Heat Rate Epri

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The document discusses methods to improve heat rate at power plants through operational and maintenance best practices with minimal capital expenditures.

The document discusses methods to improve the heat rate, or efficiency, of coal-fired power plants through operational changes and maintenance best practices.

The document discusses methods like improving combustion efficiency, optimizing sootblowing procedures, improving steam turbine performance, and monitoring heat rate.

Range and Applicability of Heat Rate Improvements

Range and Applicability of Heat Rate Improvements
Technical Update, April 2014

EPRI Project Manager

S. Korellis


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Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Jonas Weisel, Consultant

This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of
continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report.

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Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, and TOGETHER…SHAPING THE FUTURE OF

ELECTRICITY are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Copyright © 2014 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following organization prepared this report:
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
3420 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Principal Investigator
S. Korellis
This report describes research sponsored by EPRI.
Jonas Weisel was essential in the collection and compilation of the information contained in this

This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following
Range and Applicability of Heat Rate Improvements. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2014. 3002003457.
Reducing a power plant’s heat rate can lower emissions, fuel consumption, and costs, thus
contributing to the plant’s bottom line. A significant improvement in heat rate can often be
achieved with a re-commitment to best operating practices, which can minimize the need for
capital expenditures on new technology. However, because the current fleet of coal-fired plants
has endured age-related degradation; changed operational requirements such as fuel quality, low
emissions, and flexible operations; and made physical modifications, achievable heat rates may
be significantly different from initial design values. As a result, power plant owners and
operators are unable to assess the range of possible heat rate improvements in many cases.
This report summarizes methodologies and tools for assessing and implementing measures for
improving heat rate in coal-fired power plants. In addition, the report attempts to better bracket
the range of achievable improvements possible for an existing coal-fired power plant.
CO 2 reduction
Cycle alignment
Efficiency improvement
Heat rate
Plant performance
Remote monitoring centers
Sliding pressure

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................1-1
Heat Rate ...........................................................................................................................1-1
Calculating Heat Rate ........................................................................................................1-1
Benefits of Lowering Heat Rate ..........................................................................................1-1
Historical Heat Rates..........................................................................................................1-2
Assessing the Range and Applicability of Heat Rate Improvements ...................................1-3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................2-1
Methodologies ....................................................................................................................2-1
Capital Projects ..................................................................................................................2-2
Maintenance Projects .........................................................................................................2-3
3 HEAT RATE IMPROVEMENT—FIVE SITES........................................................................3-1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................3-1
Overview ............................................................................................................................3-1
Plant Profiles ......................................................................................................................3-1
Common Issues .................................................................................................................3-2
Common Recommendations ..............................................................................................3-2
Plant-specific Recommendations .......................................................................................3-3
Potential Heat Rate Improvements .....................................................................................3-5
Quantified Benefits of Implementation of Recommendations..............................................3-6
Fuel Savings and CO 2 Benefits ..........................................................................................3-7
Introduction ........................................................................................................................4-1
Top Projects .......................................................................................................................4-3
Key Observations ...............................................................................................................4-4
5 HEAT RATE IMPROVEMENT—ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES .........................................5-1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................5-1
Flexible Operation ..............................................................................................................5-1
Cycle Alignment .................................................................................................................5-2
Remote Monitoring Centers................................................................................................5-3
Steam Turbine Steam Path Modifications...........................................................................5-3
Heat Rate Improvement Program Guidelines .....................................................................5-3
Steam Turbine Performance Engineer’s Guide ..................................................................5-4
6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................6-1
Realized and Projected Heat Rate Improvements ..............................................................6-1
Applicability ........................................................................................................................6-1
Recommendation(s) for Future Studies ..............................................................................6-2

7 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EPRI REPORTS .................................................................................7-1
A ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................... A-1

Figure 3-1 Plant Heat Rate Changes ...................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-2 Typical Fuel Savings for 5% Heat Rate Improvement ............................................ 3-8
Figure 4-1 Cumulative CO 2 Reduction and Cost per Ton of CO 2 Reduced ............................. 4-5

Table 4-1 List of Generation Efficiency Projects by Major Plant Systems ................................ 4-3
Table 4-2 Top Projects ............................................................................................................ 4-4

Heat Rate
The heat rate of a coal-fired power plant measures the amount of heat, typically in Btus, needed
to generate 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity. Accordingly, typical units for heat rate are
Heat rate is the heat energy input per unit of electrical energy output, or fuel consumption rate
for specific levels of power plant output. Heat rate is also the inverse of plant efficiency. In this
sense, it is comparable to a golf score: lower is better.

Calculating Heat Rate

For each power plant, heat rate depends on the plant’s design, its operating conditions, and its
level of electric power output. In theory, 3,412 Btu of thermal energy is equivalent to 1 kWh of
electric energy. For existing coal-fired power plants, heat rates are typically in the range of
9,000–11,000 Btu/kWh. Note that a plant with the industry average heat rate of 10,300 btu/kwh
is operating with an overall plant efficiency of about 33%. (3,412 / 0.33 = 10,339)
All heat rates discussed in this and referenced EPRI reports have been determined based on net
generation. Plant net generation accounts for the auxiliary power consumption required to
operate the machinery in the plant. Using net station or unit output as the denominator helps one
maintain a holistic view of plant performance, permits us to include the effect of all
modifications, including emissions controls, that change aux power consumption. Net heat rate
permits one to better compare units using steam driven components to those using electrical
motors. The steam used to drive large components is typically less expensive than electricity,
but robs the steam turbine of some capacity.

Benefits of Lowering Heat Rate

The heat content of coal is in the range of 8,000 to 12,000 Btu/lb. Coal costs $1.5 - 2/million Btu,
or about $30/Ton. A typical coal plant consumes 6,000 tons per day. For a coal-fired plant, fuel
is by far the largest expense item, representing about 55-75% of total plant expenses.
Accordingly, reducing a power plant’s heat rate can significantly lower fuel consumption and
costs, directly benefitting power producers and their customers. For example, at a typical
500-megawatt (MW) plant operating at 80% capacity factor and firing $2.00/MBtu bituminous
coal, a 1% heat rate reduction will save about $700,000 in annual fuel costs.
500,000kW x 10,200 Btu/kW/hr x 365 days/year x 24hr/day x 80% x 1% x $2/Mbtu =
~$700,000 annual fuel cost savings
Heat rate improvement is also the first obvious step to reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and all other
emissions. It is commercially proven and is the most cost-effective and immediately available
control process for lowering CO 2 . The 1% heat rate reduction described in the example above
corresponds to a 1% reduction in CO 2 emissions—about 40,000 tons/year—which could amount

to significant savings if new regulations permit trading of CO 2 credits or impose a “fee” on CO 2
Even assuming the eventual implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies,
optimizing heat rate will still make sense as a first line of CO 2 reduction and could be a
complementary activity with other control options.
Heat rate reductions will also result in decreases in other emissions, such as nitrogen oxides
(NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), particulates, and mercury, which can help plants meet other
compliance requirements. Even for a constant emission rate in pounds per million Btu, an
improvement in heat rate will result in fewer Btus fired, and consequentially, fewer total pounds
of a given pollutant produced. In some cases, the benefit of emissions reduction may exceed the
value of fuel savings.

