards temperature materials. Formation of Fe 2Si0 4
This results in the parabolic law: ged, strongly interlocked interface; the oxide oxidation and carburization. and an inner layer of Si02 plays a role in the
370 Handbook ofExtractive M etallllrgy Steel 371

annealing of silicon sheet for electrical appli- [263, 264]; k, depends on p(H2S) and is in- specified carbon content is established in the inner Si02 layer beneath the chromia layer.
cations. versely proportional to the sulfur activity on surface and the carburized components are Small amounts of sulfur in the atmosphere can
the sulfide surface. The rate-controlling step is quenched in oil for hardening [275,276]. Car- also retard carburization. Effects of Chlorine in transfer of Sad from H 2S to the surface, which burization can also be an unwanted process in Metal dusting [284-288] is the disintegra-
is retarded with increasing sulfur activity. the high-temperature corrosion of materials, tion of steels into a dust of metal particles and
Oxidation Upon sulfidation, rate control gradually e;g., cracking tubes in petrochemistry, and carbon, occurring in atmospheres of a e > 1
The presence of chlorine may cause accel- changes to solid-state diffusion and to the par- heating tubes or grates in industrial furnaces. (carbon activity ae = 1 means equilibrium
eration of oxidation, so-called "active oxida- abolic rate law [265]. Corrosion by H.,S is a In this process, carbon diffuses into the alloy with graphite) and in recent years has become
tion" [257-260]. Especially in waste PVC and problem in the petrochemical and chemical in- and carbides are precipitated, mainly chro- problematic. The reaction sequence: (1) super-
NaCl-containing coal incineration, HCI and dustries, and is not easily suppressed. Even mium carbides M 7C3 and M23 C6> with loss of saturation of the metal with dissolved· C; (2)
chlorides from combustion react with the ox- steels with Cr content up to 17 % do not be- both ductility and oxidation resistance [277, formation of metastable carbide at ae > 1; (3)
ide scale on steels to form chlorine have much better than low-alloy steels [266]. 278]. deposition of graphite on this carbide (a e ~
2HCl+ 1/Po=H oO+Cl 0 (51) During corrosion of iron in SO., or Ar-SO., In both cases, the carbon transfer is by reac- 1); (4) decomposition of the carbide to carbon
mixtures at 600-1000 °C, the pha;es FeO and tions in which CO, CH4 or hydrocarbons de- and metal particles; and (5) deposition of fur-
2NaCI + Fep3 + I/PO = N~Fep, + Cl 2 (52) compose on the metal surface [279, 280], the
FeS grow simultaneously on the metal surface ther graphite from the atmosphere on the
The chlorine penetrates the scale and reacts at [267-269], if the transport in the gas phase or transfer is very fast by the reaction: metal particles. This leads to metal wastage
the oxide-metal interface to form FeCI., which the phase boundary reaction is rate determin- cO+ H 2 = C + HoO (55) and the formation of the loose corrosion prod-
evaporates and oxidizes according to - ing. Owing to the high diffusivities of cations uct "coke"; which is easily removed by fast
less fast by:
2FeCI2(g) + 3/P2 ~ Fep3 + 4Cl o (53) in FeS, lamella; ofFeO and FeS grow side by gas flow in the plants, leaving pits and holes.
side up to a layer thickness of ca. 150 Ilm, fol- 2CO = C + CO 2 (56) Protection is possible by the chromia layer on
The chlorine partially diffuses inward and re-
lowing a linear law. In the application of steels and very slow by: high-alloy steels-their resistance depends on
acts again, thus establishing a circuit, in which
in flue gases, a scale of Fe 20iFe3 0 4 is stable their ability to form oxide layers and healing.
Cl 2 catalyzes the "active corrosion" (active, CH, = C + 2H 2 (57)
on the steel surfaces and SO., should have no Furthermore, sulfur can protect since adsorbed
since no dense oxide layer passivates the Rate equations and rate constants for these re-
effect on oxidation. However, if SO., pene- sulfur effectively poisons steps (l), (3), and
steel). This process causes problems in waste actions have been determined for iron and bi-
trates the scale, at the interface sulfides can be (5) of the reaction sequence, however, addi-
incineration and other processes in oxidizing, nary iron alloys. The reactions are strongly
formed. The mass action law for the reaction tion of sulfur is not possible with synthesis gas
chloridizing atmospheres. Not only are low- retarded by sulfur [281].
S02 = 1/2S2 + 02 predicts that very high sulfur (CO + H 2) for the production of methanol, hy-
alloy steels strongly attacked, but also chro- In gas carburization for case hardening, the
pressures are possible at the oxide-metal in- drocarbons, etc.
mia-forming high-alloy steels, due to the reac- process is jointly controlled by the phase
terface, since p(0z) is very low there. This is
tion boundary reaction and inward diffusion of car-
especially dangerous in high-Ni alloys, since Nitriding
4NaCI + Crp3 + s/Po ~ 2Na oCrO, + 2Cl o (54) Ni-Ni3S2 forms a liquid eutectic at 645°C, bon; this has been studied in detail, and can be
The chlorine produced penetrates the scale and the presence of such melts strongly aggra- controlled well, to obtain certain penetration Similar to carburization, there is a technical
and causes formation of volatile chlorides of vates corrosion. profiles of carbon in different steels and corre- process of nitriding for surface hardening, and
sponding hardness profiles [282]. an unwanted corrosion process at high temper-
the alloy components. Sulfidation of heat exchangers is a problem
in coal gasifiers; chromia-forming steels have The unwanted carburization of cracking atures which leads to nitride formation in
been tested at 700-800 °C [270-274] but fail tubes [277, 278, 283] is generally suppressed, steels and losses in ductility and oxidation re- Sulfidation of Iron and sistance.
after lifetimes of some hundreds or thousands or at least retarded, by the oxide layer on the
Steel of hours. Preoxidation has been used to im- high-Cr-Ni steels used, only small amounts of The nitrogen transfer can be from N2, NH3-
The main sulfidation products of iron in prove protection, but the chromia layers gen- carbon are transferred through pores or cracks H 2 mixtures, or by plasma nitriding in a glow
sulfidizing environments are pyrrhotite FeS erated can also fail after similar lifetimes, formed on creep of the tubes. However, failure discharge. The latter process is performed
and pyrite FeS.,. Pyrrhotite, like FeO, is highly either by external sulfidation, i.e., growth of occurs if the tubes are heated above 1050 °C; since N2 is rather inert; nitrogen transfer:
nonstoichiometnc, owing to cation vacancies, sulfides of Fe, Ni, and Mn on the chromia the coke in the tubes reacts with Crp3 to chro- N2 = 2N(di"olv.d) (58)
their concentration being dependent on sulfur scale, or by internal sulfidation, formation of mium carbides which are no longer protective, is slow, with high activation energy [289].
partial pressure and temperature [261, 262]. sulfides of Cr and Mn beneath the scale. and relatively fast carburization takes place Much faster is:
Accordingly, the diffusivity of Fe in FeS is [278]. This may happen during decoking of
high and the FeS growth rate is very rapid, the tubes in H 20-H z mixtures, when the tem- NH3 = N(diuolv.d) + 3/2Ho (59) Carburization perature is not sufficiently controlled. Under So NH3-H2 mix1ures can be used for nitriding
even at relatively low temperature. As in the
case of FeO, the linear rate law (Equation 47) Carburization in gas atmospheres is a tech- these conditions, materials with 1-2% Si are and nitrocarburizing (with CO) at relatively
applies for growth in H zS-H2 atmospheres nical process for case hardening of steels, a resistant because of the protective effect of an low temperature. Their nitrogen partial pres-
372 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallurgy Steel 373

sures are [289] very high as calculated from formed. Dissolution of the Fe3 C and precipita- The coefficient of linear thermal expansion 12.6
the mass action law; the equilibrium values tion of CH 4 and H 2 at interfaces and defects in ex (Figure 6.149) increases with increasing
are of the order of 105 kPa N.,. This may lead
to deterioration of the nitrid~d case, by void
the steel cause weakening and embrittlement
of carbon steels. The more stable carbides in
temperature, and is higher for the fcc than for
the bcc phase. The hatched area between the '" 12.4
formation with condensation of dissolved N at . low-alloy Cr and Cr-Mo steels are resistant to measured and calculated curves is due to a c:
lattice defects to molecular No, which can de- hydrogen attack in the usual temperature magnetostrictive effect in the region of the Cu- ~_ 12.0 .. .'
velop high pressure, corresponding to the N2 range for the processes in question; the stabil- rie temperature. OJ
E .,.,(
partial pressure of the NH3-H2 mix1ure, and ity ranges of different steels as functions of :::J
o> .•.... Calculated
form small bubbles in the material. temperature and hydrogen partial pressure are u 11.6 .'
'E .........
Nitriding for surface hardening leads to a compiled in Nelson diagrams [298]. .E
layer of E-nitride on the steels. « .........
....... \
.... \ 11.2 0~--:-4:-:00:--~6.l..00:---'-12.u..0-0--l..J.60...l.0--L-2....1000
Nitriding of high-alloy steels happens only
at high temperature> 1000 °C, e.g., on burner
6.6.3 Physical Properties . .B-.. .
\ ...
..... ... Temperature, K _
tubes [290,291] and after failure of the oxide Knowledge of the physical properties of \
Figure 6.148: Effect oftemperature on the atomic volume
scale by cracking or spalling; mainly chro- steel is important for controlling its structure, of iron.
mium nitrides Cr2N are formed in the metal and hence its properties. In this Section, the
matrix. physical properties of pure iron are described I. lX-Fe
a a
first, followed by those of the solid solutions ... \ .
Figure 6.146: Crystal structure of lX- and y-iron. Decarburization, of the various iron modifications, and finally .: fcc Iron
, : (calculatedl
some other factors that influence structure
Denitriding, and Hydrogen Attack ~ 0.295 0.373 ~
Thorough decarburization of steel is neces- -: r 0.293 0.371 .. f
sary for several applications, e.g., sheet for Pure Iron ~ e 0.291 /. 0.369 ~I
single-layer enameling, deep drawing steels, ~ ~ 0.289 T 0.367 82
and silicon steels for use in generators and Crystal Structure. Iron occurs both in body- ~ .~
u 100
0.287 1:, A. A. 0.365.~ ~r L..
transformers. Decarburization is performed at centered cubic (bcc) and face-centered cubic ;# -

~ ~ 0.285 0~.l..-4:-'O-:-0 -'--8~00,---'Ll..:'2L-00,.---'--1...l.60.1.0....l 0.363 3,.';L

700-900 °C in wet hydrogen, and is controlled (fcc) structures. The bcc ex-phase, which is sta- ...J "'
400 BOO 1200 1600 2000
Temperature, K _ Temperature, K-------,-
by carbon diffusion to the surface. The prod- ble at lower temperatures, is ferromagnetic up
uct cpc (solubility X diffusivity) is critical, to the Curie temperature Tc = 1041 K, and is Figure 6.147: Effect oftemperature on the lattice constant
of iron.
Figure 6.149: Effect oftemperature on the thermal expan-
sion coefficient of iron.
and has a maximum at ca. 800°C [292,293]. transformed into the paramagnetic state at
The surface reactions are the formation of CO higher temperatures (above the A z point). At
and CH4 , i.e., the back reactions of Equations
(55) and (57), CH4 formation being negligible.
1184 K, the A 3 point, ex-iron is transformed
into the fcc form, y-iron. The stability range
extends up to 1665 K (A4 point). Between 60
Denitrogenation [294, 295] is also impor- ...
tant for deep drawing and electric sheet, this is 1665 and 1807 K, iron has a bee structure, 0
also conducted in wet H., at ca. 750°C, and oc- again B-iron. Pure iron melts at 1807 K. 40 ,I
curs by NH3 formation and N 2 desorption, the The crystal structures of ex- and y-iron are ,,:;
.... "";;;;;ililllllill:l~""'---------~,i>~~--
back reactions of Equations (54) and (55). The shown in Figure 6.146. The number of atoms ':ij 20

presence of some H 20 accelerates the rate of in the unit cell is 2 in the bcc structure and 4 in B
NH3 formation [296, 297], but electric sheet the fcc structure. The number of nearest neigh-
::c o
with Si cannot be denitrogenated in wet hy- bors is 8 and 12 respectively, and of next near- 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 1600 1600 2000
drogen since Si0 2 formation retards the pro- est neighbors 6. The lattice constant of ex-iron Temperature, K _
cess. at room temperature aRT = 0.28662 nm. Ther- Figure 6.150: Effect oftemperature on the molar heat capacity of iron. Solid line, most probable values' dashed line. val-
In processes which involve high hydrogen mal expansion data are shown in Figures ues calculated for the instability r'anges of lX- and y-iron. • According to [301]; 6 According to [302]:.6. According to
[303]; a According to [304]. .
partial pressures at elevated temperatures (hy- 6.147 and 6.148. In Figure 6.147, the differ-
drogenation reactions, ammonia synthesis), ence in the y-axis scales for the bcc and fcc Specific Heat Capacity. The specific heat ca- fundamental importance, as the specific heat
considerable amounts of atomic hydrogen en- structures is due to the difference in the num- pacity of a substance is the heat required to in- capacity is used in the calculation of enthalpy
ter the walls of steel vessels, and the cementite ber of atoms per unit cell. The calculated den- crease the temperature of unit mass by 1 K. and entropy. The results of recent determina-
in unalloyed steels is attacked and methane is sity is p = 7.876 g/cm3 . The effect of temperature on its value is of tions are plotted in Figure 6.150, with the most
374 Handbook ofExtractive Metallllrgy Steel 375

tice are arranged parallel to each other, and the

probable values indicated by a continuous .scattered by deviations from the periodic lat-
160 0.32
curve [300]. The broken curves refer to the re- iron is ferromagnetic. Within the Weiss zones tice potential or by the electrons of unfilled

gion of instability of the bcc and fcc phases. (magnetic domains) the moments are all in the ?: 120 0.24 shells. All crystal defects, e.g., holes, disloca-
The heat capacity is the sum of various same direction. This direction may differ from ~ tions, stacking faults, impurity atoms, and pre-
'iii 80 0.16
components. There is a sharply defined maxi-
mum in bcc iron in the region of the Curie
the direction within neighboring domains, so
that they cancel each other. ~
1140 1200
cipitates, lead to energy losses by the motion
of free electrons, and hence to an electrical re-
0L: •
temperature. This represents the magnetic The properties of a ferromagnetic material ..... c: J-- sistance that falls to the so-called residual re-
component, due to the energy required to de- can be represented by the magnetization curve ~ ~ 0
0 <l sistance at absolute zero. According to the
stroy the magnetic ordering that occurs during (Figure 6.152). With increasing field strength -0.08
Matthiessen rule, resistance is made up of a
the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition. H, the polarization increases as the number of o 400 800 1200 temperature-dependent part, due to lattice vi-
220 8.0 favorably oriented magnetic domains in- Temperature, K _ brations, and a residual resistance which is in-
creases, and the magnetic moments align in Figure 6.153: Effect of temperature on the electrical re- dependent of temperature. The effects of the
7.6 sistivity of pure iron.
the direction of the applied field. The maxi- magnetic and the a-y transitions can also be
7.2 i1 mum value is the saturation polarization. If the seen in Figure 6.153.
applied field is removed, the residual polariza-
t At high temperatures, thermal conductivity
6.8 1: 120
'"~ tion at H = 0 is the remanence. The coercive is a result of the same processes that lead to
K 6.4 ~t:!
o '
field strength is the applied field which re-
electrical conductivity. The thermal conduc-
duces the polarization to zero. 80 tivity-temperature curve is similarly affected
The saturation polarization varies with tem- by the magnetic transformation as shown in
~ :C-
perature, and disappears at the Curie tempera- O 50 100 Figure 6.154 [300, 308]. According to the
100 0 400 800 1200 5.6
ture [306, 307]. The magnetization curve for ~u 40 T_
Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz law, the ratio of
Temperature, K _
single crystals varies with crystal orientation, '"c:
thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity
Figure 6.151: Moduli of elasticity and compressibility of S T( A3 A4 Ts
iron [305]. being steepest in the [100] direction, and con- is directly proportional to temperature. From
siderably less steep in the [111] direction. This !:: 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 this relationship, thermal conductivity can be
Elastic Properties. The modulus of elasticity Temperature, K _
effect is utilized in the manufacture ofte>..1ured OJ
.c. calculated from electrical conductivity even at
(Young's modulus E) represents the relation- electroplated steel.
high temperatures when direct determination
ship between the elastic extension or strain Figure 6.154: Effect of temperature on the thermal con-
) is difficult.
and an applied tension or stress cr. This obeys ductivity of pure iron.
Hooke's law cr = E£.. The effect of temperature =--)s 0.2874
on E is illustrated in Figure 6.151 (the values a-Iron Solid Solutions
were determined for polycrystalline iron). In
single crystals, the modulus of elasticity is 1 0.2872 Alloying elements can be divided into
those that restrict the y-region, and those that
strongly dependent on the crystallographic stabilize the y-phase and extend its limits
orientation of the sample (anisotropy). This 2 0.2870
[309]. The effect of alloying additives on the
anisotropy is also apparent in materials with a transformation behavior of steel can be under-
well-defined texture. "E' 0.2868
stood only from knowledge of the effect on
Volume changes under hydrostatic pressure H '"c: various properties. Almost all alloying ele-
are described by the compressibility 1(, shown S O.2866~~:::"'-------
OJ ments cause a volume increase. Figure 6.155
as a function of temperature in Figure 6.151. u
shows their effect on the lattice constant of 0.-
Magnetic Properties. Individual iron atoms ~ 0.2864 iron. Only silicon leads to a contraction. Elec-
have a permanent magnetic moment. At tem- Si trical resistance increases in proportion to the
peratures above the Curie temperature, the di- 0.2862 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
concentration of the alloying element (Figure
rections of the magnetic moments are 6.156). The most significant effect of alloying
Alloying elements, atom%_
randomly distributed, and the material is para- Figure 6.152: Magnetization curve of a ferromagnetic
elements on magnetic properties is on the Cu-
magnetic. There is a linear relationship be- material. H = field strength; J = polarization (B = J + Jl<!i
Figure 6.155: Effect of alloying elements on the lattice rie temperature, as this affects the temperature
constant of a-iron.
tween field strength and polarization, = induction); J, = saturation P9larization; J r = remanence; of the transformation from y- to a-iron. Figure
represented by the volume susceptibility. He = coercive field strength; fHd! , the area ofthe hys- Electrical Properties. The high electrical 6.157 shows the effects of various elements.
teresis loop, gives the amount of energy liberated as heat
Below the Curie temperature, the magnetic on reversal of the direction of magnetization. This is the conductivity of iron is due to the great mobil- The large increase caused by cobalt is of spe-
moments of neighboring atoms in the bcc lat- hysteresis loss, quoted per unit mass. ity of the free electrons, but their movement is cial interest.
376 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 377

100 structure to be produced. Texturing allows the is represented by the "hard" or permanent and particularly, individual steel plants in the
magnetic anisotropy to be exploited. magnetic materials, with high coercive field western part of Germany.
!:j 60
Si strengths and a high BH value. Environmental aspects of the production of
c: y-Iron Solid Solutions pig iron in a blast furnace have already been
:::1. 60 6.7 Environmental described. Further numerical data on develop-
The magnetic properties of austenitic iron
:i- ments during the last 30 years are given here.
:~ alloys are complex-as ferromagnetism, anti- Protection Figure 6.158 shows the considerable decrease
~ 40 ferromagnetism, and paramagnetism can oc-
in the consumption of carbon for reduction
~ cur. Iron-manganese [311], iron-nickel [312],
purposes in pig iron production [318]; Figure
and iron-nickel-manganese alloys [313] are 6.7.1 Environmental Aspects of 6.159 shows the continuous decrease in the
of industrial importance. Steel Production and Processing specific amount of blast furnace slag, and its
The thermal expansion coefficients of para- 100% use in various applications [319]. The
o 2 4 6 6 10 12 magnetic y-alloys (e.g., iron-manganese- generation of electrical energy from expansion
Alloying elements, atom%_ nickel and iron-nickel-ehromium alloys) are Production of Steel and
turbines running on blast furnace top gas (Fig-
Figure 6.156: Increase in the decimal resistivity of a-iron
relatively high at room temperature. This is Steel Products ure 6.160) is a further contribution to environ-
by alloying elements. utilized in bimetallic systems [314]. Con- mental protection [320).
versely, a large volume ~agnetostriction in Large quantities of raw additive and auxil-
1150 Co magnetically ordered alloys compensates for iary materials are used in the production of

thermally induced changes to the lattice di-
mensions; only a small amount of thermal ex-
pansion takes place over a certain temperature
crude steel and rolled steel products, and large
amounts of energy are used in these processes.
Substances in the solid, liquid, and gaseous
g-'!= 700

~.[ 600il~~I'~,.. ~He~a~VY~Oi~1 mi~c~oail~dust

range [315]. Iron alloys containing 35% states are potential sources of environmental
pollution. 5CIJ ..L~
~- 1050 nickel are examples of Invar alloys of this :g
o 0
E 500
~=:==~~ type. For reasons of economy, the steel industry,
especially in Europe, has always attempted to
~:: 400
o OJ
Coke V\. .x
! 1000 Other Effects of Structure use as little primary energy as possible, ,to
~ 0.
~ ~
1960 1965 1970 1975 1960 1965 1990
limit the consumption of auxiliary materials, Year_
In general, physical properties are influ- e.g., water, by means of complex recycling
Figure 6.158: Carbon consumption in pig iron produc-
950 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 enced by lattice defects. Density is somewhat systems, and to utilize or recycle by-products tion.
Alloying elements, atom%- decreased by lattice defects. All lattice defects or residues, e.g., slags and mill scale. From the
increase the residual electrical resistance, early 1900s, integrated steel plants, in close Slag pumice,
Figure 6.157: Effect of alloying elements on the Curie Internal slag lime Granulated slag
whereas lattice vibrations are the main cause association with coking plants and rolling reCYClin~3'5%
s.and for cement
temperature of a-iron.
of resistance at high temperatures. Spontane- mills, have optimized the use of CO-contain- 2.4"10 26.4"10
The temperature dependence of the physi- ous magnetization and the Curie temperature ing blast furnace top gas according to the cur- 700 Cinder slag Granulated slag
1.3% sand for other
cal properties of a-iron mixed crystals is depend mainly on lattice structure and compo- rent state of technology. The use of blast
closely linked to their magnetic behavior, and sition. However, the magnetization curve is furnace slag for cement and for road construc-
f 600
is not significantly different from that of pure strongly influenced by the structure; lattice de- tion is very much older than the general inter- .~ 500 lump slag
iron. For example, the heat capacity of iron- fects tend to prevent movement of the domain est in environmental pollution. In the last 20- 'c.. 60.4"10
chromium alloys is essentially constant if the walls, and hence increase the remanence and 30 years, the ever-increasing severity of envi- ~
temperature scale is based on the ,Curie tem- coercive field strength. ronmental controls have led to technological o
:: 300
perature. In multiphase structUres, the different prop- developments within the steel industry which CIJ

Ferritic iron-silicon alloys are of special erties of the phases must also be considered. have been very successful [318]. However, ~ 200
importance, as these have low magnetization These properties combine in proportion to the some of the regulations imposed demand addi- c;
losses [306, 310]. Silicon addition increases volume ratios in only the simplest cases, e.g., tional capital investment and operating costs ;5 100
electrical resistance, and hence reduces eddy density, heat capacity, heat of transformation, whose justification may be dubious, especially ,.E
current losses. The crystal anisotropy energies and heat of formation, provided that the when in some countries the regulations im- ,,.
and the consequent hysteresis losses are re- phases are in a coarse state of subdivision. A posed are different and, thereby, distort com- Year_
duced. Addition of> 4.5% Si prevents the a-"( systematic treatment is not yet possible. Prob- petition. The following discussion is based Figure 6.159: Development of the specific amount of
transformation, and enables a coarse grain ably the most important industrial application mainly on available data for the steel industry, blast furnace slag and its utilization.
Handbook ofExtractive M etallZlrgy Steel 379

iron transfer pit, mixers, deslagging stands; steel degassing Ar flushing
the dedusting equipment consists of stationary
IV 280
or movable hoods and skirts. Figure 6.162 il-
lustrates the complexity of this additional dust
~ 240 collection in a steel melting shop with three
~ 200 converters [322].
c A comprehensive study has shown that the
~ 160
total quantity of dust and sludge collected in
~ 120 the steel plants in North RhinelWestphalia is
Cl 80 41 kg per tonne crude steel (Figure 6.163), of
'u 40 which more than 80% is reused [320].
OJ The hot waste gas formed in an oxygen
u::i 80 82 84 86 88 90
converter is used to produce steam in a waste
heat boiler in the primary dedusting installa-
tJ tJ
Figure 6.160: Electricity generation by expansion tur- Deslagging
tion [321, 322]. After further purification and fine desulfurization
bines from blast furnace top gas. cooling (Figure 6.164), it is collected so that
In a steel melting shop, the amount of dust its high CO content (68-70%) can be used Reladling
formed and the possibility of its recovery de- sometimes after mixing with other gases. Fig-
pend very much on the different steel melting ure 6.165 shows the significant energy genera- Reladling
processes, which have undergone many tion which has been achieved in Germany FIgure 6.162: Dust collection in a three-converter steelshop: a) Electrostatic precipitator, b) Converters; c) Mixers.
changes (Section 6.3.3). The changeover to [319].
the ox)'gen blast process and improvements in Slag, an inevitable by-product in steel-
BIas t furnace
dedusting equipment, including secondary de- works has been further reduced in recent Gas, secondary dust
dusting, have led to an emission rate of only years, reaching 121 kg per tonne crude steel in Wash-water sludge ~j:!ecial steel j:!roduction
0.7 kg per tonne crude steel in the melting 1991, of which 87.5% was utilized [320].
~~~:::::::~t:J' 0.26
shops of the German steel industry (Figure The mill scale occurring in hot rolling mills
6.161) [321]. Secondary dedusting, compara- is a pure iron oxide, and can be reused in sin-
ble to the "cast house dedusting" at the blast tering plants. However, oil-containing mill
furnace, involves the additional dedusting scale sludge must be pretreated. Rotary kiln
equipment at different operation points lo- installations to be used for this purpose are in Steelworks
cated before and after the converters, e.g., pig the experimental stage [322]. Dusts: oxygen steelmaking
Sludges: oxygen steelmaking
Oxygen steel production>10't/a 70 Dusts: electric steel plant
c' FIgure 6.163: Origins of dusts and sludges in pig iron and steel production in North Rhine/Westphalia. Amounts in kg
300 60
IV 250 /\/
Crude steel production
per tonne crude steel.
Control of water consumption in a steel plex recirculating systems. In 1989, in a steel-
:;:: ' \",J'\v"/'....'\\\ E
0- plant is also very important from the environ- plant situated near the Rhine, only 3% of the
, '-~ ,,-, r-.. 40
""c' 200 r ..._..."" ,-' '-I' ...
I mental point of view. All parts of the produc-
process water used was fresh water, i.e., 2.5
30 ~
'iii ...../l-.l Secondary dedusting tion operation involve the consumption of
m 3 fresh water per tonne crude steel (Figure
Decline of open\~zz~m:ZZ27Z.2zi~
'e OJ IV
20 ~ :;::
water, sometimes in very large quantities, e.g.,
100 First oxygen hearth process 6.166) [318]; the remaining 97 % came from
.....III steel production " G ::E for cooling the installations and the products.
'" IZl????????????????' 10 Attention has always been paid to the develop- the recirculation system. Some 83 % of the
c:J 50 Decline of Thomas process
water used in the steel industry is surface wa-
o L~~~~~~_---l...---L_~ 0 ment and use of methods for saving water,
1955 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 e.g., the treatment and reuse of water in com- ter.
Figure 6.161: Development of crude steel production and dust emission by the German steel industry.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 381

can result when flame cutting and welding dusting equipment. If manufacturers dispose
steel. However, in both these cases, it is possi- of moderately zinc-rich scrap separately, this
ble to protect personnel at the workplace with- can be processed and used in suitable electric
h out great cost and without causing too much steel plants, and the zinc can be economically
d I I inconvenience to the individual. In certain recycled. For this there must be at least 16%
25-75mg/m 3 heat treatment processes, e.g., those using Zn in the filter dust [324].
molten salt baths, the advice of the manufac-
Dust: turers of the salts or other substances used 6.7.2 Steel Recycling
130 g/m , e i should be followed, and relevant legal require-
17 kg/t
2.1kWh/t Dust: 6 mg/m 3
ments must be observed relating to their han- The Tradition of Steel
abe dling and disposal.
Environmental problems associated with
the use of steel products are practically nonex-
More than 3000 years ago, iron had already
(oarse dust istent, since steel is a highly recyclable mate-
been the material foundation for cultural de-
Fine dust rial. Even tinplate is environmentally a velopment. It has given its name to an entire
10 kg/t Dust: 9 mg/m 3 friendly packaging material, as it can be sepa- epoch. The industrialization is closely linked
rated from waste materials or residues, e.g., with the development of the iron and steel in-
Figure 6.164: Converter gas cleaning and recovery system: a) Converter; b) Ski~; c) Steam b~iler; d) Evaporation from garbage incineration plants, by virtue of
cooler: e) Dry electrostatic precipitator; f) Fan; g) Reversing valve; h) Flare stack; 1) Gas cooler; J) Gasholder; k) Gas dustry. Almost all other industries have been
mixing station.
the ferromagnetic properties of the steel, and directly or indirectly dependent on advances
can then be reused. in steel production.
300 which contains gypsum, cannot be used any
further. This also applies to the wash-water in On 28 October 1865, the first iron was
1 250
the pickling line, but the amount of wash-wa-
ter used can be much reduced by appropriate
Iron/steel smelted by the Siemens-Martin open hearth
process using 70% scrap, so beginning the in-
techniques. Glass dustrial utilization of scrap [325].
'!:! 200 For over a hundred years, a technically and
Fresh water economically viable high-tonnage recycling
..... supply 3%
~ 150 system has existed for handling production
':; Aluminum waste and worn-out capital equipment and
~ 100 consumables made of steel and cast iron. For
VI Plastics steel scrap, there is a completely closed sys-

iii 50 tem for recycling worn-out steel products, any

.... number of times. The recycling process con-
Z Figure 6.167: Extent of recycling of various materials..
z'" 0
tinually yields high quality steel grades with-
1962 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 90 Figure 6.167 illustrates the extent to which out downgrading.
Year_ construction materials are recycled, and in the As industrialization progressed and steel
Figure 6.165: Energy production by the use of converter case of steel this can easily be increased fur- production increased toward the 1890s, the
gas. ther [323]. The reuse of steel scrap is of great demand for raw materials rose. By then, scrap
1.5 %
importance for the overall economy. Approxi- was already an important substitute for the
A high proportion of rolled steel production
is cold-rolled or coated steel sheet, tinplate, Figure 6.166: Internal water circulation. mately 60% less primary energy is required usual raw material in the iron- and steel-pro-
black plate, and cold-rolled electric sheet. The for melting scrap for steel production, than for ducing industry.
hot-rolled strip for these finished products Steel Processing and Steel the smelting of ores [323].
must be treated in continuous pickling lines to In the last 15 years, the use of sheet with a
in Use surface coating, mostly zinc, has increased Types of Scrap
remove the adhering mill scale before the
cold-rolling process. The used pickling solu- Steel used in manufacturing as described in considerably, both in automotive body manu- Listings. In order to provide precise descrip-
tion is also treated in a recirculating system in earlier sections, is environmentally a very facture and in other applications. Doubts tions of the physical and chemical properties
which an iron salt, e.g., sulfate, crystallizes, friendly material. about the use of zinc-coated steel scrap from required in reusable scrap, an agreed list of
and fresh acid is added, so that only a small The processing of steel can certainly in- these sources are unjustified. Most of the zinc scrap grades has been prepared by the steel
fraction of the solution leaves the plant after volve sound emissions, e.g., during hammer- vaporizes during crude steel production, and is and steel recycling industry in Germany (Ta-
neutralization. The iron hydroxide sludge, ing, sheet metal working, and forging. Gases recovered in the dust from the filters in the de- ble 6.19).
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 383

Table 6.19: Extract from the German list of scrap grades (l September 1993) (Source: Bundesverband der Deutschen Specifi-
Category cation Description DinJensions Density Steriles·
Schrott-Recycling-Wirtschaft e.V., DUsseldorf).
Specifi- Dimensions Density Steriles· Steel turn- ESH Homogeneous lots of carbon steel turnings of known origin,
Category cation Description ings· free from excessive bushy. Should be prepared in a manner to
Old thick steel scrap, predominantly more than 6 mm thick in Thickness;<: ;<: 0.6 ~ 1%
ensure direct charging. Turnings from Free Turning Steel
Old scrap E3 must be clearly identified. The turnings must be free from all
sizes not exceeding 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m, prepared in a manner to 6 mrn
ensure direct charging. May include tubes and hollow sec- < 1.5 x 0.5 x contaminants such as nonferrous metals, scale, grinding dust,
and heavily oxidized turnings or other materials from chemi-
tions. 0.5 m cal industries. Prior chemical analysis could be required.
Excludes vehicle body scrap and wheels from light vehicles.
Must be free ofrebars and merchant bars, free ofmetallic cop- ESM Mixed lots of carbon steel turnings, free from excessive bushy
per, tin, lead (and alloys), mechanical pieces and steriles to and free from turnings from Free Cutting Steel. Should be
meet the aimed analytical contents. prepared in a manner to ensure direct charging. The turnings
Referto points (B) ~d (C) ofthe general conditions. must be free from all contaminants such as nonferrous metals,
scale, grinding dust, and heavily oxidized turnings or others
El Old thin steel scrap predominantly less than 6 mm thick in Thickness < ~ 0.5 < 1.5% materials from chemical industries.
sizes not exceeding 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m prepared in a manner to 6 mm
ensure direct charging. If greater density is required it is rec- < 1.5 x 0.5 x High resid- EHRB' Old and new steel scrap consisting mainly ofrebars and mer- Max. 1.5 X ~ 0.5 <1.5%
ommended that maximum 1 metre is specified. 0.5 m ual scrap chant bars prepared in a manner to ensure direct charging. 0.5 x 0.5 m
May include light vehicle wheels, but must exclude vehicle May be cut. sheared, or baled and must be free of excessive
body scrap and domestic appliances. concrete or other construction material.
Must be free ofrebars and merchant bars, free of metallic cop- Must be free of metallic copper, tin, lead (and alloys), me-
per, tin, lead (and alloys), mechanical pieces and steriles to chanical pieces and steriles to meet the aimed cnalytical con-
meet the aimed analytical contents. tents.
Refer to points (B) ~d (C) ofthe general conditions. Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions.
Thick new production steel scrap predominantly more than 3 Thickness ~ ~ 0.6 < 0.3 % ENRM r Old and new mechanical pieces and components not accepted Max. 1.5 X ~ 0.6 <0.7%
New scrap E2 in the other grades prepared in a manner to ensure direct 0.5 x 0.5 III
(low residu- mrn thick prepared in a manner to ensure direct charging. The 3 mrn
steel scrap must be uncoated unless permitted by joint agree- < 1.5 x 0.5 x charging.
als. un-
co~ted)b ment and be free ofrebars and merchant bars even from new 0.5 m May include cast iron pieces (mainly the housings ofthe me-
production. chanical components).
Must be free ofmetallic copper, tin. lead (and alloys), me- Must be free ofmetallic copper, tin, lead (and alloys), and
chanical pieces and steriles to meet the aimed analytical con- pieces such as bearing shells, bronze rings, and others as well
tents. as steriles, to meet the aimed analytical contents.
Refer to points (B) and (C) of the general conditions. Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions.
Thin new production steel scrap predominantly less than 3 Thickness < ;<: 0.4 < 0.3 % Fragmen- E46 Fragmentized incinerator scrap. Loose steel scrap processed ;<:0.8 Fe content
mrn thick prepared in a manner to ensure direct charging. The 3 mm tized scrap through an incinerating plant for household waste followed by ~92%
steel scrap must be uncoated unless permitted by joint agree- 1.5 x 0.5 x from incin- magnetic separation, fragmentized into pieces not exceeding
ment and be free of unbound ribbons to avoid trouble when 0.5 m (ex- eration 200 mrn in any direction and consisting partly oftin-coated
charging. Must be free ofmetallic copper, tin, lead (and al- cept bound steel cans. Should be prepared in a manner to ensure direct
loys), mechanical pieces and steriles to meet the aimed analyt- ribbons) charging. The scrap shall be free of excessive moisture and
ical contents. rust.
Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions. Must be free of excessive metallic copper, tin, lead (and al-
loys), and steriles to meet the aimed analytical contents.
E6 New production thin steel scrap (less than 3 mrn thick) com- ;<: 1 < 0.3%
Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions.
pressed or frrmly baled in a manner to ensure direct charging.
TIle steel scrap must be uncoated unless permitted by joint • Corresponds to the weight ofsteriles, not adhering to the scrap, remaining at the bottom of the vehicle after unloading by magnet.
agreement. b Coated Material must be notified .
Must be free ofmetaIlic copper, tin, lead (and alloys), me- :Free from all contaminants (nonferrous metals, scale, grinding dust, chemical materials, excess oil).
chanical pieces and steriles to meet the aimed analytical con- To date, no clear method to determine these values.
tents. •Rebar and Merchant Bar must be classified apart due essentially to the copper content which could place them out with old scrap and new
Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions. scrap low residual grades.
rMechanical and engine components must be classified apart principally due to their Ni, Cr, and Mo content which could place them out
Shredded E40 Shredded steel scrap. Old steel scrap fragmentized into pieces > 0.9 < 0.4% with the thick old scrap and heavy neW scrap low residual grades.
not exceeding 200 mm in any direction for 95 % ofthe load.
No piece, in the remaining 5 %, shall excee? 1000~. These defmed grades apply only to carbon • Handleable magnetically
Should be prepared in a manner to ensure direct chargmg. The
scrap shall be free of excessive moisture, loose cast iron and steel scrap. The following general require- • Free from elements harmful to the smelting
incinerator material (especially tin cans). ments are included in the European list of process
Must be free of metallic copper, tin, lead (and alloys), and scrap grades of I July 1995. The scrap must
steriles to meet the aimed analytical contents.
be: Plant Scrap. Plant scrap is produced in the
Refer to points (B) and (C) ofthe general conditions. manufacture of steel and of rolled fwished
• Prepared in a manner to ensure direct charg- products. It is directly reused in the steel-
ing works.
Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Steel 385

cars industrial equipment, and large compo- als and coarse impurities (heavy waste
nents, including material from shipbreaking fraction). The materials removed by the air
and other heavy demolition work, is carried separator, which cannot, at present, be recy-
out with shears with a compression force of up cled (shredder residues) must be disposed of.
to 2000 t and blades up to 2.50 m wide [326]. This is expensive, and is likely to become
more so. Shredding provides a means of re-
Presses covering the iron and steel from used products
with purity ca. 98%, so that they can be re-
Scrap presses are used to densify clean steel turned to the raw material cycle.
scrap, e.g., production waste from tolling
mills and steel processing industries, to facili-
tate transportation and charging, and to reduce Factors Influencing
it to the specified dimensions. Recycling
In the early 1920s, slow mechanical screw
presses with large vertical boxes and small Alloy Steels
charging holes were developed. These were
able to bale light collected scrap and new sheet In steel production, the properties of vari-
scrap. ous grades of steel are achieved by adding al-
Mechanical baling presses were followed loying elements. Alloy steel can also be
by high-pressure hydraulic presses with large returned to the material cycle, if it is sorted ac-
charging boxes. This hydraulic equipment cording to chemical composition. The alloy-
produces high-density bales of the size needed ing elements are retained when the scrap is
for steel production plants, e.g., converters melted, and new alloy steels can be produced
and electric furnaces, and for the melting facil- from this metal.
ities of the foundry industry. The usual bale
sizes are: 30 x 30 x 30 cm and 40 x 40 x 60 dIn Surface Coatings
for the foundry industry, and 60 x 60 x 150 cm
for the steel industry [327]. Steel is sUrface coated to give the properties
required, i.e., surface quality, stress condition,
and corrosion protection. Surface coatings can
Shredders be either metallic (e.g., zinc) or nonmetallic.
