Clean Air Regulations 2014 English
Clean Air Regulations 2014 English
Clean Air Regulations 2014 English
(A) 151
1. Citation
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Obligation to comply
5. Obligation to notify
6. Measures to reduce emission
7. Air pollution control system
8. Failure in operations of air pollution control system
9. Performance monitoring of air pollution control system
10. Maintenance of records
11. Change in occupancy
12. Opacity
13. Limit values and technical standards
14. Prohibition on emission dilution
15. Hazardous substances
16. Periodic monitoring
17. Continuous emission monitoring
18. Emission declaration
19. Owner or occupier of premises to render assistance
20. Failure of control equipment and emergency requirement
21. Accidental emission
22. Installation and operation as required by Director General
23. Standard method of sampling and analysis of emissions
24. Prohibition order
25. Licence required to contravene acceptable conditions for emitting emissions
into atmosphere
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P.U. (A) 151
1. These regulations may be cited as the Environmental Quality (Clean Air)
Regulations 2014.
2. In these Regulations—
“sound engineering practice” means the manner in which an air pollution control
system is operated where the operational characteristics are maintained within the
acceptable range of values as determined by the Director General;
“Ringelmann Chart” means the Ringelmann scale for grading the density of
smoke published by the latest British Standard in the BS 2742 series or an equivalent
Malaysian Standard, or any chart, recorder, indicator or device for the measurement of
smoke density which is approved by the Director General as the equivalent of the said
Ringelmann scale;
“chimney” includes any structure, opening, vent, flue, conduit, outlet or any
structure constructed or arranged from or through which air pollutants may emit, and
any reference to a chimney which serves the whole or a part of the facilities though
structurally separate from such facilities or building thereon;
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“boiler” means any device in which for any purpose water or other liquid is
heated by any combustible material;
“start-up conditions” means the period before the actual production process;
“as-built drawings” means any engineering drawing that shows the placement
of facilities as measured after a work is completed;
“limit value” means the quantity of the substance expressed in terms of certain
specific parameters, concentration, or levels which shall not be exceeded during normal
“local plan” and “local planning authorities” have the same meaning respectively
assigned to them in the Town and Country Planning Act 1976, in the case of Sabah the
Town and Country Planning Ordinance [Sabah Cap. 141] and in the case of Sarawak the
Sarawak Land Code [Cap. 81];
“air pollutants” means smoke, cinders, solid particles of any kind, gases, fumes,
mists, odours and radioactive substances or any other substances which the Minister
may by notification in the Gazette declares to be air pollutants for the purposes of these
“normal operation” means all periods of operation except start-up and shutdown
operations and maintenance of equipment;
“fuel burning equipment” means any furnace, boiler, fireplace, oven, retort,
internal combustion engine, vessel, or any other apparatus, device, mechanism, stack,
chimney or structure used in connection with the burning of any combustible material;
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“averaging time” means the time period over which air pollutant concentrations
are averaged for the purpose of determining attainment with the emission standard
using Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS). The sub-average period for
determining a half-hour average is a 1-minute average. A valid half hour average must
contain at least 22 sub-average data within a half-hour period (75%). A valid 1-minute
average must contain valid data readings representing any 45 seconds over the
previous 1-minute period;
“furnace” means any chamber, other than a boiler, in which combustion takes
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“air pollution control system” means any facilities designed and constructed for
the purpose of preventing or reducing the potential emission that causes air pollution,
and includes the extraction system, control equipment and chimney;
3. These Regulations shall apply to—
(a) any premises used for any industrial or trade purposes, or on which
matter is burnt in connection with any industrial or trade purposes,
including burning of waste, whether or not the premises are prescribed
under section 18 of the Act;
Obligation to comply
4. (1) An owner or occupier of a new premises shall comply with the limit
values and technical standards specified in these Regulations.
(2) An owner of every existing premises, including that which is not subject
to any condition on limit values for air pollutants whether on the licence issued or
approval granted for the operation of the existing facility, shall, on or before the expiry
of five years from the date on which these Regulations come into operation, take such
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measures as may be necessary to comply with the opacity and limit values as specified
in regulations 12 and 13.