Historical Heat Rates

Since the mid-1960s, the average heat rates of fossil-fueled electric power plants in the United
States have gradually increased. Several factors have contributed to this slow degradation in unit
performance. One early reason was the introduction of nuclear generating units to provide an
increasing share of the baseload generation, and the anticipation of a large expanding nuclear
construction program over the next several decades. With these low-cost generating units
forecast to provide a large fraction of the baseload capacity, utilities devoted less attention to the
maintenance and upkeep of their older fossil stations in anticipation of their retirement in the
1970s or 1980s.
This trend was exacerbated as nuclear construction costs escalated, reducing the funds available
for maintaining fossil station performance, as well as diverting the attention of utility upper
management from the operation of these stations. For those utilities that brought nuclear units on
line, many of the fossil plants that formerly comprised their system’s baseload capacity were
changed to cycling duty. The thermal inefficiencies associated with start-ups, shut-downs, and
swings in load, as well as extended periods of operation at less than full power, resulted in
increased heat rates for these units. Generating units are designed and built to achieve their best
heat rates when operated in steady state at full load.
In addition, environmental regulation was enacted that forced many utilities to retrofit energy-
consuming pollution control equipment such as Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) systems. Refer
to EPRI report 1019003, Survey of Impacts of Environmental Controls on Plant Heat Rate, 2009
on the effects of emission control devices on heat rate. The key deleterious effects caused by the
addition of emission controls were the increase in auxiliary power consumption and the decrease
in boiler efficiency. This adverse trend started many decades ago with the required addition of
electro-static precipitators (ESPs) to remove particulate matter from the flue gas prior to
exhausting it out the stack. Those new ESP created a pressure drop, forcing the fans to work
harder and increased the consumption of auxiliary power.
At the same time, in some areas, decreasing coal quality and the use of higher-moisture-
containing fuels such as Powder River Basin (PRB) contributed to a reduction in unit
performance. Refer to EPRI report 1019703, Evaluation of Fuel Quality Impacts on Heat Rate,
2010 for the effects of fuel quality on heat rate. Most recently, the proliferation of renewable and
gas generation, along with economic factors, has resulted in a need for more flexible operation

(e.g., more frequent cycling and lower turndown) of the existing coal-fired fleet, which has a
substantial negative effect on plant heat rate.
The problem of improving fossil plant heat rates in the 1980s was made more difficult by the
penalties associated with retrofitting air emission control equipment, declining coal quality, and
normal degradation associated with aging of the units. This latter concern continues today, as
more units are operated beyond their expected operating lifetimes, with additional emission
controls, and increased generation flexibility is required.
The hurdles to improving performance were further increased when site performance engineers
were lost either to retirements or shrinking personnel levels in the wake of the deregulation
movement of the 1990s.
Considering all these elements working against heat rate improvements in the electric generation
industry, it should not be surprising that the current industry estimates suggest several percent of
efficiency has been lost at many of the existing coal-fired power plants. A portion of it is
potentially recoverable if the correct processes, procedures, and resources can be applied and

Assessing the Range and Applicability of Heat Rate Improvements

Coal-fired power plants were initially designed and built to achieve unit-specific heat rates. The
typical coal-fired plant is now about 30-40 years old. As discussed in the previous section, the
operating heat rates may be significantly different than initial design values.
Power plant owners and operators are unsure of the range of possible heat rate improvements for
their existing fleets.
In recent years, several EPRI projects have explored different aspects of heat rate improvements.
This report summarizes the findings of those projects to provide information on the range and
applicability of heat rate improvements.
• Section 2 describes methodologies for assessing the costs and benefits of capital and
maintenance projects for heat rate improvement in coal-fired power plants.
• Section 3 reviews the results of implementing heat rate optimization programs at five power
plant sites, with summaries of the issues, recommendations, actions taken, and resultant heat
rate improvements.
• Section 4 discusses a study conducted to identify potential heat rate improvements that could
be implemented across all coal-fired power plants in a utility fleet.
• Section 5 presents several perspectives on heat rate improvement, including recovering plant
efficiency lost during flexible operation, implementing a cycle alignment program,
employing remote monitoring, making physical upgrades to steam turbine generators,
designing and implementing a heat rate improvement program, and improving the
effectiveness of steam turbine performance engineers.
• Section 6 contains a summary, conclusions, and recommendations for future work.
• Section 7 lists EPRI reports related to heat rate improvement referenced in this document.
• Appendix A lists additional resources on heat rate improvement.

In 2008-2009, EPRI developed a methodology to assess the costs and benefits of potential
maintenance improvements to coal-fired power plants, and refined the methodology to assess the
net annual benefit of potential capital improvements to these plants.
The assessment methodologies were then applied to a hypothetical 500-MW plant to calculate
the potential benefits of potential capital improvements and maintenance projects, including the
heat rate reduction benefit, reduction in auxiliary load, capacity increase, equivalent forced
outage rate (EFOR) improvement, and emissions benefits. The calculations were captured in two
spreadsheets—one for capital projects and the other for maintenance projects. Inputs could be
modified according to plant-specific circumstances, thus making it possible for individual
utilities to use the methodology for scoping studies. The magnitude of the actual heat rate
improvements are site specific, as are the drivers and economic benefits.
The methodologies and the calculations were described in the EPRI report 1019002, Capital and
Maintenance Projects for Efficiency Improvements, published in 2009.
Although the specific data presented in this report were conceptual in nature, this screening
guide for capital and maintenance projects was developed based on experience with actual
projects. The information did not represent any actual plant or facility, but was intended to be
representative. The projects depicted represented capital and maintenance projects that improve
plant efficiency and appear to be economically justified. The list of potential power plant capital
improvements and maintenance-related projects assessed in this report was not exhaustive, and
not all of the improvements will result in a net positive annualized benefit for every situation.
The information provided in this report is intended for use as a screening tool to compare the
potential for different capital and major maintenance projects that may prove to be beneficial to a
specific generating unit. The methodology is not intended as a rigorous project analysis. The
values provided are reasonable order-of-magnitude estimates, but they reflect circumstances that
are hypothetical and do not represent any specific plant. Values for a specific facility may be
different. A project that appears to deliver value in this analysis may, in fact, be marginal or not
cost-justified under different real-world circumstances. The opposite may also be true.
The following sections describe the approach used by the assessment methodologies and provide
an overview of the capital and maintenance projects.