Increasingly, scrap is no longer in pure The latter include organic coatings (plastic or
form, but combined with other materials. Ex- paints) and inorganic coatings (cement mortar
amples include old vehicles and household ap- or enamel) [328].
pliances, which contain considerable amounts Smelting of zinc-coated steel scrap during
of plastics, glass, rubber, nonferrous metals, steel production is the present state of the art.
and other materials. Shredders (Figure 6.169) As zinc boils at 907°C and steel melts at
Large pieces of scrap can be size-reduced have been used by the steel recycling industry 1400-1500 °C, the zinc vaporizes from the
by shearing machines. Even before the World since the mid 1960s to produce automobile melt and is collect ed as zinc oxide in dedust- Scrap Processing War I guillotine shears were used for this pur- and collected scrap that meets the require- ing plants. If the zinc content of the steelworks
pose. ments of the steelworks. dust is ca. 16%, it is profitable to recover the
Further developments led to the larger and A shredder functions on the principle of the zinc [329, 330].
Separation faster alligator shears, and then to the hydrau- swing-hammer mill. The products fed to the Before scrap recovered from steel with a
Steel is used in engineering, plant construc- lic machines used today, where the scrap is shredder are broken down to pieces not larger nonmetallic coating can be returned to steel
tion, vehicles, building industry, shipbuilding, charged by a crane into a feeding bed. The than fist-sized, and are then fed to an air sepa- production, it is usually processed by shred-
household appliances, packaging, etc. When feeding bed is usually provided with a pre- rator to remove the light waste fraction, which ding, or cold shock treatment to remove adher-
products that consist mainly of steel are no press which compresses the scrap so that even includes plastics, te>..1iles, and cardboard. An ing materials from the scrap, as these are
longer usable, they are usually processed by bulky material can be pushed under the blades electromagnetic drum or band separator sepa- harmful to the smelting process, or can lead to
the steel recycling industry. The composition of the shears. Size reduction of, e.g., freight rates the steel scrap from the nonferrous met- inadmissible emissions.
386 Handbook ofExtractiveMetallllrgy Steel 387

CSFR ••••:••...••.(
A;':··.···:·····)···.. ·····
..: 0:.: ~:::
... ~

United states to
Western Europe
Figure 6.169: Operating principle ofa shredder.

posing of or recycling the other materials in

,..t... ,
the products, e.g., the disposal of old cars. In
. ..
3.2 ..' TR
". b
the initial dismantling, the batteries of the old 6 \.",..
...t .:
vehicles are removed to return the lead to a Q
separate material cycle. This also prevents the
lead from contaminating waste tips when the
shredder residues are dumped. For the same
reason, fuel, oil, gear, differential, and shock Figure 6.171: World trade in scrap 1990.
absorbers, and brake fluid and coolant are re-
covered before the old cars are shredded. In Economic and Logistic other. The proportions of the various steel
refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning production processes in different countries
equipment, the cooling liquids are recovered Aspects
have a considerable influence on scrap con-
38% 47% 57% 60% 67% 72% 80% to prevent their escape into the atmosphere.
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2000 Scrap Consumption sumption, and hence on the flow of imports
. (estimated) Tinplate packaging, e.g., for foodstuffs,
E±I ConsumptIon, X 103 t consists of very thin tinned steel sheet. The and exports. In electric steelworks, 100%
11III Recycling amount, x 10 3 t According to the International Iron and
scrap from tinplate cans is processed by the scrap can be used for steel production. In
Figure 6.170: Consumption and partial recycling of tin- Steel Institute (IISI), total world consumption
plate packaging in Germany.
steel recycling industry, and returned to steel of scrap, including scrap used in foundries, 1995, the average usage of scrap in German
production where it is used without problems. was 360 x 10 6 t in 1994. Most of this (330 x electric steelworks was 1004 kg per tonne
The consumption of tinplate packaging and 106 t) was used in steel production. In 1994, crude steel.
Pretreatment ofUsed Steel Products the extent of its recovery for recycling in Ger- total world crude steel production was 728 x In oxygen steel production, pig iron pro-
Steel products and components at the end many is shown in Figure 6.170. 106 t [331]. Hence, the average consumption
of their lives are often associated with impuri- Steel sheet packaging for commercial use, duced in the blast furnace is oxidized together
of scrap per tonne crude steel produced was
ties, or are attached to other materials. To pre- e.g.; barrels or canisters, can be contaminated with scrap in a converter. The average usage
ca. 450 kg. Electric steel plants accounted for
vent the unwanted materials from being with organic or inorganic residues from the 223 x 10 6 t scrap. Thus, ca. 60% of scrap was of scrap in 1995 in Germany was 181 kg per
returned to steel production along with the filling (paints, varnishes, oils, or adhesives). consumed by electric steel plants. tonne crude steel for this process [332]. In the
scrap, pretreatment and purification are neces- They must be emptied as far as possible and production of high quality steel grades shred-
sary, e.g., removal of oil from chips arising then processed by, e.g., shredding, cold shock ded scrap for cooling is preferred because of
from the processing of steel, which are classi- treatment, or centrifuging, enabling the scrap
World Marketfor Scrap
its high purity and the small lump size.
fied as new scrap. to remain in the material cycle, provided that Scrap is an international commodity with a
Pretreatment of used products that consist the chemical and physical quality require- free price structure. Scrap arisings and con- The most important flows of scrap in world
mainly of steel is often also necessary for dis- ments of the steel industry are met. sumption vary greatly from one country to an- trade in 1990 are illustrated in Figure 6.171.
388 HandbookofExtractiveMetal/lIrgy Steel 389

Infrastructure and Logistics 1000

® 721x10 6 t
The task of the steel recycling industry is to BOO
take responsibility for iron and steel scrap, i.e., 700 Eastern Europe/ Western Europe
to transport, store, process, and deliver to former USSR
600 Eastern
steelworks and foundries a high-quality raw Europe/
material. 500 North former USSR
The recycling system offers one particular
advantage: The collecting points are installed
in all countries. They collect scrap according

to its origin, lump size, and impurity levels. -
The structure of these organizations varies: ~
• Small-scale and collection service '"~
Japan (hina, Korea
• Medium-sized scrap wholesale traders a.
Figure 6.173: Steel consumption: A) 1974; B) 1992. Source: IISI, Brussels.
• Organizations supplying scrap to steelworks
Scrap is transported by rail, water, and
road. To enable prompt delivery, the steel re-
cycling industry has made considerable in- Table 6.22: Steel production and consumption 1970-1992.
vestments in handling and transportation 100 Lw...lJ..uJL1w.L.l.w..LI.w..L1.u.u.l.ulll.u.J..l1.Lw.1JJ.LJ.l.Ju..uJ
Production Consumption Production Consumption Production Consumption
facilities. 1950 1960 1970 19BO 1990 2000 Balance, 106 t Balance, 106 t Balance, 106 t
The demand for scrap is not constant, so the 1970 1980 1992
Figure 6.172: World steel production from 1950 (selected
scrap recycling industry maintains stocks con- regions). Smooth curve is 5-year average. Data Supplied European Community 146.2 132.9 13.3 141.9 119.9 22.0 129.1 115.2 13.9
taining the equivalent of the purchasing re- by the Statistisches Bundesamt (Gennan Federal Bureau Western Europe 161.9 153.9 8.0 161.2 142.1 19.1 153.8 135.3 18.5
quirements of steelworks for ca. 2 months. of Statistics) and the International Iron and Steel Institute United States 119.3 127.3 -8.0 101.5 118.6 -17.1 84.3 100.3 -16.0
(IISI). Japan 93.3 69.9 23.4 111.4 79.0 32.4 98.1 84.0 14.1
Thus, the industry has taken over an important Industrialized countries 397.4 374.0 23.4 • 406.9 366.2 40.7 366.9 340.4 26.5
function in balancing scrap arisings with con- Table 6.20: Leading steel producers 1992. Developing countries 22.1 42.2 -20.1 56.7 94.4 -37.7 117.2 147.7 -30.5
sumption [333]. Company Country Production, 106 t Brazil 5.4 6.0 -0.6 15.3 14.3 1.0 23.9 9.1 14.8
Eastern Europe 40.1 41.5 -1.4 61.2 59.6 1.6 32.4 21.1 11.3
Nippon Steel Japan 25.10
Fonner Soviet Union 115.9 110.2 5.7 147.9 150.4 -2.5 117.0 115.0 2.0
6.8 Economic Aspects Usinor Sacilor
20.01 China 18.0 22.5 -4.5 37.1 43.2 --6.1 80.0 83.1 -3.1
British Steel United Kingdom 12.39 World 595.7 592.8 2.9 715.9 718.8 -2.9 720.5 714.8 5.7
NKK Japan 10.89
6.8.1 World Steel Production, I1va Italy 10.60
Consumption, and Trade Thyssen
From the World War II to the early 1970s, Sumitomo Metals Japan 9.97 Table 6.23: World trade in steel 1991.
Sail India 9.70
world crude steel production grew at an aver- Bethlehem United States 9.60 Country
age annual rate of ca. 5.5%. Since then, the US Steel United States 9.50 Gennany 19.6 Gennany 16.8
rate has been only 1% (Figure 6.172). The Japan 17.9 United States 14.3
number of steel-producing countries increased BelgiumlLuxembourg 14.3 France 10.3
from ca. 30 to ca. 90. France 12.0 Italy 10.3
Brazil 10.9 Japan 9.0
The largest steel-producing companies, Magnitogorsk 16.2 Italy 9.0 Taiwan 8.7
with their 1992 production, are shown in Table Chereporets 14.0 United Kingdom 8.0 South Korea 8.5
KrivoyRog 13.9 Korea 7.7 United Kingdom 5.6
6.20. Lipetsk 9.9 United States 5.8 Iran 5.5
Of the total world crude steel production, Nizhiny Tagil 8.3 Netherlands 5.7 Netherlands 5.2
721 x 106 t in 1992, 345 x 106 t (48%) was Soviet Union 5.4 BelgiumlLuxembourg 4.7
produced by 50 companies in the western After the political changes of the early Spain 4.8 Soviet Union 4.6
world. There are also large steelworks in the 1990s, steel production in these countries de-
countries of the former Soviet Union. Some of creased considerably, i.e., from 216 x 10 6 tin
these are listed in Table 6.21. 1987 to 124 x 106 t in 1993.
390 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 391

~ Indus trialized (ountries their domestic markets. The United States has ports and imports of rolled steel resulted in a
~ Eastern Europe/former USSR been a net importer since 1959. The relation- net balance, estimated at 9.3 and 19.4 x 10 6 1.
_ People's Republk of China
ship between production and market supply 250 These examples show the importance of the
_ Developing (ountries
has developed as shown in Table 6.22. basic conditions for fair international trade.
Brazil has become one of the largest net ex- The demand for steel, the most important
porters. Meanwhile, the contribution by east- ~ construction material for industry (including
• 200
0.' the construction industry) and handicrafts, is
ern Europe and the former Soviet Union to the r-
~ mainly determined by overall economic de-
world total has decreased since the end of the
velopment, and hence by capital in,!estment
communist planned economy (Figure 6.174). ';;j 150 and external trade in steel-containing goods.
World steel exports have grown more rap- The optimism which, in the early 1970s, led to
idly than world production (Figure 6.175) be- investment in steel capacity was considerably
cause of variations in the regional distribution dampened after the first oil crisis of 1974-75.
of demand and production. In the 1970s and The second large increase in the price of oil in
early I 980s, the volume of international trade 1979, and the increased attention to environ-
in steel tended to grow at the same rate as gen- mental problems slowed down the economic
1970 1975 1960 1965 1990 1995
growth of the western industrialized countries,
eral world trade, but in recent years, the vol- Year_
where the standard of living had reached a re-
1950 1960 1970 1980 1988 1992 ume of steel trade has not increased. The Figure 6.175: World steel exports, production, and trade
markably high level. Future growth is likely to
increasing self-sufficiency of new producing from 1970. 1970 figures = 100 %. a) World trade (all prod-
ucts); b) Steel exports; c) Crude steel production. Source: be essentially calmer.
Figure 6.174: Crude steel production by region 1950- countries tends to have a braking effect, but in lIS1; Dresdner Bank.
the area of products and grades, and as a result Table 6.24: Direct and indirect steel exports of selected
The strong growth of the world steel indus- of competition for customers by the manufac- regions.
6.8.2 Steel Intensity and Weight
try starting in the 1970s was due to the high turing companies, active interchange across Direct Indirect Direct pro- Indirect pro-
Saving in Steel
demand for steel in western Europe, Japan, national boundaries is likely in future. export export duction, % duction, %
and eastern Europe. In these regions, steel Steel consumption depends on the state of
Steel exports from Japan have decreased 106 t rolled steel
consumption expanded by almost 7% per an- the overall national economy, especially on in-
num. In the United States, the rate was only from> 30 x 106 t in the mid-l 980s to 18 x 106 European Community vestments and foreign trade. In the early
2 %. Consumption by the developing countries t in 1991. Most significant is the collapse of 1979 65.7 32.0 53.4 32.4 stages of industrialization, steel consumption
1990 70.2 37.7 5839 35.8 grows at a rate out of proportion to that of the
grew rapidly from small beginnings, at> 8.5 % trade among the former COMECON coun-
per annum. tries--<:a. 15 x 10 6 t reduction in the exchange Japan national product. Later, the so-called steel in-
In the last 30 years, considerable regional volume. As shown by the high uptake by 1979 30.7 12.0 30.8 17.1 tensity decreases, and steel consumption
1990 16.6 20.4 16.9 23.0 grows more slowly than the national product
changes in steel consumption and production China from the international market in late
have occurred. Approximately one-fifth of (Figure 6.176). The most important reasons
1992/early 1993, relatively large fluctuations Table 6.25: Steel consumption in selected countries 1990.
steel consumption and 15 % of steel produc- include:
in world steel exports are likely. Consumption,
tion is associated with the developing regions Country
kg rolled steel per capita • Weight savings in steel manufacture by de-
(Figure 6.173). China has also moved ahead. A summary of the largest exporting and im-
West Germany 482 sign optimization, making use of lighter and
Japan improved its position until the early porting countries in 1991 is given in Table France 285 qualitatively superior steels. The 320 m
1970s, but its share of the world volume has 6.23. United Kingdom 244
Eiffel Tower was built of 7000 t steel in
stagnated since then. Europe and the United Sweden 336
An important feature of the steel industry Japan 751 1889, but today would require only 2000 1.
States are producing a considerably lower pro- Brazil 60
that affects investment decisions is the ex1ent A 165 m mast for a radio link station can be
portion than 20 years ago.
of export orientation of steel manufacturers. In built today with only 210 t steel.
Regional shifts have increased the eX1ent to In countries with very high steel exports,
the industrialized countries, the important • The use of different materials within the
which the developing countries have become e.g., Germany and Japan, the so-called indi-
steel consumers, e.g., engineering and motor rect foreign steel trade affects the trend of de- broad area of rolled steel products, e,g.,
self-sufficient, but in recent years, demand has
grown more rapidly than supply. The tradi- vehicle manufacturers, export a high propor- velopment of steel consumption and per capita greater use of flat products in place of long
tional exporters, e.g., Japan and the European tion of their steel-containing products (Table steel consumption considerably (Table 6.25). products, and the use of increasingly thin
Community, have relied more strongly on 6.24). For these two countries in 1990, indirect ex- sheet for flat products (Figure 6.177).
392 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Steel 393

~ Coated flat products tegrated steelworks were central to strategic

® ~ Uncoated flat products 340

t 0.07 . . Light-section long products !including wire rodl
_ Heavy-section long products
planning. Optimization of locations with re-
spect to raw material supplies (coastal steel-
Vl 320 works) or large marketing regions (Rhine,
=:J 100
ti -b Ruhr) was emphasized. Technical develop-
:::> 300 ment at that time mainly provided the mea-
~ 0.06

surement and control techniques essential for
large blast furnaces, large converters, strand
casting plants, and large rolling mills, and the
~ 0.05 0
electronic support for the organization'of pro-
duction. Innovations and improvements have
IVI contributed to reductions in the capital cost
(lJ 'C 240
",,0.04 ~
u :E
per tonne steel produced, in specific energy
Cl consumption, in raw and auxiliary materials
:: '":= 220
- costs, and in general running costs.
~ c..
c.. c d In modern steelworks, the production of 1
E b (lJ

~ 0.03 1970 1980 1991 i 200 tonne rolled steel requires 1.1 t crude steel,
S . Year_
l- whereas 20 years ago it required 1.3 t. Conse-
180 quent savings of raw steel are ca. 80 X 10 6 t/a
Figure 6.177: Distribution of rolled steel fmished prod-
(lJ 0.02 L........l_--L._-L.._..L-_-'--_.J.--'-- ucts in the European Community. Source: EUTostat. worldwide. There is a further possible saving
~ 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 of 40 X 106 t by further modernization, assum-
• Replacement of steel by other materials, 160
Year_ ing the same volume of rolled steel.
e.g., light metals or plastics, e.g., in automo- I-- However, intensity of capital investment
biles. The proportion of steel and iron has 140 f
® compared with other branches of industry is
decreased from 75% in the 1970s to 65% in
- still relatively high. In 1990, it was 340 000

t the early 1990s. The aluminum content has
grown from 3% to 5%, and plastics from
DM per installation, which compares with
only 118 000 DM in engineering (Figure
Vl 6% to 10%. It is likely that steel will con-
=:J 0.16
tinue to be the most important constituent of 100 6.178). Capital investment constitutes just
.....u 20% of the cost of steel produced in West Ger-
...:::> automobiles, remaining at ca. 60%. Figure 6.178: Capital investment per installation, West
many. Personnel costs account for ca. 25% .
~ 0.14 • A combination of steel with other materials Germany 1990: a) Steel; b) Chemicals; c) Quarrying, ex-
a traction, and worlcing up of stone and earths; d) Industry The sum of these costs is only slightly influ-
c is often the best solution (e.g., sandwich (total); e) Road vehicles; f) Food industry; g) Electrical in- enced by short-term market fluctuations.
.51 construction). dustry; h) Mechanical engineering. Source: 1W, Cologne.
Large production units cannot be throttled
..... • The reason for most of the reduction in spe- back at will. However, as the steel market re-
'c cific steel consumption is the improved pro-
:::> 6.8.3 Capital Investment and acts extremely strongly to economic change
ductivity of the steel industry itself, and not Subsidies (rising demand in boom periods, falling de-
Cl' b the replacement of materials. mand during recessions), suppliers have prob-
"'c'" 0.08 • With increasing maturity of a national econ- The steel industry, a capital-, energy-, and lems in matching supply to demand,
c.. omy, the fraction of the total national prod- raw-material-intensive industry, has always especially in times of weak markets. The re-
E striven to improve productivity and cost effec- sult is intense competition between suppliers
uct accounted for by commercial services
~ 0.06 increases, and the fraction accounted for by tiveness. Improvements in industrial plant de- for small market volumes at falling prices. As
iii manufacturing and heavy basic materials sign production methods, and installations for long as businesses can build up a financial re-
.;; 0.04 L-........l_--L._....L-_..l-_-'--_'-----'L..- decreases. In 1960, the proportion of the recovering or recycling waste heat, waste serve in good economic times, short-term falls
(lJ 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 West German national product accounted gases, electricity, and water have been of cen- in demand can be coped with. However, this
E Y ear -------- for by manufacturing was 53%, in 1980 it tral importance. The high intensity of capital becomes much more difficult if medium-term
was 43%, and in 1992, 37%. Mining, basic investment brought steep cost reductions demand forecasts are over-optimistic.
Figure 6.176: Steel consumption from 1980: A) Develop- whenever it was possible to fully utilize the For a long time, so-called mini-steelworks
materials, and manufactured goods contrib-
ing countries (a); Industrialized countries (b); B) Korea
(a); Turkey (b); Japan (c). From calculations supplied by
uted 32 %, 30%, and 23 % to the turnover of capacities of very large installations. Conse- have become the cost and price leaders among
lIS!. manufacturing business in these years. quently, from the 1950s to the 1970s, large in- producers oflight-section steel products (e.g.,
394 Handbook ofExtractive lvfetallurgy Steel 395

rod and wire rod). For this product area, the fa- ging behind the true need, and finance for cap- aims of a European Union and the real eco- search and Engineering, vol. 1, Springer Verlag,
vored production scheme is electrosteel pro- ital investment in modernization has nomic, financial, and structural politics of the Berlin 1992.
3. International Iron and Steel Institute (lIS!): World
cessing of scrap and small rolling mills. This continued to be available (Table 6.26). member countries. steel in Figures, Brussels 1992.
reduces capital costs, and gives flexibility in Private undertakings can only combat such In some steel-producing countries (e.g., the 4. K. A Zimmermann: "Renaissance der Eisenbahn -
matching market fluctuations. subsidized competition for a limited period, if United Kingdom and Brazil) governments eine Realitiit?" IISI - Jahrestagung, Colorado
Springs 1978.
198 a there is no countervailing policy to avoid sub- have become unwilling to pay high subsidies, 5. R Grundmann, H. M. Mozek, K. H. Michel, H.
sidized companies increasing their market on the grounds that they block the possibilities MOlders: "Warmband und Kaltband aus nichtros-
share. for investment in alternative projects. Privati- tenden Stiihlen", Stahl 1/. Eisen 107 (1987) 1221-
170 1227.
162.5 b c: zation of nationalized steel undertakings has
155 'n;
6. J. G. L. B1umhof: Versuch einer Encykloptidie der
150 Ul gone ahead. . Eisenhlittenlamde, vol. 1--4, G. F. Heyef, GieBen
140 1816-1821.
137 ~
~ 118

120 E
6.8.4 Future Prospects
7. L. Beck: Geschichte des Eisens, vol. 1-5, Vieweg &
Sohn, Braunschweig 1891-1903.
8. O. Johannsen: Geschichte des Eisens, 3rd ed., VerI.
114 ..,
c New perspectives are opening up in the Stahleisen, DUsseldorf 1953.
x 106 >. en
~ 103 110
steel industry through further technical devel- 9. R F. Tylecote: A History ofMetallurgy, 2nd ed.,
.., Inst. ofMaterials, London 1992.
.!: 100
92 d t 100 J2 2
opments in casting and rolling technology. A
new generation of continuous production
10. A Paulinyi: Das Puddeln, Oldenbourg, MOnchen
82 Qj 90 lines, from crude steel to products close to fi- K. C. Barraclough: "Blister Steel", vol. 1; "Crucible
2VI 80 ,J1 E nal dimensions, may considerably reduce the Steel", vol. 2; Steelmalang Before Bessemer, Metals
75 ~ ::> Society, London 1984.
'en specific capital costs both of flat steel products
Qj 11. K. C. Barraclough: Steelmaking 1850-1900, Inst. of
-g"- 70 l%)
and of heavy profiles, increasing the flexibil- Metals, London 1990.
~ ~ ity of undertakings to match economic fluctu- 12. O. Johannsen: "Die geschichtliche Entwicldung der
78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 93 ~ 60 Walzwerkstechnik", in J. Puppe, G. Stauder (eds.):
c: ations. At the same time, productivity can be Walzwerkswesen, vol. 1, VerI. Stahleisen, DUssel-
Year- E 50 ::'
c significantly improved. Different configura- dorf, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1929, pp. 252-337.
.c 13. Stahlfibel, Verlag Stahleisen, DUsseldorf 1989, p.
Figure 6.179: Price fluctuation in selected branches ofthe QJ

a. 40 E ..,c:
UI tions of the supply structure are likely to be-
West Gennan business economy 1974-1993. 1985 index >. '"
come available to the large suppliers of flat
recalculated to set 1974 figures = 100%. a) Producers' ,.
c: ::>
....J ~ 14. O. Johannsen: Geschichte des Eisens, 3rd ed., Ver-
~ 30 E '" steel products, who are themselves advancing lag Stahleisen, DUsseldorf 1953, p. 331.
prices, motor vehicle construction; b) Commercial prod- :E
ucts (total); c) Rolled steel; d) Export prices, Western Eu-
1: 20
L:l ~ '"
:z these technical developments, i.e., indepen- 15. Valerius-Hartmann: Handbuch der Stahleisen Fa-

rope (steel bars). Data supplied by the Statistisches :::>
10 dent small and medium manufacturing units, brikation, J. G. Engelhardt, Freiberg 1985, Figure 1.

Bundesamt (Gennan·Federal Bureau ofStatistics). 10 16. W. Rosenbleck, H. W. Kreutzer, R Steffen, W.
or a combination of several plants with an effi- Schafer, R Willeke, StahllL Eisen 101 (1981)no. 7,
New technology, organization systems, and o cient source of crude iron and steel from large 463--471.
the resulting increase in productivity and eco- Figure 6.180: Distortion of competition by subsidies units. 17. D. Springorum, Stahlu. Eisen 112 (1992) no. 12,45.
nomic efficiency have also influenced price. 18. H. M. W. Delport, Ironmalang Steelmaking 19
1975-1993. Figures for Spain from 1984. Source: In recent years, small and medium-sized (1992)no. 3, 183-189.
Steel prices have risen considerably more Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl (Industrial Association for steelworks, mainly based on scrap, have been 19. H. W. Kreutzer: "Schrotteinsatz in der Eisen- und
slowly than those of the average industrial Steel). Stahlindustrie", paper presented at "Ruckstandsop-
in favor, but there are limits to this develop-
product. In recent years they have even fallen, Table 6.26: Capital investment and subsidies in selected tirnierte Werkstoff- und Produktionstechnik am
ment. Increasing amounts of scrap are avail- Beispiel des Automobils". RWTH, Aachen, Ger-
and the severe fluctuations in international countries 1975-1991. Average figures, DM per tonne
crude steel produced. able for steel production, but growing world many, Nov. 25, 1993.
quotations during economic cycles have at steel demand is likely to require the smelting 20. R Willeke, R Ewers, H. W. Kreutzer, Stahlu. Eisen
least been no worse than those of 20 years ago West United 114 (1994) no. 5, 83-88.
Germany France Kingdom Italy of iron ore. 21. Verein Deutscher EisenhOttenleute (VDEh) (eds.):
(Figure 6.179). Thus, from the economic point of view, Jahrbuch Stahl 1994, vol. 1, p. 216.
Subsidies 10 69 92 97
There are very high barriers preventing Capital investment 47 63 70 67 many opportunities present themselves for 22. H. W. Kreutzer, Stahlu. Eisen 112 (1992) no. 5, 65-
steel making installations with overcapacity steel as a competitive material for the future. 23. W. Ullrich, H. Schicks, Stahlu. Eisen 111 (1991) no.
from getting out of the market. In western Eu- The steel politics of the European Commu- 11,85-92.
rope since the mid 1970s these have become nity since the middle 1970s exemplify the di- 24. J. W. Brown, R. L. Reddy, P. J. Salomon: "Eco-
even higher, as state intervention distorts com- sastrous effects of state intervention in a
6.9 References nomic Problems Related to Creation of Steelplants
Using Direct Reduction", Economic Commission
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difficult. Large subsidies have ensured sur- pean Commission and the Council of Minis- Aufgaben Iainftiger EntIVickll/ngen, Jahrbuch der mittee, May 16-20, 1983, Nordwijkerhout, Report
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen, 1982. RJO.
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2. Verein Deutscher EisenhOttenleute (ed.): "Funda- 25. R Steffen, H.-B. Langen, Stahlu. Eisen 114 (1994)
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7 Ferroalloys
(§ 7.4); DEREK G. E. KERFOOT (§ 7.6); HERBERT DISKOWSKl (§ 7.7); EBERHARD LODERITZ (§ 7.8); JOACHIM EcKERT (§ 7.10);
7.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 404 7.6 Ferronickel 454
7.2 Carbothermic and Metallothermic 7.6.1 Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace Prol:ess454
Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 405 7.6.2 Ugine Ferronickel Process 457
7.2.1 General Considerations. . . . .. . . .. 405 7.6.3 Falcondo Ferronickel Process 458 Introduction................... 405 7.6.4 Refming of Ferronickel 459 Basic Metallurgy 407 7.7 Ferrophosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 460 Commercial Production. . . . .. . . .. 411 7.8 Ferrotungsten 460 Other Uses ofAluminothermic 7.8.1 Composition 460
Processes. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..415 7.8.2 Uses 461 Possible Further Developments. . .. 415 7.8.3 Production ' 462
7.3 Ferrosilicon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 415 Carbothermic Production 463
7.4 Ferromanganese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 420 Carbothermic and Silicothermic
7.4.1 High-Carbon Ferromanganese..... 423 Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 463 Production ofFerromanganese in Metallothermic Production 464
Blast Furnaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 423 7.9 Ferroboron 465 Production ofFerromanganese in 7.9.1 Physical Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 465
Electric Arc Furnaces. . . . . . . . . .. 425 7.9.2 Chemical Properties 466
7.4.2 Production of Silicomanganese . . .. 432 7.9.3 Raw Materials 466
7.4.3 Production of Medium-Carbon 7.9.4 Production 466
Ferromanganese 4J4 Carbothermic Production , 467 Production ofMedium-Carbon Aluminothermic Production. . . . . .. 467
Ferromanganese by Oxygen Refining 7.9.5 Quality Specifications for Commercial
ofHigh-Carbon Ferromanganese .. 435 Grades 469 Silicothermic Production ofMedium- 7.9.6 Storage and Shipment. 470
Carbon Ferromanganese 436 7.9.7 Chemical Analysis 470
7.4.4 Production of Low-Carbon 7.9.8 Pollution Control 471
Ferromanganese 436 7.9.9 Uses 471
7.4.5 Gas Cleaning , , 437 7.9.10 Economic Aspects " 471
7.4.6 Recent Developments and Future 7.9.11 Toxicology and Industrial Hygiene. 472
Trends 437
7.10 Ferroniobium 472
7.5 Ferrochromium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 438 7.10.1 Production 472
7.5.1 Physical and Chemical Properties.. 439 7.10.2 Uses of Ferroniobium 472
7.5.2 Raw Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 439
7.11 Ferrotitanium 473
7.5.3 Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 440
7.11.1 Composition and Uses 473 High-Carbon Ferrochromium . . . .. 442
7.11.2 Production 474 Medium-Carbon Ferrochromium " 444
7.11.3 Economic Aspects 476 Low-Carbon Ferrochromium. . . . .. 445 Nitrogen-Containing Low-Carbon
7.12 Ferrovanadium 476
Ferrochromium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 448 7.12.1 Production from Vanadium Oxides. 476 Other Chromium Master Alloys. . .. 448 7.122 Direct Production from Slags and
7.5.4 Quality Specifications, Storage and Residues , 477
Transportation, and Trade Names .. 449 7.13 Ferromolybdenum 477
7.5.5 Uses 451 7.13.1 Submerged Arc Furnace Carbotherrnic
7.5.6 Economic Aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 452 Reduction 478
7.5.7 Environmental Protection; Toxicology 7.13.2 Metallotherrnic Reduction 480
and Occupational Health. . . . . . . .. 453 7.14 Eteferences 483
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Fe rroalloys 405

prepared continuously by carbothermic reduc- Low-carbon ferromanganese (0.1-2 % C) duced by the exothermic reaction of iron and
7.1 Introduction or ferrochromium (0.02-2 % C) is produced in selenium powders.
tion in large, submerged-arc furnaces. The car-
Ferroalloys are master alloys containing el- bon is provided by coke, and the power supply the following way: a silicon-containing alloy, The production of ferroalloys is of great
ements that are more or less soluble in molten ferrosilicomanganese or ferrosilicochro- economic importance, especially in countries
ranges from 15 to 100 MVA. Ferromanganese
iron and that improve the properties of· iron mium, is made by carbothermic reduction of that have the raw materials and the energy
is also produced in blast furnaces. Both ferro-
and steel. These alloys usually contain a sig- an appropriate ore and quartzite in a sub- supply. Alloy steels constitute an ever grow-
manganese and ferrochromium, because of merged-arc furnace. Then this silicon alloy is ing fraction of total steel production because
nificant amount of iron. Ferroalloys have been their affmity for carbon, contain high concen-
used for the last 100 years, principally in the used for the silicothermic reduction of an ap- of their superior properties. As an example of
trations of carbon (7-8 %). In contrast, ferro- propriate ore in an electric-arc refining fur- the importance of ferro alloys, an estimated 1.8
production of cast iron and steel [1]. As addi-
tives, they give iron and steel improved prop-
silicon contains little carbon; in fact, the nace. Oxygen is seldom used to reduce the X 10 9 DM (ca. $0.8 X 10 9) of ferroalloys were
erties, especially increased tensile strength, carbon concentration decreases as the silicon carbon content. consumed in 1986 by the steel industry in Ger-
wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. concentration is increased, e.g., ferrosilicon Ferrophosphorus is a by-product of the car- many.
These effects come about through one or more containing 25 % Si contains 1 % C, while that bothermic production of phosphorus. Ferro- Environmental Aspects. During the produc-
of the following: containing 75 % Si contains only 0.1 % C. tungsten is produced carbothermically in tion offerroalloys, the emission of undesirable
• A change in the chemical composition of the Table 7.1: Ferroalloys.
small, high-power electric furnaces. Ferrobo- substances into the environment must be kept
steel Composition,
ron is produced from carbon, iron, and boron under control. There are guidelines for this,
• The removal or the tying up of harmful im- % oxide or boric acid in one- and three-phase e.g., see [3].
purities such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or Calcium-silicon 28-35 Ca electric furnaces. Zirconium-containing ferro-
60-65 Si silicon is made carbothermically in electric 7.2 Carbotbermic and
hydrogen 6Fe
furnaces from zircon (ZrSiOJ or baddeleyite
• A change in the nature of the solidification,
10--40 Al (ZrO z); ferrosilicon, with either 75 or 90% Si, Metallotbermic Processes
for example, upon inoculation [2] 35-50Si is added.
Ferroalloys are also used as starting materi- Calcium-silicon-barium 15-20Ca Carbothermic processes are mainly used
als in the preparation of chemicals and pure 14-18 Ba Silicothermic reduction, with the addition for the large-scale production of ferrosilicon,
55-60Si of some aluminum, is used to prepare ferro-
metal; as reducing agents (e.g., the use of fer- Calcium-silicon-magnesium 25-30 Ca ferromanganese, ferrochromium, ferro nickel,
rosilicon to reduce rich slags); as alloying ele- 10-15Mg molybdenum in refractory-lined reaction ves- and ferrotungsten. Ferrophosphorus is a by-
ments in nonferrous alloys; as starting 50-55 Si sels. The energy released in the reaction' is product of elemental phosphorus production
Calcium-manganese-silicon l6-20Ca adequate to melt both metal and slag, and the
materials for special products such as amor- 14-18 Mn by the carbotherrnic reduction of phosphate
phous metals. Table 7.1 lists some commercial 58-59Si solidified block of ferromolybdenum can be rock. Carbothermic processes for the produc-
ferroalloys. Calcium-silicon-zirconium l5-20Ca recovered easily. Ferronickel is also mainly tion of ferroboron, ferro titanium, ferrovana-
Over the years, the binary ferroalloys have 50-55 Si
produced by silicothermic reduction. Alumi- dium, and ferromolybdenum have been
been modified by the addition of further com- Ferroboron l2-l4B nothermic reduction is the method of choice largely replaced by metallotherrnic processes,
ponents. For example, magnesium is regularly Ferrochromium 45-95 Cr for the production of ferrovanadium. The mainly aluminotherrnic and silicothermic.
O.Ol-lOC starting materials are vanadium(V) oxide, alu-
added to ferrosilicon, which, when used in Ferrosilicochromium 40-65Cr
cast iron, produces a spheroidal graphite; and 45-20 Si minum, and iron turnings, chips, stampings, or
Ferromanganese 75-92Mn nail bits. The reaction is carried out in refrac- 7.2.1 General Considerations
manganese or zirconium can be added to cal-
0.05-8.0C tory-lined reaction vessels. The reaction pro-
cium-silicon. Ferrosilicomanganese 58--75Mn
35-15 Si duces enough heat to melt both metal and slag. Introduction1
Production. Generally, ferroalloys are pre- In fact, inert materials must be added to keep
Ferromolybdenum 62-70Mo
pared by direct reduction of oxidic ores or The usual method of reduction by carbon is
Ferronickel 20-60Ni the peak temperature lower. Ferrotitanium and
concentrates with carbon (carbothermic), sili- Ferroniobium 55-70Nb inapplicable to the reduction of refractory ox-
ferroboron are also produced aluminothermi-
con (silicothermic), or aluminum (alumino- Ferroniobiumtantalum 55-70Nb ides and ores. The products commonly cov-
2-8Ta cally.
thermic, closely related to the Goldschmidt ered under this title are usually required to be
Ferrophosphorus ca. 25 P The production and use of titanium as a
reaction; see section 7.2). However, roasted ca. 50 Se
low in carbon and they are avid carbide form-
ores (e.g., for ferromolybdenum) and pure Ferrosilicon 8-95 Si large-volume construction material yields ers. Also, no conventional refractories would
technical-grade oxides (for ferromolybdenum. Ferrotitanium 20-75Ti enough scrap for ferrotitanium containing ca. stand up to the long reduction times at the high
and ferroboron) are also used as starting mate- Ferrotungsten 70-85W 70 % Ti to be made by melting iron and tita- temperatures required. For such products, ad-
Ferrovanadium 35-80 V nium scrap together. Ferrozirconium contain-
rials. Ferrozirconium ca. 85 Zr
The large-volume ferroalloys - ferrosili- 35-42Zr
ing 80-85 % Zr is also made by melting metal 1 For the production of chromium by the aluminotherrnic
con, ferromanganese, ferrochromium - are ca 50 Si scrap and iron together. Ferroselenium is pro- process, see Chapter 46.
406 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroailoys 407

vantage is taken of the high temperatures nages involved, such productions usually oc- by aluminothermic processes is shown in Ta- where S is the entropy and is always zero or
achieved and the rapidity of metallothermic cur only where an arc furnace exists for other ble 7.2. positive because it corresponds with the in-
reactions using reactive metals, notably Al. purposes. creasing atomic disorder of the system with
Early examples of such reactions are BER- Apart from the necessity of metallothermic Basic Metallurgy temperature. Figure 7.1 shows the free energy
ZELIUS' reduction of KzTaF7 by Na and reduction advantages of the process as com- of formation of the oxides of interest at high
WCllnER's reduction of AlC1 3 by Na, in 1825 pared to conventional reduction processes are: A metallothermic reduction of a metal temperatures. All oxides become less stable as
and 1828, respectively. However, the father of compound is possible when the reductant temperature increases. The more negative the
• Very rapid reaction with less heat loss by ra-
aluminothermic processes was undoubtedly diation and convection metal has a greater affmity for the nonmetal free energy of formation at a given tempera-
GOLDSCHMIDT who, in 1898. described the pro- element of the compound than the desired ture the greater the tendency for that metal to
• Much less gas volume metal. In various branches of metallurgy the reduce an oxide ofless negative free energy.
duction of low-carbon, high melting-point
metals, without extraneous heat, by feeding an • Easy accommodation of diverse productions nonmetal may be a halogen, sulfur, or oxygen.
exothermic mix into an already ignited first • Small plant investment (important, consid- Aluminothermic processes, as previously de-
portion [4]. ering the small production). fined, depend upon the high affInity of Al for
The term "aluminothermic processes" can A disadvantage of metallothermic produc- oxygen as compared to that of many other
cover a wide field. For the present purposes it tion is that no refining of the metal is possible. metals.
is taken. as is generally understood, to be the It is important to leave the slag in situ to allow
manufacture, by Al reduction of refractory ox- metal drops to settle into the regulus, so that Thermochemistry e; -700
ides or ores, of metals and alloys mainly used one is faced with a large depth of slag quickly <l

in the steel and superalloy industries. Because crusting over. Alternatively, if the slag is Aluminum has a high affinity for oxygen, c
some important alloys are produced alumino- tapped, requiring subsequent ore dressing pro- and the ease of reduction of a metal oxide de- ~ -600
silicothermically, they are included in the sur- cesses to recover included metal, the metal pends on the difference in oxygen affinity of '"

vey. regulus quickly becomes sluggish. Therefore, Al and the metal. The affinity for oxygen is in-
The main alloys under discussion are FeB, the composition of the mix must be regulated dicated by its heat of formation, Mi, ex- i";; -500

FeMo, FeNb, FeTi, FeV, and FeW. There are very carefully to produce the optimum combi- pressed for comparison purposes as Mi per '"cOJ
many minor variations, such as CrC, where nation of oxygen and reactant metal levels in mol/oxygen (kJ/mol 0). Table 7.3 gives a se-
superior purity or the absence of Fe is required the product, and all ingredients must be low in lection of Mi values at the standard tempera- ~ -400
for alloys used in superalloy production, and harmful impurities. Obvious ones are C, S, ture of 298 K.