Obligation to notify
5. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall not, without giving prior written
notification to the Director General—
(b) carry out any work on any premises that may result in a source of
(d) make, cause, or permit to be made any change of, to, or in any
plant, machine, or equipment used or installed at the premises
that causes a material change in the quantity or quality of emission
from an existing source; or
(2) The written notification shall be submitted to the Director General not
less than thirty days before the commencement of such work in such form as
determined by the Director General.
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(3) An owner or occupier of the premises shall operate and maintain the air
pollution control system in accordance with sound engineering practice and ensure that
all components of the air pollution control system are in good working condition.
(4) The operation of the air pollution control system shall be supervised by a
competent person who shall be on duty at all times during the operation of the air
pollution control system.
(5) The owner or occupier of the premises and the professional engineer
shall, within thirty days after the commencement of operations at the premises, submit
a written declaration to the Director General, in such form as determined by the
Director General, certifying that the design and construction of the air pollution control
system have complied with the specifications referred to in subregulation (1).
(6) The owner or occupier of the premises shall, within thirty days after the
commencement of the operations at the premises, submit to the Director General,
as-built drawings that show the placement of any works or structures that form part of
the air pollution control system.
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Maintenance of records
10. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall maintain records of
manufacturing processes, and of maintenance and performance monitoring of the air
pollution control system as determined by the Director General.
(2) The records shall be kept for at least three years and shall be made
available for inspection by the Director General or any officer duly authorized in writing
by him.
Change in occupancy
11. Where a person becomes the occupier of any premises licensed under section 11
of the Act in succession to another person, then the conditions and restrictions of the
licence shall be binding on the new occupier from the change in occupancy
notwithstanding that he has not applied for a transfer of the licence or that his
application for the transfer of the licence has not been determined.
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12. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall not cause, allow or permit
emissions which are—
(a) darker than shade No. 1 on the Ringlemann Chart when observed
or recorded with such instrument or device as the Director
General may specify; or
(a) where the emission is not darker than shade No. 2 on the
Ringlemann Chart for an aggregate of less than five minutes in any
period of one hour, provided that the total period of such
emissions do not exceed an aggregate of fifteen minutes in any
period of twenty four hours;
(3) Any premises that emits 2.5 kilograms per hour of dust or more or has a
potential to emit smoke darker than shade No. 2 on the Ringlemann Chart shall install
and operate a transmissometer in accordance with the specifications as stipulated by
the Director General.
(5) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), the owner or occupier of any
premises specified by the Director General shall install and operate a transmissometer
according to the specifications stipulated by the Director General.
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(4) For the purpose of this regulation, the threshold values listed in the Third
Schedule are met when the total capacity of one or more facilities of a particular
category of activity in the same premises exceeds the respective threshold values of
that category.
(5) The limit values and technical standards for emission of dioxin and furan
is expressed as 2, 3, 7, 8 tetrachlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxin toxicity equivalent which
is calculated by summing the concentration of each 2, 3, 7, 8 congener in the sample
multiplied by the appropriate Toxicity Equivalency Factors (TEFs) as prescribed in the
Fourth Schedule.
Hazardous substances
15. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall use the best practicable means
to prevent the emission of hazardous substances and to render harmless and
inoffensive those substances necessarily discharged.
Periodic monitoring
16. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises shall conduct periodic monitoring if
required under the relevant Schedules.
(3) The owner or occupier of a premises shall ensure that the first
monitoring for new facilities is carried out after three months, but no later than six
months, from the commencement of operation of such premises.
(5) Any record of periodic monitoring under this regulation shall be kept for
at least three years and shall be made available for inspection by the Director General
or any officer duly authorized in writing by him.
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(3) For continuous emission monitoring, the limit values are complied with if
the evaluation of the results for the operating period within any one calendar year
shows that no daily average exceeds the emission standard, and no half-hour average
exceeds the emission standard more than two times.
(4) The owner or occupier of the premises shall make evaluations of the
continuous emission monitoring in a calendar year, whereby for each calendar day, the
daily mean value that relates to the daily operating time shall be derived from the
half-hourly mean values.