The assessment methodologies followed a six-step approach that divides the effort into logical
steps designed to ensure a reasonably comprehensive and technically accurate analysis. The six
steps are as follows:

1. Identify major systems in a typical plant. The purpose of this task is to ensure all
applicable plant systems were considered. The classification focuses on major systems and
does not address every nuance of plant design.
2. Identify typical or potential projects for each system. For each of the systems noted
above, a number of different options were identified for capital and maintenance projects that
could conceivably improve performance if implemented. This initial list was based on
industry experience with similar efforts and knowledge of the respective systems.
3. Obtain input data and values. A significant number of assumptions are necessary to
effectively characterize the options and economics for a given plant. To make this reference
useful to most power plant operators and other companies, those specific required metrics,
configurations, and other inputs were identified and used to populate example calculations.
4. Characterize typical or potential projects for each system. For each of the systems
identified in Task 1, the guide includes a list of capital and maintenance projects that could,
in theory, be economically attractive efficiency improvements. This list was selected based
on potential applicability and does not address all the issues that affect the feasibility of a
specific project at an actual plant, especially with respect to economics and plant
5. Summarize uncertainty and potential findings. Even with the screening used to
characterize the potential project list, uncertainty will remain for a number of issues for any
project. For this reason, the resultant list of projects has been further characterized with a
brief discussion of those issues that could significantly affect the value of the project but are
beyond the scope of this screening activity.
6. Conduct a reasonability check of results and input data. The results were reviewed
internally by EPRI, comparing the values stated to those in other EPRI documents and
validating the logic behind the spreadsheet calculations. The spreadsheets were also reviewed
by an EPRI member working in this field to ensure the input and results were representative
and current for power plant projects.

Capital Projects
The report contained spreadsheets, listing 32 capital projects. For each project, the spreadsheets
identify the estimated capital cost, added O&M cost per year, heat rate reduction (% and
Btu/kWh), estimated auxiliary load benefit, capacity increase, EFOR improvement benefit, heat
rate benefit, emissions benefit, added power sales benefits, and net annual benefit. At the time
this project was completed and report written, the emissions benefit related only to NOx and
SO 2 , but the equations could easily be adapted to include CO 2 and mercury.
Example projects included: turbine steam seal upgrades, turbine section replacements, intelligent
sootblowing systems, automated boiler drains, coal drying systems, air heater baskets, and
combustion optimization. The results represent a wide range. Not all projects generated net
benefits with a positive payback. Heat rate reductions range from 0.10% to 2.50%. Project
positive net benefits range from $30,000/year to $2.9 million/year. The spreadsheets can be used
by plant engineers and planners to develop a realistic case for making a specific capital

Maintenance Projects
The report contained spreadsheets, listing 25 maintenance projects and practices. For each, the
spreadsheets identify the estimated initial maintenance cost, additional O&M costs per year, heat
rate reduction (% and Btu/kWh), estimated auxiliary load benefit, capacity increase, EFOR
improvement benefit, heat rate benefit, emissions benefit, added power sales benefits,
maintenance annual benefit-cost ratio, useful life, and payback (years).
Example projects included: replacing feed pump turbine steam seals, repairing steam and water
leaks, boiler chemical cleaning, repairing boiler air in-leakage, cleaning air preheater coils,
repairing condensate pumps, and repairing flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems. The results
represent a wide range. Heat rate reductions range from 0.03% to 1.50%. Maintenance annual
benefit-cost ratios range from about 1 to over 100.

The EPRI Production Cost Optimization (PCO) project assisted participating members in
implementing or enhancing heat rate optimization programs to reduce production costs through
sustainable performance improvements.
The PCO assessment process consisted of benchmarking plant thermal performance, using
historical plant data, along with an on-site performance appraisal, to identify potential areas for
performance improvement. In some instances, a significant heat rate improvement can be
achieved with a recommitment to best operating practices, and without the need for capital
expenditures on new technology.
In 2010, EPRI report 1019704 Production Cost Optimization Project 2010, summarized the
status of the project and presented results for five sites that had completed initial and follow-up
This section summarizes improvement recommendations for the five sites, provides brief
descriptions of the actions taken by participating plants, and identifies the resultant heat rate
improvements based on the original benchmarked performance.

Unit heat rate improved at four of the five plants. While most plants had estimates of the
improvement expected with the actions taken, it was not always possible to reconcile observed
improvements with estimated improvements. Recommendations resulting from the PCO
appraisal process were typically a combination of plant-specific items and common, general
recommendations, such as establishing or expanding routine plant monitoring through testing or
on-line means, establishing a cycle isolation procedure, and conducting heat rate awareness
training for plant staff.
The plant participants were not always able to implement all recommendations and often had
their own initiatives for outage work that resulted in decreased heat rate. Performance
improvements were significant and ranged from 3-5%. This level represents an equal percentage
of each plant’s annual fuel bill and demonstrates that making heat rate an integral part of
maintenance and operations activities can yield real and lasting financial savings as well as a
significant reduction in CO 2 and other emissions.

Plant Profiles
For the five units, which follow-up analyses were prepared, net unit capacities range from
95 MW to 650 MW. All five plants burn coal as their primary fuel. The service ages of the plants
range from 30 to 55 years, with the average service age being 40 years. Three plants burn
Powder River Basin sub-bituminous coal and the others burn bituminous coal. Three boilers are
drum-type units by Combustion Engineering, Riley, and Babcock and Wilcox; the remaining two
are supercritical units by Combustion Engineering and Foster Wheeler. All plants, but one, are

single reheat units. Three plants have once through cooling source, another has a mechanical-
draft cooling tower, and the fifth has a natural-draft cooling tower.

Common Issues
Of the five plants with completed analyses and reports, the common issues include:
• Combustion problems and high air heater/stack exit gas temperatures
• Limited heat rate information availability
• Need for heat rate awareness training, including controllable losses understanding
• Need for unit and equipment performance testing
• Feedwater heater train performance problems
• Need for sootblowing optimization

Common Recommendations
The following recommendations are common to the five units covered by follow-up
• Provide heat rate awareness training to operations staff
• Make heat rate information readily available to more plant personnel
• Improve utilization of controllable losses information by operations staff
• Optimize sootblower operation
• Initiate a routine testing program
• Increase routine feedwater heater performance monitoring

These recommendations are described below:

• Provide Heat Rate Awareness Training to Operations Staff. Provide the entire plant staff
with heat rate awareness training focused on the basics of heat rate, the cost of heat rate
deviations, and actionable heat rate information for operations. Such training will help to
enhance a positive work culture and provide staff with the tools to optimize heat rate on an
on-going basis.
• Make Heat Rate Information Readily Available to More Plant Personnel. Sharing heat
rate-related information with a broader segment of plant personnel can result in earlier
identification and resolution of heat rate problems. Incorporating heat rate “thinking” into
day-to-day operational decision making can reduce overall plant heat rate.
• Improve Utilization of Controllable Losses Information by Operations Staff. Incentivize
operations staff to monitor and minimize controllable losses. Maintain controllable losses
targets to be achievable within constraints of equipment and operating conditions. This may
require the site(s) to enhance, upgrade, or initiate real-time controllable losses displays.
• Optimize Sootblower Operation. Sootblower optimization can help to improve steam
temperature control, normalize heat absorption patterns, and improve precipitator
performance. Additional benefits such as reduced air heater /stack exit gas temperature, a
decline in circumferential cracking of boiler tubes, and NOx emissions reduction may also

result. Automated sootblowing optimization can be effective but expensive to implement. A
lower-cost alternative is to conduct parametric testing to provide insight into the
effectiveness of sootblowing patterns and guide operators in achieving best unit performance.
• Initiate a Routine Testing Program. A periodic testing program should be established to
aid in early detection of changes in equipment performance and/or unit operation to improve
maintenance scheduling efforts and reduce unscheduled outages. By utilizing station
instrumentation, a reliable, repeatable trend of unit performance could be developed.
Guidelines to conduct such testing are contained in EPRI reports 1019004, Routine
Performance Test Guidelines, 2009 and 1019705, Routine Performance Test Guidelines,
Volume 2, 2010.
• Increase Routine Feedwater Heater Performance Monitoring. Heater Terminal
Temperature Difference (TTD) and Drain Cooler Approach (DCA) should be monitored on a
daily basis along with heater levels to maintain best performance. In particular, the DCA
should be checked to ensure that steam is not entering the drain cooler. If this happens for an
extended period of time, the drain cooler will be damaged, resulting in tube leaks, heaters out
of service, and higher unit heat rate.

