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Authoritative parenting uses good-natured communication between the parent and

child, setting rules and objectives and laying the foundations for achieving them. Parents

communicate in confident, friendly, affirmative and peaceful ways and do not set goals

based on the child’s desires, but rather, based on past performances and achievements.

Keeping the child’s caliber in mind before setting the bar’s height is the cornerstone of

authoritative parenting basics. (Aparna, 2018). However there is also the fact that this kind

of parenting style is characterized by high responsiveness and high demands. Authoritative

parents are responsive to the child’s emotional needs while having high standards. They

set limits and are very consistent in enforcing boundaries. (Mediavine, 2013)

There are plenty of reasons why parents tend to become authoritative towards their

children. One of it is the mistakes or poor decisions that the parents made throughout their

life as they grow up, pushing them to not let their children repeat what they have done.

There is also the reason wherein parents want to educate their children and teach them

lesson based on their wrong doings and to set a certain standard for them. Moreover,

parents always wants the best for their children therefore they usually lead them to the right

path in order for them to achieve the excellence and success that they could ever have.

Educational achievement means the fulfillment of expected level of education, and

an education organization approaches its predetermined goals. Educational achievement

means increase of learning, increase of the level of good scores and admission of students

in the courses and educational grades. (Bagheri, 2016)

Background of the Study

Most parents assume that strict parenting produces better – behaved kids however,

research studies on discipline consistently show that strict, or authoritarian, child-raising

actually produces unhappy kids to feel bad about themselves and behave worse than other kids

and therefore get punished more. (Markham, 2015)

In Merriam Webster, the word “parenting” means the process of taking care of children

until they are old enough to take care of themselves; the things that parents do to raise a child,

while “authoritative” means having, marked by, or proceeding from authority;

an authoritative manner. Combine the two words together, “authoritative parenting” is formed.

It is a parenting style characterized by high responsiveness and high demands. Authoritative

parents are responsive to the child’s emotional needs while having high standards. They set

limits and are very consistent enforcing boundaries.

Authoritative parenting is a style wherein the parents and children communicate

amicably. Parents set policies and explain the reason behind the rules to children and seek their

opinion. According to eminent psychologist Dr. Dianna Baumrind, the goal of parenting is to

have a healthy child with competence and character.

While, although education is not the only road to success in the working world, much

effort is made to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of students in schools.

Parents care about their child's academic performance because they believe good academic

results will provide more career choices and job security. Schools, though invested in fostering

good academic habits for the same reason, are also often influenced by concerns about the

school's reputation and the possibility of monetary aid from government institutions, which

can hinge on the overall academic performance of the school. State and federal departments of

education are charged with improving schools, and so devise methods of measuring success in

order to create plans for improvement. (Bell, 2018)

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to determine the influence of Authoritative

parenting style towards the academic performance of the selected Grade 8 and Grade 9

students of Krislizz International Academy. It specifically seeks to answer the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Grade

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

2. What is the level of Authoritative Parenting that the selected students encounter?

3. What is the profile of the academic performance of the selected students in Krislizz

International Academy?

4. Is there a significant relationship between parents parenting style and the

respondents’ academic performance?

Objectives of the Study

This research aims to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages of

Authoritative parenting and its significance towards the performance of the respondents in

school. It also aims to identify the effects and influences of authoritative parenting towards

the academic performance of the selected respondents.

The researchers have chosen a topic that shall state whether authoritative parenting

style has given a significant or no significant effect within the population of Grade 8 and

Grade 9 students in Krislizz International Academy. The purpose of choosing this issue is

to have the knowledge on how this problem influenced or affected the target respondents

in their performance in school. It is also that they want to spread the education and

awareness about different circumstances that correlates with this matter that might stun the

academic growth of students. Through this not just the students but everyone will be

conscious since everyone has a contribution to this phenomenon.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would be beneficial to the following:

To students, this will be of help to them in their understanding about development

through education, which will be one of the deciding factors of their disposition as adults,

considering that they will someday be contributors to the country.

To parents, this will also help them realize that there are positive and negative

effects of parenting, depending on how they handle situations regarding their children’s

academic performance and behavior, and this will be the basis for their children’s future in

the society.

To teachers, who are considered as the second parents of students, this will be their

guide in correcting the possible mistakes made in guiding the children. This will also

provide an insight to the students’ feelings about the role of academics in their lives.