FeNb from Nb 2 0 s instead of ore, where extra and P. Other impurities in the various ores A quantitative measure for the stability of
purity is required, again for superalloys. used for different products are As, Sn, Pb, Sb, an oxide is the Gibbs free energy of formation,
Aluminothermic Mn, formerly of impor- and Cu. Nitrogen is not usually a problem be- !'1G, which is related to the heat of formation
tance, has been superseded by electrolytic Mn, cause the metal regulus formed is protected by by the formula: -200
and aluminothermic production of FeTi has the slag layer. Chromium metal, used in super-
"'G~ = M - ns 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
largely given way to induction furnace melt- alloys and electric heating elements, is an ex- Temperature, K -
ing of Fe and Ti scraps. The latter method also treme case, where, apart from low impurities Table 7.3: Heats of formation of oxides [5].
now substitutes for the former, dangerous, generally, certain impurities, such as Ga, Pb, Oxide -M298 , kllmol oxide -8H298 , kllmol ° Figure 7.1: Change in free energy of oxide formation re-
actions [6].
highly exothermic production of 55-60 % and B, must be kept down to a few parts per CaO 634.7 634.7
The free energies of reaction of oxides with
TiAl and 55-60% ZrAl. When possible, com- million. MgO 601.7 601.7
Al 2 0 3 1678.5 559.4 Al and Si are given in Figures 7.2 and 7.3.
bined electroaluminothermic methods can be Table 7.2: Production of metal and alloys by aluminother- zr02 1101.5 550.6 Although the free energy of reaction is a
used. mic processes. Ti02 945.4 472.7 quantitative measure, not all data necessary
Because most basic reactions require extra tla Expressed as Si0 2 911.0 455.5 for such complex reactions as commercial
heat this is provided by Al and a vigorous oxi- 1350 18%B B 20 3 1272.8 424.1
FeB metallothermic reactions are readily available
N~O 415.3 415.3
dant Aluminum is an expensive fuel. At an Al FeMo· 40500 65%Mo and it is usual for the practicing metallurgist to
T~Os 2047.3 409.5
powder price of $1400/t and a small-scale FeNb 16300 65%Nb
FeV 25000 80%V Nbps 1900.8 380.2 rely on heats of formation for calculation of
electricity cost of 4.9 CIkWh the heating effect Cr20 3 1130.4 376.8 heats of reaction.
FeW 4000 80%W
of Al combustion costs about three times that V20S 1551.6 310.2
of electricity. • The FeMo represents about one third of the total Mo used in the W0 3 843.2 280.9
Although a minor proportion of production,
steel industry; the remaining two thirds are used as MoO,. Fe 30 4 1117.5 279.3 Fundamental Reactions
Fe2 0 3 821.9 273.8
some FeB, FeNb, FeTi, and FeV is produced The worldwide - excluding the former FeO 264.6 264.6 Although Ca and Mg may be the most suit-
in the arc furnace. In view of the small ton- USSR and China - production of ferroalloys ~~ m~ ~~ able reactants, they are not used in the reduc-
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F erroalloys 409

tions under review. Their basic costs are high In silicothermic reactions, a proportion of Fluxes
2/3 Mo03·Si - 2/3 Mo.SiD.z
Al is usually used to increase the exothermic-
compared to AI and Si and 16 parts by weight
° require 40 parts Ca, 24 parts Mg, 18 parts 2/3W03·Si- 2/3 W.Sioz - ity particularly, because the products, e.g., Both Al z0 3 and SiOz have high melting
AI, or 14 parts Si. Furthermore, the boiling t -300 _2Fe.,-
° S' 2Fe.Si02 FeW and FeMo, have such high melting points, 2050 DC and 1722 DC, respectively.
points of Ca and Mg are 1484 DC and 1090 DC, points. The aim in metallotherrnic reactions is to pro-
2/SVzos·Si_ 4"s V.Si;--
respectively. The heats of reaction of the ox-
ides of interest with AI and Si are given in Ta-
ble 7.4.
~ -200

2/s NbzOs·Si_ 4/s Nb.Sio

- Because the alloy specifIcations have be-
come traditional, although not necessarily
duce a fluid slag, so as to permit good separa-
tion of slag and metal. In the case of

A guide for a successful aluminothermic

reaction, permitting adequate separation of
-100 2/3(rZ03.Si - 4/3 (r.Sioz
2MnO.Si - 2Mn. Si02
-- ideal, there is a limit to the amount of iron ox-
ide and Al to be added, and, indeed, it may be
aluminosilico reactions, residual iron oxide
and AIZ0 3 are already good fluxes, and lime
'- more economical to increase the heat content also is used because the strongly basic CaO,
metal and slag, is a -!:JIZ98 higher than 300 .S of the mixture further, by using highly oxidic
a apart from fluxing, lowers the activity of
kJ/mol [7]. This is confIrmed in practice: addi- TiOz.Si - Ti.Si02 compounds plus AI. The reactions and the
Al z0 3 and SiOz'
tional heat is required for Cr production, rn
.J:: heats of reaction (in kJ/mol AI) for the addi-
u 2/3 BZ03·Si - 4/3B.5ioz
whereas the reaction producing 80 % FeV is so 100 tives most commonly used are: In aluminothermic reactions residual ox-
vigorous that it requires cooling. This guide ides may play a part, the compound
does not apply to silicothermic reactions. K2CrP1 + 4Al ---7 2Cr + 2Al20, + K20
1/3 A1 203·Si - "/3 AI. Sio z
MJ29S = -422.0 kllmol Al
AI z0 3 ·TiOz having a melting point of
Zroz .Si - Zr.Sioz 1590 DC; Nap and KzO, not completely va-
Auxiliary Reactions 3Ba02 +2AI---7 3BaO·Alp3 porized, also assist The usual flux is CaO
1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
MJm = -812.0 kllmo1 Al
Many reactions require additional heat to Temperature, K - which has a pronounced effect on the melting
produce fully liquid metal and slag. Except for Figure 7.3: Change in free energy of reaction in the re- NaCl0 3 + 2Al---7 AlPJ + NaCI point of Alz0 3 • It is not used in Cr manufac-
producing pure Cr, the first step is to make an duction of oxides by silicon. MJ29S =-869.2 kllmol Al ture as it spoils the slag for use in refractories
addition of iron oxide plus reactant, giving a Table 7.4: Heats of reaction per mole reductant
3KCI04+ 8Al ---7 4Al20 J + 3KCl and calcium chromite is a stable compound.
higher average heat of reaction. This also has
MJm = -839.0 kllmol Al Figure 7.4 shows the effect on melting
the advantage of producing signifIcantly J/4TI02 + Al---7 J/4TI + '/2Al20 J 130.2
lower melting points (Table 7.5). JfSi02 + Al ---7 J/4 Si + '/2A1 20 J 156.0 In some cases additional heat was applied point of additions of several oxides to AIZ0 3 •
-600 1/ B 0 + Al---7 B + 1/ 2Al 20 J
2 2 J
202.6 formerly extraneously by preheating the 2800
2/3 Mo op 4/3AI_ 2/3 Mo. 2/3A1 0 J/'~20S + Al---7 B + 1/2 Al20, 268.8 charge. This has been given up because of
2 3 \MgO

! -500
2/3 Wo]' "/3A1- 2/3 W. 2/ J A12~

2Feo. Y3 AI_ 2F
1/2Cr20 J + Al---7 Cr+ 1/2AI 20 J
J/IOV205 + Al---7 \ V + 1/2Al 20 J
practical difficulties of heating a mixture of
low heat conductivity and the danger of pre-
2600 \
-'" '/2WO J + Al---7 ' /2W + '/2Al20 J 417.4 mature ignition, with loss of the charge and . \
:S -1,00 ~
c 21,00
2/ 5 V2oS· Y341- 4/ S V 2 J/sFe,04 + Al---7 9/ sFe + '/2A1 20 J 420.2 damage to the preheating equipment ··..• (aO \
• ;l3 Al203
1/2Fe20 J + Al---7 Fe + '/2 Al,0,
J/2FeO + Al---7 '/2Fe + '/2Al20 J
The cheap nitrates are not used now be-
cause products low in nitrogen are required I 2200
(r2 03
:. -300
2/3 (r2o,. "/3AI- "/3(r. 2/3AI2o;-
2Mno. "/3AI-2Mn. 2/3Al z03
'/2MoOJ + Al---7 '/2Mo + '/2Al 20 J
2/JWO, + Si ---7 2/JW + Si0 2
and the metals in question are avid nitride
formers. BaOz is useful because it not only

:,:,' 2000
.... \/
/ .--
cu 1/2Fe,04 + Si ---7 2/,Fe + Si0 2 352.1 :> BaD'.. .
acts as an oxidant, but is a strong base and as- rn
cu 2/,Fe,0, + Si ---7 4/,Fe + Si02 363.0
2FeO + Si ---7 2Fe + Si02 381.8
sists the progress of the reaction by combining ~ 1800
.S 2/J MoO, + Si ---7 2/,Mo + Si02 414.1
with the AIZ0 3 produced. However, its high .....
~ -100 molecular mass and its one available oxygen
c Table 7.5: Melting points of some metals (in DC) and of
atom make it a very expensive oxidant, and its
u alloys of these metals with iron.
use is confIned to highly exothermic mixes,
a V 1902 80% FeV 1770
e.g., for TiAl and ZrAI, where it helps to
B 2180 16%FeB 1550
Nb 2468 65 % FeNb 1560 smooth the reaction. The common oxidant is
Mo 2620 65 % FeMo 1900 NaCI0 3 , but KCI04 is to be preferred because 1200 a 1,0
100 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 20 60 80 100
W 3410 80% FeW 2500 it is more stable and NaCI0 3 is hygroscopic.
Temperature, K -
In Cr mixes, KzCrZ0 7 is used and is preferred
Figure 7.2: Change in free energy of reaction in the re- to Cr03 on health grounds as well as expense. Figure 7.4: Melting point curves of binary alumina slags.
duction of oxides by aluminum.
Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F erroalloys 411

must be the minimum required, because heat speed of the reaction, which should be an opti- ~bove ~en~oned difficulties. The general aim
Table 7.6: Heats offonnation of compound oxides.
is expensive and because excess heat supplied mum to minimize heat losses but not to create IS to mamtarn a cover of unreacted mix on the
Compound -Mi298 • kJ/mol
to an exothermic reaction moves the equilib- excess heat with its adverse effect on the equi- surface of the liquid slag, so as to minimize ra-
Al20 3.Si02 192.6 diation losses but not to feed too fast and pro-
rium in the undesired direction. librium.
UJP3. B20 3 69.5
Heats of formation have not always been duce too hot a reaction.
BaO.Al 20 3 100.5 ~ranulometry. If the charge is to be reacted
CaO.Alp3 15.1 determined at the high operating temperatures. m bulk then the ideal would be a charge of It can be seen from the above that whereas
CaO.Si02 89.2 Working on heats of formation at 298 K re- thermochemistry plays a vital role in provid-
concrete-type granulometry, giving maximum
Table 7.7: Heats of fonnation of intennetallic com- quires knowing the specific heats, latent heats, contact and minimum air inclusion. However, ing the basic knowledge for any metallother-
pounds. and, in charges employing sodium salts and to provide effective heat control, charg~s usu- mi~ production, there are other "fme tuning"
Compound Mi298 , kJ/mol chlorates, the heats of vaporization. Slags can ~lly ar~ fed. There should be an optimum par-
adjustments that are a matter of experience.
FeTI 40.6 be complex so that little idea can be had of tIcle SIze of the ingredients, therefore, coarse
29.3 their heats of formation. The amount of heat
enough to minimize dust losses but fine Commercial Production
FeAl 3 losses cannot be forecast and varies with the enough to give an adequate speed of reaction
Aluminum powder can be controlled becaus~
FeSi size of charge. Losses can be established and !here are ~o methods of promoting the re-
TIAl 80.8
suppliers will supply within reason~ble size
150.7 compensated for only by trial and error. actIOn. One IS to fill the reaction vessel with
67.0 Therefore, available information is used as th~ charge and ignite it via an easily ignitable
AlB range~. In some cases, such as the highly exo-
much as possible, accomp1lI1ied by intelligent mIXture, such as BaOz or NazO z plus alumi-
The energy required to fuse the flux is par- thermIC FeV reaction, Al pellets and turnings
extrapolations of such information. Final ad- num; the reaction then proceeds from top to
tially compensated by the heats of formation can be used and they are used also to some ex-
justments to the charge are a matter of trial and bottom of the charge. This is a wasteful
of the compound oxide (Table 7.6). tent in the very competitive production of the
error. A very simple example is: method beca.use only approximately one third
cheap alloy FeTi. These are crude raw materi-
of the capaCIty of the reaction vessel is used.
Formation ofIntermetallic
Crp3 + 2Al -? 2Cr + A1 2 0 3 Mi298 =-548 kJ als and differe~t parcels require slight adjust-
The mix calculation must be very accurate be-
Heat required for products at 2000 cC: ments to the mIX. Ores are a different matter.
cause no control of the speed of reaction can
Compounds A120 3 H U73 -Hm 356 kJ
These must usually be used as they arise; the
be exercised. Because the charge is always
The heat of reaction of the mixture can be 2Cr H 2213 - H 298 184 kJ coarser they are in anyone production, the
covered by liquid slag, dust losses should be
increased by the formation of intermetallic amounts to: 540 kJ more the amount of heat required. Where ores
low, ~ut the~e can be considerable loss by
compounds. Table 7.7 gives some examples. ~e extremely rme, leading to high dust losses,
According to this, there is a heat balance, so splashing owmg to the violence of the reac-
However, this is restricted in that most of the It may be economical to pelletize.
there should be a satisfactory result However, tion. The short reaction time should mean low
higher heats of formation belong to unwanted it is found in practice that 125 kJ extra heat are Mineralogic Structure of Ores. Complex heat losses, but this advantage is counteracted
compounds because the usual aim is to keep required, provided by Al plus KzCr Z0 7 and/or ores, such as p:yrochlore, can vary widely in by the intense radiation from an always liquid
residual elements, such as Al and Si, to a min- KCl04 • This 125 kJ (for a certain size of structure, and different parcels require adjust- surface. This method is seldom used, but there
imum. Of the alloys considered it is only in the charge) is a measure of the heat losses. More ments to the mix. are some reactions that are so exothermic that
case of FeTi and to a lesser extent in that of would be required for small charges and less they are dangerous and practically impossible
Bulk De~sity. This is related to granulometry,
FeB that aluminides have some significance. for bigger charges. It is interesting that this to feed, such as those for the minor products
but even m CrZ0 3, which would be expected to
All reactions are equilibria. Commercial al- conforms with the guide. be uniform from parcel to parcel and where 55-60 %. TiAl and ZrAl. This "firing down"
loys must be low in oxygen and most alloys Chemical composition of ores is some grain sizes are of a few microns, variations in me~od IS used sometimes also for FeW pro-
can be produced at 1 % Al or Si without appre- guide to improving the heat balance. Gener- the supplier's final calcination temperature duc~IOn, wher~ the extra heat supplied to
ciable oxygen content. This is not the case ally the higher the state of the oxide in the ore, can affect the bulk density greatly and hence a~hIeve the hIgh melting point requires a
with FeTi, where the equilibrium cannot be the higher the heat of reaction with Al or Si. A the recovery. highly exothermic reaction near the limit of
driven further than Allevels of 4-6 %. classical example was that of Mn ore where feed ability.
Mass of Charge. The percentage of heat The second method, almost universal, is to
the reaction 3MnO + 2Al ---7 3Mn + AlP3 did losses varies inversely with the size of charge.
Thermochemistry in Practice not supply sufficient heat. A preoxidation to use a charge slightly more exothermic than
These losses cannot be measured, but when that for "fIring down", to ignite a small portion
A commercial metallothermic reaction Mn 30 4 produced a satisfactory result. Preoxi-
th~ mass of a charge is increased, less heat per
dation also is found beneficial to some ilmeni- ~n the reaction vessel, and to feed the remain-
must provide sufficient heat to drive the reac- umt charge is required; this decrease can be
tes. mg charge.. By doing so, the full capacity of
tion as far to the right side of the equation as obtained by an intelligent estimate finalized
There are many other factors affecting the the vessel IS used so that vessel preparation
possible, plus that heat required to bring the by trial and error. costs per unit production are approx. one third
products to a temperature sufficiently high to fine control of an exothermic reaction, and it is
not always economic to indulge in laboratory Rate of Feeding. This is very much an art and those of the "firing-down" method. Another
permit separation of metal and slag and to pro- great advantage is that the speed of the reac-
control of all of them. They mainly affect the efficient feeding can minimize some of the
vide for heat losses. The amount of total heat
412 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroal/oys 413

tion can be controlled by varying the feeding adherent block of slag. The whole is then care- Pot Design and Construction quick-acting lugs. The base may be on wheels
rate so that it gets neither too hot nor too cold. fully quenched in a water tank, which causes or adapted for lift truck operation. The lining
As mentioned previously, this is quite an art, the slag block to separate and embrittles the Although there is theoretically no limit to
is of moistened, crushed slag from chromium
but it is surprising how soon a skilled worker metal to some extent, facilitating subsequent the size of the charge, as compared to steel
or ferrovanadium production, because this is a
becomes used to visual control of the tempera- crushing. production, the weights are small for the fol-
lowing reasons: reasonably pure corundum. To ease cleaning
ture of the reaction. The sides of the metal block are surrounded of the metal block, magnesite tiles may be
There are also two types of reaction vessel. by an adherent mixture of metal and slag cre- • Costs. Overall, raw materials are expensive. used in the metal zone, particularly for the hot-
One is a mobile steel pot, lined with refractory. ated by penetration into the refractory lining. It is the aim of a producer to try to keep pace ter reactions. After preparation of the refrac-
The other is a sand bed into which cylindrical This easily breaks away and is consumed in evenly with sales, holding modest stocks of tory base, either from bricks or ramming of
holes are dug and lined with firebrick. This the next reaction. The top surface, containing raw materials and finished product. The to- crushed slag, the sides are rammed around a
latter method usually is confined to alumino- pockets of very adherent slag, requires re- tal annual production of anyone producer is tapered, withdrawable template. Ramming is
silico reactions, such as those for FeW and moval by automatic hammers and, in the last small and diverse, with, in some cases, sev- by hand, by pneumatic or electric hammer, or
resort, by hand chipping hammers. The bot- eral specifications for one product. by jolting on a foundy jolt molding machine.
tom of the block usually requires less atten- • Handling Facilities. The total weight of a The lining must then be dried for several hours
Pot reactions are carried out in firing cham-
tion. Final cleaning of the whole block is by refractory-lined pot full of metal and slag is to remove moisture. It is taken up to a dull red
bers, where the under pressure, as compared to
shot blasting. about three times that of the metal produced. heat.
that outside, is kept to the minimum required
The block is coarsely broken up by a mo- Crane size is limited by cost and the small Basic sand bed operation is to construct a
for complete exhaust of fume consistent with
bile hammer of the pile driver type and building required for carrying out the reac- well in the sand bed from unmortared fire-
the charge feeder's need to observe the reac-
crushed to desired size in jaw crushers and/or tions, and for total operation lift trucks are bricks which takes the whole molten charge.
tion but to keep dust losses to a minimum.
rotary crushers with intermediate screenings. convenient. After sufficient time is allowed for metal to
Sand bed reactions are usually under a mov-
able hood connected to the main flue. Whereas There is immense variety in customer's size • Preliminary Metal Breaking. The small ton- settle out, a channel is made through the sand
tall chimneys were once the solution to dis- requirements, ranging from, say, 15-cm nages involved preclude a very expensive, at the slag-metal interface level and the slap
posal of fume, modern conceptions of pollu- lumps for bulk users down to graded powders large, preliminary breaking plant. Some al- tapped off. A variation is to use a similar well
tion control demand efficient dust collection. for welding rod manufacturers. An increasing loys, particularly FeMo, are very tough and in the sand bed sufficient to accommodate
Owing to the volatility of Mo03, this produc- demand is for bags of 6 mm and down alloy, metal block thickness is usually limited to only the metal, topped by a firebrick-lined
tion demands its separate dust collector, the each containing a fixed weight of the desired 30-35 cm. ' steel shell to accommodate the slag, with am-
recovery from which makes the difference be- alloying element. • Metal Specification. Some residual specifi- ple sand seal at the junction. After the reac-
tween profit and loss on the operation. For cations are very tight, notably that for Al in tion, the slag is tapped at the junction and the
other productions, because of the small ton- Cr metal. A mishap in the weighing of the shell used several times.
nage of individual products and because the charge can produce an off-grade block that
fume is largely AIP3' CaO, NaOH, etc., with may be in stock for a long time. Charge and Charge Preparation
low contents of valuable oxide, a communal • Refractory Failure. Although rare, there can
collector is used. Collectors are of many types, Ideally, there would be an optimum size for
be an occasional failure of the refractory, raw materials, fme enough for a successful re-
but the most efficient is the reverse-jet filter. producing breakout of metal and slag at high
Because of the presence of CaO, NaOH, etc., action but as coarse as possible to minimize
economic loss. dust losses. Fortunately, most oxides and ores
the [J1ter, when not in use, must always be kept Therefore, metal block weights usually are of reasonable size in these respects. Wol-
above 100°C to prevent caking of the fume on vary between 1000 and 2500 kg and, depend- fram ores may have to be ground sometimes
the bags.
-g ing on the density of metal and slag, two pot and it is known that very fine ores, such as py-
Figure 7.5 shows the arrangement, in prin- sizes suffice. A small pot of ca. 200 kg metal rochlore, have been pelletized. Chromium ox-
ciple, for feeding, reaction in a chamber, and
fume extraction. After fIring, the reaction pots e-~f capacity is useful for intermediate size investi-
gations on new raw materials. A typical pot
ide, at a grain size of a few j.Ul1, can be
expected to give high dust losses but the grains
must be left to cool to allow final settling out covering 1000-1750 kg metal would have in- have a strong tendency to self-adherence so
of metal droplets and eventual solidification. ternal dimensions of ca. 100 cm diameter and that the particles are much larger. Even so,
Depending on the size of the reaction, solidifi- Figure 7.5: Reaction chamber with feeding hopper. reac- 125 cm height and one for 2500 kg would there is a slightly noticeable difference in re-
cation can take a long time, but 24 h, which of- tion vessel. and dust collector: a) Feeding hopper; b) have the same height but be of 120 cm diame- covery when different oxides are used, this
ten fits in with the overall routine of the Feed-regulating valve; c) Feeding chute; d) Separable re- ter in order to avoid too thick a metal block.
fractory-lined steel plate cylinder; e) Refractory-lined varying directly with the fmal calcining of the
production, is usually sufficient. The pot is base; f) Optional magnesite inner lining; g) Firebrick- The outer construction consists of a plate oxide during its manufacture. The calcination
then stripped, leaving a block of metal with lined chamber; h) Filter; i) Offtake to chimney. steel cylinder attached to a heavy steel base by increases grain size and density.
414 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 415

Auxiliary oxidants are of satisfactory grain rruxmg can be determined only by practice Mixing plants should be grounded to avoid serted in the sand mold to insure liquidity over
size with the proviso that NaC103 tends to ag- and can be determined initially by analyzing buildup of static electricity. During firing, the whole of the pouring time. Where large
glomerate on storage and must be sieved down samples taken at intervals. overfeeding can cause violent eruptions. amounts of alloying addition are made to steel
to max. 1 mm before use. The minimum size The charge is then dropped into a feeding Lumpy NaCI0 3 can cause explosions. In case in the ladle, the cooling effect of the addition
of Al is limited by dust losses and the risk of hopper. of an inadvertent lining failure, a large enough may be counteracted by the use of exothermic
dust explosions. It should not be below ca. well should be provided to accept all the briquettes composed of alloy, Al, and oxidant.
BSS 240 == 64 ].lm. The size used in exother- charge. Minor uses are for jointing of Al and Cu ca-
Feeding The main causes of disastrous explosions
mic reactions then depends on the reaction. bles by a CuD-AI reaction, and as slow reac-
For chromium it is on the order of average When a charge has been prepared accu- are Al dust explosions, either primary, because tions for hand warmers and food cans for
0.25 mm, for FeB and FeNb, 0.45 mm, and the rately to produce the desired result, success of careless handling, or secondary, over an explorers.
Al powder can be partially substituted by depends on the efficiency of feeding. The overfed reaction. It also has been known for
cheaper foil powder. In the highly exothermic usual method is to control the exit valve of the the metal and slag, apparently solid, to be Possible Further
FeV reaction, where the V Z05 is in the form of feeding hopper according to the visual obser- quenched while still liquid internally, creating
flakes or lumps, only a little coarse powder is vation of the speed of the reaction, making a disastrous explosion. Developments
used to assist the start of the reaction, the bulk slight adjustments to compensate for momen- Employees must be protected from inhala- Wherever alloys with low content are re-
being pellets, chopped wire, and/or pure turn- tary coldness or hotness. Additional finer con- tion of dust and physical contact with charge quired, aluminothermic processes are neces-
ings. Despite the fine size of ilmenite and trol is often applied by means of a handrake in components. This is particularly the case with sary, and they have been brought to such an
rutile, the same applies to FeTi production. the feeding chute. A fast reaction, such as that hexavalent compounds of Cr, which can cause efficiency that little further improvement can
Owing to the relative cheapness of the ores, Al for FeV, often requires cooling, and a second the well-known chrome ulcers. be foreseen. Improved refractories m.ay pennit
is the most expensive ingredient, and cheap small hopper may be used to feed a portion of Housekeeping must be exceptional. Fine further transfer of some reactions to the arc
aluminum is used at the expense of Ti recov- crushed FeV slag. A FeW reaction is fed as dust accumulated on roof beams has been furnace, saving Al plus auxiliary oxidant, but
ery. fast as possible. known to combust spontaneously. at present, those which can be envisaged pos-
In aluminosilico reductions only powders sibly to stand up to the longer exposure are
are used, in the case of FeMo because the ore Further Processing Other Uses of very expensive and have to compete with the
is fine, in the case of FeW to obtain maximum self-produced refractory from· an exothermic
speed of reaction so as to achieve the high Pot stripping, block cleaning, and crushing Aluminothermic Processes
temperature required. The reductants are Al require no further description than given ear- A significant use of an aluminothermic pro-
lier, except to emphasize the importance of Plasma processes are a possibility, the very
powder and 75 % FeSi, on the order of 0.25 cess is the welding of railway and tramway
avoiding cross contamination. This is particu- line joints, where the reaction takes place in a high temperatures encouraging the oxide car-
mm average.
larly the case with FeB. A small amount of B small crucible, and the steel produced is bon reaction, but up to now there has been no
The amount of flux used is kept to a mini-
is very beneficial to a steel designed for it but success in driving the reaction to low C levels.
mum in aluminothermic charges. Where so- tapped onto the joint. In a similar manner,
an unknown amount can be disastrous. Here again, refractories are a problem.
dium salts are used as auxiliary oxidants, heavy cracked steel components, such as rolls,
residual NazO already lowers the melting are welded and worn parts are built up and re- A relaxation of maximum impurity levels
point of the slag. A calcium salt is the usual machined. Developments over the last few would be of mutual economic benefit to alloy
Safety Precautions maker and steel maker. Stringent specifica-
flux because it has such a significant effect on years are the repair of ingot mold stools,
the melting point of Al Z0 3 (Figure 7.4). In- It must be realized that exothermic produc- where the steel stream has worn a cavity, and tions for superalloys are obvious, but when the
stead of CaO, CaF z often is used as its low tion, inadequately supervised, can be a very of cracked ingot mold lugs. small proportion of alloy used in many steels
melting point of 1418 °C assists in promoting dangerous operation. Aluminum powder and The use of exothermic reactions in incendi- and the wealth of purification methods used in
a smooth reaction. The amount used is often oxidants are themselves fire hazards, and risk ary bombs, where the intense Fez03-Al reac- bulk steel production are considered, then
1-2 % of the total charge, never more than 5 %. is magnified, when they are in contact, maybe tion ignites the magnesium casing, is well some relaxation in impurity levels should be
Significant quantities of CaO-CaFz are to explosive proportions. known. Other military uses are for flares, possible, enabling use of cheaper, more im-
used in aluminosilico thermic reactions be- Aluminum powder and oxidants must be which in the case of sea rescue give off col- pure ores. Higher Al and/or Si levels would
cause it is important for their success to tie the stored separately and the latter kept clear of ored smokes. give better recovery and, where present speci-
SiO z produced. As can be seen from Table 7.5, carbonaceous material. Only sufficient for a Milder reactions, damped down by insulat- fications are very low, lower oxygen levels.
CaO has a strong affmity for SiOz' single charge should be brought to the mixing ing materials, are used in feeder head com-
After the components have been weighed department, and, during weighing, the oxide pounds, which are spread over the surface of 7.3 Ferrosilicon [10,11]"
out accurately, they are mixed completely in a or ore should be sandwiched between the Al liquid steel ingots in order to conserve the heat
gently acting mixer, such as a drum with lift- powder and the auxiliary oxidant to avoid di- and minimize piping. For steel castings, simi- The term ferrosilicon refers to iron-silicon
ers, V blender, or rotating cube. Duration of rect, concentrated contact. lar compositions are formed into sleeves in- alloys with Si contents of 8-95 %.
416 Handbook ofExtractive MetalLurgy F erroaLLoys 417

Table 7.8: Composition offerrosilicons (ISO 5445).

Chemical composition
Designation C Mn Cr 1i
Up to and Up to and P (max.) S (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.)
Over Over
including including
FeSi 10 8.0 13.0 0.2 0.15 0.06 2.0 3.0 0.8 0.30
FeSi15 14.0 20.0 1.0 0.15 0.06 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.30
FeSi25 20.0 30.0 1.5 0.15 0.06 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.30
FeSi45 41.0 47.0 2.0 0.05 0.05 0.20 1.0 0.5 0.30
FeSi50 47.0 51.0 1.5 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.8 0.5 0.30
FeSi65 63.0 68.0 2.0 0.05 0.04 0.20 0.4 0.4 0.30
FeSi 75 All 72.0 80.0 1.0 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.5 0.3 0.20
FeSi 75 Al 1.5 72.0 80.0 1.0 1.5 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.5 0.3 0.20
FeSi 75 Al2 72.0 80.0 1.5 2.0 0.05 0.04 0.20 0.5 0.3 0.30
FeSi 75 Al3 72.0 80.0 2.0 3.0 0.05 0.04 0.20 0.5 0.5 0.30
FeSi 90Al1 87.0 95.0 1.5 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.5 0.2 0.30
FeSi 90Al2 87.0 95.0 1.5 3.0 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.5 0.2 0.30

Silicon, wt% - pounds shown in the phase diagram with re-

10 20 30 40 50 60 7080 100 gard to their stoichiometry.
During solidification of the standard grade,
FeSi75, silicon crystallizes initially, followed
1400 by solidification of the s-phase-the high-
temperature phase of FeSiz-at 1207 DC.
FeSi45 is composed of initially separated FeSi
1 and FeSiz, which is stable below 955 DC [13].
o 1100 Transformation of the s-phase to stable
oj FeSiz is accompanied by an increase in vol- Figure 7.7: Submerged arc furnace: a) Furnace casing YJith lining (rotatable); b) Electrodes; c) Transformers; d) Second-
.2ro 1000 955 ume, which can lead to disintegration of the
ary power supply; e) Raw material bunker; f) Charging pipes; g) Stoker machine; h) Burning-out unit; i) Tapping-off la-
0, Fe sSi3 dle.
"'- 900 alloy in the range of 45-65 % silicon. The
transformation and thus the disintegration can Raw Materials. Pure quartzes with SiOz con- agent, depending on availability. In calculat-
I- 800 769
Magnetic tent > 98 % are used for the production of ing the amount of reducing agent required, the
be suppressed by supercooling (i.e., rapid so-
' .... transfor-
lidification in shallow molds). FeSi45 to FeSi90. Such quartzes occur natu- carbon resulting from consumption of the
mation rally as pebbles or rock (vein quartz, quartz- Soderberg electrodes must be taken into ac-
\ Structural data for the iron silicides are
summarized in Table 7.9. Table 7.10 lists the ite). Quartz sands are processed into count; the electrodes supply 5-10% of the to-
densities and melting ranges of commercial al- briquettes, in which the reducing coal required tal requirement.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
loys. for a quasi-self-fluxing burden can be incorpo- The trend is toward the use of fmer-grained
Mole fr action, xSi
rated. For good gas flow through the furnace, quartz and coal. For quartz (previously 15-
Table 7.9: Crystal structure ofimn silicides.
Figure 7.6: Iron-silicon phase diagram [121. the starting materials should be free of fine 100 mm) the particle size now used is 8-40
Compound Crystal structure Lattice constants, pm particles, which also requires that they remain mm; for coal, 2-20 mm.
Table 7.8 lists the composition of commer-
cial ferrosilicons. FesSi 3 hexagonal a = 675.5, c = 471.7 dimensionally stable on heating and do not de- Production. Ferrosilicon is produced in three-
FeSi cuhic a = 448.9 crepitate too early. phase, submerged arc furnaces with power
FeSi75 is commercially the most impor-
tetragonal a =269.2, c =513.7 Depending on the location, high-quality consumptions of 10-70 MW, corresponding to
tant, although FeSi45 is still produced in large
iron ore or scrap iron is used as the iron an annual capacity between 9 X 10 3 and 60 X
quantities for the North American market. Al- Table 7.10: Density and melting range of commercial source. In industrialized countries, washed 10 3 t per furnace.
loys containing> 95 % silicon are classified as FeSi alloys.
and dried unalloyed steel turnings are gener- Figure 7.7 shows a schematic of such a fur-
silicon metal. Alloy p, g/cm3 Melting range, DC ally used. nace. With few exceptions, production is car-
Physical Properties. The Fe-Si phase dia- FeSi 10 7.3 1280--1350 Flaming coals with low ash content, metal- ried out in open furnaces, which allow the
FeSi25 6.5 1270--1350
gram (Figure 7.6) shows the existence of four FeSi45 5.1 1250--1350
lurgical coke, high-temperature brown coal burden surface to be poked with stoker ma-
compounds: FezSi, FesSi 3, FeSi, and FeSiz FeSi75 3.2 1250--1350 coke, petroleum coke, brown coal briquettes, chines to prevent crust formation and thus
[12]. Commercial alloys differ from the com- FeSi90 2.5 1300--1400 or wood chips are employed as reducing maintain uniform gas flow through the fur-
418 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 419

nace. In modern furnaces the furnace casing take of the batch depends on the so-called The off-gas from the furnace can be steel can be considered normal. For melting
can be rotated to reduce encrustation in the hearth resistance, whereby the conductivity of cleaned in filter chambers (bag filters) to the almost all grades of steel, silicon is added as a
lower areas. the FeSi burden is provided mainly by the maximum values allowed by TA Luft (20 deoxidizer and alloying agent. Silicon binds
Closed furnaces must be built with a rotat- coal. Thus, changing the type of coal influ- mg/m 3). The collected dust is sometimes oxygen dissolved in steel melts, leading to
ing furnace vessel to avoid sintering of the ences the resistance. The grain size also plays dumped but is now mainly sold as a raw mate- noncritical concentrations. To increase this ef-
burden, since stoker machines can no longer a role: the smaller the grain, the higher is the rial. Pure SiOz dusts are used as cement addi- fect, FeSi is generally added together with
be used. Closed furnaces operate more effi- resistance. The hearth resistance automatically tives, for example [18, 19]. other deoxidizers such as aluminum, calcium,
ciently (cheaper) because the carbon monox- regulates the depth of insertion of the Soder- Since the FeSi process is slag free, it has the and manganese.
ide gas formed can be used. However, this berg electrodes and thus the power consump- advantage of having no slag that must be dis- Silicon that is not consumed in deoxidation
requires a more elaborate construction of the tion of the furnace. A uniformly high hearth posed of. . dissolves as an alloying element in the steel
furnace: with a rotatable hearth and extensive resistance and low electrodes are desirable. and increases its strength and yield point [24].
dedusting of the hot off-gases [14]. Quality Specifications. Quality requirements
The liquid alloy, that accumulates in the Conventional construction steels contain 0.2-
Generally, large furnaces with capacities of and terms of delivery are summarized in ISO
hearth is tapped off to pouring ladles at regular 0.4% silicon. More highly alloyed grades in-
> 40 MW present additional construction and 5445 (see Table 7.8) and DIN 17560. In addi-
intervals (about once an hour) and poured into clude tool steels, in which silicon improves the
operational problems. The thermal stress of tion, numerous customer specifications exist,
shallow molds. hardenability and wear resistance; hot-work
the refractory materials and the off-gas losses some of which require drastically reduced im-
Ferrosilicon production is a slag-free pro- steels that contain silicon for better tempering
also increase because these furnaces have purity contents. The sieve analysis of ferroal-
cess, which means that all the impurities properties; spring steels (up to 2 % Si); and
higher operating temperatures [15, 16]. loys is set out in ISO 4551; sampling is
present in the raw materials are transferred to transformer and electro steels (up to 4.5% Si).
described in ISO 4552; and chemical analysis,
Reactions in the furnace occur according to the product. To obtain high purities the alloy Low hysteris losses are characteristic of the
in ISO 4139 and ISO 4158. Recognized analy-
the simplified scheme: must be purified by further treatment outside latter materials. Since the magnetic losses de-
sis methods are also described in [20-22].
Si0 2 + 2C --? Si + 2CO the furnace. pend on the purity of the steel, high-purity
Aluminum and calcium impurities are re- Storage, Transport, and Toxicology. Ferro- FeSi, with drastically reduced content of alu-
Fe + Si --? FeSi
moved by oxidation: silicons produce hydrogen on contact with wa- minum, carbon, and titanium, is used.
Side reactions also occur that result in a lower ter. Alloys containing 30-70% Si are Foundries consume almost 25 % of the fer-
yield of the desired product, especially when 11I By injection of gaseous oxygen through im- classified as dangerous substances, Class 4.3, rosilicon produced worldwide. Normal cast
insufficient carbon is used: mersed lances or through nozzles or sparg- for transport by road and rail according' to iron contains 2-3 % silicon for improved pre-
ing blocks in the base of the pouring ladle
Si0 2 + C --? SiO + CO GGVS/GGVE and RID/ADR. Alloys with < cipitation of graphite and increased strength.
Si02 + Si --? 2SiO By treatment with oxidizing siliceous slag,
11I 30 % and> 70 % Si are excluded from this reg- Ferrosilicon alloys are also used as carrier
which can be stirred or blown in ulation for land transportation. All commer- alloys for metals such as barium, strontium,
Gaseous SiO is oxidized by atmospheric
Treatments used to obtain the lowest alumi- cial FeSi alloys are classified as dangerous calcium, and titanium, usually in amounts of
oxygen at the burden surface to give SiOz
num and calcium concentrations (in the ex- goods, Class 4.3, for transportation by ship 2-4%. These treatment alloys for gray cast
dust, which is carried out of the furnace with
treme case, 0.02 % max.) also result in silicon (IMDG Code) and by air (UN no. t408,IATA- iron are added to the ladle or mold to improve
the off-gas.
losses. The silicon content for these grades DGR: Class 4.3). the precipitation of graphite. Ferrosilicon .is
An excess of carbon leads to the formation
drops from 75 to ca. 65%. Ferrosilicon itself is nontoxic. For handling also the prealloy for FeSiMg alloys; magne-
of SiC, which also lowers the yield.
Due to the low affinity of titanium for oxy- the dust the general MAK values for fine dust sium causes the formation of spherical graph-
Specific material and energy requirements
gen, the content of titanium impurities cannot (6 mg/m 3) are applicable [23], as well as the ite in spherulitic graphite iron.
for the production of FeSi45 and FeSi75 are
be lowered metallurgically. Low Ti contents usual safety measures such as goggles and
summarized in Table 7.11. Economic Aspects. In 1990, world consump-
must be obtained by using raw materials that face masks.
Table 7.11: Specific material and energy conswnption for
contain as little titanium as possible. tion of ferrosilicon, calculated as FeSi75, was
FeSi production. On contact with water, traces of toxic gases
3.4 x 106 t, which compared to a capacity of
such as phosphine can be formed by reaction
FeSi45 FeSi75 Environmental Protection. Silicon monox- 5.5 x 106 t. Thus capacities were utilized only
with slag adhering to the ferrosilicon. How-
Quartz, kglt 1200-1300 1800-2000 ide vapor is formed in the reduction process. to ca. 62 %. Usually, the rate of utilization var-
ever, if stored in ventilated rooms in accor-
Iron turnings, kglt 550-650 230-260 The SiO is oxidized in air to produce ex- ies between 65 and 75%. Thus, the economic
Carbon, kglt 450-520 700-900 dance with regulations, the critical MAK
tremely fme SiO z dust (particle size 0.1-1 situation at the beginning of the 1990s was
Soderberg paste, kg!t 40-50 55-70 concentrations are rarely attained (PH 3: MAK
Energy conswnption, kWh/t 5800-6500 8500-10 000
11m), which is carried out of the furnace with characterized by marked pressure on prices
0.1 ppm) [23].
the off-gas. Furthermore, small amounts of and by the closure of unprofitable operations.