Plant-specific Recommendations
The following recommendations, grouped by plant equipment/area, were specific to individual
Cycle Isolation
• A site-specific cycle isolation checklist should be developed for operations use to ensure
continued cycle isolation maintenance.
• Perform periodic cycle water loss tests.
• As transmitters are replaced or upgraded, they should be replaced with high-accuracy,
“smart” transmitters.
• Plant calibration standards should be set up on a periodic schedule to be calibrated.
• Set up and use an electronic database for tracking of instrument calibrations.
• Redundant instruments should be of sufficient accuracy to provide the same readings. If two
instruments are measuring the same parameter and provide different readings, they do not
provide value to operations.
• Utilize the plant performance calculations to trend boiler efficiency and individual boiler
losses so that changes in performance can be identified quickly, and action can be taken to
restore boiler efficiency.
• Resolve coal distribution problems, and inspect diffusers and riffle distributors.
• Review boiler optimization after coal distribution problem is addressed.
• Perform unit diagnostic testing to determine the O 2 , CO, and NOx distribution at the
economizer outlet duct where the present in-situ O 2 analyzers are located. With some

additional effort, these tests could be used to assess the degree of air in-leakage between this
location and the furnace exit to verify that most, if not all, of the casing leakage has been
satisfactorily repaired. This information can be used to fix the leaks and may help to recover
the induced-draft (ID) fan capacity, especially during warmer summer months. These tests
will also identify the minimum O 2 operating level for best efficiency without excessive CO
and unburned carbon. Other potential benefits of these efforts are reduced back-end
temperature, improved precipitator performance, and reduced NOx and mercury emissions.
• Maintenance efforts should be given a priority to:
- Restore burner tilt functionality
- Restore burner corner secondary air damper functionality
- Inspect coal nozzle condition and replace as necessary
- Repair furnace casing leaks
- Repair leaking valves
• Use turbine performance data to help determine when a turbine overhaul is necessary.
• Trend the high-pressure (HP) and intermediate pressure (IP) turbine efficiency periodically
with the unit at a consistent operating point (typically full load, valves-wide-open is best).
• Continue to monitor the following performance using the performance monitoring system:
- High-pressure section efficiency
- Intermediate-pressure section efficiency
• Conduct temperature variation tests prior to the next turbine outage to determine the benefit
of replacing turbine seals and/or snout rings.
• Monitor condenser pressure and compare to target daily to ensure proper condenser
• Consider using or installing an on-line air in-leakage monitor.
Feedwater Heaters
• Monitor heater TTDs and DCAs on a daily basis, along with heater levels, to maintain best
• For heaters with off-design TTDs and temperature rises (TRs) that are close to design, verify
that extraction pressure water legs are properly accounted for.
• Repair or replace the high-pressure feedwater heater.
• Check first- point heater outlet temperature as compared to economizer inlet temperature to
ensure feedwater is not bypassing the top heater(s).

Cooling Tower
• Consider accelerating the fill replacement schedule to reduce cold water temperature and
condenser pressure.
• Perform an annual inspection of the cooling tower with a focus on performance.
• For mechanical-draft towers, as fan blades require replacement, consider upgrading to
high-efficiency fans. There is not a sufficient justification for upgrading the fans until there
is a mechanical reason for replacement.
• As replacement stacks are needed, upgrade to high-performance stacks to improve air flow
and cooling.
Technology Review
• Maintain controls tuning and responsiveness in addressing controls issues.
• Review plant historian, and consider removing points that are no longer valid or no longer
• Distribute key performance information to commonly used operator screens. If the
controllable loss information is on the common screens, there is more of a chance that it will
be used.
• Increase the visibility of heat rate and performance information throughout the plant. Taking
this step will help improve heat rate awareness.
• Ensure that the design or target values on the controllable loss screens are realistic,
achievable values over the load range.
• Input periodic fuel analysis into on-line monitoring system so that better values of heat rate
and boiler efficiency can be calculated.
• Input periodic carbon-in-ash loss values into on-line performance monitoring system so that
better values of heat rate and boiler efficiency can be calculated.
• Provide heat rate awareness training, primarily for operations.
• Have operations start monitoring controllable losses.
• Ensure that critical performance-related data are being properly stored in plant historian.
• Consider upgrading to a more robust performance monitoring system that will run reliably
without significant upkeep.
• Ensure that the design or target values are realistic, achievable values over the load range.

Potential Heat Rate Improvements

Actual heat rate improvement for the plants participating in the PCO follow-up assessments
ranged from 3 to 5%. Potential heat rate improvements for some of the common
recommendations were estimated to be:
• Provide Heat Rate Awareness Training to Operations Staff (50 to 100 Btu/kWh).
• Make Heat Rate Information Readily Available to More Plant Personnel
(50 to 150 Btu/kWh).

• Improve Utilization of Controllable Losses Information by Operations Staff
(75 to 100 Btu/kWh).
• Optimize Sootblower Operation (70 Btu/kWh).
• Initiate a Routine Testing Program (75 to 200 Btu/kWh).
• Increase Routine Feedwater Heater Monitoring (30 to 60 Btu/kWh).
Potential heat rate improvement from recommendations to improve boiler heat transfer and
combustion were estimated to be 100 Btu/kWh or better. Sootblowing optimization was
estimated to have a potential improvement of 70 Btu/kWh.
Potential heat rate improvement from recommendations to improve turbine cycle performance
was estimated to be 100 Btu/kWh or better. Losses due to worn internal seals and snout rings
were estimated to be 20 to 50 Btu/kWh or higher.
Feedwater Heaters
Potential heat rate improvement from replacing the first point heater was estimated to be
150 Btu/kWh.

Quantified Benefits of Implementation of Recommendations

Plant heat rates were trended for one-month periods during the original PCO assessment and then
again during the follow-up assessment. The time elapsed between the original and follow-up
assessments ranged from 20 to 24 months. Heat rates were calculated using two different
methods: 1) input/output method; and 2) energy balance method.
Some plants reported expected heat rate improvements from actions that they had taken or
planned to take, which ranged from 200 to 400 Btu/kWh, approximately 2 to 4%. While it was
difficult to correlate specific improvements with measured data, it was clear from the
assessments that plant efficiency improved significantly at four of the five plants completing
follow-up assessments. The magnitude of the heat rate improvements ranged from 279 to 557
Btu/kWh at or near full-load operation (see Figure 3-1) which represents an approximate 3 to 5
percent improvement in heat rate. The results of this project are site specific and are not
universally applicable to all coal fired power plants.