To future researchers, this will give them background information in case they

choose this subject to their research. This can also be used as a referrence to their studies.

To the administration, this will provide reference in setting up programs to

improve parent-child relationships inside and outside the school.

Conceptual Framework

This study uses the system approach (input- process- output system) (as seen in

figure 1) to describe the conceptual framework of the study. The Input of this study will be

the child-parent relationship and academic standing of the student. This will be gathered

by giving out questionnaires to the selected Grade 8 and Grade 9 students. This will be

analyzed by using the statistical tool Pearson R. The output of this study will show the

effects of authoritative parenting style to academic performance of the selected Grade 8

and Grade 9 students in Krislizz International Academy.



Demographic Statistical Tool:

Profile Effects of
Pearson’s R Authoritative
Child – Parent Parenting Style to
Relationship Data Analysis
and Interpretation Academic
Academic Performances
Standing of the

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Statement of the Hypothesis

Ho – The null hypothesis states that the authoritative parenting style has

no significant effects to the academic performance of high school students in Krislizz

International Academy.

Ha - The alternative hypothesis states that the authoritative parenting

style has a significant effect to the academic performance of high school students in

Krislizz International Academy.

Scope and Limitations of the study

The scope of this study will focus to the effects of authoritative parenting style on

the selected Grade 8 and Grade 9 students of Krislizz International Academy. In total there

will be 68 respondents on the conducted study. Each of those will be given the same

questionnaires to answer. The researchers will also perform this research on the setting of

Krislizz International Academy.

The limitations of this study includes the fact that students at this point of time have

their own requirements and activities to complete so the researchers have decided that

instead of the whole population of Grade 8 and Grade 9 students, they have cut down the

total number. Moreover, the researchers have limited time to conduct the study so they

have chosen not to involve all of the Grade 8 and Grade 9 students because the credibility

of their work might be in an uncertain situation especially if they force the students, the

consideration of giving the truth could get difficult.

Definition of Terms

Authoritarian. Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the

government, at the expense of personal freedom.

Authoritarian attitude. Is a state of mind or attitude characterized by belief in absolute

obedience or submission to someone else's authority, as well as the administration of that

belief through the oppression of one's subordinates.

Authoritative. Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed.

Childrearing. The process of taking care of and raising children.

Cognitive development. Is the construction of thought processes, including remembering,

problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

Corporal punishment. Is a punishment intended to cause physical pain on a person.

Curtailment. The action or fact of reducing or restricting something.

Manipulative. Influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others

for one’s own purposes.

Ponderable. Having appreciable weight or significance.

Standpoint. An attitude to or outlook on issues, typically arising from one's circumstances

or belief.

Supremacy. The state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or


Theoretical. Concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather

than its practical application



This chapter presents the related studies and literature the researchers have gathered

after a profound and careful review.

Related Foreign Literatures

A study conducted by other researchers was carried out to find out the influence of

parental authoritativeness on adolescents’ academic achievement. As expected, the result

shows that both mothers and fathers’ authoritativeness positively relate to the academic

achievement of the students. The implications of the result are discussed. The influence of

authoritative parenting style on adolescents' academic achievement (Kingsley Nyarko,


In addition when a study drawn on data from the 2002 Survey of Approaches to

Educational Planning (SAEP), it has examined the predictive effects of parenting practices

and parenting style on children’s school achievement, and the predictive effects of parental

expectations and parental beliefs on parenting style for 6,626 respondents with children

aged 5–18 years in Canada. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses, after controlling for

family socioeconomic status (SES), revealed the substantial positive predictive effects of

family SES, parental encouragement, parental expectations, and parental beliefs on

children’s school achievement. In contrast, parental monitoring had a substantial negative

predictive effect on children’s school achievement in the context of other variables.

