Advanced Monopulse Processing of Phased Array

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Advanced Monopulse Processing of Phased Array Radar

Kai-Bor Yu, Ph.D.

Lake Forest, C A 92630, US A
[email protected]

Abstract-This paper describes a 4-channel monopulse radar In this paper, we discuss the generation of the delta-delta
system with an additional delta-delta beam. Schemes for beam and its use in advanced application. The delta-delta
generation of this beam are considered for rectangular array as beam or the double-difference beam is a four-lobed far-field
well as for circular array. This additional degree-of-freedom can
antenna response formed by an aperture illumination that has
be used to provide a secondary set of monopulse ratios. A
an anti-symmetrical phase property in both dimensions of a
scheme is derived where the two sets of monopulse ratios are
combined before processing. The two sets of monopulse ratios
planar antenna. Generation of this beam is considered for
complement each other and as a result, angle estimation
rectangular array as well as for circular array. This beam
accuracy is improved with mitigation of beam-shape loss. provides an additional degree-of-freedom which finds useful
for advanced applications such as mainlobe jamming
I. INTRO DUCTION cancellation as well as for super-resolution of the two main­
beam targets. It also supports forming a secondary set of
Current surveillance and tracking radars employ monopulse monopulse measurements. This set of monopulse
processing for detection and angle estimation of a target. measurements enhances angle estimation accuracy and leads
Conventional monopulse processing involves one beam in to the subsequent mitigation of beam-shape loss.
transmit and multiple simultaneous beams on receive.
Typically a sum beam without any tapering is employed in Full aperture monopulse beams can be constructed for a
the transmit array for full power operation. A uniform planar rectangular array with the following 2-stage analog
weighting will have transmit antenna pattern narrowest beamforming architecture: row-based beamforming followed
beamwidth but higher sidelobes. On receive two or more by column-based beamforming, or vice-versa. Row-based
beams are formed for target detection and angle estimation, beamfoming generates the row-sum and row-delta beams.
i.e. the sum beam, the delta-azimuth beam and the delta­ The sum and difference of the row-sum beams generate the
elevation beam. The sum beam is used for surveillance search full-aperture sum and elevation-delta beams. The sum and
and target detection. Once a target is detected, the ratio of the difference of the row delta-beams generates the full-aperture
delta-azimuth beam over the sum beam is used for azimuth azimuth-delta and the delta-delta beams. Such beamforming
angle estimation, and the ratio of the delta-elevation beam of the sum and difference beams can be implemented using
over the sum beam is used for elevation angle estimation. magic T microwave devices. Tapering for low-sidelobes such
This approach for angle estimation is computationally as Taylor coefficients for the sum beam and Bayliss
efficient as it requires only the computation of the monopulse coefficients for the delta beams can be included in the analog
ratios and table look-ups for the angles. Received beams are beamforming. In some phased array radars, the delta-delta
typically tapered for sidelobe control leading to wider channel is available or partially implemented but not used
received beamwidth. Taylor weighting [1, 2, 9] is used for the [17].
sum beam and Bayliss weighting [2, 3] is used for the
difference beams. Well-known schemes such as circular Taylor [9] and circular
Bayliss [3] have been developed for low-sidelobe antenna
Conventional monopulse radars form antenna beams through pattern synthesis for circular aperture. The delta-delta beam
analog beamforming. Modern digital beamforming ( DBF) or double difference beam have also been developed [4-8] for
radars may form monopulse beams through digital circular aperture. Such development is motivated by
processing. DBF radars have more flexibility and capability advanced applications of the delta-delta beam. The
in terms of number of beams and types of beams that they can illumination functions for the circular aperture are no longer
generate. The flexibility and capability can be exploited for separable in each dimension. The resulting antenna patterns
canceling jammers, high-resolution direction finding, signal are not product patterns and are not separable. And as a result,
separation and improvement of angle estimation. These the monopulse function is function of both variables.
capabilities can be characterized by degrees-of-freedom Typically, the bore-sight curve is used which leads to a small
( DOFs) which are related to the number of signals the radar bias in angle estimation when the target is off bore-sight. The
transmits and the number of digital receivers in the radar delta-delta beam can be used for the generation of another set
system. Next generation radars have multiple DOFs in of monopulse measurements. The secondary set may have a
transmit which is related to the number of exciters on the curve different from the primary set but they can be made
array. Next generation multiple-input multiple-output approximately equal by scaling the delta-delta beam.
(MIMO) digital radar with multiple digital exciters and
receiver supports multiple simultaneous transmit and multiple This paper describes advanced processing techniques and the
received beams. capabilities that are associated with a 4-channel monopulse