Heating the batch to the reaction tempera- fine particles from the burden are also en- Uses. Approximately 75% of the FeSi pro- However new capacities of ca. 250 x 10 3 tla
ture of up to 1800 "C is achieved mainly by trained. A total of 250-350 kg of dust is pro- duced is used in the steel industry, where a re- are now planned, with almost 200 x 10 3 tla in
electrical energy (ca. 80%). The energy up- duced per tonne of FeSi75 [17]. quirement of 3-3.5 kg of FeSi75 per tonne of Venezuela alone.
420 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroal/oys 421

The choice of plant location depends less largely in the mild steel, foundry, and stainless Generally, high-carbon ferromanganese in submerged arc furnaces. Producers of high-
on the raw materials (quartz, coal) than on the steel industries [25-27]. The names and typi- and silicomanganese are produced from a carbon ferromanganese and silicomanganese
availability of cheap electricity. Production is cal compositions of these alloys are given in blend of manganese-containing ores, and in are listed in Table 7.14. High-carbon ferro-
spread worldwide; the CIS and China are im- Table 7.12, and the international standards for the case of silicomanganese, slags and silica manganese can be converted to medium-car-
portant producers (each with a capacity of ca. the most commonly used alloys, namely high- are added. Ferromanganese can be produced bon manganese by an oxygen blowing
106 t1a), followed by Norway, the United carbon ferromanganese HC FeMn and silico- in either electric submerged furnaces or blast process, and silicomanganese can be further
States and Brazil (each ca. 0.5 x 106 t1a). manganese FeSiMn, are given in Table 7.13 furnaces, although only four blast furnace pro- refined into medium- or low-carbon ferroman-
[25]. These are generally classified as inter- ducers exist in the Western world [26], ganese as well as manganese metal (Figure
mediate products and the range of their end whereas silicomanganese is largely produced 7.9).
7.4 Ferromanganese uses is shown in Figure 7.8.

A number of manganese-contammg fer-

roalloys are manufactured which are used
Table 7.12: Types offerromanganese and their general compositions [27]. Table 7.13: Ferromanganese standards [25].
Composition, % Alloy Country or organization Standard Reference
Manganese Carbon Silicon FeMn International Standards Organization DIS 5446
France AFNORNF A-15-020
High-carbon ferromanganese (carbme) 72-80 7.5 < 1.25
Medium-carbon ferromanganese (affine) 75-85 <2.0
Japan ns G2301
United States ASTM A 99-66
Low-carbon ferromanganese (suraffine) 76-92 0.5-0.75 Former Soviet Union GOST 4755-70
Silicomanganese 65-75 <2.5 15-25 Germany DIN 17564
Ferromanganese silicon 58-72 0.08 23-35
FeSiMn International Standards Organization DIS 5447
Spiege1eisen 16-28 <6.5 11-45 France AFNORNF A-13-030
Japan lIS G2304
United States ASTM A 701
Intermediate product End use Consumption Former Soviet Union GOST 4756-70
Germany DIN 17564
Direct use ~<=-_------Pig iron 10/0
--- 0.5 kgltonne of steel Oxygen
Mainly --_'
low grade ", grade ores
1lJ.Y. Ferromanganese----....:-.." Steelmaking 90"10
ores. a 92% high-carbonI Direct use Negligible f - - - - - - - - Medium-carbon ferromanganese
standard Ferromanganese 3.5 kg
8% medium- and Silicomanganese 0.5 kg f - . l . - - - - - - - - - - - High-carbon ferromanganese
Fines Nodulizing.
low-carbon Manganese metal 0.1 kg sintering,
per tonne of pelletizing 1-..---- Ferrosilicomanganese
84% raw steel Hn are
Manganese are Average manganese content Manganese Power Quartz Power Medium-carbon FeMn
2S.10 6 tonne of steel: 0.7% are Coke 4000 kWhlt Low-carbon FeMn
9.4.10 6 tonne High-s trength/low-alloy Indus trial Mn me t al
of contaminated steels: 1.5-2%
Beneficiation 1-'-1--''---1 f------~----- Ferrosilicomanganese
Copper and aluminum alloys 2% Power ' - Manganese metal 99.5% pure
Chemical industry 30/0
1---- Electrolytic manganese
Uranium extraction
Brick and ceramic coloring ~=:;::::~::::.., dioxide (EMDl (anode)
Chemical oxidizer and catalyst 1 - - - - - 0 - Chemical manganese
Synthetic manganese '-'---'----' dioxide
Battery or
dioxide L- Batteries (dry cell) 4 0/0
80% electrolytic chemical
20% chemical grade ores

Figure 7.8: Manganese intermediate products and end uses. Figure 7.9: Summary of process routes.
422 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F en'oalloys 423

Table 7.14: Producers of high-carbon ferromanganese and silicomanganese (producers of 10 000 rJa of either ferroalloy 7.4.1 High-Carbon
in 1988) [26].
Ferromanganese 70
Capacity, x 10' t (1995) Production, x 10' t (1995)

t :~
Country Company Site
FeMn SiMn FeMn SiMn
South Africa Samancor Meyerton 365 180 304 125 Production of Ferroman-
Transalloys Witbank 0 140 0 141 ~ 40
Ferroalloys Cato Ridge 170 0 129 0 ganese in Blast Furnaces [26-30]
India Tiseo Keonjhar 18 12 13 9 ci~f 30
Facor Shreeramnagar 21 0 12 0 Ferromanganese can be produced in blast :E 20
Khandelwal Khandelwal Nagar 30 10 11 6 furnaces in a manner similar to pig iron and 10
Sandur Manganese Hospet 40 5 36 3 spiegeleisen; however, in the Western world
Maharashtra Electrosmelt
Maneck Nagar
18 50 15 35
only four producers employ this method. oO!---'~0~~2~0::::::;;:30:::==:4C:0~~5~0;:::::~60
72 18 40 18
Japan Nippon Denko Hidaka 0 19 0 6 These are Thyssen Stahl (Germany), BSC %CaO+0.B%MgO+0.5%Al ZO] _
Kobe Steel Kakogawa 61 31 41 29 Cleveland (United Kingdom), SFPO (France),
Mizushima Hurashiki 156 Figure 7.10: Variation of equilibrium MnO content of
0 155 0 and Mizushima (Japan) (see Table 7.16, page
Chuo Denki Kogyo Kashima 85 57 71 slag for high-carbon ferromanganese and silicomanga-
33 nese production [31].
Nippon Denko KK Tokushima 95 53 73 8 426), [26]. In the former Soviet Union, the
JMC Takaoka 85 7 55 3 maj ority of the high-carbon ferromanganese is The raw material is crushed and screened to
Korea Korea Ferroalloy Pohang 37 48 37 27 produced in blast furnaces [27]. The choice of ca. 5-30 rnrn. Alternatively, sintered or pellet-
Dongil Chungong Pohang 30 35 28 25
Dongbu Industry Tonghae 55 42 51 37 the use of blast furnaces over electric furnaces ized fine ore can be used (see Section 47.4).
Taiwan Chen Hsing Industrial Taipei 30 20 15 0 is based on the relative price of coke and elec- Some deleterious components can be partially
Belgium Sadaci Gent 19 10 15 10 tricity. Blast furnaces are usually used where removed from the ore prior to melting by
France SFPO Boulogne 390 0 337 0
Pechiney Dunkerque 0 60 0 55 the cost of power is high in relation to coke. In dense-medium separation or flotation. Slag-
Italy Carlo Tassara Breno 10 45 8 39 blast furnaces, coke is used both as a reductant ging components (dolomite or limestone) can
Italghisa Bagnolo Meila 15 33 11 32 and as the energy source. The coke rate in be added to the sintered or pelletized ore,
Norway Elkem Porsgrunn 150 50 104 24
TInfos Jernverk Kvinesdal 0 135 0 120
blast furnaces is higher than in submerged arc which results in cost savings in the blast fur-
Elkem Sauda 150 60 127 65 furnaces, which use electricity as the power nace. Partial reduction of the higher manga-
Spain HidroNitro Monzon 0 40 0 10 source [28]. An exception to this is SFPO, nese oxides may also occur during sintering.
Fyesa Boo de Guarnizo 35 46 30 30
Carburos Metilicos Cee 50 46 18 28
where off-gases from the furnace are used to Blast Furnace Operation. In comparison to
Argentina Grassi Malargue 27 24 10 20 produce electricity, which is sold back to the iron making, high gas temperatures are re-
Brazil PaulistalSibra Various 163 255 122 230 local power suppliel: quired in ferromanganese production because
Maringa Itapeva 20 30 10 24 The product produced from blast furnaces
Mexico Minera AuUan TeziuUan 0 28 0 19 the reduction of manganese(II) oxide takes
Minera AuUan Tamos 86 65 78 65 generally contains 76% Mn and 16% Fe; the place at a higher temperature than is required
Venezuela Hevensa Puerto Ordaz 0 70 0 52 ferromanganese produced in the former Soviet for the reduction of wustite [29]. TIus is
USA Elkem Metals Marietta 120 80 112 56 Union is generally of a lower grade (Table
Australia Temco Bell Bay 105 95 93 94 achieved by oxygen enrichment of the hot
Total, Africa 535 320 433 266
7.15) [27]. blast or, in the case of SFPO, by heating the
Total, Asia 833 407 653 239 Raw Material Selection and Pretreatment. blast with nontransferred arc plasma torches
Total, Europe 819 525 650 413
Total, Latin America 296 472 220 410 The raw materials required for the production [30]. The plasma arc increases the flame tem-
Total, NorthAmerica 120 80 112 56 of high-carbon ferromanganese are manga- perature from 2200 to 2800 DC and consider-
Total, Australia 105 95 93 94 nese ores, fluxes such as limestone, dolomite, ably reduces the coke consumption, wluch
World Total 2708 1899 2161 1478
or silica, and solid fuels and reductants such as usually ranges from 1270 to 2000 kg/I.
coke. The recovery of manganese in the alloy is
In order to produce ferromanganese of the usually 75-85%. This is influenced by the
Table 7.15: Composition of the former Soviet blast-furnace high-carbon ferromanganese [27].
required grade a single ore is seldom suitable MnO content of the slag, the slag-to-metal ra-
Deleterious elements, not to exceed because tile desired MnlFe ratio of the charge tio, and losses in the flue gases. The MnO con-
Grade and official grade coke Mn content, % Si,%
P, % (group A") P, % (group B') S,% determines the Mn content of the final product tent of the slag is highly dependent on the
Mn-5 75.0 2.0 0.35 0.45 0.03 [28]. Ores from various sources are therefore basicity ratio (CaO + MgO)/Si0 2 (Figure
Mn-6 70.0-75.0 2.0 0.35 0.45 0.03 blended to achieve the ideal ratio and to limit 7.10) [31], which can be controlled by the
Mn-7 70.0-75.0 1.0 0.35 0.45 0.03 tile contents of the deleterious components sil- choice of ore and addition of flux. Losses to
"Furnace. ica, alunlina, and phosphorus in the raw mate- the flue gas can generally be recovered in the
rial mix. gas cleaning section (see Section 7.4.5). These
424 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 425

materials can then be agglomerated and re- [26] due to the high cost of coke. With the ex- Production of Ferroman- use is still made of charging cars to introduce
turned to the furnace. ception of SFPO, blast furnace production raw materials to the top of the units.
ganese in Electric Arc Furnaces
At the Mizushima works, the double bell costs are higher than the average production As the raw materials move down the fur-
valve of the conventional blast furnace has cost of ferromanganese in electric furnaces. The majority of producers of ferromanga- nace, the higher oxides of manganese are re-
been replaced with an arrangement incorpo- @ nese in the Western world use submerged arc duced to MnO by the gas leaving the furnace.
rating a distribution chute (Figure 7.11) [32]. electric furnaces (Table 7.16). Although elec- The reduction of manganese(lI) oxide occurs
This results in a better distribution of the bur- tric furnaces have lower capacities than blast by the contact of carbon with the molten oxide
den in the shaft and therefore a more even e furnaces they have the advantage that the heat in the slag phase. The overall reaction is:
flow of gas through the burden (Figure 7.12). requirement is provided by electricity, and
The incorporation of a distribution chute low- coke and coal are added to the feed only as re-
ers the coke consumption of the furnace. ductants. Consequently the coke consumption for which
_a is lower in electric furnaces than in blast fur- G" =265.7 -O.18TkJ [36]
naces, which is a considerable advantage in
the light of dramatically increasing coke The heat required for this endothermic re-
d prices. An additional advantage is that the pro- action, for heating the burden, and to compen-
cess is not entirely dependent on high-strength sate for heat losses is supplied by the electrical
coke, unlike blast furnaces, and a portion of input to the furnace. Heating takes place by
the carbon requirement can be supplied in the the flow of electricity from the tips of the elec-
trodes, which are submerged in the burden,
(Gas distributionl Was distribution) fonn of coal. In South Africa, where coking
through the burden and slag to the metal, as
coal is in short supply, up to 70 % of the carbon
well as through the flow of electricity between

'-' BOOlffiJ
D~" i
600 ~BOO~ OJ" 600
for the production of ferro- and silicomanga-
nese is supplied in the fonn of bituminous
the electrodes [36].

~ t400 i ~ t400 . Originally electric furnaces were small 0-

Design and Operation ofElectric
. ~ 200 ! 8 MVA); however, furnaces have grown pro- Furnaces
~ 0 ~ 0 gressively larger with time [33]. Recently built
Wall Wall Wall Wall The degree of heating depends on the elec-
electric furnaces have capacities of 75-90 trical current flow as well as the resistance
Figure 7.12: Effect of mixing on the distribution of gas in
a blast furnace [32]. A) For layer by layer charging; B) For MVA. Smaller furnaces are still popular with provided by the burden and the slag to the
perfect-mixed charging. a) Cohesive zone; b) Lumpy producers because they offer flexibility in that flow of electricity. In the production of ferro-
zone; c) Raceway; d) Dead man; e) Throat sonde. they can be switched more easily between dif- manganese the resistivity of the burden is low,
The Reduction Process in the Blast Fur- ferent products than their larger counterparts hence low voltages between the electrodes are
nace. The reduction of the higher manganese [34]. The larger size and more stable operation necessary to maintain satisfactory penetration
oxides to manganese(II) oxide takes place in of modern electric furnaces, due largely to of the electrodes in the charge. The vapor
the upper zone of the shaft according to the re- computer control, have resulted in lower elec- pressure of manganese is high; therefore over-
actions given earlier. These generally occur tricity consumption. Electric furnaces used in heating of the charge must be avoided. The
below 900 DC and are indirect. The reactions the production of manganese alloys are gener- current densities on the electrodes should ac-
are exothennic, and the heat generated causes ally circular and have three electrodes, each cordingly be lower for ferromanganese pro-
high top temperatures and necessitates water coupled to a separate electrical phase (Figure duction than for other ferroalloys [37]. The
cooling of the furnace top. 7.13) [35]. The diameters of these furnaces diameters of the electrodes are therefore larger
The reduction of manganese(II) oxide range from 2 to 20 m. in ferromanganese furnaces than in other fer-
Figure 7.11: The cardan distributor on the blast furnace roalloy furnaces to facilitate the high currents
[32]: a) Upper bunker; b) Gate valve; c) Upper seal valve; MnO+C-7Mn+CO In modern electric arc furnaces the raw ma-
d) Lower bunker; e) Material flow control gate; f) Expan-
required for low voltage operation. The dis-
sion joint; g) Lower seal valve; h) Vertical chute; i) Distri- is highly endothermic, in contrast to the terial is usually fed by gravity from bunkers tance between electrode centers is usually
bution chute; j) Driving apparatus. weakly endothermic reduction of wustite. This above the furnace. Fresh burden therefore au- larger than in other furnaces, hence the fur-
In spite of the innovations mentioned above requires higher temperatures and, conse- tomatically enters the furnace as the raw mate- nace diameters tend to be greater. The values
the raw material costs of blast furnaces remain quently, higher coke rates are required for the rials are melted and slag and metal are of these design parameters for a number of op-
higher than those of submerged arc furnaces smelting of ferromanganese in blast furnaces. removed from the system. In older furnaces erating furnaces are given in Table 7.17.
426 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys

Table 7.16: Profiles of manganese alloy producers [26].

Countty Company (location) Furnaces utilized on Furnaces utilized on
Furnaces utilized on Furnaces utilized on
Countty Company (location) ferromanganese silicomanganese
ferromanganese silicomanganese Norway EIkem (porsgrunn) 1 x45 MVA, 1 x39MVA, mterchangeable to SiMn
Argentina Industrias Siderurgicas Grassi (El Nihuil) lx5MVA lx5MVA lx18MVA
(Blanco Encalada) lx3MVA 1 x3MVA Elkern (Sauda) 1 x5 MVA,I x 36MVA, interchangeable to SiMn
Australia Temco (Bell Bay) lx27MVA 1 x29MVA 1 x 30 MVA, 1 x 24 MVA,
1 x35 MVA 1 x 10 MVA,2x6MVA
lx45MVA TInfos Jernverk (Kvinesdal) 2x45MVA
Belgium Sadaci (Gent) 1 x25 MVA South Africa Ferro Alloys (Cato Ridge) 2x24MVA,2x 12MVA
Brazil Companhia Ferroligas do Amapa (Santana) 1 x 13MVA Samancor (Meyerton) 2x75MVA,1 x81 MVA 2x 18MVA,2x21 MVA,
Cia de Cirnento Portland Maringa (Itapeva) lx7MVA 1 x7 MVA, 1 x 3 MVA. 3xlOMVA
1 x 15MVA Transalloys (Witbank)
1 x21 MVA, 1 :><23 MVA,
France Usinor Sacilor (Dunkirk) 102xMVA 2x49MVA
SFPO (Boulogne) blast furnaces Spain Ferroatlaotica (Boo) 1 x20MVA
(Cee) 1 x30MVA,2x 13MVA
Pechiney Electrometallurgie (Dunkirk) 1 x45MVA Ix 17MVA 3x24MVA
Georgia (Monzon)
Zestafoni Ferroalloys (Zestafoni) 22 furnaces 1 x600MVA I x45MVA
Taiwan Chen Hsing Industrial (Hsi-Chih) lxlOMVA
India Andhra Ferro Alloys (Konavalasa) lx4MVA interchangeable to SiMn
Ulcraine Nikopol Ferroalloys (Nikopol) 16 furnaces
Facor (Shreerarnoager) 1 x 17MVA 29 furnaces
GMR Vasavi Industries (Tekkali) 2x19MVA Zaporozhye Ferroalloys (Zaporozhye) Ix 1050MVA
Nava Bharat Ferroalloys (paloncha) USA Elkem Metals (Marietta) 2x40MVA
lx17MVA 1 x50MVA
Ispat Alloys (Balasore) lx15MVA 2x 15MVA Venezuela Havensa (Matanzas)
1 x lIMVA,2x9MVA,2x
Tata Iron & Steel Co. (Joda) 1 x 17MVA 1 x9MVA 3 MVA, 1 x 15 MVA
Crescent Ferroalloys (Seoni) 1 x3MVA • Interchangeahle to FeCr.
Him Ferroalloys (Raipur) lx7MVA
Jain Carbide & Cehmicals (Raipur) 2x3MVA Raw materials
Jalan Ispat Castings (Meghnagar) 1 x9MVA
Nav Chrome (Raipur) lx4MVA Electrode casings
Quality Steel & Forging (Meghnagar) lx4MVA Electrode paste
Shree Ganesh Ferroalloys (Raigarh)
Sri Girijia Smelters (Raipur)"
Srinivasa Ferroalloys (Raipur)"
Standard Ferroalloys (Raipur)
interchangeable to SiMn

1 x8MVA
nI a
Vika Ferroalloys (Raipur) 1 x3MVA interchangeable to SiMn
Dandeli Steel & Ferroalloys (Dandeli) lx4MVA interchangeable to SiMn
Sandur Manganese (Vyasankere) 1 x 18MVA interchangeable to SiMn
Visvesvaraya Iron & Steel (Bhadravati) 2x22MVA
Balaji Electro Smelters (Yeotrnal) lx4MVA interchangeable to SiMn
Kandelwal Ferroalloys (Kanhan) lx9MVA lx9MVA
Maharashtra Elektrosmelt (Chandrapur) 1 x33MVA 1 x33MVA
Universal Ferro & Allied Chemicals (Turnsar) 1 x 17MVA 1 xI7MVA,2x9MVA
Italy Italghisa (Bagnolo Mella) 1 x15MVA
Fornileghe (Breno) 2xlOMVA 1 x lOMVA Electric power
Japan Chuo Denki Kogyo (Kashima) lx40MVA 1 x50MVA
Kobe Steel (Kakogawa) 1 x20MVA 1 x20MVA
Mizushirna (Mizushirna) 1 blasst furnace
Nippon Denko (Samani) 1 x8MVA I
(Miyako) 1 x5MVA n k
(Tokushirna) lx40MVA
Yahagi Iron (Nagoya) 1 blast furnace
Kazakhstan Yerrnak (Yerrnak)" 27 furnaces ---r- Slag
Korea Dongbu Corporation (Donghae City)
Dongil Industries (pohang)
1 x8MVA
1 x 12 MVA, 1 x 8 MVA r--r-:---r----.-~.......-r_~ ~
Hanhap Corporation (pohang) 1 x 13MVA 1 x 16MVA m Ferroalloy
Mexico Minera Autlan (Tamos) lx33MVA ~---i-----
(Teziutlan) 1 x 12MVA,2 x6MVA
1 x5MVA
Ferroalmex (Gomez Palacio) F!gure 7:13.: Layout of an elec:~c ~ furn.ace [35]: a) Charging bins; b) Charging tubes; c) Electrodes; d) Electrode slip-
pmg deVIce, .e) Electrode postltonmg ~evlces; f) Current transmission to electrodes; g) Electrodes sealing; h) Furnace
transformer; I). Current bus bar system; j) Furnace cover; k) Furnace shell; I) Tap hole; m) Furnace boltom cooling' 0) Re-
fractory rnaten al. '
428 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F eTToal/oys 429

Table 7.17: Furnace design parameters. rectly onto a moving train consisting of small cause the calcination of the carbonates in
Elkern Ternco
Samancor Samancor Former So- Former So- molds. The metal then solidifies and is ejected Mamatwan ore is energy consuming [41]. At
ElkemSauda Meyerton Meyerton viet Union viet Union from the mold at the end of the strand. The ad- the Zestafori ferralloy works in the former So-
Beauhamois Bellbay
MlO M4 PRO 2.5 PKZ33
vantage of this process is that the product is viet Union, up to 100% sinter is used in the
Inside shell diameter, rn 15.1 12.5 10.0 16.0 9.8 2.7 6.7
more even in size and cubical in shape. The furnaces [42]. The bottom size of ore is also
Shell height, m 8.8 6.0 5.2 8.0 5.7 1.2 3.0
generation of fines (-6 mm), which are gener- important because close packing of the ore in
Electrode diameter, m 1.90 1.90 1.4 1.90 1.20 0.30 1.5
ally unsalable, is also minimized. To date the furnace must be avoided [37]. This can re-
Tapholes 2 Metal, 2 Slag 2 Metal, 1 Slag 2 Metal, 2 Metal, 1 2 Metal, 1
1 Slag Slag Slag Elkem, Samancor, Transalloys, Chuo Denki, sult in the formation of calcined bridges in the
Megawatt rating 4.5 30 13 46 20 2.5 33 and Mizushima use casting machines for a furnace, which disrupt the distribution of gas
portion of their products. and can cause eruptions when the' gas en-
Most electric furnaces have two tapholes sate for its consumption in the furnace). One trained under a bridge is suddenly released on
offset by 60°C which are used alternately to of these is designed and manufactured by its collapse [34]. Generally ores larger than 6
tap both slag and metal. The slag and metal are Elkem [38]. The electrode is clamped by hy- Raw Materials Requiredfor the mm are used in large furnaces. The addition of
then separated either in the ladle or by means draulically operated rings and is moved up and Manufacture ofHigh-Carbon small amounts of -6 mm material to small fur-
of a skimmer plate in the runner between the down on hydraulic cylinders. Current is fed to Ferromanganese naces is possible. Generally, ore is screened
furnace and the ladle [38]. In larger furnaces, the electrode through brass contact shoes prior to batch weighing of the furnace mix.
separate tapholes are included for metal and clamped around its diameter. Manganese ores from different sources
The carbon required in the furnace is gener-
slag [34]. Tapholes are usually opened by tap- Large electric furnaces are usually com- vary widely in their contents of manganese,
ally added in the form of coke. The size of the
hole drills and closed with automatic mud pletely closed at the top, and the CO-rich gas iron, silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, and
reductant is important. Coke and coal of too
guns. leaves the furnace at approximately 290°C phosphorus. To produce standard ferromanga-
small a size can also cause close packing as
An important feature in the design of sub- and is cleaned in cyclones and venturi scrub- nese (78 % Mn) and a slag containing 30 % well as affecting the resistivity of the burden.
merged arc furnaces is the SOderberg elec- bers. The gas is then either flamed off to the MnO, the manganese to iron ratio in the To maintain electrode penetration at Elkem
trodes. These are used because the large atmosphere or, more recently, is used to gener- charge must be 6: 5. Since a single manganese Sauda [43] coke nuts (10-20 mm) are used.
electrode diameters required for the produc- ate electricity. This is the case of SFPO [26] ore of this ratio is seldom available, blending This is a compromise between the resistivity
tion of manganese alloys make the use of pre- and at Tinfos in Norway [39]. At Elkem's of ores from different sources is common and the necessity of maintaining a coke bed at
baked electrodes uneconomic. The Soderberg plant in Canada the off-gases are used to fuel practice to reach the desired manganese to the bottom of the furnace.
electrode consists of a mild steel or stainless auxiliary equipment in the plant [40]. Smaller iron ratio and to control the level of deleteri-
steel casing which is stiffened with internal furnaces are either open or closed. In the case ous elements, particularly phosphorus. The Limestone, dolomite, or silica are added to
fins and is filled with a carbonaceous paste, of open furnaces the gas is usually withdrawn ore mixes used in some operations are shown the process as fluxes to adjust the basicity of
consisting of a solid aggregate, usually cal- by fans and cleaned in a bag-filter plant In this in Table 7.18 [37]. The use of sinter as a the slag. The amount and type of flux added
cined anthracite, and a binder of coal-tar pitch case the gases are completely burnt in the fur- source of manganese is becoming increasingly depends on the blend of ores and whether a
[34]. The paste becomes plastic when hot and nace and have no commercial value. popular. In the sintering process a degree of discard- or high-slag practice is used. At
fills the entire volume of the casing. On fur- Raw materials are usually batch weighed prereduction is achieved, reducing the energy Elkem's operation in Beauhamois the use of
ther heating of the electrode by the electric and blended according to a predetermined rec- requirement in the furnace. The additional ad- alumina as a flux makes the operation of the
current and furnace heat, the paste is baked ipe and are then fed to bunkers above the fur- vantage of sinter is that fme ores, which are furnace possible with 100% Moanda ore from
and becomes solid. As the electrode is con- nace. The mix then gravitates into the furnace otherwise unusable, are agglomerated in the Comilog [44].
sumed, additional casings are welded onto the through feed chutes. To ensure an even distri- sintering process. Bag-house dust and sludge
top. The current carrying capacity and bution of material over the furnace, up to ten from gas cleaning plants can also be recycled Chemistry ofthe Process
strength of an electrode is a function of the feed chutes are radially distributed around to the furnace in the form of sinter. The maxi-
quality of the paste, the electrode baking rate, each electrode and one is positioned in the mum amount of sinter that can be fed to the A dig out of a 75 MVA ferromanganese fur-
and the cross-sectional area. Breakages of center of the furnace. furnace is a moot point and depends on its nace at the Metalloys operation in South Af-
Soderberg electrodes are a major cause of After the metal is tapped from the furnace it mineralogy and state of prereduction. When rica showed that nine distinct zones exist
downtime in electric furnaces, and proper is cast into molds formed from ferromanga- sinter replaces ore of high Mn0 2 content, the around each electrode (Figure 7.14) [45]. This
management of the electrodes is therefore es- nese fines or cast iron and allowed to solidify. energy required in the furnace increases be- study showed that material descends rapidly
sential for efficient production [34]. The alloy is then removed, crushed, and cause the highly exothermic reduction of down the side of the electrode (a) into the
A number of devices are commercially screened into various size fractions, depend- Mn0 2 , Mn20 3 , and Mn3 0 4 , (see Section semi-active zone (b), where prereduction of
available to control the electrodes' movement ing on the requirements of the user. An alter- 47.5.2) no longer takes place in the furnace higher manganese oxides to MnO takes place.
and slipping rate (rate at which the electrode is native to this practice is the use of a casting [37]. The use of Mamatwan sinter, in place of Thereafter, the material moves into the active
allowed to move through the rings to compen- machine. In this case the metal is tapped di- Mamatwan ore, results in power savings be- zones of the furnace (e, f), where reactions
430 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 431

take place between the manganese(ll) oxide in gion of the furnace. The ratio of CO and CO 2 A 11m B
the melt and the coke particles in the coke bed: in the off-gas is important and can be used to 19m
7MnO + lOC -t Mn 7c] + 7CO
Equilibrium between the slag and metal was
monitor the condition of the furnace. The
higher the CO 2 content of the off-gas, the
thought to exist under each electrode, and fur- higher is the energy efficiency of the process,
ther from the electrode, layers of unreacted are because the reducing potential of the gas is be-
and coke were found to be present (h). This ing more fully utilized (Figure 7.15) [43,45].
suggests that heat is concentrated under each Good operation of the furnace is indicated by a
electrode. The path of electrical transfer was
CO/(C0 2 + CO) ratio of 0.55. This ratio, as
deduced to be from the electrode tip through
well as the MnO content of the slag, can be
the coke bed and into the alloy layer (g).
The efficient production of high-carbon used to control the coke rate of the furnace.
ferromanganese therefore depends on the de- Undercoking of the furnace is indicated by
gree of reduction of MnO by carbon as well as high MnO content of the slag and a low CO 2
the prereduction that occurs in the upper re- content in the off-gas [43].

Carbon blocks
Figure 7.14: Zones in a ferromanganese furnace [36]: a) Loosely sintered burden; b) Loosely sintered material enriched
Table 7.18: Operating parameters of some ferromanganese electric arc furnaces. in carbonaceous reducing agents; c) Coke and slag region, showing the active zone away from the electrode; d) Coke
Temco Elkem Elkem Facor Soman- Soman- bed; e) Coke-enriched layer, with CaO-MnO-Si02 slag; f) MnO melt layer with some slag, coke, and additional carbon-
Bellbay Porsgrunn Beauharnois Sheerrnnagar cor M 10 corM2 aceous reducing agent; g) Ferromanganese alloy layer intermixed with MnO melt; h) Graphitized and carbon-rich mate-
rial; i) Carbon lining; j) Brick lining; k) Slag taphole level; I) Metal taphole level; m) Pieces of electrode.
Raw material additions, tonnes/tonne alloy
Manganese Groote Eylandt Ll7l (18%) 3000 the slag and the coke and, consequently, more
ore: South Africa: high grade 0.780 (31 %) 0.927 0.926 MnO is reduced. Increasing the basicity of the
Mamatwan ore (51 %) 0.345 slag thus decreases the residual MoO content

Mamatwan sinter
Moandaore (78%)
0.884 0.176 t 2BOO (Figure 7.10). The MnO content of the slag is
also reduced by increasing the penetration of
Moanda sinter (22%)
India: average 44% Mn 2.18-2.23 the electrodes, which also increases the slag
:c 2600 temperature. The target MnO content of the
Operating results 3
Average operating load, MW 13 25 34.4 5 45 16 slag depends on whether a discard- or high-
Operating time, % 98 99 99 98 .!:! slag process is used.
Specific energy consumption, kWhlt 2430 2399 2050 3100 2560 2710 ~ 2400
Manganese recovery, % 77.3 75 79 77 74 ::>
Slag practice high slag high slag high slag discard slag discard discard '"c:o Discard-Slag Practice
slag slag
Slag composition, % :;; 2200
MnO 40.4 43.1 44.7 20.0 20.0 20.0
o Discard slags generally have MnO contents
MgO 1.8 4.4 2.5 7.3 7.4 of 8-12 %. Slag is produced by the silica and
Al 2O] 13.8 ILl 28.8 9.00 4.3 3.8 other basic oxides entrained in the ore. Man-
CaD 15.2 11.9 1.0 32.5 35.6 34.8 2000
ganese(ll) oxide is entrained in the silicate
Si0 2 28.2 24.2 32.4 31.5
10 30 50 70 90 network and is released by addition of CaD or
Metal analysis, %
Mn 78 78 78 74.5 76.5 76.5 ([02/([0+[02)) ~100 in furnace gas, % - MgO. By increasing the basicity of the slag
Fe 14.6 17.6 15.4 15.4
Figure 7.15: Relationship between off-gas composition
the recovery of manganese as metal is in-
Si 0.25 0.08 0.50 0.20 0.20 creased; however, consumption of carbon and
and power consumption for ferromanganese production
P 0.14 0.16 0.35 0.09 0.09
[43]. electricity also increases. The discard-slag
C 6.7 6.89 6.7 6.9 6.9
Ratios A further influence on the MnO content of process is therefore only used where power is
Slag/metal ratio 0.514 0.68 0.80 the slag is the basicity ratio (CaD + relatively cheap and the delivered cost of man-
Basicity ratio (mass) 0.68 1.35 1.35 MgO): SiOz. Generally the addition of basic ganese ore is high [37]. The recovery of man-
Basicity ratio (molar) 1.9
oxides increases the melting point of the slag. ganese to the metal is between 70 and 75 %
The hotter slag improves the reaction between when this practice is used. The practice usu-
432 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 433

ally involves the addition of limestone or do- is used by most producers. Slag compositions Table 7.19: Composition of Soviet silicomanganese (27).
lomite to the furnace. However, in South for various producers are shown in Table 7.18. Grade and Deleterious elements, not to exceed
Si',% Mn minimum, % C,%
Africa where high proportions of Marnatwan official grade code P, % (group A") P, % (group B b) S,%
ore are used, a basic slag is produced without 7.4.2 Production of 60.0 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.03
CMn26 26.0
the addition of limestone, due to the high CaO CMn20 20.0-25.9 65.0 1.0 0.3 0.25 0.03
content of the ore. In India the discard-slag Silicomanganese CMn17 17.0-19.9 65.0 1.7 0.3 0.35 0.03
CMn14 14.0-16.9 65.0 2.5 0.3 0.35 0.03
practice is used because high recoveries of Unlike ferromanganese, silicomanganese is CMnlO 10.0-13.9 65.0 3.5 0.3 0.35 0.03
manganese are necessary to produce 74% Mn only produced in electric arc furnaces, most of •As reported.
from lower grade ores. which can be used interchangeably to produce bFurnaccs.
either of the manganese-containing alloys. Sil-
Table 7.20: Operating parameters for silicomanganese production.
High-Slag Practice icomanganese is used either as a substitute for
Temco Bellbay Elkem PorsglUnn Elkem Beauharnois
ferromanganese and ferro silicon in steelmak-
Raw material additions, tonnesltonne alloy
In the high-slag practice less coke is re- ing or as a raw material for the production of Manganese ore: Groote Eylandt 0.227
quired for reduction and little or no basic medium- and low-carbon ferromanganese South Africa: medium grade 0.536 0.942
fluxes are used because the MnO content of Mamatwan ore 0.647
and industrial manganese metal. The composi-
Marnatwan sinter 0.754
the slag satisfies the requirement for basic ox- tion of silicomanganese produced in the West- Ferromanganese slag 0.227
ides. Slags of this nature tend to contain more ern world is given in Table 7.12 and of that Remelt metal 0.091
Reductants: coke 0.141 0.198
than 25% MoO. In the high MnO practice the produced in the former Soviet Union in Table coal 0.566 0.836
power consumption is reduced because a 7.19. Although silicomanganese generally Fluxes: limestone
higher proportion of the reduction occurs by contains 14-19% Si, grades containing up to magnesite
quartz 0.127 0.610 0.814
the gases and less MnO is reduced by solid 35 % are produced for the production of ex-
Operating results
carbon. Maximum use is therefore made of the tremely low-carbon alloys. Average operating load, MW 28 46 11
exothermic nature of the prereduction reac- The solubility of carbon in the alloy de- Operating time, % 94 97 98
Specific energy consumption, kWhit 4400 3870 3900
tions. The recovery of manganese is low in the creases with increasing silicon content (Figure Manganese recovery, % , 85 74 67
ferromanganese furnace, but the overall re- 7.16) [47]. On cooling, sparingly soluble SiC Slag composition, %
covery of manganese is high because the slag comes out of solution. MnO 78.0 15.0
is usually used for the production of silico- MgO 3.9 4.5
AlP3 29.7 7.7 6.1
manganese [37]. CaO 20.9 21.1
Si0 2 33.8 48.5 47.0
An additional attraction of the high-slag 6
Metal analysis, %
process is that an artificial ore, with a manga- Mn 65.9 67.7 65.5
nese to iron ratio of up to 100: 1, can be made 5 Fe 16.0 15.5
from relatively low-grade ores. This artificial Si 19.1 17.5 17.8
P 0.09 0.09
ore can then be used to produce the highest C 1.38 1.18 1.15
grade of ferromanganese without the need to Ratios
purchase costly high-grade ores. An additional Slag/metal ratio 0.72 1.17
r::: 3
a · Basicity ratio 1.0 0.54 0.55
benefit is the extremely low phosphorus con- .c
tent of the slag, which hence lowers the phos- W
There are three general routes for the pro- The fIrst two processes are used for the pro-
phorus content of any mix in which it is used. duction of silicornanganese: duction of alloys containing 15-25 % Si and
In countries having only ores with high phos- • Reduction of manganese ores and silica can be carried out in the same furnaces used
phorus contents, the fIrst stage of the process with coke and coal for ferromanganese production. The third
is the production of a slag high in MnO and a method is used to produce alloys containing
• Reduction of MnO-rich slags from ferro-
low-manganese alloy [46]. 30-35 % Si and is generally performed in
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 manganese production and quartzite with
smaller furnaces.
Since the energy input in the production of Silicon, % _ coke and coal
ferromanganese by the high-slag process is Figure 7.16: Carbon solubility in the Fe-Mn-Si-C sys- • Reaction of standard ferromanganese and Raw Materials. The raw materials used in sil-
lower than that of the discard-slag process, it tem (50-80 % Mn) at 1420 DC (47). quartzite with coke icomanganese production are similar to those
434 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 435

used in making ferromanganese. Silica is Mn by the silicotherrnic method, a silicoman- low-carbon ferromanganese are produced sili- In the MOR process, oxygen is blown into
added to the furnace as quartz or quartzite, and ganese containing 28 % Si is required that is cotherrnically with manganese recoveries of the molten high-carbon ferromanganese and
ferromanganese slag can be used as an alterna- particularly low in phosphorus and iron. This 59-63 % [27]. The silicothermic and MOR the temperature is increased from its tapping
tive additional source of manganese instead of is made from a manganese slag produced from processes are shown schematically in Figure value of 1300 to 1750 0c. The heat required is
manganese ore or sinter. As in the case of fer- the partial reduction of manganese ore. 7.17. supplied by. the oxidation of manganese to
romanganese, production advantages can be manganese(II) oxide and carbon to carbon
Operation of the Furnace. The operation of
gained by using sintered ore (particularly from monoxide. The need to increase the tempera-
Mamatwan). At the Kashima works of Chuo the furnace for silicomanganese production is Production of Medium-
similar to that of ferromanganese production. ture is shown by the carbon temperature rela-
Denki, 40 % of the ore feed is in the form of Carbon Ferromanganese by Oxygen tionship in Figure 7.18. In the early part of the
However, deeper penetration of the electrodes
sinter. The raw materials used to produce sili-
is necessary to provide the higher temperature
Refining of High-Carbon blowing process, most of the oxygen is con-
comanganese are given in Table 7.20. Ferromanganese sumed by oxidation of manganese, and the
required to drive the reduction of silicon [31].
Chemistry of the Process. In a dig out of a The resistivity of the burden is therefore im- temperature of the melt increases from 1300 to
small electric arc furnace [48], four zones In the MOR process patented by Union 1550 0c. Hereafter, carbon is rapidly oxidized
portant, and the size and the activity of the re-
were distinguished: the burden zone, the zone Carbide, high-carbon ferromanganese is de- and the temperature rises to 1650 0c. Above
ductant is critical for stable operation of the
of the coke bed, the melting zone, and the carburized in a similar manner to the steel-
furnace. this temperature, the rate of carbon removal
metal layer. In the burden zone, the higher ox- making process in the basic oxygen furnace
decreases and manganese is once again oxi-
ides of manganese are reduced to MnO, while [47]. However, several distinctive differences
dized. The process is stopped at 1750 °C,
the higher oxides of iron are reduced to FeO 7.4.3 Production of Medium- are encountered in the case of ferromanga-
which corresponds to a carbon content of
and partially to metallic iron. Manganese(II) Carbon Ferromanganese nese:
1.3 %. Further reductions in carbon content re-
oxide is converted to complex silicates, which • A final temperature of 1750 °C compared to sult in unacceptably high losses of manganese.