Btu/kWh 0
-100 A B C D E B
-200 C
-300 D
-400 E

Figure 3-1
Plant Heat Rate Changes

Plant “A” improved its heat rate by 279 Btu/kWh through comprehensive organizational focus of
multi-level heat rate teams, training of operations staff, and close attention to minimizing boiler
excess air. With a 557 Btu/kWh improvement, Plant “B” decreased its heat rate by the largest
margin. This improvement was accomplished through diligent cycle isolation, reduction of boiler
casing air in-leakage, a turbine chemical cleaning, and reduced condenser air in-leakage.
Plant “C” improved its heat rate by 400 Btu/kWh, 100 Btu/kWh of which plant staff attributed to
boiler improvements and 250 Btu/kWh to steam path maintenance and a feedwater heater
replacement. Plant “D” improved heat rate by 500 Btu/kWh with substantial maintenance work,
including reducing boiler casing air in-leakage, replacing a feedwater heater, and cleaning
condenser and feedwater tubes.
Unlike the other four plants in the follow-up studies, heat rate for Plant “E” increased
unexpectedly by 350 Btu/kWh. This result was thought to be due in part to increased cycling and
extended operation at lower loads.

Fuel Savings and CO 2 Benefits

With heat rate improvements ranging from 3 to 5%, the results of the PCO follow-up studies
clearly demonstrate that plant heat rate can be favorably affected by operational and maintenance
activities undertaken by plant owners.
Figure 3-2 shows the range of equivalent fuel savings for a 5% reduction in heat rate for
generating units of three different sizes and for a range of fuel costs. Not all participants actively
quantify return on investment of activities in terms of fuel savings; however, Figure 3-2 clearly
demonstrates that these savings are very significant. For example, a 5% improvement in the heat
rate of an 500-MW (net) power plant can be worth over $3,500,000 in annual fuel savings and
reduce CO 2 emissions over 180,000 tons annually.



Millions of Dollars
$1.50 / MMBtu
$2.00 / MMBtu
$3.00 $2.50 / MMBtu


300 MW 500 MW 800 MW

Figure 3-2
Typical Fuel Savings for 5% Heat Rate Improvement

In 2010, EPRI conducted a study with a member utility to identify power plant efficiency
improvements that could be implemented across all 12 coal-fired plants in their fleet to reduce
carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions.
The study and its findings are described in the EPRI report 1021206, Methodology for Fleetwide
Energy Efficiency Analysis, 2010.
This section briefly summarizes the study.

This project was undertaken to show how coal plant energy efficiency improvements could be
used to reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. The utility established a Plant Energy Efficiency
Team (PEET) to explore their company’s options for improving coal plant efficiency. The PEET
results are focused on tons of CO 2 avoided or reduced and the cost per ton of CO 2 avoided or
reduced ($/ton). The estimated cost per ton of CO 2 avoided or reduced for each technology can
be used to determine which projects are potentially viable based on the price of CO 2 credits.
For the study, the project team applied a standardized methodology previously developed for
evaluating efficiency improving projects in a single power plant, described in the EPRI report
1019002, Capital and Maintenance Projects for Efficiency Improvements, published in 2009.
The most powerful use of this approach is to apply the method to an entire fleet, where a set of
potential projects can be evaluated for a group of specific coal-fired units. In this project, the
project team compiled a list of feasible efficiency improvement options and conducted analyses
to determine project-specific net annual benefits in relation to reduction of CO2 emissions.
Researchers compiled information from various internal sources and then added more projects
from the EPRI capital projects report (1019002). All projects were listed in a spreadsheet and
normalized to match each unit within their current operating system.
This study covered only projects for existing coal-fired power plants. This was not an Integrated
Resource Plan (IRP) study; the PEET was not trying to determine how best to increase
generation. The assumption was made that net plant output remains constant. If the proposed
project happened to increase capacity along with efficiency, the fuel burn was reduced to hold
net output constant. CO 2 emissions reduced or avoided were then calculated and summarized.

The following steps were used to evaluate potential energy efficiency improvement projects for
that fleet:
• Assemble a team of experts within the utility with collective knowledge covering all of the
units being investigated and all the projects being considered.
• Identify the potential projects, using the spreadsheet in EPRI Report 1019002 as the starting
• Identify the coal-fired units to be included in the analysis.
• Screen projects for feasibility of application to each unit in the fleet.
• Determine project attributes for each application.
• Evaluate the applicable projects for each unit.
• Develop project ranking based on the cost-benefit analysis for each application.
• Prepare Pareto curves to provide management with a decision-making tool to prepare for any
future carbon-related charges.
• Issue fleet-specific report.
The technology feasibility screening process identified more than 40 candidate projects,
organized by six major plant systems (Table 4-1).
Using the project list shown in Table 4-1, the project team conducted a fatal flaw analysis to
determine the feasibility of the efficiency projects on a unit-by-unit basis at the 12 coal-fired
power plants. Many potential projects may not be feasible for a particular plant or unit based on
the configuration of the plant. For example, LP turbine replacement is not a potential project for
a unit that just replaced its LP turbine. Numerous energy efficiency projects have already been
completed in advance of this study. This list is not all inclusive of potential heat rate
improvement projects, but that used by the utility conducting this analysis.

Table 4-1
List of Generation Efficiency Projects by Major Plant Systems

Boilers (10 projects) Turbines and Generators (15 projects)

Intelligent Sootblowing System (ISB) HP/IP/LP steam seal upgrade (3)
Economizer retrofit HP/IP/LP steam path upgrade (3)
Water cannons HP/IP/LP turbine replacement (3)
Automate boiler drains LP turbine last-stage buckets
On-site fuel drying Exhaust hood steam guide modification
Blowdown recovery tank Rewind generator
Air heater seals Increase hydrogen purity
Air heater baskets Partial-arc admission
Heat rate/performance monitoring Sliding pressure
Combustion/optimization monitoring system
Condensers (8) Fans and Motors (4)
Run with one circulation pump when temperatures are Fan variable frequency drive (VFD)
favorable Forced draft fan VFD
Condenser ball cleaning system Induced draft fan VFD
Re-tube condensers High-efficiency motors/boiler feed pump drives
Water box vacuum priming system
Circulating water strainers
Circulating water turbine
Supplemental cooling towers
Deep lake water intake
Air Quality Control System (AQCS) Balance of Plant (2)
Precipitators (2)
Variable power input Upgrade air compressors
Power supply upgrade Plant lighting upgrade
HP = High Pressure
IP = Intermediate Pressure
LP = Low Pressure

Top Projects
Over 490 individual potential projects were identified and screened for feasibility. Of these,
174 projects were identified by PEET as potentially feasible projects.
Analysis determined that several project types may be justified, independent of the project’s
economic life. The top projects shown in Table 4-2 may be justified without any CO 2 credits and
should be given further consideration.

