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Knowledge and attitude about relining of complete dentures

in clinical practice: A cross‑sectional study
Akhil Rathi, Rajlakshmi Banerjee, Usha Radke, Seema Lahoti1, Shraddha Sahni
Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 1Department of Orthodontics,
RKDF Dental College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract Background: Residual ridge resorption is crucial sequelae of tooth loss. Complete dentures are the most
common way of rehabilitating edentulous patients. However, with continuing residual ridge resorption,
dentures tend to become loose and unstable causing discomfort, chewing disability, and speech problems.
Denture relining is an economical means of improving a denture’s stability and retention. An understanding
of the clinical indications and limitations of these materials and procedures is crucial for clinical success.
Aim and Objective: The purpose of this survey was to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice in relining
dentures among dental practitioners.
Materials and Methods: The cross‑sectional survey was conducted using a validated questionnaire on
200 (n = 200) dental practitioners in Nagpur city, Maharashtra. Data analysis was done using proportion
test with SPSS EPI INFO software.
Results: Although all 200 practitioners were aware of the relining procedure and were routinely carrying
out the procedure in their dental clinics, 50% of the practitioners were unaware of the correct relining
step by step procedure and were also not sure about the antimicrobial properties of the relining material
available in the market.
Conclusion: Awareness and scientific knowledge about the relining materials and procedure should be
enhanced within general dental practitioners through CDE program and workshops. Steps should be taken
to include relining procedure as a part of undergraduate clinical curriculum as well as internship program.

Keywords: Antimicrobial property, complete removable denture, reliner, relining

Address for correspondence: Dr. Akhil Rathi, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
E‑mail: [email protected]
Received: 24th November, 2017, Accepted: 23rd February, 2018

INTRODUCTION population, problems associated with edentulism is also on

a constant rise.[1] With a population of 4,067,637, Nagpur
Aging is a universal process and a normal inevitable biologic accounts for 4.20% of the population of Maharashtra.
phenomenon. The health problems arising out of aging will
8.42 percent of the district’s population is over the age
have varied implications for underdeveloped, developing,
and developed countries. With the increase in elderly of 59 years. The larger the elderly population, the greater

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DOI: How to cite this article: Rathi A, Banerjee R, Radke U, Lahoti S, Sahni S.
10.4103/jips.jips_302_17 Knowledge and attitude about relining of complete dentures in clinical practice:
A cross-sectional study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2018;18:174-80.

174 © 2018 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Rathi, et al.: Denture relining: A cross-sectional survey

would be the need for social support for the elderly.[2] in Table 1. The practitioners were personally approached
With the increase of edentulism associated with elderly by the investigator, and the response rate for the study
population, restoration and rehabilitation of the lost was 100%.
teeth with a dental prosthesis is the most common dental
rehabilitation procedure undertaken for the elderly. The The sur vey was conducted using a self‑directed,
socioeconomic status of the aged population restricts comprehensive, closed ended validated questionnaire with
the use of implant‑supported prosthesis in a developing 16 questions [Figure 1]. This 16 item questionnaire included
country like India. Conventional complete dentures thereby five knowledge‑related questions [indication, technique,
are the most commonly used dental prostheses for the type of material, durability, and disinfection, Table 2], six
elderly.[2] items on practice [clinical practice, material used, technique,
recall, evaluation, and instructions to the patients, Table 3],
One of the main goals of complete denture construction and five on attitude  [Table 4], which were graded on a
is to achieve denture bases that best fits the underlying 5‑point Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, don’t know,
tissues. As residual ridge resorption occurs, dentures tend to disagree, and strongly disagree), reflecting the level of
become loose. This causes discomfort, chewing disability, agreement of dentists’ decision along the scale.
difficulty in eating hard foods, and speech problems. Use of
resilient liners in the clinical management of prosthodontic Data were imported to the IBM SPSS statistics software
patients is well documented and their adjunctive benefit (IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) to draw the means and
recognized.[3] Since their introduction in the 1950s, these percentage. The samples were also divided according to age
viscoelastic compliant materials have undergone some group (25–35 years, 36–45 years, 46–55 years, and more
development and improvement, being used to form all than 55 years) and according to years of clinical practice (1–
or part of the fit surface of a denture and help condition 10 years, 10–20 years, and more than 20 years) [Table 1].
traumatized tissues providing an interim or permanent
cushion‑like effect.[4,5]