Medium-carbon ferromanganese contains
begin to melt at the bottom of the burden zone. 1550°C In the MOR process, the recovery of manga-
1-1.5% carbon and has a manganese content
Fine metallic particles exist in the coke bed of 75-85 % (Table 7.12). Medium-carbon fer- nese is ca. 80 % and the distribution of manga-
zone, which are possibly caused by condensa- • Refractory attack is more severe
romanganese can be produced either by refm- nese can be broken down as follows [47]:
tion of silicon and manganese in the hot areas • Difficult casting of the final alloy
ing high-carbon ferromanganese with oxygen Alloy Me FeMn 80 %
under the electrodes. In the upper and lower
or by the silicotherrnic route, whereby the sili- • The higher vapor pressure of manganese, Fwne fonned by vaporization 13 %
parts of the melt zone, the reduction of manga-
con in silicomanganese is used to reduce addi-
nese and silicon oxides occurs. The equilib- • The higher volume and temperature of the Slag fonned by oxidation ofMn 5%
tional MnO added as ore or slag. The former
rium is determined by the following reaction off-gas Other losses, splashing 2%
process has considerable advantages [47] and
is used by most producers. Elkem Metals in 5iticothermic reduction MOR process
Si0 2 + 2Mn ---) Si + 2MnO Norway and the United States use their pat-
This equation is important in determining ented manganese oxygen refining (MOR) pro-
the silicon and manganese contents of the cess to refine high-carbon ferromanganese in
metal that collects in the lowest part of the fur- plants having capacities of 5000 tlmonth and MOR slag
nace and is influenced by the slag chemistry have closed their silicotherrnic plant in the
and the temperature of the process. Increasing United States. A similar facility was sold un- B% Mn slag Coke 15% Mn slag
the CaO content of the slag reduces the silicon der license to the Torros plant of Minera Aut-
content of the metal. The basicity requirement Ian in Mexico. Thyssen Stahl (Germky) uses
of the slag is therefore better supplied in the a similar process to produce medi~icarbon
form of MgO. Higher temperatures tend to ferromanganese from the high-carbon ferro-
drive Si into the metal at the expense of Mn. manganese produced in their blast fu±naces.
Higher temperatures are therefore required in Samancor (South Africa) and Usinor Sacilor
the production of silicomanganese than in the (France) have patented a similar process, but
have not yet built a plant [49]. High-Mn slag
production of ferromanganese.
Silicomanganese is produced by most man- Transalloys (South Africa) produces High-silicon
ufacturers of manganese alloys, and the slag 20 000 tJa of medium-carbon ferromanganese alloy
and metal compositions and operating param- by the silicothermic route and appears to be
eters of some producers are given in Table the only producer in the Western world to do MC FeMn MC FeMn
7.20. To produce manganese metal of 97 % so. In the former Soviet Union, medium- and Figure 7.17: Process flow sheet comparison for silicothennic reduction and the MOR process [47].
436 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 437

1800 which reduces the manganese(II) oxide in the Use must accordingly be made of a silicother- scrubbers prior to combustion to the atmo-
melt. Similarly to silicomanganese produc- mic reduction process. sphere or used in downstream processes. At
tion, the equilibrium is determined by the re- The process is similar to that used in the sil- Elkem Sauda in Norway, gas from the 36
1700 MVA furnace is cleaned by two wet venturi
Si+2MnO-=' Si02 +2Mn
icothermic production of medium-carbon fer-
romanganese. High-purity ores are used and in
particular ores containing iron and phosphorus
scrubbers. The gas has an initial dust loading
of 150 g/m3 which is reduced to a maximum
The purpose of the lime is to reduce the ac- should be avoided. An artificial manganese of 50 mg/m3 [38]. The dust recovered from the
Z,. 1500 tivity of the Si0 2 in the melt, thus forcing the ore, produced as a high-grade slag, is particu- cleaning plant is filtered, sintered and returned
above reaction as far to the right as possible. larly suitable because of its low impurity level to the process. At Samancor's Meyerton
E The ratio of CaO to Si02 in the slag should be works in South Africa the gas from the 81
I- 1400 and because all the manganese is present as
greater than 1.4 to ensure a sufficient reduc- MnO. The reduction of the higher oxides of MVA and two 75 MVA closed furnaces is
tion in the activity of Si02• The carbon enter- manganese is therefore unnecessary. cleaned by a cyclone followed by two venturi
1300 ing the process in the silicomanganese scrubbers. A mist eliminator is included in the
7 6 5 4 2 The operating figures for 1 t offerromanga-
[arbon, 0 / 0 _ remains entirely in the metal phase and is nese containing 85-92 % Mn, 0.1 % C, and 1 % gas plant of the 81 MVA furnace to reduce the
Figure 7.18: Dependence of carbon content on tempera- therefore found in the product. Thus, to pro- Si with a manganese recovery of75% are: moisture content because the gas is used for
ture for a ferromanganese alloy (Mn: Fe, 6: 1) 31101.3 kPa duce a medium-carbon ferromanganese con- heating in other areas of the plant. The emis-
Calcied manganese ore 1250--1350 kg
[47]. taining 1% C, a silicomanganese containing Silicomanganese (32-33 % Si) 800-850 kg sions from the gas plants are less than 50
The manganese lost in the fume is recov- 20% Si is necessary (Figure 7.16). Quicklime 1000--1100 kg mg/m3 , which is the statutory maximum. The
ered in the gas cleaning plant and is then pel- The heat produced by the silicothermic re- Electrodes 10--12 kg gas from the remaining open furnaces is
Electricity 1800--2500 kWh
letized and returned to the high-carbon duction is not sufficient to sustain the process; cleaned in a bag filter plant. Investigations are
ferromanganese furnace. The slag, which con- hence it is usually carried out in an electric arc Since the required silicon content of the under way to briquette the dust from this plant
tains about 65 % MnO, is also returned to the furnace. These furnaces are usually small and, metal is low, a slag high in MnO is necessary. due to its high manganese content and high
high-carbon ferromanganese furnace. The unlike ferromanganese furnaces, are lined The MnO content of the slag can, however, be manganese to iron ratio.
successful operation of this process depends with magnesite bricks, which are fairly resis- reduced by the use of a two-stage refining op- It is expected that dust limits will be re-
on the design of the blowing vessel and oxy- tant to the highly basic slag. The power con- eration. In the first stage, an excess of silico- duced to 25 mg/m3 • In addition to this the ex-
gen lance as well as giving careful attention to sumption is between 1000 and 3000 kW. manganese is maintained and a slag posure limits allowed in the working
operational procedures. In the joint patent of These furnaces can be tilted so that the slag containing 6-8 % Mn is teemed and discarded. environment in manganese producing facili-
Samancor and Usinor Sacilor, a bottom blown can be separated from the metaL At Transal- The second refining stage with manganese ore ties have been reduced due to the toxicity of
converter is used and steam is injected at the loys (South Africa) the process is carried out and lime results in a slag containing 10-14% manganese dust; the following limits apply:
end of the blow as a coolant [49]. in a mixing ladle. Mn, which is returned to the silicomanganese United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
The MaR process has many advantages Although the silicothermic reduction pro- furnace. Belgium, Brazil, Germany 5mg/m3
over the silicothermic process: lower energy cess is more energy intensive than the decar- Yugoslavia 2mglm3
Former Soviet Union, Poland 0.3mg/m3
consumption, lower capital investment, lower burization of high-carbon ferromanganese, it 0.02mglm3
production cost, and greater flexibility. has the advantage that the final carbon content
7.4.5 Gas Cleaning Bulgaria

The main disadvantage of the process is is limited only by the carbon content of the ini- In all the processes described in this chap-
that its use is limited to production of medium- tial silicomanganese. The silicothermic pro- ter, large volumes of gas are generated. These 7.4.6 Recent Developments and
carbon ferromanganese because the carbon cess can therefore be used to produce low- gases consist generally of CO, CO 2 , and N 2 , Future Trends
content cannot be reduced to below 1.3 %. carbon ferromanganese and industrial manga- and contain large quantities of dust from the
nese metal. raw materials and condensed manganese Energy-Saving Measures. In regions with

~ droplets. These gases require cleaning prior to high electricity prices recent developments Silicothermic Production have concentrated on the saving of energy.
7.4.4 Production of Low-Carbon their venting to the atmosphere. In open fur-
of Medium-Carbon naces, in which the gas is totally combusted, This is of particular importance to Japanese
Ferromanganese Ferromanganese hoods are incorporated in the design through producers of manganese alloys that use elec-
Low-carbon ferromanganese contains 76- which the gas is removed. This gas is cooled tric furnaces. Developments include the use of
In the silicothermic production of medium-
92% Mn and 0.5-0.75% C (see Table 7.12). in trombone coolers to ca. 200°C and the dust the off-gas from the furnace to preheat and
carbon ferromanganese, a high-grade slag or a
The production of low-carbon silicomanga- is removed in bag fJ.lters. Ideally, after recov- mildly prereduce the ore, either in a rotary kiln
melt containing manganese ore and lime is
contacted with silicomanganese containing nese is not possible by the decarburization of ery the dust should be agglomerated and re- or in a shaft kiln above the furnace.
16-30.1 % silicon [50]. The silicon in the alloy high-carbon ferromanganese without incur- turned to the furnace. In closed furnaces, the The former process is used at the Kashima
acts as the reducing agent in the process, ring extremely high losses of manganese [50]. gas is usually cleaned in cyclones and venturi Works of Chuo Denki, where the feed to the
438 Handbook ofExtractive MetaLLurgy FerroaLLoys 439

40 MVA ferromanganese furnace is heated to Use of Plasma Furnaces. Non-transferred arc produce low-chromium alloys with 7-8 % Cr, tetragonal structure (a = 8.7995 X 10-10 m, c =
950 DC in a rotary kiln and the higher oxides plasma furnaces have been used successfully and later on alloys with 30-40 % Cr. In the 4.5442 X 10-10 m).
of the manganese ore are partially reduced. in the production of charge chrome. Attempts United States (1869), Sweden (1886), and Commercial ferrochromium contains
The ore loses 23 % of its mass during this pro- to produce ferromanganese in plasma furnaces Russia (1875), similar processes were devel- mainly carbon as a constituent element be-
cess [51]. The use of this system has resulted have not been economically successful due to oped for producing high-carbon ferrochro- cause of the high affinity of chromium for the
in savings in power, and an additional advan- the high losses of manganese caused by vola- mium [56, pp. 1-3; 57]. carbon used in the reduction process. The con-
tage is that coal can be used instead of coke to tilization in the arc attachment zone. In addi- The fundamental work by MOISSAN (1893) stitution and structure of the C-er-Fe system
satisfy the carbon requirement of the furnace. tion, no preheating of the ore takes place in a on using the electric arc furnace and its indus- has been reviewed [60]. A projection of the
Care must be taken to avoid rapid heating and plasma furnace, unlike in the burden zone of trial application for the direct carbothermic liquidus temperatures and solid-phase equilib-
consequent decrepitation of the ore in the kiln. the submerged arc furnace. In an effort to production of high-carbon ferrochromium by rium by isothermal sections from 1'150 to
The process in which a shaft kiln is posi- solve these problems and to utilize the higher HERaULT (1899) were major improvements 600 DC have been published [60].
tioned above the furnace was invented by specific throughputs that are obtainable in a over the blast furnace that led to the modern
NASU [52]. In this process the gas from the plasma unit, a combined plasma/shaft furnace large-scale production.
is being jointly developed by Voest AIpina and 7.5.2 Raw Materials
furnace is burnt under the furnace roof and the The reduction of chromite by silicon for the
hot burnt gas leaves the furnace through a ver- Samancor [55]. The only raw materials for the production
production of low-carbon ferrochromium was
tical shaft. The raw ore mix is introduced to developed by F. M. BECKETT (1907) and im- of ferrochromium are chromite ores. The min-
the top of the shaft and is heated in a counter- 7.5 Ferrochromium proved by G. JEAN (1909). eral chromite has a spinel structure and its for-
current fashion by the exhaust gas. The ore is mula may be written as (Fe 2+, Mg)O·(Cr, AI,
then fed to the furnace, where further heating Ferrochromium is a master alloy of iron The aluminothermic production of low-car-
Fe3+)203' A high Cr:Fe ratio is advantageous
takes place as the ore is exposed to the radiant and chromium, containing 45-95 % Cr and bon ferrochromium has proved to be too ex-
to produce an alloy with high chromium con-
heat produced by the burning gas in the roof. various amounts of iron, carbon, and other ele- pensive and the method is seldom used now.
tent. Chromite ores are classified as follows
Two furnaces of this type are in operation at ments. The ferrochromium alloys are classi- [61]:
the Mizushima plant and their operation has fied by their carbon content and are known by 7.5.1 Physical and Chemical
their French names because basic work in this • Ores rich in chromium: >46% Cr20 3, Cr:Fe
resulted in power savings. Properties
field was carried out mainly in France: > 2: 1; for the production offerrochromium
Computer Control of Electric Furnaces. Low-carbon ferrochromium has a bright • Ores rich in iron: 40-46% Cr20 3, Cr:Fe <
• High-carbonferrochromium (HC ferrochro-
Computer control of electric furnaces is prac- silvery appearance; as carbon content in- 2: 1; for the production of charge chrome
mium) with 4-10% C, "ferrochrome car-
ticed by Elkem at Suada in Norway, at Mari- creases, the metal turns from gray to dark gray. and for the chemical industry
etta in Ohio, and at Beauharnois in Canada. The density and melting range for different
Temco in Tasmania and Samancor in South • Medium-carbon ferrochromium (MC ferro- • Ores rich in aluminum: > 60% (Cr20 3 +
chromium) with 0.5-4% C, ''ferrochrome grades of ferrochromium are summarized in A120 3), > 20% A1 20 3; for refractories
Africa also use computer control [53]. The fol- Table 7.21 [58].
lowing im\?rovements in operating parame- affine" Metallurgical-grade chromite ores are clas-
ters have belm realized by computer control at • Low-carbon ferrochromium (LC ferrochro- The Fe-Cr phase diagram (Figure 7.19, sified as hard lumpy or friable lump types,
Elkem's plarit at Beauharnois: mium) with 0.01-0.5 % C, ''ferrochrome [59]) exhibits a continuous series of solid so- fines, and concentrates. Concentrates are pro-
\ lutions at higher temperature and a a-phase at
Operating power level (MY) 5 % improvement suraffine" duced by mechanical upgrading of lean ores or
Power cost reduction from increased 3 % improvement The mechanical and chemical properties of lower temperature. This brittle a-phase has a fines [62].
load 9% improvement steel can be improved by alloying it with fer-
Manpower cost reduction lower variaiton Table 7.21: Some physical properties offerrochromium and ferrosilicochromium [58].
Statistical process control in product rochromium. Chromium combined with Melting range, DC
nickel gives stainless steel excellent chemical Alloy Density p. g/cm3
Liquidus Solidus
Elkem is investigating the potential of en- resistance. Chromium metal (electrolytic) 7.2 1900
hancing their process control system by the in- The first industrial use of ferrochromium in Chromium metal (aluminotherrnic) 7.2 1850
corporation of an expert system. This system, producing low-chromium alloy steels was in Low-carbon ferro chromium (72 % Cr, 0.01 % C) 7.35 1690 1660
based on artificial intelligence, will incorpo- 1860-1870 in France. Previously P. BERTHIER Low-carbon ferro chromium (72 % Cr, 0.05 % C) 7.35 1670 1639
Low-carbon ferrochromium (69 % Cr, 0.1 % C) 7.35 1604 1343
rate the experience of the operator in the pro- (1821) and E. FREMY (1857) produced small High-carbon ferro chromium (69 % Cr, 4-6 % C, I % Si) 7.2 1500 1350
cess control system and will be used to quantities of high-carbon ferrochromium in High-carbon ferro chromium (64% Cr, 5 % C, 1% Si) 7.1 1450 1340
diagnose reasons for poor furnace perfor- crucibles by reducing chromite or combina- Ferrochromium, charge grade (63 % Cr, 5.5 % C, 7 % Si)" 6.7 1500 1400
mance. Possible changes to improve the oper- tions of chromium and iron oxides with char- Ferrochromium, charge grade (56 % Cr, 6 % C, 5 % Si)" 6.8 1493 1660
ation will be suggested by the expert system coal. This direct reduction process was Ferrochromium silicon (36 %, 40 % Si) 5.3 1388 1360
[54]. transferred to the blast furnace or cupola to 'Charge chrome (see Table 7.27).
440 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroa/loys 441

low. Silicon as a reducing agent is used in the Table 7.22: Analyses of some chromite ores, metallurgical grade.
form of ferrosilicochromium or ferrosilicon to Chromite ore, %
produce low-carbon ferrochromium. Fluxing Tranvaal,lump· Zimbabwe friable" USSR lump" Turkey lump" Albania lump
agents, e.g., quartzite or alumina (corundum Cr20 3 42.55 49.53 53.73 47.58 40.5
or bauxite) and lime, are charged with the bur- FeO 21.85 11.6 8.5 9.45 11.4
Fe 20 3 4.85 2.2 4.3 3.1
den for slag formation. In the carbothermic MgO 9.26 17.52 17.3 18.7 23.3
production of ferrosilicochromium, chromite AI20 3 15.5 7.3 9.4 8.8 7.3
and quartzite are used as the raw materials. Si0 2 5.54 5.14 4.3 8.33 12.6
L.O.I." 0.2 2.3 2.1 2.25 3.4
Cr:Fe 1.43 3.20 3.81 3.42 3.13
7.5.3 Production
o 'Bushveldmassiv [641.
b Great Dyke (friable lump) [64].
The oxides of iron and chromium present in • Kempirsajski [641.
d Anatolia (Fethiye) [64].
the chromite can be readily reduced at high
C Loss on ignition.
temperature with carbon. Because of the ten-
dency of chromium to form carbides, a car- Table 7.23: Equilibrium temperatures for various carbo- proximate melting temperature may be de-
bon-containing alloy is always obtained. The thermic reduction reactions [67]. rived from the ternary diagram for MgO-
700 a oxides can also be reduced with silicon, alumi- Condensed Condensed Gases Equilibrium
a Al 20 r Si02 [68].
600 num, or magnesium. However, only carboth- reactants prodUCts temperature, °C
ermic and silicothermic reductions are used FeO,C Fe CO2,CO Low-carbon ferrochromium is produced
commercially. The reducibility of chromite Cr20 3, C Cr3Cz CO by the silicothermic reduction of chromite ore.
depends on its composition. A chromite rich in CrP3' Cr3Cz Cr7Cz CO Silicon is used in the form of ferrosilicochro-
Cr20 3, Cr7 Cz Cr23C 6 CO mium, which is produced in submerged arc
iron (FeO·Cr2 0 3) can be reduced by carbon at Cr20 3, Cr23C6 Cr CO
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (r
lower temperature than one rich in magnesium Si0 2.C SiC CO
furnaces (as is high-carbon ferrochromium)
Mole fraction chromium, % _
(MgO·Cr20 3) [65, 66]. Iron oxide is reduced Si02 Si CO,Si by carbon reduction of chromite ore and
Figure 7.19: Fe-Crphase diagram [59]. by carbon at a lower temperature than chro- quartzite. The solubility of carbon in the
mium oxide.
FeO·Cr20 3 + C.,. Fe(a,~, y) + Cr20 3 + CO t= 950 DC FeSiCr alloy depends on the silicon content; if
In the production of high-carbon ferrochro- the silicon content is higher, the carbon con-
mium, which is by far the alloy in greatest de- A thermodynamic analysis of carbother- For the Cr20 3 reduction:
tent is lower. The carbon solubility at different
mand, generally a lumpy type of chromite ore mic reactions in the field of ferroalloys has MgO·Cr20 3 + l\C'" 2/3Cr3Cz +MgO + 3CO silicon contents and temperatures is shown in
is necessary. The submerged arc smelting of been performed [67]. For the carbothermic re- t= 1200 OC Table 7.24 [69]. The reduction ofCrp3 by Si
high-carbon ferrochromium by direct reduc- duction of FeO, Cr20 3, and Si02 , equilibrium Because the difference in temperature be- is enhanced by addition of lime (CaO), which
tion of carbon in large low-shaft electric fur- temperatures at different CO pressures were tween these two reactions is slight and be- reduces the activity of Si02 in the slag. The re-
naces generally requires lumpy chromite ores calculated. The values in Table 7.23 were cause iron also facilitates reduction of duction may be written as follows:
to allow the reaction gases to pass from the found at 101.3 kPa. Carbides with higher car- chromium oxide, selective reduction of iron is
lower reaction zone to the top of the furnace, bon content formed initially at lower tempera- FeO· Cr20 3 + 2Si + 4CaO --) (2Cr + Fe) + 2C~SiO.
difficult. In solid-state reduction studies on
where the burden (i.e., charge) is continuously ture react at higher temperature with Cr20 3 Transvaal chromite, the amount of iron and Special chromium master alloys like CrMo,
charged. and form carbides with lower carbon content; chromium found in the metallic state at CrW, and CrNb are produced alurninothermi-
About 80% of chromite ores in the western finally, reduction of Si02 starts at higher tem- 1000 °C was 11.0 % of the iron and 1.3 % of cally by coreduction of the relevant oxides to-
world are fines « 10 mm). Therefore, efforts perature. Therefore, production of ferrosilico- the chromium, and at 1200 °C was 98.3 % of gether with chromium oxide.
have been made to agglomerate these fines, by chromium alloys requires high temperature. the iron and 38.5 % of the chromium [64].
either sintering, briquetting, or pelletizing Table 7.24: Solubility of carbon in ferrosilicochromium
In practice the reactions are somewhat In the carbothermic reduction process, un- as a function of temperature, calculated from equations
[63]. Fines of chromite ores can be used to more complicated because iron-containing reduced oxides from the chromite (MgO, given in [69].
produce low-carbon ferrochromium. chromium carbides are formed. In high-car- A12 0 3) and from the gangue (Si0 2 in serpen- Carbon content, %
Typical analyses of some important metal- bon ferrochromium, the double carbide (Cr, tine and olivine) are collected in a slag, which content', % 1550 DC 1450 DC 1350 DC 1300 DC
lurgical chromite ores are summarized in Ta- Fe)7C3 is present. In this compound, two to generally contains 30% Si02, 30% MgO, and 20 2.34 2.21 2.08 2.02
ble 7.22 [64]. four Cr atoms can be substituted by iron at- 30 % Al20 3. The remaining 10 % is composed 30 0.66 0.60 0.54 (solid)
The reducing agent for chromite is usually oms. Equilibrium temperatures have been cal- of Crp3' CaO, MnO, and FeO [65]. Control 40 0.07 0.05 0,03 0.02
carbon in the form of coke (gas coke, coal, or culated for the FeO reduction in chromite of slag composition is important with respect 50 0.03 0.02 (solid) (solid)
charcoal); its contents of Sand P should be [66]: to melting temperature and fluidity. The ap- 'Cr:Fe=2.67.
442 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy
443 High-Carbon alloy; allowance is made for some combustion of 30 MY. A. A blend of 80 % fmes and 20 % CO) has a heat value of 3.07 kWh/m3 (STP)
at the top of the furnace and for reaction with lumpy ore is used. A submerged arc process and is used as a fuel for the shaft furnace and
moisture. The slag composition is important to can be maintained by using raking machines for heating the kiln.
High-carbon ferrochromium is produced by produce metal of desired quality and to main- to break the crusts that are formed [73]. A Cr Chromite
direct reduction of chromite ores with carbon tain smooth furnace operation. Therefore, the recovery of 75 % was achieved for the produc- concentrate
(coke, coal, or charcoal) in large, three-phase slag is analyzed from tap to tap or once per tion of a charge chrome containing 52.5 % Cr,
submerged arc furnaces with 10-50 MV A ca- shift, and the additives are altered accordingly. 6.4% C, 3.5% Si, 0.04% S, and 0.02% P, and
pacity (corresponding to 15000-60000 t/a of In modern plants, calculation of the burden a slag containing 38% Si02 , 25.5% MgO,
ferrochromium production). Elkem in Sweden and collection of data from the furnace are 4.5% CaO, 32% Al 20 3 , and 13% Crp3' The
operates the largest known electric arc furnace computerized [70]. power consumption was 4000 kWhlt of alloy.
with 105 MV . A capacity. This furnace is used The silicon content in high-carbon ferro- Middelburg Steel & Alloys in South Africa
to produce high-carbon ferrochromium and chromium is dependent on the reduction tem- installed a briquetting plant with a capacity of
. . . . - - - Bentonite binder
ferrosilicochromium. perature. High-melting slags lead to higher 250 000 t/a. The use of briquettes improved
Submerged arc furnaces work continuously silicon content in the alloy (ferrochromium the furnace performance and resulted in higher
as a low-shaft electric furnace, where the bur- (With 4-6% C). A typical slag composition is productivity and lower specific energy con-
den is charged around the self-burning S5der- 30-33 % Si02 , 26-28 % Al 2 0 3, 20-25 % MgO, sumption. In two semiclosed submerged arc
berg electrodes. These electrodes are deeply 3-7% CaO, and 8-13 % Cr20 3 for charge [Olg) as fuel
furnaces, each with a capacity of 30 MV· A,
immersed in the burden column and discharge chrome containing 52-54% Cr, 6-7% C, and 100 000 t/a of charge chrome (53.5 % Cr,
to the reduced liquid products, Le., the metal 2-4% Si produced from Transvaal ore or 7.4% C, 2-3% Si, 0.015% S, and 0.015% P) Coke
and slag, on the bottom of the furnace. Metal charge chrome containing 63-67 % Cr, 5-7 % was produced with a power consumption of
and slag are tapped at regular intervals C, and 3-6 % Si produced from Zimbabwe 3800 kW hit of alloy [74].
through tapholes near the furnace bottom; they ore. Pelletizing of chromite fmes and concen- ~---(oke

flow into a ladle with a slag overflow leading The lumpiness of the ore and the coke qual- trates as an agglomeration process has been flux
to another ladle or to a slag pan. After the slag ity are important to maintain a proper sub- adopted by Gesellschaft fUr Elektrometallur-
has been skimmed, the metal is poured into merged arc process. Because of the high coke gie (GfE) in Germany using the Lepol (grate
heavy, flat cast-iron molds lined with sand or rate (ca. 25%), the coke properties (size, bulk kiln) process [75], and by Ferrolegeringar ill
into sand molds. The furnace hearth and the density, volatile matter, and fixed carbon) are Trollhiittan, Sweden, using the Cobo (cold [Olg) as fuel
walls in the reaction zone are normally lined mainly responsible for the electrical resistance bond) process [76]. These pellets can be used
with carbon blocks or a ramming mix; in spe- of the burden. for the production of ferrochromium and sili-
cial cases, magnesite is used. The walls of the The current/potential ratio (flU) is particu- cochromium.
Wet scrubbing
shaft are lined with fireclay or magnesite. larly important for large furnaces to maintain a Sintered chrome ore fines were used suc-
In older plants with relatively small sub- reasonable power factor [71]; as a rule, flU is cessfully in Japan. However, briquetting is the
merged arc furnaces, the CO reaction gas is
burned at the top of the furnace and then
approximately 200. Therefore, the electric
power must be supplied at high current and
main agglomeration method used [63].
Figure 7.20 shows the new process devel-
High-carbon Slag
--I Granulation ~ To waskte or
to mar et

scrubbed. Modem submerged arc furnaces loW potential (e.g., 50 kA at 250 V). Specially oped by Outokumpu Oy in Finland for the pro-
with high capacities are totally closed, and the constructed leads to the electrodes are neces- duction of ferrochromium from their own
unburned reaction gas (ca. 90% CO) is sary to carry the secondary current in order to chromite-containing deposit near the town of
scrubbed. Thus, the volume of the off-gas can avoid self-induction and energy losses [72]. Kemi [77,78]. Figure 7.20: Outokumpu Oy high-carbon ferrochromium
be minimized (by a factor of 10-20 compared Because more than 80% of chromite ores The chromite concentrate is pelletized, us- process [77, 78].
to that of the open top furnace), and the invest- mined in the western world are fmer than 10 ing bentonite as a binder. After sintering in a This technology results in a low specific
ment costs for the gas-cleaning plant are cor- mm, agglomeration processes have been shaft furnace, the pellets are blended with energy consumption of 2600-2800 kWh/t of
respondingly lower. Furthermore, the adopted to provide a good burden porosity in fluxes and coke. This burden is then preheated charge chrome. The process has been adopted
combustible gas can be used as a fuel for pro- the electric arc furnaces, especially in the in a rotary kiln at 1000-1100 DC and charged in other countries (Orissa Mining in India,
cesses, such as calcining the limestone and larger ones [63]. In some ferrochromium to a fully closed 24 MV .A submerged arc fur- Elazig in Turkey, Hellenic Ferroalloys in
drying and preheating the ore or the whole plants, fines and lumpy ores are blended in ra- nace producing 60 000 t/a of charge chrome Greece, and Ferrochrome Philippines in the
burden, or for producing energy. tios between 1: 1 and 4: 1. Thus, Union Car- (53.5 % Cr, 7 % C, and 2.5 % Si) and slag Philippines). Ferrochrome Philippines suc-
The coke rate is calculated on the basis of bide in Tubatse, South Africa, produces (30.2 % Si02 , 24.9 % MgO, 6.8 % CaO, 25.9 % cessfully began production in 1984 in a 20
the stoichiometric requirement of the oxides 120 000 t/a of charge chrome in three open A12 0 3, 6.8% Cr, and 1.8 % Fe); Cr recovery is MY. A furnace rated for 50 000 t/a of high-
and on the amount of dissolved carbon in the submerged arc furnaces, each with a capacity 84%. The off-gas from the furnace (ca. 90% cllfbon ferrochromium [79].
444 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 445

Fine coke mium (57-60% Cr, ca. 8% C, and ca. 3% Si). carbon. ferro~hromium with refractory 4S0
This process was also adopted by Johannes- chromlte ores ill an electric arc furnace is no 400
burg Consolidated Investment (South Africa) longer used because of the high power con-
in a 180 000 tla ferrochromium plant sumption of 8000-9000 kWhlt of ferrochro- 1
OJ .....
A special ferrochromium 4-6 % C grade mium [72]. 5 a
with 60-72 % Cr and max. 1.5 % Si was used ~ OJ' 200
Decarburization of high-carbon ferrochro- L..
for many years in the steel industry before in- mium in an oxygen-blown converter is more "'-.,
E <-
OJ u 100
expensive charge chrome from South Africa economical, especially on a large scale. In the I- .!:
became more attractive. This ferrochromium United States and Japan, a top-blowing pro- 0
is not saturated with carbon. It is produced the cess with oxygen using water-cooled lances to
,.-----Bentonite binder same way as charge chrome in large sub- S 1S
the metal surface was used. In Germany, a bot-
merged arc furnaces, but with a magnesite lin- tom-blowing process (OBM = oxygen bottom
ing instead of a carbon lining. This process has Maxhiltte or Q-BOP) was introduced in the 4 12
been improved by using chromite ore mixes 1970s [86]. This process is characterized by
CO lg ) as fuel containing a definite fraction of hard and
lumpy refractory ores with a high MgO con-
tent to produce a high-melting slag (e.g., 29-
oxygen injection from the bottom into the
~etal bath wi~ the oxygen jet, resulting in a
1 3
CO lg ) as fuel high decarbunzation rate of ca 0.3 % C/min.
32 % SiOz' 32-35 % MgO, 29-32 % AlP3' ;l.

Because of the high bath temperature (1800- W

and 3.5-6.0 % Crp3) [82, 83]. At a higher re- Vi' 2 6

1850 cq, mainly the carbon is oxidized. OJ
duction temperature of 1500-1700 cC, the fol- N
, . - - - - - - o.uarzite Chromium recovery is high; for example, re- 'x
lowing refining reaction of the refractory ore a
...----Lime covery of product with 0.8-1 % C is 85% and
takes place [66]: 3
it is improved to 90-93 % by adding si'lico-
3(Cr, Fe)7C; + Cr20 3 -7 (Cr, Fe)nC6 + 3CO chromium and lime. A typical sequence for a
Because of the low sulfur specification « blow is shown in Figure 7.22 [87]. ~_----:-_ _..L-_.=:i===d 0
0.05 %) in this grade, coke with low sulfur S 10 1S 20
Slag to High-carbon _ To hot charging in Because demand for medium-carbon ferto- Blowing time, m i n -
waste ferrochromium steel production content is used as the reductant; 30-35 % of chromium is small compared to demand for
the sulfur in the coke is transferred to the the high-carbon material, the decarburization Figure 7.22: Sequence of an OBM-oxygen blow of car-
metal. Alternatively, desulfurizing slags may bon ferrochromium [87].
processes are rarely used. However, reduction
be used. The ferrochromium can be poured of chromite ores with silicon in the form of sil- In step one, chromite ore was totally re-
'- Granulated into a higWy basic fluid slag, e.g., slag from duced with carbon in an electric arc furnace to
icochromium is used and is an economical
high carbon the LC-ferrochromium process. The sulfur an intermediate ferrochromium (Halb-
ferro chromium
production method for medium-carbon ferro-
forms CaS, which is removed in the slag. produkt) with 60-65 % Cr, 5.,...6 % C, and 5-
chromium because the low-carbon grade can
Figure 7.21: Showa Denko high-carbon ferro chromium A new process for producing ferrochro- be produced as well. To make ferrochromium 7% Si,.and a discard slag. In step two, this in-
process [80, 81]. mium with 5 % C and < 1 % Si from unag- with 1-2 % C, a silicochromium alloy with a termediate ferrochromium was smelted with
A further improvement in specific energy glomerated chromite fines in a transferred arc Si content of 25-30% can be used (see Table quartzite and coke in a slagless process to pro-
consumption was achieved by the SRC pro- plasma furnace has been developed by Tetron- 7.24). The power consumption, including the duce silicochromium (40-45 % Si, ca. 40 %
cess (solid-state reduction of chrome ores), ics Research & Development [84]. Commer- energy for silicochromium, amounts to 5000- Cr, and < 0.5 % q. Finally, this silicochro-
developed by Showa Denlm K. K. in Japan cialization of this process has been mium was used as a reductant in the third step;
6000 kWh/t of ferrochromium.
[80,81]. This process is shown in Figure 7.21. accomplished in South Africa, where a 10.8 the crushed alloy was thrown onto the surface
The addition of carbon and flux during pellet- MV·A plasma furnace has been built [85]. of a chrome ore-lime melt in an arc furnace.
izing resulted in a reduction of iron oxide and Low-Carbon The tapped ferrochromium contained ca. 70 %
a partial reduction of chromium oxide during Medium-Carbon Ferrochromium Cr, ca. 1 % Si, and 0.03-0.05 % C. The slag,
sintering in a rotary kiln at 1350-1450 cC. Hot which contained 20-25 % CrZ0 3, was returned
Ferrochromium ~ow-carbon ferrochromium is produced to the first step to improve Cr recovery.
charging a burden containing 60 % prereduced
pellets in a closed 18 MY·A submerged arc Medium-carbon ferrochromium with 0.5- maInly by silicothermic reduction of chromite . This Swedish process was modified, espe-
furnace required an energy consumption of 4% C can be produced by refining high-car- ores. This process dates back to the Swedish c.Ially when the direct silicochromium produc-
2000-2100 kWh/t of alloy for an annual pro- bon ferrochromium or by silicotherrnic reduc- three-step process introduced in 1920 by A. B. tion by carbothermic coreductionof chromite
duction of 50 000 thigh-carbon ferrochro- tion of chromite ores. Batch refining of high- Ferrolegeringar in Trollhattan [72]. ore and quartzite in large submerged arc fur-
446 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 447

naces in one step proved more economical from HC ferrochromium production. There- other basic-lined reaction ladle. Crushed inter- silicochromium production, is 8200 kW· h.
than the slagless process. Furthermore, the sil- fore, a porous burden is essential. To scrub the mediate alloy from the fIrst reaction ladle is The overall recovery of Cr by the Perrin pro-
icothermic conversion was improved by add- huge volumes of CO(g) produced, modem sili- added to form the desired LC ferrochromium cess is 90-92 %.
ing more lime to form a highly basic slag cochromium furnaces are closed systems, and (ca. 70% Cr, < 1.5% Si, and 0.02-0.05% C)
(CaO/Si02 ratio of ca. 2). Thus, ferrochro- the unburned gas is used as a fuel. Low-carbon ferrochromium is tough and
and an intermediate slag (8-10% Crp3)' This
mium with < 1.5 % Si was produced with a To produce an alloy composed of 45 % Si, slag is reacted with silicochromium to lower difficult to break. Therefore, it is poured into
lean slag (ca. 5% Cr2 0 3) in one step. Residual 40% Cr, and 0.02% C, a burden containing the Cr2 0 3 content to < 1 %. flat molds, sometimes fIlled with liquid slag to
elements, i.e., Sand N, were low « 0.01 % 100 parts of a refractory chromite (high CrlFe protect the mold. Quenching the hot alloy in
Chromite Lime Chromite Quartzite Coke
and < 0.02 %, respectively). The power con- ratio of ca. 3 and a MgO/Al20 3 ratio of 1.2- ore ore (lump) water facilitates breaking it into small lumps,
sumption was 3000-3500 kWh/t offerrochro- 1.4), 110 parts of quartzite, and 65 parts of which is performed with heavy pneumatic
mium for the silicotherrnic process (arc coke (85 % fIxed C) is continuously charged to hammers.
furnaces with 2-10 MY. A capacity) and, in- the submerged arc furnace. Metal and slag are Many variations of the Perrin process have
cluding the power consumption for the silico- tapped every few hours. The slag contains 48- been developed. For example, chrome ore or
chromium production, was 8000-9000 kWh/t 50% Si02 , 25-27% MgO, 19-21 % AlP3' lime have been added to the exothermic reac-
ferrochromium. and 1-3 % CrZ0 3. The Cr recovery is 93-95 %, Rich slag Ferrosi!ico- tions, which occur in the two reaction ladles
Currently, the most important process for and the power consumption is 7500-8500 chromium
and slag (Figure 7.23), to "dampen" the reaction and to
the production of LC ferrochromium is the kWh/t of alloy (45 % Si). The power consump- save energy. Another variation is the selective
Perrin process, developed in 1937 by the So- tion is primarily dependent on the Si content reduction of FeO, producing an iron-rich al-
ciete Ugine in France [88]. This process com- of the alloy. For a silicochromium with 40 %
loy; the remaining slag, high in Cr2 0 3, is re-
bines the direct reduction of silicocbromium Si and 45 % Cr, the power consumption is
acted with silicochromium high in Si, to give
in a submerged arc furnace with a countercur- 6500-7500 kWh/t
LC ferrochromium (80-90% Cr). By selec-
rent silicothermic reduction of a chrome ore-
Production of LC Ferrochromium by the Low-carbon Ferrosilico- Final tively reducing FeO, CoO is also reduced in
lime melt (produced in an arc furnace) in a re- ferrochromium
Perrin Process. Single-stage silicochromium chromium slag the iron-rich alloy and a Co-free ferrochro-
action ladle.
Production of Silicochromium. Silicochro-
production is one portion of the Perrin pro-
cess. This process requires two furnaces: a
~ mium can be produced. This is used to pro-
duce alloyed steels for atomic energy plants.
mium is not only used as a reductant in the submerged arc furnace to produce silicochro-
production of LC ferrochromium, but also as mium and an open-top electric arc furnace to Production of LC Ferrochromium by the
an alloying and deoxidizing agent in the steel melt a chromite ore-lime slag. A flow sheet of Simplex Process. From 1943 to 1953 Union
industry. the entire process is shown in Figure 7.23.. Carbide developed a new production process
Silicochromium is made in large three- The silicochromium and slag from the sub- for LC ferrochromium, the so-called Simplex
phase submerged arc furnaces of 10-36 merged arc furnace are tapped to a lined segre- Inter- Final process, in which fmely ground HC ferrochro-
mediate slag mium was decarburized in the solid state with
MY·A capacity. These furnaces are of the gating ladle and are allowed to settle for 1-2 h. alloy ~
same type as those used to produce HC ferro- Dissolved SiC floats to the top. The separated oxidized ferrochromium by vacuum annealing
chromium. The lower reaction zone is lined alloy (40-45% Si, 45-40% Cr, and 0.05- To waste [89-91]. The plant in Marietta, Ohio, went
or to into production in 1953 and is now managed
with carbon and the upper side walls of the 0.02 % C) is removed through a taphole at the m.arket
furnace shaft are lined with fIreclay bricks. bottom of the ladle. The alloy is reacted with by Elkem Metals Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylva-
Figure 7.23: Low-carbon ferrochromium production by
Maintaining the Soderberg electrodes deep in an intermediate liquid slag (8-10% Cr2 0 3) in the Perrin process [88] (according to [65]). nia. The flow sheet of the process is shown in
the burden column (30-50 cm above the a second basic-lined reaction ladle to produce Figure 7.24.