Table 4-2
Top Projects

Automate Boiler Drains (12 units)

Air Heater Seals (8 units)
Station Air System (2 units)
Circulating Water Strainers (8 units)
Air Heater Baskets (4 units)
Condenser Ball Cleaning System (8 units)

Key Observations
There are many potential projects to improve plant energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
The PEET analysis provides a tool that will allow for numerous potential projects that improve
plant energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions to be evaluated and ranked easily. Based on a
30-year economic life, the PEET analysis estimated that if all 174 projects were implemented,
the upper limit for fleet wide coal plant CO2 reductions through efficiency improvement would
be about two million tons a year (approximately a 5.3% reduction of their current operating fleet
CO2 emissions) at an estimated capital cost of over $800,000,000. However, initial evaluation
indicates there may be some projects that should be investigated further regardless of the value
of CO2, yielding about one million tons a year in reduction of CO2 emissions (approximately a
2.7% reduction of the fleet’s CO2 emissions).
Figure 4-1 is a Pareto-type supply curve that represents the cumulative CO2 reduction and cost
per ton of CO2 reduced that is based on the PEET Analysis – Project Ranking List. The x-axis
represents the projects that were ranked in order of cost per ton of CO2 from Project Numbers 1-
174. The y-axis represent the cumulative tons of CO2 reduced per year by all projects (green
bars) and the cost per ton of CO2 reduced by each project (blue line). The red line separates out
the projects that may be justified with a net annual benefit that is ≤$0/ton of CO2. Projects with a
negative cost per ton of CO2 may be justified without credit for CO2 (i.e., projects with the blue
line below the red line, including project numbers 1-58).

Cumulative CO2 Reduction and Cost per Ton of CO2 Reduced
(UE: 10-YR Economic Life)
2,500,000 500

Blue = cost per ton

Cumulative Tons CO 2 Removed per Year by

Bars = cumulative
tons removed

Cost per Ton of CO 2 Reuduced by


Each Project (blue line)

All Projects (bars)


Projects with a negative

cost per ton of CO2 (blue 200
line is below the red line)
may be justified without
1,000,000 credit for CO2



0 -100
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 161 171
Project #

Figure 4-1
Cumulative CO 2 Reduction and Cost per Ton of CO 2 Reduced

This section describes issues and perspectives on improving power plant heat rate—including
recovering plant efficiency lost during flexible operation, implementing a cycle alignment
program, employing remote monitoring, making physical upgrades to steam turbine generators,
designing and implementing a heat rate improvement program, and improving the effectiveness
of steam turbine performance engineers. The values of heat rate improvements stated for each of
these projects may not be additive, as some overlap could exist and each of these projects were
focused the results of site specific actions.

Flexible Operation
Flexible operation refers to the ability of a plant to operate at part load, load following, and
cycling (on and off) modes, in response to economic conditions and increased utilization of non-
coal based generation (e.g., renewable, gas). Operating conditions under flexible operation can
result in reductions in plant efficiency and increased degradation and/or maintenance on
components due to constant swings in operating temperature and pressure.
An EPRI study in 2010 identified cost-effective capital modifications and adjustments to plant
operating procedures to improve heat rate during cycling operation. The study and its findings
are described in the EPRI report 1021205, Efficiency Improvement for Cycling.
The study identified 10 upgrade options; the practicality of each is site dependent:
• Sliding pressure operation. With sliding pressure operation, the plant efficiency is
increased by reducing turbine throttling losses. This option was further analyzed in a
follow-up project and found to provide a heat rate improvement at part load in the range of
2%. For additional information refer to EPRI Report 1023912, Methods to Mitigate the
Effects of Increased Cycling and Load Following on Heat Rate.
• Variable-speed drives for main cycle and auxiliary equipment. Variable-speed drives
reduce auxiliary power consumption of rotating equipment, thus increasing plant net output.
The amount of savings available with variable-speed operation can vary widely. Variable-
speed drives are expensive and can be difficult to justify for older plants with limited
remaining life.
• Boiler draft system control schemes and operating philosophy. Where multiple fans are
operating in parallel, plant efficiency at low loads and under ramping conditions can be
maintained and improved by the proper selection of startup/shutdown procedures. Depending
on the load scenario, this measure will allow auxiliary load reductions by operating fewer
fans, but can increase maintenance and reliability risks.

• Automated pulverizer supervisory controls and variations with mill design. Firing
systems and operating procedures can be optimized for each load level. The goal is to operate
the least number of pulverizers to maintain stable coal only flames while following load.
• Optimum partial load operation of air quality control systems. For a wet flue gas
desulfurization (FGD) application, the number of operating recycle pumps can be reduced
with load reductions, resulting in reduced plant parasitic loads. With electrostatic
precipitators (ESPs), once the unit load has stabilized at the lower load, it may be possible to
reduce ESP power consumption by turning off specific electrical fields while maintaining
opacity and particulate emission rates at the regulated levels.
• Feedwater heater drain system modifications for cycling. Typically, cycling efficiency
losses occur at low loads when heater drains are routed to the condenser as opposed to the
deaerator. Plant efficiency at part load will be improved by ensuring that drains are directed
to their proper destination, when possible.
• Cooling system optimization. Where multiple cooling water pumps and cooling tower fans
are operated in parallel, proper selection of component startup/shutdown schemes (dependent
on the load scenarios and ambient conditions) will allow auxiliary power reduction by
removing pumps and /or fans from service, but can increase maintenance and reliability risks.
• Performance monitoring. Several tools are available to display relevant parameters with
respect to plant efficiency at various loads. These tools can be optimized to enable operators
to prioritize corrective actions, thereby improving cycling efficiency.
• Reducing warm-up flow for idle boiler feed pumps. Heat rate improvement can be
achieved by reducing warm-up water flow rates from operating pumps to idle pumps. Less
warm-up water flow will reduce the auxiliary power of the operating pumps.
• Minimizing flow, pressure, and temperature oscillations during cycling operation. Some
oscillations of temperature, pressure, and flow typically occur when plants are operating at
steady-state loads, but can be amplified during cyclic operation and result in a reduction in
plant efficiency. Commercially available optimizers contain a forward-looking feature that
minimizes the time that steam temperature strays from design, reducing attemperation spray
flow and the heat rate effect of load following.

Cycle Alignment
Cycle alignment, also known as cycle isolation, refers to the alignment of the cycle by isolating
all, or as much as possible, of the high-energy fluid leakage from the steam cycle at a power
plant. Certain leaking valves will cause a direct loss in generation or an increase in fuel costs.
When used as part of an overall plant performance improvement program, cycle alignment
programs have provided large gains at low costs. Implementing a cycle alignment program can
jump-start a plant performance program and result in substantial heat rate improvements that
lead to fuel cost savings and emissions reductions. With improved cycle alignment, heat rate
improvements in the range of 50 Btu/kWh or about 0.5% are common. Units with problematic
valves or no history of maintaining cycle alignment may experience a large one-time heat rate
improvement upon this program’s implementation.
Various methods have been used to ensure proper cycle alignment; but an application’s success
and costs vary depending upon the specific valves and unit designs involved. In 2011, an EPRI
project assessed cycle alignment activities and identified their costs and benefits in order to

permit power generation companies to optimize their applications of cycle alignment. The study
and its findings are described in the EPRI report 1024640, Cost-Benefit Assessment of Cycle
Alignment, 2011.
The study identified methods in use in the field to estimate or determine the leakage rate through
leaking valves and used several real-life examples from operating power plants to illustrate how
cycle alignment programs have been implemented.