Although parental expectations were not related to parenting style, parental beliefs were

positively associated with both parental encouragement and parental monitoring—the two

dimensions of authoritative parenting style. Parenting Practices, Parenting Style, and

Children’s School Achievement (Shaljan Areepattamannil, 2010)

Relationships between parenting styles, academic performance, and the mediating

effects of motivation, goal orientation, and self-efficacy were examined. One hundred

forty-eight high school students participated, including 58 males and 90 females. The

Parenting Style/Parental Involvement Questionnaire was used to measure students'

perceptions of their parents' parenting styles. The Intrinsic-Extrinsic Orientation Scale

measured students' motivation. The Patterns of Adapted Learning Survey measured

participants' goal orientation and academic self-efficacy. Adolescents who reported their

parents as having a more authoritative parenting style were found to demonstrate more

intrinsic motivation in their academic pursuits. Future implications for intervention and

research are discussed. Relationships Between Parenting Styles and the Academic

Performance of Adolescents (Rivers, et al, 2012)

Past research on perfectionism has suggested that the development of perfectionism

is related to harsh parenting styles. The present study extends past research by examining

the relationship between perceived parental characteristics and perfectionism in both men

and women from two ethnic groups. This study also included an examination of the

relationship between perfectionism and academic achievement. One-hundred and Forty-

five Asian-American and 192 Caucasian-American college students participated in the

present study. In general, harsh and authoritarian parenting styles were related to

maladaptive, but not adaptive, components of perfectionism in Caucasian-American men

and women and Asian-American women. The adaptive component of perfectionism was

related to higher grade-point averages for women in both ethnic groups but not for the men.

The relationship of perceived parenting styles to perfectionism. (Frost, et al, 2012)

A research paper regarding the legitimacy of parental control over academic

behaviors was investigated. It was assumed that the adolescents would differentiate

between the issues inherent in various types or domains of academic behaviors. The results

revealed three domains of academic behaviors: learning processes, college major choices,

and subject choices. Perceived legitimacy of parental control was negatively associated

with individual-oriented achievement motivations for all three domains, but social-oriented

achievement motivations were positively associated only with legitimacy perceptions of

parental control on subject choices. Multiple regression analysis indicated that school

achievement was negatively associated with perceived legitimacy of parental control over

learning processes, but positively associated with legitimacy perceptions of control over

subject choice. The results extend current theorizing about legitimacy of parental control

to the realm of academic behaviors. Implications for learning interventions and parenting

advocacies are discussed.

Another group researched focusing on authoritative parenting and the relationship

to academic achievement. The research questions of this study addressed what parenting

behaviors do urban middle and high school students identify as influential on their current

academic performance and did the identified parenting behaviors of students fit the

literature’s notion of Baumrind’s authoritative parenting. This qualitative study

interviewed a purposeful sample of urban African American adolescents in grades 7-10

from a midsize urban city in upstate New York, recruited in the after school setting. In

addition, parents completed a survey regarding their parenting behaviors in relationship to

their child’s academic achievement. There were four main themes in this study: “Use

specific language with your child”: verbal motivation, I have a routine and I have rules,

Parent Involvement: I want your help, and Give Me Discipline, Rewards and

Consequences. This study found that the voice of African American adolescents provided

clear and concise insight and great voice to the parenting behaviors from their perspective.

This study also found that the parent behaviors fit within the authoritative parenting

framework of D. Baumrind with adjustments and modifications in their expression to fit

the culture it is servicing. Future research would benefit from an expansion to include

additional grade levels and qualitative parent interviews to expand the research base for

African American parenting. Authoritative Parenting and the Relationship to Academic

Achievement: Views of Urban African American Adolescents. (Richards, 2011)

Baumrind developed one of the two major traditions of Parental Acceptance/

Rejection Theory, in which she categorizes parenting styles into

authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive categories. Research indicates that

culture, ethnicity and socioeconomic status influence a family’s tendency toward a

particular parenting style. This study investigated how different parenting styles

experienced, as reported by university students, relate to students’ academic self-

efficacy. We hypothesized that student-report of an authoritative parenting style would be

associated with self-report of higher academic self-efficacy and relatively higher academic


We sampled students enrolled in introduction to psychology courses at Texas A&M

University. Participants received 1 course grade credit for their participation. All

participants completed a packet of questionnaires in counterbalanced order. A

Demographic Questionnaire was used to gather data on gender, age, ethnicity, year in

college, study skills habits, GPA, and family description.