Production of 1 t of silicochromium by this
hearth) is important to reduce the SiOz to Si. an intermediate alloy and a discard slag. The process typically requires 1450 kg of chrome High-carbon ferrochromium is crushed,
Therefore, coke with low electric conductivity intermediate alloy (20-25 % Si, 60-55 % Cr, ore, 1500 kg of quartzite, 870 kg of coke, 32- pulverized in ball mills, and then oxidized in
and low bulk density « 400 kg/m3) is used and 0.05-0.03 % C) is allowed to solidify and
35 kg of electrodes, and 7700 kWh power suspension in a vertical gas- or oil-fIred shaft
(e.g., gas coke). is separated from the slag « 1 % CrZ0 3). Be- furnace [92]. The proper stoichiometric C/O
[65]. Production of 1 t of ferrochromium re-
The electrical conditions in silicochromium cause of its high basicity, the slag disintegrates ratio for decarburizing is attained by mixing
quires 1440 kg of chrome ore, 1250 kg of
furnaces are somewhat different from those in to powder (falling slag). lime, 660 kg of silicochromium (45 % Si and the oxidized material with HC ferrochromium
furnaces used to produce HC ferrochromium; The rich slag (chrome ore lime melt with 40 % Cr), 22 kg of electrodes, and 3200 kWh powder according to the following reactions:
e.g., the current/potential ratio is higher (l/U = 25-27 % Crp3' 7-8 % FeO, 2-3 % Si02 , and power.
ca. 500) [72]. The volume of C0(g) from sili- 45-48 % CaO) is tapped from the open-top Therefore, the total energy consumed to
cochromium production is much higher than electric arc furnace in weighed amounts to an- produce 1 t of LC ferrochromium, including
448 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 449

Crushed HC ferrochromium charge is complete, the power is shut off and thermic processes or by melting chromium the designation is FeCr 50 for 45-55 % Cr
the furnace is cooled by flooding with argon. metal and nickel in induction-heated fur- content.
A complete reaction cycle requires 4-5 d; naces. The aluminothermic process must be
ca. 100 t of material is produced. A typical performed in water-cooled molds in an inert • Composition of HC ferrochromiums with
atmosphere because of the high quality re- normal phosphorus [102, Table 2] and with
analysis of LC ferrochromium from the Sim-
low phosphorus content [102, Table 3]; e.g.,
Fine-mesh HC ferrochromium powder plex process is ca. 70 % Cr, ca. 1% Si, and quired of these master alloys [96]. For direct
FeCr 50 C 50 (45-55% Cr, 4-6% C, max.
0.008-0.010% C. Oxygen is higher (ca. 1%) melting of chromium metal and nickel, a vac-
uum induction furnace or an inert gas atmo- 1.5% Si, max. 0.050% P, and max. 0.10%
than in LC ferrochromium from the Perrin
process (ca. 0.2%). sphere is also preferred; refilling occurs S), or FeCr 60 C 50 Si 2 LP (55-65 % Cr,4-
simultaneously during melting [97]. . 6% C, 1.5-3% Si, and max. 0.03-%P). HC
ferrochromium is standardized to 10% C. Nitrogen-Containing Low- Binary chromium master alloys, such as
Ferrochromium with low sulfur content is
Carbon Ferrochromium chromium-molybdenum (with 30% Mo) or designated LS (low sulfur, i.e., max.
Binder and water
chromium-niobium (with 30-80% Nb) [98,
Chromium has a high affmity for nitrogen 0.05%).
99], are made by aluminothermic reduction of
and forms the nitrides Cr2N and CrN. Low- the corresponding oxides. Master alloys con- • Analysis of MC ferrochromiums with nor-
carbon ferrochromium can form nitrides either taining more than two metals, e.g., cobalt- mal phosphorus [102, Table 4] and with low
in the solid or in the liquid state. These alloys chromium-tungsten (ca. 43% Co, ca. 37% Cr, phosphorus [102, Table 5]; carbon content
with up to 10% N are used in steel containing ca. 16% W, ca. 3 % C), or cobalt-chromium- ranges from 0.5-1.0%, 1.0-2.0%, up to
nitrogen as well as chromium [58]. The Sim- molybdenum (26-30% Cr, 4-5% Mo, rest Co) 2.0-4.0%, e.g., FeCr 70 C 20 (65-75% Cr,
plex process is convenient for forming nitrides [99], are made by direct melting of the metals 1.0-2.0% C, max. 1.5% Si, max. 0.050% P,
in LC ferrochromium in the solid state. During in an inert atmosphere or in vacuum induction and max. 0.050% S); or FeCr 60 C 10 LP
the cooling cycle, nitrogen is added to the vac- furnaces. Copper-chromium master alloys (55-65% Cr, 0.5-1.0% C, max. 1.5% Si,
uum vessel and the optimum temperature containing up to 10% Cr, e.g., V-CuCr 10 max. 0.03 % P, and max. 0.050% S).
range of 1200-800°C is held over a longer pe- [l00], are made by directly alloying chro-
riod to produce an alloy with 7-10% N. mium with an oxygen-free copper melt; the re- • Standard chemical composition ofLC ferro-
Silicothermically produced LC ferrochro- sulting alloy is quickly cast into flat pigs. The chromium for normal [102, Table 6] and for
mium can form nitrides when pulverized and same method is used for the production of alu- low [102, Table 7] phosphorus alloys; car-
heated in boxes in a continuous annealing fur- minum-chromium master alloys with 5, 10, or bon content ranges from Jess than 0.015 %,
nace at 1000 °C under nitrogen [93]. The sin- 20% Cr by alloying comminuted chromium 0.015-0.030%, up to 0.25-0.50%; e.g.,
tered product (p 5-6 g/cm3) contains 5-10% metal with a superheated aluminum melt. The FeCr 60 C 05 (55-65 % Cr, 0.03-0.05 % C,
N as Cr2 N. master alloy containing 5-6 % AI is standard max. 1.5% Si, max. 0.050% P, max.
On the other hand, LC ferrochromium can in Germany, i.e., V-AICr 5 [101]. Another 0.030% S, and max. 0.15% N) or FeCr70 C
LC ferrochromium
form nitrides in the liquid state with nitrogen aluminum chromium master alloy containing 03 LP (65-75% Cr, 0.015-0.03% C, max.
Figure 7.24: Production of low-carbon ferrochromium by gas in a melting furnace, e.g., an induction fur- 1.5 % Si, max. 0.03 % P, max. 0.03 % S, and
the Simplex process [90].
ca. 50% Cr and 50% AI is made for special
nace [94]. The tapped alloy contains 2-4% N purposes [99]. max. 0.15 % N).
The mixture is either formed into briquettes or and is very homogeneous (p 7.0 g/cm 3) [95]. .. LC ferrochromium with high chromium
loosely packed in corrugated pasteboard 7.5.4 Quality Specifications, content (75-95%) [102, Table 8]; e.g., FeCr
boxes, placed on a refractory topped bogie Other Chromium Master 90 C 03 (85-95% Cr, 0.015-0.03% C, max.
hearth (33.5 m X 3.35 m), and rolled into the
Storage and Transportation, and
Alloys 1.5 % Si, max. 0.020% P, max. 0.03 % S,
vacuum chamber, which is a horizontal steel Trade Names max. 0.02 % Co, and max. 0.20% N).
Chromium master alloys other than ferro-
cylinder (43 m in length X 4.6 m in diameter). International standards of specifications
chromium are produced in much smaller • Nitrogenated LC ferrochromiums [102, Ta-
The graphite resistance heating elements are and conditions of delivery for ferrochromium
amounts. They are used mainly to produce ble 9]; the three given are smelted
suspended above the charge from the refrac- heat-resistant alloys, based on nickel or cobalt and ferrosilicochromium are given in ISO FeCr... Cl N3, sintered FeCr-Cl N7, and
tory-lined roof. The vacuum (0.01-0.4 kPa) is (superalloys), and abrasion-resistant materi- 5448 [102] and ISO 5449 [103], respectively. sintered FeCr... Cl N7 Si. The Cr contents
generated by multistage steam ejectors. The als, and are used to alloy small amounts of The following specifications are contained in given in [102, Table 1] are valid for these al-
process requires a special heating program up chromium to copper or aluminum. tables in reference [102]: loys. The nitrogen contents are 2-4 % in the
to 1370 DC, which follows the progress of de- Nickel-chromium master alloys containing .. Chromium content of ferro chromium alloys smelted qualities and 4-10 % in the sintered
carburization. When the decarburization of the 50-80% chromium may be made by alumino- ranges from 45 to 95% [102, Table 1]; e.g., qualities.
450 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 451

• Particle size ranges for ferrochromium de- and the ISO standards are given in Tables 7.25 Table 7.26: Comparison of the chemical composition offerrosilicochromium ISO 5449 and DIN 17565 [107].
liveries [102, Table 9]; there are seven and 7.26 [107]. %Cr %C %Si %Pmax. %S max.
classes from 100-315 mm (Class 1) to ::;; Internationally approved methods for sam- SIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO
3.15 mm (Class 7). pling [108] and analytical determination of FeCrSi 15 >55.0 10.0-18.0 6.0 0.050 0.030
chromium in ferrochromium and ferrosilico- FeCrSi 20/22 55-65 >55.0 25-20 20.0-25.0 0.50 0.05 0.020 0.030 0.010 0.030
ISO Standard 5448 [102] also covers test-
chromium [109] and of silicon in ferrosilico- FeCrSi23 >45.0 18.0-28.0 3.5 0.050 0.030
ing (sampling and chemical analysis) as well
chromium [110] are available as a draft. FeCrSi 26 >45.0 24.0-28.0 1.5 0.030 0.030
as storage and transportation according to in-
FeCrSi33 >43.0 28.0-38.0 1.0 0.050 0.030
ternational regulations. ISO Standard 5449 Table 7.27 contains trade names and the rel- FeCrSi40 40-45 >35.0 45-35 35.0-40.0 0.050 0.2 0.020 0.030 0.010 0.030
[103] for ferrosilicochromium specifications evant analyses of special and non standardized 40.0-45.0 0.1 0.030 0.030
FeCrSi45 >28.0
and conditions of delivery recognizes 12 dif- ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium al- FeCrSi50LC >20.0 45.0-60.0 0.05 0.030 0.030
ferent compositions with increasing Si con- loys. Charge chrome is a relatively cheap FeCrSi55 >28.0 50.0-55.0 0.03 0.030 0.030
tent, ranging from FeCrSi 15 (min. 55 % Cr, high-carbon ferrochromium with no definite FeCrSi 48 LP >35.0 42.0-55.0 0.05 0.020 0.010
10%-18% Si, max. 6% C, max. 0.05% P, and specification. It can be added to a basic oxy-
Table 7.27: Special and nonstandardized ferrochromiwn and ferrosilicochromium alloys.
max. 0.03% S) up to FeCrSi 50 (min. 20% Cr, gen-blown stainless steel charge [65]. Extra-
high-carbon (EHC) ferrochromium is supplied Analysis, %
45-60% Si, max. 0.1 % C, max. 0.03% P, and Trade name Producer
max. 0.03 % S). Low-carbon and low-phos- as a powder for abrasive surface-welding pur- Cr C Si P S N Co
phorus grades are FeCrSi 50 LC (max. 0.05 % poses. Simplex ferrochromium is a low-car- Charge chrome- 53-58 5---8 6-3
bon ferrochromium produced by the Simplex EHC ferrochromium min. 66 min. 9.0 0.5-1.0 max. 0.03 max. 0.05 GfElEWWb
C) and FeCrSi 48 LP (min. 35 % Cr, 42-55 %
process. Low-carbon and -nitrogen (LCN) and Simplex ferrochromium ca. 70 max. 0.01 ca. 1.0 Union Car-
Si, max. 0.05% C, max. 0.02% P, and max. bidelElkem
0.01 % S). The particle size offerrosilicochro- low-carbon, -nitrogen, and -silicon (LCNSi)
LCN ferrochromium ca. 70 max. 0.05 max. 1.5 max. GfElEWWb
mium deliveries is specified in seven classes ferrochromium are trade names for special 0.020
as for ferrochromium. Ferrochromium and grades used to manufacture corrosion- and LCNSi ferrochromium ca. 70 max. 0.05 max 0.30 max. GfElEWWb
ferrosilicochromium are shipped in bulk or heat-resistant steel. A low-carbon ferrochro- max. 0.03 max. 0.20 0.020
mium reactor grade is used to make corrosion- Ferrochromium reactor grade 80-85 max. 0.06 max. 2.5 max. max. ABFIFfA c
packaged in containers or steel drums. max. 0.05 lljIlX. 1.50 0.20 0.02
and heat-resistant steel for nuclear equipment.
In the United States, standards for ferro- Cromax is a low-carbon, high-chromium fer- Cromax-90 chrome 85-90 max. 0.06 max. 1.0 max. 0.015 max. 0.015 - Showa
chromium and ferrosilicochromium are speci- max. 0.03 max. 0.5 min. 0.007 min. 0.007 Denko
rochromium used to produce heat-, corrosion-,
Silicochrom 40 35-40 max. 0.05 35-40 max. 0.03 GfElEWWb
fied in ASTM A 101-73 [104] and ASTM A and wear-resistant special steel. The high-
Silicochrom 60 55-65 max. 0.05 20-25 max. 0.03 GfElEWWb
482-76 [105]. Also recommended are meth- chromium alloys can partly replace chromium
ods for sampling (ASTM-E32) and chemical • Alloy has no definite specification.
metal in superalloys. Silicochrom 40 is mainly • Gesellscbaft liir ElektrometallurgielElektrowerk Weisweilcr.
analyses (ASTM-E31). Comparisons between used for deoxidizing steel and for CrZ0 3 re- •Aktiebolaget FerrolegeringarlIrol1hlitteverken.
the standards in Germany for ferrochromium duction in slags; silicochrom 60 for alloying
and ferrosilicochromium in DIN17565 [106] corrosion- and heat-resistant steel. 7.5.5 Uses the chemical industry as well as for food-pro-
Table 7.25: Comparison of the chemical composition of ferro chromium ISO 5448 and DIN 17565 [107]. cessing machinery. The most widely known
Ferrochromium is used principally as a
type is AISI 302, which contains 18% Cr and
%Cr %C %Si %Pmax. %S max. master alloy to produce Cr-containing steel
Designation 8 % Ni. A small amount of molybdenum fur-
SIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO DIN ISO and cast iron [58]. Chromium alloyed in steel
ther improves the acid resistance. Heat-resis-
FeCr70 C5 60-72 4.0-6.0 < 1.5 0.030 0.50 imparts oxidation and corrosion resistance be-
tant steel (24-26 % Cr and 19-21 % Ni) is used
FeCr 50/60/70 C 50 45-75- 4.0-6.0 < 1.5 0.050 0.10 cause of the formation of a thin, continuous,
in power stations for steam boilers and heat
FeCr 50/60/70 LSLP 45-75- 4.0-6.0 < 1.5 0.030 0.05 impervious chromium oxide fIlm on the steel
exchangers; superalloys based on nickel or co-
FeCr70C 65-75 0.5-4.0b < 1.5 0.030 0.050 surface.
balt (ca. 30% Cr) are used for gas turbine
Fe 50/60170 C 45-75- 0.5-4.0b < 1.5 0.050 0.050 Most ferrochromium is used to manufac-
ture stainless steel. Martensitic grades with ca. parts.
FeCr70C' 65-75 0.01--O.50d < 1.5 0.030 0.010
FeCr 50/60/70 C 45-75- 0.015--0.50' < 1.5 0.050 0.030 13 % Cr are used for applications such as Chromium addition to steel also improves
• FeCr 50 means 45-55 % Cr, FeCr 60 means 55~5 % Cr, FeCr 70 means 65--75 % Cr.
knives, whereas ferritic grades with 18-22 % its mechanical properties (ability to harden,
• In four grades. Cr are used as deep-drawing sheets. Austenitic wear resistance, and retention of strength at el-
'0.15%N. evated temperature). Steel with 0.5-2.0 % Cr
• In seven grades.
CrNi steels exhibit especially good corrosion
• In six grades. (acid) resistance and are used for equipment in is widely used in the automotive industry as
452 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 453

case-hardening steel (=::; 0.2% C and 1.4-2.1 % ferrochromium consumption from LC to HC ket is a daily publication that also gives chro- sion of Cr(VI) to < 1 mg/m 3 by optimizing the
Ni) and heat-treatable steel (0.2-0.5 % C, 0.9- grades first took place in the United States and mium ore and alloy prices. working conditions.
2.1 % Ni, and 0.15-0.35% Mo). Abrasion-re- later, in the 1970s, in Europe [112].
Because the United States does not possess Chromium(VI) is mainly responsible for
sistant steel for ball bearings is alloyed with In 1984, world production of marketable,
chromite deposits, most of the ferrochromium the toxicity of chromium and its compounds.
0.5-1.6% Cr (ca. 1% C and 0.2% Mo). Per- i.e., lumpy, ore and concentrates was 9.2 x 106
t, 11 % of which was produced in Western Eu- consumed is imported, mainly from Africa Chromic acid, Cr03 , is carcinogenic. Ger-
manent magnetic steel contains 1-3 % Cr
(1.0-1.3 % C). In tool steel for cold and hot rope, Finland, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus, [117]. many has enacted an emission protection law
working and high-speed steel, up to 14% Cris 37 % in Eastern Europe (former USSR and Al- and a technical guidance for clean air (TA-
alloyed as carbide (in addition to carbides of bania), 4% in Latin America (Brazil and 7.5.7 Environmental Protecti9n; Luft) [121]. The TA-Luft restricts the mass of
W, Mo, and V). Stellites (35-70 % Co, 25- Cuba), 9 % in Asia (philippines, India, Iran, carcinogenic substances, i.e., Cr(VI) com-
33% Cr, 10-25% W, and 2-4% C)are highly Vietnam, Japan, and Pakistan), and 38% in Toxicology and Occupational
pounds (specified as Cr), in respirative form to
resistant to abrasion and are used for cutting Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Madagascar Health
1 mg/m3 (Class II). The total dust concentra-
tools. and Sudan) [113]. In 1984, the world produc-
tion of chromite ore and concentrates was 9.9 Considerable attention must be paid to en- tion in emissions is limited to 20 mg/m3, and
Addition of up to 30 % chromium to cast
iron improves hardness and heat resistance. x 106 t, 72 % of which was consumed for met- vironmental protection during ferrochromium other inorganic materials in dust form, Le.,
Powdered ferrochromium (mainly the high- allurgical, 12 % for refractory, and 17 % for production. Dust evolution from ores and raw chromium and its compounds (Class III), to 5
carbon grade) is used for chromizing the sur- chemical purposes. . materials must be controlled during transpor- mg/m3 • The maximum allowable concentra-
face of steel or cast iron parts (pack-chromiz- The metallurgical industry was the main tation and storage, and also during preparatory tion (MAK) ofCr03 (measured as CrG3 ) in the
ing or case-chromizing. A high-carbon user of chromium and consumed the following processes. air at the workplace is 0.1 mg/m3 [1221.
ferrochromium with extra-high-carbon con- amounts in 1980 (based on United States sta-
The off-gas fr-om the electric arc furnaces is In the United States the Clean Air Act
tent is used in powdered form for abrasive sur- tistics) [114]: 72 % for wrought stainless and
cleaned by using devices, such as bag filters, Amendments, enacted in 1970, mandated the
face welding (Table 7.27, EHC heat-resistant steels, 13 % for wrought alloy
steel, 3 % for tool steel, 7 % for cast iron and scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators [72]. states set standards to limit air pollution. In
cast steel, and 5% for other uses. In 1984, the Bag fIlters are mainly used in preparatory pro- pursuing this amendment., the U.S. Environ-
total consumption of primary chromium units cesses, e.g., grinding, drying, briquetting [74], mental Protection Agency (EPA) in a joint ef-
7.5.6 Economic Aspects (from ferrochromium) in the United States and pelletizing [75], and in open or semiclosed
fort with the Ferroalloys Association studied
Ferrochromium is mainly consumed in was 195380 t of which 79% was for the pro- submerged arc furnaces [73, 74]. Scrubbers
dust emissions from alloy plants to establish
highly industrialized countries producing a duction of stainless and heat-resisting steels, (Venturi and disintegrators) are preferred for
ambient air quality standards [123, 124]. The
major amount of high-grade (stainless) steel, i.e., 96 kg of chromium units per ton of stain- cleaning unburned CO gas from closed sub-
e.g., the United States, Europe, and Japan. less and heat-resisting steels produced [115]. states enacted process weight regulations and
merged arc furnaces [77]. Effluent water from
However, production is shifting from these The ferrochromium consumption in Germany applied them to ferroalloy furnaces. The EPA
the scrubber is treated to meet wastewater reg-
consuming countries to those with large ore was 263300 t in 1985. The change in con- ulations. Electrostatic precipitators (Cottrell published their studies "Engineering and Cost
resources; 93 % of the known potential sumption of LC to HC ferrochromium over Study of the Ferroalloy Industry" and pro-
filters) are also used for cleaning the off-gas
chromite reserves of the world are in Africa, the last 25 years is evident from Table 7.28. posed New Source Performance Standards
from submerged arc furnaces for HC ferro-
mainly in South Africa, and ca. 3 % in the In 1981, consumption offerrochromium in (NSPS) for new furnaces. A comparison of the
chromium [118] and ferrosilicochromium
former USSR and Albania [111] (see Table the western world was estimated to be (1.32-
[119] production. Gas from the chrome ore- state regulations and the NSPS (promulgated
46.1). This shift is a consequence of modem 1.36) x 106 t; ca. 0.5 x 106 t of this was con-
sumed in the European Economic Community lime melting furnace and from the ladle reac- October, 1974) limitations for HC ferrochro-
oxygen-blowing processes in combination
with argon and vacuum treatment., i.e., argon- (EEC). In 1982, consumption fell drastically tions during the Perrin process are cleaned mium, charge chrome, and ferrosilicochro-
oxygen decarburization and vacuum-oxygen because of the recession in the steel industry. with bag fIlters [120]. The dust content can be mium for a 30-MW furnace are shown in
decarburization, for the production of stainless Consumption in the western world has since lowered from 150 to 20 mg/m3 and the emis- Table 7.29 [124].
steel. These processes allow the use of cheap increased to ca. 2 x 106 t [116]. In 1981, the
Table 7.28: Ferrochromium consumption in Germany.
HC ferrochromium (charge chrome) instead of production capacity for ferrochromium plants
LC grades. Formerly only LC ferrochromium in the western world was 3.1 x 106 t [86]. Consumption, tJa
could be used. Because power consumption Prices of ferrochromium and ferrosilico- 1960 1965 1970 1973 1983 1985
for production of HC ferrochromium is only chromium are reported weekly in Metal Bulle- LC ferro chromium 43450 34650 44500 33550 13000 14350
about half that of the LC grade, the availability tin (Londori). Erzmetall (published monthly) MC ferrochromium 20300 24400 16700 18400 7500 11600
of cheap hydroelectric power in Scandinavia reports prices twice a year for raw materials HC ferrochromium 7500 17 550 70600 113150 210000 237350
is no longer as advantageous. The change in and for ferrochromium. American Metal Mar- Total 71250 76600 131800 165 100 220500 263300
454 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F erroalloys 455

Table 7.29: Comparison of NSPS limitations and stale 7.6.1 Rotary Kiln-Electric radiation from the electric arcs around the tips Si0 1
regulations for ferrochromium dust emissions [124].
Furnace Process [130] of the electrodes and by the heat generated in
NSPS limitation State regulation the slag by resistance heating due to the flow
Material Most Least In the earliest plants, the function of the ro-
kg/(mw·h) kglh of current through the slag layer between the
saingent saingent tary kiln was limited to drying and dehydrat- electrodes. Since the electrical resistivity of
HCferro- 0.23 6.94 13.00 17.55 ing the ore, and furnace operating
chromium the metal layer is much lower than that of the
temperatures did not exceed 700°C. The hot
Charge 0.23 6.94 13.00 17.55 slag, very little heat is generated in the metal
chrome calcine was then blended with reductant, usu-
layer, which must therefore receive heat by
Ferrosilico- 0.23 6.94 8.29 10.80 ally coal, and transferred to the electric fur-
chromium nace where reduction of the metals occurred. conduction and convection transfer from the
In the electric furnace the calcined ore was overlying slag layer. For satisfactory heat
Regulations on water pollution control (the transfer, the tempemture differential between
smelted with the reductant to form immiscible 80
federal act was passed in 1972) were also pro- slag and metal layers should be at least Magnesiowus tit e
layers of slag and ferronickel. The New Cale-
posed by the Ferroalloys Association Environ- 90
donian ores, with their high magnesia and sil- 100°C.
mental Committee and EPA [124]. Finally, the
ica contents (2.5% Ni, 10-15% Fe), require The mode of operation of the electric fur-
disposal of solid waste (slags, dusts, etc.) is MgO 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 FeO
no additional flux for slag formation. Virtually nace is largely determined by the melting tem- wtD/D
also subject to regulations.
all the nickel and 60-70 % of the iron in the
The TIV-TWA (1985-1986), which have perature of the slag. Except for the limonitic Figure 7.25: The FeO-MgO-Si02 phase diagram.
ore are reduced to metal to yield a ferro nickel
been adopted, are as follows [125]: 0.5 mg/m 3 ores, where the alumina and lime contents 25"10 FeO
for chromium metal and chromium (II) and
grading about 20 % Ni; the slag contains only
0.1 % Ni. The energy consumption in the elec- have a significant effect, the slag melting tem- t 1700
chromium(III) compounds, and 0.05 mg/m 3 tric furnace for this mode of operation is 2.0- peratures for a particular ore can be estimated :,' 1600
for chromite ore processing (chromate) as Cr 2.2 GJ per tonne of dry ore (550-600 kWhlt). from the FeQ-MgO-Si02 equilibrium phase
and chromium(VI) compounds as Cr. diagram (Figure 7.25) [132]. For SiO/MgO
:'! 1500
As the process was developed and applied .2
Chromite ore processing and certain water-in- to a wider range of nickel laterite ores, several weight ratios of less than 2: 1, the slag melting ~ 1400
soluble Cr(VI) compounds are listed in Ap- improvements in design and operating tech- temperatures are essentially independent of
pendix Ala as human carcinogens. ~ 1300 '-------'_---,-'-_--'-_-L......-----'_---,-'-,------::"------'
nique were made. The operating temperature the FeO content. At high SiO/MgO weight ra- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
of the rotary kiln was increased to 900- tios the slags are close to saturation with Si02 , Si01'MgO-
7.6 Ferronickel 1000 °C, and reductant was added ~o the kiln and the slag melting temperatures are then a Figure 7.26: Slag melting point as a function of FeO con-
feed to ensure a more complete dehydration of tent.
function of the FeO content (Figure 7.26)
The rotary kiln electric furnace smelting the ore and to allow a partial reduction of the The high-iron limonite ores, which produce
[129]. High iron contents, which normally oc-
process is now used almost universally for the metals to occur in the kiln. As a result energy slags with melting points well below the melt-
cur with low-magnesia ores, result in the for-
production of ferronickel from oxide ores. consumption in the electric furnace was re- ing point of the metal phase, can be smelted if
Nippon Mining shut down the last blast fur- mation of highly corrosive low-melting
duced to 1.8-2.0 GJlt (500-550 kWhlt). the distance between the electrode tips and the
nace producing ferronickel, at Saganoseki in The degree of reduction achieved in the (1350-1450 0c) slags. Since the use of mag- slag-metal interface is reduced significantly.
Japan, in 1985 [131]. Variations on the electric kiln depends on the composition of the ore and nesia or silica fluxes is usually uneconomic, The electrodes must therefore penetmte
furnace ferronickel process, which were de- on the reactivity of the reductant. Iron and the problem of low-melting slags must be deeply into the molten slag layer (Figure
veloped in the 1950s by Ugine (France) and by nickel silicate minerals are generally less reac- overcome in the design and operating mode of 7.27B). A vertical temperature gradient is then
Falconbridge in the 1960s, made it possible to tive than nickel oxide minerals. Usually lig- the furnace [133]. set up in the slag layer, with the highest tem-
achieve a more selective reduction of nickel, nites and charcoal are the most reactive Operation of the electric furnace is simplest perature around the electrode tips. Under these
and thereby produce higher nickel grade prod- reductants, and high-volatile coals are more conditions it is possible to operate the furnace
when the slag melting temperature is higher
ucts from lower grade ores. reactive than low-volatile coals, anthracite, or with a metal tapping temperature higher than
than the metal melting temperature (1300-
The first commercial scale electric furnaces coke. Typically, under optimum conditions, up the slag tapping temperature. However the
to 40 % of the nickel is reduced to metal in the 1400 0C). For such a system the furnace is op-
to produce ferronickel were the 10.5 MVA deep immersion of the electrodes in the slag
units installed by SLN at its Doniambo kiln, while the iron oxides are reduced to erated with a covered bath (Figure 7.27A). results in a significant reaction between the
smelter in New Caledonia in 1958. The largest iron(II) oxide (FeO). The hot ore charge is allowed to build up on carbon of the electrodes and metal oxides in
units currently (1989) in operation are a 51 In the electric furnace the charge must be top of the molten slag, and the electrodes are the slag, with the evolution of carbon monox-
MVA unit at Cerro Matoso in Colombia and a heated to 1400-1650 °C to permit the separa- not immersed in the slag layer. Under these ide around the electrodes. The evolution of
60 MVA furnace at Pacific Metals at Hachi- tion of distinct slag and metal phases. The en- conditions much of the reduction reaction oc- gases makes covered bath operation of the fur-
nohe in Japan. ergy input to the charge is provided by curs in the hot charge layer before it melts. nace impractical, and necessitates open bath
456 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroal/oys 457

operation (Figure 7.27B) with the slag surface are required, the ferronickel electric furnace Table 7.30: Silicate ore and slag compositions [129].
exposed around the electrodes [130]. product can be upgraded by removing iron by Ore composition, % Slag composition, %
oxidation and slagging in an oxygen-blown
o converter, and the high Ni content slag is recy- SLN
cled to the electric furnace. Ferronickel grades Hyuga 2.4 9-14 22-29 35-43 8 52 36
as high as 90 % nickel can be achieved with Morro de Nique1 1.25 6.5 30 43 7 50 30
Aneka Tambang 2.25 13 24 45 5 56 29
two stages of converter upgrading. Cerro Matoso 2.9 14 15 46 22 20

Current industrial practice is illustrated by
the following descriptions of specific opera- Gas and Slag to cooling
tions. In the Doniambo smelter of SLN in Ne~ Screened and dust to gas and dump
Caledonia, which was built in 1958, the wet
ores are carefully blended and screened to pro- ~~~s~~~m mine ~~~an~~~Ck Calcine
duce a smelter feed with an average composi- L~J L - Cf t~~, b~
tion of 2.5-3.0% Ni and Co, 20-28% MgO,
15-20% Fe20 J , and 30-40% Si02 • The ore is
blended with anthracite as a reductant and
. r
Airt andI -10 mm
}fr ......
+ 10
d I
Air and =J
na ura gas crushed natural gas e
heated in a rotary kiln to 950°C. Only a minor Oxygen __
degree of reduction occurs in the kiln. The hot
calcine is transferred to an electric furnace
(one of eight 10.5 MVA or three 33 MVA
Removal of
S, C, Si, and P
CaD and iron are ~J!!:l

units). Smelting is carried out with a charge
covered bath, although the electrodes dip Refined FeNi to ingot
cas~ing and stripping
about 30 mm into the slag layer. Energy con-
sumption is 90 MJ/kg Ni (2.35 GJ/t ore or 650 Figure 7.28: Flow sheet of the Cerro Matoso ferro nickel smelter. a) Drying kiln; b) Screen; c) Batch bins; d) Reduction
kiln; e) Electric furnace; f) ASENSKF Fe-Ni refming.
kWhlt ore) and electrode consumption is 1.5
Figure 7.27: Electric furnace operation. A) Covered bath; kg/kg Ni (39 kg/t ore). Nickel and iron recov- The most recently built plant is that of tial. The ground ore is blended with lignite,
B) Open bath. a) Metal pool; b) Slag bath; c) Electrodes; eries from ore to ferro nickel product are 95 Cerro Matoso (1982) which treats an ore with coal, and heavy fuel oil, and heated to 920°C
d) Solid charge; e) Slag tap hole; f) Metal tap hole. and 50%, respectively. The slag tapping tem- the exceptionally high Si02/MgO ratio of 3 : 1. in one of two countercurrently fired rotary
The ferronickel grade produced in the elec- perature is 1550-1600 °C, while the metal is The resulting acid slags have proved to be kilns. The kiln discharge still contains about
tric furnace smelting operation can be closely tapped at 1450 °C. The slag, which typically highly corrosive to furnace refractories. The 3 % carbon, but is reported to contain no me-
controlled by the amount of solid reductant contains 0.1-0.2 % Ni, is granulated and dis- dried ore (12% moisture) is ground, blended tallic nickel, While most of the iron oxides are
added to the process. For a given addition of carded [134, 135]. with coal, and pelletized prior to entering the reduced to FeO. The calcine is smelted in one
reductant, nickel recovery is highest, followed The crude ferronickel contains 24% Ni, rotary kiln (Figure 7.28). The kiln is operated of four electric furnaces (13-16 MVA) to pro-
by cobalt, and iron recovery to the metal phase 69% Fe, 2% C, 3% Si, 1.5% Cu, and 0.25% at 900-950 °C with an oxidizing atmosphere duce a metal phase containing 15 % Ni, 0.02 %
is lowest. Generally as much as 60-70 % of the S. It is either cast into ingots for market, con- and a reducing bed to achieve prereduction of C, and 0.25 % S. The metal is tapped at
iron is reduced from silicate ores, while only verted to nickel matte, or desulfurized and re- 20 % of the nickel to metal, and up to 95 % of 1520 °C and upgraded to 28 % Ni in an oxy-
10-15 % of the iron is reduced from high iron fined to higher quality ferronickel. Ferronickel the iron oxide to the divalent state (FeO). gen-blown converter. This treatment also re-
limonitic ores. is marketed by SLN as 25 kg ingots and as Smelting is carried out in a single 51 MVA duces the sulfur content to 0.06%. Energy
Normal operating practice is to produce up granules. electric furnace. The ferronickel, grading over consumption for the electric furnace is 125
to 25 % Ni ferro nickel from silicate ores and Much the same process is used by the three 40% Ni, is tapped at 1420-1440 °C, while the MJ/kg Ni (1.6 MJ/t ore or 440 kWhit ore) and
15-20% Ni ferronickel from limonitic ores. Japanese ferronickel smelters, Pacific Metals slag, containing 0.2 % Ni, is tapped at 1600- electrode consumption is 0.4 kg/kg Ni (5 kg/t
Nickel losses to the electric furnace slag under at Hachinohe [136], Sumitomo at Hyuga 1630 °C. The ferronickel is refined and up- ore) [141].
these conditions are quite low (0.1 % Ni in the [137], and Nippon Mining at Saganoseki, by graded to 43 % Ni prior to being cast into 22
slag). Nickel losses to slag increase with Morro do Niquel in Brazil [138], by PI' Aneka kg ingots, or granulated [139]. 7.6.2 Ugine Ferronickel Process
nickel grade, although grades with 35-45 % Ni Tambang in Indonesia, and by Cerro Matoso The operation of LARCO at Laryrnna in
can normally be produced from most ores in Colombia [139, 140]. All these operations Greece is an example of ferronickel produc- In the rotary kiln-electric furnace process
without excessive losses (0.15-0.20% Ni in process ores with relatively low FelNi ratios tion from a very low grade limonitic ore (1.2- excess carbon is normally added to the furnace
the slag). Above 45 % Ni in ferronickel, slag of 6: 1 or less. Representative ore and slag 1.3 % Ni, 31-35 % Fe). In this case a high de- charge to ensure quantitative reduction of
losses increase rapidly. Where higher grades compositions are given in Table 7.30. gree of prereduction in the rotary kiln is essen- nickel oxide. As a result more iron oxide is re-
458 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy F erroaLLoys 459

duced to metal than is desirable, decreasing liquid reductants are added to the furnace feed. Table 7.31: Impurities in ferrnnickel [1291.
the ferronickel grade and leaving a high resid- A high degree of reduction of the ore is Crude Fe-Ni, % Refined Fe-Ni, %
ual carbon level, typically 1-3 % in the prod- achieved in the shaft furnace, and the subse- C S Si P C S Si P
uct The excess iron and carbon are quent electric furnace step is required to do lit- SLN 2.5 0040 1.50 0.150 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
subsequently removed by oxidation with air or tle more than melt the reduced calcine to allow Cerro Matoso 0.17 0045 lAS 0.024 0.03 0.03 0.70 0.03
separation of the metal and slag phases. The Faicondo 0.02 0.15 0.04 0.030 0.06 0.08 0.30 0.01
oxygen. Consequently the process is not par-
ticularly economical in terms of energy con- ferronickel produced is high grade (38% Ni)
sumption. and contains low impurity levels « 0.04% C 7.6.4 Refining of Ferronickel cal induction stirring. In some plants poling
A more selective method of nickel oxide re- and Si). with greenwood poles is used to provide addi-
duction was developed by the French com- The refming of ferronickel resembles that
The Falcondo plant, which has a capacity tional agitation and reductant Sulfur'reacts
of steel in that the principal impurities are sul-
pany Ugine in the early 1950s and applied of 35000 tJa Ni, was commissioned in 1971. with the fluxes to form sodium or calcium sul-
commercially by Hanna Mining in their plant fur carbon, silicon, phosphorus, and oxygen. fIdes, which are slagged off with the silicates
The ore is carefully blended to maintain a con- Typical impurity levels in crude and refmed
in Riddle, Oregon, in 1954. In this process the stant chemical composition, particle size, and formed by reaction of flux with silicon:
ore is dried and calcined in a rotary kiln and ferronickel are shown in Table 7.31.
moisture content, so that it can be briquetted 3N~0 + 2S + Si ~ 2N~S + N~Si03
melted in an electric furnace without addition Crude ferronickel produced by the conven-
without a binder. The briquettes are calcined tional rotary kiln-electric furnace process usu- CaC2 + S ~ CaS + 2C
of reductant to produce a melt of iron and
and reduced in twelve open-top shaft furnaces. ally contains high levels of carbon and sulfur.
nickel oxides. No slag metal separation occurs The melt cools during. this treatment and
Each furnace is equipped with its own gasifI- These ferronickels are fIrst treated under re-
in the electric furnace. The molten ore is trans- oxygen is blown into the melt to reheat it to
cation reactor in which low-sulfur naphtha is ducing conditions to remove sulfur and are
ferred to a ladle furnace where it is reduced by tapping temperature. Two stages of fluxing are
cracked by combustion with a defIciency of then refmed sequentially under oxidizing con- often necessary to desulfurize the ferronickel
reaction with ferrosilicon at 1650 °C. The two
air to produce reducing gas (CO + H~. The hot ditions with suitable fluxes to remove carbon, to the required level (0.02 %). The Falcondo
phases are mixed by repeated pouring of the
mixture from one ladle furnace to another. The reducing gas at 1250 °C is fIrst cooled to silicon, and phosphorus. Ferronickel produced smelter uses a complex combination of ferro-
nickel oxide and some of the iron oxide are re- 1150 °C before being supplied to the shaft fur- by the selective reduction processes, such as silicon, aluminum, silicocalcium, lime, and
duced to metal. The balance of the iron is re- nace through the primary tuyeres. The gas the Ugine or Falcondo processes, which typi- fluorspar to desulfurize its low-carbon ferron-
moved as slag. flows upwards, countercurrent to the ore bri- cally contain very low levels « 0.04%) of car- ickel.
quettes which are fed to the open top of the bon and silicon, are normally treated fIrst f0r Removal of silicon, carbon, and phospho-
2Fl103 + FeSi ~ 4FeO + Si0 2 + Fe furnace. The gas reduces the nickel oxides to phosphorus and then for sulfur removal. The rus is normally conducted in an oxygen-blown
2NiO + FeSi ~ 2Ni + Si0 2 + Fe metal and the iron oxides to FeO. A portion of Falcondo ferronickel is not refmed to remove converter or an oxygen lanced ladle. Carbon is
the partly reacted reducing gas is taken off carbon or silicon, and in fact the levels of these removed simply by oxidation with oxygen to
2FeO + FeSi ~ 3Fe + Si0 2
from the top of the furnace, where it is mixed impurities increase during refming. carbon monoxide. Silicon is removed by oxi-
The reduced ferro nickel contains 3G-50% with a controlled amount of air and fed back A variety of equipment is used for the refIn- dation with oxygen and fluxing with lime and
Ni and very low levels of carbon and sulfur. into the furnace through secondary tuyeres lo- ing of ferronickel, including electric arc fur- fluorspar. Phosphorus is oxidized either by
The major impurity is phosphorus, which is cated 1.8 m above the primary tuyeres. This naces, shaking ladles, and low-frequency blowing the melt with oxygen or by adding
removed by oxidation with iron ore and slag- induction furnaces for desulfurization, and ox-
stream provides the combustion fuel to dry iron ore and fluxing the phosphorus(V) oxide
ging with lime. and calcine the ore feed in the upper section of ygen-blown converters (both L-D and side- with lime:
the shaft. blown) for silicon, carbon, and phosphorus re-
6P + 5Fe20 3 + 12CaO ~ lOFe + 3Ca4 P209
7.6.3 Falcondo Ferronickel moval. The ASEA-SKF ladle furnace, which
The hot reduced briquettes are discharged incorporates an electric arc furnace roof carry- The slags are removed by skimming after
Process [142] from the bottom of the shaft furnace at 800°C ing three carbon electrodes and induction stir- each refming step. If necessary the ferro nickel
The Falconbridge ferronickel operation in and are transferred to one of three 55 MVA ring of the melt, is used in a number of plants can be deoxidized by addition of ferrosilicon,
the Dominican Republic treats a low-grade ore electric furnaces. The furnace operation con- including Cerro Matoso and Falcondo. although this practice increases the silicon
(1.5 % Ni, 17 % Fe, 24% MgO, and 35 % Si02) sumes only 1.6 GIlt (440 kWh/t) of charge. Sulfur is generally removed under reducing content.
by means of a specially developed process de- The crude ferronickel, which is tapped at conditions by adding soda ash, lime, or cal- Ferronickel is not usually treated to remove
signed to provide a more selective reduction 1475-1500°C, contains 32~0% Ni. The cium carbide to the molten ferronickel. Good cobalt, copper, or arsenic, which may be
of nickel relative to iron than is possible in the slag, containing about 0.15 % Ni, is tapped at agitation of the melt is essential to ensure ef- present in significant amounts. Refined nickel
rotary kiln-electric furnace process. Reduc- 150G-1600 °C. The crude ferro nickel, which fective mixing of the reagent with the metal can be produced by the electrorefming of 90 %
tion of briquetted ore is carried out in shaft typically contains only 0.15 % S, 0.03 % P, phase, and this can be achieved by adding the ferronickel in a chloride sulfate electrolyte,
furnaces fIred with a reducing gas, generated 0.04% Si, and 0.02% C, is refIned to remove reagent to the ladle during furnace tapping, by but this process has not found wide applica-
by cracking low-sulfur naphtha. No solid or sulfur and phosphorus. using a shaking ladle, or by providing electri- tion [141].