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radar system. In section 2, we describe the scheme of secondary monopulse set. Recent algorithm includes
mainlobe jamming cancellation in maintaining target applying maximum-likelihood to the monopulse beams [14].
detection and angle estimation accuracy within the main It mvol�es a 2- D se�rch over the main beam for each range
beam. In section 3, we describe the schemes in applying cell. ThiS approach IS computational costly compared to
MUSIC on monopulse beams and the two-target monopulse. monopulse technique.
In section 4, we describe how to generate the two sets of
monopulse ratios and prescribe a scheme where the two ratios
can be combined to improve the monopulse angle estimation
accuracy. In section 5, simulation is carried out to illustrate
the performance enhancement using the weighted monopulse.
Super-resolution techniques include applying MUSIC on
In section 6, we include a discussion on the cost and benefits monopulse beams and the two-target monopulse scheme. We
in adding a delta-delta beam to the monopulse system.
illustrate the two-target resolution capability of monopulse
M.U� IC by co�sidering the case when there are two targets
wlthm the mambeam. The resulting two noise eigenvectors
LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION (MLE) lead to two coupled quadratic equations that can be solved for
the angles of the 2 targets.
Sidelobe cancellation (SLC) and multiple sidelobe
cancellation (MSLC) are well-known techniques for For a single snapshot case, the monopulse ratio can be shown
canceling jamming in the sidelobes [10]. The scheme makes to be a weighted sum of the monopulse ratios for each of the
tar?et. T�e delta-delta beam provides a second monopulse
�se of the. auxiliary elements or arrays to cancel the jamming rat�o which can ? e used with the conventional monopulse
m the mam beams. The degrees-of-freedom are related to the .
number of auxiliary elements. The DOFs determine the ratIO for determmmg the azimuth and elevation angle of the
number of sidelobe jammers that can be canceled. As a result two targets [15].
of the adaptation, nulls are formed towards the jammers. The
a�tenna patterns within the main beam are typically only
slJghtly distorted, thus preserving the monopulse ratios for
angle estimation. ANGLE ESTIM ATION