The Parental Authority Questionnaire was used to measure Baumrind’s parental

prototypes as reported to have been experienced by the students. The Self Efficacy and

Study Skills Questionnaire was used to obtain self-report of academic self-

efficacy. Analyses indicated that academic self-efficacy was significantly positively

correlated with GPA. Also, as hypothesized, academic self-efficacy was significantly

positively correlated with authoritative parenting style. The influence of parenting style and

ethnicity on academic self-efficacy and academic performance (Chandler Megan, 2016)

Related Foreign Studies

The parenting style exercised by parents have the potential to promote or hinder

their children’s academic performance at school. However, the extent to which each

parenting style affects pupils’ academic performance in various subjects among secondary

school pupils has not been explored in Zambia. Thus, this study sought to investigate the

effect of parenting styles on the performance of Grade 11 pupils in English language in

selected secondary schools of Lusaka District. The study used a cross-sectional design

which was conducted among 409 Grade 11 pupils from eight secondary schools of Lusaka


The study employed multi-stage sampling and at each stage a simple random

technique was used. The study adapted the Parental Authority Questionnaire to determine

parenting styles as perceived by pupils. There was no association between gender and

parenting styles. A two-way ANOVA indicated statistically significant differences in

pupils’ performance in English language based on parenting styles, 𝐹 = 14.38, 𝑝 < .

The first Multiple Linear Regression Analysis showed that the English language

performance variance for the Authoritative model explained by gender, age, and home-

type was the largest while that for the Neglectful model was the smallest. Effects Of

Parenting Styles On Performance Of Pupils In English Language In Selected Secondary

Schools Of Lusaka District, Zambia. (Chanda, 2013)

Other researchers surveyed 148 high school students from rural, south central

Georgia. Demographically, the sample was comprised of 39% male, 61% female, 36%

African American and 53% White. In regard to grade level, 68% were 11th graders, and

13% were 12th graders and 12% were 10th graders. Approximately 93% were college-prep

and the students came from eight rural counties.

Measures included the Parenting Style and Parental Involvement Questionnaire, the

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Orientation Scale, the Patterns of Adapted Learning Survey , and a

demographic questionnaire. The Parenting Style and Parental Involvement Questionnaire

was used to measure students’ perceptions of parenting style. The Patterns of Adapted

Learning Survey was used to measure both goal orientation and academic self-efficacy.

Correlations, hierarchal multiple regression and analysis of variance were the

analyses used for the study. The researcher found a significant correlation between

parenting style and the motivation subscales. The analysis of variance indicated that all of

the criterion measures of academic achievement differed significantly as a function of plans

after high school. Additionally, math GPA, english GPA, science GPA and grade point

average differed as a function of race, and only english GPA differed as a function of sex.

The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Academic Achievement and the Mediating

Influences of Motivation, Goal Orientation and Academic Self-Efficacy. (Rivers,2013)

Baumrind’s typology of parenting styles was used. There are many studies that

examined the relationship of parenting styles and academic performance, but there is lack

of measurement of the relationship with respect to Pakistan. Current study analyzed the

relationship of parenting styles and academic performance along with self-efficacy as

mediating variable. Measures included the parenting styles and self-efficacy. GPA was

taken as a measure of academic performance of adolescents. Self-reported questionnaire

was used to take the response from students. With the help of structural equation modeling,

structural model was tested. Results of the study indicate that parenting styles individually

have no significant relationship with the academic performance.

In addition to this, self-efficacy only mediates the relationship of authoritative

parenting style and academic performance. It can be concluded that self-efficacy in

individuals is an important attribute necessary for the psychological development of the

adolescents. Self-efficacy enhances the individual’s confidence to progress. There is a need

to conduct more research on the relationship of parenting styles and academic performance

in Pakistan. Implications for parents, teachers, are discussed. Relationship between

parenting styles and academic performance of adolescents: mediating role of self-efficacy.

(Ahmad, 2016)

Past study states that literature accords the importance of parenting style and their

impact on young adolescent’s behavior. There are many factors that affect the academic

performance of children and parenting styles is one of the significant factors of academic

performance. But there is lack of research that integrates and systemizes the relationship

between parenting styles and academic performance especially in Pakistan. The unit of

analysis of this research was studies that were previously conducted on parenting styles

and academic performance of young children. Main focus of search was to availability of

data that is most recent and relevant, so this research paper focuses on 39 studies. Articles

from seven databases (Google Scholar, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis Journals, Web

of Science, JSTOR, Springer link and SAGE Journals) were identified related to the topic

using a pre-established set of terms that included both parenting styles and academic

performance. All the studies highlighted that parenting styles affect the academic

achievement of adolescents. It was analyzed that authoritative parenting style is the most

effective parenting style in enhancing the academic performance of young children. More

research is needed on parenting styles in different continents to have an understanding of

the cultural effect of parenting styles on the academic performance of adolescents.