Remote Monitoring Centers

Remote monitoring centers (RMCs) have been used for many years to track and improve
equipment reliability, and in many cases, these same RMCs have thermal performance software
installed for monitoring heat rate. The value of finding and fixing reliability issues can often be
quantified, but placing a value on heat rate monitoring is not so easy.
In 2011, an EPRI study evaluated the use of remote monitoring systems and personnel as it
relates specifically to heat rate improvement. The study and its results are described in the EPRI
report 1023075, Evaluation of Remote Monitoring for Heat Rate Improvement, 2011.
The project team visited RMCs at three power generating companies. The main priority of these
RMCs was to improve reliability, but they also monitored for heat rate improvement to varying
degrees. All of the companies visited were able to verify heat rate improvements based on the
activities of the monitoring centers in addition to improvement in equipment reliability. In many
cases, the heat rate improvements were significant and well surpassed the incremental costs for
monitoring heat rate in addition to reliability. Heat rate improvements in the range of 2.5 to 4%
have been reported attributed to the actions resulting from these remote monitoring centers.

Steam Turbine Steam Path Modifications

Over the past 20 years, an increased number of nuclear and fossil power plants have undertaken
modifications to increase the power rating and/or improve the heat rate of selected units. Many
of these actions have resulted from physical upgrades to steam turbine generators, as well as
enhancements to auxiliary components.
EPRI conducted a survey to compile current results of performance upgrades to produce a single
technical report summarizing the findings. Refer to EPRI Report 1018346, Compilation of Results
and Feedback Regarding Turbine Upgrades at Nuclear and Fossil Power Plants, 2008 for
additional information. Commonly reported heat rate improvements attributed to turbine
modifications were in the range of 2-4%. These modifications were capital intensive (expensive),
large consumers of time and resources, have a finite life, and not always 100% successful.

Heat Rate Improvement Program Guidelines

Power plant facilities with performance or heat rate improvement programs perform better than
those that do not have those programs. A heat rate improvement program typically provides
sufficient information for decision making with respect to timely maintenance actions,
operational adjustments, and/or physical modifications.
Monitoring the performance of any power plant component includes the trending of parameters
that also describe the performance of other plant components, providing insight and information
on improving their operation as a whole. A performance program creates a culture centered on

improving plant performance. The sharing of performance data with the entire plant staff
strengthens their understanding of how each individual may contribute, ultimately making heat
rate improvement a team effort.
A 1983 utility survey covering 129 fossil generation units concluded that a mean heat rate
improvement of more than 4% could be achieved at existing power plants by implementing an
effective heat rate improvement program.
A 2012 EPRI project sought to provide a single-source document on heat rate improvement that
can be used for both training and application. The project produced the Heat Rate Improvement
Program Guidelines (1023913). The Guidelines incorporated information from earlier editions
of programmatic documents and produced a new report organized to facilitate the ability of a site
performance engineer to justify, design, implement, and manage a new heat rate improvement

Steam Turbine Performance Engineer’s Guide

The steam turbine is the workhorse of most power plants. Its performance and reliability relate
directly to the performance and reliability of the power plant that it serves. The actions of the
turbine performance engineer are crucial to its high level of performance. However, in many
cases, that engineer is assigned many other duties and/or is an early career engineer placed into
this position without previous experience.
The primary role of a steam turbine performance engineer is to improve and maintain the
efficiency and power output of the steam turbine cycle. One of the measurements of success is
improved turbine heat rate.
In 2010, EPRI published the Steam Turbine Performance Engineer’s Guide (1019657), which
describes the functions and responsibilities of a steam turbine performance engineer. The
instructions and recommendations in this guide, when properly executed, will improve the
effectiveness of steam turbine performance engineers, positively affecting both the performance
and reliability of the steam turbines under their care. No specific heat rate improvement value
was attributed to the role of a steam turbine performance engineer.

Power plants are designed for an optimal heat rate. While that heat rate may not be the lowest
achievable at that point in time, trade-offs occur with respect to capital and O&M costs, siting,
and fuel. The average age of operating coal-fired power plants is 40 years. Over the course of
those four decades, the plants have been subject to physical modifications and repairs, and have
suffered age-related degradation. Many of those modifications have been the addition of
emissions controls, which typically have an adverse effect on heat rate. Since initial startup,
many units have changed their fuel supply and reduced staffing size, creating additional potential
adverse heat rate effects. In most recent times, these old coal plants have been called on for
flexible operation, requiring load following and significant time at part load, again reducing plant

Realized and Projected Heat Rate Improvements

This study identified examples—both demonstrated/realized and projected—of methods to
improve heat rate or recover efficiency losses.
• PCO Project. In EPRI’s Production Cost Optimization (PCO) project, the units evaluated
realized 3-5% heat rate improvements through various means (refer to Section 3).
• Sliding Pressure. By employing sliding pressure over a several-month period, a 2% heat rate
improvement was realized at part load (refer to Section 5).
• Remote Monitoring. The use of remote monitoring centers was documented to improve heat
rate 2.5 to 4% (refer to Section 5).
• Steam Turbine Steam Path Modifications. EPRI members reported steam turbine steam
path modifications were worth 2 to 4% heat rate improvements (refer to Section 5).
• Cycle Alignment. Implementing a cycle alignment (isolation) program was documented to
be worth at least 0.5% improvement in heat rate (refer to Section 5).
• Capital and Maintenance Projects. A list of 57 potential actions and modifications to
improve efficiency was made and evaluated in detail. While the amount of gains would be
unit specific, the projected heat rate improvements ranged from less than 0.1% to over 2%
for the various actions and modifications. One utility applied the methodology and analyzed
a number of these potential projects for their own specific fleet, resulting in a projected 5%
improvement in heat rate (refer to Sections 2 and 4).

The numerical values presented in the previous section may not be additive. They also may not
be achievable or justifiable at every coal-fired plant. The staff at many well-performing plants
have been proactive and implemented some of the previously discussed improvements (e.g.,
steam turbine upgrades, remote monitoring centers, etc.), reducing their potential maximum heat
rate improvement range.
The finances of power generating companies, both regulated and IPPs, are managed prudently,
so any large expenditure must be justified and/or create a return on investment. Smaller units

consume less fuel, making a reasonable return on investment difficult to achieve for expensive
modifications. As discussed, these units are old and may have a limited remaining life. Some of
these modifications and actions are quite costly and require a long period of operation to realize a
return on investment. Those modifications may not be applicable for units with a few or
unknown years of remaining projected lifetime.
The management of many coal-fired plants may be unwilling to attempt many of these proposed
improvements in order to avoid the possibility of triggering a New Source Review, which may
result in the requirement of millions of dollars of additional emissions controls.