The auxiliary elements are typically not used for mainlobe We have developed a technique [16] to improve the
jamming cancellation. When used for main lobe cancellation monopulse angle estimation and to eliminate the beam-shape
th� adaptive �eights have large values for canceling jammer � loss by generating the complementary monopulse ratios using
. the delta-delta beam. The complementary monopulse ratio
wlthm the mamlobe resulting to large "carry-over" noise into
the main-beam. Furthermore, the main beams are distorted compensates the conventional monopulse ratio for off-bore­
with a monopulse ratio not useful for angle estimation. sig�t target. :As a result of combining these two monopulse
ratIOs accordmg to the target beam gains, the beam-shape loss
Monopulse difference beams have gain values the same order is essentially eliminated with an overall improvement in the
of magnitude to the sum beam thus they are suitable to be monopulse angle estimation. The improvement is significant
used as auxiliary channel. There are 3 difference beams thus 3 at the edge of the beam. This technique even enables
jammers can be cancelled for adaptive processing of the sum monopulse angle estimation performance outside the 3-dB
be�m. A mainlobe cancellation technique can be developed beamwidth.
which makes use of the delta beams to cancel the jamming in
the sum beam, and the delta-delta beam is used to cancel the In this section, we first discuss antenna beamforming
jamming in the delta beams [11,13]. This nulling approach including the generation of the delta-delta beam. The
cancels jamming in one direction while forming undistorted monop�lse ratio processing are described including the
generatIOn of the secondary monopulse ratios using the delta­
�onopulse ratio in the other direction. This concept can be delta beam. Finally we describe how the two monopulse
Illustrated by examining the adapted antenna patterns. The
adapted azimuth sum beam and the adapted azimuth delta measur�ments can be fused to improve the monopulse angle
beam have identical nulls at the jammer elevation angle. The estimatIOn. Two types of systems are discussed: rectangular
ad�pted monopulse ratio is given as the ratio of the adapted array and circular array.
aZlilluth delta pattern over the adapted azimuth sum beam.
The patterns can be expressed as product patterns in azimuth In analog beamforming for rectangular planar array, the full
and elevation. The elevation patterns form identical nulls are monopulse set including the delta-delta beam can be
ca�celled ?ut in the ratio thus leaving the azimuth monopulse generated in two stages. First, determine the sum and
ratIO un-distorted. The same discussion applies to the adapted difference of the element voltages for each column. Next, the
ele�ati?n monopulse processing. This mainlobe capability resulting column beams can be row summed and differenced
mamtams target detection over the entire beam except at the to form the overall sum beam, the delta-azimuth beam ' the
d�It�-elev�tion beam and the delta-delta beam respectively.
jammer location and the monopulse angle estimation Slmtiarly, It can also be achieved using row-based
accuracy except at the null strips. In [12], a scheme is beamforming followed by column-based beamforming.
prescribed where the delta beams are pointed to the jammer, Tapering can also be applied such as Taylor coefficients for
and target angle estimation is accomplished using the sum beam and Bayliss coefficients for delta beam. The

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illwnination function along the colwnns and rows are dominates and when it is on the edge of the beam, the
independent leading to the product antenna patterns. These secondary monopulse ratio dominates. Thus we can fuse the
patterns are separable in u and v. The antenna angle estimates using the following:
patterns for the 4-beams can be expressed as the following:
u =
aUl + (1 - a)u2
E(u, v) Ea(u)Ee(v)

ar1( A ) + (1- a)rl(
�A(U,V) �a(u)Ee(v)
� �E
1 �A + (1- a)(�a ))
�E(U,V) Ea(u)�e(v)
r (a( �)
�d(U,V) �a(u)�e(v)
V = {3V1 + (1 - {3)V2

The conventional monopulse ratios can be determined by = {39-1 (LlE) + (1 _

{3)9-1 (Lla )
l: LlA
�) + (1 - {3)( �� ))
finding the ratios of the delta-azimuth beam and delta­
elevation beam to the sum beam: =
9-1 ({3(

LlA(u,v) Lla(u) - ( )
(u,v) - l: l:a(u) - I u
_ _

(u,v) - where the weighting are determined by:

LlE(u,v) Lle(v) 9 ( v)
(u,v) - �
_ _ _

my! - l: - 1I::12 1-
- I�EI2
(u,v) e(v) a = a ---,::i--'::"':"---;
"- ;-
1I::12 + I�EI2 ' - 1I::12 + IdEI2

1I::12 1- IdAI2

The antenna patterns are separable and can be expressed in

f3 1I::12 I�A 12 ' f3 1I::12 IdA 12

product patterns. The common factor in the orthogonal + +

dimension is cancelled out from both numerator and
denominator leading to a ratio which is dependent only on the It should be noted that the angle measurement fusion and
concerned angle variable. When the delta-delta beam is monopulse processing are commutative due to the fact that
available, the secondary set of monopulse ratios can also be the monopulse curve is monotonic and invertible. Thus angle
generated by finding the ratios of the delta-delta beam to the estimate fusion is converted into measurement fusion
delta-elevation beam and the delta-azimuth beam as the followed by monopulse processing.
The weighting essentially balances the contribution of the
�a(U,v) �a(u)
two monopulse ratios according to the antenna beam gains on
mx,(u,v) f(u) the target, i.e. when the target is close to the bore-sight (beam
�E(U,V) =
�a(u) =