Various techniques such as direct chairside relining and Table 2 shows the response of dentists on the basis of
indirect laboratory technique are available for denture knowledge regarding relining of complete dentures.
relining. [6‑8] The direct chairside technique involves Seventy‑four percent of dentists practicing in Nagpur
addition of self‑cure soft relining material on the intaglio region knew that relining is the procedure used to resurface
surface of the denture followed by soft‑tissue molding the removable prosthesis whereas about 26% were not
to incorporate functional movements for correction of sure about the exact procedure of relining. Regarding
the fit of denture bases. Newer materials such as room response to a question about the preparation before
temperature‑vulcanizing silicone have been introduced with relining procedure, 46% felt that thorough examination of
various antimicrobial and tissue conditioning properties. An impression surface of the denture and also the soft tissue
understanding of the clinical indications and limitations intraorally is necessary before relining whereas 34% felt
of these materials and procedures is crucial for clinical that cleaning of the dentures with an ultrasonic cleaner to
success. Therefore, the purpose of this survey was to study remove calculus and slimy layer before relining is needed.
knowledge, attitude, and practice about relining procedure According to 37% of the dentists, 0.5 mm from tissue
among dental practitioners. Based on the results, an action surface and 1 mm from border area should be scraped
plan can be developed to increase awareness and updating from the denture before relining the denture [Figure 2].
of knowledge among dental practitioners in Nagpur so About the duration of use of a relining material, majority
that more scientific‑based standardized procedures can be of practitioners think that soft reliner should be used for
undertaken for prosthodontic rehabilitation of completely short term.
edentulous patients.
Table 3 shows the attitude of the dentist about relining
MATERIALS AND METHODS procedure. Eighty‑one percent of the dentists think that
relining increases the retention and stability of the denture
The cross‑sectional survey was conducted on a sample whereas 14% did not feel so and 5% were not sure about
size of 200 private dental practitioners (62% males and it [Figure 3]. Thirty‑nine percent of dentists surveyed
38% females) in Nagpur city, which included the general thought relining might increase the vertical dimension
practitioners, prosthodontists, and other specialists. The of the dentures. One‑fourth of surveyed dentist feels
sociodemographic data of the sample population are given that soft reliner has adverse effects on the oral mucosa.
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Rathi, et al.: Denture relining: A cross-sectional survey

Thirty‑five percent of practitioners did not know about the relining material and majority of dentist thinks that
antimicrobial properties of reliner and the same percentage disinfection is not necessary before relining procedure.
of practitioners disagreed with the use of antimicrobial
Table 4 shows practice of relining procedure. Thirty‑six
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of the study percent of dentists do relining when there is poor
objects (n) adaptation of the denture to the ridge due to excessive
Variables n (%)
resorption of the residual ridge.
Age group (years)
25‑35 44 (22)
36‑45 87 (43.5)
46‑55 54 (27)
>55 15 (7.5) In the present study, the response of dentists on the basis
Male 124 (62)
of knowledge regarding relining of complete dentures was
Female 76 (38) surveyed. It was noted that about 26% were not sure about
Qualification the exact procedure of relining. Regarding response to a
General practitioner 137 (68.5)
Prosthodontists 15 (7.5) question about the preparation before relining procedure,
Other specialists 48 (24) 53% felt that thorough examination of impression
Years of clinical experience
1‑10 123 (61.5)
surface of the denture and also the soft tissue intraorally
11‑20 58 (29) is necessary before relining whereas 34% felt that cleaning
>20 19 (9.5)
of the dentures with ultrasonic cleaner to remove calculus

Figure 1: Questionnaire used for the study

176 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 18 | Issue 2 | Apr-June 2018
Rathi, et al.: Denture relining: A cross-sectional survey

Figure 2: Response to knowledge regarding preparation of denture Figure 3: Response to dentist’s knowledge regarding use of denture
before relining relining