(5) The owner or occupier of the premises shall submit to the Director
General the results of evaluations within three months after the end of each calendar
year, and such evaluation results are to be kept and maintained by the owner or
occupier for at least 3 years.
(6) In the event where emission standards exceed the prescribed limit values,
the owner or occupier of such premises shall notify the Director General within
twenty-four hours from the discovery of the excess emission.
(7) In the event a monitoring device fails to operate, the owner or occupier of
the premises shall notify the Director General not later than one hour from the
occurrence of such failure.
Emission declaration
18. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises which carries out any of the activities
or industries specified in the First Schedule shall for every calendar year submit to the
Director General an emission declaration in such form as determined by the Director
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(b) in the case of a new premises, the first emission declaration shall
be submitted twelve months after the date the facility commences
its operations, but no later than eighteen months from such date.
(3) In the event of a change in occupancy, the new owner or occupier shall
submit an emission declaration for the next calendar year.
(d) comply with any other directions which the Director General considers
necessary in dealing with such emergency.
Accidental emission
21. (1) In the event of the occurrence of an accidental emission at the premises,
the owner or occupier of a premises shall inform the Director General of such
occurrence immediately upon discovery of the accidental emission.
(a) measure, take samples of, analyse, monitor, record and report any
environmentally hazardous substances, air pollutants or emissions
containing pollutants;
(d) take any other action which the Director General considers
within such time and in such manner as may be specified in the notice.
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(2) Subregulation (1) shall apply if, in the opinion of the Director General, the
prescribed conditions or standards set forth in these Regulations will not adequately
protect public health, safety or welfare, or the quality of the environment, due to—
Prohibition order
24. (1) In the event of any undesirable occurrence as specified in the Sixth
Schedule, and where in the opinion of the Director General, the continued operation of
any premises or process in question should not be permitted in order to safeguard
public health, safety or welfare, the Director General may by notice in writing issue an
order to the owner or occupier of a premises prohibiting the further operation of such
premises or process absolutely or conditionally, or for such period as he may direct, or
until remedial requirements as directed by him have been complied with.
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(2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), a copy of the Director General’s
prohibition order shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the vicinity of the premises
to which the said prohibition order refers, and no person shall operate such premises
until the prohibition order is withdrawn.
(2) The schedule of required actions shall set interim standards which may
require reduced levels of operation pending the installation of adequate control
equipment and may establish a series of deadlines for the installation of specific control
(3) Failure to comply with any of the conditions or deadlines specified in such
schedule of required actions shall render the owner or occupier of a premises liable to
the penalty prescribed for the original violation.
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27. (1) An application for a licence, including for renewal of a licence under
regulation 25, shall be accompanied with a fee of one thousand ringgit and shall not be
(2) Payment of the fee shall be made by money order, postal order, bank draft
or electronic payment to the Director General who shall issue a receipt upon payment.
29. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions of these
Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to
30. (1) The Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 1978
[P.U. (A) 280/1978] and the Environmental Quality (Dioxin and Furan)
Regulations 2004 [P.U. (A) 104/2004] are revoked (hereinafter referred to as
“the revoked Regulations”).
(2) Any applications made under the revoked Regulations for a licence to
contravene the acceptable conditions, including any renewal or transfer of such licence,
and any applications made for written permission under the revoked Regulations which
are pending immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these
Regulations shall, after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be
dealt with under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes such applications shall
be treated as if these Regulations had not been made.
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(3) All licences issued and written permissions granted under the revoked
Regulations shall, after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations,
continue to remain in full force and effect until the licence expires, is amended,
suspended or cancelled or the written permission expires or is revoked under the
revoked Regulations and for such purpose such licences and written permissions shall
be treated as if these Regulations had not been made.
(a) any work on any construction of any emission control system has
not commenced within one year from the date of issuance of the
written permission for its construction immediately before the
date of the coming into operation of these Regulations;
(b) any work on any construction of any emission control system has
commenced but has not been completed immediately before the
date of coming into operation of these Regulations; or
(c) any work on any construction of any emission control system has
been completed but has not begun operations before the date of
the coming into operation of these Regulations.