Recommendation(s) for Future Studies

Many of the efficiency improvement projects have been done in parallel, so the individual effect
of each is not well defined. Tests and analyses could be conducted before and after future
individual modifications are made to refine the results and reduce the uncertainty when those
modifications are proposed for other units.
Based on industry data and studies conducted by EPRI and others, the maximum achievable heat
rate improvement for any given coal-fired plant is unknown. More detailed studies to
characterize improvements, taking into consideration constraints like fuel changes, equipment
degradation, design changes, new environmental controls, etc., are needed to determine the
technical and economic feasibility of the options. Afterwards an estimate could be made of the
maximum potential efficiency gains. While the cost may be high, one could attempt to
implement as many of those modifications and actions possible on one unit and measure the
gains realized to provide perhaps the upper cap of expected heat rate improvement.


EPRI. 2008. Compilation of Results and Feedback Regarding Turbine Upgrades at Nuclear and
Fossil Power Plants, Palo Alto, CA, 1018346.
Description of techniques and good practices associated with turbine-generator upgrades
at nuclear and fossil power plants.
EPRI. 2009. Capital and Maintenance Projects for Efficiency Improvements, Palo Alto, CA,
Description of methodologies and calculations for assessing the costs and benefits of
capital and maintenance projects for heat rate improvement at coal-fired power plants.
EPRI. 2009. Survey of Impacts of Environmental Controls on Plant Heat Rate, Palo Alto, CA,
Documents the impacts of environmental controls on power plant heat rate and identifies
ways these impacts may be reduced through operating and design changes.
EPRI. 2010. Efficiency Improvement for Cycling Service, Palo Alto, CA, 1021205.
Summary of modifications to equipment and operating procedures to reduce plant heat
rate during cycling operation.
EPRI. 2010. Evaluation of Fuel Quality Impacts on Heat Rate, Palo Alto, CA, 1019703.
Demonstrates the sensitivity of key fuel parameters on plant performance metrics.
EPRI. 2010. Methodology for Fleetwide Energy Efficiency Analysis, Palo Alto, CA, 1021206.
Description of methodology for identifying projects to improve plant heat rate across a
utility fleet.
EPRI. 2010. Production Cost Optimization Project 2010, Palo Alto, CA, 1019704.
A review of the results of implementing heat rate optimization programs at five power
plant sites, with summaries of the issues, recommendations, actions taken, and resultant
heat rate improvements.
EPRI. 2010. Steam Turbine Performance Engineer's Guide, Palo Alto, CA, 1019657.
Comprehensive guide to the functions and responsibilities of a steam turbine performance

EPRI. 2011. Cost-Benefit Assessment of Cycle Alignment, Palo Alto, CA, 1024640.
Results of an in-depth study of the different methods used to improve cycle alignment, or
the isolation of high-energy fluid leakage from a power plant steam cycle.
EPRI. 2011. Evaluation of Remote Monitoring for Heat Rate Improvement, Palo Alto, CA,
Findings of a study to determine the effectiveness of improving power plant performance
through the practice of remote monitoring.
EPRI. 2012. Heat Rate Improvement Program Guidelines, Palo Alto, CA, 1023913.
A guideline to developing and maintaining a heat rate improvement program.
EPRI. 2012. Methods to Mitigate the Effect of Increased Cycling and Load Following on Heat
Rate, Palo Alto, CA, 1023912.
An evaluation of reducing the throttle pressure, also known as sliding pressure, to reduce
throttling losses and to reduce the heat rate penalties on an operating coal-fired power

All documents, except where indicated, are EPRI reports.
Performance and Production Cost Optimization
Production Cost Optimization Project, 3002002772
Production Cost Optimization Assessments, 1015734
Routine Performance Test Guidelines, 1019004
Routine Performance Test Guidelines, Volume 2, 1019705
Routine Performance Test Guidelines, for Steam Turbines, 1021483
Plant Support Engineering: Evaluating Equipment Performance Guarantees, 1021068
Evaluation of Methodologies for Real-Time Incremental Heat Rate Determination, 3002001050
Cycling and Load Following Effects on Heat Rate, 1022061
Improved Fluid Flow Measurement of Feedwater Flow, 1023915
Optimal Instrumentation for Combined Cycle Plant Performance, 3002001059
Power Plant Optimization Guidelines, TR-110718
Power Plant Optimization Industry Experience, 1011794

Heat Rate Improvement Conference Proceedings

2013 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference Proceedings, 3002000341
2011 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference Proceedings, 1022664
2009 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference Proceedings, 1017546
2007 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference Proceedings, 1014799
2005 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference, 1010321
2003 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement Conference, 1004118

Equipment Performance: Heat Exchangers

2013 EPRI Feedwater Heater Conference Proceedings, 3002001917
2012 EPRI Cooling Tower Technology Conference Proceedings, 1026504
2011 Condenser Technology Conference Proceedings, 1023068
2010 EPRI Feedwater Heater Conference Proceedings, 1021491
2009 EPRI Cooling Tower Technology Conference Proceedings, 1017547
2008 Condenser Technology Conference Proceedings, 1015736
Compilation of Results and Feedback Regarding Steam Condenser Replacements for Power
Plants, 1022060
Condenser Performance Monitoring Practices, 1007309

Compilation of Results and Feedback Regarding Feedwater Heater Replacements at Fossil and
Nuclear Power Plants, 1019583

Equipment Performance: Turbines

Early Identification of Turbine Performance Issues via Real-time Diagnostics, 3002001049
Evaluation of Methods to Identify Boiler Air In-leakage Sources, 1023074
Currently Available Steam Turbine Steam Seals, 1022249
Cost Benefit Evaluation of HP Turbine Admission Schemes, 1023918

Equipment Performance: Combustion

Assessment of Furnace Coal Flow Balancing on Combustion Efficiency and Emissions,
Sensitivity of Coal and Air Flow Balancing on Combustion, 1021204
Enhanced Fuel Conveyance: The Effect of Fuel Flow Balance on Boiler Performance, 1020702
Fifth Intelligent Sootblowing Workshop, 1008350
Intelligent Sootblowing at NRG Texas W. A. Parish Plant, 1015483
Assessment of Air Preheater Effects on Power Plant Efficiency, 1018472

Heat Rate Reference Manuals

On-Line Heat Rate Monitor Assessment, Part 1, 1011324
On-Line Heat Rate Monitor Assessment, Part 2, 1004749
Turbine Cycle Heat Rate Monitoring: Technology and Application, 1012220
Heat Rate Improvement Reference Manual, TR-109546
Heat Rate Improvement Reference Manual: Training Guidelines, TM-114073

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Heat Rate Improvement

ASME PTC PM-2010, Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Power Plants, ASME,
New York, 2010.
ASME POM 101-2013, Performance Related Outage Inspections, ASME, New York, 2013.

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