Table 2: Response to knowledge‑based questions strength of the soft liner due to increase in the surface area
Questions n (%) of respondents (n=200) and mechanical interlocking.[9] According to 37% of the
dentists in the present survey, relief should be provided
over 0.5 mm from the tissue surface and 1 mm from the
According to you, the concept of 10 (5) 148 (74) 42 (21) 0
relining is border area of the denture before relining. However,
What kind of preparation you would 20 (10) 20 (10) 92 (46) 68 (34) according to an institution‑based survey done by Nassif
perform before relining and Jumbelic et al. in 1984, about 57 dental institutions all
How much thickness of denture 24 (12) 64 (32) 74 (37) 38 (19)
base should be scraped out before over United States of America placed 1 mm of relief in
relining the tissue side and 1–2 mm of border relief before the
How long relining can be given 72 (36) 16 (8) 68 (34) 44 (22)
When should be the relining 30 (15) 24 (12) 26 (13) 120 (60)
relining procedure.[10] Clinical studies indicate that the
material be replaced lining layer must be of sufficient bulk (a thickness of 2
mm is recommended) to be clinically efficient.[11‑13] Babu
Table 3: Response regarding attitude of dentists regarding et al. in 2017 conducted a prospective randomized clinical
relining study on the effect of denture soft liner on mandibular
Questions n (%) of respondents (n=200) ridge resorption in complete denture wearers after 6 and
Strongly Disagree Don’t Agree Strongly 12 months of denture insertion and concluded that the use
disagree know agree
of soft denture liner significantly reduces the residual ridge
Relining improves 10 (5) 18 (9) 10 (5) 128 (64) 34 (17)
the stability and resorption in complete denture wearers as compared to
retention of denture conventional denture wearers (without denture liner) over
Relining the denture 34 (17) 98 (49) 0 17 (8.5) 61 (30.5) a period of 1 year.[14] Bajaj et 2009 said that the soft
base increases the
vertical dimension liner accommodates ridge irregularities and changes such as
Soft reliner is 17 (8.5) 98 (49) 68 (34) 40 (20) 4 (2) excessive resorption, minimal keratinized ridge epithelium,
harmful to the oral
and thin lamina propria and described a procedure to
Disinfection should 13 (6.5) 42 (21) 89 (44.5) 46 (23) 10 (5) fabricate a metal‑based denture relined with soft liner
be done before that is comfortable for the patient and is easy to adjust.[15]
relining the denture
Reliner with 16 (8) 54 (27) 70 (35) 44 (22) 16 (8)
These liners may be classified as provisional or definitive,
antimicrobial room temperature and heat temperature vulcanized
property should be depending on the procedure of vulcanization.[16‑18] They
used in every patient
Relining the denture 17 (8.5) 18 (9) 21 (10.5) 120 (60) 24 (12) are also divided into four groups according to chemical
improves patient structure: plasticized acrylic resins either chemical or heat
polymerized, vinyl resins, polyurethane, polyphosphazene
and silicone rubbers.[19] Clinical experience indicates almost
and slimy layer before relining procedure was needed. universal tissue tolerance of soft liners and acceptable
According to previous study by Kuncha et al. in 2014, on patient reactions.[20‑22] However, currently, the materials
tensile bond strength of soft liners to the denture base resin have to be considered as temporary expedients because of
with different surface preparation, sandpapering the surface problems during clinical use including loss of resilience,
of the heat‑polymerized denture base as well as preparing water sorption, support of bacteria, color change, and
holes on the surface of the denture base increased the bond loss of adhesion between the liner and denture base
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 18 | Issue 2 | Apr-June 2018 177
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Table 4: Response regarding practice of relining procedure plain water does not clean the denture effectively, so use
Questions n (%) of respondents (n=200) of denture cleansers is mandatory. As toothpaste causes
Options denture roughness with time, its use is not advised for
A B C D relined dentures. Chemical cleansers can be used for
Do you treat complete or 200 (100) 00
partially edentulous patients with
significant removal of accumulated denture plaque, but
removable denture? adequate soaking time or recommended temperature is
In your practice, what are the 14 (7) 12 (6) 54 (27) 132 (66) needed for proper action.[33] The use of antimicrobial agent
clinical conditions require relining
Which technique do you prefer for 54 (27) 98 (49) 48 (24) ‑
prolongs the clinical longevity of resilient materials and