(5) Any proceeding, whether civil or criminal, commenced under the revoked
Regulations and are pending on the date of the coming into operation of these
Regulations shall, on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be
continued and concluded under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall
be treated as if these Regulations had not been made.
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[Regulations 6 and 13]
Fuel burning: Heat and power generation in: Boilers or gas turbines with a total
capacity > 10 MWe; Generator sets for combined heat and power production
with a total capacity ≥ 3 MWe.
2. Production and processing of ferrous metals (iron and steel mills) in all sizes,
(b) facilities for the production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary
fusion) including continuous casting; and
(c) facilities for the processing of ferrous metals (hot rolling mills).
3. Ferrous metal foundries with the capacity of ≥ 1 ton molten metal per day.
4. Production and processing of non-ferrous metals with the capacity of ≥ 0.5 tons
per day for lead or cadmium, or ≥ 2 tons per day for other metals.
5. Oil and gas industries in all sizes, including refineries, natural gas processing and
storage, storage and handling of petroleum products.
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(a) manufacture of glass, including glass fibre with the capacity of ≥ 1 ton of
product per day; and
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10. Solvent use in industry: Facilities for the surface treatment of substances,
objects or products using organic solvents, in particular for dressing, printing,
coating, degreasing, waterproofing, sizing, painting, cleaning or impregnating, fat
extraction, with a solvent consumption capacity of more than 200 tonnes per
[Regulation 13]
1. Control of fuel quality for fuel burning equipment and incinerators not covered
by the First Schedule:
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1. Outlets (vents, exhaust outlets, etc.) which have the potential to emit NMVOC
shall comply with:
(b) 150 mg/m3 (indicated as total organic carbon) other than halogenated
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Fugitive emissions of NMVOC and dust shall be minimized in accordance with the
Guidance Document on Fugitive Emission Control.
4. Service stations shall be operated with a vapor recovery system. The vapor
displaced by the filling of petrol storage tanks shall be displaced either into other
storage tanks or into abatement equipment.
5. Fugitive emissions from the dry cleaning of textiles shall not exceed 20g of
solvent per kg cleaned and dried clothes. The halogenated solvents have to be
recovered. Filters for solvent recovery have to be regenerated.
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2. Fugitive dust emission control shall be achieved via good housekeeping and
appropriate equipment as outlined in the Guidance Document on Fugitive
Emission Control.
[Regulation 13]
1. Boilers
P.U. (A) 151
> 10 –<100
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 30 mg/m³ Periodic
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) ≥100 MWe 15 mg/m³ Periodic
Carbon monoxide (CO) > 10 MWe 200 mg/m³ Continuous*
Total PM > 10 MWe 50 mg/m³ Continuous*
Mercury (Hg) >10 MWe 0.03 mg/m³ Periodic
PCDD/PCDF > 10 MWe 0.1 ng TEQ/m3 Periodic
Gaseous Sum of NO and NO2
> 10 MWe 350 mg/m³ Continuous*
fuels expressed as NO2
Carbon monoxide (CO) > 10 MWe 50 mg/m³ Continuous*
Total PM > 10 MWe 5 mg/m³ Periodic
*Averaging time for continuous monitoring is 30 minutes
2. Combustion turbines
Capacity at
Fuel type Pollutant ISO Limit value Monitoring
Sum of NO and NO2
> 10 MWe 150mg/m³ Continuous*
Gaseous fuels expressed as NO2
Carbon monoxide (CO) > 10 MWe 100 mg/m³ Continuous*
Sum of NO and NO2
> 10 MWe 200 mg/m³ Continuous*
Liquid fuels expressed as NO2
Carbon monoxide (CO) > 10 MWe 100 mg/m³ Continuous*
*Averaging time for continuous monitoring is 30 minutes
3. Generator sets for combined heat and power production with a total thermal
output ≥ 3 MWe:
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1. Blast furnace top gas and converter gas shall be actively recycled. If these gases cannot be
recycled for safety reasons or in emergencies, they shall be fed into a flare.