Implications for parents and policy makers are discussed. Parenting styles and academic

achievement of young adolescents: A systematic literature review. (Masud, 2015)

Related Local Literatures

Another researched paper analyzes the interactions between peers and parents in

the development of adolescent's cognitive skills, proxied by the academic performance of

adolescents, and the predisposition to risky behavior, proxied by the frequency of alcohol

consumption. We estimate a technology of skill formation that identifies peer effects on

the basis of quasi-random assignment of students across classes, time varying data, and the

use of instrumental variables. We find that both peer and parental socialization efforts have

a positive influence over adolescents’ academic skills, and that these effects are

complementary: as parents invest more, peers amplify their effects. Our results suggest that

peer effects are heterogenous (boys, popular students and high achievers are more likely to

be influenced by peer academic abilities). On the other hand, we do not find robots

evidence of peer effects on the frequency of alcohol consumption. We do find, however,

that parental investment decreases alcohol consumption. Peer and parental influence in

academic performance and alcohol use (Balsa, et al, 2018)

A group decided to examine the relationship between authoritative and

authoritarian parenting styles and socio-emotional adjustment in elementary school

children as reported from the parents' perspective. Mothers of first through fifth graders

provided information about parenting style as well as children's competencies and problem

behaviors. Teachers provided ratings of children's adjustment for a subset of the

participants. Results indicated that authoritative parenting was associated negatively with

parent- and teacher-rated maladaptive behavior, and positively with indicators of healthy

adjustment. Correlations between authoritarian parenting and adjustment were either small

or non-significant. Regression analyses indicated that authoritative parenting was more

predictive of children's competence than maladaptation (22% versus 10% of variance). The

effects of parenting style on adjustment were not moderated by demographic variables,

such as the child's gender, grade level, ethnicity, and family income. The Relationship

Between Parenting Style and Children's Adjustment: The Parents' Perspective. (Gadd,


We therefore conclude that with what we have researched we may either achieve a

negative or positive effect on the academic performance of high school students in Krislizz

International Academy involving authoritative parenting. Some researches prove that

authoritative parenting really helps a student’s ability to do more and reach a high standard,

it made them persevere and attain a positive academic achievement. On the other hand,

there are still the statements of researchers acknowledging the fact that authoritative

parenting negatively affects a student’s academic performance.

Related Local Studies

Filipino young people's discernments with respect to the authenticity of parental

command over scholastic practices was explored. It was expected that the young people

would separate between the issues characteristic in different kinds or spaces of scholastic

practices. Numerous relapse examination demonstrated that school accomplishment was

adversely connected with seen authenticity of parental power over learning forms, yet

emphatically connected with authenticity view of authority over subject decision. The

outcomes broaden current speculating about authenticity of parental control to the domain

of scholarly practices. Suggestions for learning intercessions and child rearing backings

are talked about. Exploring Filipino adolescents' perceptions of the legitimacy of parental

authority over academic behaviors (Allan B.I Bernardo, 2010)

Another research has demonstrated a relationship between parenting styles and

academic achievement in children and young adolescents. Global measures of parental

involvement have also been shown to mediate this relationship. However, there is little

research that examines these relationships within an older adolescent population or that has

studied specific components of parental involvement. A total of 136 students, 72 from a

university and 64 from a high school, completed self-report questionnaires.

In addition, the relationships between personality characteristics and academic

achievement and peer orientation and academic achievement were also evaluated. The

mediation model proposed was only partially supported. Only one of the components of

parental involvement, described as parental support of academic endeavors, was found to

mediate the effect of parenting styles on academic achievement. This relationship existed

when school attitudes were used as the outcome. Impact of parenting styles on academic

achievement: Parenting styles, parental involvement, personality factors and peer

orientation (Kusterer, 2010)

A different article explains life satisfaction and Academic achievement based on

Parenting Styles and psychological hardiness. For this purpose 500 students of Semnan

University in year 2014 were selected through Multi-stage cluster sampling. questionnaires

Parenting Styles Baumrind, life satisfaction (SWIS) and psychological hardiness were used

for data collecting. The results showed that Parenting Styles with life satisfaction, academic

achievement and psychological hardiness are correlated directly. Path analysis results

showed, the largest path coefficient as to variable influence academic achievement on life

satisfaction, and the smallest path coefficient as to variable influence life satisfaction is on

the authoritative style. The considering results can be improved life satisfaction and

academic achievement by parenting styles (democratic) and psychological hardiness.