center), the conventional monopulse ratio works well and

�a(u,v) �e(v) dominates the complementary monopulse ratio. The
m ,(u,v) g(v) complementary monopulse ratio becomes significant when
y = �A(U,V) = �e(v) =

the target is on the edge of beam or outside the beam. The

weighted monopulse ratio improves performance over the
It should be noted that the delta-delta beam is anti-symmetric conventional monopulse ratio, and the improvement is
in both directions and the delta-elevation beam serves as the significant at the edge of the beam. The weighted monopulse
sum beam for the azimuth monopulse and the delta-azimuth approach even enables monopulse angle estimation
beam serves as the swn beam for the elevation monopulse. performance outside the beam.
The secondary set of monopulse ratios also have a common
factor in the orthogonal dimension which can be cancelled For circular array, antenna pattern synthesis, array
out leading to a monopulse ratio which is identical to the beamforming and monopulse processing is more involved
primary set. The angles can thus be determined by looking at than the rectangular array. The 2-dimensional antenna pattern
the inverse function of/and g or by using a table-lookup: is circular and thus non-separable with resulting monopu\se
ratios to be functions of both dimensions. Nevertheless we
_ 1-1 (LlA) 1-1 ( �a )
can approximate by using the bore-sight curve for the
U1 - l: ,U2 -

monopulse angle look-up. Such approximation leads to a

small bias in the angle estimation when the target is at the

-1 E) -1 Lla ) edge of the beam. It should be noted that an iterative scheme
VI 9 ( �,V2 9 (

= =
LlA using the other off-boresight curves can be designed to
remove this bias.

There are two monopulse ratio measurements that can be Antenna pattern synthesis schemes are available for the
used for the target angle estimation. These two design of the sum beam, the delta-azimuth beam, the delta­
measurements complement each other. When the target is elevation beam and the delta-delta beam with good properties
closed to the bore-sight, the primary monopulse ratio such as narrow beamwidth and low sidelobes. These beams

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can be used as models for the discussion here. The actual the monopulse curve. Similarly, the delta-delta beam and the
implementation can be quite involved as there are secondary monopulse ratios can be generated. The secondary
implementation complexity and cost considerations. A direct monopulse ratio is also a function of both variables, and
approach for the implementation may involve a separate furthermore, they are not necessary equal like the case for the
beamformer for each beam. This involves splitting the signals rectangular array. Two processing schemes can be conceived
at each element and weighting and summing them. This for using the two sets of measurements: monopulse
approach is rather complicated and costly and may lead to processing followed by fusion of the angle estimates, or
heavy beamformer for large phased array. On the other hand, measurement fusion followed by monopulse processing.
the aperture can be digitized and flexible beamforming using
circular Taylor, circular Bayliss or delta-delta beam with low
sidelobes can be applied. This approach is also costly for a
large phased array. A practical and compromise approach may
involve sub-array beamforming followed by beamforming 2
across the sub-arrays. Thus tapering coefficients can be �--�-
--- Normal Azimuth S'CUM!
applied in 2 stages: the sub-array beamforming and full-array
beamforming. In general, it requires some efforts to design
the coefficients in such way that all 4 beams have good
properties such as low side-lobes. Some approximate
schemes may involve putting Taylor beam coefficients across
the array in the first stage and the Bayliss beam is
approximated in the second stage beamforming. In this
manner, the sum beam has good side lobes and the delta­
beam side lobes may suffer as a result of the approximation.
In general, there is a trade off between the digitization level
and the antenna properties.