460 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 461

7.7 Ferrophosphoros Ferrophosphorus is stored in the open, and being> 2500 DC and the solidus temperature In steel, tungsten forms stable carbides that
supplied either loose or in drums. The other ca. 1640 DC. The density of ferrotungsten is increase hot strength and wear resistance.
During the production of elemental phos- metals present in the ferrophosphorus in addi- 15.4 g/cm3 • Tungsten-containing alloys are therefore
phorus by reduction of phosphate rock in an tion to the Fe, P, and Si depend on the compo- mainly used in the production of tool steels,
electric furnace, ferrophosphorus collects un- sition of the phosphate rock. Examples of especially high-speed steels [149].
der the slag. The ferrophosphorus is tapped compositions of ferrophosphorus are given in 7.8.2 Uses
Table 7.32. High-speed steels represent the main appli-
off, usually once per day, through a hole in one Ferrotungsten and tungsten melting base cation area for ferrotungsten. These steels are
of the carbon blocks, which is opened with an Valuable metals such as vanadium, can be
recovered economically from the ferrophos- are mainly used as alloying materials in the highly alloyed with tungsten, molybdenum,
oxygen lance and closed again with a clay
phorus if they are present in unusually high steel industry as they dissolve more teadily vanadium, and chromium; After the. correct
plug. The ferrophosphorus, together with
concentrations. Vanadium is recovered to- than pure tungsten in molten steel, owing to heat treatment, they have high hardness and
some slag, flows into a crucible, from which
gether with chromium by blowing with oxy- their lower melting points, and are also wear resistance, and are mainly used for ma-
the lighter slag overflows into a bed of sand.
gen. Both metals accumulate in the slag. cheaper. chining at high cutting rates and temperatures
When the tapping off is completed the ferro-
Older processes for treating ferrophospho- up to 600 DC. The alloying elements and the
phosphorus is poured from the crucible into a Tungsten additions increase the hardness
bed of sand, and, after cooling, is broken into rus, which are however no longer of impor- carbon form hard, wear-resistant carbides in a
yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength of matrix with good hardness retention proper-
pieces [143]. tance, are described in [145].
the steel without reducing the elongation, area ties. The standard high-speed steels specified
Every time the ferrophosphorus is tapped Table 7.32: Composition offerrophosphorus (%).
reduction on breaking, and notched bar frac- in DIN 17350 contain 6-18.5% tungsten
off, its radioactivity is measured. If a' 6OCO Process P Si Ti Cr V Mn
ture toughness [148]. [150].
source becomes dislodged as the furnace lin- Hrechst high per-
ing wears away, the 6OCO is transferred quanti- centage 26.6 0.3 4.5 0.2 0.6 0.5 T?ble 7.33: Specifications of the composition of ferrotungsten, DIN 17562 and ISO 5450 [146] (impurities: 0.6-1.0%
tatively into the ferrophosphorus. The Sl; 0.6-1.0% Mn; 0.20-0.25% Cu; 0.05-0.06% S; 0.05--0.06% Pl.
radiation supervisor decides in each case percentage 20.0 9.5 5.8 0.2 0.5 0.7 %Almax. %Snmax. % As max. %Sbmax. %Momax.
whether the ferrophosphorus should be sold, TVA 24.0 1.7 1.7 0.2 0.3 1.1 DIN ISO DINIISO DINIISO DINIISO -D-IN--IS-O- ----=D:-::IN,-c--I-S-O-
placed in short term storage, or stored indefi- FMC 27.1 0.2 0.3 4.5 5.4 05 FeW 80 75 80 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.08
nitely. FeW 80 70-85 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 1.0
FeW80LC 70-85 0.1 0.10' 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.5
Fume extraction operates in the areas sur 7.8 Ferrotungsten
rounding the furnace tapping and sand beds. Tungs ten. atom%-
The waste gases are purified by wet methods. o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ao 90100
7.8.1 Composition
For new installations, the following emission ,;

levels are not exceeded [144]: Commercial ferrotungsten is a tungsten-

Dust 50 mglm iron alloy containing at least 75 % W, and hav- 46.1 " 1637°(
Phosphoric acid (as P 20S) 20 mglm3 ing a very fine-grained structure and a steel- 1600 r.:.::"::"~~~::2:~~~_...:.1:..54.:..::a:....O"::'(-70i .70.5
Depending on the method of furnace opera- gray appearance. It is supplied in 80-100 mm 69.11 : I•
1 1 I
tion, the ferrophosphorus contains between lumps in accordance with DINIISO standard 1 , I
~ IFe 7W61---t-, I
15 and 28 % P, corresponding approximately specifications. Special sizes can be produced
to the formula Fe 2P. The more extensively the by further size reduction to suit customers' re- 1190 O( ~, -1215°(
phosphate rock is reduced, the more silica is quirements. The standardized compositions 13.7
-1060 D(
75 i .ffr------
. , ,
converted into silicon, which reduces the are listed in Table 7.33 [146]. ··.. ··...... ···········..·....·..·..··· ........·1..·...... ··: :
1 • , I
phosphorus content of the ferrophosphorus. The binary phase diagram for Fe-W is
912 O(
I : •I
The combined content ofP and Si is 25-30%. shown in Figure 7.29. The phases Fe?W 6 (11) .

Ferrophosphorus with a low silicon content « and FeW (15) exist close to the edge phases. '770 D[ Magnetic transformation I : '
3 %) has a fairly good market potential, and is However, ferro tungsten occurs in the equilib-
·_'-'-'-'_·_'-'-'-'-'-'1 :: (W)-

used in the manufacture of phosphorus-con- rium state only after prolonged high-tempera- 600
QJ •
taining alloys. The grades with a low phospho- ture treatment Therefore, in commercial !:!::.I .!:!::.I

rus content are not in great demand, but can be ferrotungsten, the phase Fe2W (A.) should still
r< . :-0:
400 0:---:--:':10:------:2~0---:'3L....0 --4..1.- - l- --6L L----.l0-.Ll.L - - l-0- - J 0
used in smelting low-phosphorus iron ores or be present alongside the i5-phase. The melting 0 50 O 7 ao 9 10
to increase the P 2 0 S content of basic Thomas temperature of ferrotungstencontaining ca. Fe Tungsten. w t % - W
slag. 80% W is very high, the liquidus temperature Figure 7.29: Binary phase diagram of the Fe-W system [147].
462 Handbook ojExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 463

sten with a maximum carbon content of 1 % is In the three-phase electric arc furnaces usu-
1/10 B 1/10 6 1/10 5 1/10~ 1/10 3 produced. Tungsten oxides are reduced in ally used today, the pitch circle diameter of the
CO/C0 2 ratio 1/10 B 1/10 6 1/1O~ 1/10 3 1/10 2 1/10 2 preference to iron oxides, so that ferrotungsten electrodes is small to ensure adequate energy
10 1/1 with a high tungsten content can be produced, concentration. Typical furnace data for a
1/10 1
even if the ore has a high FeO content. three-phase electric arc furnace for the pro-
O. 0 1 duction of FeW 80 are [153]:
I 1/1 Thus, ferrotungsten can be produced by
I 10- 1
I carbotherrnic reduction in an electric arc fur- Power 2000-3000 kVA
I -100 1/10 1 1/1 10- 2 nace or by metallotherrnic reduction alumi-
I Refractory lining monolithic rammed carbon
I 10-3 num.
I 1 Electrode material
10 /1
I 10 2/1 1O-~
The carbothermic or silicocarbotherrnic refining stage graphite
I reduction stage Soderberg
I c
method is preferred for cost reasons. More-
I -~ '0 2/1 over, higher impurity contents (tin and ar- Energy consumption
10 3 /1

10- 6
senic) can be tolerated in the raw materials.
per tonne FeW 7500-8500 kWh
I c FeW ingot weight 11-12 t
. 10 3/1
I u 10~/1 When high levels of arsenic and tin are
H'I rn IO- B present in the concentrates, these cab ne va- The electric arc furnaces are provided with
I :; waste-gas purifIcation plants both for environ-
C' E
~ 10 5/1 10~/1 porized by roasting in rotary tube furnaces.
I 0 mental reasons and to realize the value of the
I 10- 10
I ~ W0 3 in the flue dust. This dust, enriched in ar-
I '"
Cl. 10 6/1- 10 5/1 Carbothermic Production
I senic and tin vaporized from the concentrates
10- 12
Because of the high melting point of ferro- is usually added to the reduction stage or pro-
.~ 10 7/1 cessed in special batches. The resulting sec-
C 10 6/1 tungsten, the so-called solid block melting
'"0 1O-1~ process is normally used, as tapping off is not ondary dust must either be chemically
IO B/l possible at the furnace temperatures that are processed to obtain tungsten compounds or
C 10 7/1 disposed of as a special waste if it cannot be
= Reaction
10- 16
~ -1000 Phas e [hanges Element product sold.
a {oxidel
10 9 /1 In this process, the ferro tungsten accumu-
IO B/l
Melting point 11 H lates in the hearth of the furnace vessel, which
10 IB
Sublimation point 5 5
10 10 /1 is constructed in sections. Mter the desired Carbothermic and
I Transformation temperature T T
10 /1 weight has been produced, the furnace lining Silicothermic Production
-- 12 00 L---l._-'-_-'--_L---L_-'-_.-L-,.......,..l----J'--..l._--I---:-:l
o 200 400 600 BOO ;000 1200 1400 1600 1BOO 2000 22002400 10 11 /1 is removed and the metal ingot can be re-
I Tem[lern~lIre. °C-- moved after cooling. The solid block is In 1937, V. N. GUSAROV developed a contin-
I- cleaned, crushed, and sorted. The cleaned-off
I CO/C0 2 ratio 10-22 uous process for the production of ferro tung-
material and skin of the ingot are returned to sten containing ca. 75 % W. This was used in
N the furnace for remelting. the former Soviet Union and former Czecho-
'" _--'---'_ _--'---'--'--------'-_----'-_ _-'----_ _'----'------'-----'-".,--'-::-:----'-----' 1O-2~ The use of several melting vessels enables slovakia [154, 155]. It is presumably now used
~ 10-20C 10- 150 10- 100 IO- BO 10-70 10- 60 10-50 10- 42 10- 39 10-3~ 10- 3C 1O- 2B 10-26
the process to be semicontinuous. in the Czech Republic.
~ Po/, b a r - -
The process is usually operated in two This metallurgically interesting process is
Figure 7.30: Effect of temperature on the oxygen potentials of oxides [151].
stages, as an excess of tungsten ore is used in carried out in three successive stages in a
the ingot melting process (refIning stage), pro- three-phase electric arc furnace lined with
7.8.3 Production aluminum. Reduction with magnesium and ducing a W0 3-rich slag that must be processed magnesite. Of the oxygen in the W0 3 , 60 % re-
calcium is also possible, but is of no industrial in a second (reduction) stage to give ferro- acts with carbon and 40 % with silicon (as fer-
The raw materials used for ferrotungsten
importance for cost reasons. Figure 7.30 tungsten with a low W content and a low-W0 3 rosilicon containing 75 % Si). In the first stage,
production are rich ores or concentrates con-
shows the effect of temperature on the oxygen slag. ferro tungsten (75 % W) is produced by substo-
taining the minerals wolframite, hiibnerite,
ferberite, and scheelite. "Synthetic scheelite", potentials of metal oxides. Although tungsten The low-W ferro tungsten is reused in the ichiometric carbon reduction. This ferro tung-
a precipitated calcium tungstate, is also used. forms carbides with carbon, the formation of refIning stage. The slag, which contains < 1 % sten is formed in a pasty consistency under a
These raw materials contain tungsten in the tungsten carbide in the fInished product can be W03 , can be dumped. The flow diagram of W0 3-rich slag, and can be scooped out with
form of W0 3 , which can be relatively easily virtually prevented by suitably controlling the this two-stage process is shown in Figure 7.31 ladles. Details of the individual processes are
reduced either with carbon or silicon and/or CO: CO 2 ratio, so that a low-carbon ferro tung- [152]. as follows:
464 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy FerroaLLoys 465

Tungsten are concentrate sufficient to melt the ferrotungsten and slag electric-arc furnace lined with carbon. Fer-
(or cokel
formed. Aluminum and silicon in the ratio roboron produced in this way contains carbon.
70: 30 are therefore used. The introduction of the thermite reaction by
The reaction mixture is charged into a re- GOLDSCHMIDT in 1898 led to the aluminother-
Refining stage, fractory-lined furnace vessel and preheated to mic reduction of boric oxide to ferroboron, for
"Slag metal" elec tric arc furnace 400-500 DC. The preheating can be omitted if years the main commercial method for pro-
ca. 50% W block process ducing ferroboron. Recently though the carbo-
F~03 and Al are mixed into the reaction mix-
ture as a booster. thermic process has again found use for the
Ferrotungsten The reaction is started at the top by igniting production of ferroboron, now as a raw mate-
ingot initiators, which are mixtures of, e.g.,' Ba02 rial for the manufacture of amorphous metals.
and aluminum powder. A purely aluminother- Aluminothermic ferro boron contains residual
mic mixture burns completely in a few min- aluminum, which causes severe casting prob-
Reduction stage,
electric arc reduction furnace, [rushing, sorting utes, but silicothermic-aluminotherrnic lems.
tapping off mixtures react more slowly. After cooling, the 8 oron, wt 0 / 0 _
furnace vessel is removed, and the blocks of 3 5 10 20 30 40 50 70
metal and slag are separated. This method pro-
Ferrotungsten Slag Ferrotungsten Recycle metal 2000
«1%W) 80%W (remelt, ca. 25%) duces ferrotungsten ingots of 700-2000 kg.
ca. 50% W,
The metal ingot is cleaned, crushed, and 1900
~ I
"slag metal"
sorted. Pieces with adhering slag are sent back 1BOO
Tip Sale for remelting.
Figure 7.31: Carbothennic production offerrotungsten. The metallotherrnic production process has 1700

Tungsten yields of 97-98 % can be ob- per tonne of ferrotungsten. The tungsten yield lost much of its importance in recent years, f 1600
is 98%, approximately the same as for the owing to the high costs of the aluminum and 1536°(
tained in the solid block process. w 1500
solid block process. silicon reducing agents, and the necessity for °
Stage 1. Reduction of tungsten ore concen- Disadvantages include the heavy labor of using pure and therefore expensive raw mate- . j 1400

trates by carbon under a W0 3-rich slag (10- .2 1392°(

the scooping operation and the accumulation rials. • '"<- 1300
16 % W0 3, 26-28 % FeO, 15-17 % MnO), and of some of the ferrotungsten in a "furnace OJ
The process is suitable only for special cus- a.
scooping out the ferrotungsten (e.g., 73:3 % sow" or "salamander". This ferro tungsten can
E 1200
tomer requirements, and for operations which OJ
W, 0.4% Mn, 0.43% Si, 0.05% P, 0.06% S,
be retrieved only after furnace relining, and is also produce other alloys by the aluminother- 1100
25.2% Fe). recovered as product after remelting. mic principle. 1000
Stage 2. Reduction of the W0 3-rich slag with Advantages of the process include the sim- 911°( _913 D [
FeSi 75 and addition of scrap iron (to reduce 900 Metallothermic Production ple, low-cost plant, and the minimal tying-up
the tungsten content of the ferrotungsten pro- of materials resulting from the short process- BOO Tc 769'(
Tungsten oxide can be reduced by silicon
duced). Tapping off the 10w-W03 slag (e.g., ing time. The tungsten yield is ca. 96%.
and/or aluminum (Figure 7.30). Compared 700 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0.3 % W0 3, 20.8 % MnO, 51 % Si02 , 2.7 % M. RIss and Y KHODOROVSKY have de-
with carbotherrnic reduction, metallotherrnic Fe Boron, mol B
FeO, 3.6% A120 3, 21.1 % CaO). The metal, scribed the electroaluminotherrnic production
% _

production of ferrotungsten requires purer raw Figure 7.32: Phase diagram of iron-boron [157].
with a reduced tungsten content (54-70% W, of ferrotungsten from scheelite [155]. The re-
materials, as the reactions proceed very rap-
3-8% Si, 1-2 % Mn) remains in the furnace. action time is extended by melting in an elec-
idly, and the impurities are chemically re-
Stage 3. Refining of the low-tungsten metal duced as well as the raw materials. In this tric arc furnace, and separation of the metal 7.9.1 Physical Properties
by adding tungsten concentrates. A W0 3-rich process, about 50% of the tin and arsenic from the slag is improved. In the system iron-boron, shown in Figure
refIning slag (18--25% W0 3) is formed, and present, most of which would be vaporized 7.32 [157], there are two intermetallic com-
the tungsten content of the metal increases. during the longer carbotherrnic process, end 7.9 Ferroboron pounds, FeB and Fe 2B (p 6.3 and 7.3 g/cm3 ,
The advantage of the process is the continu- up in the ferro tungsten. respectively). The crystal structure of FeB is
ous method of operation; thus the furnace can The tungsten concentrates in fInely divided Ferroboron is basically an iron-boron al- orthorhombic (a = 0.5502, b = 0.2948, c =
be operated for considerably longer periods form are mixed with coarsely powdered alu- loy containing 10-20% B. It is used mainly in 0.4057 nm), whereas that of Fe 2B is tetragonal
without interruption for relining than in the minum and silicon. Pure silicon or ferrosilicon the steel industry. Ferroboron was first pro- (a = 0.5109, c = 0.4249 nm). Additional phys-
solid block process. A further advantage is the cannot be used, as these would not give a self- duced in 1893, by HENRI MOIssAN [156], from ical properties of the two iron borides are sum-
lower energy consumption, Le., ca. 4000 kWh sustaining reaction, the heat evolved being in- boric acid, iron, and carbon in a single-phase marized in Table 7.34. Also see [161].
466 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 467

The enthalpies offormation at 1385 K have 56°C. Stainless steels, such as XlOCrNiTi 18 more readily than the reduction of either alone The production of ferroboron from pig iron
been determined by high-temperature solution 9 (Werkstoff Nr. 1.4541, AISI 321, SAE because of the formation of the borides FezB and boric acid in an electric-arc furnace with a
calorimetry [162]: -67.87 ± 8.05 kllmol for 30321) can be made more resistant to attack and FeB. Iron can be replaced by other boride- final oxygen blow leads to an alloy with
Fe2B, and -64.63 ± 4.34 kllmol for FeB. by 20% HCI or 10% H 2 S04 at 56°C by bo- forming metals, manganese, nickel, or cobalt. 16.3 % B, 0.03-0.06% AI, and 0.03-0.06% C.
Commercial ferro boron alloys, either alu- ronizing the surface. In carbothermic reduction there is a tendency The boron recovery in small-scale runs is said
minothermic or carbothermic, are bright silver to form boron carbide, thus leading to a car- to be 60-65 %; the power consumption,
and brittle with a fine or coarse crystalline 7.9.3 Raw Materials bon-containing ferroboron. 16500 kWh per tonne of alloy [168]. Silicon-
fracture. The density depends mainly on the Aluminum and boron also form borides, containing boron alloy can be produced by
boron content: The following boron minerals can be used and this results in residual aluminum in alumi- carbothermic reduction. The process is de-
for the manufacture of ferroboron: colemanite nothermic ferro boron. scribed by K. D. FRANK in [169]. A mixture of
boron, % 20.2 17.9
aluminum, % 2.7 0.8 (51 % BP3)' pandermite (48% BP3)' pri- 100 parts colemanite, 100 parts quartzite, 40
density, g/cm3 6.02 6.41 ceite (51 % B 2 0 3), and boracite (62 % BP3)' parts iron turnings, and 60 parts low-tempera-
However, the raw materials most commonly Carbothermic Production
Table 7.34: Properties ofFe,B and FeB [158-160]. ture coke is charged to a 1000-kW electric-arc
used are boric oxide (= 99% B 2 0 3) and boric In order to produce a carbothermic ferrobo- furnace. A metal containing 5.35% B, 37.2%
Property Fe,B FeB
acid (= 57% B 2 0 3). ron with a low carbon content the boron con- Si, and 0.21 % C is tapped. Boron recovery is
Microhardness, Vickers, 1()() g,
kN/mm2 13.24 16.19 tent must be high, i.e., the higher the boron 70%, and the power consumption is 6000
Thermal conductivity, Wcm-1K- 1 0.2-0.3 0.1-0.2 250 60 content the lower the carbon solubility and kWh per tonne of alloy.
Electrical resistivity, at room tem- 200 SO thus carbon pick-up.
perature, flllcm = 10 =20 Gesellschaft fUr Elektrometallurgie mbH,
Temperature coefficient of resis- 150 The reduction of boric oxide by carbon re- Dusseldorf, Germany, has developed a process
tance, fl-O.IK 0.18 0.4 100 quires high temperature; therefore, the process for the carbothermic production of ferroboron
Curie temperature, K
Coefficient of linear expansion
1015 598
t SO
a aE
t is carried out in an electric-arc furnace (single-
or three-phase type) of capacities up to 1500
containing 15-20% Band < 0.1 % Al in a
three-phase submerged arc furnace, whereby
(300--1000 K), K- 1 8 X 10-6 10-16 X 10-6
a -10 :::: kVA. These are relatively small production boric oxide and iron oxide are simultaneously
-SO N '"
-'" -100 -20 ~ units, for the worldwide demand for ferrobo- reduced by charcoal and other low-density
7.9.2 Chemical Properties -30 ~. ron is low compared with that for other elec- carbonaceous materials, e.g., wood chips
~. -150
Commercial ferroboron changes in appear- <J -40 <J trothermic ferro alloys. [170].
-200 -SO
ance over prolonged exposure to humid air; its The London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Nickel boron can also be produced carbo-
-250 -60
bright silver disappears, the surface turning Co., United Kingdom, produces a ferroboron thermically. Boric oxide and/or boric acid and
dull gray, with almost red "rusty" stains. Fer- 1000 1500 2000 with 16-18% B, 0.5% C, and < 0.15% AI by nickel are the raw materials. London and
roboron dissolves in mineral acids (Section Temperature, K _ carbothermic reduction of boric oxide. Scandinavian Metallurgical Co., London,
7.9.7). Distilled hot water may react slightly Figure 7.33: Free energies t1(fJ of reactions reducing bo- In a Japanese patent [166] the carbotherrnic United Kingdom, produces a nickel boron
with ferroboron [163]. Some contradictory ric oxide as a function of temperature. production of ferroboron from boric acid, iron containing 15-18% B; 0.5 and 0.15% C
I - 2~B203 + 2C -? 4/,B + 2CO
statements about the chemical behavior of fer- II - ~B203 + 7/3C -7 /3B4C + 2CO
powder, and charcoal in a Heroult-type elec- (max.); and 0.20% AI (max.) in the electric-
roboron in the literature are probably due to III - /3B203 + 4/3Fe + 2C -? 4/3FeB + 2CO tric-arc furnace with carbon lining is claimed. arc furnace by carbon reduction.
other elements in the alloy. Fe 2B dissolves in IV - 2/3B20 3 + Si -? 4/3B + Si0 2 One example describes the production of an
V 2/3B20 3+ 4/3 Al-? 4/3B + 2/3Al 20 3
HCI (1: 2), hydrogen and boranes evolving, VI - 2/3B20 3 + 2Mg -? 4/3B + 2MgO
alloy with 10.3 % B, 2 % Si, and 0.98 % C in a Aluminothermic
the latter hydrolyzing into suboxides [164, 350-kW three-phase electric-arc furnace. The
165]. FeB is resistant to HCI (p = 1.19 g/cm 3) mix is 100 parts boric acid, 135.8 parts iron
and H zS04 (p = 1.84 g/cm3 ), both at room 7.9.4 Production powder (92.9% Fe), and 57 parts charcoal Ferroboron can be made batchwise in a
temperature and at their boiling point. FeB Boric oxide can be reduced by carbon, alu- pOWder. The boron recovery is 81.7%, and the convenient way by the reduction of boric ox-
dissolves completelY in HN03. Both FeB and minum, or magnesium. Reduction by silicon is power consumption 4550 kWh per tonne of al- ide and iron oxide with aluminum powder.
FezB react with nitrogen at temperatures incomplete. Figure 7.33 shows the calculated loy. Another example describes the small- Some magnesium in the aluminothermic mix
above 350°C to give boron nitride [158]. free energies of the corresponding reactions as scale production of an alloy containing 15.3 % is beneficial: Magnesium is the stronger re-
The behavior of boronized steels, i.e., steel a function of temperature [160]. For commer- B. Another Japanese patent [167] claims the ducing agent at temperatures below its boiling
with thin layers of FeB on the surfaces, was cial production, either reduction by carbon carbothermic production of a B- and Si-con- point, whereas aluminum is more effective
discussed by A. MATUSCHKA [159]. Such steels (carbothermic or endothermic) or reduction by taining alloy, e.g. 3.3% B, 2.9% Si, and 3.0% above the boiling point of magnesium, where
are oxidation resistant up to 700-900 °C. The aluminum, sometimes with some magnesium C, in a special vertical blast furnace. The fer- such metallothermic reactions generally take
boronized steel CK45 (AISI 1042) is resistant (aluminothermic or exothermic) is usual. The roboron is intended for use in the manufacture place. The aluminothermic coreduction of bo-
to 20% HCI, 10% H 3P04 , and 10% H 2S04 at coreduction of iron and boric oxide proceeds of amorphous alloys. ric oxide and iron oxide (Fez03) is highly exo-
468 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy FeTToalloys 469

thermic, and only a little additional energy is 2) boric acid as the raw material. Three differ- Table 7.36: Heat balances for the electro-a1uminotherrnic production of ferroboron using boric oxide and boric acid as
raw materials [In].
necessary for a self-propagating reaction. The ent mixes - igniting, main, and precipitation
FromB 20 3 FromH3B03
thoroughly mixed compounds are charged into - are charged consecutively into a three- Input and consumption
a refractory-lined pot and ignited, either the phase electric-arc furnace and reacted to pro- MI, ]et J % MI, ]06J %
whole mix (top firing) or by igniting a starting duce a ferroboron melt with "" 20 % B. The 1. Chemical reactions 13 ]82 69.0 12345 58.3
2. Electric power 4072 21.3 7 ]43 33.7
mix, the rest then charged as the reaction pro- composition of the charges and the results are 3. Side reactions 1833 9.7 ] 699 8.0
ceeds over a few minutes. The liquid metal summarized in Table 7.35. The heat balances Total input 19087 21186
and slag separate on account of differing den- for these two cases are shown in Table 7.36.
1. Heat content of slag 95]5 49.3 9237 42.9
sities, and after cooling the metal button, up to The investigators are convinced that the pro- 2. Heat content of metal 3235 ]6.7 2907 '13.5
1500 kg, is removed. After mechanical clean- cess can be optimized to improve the boron re- 3. Heat content of dust 63 0.3 ]25 0.6
4. Dehydration of acid 48 0.2 ] 084 5.0
ing, the metal button is broken and crushed to covery and the consumption figures. 5. Decomposition of carbonates 60 0.3 98 0.5
the desired size. The companies of the Metal- When borate ores such as boracite or cole- 6. Heat content of gases 14] 0.7 2805 13.]
lurg Group [171], who produce ferroboron 7. Accumulation of heat by furnace brickwork 4678 24.2 42]2 19.6
manite are used as raw materials, instead of 8. Radiation ] 581 8.3 ] 045 4.8
from boric oxide, iron oxide, and aluminum boric oxide, the aluminotherrnic process gives Total consumption" 19319 21514
powder, obtain boron recoveries of 70-75 % boron recoveries as low as 40-50% [173-
'The discrepancies between input and consumption are 232 x 10' J (1.2%) and 328 x 10" J (15%).
for the 18-20 % B grade and 80-85 % for the 175]. The specific aluminum consumption is
15-18% B grade by optimizing process pa- normally higher because the process needs ad- Table 7.37: German Standards 17567 [180].
rameters. The aluminum consumption can be ditional energy, in form of either a booster Composition
as low as 4.8-5 kg AI per kg of B. (peroxides or chlorates plus aluminum pow- B,% Al,max. % Si C Mn P S Co
der) or in the form of electricity by smelting FeB 16 15-]8 4.0 1.0
N. A. CHIRKOV et al. [172] investigated heat FeB]8 2.0
0.10 0.50 0.005 0.001 0.005
18-20 2.0
balances for an electro-aluminothermic fer- the mix in the electric-arc furnace (electro-alu- FeB]2C ]0--14
0.50 4.0 2.0 0.50 0.005 0.1 0.005
roboron process using either 1) boric oxide or minotherrnic process). FeBI7C 14--]9

Table 7.35: Charge composition during electro-a1uminothermic production of ferroboron using boric oxide and boric Table 7.38: United States standards [181]. rials. Aluminum master alloys with 2.5-4.5 %
acid raw materials [1n]. Composition, % B and 5 % Ti + 1 % B are produced in an in-
Mix] Mix 2 Grade Boron Carbon Silicon Aluminum duction furnace by adding potassium boron
min. max. max. max. max. fluoride and potassium titanium fluoride to an
Igniting Main Precipitation Igniting Main Precipitation
A] 12.0 14.0 1.5 4.0 0.5 aluminum bath [179].
Raw materials A2 12.0 ]4.0 1.5 4.0 8.0
Boric oxide, kg 1200 Bl 17.5 19.0 1.5 4.0 0.5
Boric acid, kg 1800 B2 17.5 ]9.0 1.5 4.0 8.0 7.9.5 Quality Specifications for
lron ore, kg 200 200 ]000 200 ]80 950 C] ]9.0 24.0 1.5 4.0 0.5
AI powder, kg 65 820 282 65 820 262
C2 ]9.0 24.0 1.5 4.0 8.0
Commercial Grades
Lime,kg 70 100 170 70 450 ]70
335 3250 1382
Quality standards are specified in Ger-
Total, kg 335 2320 1452 Complex boron additives for steel, which many by DIN 17567 [180], which also de-
TIme, min 30 98 32 3 114 23 contain boron in a dilute alloy together with scribes sizing, sampling, analytical methods,
Power consumption, kWh 1130 ]980 protective elements, are produced from fer- shipment, and storage. Analyses of the stan-
Products roboron and other alloying elements by a dard grades are summarized in Table 7.37.
Ferroboron, kg ]200" 1100" melting process (see Table 7.39, and [176]). The American ASTM recognizes six grades of
%B 20 ]8
Other boron master alloys such as nickel bo- ferroboron; analyses are given in Table 7.38.
%Al 3
%Si 1.13 1.7 ron and cobalt boron with "" 15% Band 0.1 % Ferroboron is shipped in various sizes. In Eu-
Slag, kg 2900" 2080' or 1.0% AI (max.) can be produced alumino- rope pieces of fist size and in the United States
%Bz0 3 ]4--15' 10--12' thermically using boric oxide and nickel or co- sizes such as 2 in or 1 in x Down are commer-
Boron recovery, % 64 63 balt (as metal and/or oxide) [177]. Copper cial. Ferroboron can also be ground to powder
Aluminum consumption, kg per boron with ca. 2 % B is commercially pro- of desired size (e.g., 20 mesh x D, i.e., less
tonne of ferroboron 973 1043
Energy consumption, kWh per duced by Gesellschaft fur Elektrometallurgie than 0.84 mm). In the United States, where the
tonne offerroboron 940 1800 [178], using an electromagnesiothermic pro- use of boron in steel is fast growing, and also
cess with copper and boric oxide as raw mate- in the United Kingdom, special boron alloys
470 Handbook o!Extractive1l1etallllrgy Ferroalloys 471

have been developed as hardenability intensi- ical properties, sale storage, and handling di- 7.9.8 Pollution Control steels, then in combination with titanium, mo-
fiers (Table 7.39). These complex alloys con- rections, e.g., use of protective gloves or dust lybdenum, or niobium. Steels with boron con-
tain elements to protect boron against respirators. Ferroboron and other boron mas- During production the usual proscriptions
on pollution have to be obeyed. tents up to 2.5% are used for control rods in
oxidation (Al, Si) and boron nitride formation ter alloys and additives should be stored in a
nuclear reactors because the thermal neutron
(Ti, Zr) [182]. Boron-containing aluminum dry area in their original containers. In both the carbothermic and the exother-
master alloys (Table 7.40) are standardized in mic reduction processes the dust off-gases cross section of boron is so high. Boron is also
Germany [183]. Nickel boron, cobalt boron, have to be cleaned, either dry in bag filters or used in hardfacing and abrasion-resistant al-
7.9.7 Chemical Analysis loys; e.g., Colmonoy, a Ni-er-Si-B alloy
and copper boron are not standardized. Typi- electrostatic dust precipitators or wet in disin-
cal analyses for commercial alloys are given For the determination of boron in ferrobo- tegrators or Venturi scrubbers (0. RENZ in containing up to 3% B, and Stellite, an abra-
in Table 7.40. ron the sample is dissolved in HCl (l: 1) or [169]). A special combined dry-wet cleaning sion-resistant Co--Cr-W alloy containing up
In the United States and the United King- H 2 S04 (l: 1) containing a few drops ofHN0 3 plant for the off-gases of an aluminothermic to 2.5% B.
dom special boron additives for the steel in- and refluxed. Residues rich in boron are fused plant is described by SEYBOLD [190].
with sodium peroxide. The solution is passed The copper-boron master alloy is the best
dustry have been developed. The trade names,
through an ion-exchange column, neutralized, agent for deoxidizing copper for the produc-
e.g., BATS (abbreviation for boron-alumi- 7.9.9 Uses
num-titanium-silicon), are shown in Table diluted with polyalcohol, and titrated with so- tion of a higWy conducting metal. Aluminum
7.39. dium hydroxide [184-186]. Small amounts of The main use offerroboron is in steel [182, is treated with aluminum boron master alloy to
boron in steel are determined by special meth- 191]. Very small amounts of boron improve increase the electrical conductivity and with
ods [182]. One photometric determination of the hardenability of both plain carbon and al- a1uminum-titanium-boron master alloy to re-
7.9.6 Storage and Shipment boron in steel is the curcumin method. A fully loyed steels. Boron acts as a hardenability in- fine the grain [179].
Ferroboron and other boron master alloys automated determination of boron in ferrobo- tensifier of other hardening elements, such as
are generally not toxic, and there is no special ron, aluminum, and complex ferroalloys by A new field of boron usage is the produc-
carbon, manganese, chromium, molybdenum,
legislation on use and handling. Ferroboron is neutron transmission is a convenient method etc. The boron should be present in the con- tion of amorphous alloys or metallic glasses.
generally packed in steel drums marked with for routine analyses [187]. Standard analyti- centration range of 5-15 ppm (max. 30 ppm). Intensive development has been carried out by
material grade, size, lot number, and producer. cal methods in the United States and the Thus the use of boron saves the expense of Allied Chemical Corp. [192]. These alloys
The shipment is accompanied by a data sheet United Kingdom [188, 189] have been de- more costly alloying elements. Because of the consist of a transition metal (Fe, Ni, or Co)
on safe handling including physical and chem- scribed. high affinity of boron for 0:-"1' gen and nitrogen, and about 20 mol % of a metalloid (E, C, Si, or
also that dissolved in steel, boron has to be P). They exhibit extraordinary physical prop-
Table 7.39: Complex boron alloy "hardenability intensifiers" [176, 182].
protected from these two elements. Therefore, erties, especially the magnetic properties, and
Composition·, %
Designation good predeoxidation by calcium, aluminum, may be used for low-hysteresis-loss trans-
B AI li Si Zr Mn C or silicon and denitrification by titanium or
BATS 50b 0.50 13 20 7 5 8 former cores [193].
zirconium are necessary. In the United States
BATSrrb 1.60 11 58 3.5 5
BATS2Zb 2.50 11 36 8 6 and the United Kingdom complex boron mas-
BATS Wire 2.3 89.7 8 ter alloys that contain these protective ele- 7.9.10 Economic Aspects
CARBOTAM b 2.0 3.0 15-20 4 0.50 ments have been developed and have proved
BALCORE 101' 2.5 25 very effective for controlled boron addition to The consumption offerroboron is relatively
BALCORE 102' 3.4 34 low due to the small concentrations necessary
steels. In case-hardened steels, boron exhibits
I The remainder is iron. better hardenability and strength; in nonaging in steel. In the Western World and Japan, fer-
bBATS 50, BATS TT, BATS 12, and CARBOTAM are registered trademarks of the Shieldalloy Corp., Newfield, NJ.
'BALCORE is a registered trademark of the LSM Co., London. The size ofBALCORE 101 wire is 3.2 mm (34 glm). The size ofBAL- steels, especially for the automotive industry, roboron production was == 1400 t/a in 1982 and
CORE 12 wire is 5 mm (75 g/m). . the sheet-forming properties are improved. == 2000 tla in 1983, showing an increasing ten-
Table 7.40: Composition of boron master aIloys [176-178].
Boron also offers benefits in high-strength dency. In 1981 only 2 % of the total boron con-
low-alloy (HSLA) steels, and it improves the
Analysis. % sumption in the United States was for the
Alloy cutting properties in high-speed steels.
B li Al Si C Others metallurgy and nuclear fields [194]. Accord-
In stainless steels of the chrome-nickel
Aluminum boron V-Al B 3 2.5-3.4 rest max. 0.2
type (ASTM 316), 0.004-0.009% B signifi- ing to American Metal Market (28 Dec. 1983),
V-Al B 4 3.5-4.5 rest max. 0.2 ferroboron costs $3.89 per pound (one pound
Aluminum-titanium-boron V-Alli 5 B I 0.9-1.4 5.0-6.2 rest ma.".0.2 cantly improves the ductility in the hot form-
Nickel boron 15-18 0.1-1.0 max. 0.8 0.1~.5 rest Ni ing range (950-1250 °C). In very low = 454 g); nickel boron, $5.57 per pound of the
Cobalt boron 15-18 max. 1.0 rest Co concentration (0.002--0.005%) boron is bene- regular grade, $5.67 per pound for the low-
Copper boron =2 rest Cu
ficial to creep properties in austenitic heat-re- aluminum grade, and $6.30 per pound for the
• See DIN 1725 [183]. sistant stainless steels, as well as in ferritic low-carbon grade.