relining? reduces plaque accumulation.[34] This combination may
How many of your patients require 10 (5) 70 (35) 100 (50) 20 (10) be a logical therapy in the treatment of denture stomatitis
Which brand of reliner you use? 52 (26) 40 (20) 48 (24) 36 (18) because of several factors: (1) reducing the trauma
caused by the internal surface of removable dentures,
(2) eliminating contact of the contaminated surface with
resin requiring replacement at short intervals, which is
the oral tissues and consequently interrupting the cycle
time‑consuming and costly for both the dentist and patient.
of reinfection, and (3) action of antimicrobial agents
About the duration of use of a relining material, majority
incorporated into the material on the infected tissues.[32,34]
of practitioners think that soft reliner should be used
In the general dental practitioners, the responses show a
for short term.[23,24] Gardner and Parr in 1988 evaluated
negative attitude toward the procedure of relining and the
methods of enhancing the useful lifespan of tissue
correct ways to control change in vertical dimension, and
conditioners, including preservation of surface integrity
maintaining health of soft tissues was not known. It might
and viscoelasticity.[25]
also suggest that the indications and evidence‑based case
Although preserving the surface integrity of tissue selection were not very clear.
conditioners may play an important role in reducing
Table 4 shows practice of relining procedure. Sixty‑six
the adhesion of fungal and other microorganisms on
percent of dentists do relining when there is poor adaptation
dentures, other solutions have been suggested; these
of the denture to the ridge due to excessive resorption of
include integrating antimicrobial components such as silver
the residual ridge. Response to the question regarding the
zeolite into the tissue conditioner powder.[26,27] Schneid[28]
technique followed by the dentists for relining showed that
demonstrated that a sustained release delivery system
49% of the dentists surveyed preferred indirect method
that incorporated 4 antifungal agents (chlorhexidine,
of relining whereas maximum number of prosthodontists
clotrimazole, fluconazole, and nystatin) into a tissue
surveyed chose direct or indirect technique depending on
conditioner (Lynal) significantly inhibited Candida albicans
the cases [Figure 4]. In the study by Nassif and Jumbeli in
although the hardness of the tissue conditioner increased.
1984,[10] Coe Comfort was the material of choice as a tissue
It is possible that antimicrobial compounds could be
conditioner whereas in the present survey, most of the
combined with surface‑coated tissue conditioners although dentist prefer to use soft reline (GC, America Inc.,) followed
the surface coating may prevent their release. by Permasoft denture reliner (Dentsply). The inconsistency
in the responses and the lack of knowledge about the exact
About 35% of practitioners did not know about the
procedure for relining can be attributed to the fact that
antimicrobial properties of reliner and same percentage of
relining as a treatment procedure is not included in the
practitioners disagreed with the use of antimicrobial relining
undergraduate curriculum leading to doubts and confusion.
material and majority of dentists thought that disinfection
is not necessary before relining procedure. One‑fourth CONCLUSION
of surveyed dentists felt that soft reliners have adverse
effects on the oral mucosa. It showed that practitioners Lack of knowledge regarding advanced relining materials and
were not updated with newer materials available. It has their antimicrobial properties within general practitioners and
been shown that rougher surfaces enhance the adhesion improper preparatory procedure is leading to repeated failure
of microorganisms onto resilient lining materials and of relined complete dentures. To improve the durability
may allow fungal growth.[29,30] The microorganisms from and longevity of relined complete dentures, a systematic
the plaque on the denture surface may expose patients scientific approach toward the procedure of relining is
and dental personnel to infection.[31] In addition, denture necessary, especially in patients of lower economic status, in a
plaque containing C. albicans could cause denture‑induced developing country like India, who may not be able to afford
stomatitis.[32] Brushing alone with a soft toothbrush and new dentures. Clinical experience indicates almost universal
178 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 18 | Issue 2 | Apr-June 2018
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Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.


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