2. Emissions from iron and steel industry shall be minimized by using techniques described
in the Best Available Techniques Guidance Document.
3. These measures include low emission procedures such as dry coke cooling.
4. Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
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Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
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(1) In secondary aluminium production, hexachloroethane shall not be used for smelting.
“Secondary aluminium” is defined as re-melting of all kinds of used aluminium end products
which might be coated, painted and laminated.
(2) “Smelting, alloying and refining of aluminium” is defined as melting of pure aluminium and plain
1. Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
2. For non-ferrous metal foundries limit values of ferrous metal foundries apply.
3. Fugitive dust emissions shall be minimized using Best Available Techniques Economically
Achievable Guidance Document.
1. Gases and vapors of organic substances which escape from pressure relief fittings and
blow-down systems shall be fed into a gas collecting system.
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2. The collected gases shall be combusted in process furnaces if this is feasible. If this is not
feasible, the gases shall be fed into a flare.
3. Waste gases continually produced by processing systems and waste gases occurring
during the regeneration of catalysts, inspections and cleaning operations shall be fed into
a post-combustion facility, or equivalent measures to reduce emissions shall be applied.
4. Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
6. For compliance check a “Leakage Detection and Repair Programme” shall be implemented
as outlined in the Guidance Document on Leak Detection and Repair in a manner as
specified and approved by the Director General.
7. Combustion installations using refinery gas or other by-products shall comply with the
standards of Fuel Burning Equipment in the Second Schedule or Third Schedule, depending
on the thermal output.
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1. Glass furnaces: If nitrate purification is required for reasons of glass product quality, sum
of NO and NO2 emissions expressed as NO2 in waste gas shall not exceed a mass
concentration of 1000 mg/m3.
2. The best available techniques to further reduce emissions, particularly by using improved
combustion, shall be applied.
3. Emission limits for furnaces with oxy-fuel burners shall be considered on a case-by-case
basis in accordance with the Best Available Techniques Economically Achievable Guidance
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4. Facilities for the melting of mineral substances including the production of mineral fibres
shall comply with a limit value for sum of SO2 and SO3, expressed as SO2 of 1500 mg/m3
corrected to O2 reference content at 8%.
1. Waste gases containing dust from the mineral rotary dryer, the asphalt granulate dryer
(parallel dryer), the transport units for hot minerals, the washer and the mixer shall be
collected and fed into a de-dusting system.
2. Crushers for recycled asphalt shall be encapsulated and equipped with effective control
equipment to reduce dust emissions, e.g., water sprinklers.
3. Waste gases from the vicinity of the mixer outflow, the transfer points to the mixer, the
transport units for the bituminous mixture and the transfer points to the loading silos
which contains organic substances shall be collected and fed into a suitable waste gas
purification facility, by feeding the waste gases into the mineral rotary dryer as
combustion air.
4. Emissions of organic substances when the bitumen storage tanks are filled shall preferably
be avoided by using the vapor recovery technique.
5. Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
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1. Through good planning and construction, as well as optimization of process technology and
plant management, emissions of odour-intensive substances such as from waste paper stock,
waste paper treatment, interim storage and transportation of waste from waste paper
treatment, process water cycles, the water treatment plant and sludge dewatering, shall be
prevented as far as possible.
2. If odour impacts are to be expected in the vicinity of a facility, the best available more
extensive techniques to reduce odours shall be used, for example enclosure of the facility
components, collection of waste gases and feeding them to a waste gas purification facility.
3. Emissions of dust and Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) shall be minimized by using Best
Available Techniques Economically Achievable as outlined in the Best Available Techniques
Economically Achievable Guidance Document.
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1. Gaseous and volatile organic compounds shall be indicated as total organic carbon.
2. For the control of NMVOC emissions Best, Available Techniques Economically Achievable
shall apply as outlined in the Best Available Techniques Economically Achievable Guidance
3. New facilities for the production of chlorine or alkali using asbestos for the diaphragm or
amalgam process are prohibited.