Assessment of Structural Model to Explain Life Satisfaction and Academic Achievement

Based on Parenting Styles (Abdi, et al, 2015)



This chapter describes the methodology of research study, supervision of

interviewers, and data analysis techniques, including collection of data, study design,

sampling frame and procedure of respondent’s selection. In this study methodologies have

been used to diagnose and examine the effects of authoritative parenting style to the

academic performance of the selected students.

Research Design

The research design was formatted through descriptive method as it focused on

determining the influence of authoritative parenting style on the academic performance of

the students. What this research attempted to illustrate is what the independent variable

authoritative parenting style, transmit to the dependent variable academic performance of

the child, resulting in either a positive or negative effect. Based upon Baumrind's theory of

parenting styles together with the literature review, the theory was that each individual

parenting style has an effect on self-esteem which can affect their execution in school.

Thus, a structured questionnaire was used.

According to Fluid Survey (2017), descriptive research is conclusive in nature, as

opposed to explanatory. This means that descriptive research gathers quantifiable

information that can be used for statistical inference on your target audience through data

analysis. As a consequence, this type of research takes the form of closed-ended questions,

which limits its ability to provide unique insights. However, used properly it can help an

organization better define and measure the significance of something about a group of

respondents and the population they represent.

When it comes to online surveying, descriptive is by is by far the most commonly

used form of research. Most often, organizations will use it as a method to reveal and

measure the strength of a target group’s opinion, attitude, or behavior with regards to a

given subject. But another common use of descriptive research would be the surveying of

demographical traits in a certain group. This information could then be studied at face

value, measuring trends over time, or for more advanced data analysis like drawing

correlations, segmentations, benchmarking and other statistical techniques.

Research Instrument

The following are the descriptions of the tests used in the subject study to

completely understand why we conducted this kind of analysis.

The survey instrument was divided into three parts. The first section contains the

demographic profile of the respondents wherein the grade, age and gender of the

respondent is included. The second section is mainly comprised of items querying about

the relationship of the respondent to his or her parent. The data gathered from this section

was used to signify one of the independent factors in the statistical treatment. The third part

involved the participants’ academic standing in Krislizz International Academy. This was

composed of Likert-type scale questions of assessing the own comprehension of students

about their achievement and state in school as well as the parent and child relationship of

the students. This was used to establish the impact of parenting on their behavior.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study were 68 students from Grade 8 and Grade 9. They

were selected from the total population of 81 Grade 8 and Grade 9 students from Krislizz

International Academy during the School Year 2018- 2019.

Th researchers used a stratified sampling technique to get the sample size of the

respondents using the Slovin’s formula as shown below. The computation result in a

sample size of 68 respondents.

𝟏 + 𝑵𝒆𝟐


n = the sample size

N = total population

e = margin of error (0.05)

1 = constant

Population Frame and Sample Size

Table 1 represents the number of respondents that will take part in the survey in

order to answer the questionnaire that the researchers will distribute to the students of

Krislizz International Academy.

Table 1. Number of respondents in Grade 8 and Grade 9

Grade No. of Students Percentage Sample Size

Grade 8 40 49.38% 34

Grade 9 41 50.62% 34

Total 81 100% 68

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers make questionnaires based from the stated problems of this

study. Second, the questionnaires will be administered to the respondents from Grade 8

and Grade 9 students wherein they would read and answer it by themselves. Lastly, the

researchers collected the questionnaires that the respondents answered. The gathered data

were arranged, counted and analyzed properly by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To determine the influence of authoritative parenting to the level of academic

performance of the respondents, the researchers will use weighted mean. Weighted mean-

is the weighted average of a set of observations. To get the weighted mean, follow this


𝑋̅ =


f = number of answer on each item

x = weight of each item

∑ 𝑓𝑥 = summation of f and x

n = total population

The Pearson’s R formula describes the level of correlation between the effects of

authoritative parenting and the academic performances of the selected students in Grade 8

and Grade 9.