As an example of the this approach, we can perform a 2-stage

beamforming by generating the 4 quadrant beams followed ·��O--�t
. 7 ---�7---�--��·--�5�--�10�--�15�--720
by sum and difference along each direction to form the
monopulse beams:

Fig. 1 Azimuth monopulse ratios

We can envision applying Taylor coefficients across the

aperture and 4 quadrant beams are formed. The full set of
monopulse beams can then be generated with Taylor sum
beam with good side-lobes and the delta-beams are formed
with difference of Taylor with high side-lobes.

For the simulation discussed in this paper, the full set of

monopulse beams are generated with good side-lobes using
the optimal antenna pattern synthesis schemes such as
circular Taylor, circular Bayliss and the delta-delta beams.
These beams can either be generated using 4 sets of analog
beamformers or employing 4 sets of optimal digital
beamforming weights. As discussed, a practical system will
use sub-array beamforming followed by full array
beamforming leading to some compromise in the side-lobes
for the delta beams. The antenna patterns for circular aperture
are not separable, thus the monopulse ratios for each
dimension has a weak dependence on the other dimension.
For azimuth monopulse ratios, a set of curves are generated Fig. 2 Antenna Beam Pattern Gain (dB) vs Angle (msine)
for different elevation angles. Similarly, a set of curves are
generated for elevation monopulse ratios for different
azimuth angles. In practice, the bore-sight curve is used and
there is a bias in angle estimation due to the approximation of

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u V Total
The performance of the weighted monopulse ratio scheme for RMSE RMSE RMSE
enhanced angle estimation is illustrated by simulation using a
circular array. Sum beam, delta-azimuth beam, delta­ (msine) (msine) (msine)
elevation beam and delta-delta beam are independently
formed with low side-lobes. The resulting azimuth monopulse Sum-Delta 4.83 4.01 6.28
curves are given by Figure 1. The two set of monopulse ratios Monopulse
agree with each other after scaling.
Delta-Delta 7.84 15.39 17.27
The motivation for using the complementary monopulse
ratios to improve the conventional monopulse ratios can be Monopulse
illustrated by showing how the sum beam gain decreases and Weighted 4.35 3.74 5.74
delta beam gains increase for off- foresight target. (Figure 2)

15�·· · · · · · · · · · · ·: ·······: · ��T=��c � , ; ,

·� ................. � ..................... � Table 2 MonopulseAngle Estimation Performance Summary

1- monopuise error

35 ---------- delta-delta monopulse error

I .,...,.,.,.,., weighted monopuise error

5f 'I , +, , v l 30
- ··········· ·············· ············· , ............. , ·············· ··· ················ �

-10 f ·· ············· : " '" ... : . . ............. : . ................ ; ;

. ................•................. ········· ········ 0 ;
···· ························ �

20 ··· · · · · · · · ·
............. . .....•.........•..............•

··,':::.:. -.-....
v angie estimate
10 15 .....
angle estimate u
20 ... f,, -
10 .-.--


---- - '-
- '-'-'
Fig. 3 Monopulse Angle Estimation
o 10 15 20 25

Figure 3 illustrates the performance when the target is located

at (8,8) mines and with SNR 27 dB if the target is located at =

bore-sight. The blue x (x) are the conventional monopulse

angle estimates, the green * ( * ) are the secondary monopulse
angle estimates and the red circled (0 ) are the weighted Fig.4 Monopulse Angle Estimate for Azimuth Angle
monopulse angle estimates. The antenna pattern gains are
given by Table 1 and the performance is given by Table 2.
The example shows that the weighted monopulse corrects the 40
occasional outliner for targets off the peak of the sum beam -- monopuise error

resulting in improved angle estimation performance. These 35 ---------- delta-delta monopulse error
- - - --- - - weighted monopulse error
simulations are repeated for a number of off-bore-sight
distances and summarized in Figure 4 and Figure 5 for 30

azimuth and elevation angle estimation.


\ ..
20 \ ,
27 dB 15
dB ---/

.,. \

, .
10 ,. , ....
. .
' './

35.32 ------

28.58 o 5 10 15 20 25


Fig. 5 Monopulse Angle Estimates for Elevation Angle

Table 1 Antenna Pattern Gain information

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