4. For mixing and packaging of chemicals, pesticides and pharmaceutical products with a
capacity ≥ 5 tons of product per day:
(a) Total dust, including organic substances specified as hazardous as in the Fifth
(b) Waste gases containing dust shall be collected at the place of origin and fed into a
de-dusting system;
(c) Dust emissions in waste gas shall not exceed a maximum mass concentration of
5 mg/m³; and
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3. Actual reduction targets and their time frame shall be set on a case-by-case basis
as outlined in the Guidance Document on Fugitive Emission Control.
Air pollutant emission from incineration process shall not exceed the concentration
limits tabulated below.
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[Regulation 13]
(a) 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.1
(b) 2,3,4,7,8 Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.5
(c) 1,2,3,7,8 Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.05
(d) 1,2,3,4,7,8 Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.1
(e) 1,2,3,7,8,9 Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.1
(f) 1,2,3,6,7,8 Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.1
(g) 2,3,4,6,7,8 Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.1
(h) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.01
(i) 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.01
(j) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) 0.001
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[Regulation 15]
1. In the case of emissions originating from incineration or fuel burning the oxygen
content in the emission shall not be less than 3%.
(a) The total emission standards of class (2) may not be exceeded if
substances of classes (1) and (2) occur simultaneously in waste gas.
(b) The emission standards of class (3) may not be exceeded as a total if
substances of classes (1) and (3), of classes (2) and (3) or of classes (1)
to (3) occur simultaneously in waste gas.
5. A list of the most relevant substances in each category are given in the List of
Hazardous Substances document. The Director General may include other
substances in each category listed in the List Of Hazardous Substances Under
Regulation 15, Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2013 document.
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For substances classified as hazardous the following limit value shall apply to the sum
of all occurring carcinogenic substances in a gas flow:
Class (1) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 0.5 grams/hour or more an
emission standard of 0.10 mg/m3 applies.
Class (1) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 0.10 kilograms/hour or more an
emission standard of 20 mg/m³ applies.
Class (2) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 2.0 kilograms/hour or more an
emission standard of 100 mg/m³ applies.
Class (3) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 3.0 kilograms/hour or more an
emission standard of 150 mg/m³ applies.
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If more than one emission standard applies to a group of substances, the lowest
standard will be the norm for the sum of all substances in accordance with the
cumulation rule.
(a) Volatile inorganic substances other than Oxides of Sulfur and Oxides of
Class (1) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 10 grams/hour or more for each
substance an emission standard of 1.0 mg/m³ applies.
Class (2) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 50 grams/hour or more for each
substance an emission standard of 5.0 mg/m³ applies.
Class (3) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 300 grams/hour or more for
each substance an emission standard of 30 mg/m³ applies.
In the case of gaseous and volatile inorganic substances the cumulation rule shall not
General limit values for oxides of sulphur (sum of SO2 and SO3 expressed as SO2) and
oxides of nitrogen (sum of NO and NO2 expressed as NO2):
In the case of an untreated mass flow of 5.0 kilograms/hour or more for each substance
an emission standard of 400 mg/m³ shall apply if not stated otherwise in the Third
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Class (1) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 1.0 grams/hour or more an
emission standard of 0.20 mg/m³ applies.
Class (2) In the case of an untreated mass flow of 5.0 grams/hour or more an
emission standard of 1.0 mg/m³ applies.
If more than one emission standard applies to a group of substances, the lowest value
will be the norm for the sum of all substances in accordance with the cumulation rule.
Fibre here means a particle with a length in excess of 5 µm, a width of less than 3 µm
and a length/width ratio of more than 3:1.
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[Regulation 24]
3. Pollution cases that seriously threaten the environment or public health and
safety which warrant immediate halt.
4. Premises that experiences industrial disaster such as fire, explosion and the like
which may pose serious risk to the environment or the public in the vicinity.
6. Premises which frequently commit similar offences despite having been subject
to various legal actions by the Director General such as notices, directives,
compounds or court actions.
7. Pollution cases which cause serious negative impacts to life and there is
evidence indicating that the premises do not make sufficient effort to overcome
the pollution problems.
8. Serious environmental pollution with wide coverage in mass media and there is
evidence indicating that the pollution occurred as a result of absence,
non-operation or malfunctioning of the air pollution control system in the
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