Pearson’s R formula:

𝑁 ∑𝑥𝑦 − (∑𝑥)(∑𝑦)
√[ 𝑁∑𝑥 2 − (∑𝑥)2 ][ 𝑁∑𝑦 2 − (∑𝑦)2 ]


r = Raw Score

x = Level of Authoritative Parenting Style

y = Grades of the selected students

N = total population


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Appendix A
The Research Questionnaire

Dear respondents,
We the Grade 10 students of Krislizz International Academy will be conducting a research
about the “Effects of Authoritative Parenting Style to the Academic Performance of the
Selected Grade 8 and Grade 9 Students in Krislizz International Academy S.Y. 2018-
In this line with this, we are asking for your sincere answer to this questionnaire. Your
answer will be kept confidential. Thank you and God Bless.
Sincerely yours,
Johannah Mendoza
Group 3 leader


Part 1: Demographic Profile of the respondents

Instruction: Please write your complete name and fill out the form below.
Grade and Section:_________________

Part 2: The Level of Authoritative Parenting that the respondents encounter

Instructions: For each statement, put a check (✓) on the corresponding boxes to identify
your answers, whether the respondents Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1).

Questions: 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. My parent/s explain the
consequences of my behavior.
2. My parent/s show respect for
my own opinions by
encouraging me to express them.
3. My parent/s encourage me to
freely express myself even when
disagreeing with them.
4. My parent/s have warm and
intimate times together with me.
5. My parent/s allow me to give
input into family rules.
6. My parent/s scold me
whenever my behavior don’t
meet their expectations.
7. My parent/s criticize me so I
can improve.
8. My parent/s discourage me
when I am expressing my
9. My parent/s ground me
whenever I misbehave.
10. My parent/s don’t tolerate
my mistakes by giving me

Part 3: Relationship between the Authoritative Parenting to the Academic
Performance of the Respondents

Questions: 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1.My parents’ strictness

motivate me to study harder
2. My parents’ high
expectations help me gain
confidence about my studies.
3. My parent/s monitor and
make sure I finished my
4. My parent/s provide me the
things I need at school.
5. My parent/s give me advice
regarding my academics.
6. My parents don’t allow me to
do my projects outside the
7. My parent/s scold me when I
go home late from school.
8. My parents doesn’t let me
stay up all night to review or do
my projects.

9. My parent/s don’t allow me

to study with gadgets.

10. My parent/s get

disappointed when my grades
don’t reach their expectations.

Appendix B

Letter to the office of the Principal

January 10, 2018

Johannah Mendoza
Blk 27 Lot 7 Westplains Subd.
Trece Martires City, Cavite

Dr. Lea S. Lontoc

School Directress
Krislizz International Academy
Trece Martires City, Cavite

Subject: Thesis Title Approval

Dear Dr. Lea,

Good day!
I, Johannah Mendoza, am writing in behalf of my group in Research as we would
like to request for your approval to change our research topic and title after finding out that
aside from limited samples we also consider the confidentiality of the subject. We take into
account also that not all students would be open to share their true family situation and this
would affect the credibility of the result of our study.
Our newly proposed thesis title would be “The Effects of Authoritative Parenting
Style to the Academic Performance of the Grade 8 and Grade 9 Students in Krislizz
International Academy S.Y. 2018-2019”. The study aims to determine the effect of strict
parenting to the attitude of students towards studying and the level of their academic
We hope this letter explained our title and objectives clearly. Thank you!

Research Student


School Directress Research 10 Coordinator
__________________________ ______________________________
Appendix C
Curriculum Vitae


LOT 37 Cardinal St. Brgy. Lapidario, TMC, Cavite
[email protected]

Birthday: September 03, 2002 Age: 16
Gender: Male Birthplace: Carmona
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: Manolo O. Baac Occupation: Nurse
Name of mother: Edna P. Baac Occupation: Nurse
Motto: “Medal is just a metal”

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduated
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2014-2015


 Top 6 (Elementary)
 Basketball (champion)

001 Bitangan St. Brgy. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite
[email protected]


Birthday: May 31, 2002 Age: 16

Gender: Female Birthplace: Philippine General
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: N/A Occupation: N/A
Name of mother: Leonisa Reyes Caringal Occupation: Supervisor
Motto: “If you believe, you can achieve”


To learn more things in life, and to keep on learning.

Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: Angeles Elementary
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduate
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2013-2014


 Badminton Girls Singles (2nd place) Pagsaling Awit (2nd place)

 Badminton Doubles Kitchen Band (3rd place)
 Awit Paskuhan Choir Competition Quiz Bee (champion)

Blk. 46 Lt. 27, Joel st Ayala, Sampaguita Village, Brgy. Inocencio,
TMC, Cavite
[email protected]

Birthday : October 5 , 2002 Age : 16

Gender : Female Birthplace : Trece Martires
Civil status : Single Citizenship : Filipino
Name of Father : Fernando D. Creencia Occupation : Engineer
Name of Mother: Theresa B. Creencia Occupation : Housewife
Motto : In life be a warrior, not a worrier

The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it

Secondary Elementary
School : Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment : Grade 10 ( present ) Accomplishment : Graduated
Batch : S. Y. 2017 – 2018 Batch : S. Y. 2014-2015

 Top 13 (Grade 8)
 Cooking fest 2016 (2nd place)
 Cooking fest 2016 ( 3rd place)
 Consistent Honor Student

28 Brgy. Lapidario, Trece Martires City, Cavite
[email protected]

Birthday: June 01, 2003 Age: 15
Gender: Female Birthplace: Cauayan, Aurora, Isabela
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: Mervin M. Limbo Occupation: Manager
Name of mother: Cherry M. Limbo Occupation: Housewife
Motto: “Nothing worth having comes easy.”


To never give up despite of many failures.

Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduate
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2014-2015


 Consistent Honor Student

 Declamation (champion)
 Spoken Poetry (champion)
BLK 27 LOT 7 Westplains Subd. Brgy. San Agustin, TMC, Cavite
[email protected]

Birthday: August 25, 2003 Age: 15
Gender: Female Birthplace: Philippine General
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: Nelson D. Mendoza Occupation: Househusband
Name of mother: Charlie D. Mendoza Occupation: Nurse
Motto: “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”


To conquer hardships and get the most out of life.

Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduated
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2014-2015


 Consistent Honor Student

Washington St. Sampaguita Vill Brgy. Inocencio, TMC


Birthday: April 28, 2002 Age: 16

Gender: Female Birthplace: Makati Medical City
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: Sonny N. Novero Occupation: Employee
Name of mother: Maricel M. Novero Occupation: Business Woman
Motto:” If You Never Try You’ll Never Know”


To work hard and achieve something great


Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduate
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2014-2015


 Badminton (champion)


White gardenia St. Brgy Lapidario, Trece Martires City, Cavite
[email protected]


Birthday: November 15, 2003 Age: 15

Gender: Male Birthplace: Cavite City
Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino
Name of father: Roy O. Piorque Occupation: OFW
Name of mother: Ma. Eda S. Piorque Occupation: N/A
Motto: “If God brings you to it He will bring you through it”


To love God and to love people

Secondary Elementary
School: Krislizz International Academy School: King Arthurs
Accomplishment: Grade 10 (present) Accomplishment: Graduate
Batch: S.Y 2017-2018 Batch: S.Y 2013-2014


 Achiever

Blk. 36 Lot 20 Lilac St. Capitol Hills Phase 2 Brgy. Lapidario T.M.C
[email protected]
0977 2388 772

Birthday : April 10 , 2003 Age : 15
Gender : Female Birthplace : Trece Martires
Civil status : Single Citizenship : Filipino
Name of Father : Jaime F. Reyes Occupation : Bartender
Name of Mother: Bennier B. Reyes Occupation : Housewife
Motto : Be Brave and Conquer


To spread light to everyone who are lost in their own darkness.

Secondary Elementary
School : Krislizz International Academy School: Krislizz International
Accomplishment : Grade 10 ( present ) Accomplishment : Graduated
Batch : S. Y. 2017 – 2018 Batch : S. Y. 2014-2015

 Badminton Doubles ( Champion )
 Tula ( 1st Place )
 Table Skirting ( Champion )
 Best News Presenter
 Consistent Honor Student
 Poster Making (champion)
 Quiz Bee Current Events Competition (4th place)


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