472 Handbook 0.(Extractive M etalIlIrgy Ferroalloys 473

7.9.11 Toxicology and Industrial ther the whole mixture is reacted, or a small steels [199]. Ferroniobium is also used as a materials or their concentrates. The Interna-
amount is set aside, ignited with a special exo- trace additive in large quantities for the pro- tional Standard for ferrotitanium is ISO 5454-
Hygiene thermic mixture, and added to the bulk mix- duction of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) 1980 (E), which specifies a Ti content of at
Ferroboron and boron master alloys are ture. The molten reaction product is allowed to steels used in automobile body manufacture, least 20% and allows greater vap-ation in the
generally not"toxic, but in the handling of raw solidify in the furnace, and the block of metal structural steels, concrete reinforcing steel, Al content (up to 10% Al) than DIN 17566.
materials for their production protective mea- separates from the slag. After cooling, it is and pipelines. Superalloys containing up to The Standards specify not only the chemical
sures must be taken, e.g., the use of protective broken into pieces of the required size. 5% niobium are used for gas turbine compo- composition (Table 7 AI) but the condition,
gloves and glasses as well as dust respirators In the aluminothermic process operated at nents. These materials have high hot strength
testing methods (sampling and analysis), ship-
when handling boric acid. In the production Araxa, Fe-Nb blocks of metal up to II t in [200,20 I], and mostly have a nickel or copper
weight are produced. The yield of niobium ping, and storage. Ferrotitanium in ':normal
facilities the usual protective measures (cloth- base. The niobium is added in the form of
ing, glasses, dust respirators) must also be metal is 96-97 %. The typical composition of nickel niobium or cobalt niobium. lump form" usually means lumps up to 25 kg
taken. a reaction charge is as follows: in weight. Ferrotitanium can also be supplied
Pyrochlore concentrate 18000 kg (60% NbPs) on demand as crushed material andlor sieved
Iron oxide 4000 kg (68% Fe) 7.11 Ferrotitanium as agreed. It is supplied in sealed steel drums.
7.10 Ferroniobium Alwninum powder 6000 kg
Fluorspar 750 kg Melting points and densities of some com-
Approximately 85-90% of the total nio- Lime 500 kg 7.11.1 Composition and Uses mercial ferrotitanium alloys are listed in Table
bium production is used in the steel industry in The reaction gives ca. II 000 kg of ferronio- 7.42.
bium of composition: Ferrotitanium is described in DIN 17566 as
the form of iron niobium alloy (ferroniobium) a master alloy containing at least 28% Ti, ob- The binary titanium-iron phase diagram is
containing 40-70% niobium. Depending on Nb 66.0%
Fe 30.5% tained by reduction of the corresponding raw shown in Figure 7.34 [202].
the application, the alloy can also contain Si L5%
small amounts of Ta (ferroniobium tantalum), Al 0.5% Iron, wT%-
e.g., FeNb65Ta2, which contains 65 % Nb and n Ql% o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
P Ql%
2 % Ta. Other alloy specifications are given in S 0.04%
[195]. C 0.08% 1700
Pb 0.02% 1670"(
and ca. 20 000 kg of slag containing: , liquid
7.10.1 Production AlP3 48%
I ,
I ' ,, 1536°(
Ferroniobium is usually produced by alu- DO ~n%
1500 I

minothermic reduction of niobium oxide ores, no, 4.0% I ,

BaG 2.0% \ ' '.

with the addition of iron oxides if the niobium \ ,
Rep3 4.0% \ ,
ore used contains insufficient iron. The start- Nb 20 S trace \
ing materials are mainly columbites and pyro-
chIore concentrates.
U3 0;
0.05% i 1300 \
' ,,
Special niobium alloys, e.g., nickel-niobium, w
The enthalpy of the reaction between cobalt-niobium, aluminum-niobium, and o " ' ,,
NbryO, and Al is -276.1 kllmol AI, which is chromium-niobium, are also manufactured by ~ 1100
lower-than the threshold value for self-sustain- the alurninothermic process. For these alloys, ~
ing aluminothermic reactions. The rni:-..ture QJ
which have various niobium contents [197], C.
must therefore either be preheated or mixed niobium oxide is the only raw material used. (14
t!!! 900
with oll.}'gen-releasing compounds such as
BaO:!, Ca0 2, KCI0 4, KCI0 3 or NaN0 3• - FeTi Magnetic
Concentrates with lower percentages of
7.10.2 Uses of Ferroniobium trans formation

niobium (ca. 40%) can also be treated by the Niobium has very marked carbide and ni- 700
aluminothermic process in an electric arc fur- tride forming properties and is therefore
nace. Also, a two-stage electroaluminothermic mainly used in the production of steels and 590 0 (
process for the production of ferroniobium gray iron [198]. The addition of niobium pre-
from columbite has been developed [196]. vents intercrystalline corrosion in stainless a-Til I _-:::-::_
500 =---:-':--_-::-':_ I I I I I
The method of operation is to charge the austenitic chromium nickel steels and im- o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
proves corrosion resistance, weldability, duc- Ti Iron, atom% -
mill.ture of niobium concentrate with the addi-
tives to refractory lined reaction vessels. Ei- tility, and toughness in ferritic chromium Figure 7.34: Ti-Fe phase diagram [202].
472 Handbook ofExtractive Meta/lurgy Ferroa/loys 473

7.9.11 Toxicology and Industrial ther the whole mixture is reacted, or a small steels [199]. Ferroniobium is also used as a materials or their concentrates. The Interna-
Hygiene amount is set aside, ignited with a special exo- trace additive in large quantities for the pro- tional Standard for ferrotitanium is ISO 5454-
thermic mixture, and added to the bulk mix- duction of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) 1980 (E), which specifies a Ti content of at
Ferroboron and boron master alloys are ture. The molten reaction product is allowed to steels used in automobile body manufacture, least 20% and allows greater variation in the
generally not"toxic, but in the handling of raw solidify in the furnace, and the block of metal structural steels, concrete reinforcing steel,
materials for their production protective mea- Al content (up to 10% Al) than DIN 17566.
separates from the slag. After cooling, it is and pipelines. Superalloys containing up to
sures must be taken, e.g., the use of protective The Standards specify not only the chemical
broken into pieces of the required size. 5% niobium are used for gas turbine compo-
gloves and glasses as well as dust respirators composition (Table 7.41) but the condition,
In the aluminothermic process operated at nents. These materials have high hot strength
when handling boric acid. In the production Araxa, Fe-Nb blocks of metal up to 11 t in testing methods (sampling and analysis), ship-
[200,201], and mostly have a nickel or copper
facilities the usual protective measures (cloth- weight are produced. The yield of niobium base. The niobium is added in the fohn of ping, and storage. Ferrotitanium in "pormal
ing, glasses, dust respirators) must also be metal is 96-97 %. The typical composition of nickel niobium or cobalt niobium. lump form" usually means lumps up to 25 kg
taken. a reaction charge is as follows: in weight. Ferrotitanium can also be supplied
Pyrochlore concentrate 18000 kg (60% Nb10S) on demand as crushed material andlor sieved
Iron oxide 4000 kg (68% Fe) 7.11 Ferrotitanium as agreed. It is supplied in sealed steel drums.
7.10 Ferroniobium Aluminum powder 6000 kg
Fluorspar 750 kg Melting points and densities of some com-
Approximately 85-90% of the total nio- Lime 500 kg 7.11.1 Composition and Uses mercial ferrotitanium alloys are listed in Table
bium production is used in the steel industry in The reaction gives ca. 11 000 kg of ferronio- 7.42.
the form of iron niobium alloy (ferroniobium) bium of composition: Ferrotitanium is described in DIN 17566 as
containing 40-70% niobium. Depending on Nb 66.0% a master alloy containing at least 28% Ti, ob- The binary titanium-iron phase diagram is
the application, the alloy can also contain Fe 30.5% tained by reduction of the corresponding raw shown in Figure 7.34 [202].
Si 1.5%
small amounts of Ta (ferroniobium tantalum), AI Q5% Iron, wT%-
e.g., FeNb65Ta2, which contains 65% Nb and TI QI%
o 100
2 % Ta. Other alloy specifications are given in P QI%
S 0.04%
[195]. C 0.08% 1700
Pb 0.02% ,1670

7.10.1 Production and ca. 20 000 kg of slag containing: ,

Al 103 48%
I , Liquid
Ferroniobium is usually produced by alu- ~O ~~%
\ ', 1536°[
TIO. 4.0% 1500" ' ,
minothermic reduction of niobium oxide ores, '
BaD 2.0% \
with the addition of iron oxides if the niobium Re1 0 3 4.0% \
ore used contains insufficient iron. The start- Nb10S trace \ ,
\ ,
ing materials are mainly columbites and pyro-
chlore concentrates.
U3 0;
0.05% i 1300 \
' ,,
Special niobium alloys, e.g., nickel-niobium,
The enthalpy of the reaction between cobalt-niobium, aluminum-niobium, and
Nb~O" and Al is -276.1 kJ/mol AI, which is "" '" ,
lower-than the threshold value for self-sustain-
chromium-niobium, are also manufactured by ~ 1100 10B5°[
the aluminothermic process. For these alloys, ~ 47.5
ing aluminothermic reactions. The mi:\.1ure which have various niobium contents [197],
J3- Ti
must therefore either be preheated or mixed niobium oxide is the only raw material used.
with o;\,"ygen-releasing compounds such as ~ 900
BaO:!, Ca0 2 , KCl0 4 , KCl0 3 or NaN0 3. - FeTi Magnetic
Concentrates with lower percentages of 7.10.2 Uses of Ferroniobium trans formation
niobium (ca. 40%) can also be treated by the Niobium has very marked carbide and ni- 700
aluminothermic process in an electric arc fur- tride forming properties and is therefore
nace. Also, a two-stage electroaluminothermic mainly used in the production of steels and 590 0 [
process for the production of ferroniobium gray iron [198]. The addition of niobium pre-
from columbite has been developed [196]. vents intercrystalline corrosion in stainless 500 l:---=u::...--.:T...:.!i,,----_-L --...t,.1_ _:-':I,-------..:.~------:~...L....~I---!..--_;:!;I:;__-__;;';;_I
The method of operation is to charge the austenitic chromium nickel steels and im- o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100
mixture of niobium concentrate with the addi- proves corrosion resistance, weldability, duc- T', Iron, atom% _ Fe
tives to refractory lined reaction vessels. Ei- tility, and toughness in ferritic chromium Figure 7.34: Ti-Fe phase diagram [202].
474 Handbook ofExtractive M etaUurgy Ferroalloys 475

Table 7.41: Composition of commercial ferrotitanium alloys DIN 17566. menite. Because of the increasing availability materials contain as little iron oxide as possi-
Chemical composition, % of titanium scrap, this also is used to an in- ble, so that most of the aluminum is used to re-
Alloy grade Alloy number"
TIb Total Al max. Simax. Mn Max. Cma'i:. Pmax. Smax. creasing extent for the production of ferrotita- duce titanium oxide. The consequent lack of
FeTI 30 0.4530 28-32 4.5 4.0 1.5 0.10 0.050 0.060 nium (mostly> 70% Ti) and other titanium exothermicity is compensated by electrical en-
FeTI 40 0.4540 36-40 6.0 4.5 1.5 0.10 0.10 0.060 master alloys. ergy. A process developed in France is now
FeTI 50 0.4550 46-50 75 4.0 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.060
FeTI 70 0.4570 65-75 2.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.040 0.030 Reduction with Carbon. Carbothermic pro- widely used [208]. Here, an ilmenite concen-
FeTI 70 VB (vacuum 0.4571 65-75 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.030 0.030 duction in electric arc furnaces leads to high trate, after addition of lime, is partially re-
treated) duced with carbon in an electric-arc furnace to
carbon contents in the ferrotitanium. How-
• In accordance with DIN 17007, Sheet 3 (draft). ever, as the main use of ferrotitanium, is to give a slag concentrate with a high concentra-
b Variation within a hatch must not exceed ±2 %. tion of titanium oxide, and the reduced'iron is
combine with the carbon in steel, the presence
of carbon in the ferrotitanium is undesirable tapped off. The molten slag is then reduced in
Applications in the Iron and Steel Industry. and hence the cracking tendency. In sulfur-
and this production method is therefore nov.: several stages by blowing in aluminum and
Compared with pure titanium, ferrotitanium containing free-cutting steels, especially
hardly used. The carbothermic production of iron, producing ferrotitanium of the desired
has the advantages of better solubility (lower higWy alloyed stainless chrome and chro-
ferrotitanium containing 15-18% Ti, 5-8% C, composition.
melting point and higher density) and lower mium-nickel steels, the sulfur is bonded to the
price. Titanium is useful mainly because of its titanium. This prevents red shortness and im- 1-3 % Si, and 1-2 % 'AI, and offerrosilicon ti- In a process developed by the Gesellschaft
ability to form a carbide. However, as the af- proves ductility. tanium containing ca. 30% Ti, ca. 30% Si, up fUr Elektrometallurgie [209]; a calcium oxide/
finity of titanium for m.:ygen is considerably Some complex master alloys with boron to 0.3 % C, and 1-3 % AI is described in [206]. titanium oxide melt containing ca. 75% TiOry
higher than for carbon, the steel must be effec- contain titanium and other elements (BATS = Metallothermic Production. DIN 17566 is first produced from prereduced ilmenite~
tively deoxidized before titanium is added. Ti- boron-aluminum-titanium-silicon). The bo- specifies grades of ferrotitanium containing from rutile and lime, or from perovskite with
tanium is only used for this deoxidation in ron is added in small amounts to the steel to 28-50% Ti and 4.5-7% AI. These are mainly addition of iron scrap, and is reacted with a
special cases. Titanium is also used for nitro- improve the hardening properties and grain re- produced by the aluminothermic process. The molten aluminum iron alloy containing 60-
gen removal and for bonding with sulfur finement, and the titanium is added to protect reduction of Ti0 2 by AI proceeds via TiO. 70% AI in a reaction ladle to give ferrotita-
[203]. the boron from nitrogen (by forming TiN). 3TI02 + 2Al ~ 3TIO + AlP3 nium and slag. Yields of titanium of 60-67 %
Table 7.42: Melting points and densities of some com- High-temperature hardenable alloys based are obtained, and the specific aluminum con-
3TIO + 2Al ~ 3TI + AlP3
mercial ferro titanium alloys. on iron and especially nickel (e.g., nimonic al- , sumption is 1.0-1.l kg AI/kg Ti.
Composition, % 3 loys) contain up to 4.5% Ti [204]. Here, the ti- If there is too much TiOry in the reaction
/liP, °C p, g/cm Production from Titanium Scrap and
TI Al Si tanium reacts with the aluminum and nickel to mixture, TiO can be formed-as a third phase
30.6 4.0 3.7 1325-1500 6.2 form coherent particles with the composition besides the metal and slag [207]. In the alumi- Sponge. As the availability of titanium scrap
39.1 5.8 4.0 1325-1480 5.9 NiiTi, Al), which cause precipitation harden- nothermic production offerrotitanium there is is increasing with the growth in the consump-
46.6 7.6 3.2 1305-1480 5.5
, ing. Titanium is also used as a microalloying a high consumption of aluminum, as it reacts tion of titanium, it is being increasingly used
70.0 0.1-0.5 1070-1135 5.4 for the production of ferrotitanium (mainly
element in high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) both with the' iron oxide in the ilmenite and
In the production of stainless austemtlc steels [205]. with the o:-.:ygen-producing substances added high-grade material containing 65-75% Ti)
chromium-nickel steels, titanium is added to The addition of titanium to cast iron causes to increase the exothermicity. and ferrotitanium-silicon. Because of its low
combine with the small amount of carbon the formation of fmer graphite on supercool- An aluminothermic mixture, consisting, for melting point (ca. 1100 DC) the alloy contain-
present to form TiC ("stabilization"), thereby ing, thereby improving the mechanical proper- example, of 4320 kg Australian ilmenite ing 70% titanium melts comparatively readily
preventing intergranular corrosion (e.g., adja- ties. (58.55% Ti0 2), 480 kg rutile (96.7% Ti0 2), when alloyed with iron in an induction fur-
cent to welds). 190 kg calcined limestone, 107 kg potassium nace, in a~ arc furnace with consumable elec-
Powdered ferrotitanium and ferro silicon-
Deoxidation of killed steel with titanium percWorate, and 1693 kg Al powder, is placed trodes under vacuum or argon, or in an
titanium alloys, sometimes with higher alumi-
improves its quality by minimizing oxidic in- num contents, are used as coatings on welding in a refractory-lined combustion vessel and ig- electroslag melting furnace. Contact of the
clusions. Depending on the carbon content, it electrodes. Also, welding wires for HSLA nited to start the reaction. After cooling, a melt with air must be prevented because of the
also reduces cracking tendency (grain refine- steels are alloyed with ca. 0.5% Ti to give a 2250 kg block of ferrotitanium is obtained strong affinity of titanium for o)<,:ygen and ni-
ment of austenite) and increases yield strength fine-grained weld bead. containing 39.8% Ti, 6.7% Al, 3.4% Si, and trogen. Ferrotitanium can also react with re-
(titanium-containing ferrite). Titanium addi- 0.02% C, which separates well from the slag. fractory crucibles [210]. The high-grade
tion also minimizes segregation in the upper The titanium yield is 50%, and the specific ferrotitanium alloys produced by melting un-
part of the ingot on casting, thus improving the
7.11.2 Production der vacuum are designated FeTi 70 VB in DIN
consumption of aluminum (based on the Ti in
yield. The starting materials for the production of the ferro titanium) is 1.89 kg AI/kg Ti. 17566.
Addition of titanium to tool steels gives a ferrotitanium are ilmenite, leucoxene, perov- ,In the electro-aluminothermic process, Calcium-silicon-titanium alloys are pro-
finer grain and reduces the depth of hardening skite, and slag concentrates produced from il- which is carried out in an arc furnace, the raw duced by melting together commercial cal-
476 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 477

cium silicon and titanium sponge or scrap in the elements. At compositions approximating batch size (to produce 0.5-1 t metal) is only a ide or in the form of ferromolybdenum. Table
an induction furnace [206, p. 579]. to FeV below 1200 cc, a a-phase exists which few minutes. After cooling for 2-3 d, the fur- 7.44 summarizes the internationally standard-
forms tetragonal crystals. nace is dismantled, and the block of metal at ized ferromolybdenum alloys; the typical mo-
7.11.3 Economic Aspects the bottom is cleaned and crushed or ground to lybdenum content ranges from 55 to 75%.
7.12.1 Production from Vanadium the commercially desired particle size. Compared to pure molybdenum, ferromolyb-
The prices offerrotitanium are published in
the London "Metal Bulletin", and the monthly Oxides As the reaction proceeds very rapidly, the denum dissolves much more easily in the steel
average prices (from the Metal Bulletin), with The reduction of vanadium oxides is as- aluminum in the metal and the vanadium ox- melt and is cheaper to produce. Practical expe-
the corresponding exchange rates, have been sisted by the presence of iron, as the activity of ide in the slag may not attain equilibrium, so rience has shown that alloys with up to 75%
published since 1979 in the journal ErzlIletall the vanadium is reduced, and the solubility of that the vanadium content of the slag may be molybdenum do not cause any dissolution
[211 ]. oxygen in vanadium-iron is much lower than too high. To prevent this, an electric are is ig- problems. Nevertheless there is still a demand
in pure vanadium, because of the lower melt- nited after completion of the aluminumother- for 65% molybdenum alloys which are even
ing point [216]. The vanadium oxides can
7.12 Ferrovanadium therefore be reduced with carbon, silicon, and
mic reaction to maintain the molten state of
less critical as regards dissolution characteris-
the melt and the slag until reaction is complete
According to DIN 17563 [212], ferrovana- aluminum in the presence of iron, the product tics. The Fe-Mo phase diagram is shown in
dium is "a master alloy with a vanadium con- being ferrovanadium. Figure 7.36. Due to the limited information
tent of at least 50% produced by reduction of Reduction with Carbon. The high affinity of available, the melting temperatures of the al-
the corresponding raw materials or their con- vanadium for carbon leads to carbide forma-
7.12.2 Direct Production from loy at high molybdenum concentrations can
centrates". In the United States alloys with tion, so that carbothermic reduction can only Slags and Residues only be estimated. In practice they are likely to
lower vanadium contents are also commer- be used when there is no requirement for vana- be considerably lower than indicated by the
cially available. The iron vanadium and vana- dium with low carbon content. The Union Enriched vanadium-containing oxidation
phase diagram because of significant concen-
dium aluminum master alloys and the Carbide Corporation has developed a process slags can also be processed directly to a tech-
nical-grade ferrovanadium. In the method of trations of silicon and other impurities.
commercial grades of vanadium alloys are that gives a VzC-containing alloy known as
listed in Table 7.43. Carvan [217], with a C content in the range Christiania Spigerverk [220], a 50% ferrova- Molybdenum, % _

Table 7.43: Commercial grades of vanadium master al- 10-13% [213]. nadium is obtained in an electric arc furnace o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 8590 95
loys [213,214].
Reduction with Silicon. Undertoday's condi- by a two-stage reduction process. In the firSt 2600
Ferrovanadium %V %e %Si %Al tions for the processing of V2 0 S, silicothermic stage, the FeO fraction of the slag is reduced /1
~ I
FeV 40 35--48 0.5 2.0 0.5
reduction is no longer generally profitable, as with ferrosilicon (FeSi 75) with addition of ~ 1
FeV 50 484)0 0.5 2.0 0.3 lime, and in the second stage the slag obtained 2400 ~ 1
FeV60 504)5 <0.15 <1.5 <2.0 the process has multiple stages and gives a / t
78-82 0.15 1.5 <1.5 poor vanadium yield in the form of a low-va- in the first stage is reduced with 90% silicon ~
FeV 80

Vanadium, w t % -
nadium ferrovanadium. The vanadium losses
in this process are 10-25% [218].
to give a ferrovanadiurn alloy. The vanadium
yield is 80%, and the FeV still contains traces t 2200

o 20 40 60 BO 100 of Si, Cr, Mn and Ti. \...J
2000 ,...--,---,-,---......,..-,...--.......,..-r--.-, Reduction with Aluminum. The high-vana-
~ 2000 ~
dium grades of ferrovanadium, FeV 60, FeV Ferrovanadium can be obtained by the elec- :::J
I 1
I t
t 1600 J.?3BO( 80, and FeV 90, are now usually produced by trosilicothermic treatment of high-vanadium
I -1394 31%, 1468°( 47%, 1252 0 (
aluminothermic treatment of V20 S' The alu-
minothermic process can readily be controlled
boiler ashes and enriched fly ash, either alone
or in combination with vanadium-containing
cf 1
~ 1200
a-Fe, V
P :
on a large scale. It is especially suitable for the
treatment of vanadium pentoxide because it
gives a high yield of high-grade ferrovana-
oxidation slags, depending on their composi-
tion. As oil residues and fly ash contain only 1600 l : (Mo)
small amounts of iron, the iron removal stage \
dium in a single process step. normally necessary with oxidation slags can o+(Mo! \
After ignition, the reaction of V20 S with be omitted.
OL--.L----.L.!~____l_L-~~~---'J.-:: aluminum is self-sustaining. Some of the mix- 0 20 40 60 80 100
o 20 40 60 BO 100 ture of V-,O, flakes, aluminum powder or Fe Me
Fe Vanadium, atem% - V granules, flni steel shot, and an initiating mix- 7.13 Ferromolybdenum Molybdenum, atom%_
Figure 7.35: Phase diagram Fe-V [215]. ture (e.g., BaO z + AI powder) is ignited, and
Figure 7.36: Fe-Mo phase diagram showing estimated
The Fe-V phase diagram (Figure 7.35) further quantities of the mixture are then In the steel and foundry industry molybde- liquidus (L) compositions at higher molybdenum concen-
shoWS almost complete mutual solubility of added. The combustion time for the usual num is added to melts, either as technical ox- trations [221]. IX, Ii, and Rare interrnetallic phases.
478 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 479

Table 7.44: International specifications for ferromolybdenum. Temperature, ° C _

Composition, % 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Specification Symbol/designation -200
Si C S P Cu Pb Sn -50
Mo ~ ..Q
(max.) (rna".) (ma.".) (ma.".) (max.) (max.)
~~ ~~
ASTM A 132-74
(reapproved 1979)
(formerly grade B)
60.0 min. 1.0 0.10 0.15 0.05 1.0 0.01 0.01
~o ~

DIN 17561 FeMo 70 (0.4270') 60-75 b 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.5 v'"~o· °Ho t7f°H"
58-{j5 b
ISO 5452
FeMo 62 (0.42628 )
0.50 0.10 0.10 1.0
FeMo 60 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.5
FeMo 60 Cu 1 55.O--Q5.0 1.5 0.10 0.10 0.05 1.0 -400 c?'°T
FeMo 60 Cu 1.5 55.O--Q5.0 2.0 0.50 0.15 0.05 1.5 T -100

FeMo70 65.0-75.0' 1.5 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.5
FeMo70 Cu 1 65.0-75.0 2.0 0.10 0.10 0.05 1.0 <'0
FeMo 70 Cu 1.5 65.0-75.0 2.5 0.10 0.20 0.10 1.5 -500
Japanese Industrial
Standard, TIS G
High-carbon ferro-
r -600
molybdenum - FNloH 55.O--Q5.0' 3.0 6.0 0.20 0.10 0.5 -150
-0 -0
Low-carbon ferro- E
molybdenum FMoL 60.0-70.0' 2.0 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.5 -'"
-700 ~
°. -'"
•Material numbers in preparation, proposed numbers. l:J °.
bThe range ofvariation within a lot may not exceed ±2%. <J l:J

'The range ofvariation within a graded lot should not exceed 3 % absolute.
The principal raw materials used for ferro- duction in a submerged arc furnace and -800
molybdenum production are molybdenum metallothermic reduction. The most com- -200
concentrates and technical-grade molybde- monly applied method is the silicothermic re-
num trioxide. One method proposed for the duction, a type of metallothermic reduction. -900

production of ferromolybdenum used molyb-
denum concentrates which were reacted with 7.13.1 Submerged Arc Furnace
ferromanganese to form ferromolybdenum -1000
and manganese sulfide [222]: Carbothermic Reduction
MoS z + 2Mn ~ Mo + 2MnS The carbothermic reduction of Mo0 3 can -250
proceed as follows: -1100 '___ _-'-_ _ _ _---.L-_ _
~'__ ____I. _'___
Due to the high Gibbs free energy of manga-
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
nese(II) sulfide formation, this reaction is 2MoOJ + 2C ~ 2MoOz + 2CO
Temperature, K _
claimed to yield ferromolybdenum with a rela- Mo02 +2C ~Mo+2CO
tively low sulfur concentration, but a further Figure 7.37: Gibbs free energy of oxide and carbide formation [2231- T = transformation point; MM = melting point of
metal; Mo = melting point of oxide.
sulfur removal step appears to be necessary. or with formation of molybdenum carbide:
This process is not, however, used on a com- Mo02 + 2.5C ~ 0.5Mo 2C + 2CO Under practical conditions the resulting metal electrode is shown in Figure 7.38. The top
mercial basis. alloy is low in carbon. electrode is adjustable and the whole furnace
Technical-grade molybdenum trioxide is The Gibbs free energies of oxide and carbide Because of the commercial disadvantages arrangement runs on tracks so that it can easily
commonly used as the m~lybdenum raw mate- formation are shown in Figure 7.37 as a func- of the process, detailed literature describing be replaced with a new unit. The process is run
rial. Because of its high value and the fact that tion of temperature. The reduction of Mo0 3 the process is limited [224-227]. The process batchwise, producing a sernimolten metal
Mo0 3 starts to sublime at 700 °C, electrostatic starts at fairly low temperatures. If the process was previously run in single-phase 300-500 block and a slag. The slag contains up to 10%
precipitators or bag houses must be used to were run at these temperatures (i.e., < 600 °C) kW and three-phase '1500-2000 kW electric molybdenum oxide and must be retreated by
collect the molybdenum dust and sublimates then MozC would be formed because it is arc furnaces. The use of the single-phase arc remelting. Melting of a 1.5-2 t metal block
for recirculation. Good housekeeping is also more stable than molybdenum. However, furnace seems to have been more successful takes about 20-28 h. To separate metal and
essential to minimize molybdenum handling since the process is run at 1700-2000 °C, any because of its higher energy density within the slag, the furnace assembly must be stripped
losses. intermediately formed molybdenum carbide furnace. A single-phase system with a cylin- and later rebuilt for reuse.
Two principal processes are used for mo- reacts to form molybdenum metal: drical magnesite or carbon-based rammed fur- Raw materials are technical-grade molyb-
lybdenum oxide reduction: carbothermic re- 2Mo2 C + Mo02 -+ 5Mo + 2CO nace body and equipped with a bottom carbon denum oxide; iron ore or rnillscale, steel
480 Handbook o!ExtractiveMetallurgy Ferroallo)'s 481

punchings, nail nips or turnings; lime and flu- Table 7.45: Consumables required to produce 1 t offerro- used to reduce MoO] in self-sustained reac- unit. The reaction is started by adding a small
orspar as fluxing agents; and charcoal as re- molybdenum in the carbothermic process [227].
tions: amount of a mixiure of barium peroxide and
ducing agent. To minimize MoO] sublimation, Single-phase Three-phase aluminum to a special starter mix which tends
Consumable furnace fumace. '/3Mo03 + Si ~ '/3Mo + SiO, -3241 kJlkg
the concentrate and carbon material are bri- 300kW 1500 kW to be more exothermic than the main mix.
quetted. The reaction is started by melting slag 1/,Mo03 + AI ~ I/,Mo + 1/,AlP3 4689 kJlkg
Roasted Mo concentrate, kg 1160 1420
Once the main mix has started to react, the
from a previous reaction and adding the bri- Remelt material, kg 280 330 If aluminum is reacted with MoO], the result- bulk of the reaction mix is continuously fed
quetted mixiure to the slag to avoid molybde- Slag treatment metal, kg 165 168 ing heat of reaction is very high, leading to ex- into the crucible arrangement. Total reaction
num sublimation. Once the initial reduction to N ail nips, kg 172 230 cessive evaporation of MoO] and the danger times of 30-60 min for metal block weights of
Platescale, kg 290 102
Mo0 2 has taken place, sublimation is avoided. of an explosion of the reaction mixiure. . 1-4 t can be e::-"1lected. After completion of the
Lime, kg 150 178
The resulting slag consists of some unreduced Fluorspar, kg 150 178 Consequently, silicon is the preferred re- reaction, metal and slag are allowed to segre-
MoO~ and FeO which has a higher Gibbs free Charcoal, kg 255 310 ducing element. Furthermore, less silicon is gate for another 30-60 min before the bulk of
energy than Mo0 2 (Figure 7.37). To improve Electrodes, kg 95 135 necessary compared to aluminum (stoichio- the slag is tapped off. The red-hot metal block
metal-slag separation, lime and fluorspar are Power, kWh 4300 4450 metric consumption is 0.439 kg silicon per ki- is then stripped off the furnace base and
added. The slag should be fluid and is tapped Ferromolybdenum, kg 1000 1000
logram of molybdenum, compared to 0.562 kg quenched in water to aid crushing. Jaw crush-
toward the end of the reduction cycle. The Remelt, kg 270 250 aluminum per kilogram of molybdenum) and ers are commonly used for crushing the metal.
metal block is stripped while it is still red hot Dust, kg 66 silicon in the form of ferrosilicon is consider- Considerable care has to be taken when sam-
and quenched in water to aid subsequent ably cheaper than aluminum. pling the metal for molybdenum content be-
Table 7.45 shows the consumption of elec-
crushing. The metal must be hand-sorted to re- Practical experience, even when using cause the molybdenum tends to segregate
tric energy and ingredients required to pro-
cycle any parts of the block contaminated with duce ferromolybdenum using the charges much larger than a 200 kg, shows that within the block. Any higWy segregated metal
slag. The resulting molybdenum-rich slag has carbothermic process. silicon alone does not result in a self-sustained and metal contaminated with slag inclusions is
to be remelted in a separate process into a low- reaction. Some of the silicon must therefore be recycled for remelting. Good housekeeping is
molybdenum, high-carbon intermediate alloy replaced with aluminum or other elements necessary to recycle all splashings, floor
which is recycled. 7.13.2 Metallothermic Reduction with a similar o::-..-ygen affinity. Some of the re- sweepings, etc. and achieve a good total mo-
Metallothermic reduction in which silicon quired iron is often added in the form of lybdenum yield.
(or aluminum) is used to reduce the MoO] is millscale or iron ore concentrates which react In a process modification used by Duval
the commonly used production process for with silicon or aluminum to generate addi- Corporation, Duval Sierrita [230], the entire
ferromolybdenum today. Its advantages are tional heat. Part of the iron remains as FeO in reaction mix is charged into the reaction cruci-
that it is a single-step process which results in the slag and acts as a fluxing agent. Further ble before ignition. The advantage is that con-
a saleable metal and a low-molybdenum slag fluxing agents are lime and fluorspar, which trolled addition of the reaction mix is not
and that it requires only basic process equip- are necessary to ensure good separation of required. The disadvantages are that the reac-
ment. Due to the large difference in the Gibbs metal and slag and low molybdenum concen- tion speed cannot be controlled by varying the
free energy for aluminum oxide and silicon di- trations (typically < 1 %) in the slag. The dust feed rate and that a larger crucible unit is re-
oxide formation compared to molybdenum generated in the process can contain up to 5 % quired to contain the initial mixiure.
oxide formation (Figure 7.37), the reduction of the molybdenum in the charge. Any dust Recent developments have centered on im-
process approaches 100% molybdenum re- and sublimed MoO] must be extracted, recov- proving process economics. Automatic han-
duction. ered, and recycled to achieve an overall mo- dling and weighing of the raw materials as
An aluminothermic or silicothermic reac- lybdenum yield of 97-99 %. well as finished metal and ferromolybdenum
tion must be sufficiently exothermic to melt To achieve reproducible reactions, a homo- slag is one area of activity. Other activities
all the reaction constituents resulting in satis- geneous mixture of the precisely weighed re- center around the optimization of ingredient
factory separation of the liquid metal and liq- action ingredients is required. All ingredients and consumable costs.
uid slag phases before cooling. According to must be dry, well-calcined, and ideally their
SHEMTCHUSHNY, a minimum specific heat of re- particle size should be < 1 mm. A typical fir- Metallothermic mixtures used to produce
action of -2700 kJlkg is required for a reaction ing arrangement is shown in Figure 7.39. The ferromolybdenum are summarized in Table
to be self-sustained [228]. This assumes that crucible unit consists of a circular or square, 7.46. Mixtures A-D represent different possi-
no additional heat is added to the reaction sand- or brick-lined base section and a cylin- bilities of increasing the reaction heat by using
Figure 7.38: Single-phase submerged arc furnace [227]: (e.g., by preheating the charge or by adding drical refractory-lined, steel section that con- aluminum or calcium in the form of a cal-
a) Furnace with rammed lining; b) Bottom electrode booster oxides and further reducing metal). tains the reaction slag. The mix feeding cium-silicon or a ferrosilicon-aluminum alloy
power supply bar, c) Bottom electrode (carbon); d) Top
electrode; e) Electrode clamp with power supply cables; 1) Consideration of the specific heats of reaction arrangement allmvs part of the reaction mix- [227]. Reaction D can be regarded as a fairly
Electrode contro I; g) Transformer. shows that both aluminum and silicon can be ture to be placed into the well-dried cruciQle typical ferromolybdenum reaction mix; it
482 Handbook ofExtractive Metallurgy Ferroalloys 483

gives 87 kg ferromolybdenum with 67-73 % AlP3' and 64.5% SiO:!. The reaction mix also Mix1ures E-G have been reported to have Shieldalloy Corp., Newfield, N. 1., Metallurg Alloy
molybdenum, 0.05-0.08% carbon, 0.03- contains recycled dust and metal remelt which Corp., New York 1981.
been used by Climax Molybdenum in their 3. VDI-Richtlinien VOl 2576 (May 1983): Emissions-
0.05% sulfur, 0.25-0.6% silicon and 5 kg re- is normal practice when continuously produc- Langeloth (USA) plant [231]. The mixtures mindenmg - Elektrothennische und metallother-
melt metal as well as a slag containing 0.34% ing ferromolybdenum. are based on 100 kg technical molybdenum mische Erzeugung von Ferrolegienmgen (Emission
Mo0 3, 13.85% Fe::P3, 7.4% CaO, 9.9% Control - Electrothermic and Metallothermic Fer-
oxide input with 85% Mo0 3 in the technical roalloy Production), vol. 2 of VDI-Handbuch Rein-
oxide. Reaction E can be regarded as a typical haltung derLuft, Beuth Verlag, Berlin-Koln 1983.
reaction mix for a ferromolybdenum with 58- 4. H. Goldschmidt, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chern.
301(1898) 19-28.
64% molybdenum. The maximum impurity 5. O. Kubaschewski, C. B. Alcock Metallurgical
levels quoted were 0.1 % carbon, 0.25%' sul- ThermochemistT}~ 5th ed., Pergamon PresS', Lon-
fur, 0.5% copper, and 1% silicon. Reaction G don-New York 1979.
6. N. P. Elyutin et al.: Production ofFerroalloys, 2nd
can be regarded as a typical reaction mix ed., Israel Programme for Scientific Translations, S.
yielding an approximately 70% molybdenum Monon, Jerusalem 1961.
alloy. 7. W. Dautzenberg, in: DUrrer & Frank, (G. Volkert,
K.-D. Frank, eds.): Metallllrgie del' Ferrolegienm-
Mixtures H-J have been taken from litera- gen, 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin-Gottingen-
ture from the former Soviet Union [233-235]. Heidelberg-New York 1972.
8. E. M. Levin et al.: Phase Diagrams for Ceran/ists,
Mixture H gives ferromolybdenum containing American Ceramic Society Inc., Columbus, 1964,
60--65% molybdenum, 0.15-0.9% silicon, Supplement 1969.
0.04% phosphorus, 0.08% sulfur, 0.05% car- 9. W. G. Moffatt: Handbook of Binary Phase Dia-
grams, General Electric Corp, Schenectady 1973
bon, and ca. 0.5% copper and slag containing (plus updates).
0.06--0.17% molybdenum, 67-70% SiO z, 7- 10. K. A. Feldmann, K. D. Frank in R. Durrer, G. Volk-
11 % FeO, 10-13% AlP3, 6-8% CaO, and 1- ert (eds.): Metallllrgie del' Ferrolegienmgen,
Springer Verlag, Berlin 1972.
3 % MgO. Mixture I uses a mix preheating to 11. W. P. Eljutin, 1. A. Palow, B. E. Levin: Ferro-
150 °C, and should have resulted in a ferromo- legienmgen, VEB Verlag Technik. Berlin 1953.
lybdenum with ca. 56% molybdenum (calcu- 12. E. SchOrmann, N. Hensgen, Arch. Eisenhlittenwes.
Figure 7.39: Metallothermic firing arrangement [229]: a) Storage hopper for iron ore or millscale; b) Storage hopper for 51 (1980) no. 1, 1-4..
roasted Mo concentrate; c) Storage hopper for fluorspar. d) Storage hopper for aluminum and ferrosilicon (75 % Si) pow- lated). Mixwre J is part of a calculated- 13. 1. A. De Huff. V. D. Coppolecchia, A. Lesnewich,
der; e) Mixing hopper; f) Balance; g) Air lift system; h) Firing hopper; i) Reaction vessel; k) Electrostatic precipitator. formulation according to ELYUTIN [235]. The Electr. Film. Proc. 27 (1969) 167-174.
Table 7.46: Reaction mi~1ures used for ferromolybdenum production. calculation is based on 96.8 kg ferromolybde- 14. H. Krogrund, ISLAFA Conference, Acapulco 1978.
Literature from the num containing 58.14% molybdenum, 0.53% 15. DEMAG company brochure, Submerged Arc Fur-
DuRRER, VOLKERT [227] Climax Molybdenum naces, Duisburg 1979.
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Component 16. T. W. Lopuszynski, J. P. Trunco, W. L. Wilbern,
[231] [232] [232] [233] [234] [235] taining 65.65% silicon oxide, 10.06% alumi- Electr. Film. Proc. 30 (1972) 89-93.
A B C D E F G H" r J'
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